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index 4334ff1..0385e41 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/Microsoft/go-winio/file.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/Microsoft/go-winio/file.go
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ import (
 //sys createIoCompletionPort(file syscall.Handle, port syscall.Handle, key uintptr, threadCount uint32) (newport syscall.Handle, err error) = CreateIoCompletionPort
 //sys getQueuedCompletionStatus(port syscall.Handle, bytes *uint32, key *uintptr, o **ioOperation, timeout uint32) (err error) = GetQueuedCompletionStatus
 //sys setFileCompletionNotificationModes(h syscall.Handle, flags uint8) (err error) = SetFileCompletionNotificationModes
+//sys wsaGetOverlappedResult(h syscall.Handle, o *syscall.Overlapped, bytes *uint32, wait bool, flags *uint32) (err error) = ws2_32.WSAGetOverlappedResult
 type atomicBool int32
@@ -79,6 +80,7 @@ type win32File struct {
 	wg            sync.WaitGroup
 	wgLock        sync.RWMutex
 	closing       atomicBool
+	socket        bool
 	readDeadline  deadlineHandler
 	writeDeadline deadlineHandler
@@ -109,7 +111,13 @@ func makeWin32File(h syscall.Handle) (*win32File, error) {
 func MakeOpenFile(h syscall.Handle) (io.ReadWriteCloser, error) {
-	return makeWin32File(h)
+	// If we return the result of makeWin32File directly, it can result in an
+	// interface-wrapped nil, rather than a nil interface value.
+	f, err := makeWin32File(h)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	return f, nil
 // closeHandle closes the resources associated with a Win32 handle
@@ -190,6 +198,10 @@ func (f *win32File) asyncIo(c *ioOperation, d *deadlineHandler, bytes uint32, er
 			if f.closing.isSet() {
 				err = ErrFileClosed
+		} else if err != nil && f.socket {
+			// err is from Win32. Query the overlapped structure to get the winsock error.
+			var bytes, flags uint32
+			err = wsaGetOverlappedResult(f.handle, &c.o, &bytes, false, &flags)
 	case <-timeout:
 		cancelIoEx(f.handle, &c.o)
@@ -265,6 +277,10 @@ func (f *win32File) Flush() error {
 	return syscall.FlushFileBuffers(f.handle)
+func (f *win32File) Fd() uintptr {
+	return uintptr(f.handle)
 func (d *deadlineHandler) set(deadline time.Time) error {
 	defer d.setLock.Unlock()
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Microsoft/go-winio/go.mod b/vendor/github.com/Microsoft/go-winio/go.mod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50b9d6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/Microsoft/go-winio/go.mod
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+module github.com/Microsoft/go-winio
+go 1.12
+require (
+	github.com/pkg/errors v0.8.1
+	github.com/sirupsen/logrus v1.4.1
+	golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20190916202348-b4ddaad3f8a3
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Microsoft/go-winio/go.sum b/vendor/github.com/Microsoft/go-winio/go.sum
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..209aa8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/Microsoft/go-winio/go.sum
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+github.com/davecgh/go-spew v1.1.1 h1:vj9j/u1bqnvCEfJOwUhtlOARqs3+rkHYY13jYWTU97c=
+github.com/davecgh/go-spew v1.1.1/go.mod h1:J7Y8YcW2NihsgmVo/mv3lAwl/skON4iLHjSsI+c5H38=
+github.com/konsorten/go-windows-terminal-sequences v1.0.1 h1:mweAR1A6xJ3oS2pRaGiHgQ4OO8tzTaLawm8vnODuwDk=
+github.com/konsorten/go-windows-terminal-sequences v1.0.1/go.mod h1:T0+1ngSBFLxvqU3pZ+m/2kptfBszLMUkC4ZK/EgS/cQ=
+github.com/pkg/errors v0.8.1 h1:iURUrRGxPUNPdy5/HRSm+Yj6okJ6UtLINN0Q9M4+h3I=
+github.com/pkg/errors v0.8.1/go.mod h1:bwawxfHBFNV+L2hUp1rHADufV3IMtnDRdf1r5NINEl0=
+github.com/pmezard/go-difflib v1.0.0 h1:4DBwDE0NGyQoBHbLQYPwSUPoCMWR5BEzIk/f1lZbAQM=
+github.com/pmezard/go-difflib v1.0.0/go.mod h1:iKH77koFhYxTK1pcRnkKkqfTogsbg7gZNVY4sRDYZ/4=
+github.com/sirupsen/logrus v1.4.1 h1:GL2rEmy6nsikmW0r8opw9JIRScdMF5hA8cOYLH7In1k=
+github.com/sirupsen/logrus v1.4.1/go.mod h1:ni0Sbl8bgC9z8RoU9G6nDWqqs/fq4eDPysMBDgk/93Q=
+github.com/stretchr/objx v0.1.1/go.mod h1:HFkY916IF+rwdDfMAkV7OtwuqBVzrE8GR6GFx+wExME=
+github.com/stretchr/testify v1.2.2 h1:bSDNvY7ZPG5RlJ8otE/7V6gMiyenm9RtJ7IUVIAoJ1w=
+github.com/stretchr/testify v1.2.2/go.mod h1:a8OnRcib4nhh0OaRAV+Yts87kKdq0PP7pXfy6kDkUVs=
+golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20180905080454-ebe1bf3edb33/go.mod h1:STP8DvDyc/dI5b8T5hshtkjS+E42TnysNCUPdjciGhY=
+golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20190507160741-ecd444e8653b h1:ag/x1USPSsqHud38I9BAC88qdNLDHHtQ4mlgQIZPPNA=
+golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20190507160741-ecd444e8653b/go.mod h1:h1NjWce9XRLGQEsW7wpKNCjG9DtNlClVuFLEZdDNbEs=
+golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20190916202348-b4ddaad3f8a3 h1:7TYNF4UdlohbFwpNH04CoPMp1cHUZgO1Ebq5r2hIjfo=
+golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20190916202348-b4ddaad3f8a3/go.mod h1:h1NjWce9XRLGQEsW7wpKNCjG9DtNlClVuFLEZdDNbEs=
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Microsoft/go-winio/hvsock.go b/vendor/github.com/Microsoft/go-winio/hvsock.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dbfe790
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/Microsoft/go-winio/hvsock.go
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+package winio
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	"io"
+	"net"
+	"os"
+	"syscall"
+	"time"
+	"unsafe"
+	"github.com/Microsoft/go-winio/pkg/guid"
+//sys bind(s syscall.Handle, name unsafe.Pointer, namelen int32) (err error) [failretval==socketError] = ws2_32.bind
+const (
+	afHvSock = 34 // AF_HYPERV
+	socketError = ^uintptr(0)
+// An HvsockAddr is an address for a AF_HYPERV socket.
+type HvsockAddr struct {
+	VMID      guid.GUID
+	ServiceID guid.GUID
+type rawHvsockAddr struct {
+	Family    uint16
+	_         uint16
+	VMID      guid.GUID
+	ServiceID guid.GUID
+// Network returns the address's network name, "hvsock".
+func (addr *HvsockAddr) Network() string {
+	return "hvsock"
+func (addr *HvsockAddr) String() string {
+	return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", &addr.VMID, &addr.ServiceID)
+// VsockServiceID returns an hvsock service ID corresponding to the specified AF_VSOCK port.
+func VsockServiceID(port uint32) guid.GUID {
+	g, _ := guid.FromString("00000000-facb-11e6-bd58-64006a7986d3")
+	g.Data1 = port
+	return g
+func (addr *HvsockAddr) raw() rawHvsockAddr {
+	return rawHvsockAddr{
+		Family:    afHvSock,
+		VMID:      addr.VMID,
+		ServiceID: addr.ServiceID,
+	}
+func (addr *HvsockAddr) fromRaw(raw *rawHvsockAddr) {
+	addr.VMID = raw.VMID
+	addr.ServiceID = raw.ServiceID
+// HvsockListener is a socket listener for the AF_HYPERV address family.
+type HvsockListener struct {
+	sock *win32File
+	addr HvsockAddr
+// HvsockConn is a connected socket of the AF_HYPERV address family.
+type HvsockConn struct {
+	sock          *win32File
+	local, remote HvsockAddr
+func newHvSocket() (*win32File, error) {
+	fd, err := syscall.Socket(afHvSock, syscall.SOCK_STREAM, 1)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, os.NewSyscallError("socket", err)
+	}
+	f, err := makeWin32File(fd)
+	if err != nil {
+		syscall.Close(fd)
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	f.socket = true
+	return f, nil
+// ListenHvsock listens for connections on the specified hvsock address.
+func ListenHvsock(addr *HvsockAddr) (_ *HvsockListener, err error) {
+	l := &HvsockListener{addr: *addr}
+	sock, err := newHvSocket()
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, l.opErr("listen", err)
+	}
+	sa := addr.raw()
+	err = bind(sock.handle, unsafe.Pointer(&sa), int32(unsafe.Sizeof(sa)))
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, l.opErr("listen", os.NewSyscallError("socket", err))
+	}
+	err = syscall.Listen(sock.handle, 16)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, l.opErr("listen", os.NewSyscallError("listen", err))
+	}
+	return &HvsockListener{sock: sock, addr: *addr}, nil
+func (l *HvsockListener) opErr(op string, err error) error {
+	return &net.OpError{Op: op, Net: "hvsock", Addr: &l.addr, Err: err}
+// Addr returns the listener's network address.
+func (l *HvsockListener) Addr() net.Addr {
+	return &l.addr
+// Accept waits for the next connection and returns it.
+func (l *HvsockListener) Accept() (_ net.Conn, err error) {
+	sock, err := newHvSocket()
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, l.opErr("accept", err)
+	}
+	defer func() {
+		if sock != nil {
+			sock.Close()
+		}
+	}()
+	c, err := l.sock.prepareIo()
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, l.opErr("accept", err)
+	}
+	defer l.sock.wg.Done()
+	// AcceptEx, per documentation, requires an extra 16 bytes per address.
+	const addrlen = uint32(16 + unsafe.Sizeof(rawHvsockAddr{}))
+	var addrbuf [addrlen * 2]byte
+	var bytes uint32
+	err = syscall.AcceptEx(l.sock.handle, sock.handle, &addrbuf[0], 0, addrlen, addrlen, &bytes, &c.o)
+	_, err = l.sock.asyncIo(c, nil, bytes, err)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, l.opErr("accept", os.NewSyscallError("acceptex", err))
+	}
+	conn := &HvsockConn{
+		sock: sock,
+	}
+	conn.local.fromRaw((*rawHvsockAddr)(unsafe.Pointer(&addrbuf[0])))
+	conn.remote.fromRaw((*rawHvsockAddr)(unsafe.Pointer(&addrbuf[addrlen])))
+	sock = nil
+	return conn, nil
+// Close closes the listener, causing any pending Accept calls to fail.
+func (l *HvsockListener) Close() error {
+	return l.sock.Close()
+/* Need to finish ConnectEx handling
+func DialHvsock(ctx context.Context, addr *HvsockAddr) (*HvsockConn, error) {
+	sock, err := newHvSocket()
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	defer func() {
+		if sock != nil {
+			sock.Close()
+		}
+	}()
+	c, err := sock.prepareIo()
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	defer sock.wg.Done()
+	var bytes uint32
+	err = windows.ConnectEx(windows.Handle(sock.handle), sa, nil, 0, &bytes, &c.o)
+	_, err = sock.asyncIo(ctx, c, nil, bytes, err)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	conn := &HvsockConn{
+		sock:   sock,
+		remote: *addr,
+	}
+	sock = nil
+	return conn, nil
+func (conn *HvsockConn) opErr(op string, err error) error {
+	return &net.OpError{Op: op, Net: "hvsock", Source: &conn.local, Addr: &conn.remote, Err: err}
+func (conn *HvsockConn) Read(b []byte) (int, error) {
+	c, err := conn.sock.prepareIo()
+	if err != nil {
+		return 0, conn.opErr("read", err)
+	}
+	defer conn.sock.wg.Done()
+	buf := syscall.WSABuf{Buf: &b[0], Len: uint32(len(b))}
+	var flags, bytes uint32
+	err = syscall.WSARecv(conn.sock.handle, &buf, 1, &bytes, &flags, &c.o, nil)
+	n, err := conn.sock.asyncIo(c, &conn.sock.readDeadline, bytes, err)
+	if err != nil {
+		if _, ok := err.(syscall.Errno); ok {
+			err = os.NewSyscallError("wsarecv", err)
+		}
+		return 0, conn.opErr("read", err)
+	} else if n == 0 {
+		err = io.EOF
+	}
+	return n, err
+func (conn *HvsockConn) Write(b []byte) (int, error) {
+	t := 0
+	for len(b) != 0 {
+		n, err := conn.write(b)
+		if err != nil {
+			return t + n, err
+		}
+		t += n
+		b = b[n:]
+	}
+	return t, nil
+func (conn *HvsockConn) write(b []byte) (int, error) {
+	c, err := conn.sock.prepareIo()
+	if err != nil {
+		return 0, conn.opErr("write", err)
+	}
+	defer conn.sock.wg.Done()
+	buf := syscall.WSABuf{Buf: &b[0], Len: uint32(len(b))}
+	var bytes uint32
+	err = syscall.WSASend(conn.sock.handle, &buf, 1, &bytes, 0, &c.o, nil)
+	n, err := conn.sock.asyncIo(c, &conn.sock.writeDeadline, bytes, err)
+	if err != nil {
+		if _, ok := err.(syscall.Errno); ok {
+			err = os.NewSyscallError("wsasend", err)
+		}
+		return 0, conn.opErr("write", err)
+	}
+	return n, err
+// Close closes the socket connection, failing any pending read or write calls.
+func (conn *HvsockConn) Close() error {
+	return conn.sock.Close()
+func (conn *HvsockConn) shutdown(how int) error {
+	err := syscall.Shutdown(conn.sock.handle, syscall.SHUT_RD)
+	if err != nil {
+		return os.NewSyscallError("shutdown", err)
+	}
+	return nil
+// CloseRead shuts down the read end of the socket.
+func (conn *HvsockConn) CloseRead() error {
+	err := conn.shutdown(syscall.SHUT_RD)
+	if err != nil {
+		return conn.opErr("close", err)
+	}
+	return nil
+// CloseWrite shuts down the write end of the socket, notifying the other endpoint that
+// no more data will be written.
+func (conn *HvsockConn) CloseWrite() error {
+	err := conn.shutdown(syscall.SHUT_WR)
+	if err != nil {
+		return conn.opErr("close", err)
+	}
+	return nil
+// LocalAddr returns the local address of the connection.
+func (conn *HvsockConn) LocalAddr() net.Addr {
+	return &conn.local
+// RemoteAddr returns the remote address of the connection.
+func (conn *HvsockConn) RemoteAddr() net.Addr {
+	return &conn.remote
+// SetDeadline implements the net.Conn SetDeadline method.
+func (conn *HvsockConn) SetDeadline(t time.Time) error {
+	conn.SetReadDeadline(t)
+	conn.SetWriteDeadline(t)
+	return nil
+// SetReadDeadline implements the net.Conn SetReadDeadline method.
+func (conn *HvsockConn) SetReadDeadline(t time.Time) error {
+	return conn.sock.SetReadDeadline(t)
+// SetWriteDeadline implements the net.Conn SetWriteDeadline method.
+func (conn *HvsockConn) SetWriteDeadline(t time.Time) error {
+	return conn.sock.SetWriteDeadline(t)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Microsoft/go-winio/pipe.go b/vendor/github.com/Microsoft/go-winio/pipe.go
index d99eedb..d6a46f6 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/Microsoft/go-winio/pipe.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/Microsoft/go-winio/pipe.go
@@ -3,10 +3,13 @@
 package winio
 import (
+	"context"
+	"fmt"
+	"runtime"
@@ -18,6 +21,48 @@ import (
 //sys getNamedPipeInfo(pipe syscall.Handle, flags *uint32, outSize *uint32, inSize *uint32, maxInstances *uint32) (err error) = GetNamedPipeInfo
 //sys getNamedPipeHandleState(pipe syscall.Handle, state *uint32, curInstances *uint32, maxCollectionCount *uint32, collectDataTimeout *uint32, userName *uint16, maxUserNameSize uint32) (err error) = GetNamedPipeHandleStateW
 //sys localAlloc(uFlags uint32, length uint32) (ptr uintptr) = LocalAlloc
+//sys ntCreateNamedPipeFile(pipe *syscall.Handle, access uint32, oa *objectAttributes, iosb *ioStatusBlock, share uint32, disposition uint32, options uint32, typ uint32, readMode uint32, completionMode uint32, maxInstances uint32, inboundQuota uint32, outputQuota uint32, timeout *int64) (status ntstatus) = ntdll.NtCreateNamedPipeFile
+//sys rtlNtStatusToDosError(status ntstatus) (winerr error) = ntdll.RtlNtStatusToDosErrorNoTeb
+//sys rtlDosPathNameToNtPathName(name *uint16, ntName *unicodeString, filePart uintptr, reserved uintptr) (status ntstatus) = ntdll.RtlDosPathNameToNtPathName_U
+//sys rtlDefaultNpAcl(dacl *uintptr) (status ntstatus) = ntdll.RtlDefaultNpAcl
+type ioStatusBlock struct {
+	Status, Information uintptr
+type objectAttributes struct {
+	Length             uintptr
+	RootDirectory      uintptr
+	ObjectName         *unicodeString
+	Attributes         uintptr
+	SecurityDescriptor *securityDescriptor
+	SecurityQoS        uintptr
+type unicodeString struct {
+	Length        uint16
+	MaximumLength uint16
+	Buffer        uintptr
+type securityDescriptor struct {
+	Revision byte
+	Sbz1     byte
+	Control  uint16
+	Owner    uintptr
+	Group    uintptr
+	Sacl     uintptr
+	Dacl     uintptr
+type ntstatus int32
+func (status ntstatus) Err() error {
+	if status >= 0 {
+		return nil
+	}
+	return rtlNtStatusToDosError(status)
 const (
 	cERROR_PIPE_BUSY      = syscall.Errno(231)
@@ -25,21 +70,20 @@ const (
 	cERROR_PIPE_CONNECTED = syscall.Errno(535)
 	cERROR_SEM_TIMEOUT    = syscall.Errno(121)
-	cPIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX            = 0x3
-	cSECURITY_SQOS_PRESENT         = 0x100000
-	cSECURITY_ANONYMOUS            = 0
-	cNMPWAIT_NOWAIT           = 1
+	cFILE_OPEN   = 1
+	cFILE_PIPE_MESSAGE_TYPE          = 1
 var (
@@ -137,9 +181,30 @@ func (s pipeAddress) String() string {
 	return string(s)
+// tryDialPipe attempts to dial the pipe at `path` until `ctx` cancellation or timeout.
+func tryDialPipe(ctx context.Context, path *string) (syscall.Handle, error) {
+	for {
+		select {
+		case <-ctx.Done():
+			return syscall.Handle(0), ctx.Err()
+		default:
+			h, err := createFile(*path, syscall.GENERIC_READ|syscall.GENERIC_WRITE, 0, nil, syscall.OPEN_EXISTING, syscall.FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED|cSECURITY_SQOS_PRESENT|cSECURITY_ANONYMOUS, 0)
+			if err == nil {
+				return h, nil
+			}
+			if err != cERROR_PIPE_BUSY {
+				return h, &os.PathError{Err: err, Op: "open", Path: *path}
+			}
+			// Wait 10 msec and try again. This is a rather simplistic
+			// view, as we always try each 10 milliseconds.
+			time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 10)
+		}
+	}
 // DialPipe connects to a named pipe by path, timing out if the connection
 // takes longer than the specified duration. If timeout is nil, then we use
-// a default timeout of 5 seconds.  (We do not use WaitNamedPipe.)
+// a default timeout of 2 seconds.  (We do not use WaitNamedPipe.)
 func DialPipe(path string, timeout *time.Duration) (net.Conn, error) {
 	var absTimeout time.Time
 	if timeout != nil {
@@ -147,23 +212,22 @@ func DialPipe(path string, timeout *time.Duration) (net.Conn, error) {
 	} else {
 		absTimeout = time.Now().Add(time.Second * 2)
+	ctx, _ := context.WithDeadline(context.Background(), absTimeout)
+	conn, err := DialPipeContext(ctx, path)
+	if err == context.DeadlineExceeded {
+		return nil, ErrTimeout
+	}
+	return conn, err
+// DialPipeContext attempts to connect to a named pipe by `path` until `ctx`
+// cancellation or timeout.
+func DialPipeContext(ctx context.Context, path string) (net.Conn, error) {
 	var err error
 	var h syscall.Handle
-	for {
-		if err != cERROR_PIPE_BUSY {
-			break
-		}
-		if time.Now().After(absTimeout) {
-			return nil, ErrTimeout
-		}
-		// Wait 10 msec and try again. This is a rather simplistic
-		// view, as we always try each 10 milliseconds.
-		time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 10)
-	}
+	h, err = tryDialPipe(ctx, &path)
 	if err != nil {
-		return nil, &os.PathError{Op: "open", Path: path, Err: err}
+		return nil, err
 	var flags uint32
@@ -194,43 +258,87 @@ type acceptResponse struct {
 type win32PipeListener struct {
-	firstHandle        syscall.Handle
-	path               string
-	securityDescriptor []byte
-	config             PipeConfig
-	acceptCh           chan (chan acceptResponse)
-	closeCh            chan int
-	doneCh             chan int
+	firstHandle syscall.Handle
+	path        string
+	config      PipeConfig
+	acceptCh    chan (chan acceptResponse)
+	closeCh     chan int
+	doneCh      chan int
-func makeServerPipeHandle(path string, securityDescriptor []byte, c *PipeConfig, first bool) (syscall.Handle, error) {
-	var flags uint32 = cPIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX | syscall.FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED
-	if first {
-	}
-	var mode uint32 = cPIPE_REJECT_REMOTE_CLIENTS
-	if c.MessageMode {
-	}
-	sa := &syscall.SecurityAttributes{}
-	sa.Length = uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(*sa))
-	if securityDescriptor != nil {
-		len := uint32(len(securityDescriptor))
-		sa.SecurityDescriptor = localAlloc(0, len)
-		defer localFree(sa.SecurityDescriptor)
-		copy((*[0xffff]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(sa.SecurityDescriptor))[:], securityDescriptor)
-	}
-	h, err := createNamedPipe(path, flags, mode, cPIPE_UNLIMITED_INSTANCES, uint32(c.OutputBufferSize), uint32(c.InputBufferSize), 0, sa)
+func makeServerPipeHandle(path string, sd []byte, c *PipeConfig, first bool) (syscall.Handle, error) {
+	path16, err := syscall.UTF16FromString(path)
 	if err != nil {
 		return 0, &os.PathError{Op: "open", Path: path, Err: err}
+	var oa objectAttributes
+	oa.Length = unsafe.Sizeof(oa)
+	var ntPath unicodeString
+	if err := rtlDosPathNameToNtPathName(&path16[0], &ntPath, 0, 0).Err(); err != nil {
+		return 0, &os.PathError{Op: "open", Path: path, Err: err}
+	}
+	defer localFree(ntPath.Buffer)
+	oa.ObjectName = &ntPath
+	// The security descriptor is only needed for the first pipe.
+	if first {
+		if sd != nil {
+			len := uint32(len(sd))
+			sdb := localAlloc(0, len)
+			defer localFree(sdb)
+			copy((*[0xffff]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(sdb))[:], sd)
+			oa.SecurityDescriptor = (*securityDescriptor)(unsafe.Pointer(sdb))
+		} else {
+			// Construct the default named pipe security descriptor.
+			var dacl uintptr
+			if err := rtlDefaultNpAcl(&dacl).Err(); err != nil {
+				return 0, fmt.Errorf("getting default named pipe ACL: %s", err)
+			}
+			defer localFree(dacl)
+			sdb := &securityDescriptor{
+				Revision: 1,
+				Control:  cSE_DACL_PRESENT,
+				Dacl:     dacl,
+			}
+			oa.SecurityDescriptor = sdb
+		}
+	}
+	if c.MessageMode {
+	}
+	disposition := uint32(cFILE_OPEN)
+	access := uint32(syscall.GENERIC_READ | syscall.GENERIC_WRITE | syscall.SYNCHRONIZE)
+	if first {
+		disposition = cFILE_CREATE
+		// By not asking for read or write access, the named pipe file system
+		// will put this pipe into an initially disconnected state, blocking
+		// client connections until the next call with first == false.
+		access = syscall.SYNCHRONIZE
+	}
+	timeout := int64(-50 * 10000) // 50ms
+	var (
+		h    syscall.Handle
+		iosb ioStatusBlock
+	)
+	err = ntCreateNamedPipeFile(&h, access, &oa, &iosb, syscall.FILE_SHARE_READ|syscall.FILE_SHARE_WRITE, disposition, 0, typ, 0, 0, 0xffffffff, uint32(c.InputBufferSize), uint32(c.OutputBufferSize), &timeout).Err()
+	if err != nil {
+		return 0, &os.PathError{Op: "open", Path: path, Err: err}
+	}
+	runtime.KeepAlive(ntPath)
 	return h, nil
 func (l *win32PipeListener) makeServerPipe() (*win32File, error) {
-	h, err := makeServerPipeHandle(l.path, l.securityDescriptor, &l.config, false)
+	h, err := makeServerPipeHandle(l.path, nil, &l.config, false)
 	if err != nil {
 		return nil, err
@@ -341,32 +449,13 @@ func ListenPipe(path string, c *PipeConfig) (net.Listener, error) {
 	if err != nil {
 		return nil, err
-	// Create a client handle and connect it.  This results in the pipe
-	// instance always existing, so that clients see ERROR_PIPE_BUSY
-	// rather than ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND.  This ties the first instance
-	// up so that no other instances can be used.  This would have been
-	// cleaner if the Win32 API matched CreateFile with ConnectNamedPipe
-	// instead of CreateNamedPipe.  (Apparently created named pipes are
-	// considered to be in listening state regardless of whether any
-	// active calls to ConnectNamedPipe are outstanding.)
-	h2, err := createFile(path, 0, 0, nil, syscall.OPEN_EXISTING, cSECURITY_SQOS_PRESENT|cSECURITY_ANONYMOUS, 0)
-	if err != nil {
-		syscall.Close(h)
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	// Close the client handle. The server side of the instance will
-	// still be busy, leading to ERROR_PIPE_BUSY instead of
-	// ERROR_NOT_FOUND, as long as we don't close the server handle,
-	// or disconnect the client with DisconnectNamedPipe.
-	syscall.Close(h2)
 	l := &win32PipeListener{
-		firstHandle:        h,
-		path:               path,
-		securityDescriptor: sd,
-		config:             *c,
-		acceptCh:           make(chan (chan acceptResponse)),
-		closeCh:            make(chan int),
-		doneCh:             make(chan int),
+		firstHandle: h,
+		path:        path,
+		config:      *c,
+		acceptCh:    make(chan (chan acceptResponse)),
+		closeCh:     make(chan int),
+		doneCh:      make(chan int),
 	go l.listenerRoutine()
 	return l, nil
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Microsoft/go-winio/pkg/guid/guid.go b/vendor/github.com/Microsoft/go-winio/pkg/guid/guid.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5864065
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/Microsoft/go-winio/pkg/guid/guid.go
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+// Package guid provides a GUID type. The backing structure for a GUID is
+// identical to that used by the golang.org/x/sys/windows GUID type.
+// There are two main binary encodings used for a GUID, the big-endian encoding,
+// and the Windows (mixed-endian) encoding. See here for details:
+// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universally_unique_identifier#Encoding
+package guid
+import (
+	"crypto/rand"
+	"crypto/sha1"
+	"encoding"
+	"encoding/binary"
+	"fmt"
+	"strconv"
+	"golang.org/x/sys/windows"
+// Variant specifies which GUID variant (or "type") of the GUID. It determines
+// how the entirety of the rest of the GUID is interpreted.
+type Variant uint8
+// The variants specified by RFC 4122.
+const (
+	// VariantUnknown specifies a GUID variant which does not conform to one of
+	// the variant encodings specified in RFC 4122.
+	VariantUnknown Variant = iota
+	VariantNCS
+	VariantRFC4122
+	VariantMicrosoft
+	VariantFuture
+// Version specifies how the bits in the GUID were generated. For instance, a
+// version 4 GUID is randomly generated, and a version 5 is generated from the
+// hash of an input string.
+type Version uint8
+var _ = (encoding.TextMarshaler)(GUID{})
+var _ = (encoding.TextUnmarshaler)(&GUID{})
+// GUID represents a GUID/UUID. It has the same structure as
+// golang.org/x/sys/windows.GUID so that it can be used with functions expecting
+// that type. It is defined as its own type so that stringification and
+// marshaling can be supported. The representation matches that used by native
+// Windows code.
+type GUID windows.GUID
+// NewV4 returns a new version 4 (pseudorandom) GUID, as defined by RFC 4122.
+func NewV4() (GUID, error) {
+	var b [16]byte
+	if _, err := rand.Read(b[:]); err != nil {
+		return GUID{}, err
+	}
+	g := FromArray(b)
+	g.setVersion(4) // Version 4 means randomly generated.
+	g.setVariant(VariantRFC4122)
+	return g, nil
+// NewV5 returns a new version 5 (generated from a string via SHA-1 hashing)
+// GUID, as defined by RFC 4122. The RFC is unclear on the encoding of the name,
+// and the sample code treats it as a series of bytes, so we do the same here.
+// Some implementations, such as those found on Windows, treat the name as a
+// big-endian UTF16 stream of bytes. If that is desired, the string can be
+// encoded as such before being passed to this function.
+func NewV5(namespace GUID, name []byte) (GUID, error) {
+	b := sha1.New()
+	namespaceBytes := namespace.ToArray()
+	b.Write(namespaceBytes[:])
+	b.Write(name)
+	a := [16]byte{}
+	copy(a[:], b.Sum(nil))
+	g := FromArray(a)
+	g.setVersion(5) // Version 5 means generated from a string.
+	g.setVariant(VariantRFC4122)
+	return g, nil
+func fromArray(b [16]byte, order binary.ByteOrder) GUID {
+	var g GUID
+	g.Data1 = order.Uint32(b[0:4])
+	g.Data2 = order.Uint16(b[4:6])
+	g.Data3 = order.Uint16(b[6:8])
+	copy(g.Data4[:], b[8:16])
+	return g
+func (g GUID) toArray(order binary.ByteOrder) [16]byte {
+	b := [16]byte{}
+	order.PutUint32(b[0:4], g.Data1)
+	order.PutUint16(b[4:6], g.Data2)
+	order.PutUint16(b[6:8], g.Data3)
+	copy(b[8:16], g.Data4[:])
+	return b
+// FromArray constructs a GUID from a big-endian encoding array of 16 bytes.
+func FromArray(b [16]byte) GUID {
+	return fromArray(b, binary.BigEndian)
+// ToArray returns an array of 16 bytes representing the GUID in big-endian
+// encoding.
+func (g GUID) ToArray() [16]byte {
+	return g.toArray(binary.BigEndian)
+// FromWindowsArray constructs a GUID from a Windows encoding array of bytes.
+func FromWindowsArray(b [16]byte) GUID {
+	return fromArray(b, binary.LittleEndian)
+// ToWindowsArray returns an array of 16 bytes representing the GUID in Windows
+// encoding.
+func (g GUID) ToWindowsArray() [16]byte {
+	return g.toArray(binary.LittleEndian)
+func (g GUID) String() string {
+	return fmt.Sprintf(
+		"%08x-%04x-%04x-%04x-%012x",
+		g.Data1,
+		g.Data2,
+		g.Data3,
+		g.Data4[:2],
+		g.Data4[2:])
+// FromString parses a string containing a GUID and returns the GUID. The only
+// format currently supported is the `xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx`
+// format.
+func FromString(s string) (GUID, error) {
+	if len(s) != 36 {
+		return GUID{}, fmt.Errorf("invalid GUID %q", s)
+	}
+	if s[8] != '-' || s[13] != '-' || s[18] != '-' || s[23] != '-' {
+		return GUID{}, fmt.Errorf("invalid GUID %q", s)
+	}
+	var g GUID
+	data1, err := strconv.ParseUint(s[0:8], 16, 32)
+	if err != nil {
+		return GUID{}, fmt.Errorf("invalid GUID %q", s)
+	}
+	g.Data1 = uint32(data1)
+	data2, err := strconv.ParseUint(s[9:13], 16, 16)
+	if err != nil {
+		return GUID{}, fmt.Errorf("invalid GUID %q", s)
+	}
+	g.Data2 = uint16(data2)
+	data3, err := strconv.ParseUint(s[14:18], 16, 16)
+	if err != nil {
+		return GUID{}, fmt.Errorf("invalid GUID %q", s)
+	}
+	g.Data3 = uint16(data3)
+	for i, x := range []int{19, 21, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34} {
+		v, err := strconv.ParseUint(s[x:x+2], 16, 8)
+		if err != nil {
+			return GUID{}, fmt.Errorf("invalid GUID %q", s)
+		}
+		g.Data4[i] = uint8(v)
+	}
+	return g, nil
+func (g *GUID) setVariant(v Variant) {
+	d := g.Data4[0]
+	switch v {
+	case VariantNCS:
+		d = (d & 0x7f)
+	case VariantRFC4122:
+		d = (d & 0x3f) | 0x80
+	case VariantMicrosoft:
+		d = (d & 0x1f) | 0xc0
+	case VariantFuture:
+		d = (d & 0x0f) | 0xe0
+	case VariantUnknown:
+		fallthrough
+	default:
+		panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid variant: %d", v))
+	}
+	g.Data4[0] = d
+// Variant returns the GUID variant, as defined in RFC 4122.
+func (g GUID) Variant() Variant {
+	b := g.Data4[0]
+	if b&0x80 == 0 {
+		return VariantNCS
+	} else if b&0xc0 == 0x80 {
+		return VariantRFC4122
+	} else if b&0xe0 == 0xc0 {
+		return VariantMicrosoft
+	} else if b&0xe0 == 0xe0 {
+		return VariantFuture
+	}
+	return VariantUnknown
+func (g *GUID) setVersion(v Version) {
+	g.Data3 = (g.Data3 & 0x0fff) | (uint16(v) << 12)
+// Version returns the GUID version, as defined in RFC 4122.
+func (g GUID) Version() Version {
+	return Version((g.Data3 & 0xF000) >> 12)
+// MarshalText returns the textual representation of the GUID.
+func (g GUID) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) {
+	return []byte(g.String()), nil
+// UnmarshalText takes the textual representation of a GUID, and unmarhals it
+// into this GUID.
+func (g *GUID) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error {
+	g2, err := FromString(string(text))
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	*g = g2
+	return nil
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Microsoft/go-winio/syscall.go b/vendor/github.com/Microsoft/go-winio/syscall.go
index 20d64cf..5cb52bc 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/Microsoft/go-winio/syscall.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/Microsoft/go-winio/syscall.go
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
 package winio
-//go:generate go run $GOROOT/src/syscall/mksyscall_windows.go -output zsyscall_windows.go file.go pipe.go sd.go fileinfo.go privilege.go backup.go
+//go:generate go run $GOROOT/src/syscall/mksyscall_windows.go -output zsyscall_windows.go file.go pipe.go sd.go fileinfo.go privilege.go backup.go hvsock.go
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Microsoft/go-winio/zsyscall_windows.go b/vendor/github.com/Microsoft/go-winio/zsyscall_windows.go
index 3f52763..e26b01f 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/Microsoft/go-winio/zsyscall_windows.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/Microsoft/go-winio/zsyscall_windows.go
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+// Code generated by 'go generate'; DO NOT EDIT.
 package winio
@@ -38,19 +38,25 @@ func errnoErr(e syscall.Errno) error {
 var (
 	modkernel32 = windows.NewLazySystemDLL("kernel32.dll")
+	modws2_32   = windows.NewLazySystemDLL("ws2_32.dll")
+	modntdll    = windows.NewLazySystemDLL("ntdll.dll")
 	modadvapi32 = windows.NewLazySystemDLL("advapi32.dll")
 	procCancelIoEx                                           = modkernel32.NewProc("CancelIoEx")
 	procCreateIoCompletionPort                               = modkernel32.NewProc("CreateIoCompletionPort")
 	procGetQueuedCompletionStatus                            = modkernel32.NewProc("GetQueuedCompletionStatus")
 	procSetFileCompletionNotificationModes                   = modkernel32.NewProc("SetFileCompletionNotificationModes")
+	procWSAGetOverlappedResult                               = modws2_32.NewProc("WSAGetOverlappedResult")
 	procConnectNamedPipe                                     = modkernel32.NewProc("ConnectNamedPipe")
 	procCreateNamedPipeW                                     = modkernel32.NewProc("CreateNamedPipeW")
 	procCreateFileW                                          = modkernel32.NewProc("CreateFileW")
-	procWaitNamedPipeW                                       = modkernel32.NewProc("WaitNamedPipeW")
 	procGetNamedPipeInfo                                     = modkernel32.NewProc("GetNamedPipeInfo")
 	procGetNamedPipeHandleStateW                             = modkernel32.NewProc("GetNamedPipeHandleStateW")
 	procLocalAlloc                                           = modkernel32.NewProc("LocalAlloc")
+	procNtCreateNamedPipeFile                                = modntdll.NewProc("NtCreateNamedPipeFile")
+	procRtlNtStatusToDosErrorNoTeb                           = modntdll.NewProc("RtlNtStatusToDosErrorNoTeb")
+	procRtlDosPathNameToNtPathName_U                         = modntdll.NewProc("RtlDosPathNameToNtPathName_U")
+	procRtlDefaultNpAcl                                      = modntdll.NewProc("RtlDefaultNpAcl")
 	procLookupAccountNameW                                   = modadvapi32.NewProc("LookupAccountNameW")
 	procConvertSidToStringSidW                               = modadvapi32.NewProc("ConvertSidToStringSidW")
 	procConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptorW = modadvapi32.NewProc("ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptorW")
@@ -69,6 +75,7 @@ var (
 	procLookupPrivilegeDisplayNameW                          = modadvapi32.NewProc("LookupPrivilegeDisplayNameW")
 	procBackupRead                                           = modkernel32.NewProc("BackupRead")
 	procBackupWrite                                          = modkernel32.NewProc("BackupWrite")
+	procbind                                                 = modws2_32.NewProc("bind")
 func cancelIoEx(file syscall.Handle, o *syscall.Overlapped) (err error) {
@@ -120,6 +127,24 @@ func setFileCompletionNotificationModes(h syscall.Handle, flags uint8) (err erro
+func wsaGetOverlappedResult(h syscall.Handle, o *syscall.Overlapped, bytes *uint32, wait bool, flags *uint32) (err error) {
+	var _p0 uint32
+	if wait {
+		_p0 = 1
+	} else {
+		_p0 = 0
+	}
+	r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall6(procWSAGetOverlappedResult.Addr(), 5, uintptr(h), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(o)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(bytes)), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(flags)), 0)
+	if r1 == 0 {
+		if e1 != 0 {
+			err = errnoErr(e1)
+		} else {
+			err = syscall.EINVAL
+		}
+	}
+	return
 func connectNamedPipe(pipe syscall.Handle, o *syscall.Overlapped) (err error) {
 	r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall(procConnectNamedPipe.Addr(), 2, uintptr(pipe), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(o)), 0)
 	if r1 == 0 {
@@ -176,27 +201,6 @@ func _createFile(name *uint16, access uint32, mode uint32, sa *syscall.SecurityA
-func waitNamedPipe(name string, timeout uint32) (err error) {
-	var _p0 *uint16
-	_p0, err = syscall.UTF16PtrFromString(name)
-	if err != nil {
-		return
-	}
-	return _waitNamedPipe(_p0, timeout)
-func _waitNamedPipe(name *uint16, timeout uint32) (err error) {
-	r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall(procWaitNamedPipeW.Addr(), 2, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(name)), uintptr(timeout), 0)
-	if r1 == 0 {
-		if e1 != 0 {
-			err = errnoErr(e1)
-		} else {
-			err = syscall.EINVAL
-		}
-	}
-	return
 func getNamedPipeInfo(pipe syscall.Handle, flags *uint32, outSize *uint32, inSize *uint32, maxInstances *uint32) (err error) {
 	r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall6(procGetNamedPipeInfo.Addr(), 5, uintptr(pipe), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(flags)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(outSize)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(inSize)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(maxInstances)), 0)
 	if r1 == 0 {
@@ -227,6 +231,32 @@ func localAlloc(uFlags uint32, length uint32) (ptr uintptr) {
+func ntCreateNamedPipeFile(pipe *syscall.Handle, access uint32, oa *objectAttributes, iosb *ioStatusBlock, share uint32, disposition uint32, options uint32, typ uint32, readMode uint32, completionMode uint32, maxInstances uint32, inboundQuota uint32, outputQuota uint32, timeout *int64) (status ntstatus) {
+	r0, _, _ := syscall.Syscall15(procNtCreateNamedPipeFile.Addr(), 14, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(pipe)), uintptr(access), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(oa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(iosb)), uintptr(share), uintptr(disposition), uintptr(options), uintptr(typ), uintptr(readMode), uintptr(completionMode), uintptr(maxInstances), uintptr(inboundQuota), uintptr(outputQuota), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout)), 0)
+	status = ntstatus(r0)
+	return
+func rtlNtStatusToDosError(status ntstatus) (winerr error) {
+	r0, _, _ := syscall.Syscall(procRtlNtStatusToDosErrorNoTeb.Addr(), 1, uintptr(status), 0, 0)
+	if r0 != 0 {
+		winerr = syscall.Errno(r0)
+	}
+	return
+func rtlDosPathNameToNtPathName(name *uint16, ntName *unicodeString, filePart uintptr, reserved uintptr) (status ntstatus) {
+	r0, _, _ := syscall.Syscall6(procRtlDosPathNameToNtPathName_U.Addr(), 4, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(name)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(ntName)), uintptr(filePart), uintptr(reserved), 0, 0)
+	status = ntstatus(r0)
+	return
+func rtlDefaultNpAcl(dacl *uintptr) (status ntstatus) {
+	r0, _, _ := syscall.Syscall(procRtlDefaultNpAcl.Addr(), 1, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(dacl)), 0, 0)
+	status = ntstatus(r0)
+	return
 func lookupAccountName(systemName *uint16, accountName string, sid *byte, sidSize *uint32, refDomain *uint16, refDomainSize *uint32, sidNameUse *uint32) (err error) {
 	var _p0 *uint16
 	_p0, err = syscall.UTF16PtrFromString(accountName)
@@ -518,3 +548,15 @@ func backupWrite(h syscall.Handle, b []byte, bytesWritten *uint32, abort bool, p
+func bind(s syscall.Handle, name unsafe.Pointer, namelen int32) (err error) {
+	r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall(procbind.Addr(), 3, uintptr(s), uintptr(name), uintptr(namelen))
+	if r1 == socketError {
+		if e1 != 0 {
+			err = errnoErr(e1)
+		} else {
+			err = syscall.EINVAL
+		}
+	}
+	return
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim/LICENSE b/vendor/github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49d2166
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+The MIT License (MIT)
+Copyright (c) 2015 Microsoft
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+copies or substantial portions of the Software.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim/osversion/osversion_windows.go b/vendor/github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim/osversion/osversion_windows.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..477fe70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim/osversion/osversion_windows.go
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+package osversion
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	"golang.org/x/sys/windows"
+// OSVersion is a wrapper for Windows version information
+// https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms724439(v=vs.85).aspx
+type OSVersion struct {
+	Version      uint32
+	MajorVersion uint8
+	MinorVersion uint8
+	Build        uint16
+// https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms724833(v=vs.85).aspx
+type osVersionInfoEx struct {
+	OSVersionInfoSize uint32
+	MajorVersion      uint32
+	MinorVersion      uint32
+	BuildNumber       uint32
+	PlatformID        uint32
+	CSDVersion        [128]uint16
+	ServicePackMajor  uint16
+	ServicePackMinor  uint16
+	SuiteMask         uint16
+	ProductType       byte
+	Reserve           byte
+// Get gets the operating system version on Windows.
+// The calling application must be manifested to get the correct version information.
+func Get() OSVersion {
+	var err error
+	osv := OSVersion{}
+	osv.Version, err = windows.GetVersion()
+	if err != nil {
+		// GetVersion never fails.
+		panic(err)
+	}
+	osv.MajorVersion = uint8(osv.Version & 0xFF)
+	osv.MinorVersion = uint8(osv.Version >> 8 & 0xFF)
+	osv.Build = uint16(osv.Version >> 16)
+	return osv
+// Build gets the build-number on Windows
+// The calling application must be manifested to get the correct version information.
+func Build() uint16 {
+	return Get().Build
+func (osv OSVersion) ToString() string {
+	return fmt.Sprintf("%d.%d.%d", osv.MajorVersion, osv.MinorVersion, osv.Build)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim/osversion/windowsbuilds.go b/vendor/github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim/osversion/windowsbuilds.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..726d1c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim/osversion/windowsbuilds.go
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+package osversion
+const (
+	// RS1 (version 1607, codename "Redstone 1") corresponds to Windows Server
+	// 2016 (ltsc2016) and Windows 10 (Anniversary Update).
+	RS1 = 14393
+	// RS2 (version 1703, codename "Redstone 2") was a client-only update, and
+	// corresponds to Windows 10 (Creators Update).
+	RS2 = 15063
+	// RS3 (version 1709, codename "Redstone 3") corresponds to Windows Server
+	// 1709 (Semi-Annual Channel (SAC)), and Windows 10 (Fall Creators Update).
+	RS3 = 16299
+	// RS4 (version 1803, codename "Redstone 4") corresponds to Windows Server
+	// 1803 (Semi-Annual Channel (SAC)), and Windows 10 (April 2018 Update).
+	RS4 = 17134
+	// RS5 (version 1809, codename "Redstone 5") corresponds to Windows Server
+	// 2019 (ltsc2019), and Windows 10 (October 2018 Update).
+	RS5 = 17763
+	// V19H1 (version 1903) corresponds to Windows Server 1903 (semi-annual
+	// channel).
+	V19H1 = 18362
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/containerd/containerd/LICENSE b/vendor/github.com/containerd/containerd/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..584149b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/containerd/containerd/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+                                 Apache License
+                           Version 2.0, January 2004
+                        https://www.apache.org/licenses/
+   1. Definitions.
+      "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction,
+      and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.
+      "Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by
+      the copyright owner that is granting the License.
+      "Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all
+      other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common
+      control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition,
+      "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the
+      direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or
+      otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the
+      outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity.
+      "You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity
+      exercising permissions granted by this License.
+      "Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications,
+      including but not limited to software source code, documentation
+      source, and configuration files.
+      "Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical
+      transformation or translation of a Source form, including but
+      not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation,
+      and conversions to other media types.
+      "Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or
+      Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a
+      copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work
+      (an example is provided in the Appendix below).
+      "Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object
+      form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the
+      editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications
+      represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes
+      of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain
+      separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of,
+      the Work and Derivative Works thereof.
+      "Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including
+      the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions
+      to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally
+      submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner
+      or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of
+      the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted"
+      means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent
+      to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to
+      communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems,
+      and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the
+      Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but
+      excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise
+      designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution."
+      "Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity
+      on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and
+      subsequently incorporated within the Work.
+   2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
+      this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
+      worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
+      copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of,
+      publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the
+      Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form.
+   3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
+      this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
+      worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
+      (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made,
+      use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work,
+      where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable
+      by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their
+      Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s)
+      with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You
+      institute patent litigation against any entity (including a
+      cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work
+      or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct
+      or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses
+      granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate
+      as of the date such litigation is filed.
+   4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the
+      Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without
+      modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You
+      meet the following conditions:
+      (a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or
+          Derivative Works a copy of this License; and
+      (b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices
+          stating that You changed the files; and
+      (c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works
+          that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and
+          attribution notices from the Source form of the Work,
+          excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of
+          the Derivative Works; and
+      (d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its
+          distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must
+          include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained
+          within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not
+          pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one
+          of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed
+          as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or
+          documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or,
+          within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and
+          wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents
+          of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and
+          do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution
+          notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside
+          or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided
+          that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed
+          as modifying the License.
+      You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and
+      may provide additional or different license terms and conditions
+      for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or
+      for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use,
+      reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with
+      the conditions stated in this License.
+   5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise,
+      any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work
+      by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of
+      this License, without any additional terms or conditions.
+      Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify
+      the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed
+      with Licensor regarding such Contributions.
+   6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
+      names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor,
+      except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the
+      origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file.
+   7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or
+      agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each
+      Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+      implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions
+      PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the
+      appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any
+      risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License.
+   8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory,
+      whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise,
+      unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly
+      negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be
+      liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special,
+      incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a
+      result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the
+      Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill,
+      work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all
+      other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor
+      has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+   9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing
+      the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer,
+      and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity,
+      or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this
+      License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only
+      on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf
+      of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify,
+      defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability
+      incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason
+      of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability.
+   Copyright The containerd Authors
+   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+       https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/containerd/containerd/NOTICE b/vendor/github.com/containerd/containerd/NOTICE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8915f02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/containerd/containerd/NOTICE
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+Copyright 2012-2015 Docker, Inc.
+This product includes software developed at Docker, Inc. (https://www.docker.com).
+The following is courtesy of our legal counsel:
+Use and transfer of Docker may be subject to certain restrictions by the
+United States and other governments.
+It is your responsibility to ensure that your use and/or transfer does not
+violate applicable laws.
+For more information, please see https://www.bis.doc.gov
+See also https://www.apache.org/dev/crypto.html and/or seek legal counsel.
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/containerd/containerd/errdefs/errors.go b/vendor/github.com/containerd/containerd/errdefs/errors.go
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+++ b/vendor/github.com/containerd/containerd/errdefs/errors.go
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+   Copyright The containerd Authors.
+   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
+// Package errdefs defines the common errors used throughout containerd
+// packages.
+// Use with errors.Wrap and error.Wrapf to add context to an error.
+// To detect an error class, use the IsXXX functions to tell whether an error
+// is of a certain type.
+// The functions ToGRPC and FromGRPC can be used to map server-side and
+// client-side errors to the correct types.
+package errdefs
+import (
+	"context"
+	"github.com/pkg/errors"
+// Definitions of common error types used throughout containerd. All containerd
+// errors returned by most packages will map into one of these errors classes.
+// Packages should return errors of these types when they want to instruct a
+// client to take a particular action.
+// For the most part, we just try to provide local grpc errors. Most conditions
+// map very well to those defined by grpc.
+var (
+	ErrUnknown            = errors.New("unknown") // used internally to represent a missed mapping.
+	ErrInvalidArgument    = errors.New("invalid argument")
+	ErrNotFound           = errors.New("not found")
+	ErrAlreadyExists      = errors.New("already exists")
+	ErrFailedPrecondition = errors.New("failed precondition")
+	ErrUnavailable        = errors.New("unavailable")
+	ErrNotImplemented     = errors.New("not implemented") // represents not supported and unimplemented
+// IsInvalidArgument returns true if the error is due to an invalid argument
+func IsInvalidArgument(err error) bool {
+	return errors.Cause(err) == ErrInvalidArgument
+// IsNotFound returns true if the error is due to a missing object
+func IsNotFound(err error) bool {
+	return errors.Cause(err) == ErrNotFound
+// IsAlreadyExists returns true if the error is due to an already existing
+// metadata item
+func IsAlreadyExists(err error) bool {
+	return errors.Cause(err) == ErrAlreadyExists
+// IsFailedPrecondition returns true if an operation could not proceed to the
+// lack of a particular condition
+func IsFailedPrecondition(err error) bool {
+	return errors.Cause(err) == ErrFailedPrecondition
+// IsUnavailable returns true if the error is due to a resource being unavailable
+func IsUnavailable(err error) bool {
+	return errors.Cause(err) == ErrUnavailable
+// IsNotImplemented returns true if the error is due to not being implemented
+func IsNotImplemented(err error) bool {
+	return errors.Cause(err) == ErrNotImplemented
+// IsCanceled returns true if the error is due to `context.Canceled`.
+func IsCanceled(err error) bool {
+	return errors.Cause(err) == context.Canceled
+// IsDeadlineExceeded returns true if the error is due to
+// `context.DeadlineExceeded`.
+func IsDeadlineExceeded(err error) bool {
+	return errors.Cause(err) == context.DeadlineExceeded
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/containerd/containerd/errdefs/grpc.go b/vendor/github.com/containerd/containerd/errdefs/grpc.go
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index 0000000..209f63b
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+++ b/vendor/github.com/containerd/containerd/errdefs/grpc.go
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+   Copyright The containerd Authors.
+   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
+package errdefs
+import (
+	"context"
+	"strings"
+	"github.com/pkg/errors"
+	"google.golang.org/grpc/codes"
+	"google.golang.org/grpc/status"
+// ToGRPC will attempt to map the backend containerd error into a grpc error,
+// using the original error message as a description.
+// Further information may be extracted from certain errors depending on their
+// type.
+// If the error is unmapped, the original error will be returned to be handled
+// by the regular grpc error handling stack.
+func ToGRPC(err error) error {
+	if err == nil {
+		return nil
+	}
+	if isGRPCError(err) {
+		// error has already been mapped to grpc
+		return err
+	}
+	switch {
+	case IsInvalidArgument(err):
+		return status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, err.Error())
+	case IsNotFound(err):
+		return status.Errorf(codes.NotFound, err.Error())
+	case IsAlreadyExists(err):
+		return status.Errorf(codes.AlreadyExists, err.Error())
+	case IsFailedPrecondition(err):
+		return status.Errorf(codes.FailedPrecondition, err.Error())
+	case IsUnavailable(err):
+		return status.Errorf(codes.Unavailable, err.Error())
+	case IsNotImplemented(err):
+		return status.Errorf(codes.Unimplemented, err.Error())
+	case IsCanceled(err):
+		return status.Errorf(codes.Canceled, err.Error())
+	case IsDeadlineExceeded(err):
+		return status.Errorf(codes.DeadlineExceeded, err.Error())
+	}
+	return err
+// ToGRPCf maps the error to grpc error codes, assembling the formatting string
+// and combining it with the target error string.
+// This is equivalent to errors.ToGRPC(errors.Wrapf(err, format, args...))
+func ToGRPCf(err error, format string, args ...interface{}) error {
+	return ToGRPC(errors.Wrapf(err, format, args...))
+// FromGRPC returns the underlying error from a grpc service based on the grpc error code
+func FromGRPC(err error) error {
+	if err == nil {
+		return nil
+	}
+	var cls error // divide these into error classes, becomes the cause
+	switch code(err) {
+	case codes.InvalidArgument:
+		cls = ErrInvalidArgument
+	case codes.AlreadyExists:
+		cls = ErrAlreadyExists
+	case codes.NotFound:
+		cls = ErrNotFound
+	case codes.Unavailable:
+		cls = ErrUnavailable
+	case codes.FailedPrecondition:
+		cls = ErrFailedPrecondition
+	case codes.Unimplemented:
+		cls = ErrNotImplemented
+	case codes.Canceled:
+		cls = context.Canceled
+	case codes.DeadlineExceeded:
+		cls = context.DeadlineExceeded
+	default:
+		cls = ErrUnknown
+	}
+	msg := rebaseMessage(cls, err)
+	if msg != "" {
+		err = errors.Wrap(cls, msg)
+	} else {
+		err = errors.WithStack(cls)
+	}
+	return err
+// rebaseMessage removes the repeats for an error at the end of an error
+// string. This will happen when taking an error over grpc then remapping it.
+// Effectively, we just remove the string of cls from the end of err if it
+// appears there.
+func rebaseMessage(cls error, err error) string {
+	desc := errDesc(err)
+	clss := cls.Error()
+	if desc == clss {
+		return ""
+	}
+	return strings.TrimSuffix(desc, ": "+clss)
+func isGRPCError(err error) bool {
+	_, ok := status.FromError(err)
+	return ok
+func code(err error) codes.Code {
+	if s, ok := status.FromError(err); ok {
+		return s.Code()
+	}
+	return codes.Unknown
+func errDesc(err error) string {
+	if s, ok := status.FromError(err); ok {
+		return s.Message()
+	}
+	return err.Error()
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/fs/copy.go b/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/fs/copy.go
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/fs/copy.go
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+   Copyright The containerd Authors.
+   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
+package fs
+import (
+	"io/ioutil"
+	"os"
+	"path/filepath"
+	"sync"
+	"github.com/pkg/errors"
+var bufferPool = &sync.Pool{
+	New: func() interface{} {
+		buffer := make([]byte, 32*1024)
+		return &buffer
+	},
+// XAttrErrorHandlers transform a non-nil xattr error.
+// Return nil to ignore an error.
+// xattrKey can be empty for listxattr operation.
+type XAttrErrorHandler func(dst, src, xattrKey string, err error) error
+type copyDirOpts struct {
+	xeh XAttrErrorHandler
+type CopyDirOpt func(*copyDirOpts) error
+// WithXAttrErrorHandler allows specifying XAttrErrorHandler
+// If nil XAttrErrorHandler is specified (default), CopyDir stops
+// on a non-nil xattr error.
+func WithXAttrErrorHandler(xeh XAttrErrorHandler) CopyDirOpt {
+	return func(o *copyDirOpts) error {
+		o.xeh = xeh
+		return nil
+	}
+// WithAllowXAttrErrors allows ignoring xattr errors.
+func WithAllowXAttrErrors() CopyDirOpt {
+	xeh := func(dst, src, xattrKey string, err error) error {
+		return nil
+	}
+	return WithXAttrErrorHandler(xeh)
+// CopyDir copies the directory from src to dst.
+// Most efficient copy of files is attempted.
+func CopyDir(dst, src string, opts ...CopyDirOpt) error {
+	var o copyDirOpts
+	for _, opt := range opts {
+		if err := opt(&o); err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+	}
+	inodes := map[uint64]string{}
+	return copyDirectory(dst, src, inodes, &o)
+func copyDirectory(dst, src string, inodes map[uint64]string, o *copyDirOpts) error {
+	stat, err := os.Stat(src)
+	if err != nil {
+		return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to stat %s", src)
+	}
+	if !stat.IsDir() {
+		return errors.Errorf("source is not directory")
+	}
+	if st, err := os.Stat(dst); err != nil {
+		if err := os.Mkdir(dst, stat.Mode()); err != nil {
+			return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to mkdir %s", dst)
+		}
+	} else if !st.IsDir() {
+		return errors.Errorf("cannot copy to non-directory: %s", dst)
+	} else {
+		if err := os.Chmod(dst, stat.Mode()); err != nil {
+			return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to chmod on %s", dst)
+		}
+	}
+	fis, err := ioutil.ReadDir(src)
+	if err != nil {
+		return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to read %s", src)
+	}
+	if err := copyFileInfo(stat, dst); err != nil {
+		return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to copy file info for %s", dst)
+	}
+	for _, fi := range fis {
+		source := filepath.Join(src, fi.Name())
+		target := filepath.Join(dst, fi.Name())
+		switch {
+		case fi.IsDir():
+			if err := copyDirectory(target, source, inodes, o); err != nil {
+				return err
+			}
+			continue
+		case (fi.Mode() & os.ModeType) == 0:
+			link, err := getLinkSource(target, fi, inodes)
+			if err != nil {
+				return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to get hardlink")
+			}
+			if link != "" {
+				if err := os.Link(link, target); err != nil {
+					return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create hard link")
+				}
+			} else if err := CopyFile(target, source); err != nil {
+				return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to copy files")
+			}
+		case (fi.Mode() & os.ModeSymlink) == os.ModeSymlink:
+			link, err := os.Readlink(source)
+			if err != nil {
+				return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to read link: %s", source)
+			}
+			if err := os.Symlink(link, target); err != nil {
+				return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to create symlink: %s", target)
+			}
+		case (fi.Mode() & os.ModeDevice) == os.ModeDevice:
+			if err := copyDevice(target, fi); err != nil {
+				return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to create device")
+			}
+		default:
+			// TODO: Support pipes and sockets
+			return errors.Wrapf(err, "unsupported mode %s", fi.Mode())
+		}
+		if err := copyFileInfo(fi, target); err != nil {
+			return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to copy file info")
+		}
+		if err := copyXAttrs(target, source, o.xeh); err != nil {
+			return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to copy xattrs")
+		}
+	}
+	return nil
+// CopyFile copies the source file to the target.
+// The most efficient means of copying is used for the platform.
+func CopyFile(target, source string) error {
+	src, err := os.Open(source)
+	if err != nil {
+		return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to open source %s", source)
+	}
+	defer src.Close()
+	tgt, err := os.Create(target)
+	if err != nil {
+		return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to open target %s", target)
+	}
+	defer tgt.Close()
+	return copyFileContent(tgt, src)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/fs/copy_linux.go b/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/fs/copy_linux.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81c7152
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/fs/copy_linux.go
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+   Copyright The containerd Authors.
+   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
+package fs
+import (
+	"io"
+	"os"
+	"syscall"
+	"github.com/containerd/continuity/sysx"
+	"github.com/pkg/errors"
+	"golang.org/x/sys/unix"
+func copyFileInfo(fi os.FileInfo, name string) error {
+	st := fi.Sys().(*syscall.Stat_t)
+	if err := os.Lchown(name, int(st.Uid), int(st.Gid)); err != nil {
+		if os.IsPermission(err) {
+			// Normally if uid/gid are the same this would be a no-op, but some
+			// filesystems may still return EPERM... for instance NFS does this.
+			// In such a case, this is not an error.
+			if dstStat, err2 := os.Lstat(name); err2 == nil {
+				st2 := dstStat.Sys().(*syscall.Stat_t)
+				if st.Uid == st2.Uid && st.Gid == st2.Gid {
+					err = nil
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if err != nil {
+			return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to chown %s", name)
+		}
+	}
+	if (fi.Mode() & os.ModeSymlink) != os.ModeSymlink {
+		if err := os.Chmod(name, fi.Mode()); err != nil {
+			return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to chmod %s", name)
+		}
+	}
+	timespec := []unix.Timespec{unix.Timespec(StatAtime(st)), unix.Timespec(StatMtime(st))}
+	if err := unix.UtimesNanoAt(unix.AT_FDCWD, name, timespec, unix.AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW); err != nil {
+		return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to utime %s", name)
+	}
+	return nil
+const maxSSizeT = int64(^uint(0) >> 1)
+func copyFileContent(dst, src *os.File) error {
+	st, err := src.Stat()
+	if err != nil {
+		return errors.Wrap(err, "unable to stat source")
+	}
+	size := st.Size()
+	first := true
+	srcFd := int(src.Fd())
+	dstFd := int(dst.Fd())
+	for size > 0 {
+		// Ensure that we are never trying to copy more than SSIZE_MAX at a
+		// time and at the same time avoids overflows when the file is larger
+		// than 4GB on 32-bit systems.
+		var copySize int
+		if size > maxSSizeT {
+			copySize = int(maxSSizeT)
+		} else {
+			copySize = int(size)
+		}
+		n, err := unix.CopyFileRange(srcFd, nil, dstFd, nil, copySize, 0)
+		if err != nil {
+			if (err != unix.ENOSYS && err != unix.EXDEV) || !first {
+				return errors.Wrap(err, "copy file range failed")
+			}
+			buf := bufferPool.Get().(*[]byte)
+			_, err = io.CopyBuffer(dst, src, *buf)
+			bufferPool.Put(buf)
+			return errors.Wrap(err, "userspace copy failed")
+		}
+		first = false
+		size -= int64(n)
+	}
+	return nil
+func copyXAttrs(dst, src string, xeh XAttrErrorHandler) error {
+	xattrKeys, err := sysx.LListxattr(src)
+	if err != nil {
+		e := errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to list xattrs on %s", src)
+		if xeh != nil {
+			e = xeh(dst, src, "", e)
+		}
+		return e
+	}
+	for _, xattr := range xattrKeys {
+		data, err := sysx.LGetxattr(src, xattr)
+		if err != nil {
+			e := errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to get xattr %q on %s", xattr, src)
+			if xeh != nil {
+				if e = xeh(dst, src, xattr, e); e == nil {
+					continue
+				}
+			}
+			return e
+		}
+		if err := sysx.LSetxattr(dst, xattr, data, 0); err != nil {
+			e := errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to set xattr %q on %s", xattr, dst)
+			if xeh != nil {
+				if e = xeh(dst, src, xattr, e); e == nil {
+					continue
+				}
+			}
+			return e
+		}
+	}
+	return nil
+func copyDevice(dst string, fi os.FileInfo) error {
+	st, ok := fi.Sys().(*syscall.Stat_t)
+	if !ok {
+		return errors.New("unsupported stat type")
+	}
+	return unix.Mknod(dst, uint32(fi.Mode()), int(st.Rdev))
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/fs/copy_unix.go b/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/fs/copy_unix.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73c01a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/fs/copy_unix.go
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+// +build solaris darwin freebsd
+   Copyright The containerd Authors.
+   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
+package fs
+import (
+	"io"
+	"os"
+	"syscall"
+	"github.com/containerd/continuity/sysx"
+	"github.com/pkg/errors"
+	"golang.org/x/sys/unix"
+func copyFileInfo(fi os.FileInfo, name string) error {
+	st := fi.Sys().(*syscall.Stat_t)
+	if err := os.Lchown(name, int(st.Uid), int(st.Gid)); err != nil {
+		if os.IsPermission(err) {
+			// Normally if uid/gid are the same this would be a no-op, but some
+			// filesystems may still return EPERM... for instance NFS does this.
+			// In such a case, this is not an error.
+			if dstStat, err2 := os.Lstat(name); err2 == nil {
+				st2 := dstStat.Sys().(*syscall.Stat_t)
+				if st.Uid == st2.Uid && st.Gid == st2.Gid {
+					err = nil
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if err != nil {
+			return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to chown %s", name)
+		}
+	}
+	if (fi.Mode() & os.ModeSymlink) != os.ModeSymlink {
+		if err := os.Chmod(name, fi.Mode()); err != nil {
+			return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to chmod %s", name)
+		}
+	}
+	timespec := []syscall.Timespec{StatAtime(st), StatMtime(st)}
+	if err := syscall.UtimesNano(name, timespec); err != nil {
+		return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to utime %s", name)
+	}
+	return nil
+func copyFileContent(dst, src *os.File) error {
+	buf := bufferPool.Get().(*[]byte)
+	_, err := io.CopyBuffer(dst, src, *buf)
+	bufferPool.Put(buf)
+	return err
+func copyXAttrs(dst, src string, xeh XAttrErrorHandler) error {
+	xattrKeys, err := sysx.LListxattr(src)
+	if err != nil {
+		e := errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to list xattrs on %s", src)
+		if xeh != nil {
+			e = xeh(dst, src, "", e)
+		}
+		return e
+	}
+	for _, xattr := range xattrKeys {
+		data, err := sysx.LGetxattr(src, xattr)
+		if err != nil {
+			e := errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to get xattr %q on %s", xattr, src)
+			if xeh != nil {
+				if e = xeh(dst, src, xattr, e); e == nil {
+					continue
+				}
+			}
+			return e
+		}
+		if err := sysx.LSetxattr(dst, xattr, data, 0); err != nil {
+			e := errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to set xattr %q on %s", xattr, dst)
+			if xeh != nil {
+				if e = xeh(dst, src, xattr, e); e == nil {
+					continue
+				}
+			}
+			return e
+		}
+	}
+	return nil
+func copyDevice(dst string, fi os.FileInfo) error {
+	st, ok := fi.Sys().(*syscall.Stat_t)
+	if !ok {
+		return errors.New("unsupported stat type")
+	}
+	return unix.Mknod(dst, uint32(fi.Mode()), int(st.Rdev))
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/fs/copy_windows.go b/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/fs/copy_windows.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27c7d7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/fs/copy_windows.go
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+   Copyright The containerd Authors.
+   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
+package fs
+import (
+	"io"
+	"os"
+	"github.com/pkg/errors"
+func copyFileInfo(fi os.FileInfo, name string) error {
+	if err := os.Chmod(name, fi.Mode()); err != nil {
+		return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to chmod %s", name)
+	}
+	// TODO: copy windows specific metadata
+	return nil
+func copyFileContent(dst, src *os.File) error {
+	buf := bufferPool.Get().(*[]byte)
+	_, err := io.CopyBuffer(dst, src, *buf)
+	bufferPool.Put(buf)
+	return err
+func copyXAttrs(dst, src string, xeh XAttrErrorHandler) error {
+	return nil
+func copyDevice(dst string, fi os.FileInfo) error {
+	return errors.New("device copy not supported")
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/fs/diff.go b/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/fs/diff.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e64f9e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/fs/diff.go
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+   Copyright The containerd Authors.
+   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
+package fs
+import (
+	"context"
+	"os"
+	"path/filepath"
+	"strings"
+	"golang.org/x/sync/errgroup"
+	"github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
+// ChangeKind is the type of modification that
+// a change is making.
+type ChangeKind int
+const (
+	// ChangeKindUnmodified represents an unmodified
+	// file
+	ChangeKindUnmodified = iota
+	// ChangeKindAdd represents an addition of
+	// a file
+	ChangeKindAdd
+	// ChangeKindModify represents a change to
+	// an existing file
+	ChangeKindModify
+	// ChangeKindDelete represents a delete of
+	// a file
+	ChangeKindDelete
+func (k ChangeKind) String() string {
+	switch k {
+	case ChangeKindUnmodified:
+		return "unmodified"
+	case ChangeKindAdd:
+		return "add"
+	case ChangeKindModify:
+		return "modify"
+	case ChangeKindDelete:
+		return "delete"
+	default:
+		return ""
+	}
+// Change represents single change between a diff and its parent.
+type Change struct {
+	Kind ChangeKind
+	Path string
+// ChangeFunc is the type of function called for each change
+// computed during a directory changes calculation.
+type ChangeFunc func(ChangeKind, string, os.FileInfo, error) error
+// Changes computes changes between two directories calling the
+// given change function for each computed change. The first
+// directory is intended to the base directory and second
+// directory the changed directory.
+// The change callback is called by the order of path names and
+// should be appliable in that order.
+//  Due to this apply ordering, the following is true
+//  - Removed directory trees only create a single change for the root
+//    directory removed. Remaining changes are implied.
+//  - A directory which is modified to become a file will not have
+//    delete entries for sub-path items, their removal is implied
+//    by the removal of the parent directory.
+// Opaque directories will not be treated specially and each file
+// removed from the base directory will show up as a removal.
+// File content comparisons will be done on files which have timestamps
+// which may have been truncated. If either of the files being compared
+// has a zero value nanosecond value, each byte will be compared for
+// differences. If 2 files have the same seconds value but different
+// nanosecond values where one of those values is zero, the files will
+// be considered unchanged if the content is the same. This behavior
+// is to account for timestamp truncation during archiving.
+func Changes(ctx context.Context, a, b string, changeFn ChangeFunc) error {
+	if a == "" {
+		logrus.Debugf("Using single walk diff for %s", b)
+		return addDirChanges(ctx, changeFn, b)
+	} else if diffOptions := detectDirDiff(b, a); diffOptions != nil {
+		logrus.Debugf("Using single walk diff for %s from %s", diffOptions.diffDir, a)
+		return diffDirChanges(ctx, changeFn, a, diffOptions)
+	}
+	logrus.Debugf("Using double walk diff for %s from %s", b, a)
+	return doubleWalkDiff(ctx, changeFn, a, b)
+func addDirChanges(ctx context.Context, changeFn ChangeFunc, root string) error {
+	return filepath.Walk(root, func(path string, f os.FileInfo, err error) error {
+		if err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+		// Rebase path
+		path, err = filepath.Rel(root, path)
+		if err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+		path = filepath.Join(string(os.PathSeparator), path)
+		// Skip root
+		if path == string(os.PathSeparator) {
+			return nil
+		}
+		return changeFn(ChangeKindAdd, path, f, nil)
+	})
+// diffDirOptions is used when the diff can be directly calculated from
+// a diff directory to its base, without walking both trees.
+type diffDirOptions struct {
+	diffDir      string
+	skipChange   func(string) (bool, error)
+	deleteChange func(string, string, os.FileInfo) (string, error)
+// diffDirChanges walks the diff directory and compares changes against the base.
+func diffDirChanges(ctx context.Context, changeFn ChangeFunc, base string, o *diffDirOptions) error {
+	changedDirs := make(map[string]struct{})
+	return filepath.Walk(o.diffDir, func(path string, f os.FileInfo, err error) error {
+		if err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+		// Rebase path
+		path, err = filepath.Rel(o.diffDir, path)
+		if err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+		path = filepath.Join(string(os.PathSeparator), path)
+		// Skip root
+		if path == string(os.PathSeparator) {
+			return nil
+		}
+		// TODO: handle opaqueness, start new double walker at this
+		// location to get deletes, and skip tree in single walker
+		if o.skipChange != nil {
+			if skip, err := o.skipChange(path); skip {
+				return err
+			}
+		}
+		var kind ChangeKind
+		deletedFile, err := o.deleteChange(o.diffDir, path, f)
+		if err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+		// Find out what kind of modification happened
+		if deletedFile != "" {
+			path = deletedFile
+			kind = ChangeKindDelete
+			f = nil
+		} else {
+			// Otherwise, the file was added
+			kind = ChangeKindAdd
+			// ...Unless it already existed in a base, in which case, it's a modification
+			stat, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(base, path))
+			if err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
+				return err
+			}
+			if err == nil {
+				// The file existed in the base, so that's a modification
+				// However, if it's a directory, maybe it wasn't actually modified.
+				// If you modify /foo/bar/baz, then /foo will be part of the changed files only because it's the parent of bar
+				if stat.IsDir() && f.IsDir() {
+					if f.Size() == stat.Size() && f.Mode() == stat.Mode() && sameFsTime(f.ModTime(), stat.ModTime()) {
+						// Both directories are the same, don't record the change
+						return nil
+					}
+				}
+				kind = ChangeKindModify
+			}
+		}
+		// If /foo/bar/file.txt is modified, then /foo/bar must be part of the changed files.
+		// This block is here to ensure the change is recorded even if the
+		// modify time, mode and size of the parent directory in the rw and ro layers are all equal.
+		// Check https://github.com/docker/docker/pull/13590 for details.
+		if f.IsDir() {
+			changedDirs[path] = struct{}{}
+		}
+		if kind == ChangeKindAdd || kind == ChangeKindDelete {
+			parent := filepath.Dir(path)
+			if _, ok := changedDirs[parent]; !ok && parent != "/" {
+				pi, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(o.diffDir, parent))
+				if err := changeFn(ChangeKindModify, parent, pi, err); err != nil {
+					return err
+				}
+				changedDirs[parent] = struct{}{}
+			}
+		}
+		return changeFn(kind, path, f, nil)
+	})
+// doubleWalkDiff walks both directories to create a diff
+func doubleWalkDiff(ctx context.Context, changeFn ChangeFunc, a, b string) (err error) {
+	g, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
+	var (
+		c1 = make(chan *currentPath)
+		c2 = make(chan *currentPath)
+		f1, f2 *currentPath
+		rmdir  string
+	)
+	g.Go(func() error {
+		defer close(c1)
+		return pathWalk(ctx, a, c1)
+	})
+	g.Go(func() error {
+		defer close(c2)
+		return pathWalk(ctx, b, c2)
+	})
+	g.Go(func() error {
+		for c1 != nil || c2 != nil {
+			if f1 == nil && c1 != nil {
+				f1, err = nextPath(ctx, c1)
+				if err != nil {
+					return err
+				}
+				if f1 == nil {
+					c1 = nil
+				}
+			}
+			if f2 == nil && c2 != nil {
+				f2, err = nextPath(ctx, c2)
+				if err != nil {
+					return err
+				}
+				if f2 == nil {
+					c2 = nil
+				}
+			}
+			if f1 == nil && f2 == nil {
+				continue
+			}
+			var f os.FileInfo
+			k, p := pathChange(f1, f2)
+			switch k {
+			case ChangeKindAdd:
+				if rmdir != "" {
+					rmdir = ""
+				}
+				f = f2.f
+				f2 = nil
+			case ChangeKindDelete:
+				// Check if this file is already removed by being
+				// under of a removed directory
+				if rmdir != "" && strings.HasPrefix(f1.path, rmdir) {
+					f1 = nil
+					continue
+				} else if f1.f.IsDir() {
+					rmdir = f1.path + string(os.PathSeparator)
+				} else if rmdir != "" {
+					rmdir = ""
+				}
+				f1 = nil
+			case ChangeKindModify:
+				same, err := sameFile(f1, f2)
+				if err != nil {
+					return err
+				}
+				if f1.f.IsDir() && !f2.f.IsDir() {
+					rmdir = f1.path + string(os.PathSeparator)
+				} else if rmdir != "" {
+					rmdir = ""
+				}
+				f = f2.f
+				f1 = nil
+				f2 = nil
+				if same {
+					if !isLinked(f) {
+						continue
+					}
+					k = ChangeKindUnmodified
+				}
+			}
+			if err := changeFn(k, p, f, nil); err != nil {
+				return err
+			}
+		}
+		return nil
+	})
+	return g.Wait()
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/fs/diff_unix.go b/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/fs/diff_unix.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7913af2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/fs/diff_unix.go
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+// +build !windows
+   Copyright The containerd Authors.
+   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
+package fs
+import (
+	"bytes"
+	"os"
+	"syscall"
+	"github.com/containerd/continuity/sysx"
+	"github.com/pkg/errors"
+// detectDirDiff returns diff dir options if a directory could
+// be found in the mount info for upper which is the direct
+// diff with the provided lower directory
+func detectDirDiff(upper, lower string) *diffDirOptions {
+	// TODO: get mount options for upper
+	// TODO: detect AUFS
+	// TODO: detect overlay
+	return nil
+// compareSysStat returns whether the stats are equivalent,
+// whether the files are considered the same file, and
+// an error
+func compareSysStat(s1, s2 interface{}) (bool, error) {
+	ls1, ok := s1.(*syscall.Stat_t)
+	if !ok {
+		return false, nil
+	}
+	ls2, ok := s2.(*syscall.Stat_t)
+	if !ok {
+		return false, nil
+	}
+	return ls1.Mode == ls2.Mode && ls1.Uid == ls2.Uid && ls1.Gid == ls2.Gid && ls1.Rdev == ls2.Rdev, nil
+func compareCapabilities(p1, p2 string) (bool, error) {
+	c1, err := sysx.LGetxattr(p1, "security.capability")
+	if err != nil && err != sysx.ENODATA {
+		return false, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to get xattr for %s", p1)
+	}
+	c2, err := sysx.LGetxattr(p2, "security.capability")
+	if err != nil && err != sysx.ENODATA {
+		return false, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to get xattr for %s", p2)
+	}
+	return bytes.Equal(c1, c2), nil
+func isLinked(f os.FileInfo) bool {
+	s, ok := f.Sys().(*syscall.Stat_t)
+	if !ok {
+		return false
+	}
+	return !f.IsDir() && s.Nlink > 1
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/fs/diff_windows.go b/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/fs/diff_windows.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4bfa72d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/fs/diff_windows.go
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+   Copyright The containerd Authors.
+   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
+package fs
+import (
+	"os"
+	"golang.org/x/sys/windows"
+func detectDirDiff(upper, lower string) *diffDirOptions {
+	return nil
+func compareSysStat(s1, s2 interface{}) (bool, error) {
+	f1, ok := s1.(windows.Win32FileAttributeData)
+	if !ok {
+		return false, nil
+	}
+	f2, ok := s2.(windows.Win32FileAttributeData)
+	if !ok {
+		return false, nil
+	}
+	return f1.FileAttributes == f2.FileAttributes, nil
+func compareCapabilities(p1, p2 string) (bool, error) {
+	// TODO: Use windows equivalent
+	return true, nil
+func isLinked(os.FileInfo) bool {
+	return false
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/fs/dtype_linux.go b/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/fs/dtype_linux.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10510d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/fs/dtype_linux.go
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+// +build linux
+   Copyright The containerd Authors.
+   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
+package fs
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	"io/ioutil"
+	"os"
+	"syscall"
+	"unsafe"
+func locateDummyIfEmpty(path string) (string, error) {
+	children, err := ioutil.ReadDir(path)
+	if err != nil {
+		return "", err
+	}
+	if len(children) != 0 {
+		return "", nil
+	}
+	dummyFile, err := ioutil.TempFile(path, "fsutils-dummy")
+	if err != nil {
+		return "", err
+	}
+	name := dummyFile.Name()
+	err = dummyFile.Close()
+	return name, err
+// SupportsDType returns whether the filesystem mounted on path supports d_type
+func SupportsDType(path string) (bool, error) {
+	// locate dummy so that we have at least one dirent
+	dummy, err := locateDummyIfEmpty(path)
+	if err != nil {
+		return false, err
+	}
+	if dummy != "" {
+		defer os.Remove(dummy)
+	}
+	visited := 0
+	supportsDType := true
+	fn := func(ent *syscall.Dirent) bool {
+		visited++
+		if ent.Type == syscall.DT_UNKNOWN {
+			supportsDType = false
+			// stop iteration
+			return true
+		}
+		// continue iteration
+		return false
+	}
+	if err = iterateReadDir(path, fn); err != nil {
+		return false, err
+	}
+	if visited == 0 {
+		return false, fmt.Errorf("did not hit any dirent during iteration %s", path)
+	}
+	return supportsDType, nil
+func iterateReadDir(path string, fn func(*syscall.Dirent) bool) error {
+	d, err := os.Open(path)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	defer d.Close()
+	fd := int(d.Fd())
+	buf := make([]byte, 4096)
+	for {
+		nbytes, err := syscall.ReadDirent(fd, buf)
+		if err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+		if nbytes == 0 {
+			break
+		}
+		for off := 0; off < nbytes; {
+			ent := (*syscall.Dirent)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf[off]))
+			if stop := fn(ent); stop {
+				return nil
+			}
+			off += int(ent.Reclen)
+		}
+	}
+	return nil
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/fs/du.go b/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/fs/du.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fccc985
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/fs/du.go
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+   Copyright The containerd Authors.
+   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
+package fs
+import "context"
+// Usage of disk information
+type Usage struct {
+	Inodes int64
+	Size   int64
+// DiskUsage counts the number of inodes and disk usage for the resources under
+// path.
+func DiskUsage(ctx context.Context, roots ...string) (Usage, error) {
+	return diskUsage(ctx, roots...)
+// DiffUsage counts the numbers of inodes and disk usage in the
+// diff between the 2 directories. The first path is intended
+// as the base directory and the second as the changed directory.
+func DiffUsage(ctx context.Context, a, b string) (Usage, error) {
+	return diffUsage(ctx, a, b)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/fs/du_unix.go b/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/fs/du_unix.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e22ffbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/fs/du_unix.go
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+// +build !windows
+   Copyright The containerd Authors.
+   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
+package fs
+import (
+	"context"
+	"os"
+	"path/filepath"
+	"syscall"
+type inode struct {
+	// TODO(stevvooe): Can probably reduce memory usage by not tracking
+	// device, but we can leave this right for now.
+	dev, ino uint64
+func newInode(stat *syscall.Stat_t) inode {
+	return inode{
+		// Dev is uint32 on darwin/bsd, uint64 on linux/solaris
+		dev: uint64(stat.Dev), // nolint: unconvert
+		// Ino is uint32 on bsd, uint64 on darwin/linux/solaris
+		ino: uint64(stat.Ino), // nolint: unconvert
+	}
+func diskUsage(ctx context.Context, roots ...string) (Usage, error) {
+	var (
+		size   int64
+		inodes = map[inode]struct{}{} // expensive!
+	)
+	for _, root := range roots {
+		if err := filepath.Walk(root, func(path string, fi os.FileInfo, err error) error {
+			if err != nil {
+				return err
+			}
+			select {
+			case <-ctx.Done():
+				return ctx.Err()
+			default:
+			}
+			inoKey := newInode(fi.Sys().(*syscall.Stat_t))
+			if _, ok := inodes[inoKey]; !ok {
+				inodes[inoKey] = struct{}{}
+				size += fi.Size()
+			}
+			return nil
+		}); err != nil {
+			return Usage{}, err
+		}
+	}
+	return Usage{
+		Inodes: int64(len(inodes)),
+		Size:   size,
+	}, nil
+func diffUsage(ctx context.Context, a, b string) (Usage, error) {
+	var (
+		size   int64
+		inodes = map[inode]struct{}{} // expensive!
+	)
+	if err := Changes(ctx, a, b, func(kind ChangeKind, _ string, fi os.FileInfo, err error) error {
+		if err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+		if kind == ChangeKindAdd || kind == ChangeKindModify {
+			inoKey := newInode(fi.Sys().(*syscall.Stat_t))
+			if _, ok := inodes[inoKey]; !ok {
+				inodes[inoKey] = struct{}{}
+				size += fi.Size()
+			}
+			return nil
+		}
+		return nil
+	}); err != nil {
+		return Usage{}, err
+	}
+	return Usage{
+		Inodes: int64(len(inodes)),
+		Size:   size,
+	}, nil
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/fs/du_windows.go b/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/fs/du_windows.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f25ec5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/fs/du_windows.go
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+// +build windows
+   Copyright The containerd Authors.
+   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
+package fs
+import (
+	"context"
+	"os"
+	"path/filepath"
+func diskUsage(ctx context.Context, roots ...string) (Usage, error) {
+	var (
+		size int64
+	)
+	// TODO(stevvooe): Support inodes (or equivalent) for windows.
+	for _, root := range roots {
+		if err := filepath.Walk(root, func(path string, fi os.FileInfo, err error) error {
+			if err != nil {
+				return err
+			}
+			select {
+			case <-ctx.Done():
+				return ctx.Err()
+			default:
+			}
+			size += fi.Size()
+			return nil
+		}); err != nil {
+			return Usage{}, err
+		}
+	}
+	return Usage{
+		Size: size,
+	}, nil
+func diffUsage(ctx context.Context, a, b string) (Usage, error) {
+	var (
+		size int64
+	)
+	if err := Changes(ctx, a, b, func(kind ChangeKind, _ string, fi os.FileInfo, err error) error {
+		if err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+		if kind == ChangeKindAdd || kind == ChangeKindModify {
+			size += fi.Size()
+			return nil
+		}
+		return nil
+	}); err != nil {
+		return Usage{}, err
+	}
+	return Usage{
+		Size: size,
+	}, nil
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/fs/hardlink.go b/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/fs/hardlink.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..762aa45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/fs/hardlink.go
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+   Copyright The containerd Authors.
+   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
+package fs
+import "os"
+// GetLinkInfo returns an identifier representing the node a hardlink is pointing
+// to. If the file is not hard linked then 0 will be returned.
+func GetLinkInfo(fi os.FileInfo) (uint64, bool) {
+	return getLinkInfo(fi)
+// getLinkSource returns a path for the given name and
+// file info to its link source in the provided inode
+// map. If the given file name is not in the map and
+// has other links, it is added to the inode map
+// to be a source for other link locations.
+func getLinkSource(name string, fi os.FileInfo, inodes map[uint64]string) (string, error) {
+	inode, isHardlink := getLinkInfo(fi)
+	if !isHardlink {
+		return "", nil
+	}
+	path, ok := inodes[inode]
+	if !ok {
+		inodes[inode] = name
+	}
+	return path, nil
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/fs/hardlink_unix.go b/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/fs/hardlink_unix.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f95f090
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/fs/hardlink_unix.go
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+// +build !windows
+   Copyright The containerd Authors.
+   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
+package fs
+import (
+	"os"
+	"syscall"
+func getLinkInfo(fi os.FileInfo) (uint64, bool) {
+	s, ok := fi.Sys().(*syscall.Stat_t)
+	if !ok {
+		return 0, false
+	}
+	// Ino is uint32 on bsd, uint64 on darwin/linux/solaris
+	return uint64(s.Ino), !fi.IsDir() && s.Nlink > 1 // nolint: unconvert
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/fs/hardlink_windows.go b/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/fs/hardlink_windows.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7485547
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/fs/hardlink_windows.go
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+   Copyright The containerd Authors.
+   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
+package fs
+import "os"
+func getLinkInfo(fi os.FileInfo) (uint64, bool) {
+	return 0, false
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/fs/path.go b/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/fs/path.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8863caa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/fs/path.go
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+   Copyright The containerd Authors.
+   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
+package fs
+import (
+	"bytes"
+	"context"
+	"io"
+	"os"
+	"path/filepath"
+	"github.com/pkg/errors"
+var (
+	errTooManyLinks = errors.New("too many links")
+type currentPath struct {
+	path     string
+	f        os.FileInfo
+	fullPath string
+func pathChange(lower, upper *currentPath) (ChangeKind, string) {
+	if lower == nil {
+		if upper == nil {
+			panic("cannot compare nil paths")
+		}
+		return ChangeKindAdd, upper.path
+	}
+	if upper == nil {
+		return ChangeKindDelete, lower.path
+	}
+	switch i := directoryCompare(lower.path, upper.path); {
+	case i < 0:
+		// File in lower that is not in upper
+		return ChangeKindDelete, lower.path
+	case i > 0:
+		// File in upper that is not in lower
+		return ChangeKindAdd, upper.path
+	default:
+		return ChangeKindModify, upper.path
+	}
+func directoryCompare(a, b string) int {
+	l := len(a)
+	if len(b) < l {
+		l = len(b)
+	}
+	for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
+		c1, c2 := a[i], b[i]
+		if c1 == filepath.Separator {
+			c1 = byte(0)
+		}
+		if c2 == filepath.Separator {
+			c2 = byte(0)
+		}
+		if c1 < c2 {
+			return -1
+		}
+		if c1 > c2 {
+			return +1
+		}
+	}
+	if len(a) < len(b) {
+		return -1
+	}
+	if len(a) > len(b) {
+		return +1
+	}
+	return 0
+func sameFile(f1, f2 *currentPath) (bool, error) {
+	if os.SameFile(f1.f, f2.f) {
+		return true, nil
+	}
+	equalStat, err := compareSysStat(f1.f.Sys(), f2.f.Sys())
+	if err != nil || !equalStat {
+		return equalStat, err
+	}
+	if eq, err := compareCapabilities(f1.fullPath, f2.fullPath); err != nil || !eq {
+		return eq, err
+	}
+	// If not a directory also check size, modtime, and content
+	if !f1.f.IsDir() {
+		if f1.f.Size() != f2.f.Size() {
+			return false, nil
+		}
+		t1 := f1.f.ModTime()
+		t2 := f2.f.ModTime()
+		if t1.Unix() != t2.Unix() {
+			return false, nil
+		}
+		// If the timestamp may have been truncated in both of the
+		// files, check content of file to determine difference
+		if t1.Nanosecond() == 0 && t2.Nanosecond() == 0 {
+			var eq bool
+			if (f1.f.Mode() & os.ModeSymlink) == os.ModeSymlink {
+				eq, err = compareSymlinkTarget(f1.fullPath, f2.fullPath)
+			} else if f1.f.Size() > 0 {
+				eq, err = compareFileContent(f1.fullPath, f2.fullPath)
+			}
+			if err != nil || !eq {
+				return eq, err
+			}
+		} else if t1.Nanosecond() != t2.Nanosecond() {
+			return false, nil
+		}
+	}
+	return true, nil
+func compareSymlinkTarget(p1, p2 string) (bool, error) {
+	t1, err := os.Readlink(p1)
+	if err != nil {
+		return false, err
+	}
+	t2, err := os.Readlink(p2)
+	if err != nil {
+		return false, err
+	}
+	return t1 == t2, nil
+const compareChuckSize = 32 * 1024
+// compareFileContent compares the content of 2 same sized files
+// by comparing each byte.
+func compareFileContent(p1, p2 string) (bool, error) {
+	f1, err := os.Open(p1)
+	if err != nil {
+		return false, err
+	}
+	defer f1.Close()
+	f2, err := os.Open(p2)
+	if err != nil {
+		return false, err
+	}
+	defer f2.Close()
+	b1 := make([]byte, compareChuckSize)
+	b2 := make([]byte, compareChuckSize)
+	for {
+		n1, err1 := f1.Read(b1)
+		if err1 != nil && err1 != io.EOF {
+			return false, err1
+		}
+		n2, err2 := f2.Read(b2)
+		if err2 != nil && err2 != io.EOF {
+			return false, err2
+		}
+		if n1 != n2 || !bytes.Equal(b1[:n1], b2[:n2]) {
+			return false, nil
+		}
+		if err1 == io.EOF && err2 == io.EOF {
+			return true, nil
+		}
+	}
+func pathWalk(ctx context.Context, root string, pathC chan<- *currentPath) error {
+	return filepath.Walk(root, func(path string, f os.FileInfo, err error) error {
+		if err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+		// Rebase path
+		path, err = filepath.Rel(root, path)
+		if err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+		path = filepath.Join(string(os.PathSeparator), path)
+		// Skip root
+		if path == string(os.PathSeparator) {
+			return nil
+		}
+		p := &currentPath{
+			path:     path,
+			f:        f,
+			fullPath: filepath.Join(root, path),
+		}
+		select {
+		case <-ctx.Done():
+			return ctx.Err()
+		case pathC <- p:
+			return nil
+		}
+	})
+func nextPath(ctx context.Context, pathC <-chan *currentPath) (*currentPath, error) {
+	select {
+	case <-ctx.Done():
+		return nil, ctx.Err()
+	case p := <-pathC:
+		return p, nil
+	}
+// RootPath joins a path with a root, evaluating and bounding any
+// symlink to the root directory.
+func RootPath(root, path string) (string, error) {
+	if path == "" {
+		return root, nil
+	}
+	var linksWalked int // to protect against cycles
+	for {
+		i := linksWalked
+		newpath, err := walkLinks(root, path, &linksWalked)
+		if err != nil {
+			return "", err
+		}
+		path = newpath
+		if i == linksWalked {
+			newpath = filepath.Join("/", newpath)
+			if path == newpath {
+				return filepath.Join(root, newpath), nil
+			}
+			path = newpath
+		}
+	}
+func walkLink(root, path string, linksWalked *int) (newpath string, islink bool, err error) {
+	if *linksWalked > 255 {
+		return "", false, errTooManyLinks
+	}
+	path = filepath.Join("/", path)
+	if path == "/" {
+		return path, false, nil
+	}
+	realPath := filepath.Join(root, path)
+	fi, err := os.Lstat(realPath)
+	if err != nil {
+		// If path does not yet exist, treat as non-symlink
+		if os.IsNotExist(err) {
+			return path, false, nil
+		}
+		return "", false, err
+	}
+	if fi.Mode()&os.ModeSymlink == 0 {
+		return path, false, nil
+	}
+	newpath, err = os.Readlink(realPath)
+	if err != nil {
+		return "", false, err
+	}
+	*linksWalked++
+	return newpath, true, nil
+func walkLinks(root, path string, linksWalked *int) (string, error) {
+	switch dir, file := filepath.Split(path); {
+	case dir == "":
+		newpath, _, err := walkLink(root, file, linksWalked)
+		return newpath, err
+	case file == "":
+		if os.IsPathSeparator(dir[len(dir)-1]) {
+			if dir == "/" {
+				return dir, nil
+			}
+			return walkLinks(root, dir[:len(dir)-1], linksWalked)
+		}
+		newpath, _, err := walkLink(root, dir, linksWalked)
+		return newpath, err
+	default:
+		newdir, err := walkLinks(root, dir, linksWalked)
+		if err != nil {
+			return "", err
+		}
+		newpath, islink, err := walkLink(root, filepath.Join(newdir, file), linksWalked)
+		if err != nil {
+			return "", err
+		}
+		if !islink {
+			return newpath, nil
+		}
+		if filepath.IsAbs(newpath) {
+			return newpath, nil
+		}
+		return filepath.Join(newdir, newpath), nil
+	}
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/fs/stat_bsd.go b/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/fs/stat_bsd.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb7400a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/fs/stat_bsd.go
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+// +build darwin freebsd
+   Copyright The containerd Authors.
+   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
+package fs
+import (
+	"syscall"
+	"time"
+// StatAtime returns the access time from a stat struct
+func StatAtime(st *syscall.Stat_t) syscall.Timespec {
+	return st.Atimespec
+// StatCtime returns the created time from a stat struct
+func StatCtime(st *syscall.Stat_t) syscall.Timespec {
+	return st.Ctimespec
+// StatMtime returns the modified time from a stat struct
+func StatMtime(st *syscall.Stat_t) syscall.Timespec {
+	return st.Mtimespec
+// StatATimeAsTime returns the access time as a time.Time
+func StatATimeAsTime(st *syscall.Stat_t) time.Time {
+	return time.Unix(int64(st.Atimespec.Sec), int64(st.Atimespec.Nsec)) // nolint: unconvert
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/fs/stat_linux.go b/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/fs/stat_linux.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a678dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/fs/stat_linux.go
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+   Copyright The containerd Authors.
+   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
+package fs
+import (
+	"syscall"
+	"time"
+// StatAtime returns the Atim
+func StatAtime(st *syscall.Stat_t) syscall.Timespec {
+	return st.Atim
+// StatCtime returns the Ctim
+func StatCtime(st *syscall.Stat_t) syscall.Timespec {
+	return st.Ctim
+// StatMtime returns the Mtim
+func StatMtime(st *syscall.Stat_t) syscall.Timespec {
+	return st.Mtim
+// StatATimeAsTime returns st.Atim as a time.Time
+func StatATimeAsTime(st *syscall.Stat_t) time.Time {
+	// The int64 conversions ensure the line compiles for 32-bit systems as well.
+	return time.Unix(int64(st.Atim.Sec), int64(st.Atim.Nsec)) // nolint: unconvert
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/fs/time.go b/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/fs/time.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cde4561
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/fs/time.go
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+   Copyright The containerd Authors.
+   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
+package fs
+import "time"
+// Gnu tar and the go tar writer don't have sub-second mtime
+// precision, which is problematic when we apply changes via tar
+// files, we handle this by comparing for exact times, *or* same
+// second count and either a or b having exactly 0 nanoseconds
+func sameFsTime(a, b time.Time) bool {
+	return a == b ||
+		(a.Unix() == b.Unix() &&
+			(a.Nanosecond() == 0 || b.Nanosecond() == 0))
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/syscallx/syscall_unix.go b/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/syscallx/syscall_unix.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0bfa6a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/syscallx/syscall_unix.go
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+// +build !windows
+   Copyright The containerd Authors.
+   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
+package syscallx
+import "syscall"
+// Readlink returns the destination of the named symbolic link.
+func Readlink(path string, buf []byte) (n int, err error) {
+	return syscall.Readlink(path, buf)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/syscallx/syscall_windows.go b/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/syscallx/syscall_windows.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ba8149
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/syscallx/syscall_windows.go
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+   Copyright The containerd Authors.
+   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
+package syscallx
+import (
+	"syscall"
+	"unsafe"
+type reparseDataBuffer struct {
+	ReparseTag        uint32
+	ReparseDataLength uint16
+	Reserved          uint16
+	// GenericReparseBuffer
+	reparseBuffer byte
+type mountPointReparseBuffer struct {
+	SubstituteNameOffset uint16
+	SubstituteNameLength uint16
+	PrintNameOffset      uint16
+	PrintNameLength      uint16
+	PathBuffer           [1]uint16
+type symbolicLinkReparseBuffer struct {
+	SubstituteNameOffset uint16
+	SubstituteNameLength uint16
+	PrintNameOffset      uint16
+	PrintNameLength      uint16
+	Flags                uint32
+	PathBuffer           [1]uint16
+const (
+// Readlink returns the destination of the named symbolic link.
+func Readlink(path string, buf []byte) (n int, err error) {
+	fd, err := syscall.CreateFile(syscall.StringToUTF16Ptr(path), syscall.GENERIC_READ, 0, nil, syscall.OPEN_EXISTING,
+	if err != nil {
+		return -1, err
+	}
+	defer syscall.CloseHandle(fd)
+	rdbbuf := make([]byte, syscall.MAXIMUM_REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER_SIZE)
+	var bytesReturned uint32
+	err = syscall.DeviceIoControl(fd, syscall.FSCTL_GET_REPARSE_POINT, nil, 0, &rdbbuf[0], uint32(len(rdbbuf)), &bytesReturned, nil)
+	if err != nil {
+		return -1, err
+	}
+	rdb := (*reparseDataBuffer)(unsafe.Pointer(&rdbbuf[0]))
+	var s string
+	switch rdb.ReparseTag {
+	case syscall.IO_REPARSE_TAG_SYMLINK:
+		data := (*symbolicLinkReparseBuffer)(unsafe.Pointer(&rdb.reparseBuffer))
+		p := (*[0xffff]uint16)(unsafe.Pointer(&data.PathBuffer[0]))
+		s = syscall.UTF16ToString(p[data.SubstituteNameOffset/2 : (data.SubstituteNameOffset+data.SubstituteNameLength)/2])
+		if data.Flags&_SYMLINK_FLAG_RELATIVE == 0 {
+			if len(s) >= 4 && s[:4] == `\??\` {
+				s = s[4:]
+				switch {
+				case len(s) >= 2 && s[1] == ':': // \??\C:\foo\bar
+					// do nothing
+				case len(s) >= 4 && s[:4] == `UNC\`: // \??\UNC\foo\bar
+					s = `\\` + s[4:]
+				default:
+					// unexpected; do nothing
+				}
+			} else {
+				// unexpected; do nothing
+			}
+		}
+		data := (*mountPointReparseBuffer)(unsafe.Pointer(&rdb.reparseBuffer))
+		p := (*[0xffff]uint16)(unsafe.Pointer(&data.PathBuffer[0]))
+		s = syscall.UTF16ToString(p[data.SubstituteNameOffset/2 : (data.SubstituteNameOffset+data.SubstituteNameLength)/2])
+		if len(s) >= 4 && s[:4] == `\??\` { // \??\C:\foo\bar
+			if len(s) < 48 || s[:11] != `\??\Volume{` {
+				s = s[4:]
+			}
+		} else {
+			// unexpected; do nothing
+		}
+	default:
+		// the path is not a symlink or junction but another type of reparse
+		// point
+		return -1, syscall.ENOENT
+	}
+	n = copy(buf, []byte(s))
+	return n, nil
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/sysx/README.md b/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/sysx/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad7aee5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/sysx/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+This package is for internal use only. It is intended to only have
+temporary changes before they are upstreamed to golang.org/x/sys/
+(a.k.a. https://github.com/golang/sys).
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/sysx/file_posix.go b/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/sysx/file_posix.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e28f3a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/sysx/file_posix.go
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+   Copyright The containerd Authors.
+   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
+package sysx
+import (
+	"os"
+	"path/filepath"
+	"github.com/containerd/continuity/syscallx"
+// Readlink returns the destination of the named symbolic link.
+// If there is an error, it will be of type *PathError.
+func Readlink(name string) (string, error) {
+	for len := 128; ; len *= 2 {
+		b := make([]byte, len)
+		n, e := fixCount(syscallx.Readlink(fixLongPath(name), b))
+		if e != nil {
+			return "", &os.PathError{Op: "readlink", Path: name, Err: e}
+		}
+		if n < len {
+			return string(b[0:n]), nil
+		}
+	}
+// Many functions in package syscall return a count of -1 instead of 0.
+// Using fixCount(call()) instead of call() corrects the count.
+func fixCount(n int, err error) (int, error) {
+	if n < 0 {
+		n = 0
+	}
+	return n, err
+// fixLongPath returns the extended-length (\\?\-prefixed) form of
+// path when needed, in order to avoid the default 260 character file
+// path limit imposed by Windows. If path is not easily converted to
+// the extended-length form (for example, if path is a relative path
+// or contains .. elements), or is short enough, fixLongPath returns
+// path unmodified.
+// See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa365247(v=vs.85).aspx#maxpath
+func fixLongPath(path string) string {
+	// Do nothing (and don't allocate) if the path is "short".
+	// Empirically (at least on the Windows Server 2013 builder),
+	// the kernel is arbitrarily okay with < 248 bytes. That
+	// matches what the docs above say:
+	// "When using an API to create a directory, the specified
+	// path cannot be so long that you cannot append an 8.3 file
+	// name (that is, the directory name cannot exceed MAX_PATH
+	// minus 12)." Since MAX_PATH is 260, 260 - 12 = 248.
+	//
+	// The MSDN docs appear to say that a normal path that is 248 bytes long
+	// will work; empirically the path must be less then 248 bytes long.
+	if len(path) < 248 {
+		// Don't fix. (This is how Go 1.7 and earlier worked,
+		// not automatically generating the \\?\ form)
+		return path
+	}
+	// The extended form begins with \\?\, as in
+	// \\?\c:\windows\foo.txt or \\?\UNC\server\share\foo.txt.
+	// The extended form disables evaluation of . and .. path
+	// elements and disables the interpretation of / as equivalent
+	// to \. The conversion here rewrites / to \ and elides
+	// . elements as well as trailing or duplicate separators. For
+	// simplicity it avoids the conversion entirely for relative
+	// paths or paths containing .. elements. For now,
+	// \\server\share paths are not converted to
+	// \\?\UNC\server\share paths because the rules for doing so
+	// are less well-specified.
+	if len(path) >= 2 && path[:2] == `\\` {
+		// Don't canonicalize UNC paths.
+		return path
+	}
+	if !filepath.IsAbs(path) {
+		// Relative path
+		return path
+	}
+	const prefix = `\\?`
+	pathbuf := make([]byte, len(prefix)+len(path)+len(`\`))
+	copy(pathbuf, prefix)
+	n := len(path)
+	r, w := 0, len(prefix)
+	for r < n {
+		switch {
+		case os.IsPathSeparator(path[r]):
+			// empty block
+			r++
+		case path[r] == '.' && (r+1 == n || os.IsPathSeparator(path[r+1])):
+			// /./
+			r++
+		case r+1 < n && path[r] == '.' && path[r+1] == '.' && (r+2 == n || os.IsPathSeparator(path[r+2])):
+			// /../ is currently unhandled
+			return path
+		default:
+			pathbuf[w] = '\\'
+			w++
+			for ; r < n && !os.IsPathSeparator(path[r]); r++ {
+				pathbuf[w] = path[r]
+				w++
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	// A drive's root directory needs a trailing \
+	if w == len(`\\?\c:`) {
+		pathbuf[w] = '\\'
+		w++
+	}
+	return string(pathbuf[:w])
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/sysx/generate.sh b/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/sysx/generate.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87d708d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/sysx/generate.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+#   Copyright The containerd Authors.
+#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+#   limitations under the License.
+set -e
+mksyscall="$(go env GOROOT)/src/syscall/mksyscall.pl"
+fix() {
+	sed 's,^package syscall$,package sysx,' \
+		| sed 's,^import "unsafe"$,import (\n\t"syscall"\n\t"unsafe"\n),' \
+		| gofmt -r='BytePtrFromString -> syscall.BytePtrFromString' \
+		| gofmt -r='Syscall6 -> syscall.Syscall6' \
+		| gofmt -r='Syscall -> syscall.Syscall' \
+		| gofmt -r='SYS_GETXATTR -> syscall.SYS_GETXATTR' \
+		| gofmt -r='SYS_LISTXATTR -> syscall.SYS_LISTXATTR' \
+		| gofmt -r='SYS_SETXATTR -> syscall.SYS_SETXATTR' \
+		| gofmt -r='SYS_REMOVEXATTR -> syscall.SYS_REMOVEXATTR' \
+		| gofmt -r='SYS_LGETXATTR -> syscall.SYS_LGETXATTR' \
+		| gofmt -r='SYS_LLISTXATTR -> syscall.SYS_LLISTXATTR' \
+		| gofmt -r='SYS_LSETXATTR -> syscall.SYS_LSETXATTR' \
+		| gofmt -r='SYS_LREMOVEXATTR -> syscall.SYS_LREMOVEXATTR'
+if [ "$GOARCH" == "" ] || [ "$GOOS" == "" ]; then
+	echo "Must specify \$GOARCH and \$GOOS"
+	exit 1
+if [ "$GOARCH" == "386" ] || [ "$GOARCH" == "arm" ]; then
+	mkargs="-l32"
+for f in "$@"; do
+	$mksyscall $mkargs "${f}_${GOOS}.go" | fix > "${f}_${GOOS}_${GOARCH}.go"
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/sysx/nodata_linux.go b/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/sysx/nodata_linux.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28ce5d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/sysx/nodata_linux.go
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+   Copyright The containerd Authors.
+   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
+package sysx
+import (
+	"syscall"
+const ENODATA = syscall.ENODATA
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/sysx/nodata_solaris.go b/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/sysx/nodata_solaris.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e0575f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/sysx/nodata_solaris.go
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+   Copyright The containerd Authors.
+   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
+package sysx
+import (
+	"syscall"
+// This should actually be a set that contains ENOENT and EPERM
+const ENODATA = syscall.ENOENT
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/sysx/nodata_unix.go b/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/sysx/nodata_unix.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b26f5b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/sysx/nodata_unix.go
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+// +build darwin freebsd
+   Copyright The containerd Authors.
+   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
+package sysx
+import (
+	"syscall"
+const ENODATA = syscall.ENOATTR
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/sysx/xattr.go b/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/sysx/xattr.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e4326d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/sysx/xattr.go
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+// +build linux darwin
+   Copyright The containerd Authors.
+   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
+package sysx
+import (
+	"bytes"
+	"syscall"
+	"golang.org/x/sys/unix"
+// Listxattr calls syscall listxattr and reads all content
+// and returns a string array
+func Listxattr(path string) ([]string, error) {
+	return listxattrAll(path, unix.Listxattr)
+// Removexattr calls syscall removexattr
+func Removexattr(path string, attr string) (err error) {
+	return unix.Removexattr(path, attr)
+// Setxattr calls syscall setxattr
+func Setxattr(path string, attr string, data []byte, flags int) (err error) {
+	return unix.Setxattr(path, attr, data, flags)
+// Getxattr calls syscall getxattr
+func Getxattr(path, attr string) ([]byte, error) {
+	return getxattrAll(path, attr, unix.Getxattr)
+// LListxattr lists xattrs, not following symlinks
+func LListxattr(path string) ([]string, error) {
+	return listxattrAll(path, unix.Llistxattr)
+// LRemovexattr removes an xattr, not following symlinks
+func LRemovexattr(path string, attr string) (err error) {
+	return unix.Lremovexattr(path, attr)
+// LSetxattr sets an xattr, not following symlinks
+func LSetxattr(path string, attr string, data []byte, flags int) (err error) {
+	return unix.Lsetxattr(path, attr, data, flags)
+// LGetxattr gets an xattr, not following symlinks
+func LGetxattr(path, attr string) ([]byte, error) {
+	return getxattrAll(path, attr, unix.Lgetxattr)
+const defaultXattrBufferSize = 5
+type listxattrFunc func(path string, dest []byte) (int, error)
+func listxattrAll(path string, listFunc listxattrFunc) ([]string, error) {
+	var p []byte // nil on first execution
+	for {
+		n, err := listFunc(path, p) // first call gets buffer size.
+		if err != nil {
+			return nil, err
+		}
+		if n > len(p) {
+			p = make([]byte, n)
+			continue
+		}
+		p = p[:n]
+		ps := bytes.Split(bytes.TrimSuffix(p, []byte{0}), []byte{0})
+		var entries []string
+		for _, p := range ps {
+			s := string(p)
+			if s != "" {
+				entries = append(entries, s)
+			}
+		}
+		return entries, nil
+	}
+type getxattrFunc func(string, string, []byte) (int, error)
+func getxattrAll(path, attr string, getFunc getxattrFunc) ([]byte, error) {
+	p := make([]byte, defaultXattrBufferSize)
+	for {
+		n, err := getFunc(path, attr, p)
+		if err != nil {
+			if errno, ok := err.(syscall.Errno); ok && errno == syscall.ERANGE {
+				p = make([]byte, len(p)*2) // this can't be ideal.
+				continue                   // try again!
+			}
+			return nil, err
+		}
+		// realloc to correct size and repeat
+		if n > len(p) {
+			p = make([]byte, n)
+			continue
+		}
+		return p[:n], nil
+	}
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/sysx/xattr_unsupported.go b/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/sysx/xattr_unsupported.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9ef3a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/containerd/continuity/sysx/xattr_unsupported.go
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+// +build !linux,!darwin
+   Copyright The containerd Authors.
+   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
+package sysx
+import (
+	"errors"
+	"runtime"
+var unsupported = errors.New("extended attributes unsupported on " + runtime.GOOS)
+// Listxattr calls syscall listxattr and reads all content
+// and returns a string array
+func Listxattr(path string) ([]string, error) {
+	return []string{}, nil
+// Removexattr calls syscall removexattr
+func Removexattr(path string, attr string) (err error) {
+	return unsupported
+// Setxattr calls syscall setxattr
+func Setxattr(path string, attr string, data []byte, flags int) (err error) {
+	return unsupported
+// Getxattr calls syscall getxattr
+func Getxattr(path, attr string) ([]byte, error) {
+	return []byte{}, unsupported
+// LListxattr lists xattrs, not following symlinks
+func LListxattr(path string) ([]string, error) {
+	return []string{}, nil
+// LRemovexattr removes an xattr, not following symlinks
+func LRemovexattr(path string, attr string) (err error) {
+	return unsupported
+// LSetxattr sets an xattr, not following symlinks
+func LSetxattr(path string, attr string, data []byte, flags int) (err error) {
+	return unsupported
+// LGetxattr gets an xattr, not following symlinks
+func LGetxattr(path, attr string) ([]byte, error) {
+	return []byte{}, nil
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/distribution/registry/api/errcode/errors.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/distribution/registry/api/errcode/errors.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d9bb4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/distribution/registry/api/errcode/errors.go
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+package errcode
+import (
+	"encoding/json"
+	"fmt"
+	"strings"
+// ErrorCoder is the base interface for ErrorCode and Error allowing
+// users of each to just call ErrorCode to get the real ID of each
+type ErrorCoder interface {
+	ErrorCode() ErrorCode
+// ErrorCode represents the error type. The errors are serialized via strings
+// and the integer format may change and should *never* be exported.
+type ErrorCode int
+var _ error = ErrorCode(0)
+// ErrorCode just returns itself
+func (ec ErrorCode) ErrorCode() ErrorCode {
+	return ec
+// Error returns the ID/Value
+func (ec ErrorCode) Error() string {
+	// NOTE(stevvooe): Cannot use message here since it may have unpopulated args.
+	return strings.ToLower(strings.Replace(ec.String(), "_", " ", -1))
+// Descriptor returns the descriptor for the error code.
+func (ec ErrorCode) Descriptor() ErrorDescriptor {
+	d, ok := errorCodeToDescriptors[ec]
+	if !ok {
+		return ErrorCodeUnknown.Descriptor()
+	}
+	return d
+// String returns the canonical identifier for this error code.
+func (ec ErrorCode) String() string {
+	return ec.Descriptor().Value
+// Message returned the human-readable error message for this error code.
+func (ec ErrorCode) Message() string {
+	return ec.Descriptor().Message
+// MarshalText encodes the receiver into UTF-8-encoded text and returns the
+// result.
+func (ec ErrorCode) MarshalText() (text []byte, err error) {
+	return []byte(ec.String()), nil
+// UnmarshalText decodes the form generated by MarshalText.
+func (ec *ErrorCode) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error {
+	desc, ok := idToDescriptors[string(text)]
+	if !ok {
+		desc = ErrorCodeUnknown.Descriptor()
+	}
+	*ec = desc.Code
+	return nil
+// WithMessage creates a new Error struct based on the passed-in info and
+// overrides the Message property.
+func (ec ErrorCode) WithMessage(message string) Error {
+	return Error{
+		Code:    ec,
+		Message: message,
+	}
+// WithDetail creates a new Error struct based on the passed-in info and
+// set the Detail property appropriately
+func (ec ErrorCode) WithDetail(detail interface{}) Error {
+	return Error{
+		Code:    ec,
+		Message: ec.Message(),
+	}.WithDetail(detail)
+// WithArgs creates a new Error struct and sets the Args slice
+func (ec ErrorCode) WithArgs(args ...interface{}) Error {
+	return Error{
+		Code:    ec,
+		Message: ec.Message(),
+	}.WithArgs(args...)
+// Error provides a wrapper around ErrorCode with extra Details provided.
+type Error struct {
+	Code    ErrorCode   `json:"code"`
+	Message string      `json:"message"`
+	Detail  interface{} `json:"detail,omitempty"`
+	// TODO(duglin): See if we need an "args" property so we can do the
+	// variable substitution right before showing the message to the user
+var _ error = Error{}
+// ErrorCode returns the ID/Value of this Error
+func (e Error) ErrorCode() ErrorCode {
+	return e.Code
+// Error returns a human readable representation of the error.
+func (e Error) Error() string {
+	return fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", e.Code.Error(), e.Message)
+// WithDetail will return a new Error, based on the current one, but with
+// some Detail info added
+func (e Error) WithDetail(detail interface{}) Error {
+	return Error{
+		Code:    e.Code,
+		Message: e.Message,
+		Detail:  detail,
+	}
+// WithArgs uses the passed-in list of interface{} as the substitution
+// variables in the Error's Message string, but returns a new Error
+func (e Error) WithArgs(args ...interface{}) Error {
+	return Error{
+		Code:    e.Code,
+		Message: fmt.Sprintf(e.Code.Message(), args...),
+		Detail:  e.Detail,
+	}
+// ErrorDescriptor provides relevant information about a given error code.
+type ErrorDescriptor struct {
+	// Code is the error code that this descriptor describes.
+	Code ErrorCode
+	// Value provides a unique, string key, often captilized with
+	// underscores, to identify the error code. This value is used as the
+	// keyed value when serializing api errors.
+	Value string
+	// Message is a short, human readable decription of the error condition
+	// included in API responses.
+	Message string
+	// Description provides a complete account of the errors purpose, suitable
+	// for use in documentation.
+	Description string
+	// HTTPStatusCode provides the http status code that is associated with
+	// this error condition.
+	HTTPStatusCode int
+// ParseErrorCode returns the value by the string error code.
+// `ErrorCodeUnknown` will be returned if the error is not known.
+func ParseErrorCode(value string) ErrorCode {
+	ed, ok := idToDescriptors[value]
+	if ok {
+		return ed.Code
+	}
+	return ErrorCodeUnknown
+// Errors provides the envelope for multiple errors and a few sugar methods
+// for use within the application.
+type Errors []error
+var _ error = Errors{}
+func (errs Errors) Error() string {
+	switch len(errs) {
+	case 0:
+		return "<nil>"
+	case 1:
+		return errs[0].Error()
+	default:
+		msg := "errors:\n"
+		for _, err := range errs {
+			msg += err.Error() + "\n"
+		}
+		return msg
+	}
+// Len returns the current number of errors.
+func (errs Errors) Len() int {
+	return len(errs)
+// MarshalJSON converts slice of error, ErrorCode or Error into a
+// slice of Error - then serializes
+func (errs Errors) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
+	var tmpErrs struct {
+		Errors []Error `json:"errors,omitempty"`
+	}
+	for _, daErr := range errs {
+		var err Error
+		switch daErr.(type) {
+		case ErrorCode:
+			err = daErr.(ErrorCode).WithDetail(nil)
+		case Error:
+			err = daErr.(Error)
+		default:
+			err = ErrorCodeUnknown.WithDetail(daErr)
+		}
+		// If the Error struct was setup and they forgot to set the
+		// Message field (meaning its "") then grab it from the ErrCode
+		msg := err.Message
+		if msg == "" {
+			msg = err.Code.Message()
+		}
+		tmpErrs.Errors = append(tmpErrs.Errors, Error{
+			Code:    err.Code,
+			Message: msg,
+			Detail:  err.Detail,
+		})
+	}
+	return json.Marshal(tmpErrs)
+// UnmarshalJSON deserializes []Error and then converts it into slice of
+// Error or ErrorCode
+func (errs *Errors) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
+	var tmpErrs struct {
+		Errors []Error
+	}
+	if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmpErrs); err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	var newErrs Errors
+	for _, daErr := range tmpErrs.Errors {
+		// If Message is empty or exactly matches the Code's message string
+		// then just use the Code, no need for a full Error struct
+		if daErr.Detail == nil && (daErr.Message == "" || daErr.Message == daErr.Code.Message()) {
+			// Error's w/o details get converted to ErrorCode
+			newErrs = append(newErrs, daErr.Code)
+		} else {
+			// Error's w/ details are untouched
+			newErrs = append(newErrs, Error{
+				Code:    daErr.Code,
+				Message: daErr.Message,
+				Detail:  daErr.Detail,
+			})
+		}
+	}
+	*errs = newErrs
+	return nil
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/distribution/registry/api/errcode/handler.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/distribution/registry/api/errcode/handler.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d77e704
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/distribution/registry/api/errcode/handler.go
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+package errcode
+import (
+	"encoding/json"
+	"net/http"
+// ServeJSON attempts to serve the errcode in a JSON envelope. It marshals err
+// and sets the content-type header to 'application/json'. It will handle
+// ErrorCoder and Errors, and if necessary will create an envelope.
+func ServeJSON(w http.ResponseWriter, err error) error {
+	w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8")
+	var sc int
+	switch errs := err.(type) {
+	case Errors:
+		if len(errs) < 1 {
+			break
+		}
+		if err, ok := errs[0].(ErrorCoder); ok {
+			sc = err.ErrorCode().Descriptor().HTTPStatusCode
+		}
+	case ErrorCoder:
+		sc = errs.ErrorCode().Descriptor().HTTPStatusCode
+		err = Errors{err} // create an envelope.
+	default:
+		// We just have an unhandled error type, so just place in an envelope
+		// and move along.
+		err = Errors{err}
+	}
+	if sc == 0 {
+		sc = http.StatusInternalServerError
+	}
+	w.WriteHeader(sc)
+	return json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(err)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/distribution/registry/api/errcode/register.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/distribution/registry/api/errcode/register.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1e8826
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/distribution/registry/api/errcode/register.go
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+package errcode
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	"net/http"
+	"sort"
+	"sync"
+var (
+	errorCodeToDescriptors = map[ErrorCode]ErrorDescriptor{}
+	idToDescriptors        = map[string]ErrorDescriptor{}
+	groupToDescriptors     = map[string][]ErrorDescriptor{}
+var (
+	// ErrorCodeUnknown is a generic error that can be used as a last
+	// resort if there is no situation-specific error message that can be used
+	ErrorCodeUnknown = Register("errcode", ErrorDescriptor{
+		Value:   "UNKNOWN",
+		Message: "unknown error",
+		Description: `Generic error returned when the error does not have an
+			                                            API classification.`,
+		HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusInternalServerError,
+	})
+	// ErrorCodeUnsupported is returned when an operation is not supported.
+	ErrorCodeUnsupported = Register("errcode", ErrorDescriptor{
+		Value:   "UNSUPPORTED",
+		Message: "The operation is unsupported.",
+		Description: `The operation was unsupported due to a missing
+		implementation or invalid set of parameters.`,
+		HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusMethodNotAllowed,
+	})
+	// ErrorCodeUnauthorized is returned if a request requires
+	// authentication.
+	ErrorCodeUnauthorized = Register("errcode", ErrorDescriptor{
+		Value:   "UNAUTHORIZED",
+		Message: "authentication required",
+		Description: `The access controller was unable to authenticate
+		the client. Often this will be accompanied by a
+		Www-Authenticate HTTP response header indicating how to
+		authenticate.`,
+		HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusUnauthorized,
+	})
+	// ErrorCodeDenied is returned if a client does not have sufficient
+	// permission to perform an action.
+	ErrorCodeDenied = Register("errcode", ErrorDescriptor{
+		Value:   "DENIED",
+		Message: "requested access to the resource is denied",
+		Description: `The access controller denied access for the
+		operation on a resource.`,
+		HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusForbidden,
+	})
+	// ErrorCodeUnavailable provides a common error to report unavailability
+	// of a service or endpoint.
+	ErrorCodeUnavailable = Register("errcode", ErrorDescriptor{
+		Value:          "UNAVAILABLE",
+		Message:        "service unavailable",
+		Description:    "Returned when a service is not available",
+		HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusServiceUnavailable,
+	})
+	// ErrorCodeTooManyRequests is returned if a client attempts too many
+	// times to contact a service endpoint.
+	ErrorCodeTooManyRequests = Register("errcode", ErrorDescriptor{
+		Message: "too many requests",
+		Description: `Returned when a client attempts to contact a
+		service too many times`,
+		HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusTooManyRequests,
+	})
+var nextCode = 1000
+var registerLock sync.Mutex
+// Register will make the passed-in error known to the environment and
+// return a new ErrorCode
+func Register(group string, descriptor ErrorDescriptor) ErrorCode {
+	registerLock.Lock()
+	defer registerLock.Unlock()
+	descriptor.Code = ErrorCode(nextCode)
+	if _, ok := idToDescriptors[descriptor.Value]; ok {
+		panic(fmt.Sprintf("ErrorValue %q is already registered", descriptor.Value))
+	}
+	if _, ok := errorCodeToDescriptors[descriptor.Code]; ok {
+		panic(fmt.Sprintf("ErrorCode %v is already registered", descriptor.Code))
+	}
+	groupToDescriptors[group] = append(groupToDescriptors[group], descriptor)
+	errorCodeToDescriptors[descriptor.Code] = descriptor
+	idToDescriptors[descriptor.Value] = descriptor
+	nextCode++
+	return descriptor.Code
+type byValue []ErrorDescriptor
+func (a byValue) Len() int           { return len(a) }
+func (a byValue) Swap(i, j int)      { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] }
+func (a byValue) Less(i, j int) bool { return a[i].Value < a[j].Value }
+// GetGroupNames returns the list of Error group names that are registered
+func GetGroupNames() []string {
+	keys := []string{}
+	for k := range groupToDescriptors {
+		keys = append(keys, k)
+	}
+	sort.Strings(keys)
+	return keys
+// GetErrorCodeGroup returns the named group of error descriptors
+func GetErrorCodeGroup(name string) []ErrorDescriptor {
+	desc := groupToDescriptors[name]
+	sort.Sort(byValue(desc))
+	return desc
+// GetErrorAllDescriptors returns a slice of all ErrorDescriptors that are
+// registered, irrespective of what group they're in
+func GetErrorAllDescriptors() []ErrorDescriptor {
+	result := []ErrorDescriptor{}
+	for _, group := range GetGroupNames() {
+		result = append(result, GetErrorCodeGroup(group)...)
+	}
+	sort.Sort(byValue(result))
+	return result
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/AUTHORS b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/AUTHORS
index 46102d7..c5f725b 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/AUTHORS
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/AUTHORS
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ Ajey Charantimath <ajey.charantimath@gmail.com>
 ajneu <ajneu@users.noreply.github.com>
 Akash Gupta <akagup@microsoft.com>
 Akihiro Matsushima <amatsusbit@gmail.com>
-Akihiro Suda <suda.akihiro@lab.ntt.co.jp>
+Akihiro Suda <akihiro.suda.cz@hco.ntt.co.jp>
 Akim Demaille <akim.demaille@docker.com>
 Akira Koyasu <mail@akirakoyasu.net>
 Akshay Karle <akshay.a.karle@gmail.com>
@@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ Alexandre Garnier <zigarn@gmail.com>
 Alexandre González <agonzalezro@gmail.com>
 Alexandre Jomin <alexandrejomin@gmail.com>
 Alexandru Sfirlogea <alexandru.sfirlogea@gmail.com>
+Alexei Margasov <alexei38@yandex.ru>
 Alexey Guskov <lexag@mail.ru>
 Alexey Kotlyarov <alexey@infoxchange.net.au>
 Alexey Shamrin <shamrin@gmail.com>
@@ -118,6 +119,7 @@ Andreas Köhler <andi5.py@gmx.net>
 Andreas Savvides <andreas@editd.com>
 Andreas Tiefenthaler <at@an-ti.eu>
 Andrei Gherzan <andrei@resin.io>
+Andrei Vagin <avagin@gmail.com>
 Andrew C. Bodine <acbodine@us.ibm.com>
 Andrew Clay Shafer <andrewcshafer@gmail.com>
 Andrew Duckworth <grillopress@gmail.com>
@@ -137,6 +139,7 @@ Andrew Po <absourd.noise@gmail.com>
 Andrew Weiss <andrew.weiss@docker.com>
 Andrew Williams <williams.andrew@gmail.com>
 Andrews Medina <andrewsmedina@gmail.com>
+Andrey Kolomentsev <andrey.kolomentsev@docker.com>
 Andrey Petrov <andrey.petrov@shazow.net>
 Andrey Stolbovsky <andrey.stolbovsky@gmail.com>
 André Martins <aanm90@gmail.com>
@@ -151,6 +154,7 @@ Andy Wilson <wilson.andrew.j+github@gmail.com>
 Anes Hasicic <anes.hasicic@gmail.com>
 Anil Belur <askb23@gmail.com>
 Anil Madhavapeddy <anil@recoil.org>
+Ankit Jain <ajatkj@yahoo.co.in>
 Ankush Agarwal <ankushagarwal11@gmail.com>
 Anonmily <michelle@michelleliu.io>
 Anran Qiao <anran.qiao@daocloud.io>
@@ -182,6 +186,7 @@ Asad Saeeduddin <masaeedu@gmail.com>
 Asbjørn Enge <asbjorn@hanafjedle.net>
 averagehuman <averagehuman@users.noreply.github.com>
 Avi Das <andas222@gmail.com>
+Avi Kivity <avi@scylladb.com>
 Avi Miller <avi.miller@oracle.com>
 Avi Vaid <avaid1996@gmail.com>
 ayoshitake <airandfingers@gmail.com>
@@ -195,23 +200,27 @@ bdevloed <boris.de.vloed@gmail.com>
 Ben Bonnefoy <frenchben@docker.com>
 Ben Firshman <ben@firshman.co.uk>
 Ben Golub <ben.golub@dotcloud.com>
+Ben Gould <ben@bengould.co.uk>
 Ben Hall <ben@benhall.me.uk>
 Ben Sargent <ben@brokendigits.com>
 Ben Severson <BenSeverson@users.noreply.github.com>
 Ben Toews <mastahyeti@gmail.com>
 Ben Wiklund <ben@daisyowl.com>
 Benjamin Atkin <ben@benatkin.com>
+Benjamin Baker <Benjamin.baker@utexas.edu>
 Benjamin Boudreau <boudreau.benjamin@gmail.com>
 Benjamin Yolken <yolken@stripe.com>
 Benoit Chesneau <bchesneau@gmail.com>
 Bernerd Schaefer <bj.schaefer@gmail.com>
 Bernhard M. Wiedemann <bwiedemann@suse.de>
 Bert Goethals <bert@bertg.be>
+Bevisy Zhang <binbin36520@gmail.com>
 Bharath Thiruveedula <bharath_ves@hotmail.com>
 Bhiraj Butala <abhiraj.butala@gmail.com>
 Bhumika Bayani <bhumikabayani@gmail.com>
 Bilal Amarni <bilal.amarni@gmail.com>
 Bill Wang <ozbillwang@gmail.com>
+Bily Zhang <xcoder@tenxcloud.com>
 Bin Liu <liubin0329@gmail.com>
 Bingshen Wang <bingshen.wbs@alibaba-inc.com>
 Blake Geno <blakegeno@gmail.com>
@@ -246,6 +255,7 @@ Brian Torres-Gil <brian@dralth.com>
 Brian Trump <btrump@yelp.com>
 Brice Jaglin <bjaglin@teads.tv>
 Briehan Lombaard <briehan.lombaard@gmail.com>
+Brielle Broder <bbroder@google.com>
 Bruno Bigras <bigras.bruno@gmail.com>
 Bruno Binet <bruno.binet@gmail.com>
 Bruno Gazzera <bgazzera@paginar.com>
@@ -300,6 +310,7 @@ Chen Min <chenmin46@huawei.com>
 Chen Mingjie <chenmingjie0828@163.com>
 Chen Qiu <cheney-90@hotmail.com>
 Cheng-mean Liu <soccerl@microsoft.com>
+Chengfei Shang <cfshang@alauda.io>
 Chengguang Xu <cgxu519@gmx.com>
 chenyuzhu <chenyuzhi@oschina.cn>
 Chetan Birajdar <birajdar.chetan@gmail.com>
@@ -325,9 +336,11 @@ Chris Swan <chris.swan@iee.org>
 Chris Telfer <ctelfer@docker.com>
 Chris Wahl <github@wahlnetwork.com>
 Chris Weyl <cweyl@alumni.drew.edu>
+Chris White <me@cwprogram.com>
 Christian Berendt <berendt@b1-systems.de>
 Christian Brauner <christian.brauner@ubuntu.com>
 Christian Böhme <developement@boehme3d.de>
+Christian Muehlhaeuser <muesli@gmail.com>
 Christian Persson <saser@live.se>
 Christian Rotzoll <ch.rotzoll@gmail.com>
 Christian Simon <simon@swine.de>
@@ -350,6 +363,7 @@ Cody Roseborough <crrosebo@amazon.com>
 Coenraad Loubser <coenraad@wish.org.za>
 Colin Dunklau <colin.dunklau@gmail.com>
 Colin Hebert <hebert.colin@gmail.com>
+Colin Panisset <github@clabber.com>
 Colin Rice <colin@daedrum.net>
 Colin Walters <walters@verbum.org>
 Collin Guarino <collin.guarino@gmail.com>
@@ -385,6 +399,7 @@ Dan Levy <dan@danlevy.net>
 Dan McPherson <dmcphers@redhat.com>
 Dan Stine <sw@stinemail.com>
 Dan Williams <me@deedubs.com>
+Dani Hodovic <dani.hodovic@gmail.com>
 Dani Louca <dani.louca@docker.com>
 Daniel Antlinger <d.antlinger@gmx.at>
 Daniel Dao <dqminh@cloudflare.com>
@@ -438,12 +453,14 @@ David Mackey <tdmackey@booleanhaiku.com>
 David Mat <david@davidmat.com>
 David Mcanulty <github@hellspark.com>
 David McKay <david@rawkode.com>
+David P Hilton <david.hilton.p@gmail.com>
 David Pelaez <pelaez89@gmail.com>
 David R. Jenni <david.r.jenni@gmail.com>
 David Röthlisberger <david@rothlis.net>
 David Sheets <dsheets@docker.com>
 David Sissitka <me@dsissitka.com>
 David Trott <github@davidtrott.com>
+David Wang <00107082@163.com>
 David Williamson <david.williamson@docker.com>
 David Xia <dxia@spotify.com>
 David Young <yangboh@cn.ibm.com>
@@ -451,8 +468,10 @@ Davide Ceretti <davide.ceretti@hogarthww.com>
 Dawn Chen <dawnchen@google.com>
 dbdd <wangtong2712@gmail.com>
 dcylabs <dcylabs@gmail.com>
+Debayan De <debayande@users.noreply.github.com>
 Deborah Gertrude Digges <deborah.gertrude.digges@gmail.com>
 deed02392 <georgehafiz@gmail.com>
+Deep Debroy <ddebroy@docker.com>
 Deng Guangxing <dengguangxing@huawei.com>
 Deni Bertovic <deni@kset.org>
 Denis Defreyne <denis@soundcloud.com>
@@ -477,6 +496,7 @@ Dieter Reuter <dieter.reuter@me.com>
 Dillon Dixon <dillondixon@gmail.com>
 Dima Stopel <dima@twistlock.com>
 Dimitri John Ledkov <dimitri.j.ledkov@intel.com>
+Dimitris Mandalidis <dimitris.mandalidis@gmail.com>
 Dimitris Rozakis <dimrozakis@gmail.com>
 Dimitry Andric <d.andric@activevideo.com>
 Dinesh Subhraveti <dineshs@altiscale.com>
@@ -490,6 +510,7 @@ Dmitri Shuralyov <shurcooL@gmail.com>
 Dmitry Demeshchuk <demeshchuk@gmail.com>
 Dmitry Gusev <dmitry.gusev@gmail.com>
 Dmitry Kononenko <d@dm42.ru>
+Dmitry Sharshakov <d3dx12.xx@gmail.com>
 Dmitry Shyshkin <dmitry@shyshkin.org.ua>
 Dmitry Smirnov <onlyjob@member.fsf.org>
 Dmitry V. Krivenok <krivenok.dmitry@gmail.com>
@@ -503,6 +524,7 @@ Don Kjer <don.kjer@gmail.com>
 Don Spaulding <donspauldingii@gmail.com>
 Donald Huang <don.hcd@gmail.com>
 Dong Chen <dongluo.chen@docker.com>
+Donghwa Kim <shanytt@gmail.com>
 Donovan Jones <git@gamma.net.nz>
 Doron Podoleanu <doronp@il.ibm.com>
 Doug Davis <dug@us.ibm.com>
@@ -579,7 +601,9 @@ Ewa Czechowska <ewa@ai-traders.com>
 Eystein Måløy Stenberg <eystein.maloy.stenberg@cfengine.com>
 ezbercih <cem.ezberci@gmail.com>
 Ezra Silvera <ezra@il.ibm.com>
+Fabian Kramm <kramm@covexo.com>
 Fabian Lauer <kontakt@softwareschmiede-saar.de>
+Fabian Raetz <fabian.raetz@gmail.com>
 Fabiano Rosas <farosas@br.ibm.com>
 Fabio Falci <fabiofalci@gmail.com>
 Fabio Kung <fabio.kung@gmail.com>
@@ -591,6 +615,7 @@ Faiz Khan <faizkhan00@gmail.com>
 falmp <chico.lopes@gmail.com>
 Fangming Fang <fangming.fang@arm.com>
 Fangyuan Gao <21551127@zju.edu.cn>
+fanjiyun <fan.jiyun@zte.com.cn>
 Fareed Dudhia <fareeddudhia@googlemail.com>
 Fathi Boudra <fathi.boudra@linaro.org>
 Federico Gimenez <fgimenez@coit.es>
@@ -621,6 +646,7 @@ Florin Patan <florinpatan@gmail.com>
 fonglh <fonglh@gmail.com>
 Foysal Iqbal <foysal.iqbal.fb@gmail.com>
 Francesc Campoy <campoy@google.com>
+Francesco Mari <mari.francesco@gmail.com>
 Francis Chuang <francis.chuang@boostport.com>
 Francisco Carriedo <fcarriedo@gmail.com>
 Francisco Souza <f@souza.cc>
@@ -634,6 +660,7 @@ Frederik Loeffert <frederik@zitrusmedia.de>
 Frederik Nordahl Jul Sabroe <frederikns@gmail.com>
 Freek Kalter <freek@kalteronline.org>
 Frieder Bluemle <frieder.bluemle@gmail.com>
+Fu JinLin <withlin@yeah.net>
 Félix Baylac-Jacqué <baylac.felix@gmail.com>
 Félix Cantournet <felix.cantournet@cloudwatt.com>
 Gabe Rosenhouse <gabe@missionst.com>
@@ -653,6 +680,7 @@ Gaël PORTAY <gael.portay@savoirfairelinux.com>
 Genki Takiuchi <genki@s21g.com>
 GennadySpb <lipenkov@gmail.com>
 Geoffrey Bachelet <grosfrais@gmail.com>
+Geon Kim <geon0250@gmail.com>
 George Kontridze <george@bugsnag.com>
 George MacRorie <gmacr31@gmail.com>
 George Xie <georgexsh@gmail.com>
@@ -665,6 +693,7 @@ Ghislain Bourgeois <ghislain.bourgeois@gmail.com>
 Giampaolo Mancini <giampaolo@trampolineup.com>
 Gianluca Borello <g.borello@gmail.com>
 Gildas Cuisinier <gildas.cuisinier@gcuisinier.net>
+Giovan Isa Musthofa <giovanism@outlook.co.id>
 gissehel <public-devgit-dantus@gissehel.org>
 Giuseppe Mazzotta <gdm85@users.noreply.github.com>
 Gleb Fotengauer-Malinovskiy <glebfm@altlinux.org>
@@ -676,6 +705,7 @@ Gopikannan Venugopalsamy <gopikannan.venugopalsamy@gmail.com>
 Gosuke Miyashita <gosukenator@gmail.com>
 Gou Rao <gou@portworx.com>
 Govinda Fichtner <govinda.fichtner@googlemail.com>
+Grant Millar <grant@cylo.io>
 Grant Reaber <grant.reaber@gmail.com>
 Graydon Hoare <graydon@pobox.com>
 Greg Fausak <greg@tacodata.com>
@@ -694,7 +724,9 @@ Guruprasad <lgp171188@gmail.com>
 Gustav Sinder <gustav.sinder@gmail.com>
 gwx296173 <gaojing3@huawei.com>
 Günter Zöchbauer <guenter@gzoechbauer.com>
+haikuoliu <haikuo@amazon.com>
 Hakan Özler <hakan.ozler@kodcu.com>
+Hamish Hutchings <moredhel@aoeu.me>
 Hans Kristian Flaatten <hans@starefossen.com>
 Hans Rødtang <hansrodtang@gmail.com>
 Hao Shu Wei <haosw@cn.ibm.com>
@@ -702,6 +734,7 @@ Hao Zhang <21521210@zju.edu.cn>
 Harald Albers <github@albersweb.de>
 Harley Laue <losinggeneration@gmail.com>
 Harold Cooper <hrldcpr@gmail.com>
+Harrison Turton <harrisonturton@gmail.com>
 Harry Zhang <harryz@hyper.sh>
 Harshal Patil <harshal.patil@in.ibm.com>
 Harshal Patil <harshalp@linux.vnet.ibm.com>
@@ -713,6 +746,7 @@ Hector Castro <hectcastro@gmail.com>
 Helen Xie <chenjg@harmonycloud.cn>
 Henning Sprang <henning.sprang@gmail.com>
 Hiroshi Hatake <hatake@clear-code.com>
+Hiroyuki Sasagawa <hs19870702@gmail.com>
 Hobofan <goisser94@gmail.com>
 Hollie Teal <hollie@docker.com>
 Hong Xu <hong@topbug.net>
@@ -735,6 +769,7 @@ Ian Bishop <ianbishop@pace7.com>
 Ian Bull <irbull@gmail.com>
 Ian Calvert <ianjcalvert@gmail.com>
 Ian Campbell <ian.campbell@docker.com>
+Ian Chen <ianre657@gmail.com>
 Ian Lee <IanLee1521@gmail.com>
 Ian Main <imain@redhat.com>
 Ian Philpot <ian.philpot@microsoft.com>
@@ -752,9 +787,11 @@ Ilya Khlopotov <ilya.khlopotov@gmail.com>
 imre Fitos <imre.fitos+github@gmail.com>
 inglesp <peter.inglesby@gmail.com>
 Ingo Gottwald <in.gottwald@gmail.com>
+Innovimax <innovimax@gmail.com>
 Isaac Dupree <antispam@idupree.com>
 Isabel Jimenez <contact.isabeljimenez@gmail.com>
 Isao Jonas <isao.jonas@gmail.com>
+Iskander Sharipov <quasilyte@gmail.com>
 Ivan Babrou <ibobrik@gmail.com>
 Ivan Fraixedes <ifcdev@gmail.com>
 Ivan Grcic <igrcic@gmail.com>
@@ -785,6 +822,7 @@ James Mills <prologic@shortcircuit.net.au>
 James Nesbitt <james.nesbitt@wunderkraut.com>
 James Nugent <james@jen20.com>
 James Turnbull <james@lovedthanlost.net>
+James Watkins-Harvey <jwatkins@progi-media.com>
 Jamie Hannaford <jamie@limetree.org>
 Jamshid Afshar <jafshar@yahoo.com>
 Jan Keromnes <janx@linux.com>
@@ -817,6 +855,7 @@ jaxgeller <jacksongeller@gmail.com>
 Jay <imjching@hotmail.com>
 Jay <teguhwpurwanto@gmail.com>
 Jay Kamat <github@jgkamat.33mail.com>
+Jean Rouge <rougej+github@gmail.com>
 Jean-Baptiste Barth <jeanbaptiste.barth@gmail.com>
 Jean-Baptiste Dalido <jeanbaptiste@appgratis.com>
 Jean-Christophe Berthon <huygens@berthon.eu>
@@ -847,11 +886,13 @@ Jeroen Franse <jeroenfranse@gmail.com>
 Jeroen Jacobs <github@jeroenj.be>
 Jesse Dearing <jesse.dearing@gmail.com>
 Jesse Dubay <jesse@thefortytwo.net>
-Jessica Frazelle <jessfraz@google.com>
+Jessica Frazelle <acidburn@microsoft.com>
 Jezeniel Zapanta <jpzapanta22@gmail.com>
 Jhon Honce <jhonce@redhat.com>
 Ji.Zhilong <zhilongji@gmail.com>
+Jian Liao <jliao@alauda.io>
 Jian Zhang <zhangjian.fnst@cn.fujitsu.com>
+Jiang Jinyang <jjyruby@gmail.com>
 Jie Luo <luo612@zju.edu.cn>
 Jihyun Hwang <jhhwang@telcoware.com>
 Jilles Oldenbeuving <ojilles@gmail.com>
@@ -862,14 +903,14 @@ Jim Perrin <jperrin@centos.org>
 Jimmy Cuadra <jimmy@jimmycuadra.com>
 Jimmy Puckett <jimmy.puckett@spinen.com>
 Jimmy Song <rootsongjc@gmail.com>
-jimmyxian <jimmyxian2004@yahoo.com.cn>
 Jinsoo Park <cellpjs@gmail.com>
+Jintao Zhang <zhangjintao9020@gmail.com>
+Jiri Appl <jiria@microsoft.com>
 Jiri Popelka <jpopelka@redhat.com>
 Jiuyue Ma <majiuyue@huawei.com>
 Jiří Župka <jzupka@redhat.com>
-jjy <jiangjinyang@outlook.com>
-jmzwcn <jmzwcn@gmail.com>
 Joao Fernandes <joao.fernandes@docker.com>
+Joao Trindade <trindade.joao@gmail.com>
 Joe Beda <joe.github@bedafamily.com>
 Joe Doliner <jdoliner@pachyderm.io>
 Joe Ferguson <joe@infosiftr.com>
@@ -908,6 +949,7 @@ Jon Johnson <jonjohnson@google.com>
 Jon Surrell <jon.surrell@gmail.com>
 Jon Wedaman <jweede@gmail.com>
 Jonas Pfenniger <jonas@pfenniger.name>
+Jonathan A. Schweder <jonathanschweder@gmail.com>
 Jonathan A. Sternberg <jonathansternberg@gmail.com>
 Jonathan Boulle <jonathanboulle@gmail.com>
 Jonathan Camp <jonathan@irondojo.com>
@@ -928,7 +970,7 @@ Jordan Jennings <jjn2009@gmail.com>
 Jordan Sissel <jls@semicomplete.com>
 Jorge Marin <chipironcin@users.noreply.github.com>
 Jorit Kleine-Möllhoff <joppich@bricknet.de>
-Jose Diaz-Gonzalez <jose@seatgeek.com>
+Jose Diaz-Gonzalez <email@josediazgonzalez.com>
 Joseph Anthony Pasquale Holsten <joseph@josephholsten.com>
 Joseph Hager <ajhager@gmail.com>
 Joseph Kern <jkern@semafour.net>
@@ -982,7 +1024,8 @@ kargakis <kargakis@users.noreply.github.com>
 Karl Grzeszczak <karlgrz@gmail.com>
 Karol Duleba <mr.fuxi@gmail.com>
 Karthik Karanth <karanth.karthik@gmail.com>
-Karthik Nayak <Karthik.188@gmail.com>
+Karthik Nayak <karthik.188@gmail.com>
+Kasper Fabæch Brandt <poizan@poizan.dk>
 Kate Heddleston <kate.heddleston@gmail.com>
 Katie McLaughlin <katie@glasnt.com>
 Kato Kazuyoshi <kato.kazuyoshi@gmail.com>
@@ -990,6 +1033,7 @@ Katrina Owen <katrina.owen@gmail.com>
 Kawsar Saiyeed <kawsar.saiyeed@projiris.com>
 Kay Yan <kay.yan@daocloud.io>
 kayrus <kay.diam@gmail.com>
+Kazuhiro Sera <seratch@gmail.com>
 Ke Li <kel@splunk.com>
 Ke Xu <leonhartx.k@gmail.com>
 Kei Ohmura <ohmura.kei@gmail.com>
@@ -998,6 +1042,7 @@ Keli Hu <dev@keli.hu>
 Ken Cochrane <kencochrane@gmail.com>
 Ken Herner <kherner@progress.com>
 Ken ICHIKAWA <ichikawa.ken@jp.fujitsu.com>
+Ken Reese <krrgithub@gmail.com>
 Kenfe-Mickaël Laventure <mickael.laventure@gmail.com>
 Kenjiro Nakayama <nakayamakenjiro@gmail.com>
 Kent Johnson <kentoj@gmail.com>
@@ -1035,11 +1080,13 @@ Krasimir Georgiev <support@vip-consult.co.uk>
 Kris-Mikael Krister <krismikael@protonmail.com>
 Kristian Haugene <kristian.haugene@capgemini.com>
 Kristina Zabunova <triara.xiii@gmail.com>
-krrg <krrgithub@gmail.com>
+Krystian Wojcicki <kwojcicki@sympatico.ca>
 Kun Zhang <zkazure@gmail.com>
 Kunal Kushwaha <kushwaha_kunal_v7@lab.ntt.co.jp>
+Kunal Tyagi <tyagi.kunal@live.com>
 Kyle Conroy <kyle.j.conroy@gmail.com>
 Kyle Linden <linden.kyle@gmail.com>
+Kyle Wuolle <kyle.wuolle@gmail.com>
 kyu <leehk1227@gmail.com>
 Lachlan Coote <lcoote@vmware.com>
 Lai Jiangshan <jiangshanlai@gmail.com>
@@ -1060,6 +1107,7 @@ Leandro Siqueira <leandro.siqueira@gmail.com>
 Lee Chao <932819864@qq.com>
 Lee, Meng-Han <sunrisedm4@gmail.com>
 leeplay <hyeongkyu.lee@navercorp.com>
+Lei Gong <lgong@alauda.io>
 Lei Jitang <leijitang@huawei.com>
 Len Weincier <len@cloudafrica.net>
 Lennie <github@consolejunkie.net>
@@ -1076,6 +1124,8 @@ Liana Lo <liana.lixia@gmail.com>
 Liang Mingqiang <mqliang.zju@gmail.com>
 Liang-Chi Hsieh <viirya@gmail.com>
 Liao Qingwei <liaoqingwei@huawei.com>
+Lifubang <lifubang@acmcoder.com>
+Lihua Tang <lhtang@alauda.io>
 Lily Guo <lily.guo@docker.com>
 limsy <seongyeol37@gmail.com>
 Lin Lu <doraalin@163.com>
@@ -1094,7 +1144,8 @@ Lloyd Dewolf <foolswisdom@gmail.com>
 Lokesh Mandvekar <lsm5@fedoraproject.org>
 longliqiang88 <394564827@qq.com>
 Lorenz Leutgeb <lorenz.leutgeb@gmail.com>
-Lorenzo Fontana <lo@linux.com>
+Lorenzo Fontana <fontanalorenz@gmail.com>
+Lotus Fenn <fenn.lotus@gmail.com>
 Louis Opter <kalessin@kalessin.fr>
 Luca Favatella <luca.favatella@erlang-solutions.com>
 Luca Marturana <lucamarturana@gmail.com>
@@ -1151,6 +1202,7 @@ Marius Gundersen <me@mariusgundersen.net>
 Marius Sturm <marius@graylog.com>
 Marius Voila <marius.voila@gmail.com>
 Mark Allen <mrallen1@yahoo.com>
+Mark Jeromin <mark.jeromin@sysfrog.net>
 Mark McGranaghan <mmcgrana@gmail.com>
 Mark McKinstry <mmckinst@umich.edu>
 Mark Milstein <mark@epiloque.com>
@@ -1167,6 +1219,7 @@ Martijn van Oosterhout <kleptog@svana.org>
 Martin Honermeyer <maze@strahlungsfrei.de>
 Martin Kelly <martin@surround.io>
 Martin Mosegaard Amdisen <martin.amdisen@praqma.com>
+Martin Muzatko <martin@happy-css.com>
 Martin Redmond <redmond.martin@gmail.com>
 Mary Anthony <mary.anthony@docker.com>
 Masahito Zembutsu <zembutsu@users.noreply.github.com>
@@ -1200,6 +1253,7 @@ Matthias Klumpp <matthias@tenstral.net>
 Matthias Kühnle <git.nivoc@neverbox.com>
 Matthias Rampke <mr@soundcloud.com>
 Matthieu Hauglustaine <matt.hauglustaine@gmail.com>
+Mattias Jernberg <nostrad@gmail.com>
 Mauricio Garavaglia <mauricio@medallia.com>
 mauriyouth <mauriyouth@gmail.com>
 Max Shytikov <mshytikov@gmail.com>
@@ -1208,6 +1262,8 @@ Maxim Ivanov <ivanov.maxim@gmail.com>
 Maxim Kulkin <mkulkin@mirantis.com>
 Maxim Treskin <zerthurd@gmail.com>
 Maxime Petazzoni <max@signalfuse.com>
+Maximiliano Maccanti <maccanti@amazon.com>
+Maxwell <csuhp007@gmail.com>
 Meaglith Ma <genedna@gmail.com>
 meejah <meejah@meejah.ca>
 Megan Kostick <mkostick@us.ibm.com>
@@ -1248,8 +1304,9 @@ Michal Wieczorek <wieczorek-michal@wp.pl>
 Michaël Pailloncy <mpapo.dev@gmail.com>
 Michał Czeraszkiewicz <czerasz@gmail.com>
 Michał Gryko <github@odkurzacz.org>
-Michiel@unhosted <michiel@unhosted.org>
-Mickaël FORTUNATO <morsi.morsicus@gmail.com>
+Michiel de Jong <michiel@unhosted.org>
+Mickaël Fortunato <morsi.morsicus@gmail.com>
+Mickaël Remars <mickael@remars.com>
 Miguel Angel Fernández <elmendalerenda@gmail.com>
 Miguel Morales <mimoralea@gmail.com>
 Mihai Borobocea <MihaiBorob@gmail.com>
@@ -1280,6 +1337,7 @@ Mitch Capper <mitch.capper@gmail.com>
 Mizuki Urushida <z11111001011@gmail.com>
 mlarcher <github@ringabell.org>
 Mohammad Banikazemi <mb@us.ibm.com>
+Mohammad Nasirifar <farnasirim@gmail.com>
 Mohammed Aaqib Ansari <maaquib@gmail.com>
 Mohit Soni <mosoni@ebay.com>
 Moorthy RS <rsmoorthy@gmail.com>
@@ -1304,6 +1362,7 @@ Nan Monnand Deng <monnand@gmail.com>
 Naoki Orii <norii@cs.cmu.edu>
 Natalie Parker <nparker@omnifone.com>
 Natanael Copa <natanael.copa@docker.com>
+Natasha Jarus <linuxmercedes@gmail.com>
 Nate Brennand <nate.brennand@clever.com>
 Nate Eagleson <nate@nateeag.com>
 Nate Jones <nate@endot.org>
@@ -1337,6 +1396,7 @@ Nicolas Dudebout <nicolas.dudebout@gatech.edu>
 Nicolas Goy <kuon@goyman.com>
 Nicolas Kaiser <nikai@nikai.net>
 Nicolas Sterchele <sterchele.nicolas@gmail.com>
+Nicolas V Castet <nvcastet@us.ibm.com>
 Nicolás Hock Isaza <nhocki@gmail.com>
 Nigel Poulton <nigelpoulton@hotmail.com>
 Nik Nyby <nikolas@gnu.org>
@@ -1352,6 +1412,7 @@ Noah Treuhaft <noah.treuhaft@docker.com>
 NobodyOnSE <ich@sektor.selfip.com>
 noducks <onemannoducks@gmail.com>
 Nolan Darilek <nolan@thewordnerd.info>
+Noriki Nakamura <noriki.nakamura@miraclelinux.com>
 nponeccop <andy.melnikov@gmail.com>
 Nuutti Kotivuori <naked@iki.fi>
 nzwsch <hi@nzwsch.com>
@@ -1363,8 +1424,11 @@ Ohad Schneider <ohadschn@users.noreply.github.com>
 ohmystack <jun.jiang02@ele.me>
 Ole Reifschneider <mail@ole-reifschneider.de>
 Oliver Neal <ItsVeryWindy@users.noreply.github.com>
+Oliver Reason <oli@overrateddev.co>
 Olivier Gambier <dmp42@users.noreply.github.com>
 Olle Jonsson <olle.jonsson@gmail.com>
+Olli Janatuinen <olli.janatuinen@gmail.com>
+Omri Shiv <Omri.Shiv@teradata.com>
 Oriol Francès <oriolfa@gmail.com>
 Oskar Niburski <oskarniburski@gmail.com>
 Otto Kekäläinen <otto@seravo.fi>
@@ -1420,6 +1484,7 @@ Peter Edge <peter.edge@gmail.com>
 Peter Ericson <pdericson@gmail.com>
 Peter Esbensen <pkesbensen@gmail.com>
 Peter Jaffe <pjaffe@nevo.com>
+Peter Kang <peter@spell.run>
 Peter Malmgren <ptmalmgren@gmail.com>
 Peter Salvatore <peter@psftw.com>
 Peter Volpe <petervo@redhat.com>
@@ -1452,6 +1517,7 @@ Prasanna Gautam <prasannagautam@gmail.com>
 Pratik Karki <prertik@outlook.com>
 Prayag Verma <prayag.verma@gmail.com>
 Priya Wadhwa <priyawadhwa@google.com>
+Projjol Banerji <probaner23@gmail.com>
 Przemek Hejman <przemyslaw.hejman@gmail.com>
 Pure White <daniel48@126.com>
 pysqz <randomq@126.com>
@@ -1462,6 +1528,7 @@ Quentin Brossard <qbrossard@gmail.com>
 Quentin Perez <qperez@ocs.online.net>
 Quentin Tayssier <qtayssier@gmail.com>
 r0n22 <cameron.regan@gmail.com>
+Radostin Stoyanov <rstoyanov1@gmail.com>
 Rafal Jeczalik <rjeczalik@gmail.com>
 Rafe Colton <rafael.colton@gmail.com>
 Raghavendra K T <raghavendra.kt@linux.vnet.ibm.com>
@@ -1475,6 +1542,7 @@ Ralph Bean <rbean@redhat.com>
 Ramkumar Ramachandra <artagnon@gmail.com>
 Ramon Brooker <rbrooker@aetherealmind.com>
 Ramon van Alteren <ramon@vanalteren.nl>
+RaviTeja Pothana <ravi-teja@live.com>
 Ray Tsang <rayt@google.com>
 ReadmeCritic <frankensteinbot@gmail.com>
 Recursive Madman <recursive.madman@gmx.de>
@@ -1524,6 +1592,7 @@ Roel Van Nyen <roel.vannyen@gmail.com>
 Roger Peppe <rogpeppe@gmail.com>
 Rohit Jnagal <jnagal@google.com>
 Rohit Kadam <rohit.d.kadam@gmail.com>
+Rohit Kapur <rkapur@flatiron.com>
 Rojin George <rojingeorge@huawei.com>
 Roland Huß <roland@jolokia.org>
 Roland Kammerer <roland.kammerer@linbit.com>
@@ -1533,6 +1602,9 @@ Roman Dudin <katrmr@gmail.com>
 Roman Strashkin <roman.strashkin@gmail.com>
 Ron Smits <ron.smits@gmail.com>
 Ron Williams <ron.a.williams@gmail.com>
+Rong Gao <gaoronggood@163.com>
+Rong Zhang <rongzhang@alauda.io>
+Rongxiang Song <tinysong1226@gmail.com>
 root <docker-dummy@example.com>
 root <root@lxdebmas.marist.edu>
 root <root@ubuntu-14.04-amd64-vbox>
@@ -1544,8 +1616,10 @@ Rovanion Luckey <rovanion.luckey@gmail.com>
 Royce Remer <royceremer@gmail.com>
 Rozhnov Alexandr <nox73@ya.ru>
 Rudolph Gottesheim <r.gottesheim@loot.at>
+Rui Cao <ruicao@alauda.io>
 Rui Lopes <rgl@ruilopes.com>
 Runshen Zhu <runshen.zhu@gmail.com>
+Russ Magee <rmagee@gmail.com>
 Ryan Abrams <rdabrams@gmail.com>
 Ryan Anderson <anderson.ryanc@gmail.com>
 Ryan Aslett <github@mixologic.com>
@@ -1564,6 +1638,7 @@ Ryan Wallner <ryan.wallner@clusterhq.com>
 Ryan Zhang <ryan.zhang@docker.com>
 ryancooper7 <ryan.cooper7@gmail.com>
 RyanDeng <sheldon.d1018@gmail.com>
+Ryo Nakao <nakabonne@gmail.com>
 Rémy Greinhofer <remy.greinhofer@livelovely.com>
 s. rannou <mxs@sbrk.org>
 s00318865 <sunyuan3@huawei.com>
@@ -1572,6 +1647,7 @@ Sachin Joshi <sachin_jayant_joshi@hotmail.com>
 Sagar Hani <sagarhani33@gmail.com>
 Sainath Grandhi <sainath.grandhi@intel.com>
 Sakeven Jiang <jc5930@sina.cn>
+Salahuddin Khan <salah@docker.com>
 Sally O'Malley <somalley@redhat.com>
 Sam Abed <sam.abed@gmail.com>
 Sam Alba <sam.alba@gmail.com>
@@ -1593,6 +1669,7 @@ Santhosh Manohar <santhosh@docker.com>
 sapphiredev <se.imas.kr@gmail.com>
 Sargun Dhillon <sargun@netflix.com>
 Sascha Andres <sascha.andres@outlook.com>
+Sascha Grunert <sgrunert@suse.com>
 Satnam Singh <satnam@raintown.org>
 Satoshi Amemiya <satoshi_amemiya@voyagegroup.com>
 Satoshi Tagomori <tagomoris@gmail.com>
@@ -1619,7 +1696,9 @@ Serge Hallyn <serge.hallyn@ubuntu.com>
 Sergey Alekseev <sergey.alekseev.minsk@gmail.com>
 Sergey Evstifeev <sergey.evstifeev@gmail.com>
 Sergii Kabashniuk <skabashnyuk@codenvy.com>
+Sergio Lopez <slp@redhat.com>
 Serhat Gülçiçek <serhat25@gmail.com>
+SeungUkLee <lsy931106@gmail.com>
 Sevki Hasirci <s@sevki.org>
 Shane Canon <scanon@lbl.gov>
 Shane da Silva <shane@dasilva.io>
@@ -1647,6 +1726,7 @@ Sidhartha Mani <sidharthamn@gmail.com>
 sidharthamani <sid@rancher.com>
 Silas Sewell <silas@sewell.org>
 Silvan Jegen <s.jegen@gmail.com>
+Simão Reis <smnrsti@gmail.com>
 Simei He <hesimei@zju.edu.cn>
 Simon Eskildsen <sirup@sirupsen.com>
 Simon Ferquel <simon.ferquel@docker.com>
@@ -1714,10 +1794,11 @@ tang0th <tang0th@gmx.com>
 Tangi Colin <tangicolin@gmail.com>
 Tatsuki Sugiura <sugi@nemui.org>
 Tatsushi Inagaki <e29253@jp.ibm.com>
+Taylan Isikdemir <taylani@google.com>
 Taylor Jones <monitorjbl@gmail.com>
-tbonza <tylers.pile@gmail.com>
 Ted M. Young <tedyoung@gmail.com>
 Tehmasp Chaudhri <tehmasp@gmail.com>
+Tejaswini Duggaraju <naduggar@microsoft.com>
 Tejesh Mehta <tejesh.mehta@gmail.com>
 terryding77 <550147740@qq.com>
 tgic <farmer1992@gmail.com>
@@ -1811,6 +1892,7 @@ Tristan Carel <tristan@cogniteev.com>
 Troy Denton <trdenton@gmail.com>
 Tycho Andersen <tycho@docker.com>
 Tyler Brock <tyler.brock@gmail.com>
+Tyler Brown <tylers.pile@gmail.com>
 Tzu-Jung Lee <roylee17@gmail.com>
 uhayate <uhayate.gong@daocloud.io>
 Ulysse Carion <ulyssecarion@gmail.com>
@@ -1871,6 +1953,7 @@ Wassim Dhif <wassimdhif@gmail.com>
 Wayne Chang <wayne@neverfear.org>
 Wayne Song <wsong@docker.com>
 Weerasak Chongnguluam <singpor@gmail.com>
+Wei Fu <fuweid89@gmail.com>
 Wei Wu <wuwei4455@gmail.com>
 Wei-Ting Kuo <waitingkuo0527@gmail.com>
 weipeng <weipeng@tuscloud.io>
@@ -1900,17 +1983,24 @@ WiseTrem <shepelyov.g@gmail.com>
 Wolfgang Powisch <powo@powo.priv.at>
 Wonjun Kim <wonjun.kim@navercorp.com>
 xamyzhao <x.amy.zhao@gmail.com>
+Xian Chaobo <xianchaobo@huawei.com>
 Xianglin Gao <xlgao@zju.edu.cn>
 Xianlu Bird <xianlubird@gmail.com>
+Xiao YongBiao <xyb4638@gmail.com>
 XiaoBing Jiang <s7v7nislands@gmail.com>
+Xiaodong Zhang <a4012017@sina.com>
+Xiaoxi He <xxhe@alauda.io>
 Xiaoxu Chen <chenxiaoxu14@otcaix.iscas.ac.cn>
 Xiaoyu Zhang <zhang.xiaoyu33@zte.com.cn>
+xichengliudui <1693291525@qq.com>
 xiekeyang <xiekeyang@huawei.com>
+Ximo Guanter Gonzálbez <joaquin.guantergonzalbez@telefonica.com>
 Xinbo Weng <xihuanbo_0521@zju.edu.cn>
 Xinzi Zhou <imdreamrunner@gmail.com>
 Xiuming Chen <cc@cxm.cc>
 Xuecong Liao <satorulogic@gmail.com>
 xuzhaokui <cynicholas@gmail.com>
+Yadnyawalkya Tale <ytale@redhat.com>
 Yahya <ya7yaz@gmail.com>
 YAMADA Tsuyoshi <tyamada@minimum2scp.org>
 Yamasaki Masahide <masahide.y@gmail.com>
@@ -1930,6 +2020,7 @@ Yihang Ho <hoyihang5@gmail.com>
 Ying Li <ying.li@docker.com>
 Yohei Ueda <yohei@jp.ibm.com>
 Yong Tang <yong.tang.github@outlook.com>
+Yongxin Li <yxli@alauda.io>
 Yongzhi Pan <panyongzhi@gmail.com>
 Yosef Fertel <yfertel@gmail.com>
 You-Sheng Yang (楊有勝) <vicamo@gmail.com>
@@ -1940,9 +2031,12 @@ Yu Peng <yu.peng36@zte.com.cn>
 Yu-Ju Hong <yjhong@google.com>
 Yuan Sun <sunyuan3@huawei.com>
 Yuanhong Peng <pengyuanhong@huawei.com>
+Yue Zhang <zy675793960@yeah.net>
 Yuhao Fang <fangyuhao@gmail.com>
+Yuichiro Kaneko <spiketeika@gmail.com>
 Yunxiang Huang <hyxqshk@vip.qq.com>
 Yurii Rashkovskii <yrashk@gmail.com>
+Yusuf Tarık Günaydın <yusuf_tarik@hotmail.com>
 Yves Junqueira <yves.junqueira@gmail.com>
 Zac Dover <zdover@redhat.com>
 Zach Borboa <zachborboa@gmail.com>
@@ -1959,8 +2053,10 @@ ZhangHang <stevezhang2014@gmail.com>
 zhangxianwei <xianwei.zw@alibaba-inc.com>
 Zhenan Ye <21551168@zju.edu.cn>
 zhenghenghuo <zhenghenghuo@zju.edu.cn>
+Zhenhai Gao <gaozh1988@live.com>
 Zhenkun Bi <bi.zhenkun@zte.com.cn>
 Zhou Hao <zhouhao@cn.fujitsu.com>
+Zhoulin Xie <zhoulin.xie@daocloud.io>
 Zhu Guihua <zhugh.fnst@cn.fujitsu.com>
 Zhu Kunjia <zhu.kunjia@zte.com.cn>
 Zhuoyun Wei <wzyboy@wzyboy.org>
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/LICENSE b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/LICENSE
index 9c8e20a..6d8d58f 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/LICENSE
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/LICENSE
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@
-   Copyright 2013-2017 Docker, Inc.
+   Copyright 2013-2018 Docker, Inc.
    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/NOTICE b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/NOTICE
index 0c74e15..58b19b6 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/NOTICE
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/NOTICE
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Copyright 2012-2017 Docker, Inc.
 This product includes software developed at Docker, Inc. (https://www.docker.com).
-This product contains software (https://github.com/kr/pty) developed
+This product contains software (https://github.com/creack/pty) developed
 by Keith Rarick, licensed under the MIT License.
 The following is courtesy of our legal counsel:
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/common.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/common.go
index 4582eb9..aa146cd 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/common.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/common.go
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ package api // import "github.com/docker/docker/api"
 // Common constants for daemon and client.
 const (
 	// DefaultVersion of Current REST API
-	DefaultVersion = "1.39"
+	DefaultVersion = "1.40"
 	// NoBaseImageSpecifier is the symbol used by the FROM
 	// command to specify that no base image is to be used.
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/swagger.yaml b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/swagger.yaml
index f58a64f..ce4b80a 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/swagger.yaml
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/swagger.yaml
@@ -19,10 +19,10 @@ produces:
   - "application/json"
   - "text/plain"
-basePath: "/v1.39"
+basePath: "/v1.40"
   title: "Docker Engine API"
-  version: "1.39"
+  version: "1.40"
     url: "https://docs.docker.com/images/logo-docker-main.png"
   description: |
@@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ info:
     the URL is not supported by the daemon, a HTTP `400 Bad Request` error message
     is returned.
-    If you omit the version-prefix, the current version of the API (v1.39) is used.
-    For example, calling `/info` is the same as calling `/v1.39/info`. Using the
+    If you omit the version-prefix, the current version of the API (v1.40) is used.
+    For example, calling `/info` is the same as calling `/v1.40/info`. Using the
     API without a version-prefix is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
     Engine releases in the near future should support this version of the API,
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ info:
     # Authentication
-    Authentication for registries is handled client side. The client has to send authentication details to various endpoints that need to communicate with registries, such as `POST /images/(name)/push`. These are sent as `X-Registry-Auth` header as a Base64 encoded (JSON) string with the following structure:
+    Authentication for registries is handled client side. The client has to send authentication details to various endpoints that need to communicate with registries, such as `POST /images/(name)/push`. These are sent as `X-Registry-Auth` header as a [base64url encoded](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4648#section-5) (JSON) string with the following structure:
@@ -210,6 +210,43 @@ definitions:
       PathInContainer: "/dev/deviceName"
       CgroupPermissions: "mrw"
+  DeviceRequest:
+    type: "object"
+    description: "A request for devices to be sent to device drivers"
+    properties:
+      Driver:
+        type: "string"
+        example: "nvidia"
+      Count:
+        type: "integer"
+        example: -1
+      DeviceIDs:
+        type: "array"
+        items:
+          type: "string"
+        example:
+          - "0"
+          - "1"
+          - "GPU-fef8089b-4820-abfc-e83e-94318197576e"
+      Capabilities:
+        description: |
+          A list of capabilities; an OR list of AND lists of capabilities.
+        type: "array"
+        items:
+          type: "array"
+          items:
+            type: "string"
+        example:
+          # gpu AND nvidia AND compute
+          - ["gpu", "nvidia", "compute"]
+      Options:
+        description: |
+          Driver-specific options, specified as a key/value pairs. These options
+          are passed directly to the driver.
+        type: "object"
+        additionalProperties:
+          type: "string"
     type: "object"
@@ -238,11 +275,13 @@ definitions:
           - `bind` Mounts a file or directory from the host into the container. Must exist prior to creating the container.
           - `volume` Creates a volume with the given name and options (or uses a pre-existing volume with the same name and options). These are **not** removed when the container is removed.
           - `tmpfs` Create a tmpfs with the given options. The mount source cannot be specified for tmpfs.
+          - `npipe` Mounts a named pipe from the host into the container. Must exist prior to creating the container.
         type: "string"
           - "bind"
           - "volume"
           - "tmpfs"
+          - "npipe"
         description: "Whether the mount should be read-only."
         type: "boolean"
@@ -263,6 +302,10 @@ definitions:
               - "rshared"
               - "slave"
               - "rslave"
+          NonRecursive:
+            description: "Disable recursive bind mount."
+            type: "boolean"
+            default: false
         description: "Optional configuration for the `volume` type."
         type: "object"
@@ -415,14 +458,20 @@ definitions:
           type: "string"
           example: "c 13:* rwm"
-      DiskQuota:
-        description: "Disk limit (in bytes)."
-        type: "integer"
-        format: "int64"
+      DeviceRequests:
+        description: "a list of requests for devices to be sent to device drivers"
+        type: "array"
+        items:
+          $ref: "#/definitions/DeviceRequest"
         description: "Kernel memory limit in bytes."
         type: "integer"
         format: "int64"
+        example: 209715200
+      KernelMemoryTCP:
+        description: "Hard limit for kernel TCP buffer memory (in bytes)."
+        type: "integer"
+        format: "int64"
         description: "Memory soft limit in bytes."
         type: "integer"
@@ -449,9 +498,11 @@ definitions:
         type: "boolean"
         x-nullable: true
-        description: "Tune a container's pids limit. Set -1 for unlimited."
+        description: |
+          Tune a container's PIDs limit. Set `0` or `-1` for unlimited, or `null` to not change.
         type: "integer"
         format: "int64"
+        x-nullable: true
         description: |
           A list of resource limits to set in the container. For example: `{"Name": "nofile", "Soft": 1024, "Hard": 2048}`"
@@ -567,6 +618,71 @@ definitions:
         description: "Start period for the container to initialize before starting health-retries countdown in nanoseconds. It should be 0 or at least 1000000 (1 ms). 0 means inherit."
         type: "integer"
+  Health:
+    description: |
+      Health stores information about the container's healthcheck results.
+    type: "object"
+    properties:
+      Status:
+        description: |
+          Status is one of `none`, `starting`, `healthy` or `unhealthy`
+          - "none"      Indicates there is no healthcheck
+          - "starting"  Starting indicates that the container is not yet ready
+          - "healthy"   Healthy indicates that the container is running correctly
+          - "unhealthy" Unhealthy indicates that the container has a problem
+        type: "string"
+        enum:
+          - "none"
+          - "starting"
+          - "healthy"
+          - "unhealthy"
+        example: "healthy"
+      FailingStreak:
+        description: "FailingStreak is the number of consecutive failures"
+        type: "integer"
+        example: 0
+      Log:
+        type: "array"
+        description: |
+          Log contains the last few results (oldest first)
+        items:
+          x-nullable: true
+          $ref: "#/definitions/HealthcheckResult"
+  HealthcheckResult:
+    description: |
+      HealthcheckResult stores information about a single run of a healthcheck probe
+    type: "object"
+    properties:
+      Start:
+        description: |
+          Date and time at which this check started in
+          [RFC 3339](https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3339.txt) format with nano-seconds.
+        type: "string"
+        format: "date-time"
+        example: "2020-01-04T10:44:24.496525531Z"
+      End:
+        description: |
+          Date and time at which this check ended in
+          [RFC 3339](https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3339.txt) format with nano-seconds.
+        type: "string"
+        format: "dateTime"
+        example: "2020-01-04T10:45:21.364524523Z"
+      ExitCode:
+        description: |
+          ExitCode meanings:
+          - `0` healthy
+          - `1` unhealthy
+          - `2` reserved (considered unhealthy)
+          - other values: error running probe
+        type: "integer"
+        example: 0
+      Output:
+        description: "Output from last check"
+        type: "string"
     description: "Container configuration that depends on the host we are running on"
@@ -577,12 +693,44 @@ definitions:
             type: "array"
             description: |
-              A list of volume bindings for this container. Each volume binding is a string in one of these forms:
+              A list of volume bindings for this container. Each volume binding
+              is a string in one of these forms:
-              - `host-src:container-dest` to bind-mount a host path into the container. Both `host-src`, and `container-dest` must be an _absolute_ path.
-              - `host-src:container-dest:ro` to make the bind mount read-only inside the container. Both `host-src`, and `container-dest` must be an _absolute_ path.
-              - `volume-name:container-dest` to bind-mount a volume managed by a volume driver into the container. `container-dest` must be an _absolute_ path.
-              - `volume-name:container-dest:ro` to mount the volume read-only inside the container.  `container-dest` must be an _absolute_ path.
+              - `host-src:container-dest[:options]` to bind-mount a host path
+                into the container. Both `host-src`, and `container-dest` must
+                be an _absolute_ path.
+              - `volume-name:container-dest[:options]` to bind-mount a volume
+                managed by a volume driver into the container. `container-dest`
+                must be an _absolute_ path.
+              `options` is an optional, comma-delimited list of:
+              - `nocopy` disables automatic copying of data from the container
+                path to the volume. The `nocopy` flag only applies to named volumes.
+              - `[ro|rw]` mounts a volume read-only or read-write, respectively.
+                If omitted or set to `rw`, volumes are mounted read-write.
+              - `[z|Z]` applies SELinux labels to allow or deny multiple containers
+                to read and write to the same volume.
+                  - `z`: a _shared_ content label is applied to the content. This
+                    label indicates that multiple containers can share the volume
+                    content, for both reading and writing.
+                  - `Z`: a _private unshared_ label is applied to the content.
+                    This label indicates that only the current container can use
+                    a private volume. Labeling systems such as SELinux require
+                    proper labels to be placed on volume content that is mounted
+                    into a container. Without a label, the security system can
+                    prevent a container's processes from using the content. By
+                    default, the labels set by the host operating system are not
+                    modified.
+              - `[[r]shared|[r]slave|[r]private]` specifies mount
+                [propagation behavior](https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/filesystems/sharedsubtree.txt).
+                This only applies to bind-mounted volumes, not internal volumes
+                or named volumes. Mount propagation requires the source mount
+                point (the location where the source directory is mounted in the
+                host operating system) to have the correct propagation properties.
+                For shared volumes, the source mount point must be set to `shared`.
+                For slave volumes, the mount must be set to either `shared` or
+                `slave`.
               type: "string"
@@ -634,14 +782,22 @@ definitions:
               $ref: "#/definitions/Mount"
           # Applicable to UNIX platforms
+          Capabilities:
+            type: "array"
+            description: |
+              A list of kernel capabilities to be available for container (this overrides the default set).
+              Conflicts with options 'CapAdd' and 'CapDrop'"
+            items:
+              type: "string"
             type: "array"
-            description: "A list of kernel capabilities to add to the container."
+            description: "A list of kernel capabilities to add to the container. Conflicts with option 'Capabilities'"
               type: "string"
             type: "array"
-            description: "A list of kernel capabilities to drop from the container."
+            description: "A list of kernel capabilities to drop from the container. Conflicts with option 'Capabilities'"
               type: "string"
@@ -1082,6 +1238,7 @@ definitions:
     type: "object"
       type: "array"
+      x-nullable: true
         $ref: "#/definitions/PortBinding"
@@ -1106,7 +1263,6 @@ definitions:
       PortBinding represents a binding between a host IP address and a host
     type: "object"
-    x-nullable: true
         description: "Host IP address that the container's port is mapped to."
@@ -1473,11 +1629,9 @@ definitions:
             type: "string"
         description: "Driver-specific options, specified as a map."
-        type: "array"
-        items:
-          type: "object"
-          additionalProperties:
-            type: "string"
+        type: "object"
+        additionalProperties:
+          type: "string"
     type: "object"
@@ -2459,6 +2613,31 @@ definitions:
         description: "Whether there is currently a root CA rotation in progress for the swarm"
         type: "boolean"
         example: false
+      DataPathPort:
+        description: |
+          DataPathPort specifies the data path port number for data traffic.
+          Acceptable port range is 1024 to 49151.
+          If no port is set or is set to 0, the default port (4789) is used.
+        type: "integer"
+        format: "uint32"
+        default: 4789
+        example: 4789
+      DefaultAddrPool:
+        description: |
+          Default Address Pool specifies default subnet pools for global scope networks.
+        type: "array"
+        items:
+          type: "string"
+          format: "CIDR"
+          example: ["", ""]
+      SubnetSize:
+        description: |
+          SubnetSize specifies the subnet size of the networks created from the default subnet pool
+        type: "integer"
+        format: "uint32"
+        maximum: 29
+        default: 24
+        example: 24
     description: |
@@ -2581,8 +2760,20 @@ definitions:
                 type: "object"
                 description: "CredentialSpec for managed service account (Windows only)"
+                  Config:
+                    type: "string"
+                    example: "0bt9dmxjvjiqermk6xrop3ekq"
+                    description: |
+                      Load credential spec from a Swarm Config with the given ID.
+                      The specified config must also be present in the Configs field with the Runtime property set.
+                      <p><br /></p>
+                      > **Note**: `CredentialSpec.File`, `CredentialSpec.Registry`, and `CredentialSpec.Config` are mutually exclusive.
                     type: "string"
+                    example: "spec.json"
                     description: |
                       Load credential spec from this file. The file is read by the daemon, and must be present in the
                       `CredentialSpecs` subdirectory in the docker data directory, which defaults to
@@ -2592,7 +2783,7 @@ definitions:
                       <p><br /></p>
-                      > **Note**: `CredentialSpec.File` and `CredentialSpec.Registry` are mutually exclusive.
+                      > **Note**: `CredentialSpec.File`, `CredentialSpec.Registry`, and `CredentialSpec.Config` are mutually exclusive.
                     type: "string"
                     description: |
@@ -2604,7 +2795,7 @@ definitions:
                       <p><br /></p>
-                      > **Note**: `CredentialSpec.File` and `CredentialSpec.Registry` are mutually exclusive.
+                      > **Note**: `CredentialSpec.File`, `CredentialSpec.Registry`, and `CredentialSpec.Config` are mutually exclusive.
                 type: "object"
                 description: "SELinux labels of the container"
@@ -2715,7 +2906,12 @@ definitions:
               type: "object"
-                  description: "File represents a specific target that is backed by a file."
+                  description: |
+                    File represents a specific target that is backed by a file.
+                    <p><br /><p>
+                    > **Note**: `Configs.File` and `Configs.Runtime` are mutually exclusive
                   type: "object"
@@ -2731,6 +2927,14 @@ definitions:
                       description: "Mode represents the FileMode of the file."
                       type: "integer"
                       format: "uint32"
+                Runtime:
+                  description: |
+                    Runtime represents a target that is not mounted into the container but is used by the task
+                    <p><br /><p>
+                    > **Note**: `Configs.File` and `Configs.Runtime` are mutually exclusive
+                  type: "object"
                   description: "ConfigID represents the ID of the specific config that we're referencing."
                   type: "string"
@@ -2750,6 +2954,18 @@ definitions:
             description: "Run an init inside the container that forwards signals and reaps processes. This field is omitted if empty, and the default (as configured on the daemon) is used."
             type: "boolean"
             x-nullable: true
+          Sysctls:
+            description: |
+              Set kernel namedspaced parameters (sysctls) in the container.
+              The Sysctls option on services accepts the same sysctls as the
+              are supported on containers. Note that while the same sysctls are
+              supported, no guarantees or checks are made about their
+              suitability for a clustered environment, and it's up to the user
+              to determine whether a given sysctl will work properly in a
+              Service.
+            type: "object"
+            additionalProperties:
+              type: "string"
         description: |
           Read-only spec type for non-swarm containers attached to swarm overlay
@@ -2805,7 +3021,27 @@ definitions:
         type: "object"
-            description: "An array of constraints."
+            description: |
+              An array of constraint expressions to limit the set of nodes where
+              a task can be scheduled. Constraint expressions can either use a
+              _match_ (`==`) or _exclude_ (`!=`) rule. Multiple constraints find
+              nodes that satisfy every expression (AND match). Constraints can
+              match node or Docker Engine labels as follows:
+              node attribute       | matches                        | example
+              ---------------------|--------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------
+              `node.id`            | Node ID                        | `node.id==2ivku8v2gvtg4`
+              `node.hostname`      | Node hostname                  | `node.hostname!=node-2`
+              `node.role`          | Node role (`manager`/`worker`) | `node.role==manager`
+              `node.platform.os`   | Node operating system          | `node.platform.os==windows`
+              `node.platform.arch` | Node architecture              | `node.platform.arch==x86_64`
+              `node.labels`        | User-defined node labels       | `node.labels.security==high`
+              `engine.labels`      | Docker Engine's labels         | `engine.labels.operatingsystem==ubuntu-14.04`
+              `engine.labels` apply to Docker Engine labels like operating system,
+              drivers, etc. Swarm administrators add `node.labels` for operational
+              purposes by using the [`node update endpoint`](#operation/NodeUpdate).
             type: "array"
               type: "string"
@@ -2813,6 +3049,8 @@ definitions:
               - "node.hostname!=node3.corp.example.com"
               - "node.role!=manager"
               - "node.labels.type==production"
+              - "node.platform.os==linux"
+              - "node.platform.arch==x86_64"
             description: "Preferences provide a way to make the scheduler aware of factors such as topology. They are provided in order from highest to lowest precedence."
             type: "array"
@@ -2830,6 +3068,11 @@ definitions:
                   SpreadDescriptor: "node.labels.datacenter"
               - Spread:
                   SpreadDescriptor: "node.labels.rack"
+          MaxReplicas:
+            description: "Maximum number of replicas for per node (default value is 0, which is unlimited)"
+            type: "integer"
+            format: "int64"
+            default: 0
             description: |
               Platforms stores all the platforms that the service's image can
@@ -2846,16 +3089,10 @@ definitions:
         description: "Runtime is the type of runtime specified for the task executor."
         type: "string"
+        description: "Specifies which networks the service should attach to."
         type: "array"
-          type: "object"
-          properties:
-            Target:
-              type: "string"
-            Aliases:
-              type: "array"
-              items:
-                type: "string"
+          $ref: "#/definitions/NetworkAttachmentConfig"
         description: "Specifies the log driver to use for tasks created from this spec. If not present, the default one for the swarm will be used, finally falling back to the engine default if not specified."
         type: "object"
@@ -3101,17 +3338,11 @@ definitions:
               - "stop-first"
               - "start-first"
-        description: "Array of network names or IDs to attach the service to."
+        description: "Specifies which networks the service should attach to."
         type: "array"
-          type: "object"
-          properties:
-            Target:
-              type: "string"
-            Aliases:
-              type: "array"
-              items:
-                type: "string"
+          $ref: "#/definitions/NetworkAttachmentConfig"
         $ref: "#/definitions/EndpointSpec"
@@ -3138,7 +3369,7 @@ definitions:
           <p><br /></p>
-          - "ingress" makes the target port accessible on on every node,
+          - "ingress" makes the target port accessible on every node,
             regardless of whether there is a task for the service running on
             that node or not.
           - "host" bypasses the routing mesh and publish the port directly on
@@ -3156,8 +3387,8 @@ definitions:
     type: "object"
-        description: "The mode of resolution to use for internal load balancing
-      between tasks."
+        description: |
+          The mode of resolution to use for internal load balancing between tasks.
         type: "string"
           - "vip"
@@ -3408,7 +3639,7 @@ definitions:
           com.example.some-other-label: "some-other-value"
         description: |
-          Base64-url-safe-encoded ([RFC 4648](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4648#section-3.2))
+          Base64-url-safe-encoded ([RFC 4648](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4648#section-5))
           data to store as secret.
           This field is only used to _create_ a secret, and is not returned by
@@ -3458,7 +3689,7 @@ definitions:
           type: "string"
         description: |
-          Base64-url-safe-encoded ([RFC 4648](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4648#section-3.2))
+          Base64-url-safe-encoded ([RFC 4648](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4648#section-5))
           config data.
         type: "string"
@@ -3485,6 +3716,70 @@ definitions:
         $ref: "#/definitions/ConfigSpec"
+  ContainerState:
+    description: |
+      ContainerState stores container's running state. It's part of ContainerJSONBase
+      and will be returned by the "inspect" command.
+    type: "object"
+    properties:
+      Status:
+        description: |
+          String representation of the container state. Can be one of "created",
+          "running", "paused", "restarting", "removing", "exited", or "dead".
+        type: "string"
+        enum: ["created", "running", "paused", "restarting", "removing", "exited", "dead"]
+        example: "running"
+      Running:
+        description: |
+          Whether this container is running.
+          Note that a running container can be _paused_. The `Running` and `Paused`
+          booleans are not mutually exclusive:
+          When pausing a container (on Linux), the freezer cgroup is used to suspend
+          all processes in the container. Freezing the process requires the process to
+          be running. As a result, paused containers are both `Running` _and_ `Paused`.
+          Use the `Status` field instead to determine if a container's state is "running".
+        type: "boolean"
+        example: true
+      Paused:
+        description: "Whether this container is paused."
+        type: "boolean"
+        example: false
+      Restarting:
+        description: "Whether this container is restarting."
+        type: "boolean"
+        example: false
+      OOMKilled:
+        description: "Whether this container has been killed because it ran out of memory."
+        type: "boolean"
+        example: false
+      Dead:
+        type: "boolean"
+        example: false
+      Pid:
+        description: "The process ID of this container"
+        type: "integer"
+        example: 1234
+      ExitCode:
+        description: "The last exit code of this container"
+        type: "integer"
+        example: 0
+      Error:
+        type: "string"
+      StartedAt:
+        description: "The time when this container was last started."
+        type: "string"
+        example: "2020-01-06T09:06:59.461876391Z"
+      FinishedAt:
+        description: "The time when this container last exited."
+        type: "string"
+        example: "2020-01-06T09:07:59.461876391Z"
+      Health:
+        x-nullable: true
+        $ref: "#/definitions/Health"
     type: "object"
@@ -3630,6 +3925,10 @@ definitions:
           See [cpuset(7)](https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/cgroup-v1/cpusets.txt)
         type: "boolean"
         example: true
+      PidsLimit:
+        description: "Indicates if the host kernel has PID limit support enabled."
+        type: "boolean"
+        example: true
         description: "Indicates if OOM killer disable is supported on the host."
         type: "boolean"
@@ -3677,7 +3976,7 @@ definitions:
         description: |
           The driver to use for managing cgroups.
         type: "string"
-        enum: ["cgroupfs", "systemd"]
+        enum: ["cgroupfs", "systemd", "none"]
         default: "cgroupfs"
         example: "cgroupfs"
@@ -3912,7 +4211,7 @@ definitions:
         description: |
           List of security features that are enabled on the daemon, such as
-          apparmor, seccomp, SELinux, and user-namespaces (userns).
+          apparmor, seccomp, SELinux, user-namespaces (userns), and rootless.
           Additional configuration options for each security feature may
           be present, and are included as a comma-separated list of key/value
@@ -3925,6 +4224,7 @@ definitions:
           - "name=seccomp,profile=default"
           - "name=selinux"
           - "name=userns"
+          - "name=rootless"
         description: |
           Reports a summary of the product license on the daemon.
@@ -4278,6 +4578,24 @@ definitions:
           IP address and ports at which this node can be reached.
         type: "string"
+  NetworkAttachmentConfig:
+    description: "Specifies how a service should be attached to a particular network."
+    type: "object"
+    properties:
+      Target:
+        description: "The target network for attachment. Must be a network name or ID."
+        type: "string"
+      Aliases:
+        description: "Discoverable alternate names for the service on this network."
+        type: "array"
+        items:
+          type: "string"
+      DriverOpts:
+        description: "Driver attachment options for the network target"
+        type: "object"
+        additionalProperties:
+          type: "string"
@@ -4479,9 +4797,9 @@ paths:
         - name: "name"
           in: "query"
-          description: "Assign the specified name to the container. Must match `/?[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+`."
+          description: "Assign the specified name to the container. Must match `/?[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+`."
           type: "string"
-          pattern: "/?[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+"
+          pattern: "^/?[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+$"
         - name: "body"
           in: "body"
           description: "Container to create"
@@ -4566,7 +4884,7 @@ paths:
                 OomKillDisable: false
                 OomScoreAdj: 500
                 PidMode: ""
-                PidsLimit: -1
+                PidsLimit: 0
                     - HostPort: "11022"
@@ -4693,52 +5011,8 @@ paths:
                   type: "string"
-                description: "The state of the container."
-                type: "object"
-                properties:
-                  Status:
-                    description: |
-                      The status of the container. For example, `"running"` or `"exited"`.
-                    type: "string"
-                    enum: ["created", "running", "paused", "restarting", "removing", "exited", "dead"]
-                  Running:
-                    description: |
-                      Whether this container is running.
-                      Note that a running container can be _paused_. The `Running` and `Paused`
-                      booleans are not mutually exclusive:
-                      When pausing a container (on Linux), the cgroups freezer is used to suspend
-                      all processes in the container. Freezing the process requires the process to
-                      be running. As a result, paused containers are both `Running` _and_ `Paused`.
-                      Use the `Status` field instead to determine if a container's state is "running".
-                    type: "boolean"
-                  Paused:
-                    description: "Whether this container is paused."
-                    type: "boolean"
-                  Restarting:
-                    description: "Whether this container is restarting."
-                    type: "boolean"
-                  OOMKilled:
-                    description: "Whether this container has been killed because it ran out of memory."
-                    type: "boolean"
-                  Dead:
-                    type: "boolean"
-                  Pid:
-                    description: "The process ID of this container"
-                    type: "integer"
-                  ExitCode:
-                    description: "The last exit code of this container"
-                    type: "integer"
-                  Error:
-                    type: "string"
-                  StartedAt:
-                    description: "The time when this container was last started."
-                    type: "string"
-                  FinishedAt:
-                    description: "The time when this container last exited."
-                    type: "string"
+                x-nullable: true
+                $ref: "#/definitions/ContainerState"
                 description: "The container's image"
                 type: "string"
@@ -4759,6 +5033,8 @@ paths:
                 type: "integer"
                 type: "string"
+              Platform:
+                type: "string"
                 type: "string"
@@ -4808,6 +5084,8 @@ paths:
                 Domainname: ""
                   - "PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin"
+                Healthcheck:
+                  Test: ["CMD-SHELL", "exit 0"]
                 Hostname: "ba033ac44011"
                 Image: "ubuntu"
@@ -4919,6 +5197,14 @@ paths:
                 Error: ""
                 ExitCode: 9
                 FinishedAt: "2015-01-06T15:47:32.080254511Z"
+                Health:
+                  Status: "healthy"
+                  FailingStreak: 0
+                  Log:
+                    - Start: "2019-12-22T10:59:05.6385933Z"
+                      End: "2019-12-22T10:59:05.8078452Z"
+                      ExitCode: 0
+                      Output: ""
                 OOMKilled: false
                 Dead: false
                 Paused: false
@@ -5045,15 +5331,15 @@ paths:
         Note: This endpoint works only for containers with the `json-file` or `journald` logging driver.
       operationId: "ContainerLogs"
-        101:
-          description: "logs returned as a stream"
+        200:
+          description: |
+                  logs returned as a stream in response body.
+                  For the stream format, [see the documentation for the attach endpoint](#operation/ContainerAttach).
+                  Note that unlike the attach endpoint, the logs endpoint does not upgrade the connection and does not
+                  set Content-Type.
             type: "string"
             format: "binary"
-        200:
-          description: "logs returned as a string in response body"
-          schema:
-            type: "string"
           description: "no such container"
@@ -5073,10 +5359,7 @@ paths:
           type: "string"
         - name: "follow"
           in: "query"
-          description: |
-            Return the logs as a stream.
-            This will return a `101` HTTP response with a `Connection: upgrade` header, then hijack the HTTP connection to send raw output. For more information about hijacking and the stream format, [see the documentation for the attach endpoint](#operation/ContainerAttach).
+          description: "Keep connection after returning logs."
           type: "boolean"
           default: false
         - name: "stdout"
@@ -5337,7 +5620,7 @@ paths:
       summary: "Resize a container TTY"
-      description: "Resize the TTY for a container. You must restart the container for the resize to take effect."
+      description: "Resize the TTY for a container."
       operationId: "ContainerResize"
         - "application/octet-stream"
@@ -5381,8 +5664,6 @@ paths:
           description: "no error"
           description: "container already started"
-          schema:
-            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
           description: "no such container"
@@ -5414,8 +5695,6 @@ paths:
           description: "no error"
           description: "container already stopped"
-          schema:
-            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
           description: "no such container"
@@ -5606,9 +5885,9 @@ paths:
       summary: "Pause a container"
       description: |
-        Use the cgroups freezer to suspend all processes in a container.
+        Use the freezer cgroup to suspend all processes in a container.
-        Traditionally, when suspending a process the `SIGSTOP` signal is used, which is observable by the process being suspended. With the cgroups freezer the process is unaware, and unable to capture, that it is being suspended, and subsequently resumed.
+        Traditionally, when suspending a process the `SIGSTOP` signal is used, which is observable by the process being suspended. With the freezer cgroup the process is unaware, and unable to capture, that it is being suspended, and subsequently resumed.
       operationId: "ContainerPause"
@@ -6091,12 +6370,17 @@ paths:
           in: "query"
           description: "If “1”, “true”, or “True” then it will be an error if unpacking the given content would cause an existing directory to be replaced with a non-directory and vice versa."
           type: "string"
+        - name: "copyUIDGID"
+          in: "query"
+          description: "If “1”, “true”, then it will copy UID/GID maps to the dest file or dir"
+          type: "string"
         - name: "inputStream"
           in: "body"
           required: true
           description: "The input stream must be a tar archive compressed with one of the following algorithms: identity (no compression), gzip, bzip2, xz."
             type: "string"
+            format: "binary"
       tags: ["Container"]
@@ -6326,10 +6610,11 @@ paths:
           type: "string"
         - name: "networkmode"
           in: "query"
-          description: "Sets the networking mode for the run commands during
-        build. Supported standard values are: `bridge`, `host`, `none`, and
-        `container:<name|id>`. Any other value is taken as a custom network's
-        name to which this container should connect to."
+          description: |
+            Sets the networking mode for the run commands during build. Supported
+            standard values are: `bridge`, `host`, `none`, and `container:<name|id>`.
+            Any other value is taken as a custom network's name or ID to which this
+            container should connect to.
           type: "string"
         - name: "Content-type"
           in: "header"
@@ -6369,6 +6654,11 @@ paths:
           description: "Target build stage"
           type: "string"
           default: ""
+        - name: "outputs"
+          in: "query"
+          description: "BuildKit output configuration"
+          type: "string"
+          default: ""
           description: "no error"
@@ -6402,7 +6692,7 @@ paths:
           type: "string"
           description: |
             A JSON encoded value of the filters (a `map[string][]string`) to process on the list of build cache objects. Available filters:
-            - `unused-for=<duration>`: duration relative to daemon's time, during which build cache was not used, in Go's duration format (e.g., '24h')
+            - `until=<duration>`: duration relative to daemon's time, during which build cache was not used, in Go's duration format (e.g., '24h')
             - `id=<id>`
             - `parent=<id>`
             - `type=<string>`
@@ -6469,6 +6759,10 @@ paths:
           in: "query"
           description: "Tag or digest. If empty when pulling an image, this causes all tags for the given image to be pulled."
           type: "string"
+        - name: "message"
+          in: "query"
+          description: "Set commit message for imported image."
+          type: "string"
         - name: "inputImage"
           in: "body"
           description: "Image content if the value `-` has been specified in fromSrc query parameter"
@@ -6477,7 +6771,7 @@ paths:
           required: false
         - name: "X-Registry-Auth"
           in: "header"
-          description: "A base64-encoded auth configuration. [See the authentication section for details.](#section/Authentication)"
+          description: "A base64url-encoded auth configuration. [See the authentication section for details.](#section/Authentication)"
           type: "string"
         - name: "platform"
           in: "query"
@@ -6705,7 +6999,7 @@ paths:
           type: "string"
         - name: "X-Registry-Auth"
           in: "header"
-          description: "A base64-encoded auth configuration. [See the authentication section for details.](#section/Authentication)"
+          description: "A base64url-encoded auth configuration. [See the authentication section for details.](#section/Authentication)"
           type: "string"
           required: true
       tags: ["Image"]
@@ -7056,6 +7350,51 @@ paths:
               type: "boolean"
               description: "If the server is running with experimental mode enabled"
+            Cache-Control:
+              type: "string"
+              default: "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate"
+            Pragma:
+              type: "string"
+              default: "no-cache"
+        500:
+          description: "server error"
+          schema:
+            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
+          headers:
+            Cache-Control:
+              type: "string"
+              default: "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate"
+            Pragma:
+              type: "string"
+              default: "no-cache"
+      tags: ["System"]
+    head:
+      summary: "Ping"
+      description: "This is a dummy endpoint you can use to test if the server is accessible."
+      operationId: "SystemPingHead"
+      produces: ["text/plain"]
+      responses:
+        200:
+          description: "no error"
+          schema:
+            type: "string"
+            example: "(empty)"
+          headers:
+            API-Version:
+              type: "string"
+              description: "Max API Version the server supports"
+            BuildKit-Version:
+              type: "string"
+              description: "Default version of docker image builder"
+            Docker-Experimental:
+              type: "boolean"
+              description: "If the server is running with experimental mode enabled"
+            Cache-Control:
+              type: "string"
+              default: "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate"
+            Pragma:
+              type: "string"
+              default: "no-cache"
           description: "server error"
@@ -7953,6 +8292,10 @@ paths:
           description: |
             JSON encoded value of the filters (a `map[string][]string`) to process on the networks list. Available filters:
+            - `dangling=<boolean>` When set to `true` (or `1`), returns all
+               networks that are not in use by a container. When set to `false`
+               (or `0`), only networks that are in use by one or more
+               containers are returned.
             - `driver=<driver-name>` Matches a network's driver.
             - `id=<network-id>` Matches all or part of a network ID.
             - `label=<key>` or `label=<key>=<value>` of a network label.
@@ -8362,7 +8705,7 @@ paths:
           type: "string"
         - name: "X-Registry-Auth"
           in: "header"
-          description: "A base64-encoded auth configuration to use when pulling a plugin from a registry. [See the authentication section for details.](#section/Authentication)"
+          description: "A base64url-encoded auth configuration to use when pulling a plugin from a registry. [See the authentication section for details.](#section/Authentication)"
           type: "string"
         - name: "body"
           in: "body"
@@ -8527,7 +8870,7 @@ paths:
           type: "string"
         - name: "X-Registry-Auth"
           in: "header"
-          description: "A base64-encoded auth configuration to use when pulling a plugin from a registry. [See the authentication section for details.](#section/Authentication)"
+          description: "A base64url-encoded auth configuration to use when pulling a plugin from a registry. [See the authentication section for details.](#section/Authentication)"
           type: "string"
         - name: "body"
           in: "body"
@@ -8670,6 +9013,7 @@ paths:
             - `label=<engine label>`
             - `membership=`(`accepted`|`pending`)`
             - `name=<node name>`
+            - `node.label=<node label>`
             - `role=`(`manager`|`worker`)`
           type: "string"
       tags: ["Node"]
@@ -8842,6 +9186,13 @@ paths:
                   nodes in order to reach the containers running on this node. Using this parameter it is possible to
                   separate the container data traffic from the management traffic of the cluster.
                 type: "string"
+              DataPathPort:
+                description: |
+                  DataPathPort specifies the data path port number for data traffic.
+                  Acceptable port range is 1024 to 49151.
+                  if no port is set or is set to 0, default port 4789 will be used.
+                type: "integer"
+                format: "uint32"
                 description: |
                   Default Address Pool specifies default subnet pools for global scope networks.
@@ -8862,6 +9213,7 @@ paths:
               ListenAddr: ""
               AdvertiseAddr: ""
+              DataPathPort: 4789
               DefaultAddrPool: ["", ""]
               SubnetSize: 24
               ForceNewCluster: false
@@ -8918,7 +9270,9 @@ paths:
                 type: "string"
                 description: "Addresses of manager nodes already participating in the swarm."
-                type: "string"
+                type: "array"
+                items:
+                  type: "string"
                 description: "Secret token for joining this swarm."
                 type: "string"
@@ -9209,7 +9563,7 @@ paths:
                     foo: "bar"
         - name: "X-Registry-Auth"
           in: "header"
-          description: "A base64-encoded auth configuration for pulling from private registries. [See the authentication section for details.](#section/Authentication)"
+          description: "A base64url-encoded auth configuration for pulling from private registries. [See the authentication section for details.](#section/Authentication)"
           type: "string"
       tags: ["Service"]
@@ -9353,20 +9707,22 @@ paths:
           type: "integer"
         - name: "registryAuthFrom"
           in: "query"
+          description: |
+            If the `X-Registry-Auth` header is not specified, this parameter
+            indicates where to find registry authorization credentials.
           type: "string"
-          description: "If the X-Registry-Auth header is not specified, this
-  parameter indicates where to find registry authorization credentials. The
-  valid values are `spec` and `previous-spec`."
+          enum: ["spec", "previous-spec"]
           default: "spec"
         - name: "rollback"
           in: "query"
+          description: |
+            Set to this parameter to `previous` to cause a server-side rollback
+            to the previous service spec. The supplied spec will be ignored in
+            this case.
           type: "string"
-          description: "Set to this parameter to `previous` to cause a
-  server-side rollback to the previous service spec. The supplied spec will be
-  ignored in this case."
         - name: "X-Registry-Auth"
           in: "header"
-          description: "A base64-encoded auth configuration for pulling from private registries. [See the authentication section for details.](#section/Authentication)"
+          description: "A base64url-encoded auth configuration for pulling from private registries. [See the authentication section for details.](#section/Authentication)"
           type: "string"
       tags: ["Service"]
@@ -9374,23 +9730,16 @@ paths:
       summary: "Get service logs"
       description: |
-        Get `stdout` and `stderr` logs from a service.
+        Get `stdout` and `stderr` logs from a service. See also [`/containers/{id}/logs`](#operation/ContainerLogs).
-        **Note**: This endpoint works only for services with the `json-file` or `journald` logging drivers.
+        **Note**: This endpoint works only for services with the `local`, `json-file` or `journald` logging drivers.
       operationId: "ServiceLogs"
-      produces:
-        - "application/vnd.docker.raw-stream"
-        - "application/json"
-        101:
-          description: "logs returned as a stream"
+        200:
+          description: "logs returned as a stream in response body"
             type: "string"
             format: "binary"
-        200:
-          description: "logs returned as a string in response body"
-          schema:
-            type: "string"
           description: "no such service"
@@ -9419,10 +9768,7 @@ paths:
           default: false
         - name: "follow"
           in: "query"
-          description: |
-            Return the logs as a stream.
-            This will return a `101` HTTP response with a `Connection: upgrade` header, then hijack the HTTP connection to send raw output. For more information about hijacking and the stream format, [see the documentation for the attach endpoint](#operation/ContainerAttach).
+          description: "Keep connection after returning logs."
           type: "boolean"
           default: false
         - name: "stdout"
@@ -9631,23 +9977,16 @@ paths:
       summary: "Get task logs"
       description: |
-        Get `stdout` and `stderr` logs from a task.
+        Get `stdout` and `stderr` logs from a task. See also [`/containers/{id}/logs`](#operation/ContainerLogs).
-        **Note**: This endpoint works only for services with the `json-file` or `journald` logging drivers.
+        **Note**: This endpoint works only for services with the `local`, `json-file` or `journald` logging drivers.
       operationId: "TaskLogs"
-      produces:
-        - "application/vnd.docker.raw-stream"
-        - "application/json"
-        101:
-          description: "logs returned as a stream"
+        200:
+          description: "logs returned as a stream in response body"
             type: "string"
             format: "binary"
-        200:
-          description: "logs returned as a string in response body"
-          schema:
-            type: "string"
           description: "no such task"
@@ -9676,10 +10015,7 @@ paths:
           default: false
         - name: "follow"
           in: "query"
-          description: |
-            Return the logs as a stream.
-            This will return a `101` HTTP response with a `Connection: upgrade` header, then hijack the HTTP connection to send raw output. For more information about hijacking and the stream format, [see the documentation for the attach endpoint](#operation/ContainerAttach).
+          description: "Keep connection after returning logs."
           type: "boolean"
           default: false
         - name: "stdout"
@@ -9707,6 +10043,7 @@ paths:
           description: "Only return this number of log lines from the end of the logs. Specify as an integer or `all` to output all log lines."
           type: "string"
           default: "all"
+      tags: ["Task"]
       summary: "List secrets"
@@ -10202,9 +10539,6 @@ paths:
       description: |
         Start a new interactive session with a server. Session allows server to call back to the client for advanced capabilities.
-        > **Note**: This endpoint is *experimental* and only available if the daemon is started with experimental
-        > features enabled. The specifications for this endpoint may still change in a future version of the API.
         ### Hijacking
         This endpoint hijacks the HTTP connection to HTTP2 transport that allows the client to expose gPRC services on that connection.
@@ -10238,4 +10572,4 @@ paths:
           description: "server error"
             $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
-      tags: ["Session (experimental)"]
+      tags: ["Session"]
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/client.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/client.go
index 3b698c2..fe90617 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/client.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/client.go
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ type ContainerCommitOptions struct {
 // ContainerExecInspect holds information returned by exec inspect.
 type ContainerExecInspect struct {
-	ExecID      string
+	ExecID      string `json:"ID"`
 	ContainerID string
 	Running     bool
 	ExitCode    int
@@ -187,6 +187,15 @@ type ImageBuildOptions struct {
 	// build request. The same identifier can be used to gracefully cancel the
 	// build with the cancel request.
 	BuildID string
+	// Outputs defines configurations for exporting build results. Only supported
+	// in BuildKit mode
+	Outputs []ImageBuildOutput
+// ImageBuildOutput defines configuration for exporting a build result
+type ImageBuildOutput struct {
+	Type  string
+	Attrs map[string]string
 // BuilderVersion sets the version of underlying builder to use
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container/config.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container/config.go
index 89ad08c..f767195 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container/config.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container/config.go
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ type Config struct {
 	Env             []string            // List of environment variable to set in the container
 	Cmd             strslice.StrSlice   // Command to run when starting the container
 	Healthcheck     *HealthConfig       `json:",omitempty"` // Healthcheck describes how to check the container is healthy
-	ArgsEscaped     bool                `json:",omitempty"` // True if command is already escaped (Windows specific)
+	ArgsEscaped     bool                `json:",omitempty"` // True if command is already escaped (meaning treat as a command line) (Windows specific).
 	Image           string              // Name of the image as it was passed by the operator (e.g. could be symbolic)
 	Volumes         map[string]struct{} // List of volumes (mounts) used for the container
 	WorkingDir      string              // Current directory (PWD) in the command will be launched
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container/container_changes.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container/container_changes.go
index c909d6c..222d141 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container/container_changes.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container/container_changes.go
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-package container
+package container // import "github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container"
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container/container_create.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container/container_create.go
index 49efa0f..1ec9c37 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container/container_create.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container/container_create.go
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-package container
+package container // import "github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container"
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container/container_top.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container/container_top.go
index ba41edc..f8a6066 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container/container_top.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container/container_top.go
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-package container
+package container // import "github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container"
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container/container_update.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container/container_update.go
index 7630ae5..33added 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container/container_update.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container/container_update.go
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-package container
+package container // import "github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container"
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container/container_wait.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container/container_wait.go
index 9e3910a..94b6a20 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container/container_wait.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container/container_wait.go
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-package container
+package container // import "github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container"
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container/host_config.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container/host_config.go
index 4ef26fa..c3de3d9 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container/host_config.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container/host_config.go
@@ -244,6 +244,16 @@ func (n PidMode) Container() string {
 	return ""
+// DeviceRequest represents a request for devices from a device driver.
+// Used by GPU device drivers.
+type DeviceRequest struct {
+	Driver       string            // Name of device driver
+	Count        int               // Number of devices to request (-1 = All)
+	DeviceIDs    []string          // List of device IDs as recognizable by the device driver
+	Capabilities [][]string        // An OR list of AND lists of device capabilities (e.g. "gpu")
+	Options      map[string]string // Options to pass onto the device driver
 // DeviceMapping represents the device mapping between the host and the container.
 type DeviceMapping struct {
 	PathOnHost        string
@@ -327,13 +337,14 @@ type Resources struct {
 	CpusetMems           string          // CpusetMems 0-2, 0,1
 	Devices              []DeviceMapping // List of devices to map inside the container
 	DeviceCgroupRules    []string        // List of rule to be added to the device cgroup
-	DiskQuota            int64           // Disk limit (in bytes)
+	DeviceRequests       []DeviceRequest // List of device requests for device drivers
 	KernelMemory         int64           // Kernel memory limit (in bytes)
+	KernelMemoryTCP      int64           // Hard limit for kernel TCP buffer memory (in bytes)
 	MemoryReservation    int64           // Memory soft limit (in bytes)
 	MemorySwap           int64           // Total memory usage (memory + swap); set `-1` to enable unlimited swap
 	MemorySwappiness     *int64          // Tuning container memory swappiness behaviour
 	OomKillDisable       *bool           // Whether to disable OOM Killer or not
-	PidsLimit            int64           // Setting pids limit for a container
+	PidsLimit            *int64          // Setting PIDs limit for a container; Set `0` or `-1` for unlimited, or `null` to not change.
 	Ulimits              []*units.Ulimit // List of ulimits to be set in the container
 	// Applicable to Windows
@@ -369,9 +380,10 @@ type HostConfig struct {
 	// Applicable to UNIX platforms
 	CapAdd          strslice.StrSlice // List of kernel capabilities to add to the container
 	CapDrop         strslice.StrSlice // List of kernel capabilities to remove from the container
-	DNS             []string          `json:"Dns"`        // List of DNS server to lookup
-	DNSOptions      []string          `json:"DnsOptions"` // List of DNSOption to look for
-	DNSSearch       []string          `json:"DnsSearch"`  // List of DNSSearch to look for
+	Capabilities    []string          `json:"Capabilities"` // List of kernel capabilities to be available for container (this overrides the default set)
+	DNS             []string          `json:"Dns"`          // List of DNS server to lookup
+	DNSOptions      []string          `json:"DnsOptions"`   // List of DNSOption to look for
+	DNSSearch       []string          `json:"DnsSearch"`    // List of DNSSearch to look for
 	ExtraHosts      []string          // List of extra hosts
 	GroupAdd        []string          // List of additional groups that the container process will run as
 	IpcMode         IpcMode           // IPC namespace to use for the container
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/filters/parse.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/filters/parse.go
index a41e3d8..0bd2e1e 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/filters/parse.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/filters/parse.go
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ package filters // import "github.com/docker/docker/api/types/filters"
 import (
-	"errors"
@@ -37,39 +36,13 @@ func NewArgs(initialArgs ...KeyValuePair) Args {
 	return args
-// ParseFlag parses a key=value string and adds it to an Args.
-// Deprecated: Use Args.Add()
-func ParseFlag(arg string, prev Args) (Args, error) {
-	filters := prev
-	if len(arg) == 0 {
-		return filters, nil
+// Keys returns all the keys in list of Args
+func (args Args) Keys() []string {
+	keys := make([]string, 0, len(args.fields))
+	for k := range args.fields {
+		keys = append(keys, k)
-	if !strings.Contains(arg, "=") {
-		return filters, ErrBadFormat
-	}
-	f := strings.SplitN(arg, "=", 2)
-	name := strings.ToLower(strings.TrimSpace(f[0]))
-	value := strings.TrimSpace(f[1])
-	filters.Add(name, value)
-	return filters, nil
-// ErrBadFormat is an error returned when a filter is not in the form key=value
-// Deprecated: this error will be removed in a future version
-var ErrBadFormat = errors.New("bad format of filter (expected name=value)")
-// ToParam encodes the Args as args JSON encoded string
-// Deprecated: use ToJSON
-func ToParam(a Args) (string, error) {
-	return ToJSON(a)
+	return keys
 // MarshalJSON returns a JSON byte representation of the Args
@@ -107,13 +80,6 @@ func ToParamWithVersion(version string, a Args) (string, error) {
 	return ToJSON(a)
-// FromParam decodes a JSON encoded string into Args
-// Deprecated: use FromJSON
-func FromParam(p string) (Args, error) {
-	return FromJSON(p)
 // FromJSON decodes a JSON encoded string into Args
 func FromJSON(p string) (Args, error) {
 	args := NewArgs()
@@ -275,14 +241,6 @@ func (args Args) FuzzyMatch(key, source string) bool {
 	return false
-// Include returns true if the key exists in the mapping
-// Deprecated: use Contains
-func (args Args) Include(field string) bool {
-	_, ok := args.fields[field]
-	return ok
 // Contains returns true if the key exists in the mapping
 func (args Args) Contains(field string) bool {
 	_, ok := args.fields[field]
@@ -323,6 +281,22 @@ func (args Args) WalkValues(field string, op func(value string) error) error {
 	return nil
+// Clone returns a copy of args.
+func (args Args) Clone() (newArgs Args) {
+	newArgs.fields = make(map[string]map[string]bool, len(args.fields))
+	for k, m := range args.fields {
+		var mm map[string]bool
+		if m != nil {
+			mm = make(map[string]bool, len(m))
+			for kk, v := range m {
+				mm[kk] = v
+			}
+		}
+		newArgs.fields[k] = mm
+	}
+	return newArgs
 func deprecatedArgs(d map[string][]string) map[string]map[string]bool {
 	m := map[string]map[string]bool{}
 	for k, v := range d {
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/image/image_history.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/image/image_history.go
index d6b354b..b5a7a0c 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/image/image_history.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/image/image_history.go
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-package image
+package image // import "github.com/docker/docker/api/types/image"
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/mount/mount.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/mount/mount.go
index 3fef974..ab4446b 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/mount/mount.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/mount/mount.go
@@ -79,7 +79,8 @@ const (
 // BindOptions defines options specific to mounts of type "bind".
 type BindOptions struct {
-	Propagation Propagation `json:",omitempty"`
+	Propagation  Propagation `json:",omitempty"`
+	NonRecursive bool        `json:",omitempty"`
 // VolumeOptions represents the options for a mount of type volume.
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/network/network.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/network/network.go
index ccb448f..71e9733 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/network/network.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/network/network.go
@@ -112,12 +112,13 @@ type ConfigReference struct {
 var acceptedFilters = map[string]bool{
-	"driver": true,
-	"type":   true,
-	"name":   true,
-	"id":     true,
-	"label":  true,
-	"scope":  true,
+	"dangling": true,
+	"driver":   true,
+	"id":       true,
+	"label":    true,
+	"name":     true,
+	"scope":    true,
+	"type":     true,
 // ValidateFilters validates the list of filter args with the available filters.
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/seccomp.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/seccomp.go
index 67a41e1..2259c6b 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/seccomp.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/seccomp.go
@@ -77,8 +77,9 @@ type Arg struct {
 // Filter is used to conditionally apply Seccomp rules
 type Filter struct {
-	Caps   []string `json:"caps,omitempty"`
-	Arches []string `json:"arches,omitempty"`
+	Caps      []string `json:"caps,omitempty"`
+	Arches    []string `json:"arches,omitempty"`
+	MinKernel string   `json:"minKernel,omitempty"`
 // Syscall is used to match a group of syscalls in Seccomp
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/stats.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/stats.go
index 60175c0..20daebe 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/stats.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/stats.go
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ type NetworkStats struct {
 	RxBytes uint64 `json:"rx_bytes"`
 	// Packets received. Windows and Linux.
 	RxPackets uint64 `json:"rx_packets"`
-	// Received errors. Not used on Windows. Note that we dont `omitempty` this
+	// Received errors. Not used on Windows. Note that we don't `omitempty` this
 	// field as it is expected in the >=v1.21 API stats structure.
 	RxErrors uint64 `json:"rx_errors"`
 	// Incoming packets dropped. Windows and Linux.
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ type NetworkStats struct {
 	TxBytes uint64 `json:"tx_bytes"`
 	// Packets sent. Windows and Linux.
 	TxPackets uint64 `json:"tx_packets"`
-	// Sent errors. Not used on Windows. Note that we dont `omitempty` this
+	// Sent errors. Not used on Windows. Note that we don't `omitempty` this
 	// field as it is expected in the >=v1.21 API stats structure.
 	TxErrors uint64 `json:"tx_errors"`
 	// Outgoing packets dropped. Windows and Linux.
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/swarm/config.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/swarm/config.go
index a1555cf..16202cc 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/swarm/config.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/swarm/config.go
@@ -27,9 +27,14 @@ type ConfigReferenceFileTarget struct {
 	Mode os.FileMode
+// ConfigReferenceRuntimeTarget is a target for a config specifying that it
+// isn't mounted into the container but instead has some other purpose.
+type ConfigReferenceRuntimeTarget struct{}
 // ConfigReference is a reference to a config in swarm
 type ConfigReference struct {
-	File       *ConfigReferenceFileTarget
+	File       *ConfigReferenceFileTarget    `json:",omitempty"`
+	Runtime    *ConfigReferenceRuntimeTarget `json:",omitempty"`
 	ConfigID   string
 	ConfigName string
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/swarm/container.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/swarm/container.go
index 151211f..48190c1 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/swarm/container.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/swarm/container.go
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ type SELinuxContext struct {
 // CredentialSpec for managed service account (Windows only)
 type CredentialSpec struct {
+	Config   string
 	File     string
 	Registry string
@@ -71,4 +72,5 @@ type ContainerSpec struct {
 	Secrets   []*SecretReference  `json:",omitempty"`
 	Configs   []*ConfigReference  `json:",omitempty"`
 	Isolation container.Isolation `json:",omitempty"`
+	Sysctls   map[string]string   `json:",omitempty"`
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/swarm/swarm.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/swarm/swarm.go
index b742cf1..b25f999 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/swarm/swarm.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/swarm/swarm.go
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ type ClusterInfo struct {
 	RootRotationInProgress bool
 	DefaultAddrPool        []string
 	SubnetSize             uint32
+	DataPathPort           uint32
 // Swarm represents a swarm.
@@ -153,6 +154,7 @@ type InitRequest struct {
 	ListenAddr       string
 	AdvertiseAddr    string
 	DataPathAddr     string
+	DataPathPort     uint32
 	ForceNewCluster  bool
 	Spec             Spec
 	AutoLockManagers bool
@@ -207,6 +209,8 @@ type Info struct {
 	Managers       int `json:",omitempty"`
 	Cluster *ClusterInfo `json:",omitempty"`
+	Warnings []string `json:",omitempty"`
 // Peer represents a peer.
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/swarm/task.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/swarm/task.go
index b35605d..d5a57df 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/swarm/task.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/swarm/task.go
@@ -127,6 +127,7 @@ type ResourceRequirements struct {
 type Placement struct {
 	Constraints []string              `json:",omitempty"`
 	Preferences []PlacementPreference `json:",omitempty"`
+	MaxReplicas uint64                `json:",omitempty"`
 	// Platforms stores all the platforms that the image can run on.
 	// This field is used in the platform filter for scheduling. If empty,
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/types.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/types.go
index a8fae3b..a39ffcb 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/types.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/types.go
@@ -158,10 +158,12 @@ type Info struct {
 	MemoryLimit        bool
 	SwapLimit          bool
 	KernelMemory       bool
+	KernelMemoryTCP    bool
 	CPUCfsPeriod       bool `json:"CpuCfsPeriod"`
 	CPUCfsQuota        bool `json:"CpuCfsQuota"`
 	CPUShares          bool
 	CPUSet             bool
+	PidsLimit          bool
 	IPv4Forwarding     bool
 	BridgeNfIptables   bool
 	BridgeNfIP6tables  bool `json:"BridgeNfIp6tables"`
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/volume/volume_create.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/volume/volume_create.go
index f12e486..0c3772d 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/volume/volume_create.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/volume/volume_create.go
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-package volume
+package volume // import "github.com/docker/docker/api/types/volume"
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/volume/volume_list.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/volume/volume_list.go
index 020198f..45c3c1c 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/volume/volume_list.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/volume/volume_list.go
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-package volume
+package volume // import "github.com/docker/docker/api/types/volume"
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/README.md b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/README.md
index 059dfb3..992f181 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/README.md
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/README.md
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import (
 func main() {
-	cli, err := client.NewEnvClient()
+	cli, err := client.NewClientWithOpts(client.FromEnv)
 	if err != nil {
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/build_cancel.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/build_cancel.go
index 74df495..3aae43e 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/build_cancel.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/build_cancel.go
@@ -11,10 +11,6 @@ func (cli *Client) BuildCancel(ctx context.Context, id string) error {
 	query.Set("id", id)
 	serverResp, err := cli.post(ctx, "/build/cancel", query, nil, nil)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	defer ensureReaderClosed(serverResp)
-	return nil
+	ensureReaderClosed(serverResp)
+	return err
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/build_prune.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/build_prune.go
index 42bbf99..397d67c 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/build_prune.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/build_prune.go
@@ -31,11 +31,11 @@ func (cli *Client) BuildCachePrune(ctx context.Context, opts types.BuildCachePru
 	query.Set("filters", filters)
 	serverResp, err := cli.post(ctx, "/build/prune", query, nil, nil)
+	defer ensureReaderClosed(serverResp)
 	if err != nil {
 		return nil, err
-	defer ensureReaderClosed(serverResp)
 	if err := json.NewDecoder(serverResp.body).Decode(&report); err != nil {
 		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error retrieving disk usage: %v", err)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/checkpoint_list.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/checkpoint_list.go
index 2b73fb5..66d46dd 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/checkpoint_list.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/checkpoint_list.go
@@ -18,11 +18,11 @@ func (cli *Client) CheckpointList(ctx context.Context, container string, options
 	resp, err := cli.get(ctx, "/containers/"+container+"/checkpoints", query, nil)
+	defer ensureReaderClosed(resp)
 	if err != nil {
 		return checkpoints, wrapResponseError(err, resp, "container", container)
 	err = json.NewDecoder(resp.body).Decode(&checkpoints)
-	ensureReaderClosed(resp)
 	return checkpoints, err
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/client.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/client.go
index 5031502..b63d4d6 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/client.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/client.go
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ For example, to list running containers (the equivalent of "docker ps"):
 	func main() {
-		cli, err := client.NewEnvClient()
+		cli, err := client.NewClientWithOpts(client.FromEnv)
 		if err != nil {
@@ -47,16 +47,13 @@ import (
-	"os"
-	"path/filepath"
-	"github.com/docker/go-connections/tlsconfig"
@@ -84,13 +81,22 @@ type Client struct {
 	customHTTPHeaders map[string]string
 	// manualOverride is set to true when the version was set by users.
 	manualOverride bool
+	// negotiateVersion indicates if the client should automatically negotiate
+	// the API version to use when making requests. API version negotiation is
+	// performed on the first request, after which negotiated is set to "true"
+	// so that subsequent requests do not re-negotiate.
+	negotiateVersion bool
+	// negotiated indicates that API version negotiation took place
+	negotiated bool
 // CheckRedirect specifies the policy for dealing with redirect responses:
 // If the request is non-GET return `ErrRedirect`. Otherwise use the last response.
 // Go 1.8 changes behavior for HTTP redirects (specifically 301, 307, and 308) in the client .
-// The Docker client (and by extension docker API client) can be made to to send a request
+// The Docker client (and by extension docker API client) can be made to send a request
 // like POST /containers//start where what would normally be in the name section of the URL is empty.
 // This triggers an HTTP 301 from the daemon.
 // In go 1.8 this 301 will be converted to a GET request, and ends up getting a 404 from the daemon.
@@ -103,137 +109,6 @@ func CheckRedirect(req *http.Request, via []*http.Request) error {
 	return ErrRedirect
-// NewEnvClient initializes a new API client based on environment variables.
-// See FromEnv for a list of support environment variables.
-// Deprecated: use NewClientWithOpts(FromEnv)
-func NewEnvClient() (*Client, error) {
-	return NewClientWithOpts(FromEnv)
-// FromEnv configures the client with values from environment variables.
-// Supported environment variables:
-// DOCKER_HOST to set the url to the docker server.
-// DOCKER_API_VERSION to set the version of the API to reach, leave empty for latest.
-// DOCKER_CERT_PATH to load the TLS certificates from.
-// DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY to enable or disable TLS verification, off by default.
-func FromEnv(c *Client) error {
-	if dockerCertPath := os.Getenv("DOCKER_CERT_PATH"); dockerCertPath != "" {
-		options := tlsconfig.Options{
-			CAFile:             filepath.Join(dockerCertPath, "ca.pem"),
-			CertFile:           filepath.Join(dockerCertPath, "cert.pem"),
-			KeyFile:            filepath.Join(dockerCertPath, "key.pem"),
-			InsecureSkipVerify: os.Getenv("DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY") == "",
-		}
-		tlsc, err := tlsconfig.Client(options)
-		if err != nil {
-			return err
-		}
-		c.client = &http.Client{
-			Transport:     &http.Transport{TLSClientConfig: tlsc},
-			CheckRedirect: CheckRedirect,
-		}
-	}
-	if host := os.Getenv("DOCKER_HOST"); host != "" {
-		if err := WithHost(host)(c); err != nil {
-			return err
-		}
-	}
-	if version := os.Getenv("DOCKER_API_VERSION"); version != "" {
-		c.version = version
-		c.manualOverride = true
-	}
-	return nil
-// WithTLSClientConfig applies a tls config to the client transport.
-func WithTLSClientConfig(cacertPath, certPath, keyPath string) func(*Client) error {
-	return func(c *Client) error {
-		opts := tlsconfig.Options{
-			CAFile:             cacertPath,
-			CertFile:           certPath,
-			KeyFile:            keyPath,
-			ExclusiveRootPools: true,
-		}
-		config, err := tlsconfig.Client(opts)
-		if err != nil {
-			return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create tls config")
-		}
-		if transport, ok := c.client.Transport.(*http.Transport); ok {
-			transport.TLSClientConfig = config
-			return nil
-		}
-		return errors.Errorf("cannot apply tls config to transport: %T", c.client.Transport)
-	}
-// WithDialer applies the dialer.DialContext to the client transport. This can be
-// used to set the Timeout and KeepAlive settings of the client.
-// Deprecated: use WithDialContext
-func WithDialer(dialer *net.Dialer) func(*Client) error {
-	return WithDialContext(dialer.DialContext)
-// WithDialContext applies the dialer to the client transport. This can be
-// used to set the Timeout and KeepAlive settings of the client.
-func WithDialContext(dialContext func(ctx context.Context, network, addr string) (net.Conn, error)) func(*Client) error {
-	return func(c *Client) error {
-		if transport, ok := c.client.Transport.(*http.Transport); ok {
-			transport.DialContext = dialContext
-			return nil
-		}
-		return errors.Errorf("cannot apply dialer to transport: %T", c.client.Transport)
-	}
-// WithVersion overrides the client version with the specified one
-func WithVersion(version string) func(*Client) error {
-	return func(c *Client) error {
-		c.version = version
-		return nil
-	}
-// WithHost overrides the client host with the specified one.
-func WithHost(host string) func(*Client) error {
-	return func(c *Client) error {
-		hostURL, err := ParseHostURL(host)
-		if err != nil {
-			return err
-		}
-		c.host = host
-		c.proto = hostURL.Scheme
-		c.addr = hostURL.Host
-		c.basePath = hostURL.Path
-		if transport, ok := c.client.Transport.(*http.Transport); ok {
-			return sockets.ConfigureTransport(transport, c.proto, c.addr)
-		}
-		return errors.Errorf("cannot apply host to transport: %T", c.client.Transport)
-	}
-// WithHTTPClient overrides the client http client with the specified one
-func WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) func(*Client) error {
-	return func(c *Client) error {
-		if client != nil {
-			c.client = client
-		}
-		return nil
-	}
-// WithHTTPHeaders overrides the client default http headers
-func WithHTTPHeaders(headers map[string]string) func(*Client) error {
-	return func(c *Client) error {
-		c.customHTTPHeaders = headers
-		return nil
-	}
 // NewClientWithOpts initializes a new API client with default values. It takes functors
 // to modify values when creating it, like `NewClientWithOpts(WithVersion(…))`
 // It also initializes the custom http headers to add to each request.
@@ -241,7 +116,7 @@ func WithHTTPHeaders(headers map[string]string) func(*Client) error {
 // It won't send any version information if the version number is empty. It is
 // highly recommended that you set a version or your client may break if the
 // server is upgraded.
-func NewClientWithOpts(ops ...func(*Client) error) (*Client, error) {
+func NewClientWithOpts(ops ...Opt) (*Client, error) {
 	client, err := defaultHTTPClient(DefaultDockerHost)
 	if err != nil {
 		return nil, err
@@ -249,7 +124,6 @@ func NewClientWithOpts(ops ...func(*Client) error) (*Client, error) {
 	c := &Client{
 		host:    DefaultDockerHost,
 		version: api.DefaultVersion,
-		scheme:  "http",
 		client:  client,
 		proto:   defaultProto,
 		addr:    defaultAddr,
@@ -264,14 +138,18 @@ func NewClientWithOpts(ops ...func(*Client) error) (*Client, error) {
 	if _, ok := c.client.Transport.(http.RoundTripper); !ok {
 		return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to verify TLS configuration, invalid transport %v", c.client.Transport)
-	tlsConfig := resolveTLSConfig(c.client.Transport)
-	if tlsConfig != nil {
-		// TODO(stevvooe): This isn't really the right way to write clients in Go.
-		// `NewClient` should probably only take an `*http.Client` and work from there.
-		// Unfortunately, the model of having a host-ish/url-thingy as the connection
-		// string has us confusing protocol and transport layers. We continue doing
-		// this to avoid breaking existing clients but this should be addressed.
-		c.scheme = "https"
+	if c.scheme == "" {
+		c.scheme = "http"
+		tlsConfig := resolveTLSConfig(c.client.Transport)
+		if tlsConfig != nil {
+			// TODO(stevvooe): This isn't really the right way to write clients in Go.
+			// `NewClient` should probably only take an `*http.Client` and work from there.
+			// Unfortunately, the model of having a host-ish/url-thingy as the connection
+			// string has us confusing protocol and transport layers. We continue doing
+			// this to avoid breaking existing clients but this should be addressed.
+			c.scheme = "https"
+		}
 	return c, nil
@@ -290,18 +168,6 @@ func defaultHTTPClient(host string) (*http.Client, error) {
 	}, nil
-// NewClient initializes a new API client for the given host and API version.
-// It uses the given http client as transport.
-// It also initializes the custom http headers to add to each request.
-// It won't send any version information if the version number is empty. It is
-// highly recommended that you set a version or your client may break if the
-// server is upgraded.
-// Deprecated: use NewClientWithOpts
-func NewClient(host string, version string, client *http.Client, httpHeaders map[string]string) (*Client, error) {
-	return NewClientWithOpts(WithHost(host), WithVersion(version), WithHTTPClient(client), WithHTTPHeaders(httpHeaders))
 // Close the transport used by the client
 func (cli *Client) Close() error {
 	if t, ok := cli.client.Transport.(*http.Transport); ok {
@@ -312,8 +178,11 @@ func (cli *Client) Close() error {
 // getAPIPath returns the versioned request path to call the api.
 // It appends the query parameters to the path if they are not empty.
-func (cli *Client) getAPIPath(p string, query url.Values) string {
+func (cli *Client) getAPIPath(ctx context.Context, p string, query url.Values) string {
 	var apiPath string
+	if cli.negotiateVersion && !cli.negotiated {
+		cli.NegotiateAPIVersion(ctx)
+	}
 	if cli.version != "" {
 		v := strings.TrimPrefix(cli.version, "v")
 		apiPath = path.Join(cli.basePath, "/v"+v, p)
@@ -329,19 +198,31 @@ func (cli *Client) ClientVersion() string {
 // NegotiateAPIVersion queries the API and updates the version to match the
-// API version. Any errors are silently ignored.
+// API version. Any errors are silently ignored. If a manual override is in place,
+// either through the `DOCKER_API_VERSION` environment variable, or if the client
+// was initialized with a fixed version (`opts.WithVersion(xx)`), no negotiation
+// will be performed.
 func (cli *Client) NegotiateAPIVersion(ctx context.Context) {
-	ping, _ := cli.Ping(ctx)
-	cli.NegotiateAPIVersionPing(ping)
+	if !cli.manualOverride {
+		ping, _ := cli.Ping(ctx)
+		cli.negotiateAPIVersionPing(ping)
+	}
 // NegotiateAPIVersionPing updates the client version to match the Ping.APIVersion
-// if the ping version is less than the default version.
+// if the ping version is less than the default version.  If a manual override is
+// in place, either through the `DOCKER_API_VERSION` environment variable, or if
+// the client was initialized with a fixed version (`opts.WithVersion(xx)`), no
+// negotiation is performed.
 func (cli *Client) NegotiateAPIVersionPing(p types.Ping) {
-	if cli.manualOverride {
-		return
+	if !cli.manualOverride {
+		cli.negotiateAPIVersionPing(p)
+// negotiateAPIVersionPing queries the API and updates the version to match the
+// API version. Any errors are silently ignored.
+func (cli *Client) negotiateAPIVersionPing(p types.Ping) {
 	// try the latest version before versioning headers existed
 	if p.APIVersion == "" {
 		p.APIVersion = "1.24"
@@ -356,6 +237,12 @@ func (cli *Client) NegotiateAPIVersionPing(p types.Ping) {
 	if versions.LessThan(p.APIVersion, cli.version) {
 		cli.version = p.APIVersion
+	// Store the results, so that automatic API version negotiation (if enabled)
+	// won't be performed on the next request.
+	if cli.negotiateVersion {
+		cli.negotiated = true
+	}
 // DaemonHost returns the host address used by the client
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/client_deprecated.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/client_deprecated.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54cdfc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/client_deprecated.go
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+package client
+import "net/http"
+// NewClient initializes a new API client for the given host and API version.
+// It uses the given http client as transport.
+// It also initializes the custom http headers to add to each request.
+// It won't send any version information if the version number is empty. It is
+// highly recommended that you set a version or your client may break if the
+// server is upgraded.
+// Deprecated: use NewClientWithOpts
+func NewClient(host string, version string, client *http.Client, httpHeaders map[string]string) (*Client, error) {
+	return NewClientWithOpts(WithHost(host), WithVersion(version), WithHTTPClient(client), WithHTTPHeaders(httpHeaders))
+// NewEnvClient initializes a new API client based on environment variables.
+// See FromEnv for a list of support environment variables.
+// Deprecated: use NewClientWithOpts(FromEnv)
+func NewEnvClient() (*Client, error) {
+	return NewClientWithOpts(FromEnv)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/config_create.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/config_create.go
index c8b802a..ee7d411 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/config_create.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/config_create.go
@@ -15,11 +15,11 @@ func (cli *Client) ConfigCreate(ctx context.Context, config swarm.ConfigSpec) (t
 		return response, err
 	resp, err := cli.post(ctx, "/configs/create", nil, config, nil)
+	defer ensureReaderClosed(resp)
 	if err != nil {
 		return response, err
 	err = json.NewDecoder(resp.body).Decode(&response)
-	ensureReaderClosed(resp)
 	return response, err
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/config_inspect.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/config_inspect.go
index 4ac566a..7d0ce3e 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/config_inspect.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/config_inspect.go
@@ -18,10 +18,10 @@ func (cli *Client) ConfigInspectWithRaw(ctx context.Context, id string) (swarm.C
 		return swarm.Config{}, nil, err
 	resp, err := cli.get(ctx, "/configs/"+id, nil, nil)
+	defer ensureReaderClosed(resp)
 	if err != nil {
 		return swarm.Config{}, nil, wrapResponseError(err, resp, "config", id)
-	defer ensureReaderClosed(resp)
 	body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.body)
 	if err != nil {
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/config_list.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/config_list.go
index 2b9d546..565acc6 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/config_list.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/config_list.go
@@ -27,12 +27,12 @@ func (cli *Client) ConfigList(ctx context.Context, options types.ConfigListOptio
 	resp, err := cli.get(ctx, "/configs", query, nil)
+	defer ensureReaderClosed(resp)
 	if err != nil {
 		return nil, err
 	var configs []swarm.Config
 	err = json.NewDecoder(resp.body).Decode(&configs)
-	ensureReaderClosed(resp)
 	return configs, err
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/config_remove.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/config_remove.go
index a96871e..a708fca 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/config_remove.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/config_remove.go
@@ -8,6 +8,6 @@ func (cli *Client) ConfigRemove(ctx context.Context, id string) error {
 		return err
 	resp, err := cli.delete(ctx, "/configs/"+id, nil, nil)
-	ensureReaderClosed(resp)
+	defer ensureReaderClosed(resp)
 	return wrapResponseError(err, resp, "config", id)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/container_commit.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/container_commit.go
index 377a2ea..2966e88 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/container_commit.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/container_commit.go
@@ -45,11 +45,11 @@ func (cli *Client) ContainerCommit(ctx context.Context, container string, option
 	var response types.IDResponse
 	resp, err := cli.post(ctx, "/commit", query, options.Config, nil)
+	defer ensureReaderClosed(resp)
 	if err != nil {
 		return response, err
 	err = json.NewDecoder(resp.body).Decode(&response)
-	ensureReaderClosed(resp)
 	return response, err
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/container_copy.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/container_copy.go
index d706260..bb278bf 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/container_copy.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/container_copy.go
@@ -21,10 +21,10 @@ func (cli *Client) ContainerStatPath(ctx context.Context, containerID, path stri
 	urlStr := "/containers/" + containerID + "/archive"
 	response, err := cli.head(ctx, urlStr, query, nil)
+	defer ensureReaderClosed(response)
 	if err != nil {
 		return types.ContainerPathStat{}, wrapResponseError(err, response, "container:path", containerID+":"+path)
-	defer ensureReaderClosed(response)
 	return getContainerPathStatFromHeader(response.header)
@@ -45,11 +45,12 @@ func (cli *Client) CopyToContainer(ctx context.Context, containerID, dstPath str
 	apiPath := "/containers/" + containerID + "/archive"
 	response, err := cli.putRaw(ctx, apiPath, query, content, nil)
+	defer ensureReaderClosed(response)
 	if err != nil {
 		return wrapResponseError(err, response, "container:path", containerID+":"+dstPath)
-	defer ensureReaderClosed(response)
+	// TODO this code converts non-error status-codes (e.g., "204 No Content") into an error; verify if this is the desired behavior
 	if response.statusCode != http.StatusOK {
 		return fmt.Errorf("unexpected status code from daemon: %d", response.statusCode)
@@ -69,6 +70,7 @@ func (cli *Client) CopyFromContainer(ctx context.Context, containerID, srcPath s
 		return nil, types.ContainerPathStat{}, wrapResponseError(err, response, "container:path", containerID+":"+srcPath)
+	// TODO this code converts non-error status-codes (e.g., "204 No Content") into an error; verify if this is the desired behavior
 	if response.statusCode != http.StatusOK {
 		return nil, types.ContainerPathStat{}, fmt.Errorf("unexpected status code from daemon: %d", response.statusCode)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/container_create.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/container_create.go
index d269a61..5b795e0 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/container_create.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/container_create.go
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import (
-	"strings"
@@ -43,14 +42,11 @@ func (cli *Client) ContainerCreate(ctx context.Context, config *container.Config
 	serverResp, err := cli.post(ctx, "/containers/create", query, body, nil)
+	defer ensureReaderClosed(serverResp)
 	if err != nil {
-		if serverResp.statusCode == 404 && strings.Contains(err.Error(), "No such image") {
-			return response, objectNotFoundError{object: "image", id: config.Image}
-		}
 		return response, err
 	err = json.NewDecoder(serverResp.body).Decode(&response)
-	ensureReaderClosed(serverResp)
 	return response, err
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/container_diff.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/container_diff.go
index 3b7c90c..29dac84 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/container_diff.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/container_diff.go
@@ -13,11 +13,11 @@ func (cli *Client) ContainerDiff(ctx context.Context, containerID string) ([]con
 	var changes []container.ContainerChangeResponseItem
 	serverResp, err := cli.get(ctx, "/containers/"+containerID+"/changes", url.Values{}, nil)
+	defer ensureReaderClosed(serverResp)
 	if err != nil {
 		return changes, err
 	err = json.NewDecoder(serverResp.body).Decode(&changes)
-	ensureReaderClosed(serverResp)
 	return changes, err
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/container_exec.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/container_exec.go
index 535536b..e3ee755 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/container_exec.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/container_exec.go
@@ -16,11 +16,11 @@ func (cli *Client) ContainerExecCreate(ctx context.Context, container string, co
 	resp, err := cli.post(ctx, "/containers/"+container+"/exec", nil, config, nil)
+	defer ensureReaderClosed(resp)
 	if err != nil {
 		return response, err
 	err = json.NewDecoder(resp.body).Decode(&response)
-	ensureReaderClosed(resp)
 	return response, err
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/container_inspect.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/container_inspect.go
index f453064..c496bcf 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/container_inspect.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/container_inspect.go
@@ -16,13 +16,13 @@ func (cli *Client) ContainerInspect(ctx context.Context, containerID string) (ty
 		return types.ContainerJSON{}, objectNotFoundError{object: "container", id: containerID}
 	serverResp, err := cli.get(ctx, "/containers/"+containerID+"/json", nil, nil)
+	defer ensureReaderClosed(serverResp)
 	if err != nil {
 		return types.ContainerJSON{}, wrapResponseError(err, serverResp, "container", containerID)
 	var response types.ContainerJSON
 	err = json.NewDecoder(serverResp.body).Decode(&response)
-	ensureReaderClosed(serverResp)
 	return response, err
@@ -36,10 +36,10 @@ func (cli *Client) ContainerInspectWithRaw(ctx context.Context, containerID stri
 		query.Set("size", "1")
 	serverResp, err := cli.get(ctx, "/containers/"+containerID+"/json", query, nil)
+	defer ensureReaderClosed(serverResp)
 	if err != nil {
 		return types.ContainerJSON{}, nil, wrapResponseError(err, serverResp, "container", containerID)
-	defer ensureReaderClosed(serverResp)
 	body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(serverResp.body)
 	if err != nil {
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/container_list.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/container_list.go
index 9c218e2..1e7a63a 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/container_list.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/container_list.go
@@ -45,12 +45,12 @@ func (cli *Client) ContainerList(ctx context.Context, options types.ContainerLis
 	resp, err := cli.get(ctx, "/containers/json", query, nil)
+	defer ensureReaderClosed(resp)
 	if err != nil {
 		return nil, err
 	var containers []types.Container
 	err = json.NewDecoder(resp.body).Decode(&containers)
-	ensureReaderClosed(resp)
 	return containers, err
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/container_prune.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/container_prune.go
index 14f88d9..04383de 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/container_prune.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/container_prune.go
@@ -23,10 +23,10 @@ func (cli *Client) ContainersPrune(ctx context.Context, pruneFilters filters.Arg
 	serverResp, err := cli.post(ctx, "/containers/prune", query, nil, nil)
+	defer ensureReaderClosed(serverResp)
 	if err != nil {
 		return report, err
-	defer ensureReaderClosed(serverResp)
 	if err := json.NewDecoder(serverResp.body).Decode(&report); err != nil {
 		return report, fmt.Errorf("Error retrieving disk usage: %v", err)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/container_remove.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/container_remove.go
index ab4cfc1..df81461 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/container_remove.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/container_remove.go
@@ -22,6 +22,6 @@ func (cli *Client) ContainerRemove(ctx context.Context, containerID string, opti
 	resp, err := cli.delete(ctx, "/containers/"+containerID, query, nil)
-	ensureReaderClosed(resp)
+	defer ensureReaderClosed(resp)
 	return wrapResponseError(err, resp, "container", containerID)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/container_top.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/container_top.go
index 9c9fce7..a5b7899 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/container_top.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/container_top.go
@@ -18,11 +18,11 @@ func (cli *Client) ContainerTop(ctx context.Context, containerID string, argumen
 	resp, err := cli.get(ctx, "/containers/"+containerID+"/top", query, nil)
+	defer ensureReaderClosed(resp)
 	if err != nil {
 		return response, err
 	err = json.NewDecoder(resp.body).Decode(&response)
-	ensureReaderClosed(resp)
 	return response, err
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/container_update.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/container_update.go
index 14e7f23..6917cf9 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/container_update.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/container_update.go
@@ -11,12 +11,11 @@ import (
 func (cli *Client) ContainerUpdate(ctx context.Context, containerID string, updateConfig container.UpdateConfig) (container.ContainerUpdateOKBody, error) {
 	var response container.ContainerUpdateOKBody
 	serverResp, err := cli.post(ctx, "/containers/"+containerID+"/update", nil, updateConfig, nil)
+	defer ensureReaderClosed(serverResp)
 	if err != nil {
 		return response, err
 	err = json.NewDecoder(serverResp.body).Decode(&response)
-	ensureReaderClosed(serverResp)
 	return response, err
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/disk_usage.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/disk_usage.go
index 8eb30eb..354cd36 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/disk_usage.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/disk_usage.go
@@ -13,10 +13,10 @@ func (cli *Client) DiskUsage(ctx context.Context) (types.DiskUsage, error) {
 	var du types.DiskUsage
 	serverResp, err := cli.get(ctx, "/system/df", nil, nil)
+	defer ensureReaderClosed(serverResp)
 	if err != nil {
 		return du, err
-	defer ensureReaderClosed(serverResp)
 	if err := json.NewDecoder(serverResp.body).Decode(&du); err != nil {
 		return du, fmt.Errorf("Error retrieving disk usage: %v", err)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/distribution_inspect.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/distribution_inspect.go
index 7245bbe..f4e3794 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/distribution_inspect.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/distribution_inspect.go
@@ -28,11 +28,11 @@ func (cli *Client) DistributionInspect(ctx context.Context, image, encodedRegist
 	resp, err := cli.get(ctx, "/distribution/"+image+"/json", url.Values{}, headers)
+	defer ensureReaderClosed(resp)
 	if err != nil {
 		return distributionInspect, err
 	err = json.NewDecoder(resp.body).Decode(&distributionInspect)
-	ensureReaderClosed(resp)
 	return distributionInspect, err
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/errors.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/errors.go
index 0461af3..001c102 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/errors.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/errors.go
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import (
+	"github.com/docker/docker/errdefs"
@@ -32,16 +33,19 @@ func ErrorConnectionFailed(host string) error {
 	return errConnectionFailed{host: host}
+// Deprecated: use the errdefs.NotFound() interface instead. Kept for backward compatibility
 type notFound interface {
-	NotFound() bool // Is the error a NotFound error
+	NotFound() bool
 // IsErrNotFound returns true if the error is a NotFound error, which is returned
 // by the API when some object is not found.
 func IsErrNotFound(err error) bool {
-	te, ok := err.(notFound)
-	return ok && te.NotFound()
+	if _, ok := err.(notFound); ok {
+		return ok
+	}
+	return errdefs.IsNotFound(err)
 type objectNotFoundError struct {
@@ -49,9 +53,7 @@ type objectNotFoundError struct {
 	id     string
-func (e objectNotFoundError) NotFound() bool {
-	return true
+func (e objectNotFoundError) NotFound() {}
 func (e objectNotFoundError) Error() string {
 	return fmt.Sprintf("Error: No such %s: %s", e.object, e.id)
@@ -64,7 +66,7 @@ func wrapResponseError(err error, resp serverResponse, object, id string) error
 	case resp.statusCode == http.StatusNotFound:
 		return objectNotFoundError{object: object, id: id}
 	case resp.statusCode == http.StatusNotImplemented:
-		return notImplementedError{message: err.Error()}
+		return errdefs.NotImplemented(err)
 		return err
@@ -83,8 +85,10 @@ func (u unauthorizedError) Error() string {
 // IsErrUnauthorized returns true if the error is caused
 // when a remote registry authentication fails
 func IsErrUnauthorized(err error) bool {
-	_, ok := err.(unauthorizedError)
-	return ok
+	if _, ok := err.(unauthorizedError); ok {
+		return ok
+	}
+	return errdefs.IsUnauthorized(err)
 type pluginPermissionDenied struct {
@@ -118,8 +122,10 @@ func (e notImplementedError) NotImplemented() bool {
 // This is returned by the API when a requested feature has not been
 // implemented.
 func IsErrNotImplemented(err error) bool {
-	te, ok := err.(notImplementedError)
-	return ok && te.NotImplemented()
+	if _, ok := err.(notImplementedError); ok {
+		return ok
+	}
+	return errdefs.IsNotImplemented(err)
 // NewVersionError returns an error if the APIVersion required
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/hijack.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/hijack.go
index 0ac8248..e9c9a75 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/hijack.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/hijack.go
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ func (cli *Client) postHijacked(ctx context.Context, path string, query url.Valu
 		return types.HijackedResponse{}, err
-	apiPath := cli.getAPIPath(path, query)
+	apiPath := cli.getAPIPath(ctx, path, query)
 	req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", apiPath, bodyEncoded)
 	if err != nil {
 		return types.HijackedResponse{}, err
@@ -38,6 +38,17 @@ func (cli *Client) postHijacked(ctx context.Context, path string, query url.Valu
 	return types.HijackedResponse{Conn: conn, Reader: bufio.NewReader(conn)}, err
+// DialHijack returns a hijacked connection with negotiated protocol proto.
+func (cli *Client) DialHijack(ctx context.Context, url, proto string, meta map[string][]string) (net.Conn, error) {
+	req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", url, nil)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	req = cli.addHeaders(req, meta)
+	return cli.setupHijackConn(ctx, req, proto)
 // fallbackDial is used when WithDialer() was not called.
 // See cli.Dialer().
 func fallbackDial(proto, addr string, tlsConfig *tls.Config) (net.Conn, error) {
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/image_build.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/image_build.go
index 9add3c1..8fcf995 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/image_build.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/image_build.go
@@ -134,5 +134,13 @@ func (cli *Client) imageBuildOptionsToQuery(options types.ImageBuildOptions) (ur
 		query.Set("buildid", options.BuildID)
 	query.Set("version", string(options.Version))
+	if options.Outputs != nil {
+		outputsJSON, err := json.Marshal(options.Outputs)
+		if err != nil {
+			return query, err
+		}
+		query.Set("outputs", string(outputsJSON))
+	}
 	return query, nil
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/image_history.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/image_history.go
index 0151b95..b5bea10 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/image_history.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/image_history.go
@@ -12,11 +12,11 @@ import (
 func (cli *Client) ImageHistory(ctx context.Context, imageID string) ([]image.HistoryResponseItem, error) {
 	var history []image.HistoryResponseItem
 	serverResp, err := cli.get(ctx, "/images/"+imageID+"/history", url.Values{}, nil)
+	defer ensureReaderClosed(serverResp)
 	if err != nil {
 		return history, err
 	err = json.NewDecoder(serverResp.body).Decode(&history)
-	ensureReaderClosed(serverResp)
 	return history, err
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/image_inspect.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/image_inspect.go
index 2f8f6d2..1eb8dce 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/image_inspect.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/image_inspect.go
@@ -15,10 +15,10 @@ func (cli *Client) ImageInspectWithRaw(ctx context.Context, imageID string) (typ
 		return types.ImageInspect{}, nil, objectNotFoundError{object: "image", id: imageID}
 	serverResp, err := cli.get(ctx, "/images/"+imageID+"/json", nil, nil)
+	defer ensureReaderClosed(serverResp)
 	if err != nil {
 		return types.ImageInspect{}, nil, wrapResponseError(err, serverResp, "image", imageID)
-	defer ensureReaderClosed(serverResp)
 	body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(serverResp.body)
 	if err != nil {
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/image_list.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/image_list.go
index 32fae27..4fa8c00 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/image_list.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/image_list.go
@@ -35,11 +35,11 @@ func (cli *Client) ImageList(ctx context.Context, options types.ImageListOptions
 	serverResp, err := cli.get(ctx, "/images/json", query, nil)
+	defer ensureReaderClosed(serverResp)
 	if err != nil {
 		return images, err
 	err = json.NewDecoder(serverResp.body).Decode(&images)
-	ensureReaderClosed(serverResp)
 	return images, err
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/image_prune.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/image_prune.go
index 78ee3f6..56af6d7 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/image_prune.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/image_prune.go
@@ -23,10 +23,10 @@ func (cli *Client) ImagesPrune(ctx context.Context, pruneFilters filters.Args) (
 	serverResp, err := cli.post(ctx, "/images/prune", query, nil, nil)
+	defer ensureReaderClosed(serverResp)
 	if err != nil {
 		return report, err
-	defer ensureReaderClosed(serverResp)
 	if err := json.NewDecoder(serverResp.body).Decode(&report); err != nil {
 		return report, fmt.Errorf("Error retrieving disk usage: %v", err)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/image_pull.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/image_pull.go
index d97aacf..a239755 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/image_pull.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/image_pull.go
@@ -3,12 +3,12 @@ package client // import "github.com/docker/docker/client"
 import (
-	"net/http"
+	"github.com/docker/docker/errdefs"
 // ImagePull requests the docker host to pull an image from a remote registry.
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ func (cli *Client) ImagePull(ctx context.Context, refStr string, options types.I
 	resp, err := cli.tryImageCreate(ctx, query, options.RegistryAuth)
-	if resp.statusCode == http.StatusUnauthorized && options.PrivilegeFunc != nil {
+	if errdefs.IsUnauthorized(err) && options.PrivilegeFunc != nil {
 		newAuthHeader, privilegeErr := options.PrivilegeFunc()
 		if privilegeErr != nil {
 			return nil, privilegeErr
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/image_push.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/image_push.go
index a15871c..49d412e 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/image_push.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/image_push.go
@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ import (
-	"net/http"
+	"github.com/docker/docker/errdefs"
 // ImagePush requests the docker host to push an image to a remote registry.
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ func (cli *Client) ImagePush(ctx context.Context, image string, options types.Im
 	query.Set("tag", tag)
 	resp, err := cli.tryImagePush(ctx, name, query, options.RegistryAuth)
-	if resp.statusCode == http.StatusUnauthorized && options.PrivilegeFunc != nil {
+	if errdefs.IsUnauthorized(err) && options.PrivilegeFunc != nil {
 		newAuthHeader, privilegeErr := options.PrivilegeFunc()
 		if privilegeErr != nil {
 			return nil, privilegeErr
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/image_remove.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/image_remove.go
index 45d6e6f..84a41af 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/image_remove.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/image_remove.go
@@ -21,11 +21,11 @@ func (cli *Client) ImageRemove(ctx context.Context, imageID string, options type
 	var dels []types.ImageDeleteResponseItem
 	resp, err := cli.delete(ctx, "/images/"+imageID, query, nil)
+	defer ensureReaderClosed(resp)
 	if err != nil {
 		return dels, wrapResponseError(err, resp, "image", imageID)
 	err = json.NewDecoder(resp.body).Decode(&dels)
-	ensureReaderClosed(resp)
 	return dels, err
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/image_search.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/image_search.go
index 176de3c..82955a7 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/image_search.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/image_search.go
@@ -4,12 +4,12 @@ import (
-	"net/http"
+	"github.com/docker/docker/errdefs"
 // ImageSearch makes the docker host to search by a term in a remote registry.
@@ -29,7 +29,8 @@ func (cli *Client) ImageSearch(ctx context.Context, term string, options types.I
 	resp, err := cli.tryImageSearch(ctx, query, options.RegistryAuth)
-	if resp.statusCode == http.StatusUnauthorized && options.PrivilegeFunc != nil {
+	defer ensureReaderClosed(resp)
+	if errdefs.IsUnauthorized(err) && options.PrivilegeFunc != nil {
 		newAuthHeader, privilegeErr := options.PrivilegeFunc()
 		if privilegeErr != nil {
 			return results, privilegeErr
@@ -41,7 +42,6 @@ func (cli *Client) ImageSearch(ctx context.Context, term string, options types.I
 	err = json.NewDecoder(resp.body).Decode(&results)
-	ensureReaderClosed(resp)
 	return results, err
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/info.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/info.go
index 121f256..c856704 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/info.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/info.go
@@ -13,10 +13,10 @@ import (
 func (cli *Client) Info(ctx context.Context) (types.Info, error) {
 	var info types.Info
 	serverResp, err := cli.get(ctx, "/info", url.Values{}, nil)
+	defer ensureReaderClosed(serverResp)
 	if err != nil {
 		return info, err
-	defer ensureReaderClosed(serverResp)
 	if err := json.NewDecoder(serverResp.body).Decode(&info); err != nil {
 		return info, fmt.Errorf("Error reading remote info: %v", err)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/interface.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/interface.go
index d190f8e..cde64be 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/interface.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/interface.go
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ type CommonAPIClient interface {
 	ServerVersion(ctx context.Context) (types.Version, error)
 	NegotiateAPIVersion(ctx context.Context)
-	DialSession(ctx context.Context, proto string, meta map[string][]string) (net.Conn, error)
+	DialHijack(ctx context.Context, url, proto string, meta map[string][]string) (net.Conn, error)
 	Dialer() func(context.Context) (net.Conn, error)
 	Close() error
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/login.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/login.go
index 7d66181..f058520 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/login.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/login.go
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ package client // import "github.com/docker/docker/client"
 import (
-	"net/http"
@@ -14,16 +13,13 @@ import (
 // It returns unauthorizedError when the authentication fails.
 func (cli *Client) RegistryLogin(ctx context.Context, auth types.AuthConfig) (registry.AuthenticateOKBody, error) {
 	resp, err := cli.post(ctx, "/auth", url.Values{}, auth, nil)
+	defer ensureReaderClosed(resp)
-	if resp.statusCode == http.StatusUnauthorized {
-		return registry.AuthenticateOKBody{}, unauthorizedError{err}
-	}
 	if err != nil {
 		return registry.AuthenticateOKBody{}, err
 	var response registry.AuthenticateOKBody
 	err = json.NewDecoder(resp.body).Decode(&response)
-	ensureReaderClosed(resp)
 	return response, err
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/network_create.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/network_create.go
index 41da2ac..278d938 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/network_create.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/network_create.go
@@ -15,11 +15,11 @@ func (cli *Client) NetworkCreate(ctx context.Context, name string, options types
 	var response types.NetworkCreateResponse
 	serverResp, err := cli.post(ctx, "/networks/create", nil, networkCreateRequest, nil)
+	defer ensureReaderClosed(serverResp)
 	if err != nil {
 		return response, err
-	json.NewDecoder(serverResp.body).Decode(&response)
-	ensureReaderClosed(serverResp)
+	err = json.NewDecoder(serverResp.body).Decode(&response)
 	return response, err
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/network_inspect.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/network_inspect.go
index 025f6d8..89a05b3 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/network_inspect.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/network_inspect.go
@@ -34,10 +34,10 @@ func (cli *Client) NetworkInspectWithRaw(ctx context.Context, networkID string,
 		query.Set("scope", options.Scope)
 	resp, err = cli.get(ctx, "/networks/"+networkID, query, nil)
+	defer ensureReaderClosed(resp)
 	if err != nil {
 		return networkResource, nil, wrapResponseError(err, resp, "network", networkID)
-	defer ensureReaderClosed(resp)
 	body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.body)
 	if err != nil {
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/network_list.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/network_list.go
index f16b2f5..7130c13 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/network_list.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/network_list.go
@@ -22,10 +22,10 @@ func (cli *Client) NetworkList(ctx context.Context, options types.NetworkListOpt
 	var networkResources []types.NetworkResource
 	resp, err := cli.get(ctx, "/networks", query, nil)
+	defer ensureReaderClosed(resp)
 	if err != nil {
 		return networkResources, err
 	err = json.NewDecoder(resp.body).Decode(&networkResources)
-	ensureReaderClosed(resp)
 	return networkResources, err
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/network_prune.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/network_prune.go
index 6418b8b..cebb188 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/network_prune.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/network_prune.go
@@ -23,10 +23,10 @@ func (cli *Client) NetworksPrune(ctx context.Context, pruneFilters filters.Args)
 	serverResp, err := cli.post(ctx, "/networks/prune", query, nil, nil)
+	defer ensureReaderClosed(serverResp)
 	if err != nil {
 		return report, err
-	defer ensureReaderClosed(serverResp)
 	if err := json.NewDecoder(serverResp.body).Decode(&report); err != nil {
 		return report, fmt.Errorf("Error retrieving network prune report: %v", err)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/network_remove.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/network_remove.go
index 1274143..e71b16d 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/network_remove.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/network_remove.go
@@ -5,6 +5,6 @@ import "context"
 // NetworkRemove removes an existent network from the docker host.
 func (cli *Client) NetworkRemove(ctx context.Context, networkID string) error {
 	resp, err := cli.delete(ctx, "/networks/"+networkID, nil, nil)
-	ensureReaderClosed(resp)
+	defer ensureReaderClosed(resp)
 	return wrapResponseError(err, resp, "network", networkID)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/node_inspect.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/node_inspect.go
index 593b2e9..d296c9f 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/node_inspect.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/node_inspect.go
@@ -15,10 +15,10 @@ func (cli *Client) NodeInspectWithRaw(ctx context.Context, nodeID string) (swarm
 		return swarm.Node{}, nil, objectNotFoundError{object: "node", id: nodeID}
 	serverResp, err := cli.get(ctx, "/nodes/"+nodeID, nil, nil)
+	defer ensureReaderClosed(serverResp)
 	if err != nil {
 		return swarm.Node{}, nil, wrapResponseError(err, serverResp, "node", nodeID)
-	defer ensureReaderClosed(serverResp)
 	body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(serverResp.body)
 	if err != nil {
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/node_list.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/node_list.go
index 9883f6f..c212906 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/node_list.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/node_list.go
@@ -25,12 +25,12 @@ func (cli *Client) NodeList(ctx context.Context, options types.NodeListOptions)
 	resp, err := cli.get(ctx, "/nodes", query, nil)
+	defer ensureReaderClosed(resp)
 	if err != nil {
 		return nil, err
 	var nodes []swarm.Node
 	err = json.NewDecoder(resp.body).Decode(&nodes)
-	ensureReaderClosed(resp)
 	return nodes, err
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/node_remove.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/node_remove.go
index e7a7505..03ab878 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/node_remove.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/node_remove.go
@@ -15,6 +15,6 @@ func (cli *Client) NodeRemove(ctx context.Context, nodeID string, options types.
 	resp, err := cli.delete(ctx, "/nodes/"+nodeID, query, nil)
-	ensureReaderClosed(resp)
+	defer ensureReaderClosed(resp)
 	return wrapResponseError(err, resp, "node", nodeID)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/options.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/options.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f77f09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/options.go
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+package client
+import (
+	"context"
+	"net"
+	"net/http"
+	"os"
+	"path/filepath"
+	"time"
+	"github.com/docker/go-connections/sockets"
+	"github.com/docker/go-connections/tlsconfig"
+	"github.com/pkg/errors"
+// Opt is a configuration option to initialize a client
+type Opt func(*Client) error
+// FromEnv configures the client with values from environment variables.
+// Supported environment variables:
+// DOCKER_HOST to set the url to the docker server.
+// DOCKER_API_VERSION to set the version of the API to reach, leave empty for latest.
+// DOCKER_CERT_PATH to load the TLS certificates from.
+// DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY to enable or disable TLS verification, off by default.
+func FromEnv(c *Client) error {
+	if dockerCertPath := os.Getenv("DOCKER_CERT_PATH"); dockerCertPath != "" {
+		options := tlsconfig.Options{
+			CAFile:             filepath.Join(dockerCertPath, "ca.pem"),
+			CertFile:           filepath.Join(dockerCertPath, "cert.pem"),
+			KeyFile:            filepath.Join(dockerCertPath, "key.pem"),
+			InsecureSkipVerify: os.Getenv("DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY") == "",
+		}
+		tlsc, err := tlsconfig.Client(options)
+		if err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+		c.client = &http.Client{
+			Transport:     &http.Transport{TLSClientConfig: tlsc},
+			CheckRedirect: CheckRedirect,
+		}
+	}
+	if host := os.Getenv("DOCKER_HOST"); host != "" {
+		if err := WithHost(host)(c); err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+	}
+	if version := os.Getenv("DOCKER_API_VERSION"); version != "" {
+		if err := WithVersion(version)(c); err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+	}
+	return nil
+// WithDialer applies the dialer.DialContext to the client transport. This can be
+// used to set the Timeout and KeepAlive settings of the client.
+// Deprecated: use WithDialContext
+func WithDialer(dialer *net.Dialer) Opt {
+	return WithDialContext(dialer.DialContext)
+// WithDialContext applies the dialer to the client transport. This can be
+// used to set the Timeout and KeepAlive settings of the client.
+func WithDialContext(dialContext func(ctx context.Context, network, addr string) (net.Conn, error)) Opt {
+	return func(c *Client) error {
+		if transport, ok := c.client.Transport.(*http.Transport); ok {
+			transport.DialContext = dialContext
+			return nil
+		}
+		return errors.Errorf("cannot apply dialer to transport: %T", c.client.Transport)
+	}
+// WithHost overrides the client host with the specified one.
+func WithHost(host string) Opt {
+	return func(c *Client) error {
+		hostURL, err := ParseHostURL(host)
+		if err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+		c.host = host
+		c.proto = hostURL.Scheme
+		c.addr = hostURL.Host
+		c.basePath = hostURL.Path
+		if transport, ok := c.client.Transport.(*http.Transport); ok {
+			return sockets.ConfigureTransport(transport, c.proto, c.addr)
+		}
+		return errors.Errorf("cannot apply host to transport: %T", c.client.Transport)
+	}
+// WithHTTPClient overrides the client http client with the specified one
+func WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) Opt {
+	return func(c *Client) error {
+		if client != nil {
+			c.client = client
+		}
+		return nil
+	}
+// WithTimeout configures the time limit for requests made by the HTTP client
+func WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) Opt {
+	return func(c *Client) error {
+		c.client.Timeout = timeout
+		return nil
+	}
+// WithHTTPHeaders overrides the client default http headers
+func WithHTTPHeaders(headers map[string]string) Opt {
+	return func(c *Client) error {
+		c.customHTTPHeaders = headers
+		return nil
+	}
+// WithScheme overrides the client scheme with the specified one
+func WithScheme(scheme string) Opt {
+	return func(c *Client) error {
+		c.scheme = scheme
+		return nil
+	}
+// WithTLSClientConfig applies a tls config to the client transport.
+func WithTLSClientConfig(cacertPath, certPath, keyPath string) Opt {
+	return func(c *Client) error {
+		opts := tlsconfig.Options{
+			CAFile:             cacertPath,
+			CertFile:           certPath,
+			KeyFile:            keyPath,
+			ExclusiveRootPools: true,
+		}
+		config, err := tlsconfig.Client(opts)
+		if err != nil {
+			return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create tls config")
+		}
+		if transport, ok := c.client.Transport.(*http.Transport); ok {
+			transport.TLSClientConfig = config
+			return nil
+		}
+		return errors.Errorf("cannot apply tls config to transport: %T", c.client.Transport)
+	}
+// WithVersion overrides the client version with the specified one. If an empty
+// version is specified, the value will be ignored to allow version negotiation.
+func WithVersion(version string) Opt {
+	return func(c *Client) error {
+		if version != "" {
+			c.version = version
+			c.manualOverride = true
+		}
+		return nil
+	}
+// WithAPIVersionNegotiation enables automatic API version negotiation for the client.
+// With this option enabled, the client automatically negotiates the API version
+// to use when making requests. API version negotiation is performed on the first
+// request; subsequent requests will not re-negotiate.
+func WithAPIVersionNegotiation() Opt {
+	return func(c *Client) error {
+		c.negotiateVersion = true
+		return nil
+	}
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/ping.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/ping.go
index dec1423..90f39ec 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/ping.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/ping.go
@@ -2,34 +2,65 @@ package client // import "github.com/docker/docker/client"
 import (
+	"net/http"
+	"github.com/docker/docker/errdefs"
-// Ping pings the server and returns the value of the "Docker-Experimental", "Builder-Version", "OS-Type" & "API-Version" headers
+// Ping pings the server and returns the value of the "Docker-Experimental",
+// "Builder-Version", "OS-Type" & "API-Version" headers. It attempts to use
+// a HEAD request on the endpoint, but falls back to GET if HEAD is not supported
+// by the daemon.
 func (cli *Client) Ping(ctx context.Context) (types.Ping, error) {
 	var ping types.Ping
-	req, err := cli.buildRequest("GET", path.Join(cli.basePath, "/_ping"), nil, nil)
+	// Using cli.buildRequest() + cli.doRequest() instead of cli.sendRequest()
+	// because ping requests are used during  API version negotiation, so we want
+	// to hit the non-versioned /_ping endpoint, not /v1.xx/_ping
+	req, err := cli.buildRequest("HEAD", path.Join(cli.basePath, "/_ping"), nil, nil)
 	if err != nil {
 		return ping, err
 	serverResp, err := cli.doRequest(ctx, req)
+	if err == nil {
+		defer ensureReaderClosed(serverResp)
+		switch serverResp.statusCode {
+		case http.StatusOK, http.StatusInternalServerError:
+			// Server handled the request, so parse the response
+			return parsePingResponse(cli, serverResp)
+		}
+	} else if IsErrConnectionFailed(err) {
+		return ping, err
+	}
+	req, err = cli.buildRequest("GET", path.Join(cli.basePath, "/_ping"), nil, nil)
 	if err != nil {
 		return ping, err
+	serverResp, err = cli.doRequest(ctx, req)
 	defer ensureReaderClosed(serverResp)
-	if serverResp.header != nil {
-		ping.APIVersion = serverResp.header.Get("API-Version")
-		if serverResp.header.Get("Docker-Experimental") == "true" {
-			ping.Experimental = true
-		}
-		ping.OSType = serverResp.header.Get("OSType")
-		if bv := serverResp.header.Get("Builder-Version"); bv != "" {
-			ping.BuilderVersion = types.BuilderVersion(bv)
-		}
+	if err != nil {
+		return ping, err
-	return ping, cli.checkResponseErr(serverResp)
+	return parsePingResponse(cli, serverResp)
+func parsePingResponse(cli *Client, resp serverResponse) (types.Ping, error) {
+	var ping types.Ping
+	if resp.header == nil {
+		err := cli.checkResponseErr(resp)
+		return ping, errdefs.FromStatusCode(err, resp.statusCode)
+	}
+	ping.APIVersion = resp.header.Get("API-Version")
+	ping.OSType = resp.header.Get("OSType")
+	if resp.header.Get("Docker-Experimental") == "true" {
+		ping.Experimental = true
+	}
+	if bv := resp.header.Get("Builder-Version"); bv != "" {
+		ping.BuilderVersion = types.BuilderVersion(bv)
+	}
+	err := cli.checkResponseErr(resp)
+	return ping, errdefs.FromStatusCode(err, resp.statusCode)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/plugin_create.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/plugin_create.go
index 4591db5..b95dbaf 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/plugin_create.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/plugin_create.go
@@ -18,9 +18,6 @@ func (cli *Client) PluginCreate(ctx context.Context, createContext io.Reader, cr
 	query.Set("name", createOptions.RepoName)
 	resp, err := cli.postRaw(ctx, "/plugins/create", query, createContext, headers)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
 	return err
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/plugin_inspect.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/plugin_inspect.go
index 0ab7bea..81b8973 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/plugin_inspect.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/plugin_inspect.go
@@ -15,11 +15,11 @@ func (cli *Client) PluginInspectWithRaw(ctx context.Context, name string) (*type
 		return nil, nil, objectNotFoundError{object: "plugin", id: name}
 	resp, err := cli.get(ctx, "/plugins/"+name+"/json", nil, nil)
+	defer ensureReaderClosed(resp)
 	if err != nil {
 		return nil, nil, wrapResponseError(err, resp, "plugin", name)
-	defer ensureReaderClosed(resp)
 	body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.body)
 	if err != nil {
 		return nil, nil, err
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/plugin_install.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/plugin_install.go
index 13baa40..012afe6 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/plugin_install.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/plugin_install.go
@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ import (
-	"net/http"
+	"github.com/docker/docker/errdefs"
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ func (cli *Client) tryPluginPull(ctx context.Context, query url.Values, privileg
 func (cli *Client) checkPluginPermissions(ctx context.Context, query url.Values, options types.PluginInstallOptions) (types.PluginPrivileges, error) {
 	resp, err := cli.tryPluginPrivileges(ctx, query, options.RegistryAuth)
-	if resp.statusCode == http.StatusUnauthorized && options.PrivilegeFunc != nil {
+	if errdefs.IsUnauthorized(err) && options.PrivilegeFunc != nil {
 		// todo: do inspect before to check existing name before checking privileges
 		newAuthHeader, privilegeErr := options.PrivilegeFunc()
 		if privilegeErr != nil {
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/plugin_list.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/plugin_list.go
index ade1051..8285cec 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/plugin_list.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/plugin_list.go
@@ -22,11 +22,11 @@ func (cli *Client) PluginList(ctx context.Context, filter filters.Args) (types.P
 		query.Set("filters", filterJSON)
 	resp, err := cli.get(ctx, "/plugins", query, nil)
+	defer ensureReaderClosed(resp)
 	if err != nil {
 		return plugins, wrapResponseError(err, resp, "plugin", "")
 	err = json.NewDecoder(resp.body).Decode(&plugins)
-	ensureReaderClosed(resp)
 	return plugins, err
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/plugin_remove.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/plugin_remove.go
index 8563bab..51ca104 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/plugin_remove.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/plugin_remove.go
@@ -15,6 +15,6 @@ func (cli *Client) PluginRemove(ctx context.Context, name string, options types.
 	resp, err := cli.delete(ctx, "/plugins/"+name, query, nil)
-	ensureReaderClosed(resp)
+	defer ensureReaderClosed(resp)
 	return wrapResponseError(err, resp, "plugin", name)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/request.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/request.go
index a19d62a..2610338 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/request.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/request.go
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ import (
+	"github.com/docker/docker/errdefs"
-	"golang.org/x/net/context/ctxhttp"
 // serverResponse is a wrapper for http API responses.
@@ -115,28 +115,30 @@ func (cli *Client) buildRequest(method, path string, body io.Reader, headers hea
 func (cli *Client) sendRequest(ctx context.Context, method, path string, query url.Values, body io.Reader, headers headers) (serverResponse, error) {
-	req, err := cli.buildRequest(method, cli.getAPIPath(path, query), body, headers)
+	req, err := cli.buildRequest(method, cli.getAPIPath(ctx, path, query), body, headers)
 	if err != nil {
 		return serverResponse{}, err
 	resp, err := cli.doRequest(ctx, req)
 	if err != nil {
-		return resp, err
+		return resp, errdefs.FromStatusCode(err, resp.statusCode)
-	return resp, cli.checkResponseErr(resp)
+	err = cli.checkResponseErr(resp)
+	return resp, errdefs.FromStatusCode(err, resp.statusCode)
 func (cli *Client) doRequest(ctx context.Context, req *http.Request) (serverResponse, error) {
 	serverResp := serverResponse{statusCode: -1, reqURL: req.URL}
-	resp, err := ctxhttp.Do(ctx, cli.client, req)
+	req = req.WithContext(ctx)
+	resp, err := cli.client.Do(req)
 	if err != nil {
 		if cli.scheme != "https" && strings.Contains(err.Error(), "malformed HTTP response") {
 			return serverResp, fmt.Errorf("%v.\n* Are you trying to connect to a TLS-enabled daemon without TLS?", err)
 		if cli.scheme == "https" && strings.Contains(err.Error(), "bad certificate") {
-			return serverResp, fmt.Errorf("The server probably has client authentication (--tlsverify) enabled. Please check your TLS client certification settings: %v", err)
+			return serverResp, errors.Wrap(err, "The server probably has client authentication (--tlsverify) enabled. Please check your TLS client certification settings")
 		// Don't decorate context sentinel errors; users may be comparing to
@@ -176,7 +178,13 @@ func (cli *Client) doRequest(ctx context.Context, req *http.Request) (serverResp
 		// this is localised - for example in French the error would be
 		// `open //./pipe/docker_engine: Le fichier spécifié est introuvable.`
 		if strings.Contains(err.Error(), `open //./pipe/docker_engine`) {
-			err = errors.New(err.Error() + " In the default daemon configuration on Windows, the docker client must be run elevated to connect. This error may also indicate that the docker daemon is not running.")
+			// Checks if client is running with elevated privileges
+			if f, elevatedErr := os.Open("\\\\.\\PHYSICALDRIVE0"); elevatedErr == nil {
+				err = errors.Wrap(err, "In the default daemon configuration on Windows, the docker client must be run with elevated privileges to connect.")
+			} else {
+				f.Close()
+				err = errors.Wrap(err, "This error may indicate that the docker daemon is not running.")
+			}
 		return serverResp, errors.Wrap(err, "error during connect")
@@ -195,9 +203,21 @@ func (cli *Client) checkResponseErr(serverResp serverResponse) error {
 		return nil
-	body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(serverResp.body)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
+	var body []byte
+	var err error
+	if serverResp.body != nil {
+		bodyMax := 1 * 1024 * 1024 // 1 MiB
+		bodyR := &io.LimitedReader{
+			R: serverResp.body,
+			N: int64(bodyMax),
+		}
+		body, err = ioutil.ReadAll(bodyR)
+		if err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+		if bodyR.N == 0 {
+			return fmt.Errorf("request returned %s with a message (> %d bytes) for API route and version %s, check if the server supports the requested API version", http.StatusText(serverResp.statusCode), bodyMax, serverResp.reqURL)
+		}
 	if len(body) == 0 {
 		return fmt.Errorf("request returned %s for API route and version %s, check if the server supports the requested API version", http.StatusText(serverResp.statusCode), serverResp.reqURL)
@@ -212,14 +232,14 @@ func (cli *Client) checkResponseErr(serverResp serverResponse) error {
 	if (cli.version == "" || versions.GreaterThan(cli.version, "1.23")) && ct == "application/json" {
 		var errorResponse types.ErrorResponse
 		if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &errorResponse); err != nil {
-			return fmt.Errorf("Error reading JSON: %v", err)
+			return errors.Wrap(err, "Error reading JSON")
-		errorMessage = errorResponse.Message
+		errorMessage = strings.TrimSpace(errorResponse.Message)
 	} else {
-		errorMessage = string(body)
+		errorMessage = strings.TrimSpace(string(body))
-	return fmt.Errorf("Error response from daemon: %s", strings.TrimSpace(errorMessage))
+	return errors.Wrap(errors.New(errorMessage), "Error response from daemon")
 func (cli *Client) addHeaders(req *http.Request, headers headers) *http.Request {
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/secret_create.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/secret_create.go
index 09fae82..fd5b914 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/secret_create.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/secret_create.go
@@ -15,11 +15,11 @@ func (cli *Client) SecretCreate(ctx context.Context, secret swarm.SecretSpec) (t
 		return response, err
 	resp, err := cli.post(ctx, "/secrets/create", nil, secret, nil)
+	defer ensureReaderClosed(resp)
 	if err != nil {
 		return response, err
 	err = json.NewDecoder(resp.body).Decode(&response)
-	ensureReaderClosed(resp)
 	return response, err
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/secret_inspect.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/secret_inspect.go
index e8322f4..d093916 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/secret_inspect.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/secret_inspect.go
@@ -18,10 +18,10 @@ func (cli *Client) SecretInspectWithRaw(ctx context.Context, id string) (swarm.S
 		return swarm.Secret{}, nil, objectNotFoundError{object: "secret", id: id}
 	resp, err := cli.get(ctx, "/secrets/"+id, nil, nil)
+	defer ensureReaderClosed(resp)
 	if err != nil {
 		return swarm.Secret{}, nil, wrapResponseError(err, resp, "secret", id)
-	defer ensureReaderClosed(resp)
 	body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.body)
 	if err != nil {
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/secret_list.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/secret_list.go
index f6bf7ba..a0289c9 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/secret_list.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/secret_list.go
@@ -27,12 +27,12 @@ func (cli *Client) SecretList(ctx context.Context, options types.SecretListOptio
 	resp, err := cli.get(ctx, "/secrets", query, nil)
+	defer ensureReaderClosed(resp)
 	if err != nil {
 		return nil, err
 	var secrets []swarm.Secret
 	err = json.NewDecoder(resp.body).Decode(&secrets)
-	ensureReaderClosed(resp)
 	return secrets, err
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/secret_remove.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/secret_remove.go
index e9d5218..c16f555 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/secret_remove.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/secret_remove.go
@@ -8,6 +8,6 @@ func (cli *Client) SecretRemove(ctx context.Context, id string) error {
 		return err
 	resp, err := cli.delete(ctx, "/secrets/"+id, nil, nil)
-	ensureReaderClosed(resp)
+	defer ensureReaderClosed(resp)
 	return wrapResponseError(err, resp, "secret", id)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/service_create.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/service_create.go
index 8fadda4..620fc6c 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/service_create.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/service_create.go
@@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ func (cli *Client) ServiceCreate(ctx context.Context, service swarm.ServiceSpec,
 	var response types.ServiceCreateResponse
 	resp, err := cli.post(ctx, "/services/create", nil, service, headers)
+	defer ensureReaderClosed(resp)
 	if err != nil {
 		return response, err
@@ -82,7 +83,6 @@ func (cli *Client) ServiceCreate(ctx context.Context, service swarm.ServiceSpec,
 		response.Warnings = append(response.Warnings, digestWarning(service.TaskTemplate.ContainerSpec.Image))
-	ensureReaderClosed(resp)
 	return response, err
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/service_inspect.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/service_inspect.go
index de6aa22..2801483 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/service_inspect.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/service_inspect.go
@@ -20,10 +20,10 @@ func (cli *Client) ServiceInspectWithRaw(ctx context.Context, serviceID string,
 	query := url.Values{}
 	query.Set("insertDefaults", fmt.Sprintf("%v", opts.InsertDefaults))
 	serverResp, err := cli.get(ctx, "/services/"+serviceID, query, nil)
+	defer ensureReaderClosed(serverResp)
 	if err != nil {
 		return swarm.Service{}, nil, wrapResponseError(err, serverResp, "service", serviceID)
-	defer ensureReaderClosed(serverResp)
 	body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(serverResp.body)
 	if err != nil {
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/service_list.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/service_list.go
index 7d53e2b..64d35e7 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/service_list.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/service_list.go
@@ -24,12 +24,12 @@ func (cli *Client) ServiceList(ctx context.Context, options types.ServiceListOpt
 	resp, err := cli.get(ctx, "/services", query, nil)
+	defer ensureReaderClosed(resp)
 	if err != nil {
 		return nil, err
 	var services []swarm.Service
 	err = json.NewDecoder(resp.body).Decode(&services)
-	ensureReaderClosed(resp)
 	return services, err
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/service_remove.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/service_remove.go
index fe3421b..953a2ad 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/service_remove.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/service_remove.go
@@ -5,6 +5,6 @@ import "context"
 // ServiceRemove kills and removes a service.
 func (cli *Client) ServiceRemove(ctx context.Context, serviceID string) error {
 	resp, err := cli.delete(ctx, "/services/"+serviceID, nil, nil)
-	ensureReaderClosed(resp)
+	defer ensureReaderClosed(resp)
 	return wrapResponseError(err, resp, "service", serviceID)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/service_update.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/service_update.go
index 5a7a61b..cd0f59e 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/service_update.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/service_update.go
@@ -10,7 +10,9 @@ import (
-// ServiceUpdate updates a Service.
+// ServiceUpdate updates a Service. The version number is required to avoid conflicting writes.
+// It should be the value as set *before* the update. You can find this value in the Meta field
+// of swarm.Service, which can be found using ServiceInspectWithRaw.
 func (cli *Client) ServiceUpdate(ctx context.Context, serviceID string, version swarm.Version, service swarm.ServiceSpec, options types.ServiceUpdateOptions) (types.ServiceUpdateResponse, error) {
 	var (
 		query   = url.Values{}
@@ -77,6 +79,7 @@ func (cli *Client) ServiceUpdate(ctx context.Context, serviceID string, version
 	var response types.ServiceUpdateResponse
 	resp, err := cli.post(ctx, "/services/"+serviceID+"/update", query, service, headers)
+	defer ensureReaderClosed(resp)
 	if err != nil {
 		return response, err
@@ -87,6 +90,5 @@ func (cli *Client) ServiceUpdate(ctx context.Context, serviceID string, version
 		response.Warnings = append(response.Warnings, digestWarning(service.TaskTemplate.ContainerSpec.Image))
-	ensureReaderClosed(resp)
 	return response, err
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/session.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/session.go
deleted file mode 100644
index df199f3..0000000
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/session.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-package client // import "github.com/docker/docker/client"
-import (
-	"context"
-	"net"
-	"net/http"
-// DialSession returns a connection that can be used communication with daemon
-func (cli *Client) DialSession(ctx context.Context, proto string, meta map[string][]string) (net.Conn, error) {
-	req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "/session", nil)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	req = cli.addHeaders(req, meta)
-	return cli.setupHijackConn(ctx, req, proto)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/swarm_get_unlock_key.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/swarm_get_unlock_key.go
index 0c50c01..19f59dd 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/swarm_get_unlock_key.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/swarm_get_unlock_key.go
@@ -10,12 +10,12 @@ import (
 // SwarmGetUnlockKey retrieves the swarm's unlock key.
 func (cli *Client) SwarmGetUnlockKey(ctx context.Context) (types.SwarmUnlockKeyResponse, error) {
 	serverResp, err := cli.get(ctx, "/swarm/unlockkey", nil, nil)
+	defer ensureReaderClosed(serverResp)
 	if err != nil {
 		return types.SwarmUnlockKeyResponse{}, err
 	var response types.SwarmUnlockKeyResponse
 	err = json.NewDecoder(serverResp.body).Decode(&response)
-	ensureReaderClosed(serverResp)
 	return response, err
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/swarm_init.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/swarm_init.go
index 742ca0f..da3c163 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/swarm_init.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/swarm_init.go
@@ -10,12 +10,12 @@ import (
 // SwarmInit initializes the swarm.
 func (cli *Client) SwarmInit(ctx context.Context, req swarm.InitRequest) (string, error) {
 	serverResp, err := cli.post(ctx, "/swarm/init", nil, req, nil)
+	defer ensureReaderClosed(serverResp)
 	if err != nil {
 		return "", err
 	var response string
 	err = json.NewDecoder(serverResp.body).Decode(&response)
-	ensureReaderClosed(serverResp)
 	return response, err
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/swarm_inspect.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/swarm_inspect.go
index cfaabb2..b52b67a 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/swarm_inspect.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/swarm_inspect.go
@@ -10,12 +10,12 @@ import (
 // SwarmInspect inspects the swarm.
 func (cli *Client) SwarmInspect(ctx context.Context) (swarm.Swarm, error) {
 	serverResp, err := cli.get(ctx, "/swarm", nil, nil)
+	defer ensureReaderClosed(serverResp)
 	if err != nil {
 		return swarm.Swarm{}, err
 	var response swarm.Swarm
 	err = json.NewDecoder(serverResp.body).Decode(&response)
-	ensureReaderClosed(serverResp)
 	return response, err
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/task_inspect.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/task_inspect.go
index e1c0a73..44d40ba 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/task_inspect.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/task_inspect.go
@@ -15,10 +15,10 @@ func (cli *Client) TaskInspectWithRaw(ctx context.Context, taskID string) (swarm
 		return swarm.Task{}, nil, objectNotFoundError{object: "task", id: taskID}
 	serverResp, err := cli.get(ctx, "/tasks/"+taskID, nil, nil)
+	defer ensureReaderClosed(serverResp)
 	if err != nil {
 		return swarm.Task{}, nil, wrapResponseError(err, serverResp, "task", taskID)
-	defer ensureReaderClosed(serverResp)
 	body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(serverResp.body)
 	if err != nil {
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/task_list.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/task_list.go
index 42d20c1..4869b44 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/task_list.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/task_list.go
@@ -24,12 +24,12 @@ func (cli *Client) TaskList(ctx context.Context, options types.TaskListOptions)
 	resp, err := cli.get(ctx, "/tasks", query, nil)
+	defer ensureReaderClosed(resp)
 	if err != nil {
 		return nil, err
 	var tasks []swarm.Task
 	err = json.NewDecoder(resp.body).Decode(&tasks)
-	ensureReaderClosed(resp)
 	return tasks, err
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/version.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/version.go
index 1989f6d..8f17ff4 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/version.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/version.go
@@ -10,12 +10,12 @@ import (
 // ServerVersion returns information of the docker client and server host.
 func (cli *Client) ServerVersion(ctx context.Context) (types.Version, error) {
 	resp, err := cli.get(ctx, "/version", nil, nil)
+	defer ensureReaderClosed(resp)
 	if err != nil {
 		return types.Version{}, err
 	var server types.Version
 	err = json.NewDecoder(resp.body).Decode(&server)
-	ensureReaderClosed(resp)
 	return server, err
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/volume_create.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/volume_create.go
index f1f6fcd..92761b3 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/volume_create.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/volume_create.go
@@ -12,10 +12,10 @@ import (
 func (cli *Client) VolumeCreate(ctx context.Context, options volumetypes.VolumeCreateBody) (types.Volume, error) {
 	var volume types.Volume
 	resp, err := cli.post(ctx, "/volumes/create", nil, options, nil)
+	defer ensureReaderClosed(resp)
 	if err != nil {
 		return volume, err
 	err = json.NewDecoder(resp.body).Decode(&volume)
-	ensureReaderClosed(resp)
 	return volume, err
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/volume_inspect.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/volume_inspect.go
index f840682..e20b2c6 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/volume_inspect.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/volume_inspect.go
@@ -23,10 +23,10 @@ func (cli *Client) VolumeInspectWithRaw(ctx context.Context, volumeID string) (t
 	var volume types.Volume
 	resp, err := cli.get(ctx, "/volumes/"+volumeID, nil, nil)
+	defer ensureReaderClosed(resp)
 	if err != nil {
 		return volume, nil, wrapResponseError(err, resp, "volume", volumeID)
-	defer ensureReaderClosed(resp)
 	body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.body)
 	if err != nil {
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/volume_list.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/volume_list.go
index 284554d..2380d56 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/volume_list.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/volume_list.go
@@ -22,11 +22,11 @@ func (cli *Client) VolumeList(ctx context.Context, filter filters.Args) (volumet
 		query.Set("filters", filterJSON)
 	resp, err := cli.get(ctx, "/volumes", query, nil)
+	defer ensureReaderClosed(resp)
 	if err != nil {
 		return volumes, err
 	err = json.NewDecoder(resp.body).Decode(&volumes)
-	ensureReaderClosed(resp)
 	return volumes, err
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/volume_prune.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/volume_prune.go
index 70041ef..6e32470 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/volume_prune.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/volume_prune.go
@@ -23,10 +23,10 @@ func (cli *Client) VolumesPrune(ctx context.Context, pruneFilters filters.Args)
 	serverResp, err := cli.post(ctx, "/volumes/prune", query, nil, nil)
+	defer ensureReaderClosed(serverResp)
 	if err != nil {
 		return report, err
-	defer ensureReaderClosed(serverResp)
 	if err := json.NewDecoder(serverResp.body).Decode(&report); err != nil {
 		return report, fmt.Errorf("Error retrieving volume prune report: %v", err)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/volume_remove.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/volume_remove.go
index fc5a71d..79decda 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/volume_remove.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/client/volume_remove.go
@@ -16,6 +16,6 @@ func (cli *Client) VolumeRemove(ctx context.Context, volumeID string, force bool
 	resp, err := cli.delete(ctx, "/volumes/"+volumeID, query, nil)
-	ensureReaderClosed(resp)
+	defer ensureReaderClosed(resp)
 	return wrapResponseError(err, resp, "volume", volumeID)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/errdefs/defs.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/errdefs/defs.go
index e6a2275..61e7456 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/errdefs/defs.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/errdefs/defs.go
@@ -43,11 +43,6 @@ type ErrNotModified interface {
-// ErrAlreadyExists is a special case of ErrConflict which signals that the desired object already exists
-type ErrAlreadyExists interface {
-	AlreadyExists()
 // ErrNotImplemented signals that the requested action/feature is not implemented on the system as configured.
 type ErrNotImplemented interface {
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/errdefs/helpers.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/errdefs/helpers.go
index 6169c2b..c9916e0 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/errdefs/helpers.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/errdefs/helpers.go
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ func (e errNotFound) Cause() error {
 // NotFound is a helper to create an error of the class with the same name from any error type
 func NotFound(err error) error {
-	if err == nil {
-		return nil
+	if err == nil || IsNotFound(err) {
+		return err
 	return errNotFound{err}
@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ func (e errInvalidParameter) Cause() error {
 // InvalidParameter is a helper to create an error of the class with the same name from any error type
 func InvalidParameter(err error) error {
-	if err == nil {
-		return nil
+	if err == nil || IsInvalidParameter(err) {
+		return err
 	return errInvalidParameter{err}
@@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ func (e errConflict) Cause() error {
 // Conflict is a helper to create an error of the class with the same name from any error type
 func Conflict(err error) error {
-	if err == nil {
-		return nil
+	if err == nil || IsConflict(err) {
+		return err
 	return errConflict{err}
@@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ func (e errUnauthorized) Cause() error {
 // Unauthorized is a helper to create an error of the class with the same name from any error type
 func Unauthorized(err error) error {
-	if err == nil {
-		return nil
+	if err == nil || IsUnauthorized(err) {
+		return err
 	return errUnauthorized{err}
@@ -76,6 +76,9 @@ func (e errUnavailable) Cause() error {
 // Unavailable is a helper to create an error of the class with the same name from any error type
 func Unavailable(err error) error {
+	if err == nil || IsUnavailable(err) {
+		return err
+	}
 	return errUnavailable{err}
@@ -89,8 +92,8 @@ func (e errForbidden) Cause() error {
 // Forbidden is a helper to create an error of the class with the same name from any error type
 func Forbidden(err error) error {
-	if err == nil {
-		return nil
+	if err == nil || IsForbidden(err) {
+		return err
 	return errForbidden{err}
@@ -105,8 +108,8 @@ func (e errSystem) Cause() error {
 // System is a helper to create an error of the class with the same name from any error type
 func System(err error) error {
-	if err == nil {
-		return nil
+	if err == nil || IsSystem(err) {
+		return err
 	return errSystem{err}
@@ -121,28 +124,12 @@ func (e errNotModified) Cause() error {
 // NotModified is a helper to create an error of the class with the same name from any error type
 func NotModified(err error) error {
-	if err == nil {
-		return nil
+	if err == nil || IsNotModified(err) {
+		return err
 	return errNotModified{err}
-type errAlreadyExists struct{ error }
-func (errAlreadyExists) AlreadyExists() {}
-func (e errAlreadyExists) Cause() error {
-	return e.error
-// AlreadyExists is a helper to create an error of the class with the same name from any error type
-func AlreadyExists(err error) error {
-	if err == nil {
-		return nil
-	}
-	return errAlreadyExists{err}
 type errNotImplemented struct{ error }
 func (errNotImplemented) NotImplemented() {}
@@ -153,8 +140,8 @@ func (e errNotImplemented) Cause() error {
 // NotImplemented is a helper to create an error of the class with the same name from any error type
 func NotImplemented(err error) error {
-	if err == nil {
-		return nil
+	if err == nil || IsNotImplemented(err) {
+		return err
 	return errNotImplemented{err}
@@ -169,8 +156,8 @@ func (e errUnknown) Cause() error {
 // Unknown is a helper to create an error of the class with the same name from any error type
 func Unknown(err error) error {
-	if err == nil {
-		return nil
+	if err == nil || IsUnknown(err) {
+		return err
 	return errUnknown{err}
@@ -185,8 +172,8 @@ func (e errCancelled) Cause() error {
 // Cancelled is a helper to create an error of the class with the same name from any error type
 func Cancelled(err error) error {
-	if err == nil {
-		return nil
+	if err == nil || IsCancelled(err) {
+		return err
 	return errCancelled{err}
@@ -201,8 +188,8 @@ func (e errDeadline) Cause() error {
 // Deadline is a helper to create an error of the class with the same name from any error type
 func Deadline(err error) error {
-	if err == nil {
-		return nil
+	if err == nil || IsDeadline(err) {
+		return err
 	return errDeadline{err}
@@ -217,8 +204,8 @@ func (e errDataLoss) Cause() error {
 // DataLoss is a helper to create an error of the class with the same name from any error type
 func DataLoss(err error) error {
-	if err == nil {
-		return nil
+	if err == nil || IsDataLoss(err) {
+		return err
 	return errDataLoss{err}
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/errdefs/http_helpers.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/errdefs/http_helpers.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07552f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/errdefs/http_helpers.go
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+package errdefs // import "github.com/docker/docker/errdefs"
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	"net/http"
+	containerderrors "github.com/containerd/containerd/errdefs"
+	"github.com/docker/distribution/registry/api/errcode"
+	"github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
+	"google.golang.org/grpc/codes"
+	"google.golang.org/grpc/status"
+// GetHTTPErrorStatusCode retrieves status code from error message.
+func GetHTTPErrorStatusCode(err error) int {
+	if err == nil {
+		logrus.WithFields(logrus.Fields{"error": err}).Error("unexpected HTTP error handling")
+		return http.StatusInternalServerError
+	}
+	var statusCode int
+	// Stop right there
+	// Are you sure you should be adding a new error class here? Do one of the existing ones work?
+	// Note that the below functions are already checking the error causal chain for matches.
+	switch {
+	case IsNotFound(err):
+		statusCode = http.StatusNotFound
+	case IsInvalidParameter(err):
+		statusCode = http.StatusBadRequest
+	case IsConflict(err):
+		statusCode = http.StatusConflict
+	case IsUnauthorized(err):
+		statusCode = http.StatusUnauthorized
+	case IsUnavailable(err):
+		statusCode = http.StatusServiceUnavailable
+	case IsForbidden(err):
+		statusCode = http.StatusForbidden
+	case IsNotModified(err):
+		statusCode = http.StatusNotModified
+	case IsNotImplemented(err):
+		statusCode = http.StatusNotImplemented
+	case IsSystem(err) || IsUnknown(err) || IsDataLoss(err) || IsDeadline(err) || IsCancelled(err):
+		statusCode = http.StatusInternalServerError
+	default:
+		statusCode = statusCodeFromGRPCError(err)
+		if statusCode != http.StatusInternalServerError {
+			return statusCode
+		}
+		statusCode = statusCodeFromContainerdError(err)
+		if statusCode != http.StatusInternalServerError {
+			return statusCode
+		}
+		statusCode = statusCodeFromDistributionError(err)
+		if statusCode != http.StatusInternalServerError {
+			return statusCode
+		}
+		if e, ok := err.(causer); ok {
+			return GetHTTPErrorStatusCode(e.Cause())
+		}
+		logrus.WithFields(logrus.Fields{
+			"module":     "api",
+			"error_type": fmt.Sprintf("%T", err),
+		}).Debugf("FIXME: Got an API for which error does not match any expected type!!!: %+v", err)
+	}
+	if statusCode == 0 {
+		statusCode = http.StatusInternalServerError
+	}
+	return statusCode
+// FromStatusCode creates an errdef error, based on the provided HTTP status-code
+func FromStatusCode(err error, statusCode int) error {
+	if err == nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	switch statusCode {
+	case http.StatusNotFound:
+		err = NotFound(err)
+	case http.StatusBadRequest:
+		err = InvalidParameter(err)
+	case http.StatusConflict:
+		err = Conflict(err)
+	case http.StatusUnauthorized:
+		err = Unauthorized(err)
+	case http.StatusServiceUnavailable:
+		err = Unavailable(err)
+	case http.StatusForbidden:
+		err = Forbidden(err)
+	case http.StatusNotModified:
+		err = NotModified(err)
+	case http.StatusNotImplemented:
+		err = NotImplemented(err)
+	case http.StatusInternalServerError:
+		if !IsSystem(err) && !IsUnknown(err) && !IsDataLoss(err) && !IsDeadline(err) && !IsCancelled(err) {
+			err = System(err)
+		}
+	default:
+		logrus.WithFields(logrus.Fields{
+			"module":      "api",
+			"status_code": fmt.Sprintf("%d", statusCode),
+		}).Debugf("FIXME: Got an status-code for which error does not match any expected type!!!: %d", statusCode)
+		switch {
+		case statusCode >= 200 && statusCode < 400:
+			// it's a client error
+		case statusCode >= 400 && statusCode < 500:
+			err = InvalidParameter(err)
+		case statusCode >= 500 && statusCode < 600:
+			err = System(err)
+		default:
+			err = Unknown(err)
+		}
+	}
+	return err
+// statusCodeFromGRPCError returns status code according to gRPC error
+func statusCodeFromGRPCError(err error) int {
+	switch status.Code(err) {
+	case codes.InvalidArgument: // code 3
+		return http.StatusBadRequest
+	case codes.NotFound: // code 5
+		return http.StatusNotFound
+	case codes.AlreadyExists: // code 6
+		return http.StatusConflict
+	case codes.PermissionDenied: // code 7
+		return http.StatusForbidden
+	case codes.FailedPrecondition: // code 9
+		return http.StatusBadRequest
+	case codes.Unauthenticated: // code 16
+		return http.StatusUnauthorized
+	case codes.OutOfRange: // code 11
+		return http.StatusBadRequest
+	case codes.Unimplemented: // code 12
+		return http.StatusNotImplemented
+	case codes.Unavailable: // code 14
+		return http.StatusServiceUnavailable
+	default:
+		// codes.Canceled(1)
+		// codes.Unknown(2)
+		// codes.DeadlineExceeded(4)
+		// codes.ResourceExhausted(8)
+		// codes.Aborted(10)
+		// codes.Internal(13)
+		// codes.DataLoss(15)
+		return http.StatusInternalServerError
+	}
+// statusCodeFromDistributionError returns status code according to registry errcode
+// code is loosely based on errcode.ServeJSON() in docker/distribution
+func statusCodeFromDistributionError(err error) int {
+	switch errs := err.(type) {
+	case errcode.Errors:
+		if len(errs) < 1 {
+			return http.StatusInternalServerError
+		}
+		if _, ok := errs[0].(errcode.ErrorCoder); ok {
+			return statusCodeFromDistributionError(errs[0])
+		}
+	case errcode.ErrorCoder:
+		return errs.ErrorCode().Descriptor().HTTPStatusCode
+	}
+	return http.StatusInternalServerError
+// statusCodeFromContainerdError returns status code for containerd errors when
+// consumed directly (not through gRPC)
+func statusCodeFromContainerdError(err error) int {
+	switch {
+	case containerderrors.IsInvalidArgument(err):
+		return http.StatusBadRequest
+	case containerderrors.IsNotFound(err):
+		return http.StatusNotFound
+	case containerderrors.IsAlreadyExists(err):
+		return http.StatusConflict
+	case containerderrors.IsFailedPrecondition(err):
+		return http.StatusPreconditionFailed
+	case containerderrors.IsUnavailable(err):
+		return http.StatusServiceUnavailable
+	case containerderrors.IsNotImplemented(err):
+		return http.StatusNotImplemented
+	default:
+		return http.StatusInternalServerError
+	}
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/errdefs/is.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/errdefs/is.go
index e051333..3abf07d 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/errdefs/is.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/errdefs/is.go
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ func getImplementer(err error) error {
-		ErrAlreadyExists,
@@ -77,12 +76,6 @@ func IsNotModified(err error) bool {
 	return ok
-// IsAlreadyExists returns if the passed in error is a AlreadyExists error
-func IsAlreadyExists(err error) bool {
-	_, ok := getImplementer(err).(ErrAlreadyExists)
-	return ok
 // IsNotImplemented returns if the passed in error is an ErrNotImplemented
 func IsNotImplemented(err error) bool {
 	_, ok := getImplementer(err).(ErrNotImplemented)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/archive.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/archive.go
index 070dccb..bb623fa 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/archive.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/archive.go
@@ -660,11 +660,13 @@ func createTarFile(path, extractDir string, hdr *tar.Header, reader io.Reader, L
 	var errors []string
 	for key, value := range hdr.Xattrs {
 		if err := system.Lsetxattr(path, key, []byte(value), 0); err != nil {
-			if err == syscall.ENOTSUP {
+			if err == syscall.ENOTSUP || err == syscall.EPERM {
 				// We ignore errors here because not all graphdrivers support
 				// xattrs *cough* old versions of AUFS *cough*. However only
 				// ENOTSUP should be emitted in that case, otherwise we still
 				// bail.
+				// EPERM occurs if modifying xattrs is not allowed. This can
+				// happen when running in userns with restrictions (ChromeOS).
 				errors = append(errors, err.Error())
@@ -743,7 +745,7 @@ func TarWithOptions(srcPath string, options *TarOptions) (io.ReadCloser, error)
-		ta.WhiteoutConverter = getWhiteoutConverter(options.WhiteoutFormat)
+		ta.WhiteoutConverter = getWhiteoutConverter(options.WhiteoutFormat, options.InUserNS)
 		defer func() {
 			// Make sure to check the error on Close.
@@ -901,7 +903,7 @@ func Unpack(decompressedArchive io.Reader, dest string, options *TarOptions) err
 	var dirs []*tar.Header
 	idMapping := idtools.NewIDMappingsFromMaps(options.UIDMaps, options.GIDMaps)
 	rootIDs := idMapping.RootPair()
-	whiteoutConverter := getWhiteoutConverter(options.WhiteoutFormat)
+	whiteoutConverter := getWhiteoutConverter(options.WhiteoutFormat, options.InUserNS)
 	// Iterate through the files in the archive.
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/archive_linux.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/archive_linux.go
index 970d4d0..0601f7b 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/archive_linux.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/archive_linux.go
@@ -2,22 +2,29 @@ package archive // import "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive"
 import (
+	"fmt"
+	"io/ioutil"
+	"syscall"
+	"github.com/containerd/continuity/fs"
+	"github.com/pkg/errors"
-func getWhiteoutConverter(format WhiteoutFormat) tarWhiteoutConverter {
+func getWhiteoutConverter(format WhiteoutFormat, inUserNS bool) tarWhiteoutConverter {
 	if format == OverlayWhiteoutFormat {
-		return overlayWhiteoutConverter{}
+		return overlayWhiteoutConverter{inUserNS: inUserNS}
 	return nil
-type overlayWhiteoutConverter struct{}
+type overlayWhiteoutConverter struct {
+	inUserNS bool
 func (overlayWhiteoutConverter) ConvertWrite(hdr *tar.Header, path string, fi os.FileInfo) (wo *tar.Header, err error) {
 	// convert whiteouts to AUFS format
@@ -61,13 +68,22 @@ func (overlayWhiteoutConverter) ConvertWrite(hdr *tar.Header, path string, fi os
-func (overlayWhiteoutConverter) ConvertRead(hdr *tar.Header, path string) (bool, error) {
+func (c overlayWhiteoutConverter) ConvertRead(hdr *tar.Header, path string) (bool, error) {
 	base := filepath.Base(path)
 	dir := filepath.Dir(path)
 	// if a directory is marked as opaque by the AUFS special file, we need to translate that to overlay
 	if base == WhiteoutOpaqueDir {
 		err := unix.Setxattr(dir, "trusted.overlay.opaque", []byte{'y'}, 0)
+		if err != nil {
+			if c.inUserNS {
+				if err = replaceDirWithOverlayOpaque(dir); err != nil {
+					return false, errors.Wrapf(err, "replaceDirWithOverlayOpaque(%q) failed", dir)
+				}
+			} else {
+				return false, errors.Wrapf(err, "setxattr(%q, trusted.overlay.opaque=y)", dir)
+			}
+		}
 		// don't write the file itself
 		return false, err
@@ -78,7 +94,19 @@ func (overlayWhiteoutConverter) ConvertRead(hdr *tar.Header, path string) (bool,
 		originalPath := filepath.Join(dir, originalBase)
 		if err := unix.Mknod(originalPath, unix.S_IFCHR, 0); err != nil {
-			return false, err
+			if c.inUserNS {
+				// Ubuntu and a few distros support overlayfs in userns.
+				//
+				// Although we can't call mknod directly in userns (at least on bionic kernel 4.15),
+				// we can still create 0,0 char device using mknodChar0Overlay().
+				//
+				// NOTE: we don't need this hack for the containerd snapshotter+unpack model.
+				if err := mknodChar0Overlay(originalPath); err != nil {
+					return false, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to mknodChar0UserNS(%q)", originalPath)
+				}
+			} else {
+				return false, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to mknod(%q, S_IFCHR, 0)", originalPath)
+			}
 		if err := os.Chown(originalPath, hdr.Uid, hdr.Gid); err != nil {
 			return false, err
@@ -90,3 +118,144 @@ func (overlayWhiteoutConverter) ConvertRead(hdr *tar.Header, path string) (bool,
 	return true, nil
+// mknodChar0Overlay creates 0,0 char device by mounting overlayfs and unlinking.
+// This function can be used for creating 0,0 char device in userns on Ubuntu.
+// Steps:
+// * Mkdir lower,upper,merged,work
+// * Create lower/dummy
+// * Mount overlayfs
+// * Unlink merged/dummy
+// * Unmount overlayfs
+// * Make sure a 0,0 char device is created as upper/dummy
+// * Rename upper/dummy to cleansedOriginalPath
+func mknodChar0Overlay(cleansedOriginalPath string) error {
+	dir := filepath.Dir(cleansedOriginalPath)
+	tmp, err := ioutil.TempDir(dir, "mc0o")
+	if err != nil {
+		return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to create a tmp directory under %s", dir)
+	}
+	defer os.RemoveAll(tmp)
+	lower := filepath.Join(tmp, "l")
+	upper := filepath.Join(tmp, "u")
+	work := filepath.Join(tmp, "w")
+	merged := filepath.Join(tmp, "m")
+	for _, s := range []string{lower, upper, work, merged} {
+		if err := os.MkdirAll(s, 0700); err != nil {
+			return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to mkdir %s", s)
+		}
+	}
+	dummyBase := "d"
+	lowerDummy := filepath.Join(lower, dummyBase)
+	if err := ioutil.WriteFile(lowerDummy, []byte{}, 0600); err != nil {
+		return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to create a dummy lower file %s", lowerDummy)
+	}
+	mOpts := fmt.Sprintf("lowerdir=%s,upperdir=%s,workdir=%s", lower, upper, work)
+	// docker/pkg/mount.Mount() requires procfs to be mounted. So we use syscall.Mount() directly instead.
+	if err := syscall.Mount("overlay", merged, "overlay", uintptr(0), mOpts); err != nil {
+		return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to mount overlay (%s) on %s", mOpts, merged)
+	}
+	mergedDummy := filepath.Join(merged, dummyBase)
+	if err := os.Remove(mergedDummy); err != nil {
+		syscall.Unmount(merged, 0)
+		return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to unlink %s", mergedDummy)
+	}
+	if err := syscall.Unmount(merged, 0); err != nil {
+		return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to unmount %s", merged)
+	}
+	upperDummy := filepath.Join(upper, dummyBase)
+	if err := isChar0(upperDummy); err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	if err := os.Rename(upperDummy, cleansedOriginalPath); err != nil {
+		return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to rename %s to %s", upperDummy, cleansedOriginalPath)
+	}
+	return nil
+func isChar0(path string) error {
+	osStat, err := os.Stat(path)
+	if err != nil {
+		return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to stat %s", path)
+	}
+	st, ok := osStat.Sys().(*syscall.Stat_t)
+	if !ok {
+		return errors.Errorf("got unsupported stat for %s", path)
+	}
+	if os.FileMode(st.Mode)&syscall.S_IFMT != syscall.S_IFCHR {
+		return errors.Errorf("%s is not a character device, got mode=%d", path, st.Mode)
+	}
+	if st.Rdev != 0 {
+		return errors.Errorf("%s is not a 0,0 character device, got Rdev=%d", path, st.Rdev)
+	}
+	return nil
+// replaceDirWithOverlayOpaque replaces path with a new directory with trusted.overlay.opaque
+// xattr. The contents of the directory are preserved.
+func replaceDirWithOverlayOpaque(path string) error {
+	if path == "/" {
+		return errors.New("replaceDirWithOverlayOpaque: path must not be \"/\"")
+	}
+	dir := filepath.Dir(path)
+	tmp, err := ioutil.TempDir(dir, "rdwoo")
+	if err != nil {
+		return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to create a tmp directory under %s", dir)
+	}
+	defer os.RemoveAll(tmp)
+	// newPath is a new empty directory crafted with trusted.overlay.opaque xattr.
+	// we copy the content of path into newPath, remove path, and rename newPath to path.
+	newPath, err := createDirWithOverlayOpaque(tmp)
+	if err != nil {
+		return errors.Wrapf(err, "createDirWithOverlayOpaque(%q) failed", tmp)
+	}
+	if err := fs.CopyDir(newPath, path); err != nil {
+		return errors.Wrapf(err, "CopyDir(%q, %q) failed", newPath, path)
+	}
+	if err := os.RemoveAll(path); err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	return os.Rename(newPath, path)
+// createDirWithOverlayOpaque creates a directory with trusted.overlay.opaque xattr,
+// without calling setxattr, so as to allow creating opaque dir in userns on Ubuntu.
+func createDirWithOverlayOpaque(tmp string) (string, error) {
+	lower := filepath.Join(tmp, "l")
+	upper := filepath.Join(tmp, "u")
+	work := filepath.Join(tmp, "w")
+	merged := filepath.Join(tmp, "m")
+	for _, s := range []string{lower, upper, work, merged} {
+		if err := os.MkdirAll(s, 0700); err != nil {
+			return "", errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to mkdir %s", s)
+		}
+	}
+	dummyBase := "d"
+	lowerDummy := filepath.Join(lower, dummyBase)
+	if err := os.MkdirAll(lowerDummy, 0700); err != nil {
+		return "", errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to create a dummy lower directory %s", lowerDummy)
+	}
+	mOpts := fmt.Sprintf("lowerdir=%s,upperdir=%s,workdir=%s", lower, upper, work)
+	// docker/pkg/mount.Mount() requires procfs to be mounted. So we use syscall.Mount() directly instead.
+	if err := syscall.Mount("overlay", merged, "overlay", uintptr(0), mOpts); err != nil {
+		return "", errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to mount overlay (%s) on %s", mOpts, merged)
+	}
+	mergedDummy := filepath.Join(merged, dummyBase)
+	if err := os.Remove(mergedDummy); err != nil {
+		syscall.Unmount(merged, 0)
+		return "", errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to rmdir %s", mergedDummy)
+	}
+	// upperDummy becomes a 0,0-char device file here
+	if err := os.Mkdir(mergedDummy, 0700); err != nil {
+		syscall.Unmount(merged, 0)
+		return "", errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to mkdir %s", mergedDummy)
+	}
+	// upperDummy becomes a directory with trusted.overlay.opaque xattr
+	// (but can't be verified in userns)
+	if err := syscall.Unmount(merged, 0); err != nil {
+		return "", errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to unmount %s", merged)
+	}
+	upperDummy := filepath.Join(upper, dummyBase)
+	return upperDummy, nil
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/archive_other.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/archive_other.go
index 462dfc6..65a7335 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/archive_other.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/archive_other.go
@@ -2,6 +2,6 @@
 package archive // import "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive"
-func getWhiteoutConverter(format WhiteoutFormat) tarWhiteoutConverter {
+func getWhiteoutConverter(format WhiteoutFormat, inUserNS bool) tarWhiteoutConverter {
 	return nil
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/archive_unix.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/archive_unix.go
index 1eec912..d626336 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/archive_unix.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/archive_unix.go
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import (
+	"strings"
@@ -26,7 +27,7 @@ func fixVolumePathPrefix(srcPath string) string {
 // can't use filepath.Join(srcPath,include) because this will clean away
 // a trailing "." or "/" which may be important.
 func getWalkRoot(srcPath string, include string) string {
-	return srcPath + string(filepath.Separator) + include
+	return strings.TrimSuffix(srcPath, string(filepath.Separator)) + string(filepath.Separator) + include
 // CanonicalTarNameForPath returns platform-specific filepath
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/changes.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/changes.go
index 43734db..aedb91b 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/changes.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/changes.go
@@ -63,12 +63,16 @@ func (c changesByPath) Less(i, j int) bool { return c[i].Path < c[j].Path }
 func (c changesByPath) Len() int           { return len(c) }
 func (c changesByPath) Swap(i, j int)      { c[j], c[i] = c[i], c[j] }
-// Gnu tar and the go tar writer don't have sub-second mtime
-// precision, which is problematic when we apply changes via tar
-// files, we handle this by comparing for exact times, *or* same
+// Gnu tar doesn't have sub-second mtime precision. The go tar
+// writer (1.10+) does when using PAX format, but we round times to seconds
+// to ensure archives have the same hashes for backwards compatibility.
+// See https://github.com/moby/moby/pull/35739/commits/fb170206ba12752214630b269a40ac7be6115ed4.
+// Non-sub-second is problematic when we apply changes via tar
+// files. We handle this by comparing for exact times, *or* same
 // second count and either a or b having exactly 0 nanoseconds
 func sameFsTime(a, b time.Time) bool {
-	return a == b ||
+	return a.Equal(b) ||
 		(a.Unix() == b.Unix() &&
 			(a.Nanosecond() == 0 || b.Nanosecond() == 0))
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/changes_unix.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/changes_unix.go
index c06a209..06217b7 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/changes_unix.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/changes_unix.go
@@ -16,7 +16,13 @@ func statDifferent(oldStat *system.StatT, newStat *system.StatT) bool {
 		oldStat.UID() != newStat.UID() ||
 		oldStat.GID() != newStat.GID() ||
 		oldStat.Rdev() != newStat.Rdev() ||
-		// Don't look at size for dirs, its not a good measure of change
+		// Don't look at size or modification time for dirs, its not a good
+		// measure of change. See https://github.com/moby/moby/issues/9874
+		// for a description of the issue with modification time, and
+		// https://github.com/moby/moby/pull/11422 for the change.
+		// (Note that in the Windows implementation of this function,
+		// modification time IS taken as a change). See
+		// https://github.com/moby/moby/pull/37982 for more information.
 		(oldStat.Mode()&unix.S_IFDIR != unix.S_IFDIR &&
 			(!sameFsTimeSpec(oldStat.Mtim(), newStat.Mtim()) || (oldStat.Size() != newStat.Size()))) {
 		return true
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/changes_windows.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/changes_windows.go
index 6555c01..9906685 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/changes_windows.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/changes_windows.go
@@ -7,9 +7,13 @@ import (
 func statDifferent(oldStat *system.StatT, newStat *system.StatT) bool {
+	// Note there is slight difference between the Linux and Windows
+	// implementations here. Due to https://github.com/moby/moby/issues/9874,
+	// and the fix at https://github.com/moby/moby/pull/11422, Linux does not
+	// consider a change to the directory time as a change. Windows on NTFS
+	// does. See https://github.com/moby/moby/pull/37982 for more information.
-	// Don't look at size for dirs, its not a good measure of change
-	if oldStat.Mtim() != newStat.Mtim() ||
+	if !sameFsTime(oldStat.Mtim(), newStat.Mtim()) ||
 		oldStat.Mode() != newStat.Mode() ||
 		oldStat.Size() != newStat.Size() && !oldStat.Mode().IsDir() {
 		return true
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/copy.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/copy.go
index d0f13ca..57fddac 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/copy.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/copy.go
@@ -336,6 +336,14 @@ func RebaseArchiveEntries(srcContent io.Reader, oldBase, newBase string) io.Read
+			// srcContent tar stream, as served by TarWithOptions(), is
+			// definitely in PAX format, but tar.Next() mistakenly guesses it
+			// as USTAR, which creates a problem: if the newBase is >100
+			// characters long, WriteHeader() returns an error like
+			// "archive/tar: cannot encode header: Format specifies USTAR; and USTAR cannot encode Name=...".
+			//
+			// To fix, set the format to PAX here. See docker/for-linux issue #484.
+			hdr.Format = tar.FormatPAX
 			hdr.Name = strings.Replace(hdr.Name, oldBase, newBase, 1)
 			if hdr.Typeflag == tar.TypeLink {
 				hdr.Linkname = strings.Replace(hdr.Linkname, oldBase, newBase, 1)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/diff.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/diff.go
index 6883ba1..146e21f 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/diff.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/diff.go
@@ -240,11 +240,13 @@ func applyLayerHandler(dest string, layer io.Reader, options *TarOptions, decomp
 	dest = filepath.Clean(dest)
 	// We need to be able to set any perms
-	oldmask, err := system.Umask(0)
-	if err != nil {
-		return 0, err
+	if runtime.GOOS != "windows" {
+		oldmask, err := system.Umask(0)
+		if err != nil {
+			return 0, err
+		}
+		defer system.Umask(oldmask)
-	defer system.Umask(oldmask) // ignore err, ErrNotSupportedPlatform
 	if decompress {
 		decompLayer, err := DecompressStream(layer)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/fileutils/fileutils.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/fileutils/fileutils.go
index 28cad49..34f1c72 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/fileutils/fileutils.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/fileutils/fileutils.go
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ func (pm *PatternMatcher) Patterns() []*Pattern {
 	return pm.patterns
-// Pattern defines a single regexp used used to filter file paths.
+// Pattern defines a single regexp used to filter file paths.
 type Pattern struct {
 	cleanedPattern string
 	dirs           []string
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/idtools/idtools.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/idtools/idtools.go
index 230422e..b3af7a4 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/idtools/idtools.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/idtools/idtools.go
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import (
-	"sort"
@@ -203,8 +202,6 @@ func (i *IdentityMapping) GIDs() []IDMap {
 func createIDMap(subidRanges ranges) []IDMap {
 	idMap := []IDMap{}
-	// sort the ranges by lowest ID first
-	sort.Sort(subidRanges)
 	containerID := 0
 	for _, idrange := range subidRanges {
 		idMap = append(idMap, IDMap{
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/mount/flags.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/mount/flags.go
index 272363b..ffd4733 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/mount/flags.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/mount/flags.go
@@ -135,15 +135,3 @@ func parseOptions(options string) (int, string) {
 	return flag, strings.Join(data, ",")
-// ParseTmpfsOptions parse fstab type mount options into flags and data
-func ParseTmpfsOptions(options string) (int, string, error) {
-	flags, data := parseOptions(options)
-	for _, o := range strings.Split(data, ",") {
-		opt := strings.SplitN(o, "=", 2)
-		if !validFlags[opt[0]] {
-			return 0, "", fmt.Errorf("Invalid tmpfs option %q", opt)
-		}
-	}
-	return flags, data, nil
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/mount/mount.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/mount/mount.go
index 874aff6..be0631c 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/mount/mount.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/mount/mount.go
@@ -2,12 +2,46 @@ package mount // import "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/mount"
 import (
+	"strconv"
-	"syscall"
+// mountError records an error from mount or unmount operation
+type mountError struct {
+	op             string
+	source, target string
+	flags          uintptr
+	data           string
+	err            error
+func (e *mountError) Error() string {
+	out := e.op + " "
+	if e.source != "" {
+		out += e.source + ":" + e.target
+	} else {
+		out += e.target
+	}
+	if e.flags != uintptr(0) {
+		out += ", flags: 0x" + strconv.FormatUint(uint64(e.flags), 16)
+	}
+	if e.data != "" {
+		out += ", data: " + e.data
+	}
+	out += ": " + e.err.Error()
+	return out
+// Cause returns the underlying cause of the error
+func (e *mountError) Cause() error {
+	return e.err
 // FilterFunc is a type defining a callback function
 // to filter out unwanted entries. It takes a pointer
 // to an Info struct (not fully populated, currently
@@ -68,13 +102,13 @@ func Mounted(mountpoint string) (bool, error) {
 // specified like the mount or fstab unix commands: "opt1=val1,opt2=val2". See
 // flags.go for supported option flags.
 func Mount(device, target, mType, options string) error {
-	flag, _ := parseOptions(options)
+	flag, data := parseOptions(options)
 	if flag&REMOUNT != REMOUNT {
 		if mounted, err := Mounted(target); err != nil || mounted {
 			return err
-	return ForceMount(device, target, mType, options)
+	return mount(device, target, mType, uintptr(flag), data)
 // ForceMount will mount a filesystem according to the specified configuration,
@@ -89,12 +123,7 @@ func ForceMount(device, target, mType, options string) error {
 // Unmount lazily unmounts a filesystem on supported platforms, otherwise
 // does a normal unmount.
 func Unmount(target string) error {
-	err := unmount(target, mntDetach)
-	if err == syscall.EINVAL {
-		// ignore "not mounted" error
-		err = nil
-	}
-	return err
+	return unmount(target, mntDetach)
 // RecursiveUnmount unmounts the target and all mounts underneath, starting with
@@ -114,25 +143,14 @@ func RecursiveUnmount(target string) error {
 		logrus.Debugf("Trying to unmount %s", m.Mountpoint)
 		err = unmount(m.Mountpoint, mntDetach)
 		if err != nil {
-			// If the error is EINVAL either this whole package is wrong (invalid flags passed to unmount(2)) or this is
-			// not a mountpoint (which is ok in this case).
-			// Meanwhile calling `Mounted()` is very expensive.
-			//
-			// We've purposefully used `syscall.EINVAL` here instead of `unix.EINVAL` to avoid platform branching
-			// Since `EINVAL` is defined for both Windows and Linux in the `syscall` package (and other platforms),
-			//   this is nicer than defining a custom value that we can refer to in each platform file.
-			if err == syscall.EINVAL {
-				continue
-			}
-			if i == len(mounts)-1 {
+			if i == len(mounts)-1 { // last mount
 				if mounted, e := Mounted(m.Mountpoint); e != nil || mounted {
 					return err
-				continue
+			} else {
+				// This is some submount, we can ignore this error for now, the final unmount will fail if this is a real problem
+				logrus.WithError(err).Warnf("Failed to unmount submount %s", m.Mountpoint)
-			// This is some submount, we can ignore this error for now, the final unmount will fail if this is a real problem
-			logrus.WithError(err).Warnf("Failed to unmount submount %s", m.Mountpoint)
-			continue
 		logrus.Debugf("Unmounted %s", m.Mountpoint)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/mount/mounter_freebsd.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/mount/mounter_freebsd.go
index b6ab83a..09ad360 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/mount/mounter_freebsd.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/mount/mounter_freebsd.go
@@ -11,11 +11,9 @@ package mount // import "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/mount"
 import "C"
 import (
-	"fmt"
+	"syscall"
-	"golang.org/x/sys/unix"
 func allocateIOVecs(options []string) []C.struct_iovec {
@@ -49,12 +47,13 @@ func mount(device, target, mType string, flag uintptr, data string) error {
 	if errno := C.nmount(&rawOptions[0], C.uint(len(options)), C.int(flag)); errno != 0 {
-		reason := C.GoString(C.strerror(*C.__error()))
-		return fmt.Errorf("Failed to call nmount: %s", reason)
+		return &mountError{
+			op:     "mount",
+			source: device,
+			target: target,
+			flags:  flag,
+			err:    syscall.Errno(errno),
+		}
 	return nil
-func unmount(target string, flag int) error {
-	return unix.Unmount(target, flag)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/mount/mounter_linux.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/mount/mounter_linux.go
index 631daf1..a0a1ad2 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/mount/mounter_linux.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/mount/mounter_linux.go
@@ -33,25 +33,41 @@ func mount(device, target, mType string, flags uintptr, data string) error {
 		// Initial call applying all non-propagation flags for mount
 		// or remount with changed data
 		if err := unix.Mount(device, target, mType, oflags, data); err != nil {
-			return err
+			return &mountError{
+				op:     "mount",
+				source: device,
+				target: target,
+				flags:  oflags,
+				data:   data,
+				err:    err,
+			}
 	if flags&ptypes != 0 {
 		// Change the propagation type.
 		if err := unix.Mount("", target, "", flags&pflags, ""); err != nil {
-			return err
+			return &mountError{
+				op:     "remount",
+				target: target,
+				flags:  flags & pflags,
+				err:    err,
+			}
 	if oflags&broflags == broflags {
 		// Remount the bind to apply read only.
-		return unix.Mount("", target, "", oflags|unix.MS_REMOUNT, "")
+		if err := unix.Mount("", target, "", oflags|unix.MS_REMOUNT, ""); err != nil {
+			return &mountError{
+				op:     "remount-ro",
+				target: target,
+				flags:  oflags | unix.MS_REMOUNT,
+				err:    err,
+			}
+		}
 	return nil
-func unmount(target string, flag int) error {
-	return unix.Unmount(target, flag)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/mount/mounter_unsupported.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/mount/mounter_unsupported.go
index 1428dff..c3e5aec 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/mount/mounter_unsupported.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/mount/mounter_unsupported.go
@@ -5,7 +5,3 @@ package mount // import "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/mount"
 func mount(device, target, mType string, flag uintptr, data string) error {
 	panic("Not implemented")
-func unmount(target string, flag int) error {
-	panic("Not implemented")
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/mount/mountinfo_linux.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/mount/mountinfo_linux.go
index c1dba01..fe6e3dd 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/mount/mountinfo_linux.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/mount/mountinfo_linux.go
@@ -7,16 +7,21 @@ import (
+	"github.com/pkg/errors"
 func parseInfoFile(r io.Reader, filter FilterFunc) ([]*Info, error) {
 	s := bufio.NewScanner(r)
 	out := []*Info{}
+	var err error
 	for s.Scan() {
-		if err := s.Err(); err != nil {
+		if err = s.Err(); err != nil {
 			return nil, err
+		   See http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man5/proc.5.html
 		   36 35 98:0 /mnt1 /mnt2 rw,noatime master:1 - ext3 /dev/root rw,errors=continue
 		   (1)(2)(3)   (4)   (5)      (6)      (7)   (8) (9)   (10)         (11)
@@ -52,8 +57,15 @@ func parseInfoFile(r io.Reader, filter FilterFunc) ([]*Info, error) {
 		p.Major, _ = strconv.Atoi(mm[0])
 		p.Minor, _ = strconv.Atoi(mm[1])
-		p.Root = fields[3]
-		p.Mountpoint = fields[4]
+		p.Root, err = strconv.Unquote(`"` + fields[3] + `"`)
+		if err != nil {
+			return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "Parsing '%s' failed: unable to unquote root field", fields[3])
+		}
+		p.Mountpoint, err = strconv.Unquote(`"` + fields[4] + `"`)
+		if err != nil {
+			return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "Parsing '%s' failed: unable to unquote mount point field", fields[4])
+		}
 		p.Opts = fields[5]
 		var skip, stop bool
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/mount/sharedsubtree_linux.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/mount/sharedsubtree_linux.go
index 8a100f0..db38828 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/mount/sharedsubtree_linux.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/mount/sharedsubtree_linux.go
@@ -3,49 +3,49 @@ package mount // import "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/mount"
 // MakeShared ensures a mounted filesystem has the SHARED mount option enabled.
 // See the supported options in flags.go for further reference.
 func MakeShared(mountPoint string) error {
-	return ensureMountedAs(mountPoint, "shared")
+	return ensureMountedAs(mountPoint, SHARED)
 // MakeRShared ensures a mounted filesystem has the RSHARED mount option enabled.
 // See the supported options in flags.go for further reference.
 func MakeRShared(mountPoint string) error {
-	return ensureMountedAs(mountPoint, "rshared")
+	return ensureMountedAs(mountPoint, RSHARED)
 // MakePrivate ensures a mounted filesystem has the PRIVATE mount option enabled.
 // See the supported options in flags.go for further reference.
 func MakePrivate(mountPoint string) error {
-	return ensureMountedAs(mountPoint, "private")
+	return ensureMountedAs(mountPoint, PRIVATE)
 // MakeRPrivate ensures a mounted filesystem has the RPRIVATE mount option
 // enabled. See the supported options in flags.go for further reference.
 func MakeRPrivate(mountPoint string) error {
-	return ensureMountedAs(mountPoint, "rprivate")
+	return ensureMountedAs(mountPoint, RPRIVATE)
 // MakeSlave ensures a mounted filesystem has the SLAVE mount option enabled.
 // See the supported options in flags.go for further reference.
 func MakeSlave(mountPoint string) error {
-	return ensureMountedAs(mountPoint, "slave")
+	return ensureMountedAs(mountPoint, SLAVE)
 // MakeRSlave ensures a mounted filesystem has the RSLAVE mount option enabled.
 // See the supported options in flags.go for further reference.
 func MakeRSlave(mountPoint string) error {
-	return ensureMountedAs(mountPoint, "rslave")
+	return ensureMountedAs(mountPoint, RSLAVE)
 // MakeUnbindable ensures a mounted filesystem has the UNBINDABLE mount option
 // enabled. See the supported options in flags.go for further reference.
 func MakeUnbindable(mountPoint string) error {
-	return ensureMountedAs(mountPoint, "unbindable")
+	return ensureMountedAs(mountPoint, UNBINDABLE)
 // MakeRUnbindable ensures a mounted filesystem has the RUNBINDABLE mount
 // option enabled. See the supported options in flags.go for further reference.
 func MakeRUnbindable(mountPoint string) error {
-	return ensureMountedAs(mountPoint, "runbindable")
+	return ensureMountedAs(mountPoint, RUNBINDABLE)
 // MakeMount ensures that the file or directory given is a mount point,
@@ -59,13 +59,13 @@ func MakeMount(mnt string) error {
 		return nil
-	return Mount(mnt, mnt, "none", "bind")
+	return mount(mnt, mnt, "none", uintptr(BIND), "")
-func ensureMountedAs(mountPoint, options string) error {
-	if err := MakeMount(mountPoint); err != nil {
+func ensureMountedAs(mnt string, flags int) error {
+	if err := MakeMount(mnt); err != nil {
 		return err
-	return ForceMount("", mountPoint, "none", options)
+	return mount("", mnt, "none", uintptr(flags), "")
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/mount/unmount_unix.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/mount/unmount_unix.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4be4276
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/mount/unmount_unix.go
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+// +build !windows
+package mount // import "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/mount"
+import "golang.org/x/sys/unix"
+func unmount(target string, flags int) error {
+	err := unix.Unmount(target, flags)
+	if err == nil || err == unix.EINVAL {
+		// Ignore "not mounted" error here. Note the same error
+		// can be returned if flags are invalid, so this code
+		// assumes that the flags value is always correct.
+		return nil
+	}
+	return &mountError{
+		op:     "umount",
+		target: target,
+		flags:  uintptr(flags),
+		err:    err,
+	}
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/mount/unmount_unsupported.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/mount/unmount_unsupported.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a88ad35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/mount/unmount_unsupported.go
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+// +build windows
+package mount // import "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/mount"
+func unmount(target string, flag int) error {
+	panic("Not implemented")
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/args_windows.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/args_windows.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7c9487
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/args_windows.go
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+package system // import "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system"
+import (
+	"strings"
+	"golang.org/x/sys/windows"
+// EscapeArgs makes a Windows-style escaped command line from a set of arguments
+func EscapeArgs(args []string) string {
+	escapedArgs := make([]string, len(args))
+	for i, a := range args {
+		escapedArgs[i] = windows.EscapeArg(a)
+	}
+	return strings.Join(escapedArgs, " ")
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/filesys_windows.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/filesys_windows.go
index a1f6013..3049ff3 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/filesys_windows.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/filesys_windows.go
@@ -18,8 +18,6 @@ import (
 const (
 	// SddlAdministratorsLocalSystem is local administrators plus NT AUTHORITY\System
 	SddlAdministratorsLocalSystem = "D:P(A;OICI;GA;;;BA)(A;OICI;GA;;;SY)"
-	// SddlNtvmAdministratorsLocalSystem is NT VIRTUAL MACHINE\Virtual Machines plus local administrators plus NT AUTHORITY\System
-	SddlNtvmAdministratorsLocalSystem = "D:P(A;OICI;GA;;;S-1-5-83-0)(A;OICI;GA;;;BA)(A;OICI;GA;;;SY)"
 // MkdirAllWithACL is a wrapper for MkdirAll that creates a directory
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/init_unix.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/init_unix.go
index 4996a67..c2bb0f4 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/init_unix.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/init_unix.go
@@ -5,3 +5,8 @@ package system // import "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system"
 // InitLCOW does nothing since LCOW is a windows only feature
 func InitLCOW(experimental bool) {
+// ContainerdRuntimeSupported returns true if the use of ContainerD runtime is supported.
+func ContainerdRuntimeSupported(_ bool, _ string) bool {
+	return true
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/init_windows.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/init_windows.go
index 4910ff6..f303aa9 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/init_windows.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/init_windows.go
@@ -1,12 +1,41 @@
 package system // import "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system"
-// lcowSupported determines if Linux Containers on Windows are supported.
-var lcowSupported = false
+import (
+	"os"
-// InitLCOW sets whether LCOW is supported or not
+	"github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim/osversion"
+	"github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
+var (
+	// lcowSupported determines if Linux Containers on Windows are supported.
+	lcowSupported = false
+	// containerdRuntimeSupported determines if ContainerD should be the runtime.
+	// As of March 2019, this is an experimental feature.
+	containerdRuntimeSupported = false
+// InitLCOW sets whether LCOW is supported or not. Requires RS5+
 func InitLCOW(experimental bool) {
 	v := GetOSVersion()
-	if experimental && v.Build >= 16299 {
+	if experimental && v.Build >= osversion.RS5 {
 		lcowSupported = true
+// InitContainerdRuntime sets whether to use ContainerD for runtime
+// on Windows. This is an experimental feature still in development, and
+// also requires an environment variable to be set (so as not to turn the
+// feature on from simply experimental which would also mean LCOW.
+func InitContainerdRuntime(experimental bool, cdPath string) {
+	if experimental && len(cdPath) > 0 && len(os.Getenv("DOCKER_WINDOWS_CONTAINERD_RUNTIME")) > 0 {
+		logrus.Warnf("Using ContainerD runtime. This feature is experimental")
+		containerdRuntimeSupported = true
+	}
+// ContainerdRuntimeSupported returns true if the use of ContainerD runtime is supported.
+func ContainerdRuntimeSupported() bool {
+	return containerdRuntimeSupported
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/lstat_unix.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/lstat_unix.go
index 7477995..de5a1c0 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/lstat_unix.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/lstat_unix.go
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 package system // import "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system"
 import (
+	"os"
@@ -13,7 +14,7 @@ import (
 func Lstat(path string) (*StatT, error) {
 	s := &syscall.Stat_t{}
 	if err := syscall.Lstat(path, s); err != nil {
-		return nil, err
+		return nil, &os.PathError{Op: "Lstat", Path: path, Err: err}
 	return fromStatT(s)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/path_unix.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/path_unix.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0b9319
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/path_unix.go
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+// +build !windows
+package system // import "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system"
+// GetLongPathName converts Windows short pathnames to full pathnames.
+// For example C:\Users\ADMIN~1 --> C:\Users\Administrator.
+// It is a no-op on non-Windows platforms
+func GetLongPathName(path string) (string, error) {
+	return path, nil
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/path_windows.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/path_windows.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..188f2c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/path_windows.go
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+package system // import "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system"
+import "syscall"
+// GetLongPathName converts Windows short pathnames to full pathnames.
+// For example C:\Users\ADMIN~1 --> C:\Users\Administrator.
+// It is a no-op on non-Windows platforms
+func GetLongPathName(path string) (string, error) {
+	// See https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/golang-dev/1tufzkruoTg
+	p := syscall.StringToUTF16(path)
+	b := p // GetLongPathName says we can reuse buffer
+	n, err := syscall.GetLongPathName(&p[0], &b[0], uint32(len(b)))
+	if err != nil {
+		return "", err
+	}
+	if n > uint32(len(b)) {
+		b = make([]uint16, n)
+		_, err = syscall.GetLongPathName(&p[0], &b[0], uint32(len(b)))
+		if err != nil {
+			return "", err
+		}
+	}
+	return syscall.UTF16ToString(b), nil
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/stat_linux.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/stat_linux.go
index 98c9eb1..17d5d13 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/stat_linux.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/stat_linux.go
@@ -8,7 +8,8 @@ func fromStatT(s *syscall.Stat_t) (*StatT, error) {
 		mode: s.Mode,
 		uid:  s.Uid,
 		gid:  s.Gid,
-		rdev: s.Rdev,
+		// the type is 32bit on mips
+		rdev: uint64(s.Rdev), // nolint: unconvert
 		mtim: s.Mtim}, nil
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/stat_unix.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/stat_unix.go
index 3d7e2eb..86bb6dd 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/stat_unix.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/stat_unix.go
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 package system // import "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system"
 import (
+	"os"
@@ -59,7 +60,7 @@ func (s StatT) IsDir() bool {
 func Stat(path string) (*StatT, error) {
 	s := &syscall.Stat_t{}
 	if err := syscall.Stat(path, s); err != nil {
-		return nil, err
+		return nil, &os.PathError{Op: "Stat", Path: path, Err: err}
 	return fromStatT(s)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/xattrs_linux.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/xattrs_linux.go
index 66d4895..d4f1a57 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/xattrs_linux.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/xattrs_linux.go
@@ -6,19 +6,28 @@ import "golang.org/x/sys/unix"
 // and associated with the given path in the file system.
 // It will returns a nil slice and nil error if the xattr is not set.
 func Lgetxattr(path string, attr string) ([]byte, error) {
+	// Start with a 128 length byte array
 	dest := make([]byte, 128)
 	sz, errno := unix.Lgetxattr(path, attr, dest)
-	if errno == unix.ENODATA {
+	switch {
+	case errno == unix.ENODATA:
 		return nil, nil
-	}
-	if errno == unix.ERANGE {
+	case errno == unix.ERANGE:
+		// 128 byte array might just not be good enough. A dummy buffer is used
+		// to get the real size of the xattrs on disk
+		sz, errno = unix.Lgetxattr(path, attr, []byte{})
+		if errno != nil {
+			return nil, errno
+		}
 		dest = make([]byte, sz)
 		sz, errno = unix.Lgetxattr(path, attr, dest)
-	}
-	if errno != nil {
+		if errno != nil {
+			return nil, errno
+		}
+	case errno != nil:
 		return nil, errno
 	return dest[:sz], nil
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/go-units/MAINTAINERS b/vendor/github.com/docker/go-units/MAINTAINERS
index 9b3b6b1..4aac7c7 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/go-units/MAINTAINERS
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/go-units/MAINTAINERS
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 	Name = "Akihiro Suda"
-	Email = "suda.akihiro@lab.ntt.co.jp"
+	Email = "akihiro.suda.cz@hco.ntt.co.jp"
 	GitHub = "AkihiroSuda"
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/go-units/circle.yml b/vendor/github.com/docker/go-units/circle.yml
index 9043b35..af9d605 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/go-units/circle.yml
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/go-units/circle.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
     # install golint
-    - go get github.com/golang/lint/golint
+    - go get golang.org/x/lint/golint
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/go-units/duration.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/go-units/duration.go
index ba02af2..48dd874 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/go-units/duration.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/go-units/duration.go
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ func HumanDuration(d time.Duration) string {
 		return fmt.Sprintf("%d seconds", seconds)
 	} else if minutes := int(d.Minutes()); minutes == 1 {
 		return "About a minute"
-	} else if minutes < 46 {
+	} else if minutes < 60 {
 		return fmt.Sprintf("%d minutes", minutes)
 	} else if hours := int(d.Hours() + 0.5); hours == 1 {
 		return "About an hour"
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/docker/go-units/ulimit.go b/vendor/github.com/docker/go-units/ulimit.go
index 5ac7fd8..fca0400 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/docker/go-units/ulimit.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/docker/go-units/ulimit.go
@@ -96,8 +96,13 @@ func ParseUlimit(val string) (*Ulimit, error) {
 		return nil, fmt.Errorf("too many limit value arguments - %s, can only have up to two, `soft[:hard]`", parts[1])
-	if soft > *hard {
-		return nil, fmt.Errorf("ulimit soft limit must be less than or equal to hard limit: %d > %d", soft, *hard)
+	if *hard != -1 {
+		if soft == -1 {
+			return nil, fmt.Errorf("ulimit soft limit must be less than or equal to hard limit: soft: -1 (unlimited), hard: %d", *hard)
+		}
+		if soft > *hard {
+			return nil, fmt.Errorf("ulimit soft limit must be less than or equal to hard limit: %d > %d", soft, *hard)
+		}
 	return &Ulimit{Name: parts[0], Soft: soft, Hard: *hard}, nil
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gogo/protobuf/proto/decode.go b/vendor/github.com/gogo/protobuf/proto/decode.go
index d9aa3c4..63b0f08 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/gogo/protobuf/proto/decode.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/gogo/protobuf/proto/decode.go
@@ -186,7 +186,6 @@ func (p *Buffer) DecodeVarint() (x uint64, err error) {
 	if b&0x80 == 0 {
 		goto done
-	// x -= 0x80 << 63 // Always zero.
 	return 0, errOverflow
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gogo/protobuf/proto/deprecated.go b/vendor/github.com/gogo/protobuf/proto/deprecated.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35b882c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/gogo/protobuf/proto/deprecated.go
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+// Go support for Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
+// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors.  All rights reserved.
+// https://github.com/golang/protobuf
+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+// met:
+//     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+//     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
+// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+// distribution.
+//     * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
+// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+// this software without specific prior written permission.
+package proto
+import "errors"
+// Deprecated: do not use.
+type Stats struct{ Emalloc, Dmalloc, Encode, Decode, Chit, Cmiss, Size uint64 }
+// Deprecated: do not use.
+func GetStats() Stats { return Stats{} }
+// Deprecated: do not use.
+func MarshalMessageSet(interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
+	return nil, errors.New("proto: not implemented")
+// Deprecated: do not use.
+func UnmarshalMessageSet([]byte, interface{}) error {
+	return errors.New("proto: not implemented")
+// Deprecated: do not use.
+func MarshalMessageSetJSON(interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
+	return nil, errors.New("proto: not implemented")
+// Deprecated: do not use.
+func UnmarshalMessageSetJSON([]byte, interface{}) error {
+	return errors.New("proto: not implemented")
+// Deprecated: do not use.
+func RegisterMessageSetType(Message, int32, string) {}
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gogo/protobuf/proto/extensions.go b/vendor/github.com/gogo/protobuf/proto/extensions.go
index 44ebd45..686bd2a 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/gogo/protobuf/proto/extensions.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/gogo/protobuf/proto/extensions.go
@@ -544,7 +544,7 @@ func SetExtension(pb Message, extension *ExtensionDesc, value interface{}) error
 	typ := reflect.TypeOf(extension.ExtensionType)
 	if typ != reflect.TypeOf(value) {
-		return errors.New("proto: bad extension value type")
+		return fmt.Errorf("proto: bad extension value type. got: %T, want: %T", value, extension.ExtensionType)
 	// nil extension values need to be caught early, because the
 	// encoder can't distinguish an ErrNil due to a nil extension
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gogo/protobuf/proto/lib.go b/vendor/github.com/gogo/protobuf/proto/lib.go
index b2271d0..d17f802 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/gogo/protobuf/proto/lib.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/gogo/protobuf/proto/lib.go
@@ -341,26 +341,6 @@ type Message interface {
-// Stats records allocation details about the protocol buffer encoders
-// and decoders.  Useful for tuning the library itself.
-type Stats struct {
-	Emalloc uint64 // mallocs in encode
-	Dmalloc uint64 // mallocs in decode
-	Encode  uint64 // number of encodes
-	Decode  uint64 // number of decodes
-	Chit    uint64 // number of cache hits
-	Cmiss   uint64 // number of cache misses
-	Size    uint64 // number of sizes
-// Set to true to enable stats collection.
-const collectStats = false
-var stats Stats
-// GetStats returns a copy of the global Stats structure.
-func GetStats() Stats { return stats }
 // A Buffer is a buffer manager for marshaling and unmarshaling
 // protocol buffers.  It may be reused between invocations to
 // reduce memory usage.  It is not necessary to use a Buffer;
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gogo/protobuf/proto/message_set.go b/vendor/github.com/gogo/protobuf/proto/message_set.go
index 3b6ca41..f48a756 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/gogo/protobuf/proto/message_set.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/gogo/protobuf/proto/message_set.go
@@ -36,13 +36,7 @@ package proto
 import (
-	"bytes"
-	"encoding/json"
-	"fmt"
-	"reflect"
-	"sort"
-	"sync"
 // errNoMessageTypeID occurs when a protocol buffer does not have a message type ID.
@@ -145,46 +139,9 @@ func skipVarint(buf []byte) []byte {
 	return buf[i+1:]
-// MarshalMessageSet encodes the extension map represented by m in the message set wire format.
-// It is called by generated Marshal methods on protocol buffer messages with the message_set_wire_format option.
-func MarshalMessageSet(exts interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
-	return marshalMessageSet(exts, false)
-// marshaMessageSet implements above function, with the opt to turn on / off deterministic during Marshal.
-func marshalMessageSet(exts interface{}, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
-	switch exts := exts.(type) {
-	case *XXX_InternalExtensions:
-		var u marshalInfo
-		siz := u.sizeMessageSet(exts)
-		b := make([]byte, 0, siz)
-		return u.appendMessageSet(b, exts, deterministic)
-	case map[int32]Extension:
-		// This is an old-style extension map.
-		// Wrap it in a new-style XXX_InternalExtensions.
-		ie := XXX_InternalExtensions{
-			p: &struct {
-				mu           sync.Mutex
-				extensionMap map[int32]Extension
-			}{
-				extensionMap: exts,
-			},
-		}
-		var u marshalInfo
-		siz := u.sizeMessageSet(&ie)
-		b := make([]byte, 0, siz)
-		return u.appendMessageSet(b, &ie, deterministic)
-	default:
-		return nil, errors.New("proto: not an extension map")
-	}
-// UnmarshalMessageSet decodes the extension map encoded in buf in the message set wire format.
+// unmarshalMessageSet decodes the extension map encoded in buf in the message set wire format.
 // It is called by Unmarshal methods on protocol buffer messages with the message_set_wire_format option.
-func UnmarshalMessageSet(buf []byte, exts interface{}) error {
+func unmarshalMessageSet(buf []byte, exts interface{}) error {
 	var m map[int32]Extension
 	switch exts := exts.(type) {
 	case *XXX_InternalExtensions:
@@ -222,93 +179,3 @@ func UnmarshalMessageSet(buf []byte, exts interface{}) error {
 	return nil
-// MarshalMessageSetJSON encodes the extension map represented by m in JSON format.
-// It is called by generated MarshalJSON methods on protocol buffer messages with the message_set_wire_format option.
-func MarshalMessageSetJSON(exts interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
-	var m map[int32]Extension
-	switch exts := exts.(type) {
-	case *XXX_InternalExtensions:
-		var mu sync.Locker
-		m, mu = exts.extensionsRead()
-		if m != nil {
-			// Keep the extensions map locked until we're done marshaling to prevent
-			// races between marshaling and unmarshaling the lazily-{en,de}coded
-			// values.
-			mu.Lock()
-			defer mu.Unlock()
-		}
-	case map[int32]Extension:
-		m = exts
-	default:
-		return nil, errors.New("proto: not an extension map")
-	}
-	var b bytes.Buffer
-	b.WriteByte('{')
-	// Process the map in key order for deterministic output.
-	ids := make([]int32, 0, len(m))
-	for id := range m {
-		ids = append(ids, id)
-	}
-	sort.Sort(int32Slice(ids)) // int32Slice defined in text.go
-	for i, id := range ids {
-		ext := m[id]
-		msd, ok := messageSetMap[id]
-		if !ok {
-			// Unknown type; we can't render it, so skip it.
-			continue
-		}
-		if i > 0 && b.Len() > 1 {
-			b.WriteByte(',')
-		}
-		fmt.Fprintf(&b, `"[%s]":`, msd.name)
-		x := ext.value
-		if x == nil {
-			x = reflect.New(msd.t.Elem()).Interface()
-			if err := Unmarshal(ext.enc, x.(Message)); err != nil {
-				return nil, err
-			}
-		}
-		d, err := json.Marshal(x)
-		if err != nil {
-			return nil, err
-		}
-		b.Write(d)
-	}
-	b.WriteByte('}')
-	return b.Bytes(), nil
-// UnmarshalMessageSetJSON decodes the extension map encoded in buf in JSON format.
-// It is called by generated UnmarshalJSON methods on protocol buffer messages with the message_set_wire_format option.
-func UnmarshalMessageSetJSON(buf []byte, exts interface{}) error {
-	// Common-case fast path.
-	if len(buf) == 0 || bytes.Equal(buf, []byte("{}")) {
-		return nil
-	}
-	// This is fairly tricky, and it's not clear that it is needed.
-	return errors.New("TODO: UnmarshalMessageSetJSON not yet implemented")
-// A global registry of types that can be used in a MessageSet.
-var messageSetMap = make(map[int32]messageSetDesc)
-type messageSetDesc struct {
-	t    reflect.Type // pointer to struct
-	name string
-// RegisterMessageSetType is called from the generated code.
-func RegisterMessageSetType(m Message, fieldNum int32, name string) {
-	messageSetMap[fieldNum] = messageSetDesc{
-		t:    reflect.TypeOf(m),
-		name: name,
-	}
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gogo/protobuf/proto/properties.go b/vendor/github.com/gogo/protobuf/proto/properties.go
index 04dcb8d..c9e5fa0 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/gogo/protobuf/proto/properties.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/gogo/protobuf/proto/properties.go
@@ -391,9 +391,6 @@ func GetProperties(t reflect.Type) *StructProperties {
 	sprop, ok := propertiesMap[t]
 	if ok {
-		if collectStats {
-			stats.Chit++
-		}
 		return sprop
@@ -406,14 +403,8 @@ func GetProperties(t reflect.Type) *StructProperties {
 // getPropertiesLocked requires that propertiesMu is held.
 func getPropertiesLocked(t reflect.Type) *StructProperties {
 	if prop, ok := propertiesMap[t]; ok {
-		if collectStats {
-			stats.Chit++
-		}
 		return prop
-	if collectStats {
-		stats.Cmiss++
-	}
 	prop := new(StructProperties)
 	// in case of recursive protos, fill this in now.
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gogo/protobuf/proto/table_marshal.go b/vendor/github.com/gogo/protobuf/proto/table_marshal.go
index ba58c49..9b1538d 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/gogo/protobuf/proto/table_marshal.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/gogo/protobuf/proto/table_marshal.go
@@ -491,7 +491,7 @@ func (fi *marshalFieldInfo) computeMarshalFieldInfo(f *reflect.StructField) {
 func (fi *marshalFieldInfo) computeOneofFieldInfo(f *reflect.StructField, oneofImplementers []interface{}) {
 	fi.field = toField(f)
-	fi.wiretag = 1<<31 - 1 // Use a large tag number, make oneofs sorted at the end. This tag will not appear on the wire.
+	fi.wiretag = math.MaxInt32 // Use a large tag number, make oneofs sorted at the end. This tag will not appear on the wire.
 	fi.isPointer = true
 	fi.sizer, fi.marshaler = makeOneOfMarshaler(fi, f)
 	fi.oneofElems = make(map[reflect.Type]*marshalElemInfo)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/gogo/protobuf/proto/table_unmarshal.go b/vendor/github.com/gogo/protobuf/proto/table_unmarshal.go
index e6b15c7..bb2622f 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/gogo/protobuf/proto/table_unmarshal.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/gogo/protobuf/proto/table_unmarshal.go
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ func (u *unmarshalInfo) unmarshal(m pointer, b []byte) error {
 	if u.isMessageSet {
-		return UnmarshalMessageSet(b, m.offset(u.extensions).toExtensions())
+		return unmarshalMessageSet(b, m.offset(u.extensions).toExtensions())
 	var reqMask uint64 // bitmask of required fields we've seen.
 	var errLater error
@@ -2142,7 +2142,7 @@ func encodeVarint(b []byte, x uint64) []byte {
 // If there is an error, it returns 0,0.
 func decodeVarint(b []byte) (uint64, int) {
 	var x, y uint64
-	if len(b) <= 0 {
+	if len(b) == 0 {
 		goto bad
 	x = uint64(b[0])
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/AUTHORS b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/AUTHORS
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15167cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/AUTHORS
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# This source code refers to The Go Authors for copyright purposes.
+# The master list of authors is in the main Go distribution,
+# visible at http://tip.golang.org/AUTHORS.
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/CONTRIBUTORS b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/CONTRIBUTORS
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c4577e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/CONTRIBUTORS
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# This source code was written by the Go contributors.
+# The master list of contributors is in the main Go distribution,
+# visible at http://tip.golang.org/CONTRIBUTORS.
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/LICENSE b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f64693
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+Copyright 2010 The Go Authors.  All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+    * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+    * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
+in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+    * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
+contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+this software without specific prior written permission.
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/clone.go b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/clone.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3cd3249
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/clone.go
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+// Go support for Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
+// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors.  All rights reserved.
+// https://github.com/golang/protobuf
+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+// met:
+//     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+//     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
+// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+// distribution.
+//     * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
+// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+// this software without specific prior written permission.
+// Protocol buffer deep copy and merge.
+// TODO: RawMessage.
+package proto
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	"log"
+	"reflect"
+	"strings"
+// Clone returns a deep copy of a protocol buffer.
+func Clone(src Message) Message {
+	in := reflect.ValueOf(src)
+	if in.IsNil() {
+		return src
+	}
+	out := reflect.New(in.Type().Elem())
+	dst := out.Interface().(Message)
+	Merge(dst, src)
+	return dst
+// Merger is the interface representing objects that can merge messages of the same type.
+type Merger interface {
+	// Merge merges src into this message.
+	// Required and optional fields that are set in src will be set to that value in dst.
+	// Elements of repeated fields will be appended.
+	//
+	// Merge may panic if called with a different argument type than the receiver.
+	Merge(src Message)
+// generatedMerger is the custom merge method that generated protos will have.
+// We must add this method since a generate Merge method will conflict with
+// many existing protos that have a Merge data field already defined.
+type generatedMerger interface {
+	XXX_Merge(src Message)
+// Merge merges src into dst.
+// Required and optional fields that are set in src will be set to that value in dst.
+// Elements of repeated fields will be appended.
+// Merge panics if src and dst are not the same type, or if dst is nil.
+func Merge(dst, src Message) {
+	if m, ok := dst.(Merger); ok {
+		m.Merge(src)
+		return
+	}
+	in := reflect.ValueOf(src)
+	out := reflect.ValueOf(dst)
+	if out.IsNil() {
+		panic("proto: nil destination")
+	}
+	if in.Type() != out.Type() {
+		panic(fmt.Sprintf("proto.Merge(%T, %T) type mismatch", dst, src))
+	}
+	if in.IsNil() {
+		return // Merge from nil src is a noop
+	}
+	if m, ok := dst.(generatedMerger); ok {
+		m.XXX_Merge(src)
+		return
+	}
+	mergeStruct(out.Elem(), in.Elem())
+func mergeStruct(out, in reflect.Value) {
+	sprop := GetProperties(in.Type())
+	for i := 0; i < in.NumField(); i++ {
+		f := in.Type().Field(i)
+		if strings.HasPrefix(f.Name, "XXX_") {
+			continue
+		}
+		mergeAny(out.Field(i), in.Field(i), false, sprop.Prop[i])
+	}
+	if emIn, err := extendable(in.Addr().Interface()); err == nil {
+		emOut, _ := extendable(out.Addr().Interface())
+		mIn, muIn := emIn.extensionsRead()
+		if mIn != nil {
+			mOut := emOut.extensionsWrite()
+			muIn.Lock()
+			mergeExtension(mOut, mIn)
+			muIn.Unlock()
+		}
+	}
+	uf := in.FieldByName("XXX_unrecognized")
+	if !uf.IsValid() {
+		return
+	}
+	uin := uf.Bytes()
+	if len(uin) > 0 {
+		out.FieldByName("XXX_unrecognized").SetBytes(append([]byte(nil), uin...))
+	}
+// mergeAny performs a merge between two values of the same type.
+// viaPtr indicates whether the values were indirected through a pointer (implying proto2).
+// prop is set if this is a struct field (it may be nil).
+func mergeAny(out, in reflect.Value, viaPtr bool, prop *Properties) {
+	if in.Type() == protoMessageType {
+		if !in.IsNil() {
+			if out.IsNil() {
+				out.Set(reflect.ValueOf(Clone(in.Interface().(Message))))
+			} else {
+				Merge(out.Interface().(Message), in.Interface().(Message))
+			}
+		}
+		return
+	}
+	switch in.Kind() {
+	case reflect.Bool, reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64,
+		reflect.String, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64:
+		if !viaPtr && isProto3Zero(in) {
+			return
+		}
+		out.Set(in)
+	case reflect.Interface:
+		// Probably a oneof field; copy non-nil values.
+		if in.IsNil() {
+			return
+		}
+		// Allocate destination if it is not set, or set to a different type.
+		// Otherwise we will merge as normal.
+		if out.IsNil() || out.Elem().Type() != in.Elem().Type() {
+			out.Set(reflect.New(in.Elem().Elem().Type())) // interface -> *T -> T -> new(T)
+		}
+		mergeAny(out.Elem(), in.Elem(), false, nil)
+	case reflect.Map:
+		if in.Len() == 0 {
+			return
+		}
+		if out.IsNil() {
+			out.Set(reflect.MakeMap(in.Type()))
+		}
+		// For maps with value types of *T or []byte we need to deep copy each value.
+		elemKind := in.Type().Elem().Kind()
+		for _, key := range in.MapKeys() {
+			var val reflect.Value
+			switch elemKind {
+			case reflect.Ptr:
+				val = reflect.New(in.Type().Elem().Elem())
+				mergeAny(val, in.MapIndex(key), false, nil)
+			case reflect.Slice:
+				val = in.MapIndex(key)
+				val = reflect.ValueOf(append([]byte{}, val.Bytes()...))
+			default:
+				val = in.MapIndex(key)
+			}
+			out.SetMapIndex(key, val)
+		}
+	case reflect.Ptr:
+		if in.IsNil() {
+			return
+		}
+		if out.IsNil() {
+			out.Set(reflect.New(in.Elem().Type()))
+		}
+		mergeAny(out.Elem(), in.Elem(), true, nil)
+	case reflect.Slice:
+		if in.IsNil() {
+			return
+		}
+		if in.Type().Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8 {
+			// []byte is a scalar bytes field, not a repeated field.
+			// Edge case: if this is in a proto3 message, a zero length
+			// bytes field is considered the zero value, and should not
+			// be merged.
+			if prop != nil && prop.proto3 && in.Len() == 0 {
+				return
+			}
+			// Make a deep copy.
+			// Append to []byte{} instead of []byte(nil) so that we never end up
+			// with a nil result.
+			out.SetBytes(append([]byte{}, in.Bytes()...))
+			return
+		}
+		n := in.Len()
+		if out.IsNil() {
+			out.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(in.Type(), 0, n))
+		}
+		switch in.Type().Elem().Kind() {
+		case reflect.Bool, reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64,
+			reflect.String, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64:
+			out.Set(reflect.AppendSlice(out, in))
+		default:
+			for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
+				x := reflect.Indirect(reflect.New(in.Type().Elem()))
+				mergeAny(x, in.Index(i), false, nil)
+				out.Set(reflect.Append(out, x))
+			}
+		}
+	case reflect.Struct:
+		mergeStruct(out, in)
+	default:
+		// unknown type, so not a protocol buffer
+		log.Printf("proto: don't know how to copy %v", in)
+	}
+func mergeExtension(out, in map[int32]Extension) {
+	for extNum, eIn := range in {
+		eOut := Extension{desc: eIn.desc}
+		if eIn.value != nil {
+			v := reflect.New(reflect.TypeOf(eIn.value)).Elem()
+			mergeAny(v, reflect.ValueOf(eIn.value), false, nil)
+			eOut.value = v.Interface()
+		}
+		if eIn.enc != nil {
+			eOut.enc = make([]byte, len(eIn.enc))
+			copy(eOut.enc, eIn.enc)
+		}
+		out[extNum] = eOut
+	}
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/decode.go b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/decode.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..63b0f08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/decode.go
@@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
+// Go support for Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
+// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors.  All rights reserved.
+// https://github.com/golang/protobuf
+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+// met:
+//     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+//     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
+// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+// distribution.
+//     * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
+// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+// this software without specific prior written permission.
+package proto
+ * Routines for decoding protocol buffer data to construct in-memory representations.
+ */
+import (
+	"errors"
+	"fmt"
+	"io"
+// errOverflow is returned when an integer is too large to be represented.
+var errOverflow = errors.New("proto: integer overflow")
+// ErrInternalBadWireType is returned by generated code when an incorrect
+// wire type is encountered. It does not get returned to user code.
+var ErrInternalBadWireType = errors.New("proto: internal error: bad wiretype for oneof")
+// DecodeVarint reads a varint-encoded integer from the slice.
+// It returns the integer and the number of bytes consumed, or
+// zero if there is not enough.
+// This is the format for the
+// int32, int64, uint32, uint64, bool, and enum
+// protocol buffer types.
+func DecodeVarint(buf []byte) (x uint64, n int) {
+	for shift := uint(0); shift < 64; shift += 7 {
+		if n >= len(buf) {
+			return 0, 0
+		}
+		b := uint64(buf[n])
+		n++
+		x |= (b & 0x7F) << shift
+		if (b & 0x80) == 0 {
+			return x, n
+		}
+	}
+	// The number is too large to represent in a 64-bit value.
+	return 0, 0
+func (p *Buffer) decodeVarintSlow() (x uint64, err error) {
+	i := p.index
+	l := len(p.buf)
+	for shift := uint(0); shift < 64; shift += 7 {
+		if i >= l {
+			err = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+			return
+		}
+		b := p.buf[i]
+		i++
+		x |= (uint64(b) & 0x7F) << shift
+		if b < 0x80 {
+			p.index = i
+			return
+		}
+	}
+	// The number is too large to represent in a 64-bit value.
+	err = errOverflow
+	return
+// DecodeVarint reads a varint-encoded integer from the Buffer.
+// This is the format for the
+// int32, int64, uint32, uint64, bool, and enum
+// protocol buffer types.
+func (p *Buffer) DecodeVarint() (x uint64, err error) {
+	i := p.index
+	buf := p.buf
+	if i >= len(buf) {
+		return 0, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+	} else if buf[i] < 0x80 {
+		p.index++
+		return uint64(buf[i]), nil
+	} else if len(buf)-i < 10 {
+		return p.decodeVarintSlow()
+	}
+	var b uint64
+	// we already checked the first byte
+	x = uint64(buf[i]) - 0x80
+	i++
+	b = uint64(buf[i])
+	i++
+	x += b << 7
+	if b&0x80 == 0 {
+		goto done
+	}
+	x -= 0x80 << 7
+	b = uint64(buf[i])
+	i++
+	x += b << 14
+	if b&0x80 == 0 {
+		goto done
+	}
+	x -= 0x80 << 14
+	b = uint64(buf[i])
+	i++
+	x += b << 21
+	if b&0x80 == 0 {
+		goto done
+	}
+	x -= 0x80 << 21
+	b = uint64(buf[i])
+	i++
+	x += b << 28
+	if b&0x80 == 0 {
+		goto done
+	}
+	x -= 0x80 << 28
+	b = uint64(buf[i])
+	i++
+	x += b << 35
+	if b&0x80 == 0 {
+		goto done
+	}
+	x -= 0x80 << 35
+	b = uint64(buf[i])
+	i++
+	x += b << 42
+	if b&0x80 == 0 {
+		goto done
+	}
+	x -= 0x80 << 42
+	b = uint64(buf[i])
+	i++
+	x += b << 49
+	if b&0x80 == 0 {
+		goto done
+	}
+	x -= 0x80 << 49
+	b = uint64(buf[i])
+	i++
+	x += b << 56
+	if b&0x80 == 0 {
+		goto done
+	}
+	x -= 0x80 << 56
+	b = uint64(buf[i])
+	i++
+	x += b << 63
+	if b&0x80 == 0 {
+		goto done
+	}
+	return 0, errOverflow
+	p.index = i
+	return x, nil
+// DecodeFixed64 reads a 64-bit integer from the Buffer.
+// This is the format for the
+// fixed64, sfixed64, and double protocol buffer types.
+func (p *Buffer) DecodeFixed64() (x uint64, err error) {
+	// x, err already 0
+	i := p.index + 8
+	if i < 0 || i > len(p.buf) {
+		err = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+		return
+	}
+	p.index = i
+	x = uint64(p.buf[i-8])
+	x |= uint64(p.buf[i-7]) << 8
+	x |= uint64(p.buf[i-6]) << 16
+	x |= uint64(p.buf[i-5]) << 24
+	x |= uint64(p.buf[i-4]) << 32
+	x |= uint64(p.buf[i-3]) << 40
+	x |= uint64(p.buf[i-2]) << 48
+	x |= uint64(p.buf[i-1]) << 56
+	return
+// DecodeFixed32 reads a 32-bit integer from the Buffer.
+// This is the format for the
+// fixed32, sfixed32, and float protocol buffer types.
+func (p *Buffer) DecodeFixed32() (x uint64, err error) {
+	// x, err already 0
+	i := p.index + 4
+	if i < 0 || i > len(p.buf) {
+		err = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+		return
+	}
+	p.index = i
+	x = uint64(p.buf[i-4])
+	x |= uint64(p.buf[i-3]) << 8
+	x |= uint64(p.buf[i-2]) << 16
+	x |= uint64(p.buf[i-1]) << 24
+	return
+// DecodeZigzag64 reads a zigzag-encoded 64-bit integer
+// from the Buffer.
+// This is the format used for the sint64 protocol buffer type.
+func (p *Buffer) DecodeZigzag64() (x uint64, err error) {
+	x, err = p.DecodeVarint()
+	if err != nil {
+		return
+	}
+	x = (x >> 1) ^ uint64((int64(x&1)<<63)>>63)
+	return
+// DecodeZigzag32 reads a zigzag-encoded 32-bit integer
+// from  the Buffer.
+// This is the format used for the sint32 protocol buffer type.
+func (p *Buffer) DecodeZigzag32() (x uint64, err error) {
+	x, err = p.DecodeVarint()
+	if err != nil {
+		return
+	}
+	x = uint64((uint32(x) >> 1) ^ uint32((int32(x&1)<<31)>>31))
+	return
+// DecodeRawBytes reads a count-delimited byte buffer from the Buffer.
+// This is the format used for the bytes protocol buffer
+// type and for embedded messages.
+func (p *Buffer) DecodeRawBytes(alloc bool) (buf []byte, err error) {
+	n, err := p.DecodeVarint()
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	nb := int(n)
+	if nb < 0 {
+		return nil, fmt.Errorf("proto: bad byte length %d", nb)
+	}
+	end := p.index + nb
+	if end < p.index || end > len(p.buf) {
+		return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+	}
+	if !alloc {
+		// todo: check if can get more uses of alloc=false
+		buf = p.buf[p.index:end]
+		p.index += nb
+		return
+	}
+	buf = make([]byte, nb)
+	copy(buf, p.buf[p.index:])
+	p.index += nb
+	return
+// DecodeStringBytes reads an encoded string from the Buffer.
+// This is the format used for the proto2 string type.
+func (p *Buffer) DecodeStringBytes() (s string, err error) {
+	buf, err := p.DecodeRawBytes(false)
+	if err != nil {
+		return
+	}
+	return string(buf), nil
+// Unmarshaler is the interface representing objects that can
+// unmarshal themselves.  The argument points to data that may be
+// overwritten, so implementations should not keep references to the
+// buffer.
+// Unmarshal implementations should not clear the receiver.
+// Any unmarshaled data should be merged into the receiver.
+// Callers of Unmarshal that do not want to retain existing data
+// should Reset the receiver before calling Unmarshal.
+type Unmarshaler interface {
+	Unmarshal([]byte) error
+// newUnmarshaler is the interface representing objects that can
+// unmarshal themselves. The semantics are identical to Unmarshaler.
+// This exists to support protoc-gen-go generated messages.
+// The proto package will stop type-asserting to this interface in the future.
+type newUnmarshaler interface {
+	XXX_Unmarshal([]byte) error
+// Unmarshal parses the protocol buffer representation in buf and places the
+// decoded result in pb.  If the struct underlying pb does not match
+// the data in buf, the results can be unpredictable.
+// Unmarshal resets pb before starting to unmarshal, so any
+// existing data in pb is always removed. Use UnmarshalMerge
+// to preserve and append to existing data.
+func Unmarshal(buf []byte, pb Message) error {
+	pb.Reset()
+	if u, ok := pb.(newUnmarshaler); ok {
+		return u.XXX_Unmarshal(buf)
+	}
+	if u, ok := pb.(Unmarshaler); ok {
+		return u.Unmarshal(buf)
+	}
+	return NewBuffer(buf).Unmarshal(pb)
+// UnmarshalMerge parses the protocol buffer representation in buf and
+// writes the decoded result to pb.  If the struct underlying pb does not match
+// the data in buf, the results can be unpredictable.
+// UnmarshalMerge merges into existing data in pb.
+// Most code should use Unmarshal instead.
+func UnmarshalMerge(buf []byte, pb Message) error {
+	if u, ok := pb.(newUnmarshaler); ok {
+		return u.XXX_Unmarshal(buf)
+	}
+	if u, ok := pb.(Unmarshaler); ok {
+		// NOTE: The history of proto have unfortunately been inconsistent
+		// whether Unmarshaler should or should not implicitly clear itself.
+		// Some implementations do, most do not.
+		// Thus, calling this here may or may not do what people want.
+		//
+		// See https://github.com/golang/protobuf/issues/424
+		return u.Unmarshal(buf)
+	}
+	return NewBuffer(buf).Unmarshal(pb)
+// DecodeMessage reads a count-delimited message from the Buffer.
+func (p *Buffer) DecodeMessage(pb Message) error {
+	enc, err := p.DecodeRawBytes(false)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	return NewBuffer(enc).Unmarshal(pb)
+// DecodeGroup reads a tag-delimited group from the Buffer.
+// StartGroup tag is already consumed. This function consumes
+// EndGroup tag.
+func (p *Buffer) DecodeGroup(pb Message) error {
+	b := p.buf[p.index:]
+	x, y := findEndGroup(b)
+	if x < 0 {
+		return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+	}
+	err := Unmarshal(b[:x], pb)
+	p.index += y
+	return err
+// Unmarshal parses the protocol buffer representation in the
+// Buffer and places the decoded result in pb.  If the struct
+// underlying pb does not match the data in the buffer, the results can be
+// unpredictable.
+// Unlike proto.Unmarshal, this does not reset pb before starting to unmarshal.
+func (p *Buffer) Unmarshal(pb Message) error {
+	// If the object can unmarshal itself, let it.
+	if u, ok := pb.(newUnmarshaler); ok {
+		err := u.XXX_Unmarshal(p.buf[p.index:])
+		p.index = len(p.buf)
+		return err
+	}
+	if u, ok := pb.(Unmarshaler); ok {
+		// NOTE: The history of proto have unfortunately been inconsistent
+		// whether Unmarshaler should or should not implicitly clear itself.
+		// Some implementations do, most do not.
+		// Thus, calling this here may or may not do what people want.
+		//
+		// See https://github.com/golang/protobuf/issues/424
+		err := u.Unmarshal(p.buf[p.index:])
+		p.index = len(p.buf)
+		return err
+	}
+	// Slow workaround for messages that aren't Unmarshalers.
+	// This includes some hand-coded .pb.go files and
+	// bootstrap protos.
+	// TODO: fix all of those and then add Unmarshal to
+	// the Message interface. Then:
+	// The cast above and code below can be deleted.
+	// The old unmarshaler can be deleted.
+	// Clients can call Unmarshal directly (can already do that, actually).
+	var info InternalMessageInfo
+	err := info.Unmarshal(pb, p.buf[p.index:])
+	p.index = len(p.buf)
+	return err
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/deprecated.go b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/deprecated.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35b882c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/deprecated.go
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+// Go support for Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
+// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors.  All rights reserved.
+// https://github.com/golang/protobuf
+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+// met:
+//     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+//     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
+// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+// distribution.
+//     * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
+// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+// this software without specific prior written permission.
+package proto
+import "errors"
+// Deprecated: do not use.
+type Stats struct{ Emalloc, Dmalloc, Encode, Decode, Chit, Cmiss, Size uint64 }
+// Deprecated: do not use.
+func GetStats() Stats { return Stats{} }
+// Deprecated: do not use.
+func MarshalMessageSet(interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
+	return nil, errors.New("proto: not implemented")
+// Deprecated: do not use.
+func UnmarshalMessageSet([]byte, interface{}) error {
+	return errors.New("proto: not implemented")
+// Deprecated: do not use.
+func MarshalMessageSetJSON(interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
+	return nil, errors.New("proto: not implemented")
+// Deprecated: do not use.
+func UnmarshalMessageSetJSON([]byte, interface{}) error {
+	return errors.New("proto: not implemented")
+// Deprecated: do not use.
+func RegisterMessageSetType(Message, int32, string) {}
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/discard.go b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/discard.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dea2617
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/discard.go
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+// Go support for Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
+// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors.  All rights reserved.
+// https://github.com/golang/protobuf
+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+// met:
+//     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+//     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
+// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+// distribution.
+//     * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
+// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+// this software without specific prior written permission.
+package proto
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	"reflect"
+	"strings"
+	"sync"
+	"sync/atomic"
+type generatedDiscarder interface {
+	XXX_DiscardUnknown()
+// DiscardUnknown recursively discards all unknown fields from this message
+// and all embedded messages.
+// When unmarshaling a message with unrecognized fields, the tags and values
+// of such fields are preserved in the Message. This allows a later call to
+// marshal to be able to produce a message that continues to have those
+// unrecognized fields. To avoid this, DiscardUnknown is used to
+// explicitly clear the unknown fields after unmarshaling.
+// For proto2 messages, the unknown fields of message extensions are only
+// discarded from messages that have been accessed via GetExtension.
+func DiscardUnknown(m Message) {
+	if m, ok := m.(generatedDiscarder); ok {
+		m.XXX_DiscardUnknown()
+		return
+	}
+	// TODO: Dynamically populate a InternalMessageInfo for legacy messages,
+	// but the master branch has no implementation for InternalMessageInfo,
+	// so it would be more work to replicate that approach.
+	discardLegacy(m)
+// DiscardUnknown recursively discards all unknown fields.
+func (a *InternalMessageInfo) DiscardUnknown(m Message) {
+	di := atomicLoadDiscardInfo(&a.discard)
+	if di == nil {
+		di = getDiscardInfo(reflect.TypeOf(m).Elem())
+		atomicStoreDiscardInfo(&a.discard, di)
+	}
+	di.discard(toPointer(&m))
+type discardInfo struct {
+	typ reflect.Type
+	initialized int32 // 0: only typ is valid, 1: everything is valid
+	lock        sync.Mutex
+	fields       []discardFieldInfo
+	unrecognized field
+type discardFieldInfo struct {
+	field   field // Offset of field, guaranteed to be valid
+	discard func(src pointer)
+var (
+	discardInfoMap  = map[reflect.Type]*discardInfo{}
+	discardInfoLock sync.Mutex
+func getDiscardInfo(t reflect.Type) *discardInfo {
+	discardInfoLock.Lock()
+	defer discardInfoLock.Unlock()
+	di := discardInfoMap[t]
+	if di == nil {
+		di = &discardInfo{typ: t}
+		discardInfoMap[t] = di
+	}
+	return di
+func (di *discardInfo) discard(src pointer) {
+	if src.isNil() {
+		return // Nothing to do.
+	}
+	if atomic.LoadInt32(&di.initialized) == 0 {
+		di.computeDiscardInfo()
+	}
+	for _, fi := range di.fields {
+		sfp := src.offset(fi.field)
+		fi.discard(sfp)
+	}
+	// For proto2 messages, only discard unknown fields in message extensions
+	// that have been accessed via GetExtension.
+	if em, err := extendable(src.asPointerTo(di.typ).Interface()); err == nil {
+		// Ignore lock since DiscardUnknown is not concurrency safe.
+		emm, _ := em.extensionsRead()
+		for _, mx := range emm {
+			if m, ok := mx.value.(Message); ok {
+				DiscardUnknown(m)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if di.unrecognized.IsValid() {
+		*src.offset(di.unrecognized).toBytes() = nil
+	}
+func (di *discardInfo) computeDiscardInfo() {
+	di.lock.Lock()
+	defer di.lock.Unlock()
+	if di.initialized != 0 {
+		return
+	}
+	t := di.typ
+	n := t.NumField()
+	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
+		f := t.Field(i)
+		if strings.HasPrefix(f.Name, "XXX_") {
+			continue
+		}
+		dfi := discardFieldInfo{field: toField(&f)}
+		tf := f.Type
+		// Unwrap tf to get its most basic type.
+		var isPointer, isSlice bool
+		if tf.Kind() == reflect.Slice && tf.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Uint8 {
+			isSlice = true
+			tf = tf.Elem()
+		}
+		if tf.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+			isPointer = true
+			tf = tf.Elem()
+		}
+		if isPointer && isSlice && tf.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
+			panic(fmt.Sprintf("%v.%s cannot be a slice of pointers to primitive types", t, f.Name))
+		}
+		switch tf.Kind() {
+		case reflect.Struct:
+			switch {
+			case !isPointer:
+				panic(fmt.Sprintf("%v.%s cannot be a direct struct value", t, f.Name))
+			case isSlice: // E.g., []*pb.T
+				di := getDiscardInfo(tf)
+				dfi.discard = func(src pointer) {
+					sps := src.getPointerSlice()
+					for _, sp := range sps {
+						if !sp.isNil() {
+							di.discard(sp)
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			default: // E.g., *pb.T
+				di := getDiscardInfo(tf)
+				dfi.discard = func(src pointer) {
+					sp := src.getPointer()
+					if !sp.isNil() {
+						di.discard(sp)
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		case reflect.Map:
+			switch {
+			case isPointer || isSlice:
+				panic(fmt.Sprintf("%v.%s cannot be a pointer to a map or a slice of map values", t, f.Name))
+			default: // E.g., map[K]V
+				if tf.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Ptr { // Proto struct (e.g., *T)
+					dfi.discard = func(src pointer) {
+						sm := src.asPointerTo(tf).Elem()
+						if sm.Len() == 0 {
+							return
+						}
+						for _, key := range sm.MapKeys() {
+							val := sm.MapIndex(key)
+							DiscardUnknown(val.Interface().(Message))
+						}
+					}
+				} else {
+					dfi.discard = func(pointer) {} // Noop
+				}
+			}
+		case reflect.Interface:
+			// Must be oneof field.
+			switch {
+			case isPointer || isSlice:
+				panic(fmt.Sprintf("%v.%s cannot be a pointer to a interface or a slice of interface values", t, f.Name))
+			default: // E.g., interface{}
+				// TODO: Make this faster?
+				dfi.discard = func(src pointer) {
+					su := src.asPointerTo(tf).Elem()
+					if !su.IsNil() {
+						sv := su.Elem().Elem().Field(0)
+						if sv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && sv.IsNil() {
+							return
+						}
+						switch sv.Type().Kind() {
+						case reflect.Ptr: // Proto struct (e.g., *T)
+							DiscardUnknown(sv.Interface().(Message))
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		default:
+			continue
+		}
+		di.fields = append(di.fields, dfi)
+	}
+	di.unrecognized = invalidField
+	if f, ok := t.FieldByName("XXX_unrecognized"); ok {
+		if f.Type != reflect.TypeOf([]byte{}) {
+			panic("expected XXX_unrecognized to be of type []byte")
+		}
+		di.unrecognized = toField(&f)
+	}
+	atomic.StoreInt32(&di.initialized, 1)
+func discardLegacy(m Message) {
+	v := reflect.ValueOf(m)
+	if v.Kind() != reflect.Ptr || v.IsNil() {
+		return
+	}
+	v = v.Elem()
+	if v.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
+		return
+	}
+	t := v.Type()
+	for i := 0; i < v.NumField(); i++ {
+		f := t.Field(i)
+		if strings.HasPrefix(f.Name, "XXX_") {
+			continue
+		}
+		vf := v.Field(i)
+		tf := f.Type
+		// Unwrap tf to get its most basic type.
+		var isPointer, isSlice bool
+		if tf.Kind() == reflect.Slice && tf.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Uint8 {
+			isSlice = true
+			tf = tf.Elem()
+		}
+		if tf.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+			isPointer = true
+			tf = tf.Elem()
+		}
+		if isPointer && isSlice && tf.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
+			panic(fmt.Sprintf("%T.%s cannot be a slice of pointers to primitive types", m, f.Name))
+		}
+		switch tf.Kind() {
+		case reflect.Struct:
+			switch {
+			case !isPointer:
+				panic(fmt.Sprintf("%T.%s cannot be a direct struct value", m, f.Name))
+			case isSlice: // E.g., []*pb.T
+				for j := 0; j < vf.Len(); j++ {
+					discardLegacy(vf.Index(j).Interface().(Message))
+				}
+			default: // E.g., *pb.T
+				discardLegacy(vf.Interface().(Message))
+			}
+		case reflect.Map:
+			switch {
+			case isPointer || isSlice:
+				panic(fmt.Sprintf("%T.%s cannot be a pointer to a map or a slice of map values", m, f.Name))
+			default: // E.g., map[K]V
+				tv := vf.Type().Elem()
+				if tv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && tv.Implements(protoMessageType) { // Proto struct (e.g., *T)
+					for _, key := range vf.MapKeys() {
+						val := vf.MapIndex(key)
+						discardLegacy(val.Interface().(Message))
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		case reflect.Interface:
+			// Must be oneof field.
+			switch {
+			case isPointer || isSlice:
+				panic(fmt.Sprintf("%T.%s cannot be a pointer to a interface or a slice of interface values", m, f.Name))
+			default: // E.g., test_proto.isCommunique_Union interface
+				if !vf.IsNil() && f.Tag.Get("protobuf_oneof") != "" {
+					vf = vf.Elem() // E.g., *test_proto.Communique_Msg
+					if !vf.IsNil() {
+						vf = vf.Elem()   // E.g., test_proto.Communique_Msg
+						vf = vf.Field(0) // E.g., Proto struct (e.g., *T) or primitive value
+						if vf.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+							discardLegacy(vf.Interface().(Message))
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if vf := v.FieldByName("XXX_unrecognized"); vf.IsValid() {
+		if vf.Type() != reflect.TypeOf([]byte{}) {
+			panic("expected XXX_unrecognized to be of type []byte")
+		}
+		vf.Set(reflect.ValueOf([]byte(nil)))
+	}
+	// For proto2 messages, only discard unknown fields in message extensions
+	// that have been accessed via GetExtension.
+	if em, err := extendable(m); err == nil {
+		// Ignore lock since discardLegacy is not concurrency safe.
+		emm, _ := em.extensionsRead()
+		for _, mx := range emm {
+			if m, ok := mx.value.(Message); ok {
+				discardLegacy(m)
+			}
+		}
+	}
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/encode.go b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/encode.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3abfed2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/encode.go
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+// Go support for Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
+// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors.  All rights reserved.
+// https://github.com/golang/protobuf
+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+// met:
+//     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+//     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
+// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+// distribution.
+//     * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
+// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+// this software without specific prior written permission.
+package proto
+ * Routines for encoding data into the wire format for protocol buffers.
+ */
+import (
+	"errors"
+	"reflect"
+var (
+	// errRepeatedHasNil is the error returned if Marshal is called with
+	// a struct with a repeated field containing a nil element.
+	errRepeatedHasNil = errors.New("proto: repeated field has nil element")
+	// errOneofHasNil is the error returned if Marshal is called with
+	// a struct with a oneof field containing a nil element.
+	errOneofHasNil = errors.New("proto: oneof field has nil value")
+	// ErrNil is the error returned if Marshal is called with nil.
+	ErrNil = errors.New("proto: Marshal called with nil")
+	// ErrTooLarge is the error returned if Marshal is called with a
+	// message that encodes to >2GB.
+	ErrTooLarge = errors.New("proto: message encodes to over 2 GB")
+// The fundamental encoders that put bytes on the wire.
+// Those that take integer types all accept uint64 and are
+// therefore of type valueEncoder.
+const maxVarintBytes = 10 // maximum length of a varint
+// EncodeVarint returns the varint encoding of x.
+// This is the format for the
+// int32, int64, uint32, uint64, bool, and enum
+// protocol buffer types.
+// Not used by the package itself, but helpful to clients
+// wishing to use the same encoding.
+func EncodeVarint(x uint64) []byte {
+	var buf [maxVarintBytes]byte
+	var n int
+	for n = 0; x > 127; n++ {
+		buf[n] = 0x80 | uint8(x&0x7F)
+		x >>= 7
+	}
+	buf[n] = uint8(x)
+	n++
+	return buf[0:n]
+// EncodeVarint writes a varint-encoded integer to the Buffer.
+// This is the format for the
+// int32, int64, uint32, uint64, bool, and enum
+// protocol buffer types.
+func (p *Buffer) EncodeVarint(x uint64) error {
+	for x >= 1<<7 {
+		p.buf = append(p.buf, uint8(x&0x7f|0x80))
+		x >>= 7
+	}
+	p.buf = append(p.buf, uint8(x))
+	return nil
+// SizeVarint returns the varint encoding size of an integer.
+func SizeVarint(x uint64) int {
+	switch {
+	case x < 1<<7:
+		return 1
+	case x < 1<<14:
+		return 2
+	case x < 1<<21:
+		return 3
+	case x < 1<<28:
+		return 4
+	case x < 1<<35:
+		return 5
+	case x < 1<<42:
+		return 6
+	case x < 1<<49:
+		return 7
+	case x < 1<<56:
+		return 8
+	case x < 1<<63:
+		return 9
+	}
+	return 10
+// EncodeFixed64 writes a 64-bit integer to the Buffer.
+// This is the format for the
+// fixed64, sfixed64, and double protocol buffer types.
+func (p *Buffer) EncodeFixed64(x uint64) error {
+	p.buf = append(p.buf,
+		uint8(x),
+		uint8(x>>8),
+		uint8(x>>16),
+		uint8(x>>24),
+		uint8(x>>32),
+		uint8(x>>40),
+		uint8(x>>48),
+		uint8(x>>56))
+	return nil
+// EncodeFixed32 writes a 32-bit integer to the Buffer.
+// This is the format for the
+// fixed32, sfixed32, and float protocol buffer types.
+func (p *Buffer) EncodeFixed32(x uint64) error {
+	p.buf = append(p.buf,
+		uint8(x),
+		uint8(x>>8),
+		uint8(x>>16),
+		uint8(x>>24))
+	return nil
+// EncodeZigzag64 writes a zigzag-encoded 64-bit integer
+// to the Buffer.
+// This is the format used for the sint64 protocol buffer type.
+func (p *Buffer) EncodeZigzag64(x uint64) error {
+	// use signed number to get arithmetic right shift.
+	return p.EncodeVarint(uint64((x << 1) ^ uint64((int64(x) >> 63))))
+// EncodeZigzag32 writes a zigzag-encoded 32-bit integer
+// to the Buffer.
+// This is the format used for the sint32 protocol buffer type.
+func (p *Buffer) EncodeZigzag32(x uint64) error {
+	// use signed number to get arithmetic right shift.
+	return p.EncodeVarint(uint64((uint32(x) << 1) ^ uint32((int32(x) >> 31))))
+// EncodeRawBytes writes a count-delimited byte buffer to the Buffer.
+// This is the format used for the bytes protocol buffer
+// type and for embedded messages.
+func (p *Buffer) EncodeRawBytes(b []byte) error {
+	p.EncodeVarint(uint64(len(b)))
+	p.buf = append(p.buf, b...)
+	return nil
+// EncodeStringBytes writes an encoded string to the Buffer.
+// This is the format used for the proto2 string type.
+func (p *Buffer) EncodeStringBytes(s string) error {
+	p.EncodeVarint(uint64(len(s)))
+	p.buf = append(p.buf, s...)
+	return nil
+// Marshaler is the interface representing objects that can marshal themselves.
+type Marshaler interface {
+	Marshal() ([]byte, error)
+// EncodeMessage writes the protocol buffer to the Buffer,
+// prefixed by a varint-encoded length.
+func (p *Buffer) EncodeMessage(pb Message) error {
+	siz := Size(pb)
+	p.EncodeVarint(uint64(siz))
+	return p.Marshal(pb)
+// All protocol buffer fields are nillable, but be careful.
+func isNil(v reflect.Value) bool {
+	switch v.Kind() {
+	case reflect.Interface, reflect.Map, reflect.Ptr, reflect.Slice:
+		return v.IsNil()
+	}
+	return false
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/equal.go b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/equal.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9b6e41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/equal.go
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+// Go support for Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
+// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors.  All rights reserved.
+// https://github.com/golang/protobuf
+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+// met:
+//     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+//     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
+// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+// distribution.
+//     * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
+// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+// this software without specific prior written permission.
+// Protocol buffer comparison.
+package proto
+import (
+	"bytes"
+	"log"
+	"reflect"
+	"strings"
+Equal returns true iff protocol buffers a and b are equal.
+The arguments must both be pointers to protocol buffer structs.
+Equality is defined in this way:
+  - Two messages are equal iff they are the same type,
+    corresponding fields are equal, unknown field sets
+    are equal, and extensions sets are equal.
+  - Two set scalar fields are equal iff their values are equal.
+    If the fields are of a floating-point type, remember that
+    NaN != x for all x, including NaN. If the message is defined
+    in a proto3 .proto file, fields are not "set"; specifically,
+    zero length proto3 "bytes" fields are equal (nil == {}).
+  - Two repeated fields are equal iff their lengths are the same,
+    and their corresponding elements are equal. Note a "bytes" field,
+    although represented by []byte, is not a repeated field and the
+    rule for the scalar fields described above applies.
+  - Two unset fields are equal.
+  - Two unknown field sets are equal if their current
+    encoded state is equal.
+  - Two extension sets are equal iff they have corresponding
+    elements that are pairwise equal.
+  - Two map fields are equal iff their lengths are the same,
+    and they contain the same set of elements. Zero-length map
+    fields are equal.
+  - Every other combination of things are not equal.
+The return value is undefined if a and b are not protocol buffers.
+func Equal(a, b Message) bool {
+	if a == nil || b == nil {
+		return a == b
+	}
+	v1, v2 := reflect.ValueOf(a), reflect.ValueOf(b)
+	if v1.Type() != v2.Type() {
+		return false
+	}
+	if v1.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		if v1.IsNil() {
+			return v2.IsNil()
+		}
+		if v2.IsNil() {
+			return false
+		}
+		v1, v2 = v1.Elem(), v2.Elem()
+	}
+	if v1.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
+		return false
+	}
+	return equalStruct(v1, v2)
+// v1 and v2 are known to have the same type.
+func equalStruct(v1, v2 reflect.Value) bool {
+	sprop := GetProperties(v1.Type())
+	for i := 0; i < v1.NumField(); i++ {
+		f := v1.Type().Field(i)
+		if strings.HasPrefix(f.Name, "XXX_") {
+			continue
+		}
+		f1, f2 := v1.Field(i), v2.Field(i)
+		if f.Type.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+			if n1, n2 := f1.IsNil(), f2.IsNil(); n1 && n2 {
+				// both unset
+				continue
+			} else if n1 != n2 {
+				// set/unset mismatch
+				return false
+			}
+			f1, f2 = f1.Elem(), f2.Elem()
+		}
+		if !equalAny(f1, f2, sprop.Prop[i]) {
+			return false
+		}
+	}
+	if em1 := v1.FieldByName("XXX_InternalExtensions"); em1.IsValid() {
+		em2 := v2.FieldByName("XXX_InternalExtensions")
+		if !equalExtensions(v1.Type(), em1.Interface().(XXX_InternalExtensions), em2.Interface().(XXX_InternalExtensions)) {
+			return false
+		}
+	}
+	if em1 := v1.FieldByName("XXX_extensions"); em1.IsValid() {
+		em2 := v2.FieldByName("XXX_extensions")
+		if !equalExtMap(v1.Type(), em1.Interface().(map[int32]Extension), em2.Interface().(map[int32]Extension)) {
+			return false
+		}
+	}
+	uf := v1.FieldByName("XXX_unrecognized")
+	if !uf.IsValid() {
+		return true
+	}
+	u1 := uf.Bytes()
+	u2 := v2.FieldByName("XXX_unrecognized").Bytes()
+	return bytes.Equal(u1, u2)
+// v1 and v2 are known to have the same type.
+// prop may be nil.
+func equalAny(v1, v2 reflect.Value, prop *Properties) bool {
+	if v1.Type() == protoMessageType {
+		m1, _ := v1.Interface().(Message)
+		m2, _ := v2.Interface().(Message)
+		return Equal(m1, m2)
+	}
+	switch v1.Kind() {
+	case reflect.Bool:
+		return v1.Bool() == v2.Bool()
+	case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
+		return v1.Float() == v2.Float()
+	case reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
+		return v1.Int() == v2.Int()
+	case reflect.Interface:
+		// Probably a oneof field; compare the inner values.
+		n1, n2 := v1.IsNil(), v2.IsNil()
+		if n1 || n2 {
+			return n1 == n2
+		}
+		e1, e2 := v1.Elem(), v2.Elem()
+		if e1.Type() != e2.Type() {
+			return false
+		}
+		return equalAny(e1, e2, nil)
+	case reflect.Map:
+		if v1.Len() != v2.Len() {
+			return false
+		}
+		for _, key := range v1.MapKeys() {
+			val2 := v2.MapIndex(key)
+			if !val2.IsValid() {
+				// This key was not found in the second map.
+				return false
+			}
+			if !equalAny(v1.MapIndex(key), val2, nil) {
+				return false
+			}
+		}
+		return true
+	case reflect.Ptr:
+		// Maps may have nil values in them, so check for nil.
+		if v1.IsNil() && v2.IsNil() {
+			return true
+		}
+		if v1.IsNil() != v2.IsNil() {
+			return false
+		}
+		return equalAny(v1.Elem(), v2.Elem(), prop)
+	case reflect.Slice:
+		if v1.Type().Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8 {
+			// short circuit: []byte
+			// Edge case: if this is in a proto3 message, a zero length
+			// bytes field is considered the zero value.
+			if prop != nil && prop.proto3 && v1.Len() == 0 && v2.Len() == 0 {
+				return true
+			}
+			if v1.IsNil() != v2.IsNil() {
+				return false
+			}
+			return bytes.Equal(v1.Interface().([]byte), v2.Interface().([]byte))
+		}
+		if v1.Len() != v2.Len() {
+			return false
+		}
+		for i := 0; i < v1.Len(); i++ {
+			if !equalAny(v1.Index(i), v2.Index(i), prop) {
+				return false
+			}
+		}
+		return true
+	case reflect.String:
+		return v1.Interface().(string) == v2.Interface().(string)
+	case reflect.Struct:
+		return equalStruct(v1, v2)
+	case reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64:
+		return v1.Uint() == v2.Uint()
+	}
+	// unknown type, so not a protocol buffer
+	log.Printf("proto: don't know how to compare %v", v1)
+	return false
+// base is the struct type that the extensions are based on.
+// x1 and x2 are InternalExtensions.
+func equalExtensions(base reflect.Type, x1, x2 XXX_InternalExtensions) bool {
+	em1, _ := x1.extensionsRead()
+	em2, _ := x2.extensionsRead()
+	return equalExtMap(base, em1, em2)
+func equalExtMap(base reflect.Type, em1, em2 map[int32]Extension) bool {
+	if len(em1) != len(em2) {
+		return false
+	}
+	for extNum, e1 := range em1 {
+		e2, ok := em2[extNum]
+		if !ok {
+			return false
+		}
+		m1 := extensionAsLegacyType(e1.value)
+		m2 := extensionAsLegacyType(e2.value)
+		if m1 == nil && m2 == nil {
+			// Both have only encoded form.
+			if bytes.Equal(e1.enc, e2.enc) {
+				continue
+			}
+			// The bytes are different, but the extensions might still be
+			// equal. We need to decode them to compare.
+		}
+		if m1 != nil && m2 != nil {
+			// Both are unencoded.
+			if !equalAny(reflect.ValueOf(m1), reflect.ValueOf(m2), nil) {
+				return false
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		// At least one is encoded. To do a semantically correct comparison
+		// we need to unmarshal them first.
+		var desc *ExtensionDesc
+		if m := extensionMaps[base]; m != nil {
+			desc = m[extNum]
+		}
+		if desc == nil {
+			// If both have only encoded form and the bytes are the same,
+			// it is handled above. We get here when the bytes are different.
+			// We don't know how to decode it, so just compare them as byte
+			// slices.
+			log.Printf("proto: don't know how to compare extension %d of %v", extNum, base)
+			return false
+		}
+		var err error
+		if m1 == nil {
+			m1, err = decodeExtension(e1.enc, desc)
+		}
+		if m2 == nil && err == nil {
+			m2, err = decodeExtension(e2.enc, desc)
+		}
+		if err != nil {
+			// The encoded form is invalid.
+			log.Printf("proto: badly encoded extension %d of %v: %v", extNum, base, err)
+			return false
+		}
+		if !equalAny(reflect.ValueOf(m1), reflect.ValueOf(m2), nil) {
+			return false
+		}
+	}
+	return true
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/extensions.go b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/extensions.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa88add
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/extensions.go
@@ -0,0 +1,607 @@
+// Go support for Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
+// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors.  All rights reserved.
+// https://github.com/golang/protobuf
+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+// met:
+//     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+//     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
+// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+// distribution.
+//     * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
+// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+// this software without specific prior written permission.
+package proto
+ * Types and routines for supporting protocol buffer extensions.
+ */
+import (
+	"errors"
+	"fmt"
+	"io"
+	"reflect"
+	"strconv"
+	"sync"
+// ErrMissingExtension is the error returned by GetExtension if the named extension is not in the message.
+var ErrMissingExtension = errors.New("proto: missing extension")
+// ExtensionRange represents a range of message extensions for a protocol buffer.
+// Used in code generated by the protocol compiler.
+type ExtensionRange struct {
+	Start, End int32 // both inclusive
+// extendableProto is an interface implemented by any protocol buffer generated by the current
+// proto compiler that may be extended.
+type extendableProto interface {
+	Message
+	ExtensionRangeArray() []ExtensionRange
+	extensionsWrite() map[int32]Extension
+	extensionsRead() (map[int32]Extension, sync.Locker)
+// extendableProtoV1 is an interface implemented by a protocol buffer generated by the previous
+// version of the proto compiler that may be extended.
+type extendableProtoV1 interface {
+	Message
+	ExtensionRangeArray() []ExtensionRange
+	ExtensionMap() map[int32]Extension
+// extensionAdapter is a wrapper around extendableProtoV1 that implements extendableProto.
+type extensionAdapter struct {
+	extendableProtoV1
+func (e extensionAdapter) extensionsWrite() map[int32]Extension {
+	return e.ExtensionMap()
+func (e extensionAdapter) extensionsRead() (map[int32]Extension, sync.Locker) {
+	return e.ExtensionMap(), notLocker{}
+// notLocker is a sync.Locker whose Lock and Unlock methods are nops.
+type notLocker struct{}
+func (n notLocker) Lock()   {}
+func (n notLocker) Unlock() {}
+// extendable returns the extendableProto interface for the given generated proto message.
+// If the proto message has the old extension format, it returns a wrapper that implements
+// the extendableProto interface.
+func extendable(p interface{}) (extendableProto, error) {
+	switch p := p.(type) {
+	case extendableProto:
+		if isNilPtr(p) {
+			return nil, fmt.Errorf("proto: nil %T is not extendable", p)
+		}
+		return p, nil
+	case extendableProtoV1:
+		if isNilPtr(p) {
+			return nil, fmt.Errorf("proto: nil %T is not extendable", p)
+		}
+		return extensionAdapter{p}, nil
+	}
+	// Don't allocate a specific error containing %T:
+	// this is the hot path for Clone and MarshalText.
+	return nil, errNotExtendable
+var errNotExtendable = errors.New("proto: not an extendable proto.Message")
+func isNilPtr(x interface{}) bool {
+	v := reflect.ValueOf(x)
+	return v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && v.IsNil()
+// XXX_InternalExtensions is an internal representation of proto extensions.
+// Each generated message struct type embeds an anonymous XXX_InternalExtensions field,
+// thus gaining the unexported 'extensions' method, which can be called only from the proto package.
+// The methods of XXX_InternalExtensions are not concurrency safe in general,
+// but calls to logically read-only methods such as has and get may be executed concurrently.
+type XXX_InternalExtensions struct {
+	// The struct must be indirect so that if a user inadvertently copies a
+	// generated message and its embedded XXX_InternalExtensions, they
+	// avoid the mayhem of a copied mutex.
+	//
+	// The mutex serializes all logically read-only operations to p.extensionMap.
+	// It is up to the client to ensure that write operations to p.extensionMap are
+	// mutually exclusive with other accesses.
+	p *struct {
+		mu           sync.Mutex
+		extensionMap map[int32]Extension
+	}
+// extensionsWrite returns the extension map, creating it on first use.
+func (e *XXX_InternalExtensions) extensionsWrite() map[int32]Extension {
+	if e.p == nil {
+		e.p = new(struct {
+			mu           sync.Mutex
+			extensionMap map[int32]Extension
+		})
+		e.p.extensionMap = make(map[int32]Extension)
+	}
+	return e.p.extensionMap
+// extensionsRead returns the extensions map for read-only use.  It may be nil.
+// The caller must hold the returned mutex's lock when accessing Elements within the map.
+func (e *XXX_InternalExtensions) extensionsRead() (map[int32]Extension, sync.Locker) {
+	if e.p == nil {
+		return nil, nil
+	}
+	return e.p.extensionMap, &e.p.mu
+// ExtensionDesc represents an extension specification.
+// Used in generated code from the protocol compiler.
+type ExtensionDesc struct {
+	ExtendedType  Message     // nil pointer to the type that is being extended
+	ExtensionType interface{} // nil pointer to the extension type
+	Field         int32       // field number
+	Name          string      // fully-qualified name of extension, for text formatting
+	Tag           string      // protobuf tag style
+	Filename      string      // name of the file in which the extension is defined
+func (ed *ExtensionDesc) repeated() bool {
+	t := reflect.TypeOf(ed.ExtensionType)
+	return t.Kind() == reflect.Slice && t.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Uint8
+// Extension represents an extension in a message.
+type Extension struct {
+	// When an extension is stored in a message using SetExtension
+	// only desc and value are set. When the message is marshaled
+	// enc will be set to the encoded form of the message.
+	//
+	// When a message is unmarshaled and contains extensions, each
+	// extension will have only enc set. When such an extension is
+	// accessed using GetExtension (or GetExtensions) desc and value
+	// will be set.
+	desc *ExtensionDesc
+	// value is a concrete value for the extension field. Let the type of
+	// desc.ExtensionType be the "API type" and the type of Extension.value
+	// be the "storage type". The API type and storage type are the same except:
+	//	* For scalars (except []byte), the API type uses *T,
+	//	while the storage type uses T.
+	//	* For repeated fields, the API type uses []T, while the storage type
+	//	uses *[]T.
+	//
+	// The reason for the divergence is so that the storage type more naturally
+	// matches what is expected of when retrieving the values through the
+	// protobuf reflection APIs.
+	//
+	// The value may only be populated if desc is also populated.
+	value interface{}
+	// enc is the raw bytes for the extension field.
+	enc []byte
+// SetRawExtension is for testing only.
+func SetRawExtension(base Message, id int32, b []byte) {
+	epb, err := extendable(base)
+	if err != nil {
+		return
+	}
+	extmap := epb.extensionsWrite()
+	extmap[id] = Extension{enc: b}
+// isExtensionField returns true iff the given field number is in an extension range.
+func isExtensionField(pb extendableProto, field int32) bool {
+	for _, er := range pb.ExtensionRangeArray() {
+		if er.Start <= field && field <= er.End {
+			return true
+		}
+	}
+	return false
+// checkExtensionTypes checks that the given extension is valid for pb.
+func checkExtensionTypes(pb extendableProto, extension *ExtensionDesc) error {
+	var pbi interface{} = pb
+	// Check the extended type.
+	if ea, ok := pbi.(extensionAdapter); ok {
+		pbi = ea.extendableProtoV1
+	}
+	if a, b := reflect.TypeOf(pbi), reflect.TypeOf(extension.ExtendedType); a != b {
+		return fmt.Errorf("proto: bad extended type; %v does not extend %v", b, a)
+	}
+	// Check the range.
+	if !isExtensionField(pb, extension.Field) {
+		return errors.New("proto: bad extension number; not in declared ranges")
+	}
+	return nil
+// extPropKey is sufficient to uniquely identify an extension.
+type extPropKey struct {
+	base  reflect.Type
+	field int32
+var extProp = struct {
+	sync.RWMutex
+	m map[extPropKey]*Properties
+	m: make(map[extPropKey]*Properties),
+func extensionProperties(ed *ExtensionDesc) *Properties {
+	key := extPropKey{base: reflect.TypeOf(ed.ExtendedType), field: ed.Field}
+	extProp.RLock()
+	if prop, ok := extProp.m[key]; ok {
+		extProp.RUnlock()
+		return prop
+	}
+	extProp.RUnlock()
+	extProp.Lock()
+	defer extProp.Unlock()
+	// Check again.
+	if prop, ok := extProp.m[key]; ok {
+		return prop
+	}
+	prop := new(Properties)
+	prop.Init(reflect.TypeOf(ed.ExtensionType), "unknown_name", ed.Tag, nil)
+	extProp.m[key] = prop
+	return prop
+// HasExtension returns whether the given extension is present in pb.
+func HasExtension(pb Message, extension *ExtensionDesc) bool {
+	// TODO: Check types, field numbers, etc.?
+	epb, err := extendable(pb)
+	if err != nil {
+		return false
+	}
+	extmap, mu := epb.extensionsRead()
+	if extmap == nil {
+		return false
+	}
+	mu.Lock()
+	_, ok := extmap[extension.Field]
+	mu.Unlock()
+	return ok
+// ClearExtension removes the given extension from pb.
+func ClearExtension(pb Message, extension *ExtensionDesc) {
+	epb, err := extendable(pb)
+	if err != nil {
+		return
+	}
+	// TODO: Check types, field numbers, etc.?
+	extmap := epb.extensionsWrite()
+	delete(extmap, extension.Field)
+// GetExtension retrieves a proto2 extended field from pb.
+// If the descriptor is type complete (i.e., ExtensionDesc.ExtensionType is non-nil),
+// then GetExtension parses the encoded field and returns a Go value of the specified type.
+// If the field is not present, then the default value is returned (if one is specified),
+// otherwise ErrMissingExtension is reported.
+// If the descriptor is not type complete (i.e., ExtensionDesc.ExtensionType is nil),
+// then GetExtension returns the raw encoded bytes of the field extension.
+func GetExtension(pb Message, extension *ExtensionDesc) (interface{}, error) {
+	epb, err := extendable(pb)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	if extension.ExtendedType != nil {
+		// can only check type if this is a complete descriptor
+		if err := checkExtensionTypes(epb, extension); err != nil {
+			return nil, err
+		}
+	}
+	emap, mu := epb.extensionsRead()
+	if emap == nil {
+		return defaultExtensionValue(extension)
+	}
+	mu.Lock()
+	defer mu.Unlock()
+	e, ok := emap[extension.Field]
+	if !ok {
+		// defaultExtensionValue returns the default value or
+		// ErrMissingExtension if there is no default.
+		return defaultExtensionValue(extension)
+	}
+	if e.value != nil {
+		// Already decoded. Check the descriptor, though.
+		if e.desc != extension {
+			// This shouldn't happen. If it does, it means that
+			// GetExtension was called twice with two different
+			// descriptors with the same field number.
+			return nil, errors.New("proto: descriptor conflict")
+		}
+		return extensionAsLegacyType(e.value), nil
+	}
+	if extension.ExtensionType == nil {
+		// incomplete descriptor
+		return e.enc, nil
+	}
+	v, err := decodeExtension(e.enc, extension)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	// Remember the decoded version and drop the encoded version.
+	// That way it is safe to mutate what we return.
+	e.value = extensionAsStorageType(v)
+	e.desc = extension
+	e.enc = nil
+	emap[extension.Field] = e
+	return extensionAsLegacyType(e.value), nil
+// defaultExtensionValue returns the default value for extension.
+// If no default for an extension is defined ErrMissingExtension is returned.
+func defaultExtensionValue(extension *ExtensionDesc) (interface{}, error) {
+	if extension.ExtensionType == nil {
+		// incomplete descriptor, so no default
+		return nil, ErrMissingExtension
+	}
+	t := reflect.TypeOf(extension.ExtensionType)
+	props := extensionProperties(extension)
+	sf, _, err := fieldDefault(t, props)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	if sf == nil || sf.value == nil {
+		// There is no default value.
+		return nil, ErrMissingExtension
+	}
+	if t.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
+		// We do not need to return a Ptr, we can directly return sf.value.
+		return sf.value, nil
+	}
+	// We need to return an interface{} that is a pointer to sf.value.
+	value := reflect.New(t).Elem()
+	value.Set(reflect.New(value.Type().Elem()))
+	if sf.kind == reflect.Int32 {
+		// We may have an int32 or an enum, but the underlying data is int32.
+		// Since we can't set an int32 into a non int32 reflect.value directly
+		// set it as a int32.
+		value.Elem().SetInt(int64(sf.value.(int32)))
+	} else {
+		value.Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(sf.value))
+	}
+	return value.Interface(), nil
+// decodeExtension decodes an extension encoded in b.
+func decodeExtension(b []byte, extension *ExtensionDesc) (interface{}, error) {
+	t := reflect.TypeOf(extension.ExtensionType)
+	unmarshal := typeUnmarshaler(t, extension.Tag)
+	// t is a pointer to a struct, pointer to basic type or a slice.
+	// Allocate space to store the pointer/slice.
+	value := reflect.New(t).Elem()
+	var err error
+	for {
+		x, n := decodeVarint(b)
+		if n == 0 {
+			return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+		}
+		b = b[n:]
+		wire := int(x) & 7
+		b, err = unmarshal(b, valToPointer(value.Addr()), wire)
+		if err != nil {
+			return nil, err
+		}
+		if len(b) == 0 {
+			break
+		}
+	}
+	return value.Interface(), nil
+// GetExtensions returns a slice of the extensions present in pb that are also listed in es.
+// The returned slice has the same length as es; missing extensions will appear as nil elements.
+func GetExtensions(pb Message, es []*ExtensionDesc) (extensions []interface{}, err error) {
+	epb, err := extendable(pb)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	extensions = make([]interface{}, len(es))
+	for i, e := range es {
+		extensions[i], err = GetExtension(epb, e)
+		if err == ErrMissingExtension {
+			err = nil
+		}
+		if err != nil {
+			return
+		}
+	}
+	return
+// ExtensionDescs returns a new slice containing pb's extension descriptors, in undefined order.
+// For non-registered extensions, ExtensionDescs returns an incomplete descriptor containing
+// just the Field field, which defines the extension's field number.
+func ExtensionDescs(pb Message) ([]*ExtensionDesc, error) {
+	epb, err := extendable(pb)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	registeredExtensions := RegisteredExtensions(pb)
+	emap, mu := epb.extensionsRead()
+	if emap == nil {
+		return nil, nil
+	}
+	mu.Lock()
+	defer mu.Unlock()
+	extensions := make([]*ExtensionDesc, 0, len(emap))
+	for extid, e := range emap {
+		desc := e.desc
+		if desc == nil {
+			desc = registeredExtensions[extid]
+			if desc == nil {
+				desc = &ExtensionDesc{Field: extid}
+			}
+		}
+		extensions = append(extensions, desc)
+	}
+	return extensions, nil
+// SetExtension sets the specified extension of pb to the specified value.
+func SetExtension(pb Message, extension *ExtensionDesc, value interface{}) error {
+	epb, err := extendable(pb)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	if err := checkExtensionTypes(epb, extension); err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	typ := reflect.TypeOf(extension.ExtensionType)
+	if typ != reflect.TypeOf(value) {
+		return fmt.Errorf("proto: bad extension value type. got: %T, want: %T", value, extension.ExtensionType)
+	}
+	// nil extension values need to be caught early, because the
+	// encoder can't distinguish an ErrNil due to a nil extension
+	// from an ErrNil due to a missing field. Extensions are
+	// always optional, so the encoder would just swallow the error
+	// and drop all the extensions from the encoded message.
+	if reflect.ValueOf(value).IsNil() {
+		return fmt.Errorf("proto: SetExtension called with nil value of type %T", value)
+	}
+	extmap := epb.extensionsWrite()
+	extmap[extension.Field] = Extension{desc: extension, value: extensionAsStorageType(value)}
+	return nil
+// ClearAllExtensions clears all extensions from pb.
+func ClearAllExtensions(pb Message) {
+	epb, err := extendable(pb)
+	if err != nil {
+		return
+	}
+	m := epb.extensionsWrite()
+	for k := range m {
+		delete(m, k)
+	}
+// A global registry of extensions.
+// The generated code will register the generated descriptors by calling RegisterExtension.
+var extensionMaps = make(map[reflect.Type]map[int32]*ExtensionDesc)
+// RegisterExtension is called from the generated code.
+func RegisterExtension(desc *ExtensionDesc) {
+	st := reflect.TypeOf(desc.ExtendedType).Elem()
+	m := extensionMaps[st]
+	if m == nil {
+		m = make(map[int32]*ExtensionDesc)
+		extensionMaps[st] = m
+	}
+	if _, ok := m[desc.Field]; ok {
+		panic("proto: duplicate extension registered: " + st.String() + " " + strconv.Itoa(int(desc.Field)))
+	}
+	m[desc.Field] = desc
+// RegisteredExtensions returns a map of the registered extensions of a
+// protocol buffer struct, indexed by the extension number.
+// The argument pb should be a nil pointer to the struct type.
+func RegisteredExtensions(pb Message) map[int32]*ExtensionDesc {
+	return extensionMaps[reflect.TypeOf(pb).Elem()]
+// extensionAsLegacyType converts an value in the storage type as the API type.
+// See Extension.value.
+func extensionAsLegacyType(v interface{}) interface{} {
+	switch rv := reflect.ValueOf(v); rv.Kind() {
+	case reflect.Bool, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64, reflect.String:
+		// Represent primitive types as a pointer to the value.
+		rv2 := reflect.New(rv.Type())
+		rv2.Elem().Set(rv)
+		v = rv2.Interface()
+	case reflect.Ptr:
+		// Represent slice types as the value itself.
+		switch rv.Type().Elem().Kind() {
+		case reflect.Slice:
+			if rv.IsNil() {
+				v = reflect.Zero(rv.Type().Elem()).Interface()
+			} else {
+				v = rv.Elem().Interface()
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return v
+// extensionAsStorageType converts an value in the API type as the storage type.
+// See Extension.value.
+func extensionAsStorageType(v interface{}) interface{} {
+	switch rv := reflect.ValueOf(v); rv.Kind() {
+	case reflect.Ptr:
+		// Represent slice types as the value itself.
+		switch rv.Type().Elem().Kind() {
+		case reflect.Bool, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64, reflect.String:
+			if rv.IsNil() {
+				v = reflect.Zero(rv.Type().Elem()).Interface()
+			} else {
+				v = rv.Elem().Interface()
+			}
+		}
+	case reflect.Slice:
+		// Represent slice types as a pointer to the value.
+		if rv.Type().Elem().Kind() != reflect.Uint8 {
+			rv2 := reflect.New(rv.Type())
+			rv2.Elem().Set(rv)
+			v = rv2.Interface()
+		}
+	}
+	return v
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/lib.go b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/lib.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fdd328b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/lib.go
@@ -0,0 +1,965 @@
+// Go support for Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
+// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors.  All rights reserved.
+// https://github.com/golang/protobuf
+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+// met:
+//     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+//     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
+// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+// distribution.
+//     * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
+// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+// this software without specific prior written permission.
+Package proto converts data structures to and from the wire format of
+protocol buffers.  It works in concert with the Go source code generated
+for .proto files by the protocol compiler.
+A summary of the properties of the protocol buffer interface
+for a protocol buffer variable v:
+  - Names are turned from camel_case to CamelCase for export.
+  - There are no methods on v to set fields; just treat
+	them as structure fields.
+  - There are getters that return a field's value if set,
+	and return the field's default value if unset.
+	The getters work even if the receiver is a nil message.
+  - The zero value for a struct is its correct initialization state.
+	All desired fields must be set before marshaling.
+  - A Reset() method will restore a protobuf struct to its zero state.
+  - Non-repeated fields are pointers to the values; nil means unset.
+	That is, optional or required field int32 f becomes F *int32.
+  - Repeated fields are slices.
+  - Helper functions are available to aid the setting of fields.
+	msg.Foo = proto.String("hello") // set field
+  - Constants are defined to hold the default values of all fields that
+	have them.  They have the form Default_StructName_FieldName.
+	Because the getter methods handle defaulted values,
+	direct use of these constants should be rare.
+  - Enums are given type names and maps from names to values.
+	Enum values are prefixed by the enclosing message's name, or by the
+	enum's type name if it is a top-level enum. Enum types have a String
+	method, and a Enum method to assist in message construction.
+  - Nested messages, groups and enums have type names prefixed with the name of
+	the surrounding message type.
+  - Extensions are given descriptor names that start with E_,
+	followed by an underscore-delimited list of the nested messages
+	that contain it (if any) followed by the CamelCased name of the
+	extension field itself.  HasExtension, ClearExtension, GetExtension
+	and SetExtension are functions for manipulating extensions.
+  - Oneof field sets are given a single field in their message,
+	with distinguished wrapper types for each possible field value.
+  - Marshal and Unmarshal are functions to encode and decode the wire format.
+When the .proto file specifies `syntax="proto3"`, there are some differences:
+  - Non-repeated fields of non-message type are values instead of pointers.
+  - Enum types do not get an Enum method.
+The simplest way to describe this is to see an example.
+Given file test.proto, containing
+	package example;
+	enum FOO { X = 17; }
+	message Test {
+	  required string label = 1;
+	  optional int32 type = 2 [default=77];
+	  repeated int64 reps = 3;
+	  optional group OptionalGroup = 4 {
+	    required string RequiredField = 5;
+	  }
+	  oneof union {
+	    int32 number = 6;
+	    string name = 7;
+	  }
+	}
+The resulting file, test.pb.go, is:
+	package example
+	import proto "github.com/golang/protobuf/proto"
+	import math "math"
+	type FOO int32
+	const (
+		FOO_X FOO = 17
+	)
+	var FOO_name = map[int32]string{
+		17: "X",
+	}
+	var FOO_value = map[string]int32{
+		"X": 17,
+	}
+	func (x FOO) Enum() *FOO {
+		p := new(FOO)
+		*p = x
+		return p
+	}
+	func (x FOO) String() string {
+		return proto.EnumName(FOO_name, int32(x))
+	}
+	func (x *FOO) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
+		value, err := proto.UnmarshalJSONEnum(FOO_value, data)
+		if err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+		*x = FOO(value)
+		return nil
+	}
+	type Test struct {
+		Label         *string             `protobuf:"bytes,1,req,name=label" json:"label,omitempty"`
+		Type          *int32              `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=type,def=77" json:"type,omitempty"`
+		Reps          []int64             `protobuf:"varint,3,rep,name=reps" json:"reps,omitempty"`
+		Optionalgroup *Test_OptionalGroup `protobuf:"group,4,opt,name=OptionalGroup" json:"optionalgroup,omitempty"`
+		// Types that are valid to be assigned to Union:
+		//	*Test_Number
+		//	*Test_Name
+		Union            isTest_Union `protobuf_oneof:"union"`
+		XXX_unrecognized []byte       `json:"-"`
+	}
+	func (m *Test) Reset()         { *m = Test{} }
+	func (m *Test) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
+	func (*Test) ProtoMessage() {}
+	type isTest_Union interface {
+		isTest_Union()
+	}
+	type Test_Number struct {
+		Number int32 `protobuf:"varint,6,opt,name=number"`
+	}
+	type Test_Name struct {
+		Name string `protobuf:"bytes,7,opt,name=name"`
+	}
+	func (*Test_Number) isTest_Union() {}
+	func (*Test_Name) isTest_Union()   {}
+	func (m *Test) GetUnion() isTest_Union {
+		if m != nil {
+			return m.Union
+		}
+		return nil
+	}
+	const Default_Test_Type int32 = 77
+	func (m *Test) GetLabel() string {
+		if m != nil && m.Label != nil {
+			return *m.Label
+		}
+		return ""
+	}
+	func (m *Test) GetType() int32 {
+		if m != nil && m.Type != nil {
+			return *m.Type
+		}
+		return Default_Test_Type
+	}
+	func (m *Test) GetOptionalgroup() *Test_OptionalGroup {
+		if m != nil {
+			return m.Optionalgroup
+		}
+		return nil
+	}
+	type Test_OptionalGroup struct {
+		RequiredField *string `protobuf:"bytes,5,req" json:"RequiredField,omitempty"`
+	}
+	func (m *Test_OptionalGroup) Reset()         { *m = Test_OptionalGroup{} }
+	func (m *Test_OptionalGroup) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
+	func (m *Test_OptionalGroup) GetRequiredField() string {
+		if m != nil && m.RequiredField != nil {
+			return *m.RequiredField
+		}
+		return ""
+	}
+	func (m *Test) GetNumber() int32 {
+		if x, ok := m.GetUnion().(*Test_Number); ok {
+			return x.Number
+		}
+		return 0
+	}
+	func (m *Test) GetName() string {
+		if x, ok := m.GetUnion().(*Test_Name); ok {
+			return x.Name
+		}
+		return ""
+	}
+	func init() {
+		proto.RegisterEnum("example.FOO", FOO_name, FOO_value)
+	}
+To create and play with a Test object:
+	package main
+	import (
+		"log"
+		"github.com/golang/protobuf/proto"
+		pb "./example.pb"
+	)
+	func main() {
+		test := &pb.Test{
+			Label: proto.String("hello"),
+			Type:  proto.Int32(17),
+			Reps:  []int64{1, 2, 3},
+			Optionalgroup: &pb.Test_OptionalGroup{
+				RequiredField: proto.String("good bye"),
+			},
+			Union: &pb.Test_Name{"fred"},
+		}
+		data, err := proto.Marshal(test)
+		if err != nil {
+			log.Fatal("marshaling error: ", err)
+		}
+		newTest := &pb.Test{}
+		err = proto.Unmarshal(data, newTest)
+		if err != nil {
+			log.Fatal("unmarshaling error: ", err)
+		}
+		// Now test and newTest contain the same data.
+		if test.GetLabel() != newTest.GetLabel() {
+			log.Fatalf("data mismatch %q != %q", test.GetLabel(), newTest.GetLabel())
+		}
+		// Use a type switch to determine which oneof was set.
+		switch u := test.Union.(type) {
+		case *pb.Test_Number: // u.Number contains the number.
+		case *pb.Test_Name: // u.Name contains the string.
+		}
+		// etc.
+	}
+package proto
+import (
+	"encoding/json"
+	"fmt"
+	"log"
+	"reflect"
+	"sort"
+	"strconv"
+	"sync"
+// RequiredNotSetError is an error type returned by either Marshal or Unmarshal.
+// Marshal reports this when a required field is not initialized.
+// Unmarshal reports this when a required field is missing from the wire data.
+type RequiredNotSetError struct{ field string }
+func (e *RequiredNotSetError) Error() string {
+	if e.field == "" {
+		return fmt.Sprintf("proto: required field not set")
+	}
+	return fmt.Sprintf("proto: required field %q not set", e.field)
+func (e *RequiredNotSetError) RequiredNotSet() bool {
+	return true
+type invalidUTF8Error struct{ field string }
+func (e *invalidUTF8Error) Error() string {
+	if e.field == "" {
+		return "proto: invalid UTF-8 detected"
+	}
+	return fmt.Sprintf("proto: field %q contains invalid UTF-8", e.field)
+func (e *invalidUTF8Error) InvalidUTF8() bool {
+	return true
+// errInvalidUTF8 is a sentinel error to identify fields with invalid UTF-8.
+// This error should not be exposed to the external API as such errors should
+// be recreated with the field information.
+var errInvalidUTF8 = &invalidUTF8Error{}
+// isNonFatal reports whether the error is either a RequiredNotSet error
+// or a InvalidUTF8 error.
+func isNonFatal(err error) bool {
+	if re, ok := err.(interface{ RequiredNotSet() bool }); ok && re.RequiredNotSet() {
+		return true
+	}
+	if re, ok := err.(interface{ InvalidUTF8() bool }); ok && re.InvalidUTF8() {
+		return true
+	}
+	return false
+type nonFatal struct{ E error }
+// Merge merges err into nf and reports whether it was successful.
+// Otherwise it returns false for any fatal non-nil errors.
+func (nf *nonFatal) Merge(err error) (ok bool) {
+	if err == nil {
+		return true // not an error
+	}
+	if !isNonFatal(err) {
+		return false // fatal error
+	}
+	if nf.E == nil {
+		nf.E = err // store first instance of non-fatal error
+	}
+	return true
+// Message is implemented by generated protocol buffer messages.
+type Message interface {
+	Reset()
+	String() string
+	ProtoMessage()
+// A Buffer is a buffer manager for marshaling and unmarshaling
+// protocol buffers.  It may be reused between invocations to
+// reduce memory usage.  It is not necessary to use a Buffer;
+// the global functions Marshal and Unmarshal create a
+// temporary Buffer and are fine for most applications.
+type Buffer struct {
+	buf   []byte // encode/decode byte stream
+	index int    // read point
+	deterministic bool
+// NewBuffer allocates a new Buffer and initializes its internal data to
+// the contents of the argument slice.
+func NewBuffer(e []byte) *Buffer {
+	return &Buffer{buf: e}
+// Reset resets the Buffer, ready for marshaling a new protocol buffer.
+func (p *Buffer) Reset() {
+	p.buf = p.buf[0:0] // for reading/writing
+	p.index = 0        // for reading
+// SetBuf replaces the internal buffer with the slice,
+// ready for unmarshaling the contents of the slice.
+func (p *Buffer) SetBuf(s []byte) {
+	p.buf = s
+	p.index = 0
+// Bytes returns the contents of the Buffer.
+func (p *Buffer) Bytes() []byte { return p.buf }
+// SetDeterministic sets whether to use deterministic serialization.
+// Deterministic serialization guarantees that for a given binary, equal
+// messages will always be serialized to the same bytes. This implies:
+//   - Repeated serialization of a message will return the same bytes.
+//   - Different processes of the same binary (which may be executing on
+//     different machines) will serialize equal messages to the same bytes.
+// Note that the deterministic serialization is NOT canonical across
+// languages. It is not guaranteed to remain stable over time. It is unstable
+// across different builds with schema changes due to unknown fields.
+// Users who need canonical serialization (e.g., persistent storage in a
+// canonical form, fingerprinting, etc.) should define their own
+// canonicalization specification and implement their own serializer rather
+// than relying on this API.
+// If deterministic serialization is requested, map entries will be sorted
+// by keys in lexographical order. This is an implementation detail and
+// subject to change.
+func (p *Buffer) SetDeterministic(deterministic bool) {
+	p.deterministic = deterministic
+ * Helper routines for simplifying the creation of optional fields of basic type.
+ */
+// Bool is a helper routine that allocates a new bool value
+// to store v and returns a pointer to it.
+func Bool(v bool) *bool {
+	return &v
+// Int32 is a helper routine that allocates a new int32 value
+// to store v and returns a pointer to it.
+func Int32(v int32) *int32 {
+	return &v
+// Int is a helper routine that allocates a new int32 value
+// to store v and returns a pointer to it, but unlike Int32
+// its argument value is an int.
+func Int(v int) *int32 {
+	p := new(int32)
+	*p = int32(v)
+	return p
+// Int64 is a helper routine that allocates a new int64 value
+// to store v and returns a pointer to it.
+func Int64(v int64) *int64 {
+	return &v
+// Float32 is a helper routine that allocates a new float32 value
+// to store v and returns a pointer to it.
+func Float32(v float32) *float32 {
+	return &v
+// Float64 is a helper routine that allocates a new float64 value
+// to store v and returns a pointer to it.
+func Float64(v float64) *float64 {
+	return &v
+// Uint32 is a helper routine that allocates a new uint32 value
+// to store v and returns a pointer to it.
+func Uint32(v uint32) *uint32 {
+	return &v
+// Uint64 is a helper routine that allocates a new uint64 value
+// to store v and returns a pointer to it.
+func Uint64(v uint64) *uint64 {
+	return &v
+// String is a helper routine that allocates a new string value
+// to store v and returns a pointer to it.
+func String(v string) *string {
+	return &v
+// EnumName is a helper function to simplify printing protocol buffer enums
+// by name.  Given an enum map and a value, it returns a useful string.
+func EnumName(m map[int32]string, v int32) string {
+	s, ok := m[v]
+	if ok {
+		return s
+	}
+	return strconv.Itoa(int(v))
+// UnmarshalJSONEnum is a helper function to simplify recovering enum int values
+// from their JSON-encoded representation. Given a map from the enum's symbolic
+// names to its int values, and a byte buffer containing the JSON-encoded
+// value, it returns an int32 that can be cast to the enum type by the caller.
+// The function can deal with both JSON representations, numeric and symbolic.
+func UnmarshalJSONEnum(m map[string]int32, data []byte, enumName string) (int32, error) {
+	if data[0] == '"' {
+		// New style: enums are strings.
+		var repr string
+		if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &repr); err != nil {
+			return -1, err
+		}
+		val, ok := m[repr]
+		if !ok {
+			return 0, fmt.Errorf("unrecognized enum %s value %q", enumName, repr)
+		}
+		return val, nil
+	}
+	// Old style: enums are ints.
+	var val int32
+	if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &val); err != nil {
+		return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot unmarshal %#q into enum %s", data, enumName)
+	}
+	return val, nil
+// DebugPrint dumps the encoded data in b in a debugging format with a header
+// including the string s. Used in testing but made available for general debugging.
+func (p *Buffer) DebugPrint(s string, b []byte) {
+	var u uint64
+	obuf := p.buf
+	index := p.index
+	p.buf = b
+	p.index = 0
+	depth := 0
+	fmt.Printf("\n--- %s ---\n", s)
+	for {
+		for i := 0; i < depth; i++ {
+			fmt.Print("  ")
+		}
+		index := p.index
+		if index == len(p.buf) {
+			break
+		}
+		op, err := p.DecodeVarint()
+		if err != nil {
+			fmt.Printf("%3d: fetching op err %v\n", index, err)
+			break out
+		}
+		tag := op >> 3
+		wire := op & 7
+		switch wire {
+		default:
+			fmt.Printf("%3d: t=%3d unknown wire=%d\n",
+				index, tag, wire)
+			break out
+		case WireBytes:
+			var r []byte
+			r, err = p.DecodeRawBytes(false)
+			if err != nil {
+				break out
+			}
+			fmt.Printf("%3d: t=%3d bytes [%d]", index, tag, len(r))
+			if len(r) <= 6 {
+				for i := 0; i < len(r); i++ {
+					fmt.Printf(" %.2x", r[i])
+				}
+			} else {
+				for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
+					fmt.Printf(" %.2x", r[i])
+				}
+				fmt.Printf(" ..")
+				for i := len(r) - 3; i < len(r); i++ {
+					fmt.Printf(" %.2x", r[i])
+				}
+			}
+			fmt.Printf("\n")
+		case WireFixed32:
+			u, err = p.DecodeFixed32()
+			if err != nil {
+				fmt.Printf("%3d: t=%3d fix32 err %v\n", index, tag, err)
+				break out
+			}
+			fmt.Printf("%3d: t=%3d fix32 %d\n", index, tag, u)
+		case WireFixed64:
+			u, err = p.DecodeFixed64()
+			if err != nil {
+				fmt.Printf("%3d: t=%3d fix64 err %v\n", index, tag, err)
+				break out
+			}
+			fmt.Printf("%3d: t=%3d fix64 %d\n", index, tag, u)
+		case WireVarint:
+			u, err = p.DecodeVarint()
+			if err != nil {
+				fmt.Printf("%3d: t=%3d varint err %v\n", index, tag, err)
+				break out
+			}
+			fmt.Printf("%3d: t=%3d varint %d\n", index, tag, u)
+		case WireStartGroup:
+			fmt.Printf("%3d: t=%3d start\n", index, tag)
+			depth++
+		case WireEndGroup:
+			depth--
+			fmt.Printf("%3d: t=%3d end\n", index, tag)
+		}
+	}
+	if depth != 0 {
+		fmt.Printf("%3d: start-end not balanced %d\n", p.index, depth)
+	}
+	fmt.Printf("\n")
+	p.buf = obuf
+	p.index = index
+// SetDefaults sets unset protocol buffer fields to their default values.
+// It only modifies fields that are both unset and have defined defaults.
+// It recursively sets default values in any non-nil sub-messages.
+func SetDefaults(pb Message) {
+	setDefaults(reflect.ValueOf(pb), true, false)
+// v is a pointer to a struct.
+func setDefaults(v reflect.Value, recur, zeros bool) {
+	v = v.Elem()
+	defaultMu.RLock()
+	dm, ok := defaults[v.Type()]
+	defaultMu.RUnlock()
+	if !ok {
+		dm = buildDefaultMessage(v.Type())
+		defaultMu.Lock()
+		defaults[v.Type()] = dm
+		defaultMu.Unlock()
+	}
+	for _, sf := range dm.scalars {
+		f := v.Field(sf.index)
+		if !f.IsNil() {
+			// field already set
+			continue
+		}
+		dv := sf.value
+		if dv == nil && !zeros {
+			// no explicit default, and don't want to set zeros
+			continue
+		}
+		fptr := f.Addr().Interface() // **T
+		// TODO: Consider batching the allocations we do here.
+		switch sf.kind {
+		case reflect.Bool:
+			b := new(bool)
+			if dv != nil {
+				*b = dv.(bool)
+			}
+			*(fptr.(**bool)) = b
+		case reflect.Float32:
+			f := new(float32)
+			if dv != nil {
+				*f = dv.(float32)
+			}
+			*(fptr.(**float32)) = f
+		case reflect.Float64:
+			f := new(float64)
+			if dv != nil {
+				*f = dv.(float64)
+			}
+			*(fptr.(**float64)) = f
+		case reflect.Int32:
+			// might be an enum
+			if ft := f.Type(); ft != int32PtrType {
+				// enum
+				f.Set(reflect.New(ft.Elem()))
+				if dv != nil {
+					f.Elem().SetInt(int64(dv.(int32)))
+				}
+			} else {
+				// int32 field
+				i := new(int32)
+				if dv != nil {
+					*i = dv.(int32)
+				}
+				*(fptr.(**int32)) = i
+			}
+		case reflect.Int64:
+			i := new(int64)
+			if dv != nil {
+				*i = dv.(int64)
+			}
+			*(fptr.(**int64)) = i
+		case reflect.String:
+			s := new(string)
+			if dv != nil {
+				*s = dv.(string)
+			}
+			*(fptr.(**string)) = s
+		case reflect.Uint8:
+			// exceptional case: []byte
+			var b []byte
+			if dv != nil {
+				db := dv.([]byte)
+				b = make([]byte, len(db))
+				copy(b, db)
+			} else {
+				b = []byte{}
+			}
+			*(fptr.(*[]byte)) = b
+		case reflect.Uint32:
+			u := new(uint32)
+			if dv != nil {
+				*u = dv.(uint32)
+			}
+			*(fptr.(**uint32)) = u
+		case reflect.Uint64:
+			u := new(uint64)
+			if dv != nil {
+				*u = dv.(uint64)
+			}
+			*(fptr.(**uint64)) = u
+		default:
+			log.Printf("proto: can't set default for field %v (sf.kind=%v)", f, sf.kind)
+		}
+	}
+	for _, ni := range dm.nested {
+		f := v.Field(ni)
+		// f is *T or []*T or map[T]*T
+		switch f.Kind() {
+		case reflect.Ptr:
+			if f.IsNil() {
+				continue
+			}
+			setDefaults(f, recur, zeros)
+		case reflect.Slice:
+			for i := 0; i < f.Len(); i++ {
+				e := f.Index(i)
+				if e.IsNil() {
+					continue
+				}
+				setDefaults(e, recur, zeros)
+			}
+		case reflect.Map:
+			for _, k := range f.MapKeys() {
+				e := f.MapIndex(k)
+				if e.IsNil() {
+					continue
+				}
+				setDefaults(e, recur, zeros)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+var (
+	// defaults maps a protocol buffer struct type to a slice of the fields,
+	// with its scalar fields set to their proto-declared non-zero default values.
+	defaultMu sync.RWMutex
+	defaults  = make(map[reflect.Type]defaultMessage)
+	int32PtrType = reflect.TypeOf((*int32)(nil))
+// defaultMessage represents information about the default values of a message.
+type defaultMessage struct {
+	scalars []scalarField
+	nested  []int // struct field index of nested messages
+type scalarField struct {
+	index int          // struct field index
+	kind  reflect.Kind // element type (the T in *T or []T)
+	value interface{}  // the proto-declared default value, or nil
+// t is a struct type.
+func buildDefaultMessage(t reflect.Type) (dm defaultMessage) {
+	sprop := GetProperties(t)
+	for _, prop := range sprop.Prop {
+		fi, ok := sprop.decoderTags.get(prop.Tag)
+		if !ok {
+			// XXX_unrecognized
+			continue
+		}
+		ft := t.Field(fi).Type
+		sf, nested, err := fieldDefault(ft, prop)
+		switch {
+		case err != nil:
+			log.Print(err)
+		case nested:
+			dm.nested = append(dm.nested, fi)
+		case sf != nil:
+			sf.index = fi
+			dm.scalars = append(dm.scalars, *sf)
+		}
+	}
+	return dm
+// fieldDefault returns the scalarField for field type ft.
+// sf will be nil if the field can not have a default.
+// nestedMessage will be true if this is a nested message.
+// Note that sf.index is not set on return.
+func fieldDefault(ft reflect.Type, prop *Properties) (sf *scalarField, nestedMessage bool, err error) {
+	var canHaveDefault bool
+	switch ft.Kind() {
+	case reflect.Ptr:
+		if ft.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Struct {
+			nestedMessage = true
+		} else {
+			canHaveDefault = true // proto2 scalar field
+		}
+	case reflect.Slice:
+		switch ft.Elem().Kind() {
+		case reflect.Ptr:
+			nestedMessage = true // repeated message
+		case reflect.Uint8:
+			canHaveDefault = true // bytes field
+		}
+	case reflect.Map:
+		if ft.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+			nestedMessage = true // map with message values
+		}
+	}
+	if !canHaveDefault {
+		if nestedMessage {
+			return nil, true, nil
+		}
+		return nil, false, nil
+	}
+	// We now know that ft is a pointer or slice.
+	sf = &scalarField{kind: ft.Elem().Kind()}
+	// scalar fields without defaults
+	if !prop.HasDefault {
+		return sf, false, nil
+	}
+	// a scalar field: either *T or []byte
+	switch ft.Elem().Kind() {
+	case reflect.Bool:
+		x, err := strconv.ParseBool(prop.Default)
+		if err != nil {
+			return nil, false, fmt.Errorf("proto: bad default bool %q: %v", prop.Default, err)
+		}
+		sf.value = x
+	case reflect.Float32:
+		x, err := strconv.ParseFloat(prop.Default, 32)
+		if err != nil {
+			return nil, false, fmt.Errorf("proto: bad default float32 %q: %v", prop.Default, err)
+		}
+		sf.value = float32(x)
+	case reflect.Float64:
+		x, err := strconv.ParseFloat(prop.Default, 64)
+		if err != nil {
+			return nil, false, fmt.Errorf("proto: bad default float64 %q: %v", prop.Default, err)
+		}
+		sf.value = x
+	case reflect.Int32:
+		x, err := strconv.ParseInt(prop.Default, 10, 32)
+		if err != nil {
+			return nil, false, fmt.Errorf("proto: bad default int32 %q: %v", prop.Default, err)
+		}
+		sf.value = int32(x)
+	case reflect.Int64:
+		x, err := strconv.ParseInt(prop.Default, 10, 64)
+		if err != nil {
+			return nil, false, fmt.Errorf("proto: bad default int64 %q: %v", prop.Default, err)
+		}
+		sf.value = x
+	case reflect.String:
+		sf.value = prop.Default
+	case reflect.Uint8:
+		// []byte (not *uint8)
+		sf.value = []byte(prop.Default)
+	case reflect.Uint32:
+		x, err := strconv.ParseUint(prop.Default, 10, 32)
+		if err != nil {
+			return nil, false, fmt.Errorf("proto: bad default uint32 %q: %v", prop.Default, err)
+		}
+		sf.value = uint32(x)
+	case reflect.Uint64:
+		x, err := strconv.ParseUint(prop.Default, 10, 64)
+		if err != nil {
+			return nil, false, fmt.Errorf("proto: bad default uint64 %q: %v", prop.Default, err)
+		}
+		sf.value = x
+	default:
+		return nil, false, fmt.Errorf("proto: unhandled def kind %v", ft.Elem().Kind())
+	}
+	return sf, false, nil
+// mapKeys returns a sort.Interface to be used for sorting the map keys.
+// Map fields may have key types of non-float scalars, strings and enums.
+func mapKeys(vs []reflect.Value) sort.Interface {
+	s := mapKeySorter{vs: vs}
+	// Type specialization per https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/proto#maps.
+	if len(vs) == 0 {
+		return s
+	}
+	switch vs[0].Kind() {
+	case reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
+		s.less = func(a, b reflect.Value) bool { return a.Int() < b.Int() }
+	case reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64:
+		s.less = func(a, b reflect.Value) bool { return a.Uint() < b.Uint() }
+	case reflect.Bool:
+		s.less = func(a, b reflect.Value) bool { return !a.Bool() && b.Bool() } // false < true
+	case reflect.String:
+		s.less = func(a, b reflect.Value) bool { return a.String() < b.String() }
+	default:
+		panic(fmt.Sprintf("unsupported map key type: %v", vs[0].Kind()))
+	}
+	return s
+type mapKeySorter struct {
+	vs   []reflect.Value
+	less func(a, b reflect.Value) bool
+func (s mapKeySorter) Len() int      { return len(s.vs) }
+func (s mapKeySorter) Swap(i, j int) { s.vs[i], s.vs[j] = s.vs[j], s.vs[i] }
+func (s mapKeySorter) Less(i, j int) bool {
+	return s.less(s.vs[i], s.vs[j])
+// isProto3Zero reports whether v is a zero proto3 value.
+func isProto3Zero(v reflect.Value) bool {
+	switch v.Kind() {
+	case reflect.Bool:
+		return !v.Bool()
+	case reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
+		return v.Int() == 0
+	case reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64:
+		return v.Uint() == 0
+	case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
+		return v.Float() == 0
+	case reflect.String:
+		return v.String() == ""
+	}
+	return false
+const (
+	// ProtoPackageIsVersion3 is referenced from generated protocol buffer files
+	// to assert that that code is compatible with this version of the proto package.
+	ProtoPackageIsVersion3 = true
+	// ProtoPackageIsVersion2 is referenced from generated protocol buffer files
+	// to assert that that code is compatible with this version of the proto package.
+	ProtoPackageIsVersion2 = true
+	// ProtoPackageIsVersion1 is referenced from generated protocol buffer files
+	// to assert that that code is compatible with this version of the proto package.
+	ProtoPackageIsVersion1 = true
+// InternalMessageInfo is a type used internally by generated .pb.go files.
+// This type is not intended to be used by non-generated code.
+// This type is not subject to any compatibility guarantee.
+type InternalMessageInfo struct {
+	marshal   *marshalInfo
+	unmarshal *unmarshalInfo
+	merge     *mergeInfo
+	discard   *discardInfo
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/message_set.go b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/message_set.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f48a756
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/message_set.go
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+// Go support for Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
+// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors.  All rights reserved.
+// https://github.com/golang/protobuf
+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+// met:
+//     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+//     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
+// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+// distribution.
+//     * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
+// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+// this software without specific prior written permission.
+package proto
+ * Support for message sets.
+ */
+import (
+	"errors"
+// errNoMessageTypeID occurs when a protocol buffer does not have a message type ID.
+// A message type ID is required for storing a protocol buffer in a message set.
+var errNoMessageTypeID = errors.New("proto does not have a message type ID")
+// The first two types (_MessageSet_Item and messageSet)
+// model what the protocol compiler produces for the following protocol message:
+//   message MessageSet {
+//     repeated group Item = 1 {
+//       required int32 type_id = 2;
+//       required string message = 3;
+//     };
+//   }
+// That is the MessageSet wire format. We can't use a proto to generate these
+// because that would introduce a circular dependency between it and this package.
+type _MessageSet_Item struct {
+	TypeId  *int32 `protobuf:"varint,2,req,name=type_id"`
+	Message []byte `protobuf:"bytes,3,req,name=message"`
+type messageSet struct {
+	Item             []*_MessageSet_Item `protobuf:"group,1,rep"`
+	XXX_unrecognized []byte
+	// TODO: caching?
+// Make sure messageSet is a Message.
+var _ Message = (*messageSet)(nil)
+// messageTypeIder is an interface satisfied by a protocol buffer type
+// that may be stored in a MessageSet.
+type messageTypeIder interface {
+	MessageTypeId() int32
+func (ms *messageSet) find(pb Message) *_MessageSet_Item {
+	mti, ok := pb.(messageTypeIder)
+	if !ok {
+		return nil
+	}
+	id := mti.MessageTypeId()
+	for _, item := range ms.Item {
+		if *item.TypeId == id {
+			return item
+		}
+	}
+	return nil
+func (ms *messageSet) Has(pb Message) bool {
+	return ms.find(pb) != nil
+func (ms *messageSet) Unmarshal(pb Message) error {
+	if item := ms.find(pb); item != nil {
+		return Unmarshal(item.Message, pb)
+	}
+	if _, ok := pb.(messageTypeIder); !ok {
+		return errNoMessageTypeID
+	}
+	return nil // TODO: return error instead?
+func (ms *messageSet) Marshal(pb Message) error {
+	msg, err := Marshal(pb)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	if item := ms.find(pb); item != nil {
+		// reuse existing item
+		item.Message = msg
+		return nil
+	}
+	mti, ok := pb.(messageTypeIder)
+	if !ok {
+		return errNoMessageTypeID
+	}
+	mtid := mti.MessageTypeId()
+	ms.Item = append(ms.Item, &_MessageSet_Item{
+		TypeId:  &mtid,
+		Message: msg,
+	})
+	return nil
+func (ms *messageSet) Reset()         { *ms = messageSet{} }
+func (ms *messageSet) String() string { return CompactTextString(ms) }
+func (*messageSet) ProtoMessage()     {}
+// Support for the message_set_wire_format message option.
+func skipVarint(buf []byte) []byte {
+	i := 0
+	for ; buf[i]&0x80 != 0; i++ {
+	}
+	return buf[i+1:]
+// unmarshalMessageSet decodes the extension map encoded in buf in the message set wire format.
+// It is called by Unmarshal methods on protocol buffer messages with the message_set_wire_format option.
+func unmarshalMessageSet(buf []byte, exts interface{}) error {
+	var m map[int32]Extension
+	switch exts := exts.(type) {
+	case *XXX_InternalExtensions:
+		m = exts.extensionsWrite()
+	case map[int32]Extension:
+		m = exts
+	default:
+		return errors.New("proto: not an extension map")
+	}
+	ms := new(messageSet)
+	if err := Unmarshal(buf, ms); err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	for _, item := range ms.Item {
+		id := *item.TypeId
+		msg := item.Message
+		// Restore wire type and field number varint, plus length varint.
+		// Be careful to preserve duplicate items.
+		b := EncodeVarint(uint64(id)<<3 | WireBytes)
+		if ext, ok := m[id]; ok {
+			// Existing data; rip off the tag and length varint
+			// so we join the new data correctly.
+			// We can assume that ext.enc is set because we are unmarshaling.
+			o := ext.enc[len(b):]   // skip wire type and field number
+			_, n := DecodeVarint(o) // calculate length of length varint
+			o = o[n:]               // skip length varint
+			msg = append(o, msg...) // join old data and new data
+		}
+		b = append(b, EncodeVarint(uint64(len(msg)))...)
+		b = append(b, msg...)
+		m[id] = Extension{enc: b}
+	}
+	return nil
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/pointer_reflect.go b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/pointer_reflect.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94fa919
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/pointer_reflect.go
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+// Go support for Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
+// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors.  All rights reserved.
+// https://github.com/golang/protobuf
+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+// met:
+//     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+//     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
+// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+// distribution.
+//     * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
+// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+// this software without specific prior written permission.
+// +build purego appengine js
+// This file contains an implementation of proto field accesses using package reflect.
+// It is slower than the code in pointer_unsafe.go but it avoids package unsafe and can
+// be used on App Engine.
+package proto
+import (
+	"reflect"
+	"sync"
+const unsafeAllowed = false
+// A field identifies a field in a struct, accessible from a pointer.
+// In this implementation, a field is identified by the sequence of field indices
+// passed to reflect's FieldByIndex.
+type field []int
+// toField returns a field equivalent to the given reflect field.
+func toField(f *reflect.StructField) field {
+	return f.Index
+// invalidField is an invalid field identifier.
+var invalidField = field(nil)
+// zeroField is a noop when calling pointer.offset.
+var zeroField = field([]int{})
+// IsValid reports whether the field identifier is valid.
+func (f field) IsValid() bool { return f != nil }
+// The pointer type is for the table-driven decoder.
+// The implementation here uses a reflect.Value of pointer type to
+// create a generic pointer. In pointer_unsafe.go we use unsafe
+// instead of reflect to implement the same (but faster) interface.
+type pointer struct {
+	v reflect.Value
+// toPointer converts an interface of pointer type to a pointer
+// that points to the same target.
+func toPointer(i *Message) pointer {
+	return pointer{v: reflect.ValueOf(*i)}
+// toAddrPointer converts an interface to a pointer that points to
+// the interface data.
+func toAddrPointer(i *interface{}, isptr, deref bool) pointer {
+	v := reflect.ValueOf(*i)
+	u := reflect.New(v.Type())
+	u.Elem().Set(v)
+	if deref {
+		u = u.Elem()
+	}
+	return pointer{v: u}
+// valToPointer converts v to a pointer.  v must be of pointer type.
+func valToPointer(v reflect.Value) pointer {
+	return pointer{v: v}
+// offset converts from a pointer to a structure to a pointer to
+// one of its fields.
+func (p pointer) offset(f field) pointer {
+	return pointer{v: p.v.Elem().FieldByIndex(f).Addr()}
+func (p pointer) isNil() bool {
+	return p.v.IsNil()
+// grow updates the slice s in place to make it one element longer.
+// s must be addressable.
+// Returns the (addressable) new element.
+func grow(s reflect.Value) reflect.Value {
+	n, m := s.Len(), s.Cap()
+	if n < m {
+		s.SetLen(n + 1)
+	} else {
+		s.Set(reflect.Append(s, reflect.Zero(s.Type().Elem())))
+	}
+	return s.Index(n)
+func (p pointer) toInt64() *int64 {
+	return p.v.Interface().(*int64)
+func (p pointer) toInt64Ptr() **int64 {
+	return p.v.Interface().(**int64)
+func (p pointer) toInt64Slice() *[]int64 {
+	return p.v.Interface().(*[]int64)
+var int32ptr = reflect.TypeOf((*int32)(nil))
+func (p pointer) toInt32() *int32 {
+	return p.v.Convert(int32ptr).Interface().(*int32)
+// The toInt32Ptr/Slice methods don't work because of enums.
+// Instead, we must use set/get methods for the int32ptr/slice case.
+	func (p pointer) toInt32Ptr() **int32 {
+		return p.v.Interface().(**int32)
+	func (p pointer) toInt32Slice() *[]int32 {
+		return p.v.Interface().(*[]int32)
+func (p pointer) getInt32Ptr() *int32 {
+	if p.v.Type().Elem().Elem() == reflect.TypeOf(int32(0)) {
+		// raw int32 type
+		return p.v.Elem().Interface().(*int32)
+	}
+	// an enum
+	return p.v.Elem().Convert(int32PtrType).Interface().(*int32)
+func (p pointer) setInt32Ptr(v int32) {
+	// Allocate value in a *int32. Possibly convert that to a *enum.
+	// Then assign it to a **int32 or **enum.
+	// Note: we can convert *int32 to *enum, but we can't convert
+	// **int32 to **enum!
+	p.v.Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(&v).Convert(p.v.Type().Elem()))
+// getInt32Slice copies []int32 from p as a new slice.
+// This behavior differs from the implementation in pointer_unsafe.go.
+func (p pointer) getInt32Slice() []int32 {
+	if p.v.Type().Elem().Elem() == reflect.TypeOf(int32(0)) {
+		// raw int32 type
+		return p.v.Elem().Interface().([]int32)
+	}
+	// an enum
+	// Allocate a []int32, then assign []enum's values into it.
+	// Note: we can't convert []enum to []int32.
+	slice := p.v.Elem()
+	s := make([]int32, slice.Len())
+	for i := 0; i < slice.Len(); i++ {
+		s[i] = int32(slice.Index(i).Int())
+	}
+	return s
+// setInt32Slice copies []int32 into p as a new slice.
+// This behavior differs from the implementation in pointer_unsafe.go.
+func (p pointer) setInt32Slice(v []int32) {
+	if p.v.Type().Elem().Elem() == reflect.TypeOf(int32(0)) {
+		// raw int32 type
+		p.v.Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(v))
+		return
+	}
+	// an enum
+	// Allocate a []enum, then assign []int32's values into it.
+	// Note: we can't convert []enum to []int32.
+	slice := reflect.MakeSlice(p.v.Type().Elem(), len(v), cap(v))
+	for i, x := range v {
+		slice.Index(i).SetInt(int64(x))
+	}
+	p.v.Elem().Set(slice)
+func (p pointer) appendInt32Slice(v int32) {
+	grow(p.v.Elem()).SetInt(int64(v))
+func (p pointer) toUint64() *uint64 {
+	return p.v.Interface().(*uint64)
+func (p pointer) toUint64Ptr() **uint64 {
+	return p.v.Interface().(**uint64)
+func (p pointer) toUint64Slice() *[]uint64 {
+	return p.v.Interface().(*[]uint64)
+func (p pointer) toUint32() *uint32 {
+	return p.v.Interface().(*uint32)
+func (p pointer) toUint32Ptr() **uint32 {
+	return p.v.Interface().(**uint32)
+func (p pointer) toUint32Slice() *[]uint32 {
+	return p.v.Interface().(*[]uint32)
+func (p pointer) toBool() *bool {
+	return p.v.Interface().(*bool)
+func (p pointer) toBoolPtr() **bool {
+	return p.v.Interface().(**bool)
+func (p pointer) toBoolSlice() *[]bool {
+	return p.v.Interface().(*[]bool)
+func (p pointer) toFloat64() *float64 {
+	return p.v.Interface().(*float64)
+func (p pointer) toFloat64Ptr() **float64 {
+	return p.v.Interface().(**float64)
+func (p pointer) toFloat64Slice() *[]float64 {
+	return p.v.Interface().(*[]float64)
+func (p pointer) toFloat32() *float32 {
+	return p.v.Interface().(*float32)
+func (p pointer) toFloat32Ptr() **float32 {
+	return p.v.Interface().(**float32)
+func (p pointer) toFloat32Slice() *[]float32 {
+	return p.v.Interface().(*[]float32)
+func (p pointer) toString() *string {
+	return p.v.Interface().(*string)
+func (p pointer) toStringPtr() **string {
+	return p.v.Interface().(**string)
+func (p pointer) toStringSlice() *[]string {
+	return p.v.Interface().(*[]string)
+func (p pointer) toBytes() *[]byte {
+	return p.v.Interface().(*[]byte)
+func (p pointer) toBytesSlice() *[][]byte {
+	return p.v.Interface().(*[][]byte)
+func (p pointer) toExtensions() *XXX_InternalExtensions {
+	return p.v.Interface().(*XXX_InternalExtensions)
+func (p pointer) toOldExtensions() *map[int32]Extension {
+	return p.v.Interface().(*map[int32]Extension)
+func (p pointer) getPointer() pointer {
+	return pointer{v: p.v.Elem()}
+func (p pointer) setPointer(q pointer) {
+	p.v.Elem().Set(q.v)
+func (p pointer) appendPointer(q pointer) {
+	grow(p.v.Elem()).Set(q.v)
+// getPointerSlice copies []*T from p as a new []pointer.
+// This behavior differs from the implementation in pointer_unsafe.go.
+func (p pointer) getPointerSlice() []pointer {
+	if p.v.IsNil() {
+		return nil
+	}
+	n := p.v.Elem().Len()
+	s := make([]pointer, n)
+	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
+		s[i] = pointer{v: p.v.Elem().Index(i)}
+	}
+	return s
+// setPointerSlice copies []pointer into p as a new []*T.
+// This behavior differs from the implementation in pointer_unsafe.go.
+func (p pointer) setPointerSlice(v []pointer) {
+	if v == nil {
+		p.v.Elem().Set(reflect.New(p.v.Elem().Type()).Elem())
+		return
+	}
+	s := reflect.MakeSlice(p.v.Elem().Type(), 0, len(v))
+	for _, p := range v {
+		s = reflect.Append(s, p.v)
+	}
+	p.v.Elem().Set(s)
+// getInterfacePointer returns a pointer that points to the
+// interface data of the interface pointed by p.
+func (p pointer) getInterfacePointer() pointer {
+	if p.v.Elem().IsNil() {
+		return pointer{v: p.v.Elem()}
+	}
+	return pointer{v: p.v.Elem().Elem().Elem().Field(0).Addr()} // *interface -> interface -> *struct -> struct
+func (p pointer) asPointerTo(t reflect.Type) reflect.Value {
+	// TODO: check that p.v.Type().Elem() == t?
+	return p.v
+func atomicLoadUnmarshalInfo(p **unmarshalInfo) *unmarshalInfo {
+	atomicLock.Lock()
+	defer atomicLock.Unlock()
+	return *p
+func atomicStoreUnmarshalInfo(p **unmarshalInfo, v *unmarshalInfo) {
+	atomicLock.Lock()
+	defer atomicLock.Unlock()
+	*p = v
+func atomicLoadMarshalInfo(p **marshalInfo) *marshalInfo {
+	atomicLock.Lock()
+	defer atomicLock.Unlock()
+	return *p
+func atomicStoreMarshalInfo(p **marshalInfo, v *marshalInfo) {
+	atomicLock.Lock()
+	defer atomicLock.Unlock()
+	*p = v
+func atomicLoadMergeInfo(p **mergeInfo) *mergeInfo {
+	atomicLock.Lock()
+	defer atomicLock.Unlock()
+	return *p
+func atomicStoreMergeInfo(p **mergeInfo, v *mergeInfo) {
+	atomicLock.Lock()
+	defer atomicLock.Unlock()
+	*p = v
+func atomicLoadDiscardInfo(p **discardInfo) *discardInfo {
+	atomicLock.Lock()
+	defer atomicLock.Unlock()
+	return *p
+func atomicStoreDiscardInfo(p **discardInfo, v *discardInfo) {
+	atomicLock.Lock()
+	defer atomicLock.Unlock()
+	*p = v
+var atomicLock sync.Mutex
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/pointer_unsafe.go b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/pointer_unsafe.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dbfffe0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/pointer_unsafe.go
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+// Go support for Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
+// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors.  All rights reserved.
+// https://github.com/golang/protobuf
+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+// met:
+//     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+//     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
+// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+// distribution.
+//     * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
+// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+// this software without specific prior written permission.
+// +build !purego,!appengine,!js
+// This file contains the implementation of the proto field accesses using package unsafe.
+package proto
+import (
+	"reflect"
+	"sync/atomic"
+	"unsafe"
+const unsafeAllowed = true
+// A field identifies a field in a struct, accessible from a pointer.
+// In this implementation, a field is identified by its byte offset from the start of the struct.
+type field uintptr
+// toField returns a field equivalent to the given reflect field.
+func toField(f *reflect.StructField) field {
+	return field(f.Offset)
+// invalidField is an invalid field identifier.
+const invalidField = ^field(0)
+// zeroField is a noop when calling pointer.offset.
+const zeroField = field(0)
+// IsValid reports whether the field identifier is valid.
+func (f field) IsValid() bool {
+	return f != invalidField
+// The pointer type below is for the new table-driven encoder/decoder.
+// The implementation here uses unsafe.Pointer to create a generic pointer.
+// In pointer_reflect.go we use reflect instead of unsafe to implement
+// the same (but slower) interface.
+type pointer struct {
+	p unsafe.Pointer
+// size of pointer
+var ptrSize = unsafe.Sizeof(uintptr(0))
+// toPointer converts an interface of pointer type to a pointer
+// that points to the same target.
+func toPointer(i *Message) pointer {
+	// Super-tricky - read pointer out of data word of interface value.
+	// Saves ~25ns over the equivalent:
+	// return valToPointer(reflect.ValueOf(*i))
+	return pointer{p: (*[2]unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(i))[1]}
+// toAddrPointer converts an interface to a pointer that points to
+// the interface data.
+func toAddrPointer(i *interface{}, isptr, deref bool) (p pointer) {
+	// Super-tricky - read or get the address of data word of interface value.
+	if isptr {
+		// The interface is of pointer type, thus it is a direct interface.
+		// The data word is the pointer data itself. We take its address.
+		p = pointer{p: unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(i)) + ptrSize)}
+	} else {
+		// The interface is not of pointer type. The data word is the pointer
+		// to the data.
+		p = pointer{p: (*[2]unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(i))[1]}
+	}
+	if deref {
+		p.p = *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p.p)
+	}
+	return p
+// valToPointer converts v to a pointer. v must be of pointer type.
+func valToPointer(v reflect.Value) pointer {
+	return pointer{p: unsafe.Pointer(v.Pointer())}
+// offset converts from a pointer to a structure to a pointer to
+// one of its fields.
+func (p pointer) offset(f field) pointer {
+	// For safety, we should panic if !f.IsValid, however calling panic causes
+	// this to no longer be inlineable, which is a serious performance cost.
+	/*
+		if !f.IsValid() {
+			panic("invalid field")
+		}
+	*/
+	return pointer{p: unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(p.p) + uintptr(f))}
+func (p pointer) isNil() bool {
+	return p.p == nil
+func (p pointer) toInt64() *int64 {
+	return (*int64)(p.p)
+func (p pointer) toInt64Ptr() **int64 {
+	return (**int64)(p.p)
+func (p pointer) toInt64Slice() *[]int64 {
+	return (*[]int64)(p.p)
+func (p pointer) toInt32() *int32 {
+	return (*int32)(p.p)
+// See pointer_reflect.go for why toInt32Ptr/Slice doesn't exist.
+	func (p pointer) toInt32Ptr() **int32 {
+		return (**int32)(p.p)
+	}
+	func (p pointer) toInt32Slice() *[]int32 {
+		return (*[]int32)(p.p)
+	}
+func (p pointer) getInt32Ptr() *int32 {
+	return *(**int32)(p.p)
+func (p pointer) setInt32Ptr(v int32) {
+	*(**int32)(p.p) = &v
+// getInt32Slice loads a []int32 from p.
+// The value returned is aliased with the original slice.
+// This behavior differs from the implementation in pointer_reflect.go.
+func (p pointer) getInt32Slice() []int32 {
+	return *(*[]int32)(p.p)
+// setInt32Slice stores a []int32 to p.
+// The value set is aliased with the input slice.
+// This behavior differs from the implementation in pointer_reflect.go.
+func (p pointer) setInt32Slice(v []int32) {
+	*(*[]int32)(p.p) = v
+// TODO: Can we get rid of appendInt32Slice and use setInt32Slice instead?
+func (p pointer) appendInt32Slice(v int32) {
+	s := (*[]int32)(p.p)
+	*s = append(*s, v)
+func (p pointer) toUint64() *uint64 {
+	return (*uint64)(p.p)
+func (p pointer) toUint64Ptr() **uint64 {
+	return (**uint64)(p.p)
+func (p pointer) toUint64Slice() *[]uint64 {
+	return (*[]uint64)(p.p)
+func (p pointer) toUint32() *uint32 {
+	return (*uint32)(p.p)
+func (p pointer) toUint32Ptr() **uint32 {
+	return (**uint32)(p.p)
+func (p pointer) toUint32Slice() *[]uint32 {
+	return (*[]uint32)(p.p)
+func (p pointer) toBool() *bool {
+	return (*bool)(p.p)
+func (p pointer) toBoolPtr() **bool {
+	return (**bool)(p.p)
+func (p pointer) toBoolSlice() *[]bool {
+	return (*[]bool)(p.p)
+func (p pointer) toFloat64() *float64 {
+	return (*float64)(p.p)
+func (p pointer) toFloat64Ptr() **float64 {
+	return (**float64)(p.p)
+func (p pointer) toFloat64Slice() *[]float64 {
+	return (*[]float64)(p.p)
+func (p pointer) toFloat32() *float32 {
+	return (*float32)(p.p)
+func (p pointer) toFloat32Ptr() **float32 {
+	return (**float32)(p.p)
+func (p pointer) toFloat32Slice() *[]float32 {
+	return (*[]float32)(p.p)
+func (p pointer) toString() *string {
+	return (*string)(p.p)
+func (p pointer) toStringPtr() **string {
+	return (**string)(p.p)
+func (p pointer) toStringSlice() *[]string {
+	return (*[]string)(p.p)
+func (p pointer) toBytes() *[]byte {
+	return (*[]byte)(p.p)
+func (p pointer) toBytesSlice() *[][]byte {
+	return (*[][]byte)(p.p)
+func (p pointer) toExtensions() *XXX_InternalExtensions {
+	return (*XXX_InternalExtensions)(p.p)
+func (p pointer) toOldExtensions() *map[int32]Extension {
+	return (*map[int32]Extension)(p.p)
+// getPointerSlice loads []*T from p as a []pointer.
+// The value returned is aliased with the original slice.
+// This behavior differs from the implementation in pointer_reflect.go.
+func (p pointer) getPointerSlice() []pointer {
+	// Super-tricky - p should point to a []*T where T is a
+	// message type. We load it as []pointer.
+	return *(*[]pointer)(p.p)
+// setPointerSlice stores []pointer into p as a []*T.
+// The value set is aliased with the input slice.
+// This behavior differs from the implementation in pointer_reflect.go.
+func (p pointer) setPointerSlice(v []pointer) {
+	// Super-tricky - p should point to a []*T where T is a
+	// message type. We store it as []pointer.
+	*(*[]pointer)(p.p) = v
+// getPointer loads the pointer at p and returns it.
+func (p pointer) getPointer() pointer {
+	return pointer{p: *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p.p)}
+// setPointer stores the pointer q at p.
+func (p pointer) setPointer(q pointer) {
+	*(*unsafe.Pointer)(p.p) = q.p
+// append q to the slice pointed to by p.
+func (p pointer) appendPointer(q pointer) {
+	s := (*[]unsafe.Pointer)(p.p)
+	*s = append(*s, q.p)
+// getInterfacePointer returns a pointer that points to the
+// interface data of the interface pointed by p.
+func (p pointer) getInterfacePointer() pointer {
+	// Super-tricky - read pointer out of data word of interface value.
+	return pointer{p: (*(*[2]unsafe.Pointer)(p.p))[1]}
+// asPointerTo returns a reflect.Value that is a pointer to an
+// object of type t stored at p.
+func (p pointer) asPointerTo(t reflect.Type) reflect.Value {
+	return reflect.NewAt(t, p.p)
+func atomicLoadUnmarshalInfo(p **unmarshalInfo) *unmarshalInfo {
+	return (*unmarshalInfo)(atomic.LoadPointer((*unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(p))))
+func atomicStoreUnmarshalInfo(p **unmarshalInfo, v *unmarshalInfo) {
+	atomic.StorePointer((*unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(p)), unsafe.Pointer(v))
+func atomicLoadMarshalInfo(p **marshalInfo) *marshalInfo {
+	return (*marshalInfo)(atomic.LoadPointer((*unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(p))))
+func atomicStoreMarshalInfo(p **marshalInfo, v *marshalInfo) {
+	atomic.StorePointer((*unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(p)), unsafe.Pointer(v))
+func atomicLoadMergeInfo(p **mergeInfo) *mergeInfo {
+	return (*mergeInfo)(atomic.LoadPointer((*unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(p))))
+func atomicStoreMergeInfo(p **mergeInfo, v *mergeInfo) {
+	atomic.StorePointer((*unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(p)), unsafe.Pointer(v))
+func atomicLoadDiscardInfo(p **discardInfo) *discardInfo {
+	return (*discardInfo)(atomic.LoadPointer((*unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(p))))
+func atomicStoreDiscardInfo(p **discardInfo, v *discardInfo) {
+	atomic.StorePointer((*unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(p)), unsafe.Pointer(v))
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/properties.go b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/properties.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79668ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/properties.go
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+// Go support for Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
+// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors.  All rights reserved.
+// https://github.com/golang/protobuf
+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+// met:
+//     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+//     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
+// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+// distribution.
+//     * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
+// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+// this software without specific prior written permission.
+package proto
+ * Routines for encoding data into the wire format for protocol buffers.
+ */
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	"log"
+	"os"
+	"reflect"
+	"sort"
+	"strconv"
+	"strings"
+	"sync"
+const debug bool = false
+// Constants that identify the encoding of a value on the wire.
+const (
+	WireVarint     = 0
+	WireFixed64    = 1
+	WireBytes      = 2
+	WireStartGroup = 3
+	WireEndGroup   = 4
+	WireFixed32    = 5
+// tagMap is an optimization over map[int]int for typical protocol buffer
+// use-cases. Encoded protocol buffers are often in tag order with small tag
+// numbers.
+type tagMap struct {
+	fastTags []int
+	slowTags map[int]int
+// tagMapFastLimit is the upper bound on the tag number that will be stored in
+// the tagMap slice rather than its map.
+const tagMapFastLimit = 1024
+func (p *tagMap) get(t int) (int, bool) {
+	if t > 0 && t < tagMapFastLimit {
+		if t >= len(p.fastTags) {
+			return 0, false
+		}
+		fi := p.fastTags[t]
+		return fi, fi >= 0
+	}
+	fi, ok := p.slowTags[t]
+	return fi, ok
+func (p *tagMap) put(t int, fi int) {
+	if t > 0 && t < tagMapFastLimit {
+		for len(p.fastTags) < t+1 {
+			p.fastTags = append(p.fastTags, -1)
+		}
+		p.fastTags[t] = fi
+		return
+	}
+	if p.slowTags == nil {
+		p.slowTags = make(map[int]int)
+	}
+	p.slowTags[t] = fi
+// StructProperties represents properties for all the fields of a struct.
+// decoderTags and decoderOrigNames should only be used by the decoder.
+type StructProperties struct {
+	Prop             []*Properties  // properties for each field
+	reqCount         int            // required count
+	decoderTags      tagMap         // map from proto tag to struct field number
+	decoderOrigNames map[string]int // map from original name to struct field number
+	order            []int          // list of struct field numbers in tag order
+	// OneofTypes contains information about the oneof fields in this message.
+	// It is keyed by the original name of a field.
+	OneofTypes map[string]*OneofProperties
+// OneofProperties represents information about a specific field in a oneof.
+type OneofProperties struct {
+	Type  reflect.Type // pointer to generated struct type for this oneof field
+	Field int          // struct field number of the containing oneof in the message
+	Prop  *Properties
+// Implement the sorting interface so we can sort the fields in tag order, as recommended by the spec.
+// See encode.go, (*Buffer).enc_struct.
+func (sp *StructProperties) Len() int { return len(sp.order) }
+func (sp *StructProperties) Less(i, j int) bool {
+	return sp.Prop[sp.order[i]].Tag < sp.Prop[sp.order[j]].Tag
+func (sp *StructProperties) Swap(i, j int) { sp.order[i], sp.order[j] = sp.order[j], sp.order[i] }
+// Properties represents the protocol-specific behavior of a single struct field.
+type Properties struct {
+	Name     string // name of the field, for error messages
+	OrigName string // original name before protocol compiler (always set)
+	JSONName string // name to use for JSON; determined by protoc
+	Wire     string
+	WireType int
+	Tag      int
+	Required bool
+	Optional bool
+	Repeated bool
+	Packed   bool   // relevant for repeated primitives only
+	Enum     string // set for enum types only
+	proto3   bool   // whether this is known to be a proto3 field
+	oneof    bool   // whether this is a oneof field
+	Default    string // default value
+	HasDefault bool   // whether an explicit default was provided
+	stype reflect.Type      // set for struct types only
+	sprop *StructProperties // set for struct types only
+	mtype      reflect.Type // set for map types only
+	MapKeyProp *Properties  // set for map types only
+	MapValProp *Properties  // set for map types only
+// String formats the properties in the protobuf struct field tag style.
+func (p *Properties) String() string {
+	s := p.Wire
+	s += ","
+	s += strconv.Itoa(p.Tag)
+	if p.Required {
+		s += ",req"
+	}
+	if p.Optional {
+		s += ",opt"
+	}
+	if p.Repeated {
+		s += ",rep"
+	}
+	if p.Packed {
+		s += ",packed"
+	}
+	s += ",name=" + p.OrigName
+	if p.JSONName != p.OrigName {
+		s += ",json=" + p.JSONName
+	}
+	if p.proto3 {
+		s += ",proto3"
+	}
+	if p.oneof {
+		s += ",oneof"
+	}
+	if len(p.Enum) > 0 {
+		s += ",enum=" + p.Enum
+	}
+	if p.HasDefault {
+		s += ",def=" + p.Default
+	}
+	return s
+// Parse populates p by parsing a string in the protobuf struct field tag style.
+func (p *Properties) Parse(s string) {
+	// "bytes,49,opt,name=foo,def=hello!"
+	fields := strings.Split(s, ",") // breaks def=, but handled below.
+	if len(fields) < 2 {
+		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "proto: tag has too few fields: %q\n", s)
+		return
+	}
+	p.Wire = fields[0]
+	switch p.Wire {
+	case "varint":
+		p.WireType = WireVarint
+	case "fixed32":
+		p.WireType = WireFixed32
+	case "fixed64":
+		p.WireType = WireFixed64
+	case "zigzag32":
+		p.WireType = WireVarint
+	case "zigzag64":
+		p.WireType = WireVarint
+	case "bytes", "group":
+		p.WireType = WireBytes
+		// no numeric converter for non-numeric types
+	default:
+		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "proto: tag has unknown wire type: %q\n", s)
+		return
+	}
+	var err error
+	p.Tag, err = strconv.Atoi(fields[1])
+	if err != nil {
+		return
+	}
+	for i := 2; i < len(fields); i++ {
+		f := fields[i]
+		switch {
+		case f == "req":
+			p.Required = true
+		case f == "opt":
+			p.Optional = true
+		case f == "rep":
+			p.Repeated = true
+		case f == "packed":
+			p.Packed = true
+		case strings.HasPrefix(f, "name="):
+			p.OrigName = f[5:]
+		case strings.HasPrefix(f, "json="):
+			p.JSONName = f[5:]
+		case strings.HasPrefix(f, "enum="):
+			p.Enum = f[5:]
+		case f == "proto3":
+			p.proto3 = true
+		case f == "oneof":
+			p.oneof = true
+		case strings.HasPrefix(f, "def="):
+			p.HasDefault = true
+			p.Default = f[4:] // rest of string
+			if i+1 < len(fields) {
+				// Commas aren't escaped, and def is always last.
+				p.Default += "," + strings.Join(fields[i+1:], ",")
+				break outer
+			}
+		}
+	}
+var protoMessageType = reflect.TypeOf((*Message)(nil)).Elem()
+// setFieldProps initializes the field properties for submessages and maps.
+func (p *Properties) setFieldProps(typ reflect.Type, f *reflect.StructField, lockGetProp bool) {
+	switch t1 := typ; t1.Kind() {
+	case reflect.Ptr:
+		if t1.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Struct {
+			p.stype = t1.Elem()
+		}
+	case reflect.Slice:
+		if t2 := t1.Elem(); t2.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && t2.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Struct {
+			p.stype = t2.Elem()
+		}
+	case reflect.Map:
+		p.mtype = t1
+		p.MapKeyProp = &Properties{}
+		p.MapKeyProp.init(reflect.PtrTo(p.mtype.Key()), "Key", f.Tag.Get("protobuf_key"), nil, lockGetProp)
+		p.MapValProp = &Properties{}
+		vtype := p.mtype.Elem()
+		if vtype.Kind() != reflect.Ptr && vtype.Kind() != reflect.Slice {
+			// The value type is not a message (*T) or bytes ([]byte),
+			// so we need encoders for the pointer to this type.
+			vtype = reflect.PtrTo(vtype)
+		}
+		p.MapValProp.init(vtype, "Value", f.Tag.Get("protobuf_val"), nil, lockGetProp)
+	}
+	if p.stype != nil {
+		if lockGetProp {
+			p.sprop = GetProperties(p.stype)
+		} else {
+			p.sprop = getPropertiesLocked(p.stype)
+		}
+	}
+var (
+	marshalerType = reflect.TypeOf((*Marshaler)(nil)).Elem()
+// Init populates the properties from a protocol buffer struct tag.
+func (p *Properties) Init(typ reflect.Type, name, tag string, f *reflect.StructField) {
+	p.init(typ, name, tag, f, true)
+func (p *Properties) init(typ reflect.Type, name, tag string, f *reflect.StructField, lockGetProp bool) {
+	// "bytes,49,opt,def=hello!"
+	p.Name = name
+	p.OrigName = name
+	if tag == "" {
+		return
+	}
+	p.Parse(tag)
+	p.setFieldProps(typ, f, lockGetProp)
+var (
+	propertiesMu  sync.RWMutex
+	propertiesMap = make(map[reflect.Type]*StructProperties)
+// GetProperties returns the list of properties for the type represented by t.
+// t must represent a generated struct type of a protocol message.
+func GetProperties(t reflect.Type) *StructProperties {
+	if t.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
+		panic("proto: type must have kind struct")
+	}
+	// Most calls to GetProperties in a long-running program will be
+	// retrieving details for types we have seen before.
+	propertiesMu.RLock()
+	sprop, ok := propertiesMap[t]
+	propertiesMu.RUnlock()
+	if ok {
+		return sprop
+	}
+	propertiesMu.Lock()
+	sprop = getPropertiesLocked(t)
+	propertiesMu.Unlock()
+	return sprop
+type (
+	oneofFuncsIface interface {
+		XXX_OneofFuncs() (func(Message, *Buffer) error, func(Message, int, int, *Buffer) (bool, error), func(Message) int, []interface{})
+	}
+	oneofWrappersIface interface {
+		XXX_OneofWrappers() []interface{}
+	}
+// getPropertiesLocked requires that propertiesMu is held.
+func getPropertiesLocked(t reflect.Type) *StructProperties {
+	if prop, ok := propertiesMap[t]; ok {
+		return prop
+	}
+	prop := new(StructProperties)
+	// in case of recursive protos, fill this in now.
+	propertiesMap[t] = prop
+	// build properties
+	prop.Prop = make([]*Properties, t.NumField())
+	prop.order = make([]int, t.NumField())
+	for i := 0; i < t.NumField(); i++ {
+		f := t.Field(i)
+		p := new(Properties)
+		name := f.Name
+		p.init(f.Type, name, f.Tag.Get("protobuf"), &f, false)
+		oneof := f.Tag.Get("protobuf_oneof") // special case
+		if oneof != "" {
+			// Oneof fields don't use the traditional protobuf tag.
+			p.OrigName = oneof
+		}
+		prop.Prop[i] = p
+		prop.order[i] = i
+		if debug {
+			print(i, " ", f.Name, " ", t.String(), " ")
+			if p.Tag > 0 {
+				print(p.String())
+			}
+			print("\n")
+		}
+	}
+	// Re-order prop.order.
+	sort.Sort(prop)
+	var oots []interface{}
+	switch m := reflect.Zero(reflect.PtrTo(t)).Interface().(type) {
+	case oneofFuncsIface:
+		_, _, _, oots = m.XXX_OneofFuncs()
+	case oneofWrappersIface:
+		oots = m.XXX_OneofWrappers()
+	}
+	if len(oots) > 0 {
+		// Interpret oneof metadata.
+		prop.OneofTypes = make(map[string]*OneofProperties)
+		for _, oot := range oots {
+			oop := &OneofProperties{
+				Type: reflect.ValueOf(oot).Type(), // *T
+				Prop: new(Properties),
+			}
+			sft := oop.Type.Elem().Field(0)
+			oop.Prop.Name = sft.Name
+			oop.Prop.Parse(sft.Tag.Get("protobuf"))
+			// There will be exactly one interface field that
+			// this new value is assignable to.
+			for i := 0; i < t.NumField(); i++ {
+				f := t.Field(i)
+				if f.Type.Kind() != reflect.Interface {
+					continue
+				}
+				if !oop.Type.AssignableTo(f.Type) {
+					continue
+				}
+				oop.Field = i
+				break
+			}
+			prop.OneofTypes[oop.Prop.OrigName] = oop
+		}
+	}
+	// build required counts
+	// build tags
+	reqCount := 0
+	prop.decoderOrigNames = make(map[string]int)
+	for i, p := range prop.Prop {
+		if strings.HasPrefix(p.Name, "XXX_") {
+			// Internal fields should not appear in tags/origNames maps.
+			// They are handled specially when encoding and decoding.
+			continue
+		}
+		if p.Required {
+			reqCount++
+		}
+		prop.decoderTags.put(p.Tag, i)
+		prop.decoderOrigNames[p.OrigName] = i
+	}
+	prop.reqCount = reqCount
+	return prop
+// A global registry of enum types.
+// The generated code will register the generated maps by calling RegisterEnum.
+var enumValueMaps = make(map[string]map[string]int32)
+// RegisterEnum is called from the generated code to install the enum descriptor
+// maps into the global table to aid parsing text format protocol buffers.
+func RegisterEnum(typeName string, unusedNameMap map[int32]string, valueMap map[string]int32) {
+	if _, ok := enumValueMaps[typeName]; ok {
+		panic("proto: duplicate enum registered: " + typeName)
+	}
+	enumValueMaps[typeName] = valueMap
+// EnumValueMap returns the mapping from names to integers of the
+// enum type enumType, or a nil if not found.
+func EnumValueMap(enumType string) map[string]int32 {
+	return enumValueMaps[enumType]
+// A registry of all linked message types.
+// The string is a fully-qualified proto name ("pkg.Message").
+var (
+	protoTypedNils = make(map[string]Message)      // a map from proto names to typed nil pointers
+	protoMapTypes  = make(map[string]reflect.Type) // a map from proto names to map types
+	revProtoTypes  = make(map[reflect.Type]string)
+// RegisterType is called from generated code and maps from the fully qualified
+// proto name to the type (pointer to struct) of the protocol buffer.
+func RegisterType(x Message, name string) {
+	if _, ok := protoTypedNils[name]; ok {
+		// TODO: Some day, make this a panic.
+		log.Printf("proto: duplicate proto type registered: %s", name)
+		return
+	}
+	t := reflect.TypeOf(x)
+	if v := reflect.ValueOf(x); v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && v.Pointer() == 0 {
+		// Generated code always calls RegisterType with nil x.
+		// This check is just for extra safety.
+		protoTypedNils[name] = x
+	} else {
+		protoTypedNils[name] = reflect.Zero(t).Interface().(Message)
+	}
+	revProtoTypes[t] = name
+// RegisterMapType is called from generated code and maps from the fully qualified
+// proto name to the native map type of the proto map definition.
+func RegisterMapType(x interface{}, name string) {
+	if reflect.TypeOf(x).Kind() != reflect.Map {
+		panic(fmt.Sprintf("RegisterMapType(%T, %q); want map", x, name))
+	}
+	if _, ok := protoMapTypes[name]; ok {
+		log.Printf("proto: duplicate proto type registered: %s", name)
+		return
+	}
+	t := reflect.TypeOf(x)
+	protoMapTypes[name] = t
+	revProtoTypes[t] = name
+// MessageName returns the fully-qualified proto name for the given message type.
+func MessageName(x Message) string {
+	type xname interface {
+		XXX_MessageName() string
+	}
+	if m, ok := x.(xname); ok {
+		return m.XXX_MessageName()
+	}
+	return revProtoTypes[reflect.TypeOf(x)]
+// MessageType returns the message type (pointer to struct) for a named message.
+// The type is not guaranteed to implement proto.Message if the name refers to a
+// map entry.
+func MessageType(name string) reflect.Type {
+	if t, ok := protoTypedNils[name]; ok {
+		return reflect.TypeOf(t)
+	}
+	return protoMapTypes[name]
+// A registry of all linked proto files.
+var (
+	protoFiles = make(map[string][]byte) // file name => fileDescriptor
+// RegisterFile is called from generated code and maps from the
+// full file name of a .proto file to its compressed FileDescriptorProto.
+func RegisterFile(filename string, fileDescriptor []byte) {
+	protoFiles[filename] = fileDescriptor
+// FileDescriptor returns the compressed FileDescriptorProto for a .proto file.
+func FileDescriptor(filename string) []byte { return protoFiles[filename] }
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/table_marshal.go b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/table_marshal.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5cb11fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/table_marshal.go
@@ -0,0 +1,2776 @@
+// Go support for Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
+// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors.  All rights reserved.
+// https://github.com/golang/protobuf
+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+// met:
+//     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+//     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
+// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+// distribution.
+//     * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
+// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+// this software without specific prior written permission.
+package proto
+import (
+	"errors"
+	"fmt"
+	"math"
+	"reflect"
+	"sort"
+	"strconv"
+	"strings"
+	"sync"
+	"sync/atomic"
+	"unicode/utf8"
+// a sizer takes a pointer to a field and the size of its tag, computes the size of
+// the encoded data.
+type sizer func(pointer, int) int
+// a marshaler takes a byte slice, a pointer to a field, and its tag (in wire format),
+// marshals the field to the end of the slice, returns the slice and error (if any).
+type marshaler func(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error)
+// marshalInfo is the information used for marshaling a message.
+type marshalInfo struct {
+	typ          reflect.Type
+	fields       []*marshalFieldInfo
+	unrecognized field                      // offset of XXX_unrecognized
+	extensions   field                      // offset of XXX_InternalExtensions
+	v1extensions field                      // offset of XXX_extensions
+	sizecache    field                      // offset of XXX_sizecache
+	initialized  int32                      // 0 -- only typ is set, 1 -- fully initialized
+	messageset   bool                       // uses message set wire format
+	hasmarshaler bool                       // has custom marshaler
+	sync.RWMutex                            // protect extElems map, also for initialization
+	extElems     map[int32]*marshalElemInfo // info of extension elements
+// marshalFieldInfo is the information used for marshaling a field of a message.
+type marshalFieldInfo struct {
+	field      field
+	wiretag    uint64 // tag in wire format
+	tagsize    int    // size of tag in wire format
+	sizer      sizer
+	marshaler  marshaler
+	isPointer  bool
+	required   bool                              // field is required
+	name       string                            // name of the field, for error reporting
+	oneofElems map[reflect.Type]*marshalElemInfo // info of oneof elements
+// marshalElemInfo is the information used for marshaling an extension or oneof element.
+type marshalElemInfo struct {
+	wiretag   uint64 // tag in wire format
+	tagsize   int    // size of tag in wire format
+	sizer     sizer
+	marshaler marshaler
+	isptr     bool // elem is pointer typed, thus interface of this type is a direct interface (extension only)
+	deref     bool // dereference the pointer before operating on it; implies isptr
+var (
+	marshalInfoMap  = map[reflect.Type]*marshalInfo{}
+	marshalInfoLock sync.Mutex
+// getMarshalInfo returns the information to marshal a given type of message.
+// The info it returns may not necessarily initialized.
+// t is the type of the message (NOT the pointer to it).
+func getMarshalInfo(t reflect.Type) *marshalInfo {
+	marshalInfoLock.Lock()
+	u, ok := marshalInfoMap[t]
+	if !ok {
+		u = &marshalInfo{typ: t}
+		marshalInfoMap[t] = u
+	}
+	marshalInfoLock.Unlock()
+	return u
+// Size is the entry point from generated code,
+// and should be ONLY called by generated code.
+// It computes the size of encoded data of msg.
+// a is a pointer to a place to store cached marshal info.
+func (a *InternalMessageInfo) Size(msg Message) int {
+	u := getMessageMarshalInfo(msg, a)
+	ptr := toPointer(&msg)
+	if ptr.isNil() {
+		// We get here if msg is a typed nil ((*SomeMessage)(nil)),
+		// so it satisfies the interface, and msg == nil wouldn't
+		// catch it. We don't want crash in this case.
+		return 0
+	}
+	return u.size(ptr)
+// Marshal is the entry point from generated code,
+// and should be ONLY called by generated code.
+// It marshals msg to the end of b.
+// a is a pointer to a place to store cached marshal info.
+func (a *InternalMessageInfo) Marshal(b []byte, msg Message, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	u := getMessageMarshalInfo(msg, a)
+	ptr := toPointer(&msg)
+	if ptr.isNil() {
+		// We get here if msg is a typed nil ((*SomeMessage)(nil)),
+		// so it satisfies the interface, and msg == nil wouldn't
+		// catch it. We don't want crash in this case.
+		return b, ErrNil
+	}
+	return u.marshal(b, ptr, deterministic)
+func getMessageMarshalInfo(msg interface{}, a *InternalMessageInfo) *marshalInfo {
+	// u := a.marshal, but atomically.
+	// We use an atomic here to ensure memory consistency.
+	u := atomicLoadMarshalInfo(&a.marshal)
+	if u == nil {
+		// Get marshal information from type of message.
+		t := reflect.ValueOf(msg).Type()
+		if t.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
+			panic(fmt.Sprintf("cannot handle non-pointer message type %v", t))
+		}
+		u = getMarshalInfo(t.Elem())
+		// Store it in the cache for later users.
+		// a.marshal = u, but atomically.
+		atomicStoreMarshalInfo(&a.marshal, u)
+	}
+	return u
+// size is the main function to compute the size of the encoded data of a message.
+// ptr is the pointer to the message.
+func (u *marshalInfo) size(ptr pointer) int {
+	if atomic.LoadInt32(&u.initialized) == 0 {
+		u.computeMarshalInfo()
+	}
+	// If the message can marshal itself, let it do it, for compatibility.
+	// NOTE: This is not efficient.
+	if u.hasmarshaler {
+		m := ptr.asPointerTo(u.typ).Interface().(Marshaler)
+		b, _ := m.Marshal()
+		return len(b)
+	}
+	n := 0
+	for _, f := range u.fields {
+		if f.isPointer && ptr.offset(f.field).getPointer().isNil() {
+			// nil pointer always marshals to nothing
+			continue
+		}
+		n += f.sizer(ptr.offset(f.field), f.tagsize)
+	}
+	if u.extensions.IsValid() {
+		e := ptr.offset(u.extensions).toExtensions()
+		if u.messageset {
+			n += u.sizeMessageSet(e)
+		} else {
+			n += u.sizeExtensions(e)
+		}
+	}
+	if u.v1extensions.IsValid() {
+		m := *ptr.offset(u.v1extensions).toOldExtensions()
+		n += u.sizeV1Extensions(m)
+	}
+	if u.unrecognized.IsValid() {
+		s := *ptr.offset(u.unrecognized).toBytes()
+		n += len(s)
+	}
+	// cache the result for use in marshal
+	if u.sizecache.IsValid() {
+		atomic.StoreInt32(ptr.offset(u.sizecache).toInt32(), int32(n))
+	}
+	return n
+// cachedsize gets the size from cache. If there is no cache (i.e. message is not generated),
+// fall back to compute the size.
+func (u *marshalInfo) cachedsize(ptr pointer) int {
+	if u.sizecache.IsValid() {
+		return int(atomic.LoadInt32(ptr.offset(u.sizecache).toInt32()))
+	}
+	return u.size(ptr)
+// marshal is the main function to marshal a message. It takes a byte slice and appends
+// the encoded data to the end of the slice, returns the slice and error (if any).
+// ptr is the pointer to the message.
+// If deterministic is true, map is marshaled in deterministic order.
+func (u *marshalInfo) marshal(b []byte, ptr pointer, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	if atomic.LoadInt32(&u.initialized) == 0 {
+		u.computeMarshalInfo()
+	}
+	// If the message can marshal itself, let it do it, for compatibility.
+	// NOTE: This is not efficient.
+	if u.hasmarshaler {
+		m := ptr.asPointerTo(u.typ).Interface().(Marshaler)
+		b1, err := m.Marshal()
+		b = append(b, b1...)
+		return b, err
+	}
+	var err, errLater error
+	// The old marshaler encodes extensions at beginning.
+	if u.extensions.IsValid() {
+		e := ptr.offset(u.extensions).toExtensions()
+		if u.messageset {
+			b, err = u.appendMessageSet(b, e, deterministic)
+		} else {
+			b, err = u.appendExtensions(b, e, deterministic)
+		}
+		if err != nil {
+			return b, err
+		}
+	}
+	if u.v1extensions.IsValid() {
+		m := *ptr.offset(u.v1extensions).toOldExtensions()
+		b, err = u.appendV1Extensions(b, m, deterministic)
+		if err != nil {
+			return b, err
+		}
+	}
+	for _, f := range u.fields {
+		if f.required {
+			if ptr.offset(f.field).getPointer().isNil() {
+				// Required field is not set.
+				// We record the error but keep going, to give a complete marshaling.
+				if errLater == nil {
+					errLater = &RequiredNotSetError{f.name}
+				}
+				continue
+			}
+		}
+		if f.isPointer && ptr.offset(f.field).getPointer().isNil() {
+			// nil pointer always marshals to nothing
+			continue
+		}
+		b, err = f.marshaler(b, ptr.offset(f.field), f.wiretag, deterministic)
+		if err != nil {
+			if err1, ok := err.(*RequiredNotSetError); ok {
+				// Required field in submessage is not set.
+				// We record the error but keep going, to give a complete marshaling.
+				if errLater == nil {
+					errLater = &RequiredNotSetError{f.name + "." + err1.field}
+				}
+				continue
+			}
+			if err == errRepeatedHasNil {
+				err = errors.New("proto: repeated field " + f.name + " has nil element")
+			}
+			if err == errInvalidUTF8 {
+				if errLater == nil {
+					fullName := revProtoTypes[reflect.PtrTo(u.typ)] + "." + f.name
+					errLater = &invalidUTF8Error{fullName}
+				}
+				continue
+			}
+			return b, err
+		}
+	}
+	if u.unrecognized.IsValid() {
+		s := *ptr.offset(u.unrecognized).toBytes()
+		b = append(b, s...)
+	}
+	return b, errLater
+// computeMarshalInfo initializes the marshal info.
+func (u *marshalInfo) computeMarshalInfo() {
+	u.Lock()
+	defer u.Unlock()
+	if u.initialized != 0 { // non-atomic read is ok as it is protected by the lock
+		return
+	}
+	t := u.typ
+	u.unrecognized = invalidField
+	u.extensions = invalidField
+	u.v1extensions = invalidField
+	u.sizecache = invalidField
+	// If the message can marshal itself, let it do it, for compatibility.
+	// NOTE: This is not efficient.
+	if reflect.PtrTo(t).Implements(marshalerType) {
+		u.hasmarshaler = true
+		atomic.StoreInt32(&u.initialized, 1)
+		return
+	}
+	// get oneof implementers
+	var oneofImplementers []interface{}
+	switch m := reflect.Zero(reflect.PtrTo(t)).Interface().(type) {
+	case oneofFuncsIface:
+		_, _, _, oneofImplementers = m.XXX_OneofFuncs()
+	case oneofWrappersIface:
+		oneofImplementers = m.XXX_OneofWrappers()
+	}
+	n := t.NumField()
+	// deal with XXX fields first
+	for i := 0; i < t.NumField(); i++ {
+		f := t.Field(i)
+		if !strings.HasPrefix(f.Name, "XXX_") {
+			continue
+		}
+		switch f.Name {
+		case "XXX_sizecache":
+			u.sizecache = toField(&f)
+		case "XXX_unrecognized":
+			u.unrecognized = toField(&f)
+		case "XXX_InternalExtensions":
+			u.extensions = toField(&f)
+			u.messageset = f.Tag.Get("protobuf_messageset") == "1"
+		case "XXX_extensions":
+			u.v1extensions = toField(&f)
+		case "XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral":
+			// nothing to do
+		default:
+			panic("unknown XXX field: " + f.Name)
+		}
+		n--
+	}
+	// normal fields
+	fields := make([]marshalFieldInfo, n) // batch allocation
+	u.fields = make([]*marshalFieldInfo, 0, n)
+	for i, j := 0, 0; i < t.NumField(); i++ {
+		f := t.Field(i)
+		if strings.HasPrefix(f.Name, "XXX_") {
+			continue
+		}
+		field := &fields[j]
+		j++
+		field.name = f.Name
+		u.fields = append(u.fields, field)
+		if f.Tag.Get("protobuf_oneof") != "" {
+			field.computeOneofFieldInfo(&f, oneofImplementers)
+			continue
+		}
+		if f.Tag.Get("protobuf") == "" {
+			// field has no tag (not in generated message), ignore it
+			u.fields = u.fields[:len(u.fields)-1]
+			j--
+			continue
+		}
+		field.computeMarshalFieldInfo(&f)
+	}
+	// fields are marshaled in tag order on the wire.
+	sort.Sort(byTag(u.fields))
+	atomic.StoreInt32(&u.initialized, 1)
+// helper for sorting fields by tag
+type byTag []*marshalFieldInfo
+func (a byTag) Len() int           { return len(a) }
+func (a byTag) Swap(i, j int)      { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] }
+func (a byTag) Less(i, j int) bool { return a[i].wiretag < a[j].wiretag }
+// getExtElemInfo returns the information to marshal an extension element.
+// The info it returns is initialized.
+func (u *marshalInfo) getExtElemInfo(desc *ExtensionDesc) *marshalElemInfo {
+	// get from cache first
+	u.RLock()
+	e, ok := u.extElems[desc.Field]
+	u.RUnlock()
+	if ok {
+		return e
+	}
+	t := reflect.TypeOf(desc.ExtensionType) // pointer or slice to basic type or struct
+	tags := strings.Split(desc.Tag, ",")
+	tag, err := strconv.Atoi(tags[1])
+	if err != nil {
+		panic("tag is not an integer")
+	}
+	wt := wiretype(tags[0])
+	if t.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && t.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Struct {
+		t = t.Elem()
+	}
+	sizer, marshaler := typeMarshaler(t, tags, false, false)
+	var deref bool
+	if t.Kind() == reflect.Slice && t.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Uint8 {
+		t = reflect.PtrTo(t)
+		deref = true
+	}
+	e = &marshalElemInfo{
+		wiretag:   uint64(tag)<<3 | wt,
+		tagsize:   SizeVarint(uint64(tag) << 3),
+		sizer:     sizer,
+		marshaler: marshaler,
+		isptr:     t.Kind() == reflect.Ptr,
+		deref:     deref,
+	}
+	// update cache
+	u.Lock()
+	if u.extElems == nil {
+		u.extElems = make(map[int32]*marshalElemInfo)
+	}
+	u.extElems[desc.Field] = e
+	u.Unlock()
+	return e
+// computeMarshalFieldInfo fills up the information to marshal a field.
+func (fi *marshalFieldInfo) computeMarshalFieldInfo(f *reflect.StructField) {
+	// parse protobuf tag of the field.
+	// tag has format of "bytes,49,opt,name=foo,def=hello!"
+	tags := strings.Split(f.Tag.Get("protobuf"), ",")
+	if tags[0] == "" {
+		return
+	}
+	tag, err := strconv.Atoi(tags[1])
+	if err != nil {
+		panic("tag is not an integer")
+	}
+	wt := wiretype(tags[0])
+	if tags[2] == "req" {
+		fi.required = true
+	}
+	fi.setTag(f, tag, wt)
+	fi.setMarshaler(f, tags)
+func (fi *marshalFieldInfo) computeOneofFieldInfo(f *reflect.StructField, oneofImplementers []interface{}) {
+	fi.field = toField(f)
+	fi.wiretag = math.MaxInt32 // Use a large tag number, make oneofs sorted at the end. This tag will not appear on the wire.
+	fi.isPointer = true
+	fi.sizer, fi.marshaler = makeOneOfMarshaler(fi, f)
+	fi.oneofElems = make(map[reflect.Type]*marshalElemInfo)
+	ityp := f.Type // interface type
+	for _, o := range oneofImplementers {
+		t := reflect.TypeOf(o)
+		if !t.Implements(ityp) {
+			continue
+		}
+		sf := t.Elem().Field(0) // oneof implementer is a struct with a single field
+		tags := strings.Split(sf.Tag.Get("protobuf"), ",")
+		tag, err := strconv.Atoi(tags[1])
+		if err != nil {
+			panic("tag is not an integer")
+		}
+		wt := wiretype(tags[0])
+		sizer, marshaler := typeMarshaler(sf.Type, tags, false, true) // oneof should not omit any zero value
+		fi.oneofElems[t.Elem()] = &marshalElemInfo{
+			wiretag:   uint64(tag)<<3 | wt,
+			tagsize:   SizeVarint(uint64(tag) << 3),
+			sizer:     sizer,
+			marshaler: marshaler,
+		}
+	}
+// wiretype returns the wire encoding of the type.
+func wiretype(encoding string) uint64 {
+	switch encoding {
+	case "fixed32":
+		return WireFixed32
+	case "fixed64":
+		return WireFixed64
+	case "varint", "zigzag32", "zigzag64":
+		return WireVarint
+	case "bytes":
+		return WireBytes
+	case "group":
+		return WireStartGroup
+	}
+	panic("unknown wire type " + encoding)
+// setTag fills up the tag (in wire format) and its size in the info of a field.
+func (fi *marshalFieldInfo) setTag(f *reflect.StructField, tag int, wt uint64) {
+	fi.field = toField(f)
+	fi.wiretag = uint64(tag)<<3 | wt
+	fi.tagsize = SizeVarint(uint64(tag) << 3)
+// setMarshaler fills up the sizer and marshaler in the info of a field.
+func (fi *marshalFieldInfo) setMarshaler(f *reflect.StructField, tags []string) {
+	switch f.Type.Kind() {
+	case reflect.Map:
+		// map field
+		fi.isPointer = true
+		fi.sizer, fi.marshaler = makeMapMarshaler(f)
+		return
+	case reflect.Ptr, reflect.Slice:
+		fi.isPointer = true
+	}
+	fi.sizer, fi.marshaler = typeMarshaler(f.Type, tags, true, false)
+// typeMarshaler returns the sizer and marshaler of a given field.
+// t is the type of the field.
+// tags is the generated "protobuf" tag of the field.
+// If nozero is true, zero value is not marshaled to the wire.
+// If oneof is true, it is a oneof field.
+func typeMarshaler(t reflect.Type, tags []string, nozero, oneof bool) (sizer, marshaler) {
+	encoding := tags[0]
+	pointer := false
+	slice := false
+	if t.Kind() == reflect.Slice && t.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Uint8 {
+		slice = true
+		t = t.Elem()
+	}
+	if t.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		pointer = true
+		t = t.Elem()
+	}
+	packed := false
+	proto3 := false
+	validateUTF8 := true
+	for i := 2; i < len(tags); i++ {
+		if tags[i] == "packed" {
+			packed = true
+		}
+		if tags[i] == "proto3" {
+			proto3 = true
+		}
+	}
+	validateUTF8 = validateUTF8 && proto3
+	switch t.Kind() {
+	case reflect.Bool:
+		if pointer {
+			return sizeBoolPtr, appendBoolPtr
+		}
+		if slice {
+			if packed {
+				return sizeBoolPackedSlice, appendBoolPackedSlice
+			}
+			return sizeBoolSlice, appendBoolSlice
+		}
+		if nozero {
+			return sizeBoolValueNoZero, appendBoolValueNoZero
+		}
+		return sizeBoolValue, appendBoolValue
+	case reflect.Uint32:
+		switch encoding {
+		case "fixed32":
+			if pointer {
+				return sizeFixed32Ptr, appendFixed32Ptr
+			}
+			if slice {
+				if packed {
+					return sizeFixed32PackedSlice, appendFixed32PackedSlice
+				}
+				return sizeFixed32Slice, appendFixed32Slice
+			}
+			if nozero {
+				return sizeFixed32ValueNoZero, appendFixed32ValueNoZero
+			}
+			return sizeFixed32Value, appendFixed32Value
+		case "varint":
+			if pointer {
+				return sizeVarint32Ptr, appendVarint32Ptr
+			}
+			if slice {
+				if packed {
+					return sizeVarint32PackedSlice, appendVarint32PackedSlice
+				}
+				return sizeVarint32Slice, appendVarint32Slice
+			}
+			if nozero {
+				return sizeVarint32ValueNoZero, appendVarint32ValueNoZero
+			}
+			return sizeVarint32Value, appendVarint32Value
+		}
+	case reflect.Int32:
+		switch encoding {
+		case "fixed32":
+			if pointer {
+				return sizeFixedS32Ptr, appendFixedS32Ptr
+			}
+			if slice {
+				if packed {
+					return sizeFixedS32PackedSlice, appendFixedS32PackedSlice
+				}
+				return sizeFixedS32Slice, appendFixedS32Slice
+			}
+			if nozero {
+				return sizeFixedS32ValueNoZero, appendFixedS32ValueNoZero
+			}
+			return sizeFixedS32Value, appendFixedS32Value
+		case "varint":
+			if pointer {
+				return sizeVarintS32Ptr, appendVarintS32Ptr
+			}
+			if slice {
+				if packed {
+					return sizeVarintS32PackedSlice, appendVarintS32PackedSlice
+				}
+				return sizeVarintS32Slice, appendVarintS32Slice
+			}
+			if nozero {
+				return sizeVarintS32ValueNoZero, appendVarintS32ValueNoZero
+			}
+			return sizeVarintS32Value, appendVarintS32Value
+		case "zigzag32":
+			if pointer {
+				return sizeZigzag32Ptr, appendZigzag32Ptr
+			}
+			if slice {
+				if packed {
+					return sizeZigzag32PackedSlice, appendZigzag32PackedSlice
+				}
+				return sizeZigzag32Slice, appendZigzag32Slice
+			}
+			if nozero {
+				return sizeZigzag32ValueNoZero, appendZigzag32ValueNoZero
+			}
+			return sizeZigzag32Value, appendZigzag32Value
+		}
+	case reflect.Uint64:
+		switch encoding {
+		case "fixed64":
+			if pointer {
+				return sizeFixed64Ptr, appendFixed64Ptr
+			}
+			if slice {
+				if packed {
+					return sizeFixed64PackedSlice, appendFixed64PackedSlice
+				}
+				return sizeFixed64Slice, appendFixed64Slice
+			}
+			if nozero {
+				return sizeFixed64ValueNoZero, appendFixed64ValueNoZero
+			}
+			return sizeFixed64Value, appendFixed64Value
+		case "varint":
+			if pointer {
+				return sizeVarint64Ptr, appendVarint64Ptr
+			}
+			if slice {
+				if packed {
+					return sizeVarint64PackedSlice, appendVarint64PackedSlice
+				}
+				return sizeVarint64Slice, appendVarint64Slice
+			}
+			if nozero {
+				return sizeVarint64ValueNoZero, appendVarint64ValueNoZero
+			}
+			return sizeVarint64Value, appendVarint64Value
+		}
+	case reflect.Int64:
+		switch encoding {
+		case "fixed64":
+			if pointer {
+				return sizeFixedS64Ptr, appendFixedS64Ptr
+			}
+			if slice {
+				if packed {
+					return sizeFixedS64PackedSlice, appendFixedS64PackedSlice
+				}
+				return sizeFixedS64Slice, appendFixedS64Slice
+			}
+			if nozero {
+				return sizeFixedS64ValueNoZero, appendFixedS64ValueNoZero
+			}
+			return sizeFixedS64Value, appendFixedS64Value
+		case "varint":
+			if pointer {
+				return sizeVarintS64Ptr, appendVarintS64Ptr
+			}
+			if slice {
+				if packed {
+					return sizeVarintS64PackedSlice, appendVarintS64PackedSlice
+				}
+				return sizeVarintS64Slice, appendVarintS64Slice
+			}
+			if nozero {
+				return sizeVarintS64ValueNoZero, appendVarintS64ValueNoZero
+			}
+			return sizeVarintS64Value, appendVarintS64Value
+		case "zigzag64":
+			if pointer {
+				return sizeZigzag64Ptr, appendZigzag64Ptr
+			}
+			if slice {
+				if packed {
+					return sizeZigzag64PackedSlice, appendZigzag64PackedSlice
+				}
+				return sizeZigzag64Slice, appendZigzag64Slice
+			}
+			if nozero {
+				return sizeZigzag64ValueNoZero, appendZigzag64ValueNoZero
+			}
+			return sizeZigzag64Value, appendZigzag64Value
+		}
+	case reflect.Float32:
+		if pointer {
+			return sizeFloat32Ptr, appendFloat32Ptr
+		}
+		if slice {
+			if packed {
+				return sizeFloat32PackedSlice, appendFloat32PackedSlice
+			}
+			return sizeFloat32Slice, appendFloat32Slice
+		}
+		if nozero {
+			return sizeFloat32ValueNoZero, appendFloat32ValueNoZero
+		}
+		return sizeFloat32Value, appendFloat32Value
+	case reflect.Float64:
+		if pointer {
+			return sizeFloat64Ptr, appendFloat64Ptr
+		}
+		if slice {
+			if packed {
+				return sizeFloat64PackedSlice, appendFloat64PackedSlice
+			}
+			return sizeFloat64Slice, appendFloat64Slice
+		}
+		if nozero {
+			return sizeFloat64ValueNoZero, appendFloat64ValueNoZero
+		}
+		return sizeFloat64Value, appendFloat64Value
+	case reflect.String:
+		if validateUTF8 {
+			if pointer {
+				return sizeStringPtr, appendUTF8StringPtr
+			}
+			if slice {
+				return sizeStringSlice, appendUTF8StringSlice
+			}
+			if nozero {
+				return sizeStringValueNoZero, appendUTF8StringValueNoZero
+			}
+			return sizeStringValue, appendUTF8StringValue
+		}
+		if pointer {
+			return sizeStringPtr, appendStringPtr
+		}
+		if slice {
+			return sizeStringSlice, appendStringSlice
+		}
+		if nozero {
+			return sizeStringValueNoZero, appendStringValueNoZero
+		}
+		return sizeStringValue, appendStringValue
+	case reflect.Slice:
+		if slice {
+			return sizeBytesSlice, appendBytesSlice
+		}
+		if oneof {
+			// Oneof bytes field may also have "proto3" tag.
+			// We want to marshal it as a oneof field. Do this
+			// check before the proto3 check.
+			return sizeBytesOneof, appendBytesOneof
+		}
+		if proto3 {
+			return sizeBytes3, appendBytes3
+		}
+		return sizeBytes, appendBytes
+	case reflect.Struct:
+		switch encoding {
+		case "group":
+			if slice {
+				return makeGroupSliceMarshaler(getMarshalInfo(t))
+			}
+			return makeGroupMarshaler(getMarshalInfo(t))
+		case "bytes":
+			if slice {
+				return makeMessageSliceMarshaler(getMarshalInfo(t))
+			}
+			return makeMessageMarshaler(getMarshalInfo(t))
+		}
+	}
+	panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown or mismatched type: type: %v, wire type: %v", t, encoding))
+// Below are functions to size/marshal a specific type of a field.
+// They are stored in the field's info, and called by function pointers.
+// They have type sizer or marshaler.
+func sizeFixed32Value(_ pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	return 4 + tagsize
+func sizeFixed32ValueNoZero(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	v := *ptr.toUint32()
+	if v == 0 {
+		return 0
+	}
+	return 4 + tagsize
+func sizeFixed32Ptr(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	p := *ptr.toUint32Ptr()
+	if p == nil {
+		return 0
+	}
+	return 4 + tagsize
+func sizeFixed32Slice(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	s := *ptr.toUint32Slice()
+	return (4 + tagsize) * len(s)
+func sizeFixed32PackedSlice(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	s := *ptr.toUint32Slice()
+	if len(s) == 0 {
+		return 0
+	}
+	return 4*len(s) + SizeVarint(uint64(4*len(s))) + tagsize
+func sizeFixedS32Value(_ pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	return 4 + tagsize
+func sizeFixedS32ValueNoZero(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	v := *ptr.toInt32()
+	if v == 0 {
+		return 0
+	}
+	return 4 + tagsize
+func sizeFixedS32Ptr(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	p := ptr.getInt32Ptr()
+	if p == nil {
+		return 0
+	}
+	return 4 + tagsize
+func sizeFixedS32Slice(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	s := ptr.getInt32Slice()
+	return (4 + tagsize) * len(s)
+func sizeFixedS32PackedSlice(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	s := ptr.getInt32Slice()
+	if len(s) == 0 {
+		return 0
+	}
+	return 4*len(s) + SizeVarint(uint64(4*len(s))) + tagsize
+func sizeFloat32Value(_ pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	return 4 + tagsize
+func sizeFloat32ValueNoZero(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	v := math.Float32bits(*ptr.toFloat32())
+	if v == 0 {
+		return 0
+	}
+	return 4 + tagsize
+func sizeFloat32Ptr(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	p := *ptr.toFloat32Ptr()
+	if p == nil {
+		return 0
+	}
+	return 4 + tagsize
+func sizeFloat32Slice(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	s := *ptr.toFloat32Slice()
+	return (4 + tagsize) * len(s)
+func sizeFloat32PackedSlice(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	s := *ptr.toFloat32Slice()
+	if len(s) == 0 {
+		return 0
+	}
+	return 4*len(s) + SizeVarint(uint64(4*len(s))) + tagsize
+func sizeFixed64Value(_ pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	return 8 + tagsize
+func sizeFixed64ValueNoZero(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	v := *ptr.toUint64()
+	if v == 0 {
+		return 0
+	}
+	return 8 + tagsize
+func sizeFixed64Ptr(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	p := *ptr.toUint64Ptr()
+	if p == nil {
+		return 0
+	}
+	return 8 + tagsize
+func sizeFixed64Slice(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	s := *ptr.toUint64Slice()
+	return (8 + tagsize) * len(s)
+func sizeFixed64PackedSlice(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	s := *ptr.toUint64Slice()
+	if len(s) == 0 {
+		return 0
+	}
+	return 8*len(s) + SizeVarint(uint64(8*len(s))) + tagsize
+func sizeFixedS64Value(_ pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	return 8 + tagsize
+func sizeFixedS64ValueNoZero(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	v := *ptr.toInt64()
+	if v == 0 {
+		return 0
+	}
+	return 8 + tagsize
+func sizeFixedS64Ptr(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	p := *ptr.toInt64Ptr()
+	if p == nil {
+		return 0
+	}
+	return 8 + tagsize
+func sizeFixedS64Slice(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	s := *ptr.toInt64Slice()
+	return (8 + tagsize) * len(s)
+func sizeFixedS64PackedSlice(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	s := *ptr.toInt64Slice()
+	if len(s) == 0 {
+		return 0
+	}
+	return 8*len(s) + SizeVarint(uint64(8*len(s))) + tagsize
+func sizeFloat64Value(_ pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	return 8 + tagsize
+func sizeFloat64ValueNoZero(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	v := math.Float64bits(*ptr.toFloat64())
+	if v == 0 {
+		return 0
+	}
+	return 8 + tagsize
+func sizeFloat64Ptr(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	p := *ptr.toFloat64Ptr()
+	if p == nil {
+		return 0
+	}
+	return 8 + tagsize
+func sizeFloat64Slice(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	s := *ptr.toFloat64Slice()
+	return (8 + tagsize) * len(s)
+func sizeFloat64PackedSlice(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	s := *ptr.toFloat64Slice()
+	if len(s) == 0 {
+		return 0
+	}
+	return 8*len(s) + SizeVarint(uint64(8*len(s))) + tagsize
+func sizeVarint32Value(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	v := *ptr.toUint32()
+	return SizeVarint(uint64(v)) + tagsize
+func sizeVarint32ValueNoZero(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	v := *ptr.toUint32()
+	if v == 0 {
+		return 0
+	}
+	return SizeVarint(uint64(v)) + tagsize
+func sizeVarint32Ptr(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	p := *ptr.toUint32Ptr()
+	if p == nil {
+		return 0
+	}
+	return SizeVarint(uint64(*p)) + tagsize
+func sizeVarint32Slice(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	s := *ptr.toUint32Slice()
+	n := 0
+	for _, v := range s {
+		n += SizeVarint(uint64(v)) + tagsize
+	}
+	return n
+func sizeVarint32PackedSlice(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	s := *ptr.toUint32Slice()
+	if len(s) == 0 {
+		return 0
+	}
+	n := 0
+	for _, v := range s {
+		n += SizeVarint(uint64(v))
+	}
+	return n + SizeVarint(uint64(n)) + tagsize
+func sizeVarintS32Value(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	v := *ptr.toInt32()
+	return SizeVarint(uint64(v)) + tagsize
+func sizeVarintS32ValueNoZero(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	v := *ptr.toInt32()
+	if v == 0 {
+		return 0
+	}
+	return SizeVarint(uint64(v)) + tagsize
+func sizeVarintS32Ptr(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	p := ptr.getInt32Ptr()
+	if p == nil {
+		return 0
+	}
+	return SizeVarint(uint64(*p)) + tagsize
+func sizeVarintS32Slice(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	s := ptr.getInt32Slice()
+	n := 0
+	for _, v := range s {
+		n += SizeVarint(uint64(v)) + tagsize
+	}
+	return n
+func sizeVarintS32PackedSlice(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	s := ptr.getInt32Slice()
+	if len(s) == 0 {
+		return 0
+	}
+	n := 0
+	for _, v := range s {
+		n += SizeVarint(uint64(v))
+	}
+	return n + SizeVarint(uint64(n)) + tagsize
+func sizeVarint64Value(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	v := *ptr.toUint64()
+	return SizeVarint(v) + tagsize
+func sizeVarint64ValueNoZero(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	v := *ptr.toUint64()
+	if v == 0 {
+		return 0
+	}
+	return SizeVarint(v) + tagsize
+func sizeVarint64Ptr(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	p := *ptr.toUint64Ptr()
+	if p == nil {
+		return 0
+	}
+	return SizeVarint(*p) + tagsize
+func sizeVarint64Slice(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	s := *ptr.toUint64Slice()
+	n := 0
+	for _, v := range s {
+		n += SizeVarint(v) + tagsize
+	}
+	return n
+func sizeVarint64PackedSlice(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	s := *ptr.toUint64Slice()
+	if len(s) == 0 {
+		return 0
+	}
+	n := 0
+	for _, v := range s {
+		n += SizeVarint(v)
+	}
+	return n + SizeVarint(uint64(n)) + tagsize
+func sizeVarintS64Value(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	v := *ptr.toInt64()
+	return SizeVarint(uint64(v)) + tagsize
+func sizeVarintS64ValueNoZero(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	v := *ptr.toInt64()
+	if v == 0 {
+		return 0
+	}
+	return SizeVarint(uint64(v)) + tagsize
+func sizeVarintS64Ptr(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	p := *ptr.toInt64Ptr()
+	if p == nil {
+		return 0
+	}
+	return SizeVarint(uint64(*p)) + tagsize
+func sizeVarintS64Slice(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	s := *ptr.toInt64Slice()
+	n := 0
+	for _, v := range s {
+		n += SizeVarint(uint64(v)) + tagsize
+	}
+	return n
+func sizeVarintS64PackedSlice(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	s := *ptr.toInt64Slice()
+	if len(s) == 0 {
+		return 0
+	}
+	n := 0
+	for _, v := range s {
+		n += SizeVarint(uint64(v))
+	}
+	return n + SizeVarint(uint64(n)) + tagsize
+func sizeZigzag32Value(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	v := *ptr.toInt32()
+	return SizeVarint(uint64((uint32(v)<<1)^uint32((int32(v)>>31)))) + tagsize
+func sizeZigzag32ValueNoZero(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	v := *ptr.toInt32()
+	if v == 0 {
+		return 0
+	}
+	return SizeVarint(uint64((uint32(v)<<1)^uint32((int32(v)>>31)))) + tagsize
+func sizeZigzag32Ptr(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	p := ptr.getInt32Ptr()
+	if p == nil {
+		return 0
+	}
+	v := *p
+	return SizeVarint(uint64((uint32(v)<<1)^uint32((int32(v)>>31)))) + tagsize
+func sizeZigzag32Slice(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	s := ptr.getInt32Slice()
+	n := 0
+	for _, v := range s {
+		n += SizeVarint(uint64((uint32(v)<<1)^uint32((int32(v)>>31)))) + tagsize
+	}
+	return n
+func sizeZigzag32PackedSlice(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	s := ptr.getInt32Slice()
+	if len(s) == 0 {
+		return 0
+	}
+	n := 0
+	for _, v := range s {
+		n += SizeVarint(uint64((uint32(v) << 1) ^ uint32((int32(v) >> 31))))
+	}
+	return n + SizeVarint(uint64(n)) + tagsize
+func sizeZigzag64Value(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	v := *ptr.toInt64()
+	return SizeVarint(uint64(v<<1)^uint64((int64(v)>>63))) + tagsize
+func sizeZigzag64ValueNoZero(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	v := *ptr.toInt64()
+	if v == 0 {
+		return 0
+	}
+	return SizeVarint(uint64(v<<1)^uint64((int64(v)>>63))) + tagsize
+func sizeZigzag64Ptr(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	p := *ptr.toInt64Ptr()
+	if p == nil {
+		return 0
+	}
+	v := *p
+	return SizeVarint(uint64(v<<1)^uint64((int64(v)>>63))) + tagsize
+func sizeZigzag64Slice(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	s := *ptr.toInt64Slice()
+	n := 0
+	for _, v := range s {
+		n += SizeVarint(uint64(v<<1)^uint64((int64(v)>>63))) + tagsize
+	}
+	return n
+func sizeZigzag64PackedSlice(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	s := *ptr.toInt64Slice()
+	if len(s) == 0 {
+		return 0
+	}
+	n := 0
+	for _, v := range s {
+		n += SizeVarint(uint64(v<<1) ^ uint64((int64(v) >> 63)))
+	}
+	return n + SizeVarint(uint64(n)) + tagsize
+func sizeBoolValue(_ pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	return 1 + tagsize
+func sizeBoolValueNoZero(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	v := *ptr.toBool()
+	if !v {
+		return 0
+	}
+	return 1 + tagsize
+func sizeBoolPtr(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	p := *ptr.toBoolPtr()
+	if p == nil {
+		return 0
+	}
+	return 1 + tagsize
+func sizeBoolSlice(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	s := *ptr.toBoolSlice()
+	return (1 + tagsize) * len(s)
+func sizeBoolPackedSlice(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	s := *ptr.toBoolSlice()
+	if len(s) == 0 {
+		return 0
+	}
+	return len(s) + SizeVarint(uint64(len(s))) + tagsize
+func sizeStringValue(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	v := *ptr.toString()
+	return len(v) + SizeVarint(uint64(len(v))) + tagsize
+func sizeStringValueNoZero(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	v := *ptr.toString()
+	if v == "" {
+		return 0
+	}
+	return len(v) + SizeVarint(uint64(len(v))) + tagsize
+func sizeStringPtr(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	p := *ptr.toStringPtr()
+	if p == nil {
+		return 0
+	}
+	v := *p
+	return len(v) + SizeVarint(uint64(len(v))) + tagsize
+func sizeStringSlice(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	s := *ptr.toStringSlice()
+	n := 0
+	for _, v := range s {
+		n += len(v) + SizeVarint(uint64(len(v))) + tagsize
+	}
+	return n
+func sizeBytes(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	v := *ptr.toBytes()
+	if v == nil {
+		return 0
+	}
+	return len(v) + SizeVarint(uint64(len(v))) + tagsize
+func sizeBytes3(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	v := *ptr.toBytes()
+	if len(v) == 0 {
+		return 0
+	}
+	return len(v) + SizeVarint(uint64(len(v))) + tagsize
+func sizeBytesOneof(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	v := *ptr.toBytes()
+	return len(v) + SizeVarint(uint64(len(v))) + tagsize
+func sizeBytesSlice(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int {
+	s := *ptr.toBytesSlice()
+	n := 0
+	for _, v := range s {
+		n += len(v) + SizeVarint(uint64(len(v))) + tagsize
+	}
+	return n
+// appendFixed32 appends an encoded fixed32 to b.
+func appendFixed32(b []byte, v uint32) []byte {
+	b = append(b,
+		byte(v),
+		byte(v>>8),
+		byte(v>>16),
+		byte(v>>24))
+	return b
+// appendFixed64 appends an encoded fixed64 to b.
+func appendFixed64(b []byte, v uint64) []byte {
+	b = append(b,
+		byte(v),
+		byte(v>>8),
+		byte(v>>16),
+		byte(v>>24),
+		byte(v>>32),
+		byte(v>>40),
+		byte(v>>48),
+		byte(v>>56))
+	return b
+// appendVarint appends an encoded varint to b.
+func appendVarint(b []byte, v uint64) []byte {
+	// TODO: make 1-byte (maybe 2-byte) case inline-able, once we
+	// have non-leaf inliner.
+	switch {
+	case v < 1<<7:
+		b = append(b, byte(v))
+	case v < 1<<14:
+		b = append(b,
+			byte(v&0x7f|0x80),
+			byte(v>>7))
+	case v < 1<<21:
+		b = append(b,
+			byte(v&0x7f|0x80),
+			byte((v>>7)&0x7f|0x80),
+			byte(v>>14))
+	case v < 1<<28:
+		b = append(b,
+			byte(v&0x7f|0x80),
+			byte((v>>7)&0x7f|0x80),
+			byte((v>>14)&0x7f|0x80),
+			byte(v>>21))
+	case v < 1<<35:
+		b = append(b,
+			byte(v&0x7f|0x80),
+			byte((v>>7)&0x7f|0x80),
+			byte((v>>14)&0x7f|0x80),
+			byte((v>>21)&0x7f|0x80),
+			byte(v>>28))
+	case v < 1<<42:
+		b = append(b,
+			byte(v&0x7f|0x80),
+			byte((v>>7)&0x7f|0x80),
+			byte((v>>14)&0x7f|0x80),
+			byte((v>>21)&0x7f|0x80),
+			byte((v>>28)&0x7f|0x80),
+			byte(v>>35))
+	case v < 1<<49:
+		b = append(b,
+			byte(v&0x7f|0x80),
+			byte((v>>7)&0x7f|0x80),
+			byte((v>>14)&0x7f|0x80),
+			byte((v>>21)&0x7f|0x80),
+			byte((v>>28)&0x7f|0x80),
+			byte((v>>35)&0x7f|0x80),
+			byte(v>>42))
+	case v < 1<<56:
+		b = append(b,
+			byte(v&0x7f|0x80),
+			byte((v>>7)&0x7f|0x80),
+			byte((v>>14)&0x7f|0x80),
+			byte((v>>21)&0x7f|0x80),
+			byte((v>>28)&0x7f|0x80),
+			byte((v>>35)&0x7f|0x80),
+			byte((v>>42)&0x7f|0x80),
+			byte(v>>49))
+	case v < 1<<63:
+		b = append(b,
+			byte(v&0x7f|0x80),
+			byte((v>>7)&0x7f|0x80),
+			byte((v>>14)&0x7f|0x80),
+			byte((v>>21)&0x7f|0x80),
+			byte((v>>28)&0x7f|0x80),
+			byte((v>>35)&0x7f|0x80),
+			byte((v>>42)&0x7f|0x80),
+			byte((v>>49)&0x7f|0x80),
+			byte(v>>56))
+	default:
+		b = append(b,
+			byte(v&0x7f|0x80),
+			byte((v>>7)&0x7f|0x80),
+			byte((v>>14)&0x7f|0x80),
+			byte((v>>21)&0x7f|0x80),
+			byte((v>>28)&0x7f|0x80),
+			byte((v>>35)&0x7f|0x80),
+			byte((v>>42)&0x7f|0x80),
+			byte((v>>49)&0x7f|0x80),
+			byte((v>>56)&0x7f|0x80),
+			1)
+	}
+	return b
+func appendFixed32Value(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	v := *ptr.toUint32()
+	b = appendVarint(b, wiretag)
+	b = appendFixed32(b, v)
+	return b, nil
+func appendFixed32ValueNoZero(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	v := *ptr.toUint32()
+	if v == 0 {
+		return b, nil
+	}
+	b = appendVarint(b, wiretag)
+	b = appendFixed32(b, v)
+	return b, nil
+func appendFixed32Ptr(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	p := *ptr.toUint32Ptr()
+	if p == nil {
+		return b, nil
+	}
+	b = appendVarint(b, wiretag)
+	b = appendFixed32(b, *p)
+	return b, nil
+func appendFixed32Slice(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	s := *ptr.toUint32Slice()
+	for _, v := range s {
+		b = appendVarint(b, wiretag)
+		b = appendFixed32(b, v)
+	}
+	return b, nil
+func appendFixed32PackedSlice(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	s := *ptr.toUint32Slice()
+	if len(s) == 0 {
+		return b, nil
+	}
+	b = appendVarint(b, wiretag&^7|WireBytes)
+	b = appendVarint(b, uint64(4*len(s)))
+	for _, v := range s {
+		b = appendFixed32(b, v)
+	}
+	return b, nil
+func appendFixedS32Value(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	v := *ptr.toInt32()
+	b = appendVarint(b, wiretag)
+	b = appendFixed32(b, uint32(v))
+	return b, nil
+func appendFixedS32ValueNoZero(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	v := *ptr.toInt32()
+	if v == 0 {
+		return b, nil
+	}
+	b = appendVarint(b, wiretag)
+	b = appendFixed32(b, uint32(v))
+	return b, nil
+func appendFixedS32Ptr(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	p := ptr.getInt32Ptr()
+	if p == nil {
+		return b, nil
+	}
+	b = appendVarint(b, wiretag)
+	b = appendFixed32(b, uint32(*p))
+	return b, nil
+func appendFixedS32Slice(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	s := ptr.getInt32Slice()
+	for _, v := range s {
+		b = appendVarint(b, wiretag)
+		b = appendFixed32(b, uint32(v))
+	}
+	return b, nil
+func appendFixedS32PackedSlice(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	s := ptr.getInt32Slice()
+	if len(s) == 0 {
+		return b, nil
+	}
+	b = appendVarint(b, wiretag&^7|WireBytes)
+	b = appendVarint(b, uint64(4*len(s)))
+	for _, v := range s {
+		b = appendFixed32(b, uint32(v))
+	}
+	return b, nil
+func appendFloat32Value(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	v := math.Float32bits(*ptr.toFloat32())
+	b = appendVarint(b, wiretag)
+	b = appendFixed32(b, v)
+	return b, nil
+func appendFloat32ValueNoZero(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	v := math.Float32bits(*ptr.toFloat32())
+	if v == 0 {
+		return b, nil
+	}
+	b = appendVarint(b, wiretag)
+	b = appendFixed32(b, v)
+	return b, nil
+func appendFloat32Ptr(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	p := *ptr.toFloat32Ptr()
+	if p == nil {
+		return b, nil
+	}
+	b = appendVarint(b, wiretag)
+	b = appendFixed32(b, math.Float32bits(*p))
+	return b, nil
+func appendFloat32Slice(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	s := *ptr.toFloat32Slice()
+	for _, v := range s {
+		b = appendVarint(b, wiretag)
+		b = appendFixed32(b, math.Float32bits(v))
+	}
+	return b, nil
+func appendFloat32PackedSlice(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	s := *ptr.toFloat32Slice()
+	if len(s) == 0 {
+		return b, nil
+	}
+	b = appendVarint(b, wiretag&^7|WireBytes)
+	b = appendVarint(b, uint64(4*len(s)))
+	for _, v := range s {
+		b = appendFixed32(b, math.Float32bits(v))
+	}
+	return b, nil
+func appendFixed64Value(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	v := *ptr.toUint64()
+	b = appendVarint(b, wiretag)
+	b = appendFixed64(b, v)
+	return b, nil
+func appendFixed64ValueNoZero(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	v := *ptr.toUint64()
+	if v == 0 {
+		return b, nil
+	}
+	b = appendVarint(b, wiretag)
+	b = appendFixed64(b, v)
+	return b, nil
+func appendFixed64Ptr(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	p := *ptr.toUint64Ptr()
+	if p == nil {
+		return b, nil
+	}
+	b = appendVarint(b, wiretag)
+	b = appendFixed64(b, *p)
+	return b, nil
+func appendFixed64Slice(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	s := *ptr.toUint64Slice()
+	for _, v := range s {
+		b = appendVarint(b, wiretag)
+		b = appendFixed64(b, v)
+	}
+	return b, nil
+func appendFixed64PackedSlice(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	s := *ptr.toUint64Slice()
+	if len(s) == 0 {
+		return b, nil
+	}
+	b = appendVarint(b, wiretag&^7|WireBytes)
+	b = appendVarint(b, uint64(8*len(s)))
+	for _, v := range s {
+		b = appendFixed64(b, v)
+	}
+	return b, nil
+func appendFixedS64Value(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	v := *ptr.toInt64()
+	b = appendVarint(b, wiretag)
+	b = appendFixed64(b, uint64(v))
+	return b, nil
+func appendFixedS64ValueNoZero(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	v := *ptr.toInt64()
+	if v == 0 {
+		return b, nil
+	}
+	b = appendVarint(b, wiretag)
+	b = appendFixed64(b, uint64(v))
+	return b, nil
+func appendFixedS64Ptr(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	p := *ptr.toInt64Ptr()
+	if p == nil {
+		return b, nil
+	}
+	b = appendVarint(b, wiretag)
+	b = appendFixed64(b, uint64(*p))
+	return b, nil
+func appendFixedS64Slice(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	s := *ptr.toInt64Slice()
+	for _, v := range s {
+		b = appendVarint(b, wiretag)
+		b = appendFixed64(b, uint64(v))
+	}
+	return b, nil
+func appendFixedS64PackedSlice(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	s := *ptr.toInt64Slice()
+	if len(s) == 0 {
+		return b, nil
+	}
+	b = appendVarint(b, wiretag&^7|WireBytes)
+	b = appendVarint(b, uint64(8*len(s)))
+	for _, v := range s {
+		b = appendFixed64(b, uint64(v))
+	}
+	return b, nil
+func appendFloat64Value(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	v := math.Float64bits(*ptr.toFloat64())
+	b = appendVarint(b, wiretag)
+	b = appendFixed64(b, v)
+	return b, nil
+func appendFloat64ValueNoZero(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	v := math.Float64bits(*ptr.toFloat64())
+	if v == 0 {
+		return b, nil
+	}
+	b = appendVarint(b, wiretag)
+	b = appendFixed64(b, v)
+	return b, nil
+func appendFloat64Ptr(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	p := *ptr.toFloat64Ptr()
+	if p == nil {
+		return b, nil
+	}
+	b = appendVarint(b, wiretag)
+	b = appendFixed64(b, math.Float64bits(*p))
+	return b, nil
+func appendFloat64Slice(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	s := *ptr.toFloat64Slice()
+	for _, v := range s {
+		b = appendVarint(b, wiretag)
+		b = appendFixed64(b, math.Float64bits(v))
+	}
+	return b, nil
+func appendFloat64PackedSlice(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	s := *ptr.toFloat64Slice()
+	if len(s) == 0 {
+		return b, nil
+	}
+	b = appendVarint(b, wiretag&^7|WireBytes)
+	b = appendVarint(b, uint64(8*len(s)))
+	for _, v := range s {
+		b = appendFixed64(b, math.Float64bits(v))
+	}
+	return b, nil
+func appendVarint32Value(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	v := *ptr.toUint32()
+	b = appendVarint(b, wiretag)
+	b = appendVarint(b, uint64(v))
+	return b, nil
+func appendVarint32ValueNoZero(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	v := *ptr.toUint32()
+	if v == 0 {
+		return b, nil
+	}
+	b = appendVarint(b, wiretag)
+	b = appendVarint(b, uint64(v))
+	return b, nil
+func appendVarint32Ptr(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	p := *ptr.toUint32Ptr()
+	if p == nil {
+		return b, nil
+	}
+	b = appendVarint(b, wiretag)
+	b = appendVarint(b, uint64(*p))
+	return b, nil
+func appendVarint32Slice(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	s := *ptr.toUint32Slice()
+	for _, v := range s {
+		b = appendVarint(b, wiretag)
+		b = appendVarint(b, uint64(v))
+	}
+	return b, nil
+func appendVarint32PackedSlice(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	s := *ptr.toUint32Slice()
+	if len(s) == 0 {
+		return b, nil
+	}
+	b = appendVarint(b, wiretag&^7|WireBytes)
+	// compute size
+	n := 0
+	for _, v := range s {
+		n += SizeVarint(uint64(v))
+	}
+	b = appendVarint(b, uint64(n))
+	for _, v := range s {
+		b = appendVarint(b, uint64(v))
+	}
+	return b, nil
+func appendVarintS32Value(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	v := *ptr.toInt32()
+	b = appendVarint(b, wiretag)
+	b = appendVarint(b, uint64(v))
+	return b, nil
+func appendVarintS32ValueNoZero(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	v := *ptr.toInt32()
+	if v == 0 {
+		return b, nil
+	}
+	b = appendVarint(b, wiretag)
+	b = appendVarint(b, uint64(v))
+	return b, nil
+func appendVarintS32Ptr(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	p := ptr.getInt32Ptr()
+	if p == nil {
+		return b, nil
+	}
+	b = appendVarint(b, wiretag)
+	b = appendVarint(b, uint64(*p))
+	return b, nil
+func appendVarintS32Slice(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	s := ptr.getInt32Slice()
+	for _, v := range s {
+		b = appendVarint(b, wiretag)
+		b = appendVarint(b, uint64(v))
+	}
+	return b, nil
+func appendVarintS32PackedSlice(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	s := ptr.getInt32Slice()
+	if len(s) == 0 {
+		return b, nil
+	}
+	b = appendVarint(b, wiretag&^7|WireBytes)
+	// compute size
+	n := 0
+	for _, v := range s {
+		n += SizeVarint(uint64(v))
+	}
+	b = appendVarint(b, uint64(n))
+	for _, v := range s {
+		b = appendVarint(b, uint64(v))
+	}
+	return b, nil
+func appendVarint64Value(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	v := *ptr.toUint64()
+	b = appendVarint(b, wiretag)
+	b = appendVarint(b, v)
+	return b, nil
+func appendVarint64ValueNoZero(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	v := *ptr.toUint64()
+	if v == 0 {
+		return b, nil
+	}
+	b = appendVarint(b, wiretag)
+	b = appendVarint(b, v)
+	return b, nil
+func appendVarint64Ptr(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	p := *ptr.toUint64Ptr()
+	if p == nil {
+		return b, nil
+	}
+	b = appendVarint(b, wiretag)
+	b = appendVarint(b, *p)
+	return b, nil
+func appendVarint64Slice(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	s := *ptr.toUint64Slice()
+	for _, v := range s {
+		b = appendVarint(b, wiretag)
+		b = appendVarint(b, v)
+	}
+	return b, nil
+func appendVarint64PackedSlice(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	s := *ptr.toUint64Slice()
+	if len(s) == 0 {
+		return b, nil
+	}
+	b = appendVarint(b, wiretag&^7|WireBytes)
+	// compute size
+	n := 0
+	for _, v := range s {
+		n += SizeVarint(v)
+	}
+	b = appendVarint(b, uint64(n))
+	for _, v := range s {
+		b = appendVarint(b, v)
+	}
+	return b, nil
+func appendVarintS64Value(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	v := *ptr.toInt64()
+	b = appendVarint(b, wiretag)
+	b = appendVarint(b, uint64(v))
+	return b, nil
+func appendVarintS64ValueNoZero(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	v := *ptr.toInt64()
+	if v == 0 {
+		return b, nil
+	}
+	b = appendVarint(b, wiretag)
+	b = appendVarint(b, uint64(v))
+	return b, nil
+func appendVarintS64Ptr(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	p := *ptr.toInt64Ptr()
+	if p == nil {
+		return b, nil
+	}
+	b = appendVarint(b, wiretag)
+	b = appendVarint(b, uint64(*p))
+	return b, nil
+func appendVarintS64Slice(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	s := *ptr.toInt64Slice()
+	for _, v := range s {
+		b = appendVarint(b, wiretag)
+		b = appendVarint(b, uint64(v))
+	}
+	return b, nil
+func appendVarintS64PackedSlice(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	s := *ptr.toInt64Slice()
+	if len(s) == 0 {
+		return b, nil
+	}
+	b = appendVarint(b, wiretag&^7|WireBytes)
+	// compute size
+	n := 0
+	for _, v := range s {
+		n += SizeVarint(uint64(v))
+	}
+	b = appendVarint(b, uint64(n))
+	for _, v := range s {
+		b = appendVarint(b, uint64(v))
+	}
+	return b, nil
+func appendZigzag32Value(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	v := *ptr.toInt32()
+	b = appendVarint(b, wiretag)
+	b = appendVarint(b, uint64((uint32(v)<<1)^uint32((int32(v)>>31))))
+	return b, nil
+func appendZigzag32ValueNoZero(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	v := *ptr.toInt32()
+	if v == 0 {
+		return b, nil
+	}
+	b = appendVarint(b, wiretag)
+	b = appendVarint(b, uint64((uint32(v)<<1)^uint32((int32(v)>>31))))
+	return b, nil
+func appendZigzag32Ptr(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	p := ptr.getInt32Ptr()
+	if p == nil {
+		return b, nil
+	}
+	b = appendVarint(b, wiretag)
+	v := *p
+	b = appendVarint(b, uint64((uint32(v)<<1)^uint32((int32(v)>>31))))
+	return b, nil
+func appendZigzag32Slice(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	s := ptr.getInt32Slice()
+	for _, v := range s {
+		b = appendVarint(b, wiretag)
+		b = appendVarint(b, uint64((uint32(v)<<1)^uint32((int32(v)>>31))))
+	}
+	return b, nil
+func appendZigzag32PackedSlice(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	s := ptr.getInt32Slice()
+	if len(s) == 0 {
+		return b, nil
+	}
+	b = appendVarint(b, wiretag&^7|WireBytes)
+	// compute size
+	n := 0
+	for _, v := range s {
+		n += SizeVarint(uint64((uint32(v) << 1) ^ uint32((int32(v) >> 31))))
+	}
+	b = appendVarint(b, uint64(n))
+	for _, v := range s {
+		b = appendVarint(b, uint64((uint32(v)<<1)^uint32((int32(v)>>31))))
+	}
+	return b, nil
+func appendZigzag64Value(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	v := *ptr.toInt64()
+	b = appendVarint(b, wiretag)
+	b = appendVarint(b, uint64(v<<1)^uint64((int64(v)>>63)))
+	return b, nil
+func appendZigzag64ValueNoZero(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	v := *ptr.toInt64()
+	if v == 0 {
+		return b, nil
+	}
+	b = appendVarint(b, wiretag)
+	b = appendVarint(b, uint64(v<<1)^uint64((int64(v)>>63)))
+	return b, nil
+func appendZigzag64Ptr(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	p := *ptr.toInt64Ptr()
+	if p == nil {
+		return b, nil
+	}
+	b = appendVarint(b, wiretag)
+	v := *p
+	b = appendVarint(b, uint64(v<<1)^uint64((int64(v)>>63)))
+	return b, nil
+func appendZigzag64Slice(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	s := *ptr.toInt64Slice()
+	for _, v := range s {
+		b = appendVarint(b, wiretag)
+		b = appendVarint(b, uint64(v<<1)^uint64((int64(v)>>63)))
+	}
+	return b, nil
+func appendZigzag64PackedSlice(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	s := *ptr.toInt64Slice()
+	if len(s) == 0 {
+		return b, nil
+	}
+	b = appendVarint(b, wiretag&^7|WireBytes)
+	// compute size
+	n := 0
+	for _, v := range s {
+		n += SizeVarint(uint64(v<<1) ^ uint64((int64(v) >> 63)))
+	}
+	b = appendVarint(b, uint64(n))
+	for _, v := range s {
+		b = appendVarint(b, uint64(v<<1)^uint64((int64(v)>>63)))
+	}
+	return b, nil
+func appendBoolValue(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	v := *ptr.toBool()
+	b = appendVarint(b, wiretag)
+	if v {
+		b = append(b, 1)
+	} else {
+		b = append(b, 0)
+	}
+	return b, nil
+func appendBoolValueNoZero(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	v := *ptr.toBool()
+	if !v {
+		return b, nil
+	}
+	b = appendVarint(b, wiretag)
+	b = append(b, 1)
+	return b, nil
+func appendBoolPtr(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	p := *ptr.toBoolPtr()
+	if p == nil {
+		return b, nil
+	}
+	b = appendVarint(b, wiretag)
+	if *p {
+		b = append(b, 1)
+	} else {
+		b = append(b, 0)
+	}
+	return b, nil
+func appendBoolSlice(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	s := *ptr.toBoolSlice()
+	for _, v := range s {
+		b = appendVarint(b, wiretag)
+		if v {
+			b = append(b, 1)
+		} else {
+			b = append(b, 0)
+		}
+	}
+	return b, nil
+func appendBoolPackedSlice(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	s := *ptr.toBoolSlice()
+	if len(s) == 0 {
+		return b, nil
+	}
+	b = appendVarint(b, wiretag&^7|WireBytes)
+	b = appendVarint(b, uint64(len(s)))
+	for _, v := range s {
+		if v {
+			b = append(b, 1)
+		} else {
+			b = append(b, 0)
+		}
+	}
+	return b, nil
+func appendStringValue(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	v := *ptr.toString()
+	b = appendVarint(b, wiretag)
+	b = appendVarint(b, uint64(len(v)))
+	b = append(b, v...)
+	return b, nil
+func appendStringValueNoZero(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	v := *ptr.toString()
+	if v == "" {
+		return b, nil
+	}
+	b = appendVarint(b, wiretag)
+	b = appendVarint(b, uint64(len(v)))
+	b = append(b, v...)
+	return b, nil
+func appendStringPtr(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	p := *ptr.toStringPtr()
+	if p == nil {
+		return b, nil
+	}
+	v := *p
+	b = appendVarint(b, wiretag)
+	b = appendVarint(b, uint64(len(v)))
+	b = append(b, v...)
+	return b, nil
+func appendStringSlice(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	s := *ptr.toStringSlice()
+	for _, v := range s {
+		b = appendVarint(b, wiretag)
+		b = appendVarint(b, uint64(len(v)))
+		b = append(b, v...)
+	}
+	return b, nil
+func appendUTF8StringValue(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	var invalidUTF8 bool
+	v := *ptr.toString()
+	if !utf8.ValidString(v) {
+		invalidUTF8 = true
+	}
+	b = appendVarint(b, wiretag)
+	b = appendVarint(b, uint64(len(v)))
+	b = append(b, v...)
+	if invalidUTF8 {
+		return b, errInvalidUTF8
+	}
+	return b, nil
+func appendUTF8StringValueNoZero(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	var invalidUTF8 bool
+	v := *ptr.toString()
+	if v == "" {
+		return b, nil
+	}
+	if !utf8.ValidString(v) {
+		invalidUTF8 = true
+	}
+	b = appendVarint(b, wiretag)
+	b = appendVarint(b, uint64(len(v)))
+	b = append(b, v...)
+	if invalidUTF8 {
+		return b, errInvalidUTF8
+	}
+	return b, nil
+func appendUTF8StringPtr(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	var invalidUTF8 bool
+	p := *ptr.toStringPtr()
+	if p == nil {
+		return b, nil
+	}
+	v := *p
+	if !utf8.ValidString(v) {
+		invalidUTF8 = true
+	}
+	b = appendVarint(b, wiretag)
+	b = appendVarint(b, uint64(len(v)))
+	b = append(b, v...)
+	if invalidUTF8 {
+		return b, errInvalidUTF8
+	}
+	return b, nil
+func appendUTF8StringSlice(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	var invalidUTF8 bool
+	s := *ptr.toStringSlice()
+	for _, v := range s {
+		if !utf8.ValidString(v) {
+			invalidUTF8 = true
+		}
+		b = appendVarint(b, wiretag)
+		b = appendVarint(b, uint64(len(v)))
+		b = append(b, v...)
+	}
+	if invalidUTF8 {
+		return b, errInvalidUTF8
+	}
+	return b, nil
+func appendBytes(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	v := *ptr.toBytes()
+	if v == nil {
+		return b, nil
+	}
+	b = appendVarint(b, wiretag)
+	b = appendVarint(b, uint64(len(v)))
+	b = append(b, v...)
+	return b, nil
+func appendBytes3(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	v := *ptr.toBytes()
+	if len(v) == 0 {
+		return b, nil
+	}
+	b = appendVarint(b, wiretag)
+	b = appendVarint(b, uint64(len(v)))
+	b = append(b, v...)
+	return b, nil
+func appendBytesOneof(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	v := *ptr.toBytes()
+	b = appendVarint(b, wiretag)
+	b = appendVarint(b, uint64(len(v)))
+	b = append(b, v...)
+	return b, nil
+func appendBytesSlice(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	s := *ptr.toBytesSlice()
+	for _, v := range s {
+		b = appendVarint(b, wiretag)
+		b = appendVarint(b, uint64(len(v)))
+		b = append(b, v...)
+	}
+	return b, nil
+// makeGroupMarshaler returns the sizer and marshaler for a group.
+// u is the marshal info of the underlying message.
+func makeGroupMarshaler(u *marshalInfo) (sizer, marshaler) {
+	return func(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int {
+			p := ptr.getPointer()
+			if p.isNil() {
+				return 0
+			}
+			return u.size(p) + 2*tagsize
+		},
+		func(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
+			p := ptr.getPointer()
+			if p.isNil() {
+				return b, nil
+			}
+			var err error
+			b = appendVarint(b, wiretag) // start group
+			b, err = u.marshal(b, p, deterministic)
+			b = appendVarint(b, wiretag+(WireEndGroup-WireStartGroup)) // end group
+			return b, err
+		}
+// makeGroupSliceMarshaler returns the sizer and marshaler for a group slice.
+// u is the marshal info of the underlying message.
+func makeGroupSliceMarshaler(u *marshalInfo) (sizer, marshaler) {
+	return func(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int {
+			s := ptr.getPointerSlice()
+			n := 0
+			for _, v := range s {
+				if v.isNil() {
+					continue
+				}
+				n += u.size(v) + 2*tagsize
+			}
+			return n
+		},
+		func(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
+			s := ptr.getPointerSlice()
+			var err error
+			var nerr nonFatal
+			for _, v := range s {
+				if v.isNil() {
+					return b, errRepeatedHasNil
+				}
+				b = appendVarint(b, wiretag) // start group
+				b, err = u.marshal(b, v, deterministic)
+				b = appendVarint(b, wiretag+(WireEndGroup-WireStartGroup)) // end group
+				if !nerr.Merge(err) {
+					if err == ErrNil {
+						err = errRepeatedHasNil
+					}
+					return b, err
+				}
+			}
+			return b, nerr.E
+		}
+// makeMessageMarshaler returns the sizer and marshaler for a message field.
+// u is the marshal info of the message.
+func makeMessageMarshaler(u *marshalInfo) (sizer, marshaler) {
+	return func(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int {
+			p := ptr.getPointer()
+			if p.isNil() {
+				return 0
+			}
+			siz := u.size(p)
+			return siz + SizeVarint(uint64(siz)) + tagsize
+		},
+		func(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
+			p := ptr.getPointer()
+			if p.isNil() {
+				return b, nil
+			}
+			b = appendVarint(b, wiretag)
+			siz := u.cachedsize(p)
+			b = appendVarint(b, uint64(siz))
+			return u.marshal(b, p, deterministic)
+		}
+// makeMessageSliceMarshaler returns the sizer and marshaler for a message slice.
+// u is the marshal info of the message.
+func makeMessageSliceMarshaler(u *marshalInfo) (sizer, marshaler) {
+	return func(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int {
+			s := ptr.getPointerSlice()
+			n := 0
+			for _, v := range s {
+				if v.isNil() {
+					continue
+				}
+				siz := u.size(v)
+				n += siz + SizeVarint(uint64(siz)) + tagsize
+			}
+			return n
+		},
+		func(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
+			s := ptr.getPointerSlice()
+			var err error
+			var nerr nonFatal
+			for _, v := range s {
+				if v.isNil() {
+					return b, errRepeatedHasNil
+				}
+				b = appendVarint(b, wiretag)
+				siz := u.cachedsize(v)
+				b = appendVarint(b, uint64(siz))
+				b, err = u.marshal(b, v, deterministic)
+				if !nerr.Merge(err) {
+					if err == ErrNil {
+						err = errRepeatedHasNil
+					}
+					return b, err
+				}
+			}
+			return b, nerr.E
+		}
+// makeMapMarshaler returns the sizer and marshaler for a map field.
+// f is the pointer to the reflect data structure of the field.
+func makeMapMarshaler(f *reflect.StructField) (sizer, marshaler) {
+	// figure out key and value type
+	t := f.Type
+	keyType := t.Key()
+	valType := t.Elem()
+	keyTags := strings.Split(f.Tag.Get("protobuf_key"), ",")
+	valTags := strings.Split(f.Tag.Get("protobuf_val"), ",")
+	keySizer, keyMarshaler := typeMarshaler(keyType, keyTags, false, false) // don't omit zero value in map
+	valSizer, valMarshaler := typeMarshaler(valType, valTags, false, false) // don't omit zero value in map
+	keyWireTag := 1<<3 | wiretype(keyTags[0])
+	valWireTag := 2<<3 | wiretype(valTags[0])
+	// We create an interface to get the addresses of the map key and value.
+	// If value is pointer-typed, the interface is a direct interface, the
+	// idata itself is the value. Otherwise, the idata is the pointer to the
+	// value.
+	// Key cannot be pointer-typed.
+	valIsPtr := valType.Kind() == reflect.Ptr
+	// If value is a message with nested maps, calling
+	// valSizer in marshal may be quadratic. We should use
+	// cached version in marshal (but not in size).
+	// If value is not message type, we don't have size cache,
+	// but it cannot be nested either. Just use valSizer.
+	valCachedSizer := valSizer
+	if valIsPtr && valType.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Struct {
+		u := getMarshalInfo(valType.Elem())
+		valCachedSizer = func(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int {
+			// Same as message sizer, but use cache.
+			p := ptr.getPointer()
+			if p.isNil() {
+				return 0
+			}
+			siz := u.cachedsize(p)
+			return siz + SizeVarint(uint64(siz)) + tagsize
+		}
+	}
+	return func(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int {
+			m := ptr.asPointerTo(t).Elem() // the map
+			n := 0
+			for _, k := range m.MapKeys() {
+				ki := k.Interface()
+				vi := m.MapIndex(k).Interface()
+				kaddr := toAddrPointer(&ki, false, false)      // pointer to key
+				vaddr := toAddrPointer(&vi, valIsPtr, false)   // pointer to value
+				siz := keySizer(kaddr, 1) + valSizer(vaddr, 1) // tag of key = 1 (size=1), tag of val = 2 (size=1)
+				n += siz + SizeVarint(uint64(siz)) + tagsize
+			}
+			return n
+		},
+		func(b []byte, ptr pointer, tag uint64, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
+			m := ptr.asPointerTo(t).Elem() // the map
+			var err error
+			keys := m.MapKeys()
+			if len(keys) > 1 && deterministic {
+				sort.Sort(mapKeys(keys))
+			}
+			var nerr nonFatal
+			for _, k := range keys {
+				ki := k.Interface()
+				vi := m.MapIndex(k).Interface()
+				kaddr := toAddrPointer(&ki, false, false)    // pointer to key
+				vaddr := toAddrPointer(&vi, valIsPtr, false) // pointer to value
+				b = appendVarint(b, tag)
+				siz := keySizer(kaddr, 1) + valCachedSizer(vaddr, 1) // tag of key = 1 (size=1), tag of val = 2 (size=1)
+				b = appendVarint(b, uint64(siz))
+				b, err = keyMarshaler(b, kaddr, keyWireTag, deterministic)
+				if !nerr.Merge(err) {
+					return b, err
+				}
+				b, err = valMarshaler(b, vaddr, valWireTag, deterministic)
+				if err != ErrNil && !nerr.Merge(err) { // allow nil value in map
+					return b, err
+				}
+			}
+			return b, nerr.E
+		}
+// makeOneOfMarshaler returns the sizer and marshaler for a oneof field.
+// fi is the marshal info of the field.
+// f is the pointer to the reflect data structure of the field.
+func makeOneOfMarshaler(fi *marshalFieldInfo, f *reflect.StructField) (sizer, marshaler) {
+	// Oneof field is an interface. We need to get the actual data type on the fly.
+	t := f.Type
+	return func(ptr pointer, _ int) int {
+			p := ptr.getInterfacePointer()
+			if p.isNil() {
+				return 0
+			}
+			v := ptr.asPointerTo(t).Elem().Elem().Elem() // *interface -> interface -> *struct -> struct
+			telem := v.Type()
+			e := fi.oneofElems[telem]
+			return e.sizer(p, e.tagsize)
+		},
+		func(b []byte, ptr pointer, _ uint64, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
+			p := ptr.getInterfacePointer()
+			if p.isNil() {
+				return b, nil
+			}
+			v := ptr.asPointerTo(t).Elem().Elem().Elem() // *interface -> interface -> *struct -> struct
+			telem := v.Type()
+			if telem.Field(0).Type.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && p.getPointer().isNil() {
+				return b, errOneofHasNil
+			}
+			e := fi.oneofElems[telem]
+			return e.marshaler(b, p, e.wiretag, deterministic)
+		}
+// sizeExtensions computes the size of encoded data for a XXX_InternalExtensions field.
+func (u *marshalInfo) sizeExtensions(ext *XXX_InternalExtensions) int {
+	m, mu := ext.extensionsRead()
+	if m == nil {
+		return 0
+	}
+	mu.Lock()
+	n := 0
+	for _, e := range m {
+		if e.value == nil || e.desc == nil {
+			// Extension is only in its encoded form.
+			n += len(e.enc)
+			continue
+		}
+		// We don't skip extensions that have an encoded form set,
+		// because the extension value may have been mutated after
+		// the last time this function was called.
+		ei := u.getExtElemInfo(e.desc)
+		v := e.value
+		p := toAddrPointer(&v, ei.isptr, ei.deref)
+		n += ei.sizer(p, ei.tagsize)
+	}
+	mu.Unlock()
+	return n
+// appendExtensions marshals a XXX_InternalExtensions field to the end of byte slice b.
+func (u *marshalInfo) appendExtensions(b []byte, ext *XXX_InternalExtensions, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	m, mu := ext.extensionsRead()
+	if m == nil {
+		return b, nil
+	}
+	mu.Lock()
+	defer mu.Unlock()
+	var err error
+	var nerr nonFatal
+	// Fast-path for common cases: zero or one extensions.
+	// Don't bother sorting the keys.
+	if len(m) <= 1 {
+		for _, e := range m {
+			if e.value == nil || e.desc == nil {
+				// Extension is only in its encoded form.
+				b = append(b, e.enc...)
+				continue
+			}
+			// We don't skip extensions that have an encoded form set,
+			// because the extension value may have been mutated after
+			// the last time this function was called.
+			ei := u.getExtElemInfo(e.desc)
+			v := e.value
+			p := toAddrPointer(&v, ei.isptr, ei.deref)
+			b, err = ei.marshaler(b, p, ei.wiretag, deterministic)
+			if !nerr.Merge(err) {
+				return b, err
+			}
+		}
+		return b, nerr.E
+	}
+	// Sort the keys to provide a deterministic encoding.
+	// Not sure this is required, but the old code does it.
+	keys := make([]int, 0, len(m))
+	for k := range m {
+		keys = append(keys, int(k))
+	}
+	sort.Ints(keys)
+	for _, k := range keys {
+		e := m[int32(k)]
+		if e.value == nil || e.desc == nil {
+			// Extension is only in its encoded form.
+			b = append(b, e.enc...)
+			continue
+		}
+		// We don't skip extensions that have an encoded form set,
+		// because the extension value may have been mutated after
+		// the last time this function was called.
+		ei := u.getExtElemInfo(e.desc)
+		v := e.value
+		p := toAddrPointer(&v, ei.isptr, ei.deref)
+		b, err = ei.marshaler(b, p, ei.wiretag, deterministic)
+		if !nerr.Merge(err) {
+			return b, err
+		}
+	}
+	return b, nerr.E
+// message set format is:
+//   message MessageSet {
+//     repeated group Item = 1 {
+//       required int32 type_id = 2;
+//       required string message = 3;
+//     };
+//   }
+// sizeMessageSet computes the size of encoded data for a XXX_InternalExtensions field
+// in message set format (above).
+func (u *marshalInfo) sizeMessageSet(ext *XXX_InternalExtensions) int {
+	m, mu := ext.extensionsRead()
+	if m == nil {
+		return 0
+	}
+	mu.Lock()
+	n := 0
+	for id, e := range m {
+		n += 2                          // start group, end group. tag = 1 (size=1)
+		n += SizeVarint(uint64(id)) + 1 // type_id, tag = 2 (size=1)
+		if e.value == nil || e.desc == nil {
+			// Extension is only in its encoded form.
+			msgWithLen := skipVarint(e.enc) // skip old tag, but leave the length varint
+			siz := len(msgWithLen)
+			n += siz + 1 // message, tag = 3 (size=1)
+			continue
+		}
+		// We don't skip extensions that have an encoded form set,
+		// because the extension value may have been mutated after
+		// the last time this function was called.
+		ei := u.getExtElemInfo(e.desc)
+		v := e.value
+		p := toAddrPointer(&v, ei.isptr, ei.deref)
+		n += ei.sizer(p, 1) // message, tag = 3 (size=1)
+	}
+	mu.Unlock()
+	return n
+// appendMessageSet marshals a XXX_InternalExtensions field in message set format (above)
+// to the end of byte slice b.
+func (u *marshalInfo) appendMessageSet(b []byte, ext *XXX_InternalExtensions, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	m, mu := ext.extensionsRead()
+	if m == nil {
+		return b, nil
+	}
+	mu.Lock()
+	defer mu.Unlock()
+	var err error
+	var nerr nonFatal
+	// Fast-path for common cases: zero or one extensions.
+	// Don't bother sorting the keys.
+	if len(m) <= 1 {
+		for id, e := range m {
+			b = append(b, 1<<3|WireStartGroup)
+			b = append(b, 2<<3|WireVarint)
+			b = appendVarint(b, uint64(id))
+			if e.value == nil || e.desc == nil {
+				// Extension is only in its encoded form.
+				msgWithLen := skipVarint(e.enc) // skip old tag, but leave the length varint
+				b = append(b, 3<<3|WireBytes)
+				b = append(b, msgWithLen...)
+				b = append(b, 1<<3|WireEndGroup)
+				continue
+			}
+			// We don't skip extensions that have an encoded form set,
+			// because the extension value may have been mutated after
+			// the last time this function was called.
+			ei := u.getExtElemInfo(e.desc)
+			v := e.value
+			p := toAddrPointer(&v, ei.isptr, ei.deref)
+			b, err = ei.marshaler(b, p, 3<<3|WireBytes, deterministic)
+			if !nerr.Merge(err) {
+				return b, err
+			}
+			b = append(b, 1<<3|WireEndGroup)
+		}
+		return b, nerr.E
+	}
+	// Sort the keys to provide a deterministic encoding.
+	keys := make([]int, 0, len(m))
+	for k := range m {
+		keys = append(keys, int(k))
+	}
+	sort.Ints(keys)
+	for _, id := range keys {
+		e := m[int32(id)]
+		b = append(b, 1<<3|WireStartGroup)
+		b = append(b, 2<<3|WireVarint)
+		b = appendVarint(b, uint64(id))
+		if e.value == nil || e.desc == nil {
+			// Extension is only in its encoded form.
+			msgWithLen := skipVarint(e.enc) // skip old tag, but leave the length varint
+			b = append(b, 3<<3|WireBytes)
+			b = append(b, msgWithLen...)
+			b = append(b, 1<<3|WireEndGroup)
+			continue
+		}
+		// We don't skip extensions that have an encoded form set,
+		// because the extension value may have been mutated after
+		// the last time this function was called.
+		ei := u.getExtElemInfo(e.desc)
+		v := e.value
+		p := toAddrPointer(&v, ei.isptr, ei.deref)
+		b, err = ei.marshaler(b, p, 3<<3|WireBytes, deterministic)
+		b = append(b, 1<<3|WireEndGroup)
+		if !nerr.Merge(err) {
+			return b, err
+		}
+	}
+	return b, nerr.E
+// sizeV1Extensions computes the size of encoded data for a V1-API extension field.
+func (u *marshalInfo) sizeV1Extensions(m map[int32]Extension) int {
+	if m == nil {
+		return 0
+	}
+	n := 0
+	for _, e := range m {
+		if e.value == nil || e.desc == nil {
+			// Extension is only in its encoded form.
+			n += len(e.enc)
+			continue
+		}
+		// We don't skip extensions that have an encoded form set,
+		// because the extension value may have been mutated after
+		// the last time this function was called.
+		ei := u.getExtElemInfo(e.desc)
+		v := e.value
+		p := toAddrPointer(&v, ei.isptr, ei.deref)
+		n += ei.sizer(p, ei.tagsize)
+	}
+	return n
+// appendV1Extensions marshals a V1-API extension field to the end of byte slice b.
+func (u *marshalInfo) appendV1Extensions(b []byte, m map[int32]Extension, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	if m == nil {
+		return b, nil
+	}
+	// Sort the keys to provide a deterministic encoding.
+	keys := make([]int, 0, len(m))
+	for k := range m {
+		keys = append(keys, int(k))
+	}
+	sort.Ints(keys)
+	var err error
+	var nerr nonFatal
+	for _, k := range keys {
+		e := m[int32(k)]
+		if e.value == nil || e.desc == nil {
+			// Extension is only in its encoded form.
+			b = append(b, e.enc...)
+			continue
+		}
+		// We don't skip extensions that have an encoded form set,
+		// because the extension value may have been mutated after
+		// the last time this function was called.
+		ei := u.getExtElemInfo(e.desc)
+		v := e.value
+		p := toAddrPointer(&v, ei.isptr, ei.deref)
+		b, err = ei.marshaler(b, p, ei.wiretag, deterministic)
+		if !nerr.Merge(err) {
+			return b, err
+		}
+	}
+	return b, nerr.E
+// newMarshaler is the interface representing objects that can marshal themselves.
+// This exists to support protoc-gen-go generated messages.
+// The proto package will stop type-asserting to this interface in the future.
+type newMarshaler interface {
+	XXX_Size() int
+	XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error)
+// Size returns the encoded size of a protocol buffer message.
+// This is the main entry point.
+func Size(pb Message) int {
+	if m, ok := pb.(newMarshaler); ok {
+		return m.XXX_Size()
+	}
+	if m, ok := pb.(Marshaler); ok {
+		// If the message can marshal itself, let it do it, for compatibility.
+		// NOTE: This is not efficient.
+		b, _ := m.Marshal()
+		return len(b)
+	}
+	// in case somehow we didn't generate the wrapper
+	if pb == nil {
+		return 0
+	}
+	var info InternalMessageInfo
+	return info.Size(pb)
+// Marshal takes a protocol buffer message
+// and encodes it into the wire format, returning the data.
+// This is the main entry point.
+func Marshal(pb Message) ([]byte, error) {
+	if m, ok := pb.(newMarshaler); ok {
+		siz := m.XXX_Size()
+		b := make([]byte, 0, siz)
+		return m.XXX_Marshal(b, false)
+	}
+	if m, ok := pb.(Marshaler); ok {
+		// If the message can marshal itself, let it do it, for compatibility.
+		// NOTE: This is not efficient.
+		return m.Marshal()
+	}
+	// in case somehow we didn't generate the wrapper
+	if pb == nil {
+		return nil, ErrNil
+	}
+	var info InternalMessageInfo
+	siz := info.Size(pb)
+	b := make([]byte, 0, siz)
+	return info.Marshal(b, pb, false)
+// Marshal takes a protocol buffer message
+// and encodes it into the wire format, writing the result to the
+// Buffer.
+// This is an alternative entry point. It is not necessary to use
+// a Buffer for most applications.
+func (p *Buffer) Marshal(pb Message) error {
+	var err error
+	if m, ok := pb.(newMarshaler); ok {
+		siz := m.XXX_Size()
+		p.grow(siz) // make sure buf has enough capacity
+		p.buf, err = m.XXX_Marshal(p.buf, p.deterministic)
+		return err
+	}
+	if m, ok := pb.(Marshaler); ok {
+		// If the message can marshal itself, let it do it, for compatibility.
+		// NOTE: This is not efficient.
+		b, err := m.Marshal()
+		p.buf = append(p.buf, b...)
+		return err
+	}
+	// in case somehow we didn't generate the wrapper
+	if pb == nil {
+		return ErrNil
+	}
+	var info InternalMessageInfo
+	siz := info.Size(pb)
+	p.grow(siz) // make sure buf has enough capacity
+	p.buf, err = info.Marshal(p.buf, pb, p.deterministic)
+	return err
+// grow grows the buffer's capacity, if necessary, to guarantee space for
+// another n bytes. After grow(n), at least n bytes can be written to the
+// buffer without another allocation.
+func (p *Buffer) grow(n int) {
+	need := len(p.buf) + n
+	if need <= cap(p.buf) {
+		return
+	}
+	newCap := len(p.buf) * 2
+	if newCap < need {
+		newCap = need
+	}
+	p.buf = append(make([]byte, 0, newCap), p.buf...)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/table_merge.go b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/table_merge.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5525def
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/table_merge.go
@@ -0,0 +1,654 @@
+// Go support for Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
+// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors.  All rights reserved.
+// https://github.com/golang/protobuf
+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+// met:
+//     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+//     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
+// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+// distribution.
+//     * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
+// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+// this software without specific prior written permission.
+package proto
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	"reflect"
+	"strings"
+	"sync"
+	"sync/atomic"
+// Merge merges the src message into dst.
+// This assumes that dst and src of the same type and are non-nil.
+func (a *InternalMessageInfo) Merge(dst, src Message) {
+	mi := atomicLoadMergeInfo(&a.merge)
+	if mi == nil {
+		mi = getMergeInfo(reflect.TypeOf(dst).Elem())
+		atomicStoreMergeInfo(&a.merge, mi)
+	}
+	mi.merge(toPointer(&dst), toPointer(&src))
+type mergeInfo struct {
+	typ reflect.Type
+	initialized int32 // 0: only typ is valid, 1: everything is valid
+	lock        sync.Mutex
+	fields       []mergeFieldInfo
+	unrecognized field // Offset of XXX_unrecognized
+type mergeFieldInfo struct {
+	field field // Offset of field, guaranteed to be valid
+	// isPointer reports whether the value in the field is a pointer.
+	// This is true for the following situations:
+	//	* Pointer to struct
+	//	* Pointer to basic type (proto2 only)
+	//	* Slice (first value in slice header is a pointer)
+	//	* String (first value in string header is a pointer)
+	isPointer bool
+	// basicWidth reports the width of the field assuming that it is directly
+	// embedded in the struct (as is the case for basic types in proto3).
+	// The possible values are:
+	// 	0: invalid
+	//	1: bool
+	//	4: int32, uint32, float32
+	//	8: int64, uint64, float64
+	basicWidth int
+	// Where dst and src are pointers to the types being merged.
+	merge func(dst, src pointer)
+var (
+	mergeInfoMap  = map[reflect.Type]*mergeInfo{}
+	mergeInfoLock sync.Mutex
+func getMergeInfo(t reflect.Type) *mergeInfo {
+	mergeInfoLock.Lock()
+	defer mergeInfoLock.Unlock()
+	mi := mergeInfoMap[t]
+	if mi == nil {
+		mi = &mergeInfo{typ: t}
+		mergeInfoMap[t] = mi
+	}
+	return mi
+// merge merges src into dst assuming they are both of type *mi.typ.
+func (mi *mergeInfo) merge(dst, src pointer) {
+	if dst.isNil() {
+		panic("proto: nil destination")
+	}
+	if src.isNil() {
+		return // Nothing to do.
+	}
+	if atomic.LoadInt32(&mi.initialized) == 0 {
+		mi.computeMergeInfo()
+	}
+	for _, fi := range mi.fields {
+		sfp := src.offset(fi.field)
+		// As an optimization, we can avoid the merge function call cost
+		// if we know for sure that the source will have no effect
+		// by checking if it is the zero value.
+		if unsafeAllowed {
+			if fi.isPointer && sfp.getPointer().isNil() { // Could be slice or string
+				continue
+			}
+			if fi.basicWidth > 0 {
+				switch {
+				case fi.basicWidth == 1 && !*sfp.toBool():
+					continue
+				case fi.basicWidth == 4 && *sfp.toUint32() == 0:
+					continue
+				case fi.basicWidth == 8 && *sfp.toUint64() == 0:
+					continue
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		dfp := dst.offset(fi.field)
+		fi.merge(dfp, sfp)
+	}
+	// TODO: Make this faster?
+	out := dst.asPointerTo(mi.typ).Elem()
+	in := src.asPointerTo(mi.typ).Elem()
+	if emIn, err := extendable(in.Addr().Interface()); err == nil {
+		emOut, _ := extendable(out.Addr().Interface())
+		mIn, muIn := emIn.extensionsRead()
+		if mIn != nil {
+			mOut := emOut.extensionsWrite()
+			muIn.Lock()
+			mergeExtension(mOut, mIn)
+			muIn.Unlock()
+		}
+	}
+	if mi.unrecognized.IsValid() {
+		if b := *src.offset(mi.unrecognized).toBytes(); len(b) > 0 {
+			*dst.offset(mi.unrecognized).toBytes() = append([]byte(nil), b...)
+		}
+	}
+func (mi *mergeInfo) computeMergeInfo() {
+	mi.lock.Lock()
+	defer mi.lock.Unlock()
+	if mi.initialized != 0 {
+		return
+	}
+	t := mi.typ
+	n := t.NumField()
+	props := GetProperties(t)
+	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
+		f := t.Field(i)
+		if strings.HasPrefix(f.Name, "XXX_") {
+			continue
+		}
+		mfi := mergeFieldInfo{field: toField(&f)}
+		tf := f.Type
+		// As an optimization, we can avoid the merge function call cost
+		// if we know for sure that the source will have no effect
+		// by checking if it is the zero value.
+		if unsafeAllowed {
+			switch tf.Kind() {
+			case reflect.Ptr, reflect.Slice, reflect.String:
+				// As a special case, we assume slices and strings are pointers
+				// since we know that the first field in the SliceSlice or
+				// StringHeader is a data pointer.
+				mfi.isPointer = true
+			case reflect.Bool:
+				mfi.basicWidth = 1
+			case reflect.Int32, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Float32:
+				mfi.basicWidth = 4
+			case reflect.Int64, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Float64:
+				mfi.basicWidth = 8
+			}
+		}
+		// Unwrap tf to get at its most basic type.
+		var isPointer, isSlice bool
+		if tf.Kind() == reflect.Slice && tf.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Uint8 {
+			isSlice = true
+			tf = tf.Elem()
+		}
+		if tf.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+			isPointer = true
+			tf = tf.Elem()
+		}
+		if isPointer && isSlice && tf.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
+			panic("both pointer and slice for basic type in " + tf.Name())
+		}
+		switch tf.Kind() {
+		case reflect.Int32:
+			switch {
+			case isSlice: // E.g., []int32
+				mfi.merge = func(dst, src pointer) {
+					// NOTE: toInt32Slice is not defined (see pointer_reflect.go).
+					/*
+						sfsp := src.toInt32Slice()
+						if *sfsp != nil {
+							dfsp := dst.toInt32Slice()
+							*dfsp = append(*dfsp, *sfsp...)
+							if *dfsp == nil {
+								*dfsp = []int64{}
+							}
+						}
+					*/
+					sfs := src.getInt32Slice()
+					if sfs != nil {
+						dfs := dst.getInt32Slice()
+						dfs = append(dfs, sfs...)
+						if dfs == nil {
+							dfs = []int32{}
+						}
+						dst.setInt32Slice(dfs)
+					}
+				}
+			case isPointer: // E.g., *int32
+				mfi.merge = func(dst, src pointer) {
+					// NOTE: toInt32Ptr is not defined (see pointer_reflect.go).
+					/*
+						sfpp := src.toInt32Ptr()
+						if *sfpp != nil {
+							dfpp := dst.toInt32Ptr()
+							if *dfpp == nil {
+								*dfpp = Int32(**sfpp)
+							} else {
+								**dfpp = **sfpp
+							}
+						}
+					*/
+					sfp := src.getInt32Ptr()
+					if sfp != nil {
+						dfp := dst.getInt32Ptr()
+						if dfp == nil {
+							dst.setInt32Ptr(*sfp)
+						} else {
+							*dfp = *sfp
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			default: // E.g., int32
+				mfi.merge = func(dst, src pointer) {
+					if v := *src.toInt32(); v != 0 {
+						*dst.toInt32() = v
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		case reflect.Int64:
+			switch {
+			case isSlice: // E.g., []int64
+				mfi.merge = func(dst, src pointer) {
+					sfsp := src.toInt64Slice()
+					if *sfsp != nil {
+						dfsp := dst.toInt64Slice()
+						*dfsp = append(*dfsp, *sfsp...)
+						if *dfsp == nil {
+							*dfsp = []int64{}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			case isPointer: // E.g., *int64
+				mfi.merge = func(dst, src pointer) {
+					sfpp := src.toInt64Ptr()
+					if *sfpp != nil {
+						dfpp := dst.toInt64Ptr()
+						if *dfpp == nil {
+							*dfpp = Int64(**sfpp)
+						} else {
+							**dfpp = **sfpp
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			default: // E.g., int64
+				mfi.merge = func(dst, src pointer) {
+					if v := *src.toInt64(); v != 0 {
+						*dst.toInt64() = v
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		case reflect.Uint32:
+			switch {
+			case isSlice: // E.g., []uint32
+				mfi.merge = func(dst, src pointer) {
+					sfsp := src.toUint32Slice()
+					if *sfsp != nil {
+						dfsp := dst.toUint32Slice()
+						*dfsp = append(*dfsp, *sfsp...)
+						if *dfsp == nil {
+							*dfsp = []uint32{}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			case isPointer: // E.g., *uint32
+				mfi.merge = func(dst, src pointer) {
+					sfpp := src.toUint32Ptr()
+					if *sfpp != nil {
+						dfpp := dst.toUint32Ptr()
+						if *dfpp == nil {
+							*dfpp = Uint32(**sfpp)
+						} else {
+							**dfpp = **sfpp
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			default: // E.g., uint32
+				mfi.merge = func(dst, src pointer) {
+					if v := *src.toUint32(); v != 0 {
+						*dst.toUint32() = v
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		case reflect.Uint64:
+			switch {
+			case isSlice: // E.g., []uint64
+				mfi.merge = func(dst, src pointer) {
+					sfsp := src.toUint64Slice()
+					if *sfsp != nil {
+						dfsp := dst.toUint64Slice()
+						*dfsp = append(*dfsp, *sfsp...)
+						if *dfsp == nil {
+							*dfsp = []uint64{}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			case isPointer: // E.g., *uint64
+				mfi.merge = func(dst, src pointer) {
+					sfpp := src.toUint64Ptr()
+					if *sfpp != nil {
+						dfpp := dst.toUint64Ptr()
+						if *dfpp == nil {
+							*dfpp = Uint64(**sfpp)
+						} else {
+							**dfpp = **sfpp
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			default: // E.g., uint64
+				mfi.merge = func(dst, src pointer) {
+					if v := *src.toUint64(); v != 0 {
+						*dst.toUint64() = v
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		case reflect.Float32:
+			switch {
+			case isSlice: // E.g., []float32
+				mfi.merge = func(dst, src pointer) {
+					sfsp := src.toFloat32Slice()
+					if *sfsp != nil {
+						dfsp := dst.toFloat32Slice()
+						*dfsp = append(*dfsp, *sfsp...)
+						if *dfsp == nil {
+							*dfsp = []float32{}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			case isPointer: // E.g., *float32
+				mfi.merge = func(dst, src pointer) {
+					sfpp := src.toFloat32Ptr()
+					if *sfpp != nil {
+						dfpp := dst.toFloat32Ptr()
+						if *dfpp == nil {
+							*dfpp = Float32(**sfpp)
+						} else {
+							**dfpp = **sfpp
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			default: // E.g., float32
+				mfi.merge = func(dst, src pointer) {
+					if v := *src.toFloat32(); v != 0 {
+						*dst.toFloat32() = v
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		case reflect.Float64:
+			switch {
+			case isSlice: // E.g., []float64
+				mfi.merge = func(dst, src pointer) {
+					sfsp := src.toFloat64Slice()
+					if *sfsp != nil {
+						dfsp := dst.toFloat64Slice()
+						*dfsp = append(*dfsp, *sfsp...)
+						if *dfsp == nil {
+							*dfsp = []float64{}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			case isPointer: // E.g., *float64
+				mfi.merge = func(dst, src pointer) {
+					sfpp := src.toFloat64Ptr()
+					if *sfpp != nil {
+						dfpp := dst.toFloat64Ptr()
+						if *dfpp == nil {
+							*dfpp = Float64(**sfpp)
+						} else {
+							**dfpp = **sfpp
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			default: // E.g., float64
+				mfi.merge = func(dst, src pointer) {
+					if v := *src.toFloat64(); v != 0 {
+						*dst.toFloat64() = v
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		case reflect.Bool:
+			switch {
+			case isSlice: // E.g., []bool
+				mfi.merge = func(dst, src pointer) {
+					sfsp := src.toBoolSlice()
+					if *sfsp != nil {
+						dfsp := dst.toBoolSlice()
+						*dfsp = append(*dfsp, *sfsp...)
+						if *dfsp == nil {
+							*dfsp = []bool{}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			case isPointer: // E.g., *bool
+				mfi.merge = func(dst, src pointer) {
+					sfpp := src.toBoolPtr()
+					if *sfpp != nil {
+						dfpp := dst.toBoolPtr()
+						if *dfpp == nil {
+							*dfpp = Bool(**sfpp)
+						} else {
+							**dfpp = **sfpp
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			default: // E.g., bool
+				mfi.merge = func(dst, src pointer) {
+					if v := *src.toBool(); v {
+						*dst.toBool() = v
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		case reflect.String:
+			switch {
+			case isSlice: // E.g., []string
+				mfi.merge = func(dst, src pointer) {
+					sfsp := src.toStringSlice()
+					if *sfsp != nil {
+						dfsp := dst.toStringSlice()
+						*dfsp = append(*dfsp, *sfsp...)
+						if *dfsp == nil {
+							*dfsp = []string{}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			case isPointer: // E.g., *string
+				mfi.merge = func(dst, src pointer) {
+					sfpp := src.toStringPtr()
+					if *sfpp != nil {
+						dfpp := dst.toStringPtr()
+						if *dfpp == nil {
+							*dfpp = String(**sfpp)
+						} else {
+							**dfpp = **sfpp
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			default: // E.g., string
+				mfi.merge = func(dst, src pointer) {
+					if v := *src.toString(); v != "" {
+						*dst.toString() = v
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		case reflect.Slice:
+			isProto3 := props.Prop[i].proto3
+			switch {
+			case isPointer:
+				panic("bad pointer in byte slice case in " + tf.Name())
+			case tf.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Uint8:
+				panic("bad element kind in byte slice case in " + tf.Name())
+			case isSlice: // E.g., [][]byte
+				mfi.merge = func(dst, src pointer) {
+					sbsp := src.toBytesSlice()
+					if *sbsp != nil {
+						dbsp := dst.toBytesSlice()
+						for _, sb := range *sbsp {
+							if sb == nil {
+								*dbsp = append(*dbsp, nil)
+							} else {
+								*dbsp = append(*dbsp, append([]byte{}, sb...))
+							}
+						}
+						if *dbsp == nil {
+							*dbsp = [][]byte{}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			default: // E.g., []byte
+				mfi.merge = func(dst, src pointer) {
+					sbp := src.toBytes()
+					if *sbp != nil {
+						dbp := dst.toBytes()
+						if !isProto3 || len(*sbp) > 0 {
+							*dbp = append([]byte{}, *sbp...)
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		case reflect.Struct:
+			switch {
+			case !isPointer:
+				panic(fmt.Sprintf("message field %s without pointer", tf))
+			case isSlice: // E.g., []*pb.T
+				mi := getMergeInfo(tf)
+				mfi.merge = func(dst, src pointer) {
+					sps := src.getPointerSlice()
+					if sps != nil {
+						dps := dst.getPointerSlice()
+						for _, sp := range sps {
+							var dp pointer
+							if !sp.isNil() {
+								dp = valToPointer(reflect.New(tf))
+								mi.merge(dp, sp)
+							}
+							dps = append(dps, dp)
+						}
+						if dps == nil {
+							dps = []pointer{}
+						}
+						dst.setPointerSlice(dps)
+					}
+				}
+			default: // E.g., *pb.T
+				mi := getMergeInfo(tf)
+				mfi.merge = func(dst, src pointer) {
+					sp := src.getPointer()
+					if !sp.isNil() {
+						dp := dst.getPointer()
+						if dp.isNil() {
+							dp = valToPointer(reflect.New(tf))
+							dst.setPointer(dp)
+						}
+						mi.merge(dp, sp)
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		case reflect.Map:
+			switch {
+			case isPointer || isSlice:
+				panic("bad pointer or slice in map case in " + tf.Name())
+			default: // E.g., map[K]V
+				mfi.merge = func(dst, src pointer) {
+					sm := src.asPointerTo(tf).Elem()
+					if sm.Len() == 0 {
+						return
+					}
+					dm := dst.asPointerTo(tf).Elem()
+					if dm.IsNil() {
+						dm.Set(reflect.MakeMap(tf))
+					}
+					switch tf.Elem().Kind() {
+					case reflect.Ptr: // Proto struct (e.g., *T)
+						for _, key := range sm.MapKeys() {
+							val := sm.MapIndex(key)
+							val = reflect.ValueOf(Clone(val.Interface().(Message)))
+							dm.SetMapIndex(key, val)
+						}
+					case reflect.Slice: // E.g. Bytes type (e.g., []byte)
+						for _, key := range sm.MapKeys() {
+							val := sm.MapIndex(key)
+							val = reflect.ValueOf(append([]byte{}, val.Bytes()...))
+							dm.SetMapIndex(key, val)
+						}
+					default: // Basic type (e.g., string)
+						for _, key := range sm.MapKeys() {
+							val := sm.MapIndex(key)
+							dm.SetMapIndex(key, val)
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		case reflect.Interface:
+			// Must be oneof field.
+			switch {
+			case isPointer || isSlice:
+				panic("bad pointer or slice in interface case in " + tf.Name())
+			default: // E.g., interface{}
+				// TODO: Make this faster?
+				mfi.merge = func(dst, src pointer) {
+					su := src.asPointerTo(tf).Elem()
+					if !su.IsNil() {
+						du := dst.asPointerTo(tf).Elem()
+						typ := su.Elem().Type()
+						if du.IsNil() || du.Elem().Type() != typ {
+							du.Set(reflect.New(typ.Elem())) // Initialize interface if empty
+						}
+						sv := su.Elem().Elem().Field(0)
+						if sv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && sv.IsNil() {
+							return
+						}
+						dv := du.Elem().Elem().Field(0)
+						if dv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && dv.IsNil() {
+							dv.Set(reflect.New(sv.Type().Elem())) // Initialize proto message if empty
+						}
+						switch sv.Type().Kind() {
+						case reflect.Ptr: // Proto struct (e.g., *T)
+							Merge(dv.Interface().(Message), sv.Interface().(Message))
+						case reflect.Slice: // E.g. Bytes type (e.g., []byte)
+							dv.Set(reflect.ValueOf(append([]byte{}, sv.Bytes()...)))
+						default: // Basic type (e.g., string)
+							dv.Set(sv)
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		default:
+			panic(fmt.Sprintf("merger not found for type:%s", tf))
+		}
+		mi.fields = append(mi.fields, mfi)
+	}
+	mi.unrecognized = invalidField
+	if f, ok := t.FieldByName("XXX_unrecognized"); ok {
+		if f.Type != reflect.TypeOf([]byte{}) {
+			panic("expected XXX_unrecognized to be of type []byte")
+		}
+		mi.unrecognized = toField(&f)
+	}
+	atomic.StoreInt32(&mi.initialized, 1)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/table_unmarshal.go b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/table_unmarshal.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..acee2fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/table_unmarshal.go
@@ -0,0 +1,2053 @@
+// Go support for Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
+// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors.  All rights reserved.
+// https://github.com/golang/protobuf
+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+// met:
+//     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+//     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
+// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+// distribution.
+//     * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
+// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+// this software without specific prior written permission.
+package proto
+import (
+	"errors"
+	"fmt"
+	"io"
+	"math"
+	"reflect"
+	"strconv"
+	"strings"
+	"sync"
+	"sync/atomic"
+	"unicode/utf8"
+// Unmarshal is the entry point from the generated .pb.go files.
+// This function is not intended to be used by non-generated code.
+// This function is not subject to any compatibility guarantee.
+// msg contains a pointer to a protocol buffer struct.
+// b is the data to be unmarshaled into the protocol buffer.
+// a is a pointer to a place to store cached unmarshal information.
+func (a *InternalMessageInfo) Unmarshal(msg Message, b []byte) error {
+	// Load the unmarshal information for this message type.
+	// The atomic load ensures memory consistency.
+	u := atomicLoadUnmarshalInfo(&a.unmarshal)
+	if u == nil {
+		// Slow path: find unmarshal info for msg, update a with it.
+		u = getUnmarshalInfo(reflect.TypeOf(msg).Elem())
+		atomicStoreUnmarshalInfo(&a.unmarshal, u)
+	}
+	// Then do the unmarshaling.
+	err := u.unmarshal(toPointer(&msg), b)
+	return err
+type unmarshalInfo struct {
+	typ reflect.Type // type of the protobuf struct
+	// 0 = only typ field is initialized
+	// 1 = completely initialized
+	initialized     int32
+	lock            sync.Mutex                    // prevents double initialization
+	dense           []unmarshalFieldInfo          // fields indexed by tag #
+	sparse          map[uint64]unmarshalFieldInfo // fields indexed by tag #
+	reqFields       []string                      // names of required fields
+	reqMask         uint64                        // 1<<len(reqFields)-1
+	unrecognized    field                         // offset of []byte to put unrecognized data (or invalidField if we should throw it away)
+	extensions      field                         // offset of extensions field (of type proto.XXX_InternalExtensions), or invalidField if it does not exist
+	oldExtensions   field                         // offset of old-form extensions field (of type map[int]Extension)
+	extensionRanges []ExtensionRange              // if non-nil, implies extensions field is valid
+	isMessageSet    bool                          // if true, implies extensions field is valid
+// An unmarshaler takes a stream of bytes and a pointer to a field of a message.
+// It decodes the field, stores it at f, and returns the unused bytes.
+// w is the wire encoding.
+// b is the data after the tag and wire encoding have been read.
+type unmarshaler func(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error)
+type unmarshalFieldInfo struct {
+	// location of the field in the proto message structure.
+	field field
+	// function to unmarshal the data for the field.
+	unmarshal unmarshaler
+	// if a required field, contains a single set bit at this field's index in the required field list.
+	reqMask uint64
+	name string // name of the field, for error reporting
+var (
+	unmarshalInfoMap  = map[reflect.Type]*unmarshalInfo{}
+	unmarshalInfoLock sync.Mutex
+// getUnmarshalInfo returns the data structure which can be
+// subsequently used to unmarshal a message of the given type.
+// t is the type of the message (note: not pointer to message).
+func getUnmarshalInfo(t reflect.Type) *unmarshalInfo {
+	// It would be correct to return a new unmarshalInfo
+	// unconditionally. We would end up allocating one
+	// per occurrence of that type as a message or submessage.
+	// We use a cache here just to reduce memory usage.
+	unmarshalInfoLock.Lock()
+	defer unmarshalInfoLock.Unlock()
+	u := unmarshalInfoMap[t]
+	if u == nil {
+		u = &unmarshalInfo{typ: t}
+		// Note: we just set the type here. The rest of the fields
+		// will be initialized on first use.
+		unmarshalInfoMap[t] = u
+	}
+	return u
+// unmarshal does the main work of unmarshaling a message.
+// u provides type information used to unmarshal the message.
+// m is a pointer to a protocol buffer message.
+// b is a byte stream to unmarshal into m.
+// This is top routine used when recursively unmarshaling submessages.
+func (u *unmarshalInfo) unmarshal(m pointer, b []byte) error {
+	if atomic.LoadInt32(&u.initialized) == 0 {
+		u.computeUnmarshalInfo()
+	}
+	if u.isMessageSet {
+		return unmarshalMessageSet(b, m.offset(u.extensions).toExtensions())
+	}
+	var reqMask uint64 // bitmask of required fields we've seen.
+	var errLater error
+	for len(b) > 0 {
+		// Read tag and wire type.
+		// Special case 1 and 2 byte varints.
+		var x uint64
+		if b[0] < 128 {
+			x = uint64(b[0])
+			b = b[1:]
+		} else if len(b) >= 2 && b[1] < 128 {
+			x = uint64(b[0]&0x7f) + uint64(b[1])<<7
+			b = b[2:]
+		} else {
+			var n int
+			x, n = decodeVarint(b)
+			if n == 0 {
+				return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+			}
+			b = b[n:]
+		}
+		tag := x >> 3
+		wire := int(x) & 7
+		// Dispatch on the tag to one of the unmarshal* functions below.
+		var f unmarshalFieldInfo
+		if tag < uint64(len(u.dense)) {
+			f = u.dense[tag]
+		} else {
+			f = u.sparse[tag]
+		}
+		if fn := f.unmarshal; fn != nil {
+			var err error
+			b, err = fn(b, m.offset(f.field), wire)
+			if err == nil {
+				reqMask |= f.reqMask
+				continue
+			}
+			if r, ok := err.(*RequiredNotSetError); ok {
+				// Remember this error, but keep parsing. We need to produce
+				// a full parse even if a required field is missing.
+				if errLater == nil {
+					errLater = r
+				}
+				reqMask |= f.reqMask
+				continue
+			}
+			if err != errInternalBadWireType {
+				if err == errInvalidUTF8 {
+					if errLater == nil {
+						fullName := revProtoTypes[reflect.PtrTo(u.typ)] + "." + f.name
+						errLater = &invalidUTF8Error{fullName}
+					}
+					continue
+				}
+				return err
+			}
+			// Fragments with bad wire type are treated as unknown fields.
+		}
+		// Unknown tag.
+		if !u.unrecognized.IsValid() {
+			// Don't keep unrecognized data; just skip it.
+			var err error
+			b, err = skipField(b, wire)
+			if err != nil {
+				return err
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		// Keep unrecognized data around.
+		// maybe in extensions, maybe in the unrecognized field.
+		z := m.offset(u.unrecognized).toBytes()
+		var emap map[int32]Extension
+		var e Extension
+		for _, r := range u.extensionRanges {
+			if uint64(r.Start) <= tag && tag <= uint64(r.End) {
+				if u.extensions.IsValid() {
+					mp := m.offset(u.extensions).toExtensions()
+					emap = mp.extensionsWrite()
+					e = emap[int32(tag)]
+					z = &e.enc
+					break
+				}
+				if u.oldExtensions.IsValid() {
+					p := m.offset(u.oldExtensions).toOldExtensions()
+					emap = *p
+					if emap == nil {
+						emap = map[int32]Extension{}
+						*p = emap
+					}
+					e = emap[int32(tag)]
+					z = &e.enc
+					break
+				}
+				panic("no extensions field available")
+			}
+		}
+		// Use wire type to skip data.
+		var err error
+		b0 := b
+		b, err = skipField(b, wire)
+		if err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+		*z = encodeVarint(*z, tag<<3|uint64(wire))
+		*z = append(*z, b0[:len(b0)-len(b)]...)
+		if emap != nil {
+			emap[int32(tag)] = e
+		}
+	}
+	if reqMask != u.reqMask && errLater == nil {
+		// A required field of this message is missing.
+		for _, n := range u.reqFields {
+			if reqMask&1 == 0 {
+				errLater = &RequiredNotSetError{n}
+			}
+			reqMask >>= 1
+		}
+	}
+	return errLater
+// computeUnmarshalInfo fills in u with information for use
+// in unmarshaling protocol buffers of type u.typ.
+func (u *unmarshalInfo) computeUnmarshalInfo() {
+	u.lock.Lock()
+	defer u.lock.Unlock()
+	if u.initialized != 0 {
+		return
+	}
+	t := u.typ
+	n := t.NumField()
+	// Set up the "not found" value for the unrecognized byte buffer.
+	// This is the default for proto3.
+	u.unrecognized = invalidField
+	u.extensions = invalidField
+	u.oldExtensions = invalidField
+	// List of the generated type and offset for each oneof field.
+	type oneofField struct {
+		ityp  reflect.Type // interface type of oneof field
+		field field        // offset in containing message
+	}
+	var oneofFields []oneofField
+	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
+		f := t.Field(i)
+		if f.Name == "XXX_unrecognized" {
+			// The byte slice used to hold unrecognized input is special.
+			if f.Type != reflect.TypeOf(([]byte)(nil)) {
+				panic("bad type for XXX_unrecognized field: " + f.Type.Name())
+			}
+			u.unrecognized = toField(&f)
+			continue
+		}
+		if f.Name == "XXX_InternalExtensions" {
+			// Ditto here.
+			if f.Type != reflect.TypeOf(XXX_InternalExtensions{}) {
+				panic("bad type for XXX_InternalExtensions field: " + f.Type.Name())
+			}
+			u.extensions = toField(&f)
+			if f.Tag.Get("protobuf_messageset") == "1" {
+				u.isMessageSet = true
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		if f.Name == "XXX_extensions" {
+			// An older form of the extensions field.
+			if f.Type != reflect.TypeOf((map[int32]Extension)(nil)) {
+				panic("bad type for XXX_extensions field: " + f.Type.Name())
+			}
+			u.oldExtensions = toField(&f)
+			continue
+		}
+		if f.Name == "XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral" || f.Name == "XXX_sizecache" {
+			continue
+		}
+		oneof := f.Tag.Get("protobuf_oneof")
+		if oneof != "" {
+			oneofFields = append(oneofFields, oneofField{f.Type, toField(&f)})
+			// The rest of oneof processing happens below.
+			continue
+		}
+		tags := f.Tag.Get("protobuf")
+		tagArray := strings.Split(tags, ",")
+		if len(tagArray) < 2 {
+			panic("protobuf tag not enough fields in " + t.Name() + "." + f.Name + ": " + tags)
+		}
+		tag, err := strconv.Atoi(tagArray[1])
+		if err != nil {
+			panic("protobuf tag field not an integer: " + tagArray[1])
+		}
+		name := ""
+		for _, tag := range tagArray[3:] {
+			if strings.HasPrefix(tag, "name=") {
+				name = tag[5:]
+			}
+		}
+		// Extract unmarshaling function from the field (its type and tags).
+		unmarshal := fieldUnmarshaler(&f)
+		// Required field?
+		var reqMask uint64
+		if tagArray[2] == "req" {
+			bit := len(u.reqFields)
+			u.reqFields = append(u.reqFields, name)
+			reqMask = uint64(1) << uint(bit)
+			// TODO: if we have more than 64 required fields, we end up
+			// not verifying that all required fields are present.
+			// Fix this, perhaps using a count of required fields?
+		}
+		// Store the info in the correct slot in the message.
+		u.setTag(tag, toField(&f), unmarshal, reqMask, name)
+	}
+	// Find any types associated with oneof fields.
+	var oneofImplementers []interface{}
+	switch m := reflect.Zero(reflect.PtrTo(t)).Interface().(type) {
+	case oneofFuncsIface:
+		_, _, _, oneofImplementers = m.XXX_OneofFuncs()
+	case oneofWrappersIface:
+		oneofImplementers = m.XXX_OneofWrappers()
+	}
+	for _, v := range oneofImplementers {
+		tptr := reflect.TypeOf(v) // *Msg_X
+		typ := tptr.Elem()        // Msg_X
+		f := typ.Field(0) // oneof implementers have one field
+		baseUnmarshal := fieldUnmarshaler(&f)
+		tags := strings.Split(f.Tag.Get("protobuf"), ",")
+		fieldNum, err := strconv.Atoi(tags[1])
+		if err != nil {
+			panic("protobuf tag field not an integer: " + tags[1])
+		}
+		var name string
+		for _, tag := range tags {
+			if strings.HasPrefix(tag, "name=") {
+				name = strings.TrimPrefix(tag, "name=")
+				break
+			}
+		}
+		// Find the oneof field that this struct implements.
+		// Might take O(n^2) to process all of the oneofs, but who cares.
+		for _, of := range oneofFields {
+			if tptr.Implements(of.ityp) {
+				// We have found the corresponding interface for this struct.
+				// That lets us know where this struct should be stored
+				// when we encounter it during unmarshaling.
+				unmarshal := makeUnmarshalOneof(typ, of.ityp, baseUnmarshal)
+				u.setTag(fieldNum, of.field, unmarshal, 0, name)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	// Get extension ranges, if any.
+	fn := reflect.Zero(reflect.PtrTo(t)).MethodByName("ExtensionRangeArray")
+	if fn.IsValid() {
+		if !u.extensions.IsValid() && !u.oldExtensions.IsValid() {
+			panic("a message with extensions, but no extensions field in " + t.Name())
+		}
+		u.extensionRanges = fn.Call(nil)[0].Interface().([]ExtensionRange)
+	}
+	// Explicitly disallow tag 0. This will ensure we flag an error
+	// when decoding a buffer of all zeros. Without this code, we
+	// would decode and skip an all-zero buffer of even length.
+	// [0 0] is [tag=0/wiretype=varint varint-encoded-0].
+	u.setTag(0, zeroField, func(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) {
+		return nil, fmt.Errorf("proto: %s: illegal tag 0 (wire type %d)", t, w)
+	}, 0, "")
+	// Set mask for required field check.
+	u.reqMask = uint64(1)<<uint(len(u.reqFields)) - 1
+	atomic.StoreInt32(&u.initialized, 1)
+// setTag stores the unmarshal information for the given tag.
+// tag = tag # for field
+// field/unmarshal = unmarshal info for that field.
+// reqMask = if required, bitmask for field position in required field list. 0 otherwise.
+// name = short name of the field.
+func (u *unmarshalInfo) setTag(tag int, field field, unmarshal unmarshaler, reqMask uint64, name string) {
+	i := unmarshalFieldInfo{field: field, unmarshal: unmarshal, reqMask: reqMask, name: name}
+	n := u.typ.NumField()
+	if tag >= 0 && (tag < 16 || tag < 2*n) { // TODO: what are the right numbers here?
+		for len(u.dense) <= tag {
+			u.dense = append(u.dense, unmarshalFieldInfo{})
+		}
+		u.dense[tag] = i
+		return
+	}
+	if u.sparse == nil {
+		u.sparse = map[uint64]unmarshalFieldInfo{}
+	}
+	u.sparse[uint64(tag)] = i
+// fieldUnmarshaler returns an unmarshaler for the given field.
+func fieldUnmarshaler(f *reflect.StructField) unmarshaler {
+	if f.Type.Kind() == reflect.Map {
+		return makeUnmarshalMap(f)
+	}
+	return typeUnmarshaler(f.Type, f.Tag.Get("protobuf"))
+// typeUnmarshaler returns an unmarshaler for the given field type / field tag pair.
+func typeUnmarshaler(t reflect.Type, tags string) unmarshaler {
+	tagArray := strings.Split(tags, ",")
+	encoding := tagArray[0]
+	name := "unknown"
+	proto3 := false
+	validateUTF8 := true
+	for _, tag := range tagArray[3:] {
+		if strings.HasPrefix(tag, "name=") {
+			name = tag[5:]
+		}
+		if tag == "proto3" {
+			proto3 = true
+		}
+	}
+	validateUTF8 = validateUTF8 && proto3
+	// Figure out packaging (pointer, slice, or both)
+	slice := false
+	pointer := false
+	if t.Kind() == reflect.Slice && t.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Uint8 {
+		slice = true
+		t = t.Elem()
+	}
+	if t.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		pointer = true
+		t = t.Elem()
+	}
+	// We'll never have both pointer and slice for basic types.
+	if pointer && slice && t.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
+		panic("both pointer and slice for basic type in " + t.Name())
+	}
+	switch t.Kind() {
+	case reflect.Bool:
+		if pointer {
+			return unmarshalBoolPtr
+		}
+		if slice {
+			return unmarshalBoolSlice
+		}
+		return unmarshalBoolValue
+	case reflect.Int32:
+		switch encoding {
+		case "fixed32":
+			if pointer {
+				return unmarshalFixedS32Ptr
+			}
+			if slice {
+				return unmarshalFixedS32Slice
+			}
+			return unmarshalFixedS32Value
+		case "varint":
+			// this could be int32 or enum
+			if pointer {
+				return unmarshalInt32Ptr
+			}
+			if slice {
+				return unmarshalInt32Slice
+			}
+			return unmarshalInt32Value
+		case "zigzag32":
+			if pointer {
+				return unmarshalSint32Ptr
+			}
+			if slice {
+				return unmarshalSint32Slice
+			}
+			return unmarshalSint32Value
+		}
+	case reflect.Int64:
+		switch encoding {
+		case "fixed64":
+			if pointer {
+				return unmarshalFixedS64Ptr
+			}
+			if slice {
+				return unmarshalFixedS64Slice
+			}
+			return unmarshalFixedS64Value
+		case "varint":
+			if pointer {
+				return unmarshalInt64Ptr
+			}
+			if slice {
+				return unmarshalInt64Slice
+			}
+			return unmarshalInt64Value
+		case "zigzag64":
+			if pointer {
+				return unmarshalSint64Ptr
+			}
+			if slice {
+				return unmarshalSint64Slice
+			}
+			return unmarshalSint64Value
+		}
+	case reflect.Uint32:
+		switch encoding {
+		case "fixed32":
+			if pointer {
+				return unmarshalFixed32Ptr
+			}
+			if slice {
+				return unmarshalFixed32Slice
+			}
+			return unmarshalFixed32Value
+		case "varint":
+			if pointer {
+				return unmarshalUint32Ptr
+			}
+			if slice {
+				return unmarshalUint32Slice
+			}
+			return unmarshalUint32Value
+		}
+	case reflect.Uint64:
+		switch encoding {
+		case "fixed64":
+			if pointer {
+				return unmarshalFixed64Ptr
+			}
+			if slice {
+				return unmarshalFixed64Slice
+			}
+			return unmarshalFixed64Value
+		case "varint":
+			if pointer {
+				return unmarshalUint64Ptr
+			}
+			if slice {
+				return unmarshalUint64Slice
+			}
+			return unmarshalUint64Value
+		}
+	case reflect.Float32:
+		if pointer {
+			return unmarshalFloat32Ptr
+		}
+		if slice {
+			return unmarshalFloat32Slice
+		}
+		return unmarshalFloat32Value
+	case reflect.Float64:
+		if pointer {
+			return unmarshalFloat64Ptr
+		}
+		if slice {
+			return unmarshalFloat64Slice
+		}
+		return unmarshalFloat64Value
+	case reflect.Map:
+		panic("map type in typeUnmarshaler in " + t.Name())
+	case reflect.Slice:
+		if pointer {
+			panic("bad pointer in slice case in " + t.Name())
+		}
+		if slice {
+			return unmarshalBytesSlice
+		}
+		return unmarshalBytesValue
+	case reflect.String:
+		if validateUTF8 {
+			if pointer {
+				return unmarshalUTF8StringPtr
+			}
+			if slice {
+				return unmarshalUTF8StringSlice
+			}
+			return unmarshalUTF8StringValue
+		}
+		if pointer {
+			return unmarshalStringPtr
+		}
+		if slice {
+			return unmarshalStringSlice
+		}
+		return unmarshalStringValue
+	case reflect.Struct:
+		// message or group field
+		if !pointer {
+			panic(fmt.Sprintf("message/group field %s:%s without pointer", t, encoding))
+		}
+		switch encoding {
+		case "bytes":
+			if slice {
+				return makeUnmarshalMessageSlicePtr(getUnmarshalInfo(t), name)
+			}
+			return makeUnmarshalMessagePtr(getUnmarshalInfo(t), name)
+		case "group":
+			if slice {
+				return makeUnmarshalGroupSlicePtr(getUnmarshalInfo(t), name)
+			}
+			return makeUnmarshalGroupPtr(getUnmarshalInfo(t), name)
+		}
+	}
+	panic(fmt.Sprintf("unmarshaler not found type:%s encoding:%s", t, encoding))
+// Below are all the unmarshalers for individual fields of various types.
+func unmarshalInt64Value(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) {
+	if w != WireVarint {
+		return b, errInternalBadWireType
+	}
+	x, n := decodeVarint(b)
+	if n == 0 {
+		return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+	}
+	b = b[n:]
+	v := int64(x)
+	*f.toInt64() = v
+	return b, nil
+func unmarshalInt64Ptr(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) {
+	if w != WireVarint {
+		return b, errInternalBadWireType
+	}
+	x, n := decodeVarint(b)
+	if n == 0 {
+		return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+	}
+	b = b[n:]
+	v := int64(x)
+	*f.toInt64Ptr() = &v
+	return b, nil
+func unmarshalInt64Slice(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) {
+	if w == WireBytes { // packed
+		x, n := decodeVarint(b)
+		if n == 0 {
+			return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+		}
+		b = b[n:]
+		if x > uint64(len(b)) {
+			return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+		}
+		res := b[x:]
+		b = b[:x]
+		for len(b) > 0 {
+			x, n = decodeVarint(b)
+			if n == 0 {
+				return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+			}
+			b = b[n:]
+			v := int64(x)
+			s := f.toInt64Slice()
+			*s = append(*s, v)
+		}
+		return res, nil
+	}
+	if w != WireVarint {
+		return b, errInternalBadWireType
+	}
+	x, n := decodeVarint(b)
+	if n == 0 {
+		return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+	}
+	b = b[n:]
+	v := int64(x)
+	s := f.toInt64Slice()
+	*s = append(*s, v)
+	return b, nil
+func unmarshalSint64Value(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) {
+	if w != WireVarint {
+		return b, errInternalBadWireType
+	}
+	x, n := decodeVarint(b)
+	if n == 0 {
+		return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+	}
+	b = b[n:]
+	v := int64(x>>1) ^ int64(x)<<63>>63
+	*f.toInt64() = v
+	return b, nil
+func unmarshalSint64Ptr(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) {
+	if w != WireVarint {
+		return b, errInternalBadWireType
+	}
+	x, n := decodeVarint(b)
+	if n == 0 {
+		return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+	}
+	b = b[n:]
+	v := int64(x>>1) ^ int64(x)<<63>>63
+	*f.toInt64Ptr() = &v
+	return b, nil
+func unmarshalSint64Slice(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) {
+	if w == WireBytes { // packed
+		x, n := decodeVarint(b)
+		if n == 0 {
+			return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+		}
+		b = b[n:]
+		if x > uint64(len(b)) {
+			return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+		}
+		res := b[x:]
+		b = b[:x]
+		for len(b) > 0 {
+			x, n = decodeVarint(b)
+			if n == 0 {
+				return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+			}
+			b = b[n:]
+			v := int64(x>>1) ^ int64(x)<<63>>63
+			s := f.toInt64Slice()
+			*s = append(*s, v)
+		}
+		return res, nil
+	}
+	if w != WireVarint {
+		return b, errInternalBadWireType
+	}
+	x, n := decodeVarint(b)
+	if n == 0 {
+		return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+	}
+	b = b[n:]
+	v := int64(x>>1) ^ int64(x)<<63>>63
+	s := f.toInt64Slice()
+	*s = append(*s, v)
+	return b, nil
+func unmarshalUint64Value(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) {
+	if w != WireVarint {
+		return b, errInternalBadWireType
+	}
+	x, n := decodeVarint(b)
+	if n == 0 {
+		return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+	}
+	b = b[n:]
+	v := uint64(x)
+	*f.toUint64() = v
+	return b, nil
+func unmarshalUint64Ptr(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) {
+	if w != WireVarint {
+		return b, errInternalBadWireType
+	}
+	x, n := decodeVarint(b)
+	if n == 0 {
+		return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+	}
+	b = b[n:]
+	v := uint64(x)
+	*f.toUint64Ptr() = &v
+	return b, nil
+func unmarshalUint64Slice(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) {
+	if w == WireBytes { // packed
+		x, n := decodeVarint(b)
+		if n == 0 {
+			return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+		}
+		b = b[n:]
+		if x > uint64(len(b)) {
+			return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+		}
+		res := b[x:]
+		b = b[:x]
+		for len(b) > 0 {
+			x, n = decodeVarint(b)
+			if n == 0 {
+				return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+			}
+			b = b[n:]
+			v := uint64(x)
+			s := f.toUint64Slice()
+			*s = append(*s, v)
+		}
+		return res, nil
+	}
+	if w != WireVarint {
+		return b, errInternalBadWireType
+	}
+	x, n := decodeVarint(b)
+	if n == 0 {
+		return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+	}
+	b = b[n:]
+	v := uint64(x)
+	s := f.toUint64Slice()
+	*s = append(*s, v)
+	return b, nil
+func unmarshalInt32Value(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) {
+	if w != WireVarint {
+		return b, errInternalBadWireType
+	}
+	x, n := decodeVarint(b)
+	if n == 0 {
+		return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+	}
+	b = b[n:]
+	v := int32(x)
+	*f.toInt32() = v
+	return b, nil
+func unmarshalInt32Ptr(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) {
+	if w != WireVarint {
+		return b, errInternalBadWireType
+	}
+	x, n := decodeVarint(b)
+	if n == 0 {
+		return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+	}
+	b = b[n:]
+	v := int32(x)
+	f.setInt32Ptr(v)
+	return b, nil
+func unmarshalInt32Slice(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) {
+	if w == WireBytes { // packed
+		x, n := decodeVarint(b)
+		if n == 0 {
+			return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+		}
+		b = b[n:]
+		if x > uint64(len(b)) {
+			return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+		}
+		res := b[x:]
+		b = b[:x]
+		for len(b) > 0 {
+			x, n = decodeVarint(b)
+			if n == 0 {
+				return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+			}
+			b = b[n:]
+			v := int32(x)
+			f.appendInt32Slice(v)
+		}
+		return res, nil
+	}
+	if w != WireVarint {
+		return b, errInternalBadWireType
+	}
+	x, n := decodeVarint(b)
+	if n == 0 {
+		return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+	}
+	b = b[n:]
+	v := int32(x)
+	f.appendInt32Slice(v)
+	return b, nil
+func unmarshalSint32Value(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) {
+	if w != WireVarint {
+		return b, errInternalBadWireType
+	}
+	x, n := decodeVarint(b)
+	if n == 0 {
+		return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+	}
+	b = b[n:]
+	v := int32(x>>1) ^ int32(x)<<31>>31
+	*f.toInt32() = v
+	return b, nil
+func unmarshalSint32Ptr(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) {
+	if w != WireVarint {
+		return b, errInternalBadWireType
+	}
+	x, n := decodeVarint(b)
+	if n == 0 {
+		return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+	}
+	b = b[n:]
+	v := int32(x>>1) ^ int32(x)<<31>>31
+	f.setInt32Ptr(v)
+	return b, nil
+func unmarshalSint32Slice(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) {
+	if w == WireBytes { // packed
+		x, n := decodeVarint(b)
+		if n == 0 {
+			return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+		}
+		b = b[n:]
+		if x > uint64(len(b)) {
+			return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+		}
+		res := b[x:]
+		b = b[:x]
+		for len(b) > 0 {
+			x, n = decodeVarint(b)
+			if n == 0 {
+				return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+			}
+			b = b[n:]
+			v := int32(x>>1) ^ int32(x)<<31>>31
+			f.appendInt32Slice(v)
+		}
+		return res, nil
+	}
+	if w != WireVarint {
+		return b, errInternalBadWireType
+	}
+	x, n := decodeVarint(b)
+	if n == 0 {
+		return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+	}
+	b = b[n:]
+	v := int32(x>>1) ^ int32(x)<<31>>31
+	f.appendInt32Slice(v)
+	return b, nil
+func unmarshalUint32Value(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) {
+	if w != WireVarint {
+		return b, errInternalBadWireType
+	}
+	x, n := decodeVarint(b)
+	if n == 0 {
+		return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+	}
+	b = b[n:]
+	v := uint32(x)
+	*f.toUint32() = v
+	return b, nil
+func unmarshalUint32Ptr(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) {
+	if w != WireVarint {
+		return b, errInternalBadWireType
+	}
+	x, n := decodeVarint(b)
+	if n == 0 {
+		return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+	}
+	b = b[n:]
+	v := uint32(x)
+	*f.toUint32Ptr() = &v
+	return b, nil
+func unmarshalUint32Slice(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) {
+	if w == WireBytes { // packed
+		x, n := decodeVarint(b)
+		if n == 0 {
+			return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+		}
+		b = b[n:]
+		if x > uint64(len(b)) {
+			return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+		}
+		res := b[x:]
+		b = b[:x]
+		for len(b) > 0 {
+			x, n = decodeVarint(b)
+			if n == 0 {
+				return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+			}
+			b = b[n:]
+			v := uint32(x)
+			s := f.toUint32Slice()
+			*s = append(*s, v)
+		}
+		return res, nil
+	}
+	if w != WireVarint {
+		return b, errInternalBadWireType
+	}
+	x, n := decodeVarint(b)
+	if n == 0 {
+		return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+	}
+	b = b[n:]
+	v := uint32(x)
+	s := f.toUint32Slice()
+	*s = append(*s, v)
+	return b, nil
+func unmarshalFixed64Value(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) {
+	if w != WireFixed64 {
+		return b, errInternalBadWireType
+	}
+	if len(b) < 8 {
+		return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+	}
+	v := uint64(b[0]) | uint64(b[1])<<8 | uint64(b[2])<<16 | uint64(b[3])<<24 | uint64(b[4])<<32 | uint64(b[5])<<40 | uint64(b[6])<<48 | uint64(b[7])<<56
+	*f.toUint64() = v
+	return b[8:], nil
+func unmarshalFixed64Ptr(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) {
+	if w != WireFixed64 {
+		return b, errInternalBadWireType
+	}
+	if len(b) < 8 {
+		return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+	}
+	v := uint64(b[0]) | uint64(b[1])<<8 | uint64(b[2])<<16 | uint64(b[3])<<24 | uint64(b[4])<<32 | uint64(b[5])<<40 | uint64(b[6])<<48 | uint64(b[7])<<56
+	*f.toUint64Ptr() = &v
+	return b[8:], nil
+func unmarshalFixed64Slice(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) {
+	if w == WireBytes { // packed
+		x, n := decodeVarint(b)
+		if n == 0 {
+			return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+		}
+		b = b[n:]
+		if x > uint64(len(b)) {
+			return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+		}
+		res := b[x:]
+		b = b[:x]
+		for len(b) > 0 {
+			if len(b) < 8 {
+				return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+			}
+			v := uint64(b[0]) | uint64(b[1])<<8 | uint64(b[2])<<16 | uint64(b[3])<<24 | uint64(b[4])<<32 | uint64(b[5])<<40 | uint64(b[6])<<48 | uint64(b[7])<<56
+			s := f.toUint64Slice()
+			*s = append(*s, v)
+			b = b[8:]
+		}
+		return res, nil
+	}
+	if w != WireFixed64 {
+		return b, errInternalBadWireType
+	}
+	if len(b) < 8 {
+		return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+	}
+	v := uint64(b[0]) | uint64(b[1])<<8 | uint64(b[2])<<16 | uint64(b[3])<<24 | uint64(b[4])<<32 | uint64(b[5])<<40 | uint64(b[6])<<48 | uint64(b[7])<<56
+	s := f.toUint64Slice()
+	*s = append(*s, v)
+	return b[8:], nil
+func unmarshalFixedS64Value(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) {
+	if w != WireFixed64 {
+		return b, errInternalBadWireType
+	}
+	if len(b) < 8 {
+		return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+	}
+	v := int64(b[0]) | int64(b[1])<<8 | int64(b[2])<<16 | int64(b[3])<<24 | int64(b[4])<<32 | int64(b[5])<<40 | int64(b[6])<<48 | int64(b[7])<<56
+	*f.toInt64() = v
+	return b[8:], nil
+func unmarshalFixedS64Ptr(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) {
+	if w != WireFixed64 {
+		return b, errInternalBadWireType
+	}
+	if len(b) < 8 {
+		return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+	}
+	v := int64(b[0]) | int64(b[1])<<8 | int64(b[2])<<16 | int64(b[3])<<24 | int64(b[4])<<32 | int64(b[5])<<40 | int64(b[6])<<48 | int64(b[7])<<56
+	*f.toInt64Ptr() = &v
+	return b[8:], nil
+func unmarshalFixedS64Slice(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) {
+	if w == WireBytes { // packed
+		x, n := decodeVarint(b)
+		if n == 0 {
+			return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+		}
+		b = b[n:]
+		if x > uint64(len(b)) {
+			return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+		}
+		res := b[x:]
+		b = b[:x]
+		for len(b) > 0 {
+			if len(b) < 8 {
+				return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+			}
+			v := int64(b[0]) | int64(b[1])<<8 | int64(b[2])<<16 | int64(b[3])<<24 | int64(b[4])<<32 | int64(b[5])<<40 | int64(b[6])<<48 | int64(b[7])<<56
+			s := f.toInt64Slice()
+			*s = append(*s, v)
+			b = b[8:]
+		}
+		return res, nil
+	}
+	if w != WireFixed64 {
+		return b, errInternalBadWireType
+	}
+	if len(b) < 8 {
+		return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+	}
+	v := int64(b[0]) | int64(b[1])<<8 | int64(b[2])<<16 | int64(b[3])<<24 | int64(b[4])<<32 | int64(b[5])<<40 | int64(b[6])<<48 | int64(b[7])<<56
+	s := f.toInt64Slice()
+	*s = append(*s, v)
+	return b[8:], nil
+func unmarshalFixed32Value(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) {
+	if w != WireFixed32 {
+		return b, errInternalBadWireType
+	}
+	if len(b) < 4 {
+		return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+	}
+	v := uint32(b[0]) | uint32(b[1])<<8 | uint32(b[2])<<16 | uint32(b[3])<<24
+	*f.toUint32() = v
+	return b[4:], nil
+func unmarshalFixed32Ptr(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) {
+	if w != WireFixed32 {
+		return b, errInternalBadWireType
+	}
+	if len(b) < 4 {
+		return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+	}
+	v := uint32(b[0]) | uint32(b[1])<<8 | uint32(b[2])<<16 | uint32(b[3])<<24
+	*f.toUint32Ptr() = &v
+	return b[4:], nil
+func unmarshalFixed32Slice(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) {
+	if w == WireBytes { // packed
+		x, n := decodeVarint(b)
+		if n == 0 {
+			return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+		}
+		b = b[n:]
+		if x > uint64(len(b)) {
+			return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+		}
+		res := b[x:]
+		b = b[:x]
+		for len(b) > 0 {
+			if len(b) < 4 {
+				return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+			}
+			v := uint32(b[0]) | uint32(b[1])<<8 | uint32(b[2])<<16 | uint32(b[3])<<24
+			s := f.toUint32Slice()
+			*s = append(*s, v)
+			b = b[4:]
+		}
+		return res, nil
+	}
+	if w != WireFixed32 {
+		return b, errInternalBadWireType
+	}
+	if len(b) < 4 {
+		return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+	}
+	v := uint32(b[0]) | uint32(b[1])<<8 | uint32(b[2])<<16 | uint32(b[3])<<24
+	s := f.toUint32Slice()
+	*s = append(*s, v)
+	return b[4:], nil
+func unmarshalFixedS32Value(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) {
+	if w != WireFixed32 {
+		return b, errInternalBadWireType
+	}
+	if len(b) < 4 {
+		return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+	}
+	v := int32(b[0]) | int32(b[1])<<8 | int32(b[2])<<16 | int32(b[3])<<24
+	*f.toInt32() = v
+	return b[4:], nil
+func unmarshalFixedS32Ptr(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) {
+	if w != WireFixed32 {
+		return b, errInternalBadWireType
+	}
+	if len(b) < 4 {
+		return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+	}
+	v := int32(b[0]) | int32(b[1])<<8 | int32(b[2])<<16 | int32(b[3])<<24
+	f.setInt32Ptr(v)
+	return b[4:], nil
+func unmarshalFixedS32Slice(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) {
+	if w == WireBytes { // packed
+		x, n := decodeVarint(b)
+		if n == 0 {
+			return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+		}
+		b = b[n:]
+		if x > uint64(len(b)) {
+			return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+		}
+		res := b[x:]
+		b = b[:x]
+		for len(b) > 0 {
+			if len(b) < 4 {
+				return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+			}
+			v := int32(b[0]) | int32(b[1])<<8 | int32(b[2])<<16 | int32(b[3])<<24
+			f.appendInt32Slice(v)
+			b = b[4:]
+		}
+		return res, nil
+	}
+	if w != WireFixed32 {
+		return b, errInternalBadWireType
+	}
+	if len(b) < 4 {
+		return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+	}
+	v := int32(b[0]) | int32(b[1])<<8 | int32(b[2])<<16 | int32(b[3])<<24
+	f.appendInt32Slice(v)
+	return b[4:], nil
+func unmarshalBoolValue(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) {
+	if w != WireVarint {
+		return b, errInternalBadWireType
+	}
+	// Note: any length varint is allowed, even though any sane
+	// encoder will use one byte.
+	// See https://github.com/golang/protobuf/issues/76
+	x, n := decodeVarint(b)
+	if n == 0 {
+		return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+	}
+	// TODO: check if x>1? Tests seem to indicate no.
+	v := x != 0
+	*f.toBool() = v
+	return b[n:], nil
+func unmarshalBoolPtr(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) {
+	if w != WireVarint {
+		return b, errInternalBadWireType
+	}
+	x, n := decodeVarint(b)
+	if n == 0 {
+		return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+	}
+	v := x != 0
+	*f.toBoolPtr() = &v
+	return b[n:], nil
+func unmarshalBoolSlice(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) {
+	if w == WireBytes { // packed
+		x, n := decodeVarint(b)
+		if n == 0 {
+			return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+		}
+		b = b[n:]
+		if x > uint64(len(b)) {
+			return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+		}
+		res := b[x:]
+		b = b[:x]
+		for len(b) > 0 {
+			x, n = decodeVarint(b)
+			if n == 0 {
+				return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+			}
+			v := x != 0
+			s := f.toBoolSlice()
+			*s = append(*s, v)
+			b = b[n:]
+		}
+		return res, nil
+	}
+	if w != WireVarint {
+		return b, errInternalBadWireType
+	}
+	x, n := decodeVarint(b)
+	if n == 0 {
+		return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+	}
+	v := x != 0
+	s := f.toBoolSlice()
+	*s = append(*s, v)
+	return b[n:], nil
+func unmarshalFloat64Value(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) {
+	if w != WireFixed64 {
+		return b, errInternalBadWireType
+	}
+	if len(b) < 8 {
+		return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+	}
+	v := math.Float64frombits(uint64(b[0]) | uint64(b[1])<<8 | uint64(b[2])<<16 | uint64(b[3])<<24 | uint64(b[4])<<32 | uint64(b[5])<<40 | uint64(b[6])<<48 | uint64(b[7])<<56)
+	*f.toFloat64() = v
+	return b[8:], nil
+func unmarshalFloat64Ptr(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) {
+	if w != WireFixed64 {
+		return b, errInternalBadWireType
+	}
+	if len(b) < 8 {
+		return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+	}
+	v := math.Float64frombits(uint64(b[0]) | uint64(b[1])<<8 | uint64(b[2])<<16 | uint64(b[3])<<24 | uint64(b[4])<<32 | uint64(b[5])<<40 | uint64(b[6])<<48 | uint64(b[7])<<56)
+	*f.toFloat64Ptr() = &v
+	return b[8:], nil
+func unmarshalFloat64Slice(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) {
+	if w == WireBytes { // packed
+		x, n := decodeVarint(b)
+		if n == 0 {
+			return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+		}
+		b = b[n:]
+		if x > uint64(len(b)) {
+			return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+		}
+		res := b[x:]
+		b = b[:x]
+		for len(b) > 0 {
+			if len(b) < 8 {
+				return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+			}
+			v := math.Float64frombits(uint64(b[0]) | uint64(b[1])<<8 | uint64(b[2])<<16 | uint64(b[3])<<24 | uint64(b[4])<<32 | uint64(b[5])<<40 | uint64(b[6])<<48 | uint64(b[7])<<56)
+			s := f.toFloat64Slice()
+			*s = append(*s, v)
+			b = b[8:]
+		}
+		return res, nil
+	}
+	if w != WireFixed64 {
+		return b, errInternalBadWireType
+	}
+	if len(b) < 8 {
+		return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+	}
+	v := math.Float64frombits(uint64(b[0]) | uint64(b[1])<<8 | uint64(b[2])<<16 | uint64(b[3])<<24 | uint64(b[4])<<32 | uint64(b[5])<<40 | uint64(b[6])<<48 | uint64(b[7])<<56)
+	s := f.toFloat64Slice()
+	*s = append(*s, v)
+	return b[8:], nil
+func unmarshalFloat32Value(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) {
+	if w != WireFixed32 {
+		return b, errInternalBadWireType
+	}
+	if len(b) < 4 {
+		return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+	}
+	v := math.Float32frombits(uint32(b[0]) | uint32(b[1])<<8 | uint32(b[2])<<16 | uint32(b[3])<<24)
+	*f.toFloat32() = v
+	return b[4:], nil
+func unmarshalFloat32Ptr(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) {
+	if w != WireFixed32 {
+		return b, errInternalBadWireType
+	}
+	if len(b) < 4 {
+		return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+	}
+	v := math.Float32frombits(uint32(b[0]) | uint32(b[1])<<8 | uint32(b[2])<<16 | uint32(b[3])<<24)
+	*f.toFloat32Ptr() = &v
+	return b[4:], nil
+func unmarshalFloat32Slice(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) {
+	if w == WireBytes { // packed
+		x, n := decodeVarint(b)
+		if n == 0 {
+			return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+		}
+		b = b[n:]
+		if x > uint64(len(b)) {
+			return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+		}
+		res := b[x:]
+		b = b[:x]
+		for len(b) > 0 {
+			if len(b) < 4 {
+				return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+			}
+			v := math.Float32frombits(uint32(b[0]) | uint32(b[1])<<8 | uint32(b[2])<<16 | uint32(b[3])<<24)
+			s := f.toFloat32Slice()
+			*s = append(*s, v)
+			b = b[4:]
+		}
+		return res, nil
+	}
+	if w != WireFixed32 {
+		return b, errInternalBadWireType
+	}
+	if len(b) < 4 {
+		return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+	}
+	v := math.Float32frombits(uint32(b[0]) | uint32(b[1])<<8 | uint32(b[2])<<16 | uint32(b[3])<<24)
+	s := f.toFloat32Slice()
+	*s = append(*s, v)
+	return b[4:], nil
+func unmarshalStringValue(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) {
+	if w != WireBytes {
+		return b, errInternalBadWireType
+	}
+	x, n := decodeVarint(b)
+	if n == 0 {
+		return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+	}
+	b = b[n:]
+	if x > uint64(len(b)) {
+		return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+	}
+	v := string(b[:x])
+	*f.toString() = v
+	return b[x:], nil
+func unmarshalStringPtr(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) {
+	if w != WireBytes {
+		return b, errInternalBadWireType
+	}
+	x, n := decodeVarint(b)
+	if n == 0 {
+		return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+	}
+	b = b[n:]
+	if x > uint64(len(b)) {
+		return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+	}
+	v := string(b[:x])
+	*f.toStringPtr() = &v
+	return b[x:], nil
+func unmarshalStringSlice(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) {
+	if w != WireBytes {
+		return b, errInternalBadWireType
+	}
+	x, n := decodeVarint(b)
+	if n == 0 {
+		return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+	}
+	b = b[n:]
+	if x > uint64(len(b)) {
+		return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+	}
+	v := string(b[:x])
+	s := f.toStringSlice()
+	*s = append(*s, v)
+	return b[x:], nil
+func unmarshalUTF8StringValue(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) {
+	if w != WireBytes {
+		return b, errInternalBadWireType
+	}
+	x, n := decodeVarint(b)
+	if n == 0 {
+		return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+	}
+	b = b[n:]
+	if x > uint64(len(b)) {
+		return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+	}
+	v := string(b[:x])
+	*f.toString() = v
+	if !utf8.ValidString(v) {
+		return b[x:], errInvalidUTF8
+	}
+	return b[x:], nil
+func unmarshalUTF8StringPtr(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) {
+	if w != WireBytes {
+		return b, errInternalBadWireType
+	}
+	x, n := decodeVarint(b)
+	if n == 0 {
+		return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+	}
+	b = b[n:]
+	if x > uint64(len(b)) {
+		return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+	}
+	v := string(b[:x])
+	*f.toStringPtr() = &v
+	if !utf8.ValidString(v) {
+		return b[x:], errInvalidUTF8
+	}
+	return b[x:], nil
+func unmarshalUTF8StringSlice(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) {
+	if w != WireBytes {
+		return b, errInternalBadWireType
+	}
+	x, n := decodeVarint(b)
+	if n == 0 {
+		return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+	}
+	b = b[n:]
+	if x > uint64(len(b)) {
+		return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+	}
+	v := string(b[:x])
+	s := f.toStringSlice()
+	*s = append(*s, v)
+	if !utf8.ValidString(v) {
+		return b[x:], errInvalidUTF8
+	}
+	return b[x:], nil
+var emptyBuf [0]byte
+func unmarshalBytesValue(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) {
+	if w != WireBytes {
+		return b, errInternalBadWireType
+	}
+	x, n := decodeVarint(b)
+	if n == 0 {
+		return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+	}
+	b = b[n:]
+	if x > uint64(len(b)) {
+		return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+	}
+	// The use of append here is a trick which avoids the zeroing
+	// that would be required if we used a make/copy pair.
+	// We append to emptyBuf instead of nil because we want
+	// a non-nil result even when the length is 0.
+	v := append(emptyBuf[:], b[:x]...)
+	*f.toBytes() = v
+	return b[x:], nil
+func unmarshalBytesSlice(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) {
+	if w != WireBytes {
+		return b, errInternalBadWireType
+	}
+	x, n := decodeVarint(b)
+	if n == 0 {
+		return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+	}
+	b = b[n:]
+	if x > uint64(len(b)) {
+		return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+	}
+	v := append(emptyBuf[:], b[:x]...)
+	s := f.toBytesSlice()
+	*s = append(*s, v)
+	return b[x:], nil
+func makeUnmarshalMessagePtr(sub *unmarshalInfo, name string) unmarshaler {
+	return func(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) {
+		if w != WireBytes {
+			return b, errInternalBadWireType
+		}
+		x, n := decodeVarint(b)
+		if n == 0 {
+			return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+		}
+		b = b[n:]
+		if x > uint64(len(b)) {
+			return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+		}
+		// First read the message field to see if something is there.
+		// The semantics of multiple submessages are weird.  Instead of
+		// the last one winning (as it is for all other fields), multiple
+		// submessages are merged.
+		v := f.getPointer()
+		if v.isNil() {
+			v = valToPointer(reflect.New(sub.typ))
+			f.setPointer(v)
+		}
+		err := sub.unmarshal(v, b[:x])
+		if err != nil {
+			if r, ok := err.(*RequiredNotSetError); ok {
+				r.field = name + "." + r.field
+			} else {
+				return nil, err
+			}
+		}
+		return b[x:], err
+	}
+func makeUnmarshalMessageSlicePtr(sub *unmarshalInfo, name string) unmarshaler {
+	return func(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) {
+		if w != WireBytes {
+			return b, errInternalBadWireType
+		}
+		x, n := decodeVarint(b)
+		if n == 0 {
+			return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+		}
+		b = b[n:]
+		if x > uint64(len(b)) {
+			return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+		}
+		v := valToPointer(reflect.New(sub.typ))
+		err := sub.unmarshal(v, b[:x])
+		if err != nil {
+			if r, ok := err.(*RequiredNotSetError); ok {
+				r.field = name + "." + r.field
+			} else {
+				return nil, err
+			}
+		}
+		f.appendPointer(v)
+		return b[x:], err
+	}
+func makeUnmarshalGroupPtr(sub *unmarshalInfo, name string) unmarshaler {
+	return func(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) {
+		if w != WireStartGroup {
+			return b, errInternalBadWireType
+		}
+		x, y := findEndGroup(b)
+		if x < 0 {
+			return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+		}
+		v := f.getPointer()
+		if v.isNil() {
+			v = valToPointer(reflect.New(sub.typ))
+			f.setPointer(v)
+		}
+		err := sub.unmarshal(v, b[:x])
+		if err != nil {
+			if r, ok := err.(*RequiredNotSetError); ok {
+				r.field = name + "." + r.field
+			} else {
+				return nil, err
+			}
+		}
+		return b[y:], err
+	}
+func makeUnmarshalGroupSlicePtr(sub *unmarshalInfo, name string) unmarshaler {
+	return func(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) {
+		if w != WireStartGroup {
+			return b, errInternalBadWireType
+		}
+		x, y := findEndGroup(b)
+		if x < 0 {
+			return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+		}
+		v := valToPointer(reflect.New(sub.typ))
+		err := sub.unmarshal(v, b[:x])
+		if err != nil {
+			if r, ok := err.(*RequiredNotSetError); ok {
+				r.field = name + "." + r.field
+			} else {
+				return nil, err
+			}
+		}
+		f.appendPointer(v)
+		return b[y:], err
+	}
+func makeUnmarshalMap(f *reflect.StructField) unmarshaler {
+	t := f.Type
+	kt := t.Key()
+	vt := t.Elem()
+	unmarshalKey := typeUnmarshaler(kt, f.Tag.Get("protobuf_key"))
+	unmarshalVal := typeUnmarshaler(vt, f.Tag.Get("protobuf_val"))
+	return func(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) {
+		// The map entry is a submessage. Figure out how big it is.
+		if w != WireBytes {
+			return nil, fmt.Errorf("proto: bad wiretype for map field: got %d want %d", w, WireBytes)
+		}
+		x, n := decodeVarint(b)
+		if n == 0 {
+			return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+		}
+		b = b[n:]
+		if x > uint64(len(b)) {
+			return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+		}
+		r := b[x:] // unused data to return
+		b = b[:x]  // data for map entry
+		// Note: we could use #keys * #values ~= 200 functions
+		// to do map decoding without reflection. Probably not worth it.
+		// Maps will be somewhat slow. Oh well.
+		// Read key and value from data.
+		var nerr nonFatal
+		k := reflect.New(kt)
+		v := reflect.New(vt)
+		for len(b) > 0 {
+			x, n := decodeVarint(b)
+			if n == 0 {
+				return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+			}
+			wire := int(x) & 7
+			b = b[n:]
+			var err error
+			switch x >> 3 {
+			case 1:
+				b, err = unmarshalKey(b, valToPointer(k), wire)
+			case 2:
+				b, err = unmarshalVal(b, valToPointer(v), wire)
+			default:
+				err = errInternalBadWireType // skip unknown tag
+			}
+			if nerr.Merge(err) {
+				continue
+			}
+			if err != errInternalBadWireType {
+				return nil, err
+			}
+			// Skip past unknown fields.
+			b, err = skipField(b, wire)
+			if err != nil {
+				return nil, err
+			}
+		}
+		// Get map, allocate if needed.
+		m := f.asPointerTo(t).Elem() // an addressable map[K]T
+		if m.IsNil() {
+			m.Set(reflect.MakeMap(t))
+		}
+		// Insert into map.
+		m.SetMapIndex(k.Elem(), v.Elem())
+		return r, nerr.E
+	}
+// makeUnmarshalOneof makes an unmarshaler for oneof fields.
+// for:
+// message Msg {
+//   oneof F {
+//     int64 X = 1;
+//     float64 Y = 2;
+//   }
+// }
+// typ is the type of the concrete entry for a oneof case (e.g. Msg_X).
+// ityp is the interface type of the oneof field (e.g. isMsg_F).
+// unmarshal is the unmarshaler for the base type of the oneof case (e.g. int64).
+// Note that this function will be called once for each case in the oneof.
+func makeUnmarshalOneof(typ, ityp reflect.Type, unmarshal unmarshaler) unmarshaler {
+	sf := typ.Field(0)
+	field0 := toField(&sf)
+	return func(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) {
+		// Allocate holder for value.
+		v := reflect.New(typ)
+		// Unmarshal data into holder.
+		// We unmarshal into the first field of the holder object.
+		var err error
+		var nerr nonFatal
+		b, err = unmarshal(b, valToPointer(v).offset(field0), w)
+		if !nerr.Merge(err) {
+			return nil, err
+		}
+		// Write pointer to holder into target field.
+		f.asPointerTo(ityp).Elem().Set(v)
+		return b, nerr.E
+	}
+// Error used by decode internally.
+var errInternalBadWireType = errors.New("proto: internal error: bad wiretype")
+// skipField skips past a field of type wire and returns the remaining bytes.
+func skipField(b []byte, wire int) ([]byte, error) {
+	switch wire {
+	case WireVarint:
+		_, k := decodeVarint(b)
+		if k == 0 {
+			return b, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+		}
+		b = b[k:]
+	case WireFixed32:
+		if len(b) < 4 {
+			return b, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+		}
+		b = b[4:]
+	case WireFixed64:
+		if len(b) < 8 {
+			return b, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+		}
+		b = b[8:]
+	case WireBytes:
+		m, k := decodeVarint(b)
+		if k == 0 || uint64(len(b)-k) < m {
+			return b, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+		}
+		b = b[uint64(k)+m:]
+	case WireStartGroup:
+		_, i := findEndGroup(b)
+		if i == -1 {
+			return b, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+		}
+		b = b[i:]
+	default:
+		return b, fmt.Errorf("proto: can't skip unknown wire type %d", wire)
+	}
+	return b, nil
+// findEndGroup finds the index of the next EndGroup tag.
+// Groups may be nested, so the "next" EndGroup tag is the first
+// unpaired EndGroup.
+// findEndGroup returns the indexes of the start and end of the EndGroup tag.
+// Returns (-1,-1) if it can't find one.
+func findEndGroup(b []byte) (int, int) {
+	depth := 1
+	i := 0
+	for {
+		x, n := decodeVarint(b[i:])
+		if n == 0 {
+			return -1, -1
+		}
+		j := i
+		i += n
+		switch x & 7 {
+		case WireVarint:
+			_, k := decodeVarint(b[i:])
+			if k == 0 {
+				return -1, -1
+			}
+			i += k
+		case WireFixed32:
+			if len(b)-4 < i {
+				return -1, -1
+			}
+			i += 4
+		case WireFixed64:
+			if len(b)-8 < i {
+				return -1, -1
+			}
+			i += 8
+		case WireBytes:
+			m, k := decodeVarint(b[i:])
+			if k == 0 {
+				return -1, -1
+			}
+			i += k
+			if uint64(len(b)-i) < m {
+				return -1, -1
+			}
+			i += int(m)
+		case WireStartGroup:
+			depth++
+		case WireEndGroup:
+			depth--
+			if depth == 0 {
+				return j, i
+			}
+		default:
+			return -1, -1
+		}
+	}
+// encodeVarint appends a varint-encoded integer to b and returns the result.
+func encodeVarint(b []byte, x uint64) []byte {
+	for x >= 1<<7 {
+		b = append(b, byte(x&0x7f|0x80))
+		x >>= 7
+	}
+	return append(b, byte(x))
+// decodeVarint reads a varint-encoded integer from b.
+// Returns the decoded integer and the number of bytes read.
+// If there is an error, it returns 0,0.
+func decodeVarint(b []byte) (uint64, int) {
+	var x, y uint64
+	if len(b) == 0 {
+		goto bad
+	}
+	x = uint64(b[0])
+	if x < 0x80 {
+		return x, 1
+	}
+	x -= 0x80
+	if len(b) <= 1 {
+		goto bad
+	}
+	y = uint64(b[1])
+	x += y << 7
+	if y < 0x80 {
+		return x, 2
+	}
+	x -= 0x80 << 7
+	if len(b) <= 2 {
+		goto bad
+	}
+	y = uint64(b[2])
+	x += y << 14
+	if y < 0x80 {
+		return x, 3
+	}
+	x -= 0x80 << 14
+	if len(b) <= 3 {
+		goto bad
+	}
+	y = uint64(b[3])
+	x += y << 21
+	if y < 0x80 {
+		return x, 4
+	}
+	x -= 0x80 << 21
+	if len(b) <= 4 {
+		goto bad
+	}
+	y = uint64(b[4])
+	x += y << 28
+	if y < 0x80 {
+		return x, 5
+	}
+	x -= 0x80 << 28
+	if len(b) <= 5 {
+		goto bad
+	}
+	y = uint64(b[5])
+	x += y << 35
+	if y < 0x80 {
+		return x, 6
+	}
+	x -= 0x80 << 35
+	if len(b) <= 6 {
+		goto bad
+	}
+	y = uint64(b[6])
+	x += y << 42
+	if y < 0x80 {
+		return x, 7
+	}
+	x -= 0x80 << 42
+	if len(b) <= 7 {
+		goto bad
+	}
+	y = uint64(b[7])
+	x += y << 49
+	if y < 0x80 {
+		return x, 8
+	}
+	x -= 0x80 << 49
+	if len(b) <= 8 {
+		goto bad
+	}
+	y = uint64(b[8])
+	x += y << 56
+	if y < 0x80 {
+		return x, 9
+	}
+	x -= 0x80 << 56
+	if len(b) <= 9 {
+		goto bad
+	}
+	y = uint64(b[9])
+	x += y << 63
+	if y < 2 {
+		return x, 10
+	}
+	return 0, 0
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/text.go b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/text.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1aaee72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/text.go
@@ -0,0 +1,843 @@
+// Go support for Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
+// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors.  All rights reserved.
+// https://github.com/golang/protobuf
+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+// met:
+//     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+//     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
+// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+// distribution.
+//     * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
+// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+// this software without specific prior written permission.
+package proto
+// Functions for writing the text protocol buffer format.
+import (
+	"bufio"
+	"bytes"
+	"encoding"
+	"errors"
+	"fmt"
+	"io"
+	"log"
+	"math"
+	"reflect"
+	"sort"
+	"strings"
+var (
+	newline         = []byte("\n")
+	spaces          = []byte("                                        ")
+	endBraceNewline = []byte("}\n")
+	backslashN      = []byte{'\\', 'n'}
+	backslashR      = []byte{'\\', 'r'}
+	backslashT      = []byte{'\\', 't'}
+	backslashDQ     = []byte{'\\', '"'}
+	backslashBS     = []byte{'\\', '\\'}
+	posInf          = []byte("inf")
+	negInf          = []byte("-inf")
+	nan             = []byte("nan")
+type writer interface {
+	io.Writer
+	WriteByte(byte) error
+// textWriter is an io.Writer that tracks its indentation level.
+type textWriter struct {
+	ind      int
+	complete bool // if the current position is a complete line
+	compact  bool // whether to write out as a one-liner
+	w        writer
+func (w *textWriter) WriteString(s string) (n int, err error) {
+	if !strings.Contains(s, "\n") {
+		if !w.compact && w.complete {
+			w.writeIndent()
+		}
+		w.complete = false
+		return io.WriteString(w.w, s)
+	}
+	// WriteString is typically called without newlines, so this
+	// codepath and its copy are rare.  We copy to avoid
+	// duplicating all of Write's logic here.
+	return w.Write([]byte(s))
+func (w *textWriter) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
+	newlines := bytes.Count(p, newline)
+	if newlines == 0 {
+		if !w.compact && w.complete {
+			w.writeIndent()
+		}
+		n, err = w.w.Write(p)
+		w.complete = false
+		return n, err
+	}
+	frags := bytes.SplitN(p, newline, newlines+1)
+	if w.compact {
+		for i, frag := range frags {
+			if i > 0 {
+				if err := w.w.WriteByte(' '); err != nil {
+					return n, err
+				}
+				n++
+			}
+			nn, err := w.w.Write(frag)
+			n += nn
+			if err != nil {
+				return n, err
+			}
+		}
+		return n, nil
+	}
+	for i, frag := range frags {
+		if w.complete {
+			w.writeIndent()
+		}
+		nn, err := w.w.Write(frag)
+		n += nn
+		if err != nil {
+			return n, err
+		}
+		if i+1 < len(frags) {
+			if err := w.w.WriteByte('\n'); err != nil {
+				return n, err
+			}
+			n++
+		}
+	}
+	w.complete = len(frags[len(frags)-1]) == 0
+	return n, nil
+func (w *textWriter) WriteByte(c byte) error {
+	if w.compact && c == '\n' {
+		c = ' '
+	}
+	if !w.compact && w.complete {
+		w.writeIndent()
+	}
+	err := w.w.WriteByte(c)
+	w.complete = c == '\n'
+	return err
+func (w *textWriter) indent() { w.ind++ }
+func (w *textWriter) unindent() {
+	if w.ind == 0 {
+		log.Print("proto: textWriter unindented too far")
+		return
+	}
+	w.ind--
+func writeName(w *textWriter, props *Properties) error {
+	if _, err := w.WriteString(props.OrigName); err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	if props.Wire != "group" {
+		return w.WriteByte(':')
+	}
+	return nil
+func requiresQuotes(u string) bool {
+	// When type URL contains any characters except [0-9A-Za-z./\-]*, it must be quoted.
+	for _, ch := range u {
+		switch {
+		case ch == '.' || ch == '/' || ch == '_':
+			continue
+		case '0' <= ch && ch <= '9':
+			continue
+		case 'A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z':
+			continue
+		case 'a' <= ch && ch <= 'z':
+			continue
+		default:
+			return true
+		}
+	}
+	return false
+// isAny reports whether sv is a google.protobuf.Any message
+func isAny(sv reflect.Value) bool {
+	type wkt interface {
+		XXX_WellKnownType() string
+	}
+	t, ok := sv.Addr().Interface().(wkt)
+	return ok && t.XXX_WellKnownType() == "Any"
+// writeProto3Any writes an expanded google.protobuf.Any message.
+// It returns (false, nil) if sv value can't be unmarshaled (e.g. because
+// required messages are not linked in).
+// It returns (true, error) when sv was written in expanded format or an error
+// was encountered.
+func (tm *TextMarshaler) writeProto3Any(w *textWriter, sv reflect.Value) (bool, error) {
+	turl := sv.FieldByName("TypeUrl")
+	val := sv.FieldByName("Value")
+	if !turl.IsValid() || !val.IsValid() {
+		return true, errors.New("proto: invalid google.protobuf.Any message")
+	}
+	b, ok := val.Interface().([]byte)
+	if !ok {
+		return true, errors.New("proto: invalid google.protobuf.Any message")
+	}
+	parts := strings.Split(turl.String(), "/")
+	mt := MessageType(parts[len(parts)-1])
+	if mt == nil {
+		return false, nil
+	}
+	m := reflect.New(mt.Elem())
+	if err := Unmarshal(b, m.Interface().(Message)); err != nil {
+		return false, nil
+	}
+	w.Write([]byte("["))
+	u := turl.String()
+	if requiresQuotes(u) {
+		writeString(w, u)
+	} else {
+		w.Write([]byte(u))
+	}
+	if w.compact {
+		w.Write([]byte("]:<"))
+	} else {
+		w.Write([]byte("]: <\n"))
+		w.ind++
+	}
+	if err := tm.writeStruct(w, m.Elem()); err != nil {
+		return true, err
+	}
+	if w.compact {
+		w.Write([]byte("> "))
+	} else {
+		w.ind--
+		w.Write([]byte(">\n"))
+	}
+	return true, nil
+func (tm *TextMarshaler) writeStruct(w *textWriter, sv reflect.Value) error {
+	if tm.ExpandAny && isAny(sv) {
+		if canExpand, err := tm.writeProto3Any(w, sv); canExpand {
+			return err
+		}
+	}
+	st := sv.Type()
+	sprops := GetProperties(st)
+	for i := 0; i < sv.NumField(); i++ {
+		fv := sv.Field(i)
+		props := sprops.Prop[i]
+		name := st.Field(i).Name
+		if name == "XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral" {
+			continue
+		}
+		if strings.HasPrefix(name, "XXX_") {
+			// There are two XXX_ fields:
+			//   XXX_unrecognized []byte
+			//   XXX_extensions   map[int32]proto.Extension
+			// The first is handled here;
+			// the second is handled at the bottom of this function.
+			if name == "XXX_unrecognized" && !fv.IsNil() {
+				if err := writeUnknownStruct(w, fv.Interface().([]byte)); err != nil {
+					return err
+				}
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		if fv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && fv.IsNil() {
+			// Field not filled in. This could be an optional field or
+			// a required field that wasn't filled in. Either way, there
+			// isn't anything we can show for it.
+			continue
+		}
+		if fv.Kind() == reflect.Slice && fv.IsNil() {
+			// Repeated field that is empty, or a bytes field that is unused.
+			continue
+		}
+		if props.Repeated && fv.Kind() == reflect.Slice {
+			// Repeated field.
+			for j := 0; j < fv.Len(); j++ {
+				if err := writeName(w, props); err != nil {
+					return err
+				}
+				if !w.compact {
+					if err := w.WriteByte(' '); err != nil {
+						return err
+					}
+				}
+				v := fv.Index(j)
+				if v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && v.IsNil() {
+					// A nil message in a repeated field is not valid,
+					// but we can handle that more gracefully than panicking.
+					if _, err := w.Write([]byte("<nil>\n")); err != nil {
+						return err
+					}
+					continue
+				}
+				if err := tm.writeAny(w, v, props); err != nil {
+					return err
+				}
+				if err := w.WriteByte('\n'); err != nil {
+					return err
+				}
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		if fv.Kind() == reflect.Map {
+			// Map fields are rendered as a repeated struct with key/value fields.
+			keys := fv.MapKeys()
+			sort.Sort(mapKeys(keys))
+			for _, key := range keys {
+				val := fv.MapIndex(key)
+				if err := writeName(w, props); err != nil {
+					return err
+				}
+				if !w.compact {
+					if err := w.WriteByte(' '); err != nil {
+						return err
+					}
+				}
+				// open struct
+				if err := w.WriteByte('<'); err != nil {
+					return err
+				}
+				if !w.compact {
+					if err := w.WriteByte('\n'); err != nil {
+						return err
+					}
+				}
+				w.indent()
+				// key
+				if _, err := w.WriteString("key:"); err != nil {
+					return err
+				}
+				if !w.compact {
+					if err := w.WriteByte(' '); err != nil {
+						return err
+					}
+				}
+				if err := tm.writeAny(w, key, props.MapKeyProp); err != nil {
+					return err
+				}
+				if err := w.WriteByte('\n'); err != nil {
+					return err
+				}
+				// nil values aren't legal, but we can avoid panicking because of them.
+				if val.Kind() != reflect.Ptr || !val.IsNil() {
+					// value
+					if _, err := w.WriteString("value:"); err != nil {
+						return err
+					}
+					if !w.compact {
+						if err := w.WriteByte(' '); err != nil {
+							return err
+						}
+					}
+					if err := tm.writeAny(w, val, props.MapValProp); err != nil {
+						return err
+					}
+					if err := w.WriteByte('\n'); err != nil {
+						return err
+					}
+				}
+				// close struct
+				w.unindent()
+				if err := w.WriteByte('>'); err != nil {
+					return err
+				}
+				if err := w.WriteByte('\n'); err != nil {
+					return err
+				}
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		if props.proto3 && fv.Kind() == reflect.Slice && fv.Len() == 0 {
+			// empty bytes field
+			continue
+		}
+		if fv.Kind() != reflect.Ptr && fv.Kind() != reflect.Slice {
+			// proto3 non-repeated scalar field; skip if zero value
+			if isProto3Zero(fv) {
+				continue
+			}
+		}
+		if fv.Kind() == reflect.Interface {
+			// Check if it is a oneof.
+			if st.Field(i).Tag.Get("protobuf_oneof") != "" {
+				// fv is nil, or holds a pointer to generated struct.
+				// That generated struct has exactly one field,
+				// which has a protobuf struct tag.
+				if fv.IsNil() {
+					continue
+				}
+				inner := fv.Elem().Elem() // interface -> *T -> T
+				tag := inner.Type().Field(0).Tag.Get("protobuf")
+				props = new(Properties) // Overwrite the outer props var, but not its pointee.
+				props.Parse(tag)
+				// Write the value in the oneof, not the oneof itself.
+				fv = inner.Field(0)
+				// Special case to cope with malformed messages gracefully:
+				// If the value in the oneof is a nil pointer, don't panic
+				// in writeAny.
+				if fv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && fv.IsNil() {
+					// Use errors.New so writeAny won't render quotes.
+					msg := errors.New("/* nil */")
+					fv = reflect.ValueOf(&msg).Elem()
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if err := writeName(w, props); err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+		if !w.compact {
+			if err := w.WriteByte(' '); err != nil {
+				return err
+			}
+		}
+		// Enums have a String method, so writeAny will work fine.
+		if err := tm.writeAny(w, fv, props); err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+		if err := w.WriteByte('\n'); err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+	}
+	// Extensions (the XXX_extensions field).
+	pv := sv.Addr()
+	if _, err := extendable(pv.Interface()); err == nil {
+		if err := tm.writeExtensions(w, pv); err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+	}
+	return nil
+// writeAny writes an arbitrary field.
+func (tm *TextMarshaler) writeAny(w *textWriter, v reflect.Value, props *Properties) error {
+	v = reflect.Indirect(v)
+	// Floats have special cases.
+	if v.Kind() == reflect.Float32 || v.Kind() == reflect.Float64 {
+		x := v.Float()
+		var b []byte
+		switch {
+		case math.IsInf(x, 1):
+			b = posInf
+		case math.IsInf(x, -1):
+			b = negInf
+		case math.IsNaN(x):
+			b = nan
+		}
+		if b != nil {
+			_, err := w.Write(b)
+			return err
+		}
+		// Other values are handled below.
+	}
+	// We don't attempt to serialise every possible value type; only those
+	// that can occur in protocol buffers.
+	switch v.Kind() {
+	case reflect.Slice:
+		// Should only be a []byte; repeated fields are handled in writeStruct.
+		if err := writeString(w, string(v.Bytes())); err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+	case reflect.String:
+		if err := writeString(w, v.String()); err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+	case reflect.Struct:
+		// Required/optional group/message.
+		var bra, ket byte = '<', '>'
+		if props != nil && props.Wire == "group" {
+			bra, ket = '{', '}'
+		}
+		if err := w.WriteByte(bra); err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+		if !w.compact {
+			if err := w.WriteByte('\n'); err != nil {
+				return err
+			}
+		}
+		w.indent()
+		if v.CanAddr() {
+			// Calling v.Interface on a struct causes the reflect package to
+			// copy the entire struct. This is racy with the new Marshaler
+			// since we atomically update the XXX_sizecache.
+			//
+			// Thus, we retrieve a pointer to the struct if possible to avoid
+			// a race since v.Interface on the pointer doesn't copy the struct.
+			//
+			// If v is not addressable, then we are not worried about a race
+			// since it implies that the binary Marshaler cannot possibly be
+			// mutating this value.
+			v = v.Addr()
+		}
+		if etm, ok := v.Interface().(encoding.TextMarshaler); ok {
+			text, err := etm.MarshalText()
+			if err != nil {
+				return err
+			}
+			if _, err = w.Write(text); err != nil {
+				return err
+			}
+		} else {
+			if v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+				v = v.Elem()
+			}
+			if err := tm.writeStruct(w, v); err != nil {
+				return err
+			}
+		}
+		w.unindent()
+		if err := w.WriteByte(ket); err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+	default:
+		_, err := fmt.Fprint(w, v.Interface())
+		return err
+	}
+	return nil
+// equivalent to C's isprint.
+func isprint(c byte) bool {
+	return c >= 0x20 && c < 0x7f
+// writeString writes a string in the protocol buffer text format.
+// It is similar to strconv.Quote except we don't use Go escape sequences,
+// we treat the string as a byte sequence, and we use octal escapes.
+// These differences are to maintain interoperability with the other
+// languages' implementations of the text format.
+func writeString(w *textWriter, s string) error {
+	// use WriteByte here to get any needed indent
+	if err := w.WriteByte('"'); err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	// Loop over the bytes, not the runes.
+	for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
+		var err error
+		// Divergence from C++: we don't escape apostrophes.
+		// There's no need to escape them, and the C++ parser
+		// copes with a naked apostrophe.
+		switch c := s[i]; c {
+		case '\n':
+			_, err = w.w.Write(backslashN)
+		case '\r':
+			_, err = w.w.Write(backslashR)
+		case '\t':
+			_, err = w.w.Write(backslashT)
+		case '"':
+			_, err = w.w.Write(backslashDQ)
+		case '\\':
+			_, err = w.w.Write(backslashBS)
+		default:
+			if isprint(c) {
+				err = w.w.WriteByte(c)
+			} else {
+				_, err = fmt.Fprintf(w.w, "\\%03o", c)
+			}
+		}
+		if err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+	}
+	return w.WriteByte('"')
+func writeUnknownStruct(w *textWriter, data []byte) (err error) {
+	if !w.compact {
+		if _, err := fmt.Fprintf(w, "/* %d unknown bytes */\n", len(data)); err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+	}
+	b := NewBuffer(data)
+	for b.index < len(b.buf) {
+		x, err := b.DecodeVarint()
+		if err != nil {
+			_, err := fmt.Fprintf(w, "/* %v */\n", err)
+			return err
+		}
+		wire, tag := x&7, x>>3
+		if wire == WireEndGroup {
+			w.unindent()
+			if _, err := w.Write(endBraceNewline); err != nil {
+				return err
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		if _, err := fmt.Fprint(w, tag); err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+		if wire != WireStartGroup {
+			if err := w.WriteByte(':'); err != nil {
+				return err
+			}
+		}
+		if !w.compact || wire == WireStartGroup {
+			if err := w.WriteByte(' '); err != nil {
+				return err
+			}
+		}
+		switch wire {
+		case WireBytes:
+			buf, e := b.DecodeRawBytes(false)
+			if e == nil {
+				_, err = fmt.Fprintf(w, "%q", buf)
+			} else {
+				_, err = fmt.Fprintf(w, "/* %v */", e)
+			}
+		case WireFixed32:
+			x, err = b.DecodeFixed32()
+			err = writeUnknownInt(w, x, err)
+		case WireFixed64:
+			x, err = b.DecodeFixed64()
+			err = writeUnknownInt(w, x, err)
+		case WireStartGroup:
+			err = w.WriteByte('{')
+			w.indent()
+		case WireVarint:
+			x, err = b.DecodeVarint()
+			err = writeUnknownInt(w, x, err)
+		default:
+			_, err = fmt.Fprintf(w, "/* unknown wire type %d */", wire)
+		}
+		if err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+		if err = w.WriteByte('\n'); err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+	}
+	return nil
+func writeUnknownInt(w *textWriter, x uint64, err error) error {
+	if err == nil {
+		_, err = fmt.Fprint(w, x)
+	} else {
+		_, err = fmt.Fprintf(w, "/* %v */", err)
+	}
+	return err
+type int32Slice []int32
+func (s int32Slice) Len() int           { return len(s) }
+func (s int32Slice) Less(i, j int) bool { return s[i] < s[j] }
+func (s int32Slice) Swap(i, j int)      { s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i] }
+// writeExtensions writes all the extensions in pv.
+// pv is assumed to be a pointer to a protocol message struct that is extendable.
+func (tm *TextMarshaler) writeExtensions(w *textWriter, pv reflect.Value) error {
+	emap := extensionMaps[pv.Type().Elem()]
+	ep, _ := extendable(pv.Interface())
+	// Order the extensions by ID.
+	// This isn't strictly necessary, but it will give us
+	// canonical output, which will also make testing easier.
+	m, mu := ep.extensionsRead()
+	if m == nil {
+		return nil
+	}
+	mu.Lock()
+	ids := make([]int32, 0, len(m))
+	for id := range m {
+		ids = append(ids, id)
+	}
+	sort.Sort(int32Slice(ids))
+	mu.Unlock()
+	for _, extNum := range ids {
+		ext := m[extNum]
+		var desc *ExtensionDesc
+		if emap != nil {
+			desc = emap[extNum]
+		}
+		if desc == nil {
+			// Unknown extension.
+			if err := writeUnknownStruct(w, ext.enc); err != nil {
+				return err
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		pb, err := GetExtension(ep, desc)
+		if err != nil {
+			return fmt.Errorf("failed getting extension: %v", err)
+		}
+		// Repeated extensions will appear as a slice.
+		if !desc.repeated() {
+			if err := tm.writeExtension(w, desc.Name, pb); err != nil {
+				return err
+			}
+		} else {
+			v := reflect.ValueOf(pb)
+			for i := 0; i < v.Len(); i++ {
+				if err := tm.writeExtension(w, desc.Name, v.Index(i).Interface()); err != nil {
+					return err
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return nil
+func (tm *TextMarshaler) writeExtension(w *textWriter, name string, pb interface{}) error {
+	if _, err := fmt.Fprintf(w, "[%s]:", name); err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	if !w.compact {
+		if err := w.WriteByte(' '); err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+	}
+	if err := tm.writeAny(w, reflect.ValueOf(pb), nil); err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	if err := w.WriteByte('\n'); err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	return nil
+func (w *textWriter) writeIndent() {
+	if !w.complete {
+		return
+	}
+	remain := w.ind * 2
+	for remain > 0 {
+		n := remain
+		if n > len(spaces) {
+			n = len(spaces)
+		}
+		w.w.Write(spaces[:n])
+		remain -= n
+	}
+	w.complete = false
+// TextMarshaler is a configurable text format marshaler.
+type TextMarshaler struct {
+	Compact   bool // use compact text format (one line).
+	ExpandAny bool // expand google.protobuf.Any messages of known types
+// Marshal writes a given protocol buffer in text format.
+// The only errors returned are from w.
+func (tm *TextMarshaler) Marshal(w io.Writer, pb Message) error {
+	val := reflect.ValueOf(pb)
+	if pb == nil || val.IsNil() {
+		w.Write([]byte("<nil>"))
+		return nil
+	}
+	var bw *bufio.Writer
+	ww, ok := w.(writer)
+	if !ok {
+		bw = bufio.NewWriter(w)
+		ww = bw
+	}
+	aw := &textWriter{
+		w:        ww,
+		complete: true,
+		compact:  tm.Compact,
+	}
+	if etm, ok := pb.(encoding.TextMarshaler); ok {
+		text, err := etm.MarshalText()
+		if err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+		if _, err = aw.Write(text); err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+		if bw != nil {
+			return bw.Flush()
+		}
+		return nil
+	}
+	// Dereference the received pointer so we don't have outer < and >.
+	v := reflect.Indirect(val)
+	if err := tm.writeStruct(aw, v); err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	if bw != nil {
+		return bw.Flush()
+	}
+	return nil
+// Text is the same as Marshal, but returns the string directly.
+func (tm *TextMarshaler) Text(pb Message) string {
+	var buf bytes.Buffer
+	tm.Marshal(&buf, pb)
+	return buf.String()
+var (
+	defaultTextMarshaler = TextMarshaler{}
+	compactTextMarshaler = TextMarshaler{Compact: true}
+// TODO: consider removing some of the Marshal functions below.
+// MarshalText writes a given protocol buffer in text format.
+// The only errors returned are from w.
+func MarshalText(w io.Writer, pb Message) error { return defaultTextMarshaler.Marshal(w, pb) }
+// MarshalTextString is the same as MarshalText, but returns the string directly.
+func MarshalTextString(pb Message) string { return defaultTextMarshaler.Text(pb) }
+// CompactText writes a given protocol buffer in compact text format (one line).
+func CompactText(w io.Writer, pb Message) error { return compactTextMarshaler.Marshal(w, pb) }
+// CompactTextString is the same as CompactText, but returns the string directly.
+func CompactTextString(pb Message) string { return compactTextMarshaler.Text(pb) }
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/text_parser.go b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/text_parser.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb55a3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/text_parser.go
@@ -0,0 +1,880 @@
+// Go support for Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
+// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors.  All rights reserved.
+// https://github.com/golang/protobuf
+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+// met:
+//     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+//     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
+// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+// distribution.
+//     * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
+// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+// this software without specific prior written permission.
+package proto
+// Functions for parsing the Text protocol buffer format.
+// TODO: message sets.
+import (
+	"encoding"
+	"errors"
+	"fmt"
+	"reflect"
+	"strconv"
+	"strings"
+	"unicode/utf8"
+// Error string emitted when deserializing Any and fields are already set
+const anyRepeatedlyUnpacked = "Any message unpacked multiple times, or %q already set"
+type ParseError struct {
+	Message string
+	Line    int // 1-based line number
+	Offset  int // 0-based byte offset from start of input
+func (p *ParseError) Error() string {
+	if p.Line == 1 {
+		// show offset only for first line
+		return fmt.Sprintf("line 1.%d: %v", p.Offset, p.Message)
+	}
+	return fmt.Sprintf("line %d: %v", p.Line, p.Message)
+type token struct {
+	value    string
+	err      *ParseError
+	line     int    // line number
+	offset   int    // byte number from start of input, not start of line
+	unquoted string // the unquoted version of value, if it was a quoted string
+func (t *token) String() string {
+	if t.err == nil {
+		return fmt.Sprintf("%q (line=%d, offset=%d)", t.value, t.line, t.offset)
+	}
+	return fmt.Sprintf("parse error: %v", t.err)
+type textParser struct {
+	s            string // remaining input
+	done         bool   // whether the parsing is finished (success or error)
+	backed       bool   // whether back() was called
+	offset, line int
+	cur          token
+func newTextParser(s string) *textParser {
+	p := new(textParser)
+	p.s = s
+	p.line = 1
+	p.cur.line = 1
+	return p
+func (p *textParser) errorf(format string, a ...interface{}) *ParseError {
+	pe := &ParseError{fmt.Sprintf(format, a...), p.cur.line, p.cur.offset}
+	p.cur.err = pe
+	p.done = true
+	return pe
+// Numbers and identifiers are matched by [-+._A-Za-z0-9]
+func isIdentOrNumberChar(c byte) bool {
+	switch {
+	case 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z', 'a' <= c && c <= 'z':
+		return true
+	case '0' <= c && c <= '9':
+		return true
+	}
+	switch c {
+	case '-', '+', '.', '_':
+		return true
+	}
+	return false
+func isWhitespace(c byte) bool {
+	switch c {
+	case ' ', '\t', '\n', '\r':
+		return true
+	}
+	return false
+func isQuote(c byte) bool {
+	switch c {
+	case '"', '\'':
+		return true
+	}
+	return false
+func (p *textParser) skipWhitespace() {
+	i := 0
+	for i < len(p.s) && (isWhitespace(p.s[i]) || p.s[i] == '#') {
+		if p.s[i] == '#' {
+			// comment; skip to end of line or input
+			for i < len(p.s) && p.s[i] != '\n' {
+				i++
+			}
+			if i == len(p.s) {
+				break
+			}
+		}
+		if p.s[i] == '\n' {
+			p.line++
+		}
+		i++
+	}
+	p.offset += i
+	p.s = p.s[i:len(p.s)]
+	if len(p.s) == 0 {
+		p.done = true
+	}
+func (p *textParser) advance() {
+	// Skip whitespace
+	p.skipWhitespace()
+	if p.done {
+		return
+	}
+	// Start of non-whitespace
+	p.cur.err = nil
+	p.cur.offset, p.cur.line = p.offset, p.line
+	p.cur.unquoted = ""
+	switch p.s[0] {
+	case '<', '>', '{', '}', ':', '[', ']', ';', ',', '/':
+		// Single symbol
+		p.cur.value, p.s = p.s[0:1], p.s[1:len(p.s)]
+	case '"', '\'':
+		// Quoted string
+		i := 1
+		for i < len(p.s) && p.s[i] != p.s[0] && p.s[i] != '\n' {
+			if p.s[i] == '\\' && i+1 < len(p.s) {
+				// skip escaped char
+				i++
+			}
+			i++
+		}
+		if i >= len(p.s) || p.s[i] != p.s[0] {
+			p.errorf("unmatched quote")
+			return
+		}
+		unq, err := unquoteC(p.s[1:i], rune(p.s[0]))
+		if err != nil {
+			p.errorf("invalid quoted string %s: %v", p.s[0:i+1], err)
+			return
+		}
+		p.cur.value, p.s = p.s[0:i+1], p.s[i+1:len(p.s)]
+		p.cur.unquoted = unq
+	default:
+		i := 0
+		for i < len(p.s) && isIdentOrNumberChar(p.s[i]) {
+			i++
+		}
+		if i == 0 {
+			p.errorf("unexpected byte %#x", p.s[0])
+			return
+		}
+		p.cur.value, p.s = p.s[0:i], p.s[i:len(p.s)]
+	}
+	p.offset += len(p.cur.value)
+var (
+	errBadUTF8 = errors.New("proto: bad UTF-8")
+func unquoteC(s string, quote rune) (string, error) {
+	// This is based on C++'s tokenizer.cc.
+	// Despite its name, this is *not* parsing C syntax.
+	// For instance, "\0" is an invalid quoted string.
+	// Avoid allocation in trivial cases.
+	simple := true
+	for _, r := range s {
+		if r == '\\' || r == quote {
+			simple = false
+			break
+		}
+	}
+	if simple {
+		return s, nil
+	}
+	buf := make([]byte, 0, 3*len(s)/2)
+	for len(s) > 0 {
+		r, n := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s)
+		if r == utf8.RuneError && n == 1 {
+			return "", errBadUTF8
+		}
+		s = s[n:]
+		if r != '\\' {
+			if r < utf8.RuneSelf {
+				buf = append(buf, byte(r))
+			} else {
+				buf = append(buf, string(r)...)
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		ch, tail, err := unescape(s)
+		if err != nil {
+			return "", err
+		}
+		buf = append(buf, ch...)
+		s = tail
+	}
+	return string(buf), nil
+func unescape(s string) (ch string, tail string, err error) {
+	r, n := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s)
+	if r == utf8.RuneError && n == 1 {
+		return "", "", errBadUTF8
+	}
+	s = s[n:]
+	switch r {
+	case 'a':
+		return "\a", s, nil
+	case 'b':
+		return "\b", s, nil
+	case 'f':
+		return "\f", s, nil
+	case 'n':
+		return "\n", s, nil
+	case 'r':
+		return "\r", s, nil
+	case 't':
+		return "\t", s, nil
+	case 'v':
+		return "\v", s, nil
+	case '?':
+		return "?", s, nil // trigraph workaround
+	case '\'', '"', '\\':
+		return string(r), s, nil
+	case '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7':
+		if len(s) < 2 {
+			return "", "", fmt.Errorf(`\%c requires 2 following digits`, r)
+		}
+		ss := string(r) + s[:2]
+		s = s[2:]
+		i, err := strconv.ParseUint(ss, 8, 8)
+		if err != nil {
+			return "", "", fmt.Errorf(`\%s contains non-octal digits`, ss)
+		}
+		return string([]byte{byte(i)}), s, nil
+	case 'x', 'X', 'u', 'U':
+		var n int
+		switch r {
+		case 'x', 'X':
+			n = 2
+		case 'u':
+			n = 4
+		case 'U':
+			n = 8
+		}
+		if len(s) < n {
+			return "", "", fmt.Errorf(`\%c requires %d following digits`, r, n)
+		}
+		ss := s[:n]
+		s = s[n:]
+		i, err := strconv.ParseUint(ss, 16, 64)
+		if err != nil {
+			return "", "", fmt.Errorf(`\%c%s contains non-hexadecimal digits`, r, ss)
+		}
+		if r == 'x' || r == 'X' {
+			return string([]byte{byte(i)}), s, nil
+		}
+		if i > utf8.MaxRune {
+			return "", "", fmt.Errorf(`\%c%s is not a valid Unicode code point`, r, ss)
+		}
+		return string(i), s, nil
+	}
+	return "", "", fmt.Errorf(`unknown escape \%c`, r)
+// Back off the parser by one token. Can only be done between calls to next().
+// It makes the next advance() a no-op.
+func (p *textParser) back() { p.backed = true }
+// Advances the parser and returns the new current token.
+func (p *textParser) next() *token {
+	if p.backed || p.done {
+		p.backed = false
+		return &p.cur
+	}
+	p.advance()
+	if p.done {
+		p.cur.value = ""
+	} else if len(p.cur.value) > 0 && isQuote(p.cur.value[0]) {
+		// Look for multiple quoted strings separated by whitespace,
+		// and concatenate them.
+		cat := p.cur
+		for {
+			p.skipWhitespace()
+			if p.done || !isQuote(p.s[0]) {
+				break
+			}
+			p.advance()
+			if p.cur.err != nil {
+				return &p.cur
+			}
+			cat.value += " " + p.cur.value
+			cat.unquoted += p.cur.unquoted
+		}
+		p.done = false // parser may have seen EOF, but we want to return cat
+		p.cur = cat
+	}
+	return &p.cur
+func (p *textParser) consumeToken(s string) error {
+	tok := p.next()
+	if tok.err != nil {
+		return tok.err
+	}
+	if tok.value != s {
+		p.back()
+		return p.errorf("expected %q, found %q", s, tok.value)
+	}
+	return nil
+// Return a RequiredNotSetError indicating which required field was not set.
+func (p *textParser) missingRequiredFieldError(sv reflect.Value) *RequiredNotSetError {
+	st := sv.Type()
+	sprops := GetProperties(st)
+	for i := 0; i < st.NumField(); i++ {
+		if !isNil(sv.Field(i)) {
+			continue
+		}
+		props := sprops.Prop[i]
+		if props.Required {
+			return &RequiredNotSetError{fmt.Sprintf("%v.%v", st, props.OrigName)}
+		}
+	}
+	return &RequiredNotSetError{fmt.Sprintf("%v.<unknown field name>", st)} // should not happen
+// Returns the index in the struct for the named field, as well as the parsed tag properties.
+func structFieldByName(sprops *StructProperties, name string) (int, *Properties, bool) {
+	i, ok := sprops.decoderOrigNames[name]
+	if ok {
+		return i, sprops.Prop[i], true
+	}
+	return -1, nil, false
+// Consume a ':' from the input stream (if the next token is a colon),
+// returning an error if a colon is needed but not present.
+func (p *textParser) checkForColon(props *Properties, typ reflect.Type) *ParseError {
+	tok := p.next()
+	if tok.err != nil {
+		return tok.err
+	}
+	if tok.value != ":" {
+		// Colon is optional when the field is a group or message.
+		needColon := true
+		switch props.Wire {
+		case "group":
+			needColon = false
+		case "bytes":
+			// A "bytes" field is either a message, a string, or a repeated field;
+			// those three become *T, *string and []T respectively, so we can check for
+			// this field being a pointer to a non-string.
+			if typ.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+				// *T or *string
+				if typ.Elem().Kind() == reflect.String {
+					break
+				}
+			} else if typ.Kind() == reflect.Slice {
+				// []T or []*T
+				if typ.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
+					break
+				}
+			} else if typ.Kind() == reflect.String {
+				// The proto3 exception is for a string field,
+				// which requires a colon.
+				break
+			}
+			needColon = false
+		}
+		if needColon {
+			return p.errorf("expected ':', found %q", tok.value)
+		}
+		p.back()
+	}
+	return nil
+func (p *textParser) readStruct(sv reflect.Value, terminator string) error {
+	st := sv.Type()
+	sprops := GetProperties(st)
+	reqCount := sprops.reqCount
+	var reqFieldErr error
+	fieldSet := make(map[string]bool)
+	// A struct is a sequence of "name: value", terminated by one of
+	// '>' or '}', or the end of the input.  A name may also be
+	// "[extension]" or "[type/url]".
+	//
+	// The whole struct can also be an expanded Any message, like:
+	// [type/url] < ... struct contents ... >
+	for {
+		tok := p.next()
+		if tok.err != nil {
+			return tok.err
+		}
+		if tok.value == terminator {
+			break
+		}
+		if tok.value == "[" {
+			// Looks like an extension or an Any.
+			//
+			// TODO: Check whether we need to handle
+			// namespace rooted names (e.g. ".something.Foo").
+			extName, err := p.consumeExtName()
+			if err != nil {
+				return err
+			}
+			if s := strings.LastIndex(extName, "/"); s >= 0 {
+				// If it contains a slash, it's an Any type URL.
+				messageName := extName[s+1:]
+				mt := MessageType(messageName)
+				if mt == nil {
+					return p.errorf("unrecognized message %q in google.protobuf.Any", messageName)
+				}
+				tok = p.next()
+				if tok.err != nil {
+					return tok.err
+				}
+				// consume an optional colon
+				if tok.value == ":" {
+					tok = p.next()
+					if tok.err != nil {
+						return tok.err
+					}
+				}
+				var terminator string
+				switch tok.value {
+				case "<":
+					terminator = ">"
+				case "{":
+					terminator = "}"
+				default:
+					return p.errorf("expected '{' or '<', found %q", tok.value)
+				}
+				v := reflect.New(mt.Elem())
+				if pe := p.readStruct(v.Elem(), terminator); pe != nil {
+					return pe
+				}
+				b, err := Marshal(v.Interface().(Message))
+				if err != nil {
+					return p.errorf("failed to marshal message of type %q: %v", messageName, err)
+				}
+				if fieldSet["type_url"] {
+					return p.errorf(anyRepeatedlyUnpacked, "type_url")
+				}
+				if fieldSet["value"] {
+					return p.errorf(anyRepeatedlyUnpacked, "value")
+				}
+				sv.FieldByName("TypeUrl").SetString(extName)
+				sv.FieldByName("Value").SetBytes(b)
+				fieldSet["type_url"] = true
+				fieldSet["value"] = true
+				continue
+			}
+			var desc *ExtensionDesc
+			// This could be faster, but it's functional.
+			// TODO: Do something smarter than a linear scan.
+			for _, d := range RegisteredExtensions(reflect.New(st).Interface().(Message)) {
+				if d.Name == extName {
+					desc = d
+					break
+				}
+			}
+			if desc == nil {
+				return p.errorf("unrecognized extension %q", extName)
+			}
+			props := &Properties{}
+			props.Parse(desc.Tag)
+			typ := reflect.TypeOf(desc.ExtensionType)
+			if err := p.checkForColon(props, typ); err != nil {
+				return err
+			}
+			rep := desc.repeated()
+			// Read the extension structure, and set it in
+			// the value we're constructing.
+			var ext reflect.Value
+			if !rep {
+				ext = reflect.New(typ).Elem()
+			} else {
+				ext = reflect.New(typ.Elem()).Elem()
+			}
+			if err := p.readAny(ext, props); err != nil {
+				if _, ok := err.(*RequiredNotSetError); !ok {
+					return err
+				}
+				reqFieldErr = err
+			}
+			ep := sv.Addr().Interface().(Message)
+			if !rep {
+				SetExtension(ep, desc, ext.Interface())
+			} else {
+				old, err := GetExtension(ep, desc)
+				var sl reflect.Value
+				if err == nil {
+					sl = reflect.ValueOf(old) // existing slice
+				} else {
+					sl = reflect.MakeSlice(typ, 0, 1)
+				}
+				sl = reflect.Append(sl, ext)
+				SetExtension(ep, desc, sl.Interface())
+			}
+			if err := p.consumeOptionalSeparator(); err != nil {
+				return err
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		// This is a normal, non-extension field.
+		name := tok.value
+		var dst reflect.Value
+		fi, props, ok := structFieldByName(sprops, name)
+		if ok {
+			dst = sv.Field(fi)
+		} else if oop, ok := sprops.OneofTypes[name]; ok {
+			// It is a oneof.
+			props = oop.Prop
+			nv := reflect.New(oop.Type.Elem())
+			dst = nv.Elem().Field(0)
+			field := sv.Field(oop.Field)
+			if !field.IsNil() {
+				return p.errorf("field '%s' would overwrite already parsed oneof '%s'", name, sv.Type().Field(oop.Field).Name)
+			}
+			field.Set(nv)
+		}
+		if !dst.IsValid() {
+			return p.errorf("unknown field name %q in %v", name, st)
+		}
+		if dst.Kind() == reflect.Map {
+			// Consume any colon.
+			if err := p.checkForColon(props, dst.Type()); err != nil {
+				return err
+			}
+			// Construct the map if it doesn't already exist.
+			if dst.IsNil() {
+				dst.Set(reflect.MakeMap(dst.Type()))
+			}
+			key := reflect.New(dst.Type().Key()).Elem()
+			val := reflect.New(dst.Type().Elem()).Elem()
+			// The map entry should be this sequence of tokens:
+			//	< key : KEY value : VALUE >
+			// However, implementations may omit key or value, and technically
+			// we should support them in any order.  See b/28924776 for a time
+			// this went wrong.
+			tok := p.next()
+			var terminator string
+			switch tok.value {
+			case "<":
+				terminator = ">"
+			case "{":
+				terminator = "}"
+			default:
+				return p.errorf("expected '{' or '<', found %q", tok.value)
+			}
+			for {
+				tok := p.next()
+				if tok.err != nil {
+					return tok.err
+				}
+				if tok.value == terminator {
+					break
+				}
+				switch tok.value {
+				case "key":
+					if err := p.consumeToken(":"); err != nil {
+						return err
+					}
+					if err := p.readAny(key, props.MapKeyProp); err != nil {
+						return err
+					}
+					if err := p.consumeOptionalSeparator(); err != nil {
+						return err
+					}
+				case "value":
+					if err := p.checkForColon(props.MapValProp, dst.Type().Elem()); err != nil {
+						return err
+					}
+					if err := p.readAny(val, props.MapValProp); err != nil {
+						return err
+					}
+					if err := p.consumeOptionalSeparator(); err != nil {
+						return err
+					}
+				default:
+					p.back()
+					return p.errorf(`expected "key", "value", or %q, found %q`, terminator, tok.value)
+				}
+			}
+			dst.SetMapIndex(key, val)
+			continue
+		}
+		// Check that it's not already set if it's not a repeated field.
+		if !props.Repeated && fieldSet[name] {
+			return p.errorf("non-repeated field %q was repeated", name)
+		}
+		if err := p.checkForColon(props, dst.Type()); err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+		// Parse into the field.
+		fieldSet[name] = true
+		if err := p.readAny(dst, props); err != nil {
+			if _, ok := err.(*RequiredNotSetError); !ok {
+				return err
+			}
+			reqFieldErr = err
+		}
+		if props.Required {
+			reqCount--
+		}
+		if err := p.consumeOptionalSeparator(); err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+	}
+	if reqCount > 0 {
+		return p.missingRequiredFieldError(sv)
+	}
+	return reqFieldErr
+// consumeExtName consumes extension name or expanded Any type URL and the
+// following ']'. It returns the name or URL consumed.
+func (p *textParser) consumeExtName() (string, error) {
+	tok := p.next()
+	if tok.err != nil {
+		return "", tok.err
+	}
+	// If extension name or type url is quoted, it's a single token.
+	if len(tok.value) > 2 && isQuote(tok.value[0]) && tok.value[len(tok.value)-1] == tok.value[0] {
+		name, err := unquoteC(tok.value[1:len(tok.value)-1], rune(tok.value[0]))
+		if err != nil {
+			return "", err
+		}
+		return name, p.consumeToken("]")
+	}
+	// Consume everything up to "]"
+	var parts []string
+	for tok.value != "]" {
+		parts = append(parts, tok.value)
+		tok = p.next()
+		if tok.err != nil {
+			return "", p.errorf("unrecognized type_url or extension name: %s", tok.err)
+		}
+		if p.done && tok.value != "]" {
+			return "", p.errorf("unclosed type_url or extension name")
+		}
+	}
+	return strings.Join(parts, ""), nil
+// consumeOptionalSeparator consumes an optional semicolon or comma.
+// It is used in readStruct to provide backward compatibility.
+func (p *textParser) consumeOptionalSeparator() error {
+	tok := p.next()
+	if tok.err != nil {
+		return tok.err
+	}
+	if tok.value != ";" && tok.value != "," {
+		p.back()
+	}
+	return nil
+func (p *textParser) readAny(v reflect.Value, props *Properties) error {
+	tok := p.next()
+	if tok.err != nil {
+		return tok.err
+	}
+	if tok.value == "" {
+		return p.errorf("unexpected EOF")
+	}
+	switch fv := v; fv.Kind() {
+	case reflect.Slice:
+		at := v.Type()
+		if at.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8 {
+			// Special case for []byte
+			if tok.value[0] != '"' && tok.value[0] != '\'' {
+				// Deliberately written out here, as the error after
+				// this switch statement would write "invalid []byte: ...",
+				// which is not as user-friendly.
+				return p.errorf("invalid string: %v", tok.value)
+			}
+			bytes := []byte(tok.unquoted)
+			fv.Set(reflect.ValueOf(bytes))
+			return nil
+		}
+		// Repeated field.
+		if tok.value == "[" {
+			// Repeated field with list notation, like [1,2,3].
+			for {
+				fv.Set(reflect.Append(fv, reflect.New(at.Elem()).Elem()))
+				err := p.readAny(fv.Index(fv.Len()-1), props)
+				if err != nil {
+					return err
+				}
+				tok := p.next()
+				if tok.err != nil {
+					return tok.err
+				}
+				if tok.value == "]" {
+					break
+				}
+				if tok.value != "," {
+					return p.errorf("Expected ']' or ',' found %q", tok.value)
+				}
+			}
+			return nil
+		}
+		// One value of the repeated field.
+		p.back()
+		fv.Set(reflect.Append(fv, reflect.New(at.Elem()).Elem()))
+		return p.readAny(fv.Index(fv.Len()-1), props)
+	case reflect.Bool:
+		// true/1/t/True or false/f/0/False.
+		switch tok.value {
+		case "true", "1", "t", "True":
+			fv.SetBool(true)
+			return nil
+		case "false", "0", "f", "False":
+			fv.SetBool(false)
+			return nil
+		}
+	case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
+		v := tok.value
+		// Ignore 'f' for compatibility with output generated by C++, but don't
+		// remove 'f' when the value is "-inf" or "inf".
+		if strings.HasSuffix(v, "f") && tok.value != "-inf" && tok.value != "inf" {
+			v = v[:len(v)-1]
+		}
+		if f, err := strconv.ParseFloat(v, fv.Type().Bits()); err == nil {
+			fv.SetFloat(f)
+			return nil
+		}
+	case reflect.Int32:
+		if x, err := strconv.ParseInt(tok.value, 0, 32); err == nil {
+			fv.SetInt(x)
+			return nil
+		}
+		if len(props.Enum) == 0 {
+			break
+		}
+		m, ok := enumValueMaps[props.Enum]
+		if !ok {
+			break
+		}
+		x, ok := m[tok.value]
+		if !ok {
+			break
+		}
+		fv.SetInt(int64(x))
+		return nil
+	case reflect.Int64:
+		if x, err := strconv.ParseInt(tok.value, 0, 64); err == nil {
+			fv.SetInt(x)
+			return nil
+		}
+	case reflect.Ptr:
+		// A basic field (indirected through pointer), or a repeated message/group
+		p.back()
+		fv.Set(reflect.New(fv.Type().Elem()))
+		return p.readAny(fv.Elem(), props)
+	case reflect.String:
+		if tok.value[0] == '"' || tok.value[0] == '\'' {
+			fv.SetString(tok.unquoted)
+			return nil
+		}
+	case reflect.Struct:
+		var terminator string
+		switch tok.value {
+		case "{":
+			terminator = "}"
+		case "<":
+			terminator = ">"
+		default:
+			return p.errorf("expected '{' or '<', found %q", tok.value)
+		}
+		// TODO: Handle nested messages which implement encoding.TextUnmarshaler.
+		return p.readStruct(fv, terminator)
+	case reflect.Uint32:
+		if x, err := strconv.ParseUint(tok.value, 0, 32); err == nil {
+			fv.SetUint(uint64(x))
+			return nil
+		}
+	case reflect.Uint64:
+		if x, err := strconv.ParseUint(tok.value, 0, 64); err == nil {
+			fv.SetUint(x)
+			return nil
+		}
+	}
+	return p.errorf("invalid %v: %v", v.Type(), tok.value)
+// UnmarshalText reads a protocol buffer in Text format. UnmarshalText resets pb
+// before starting to unmarshal, so any existing data in pb is always removed.
+// If a required field is not set and no other error occurs,
+// UnmarshalText returns *RequiredNotSetError.
+func UnmarshalText(s string, pb Message) error {
+	if um, ok := pb.(encoding.TextUnmarshaler); ok {
+		return um.UnmarshalText([]byte(s))
+	}
+	pb.Reset()
+	v := reflect.ValueOf(pb)
+	return newTextParser(s).readStruct(v.Elem(), "")
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/any.go b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/any.go
new file mode 100644
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+// Go support for Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
+// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors.  All rights reserved.
+// https://github.com/golang/protobuf
+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+// met:
+//     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+//     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
+// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+// distribution.
+//     * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
+// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+// this software without specific prior written permission.
+package ptypes
+// This file implements functions to marshal proto.Message to/from
+// google.protobuf.Any message.
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	"reflect"
+	"strings"
+	"github.com/golang/protobuf/proto"
+	"github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/any"
+const googleApis = "type.googleapis.com/"
+// AnyMessageName returns the name of the message contained in a google.protobuf.Any message.
+// Note that regular type assertions should be done using the Is
+// function. AnyMessageName is provided for less common use cases like filtering a
+// sequence of Any messages based on a set of allowed message type names.
+func AnyMessageName(any *any.Any) (string, error) {
+	if any == nil {
+		return "", fmt.Errorf("message is nil")
+	}
+	slash := strings.LastIndex(any.TypeUrl, "/")
+	if slash < 0 {
+		return "", fmt.Errorf("message type url %q is invalid", any.TypeUrl)
+	}
+	return any.TypeUrl[slash+1:], nil
+// MarshalAny takes the protocol buffer and encodes it into google.protobuf.Any.
+func MarshalAny(pb proto.Message) (*any.Any, error) {
+	value, err := proto.Marshal(pb)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	return &any.Any{TypeUrl: googleApis + proto.MessageName(pb), Value: value}, nil
+// DynamicAny is a value that can be passed to UnmarshalAny to automatically
+// allocate a proto.Message for the type specified in a google.protobuf.Any
+// message. The allocated message is stored in the embedded proto.Message.
+// Example:
+//   var x ptypes.DynamicAny
+//   if err := ptypes.UnmarshalAny(a, &x); err != nil { ... }
+//   fmt.Printf("unmarshaled message: %v", x.Message)
+type DynamicAny struct {
+	proto.Message
+// Empty returns a new proto.Message of the type specified in a
+// google.protobuf.Any message. It returns an error if corresponding message
+// type isn't linked in.
+func Empty(any *any.Any) (proto.Message, error) {
+	aname, err := AnyMessageName(any)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	t := proto.MessageType(aname)
+	if t == nil {
+		return nil, fmt.Errorf("any: message type %q isn't linked in", aname)
+	}
+	return reflect.New(t.Elem()).Interface().(proto.Message), nil
+// UnmarshalAny parses the protocol buffer representation in a google.protobuf.Any
+// message and places the decoded result in pb. It returns an error if type of
+// contents of Any message does not match type of pb message.
+// pb can be a proto.Message, or a *DynamicAny.
+func UnmarshalAny(any *any.Any, pb proto.Message) error {
+	if d, ok := pb.(*DynamicAny); ok {
+		if d.Message == nil {
+			var err error
+			d.Message, err = Empty(any)
+			if err != nil {
+				return err
+			}
+		}
+		return UnmarshalAny(any, d.Message)
+	}
+	aname, err := AnyMessageName(any)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	mname := proto.MessageName(pb)
+	if aname != mname {
+		return fmt.Errorf("mismatched message type: got %q want %q", aname, mname)
+	}
+	return proto.Unmarshal(any.Value, pb)
+// Is returns true if any value contains a given message type.
+func Is(any *any.Any, pb proto.Message) bool {
+	// The following is equivalent to AnyMessageName(any) == proto.MessageName(pb),
+	// but it avoids scanning TypeUrl for the slash.
+	if any == nil {
+		return false
+	}
+	name := proto.MessageName(pb)
+	prefix := len(any.TypeUrl) - len(name)
+	return prefix >= 1 && any.TypeUrl[prefix-1] == '/' && any.TypeUrl[prefix:] == name
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/any/any.pb.go b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/any/any.pb.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78ee523
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/any/any.pb.go
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+// Code generated by protoc-gen-go. DO NOT EDIT.
+// source: google/protobuf/any.proto
+package any
+import (
+	fmt "fmt"
+	proto "github.com/golang/protobuf/proto"
+	math "math"
+// Reference imports to suppress errors if they are not otherwise used.
+var _ = proto.Marshal
+var _ = fmt.Errorf
+var _ = math.Inf
+// This is a compile-time assertion to ensure that this generated file
+// is compatible with the proto package it is being compiled against.
+// A compilation error at this line likely means your copy of the
+// proto package needs to be updated.
+const _ = proto.ProtoPackageIsVersion3 // please upgrade the proto package
+// `Any` contains an arbitrary serialized protocol buffer message along with a
+// URL that describes the type of the serialized message.
+// Protobuf library provides support to pack/unpack Any values in the form
+// of utility functions or additional generated methods of the Any type.
+// Example 1: Pack and unpack a message in C++.
+//     Foo foo = ...;
+//     Any any;
+//     any.PackFrom(foo);
+//     ...
+//     if (any.UnpackTo(&foo)) {
+//       ...
+//     }
+// Example 2: Pack and unpack a message in Java.
+//     Foo foo = ...;
+//     Any any = Any.pack(foo);
+//     ...
+//     if (any.is(Foo.class)) {
+//       foo = any.unpack(Foo.class);
+//     }
+//  Example 3: Pack and unpack a message in Python.
+//     foo = Foo(...)
+//     any = Any()
+//     any.Pack(foo)
+//     ...
+//     if any.Is(Foo.DESCRIPTOR):
+//       any.Unpack(foo)
+//       ...
+//  Example 4: Pack and unpack a message in Go
+//      foo := &pb.Foo{...}
+//      any, err := ptypes.MarshalAny(foo)
+//      ...
+//      foo := &pb.Foo{}
+//      if err := ptypes.UnmarshalAny(any, foo); err != nil {
+//        ...
+//      }
+// The pack methods provided by protobuf library will by default use
+// 'type.googleapis.com/full.type.name' as the type URL and the unpack
+// methods only use the fully qualified type name after the last '/'
+// in the type URL, for example "foo.bar.com/x/y.z" will yield type
+// name "y.z".
+// JSON
+// ====
+// The JSON representation of an `Any` value uses the regular
+// representation of the deserialized, embedded message, with an
+// additional field `@type` which contains the type URL. Example:
+//     package google.profile;
+//     message Person {
+//       string first_name = 1;
+//       string last_name = 2;
+//     }
+//     {
+//       "@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.profile.Person",
+//       "firstName": <string>,
+//       "lastName": <string>
+//     }
+// If the embedded message type is well-known and has a custom JSON
+// representation, that representation will be embedded adding a field
+// `value` which holds the custom JSON in addition to the `@type`
+// field. Example (for message [google.protobuf.Duration][]):
+//     {
+//       "@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.protobuf.Duration",
+//       "value": "1.212s"
+//     }
+type Any struct {
+	// A URL/resource name that uniquely identifies the type of the serialized
+	// protocol buffer message. The last segment of the URL's path must represent
+	// the fully qualified name of the type (as in
+	// `path/google.protobuf.Duration`). The name should be in a canonical form
+	// (e.g., leading "." is not accepted).
+	//
+	// In practice, teams usually precompile into the binary all types that they
+	// expect it to use in the context of Any. However, for URLs which use the
+	// scheme `http`, `https`, or no scheme, one can optionally set up a type
+	// server that maps type URLs to message definitions as follows:
+	//
+	// * If no scheme is provided, `https` is assumed.
+	// * An HTTP GET on the URL must yield a [google.protobuf.Type][]
+	//   value in binary format, or produce an error.
+	// * Applications are allowed to cache lookup results based on the
+	//   URL, or have them precompiled into a binary to avoid any
+	//   lookup. Therefore, binary compatibility needs to be preserved
+	//   on changes to types. (Use versioned type names to manage
+	//   breaking changes.)
+	//
+	// Note: this functionality is not currently available in the official
+	// protobuf release, and it is not used for type URLs beginning with
+	// type.googleapis.com.
+	//
+	// Schemes other than `http`, `https` (or the empty scheme) might be
+	// used with implementation specific semantics.
+	//
+	TypeUrl string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=type_url,json=typeUrl,proto3" json:"type_url,omitempty"`
+	// Must be a valid serialized protocol buffer of the above specified type.
+	Value                []byte   `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=value,proto3" json:"value,omitempty"`
+	XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
+	XXX_unrecognized     []byte   `json:"-"`
+	XXX_sizecache        int32    `json:"-"`
+func (m *Any) Reset()         { *m = Any{} }
+func (m *Any) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
+func (*Any) ProtoMessage()    {}
+func (*Any) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
+	return fileDescriptor_b53526c13ae22eb4, []int{0}
+func (*Any) XXX_WellKnownType() string { return "Any" }
+func (m *Any) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
+	return xxx_messageInfo_Any.Unmarshal(m, b)
+func (m *Any) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	return xxx_messageInfo_Any.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
+func (m *Any) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
+	xxx_messageInfo_Any.Merge(m, src)
+func (m *Any) XXX_Size() int {
+	return xxx_messageInfo_Any.Size(m)
+func (m *Any) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
+	xxx_messageInfo_Any.DiscardUnknown(m)
+var xxx_messageInfo_Any proto.InternalMessageInfo
+func (m *Any) GetTypeUrl() string {
+	if m != nil {
+		return m.TypeUrl
+	}
+	return ""
+func (m *Any) GetValue() []byte {
+	if m != nil {
+		return m.Value
+	}
+	return nil
+func init() {
+	proto.RegisterType((*Any)(nil), "google.protobuf.Any")
+func init() { proto.RegisterFile("google/protobuf/any.proto", fileDescriptor_b53526c13ae22eb4) }
+var fileDescriptor_b53526c13ae22eb4 = []byte{
+	// 185 bytes of a gzipped FileDescriptorProto
+	0x1f, 0x8b, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0xff, 0xe2, 0x92, 0x4c, 0xcf, 0xcf, 0x4f,
+	0xcf, 0x49, 0xd5, 0x2f, 0x28, 0xca, 0x2f, 0xc9, 0x4f, 0x2a, 0x4d, 0xd3, 0x4f, 0xcc, 0xab, 0xd4,
+	0x03, 0x73, 0x84, 0xf8, 0x21, 0x52, 0x7a, 0x30, 0x29, 0x25, 0x33, 0x2e, 0x66, 0xc7, 0xbc, 0x4a,
+	0x21, 0x49, 0x2e, 0x8e, 0x92, 0xca, 0x82, 0xd4, 0xf8, 0xd2, 0xa2, 0x1c, 0x09, 0x46, 0x05, 0x46,
+	0x0d, 0xce, 0x20, 0x76, 0x10, 0x3f, 0xb4, 0x28, 0x47, 0x48, 0x84, 0x8b, 0xb5, 0x2c, 0x31, 0xa7,
+	0x34, 0x55, 0x82, 0x49, 0x81, 0x51, 0x83, 0x27, 0x08, 0xc2, 0x71, 0xca, 0xe7, 0x12, 0x4e, 0xce,
+	0xcf, 0xd5, 0x43, 0x33, 0xce, 0x89, 0xc3, 0x31, 0xaf, 0x32, 0x00, 0xc4, 0x09, 0x60, 0x8c, 0x52,
+	0x4d, 0xcf, 0x2c, 0xc9, 0x28, 0x4d, 0xd2, 0x4b, 0xce, 0xcf, 0xd5, 0x4f, 0xcf, 0xcf, 0x49, 0xcc,
+	0x4b, 0x47, 0xb8, 0xa8, 0x00, 0x64, 0x7a, 0x31, 0xc8, 0x61, 0x8b, 0x98, 0x98, 0xdd, 0x03, 0x9c,
+	0x56, 0x31, 0xc9, 0xb9, 0x43, 0x8c, 0x0a, 0x80, 0x2a, 0xd1, 0x0b, 0x4f, 0xcd, 0xc9, 0xf1, 0xce,
+	0xcb, 0x2f, 0xcf, 0x0b, 0x01, 0x29, 0x4d, 0x62, 0x03, 0xeb, 0x35, 0x06, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff,
+	0xff, 0x13, 0xf8, 0xe8, 0x42, 0xdd, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
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@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
+// Copyright 2008 Google Inc.  All rights reserved.
+// https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/
+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+// met:
+//     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+//     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
+// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+// distribution.
+//     * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
+// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+// this software without specific prior written permission.
+syntax = "proto3";
+package google.protobuf;
+option csharp_namespace = "Google.Protobuf.WellKnownTypes";
+option go_package = "github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/any";
+option java_package = "com.google.protobuf";
+option java_outer_classname = "AnyProto";
+option java_multiple_files = true;
+option objc_class_prefix = "GPB";
+// `Any` contains an arbitrary serialized protocol buffer message along with a
+// URL that describes the type of the serialized message.
+// Protobuf library provides support to pack/unpack Any values in the form
+// of utility functions or additional generated methods of the Any type.
+// Example 1: Pack and unpack a message in C++.
+//     Foo foo = ...;
+//     Any any;
+//     any.PackFrom(foo);
+//     ...
+//     if (any.UnpackTo(&foo)) {
+//       ...
+//     }
+// Example 2: Pack and unpack a message in Java.
+//     Foo foo = ...;
+//     Any any = Any.pack(foo);
+//     ...
+//     if (any.is(Foo.class)) {
+//       foo = any.unpack(Foo.class);
+//     }
+//  Example 3: Pack and unpack a message in Python.
+//     foo = Foo(...)
+//     any = Any()
+//     any.Pack(foo)
+//     ...
+//     if any.Is(Foo.DESCRIPTOR):
+//       any.Unpack(foo)
+//       ...
+//  Example 4: Pack and unpack a message in Go
+//      foo := &pb.Foo{...}
+//      any, err := ptypes.MarshalAny(foo)
+//      ...
+//      foo := &pb.Foo{}
+//      if err := ptypes.UnmarshalAny(any, foo); err != nil {
+//        ...
+//      }
+// The pack methods provided by protobuf library will by default use
+// 'type.googleapis.com/full.type.name' as the type URL and the unpack
+// methods only use the fully qualified type name after the last '/'
+// in the type URL, for example "foo.bar.com/x/y.z" will yield type
+// name "y.z".
+// JSON
+// ====
+// The JSON representation of an `Any` value uses the regular
+// representation of the deserialized, embedded message, with an
+// additional field `@type` which contains the type URL. Example:
+//     package google.profile;
+//     message Person {
+//       string first_name = 1;
+//       string last_name = 2;
+//     }
+//     {
+//       "@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.profile.Person",
+//       "firstName": <string>,
+//       "lastName": <string>
+//     }
+// If the embedded message type is well-known and has a custom JSON
+// representation, that representation will be embedded adding a field
+// `value` which holds the custom JSON in addition to the `@type`
+// field. Example (for message [google.protobuf.Duration][]):
+//     {
+//       "@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.protobuf.Duration",
+//       "value": "1.212s"
+//     }
+message Any {
+  // A URL/resource name that uniquely identifies the type of the serialized
+  // protocol buffer message. The last segment of the URL's path must represent
+  // the fully qualified name of the type (as in
+  // `path/google.protobuf.Duration`). The name should be in a canonical form
+  // (e.g., leading "." is not accepted).
+  //
+  // In practice, teams usually precompile into the binary all types that they
+  // expect it to use in the context of Any. However, for URLs which use the
+  // scheme `http`, `https`, or no scheme, one can optionally set up a type
+  // server that maps type URLs to message definitions as follows:
+  //
+  // * If no scheme is provided, `https` is assumed.
+  // * An HTTP GET on the URL must yield a [google.protobuf.Type][]
+  //   value in binary format, or produce an error.
+  // * Applications are allowed to cache lookup results based on the
+  //   URL, or have them precompiled into a binary to avoid any
+  //   lookup. Therefore, binary compatibility needs to be preserved
+  //   on changes to types. (Use versioned type names to manage
+  //   breaking changes.)
+  //
+  // Note: this functionality is not currently available in the official
+  // protobuf release, and it is not used for type URLs beginning with
+  // type.googleapis.com.
+  //
+  // Schemes other than `http`, `https` (or the empty scheme) might be
+  // used with implementation specific semantics.
+  //
+  string type_url = 1;
+  // Must be a valid serialized protocol buffer of the above specified type.
+  bytes value = 2;
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/doc.go b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/doc.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0d595d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/doc.go
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+// Go support for Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
+// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors.  All rights reserved.
+// https://github.com/golang/protobuf
+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+// met:
+//     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+//     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
+// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+// distribution.
+//     * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
+// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+// this software without specific prior written permission.
+Package ptypes contains code for interacting with well-known types.
+package ptypes
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/duration.go b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/duration.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26d1ca2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/duration.go
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+// Go support for Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
+// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors.  All rights reserved.
+// https://github.com/golang/protobuf
+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+// met:
+//     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+//     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
+// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+// distribution.
+//     * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
+// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+// this software without specific prior written permission.
+package ptypes
+// This file implements conversions between google.protobuf.Duration
+// and time.Duration.
+import (
+	"errors"
+	"fmt"
+	"time"
+	durpb "github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/duration"
+const (
+	// Range of a durpb.Duration in seconds, as specified in
+	// google/protobuf/duration.proto. This is about 10,000 years in seconds.
+	maxSeconds = int64(10000 * 365.25 * 24 * 60 * 60)
+	minSeconds = -maxSeconds
+// validateDuration determines whether the durpb.Duration is valid according to the
+// definition in google/protobuf/duration.proto. A valid durpb.Duration
+// may still be too large to fit into a time.Duration (the range of durpb.Duration
+// is about 10,000 years, and the range of time.Duration is about 290).
+func validateDuration(d *durpb.Duration) error {
+	if d == nil {
+		return errors.New("duration: nil Duration")
+	}
+	if d.Seconds < minSeconds || d.Seconds > maxSeconds {
+		return fmt.Errorf("duration: %v: seconds out of range", d)
+	}
+	if d.Nanos <= -1e9 || d.Nanos >= 1e9 {
+		return fmt.Errorf("duration: %v: nanos out of range", d)
+	}
+	// Seconds and Nanos must have the same sign, unless d.Nanos is zero.
+	if (d.Seconds < 0 && d.Nanos > 0) || (d.Seconds > 0 && d.Nanos < 0) {
+		return fmt.Errorf("duration: %v: seconds and nanos have different signs", d)
+	}
+	return nil
+// Duration converts a durpb.Duration to a time.Duration. Duration
+// returns an error if the durpb.Duration is invalid or is too large to be
+// represented in a time.Duration.
+func Duration(p *durpb.Duration) (time.Duration, error) {
+	if err := validateDuration(p); err != nil {
+		return 0, err
+	}
+	d := time.Duration(p.Seconds) * time.Second
+	if int64(d/time.Second) != p.Seconds {
+		return 0, fmt.Errorf("duration: %v is out of range for time.Duration", p)
+	}
+	if p.Nanos != 0 {
+		d += time.Duration(p.Nanos) * time.Nanosecond
+		if (d < 0) != (p.Nanos < 0) {
+			return 0, fmt.Errorf("duration: %v is out of range for time.Duration", p)
+		}
+	}
+	return d, nil
+// DurationProto converts a time.Duration to a durpb.Duration.
+func DurationProto(d time.Duration) *durpb.Duration {
+	nanos := d.Nanoseconds()
+	secs := nanos / 1e9
+	nanos -= secs * 1e9
+	return &durpb.Duration{
+		Seconds: secs,
+		Nanos:   int32(nanos),
+	}
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/duration/duration.pb.go b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/duration/duration.pb.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d681ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/duration/duration.pb.go
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+// Code generated by protoc-gen-go. DO NOT EDIT.
+// source: google/protobuf/duration.proto
+package duration
+import (
+	fmt "fmt"
+	proto "github.com/golang/protobuf/proto"
+	math "math"
+// Reference imports to suppress errors if they are not otherwise used.
+var _ = proto.Marshal
+var _ = fmt.Errorf
+var _ = math.Inf
+// This is a compile-time assertion to ensure that this generated file
+// is compatible with the proto package it is being compiled against.
+// A compilation error at this line likely means your copy of the
+// proto package needs to be updated.
+const _ = proto.ProtoPackageIsVersion3 // please upgrade the proto package
+// A Duration represents a signed, fixed-length span of time represented
+// as a count of seconds and fractions of seconds at nanosecond
+// resolution. It is independent of any calendar and concepts like "day"
+// or "month". It is related to Timestamp in that the difference between
+// two Timestamp values is a Duration and it can be added or subtracted
+// from a Timestamp. Range is approximately +-10,000 years.
+// # Examples
+// Example 1: Compute Duration from two Timestamps in pseudo code.
+//     Timestamp start = ...;
+//     Timestamp end = ...;
+//     Duration duration = ...;
+//     duration.seconds = end.seconds - start.seconds;
+//     duration.nanos = end.nanos - start.nanos;
+//     if (duration.seconds < 0 && duration.nanos > 0) {
+//       duration.seconds += 1;
+//       duration.nanos -= 1000000000;
+//     } else if (durations.seconds > 0 && duration.nanos < 0) {
+//       duration.seconds -= 1;
+//       duration.nanos += 1000000000;
+//     }
+// Example 2: Compute Timestamp from Timestamp + Duration in pseudo code.
+//     Timestamp start = ...;
+//     Duration duration = ...;
+//     Timestamp end = ...;
+//     end.seconds = start.seconds + duration.seconds;
+//     end.nanos = start.nanos + duration.nanos;
+//     if (end.nanos < 0) {
+//       end.seconds -= 1;
+//       end.nanos += 1000000000;
+//     } else if (end.nanos >= 1000000000) {
+//       end.seconds += 1;
+//       end.nanos -= 1000000000;
+//     }
+// Example 3: Compute Duration from datetime.timedelta in Python.
+//     td = datetime.timedelta(days=3, minutes=10)
+//     duration = Duration()
+//     duration.FromTimedelta(td)
+// # JSON Mapping
+// In JSON format, the Duration type is encoded as a string rather than an
+// object, where the string ends in the suffix "s" (indicating seconds) and
+// is preceded by the number of seconds, with nanoseconds expressed as
+// fractional seconds. For example, 3 seconds with 0 nanoseconds should be
+// encoded in JSON format as "3s", while 3 seconds and 1 nanosecond should
+// be expressed in JSON format as "3.000000001s", and 3 seconds and 1
+// microsecond should be expressed in JSON format as "3.000001s".
+type Duration struct {
+	// Signed seconds of the span of time. Must be from -315,576,000,000
+	// to +315,576,000,000 inclusive. Note: these bounds are computed from:
+	// 60 sec/min * 60 min/hr * 24 hr/day * 365.25 days/year * 10000 years
+	Seconds int64 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=seconds,proto3" json:"seconds,omitempty"`
+	// Signed fractions of a second at nanosecond resolution of the span
+	// of time. Durations less than one second are represented with a 0
+	// `seconds` field and a positive or negative `nanos` field. For durations
+	// of one second or more, a non-zero value for the `nanos` field must be
+	// of the same sign as the `seconds` field. Must be from -999,999,999
+	// to +999,999,999 inclusive.
+	Nanos                int32    `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=nanos,proto3" json:"nanos,omitempty"`
+	XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
+	XXX_unrecognized     []byte   `json:"-"`
+	XXX_sizecache        int32    `json:"-"`
+func (m *Duration) Reset()         { *m = Duration{} }
+func (m *Duration) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
+func (*Duration) ProtoMessage()    {}
+func (*Duration) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
+	return fileDescriptor_23597b2ebd7ac6c5, []int{0}
+func (*Duration) XXX_WellKnownType() string { return "Duration" }
+func (m *Duration) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
+	return xxx_messageInfo_Duration.Unmarshal(m, b)
+func (m *Duration) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	return xxx_messageInfo_Duration.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
+func (m *Duration) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
+	xxx_messageInfo_Duration.Merge(m, src)
+func (m *Duration) XXX_Size() int {
+	return xxx_messageInfo_Duration.Size(m)
+func (m *Duration) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
+	xxx_messageInfo_Duration.DiscardUnknown(m)
+var xxx_messageInfo_Duration proto.InternalMessageInfo
+func (m *Duration) GetSeconds() int64 {
+	if m != nil {
+		return m.Seconds
+	}
+	return 0
+func (m *Duration) GetNanos() int32 {
+	if m != nil {
+		return m.Nanos
+	}
+	return 0
+func init() {
+	proto.RegisterType((*Duration)(nil), "google.protobuf.Duration")
+func init() { proto.RegisterFile("google/protobuf/duration.proto", fileDescriptor_23597b2ebd7ac6c5) }
+var fileDescriptor_23597b2ebd7ac6c5 = []byte{
+	// 190 bytes of a gzipped FileDescriptorProto
+	0x1f, 0x8b, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0xff, 0xe2, 0x92, 0x4b, 0xcf, 0xcf, 0x4f,
+	0xcf, 0x49, 0xd5, 0x2f, 0x28, 0xca, 0x2f, 0xc9, 0x4f, 0x2a, 0x4d, 0xd3, 0x4f, 0x29, 0x2d, 0x4a,
+	0x2c, 0xc9, 0xcc, 0xcf, 0xd3, 0x03, 0x8b, 0x08, 0xf1, 0x43, 0xe4, 0xf5, 0x60, 0xf2, 0x4a, 0x56,
+	0x5c, 0x1c, 0x2e, 0x50, 0x25, 0x42, 0x12, 0x5c, 0xec, 0xc5, 0xa9, 0xc9, 0xf9, 0x79, 0x29, 0xc5,
+	0x12, 0x8c, 0x0a, 0x8c, 0x1a, 0xcc, 0x41, 0x30, 0xae, 0x90, 0x08, 0x17, 0x6b, 0x5e, 0x62, 0x5e,
+	0x7e, 0xb1, 0x04, 0x93, 0x02, 0xa3, 0x06, 0x6b, 0x10, 0x84, 0xe3, 0x54, 0xc3, 0x25, 0x9c, 0x9c,
+	0x9f, 0xab, 0x87, 0x66, 0xa4, 0x13, 0x2f, 0xcc, 0xc0, 0x00, 0x90, 0x48, 0x00, 0x63, 0x94, 0x56,
+	0x7a, 0x66, 0x49, 0x46, 0x69, 0x92, 0x5e, 0x72, 0x7e, 0xae, 0x7e, 0x7a, 0x7e, 0x4e, 0x62, 0x5e,
+	0x3a, 0xc2, 0x7d, 0x05, 0x25, 0x95, 0x05, 0xa9, 0xc5, 0x70, 0x67, 0xfe, 0x60, 0x64, 0x5c, 0xc4,
+	0xc4, 0xec, 0x1e, 0xe0, 0xb4, 0x8a, 0x49, 0xce, 0x1d, 0x62, 0x6e, 0x00, 0x54, 0xa9, 0x5e, 0x78,
+	0x6a, 0x4e, 0x8e, 0x77, 0x5e, 0x7e, 0x79, 0x5e, 0x08, 0x48, 0x4b, 0x12, 0x1b, 0xd8, 0x0c, 0x63,
+	0x40, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0xdc, 0x84, 0x30, 0xff, 0xf3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/duration/duration.proto b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/duration/duration.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..975fce4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/duration/duration.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
+// Copyright 2008 Google Inc.  All rights reserved.
+// https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/
+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+// met:
+//     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+//     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
+// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+// distribution.
+//     * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
+// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+// this software without specific prior written permission.
+syntax = "proto3";
+package google.protobuf;
+option csharp_namespace = "Google.Protobuf.WellKnownTypes";
+option cc_enable_arenas = true;
+option go_package = "github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/duration";
+option java_package = "com.google.protobuf";
+option java_outer_classname = "DurationProto";
+option java_multiple_files = true;
+option objc_class_prefix = "GPB";
+// A Duration represents a signed, fixed-length span of time represented
+// as a count of seconds and fractions of seconds at nanosecond
+// resolution. It is independent of any calendar and concepts like "day"
+// or "month". It is related to Timestamp in that the difference between
+// two Timestamp values is a Duration and it can be added or subtracted
+// from a Timestamp. Range is approximately +-10,000 years.
+// # Examples
+// Example 1: Compute Duration from two Timestamps in pseudo code.
+//     Timestamp start = ...;
+//     Timestamp end = ...;
+//     Duration duration = ...;
+//     duration.seconds = end.seconds - start.seconds;
+//     duration.nanos = end.nanos - start.nanos;
+//     if (duration.seconds < 0 && duration.nanos > 0) {
+//       duration.seconds += 1;
+//       duration.nanos -= 1000000000;
+//     } else if (durations.seconds > 0 && duration.nanos < 0) {
+//       duration.seconds -= 1;
+//       duration.nanos += 1000000000;
+//     }
+// Example 2: Compute Timestamp from Timestamp + Duration in pseudo code.
+//     Timestamp start = ...;
+//     Duration duration = ...;
+//     Timestamp end = ...;
+//     end.seconds = start.seconds + duration.seconds;
+//     end.nanos = start.nanos + duration.nanos;
+//     if (end.nanos < 0) {
+//       end.seconds -= 1;
+//       end.nanos += 1000000000;
+//     } else if (end.nanos >= 1000000000) {
+//       end.seconds += 1;
+//       end.nanos -= 1000000000;
+//     }
+// Example 3: Compute Duration from datetime.timedelta in Python.
+//     td = datetime.timedelta(days=3, minutes=10)
+//     duration = Duration()
+//     duration.FromTimedelta(td)
+// # JSON Mapping
+// In JSON format, the Duration type is encoded as a string rather than an
+// object, where the string ends in the suffix "s" (indicating seconds) and
+// is preceded by the number of seconds, with nanoseconds expressed as
+// fractional seconds. For example, 3 seconds with 0 nanoseconds should be
+// encoded in JSON format as "3s", while 3 seconds and 1 nanosecond should
+// be expressed in JSON format as "3.000000001s", and 3 seconds and 1
+// microsecond should be expressed in JSON format as "3.000001s".
+message Duration {
+  // Signed seconds of the span of time. Must be from -315,576,000,000
+  // to +315,576,000,000 inclusive. Note: these bounds are computed from:
+  // 60 sec/min * 60 min/hr * 24 hr/day * 365.25 days/year * 10000 years
+  int64 seconds = 1;
+  // Signed fractions of a second at nanosecond resolution of the span
+  // of time. Durations less than one second are represented with a 0
+  // `seconds` field and a positive or negative `nanos` field. For durations
+  // of one second or more, a non-zero value for the `nanos` field must be
+  // of the same sign as the `seconds` field. Must be from -999,999,999
+  // to +999,999,999 inclusive.
+  int32 nanos = 2;
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/timestamp.go b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/timestamp.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8da0df0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/timestamp.go
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+// Go support for Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
+// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors.  All rights reserved.
+// https://github.com/golang/protobuf
+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+// met:
+//     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+//     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
+// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+// distribution.
+//     * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
+// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+// this software without specific prior written permission.
+package ptypes
+// This file implements operations on google.protobuf.Timestamp.
+import (
+	"errors"
+	"fmt"
+	"time"
+	tspb "github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/timestamp"
+const (
+	// Seconds field of the earliest valid Timestamp.
+	// This is time.Date(1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC).Unix().
+	minValidSeconds = -62135596800
+	// Seconds field just after the latest valid Timestamp.
+	// This is time.Date(10000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC).Unix().
+	maxValidSeconds = 253402300800
+// validateTimestamp determines whether a Timestamp is valid.
+// A valid timestamp represents a time in the range
+// [0001-01-01, 10000-01-01) and has a Nanos field
+// in the range [0, 1e9).
+// If the Timestamp is valid, validateTimestamp returns nil.
+// Otherwise, it returns an error that describes
+// the problem.
+// Every valid Timestamp can be represented by a time.Time, but the converse is not true.
+func validateTimestamp(ts *tspb.Timestamp) error {
+	if ts == nil {
+		return errors.New("timestamp: nil Timestamp")
+	}
+	if ts.Seconds < minValidSeconds {
+		return fmt.Errorf("timestamp: %v before 0001-01-01", ts)
+	}
+	if ts.Seconds >= maxValidSeconds {
+		return fmt.Errorf("timestamp: %v after 10000-01-01", ts)
+	}
+	if ts.Nanos < 0 || ts.Nanos >= 1e9 {
+		return fmt.Errorf("timestamp: %v: nanos not in range [0, 1e9)", ts)
+	}
+	return nil
+// Timestamp converts a google.protobuf.Timestamp proto to a time.Time.
+// It returns an error if the argument is invalid.
+// Unlike most Go functions, if Timestamp returns an error, the first return value
+// is not the zero time.Time. Instead, it is the value obtained from the
+// time.Unix function when passed the contents of the Timestamp, in the UTC
+// locale. This may or may not be a meaningful time; many invalid Timestamps
+// do map to valid time.Times.
+// A nil Timestamp returns an error. The first return value in that case is
+// undefined.
+func Timestamp(ts *tspb.Timestamp) (time.Time, error) {
+	// Don't return the zero value on error, because corresponds to a valid
+	// timestamp. Instead return whatever time.Unix gives us.
+	var t time.Time
+	if ts == nil {
+		t = time.Unix(0, 0).UTC() // treat nil like the empty Timestamp
+	} else {
+		t = time.Unix(ts.Seconds, int64(ts.Nanos)).UTC()
+	}
+	return t, validateTimestamp(ts)
+// TimestampNow returns a google.protobuf.Timestamp for the current time.
+func TimestampNow() *tspb.Timestamp {
+	ts, err := TimestampProto(time.Now())
+	if err != nil {
+		panic("ptypes: time.Now() out of Timestamp range")
+	}
+	return ts
+// TimestampProto converts the time.Time to a google.protobuf.Timestamp proto.
+// It returns an error if the resulting Timestamp is invalid.
+func TimestampProto(t time.Time) (*tspb.Timestamp, error) {
+	ts := &tspb.Timestamp{
+		Seconds: t.Unix(),
+		Nanos:   int32(t.Nanosecond()),
+	}
+	if err := validateTimestamp(ts); err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	return ts, nil
+// TimestampString returns the RFC 3339 string for valid Timestamps. For invalid
+// Timestamps, it returns an error message in parentheses.
+func TimestampString(ts *tspb.Timestamp) string {
+	t, err := Timestamp(ts)
+	if err != nil {
+		return fmt.Sprintf("(%v)", err)
+	}
+	return t.Format(time.RFC3339Nano)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/timestamp/timestamp.pb.go b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/timestamp/timestamp.pb.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31cd846
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/timestamp/timestamp.pb.go
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+// Code generated by protoc-gen-go. DO NOT EDIT.
+// source: google/protobuf/timestamp.proto
+package timestamp
+import (
+	fmt "fmt"
+	proto "github.com/golang/protobuf/proto"
+	math "math"
+// Reference imports to suppress errors if they are not otherwise used.
+var _ = proto.Marshal
+var _ = fmt.Errorf
+var _ = math.Inf
+// This is a compile-time assertion to ensure that this generated file
+// is compatible with the proto package it is being compiled against.
+// A compilation error at this line likely means your copy of the
+// proto package needs to be updated.
+const _ = proto.ProtoPackageIsVersion3 // please upgrade the proto package
+// A Timestamp represents a point in time independent of any time zone
+// or calendar, represented as seconds and fractions of seconds at
+// nanosecond resolution in UTC Epoch time. It is encoded using the
+// Proleptic Gregorian Calendar which extends the Gregorian calendar
+// backwards to year one. It is encoded assuming all minutes are 60
+// seconds long, i.e. leap seconds are "smeared" so that no leap second
+// table is needed for interpretation. Range is from
+// 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z to 9999-12-31T23:59:59.999999999Z.
+// By restricting to that range, we ensure that we can convert to
+// and from  RFC 3339 date strings.
+// See [https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3339.txt](https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3339.txt).
+// # Examples
+// Example 1: Compute Timestamp from POSIX `time()`.
+//     Timestamp timestamp;
+//     timestamp.set_seconds(time(NULL));
+//     timestamp.set_nanos(0);
+// Example 2: Compute Timestamp from POSIX `gettimeofday()`.
+//     struct timeval tv;
+//     gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
+//     Timestamp timestamp;
+//     timestamp.set_seconds(tv.tv_sec);
+//     timestamp.set_nanos(tv.tv_usec * 1000);
+// Example 3: Compute Timestamp from Win32 `GetSystemTimeAsFileTime()`.
+//     FILETIME ft;
+//     GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&ft);
+//     UINT64 ticks = (((UINT64)ft.dwHighDateTime) << 32) | ft.dwLowDateTime;
+//     // A Windows tick is 100 nanoseconds. Windows epoch 1601-01-01T00:00:00Z
+//     // is 11644473600 seconds before Unix epoch 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z.
+//     Timestamp timestamp;
+//     timestamp.set_seconds((INT64) ((ticks / 10000000) - 11644473600LL));
+//     timestamp.set_nanos((INT32) ((ticks % 10000000) * 100));
+// Example 4: Compute Timestamp from Java `System.currentTimeMillis()`.
+//     long millis = System.currentTimeMillis();
+//     Timestamp timestamp = Timestamp.newBuilder().setSeconds(millis / 1000)
+//         .setNanos((int) ((millis % 1000) * 1000000)).build();
+// Example 5: Compute Timestamp from current time in Python.
+//     timestamp = Timestamp()
+//     timestamp.GetCurrentTime()
+// # JSON Mapping
+// In JSON format, the Timestamp type is encoded as a string in the
+// [RFC 3339](https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3339.txt) format. That is, the
+// format is "{year}-{month}-{day}T{hour}:{min}:{sec}[.{frac_sec}]Z"
+// where {year} is always expressed using four digits while {month}, {day},
+// {hour}, {min}, and {sec} are zero-padded to two digits each. The fractional
+// seconds, which can go up to 9 digits (i.e. up to 1 nanosecond resolution),
+// are optional. The "Z" suffix indicates the timezone ("UTC"); the timezone
+// is required. A proto3 JSON serializer should always use UTC (as indicated by
+// "Z") when printing the Timestamp type and a proto3 JSON parser should be
+// able to accept both UTC and other timezones (as indicated by an offset).
+// For example, "2017-01-15T01:30:15.01Z" encodes 15.01 seconds past
+// 01:30 UTC on January 15, 2017.
+// In JavaScript, one can convert a Date object to this format using the
+// standard [toISOString()](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date/toISOString]
+// method. In Python, a standard `datetime.datetime` object can be converted
+// to this format using [`strftime`](https://docs.python.org/2/library/time.html#time.strftime)
+// with the time format spec '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ'. Likewise, in Java, one
+// can use the Joda Time's [`ISODateTimeFormat.dateTime()`](
+// http://www.joda.org/joda-time/apidocs/org/joda/time/format/ISODateTimeFormat.html#dateTime--
+// ) to obtain a formatter capable of generating timestamps in this format.
+type Timestamp struct {
+	// Represents seconds of UTC time since Unix epoch
+	// 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z. Must be from 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z to
+	// 9999-12-31T23:59:59Z inclusive.
+	Seconds int64 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=seconds,proto3" json:"seconds,omitempty"`
+	// Non-negative fractions of a second at nanosecond resolution. Negative
+	// second values with fractions must still have non-negative nanos values
+	// that count forward in time. Must be from 0 to 999,999,999
+	// inclusive.
+	Nanos                int32    `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=nanos,proto3" json:"nanos,omitempty"`
+	XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
+	XXX_unrecognized     []byte   `json:"-"`
+	XXX_sizecache        int32    `json:"-"`
+func (m *Timestamp) Reset()         { *m = Timestamp{} }
+func (m *Timestamp) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
+func (*Timestamp) ProtoMessage()    {}
+func (*Timestamp) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
+	return fileDescriptor_292007bbfe81227e, []int{0}
+func (*Timestamp) XXX_WellKnownType() string { return "Timestamp" }
+func (m *Timestamp) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
+	return xxx_messageInfo_Timestamp.Unmarshal(m, b)
+func (m *Timestamp) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	return xxx_messageInfo_Timestamp.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
+func (m *Timestamp) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
+	xxx_messageInfo_Timestamp.Merge(m, src)
+func (m *Timestamp) XXX_Size() int {
+	return xxx_messageInfo_Timestamp.Size(m)
+func (m *Timestamp) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
+	xxx_messageInfo_Timestamp.DiscardUnknown(m)
+var xxx_messageInfo_Timestamp proto.InternalMessageInfo
+func (m *Timestamp) GetSeconds() int64 {
+	if m != nil {
+		return m.Seconds
+	}
+	return 0
+func (m *Timestamp) GetNanos() int32 {
+	if m != nil {
+		return m.Nanos
+	}
+	return 0
+func init() {
+	proto.RegisterType((*Timestamp)(nil), "google.protobuf.Timestamp")
+func init() { proto.RegisterFile("google/protobuf/timestamp.proto", fileDescriptor_292007bbfe81227e) }
+var fileDescriptor_292007bbfe81227e = []byte{
+	// 191 bytes of a gzipped FileDescriptorProto
+	0x1f, 0x8b, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0xff, 0xe2, 0x92, 0x4f, 0xcf, 0xcf, 0x4f,
+	0xcf, 0x49, 0xd5, 0x2f, 0x28, 0xca, 0x2f, 0xc9, 0x4f, 0x2a, 0x4d, 0xd3, 0x2f, 0xc9, 0xcc, 0x4d,
+	0x2d, 0x2e, 0x49, 0xcc, 0x2d, 0xd0, 0x03, 0x0b, 0x09, 0xf1, 0x43, 0x14, 0xe8, 0xc1, 0x14, 0x28,
+	0x59, 0x73, 0x71, 0x86, 0xc0, 0xd4, 0x08, 0x49, 0x70, 0xb1, 0x17, 0xa7, 0x26, 0xe7, 0xe7, 0xa5,
+	0x14, 0x4b, 0x30, 0x2a, 0x30, 0x6a, 0x30, 0x07, 0xc1, 0xb8, 0x42, 0x22, 0x5c, 0xac, 0x79, 0x89,
+	0x79, 0xf9, 0xc5, 0x12, 0x4c, 0x0a, 0x8c, 0x1a, 0xac, 0x41, 0x10, 0x8e, 0x53, 0x1d, 0x97, 0x70,
+	0x72, 0x7e, 0xae, 0x1e, 0x9a, 0x99, 0x4e, 0x7c, 0x70, 0x13, 0x03, 0x40, 0x42, 0x01, 0x8c, 0x51,
+	0xda, 0xe9, 0x99, 0x25, 0x19, 0xa5, 0x49, 0x7a, 0xc9, 0xf9, 0xb9, 0xfa, 0xe9, 0xf9, 0x39, 0x89,
+	0x79, 0xe9, 0x08, 0x27, 0x16, 0x94, 0x54, 0x16, 0xa4, 0x16, 0x23, 0x5c, 0xfa, 0x83, 0x91, 0x71,
+	0x11, 0x13, 0xb3, 0x7b, 0x80, 0xd3, 0x2a, 0x26, 0x39, 0x77, 0x88, 0xc9, 0x01, 0x50, 0xb5, 0x7a,
+	0xe1, 0xa9, 0x39, 0x39, 0xde, 0x79, 0xf9, 0xe5, 0x79, 0x21, 0x20, 0x3d, 0x49, 0x6c, 0x60, 0x43,
+	0x8c, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0xbc, 0x77, 0x4a, 0x07, 0xf7, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/timestamp/timestamp.proto b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/timestamp/timestamp.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eafb3fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/timestamp/timestamp.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
+// Copyright 2008 Google Inc.  All rights reserved.
+// https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/
+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+// met:
+//     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+//     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
+// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+// distribution.
+//     * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
+// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+// this software without specific prior written permission.
+syntax = "proto3";
+package google.protobuf;
+option csharp_namespace = "Google.Protobuf.WellKnownTypes";
+option cc_enable_arenas = true;
+option go_package = "github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/timestamp";
+option java_package = "com.google.protobuf";
+option java_outer_classname = "TimestampProto";
+option java_multiple_files = true;
+option objc_class_prefix = "GPB";
+// A Timestamp represents a point in time independent of any time zone
+// or calendar, represented as seconds and fractions of seconds at
+// nanosecond resolution in UTC Epoch time. It is encoded using the
+// Proleptic Gregorian Calendar which extends the Gregorian calendar
+// backwards to year one. It is encoded assuming all minutes are 60
+// seconds long, i.e. leap seconds are "smeared" so that no leap second
+// table is needed for interpretation. Range is from
+// 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z to 9999-12-31T23:59:59.999999999Z.
+// By restricting to that range, we ensure that we can convert to
+// and from  RFC 3339 date strings.
+// See [https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3339.txt](https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3339.txt).
+// # Examples
+// Example 1: Compute Timestamp from POSIX `time()`.
+//     Timestamp timestamp;
+//     timestamp.set_seconds(time(NULL));
+//     timestamp.set_nanos(0);
+// Example 2: Compute Timestamp from POSIX `gettimeofday()`.
+//     struct timeval tv;
+//     gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
+//     Timestamp timestamp;
+//     timestamp.set_seconds(tv.tv_sec);
+//     timestamp.set_nanos(tv.tv_usec * 1000);
+// Example 3: Compute Timestamp from Win32 `GetSystemTimeAsFileTime()`.
+//     FILETIME ft;
+//     GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&ft);
+//     UINT64 ticks = (((UINT64)ft.dwHighDateTime) << 32) | ft.dwLowDateTime;
+//     // A Windows tick is 100 nanoseconds. Windows epoch 1601-01-01T00:00:00Z
+//     // is 11644473600 seconds before Unix epoch 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z.
+//     Timestamp timestamp;
+//     timestamp.set_seconds((INT64) ((ticks / 10000000) - 11644473600LL));
+//     timestamp.set_nanos((INT32) ((ticks % 10000000) * 100));
+// Example 4: Compute Timestamp from Java `System.currentTimeMillis()`.
+//     long millis = System.currentTimeMillis();
+//     Timestamp timestamp = Timestamp.newBuilder().setSeconds(millis / 1000)
+//         .setNanos((int) ((millis % 1000) * 1000000)).build();
+// Example 5: Compute Timestamp from current time in Python.
+//     timestamp = Timestamp()
+//     timestamp.GetCurrentTime()
+// # JSON Mapping
+// In JSON format, the Timestamp type is encoded as a string in the
+// [RFC 3339](https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3339.txt) format. That is, the
+// format is "{year}-{month}-{day}T{hour}:{min}:{sec}[.{frac_sec}]Z"
+// where {year} is always expressed using four digits while {month}, {day},
+// {hour}, {min}, and {sec} are zero-padded to two digits each. The fractional
+// seconds, which can go up to 9 digits (i.e. up to 1 nanosecond resolution),
+// are optional. The "Z" suffix indicates the timezone ("UTC"); the timezone
+// is required. A proto3 JSON serializer should always use UTC (as indicated by
+// "Z") when printing the Timestamp type and a proto3 JSON parser should be
+// able to accept both UTC and other timezones (as indicated by an offset).
+// For example, "2017-01-15T01:30:15.01Z" encodes 15.01 seconds past
+// 01:30 UTC on January 15, 2017.
+// In JavaScript, one can convert a Date object to this format using the
+// standard [toISOString()](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date/toISOString]
+// method. In Python, a standard `datetime.datetime` object can be converted
+// to this format using [`strftime`](https://docs.python.org/2/library/time.html#time.strftime)
+// with the time format spec '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ'. Likewise, in Java, one
+// can use the Joda Time's [`ISODateTimeFormat.dateTime()`](
+// http://www.joda.org/joda-time/apidocs/org/joda/time/format/ISODateTimeFormat.html#dateTime--
+// ) to obtain a formatter capable of generating timestamps in this format.
+message Timestamp {
+  // Represents seconds of UTC time since Unix epoch
+  // 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z. Must be from 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z to
+  // 9999-12-31T23:59:59Z inclusive.
+  int64 seconds = 1;
+  // Non-negative fractions of a second at nanosecond resolution. Negative
+  // second values with fractions must still have non-negative nanos values
+  // that count forward in time. Must be from 0 to 999,999,999
+  // inclusive.
+  int32 nanos = 2;
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/compare.go b/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/compare.go
index 7e215f2..2133562 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/compare.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/compare.go
@@ -29,26 +29,17 @@ package cmp
 import (
+	"strings"
+	"github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/internal/flags"
-// BUG(dsnet): Maps with keys containing NaN values cannot be properly compared due to
-// the reflection package's inability to retrieve such entries. Equal will panic
-// anytime it comes across a NaN key, but this behavior may change.
-// See https://golang.org/issue/11104 for more details.
-var nothing = reflect.Value{}
 // Equal reports whether x and y are equal by recursively applying the
 // following rules in the given order to x and y and all of their sub-values:
-// • If two values are not of the same type, then they are never equal
-// and the overall result is false.
 // • Let S be the set of all Ignore, Transformer, and Comparer options that
 // remain after applying all path filters, value filters, and type filters.
 // If at least one Ignore exists in S, then the comparison is ignored.
@@ -61,43 +52,79 @@ var nothing = reflect.Value{}
 // • If the values have an Equal method of the form "(T) Equal(T) bool" or
 // "(T) Equal(I) bool" where T is assignable to I, then use the result of
-// x.Equal(y) even if x or y is nil.
-// Otherwise, no such method exists and evaluation proceeds to the next rule.
+// x.Equal(y) even if x or y is nil. Otherwise, no such method exists and
+// evaluation proceeds to the next rule.
 // • Lastly, try to compare x and y based on their basic kinds.
 // Simple kinds like booleans, integers, floats, complex numbers, strings, and
 // channels are compared using the equivalent of the == operator in Go.
 // Functions are only equal if they are both nil, otherwise they are unequal.
-// Pointers are equal if the underlying values they point to are also equal.
-// Interfaces are equal if their underlying concrete values are also equal.
-// Structs are equal if all of their fields are equal. If a struct contains
-// unexported fields, Equal panics unless the AllowUnexported option is used or
-// an Ignore option (e.g., cmpopts.IgnoreUnexported) ignores that field.
+// Structs are equal if recursively calling Equal on all fields report equal.
+// If a struct contains unexported fields, Equal panics unless an Ignore option
+// (e.g., cmpopts.IgnoreUnexported) ignores that field or the AllowUnexported
+// option explicitly permits comparing the unexported field.
-// Arrays, slices, and maps are equal if they are both nil or both non-nil
-// with the same length and the elements at each index or key are equal.
-// Note that a non-nil empty slice and a nil slice are not equal.
-// To equate empty slices and maps, consider using cmpopts.EquateEmpty.
+// Slices are equal if they are both nil or both non-nil, where recursively
+// calling Equal on all non-ignored slice or array elements report equal.
+// Empty non-nil slices and nil slices are not equal; to equate empty slices,
+// consider using cmpopts.EquateEmpty.
+// Maps are equal if they are both nil or both non-nil, where recursively
+// calling Equal on all non-ignored map entries report equal.
 // Map keys are equal according to the == operator.
 // To use custom comparisons for map keys, consider using cmpopts.SortMaps.
+// Empty non-nil maps and nil maps are not equal; to equate empty maps,
+// consider using cmpopts.EquateEmpty.
+// Pointers and interfaces are equal if they are both nil or both non-nil,
+// where they have the same underlying concrete type and recursively
+// calling Equal on the underlying values reports equal.
 func Equal(x, y interface{}, opts ...Option) bool {
+	vx := reflect.ValueOf(x)
+	vy := reflect.ValueOf(y)
+	// If the inputs are different types, auto-wrap them in an empty interface
+	// so that they have the same parent type.
+	var t reflect.Type
+	if !vx.IsValid() || !vy.IsValid() || vx.Type() != vy.Type() {
+		t = reflect.TypeOf((*interface{})(nil)).Elem()
+		if vx.IsValid() {
+			vvx := reflect.New(t).Elem()
+			vvx.Set(vx)
+			vx = vvx
+		}
+		if vy.IsValid() {
+			vvy := reflect.New(t).Elem()
+			vvy.Set(vy)
+			vy = vvy
+		}
+	} else {
+		t = vx.Type()
+	}
 	s := newState(opts)
-	s.compareAny(reflect.ValueOf(x), reflect.ValueOf(y))
+	s.compareAny(&pathStep{t, vx, vy})
 	return s.result.Equal()
 // Diff returns a human-readable report of the differences between two values.
 // It returns an empty string if and only if Equal returns true for the same
-// input values and options. The output string will use the "-" symbol to
-// indicate elements removed from x, and the "+" symbol to indicate elements
-// added to y.
+// input values and options.
-// Do not depend on this output being stable.
+// The output is displayed as a literal in pseudo-Go syntax.
+// At the start of each line, a "-" prefix indicates an element removed from x,
+// a "+" prefix to indicates an element added to y, and the lack of a prefix
+// indicates an element common to both x and y. If possible, the output
+// uses fmt.Stringer.String or error.Error methods to produce more humanly
+// readable outputs. In such cases, the string is prefixed with either an
+// 's' or 'e' character, respectively, to indicate that the method was called.
+// Do not depend on this output being stable. If you need the ability to
+// programmatically interpret the difference, consider using a custom Reporter.
 func Diff(x, y interface{}, opts ...Option) string {
 	r := new(defaultReporter)
-	opts = Options{Options(opts), r}
-	eq := Equal(x, y, opts...)
+	eq := Equal(x, y, Options(opts), Reporter(r))
 	d := r.String()
 	if (d == "") != eq {
 		panic("inconsistent difference and equality results")
@@ -108,9 +135,13 @@ func Diff(x, y interface{}, opts ...Option) string {
 type state struct {
 	// These fields represent the "comparison state".
 	// Calling statelessCompare must not result in observable changes to these.
-	result   diff.Result // The current result of comparison
-	curPath  Path        // The current path in the value tree
-	reporter reporter    // Optional reporter used for difference formatting
+	result    diff.Result // The current result of comparison
+	curPath   Path        // The current path in the value tree
+	reporters []reporter  // Optional reporters
+	// recChecker checks for infinite cycles applying the same set of
+	// transformers upon the output of itself.
+	recChecker recChecker
 	// dynChecker triggers pseudo-random checks for option correctness.
 	// It is safe for statelessCompare to mutate this value.
@@ -122,10 +153,9 @@ type state struct {
 func newState(opts []Option) *state {
-	s := new(state)
-	for _, opt := range opts {
-		s.processOption(opt)
-	}
+	// Always ensure a validator option exists to validate the inputs.
+	s := &state{opts: Options{validator{}}}
+	s.processOption(Options(opts))
 	return s
@@ -152,10 +182,7 @@ func (s *state) processOption(opt Option) {
 			s.exporters[t] = true
 	case reporter:
-		if s.reporter != nil {
-			panic("difference reporter already registered")
-		}
-		s.reporter = opt
+		s.reporters = append(s.reporters, opt)
 		panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown option %T", opt))
@@ -164,153 +191,88 @@ func (s *state) processOption(opt Option) {
 // statelessCompare compares two values and returns the result.
 // This function is stateless in that it does not alter the current result,
 // or output to any registered reporters.
-func (s *state) statelessCompare(vx, vy reflect.Value) diff.Result {
+func (s *state) statelessCompare(step PathStep) diff.Result {
 	// We do not save and restore the curPath because all of the compareX
 	// methods should properly push and pop from the path.
 	// It is an implementation bug if the contents of curPath differs from
 	// when calling this function to when returning from it.
-	oldResult, oldReporter := s.result, s.reporter
+	oldResult, oldReporters := s.result, s.reporters
 	s.result = diff.Result{} // Reset result
-	s.reporter = nil         // Remove reporter to avoid spurious printouts
-	s.compareAny(vx, vy)
+	s.reporters = nil        // Remove reporters to avoid spurious printouts
+	s.compareAny(step)
 	res := s.result
-	s.result, s.reporter = oldResult, oldReporter
+	s.result, s.reporters = oldResult, oldReporters
 	return res
-func (s *state) compareAny(vx, vy reflect.Value) {
-	// TODO: Support cyclic data structures.
+func (s *state) compareAny(step PathStep) {
+	// Update the path stack.
+	s.curPath.push(step)
+	defer s.curPath.pop()
+	for _, r := range s.reporters {
+		r.PushStep(step)
+		defer r.PopStep()
+	}
+	s.recChecker.Check(s.curPath)
-	// Rule 0: Differing types are never equal.
-	if !vx.IsValid() || !vy.IsValid() {
-		s.report(vx.IsValid() == vy.IsValid(), vx, vy)
-		return
-	}
-	if vx.Type() != vy.Type() {
-		s.report(false, vx, vy) // Possible for path to be empty
-		return
-	}
-	t := vx.Type()
-	if len(s.curPath) == 0 {
-		s.curPath.push(&pathStep{typ: t})
-		defer s.curPath.pop()
-	}
-	vx, vy = s.tryExporting(vx, vy)
+	// Obtain the current type and values.
+	t := step.Type()
+	vx, vy := step.Values()
 	// Rule 1: Check whether an option applies on this node in the value tree.
-	if s.tryOptions(vx, vy, t) {
+	if s.tryOptions(t, vx, vy) {
 	// Rule 2: Check whether the type has a valid Equal method.
-	if s.tryMethod(vx, vy, t) {
+	if s.tryMethod(t, vx, vy) {
-	// Rule 3: Recursively descend into each value's underlying kind.
+	// Rule 3: Compare based on the underlying kind.
 	switch t.Kind() {
 	case reflect.Bool:
-		s.report(vx.Bool() == vy.Bool(), vx, vy)
-		return
+		s.report(vx.Bool() == vy.Bool(), 0)
 	case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
-		s.report(vx.Int() == vy.Int(), vx, vy)
-		return
+		s.report(vx.Int() == vy.Int(), 0)
 	case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr:
-		s.report(vx.Uint() == vy.Uint(), vx, vy)
-		return
+		s.report(vx.Uint() == vy.Uint(), 0)
 	case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
-		s.report(vx.Float() == vy.Float(), vx, vy)
-		return
+		s.report(vx.Float() == vy.Float(), 0)
 	case reflect.Complex64, reflect.Complex128:
-		s.report(vx.Complex() == vy.Complex(), vx, vy)
-		return
+		s.report(vx.Complex() == vy.Complex(), 0)
 	case reflect.String:
-		s.report(vx.String() == vy.String(), vx, vy)
-		return
+		s.report(vx.String() == vy.String(), 0)
 	case reflect.Chan, reflect.UnsafePointer:
-		s.report(vx.Pointer() == vy.Pointer(), vx, vy)
-		return
+		s.report(vx.Pointer() == vy.Pointer(), 0)
 	case reflect.Func:
-		s.report(vx.IsNil() && vy.IsNil(), vx, vy)
-		return
-	case reflect.Ptr:
-		if vx.IsNil() || vy.IsNil() {
-			s.report(vx.IsNil() && vy.IsNil(), vx, vy)
-			return
-		}
-		s.curPath.push(&indirect{pathStep{t.Elem()}})
-		defer s.curPath.pop()
-		s.compareAny(vx.Elem(), vy.Elem())
-		return
-	case reflect.Interface:
-		if vx.IsNil() || vy.IsNil() {
-			s.report(vx.IsNil() && vy.IsNil(), vx, vy)
-			return
-		}
-		if vx.Elem().Type() != vy.Elem().Type() {
-			s.report(false, vx.Elem(), vy.Elem())
-			return
-		}
-		s.curPath.push(&typeAssertion{pathStep{vx.Elem().Type()}})
-		defer s.curPath.pop()
-		s.compareAny(vx.Elem(), vy.Elem())
-		return
-	case reflect.Slice:
-		if vx.IsNil() || vy.IsNil() {
-			s.report(vx.IsNil() && vy.IsNil(), vx, vy)
-			return
-		}
-		fallthrough
-	case reflect.Array:
-		s.compareArray(vx, vy, t)
-		return
-	case reflect.Map:
-		s.compareMap(vx, vy, t)
-		return
+		s.report(vx.IsNil() && vy.IsNil(), 0)
 	case reflect.Struct:
-		s.compareStruct(vx, vy, t)
-		return
+		s.compareStruct(t, vx, vy)
+	case reflect.Slice, reflect.Array:
+		s.compareSlice(t, vx, vy)
+	case reflect.Map:
+		s.compareMap(t, vx, vy)
+	case reflect.Ptr:
+		s.comparePtr(t, vx, vy)
+	case reflect.Interface:
+		s.compareInterface(t, vx, vy)
 		panic(fmt.Sprintf("%v kind not handled", t.Kind()))
-func (s *state) tryExporting(vx, vy reflect.Value) (reflect.Value, reflect.Value) {
-	if sf, ok := s.curPath[len(s.curPath)-1].(*structField); ok && sf.unexported {
-		if sf.force {
-			// Use unsafe pointer arithmetic to get read-write access to an
-			// unexported field in the struct.
-			vx = unsafeRetrieveField(sf.pvx, sf.field)
-			vy = unsafeRetrieveField(sf.pvy, sf.field)
-		} else {
-			// We are not allowed to export the value, so invalidate them
-			// so that tryOptions can panic later if not explicitly ignored.
-			vx = nothing
-			vy = nothing
-		}
-	}
-	return vx, vy
-func (s *state) tryOptions(vx, vy reflect.Value, t reflect.Type) bool {
-	// If there were no FilterValues, we will not detect invalid inputs,
-	// so manually check for them and append invalid if necessary.
-	// We still evaluate the options since an ignore can override invalid.
-	opts := s.opts
-	if !vx.IsValid() || !vy.IsValid() {
-		opts = Options{opts, invalid{}}
-	}
+func (s *state) tryOptions(t reflect.Type, vx, vy reflect.Value) bool {
 	// Evaluate all filters and apply the remaining options.
-	if opt := opts.filter(s, vx, vy, t); opt != nil {
+	if opt := s.opts.filter(s, t, vx, vy); opt != nil {
 		opt.apply(s, vx, vy)
 		return true
 	return false
-func (s *state) tryMethod(vx, vy reflect.Value, t reflect.Type) bool {
+func (s *state) tryMethod(t reflect.Type, vx, vy reflect.Value) bool {
 	// Check if this type even has an Equal method.
 	m, ok := t.MethodByName("Equal")
 	if !ok || !function.IsType(m.Type, function.EqualAssignable) {
@@ -318,11 +280,11 @@ func (s *state) tryMethod(vx, vy reflect.Value, t reflect.Type) bool {
 	eq := s.callTTBFunc(m.Func, vx, vy)
-	s.report(eq, vx, vy)
+	s.report(eq, reportByMethod)
 	return true
-func (s *state) callTRFunc(f, v reflect.Value) reflect.Value {
+func (s *state) callTRFunc(f, v reflect.Value, step Transform) reflect.Value {
 	v = sanitizeValue(v, f.Type().In(0))
 	if !s.dynChecker.Next() {
 		return f.Call([]reflect.Value{v})[0]
@@ -333,15 +295,15 @@ func (s *state) callTRFunc(f, v reflect.Value) reflect.Value {
 	// unsafe mutations to the input.
 	c := make(chan reflect.Value)
 	go detectRaces(c, f, v)
+	got := <-c
 	want := f.Call([]reflect.Value{v})[0]
-	if got := <-c; !s.statelessCompare(got, want).Equal() {
+	if step.vx, step.vy = got, want; !s.statelessCompare(step).Equal() {
 		// To avoid false-positives with non-reflexive equality operations,
 		// we sanity check whether a value is equal to itself.
-		if !s.statelessCompare(want, want).Equal() {
+		if step.vx, step.vy = want, want; !s.statelessCompare(step).Equal() {
 			return want
-		fn := getFuncName(f.Pointer())
-		panic(fmt.Sprintf("non-deterministic function detected: %s", fn))
+		panic(fmt.Sprintf("non-deterministic function detected: %s", function.NameOf(f)))
 	return want
@@ -359,10 +321,10 @@ func (s *state) callTTBFunc(f, x, y reflect.Value) bool {
 	// unsafe mutations to the input.
 	c := make(chan reflect.Value)
 	go detectRaces(c, f, y, x)
+	got := <-c
 	want := f.Call([]reflect.Value{x, y})[0].Bool()
-	if got := <-c; !got.IsValid() || got.Bool() != want {
-		fn := getFuncName(f.Pointer())
-		panic(fmt.Sprintf("non-deterministic or non-symmetric function detected: %s", fn))
+	if !got.IsValid() || got.Bool() != want {
+		panic(fmt.Sprintf("non-deterministic or non-symmetric function detected: %s", function.NameOf(f)))
 	return want
@@ -380,140 +342,241 @@ func detectRaces(c chan<- reflect.Value, f reflect.Value, vs ...reflect.Value) {
 // assuming that T is assignable to R.
 // Otherwise, it returns the input value as is.
 func sanitizeValue(v reflect.Value, t reflect.Type) reflect.Value {
-	// TODO(dsnet): Remove this hacky workaround.
-	// See https://golang.org/issue/22143
-	if v.Kind() == reflect.Interface && v.IsNil() && v.Type() != t {
-		return reflect.New(t).Elem()
+	// TODO(dsnet): Workaround for reflect bug (https://golang.org/issue/22143).
+	if !flags.AtLeastGo110 {
+		if v.Kind() == reflect.Interface && v.IsNil() && v.Type() != t {
+			return reflect.New(t).Elem()
+		}
 	return v
-func (s *state) compareArray(vx, vy reflect.Value, t reflect.Type) {
-	step := &sliceIndex{pathStep{t.Elem()}, 0, 0}
-	s.curPath.push(step)
-	// Compute an edit-script for slices vx and vy.
-	es := diff.Difference(vx.Len(), vy.Len(), func(ix, iy int) diff.Result {
-		step.xkey, step.ykey = ix, iy
-		return s.statelessCompare(vx.Index(ix), vy.Index(iy))
-	})
-	// Report the entire slice as is if the arrays are of primitive kind,
-	// and the arrays are different enough.
-	isPrimitive := false
-	switch t.Elem().Kind() {
-	case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64,
-		reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr,
-		reflect.Bool, reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64, reflect.Complex64, reflect.Complex128:
-		isPrimitive = true
-	}
-	if isPrimitive && es.Dist() > (vx.Len()+vy.Len())/4 {
-		s.curPath.pop() // Pop first since we are reporting the whole slice
-		s.report(false, vx, vy)
-		return
-	}
-	// Replay the edit-script.
-	var ix, iy int
-	for _, e := range es {
-		switch e {
-		case diff.UniqueX:
-			step.xkey, step.ykey = ix, -1
-			s.report(false, vx.Index(ix), nothing)
-			ix++
-		case diff.UniqueY:
-			step.xkey, step.ykey = -1, iy
-			s.report(false, nothing, vy.Index(iy))
-			iy++
-		default:
-			step.xkey, step.ykey = ix, iy
-			if e == diff.Identity {
-				s.report(true, vx.Index(ix), vy.Index(iy))
-			} else {
-				s.compareAny(vx.Index(ix), vy.Index(iy))
-			}
-			ix++
-			iy++
-		}
-	}
-	s.curPath.pop()
-	return
-func (s *state) compareMap(vx, vy reflect.Value, t reflect.Type) {
-	if vx.IsNil() || vy.IsNil() {
-		s.report(vx.IsNil() && vy.IsNil(), vx, vy)
-		return
-	}
-	// We combine and sort the two map keys so that we can perform the
-	// comparisons in a deterministic order.
-	step := &mapIndex{pathStep: pathStep{t.Elem()}}
-	s.curPath.push(step)
-	defer s.curPath.pop()
-	for _, k := range value.SortKeys(append(vx.MapKeys(), vy.MapKeys()...)) {
-		step.key = k
-		vvx := vx.MapIndex(k)
-		vvy := vy.MapIndex(k)
-		switch {
-		case vvx.IsValid() && vvy.IsValid():
-			s.compareAny(vvx, vvy)
-		case vvx.IsValid() && !vvy.IsValid():
-			s.report(false, vvx, nothing)
-		case !vvx.IsValid() && vvy.IsValid():
-			s.report(false, nothing, vvy)
-		default:
-			// It is possible for both vvx and vvy to be invalid if the
-			// key contained a NaN value in it. There is no way in
-			// reflection to be able to retrieve these values.
-			// See https://golang.org/issue/11104
-			panic(fmt.Sprintf("%#v has map key with NaNs", s.curPath))
-		}
-	}
-func (s *state) compareStruct(vx, vy reflect.Value, t reflect.Type) {
+func (s *state) compareStruct(t reflect.Type, vx, vy reflect.Value) {
 	var vax, vay reflect.Value // Addressable versions of vx and vy
-	step := &structField{}
-	s.curPath.push(step)
-	defer s.curPath.pop()
+	step := StructField{&structField{}}
 	for i := 0; i < t.NumField(); i++ {
-		vvx := vx.Field(i)
-		vvy := vy.Field(i)
 		step.typ = t.Field(i).Type
+		step.vx = vx.Field(i)
+		step.vy = vy.Field(i)
 		step.name = t.Field(i).Name
 		step.idx = i
 		step.unexported = !isExported(step.name)
 		if step.unexported {
+			if step.name == "_" {
+				continue
+			}
 			// Defer checking of unexported fields until later to give an
 			// Ignore a chance to ignore the field.
 			if !vax.IsValid() || !vay.IsValid() {
-				// For unsafeRetrieveField to work, the parent struct must
+				// For retrieveUnexportedField to work, the parent struct must
 				// be addressable. Create a new copy of the values if
 				// necessary to make them addressable.
 				vax = makeAddressable(vx)
 				vay = makeAddressable(vy)
-			step.force = s.exporters[t]
+			step.mayForce = s.exporters[t]
 			step.pvx = vax
 			step.pvy = vay
 			step.field = t.Field(i)
-		s.compareAny(vvx, vvy)
+		s.compareAny(step)
-// report records the result of a single comparison.
-// It also calls Report if any reporter is registered.
-func (s *state) report(eq bool, vx, vy reflect.Value) {
-	if eq {
-		s.result.NSame++
-	} else {
-		s.result.NDiff++
+func (s *state) compareSlice(t reflect.Type, vx, vy reflect.Value) {
+	isSlice := t.Kind() == reflect.Slice
+	if isSlice && (vx.IsNil() || vy.IsNil()) {
+		s.report(vx.IsNil() && vy.IsNil(), 0)
+		return
-	if s.reporter != nil {
-		s.reporter.Report(vx, vy, eq, s.curPath)
+	// TODO: Support cyclic data structures.
+	step := SliceIndex{&sliceIndex{pathStep: pathStep{typ: t.Elem()}}}
+	withIndexes := func(ix, iy int) SliceIndex {
+		if ix >= 0 {
+			step.vx, step.xkey = vx.Index(ix), ix
+		} else {
+			step.vx, step.xkey = reflect.Value{}, -1
+		}
+		if iy >= 0 {
+			step.vy, step.ykey = vy.Index(iy), iy
+		} else {
+			step.vy, step.ykey = reflect.Value{}, -1
+		}
+		return step
+	}
+	// Ignore options are able to ignore missing elements in a slice.
+	// However, detecting these reliably requires an optimal differencing
+	// algorithm, for which diff.Difference is not.
+	//
+	// Instead, we first iterate through both slices to detect which elements
+	// would be ignored if standing alone. The index of non-discarded elements
+	// are stored in a separate slice, which diffing is then performed on.
+	var indexesX, indexesY []int
+	var ignoredX, ignoredY []bool
+	for ix := 0; ix < vx.Len(); ix++ {
+		ignored := s.statelessCompare(withIndexes(ix, -1)).NumDiff == 0
+		if !ignored {
+			indexesX = append(indexesX, ix)
+		}
+		ignoredX = append(ignoredX, ignored)
+	}
+	for iy := 0; iy < vy.Len(); iy++ {
+		ignored := s.statelessCompare(withIndexes(-1, iy)).NumDiff == 0
+		if !ignored {
+			indexesY = append(indexesY, iy)
+		}
+		ignoredY = append(ignoredY, ignored)
+	}
+	// Compute an edit-script for slices vx and vy (excluding ignored elements).
+	edits := diff.Difference(len(indexesX), len(indexesY), func(ix, iy int) diff.Result {
+		return s.statelessCompare(withIndexes(indexesX[ix], indexesY[iy]))
+	})
+	// Replay the ignore-scripts and the edit-script.
+	var ix, iy int
+	for ix < vx.Len() || iy < vy.Len() {
+		var e diff.EditType
+		switch {
+		case ix < len(ignoredX) && ignoredX[ix]:
+			e = diff.UniqueX
+		case iy < len(ignoredY) && ignoredY[iy]:
+			e = diff.UniqueY
+		default:
+			e, edits = edits[0], edits[1:]
+		}
+		switch e {
+		case diff.UniqueX:
+			s.compareAny(withIndexes(ix, -1))
+			ix++
+		case diff.UniqueY:
+			s.compareAny(withIndexes(-1, iy))
+			iy++
+		default:
+			s.compareAny(withIndexes(ix, iy))
+			ix++
+			iy++
+		}
+	}
+func (s *state) compareMap(t reflect.Type, vx, vy reflect.Value) {
+	if vx.IsNil() || vy.IsNil() {
+		s.report(vx.IsNil() && vy.IsNil(), 0)
+		return
+	}
+	// TODO: Support cyclic data structures.
+	// We combine and sort the two map keys so that we can perform the
+	// comparisons in a deterministic order.
+	step := MapIndex{&mapIndex{pathStep: pathStep{typ: t.Elem()}}}
+	for _, k := range value.SortKeys(append(vx.MapKeys(), vy.MapKeys()...)) {
+		step.vx = vx.MapIndex(k)
+		step.vy = vy.MapIndex(k)
+		step.key = k
+		if !step.vx.IsValid() && !step.vy.IsValid() {
+			// It is possible for both vx and vy to be invalid if the
+			// key contained a NaN value in it.
+			//
+			// Even with the ability to retrieve NaN keys in Go 1.12,
+			// there still isn't a sensible way to compare the values since
+			// a NaN key may map to multiple unordered values.
+			// The most reasonable way to compare NaNs would be to compare the
+			// set of values. However, this is impossible to do efficiently
+			// since set equality is provably an O(n^2) operation given only
+			// an Equal function. If we had a Less function or Hash function,
+			// this could be done in O(n*log(n)) or O(n), respectively.
+			//
+			// Rather than adding complex logic to deal with NaNs, make it
+			// the user's responsibility to compare such obscure maps.
+			const help = "consider providing a Comparer to compare the map"
+			panic(fmt.Sprintf("%#v has map key with NaNs\n%s", s.curPath, help))
+		}
+		s.compareAny(step)
+	}
+func (s *state) comparePtr(t reflect.Type, vx, vy reflect.Value) {
+	if vx.IsNil() || vy.IsNil() {
+		s.report(vx.IsNil() && vy.IsNil(), 0)
+		return
+	}
+	// TODO: Support cyclic data structures.
+	vx, vy = vx.Elem(), vy.Elem()
+	s.compareAny(Indirect{&indirect{pathStep{t.Elem(), vx, vy}}})
+func (s *state) compareInterface(t reflect.Type, vx, vy reflect.Value) {
+	if vx.IsNil() || vy.IsNil() {
+		s.report(vx.IsNil() && vy.IsNil(), 0)
+		return
+	}
+	vx, vy = vx.Elem(), vy.Elem()
+	if vx.Type() != vy.Type() {
+		s.report(false, 0)
+		return
+	}
+	s.compareAny(TypeAssertion{&typeAssertion{pathStep{vx.Type(), vx, vy}}})
+func (s *state) report(eq bool, rf resultFlags) {
+	if rf&reportByIgnore == 0 {
+		if eq {
+			s.result.NumSame++
+			rf |= reportEqual
+		} else {
+			s.result.NumDiff++
+			rf |= reportUnequal
+		}
+	}
+	for _, r := range s.reporters {
+		r.Report(Result{flags: rf})
+	}
+// recChecker tracks the state needed to periodically perform checks that
+// user provided transformers are not stuck in an infinitely recursive cycle.
+type recChecker struct{ next int }
+// Check scans the Path for any recursive transformers and panics when any
+// recursive transformers are detected. Note that the presence of a
+// recursive Transformer does not necessarily imply an infinite cycle.
+// As such, this check only activates after some minimal number of path steps.
+func (rc *recChecker) Check(p Path) {
+	const minLen = 1 << 16
+	if rc.next == 0 {
+		rc.next = minLen
+	}
+	if len(p) < rc.next {
+		return
+	}
+	rc.next <<= 1
+	// Check whether the same transformer has appeared at least twice.
+	var ss []string
+	m := map[Option]int{}
+	for _, ps := range p {
+		if t, ok := ps.(Transform); ok {
+			t := t.Option()
+			if m[t] == 1 { // Transformer was used exactly once before
+				tf := t.(*transformer).fnc.Type()
+				ss = append(ss, fmt.Sprintf("%v: %v => %v", t, tf.In(0), tf.Out(0)))
+			}
+			m[t]++
+		}
+	}
+	if len(ss) > 0 {
+		const warning = "recursive set of Transformers detected"
+		const help = "consider using cmpopts.AcyclicTransformer"
+		set := strings.Join(ss, "\n\t")
+		panic(fmt.Sprintf("%s:\n\t%s\n%s", warning, set, help))
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/unsafe_panic.go b/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/export_panic.go
similarity index 60%
rename from vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/unsafe_panic.go
rename to vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/export_panic.go
index d1518eb..abc3a1c 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/unsafe_panic.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/export_panic.go
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
 // license that can be found in the LICENSE.md file.
-// +build purego appengine js
+// +build purego
 package cmp
@@ -10,6 +10,6 @@ import "reflect"
 const supportAllowUnexported = false
-func unsafeRetrieveField(reflect.Value, reflect.StructField) reflect.Value {
-	panic("unsafeRetrieveField is not implemented")
+func retrieveUnexportedField(reflect.Value, reflect.StructField) reflect.Value {
+	panic("retrieveUnexportedField is not implemented")
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/unsafe_reflect.go b/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/export_unsafe.go
similarity index 64%
rename from vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/unsafe_reflect.go
rename to vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/export_unsafe.go
index 579b655..59d4ee9 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/unsafe_reflect.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/export_unsafe.go
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
 // license that can be found in the LICENSE.md file.
-// +build !purego,!appengine,!js
+// +build !purego
 package cmp
@@ -13,11 +13,11 @@ import (
 const supportAllowUnexported = true
-// unsafeRetrieveField uses unsafe to forcibly retrieve any field from a struct
-// such that the value has read-write permissions.
+// retrieveUnexportedField uses unsafe to forcibly retrieve any field from
+// a struct such that the value has read-write permissions.
 // The parent struct, v, must be addressable, while f must be a StructField
 // describing the field to retrieve.
-func unsafeRetrieveField(v reflect.Value, f reflect.StructField) reflect.Value {
+func retrieveUnexportedField(v reflect.Value, f reflect.StructField) reflect.Value {
 	return reflect.NewAt(f.Type, unsafe.Pointer(v.UnsafeAddr()+f.Offset)).Elem()
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/internal/diff/debug_disable.go b/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/internal/diff/debug_disable.go
index 42afa49..fe98dcc 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/internal/diff/debug_disable.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/internal/diff/debug_disable.go
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
 // license that can be found in the LICENSE.md file.
-// +build !debug
+// +build !cmp_debug
 package diff
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/internal/diff/debug_enable.go b/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/internal/diff/debug_enable.go
index fd9f7f1..597b6ae 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/internal/diff/debug_enable.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/internal/diff/debug_enable.go
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
 // license that can be found in the LICENSE.md file.
-// +build debug
+// +build cmp_debug
 package diff
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import (
 // The algorithm can be seen running in real-time by enabling debugging:
-//	go test -tags=debug -v
+//	go test -tags=cmp_debug -v
 // Example output:
 //	=== RUN   TestDifference/#34
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/internal/diff/diff.go b/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/internal/diff/diff.go
index 260befe..3d2e426 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/internal/diff/diff.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/internal/diff/diff.go
@@ -85,22 +85,31 @@ func (es EditScript) LenY() int { return len(es) - es.stats().NX }
 type EqualFunc func(ix int, iy int) Result
 // Result is the result of comparison.
-// NSame is the number of sub-elements that are equal.
-// NDiff is the number of sub-elements that are not equal.
-type Result struct{ NSame, NDiff int }
+// NumSame is the number of sub-elements that are equal.
+// NumDiff is the number of sub-elements that are not equal.
+type Result struct{ NumSame, NumDiff int }
+// BoolResult returns a Result that is either Equal or not Equal.
+func BoolResult(b bool) Result {
+	if b {
+		return Result{NumSame: 1} // Equal, Similar
+	} else {
+		return Result{NumDiff: 2} // Not Equal, not Similar
+	}
 // Equal indicates whether the symbols are equal. Two symbols are equal
-// if and only if NDiff == 0. If Equal, then they are also Similar.
-func (r Result) Equal() bool { return r.NDiff == 0 }
+// if and only if NumDiff == 0. If Equal, then they are also Similar.
+func (r Result) Equal() bool { return r.NumDiff == 0 }
 // Similar indicates whether two symbols are similar and may be represented
 // by using the Modified type. As a special case, we consider binary comparisons
 // (i.e., those that return Result{1, 0} or Result{0, 1}) to be similar.
-// The exact ratio of NSame to NDiff to determine similarity may change.
+// The exact ratio of NumSame to NumDiff to determine similarity may change.
 func (r Result) Similar() bool {
-	// Use NSame+1 to offset NSame so that binary comparisons are similar.
-	return r.NSame+1 >= r.NDiff
+	// Use NumSame+1 to offset NumSame so that binary comparisons are similar.
+	return r.NumSame+1 >= r.NumDiff
 // Difference reports whether two lists of lengths nx and ny are equal
@@ -191,9 +200,9 @@ func Difference(nx, ny int, f EqualFunc) (es EditScript) {
 	// that two lists commonly differ because elements were added to the front
 	// or end of the other list.
-	// Running the tests with the "debug" build tag prints a visualization of
-	// the algorithm running in real-time. This is educational for understanding
-	// how the algorithm works. See debug_enable.go.
+	// Running the tests with the "cmp_debug" build tag prints a visualization
+	// of the algorithm running in real-time. This is educational for
+	// understanding how the algorithm works. See debug_enable.go.
 	f = debug.Begin(nx, ny, f, &fwdPath.es, &revPath.es)
 	for {
 		// Forward search from the beginning.
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/internal/flags/flags.go b/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/internal/flags/flags.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9e7fc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/internal/flags/flags.go
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+// Copyright 2019, The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE.md file.
+package flags
+// Deterministic controls whether the output of Diff should be deterministic.
+// This is only used for testing.
+var Deterministic bool
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/internal/flags/toolchain_legacy.go b/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/internal/flags/toolchain_legacy.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01aed0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/internal/flags/toolchain_legacy.go
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+// Copyright 2019, The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE.md file.
+// +build !go1.10
+package flags
+// AtLeastGo110 reports whether the Go toolchain is at least Go 1.10.
+const AtLeastGo110 = false
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/internal/flags/toolchain_recent.go b/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/internal/flags/toolchain_recent.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0b667f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/internal/flags/toolchain_recent.go
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+// Copyright 2019, The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE.md file.
+// +build go1.10
+package flags
+// AtLeastGo110 reports whether the Go toolchain is at least Go 1.10.
+const AtLeastGo110 = true
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/internal/function/func.go b/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/internal/function/func.go
index 4c35ff1..ace1dbe 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/internal/function/func.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/internal/function/func.go
@@ -2,25 +2,34 @@
 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
 // license that can be found in the LICENSE.md file.
-// Package function identifies function types.
+// Package function provides functionality for identifying function types.
 package function
-import "reflect"
+import (
+	"reflect"
+	"regexp"
+	"runtime"
+	"strings"
 type funcType int
 const (
 	_ funcType = iota
+	tbFunc  // func(T) bool
 	ttbFunc // func(T, T) bool
+	trbFunc // func(T, R) bool
 	tibFunc // func(T, I) bool
 	trFunc  // func(T) R
-	Equal           = ttbFunc // func(T, T) bool
-	EqualAssignable = tibFunc // func(T, I) bool; encapsulates func(T, T) bool
-	Transformer     = trFunc  // func(T) R
-	ValueFilter     = ttbFunc // func(T, T) bool
-	Less            = ttbFunc // func(T, T) bool
+	Equal             = ttbFunc // func(T, T) bool
+	EqualAssignable   = tibFunc // func(T, I) bool; encapsulates func(T, T) bool
+	Transformer       = trFunc  // func(T) R
+	ValueFilter       = ttbFunc // func(T, T) bool
+	Less              = ttbFunc // func(T, T) bool
+	ValuePredicate    = tbFunc  // func(T) bool
+	KeyValuePredicate = trbFunc // func(T, R) bool
 var boolType = reflect.TypeOf(true)
@@ -32,10 +41,18 @@ func IsType(t reflect.Type, ft funcType) bool {
 	ni, no := t.NumIn(), t.NumOut()
 	switch ft {
+	case tbFunc: // func(T) bool
+		if ni == 1 && no == 1 && t.Out(0) == boolType {
+			return true
+		}
 	case ttbFunc: // func(T, T) bool
 		if ni == 2 && no == 1 && t.In(0) == t.In(1) && t.Out(0) == boolType {
 			return true
+	case trbFunc: // func(T, R) bool
+		if ni == 2 && no == 1 && t.Out(0) == boolType {
+			return true
+		}
 	case tibFunc: // func(T, I) bool
 		if ni == 2 && no == 1 && t.In(0).AssignableTo(t.In(1)) && t.Out(0) == boolType {
 			return true
@@ -47,3 +64,36 @@ func IsType(t reflect.Type, ft funcType) bool {
 	return false
+var lastIdentRx = regexp.MustCompile(`[_\p{L}][_\p{L}\p{N}]*$`)
+// NameOf returns the name of the function value.
+func NameOf(v reflect.Value) string {
+	fnc := runtime.FuncForPC(v.Pointer())
+	if fnc == nil {
+		return "<unknown>"
+	}
+	fullName := fnc.Name() // e.g., "long/path/name/mypkg.(*MyType).(long/path/name/mypkg.myMethod)-fm"
+	// Method closures have a "-fm" suffix.
+	fullName = strings.TrimSuffix(fullName, "-fm")
+	var name string
+	for len(fullName) > 0 {
+		inParen := strings.HasSuffix(fullName, ")")
+		fullName = strings.TrimSuffix(fullName, ")")
+		s := lastIdentRx.FindString(fullName)
+		if s == "" {
+			break
+		}
+		name = s + "." + name
+		fullName = strings.TrimSuffix(fullName, s)
+		if i := strings.LastIndexByte(fullName, '('); inParen && i >= 0 {
+			fullName = fullName[:i]
+		}
+		fullName = strings.TrimSuffix(fullName, ".")
+	}
+	return strings.TrimSuffix(name, ".")
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/internal/value/format.go b/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/internal/value/format.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 657e508..0000000
--- a/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/internal/value/format.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,277 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2017, The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE.md file.
-// Package value provides functionality for reflect.Value types.
-package value
-import (
-	"fmt"
-	"reflect"
-	"strconv"
-	"strings"
-	"unicode"
-var stringerIface = reflect.TypeOf((*fmt.Stringer)(nil)).Elem()
-// Format formats the value v as a string.
-// This is similar to fmt.Sprintf("%+v", v) except this:
-//	* Prints the type unless it can be elided
-//	* Avoids printing struct fields that are zero
-//	* Prints a nil-slice as being nil, not empty
-//	* Prints map entries in deterministic order
-func Format(v reflect.Value, conf FormatConfig) string {
-	conf.printType = true
-	conf.followPointers = true
-	conf.realPointers = true
-	return formatAny(v, conf, nil)
-type FormatConfig struct {
-	UseStringer        bool // Should the String method be used if available?
-	printType          bool // Should we print the type before the value?
-	PrintPrimitiveType bool // Should we print the type of primitives?
-	followPointers     bool // Should we recursively follow pointers?
-	realPointers       bool // Should we print the real address of pointers?
-func formatAny(v reflect.Value, conf FormatConfig, visited map[uintptr]bool) string {
-	// TODO: Should this be a multi-line printout in certain situations?
-	if !v.IsValid() {
-		return "<non-existent>"
-	}
-	if conf.UseStringer && v.Type().Implements(stringerIface) && v.CanInterface() {
-		if (v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr || v.Kind() == reflect.Interface) && v.IsNil() {
-			return "<nil>"
-		}
-		const stringerPrefix = "s" // Indicates that the String method was used
-		s := v.Interface().(fmt.Stringer).String()
-		return stringerPrefix + formatString(s)
-	}
-	switch v.Kind() {
-	case reflect.Bool:
-		return formatPrimitive(v.Type(), v.Bool(), conf)
-	case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
-		return formatPrimitive(v.Type(), v.Int(), conf)
-	case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr:
-		if v.Type().PkgPath() == "" || v.Kind() == reflect.Uintptr {
-			// Unnamed uints are usually bytes or words, so use hexadecimal.
-			return formatPrimitive(v.Type(), formatHex(v.Uint()), conf)
-		}
-		return formatPrimitive(v.Type(), v.Uint(), conf)
-	case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
-		return formatPrimitive(v.Type(), v.Float(), conf)
-	case reflect.Complex64, reflect.Complex128:
-		return formatPrimitive(v.Type(), v.Complex(), conf)
-	case reflect.String:
-		return formatPrimitive(v.Type(), formatString(v.String()), conf)
-	case reflect.UnsafePointer, reflect.Chan, reflect.Func:
-		return formatPointer(v, conf)
-	case reflect.Ptr:
-		if v.IsNil() {
-			if conf.printType {
-				return fmt.Sprintf("(%v)(nil)", v.Type())
-			}
-			return "<nil>"
-		}
-		if visited[v.Pointer()] || !conf.followPointers {
-			return formatPointer(v, conf)
-		}
-		visited = insertPointer(visited, v.Pointer())
-		return "&" + formatAny(v.Elem(), conf, visited)
-	case reflect.Interface:
-		if v.IsNil() {
-			if conf.printType {
-				return fmt.Sprintf("%v(nil)", v.Type())
-			}
-			return "<nil>"
-		}
-		return formatAny(v.Elem(), conf, visited)
-	case reflect.Slice:
-		if v.IsNil() {
-			if conf.printType {
-				return fmt.Sprintf("%v(nil)", v.Type())
-			}
-			return "<nil>"
-		}
-		if visited[v.Pointer()] {
-			return formatPointer(v, conf)
-		}
-		visited = insertPointer(visited, v.Pointer())
-		fallthrough
-	case reflect.Array:
-		var ss []string
-		subConf := conf
-		subConf.printType = v.Type().Elem().Kind() == reflect.Interface
-		for i := 0; i < v.Len(); i++ {
-			s := formatAny(v.Index(i), subConf, visited)
-			ss = append(ss, s)
-		}
-		s := fmt.Sprintf("{%s}", strings.Join(ss, ", "))
-		if conf.printType {
-			return v.Type().String() + s
-		}
-		return s
-	case reflect.Map:
-		if v.IsNil() {
-			if conf.printType {
-				return fmt.Sprintf("%v(nil)", v.Type())
-			}
-			return "<nil>"
-		}
-		if visited[v.Pointer()] {
-			return formatPointer(v, conf)
-		}
-		visited = insertPointer(visited, v.Pointer())
-		var ss []string
-		keyConf, valConf := conf, conf
-		keyConf.printType = v.Type().Key().Kind() == reflect.Interface
-		keyConf.followPointers = false
-		valConf.printType = v.Type().Elem().Kind() == reflect.Interface
-		for _, k := range SortKeys(v.MapKeys()) {
-			sk := formatAny(k, keyConf, visited)
-			sv := formatAny(v.MapIndex(k), valConf, visited)
-			ss = append(ss, fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", sk, sv))
-		}
-		s := fmt.Sprintf("{%s}", strings.Join(ss, ", "))
-		if conf.printType {
-			return v.Type().String() + s
-		}
-		return s
-	case reflect.Struct:
-		var ss []string
-		subConf := conf
-		subConf.printType = true
-		for i := 0; i < v.NumField(); i++ {
-			vv := v.Field(i)
-			if isZero(vv) {
-				continue // Elide zero value fields
-			}
-			name := v.Type().Field(i).Name
-			subConf.UseStringer = conf.UseStringer
-			s := formatAny(vv, subConf, visited)
-			ss = append(ss, fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", name, s))
-		}
-		s := fmt.Sprintf("{%s}", strings.Join(ss, ", "))
-		if conf.printType {
-			return v.Type().String() + s
-		}
-		return s
-	default:
-		panic(fmt.Sprintf("%v kind not handled", v.Kind()))
-	}
-func formatString(s string) string {
-	// Use quoted string if it the same length as a raw string literal.
-	// Otherwise, attempt to use the raw string form.
-	qs := strconv.Quote(s)
-	if len(qs) == 1+len(s)+1 {
-		return qs
-	}
-	// Disallow newlines to ensure output is a single line.
-	// Only allow printable runes for readability purposes.
-	rawInvalid := func(r rune) bool {
-		return r == '`' || r == '\n' || !unicode.IsPrint(r)
-	}
-	if strings.IndexFunc(s, rawInvalid) < 0 {
-		return "`" + s + "`"
-	}
-	return qs
-func formatPrimitive(t reflect.Type, v interface{}, conf FormatConfig) string {
-	if conf.printType && (conf.PrintPrimitiveType || t.PkgPath() != "") {
-		return fmt.Sprintf("%v(%v)", t, v)
-	}
-	return fmt.Sprintf("%v", v)
-func formatPointer(v reflect.Value, conf FormatConfig) string {
-	p := v.Pointer()
-	if !conf.realPointers {
-		p = 0 // For deterministic printing purposes
-	}
-	s := formatHex(uint64(p))
-	if conf.printType {
-		return fmt.Sprintf("(%v)(%s)", v.Type(), s)
-	}
-	return s
-func formatHex(u uint64) string {
-	var f string
-	switch {
-	case u <= 0xff:
-		f = "0x%02x"
-	case u <= 0xffff:
-		f = "0x%04x"
-	case u <= 0xffffff:
-		f = "0x%06x"
-	case u <= 0xffffffff:
-		f = "0x%08x"
-	case u <= 0xffffffffff:
-		f = "0x%010x"
-	case u <= 0xffffffffffff:
-		f = "0x%012x"
-	case u <= 0xffffffffffffff:
-		f = "0x%014x"
-	case u <= 0xffffffffffffffff:
-		f = "0x%016x"
-	}
-	return fmt.Sprintf(f, u)
-// insertPointer insert p into m, allocating m if necessary.
-func insertPointer(m map[uintptr]bool, p uintptr) map[uintptr]bool {
-	if m == nil {
-		m = make(map[uintptr]bool)
-	}
-	m[p] = true
-	return m
-// isZero reports whether v is the zero value.
-// This does not rely on Interface and so can be used on unexported fields.
-func isZero(v reflect.Value) bool {
-	switch v.Kind() {
-	case reflect.Bool:
-		return v.Bool() == false
-	case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
-		return v.Int() == 0
-	case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr:
-		return v.Uint() == 0
-	case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
-		return v.Float() == 0
-	case reflect.Complex64, reflect.Complex128:
-		return v.Complex() == 0
-	case reflect.String:
-		return v.String() == ""
-	case reflect.UnsafePointer:
-		return v.Pointer() == 0
-	case reflect.Chan, reflect.Func, reflect.Interface, reflect.Ptr, reflect.Map, reflect.Slice:
-		return v.IsNil()
-	case reflect.Array:
-		for i := 0; i < v.Len(); i++ {
-			if !isZero(v.Index(i)) {
-				return false
-			}
-		}
-		return true
-	case reflect.Struct:
-		for i := 0; i < v.NumField(); i++ {
-			if !isZero(v.Field(i)) {
-				return false
-			}
-		}
-		return true
-	}
-	return false
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/internal/value/pointer_purego.go b/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/internal/value/pointer_purego.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a01c47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/internal/value/pointer_purego.go
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+// Copyright 2018, The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE.md file.
+// +build purego
+package value
+import "reflect"
+// Pointer is an opaque typed pointer and is guaranteed to be comparable.
+type Pointer struct {
+	p uintptr
+	t reflect.Type
+// PointerOf returns a Pointer from v, which must be a
+// reflect.Ptr, reflect.Slice, or reflect.Map.
+func PointerOf(v reflect.Value) Pointer {
+	// NOTE: Storing a pointer as an uintptr is technically incorrect as it
+	// assumes that the GC implementation does not use a moving collector.
+	return Pointer{v.Pointer(), v.Type()}
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/internal/value/pointer_unsafe.go b/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/internal/value/pointer_unsafe.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da134ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/internal/value/pointer_unsafe.go
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+// Copyright 2018, The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE.md file.
+// +build !purego
+package value
+import (
+	"reflect"
+	"unsafe"
+// Pointer is an opaque typed pointer and is guaranteed to be comparable.
+type Pointer struct {
+	p unsafe.Pointer
+	t reflect.Type
+// PointerOf returns a Pointer from v, which must be a
+// reflect.Ptr, reflect.Slice, or reflect.Map.
+func PointerOf(v reflect.Value) Pointer {
+	// The proper representation of a pointer is unsafe.Pointer,
+	// which is necessary if the GC ever uses a moving collector.
+	return Pointer{unsafe.Pointer(v.Pointer()), v.Type()}
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/internal/value/sort.go b/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/internal/value/sort.go
index fe8aa27..938f646 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/internal/value/sort.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/internal/value/sort.go
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ func SortKeys(vs []reflect.Value) []reflect.Value {
 	// Sort the map keys.
-	sort.Sort(valueSorter(vs))
+	sort.Slice(vs, func(i, j int) bool { return isLess(vs[i], vs[j]) })
 	// Deduplicate keys (fails for NaNs).
 	vs2 := vs[:1]
@@ -31,13 +31,6 @@ func SortKeys(vs []reflect.Value) []reflect.Value {
 	return vs2
-// TODO: Use sort.Slice once Google AppEngine is on Go1.8 or above.
-type valueSorter []reflect.Value
-func (vs valueSorter) Len() int           { return len(vs) }
-func (vs valueSorter) Less(i, j int) bool { return isLess(vs[i], vs[j]) }
-func (vs valueSorter) Swap(i, j int)      { vs[i], vs[j] = vs[j], vs[i] }
 // isLess is a generic function for sorting arbitrary map keys.
 // The inputs must be of the same type and must be comparable.
 func isLess(x, y reflect.Value) bool {
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/internal/value/zero.go b/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/internal/value/zero.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d13a12c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/internal/value/zero.go
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+// Copyright 2017, The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE.md file.
+package value
+import "reflect"
+// IsZero reports whether v is the zero value.
+// This does not rely on Interface and so can be used on unexported fields.
+func IsZero(v reflect.Value) bool {
+	switch v.Kind() {
+	case reflect.Bool:
+		return v.Bool() == false
+	case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
+		return v.Int() == 0
+	case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr:
+		return v.Uint() == 0
+	case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
+		return v.Float() == 0
+	case reflect.Complex64, reflect.Complex128:
+		return v.Complex() == 0
+	case reflect.String:
+		return v.String() == ""
+	case reflect.UnsafePointer:
+		return v.Pointer() == 0
+	case reflect.Chan, reflect.Func, reflect.Interface, reflect.Ptr, reflect.Map, reflect.Slice:
+		return v.IsNil()
+	case reflect.Array:
+		for i := 0; i < v.Len(); i++ {
+			if !IsZero(v.Index(i)) {
+				return false
+			}
+		}
+		return true
+	case reflect.Struct:
+		for i := 0; i < v.NumField(); i++ {
+			if !IsZero(v.Field(i)) {
+				return false
+			}
+		}
+		return true
+	}
+	return false
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/options.go b/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/options.go
index 91d4b06..7934481 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/options.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/options.go
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ package cmp
 import (
-	"runtime"
+	"regexp"
@@ -29,11 +29,11 @@ type Option interface {
 	// An Options is returned only if multiple comparers or transformers
 	// can apply simultaneously and will only contain values of those types
 	// or sub-Options containing values of those types.
-	filter(s *state, vx, vy reflect.Value, t reflect.Type) applicableOption
+	filter(s *state, t reflect.Type, vx, vy reflect.Value) applicableOption
 // applicableOption represents the following types:
-//	Fundamental: ignore | invalid | *comparer | *transformer
+//	Fundamental: ignore | validator | *comparer | *transformer
 //	Grouping:    Options
 type applicableOption interface {
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ type applicableOption interface {
 // coreOption represents the following types:
-//	Fundamental: ignore | invalid | *comparer | *transformer
+//	Fundamental: ignore | validator | *comparer | *transformer
 //	Filters:     *pathFilter | *valuesFilter
 type coreOption interface {
@@ -63,19 +63,19 @@ func (core) isCore() {}
 // on all individual options held within.
 type Options []Option
-func (opts Options) filter(s *state, vx, vy reflect.Value, t reflect.Type) (out applicableOption) {
+func (opts Options) filter(s *state, t reflect.Type, vx, vy reflect.Value) (out applicableOption) {
 	for _, opt := range opts {
-		switch opt := opt.filter(s, vx, vy, t); opt.(type) {
+		switch opt := opt.filter(s, t, vx, vy); opt.(type) {
 		case ignore:
 			return ignore{} // Only ignore can short-circuit evaluation
-		case invalid:
-			out = invalid{} // Takes precedence over comparer or transformer
+		case validator:
+			out = validator{} // Takes precedence over comparer or transformer
 		case *comparer, *transformer, Options:
 			switch out.(type) {
 			case nil:
 				out = opt
-			case invalid:
-				// Keep invalid
+			case validator:
+				// Keep validator
 			case *comparer, *transformer, Options:
 				out = Options{out, opt} // Conflicting comparers or transformers
@@ -106,6 +106,11 @@ func (opts Options) String() string {
 // FilterPath returns a new Option where opt is only evaluated if filter f
 // returns true for the current Path in the value tree.
+// This filter is called even if a slice element or map entry is missing and
+// provides an opportunity to ignore such cases. The filter function must be
+// symmetric such that the filter result is identical regardless of whether the
+// missing value is from x or y.
 // The option passed in may be an Ignore, Transformer, Comparer, Options, or
 // a previously filtered Option.
 func FilterPath(f func(Path) bool, opt Option) Option {
@@ -124,22 +129,22 @@ type pathFilter struct {
 	opt Option
-func (f pathFilter) filter(s *state, vx, vy reflect.Value, t reflect.Type) applicableOption {
+func (f pathFilter) filter(s *state, t reflect.Type, vx, vy reflect.Value) applicableOption {
 	if f.fnc(s.curPath) {
-		return f.opt.filter(s, vx, vy, t)
+		return f.opt.filter(s, t, vx, vy)
 	return nil
 func (f pathFilter) String() string {
-	fn := getFuncName(reflect.ValueOf(f.fnc).Pointer())
-	return fmt.Sprintf("FilterPath(%s, %v)", fn, f.opt)
+	return fmt.Sprintf("FilterPath(%s, %v)", function.NameOf(reflect.ValueOf(f.fnc)), f.opt)
 // FilterValues returns a new Option where opt is only evaluated if filter f,
 // which is a function of the form "func(T, T) bool", returns true for the
-// current pair of values being compared. If the type of the values is not
-// assignable to T, then this filter implicitly returns false.
+// current pair of values being compared. If either value is invalid or
+// the type of the values is not assignable to T, then this filter implicitly
+// returns false.
 // The filter function must be
 // symmetric (i.e., agnostic to the order of the inputs) and
@@ -171,19 +176,18 @@ type valuesFilter struct {
 	opt Option
-func (f valuesFilter) filter(s *state, vx, vy reflect.Value, t reflect.Type) applicableOption {
-	if !vx.IsValid() || !vy.IsValid() {
-		return invalid{}
+func (f valuesFilter) filter(s *state, t reflect.Type, vx, vy reflect.Value) applicableOption {
+	if !vx.IsValid() || !vx.CanInterface() || !vy.IsValid() || !vy.CanInterface() {
+		return nil
 	if (f.typ == nil || t.AssignableTo(f.typ)) && s.callTTBFunc(f.fnc, vx, vy) {
-		return f.opt.filter(s, vx, vy, t)
+		return f.opt.filter(s, t, vx, vy)
 	return nil
 func (f valuesFilter) String() string {
-	fn := getFuncName(f.fnc.Pointer())
-	return fmt.Sprintf("FilterValues(%s, %v)", fn, f.opt)
+	return fmt.Sprintf("FilterValues(%s, %v)", function.NameOf(f.fnc), f.opt)
 // Ignore is an Option that causes all comparisons to be ignored.
@@ -194,19 +198,44 @@ func Ignore() Option { return ignore{} }
 type ignore struct{ core }
 func (ignore) isFiltered() bool                                                     { return false }
-func (ignore) filter(_ *state, _, _ reflect.Value, _ reflect.Type) applicableOption { return ignore{} }
-func (ignore) apply(_ *state, _, _ reflect.Value)                                   { return }
+func (ignore) filter(_ *state, _ reflect.Type, _, _ reflect.Value) applicableOption { return ignore{} }
+func (ignore) apply(s *state, _, _ reflect.Value)                                   { s.report(true, reportByIgnore) }
 func (ignore) String() string                                                       { return "Ignore()" }
-// invalid is a sentinel Option type to indicate that some options could not
-// be evaluated due to unexported fields.
-type invalid struct{ core }
+// validator is a sentinel Option type to indicate that some options could not
+// be evaluated due to unexported fields, missing slice elements, or
+// missing map entries. Both values are validator only for unexported fields.
+type validator struct{ core }
-func (invalid) filter(_ *state, _, _ reflect.Value, _ reflect.Type) applicableOption { return invalid{} }
-func (invalid) apply(s *state, _, _ reflect.Value) {
-	const help = "consider using AllowUnexported or cmpopts.IgnoreUnexported"
-	panic(fmt.Sprintf("cannot handle unexported field: %#v\n%s", s.curPath, help))
+func (validator) filter(_ *state, _ reflect.Type, vx, vy reflect.Value) applicableOption {
+	if !vx.IsValid() || !vy.IsValid() {
+		return validator{}
+	}
+	if !vx.CanInterface() || !vy.CanInterface() {
+		return validator{}
+	}
+	return nil
+func (validator) apply(s *state, vx, vy reflect.Value) {
+	// Implies missing slice element or map entry.
+	if !vx.IsValid() || !vy.IsValid() {
+		s.report(vx.IsValid() == vy.IsValid(), 0)
+		return
+	}
+	// Unable to Interface implies unexported field without visibility access.
+	if !vx.CanInterface() || !vy.CanInterface() {
+		const help = "consider using a custom Comparer; if you control the implementation of type, you can also consider AllowUnexported or cmpopts.IgnoreUnexported"
+		panic(fmt.Sprintf("cannot handle unexported field: %#v\n%s", s.curPath, help))
+	}
+	panic("not reachable")
+// identRx represents a valid identifier according to the Go specification.
+const identRx = `[_\p{L}][_\p{L}\p{N}]*`
+var identsRx = regexp.MustCompile(`^` + identRx + `(\.` + identRx + `)*$`)
 // Transformer returns an Option that applies a transformation function that
 // converts values of a certain type into that of another.
@@ -220,18 +249,25 @@ func (invalid) apply(s *state, _, _ reflect.Value) {
 // input and output types are the same), an implicit filter is added such that
 // a transformer is applicable only if that exact transformer is not already
 // in the tail of the Path since the last non-Transform step.
+// For situations where the implicit filter is still insufficient,
+// consider using cmpopts.AcyclicTransformer, which adds a filter
+// to prevent the transformer from being recursively applied upon itself.
 // The name is a user provided label that is used as the Transform.Name in the
-// transformation PathStep. If empty, an arbitrary name is used.
+// transformation PathStep (and eventually shown in the Diff output).
+// The name must be a valid identifier or qualified identifier in Go syntax.
+// If empty, an arbitrary name is used.
 func Transformer(name string, f interface{}) Option {
 	v := reflect.ValueOf(f)
 	if !function.IsType(v.Type(), function.Transformer) || v.IsNil() {
 		panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid transformer function: %T", f))
 	if name == "" {
-		name = "λ" // Lambda-symbol as place-holder for anonymous transformer
-	}
-	if !isValid(name) {
+		name = function.NameOf(v)
+		if !identsRx.MatchString(name) {
+			name = "λ" // Lambda-symbol as placeholder name
+		}
+	} else if !identsRx.MatchString(name) {
 		panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid name: %q", name))
 	tr := &transformer{name: name, fnc: reflect.ValueOf(f)}
@@ -250,9 +286,9 @@ type transformer struct {
 func (tr *transformer) isFiltered() bool { return tr.typ != nil }
-func (tr *transformer) filter(s *state, _, _ reflect.Value, t reflect.Type) applicableOption {
+func (tr *transformer) filter(s *state, t reflect.Type, _, _ reflect.Value) applicableOption {
 	for i := len(s.curPath) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
-		if t, ok := s.curPath[i].(*transform); !ok {
+		if t, ok := s.curPath[i].(Transform); !ok {
 			break // Hit most recent non-Transform step
 		} else if tr == t.trans {
 			return nil // Cannot directly use same Transform
@@ -265,18 +301,15 @@ func (tr *transformer) filter(s *state, _, _ reflect.Value, t reflect.Type) appl
 func (tr *transformer) apply(s *state, vx, vy reflect.Value) {
-	// Update path before calling the Transformer so that dynamic checks
-	// will use the updated path.
-	s.curPath.push(&transform{pathStep{tr.fnc.Type().Out(0)}, tr})
-	defer s.curPath.pop()
-	vx = s.callTRFunc(tr.fnc, vx)
-	vy = s.callTRFunc(tr.fnc, vy)
-	s.compareAny(vx, vy)
+	step := Transform{&transform{pathStep{typ: tr.fnc.Type().Out(0)}, tr}}
+	vvx := s.callTRFunc(tr.fnc, vx, step)
+	vvy := s.callTRFunc(tr.fnc, vy, step)
+	step.vx, step.vy = vvx, vvy
+	s.compareAny(step)
 func (tr transformer) String() string {
-	return fmt.Sprintf("Transformer(%s, %s)", tr.name, getFuncName(tr.fnc.Pointer()))
+	return fmt.Sprintf("Transformer(%s, %s)", tr.name, function.NameOf(tr.fnc))
 // Comparer returns an Option that determines whether two values are equal
@@ -311,7 +344,7 @@ type comparer struct {
 func (cm *comparer) isFiltered() bool { return cm.typ != nil }
-func (cm *comparer) filter(_ *state, _, _ reflect.Value, t reflect.Type) applicableOption {
+func (cm *comparer) filter(_ *state, t reflect.Type, _, _ reflect.Value) applicableOption {
 	if cm.typ == nil || t.AssignableTo(cm.typ) {
 		return cm
@@ -320,11 +353,11 @@ func (cm *comparer) filter(_ *state, _, _ reflect.Value, t reflect.Type) applica
 func (cm *comparer) apply(s *state, vx, vy reflect.Value) {
 	eq := s.callTTBFunc(cm.fnc, vx, vy)
-	s.report(eq, vx, vy)
+	s.report(eq, reportByFunc)
 func (cm comparer) String() string {
-	return fmt.Sprintf("Comparer(%s)", getFuncName(cm.fnc.Pointer()))
+	return fmt.Sprintf("Comparer(%s)", function.NameOf(cm.fnc))
 // AllowUnexported returns an Option that forcibly allows operations on
@@ -338,7 +371,7 @@ func (cm comparer) String() string {
 // defined in an internal package where the semantic meaning of an unexported
 // field is in the control of the user.
-// For some cases, a custom Comparer should be used instead that defines
+// In many cases, a custom Comparer should be used instead that defines
 // equality as a function of the public API of a type rather than the underlying
 // unexported implementation.
@@ -370,27 +403,92 @@ func AllowUnexported(types ...interface{}) Option {
 type visibleStructs map[reflect.Type]bool
-func (visibleStructs) filter(_ *state, _, _ reflect.Value, _ reflect.Type) applicableOption {
+func (visibleStructs) filter(_ *state, _ reflect.Type, _, _ reflect.Value) applicableOption {
 	panic("not implemented")
-// reporter is an Option that configures how differences are reported.
-type reporter interface {
-	// TODO: Not exported yet.
+// Result represents the comparison result for a single node and
+// is provided by cmp when calling Result (see Reporter).
+type Result struct {
+	_     [0]func() // Make Result incomparable
+	flags resultFlags
+// Equal reports whether the node was determined to be equal or not.
+// As a special case, ignored nodes are considered equal.
+func (r Result) Equal() bool {
+	return r.flags&(reportEqual|reportByIgnore) != 0
+// ByIgnore reports whether the node is equal because it was ignored.
+// This never reports true if Equal reports false.
+func (r Result) ByIgnore() bool {
+	return r.flags&reportByIgnore != 0
+// ByMethod reports whether the Equal method determined equality.
+func (r Result) ByMethod() bool {
+	return r.flags&reportByMethod != 0
+// ByFunc reports whether a Comparer function determined equality.
+func (r Result) ByFunc() bool {
+	return r.flags&reportByFunc != 0
+type resultFlags uint
+const (
+	_ resultFlags = (1 << iota) / 2
+	reportEqual
+	reportUnequal
+	reportByIgnore
+	reportByMethod
+	reportByFunc
+// Reporter is an Option that can be passed to Equal. When Equal traverses
+// the value trees, it calls PushStep as it descends into each node in the
+// tree and PopStep as it ascend out of the node. The leaves of the tree are
+// either compared (determined to be equal or not equal) or ignored and reported
+// as such by calling the Report method.
+func Reporter(r interface {
+	// PushStep is called when a tree-traversal operation is performed.
+	// The PathStep itself is only valid until the step is popped.
+	// The PathStep.Values are valid for the duration of the entire traversal
+	// and must not be mutated.
-	// Perhaps add PushStep and PopStep and change Report to only accept
-	// a PathStep instead of the full-path? Adding a PushStep and PopStep makes
-	// it clear that we are traversing the value tree in a depth-first-search
-	// manner, which has an effect on how values are printed.
+	// Equal always calls PushStep at the start to provide an operation-less
+	// PathStep used to report the root values.
+	//
+	// Within a slice, the exact set of inserted, removed, or modified elements
+	// is unspecified and may change in future implementations.
+	// The entries of a map are iterated through in an unspecified order.
+	PushStep(PathStep)
-	Option
+	// Report is called exactly once on leaf nodes to report whether the
+	// comparison identified the node as equal, unequal, or ignored.
+	// A leaf node is one that is immediately preceded by and followed by
+	// a pair of PushStep and PopStep calls.
+	Report(Result)
-	// Report is called for every comparison made and will be provided with
-	// the two values being compared, the equality result, and the
-	// current path in the value tree. It is possible for x or y to be an
-	// invalid reflect.Value if one of the values is non-existent;
-	// which is possible with maps and slices.
-	Report(x, y reflect.Value, eq bool, p Path)
+	// PopStep ascends back up the value tree.
+	// There is always a matching pop call for every push call.
+	PopStep()
+}) Option {
+	return reporter{r}
+type reporter struct{ reporterIface }
+type reporterIface interface {
+	PushStep(PathStep)
+	Report(Result)
+	PopStep()
+func (reporter) filter(_ *state, _ reflect.Type, _, _ reflect.Value) applicableOption {
+	panic("not implemented")
 // normalizeOption normalizes the input options such that all Options groups
@@ -424,30 +522,3 @@ func flattenOptions(dst, src Options) Options {
 	return dst
-// getFuncName returns a short function name from the pointer.
-// The string parsing logic works up until Go1.9.
-func getFuncName(p uintptr) string {
-	fnc := runtime.FuncForPC(p)
-	if fnc == nil {
-		return "<unknown>"
-	}
-	name := fnc.Name() // E.g., "long/path/name/mypkg.(mytype).(long/path/name/mypkg.myfunc)-fm"
-	if strings.HasSuffix(name, ")-fm") || strings.HasSuffix(name, ")·fm") {
-		// Strip the package name from method name.
-		name = strings.TrimSuffix(name, ")-fm")
-		name = strings.TrimSuffix(name, ")·fm")
-		if i := strings.LastIndexByte(name, '('); i >= 0 {
-			methodName := name[i+1:] // E.g., "long/path/name/mypkg.myfunc"
-			if j := strings.LastIndexByte(methodName, '.'); j >= 0 {
-				methodName = methodName[j+1:] // E.g., "myfunc"
-			}
-			name = name[:i] + methodName // E.g., "long/path/name/mypkg.(mytype)." + "myfunc"
-		}
-	}
-	if i := strings.LastIndexByte(name, '/'); i >= 0 {
-		// Strip the package name.
-		name = name[i+1:] // E.g., "mypkg.(mytype).myfunc"
-	}
-	return name
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/path.go b/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/path.go
index c08a3cf..96fffd2 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/path.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/path.go
@@ -12,80 +12,52 @@ import (
-type (
-	// Path is a list of PathSteps describing the sequence of operations to get
-	// from some root type to the current position in the value tree.
-	// The first Path element is always an operation-less PathStep that exists
-	// simply to identify the initial type.
+// Path is a list of PathSteps describing the sequence of operations to get
+// from some root type to the current position in the value tree.
+// The first Path element is always an operation-less PathStep that exists
+// simply to identify the initial type.
+// When traversing structs with embedded structs, the embedded struct will
+// always be accessed as a field before traversing the fields of the
+// embedded struct themselves. That is, an exported field from the
+// embedded struct will never be accessed directly from the parent struct.
+type Path []PathStep
+// PathStep is a union-type for specific operations to traverse
+// a value's tree structure. Users of this package never need to implement
+// these types as values of this type will be returned by this package.
+// Implementations of this interface are
+// StructField, SliceIndex, MapIndex, Indirect, TypeAssertion, and Transform.
+type PathStep interface {
+	String() string
+	// Type is the resulting type after performing the path step.
+	Type() reflect.Type
+	// Values is the resulting values after performing the path step.
+	// The type of each valid value is guaranteed to be identical to Type.
-	// When traversing structs with embedded structs, the embedded struct will
-	// always be accessed as a field before traversing the fields of the
-	// embedded struct themselves. That is, an exported field from the
-	// embedded struct will never be accessed directly from the parent struct.
-	Path []PathStep
+	// In some cases, one or both may be invalid or have restrictions:
+	//	• For StructField, both are not interface-able if the current field
+	//	is unexported and the struct type is not explicitly permitted by
+	//	AllowUnexported to traverse unexported fields.
+	//	• For SliceIndex, one may be invalid if an element is missing from
+	//	either the x or y slice.
+	//	• For MapIndex, one may be invalid if an entry is missing from
+	//	either the x or y map.
+	//
+	// The provided values must not be mutated.
+	Values() (vx, vy reflect.Value)
-	// PathStep is a union-type for specific operations to traverse
-	// a value's tree structure. Users of this package never need to implement
-	// these types as values of this type will be returned by this package.
-	PathStep interface {
-		String() string
-		Type() reflect.Type // Resulting type after performing the path step
-		isPathStep()
-	}
-	// SliceIndex is an index operation on a slice or array at some index Key.
-	SliceIndex interface {
-		PathStep
-		Key() int // May return -1 if in a split state
-		// SplitKeys returns the indexes for indexing into slices in the
-		// x and y values, respectively. These indexes may differ due to the
-		// insertion or removal of an element in one of the slices, causing
-		// all of the indexes to be shifted. If an index is -1, then that
-		// indicates that the element does not exist in the associated slice.
-		//
-		// Key is guaranteed to return -1 if and only if the indexes returned
-		// by SplitKeys are not the same. SplitKeys will never return -1 for
-		// both indexes.
-		SplitKeys() (x int, y int)
-		isSliceIndex()
-	}
-	// MapIndex is an index operation on a map at some index Key.
-	MapIndex interface {
-		PathStep
-		Key() reflect.Value
-		isMapIndex()
-	}
-	// TypeAssertion represents a type assertion on an interface.
-	TypeAssertion interface {
-		PathStep
-		isTypeAssertion()
-	}
-	// StructField represents a struct field access on a field called Name.
-	StructField interface {
-		PathStep
-		Name() string
-		Index() int
-		isStructField()
-	}
-	// Indirect represents pointer indirection on the parent type.
-	Indirect interface {
-		PathStep
-		isIndirect()
-	}
-	// Transform is a transformation from the parent type to the current type.
-	Transform interface {
-		PathStep
-		Name() string
-		Func() reflect.Value
-		// Option returns the originally constructed Transformer option.
-		// The == operator can be used to detect the exact option used.
-		Option() Option
-		isTransform()
-	}
+var (
+	_ PathStep = StructField{}
+	_ PathStep = SliceIndex{}
+	_ PathStep = MapIndex{}
+	_ PathStep = Indirect{}
+	_ PathStep = TypeAssertion{}
+	_ PathStep = Transform{}
 func (pa *Path) push(s PathStep) {
@@ -124,7 +96,7 @@ func (pa Path) Index(i int) PathStep {
 func (pa Path) String() string {
 	var ss []string
 	for _, s := range pa {
-		if _, ok := s.(*structField); ok {
+		if _, ok := s.(StructField); ok {
 			ss = append(ss, s.String())
@@ -144,13 +116,13 @@ func (pa Path) GoString() string {
 			nextStep = pa[i+1]
 		switch s := s.(type) {
-		case *indirect:
+		case Indirect:
 			pPre, pPost := "(", ")"
 			switch nextStep.(type) {
-			case *indirect:
+			case Indirect:
 				continue // Next step is indirection, so let them batch up
-			case *structField:
+			case StructField:
 				numIndirect-- // Automatic indirection on struct fields
 			case nil:
 				pPre, pPost = "", "" // Last step; no need for parenthesis
@@ -161,19 +133,10 @@ func (pa Path) GoString() string {
 			numIndirect = 0
-		case *transform:
+		case Transform:
 			ssPre = append(ssPre, s.trans.name+"(")
 			ssPost = append(ssPost, ")")
-		case *typeAssertion:
-			// As a special-case, elide type assertions on anonymous types
-			// since they are typically generated dynamically and can be very
-			// verbose. For example, some transforms return interface{} because
-			// of Go's lack of generics, but typically take in and return the
-			// exact same concrete type.
-			if s.Type().PkgPath() == "" {
-				continue
-			}
 		ssPost = append(ssPost, s.String())
@@ -183,44 +146,13 @@ func (pa Path) GoString() string {
 	return strings.Join(ssPre, "") + strings.Join(ssPost, "")
-type (
-	pathStep struct {
-		typ reflect.Type
-	}
+type pathStep struct {
+	typ    reflect.Type
+	vx, vy reflect.Value
-	sliceIndex struct {
-		pathStep
-		xkey, ykey int
-	}
-	mapIndex struct {
-		pathStep
-		key reflect.Value
-	}
-	typeAssertion struct {
-		pathStep
-	}
-	structField struct {
-		pathStep
-		name string
-		idx  int
-		// These fields are used for forcibly accessing an unexported field.
-		// pvx, pvy, and field are only valid if unexported is true.
-		unexported bool
-		force      bool                // Forcibly allow visibility
-		pvx, pvy   reflect.Value       // Parent values
-		field      reflect.StructField // Field information
-	}
-	indirect struct {
-		pathStep
-	}
-	transform struct {
-		pathStep
-		trans *transformer
-	}
-func (ps pathStep) Type() reflect.Type { return ps.typ }
+func (ps pathStep) Type() reflect.Type             { return ps.typ }
+func (ps pathStep) Values() (vx, vy reflect.Value) { return ps.vx, ps.vy }
 func (ps pathStep) String() string {
 	if ps.typ == nil {
 		return "<nil>"
@@ -232,7 +164,54 @@ func (ps pathStep) String() string {
 	return fmt.Sprintf("{%s}", s)
-func (si sliceIndex) String() string {
+// StructField represents a struct field access on a field called Name.
+type StructField struct{ *structField }
+type structField struct {
+	pathStep
+	name string
+	idx  int
+	// These fields are used for forcibly accessing an unexported field.
+	// pvx, pvy, and field are only valid if unexported is true.
+	unexported bool
+	mayForce   bool                // Forcibly allow visibility
+	pvx, pvy   reflect.Value       // Parent values
+	field      reflect.StructField // Field information
+func (sf StructField) Type() reflect.Type { return sf.typ }
+func (sf StructField) Values() (vx, vy reflect.Value) {
+	if !sf.unexported {
+		return sf.vx, sf.vy // CanInterface reports true
+	}
+	// Forcibly obtain read-write access to an unexported struct field.
+	if sf.mayForce {
+		vx = retrieveUnexportedField(sf.pvx, sf.field)
+		vy = retrieveUnexportedField(sf.pvy, sf.field)
+		return vx, vy // CanInterface reports true
+	}
+	return sf.vx, sf.vy // CanInterface reports false
+func (sf StructField) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf(".%s", sf.name) }
+// Name is the field name.
+func (sf StructField) Name() string { return sf.name }
+// Index is the index of the field in the parent struct type.
+// See reflect.Type.Field.
+func (sf StructField) Index() int { return sf.idx }
+// SliceIndex is an index operation on a slice or array at some index Key.
+type SliceIndex struct{ *sliceIndex }
+type sliceIndex struct {
+	pathStep
+	xkey, ykey int
+func (si SliceIndex) Type() reflect.Type             { return si.typ }
+func (si SliceIndex) Values() (vx, vy reflect.Value) { return si.vx, si.vy }
+func (si SliceIndex) String() string {
 	switch {
 	case si.xkey == si.ykey:
 		return fmt.Sprintf("[%d]", si.xkey)
@@ -247,63 +226,83 @@ func (si sliceIndex) String() string {
 		return fmt.Sprintf("[%d->%d]", si.xkey, si.ykey)
-func (mi mapIndex) String() string      { return fmt.Sprintf("[%#v]", mi.key) }
-func (ta typeAssertion) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf(".(%v)", ta.typ) }
-func (sf structField) String() string   { return fmt.Sprintf(".%s", sf.name) }
-func (in indirect) String() string      { return "*" }
-func (tf transform) String() string     { return fmt.Sprintf("%s()", tf.trans.name) }
-func (si sliceIndex) Key() int {
+// Key is the index key; it may return -1 if in a split state
+func (si SliceIndex) Key() int {
 	if si.xkey != si.ykey {
 		return -1
 	return si.xkey
-func (si sliceIndex) SplitKeys() (x, y int) { return si.xkey, si.ykey }
-func (mi mapIndex) Key() reflect.Value      { return mi.key }
-func (sf structField) Name() string         { return sf.name }
-func (sf structField) Index() int           { return sf.idx }
-func (tf transform) Name() string           { return tf.trans.name }
-func (tf transform) Func() reflect.Value    { return tf.trans.fnc }
-func (tf transform) Option() Option         { return tf.trans }
-func (pathStep) isPathStep()           {}
-func (sliceIndex) isSliceIndex()       {}
-func (mapIndex) isMapIndex()           {}
-func (typeAssertion) isTypeAssertion() {}
-func (structField) isStructField()     {}
-func (indirect) isIndirect()           {}
-func (transform) isTransform()         {}
+// SplitKeys are the indexes for indexing into slices in the
+// x and y values, respectively. These indexes may differ due to the
+// insertion or removal of an element in one of the slices, causing
+// all of the indexes to be shifted. If an index is -1, then that
+// indicates that the element does not exist in the associated slice.
+// Key is guaranteed to return -1 if and only if the indexes returned
+// by SplitKeys are not the same. SplitKeys will never return -1 for
+// both indexes.
+func (si SliceIndex) SplitKeys() (ix, iy int) { return si.xkey, si.ykey }
-var (
-	_ SliceIndex    = sliceIndex{}
-	_ MapIndex      = mapIndex{}
-	_ TypeAssertion = typeAssertion{}
-	_ StructField   = structField{}
-	_ Indirect      = indirect{}
-	_ Transform     = transform{}
+// MapIndex is an index operation on a map at some index Key.
+type MapIndex struct{ *mapIndex }
+type mapIndex struct {
+	pathStep
+	key reflect.Value
-	_ PathStep = sliceIndex{}
-	_ PathStep = mapIndex{}
-	_ PathStep = typeAssertion{}
-	_ PathStep = structField{}
-	_ PathStep = indirect{}
-	_ PathStep = transform{}
+func (mi MapIndex) Type() reflect.Type             { return mi.typ }
+func (mi MapIndex) Values() (vx, vy reflect.Value) { return mi.vx, mi.vy }
+func (mi MapIndex) String() string                 { return fmt.Sprintf("[%#v]", mi.key) }
+// Key is the value of the map key.
+func (mi MapIndex) Key() reflect.Value { return mi.key }
+// Indirect represents pointer indirection on the parent type.
+type Indirect struct{ *indirect }
+type indirect struct {
+	pathStep
+func (in Indirect) Type() reflect.Type             { return in.typ }
+func (in Indirect) Values() (vx, vy reflect.Value) { return in.vx, in.vy }
+func (in Indirect) String() string                 { return "*" }
+// TypeAssertion represents a type assertion on an interface.
+type TypeAssertion struct{ *typeAssertion }
+type typeAssertion struct {
+	pathStep
+func (ta TypeAssertion) Type() reflect.Type             { return ta.typ }
+func (ta TypeAssertion) Values() (vx, vy reflect.Value) { return ta.vx, ta.vy }
+func (ta TypeAssertion) String() string                 { return fmt.Sprintf(".(%v)", ta.typ) }
+// Transform is a transformation from the parent type to the current type.
+type Transform struct{ *transform }
+type transform struct {
+	pathStep
+	trans *transformer
+func (tf Transform) Type() reflect.Type             { return tf.typ }
+func (tf Transform) Values() (vx, vy reflect.Value) { return tf.vx, tf.vy }
+func (tf Transform) String() string                 { return fmt.Sprintf("%s()", tf.trans.name) }
+// Name is the name of the Transformer.
+func (tf Transform) Name() string { return tf.trans.name }
+// Func is the function pointer to the transformer function.
+func (tf Transform) Func() reflect.Value { return tf.trans.fnc }
+// Option returns the originally constructed Transformer option.
+// The == operator can be used to detect the exact option used.
+func (tf Transform) Option() Option { return tf.trans }
 // isExported reports whether the identifier is exported.
 func isExported(id string) bool {
 	r, _ := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(id)
 	return unicode.IsUpper(r)
-// isValid reports whether the identifier is valid.
-// Empty and underscore-only strings are not valid.
-func isValid(id string) bool {
-	ok := id != "" && id != "_"
-	for j, c := range id {
-		ok = ok && (j > 0 || !unicode.IsDigit(c))
-		ok = ok && (c == '_' || unicode.IsLetter(c) || unicode.IsDigit(c))
-	}
-	return ok
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index 0000000..6ddf299
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+++ b/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/report.go
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+// Copyright 2017, The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE.md file.
+package cmp
+// defaultReporter implements the reporter interface.
+// As Equal serially calls the PushStep, Report, and PopStep methods, the
+// defaultReporter constructs a tree-based representation of the compared value
+// and the result of each comparison (see valueNode).
+// When the String method is called, the FormatDiff method transforms the
+// valueNode tree into a textNode tree, which is a tree-based representation
+// of the textual output (see textNode).
+// Lastly, the textNode.String method produces the final report as a string.
+type defaultReporter struct {
+	root *valueNode
+	curr *valueNode
+func (r *defaultReporter) PushStep(ps PathStep) {
+	r.curr = r.curr.PushStep(ps)
+	if r.root == nil {
+		r.root = r.curr
+	}
+func (r *defaultReporter) Report(rs Result) {
+	r.curr.Report(rs)
+func (r *defaultReporter) PopStep() {
+	r.curr = r.curr.PopStep()
+// String provides a full report of the differences detected as a structured
+// literal in pseudo-Go syntax. String may only be called after the entire tree
+// has been traversed.
+func (r *defaultReporter) String() string {
+	assert(r.root != nil && r.curr == nil)
+	if r.root.NumDiff == 0 {
+		return ""
+	}
+	return formatOptions{}.FormatDiff(r.root).String()
+func assert(ok bool) {
+	if !ok {
+		panic("assertion failure")
+	}
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/report_compare.go b/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/report_compare.go
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+++ b/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/report_compare.go
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+// Copyright 2019, The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE.md file.
+package cmp
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	"reflect"
+	"github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/internal/value"
+// TODO: Enforce limits?
+//	* Enforce maximum number of records to print per node?
+//	* Enforce maximum size in bytes allowed?
+//	* As a heuristic, use less verbosity for equal nodes than unequal nodes.
+// TODO: Enforce unique outputs?
+//	* Avoid Stringer methods if it results in same output?
+//	* Print pointer address if outputs still equal?
+// numContextRecords is the number of surrounding equal records to print.
+const numContextRecords = 2
+type diffMode byte
+const (
+	diffUnknown   diffMode = 0
+	diffIdentical diffMode = ' '
+	diffRemoved   diffMode = '-'
+	diffInserted  diffMode = '+'
+type typeMode int
+const (
+	// emitType always prints the type.
+	emitType typeMode = iota
+	// elideType never prints the type.
+	elideType
+	// autoType prints the type only for composite kinds
+	// (i.e., structs, slices, arrays, and maps).
+	autoType
+type formatOptions struct {
+	// DiffMode controls the output mode of FormatDiff.
+	//
+	// If diffUnknown,   then produce a diff of the x and y values.
+	// If diffIdentical, then emit values as if they were equal.
+	// If diffRemoved,   then only emit x values (ignoring y values).
+	// If diffInserted,  then only emit y values (ignoring x values).
+	DiffMode diffMode
+	// TypeMode controls whether to print the type for the current node.
+	//
+	// As a general rule of thumb, we always print the type of the next node
+	// after an interface, and always elide the type of the next node after
+	// a slice or map node.
+	TypeMode typeMode
+	// formatValueOptions are options specific to printing reflect.Values.
+	formatValueOptions
+func (opts formatOptions) WithDiffMode(d diffMode) formatOptions {
+	opts.DiffMode = d
+	return opts
+func (opts formatOptions) WithTypeMode(t typeMode) formatOptions {
+	opts.TypeMode = t
+	return opts
+// FormatDiff converts a valueNode tree into a textNode tree, where the later
+// is a textual representation of the differences detected in the former.
+func (opts formatOptions) FormatDiff(v *valueNode) textNode {
+	// Check whether we have specialized formatting for this node.
+	// This is not necessary, but helpful for producing more readable outputs.
+	if opts.CanFormatDiffSlice(v) {
+		return opts.FormatDiffSlice(v)
+	}
+	// For leaf nodes, format the value based on the reflect.Values alone.
+	if v.MaxDepth == 0 {
+		switch opts.DiffMode {
+		case diffUnknown, diffIdentical:
+			// Format Equal.
+			if v.NumDiff == 0 {
+				outx := opts.FormatValue(v.ValueX, visitedPointers{})
+				outy := opts.FormatValue(v.ValueY, visitedPointers{})
+				if v.NumIgnored > 0 && v.NumSame == 0 {
+					return textEllipsis
+				} else if outx.Len() < outy.Len() {
+					return outx
+				} else {
+					return outy
+				}
+			}
+			// Format unequal.
+			assert(opts.DiffMode == diffUnknown)
+			var list textList
+			outx := opts.WithTypeMode(elideType).FormatValue(v.ValueX, visitedPointers{})
+			outy := opts.WithTypeMode(elideType).FormatValue(v.ValueY, visitedPointers{})
+			if outx != nil {
+				list = append(list, textRecord{Diff: '-', Value: outx})
+			}
+			if outy != nil {
+				list = append(list, textRecord{Diff: '+', Value: outy})
+			}
+			return opts.WithTypeMode(emitType).FormatType(v.Type, list)
+		case diffRemoved:
+			return opts.FormatValue(v.ValueX, visitedPointers{})
+		case diffInserted:
+			return opts.FormatValue(v.ValueY, visitedPointers{})
+		default:
+			panic("invalid diff mode")
+		}
+	}
+	// Descend into the child value node.
+	if v.TransformerName != "" {
+		out := opts.WithTypeMode(emitType).FormatDiff(v.Value)
+		out = textWrap{"Inverse(" + v.TransformerName + ", ", out, ")"}
+		return opts.FormatType(v.Type, out)
+	} else {
+		switch k := v.Type.Kind(); k {
+		case reflect.Struct, reflect.Array, reflect.Slice, reflect.Map:
+			return opts.FormatType(v.Type, opts.formatDiffList(v.Records, k))
+		case reflect.Ptr:
+			return textWrap{"&", opts.FormatDiff(v.Value), ""}
+		case reflect.Interface:
+			return opts.WithTypeMode(emitType).FormatDiff(v.Value)
+		default:
+			panic(fmt.Sprintf("%v cannot have children", k))
+		}
+	}
+func (opts formatOptions) formatDiffList(recs []reportRecord, k reflect.Kind) textNode {
+	// Derive record name based on the data structure kind.
+	var name string
+	var formatKey func(reflect.Value) string
+	switch k {
+	case reflect.Struct:
+		name = "field"
+		opts = opts.WithTypeMode(autoType)
+		formatKey = func(v reflect.Value) string { return v.String() }
+	case reflect.Slice, reflect.Array:
+		name = "element"
+		opts = opts.WithTypeMode(elideType)
+		formatKey = func(reflect.Value) string { return "" }
+	case reflect.Map:
+		name = "entry"
+		opts = opts.WithTypeMode(elideType)
+		formatKey = formatMapKey
+	}
+	// Handle unification.
+	switch opts.DiffMode {
+	case diffIdentical, diffRemoved, diffInserted:
+		var list textList
+		var deferredEllipsis bool // Add final "..." to indicate records were dropped
+		for _, r := range recs {
+			// Elide struct fields that are zero value.
+			if k == reflect.Struct {
+				var isZero bool
+				switch opts.DiffMode {
+				case diffIdentical:
+					isZero = value.IsZero(r.Value.ValueX) || value.IsZero(r.Value.ValueX)
+				case diffRemoved:
+					isZero = value.IsZero(r.Value.ValueX)
+				case diffInserted:
+					isZero = value.IsZero(r.Value.ValueY)
+				}
+				if isZero {
+					continue
+				}
+			}
+			// Elide ignored nodes.
+			if r.Value.NumIgnored > 0 && r.Value.NumSame+r.Value.NumDiff == 0 {
+				deferredEllipsis = !(k == reflect.Slice || k == reflect.Array)
+				if !deferredEllipsis {
+					list.AppendEllipsis(diffStats{})
+				}
+				continue
+			}
+			if out := opts.FormatDiff(r.Value); out != nil {
+				list = append(list, textRecord{Key: formatKey(r.Key), Value: out})
+			}
+		}
+		if deferredEllipsis {
+			list.AppendEllipsis(diffStats{})
+		}
+		return textWrap{"{", list, "}"}
+	case diffUnknown:
+	default:
+		panic("invalid diff mode")
+	}
+	// Handle differencing.
+	var list textList
+	groups := coalesceAdjacentRecords(name, recs)
+	for i, ds := range groups {
+		// Handle equal records.
+		if ds.NumDiff() == 0 {
+			// Compute the number of leading and trailing records to print.
+			var numLo, numHi int
+			numEqual := ds.NumIgnored + ds.NumIdentical
+			for numLo < numContextRecords && numLo+numHi < numEqual && i != 0 {
+				if r := recs[numLo].Value; r.NumIgnored > 0 && r.NumSame+r.NumDiff == 0 {
+					break
+				}
+				numLo++
+			}
+			for numHi < numContextRecords && numLo+numHi < numEqual && i != len(groups)-1 {
+				if r := recs[numEqual-numHi-1].Value; r.NumIgnored > 0 && r.NumSame+r.NumDiff == 0 {
+					break
+				}
+				numHi++
+			}
+			if numEqual-(numLo+numHi) == 1 && ds.NumIgnored == 0 {
+				numHi++ // Avoid pointless coalescing of a single equal record
+			}
+			// Format the equal values.
+			for _, r := range recs[:numLo] {
+				out := opts.WithDiffMode(diffIdentical).FormatDiff(r.Value)
+				list = append(list, textRecord{Key: formatKey(r.Key), Value: out})
+			}
+			if numEqual > numLo+numHi {
+				ds.NumIdentical -= numLo + numHi
+				list.AppendEllipsis(ds)
+			}
+			for _, r := range recs[numEqual-numHi : numEqual] {
+				out := opts.WithDiffMode(diffIdentical).FormatDiff(r.Value)
+				list = append(list, textRecord{Key: formatKey(r.Key), Value: out})
+			}
+			recs = recs[numEqual:]
+			continue
+		}
+		// Handle unequal records.
+		for _, r := range recs[:ds.NumDiff()] {
+			switch {
+			case opts.CanFormatDiffSlice(r.Value):
+				out := opts.FormatDiffSlice(r.Value)
+				list = append(list, textRecord{Key: formatKey(r.Key), Value: out})
+			case r.Value.NumChildren == r.Value.MaxDepth:
+				outx := opts.WithDiffMode(diffRemoved).FormatDiff(r.Value)
+				outy := opts.WithDiffMode(diffInserted).FormatDiff(r.Value)
+				if outx != nil {
+					list = append(list, textRecord{Diff: diffRemoved, Key: formatKey(r.Key), Value: outx})
+				}
+				if outy != nil {
+					list = append(list, textRecord{Diff: diffInserted, Key: formatKey(r.Key), Value: outy})
+				}
+			default:
+				out := opts.FormatDiff(r.Value)
+				list = append(list, textRecord{Key: formatKey(r.Key), Value: out})
+			}
+		}
+		recs = recs[ds.NumDiff():]
+	}
+	assert(len(recs) == 0)
+	return textWrap{"{", list, "}"}
+// coalesceAdjacentRecords coalesces the list of records into groups of
+// adjacent equal, or unequal counts.
+func coalesceAdjacentRecords(name string, recs []reportRecord) (groups []diffStats) {
+	var prevCase int // Arbitrary index into which case last occurred
+	lastStats := func(i int) *diffStats {
+		if prevCase != i {
+			groups = append(groups, diffStats{Name: name})
+			prevCase = i
+		}
+		return &groups[len(groups)-1]
+	}
+	for _, r := range recs {
+		switch rv := r.Value; {
+		case rv.NumIgnored > 0 && rv.NumSame+rv.NumDiff == 0:
+			lastStats(1).NumIgnored++
+		case rv.NumDiff == 0:
+			lastStats(1).NumIdentical++
+		case rv.NumDiff > 0 && !rv.ValueY.IsValid():
+			lastStats(2).NumRemoved++
+		case rv.NumDiff > 0 && !rv.ValueX.IsValid():
+			lastStats(2).NumInserted++
+		default:
+			lastStats(2).NumModified++
+		}
+	}
+	return groups
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/report_reflect.go b/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/report_reflect.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5521c60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/report_reflect.go
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+// Copyright 2019, The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE.md file.
+package cmp
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	"reflect"
+	"strconv"
+	"strings"
+	"unicode"
+	"github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/internal/flags"
+	"github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/internal/value"
+type formatValueOptions struct {
+	// AvoidStringer controls whether to avoid calling custom stringer
+	// methods like error.Error or fmt.Stringer.String.
+	AvoidStringer bool
+	// ShallowPointers controls whether to avoid descending into pointers.
+	// Useful when printing map keys, where pointer comparison is performed
+	// on the pointer address rather than the pointed-at value.
+	ShallowPointers bool
+	// PrintAddresses controls whether to print the address of all pointers,
+	// slice elements, and maps.
+	PrintAddresses bool
+// FormatType prints the type as if it were wrapping s.
+// This may return s as-is depending on the current type and TypeMode mode.
+func (opts formatOptions) FormatType(t reflect.Type, s textNode) textNode {
+	// Check whether to emit the type or not.
+	switch opts.TypeMode {
+	case autoType:
+		switch t.Kind() {
+		case reflect.Struct, reflect.Slice, reflect.Array, reflect.Map:
+			if s.Equal(textNil) {
+				return s
+			}
+		default:
+			return s
+		}
+	case elideType:
+		return s
+	}
+	// Determine the type label, applying special handling for unnamed types.
+	typeName := t.String()
+	if t.Name() == "" {
+		// According to Go grammar, certain type literals contain symbols that
+		// do not strongly bind to the next lexicographical token (e.g., *T).
+		switch t.Kind() {
+		case reflect.Chan, reflect.Func, reflect.Ptr:
+			typeName = "(" + typeName + ")"
+		}
+		typeName = strings.Replace(typeName, "struct {", "struct{", -1)
+		typeName = strings.Replace(typeName, "interface {", "interface{", -1)
+	}
+	// Avoid wrap the value in parenthesis if unnecessary.
+	if s, ok := s.(textWrap); ok {
+		hasParens := strings.HasPrefix(s.Prefix, "(") && strings.HasSuffix(s.Suffix, ")")
+		hasBraces := strings.HasPrefix(s.Prefix, "{") && strings.HasSuffix(s.Suffix, "}")
+		if hasParens || hasBraces {
+			return textWrap{typeName, s, ""}
+		}
+	}
+	return textWrap{typeName + "(", s, ")"}
+// FormatValue prints the reflect.Value, taking extra care to avoid descending
+// into pointers already in m. As pointers are visited, m is also updated.
+func (opts formatOptions) FormatValue(v reflect.Value, m visitedPointers) (out textNode) {
+	if !v.IsValid() {
+		return nil
+	}
+	t := v.Type()
+	// Check whether there is an Error or String method to call.
+	if !opts.AvoidStringer && v.CanInterface() {
+		// Avoid calling Error or String methods on nil receivers since many
+		// implementations crash when doing so.
+		if (t.Kind() != reflect.Ptr && t.Kind() != reflect.Interface) || !v.IsNil() {
+			switch v := v.Interface().(type) {
+			case error:
+				return textLine("e" + formatString(v.Error()))
+			case fmt.Stringer:
+				return textLine("s" + formatString(v.String()))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	// Check whether to explicitly wrap the result with the type.
+	var skipType bool
+	defer func() {
+		if !skipType {
+			out = opts.FormatType(t, out)
+		}
+	}()
+	var ptr string
+	switch t.Kind() {
+	case reflect.Bool:
+		return textLine(fmt.Sprint(v.Bool()))
+	case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
+		return textLine(fmt.Sprint(v.Int()))
+	case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr:
+		// Unnamed uints are usually bytes or words, so use hexadecimal.
+		if t.PkgPath() == "" || t.Kind() == reflect.Uintptr {
+			return textLine(formatHex(v.Uint()))
+		}
+		return textLine(fmt.Sprint(v.Uint()))
+	case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
+		return textLine(fmt.Sprint(v.Float()))
+	case reflect.Complex64, reflect.Complex128:
+		return textLine(fmt.Sprint(v.Complex()))
+	case reflect.String:
+		return textLine(formatString(v.String()))
+	case reflect.UnsafePointer, reflect.Chan, reflect.Func:
+		return textLine(formatPointer(v))
+	case reflect.Struct:
+		var list textList
+		for i := 0; i < v.NumField(); i++ {
+			vv := v.Field(i)
+			if value.IsZero(vv) {
+				continue // Elide fields with zero values
+			}
+			s := opts.WithTypeMode(autoType).FormatValue(vv, m)
+			list = append(list, textRecord{Key: t.Field(i).Name, Value: s})
+		}
+		return textWrap{"{", list, "}"}
+	case reflect.Slice:
+		if v.IsNil() {
+			return textNil
+		}
+		if opts.PrintAddresses {
+			ptr = formatPointer(v)
+		}
+		fallthrough
+	case reflect.Array:
+		var list textList
+		for i := 0; i < v.Len(); i++ {
+			vi := v.Index(i)
+			if vi.CanAddr() { // Check for cyclic elements
+				p := vi.Addr()
+				if m.Visit(p) {
+					var out textNode
+					out = textLine(formatPointer(p))
+					out = opts.WithTypeMode(emitType).FormatType(p.Type(), out)
+					out = textWrap{"*", out, ""}
+					list = append(list, textRecord{Value: out})
+					continue
+				}
+			}
+			s := opts.WithTypeMode(elideType).FormatValue(vi, m)
+			list = append(list, textRecord{Value: s})
+		}
+		return textWrap{ptr + "{", list, "}"}
+	case reflect.Map:
+		if v.IsNil() {
+			return textNil
+		}
+		if m.Visit(v) {
+			return textLine(formatPointer(v))
+		}
+		var list textList
+		for _, k := range value.SortKeys(v.MapKeys()) {
+			sk := formatMapKey(k)
+			sv := opts.WithTypeMode(elideType).FormatValue(v.MapIndex(k), m)
+			list = append(list, textRecord{Key: sk, Value: sv})
+		}
+		if opts.PrintAddresses {
+			ptr = formatPointer(v)
+		}
+		return textWrap{ptr + "{", list, "}"}
+	case reflect.Ptr:
+		if v.IsNil() {
+			return textNil
+		}
+		if m.Visit(v) || opts.ShallowPointers {
+			return textLine(formatPointer(v))
+		}
+		if opts.PrintAddresses {
+			ptr = formatPointer(v)
+		}
+		skipType = true // Let the underlying value print the type instead
+		return textWrap{"&" + ptr, opts.FormatValue(v.Elem(), m), ""}
+	case reflect.Interface:
+		if v.IsNil() {
+			return textNil
+		}
+		// Interfaces accept different concrete types,
+		// so configure the underlying value to explicitly print the type.
+		skipType = true // Print the concrete type instead
+		return opts.WithTypeMode(emitType).FormatValue(v.Elem(), m)
+	default:
+		panic(fmt.Sprintf("%v kind not handled", v.Kind()))
+	}
+// formatMapKey formats v as if it were a map key.
+// The result is guaranteed to be a single line.
+func formatMapKey(v reflect.Value) string {
+	var opts formatOptions
+	opts.TypeMode = elideType
+	opts.AvoidStringer = true
+	opts.ShallowPointers = true
+	s := opts.FormatValue(v, visitedPointers{}).String()
+	return strings.TrimSpace(s)
+// formatString prints s as a double-quoted or backtick-quoted string.
+func formatString(s string) string {
+	// Use quoted string if it the same length as a raw string literal.
+	// Otherwise, attempt to use the raw string form.
+	qs := strconv.Quote(s)
+	if len(qs) == 1+len(s)+1 {
+		return qs
+	}
+	// Disallow newlines to ensure output is a single line.
+	// Only allow printable runes for readability purposes.
+	rawInvalid := func(r rune) bool {
+		return r == '`' || r == '\n' || !(unicode.IsPrint(r) || r == '\t')
+	}
+	if strings.IndexFunc(s, rawInvalid) < 0 {
+		return "`" + s + "`"
+	}
+	return qs
+// formatHex prints u as a hexadecimal integer in Go notation.
+func formatHex(u uint64) string {
+	var f string
+	switch {
+	case u <= 0xff:
+		f = "0x%02x"
+	case u <= 0xffff:
+		f = "0x%04x"
+	case u <= 0xffffff:
+		f = "0x%06x"
+	case u <= 0xffffffff:
+		f = "0x%08x"
+	case u <= 0xffffffffff:
+		f = "0x%010x"
+	case u <= 0xffffffffffff:
+		f = "0x%012x"
+	case u <= 0xffffffffffffff:
+		f = "0x%014x"
+	case u <= 0xffffffffffffffff:
+		f = "0x%016x"
+	}
+	return fmt.Sprintf(f, u)
+// formatPointer prints the address of the pointer.
+func formatPointer(v reflect.Value) string {
+	p := v.Pointer()
+	if flags.Deterministic {
+		p = 0xdeadf00f // Only used for stable testing purposes
+	}
+	return fmt.Sprintf("⟪0x%x⟫", p)
+type visitedPointers map[value.Pointer]struct{}
+// Visit inserts pointer v into the visited map and reports whether it had
+// already been visited before.
+func (m visitedPointers) Visit(v reflect.Value) bool {
+	p := value.PointerOf(v)
+	_, visited := m[p]
+	m[p] = struct{}{}
+	return visited
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/report_slices.go b/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/report_slices.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8cb3265
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/report_slices.go
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+// Copyright 2019, The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE.md file.
+package cmp
+import (
+	"bytes"
+	"fmt"
+	"reflect"
+	"strings"
+	"unicode"
+	"unicode/utf8"
+	"github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/internal/diff"
+// CanFormatDiffSlice reports whether we support custom formatting for nodes
+// that are slices of primitive kinds or strings.
+func (opts formatOptions) CanFormatDiffSlice(v *valueNode) bool {
+	switch {
+	case opts.DiffMode != diffUnknown:
+		return false // Must be formatting in diff mode
+	case v.NumDiff == 0:
+		return false // No differences detected
+	case v.NumIgnored+v.NumCompared+v.NumTransformed > 0:
+		// TODO: Handle the case where someone uses bytes.Equal on a large slice.
+		return false // Some custom option was used to determined equality
+	case !v.ValueX.IsValid() || !v.ValueY.IsValid():
+		return false // Both values must be valid
+	}
+	switch t := v.Type; t.Kind() {
+	case reflect.String:
+	case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice:
+		// Only slices of primitive types have specialized handling.
+		switch t.Elem().Kind() {
+		case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64,
+			reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr,
+			reflect.Bool, reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64, reflect.Complex64, reflect.Complex128:
+		default:
+			return false
+		}
+		// If a sufficient number of elements already differ,
+		// use specialized formatting even if length requirement is not met.
+		if v.NumDiff > v.NumSame {
+			return true
+		}
+	default:
+		return false
+	}
+	// Use specialized string diffing for longer slices or strings.
+	const minLength = 64
+	return v.ValueX.Len() >= minLength && v.ValueY.Len() >= minLength
+// FormatDiffSlice prints a diff for the slices (or strings) represented by v.
+// This provides custom-tailored logic to make printing of differences in
+// textual strings and slices of primitive kinds more readable.
+func (opts formatOptions) FormatDiffSlice(v *valueNode) textNode {
+	assert(opts.DiffMode == diffUnknown)
+	t, vx, vy := v.Type, v.ValueX, v.ValueY
+	// Auto-detect the type of the data.
+	var isLinedText, isText, isBinary bool
+	var sx, sy string
+	switch {
+	case t.Kind() == reflect.String:
+		sx, sy = vx.String(), vy.String()
+		isText = true // Initial estimate, verify later
+	case t.Kind() == reflect.Slice && t.Elem() == reflect.TypeOf(byte(0)):
+		sx, sy = string(vx.Bytes()), string(vy.Bytes())
+		isBinary = true // Initial estimate, verify later
+	case t.Kind() == reflect.Array:
+		// Arrays need to be addressable for slice operations to work.
+		vx2, vy2 := reflect.New(t).Elem(), reflect.New(t).Elem()
+		vx2.Set(vx)
+		vy2.Set(vy)
+		vx, vy = vx2, vy2
+	}
+	if isText || isBinary {
+		var numLines, lastLineIdx, maxLineLen int
+		isBinary = false
+		for i, r := range sx + sy {
+			if !(unicode.IsPrint(r) || unicode.IsSpace(r)) || r == utf8.RuneError {
+				isBinary = true
+				break
+			}
+			if r == '\n' {
+				if maxLineLen < i-lastLineIdx {
+					lastLineIdx = i - lastLineIdx
+				}
+				lastLineIdx = i + 1
+				numLines++
+			}
+		}
+		isText = !isBinary
+		isLinedText = isText && numLines >= 4 && maxLineLen <= 256
+	}
+	// Format the string into printable records.
+	var list textList
+	var delim string
+	switch {
+	// If the text appears to be multi-lined text,
+	// then perform differencing across individual lines.
+	case isLinedText:
+		ssx := strings.Split(sx, "\n")
+		ssy := strings.Split(sy, "\n")
+		list = opts.formatDiffSlice(
+			reflect.ValueOf(ssx), reflect.ValueOf(ssy), 1, "line",
+			func(v reflect.Value, d diffMode) textRecord {
+				s := formatString(v.Index(0).String())
+				return textRecord{Diff: d, Value: textLine(s)}
+			},
+		)
+		delim = "\n"
+	// If the text appears to be single-lined text,
+	// then perform differencing in approximately fixed-sized chunks.
+	// The output is printed as quoted strings.
+	case isText:
+		list = opts.formatDiffSlice(
+			reflect.ValueOf(sx), reflect.ValueOf(sy), 64, "byte",
+			func(v reflect.Value, d diffMode) textRecord {
+				s := formatString(v.String())
+				return textRecord{Diff: d, Value: textLine(s)}
+			},
+		)
+		delim = ""
+	// If the text appears to be binary data,
+	// then perform differencing in approximately fixed-sized chunks.
+	// The output is inspired by hexdump.
+	case isBinary:
+		list = opts.formatDiffSlice(
+			reflect.ValueOf(sx), reflect.ValueOf(sy), 16, "byte",
+			func(v reflect.Value, d diffMode) textRecord {
+				var ss []string
+				for i := 0; i < v.Len(); i++ {
+					ss = append(ss, formatHex(v.Index(i).Uint()))
+				}
+				s := strings.Join(ss, ", ")
+				comment := commentString(fmt.Sprintf("%c|%v|", d, formatASCII(v.String())))
+				return textRecord{Diff: d, Value: textLine(s), Comment: comment}
+			},
+		)
+	// For all other slices of primitive types,
+	// then perform differencing in approximately fixed-sized chunks.
+	// The size of each chunk depends on the width of the element kind.
+	default:
+		var chunkSize int
+		if t.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Bool {
+			chunkSize = 16
+		} else {
+			switch t.Elem().Bits() {
+			case 8:
+				chunkSize = 16
+			case 16:
+				chunkSize = 12
+			case 32:
+				chunkSize = 8
+			default:
+				chunkSize = 8
+			}
+		}
+		list = opts.formatDiffSlice(
+			vx, vy, chunkSize, t.Elem().Kind().String(),
+			func(v reflect.Value, d diffMode) textRecord {
+				var ss []string
+				for i := 0; i < v.Len(); i++ {
+					switch t.Elem().Kind() {
+					case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
+						ss = append(ss, fmt.Sprint(v.Index(i).Int()))
+					case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr:
+						ss = append(ss, formatHex(v.Index(i).Uint()))
+					case reflect.Bool, reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64, reflect.Complex64, reflect.Complex128:
+						ss = append(ss, fmt.Sprint(v.Index(i).Interface()))
+					}
+				}
+				s := strings.Join(ss, ", ")
+				return textRecord{Diff: d, Value: textLine(s)}
+			},
+		)
+	}
+	// Wrap the output with appropriate type information.
+	var out textNode = textWrap{"{", list, "}"}
+	if !isText {
+		// The "{...}" byte-sequence literal is not valid Go syntax for strings.
+		// Emit the type for extra clarity (e.g. "string{...}").
+		if t.Kind() == reflect.String {
+			opts = opts.WithTypeMode(emitType)
+		}
+		return opts.FormatType(t, out)
+	}
+	switch t.Kind() {
+	case reflect.String:
+		out = textWrap{"strings.Join(", out, fmt.Sprintf(", %q)", delim)}
+		if t != reflect.TypeOf(string("")) {
+			out = opts.FormatType(t, out)
+		}
+	case reflect.Slice:
+		out = textWrap{"bytes.Join(", out, fmt.Sprintf(", %q)", delim)}
+		if t != reflect.TypeOf([]byte(nil)) {
+			out = opts.FormatType(t, out)
+		}
+	}
+	return out
+// formatASCII formats s as an ASCII string.
+// This is useful for printing binary strings in a semi-legible way.
+func formatASCII(s string) string {
+	b := bytes.Repeat([]byte{'.'}, len(s))
+	for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
+		if ' ' <= s[i] && s[i] <= '~' {
+			b[i] = s[i]
+		}
+	}
+	return string(b)
+func (opts formatOptions) formatDiffSlice(
+	vx, vy reflect.Value, chunkSize int, name string,
+	makeRec func(reflect.Value, diffMode) textRecord,
+) (list textList) {
+	es := diff.Difference(vx.Len(), vy.Len(), func(ix int, iy int) diff.Result {
+		return diff.BoolResult(vx.Index(ix).Interface() == vy.Index(iy).Interface())
+	})
+	appendChunks := func(v reflect.Value, d diffMode) int {
+		n0 := v.Len()
+		for v.Len() > 0 {
+			n := chunkSize
+			if n > v.Len() {
+				n = v.Len()
+			}
+			list = append(list, makeRec(v.Slice(0, n), d))
+			v = v.Slice(n, v.Len())
+		}
+		return n0 - v.Len()
+	}
+	groups := coalesceAdjacentEdits(name, es)
+	groups = coalesceInterveningIdentical(groups, chunkSize/4)
+	for i, ds := range groups {
+		// Print equal.
+		if ds.NumDiff() == 0 {
+			// Compute the number of leading and trailing equal bytes to print.
+			var numLo, numHi int
+			numEqual := ds.NumIgnored + ds.NumIdentical
+			for numLo < chunkSize*numContextRecords && numLo+numHi < numEqual && i != 0 {
+				numLo++
+			}
+			for numHi < chunkSize*numContextRecords && numLo+numHi < numEqual && i != len(groups)-1 {
+				numHi++
+			}
+			if numEqual-(numLo+numHi) <= chunkSize && ds.NumIgnored == 0 {
+				numHi = numEqual - numLo // Avoid pointless coalescing of single equal row
+			}
+			// Print the equal bytes.
+			appendChunks(vx.Slice(0, numLo), diffIdentical)
+			if numEqual > numLo+numHi {
+				ds.NumIdentical -= numLo + numHi
+				list.AppendEllipsis(ds)
+			}
+			appendChunks(vx.Slice(numEqual-numHi, numEqual), diffIdentical)
+			vx = vx.Slice(numEqual, vx.Len())
+			vy = vy.Slice(numEqual, vy.Len())
+			continue
+		}
+		// Print unequal.
+		nx := appendChunks(vx.Slice(0, ds.NumIdentical+ds.NumRemoved+ds.NumModified), diffRemoved)
+		vx = vx.Slice(nx, vx.Len())
+		ny := appendChunks(vy.Slice(0, ds.NumIdentical+ds.NumInserted+ds.NumModified), diffInserted)
+		vy = vy.Slice(ny, vy.Len())
+	}
+	assert(vx.Len() == 0 && vy.Len() == 0)
+	return list
+// coalesceAdjacentEdits coalesces the list of edits into groups of adjacent
+// equal or unequal counts.
+func coalesceAdjacentEdits(name string, es diff.EditScript) (groups []diffStats) {
+	var prevCase int // Arbitrary index into which case last occurred
+	lastStats := func(i int) *diffStats {
+		if prevCase != i {
+			groups = append(groups, diffStats{Name: name})
+			prevCase = i
+		}
+		return &groups[len(groups)-1]
+	}
+	for _, e := range es {
+		switch e {
+		case diff.Identity:
+			lastStats(1).NumIdentical++
+		case diff.UniqueX:
+			lastStats(2).NumRemoved++
+		case diff.UniqueY:
+			lastStats(2).NumInserted++
+		case diff.Modified:
+			lastStats(2).NumModified++
+		}
+	}
+	return groups
+// coalesceInterveningIdentical coalesces sufficiently short (<= windowSize)
+// equal groups into adjacent unequal groups that currently result in a
+// dual inserted/removed printout. This acts as a high-pass filter to smooth
+// out high-frequency changes within the windowSize.
+func coalesceInterveningIdentical(groups []diffStats, windowSize int) []diffStats {
+	groups, groupsOrig := groups[:0], groups
+	for i, ds := range groupsOrig {
+		if len(groups) >= 2 && ds.NumDiff() > 0 {
+			prev := &groups[len(groups)-2] // Unequal group
+			curr := &groups[len(groups)-1] // Equal group
+			next := &groupsOrig[i]         // Unequal group
+			hadX, hadY := prev.NumRemoved > 0, prev.NumInserted > 0
+			hasX, hasY := next.NumRemoved > 0, next.NumInserted > 0
+			if ((hadX || hasX) && (hadY || hasY)) && curr.NumIdentical <= windowSize {
+				*prev = (*prev).Append(*curr).Append(*next)
+				groups = groups[:len(groups)-1] // Truncate off equal group
+				continue
+			}
+		}
+		groups = append(groups, ds)
+	}
+	return groups
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/report_text.go b/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/report_text.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80605d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/report_text.go
@@ -0,0 +1,382 @@
+// Copyright 2019, The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE.md file.
+package cmp
+import (
+	"bytes"
+	"fmt"
+	"math/rand"
+	"strings"
+	"time"
+	"github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/internal/flags"
+var randBool = rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().Unix())).Intn(2) == 0
+type indentMode int
+func (n indentMode) appendIndent(b []byte, d diffMode) []byte {
+	if flags.Deterministic || randBool {
+		// Use regular spaces (U+0020).
+		switch d {
+		case diffUnknown, diffIdentical:
+			b = append(b, "  "...)
+		case diffRemoved:
+			b = append(b, "- "...)
+		case diffInserted:
+			b = append(b, "+ "...)
+		}
+	} else {
+		// Use non-breaking spaces (U+00a0).
+		switch d {
+		case diffUnknown, diffIdentical:
+			b = append(b, "  "...)
+		case diffRemoved:
+			b = append(b, "- "...)
+		case diffInserted:
+			b = append(b, "+ "...)
+		}
+	}
+	return repeatCount(n).appendChar(b, '\t')
+type repeatCount int
+func (n repeatCount) appendChar(b []byte, c byte) []byte {
+	for ; n > 0; n-- {
+		b = append(b, c)
+	}
+	return b
+// textNode is a simplified tree-based representation of structured text.
+// Possible node types are textWrap, textList, or textLine.
+type textNode interface {
+	// Len reports the length in bytes of a single-line version of the tree.
+	// Nested textRecord.Diff and textRecord.Comment fields are ignored.
+	Len() int
+	// Equal reports whether the two trees are structurally identical.
+	// Nested textRecord.Diff and textRecord.Comment fields are compared.
+	Equal(textNode) bool
+	// String returns the string representation of the text tree.
+	// It is not guaranteed that len(x.String()) == x.Len(),
+	// nor that x.String() == y.String() implies that x.Equal(y).
+	String() string
+	// formatCompactTo formats the contents of the tree as a single-line string
+	// to the provided buffer. Any nested textRecord.Diff and textRecord.Comment
+	// fields are ignored.
+	//
+	// However, not all nodes in the tree should be collapsed as a single-line.
+	// If a node can be collapsed as a single-line, it is replaced by a textLine
+	// node. Since the top-level node cannot replace itself, this also returns
+	// the current node itself.
+	//
+	// This does not mutate the receiver.
+	formatCompactTo([]byte, diffMode) ([]byte, textNode)
+	// formatExpandedTo formats the contents of the tree as a multi-line string
+	// to the provided buffer. In order for column alignment to operate well,
+	// formatCompactTo must be called before calling formatExpandedTo.
+	formatExpandedTo([]byte, diffMode, indentMode) []byte
+// textWrap is a wrapper that concatenates a prefix and/or a suffix
+// to the underlying node.
+type textWrap struct {
+	Prefix string   // e.g., "bytes.Buffer{"
+	Value  textNode // textWrap | textList | textLine
+	Suffix string   // e.g., "}"
+func (s textWrap) Len() int {
+	return len(s.Prefix) + s.Value.Len() + len(s.Suffix)
+func (s1 textWrap) Equal(s2 textNode) bool {
+	if s2, ok := s2.(textWrap); ok {
+		return s1.Prefix == s2.Prefix && s1.Value.Equal(s2.Value) && s1.Suffix == s2.Suffix
+	}
+	return false
+func (s textWrap) String() string {
+	var d diffMode
+	var n indentMode
+	_, s2 := s.formatCompactTo(nil, d)
+	b := n.appendIndent(nil, d)      // Leading indent
+	b = s2.formatExpandedTo(b, d, n) // Main body
+	b = append(b, '\n')              // Trailing newline
+	return string(b)
+func (s textWrap) formatCompactTo(b []byte, d diffMode) ([]byte, textNode) {
+	n0 := len(b) // Original buffer length
+	b = append(b, s.Prefix...)
+	b, s.Value = s.Value.formatCompactTo(b, d)
+	b = append(b, s.Suffix...)
+	if _, ok := s.Value.(textLine); ok {
+		return b, textLine(b[n0:])
+	}
+	return b, s
+func (s textWrap) formatExpandedTo(b []byte, d diffMode, n indentMode) []byte {
+	b = append(b, s.Prefix...)
+	b = s.Value.formatExpandedTo(b, d, n)
+	b = append(b, s.Suffix...)
+	return b
+// textList is a comma-separated list of textWrap or textLine nodes.
+// The list may be formatted as multi-lines or single-line at the discretion
+// of the textList.formatCompactTo method.
+type textList []textRecord
+type textRecord struct {
+	Diff    diffMode     // e.g., 0 or '-' or '+'
+	Key     string       // e.g., "MyField"
+	Value   textNode     // textWrap | textLine
+	Comment fmt.Stringer // e.g., "6 identical fields"
+// AppendEllipsis appends a new ellipsis node to the list if none already
+// exists at the end. If cs is non-zero it coalesces the statistics with the
+// previous diffStats.
+func (s *textList) AppendEllipsis(ds diffStats) {
+	hasStats := ds != diffStats{}
+	if len(*s) == 0 || !(*s)[len(*s)-1].Value.Equal(textEllipsis) {
+		if hasStats {
+			*s = append(*s, textRecord{Value: textEllipsis, Comment: ds})
+		} else {
+			*s = append(*s, textRecord{Value: textEllipsis})
+		}
+		return
+	}
+	if hasStats {
+		(*s)[len(*s)-1].Comment = (*s)[len(*s)-1].Comment.(diffStats).Append(ds)
+	}
+func (s textList) Len() (n int) {
+	for i, r := range s {
+		n += len(r.Key)
+		if r.Key != "" {
+			n += len(": ")
+		}
+		n += r.Value.Len()
+		if i < len(s)-1 {
+			n += len(", ")
+		}
+	}
+	return n
+func (s1 textList) Equal(s2 textNode) bool {
+	if s2, ok := s2.(textList); ok {
+		if len(s1) != len(s2) {
+			return false
+		}
+		for i := range s1 {
+			r1, r2 := s1[i], s2[i]
+			if !(r1.Diff == r2.Diff && r1.Key == r2.Key && r1.Value.Equal(r2.Value) && r1.Comment == r2.Comment) {
+				return false
+			}
+		}
+		return true
+	}
+	return false
+func (s textList) String() string {
+	return textWrap{"{", s, "}"}.String()
+func (s textList) formatCompactTo(b []byte, d diffMode) ([]byte, textNode) {
+	s = append(textList(nil), s...) // Avoid mutating original
+	// Determine whether we can collapse this list as a single line.
+	n0 := len(b) // Original buffer length
+	var multiLine bool
+	for i, r := range s {
+		if r.Diff == diffInserted || r.Diff == diffRemoved {
+			multiLine = true
+		}
+		b = append(b, r.Key...)
+		if r.Key != "" {
+			b = append(b, ": "...)
+		}
+		b, s[i].Value = r.Value.formatCompactTo(b, d|r.Diff)
+		if _, ok := s[i].Value.(textLine); !ok {
+			multiLine = true
+		}
+		if r.Comment != nil {
+			multiLine = true
+		}
+		if i < len(s)-1 {
+			b = append(b, ", "...)
+		}
+	}
+	// Force multi-lined output when printing a removed/inserted node that
+	// is sufficiently long.
+	if (d == diffInserted || d == diffRemoved) && len(b[n0:]) > 80 {
+		multiLine = true
+	}
+	if !multiLine {
+		return b, textLine(b[n0:])
+	}
+	return b, s
+func (s textList) formatExpandedTo(b []byte, d diffMode, n indentMode) []byte {
+	alignKeyLens := s.alignLens(
+		func(r textRecord) bool {
+			_, isLine := r.Value.(textLine)
+			return r.Key == "" || !isLine
+		},
+		func(r textRecord) int { return len(r.Key) },
+	)
+	alignValueLens := s.alignLens(
+		func(r textRecord) bool {
+			_, isLine := r.Value.(textLine)
+			return !isLine || r.Value.Equal(textEllipsis) || r.Comment == nil
+		},
+		func(r textRecord) int { return len(r.Value.(textLine)) },
+	)
+	// Format the list as a multi-lined output.
+	n++
+	for i, r := range s {
+		b = n.appendIndent(append(b, '\n'), d|r.Diff)
+		if r.Key != "" {
+			b = append(b, r.Key+": "...)
+		}
+		b = alignKeyLens[i].appendChar(b, ' ')
+		b = r.Value.formatExpandedTo(b, d|r.Diff, n)
+		if !r.Value.Equal(textEllipsis) {
+			b = append(b, ',')
+		}
+		b = alignValueLens[i].appendChar(b, ' ')
+		if r.Comment != nil {
+			b = append(b, " // "+r.Comment.String()...)
+		}
+	}
+	n--
+	return n.appendIndent(append(b, '\n'), d)
+func (s textList) alignLens(
+	skipFunc func(textRecord) bool,
+	lenFunc func(textRecord) int,
+) []repeatCount {
+	var startIdx, endIdx, maxLen int
+	lens := make([]repeatCount, len(s))
+	for i, r := range s {
+		if skipFunc(r) {
+			for j := startIdx; j < endIdx && j < len(s); j++ {
+				lens[j] = repeatCount(maxLen - lenFunc(s[j]))
+			}
+			startIdx, endIdx, maxLen = i+1, i+1, 0
+		} else {
+			if maxLen < lenFunc(r) {
+				maxLen = lenFunc(r)
+			}
+			endIdx = i + 1
+		}
+	}
+	for j := startIdx; j < endIdx && j < len(s); j++ {
+		lens[j] = repeatCount(maxLen - lenFunc(s[j]))
+	}
+	return lens
+// textLine is a single-line segment of text and is always a leaf node
+// in the textNode tree.
+type textLine []byte
+var (
+	textNil      = textLine("nil")
+	textEllipsis = textLine("...")
+func (s textLine) Len() int {
+	return len(s)
+func (s1 textLine) Equal(s2 textNode) bool {
+	if s2, ok := s2.(textLine); ok {
+		return bytes.Equal([]byte(s1), []byte(s2))
+	}
+	return false
+func (s textLine) String() string {
+	return string(s)
+func (s textLine) formatCompactTo(b []byte, d diffMode) ([]byte, textNode) {
+	return append(b, s...), s
+func (s textLine) formatExpandedTo(b []byte, _ diffMode, _ indentMode) []byte {
+	return append(b, s...)
+type diffStats struct {
+	Name         string
+	NumIgnored   int
+	NumIdentical int
+	NumRemoved   int
+	NumInserted  int
+	NumModified  int
+func (s diffStats) NumDiff() int {
+	return s.NumRemoved + s.NumInserted + s.NumModified
+func (s diffStats) Append(ds diffStats) diffStats {
+	assert(s.Name == ds.Name)
+	s.NumIgnored += ds.NumIgnored
+	s.NumIdentical += ds.NumIdentical
+	s.NumRemoved += ds.NumRemoved
+	s.NumInserted += ds.NumInserted
+	s.NumModified += ds.NumModified
+	return s
+// String prints a humanly-readable summary of coalesced records.
+// Example:
+//	diffStats{Name: "Field", NumIgnored: 5}.String() => "5 ignored fields"
+func (s diffStats) String() string {
+	var ss []string
+	var sum int
+	labels := [...]string{"ignored", "identical", "removed", "inserted", "modified"}
+	counts := [...]int{s.NumIgnored, s.NumIdentical, s.NumRemoved, s.NumInserted, s.NumModified}
+	for i, n := range counts {
+		if n > 0 {
+			ss = append(ss, fmt.Sprintf("%d %v", n, labels[i]))
+		}
+		sum += n
+	}
+	// Pluralize the name (adjusting for some obscure English grammar rules).
+	name := s.Name
+	if sum > 1 {
+		name = name + "s"
+		if strings.HasSuffix(name, "ys") {
+			name = name[:len(name)-2] + "ies" // e.g., "entrys" => "entries"
+		}
+	}
+	// Format the list according to English grammar (with Oxford comma).
+	switch n := len(ss); n {
+	case 0:
+		return ""
+	case 1, 2:
+		return strings.Join(ss, " and ") + " " + name
+	default:
+		return strings.Join(ss[:n-1], ", ") + ", and " + ss[n-1] + " " + name
+	}
+type commentString string
+func (s commentString) String() string { return string(s) }
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/report_value.go b/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/report_value.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83031a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/report_value.go
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+// Copyright 2019, The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE.md file.
+package cmp
+import "reflect"
+// valueNode represents a single node within a report, which is a
+// structured representation of the value tree, containing information
+// regarding which nodes are equal or not.
+type valueNode struct {
+	parent *valueNode
+	Type   reflect.Type
+	ValueX reflect.Value
+	ValueY reflect.Value
+	// NumSame is the number of leaf nodes that are equal.
+	// All descendants are equal only if NumDiff is 0.
+	NumSame int
+	// NumDiff is the number of leaf nodes that are not equal.
+	NumDiff int
+	// NumIgnored is the number of leaf nodes that are ignored.
+	NumIgnored int
+	// NumCompared is the number of leaf nodes that were compared
+	// using an Equal method or Comparer function.
+	NumCompared int
+	// NumTransformed is the number of non-leaf nodes that were transformed.
+	NumTransformed int
+	// NumChildren is the number of transitive descendants of this node.
+	// This counts from zero; thus, leaf nodes have no descendants.
+	NumChildren int
+	// MaxDepth is the maximum depth of the tree. This counts from zero;
+	// thus, leaf nodes have a depth of zero.
+	MaxDepth int
+	// Records is a list of struct fields, slice elements, or map entries.
+	Records []reportRecord // If populated, implies Value is not populated
+	// Value is the result of a transformation, pointer indirect, of
+	// type assertion.
+	Value *valueNode // If populated, implies Records is not populated
+	// TransformerName is the name of the transformer.
+	TransformerName string // If non-empty, implies Value is populated
+type reportRecord struct {
+	Key   reflect.Value // Invalid for slice element
+	Value *valueNode
+func (parent *valueNode) PushStep(ps PathStep) (child *valueNode) {
+	vx, vy := ps.Values()
+	child = &valueNode{parent: parent, Type: ps.Type(), ValueX: vx, ValueY: vy}
+	switch s := ps.(type) {
+	case StructField:
+		assert(parent.Value == nil)
+		parent.Records = append(parent.Records, reportRecord{Key: reflect.ValueOf(s.Name()), Value: child})
+	case SliceIndex:
+		assert(parent.Value == nil)
+		parent.Records = append(parent.Records, reportRecord{Value: child})
+	case MapIndex:
+		assert(parent.Value == nil)
+		parent.Records = append(parent.Records, reportRecord{Key: s.Key(), Value: child})
+	case Indirect:
+		assert(parent.Value == nil && parent.Records == nil)
+		parent.Value = child
+	case TypeAssertion:
+		assert(parent.Value == nil && parent.Records == nil)
+		parent.Value = child
+	case Transform:
+		assert(parent.Value == nil && parent.Records == nil)
+		parent.Value = child
+		parent.TransformerName = s.Name()
+		parent.NumTransformed++
+	default:
+		assert(parent == nil) // Must be the root step
+	}
+	return child
+func (r *valueNode) Report(rs Result) {
+	assert(r.MaxDepth == 0) // May only be called on leaf nodes
+	if rs.ByIgnore() {
+		r.NumIgnored++
+	} else {
+		if rs.Equal() {
+			r.NumSame++
+		} else {
+			r.NumDiff++
+		}
+	}
+	assert(r.NumSame+r.NumDiff+r.NumIgnored == 1)
+	if rs.ByMethod() {
+		r.NumCompared++
+	}
+	if rs.ByFunc() {
+		r.NumCompared++
+	}
+	assert(r.NumCompared <= 1)
+func (child *valueNode) PopStep() (parent *valueNode) {
+	if child.parent == nil {
+		return nil
+	}
+	parent = child.parent
+	parent.NumSame += child.NumSame
+	parent.NumDiff += child.NumDiff
+	parent.NumIgnored += child.NumIgnored
+	parent.NumCompared += child.NumCompared
+	parent.NumTransformed += child.NumTransformed
+	parent.NumChildren += child.NumChildren + 1
+	if parent.MaxDepth < child.MaxDepth+1 {
+		parent.MaxDepth = child.MaxDepth + 1
+	}
+	return parent
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/reporter.go b/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/reporter.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 20e9f18..0000000
--- a/vendor/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/reporter.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2017, The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE.md file.
-package cmp
-import (
-	"fmt"
-	"reflect"
-	"strings"
-	"github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/internal/value"
-type defaultReporter struct {
-	Option
-	diffs  []string // List of differences, possibly truncated
-	ndiffs int      // Total number of differences
-	nbytes int      // Number of bytes in diffs
-	nlines int      // Number of lines in diffs
-var _ reporter = (*defaultReporter)(nil)
-func (r *defaultReporter) Report(x, y reflect.Value, eq bool, p Path) {
-	if eq {
-		return // Ignore equal results
-	}
-	const maxBytes = 4096
-	const maxLines = 256
-	r.ndiffs++
-	if r.nbytes < maxBytes && r.nlines < maxLines {
-		sx := value.Format(x, value.FormatConfig{UseStringer: true})
-		sy := value.Format(y, value.FormatConfig{UseStringer: true})
-		if sx == sy {
-			// Unhelpful output, so use more exact formatting.
-			sx = value.Format(x, value.FormatConfig{PrintPrimitiveType: true})
-			sy = value.Format(y, value.FormatConfig{PrintPrimitiveType: true})
-		}
-		s := fmt.Sprintf("%#v:\n\t-: %s\n\t+: %s\n", p, sx, sy)
-		r.diffs = append(r.diffs, s)
-		r.nbytes += len(s)
-		r.nlines += strings.Count(s, "\n")
-	}
-func (r *defaultReporter) String() string {
-	s := strings.Join(r.diffs, "")
-	if r.ndiffs == len(r.diffs) {
-		return s
-	}
-	return fmt.Sprintf("%s... %d more differences ...", s, r.ndiffs-len(r.diffs))
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/sirupsen/logrus/.travis.yml b/vendor/github.com/sirupsen/logrus/.travis.yml
index a8f1545..7e54dc6 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/sirupsen/logrus/.travis.yml
+++ b/vendor/github.com/sirupsen/logrus/.travis.yml
@@ -1,52 +1,21 @@
 language: go
 go_import_path: github.com/sirupsen/logrus
+  depth: 1
-  - GOMAXPROCS=4 GORACE=halt_on_error=1
+  - GO111MODULE=on
+  - GO111MODULE=off
+go: [ 1.10.x, 1.11.x, 1.12.x ]
+os: [ linux, osx, windows ]
-  include:
-    - go: 1.10.x
-      install:
-        - go get github.com/stretchr/testify/assert
-        - go get golang.org/x/crypto/ssh/terminal
-        - go get golang.org/x/sys/unix
-        - go get golang.org/x/sys/windows
-      script:
-        - go test -race -v ./...
-    - go: 1.11.x
-      env: GO111MODULE=on
-      install:
-        - go mod download
-      script:
-        - go test -race -v ./...
-    - go: 1.11.x
-      env: GO111MODULE=off
-      install:
-        - go get github.com/stretchr/testify/assert
-        - go get golang.org/x/crypto/ssh/terminal
-        - go get golang.org/x/sys/unix
-        - go get golang.org/x/sys/windows
-      script:
-        - go test -race -v ./...
-    - go: 1.10.x
-      install:
-        - go get github.com/stretchr/testify/assert
-        - go get golang.org/x/crypto/ssh/terminal
-        - go get golang.org/x/sys/unix
-        - go get golang.org/x/sys/windows
-      script:
-        - go test -race -v -tags appengine ./...
-    - go: 1.11.x
-      env: GO111MODULE=on
-      install:
-        - go mod download
-      script:
-        - go test -race -v -tags appengine ./...
-    - go: 1.11.x
-      env: GO111MODULE=off
-      install:
-        - go get github.com/stretchr/testify/assert
-        - go get golang.org/x/crypto/ssh/terminal
-        - go get golang.org/x/sys/unix
-        - go get golang.org/x/sys/windows
-      script:
-        - go test -race -v -tags appengine ./...
+  exclude:
+    - env: GO111MODULE=on
+      go: 1.10.x
+  - if [[ "$GO111MODULE" ==  "on" ]]; then go mod download; fi
+  - if [[ "$GO111MODULE" == "off" ]]; then go get github.com/stretchr/testify/assert golang.org/x/sys/unix github.com/konsorten/go-windows-terminal-sequences; fi
+  - export GOMAXPROCS=4
+  - export GORACE=halt_on_error=1
+  - go test -race -v ./...
+  - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]]; then go test -race -v -tags appengine ./... ; fi
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/sirupsen/logrus/CHANGELOG.md b/vendor/github.com/sirupsen/logrus/CHANGELOG.md
index cb85d9f..f62cbd2 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/sirupsen/logrus/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/vendor/github.com/sirupsen/logrus/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -1,3 +1,36 @@
+# 1.4.1
+This new release introduces:
+  * Enhance TextFormatter to not print caller information when they are empty (#944)
+  * Remove dependency on golang.org/x/crypto (#932, #943) 
+  * Fix Entry.WithContext method to return a copy of the initial entry (#941)
+# 1.4.0
+This new release introduces:
+  * Add `DeferExitHandler`, similar to `RegisterExitHandler` but prepending the handler to the list of handlers (semantically like `defer`) (#848).
+  * Add `CallerPrettyfier` to `JSONFormatter` and `TextFormatter (#909, #911)
+  * Add `Entry.WithContext()` and `Entry.Context`, to set a context on entries to be used e.g. in hooks (#919).
+  * Fix wrong method calls `Logger.Print` and `Logger.Warningln` (#893).
+  * Update `Entry.Logf` to not do string formatting unless the log level is enabled (#903)
+  * Fix infinite recursion on unknown `Level.String()` (#907)
+  * Fix race condition in `getCaller` (#916).
+# 1.3.0
+This new release introduces:
+  * Log, Logf, Logln functions for Logger and Entry that take a Level
+  * Building prometheus node_exporter on AIX (#840)
+  * Race condition in TextFormatter (#468)
+  * Travis CI import path (#868)
+  * Remove coloured output on Windows (#862)
+  * Pointer to func as field in JSONFormatter (#870)
+  * Properly marshal Levels (#873)
 # 1.2.0
 This new release introduces:
   * A new method `SetReportCaller` in the `Logger` to enable the file, line and calling function from which the trace has been issued
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/sirupsen/logrus/README.md b/vendor/github.com/sirupsen/logrus/README.md
index 3987310..a4796eb 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/sirupsen/logrus/README.md
+++ b/vendor/github.com/sirupsen/logrus/README.md
@@ -365,6 +365,7 @@ Third party logging formatters:
 * [`logstash`](https://github.com/bshuster-repo/logrus-logstash-hook). Logs fields as [Logstash](http://logstash.net) Events.
 * [`prefixed`](https://github.com/x-cray/logrus-prefixed-formatter). Displays log entry source along with alternative layout.
 * [`zalgo`](https://github.com/aybabtme/logzalgo). Invoking the P͉̫o̳̼̊w̖͈̰͎e̬͔̭͂r͚̼̹̲ ̫͓͉̳͈ō̠͕͖̚f̝͍̠ ͕̲̞͖͑Z̖̫̤̫ͪa͉̬͈̗l͖͎g̳̥o̰̥̅!̣͔̲̻͊̄ ̙̘̦̹̦.
+* [`nested-logrus-formatter`](https://github.com/antonfisher/nested-logrus-formatter). Converts logrus fields to a nested structure.
 You can define your formatter by implementing the `Formatter` interface,
 requiring a `Format` method. `Format` takes an `*Entry`. `entry.Data` is a
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/sirupsen/logrus/alt_exit.go b/vendor/github.com/sirupsen/logrus/alt_exit.go
index 8af9063..8fd189e 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/sirupsen/logrus/alt_exit.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/sirupsen/logrus/alt_exit.go
@@ -51,9 +51,9 @@ func Exit(code int) {
-// RegisterExitHandler adds a Logrus Exit handler, call logrus.Exit to invoke
-// all handlers. The handlers will also be invoked when any Fatal log entry is
-// made.
+// RegisterExitHandler appends a Logrus Exit handler to the list of handlers,
+// call logrus.Exit to invoke all handlers. The handlers will also be invoked when
+// any Fatal log entry is made.
 // This method is useful when a caller wishes to use logrus to log a fatal
 // message but also needs to gracefully shutdown. An example usecase could be
@@ -62,3 +62,15 @@ func Exit(code int) {
 func RegisterExitHandler(handler func()) {
 	handlers = append(handlers, handler)
+// DeferExitHandler prepends a Logrus Exit handler to the list of handlers,
+// call logrus.Exit to invoke all handlers. The handlers will also be invoked when
+// any Fatal log entry is made.
+// This method is useful when a caller wishes to use logrus to log a fatal
+// message but also needs to gracefully shutdown. An example usecase could be
+// closing database connections, or sending a alert that the application is
+// closing.
+func DeferExitHandler(handler func()) {
+	handlers = append([]func(){handler}, handlers...)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/sirupsen/logrus/entry.go b/vendor/github.com/sirupsen/logrus/entry.go
index df6d188..63e2558 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/sirupsen/logrus/entry.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/sirupsen/logrus/entry.go
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package logrus
 import (
+	"context"
@@ -69,6 +70,9 @@ type Entry struct {
 	// When formatter is called in entry.log(), a Buffer may be set to entry
 	Buffer *bytes.Buffer
+	// Contains the context set by the user. Useful for hook processing etc.
+	Context context.Context
 	// err may contain a field formatting error
 	err string
@@ -97,6 +101,11 @@ func (entry *Entry) WithError(err error) *Entry {
 	return entry.WithField(ErrorKey, err)
+// Add a context to the Entry.
+func (entry *Entry) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *Entry {
+	return &Entry{Logger: entry.Logger, Data: entry.Data, Time: entry.Time, err: entry.err, Context: ctx}
 // Add a single field to the Entry.
 func (entry *Entry) WithField(key string, value interface{}) *Entry {
 	return entry.WithFields(Fields{key: value})
@@ -130,12 +139,12 @@ func (entry *Entry) WithFields(fields Fields) *Entry {
 			data[k] = v
-	return &Entry{Logger: entry.Logger, Data: data, Time: entry.Time, err: fieldErr}
+	return &Entry{Logger: entry.Logger, Data: data, Time: entry.Time, err: fieldErr, Context: entry.Context}
 // Overrides the time of the Entry.
 func (entry *Entry) WithTime(t time.Time) *Entry {
-	return &Entry{Logger: entry.Logger, Data: entry.Data, Time: t, err: entry.err}
+	return &Entry{Logger: entry.Logger, Data: entry.Data, Time: t, err: entry.err, Context: entry.Context}
 // getPackageName reduces a fully qualified function name to the package name
@@ -156,20 +165,23 @@ func getPackageName(f string) string {
 // getCaller retrieves the name of the first non-logrus calling function
 func getCaller() *runtime.Frame {
+	// cache this package's fully-qualified name
+	callerInitOnce.Do(func() {
+		pcs := make([]uintptr, 2)
+		_ = runtime.Callers(0, pcs)
+		logrusPackage = getPackageName(runtime.FuncForPC(pcs[1]).Name())
+		// now that we have the cache, we can skip a minimum count of known-logrus functions
+		// XXX this is dubious, the number of frames may vary
+		minimumCallerDepth = knownLogrusFrames
+	})
 	// Restrict the lookback frames to avoid runaway lookups
 	pcs := make([]uintptr, maximumCallerDepth)
 	depth := runtime.Callers(minimumCallerDepth, pcs)
 	frames := runtime.CallersFrames(pcs[:depth])
-	// cache this package's fully-qualified name
-	callerInitOnce.Do(func() {
-		logrusPackage = getPackageName(runtime.FuncForPC(pcs[0]).Name())
-		// now that we have the cache, we can skip a minimum count of known-logrus functions
-		// XXX this is dubious, the number of frames may vary store an entry in a logger interface
-		minimumCallerDepth = knownLogrusFrames
-	})
 	for f, again := frames.Next(); again; f, again = frames.Next() {
 		pkg := getPackageName(f.Function)
@@ -298,7 +310,9 @@ func (entry *Entry) Panic(args ...interface{}) {
 // Entry Printf family functions
 func (entry *Entry) Logf(level Level, format string, args ...interface{}) {
-	entry.Log(level, fmt.Sprintf(format, args...))
+	if entry.Logger.IsLevelEnabled(level) {
+		entry.Log(level, fmt.Sprintf(format, args...))
+	}
 func (entry *Entry) Tracef(format string, args ...interface{}) {
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/sirupsen/logrus/exported.go b/vendor/github.com/sirupsen/logrus/exported.go
index 7342613..62fc2f2 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/sirupsen/logrus/exported.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/sirupsen/logrus/exported.go
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 package logrus
 import (
+	"context"
@@ -55,6 +56,11 @@ func WithError(err error) *Entry {
 	return std.WithField(ErrorKey, err)
+// WithContext creates an entry from the standard logger and adds a context to it.
+func WithContext(ctx context.Context) *Entry {
+	return std.WithContext(ctx)
 // WithField creates an entry from the standard logger and adds a field to
 // it. If you want multiple fields, use `WithFields`.
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/sirupsen/logrus/go.mod b/vendor/github.com/sirupsen/logrus/go.mod
index 94574cc..8261a2b 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/sirupsen/logrus/go.mod
+++ b/vendor/github.com/sirupsen/logrus/go.mod
@@ -6,6 +6,5 @@ require (
 	github.com/pmezard/go-difflib v1.0.0 // indirect
 	github.com/stretchr/objx v0.1.1 // indirect
 	github.com/stretchr/testify v1.2.2
-	golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20180904163835-0709b304e793
 	golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20180905080454-ebe1bf3edb33
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/sirupsen/logrus/go.sum b/vendor/github.com/sirupsen/logrus/go.sum
index 133d34a..2d787be 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/sirupsen/logrus/go.sum
+++ b/vendor/github.com/sirupsen/logrus/go.sum
@@ -9,7 +9,5 @@ github.com/stretchr/objx v0.1.1 h1:2vfRuCMp5sSVIDSqO8oNnWJq7mPa6KVP3iPIwFBuy8A=
 github.com/stretchr/objx v0.1.1/go.mod h1:HFkY916IF+rwdDfMAkV7OtwuqBVzrE8GR6GFx+wExME=
 github.com/stretchr/testify v1.2.2 h1:bSDNvY7ZPG5RlJ8otE/7V6gMiyenm9RtJ7IUVIAoJ1w=
 github.com/stretchr/testify v1.2.2/go.mod h1:a8OnRcib4nhh0OaRAV+Yts87kKdq0PP7pXfy6kDkUVs=
-golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20180904163835-0709b304e793 h1:u+LnwYTOOW7Ukr/fppxEb1Nwz0AtPflrblfvUudpo+I=
-golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20180904163835-0709b304e793/go.mod h1:6SG95UA2DQfeDnfUPMdvaQW0Q7yPrPDi9nlGo2tz2b4=
 golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20180905080454-ebe1bf3edb33 h1:I6FyU15t786LL7oL/hn43zqTuEGr4PN7F4XJ1p4E3Y8=
 golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20180905080454-ebe1bf3edb33/go.mod h1:STP8DvDyc/dI5b8T5hshtkjS+E42TnysNCUPdjciGhY=
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/sirupsen/logrus/json_formatter.go b/vendor/github.com/sirupsen/logrus/json_formatter.go
index 2605753..098a21a 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/sirupsen/logrus/json_formatter.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/sirupsen/logrus/json_formatter.go
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import (
+	"runtime"
 type fieldKey string
@@ -42,6 +43,12 @@ type JSONFormatter struct {
 	// }
 	FieldMap FieldMap
+	// CallerPrettyfier can be set by the user to modify the content
+	// of the function and file keys in the json data when ReportCaller is
+	// activated. If any of the returned value is the empty string the
+	// corresponding key will be removed from json fields.
+	CallerPrettyfier func(*runtime.Frame) (function string, file string)
 	// PrettyPrint will indent all json logs
 	PrettyPrint bool
@@ -82,8 +89,17 @@ func (f *JSONFormatter) Format(entry *Entry) ([]byte, error) {
 	data[f.FieldMap.resolve(FieldKeyMsg)] = entry.Message
 	data[f.FieldMap.resolve(FieldKeyLevel)] = entry.Level.String()
 	if entry.HasCaller() {
-		data[f.FieldMap.resolve(FieldKeyFunc)] = entry.Caller.Function
-		data[f.FieldMap.resolve(FieldKeyFile)] = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", entry.Caller.File, entry.Caller.Line)
+		funcVal := entry.Caller.Function
+		fileVal := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", entry.Caller.File, entry.Caller.Line)
+		if f.CallerPrettyfier != nil {
+			funcVal, fileVal = f.CallerPrettyfier(entry.Caller)
+		}
+		if funcVal != "" {
+			data[f.FieldMap.resolve(FieldKeyFunc)] = funcVal
+		}
+		if fileVal != "" {
+			data[f.FieldMap.resolve(FieldKeyFile)] = fileVal
+		}
 	var b *bytes.Buffer
@@ -98,7 +114,7 @@ func (f *JSONFormatter) Format(entry *Entry) ([]byte, error) {
 		encoder.SetIndent("", "  ")
 	if err := encoder.Encode(data); err != nil {
-		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to marshal fields to JSON, %v", err)
+		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to marshal fields to JSON, %v", err)
 	return b.Bytes(), nil
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/sirupsen/logrus/logger.go b/vendor/github.com/sirupsen/logrus/logger.go
index 9bf64e2..c0c0b1e 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/sirupsen/logrus/logger.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/sirupsen/logrus/logger.go
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 package logrus
 import (
+	"context"
@@ -124,6 +125,13 @@ func (logger *Logger) WithError(err error) *Entry {
 	return entry.WithError(err)
+// Add a context to the log entry.
+func (logger *Logger) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *Entry {
+	entry := logger.newEntry()
+	defer logger.releaseEntry(entry)
+	return entry.WithContext(ctx)
 // Overrides the time of the log entry.
 func (logger *Logger) WithTime(t time.Time) *Entry {
 	entry := logger.newEntry()
@@ -200,7 +208,7 @@ func (logger *Logger) Info(args ...interface{}) {
 func (logger *Logger) Print(args ...interface{}) {
 	entry := logger.newEntry()
-	entry.Info(args...)
+	entry.Print(args...)
@@ -256,7 +264,7 @@ func (logger *Logger) Warnln(args ...interface{}) {
 func (logger *Logger) Warningln(args ...interface{}) {
-	logger.Warn(args...)
+	logger.Warnln(args...)
 func (logger *Logger) Errorln(args ...interface{}) {
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/sirupsen/logrus/logrus.go b/vendor/github.com/sirupsen/logrus/logrus.go
index c1ca889..8644761 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/sirupsen/logrus/logrus.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/sirupsen/logrus/logrus.go
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ func (level Level) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) {
 		return []byte("panic"), nil
-	return nil, fmt.Errorf("not a valid lorus level %q", level)
+	return nil, fmt.Errorf("not a valid logrus level %d", level)
 // A constant exposing all logging levels
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/sirupsen/logrus/terminal_check_aix.go b/vendor/github.com/sirupsen/logrus/terminal_check_aix.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 04fdb7b..0000000
--- a/vendor/github.com/sirupsen/logrus/terminal_check_aix.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-// +build !appengine,!js,!windows,aix
-package logrus
-import "io"
-func checkIfTerminal(w io.Writer) bool {
-	return false
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/sirupsen/logrus/terminal_check_bsd.go b/vendor/github.com/sirupsen/logrus/terminal_check_bsd.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c4f43f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/sirupsen/logrus/terminal_check_bsd.go
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+// +build darwin dragonfly freebsd netbsd openbsd
+package logrus
+import "golang.org/x/sys/unix"
+const ioctlReadTermios = unix.TIOCGETA
+func isTerminal(fd int) bool {
+	_, err := unix.IoctlGetTermios(fd, ioctlReadTermios)
+	return err == nil
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/sirupsen/logrus/terminal_check_notappengine.go b/vendor/github.com/sirupsen/logrus/terminal_check_notappengine.go
index d465565..7be2d87 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/sirupsen/logrus/terminal_check_notappengine.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/sirupsen/logrus/terminal_check_notappengine.go
@@ -1,18 +1,16 @@
-// +build !appengine,!js,!windows,!aix
+// +build !appengine,!js,!windows
 package logrus
 import (
-	"golang.org/x/crypto/ssh/terminal"
 func checkIfTerminal(w io.Writer) bool {
 	switch v := w.(type) {
 	case *os.File:
-		return terminal.IsTerminal(int(v.Fd()))
+		return isTerminal(int(v.Fd()))
 		return false
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/sirupsen/logrus/terminal_check_unix.go b/vendor/github.com/sirupsen/logrus/terminal_check_unix.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..355dc96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/sirupsen/logrus/terminal_check_unix.go
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+// +build linux aix
+package logrus
+import "golang.org/x/sys/unix"
+const ioctlReadTermios = unix.TCGETS
+func isTerminal(fd int) bool {
+	_, err := unix.IoctlGetTermios(fd, ioctlReadTermios)
+	return err == nil
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/sirupsen/logrus/text_formatter.go b/vendor/github.com/sirupsen/logrus/text_formatter.go
index fb21649..1569161 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/sirupsen/logrus/text_formatter.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/sirupsen/logrus/text_formatter.go
@@ -12,18 +12,13 @@ import (
 const (
-	nocolor = 0
-	red     = 31
-	green   = 32
-	yellow  = 33
-	blue    = 36
-	gray    = 37
+	red    = 31
+	yellow = 33
+	blue   = 36
+	gray   = 37
-var (
-	baseTimestamp time.Time
-	emptyFieldMap FieldMap
+var baseTimestamp time.Time
 func init() {
 	baseTimestamp = time.Now()
@@ -77,6 +72,12 @@ type TextFormatter struct {
 	//         FieldKeyMsg:   "@message"}}
 	FieldMap FieldMap
+	// CallerPrettyfier can be set by the user to modify the content
+	// of the function and file keys in the data when ReportCaller is
+	// activated. If any of the returned value is the empty string the
+	// corresponding key will be removed from fields.
+	CallerPrettyfier func(*runtime.Frame) (function string, file string)
 	terminalInitOnce sync.Once
@@ -118,6 +119,8 @@ func (f *TextFormatter) Format(entry *Entry) ([]byte, error) {
 		keys = append(keys, k)
+	var funcVal, fileVal string
 	fixedKeys := make([]string, 0, 4+len(data))
 	if !f.DisableTimestamp {
 		fixedKeys = append(fixedKeys, f.FieldMap.resolve(FieldKeyTime))
@@ -130,8 +133,19 @@ func (f *TextFormatter) Format(entry *Entry) ([]byte, error) {
 		fixedKeys = append(fixedKeys, f.FieldMap.resolve(FieldKeyLogrusError))
 	if entry.HasCaller() {
-		fixedKeys = append(fixedKeys,
-			f.FieldMap.resolve(FieldKeyFunc), f.FieldMap.resolve(FieldKeyFile))
+		if f.CallerPrettyfier != nil {
+			funcVal, fileVal = f.CallerPrettyfier(entry.Caller)
+		} else {
+			funcVal = entry.Caller.Function
+			fileVal = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", entry.Caller.File, entry.Caller.Line)
+		}
+		if funcVal != "" {
+			fixedKeys = append(fixedKeys, f.FieldMap.resolve(FieldKeyFunc))
+		}
+		if fileVal != "" {
+			fixedKeys = append(fixedKeys, f.FieldMap.resolve(FieldKeyFile))
+		}
 	if !f.DisableSorting {
@@ -166,6 +180,7 @@ func (f *TextFormatter) Format(entry *Entry) ([]byte, error) {
 	if f.isColored() {
 		f.printColored(b, entry, keys, data, timestampFormat)
 	} else {
 		for _, key := range fixedKeys {
 			var value interface{}
 			switch {
@@ -178,9 +193,9 @@ func (f *TextFormatter) Format(entry *Entry) ([]byte, error) {
 			case key == f.FieldMap.resolve(FieldKeyLogrusError):
 				value = entry.err
 			case key == f.FieldMap.resolve(FieldKeyFunc) && entry.HasCaller():
-				value = entry.Caller.Function
+				value = funcVal
 			case key == f.FieldMap.resolve(FieldKeyFile) && entry.HasCaller():
-				value = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", entry.Caller.File, entry.Caller.Line)
+				value = fileVal
 				value = data[key]
@@ -215,10 +230,21 @@ func (f *TextFormatter) printColored(b *bytes.Buffer, entry *Entry, keys []strin
 	entry.Message = strings.TrimSuffix(entry.Message, "\n")
 	caller := ""
 	if entry.HasCaller() {
-		caller = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d %s()",
-			entry.Caller.File, entry.Caller.Line, entry.Caller.Function)
+		funcVal := fmt.Sprintf("%s()", entry.Caller.Function)
+		fileVal := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", entry.Caller.File, entry.Caller.Line)
+		if f.CallerPrettyfier != nil {
+			funcVal, fileVal = f.CallerPrettyfier(entry.Caller)
+		}
+		if fileVal == "" {
+			caller = funcVal
+		} else if funcVal == "" {
+			caller = fileVal
+		} else {
+			caller = fileVal + " " + funcVal
+		}
 	if f.DisableTimestamp {
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/context/ctxhttp/ctxhttp.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/context/ctxhttp/ctxhttp.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 37dc0cf..0000000
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/context/ctxhttp/ctxhttp.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// Package ctxhttp provides helper functions for performing context-aware HTTP requests.
-package ctxhttp // import "golang.org/x/net/context/ctxhttp"
-import (
-	"context"
-	"io"
-	"net/http"
-	"net/url"
-	"strings"
-// Do sends an HTTP request with the provided http.Client and returns
-// an HTTP response.
-// If the client is nil, http.DefaultClient is used.
-// The provided ctx must be non-nil. If it is canceled or times out,
-// ctx.Err() will be returned.
-func Do(ctx context.Context, client *http.Client, req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
-	if client == nil {
-		client = http.DefaultClient
-	}
-	resp, err := client.Do(req.WithContext(ctx))
-	// If we got an error, and the context has been canceled,
-	// the context's error is probably more useful.
-	if err != nil {
-		select {
-		case <-ctx.Done():
-			err = ctx.Err()
-		default:
-		}
-	}
-	return resp, err
-// Get issues a GET request via the Do function.
-func Get(ctx context.Context, client *http.Client, url string) (*http.Response, error) {
-	req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", url, nil)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	return Do(ctx, client, req)
-// Head issues a HEAD request via the Do function.
-func Head(ctx context.Context, client *http.Client, url string) (*http.Response, error) {
-	req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", url, nil)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	return Do(ctx, client, req)
-// Post issues a POST request via the Do function.
-func Post(ctx context.Context, client *http.Client, url string, bodyType string, body io.Reader) (*http.Response, error) {
-	req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", url, body)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	req.Header.Set("Content-Type", bodyType)
-	return Do(ctx, client, req)
-// PostForm issues a POST request via the Do function.
-func PostForm(ctx context.Context, client *http.Client, url string, data url.Values) (*http.Response, error) {
-	return Post(ctx, client, url, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", strings.NewReader(data.Encode()))
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sync/AUTHORS b/vendor/golang.org/x/sync/AUTHORS
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15167cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sync/AUTHORS
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# This source code refers to The Go Authors for copyright purposes.
+# The master list of authors is in the main Go distribution,
+# visible at http://tip.golang.org/AUTHORS.
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sync/CONTRIBUTORS b/vendor/golang.org/x/sync/CONTRIBUTORS
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c4577e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sync/CONTRIBUTORS
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# This source code was written by the Go contributors.
+# The master list of contributors is in the main Go distribution,
+# visible at http://tip.golang.org/CONTRIBUTORS.
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sync/LICENSE b/vendor/golang.org/x/sync/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a66aea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sync/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+Copyright (c) 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+   * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+   * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
+in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+   * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
+contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+this software without specific prior written permission.
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sync/PATENTS b/vendor/golang.org/x/sync/PATENTS
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7330990
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sync/PATENTS
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Additional IP Rights Grant (Patents)
+"This implementation" means the copyrightable works distributed by
+Google as part of the Go project.
+Google hereby grants to You a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive,
+no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable (except as stated in this section)
+patent license to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell, import,
+transfer and otherwise run, modify and propagate the contents of this
+implementation of Go, where such license applies only to those patent
+claims, both currently owned or controlled by Google and acquired in
+the future, licensable by Google that are necessarily infringed by this
+implementation of Go.  This grant does not include claims that would be
+infringed only as a consequence of further modification of this
+implementation.  If you or your agent or exclusive licensee institute or
+order or agree to the institution of patent litigation against any
+entity (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging
+that this implementation of Go or any code incorporated within this
+implementation of Go constitutes direct or contributory patent
+infringement, or inducement of patent infringement, then any patent
+rights granted to you under this License for this implementation of Go
+shall terminate as of the date such litigation is filed.
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sync/errgroup/errgroup.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sync/errgroup/errgroup.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9857fe5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sync/errgroup/errgroup.go
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Package errgroup provides synchronization, error propagation, and Context
+// cancelation for groups of goroutines working on subtasks of a common task.
+package errgroup
+import (
+	"context"
+	"sync"
+// A Group is a collection of goroutines working on subtasks that are part of
+// the same overall task.
+// A zero Group is valid and does not cancel on error.
+type Group struct {
+	cancel func()
+	wg sync.WaitGroup
+	errOnce sync.Once
+	err     error
+// WithContext returns a new Group and an associated Context derived from ctx.
+// The derived Context is canceled the first time a function passed to Go
+// returns a non-nil error or the first time Wait returns, whichever occurs
+// first.
+func WithContext(ctx context.Context) (*Group, context.Context) {
+	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
+	return &Group{cancel: cancel}, ctx
+// Wait blocks until all function calls from the Go method have returned, then
+// returns the first non-nil error (if any) from them.
+func (g *Group) Wait() error {
+	g.wg.Wait()
+	if g.cancel != nil {
+		g.cancel()
+	}
+	return g.err
+// Go calls the given function in a new goroutine.
+// The first call to return a non-nil error cancels the group; its error will be
+// returned by Wait.
+func (g *Group) Go(f func() error) {
+	g.wg.Add(1)
+	go func() {
+		defer g.wg.Done()
+		if err := f(); err != nil {
+			g.errOnce.Do(func() {
+				g.err = err
+				if g.cancel != nil {
+					g.cancel()
+				}
+			})
+		}
+	}()
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/cpu/byteorder.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/cpu/byteorder.go
index da6b9e4..ed8da8d 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/cpu/byteorder.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/cpu/byteorder.go
@@ -5,26 +5,56 @@
 package cpu
 import (
-	"encoding/binary"
+// byteOrder is a subset of encoding/binary.ByteOrder.
+type byteOrder interface {
+	Uint32([]byte) uint32
+	Uint64([]byte) uint64
+type littleEndian struct{}
+type bigEndian struct{}
+func (littleEndian) Uint32(b []byte) uint32 {
+	_ = b[3] // bounds check hint to compiler; see golang.org/issue/14808
+	return uint32(b[0]) | uint32(b[1])<<8 | uint32(b[2])<<16 | uint32(b[3])<<24
+func (littleEndian) Uint64(b []byte) uint64 {
+	_ = b[7] // bounds check hint to compiler; see golang.org/issue/14808
+	return uint64(b[0]) | uint64(b[1])<<8 | uint64(b[2])<<16 | uint64(b[3])<<24 |
+		uint64(b[4])<<32 | uint64(b[5])<<40 | uint64(b[6])<<48 | uint64(b[7])<<56
+func (bigEndian) Uint32(b []byte) uint32 {
+	_ = b[3] // bounds check hint to compiler; see golang.org/issue/14808
+	return uint32(b[3]) | uint32(b[2])<<8 | uint32(b[1])<<16 | uint32(b[0])<<24
+func (bigEndian) Uint64(b []byte) uint64 {
+	_ = b[7] // bounds check hint to compiler; see golang.org/issue/14808
+	return uint64(b[7]) | uint64(b[6])<<8 | uint64(b[5])<<16 | uint64(b[4])<<24 |
+		uint64(b[3])<<32 | uint64(b[2])<<40 | uint64(b[1])<<48 | uint64(b[0])<<56
 // hostByteOrder returns binary.LittleEndian on little-endian machines and
 // binary.BigEndian on big-endian machines.
-func hostByteOrder() binary.ByteOrder {
+func hostByteOrder() byteOrder {
 	switch runtime.GOARCH {
 	case "386", "amd64", "amd64p32",
 		"arm", "arm64",
 		"mipsle", "mips64le", "mips64p32le",
 		"riscv", "riscv64":
-		return binary.LittleEndian
+		return littleEndian{}
 	case "armbe", "arm64be",
 		"mips", "mips64", "mips64p32",
 		"ppc", "ppc64",
 		"s390", "s390x",
 		"sparc", "sparc64":
-		return binary.BigEndian
+		return bigEndian{}
 	panic("unknown architecture")
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/cpu/cpu.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/cpu/cpu.go
index 679e78c..b4e6ecb 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/cpu/cpu.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/cpu/cpu.go
@@ -78,6 +78,42 @@ var ARM64 struct {
 	_           CacheLinePad
+// ARM contains the supported CPU features of the current ARM (32-bit) platform.
+// All feature flags are false if:
+//   1. the current platform is not arm, or
+//   2. the current operating system is not Linux.
+var ARM struct {
+	_           CacheLinePad
+	HasSWP      bool // SWP instruction support
+	HasHALF     bool // Half-word load and store support
+	HasTHUMB    bool // ARM Thumb instruction set
+	Has26BIT    bool // Address space limited to 26-bits
+	HasFASTMUL  bool // 32-bit operand, 64-bit result multiplication support
+	HasFPA      bool // Floating point arithmetic support
+	HasVFP      bool // Vector floating point support
+	HasEDSP     bool // DSP Extensions support
+	HasJAVA     bool // Java instruction set
+	HasIWMMXT   bool // Intel Wireless MMX technology support
+	HasCRUNCH   bool // MaverickCrunch context switching and handling
+	HasTHUMBEE  bool // Thumb EE instruction set
+	HasNEON     bool // NEON instruction set
+	HasVFPv3    bool // Vector floating point version 3 support
+	HasVFPv3D16 bool // Vector floating point version 3 D8-D15
+	HasTLS      bool // Thread local storage support
+	HasVFPv4    bool // Vector floating point version 4 support
+	HasIDIVA    bool // Integer divide instruction support in ARM mode
+	HasIDIVT    bool // Integer divide instruction support in Thumb mode
+	HasVFPD32   bool // Vector floating point version 3 D15-D31
+	HasLPAE     bool // Large Physical Address Extensions
+	HasEVTSTRM  bool // Event stream support
+	HasAES      bool // AES hardware implementation
+	HasPMULL    bool // Polynomial multiplication instruction set
+	HasSHA1     bool // SHA1 hardware implementation
+	HasSHA2     bool // SHA2 hardware implementation
+	HasCRC32    bool // CRC32 hardware implementation
+	_           CacheLinePad
 // PPC64 contains the supported CPU features of the current ppc64/ppc64le platforms.
 // If the current platform is not ppc64/ppc64le then all feature flags are false.
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/cpu/cpu_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/cpu/cpu_arm.go
index 7f2348b..981af68 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/cpu/cpu_arm.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/cpu/cpu_arm.go
@@ -6,4 +6,35 @@ package cpu
 const cacheLineSize = 32
-func doinit() {}
+// HWCAP/HWCAP2 bits.
+// These are specific to Linux.
+const (
+	hwcap_SWP       = 1 << 0
+	hwcap_HALF      = 1 << 1
+	hwcap_THUMB     = 1 << 2
+	hwcap_26BIT     = 1 << 3
+	hwcap_FAST_MULT = 1 << 4
+	hwcap_FPA       = 1 << 5
+	hwcap_VFP       = 1 << 6
+	hwcap_EDSP      = 1 << 7
+	hwcap_JAVA      = 1 << 8
+	hwcap_IWMMXT    = 1 << 9
+	hwcap_CRUNCH    = 1 << 10
+	hwcap_THUMBEE   = 1 << 11
+	hwcap_NEON      = 1 << 12
+	hwcap_VFPv3     = 1 << 13
+	hwcap_VFPv3D16  = 1 << 14
+	hwcap_TLS       = 1 << 15
+	hwcap_VFPv4     = 1 << 16
+	hwcap_IDIVA     = 1 << 17
+	hwcap_IDIVT     = 1 << 18
+	hwcap_VFPD32    = 1 << 19
+	hwcap_LPAE      = 1 << 20
+	hwcap_EVTSTRM   = 1 << 21
+	hwcap2_AES   = 1 << 0
+	hwcap2_PMULL = 1 << 1
+	hwcap2_SHA1  = 1 << 2
+	hwcap2_SHA2  = 1 << 3
+	hwcap2_CRC32 = 1 << 4
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/cpu/cpu_linux.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/cpu/cpu_linux.go
index 76b5f50..10e712d 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/cpu/cpu_linux.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/cpu/cpu_linux.go
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
 // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-//+build !amd64,!amd64p32,!386
+// +build !amd64,!amd64p32,!386
 package cpu
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/cpu/cpu_linux_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/cpu/cpu_linux_arm.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2057006
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/cpu/cpu_linux_arm.go
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package cpu
+func doinit() {
+	ARM.HasSWP = isSet(hwCap, hwcap_SWP)
+	ARM.HasHALF = isSet(hwCap, hwcap_HALF)
+	ARM.HasTHUMB = isSet(hwCap, hwcap_THUMB)
+	ARM.Has26BIT = isSet(hwCap, hwcap_26BIT)
+	ARM.HasFASTMUL = isSet(hwCap, hwcap_FAST_MULT)
+	ARM.HasFPA = isSet(hwCap, hwcap_FPA)
+	ARM.HasVFP = isSet(hwCap, hwcap_VFP)
+	ARM.HasEDSP = isSet(hwCap, hwcap_EDSP)
+	ARM.HasJAVA = isSet(hwCap, hwcap_JAVA)
+	ARM.HasIWMMXT = isSet(hwCap, hwcap_IWMMXT)
+	ARM.HasCRUNCH = isSet(hwCap, hwcap_CRUNCH)
+	ARM.HasTHUMBEE = isSet(hwCap, hwcap_THUMBEE)
+	ARM.HasNEON = isSet(hwCap, hwcap_NEON)
+	ARM.HasVFPv3 = isSet(hwCap, hwcap_VFPv3)
+	ARM.HasVFPv3D16 = isSet(hwCap, hwcap_VFPv3D16)
+	ARM.HasTLS = isSet(hwCap, hwcap_TLS)
+	ARM.HasVFPv4 = isSet(hwCap, hwcap_VFPv4)
+	ARM.HasIDIVA = isSet(hwCap, hwcap_IDIVA)
+	ARM.HasIDIVT = isSet(hwCap, hwcap_IDIVT)
+	ARM.HasVFPD32 = isSet(hwCap, hwcap_VFPD32)
+	ARM.HasLPAE = isSet(hwCap, hwcap_LPAE)
+	ARM.HasEVTSTRM = isSet(hwCap, hwcap_EVTSTRM)
+	ARM.HasAES = isSet(hwCap2, hwcap2_AES)
+	ARM.HasPMULL = isSet(hwCap2, hwcap2_PMULL)
+	ARM.HasSHA1 = isSet(hwCap2, hwcap2_SHA1)
+	ARM.HasSHA2 = isSet(hwCap2, hwcap2_SHA2)
+	ARM.HasCRC32 = isSet(hwCap2, hwcap2_CRC32)
+func isSet(hwc uint, value uint) bool {
+	return hwc&value != 0
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/cpu/cpu_linux_noinit.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/cpu/cpu_linux_noinit.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f65134f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/cpu/cpu_linux_noinit.go
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// +build linux,!arm,!arm64,!ppc64,!ppc64le,!s390x
+package cpu
+func doinit() {}
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/cpu/cpu_mips64x.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/cpu/cpu_mips64x.go
index f55e0c8..6165f12 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/cpu/cpu_mips64x.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/cpu/cpu_mips64x.go
@@ -7,5 +7,3 @@
 package cpu
 const cacheLineSize = 32
-func doinit() {}
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/cpu/cpu_mipsx.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/cpu/cpu_mipsx.go
index cda87b1..1269eee 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/cpu/cpu_mipsx.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/cpu/cpu_mipsx.go
@@ -7,5 +7,3 @@
 package cpu
 const cacheLineSize = 32
-func doinit() {}
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/cpu/cpu_other_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/cpu/cpu_other_arm64.go
index dd1e76d..e1f31dd 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/cpu/cpu_other_arm64.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/cpu/cpu_other_arm64.go
@@ -7,5 +7,3 @@
 package cpu
 const cacheLineSize = 64
-func doinit() {}
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/cpu/cpu_riscv64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/cpu/cpu_riscv64.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..efe2b7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/cpu/cpu_riscv64.go
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// +build riscv64
+package cpu
+const cacheLineSize = 32
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/cpu/cpu_wasm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/cpu/cpu_wasm.go
index bd9bbda..8681e87 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/cpu/cpu_wasm.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/cpu/cpu_wasm.go
@@ -11,5 +11,3 @@ package cpu
 // rules are good enough.
 const cacheLineSize = 0
-func doinit() {}
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/affinity_linux.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/affinity_linux.go
index 14e4d5c..6e5c81a 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/affinity_linux.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/affinity_linux.go
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 package unix
 import (
+	"math/bits"
@@ -79,50 +80,7 @@ func (s *CPUSet) IsSet(cpu int) bool {
 func (s *CPUSet) Count() int {
 	c := 0
 	for _, b := range s {
-		c += onesCount64(uint64(b))
+		c += bits.OnesCount64(uint64(b))
 	return c
-// onesCount64 is a copy of Go 1.9's math/bits.OnesCount64.
-// Once this package can require Go 1.9, we can delete this
-// and update the caller to use bits.OnesCount64.
-func onesCount64(x uint64) int {
-	const m0 = 0x5555555555555555 // 01010101 ...
-	const m1 = 0x3333333333333333 // 00110011 ...
-	const m2 = 0x0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f // 00001111 ...
-	// Unused in this function, but definitions preserved for
-	// documentation purposes:
-	//
-	//   const m3 = 0x00ff00ff00ff00ff // etc.
-	//   const m4 = 0x0000ffff0000ffff
-	//
-	// Implementation: Parallel summing of adjacent bits.
-	// See "Hacker's Delight", Chap. 5: Counting Bits.
-	// The following pattern shows the general approach:
-	//
-	//   x = x>>1&(m0&m) + x&(m0&m)
-	//   x = x>>2&(m1&m) + x&(m1&m)
-	//   x = x>>4&(m2&m) + x&(m2&m)
-	//   x = x>>8&(m3&m) + x&(m3&m)
-	//   x = x>>16&(m4&m) + x&(m4&m)
-	//   x = x>>32&(m5&m) + x&(m5&m)
-	//   return int(x)
-	//
-	// Masking (& operations) can be left away when there's no
-	// danger that a field's sum will carry over into the next
-	// field: Since the result cannot be > 64, 8 bits is enough
-	// and we can ignore the masks for the shifts by 8 and up.
-	// Per "Hacker's Delight", the first line can be simplified
-	// more, but it saves at best one instruction, so we leave
-	// it alone for clarity.
-	const m = 1<<64 - 1
-	x = x>>1&(m0&m) + x&(m0&m)
-	x = x>>2&(m1&m) + x&(m1&m)
-	x = (x>>4 + x) & (m2 & m)
-	x += x >> 8
-	x += x >> 16
-	x += x >> 32
-	return int(x) & (1<<7 - 1)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/bluetooth_linux.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/bluetooth_linux.go
index 6e32296..a178a61 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/bluetooth_linux.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/bluetooth_linux.go
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ const (
 // Socketoption Level
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/fdset.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/fdset.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b27be0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/fdset.go
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// +build aix darwin dragonfly freebsd linux netbsd openbsd solaris
+package unix
+// Set adds fd to the set fds.
+func (fds *FdSet) Set(fd int) {
+	fds.Bits[fd/NFDBITS] |= (1 << (uintptr(fd) % NFDBITS))
+// Clear removes fd from the set fds.
+func (fds *FdSet) Clear(fd int) {
+	fds.Bits[fd/NFDBITS] &^= (1 << (uintptr(fd) % NFDBITS))
+// IsSet returns whether fd is in the set fds.
+func (fds *FdSet) IsSet(fd int) bool {
+	return fds.Bits[fd/NFDBITS]&(1<<(uintptr(fd)%NFDBITS)) != 0
+// Zero clears the set fds.
+func (fds *FdSet) Zero() {
+	for i := range fds.Bits {
+		fds.Bits[i] = 0
+	}
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ioctl.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ioctl.go
index f121a8d..3559e5d 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ioctl.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ioctl.go
@@ -6,7 +6,19 @@
 package unix
-import "runtime"
+import (
+	"runtime"
+	"unsafe"
+// ioctl itself should not be exposed directly, but additional get/set
+// functions for specific types are permissible.
+// IoctlSetInt performs an ioctl operation which sets an integer value
+// on fd, using the specified request number.
+func IoctlSetInt(fd int, req uint, value int) error {
+	return ioctl(fd, req, uintptr(value))
 // IoctlSetWinsize performs an ioctl on fd with a *Winsize argument.
@@ -14,7 +26,7 @@ import "runtime"
 func IoctlSetWinsize(fd int, req uint, value *Winsize) error {
 	// TODO: if we get the chance, remove the req parameter and
 	// hardcode TIOCSWINSZ.
-	err := ioctlSetWinsize(fd, req, value)
+	err := ioctl(fd, req, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(value)))
 	return err
@@ -24,7 +36,30 @@ func IoctlSetWinsize(fd int, req uint, value *Winsize) error {
 // The req value will usually be TCSETA or TIOCSETA.
 func IoctlSetTermios(fd int, req uint, value *Termios) error {
 	// TODO: if we get the chance, remove the req parameter.
-	err := ioctlSetTermios(fd, req, value)
+	err := ioctl(fd, req, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(value)))
 	return err
+// IoctlGetInt performs an ioctl operation which gets an integer value
+// from fd, using the specified request number.
+// A few ioctl requests use the return value as an output parameter;
+// for those, IoctlRetInt should be used instead of this function.
+func IoctlGetInt(fd int, req uint) (int, error) {
+	var value int
+	err := ioctl(fd, req, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&value)))
+	return value, err
+func IoctlGetWinsize(fd int, req uint) (*Winsize, error) {
+	var value Winsize
+	err := ioctl(fd, req, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&value)))
+	return &value, err
+func IoctlGetTermios(fd int, req uint) (*Termios, error) {
+	var value Termios
+	err := ioctl(fd, req, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&value)))
+	return &value, err
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/mkall.sh b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/mkall.sh
index 5a22eca..890ec46 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/mkall.sh
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/mkall.sh
@@ -212,9 +212,11 @@ esac
 				echo "$mksyscall -tags $GOOS,$GOARCH $syscall_goos $GOOSARCH_in && gofmt -w zsyscall_$GOOSARCH.go && gofmt -w zsyscall_"$GOOSARCH"_gccgo.go && gofmt -w zsyscall_"$GOOSARCH"_gc.go " ;
 			elif [ "$GOOS" == "darwin" ]; then
 			        # pre-1.12, direct syscalls
-			        echo "$mksyscall -tags $GOOS,$GOARCH,!go1.12 $syscall_goos $GOOSARCH_in |gofmt >zsyscall_$GOOSARCH.1_11.go";
+			        echo "$mksyscall -tags $GOOS,$GOARCH,!go1.12 $syscall_goos syscall_darwin_${GOARCH}.1_11.go $GOOSARCH_in |gofmt >zsyscall_$GOOSARCH.1_11.go";
 			        # 1.12 and later, syscalls via libSystem
 				echo "$mksyscall -tags $GOOS,$GOARCH,go1.12 $syscall_goos $GOOSARCH_in |gofmt >zsyscall_$GOOSARCH.go";
+				# 1.13 and later, syscalls via libSystem (including syscallPtr)
+				echo "$mksyscall -tags $GOOS,$GOARCH,go1.13 syscall_darwin.1_13.go |gofmt >zsyscall_$GOOSARCH.1_13.go";
 				echo "$mksyscall -tags $GOOS,$GOARCH $syscall_goos $GOOSARCH_in |gofmt >zsyscall_$GOOSARCH.go";
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/mkerrors.sh b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/mkerrors.sh
index 14624b9..b5462b8 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/mkerrors.sh
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/mkerrors.sh
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ includes_AIX='
 #include <sys/stropts.h>
 #include <sys/mman.h>
 #include <sys/poll.h>
+#include <sys/select.h>
 #include <sys/termio.h>
 #include <termios.h>
 #include <fcntl.h>
@@ -60,6 +61,7 @@ includes_Darwin='
 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/event.h>
 #include <sys/ptrace.h>
+#include <sys/select.h>
 #include <sys/socket.h>
 #include <sys/sockio.h>
 #include <sys/sysctl.h>
@@ -80,6 +82,7 @@ includes_Darwin='
 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/event.h>
+#include <sys/select.h>
 #include <sys/socket.h>
 #include <sys/sockio.h>
 #include <sys/stat.h>
@@ -103,6 +106,7 @@ includes_FreeBSD='
 #include <sys/param.h>
 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/event.h>
+#include <sys/select.h>
 #include <sys/socket.h>
 #include <sys/sockio.h>
 #include <sys/stat.h>
@@ -179,24 +183,33 @@ struct ltchars {
 #include <sys/stat.h>
 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/time.h>
+#include <sys/select.h>
 #include <sys/signalfd.h>
 #include <sys/socket.h>
 #include <sys/xattr.h>
 #include <linux/bpf.h>
+#include <linux/can.h>
 #include <linux/capability.h>
+#include <linux/cryptouser.h>
+#include <linux/devlink.h>
 #include <linux/errqueue.h>
+#include <linux/falloc.h>
+#include <linux/fanotify.h>
+#include <linux/filter.h>
+#include <linux/fs.h>
+#include <linux/fscrypt.h>
+#include <linux/genetlink.h>
+#include <linux/hdreg.h>
+#include <linux/icmpv6.h>
 #include <linux/if.h>
+#include <linux/if_addr.h>
 #include <linux/if_alg.h>
 #include <linux/if_arp.h>
 #include <linux/if_ether.h>
 #include <linux/if_ppp.h>
 #include <linux/if_tun.h>
 #include <linux/if_packet.h>
-#include <linux/if_addr.h>
-#include <linux/falloc.h>
-#include <linux/fanotify.h>
-#include <linux/filter.h>
-#include <linux/fs.h>
+#include <linux/if_xdp.h>
 #include <linux/kexec.h>
 #include <linux/keyctl.h>
 #include <linux/loop.h>
@@ -206,26 +219,23 @@ struct ltchars {
 #include <linux/netfilter/nfnetlink.h>
 #include <linux/netlink.h>
 #include <linux/net_namespace.h>
+#include <linux/nsfs.h>
 #include <linux/perf_event.h>
+#include <linux/ptrace.h>
 #include <linux/random.h>
 #include <linux/reboot.h>
+#include <linux/rtc.h>
 #include <linux/rtnetlink.h>
-#include <linux/ptrace.h>
 #include <linux/sched.h>
 #include <linux/seccomp.h>
-#include <linux/sockios.h>
-#include <linux/wait.h>
-#include <linux/icmpv6.h>
 #include <linux/serial.h>
-#include <linux/can.h>
-#include <linux/vm_sockets.h>
+#include <linux/sockios.h>
 #include <linux/taskstats.h>
-#include <linux/genetlink.h>
+#include <linux/tipc.h>
+#include <linux/vm_sockets.h>
+#include <linux/wait.h>
 #include <linux/watchdog.h>
-#include <linux/hdreg.h>
-#include <linux/rtc.h>
-#include <linux/if_xdp.h>
-#include <linux/cryptouser.h>
 #include <mtd/ubi-user.h>
 #include <net/route.h>
@@ -264,6 +274,11 @@ struct ltchars {
 #define FS_KEY_DESC_PREFIX              "fscrypt:"
 #define FS_KEY_DESC_PREFIX_SIZE         8
 #define FS_MAX_KEY_SIZE                 64
+// The code generator produces -0x1 for (~0), but an unsigned value is necessary
+// for the tipc_subscr timeout __u32 field.
+#define TIPC_WAIT_FOREVER 0xffffffff
@@ -273,6 +288,7 @@ includes_NetBSD='
 #include <sys/extattr.h>
 #include <sys/mman.h>
 #include <sys/mount.h>
+#include <sys/select.h>
 #include <sys/socket.h>
 #include <sys/sockio.h>
 #include <sys/sysctl.h>
@@ -299,6 +315,7 @@ includes_OpenBSD='
 #include <sys/event.h>
 #include <sys/mman.h>
 #include <sys/mount.h>
+#include <sys/select.h>
 #include <sys/socket.h>
 #include <sys/sockio.h>
 #include <sys/stat.h>
@@ -335,6 +352,7 @@ includes_OpenBSD='
 #include <limits.h>
 #include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/select.h>
 #include <sys/socket.h>
 #include <sys/sockio.h>
 #include <sys/stat.h>
@@ -427,6 +445,7 @@ ccflags="$@"
 		$2 == "XCASE" ||
 		$2 == "ALTWERASE" ||
 		$2 == "NOKERNINFO" ||
+		$2 == "NFDBITS" ||
 		$2 ~ /^PAR/ ||
 		$2 ~ /^SIG[^_]/ ||
 		$2 ~ /^O[CNPFPL][A-Z]+[^_][A-Z]+$/ ||
@@ -451,6 +470,7 @@ ccflags="$@"
 		$2 ~ /^SYSCTL_VERS/ ||
 		$2 !~ "MNT_BITS" &&
 		$2 ~ /^(MS|MNT|UMOUNT)_/ ||
+		$2 ~ /^NS_GET_/ ||
 		$2 ~ /^(O|F|[ES]?FD|NAME|S|PTRACE|PT)_/ ||
 		$2 ~ /^KEXEC_/ ||
@@ -477,7 +497,9 @@ ccflags="$@"
 		$2 ~ /^CAN_/ ||
 		$2 ~ /^CAP_/ ||
 		$2 ~ /^ALG_/ ||
+		$2 ~ /^FS_IOC_.*ENCRYPTION/ ||
+		$2 ~ /^FSCRYPT_/ ||
 		$2 ~ /^GRND_/ ||
 		$2 ~ /^RND/ ||
 		$2 ~ /^KEY_(SPEC|REQKEY_DEFL)_/ ||
@@ -506,6 +528,8 @@ ccflags="$@"
 		$2 ~ /^XDP_/ ||
 		$2 ~ /^(HDIO|WIN|SMART)_/ ||
 		$2 ~ /^CRYPTO_/ ||
+		$2 ~ /^TIPC_/ ||
+		$2 ~ /^DEVLINK_/ ||
 		$2 !~ "WMESGLEN" &&
 		$2 ~ /^W[A-Z0-9]+$/ ||
 		$2 ~/^PPPIOC/ ||
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/sockcmsg_dragonfly.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/sockcmsg_dragonfly.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5144dee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/sockcmsg_dragonfly.go
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package unix
+// Round the length of a raw sockaddr up to align it properly.
+func cmsgAlignOf(salen int) int {
+	salign := SizeofPtr
+	if SizeofPtr == 8 && !supportsABI(_dragonflyABIChangeVersion) {
+		// 64-bit Dragonfly before the September 2019 ABI changes still requires
+		// 32-bit aligned access to network subsystem.
+		salign = 4
+	}
+	return (salen + salign - 1) & ^(salign - 1)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/sockcmsg_linux.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/sockcmsg_linux.go
index 6079eb4..8bf4570 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/sockcmsg_linux.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/sockcmsg_linux.go
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ func UnixCredentials(ucred *Ucred) []byte {
 	h.Level = SOL_SOCKET
-	*((*Ucred)(cmsgData(h))) = *ucred
+	*(*Ucred)(h.data(0)) = *ucred
 	return b
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/sockcmsg_unix.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/sockcmsg_unix.go
index 062bcab..003916e 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/sockcmsg_unix.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/sockcmsg_unix.go
@@ -9,35 +9,9 @@
 package unix
 import (
-	"runtime"
-// Round the length of a raw sockaddr up to align it properly.
-func cmsgAlignOf(salen int) int {
-	salign := SizeofPtr
-	switch runtime.GOOS {
-	case "aix":
-		// There is no alignment on AIX.
-		salign = 1
-	case "darwin", "dragonfly", "solaris", "illumos":
-		// NOTE: It seems like 64-bit Darwin, DragonFly BSD,
-		// illumos, and Solaris kernels still require 32-bit
-		// aligned access to network subsystem.
-		if SizeofPtr == 8 {
-			salign = 4
-		}
-	case "netbsd", "openbsd":
-		// NetBSD and OpenBSD armv7 require 64-bit alignment.
-		if runtime.GOARCH == "arm" {
-			salign = 8
-		}
-	}
-	return (salen + salign - 1) & ^(salign - 1)
 // CmsgLen returns the value to store in the Len field of the Cmsghdr
 // structure, taking into account any necessary alignment.
 func CmsgLen(datalen int) int {
@@ -50,8 +24,8 @@ func CmsgSpace(datalen int) int {
 	return cmsgAlignOf(SizeofCmsghdr) + cmsgAlignOf(datalen)
-func cmsgData(h *Cmsghdr) unsafe.Pointer {
-	return unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(h)) + uintptr(cmsgAlignOf(SizeofCmsghdr)))
+func (h *Cmsghdr) data(offset uintptr) unsafe.Pointer {
+	return unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(h)) + uintptr(cmsgAlignOf(SizeofCmsghdr)) + offset)
 // SocketControlMessage represents a socket control message.
@@ -94,10 +68,8 @@ func UnixRights(fds ...int) []byte {
 	h.Level = SOL_SOCKET
 	h.Type = SCM_RIGHTS
-	data := cmsgData(h)
-	for _, fd := range fds {
-		*(*int32)(data) = int32(fd)
-		data = unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(data) + 4)
+	for i, fd := range fds {
+		*(*int32)(h.data(4 * uintptr(i))) = int32(fd)
 	return b
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/sockcmsg_unix_other.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/sockcmsg_unix_other.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d08dae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/sockcmsg_unix_other.go
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// +build aix darwin freebsd linux netbsd openbsd solaris
+package unix
+import (
+	"runtime"
+// Round the length of a raw sockaddr up to align it properly.
+func cmsgAlignOf(salen int) int {
+	salign := SizeofPtr
+	// dragonfly needs to check ABI version at runtime, see cmsgAlignOf in
+	// sockcmsg_dragonfly.go
+	switch runtime.GOOS {
+	case "aix":
+		// There is no alignment on AIX.
+		salign = 1
+	case "darwin", "illumos", "solaris":
+		// NOTE: It seems like 64-bit Darwin, Illumos and Solaris
+		// kernels still require 32-bit aligned access to network
+		// subsystem.
+		if SizeofPtr == 8 {
+			salign = 4
+		}
+	case "netbsd", "openbsd":
+		// NetBSD and OpenBSD armv7 require 64-bit alignment.
+		if runtime.GOARCH == "arm" {
+			salign = 8
+		}
+	}
+	return (salen + salign - 1) & ^(salign - 1)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_aix.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_aix.go
index 1aa065f..9ad8a0d 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_aix.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_aix.go
@@ -350,49 +350,12 @@ func (w WaitStatus) Signal() Signal {
 func (w WaitStatus) Continued() bool { return w&0x01000000 != 0 }
-func (w WaitStatus) CoreDump() bool { return w&0x200 != 0 }
+func (w WaitStatus) CoreDump() bool { return w&0x80 == 0x80 }
 func (w WaitStatus) TrapCause() int { return -1 }
 //sys	ioctl(fd int, req uint, arg uintptr) (err error)
-// ioctl itself should not be exposed directly, but additional get/set
-// functions for specific types are permissible.
-// IoctlSetInt performs an ioctl operation which sets an integer value
-// on fd, using the specified request number.
-func IoctlSetInt(fd int, req uint, value int) error {
-	return ioctl(fd, req, uintptr(value))
-func ioctlSetWinsize(fd int, req uint, value *Winsize) error {
-	return ioctl(fd, req, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(value)))
-func ioctlSetTermios(fd int, req uint, value *Termios) error {
-	return ioctl(fd, req, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(value)))
-// IoctlGetInt performs an ioctl operation which gets an integer value
-// from fd, using the specified request number.
-func IoctlGetInt(fd int, req uint) (int, error) {
-	var value int
-	err := ioctl(fd, req, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&value)))
-	return value, err
-func IoctlGetWinsize(fd int, req uint) (*Winsize, error) {
-	var value Winsize
-	err := ioctl(fd, req, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&value)))
-	return &value, err
-func IoctlGetTermios(fd int, req uint) (*Termios, error) {
-	var value Termios
-	err := ioctl(fd, req, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&value)))
-	return &value, err
 // fcntl must never be called with cmd=F_DUP2FD because it doesn't work on AIX
 // There is no way to create a custom fcntl and to keep //sys fcntl easily,
 // Therefore, the programmer must call dup2 instead of fcntl in this case.
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_aix_ppc.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_aix_ppc.go
index bf05603..b3c8e33 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_aix_ppc.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_aix_ppc.go
@@ -29,6 +29,10 @@ func (msghdr *Msghdr) SetControllen(length int) {
 	msghdr.Controllen = uint32(length)
+func (msghdr *Msghdr) SetIovlen(length int) {
+	msghdr.Iovlen = int32(length)
 func (cmsg *Cmsghdr) SetLen(length int) {
 	cmsg.Len = uint32(length)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_aix_ppc64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_aix_ppc64.go
index 13d4321..9a6e024 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_aix_ppc64.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_aix_ppc64.go
@@ -29,6 +29,10 @@ func (msghdr *Msghdr) SetControllen(length int) {
 	msghdr.Controllen = uint32(length)
+func (msghdr *Msghdr) SetIovlen(length int) {
+	msghdr.Iovlen = int32(length)
 func (cmsg *Cmsghdr) SetLen(length int) {
 	cmsg.Len = uint32(length)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_bsd.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_bsd.go
index 97a8eef..d52bcc4 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_bsd.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_bsd.go
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ func anyToSockaddr(fd int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny) (Sockaddr, error) {
-		bytes := (*[10000]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&pp.Path[0]))[0:n]
+		bytes := (*[len(pp.Path)]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&pp.Path[0]))[0:n]
 		sa.Name = string(bytes)
 		return sa, nil
@@ -413,8 +413,6 @@ func Kevent(kq int, changes, events []Kevent_t, timeout *Timespec) (n int, err e
 	return kevent(kq, change, len(changes), event, len(events), timeout)
-//sys	sysctl(mib []_C_int, old *byte, oldlen *uintptr, new *byte, newlen uintptr) (err error) = SYS___SYSCTL
 // sysctlmib translates name to mib number and appends any additional args.
 func sysctlmib(name string, args ...int) ([]_C_int, error) {
 	// Translate name to mib number.
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin.1_12.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin.1_12.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a15cba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin.1_12.go
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// +build darwin,go1.12,!go1.13
+package unix
+import (
+	"unsafe"
+func Getdirentries(fd int, buf []byte, basep *uintptr) (n int, err error) {
+	// To implement this using libSystem we'd need syscall_syscallPtr for
+	// fdopendir. However, syscallPtr was only added in Go 1.13, so we fall
+	// back to raw syscalls for this func on Go 1.12.
+	var p unsafe.Pointer
+	if len(buf) > 0 {
+		p = unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0])
+	} else {
+		p = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero)
+	}
+	r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_GETDIRENTRIES64, uintptr(fd), uintptr(p), uintptr(len(buf)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(basep)), 0, 0)
+	n = int(r0)
+	if e1 != 0 {
+		return n, errnoErr(e1)
+	}
+	return n, nil
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin.1_13.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin.1_13.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f911617
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin.1_13.go
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// +build darwin,go1.13
+package unix
+import "unsafe"
+//sys	closedir(dir uintptr) (err error)
+//sys	readdir_r(dir uintptr, entry *Dirent, result **Dirent) (res Errno)
+func fdopendir(fd int) (dir uintptr, err error) {
+	r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscallPtr(funcPC(libc_fdopendir_trampoline), uintptr(fd), 0, 0)
+	dir = uintptr(r0)
+	if e1 != 0 {
+		err = errnoErr(e1)
+	}
+	return
+func libc_fdopendir_trampoline()
+//go:linkname libc_fdopendir libc_fdopendir
+//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fdopendir fdopendir "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib"
+func Getdirentries(fd int, buf []byte, basep *uintptr) (n int, err error) {
+	// Simulate Getdirentries using fdopendir/readdir_r/closedir.
+	// We store the number of entries to skip in the seek
+	// offset of fd. See issue #31368.
+	// It's not the full required semantics, but should handle the case
+	// of calling Getdirentries or ReadDirent repeatedly.
+	// It won't handle assigning the results of lseek to *basep, or handle
+	// the directory being edited underfoot.
+	skip, err := Seek(fd, 0, 1 /* SEEK_CUR */)
+	if err != nil {
+		return 0, err
+	}
+	// We need to duplicate the incoming file descriptor
+	// because the caller expects to retain control of it, but
+	// fdopendir expects to take control of its argument.
+	// Just Dup'ing the file descriptor is not enough, as the
+	// result shares underlying state. Use Openat to make a really
+	// new file descriptor referring to the same directory.
+	fd2, err := Openat(fd, ".", O_RDONLY, 0)
+	if err != nil {
+		return 0, err
+	}
+	d, err := fdopendir(fd2)
+	if err != nil {
+		Close(fd2)
+		return 0, err
+	}
+	defer closedir(d)
+	var cnt int64
+	for {
+		var entry Dirent
+		var entryp *Dirent
+		e := readdir_r(d, &entry, &entryp)
+		if e != 0 {
+			return n, errnoErr(e)
+		}
+		if entryp == nil {
+			break
+		}
+		if skip > 0 {
+			skip--
+			cnt++
+			continue
+		}
+		reclen := int(entry.Reclen)
+		if reclen > len(buf) {
+			// Not enough room. Return for now.
+			// The counter will let us know where we should start up again.
+			// Note: this strategy for suspending in the middle and
+			// restarting is O(n^2) in the length of the directory. Oh well.
+			break
+		}
+		// Copy entry into return buffer.
+		s := struct {
+			ptr unsafe.Pointer
+			siz int
+			cap int
+		}{ptr: unsafe.Pointer(&entry), siz: reclen, cap: reclen}
+		copy(buf, *(*[]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&s)))
+		buf = buf[reclen:]
+		n += reclen
+		cnt++
+	}
+	// Set the seek offset of the input fd to record
+	// how many files we've already returned.
+	_, err = Seek(fd, cnt, 0 /* SEEK_SET */)
+	if err != nil {
+		return n, err
+	}
+	return n, nil
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin.go
index 3e1cdfb..0a1cc74 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin.go
@@ -339,42 +339,7 @@ func Kill(pid int, signum syscall.Signal) (err error) { return kill(pid, int(sig
 //sys	ioctl(fd int, req uint, arg uintptr) (err error)
-// ioctl itself should not be exposed directly, but additional get/set
-// functions for specific types are permissible.
-// IoctlSetInt performs an ioctl operation which sets an integer value
-// on fd, using the specified request number.
-func IoctlSetInt(fd int, req uint, value int) error {
-	return ioctl(fd, req, uintptr(value))
-func ioctlSetWinsize(fd int, req uint, value *Winsize) error {
-	return ioctl(fd, req, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(value)))
-func ioctlSetTermios(fd int, req uint, value *Termios) error {
-	return ioctl(fd, req, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(value)))
-// IoctlGetInt performs an ioctl operation which gets an integer value
-// from fd, using the specified request number.
-func IoctlGetInt(fd int, req uint) (int, error) {
-	var value int
-	err := ioctl(fd, req, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&value)))
-	return value, err
-func IoctlGetWinsize(fd int, req uint) (*Winsize, error) {
-	var value Winsize
-	err := ioctl(fd, req, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&value)))
-	return &value, err
-func IoctlGetTermios(fd int, req uint) (*Termios, error) {
-	var value Termios
-	err := ioctl(fd, req, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&value)))
-	return &value, err
+//sys   sysctl(mib []_C_int, old *byte, oldlen *uintptr, new *byte, newlen uintptr) (err error) = SYS_SYSCTL
 func Uname(uname *Utsname) error {
 	mib := []_C_int{CTL_KERN, KERN_OSTYPE}
@@ -497,7 +462,7 @@ func Sendfile(outfd int, infd int, offset *int64, count int) (written int, err e
 //sys	Revoke(path string) (err error)
 //sys	Rmdir(path string) (err error)
 //sys	Seek(fd int, offset int64, whence int) (newoffset int64, err error) = SYS_LSEEK
-//sys	Select(n int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (err error)
+//sys	Select(nfd int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (n int, err error)
 //sys	Setegid(egid int) (err error)
 //sysnb	Seteuid(euid int) (err error)
 //sysnb	Setgid(gid int) (err error)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin_386.1_11.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin_386.1_11.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b223f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin_386.1_11.go
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// +build darwin,386,!go1.12
+package unix
+//sys  Getdirentries(fd int, buf []byte, basep *uintptr) (n int, err error) = SYS_GETDIRENTRIES64
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin_386.go
index cd8be18..707ba4f 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin_386.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin_386.go
@@ -45,6 +45,10 @@ func (msghdr *Msghdr) SetControllen(length int) {
 	msghdr.Controllen = uint32(length)
+func (msghdr *Msghdr) SetIovlen(length int) {
+	msghdr.Iovlen = int32(length)
 func (cmsg *Cmsghdr) SetLen(length int) {
 	cmsg.Len = uint32(length)
@@ -58,7 +62,6 @@ const SYS___SYSCTL = SYS_SYSCTL
 //sys	Fstat(fd int, stat *Stat_t) (err error) = SYS_FSTAT64
 //sys	Fstatat(fd int, path string, stat *Stat_t, flags int) (err error) = SYS_FSTATAT64
 //sys	Fstatfs(fd int, stat *Statfs_t) (err error) = SYS_FSTATFS64
-//sys	Getdirentries(fd int, buf []byte, basep *uintptr) (n int, err error) = SYS_GETDIRENTRIES64
 //sys	getfsstat(buf unsafe.Pointer, size uintptr, flags int) (n int, err error) = SYS_GETFSSTAT64
 //sys	Lstat(path string, stat *Stat_t) (err error) = SYS_LSTAT64
 //sys	Stat(path string, stat *Stat_t) (err error) = SYS_STAT64
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin_amd64.1_11.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin_amd64.1_11.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68ebd6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin_amd64.1_11.go
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// +build darwin,amd64,!go1.12
+package unix
+//sys  Getdirentries(fd int, buf []byte, basep *uintptr) (n int, err error) = SYS_GETDIRENTRIES64
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin_amd64.go
index d0d0724..fdbfb59 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin_amd64.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin_amd64.go
@@ -45,6 +45,10 @@ func (msghdr *Msghdr) SetControllen(length int) {
 	msghdr.Controllen = uint32(length)
+func (msghdr *Msghdr) SetIovlen(length int) {
+	msghdr.Iovlen = int32(length)
 func (cmsg *Cmsghdr) SetLen(length int) {
 	cmsg.Len = uint32(length)
@@ -58,7 +62,6 @@ const SYS___SYSCTL = SYS_SYSCTL
 //sys	Fstat(fd int, stat *Stat_t) (err error) = SYS_FSTAT64
 //sys	Fstatat(fd int, path string, stat *Stat_t, flags int) (err error) = SYS_FSTATAT64
 //sys	Fstatfs(fd int, stat *Statfs_t) (err error) = SYS_FSTATFS64
-//sys	Getdirentries(fd int, buf []byte, basep *uintptr) (n int, err error) = SYS_GETDIRENTRIES64
 //sys	getfsstat(buf unsafe.Pointer, size uintptr, flags int) (n int, err error) = SYS_GETFSSTAT64
 //sys	Lstat(path string, stat *Stat_t) (err error) = SYS_LSTAT64
 //sys	Stat(path string, stat *Stat_t) (err error) = SYS_STAT64
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin_arm.1_11.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin_arm.1_11.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c81510d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin_arm.1_11.go
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// +build darwin,386,!go1.12
+package unix
+func Getdirentries(fd int, buf []byte, basep *uintptr) (n int, err error) {
+	return 0, ENOSYS
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin_arm.go
index 01e8a38..f8bc4cf 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin_arm.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin_arm.go
@@ -45,6 +45,10 @@ func (msghdr *Msghdr) SetControllen(length int) {
 	msghdr.Controllen = uint32(length)
+func (msghdr *Msghdr) SetIovlen(length int) {
+	msghdr.Iovlen = int32(length)
 func (cmsg *Cmsghdr) SetLen(length int) {
 	cmsg.Len = uint32(length)
@@ -62,7 +66,3 @@ const SYS___SYSCTL = SYS_SYSCTL
 //sys	Lstat(path string, stat *Stat_t) (err error)
 //sys	Stat(path string, stat *Stat_t) (err error)
 //sys	Statfs(path string, stat *Statfs_t) (err error)
-func Getdirentries(fd int, buf []byte, basep *uintptr) (n int, err error) {
-	return 0, ENOSYS
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin_arm64.1_11.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin_arm64.1_11.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01d4504
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin_arm64.1_11.go
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// +build darwin,arm64,!go1.12
+package unix
+func Getdirentries(fd int, buf []byte, basep *uintptr) (n int, err error) {
+	return 0, ENOSYS
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin_arm64.go
index e674f81..5ede3ac 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin_arm64.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin_arm64.go
@@ -47,6 +47,10 @@ func (msghdr *Msghdr) SetControllen(length int) {
 	msghdr.Controllen = uint32(length)
+func (msghdr *Msghdr) SetIovlen(length int) {
+	msghdr.Iovlen = int32(length)
 func (cmsg *Cmsghdr) SetLen(length int) {
 	cmsg.Len = uint32(length)
@@ -64,7 +68,3 @@ const SYS___SYSCTL = SYS_SYSCTL
 //sys	Lstat(path string, stat *Stat_t) (err error)
 //sys	Stat(path string, stat *Stat_t) (err error)
 //sys	Statfs(path string, stat *Statfs_t) (err error)
-func Getdirentries(fd int, buf []byte, basep *uintptr) (n int, err error) {
-	return 0, ENOSYS
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin_libSystem.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin_libSystem.go
index 4b4ae46..f34c86c 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin_libSystem.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin_libSystem.go
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ func syscall_syscall6X(fn, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6 uintptr) (r1, r2 uintptr, err
 func syscall_syscall9(fn, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9 uintptr) (r1, r2 uintptr, err Errno) // 32-bit only
 func syscall_rawSyscall(fn, a1, a2, a3 uintptr) (r1, r2 uintptr, err Errno)
 func syscall_rawSyscall6(fn, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6 uintptr) (r1, r2 uintptr, err Errno)
+func syscall_syscallPtr(fn, a1, a2, a3 uintptr) (r1, r2 uintptr, err Errno)
 //go:linkname syscall_syscall syscall.syscall
 //go:linkname syscall_syscall6 syscall.syscall6
@@ -22,6 +23,7 @@ func syscall_rawSyscall6(fn, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6 uintptr) (r1, r2 uintptr, er
 //go:linkname syscall_syscall9 syscall.syscall9
 //go:linkname syscall_rawSyscall syscall.rawSyscall
 //go:linkname syscall_rawSyscall6 syscall.rawSyscall6
+//go:linkname syscall_syscallPtr syscall.syscallPtr
 // Find the entry point for f. See comments in runtime/proc.go for the
 // function of the same name.
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_dragonfly.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_dragonfly.go
index 260a400..8a195ae 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_dragonfly.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_dragonfly.go
@@ -12,7 +12,25 @@
 package unix
-import "unsafe"
+import (
+	"sync"
+	"unsafe"
+// See version list in https://github.com/DragonFlyBSD/DragonFlyBSD/blob/master/sys/sys/param.h
+var (
+	osreldateOnce sync.Once
+	osreldate     uint32
+// First __DragonFly_version after September 2019 ABI changes
+// http://lists.dragonflybsd.org/pipermail/users/2019-September/358280.html
+const _dragonflyABIChangeVersion = 500705
+func supportsABI(ver uint32) bool {
+	osreldateOnce.Do(func() { osreldate, _ = SysctlUint32("kern.osreldate") })
+	return osreldate >= ver
 // SockaddrDatalink implements the Sockaddr interface for AF_LINK type sockets.
 type SockaddrDatalink struct {
@@ -150,42 +168,7 @@ func setattrlistTimes(path string, times []Timespec, flags int) error {
 //sys	ioctl(fd int, req uint, arg uintptr) (err error)
-// ioctl itself should not be exposed directly, but additional get/set
-// functions for specific types are permissible.
-// IoctlSetInt performs an ioctl operation which sets an integer value
-// on fd, using the specified request number.
-func IoctlSetInt(fd int, req uint, value int) error {
-	return ioctl(fd, req, uintptr(value))
-func ioctlSetWinsize(fd int, req uint, value *Winsize) error {
-	return ioctl(fd, req, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(value)))
-func ioctlSetTermios(fd int, req uint, value *Termios) error {
-	return ioctl(fd, req, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(value)))
-// IoctlGetInt performs an ioctl operation which gets an integer value
-// from fd, using the specified request number.
-func IoctlGetInt(fd int, req uint) (int, error) {
-	var value int
-	err := ioctl(fd, req, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&value)))
-	return value, err
-func IoctlGetWinsize(fd int, req uint) (*Winsize, error) {
-	var value Winsize
-	err := ioctl(fd, req, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&value)))
-	return &value, err
-func IoctlGetTermios(fd int, req uint) (*Termios, error) {
-	var value Termios
-	err := ioctl(fd, req, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&value)))
-	return &value, err
+//sys   sysctl(mib []_C_int, old *byte, oldlen *uintptr, new *byte, newlen uintptr) (err error) = SYS___SYSCTL
 func sysctlUname(mib []_C_int, old *byte, oldlen *uintptr) error {
 	err := sysctl(mib, old, oldlen, nil, 0)
@@ -325,7 +308,7 @@ func Sendfile(outfd int, infd int, offset *int64, count int) (written int, err e
 //sys	Revoke(path string) (err error)
 //sys	Rmdir(path string) (err error)
 //sys	Seek(fd int, offset int64, whence int) (newoffset int64, err error) = SYS_LSEEK
-//sys	Select(n int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (err error)
+//sys	Select(nfd int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (n int, err error)
 //sysnb	Setegid(egid int) (err error)
 //sysnb	Seteuid(euid int) (err error)
 //sysnb	Setgid(gid int) (err error)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_dragonfly_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_dragonfly_amd64.go
index 9babb31..a6b4830 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_dragonfly_amd64.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_dragonfly_amd64.go
@@ -33,6 +33,10 @@ func (msghdr *Msghdr) SetControllen(length int) {
 	msghdr.Controllen = uint32(length)
+func (msghdr *Msghdr) SetIovlen(length int) {
+	msghdr.Iovlen = int32(length)
 func (cmsg *Cmsghdr) SetLen(length int) {
 	cmsg.Len = uint32(length)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_freebsd.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_freebsd.go
index 329d240..34918d8 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_freebsd.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_freebsd.go
@@ -201,42 +201,7 @@ func setattrlistTimes(path string, times []Timespec, flags int) error {
 //sys   ioctl(fd int, req uint, arg uintptr) (err error)
-// ioctl itself should not be exposed directly, but additional get/set
-// functions for specific types are permissible.
-// IoctlSetInt performs an ioctl operation which sets an integer value
-// on fd, using the specified request number.
-func IoctlSetInt(fd int, req uint, value int) error {
-	return ioctl(fd, req, uintptr(value))
-func ioctlSetWinsize(fd int, req uint, value *Winsize) error {
-	return ioctl(fd, req, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(value)))
-func ioctlSetTermios(fd int, req uint, value *Termios) error {
-	return ioctl(fd, req, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(value)))
-// IoctlGetInt performs an ioctl operation which gets an integer value
-// from fd, using the specified request number.
-func IoctlGetInt(fd int, req uint) (int, error) {
-	var value int
-	err := ioctl(fd, req, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&value)))
-	return value, err
-func IoctlGetWinsize(fd int, req uint) (*Winsize, error) {
-	var value Winsize
-	err := ioctl(fd, req, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&value)))
-	return &value, err
-func IoctlGetTermios(fd int, req uint) (*Termios, error) {
-	var value Termios
-	err := ioctl(fd, req, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&value)))
-	return &value, err
+//sys   sysctl(mib []_C_int, old *byte, oldlen *uintptr, new *byte, newlen uintptr) (err error) = SYS___SYSCTL
 func Uname(uname *Utsname) error {
 	mib := []_C_int{CTL_KERN, KERN_OSTYPE}
@@ -497,8 +462,12 @@ func convertFromDirents11(buf []byte, old []byte) int {
 	dstPos := 0
 	srcPos := 0
 	for dstPos+fixedSize < len(buf) && srcPos+oldFixedSize < len(old) {
-		dstDirent := (*Dirent)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf[dstPos]))
-		srcDirent := (*dirent_freebsd11)(unsafe.Pointer(&old[srcPos]))
+		var dstDirent Dirent
+		var srcDirent dirent_freebsd11
+		// If multiple direntries are written, sometimes when we reach the final one,
+		// we may have cap of old less than size of dirent_freebsd11.
+		copy((*[unsafe.Sizeof(srcDirent)]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&srcDirent))[:], old[srcPos:])
 		reclen := roundup(fixedSize+int(srcDirent.Namlen)+1, 8)
 		if dstPos+reclen > len(buf) {
@@ -514,6 +483,7 @@ func convertFromDirents11(buf []byte, old []byte) int {
 		dstDirent.Pad1 = 0
 		copy(dstDirent.Name[:], srcDirent.Name[:srcDirent.Namlen])
+		copy(buf[dstPos:], (*[unsafe.Sizeof(dstDirent)]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&dstDirent))[:])
 		padding := buf[dstPos+fixedSize+int(dstDirent.Namlen) : dstPos+reclen]
 		for i := range padding {
 			padding[i] = 0
@@ -688,7 +658,7 @@ func PtraceSingleStep(pid int) (err error) {
 //sys	Revoke(path string) (err error)
 //sys	Rmdir(path string) (err error)
 //sys	Seek(fd int, offset int64, whence int) (newoffset int64, err error) = SYS_LSEEK
-//sys	Select(n int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (err error)
+//sys	Select(nfd int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (n int, err error)
 //sysnb	Setegid(egid int) (err error)
 //sysnb	Seteuid(euid int) (err error)
 //sysnb	Setgid(gid int) (err error)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_freebsd_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_freebsd_386.go
index 21e0395..dcc5645 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_freebsd_386.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_freebsd_386.go
@@ -33,6 +33,10 @@ func (msghdr *Msghdr) SetControllen(length int) {
 	msghdr.Controllen = uint32(length)
+func (msghdr *Msghdr) SetIovlen(length int) {
+	msghdr.Iovlen = int32(length)
 func (cmsg *Cmsghdr) SetLen(length int) {
 	cmsg.Len = uint32(length)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_freebsd_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_freebsd_amd64.go
index 9c945a6..321c3ba 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_freebsd_amd64.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_freebsd_amd64.go
@@ -33,6 +33,10 @@ func (msghdr *Msghdr) SetControllen(length int) {
 	msghdr.Controllen = uint32(length)
+func (msghdr *Msghdr) SetIovlen(length int) {
+	msghdr.Iovlen = int32(length)
 func (cmsg *Cmsghdr) SetLen(length int) {
 	cmsg.Len = uint32(length)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_freebsd_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_freebsd_arm.go
index 5cd6243..6977008 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_freebsd_arm.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_freebsd_arm.go
@@ -33,6 +33,10 @@ func (msghdr *Msghdr) SetControllen(length int) {
 	msghdr.Controllen = uint32(length)
+func (msghdr *Msghdr) SetIovlen(length int) {
+	msghdr.Iovlen = int32(length)
 func (cmsg *Cmsghdr) SetLen(length int) {
 	cmsg.Len = uint32(length)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_freebsd_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_freebsd_arm64.go
index a318054..dbbbfd6 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_freebsd_arm64.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_freebsd_arm64.go
@@ -33,6 +33,10 @@ func (msghdr *Msghdr) SetControllen(length int) {
 	msghdr.Controllen = uint32(length)
+func (msghdr *Msghdr) SetIovlen(length int) {
+	msghdr.Iovlen = int32(length)
 func (cmsg *Cmsghdr) SetLen(length int) {
 	cmsg.Len = uint32(length)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux.go
index 637b501..26903bc 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux.go
@@ -71,6 +71,17 @@ func Fchmodat(dirfd int, path string, mode uint32, flags int) (err error) {
 // ioctl itself should not be exposed directly, but additional get/set
 // functions for specific types are permissible.
+// IoctlRetInt performs an ioctl operation specified by req on a device
+// associated with opened file descriptor fd, and returns a non-negative
+// integer that is returned by the ioctl syscall.
+func IoctlRetInt(fd int, req uint) (int, error) {
+	ret, _, err := Syscall(SYS_IOCTL, uintptr(fd), uintptr(req), 0)
+	if err != 0 {
+		return 0, err
+	}
+	return int(ret), nil
 // IoctlSetPointerInt performs an ioctl operation which sets an
 // integer value on fd, using the specified request number. The ioctl
 // argument is called with a pointer to the integer value, rather than
@@ -80,52 +91,18 @@ func IoctlSetPointerInt(fd int, req uint, value int) error {
 	return ioctl(fd, req, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&v)))
-// IoctlSetInt performs an ioctl operation which sets an integer value
-// on fd, using the specified request number.
-func IoctlSetInt(fd int, req uint, value int) error {
-	return ioctl(fd, req, uintptr(value))
-func ioctlSetWinsize(fd int, req uint, value *Winsize) error {
-	return ioctl(fd, req, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(value)))
-func ioctlSetTermios(fd int, req uint, value *Termios) error {
-	return ioctl(fd, req, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(value)))
 func IoctlSetRTCTime(fd int, value *RTCTime) error {
 	err := ioctl(fd, RTC_SET_TIME, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(value)))
 	return err
-// IoctlGetInt performs an ioctl operation which gets an integer value
-// from fd, using the specified request number.
-func IoctlGetInt(fd int, req uint) (int, error) {
-	var value int
-	err := ioctl(fd, req, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&value)))
-	return value, err
 func IoctlGetUint32(fd int, req uint) (uint32, error) {
 	var value uint32
 	err := ioctl(fd, req, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&value)))
 	return value, err
-func IoctlGetWinsize(fd int, req uint) (*Winsize, error) {
-	var value Winsize
-	err := ioctl(fd, req, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&value)))
-	return &value, err
-func IoctlGetTermios(fd int, req uint) (*Termios, error) {
-	var value Termios
-	err := ioctl(fd, req, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&value)))
-	return &value, err
 func IoctlGetRTCTime(fd int) (*RTCTime, error) {
 	var value RTCTime
 	err := ioctl(fd, RTC_RD_TIME, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&value)))
@@ -798,6 +775,70 @@ func (sa *SockaddrPPPoE) sockaddr() (unsafe.Pointer, _Socklen, error) {
 	return unsafe.Pointer(&sa.raw), SizeofSockaddrPPPoX, nil
+// SockaddrTIPC implements the Sockaddr interface for AF_TIPC type sockets.
+// For more information on TIPC, see: http://tipc.sourceforge.net/.
+type SockaddrTIPC struct {
+	// Scope is the publication scopes when binding service/service range.
+	// Should be set to TIPC_CLUSTER_SCOPE or TIPC_NODE_SCOPE.
+	Scope int
+	// Addr is the type of address used to manipulate a socket. Addr must be
+	// one of:
+	//  - *TIPCSocketAddr: "id" variant in the C addr union
+	//  - *TIPCServiceRange: "nameseq" variant in the C addr union
+	//  - *TIPCServiceName: "name" variant in the C addr union
+	//
+	// If nil, EINVAL will be returned when the structure is used.
+	Addr TIPCAddr
+	raw RawSockaddrTIPC
+// TIPCAddr is implemented by types that can be used as an address for
+// SockaddrTIPC. It is only implemented by *TIPCSocketAddr, *TIPCServiceRange,
+// and *TIPCServiceName.
+type TIPCAddr interface {
+	tipcAddrtype() uint8
+	tipcAddr() [12]byte
+func (sa *TIPCSocketAddr) tipcAddr() [12]byte {
+	var out [12]byte
+	copy(out[:], (*(*[unsafe.Sizeof(TIPCSocketAddr{})]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(sa)))[:])
+	return out
+func (sa *TIPCSocketAddr) tipcAddrtype() uint8 { return TIPC_SOCKET_ADDR }
+func (sa *TIPCServiceRange) tipcAddr() [12]byte {
+	var out [12]byte
+	copy(out[:], (*(*[unsafe.Sizeof(TIPCServiceRange{})]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(sa)))[:])
+	return out
+func (sa *TIPCServiceRange) tipcAddrtype() uint8 { return TIPC_SERVICE_RANGE }
+func (sa *TIPCServiceName) tipcAddr() [12]byte {
+	var out [12]byte
+	copy(out[:], (*(*[unsafe.Sizeof(TIPCServiceName{})]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(sa)))[:])
+	return out
+func (sa *TIPCServiceName) tipcAddrtype() uint8 { return TIPC_SERVICE_ADDR }
+func (sa *SockaddrTIPC) sockaddr() (unsafe.Pointer, _Socklen, error) {
+	if sa.Addr == nil {
+		return nil, 0, EINVAL
+	}
+	sa.raw.Family = AF_TIPC
+	sa.raw.Scope = int8(sa.Scope)
+	sa.raw.Addrtype = sa.Addr.tipcAddrtype()
+	sa.raw.Addr = sa.Addr.tipcAddr()
+	return unsafe.Pointer(&sa.raw), SizeofSockaddrTIPC, nil
 func anyToSockaddr(fd int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny) (Sockaddr, error) {
 	switch rsa.Addr.Family {
 	case AF_NETLINK:
@@ -843,7 +884,7 @@ func anyToSockaddr(fd int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny) (Sockaddr, error) {
 		for n < len(pp.Path) && pp.Path[n] != 0 {
-		bytes := (*[10000]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&pp.Path[0]))[0:n]
+		bytes := (*[len(pp.Path)]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&pp.Path[0]))[0:n]
 		sa.Name = string(bytes)
 		return sa, nil
@@ -923,6 +964,27 @@ func anyToSockaddr(fd int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny) (Sockaddr, error) {
+		return sa, nil
+	case AF_TIPC:
+		pp := (*RawSockaddrTIPC)(unsafe.Pointer(rsa))
+		sa := &SockaddrTIPC{
+			Scope: int(pp.Scope),
+		}
+		// Determine which union variant is present in pp.Addr by checking
+		// pp.Addrtype.
+		switch pp.Addrtype {
+			sa.Addr = (*TIPCServiceRange)(unsafe.Pointer(&pp.Addr))
+			sa.Addr = (*TIPCServiceName)(unsafe.Pointer(&pp.Addr))
+			sa.Addr = (*TIPCSocketAddr)(unsafe.Pointer(&pp.Addr))
+		default:
+			return nil, EINVAL
+		}
 		return sa, nil
 	return nil, EAFNOSUPPORT
@@ -1160,6 +1222,34 @@ func KeyctlDHCompute(params *KeyctlDHParams, buffer []byte) (size int, err error
 	return keyctlDH(KEYCTL_DH_COMPUTE, params, buffer)
+// KeyctlRestrictKeyring implements the KEYCTL_RESTRICT_KEYRING command. This
+// command limits the set of keys that can be linked to the keyring, regardless
+// of keyring permissions. The command requires the "setattr" permission.
+// When called with an empty keyType the command locks the keyring, preventing
+// any further keys from being linked to the keyring.
+// The "asymmetric" keyType defines restrictions requiring key payloads to be
+// DER encoded X.509 certificates signed by keys in another keyring. Restrictions
+// for "asymmetric" include "builtin_trusted", "builtin_and_secondary_trusted",
+// "key_or_keyring:<key>", and "key_or_keyring:<key>:chain".
+// As of Linux 4.12, only the "asymmetric" keyType defines type-specific
+// restrictions.
+// See the full documentation at:
+// http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man3/keyctl_restrict_keyring.3.html
+// http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/keyctl.2.html
+func KeyctlRestrictKeyring(ringid int, keyType string, restriction string) error {
+	if keyType == "" {
+		return keyctlRestrictKeyring(KEYCTL_RESTRICT_KEYRING, ringid)
+	}
+	return keyctlRestrictKeyringByType(KEYCTL_RESTRICT_KEYRING, ringid, keyType, restriction)
+//sys keyctlRestrictKeyringByType(cmd int, arg2 int, keyType string, restriction string) (err error) = SYS_KEYCTL
+//sys keyctlRestrictKeyring(cmd int, arg2 int) (err error) = SYS_KEYCTL
 func Recvmsg(fd int, p, oob []byte, flags int) (n, oobn int, recvflags int, from Sockaddr, err error) {
 	var msg Msghdr
 	var rsa RawSockaddrAny
@@ -1403,8 +1493,12 @@ func PtraceSyscall(pid int, signal int) (err error) {
 func PtraceSingleStep(pid int) (err error) { return ptrace(PTRACE_SINGLESTEP, pid, 0, 0) }
+func PtraceInterrupt(pid int) (err error) { return ptrace(PTRACE_INTERRUPT, pid, 0, 0) }
 func PtraceAttach(pid int) (err error) { return ptrace(PTRACE_ATTACH, pid, 0, 0) }
+func PtraceSeize(pid int) (err error) { return ptrace(PTRACE_SEIZE, pid, 0, 0) }
 func PtraceDetach(pid int) (err error) { return ptrace(PTRACE_DETACH, pid, 0, 0) }
 //sys	reboot(magic1 uint, magic2 uint, cmd int, arg string) (err error)
@@ -1761,6 +1855,17 @@ func OpenByHandleAt(mountFD int, handle FileHandle, flags int) (fd int, err erro
 	return openByHandleAt(mountFD, handle.fileHandle, flags)
+// Klogset wraps the sys_syslog system call; it sets console_loglevel to
+// the value specified by arg and passes a dummy pointer to bufp.
+func Klogset(typ int, arg int) (err error) {
+	var p unsafe.Pointer
+	_, _, errno := Syscall(SYS_SYSLOG, uintptr(typ), uintptr(p), uintptr(arg))
+	if errno != 0 {
+		return errnoErr(errno)
+	}
+	return nil
  * Unimplemented
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_386.go
index e2f8cf6..e7fa665 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_386.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_386.go
@@ -372,6 +372,10 @@ func (msghdr *Msghdr) SetControllen(length int) {
 	msghdr.Controllen = uint32(length)
+func (msghdr *Msghdr) SetIovlen(length int) {
+	msghdr.Iovlen = uint32(length)
 func (cmsg *Cmsghdr) SetLen(length int) {
 	cmsg.Len = uint32(length)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_amd64.go
index 87a3074..088ce0f 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_amd64.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_amd64.go
@@ -163,6 +163,10 @@ func (msghdr *Msghdr) SetControllen(length int) {
 	msghdr.Controllen = uint64(length)
+func (msghdr *Msghdr) SetIovlen(length int) {
+	msghdr.Iovlen = uint64(length)
 func (cmsg *Cmsghdr) SetLen(length int) {
 	cmsg.Len = uint64(length)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_arm.go
index f626794..11930fc 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_arm.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_arm.go
@@ -252,6 +252,10 @@ func (msghdr *Msghdr) SetControllen(length int) {
 	msghdr.Controllen = uint32(length)
+func (msghdr *Msghdr) SetIovlen(length int) {
+	msghdr.Iovlen = uint32(length)
 func (cmsg *Cmsghdr) SetLen(length int) {
 	cmsg.Len = uint32(length)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_arm64.go
index cb20b15..251e2d9 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_arm64.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_arm64.go
@@ -180,6 +180,10 @@ func (msghdr *Msghdr) SetControllen(length int) {
 	msghdr.Controllen = uint64(length)
+func (msghdr *Msghdr) SetIovlen(length int) {
+	msghdr.Iovlen = uint64(length)
 func (cmsg *Cmsghdr) SetLen(length int) {
 	cmsg.Len = uint64(length)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_mips64x.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_mips64x.go
index b3b21ec..7562fe9 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_mips64x.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_mips64x.go
@@ -208,6 +208,10 @@ func (msghdr *Msghdr) SetControllen(length int) {
 	msghdr.Controllen = uint64(length)
+func (msghdr *Msghdr) SetIovlen(length int) {
+	msghdr.Iovlen = uint64(length)
 func (cmsg *Cmsghdr) SetLen(length int) {
 	cmsg.Len = uint64(length)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_mipsx.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_mipsx.go
index 5144d4e..a939ff8 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_mipsx.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_mipsx.go
@@ -220,6 +220,10 @@ func (msghdr *Msghdr) SetControllen(length int) {
 	msghdr.Controllen = uint32(length)
+func (msghdr *Msghdr) SetIovlen(length int) {
+	msghdr.Iovlen = uint32(length)
 func (cmsg *Cmsghdr) SetLen(length int) {
 	cmsg.Len = uint32(length)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_ppc64x.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_ppc64x.go
index 0a100b6..28d6d0f 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_ppc64x.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_ppc64x.go
@@ -91,6 +91,10 @@ func (msghdr *Msghdr) SetControllen(length int) {
 	msghdr.Controllen = uint64(length)
+func (msghdr *Msghdr) SetIovlen(length int) {
+	msghdr.Iovlen = uint64(length)
 func (cmsg *Cmsghdr) SetLen(length int) {
 	cmsg.Len = uint64(length)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_riscv64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_riscv64.go
index 6230f64..6798c26 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_riscv64.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_riscv64.go
@@ -179,6 +179,10 @@ func (msghdr *Msghdr) SetControllen(length int) {
 	msghdr.Controllen = uint64(length)
+func (msghdr *Msghdr) SetIovlen(length int) {
+	msghdr.Iovlen = uint64(length)
 func (cmsg *Cmsghdr) SetLen(length int) {
 	cmsg.Len = uint64(length)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_s390x.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_s390x.go
index f81dbdc..eb5cb1a 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_s390x.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_s390x.go
@@ -120,6 +120,10 @@ func (msghdr *Msghdr) SetControllen(length int) {
 	msghdr.Controllen = uint64(length)
+func (msghdr *Msghdr) SetIovlen(length int) {
+	msghdr.Iovlen = uint64(length)
 func (cmsg *Cmsghdr) SetLen(length int) {
 	cmsg.Len = uint64(length)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_sparc64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_sparc64.go
index b695656..37321c1 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_sparc64.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_sparc64.go
@@ -107,6 +107,10 @@ func (msghdr *Msghdr) SetControllen(length int) {
 	msghdr.Controllen = uint64(length)
+func (msghdr *Msghdr) SetIovlen(length int) {
+	msghdr.Iovlen = uint64(length)
 func (cmsg *Cmsghdr) SetLen(length int) {
 	cmsg.Len = uint64(length)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_netbsd.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_netbsd.go
index 5ef3090..211131d 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_netbsd.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_netbsd.go
@@ -187,42 +187,7 @@ func setattrlistTimes(path string, times []Timespec, flags int) error {
 //sys	ioctl(fd int, req uint, arg uintptr) (err error)
-// ioctl itself should not be exposed directly, but additional get/set
-// functions for specific types are permissible.
-// IoctlSetInt performs an ioctl operation which sets an integer value
-// on fd, using the specified request number.
-func IoctlSetInt(fd int, req uint, value int) error {
-	return ioctl(fd, req, uintptr(value))
-func ioctlSetWinsize(fd int, req uint, value *Winsize) error {
-	return ioctl(fd, req, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(value)))
-func ioctlSetTermios(fd int, req uint, value *Termios) error {
-	return ioctl(fd, req, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(value)))
-// IoctlGetInt performs an ioctl operation which gets an integer value
-// from fd, using the specified request number.
-func IoctlGetInt(fd int, req uint) (int, error) {
-	var value int
-	err := ioctl(fd, req, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&value)))
-	return value, err
-func IoctlGetWinsize(fd int, req uint) (*Winsize, error) {
-	var value Winsize
-	err := ioctl(fd, req, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&value)))
-	return &value, err
-func IoctlGetTermios(fd int, req uint) (*Termios, error) {
-	var value Termios
-	err := ioctl(fd, req, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&value)))
-	return &value, err
+//sys   sysctl(mib []_C_int, old *byte, oldlen *uintptr, new *byte, newlen uintptr) (err error) = SYS___SYSCTL
 func IoctlGetPtmget(fd int, req uint) (*Ptmget, error) {
 	var value Ptmget
@@ -365,7 +330,7 @@ func Sendfile(outfd int, infd int, offset *int64, count int) (written int, err e
 //sys	Revoke(path string) (err error)
 //sys	Rmdir(path string) (err error)
 //sys	Seek(fd int, offset int64, whence int) (newoffset int64, err error) = SYS_LSEEK
-//sys	Select(n int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (err error)
+//sys	Select(nfd int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (n int, err error)
 //sysnb	Setegid(egid int) (err error)
 //sysnb	Seteuid(euid int) (err error)
 //sysnb	Setgid(gid int) (err error)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_netbsd_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_netbsd_386.go
index 24f74e5..24da8b5 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_netbsd_386.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_netbsd_386.go
@@ -28,6 +28,10 @@ func (msghdr *Msghdr) SetControllen(length int) {
 	msghdr.Controllen = uint32(length)
+func (msghdr *Msghdr) SetIovlen(length int) {
+	msghdr.Iovlen = int32(length)
 func (cmsg *Cmsghdr) SetLen(length int) {
 	cmsg.Len = uint32(length)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_netbsd_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_netbsd_amd64.go
index 6878bf7..25a0ac8 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_netbsd_amd64.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_netbsd_amd64.go
@@ -28,6 +28,10 @@ func (msghdr *Msghdr) SetControllen(length int) {
 	msghdr.Controllen = uint32(length)
+func (msghdr *Msghdr) SetIovlen(length int) {
+	msghdr.Iovlen = int32(length)
 func (cmsg *Cmsghdr) SetLen(length int) {
 	cmsg.Len = uint32(length)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_netbsd_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_netbsd_arm.go
index dbbfcf7..21591ec 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_netbsd_arm.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_netbsd_arm.go
@@ -28,6 +28,10 @@ func (msghdr *Msghdr) SetControllen(length int) {
 	msghdr.Controllen = uint32(length)
+func (msghdr *Msghdr) SetIovlen(length int) {
+	msghdr.Iovlen = int32(length)
 func (cmsg *Cmsghdr) SetLen(length int) {
 	cmsg.Len = uint32(length)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_netbsd_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_netbsd_arm64.go
index f343446..8047496 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_netbsd_arm64.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_netbsd_arm64.go
@@ -28,6 +28,10 @@ func (msghdr *Msghdr) SetControllen(length int) {
 	msghdr.Controllen = uint32(length)
+func (msghdr *Msghdr) SetIovlen(length int) {
+	msghdr.Iovlen = int32(length)
 func (cmsg *Cmsghdr) SetLen(length int) {
 	cmsg.Len = uint32(length)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd.go
index 1a074b2..92ed67d 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd.go
@@ -178,42 +178,7 @@ func setattrlistTimes(path string, times []Timespec, flags int) error {
 //sys	ioctl(fd int, req uint, arg uintptr) (err error)
-// ioctl itself should not be exposed directly, but additional get/set
-// functions for specific types are permissible.
-// IoctlSetInt performs an ioctl operation which sets an integer value
-// on fd, using the specified request number.
-func IoctlSetInt(fd int, req uint, value int) error {
-	return ioctl(fd, req, uintptr(value))
-func ioctlSetWinsize(fd int, req uint, value *Winsize) error {
-	return ioctl(fd, req, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(value)))
-func ioctlSetTermios(fd int, req uint, value *Termios) error {
-	return ioctl(fd, req, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(value)))
-// IoctlGetInt performs an ioctl operation which gets an integer value
-// from fd, using the specified request number.
-func IoctlGetInt(fd int, req uint) (int, error) {
-	var value int
-	err := ioctl(fd, req, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&value)))
-	return value, err
-func IoctlGetWinsize(fd int, req uint) (*Winsize, error) {
-	var value Winsize
-	err := ioctl(fd, req, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&value)))
-	return &value, err
-func IoctlGetTermios(fd int, req uint) (*Termios, error) {
-	var value Termios
-	err := ioctl(fd, req, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&value)))
-	return &value, err
+//sys   sysctl(mib []_C_int, old *byte, oldlen *uintptr, new *byte, newlen uintptr) (err error) = SYS___SYSCTL
 //sys	ppoll(fds *PollFd, nfds int, timeout *Timespec, sigmask *Sigset_t) (n int, err error)
@@ -340,7 +305,7 @@ func Uname(uname *Utsname) error {
 //sys	Revoke(path string) (err error)
 //sys	Rmdir(path string) (err error)
 //sys	Seek(fd int, offset int64, whence int) (newoffset int64, err error) = SYS_LSEEK
-//sys	Select(n int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (err error)
+//sys	Select(nfd int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (n int, err error)
 //sysnb	Setegid(egid int) (err error)
 //sysnb	Seteuid(euid int) (err error)
 //sysnb	Setgid(gid int) (err error)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd_386.go
index d62da60..42b5a0e 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd_386.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd_386.go
@@ -28,6 +28,10 @@ func (msghdr *Msghdr) SetControllen(length int) {
 	msghdr.Controllen = uint32(length)
+func (msghdr *Msghdr) SetIovlen(length int) {
+	msghdr.Iovlen = uint32(length)
 func (cmsg *Cmsghdr) SetLen(length int) {
 	cmsg.Len = uint32(length)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd_amd64.go
index 9a35334..6ea4b48 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd_amd64.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd_amd64.go
@@ -28,6 +28,10 @@ func (msghdr *Msghdr) SetControllen(length int) {
 	msghdr.Controllen = uint32(length)
+func (msghdr *Msghdr) SetIovlen(length int) {
+	msghdr.Iovlen = uint32(length)
 func (cmsg *Cmsghdr) SetLen(length int) {
 	cmsg.Len = uint32(length)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd_arm.go
index 5d812aa..1c3d26f 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd_arm.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd_arm.go
@@ -28,6 +28,10 @@ func (msghdr *Msghdr) SetControllen(length int) {
 	msghdr.Controllen = uint32(length)
+func (msghdr *Msghdr) SetIovlen(length int) {
+	msghdr.Iovlen = uint32(length)
 func (cmsg *Cmsghdr) SetLen(length int) {
 	cmsg.Len = uint32(length)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd_arm64.go
index 0fb39cf..a8c458c 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd_arm64.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd_arm64.go
@@ -28,6 +28,10 @@ func (msghdr *Msghdr) SetControllen(length int) {
 	msghdr.Controllen = uint32(length)
+func (msghdr *Msghdr) SetIovlen(length int) {
+	msghdr.Iovlen = uint32(length)
 func (cmsg *Cmsghdr) SetLen(length int) {
 	cmsg.Len = uint32(length)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_solaris.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_solaris.go
index 0153a31..0e2a696 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_solaris.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_solaris.go
@@ -391,7 +391,7 @@ func anyToSockaddr(fd int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny) (Sockaddr, error) {
 		for n < len(pp.Path) && pp.Path[n] != 0 {
-		bytes := (*[10000]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&pp.Path[0]))[0:n]
+		bytes := (*[len(pp.Path)]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&pp.Path[0]))[0:n]
 		sa.Name = string(bytes)
 		return sa, nil
@@ -553,40 +553,10 @@ func Minor(dev uint64) uint32 {
 //sys	ioctl(fd int, req uint, arg uintptr) (err error)
-func IoctlSetInt(fd int, req uint, value int) (err error) {
-	return ioctl(fd, req, uintptr(value))
-func ioctlSetWinsize(fd int, req uint, value *Winsize) (err error) {
-	return ioctl(fd, req, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(value)))
-func ioctlSetTermios(fd int, req uint, value *Termios) (err error) {
-	return ioctl(fd, req, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(value)))
 func IoctlSetTermio(fd int, req uint, value *Termio) (err error) {
 	return ioctl(fd, req, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(value)))
-func IoctlGetInt(fd int, req uint) (int, error) {
-	var value int
-	err := ioctl(fd, req, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&value)))
-	return value, err
-func IoctlGetWinsize(fd int, req uint) (*Winsize, error) {
-	var value Winsize
-	err := ioctl(fd, req, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&value)))
-	return &value, err
-func IoctlGetTermios(fd int, req uint) (*Termios, error) {
-	var value Termios
-	err := ioctl(fd, req, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&value)))
-	return &value, err
 func IoctlGetTermio(fd int, req uint) (*Termio, error) {
 	var value Termio
 	err := ioctl(fd, req, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&value)))
@@ -679,7 +649,7 @@ func Sendfile(outfd int, infd int, offset *int64, count int) (written int, err e
 //sys	Renameat(olddirfd int, oldpath string, newdirfd int, newpath string) (err error)
 //sys	Rmdir(path string) (err error)
 //sys	Seek(fd int, offset int64, whence int) (newoffset int64, err error) = lseek
-//sys	Select(n int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (err error)
+//sys	Select(nfd int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (n int, err error)
 //sysnb	Setegid(egid int) (err error)
 //sysnb	Seteuid(euid int) (err error)
 //sysnb	Setgid(gid int) (err error)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_solaris_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_solaris_amd64.go
index 91c32dd..b22a34d 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_solaris_amd64.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_solaris_amd64.go
@@ -18,6 +18,10 @@ func (iov *Iovec) SetLen(length int) {
 	iov.Len = uint64(length)
+func (msghdr *Msghdr) SetIovlen(length int) {
+	msghdr.Iovlen = int32(length)
 func (cmsg *Cmsghdr) SetLen(length int) {
 	cmsg.Len = uint32(length)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_aix_ppc.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_aix_ppc.go
index 1def8a5..104994b 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_aix_ppc.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_aix_ppc.go
@@ -459,6 +459,15 @@ const (
 	MAP_SHARED                    = 0x1
 	MAP_TYPE                      = 0xf0
 	MAP_VARIABLE                  = 0x0
+	MCAST_BLOCK_SOURCE            = 0x40
+	MCAST_EXCLUDE                 = 0x2
+	MCAST_INCLUDE                 = 0x1
+	MCAST_JOIN_GROUP              = 0x3e
+	MCAST_LEAVE_GROUP             = 0x3f
+	MCAST_SOURCE_FILTER           = 0x49
+	MCAST_UNBLOCK_SOURCE          = 0x41
 	MCL_CURRENT                   = 0x100
 	MCL_FUTURE                    = 0x200
 	MSG_ANY                       = 0x4
@@ -483,6 +492,7 @@ const (
 	MS_INVALIDATE                 = 0x40
 	MS_PER_SEC                    = 0x3e8
 	MS_SYNC                       = 0x20
+	NFDBITS                       = 0x20
 	NL0                           = 0x0
 	NL1                           = 0x4000
 	NL2                           = 0x8000
@@ -688,7 +698,7 @@ const (
 	SIOCGHIWAT                    = 0x40047301
 	SIOCGIFADDR                   = -0x3fd796df
 	SIOCGIFADDRS                  = 0x2000698c
-	SIOCGIFBAUDRATE               = -0x3fd79693
+	SIOCGIFBAUDRATE               = -0x3fdf9669
 	SIOCGIFBRDADDR                = -0x3fd796dd
 	SIOCGIFCONF                   = -0x3ff796bb
 	SIOCGIFCONFGLOB               = -0x3ff79670
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_aix_ppc64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_aix_ppc64.go
index 03187de..4fc8d30 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_aix_ppc64.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_aix_ppc64.go
@@ -459,6 +459,15 @@ const (
 	MAP_SHARED                    = 0x1
 	MAP_TYPE                      = 0xf0
 	MAP_VARIABLE                  = 0x0
+	MCAST_BLOCK_SOURCE            = 0x40
+	MCAST_EXCLUDE                 = 0x2
+	MCAST_INCLUDE                 = 0x1
+	MCAST_JOIN_GROUP              = 0x3e
+	MCAST_LEAVE_GROUP             = 0x3f
+	MCAST_SOURCE_FILTER           = 0x49
+	MCAST_UNBLOCK_SOURCE          = 0x41
 	MCL_CURRENT                   = 0x100
 	MCL_FUTURE                    = 0x200
 	MSG_ANY                       = 0x4
@@ -483,6 +492,7 @@ const (
 	MS_INVALIDATE                 = 0x40
 	MS_PER_SEC                    = 0x3e8
 	MS_SYNC                       = 0x20
+	NFDBITS                       = 0x40
 	NL0                           = 0x0
 	NL1                           = 0x4000
 	NL2                           = 0x8000
@@ -688,7 +698,7 @@ const (
 	SIOCGHIWAT                    = 0x40047301
 	SIOCGIFADDR                   = -0x3fd796df
 	SIOCGIFADDRS                  = 0x2000698c
-	SIOCGIFBAUDRATE               = -0x3fd79693
+	SIOCGIFBAUDRATE               = -0x3fdf9669
 	SIOCGIFBRDADDR                = -0x3fd796dd
 	SIOCGIFCONF                   = -0x3fef96bb
 	SIOCGIFCONFGLOB               = -0x3fef9670
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_darwin_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_darwin_386.go
index 3b39d74..6217cdb 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_darwin_386.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_darwin_386.go
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 // +build 386,darwin
-// Created by cgo -godefs - DO NOT EDIT
+// Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT.
 // cgo -godefs -- -m32 _const.go
 package unix
@@ -980,6 +980,7 @@ const (
 	NET_RT_MAXID                      = 0xa
 	NET_RT_STAT                       = 0x4
 	NET_RT_TRASH                      = 0x5
+	NFDBITS                           = 0x20
 	NL0                               = 0x0
 	NL1                               = 0x100
 	NL2                               = 0x200
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_darwin_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_darwin_amd64.go
index 8fe5547..e3ff2ee 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_darwin_amd64.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_darwin_amd64.go
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 // +build amd64,darwin
-// Created by cgo -godefs - DO NOT EDIT
+// Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT.
 // cgo -godefs -- -m64 _const.go
 package unix
@@ -980,6 +980,7 @@ const (
 	NET_RT_MAXID                      = 0xa
 	NET_RT_STAT                       = 0x4
 	NET_RT_TRASH                      = 0x5
+	NFDBITS                           = 0x20
 	NL0                               = 0x0
 	NL1                               = 0x100
 	NL2                               = 0x200
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_darwin_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_darwin_arm.go
index 7a97777..3e41757 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_darwin_arm.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_darwin_arm.go
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 // +build arm,darwin
-// Created by cgo -godefs - DO NOT EDIT
+// Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT.
 // cgo -godefs -- _const.go
 package unix
@@ -980,6 +980,7 @@ const (
 	NET_RT_MAXID                      = 0xa
 	NET_RT_STAT                       = 0x4
 	NET_RT_TRASH                      = 0x5
+	NFDBITS                           = 0x20
 	NL0                               = 0x0
 	NL1                               = 0x100
 	NL2                               = 0x200
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_darwin_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_darwin_arm64.go
index 6d56d8a..cbd8ed1 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_darwin_arm64.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_darwin_arm64.go
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 // +build arm64,darwin
-// Created by cgo -godefs - DO NOT EDIT
+// Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT.
 // cgo -godefs -- -m64 _const.go
 package unix
@@ -980,6 +980,7 @@ const (
 	NET_RT_MAXID                      = 0xa
 	NET_RT_STAT                       = 0x4
 	NET_RT_TRASH                      = 0x5
+	NFDBITS                           = 0x20
 	NL0                               = 0x0
 	NL1                               = 0x100
 	NL2                               = 0x200
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_dragonfly_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_dragonfly_amd64.go
index bbe6089..6130471 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_dragonfly_amd64.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_dragonfly_amd64.go
@@ -938,6 +938,7 @@ const (
 	NET_RT_FLAGS                      = 0x2
 	NET_RT_IFLIST                     = 0x3
 	NET_RT_MAXID                      = 0x4
+	NFDBITS                           = 0x40
 	NOFLSH                            = 0x80000000
 	NOKERNINFO                        = 0x2000000
 	NOTE_ATTRIB                       = 0x8
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_freebsd_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_freebsd_386.go
index d2bbaab..b72544f 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_freebsd_386.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_freebsd_386.go
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 // +build 386,freebsd
-// Created by cgo -godefs - DO NOT EDIT
+// Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT.
 // cgo -godefs -- -m32 _const.go
 package unix
@@ -1055,6 +1055,7 @@ const (
 	NET_RT_IFLIST                  = 0x3
 	NET_RT_IFLISTL                 = 0x5
 	NET_RT_IFMALIST                = 0x4
+	NFDBITS                        = 0x20
 	NOFLSH                         = 0x80000000
 	NOKERNINFO                     = 0x2000000
 	NOTE_ATTRIB                    = 0x8
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_freebsd_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_freebsd_amd64.go
index 4f8db78..9f38267 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_freebsd_amd64.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_freebsd_amd64.go
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 // +build amd64,freebsd
-// Created by cgo -godefs - DO NOT EDIT
+// Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT.
 // cgo -godefs -- -m64 _const.go
 package unix
@@ -1056,6 +1056,7 @@ const (
 	NET_RT_IFLIST                  = 0x3
 	NET_RT_IFLISTL                 = 0x5
 	NET_RT_IFMALIST                = 0x4
+	NFDBITS                        = 0x40
 	NOFLSH                         = 0x80000000
 	NOKERNINFO                     = 0x2000000
 	NOTE_ATTRIB                    = 0x8
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_freebsd_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_freebsd_arm.go
index 53e5de6..16db56a 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_freebsd_arm.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_freebsd_arm.go
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 // +build arm,freebsd
-// Created by cgo -godefs - DO NOT EDIT
+// Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT.
 // cgo -godefs -- _const.go
 package unix
@@ -1063,6 +1063,7 @@ const (
 	NET_RT_IFLIST                  = 0x3
 	NET_RT_IFLISTL                 = 0x5
 	NET_RT_IFMALIST                = 0x4
+	NFDBITS                        = 0x20
 	NOFLSH                         = 0x80000000
 	NOKERNINFO                     = 0x2000000
 	NOTE_ATTRIB                    = 0x8
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_freebsd_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_freebsd_arm64.go
index d4a192f..1a1de34 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_freebsd_arm64.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_freebsd_arm64.go
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 // +build arm64,freebsd
-// Created by cgo -godefs - DO NOT EDIT
+// Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT.
 // cgo -godefs -- -m64 _const.go
 package unix
@@ -1056,6 +1056,7 @@ const (
 	NET_RT_IFLIST                  = 0x3
 	NET_RT_IFLISTL                 = 0x5
 	NET_RT_IFMALIST                = 0x4
+	NFDBITS                        = 0x40
 	NOFLSH                         = 0x80000000
 	NOKERNINFO                     = 0x2000000
 	NOTE_ATTRIB                    = 0x8
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_386.go
index 3fb475b..9ac5230 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_386.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_386.go
@@ -11,2658 +11,2814 @@ package unix
 import "syscall"
 const (
-	AAFS_MAGIC                           = 0x5a3c69f0
-	ADFS_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xadf5
-	AFFS_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xadff
-	AFS_FS_MAGIC                         = 0x6b414653
-	AFS_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x5346414f
-	AF_ALG                               = 0x26
-	AF_APPLETALK                         = 0x5
-	AF_ASH                               = 0x12
-	AF_ATMPVC                            = 0x8
-	AF_ATMSVC                            = 0x14
-	AF_AX25                              = 0x3
-	AF_BLUETOOTH                         = 0x1f
-	AF_BRIDGE                            = 0x7
-	AF_CAIF                              = 0x25
-	AF_CAN                               = 0x1d
-	AF_DECnet                            = 0xc
-	AF_ECONET                            = 0x13
-	AF_FILE                              = 0x1
-	AF_IB                                = 0x1b
-	AF_IEEE802154                        = 0x24
-	AF_INET                              = 0x2
-	AF_INET6                             = 0xa
-	AF_IPX                               = 0x4
-	AF_IRDA                              = 0x17
-	AF_ISDN                              = 0x22
-	AF_IUCV                              = 0x20
-	AF_KCM                               = 0x29
-	AF_KEY                               = 0xf
-	AF_LLC                               = 0x1a
-	AF_LOCAL                             = 0x1
-	AF_MAX                               = 0x2d
-	AF_MPLS                              = 0x1c
-	AF_NETBEUI                           = 0xd
-	AF_NETLINK                           = 0x10
-	AF_NETROM                            = 0x6
-	AF_NFC                               = 0x27
-	AF_PACKET                            = 0x11
-	AF_PHONET                            = 0x23
-	AF_PPPOX                             = 0x18
-	AF_QIPCRTR                           = 0x2a
-	AF_RDS                               = 0x15
-	AF_ROSE                              = 0xb
-	AF_ROUTE                             = 0x10
-	AF_RXRPC                             = 0x21
-	AF_SECURITY                          = 0xe
-	AF_SMC                               = 0x2b
-	AF_SNA                               = 0x16
-	AF_TIPC                              = 0x1e
-	AF_UNIX                              = 0x1
-	AF_UNSPEC                            = 0x0
-	AF_VSOCK                             = 0x28
-	AF_WANPIPE                           = 0x19
-	AF_X25                               = 0x9
-	AF_XDP                               = 0x2c
-	ALG_OP_DECRYPT                       = 0x0
-	ALG_OP_ENCRYPT                       = 0x1
-	ALG_SET_AEAD_ASSOCLEN                = 0x4
-	ALG_SET_AEAD_AUTHSIZE                = 0x5
-	ALG_SET_IV                           = 0x2
-	ALG_SET_KEY                          = 0x1
-	ALG_SET_OP                           = 0x3
-	ANON_INODE_FS_MAGIC                  = 0x9041934
-	ARPHRD_6LOWPAN                       = 0x339
-	ARPHRD_ADAPT                         = 0x108
-	ARPHRD_APPLETLK                      = 0x8
-	ARPHRD_ARCNET                        = 0x7
-	ARPHRD_ASH                           = 0x30d
-	ARPHRD_ATM                           = 0x13
-	ARPHRD_AX25                          = 0x3
-	ARPHRD_BIF                           = 0x307
-	ARPHRD_CAIF                          = 0x336
-	ARPHRD_CAN                           = 0x118
-	ARPHRD_CHAOS                         = 0x5
-	ARPHRD_CISCO                         = 0x201
-	ARPHRD_CSLIP                         = 0x101
-	ARPHRD_CSLIP6                        = 0x103
-	ARPHRD_DDCMP                         = 0x205
-	ARPHRD_DLCI                          = 0xf
-	ARPHRD_ECONET                        = 0x30e
-	ARPHRD_EETHER                        = 0x2
-	ARPHRD_ETHER                         = 0x1
-	ARPHRD_EUI64                         = 0x1b
-	ARPHRD_FCAL                          = 0x311
-	ARPHRD_FCFABRIC                      = 0x313
-	ARPHRD_FCPL                          = 0x312
-	ARPHRD_FCPP                          = 0x310
-	ARPHRD_FDDI                          = 0x306
-	ARPHRD_FRAD                          = 0x302
-	ARPHRD_HDLC                          = 0x201
-	ARPHRD_HIPPI                         = 0x30c
-	ARPHRD_HWX25                         = 0x110
-	ARPHRD_IEEE1394                      = 0x18
-	ARPHRD_IEEE802                       = 0x6
-	ARPHRD_IEEE80211                     = 0x321
-	ARPHRD_IEEE80211_PRISM               = 0x322
-	ARPHRD_IEEE80211_RADIOTAP            = 0x323
-	ARPHRD_IEEE802154                    = 0x324
-	ARPHRD_IEEE802154_MONITOR            = 0x325
-	ARPHRD_IEEE802_TR                    = 0x320
-	ARPHRD_INFINIBAND                    = 0x20
-	ARPHRD_IP6GRE                        = 0x337
-	ARPHRD_IPDDP                         = 0x309
-	ARPHRD_IPGRE                         = 0x30a
-	ARPHRD_IRDA                          = 0x30f
-	ARPHRD_LAPB                          = 0x204
-	ARPHRD_LOCALTLK                      = 0x305
-	ARPHRD_LOOPBACK                      = 0x304
-	ARPHRD_METRICOM                      = 0x17
-	ARPHRD_NETLINK                       = 0x338
-	ARPHRD_NETROM                        = 0x0
-	ARPHRD_NONE                          = 0xfffe
-	ARPHRD_PHONET                        = 0x334
-	ARPHRD_PHONET_PIPE                   = 0x335
-	ARPHRD_PIMREG                        = 0x30b
-	ARPHRD_PPP                           = 0x200
-	ARPHRD_PRONET                        = 0x4
-	ARPHRD_RAWHDLC                       = 0x206
-	ARPHRD_RAWIP                         = 0x207
-	ARPHRD_ROSE                          = 0x10e
-	ARPHRD_RSRVD                         = 0x104
-	ARPHRD_SIT                           = 0x308
-	ARPHRD_SKIP                          = 0x303
-	ARPHRD_SLIP                          = 0x100
-	ARPHRD_SLIP6                         = 0x102
-	ARPHRD_TUNNEL                        = 0x300
-	ARPHRD_TUNNEL6                       = 0x301
-	ARPHRD_VOID                          = 0xffff
-	ARPHRD_VSOCKMON                      = 0x33a
-	ARPHRD_X25                           = 0x10f
-	AUTOFS_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0x187
-	B0                                   = 0x0
-	B1000000                             = 0x1008
-	B110                                 = 0x3
-	B115200                              = 0x1002
-	B1152000                             = 0x1009
-	B1200                                = 0x9
-	B134                                 = 0x4
-	B150                                 = 0x5
-	B1500000                             = 0x100a
-	B1800                                = 0xa
-	B19200                               = 0xe
-	B200                                 = 0x6
-	B2000000                             = 0x100b
-	B230400                              = 0x1003
-	B2400                                = 0xb
-	B2500000                             = 0x100c
-	B300                                 = 0x7
-	B3000000                             = 0x100d
-	B3500000                             = 0x100e
-	B38400                               = 0xf
-	B4000000                             = 0x100f
-	B460800                              = 0x1004
-	B4800                                = 0xc
-	B50                                  = 0x1
-	B500000                              = 0x1005
-	B57600                               = 0x1001
-	B576000                              = 0x1006
-	B600                                 = 0x8
-	B75                                  = 0x2
-	B921600                              = 0x1007
-	B9600                                = 0xd
-	BALLOON_KVM_MAGIC                    = 0x13661366
-	BDEVFS_MAGIC                         = 0x62646576
-	BINDERFS_SUPER_MAGIC                 = 0x6c6f6f70
-	BINFMTFS_MAGIC                       = 0x42494e4d
-	BLKBSZGET                            = 0x80041270
-	BLKBSZSET                            = 0x40041271
-	BLKFLSBUF                            = 0x1261
-	BLKFRAGET                            = 0x1265
-	BLKFRASET                            = 0x1264
-	BLKGETSIZE                           = 0x1260
-	BLKGETSIZE64                         = 0x80041272
-	BLKPBSZGET                           = 0x127b
-	BLKRAGET                             = 0x1263
-	BLKRASET                             = 0x1262
-	BLKROGET                             = 0x125e
-	BLKROSET                             = 0x125d
-	BLKRRPART                            = 0x125f
-	BLKSECTGET                           = 0x1267
-	BLKSECTSET                           = 0x1266
-	BLKSSZGET                            = 0x1268
-	BOTHER                               = 0x1000
-	BPF_A                                = 0x10
-	BPF_ABS                              = 0x20
-	BPF_ADD                              = 0x0
-	BPF_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L2_MASK           = 0xff
-	BPF_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L2_SHIFT          = 0x38
-	BPF_ALU                              = 0x4
-	BPF_ALU64                            = 0x7
-	BPF_AND                              = 0x50
-	BPF_ANY                              = 0x0
-	BPF_ARSH                             = 0xc0
-	BPF_B                                = 0x10
-	BPF_BUILD_ID_SIZE                    = 0x14
-	BPF_CALL                             = 0x80
-	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_MKNOD                  = 0x1
-	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_READ                   = 0x2
-	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_WRITE                  = 0x4
-	BPF_DEVCG_DEV_BLOCK                  = 0x1
-	BPF_DEVCG_DEV_CHAR                   = 0x2
-	BPF_DIV                              = 0x30
-	BPF_DW                               = 0x18
-	BPF_END                              = 0xd0
-	BPF_EXIST                            = 0x2
-	BPF_EXIT                             = 0x90
-	BPF_FROM_BE                          = 0x8
-	BPF_FROM_LE                          = 0x0
-	BPF_FS_MAGIC                         = 0xcafe4a11
-	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L3_IPV4         = 0x2
-	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L3_IPV6         = 0x4
-	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L4_GRE          = 0x8
-	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L4_UDP          = 0x10
-	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_FIXED_GSO             = 0x1
-	BPF_F_ALLOW_MULTI                    = 0x2
-	BPF_F_ALLOW_OVERRIDE                 = 0x1
-	BPF_F_ANY_ALIGNMENT                  = 0x2
-	BPF_F_CTXLEN_MASK                    = 0xfffff00000000
-	BPF_F_CURRENT_CPU                    = 0xffffffff
-	BPF_F_CURRENT_NETNS                  = -0x1
-	BPF_F_DONT_FRAGMENT                  = 0x4
-	BPF_F_FAST_STACK_CMP                 = 0x200
-	BPF_F_HDR_FIELD_MASK                 = 0xf
-	BPF_F_INDEX_MASK                     = 0xffffffff
-	BPF_F_INGRESS                        = 0x1
-	BPF_F_INVALIDATE_HASH                = 0x2
-	BPF_F_LOCK                           = 0x4
-	BPF_F_MARK_ENFORCE                   = 0x40
-	BPF_F_MARK_MANGLED_0                 = 0x20
-	BPF_F_NO_COMMON_LRU                  = 0x2
-	BPF_F_NO_PREALLOC                    = 0x1
-	BPF_F_NUMA_NODE                      = 0x4
-	BPF_F_PSEUDO_HDR                     = 0x10
-	BPF_F_QUERY_EFFECTIVE                = 0x1
-	BPF_F_RDONLY                         = 0x8
-	BPF_F_RDONLY_PROG                    = 0x80
-	BPF_F_RECOMPUTE_CSUM                 = 0x1
-	BPF_F_REUSE_STACKID                  = 0x400
-	BPF_F_SEQ_NUMBER                     = 0x8
-	BPF_F_SKIP_FIELD_MASK                = 0xff
-	BPF_F_STACK_BUILD_ID                 = 0x20
-	BPF_F_STRICT_ALIGNMENT               = 0x1
-	BPF_F_SYSCTL_BASE_NAME               = 0x1
-	BPF_F_TUNINFO_IPV6                   = 0x1
-	BPF_F_USER_BUILD_ID                  = 0x800
-	BPF_F_USER_STACK                     = 0x100
-	BPF_F_WRONLY                         = 0x10
-	BPF_F_WRONLY_PROG                    = 0x100
-	BPF_F_ZERO_CSUM_TX                   = 0x2
-	BPF_F_ZERO_SEED                      = 0x40
-	BPF_H                                = 0x8
-	BPF_IMM                              = 0x0
-	BPF_IND                              = 0x40
-	BPF_JA                               = 0x0
-	BPF_JEQ                              = 0x10
-	BPF_JGE                              = 0x30
-	BPF_JGT                              = 0x20
-	BPF_JLE                              = 0xb0
-	BPF_JLT                              = 0xa0
-	BPF_JMP                              = 0x5
-	BPF_JMP32                            = 0x6
-	BPF_JNE                              = 0x50
-	BPF_JSET                             = 0x40
-	BPF_JSGE                             = 0x70
-	BPF_JSGT                             = 0x60
-	BPF_JSLE                             = 0xd0
-	BPF_JSLT                             = 0xc0
-	BPF_K                                = 0x0
-	BPF_LD                               = 0x0
-	BPF_LDX                              = 0x1
-	BPF_LEN                              = 0x80
-	BPF_LL_OFF                           = -0x200000
-	BPF_LSH                              = 0x60
-	BPF_MAJOR_VERSION                    = 0x1
-	BPF_MAXINSNS                         = 0x1000
-	BPF_MEM                              = 0x60
-	BPF_MEMWORDS                         = 0x10
-	BPF_MINOR_VERSION                    = 0x1
-	BPF_MISC                             = 0x7
-	BPF_MOD                              = 0x90
-	BPF_MOV                              = 0xb0
-	BPF_MSH                              = 0xa0
-	BPF_MUL                              = 0x20
-	BPF_NEG                              = 0x80
-	BPF_NET_OFF                          = -0x100000
-	BPF_NOEXIST                          = 0x1
-	BPF_OBJ_NAME_LEN                     = 0x10
-	BPF_OR                               = 0x40
-	BPF_PSEUDO_CALL                      = 0x1
-	BPF_PSEUDO_MAP_FD                    = 0x1
-	BPF_PSEUDO_MAP_VALUE                 = 0x2
-	BPF_RET                              = 0x6
-	BPF_RSH                              = 0x70
-	BPF_SK_STORAGE_GET_F_CREATE          = 0x1
-	BPF_SOCK_OPS_ALL_CB_FLAGS            = 0x7
-	BPF_SOCK_OPS_RTO_CB_FLAG             = 0x1
-	BPF_SOCK_OPS_STATE_CB_FLAG           = 0x4
-	BPF_ST                               = 0x2
-	BPF_STX                              = 0x3
-	BPF_SUB                              = 0x10
-	BPF_TAG_SIZE                         = 0x8
-	BPF_TAX                              = 0x0
-	BPF_TO_BE                            = 0x8
-	BPF_TO_LE                            = 0x0
-	BPF_TXA                              = 0x80
-	BPF_W                                = 0x0
-	BPF_X                                = 0x8
-	BPF_XADD                             = 0xc0
-	BPF_XOR                              = 0xa0
-	BRKINT                               = 0x2
-	BS0                                  = 0x0
-	BS1                                  = 0x2000
-	BSDLY                                = 0x2000
-	BTRFS_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x9123683e
-	BTRFS_TEST_MAGIC                     = 0x73727279
-	CAN_BCM                              = 0x2
-	CAN_EFF_FLAG                         = 0x80000000
-	CAN_EFF_ID_BITS                      = 0x1d
-	CAN_EFF_MASK                         = 0x1fffffff
-	CAN_ERR_FLAG                         = 0x20000000
-	CAN_ERR_MASK                         = 0x1fffffff
-	CAN_INV_FILTER                       = 0x20000000
-	CAN_ISOTP                            = 0x6
-	CAN_MAX_DLC                          = 0x8
-	CAN_MAX_DLEN                         = 0x8
-	CAN_MCNET                            = 0x5
-	CAN_MTU                              = 0x10
-	CAN_NPROTO                           = 0x7
-	CAN_RAW                              = 0x1
-	CAN_RAW_FILTER_MAX                   = 0x200
-	CAN_RTR_FLAG                         = 0x40000000
-	CAN_SFF_ID_BITS                      = 0xb
-	CAN_SFF_MASK                         = 0x7ff
-	CAN_TP16                             = 0x3
-	CAN_TP20                             = 0x4
-	CAP_AUDIT_CONTROL                    = 0x1e
-	CAP_AUDIT_READ                       = 0x25
-	CAP_AUDIT_WRITE                      = 0x1d
-	CAP_BLOCK_SUSPEND                    = 0x24
-	CAP_CHOWN                            = 0x0
-	CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE                     = 0x1
-	CAP_DAC_READ_SEARCH                  = 0x2
-	CAP_FOWNER                           = 0x3
-	CAP_FSETID                           = 0x4
-	CAP_IPC_LOCK                         = 0xe
-	CAP_IPC_OWNER                        = 0xf
-	CAP_KILL                             = 0x5
-	CAP_LAST_CAP                         = 0x25
-	CAP_LEASE                            = 0x1c
-	CAP_LINUX_IMMUTABLE                  = 0x9
-	CAP_MAC_ADMIN                        = 0x21
-	CAP_MAC_OVERRIDE                     = 0x20
-	CAP_MKNOD                            = 0x1b
-	CAP_NET_ADMIN                        = 0xc
-	CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE                 = 0xa
-	CAP_NET_BROADCAST                    = 0xb
-	CAP_NET_RAW                          = 0xd
-	CAP_SETFCAP                          = 0x1f
-	CAP_SETGID                           = 0x6
-	CAP_SETPCAP                          = 0x8
-	CAP_SETUID                           = 0x7
-	CAP_SYSLOG                           = 0x22
-	CAP_SYS_ADMIN                        = 0x15
-	CAP_SYS_BOOT                         = 0x16
-	CAP_SYS_CHROOT                       = 0x12
-	CAP_SYS_MODULE                       = 0x10
-	CAP_SYS_NICE                         = 0x17
-	CAP_SYS_PACCT                        = 0x14
-	CAP_SYS_PTRACE                       = 0x13
-	CAP_SYS_RAWIO                        = 0x11
-	CAP_SYS_RESOURCE                     = 0x18
-	CAP_SYS_TIME                         = 0x19
-	CAP_SYS_TTY_CONFIG                   = 0x1a
-	CAP_WAKE_ALARM                       = 0x23
-	CBAUD                                = 0x100f
-	CBAUDEX                              = 0x1000
-	CFLUSH                               = 0xf
-	CGROUP2_SUPER_MAGIC                  = 0x63677270
-	CGROUP_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0x27e0eb
-	CIBAUD                               = 0x100f0000
-	CLOCAL                               = 0x800
-	CLOCK_BOOTTIME                       = 0x7
-	CLOCK_BOOTTIME_ALARM                 = 0x9
-	CLOCK_DEFAULT                        = 0x0
-	CLOCK_EXT                            = 0x1
-	CLOCK_INT                            = 0x2
-	CLOCK_MONOTONIC                      = 0x1
-	CLOCK_MONOTONIC_COARSE               = 0x6
-	CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW                  = 0x4
-	CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID             = 0x2
-	CLOCK_REALTIME                       = 0x0
-	CLOCK_REALTIME_ALARM                 = 0x8
-	CLOCK_REALTIME_COARSE                = 0x5
-	CLOCK_TAI                            = 0xb
-	CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID              = 0x3
-	CLOCK_TXFROMRX                       = 0x4
-	CLOCK_TXINT                          = 0x3
-	CLONE_CHILD_CLEARTID                 = 0x200000
-	CLONE_CHILD_SETTID                   = 0x1000000
-	CLONE_DETACHED                       = 0x400000
-	CLONE_FILES                          = 0x400
-	CLONE_FS                             = 0x200
-	CLONE_IO                             = 0x80000000
-	CLONE_NEWCGROUP                      = 0x2000000
-	CLONE_NEWIPC                         = 0x8000000
-	CLONE_NEWNET                         = 0x40000000
-	CLONE_NEWNS                          = 0x20000
-	CLONE_NEWPID                         = 0x20000000
-	CLONE_NEWUSER                        = 0x10000000
-	CLONE_NEWUTS                         = 0x4000000
-	CLONE_PARENT                         = 0x8000
-	CLONE_PARENT_SETTID                  = 0x100000
-	CLONE_PIDFD                          = 0x1000
-	CLONE_PTRACE                         = 0x2000
-	CLONE_SETTLS                         = 0x80000
-	CLONE_SIGHAND                        = 0x800
-	CLONE_SYSVSEM                        = 0x40000
-	CLONE_THREAD                         = 0x10000
-	CLONE_UNTRACED                       = 0x800000
-	CLONE_VFORK                          = 0x4000
-	CLONE_VM                             = 0x100
-	CMSPAR                               = 0x40000000
-	CODA_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0x73757245
-	CR0                                  = 0x0
-	CR1                                  = 0x200
-	CR2                                  = 0x400
-	CR3                                  = 0x600
-	CRAMFS_MAGIC                         = 0x28cd3d45
-	CRDLY                                = 0x600
-	CREAD                                = 0x80
-	CRTSCTS                              = 0x80000000
-	CRYPTO_MAX_NAME                      = 0x40
-	CRYPTO_MSG_MAX                       = 0x15
-	CRYPTO_NR_MSGTYPES                   = 0x6
-	CRYPTO_REPORT_MAXSIZE                = 0x160
-	CS5                                  = 0x0
-	CS6                                  = 0x10
-	CS7                                  = 0x20
-	CS8                                  = 0x30
-	CSIGNAL                              = 0xff
-	CSIZE                                = 0x30
-	CSTART                               = 0x11
-	CSTATUS                              = 0x0
-	CSTOP                                = 0x13
-	CSTOPB                               = 0x40
-	CSUSP                                = 0x1a
-	DAXFS_MAGIC                          = 0x64646178
-	DEBUGFS_MAGIC                        = 0x64626720
-	DEVPTS_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0x1cd1
-	DT_BLK                               = 0x6
-	DT_CHR                               = 0x2
-	DT_DIR                               = 0x4
-	DT_FIFO                              = 0x1
-	DT_LNK                               = 0xa
-	DT_REG                               = 0x8
-	DT_SOCK                              = 0xc
-	DT_UNKNOWN                           = 0x0
-	DT_WHT                               = 0xe
-	ECHO                                 = 0x8
-	ECHOCTL                              = 0x200
-	ECHOE                                = 0x10
-	ECHOK                                = 0x20
-	ECHOKE                               = 0x800
-	ECHONL                               = 0x40
-	ECHOPRT                              = 0x400
-	ECRYPTFS_SUPER_MAGIC                 = 0xf15f
-	EFD_CLOEXEC                          = 0x80000
-	EFD_NONBLOCK                         = 0x800
-	EFD_SEMAPHORE                        = 0x1
-	EFIVARFS_MAGIC                       = 0xde5e81e4
-	EFS_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x414a53
-	ENCODING_DEFAULT                     = 0x0
-	ENCODING_FM_MARK                     = 0x3
-	ENCODING_FM_SPACE                    = 0x4
-	ENCODING_MANCHESTER                  = 0x5
-	ENCODING_NRZ                         = 0x1
-	ENCODING_NRZI                        = 0x2
-	EPOLLERR                             = 0x8
-	EPOLLET                              = 0x80000000
-	EPOLLEXCLUSIVE                       = 0x10000000
-	EPOLLHUP                             = 0x10
-	EPOLLIN                              = 0x1
-	EPOLLMSG                             = 0x400
-	EPOLLONESHOT                         = 0x40000000
-	EPOLLOUT                             = 0x4
-	EPOLLPRI                             = 0x2
-	EPOLLRDBAND                          = 0x80
-	EPOLLRDHUP                           = 0x2000
-	EPOLLRDNORM                          = 0x40
-	EPOLLWAKEUP                          = 0x20000000
-	EPOLLWRBAND                          = 0x200
-	EPOLLWRNORM                          = 0x100
-	EPOLL_CLOEXEC                        = 0x80000
-	EPOLL_CTL_ADD                        = 0x1
-	EPOLL_CTL_DEL                        = 0x2
-	EPOLL_CTL_MOD                        = 0x3
-	ETH_P_1588                           = 0x88f7
-	ETH_P_8021AD                         = 0x88a8
-	ETH_P_8021AH                         = 0x88e7
-	ETH_P_8021Q                          = 0x8100
-	ETH_P_80221                          = 0x8917
-	ETH_P_802_2                          = 0x4
-	ETH_P_802_3                          = 0x1
-	ETH_P_802_3_MIN                      = 0x600
-	ETH_P_802_EX1                        = 0x88b5
-	ETH_P_AARP                           = 0x80f3
-	ETH_P_AF_IUCV                        = 0xfbfb
-	ETH_P_ALL                            = 0x3
-	ETH_P_AOE                            = 0x88a2
-	ETH_P_ARCNET                         = 0x1a
-	ETH_P_ARP                            = 0x806
-	ETH_P_ATALK                          = 0x809b
-	ETH_P_ATMFATE                        = 0x8884
-	ETH_P_ATMMPOA                        = 0x884c
-	ETH_P_AX25                           = 0x2
-	ETH_P_BATMAN                         = 0x4305
-	ETH_P_BPQ                            = 0x8ff
-	ETH_P_CAIF                           = 0xf7
-	ETH_P_CAN                            = 0xc
-	ETH_P_CANFD                          = 0xd
-	ETH_P_CONTROL                        = 0x16
-	ETH_P_CUST                           = 0x6006
-	ETH_P_DDCMP                          = 0x6
-	ETH_P_DEC                            = 0x6000
-	ETH_P_DIAG                           = 0x6005
-	ETH_P_DNA_DL                         = 0x6001
-	ETH_P_DNA_RC                         = 0x6002
-	ETH_P_DNA_RT                         = 0x6003
-	ETH_P_DSA                            = 0x1b
-	ETH_P_DSA_8021Q                      = 0xdadb
-	ETH_P_ECONET                         = 0x18
-	ETH_P_EDSA                           = 0xdada
-	ETH_P_ERSPAN                         = 0x88be
-	ETH_P_ERSPAN2                        = 0x22eb
-	ETH_P_FCOE                           = 0x8906
-	ETH_P_FIP                            = 0x8914
-	ETH_P_HDLC                           = 0x19
-	ETH_P_HSR                            = 0x892f
-	ETH_P_IBOE                           = 0x8915
-	ETH_P_IEEE802154                     = 0xf6
-	ETH_P_IEEEPUP                        = 0xa00
-	ETH_P_IEEEPUPAT                      = 0xa01
-	ETH_P_IFE                            = 0xed3e
-	ETH_P_IP                             = 0x800
-	ETH_P_IPV6                           = 0x86dd
-	ETH_P_IPX                            = 0x8137
-	ETH_P_IRDA                           = 0x17
-	ETH_P_LAT                            = 0x6004
-	ETH_P_LINK_CTL                       = 0x886c
-	ETH_P_LOCALTALK                      = 0x9
-	ETH_P_LOOP                           = 0x60
-	ETH_P_LOOPBACK                       = 0x9000
-	ETH_P_MACSEC                         = 0x88e5
-	ETH_P_MAP                            = 0xf9
-	ETH_P_MOBITEX                        = 0x15
-	ETH_P_MPLS_MC                        = 0x8848
-	ETH_P_MPLS_UC                        = 0x8847
-	ETH_P_MVRP                           = 0x88f5
-	ETH_P_NCSI                           = 0x88f8
-	ETH_P_NSH                            = 0x894f
-	ETH_P_PAE                            = 0x888e
-	ETH_P_PAUSE                          = 0x8808
-	ETH_P_PHONET                         = 0xf5
-	ETH_P_PPPTALK                        = 0x10
-	ETH_P_PPP_DISC                       = 0x8863
-	ETH_P_PPP_MP                         = 0x8
-	ETH_P_PPP_SES                        = 0x8864
-	ETH_P_PREAUTH                        = 0x88c7
-	ETH_P_PRP                            = 0x88fb
-	ETH_P_PUP                            = 0x200
-	ETH_P_PUPAT                          = 0x201
-	ETH_P_QINQ1                          = 0x9100
-	ETH_P_QINQ2                          = 0x9200
-	ETH_P_QINQ3                          = 0x9300
-	ETH_P_RARP                           = 0x8035
-	ETH_P_SCA                            = 0x6007
-	ETH_P_SLOW                           = 0x8809
-	ETH_P_SNAP                           = 0x5
-	ETH_P_TDLS                           = 0x890d
-	ETH_P_TEB                            = 0x6558
-	ETH_P_TIPC                           = 0x88ca
-	ETH_P_TRAILER                        = 0x1c
-	ETH_P_TR_802_2                       = 0x11
-	ETH_P_TSN                            = 0x22f0
-	ETH_P_WAN_PPP                        = 0x7
-	ETH_P_WCCP                           = 0x883e
-	ETH_P_X25                            = 0x805
-	ETH_P_XDSA                           = 0xf8
-	EXABYTE_ENABLE_NEST                  = 0xf0
-	EXT2_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xef53
-	EXT3_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xef53
-	EXT4_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xef53
-	EXTA                                 = 0xe
-	EXTB                                 = 0xf
-	EXTPROC                              = 0x10000
-	F2FS_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xf2f52010
-	FALLOC_FL_COLLAPSE_RANGE             = 0x8
-	FALLOC_FL_INSERT_RANGE               = 0x20
-	FALLOC_FL_KEEP_SIZE                  = 0x1
-	FALLOC_FL_NO_HIDE_STALE              = 0x4
-	FALLOC_FL_PUNCH_HOLE                 = 0x2
-	FALLOC_FL_UNSHARE_RANGE              = 0x40
-	FALLOC_FL_ZERO_RANGE                 = 0x10
-	FAN_ACCESS                           = 0x1
-	FAN_ACCESS_PERM                      = 0x20000
-	FAN_ALLOW                            = 0x1
-	FAN_ALL_CLASS_BITS                   = 0xc
-	FAN_ALL_EVENTS                       = 0x3b
-	FAN_ALL_INIT_FLAGS                   = 0x3f
-	FAN_ALL_MARK_FLAGS                   = 0xff
-	FAN_ALL_OUTGOING_EVENTS              = 0x3403b
-	FAN_ALL_PERM_EVENTS                  = 0x30000
-	FAN_ATTRIB                           = 0x4
-	FAN_AUDIT                            = 0x10
-	FAN_CLASS_CONTENT                    = 0x4
-	FAN_CLASS_NOTIF                      = 0x0
-	FAN_CLASS_PRE_CONTENT                = 0x8
-	FAN_CLOEXEC                          = 0x1
-	FAN_CLOSE                            = 0x18
-	FAN_CLOSE_NOWRITE                    = 0x10
-	FAN_CLOSE_WRITE                      = 0x8
-	FAN_CREATE                           = 0x100
-	FAN_DELETE                           = 0x200
-	FAN_DELETE_SELF                      = 0x400
-	FAN_DENY                             = 0x2
-	FAN_ENABLE_AUDIT                     = 0x40
-	FAN_EVENT_INFO_TYPE_FID              = 0x1
-	FAN_EVENT_METADATA_LEN               = 0x18
-	FAN_EVENT_ON_CHILD                   = 0x8000000
-	FAN_MARK_ADD                         = 0x1
-	FAN_MARK_DONT_FOLLOW                 = 0x4
-	FAN_MARK_FILESYSTEM                  = 0x100
-	FAN_MARK_FLUSH                       = 0x80
-	FAN_MARK_IGNORED_MASK                = 0x20
-	FAN_MARK_INODE                       = 0x0
-	FAN_MARK_MOUNT                       = 0x10
-	FAN_MARK_ONLYDIR                     = 0x8
-	FAN_MARK_REMOVE                      = 0x2
-	FAN_MODIFY                           = 0x2
-	FAN_MOVE                             = 0xc0
-	FAN_MOVED_FROM                       = 0x40
-	FAN_MOVED_TO                         = 0x80
-	FAN_MOVE_SELF                        = 0x800
-	FAN_NOFD                             = -0x1
-	FAN_NONBLOCK                         = 0x2
-	FAN_ONDIR                            = 0x40000000
-	FAN_OPEN                             = 0x20
-	FAN_OPEN_EXEC                        = 0x1000
-	FAN_OPEN_EXEC_PERM                   = 0x40000
-	FAN_OPEN_PERM                        = 0x10000
-	FAN_Q_OVERFLOW                       = 0x4000
-	FAN_REPORT_FID                       = 0x200
-	FAN_REPORT_TID                       = 0x100
-	FAN_UNLIMITED_MARKS                  = 0x20
-	FAN_UNLIMITED_QUEUE                  = 0x10
-	FD_CLOEXEC                           = 0x1
-	FD_SETSIZE                           = 0x400
-	FF0                                  = 0x0
-	FF1                                  = 0x8000
-	FFDLY                                = 0x8000
-	FLUSHO                               = 0x1000
-	FP_XSTATE_MAGIC2                     = 0x46505845
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_128_CBC       = 0x5
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_128_CTS       = 0x6
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_CBC       = 0x3
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_CTS       = 0x4
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_GCM       = 0x2
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_XTS       = 0x1
-	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY         = 0x400c6615
-	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_PWSALT         = 0x40106614
-	FS_IOC_SET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY         = 0x800c6613
-	FS_KEY_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE               = 0x8
-	FS_KEY_DESC_PREFIX                   = "fscrypt:"
-	FS_KEY_DESC_PREFIX_SIZE              = 0x8
-	FS_MAX_KEY_SIZE                      = 0x40
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_16               = 0x2
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_32               = 0x3
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_4                = 0x0
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_8                = 0x1
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_MASK             = 0x3
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_VALID                = 0x7
-	FUTEXFS_SUPER_MAGIC                  = 0xbad1dea
-	F_ADD_SEALS                          = 0x409
-	F_DUPFD                              = 0x0
-	F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC                      = 0x406
-	F_EXLCK                              = 0x4
-	F_GETFD                              = 0x1
-	F_GETFL                              = 0x3
-	F_GETLEASE                           = 0x401
-	F_GETLK                              = 0xc
-	F_GETLK64                            = 0xc
-	F_GETOWN                             = 0x9
-	F_GETOWN_EX                          = 0x10
-	F_GETPIPE_SZ                         = 0x408
-	F_GETSIG                             = 0xb
-	F_GET_FILE_RW_HINT                   = 0x40d
-	F_GET_RW_HINT                        = 0x40b
-	F_GET_SEALS                          = 0x40a
-	F_LOCK                               = 0x1
-	F_NOTIFY                             = 0x402
-	F_OFD_GETLK                          = 0x24
-	F_OFD_SETLK                          = 0x25
-	F_OFD_SETLKW                         = 0x26
-	F_OK                                 = 0x0
-	F_RDLCK                              = 0x0
-	F_SEAL_FUTURE_WRITE                  = 0x10
-	F_SEAL_GROW                          = 0x4
-	F_SEAL_SEAL                          = 0x1
-	F_SEAL_SHRINK                        = 0x2
-	F_SEAL_WRITE                         = 0x8
-	F_SETFD                              = 0x2
-	F_SETFL                              = 0x4
-	F_SETLEASE                           = 0x400
-	F_SETLK                              = 0xd
-	F_SETLK64                            = 0xd
-	F_SETLKW                             = 0xe
-	F_SETLKW64                           = 0xe
-	F_SETOWN                             = 0x8
-	F_SETOWN_EX                          = 0xf
-	F_SETPIPE_SZ                         = 0x407
-	F_SETSIG                             = 0xa
-	F_SET_FILE_RW_HINT                   = 0x40e
-	F_SET_RW_HINT                        = 0x40c
-	F_SHLCK                              = 0x8
-	F_TEST                               = 0x3
-	F_TLOCK                              = 0x2
-	F_ULOCK                              = 0x0
-	F_UNLCK                              = 0x2
-	F_WRLCK                              = 0x1
-	GENL_ADMIN_PERM                      = 0x1
-	GENL_CMD_CAP_DO                      = 0x2
-	GENL_CMD_CAP_DUMP                    = 0x4
-	GENL_CMD_CAP_HASPOL                  = 0x8
-	GENL_HDRLEN                          = 0x4
-	GENL_ID_CTRL                         = 0x10
-	GENL_ID_PMCRAID                      = 0x12
-	GENL_ID_VFS_DQUOT                    = 0x11
-	GENL_MAX_ID                          = 0x3ff
-	GENL_MIN_ID                          = 0x10
-	GENL_NAMSIZ                          = 0x10
-	GENL_START_ALLOC                     = 0x13
-	GENL_UNS_ADMIN_PERM                  = 0x10
-	GRND_NONBLOCK                        = 0x1
-	GRND_RANDOM                          = 0x2
-	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD                       = 0x31f
-	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD_AEB                   = 0x31e
-	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD_HDR_SIZE              = 0x4
-	HDIO_DRIVE_HOB_HDR_SIZE              = 0x8
-	HDIO_DRIVE_RESET                     = 0x31c
-	HDIO_DRIVE_TASK                      = 0x31e
-	HDIO_DRIVE_TASKFILE                  = 0x31d
-	HDIO_DRIVE_TASK_HDR_SIZE             = 0x8
-	HDIO_GETGEO                          = 0x301
-	HDIO_GET_32BIT                       = 0x309
-	HDIO_GET_ACOUSTIC                    = 0x30f
-	HDIO_GET_ADDRESS                     = 0x310
-	HDIO_GET_BUSSTATE                    = 0x31a
-	HDIO_GET_DMA                         = 0x30b
-	HDIO_GET_IDENTITY                    = 0x30d
-	HDIO_GET_KEEPSETTINGS                = 0x308
-	HDIO_GET_MULTCOUNT                   = 0x304
-	HDIO_GET_NICE                        = 0x30c
-	HDIO_GET_NOWERR                      = 0x30a
-	HDIO_GET_QDMA                        = 0x305
-	HDIO_GET_UNMASKINTR                  = 0x302
-	HDIO_GET_WCACHE                      = 0x30e
-	HDIO_OBSOLETE_IDENTITY               = 0x307
-	HDIO_SCAN_HWIF                       = 0x328
-	HDIO_SET_32BIT                       = 0x324
-	HDIO_SET_ACOUSTIC                    = 0x32c
-	HDIO_SET_ADDRESS                     = 0x32f
-	HDIO_SET_BUSSTATE                    = 0x32d
-	HDIO_SET_DMA                         = 0x326
-	HDIO_SET_KEEPSETTINGS                = 0x323
-	HDIO_SET_MULTCOUNT                   = 0x321
-	HDIO_SET_NICE                        = 0x329
-	HDIO_SET_NOWERR                      = 0x325
-	HDIO_SET_PIO_MODE                    = 0x327
-	HDIO_SET_QDMA                        = 0x32e
-	HDIO_SET_UNMASKINTR                  = 0x322
-	HDIO_SET_WCACHE                      = 0x32b
-	HDIO_SET_XFER                        = 0x306
-	HDIO_TRISTATE_HWIF                   = 0x31b
-	HDIO_UNREGISTER_HWIF                 = 0x32a
-	HOSTFS_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0xc0ffee
-	HPFS_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xf995e849
-	HUGETLBFS_MAGIC                      = 0x958458f6
-	HUPCL                                = 0x400
-	IBSHIFT                              = 0x10
-	ICANON                               = 0x2
-	ICMPV6_FILTER                        = 0x1
-	ICRNL                                = 0x100
-	IEXTEN                               = 0x8000
-	IFA_F_DADFAILED                      = 0x8
-	IFA_F_DEPRECATED                     = 0x20
-	IFA_F_HOMEADDRESS                    = 0x10
-	IFA_F_MANAGETEMPADDR                 = 0x100
-	IFA_F_MCAUTOJOIN                     = 0x400
-	IFA_F_NODAD                          = 0x2
-	IFA_F_NOPREFIXROUTE                  = 0x200
-	IFA_F_OPTIMISTIC                     = 0x4
-	IFA_F_PERMANENT                      = 0x80
-	IFA_F_SECONDARY                      = 0x1
-	IFA_F_STABLE_PRIVACY                 = 0x800
-	IFA_F_TEMPORARY                      = 0x1
-	IFA_F_TENTATIVE                      = 0x40
-	IFA_MAX                              = 0xa
-	IFF_ALLMULTI                         = 0x200
-	IFF_ATTACH_QUEUE                     = 0x200
-	IFF_AUTOMEDIA                        = 0x4000
-	IFF_BROADCAST                        = 0x2
-	IFF_DEBUG                            = 0x4
-	IFF_DETACH_QUEUE                     = 0x400
-	IFF_DORMANT                          = 0x20000
-	IFF_DYNAMIC                          = 0x8000
-	IFF_ECHO                             = 0x40000
-	IFF_LOOPBACK                         = 0x8
-	IFF_LOWER_UP                         = 0x10000
-	IFF_MASTER                           = 0x400
-	IFF_MULTICAST                        = 0x1000
-	IFF_MULTI_QUEUE                      = 0x100
-	IFF_NAPI                             = 0x10
-	IFF_NAPI_FRAGS                       = 0x20
-	IFF_NOARP                            = 0x80
-	IFF_NOFILTER                         = 0x1000
-	IFF_NOTRAILERS                       = 0x20
-	IFF_NO_PI                            = 0x1000
-	IFF_ONE_QUEUE                        = 0x2000
-	IFF_PERSIST                          = 0x800
-	IFF_POINTOPOINT                      = 0x10
-	IFF_PORTSEL                          = 0x2000
-	IFF_PROMISC                          = 0x100
-	IFF_RUNNING                          = 0x40
-	IFF_SLAVE                            = 0x800
-	IFF_TAP                              = 0x2
-	IFF_TUN                              = 0x1
-	IFF_TUN_EXCL                         = 0x8000
-	IFF_UP                               = 0x1
-	IFF_VNET_HDR                         = 0x4000
-	IFF_VOLATILE                         = 0x70c5a
-	IFNAMSIZ                             = 0x10
-	IGNBRK                               = 0x1
-	IGNCR                                = 0x80
-	IGNPAR                               = 0x4
-	IMAXBEL                              = 0x2000
-	INLCR                                = 0x40
-	INPCK                                = 0x10
-	IN_ACCESS                            = 0x1
-	IN_ALL_EVENTS                        = 0xfff
-	IN_ATTRIB                            = 0x4
-	IN_CLASSA_HOST                       = 0xffffff
-	IN_CLASSA_MAX                        = 0x80
-	IN_CLASSA_NET                        = 0xff000000
-	IN_CLASSA_NSHIFT                     = 0x18
-	IN_CLASSB_HOST                       = 0xffff
-	IN_CLASSB_MAX                        = 0x10000
-	IN_CLASSB_NET                        = 0xffff0000
-	IN_CLASSB_NSHIFT                     = 0x10
-	IN_CLASSC_HOST                       = 0xff
-	IN_CLASSC_NET                        = 0xffffff00
-	IN_CLASSC_NSHIFT                     = 0x8
-	IN_CLOEXEC                           = 0x80000
-	IN_CLOSE                             = 0x18
-	IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE                     = 0x10
-	IN_CLOSE_WRITE                       = 0x8
-	IN_CREATE                            = 0x100
-	IN_DELETE                            = 0x200
-	IN_DELETE_SELF                       = 0x400
-	IN_DONT_FOLLOW                       = 0x2000000
-	IN_EXCL_UNLINK                       = 0x4000000
-	IN_IGNORED                           = 0x8000
-	IN_ISDIR                             = 0x40000000
-	IN_LOOPBACKNET                       = 0x7f
-	IN_MASK_ADD                          = 0x20000000
-	IN_MASK_CREATE                       = 0x10000000
-	IN_MODIFY                            = 0x2
-	IN_MOVE                              = 0xc0
-	IN_MOVED_FROM                        = 0x40
-	IN_MOVED_TO                          = 0x80
-	IN_MOVE_SELF                         = 0x800
-	IN_NONBLOCK                          = 0x800
-	IN_ONESHOT                           = 0x80000000
-	IN_ONLYDIR                           = 0x1000000
-	IN_OPEN                              = 0x20
-	IN_Q_OVERFLOW                        = 0x4000
-	IN_UNMOUNT                           = 0x2000
-	IPPROTO_AH                           = 0x33
-	IPPROTO_BEETPH                       = 0x5e
-	IPPROTO_COMP                         = 0x6c
-	IPPROTO_DCCP                         = 0x21
-	IPPROTO_DSTOPTS                      = 0x3c
-	IPPROTO_EGP                          = 0x8
-	IPPROTO_ENCAP                        = 0x62
-	IPPROTO_ESP                          = 0x32
-	IPPROTO_FRAGMENT                     = 0x2c
-	IPPROTO_GRE                          = 0x2f
-	IPPROTO_HOPOPTS                      = 0x0
-	IPPROTO_ICMP                         = 0x1
-	IPPROTO_ICMPV6                       = 0x3a
-	IPPROTO_IDP                          = 0x16
-	IPPROTO_IGMP                         = 0x2
-	IPPROTO_IP                           = 0x0
-	IPPROTO_IPIP                         = 0x4
-	IPPROTO_IPV6                         = 0x29
-	IPPROTO_MH                           = 0x87
-	IPPROTO_MPLS                         = 0x89
-	IPPROTO_MTP                          = 0x5c
-	IPPROTO_NONE                         = 0x3b
-	IPPROTO_PIM                          = 0x67
-	IPPROTO_PUP                          = 0xc
-	IPPROTO_RAW                          = 0xff
-	IPPROTO_ROUTING                      = 0x2b
-	IPPROTO_RSVP                         = 0x2e
-	IPPROTO_SCTP                         = 0x84
-	IPPROTO_TCP                          = 0x6
-	IPPROTO_TP                           = 0x1d
-	IPPROTO_UDP                          = 0x11
-	IPPROTO_UDPLITE                      = 0x88
-	IPV6_2292DSTOPTS                     = 0x4
-	IPV6_2292HOPLIMIT                    = 0x8
-	IPV6_2292HOPOPTS                     = 0x3
-	IPV6_2292PKTINFO                     = 0x2
-	IPV6_2292PKTOPTIONS                  = 0x6
-	IPV6_2292RTHDR                       = 0x5
-	IPV6_ADDRFORM                        = 0x1
-	IPV6_ADDR_PREFERENCES                = 0x48
-	IPV6_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                  = 0x14
-	IPV6_AUTHHDR                         = 0xa
-	IPV6_AUTOFLOWLABEL                   = 0x46
-	IPV6_CHECKSUM                        = 0x7
-	IPV6_DONTFRAG                        = 0x3e
-	IPV6_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                 = 0x15
-	IPV6_DSTOPTS                         = 0x3b
-	IPV6_FREEBIND                        = 0x4e
-	IPV6_HDRINCL                         = 0x24
-	IPV6_HOPLIMIT                        = 0x34
-	IPV6_HOPOPTS                         = 0x36
-	IPV6_IPSEC_POLICY                    = 0x22
-	IPV6_JOIN_ANYCAST                    = 0x1b
-	IPV6_JOIN_GROUP                      = 0x14
-	IPV6_LEAVE_ANYCAST                   = 0x1c
-	IPV6_LEAVE_GROUP                     = 0x15
-	IPV6_MINHOPCOUNT                     = 0x49
-	IPV6_MTU                             = 0x18
-	IPV6_MTU_DISCOVER                    = 0x17
-	IPV6_MULTICAST_ALL                   = 0x1d
-	IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS                  = 0x12
-	IPV6_MULTICAST_IF                    = 0x11
-	IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP                  = 0x13
-	IPV6_NEXTHOP                         = 0x9
-	IPV6_ORIGDSTADDR                     = 0x4a
-	IPV6_PATHMTU                         = 0x3d
-	IPV6_PKTINFO                         = 0x32
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_DO                     = 0x2
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_DONT                   = 0x0
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_INTERFACE              = 0x4
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_OMIT                   = 0x5
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_PROBE                  = 0x3
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_WANT                   = 0x1
-	IPV6_RECVDSTOPTS                     = 0x3a
-	IPV6_RECVERR                         = 0x19
-	IPV6_RECVFRAGSIZE                    = 0x4d
-	IPV6_RECVHOPLIMIT                    = 0x33
-	IPV6_RECVHOPOPTS                     = 0x35
-	IPV6_RECVORIGDSTADDR                 = 0x4a
-	IPV6_RECVPATHMTU                     = 0x3c
-	IPV6_RECVPKTINFO                     = 0x31
-	IPV6_RECVRTHDR                       = 0x38
-	IPV6_RECVTCLASS                      = 0x42
-	IPV6_ROUTER_ALERT                    = 0x16
-	IPV6_ROUTER_ALERT_ISOLATE            = 0x1e
-	IPV6_RTHDR                           = 0x39
-	IPV6_RTHDRDSTOPTS                    = 0x37
-	IPV6_RTHDR_LOOSE                     = 0x0
-	IPV6_RTHDR_STRICT                    = 0x1
-	IPV6_RTHDR_TYPE_0                    = 0x0
-	IPV6_RXDSTOPTS                       = 0x3b
-	IPV6_RXHOPOPTS                       = 0x36
-	IPV6_TCLASS                          = 0x43
-	IPV6_TRANSPARENT                     = 0x4b
-	IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS                    = 0x10
-	IPV6_UNICAST_IF                      = 0x4c
-	IPV6_V6ONLY                          = 0x1a
-	IPV6_XFRM_POLICY                     = 0x23
-	IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                    = 0x23
-	IP_ADD_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP             = 0x27
-	IP_BIND_ADDRESS_NO_PORT              = 0x18
-	IP_BLOCK_SOURCE                      = 0x26
-	IP_CHECKSUM                          = 0x17
-	IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_LOOP            = 0x1
-	IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_TTL             = 0x1
-	IP_DF                                = 0x4000
-	IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                   = 0x24
-	IP_DROP_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP            = 0x28
-	IP_FREEBIND                          = 0xf
-	IP_HDRINCL                           = 0x3
-	IP_IPSEC_POLICY                      = 0x10
-	IP_MAXPACKET                         = 0xffff
-	IP_MAX_MEMBERSHIPS                   = 0x14
-	IP_MF                                = 0x2000
-	IP_MINTTL                            = 0x15
-	IP_MSFILTER                          = 0x29
-	IP_MSS                               = 0x240
-	IP_MTU                               = 0xe
-	IP_MTU_DISCOVER                      = 0xa
-	IP_MULTICAST_ALL                     = 0x31
-	IP_MULTICAST_IF                      = 0x20
-	IP_MULTICAST_LOOP                    = 0x22
-	IP_MULTICAST_TTL                     = 0x21
-	IP_NODEFRAG                          = 0x16
-	IP_OFFMASK                           = 0x1fff
-	IP_OPTIONS                           = 0x4
-	IP_ORIGDSTADDR                       = 0x14
-	IP_PASSSEC                           = 0x12
-	IP_PKTINFO                           = 0x8
-	IP_PKTOPTIONS                        = 0x9
-	IP_PMTUDISC                          = 0xa
-	IP_PMTUDISC_DO                       = 0x2
-	IP_PMTUDISC_DONT                     = 0x0
-	IP_PMTUDISC_INTERFACE                = 0x4
-	IP_PMTUDISC_OMIT                     = 0x5
-	IP_PMTUDISC_PROBE                    = 0x3
-	IP_PMTUDISC_WANT                     = 0x1
-	IP_RECVERR                           = 0xb
-	IP_RECVFRAGSIZE                      = 0x19
-	IP_RECVOPTS                          = 0x6
-	IP_RECVORIGDSTADDR                   = 0x14
-	IP_RECVRETOPTS                       = 0x7
-	IP_RECVTOS                           = 0xd
-	IP_RECVTTL                           = 0xc
-	IP_RETOPTS                           = 0x7
-	IP_RF                                = 0x8000
-	IP_ROUTER_ALERT                      = 0x5
-	IP_TOS                               = 0x1
-	IP_TRANSPARENT                       = 0x13
-	IP_TTL                               = 0x2
-	IP_UNBLOCK_SOURCE                    = 0x25
-	IP_UNICAST_IF                        = 0x32
-	IP_XFRM_POLICY                       = 0x11
-	ISIG                                 = 0x1
-	ISOFS_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x9660
-	ISTRIP                               = 0x20
-	IUCLC                                = 0x200
-	IUTF8                                = 0x4000
-	IXANY                                = 0x800
-	IXOFF                                = 0x1000
-	IXON                                 = 0x400
-	JFFS2_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x72b6
-	KEXEC_ARCH_386                       = 0x30000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_68K                       = 0x40000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_AARCH64                   = 0xb70000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_ARM                       = 0x280000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_DEFAULT                   = 0x0
-	KEXEC_ARCH_IA_64                     = 0x320000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_MASK                      = 0xffff0000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_MIPS                      = 0x80000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_MIPS_LE                   = 0xa0000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_PPC                       = 0x140000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_PPC64                     = 0x150000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_S390                      = 0x160000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_SH                        = 0x2a0000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_X86_64                    = 0x3e0000
-	KEXEC_FILE_NO_INITRAMFS              = 0x4
-	KEXEC_FILE_ON_CRASH                  = 0x2
-	KEXEC_FILE_UNLOAD                    = 0x1
-	KEXEC_ON_CRASH                       = 0x1
-	KEXEC_PRESERVE_CONTEXT               = 0x2
-	KEXEC_SEGMENT_MAX                    = 0x10
-	KEYCTL_ASSUME_AUTHORITY              = 0x10
-	KEYCTL_CHOWN                         = 0x4
-	KEYCTL_CLEAR                         = 0x7
-	KEYCTL_DESCRIBE                      = 0x6
-	KEYCTL_DH_COMPUTE                    = 0x17
-	KEYCTL_GET_KEYRING_ID                = 0x0
-	KEYCTL_GET_PERSISTENT                = 0x16
-	KEYCTL_GET_SECURITY                  = 0x11
-	KEYCTL_INSTANTIATE                   = 0xc
-	KEYCTL_INSTANTIATE_IOV               = 0x14
-	KEYCTL_INVALIDATE                    = 0x15
-	KEYCTL_LINK                          = 0x8
-	KEYCTL_NEGATE                        = 0xd
-	KEYCTL_PKEY_DECRYPT                  = 0x1a
-	KEYCTL_PKEY_ENCRYPT                  = 0x19
-	KEYCTL_PKEY_QUERY                    = 0x18
-	KEYCTL_PKEY_SIGN                     = 0x1b
-	KEYCTL_PKEY_VERIFY                   = 0x1c
-	KEYCTL_READ                          = 0xb
-	KEYCTL_REJECT                        = 0x13
-	KEYCTL_RESTRICT_KEYRING              = 0x1d
-	KEYCTL_REVOKE                        = 0x3
-	KEYCTL_SEARCH                        = 0xa
-	KEYCTL_SESSION_TO_PARENT             = 0x12
-	KEYCTL_SETPERM                       = 0x5
-	KEYCTL_SET_REQKEY_KEYRING            = 0xe
-	KEYCTL_SET_TIMEOUT                   = 0xf
-	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_DECRYPT              = 0x2
-	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_ENCRYPT              = 0x1
-	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_SIGN                 = 0x4
-	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_VERIFY               = 0x8
-	KEYCTL_UNLINK                        = 0x9
-	KEYCTL_UPDATE                        = 0x2
-	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_DEFAULT              = 0x0
-	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_NO_CHANGE            = -0x1
-	KEY_SPEC_GROUP_KEYRING               = -0x6
-	KEY_SPEC_PROCESS_KEYRING             = -0x2
-	KEY_SPEC_REQKEY_AUTH_KEY             = -0x7
-	KEY_SPEC_SESSION_KEYRING             = -0x3
-	KEY_SPEC_THREAD_KEYRING              = -0x1
-	KEY_SPEC_USER_KEYRING                = -0x4
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_CAD_OFF             = 0x0
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_CAD_ON              = 0x89abcdef
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_HALT                = 0xcdef0123
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_KEXEC               = 0x45584543
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_POWER_OFF           = 0x4321fedc
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_RESTART             = 0x1234567
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_RESTART2            = 0xa1b2c3d4
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_SW_SUSPEND          = 0xd000fce2
-	LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC1                  = 0xfee1dead
-	LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC2                  = 0x28121969
-	LOCK_EX                              = 0x2
-	LOCK_NB                              = 0x4
-	LOCK_SH                              = 0x1
-	LOCK_UN                              = 0x8
-	LOOP_CLR_FD                          = 0x4c01
-	LOOP_CTL_ADD                         = 0x4c80
-	LOOP_CTL_GET_FREE                    = 0x4c82
-	LOOP_CTL_REMOVE                      = 0x4c81
-	LOOP_GET_STATUS                      = 0x4c03
-	LOOP_GET_STATUS64                    = 0x4c05
-	LOOP_SET_BLOCK_SIZE                  = 0x4c09
-	LOOP_SET_CAPACITY                    = 0x4c07
-	LOOP_SET_DIRECT_IO                   = 0x4c08
-	LOOP_SET_FD                          = 0x4c00
-	LOOP_SET_STATUS                      = 0x4c02
-	LOOP_SET_STATUS64                    = 0x4c04
-	LO_KEY_SIZE                          = 0x20
-	LO_NAME_SIZE                         = 0x40
-	MADV_DODUMP                          = 0x11
-	MADV_DOFORK                          = 0xb
-	MADV_DONTDUMP                        = 0x10
-	MADV_DONTFORK                        = 0xa
-	MADV_DONTNEED                        = 0x4
-	MADV_FREE                            = 0x8
-	MADV_HUGEPAGE                        = 0xe
-	MADV_HWPOISON                        = 0x64
-	MADV_KEEPONFORK                      = 0x13
-	MADV_MERGEABLE                       = 0xc
-	MADV_NOHUGEPAGE                      = 0xf
-	MADV_NORMAL                          = 0x0
-	MADV_RANDOM                          = 0x1
-	MADV_REMOVE                          = 0x9
-	MADV_SEQUENTIAL                      = 0x2
-	MADV_UNMERGEABLE                     = 0xd
-	MADV_WILLNEED                        = 0x3
-	MADV_WIPEONFORK                      = 0x12
-	MAP_32BIT                            = 0x40
-	MAP_ANON                             = 0x20
-	MAP_ANONYMOUS                        = 0x20
-	MAP_DENYWRITE                        = 0x800
-	MAP_EXECUTABLE                       = 0x1000
-	MAP_FILE                             = 0x0
-	MAP_FIXED                            = 0x10
-	MAP_FIXED_NOREPLACE                  = 0x100000
-	MAP_GROWSDOWN                        = 0x100
-	MAP_HUGETLB                          = 0x40000
-	MAP_HUGE_MASK                        = 0x3f
-	MAP_HUGE_SHIFT                       = 0x1a
-	MAP_LOCKED                           = 0x2000
-	MAP_NONBLOCK                         = 0x10000
-	MAP_NORESERVE                        = 0x4000
-	MAP_POPULATE                         = 0x8000
-	MAP_PRIVATE                          = 0x2
-	MAP_SHARED                           = 0x1
-	MAP_SHARED_VALIDATE                  = 0x3
-	MAP_STACK                            = 0x20000
-	MAP_SYNC                             = 0x80000
-	MAP_TYPE                             = 0xf
-	MCAST_BLOCK_SOURCE                   = 0x2b
-	MCAST_EXCLUDE                        = 0x0
-	MCAST_INCLUDE                        = 0x1
-	MCAST_JOIN_GROUP                     = 0x2a
-	MCAST_JOIN_SOURCE_GROUP              = 0x2e
-	MCAST_LEAVE_GROUP                    = 0x2d
-	MCAST_LEAVE_SOURCE_GROUP             = 0x2f
-	MCAST_MSFILTER                       = 0x30
-	MCAST_UNBLOCK_SOURCE                 = 0x2c
-	MCL_CURRENT                          = 0x1
-	MCL_FUTURE                           = 0x2
-	MCL_ONFAULT                          = 0x4
-	MFD_ALLOW_SEALING                    = 0x2
-	MFD_CLOEXEC                          = 0x1
-	MFD_HUGETLB                          = 0x4
-	MFD_HUGE_16GB                        = -0x78000000
-	MFD_HUGE_16MB                        = 0x60000000
-	MFD_HUGE_1GB                         = 0x78000000
-	MFD_HUGE_1MB                         = 0x50000000
-	MFD_HUGE_256MB                       = 0x70000000
-	MFD_HUGE_2GB                         = 0x7c000000
-	MFD_HUGE_2MB                         = 0x54000000
-	MFD_HUGE_32MB                        = 0x64000000
-	MFD_HUGE_512KB                       = 0x4c000000
-	MFD_HUGE_512MB                       = 0x74000000
-	MFD_HUGE_64KB                        = 0x40000000
-	MFD_HUGE_8MB                         = 0x5c000000
-	MFD_HUGE_MASK                        = 0x3f
-	MFD_HUGE_SHIFT                       = 0x1a
-	MINIX2_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0x2468
-	MINIX2_SUPER_MAGIC2                  = 0x2478
-	MINIX3_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0x4d5a
-	MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x137f
-	MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC2                   = 0x138f
-	MNT_DETACH                           = 0x2
-	MNT_EXPIRE                           = 0x4
-	MNT_FORCE                            = 0x1
-	MSDOS_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x4d44
-	MSG_BATCH                            = 0x40000
-	MSG_CMSG_CLOEXEC                     = 0x40000000
-	MSG_CONFIRM                          = 0x800
-	MSG_CTRUNC                           = 0x8
-	MSG_DONTROUTE                        = 0x4
-	MSG_DONTWAIT                         = 0x40
-	MSG_EOR                              = 0x80
-	MSG_ERRQUEUE                         = 0x2000
-	MSG_FASTOPEN                         = 0x20000000
-	MSG_FIN                              = 0x200
-	MSG_MORE                             = 0x8000
-	MSG_NOSIGNAL                         = 0x4000
-	MSG_OOB                              = 0x1
-	MSG_PEEK                             = 0x2
-	MSG_PROXY                            = 0x10
-	MSG_RST                              = 0x1000
-	MSG_SYN                              = 0x400
-	MSG_TRUNC                            = 0x20
-	MSG_TRYHARD                          = 0x4
-	MSG_WAITALL                          = 0x100
-	MSG_WAITFORONE                       = 0x10000
-	MSG_ZEROCOPY                         = 0x4000000
-	MS_ACTIVE                            = 0x40000000
-	MS_ASYNC                             = 0x1
-	MS_BIND                              = 0x1000
-	MS_BORN                              = 0x20000000
-	MS_DIRSYNC                           = 0x80
-	MS_INVALIDATE                        = 0x2
-	MS_I_VERSION                         = 0x800000
-	MS_KERNMOUNT                         = 0x400000
-	MS_LAZYTIME                          = 0x2000000
-	MS_MANDLOCK                          = 0x40
-	MS_MGC_MSK                           = 0xffff0000
-	MS_MGC_VAL                           = 0xc0ed0000
-	MS_MOVE                              = 0x2000
-	MS_NOATIME                           = 0x400
-	MS_NODEV                             = 0x4
-	MS_NODIRATIME                        = 0x800
-	MS_NOEXEC                            = 0x8
-	MS_NOREMOTELOCK                      = 0x8000000
-	MS_NOSEC                             = 0x10000000
-	MS_NOSUID                            = 0x2
-	MS_NOUSER                            = -0x80000000
-	MS_POSIXACL                          = 0x10000
-	MS_PRIVATE                           = 0x40000
-	MS_RDONLY                            = 0x1
-	MS_REC                               = 0x4000
-	MS_RELATIME                          = 0x200000
-	MS_REMOUNT                           = 0x20
-	MS_RMT_MASK                          = 0x2800051
-	MS_SHARED                            = 0x100000
-	MS_SILENT                            = 0x8000
-	MS_SLAVE                             = 0x80000
-	MS_STRICTATIME                       = 0x1000000
-	MS_SUBMOUNT                          = 0x4000000
-	MS_SYNC                              = 0x4
-	MS_SYNCHRONOUS                       = 0x10
-	MS_UNBINDABLE                        = 0x20000
-	MS_VERBOSE                           = 0x8000
-	MTD_INODE_FS_MAGIC                   = 0x11307854
-	NAME_MAX                             = 0xff
-	NCP_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x564c
-	NETLINK_ADD_MEMBERSHIP               = 0x1
-	NETLINK_AUDIT                        = 0x9
-	NETLINK_BROADCAST_ERROR              = 0x4
-	NETLINK_CAP_ACK                      = 0xa
-	NETLINK_CONNECTOR                    = 0xb
-	NETLINK_CRYPTO                       = 0x15
-	NETLINK_DNRTMSG                      = 0xe
-	NETLINK_DROP_MEMBERSHIP              = 0x2
-	NETLINK_ECRYPTFS                     = 0x13
-	NETLINK_EXT_ACK                      = 0xb
-	NETLINK_FIB_LOOKUP                   = 0xa
-	NETLINK_FIREWALL                     = 0x3
-	NETLINK_GENERIC                      = 0x10
-	NETLINK_GET_STRICT_CHK               = 0xc
-	NETLINK_INET_DIAG                    = 0x4
-	NETLINK_IP6_FW                       = 0xd
-	NETLINK_ISCSI                        = 0x8
-	NETLINK_KOBJECT_UEVENT               = 0xf
-	NETLINK_LISTEN_ALL_NSID              = 0x8
-	NETLINK_LIST_MEMBERSHIPS             = 0x9
-	NETLINK_NETFILTER                    = 0xc
-	NETLINK_NFLOG                        = 0x5
-	NETLINK_NO_ENOBUFS                   = 0x5
-	NETLINK_PKTINFO                      = 0x3
-	NETLINK_RDMA                         = 0x14
-	NETLINK_ROUTE                        = 0x0
-	NETLINK_RX_RING                      = 0x6
-	NETLINK_SCSITRANSPORT                = 0x12
-	NETLINK_SELINUX                      = 0x7
-	NETLINK_SMC                          = 0x16
-	NETLINK_SOCK_DIAG                    = 0x4
-	NETLINK_TX_RING                      = 0x7
-	NETLINK_UNUSED                       = 0x1
-	NETLINK_USERSOCK                     = 0x2
-	NETLINK_XFRM                         = 0x6
-	NETNSA_MAX                           = 0x5
-	NETNSA_NSID_NOT_ASSIGNED             = -0x1
-	NFNETLINK_V0                         = 0x0
-	NFNLGRP_ACCT_QUOTA                   = 0x8
-	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_EXP_NEW            = 0x4
-	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_NEW                = 0x1
-	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_UPDATE             = 0x2
-	NFNLGRP_MAX                          = 0x9
-	NFNLGRP_NFTABLES                     = 0x7
-	NFNLGRP_NFTRACE                      = 0x9
-	NFNLGRP_NONE                         = 0x0
-	NFNL_BATCH_MAX                       = 0x1
-	NFNL_MSG_BATCH_BEGIN                 = 0x10
-	NFNL_MSG_BATCH_END                   = 0x11
-	NFNL_NFA_NEST                        = 0x8000
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_ACCT                     = 0x7
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_COUNT                    = 0xc
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTHELPER                 = 0x9
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTNETLINK                = 0x1
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTNETLINK_EXP            = 0x2
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_IPSET                    = 0x6
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_NFTABLES                 = 0xa
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_NFT_COMPAT               = 0xb
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_NONE                     = 0x0
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_OSF                      = 0x5
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_QUEUE                    = 0x3
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_ULOG                     = 0x4
-	NFS_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x6969
-	NILFS_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x3434
-	NL0                                  = 0x0
-	NL1                                  = 0x100
-	NLA_ALIGNTO                          = 0x4
-	NLA_F_NESTED                         = 0x8000
-	NLA_F_NET_BYTEORDER                  = 0x4000
-	NLA_HDRLEN                           = 0x4
-	NLDLY                                = 0x100
-	NLMSG_ALIGNTO                        = 0x4
-	NLMSG_DONE                           = 0x3
-	NLMSG_ERROR                          = 0x2
-	NLMSG_HDRLEN                         = 0x10
-	NLMSG_MIN_TYPE                       = 0x10
-	NLMSG_NOOP                           = 0x1
-	NLMSG_OVERRUN                        = 0x4
-	NLM_F_ACK                            = 0x4
-	NLM_F_ACK_TLVS                       = 0x200
-	NLM_F_APPEND                         = 0x800
-	NLM_F_ATOMIC                         = 0x400
-	NLM_F_CAPPED                         = 0x100
-	NLM_F_CREATE                         = 0x400
-	NLM_F_DUMP                           = 0x300
-	NLM_F_DUMP_FILTERED                  = 0x20
-	NLM_F_DUMP_INTR                      = 0x10
-	NLM_F_ECHO                           = 0x8
-	NLM_F_EXCL                           = 0x200
-	NLM_F_MATCH                          = 0x200
-	NLM_F_MULTI                          = 0x2
-	NLM_F_NONREC                         = 0x100
-	NLM_F_REPLACE                        = 0x100
-	NLM_F_REQUEST                        = 0x1
-	NLM_F_ROOT                           = 0x100
-	NOFLSH                               = 0x80
-	NSFS_MAGIC                           = 0x6e736673
-	OCFS2_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x7461636f
-	OCRNL                                = 0x8
-	OFDEL                                = 0x80
-	OFILL                                = 0x40
-	OLCUC                                = 0x2
-	ONLCR                                = 0x4
-	ONLRET                               = 0x20
-	ONOCR                                = 0x10
-	OPENPROM_SUPER_MAGIC                 = 0x9fa1
-	OPOST                                = 0x1
-	OVERLAYFS_SUPER_MAGIC                = 0x794c7630
-	O_ACCMODE                            = 0x3
-	O_APPEND                             = 0x400
-	O_ASYNC                              = 0x2000
-	O_CLOEXEC                            = 0x80000
-	O_CREAT                              = 0x40
-	O_DIRECT                             = 0x4000
-	O_DIRECTORY                          = 0x10000
-	O_DSYNC                              = 0x1000
-	O_EXCL                               = 0x80
-	O_FSYNC                              = 0x101000
-	O_LARGEFILE                          = 0x8000
-	O_NDELAY                             = 0x800
-	O_NOATIME                            = 0x40000
-	O_NOCTTY                             = 0x100
-	O_NOFOLLOW                           = 0x20000
-	O_NONBLOCK                           = 0x800
-	O_PATH                               = 0x200000
-	O_RDONLY                             = 0x0
-	O_RDWR                               = 0x2
-	O_RSYNC                              = 0x101000
-	O_SYNC                               = 0x101000
-	O_TMPFILE                            = 0x410000
-	O_TRUNC                              = 0x200
-	O_WRONLY                             = 0x1
-	PACKET_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                = 0x1
-	PACKET_AUXDATA                       = 0x8
-	PACKET_BROADCAST                     = 0x1
-	PACKET_COPY_THRESH                   = 0x7
-	PACKET_DROP_MEMBERSHIP               = 0x2
-	PACKET_FANOUT                        = 0x12
-	PACKET_FANOUT_CBPF                   = 0x6
-	PACKET_FANOUT_CPU                    = 0x2
-	PACKET_FANOUT_DATA                   = 0x16
-	PACKET_FANOUT_EBPF                   = 0x7
-	PACKET_FANOUT_FLAG_DEFRAG            = 0x8000
-	PACKET_FANOUT_HASH                   = 0x0
-	PACKET_FANOUT_LB                     = 0x1
-	PACKET_FANOUT_QM                     = 0x5
-	PACKET_FANOUT_RND                    = 0x4
-	PACKET_FANOUT_ROLLOVER               = 0x3
-	PACKET_FASTROUTE                     = 0x6
-	PACKET_HDRLEN                        = 0xb
-	PACKET_HOST                          = 0x0
-	PACKET_IGNORE_OUTGOING               = 0x17
-	PACKET_KERNEL                        = 0x7
-	PACKET_LOOPBACK                      = 0x5
-	PACKET_LOSS                          = 0xe
-	PACKET_MR_ALLMULTI                   = 0x2
-	PACKET_MR_MULTICAST                  = 0x0
-	PACKET_MR_PROMISC                    = 0x1
-	PACKET_MR_UNICAST                    = 0x3
-	PACKET_MULTICAST                     = 0x2
-	PACKET_ORIGDEV                       = 0x9
-	PACKET_OTHERHOST                     = 0x3
-	PACKET_OUTGOING                      = 0x4
-	PACKET_QDISC_BYPASS                  = 0x14
-	PACKET_RECV_OUTPUT                   = 0x3
-	PACKET_RESERVE                       = 0xc
-	PACKET_ROLLOVER_STATS                = 0x15
-	PACKET_RX_RING                       = 0x5
-	PACKET_STATISTICS                    = 0x6
-	PACKET_TIMESTAMP                     = 0x11
-	PACKET_TX_HAS_OFF                    = 0x13
-	PACKET_TX_RING                       = 0xd
-	PACKET_TX_TIMESTAMP                  = 0x10
-	PACKET_USER                          = 0x6
-	PACKET_VERSION                       = 0xa
-	PACKET_VNET_HDR                      = 0xf
-	PARENB                               = 0x100
-	PARITY_CRC16_PR0                     = 0x2
-	PARITY_CRC16_PR0_CCITT               = 0x4
-	PARITY_CRC16_PR1                     = 0x3
-	PARITY_CRC16_PR1_CCITT               = 0x5
-	PARITY_CRC32_PR0_CCITT               = 0x6
-	PARITY_CRC32_PR1_CCITT               = 0x7
-	PARITY_DEFAULT                       = 0x0
-	PARITY_NONE                          = 0x1
-	PARMRK                               = 0x8
-	PARODD                               = 0x200
-	PENDIN                               = 0x4000
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_DISABLE               = 0x2401
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_ENABLE                = 0x2400
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_ID                    = 0x80042407
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_PAUSE_OUTPUT          = 0x40042409
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_PERIOD                = 0x40082404
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_QUERY_BPF             = 0xc004240a
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_REFRESH               = 0x2402
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_RESET                 = 0x2403
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_BPF               = 0x40042408
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_FILTER            = 0x40042406
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_OUTPUT            = 0x2405
-	PIPEFS_MAGIC                         = 0x50495045
-	PPPIOCATTACH                         = 0x4004743d
-	PPPIOCATTCHAN                        = 0x40047438
-	PPPIOCCONNECT                        = 0x4004743a
-	PPPIOCDETACH                         = 0x4004743c
-	PPPIOCDISCONN                        = 0x7439
-	PPPIOCGASYNCMAP                      = 0x80047458
-	PPPIOCGCHAN                          = 0x80047437
-	PPPIOCGDEBUG                         = 0x80047441
-	PPPIOCGFLAGS                         = 0x8004745a
-	PPPIOCGIDLE                          = 0x8008743f
-	PPPIOCGL2TPSTATS                     = 0x80487436
-	PPPIOCGMRU                           = 0x80047453
-	PPPIOCGNPMODE                        = 0xc008744c
-	PPPIOCGRASYNCMAP                     = 0x80047455
-	PPPIOCGUNIT                          = 0x80047456
-	PPPIOCGXASYNCMAP                     = 0x80207450
-	PPPIOCNEWUNIT                        = 0xc004743e
-	PPPIOCSACTIVE                        = 0x40087446
-	PPPIOCSASYNCMAP                      = 0x40047457
-	PPPIOCSCOMPRESS                      = 0x400c744d
-	PPPIOCSDEBUG                         = 0x40047440
-	PPPIOCSFLAGS                         = 0x40047459
-	PPPIOCSMAXCID                        = 0x40047451
-	PPPIOCSMRRU                          = 0x4004743b
-	PPPIOCSMRU                           = 0x40047452
-	PPPIOCSNPMODE                        = 0x4008744b
-	PPPIOCSPASS                          = 0x40087447
-	PPPIOCSRASYNCMAP                     = 0x40047454
-	PPPIOCSXASYNCMAP                     = 0x4020744f
-	PPPIOCXFERUNIT                       = 0x744e
-	PRIO_PGRP                            = 0x1
-	PRIO_PROCESS                         = 0x0
-	PRIO_USER                            = 0x2
-	PROC_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0x9fa0
-	PROT_EXEC                            = 0x4
-	PROT_GROWSDOWN                       = 0x1000000
-	PROT_GROWSUP                         = 0x2000000
-	PROT_NONE                            = 0x0
-	PROT_READ                            = 0x1
-	PROT_WRITE                           = 0x2
-	PR_CAPBSET_DROP                      = 0x18
-	PR_CAPBSET_READ                      = 0x17
-	PR_CAP_AMBIENT                       = 0x2f
-	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_CLEAR_ALL             = 0x4
-	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_IS_SET                = 0x1
-	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_LOWER                 = 0x3
-	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_RAISE                 = 0x2
-	PR_ENDIAN_BIG                        = 0x0
-	PR_ENDIAN_LITTLE                     = 0x1
-	PR_ENDIAN_PPC_LITTLE                 = 0x2
-	PR_FPEMU_NOPRINT                     = 0x1
-	PR_FPEMU_SIGFPE                      = 0x2
-	PR_FP_EXC_ASYNC                      = 0x2
-	PR_FP_EXC_DISABLED                   = 0x0
-	PR_FP_EXC_DIV                        = 0x10000
-	PR_FP_EXC_INV                        = 0x100000
-	PR_FP_EXC_NONRECOV                   = 0x1
-	PR_FP_EXC_OVF                        = 0x20000
-	PR_FP_EXC_PRECISE                    = 0x3
-	PR_FP_EXC_RES                        = 0x80000
-	PR_FP_EXC_SW_ENABLE                  = 0x80
-	PR_FP_EXC_UND                        = 0x40000
-	PR_FP_MODE_FR                        = 0x1
-	PR_FP_MODE_FRE                       = 0x2
-	PR_GET_CHILD_SUBREAPER               = 0x25
-	PR_GET_DUMPABLE                      = 0x3
-	PR_GET_ENDIAN                        = 0x13
-	PR_GET_FPEMU                         = 0x9
-	PR_GET_FPEXC                         = 0xb
-	PR_GET_FP_MODE                       = 0x2e
-	PR_GET_KEEPCAPS                      = 0x7
-	PR_GET_NAME                          = 0x10
-	PR_GET_NO_NEW_PRIVS                  = 0x27
-	PR_GET_PDEATHSIG                     = 0x2
-	PR_GET_SECCOMP                       = 0x15
-	PR_GET_SECUREBITS                    = 0x1b
-	PR_GET_SPECULATION_CTRL              = 0x34
-	PR_GET_THP_DISABLE                   = 0x2a
-	PR_GET_TID_ADDRESS                   = 0x28
-	PR_GET_TIMERSLACK                    = 0x1e
-	PR_GET_TIMING                        = 0xd
-	PR_GET_TSC                           = 0x19
-	PR_GET_UNALIGN                       = 0x5
-	PR_MCE_KILL                          = 0x21
-	PR_MCE_KILL_CLEAR                    = 0x0
-	PR_MCE_KILL_DEFAULT                  = 0x2
-	PR_MCE_KILL_EARLY                    = 0x1
-	PR_MCE_KILL_GET                      = 0x22
-	PR_MCE_KILL_LATE                     = 0x0
-	PR_MCE_KILL_SET                      = 0x1
-	PR_MPX_DISABLE_MANAGEMENT            = 0x2c
-	PR_MPX_ENABLE_MANAGEMENT             = 0x2b
-	PR_PAC_APDAKEY                       = 0x4
-	PR_PAC_APDBKEY                       = 0x8
-	PR_PAC_APGAKEY                       = 0x10
-	PR_PAC_APIAKEY                       = 0x1
-	PR_PAC_APIBKEY                       = 0x2
-	PR_PAC_RESET_KEYS                    = 0x36
-	PR_SET_CHILD_SUBREAPER               = 0x24
-	PR_SET_DUMPABLE                      = 0x4
-	PR_SET_ENDIAN                        = 0x14
-	PR_SET_FPEMU                         = 0xa
-	PR_SET_FPEXC                         = 0xc
-	PR_SET_FP_MODE                       = 0x2d
-	PR_SET_KEEPCAPS                      = 0x8
-	PR_SET_MM                            = 0x23
-	PR_SET_MM_ARG_END                    = 0x9
-	PR_SET_MM_ARG_START                  = 0x8
-	PR_SET_MM_AUXV                       = 0xc
-	PR_SET_MM_BRK                        = 0x7
-	PR_SET_MM_END_CODE                   = 0x2
-	PR_SET_MM_END_DATA                   = 0x4
-	PR_SET_MM_ENV_END                    = 0xb
-	PR_SET_MM_ENV_START                  = 0xa
-	PR_SET_MM_EXE_FILE                   = 0xd
-	PR_SET_MM_MAP                        = 0xe
-	PR_SET_MM_MAP_SIZE                   = 0xf
-	PR_SET_MM_START_BRK                  = 0x6
-	PR_SET_MM_START_CODE                 = 0x1
-	PR_SET_MM_START_DATA                 = 0x3
-	PR_SET_MM_START_STACK                = 0x5
-	PR_SET_NAME                          = 0xf
-	PR_SET_NO_NEW_PRIVS                  = 0x26
-	PR_SET_PDEATHSIG                     = 0x1
-	PR_SET_PTRACER                       = 0x59616d61
-	PR_SET_PTRACER_ANY                   = 0xffffffff
-	PR_SET_SECCOMP                       = 0x16
-	PR_SET_SECUREBITS                    = 0x1c
-	PR_SET_SPECULATION_CTRL              = 0x35
-	PR_SET_THP_DISABLE                   = 0x29
-	PR_SET_TIMERSLACK                    = 0x1d
-	PR_SET_TIMING                        = 0xe
-	PR_SET_TSC                           = 0x1a
-	PR_SET_UNALIGN                       = 0x6
-	PR_SPEC_DISABLE                      = 0x4
-	PR_SPEC_DISABLE_NOEXEC               = 0x10
-	PR_SPEC_ENABLE                       = 0x2
-	PR_SPEC_FORCE_DISABLE                = 0x8
-	PR_SPEC_INDIRECT_BRANCH              = 0x1
-	PR_SPEC_NOT_AFFECTED                 = 0x0
-	PR_SPEC_PRCTL                        = 0x1
-	PR_SPEC_STORE_BYPASS                 = 0x0
-	PR_SVE_GET_VL                        = 0x33
-	PR_SVE_SET_VL                        = 0x32
-	PR_SVE_SET_VL_ONEXEC                 = 0x40000
-	PR_SVE_VL_INHERIT                    = 0x20000
-	PR_SVE_VL_LEN_MASK                   = 0xffff
-	PR_TASK_PERF_EVENTS_ENABLE           = 0x20
-	PR_TIMING_STATISTICAL                = 0x0
-	PR_TIMING_TIMESTAMP                  = 0x1
-	PR_TSC_ENABLE                        = 0x1
-	PR_TSC_SIGSEGV                       = 0x2
-	PR_UNALIGN_NOPRINT                   = 0x1
-	PR_UNALIGN_SIGBUS                    = 0x2
-	PSTOREFS_MAGIC                       = 0x6165676c
-	PTRACE_ATTACH                        = 0x10
-	PTRACE_CONT                          = 0x7
-	PTRACE_DETACH                        = 0x11
-	PTRACE_EVENT_CLONE                   = 0x3
-	PTRACE_EVENT_EXEC                    = 0x4
-	PTRACE_EVENT_EXIT                    = 0x6
-	PTRACE_EVENT_FORK                    = 0x1
-	PTRACE_EVENT_SECCOMP                 = 0x7
-	PTRACE_EVENT_STOP                    = 0x80
-	PTRACE_EVENT_VFORK                   = 0x2
-	PTRACE_EVENT_VFORK_DONE              = 0x5
-	PTRACE_GETEVENTMSG                   = 0x4201
-	PTRACE_GETFPREGS                     = 0xe
-	PTRACE_GETFPXREGS                    = 0x12
-	PTRACE_GETREGS                       = 0xc
-	PTRACE_GETREGSET                     = 0x4204
-	PTRACE_GETSIGINFO                    = 0x4202
-	PTRACE_GETSIGMASK                    = 0x420a
-	PTRACE_GET_THREAD_AREA               = 0x19
-	PTRACE_INTERRUPT                     = 0x4207
-	PTRACE_KILL                          = 0x8
-	PTRACE_LISTEN                        = 0x4208
-	PTRACE_OLDSETOPTIONS                 = 0x15
-	PTRACE_O_EXITKILL                    = 0x100000
-	PTRACE_O_MASK                        = 0x3000ff
-	PTRACE_O_SUSPEND_SECCOMP             = 0x200000
-	PTRACE_O_TRACECLONE                  = 0x8
-	PTRACE_O_TRACEEXEC                   = 0x10
-	PTRACE_O_TRACEEXIT                   = 0x40
-	PTRACE_O_TRACEFORK                   = 0x2
-	PTRACE_O_TRACESECCOMP                = 0x80
-	PTRACE_O_TRACESYSGOOD                = 0x1
-	PTRACE_O_TRACEVFORK                  = 0x4
-	PTRACE_O_TRACEVFORKDONE              = 0x20
-	PTRACE_PEEKDATA                      = 0x2
-	PTRACE_PEEKSIGINFO                   = 0x4209
-	PTRACE_PEEKTEXT                      = 0x1
-	PTRACE_PEEKUSR                       = 0x3
-	PTRACE_POKEDATA                      = 0x5
-	PTRACE_POKETEXT                      = 0x4
-	PTRACE_POKEUSR                       = 0x6
-	PTRACE_SECCOMP_GET_FILTER            = 0x420c
-	PTRACE_SEIZE                         = 0x4206
-	PTRACE_SETFPREGS                     = 0xf
-	PTRACE_SETFPXREGS                    = 0x13
-	PTRACE_SETOPTIONS                    = 0x4200
-	PTRACE_SETREGS                       = 0xd
-	PTRACE_SETREGSET                     = 0x4205
-	PTRACE_SETSIGINFO                    = 0x4203
-	PTRACE_SETSIGMASK                    = 0x420b
-	PTRACE_SET_THREAD_AREA               = 0x1a
-	PTRACE_SINGLEBLOCK                   = 0x21
-	PTRACE_SINGLESTEP                    = 0x9
-	PTRACE_SYSCALL                       = 0x18
-	PTRACE_SYSEMU                        = 0x1f
-	PTRACE_SYSEMU_SINGLESTEP             = 0x20
-	PTRACE_TRACEME                       = 0x0
-	QNX4_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0x2f
-	QNX6_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0x68191122
-	RAMFS_MAGIC                          = 0x858458f6
-	RDTGROUP_SUPER_MAGIC                 = 0x7655821
-	REISERFS_SUPER_MAGIC                 = 0x52654973
-	RENAME_EXCHANGE                      = 0x2
-	RENAME_NOREPLACE                     = 0x1
-	RENAME_WHITEOUT                      = 0x4
-	RLIMIT_AS                            = 0x9
-	RLIMIT_CORE                          = 0x4
-	RLIMIT_CPU                           = 0x0
-	RLIMIT_DATA                          = 0x2
-	RLIMIT_FSIZE                         = 0x1
-	RLIMIT_LOCKS                         = 0xa
-	RLIMIT_MEMLOCK                       = 0x8
-	RLIMIT_MSGQUEUE                      = 0xc
-	RLIMIT_NICE                          = 0xd
-	RLIMIT_NOFILE                        = 0x7
-	RLIMIT_NPROC                         = 0x6
-	RLIMIT_RSS                           = 0x5
-	RLIMIT_RTPRIO                        = 0xe
-	RLIMIT_RTTIME                        = 0xf
-	RLIMIT_SIGPENDING                    = 0xb
-	RLIMIT_STACK                         = 0x3
-	RLIM_INFINITY                        = 0xffffffffffffffff
-	RNDADDENTROPY                        = 0x40085203
-	RNDADDTOENTCNT                       = 0x40045201
-	RNDCLEARPOOL                         = 0x5206
-	RNDGETENTCNT                         = 0x80045200
-	RNDGETPOOL                           = 0x80085202
-	RNDRESEEDCRNG                        = 0x5207
-	RNDZAPENTCNT                         = 0x5204
-	RTAX_ADVMSS                          = 0x8
-	RTAX_CC_ALGO                         = 0x10
-	RTAX_CWND                            = 0x7
-	RTAX_FASTOPEN_NO_COOKIE              = 0x11
-	RTAX_FEATURES                        = 0xc
-	RTAX_FEATURE_ALLFRAG                 = 0x8
-	RTAX_FEATURE_ECN                     = 0x1
-	RTAX_FEATURE_MASK                    = 0xf
-	RTAX_FEATURE_SACK                    = 0x2
-	RTAX_FEATURE_TIMESTAMP               = 0x4
-	RTAX_HOPLIMIT                        = 0xa
-	RTAX_INITCWND                        = 0xb
-	RTAX_INITRWND                        = 0xe
-	RTAX_LOCK                            = 0x1
-	RTAX_MAX                             = 0x11
-	RTAX_MTU                             = 0x2
-	RTAX_QUICKACK                        = 0xf
-	RTAX_REORDERING                      = 0x9
-	RTAX_RTO_MIN                         = 0xd
-	RTAX_RTT                             = 0x4
-	RTAX_RTTVAR                          = 0x5
-	RTAX_SSTHRESH                        = 0x6
-	RTAX_UNSPEC                          = 0x0
-	RTAX_WINDOW                          = 0x3
-	RTA_ALIGNTO                          = 0x4
-	RTA_MAX                              = 0x1d
-	RTCF_DIRECTSRC                       = 0x4000000
-	RTCF_DOREDIRECT                      = 0x1000000
-	RTCF_LOG                             = 0x2000000
-	RTCF_MASQ                            = 0x400000
-	RTCF_NAT                             = 0x800000
-	RTCF_VALVE                           = 0x200000
-	RTC_AF                               = 0x20
-	RTC_AIE_OFF                          = 0x7002
-	RTC_AIE_ON                           = 0x7001
-	RTC_ALM_READ                         = 0x80247008
-	RTC_ALM_SET                          = 0x40247007
-	RTC_EPOCH_READ                       = 0x8004700d
-	RTC_EPOCH_SET                        = 0x4004700e
-	RTC_IRQF                             = 0x80
-	RTC_IRQP_READ                        = 0x8004700b
-	RTC_IRQP_SET                         = 0x4004700c
-	RTC_MAX_FREQ                         = 0x2000
-	RTC_PF                               = 0x40
-	RTC_PIE_OFF                          = 0x7006
-	RTC_PIE_ON                           = 0x7005
-	RTC_PLL_GET                          = 0x801c7011
-	RTC_PLL_SET                          = 0x401c7012
-	RTC_RD_TIME                          = 0x80247009
-	RTC_SET_TIME                         = 0x4024700a
-	RTC_UF                               = 0x10
-	RTC_UIE_OFF                          = 0x7004
-	RTC_UIE_ON                           = 0x7003
-	RTC_VL_CLR                           = 0x7014
-	RTC_VL_READ                          = 0x80047013
-	RTC_WIE_OFF                          = 0x7010
-	RTC_WIE_ON                           = 0x700f
-	RTC_WKALM_RD                         = 0x80287010
-	RTC_WKALM_SET                        = 0x4028700f
-	RTF_ADDRCLASSMASK                    = 0xf8000000
-	RTF_ADDRCONF                         = 0x40000
-	RTF_ALLONLINK                        = 0x20000
-	RTF_BROADCAST                        = 0x10000000
-	RTF_CACHE                            = 0x1000000
-	RTF_DEFAULT                          = 0x10000
-	RTF_DYNAMIC                          = 0x10
-	RTF_FLOW                             = 0x2000000
-	RTF_GATEWAY                          = 0x2
-	RTF_HOST                             = 0x4
-	RTF_INTERFACE                        = 0x40000000
-	RTF_IRTT                             = 0x100
-	RTF_LINKRT                           = 0x100000
-	RTF_LOCAL                            = 0x80000000
-	RTF_MODIFIED                         = 0x20
-	RTF_MSS                              = 0x40
-	RTF_MTU                              = 0x40
-	RTF_MULTICAST                        = 0x20000000
-	RTF_NAT                              = 0x8000000
-	RTF_NOFORWARD                        = 0x1000
-	RTF_NONEXTHOP                        = 0x200000
-	RTF_NOPMTUDISC                       = 0x4000
-	RTF_POLICY                           = 0x4000000
-	RTF_REINSTATE                        = 0x8
-	RTF_REJECT                           = 0x200
-	RTF_STATIC                           = 0x400
-	RTF_THROW                            = 0x2000
-	RTF_UP                               = 0x1
-	RTF_WINDOW                           = 0x80
-	RTF_XRESOLVE                         = 0x800
-	RTM_BASE                             = 0x10
-	RTM_DELACTION                        = 0x31
-	RTM_DELADDR                          = 0x15
-	RTM_DELADDRLABEL                     = 0x49
-	RTM_DELCHAIN                         = 0x65
-	RTM_DELLINK                          = 0x11
-	RTM_DELMDB                           = 0x55
-	RTM_DELNEIGH                         = 0x1d
-	RTM_DELNETCONF                       = 0x51
-	RTM_DELNSID                          = 0x59
-	RTM_DELQDISC                         = 0x25
-	RTM_DELROUTE                         = 0x19
-	RTM_DELRULE                          = 0x21
-	RTM_DELTCLASS                        = 0x29
-	RTM_DELTFILTER                       = 0x2d
-	RTM_F_CLONED                         = 0x200
-	RTM_F_EQUALIZE                       = 0x400
-	RTM_F_FIB_MATCH                      = 0x2000
-	RTM_F_LOOKUP_TABLE                   = 0x1000
-	RTM_F_NOTIFY                         = 0x100
-	RTM_F_PREFIX                         = 0x800
-	RTM_GETACTION                        = 0x32
-	RTM_GETADDR                          = 0x16
-	RTM_GETADDRLABEL                     = 0x4a
-	RTM_GETANYCAST                       = 0x3e
-	RTM_GETCHAIN                         = 0x66
-	RTM_GETDCB                           = 0x4e
-	RTM_GETLINK                          = 0x12
-	RTM_GETMDB                           = 0x56
-	RTM_GETMULTICAST                     = 0x3a
-	RTM_GETNEIGH                         = 0x1e
-	RTM_GETNEIGHTBL                      = 0x42
-	RTM_GETNETCONF                       = 0x52
-	RTM_GETNSID                          = 0x5a
-	RTM_GETQDISC                         = 0x26
-	RTM_GETROUTE                         = 0x1a
-	RTM_GETRULE                          = 0x22
-	RTM_GETSTATS                         = 0x5e
-	RTM_GETTCLASS                        = 0x2a
-	RTM_GETTFILTER                       = 0x2e
-	RTM_MAX                              = 0x67
-	RTM_NEWACTION                        = 0x30
-	RTM_NEWADDR                          = 0x14
-	RTM_NEWADDRLABEL                     = 0x48
-	RTM_NEWCACHEREPORT                   = 0x60
-	RTM_NEWCHAIN                         = 0x64
-	RTM_NEWLINK                          = 0x10
-	RTM_NEWMDB                           = 0x54
-	RTM_NEWNDUSEROPT                     = 0x44
-	RTM_NEWNEIGH                         = 0x1c
-	RTM_NEWNEIGHTBL                      = 0x40
-	RTM_NEWNETCONF                       = 0x50
-	RTM_NEWNSID                          = 0x58
-	RTM_NEWPREFIX                        = 0x34
-	RTM_NEWQDISC                         = 0x24
-	RTM_NEWROUTE                         = 0x18
-	RTM_NEWRULE                          = 0x20
-	RTM_NEWSTATS                         = 0x5c
-	RTM_NEWTCLASS                        = 0x28
-	RTM_NEWTFILTER                       = 0x2c
-	RTM_NR_FAMILIES                      = 0x16
-	RTM_NR_MSGTYPES                      = 0x58
-	RTM_SETDCB                           = 0x4f
-	RTM_SETLINK                          = 0x13
-	RTM_SETNEIGHTBL                      = 0x43
-	RTNH_ALIGNTO                         = 0x4
-	RTNH_COMPARE_MASK                    = 0x19
-	RTNH_F_DEAD                          = 0x1
-	RTNH_F_LINKDOWN                      = 0x10
-	RTNH_F_OFFLOAD                       = 0x8
-	RTNH_F_ONLINK                        = 0x4
-	RTNH_F_PERVASIVE                     = 0x2
-	RTNH_F_UNRESOLVED                    = 0x20
-	RTN_MAX                              = 0xb
-	RTPROT_BABEL                         = 0x2a
-	RTPROT_BGP                           = 0xba
-	RTPROT_BIRD                          = 0xc
-	RTPROT_BOOT                          = 0x3
-	RTPROT_DHCP                          = 0x10
-	RTPROT_DNROUTED                      = 0xd
-	RTPROT_EIGRP                         = 0xc0
-	RTPROT_GATED                         = 0x8
-	RTPROT_ISIS                          = 0xbb
-	RTPROT_KERNEL                        = 0x2
-	RTPROT_MROUTED                       = 0x11
-	RTPROT_MRT                           = 0xa
-	RTPROT_NTK                           = 0xf
-	RTPROT_OSPF                          = 0xbc
-	RTPROT_RA                            = 0x9
-	RTPROT_REDIRECT                      = 0x1
-	RTPROT_RIP                           = 0xbd
-	RTPROT_STATIC                        = 0x4
-	RTPROT_UNSPEC                        = 0x0
-	RTPROT_XORP                          = 0xe
-	RTPROT_ZEBRA                         = 0xb
-	RT_CLASS_DEFAULT                     = 0xfd
-	RT_CLASS_LOCAL                       = 0xff
-	RT_CLASS_MAIN                        = 0xfe
-	RT_CLASS_MAX                         = 0xff
-	RT_CLASS_UNSPEC                      = 0x0
-	RUSAGE_CHILDREN                      = -0x1
-	RUSAGE_SELF                          = 0x0
-	RUSAGE_THREAD                        = 0x1
-	SCM_CREDENTIALS                      = 0x2
-	SCM_RIGHTS                           = 0x1
-	SCM_TIMESTAMP                        = 0x1d
-	SCM_TIMESTAMPING                     = 0x25
-	SCM_TIMESTAMPING_PKTINFO             = 0x3a
-	SCM_TIMESTAMPNS                      = 0x23
-	SCM_TXTIME                           = 0x3d
-	SCM_WIFI_STATUS                      = 0x29
-	SC_LOG_FLUSH                         = 0x100000
-	SECCOMP_MODE_DISABLED                = 0x0
-	SECCOMP_MODE_FILTER                  = 0x2
-	SECCOMP_MODE_STRICT                  = 0x1
-	SECURITYFS_MAGIC                     = 0x73636673
-	SELINUX_MAGIC                        = 0xf97cff8c
-	SFD_CLOEXEC                          = 0x80000
-	SFD_NONBLOCK                         = 0x800
-	SHUT_RD                              = 0x0
-	SHUT_RDWR                            = 0x2
-	SHUT_WR                              = 0x1
-	SIOCADDDLCI                          = 0x8980
-	SIOCADDMULTI                         = 0x8931
-	SIOCADDRT                            = 0x890b
-	SIOCATMARK                           = 0x8905
-	SIOCBONDCHANGEACTIVE                 = 0x8995
-	SIOCBONDENSLAVE                      = 0x8990
-	SIOCBONDINFOQUERY                    = 0x8994
-	SIOCBONDRELEASE                      = 0x8991
-	SIOCBONDSETHWADDR                    = 0x8992
-	SIOCBONDSLAVEINFOQUERY               = 0x8993
-	SIOCBRADDBR                          = 0x89a0
-	SIOCBRADDIF                          = 0x89a2
-	SIOCBRDELBR                          = 0x89a1
-	SIOCBRDELIF                          = 0x89a3
-	SIOCDARP                             = 0x8953
-	SIOCDELDLCI                          = 0x8981
-	SIOCDELMULTI                         = 0x8932
-	SIOCDELRT                            = 0x890c
-	SIOCDEVPRIVATE                       = 0x89f0
-	SIOCDIFADDR                          = 0x8936
-	SIOCDRARP                            = 0x8960
-	SIOCETHTOOL                          = 0x8946
-	SIOCGARP                             = 0x8954
-	SIOCGHWTSTAMP                        = 0x89b1
-	SIOCGIFADDR                          = 0x8915
-	SIOCGIFBR                            = 0x8940
-	SIOCGIFBRDADDR                       = 0x8919
-	SIOCGIFCONF                          = 0x8912
-	SIOCGIFCOUNT                         = 0x8938
-	SIOCGIFDSTADDR                       = 0x8917
-	SIOCGIFENCAP                         = 0x8925
-	SIOCGIFFLAGS                         = 0x8913
-	SIOCGIFHWADDR                        = 0x8927
-	SIOCGIFINDEX                         = 0x8933
-	SIOCGIFMAP                           = 0x8970
-	SIOCGIFMEM                           = 0x891f
-	SIOCGIFMETRIC                        = 0x891d
-	SIOCGIFMTU                           = 0x8921
-	SIOCGIFNAME                          = 0x8910
-	SIOCGIFNETMASK                       = 0x891b
-	SIOCGIFPFLAGS                        = 0x8935
-	SIOCGIFSLAVE                         = 0x8929
-	SIOCGIFTXQLEN                        = 0x8942
-	SIOCGIFVLAN                          = 0x8982
-	SIOCGMIIPHY                          = 0x8947
-	SIOCGMIIREG                          = 0x8948
-	SIOCGPGRP                            = 0x8904
-	SIOCGPPPCSTATS                       = 0x89f2
-	SIOCGPPPSTATS                        = 0x89f0
-	SIOCGPPPVER                          = 0x89f1
-	SIOCGRARP                            = 0x8961
-	SIOCGSKNS                            = 0x894c
-	SIOCGSTAMP                           = 0x8906
-	SIOCGSTAMPNS                         = 0x8907
-	SIOCGSTAMPNS_NEW                     = 0x80108907
-	SIOCGSTAMPNS_OLD                     = 0x8907
-	SIOCGSTAMP_NEW                       = 0x80108906
-	SIOCGSTAMP_OLD                       = 0x8906
-	SIOCINQ                              = 0x541b
-	SIOCOUTQ                             = 0x5411
-	SIOCOUTQNSD                          = 0x894b
-	SIOCPROTOPRIVATE                     = 0x89e0
-	SIOCRTMSG                            = 0x890d
-	SIOCSARP                             = 0x8955
-	SIOCSHWTSTAMP                        = 0x89b0
-	SIOCSIFADDR                          = 0x8916
-	SIOCSIFBR                            = 0x8941
-	SIOCSIFBRDADDR                       = 0x891a
-	SIOCSIFDSTADDR                       = 0x8918
-	SIOCSIFENCAP                         = 0x8926
-	SIOCSIFFLAGS                         = 0x8914
-	SIOCSIFHWADDR                        = 0x8924
-	SIOCSIFHWBROADCAST                   = 0x8937
-	SIOCSIFLINK                          = 0x8911
-	SIOCSIFMAP                           = 0x8971
-	SIOCSIFMEM                           = 0x8920
-	SIOCSIFMETRIC                        = 0x891e
-	SIOCSIFMTU                           = 0x8922
-	SIOCSIFNAME                          = 0x8923
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-	SIOCSIFPFLAGS                        = 0x8934
-	SIOCSIFSLAVE                         = 0x8930
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-	SIOCSIFVLAN                          = 0x8983
-	SIOCSMIIREG                          = 0x8949
-	SIOCSPGRP                            = 0x8902
-	SIOCSRARP                            = 0x8962
-	SIOCWANDEV                           = 0x894a
-	SMACK_MAGIC                          = 0x43415d53
-	SMART_AUTOSAVE                       = 0xd2
-	SMART_AUTO_OFFLINE                   = 0xdb
-	SMART_DISABLE                        = 0xd9
-	SMART_ENABLE                         = 0xd8
-	SMART_HCYL_PASS                      = 0xc2
-	SMART_IMMEDIATE_OFFLINE              = 0xd4
-	SMART_LCYL_PASS                      = 0x4f
-	SMART_READ_LOG_SECTOR                = 0xd5
-	SMART_READ_THRESHOLDS                = 0xd1
-	SMART_READ_VALUES                    = 0xd0
-	SMART_SAVE                           = 0xd3
-	SMART_STATUS                         = 0xda
-	SMART_WRITE_LOG_SECTOR               = 0xd6
-	SMART_WRITE_THRESHOLDS               = 0xd7
-	SMB_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x517b
-	SOCKFS_MAGIC                         = 0x534f434b
-	SOCK_CLOEXEC                         = 0x80000
-	SOCK_DCCP                            = 0x6
-	SOCK_DGRAM                           = 0x2
-	SOCK_IOC_TYPE                        = 0x89
-	SOCK_NONBLOCK                        = 0x800
-	SOCK_PACKET                          = 0xa
-	SOCK_RAW                             = 0x3
-	SOCK_RDM                             = 0x4
-	SOCK_SEQPACKET                       = 0x5
-	SOCK_STREAM                          = 0x1
-	SOL_AAL                              = 0x109
-	SOL_ALG                              = 0x117
-	SOL_ATM                              = 0x108
-	SOL_CAIF                             = 0x116
-	SOL_CAN_BASE                         = 0x64
-	SOL_DCCP                             = 0x10d
-	SOL_DECNET                           = 0x105
-	SOL_ICMPV6                           = 0x3a
-	SOL_IP                               = 0x0
-	SOL_IPV6                             = 0x29
-	SOL_IRDA                             = 0x10a
-	SOL_IUCV                             = 0x115
-	SOL_KCM                              = 0x119
-	SOL_LLC                              = 0x10c
-	SOL_NETBEUI                          = 0x10b
-	SOL_NETLINK                          = 0x10e
-	SOL_NFC                              = 0x118
-	SOL_PACKET                           = 0x107
-	SOL_PNPIPE                           = 0x113
-	SOL_PPPOL2TP                         = 0x111
-	SOL_RAW                              = 0xff
-	SOL_RDS                              = 0x114
-	SOL_RXRPC                            = 0x110
-	SOL_SOCKET                           = 0x1
-	SOL_TCP                              = 0x6
-	SOL_TIPC                             = 0x10f
-	SOL_TLS                              = 0x11a
-	SOL_X25                              = 0x106
-	SOL_XDP                              = 0x11b
-	SOMAXCONN                            = 0x80
-	SO_ACCEPTCONN                        = 0x1e
-	SO_ATTACH_BPF                        = 0x32
-	SO_ATTACH_FILTER                     = 0x1a
-	SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_CBPF             = 0x33
-	SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_EBPF             = 0x34
-	SO_BINDTODEVICE                      = 0x19
-	SO_BINDTOIFINDEX                     = 0x3e
-	SO_BPF_EXTENSIONS                    = 0x30
-	SO_BROADCAST                         = 0x6
-	SO_BSDCOMPAT                         = 0xe
-	SO_BUSY_POLL                         = 0x2e
-	SO_CNX_ADVICE                        = 0x35
-	SO_COOKIE                            = 0x39
-	SO_DEBUG                             = 0x1
-	SO_DETACH_BPF                        = 0x1b
-	SO_DETACH_FILTER                     = 0x1b
-	SO_DOMAIN                            = 0x27
-	SO_DONTROUTE                         = 0x5
-	SO_EE_CODE_TXTIME_MISSED             = 0x2
-	SO_EE_CODE_ZEROCOPY_COPIED           = 0x1
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_ICMP                    = 0x2
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_ICMP6                   = 0x3
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_LOCAL                   = 0x1
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_NONE                    = 0x0
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_TIMESTAMPING            = 0x4
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_TXSTATUS                = 0x4
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_TXTIME                  = 0x6
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_ZEROCOPY                = 0x5
-	SO_ERROR                             = 0x4
-	SO_GET_FILTER                        = 0x1a
-	SO_INCOMING_CPU                      = 0x31
-	SO_INCOMING_NAPI_ID                  = 0x38
-	SO_KEEPALIVE                         = 0x9
-	SO_LINGER                            = 0xd
-	SO_LOCK_FILTER                       = 0x2c
-	SO_MARK                              = 0x24
-	SO_MAX_PACING_RATE                   = 0x2f
-	SO_MEMINFO                           = 0x37
-	SO_NOFCS                             = 0x2b
-	SO_NO_CHECK                          = 0xb
-	SO_OOBINLINE                         = 0xa
-	SO_PASSCRED                          = 0x10
-	SO_PASSSEC                           = 0x22
-	SO_PEEK_OFF                          = 0x2a
-	SO_PEERCRED                          = 0x11
-	SO_PEERGROUPS                        = 0x3b
-	SO_PEERNAME                          = 0x1c
-	SO_PEERSEC                           = 0x1f
-	SO_PRIORITY                          = 0xc
-	SO_PROTOCOL                          = 0x26
-	SO_RCVBUF                            = 0x8
-	SO_RCVBUFFORCE                       = 0x21
-	SO_RCVLOWAT                          = 0x12
-	SO_RCVTIMEO                          = 0x14
-	SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW                      = 0x42
-	SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD                      = 0x14
-	SO_REUSEADDR                         = 0x2
-	SO_REUSEPORT                         = 0xf
-	SO_RXQ_OVFL                          = 0x28
-	SO_SELECT_ERR_QUEUE                  = 0x2d
-	SO_SNDBUF                            = 0x7
-	SO_SNDBUFFORCE                       = 0x20
-	SO_SNDLOWAT                          = 0x13
-	SO_SNDTIMEO                          = 0x15
-	SO_SNDTIMEO_NEW                      = 0x43
-	SO_SNDTIMEO_OLD                      = 0x15
-	SO_TIMESTAMP                         = 0x1d
-	SO_TIMESTAMPING                      = 0x25
-	SO_TIMESTAMPING_NEW                  = 0x41
-	SO_TIMESTAMPING_OLD                  = 0x25
-	SO_TIMESTAMPNS                       = 0x23
-	SO_TIMESTAMPNS_NEW                   = 0x40
-	SO_TIMESTAMPNS_OLD                   = 0x23
-	SO_TIMESTAMP_NEW                     = 0x3f
-	SO_TIMESTAMP_OLD                     = 0x1d
-	SO_TXTIME                            = 0x3d
-	SO_TYPE                              = 0x3
-	SO_VM_SOCKETS_BUFFER_SIZE            = 0x0
-	SO_VM_SOCKETS_TRUSTED                = 0x5
-	SO_WIFI_STATUS                       = 0x29
-	SO_ZEROCOPY                          = 0x3c
-	SPLICE_F_GIFT                        = 0x8
-	SPLICE_F_MORE                        = 0x4
-	SPLICE_F_MOVE                        = 0x1
-	SPLICE_F_NONBLOCK                    = 0x2
-	SQUASHFS_MAGIC                       = 0x73717368
-	STACK_END_MAGIC                      = 0x57ac6e9d
-	STATX_ALL                            = 0xfff
-	STATX_ATIME                          = 0x20
-	STATX_ATTR_APPEND                    = 0x20
-	STATX_ATTR_AUTOMOUNT                 = 0x1000
-	STATX_ATTR_COMPRESSED                = 0x4
-	STATX_ATTR_ENCRYPTED                 = 0x800
-	STATX_ATTR_IMMUTABLE                 = 0x10
-	STATX_ATTR_NODUMP                    = 0x40
-	STATX_BASIC_STATS                    = 0x7ff
-	STATX_BLOCKS                         = 0x400
-	STATX_BTIME                          = 0x800
-	STATX_CTIME                          = 0x80
-	STATX_GID                            = 0x10
-	STATX_INO                            = 0x100
-	STATX_MODE                           = 0x2
-	STATX_MTIME                          = 0x40
-	STATX_NLINK                          = 0x4
-	STATX_SIZE                           = 0x200
-	STATX_TYPE                           = 0x1
-	STATX_UID                            = 0x8
-	STATX__RESERVED                      = 0x80000000
-	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WAIT_AFTER           = 0x4
-	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WRITE                = 0x2
-	SYSFS_MAGIC                          = 0x62656572
-	S_BLKSIZE                            = 0x200
-	S_IEXEC                              = 0x40
-	S_IFBLK                              = 0x6000
-	S_IFCHR                              = 0x2000
-	S_IFDIR                              = 0x4000
-	S_IFIFO                              = 0x1000
-	S_IFLNK                              = 0xa000
-	S_IFMT                               = 0xf000
-	S_IFREG                              = 0x8000
-	S_IFSOCK                             = 0xc000
-	S_IREAD                              = 0x100
-	S_IRGRP                              = 0x20
-	S_IROTH                              = 0x4
-	S_IRUSR                              = 0x100
-	S_IRWXG                              = 0x38
-	S_IRWXO                              = 0x7
-	S_IRWXU                              = 0x1c0
-	S_ISGID                              = 0x400
-	S_ISUID                              = 0x800
-	S_ISVTX                              = 0x200
-	S_IWGRP                              = 0x10
-	S_IWOTH                              = 0x2
-	S_IWRITE                             = 0x80
-	S_IWUSR                              = 0x80
-	S_IXGRP                              = 0x8
-	S_IXOTH                              = 0x1
-	S_IXUSR                              = 0x40
-	TAB0                                 = 0x0
-	TAB1                                 = 0x800
-	TAB2                                 = 0x1000
-	TAB3                                 = 0x1800
-	TABDLY                               = 0x1800
-	TASKSTATS_CMD_ATTR_MAX               = 0x4
-	TASKSTATS_CMD_MAX                    = 0x2
-	TASKSTATS_GENL_NAME                  = "TASKSTATS"
-	TASKSTATS_GENL_VERSION               = 0x1
-	TASKSTATS_TYPE_MAX                   = 0x6
-	TASKSTATS_VERSION                    = 0x9
-	TCFLSH                               = 0x540b
-	TCGETA                               = 0x5405
-	TCGETS                               = 0x5401
-	TCGETS2                              = 0x802c542a
-	TCGETX                               = 0x5432
-	TCIFLUSH                             = 0x0
-	TCIOFF                               = 0x2
-	TCIOFLUSH                            = 0x2
-	TCION                                = 0x3
-	TCOFLUSH                             = 0x1
-	TCOOFF                               = 0x0
-	TCOON                                = 0x1
-	TCP_BPF_IW                           = 0x3e9
-	TCP_BPF_SNDCWND_CLAMP                = 0x3ea
-	TCP_CC_INFO                          = 0x1a
-	TCP_CM_INQ                           = 0x24
-	TCP_CONGESTION                       = 0xd
-	TCP_COOKIE_IN_ALWAYS                 = 0x1
-	TCP_COOKIE_MAX                       = 0x10
-	TCP_COOKIE_MIN                       = 0x8
-	TCP_COOKIE_OUT_NEVER                 = 0x2
-	TCP_COOKIE_PAIR_SIZE                 = 0x20
-	TCP_COOKIE_TRANSACTIONS              = 0xf
-	TCP_CORK                             = 0x3
-	TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT                     = 0x9
-	TCP_FASTOPEN                         = 0x17
-	TCP_FASTOPEN_CONNECT                 = 0x1e
-	TCP_FASTOPEN_KEY                     = 0x21
-	TCP_FASTOPEN_NO_COOKIE               = 0x22
-	TCP_INFO                             = 0xb
-	TCP_INQ                              = 0x24
-	TCP_KEEPCNT                          = 0x6
-	TCP_KEEPIDLE                         = 0x4
-	TCP_KEEPINTVL                        = 0x5
-	TCP_LINGER2                          = 0x8
-	TCP_MAXSEG                           = 0x2
-	TCP_MAXWIN                           = 0xffff
-	TCP_MAX_WINSHIFT                     = 0xe
-	TCP_MD5SIG                           = 0xe
-	TCP_MD5SIG_EXT                       = 0x20
-	TCP_MD5SIG_FLAG_PREFIX               = 0x1
-	TCP_MD5SIG_MAXKEYLEN                 = 0x50
-	TCP_MSS                              = 0x200
-	TCP_MSS_DEFAULT                      = 0x218
-	TCP_MSS_DESIRED                      = 0x4c4
-	TCP_NODELAY                          = 0x1
-	TCP_NOTSENT_LOWAT                    = 0x19
-	TCP_QUEUE_SEQ                        = 0x15
-	TCP_QUICKACK                         = 0xc
-	TCP_REPAIR                           = 0x13
-	TCP_REPAIR_OFF                       = 0x0
-	TCP_REPAIR_OFF_NO_WP                 = -0x1
-	TCP_REPAIR_ON                        = 0x1
-	TCP_REPAIR_OPTIONS                   = 0x16
-	TCP_REPAIR_QUEUE                     = 0x14
-	TCP_REPAIR_WINDOW                    = 0x1d
-	TCP_SAVED_SYN                        = 0x1c
-	TCP_SAVE_SYN                         = 0x1b
-	TCP_SYNCNT                           = 0x7
-	TCP_S_DATA_IN                        = 0x4
-	TCP_S_DATA_OUT                       = 0x8
-	TCP_THIN_DUPACK                      = 0x11
-	TCP_THIN_LINEAR_TIMEOUTS             = 0x10
-	TCP_TIMESTAMP                        = 0x18
-	TCP_ULP                              = 0x1f
-	TCP_USER_TIMEOUT                     = 0x12
-	TCP_WINDOW_CLAMP                     = 0xa
-	TCP_ZEROCOPY_RECEIVE                 = 0x23
-	TCSAFLUSH                            = 0x2
-	TCSBRK                               = 0x5409
-	TCSBRKP                              = 0x5425
-	TCSETA                               = 0x5406
-	TCSETAF                              = 0x5408
-	TCSETAW                              = 0x5407
-	TCSETS                               = 0x5402
-	TCSETS2                              = 0x402c542b
-	TCSETSF                              = 0x5404
-	TCSETSF2                             = 0x402c542d
-	TCSETSW                              = 0x5403
-	TCSETSW2                             = 0x402c542c
-	TCSETX                               = 0x5433
-	TCSETXF                              = 0x5434
-	TCSETXW                              = 0x5435
-	TCXONC                               = 0x540a
-	TIMER_ABSTIME                        = 0x1
-	TIOCCBRK                             = 0x5428
-	TIOCCONS                             = 0x541d
-	TIOCEXCL                             = 0x540c
-	TIOCGDEV                             = 0x80045432
-	TIOCGETD                             = 0x5424
-	TIOCGEXCL                            = 0x80045440
-	TIOCGICOUNT                          = 0x545d
-	TIOCGISO7816                         = 0x80285442
-	TIOCGLCKTRMIOS                       = 0x5456
-	TIOCGPGRP                            = 0x540f
-	TIOCGPKT                             = 0x80045438
-	TIOCGPTLCK                           = 0x80045439
-	TIOCGPTN                             = 0x80045430
-	TIOCGPTPEER                          = 0x5441
-	TIOCGRS485                           = 0x542e
-	TIOCGSERIAL                          = 0x541e
-	TIOCGSID                             = 0x5429
-	TIOCGSOFTCAR                         = 0x5419
-	TIOCGWINSZ                           = 0x5413
-	TIOCINQ                              = 0x541b
-	TIOCLINUX                            = 0x541c
-	TIOCMBIC                             = 0x5417
-	TIOCMBIS                             = 0x5416
-	TIOCMGET                             = 0x5415
-	TIOCMIWAIT                           = 0x545c
-	TIOCMSET                             = 0x5418
-	TIOCM_CAR                            = 0x40
-	TIOCM_CD                             = 0x40
-	TIOCM_CTS                            = 0x20
-	TIOCM_DSR                            = 0x100
-	TIOCM_DTR                            = 0x2
-	TIOCM_LE                             = 0x1
-	TIOCM_RI                             = 0x80
-	TIOCM_RNG                            = 0x80
-	TIOCM_RTS                            = 0x4
-	TIOCM_SR                             = 0x10
-	TIOCM_ST                             = 0x8
-	TIOCNOTTY                            = 0x5422
-	TIOCNXCL                             = 0x540d
-	TIOCOUTQ                             = 0x5411
-	TIOCPKT                              = 0x5420
-	TIOCPKT_DATA                         = 0x0
-	TIOCPKT_DOSTOP                       = 0x20
-	TIOCPKT_FLUSHREAD                    = 0x1
-	TIOCPKT_FLUSHWRITE                   = 0x2
-	TIOCPKT_IOCTL                        = 0x40
-	TIOCPKT_NOSTOP                       = 0x10
-	TIOCPKT_START                        = 0x8
-	TIOCPKT_STOP                         = 0x4
-	TIOCSBRK                             = 0x5427
-	TIOCSCTTY                            = 0x540e
-	TIOCSERCONFIG                        = 0x5453
-	TIOCSERGETLSR                        = 0x5459
-	TIOCSERGETMULTI                      = 0x545a
-	TIOCSERGSTRUCT                       = 0x5458
-	TIOCSERGWILD                         = 0x5454
-	TIOCSERSETMULTI                      = 0x545b
-	TIOCSERSWILD                         = 0x5455
-	TIOCSER_TEMT                         = 0x1
-	TIOCSETD                             = 0x5423
-	TIOCSIG                              = 0x40045436
-	TIOCSISO7816                         = 0xc0285443
-	TIOCSLCKTRMIOS                       = 0x5457
-	TIOCSPGRP                            = 0x5410
-	TIOCSPTLCK                           = 0x40045431
-	TIOCSRS485                           = 0x542f
-	TIOCSSERIAL                          = 0x541f
-	TIOCSSOFTCAR                         = 0x541a
-	TIOCSTI                              = 0x5412
-	TIOCSWINSZ                           = 0x5414
-	TIOCVHANGUP                          = 0x5437
-	TMPFS_MAGIC                          = 0x1021994
-	TOSTOP                               = 0x100
-	TPACKET_ALIGNMENT                    = 0x10
-	TPACKET_HDRLEN                       = 0x34
-	TP_STATUS_AVAILABLE                  = 0x0
-	TP_STATUS_BLK_TMO                    = 0x20
-	TP_STATUS_COPY                       = 0x2
-	TP_STATUS_CSUMNOTREADY               = 0x8
-	TP_STATUS_CSUM_VALID                 = 0x80
-	TP_STATUS_KERNEL                     = 0x0
-	TP_STATUS_LOSING                     = 0x4
-	TP_STATUS_SENDING                    = 0x2
-	TP_STATUS_SEND_REQUEST               = 0x1
-	TP_STATUS_TS_RAW_HARDWARE            = -0x80000000
-	TP_STATUS_TS_SOFTWARE                = 0x20000000
-	TP_STATUS_TS_SYS_HARDWARE            = 0x40000000
-	TP_STATUS_USER                       = 0x1
-	TP_STATUS_VLAN_TPID_VALID            = 0x40
-	TP_STATUS_VLAN_VALID                 = 0x10
-	TP_STATUS_WRONG_FORMAT               = 0x4
-	TRACEFS_MAGIC                        = 0x74726163
-	TS_COMM_LEN                          = 0x20
-	TUNATTACHFILTER                      = 0x400854d5
-	TUNDETACHFILTER                      = 0x400854d6
-	TUNGETDEVNETNS                       = 0x54e3
-	TUNGETFEATURES                       = 0x800454cf
-	TUNGETFILTER                         = 0x800854db
-	TUNGETIFF                            = 0x800454d2
-	TUNGETSNDBUF                         = 0x800454d3
-	TUNGETVNETBE                         = 0x800454df
-	TUNGETVNETHDRSZ                      = 0x800454d7
-	TUNGETVNETLE                         = 0x800454dd
-	TUNSETCARRIER                        = 0x400454e2
-	TUNSETDEBUG                          = 0x400454c9
-	TUNSETFILTEREBPF                     = 0x800454e1
-	TUNSETGROUP                          = 0x400454ce
-	TUNSETIFF                            = 0x400454ca
-	TUNSETIFINDEX                        = 0x400454da
-	TUNSETLINK                           = 0x400454cd
-	TUNSETNOCSUM                         = 0x400454c8
-	TUNSETOFFLOAD                        = 0x400454d0
-	TUNSETOWNER                          = 0x400454cc
-	TUNSETPERSIST                        = 0x400454cb
-	TUNSETQUEUE                          = 0x400454d9
-	TUNSETSNDBUF                         = 0x400454d4
-	TUNSETSTEERINGEBPF                   = 0x800454e0
-	TUNSETTXFILTER                       = 0x400454d1
-	TUNSETVNETBE                         = 0x400454de
-	TUNSETVNETHDRSZ                      = 0x400454d8
-	TUNSETVNETLE                         = 0x400454dc
-	UBI_IOCATT                           = 0x40186f40
-	UBI_IOCDET                           = 0x40046f41
-	UBI_IOCEBCH                          = 0x40044f02
-	UBI_IOCEBER                          = 0x40044f01
-	UBI_IOCEBISMAP                       = 0x80044f05
-	UBI_IOCEBMAP                         = 0x40084f03
-	UBI_IOCEBUNMAP                       = 0x40044f04
-	UBI_IOCMKVOL                         = 0x40986f00
-	UBI_IOCRMVOL                         = 0x40046f01
-	UBI_IOCRNVOL                         = 0x51106f03
-	UBI_IOCRPEB                          = 0x40046f04
-	UBI_IOCRSVOL                         = 0x400c6f02
-	UBI_IOCSETVOLPROP                    = 0x40104f06
-	UBI_IOCSPEB                          = 0x40046f05
-	UBI_IOCVOLCRBLK                      = 0x40804f07
-	UBI_IOCVOLRMBLK                      = 0x4f08
-	UBI_IOCVOLUP                         = 0x40084f00
-	UDF_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x15013346
-	UMOUNT_NOFOLLOW                      = 0x8
-	USBDEVICE_SUPER_MAGIC                = 0x9fa2
-	UTIME_NOW                            = 0x3fffffff
-	UTIME_OMIT                           = 0x3ffffffe
-	V9FS_MAGIC                           = 0x1021997
-	VDISCARD                             = 0xd
-	VEOF                                 = 0x4
-	VEOL                                 = 0xb
-	VEOL2                                = 0x10
-	VERASE                               = 0x2
-	VINTR                                = 0x0
-	VKILL                                = 0x3
-	VLNEXT                               = 0xf
-	VMADDR_CID_ANY                       = 0xffffffff
-	VMADDR_CID_HOST                      = 0x2
-	VMADDR_CID_HYPERVISOR                = 0x0
-	VMADDR_CID_RESERVED                  = 0x1
-	VMADDR_PORT_ANY                      = 0xffffffff
-	VMIN                                 = 0x6
-	VM_SOCKETS_INVALID_VERSION           = 0xffffffff
-	VQUIT                                = 0x1
-	VREPRINT                             = 0xc
-	VSTART                               = 0x8
-	VSTOP                                = 0x9
-	VSUSP                                = 0xa
-	VSWTC                                = 0x7
-	VT0                                  = 0x0
-	VT1                                  = 0x4000
-	VTDLY                                = 0x4000
-	VTIME                                = 0x5
-	VWERASE                              = 0xe
-	WALL                                 = 0x40000000
-	WCLONE                               = 0x80000000
-	WCONTINUED                           = 0x8
-	WDIOC_GETBOOTSTATUS                  = 0x80045702
-	WDIOC_GETPRETIMEOUT                  = 0x80045709
-	WDIOC_GETSTATUS                      = 0x80045701
-	WDIOC_GETSUPPORT                     = 0x80285700
-	WDIOC_GETTEMP                        = 0x80045703
-	WDIOC_GETTIMELEFT                    = 0x8004570a
-	WDIOC_GETTIMEOUT                     = 0x80045707
-	WDIOC_KEEPALIVE                      = 0x80045705
-	WDIOC_SETOPTIONS                     = 0x80045704
-	WDIOC_SETPRETIMEOUT                  = 0xc0045708
-	WDIOC_SETTIMEOUT                     = 0xc0045706
-	WEXITED                              = 0x4
-	WIN_ACKMEDIACHANGE                   = 0xdb
-	WIN_CHECKPOWERMODE1                  = 0xe5
-	WIN_CHECKPOWERMODE2                  = 0x98
-	WIN_DEVICE_RESET                     = 0x8
-	WIN_DIAGNOSE                         = 0x90
-	WIN_DOORLOCK                         = 0xde
-	WIN_DOORUNLOCK                       = 0xdf
-	WIN_DOWNLOAD_MICROCODE               = 0x92
-	WIN_FLUSH_CACHE                      = 0xe7
-	WIN_FLUSH_CACHE_EXT                  = 0xea
-	WIN_FORMAT                           = 0x50
-	WIN_GETMEDIASTATUS                   = 0xda
-	WIN_IDENTIFY                         = 0xec
-	WIN_IDENTIFY_DMA                     = 0xee
-	WIN_IDLEIMMEDIATE                    = 0xe1
-	WIN_INIT                             = 0x60
-	WIN_MEDIAEJECT                       = 0xed
-	WIN_MULTREAD                         = 0xc4
-	WIN_MULTREAD_EXT                     = 0x29
-	WIN_MULTWRITE                        = 0xc5
-	WIN_MULTWRITE_EXT                    = 0x39
-	WIN_NOP                              = 0x0
-	WIN_PACKETCMD                        = 0xa0
-	WIN_PIDENTIFY                        = 0xa1
-	WIN_POSTBOOT                         = 0xdc
-	WIN_PREBOOT                          = 0xdd
-	WIN_QUEUED_SERVICE                   = 0xa2
-	WIN_READ                             = 0x20
-	WIN_READDMA                          = 0xc8
-	WIN_READDMA_EXT                      = 0x25
-	WIN_READDMA_ONCE                     = 0xc9
-	WIN_READDMA_QUEUED                   = 0xc7
-	WIN_READDMA_QUEUED_EXT               = 0x26
-	WIN_READ_BUFFER                      = 0xe4
-	WIN_READ_EXT                         = 0x24
-	WIN_READ_LONG                        = 0x22
-	WIN_READ_LONG_ONCE                   = 0x23
-	WIN_READ_NATIVE_MAX                  = 0xf8
-	WIN_READ_NATIVE_MAX_EXT              = 0x27
-	WIN_READ_ONCE                        = 0x21
-	WIN_RECAL                            = 0x10
-	WIN_RESTORE                          = 0x10
-	WIN_SECURITY_DISABLE                 = 0xf6
-	WIN_SECURITY_ERASE_UNIT              = 0xf4
-	WIN_SECURITY_FREEZE_LOCK             = 0xf5
-	WIN_SECURITY_SET_PASS                = 0xf1
-	WIN_SECURITY_UNLOCK                  = 0xf2
-	WIN_SEEK                             = 0x70
-	WIN_SETFEATURES                      = 0xef
-	WIN_SETIDLE1                         = 0xe3
-	WIN_SETIDLE2                         = 0x97
-	WIN_SETMULT                          = 0xc6
-	WIN_SET_MAX                          = 0xf9
-	WIN_SET_MAX_EXT                      = 0x37
-	WIN_SLEEPNOW1                        = 0xe6
-	WIN_SLEEPNOW2                        = 0x99
-	WIN_SMART                            = 0xb0
-	WIN_SPECIFY                          = 0x91
-	WIN_SRST                             = 0x8
-	WIN_STANDBY                          = 0xe2
-	WIN_STANDBY2                         = 0x96
-	WIN_STANDBYNOW1                      = 0xe0
-	WIN_STANDBYNOW2                      = 0x94
-	WIN_VERIFY                           = 0x40
-	WIN_VERIFY_EXT                       = 0x42
-	WIN_VERIFY_ONCE                      = 0x41
-	WIN_WRITE                            = 0x30
-	WIN_WRITEDMA                         = 0xca
-	WIN_WRITEDMA_EXT                     = 0x35
-	WIN_WRITEDMA_ONCE                    = 0xcb
-	WIN_WRITEDMA_QUEUED                  = 0xcc
-	WIN_WRITEDMA_QUEUED_EXT              = 0x36
-	WIN_WRITE_BUFFER                     = 0xe8
-	WIN_WRITE_EXT                        = 0x34
-	WIN_WRITE_LONG                       = 0x32
-	WIN_WRITE_LONG_ONCE                  = 0x33
-	WIN_WRITE_ONCE                       = 0x31
-	WIN_WRITE_SAME                       = 0xe9
-	WIN_WRITE_VERIFY                     = 0x3c
-	WNOHANG                              = 0x1
-	WNOTHREAD                            = 0x20000000
-	WNOWAIT                              = 0x1000000
-	WORDSIZE                             = 0x20
-	WSTOPPED                             = 0x2
-	WUNTRACED                            = 0x2
-	X86_FXSR_MAGIC                       = 0x0
-	XATTR_CREATE                         = 0x1
-	XATTR_REPLACE                        = 0x2
-	XCASE                                = 0x4
-	XDP_COPY                             = 0x2
-	XDP_FLAGS_DRV_MODE                   = 0x4
-	XDP_FLAGS_HW_MODE                    = 0x8
-	XDP_FLAGS_MASK                       = 0xf
-	XDP_FLAGS_MODES                      = 0xe
-	XDP_FLAGS_SKB_MODE                   = 0x2
-	XDP_MMAP_OFFSETS                     = 0x1
-	XDP_PACKET_HEADROOM                  = 0x100
-	XDP_PGOFF_RX_RING                    = 0x0
-	XDP_PGOFF_TX_RING                    = 0x80000000
-	XDP_RX_RING                          = 0x2
-	XDP_SHARED_UMEM                      = 0x1
-	XDP_STATISTICS                       = 0x7
-	XDP_TX_RING                          = 0x3
-	XDP_UMEM_COMPLETION_RING             = 0x6
-	XDP_UMEM_FILL_RING                   = 0x5
-	XDP_UMEM_PGOFF_COMPLETION_RING       = 0x180000000
-	XDP_UMEM_PGOFF_FILL_RING             = 0x100000000
-	XDP_UMEM_REG                         = 0x4
-	XDP_ZEROCOPY                         = 0x4
-	XENFS_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0xabba1974
-	XFS_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x58465342
-	XTABS                                = 0x1800
-	ZSMALLOC_MAGIC                       = 0x58295829
+	AAFS_MAGIC                                  = 0x5a3c69f0
+	ADFS_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xadf5
+	AFFS_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xadff
+	AFS_FS_MAGIC                                = 0x6b414653
+	AFS_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x5346414f
+	AF_ALG                                      = 0x26
+	AF_APPLETALK                                = 0x5
+	AF_ASH                                      = 0x12
+	AF_ATMPVC                                   = 0x8
+	AF_ATMSVC                                   = 0x14
+	AF_AX25                                     = 0x3
+	AF_BLUETOOTH                                = 0x1f
+	AF_BRIDGE                                   = 0x7
+	AF_CAIF                                     = 0x25
+	AF_CAN                                      = 0x1d
+	AF_DECnet                                   = 0xc
+	AF_ECONET                                   = 0x13
+	AF_FILE                                     = 0x1
+	AF_IB                                       = 0x1b
+	AF_IEEE802154                               = 0x24
+	AF_INET                                     = 0x2
+	AF_INET6                                    = 0xa
+	AF_IPX                                      = 0x4
+	AF_IRDA                                     = 0x17
+	AF_ISDN                                     = 0x22
+	AF_IUCV                                     = 0x20
+	AF_KCM                                      = 0x29
+	AF_KEY                                      = 0xf
+	AF_LLC                                      = 0x1a
+	AF_LOCAL                                    = 0x1
+	AF_MAX                                      = 0x2d
+	AF_MPLS                                     = 0x1c
+	AF_NETBEUI                                  = 0xd
+	AF_NETLINK                                  = 0x10
+	AF_NETROM                                   = 0x6
+	AF_NFC                                      = 0x27
+	AF_PACKET                                   = 0x11
+	AF_PHONET                                   = 0x23
+	AF_PPPOX                                    = 0x18
+	AF_QIPCRTR                                  = 0x2a
+	AF_RDS                                      = 0x15
+	AF_ROSE                                     = 0xb
+	AF_ROUTE                                    = 0x10
+	AF_RXRPC                                    = 0x21
+	AF_SECURITY                                 = 0xe
+	AF_SMC                                      = 0x2b
+	AF_SNA                                      = 0x16
+	AF_TIPC                                     = 0x1e
+	AF_UNIX                                     = 0x1
+	AF_UNSPEC                                   = 0x0
+	AF_VSOCK                                    = 0x28
+	AF_WANPIPE                                  = 0x19
+	AF_X25                                      = 0x9
+	AF_XDP                                      = 0x2c
+	ALG_OP_DECRYPT                              = 0x0
+	ALG_OP_ENCRYPT                              = 0x1
+	ALG_SET_AEAD_ASSOCLEN                       = 0x4
+	ALG_SET_AEAD_AUTHSIZE                       = 0x5
+	ALG_SET_IV                                  = 0x2
+	ALG_SET_KEY                                 = 0x1
+	ALG_SET_OP                                  = 0x3
+	ANON_INODE_FS_MAGIC                         = 0x9041934
+	ARPHRD_6LOWPAN                              = 0x339
+	ARPHRD_ADAPT                                = 0x108
+	ARPHRD_APPLETLK                             = 0x8
+	ARPHRD_ARCNET                               = 0x7
+	ARPHRD_ASH                                  = 0x30d
+	ARPHRD_ATM                                  = 0x13
+	ARPHRD_AX25                                 = 0x3
+	ARPHRD_BIF                                  = 0x307
+	ARPHRD_CAIF                                 = 0x336
+	ARPHRD_CAN                                  = 0x118
+	ARPHRD_CHAOS                                = 0x5
+	ARPHRD_CISCO                                = 0x201
+	ARPHRD_CSLIP                                = 0x101
+	ARPHRD_CSLIP6                               = 0x103
+	ARPHRD_DDCMP                                = 0x205
+	ARPHRD_DLCI                                 = 0xf
+	ARPHRD_ECONET                               = 0x30e
+	ARPHRD_EETHER                               = 0x2
+	ARPHRD_ETHER                                = 0x1
+	ARPHRD_EUI64                                = 0x1b
+	ARPHRD_FCAL                                 = 0x311
+	ARPHRD_FCFABRIC                             = 0x313
+	ARPHRD_FCPL                                 = 0x312
+	ARPHRD_FCPP                                 = 0x310
+	ARPHRD_FDDI                                 = 0x306
+	ARPHRD_FRAD                                 = 0x302
+	ARPHRD_HDLC                                 = 0x201
+	ARPHRD_HIPPI                                = 0x30c
+	ARPHRD_HWX25                                = 0x110
+	ARPHRD_IEEE1394                             = 0x18
+	ARPHRD_IEEE802                              = 0x6
+	ARPHRD_IEEE80211                            = 0x321
+	ARPHRD_IEEE80211_PRISM                      = 0x322
+	ARPHRD_IEEE80211_RADIOTAP                   = 0x323
+	ARPHRD_IEEE802154                           = 0x324
+	ARPHRD_IEEE802154_MONITOR                   = 0x325
+	ARPHRD_IEEE802_TR                           = 0x320
+	ARPHRD_INFINIBAND                           = 0x20
+	ARPHRD_IP6GRE                               = 0x337
+	ARPHRD_IPDDP                                = 0x309
+	ARPHRD_IPGRE                                = 0x30a
+	ARPHRD_IRDA                                 = 0x30f
+	ARPHRD_LAPB                                 = 0x204
+	ARPHRD_LOCALTLK                             = 0x305
+	ARPHRD_LOOPBACK                             = 0x304
+	ARPHRD_METRICOM                             = 0x17
+	ARPHRD_NETLINK                              = 0x338
+	ARPHRD_NETROM                               = 0x0
+	ARPHRD_NONE                                 = 0xfffe
+	ARPHRD_PHONET                               = 0x334
+	ARPHRD_PHONET_PIPE                          = 0x335
+	ARPHRD_PIMREG                               = 0x30b
+	ARPHRD_PPP                                  = 0x200
+	ARPHRD_PRONET                               = 0x4
+	ARPHRD_RAWHDLC                              = 0x206
+	ARPHRD_RAWIP                                = 0x207
+	ARPHRD_ROSE                                 = 0x10e
+	ARPHRD_RSRVD                                = 0x104
+	ARPHRD_SIT                                  = 0x308
+	ARPHRD_SKIP                                 = 0x303
+	ARPHRD_SLIP                                 = 0x100
+	ARPHRD_SLIP6                                = 0x102
+	ARPHRD_TUNNEL                               = 0x300
+	ARPHRD_TUNNEL6                              = 0x301
+	ARPHRD_VOID                                 = 0xffff
+	ARPHRD_VSOCKMON                             = 0x33a
+	ARPHRD_X25                                  = 0x10f
+	AUTOFS_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0x187
+	B0                                          = 0x0
+	B1000000                                    = 0x1008
+	B110                                        = 0x3
+	B115200                                     = 0x1002
+	B1152000                                    = 0x1009
+	B1200                                       = 0x9
+	B134                                        = 0x4
+	B150                                        = 0x5
+	B1500000                                    = 0x100a
+	B1800                                       = 0xa
+	B19200                                      = 0xe
+	B200                                        = 0x6
+	B2000000                                    = 0x100b
+	B230400                                     = 0x1003
+	B2400                                       = 0xb
+	B2500000                                    = 0x100c
+	B300                                        = 0x7
+	B3000000                                    = 0x100d
+	B3500000                                    = 0x100e
+	B38400                                      = 0xf
+	B4000000                                    = 0x100f
+	B460800                                     = 0x1004
+	B4800                                       = 0xc
+	B50                                         = 0x1
+	B500000                                     = 0x1005
+	B57600                                      = 0x1001
+	B576000                                     = 0x1006
+	B600                                        = 0x8
+	B75                                         = 0x2
+	B921600                                     = 0x1007
+	B9600                                       = 0xd
+	BALLOON_KVM_MAGIC                           = 0x13661366
+	BDEVFS_MAGIC                                = 0x62646576
+	BINDERFS_SUPER_MAGIC                        = 0x6c6f6f70
+	BINFMTFS_MAGIC                              = 0x42494e4d
+	BLKBSZGET                                   = 0x80041270
+	BLKBSZSET                                   = 0x40041271
+	BLKFLSBUF                                   = 0x1261
+	BLKFRAGET                                   = 0x1265
+	BLKFRASET                                   = 0x1264
+	BLKGETSIZE                                  = 0x1260
+	BLKGETSIZE64                                = 0x80041272
+	BLKPBSZGET                                  = 0x127b
+	BLKRAGET                                    = 0x1263
+	BLKRASET                                    = 0x1262
+	BLKROGET                                    = 0x125e
+	BLKROSET                                    = 0x125d
+	BLKRRPART                                   = 0x125f
+	BLKSECTGET                                  = 0x1267
+	BLKSECTSET                                  = 0x1266
+	BLKSSZGET                                   = 0x1268
+	BOTHER                                      = 0x1000
+	BPF_A                                       = 0x10
+	BPF_ABS                                     = 0x20
+	BPF_ADD                                     = 0x0
+	BPF_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L2_MASK                  = 0xff
+	BPF_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L2_SHIFT                 = 0x38
+	BPF_ALU                                     = 0x4
+	BPF_ALU64                                   = 0x7
+	BPF_AND                                     = 0x50
+	BPF_ANY                                     = 0x0
+	BPF_ARSH                                    = 0xc0
+	BPF_B                                       = 0x10
+	BPF_BUILD_ID_SIZE                           = 0x14
+	BPF_CALL                                    = 0x80
+	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_MKNOD                         = 0x1
+	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_READ                          = 0x2
+	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_WRITE                         = 0x4
+	BPF_DEVCG_DEV_BLOCK                         = 0x1
+	BPF_DEVCG_DEV_CHAR                          = 0x2
+	BPF_DIV                                     = 0x30
+	BPF_DW                                      = 0x18
+	BPF_END                                     = 0xd0
+	BPF_EXIST                                   = 0x2
+	BPF_EXIT                                    = 0x90
+	BPF_FROM_BE                                 = 0x8
+	BPF_FROM_LE                                 = 0x0
+	BPF_FS_MAGIC                                = 0xcafe4a11
+	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L3_IPV4                = 0x2
+	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L3_IPV6                = 0x4
+	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L4_GRE                 = 0x8
+	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L4_UDP                 = 0x10
+	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_FIXED_GSO                    = 0x1
+	BPF_F_ALLOW_MULTI                           = 0x2
+	BPF_F_ALLOW_OVERRIDE                        = 0x1
+	BPF_F_ANY_ALIGNMENT                         = 0x2
+	BPF_F_CLONE                                 = 0x200
+	BPF_F_CTXLEN_MASK                           = 0xfffff00000000
+	BPF_F_CURRENT_CPU                           = 0xffffffff
+	BPF_F_CURRENT_NETNS                         = -0x1
+	BPF_F_DONT_FRAGMENT                         = 0x4
+	BPF_F_FAST_STACK_CMP                        = 0x200
+	BPF_F_HDR_FIELD_MASK                        = 0xf
+	BPF_F_INDEX_MASK                            = 0xffffffff
+	BPF_F_INGRESS                               = 0x1
+	BPF_F_INVALIDATE_HASH                       = 0x2
+	BPF_F_LOCK                                  = 0x4
+	BPF_F_MARK_ENFORCE                          = 0x40
+	BPF_F_MARK_MANGLED_0                        = 0x20
+	BPF_F_NO_COMMON_LRU                         = 0x2
+	BPF_F_NO_PREALLOC                           = 0x1
+	BPF_F_NUMA_NODE                             = 0x4
+	BPF_F_PSEUDO_HDR                            = 0x10
+	BPF_F_QUERY_EFFECTIVE                       = 0x1
+	BPF_F_RDONLY                                = 0x8
+	BPF_F_RDONLY_PROG                           = 0x80
+	BPF_F_RECOMPUTE_CSUM                        = 0x1
+	BPF_F_REUSE_STACKID                         = 0x400
+	BPF_F_SEQ_NUMBER                            = 0x8
+	BPF_F_SKIP_FIELD_MASK                       = 0xff
+	BPF_F_STACK_BUILD_ID                        = 0x20
+	BPF_F_STRICT_ALIGNMENT                      = 0x1
+	BPF_F_SYSCTL_BASE_NAME                      = 0x1
+	BPF_F_TEST_RND_HI32                         = 0x4
+	BPF_F_TEST_STATE_FREQ                       = 0x8
+	BPF_F_TUNINFO_IPV6                          = 0x1
+	BPF_F_USER_BUILD_ID                         = 0x800
+	BPF_F_USER_STACK                            = 0x100
+	BPF_F_WRONLY                                = 0x10
+	BPF_F_WRONLY_PROG                           = 0x100
+	BPF_F_ZERO_CSUM_TX                          = 0x2
+	BPF_F_ZERO_SEED                             = 0x40
+	BPF_H                                       = 0x8
+	BPF_IMM                                     = 0x0
+	BPF_IND                                     = 0x40
+	BPF_JA                                      = 0x0
+	BPF_JEQ                                     = 0x10
+	BPF_JGE                                     = 0x30
+	BPF_JGT                                     = 0x20
+	BPF_JLE                                     = 0xb0
+	BPF_JLT                                     = 0xa0
+	BPF_JMP                                     = 0x5
+	BPF_JMP32                                   = 0x6
+	BPF_JNE                                     = 0x50
+	BPF_JSET                                    = 0x40
+	BPF_JSGE                                    = 0x70
+	BPF_JSGT                                    = 0x60
+	BPF_JSLE                                    = 0xd0
+	BPF_JSLT                                    = 0xc0
+	BPF_K                                       = 0x0
+	BPF_LD                                      = 0x0
+	BPF_LDX                                     = 0x1
+	BPF_LEN                                     = 0x80
+	BPF_LL_OFF                                  = -0x200000
+	BPF_LSH                                     = 0x60
+	BPF_MAJOR_VERSION                           = 0x1
+	BPF_MAXINSNS                                = 0x1000
+	BPF_MEM                                     = 0x60
+	BPF_MEMWORDS                                = 0x10
+	BPF_MINOR_VERSION                           = 0x1
+	BPF_MISC                                    = 0x7
+	BPF_MOD                                     = 0x90
+	BPF_MOV                                     = 0xb0
+	BPF_MSH                                     = 0xa0
+	BPF_MUL                                     = 0x20
+	BPF_NEG                                     = 0x80
+	BPF_NET_OFF                                 = -0x100000
+	BPF_NOEXIST                                 = 0x1
+	BPF_OBJ_NAME_LEN                            = 0x10
+	BPF_OR                                      = 0x40
+	BPF_PSEUDO_CALL                             = 0x1
+	BPF_PSEUDO_MAP_FD                           = 0x1
+	BPF_PSEUDO_MAP_VALUE                        = 0x2
+	BPF_RET                                     = 0x6
+	BPF_RSH                                     = 0x70
+	BPF_SK_STORAGE_GET_F_CREATE                 = 0x1
+	BPF_SOCK_OPS_ALL_CB_FLAGS                   = 0xf
+	BPF_SOCK_OPS_RETRANS_CB_FLAG                = 0x2
+	BPF_SOCK_OPS_RTO_CB_FLAG                    = 0x1
+	BPF_SOCK_OPS_RTT_CB_FLAG                    = 0x8
+	BPF_SOCK_OPS_STATE_CB_FLAG                  = 0x4
+	BPF_ST                                      = 0x2
+	BPF_STX                                     = 0x3
+	BPF_SUB                                     = 0x10
+	BPF_TAG_SIZE                                = 0x8
+	BPF_TAX                                     = 0x0
+	BPF_TO_BE                                   = 0x8
+	BPF_TO_LE                                   = 0x0
+	BPF_TXA                                     = 0x80
+	BPF_W                                       = 0x0
+	BPF_X                                       = 0x8
+	BPF_XADD                                    = 0xc0
+	BPF_XOR                                     = 0xa0
+	BRKINT                                      = 0x2
+	BS0                                         = 0x0
+	BS1                                         = 0x2000
+	BSDLY                                       = 0x2000
+	BTRFS_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x9123683e
+	BTRFS_TEST_MAGIC                            = 0x73727279
+	CAN_BCM                                     = 0x2
+	CAN_EFF_FLAG                                = 0x80000000
+	CAN_EFF_ID_BITS                             = 0x1d
+	CAN_EFF_MASK                                = 0x1fffffff
+	CAN_ERR_FLAG                                = 0x20000000
+	CAN_ERR_MASK                                = 0x1fffffff
+	CAN_INV_FILTER                              = 0x20000000
+	CAN_ISOTP                                   = 0x6
+	CAN_J1939                                   = 0x7
+	CAN_MAX_DLC                                 = 0x8
+	CAN_MAX_DLEN                                = 0x8
+	CAN_MCNET                                   = 0x5
+	CAN_MTU                                     = 0x10
+	CAN_NPROTO                                  = 0x8
+	CAN_RAW                                     = 0x1
+	CAN_RAW_FILTER_MAX                          = 0x200
+	CAN_RTR_FLAG                                = 0x40000000
+	CAN_SFF_ID_BITS                             = 0xb
+	CAN_SFF_MASK                                = 0x7ff
+	CAN_TP16                                    = 0x3
+	CAN_TP20                                    = 0x4
+	CAP_AUDIT_CONTROL                           = 0x1e
+	CAP_AUDIT_READ                              = 0x25
+	CAP_AUDIT_WRITE                             = 0x1d
+	CAP_BLOCK_SUSPEND                           = 0x24
+	CAP_CHOWN                                   = 0x0
+	CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE                            = 0x1
+	CAP_DAC_READ_SEARCH                         = 0x2
+	CAP_FOWNER                                  = 0x3
+	CAP_FSETID                                  = 0x4
+	CAP_IPC_LOCK                                = 0xe
+	CAP_IPC_OWNER                               = 0xf
+	CAP_KILL                                    = 0x5
+	CAP_LAST_CAP                                = 0x25
+	CAP_LEASE                                   = 0x1c
+	CAP_LINUX_IMMUTABLE                         = 0x9
+	CAP_MAC_ADMIN                               = 0x21
+	CAP_MAC_OVERRIDE                            = 0x20
+	CAP_MKNOD                                   = 0x1b
+	CAP_NET_ADMIN                               = 0xc
+	CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE                        = 0xa
+	CAP_NET_BROADCAST                           = 0xb
+	CAP_NET_RAW                                 = 0xd
+	CAP_SETFCAP                                 = 0x1f
+	CAP_SETGID                                  = 0x6
+	CAP_SETPCAP                                 = 0x8
+	CAP_SETUID                                  = 0x7
+	CAP_SYSLOG                                  = 0x22
+	CAP_SYS_ADMIN                               = 0x15
+	CAP_SYS_BOOT                                = 0x16
+	CAP_SYS_CHROOT                              = 0x12
+	CAP_SYS_MODULE                              = 0x10
+	CAP_SYS_NICE                                = 0x17
+	CAP_SYS_PACCT                               = 0x14
+	CAP_SYS_PTRACE                              = 0x13
+	CAP_SYS_RAWIO                               = 0x11
+	CAP_SYS_RESOURCE                            = 0x18
+	CAP_SYS_TIME                                = 0x19
+	CAP_SYS_TTY_CONFIG                          = 0x1a
+	CAP_WAKE_ALARM                              = 0x23
+	CBAUD                                       = 0x100f
+	CBAUDEX                                     = 0x1000
+	CFLUSH                                      = 0xf
+	CGROUP2_SUPER_MAGIC                         = 0x63677270
+	CGROUP_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0x27e0eb
+	CIBAUD                                      = 0x100f0000
+	CLOCAL                                      = 0x800
+	CLOCK_BOOTTIME                              = 0x7
+	CLOCK_BOOTTIME_ALARM                        = 0x9
+	CLOCK_DEFAULT                               = 0x0
+	CLOCK_EXT                                   = 0x1
+	CLOCK_INT                                   = 0x2
+	CLOCK_MONOTONIC                             = 0x1
+	CLOCK_MONOTONIC_COARSE                      = 0x6
+	CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW                         = 0x4
+	CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID                    = 0x2
+	CLOCK_REALTIME                              = 0x0
+	CLOCK_REALTIME_ALARM                        = 0x8
+	CLOCK_REALTIME_COARSE                       = 0x5
+	CLOCK_TAI                                   = 0xb
+	CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID                     = 0x3
+	CLOCK_TXFROMRX                              = 0x4
+	CLOCK_TXINT                                 = 0x3
+	CLONE_ARGS_SIZE_VER0                        = 0x40
+	CLONE_CHILD_CLEARTID                        = 0x200000
+	CLONE_CHILD_SETTID                          = 0x1000000
+	CLONE_DETACHED                              = 0x400000
+	CLONE_FILES                                 = 0x400
+	CLONE_FS                                    = 0x200
+	CLONE_IO                                    = 0x80000000
+	CLONE_NEWCGROUP                             = 0x2000000
+	CLONE_NEWIPC                                = 0x8000000
+	CLONE_NEWNET                                = 0x40000000
+	CLONE_NEWNS                                 = 0x20000
+	CLONE_NEWPID                                = 0x20000000
+	CLONE_NEWUSER                               = 0x10000000
+	CLONE_NEWUTS                                = 0x4000000
+	CLONE_PARENT                                = 0x8000
+	CLONE_PARENT_SETTID                         = 0x100000
+	CLONE_PIDFD                                 = 0x1000
+	CLONE_PTRACE                                = 0x2000
+	CLONE_SETTLS                                = 0x80000
+	CLONE_SIGHAND                               = 0x800
+	CLONE_SYSVSEM                               = 0x40000
+	CLONE_THREAD                                = 0x10000
+	CLONE_UNTRACED                              = 0x800000
+	CLONE_VFORK                                 = 0x4000
+	CLONE_VM                                    = 0x100
+	CMSPAR                                      = 0x40000000
+	CODA_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0x73757245
+	CR0                                         = 0x0
+	CR1                                         = 0x200
+	CR2                                         = 0x400
+	CR3                                         = 0x600
+	CRAMFS_MAGIC                                = 0x28cd3d45
+	CRDLY                                       = 0x600
+	CREAD                                       = 0x80
+	CRTSCTS                                     = 0x80000000
+	CRYPTO_MAX_NAME                             = 0x40
+	CRYPTO_MSG_MAX                              = 0x15
+	CRYPTO_NR_MSGTYPES                          = 0x6
+	CRYPTO_REPORT_MAXSIZE                       = 0x160
+	CS5                                         = 0x0
+	CS6                                         = 0x10
+	CS7                                         = 0x20
+	CS8                                         = 0x30
+	CSIGNAL                                     = 0xff
+	CSIZE                                       = 0x30
+	CSTART                                      = 0x11
+	CSTATUS                                     = 0x0
+	CSTOP                                       = 0x13
+	CSTOPB                                      = 0x40
+	CSUSP                                       = 0x1a
+	DAXFS_MAGIC                                 = 0x64646178
+	DEBUGFS_MAGIC                               = 0x64626720
+	DEVLINK_CMD_ESWITCH_MODE_GET                = 0x1d
+	DEVLINK_CMD_ESWITCH_MODE_SET                = 0x1e
+	DEVLINK_GENL_MCGRP_CONFIG_NAME              = "config"
+	DEVLINK_GENL_NAME                           = "devlink"
+	DEVLINK_GENL_VERSION                        = 0x1
+	DEVPTS_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0x1cd1
+	DMA_BUF_MAGIC                               = 0x444d4142
+	DT_BLK                                      = 0x6
+	DT_CHR                                      = 0x2
+	DT_DIR                                      = 0x4
+	DT_FIFO                                     = 0x1
+	DT_LNK                                      = 0xa
+	DT_REG                                      = 0x8
+	DT_SOCK                                     = 0xc
+	DT_UNKNOWN                                  = 0x0
+	DT_WHT                                      = 0xe
+	ECHO                                        = 0x8
+	ECHOCTL                                     = 0x200
+	ECHOE                                       = 0x10
+	ECHOK                                       = 0x20
+	ECHOKE                                      = 0x800
+	ECHONL                                      = 0x40
+	ECHOPRT                                     = 0x400
+	ECRYPTFS_SUPER_MAGIC                        = 0xf15f
+	EFD_CLOEXEC                                 = 0x80000
+	EFD_NONBLOCK                                = 0x800
+	EFD_SEMAPHORE                               = 0x1
+	EFIVARFS_MAGIC                              = 0xde5e81e4
+	EFS_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x414a53
+	ENCODING_DEFAULT                            = 0x0
+	ENCODING_FM_MARK                            = 0x3
+	ENCODING_FM_SPACE                           = 0x4
+	ENCODING_MANCHESTER                         = 0x5
+	ENCODING_NRZ                                = 0x1
+	ENCODING_NRZI                               = 0x2
+	EPOLLERR                                    = 0x8
+	EPOLLET                                     = 0x80000000
+	EPOLLEXCLUSIVE                              = 0x10000000
+	EPOLLHUP                                    = 0x10
+	EPOLLIN                                     = 0x1
+	EPOLLMSG                                    = 0x400
+	EPOLLONESHOT                                = 0x40000000
+	EPOLLOUT                                    = 0x4
+	EPOLLPRI                                    = 0x2
+	EPOLLRDBAND                                 = 0x80
+	EPOLLRDHUP                                  = 0x2000
+	EPOLLRDNORM                                 = 0x40
+	EPOLLWAKEUP                                 = 0x20000000
+	EPOLLWRBAND                                 = 0x200
+	EPOLLWRNORM                                 = 0x100
+	EPOLL_CLOEXEC                               = 0x80000
+	EPOLL_CTL_ADD                               = 0x1
+	EPOLL_CTL_DEL                               = 0x2
+	EPOLL_CTL_MOD                               = 0x3
+	EROFS_SUPER_MAGIC_V1                        = 0xe0f5e1e2
+	ETH_P_1588                                  = 0x88f7
+	ETH_P_8021AD                                = 0x88a8
+	ETH_P_8021AH                                = 0x88e7
+	ETH_P_8021Q                                 = 0x8100
+	ETH_P_80221                                 = 0x8917
+	ETH_P_802_2                                 = 0x4
+	ETH_P_802_3                                 = 0x1
+	ETH_P_802_3_MIN                             = 0x600
+	ETH_P_802_EX1                               = 0x88b5
+	ETH_P_AARP                                  = 0x80f3
+	ETH_P_AF_IUCV                               = 0xfbfb
+	ETH_P_ALL                                   = 0x3
+	ETH_P_AOE                                   = 0x88a2
+	ETH_P_ARCNET                                = 0x1a
+	ETH_P_ARP                                   = 0x806
+	ETH_P_ATALK                                 = 0x809b
+	ETH_P_ATMFATE                               = 0x8884
+	ETH_P_ATMMPOA                               = 0x884c
+	ETH_P_AX25                                  = 0x2
+	ETH_P_BATMAN                                = 0x4305
+	ETH_P_BPQ                                   = 0x8ff
+	ETH_P_CAIF                                  = 0xf7
+	ETH_P_CAN                                   = 0xc
+	ETH_P_CANFD                                 = 0xd
+	ETH_P_CONTROL                               = 0x16
+	ETH_P_CUST                                  = 0x6006
+	ETH_P_DDCMP                                 = 0x6
+	ETH_P_DEC                                   = 0x6000
+	ETH_P_DIAG                                  = 0x6005
+	ETH_P_DNA_DL                                = 0x6001
+	ETH_P_DNA_RC                                = 0x6002
+	ETH_P_DNA_RT                                = 0x6003
+	ETH_P_DSA                                   = 0x1b
+	ETH_P_DSA_8021Q                             = 0xdadb
+	ETH_P_ECONET                                = 0x18
+	ETH_P_EDSA                                  = 0xdada
+	ETH_P_ERSPAN                                = 0x88be
+	ETH_P_ERSPAN2                               = 0x22eb
+	ETH_P_FCOE                                  = 0x8906
+	ETH_P_FIP                                   = 0x8914
+	ETH_P_HDLC                                  = 0x19
+	ETH_P_HSR                                   = 0x892f
+	ETH_P_IBOE                                  = 0x8915
+	ETH_P_IEEE802154                            = 0xf6
+	ETH_P_IEEEPUP                               = 0xa00
+	ETH_P_IEEEPUPAT                             = 0xa01
+	ETH_P_IFE                                   = 0xed3e
+	ETH_P_IP                                    = 0x800
+	ETH_P_IPV6                                  = 0x86dd
+	ETH_P_IPX                                   = 0x8137
+	ETH_P_IRDA                                  = 0x17
+	ETH_P_LAT                                   = 0x6004
+	ETH_P_LINK_CTL                              = 0x886c
+	ETH_P_LLDP                                  = 0x88cc
+	ETH_P_LOCALTALK                             = 0x9
+	ETH_P_LOOP                                  = 0x60
+	ETH_P_LOOPBACK                              = 0x9000
+	ETH_P_MACSEC                                = 0x88e5
+	ETH_P_MAP                                   = 0xf9
+	ETH_P_MOBITEX                               = 0x15
+	ETH_P_MPLS_MC                               = 0x8848
+	ETH_P_MPLS_UC                               = 0x8847
+	ETH_P_MVRP                                  = 0x88f5
+	ETH_P_NCSI                                  = 0x88f8
+	ETH_P_NSH                                   = 0x894f
+	ETH_P_PAE                                   = 0x888e
+	ETH_P_PAUSE                                 = 0x8808
+	ETH_P_PHONET                                = 0xf5
+	ETH_P_PPPTALK                               = 0x10
+	ETH_P_PPP_DISC                              = 0x8863
+	ETH_P_PPP_MP                                = 0x8
+	ETH_P_PPP_SES                               = 0x8864
+	ETH_P_PREAUTH                               = 0x88c7
+	ETH_P_PRP                                   = 0x88fb
+	ETH_P_PUP                                   = 0x200
+	ETH_P_PUPAT                                 = 0x201
+	ETH_P_QINQ1                                 = 0x9100
+	ETH_P_QINQ2                                 = 0x9200
+	ETH_P_QINQ3                                 = 0x9300
+	ETH_P_RARP                                  = 0x8035
+	ETH_P_SCA                                   = 0x6007
+	ETH_P_SLOW                                  = 0x8809
+	ETH_P_SNAP                                  = 0x5
+	ETH_P_TDLS                                  = 0x890d
+	ETH_P_TEB                                   = 0x6558
+	ETH_P_TIPC                                  = 0x88ca
+	ETH_P_TRAILER                               = 0x1c
+	ETH_P_TR_802_2                              = 0x11
+	ETH_P_TSN                                   = 0x22f0
+	ETH_P_WAN_PPP                               = 0x7
+	ETH_P_WCCP                                  = 0x883e
+	ETH_P_X25                                   = 0x805
+	ETH_P_XDSA                                  = 0xf8
+	EXABYTE_ENABLE_NEST                         = 0xf0
+	EXT2_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xef53
+	EXT3_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xef53
+	EXT4_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xef53
+	EXTA                                        = 0xe
+	EXTB                                        = 0xf
+	EXTPROC                                     = 0x10000
+	F2FS_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xf2f52010
+	FALLOC_FL_COLLAPSE_RANGE                    = 0x8
+	FALLOC_FL_INSERT_RANGE                      = 0x20
+	FALLOC_FL_KEEP_SIZE                         = 0x1
+	FALLOC_FL_NO_HIDE_STALE                     = 0x4
+	FALLOC_FL_PUNCH_HOLE                        = 0x2
+	FALLOC_FL_UNSHARE_RANGE                     = 0x40
+	FALLOC_FL_ZERO_RANGE                        = 0x10
+	FANOTIFY_METADATA_VERSION                   = 0x3
+	FAN_ACCESS                                  = 0x1
+	FAN_ACCESS_PERM                             = 0x20000
+	FAN_ALLOW                                   = 0x1
+	FAN_ALL_CLASS_BITS                          = 0xc
+	FAN_ALL_EVENTS                              = 0x3b
+	FAN_ALL_INIT_FLAGS                          = 0x3f
+	FAN_ALL_MARK_FLAGS                          = 0xff
+	FAN_ALL_OUTGOING_EVENTS                     = 0x3403b
+	FAN_ALL_PERM_EVENTS                         = 0x30000
+	FAN_ATTRIB                                  = 0x4
+	FAN_AUDIT                                   = 0x10
+	FAN_CLASS_CONTENT                           = 0x4
+	FAN_CLASS_NOTIF                             = 0x0
+	FAN_CLASS_PRE_CONTENT                       = 0x8
+	FAN_CLOEXEC                                 = 0x1
+	FAN_CLOSE                                   = 0x18
+	FAN_CLOSE_NOWRITE                           = 0x10
+	FAN_CLOSE_WRITE                             = 0x8
+	FAN_CREATE                                  = 0x100
+	FAN_DELETE                                  = 0x200
+	FAN_DELETE_SELF                             = 0x400
+	FAN_DENY                                    = 0x2
+	FAN_ENABLE_AUDIT                            = 0x40
+	FAN_EVENT_INFO_TYPE_FID                     = 0x1
+	FAN_EVENT_METADATA_LEN                      = 0x18
+	FAN_EVENT_ON_CHILD                          = 0x8000000
+	FAN_MARK_ADD                                = 0x1
+	FAN_MARK_DONT_FOLLOW                        = 0x4
+	FAN_MARK_FILESYSTEM                         = 0x100
+	FAN_MARK_FLUSH                              = 0x80
+	FAN_MARK_IGNORED_MASK                       = 0x20
+	FAN_MARK_IGNORED_SURV_MODIFY                = 0x40
+	FAN_MARK_INODE                              = 0x0
+	FAN_MARK_MOUNT                              = 0x10
+	FAN_MARK_ONLYDIR                            = 0x8
+	FAN_MARK_REMOVE                             = 0x2
+	FAN_MODIFY                                  = 0x2
+	FAN_MOVE                                    = 0xc0
+	FAN_MOVED_FROM                              = 0x40
+	FAN_MOVED_TO                                = 0x80
+	FAN_MOVE_SELF                               = 0x800
+	FAN_NOFD                                    = -0x1
+	FAN_NONBLOCK                                = 0x2
+	FAN_ONDIR                                   = 0x40000000
+	FAN_OPEN                                    = 0x20
+	FAN_OPEN_EXEC                               = 0x1000
+	FAN_OPEN_EXEC_PERM                          = 0x40000
+	FAN_OPEN_PERM                               = 0x10000
+	FAN_Q_OVERFLOW                              = 0x4000
+	FAN_REPORT_FID                              = 0x200
+	FAN_REPORT_TID                              = 0x100
+	FAN_UNLIMITED_MARKS                         = 0x20
+	FAN_UNLIMITED_QUEUE                         = 0x10
+	FD_CLOEXEC                                  = 0x1
+	FD_SETSIZE                                  = 0x400
+	FF0                                         = 0x0
+	FF1                                         = 0x8000
+	FFDLY                                       = 0x8000
+	FLUSHO                                      = 0x1000
+	FP_XSTATE_MAGIC2                            = 0x46505845
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE                 = 0x8
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_DESC_PREFIX                     = "fscrypt:"
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_DESC_PREFIX_SIZE                = 0x8
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_IDENTIFIER_SIZE                 = 0x10
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_STATUS_ABSENT                   = 0x1
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_STATUS_PRESENT                  = 0x2
+	FSCRYPT_MAX_KEY_SIZE                        = 0x40
+	FSCRYPT_MODE_ADIANTUM                       = 0x9
+	FSCRYPT_MODE_AES_128_CBC                    = 0x5
+	FSCRYPT_MODE_AES_128_CTS                    = 0x6
+	FSCRYPT_MODE_AES_256_CTS                    = 0x4
+	FSCRYPT_MODE_AES_256_XTS                    = 0x1
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_16                 = 0x2
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_32                 = 0x3
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_4                  = 0x0
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_8                  = 0x1
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_MASK               = 0x3
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_VALID                  = 0x7
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_V1                           = 0x0
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_V2                           = 0x2
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_ADIANTUM                 = 0x9
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_128_CBC              = 0x5
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_128_CTS              = 0x6
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_CBC              = 0x3
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_CTS              = 0x4
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_GCM              = 0x2
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_XTS              = 0x1
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_INVALID                  = 0x0
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_SPECK128_256_CTS         = 0x8
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_SPECK128_256_XTS         = 0x7
+	FS_IOC_ADD_ENCRYPTION_KEY                   = 0xc0506617
+	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_KEY_STATUS            = 0xc080661a
+	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY                = 0x400c6615
+	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY_EX             = 0xc0096616
+	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_PWSALT                = 0x40106614
+	FS_IOC_REMOVE_ENCRYPTION_KEY                = 0xc0406618
+	FS_IOC_SET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY                = 0x800c6613
+	FS_KEY_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE                      = 0x8
+	FS_KEY_DESC_PREFIX                          = "fscrypt:"
+	FS_KEY_DESC_PREFIX_SIZE                     = 0x8
+	FS_MAX_KEY_SIZE                             = 0x40
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_16                      = 0x2
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_32                      = 0x3
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_4                       = 0x0
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_8                       = 0x1
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_MASK                    = 0x3
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_VALID                       = 0x7
+	FUTEXFS_SUPER_MAGIC                         = 0xbad1dea
+	F_ADD_SEALS                                 = 0x409
+	F_DUPFD                                     = 0x0
+	F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC                             = 0x406
+	F_EXLCK                                     = 0x4
+	F_GETFD                                     = 0x1
+	F_GETFL                                     = 0x3
+	F_GETLEASE                                  = 0x401
+	F_GETLK                                     = 0xc
+	F_GETLK64                                   = 0xc
+	F_GETOWN                                    = 0x9
+	F_GETOWN_EX                                 = 0x10
+	F_GETPIPE_SZ                                = 0x408
+	F_GETSIG                                    = 0xb
+	F_GET_FILE_RW_HINT                          = 0x40d
+	F_GET_RW_HINT                               = 0x40b
+	F_GET_SEALS                                 = 0x40a
+	F_LOCK                                      = 0x1
+	F_NOTIFY                                    = 0x402
+	F_OFD_GETLK                                 = 0x24
+	F_OFD_SETLK                                 = 0x25
+	F_OFD_SETLKW                                = 0x26
+	F_OK                                        = 0x0
+	F_RDLCK                                     = 0x0
+	F_SEAL_FUTURE_WRITE                         = 0x10
+	F_SEAL_GROW                                 = 0x4
+	F_SEAL_SEAL                                 = 0x1
+	F_SEAL_SHRINK                               = 0x2
+	F_SEAL_WRITE                                = 0x8
+	F_SETFD                                     = 0x2
+	F_SETFL                                     = 0x4
+	F_SETLEASE                                  = 0x400
+	F_SETLK                                     = 0xd
+	F_SETLK64                                   = 0xd
+	F_SETLKW                                    = 0xe
+	F_SETLKW64                                  = 0xe
+	F_SETOWN                                    = 0x8
+	F_SETOWN_EX                                 = 0xf
+	F_SETPIPE_SZ                                = 0x407
+	F_SETSIG                                    = 0xa
+	F_SET_FILE_RW_HINT                          = 0x40e
+	F_SET_RW_HINT                               = 0x40c
+	F_SHLCK                                     = 0x8
+	F_TEST                                      = 0x3
+	F_TLOCK                                     = 0x2
+	F_ULOCK                                     = 0x0
+	F_UNLCK                                     = 0x2
+	F_WRLCK                                     = 0x1
+	GENL_ADMIN_PERM                             = 0x1
+	GENL_CMD_CAP_DO                             = 0x2
+	GENL_CMD_CAP_DUMP                           = 0x4
+	GENL_CMD_CAP_HASPOL                         = 0x8
+	GENL_HDRLEN                                 = 0x4
+	GENL_ID_CTRL                                = 0x10
+	GENL_ID_PMCRAID                             = 0x12
+	GENL_ID_VFS_DQUOT                           = 0x11
+	GENL_MAX_ID                                 = 0x3ff
+	GENL_MIN_ID                                 = 0x10
+	GENL_NAMSIZ                                 = 0x10
+	GENL_START_ALLOC                            = 0x13
+	GENL_UNS_ADMIN_PERM                         = 0x10
+	GRND_NONBLOCK                               = 0x1
+	GRND_RANDOM                                 = 0x2
+	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD                              = 0x31f
+	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD_AEB                          = 0x31e
+	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD_HDR_SIZE                     = 0x4
+	HDIO_DRIVE_HOB_HDR_SIZE                     = 0x8
+	HDIO_DRIVE_RESET                            = 0x31c
+	HDIO_DRIVE_TASK                             = 0x31e
+	HDIO_DRIVE_TASKFILE                         = 0x31d
+	HDIO_DRIVE_TASK_HDR_SIZE                    = 0x8
+	HDIO_GETGEO                                 = 0x301
+	HDIO_GET_32BIT                              = 0x309
+	HDIO_GET_ACOUSTIC                           = 0x30f
+	HDIO_GET_ADDRESS                            = 0x310
+	HDIO_GET_BUSSTATE                           = 0x31a
+	HDIO_GET_DMA                                = 0x30b
+	HDIO_GET_IDENTITY                           = 0x30d
+	HDIO_GET_KEEPSETTINGS                       = 0x308
+	HDIO_GET_MULTCOUNT                          = 0x304
+	HDIO_GET_NICE                               = 0x30c
+	HDIO_GET_NOWERR                             = 0x30a
+	HDIO_GET_QDMA                               = 0x305
+	HDIO_GET_UNMASKINTR                         = 0x302
+	HDIO_GET_WCACHE                             = 0x30e
+	HDIO_OBSOLETE_IDENTITY                      = 0x307
+	HDIO_SCAN_HWIF                              = 0x328
+	HDIO_SET_32BIT                              = 0x324
+	HDIO_SET_ACOUSTIC                           = 0x32c
+	HDIO_SET_ADDRESS                            = 0x32f
+	HDIO_SET_BUSSTATE                           = 0x32d
+	HDIO_SET_DMA                                = 0x326
+	HDIO_SET_KEEPSETTINGS                       = 0x323
+	HDIO_SET_MULTCOUNT                          = 0x321
+	HDIO_SET_NICE                               = 0x329
+	HDIO_SET_NOWERR                             = 0x325
+	HDIO_SET_PIO_MODE                           = 0x327
+	HDIO_SET_QDMA                               = 0x32e
+	HDIO_SET_UNMASKINTR                         = 0x322
+	HDIO_SET_WCACHE                             = 0x32b
+	HDIO_SET_XFER                               = 0x306
+	HDIO_TRISTATE_HWIF                          = 0x31b
+	HDIO_UNREGISTER_HWIF                        = 0x32a
+	HOSTFS_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0xc0ffee
+	HPFS_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xf995e849
+	HUGETLBFS_MAGIC                             = 0x958458f6
+	HUPCL                                       = 0x400
+	IBSHIFT                                     = 0x10
+	ICANON                                      = 0x2
+	ICMPV6_FILTER                               = 0x1
+	ICRNL                                       = 0x100
+	IEXTEN                                      = 0x8000
+	IFA_F_DADFAILED                             = 0x8
+	IFA_F_DEPRECATED                            = 0x20
+	IFA_F_HOMEADDRESS                           = 0x10
+	IFA_F_MANAGETEMPADDR                        = 0x100
+	IFA_F_MCAUTOJOIN                            = 0x400
+	IFA_F_NODAD                                 = 0x2
+	IFA_F_NOPREFIXROUTE                         = 0x200
+	IFA_F_OPTIMISTIC                            = 0x4
+	IFA_F_PERMANENT                             = 0x80
+	IFA_F_SECONDARY                             = 0x1
+	IFA_F_STABLE_PRIVACY                        = 0x800
+	IFA_F_TEMPORARY                             = 0x1
+	IFA_F_TENTATIVE                             = 0x40
+	IFA_MAX                                     = 0xa
+	IFF_ALLMULTI                                = 0x200
+	IFF_ATTACH_QUEUE                            = 0x200
+	IFF_AUTOMEDIA                               = 0x4000
+	IFF_BROADCAST                               = 0x2
+	IFF_DEBUG                                   = 0x4
+	IFF_DETACH_QUEUE                            = 0x400
+	IFF_DORMANT                                 = 0x20000
+	IFF_DYNAMIC                                 = 0x8000
+	IFF_ECHO                                    = 0x40000
+	IFF_LOOPBACK                                = 0x8
+	IFF_LOWER_UP                                = 0x10000
+	IFF_MASTER                                  = 0x400
+	IFF_MULTICAST                               = 0x1000
+	IFF_MULTI_QUEUE                             = 0x100
+	IFF_NAPI                                    = 0x10
+	IFF_NAPI_FRAGS                              = 0x20
+	IFF_NOARP                                   = 0x80
+	IFF_NOFILTER                                = 0x1000
+	IFF_NOTRAILERS                              = 0x20
+	IFF_NO_PI                                   = 0x1000
+	IFF_ONE_QUEUE                               = 0x2000
+	IFF_PERSIST                                 = 0x800
+	IFF_POINTOPOINT                             = 0x10
+	IFF_PORTSEL                                 = 0x2000
+	IFF_PROMISC                                 = 0x100
+	IFF_RUNNING                                 = 0x40
+	IFF_SLAVE                                   = 0x800
+	IFF_TAP                                     = 0x2
+	IFF_TUN                                     = 0x1
+	IFF_TUN_EXCL                                = 0x8000
+	IFF_UP                                      = 0x1
+	IFF_VNET_HDR                                = 0x4000
+	IFF_VOLATILE                                = 0x70c5a
+	IFNAMSIZ                                    = 0x10
+	IGNBRK                                      = 0x1
+	IGNCR                                       = 0x80
+	IGNPAR                                      = 0x4
+	IMAXBEL                                     = 0x2000
+	INLCR                                       = 0x40
+	INPCK                                       = 0x10
+	IN_ACCESS                                   = 0x1
+	IN_ALL_EVENTS                               = 0xfff
+	IN_ATTRIB                                   = 0x4
+	IN_CLASSA_HOST                              = 0xffffff
+	IN_CLASSA_MAX                               = 0x80
+	IN_CLASSA_NET                               = 0xff000000
+	IN_CLASSA_NSHIFT                            = 0x18
+	IN_CLASSB_HOST                              = 0xffff
+	IN_CLASSB_MAX                               = 0x10000
+	IN_CLASSB_NET                               = 0xffff0000
+	IN_CLASSB_NSHIFT                            = 0x10
+	IN_CLASSC_HOST                              = 0xff
+	IN_CLASSC_NET                               = 0xffffff00
+	IN_CLASSC_NSHIFT                            = 0x8
+	IN_CLOEXEC                                  = 0x80000
+	IN_CLOSE                                    = 0x18
+	IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE                            = 0x10
+	IN_CLOSE_WRITE                              = 0x8
+	IN_CREATE                                   = 0x100
+	IN_DELETE                                   = 0x200
+	IN_DELETE_SELF                              = 0x400
+	IN_DONT_FOLLOW                              = 0x2000000
+	IN_EXCL_UNLINK                              = 0x4000000
+	IN_IGNORED                                  = 0x8000
+	IN_ISDIR                                    = 0x40000000
+	IN_LOOPBACKNET                              = 0x7f
+	IN_MASK_ADD                                 = 0x20000000
+	IN_MASK_CREATE                              = 0x10000000
+	IN_MODIFY                                   = 0x2
+	IN_MOVE                                     = 0xc0
+	IN_MOVED_FROM                               = 0x40
+	IN_MOVED_TO                                 = 0x80
+	IN_MOVE_SELF                                = 0x800
+	IN_NONBLOCK                                 = 0x800
+	IN_ONESHOT                                  = 0x80000000
+	IN_ONLYDIR                                  = 0x1000000
+	IN_OPEN                                     = 0x20
+	IN_Q_OVERFLOW                               = 0x4000
+	IN_UNMOUNT                                  = 0x2000
+	IOCTL_VM_SOCKETS_GET_LOCAL_CID              = 0x7b9
+	IPPROTO_AH                                  = 0x33
+	IPPROTO_BEETPH                              = 0x5e
+	IPPROTO_COMP                                = 0x6c
+	IPPROTO_DCCP                                = 0x21
+	IPPROTO_DSTOPTS                             = 0x3c
+	IPPROTO_EGP                                 = 0x8
+	IPPROTO_ENCAP                               = 0x62
+	IPPROTO_ESP                                 = 0x32
+	IPPROTO_FRAGMENT                            = 0x2c
+	IPPROTO_GRE                                 = 0x2f
+	IPPROTO_HOPOPTS                             = 0x0
+	IPPROTO_ICMP                                = 0x1
+	IPPROTO_ICMPV6                              = 0x3a
+	IPPROTO_IDP                                 = 0x16
+	IPPROTO_IGMP                                = 0x2
+	IPPROTO_IP                                  = 0x0
+	IPPROTO_IPIP                                = 0x4
+	IPPROTO_IPV6                                = 0x29
+	IPPROTO_MH                                  = 0x87
+	IPPROTO_MPLS                                = 0x89
+	IPPROTO_MTP                                 = 0x5c
+	IPPROTO_NONE                                = 0x3b
+	IPPROTO_PIM                                 = 0x67
+	IPPROTO_PUP                                 = 0xc
+	IPPROTO_RAW                                 = 0xff
+	IPPROTO_ROUTING                             = 0x2b
+	IPPROTO_RSVP                                = 0x2e
+	IPPROTO_SCTP                                = 0x84
+	IPPROTO_TCP                                 = 0x6
+	IPPROTO_TP                                  = 0x1d
+	IPPROTO_UDP                                 = 0x11
+	IPPROTO_UDPLITE                             = 0x88
+	IPV6_2292DSTOPTS                            = 0x4
+	IPV6_2292HOPLIMIT                           = 0x8
+	IPV6_2292HOPOPTS                            = 0x3
+	IPV6_2292PKTINFO                            = 0x2
+	IPV6_2292PKTOPTIONS                         = 0x6
+	IPV6_2292RTHDR                              = 0x5
+	IPV6_ADDRFORM                               = 0x1
+	IPV6_ADDR_PREFERENCES                       = 0x48
+	IPV6_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                         = 0x14
+	IPV6_AUTHHDR                                = 0xa
+	IPV6_AUTOFLOWLABEL                          = 0x46
+	IPV6_CHECKSUM                               = 0x7
+	IPV6_DONTFRAG                               = 0x3e
+	IPV6_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                        = 0x15
+	IPV6_DSTOPTS                                = 0x3b
+	IPV6_FREEBIND                               = 0x4e
+	IPV6_HDRINCL                                = 0x24
+	IPV6_HOPLIMIT                               = 0x34
+	IPV6_HOPOPTS                                = 0x36
+	IPV6_IPSEC_POLICY                           = 0x22
+	IPV6_JOIN_ANYCAST                           = 0x1b
+	IPV6_JOIN_GROUP                             = 0x14
+	IPV6_LEAVE_ANYCAST                          = 0x1c
+	IPV6_LEAVE_GROUP                            = 0x15
+	IPV6_MINHOPCOUNT                            = 0x49
+	IPV6_MTU                                    = 0x18
+	IPV6_MTU_DISCOVER                           = 0x17
+	IPV6_MULTICAST_ALL                          = 0x1d
+	IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS                         = 0x12
+	IPV6_MULTICAST_IF                           = 0x11
+	IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP                         = 0x13
+	IPV6_NEXTHOP                                = 0x9
+	IPV6_ORIGDSTADDR                            = 0x4a
+	IPV6_PATHMTU                                = 0x3d
+	IPV6_PKTINFO                                = 0x32
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_DO                            = 0x2
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_DONT                          = 0x0
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_INTERFACE                     = 0x4
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_OMIT                          = 0x5
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_PROBE                         = 0x3
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_WANT                          = 0x1
+	IPV6_RECVDSTOPTS                            = 0x3a
+	IPV6_RECVERR                                = 0x19
+	IPV6_RECVFRAGSIZE                           = 0x4d
+	IPV6_RECVHOPLIMIT                           = 0x33
+	IPV6_RECVHOPOPTS                            = 0x35
+	IPV6_RECVORIGDSTADDR                        = 0x4a
+	IPV6_RECVPATHMTU                            = 0x3c
+	IPV6_RECVPKTINFO                            = 0x31
+	IPV6_RECVRTHDR                              = 0x38
+	IPV6_RECVTCLASS                             = 0x42
+	IPV6_ROUTER_ALERT                           = 0x16
+	IPV6_ROUTER_ALERT_ISOLATE                   = 0x1e
+	IPV6_RTHDR                                  = 0x39
+	IPV6_RTHDRDSTOPTS                           = 0x37
+	IPV6_RTHDR_LOOSE                            = 0x0
+	IPV6_RTHDR_STRICT                           = 0x1
+	IPV6_RTHDR_TYPE_0                           = 0x0
+	IPV6_RXDSTOPTS                              = 0x3b
+	IPV6_RXHOPOPTS                              = 0x36
+	IPV6_TCLASS                                 = 0x43
+	IPV6_TRANSPARENT                            = 0x4b
+	IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS                           = 0x10
+	IPV6_UNICAST_IF                             = 0x4c
+	IPV6_V6ONLY                                 = 0x1a
+	IPV6_XFRM_POLICY                            = 0x23
+	IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                           = 0x23
+	IP_ADD_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP                    = 0x27
+	IP_BIND_ADDRESS_NO_PORT                     = 0x18
+	IP_BLOCK_SOURCE                             = 0x26
+	IP_CHECKSUM                                 = 0x17
+	IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_LOOP                   = 0x1
+	IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_TTL                    = 0x1
+	IP_DF                                       = 0x4000
+	IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                          = 0x24
+	IP_DROP_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP                   = 0x28
+	IP_FREEBIND                                 = 0xf
+	IP_HDRINCL                                  = 0x3
+	IP_IPSEC_POLICY                             = 0x10
+	IP_MAXPACKET                                = 0xffff
+	IP_MAX_MEMBERSHIPS                          = 0x14
+	IP_MF                                       = 0x2000
+	IP_MINTTL                                   = 0x15
+	IP_MSFILTER                                 = 0x29
+	IP_MSS                                      = 0x240
+	IP_MTU                                      = 0xe
+	IP_MTU_DISCOVER                             = 0xa
+	IP_MULTICAST_ALL                            = 0x31
+	IP_MULTICAST_IF                             = 0x20
+	IP_MULTICAST_LOOP                           = 0x22
+	IP_MULTICAST_TTL                            = 0x21
+	IP_NODEFRAG                                 = 0x16
+	IP_OFFMASK                                  = 0x1fff
+	IP_OPTIONS                                  = 0x4
+	IP_ORIGDSTADDR                              = 0x14
+	IP_PASSSEC                                  = 0x12
+	IP_PKTINFO                                  = 0x8
+	IP_PKTOPTIONS                               = 0x9
+	IP_PMTUDISC                                 = 0xa
+	IP_PMTUDISC_DO                              = 0x2
+	IP_PMTUDISC_DONT                            = 0x0
+	IP_PMTUDISC_INTERFACE                       = 0x4
+	IP_PMTUDISC_OMIT                            = 0x5
+	IP_PMTUDISC_PROBE                           = 0x3
+	IP_PMTUDISC_WANT                            = 0x1
+	IP_RECVERR                                  = 0xb
+	IP_RECVFRAGSIZE                             = 0x19
+	IP_RECVOPTS                                 = 0x6
+	IP_RECVORIGDSTADDR                          = 0x14
+	IP_RECVRETOPTS                              = 0x7
+	IP_RECVTOS                                  = 0xd
+	IP_RECVTTL                                  = 0xc
+	IP_RETOPTS                                  = 0x7
+	IP_RF                                       = 0x8000
+	IP_ROUTER_ALERT                             = 0x5
+	IP_TOS                                      = 0x1
+	IP_TRANSPARENT                              = 0x13
+	IP_TTL                                      = 0x2
+	IP_UNBLOCK_SOURCE                           = 0x25
+	IP_UNICAST_IF                               = 0x32
+	IP_XFRM_POLICY                              = 0x11
+	ISIG                                        = 0x1
+	ISOFS_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x9660
+	ISTRIP                                      = 0x20
+	IUCLC                                       = 0x200
+	IUTF8                                       = 0x4000
+	IXANY                                       = 0x800
+	IXOFF                                       = 0x1000
+	IXON                                        = 0x400
+	JFFS2_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x72b6
+	KEXEC_ARCH_386                              = 0x30000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_68K                              = 0x40000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_AARCH64                          = 0xb70000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_ARM                              = 0x280000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_DEFAULT                          = 0x0
+	KEXEC_ARCH_IA_64                            = 0x320000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_MASK                             = 0xffff0000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_MIPS                             = 0x80000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_MIPS_LE                          = 0xa0000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_PARISC                           = 0xf0000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_PPC                              = 0x140000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_PPC64                            = 0x150000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_S390                             = 0x160000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_SH                               = 0x2a0000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_X86_64                           = 0x3e0000
+	KEXEC_FILE_NO_INITRAMFS                     = 0x4
+	KEXEC_FILE_ON_CRASH                         = 0x2
+	KEXEC_FILE_UNLOAD                           = 0x1
+	KEXEC_ON_CRASH                              = 0x1
+	KEXEC_PRESERVE_CONTEXT                      = 0x2
+	KEXEC_SEGMENT_MAX                           = 0x10
+	KEYCTL_ASSUME_AUTHORITY                     = 0x10
+	KEYCTL_CAPABILITIES                         = 0x1f
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_BIG_KEY                        = 0x10
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_CAPABILITIES                   = 0x1
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_DIFFIE_HELLMAN                 = 0x4
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_INVALIDATE                     = 0x20
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_MOVE                           = 0x80
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_PUBLIC_KEY                     = 0x8
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_RESTRICT_KEYRING               = 0x40
+	KEYCTL_CAPS1_NS_KEYRING_NAME                = 0x1
+	KEYCTL_CAPS1_NS_KEY_TAG                     = 0x2
+	KEYCTL_CHOWN                                = 0x4
+	KEYCTL_CLEAR                                = 0x7
+	KEYCTL_DESCRIBE                             = 0x6
+	KEYCTL_DH_COMPUTE                           = 0x17
+	KEYCTL_GET_KEYRING_ID                       = 0x0
+	KEYCTL_GET_PERSISTENT                       = 0x16
+	KEYCTL_GET_SECURITY                         = 0x11
+	KEYCTL_INSTANTIATE                          = 0xc
+	KEYCTL_INSTANTIATE_IOV                      = 0x14
+	KEYCTL_INVALIDATE                           = 0x15
+	KEYCTL_JOIN_SESSION_KEYRING                 = 0x1
+	KEYCTL_LINK                                 = 0x8
+	KEYCTL_MOVE                                 = 0x1e
+	KEYCTL_MOVE_EXCL                            = 0x1
+	KEYCTL_NEGATE                               = 0xd
+	KEYCTL_PKEY_DECRYPT                         = 0x1a
+	KEYCTL_PKEY_ENCRYPT                         = 0x19
+	KEYCTL_PKEY_QUERY                           = 0x18
+	KEYCTL_PKEY_SIGN                            = 0x1b
+	KEYCTL_PKEY_VERIFY                          = 0x1c
+	KEYCTL_READ                                 = 0xb
+	KEYCTL_REJECT                               = 0x13
+	KEYCTL_RESTRICT_KEYRING                     = 0x1d
+	KEYCTL_REVOKE                               = 0x3
+	KEYCTL_SEARCH                               = 0xa
+	KEYCTL_SESSION_TO_PARENT                    = 0x12
+	KEYCTL_SETPERM                              = 0x5
+	KEYCTL_SET_REQKEY_KEYRING                   = 0xe
+	KEYCTL_SET_TIMEOUT                          = 0xf
+	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_DECRYPT                     = 0x2
+	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_ENCRYPT                     = 0x1
+	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_SIGN                        = 0x4
+	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_VERIFY                      = 0x8
+	KEYCTL_UNLINK                               = 0x9
+	KEYCTL_UPDATE                               = 0x2
+	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_DEFAULT                     = 0x0
+	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_GROUP_KEYRING               = 0x6
+	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_NO_CHANGE                   = -0x1
+	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_USER_KEYRING                = 0x4
+	KEY_SPEC_GROUP_KEYRING                      = -0x6
+	KEY_SPEC_PROCESS_KEYRING                    = -0x2
+	KEY_SPEC_REQKEY_AUTH_KEY                    = -0x7
+	KEY_SPEC_REQUESTOR_KEYRING                  = -0x8
+	KEY_SPEC_SESSION_KEYRING                    = -0x3
+	KEY_SPEC_THREAD_KEYRING                     = -0x1
+	KEY_SPEC_USER_KEYRING                       = -0x4
+	KEY_SPEC_USER_SESSION_KEYRING               = -0x5
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_CAD_OFF                    = 0x0
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_CAD_ON                     = 0x89abcdef
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_HALT                       = 0xcdef0123
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_KEXEC                      = 0x45584543
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_POWER_OFF                  = 0x4321fedc
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_RESTART                    = 0x1234567
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_RESTART2                   = 0xa1b2c3d4
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_SW_SUSPEND                 = 0xd000fce2
+	LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC1                         = 0xfee1dead
+	LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC2                         = 0x28121969
+	LOCK_EX                                     = 0x2
+	LOCK_NB                                     = 0x4
+	LOCK_SH                                     = 0x1
+	LOCK_UN                                     = 0x8
+	LOOP_CLR_FD                                 = 0x4c01
+	LOOP_CTL_ADD                                = 0x4c80
+	LOOP_CTL_GET_FREE                           = 0x4c82
+	LOOP_CTL_REMOVE                             = 0x4c81
+	LOOP_GET_STATUS                             = 0x4c03
+	LOOP_GET_STATUS64                           = 0x4c05
+	LOOP_SET_BLOCK_SIZE                         = 0x4c09
+	LOOP_SET_CAPACITY                           = 0x4c07
+	LOOP_SET_DIRECT_IO                          = 0x4c08
+	LOOP_SET_FD                                 = 0x4c00
+	LOOP_SET_STATUS                             = 0x4c02
+	LOOP_SET_STATUS64                           = 0x4c04
+	LO_KEY_SIZE                                 = 0x20
+	LO_NAME_SIZE                                = 0x40
+	MADV_DODUMP                                 = 0x11
+	MADV_DOFORK                                 = 0xb
+	MADV_DONTDUMP                               = 0x10
+	MADV_DONTFORK                               = 0xa
+	MADV_DONTNEED                               = 0x4
+	MADV_FREE                                   = 0x8
+	MADV_HUGEPAGE                               = 0xe
+	MADV_HWPOISON                               = 0x64
+	MADV_KEEPONFORK                             = 0x13
+	MADV_MERGEABLE                              = 0xc
+	MADV_NOHUGEPAGE                             = 0xf
+	MADV_NORMAL                                 = 0x0
+	MADV_RANDOM                                 = 0x1
+	MADV_REMOVE                                 = 0x9
+	MADV_SEQUENTIAL                             = 0x2
+	MADV_UNMERGEABLE                            = 0xd
+	MADV_WILLNEED                               = 0x3
+	MADV_WIPEONFORK                             = 0x12
+	MAP_32BIT                                   = 0x40
+	MAP_ANON                                    = 0x20
+	MAP_ANONYMOUS                               = 0x20
+	MAP_DENYWRITE                               = 0x800
+	MAP_EXECUTABLE                              = 0x1000
+	MAP_FILE                                    = 0x0
+	MAP_FIXED                                   = 0x10
+	MAP_FIXED_NOREPLACE                         = 0x100000
+	MAP_GROWSDOWN                               = 0x100
+	MAP_HUGETLB                                 = 0x40000
+	MAP_HUGE_MASK                               = 0x3f
+	MAP_HUGE_SHIFT                              = 0x1a
+	MAP_LOCKED                                  = 0x2000
+	MAP_NONBLOCK                                = 0x10000
+	MAP_NORESERVE                               = 0x4000
+	MAP_POPULATE                                = 0x8000
+	MAP_PRIVATE                                 = 0x2
+	MAP_SHARED                                  = 0x1
+	MAP_SHARED_VALIDATE                         = 0x3
+	MAP_STACK                                   = 0x20000
+	MAP_SYNC                                    = 0x80000
+	MAP_TYPE                                    = 0xf
+	MCAST_BLOCK_SOURCE                          = 0x2b
+	MCAST_EXCLUDE                               = 0x0
+	MCAST_INCLUDE                               = 0x1
+	MCAST_JOIN_GROUP                            = 0x2a
+	MCAST_JOIN_SOURCE_GROUP                     = 0x2e
+	MCAST_LEAVE_GROUP                           = 0x2d
+	MCAST_LEAVE_SOURCE_GROUP                    = 0x2f
+	MCAST_MSFILTER                              = 0x30
+	MCAST_UNBLOCK_SOURCE                        = 0x2c
+	MCL_CURRENT                                 = 0x1
+	MCL_FUTURE                                  = 0x2
+	MCL_ONFAULT                                 = 0x4
+	MFD_ALLOW_SEALING                           = 0x2
+	MFD_CLOEXEC                                 = 0x1
+	MFD_HUGETLB                                 = 0x4
+	MFD_HUGE_16GB                               = -0x78000000
+	MFD_HUGE_16MB                               = 0x60000000
+	MFD_HUGE_1GB                                = 0x78000000
+	MFD_HUGE_1MB                                = 0x50000000
+	MFD_HUGE_256MB                              = 0x70000000
+	MFD_HUGE_2GB                                = 0x7c000000
+	MFD_HUGE_2MB                                = 0x54000000
+	MFD_HUGE_32MB                               = 0x64000000
+	MFD_HUGE_512KB                              = 0x4c000000
+	MFD_HUGE_512MB                              = 0x74000000
+	MFD_HUGE_64KB                               = 0x40000000
+	MFD_HUGE_8MB                                = 0x5c000000
+	MFD_HUGE_MASK                               = 0x3f
+	MFD_HUGE_SHIFT                              = 0x1a
+	MINIX2_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0x2468
+	MINIX2_SUPER_MAGIC2                         = 0x2478
+	MINIX3_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0x4d5a
+	MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x137f
+	MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC2                          = 0x138f
+	MNT_DETACH                                  = 0x2
+	MNT_EXPIRE                                  = 0x4
+	MNT_FORCE                                   = 0x1
+	MODULE_INIT_IGNORE_VERMAGIC                 = 0x2
+	MSDOS_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x4d44
+	MSG_BATCH                                   = 0x40000
+	MSG_CMSG_CLOEXEC                            = 0x40000000
+	MSG_CONFIRM                                 = 0x800
+	MSG_CTRUNC                                  = 0x8
+	MSG_DONTROUTE                               = 0x4
+	MSG_DONTWAIT                                = 0x40
+	MSG_EOR                                     = 0x80
+	MSG_ERRQUEUE                                = 0x2000
+	MSG_FASTOPEN                                = 0x20000000
+	MSG_FIN                                     = 0x200
+	MSG_MORE                                    = 0x8000
+	MSG_NOSIGNAL                                = 0x4000
+	MSG_OOB                                     = 0x1
+	MSG_PEEK                                    = 0x2
+	MSG_PROXY                                   = 0x10
+	MSG_RST                                     = 0x1000
+	MSG_SYN                                     = 0x400
+	MSG_TRUNC                                   = 0x20
+	MSG_TRYHARD                                 = 0x4
+	MSG_WAITALL                                 = 0x100
+	MSG_WAITFORONE                              = 0x10000
+	MSG_ZEROCOPY                                = 0x4000000
+	MS_ACTIVE                                   = 0x40000000
+	MS_ASYNC                                    = 0x1
+	MS_BIND                                     = 0x1000
+	MS_BORN                                     = 0x20000000
+	MS_DIRSYNC                                  = 0x80
+	MS_INVALIDATE                               = 0x2
+	MS_I_VERSION                                = 0x800000
+	MS_KERNMOUNT                                = 0x400000
+	MS_LAZYTIME                                 = 0x2000000
+	MS_MANDLOCK                                 = 0x40
+	MS_MGC_MSK                                  = 0xffff0000
+	MS_MGC_VAL                                  = 0xc0ed0000
+	MS_MOVE                                     = 0x2000
+	MS_NOATIME                                  = 0x400
+	MS_NODEV                                    = 0x4
+	MS_NODIRATIME                               = 0x800
+	MS_NOEXEC                                   = 0x8
+	MS_NOREMOTELOCK                             = 0x8000000
+	MS_NOSEC                                    = 0x10000000
+	MS_NOSUID                                   = 0x2
+	MS_NOUSER                                   = -0x80000000
+	MS_POSIXACL                                 = 0x10000
+	MS_PRIVATE                                  = 0x40000
+	MS_RDONLY                                   = 0x1
+	MS_REC                                      = 0x4000
+	MS_RELATIME                                 = 0x200000
+	MS_REMOUNT                                  = 0x20
+	MS_RMT_MASK                                 = 0x2800051
+	MS_SHARED                                   = 0x100000
+	MS_SILENT                                   = 0x8000
+	MS_SLAVE                                    = 0x80000
+	MS_STRICTATIME                              = 0x1000000
+	MS_SUBMOUNT                                 = 0x4000000
+	MS_SYNC                                     = 0x4
+	MS_SYNCHRONOUS                              = 0x10
+	MS_UNBINDABLE                               = 0x20000
+	MS_VERBOSE                                  = 0x8000
+	MTD_INODE_FS_MAGIC                          = 0x11307854
+	NAME_MAX                                    = 0xff
+	NCP_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x564c
+	NETLINK_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                      = 0x1
+	NETLINK_AUDIT                               = 0x9
+	NETLINK_BROADCAST_ERROR                     = 0x4
+	NETLINK_CAP_ACK                             = 0xa
+	NETLINK_CONNECTOR                           = 0xb
+	NETLINK_CRYPTO                              = 0x15
+	NETLINK_DNRTMSG                             = 0xe
+	NETLINK_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                     = 0x2
+	NETLINK_ECRYPTFS                            = 0x13
+	NETLINK_EXT_ACK                             = 0xb
+	NETLINK_FIB_LOOKUP                          = 0xa
+	NETLINK_FIREWALL                            = 0x3
+	NETLINK_GENERIC                             = 0x10
+	NETLINK_GET_STRICT_CHK                      = 0xc
+	NETLINK_INET_DIAG                           = 0x4
+	NETLINK_IP6_FW                              = 0xd
+	NETLINK_ISCSI                               = 0x8
+	NETLINK_KOBJECT_UEVENT                      = 0xf
+	NETLINK_LISTEN_ALL_NSID                     = 0x8
+	NETLINK_LIST_MEMBERSHIPS                    = 0x9
+	NETLINK_NETFILTER                           = 0xc
+	NETLINK_NFLOG                               = 0x5
+	NETLINK_NO_ENOBUFS                          = 0x5
+	NETLINK_PKTINFO                             = 0x3
+	NETLINK_RDMA                                = 0x14
+	NETLINK_ROUTE                               = 0x0
+	NETLINK_RX_RING                             = 0x6
+	NETLINK_SCSITRANSPORT                       = 0x12
+	NETLINK_SELINUX                             = 0x7
+	NETLINK_SMC                                 = 0x16
+	NETLINK_SOCK_DIAG                           = 0x4
+	NETLINK_TX_RING                             = 0x7
+	NETLINK_UNUSED                              = 0x1
+	NETLINK_USERSOCK                            = 0x2
+	NETLINK_XFRM                                = 0x6
+	NETNSA_MAX                                  = 0x5
+	NETNSA_NSID_NOT_ASSIGNED                    = -0x1
+	NFDBITS                                     = 0x20
+	NFNETLINK_V0                                = 0x0
+	NFNLGRP_ACCT_QUOTA                          = 0x8
+	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_DESTROY                   = 0x3
+	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_EXP_NEW                   = 0x4
+	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_EXP_UPDATE                = 0x5
+	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_NEW                       = 0x1
+	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_UPDATE                    = 0x2
+	NFNLGRP_MAX                                 = 0x9
+	NFNLGRP_NFTABLES                            = 0x7
+	NFNLGRP_NFTRACE                             = 0x9
+	NFNLGRP_NONE                                = 0x0
+	NFNL_BATCH_MAX                              = 0x1
+	NFNL_MSG_BATCH_BEGIN                        = 0x10
+	NFNL_MSG_BATCH_END                          = 0x11
+	NFNL_NFA_NEST                               = 0x8000
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_ACCT                            = 0x7
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_COUNT                           = 0xc
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTHELPER                        = 0x9
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTNETLINK                       = 0x1
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTNETLINK_EXP                   = 0x2
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_IPSET                           = 0x6
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_NFTABLES                        = 0xa
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_NFT_COMPAT                      = 0xb
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_NONE                            = 0x0
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_OSF                             = 0x5
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_QUEUE                           = 0x3
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_ULOG                            = 0x4
+	NFS_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x6969
+	NILFS_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x3434
+	NL0                                         = 0x0
+	NL1                                         = 0x100
+	NLA_ALIGNTO                                 = 0x4
+	NLA_F_NESTED                                = 0x8000
+	NLA_F_NET_BYTEORDER                         = 0x4000
+	NLA_HDRLEN                                  = 0x4
+	NLDLY                                       = 0x100
+	NLMSG_ALIGNTO                               = 0x4
+	NLMSG_DONE                                  = 0x3
+	NLMSG_ERROR                                 = 0x2
+	NLMSG_HDRLEN                                = 0x10
+	NLMSG_MIN_TYPE                              = 0x10
+	NLMSG_NOOP                                  = 0x1
+	NLMSG_OVERRUN                               = 0x4
+	NLM_F_ACK                                   = 0x4
+	NLM_F_ACK_TLVS                              = 0x200
+	NLM_F_APPEND                                = 0x800
+	NLM_F_ATOMIC                                = 0x400
+	NLM_F_CAPPED                                = 0x100
+	NLM_F_CREATE                                = 0x400
+	NLM_F_DUMP                                  = 0x300
+	NLM_F_DUMP_FILTERED                         = 0x20
+	NLM_F_DUMP_INTR                             = 0x10
+	NLM_F_ECHO                                  = 0x8
+	NLM_F_EXCL                                  = 0x200
+	NLM_F_MATCH                                 = 0x200
+	NLM_F_MULTI                                 = 0x2
+	NLM_F_NONREC                                = 0x100
+	NLM_F_REPLACE                               = 0x100
+	NLM_F_REQUEST                               = 0x1
+	NLM_F_ROOT                                  = 0x100
+	NOFLSH                                      = 0x80
+	NSFS_MAGIC                                  = 0x6e736673
+	NS_GET_NSTYPE                               = 0xb703
+	NS_GET_OWNER_UID                            = 0xb704
+	NS_GET_PARENT                               = 0xb702
+	NS_GET_USERNS                               = 0xb701
+	OCFS2_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x7461636f
+	OCRNL                                       = 0x8
+	OFDEL                                       = 0x80
+	OFILL                                       = 0x40
+	OLCUC                                       = 0x2
+	ONLCR                                       = 0x4
+	ONLRET                                      = 0x20
+	ONOCR                                       = 0x10
+	OPENPROM_SUPER_MAGIC                        = 0x9fa1
+	OPOST                                       = 0x1
+	OVERLAYFS_SUPER_MAGIC                       = 0x794c7630
+	O_ACCMODE                                   = 0x3
+	O_APPEND                                    = 0x400
+	O_ASYNC                                     = 0x2000
+	O_CLOEXEC                                   = 0x80000
+	O_CREAT                                     = 0x40
+	O_DIRECT                                    = 0x4000
+	O_DIRECTORY                                 = 0x10000
+	O_DSYNC                                     = 0x1000
+	O_EXCL                                      = 0x80
+	O_FSYNC                                     = 0x101000
+	O_LARGEFILE                                 = 0x8000
+	O_NDELAY                                    = 0x800
+	O_NOATIME                                   = 0x40000
+	O_NOCTTY                                    = 0x100
+	O_NOFOLLOW                                  = 0x20000
+	O_NONBLOCK                                  = 0x800
+	O_PATH                                      = 0x200000
+	O_RDONLY                                    = 0x0
+	O_RDWR                                      = 0x2
+	O_RSYNC                                     = 0x101000
+	O_SYNC                                      = 0x101000
+	O_TMPFILE                                   = 0x410000
+	O_TRUNC                                     = 0x200
+	O_WRONLY                                    = 0x1
+	PACKET_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                       = 0x1
+	PACKET_AUXDATA                              = 0x8
+	PACKET_BROADCAST                            = 0x1
+	PACKET_COPY_THRESH                          = 0x7
+	PACKET_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                      = 0x2
+	PACKET_FANOUT                               = 0x12
+	PACKET_FANOUT_CBPF                          = 0x6
+	PACKET_FANOUT_CPU                           = 0x2
+	PACKET_FANOUT_DATA                          = 0x16
+	PACKET_FANOUT_EBPF                          = 0x7
+	PACKET_FANOUT_FLAG_DEFRAG                   = 0x8000
+	PACKET_FANOUT_FLAG_ROLLOVER                 = 0x1000
+	PACKET_FANOUT_FLAG_UNIQUEID                 = 0x2000
+	PACKET_FANOUT_HASH                          = 0x0
+	PACKET_FANOUT_LB                            = 0x1
+	PACKET_FANOUT_QM                            = 0x5
+	PACKET_FANOUT_RND                           = 0x4
+	PACKET_FANOUT_ROLLOVER                      = 0x3
+	PACKET_FASTROUTE                            = 0x6
+	PACKET_HDRLEN                               = 0xb
+	PACKET_HOST                                 = 0x0
+	PACKET_IGNORE_OUTGOING                      = 0x17
+	PACKET_KERNEL                               = 0x7
+	PACKET_LOOPBACK                             = 0x5
+	PACKET_LOSS                                 = 0xe
+	PACKET_MR_ALLMULTI                          = 0x2
+	PACKET_MR_MULTICAST                         = 0x0
+	PACKET_MR_PROMISC                           = 0x1
+	PACKET_MR_UNICAST                           = 0x3
+	PACKET_MULTICAST                            = 0x2
+	PACKET_ORIGDEV                              = 0x9
+	PACKET_OTHERHOST                            = 0x3
+	PACKET_OUTGOING                             = 0x4
+	PACKET_QDISC_BYPASS                         = 0x14
+	PACKET_RECV_OUTPUT                          = 0x3
+	PACKET_RESERVE                              = 0xc
+	PACKET_ROLLOVER_STATS                       = 0x15
+	PACKET_RX_RING                              = 0x5
+	PACKET_STATISTICS                           = 0x6
+	PACKET_TIMESTAMP                            = 0x11
+	PACKET_TX_HAS_OFF                           = 0x13
+	PACKET_TX_RING                              = 0xd
+	PACKET_TX_TIMESTAMP                         = 0x10
+	PACKET_USER                                 = 0x6
+	PACKET_VERSION                              = 0xa
+	PACKET_VNET_HDR                             = 0xf
+	PARENB                                      = 0x100
+	PARITY_CRC16_PR0                            = 0x2
+	PARITY_CRC16_PR0_CCITT                      = 0x4
+	PARITY_CRC16_PR1                            = 0x3
+	PARITY_CRC16_PR1_CCITT                      = 0x5
+	PARITY_CRC32_PR0_CCITT                      = 0x6
+	PARITY_CRC32_PR1_CCITT                      = 0x7
+	PARITY_DEFAULT                              = 0x0
+	PARITY_NONE                                 = 0x1
+	PARMRK                                      = 0x8
+	PARODD                                      = 0x200
+	PENDIN                                      = 0x4000
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_DISABLE                      = 0x2401
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_ENABLE                       = 0x2400
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_ID                           = 0x80042407
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_MODIFY_ATTRIBUTES            = 0x4004240b
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_PAUSE_OUTPUT                 = 0x40042409
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_PERIOD                       = 0x40082404
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_QUERY_BPF                    = 0xc004240a
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_REFRESH                      = 0x2402
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_RESET                        = 0x2403
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_BPF                      = 0x40042408
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_FILTER                   = 0x40042406
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_OUTPUT                   = 0x2405
+	PIPEFS_MAGIC                                = 0x50495045
+	PPPIOCATTACH                                = 0x4004743d
+	PPPIOCATTCHAN                               = 0x40047438
+	PPPIOCCONNECT                               = 0x4004743a
+	PPPIOCDETACH                                = 0x4004743c
+	PPPIOCDISCONN                               = 0x7439
+	PPPIOCGASYNCMAP                             = 0x80047458
+	PPPIOCGCHAN                                 = 0x80047437
+	PPPIOCGDEBUG                                = 0x80047441
+	PPPIOCGFLAGS                                = 0x8004745a
+	PPPIOCGIDLE                                 = 0x8008743f
+	PPPIOCGL2TPSTATS                            = 0x80487436
+	PPPIOCGMRU                                  = 0x80047453
+	PPPIOCGNPMODE                               = 0xc008744c
+	PPPIOCGRASYNCMAP                            = 0x80047455
+	PPPIOCGUNIT                                 = 0x80047456
+	PPPIOCGXASYNCMAP                            = 0x80207450
+	PPPIOCNEWUNIT                               = 0xc004743e
+	PPPIOCSACTIVE                               = 0x40087446
+	PPPIOCSASYNCMAP                             = 0x40047457
+	PPPIOCSCOMPRESS                             = 0x400c744d
+	PPPIOCSDEBUG                                = 0x40047440
+	PPPIOCSFLAGS                                = 0x40047459
+	PPPIOCSMAXCID                               = 0x40047451
+	PPPIOCSMRRU                                 = 0x4004743b
+	PPPIOCSMRU                                  = 0x40047452
+	PPPIOCSNPMODE                               = 0x4008744b
+	PPPIOCSPASS                                 = 0x40087447
+	PPPIOCSRASYNCMAP                            = 0x40047454
+	PPPIOCSXASYNCMAP                            = 0x4020744f
+	PPPIOCXFERUNIT                              = 0x744e
+	PRIO_PGRP                                   = 0x1
+	PRIO_PROCESS                                = 0x0
+	PRIO_USER                                   = 0x2
+	PROC_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0x9fa0
+	PROT_EXEC                                   = 0x4
+	PROT_GROWSDOWN                              = 0x1000000
+	PROT_GROWSUP                                = 0x2000000
+	PROT_NONE                                   = 0x0
+	PROT_READ                                   = 0x1
+	PROT_WRITE                                  = 0x2
+	PR_CAPBSET_DROP                             = 0x18
+	PR_CAPBSET_READ                             = 0x17
+	PR_CAP_AMBIENT                              = 0x2f
+	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_CLEAR_ALL                    = 0x4
+	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_IS_SET                       = 0x1
+	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_LOWER                        = 0x3
+	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_RAISE                        = 0x2
+	PR_ENDIAN_BIG                               = 0x0
+	PR_ENDIAN_LITTLE                            = 0x1
+	PR_ENDIAN_PPC_LITTLE                        = 0x2
+	PR_FPEMU_NOPRINT                            = 0x1
+	PR_FPEMU_SIGFPE                             = 0x2
+	PR_FP_EXC_ASYNC                             = 0x2
+	PR_FP_EXC_DISABLED                          = 0x0
+	PR_FP_EXC_DIV                               = 0x10000
+	PR_FP_EXC_INV                               = 0x100000
+	PR_FP_EXC_NONRECOV                          = 0x1
+	PR_FP_EXC_OVF                               = 0x20000
+	PR_FP_EXC_PRECISE                           = 0x3
+	PR_FP_EXC_RES                               = 0x80000
+	PR_FP_EXC_SW_ENABLE                         = 0x80
+	PR_FP_EXC_UND                               = 0x40000
+	PR_FP_MODE_FR                               = 0x1
+	PR_FP_MODE_FRE                              = 0x2
+	PR_GET_CHILD_SUBREAPER                      = 0x25
+	PR_GET_DUMPABLE                             = 0x3
+	PR_GET_ENDIAN                               = 0x13
+	PR_GET_FPEMU                                = 0x9
+	PR_GET_FPEXC                                = 0xb
+	PR_GET_FP_MODE                              = 0x2e
+	PR_GET_KEEPCAPS                             = 0x7
+	PR_GET_NAME                                 = 0x10
+	PR_GET_NO_NEW_PRIVS                         = 0x27
+	PR_GET_PDEATHSIG                            = 0x2
+	PR_GET_SECCOMP                              = 0x15
+	PR_GET_SECUREBITS                           = 0x1b
+	PR_GET_SPECULATION_CTRL                     = 0x34
+	PR_GET_TAGGED_ADDR_CTRL                     = 0x38
+	PR_GET_THP_DISABLE                          = 0x2a
+	PR_GET_TID_ADDRESS                          = 0x28
+	PR_GET_TIMERSLACK                           = 0x1e
+	PR_GET_TIMING                               = 0xd
+	PR_GET_TSC                                  = 0x19
+	PR_GET_UNALIGN                              = 0x5
+	PR_MCE_KILL                                 = 0x21
+	PR_MCE_KILL_CLEAR                           = 0x0
+	PR_MCE_KILL_DEFAULT                         = 0x2
+	PR_MCE_KILL_EARLY                           = 0x1
+	PR_MCE_KILL_GET                             = 0x22
+	PR_MCE_KILL_LATE                            = 0x0
+	PR_MCE_KILL_SET                             = 0x1
+	PR_MPX_DISABLE_MANAGEMENT                   = 0x2c
+	PR_MPX_ENABLE_MANAGEMENT                    = 0x2b
+	PR_PAC_APDAKEY                              = 0x4
+	PR_PAC_APDBKEY                              = 0x8
+	PR_PAC_APGAKEY                              = 0x10
+	PR_PAC_APIAKEY                              = 0x1
+	PR_PAC_APIBKEY                              = 0x2
+	PR_PAC_RESET_KEYS                           = 0x36
+	PR_SET_CHILD_SUBREAPER                      = 0x24
+	PR_SET_DUMPABLE                             = 0x4
+	PR_SET_ENDIAN                               = 0x14
+	PR_SET_FPEMU                                = 0xa
+	PR_SET_FPEXC                                = 0xc
+	PR_SET_FP_MODE                              = 0x2d
+	PR_SET_KEEPCAPS                             = 0x8
+	PR_SET_MM                                   = 0x23
+	PR_SET_MM_ARG_END                           = 0x9
+	PR_SET_MM_ARG_START                         = 0x8
+	PR_SET_MM_AUXV                              = 0xc
+	PR_SET_MM_BRK                               = 0x7
+	PR_SET_MM_END_CODE                          = 0x2
+	PR_SET_MM_END_DATA                          = 0x4
+	PR_SET_MM_ENV_END                           = 0xb
+	PR_SET_MM_ENV_START                         = 0xa
+	PR_SET_MM_EXE_FILE                          = 0xd
+	PR_SET_MM_MAP                               = 0xe
+	PR_SET_MM_MAP_SIZE                          = 0xf
+	PR_SET_MM_START_BRK                         = 0x6
+	PR_SET_MM_START_CODE                        = 0x1
+	PR_SET_MM_START_DATA                        = 0x3
+	PR_SET_MM_START_STACK                       = 0x5
+	PR_SET_NAME                                 = 0xf
+	PR_SET_NO_NEW_PRIVS                         = 0x26
+	PR_SET_PDEATHSIG                            = 0x1
+	PR_SET_PTRACER                              = 0x59616d61
+	PR_SET_PTRACER_ANY                          = 0xffffffff
+	PR_SET_SECCOMP                              = 0x16
+	PR_SET_SECUREBITS                           = 0x1c
+	PR_SET_SPECULATION_CTRL                     = 0x35
+	PR_SET_TAGGED_ADDR_CTRL                     = 0x37
+	PR_SET_THP_DISABLE                          = 0x29
+	PR_SET_TIMERSLACK                           = 0x1d
+	PR_SET_TIMING                               = 0xe
+	PR_SET_TSC                                  = 0x1a
+	PR_SET_UNALIGN                              = 0x6
+	PR_SPEC_DISABLE                             = 0x4
+	PR_SPEC_DISABLE_NOEXEC                      = 0x10
+	PR_SPEC_ENABLE                              = 0x2
+	PR_SPEC_FORCE_DISABLE                       = 0x8
+	PR_SPEC_INDIRECT_BRANCH                     = 0x1
+	PR_SPEC_NOT_AFFECTED                        = 0x0
+	PR_SPEC_PRCTL                               = 0x1
+	PR_SPEC_STORE_BYPASS                        = 0x0
+	PR_SVE_GET_VL                               = 0x33
+	PR_SVE_SET_VL                               = 0x32
+	PR_SVE_SET_VL_ONEXEC                        = 0x40000
+	PR_SVE_VL_INHERIT                           = 0x20000
+	PR_SVE_VL_LEN_MASK                          = 0xffff
+	PR_TAGGED_ADDR_ENABLE                       = 0x1
+	PR_TASK_PERF_EVENTS_DISABLE                 = 0x1f
+	PR_TASK_PERF_EVENTS_ENABLE                  = 0x20
+	PR_TIMING_STATISTICAL                       = 0x0
+	PR_TIMING_TIMESTAMP                         = 0x1
+	PR_TSC_ENABLE                               = 0x1
+	PR_TSC_SIGSEGV                              = 0x2
+	PR_UNALIGN_NOPRINT                          = 0x1
+	PR_UNALIGN_SIGBUS                           = 0x2
+	PSTOREFS_MAGIC                              = 0x6165676c
+	PTRACE_ATTACH                               = 0x10
+	PTRACE_CONT                                 = 0x7
+	PTRACE_DETACH                               = 0x11
+	PTRACE_EVENTMSG_SYSCALL_EXIT                = 0x2
+	PTRACE_EVENT_CLONE                          = 0x3
+	PTRACE_EVENT_EXEC                           = 0x4
+	PTRACE_EVENT_EXIT                           = 0x6
+	PTRACE_EVENT_FORK                           = 0x1
+	PTRACE_EVENT_SECCOMP                        = 0x7
+	PTRACE_EVENT_STOP                           = 0x80
+	PTRACE_EVENT_VFORK                          = 0x2
+	PTRACE_EVENT_VFORK_DONE                     = 0x5
+	PTRACE_GETEVENTMSG                          = 0x4201
+	PTRACE_GETFPREGS                            = 0xe
+	PTRACE_GETFPXREGS                           = 0x12
+	PTRACE_GETREGS                              = 0xc
+	PTRACE_GETREGSET                            = 0x4204
+	PTRACE_GETSIGINFO                           = 0x4202
+	PTRACE_GETSIGMASK                           = 0x420a
+	PTRACE_GET_SYSCALL_INFO                     = 0x420e
+	PTRACE_GET_THREAD_AREA                      = 0x19
+	PTRACE_INTERRUPT                            = 0x4207
+	PTRACE_KILL                                 = 0x8
+	PTRACE_LISTEN                               = 0x4208
+	PTRACE_OLDSETOPTIONS                        = 0x15
+	PTRACE_O_EXITKILL                           = 0x100000
+	PTRACE_O_MASK                               = 0x3000ff
+	PTRACE_O_SUSPEND_SECCOMP                    = 0x200000
+	PTRACE_O_TRACECLONE                         = 0x8
+	PTRACE_O_TRACEEXEC                          = 0x10
+	PTRACE_O_TRACEEXIT                          = 0x40
+	PTRACE_O_TRACEFORK                          = 0x2
+	PTRACE_O_TRACESECCOMP                       = 0x80
+	PTRACE_O_TRACESYSGOOD                       = 0x1
+	PTRACE_O_TRACEVFORK                         = 0x4
+	PTRACE_O_TRACEVFORKDONE                     = 0x20
+	PTRACE_PEEKDATA                             = 0x2
+	PTRACE_PEEKSIGINFO                          = 0x4209
+	PTRACE_PEEKSIGINFO_SHARED                   = 0x1
+	PTRACE_PEEKTEXT                             = 0x1
+	PTRACE_PEEKUSR                              = 0x3
+	PTRACE_POKEDATA                             = 0x5
+	PTRACE_POKETEXT                             = 0x4
+	PTRACE_POKEUSR                              = 0x6
+	PTRACE_SECCOMP_GET_FILTER                   = 0x420c
+	PTRACE_SECCOMP_GET_METADATA                 = 0x420d
+	PTRACE_SEIZE                                = 0x4206
+	PTRACE_SETFPREGS                            = 0xf
+	PTRACE_SETFPXREGS                           = 0x13
+	PTRACE_SETOPTIONS                           = 0x4200
+	PTRACE_SETREGS                              = 0xd
+	PTRACE_SETREGSET                            = 0x4205
+	PTRACE_SETSIGINFO                           = 0x4203
+	PTRACE_SETSIGMASK                           = 0x420b
+	PTRACE_SET_THREAD_AREA                      = 0x1a
+	PTRACE_SINGLEBLOCK                          = 0x21
+	PTRACE_SINGLESTEP                           = 0x9
+	PTRACE_SYSCALL                              = 0x18
+	PTRACE_SYSCALL_INFO_ENTRY                   = 0x1
+	PTRACE_SYSCALL_INFO_EXIT                    = 0x2
+	PTRACE_SYSCALL_INFO_NONE                    = 0x0
+	PTRACE_SYSCALL_INFO_SECCOMP                 = 0x3
+	PTRACE_SYSEMU                               = 0x1f
+	PTRACE_SYSEMU_SINGLESTEP                    = 0x20
+	PTRACE_TRACEME                              = 0x0
+	QNX4_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0x2f
+	QNX6_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0x68191122
+	RAMFS_MAGIC                                 = 0x858458f6
+	RDTGROUP_SUPER_MAGIC                        = 0x7655821
+	REISERFS_SUPER_MAGIC                        = 0x52654973
+	RENAME_EXCHANGE                             = 0x2
+	RENAME_NOREPLACE                            = 0x1
+	RENAME_WHITEOUT                             = 0x4
+	RLIMIT_AS                                   = 0x9
+	RLIMIT_CORE                                 = 0x4
+	RLIMIT_CPU                                  = 0x0
+	RLIMIT_DATA                                 = 0x2
+	RLIMIT_FSIZE                                = 0x1
+	RLIMIT_LOCKS                                = 0xa
+	RLIMIT_MEMLOCK                              = 0x8
+	RLIMIT_MSGQUEUE                             = 0xc
+	RLIMIT_NICE                                 = 0xd
+	RLIMIT_NOFILE                               = 0x7
+	RLIMIT_NPROC                                = 0x6
+	RLIMIT_RSS                                  = 0x5
+	RLIMIT_RTPRIO                               = 0xe
+	RLIMIT_RTTIME                               = 0xf
+	RLIMIT_SIGPENDING                           = 0xb
+	RLIMIT_STACK                                = 0x3
+	RLIM_INFINITY                               = 0xffffffffffffffff
+	RNDADDENTROPY                               = 0x40085203
+	RNDADDTOENTCNT                              = 0x40045201
+	RNDCLEARPOOL                                = 0x5206
+	RNDGETENTCNT                                = 0x80045200
+	RNDGETPOOL                                  = 0x80085202
+	RNDRESEEDCRNG                               = 0x5207
+	RNDZAPENTCNT                                = 0x5204
+	RTAX_ADVMSS                                 = 0x8
+	RTAX_CC_ALGO                                = 0x10
+	RTAX_CWND                                   = 0x7
+	RTAX_FASTOPEN_NO_COOKIE                     = 0x11
+	RTAX_FEATURES                               = 0xc
+	RTAX_FEATURE_ALLFRAG                        = 0x8
+	RTAX_FEATURE_ECN                            = 0x1
+	RTAX_FEATURE_MASK                           = 0xf
+	RTAX_FEATURE_SACK                           = 0x2
+	RTAX_FEATURE_TIMESTAMP                      = 0x4
+	RTAX_HOPLIMIT                               = 0xa
+	RTAX_INITCWND                               = 0xb
+	RTAX_INITRWND                               = 0xe
+	RTAX_LOCK                                   = 0x1
+	RTAX_MAX                                    = 0x11
+	RTAX_MTU                                    = 0x2
+	RTAX_QUICKACK                               = 0xf
+	RTAX_REORDERING                             = 0x9
+	RTAX_RTO_MIN                                = 0xd
+	RTAX_RTT                                    = 0x4
+	RTAX_RTTVAR                                 = 0x5
+	RTAX_SSTHRESH                               = 0x6
+	RTAX_UNSPEC                                 = 0x0
+	RTAX_WINDOW                                 = 0x3
+	RTA_ALIGNTO                                 = 0x4
+	RTA_MAX                                     = 0x1e
+	RTCF_DIRECTSRC                              = 0x4000000
+	RTCF_DOREDIRECT                             = 0x1000000
+	RTCF_LOG                                    = 0x2000000
+	RTCF_MASQ                                   = 0x400000
+	RTCF_NAT                                    = 0x800000
+	RTCF_VALVE                                  = 0x200000
+	RTC_AF                                      = 0x20
+	RTC_AIE_OFF                                 = 0x7002
+	RTC_AIE_ON                                  = 0x7001
+	RTC_ALM_READ                                = 0x80247008
+	RTC_ALM_SET                                 = 0x40247007
+	RTC_EPOCH_READ                              = 0x8004700d
+	RTC_EPOCH_SET                               = 0x4004700e
+	RTC_IRQF                                    = 0x80
+	RTC_IRQP_READ                               = 0x8004700b
+	RTC_IRQP_SET                                = 0x4004700c
+	RTC_MAX_FREQ                                = 0x2000
+	RTC_PF                                      = 0x40
+	RTC_PIE_OFF                                 = 0x7006
+	RTC_PIE_ON                                  = 0x7005
+	RTC_PLL_GET                                 = 0x801c7011
+	RTC_PLL_SET                                 = 0x401c7012
+	RTC_RD_TIME                                 = 0x80247009
+	RTC_SET_TIME                                = 0x4024700a
+	RTC_UF                                      = 0x10
+	RTC_UIE_OFF                                 = 0x7004
+	RTC_UIE_ON                                  = 0x7003
+	RTC_VL_CLR                                  = 0x7014
+	RTC_VL_READ                                 = 0x80047013
+	RTC_WIE_OFF                                 = 0x7010
+	RTC_WIE_ON                                  = 0x700f
+	RTC_WKALM_RD                                = 0x80287010
+	RTC_WKALM_SET                               = 0x4028700f
+	RTF_ADDRCLASSMASK                           = 0xf8000000
+	RTF_ADDRCONF                                = 0x40000
+	RTF_ALLONLINK                               = 0x20000
+	RTF_BROADCAST                               = 0x10000000
+	RTF_CACHE                                   = 0x1000000
+	RTF_DEFAULT                                 = 0x10000
+	RTF_DYNAMIC                                 = 0x10
+	RTF_FLOW                                    = 0x2000000
+	RTF_GATEWAY                                 = 0x2
+	RTF_HOST                                    = 0x4
+	RTF_INTERFACE                               = 0x40000000
+	RTF_IRTT                                    = 0x100
+	RTF_LINKRT                                  = 0x100000
+	RTF_LOCAL                                   = 0x80000000
+	RTF_MODIFIED                                = 0x20
+	RTF_MSS                                     = 0x40
+	RTF_MTU                                     = 0x40
+	RTF_MULTICAST                               = 0x20000000
+	RTF_NAT                                     = 0x8000000
+	RTF_NOFORWARD                               = 0x1000
+	RTF_NONEXTHOP                               = 0x200000
+	RTF_NOPMTUDISC                              = 0x4000
+	RTF_POLICY                                  = 0x4000000
+	RTF_REINSTATE                               = 0x8
+	RTF_REJECT                                  = 0x200
+	RTF_STATIC                                  = 0x400
+	RTF_THROW                                   = 0x2000
+	RTF_UP                                      = 0x1
+	RTF_WINDOW                                  = 0x80
+	RTF_XRESOLVE                                = 0x800
+	RTM_BASE                                    = 0x10
+	RTM_DELACTION                               = 0x31
+	RTM_DELADDR                                 = 0x15
+	RTM_DELADDRLABEL                            = 0x49
+	RTM_DELCHAIN                                = 0x65
+	RTM_DELLINK                                 = 0x11
+	RTM_DELMDB                                  = 0x55
+	RTM_DELNEIGH                                = 0x1d
+	RTM_DELNETCONF                              = 0x51
+	RTM_DELNEXTHOP                              = 0x69
+	RTM_DELNSID                                 = 0x59
+	RTM_DELQDISC                                = 0x25
+	RTM_DELROUTE                                = 0x19
+	RTM_DELRULE                                 = 0x21
+	RTM_DELTCLASS                               = 0x29
+	RTM_DELTFILTER                              = 0x2d
+	RTM_F_CLONED                                = 0x200
+	RTM_F_EQUALIZE                              = 0x400
+	RTM_F_FIB_MATCH                             = 0x2000
+	RTM_F_LOOKUP_TABLE                          = 0x1000
+	RTM_F_NOTIFY                                = 0x100
+	RTM_F_PREFIX                                = 0x800
+	RTM_GETACTION                               = 0x32
+	RTM_GETADDR                                 = 0x16
+	RTM_GETADDRLABEL                            = 0x4a
+	RTM_GETANYCAST                              = 0x3e
+	RTM_GETCHAIN                                = 0x66
+	RTM_GETDCB                                  = 0x4e
+	RTM_GETLINK                                 = 0x12
+	RTM_GETMDB                                  = 0x56
+	RTM_GETMULTICAST                            = 0x3a
+	RTM_GETNEIGH                                = 0x1e
+	RTM_GETNEIGHTBL                             = 0x42
+	RTM_GETNETCONF                              = 0x52
+	RTM_GETNEXTHOP                              = 0x6a
+	RTM_GETNSID                                 = 0x5a
+	RTM_GETQDISC                                = 0x26
+	RTM_GETROUTE                                = 0x1a
+	RTM_GETRULE                                 = 0x22
+	RTM_GETSTATS                                = 0x5e
+	RTM_GETTCLASS                               = 0x2a
+	RTM_GETTFILTER                              = 0x2e
+	RTM_MAX                                     = 0x6b
+	RTM_NEWACTION                               = 0x30
+	RTM_NEWADDR                                 = 0x14
+	RTM_NEWADDRLABEL                            = 0x48
+	RTM_NEWCACHEREPORT                          = 0x60
+	RTM_NEWCHAIN                                = 0x64
+	RTM_NEWLINK                                 = 0x10
+	RTM_NEWMDB                                  = 0x54
+	RTM_NEWNDUSEROPT                            = 0x44
+	RTM_NEWNEIGH                                = 0x1c
+	RTM_NEWNEIGHTBL                             = 0x40
+	RTM_NEWNETCONF                              = 0x50
+	RTM_NEWNEXTHOP                              = 0x68
+	RTM_NEWNSID                                 = 0x58
+	RTM_NEWPREFIX                               = 0x34
+	RTM_NEWQDISC                                = 0x24
+	RTM_NEWROUTE                                = 0x18
+	RTM_NEWRULE                                 = 0x20
+	RTM_NEWSTATS                                = 0x5c
+	RTM_NEWTCLASS                               = 0x28
+	RTM_NEWTFILTER                              = 0x2c
+	RTM_NR_FAMILIES                             = 0x17
+	RTM_NR_MSGTYPES                             = 0x5c
+	RTM_SETDCB                                  = 0x4f
+	RTM_SETLINK                                 = 0x13
+	RTM_SETNEIGHTBL                             = 0x43
+	RTNH_ALIGNTO                                = 0x4
+	RTNH_COMPARE_MASK                           = 0x19
+	RTNH_F_DEAD                                 = 0x1
+	RTNH_F_LINKDOWN                             = 0x10
+	RTNH_F_OFFLOAD                              = 0x8
+	RTNH_F_ONLINK                               = 0x4
+	RTNH_F_PERVASIVE                            = 0x2
+	RTNH_F_UNRESOLVED                           = 0x20
+	RTN_MAX                                     = 0xb
+	RTPROT_BABEL                                = 0x2a
+	RTPROT_BGP                                  = 0xba
+	RTPROT_BIRD                                 = 0xc
+	RTPROT_BOOT                                 = 0x3
+	RTPROT_DHCP                                 = 0x10
+	RTPROT_DNROUTED                             = 0xd
+	RTPROT_EIGRP                                = 0xc0
+	RTPROT_GATED                                = 0x8
+	RTPROT_ISIS                                 = 0xbb
+	RTPROT_KERNEL                               = 0x2
+	RTPROT_MROUTED                              = 0x11
+	RTPROT_MRT                                  = 0xa
+	RTPROT_NTK                                  = 0xf
+	RTPROT_OSPF                                 = 0xbc
+	RTPROT_RA                                   = 0x9
+	RTPROT_REDIRECT                             = 0x1
+	RTPROT_RIP                                  = 0xbd
+	RTPROT_STATIC                               = 0x4
+	RTPROT_UNSPEC                               = 0x0
+	RTPROT_XORP                                 = 0xe
+	RTPROT_ZEBRA                                = 0xb
+	RT_CLASS_DEFAULT                            = 0xfd
+	RT_CLASS_LOCAL                              = 0xff
+	RT_CLASS_MAIN                               = 0xfe
+	RT_CLASS_MAX                                = 0xff
+	RT_CLASS_UNSPEC                             = 0x0
+	RUSAGE_CHILDREN                             = -0x1
+	RUSAGE_SELF                                 = 0x0
+	RUSAGE_THREAD                               = 0x1
+	SCM_CREDENTIALS                             = 0x2
+	SCM_RIGHTS                                  = 0x1
+	SCM_TIMESTAMP                               = 0x1d
+	SCM_TIMESTAMPING                            = 0x25
+	SCM_TIMESTAMPING_OPT_STATS                  = 0x36
+	SCM_TIMESTAMPING_PKTINFO                    = 0x3a
+	SCM_TIMESTAMPNS                             = 0x23
+	SCM_TXTIME                                  = 0x3d
+	SCM_WIFI_STATUS                             = 0x29
+	SC_LOG_FLUSH                                = 0x100000
+	SECCOMP_MODE_DISABLED                       = 0x0
+	SECCOMP_MODE_FILTER                         = 0x2
+	SECCOMP_MODE_STRICT                         = 0x1
+	SECURITYFS_MAGIC                            = 0x73636673
+	SELINUX_MAGIC                               = 0xf97cff8c
+	SFD_CLOEXEC                                 = 0x80000
+	SFD_NONBLOCK                                = 0x800
+	SHUT_RD                                     = 0x0
+	SHUT_RDWR                                   = 0x2
+	SHUT_WR                                     = 0x1
+	SIOCADDDLCI                                 = 0x8980
+	SIOCADDMULTI                                = 0x8931
+	SIOCADDRT                                   = 0x890b
+	SIOCATMARK                                  = 0x8905
+	SIOCBONDCHANGEACTIVE                        = 0x8995
+	SIOCBONDENSLAVE                             = 0x8990
+	SIOCBONDINFOQUERY                           = 0x8994
+	SIOCBONDRELEASE                             = 0x8991
+	SIOCBONDSETHWADDR                           = 0x8992
+	SIOCBONDSLAVEINFOQUERY                      = 0x8993
+	SIOCBRADDBR                                 = 0x89a0
+	SIOCBRADDIF                                 = 0x89a2
+	SIOCBRDELBR                                 = 0x89a1
+	SIOCBRDELIF                                 = 0x89a3
+	SIOCDARP                                    = 0x8953
+	SIOCDELDLCI                                 = 0x8981
+	SIOCDELMULTI                                = 0x8932
+	SIOCDELRT                                   = 0x890c
+	SIOCDEVPRIVATE                              = 0x89f0
+	SIOCDIFADDR                                 = 0x8936
+	SIOCDRARP                                   = 0x8960
+	SIOCETHTOOL                                 = 0x8946
+	SIOCGARP                                    = 0x8954
+	SIOCGETLINKNAME                             = 0x89e0
+	SIOCGETNODEID                               = 0x89e1
+	SIOCGHWTSTAMP                               = 0x89b1
+	SIOCGIFADDR                                 = 0x8915
+	SIOCGIFBR                                   = 0x8940
+	SIOCGIFBRDADDR                              = 0x8919
+	SIOCGIFCONF                                 = 0x8912
+	SIOCGIFCOUNT                                = 0x8938
+	SIOCGIFDSTADDR                              = 0x8917
+	SIOCGIFENCAP                                = 0x8925
+	SIOCGIFFLAGS                                = 0x8913
+	SIOCGIFHWADDR                               = 0x8927
+	SIOCGIFINDEX                                = 0x8933
+	SIOCGIFMAP                                  = 0x8970
+	SIOCGIFMEM                                  = 0x891f
+	SIOCGIFMETRIC                               = 0x891d
+	SIOCGIFMTU                                  = 0x8921
+	SIOCGIFNAME                                 = 0x8910
+	SIOCGIFNETMASK                              = 0x891b
+	SIOCGIFPFLAGS                               = 0x8935
+	SIOCGIFSLAVE                                = 0x8929
+	SIOCGIFTXQLEN                               = 0x8942
+	SIOCGIFVLAN                                 = 0x8982
+	SIOCGMIIPHY                                 = 0x8947
+	SIOCGMIIREG                                 = 0x8948
+	SIOCGPGRP                                   = 0x8904
+	SIOCGPPPCSTATS                              = 0x89f2
+	SIOCGPPPSTATS                               = 0x89f0
+	SIOCGPPPVER                                 = 0x89f1
+	SIOCGRARP                                   = 0x8961
+	SIOCGSKNS                                   = 0x894c
+	SIOCGSTAMP                                  = 0x8906
+	SIOCGSTAMPNS                                = 0x8907
+	SIOCGSTAMPNS_NEW                            = 0x80108907
+	SIOCGSTAMPNS_OLD                            = 0x8907
+	SIOCGSTAMP_NEW                              = 0x80108906
+	SIOCGSTAMP_OLD                              = 0x8906
+	SIOCINQ                                     = 0x541b
+	SIOCOUTQ                                    = 0x5411
+	SIOCOUTQNSD                                 = 0x894b
+	SIOCPROTOPRIVATE                            = 0x89e0
+	SIOCRTMSG                                   = 0x890d
+	SIOCSARP                                    = 0x8955
+	SIOCSHWTSTAMP                               = 0x89b0
+	SIOCSIFADDR                                 = 0x8916
+	SIOCSIFBR                                   = 0x8941
+	SIOCSIFBRDADDR                              = 0x891a
+	SIOCSIFDSTADDR                              = 0x8918
+	SIOCSIFENCAP                                = 0x8926
+	SIOCSIFFLAGS                                = 0x8914
+	SIOCSIFHWADDR                               = 0x8924
+	SIOCSIFHWBROADCAST                          = 0x8937
+	SIOCSIFLINK                                 = 0x8911
+	SIOCSIFMAP                                  = 0x8971
+	SIOCSIFMEM                                  = 0x8920
+	SIOCSIFMETRIC                               = 0x891e
+	SIOCSIFMTU                                  = 0x8922
+	SIOCSIFNAME                                 = 0x8923
+	SIOCSIFNETMASK                              = 0x891c
+	SIOCSIFPFLAGS                               = 0x8934
+	SIOCSIFSLAVE                                = 0x8930
+	SIOCSIFTXQLEN                               = 0x8943
+	SIOCSIFVLAN                                 = 0x8983
+	SIOCSMIIREG                                 = 0x8949
+	SIOCSPGRP                                   = 0x8902
+	SIOCSRARP                                   = 0x8962
+	SIOCWANDEV                                  = 0x894a
+	SMACK_MAGIC                                 = 0x43415d53
+	SMART_AUTOSAVE                              = 0xd2
+	SMART_AUTO_OFFLINE                          = 0xdb
+	SMART_DISABLE                               = 0xd9
+	SMART_ENABLE                                = 0xd8
+	SMART_HCYL_PASS                             = 0xc2
+	SMART_IMMEDIATE_OFFLINE                     = 0xd4
+	SMART_LCYL_PASS                             = 0x4f
+	SMART_READ_LOG_SECTOR                       = 0xd5
+	SMART_READ_THRESHOLDS                       = 0xd1
+	SMART_READ_VALUES                           = 0xd0
+	SMART_SAVE                                  = 0xd3
+	SMART_STATUS                                = 0xda
+	SMART_WRITE_LOG_SECTOR                      = 0xd6
+	SMART_WRITE_THRESHOLDS                      = 0xd7
+	SMB_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x517b
+	SOCKFS_MAGIC                                = 0x534f434b
+	SOCK_CLOEXEC                                = 0x80000
+	SOCK_DCCP                                   = 0x6
+	SOCK_DGRAM                                  = 0x2
+	SOCK_IOC_TYPE                               = 0x89
+	SOCK_NONBLOCK                               = 0x800
+	SOCK_PACKET                                 = 0xa
+	SOCK_RAW                                    = 0x3
+	SOCK_RDM                                    = 0x4
+	SOCK_SEQPACKET                              = 0x5
+	SOCK_STREAM                                 = 0x1
+	SOL_AAL                                     = 0x109
+	SOL_ALG                                     = 0x117
+	SOL_ATM                                     = 0x108
+	SOL_CAIF                                    = 0x116
+	SOL_CAN_BASE                                = 0x64
+	SOL_DCCP                                    = 0x10d
+	SOL_DECNET                                  = 0x105
+	SOL_ICMPV6                                  = 0x3a
+	SOL_IP                                      = 0x0
+	SOL_IPV6                                    = 0x29
+	SOL_IRDA                                    = 0x10a
+	SOL_IUCV                                    = 0x115
+	SOL_KCM                                     = 0x119
+	SOL_LLC                                     = 0x10c
+	SOL_NETBEUI                                 = 0x10b
+	SOL_NETLINK                                 = 0x10e
+	SOL_NFC                                     = 0x118
+	SOL_PACKET                                  = 0x107
+	SOL_PNPIPE                                  = 0x113
+	SOL_PPPOL2TP                                = 0x111
+	SOL_RAW                                     = 0xff
+	SOL_RDS                                     = 0x114
+	SOL_RXRPC                                   = 0x110
+	SOL_SOCKET                                  = 0x1
+	SOL_TCP                                     = 0x6
+	SOL_TIPC                                    = 0x10f
+	SOL_TLS                                     = 0x11a
+	SOL_X25                                     = 0x106
+	SOL_XDP                                     = 0x11b
+	SOMAXCONN                                   = 0x80
+	SO_ACCEPTCONN                               = 0x1e
+	SO_ATTACH_BPF                               = 0x32
+	SO_ATTACH_FILTER                            = 0x1a
+	SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_CBPF                    = 0x33
+	SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_EBPF                    = 0x34
+	SO_BINDTODEVICE                             = 0x19
+	SO_BINDTOIFINDEX                            = 0x3e
+	SO_BPF_EXTENSIONS                           = 0x30
+	SO_BROADCAST                                = 0x6
+	SO_BSDCOMPAT                                = 0xe
+	SO_BUSY_POLL                                = 0x2e
+	SO_CNX_ADVICE                               = 0x35
+	SO_COOKIE                                   = 0x39
+	SO_DEBUG                                    = 0x1
+	SO_DETACH_BPF                               = 0x1b
+	SO_DETACH_FILTER                            = 0x1b
+	SO_DETACH_REUSEPORT_BPF                     = 0x44
+	SO_DOMAIN                                   = 0x27
+	SO_DONTROUTE                                = 0x5
+	SO_EE_CODE_TXTIME_MISSED                    = 0x2
+	SO_EE_CODE_ZEROCOPY_COPIED                  = 0x1
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_ICMP                           = 0x2
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_ICMP6                          = 0x3
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_LOCAL                          = 0x1
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_NONE                           = 0x0
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_TIMESTAMPING                   = 0x4
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_TXSTATUS                       = 0x4
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_TXTIME                         = 0x6
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_ZEROCOPY                       = 0x5
+	SO_ERROR                                    = 0x4
+	SO_GET_FILTER                               = 0x1a
+	SO_INCOMING_CPU                             = 0x31
+	SO_INCOMING_NAPI_ID                         = 0x38
+	SO_KEEPALIVE                                = 0x9
+	SO_LINGER                                   = 0xd
+	SO_LOCK_FILTER                              = 0x2c
+	SO_MARK                                     = 0x24
+	SO_MAX_PACING_RATE                          = 0x2f
+	SO_MEMINFO                                  = 0x37
+	SO_NOFCS                                    = 0x2b
+	SO_NO_CHECK                                 = 0xb
+	SO_OOBINLINE                                = 0xa
+	SO_PASSCRED                                 = 0x10
+	SO_PASSSEC                                  = 0x22
+	SO_PEEK_OFF                                 = 0x2a
+	SO_PEERCRED                                 = 0x11
+	SO_PEERGROUPS                               = 0x3b
+	SO_PEERNAME                                 = 0x1c
+	SO_PEERSEC                                  = 0x1f
+	SO_PRIORITY                                 = 0xc
+	SO_PROTOCOL                                 = 0x26
+	SO_RCVBUF                                   = 0x8
+	SO_RCVBUFFORCE                              = 0x21
+	SO_RCVLOWAT                                 = 0x12
+	SO_RCVTIMEO                                 = 0x14
+	SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW                             = 0x42
+	SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD                             = 0x14
+	SO_REUSEADDR                                = 0x2
+	SO_REUSEPORT                                = 0xf
+	SO_RXQ_OVFL                                 = 0x28
+	SO_SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION                  = 0x16
+	SO_SELECT_ERR_QUEUE                         = 0x2d
+	SO_SNDBUF                                   = 0x7
+	SO_SNDBUFFORCE                              = 0x20
+	SO_SNDLOWAT                                 = 0x13
+	SO_SNDTIMEO                                 = 0x15
+	SO_SNDTIMEO_NEW                             = 0x43
+	SO_SNDTIMEO_OLD                             = 0x15
+	SO_TIMESTAMP                                = 0x1d
+	SO_TIMESTAMPING                             = 0x25
+	SO_TIMESTAMPING_NEW                         = 0x41
+	SO_TIMESTAMPING_OLD                         = 0x25
+	SO_TIMESTAMPNS                              = 0x23
+	SO_TIMESTAMPNS_NEW                          = 0x40
+	SO_TIMESTAMPNS_OLD                          = 0x23
+	SO_TIMESTAMP_NEW                            = 0x3f
+	SO_TIMESTAMP_OLD                            = 0x1d
+	SO_TXTIME                                   = 0x3d
+	SO_TYPE                                     = 0x3
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE               = 0x2
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_BUFFER_MIN_SIZE               = 0x1
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_BUFFER_SIZE                   = 0x0
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_CONNECT_TIMEOUT               = 0x6
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_NONBLOCK_TXRX                 = 0x7
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_PEER_HOST_VM_ID               = 0x3
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_TRUSTED                       = 0x5
+	SO_WIFI_STATUS                              = 0x29
+	SO_ZEROCOPY                                 = 0x3c
+	SPLICE_F_GIFT                               = 0x8
+	SPLICE_F_MORE                               = 0x4
+	SPLICE_F_MOVE                               = 0x1
+	SPLICE_F_NONBLOCK                           = 0x2
+	SQUASHFS_MAGIC                              = 0x73717368
+	STACK_END_MAGIC                             = 0x57ac6e9d
+	STATX_ALL                                   = 0xfff
+	STATX_ATIME                                 = 0x20
+	STATX_ATTR_APPEND                           = 0x20
+	STATX_ATTR_AUTOMOUNT                        = 0x1000
+	STATX_ATTR_COMPRESSED                       = 0x4
+	STATX_ATTR_ENCRYPTED                        = 0x800
+	STATX_ATTR_IMMUTABLE                        = 0x10
+	STATX_ATTR_NODUMP                           = 0x40
+	STATX_BASIC_STATS                           = 0x7ff
+	STATX_BLOCKS                                = 0x400
+	STATX_BTIME                                 = 0x800
+	STATX_CTIME                                 = 0x80
+	STATX_GID                                   = 0x10
+	STATX_INO                                   = 0x100
+	STATX_MODE                                  = 0x2
+	STATX_MTIME                                 = 0x40
+	STATX_NLINK                                 = 0x4
+	STATX_SIZE                                  = 0x200
+	STATX_TYPE                                  = 0x1
+	STATX_UID                                   = 0x8
+	STATX__RESERVED                             = 0x80000000
+	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WAIT_AFTER                  = 0x4
+	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WAIT_BEFORE                 = 0x1
+	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WRITE                       = 0x2
+	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WRITE_AND_WAIT              = 0x7
+	SYSFS_MAGIC                                 = 0x62656572
+	S_BLKSIZE                                   = 0x200
+	S_IEXEC                                     = 0x40
+	S_IFBLK                                     = 0x6000
+	S_IFCHR                                     = 0x2000
+	S_IFDIR                                     = 0x4000
+	S_IFIFO                                     = 0x1000
+	S_IFLNK                                     = 0xa000
+	S_IFMT                                      = 0xf000
+	S_IFREG                                     = 0x8000
+	S_IFSOCK                                    = 0xc000
+	S_IREAD                                     = 0x100
+	S_IRGRP                                     = 0x20
+	S_IROTH                                     = 0x4
+	S_IRUSR                                     = 0x100
+	S_IRWXG                                     = 0x38
+	S_IRWXO                                     = 0x7
+	S_IRWXU                                     = 0x1c0
+	S_ISGID                                     = 0x400
+	S_ISUID                                     = 0x800
+	S_ISVTX                                     = 0x200
+	S_IWGRP                                     = 0x10
+	S_IWOTH                                     = 0x2
+	S_IWRITE                                    = 0x80
+	S_IWUSR                                     = 0x80
+	S_IXGRP                                     = 0x8
+	S_IXOTH                                     = 0x1
+	S_IXUSR                                     = 0x40
+	TAB0                                        = 0x0
+	TAB1                                        = 0x800
+	TAB2                                        = 0x1000
+	TAB3                                        = 0x1800
+	TABDLY                                      = 0x1800
+	TASKSTATS_CMD_ATTR_MAX                      = 0x4
+	TASKSTATS_CMD_MAX                           = 0x2
+	TASKSTATS_GENL_NAME                         = "TASKSTATS"
+	TASKSTATS_GENL_VERSION                      = 0x1
+	TASKSTATS_TYPE_MAX                          = 0x6
+	TASKSTATS_VERSION                           = 0x9
+	TCFLSH                                      = 0x540b
+	TCGETA                                      = 0x5405
+	TCGETS                                      = 0x5401
+	TCGETS2                                     = 0x802c542a
+	TCGETX                                      = 0x5432
+	TCIFLUSH                                    = 0x0
+	TCIOFF                                      = 0x2
+	TCIOFLUSH                                   = 0x2
+	TCION                                       = 0x3
+	TCOFLUSH                                    = 0x1
+	TCOOFF                                      = 0x0
+	TCOON                                       = 0x1
+	TCP_BPF_IW                                  = 0x3e9
+	TCP_BPF_SNDCWND_CLAMP                       = 0x3ea
+	TCP_CC_INFO                                 = 0x1a
+	TCP_CM_INQ                                  = 0x24
+	TCP_CONGESTION                              = 0xd
+	TCP_COOKIE_IN_ALWAYS                        = 0x1
+	TCP_COOKIE_MAX                              = 0x10
+	TCP_COOKIE_MIN                              = 0x8
+	TCP_COOKIE_OUT_NEVER                        = 0x2
+	TCP_COOKIE_PAIR_SIZE                        = 0x20
+	TCP_COOKIE_TRANSACTIONS                     = 0xf
+	TCP_CORK                                    = 0x3
+	TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT                            = 0x9
+	TCP_FASTOPEN                                = 0x17
+	TCP_FASTOPEN_CONNECT                        = 0x1e
+	TCP_FASTOPEN_KEY                            = 0x21
+	TCP_FASTOPEN_NO_COOKIE                      = 0x22
+	TCP_INFO                                    = 0xb
+	TCP_INQ                                     = 0x24
+	TCP_KEEPCNT                                 = 0x6
+	TCP_KEEPIDLE                                = 0x4
+	TCP_KEEPINTVL                               = 0x5
+	TCP_LINGER2                                 = 0x8
+	TCP_MAXSEG                                  = 0x2
+	TCP_MAXWIN                                  = 0xffff
+	TCP_MAX_WINSHIFT                            = 0xe
+	TCP_MD5SIG                                  = 0xe
+	TCP_MD5SIG_EXT                              = 0x20
+	TCP_MD5SIG_FLAG_PREFIX                      = 0x1
+	TCP_MD5SIG_MAXKEYLEN                        = 0x50
+	TCP_MSS                                     = 0x200
+	TCP_MSS_DEFAULT                             = 0x218
+	TCP_MSS_DESIRED                             = 0x4c4
+	TCP_NODELAY                                 = 0x1
+	TCP_NOTSENT_LOWAT                           = 0x19
+	TCP_QUEUE_SEQ                               = 0x15
+	TCP_QUICKACK                                = 0xc
+	TCP_REPAIR                                  = 0x13
+	TCP_REPAIR_OFF                              = 0x0
+	TCP_REPAIR_OFF_NO_WP                        = -0x1
+	TCP_REPAIR_ON                               = 0x1
+	TCP_REPAIR_OPTIONS                          = 0x16
+	TCP_REPAIR_QUEUE                            = 0x14
+	TCP_REPAIR_WINDOW                           = 0x1d
+	TCP_SAVED_SYN                               = 0x1c
+	TCP_SAVE_SYN                                = 0x1b
+	TCP_SYNCNT                                  = 0x7
+	TCP_S_DATA_IN                               = 0x4
+	TCP_S_DATA_OUT                              = 0x8
+	TCP_THIN_DUPACK                             = 0x11
+	TCP_THIN_LINEAR_TIMEOUTS                    = 0x10
+	TCP_TIMESTAMP                               = 0x18
+	TCP_ULP                                     = 0x1f
+	TCP_USER_TIMEOUT                            = 0x12
+	TCP_WINDOW_CLAMP                            = 0xa
+	TCP_ZEROCOPY_RECEIVE                        = 0x23
+	TCSAFLUSH                                   = 0x2
+	TCSBRK                                      = 0x5409
+	TCSBRKP                                     = 0x5425
+	TCSETA                                      = 0x5406
+	TCSETAF                                     = 0x5408
+	TCSETAW                                     = 0x5407
+	TCSETS                                      = 0x5402
+	TCSETS2                                     = 0x402c542b
+	TCSETSF                                     = 0x5404
+	TCSETSF2                                    = 0x402c542d
+	TCSETSW                                     = 0x5403
+	TCSETSW2                                    = 0x402c542c
+	TCSETX                                      = 0x5433
+	TCSETXF                                     = 0x5434
+	TCSETXW                                     = 0x5435
+	TCXONC                                      = 0x540a
+	TIMER_ABSTIME                               = 0x1
+	TIOCCBRK                                    = 0x5428
+	TIOCCONS                                    = 0x541d
+	TIOCEXCL                                    = 0x540c
+	TIOCGDEV                                    = 0x80045432
+	TIOCGETD                                    = 0x5424
+	TIOCGEXCL                                   = 0x80045440
+	TIOCGICOUNT                                 = 0x545d
+	TIOCGISO7816                                = 0x80285442
+	TIOCGLCKTRMIOS                              = 0x5456
+	TIOCGPGRP                                   = 0x540f
+	TIOCGPKT                                    = 0x80045438
+	TIOCGPTLCK                                  = 0x80045439
+	TIOCGPTN                                    = 0x80045430
+	TIOCGPTPEER                                 = 0x5441
+	TIOCGRS485                                  = 0x542e
+	TIOCGSERIAL                                 = 0x541e
+	TIOCGSID                                    = 0x5429
+	TIOCGSOFTCAR                                = 0x5419
+	TIOCGWINSZ                                  = 0x5413
+	TIOCINQ                                     = 0x541b
+	TIOCLINUX                                   = 0x541c
+	TIOCMBIC                                    = 0x5417
+	TIOCMBIS                                    = 0x5416
+	TIOCMGET                                    = 0x5415
+	TIOCMIWAIT                                  = 0x545c
+	TIOCMSET                                    = 0x5418
+	TIOCM_CAR                                   = 0x40
+	TIOCM_CD                                    = 0x40
+	TIOCM_CTS                                   = 0x20
+	TIOCM_DSR                                   = 0x100
+	TIOCM_DTR                                   = 0x2
+	TIOCM_LE                                    = 0x1
+	TIOCM_RI                                    = 0x80
+	TIOCM_RNG                                   = 0x80
+	TIOCM_RTS                                   = 0x4
+	TIOCM_SR                                    = 0x10
+	TIOCM_ST                                    = 0x8
+	TIOCNOTTY                                   = 0x5422
+	TIOCNXCL                                    = 0x540d
+	TIOCOUTQ                                    = 0x5411
+	TIOCPKT                                     = 0x5420
+	TIOCPKT_DATA                                = 0x0
+	TIOCPKT_DOSTOP                              = 0x20
+	TIOCPKT_FLUSHREAD                           = 0x1
+	TIOCPKT_FLUSHWRITE                          = 0x2
+	TIOCPKT_IOCTL                               = 0x40
+	TIOCPKT_NOSTOP                              = 0x10
+	TIOCPKT_START                               = 0x8
+	TIOCPKT_STOP                                = 0x4
+	TIOCSBRK                                    = 0x5427
+	TIOCSCTTY                                   = 0x540e
+	TIOCSERCONFIG                               = 0x5453
+	TIOCSERGETLSR                               = 0x5459
+	TIOCSERGETMULTI                             = 0x545a
+	TIOCSERGSTRUCT                              = 0x5458
+	TIOCSERGWILD                                = 0x5454
+	TIOCSERSETMULTI                             = 0x545b
+	TIOCSERSWILD                                = 0x5455
+	TIOCSER_TEMT                                = 0x1
+	TIOCSETD                                    = 0x5423
+	TIOCSIG                                     = 0x40045436
+	TIOCSISO7816                                = 0xc0285443
+	TIOCSLCKTRMIOS                              = 0x5457
+	TIOCSPGRP                                   = 0x5410
+	TIOCSPTLCK                                  = 0x40045431
+	TIOCSRS485                                  = 0x542f
+	TIOCSSERIAL                                 = 0x541f
+	TIOCSSOFTCAR                                = 0x541a
+	TIOCSTI                                     = 0x5412
+	TIOCSWINSZ                                  = 0x5414
+	TIOCVHANGUP                                 = 0x5437
+	TIPC_ADDR_ID                                = 0x3
+	TIPC_ADDR_MCAST                             = 0x1
+	TIPC_ADDR_NAME                              = 0x2
+	TIPC_ADDR_NAMESEQ                           = 0x1
+	TIPC_CFG_SRV                                = 0x0
+	TIPC_CLUSTER_BITS                           = 0xc
+	TIPC_CLUSTER_MASK                           = 0xfff000
+	TIPC_CLUSTER_OFFSET                         = 0xc
+	TIPC_CLUSTER_SIZE                           = 0xfff
+	TIPC_CONN_SHUTDOWN                          = 0x5
+	TIPC_CONN_TIMEOUT                           = 0x82
+	TIPC_CRITICAL_IMPORTANCE                    = 0x3
+	TIPC_DESTNAME                               = 0x3
+	TIPC_DEST_DROPPABLE                         = 0x81
+	TIPC_ERRINFO                                = 0x1
+	TIPC_ERR_NO_NAME                            = 0x1
+	TIPC_ERR_NO_NODE                            = 0x3
+	TIPC_ERR_NO_PORT                            = 0x2
+	TIPC_ERR_OVERLOAD                           = 0x4
+	TIPC_GROUP_JOIN                             = 0x87
+	TIPC_GROUP_LEAVE                            = 0x88
+	TIPC_GROUP_LOOPBACK                         = 0x1
+	TIPC_GROUP_MEMBER_EVTS                      = 0x2
+	TIPC_HIGH_IMPORTANCE                        = 0x2
+	TIPC_IMPORTANCE                             = 0x7f
+	TIPC_LINK_STATE                             = 0x2
+	TIPC_LOW_IMPORTANCE                         = 0x0
+	TIPC_MAX_BEARER_NAME                        = 0x20
+	TIPC_MAX_IF_NAME                            = 0x10
+	TIPC_MAX_LINK_NAME                          = 0x44
+	TIPC_MAX_MEDIA_NAME                         = 0x10
+	TIPC_MAX_USER_MSG_SIZE                      = 0x101d0
+	TIPC_MCAST_BROADCAST                        = 0x85
+	TIPC_MCAST_REPLICAST                        = 0x86
+	TIPC_MEDIUM_IMPORTANCE                      = 0x1
+	TIPC_NODEID_LEN                             = 0x10
+	TIPC_NODE_BITS                              = 0xc
+	TIPC_NODE_MASK                              = 0xfff
+	TIPC_NODE_OFFSET                            = 0x0
+	TIPC_NODE_RECVQ_DEPTH                       = 0x83
+	TIPC_NODE_SIZE                              = 0xfff
+	TIPC_NODE_STATE                             = 0x0
+	TIPC_OK                                     = 0x0
+	TIPC_PUBLISHED                              = 0x1
+	TIPC_RESERVED_TYPES                         = 0x40
+	TIPC_RETDATA                                = 0x2
+	TIPC_SERVICE_ADDR                           = 0x2
+	TIPC_SERVICE_RANGE                          = 0x1
+	TIPC_SOCKET_ADDR                            = 0x3
+	TIPC_SOCK_RECVQ_DEPTH                       = 0x84
+	TIPC_SOCK_RECVQ_USED                        = 0x89
+	TIPC_SRC_DROPPABLE                          = 0x80
+	TIPC_SUBSCR_TIMEOUT                         = 0x3
+	TIPC_SUB_CANCEL                             = 0x4
+	TIPC_SUB_PORTS                              = 0x1
+	TIPC_SUB_SERVICE                            = 0x2
+	TIPC_TOP_SRV                                = 0x1
+	TIPC_WAIT_FOREVER                           = 0xffffffff
+	TIPC_WITHDRAWN                              = 0x2
+	TIPC_ZONE_BITS                              = 0x8
+	TIPC_ZONE_CLUSTER_MASK                      = 0xfffff000
+	TIPC_ZONE_MASK                              = 0xff000000
+	TIPC_ZONE_OFFSET                            = 0x18
+	TIPC_ZONE_SCOPE                             = 0x1
+	TIPC_ZONE_SIZE                              = 0xff
+	TMPFS_MAGIC                                 = 0x1021994
+	TOSTOP                                      = 0x100
+	TPACKET_ALIGNMENT                           = 0x10
+	TPACKET_HDRLEN                              = 0x34
+	TP_STATUS_AVAILABLE                         = 0x0
+	TP_STATUS_BLK_TMO                           = 0x20
+	TP_STATUS_COPY                              = 0x2
+	TP_STATUS_CSUMNOTREADY                      = 0x8
+	TP_STATUS_CSUM_VALID                        = 0x80
+	TP_STATUS_KERNEL                            = 0x0
+	TP_STATUS_LOSING                            = 0x4
+	TP_STATUS_SENDING                           = 0x2
+	TP_STATUS_SEND_REQUEST                      = 0x1
+	TP_STATUS_TS_RAW_HARDWARE                   = 0x80000000
+	TP_STATUS_TS_SOFTWARE                       = 0x20000000
+	TP_STATUS_TS_SYS_HARDWARE                   = 0x40000000
+	TP_STATUS_USER                              = 0x1
+	TP_STATUS_VLAN_TPID_VALID                   = 0x40
+	TP_STATUS_VLAN_VALID                        = 0x10
+	TP_STATUS_WRONG_FORMAT                      = 0x4
+	TRACEFS_MAGIC                               = 0x74726163
+	TS_COMM_LEN                                 = 0x20
+	TUNATTACHFILTER                             = 0x400854d5
+	TUNDETACHFILTER                             = 0x400854d6
+	TUNGETDEVNETNS                              = 0x54e3
+	TUNGETFEATURES                              = 0x800454cf
+	TUNGETFILTER                                = 0x800854db
+	TUNGETIFF                                   = 0x800454d2
+	TUNGETSNDBUF                                = 0x800454d3
+	TUNGETVNETBE                                = 0x800454df
+	TUNGETVNETHDRSZ                             = 0x800454d7
+	TUNGETVNETLE                                = 0x800454dd
+	TUNSETCARRIER                               = 0x400454e2
+	TUNSETDEBUG                                 = 0x400454c9
+	TUNSETFILTEREBPF                            = 0x800454e1
+	TUNSETGROUP                                 = 0x400454ce
+	TUNSETIFF                                   = 0x400454ca
+	TUNSETIFINDEX                               = 0x400454da
+	TUNSETLINK                                  = 0x400454cd
+	TUNSETNOCSUM                                = 0x400454c8
+	TUNSETOFFLOAD                               = 0x400454d0
+	TUNSETOWNER                                 = 0x400454cc
+	TUNSETPERSIST                               = 0x400454cb
+	TUNSETQUEUE                                 = 0x400454d9
+	TUNSETSNDBUF                                = 0x400454d4
+	TUNSETSTEERINGEBPF                          = 0x800454e0
+	TUNSETTXFILTER                              = 0x400454d1
+	TUNSETVNETBE                                = 0x400454de
+	TUNSETVNETHDRSZ                             = 0x400454d8
+	TUNSETVNETLE                                = 0x400454dc
+	UBI_IOCATT                                  = 0x40186f40
+	UBI_IOCDET                                  = 0x40046f41
+	UBI_IOCEBCH                                 = 0x40044f02
+	UBI_IOCEBER                                 = 0x40044f01
+	UBI_IOCEBISMAP                              = 0x80044f05
+	UBI_IOCEBMAP                                = 0x40084f03
+	UBI_IOCEBUNMAP                              = 0x40044f04
+	UBI_IOCMKVOL                                = 0x40986f00
+	UBI_IOCRMVOL                                = 0x40046f01
+	UBI_IOCRNVOL                                = 0x51106f03
+	UBI_IOCRPEB                                 = 0x40046f04
+	UBI_IOCRSVOL                                = 0x400c6f02
+	UBI_IOCSETVOLPROP                           = 0x40104f06
+	UBI_IOCSPEB                                 = 0x40046f05
+	UBI_IOCVOLCRBLK                             = 0x40804f07
+	UBI_IOCVOLRMBLK                             = 0x4f08
+	UBI_IOCVOLUP                                = 0x40084f00
+	UDF_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x15013346
+	UMOUNT_NOFOLLOW                             = 0x8
+	USBDEVICE_SUPER_MAGIC                       = 0x9fa2
+	UTIME_NOW                                   = 0x3fffffff
+	UTIME_OMIT                                  = 0x3ffffffe
+	V9FS_MAGIC                                  = 0x1021997
+	VDISCARD                                    = 0xd
+	VEOF                                        = 0x4
+	VEOL                                        = 0xb
+	VEOL2                                       = 0x10
+	VERASE                                      = 0x2
+	VINTR                                       = 0x0
+	VKILL                                       = 0x3
+	VLNEXT                                      = 0xf
+	VMADDR_CID_ANY                              = 0xffffffff
+	VMADDR_CID_HOST                             = 0x2
+	VMADDR_CID_HYPERVISOR                       = 0x0
+	VMADDR_CID_RESERVED                         = 0x1
+	VMADDR_PORT_ANY                             = 0xffffffff
+	VMIN                                        = 0x6
+	VM_SOCKETS_INVALID_VERSION                  = 0xffffffff
+	VQUIT                                       = 0x1
+	VREPRINT                                    = 0xc
+	VSTART                                      = 0x8
+	VSTOP                                       = 0x9
+	VSUSP                                       = 0xa
+	VSWTC                                       = 0x7
+	VT0                                         = 0x0
+	VT1                                         = 0x4000
+	VTDLY                                       = 0x4000
+	VTIME                                       = 0x5
+	VWERASE                                     = 0xe
+	WALL                                        = 0x40000000
+	WCLONE                                      = 0x80000000
+	WCONTINUED                                  = 0x8
+	WDIOC_GETBOOTSTATUS                         = 0x80045702
+	WDIOC_GETPRETIMEOUT                         = 0x80045709
+	WDIOC_GETSTATUS                             = 0x80045701
+	WDIOC_GETSUPPORT                            = 0x80285700
+	WDIOC_GETTEMP                               = 0x80045703
+	WDIOC_GETTIMELEFT                           = 0x8004570a
+	WDIOC_GETTIMEOUT                            = 0x80045707
+	WDIOC_KEEPALIVE                             = 0x80045705
+	WDIOC_SETOPTIONS                            = 0x80045704
+	WDIOC_SETPRETIMEOUT                         = 0xc0045708
+	WDIOC_SETTIMEOUT                            = 0xc0045706
+	WEXITED                                     = 0x4
+	WIN_ACKMEDIACHANGE                          = 0xdb
+	WIN_CHECKPOWERMODE1                         = 0xe5
+	WIN_CHECKPOWERMODE2                         = 0x98
+	WIN_DEVICE_RESET                            = 0x8
+	WIN_DIAGNOSE                                = 0x90
+	WIN_DOORLOCK                                = 0xde
+	WIN_DOORUNLOCK                              = 0xdf
+	WIN_DOWNLOAD_MICROCODE                      = 0x92
+	WIN_FLUSH_CACHE                             = 0xe7
+	WIN_FLUSH_CACHE_EXT                         = 0xea
+	WIN_FORMAT                                  = 0x50
+	WIN_GETMEDIASTATUS                          = 0xda
+	WIN_IDENTIFY                                = 0xec
+	WIN_IDENTIFY_DMA                            = 0xee
+	WIN_IDLEIMMEDIATE                           = 0xe1
+	WIN_INIT                                    = 0x60
+	WIN_MEDIAEJECT                              = 0xed
+	WIN_MULTREAD                                = 0xc4
+	WIN_MULTREAD_EXT                            = 0x29
+	WIN_MULTWRITE                               = 0xc5
+	WIN_MULTWRITE_EXT                           = 0x39
+	WIN_NOP                                     = 0x0
+	WIN_PACKETCMD                               = 0xa0
+	WIN_PIDENTIFY                               = 0xa1
+	WIN_POSTBOOT                                = 0xdc
+	WIN_PREBOOT                                 = 0xdd
+	WIN_QUEUED_SERVICE                          = 0xa2
+	WIN_READ                                    = 0x20
+	WIN_READDMA                                 = 0xc8
+	WIN_READDMA_EXT                             = 0x25
+	WIN_READDMA_ONCE                            = 0xc9
+	WIN_READDMA_QUEUED                          = 0xc7
+	WIN_READDMA_QUEUED_EXT                      = 0x26
+	WIN_READ_BUFFER                             = 0xe4
+	WIN_READ_EXT                                = 0x24
+	WIN_READ_LONG                               = 0x22
+	WIN_READ_LONG_ONCE                          = 0x23
+	WIN_READ_NATIVE_MAX                         = 0xf8
+	WIN_READ_NATIVE_MAX_EXT                     = 0x27
+	WIN_READ_ONCE                               = 0x21
+	WIN_RECAL                                   = 0x10
+	WIN_RESTORE                                 = 0x10
+	WIN_SECURITY_DISABLE                        = 0xf6
+	WIN_SECURITY_ERASE_PREPARE                  = 0xf3
+	WIN_SECURITY_ERASE_UNIT                     = 0xf4
+	WIN_SECURITY_FREEZE_LOCK                    = 0xf5
+	WIN_SECURITY_SET_PASS                       = 0xf1
+	WIN_SECURITY_UNLOCK                         = 0xf2
+	WIN_SEEK                                    = 0x70
+	WIN_SETFEATURES                             = 0xef
+	WIN_SETIDLE1                                = 0xe3
+	WIN_SETIDLE2                                = 0x97
+	WIN_SETMULT                                 = 0xc6
+	WIN_SET_MAX                                 = 0xf9
+	WIN_SET_MAX_EXT                             = 0x37
+	WIN_SLEEPNOW1                               = 0xe6
+	WIN_SLEEPNOW2                               = 0x99
+	WIN_SMART                                   = 0xb0
+	WIN_SPECIFY                                 = 0x91
+	WIN_SRST                                    = 0x8
+	WIN_STANDBY                                 = 0xe2
+	WIN_STANDBY2                                = 0x96
+	WIN_STANDBYNOW1                             = 0xe0
+	WIN_STANDBYNOW2                             = 0x94
+	WIN_VERIFY                                  = 0x40
+	WIN_VERIFY_EXT                              = 0x42
+	WIN_VERIFY_ONCE                             = 0x41
+	WIN_WRITE                                   = 0x30
+	WIN_WRITEDMA                                = 0xca
+	WIN_WRITEDMA_EXT                            = 0x35
+	WIN_WRITEDMA_ONCE                           = 0xcb
+	WIN_WRITEDMA_QUEUED                         = 0xcc
+	WIN_WRITEDMA_QUEUED_EXT                     = 0x36
+	WIN_WRITE_BUFFER                            = 0xe8
+	WIN_WRITE_EXT                               = 0x34
+	WIN_WRITE_LONG                              = 0x32
+	WIN_WRITE_LONG_ONCE                         = 0x33
+	WIN_WRITE_ONCE                              = 0x31
+	WIN_WRITE_SAME                              = 0xe9
+	WIN_WRITE_VERIFY                            = 0x3c
+	WNOHANG                                     = 0x1
+	WNOTHREAD                                   = 0x20000000
+	WNOWAIT                                     = 0x1000000
+	WORDSIZE                                    = 0x20
+	WSTOPPED                                    = 0x2
+	WUNTRACED                                   = 0x2
+	X86_FXSR_MAGIC                              = 0x0
+	XATTR_CREATE                                = 0x1
+	XATTR_REPLACE                               = 0x2
+	XCASE                                       = 0x4
+	XDP_COPY                                    = 0x2
+	XDP_FLAGS_DRV_MODE                          = 0x4
+	XDP_FLAGS_HW_MODE                           = 0x8
+	XDP_FLAGS_MASK                              = 0xf
+	XDP_FLAGS_MODES                             = 0xe
+	XDP_FLAGS_SKB_MODE                          = 0x2
+	XDP_FLAGS_UPDATE_IF_NOEXIST                 = 0x1
+	XDP_MMAP_OFFSETS                            = 0x1
+	XDP_OPTIONS                                 = 0x8
+	XDP_OPTIONS_ZEROCOPY                        = 0x1
+	XDP_PACKET_HEADROOM                         = 0x100
+	XDP_PGOFF_RX_RING                           = 0x0
+	XDP_PGOFF_TX_RING                           = 0x80000000
+	XDP_RING_NEED_WAKEUP                        = 0x1
+	XDP_RX_RING                                 = 0x2
+	XDP_SHARED_UMEM                             = 0x1
+	XDP_STATISTICS                              = 0x7
+	XDP_TX_RING                                 = 0x3
+	XDP_UMEM_COMPLETION_RING                    = 0x6
+	XDP_UMEM_FILL_RING                          = 0x5
+	XDP_UMEM_PGOFF_COMPLETION_RING              = 0x180000000
+	XDP_UMEM_PGOFF_FILL_RING                    = 0x100000000
+	XDP_UMEM_REG                                = 0x4
+	XDP_UMEM_UNALIGNED_CHUNK_FLAG               = 0x1
+	XDP_USE_NEED_WAKEUP                         = 0x8
+	XDP_ZEROCOPY                                = 0x4
+	XENFS_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0xabba1974
+	XFS_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x58465342
+	XTABS                                       = 0x1800
+	Z3FOLD_MAGIC                                = 0x33
+	ZSMALLOC_MAGIC                              = 0x58295829
 // Errors
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_amd64.go
index 9c4e19f..47622b9 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_amd64.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_amd64.go
@@ -11,2658 +11,2814 @@ package unix
 import "syscall"
 const (
-	AAFS_MAGIC                           = 0x5a3c69f0
-	ADFS_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xadf5
-	AFFS_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xadff
-	AFS_FS_MAGIC                         = 0x6b414653
-	AFS_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x5346414f
-	AF_ALG                               = 0x26
-	AF_APPLETALK                         = 0x5
-	AF_ASH                               = 0x12
-	AF_ATMPVC                            = 0x8
-	AF_ATMSVC                            = 0x14
-	AF_AX25                              = 0x3
-	AF_BLUETOOTH                         = 0x1f
-	AF_BRIDGE                            = 0x7
-	AF_CAIF                              = 0x25
-	AF_CAN                               = 0x1d
-	AF_DECnet                            = 0xc
-	AF_ECONET                            = 0x13
-	AF_FILE                              = 0x1
-	AF_IB                                = 0x1b
-	AF_IEEE802154                        = 0x24
-	AF_INET                              = 0x2
-	AF_INET6                             = 0xa
-	AF_IPX                               = 0x4
-	AF_IRDA                              = 0x17
-	AF_ISDN                              = 0x22
-	AF_IUCV                              = 0x20
-	AF_KCM                               = 0x29
-	AF_KEY                               = 0xf
-	AF_LLC                               = 0x1a
-	AF_LOCAL                             = 0x1
-	AF_MAX                               = 0x2d
-	AF_MPLS                              = 0x1c
-	AF_NETBEUI                           = 0xd
-	AF_NETLINK                           = 0x10
-	AF_NETROM                            = 0x6
-	AF_NFC                               = 0x27
-	AF_PACKET                            = 0x11
-	AF_PHONET                            = 0x23
-	AF_PPPOX                             = 0x18
-	AF_QIPCRTR                           = 0x2a
-	AF_RDS                               = 0x15
-	AF_ROSE                              = 0xb
-	AF_ROUTE                             = 0x10
-	AF_RXRPC                             = 0x21
-	AF_SECURITY                          = 0xe
-	AF_SMC                               = 0x2b
-	AF_SNA                               = 0x16
-	AF_TIPC                              = 0x1e
-	AF_UNIX                              = 0x1
-	AF_UNSPEC                            = 0x0
-	AF_VSOCK                             = 0x28
-	AF_WANPIPE                           = 0x19
-	AF_X25                               = 0x9
-	AF_XDP                               = 0x2c
-	ALG_OP_DECRYPT                       = 0x0
-	ALG_OP_ENCRYPT                       = 0x1
-	ALG_SET_AEAD_ASSOCLEN                = 0x4
-	ALG_SET_AEAD_AUTHSIZE                = 0x5
-	ALG_SET_IV                           = 0x2
-	ALG_SET_KEY                          = 0x1
-	ALG_SET_OP                           = 0x3
-	ANON_INODE_FS_MAGIC                  = 0x9041934
-	ARPHRD_6LOWPAN                       = 0x339
-	ARPHRD_ADAPT                         = 0x108
-	ARPHRD_APPLETLK                      = 0x8
-	ARPHRD_ARCNET                        = 0x7
-	ARPHRD_ASH                           = 0x30d
-	ARPHRD_ATM                           = 0x13
-	ARPHRD_AX25                          = 0x3
-	ARPHRD_BIF                           = 0x307
-	ARPHRD_CAIF                          = 0x336
-	ARPHRD_CAN                           = 0x118
-	ARPHRD_CHAOS                         = 0x5
-	ARPHRD_CISCO                         = 0x201
-	ARPHRD_CSLIP                         = 0x101
-	ARPHRD_CSLIP6                        = 0x103
-	ARPHRD_DDCMP                         = 0x205
-	ARPHRD_DLCI                          = 0xf
-	ARPHRD_ECONET                        = 0x30e
-	ARPHRD_EETHER                        = 0x2
-	ARPHRD_ETHER                         = 0x1
-	ARPHRD_EUI64                         = 0x1b
-	ARPHRD_FCAL                          = 0x311
-	ARPHRD_FCFABRIC                      = 0x313
-	ARPHRD_FCPL                          = 0x312
-	ARPHRD_FCPP                          = 0x310
-	ARPHRD_FDDI                          = 0x306
-	ARPHRD_FRAD                          = 0x302
-	ARPHRD_HDLC                          = 0x201
-	ARPHRD_HIPPI                         = 0x30c
-	ARPHRD_HWX25                         = 0x110
-	ARPHRD_IEEE1394                      = 0x18
-	ARPHRD_IEEE802                       = 0x6
-	ARPHRD_IEEE80211                     = 0x321
-	ARPHRD_IEEE80211_PRISM               = 0x322
-	ARPHRD_IEEE80211_RADIOTAP            = 0x323
-	ARPHRD_IEEE802154                    = 0x324
-	ARPHRD_IEEE802154_MONITOR            = 0x325
-	ARPHRD_IEEE802_TR                    = 0x320
-	ARPHRD_INFINIBAND                    = 0x20
-	ARPHRD_IP6GRE                        = 0x337
-	ARPHRD_IPDDP                         = 0x309
-	ARPHRD_IPGRE                         = 0x30a
-	ARPHRD_IRDA                          = 0x30f
-	ARPHRD_LAPB                          = 0x204
-	ARPHRD_LOCALTLK                      = 0x305
-	ARPHRD_LOOPBACK                      = 0x304
-	ARPHRD_METRICOM                      = 0x17
-	ARPHRD_NETLINK                       = 0x338
-	ARPHRD_NETROM                        = 0x0
-	ARPHRD_NONE                          = 0xfffe
-	ARPHRD_PHONET                        = 0x334
-	ARPHRD_PHONET_PIPE                   = 0x335
-	ARPHRD_PIMREG                        = 0x30b
-	ARPHRD_PPP                           = 0x200
-	ARPHRD_PRONET                        = 0x4
-	ARPHRD_RAWHDLC                       = 0x206
-	ARPHRD_RAWIP                         = 0x207
-	ARPHRD_ROSE                          = 0x10e
-	ARPHRD_RSRVD                         = 0x104
-	ARPHRD_SIT                           = 0x308
-	ARPHRD_SKIP                          = 0x303
-	ARPHRD_SLIP                          = 0x100
-	ARPHRD_SLIP6                         = 0x102
-	ARPHRD_TUNNEL                        = 0x300
-	ARPHRD_TUNNEL6                       = 0x301
-	ARPHRD_VOID                          = 0xffff
-	ARPHRD_VSOCKMON                      = 0x33a
-	ARPHRD_X25                           = 0x10f
-	AUTOFS_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0x187
-	B0                                   = 0x0
-	B1000000                             = 0x1008
-	B110                                 = 0x3
-	B115200                              = 0x1002
-	B1152000                             = 0x1009
-	B1200                                = 0x9
-	B134                                 = 0x4
-	B150                                 = 0x5
-	B1500000                             = 0x100a
-	B1800                                = 0xa
-	B19200                               = 0xe
-	B200                                 = 0x6
-	B2000000                             = 0x100b
-	B230400                              = 0x1003
-	B2400                                = 0xb
-	B2500000                             = 0x100c
-	B300                                 = 0x7
-	B3000000                             = 0x100d
-	B3500000                             = 0x100e
-	B38400                               = 0xf
-	B4000000                             = 0x100f
-	B460800                              = 0x1004
-	B4800                                = 0xc
-	B50                                  = 0x1
-	B500000                              = 0x1005
-	B57600                               = 0x1001
-	B576000                              = 0x1006
-	B600                                 = 0x8
-	B75                                  = 0x2
-	B921600                              = 0x1007
-	B9600                                = 0xd
-	BALLOON_KVM_MAGIC                    = 0x13661366
-	BDEVFS_MAGIC                         = 0x62646576
-	BINDERFS_SUPER_MAGIC                 = 0x6c6f6f70
-	BINFMTFS_MAGIC                       = 0x42494e4d
-	BLKBSZGET                            = 0x80081270
-	BLKBSZSET                            = 0x40081271
-	BLKFLSBUF                            = 0x1261
-	BLKFRAGET                            = 0x1265
-	BLKFRASET                            = 0x1264
-	BLKGETSIZE                           = 0x1260
-	BLKGETSIZE64                         = 0x80081272
-	BLKPBSZGET                           = 0x127b
-	BLKRAGET                             = 0x1263
-	BLKRASET                             = 0x1262
-	BLKROGET                             = 0x125e
-	BLKROSET                             = 0x125d
-	BLKRRPART                            = 0x125f
-	BLKSECTGET                           = 0x1267
-	BLKSECTSET                           = 0x1266
-	BLKSSZGET                            = 0x1268
-	BOTHER                               = 0x1000
-	BPF_A                                = 0x10
-	BPF_ABS                              = 0x20
-	BPF_ADD                              = 0x0
-	BPF_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L2_MASK           = 0xff
-	BPF_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L2_SHIFT          = 0x38
-	BPF_ALU                              = 0x4
-	BPF_ALU64                            = 0x7
-	BPF_AND                              = 0x50
-	BPF_ANY                              = 0x0
-	BPF_ARSH                             = 0xc0
-	BPF_B                                = 0x10
-	BPF_BUILD_ID_SIZE                    = 0x14
-	BPF_CALL                             = 0x80
-	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_MKNOD                  = 0x1
-	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_READ                   = 0x2
-	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_WRITE                  = 0x4
-	BPF_DEVCG_DEV_BLOCK                  = 0x1
-	BPF_DEVCG_DEV_CHAR                   = 0x2
-	BPF_DIV                              = 0x30
-	BPF_DW                               = 0x18
-	BPF_END                              = 0xd0
-	BPF_EXIST                            = 0x2
-	BPF_EXIT                             = 0x90
-	BPF_FROM_BE                          = 0x8
-	BPF_FROM_LE                          = 0x0
-	BPF_FS_MAGIC                         = 0xcafe4a11
-	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L3_IPV4         = 0x2
-	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L3_IPV6         = 0x4
-	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L4_GRE          = 0x8
-	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L4_UDP          = 0x10
-	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_FIXED_GSO             = 0x1
-	BPF_F_ALLOW_MULTI                    = 0x2
-	BPF_F_ALLOW_OVERRIDE                 = 0x1
-	BPF_F_ANY_ALIGNMENT                  = 0x2
-	BPF_F_CTXLEN_MASK                    = 0xfffff00000000
-	BPF_F_CURRENT_CPU                    = 0xffffffff
-	BPF_F_CURRENT_NETNS                  = -0x1
-	BPF_F_DONT_FRAGMENT                  = 0x4
-	BPF_F_FAST_STACK_CMP                 = 0x200
-	BPF_F_HDR_FIELD_MASK                 = 0xf
-	BPF_F_INDEX_MASK                     = 0xffffffff
-	BPF_F_INGRESS                        = 0x1
-	BPF_F_INVALIDATE_HASH                = 0x2
-	BPF_F_LOCK                           = 0x4
-	BPF_F_MARK_ENFORCE                   = 0x40
-	BPF_F_MARK_MANGLED_0                 = 0x20
-	BPF_F_NO_COMMON_LRU                  = 0x2
-	BPF_F_NO_PREALLOC                    = 0x1
-	BPF_F_NUMA_NODE                      = 0x4
-	BPF_F_PSEUDO_HDR                     = 0x10
-	BPF_F_QUERY_EFFECTIVE                = 0x1
-	BPF_F_RDONLY                         = 0x8
-	BPF_F_RDONLY_PROG                    = 0x80
-	BPF_F_RECOMPUTE_CSUM                 = 0x1
-	BPF_F_REUSE_STACKID                  = 0x400
-	BPF_F_SEQ_NUMBER                     = 0x8
-	BPF_F_SKIP_FIELD_MASK                = 0xff
-	BPF_F_STACK_BUILD_ID                 = 0x20
-	BPF_F_STRICT_ALIGNMENT               = 0x1
-	BPF_F_SYSCTL_BASE_NAME               = 0x1
-	BPF_F_TUNINFO_IPV6                   = 0x1
-	BPF_F_USER_BUILD_ID                  = 0x800
-	BPF_F_USER_STACK                     = 0x100
-	BPF_F_WRONLY                         = 0x10
-	BPF_F_WRONLY_PROG                    = 0x100
-	BPF_F_ZERO_CSUM_TX                   = 0x2
-	BPF_F_ZERO_SEED                      = 0x40
-	BPF_H                                = 0x8
-	BPF_IMM                              = 0x0
-	BPF_IND                              = 0x40
-	BPF_JA                               = 0x0
-	BPF_JEQ                              = 0x10
-	BPF_JGE                              = 0x30
-	BPF_JGT                              = 0x20
-	BPF_JLE                              = 0xb0
-	BPF_JLT                              = 0xa0
-	BPF_JMP                              = 0x5
-	BPF_JMP32                            = 0x6
-	BPF_JNE                              = 0x50
-	BPF_JSET                             = 0x40
-	BPF_JSGE                             = 0x70
-	BPF_JSGT                             = 0x60
-	BPF_JSLE                             = 0xd0
-	BPF_JSLT                             = 0xc0
-	BPF_K                                = 0x0
-	BPF_LD                               = 0x0
-	BPF_LDX                              = 0x1
-	BPF_LEN                              = 0x80
-	BPF_LL_OFF                           = -0x200000
-	BPF_LSH                              = 0x60
-	BPF_MAJOR_VERSION                    = 0x1
-	BPF_MAXINSNS                         = 0x1000
-	BPF_MEM                              = 0x60
-	BPF_MEMWORDS                         = 0x10
-	BPF_MINOR_VERSION                    = 0x1
-	BPF_MISC                             = 0x7
-	BPF_MOD                              = 0x90
-	BPF_MOV                              = 0xb0
-	BPF_MSH                              = 0xa0
-	BPF_MUL                              = 0x20
-	BPF_NEG                              = 0x80
-	BPF_NET_OFF                          = -0x100000
-	BPF_NOEXIST                          = 0x1
-	BPF_OBJ_NAME_LEN                     = 0x10
-	BPF_OR                               = 0x40
-	BPF_PSEUDO_CALL                      = 0x1
-	BPF_PSEUDO_MAP_FD                    = 0x1
-	BPF_PSEUDO_MAP_VALUE                 = 0x2
-	BPF_RET                              = 0x6
-	BPF_RSH                              = 0x70
-	BPF_SK_STORAGE_GET_F_CREATE          = 0x1
-	BPF_SOCK_OPS_ALL_CB_FLAGS            = 0x7
-	BPF_SOCK_OPS_RTO_CB_FLAG             = 0x1
-	BPF_SOCK_OPS_STATE_CB_FLAG           = 0x4
-	BPF_ST                               = 0x2
-	BPF_STX                              = 0x3
-	BPF_SUB                              = 0x10
-	BPF_TAG_SIZE                         = 0x8
-	BPF_TAX                              = 0x0
-	BPF_TO_BE                            = 0x8
-	BPF_TO_LE                            = 0x0
-	BPF_TXA                              = 0x80
-	BPF_W                                = 0x0
-	BPF_X                                = 0x8
-	BPF_XADD                             = 0xc0
-	BPF_XOR                              = 0xa0
-	BRKINT                               = 0x2
-	BS0                                  = 0x0
-	BS1                                  = 0x2000
-	BSDLY                                = 0x2000
-	BTRFS_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x9123683e
-	BTRFS_TEST_MAGIC                     = 0x73727279
-	CAN_BCM                              = 0x2
-	CAN_EFF_FLAG                         = 0x80000000
-	CAN_EFF_ID_BITS                      = 0x1d
-	CAN_EFF_MASK                         = 0x1fffffff
-	CAN_ERR_FLAG                         = 0x20000000
-	CAN_ERR_MASK                         = 0x1fffffff
-	CAN_INV_FILTER                       = 0x20000000
-	CAN_ISOTP                            = 0x6
-	CAN_MAX_DLC                          = 0x8
-	CAN_MAX_DLEN                         = 0x8
-	CAN_MCNET                            = 0x5
-	CAN_MTU                              = 0x10
-	CAN_NPROTO                           = 0x7
-	CAN_RAW                              = 0x1
-	CAN_RAW_FILTER_MAX                   = 0x200
-	CAN_RTR_FLAG                         = 0x40000000
-	CAN_SFF_ID_BITS                      = 0xb
-	CAN_SFF_MASK                         = 0x7ff
-	CAN_TP16                             = 0x3
-	CAN_TP20                             = 0x4
-	CAP_AUDIT_CONTROL                    = 0x1e
-	CAP_AUDIT_READ                       = 0x25
-	CAP_AUDIT_WRITE                      = 0x1d
-	CAP_BLOCK_SUSPEND                    = 0x24
-	CAP_CHOWN                            = 0x0
-	CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE                     = 0x1
-	CAP_DAC_READ_SEARCH                  = 0x2
-	CAP_FOWNER                           = 0x3
-	CAP_FSETID                           = 0x4
-	CAP_IPC_LOCK                         = 0xe
-	CAP_IPC_OWNER                        = 0xf
-	CAP_KILL                             = 0x5
-	CAP_LAST_CAP                         = 0x25
-	CAP_LEASE                            = 0x1c
-	CAP_LINUX_IMMUTABLE                  = 0x9
-	CAP_MAC_ADMIN                        = 0x21
-	CAP_MAC_OVERRIDE                     = 0x20
-	CAP_MKNOD                            = 0x1b
-	CAP_NET_ADMIN                        = 0xc
-	CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE                 = 0xa
-	CAP_NET_BROADCAST                    = 0xb
-	CAP_NET_RAW                          = 0xd
-	CAP_SETFCAP                          = 0x1f
-	CAP_SETGID                           = 0x6
-	CAP_SETPCAP                          = 0x8
-	CAP_SETUID                           = 0x7
-	CAP_SYSLOG                           = 0x22
-	CAP_SYS_ADMIN                        = 0x15
-	CAP_SYS_BOOT                         = 0x16
-	CAP_SYS_CHROOT                       = 0x12
-	CAP_SYS_MODULE                       = 0x10
-	CAP_SYS_NICE                         = 0x17
-	CAP_SYS_PACCT                        = 0x14
-	CAP_SYS_PTRACE                       = 0x13
-	CAP_SYS_RAWIO                        = 0x11
-	CAP_SYS_RESOURCE                     = 0x18
-	CAP_SYS_TIME                         = 0x19
-	CAP_SYS_TTY_CONFIG                   = 0x1a
-	CAP_WAKE_ALARM                       = 0x23
-	CBAUD                                = 0x100f
-	CBAUDEX                              = 0x1000
-	CFLUSH                               = 0xf
-	CGROUP2_SUPER_MAGIC                  = 0x63677270
-	CGROUP_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0x27e0eb
-	CIBAUD                               = 0x100f0000
-	CLOCAL                               = 0x800
-	CLOCK_BOOTTIME                       = 0x7
-	CLOCK_BOOTTIME_ALARM                 = 0x9
-	CLOCK_DEFAULT                        = 0x0
-	CLOCK_EXT                            = 0x1
-	CLOCK_INT                            = 0x2
-	CLOCK_MONOTONIC                      = 0x1
-	CLOCK_MONOTONIC_COARSE               = 0x6
-	CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW                  = 0x4
-	CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID             = 0x2
-	CLOCK_REALTIME                       = 0x0
-	CLOCK_REALTIME_ALARM                 = 0x8
-	CLOCK_REALTIME_COARSE                = 0x5
-	CLOCK_TAI                            = 0xb
-	CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID              = 0x3
-	CLOCK_TXFROMRX                       = 0x4
-	CLOCK_TXINT                          = 0x3
-	CLONE_CHILD_CLEARTID                 = 0x200000
-	CLONE_CHILD_SETTID                   = 0x1000000
-	CLONE_DETACHED                       = 0x400000
-	CLONE_FILES                          = 0x400
-	CLONE_FS                             = 0x200
-	CLONE_IO                             = 0x80000000
-	CLONE_NEWCGROUP                      = 0x2000000
-	CLONE_NEWIPC                         = 0x8000000
-	CLONE_NEWNET                         = 0x40000000
-	CLONE_NEWNS                          = 0x20000
-	CLONE_NEWPID                         = 0x20000000
-	CLONE_NEWUSER                        = 0x10000000
-	CLONE_NEWUTS                         = 0x4000000
-	CLONE_PARENT                         = 0x8000
-	CLONE_PARENT_SETTID                  = 0x100000
-	CLONE_PIDFD                          = 0x1000
-	CLONE_PTRACE                         = 0x2000
-	CLONE_SETTLS                         = 0x80000
-	CLONE_SIGHAND                        = 0x800
-	CLONE_SYSVSEM                        = 0x40000
-	CLONE_THREAD                         = 0x10000
-	CLONE_UNTRACED                       = 0x800000
-	CLONE_VFORK                          = 0x4000
-	CLONE_VM                             = 0x100
-	CMSPAR                               = 0x40000000
-	CODA_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0x73757245
-	CR0                                  = 0x0
-	CR1                                  = 0x200
-	CR2                                  = 0x400
-	CR3                                  = 0x600
-	CRAMFS_MAGIC                         = 0x28cd3d45
-	CRDLY                                = 0x600
-	CREAD                                = 0x80
-	CRTSCTS                              = 0x80000000
-	CRYPTO_MAX_NAME                      = 0x40
-	CRYPTO_MSG_MAX                       = 0x15
-	CRYPTO_NR_MSGTYPES                   = 0x6
-	CRYPTO_REPORT_MAXSIZE                = 0x160
-	CS5                                  = 0x0
-	CS6                                  = 0x10
-	CS7                                  = 0x20
-	CS8                                  = 0x30
-	CSIGNAL                              = 0xff
-	CSIZE                                = 0x30
-	CSTART                               = 0x11
-	CSTATUS                              = 0x0
-	CSTOP                                = 0x13
-	CSTOPB                               = 0x40
-	CSUSP                                = 0x1a
-	DAXFS_MAGIC                          = 0x64646178
-	DEBUGFS_MAGIC                        = 0x64626720
-	DEVPTS_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0x1cd1
-	DT_BLK                               = 0x6
-	DT_CHR                               = 0x2
-	DT_DIR                               = 0x4
-	DT_FIFO                              = 0x1
-	DT_LNK                               = 0xa
-	DT_REG                               = 0x8
-	DT_SOCK                              = 0xc
-	DT_UNKNOWN                           = 0x0
-	DT_WHT                               = 0xe
-	ECHO                                 = 0x8
-	ECHOCTL                              = 0x200
-	ECHOE                                = 0x10
-	ECHOK                                = 0x20
-	ECHOKE                               = 0x800
-	ECHONL                               = 0x40
-	ECHOPRT                              = 0x400
-	ECRYPTFS_SUPER_MAGIC                 = 0xf15f
-	EFD_CLOEXEC                          = 0x80000
-	EFD_NONBLOCK                         = 0x800
-	EFD_SEMAPHORE                        = 0x1
-	EFIVARFS_MAGIC                       = 0xde5e81e4
-	EFS_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x414a53
-	ENCODING_DEFAULT                     = 0x0
-	ENCODING_FM_MARK                     = 0x3
-	ENCODING_FM_SPACE                    = 0x4
-	ENCODING_MANCHESTER                  = 0x5
-	ENCODING_NRZ                         = 0x1
-	ENCODING_NRZI                        = 0x2
-	EPOLLERR                             = 0x8
-	EPOLLET                              = 0x80000000
-	EPOLLEXCLUSIVE                       = 0x10000000
-	EPOLLHUP                             = 0x10
-	EPOLLIN                              = 0x1
-	EPOLLMSG                             = 0x400
-	EPOLLONESHOT                         = 0x40000000
-	EPOLLOUT                             = 0x4
-	EPOLLPRI                             = 0x2
-	EPOLLRDBAND                          = 0x80
-	EPOLLRDHUP                           = 0x2000
-	EPOLLRDNORM                          = 0x40
-	EPOLLWAKEUP                          = 0x20000000
-	EPOLLWRBAND                          = 0x200
-	EPOLLWRNORM                          = 0x100
-	EPOLL_CLOEXEC                        = 0x80000
-	EPOLL_CTL_ADD                        = 0x1
-	EPOLL_CTL_DEL                        = 0x2
-	EPOLL_CTL_MOD                        = 0x3
-	ETH_P_1588                           = 0x88f7
-	ETH_P_8021AD                         = 0x88a8
-	ETH_P_8021AH                         = 0x88e7
-	ETH_P_8021Q                          = 0x8100
-	ETH_P_80221                          = 0x8917
-	ETH_P_802_2                          = 0x4
-	ETH_P_802_3                          = 0x1
-	ETH_P_802_3_MIN                      = 0x600
-	ETH_P_802_EX1                        = 0x88b5
-	ETH_P_AARP                           = 0x80f3
-	ETH_P_AF_IUCV                        = 0xfbfb
-	ETH_P_ALL                            = 0x3
-	ETH_P_AOE                            = 0x88a2
-	ETH_P_ARCNET                         = 0x1a
-	ETH_P_ARP                            = 0x806
-	ETH_P_ATALK                          = 0x809b
-	ETH_P_ATMFATE                        = 0x8884
-	ETH_P_ATMMPOA                        = 0x884c
-	ETH_P_AX25                           = 0x2
-	ETH_P_BATMAN                         = 0x4305
-	ETH_P_BPQ                            = 0x8ff
-	ETH_P_CAIF                           = 0xf7
-	ETH_P_CAN                            = 0xc
-	ETH_P_CANFD                          = 0xd
-	ETH_P_CONTROL                        = 0x16
-	ETH_P_CUST                           = 0x6006
-	ETH_P_DDCMP                          = 0x6
-	ETH_P_DEC                            = 0x6000
-	ETH_P_DIAG                           = 0x6005
-	ETH_P_DNA_DL                         = 0x6001
-	ETH_P_DNA_RC                         = 0x6002
-	ETH_P_DNA_RT                         = 0x6003
-	ETH_P_DSA                            = 0x1b
-	ETH_P_DSA_8021Q                      = 0xdadb
-	ETH_P_ECONET                         = 0x18
-	ETH_P_EDSA                           = 0xdada
-	ETH_P_ERSPAN                         = 0x88be
-	ETH_P_ERSPAN2                        = 0x22eb
-	ETH_P_FCOE                           = 0x8906
-	ETH_P_FIP                            = 0x8914
-	ETH_P_HDLC                           = 0x19
-	ETH_P_HSR                            = 0x892f
-	ETH_P_IBOE                           = 0x8915
-	ETH_P_IEEE802154                     = 0xf6
-	ETH_P_IEEEPUP                        = 0xa00
-	ETH_P_IEEEPUPAT                      = 0xa01
-	ETH_P_IFE                            = 0xed3e
-	ETH_P_IP                             = 0x800
-	ETH_P_IPV6                           = 0x86dd
-	ETH_P_IPX                            = 0x8137
-	ETH_P_IRDA                           = 0x17
-	ETH_P_LAT                            = 0x6004
-	ETH_P_LINK_CTL                       = 0x886c
-	ETH_P_LOCALTALK                      = 0x9
-	ETH_P_LOOP                           = 0x60
-	ETH_P_LOOPBACK                       = 0x9000
-	ETH_P_MACSEC                         = 0x88e5
-	ETH_P_MAP                            = 0xf9
-	ETH_P_MOBITEX                        = 0x15
-	ETH_P_MPLS_MC                        = 0x8848
-	ETH_P_MPLS_UC                        = 0x8847
-	ETH_P_MVRP                           = 0x88f5
-	ETH_P_NCSI                           = 0x88f8
-	ETH_P_NSH                            = 0x894f
-	ETH_P_PAE                            = 0x888e
-	ETH_P_PAUSE                          = 0x8808
-	ETH_P_PHONET                         = 0xf5
-	ETH_P_PPPTALK                        = 0x10
-	ETH_P_PPP_DISC                       = 0x8863
-	ETH_P_PPP_MP                         = 0x8
-	ETH_P_PPP_SES                        = 0x8864
-	ETH_P_PREAUTH                        = 0x88c7
-	ETH_P_PRP                            = 0x88fb
-	ETH_P_PUP                            = 0x200
-	ETH_P_PUPAT                          = 0x201
-	ETH_P_QINQ1                          = 0x9100
-	ETH_P_QINQ2                          = 0x9200
-	ETH_P_QINQ3                          = 0x9300
-	ETH_P_RARP                           = 0x8035
-	ETH_P_SCA                            = 0x6007
-	ETH_P_SLOW                           = 0x8809
-	ETH_P_SNAP                           = 0x5
-	ETH_P_TDLS                           = 0x890d
-	ETH_P_TEB                            = 0x6558
-	ETH_P_TIPC                           = 0x88ca
-	ETH_P_TRAILER                        = 0x1c
-	ETH_P_TR_802_2                       = 0x11
-	ETH_P_TSN                            = 0x22f0
-	ETH_P_WAN_PPP                        = 0x7
-	ETH_P_WCCP                           = 0x883e
-	ETH_P_X25                            = 0x805
-	ETH_P_XDSA                           = 0xf8
-	EXABYTE_ENABLE_NEST                  = 0xf0
-	EXT2_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xef53
-	EXT3_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xef53
-	EXT4_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xef53
-	EXTA                                 = 0xe
-	EXTB                                 = 0xf
-	EXTPROC                              = 0x10000
-	F2FS_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xf2f52010
-	FALLOC_FL_COLLAPSE_RANGE             = 0x8
-	FALLOC_FL_INSERT_RANGE               = 0x20
-	FALLOC_FL_KEEP_SIZE                  = 0x1
-	FALLOC_FL_NO_HIDE_STALE              = 0x4
-	FALLOC_FL_PUNCH_HOLE                 = 0x2
-	FALLOC_FL_UNSHARE_RANGE              = 0x40
-	FALLOC_FL_ZERO_RANGE                 = 0x10
-	FAN_ACCESS                           = 0x1
-	FAN_ACCESS_PERM                      = 0x20000
-	FAN_ALLOW                            = 0x1
-	FAN_ALL_CLASS_BITS                   = 0xc
-	FAN_ALL_EVENTS                       = 0x3b
-	FAN_ALL_INIT_FLAGS                   = 0x3f
-	FAN_ALL_MARK_FLAGS                   = 0xff
-	FAN_ALL_OUTGOING_EVENTS              = 0x3403b
-	FAN_ALL_PERM_EVENTS                  = 0x30000
-	FAN_ATTRIB                           = 0x4
-	FAN_AUDIT                            = 0x10
-	FAN_CLASS_CONTENT                    = 0x4
-	FAN_CLASS_NOTIF                      = 0x0
-	FAN_CLASS_PRE_CONTENT                = 0x8
-	FAN_CLOEXEC                          = 0x1
-	FAN_CLOSE                            = 0x18
-	FAN_CLOSE_NOWRITE                    = 0x10
-	FAN_CLOSE_WRITE                      = 0x8
-	FAN_CREATE                           = 0x100
-	FAN_DELETE                           = 0x200
-	FAN_DELETE_SELF                      = 0x400
-	FAN_DENY                             = 0x2
-	FAN_ENABLE_AUDIT                     = 0x40
-	FAN_EVENT_INFO_TYPE_FID              = 0x1
-	FAN_EVENT_METADATA_LEN               = 0x18
-	FAN_EVENT_ON_CHILD                   = 0x8000000
-	FAN_MARK_ADD                         = 0x1
-	FAN_MARK_DONT_FOLLOW                 = 0x4
-	FAN_MARK_FILESYSTEM                  = 0x100
-	FAN_MARK_FLUSH                       = 0x80
-	FAN_MARK_IGNORED_MASK                = 0x20
-	FAN_MARK_INODE                       = 0x0
-	FAN_MARK_MOUNT                       = 0x10
-	FAN_MARK_ONLYDIR                     = 0x8
-	FAN_MARK_REMOVE                      = 0x2
-	FAN_MODIFY                           = 0x2
-	FAN_MOVE                             = 0xc0
-	FAN_MOVED_FROM                       = 0x40
-	FAN_MOVED_TO                         = 0x80
-	FAN_MOVE_SELF                        = 0x800
-	FAN_NOFD                             = -0x1
-	FAN_NONBLOCK                         = 0x2
-	FAN_ONDIR                            = 0x40000000
-	FAN_OPEN                             = 0x20
-	FAN_OPEN_EXEC                        = 0x1000
-	FAN_OPEN_EXEC_PERM                   = 0x40000
-	FAN_OPEN_PERM                        = 0x10000
-	FAN_Q_OVERFLOW                       = 0x4000
-	FAN_REPORT_FID                       = 0x200
-	FAN_REPORT_TID                       = 0x100
-	FAN_UNLIMITED_MARKS                  = 0x20
-	FAN_UNLIMITED_QUEUE                  = 0x10
-	FD_CLOEXEC                           = 0x1
-	FD_SETSIZE                           = 0x400
-	FF0                                  = 0x0
-	FF1                                  = 0x8000
-	FFDLY                                = 0x8000
-	FLUSHO                               = 0x1000
-	FP_XSTATE_MAGIC2                     = 0x46505845
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_128_CBC       = 0x5
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_128_CTS       = 0x6
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_CBC       = 0x3
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_CTS       = 0x4
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_GCM       = 0x2
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_XTS       = 0x1
-	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY         = 0x400c6615
-	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_PWSALT         = 0x40106614
-	FS_IOC_SET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY         = 0x800c6613
-	FS_KEY_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE               = 0x8
-	FS_KEY_DESC_PREFIX                   = "fscrypt:"
-	FS_KEY_DESC_PREFIX_SIZE              = 0x8
-	FS_MAX_KEY_SIZE                      = 0x40
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_16               = 0x2
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_32               = 0x3
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_4                = 0x0
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_8                = 0x1
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_MASK             = 0x3
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_VALID                = 0x7
-	FUTEXFS_SUPER_MAGIC                  = 0xbad1dea
-	F_ADD_SEALS                          = 0x409
-	F_DUPFD                              = 0x0
-	F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC                      = 0x406
-	F_EXLCK                              = 0x4
-	F_GETFD                              = 0x1
-	F_GETFL                              = 0x3
-	F_GETLEASE                           = 0x401
-	F_GETLK                              = 0x5
-	F_GETLK64                            = 0x5
-	F_GETOWN                             = 0x9
-	F_GETOWN_EX                          = 0x10
-	F_GETPIPE_SZ                         = 0x408
-	F_GETSIG                             = 0xb
-	F_GET_FILE_RW_HINT                   = 0x40d
-	F_GET_RW_HINT                        = 0x40b
-	F_GET_SEALS                          = 0x40a
-	F_LOCK                               = 0x1
-	F_NOTIFY                             = 0x402
-	F_OFD_GETLK                          = 0x24
-	F_OFD_SETLK                          = 0x25
-	F_OFD_SETLKW                         = 0x26
-	F_OK                                 = 0x0
-	F_RDLCK                              = 0x0
-	F_SEAL_FUTURE_WRITE                  = 0x10
-	F_SEAL_GROW                          = 0x4
-	F_SEAL_SEAL                          = 0x1
-	F_SEAL_SHRINK                        = 0x2
-	F_SEAL_WRITE                         = 0x8
-	F_SETFD                              = 0x2
-	F_SETFL                              = 0x4
-	F_SETLEASE                           = 0x400
-	F_SETLK                              = 0x6
-	F_SETLK64                            = 0x6
-	F_SETLKW                             = 0x7
-	F_SETLKW64                           = 0x7
-	F_SETOWN                             = 0x8
-	F_SETOWN_EX                          = 0xf
-	F_SETPIPE_SZ                         = 0x407
-	F_SETSIG                             = 0xa
-	F_SET_FILE_RW_HINT                   = 0x40e
-	F_SET_RW_HINT                        = 0x40c
-	F_SHLCK                              = 0x8
-	F_TEST                               = 0x3
-	F_TLOCK                              = 0x2
-	F_ULOCK                              = 0x0
-	F_UNLCK                              = 0x2
-	F_WRLCK                              = 0x1
-	GENL_ADMIN_PERM                      = 0x1
-	GENL_CMD_CAP_DO                      = 0x2
-	GENL_CMD_CAP_DUMP                    = 0x4
-	GENL_CMD_CAP_HASPOL                  = 0x8
-	GENL_HDRLEN                          = 0x4
-	GENL_ID_CTRL                         = 0x10
-	GENL_ID_PMCRAID                      = 0x12
-	GENL_ID_VFS_DQUOT                    = 0x11
-	GENL_MAX_ID                          = 0x3ff
-	GENL_MIN_ID                          = 0x10
-	GENL_NAMSIZ                          = 0x10
-	GENL_START_ALLOC                     = 0x13
-	GENL_UNS_ADMIN_PERM                  = 0x10
-	GRND_NONBLOCK                        = 0x1
-	GRND_RANDOM                          = 0x2
-	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD                       = 0x31f
-	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD_AEB                   = 0x31e
-	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD_HDR_SIZE              = 0x4
-	HDIO_DRIVE_HOB_HDR_SIZE              = 0x8
-	HDIO_DRIVE_RESET                     = 0x31c
-	HDIO_DRIVE_TASK                      = 0x31e
-	HDIO_DRIVE_TASKFILE                  = 0x31d
-	HDIO_DRIVE_TASK_HDR_SIZE             = 0x8
-	HDIO_GETGEO                          = 0x301
-	HDIO_GET_32BIT                       = 0x309
-	HDIO_GET_ACOUSTIC                    = 0x30f
-	HDIO_GET_ADDRESS                     = 0x310
-	HDIO_GET_BUSSTATE                    = 0x31a
-	HDIO_GET_DMA                         = 0x30b
-	HDIO_GET_IDENTITY                    = 0x30d
-	HDIO_GET_KEEPSETTINGS                = 0x308
-	HDIO_GET_MULTCOUNT                   = 0x304
-	HDIO_GET_NICE                        = 0x30c
-	HDIO_GET_NOWERR                      = 0x30a
-	HDIO_GET_QDMA                        = 0x305
-	HDIO_GET_UNMASKINTR                  = 0x302
-	HDIO_GET_WCACHE                      = 0x30e
-	HDIO_OBSOLETE_IDENTITY               = 0x307
-	HDIO_SCAN_HWIF                       = 0x328
-	HDIO_SET_32BIT                       = 0x324
-	HDIO_SET_ACOUSTIC                    = 0x32c
-	HDIO_SET_ADDRESS                     = 0x32f
-	HDIO_SET_BUSSTATE                    = 0x32d
-	HDIO_SET_DMA                         = 0x326
-	HDIO_SET_KEEPSETTINGS                = 0x323
-	HDIO_SET_MULTCOUNT                   = 0x321
-	HDIO_SET_NICE                        = 0x329
-	HDIO_SET_NOWERR                      = 0x325
-	HDIO_SET_PIO_MODE                    = 0x327
-	HDIO_SET_QDMA                        = 0x32e
-	HDIO_SET_UNMASKINTR                  = 0x322
-	HDIO_SET_WCACHE                      = 0x32b
-	HDIO_SET_XFER                        = 0x306
-	HDIO_TRISTATE_HWIF                   = 0x31b
-	HDIO_UNREGISTER_HWIF                 = 0x32a
-	HOSTFS_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0xc0ffee
-	HPFS_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xf995e849
-	HUGETLBFS_MAGIC                      = 0x958458f6
-	HUPCL                                = 0x400
-	IBSHIFT                              = 0x10
-	ICANON                               = 0x2
-	ICMPV6_FILTER                        = 0x1
-	ICRNL                                = 0x100
-	IEXTEN                               = 0x8000
-	IFA_F_DADFAILED                      = 0x8
-	IFA_F_DEPRECATED                     = 0x20
-	IFA_F_HOMEADDRESS                    = 0x10
-	IFA_F_MANAGETEMPADDR                 = 0x100
-	IFA_F_MCAUTOJOIN                     = 0x400
-	IFA_F_NODAD                          = 0x2
-	IFA_F_NOPREFIXROUTE                  = 0x200
-	IFA_F_OPTIMISTIC                     = 0x4
-	IFA_F_PERMANENT                      = 0x80
-	IFA_F_SECONDARY                      = 0x1
-	IFA_F_STABLE_PRIVACY                 = 0x800
-	IFA_F_TEMPORARY                      = 0x1
-	IFA_F_TENTATIVE                      = 0x40
-	IFA_MAX                              = 0xa
-	IFF_ALLMULTI                         = 0x200
-	IFF_ATTACH_QUEUE                     = 0x200
-	IFF_AUTOMEDIA                        = 0x4000
-	IFF_BROADCAST                        = 0x2
-	IFF_DEBUG                            = 0x4
-	IFF_DETACH_QUEUE                     = 0x400
-	IFF_DORMANT                          = 0x20000
-	IFF_DYNAMIC                          = 0x8000
-	IFF_ECHO                             = 0x40000
-	IFF_LOOPBACK                         = 0x8
-	IFF_LOWER_UP                         = 0x10000
-	IFF_MASTER                           = 0x400
-	IFF_MULTICAST                        = 0x1000
-	IFF_MULTI_QUEUE                      = 0x100
-	IFF_NAPI                             = 0x10
-	IFF_NAPI_FRAGS                       = 0x20
-	IFF_NOARP                            = 0x80
-	IFF_NOFILTER                         = 0x1000
-	IFF_NOTRAILERS                       = 0x20
-	IFF_NO_PI                            = 0x1000
-	IFF_ONE_QUEUE                        = 0x2000
-	IFF_PERSIST                          = 0x800
-	IFF_POINTOPOINT                      = 0x10
-	IFF_PORTSEL                          = 0x2000
-	IFF_PROMISC                          = 0x100
-	IFF_RUNNING                          = 0x40
-	IFF_SLAVE                            = 0x800
-	IFF_TAP                              = 0x2
-	IFF_TUN                              = 0x1
-	IFF_TUN_EXCL                         = 0x8000
-	IFF_UP                               = 0x1
-	IFF_VNET_HDR                         = 0x4000
-	IFF_VOLATILE                         = 0x70c5a
-	IFNAMSIZ                             = 0x10
-	IGNBRK                               = 0x1
-	IGNCR                                = 0x80
-	IGNPAR                               = 0x4
-	IMAXBEL                              = 0x2000
-	INLCR                                = 0x40
-	INPCK                                = 0x10
-	IN_ACCESS                            = 0x1
-	IN_ALL_EVENTS                        = 0xfff
-	IN_ATTRIB                            = 0x4
-	IN_CLASSA_HOST                       = 0xffffff
-	IN_CLASSA_MAX                        = 0x80
-	IN_CLASSA_NET                        = 0xff000000
-	IN_CLASSA_NSHIFT                     = 0x18
-	IN_CLASSB_HOST                       = 0xffff
-	IN_CLASSB_MAX                        = 0x10000
-	IN_CLASSB_NET                        = 0xffff0000
-	IN_CLASSB_NSHIFT                     = 0x10
-	IN_CLASSC_HOST                       = 0xff
-	IN_CLASSC_NET                        = 0xffffff00
-	IN_CLASSC_NSHIFT                     = 0x8
-	IN_CLOEXEC                           = 0x80000
-	IN_CLOSE                             = 0x18
-	IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE                     = 0x10
-	IN_CLOSE_WRITE                       = 0x8
-	IN_CREATE                            = 0x100
-	IN_DELETE                            = 0x200
-	IN_DELETE_SELF                       = 0x400
-	IN_DONT_FOLLOW                       = 0x2000000
-	IN_EXCL_UNLINK                       = 0x4000000
-	IN_IGNORED                           = 0x8000
-	IN_ISDIR                             = 0x40000000
-	IN_LOOPBACKNET                       = 0x7f
-	IN_MASK_ADD                          = 0x20000000
-	IN_MASK_CREATE                       = 0x10000000
-	IN_MODIFY                            = 0x2
-	IN_MOVE                              = 0xc0
-	IN_MOVED_FROM                        = 0x40
-	IN_MOVED_TO                          = 0x80
-	IN_MOVE_SELF                         = 0x800
-	IN_NONBLOCK                          = 0x800
-	IN_ONESHOT                           = 0x80000000
-	IN_ONLYDIR                           = 0x1000000
-	IN_OPEN                              = 0x20
-	IN_Q_OVERFLOW                        = 0x4000
-	IN_UNMOUNT                           = 0x2000
-	IPPROTO_AH                           = 0x33
-	IPPROTO_BEETPH                       = 0x5e
-	IPPROTO_COMP                         = 0x6c
-	IPPROTO_DCCP                         = 0x21
-	IPPROTO_DSTOPTS                      = 0x3c
-	IPPROTO_EGP                          = 0x8
-	IPPROTO_ENCAP                        = 0x62
-	IPPROTO_ESP                          = 0x32
-	IPPROTO_FRAGMENT                     = 0x2c
-	IPPROTO_GRE                          = 0x2f
-	IPPROTO_HOPOPTS                      = 0x0
-	IPPROTO_ICMP                         = 0x1
-	IPPROTO_ICMPV6                       = 0x3a
-	IPPROTO_IDP                          = 0x16
-	IPPROTO_IGMP                         = 0x2
-	IPPROTO_IP                           = 0x0
-	IPPROTO_IPIP                         = 0x4
-	IPPROTO_IPV6                         = 0x29
-	IPPROTO_MH                           = 0x87
-	IPPROTO_MPLS                         = 0x89
-	IPPROTO_MTP                          = 0x5c
-	IPPROTO_NONE                         = 0x3b
-	IPPROTO_PIM                          = 0x67
-	IPPROTO_PUP                          = 0xc
-	IPPROTO_RAW                          = 0xff
-	IPPROTO_ROUTING                      = 0x2b
-	IPPROTO_RSVP                         = 0x2e
-	IPPROTO_SCTP                         = 0x84
-	IPPROTO_TCP                          = 0x6
-	IPPROTO_TP                           = 0x1d
-	IPPROTO_UDP                          = 0x11
-	IPPROTO_UDPLITE                      = 0x88
-	IPV6_2292DSTOPTS                     = 0x4
-	IPV6_2292HOPLIMIT                    = 0x8
-	IPV6_2292HOPOPTS                     = 0x3
-	IPV6_2292PKTINFO                     = 0x2
-	IPV6_2292PKTOPTIONS                  = 0x6
-	IPV6_2292RTHDR                       = 0x5
-	IPV6_ADDRFORM                        = 0x1
-	IPV6_ADDR_PREFERENCES                = 0x48
-	IPV6_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                  = 0x14
-	IPV6_AUTHHDR                         = 0xa
-	IPV6_AUTOFLOWLABEL                   = 0x46
-	IPV6_CHECKSUM                        = 0x7
-	IPV6_DONTFRAG                        = 0x3e
-	IPV6_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                 = 0x15
-	IPV6_DSTOPTS                         = 0x3b
-	IPV6_FREEBIND                        = 0x4e
-	IPV6_HDRINCL                         = 0x24
-	IPV6_HOPLIMIT                        = 0x34
-	IPV6_HOPOPTS                         = 0x36
-	IPV6_IPSEC_POLICY                    = 0x22
-	IPV6_JOIN_ANYCAST                    = 0x1b
-	IPV6_JOIN_GROUP                      = 0x14
-	IPV6_LEAVE_ANYCAST                   = 0x1c
-	IPV6_LEAVE_GROUP                     = 0x15
-	IPV6_MINHOPCOUNT                     = 0x49
-	IPV6_MTU                             = 0x18
-	IPV6_MTU_DISCOVER                    = 0x17
-	IPV6_MULTICAST_ALL                   = 0x1d
-	IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS                  = 0x12
-	IPV6_MULTICAST_IF                    = 0x11
-	IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP                  = 0x13
-	IPV6_NEXTHOP                         = 0x9
-	IPV6_ORIGDSTADDR                     = 0x4a
-	IPV6_PATHMTU                         = 0x3d
-	IPV6_PKTINFO                         = 0x32
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_DO                     = 0x2
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_DONT                   = 0x0
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_INTERFACE              = 0x4
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_OMIT                   = 0x5
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_PROBE                  = 0x3
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_WANT                   = 0x1
-	IPV6_RECVDSTOPTS                     = 0x3a
-	IPV6_RECVERR                         = 0x19
-	IPV6_RECVFRAGSIZE                    = 0x4d
-	IPV6_RECVHOPLIMIT                    = 0x33
-	IPV6_RECVHOPOPTS                     = 0x35
-	IPV6_RECVORIGDSTADDR                 = 0x4a
-	IPV6_RECVPATHMTU                     = 0x3c
-	IPV6_RECVPKTINFO                     = 0x31
-	IPV6_RECVRTHDR                       = 0x38
-	IPV6_RECVTCLASS                      = 0x42
-	IPV6_ROUTER_ALERT                    = 0x16
-	IPV6_ROUTER_ALERT_ISOLATE            = 0x1e
-	IPV6_RTHDR                           = 0x39
-	IPV6_RTHDRDSTOPTS                    = 0x37
-	IPV6_RTHDR_LOOSE                     = 0x0
-	IPV6_RTHDR_STRICT                    = 0x1
-	IPV6_RTHDR_TYPE_0                    = 0x0
-	IPV6_RXDSTOPTS                       = 0x3b
-	IPV6_RXHOPOPTS                       = 0x36
-	IPV6_TCLASS                          = 0x43
-	IPV6_TRANSPARENT                     = 0x4b
-	IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS                    = 0x10
-	IPV6_UNICAST_IF                      = 0x4c
-	IPV6_V6ONLY                          = 0x1a
-	IPV6_XFRM_POLICY                     = 0x23
-	IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                    = 0x23
-	IP_ADD_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP             = 0x27
-	IP_BIND_ADDRESS_NO_PORT              = 0x18
-	IP_BLOCK_SOURCE                      = 0x26
-	IP_CHECKSUM                          = 0x17
-	IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_LOOP            = 0x1
-	IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_TTL             = 0x1
-	IP_DF                                = 0x4000
-	IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                   = 0x24
-	IP_DROP_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP            = 0x28
-	IP_FREEBIND                          = 0xf
-	IP_HDRINCL                           = 0x3
-	IP_IPSEC_POLICY                      = 0x10
-	IP_MAXPACKET                         = 0xffff
-	IP_MAX_MEMBERSHIPS                   = 0x14
-	IP_MF                                = 0x2000
-	IP_MINTTL                            = 0x15
-	IP_MSFILTER                          = 0x29
-	IP_MSS                               = 0x240
-	IP_MTU                               = 0xe
-	IP_MTU_DISCOVER                      = 0xa
-	IP_MULTICAST_ALL                     = 0x31
-	IP_MULTICAST_IF                      = 0x20
-	IP_MULTICAST_LOOP                    = 0x22
-	IP_MULTICAST_TTL                     = 0x21
-	IP_NODEFRAG                          = 0x16
-	IP_OFFMASK                           = 0x1fff
-	IP_OPTIONS                           = 0x4
-	IP_ORIGDSTADDR                       = 0x14
-	IP_PASSSEC                           = 0x12
-	IP_PKTINFO                           = 0x8
-	IP_PKTOPTIONS                        = 0x9
-	IP_PMTUDISC                          = 0xa
-	IP_PMTUDISC_DO                       = 0x2
-	IP_PMTUDISC_DONT                     = 0x0
-	IP_PMTUDISC_INTERFACE                = 0x4
-	IP_PMTUDISC_OMIT                     = 0x5
-	IP_PMTUDISC_PROBE                    = 0x3
-	IP_PMTUDISC_WANT                     = 0x1
-	IP_RECVERR                           = 0xb
-	IP_RECVFRAGSIZE                      = 0x19
-	IP_RECVOPTS                          = 0x6
-	IP_RECVORIGDSTADDR                   = 0x14
-	IP_RECVRETOPTS                       = 0x7
-	IP_RECVTOS                           = 0xd
-	IP_RECVTTL                           = 0xc
-	IP_RETOPTS                           = 0x7
-	IP_RF                                = 0x8000
-	IP_ROUTER_ALERT                      = 0x5
-	IP_TOS                               = 0x1
-	IP_TRANSPARENT                       = 0x13
-	IP_TTL                               = 0x2
-	IP_UNBLOCK_SOURCE                    = 0x25
-	IP_UNICAST_IF                        = 0x32
-	IP_XFRM_POLICY                       = 0x11
-	ISIG                                 = 0x1
-	ISOFS_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x9660
-	ISTRIP                               = 0x20
-	IUCLC                                = 0x200
-	IUTF8                                = 0x4000
-	IXANY                                = 0x800
-	IXOFF                                = 0x1000
-	IXON                                 = 0x400
-	JFFS2_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x72b6
-	KEXEC_ARCH_386                       = 0x30000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_68K                       = 0x40000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_AARCH64                   = 0xb70000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_ARM                       = 0x280000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_DEFAULT                   = 0x0
-	KEXEC_ARCH_IA_64                     = 0x320000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_MASK                      = 0xffff0000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_MIPS                      = 0x80000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_MIPS_LE                   = 0xa0000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_PPC                       = 0x140000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_PPC64                     = 0x150000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_S390                      = 0x160000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_SH                        = 0x2a0000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_X86_64                    = 0x3e0000
-	KEXEC_FILE_NO_INITRAMFS              = 0x4
-	KEXEC_FILE_ON_CRASH                  = 0x2
-	KEXEC_FILE_UNLOAD                    = 0x1
-	KEXEC_ON_CRASH                       = 0x1
-	KEXEC_PRESERVE_CONTEXT               = 0x2
-	KEXEC_SEGMENT_MAX                    = 0x10
-	KEYCTL_ASSUME_AUTHORITY              = 0x10
-	KEYCTL_CHOWN                         = 0x4
-	KEYCTL_CLEAR                         = 0x7
-	KEYCTL_DESCRIBE                      = 0x6
-	KEYCTL_DH_COMPUTE                    = 0x17
-	KEYCTL_GET_KEYRING_ID                = 0x0
-	KEYCTL_GET_PERSISTENT                = 0x16
-	KEYCTL_GET_SECURITY                  = 0x11
-	KEYCTL_INSTANTIATE                   = 0xc
-	KEYCTL_INSTANTIATE_IOV               = 0x14
-	KEYCTL_INVALIDATE                    = 0x15
-	KEYCTL_LINK                          = 0x8
-	KEYCTL_NEGATE                        = 0xd
-	KEYCTL_PKEY_DECRYPT                  = 0x1a
-	KEYCTL_PKEY_ENCRYPT                  = 0x19
-	KEYCTL_PKEY_QUERY                    = 0x18
-	KEYCTL_PKEY_SIGN                     = 0x1b
-	KEYCTL_PKEY_VERIFY                   = 0x1c
-	KEYCTL_READ                          = 0xb
-	KEYCTL_REJECT                        = 0x13
-	KEYCTL_RESTRICT_KEYRING              = 0x1d
-	KEYCTL_REVOKE                        = 0x3
-	KEYCTL_SEARCH                        = 0xa
-	KEYCTL_SESSION_TO_PARENT             = 0x12
-	KEYCTL_SETPERM                       = 0x5
-	KEYCTL_SET_REQKEY_KEYRING            = 0xe
-	KEYCTL_SET_TIMEOUT                   = 0xf
-	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_DECRYPT              = 0x2
-	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_ENCRYPT              = 0x1
-	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_SIGN                 = 0x4
-	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_VERIFY               = 0x8
-	KEYCTL_UNLINK                        = 0x9
-	KEYCTL_UPDATE                        = 0x2
-	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_DEFAULT              = 0x0
-	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_NO_CHANGE            = -0x1
-	KEY_SPEC_GROUP_KEYRING               = -0x6
-	KEY_SPEC_PROCESS_KEYRING             = -0x2
-	KEY_SPEC_REQKEY_AUTH_KEY             = -0x7
-	KEY_SPEC_SESSION_KEYRING             = -0x3
-	KEY_SPEC_THREAD_KEYRING              = -0x1
-	KEY_SPEC_USER_KEYRING                = -0x4
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_CAD_OFF             = 0x0
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_CAD_ON              = 0x89abcdef
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_HALT                = 0xcdef0123
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_KEXEC               = 0x45584543
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_POWER_OFF           = 0x4321fedc
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_RESTART             = 0x1234567
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_RESTART2            = 0xa1b2c3d4
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_SW_SUSPEND          = 0xd000fce2
-	LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC1                  = 0xfee1dead
-	LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC2                  = 0x28121969
-	LOCK_EX                              = 0x2
-	LOCK_NB                              = 0x4
-	LOCK_SH                              = 0x1
-	LOCK_UN                              = 0x8
-	LOOP_CLR_FD                          = 0x4c01
-	LOOP_CTL_ADD                         = 0x4c80
-	LOOP_CTL_GET_FREE                    = 0x4c82
-	LOOP_CTL_REMOVE                      = 0x4c81
-	LOOP_GET_STATUS                      = 0x4c03
-	LOOP_GET_STATUS64                    = 0x4c05
-	LOOP_SET_BLOCK_SIZE                  = 0x4c09
-	LOOP_SET_CAPACITY                    = 0x4c07
-	LOOP_SET_DIRECT_IO                   = 0x4c08
-	LOOP_SET_FD                          = 0x4c00
-	LOOP_SET_STATUS                      = 0x4c02
-	LOOP_SET_STATUS64                    = 0x4c04
-	LO_KEY_SIZE                          = 0x20
-	LO_NAME_SIZE                         = 0x40
-	MADV_DODUMP                          = 0x11
-	MADV_DOFORK                          = 0xb
-	MADV_DONTDUMP                        = 0x10
-	MADV_DONTFORK                        = 0xa
-	MADV_DONTNEED                        = 0x4
-	MADV_FREE                            = 0x8
-	MADV_HUGEPAGE                        = 0xe
-	MADV_HWPOISON                        = 0x64
-	MADV_KEEPONFORK                      = 0x13
-	MADV_MERGEABLE                       = 0xc
-	MADV_NOHUGEPAGE                      = 0xf
-	MADV_NORMAL                          = 0x0
-	MADV_RANDOM                          = 0x1
-	MADV_REMOVE                          = 0x9
-	MADV_SEQUENTIAL                      = 0x2
-	MADV_UNMERGEABLE                     = 0xd
-	MADV_WILLNEED                        = 0x3
-	MADV_WIPEONFORK                      = 0x12
-	MAP_32BIT                            = 0x40
-	MAP_ANON                             = 0x20
-	MAP_ANONYMOUS                        = 0x20
-	MAP_DENYWRITE                        = 0x800
-	MAP_EXECUTABLE                       = 0x1000
-	MAP_FILE                             = 0x0
-	MAP_FIXED                            = 0x10
-	MAP_FIXED_NOREPLACE                  = 0x100000
-	MAP_GROWSDOWN                        = 0x100
-	MAP_HUGETLB                          = 0x40000
-	MAP_HUGE_MASK                        = 0x3f
-	MAP_HUGE_SHIFT                       = 0x1a
-	MAP_LOCKED                           = 0x2000
-	MAP_NONBLOCK                         = 0x10000
-	MAP_NORESERVE                        = 0x4000
-	MAP_POPULATE                         = 0x8000
-	MAP_PRIVATE                          = 0x2
-	MAP_SHARED                           = 0x1
-	MAP_SHARED_VALIDATE                  = 0x3
-	MAP_STACK                            = 0x20000
-	MAP_SYNC                             = 0x80000
-	MAP_TYPE                             = 0xf
-	MCAST_BLOCK_SOURCE                   = 0x2b
-	MCAST_EXCLUDE                        = 0x0
-	MCAST_INCLUDE                        = 0x1
-	MCAST_JOIN_GROUP                     = 0x2a
-	MCAST_JOIN_SOURCE_GROUP              = 0x2e
-	MCAST_LEAVE_GROUP                    = 0x2d
-	MCAST_LEAVE_SOURCE_GROUP             = 0x2f
-	MCAST_MSFILTER                       = 0x30
-	MCAST_UNBLOCK_SOURCE                 = 0x2c
-	MCL_CURRENT                          = 0x1
-	MCL_FUTURE                           = 0x2
-	MCL_ONFAULT                          = 0x4
-	MFD_ALLOW_SEALING                    = 0x2
-	MFD_CLOEXEC                          = 0x1
-	MFD_HUGETLB                          = 0x4
-	MFD_HUGE_16GB                        = -0x78000000
-	MFD_HUGE_16MB                        = 0x60000000
-	MFD_HUGE_1GB                         = 0x78000000
-	MFD_HUGE_1MB                         = 0x50000000
-	MFD_HUGE_256MB                       = 0x70000000
-	MFD_HUGE_2GB                         = 0x7c000000
-	MFD_HUGE_2MB                         = 0x54000000
-	MFD_HUGE_32MB                        = 0x64000000
-	MFD_HUGE_512KB                       = 0x4c000000
-	MFD_HUGE_512MB                       = 0x74000000
-	MFD_HUGE_64KB                        = 0x40000000
-	MFD_HUGE_8MB                         = 0x5c000000
-	MFD_HUGE_MASK                        = 0x3f
-	MFD_HUGE_SHIFT                       = 0x1a
-	MINIX2_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0x2468
-	MINIX2_SUPER_MAGIC2                  = 0x2478
-	MINIX3_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0x4d5a
-	MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x137f
-	MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC2                   = 0x138f
-	MNT_DETACH                           = 0x2
-	MNT_EXPIRE                           = 0x4
-	MNT_FORCE                            = 0x1
-	MSDOS_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x4d44
-	MSG_BATCH                            = 0x40000
-	MSG_CMSG_CLOEXEC                     = 0x40000000
-	MSG_CONFIRM                          = 0x800
-	MSG_CTRUNC                           = 0x8
-	MSG_DONTROUTE                        = 0x4
-	MSG_DONTWAIT                         = 0x40
-	MSG_EOR                              = 0x80
-	MSG_ERRQUEUE                         = 0x2000
-	MSG_FASTOPEN                         = 0x20000000
-	MSG_FIN                              = 0x200
-	MSG_MORE                             = 0x8000
-	MSG_NOSIGNAL                         = 0x4000
-	MSG_OOB                              = 0x1
-	MSG_PEEK                             = 0x2
-	MSG_PROXY                            = 0x10
-	MSG_RST                              = 0x1000
-	MSG_SYN                              = 0x400
-	MSG_TRUNC                            = 0x20
-	MSG_TRYHARD                          = 0x4
-	MSG_WAITALL                          = 0x100
-	MSG_WAITFORONE                       = 0x10000
-	MSG_ZEROCOPY                         = 0x4000000
-	MS_ACTIVE                            = 0x40000000
-	MS_ASYNC                             = 0x1
-	MS_BIND                              = 0x1000
-	MS_BORN                              = 0x20000000
-	MS_DIRSYNC                           = 0x80
-	MS_INVALIDATE                        = 0x2
-	MS_I_VERSION                         = 0x800000
-	MS_KERNMOUNT                         = 0x400000
-	MS_LAZYTIME                          = 0x2000000
-	MS_MANDLOCK                          = 0x40
-	MS_MGC_MSK                           = 0xffff0000
-	MS_MGC_VAL                           = 0xc0ed0000
-	MS_MOVE                              = 0x2000
-	MS_NOATIME                           = 0x400
-	MS_NODEV                             = 0x4
-	MS_NODIRATIME                        = 0x800
-	MS_NOEXEC                            = 0x8
-	MS_NOREMOTELOCK                      = 0x8000000
-	MS_NOSEC                             = 0x10000000
-	MS_NOSUID                            = 0x2
-	MS_NOUSER                            = -0x80000000
-	MS_POSIXACL                          = 0x10000
-	MS_PRIVATE                           = 0x40000
-	MS_RDONLY                            = 0x1
-	MS_REC                               = 0x4000
-	MS_RELATIME                          = 0x200000
-	MS_REMOUNT                           = 0x20
-	MS_RMT_MASK                          = 0x2800051
-	MS_SHARED                            = 0x100000
-	MS_SILENT                            = 0x8000
-	MS_SLAVE                             = 0x80000
-	MS_STRICTATIME                       = 0x1000000
-	MS_SUBMOUNT                          = 0x4000000
-	MS_SYNC                              = 0x4
-	MS_SYNCHRONOUS                       = 0x10
-	MS_UNBINDABLE                        = 0x20000
-	MS_VERBOSE                           = 0x8000
-	MTD_INODE_FS_MAGIC                   = 0x11307854
-	NAME_MAX                             = 0xff
-	NCP_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x564c
-	NETLINK_ADD_MEMBERSHIP               = 0x1
-	NETLINK_AUDIT                        = 0x9
-	NETLINK_BROADCAST_ERROR              = 0x4
-	NETLINK_CAP_ACK                      = 0xa
-	NETLINK_CONNECTOR                    = 0xb
-	NETLINK_CRYPTO                       = 0x15
-	NETLINK_DNRTMSG                      = 0xe
-	NETLINK_DROP_MEMBERSHIP              = 0x2
-	NETLINK_ECRYPTFS                     = 0x13
-	NETLINK_EXT_ACK                      = 0xb
-	NETLINK_FIB_LOOKUP                   = 0xa
-	NETLINK_FIREWALL                     = 0x3
-	NETLINK_GENERIC                      = 0x10
-	NETLINK_GET_STRICT_CHK               = 0xc
-	NETLINK_INET_DIAG                    = 0x4
-	NETLINK_IP6_FW                       = 0xd
-	NETLINK_ISCSI                        = 0x8
-	NETLINK_KOBJECT_UEVENT               = 0xf
-	NETLINK_LISTEN_ALL_NSID              = 0x8
-	NETLINK_LIST_MEMBERSHIPS             = 0x9
-	NETLINK_NETFILTER                    = 0xc
-	NETLINK_NFLOG                        = 0x5
-	NETLINK_NO_ENOBUFS                   = 0x5
-	NETLINK_PKTINFO                      = 0x3
-	NETLINK_RDMA                         = 0x14
-	NETLINK_ROUTE                        = 0x0
-	NETLINK_RX_RING                      = 0x6
-	NETLINK_SCSITRANSPORT                = 0x12
-	NETLINK_SELINUX                      = 0x7
-	NETLINK_SMC                          = 0x16
-	NETLINK_SOCK_DIAG                    = 0x4
-	NETLINK_TX_RING                      = 0x7
-	NETLINK_UNUSED                       = 0x1
-	NETLINK_USERSOCK                     = 0x2
-	NETLINK_XFRM                         = 0x6
-	NETNSA_MAX                           = 0x5
-	NETNSA_NSID_NOT_ASSIGNED             = -0x1
-	NFNETLINK_V0                         = 0x0
-	NFNLGRP_ACCT_QUOTA                   = 0x8
-	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_EXP_NEW            = 0x4
-	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_NEW                = 0x1
-	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_UPDATE             = 0x2
-	NFNLGRP_MAX                          = 0x9
-	NFNLGRP_NFTABLES                     = 0x7
-	NFNLGRP_NFTRACE                      = 0x9
-	NFNLGRP_NONE                         = 0x0
-	NFNL_BATCH_MAX                       = 0x1
-	NFNL_MSG_BATCH_BEGIN                 = 0x10
-	NFNL_MSG_BATCH_END                   = 0x11
-	NFNL_NFA_NEST                        = 0x8000
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_ACCT                     = 0x7
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_COUNT                    = 0xc
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTHELPER                 = 0x9
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTNETLINK                = 0x1
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTNETLINK_EXP            = 0x2
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_IPSET                    = 0x6
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_NFTABLES                 = 0xa
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_NFT_COMPAT               = 0xb
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_NONE                     = 0x0
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_OSF                      = 0x5
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_QUEUE                    = 0x3
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_ULOG                     = 0x4
-	NFS_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x6969
-	NILFS_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x3434
-	NL0                                  = 0x0
-	NL1                                  = 0x100
-	NLA_ALIGNTO                          = 0x4
-	NLA_F_NESTED                         = 0x8000
-	NLA_F_NET_BYTEORDER                  = 0x4000
-	NLA_HDRLEN                           = 0x4
-	NLDLY                                = 0x100
-	NLMSG_ALIGNTO                        = 0x4
-	NLMSG_DONE                           = 0x3
-	NLMSG_ERROR                          = 0x2
-	NLMSG_HDRLEN                         = 0x10
-	NLMSG_MIN_TYPE                       = 0x10
-	NLMSG_NOOP                           = 0x1
-	NLMSG_OVERRUN                        = 0x4
-	NLM_F_ACK                            = 0x4
-	NLM_F_ACK_TLVS                       = 0x200
-	NLM_F_APPEND                         = 0x800
-	NLM_F_ATOMIC                         = 0x400
-	NLM_F_CAPPED                         = 0x100
-	NLM_F_CREATE                         = 0x400
-	NLM_F_DUMP                           = 0x300
-	NLM_F_DUMP_FILTERED                  = 0x20
-	NLM_F_DUMP_INTR                      = 0x10
-	NLM_F_ECHO                           = 0x8
-	NLM_F_EXCL                           = 0x200
-	NLM_F_MATCH                          = 0x200
-	NLM_F_MULTI                          = 0x2
-	NLM_F_NONREC                         = 0x100
-	NLM_F_REPLACE                        = 0x100
-	NLM_F_REQUEST                        = 0x1
-	NLM_F_ROOT                           = 0x100
-	NOFLSH                               = 0x80
-	NSFS_MAGIC                           = 0x6e736673
-	OCFS2_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x7461636f
-	OCRNL                                = 0x8
-	OFDEL                                = 0x80
-	OFILL                                = 0x40
-	OLCUC                                = 0x2
-	ONLCR                                = 0x4
-	ONLRET                               = 0x20
-	ONOCR                                = 0x10
-	OPENPROM_SUPER_MAGIC                 = 0x9fa1
-	OPOST                                = 0x1
-	OVERLAYFS_SUPER_MAGIC                = 0x794c7630
-	O_ACCMODE                            = 0x3
-	O_APPEND                             = 0x400
-	O_ASYNC                              = 0x2000
-	O_CLOEXEC                            = 0x80000
-	O_CREAT                              = 0x40
-	O_DIRECT                             = 0x4000
-	O_DIRECTORY                          = 0x10000
-	O_DSYNC                              = 0x1000
-	O_EXCL                               = 0x80
-	O_FSYNC                              = 0x101000
-	O_LARGEFILE                          = 0x0
-	O_NDELAY                             = 0x800
-	O_NOATIME                            = 0x40000
-	O_NOCTTY                             = 0x100
-	O_NOFOLLOW                           = 0x20000
-	O_NONBLOCK                           = 0x800
-	O_PATH                               = 0x200000
-	O_RDONLY                             = 0x0
-	O_RDWR                               = 0x2
-	O_RSYNC                              = 0x101000
-	O_SYNC                               = 0x101000
-	O_TMPFILE                            = 0x410000
-	O_TRUNC                              = 0x200
-	O_WRONLY                             = 0x1
-	PACKET_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                = 0x1
-	PACKET_AUXDATA                       = 0x8
-	PACKET_BROADCAST                     = 0x1
-	PACKET_COPY_THRESH                   = 0x7
-	PACKET_DROP_MEMBERSHIP               = 0x2
-	PACKET_FANOUT                        = 0x12
-	PACKET_FANOUT_CBPF                   = 0x6
-	PACKET_FANOUT_CPU                    = 0x2
-	PACKET_FANOUT_DATA                   = 0x16
-	PACKET_FANOUT_EBPF                   = 0x7
-	PACKET_FANOUT_FLAG_DEFRAG            = 0x8000
-	PACKET_FANOUT_HASH                   = 0x0
-	PACKET_FANOUT_LB                     = 0x1
-	PACKET_FANOUT_QM                     = 0x5
-	PACKET_FANOUT_RND                    = 0x4
-	PACKET_FANOUT_ROLLOVER               = 0x3
-	PACKET_FASTROUTE                     = 0x6
-	PACKET_HDRLEN                        = 0xb
-	PACKET_HOST                          = 0x0
-	PACKET_IGNORE_OUTGOING               = 0x17
-	PACKET_KERNEL                        = 0x7
-	PACKET_LOOPBACK                      = 0x5
-	PACKET_LOSS                          = 0xe
-	PACKET_MR_ALLMULTI                   = 0x2
-	PACKET_MR_MULTICAST                  = 0x0
-	PACKET_MR_PROMISC                    = 0x1
-	PACKET_MR_UNICAST                    = 0x3
-	PACKET_MULTICAST                     = 0x2
-	PACKET_ORIGDEV                       = 0x9
-	PACKET_OTHERHOST                     = 0x3
-	PACKET_OUTGOING                      = 0x4
-	PACKET_QDISC_BYPASS                  = 0x14
-	PACKET_RECV_OUTPUT                   = 0x3
-	PACKET_RESERVE                       = 0xc
-	PACKET_ROLLOVER_STATS                = 0x15
-	PACKET_RX_RING                       = 0x5
-	PACKET_STATISTICS                    = 0x6
-	PACKET_TIMESTAMP                     = 0x11
-	PACKET_TX_HAS_OFF                    = 0x13
-	PACKET_TX_RING                       = 0xd
-	PACKET_TX_TIMESTAMP                  = 0x10
-	PACKET_USER                          = 0x6
-	PACKET_VERSION                       = 0xa
-	PACKET_VNET_HDR                      = 0xf
-	PARENB                               = 0x100
-	PARITY_CRC16_PR0                     = 0x2
-	PARITY_CRC16_PR0_CCITT               = 0x4
-	PARITY_CRC16_PR1                     = 0x3
-	PARITY_CRC16_PR1_CCITT               = 0x5
-	PARITY_CRC32_PR0_CCITT               = 0x6
-	PARITY_CRC32_PR1_CCITT               = 0x7
-	PARITY_DEFAULT                       = 0x0
-	PARITY_NONE                          = 0x1
-	PARMRK                               = 0x8
-	PARODD                               = 0x200
-	PENDIN                               = 0x4000
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_DISABLE               = 0x2401
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_ENABLE                = 0x2400
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_ID                    = 0x80082407
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_PAUSE_OUTPUT          = 0x40042409
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_PERIOD                = 0x40082404
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_QUERY_BPF             = 0xc008240a
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_REFRESH               = 0x2402
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_RESET                 = 0x2403
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_BPF               = 0x40042408
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_FILTER            = 0x40082406
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_OUTPUT            = 0x2405
-	PIPEFS_MAGIC                         = 0x50495045
-	PPPIOCATTACH                         = 0x4004743d
-	PPPIOCATTCHAN                        = 0x40047438
-	PPPIOCCONNECT                        = 0x4004743a
-	PPPIOCDETACH                         = 0x4004743c
-	PPPIOCDISCONN                        = 0x7439
-	PPPIOCGASYNCMAP                      = 0x80047458
-	PPPIOCGCHAN                          = 0x80047437
-	PPPIOCGDEBUG                         = 0x80047441
-	PPPIOCGFLAGS                         = 0x8004745a
-	PPPIOCGIDLE                          = 0x8010743f
-	PPPIOCGL2TPSTATS                     = 0x80487436
-	PPPIOCGMRU                           = 0x80047453
-	PPPIOCGNPMODE                        = 0xc008744c
-	PPPIOCGRASYNCMAP                     = 0x80047455
-	PPPIOCGUNIT                          = 0x80047456
-	PPPIOCGXASYNCMAP                     = 0x80207450
-	PPPIOCNEWUNIT                        = 0xc004743e
-	PPPIOCSACTIVE                        = 0x40107446
-	PPPIOCSASYNCMAP                      = 0x40047457
-	PPPIOCSCOMPRESS                      = 0x4010744d
-	PPPIOCSDEBUG                         = 0x40047440
-	PPPIOCSFLAGS                         = 0x40047459
-	PPPIOCSMAXCID                        = 0x40047451
-	PPPIOCSMRRU                          = 0x4004743b
-	PPPIOCSMRU                           = 0x40047452
-	PPPIOCSNPMODE                        = 0x4008744b
-	PPPIOCSPASS                          = 0x40107447
-	PPPIOCSRASYNCMAP                     = 0x40047454
-	PPPIOCSXASYNCMAP                     = 0x4020744f
-	PPPIOCXFERUNIT                       = 0x744e
-	PRIO_PGRP                            = 0x1
-	PRIO_PROCESS                         = 0x0
-	PRIO_USER                            = 0x2
-	PROC_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0x9fa0
-	PROT_EXEC                            = 0x4
-	PROT_GROWSDOWN                       = 0x1000000
-	PROT_GROWSUP                         = 0x2000000
-	PROT_NONE                            = 0x0
-	PROT_READ                            = 0x1
-	PROT_WRITE                           = 0x2
-	PR_CAPBSET_DROP                      = 0x18
-	PR_CAPBSET_READ                      = 0x17
-	PR_CAP_AMBIENT                       = 0x2f
-	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_CLEAR_ALL             = 0x4
-	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_IS_SET                = 0x1
-	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_LOWER                 = 0x3
-	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_RAISE                 = 0x2
-	PR_ENDIAN_BIG                        = 0x0
-	PR_ENDIAN_LITTLE                     = 0x1
-	PR_ENDIAN_PPC_LITTLE                 = 0x2
-	PR_FPEMU_NOPRINT                     = 0x1
-	PR_FPEMU_SIGFPE                      = 0x2
-	PR_FP_EXC_ASYNC                      = 0x2
-	PR_FP_EXC_DISABLED                   = 0x0
-	PR_FP_EXC_DIV                        = 0x10000
-	PR_FP_EXC_INV                        = 0x100000
-	PR_FP_EXC_NONRECOV                   = 0x1
-	PR_FP_EXC_OVF                        = 0x20000
-	PR_FP_EXC_PRECISE                    = 0x3
-	PR_FP_EXC_RES                        = 0x80000
-	PR_FP_EXC_SW_ENABLE                  = 0x80
-	PR_FP_EXC_UND                        = 0x40000
-	PR_FP_MODE_FR                        = 0x1
-	PR_FP_MODE_FRE                       = 0x2
-	PR_GET_CHILD_SUBREAPER               = 0x25
-	PR_GET_DUMPABLE                      = 0x3
-	PR_GET_ENDIAN                        = 0x13
-	PR_GET_FPEMU                         = 0x9
-	PR_GET_FPEXC                         = 0xb
-	PR_GET_FP_MODE                       = 0x2e
-	PR_GET_KEEPCAPS                      = 0x7
-	PR_GET_NAME                          = 0x10
-	PR_GET_NO_NEW_PRIVS                  = 0x27
-	PR_GET_PDEATHSIG                     = 0x2
-	PR_GET_SECCOMP                       = 0x15
-	PR_GET_SECUREBITS                    = 0x1b
-	PR_GET_SPECULATION_CTRL              = 0x34
-	PR_GET_THP_DISABLE                   = 0x2a
-	PR_GET_TID_ADDRESS                   = 0x28
-	PR_GET_TIMERSLACK                    = 0x1e
-	PR_GET_TIMING                        = 0xd
-	PR_GET_TSC                           = 0x19
-	PR_GET_UNALIGN                       = 0x5
-	PR_MCE_KILL                          = 0x21
-	PR_MCE_KILL_CLEAR                    = 0x0
-	PR_MCE_KILL_DEFAULT                  = 0x2
-	PR_MCE_KILL_EARLY                    = 0x1
-	PR_MCE_KILL_GET                      = 0x22
-	PR_MCE_KILL_LATE                     = 0x0
-	PR_MCE_KILL_SET                      = 0x1
-	PR_MPX_DISABLE_MANAGEMENT            = 0x2c
-	PR_MPX_ENABLE_MANAGEMENT             = 0x2b
-	PR_PAC_APDAKEY                       = 0x4
-	PR_PAC_APDBKEY                       = 0x8
-	PR_PAC_APGAKEY                       = 0x10
-	PR_PAC_APIAKEY                       = 0x1
-	PR_PAC_APIBKEY                       = 0x2
-	PR_PAC_RESET_KEYS                    = 0x36
-	PR_SET_CHILD_SUBREAPER               = 0x24
-	PR_SET_DUMPABLE                      = 0x4
-	PR_SET_ENDIAN                        = 0x14
-	PR_SET_FPEMU                         = 0xa
-	PR_SET_FPEXC                         = 0xc
-	PR_SET_FP_MODE                       = 0x2d
-	PR_SET_KEEPCAPS                      = 0x8
-	PR_SET_MM                            = 0x23
-	PR_SET_MM_ARG_END                    = 0x9
-	PR_SET_MM_ARG_START                  = 0x8
-	PR_SET_MM_AUXV                       = 0xc
-	PR_SET_MM_BRK                        = 0x7
-	PR_SET_MM_END_CODE                   = 0x2
-	PR_SET_MM_END_DATA                   = 0x4
-	PR_SET_MM_ENV_END                    = 0xb
-	PR_SET_MM_ENV_START                  = 0xa
-	PR_SET_MM_EXE_FILE                   = 0xd
-	PR_SET_MM_MAP                        = 0xe
-	PR_SET_MM_MAP_SIZE                   = 0xf
-	PR_SET_MM_START_BRK                  = 0x6
-	PR_SET_MM_START_CODE                 = 0x1
-	PR_SET_MM_START_DATA                 = 0x3
-	PR_SET_MM_START_STACK                = 0x5
-	PR_SET_NAME                          = 0xf
-	PR_SET_NO_NEW_PRIVS                  = 0x26
-	PR_SET_PDEATHSIG                     = 0x1
-	PR_SET_PTRACER                       = 0x59616d61
-	PR_SET_PTRACER_ANY                   = 0xffffffffffffffff
-	PR_SET_SECCOMP                       = 0x16
-	PR_SET_SECUREBITS                    = 0x1c
-	PR_SET_SPECULATION_CTRL              = 0x35
-	PR_SET_THP_DISABLE                   = 0x29
-	PR_SET_TIMERSLACK                    = 0x1d
-	PR_SET_TIMING                        = 0xe
-	PR_SET_TSC                           = 0x1a
-	PR_SET_UNALIGN                       = 0x6
-	PR_SPEC_DISABLE                      = 0x4
-	PR_SPEC_DISABLE_NOEXEC               = 0x10
-	PR_SPEC_ENABLE                       = 0x2
-	PR_SPEC_FORCE_DISABLE                = 0x8
-	PR_SPEC_INDIRECT_BRANCH              = 0x1
-	PR_SPEC_NOT_AFFECTED                 = 0x0
-	PR_SPEC_PRCTL                        = 0x1
-	PR_SPEC_STORE_BYPASS                 = 0x0
-	PR_SVE_GET_VL                        = 0x33
-	PR_SVE_SET_VL                        = 0x32
-	PR_SVE_SET_VL_ONEXEC                 = 0x40000
-	PR_SVE_VL_INHERIT                    = 0x20000
-	PR_SVE_VL_LEN_MASK                   = 0xffff
-	PR_TASK_PERF_EVENTS_ENABLE           = 0x20
-	PR_TIMING_STATISTICAL                = 0x0
-	PR_TIMING_TIMESTAMP                  = 0x1
-	PR_TSC_ENABLE                        = 0x1
-	PR_TSC_SIGSEGV                       = 0x2
-	PR_UNALIGN_NOPRINT                   = 0x1
-	PR_UNALIGN_SIGBUS                    = 0x2
-	PSTOREFS_MAGIC                       = 0x6165676c
-	PTRACE_ARCH_PRCTL                    = 0x1e
-	PTRACE_ATTACH                        = 0x10
-	PTRACE_CONT                          = 0x7
-	PTRACE_DETACH                        = 0x11
-	PTRACE_EVENT_CLONE                   = 0x3
-	PTRACE_EVENT_EXEC                    = 0x4
-	PTRACE_EVENT_EXIT                    = 0x6
-	PTRACE_EVENT_FORK                    = 0x1
-	PTRACE_EVENT_SECCOMP                 = 0x7
-	PTRACE_EVENT_STOP                    = 0x80
-	PTRACE_EVENT_VFORK                   = 0x2
-	PTRACE_EVENT_VFORK_DONE              = 0x5
-	PTRACE_GETEVENTMSG                   = 0x4201
-	PTRACE_GETFPREGS                     = 0xe
-	PTRACE_GETFPXREGS                    = 0x12
-	PTRACE_GETREGS                       = 0xc
-	PTRACE_GETREGSET                     = 0x4204
-	PTRACE_GETSIGINFO                    = 0x4202
-	PTRACE_GETSIGMASK                    = 0x420a
-	PTRACE_GET_THREAD_AREA               = 0x19
-	PTRACE_INTERRUPT                     = 0x4207
-	PTRACE_KILL                          = 0x8
-	PTRACE_LISTEN                        = 0x4208
-	PTRACE_OLDSETOPTIONS                 = 0x15
-	PTRACE_O_EXITKILL                    = 0x100000
-	PTRACE_O_MASK                        = 0x3000ff
-	PTRACE_O_SUSPEND_SECCOMP             = 0x200000
-	PTRACE_O_TRACECLONE                  = 0x8
-	PTRACE_O_TRACEEXEC                   = 0x10
-	PTRACE_O_TRACEEXIT                   = 0x40
-	PTRACE_O_TRACEFORK                   = 0x2
-	PTRACE_O_TRACESECCOMP                = 0x80
-	PTRACE_O_TRACESYSGOOD                = 0x1
-	PTRACE_O_TRACEVFORK                  = 0x4
-	PTRACE_O_TRACEVFORKDONE              = 0x20
-	PTRACE_PEEKDATA                      = 0x2
-	PTRACE_PEEKSIGINFO                   = 0x4209
-	PTRACE_PEEKTEXT                      = 0x1
-	PTRACE_PEEKUSR                       = 0x3
-	PTRACE_POKEDATA                      = 0x5
-	PTRACE_POKETEXT                      = 0x4
-	PTRACE_POKEUSR                       = 0x6
-	PTRACE_SECCOMP_GET_FILTER            = 0x420c
-	PTRACE_SEIZE                         = 0x4206
-	PTRACE_SETFPREGS                     = 0xf
-	PTRACE_SETFPXREGS                    = 0x13
-	PTRACE_SETOPTIONS                    = 0x4200
-	PTRACE_SETREGS                       = 0xd
-	PTRACE_SETREGSET                     = 0x4205
-	PTRACE_SETSIGINFO                    = 0x4203
-	PTRACE_SETSIGMASK                    = 0x420b
-	PTRACE_SET_THREAD_AREA               = 0x1a
-	PTRACE_SINGLEBLOCK                   = 0x21
-	PTRACE_SINGLESTEP                    = 0x9
-	PTRACE_SYSCALL                       = 0x18
-	PTRACE_SYSEMU                        = 0x1f
-	PTRACE_SYSEMU_SINGLESTEP             = 0x20
-	PTRACE_TRACEME                       = 0x0
-	QNX4_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0x2f
-	QNX6_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0x68191122
-	RAMFS_MAGIC                          = 0x858458f6
-	RDTGROUP_SUPER_MAGIC                 = 0x7655821
-	REISERFS_SUPER_MAGIC                 = 0x52654973
-	RENAME_EXCHANGE                      = 0x2
-	RENAME_NOREPLACE                     = 0x1
-	RENAME_WHITEOUT                      = 0x4
-	RLIMIT_AS                            = 0x9
-	RLIMIT_CORE                          = 0x4
-	RLIMIT_CPU                           = 0x0
-	RLIMIT_DATA                          = 0x2
-	RLIMIT_FSIZE                         = 0x1
-	RLIMIT_LOCKS                         = 0xa
-	RLIMIT_MEMLOCK                       = 0x8
-	RLIMIT_MSGQUEUE                      = 0xc
-	RLIMIT_NICE                          = 0xd
-	RLIMIT_NOFILE                        = 0x7
-	RLIMIT_NPROC                         = 0x6
-	RLIMIT_RSS                           = 0x5
-	RLIMIT_RTPRIO                        = 0xe
-	RLIMIT_RTTIME                        = 0xf
-	RLIMIT_SIGPENDING                    = 0xb
-	RLIMIT_STACK                         = 0x3
-	RLIM_INFINITY                        = 0xffffffffffffffff
-	RNDADDENTROPY                        = 0x40085203
-	RNDADDTOENTCNT                       = 0x40045201
-	RNDCLEARPOOL                         = 0x5206
-	RNDGETENTCNT                         = 0x80045200
-	RNDGETPOOL                           = 0x80085202
-	RNDRESEEDCRNG                        = 0x5207
-	RNDZAPENTCNT                         = 0x5204
-	RTAX_ADVMSS                          = 0x8
-	RTAX_CC_ALGO                         = 0x10
-	RTAX_CWND                            = 0x7
-	RTAX_FASTOPEN_NO_COOKIE              = 0x11
-	RTAX_FEATURES                        = 0xc
-	RTAX_FEATURE_ALLFRAG                 = 0x8
-	RTAX_FEATURE_ECN                     = 0x1
-	RTAX_FEATURE_MASK                    = 0xf
-	RTAX_FEATURE_SACK                    = 0x2
-	RTAX_FEATURE_TIMESTAMP               = 0x4
-	RTAX_HOPLIMIT                        = 0xa
-	RTAX_INITCWND                        = 0xb
-	RTAX_INITRWND                        = 0xe
-	RTAX_LOCK                            = 0x1
-	RTAX_MAX                             = 0x11
-	RTAX_MTU                             = 0x2
-	RTAX_QUICKACK                        = 0xf
-	RTAX_REORDERING                      = 0x9
-	RTAX_RTO_MIN                         = 0xd
-	RTAX_RTT                             = 0x4
-	RTAX_RTTVAR                          = 0x5
-	RTAX_SSTHRESH                        = 0x6
-	RTAX_UNSPEC                          = 0x0
-	RTAX_WINDOW                          = 0x3
-	RTA_ALIGNTO                          = 0x4
-	RTA_MAX                              = 0x1d
-	RTCF_DIRECTSRC                       = 0x4000000
-	RTCF_DOREDIRECT                      = 0x1000000
-	RTCF_LOG                             = 0x2000000
-	RTCF_MASQ                            = 0x400000
-	RTCF_NAT                             = 0x800000
-	RTCF_VALVE                           = 0x200000
-	RTC_AF                               = 0x20
-	RTC_AIE_OFF                          = 0x7002
-	RTC_AIE_ON                           = 0x7001
-	RTC_ALM_READ                         = 0x80247008
-	RTC_ALM_SET                          = 0x40247007
-	RTC_EPOCH_READ                       = 0x8008700d
-	RTC_EPOCH_SET                        = 0x4008700e
-	RTC_IRQF                             = 0x80
-	RTC_IRQP_READ                        = 0x8008700b
-	RTC_IRQP_SET                         = 0x4008700c
-	RTC_MAX_FREQ                         = 0x2000
-	RTC_PF                               = 0x40
-	RTC_PIE_OFF                          = 0x7006
-	RTC_PIE_ON                           = 0x7005
-	RTC_PLL_GET                          = 0x80207011
-	RTC_PLL_SET                          = 0x40207012
-	RTC_RD_TIME                          = 0x80247009
-	RTC_SET_TIME                         = 0x4024700a
-	RTC_UF                               = 0x10
-	RTC_UIE_OFF                          = 0x7004
-	RTC_UIE_ON                           = 0x7003
-	RTC_VL_CLR                           = 0x7014
-	RTC_VL_READ                          = 0x80047013
-	RTC_WIE_OFF                          = 0x7010
-	RTC_WIE_ON                           = 0x700f
-	RTC_WKALM_RD                         = 0x80287010
-	RTC_WKALM_SET                        = 0x4028700f
-	RTF_ADDRCLASSMASK                    = 0xf8000000
-	RTF_ADDRCONF                         = 0x40000
-	RTF_ALLONLINK                        = 0x20000
-	RTF_BROADCAST                        = 0x10000000
-	RTF_CACHE                            = 0x1000000
-	RTF_DEFAULT                          = 0x10000
-	RTF_DYNAMIC                          = 0x10
-	RTF_FLOW                             = 0x2000000
-	RTF_GATEWAY                          = 0x2
-	RTF_HOST                             = 0x4
-	RTF_INTERFACE                        = 0x40000000
-	RTF_IRTT                             = 0x100
-	RTF_LINKRT                           = 0x100000
-	RTF_LOCAL                            = 0x80000000
-	RTF_MODIFIED                         = 0x20
-	RTF_MSS                              = 0x40
-	RTF_MTU                              = 0x40
-	RTF_MULTICAST                        = 0x20000000
-	RTF_NAT                              = 0x8000000
-	RTF_NOFORWARD                        = 0x1000
-	RTF_NONEXTHOP                        = 0x200000
-	RTF_NOPMTUDISC                       = 0x4000
-	RTF_POLICY                           = 0x4000000
-	RTF_REINSTATE                        = 0x8
-	RTF_REJECT                           = 0x200
-	RTF_STATIC                           = 0x400
-	RTF_THROW                            = 0x2000
-	RTF_UP                               = 0x1
-	RTF_WINDOW                           = 0x80
-	RTF_XRESOLVE                         = 0x800
-	RTM_BASE                             = 0x10
-	RTM_DELACTION                        = 0x31
-	RTM_DELADDR                          = 0x15
-	RTM_DELADDRLABEL                     = 0x49
-	RTM_DELCHAIN                         = 0x65
-	RTM_DELLINK                          = 0x11
-	RTM_DELMDB                           = 0x55
-	RTM_DELNEIGH                         = 0x1d
-	RTM_DELNETCONF                       = 0x51
-	RTM_DELNSID                          = 0x59
-	RTM_DELQDISC                         = 0x25
-	RTM_DELROUTE                         = 0x19
-	RTM_DELRULE                          = 0x21
-	RTM_DELTCLASS                        = 0x29
-	RTM_DELTFILTER                       = 0x2d
-	RTM_F_CLONED                         = 0x200
-	RTM_F_EQUALIZE                       = 0x400
-	RTM_F_FIB_MATCH                      = 0x2000
-	RTM_F_LOOKUP_TABLE                   = 0x1000
-	RTM_F_NOTIFY                         = 0x100
-	RTM_F_PREFIX                         = 0x800
-	RTM_GETACTION                        = 0x32
-	RTM_GETADDR                          = 0x16
-	RTM_GETADDRLABEL                     = 0x4a
-	RTM_GETANYCAST                       = 0x3e
-	RTM_GETCHAIN                         = 0x66
-	RTM_GETDCB                           = 0x4e
-	RTM_GETLINK                          = 0x12
-	RTM_GETMDB                           = 0x56
-	RTM_GETMULTICAST                     = 0x3a
-	RTM_GETNEIGH                         = 0x1e
-	RTM_GETNEIGHTBL                      = 0x42
-	RTM_GETNETCONF                       = 0x52
-	RTM_GETNSID                          = 0x5a
-	RTM_GETQDISC                         = 0x26
-	RTM_GETROUTE                         = 0x1a
-	RTM_GETRULE                          = 0x22
-	RTM_GETSTATS                         = 0x5e
-	RTM_GETTCLASS                        = 0x2a
-	RTM_GETTFILTER                       = 0x2e
-	RTM_MAX                              = 0x67
-	RTM_NEWACTION                        = 0x30
-	RTM_NEWADDR                          = 0x14
-	RTM_NEWADDRLABEL                     = 0x48
-	RTM_NEWCACHEREPORT                   = 0x60
-	RTM_NEWCHAIN                         = 0x64
-	RTM_NEWLINK                          = 0x10
-	RTM_NEWMDB                           = 0x54
-	RTM_NEWNDUSEROPT                     = 0x44
-	RTM_NEWNEIGH                         = 0x1c
-	RTM_NEWNEIGHTBL                      = 0x40
-	RTM_NEWNETCONF                       = 0x50
-	RTM_NEWNSID                          = 0x58
-	RTM_NEWPREFIX                        = 0x34
-	RTM_NEWQDISC                         = 0x24
-	RTM_NEWROUTE                         = 0x18
-	RTM_NEWRULE                          = 0x20
-	RTM_NEWSTATS                         = 0x5c
-	RTM_NEWTCLASS                        = 0x28
-	RTM_NEWTFILTER                       = 0x2c
-	RTM_NR_FAMILIES                      = 0x16
-	RTM_NR_MSGTYPES                      = 0x58
-	RTM_SETDCB                           = 0x4f
-	RTM_SETLINK                          = 0x13
-	RTM_SETNEIGHTBL                      = 0x43
-	RTNH_ALIGNTO                         = 0x4
-	RTNH_COMPARE_MASK                    = 0x19
-	RTNH_F_DEAD                          = 0x1
-	RTNH_F_LINKDOWN                      = 0x10
-	RTNH_F_OFFLOAD                       = 0x8
-	RTNH_F_ONLINK                        = 0x4
-	RTNH_F_PERVASIVE                     = 0x2
-	RTNH_F_UNRESOLVED                    = 0x20
-	RTN_MAX                              = 0xb
-	RTPROT_BABEL                         = 0x2a
-	RTPROT_BGP                           = 0xba
-	RTPROT_BIRD                          = 0xc
-	RTPROT_BOOT                          = 0x3
-	RTPROT_DHCP                          = 0x10
-	RTPROT_DNROUTED                      = 0xd
-	RTPROT_EIGRP                         = 0xc0
-	RTPROT_GATED                         = 0x8
-	RTPROT_ISIS                          = 0xbb
-	RTPROT_KERNEL                        = 0x2
-	RTPROT_MROUTED                       = 0x11
-	RTPROT_MRT                           = 0xa
-	RTPROT_NTK                           = 0xf
-	RTPROT_OSPF                          = 0xbc
-	RTPROT_RA                            = 0x9
-	RTPROT_REDIRECT                      = 0x1
-	RTPROT_RIP                           = 0xbd
-	RTPROT_STATIC                        = 0x4
-	RTPROT_UNSPEC                        = 0x0
-	RTPROT_XORP                          = 0xe
-	RTPROT_ZEBRA                         = 0xb
-	RT_CLASS_DEFAULT                     = 0xfd
-	RT_CLASS_LOCAL                       = 0xff
-	RT_CLASS_MAIN                        = 0xfe
-	RT_CLASS_MAX                         = 0xff
-	RT_CLASS_UNSPEC                      = 0x0
-	RUSAGE_CHILDREN                      = -0x1
-	RUSAGE_SELF                          = 0x0
-	RUSAGE_THREAD                        = 0x1
-	SCM_CREDENTIALS                      = 0x2
-	SCM_RIGHTS                           = 0x1
-	SCM_TIMESTAMP                        = 0x1d
-	SCM_TIMESTAMPING                     = 0x25
-	SCM_TIMESTAMPING_PKTINFO             = 0x3a
-	SCM_TIMESTAMPNS                      = 0x23
-	SCM_TXTIME                           = 0x3d
-	SCM_WIFI_STATUS                      = 0x29
-	SC_LOG_FLUSH                         = 0x100000
-	SECCOMP_MODE_DISABLED                = 0x0
-	SECCOMP_MODE_FILTER                  = 0x2
-	SECCOMP_MODE_STRICT                  = 0x1
-	SECURITYFS_MAGIC                     = 0x73636673
-	SELINUX_MAGIC                        = 0xf97cff8c
-	SFD_CLOEXEC                          = 0x80000
-	SFD_NONBLOCK                         = 0x800
-	SHUT_RD                              = 0x0
-	SHUT_RDWR                            = 0x2
-	SHUT_WR                              = 0x1
-	SIOCADDDLCI                          = 0x8980
-	SIOCADDMULTI                         = 0x8931
-	SIOCADDRT                            = 0x890b
-	SIOCATMARK                           = 0x8905
-	SIOCBONDCHANGEACTIVE                 = 0x8995
-	SIOCBONDENSLAVE                      = 0x8990
-	SIOCBONDINFOQUERY                    = 0x8994
-	SIOCBONDRELEASE                      = 0x8991
-	SIOCBONDSETHWADDR                    = 0x8992
-	SIOCBONDSLAVEINFOQUERY               = 0x8993
-	SIOCBRADDBR                          = 0x89a0
-	SIOCBRADDIF                          = 0x89a2
-	SIOCBRDELBR                          = 0x89a1
-	SIOCBRDELIF                          = 0x89a3
-	SIOCDARP                             = 0x8953
-	SIOCDELDLCI                          = 0x8981
-	SIOCDELMULTI                         = 0x8932
-	SIOCDELRT                            = 0x890c
-	SIOCDEVPRIVATE                       = 0x89f0
-	SIOCDIFADDR                          = 0x8936
-	SIOCDRARP                            = 0x8960
-	SIOCETHTOOL                          = 0x8946
-	SIOCGARP                             = 0x8954
-	SIOCGHWTSTAMP                        = 0x89b1
-	SIOCGIFADDR                          = 0x8915
-	SIOCGIFBR                            = 0x8940
-	SIOCGIFBRDADDR                       = 0x8919
-	SIOCGIFCONF                          = 0x8912
-	SIOCGIFCOUNT                         = 0x8938
-	SIOCGIFDSTADDR                       = 0x8917
-	SIOCGIFENCAP                         = 0x8925
-	SIOCGIFFLAGS                         = 0x8913
-	SIOCGIFHWADDR                        = 0x8927
-	SIOCGIFINDEX                         = 0x8933
-	SIOCGIFMAP                           = 0x8970
-	SIOCGIFMEM                           = 0x891f
-	SIOCGIFMETRIC                        = 0x891d
-	SIOCGIFMTU                           = 0x8921
-	SIOCGIFNAME                          = 0x8910
-	SIOCGIFNETMASK                       = 0x891b
-	SIOCGIFPFLAGS                        = 0x8935
-	SIOCGIFSLAVE                         = 0x8929
-	SIOCGIFTXQLEN                        = 0x8942
-	SIOCGIFVLAN                          = 0x8982
-	SIOCGMIIPHY                          = 0x8947
-	SIOCGMIIREG                          = 0x8948
-	SIOCGPGRP                            = 0x8904
-	SIOCGPPPCSTATS                       = 0x89f2
-	SIOCGPPPSTATS                        = 0x89f0
-	SIOCGPPPVER                          = 0x89f1
-	SIOCGRARP                            = 0x8961
-	SIOCGSKNS                            = 0x894c
-	SIOCGSTAMP                           = 0x8906
-	SIOCGSTAMPNS                         = 0x8907
-	SIOCGSTAMPNS_NEW                     = 0x80108907
-	SIOCGSTAMPNS_OLD                     = 0x8907
-	SIOCGSTAMP_NEW                       = 0x80108906
-	SIOCGSTAMP_OLD                       = 0x8906
-	SIOCINQ                              = 0x541b
-	SIOCOUTQ                             = 0x5411
-	SIOCOUTQNSD                          = 0x894b
-	SIOCPROTOPRIVATE                     = 0x89e0
-	SIOCRTMSG                            = 0x890d
-	SIOCSARP                             = 0x8955
-	SIOCSHWTSTAMP                        = 0x89b0
-	SIOCSIFADDR                          = 0x8916
-	SIOCSIFBR                            = 0x8941
-	SIOCSIFBRDADDR                       = 0x891a
-	SIOCSIFDSTADDR                       = 0x8918
-	SIOCSIFENCAP                         = 0x8926
-	SIOCSIFFLAGS                         = 0x8914
-	SIOCSIFHWADDR                        = 0x8924
-	SIOCSIFHWBROADCAST                   = 0x8937
-	SIOCSIFLINK                          = 0x8911
-	SIOCSIFMAP                           = 0x8971
-	SIOCSIFMEM                           = 0x8920
-	SIOCSIFMETRIC                        = 0x891e
-	SIOCSIFMTU                           = 0x8922
-	SIOCSIFNAME                          = 0x8923
-	SIOCSIFNETMASK                       = 0x891c
-	SIOCSIFPFLAGS                        = 0x8934
-	SIOCSIFSLAVE                         = 0x8930
-	SIOCSIFTXQLEN                        = 0x8943
-	SIOCSIFVLAN                          = 0x8983
-	SIOCSMIIREG                          = 0x8949
-	SIOCSPGRP                            = 0x8902
-	SIOCSRARP                            = 0x8962
-	SIOCWANDEV                           = 0x894a
-	SMACK_MAGIC                          = 0x43415d53
-	SMART_AUTOSAVE                       = 0xd2
-	SMART_AUTO_OFFLINE                   = 0xdb
-	SMART_DISABLE                        = 0xd9
-	SMART_ENABLE                         = 0xd8
-	SMART_HCYL_PASS                      = 0xc2
-	SMART_IMMEDIATE_OFFLINE              = 0xd4
-	SMART_LCYL_PASS                      = 0x4f
-	SMART_READ_LOG_SECTOR                = 0xd5
-	SMART_READ_THRESHOLDS                = 0xd1
-	SMART_READ_VALUES                    = 0xd0
-	SMART_SAVE                           = 0xd3
-	SMART_STATUS                         = 0xda
-	SMART_WRITE_LOG_SECTOR               = 0xd6
-	SMART_WRITE_THRESHOLDS               = 0xd7
-	SMB_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x517b
-	SOCKFS_MAGIC                         = 0x534f434b
-	SOCK_CLOEXEC                         = 0x80000
-	SOCK_DCCP                            = 0x6
-	SOCK_DGRAM                           = 0x2
-	SOCK_IOC_TYPE                        = 0x89
-	SOCK_NONBLOCK                        = 0x800
-	SOCK_PACKET                          = 0xa
-	SOCK_RAW                             = 0x3
-	SOCK_RDM                             = 0x4
-	SOCK_SEQPACKET                       = 0x5
-	SOCK_STREAM                          = 0x1
-	SOL_AAL                              = 0x109
-	SOL_ALG                              = 0x117
-	SOL_ATM                              = 0x108
-	SOL_CAIF                             = 0x116
-	SOL_CAN_BASE                         = 0x64
-	SOL_DCCP                             = 0x10d
-	SOL_DECNET                           = 0x105
-	SOL_ICMPV6                           = 0x3a
-	SOL_IP                               = 0x0
-	SOL_IPV6                             = 0x29
-	SOL_IRDA                             = 0x10a
-	SOL_IUCV                             = 0x115
-	SOL_KCM                              = 0x119
-	SOL_LLC                              = 0x10c
-	SOL_NETBEUI                          = 0x10b
-	SOL_NETLINK                          = 0x10e
-	SOL_NFC                              = 0x118
-	SOL_PACKET                           = 0x107
-	SOL_PNPIPE                           = 0x113
-	SOL_PPPOL2TP                         = 0x111
-	SOL_RAW                              = 0xff
-	SOL_RDS                              = 0x114
-	SOL_RXRPC                            = 0x110
-	SOL_SOCKET                           = 0x1
-	SOL_TCP                              = 0x6
-	SOL_TIPC                             = 0x10f
-	SOL_TLS                              = 0x11a
-	SOL_X25                              = 0x106
-	SOL_XDP                              = 0x11b
-	SOMAXCONN                            = 0x80
-	SO_ACCEPTCONN                        = 0x1e
-	SO_ATTACH_BPF                        = 0x32
-	SO_ATTACH_FILTER                     = 0x1a
-	SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_CBPF             = 0x33
-	SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_EBPF             = 0x34
-	SO_BINDTODEVICE                      = 0x19
-	SO_BINDTOIFINDEX                     = 0x3e
-	SO_BPF_EXTENSIONS                    = 0x30
-	SO_BROADCAST                         = 0x6
-	SO_BSDCOMPAT                         = 0xe
-	SO_BUSY_POLL                         = 0x2e
-	SO_CNX_ADVICE                        = 0x35
-	SO_COOKIE                            = 0x39
-	SO_DEBUG                             = 0x1
-	SO_DETACH_BPF                        = 0x1b
-	SO_DETACH_FILTER                     = 0x1b
-	SO_DOMAIN                            = 0x27
-	SO_DONTROUTE                         = 0x5
-	SO_EE_CODE_TXTIME_MISSED             = 0x2
-	SO_EE_CODE_ZEROCOPY_COPIED           = 0x1
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_ICMP                    = 0x2
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_ICMP6                   = 0x3
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_LOCAL                   = 0x1
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_NONE                    = 0x0
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_TIMESTAMPING            = 0x4
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_TXSTATUS                = 0x4
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_TXTIME                  = 0x6
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_ZEROCOPY                = 0x5
-	SO_ERROR                             = 0x4
-	SO_GET_FILTER                        = 0x1a
-	SO_INCOMING_CPU                      = 0x31
-	SO_INCOMING_NAPI_ID                  = 0x38
-	SO_KEEPALIVE                         = 0x9
-	SO_LINGER                            = 0xd
-	SO_LOCK_FILTER                       = 0x2c
-	SO_MARK                              = 0x24
-	SO_MAX_PACING_RATE                   = 0x2f
-	SO_MEMINFO                           = 0x37
-	SO_NOFCS                             = 0x2b
-	SO_NO_CHECK                          = 0xb
-	SO_OOBINLINE                         = 0xa
-	SO_PASSCRED                          = 0x10
-	SO_PASSSEC                           = 0x22
-	SO_PEEK_OFF                          = 0x2a
-	SO_PEERCRED                          = 0x11
-	SO_PEERGROUPS                        = 0x3b
-	SO_PEERNAME                          = 0x1c
-	SO_PEERSEC                           = 0x1f
-	SO_PRIORITY                          = 0xc
-	SO_PROTOCOL                          = 0x26
-	SO_RCVBUF                            = 0x8
-	SO_RCVBUFFORCE                       = 0x21
-	SO_RCVLOWAT                          = 0x12
-	SO_RCVTIMEO                          = 0x14
-	SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW                      = 0x42
-	SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD                      = 0x14
-	SO_REUSEADDR                         = 0x2
-	SO_REUSEPORT                         = 0xf
-	SO_RXQ_OVFL                          = 0x28
-	SO_SELECT_ERR_QUEUE                  = 0x2d
-	SO_SNDBUF                            = 0x7
-	SO_SNDBUFFORCE                       = 0x20
-	SO_SNDLOWAT                          = 0x13
-	SO_SNDTIMEO                          = 0x15
-	SO_SNDTIMEO_NEW                      = 0x43
-	SO_SNDTIMEO_OLD                      = 0x15
-	SO_TIMESTAMP                         = 0x1d
-	SO_TIMESTAMPING                      = 0x25
-	SO_TIMESTAMPING_NEW                  = 0x41
-	SO_TIMESTAMPING_OLD                  = 0x25
-	SO_TIMESTAMPNS                       = 0x23
-	SO_TIMESTAMPNS_NEW                   = 0x40
-	SO_TIMESTAMPNS_OLD                   = 0x23
-	SO_TIMESTAMP_NEW                     = 0x3f
-	SO_TIMESTAMP_OLD                     = 0x1d
-	SO_TXTIME                            = 0x3d
-	SO_TYPE                              = 0x3
-	SO_VM_SOCKETS_BUFFER_SIZE            = 0x0
-	SO_VM_SOCKETS_TRUSTED                = 0x5
-	SO_WIFI_STATUS                       = 0x29
-	SO_ZEROCOPY                          = 0x3c
-	SPLICE_F_GIFT                        = 0x8
-	SPLICE_F_MORE                        = 0x4
-	SPLICE_F_MOVE                        = 0x1
-	SPLICE_F_NONBLOCK                    = 0x2
-	SQUASHFS_MAGIC                       = 0x73717368
-	STACK_END_MAGIC                      = 0x57ac6e9d
-	STATX_ALL                            = 0xfff
-	STATX_ATIME                          = 0x20
-	STATX_ATTR_APPEND                    = 0x20
-	STATX_ATTR_AUTOMOUNT                 = 0x1000
-	STATX_ATTR_COMPRESSED                = 0x4
-	STATX_ATTR_ENCRYPTED                 = 0x800
-	STATX_ATTR_IMMUTABLE                 = 0x10
-	STATX_ATTR_NODUMP                    = 0x40
-	STATX_BASIC_STATS                    = 0x7ff
-	STATX_BLOCKS                         = 0x400
-	STATX_BTIME                          = 0x800
-	STATX_CTIME                          = 0x80
-	STATX_GID                            = 0x10
-	STATX_INO                            = 0x100
-	STATX_MODE                           = 0x2
-	STATX_MTIME                          = 0x40
-	STATX_NLINK                          = 0x4
-	STATX_SIZE                           = 0x200
-	STATX_TYPE                           = 0x1
-	STATX_UID                            = 0x8
-	STATX__RESERVED                      = 0x80000000
-	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WAIT_AFTER           = 0x4
-	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WRITE                = 0x2
-	SYSFS_MAGIC                          = 0x62656572
-	S_BLKSIZE                            = 0x200
-	S_IEXEC                              = 0x40
-	S_IFBLK                              = 0x6000
-	S_IFCHR                              = 0x2000
-	S_IFDIR                              = 0x4000
-	S_IFIFO                              = 0x1000
-	S_IFLNK                              = 0xa000
-	S_IFMT                               = 0xf000
-	S_IFREG                              = 0x8000
-	S_IFSOCK                             = 0xc000
-	S_IREAD                              = 0x100
-	S_IRGRP                              = 0x20
-	S_IROTH                              = 0x4
-	S_IRUSR                              = 0x100
-	S_IRWXG                              = 0x38
-	S_IRWXO                              = 0x7
-	S_IRWXU                              = 0x1c0
-	S_ISGID                              = 0x400
-	S_ISUID                              = 0x800
-	S_ISVTX                              = 0x200
-	S_IWGRP                              = 0x10
-	S_IWOTH                              = 0x2
-	S_IWRITE                             = 0x80
-	S_IWUSR                              = 0x80
-	S_IXGRP                              = 0x8
-	S_IXOTH                              = 0x1
-	S_IXUSR                              = 0x40
-	TAB0                                 = 0x0
-	TAB1                                 = 0x800
-	TAB2                                 = 0x1000
-	TAB3                                 = 0x1800
-	TABDLY                               = 0x1800
-	TASKSTATS_CMD_ATTR_MAX               = 0x4
-	TASKSTATS_CMD_MAX                    = 0x2
-	TASKSTATS_GENL_NAME                  = "TASKSTATS"
-	TASKSTATS_GENL_VERSION               = 0x1
-	TASKSTATS_TYPE_MAX                   = 0x6
-	TASKSTATS_VERSION                    = 0x9
-	TCFLSH                               = 0x540b
-	TCGETA                               = 0x5405
-	TCGETS                               = 0x5401
-	TCGETS2                              = 0x802c542a
-	TCGETX                               = 0x5432
-	TCIFLUSH                             = 0x0
-	TCIOFF                               = 0x2
-	TCIOFLUSH                            = 0x2
-	TCION                                = 0x3
-	TCOFLUSH                             = 0x1
-	TCOOFF                               = 0x0
-	TCOON                                = 0x1
-	TCP_BPF_IW                           = 0x3e9
-	TCP_BPF_SNDCWND_CLAMP                = 0x3ea
-	TCP_CC_INFO                          = 0x1a
-	TCP_CM_INQ                           = 0x24
-	TCP_CONGESTION                       = 0xd
-	TCP_COOKIE_IN_ALWAYS                 = 0x1
-	TCP_COOKIE_MAX                       = 0x10
-	TCP_COOKIE_MIN                       = 0x8
-	TCP_COOKIE_OUT_NEVER                 = 0x2
-	TCP_COOKIE_PAIR_SIZE                 = 0x20
-	TCP_COOKIE_TRANSACTIONS              = 0xf
-	TCP_CORK                             = 0x3
-	TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT                     = 0x9
-	TCP_FASTOPEN                         = 0x17
-	TCP_FASTOPEN_CONNECT                 = 0x1e
-	TCP_FASTOPEN_KEY                     = 0x21
-	TCP_FASTOPEN_NO_COOKIE               = 0x22
-	TCP_INFO                             = 0xb
-	TCP_INQ                              = 0x24
-	TCP_KEEPCNT                          = 0x6
-	TCP_KEEPIDLE                         = 0x4
-	TCP_KEEPINTVL                        = 0x5
-	TCP_LINGER2                          = 0x8
-	TCP_MAXSEG                           = 0x2
-	TCP_MAXWIN                           = 0xffff
-	TCP_MAX_WINSHIFT                     = 0xe
-	TCP_MD5SIG                           = 0xe
-	TCP_MD5SIG_EXT                       = 0x20
-	TCP_MD5SIG_FLAG_PREFIX               = 0x1
-	TCP_MD5SIG_MAXKEYLEN                 = 0x50
-	TCP_MSS                              = 0x200
-	TCP_MSS_DEFAULT                      = 0x218
-	TCP_MSS_DESIRED                      = 0x4c4
-	TCP_NODELAY                          = 0x1
-	TCP_NOTSENT_LOWAT                    = 0x19
-	TCP_QUEUE_SEQ                        = 0x15
-	TCP_QUICKACK                         = 0xc
-	TCP_REPAIR                           = 0x13
-	TCP_REPAIR_OFF                       = 0x0
-	TCP_REPAIR_OFF_NO_WP                 = -0x1
-	TCP_REPAIR_ON                        = 0x1
-	TCP_REPAIR_OPTIONS                   = 0x16
-	TCP_REPAIR_QUEUE                     = 0x14
-	TCP_REPAIR_WINDOW                    = 0x1d
-	TCP_SAVED_SYN                        = 0x1c
-	TCP_SAVE_SYN                         = 0x1b
-	TCP_SYNCNT                           = 0x7
-	TCP_S_DATA_IN                        = 0x4
-	TCP_S_DATA_OUT                       = 0x8
-	TCP_THIN_DUPACK                      = 0x11
-	TCP_THIN_LINEAR_TIMEOUTS             = 0x10
-	TCP_TIMESTAMP                        = 0x18
-	TCP_ULP                              = 0x1f
-	TCP_USER_TIMEOUT                     = 0x12
-	TCP_WINDOW_CLAMP                     = 0xa
-	TCP_ZEROCOPY_RECEIVE                 = 0x23
-	TCSAFLUSH                            = 0x2
-	TCSBRK                               = 0x5409
-	TCSBRKP                              = 0x5425
-	TCSETA                               = 0x5406
-	TCSETAF                              = 0x5408
-	TCSETAW                              = 0x5407
-	TCSETS                               = 0x5402
-	TCSETS2                              = 0x402c542b
-	TCSETSF                              = 0x5404
-	TCSETSF2                             = 0x402c542d
-	TCSETSW                              = 0x5403
-	TCSETSW2                             = 0x402c542c
-	TCSETX                               = 0x5433
-	TCSETXF                              = 0x5434
-	TCSETXW                              = 0x5435
-	TCXONC                               = 0x540a
-	TIMER_ABSTIME                        = 0x1
-	TIOCCBRK                             = 0x5428
-	TIOCCONS                             = 0x541d
-	TIOCEXCL                             = 0x540c
-	TIOCGDEV                             = 0x80045432
-	TIOCGETD                             = 0x5424
-	TIOCGEXCL                            = 0x80045440
-	TIOCGICOUNT                          = 0x545d
-	TIOCGISO7816                         = 0x80285442
-	TIOCGLCKTRMIOS                       = 0x5456
-	TIOCGPGRP                            = 0x540f
-	TIOCGPKT                             = 0x80045438
-	TIOCGPTLCK                           = 0x80045439
-	TIOCGPTN                             = 0x80045430
-	TIOCGPTPEER                          = 0x5441
-	TIOCGRS485                           = 0x542e
-	TIOCGSERIAL                          = 0x541e
-	TIOCGSID                             = 0x5429
-	TIOCGSOFTCAR                         = 0x5419
-	TIOCGWINSZ                           = 0x5413
-	TIOCINQ                              = 0x541b
-	TIOCLINUX                            = 0x541c
-	TIOCMBIC                             = 0x5417
-	TIOCMBIS                             = 0x5416
-	TIOCMGET                             = 0x5415
-	TIOCMIWAIT                           = 0x545c
-	TIOCMSET                             = 0x5418
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-	TIOCM_CD                             = 0x40
-	TIOCM_CTS                            = 0x20
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-	TIOCM_LE                             = 0x1
-	TIOCM_RI                             = 0x80
-	TIOCM_RNG                            = 0x80
-	TIOCM_RTS                            = 0x4
-	TIOCM_SR                             = 0x10
-	TIOCM_ST                             = 0x8
-	TIOCNOTTY                            = 0x5422
-	TIOCNXCL                             = 0x540d
-	TIOCOUTQ                             = 0x5411
-	TIOCPKT                              = 0x5420
-	TIOCPKT_DATA                         = 0x0
-	TIOCPKT_DOSTOP                       = 0x20
-	TIOCPKT_FLUSHREAD                    = 0x1
-	TIOCPKT_FLUSHWRITE                   = 0x2
-	TIOCPKT_IOCTL                        = 0x40
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-	TIOCPKT_START                        = 0x8
-	TIOCPKT_STOP                         = 0x4
-	TIOCSBRK                             = 0x5427
-	TIOCSCTTY                            = 0x540e
-	TIOCSERCONFIG                        = 0x5453
-	TIOCSERGETLSR                        = 0x5459
-	TIOCSERGETMULTI                      = 0x545a
-	TIOCSERGSTRUCT                       = 0x5458
-	TIOCSERGWILD                         = 0x5454
-	TIOCSERSETMULTI                      = 0x545b
-	TIOCSERSWILD                         = 0x5455
-	TIOCSER_TEMT                         = 0x1
-	TIOCSETD                             = 0x5423
-	TIOCSIG                              = 0x40045436
-	TIOCSISO7816                         = 0xc0285443
-	TIOCSLCKTRMIOS                       = 0x5457
-	TIOCSPGRP                            = 0x5410
-	TIOCSPTLCK                           = 0x40045431
-	TIOCSRS485                           = 0x542f
-	TIOCSSERIAL                          = 0x541f
-	TIOCSSOFTCAR                         = 0x541a
-	TIOCSTI                              = 0x5412
-	TIOCSWINSZ                           = 0x5414
-	TIOCVHANGUP                          = 0x5437
-	TMPFS_MAGIC                          = 0x1021994
-	TOSTOP                               = 0x100
-	TPACKET_ALIGNMENT                    = 0x10
-	TPACKET_HDRLEN                       = 0x34
-	TP_STATUS_AVAILABLE                  = 0x0
-	TP_STATUS_BLK_TMO                    = 0x20
-	TP_STATUS_COPY                       = 0x2
-	TP_STATUS_CSUMNOTREADY               = 0x8
-	TP_STATUS_CSUM_VALID                 = 0x80
-	TP_STATUS_KERNEL                     = 0x0
-	TP_STATUS_LOSING                     = 0x4
-	TP_STATUS_SENDING                    = 0x2
-	TP_STATUS_SEND_REQUEST               = 0x1
-	TP_STATUS_TS_RAW_HARDWARE            = -0x80000000
-	TP_STATUS_TS_SOFTWARE                = 0x20000000
-	TP_STATUS_TS_SYS_HARDWARE            = 0x40000000
-	TP_STATUS_USER                       = 0x1
-	TP_STATUS_VLAN_TPID_VALID            = 0x40
-	TP_STATUS_VLAN_VALID                 = 0x10
-	TP_STATUS_WRONG_FORMAT               = 0x4
-	TRACEFS_MAGIC                        = 0x74726163
-	TS_COMM_LEN                          = 0x20
-	TUNATTACHFILTER                      = 0x401054d5
-	TUNDETACHFILTER                      = 0x401054d6
-	TUNGETDEVNETNS                       = 0x54e3
-	TUNGETFEATURES                       = 0x800454cf
-	TUNGETFILTER                         = 0x801054db
-	TUNGETIFF                            = 0x800454d2
-	TUNGETSNDBUF                         = 0x800454d3
-	TUNGETVNETBE                         = 0x800454df
-	TUNGETVNETHDRSZ                      = 0x800454d7
-	TUNGETVNETLE                         = 0x800454dd
-	TUNSETCARRIER                        = 0x400454e2
-	TUNSETDEBUG                          = 0x400454c9
-	TUNSETFILTEREBPF                     = 0x800454e1
-	TUNSETGROUP                          = 0x400454ce
-	TUNSETIFF                            = 0x400454ca
-	TUNSETIFINDEX                        = 0x400454da
-	TUNSETLINK                           = 0x400454cd
-	TUNSETNOCSUM                         = 0x400454c8
-	TUNSETOFFLOAD                        = 0x400454d0
-	TUNSETOWNER                          = 0x400454cc
-	TUNSETPERSIST                        = 0x400454cb
-	TUNSETQUEUE                          = 0x400454d9
-	TUNSETSNDBUF                         = 0x400454d4
-	TUNSETSTEERINGEBPF                   = 0x800454e0
-	TUNSETTXFILTER                       = 0x400454d1
-	TUNSETVNETBE                         = 0x400454de
-	TUNSETVNETHDRSZ                      = 0x400454d8
-	TUNSETVNETLE                         = 0x400454dc
-	UBI_IOCATT                           = 0x40186f40
-	UBI_IOCDET                           = 0x40046f41
-	UBI_IOCEBCH                          = 0x40044f02
-	UBI_IOCEBER                          = 0x40044f01
-	UBI_IOCEBISMAP                       = 0x80044f05
-	UBI_IOCEBMAP                         = 0x40084f03
-	UBI_IOCEBUNMAP                       = 0x40044f04
-	UBI_IOCMKVOL                         = 0x40986f00
-	UBI_IOCRMVOL                         = 0x40046f01
-	UBI_IOCRNVOL                         = 0x51106f03
-	UBI_IOCRPEB                          = 0x40046f04
-	UBI_IOCRSVOL                         = 0x400c6f02
-	UBI_IOCSETVOLPROP                    = 0x40104f06
-	UBI_IOCSPEB                          = 0x40046f05
-	UBI_IOCVOLCRBLK                      = 0x40804f07
-	UBI_IOCVOLRMBLK                      = 0x4f08
-	UBI_IOCVOLUP                         = 0x40084f00
-	UDF_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x15013346
-	UMOUNT_NOFOLLOW                      = 0x8
-	USBDEVICE_SUPER_MAGIC                = 0x9fa2
-	UTIME_NOW                            = 0x3fffffff
-	UTIME_OMIT                           = 0x3ffffffe
-	V9FS_MAGIC                           = 0x1021997
-	VDISCARD                             = 0xd
-	VEOF                                 = 0x4
-	VEOL                                 = 0xb
-	VEOL2                                = 0x10
-	VERASE                               = 0x2
-	VINTR                                = 0x0
-	VKILL                                = 0x3
-	VLNEXT                               = 0xf
-	VMADDR_CID_ANY                       = 0xffffffff
-	VMADDR_CID_HOST                      = 0x2
-	VMADDR_CID_HYPERVISOR                = 0x0
-	VMADDR_CID_RESERVED                  = 0x1
-	VMADDR_PORT_ANY                      = 0xffffffff
-	VMIN                                 = 0x6
-	VM_SOCKETS_INVALID_VERSION           = 0xffffffff
-	VQUIT                                = 0x1
-	VREPRINT                             = 0xc
-	VSTART                               = 0x8
-	VSTOP                                = 0x9
-	VSUSP                                = 0xa
-	VSWTC                                = 0x7
-	VT0                                  = 0x0
-	VT1                                  = 0x4000
-	VTDLY                                = 0x4000
-	VTIME                                = 0x5
-	VWERASE                              = 0xe
-	WALL                                 = 0x40000000
-	WCLONE                               = 0x80000000
-	WCONTINUED                           = 0x8
-	WDIOC_GETBOOTSTATUS                  = 0x80045702
-	WDIOC_GETPRETIMEOUT                  = 0x80045709
-	WDIOC_GETSTATUS                      = 0x80045701
-	WDIOC_GETSUPPORT                     = 0x80285700
-	WDIOC_GETTEMP                        = 0x80045703
-	WDIOC_GETTIMELEFT                    = 0x8004570a
-	WDIOC_GETTIMEOUT                     = 0x80045707
-	WDIOC_KEEPALIVE                      = 0x80045705
-	WDIOC_SETOPTIONS                     = 0x80045704
-	WDIOC_SETPRETIMEOUT                  = 0xc0045708
-	WDIOC_SETTIMEOUT                     = 0xc0045706
-	WEXITED                              = 0x4
-	WIN_ACKMEDIACHANGE                   = 0xdb
-	WIN_CHECKPOWERMODE1                  = 0xe5
-	WIN_CHECKPOWERMODE2                  = 0x98
-	WIN_DEVICE_RESET                     = 0x8
-	WIN_DIAGNOSE                         = 0x90
-	WIN_DOORLOCK                         = 0xde
-	WIN_DOORUNLOCK                       = 0xdf
-	WIN_DOWNLOAD_MICROCODE               = 0x92
-	WIN_FLUSH_CACHE                      = 0xe7
-	WIN_FLUSH_CACHE_EXT                  = 0xea
-	WIN_FORMAT                           = 0x50
-	WIN_GETMEDIASTATUS                   = 0xda
-	WIN_IDENTIFY                         = 0xec
-	WIN_IDENTIFY_DMA                     = 0xee
-	WIN_IDLEIMMEDIATE                    = 0xe1
-	WIN_INIT                             = 0x60
-	WIN_MEDIAEJECT                       = 0xed
-	WIN_MULTREAD                         = 0xc4
-	WIN_MULTREAD_EXT                     = 0x29
-	WIN_MULTWRITE                        = 0xc5
-	WIN_MULTWRITE_EXT                    = 0x39
-	WIN_NOP                              = 0x0
-	WIN_PACKETCMD                        = 0xa0
-	WIN_PIDENTIFY                        = 0xa1
-	WIN_POSTBOOT                         = 0xdc
-	WIN_PREBOOT                          = 0xdd
-	WIN_QUEUED_SERVICE                   = 0xa2
-	WIN_READ                             = 0x20
-	WIN_READDMA                          = 0xc8
-	WIN_READDMA_EXT                      = 0x25
-	WIN_READDMA_ONCE                     = 0xc9
-	WIN_READDMA_QUEUED                   = 0xc7
-	WIN_READDMA_QUEUED_EXT               = 0x26
-	WIN_READ_BUFFER                      = 0xe4
-	WIN_READ_EXT                         = 0x24
-	WIN_READ_LONG                        = 0x22
-	WIN_READ_LONG_ONCE                   = 0x23
-	WIN_READ_NATIVE_MAX                  = 0xf8
-	WIN_READ_NATIVE_MAX_EXT              = 0x27
-	WIN_READ_ONCE                        = 0x21
-	WIN_RECAL                            = 0x10
-	WIN_RESTORE                          = 0x10
-	WIN_SECURITY_DISABLE                 = 0xf6
-	WIN_SECURITY_ERASE_UNIT              = 0xf4
-	WIN_SECURITY_FREEZE_LOCK             = 0xf5
-	WIN_SECURITY_SET_PASS                = 0xf1
-	WIN_SECURITY_UNLOCK                  = 0xf2
-	WIN_SEEK                             = 0x70
-	WIN_SETFEATURES                      = 0xef
-	WIN_SETIDLE1                         = 0xe3
-	WIN_SETIDLE2                         = 0x97
-	WIN_SETMULT                          = 0xc6
-	WIN_SET_MAX                          = 0xf9
-	WIN_SET_MAX_EXT                      = 0x37
-	WIN_SLEEPNOW1                        = 0xe6
-	WIN_SLEEPNOW2                        = 0x99
-	WIN_SMART                            = 0xb0
-	WIN_SPECIFY                          = 0x91
-	WIN_SRST                             = 0x8
-	WIN_STANDBY                          = 0xe2
-	WIN_STANDBY2                         = 0x96
-	WIN_STANDBYNOW1                      = 0xe0
-	WIN_STANDBYNOW2                      = 0x94
-	WIN_VERIFY                           = 0x40
-	WIN_VERIFY_EXT                       = 0x42
-	WIN_VERIFY_ONCE                      = 0x41
-	WIN_WRITE                            = 0x30
-	WIN_WRITEDMA                         = 0xca
-	WIN_WRITEDMA_EXT                     = 0x35
-	WIN_WRITEDMA_ONCE                    = 0xcb
-	WIN_WRITEDMA_QUEUED                  = 0xcc
-	WIN_WRITEDMA_QUEUED_EXT              = 0x36
-	WIN_WRITE_BUFFER                     = 0xe8
-	WIN_WRITE_EXT                        = 0x34
-	WIN_WRITE_LONG                       = 0x32
-	WIN_WRITE_LONG_ONCE                  = 0x33
-	WIN_WRITE_ONCE                       = 0x31
-	WIN_WRITE_SAME                       = 0xe9
-	WIN_WRITE_VERIFY                     = 0x3c
-	WNOHANG                              = 0x1
-	WNOTHREAD                            = 0x20000000
-	WNOWAIT                              = 0x1000000
-	WORDSIZE                             = 0x40
-	WSTOPPED                             = 0x2
-	WUNTRACED                            = 0x2
-	XATTR_CREATE                         = 0x1
-	XATTR_REPLACE                        = 0x2
-	XCASE                                = 0x4
-	XDP_COPY                             = 0x2
-	XDP_FLAGS_DRV_MODE                   = 0x4
-	XDP_FLAGS_HW_MODE                    = 0x8
-	XDP_FLAGS_MASK                       = 0xf
-	XDP_FLAGS_MODES                      = 0xe
-	XDP_FLAGS_SKB_MODE                   = 0x2
-	XDP_MMAP_OFFSETS                     = 0x1
-	XDP_PACKET_HEADROOM                  = 0x100
-	XDP_PGOFF_RX_RING                    = 0x0
-	XDP_PGOFF_TX_RING                    = 0x80000000
-	XDP_RX_RING                          = 0x2
-	XDP_SHARED_UMEM                      = 0x1
-	XDP_STATISTICS                       = 0x7
-	XDP_TX_RING                          = 0x3
-	XDP_UMEM_COMPLETION_RING             = 0x6
-	XDP_UMEM_FILL_RING                   = 0x5
-	XDP_UMEM_PGOFF_COMPLETION_RING       = 0x180000000
-	XDP_UMEM_PGOFF_FILL_RING             = 0x100000000
-	XDP_UMEM_REG                         = 0x4
-	XDP_ZEROCOPY                         = 0x4
-	XENFS_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0xabba1974
-	XFS_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x58465342
-	XTABS                                = 0x1800
-	ZSMALLOC_MAGIC                       = 0x58295829
+	AAFS_MAGIC                                  = 0x5a3c69f0
+	ADFS_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xadf5
+	AFFS_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xadff
+	AFS_FS_MAGIC                                = 0x6b414653
+	AFS_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x5346414f
+	AF_ALG                                      = 0x26
+	AF_APPLETALK                                = 0x5
+	AF_ASH                                      = 0x12
+	AF_ATMPVC                                   = 0x8
+	AF_ATMSVC                                   = 0x14
+	AF_AX25                                     = 0x3
+	AF_BLUETOOTH                                = 0x1f
+	AF_BRIDGE                                   = 0x7
+	AF_CAIF                                     = 0x25
+	AF_CAN                                      = 0x1d
+	AF_DECnet                                   = 0xc
+	AF_ECONET                                   = 0x13
+	AF_FILE                                     = 0x1
+	AF_IB                                       = 0x1b
+	AF_IEEE802154                               = 0x24
+	AF_INET                                     = 0x2
+	AF_INET6                                    = 0xa
+	AF_IPX                                      = 0x4
+	AF_IRDA                                     = 0x17
+	AF_ISDN                                     = 0x22
+	AF_IUCV                                     = 0x20
+	AF_KCM                                      = 0x29
+	AF_KEY                                      = 0xf
+	AF_LLC                                      = 0x1a
+	AF_LOCAL                                    = 0x1
+	AF_MAX                                      = 0x2d
+	AF_MPLS                                     = 0x1c
+	AF_NETBEUI                                  = 0xd
+	AF_NETLINK                                  = 0x10
+	AF_NETROM                                   = 0x6
+	AF_NFC                                      = 0x27
+	AF_PACKET                                   = 0x11
+	AF_PHONET                                   = 0x23
+	AF_PPPOX                                    = 0x18
+	AF_QIPCRTR                                  = 0x2a
+	AF_RDS                                      = 0x15
+	AF_ROSE                                     = 0xb
+	AF_ROUTE                                    = 0x10
+	AF_RXRPC                                    = 0x21
+	AF_SECURITY                                 = 0xe
+	AF_SMC                                      = 0x2b
+	AF_SNA                                      = 0x16
+	AF_TIPC                                     = 0x1e
+	AF_UNIX                                     = 0x1
+	AF_UNSPEC                                   = 0x0
+	AF_VSOCK                                    = 0x28
+	AF_WANPIPE                                  = 0x19
+	AF_X25                                      = 0x9
+	AF_XDP                                      = 0x2c
+	ALG_OP_DECRYPT                              = 0x0
+	ALG_OP_ENCRYPT                              = 0x1
+	ALG_SET_AEAD_ASSOCLEN                       = 0x4
+	ALG_SET_AEAD_AUTHSIZE                       = 0x5
+	ALG_SET_IV                                  = 0x2
+	ALG_SET_KEY                                 = 0x1
+	ALG_SET_OP                                  = 0x3
+	ANON_INODE_FS_MAGIC                         = 0x9041934
+	ARPHRD_6LOWPAN                              = 0x339
+	ARPHRD_ADAPT                                = 0x108
+	ARPHRD_APPLETLK                             = 0x8
+	ARPHRD_ARCNET                               = 0x7
+	ARPHRD_ASH                                  = 0x30d
+	ARPHRD_ATM                                  = 0x13
+	ARPHRD_AX25                                 = 0x3
+	ARPHRD_BIF                                  = 0x307
+	ARPHRD_CAIF                                 = 0x336
+	ARPHRD_CAN                                  = 0x118
+	ARPHRD_CHAOS                                = 0x5
+	ARPHRD_CISCO                                = 0x201
+	ARPHRD_CSLIP                                = 0x101
+	ARPHRD_CSLIP6                               = 0x103
+	ARPHRD_DDCMP                                = 0x205
+	ARPHRD_DLCI                                 = 0xf
+	ARPHRD_ECONET                               = 0x30e
+	ARPHRD_EETHER                               = 0x2
+	ARPHRD_ETHER                                = 0x1
+	ARPHRD_EUI64                                = 0x1b
+	ARPHRD_FCAL                                 = 0x311
+	ARPHRD_FCFABRIC                             = 0x313
+	ARPHRD_FCPL                                 = 0x312
+	ARPHRD_FCPP                                 = 0x310
+	ARPHRD_FDDI                                 = 0x306
+	ARPHRD_FRAD                                 = 0x302
+	ARPHRD_HDLC                                 = 0x201
+	ARPHRD_HIPPI                                = 0x30c
+	ARPHRD_HWX25                                = 0x110
+	ARPHRD_IEEE1394                             = 0x18
+	ARPHRD_IEEE802                              = 0x6
+	ARPHRD_IEEE80211                            = 0x321
+	ARPHRD_IEEE80211_PRISM                      = 0x322
+	ARPHRD_IEEE80211_RADIOTAP                   = 0x323
+	ARPHRD_IEEE802154                           = 0x324
+	ARPHRD_IEEE802154_MONITOR                   = 0x325
+	ARPHRD_IEEE802_TR                           = 0x320
+	ARPHRD_INFINIBAND                           = 0x20
+	ARPHRD_IP6GRE                               = 0x337
+	ARPHRD_IPDDP                                = 0x309
+	ARPHRD_IPGRE                                = 0x30a
+	ARPHRD_IRDA                                 = 0x30f
+	ARPHRD_LAPB                                 = 0x204
+	ARPHRD_LOCALTLK                             = 0x305
+	ARPHRD_LOOPBACK                             = 0x304
+	ARPHRD_METRICOM                             = 0x17
+	ARPHRD_NETLINK                              = 0x338
+	ARPHRD_NETROM                               = 0x0
+	ARPHRD_NONE                                 = 0xfffe
+	ARPHRD_PHONET                               = 0x334
+	ARPHRD_PHONET_PIPE                          = 0x335
+	ARPHRD_PIMREG                               = 0x30b
+	ARPHRD_PPP                                  = 0x200
+	ARPHRD_PRONET                               = 0x4
+	ARPHRD_RAWHDLC                              = 0x206
+	ARPHRD_RAWIP                                = 0x207
+	ARPHRD_ROSE                                 = 0x10e
+	ARPHRD_RSRVD                                = 0x104
+	ARPHRD_SIT                                  = 0x308
+	ARPHRD_SKIP                                 = 0x303
+	ARPHRD_SLIP                                 = 0x100
+	ARPHRD_SLIP6                                = 0x102
+	ARPHRD_TUNNEL                               = 0x300
+	ARPHRD_TUNNEL6                              = 0x301
+	ARPHRD_VOID                                 = 0xffff
+	ARPHRD_VSOCKMON                             = 0x33a
+	ARPHRD_X25                                  = 0x10f
+	AUTOFS_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0x187
+	B0                                          = 0x0
+	B1000000                                    = 0x1008
+	B110                                        = 0x3
+	B115200                                     = 0x1002
+	B1152000                                    = 0x1009
+	B1200                                       = 0x9
+	B134                                        = 0x4
+	B150                                        = 0x5
+	B1500000                                    = 0x100a
+	B1800                                       = 0xa
+	B19200                                      = 0xe
+	B200                                        = 0x6
+	B2000000                                    = 0x100b
+	B230400                                     = 0x1003
+	B2400                                       = 0xb
+	B2500000                                    = 0x100c
+	B300                                        = 0x7
+	B3000000                                    = 0x100d
+	B3500000                                    = 0x100e
+	B38400                                      = 0xf
+	B4000000                                    = 0x100f
+	B460800                                     = 0x1004
+	B4800                                       = 0xc
+	B50                                         = 0x1
+	B500000                                     = 0x1005
+	B57600                                      = 0x1001
+	B576000                                     = 0x1006
+	B600                                        = 0x8
+	B75                                         = 0x2
+	B921600                                     = 0x1007
+	B9600                                       = 0xd
+	BALLOON_KVM_MAGIC                           = 0x13661366
+	BDEVFS_MAGIC                                = 0x62646576
+	BINDERFS_SUPER_MAGIC                        = 0x6c6f6f70
+	BINFMTFS_MAGIC                              = 0x42494e4d
+	BLKBSZGET                                   = 0x80081270
+	BLKBSZSET                                   = 0x40081271
+	BLKFLSBUF                                   = 0x1261
+	BLKFRAGET                                   = 0x1265
+	BLKFRASET                                   = 0x1264
+	BLKGETSIZE                                  = 0x1260
+	BLKGETSIZE64                                = 0x80081272
+	BLKPBSZGET                                  = 0x127b
+	BLKRAGET                                    = 0x1263
+	BLKRASET                                    = 0x1262
+	BLKROGET                                    = 0x125e
+	BLKROSET                                    = 0x125d
+	BLKRRPART                                   = 0x125f
+	BLKSECTGET                                  = 0x1267
+	BLKSECTSET                                  = 0x1266
+	BLKSSZGET                                   = 0x1268
+	BOTHER                                      = 0x1000
+	BPF_A                                       = 0x10
+	BPF_ABS                                     = 0x20
+	BPF_ADD                                     = 0x0
+	BPF_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L2_MASK                  = 0xff
+	BPF_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L2_SHIFT                 = 0x38
+	BPF_ALU                                     = 0x4
+	BPF_ALU64                                   = 0x7
+	BPF_AND                                     = 0x50
+	BPF_ANY                                     = 0x0
+	BPF_ARSH                                    = 0xc0
+	BPF_B                                       = 0x10
+	BPF_BUILD_ID_SIZE                           = 0x14
+	BPF_CALL                                    = 0x80
+	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_MKNOD                         = 0x1
+	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_READ                          = 0x2
+	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_WRITE                         = 0x4
+	BPF_DEVCG_DEV_BLOCK                         = 0x1
+	BPF_DEVCG_DEV_CHAR                          = 0x2
+	BPF_DIV                                     = 0x30
+	BPF_DW                                      = 0x18
+	BPF_END                                     = 0xd0
+	BPF_EXIST                                   = 0x2
+	BPF_EXIT                                    = 0x90
+	BPF_FROM_BE                                 = 0x8
+	BPF_FROM_LE                                 = 0x0
+	BPF_FS_MAGIC                                = 0xcafe4a11
+	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L3_IPV4                = 0x2
+	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L3_IPV6                = 0x4
+	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L4_GRE                 = 0x8
+	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L4_UDP                 = 0x10
+	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_FIXED_GSO                    = 0x1
+	BPF_F_ALLOW_MULTI                           = 0x2
+	BPF_F_ALLOW_OVERRIDE                        = 0x1
+	BPF_F_ANY_ALIGNMENT                         = 0x2
+	BPF_F_CLONE                                 = 0x200
+	BPF_F_CTXLEN_MASK                           = 0xfffff00000000
+	BPF_F_CURRENT_CPU                           = 0xffffffff
+	BPF_F_CURRENT_NETNS                         = -0x1
+	BPF_F_DONT_FRAGMENT                         = 0x4
+	BPF_F_FAST_STACK_CMP                        = 0x200
+	BPF_F_HDR_FIELD_MASK                        = 0xf
+	BPF_F_INDEX_MASK                            = 0xffffffff
+	BPF_F_INGRESS                               = 0x1
+	BPF_F_INVALIDATE_HASH                       = 0x2
+	BPF_F_LOCK                                  = 0x4
+	BPF_F_MARK_ENFORCE                          = 0x40
+	BPF_F_MARK_MANGLED_0                        = 0x20
+	BPF_F_NO_COMMON_LRU                         = 0x2
+	BPF_F_NO_PREALLOC                           = 0x1
+	BPF_F_NUMA_NODE                             = 0x4
+	BPF_F_PSEUDO_HDR                            = 0x10
+	BPF_F_QUERY_EFFECTIVE                       = 0x1
+	BPF_F_RDONLY                                = 0x8
+	BPF_F_RDONLY_PROG                           = 0x80
+	BPF_F_RECOMPUTE_CSUM                        = 0x1
+	BPF_F_REUSE_STACKID                         = 0x400
+	BPF_F_SEQ_NUMBER                            = 0x8
+	BPF_F_SKIP_FIELD_MASK                       = 0xff
+	BPF_F_STACK_BUILD_ID                        = 0x20
+	BPF_F_STRICT_ALIGNMENT                      = 0x1
+	BPF_F_SYSCTL_BASE_NAME                      = 0x1
+	BPF_F_TEST_RND_HI32                         = 0x4
+	BPF_F_TEST_STATE_FREQ                       = 0x8
+	BPF_F_TUNINFO_IPV6                          = 0x1
+	BPF_F_USER_BUILD_ID                         = 0x800
+	BPF_F_USER_STACK                            = 0x100
+	BPF_F_WRONLY                                = 0x10
+	BPF_F_WRONLY_PROG                           = 0x100
+	BPF_F_ZERO_CSUM_TX                          = 0x2
+	BPF_F_ZERO_SEED                             = 0x40
+	BPF_H                                       = 0x8
+	BPF_IMM                                     = 0x0
+	BPF_IND                                     = 0x40
+	BPF_JA                                      = 0x0
+	BPF_JEQ                                     = 0x10
+	BPF_JGE                                     = 0x30
+	BPF_JGT                                     = 0x20
+	BPF_JLE                                     = 0xb0
+	BPF_JLT                                     = 0xa0
+	BPF_JMP                                     = 0x5
+	BPF_JMP32                                   = 0x6
+	BPF_JNE                                     = 0x50
+	BPF_JSET                                    = 0x40
+	BPF_JSGE                                    = 0x70
+	BPF_JSGT                                    = 0x60
+	BPF_JSLE                                    = 0xd0
+	BPF_JSLT                                    = 0xc0
+	BPF_K                                       = 0x0
+	BPF_LD                                      = 0x0
+	BPF_LDX                                     = 0x1
+	BPF_LEN                                     = 0x80
+	BPF_LL_OFF                                  = -0x200000
+	BPF_LSH                                     = 0x60
+	BPF_MAJOR_VERSION                           = 0x1
+	BPF_MAXINSNS                                = 0x1000
+	BPF_MEM                                     = 0x60
+	BPF_MEMWORDS                                = 0x10
+	BPF_MINOR_VERSION                           = 0x1
+	BPF_MISC                                    = 0x7
+	BPF_MOD                                     = 0x90
+	BPF_MOV                                     = 0xb0
+	BPF_MSH                                     = 0xa0
+	BPF_MUL                                     = 0x20
+	BPF_NEG                                     = 0x80
+	BPF_NET_OFF                                 = -0x100000
+	BPF_NOEXIST                                 = 0x1
+	BPF_OBJ_NAME_LEN                            = 0x10
+	BPF_OR                                      = 0x40
+	BPF_PSEUDO_CALL                             = 0x1
+	BPF_PSEUDO_MAP_FD                           = 0x1
+	BPF_PSEUDO_MAP_VALUE                        = 0x2
+	BPF_RET                                     = 0x6
+	BPF_RSH                                     = 0x70
+	BPF_SK_STORAGE_GET_F_CREATE                 = 0x1
+	BPF_SOCK_OPS_ALL_CB_FLAGS                   = 0xf
+	BPF_SOCK_OPS_RETRANS_CB_FLAG                = 0x2
+	BPF_SOCK_OPS_RTO_CB_FLAG                    = 0x1
+	BPF_SOCK_OPS_RTT_CB_FLAG                    = 0x8
+	BPF_SOCK_OPS_STATE_CB_FLAG                  = 0x4
+	BPF_ST                                      = 0x2
+	BPF_STX                                     = 0x3
+	BPF_SUB                                     = 0x10
+	BPF_TAG_SIZE                                = 0x8
+	BPF_TAX                                     = 0x0
+	BPF_TO_BE                                   = 0x8
+	BPF_TO_LE                                   = 0x0
+	BPF_TXA                                     = 0x80
+	BPF_W                                       = 0x0
+	BPF_X                                       = 0x8
+	BPF_XADD                                    = 0xc0
+	BPF_XOR                                     = 0xa0
+	BRKINT                                      = 0x2
+	BS0                                         = 0x0
+	BS1                                         = 0x2000
+	BSDLY                                       = 0x2000
+	BTRFS_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x9123683e
+	BTRFS_TEST_MAGIC                            = 0x73727279
+	CAN_BCM                                     = 0x2
+	CAN_EFF_FLAG                                = 0x80000000
+	CAN_EFF_ID_BITS                             = 0x1d
+	CAN_EFF_MASK                                = 0x1fffffff
+	CAN_ERR_FLAG                                = 0x20000000
+	CAN_ERR_MASK                                = 0x1fffffff
+	CAN_INV_FILTER                              = 0x20000000
+	CAN_ISOTP                                   = 0x6
+	CAN_J1939                                   = 0x7
+	CAN_MAX_DLC                                 = 0x8
+	CAN_MAX_DLEN                                = 0x8
+	CAN_MCNET                                   = 0x5
+	CAN_MTU                                     = 0x10
+	CAN_NPROTO                                  = 0x8
+	CAN_RAW                                     = 0x1
+	CAN_RAW_FILTER_MAX                          = 0x200
+	CAN_RTR_FLAG                                = 0x40000000
+	CAN_SFF_ID_BITS                             = 0xb
+	CAN_SFF_MASK                                = 0x7ff
+	CAN_TP16                                    = 0x3
+	CAN_TP20                                    = 0x4
+	CAP_AUDIT_CONTROL                           = 0x1e
+	CAP_AUDIT_READ                              = 0x25
+	CAP_AUDIT_WRITE                             = 0x1d
+	CAP_BLOCK_SUSPEND                           = 0x24
+	CAP_CHOWN                                   = 0x0
+	CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE                            = 0x1
+	CAP_DAC_READ_SEARCH                         = 0x2
+	CAP_FOWNER                                  = 0x3
+	CAP_FSETID                                  = 0x4
+	CAP_IPC_LOCK                                = 0xe
+	CAP_IPC_OWNER                               = 0xf
+	CAP_KILL                                    = 0x5
+	CAP_LAST_CAP                                = 0x25
+	CAP_LEASE                                   = 0x1c
+	CAP_LINUX_IMMUTABLE                         = 0x9
+	CAP_MAC_ADMIN                               = 0x21
+	CAP_MAC_OVERRIDE                            = 0x20
+	CAP_MKNOD                                   = 0x1b
+	CAP_NET_ADMIN                               = 0xc
+	CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE                        = 0xa
+	CAP_NET_BROADCAST                           = 0xb
+	CAP_NET_RAW                                 = 0xd
+	CAP_SETFCAP                                 = 0x1f
+	CAP_SETGID                                  = 0x6
+	CAP_SETPCAP                                 = 0x8
+	CAP_SETUID                                  = 0x7
+	CAP_SYSLOG                                  = 0x22
+	CAP_SYS_ADMIN                               = 0x15
+	CAP_SYS_BOOT                                = 0x16
+	CAP_SYS_CHROOT                              = 0x12
+	CAP_SYS_MODULE                              = 0x10
+	CAP_SYS_NICE                                = 0x17
+	CAP_SYS_PACCT                               = 0x14
+	CAP_SYS_PTRACE                              = 0x13
+	CAP_SYS_RAWIO                               = 0x11
+	CAP_SYS_RESOURCE                            = 0x18
+	CAP_SYS_TIME                                = 0x19
+	CAP_SYS_TTY_CONFIG                          = 0x1a
+	CAP_WAKE_ALARM                              = 0x23
+	CBAUD                                       = 0x100f
+	CBAUDEX                                     = 0x1000
+	CFLUSH                                      = 0xf
+	CGROUP2_SUPER_MAGIC                         = 0x63677270
+	CGROUP_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0x27e0eb
+	CIBAUD                                      = 0x100f0000
+	CLOCAL                                      = 0x800
+	CLOCK_BOOTTIME                              = 0x7
+	CLOCK_BOOTTIME_ALARM                        = 0x9
+	CLOCK_DEFAULT                               = 0x0
+	CLOCK_EXT                                   = 0x1
+	CLOCK_INT                                   = 0x2
+	CLOCK_MONOTONIC                             = 0x1
+	CLOCK_MONOTONIC_COARSE                      = 0x6
+	CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW                         = 0x4
+	CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID                    = 0x2
+	CLOCK_REALTIME                              = 0x0
+	CLOCK_REALTIME_ALARM                        = 0x8
+	CLOCK_REALTIME_COARSE                       = 0x5
+	CLOCK_TAI                                   = 0xb
+	CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID                     = 0x3
+	CLOCK_TXFROMRX                              = 0x4
+	CLOCK_TXINT                                 = 0x3
+	CLONE_ARGS_SIZE_VER0                        = 0x40
+	CLONE_CHILD_CLEARTID                        = 0x200000
+	CLONE_CHILD_SETTID                          = 0x1000000
+	CLONE_DETACHED                              = 0x400000
+	CLONE_FILES                                 = 0x400
+	CLONE_FS                                    = 0x200
+	CLONE_IO                                    = 0x80000000
+	CLONE_NEWCGROUP                             = 0x2000000
+	CLONE_NEWIPC                                = 0x8000000
+	CLONE_NEWNET                                = 0x40000000
+	CLONE_NEWNS                                 = 0x20000
+	CLONE_NEWPID                                = 0x20000000
+	CLONE_NEWUSER                               = 0x10000000
+	CLONE_NEWUTS                                = 0x4000000
+	CLONE_PARENT                                = 0x8000
+	CLONE_PARENT_SETTID                         = 0x100000
+	CLONE_PIDFD                                 = 0x1000
+	CLONE_PTRACE                                = 0x2000
+	CLONE_SETTLS                                = 0x80000
+	CLONE_SIGHAND                               = 0x800
+	CLONE_SYSVSEM                               = 0x40000
+	CLONE_THREAD                                = 0x10000
+	CLONE_UNTRACED                              = 0x800000
+	CLONE_VFORK                                 = 0x4000
+	CLONE_VM                                    = 0x100
+	CMSPAR                                      = 0x40000000
+	CODA_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0x73757245
+	CR0                                         = 0x0
+	CR1                                         = 0x200
+	CR2                                         = 0x400
+	CR3                                         = 0x600
+	CRAMFS_MAGIC                                = 0x28cd3d45
+	CRDLY                                       = 0x600
+	CREAD                                       = 0x80
+	CRTSCTS                                     = 0x80000000
+	CRYPTO_MAX_NAME                             = 0x40
+	CRYPTO_MSG_MAX                              = 0x15
+	CRYPTO_NR_MSGTYPES                          = 0x6
+	CRYPTO_REPORT_MAXSIZE                       = 0x160
+	CS5                                         = 0x0
+	CS6                                         = 0x10
+	CS7                                         = 0x20
+	CS8                                         = 0x30
+	CSIGNAL                                     = 0xff
+	CSIZE                                       = 0x30
+	CSTART                                      = 0x11
+	CSTATUS                                     = 0x0
+	CSTOP                                       = 0x13
+	CSTOPB                                      = 0x40
+	CSUSP                                       = 0x1a
+	DAXFS_MAGIC                                 = 0x64646178
+	DEBUGFS_MAGIC                               = 0x64626720
+	DEVLINK_CMD_ESWITCH_MODE_GET                = 0x1d
+	DEVLINK_CMD_ESWITCH_MODE_SET                = 0x1e
+	DEVLINK_GENL_MCGRP_CONFIG_NAME              = "config"
+	DEVLINK_GENL_NAME                           = "devlink"
+	DEVLINK_GENL_VERSION                        = 0x1
+	DEVPTS_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0x1cd1
+	DMA_BUF_MAGIC                               = 0x444d4142
+	DT_BLK                                      = 0x6
+	DT_CHR                                      = 0x2
+	DT_DIR                                      = 0x4
+	DT_FIFO                                     = 0x1
+	DT_LNK                                      = 0xa
+	DT_REG                                      = 0x8
+	DT_SOCK                                     = 0xc
+	DT_UNKNOWN                                  = 0x0
+	DT_WHT                                      = 0xe
+	ECHO                                        = 0x8
+	ECHOCTL                                     = 0x200
+	ECHOE                                       = 0x10
+	ECHOK                                       = 0x20
+	ECHOKE                                      = 0x800
+	ECHONL                                      = 0x40
+	ECHOPRT                                     = 0x400
+	ECRYPTFS_SUPER_MAGIC                        = 0xf15f
+	EFD_CLOEXEC                                 = 0x80000
+	EFD_NONBLOCK                                = 0x800
+	EFD_SEMAPHORE                               = 0x1
+	EFIVARFS_MAGIC                              = 0xde5e81e4
+	EFS_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x414a53
+	ENCODING_DEFAULT                            = 0x0
+	ENCODING_FM_MARK                            = 0x3
+	ENCODING_FM_SPACE                           = 0x4
+	ENCODING_MANCHESTER                         = 0x5
+	ENCODING_NRZ                                = 0x1
+	ENCODING_NRZI                               = 0x2
+	EPOLLERR                                    = 0x8
+	EPOLLET                                     = 0x80000000
+	EPOLLEXCLUSIVE                              = 0x10000000
+	EPOLLHUP                                    = 0x10
+	EPOLLIN                                     = 0x1
+	EPOLLMSG                                    = 0x400
+	EPOLLONESHOT                                = 0x40000000
+	EPOLLOUT                                    = 0x4
+	EPOLLPRI                                    = 0x2
+	EPOLLRDBAND                                 = 0x80
+	EPOLLRDHUP                                  = 0x2000
+	EPOLLRDNORM                                 = 0x40
+	EPOLLWAKEUP                                 = 0x20000000
+	EPOLLWRBAND                                 = 0x200
+	EPOLLWRNORM                                 = 0x100
+	EPOLL_CLOEXEC                               = 0x80000
+	EPOLL_CTL_ADD                               = 0x1
+	EPOLL_CTL_DEL                               = 0x2
+	EPOLL_CTL_MOD                               = 0x3
+	EROFS_SUPER_MAGIC_V1                        = 0xe0f5e1e2
+	ETH_P_1588                                  = 0x88f7
+	ETH_P_8021AD                                = 0x88a8
+	ETH_P_8021AH                                = 0x88e7
+	ETH_P_8021Q                                 = 0x8100
+	ETH_P_80221                                 = 0x8917
+	ETH_P_802_2                                 = 0x4
+	ETH_P_802_3                                 = 0x1
+	ETH_P_802_3_MIN                             = 0x600
+	ETH_P_802_EX1                               = 0x88b5
+	ETH_P_AARP                                  = 0x80f3
+	ETH_P_AF_IUCV                               = 0xfbfb
+	ETH_P_ALL                                   = 0x3
+	ETH_P_AOE                                   = 0x88a2
+	ETH_P_ARCNET                                = 0x1a
+	ETH_P_ARP                                   = 0x806
+	ETH_P_ATALK                                 = 0x809b
+	ETH_P_ATMFATE                               = 0x8884
+	ETH_P_ATMMPOA                               = 0x884c
+	ETH_P_AX25                                  = 0x2
+	ETH_P_BATMAN                                = 0x4305
+	ETH_P_BPQ                                   = 0x8ff
+	ETH_P_CAIF                                  = 0xf7
+	ETH_P_CAN                                   = 0xc
+	ETH_P_CANFD                                 = 0xd
+	ETH_P_CONTROL                               = 0x16
+	ETH_P_CUST                                  = 0x6006
+	ETH_P_DDCMP                                 = 0x6
+	ETH_P_DEC                                   = 0x6000
+	ETH_P_DIAG                                  = 0x6005
+	ETH_P_DNA_DL                                = 0x6001
+	ETH_P_DNA_RC                                = 0x6002
+	ETH_P_DNA_RT                                = 0x6003
+	ETH_P_DSA                                   = 0x1b
+	ETH_P_DSA_8021Q                             = 0xdadb
+	ETH_P_ECONET                                = 0x18
+	ETH_P_EDSA                                  = 0xdada
+	ETH_P_ERSPAN                                = 0x88be
+	ETH_P_ERSPAN2                               = 0x22eb
+	ETH_P_FCOE                                  = 0x8906
+	ETH_P_FIP                                   = 0x8914
+	ETH_P_HDLC                                  = 0x19
+	ETH_P_HSR                                   = 0x892f
+	ETH_P_IBOE                                  = 0x8915
+	ETH_P_IEEE802154                            = 0xf6
+	ETH_P_IEEEPUP                               = 0xa00
+	ETH_P_IEEEPUPAT                             = 0xa01
+	ETH_P_IFE                                   = 0xed3e
+	ETH_P_IP                                    = 0x800
+	ETH_P_IPV6                                  = 0x86dd
+	ETH_P_IPX                                   = 0x8137
+	ETH_P_IRDA                                  = 0x17
+	ETH_P_LAT                                   = 0x6004
+	ETH_P_LINK_CTL                              = 0x886c
+	ETH_P_LLDP                                  = 0x88cc
+	ETH_P_LOCALTALK                             = 0x9
+	ETH_P_LOOP                                  = 0x60
+	ETH_P_LOOPBACK                              = 0x9000
+	ETH_P_MACSEC                                = 0x88e5
+	ETH_P_MAP                                   = 0xf9
+	ETH_P_MOBITEX                               = 0x15
+	ETH_P_MPLS_MC                               = 0x8848
+	ETH_P_MPLS_UC                               = 0x8847
+	ETH_P_MVRP                                  = 0x88f5
+	ETH_P_NCSI                                  = 0x88f8
+	ETH_P_NSH                                   = 0x894f
+	ETH_P_PAE                                   = 0x888e
+	ETH_P_PAUSE                                 = 0x8808
+	ETH_P_PHONET                                = 0xf5
+	ETH_P_PPPTALK                               = 0x10
+	ETH_P_PPP_DISC                              = 0x8863
+	ETH_P_PPP_MP                                = 0x8
+	ETH_P_PPP_SES                               = 0x8864
+	ETH_P_PREAUTH                               = 0x88c7
+	ETH_P_PRP                                   = 0x88fb
+	ETH_P_PUP                                   = 0x200
+	ETH_P_PUPAT                                 = 0x201
+	ETH_P_QINQ1                                 = 0x9100
+	ETH_P_QINQ2                                 = 0x9200
+	ETH_P_QINQ3                                 = 0x9300
+	ETH_P_RARP                                  = 0x8035
+	ETH_P_SCA                                   = 0x6007
+	ETH_P_SLOW                                  = 0x8809
+	ETH_P_SNAP                                  = 0x5
+	ETH_P_TDLS                                  = 0x890d
+	ETH_P_TEB                                   = 0x6558
+	ETH_P_TIPC                                  = 0x88ca
+	ETH_P_TRAILER                               = 0x1c
+	ETH_P_TR_802_2                              = 0x11
+	ETH_P_TSN                                   = 0x22f0
+	ETH_P_WAN_PPP                               = 0x7
+	ETH_P_WCCP                                  = 0x883e
+	ETH_P_X25                                   = 0x805
+	ETH_P_XDSA                                  = 0xf8
+	EXABYTE_ENABLE_NEST                         = 0xf0
+	EXT2_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xef53
+	EXT3_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xef53
+	EXT4_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xef53
+	EXTA                                        = 0xe
+	EXTB                                        = 0xf
+	EXTPROC                                     = 0x10000
+	F2FS_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xf2f52010
+	FALLOC_FL_COLLAPSE_RANGE                    = 0x8
+	FALLOC_FL_INSERT_RANGE                      = 0x20
+	FALLOC_FL_KEEP_SIZE                         = 0x1
+	FALLOC_FL_NO_HIDE_STALE                     = 0x4
+	FALLOC_FL_PUNCH_HOLE                        = 0x2
+	FALLOC_FL_UNSHARE_RANGE                     = 0x40
+	FALLOC_FL_ZERO_RANGE                        = 0x10
+	FANOTIFY_METADATA_VERSION                   = 0x3
+	FAN_ACCESS                                  = 0x1
+	FAN_ACCESS_PERM                             = 0x20000
+	FAN_ALLOW                                   = 0x1
+	FAN_ALL_CLASS_BITS                          = 0xc
+	FAN_ALL_EVENTS                              = 0x3b
+	FAN_ALL_INIT_FLAGS                          = 0x3f
+	FAN_ALL_MARK_FLAGS                          = 0xff
+	FAN_ALL_OUTGOING_EVENTS                     = 0x3403b
+	FAN_ALL_PERM_EVENTS                         = 0x30000
+	FAN_ATTRIB                                  = 0x4
+	FAN_AUDIT                                   = 0x10
+	FAN_CLASS_CONTENT                           = 0x4
+	FAN_CLASS_NOTIF                             = 0x0
+	FAN_CLASS_PRE_CONTENT                       = 0x8
+	FAN_CLOEXEC                                 = 0x1
+	FAN_CLOSE                                   = 0x18
+	FAN_CLOSE_NOWRITE                           = 0x10
+	FAN_CLOSE_WRITE                             = 0x8
+	FAN_CREATE                                  = 0x100
+	FAN_DELETE                                  = 0x200
+	FAN_DELETE_SELF                             = 0x400
+	FAN_DENY                                    = 0x2
+	FAN_ENABLE_AUDIT                            = 0x40
+	FAN_EVENT_INFO_TYPE_FID                     = 0x1
+	FAN_EVENT_METADATA_LEN                      = 0x18
+	FAN_EVENT_ON_CHILD                          = 0x8000000
+	FAN_MARK_ADD                                = 0x1
+	FAN_MARK_DONT_FOLLOW                        = 0x4
+	FAN_MARK_FILESYSTEM                         = 0x100
+	FAN_MARK_FLUSH                              = 0x80
+	FAN_MARK_IGNORED_MASK                       = 0x20
+	FAN_MARK_IGNORED_SURV_MODIFY                = 0x40
+	FAN_MARK_INODE                              = 0x0
+	FAN_MARK_MOUNT                              = 0x10
+	FAN_MARK_ONLYDIR                            = 0x8
+	FAN_MARK_REMOVE                             = 0x2
+	FAN_MODIFY                                  = 0x2
+	FAN_MOVE                                    = 0xc0
+	FAN_MOVED_FROM                              = 0x40
+	FAN_MOVED_TO                                = 0x80
+	FAN_MOVE_SELF                               = 0x800
+	FAN_NOFD                                    = -0x1
+	FAN_NONBLOCK                                = 0x2
+	FAN_ONDIR                                   = 0x40000000
+	FAN_OPEN                                    = 0x20
+	FAN_OPEN_EXEC                               = 0x1000
+	FAN_OPEN_EXEC_PERM                          = 0x40000
+	FAN_OPEN_PERM                               = 0x10000
+	FAN_Q_OVERFLOW                              = 0x4000
+	FAN_REPORT_FID                              = 0x200
+	FAN_REPORT_TID                              = 0x100
+	FAN_UNLIMITED_MARKS                         = 0x20
+	FAN_UNLIMITED_QUEUE                         = 0x10
+	FD_CLOEXEC                                  = 0x1
+	FD_SETSIZE                                  = 0x400
+	FF0                                         = 0x0
+	FF1                                         = 0x8000
+	FFDLY                                       = 0x8000
+	FLUSHO                                      = 0x1000
+	FP_XSTATE_MAGIC2                            = 0x46505845
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE                 = 0x8
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_DESC_PREFIX                     = "fscrypt:"
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_DESC_PREFIX_SIZE                = 0x8
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_IDENTIFIER_SIZE                 = 0x10
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_STATUS_ABSENT                   = 0x1
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_STATUS_PRESENT                  = 0x2
+	FSCRYPT_MAX_KEY_SIZE                        = 0x40
+	FSCRYPT_MODE_ADIANTUM                       = 0x9
+	FSCRYPT_MODE_AES_128_CBC                    = 0x5
+	FSCRYPT_MODE_AES_128_CTS                    = 0x6
+	FSCRYPT_MODE_AES_256_CTS                    = 0x4
+	FSCRYPT_MODE_AES_256_XTS                    = 0x1
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_16                 = 0x2
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_32                 = 0x3
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_4                  = 0x0
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_8                  = 0x1
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_MASK               = 0x3
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_VALID                  = 0x7
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_V1                           = 0x0
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_V2                           = 0x2
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_ADIANTUM                 = 0x9
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_128_CBC              = 0x5
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_128_CTS              = 0x6
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_CBC              = 0x3
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_CTS              = 0x4
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_GCM              = 0x2
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_XTS              = 0x1
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_INVALID                  = 0x0
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_SPECK128_256_CTS         = 0x8
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_SPECK128_256_XTS         = 0x7
+	FS_IOC_ADD_ENCRYPTION_KEY                   = 0xc0506617
+	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_KEY_STATUS            = 0xc080661a
+	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY                = 0x400c6615
+	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY_EX             = 0xc0096616
+	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_PWSALT                = 0x40106614
+	FS_IOC_REMOVE_ENCRYPTION_KEY                = 0xc0406618
+	FS_IOC_SET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY                = 0x800c6613
+	FS_KEY_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE                      = 0x8
+	FS_KEY_DESC_PREFIX                          = "fscrypt:"
+	FS_KEY_DESC_PREFIX_SIZE                     = 0x8
+	FS_MAX_KEY_SIZE                             = 0x40
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_16                      = 0x2
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_32                      = 0x3
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_4                       = 0x0
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_8                       = 0x1
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_MASK                    = 0x3
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_VALID                       = 0x7
+	FUTEXFS_SUPER_MAGIC                         = 0xbad1dea
+	F_ADD_SEALS                                 = 0x409
+	F_DUPFD                                     = 0x0
+	F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC                             = 0x406
+	F_EXLCK                                     = 0x4
+	F_GETFD                                     = 0x1
+	F_GETFL                                     = 0x3
+	F_GETLEASE                                  = 0x401
+	F_GETLK                                     = 0x5
+	F_GETLK64                                   = 0x5
+	F_GETOWN                                    = 0x9
+	F_GETOWN_EX                                 = 0x10
+	F_GETPIPE_SZ                                = 0x408
+	F_GETSIG                                    = 0xb
+	F_GET_FILE_RW_HINT                          = 0x40d
+	F_GET_RW_HINT                               = 0x40b
+	F_GET_SEALS                                 = 0x40a
+	F_LOCK                                      = 0x1
+	F_NOTIFY                                    = 0x402
+	F_OFD_GETLK                                 = 0x24
+	F_OFD_SETLK                                 = 0x25
+	F_OFD_SETLKW                                = 0x26
+	F_OK                                        = 0x0
+	F_RDLCK                                     = 0x0
+	F_SEAL_FUTURE_WRITE                         = 0x10
+	F_SEAL_GROW                                 = 0x4
+	F_SEAL_SEAL                                 = 0x1
+	F_SEAL_SHRINK                               = 0x2
+	F_SEAL_WRITE                                = 0x8
+	F_SETFD                                     = 0x2
+	F_SETFL                                     = 0x4
+	F_SETLEASE                                  = 0x400
+	F_SETLK                                     = 0x6
+	F_SETLK64                                   = 0x6
+	F_SETLKW                                    = 0x7
+	F_SETLKW64                                  = 0x7
+	F_SETOWN                                    = 0x8
+	F_SETOWN_EX                                 = 0xf
+	F_SETPIPE_SZ                                = 0x407
+	F_SETSIG                                    = 0xa
+	F_SET_FILE_RW_HINT                          = 0x40e
+	F_SET_RW_HINT                               = 0x40c
+	F_SHLCK                                     = 0x8
+	F_TEST                                      = 0x3
+	F_TLOCK                                     = 0x2
+	F_ULOCK                                     = 0x0
+	F_UNLCK                                     = 0x2
+	F_WRLCK                                     = 0x1
+	GENL_ADMIN_PERM                             = 0x1
+	GENL_CMD_CAP_DO                             = 0x2
+	GENL_CMD_CAP_DUMP                           = 0x4
+	GENL_CMD_CAP_HASPOL                         = 0x8
+	GENL_HDRLEN                                 = 0x4
+	GENL_ID_CTRL                                = 0x10
+	GENL_ID_PMCRAID                             = 0x12
+	GENL_ID_VFS_DQUOT                           = 0x11
+	GENL_MAX_ID                                 = 0x3ff
+	GENL_MIN_ID                                 = 0x10
+	GENL_NAMSIZ                                 = 0x10
+	GENL_START_ALLOC                            = 0x13
+	GENL_UNS_ADMIN_PERM                         = 0x10
+	GRND_NONBLOCK                               = 0x1
+	GRND_RANDOM                                 = 0x2
+	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD                              = 0x31f
+	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD_AEB                          = 0x31e
+	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD_HDR_SIZE                     = 0x4
+	HDIO_DRIVE_HOB_HDR_SIZE                     = 0x8
+	HDIO_DRIVE_RESET                            = 0x31c
+	HDIO_DRIVE_TASK                             = 0x31e
+	HDIO_DRIVE_TASKFILE                         = 0x31d
+	HDIO_DRIVE_TASK_HDR_SIZE                    = 0x8
+	HDIO_GETGEO                                 = 0x301
+	HDIO_GET_32BIT                              = 0x309
+	HDIO_GET_ACOUSTIC                           = 0x30f
+	HDIO_GET_ADDRESS                            = 0x310
+	HDIO_GET_BUSSTATE                           = 0x31a
+	HDIO_GET_DMA                                = 0x30b
+	HDIO_GET_IDENTITY                           = 0x30d
+	HDIO_GET_KEEPSETTINGS                       = 0x308
+	HDIO_GET_MULTCOUNT                          = 0x304
+	HDIO_GET_NICE                               = 0x30c
+	HDIO_GET_NOWERR                             = 0x30a
+	HDIO_GET_QDMA                               = 0x305
+	HDIO_GET_UNMASKINTR                         = 0x302
+	HDIO_GET_WCACHE                             = 0x30e
+	HDIO_OBSOLETE_IDENTITY                      = 0x307
+	HDIO_SCAN_HWIF                              = 0x328
+	HDIO_SET_32BIT                              = 0x324
+	HDIO_SET_ACOUSTIC                           = 0x32c
+	HDIO_SET_ADDRESS                            = 0x32f
+	HDIO_SET_BUSSTATE                           = 0x32d
+	HDIO_SET_DMA                                = 0x326
+	HDIO_SET_KEEPSETTINGS                       = 0x323
+	HDIO_SET_MULTCOUNT                          = 0x321
+	HDIO_SET_NICE                               = 0x329
+	HDIO_SET_NOWERR                             = 0x325
+	HDIO_SET_PIO_MODE                           = 0x327
+	HDIO_SET_QDMA                               = 0x32e
+	HDIO_SET_UNMASKINTR                         = 0x322
+	HDIO_SET_WCACHE                             = 0x32b
+	HDIO_SET_XFER                               = 0x306
+	HDIO_TRISTATE_HWIF                          = 0x31b
+	HDIO_UNREGISTER_HWIF                        = 0x32a
+	HOSTFS_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0xc0ffee
+	HPFS_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xf995e849
+	HUGETLBFS_MAGIC                             = 0x958458f6
+	HUPCL                                       = 0x400
+	IBSHIFT                                     = 0x10
+	ICANON                                      = 0x2
+	ICMPV6_FILTER                               = 0x1
+	ICRNL                                       = 0x100
+	IEXTEN                                      = 0x8000
+	IFA_F_DADFAILED                             = 0x8
+	IFA_F_DEPRECATED                            = 0x20
+	IFA_F_HOMEADDRESS                           = 0x10
+	IFA_F_MANAGETEMPADDR                        = 0x100
+	IFA_F_MCAUTOJOIN                            = 0x400
+	IFA_F_NODAD                                 = 0x2
+	IFA_F_NOPREFIXROUTE                         = 0x200
+	IFA_F_OPTIMISTIC                            = 0x4
+	IFA_F_PERMANENT                             = 0x80
+	IFA_F_SECONDARY                             = 0x1
+	IFA_F_STABLE_PRIVACY                        = 0x800
+	IFA_F_TEMPORARY                             = 0x1
+	IFA_F_TENTATIVE                             = 0x40
+	IFA_MAX                                     = 0xa
+	IFF_ALLMULTI                                = 0x200
+	IFF_ATTACH_QUEUE                            = 0x200
+	IFF_AUTOMEDIA                               = 0x4000
+	IFF_BROADCAST                               = 0x2
+	IFF_DEBUG                                   = 0x4
+	IFF_DETACH_QUEUE                            = 0x400
+	IFF_DORMANT                                 = 0x20000
+	IFF_DYNAMIC                                 = 0x8000
+	IFF_ECHO                                    = 0x40000
+	IFF_LOOPBACK                                = 0x8
+	IFF_LOWER_UP                                = 0x10000
+	IFF_MASTER                                  = 0x400
+	IFF_MULTICAST                               = 0x1000
+	IFF_MULTI_QUEUE                             = 0x100
+	IFF_NAPI                                    = 0x10
+	IFF_NAPI_FRAGS                              = 0x20
+	IFF_NOARP                                   = 0x80
+	IFF_NOFILTER                                = 0x1000
+	IFF_NOTRAILERS                              = 0x20
+	IFF_NO_PI                                   = 0x1000
+	IFF_ONE_QUEUE                               = 0x2000
+	IFF_PERSIST                                 = 0x800
+	IFF_POINTOPOINT                             = 0x10
+	IFF_PORTSEL                                 = 0x2000
+	IFF_PROMISC                                 = 0x100
+	IFF_RUNNING                                 = 0x40
+	IFF_SLAVE                                   = 0x800
+	IFF_TAP                                     = 0x2
+	IFF_TUN                                     = 0x1
+	IFF_TUN_EXCL                                = 0x8000
+	IFF_UP                                      = 0x1
+	IFF_VNET_HDR                                = 0x4000
+	IFF_VOLATILE                                = 0x70c5a
+	IFNAMSIZ                                    = 0x10
+	IGNBRK                                      = 0x1
+	IGNCR                                       = 0x80
+	IGNPAR                                      = 0x4
+	IMAXBEL                                     = 0x2000
+	INLCR                                       = 0x40
+	INPCK                                       = 0x10
+	IN_ACCESS                                   = 0x1
+	IN_ALL_EVENTS                               = 0xfff
+	IN_ATTRIB                                   = 0x4
+	IN_CLASSA_HOST                              = 0xffffff
+	IN_CLASSA_MAX                               = 0x80
+	IN_CLASSA_NET                               = 0xff000000
+	IN_CLASSA_NSHIFT                            = 0x18
+	IN_CLASSB_HOST                              = 0xffff
+	IN_CLASSB_MAX                               = 0x10000
+	IN_CLASSB_NET                               = 0xffff0000
+	IN_CLASSB_NSHIFT                            = 0x10
+	IN_CLASSC_HOST                              = 0xff
+	IN_CLASSC_NET                               = 0xffffff00
+	IN_CLASSC_NSHIFT                            = 0x8
+	IN_CLOEXEC                                  = 0x80000
+	IN_CLOSE                                    = 0x18
+	IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE                            = 0x10
+	IN_CLOSE_WRITE                              = 0x8
+	IN_CREATE                                   = 0x100
+	IN_DELETE                                   = 0x200
+	IN_DELETE_SELF                              = 0x400
+	IN_DONT_FOLLOW                              = 0x2000000
+	IN_EXCL_UNLINK                              = 0x4000000
+	IN_IGNORED                                  = 0x8000
+	IN_ISDIR                                    = 0x40000000
+	IN_LOOPBACKNET                              = 0x7f
+	IN_MASK_ADD                                 = 0x20000000
+	IN_MASK_CREATE                              = 0x10000000
+	IN_MODIFY                                   = 0x2
+	IN_MOVE                                     = 0xc0
+	IN_MOVED_FROM                               = 0x40
+	IN_MOVED_TO                                 = 0x80
+	IN_MOVE_SELF                                = 0x800
+	IN_NONBLOCK                                 = 0x800
+	IN_ONESHOT                                  = 0x80000000
+	IN_ONLYDIR                                  = 0x1000000
+	IN_OPEN                                     = 0x20
+	IN_Q_OVERFLOW                               = 0x4000
+	IN_UNMOUNT                                  = 0x2000
+	IOCTL_VM_SOCKETS_GET_LOCAL_CID              = 0x7b9
+	IPPROTO_AH                                  = 0x33
+	IPPROTO_BEETPH                              = 0x5e
+	IPPROTO_COMP                                = 0x6c
+	IPPROTO_DCCP                                = 0x21
+	IPPROTO_DSTOPTS                             = 0x3c
+	IPPROTO_EGP                                 = 0x8
+	IPPROTO_ENCAP                               = 0x62
+	IPPROTO_ESP                                 = 0x32
+	IPPROTO_FRAGMENT                            = 0x2c
+	IPPROTO_GRE                                 = 0x2f
+	IPPROTO_HOPOPTS                             = 0x0
+	IPPROTO_ICMP                                = 0x1
+	IPPROTO_ICMPV6                              = 0x3a
+	IPPROTO_IDP                                 = 0x16
+	IPPROTO_IGMP                                = 0x2
+	IPPROTO_IP                                  = 0x0
+	IPPROTO_IPIP                                = 0x4
+	IPPROTO_IPV6                                = 0x29
+	IPPROTO_MH                                  = 0x87
+	IPPROTO_MPLS                                = 0x89
+	IPPROTO_MTP                                 = 0x5c
+	IPPROTO_NONE                                = 0x3b
+	IPPROTO_PIM                                 = 0x67
+	IPPROTO_PUP                                 = 0xc
+	IPPROTO_RAW                                 = 0xff
+	IPPROTO_ROUTING                             = 0x2b
+	IPPROTO_RSVP                                = 0x2e
+	IPPROTO_SCTP                                = 0x84
+	IPPROTO_TCP                                 = 0x6
+	IPPROTO_TP                                  = 0x1d
+	IPPROTO_UDP                                 = 0x11
+	IPPROTO_UDPLITE                             = 0x88
+	IPV6_2292DSTOPTS                            = 0x4
+	IPV6_2292HOPLIMIT                           = 0x8
+	IPV6_2292HOPOPTS                            = 0x3
+	IPV6_2292PKTINFO                            = 0x2
+	IPV6_2292PKTOPTIONS                         = 0x6
+	IPV6_2292RTHDR                              = 0x5
+	IPV6_ADDRFORM                               = 0x1
+	IPV6_ADDR_PREFERENCES                       = 0x48
+	IPV6_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                         = 0x14
+	IPV6_AUTHHDR                                = 0xa
+	IPV6_AUTOFLOWLABEL                          = 0x46
+	IPV6_CHECKSUM                               = 0x7
+	IPV6_DONTFRAG                               = 0x3e
+	IPV6_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                        = 0x15
+	IPV6_DSTOPTS                                = 0x3b
+	IPV6_FREEBIND                               = 0x4e
+	IPV6_HDRINCL                                = 0x24
+	IPV6_HOPLIMIT                               = 0x34
+	IPV6_HOPOPTS                                = 0x36
+	IPV6_IPSEC_POLICY                           = 0x22
+	IPV6_JOIN_ANYCAST                           = 0x1b
+	IPV6_JOIN_GROUP                             = 0x14
+	IPV6_LEAVE_ANYCAST                          = 0x1c
+	IPV6_LEAVE_GROUP                            = 0x15
+	IPV6_MINHOPCOUNT                            = 0x49
+	IPV6_MTU                                    = 0x18
+	IPV6_MTU_DISCOVER                           = 0x17
+	IPV6_MULTICAST_ALL                          = 0x1d
+	IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS                         = 0x12
+	IPV6_MULTICAST_IF                           = 0x11
+	IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP                         = 0x13
+	IPV6_NEXTHOP                                = 0x9
+	IPV6_ORIGDSTADDR                            = 0x4a
+	IPV6_PATHMTU                                = 0x3d
+	IPV6_PKTINFO                                = 0x32
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_DO                            = 0x2
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_DONT                          = 0x0
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_INTERFACE                     = 0x4
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_OMIT                          = 0x5
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_PROBE                         = 0x3
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_WANT                          = 0x1
+	IPV6_RECVDSTOPTS                            = 0x3a
+	IPV6_RECVERR                                = 0x19
+	IPV6_RECVFRAGSIZE                           = 0x4d
+	IPV6_RECVHOPLIMIT                           = 0x33
+	IPV6_RECVHOPOPTS                            = 0x35
+	IPV6_RECVORIGDSTADDR                        = 0x4a
+	IPV6_RECVPATHMTU                            = 0x3c
+	IPV6_RECVPKTINFO                            = 0x31
+	IPV6_RECVRTHDR                              = 0x38
+	IPV6_RECVTCLASS                             = 0x42
+	IPV6_ROUTER_ALERT                           = 0x16
+	IPV6_ROUTER_ALERT_ISOLATE                   = 0x1e
+	IPV6_RTHDR                                  = 0x39
+	IPV6_RTHDRDSTOPTS                           = 0x37
+	IPV6_RTHDR_LOOSE                            = 0x0
+	IPV6_RTHDR_STRICT                           = 0x1
+	IPV6_RTHDR_TYPE_0                           = 0x0
+	IPV6_RXDSTOPTS                              = 0x3b
+	IPV6_RXHOPOPTS                              = 0x36
+	IPV6_TCLASS                                 = 0x43
+	IPV6_TRANSPARENT                            = 0x4b
+	IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS                           = 0x10
+	IPV6_UNICAST_IF                             = 0x4c
+	IPV6_V6ONLY                                 = 0x1a
+	IPV6_XFRM_POLICY                            = 0x23
+	IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                           = 0x23
+	IP_ADD_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP                    = 0x27
+	IP_BIND_ADDRESS_NO_PORT                     = 0x18
+	IP_BLOCK_SOURCE                             = 0x26
+	IP_CHECKSUM                                 = 0x17
+	IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_LOOP                   = 0x1
+	IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_TTL                    = 0x1
+	IP_DF                                       = 0x4000
+	IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                          = 0x24
+	IP_DROP_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP                   = 0x28
+	IP_FREEBIND                                 = 0xf
+	IP_HDRINCL                                  = 0x3
+	IP_IPSEC_POLICY                             = 0x10
+	IP_MAXPACKET                                = 0xffff
+	IP_MAX_MEMBERSHIPS                          = 0x14
+	IP_MF                                       = 0x2000
+	IP_MINTTL                                   = 0x15
+	IP_MSFILTER                                 = 0x29
+	IP_MSS                                      = 0x240
+	IP_MTU                                      = 0xe
+	IP_MTU_DISCOVER                             = 0xa
+	IP_MULTICAST_ALL                            = 0x31
+	IP_MULTICAST_IF                             = 0x20
+	IP_MULTICAST_LOOP                           = 0x22
+	IP_MULTICAST_TTL                            = 0x21
+	IP_NODEFRAG                                 = 0x16
+	IP_OFFMASK                                  = 0x1fff
+	IP_OPTIONS                                  = 0x4
+	IP_ORIGDSTADDR                              = 0x14
+	IP_PASSSEC                                  = 0x12
+	IP_PKTINFO                                  = 0x8
+	IP_PKTOPTIONS                               = 0x9
+	IP_PMTUDISC                                 = 0xa
+	IP_PMTUDISC_DO                              = 0x2
+	IP_PMTUDISC_DONT                            = 0x0
+	IP_PMTUDISC_INTERFACE                       = 0x4
+	IP_PMTUDISC_OMIT                            = 0x5
+	IP_PMTUDISC_PROBE                           = 0x3
+	IP_PMTUDISC_WANT                            = 0x1
+	IP_RECVERR                                  = 0xb
+	IP_RECVFRAGSIZE                             = 0x19
+	IP_RECVOPTS                                 = 0x6
+	IP_RECVORIGDSTADDR                          = 0x14
+	IP_RECVRETOPTS                              = 0x7
+	IP_RECVTOS                                  = 0xd
+	IP_RECVTTL                                  = 0xc
+	IP_RETOPTS                                  = 0x7
+	IP_RF                                       = 0x8000
+	IP_ROUTER_ALERT                             = 0x5
+	IP_TOS                                      = 0x1
+	IP_TRANSPARENT                              = 0x13
+	IP_TTL                                      = 0x2
+	IP_UNBLOCK_SOURCE                           = 0x25
+	IP_UNICAST_IF                               = 0x32
+	IP_XFRM_POLICY                              = 0x11
+	ISIG                                        = 0x1
+	ISOFS_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x9660
+	ISTRIP                                      = 0x20
+	IUCLC                                       = 0x200
+	IUTF8                                       = 0x4000
+	IXANY                                       = 0x800
+	IXOFF                                       = 0x1000
+	IXON                                        = 0x400
+	JFFS2_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x72b6
+	KEXEC_ARCH_386                              = 0x30000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_68K                              = 0x40000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_AARCH64                          = 0xb70000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_ARM                              = 0x280000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_DEFAULT                          = 0x0
+	KEXEC_ARCH_IA_64                            = 0x320000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_MASK                             = 0xffff0000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_MIPS                             = 0x80000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_MIPS_LE                          = 0xa0000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_PARISC                           = 0xf0000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_PPC                              = 0x140000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_PPC64                            = 0x150000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_S390                             = 0x160000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_SH                               = 0x2a0000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_X86_64                           = 0x3e0000
+	KEXEC_FILE_NO_INITRAMFS                     = 0x4
+	KEXEC_FILE_ON_CRASH                         = 0x2
+	KEXEC_FILE_UNLOAD                           = 0x1
+	KEXEC_ON_CRASH                              = 0x1
+	KEXEC_PRESERVE_CONTEXT                      = 0x2
+	KEXEC_SEGMENT_MAX                           = 0x10
+	KEYCTL_ASSUME_AUTHORITY                     = 0x10
+	KEYCTL_CAPABILITIES                         = 0x1f
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_BIG_KEY                        = 0x10
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_CAPABILITIES                   = 0x1
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_DIFFIE_HELLMAN                 = 0x4
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_INVALIDATE                     = 0x20
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_MOVE                           = 0x80
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_PUBLIC_KEY                     = 0x8
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_RESTRICT_KEYRING               = 0x40
+	KEYCTL_CAPS1_NS_KEYRING_NAME                = 0x1
+	KEYCTL_CAPS1_NS_KEY_TAG                     = 0x2
+	KEYCTL_CHOWN                                = 0x4
+	KEYCTL_CLEAR                                = 0x7
+	KEYCTL_DESCRIBE                             = 0x6
+	KEYCTL_DH_COMPUTE                           = 0x17
+	KEYCTL_GET_KEYRING_ID                       = 0x0
+	KEYCTL_GET_PERSISTENT                       = 0x16
+	KEYCTL_GET_SECURITY                         = 0x11
+	KEYCTL_INSTANTIATE                          = 0xc
+	KEYCTL_INSTANTIATE_IOV                      = 0x14
+	KEYCTL_INVALIDATE                           = 0x15
+	KEYCTL_JOIN_SESSION_KEYRING                 = 0x1
+	KEYCTL_LINK                                 = 0x8
+	KEYCTL_MOVE                                 = 0x1e
+	KEYCTL_MOVE_EXCL                            = 0x1
+	KEYCTL_NEGATE                               = 0xd
+	KEYCTL_PKEY_DECRYPT                         = 0x1a
+	KEYCTL_PKEY_ENCRYPT                         = 0x19
+	KEYCTL_PKEY_QUERY                           = 0x18
+	KEYCTL_PKEY_SIGN                            = 0x1b
+	KEYCTL_PKEY_VERIFY                          = 0x1c
+	KEYCTL_READ                                 = 0xb
+	KEYCTL_REJECT                               = 0x13
+	KEYCTL_RESTRICT_KEYRING                     = 0x1d
+	KEYCTL_REVOKE                               = 0x3
+	KEYCTL_SEARCH                               = 0xa
+	KEYCTL_SESSION_TO_PARENT                    = 0x12
+	KEYCTL_SETPERM                              = 0x5
+	KEYCTL_SET_REQKEY_KEYRING                   = 0xe
+	KEYCTL_SET_TIMEOUT                          = 0xf
+	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_DECRYPT                     = 0x2
+	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_ENCRYPT                     = 0x1
+	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_SIGN                        = 0x4
+	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_VERIFY                      = 0x8
+	KEYCTL_UNLINK                               = 0x9
+	KEYCTL_UPDATE                               = 0x2
+	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_DEFAULT                     = 0x0
+	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_GROUP_KEYRING               = 0x6
+	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_NO_CHANGE                   = -0x1
+	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_USER_KEYRING                = 0x4
+	KEY_SPEC_GROUP_KEYRING                      = -0x6
+	KEY_SPEC_PROCESS_KEYRING                    = -0x2
+	KEY_SPEC_REQKEY_AUTH_KEY                    = -0x7
+	KEY_SPEC_REQUESTOR_KEYRING                  = -0x8
+	KEY_SPEC_SESSION_KEYRING                    = -0x3
+	KEY_SPEC_THREAD_KEYRING                     = -0x1
+	KEY_SPEC_USER_KEYRING                       = -0x4
+	KEY_SPEC_USER_SESSION_KEYRING               = -0x5
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_CAD_OFF                    = 0x0
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_CAD_ON                     = 0x89abcdef
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_HALT                       = 0xcdef0123
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_KEXEC                      = 0x45584543
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_POWER_OFF                  = 0x4321fedc
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_RESTART                    = 0x1234567
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_RESTART2                   = 0xa1b2c3d4
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_SW_SUSPEND                 = 0xd000fce2
+	LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC1                         = 0xfee1dead
+	LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC2                         = 0x28121969
+	LOCK_EX                                     = 0x2
+	LOCK_NB                                     = 0x4
+	LOCK_SH                                     = 0x1
+	LOCK_UN                                     = 0x8
+	LOOP_CLR_FD                                 = 0x4c01
+	LOOP_CTL_ADD                                = 0x4c80
+	LOOP_CTL_GET_FREE                           = 0x4c82
+	LOOP_CTL_REMOVE                             = 0x4c81
+	LOOP_GET_STATUS                             = 0x4c03
+	LOOP_GET_STATUS64                           = 0x4c05
+	LOOP_SET_BLOCK_SIZE                         = 0x4c09
+	LOOP_SET_CAPACITY                           = 0x4c07
+	LOOP_SET_DIRECT_IO                          = 0x4c08
+	LOOP_SET_FD                                 = 0x4c00
+	LOOP_SET_STATUS                             = 0x4c02
+	LOOP_SET_STATUS64                           = 0x4c04
+	LO_KEY_SIZE                                 = 0x20
+	LO_NAME_SIZE                                = 0x40
+	MADV_DODUMP                                 = 0x11
+	MADV_DOFORK                                 = 0xb
+	MADV_DONTDUMP                               = 0x10
+	MADV_DONTFORK                               = 0xa
+	MADV_DONTNEED                               = 0x4
+	MADV_FREE                                   = 0x8
+	MADV_HUGEPAGE                               = 0xe
+	MADV_HWPOISON                               = 0x64
+	MADV_KEEPONFORK                             = 0x13
+	MADV_MERGEABLE                              = 0xc
+	MADV_NOHUGEPAGE                             = 0xf
+	MADV_NORMAL                                 = 0x0
+	MADV_RANDOM                                 = 0x1
+	MADV_REMOVE                                 = 0x9
+	MADV_SEQUENTIAL                             = 0x2
+	MADV_UNMERGEABLE                            = 0xd
+	MADV_WILLNEED                               = 0x3
+	MADV_WIPEONFORK                             = 0x12
+	MAP_32BIT                                   = 0x40
+	MAP_ANON                                    = 0x20
+	MAP_ANONYMOUS                               = 0x20
+	MAP_DENYWRITE                               = 0x800
+	MAP_EXECUTABLE                              = 0x1000
+	MAP_FILE                                    = 0x0
+	MAP_FIXED                                   = 0x10
+	MAP_FIXED_NOREPLACE                         = 0x100000
+	MAP_GROWSDOWN                               = 0x100
+	MAP_HUGETLB                                 = 0x40000
+	MAP_HUGE_MASK                               = 0x3f
+	MAP_HUGE_SHIFT                              = 0x1a
+	MAP_LOCKED                                  = 0x2000
+	MAP_NONBLOCK                                = 0x10000
+	MAP_NORESERVE                               = 0x4000
+	MAP_POPULATE                                = 0x8000
+	MAP_PRIVATE                                 = 0x2
+	MAP_SHARED                                  = 0x1
+	MAP_SHARED_VALIDATE                         = 0x3
+	MAP_STACK                                   = 0x20000
+	MAP_SYNC                                    = 0x80000
+	MAP_TYPE                                    = 0xf
+	MCAST_BLOCK_SOURCE                          = 0x2b
+	MCAST_EXCLUDE                               = 0x0
+	MCAST_INCLUDE                               = 0x1
+	MCAST_JOIN_GROUP                            = 0x2a
+	MCAST_JOIN_SOURCE_GROUP                     = 0x2e
+	MCAST_LEAVE_GROUP                           = 0x2d
+	MCAST_LEAVE_SOURCE_GROUP                    = 0x2f
+	MCAST_MSFILTER                              = 0x30
+	MCAST_UNBLOCK_SOURCE                        = 0x2c
+	MCL_CURRENT                                 = 0x1
+	MCL_FUTURE                                  = 0x2
+	MCL_ONFAULT                                 = 0x4
+	MFD_ALLOW_SEALING                           = 0x2
+	MFD_CLOEXEC                                 = 0x1
+	MFD_HUGETLB                                 = 0x4
+	MFD_HUGE_16GB                               = -0x78000000
+	MFD_HUGE_16MB                               = 0x60000000
+	MFD_HUGE_1GB                                = 0x78000000
+	MFD_HUGE_1MB                                = 0x50000000
+	MFD_HUGE_256MB                              = 0x70000000
+	MFD_HUGE_2GB                                = 0x7c000000
+	MFD_HUGE_2MB                                = 0x54000000
+	MFD_HUGE_32MB                               = 0x64000000
+	MFD_HUGE_512KB                              = 0x4c000000
+	MFD_HUGE_512MB                              = 0x74000000
+	MFD_HUGE_64KB                               = 0x40000000
+	MFD_HUGE_8MB                                = 0x5c000000
+	MFD_HUGE_MASK                               = 0x3f
+	MFD_HUGE_SHIFT                              = 0x1a
+	MINIX2_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0x2468
+	MINIX2_SUPER_MAGIC2                         = 0x2478
+	MINIX3_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0x4d5a
+	MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x137f
+	MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC2                          = 0x138f
+	MNT_DETACH                                  = 0x2
+	MNT_EXPIRE                                  = 0x4
+	MNT_FORCE                                   = 0x1
+	MODULE_INIT_IGNORE_VERMAGIC                 = 0x2
+	MSDOS_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x4d44
+	MSG_BATCH                                   = 0x40000
+	MSG_CMSG_CLOEXEC                            = 0x40000000
+	MSG_CONFIRM                                 = 0x800
+	MSG_CTRUNC                                  = 0x8
+	MSG_DONTROUTE                               = 0x4
+	MSG_DONTWAIT                                = 0x40
+	MSG_EOR                                     = 0x80
+	MSG_ERRQUEUE                                = 0x2000
+	MSG_FASTOPEN                                = 0x20000000
+	MSG_FIN                                     = 0x200
+	MSG_MORE                                    = 0x8000
+	MSG_NOSIGNAL                                = 0x4000
+	MSG_OOB                                     = 0x1
+	MSG_PEEK                                    = 0x2
+	MSG_PROXY                                   = 0x10
+	MSG_RST                                     = 0x1000
+	MSG_SYN                                     = 0x400
+	MSG_TRUNC                                   = 0x20
+	MSG_TRYHARD                                 = 0x4
+	MSG_WAITALL                                 = 0x100
+	MSG_WAITFORONE                              = 0x10000
+	MSG_ZEROCOPY                                = 0x4000000
+	MS_ACTIVE                                   = 0x40000000
+	MS_ASYNC                                    = 0x1
+	MS_BIND                                     = 0x1000
+	MS_BORN                                     = 0x20000000
+	MS_DIRSYNC                                  = 0x80
+	MS_INVALIDATE                               = 0x2
+	MS_I_VERSION                                = 0x800000
+	MS_KERNMOUNT                                = 0x400000
+	MS_LAZYTIME                                 = 0x2000000
+	MS_MANDLOCK                                 = 0x40
+	MS_MGC_MSK                                  = 0xffff0000
+	MS_MGC_VAL                                  = 0xc0ed0000
+	MS_MOVE                                     = 0x2000
+	MS_NOATIME                                  = 0x400
+	MS_NODEV                                    = 0x4
+	MS_NODIRATIME                               = 0x800
+	MS_NOEXEC                                   = 0x8
+	MS_NOREMOTELOCK                             = 0x8000000
+	MS_NOSEC                                    = 0x10000000
+	MS_NOSUID                                   = 0x2
+	MS_NOUSER                                   = -0x80000000
+	MS_POSIXACL                                 = 0x10000
+	MS_PRIVATE                                  = 0x40000
+	MS_RDONLY                                   = 0x1
+	MS_REC                                      = 0x4000
+	MS_RELATIME                                 = 0x200000
+	MS_REMOUNT                                  = 0x20
+	MS_RMT_MASK                                 = 0x2800051
+	MS_SHARED                                   = 0x100000
+	MS_SILENT                                   = 0x8000
+	MS_SLAVE                                    = 0x80000
+	MS_STRICTATIME                              = 0x1000000
+	MS_SUBMOUNT                                 = 0x4000000
+	MS_SYNC                                     = 0x4
+	MS_SYNCHRONOUS                              = 0x10
+	MS_UNBINDABLE                               = 0x20000
+	MS_VERBOSE                                  = 0x8000
+	MTD_INODE_FS_MAGIC                          = 0x11307854
+	NAME_MAX                                    = 0xff
+	NCP_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x564c
+	NETLINK_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                      = 0x1
+	NETLINK_AUDIT                               = 0x9
+	NETLINK_BROADCAST_ERROR                     = 0x4
+	NETLINK_CAP_ACK                             = 0xa
+	NETLINK_CONNECTOR                           = 0xb
+	NETLINK_CRYPTO                              = 0x15
+	NETLINK_DNRTMSG                             = 0xe
+	NETLINK_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                     = 0x2
+	NETLINK_ECRYPTFS                            = 0x13
+	NETLINK_EXT_ACK                             = 0xb
+	NETLINK_FIB_LOOKUP                          = 0xa
+	NETLINK_FIREWALL                            = 0x3
+	NETLINK_GENERIC                             = 0x10
+	NETLINK_GET_STRICT_CHK                      = 0xc
+	NETLINK_INET_DIAG                           = 0x4
+	NETLINK_IP6_FW                              = 0xd
+	NETLINK_ISCSI                               = 0x8
+	NETLINK_KOBJECT_UEVENT                      = 0xf
+	NETLINK_LISTEN_ALL_NSID                     = 0x8
+	NETLINK_LIST_MEMBERSHIPS                    = 0x9
+	NETLINK_NETFILTER                           = 0xc
+	NETLINK_NFLOG                               = 0x5
+	NETLINK_NO_ENOBUFS                          = 0x5
+	NETLINK_PKTINFO                             = 0x3
+	NETLINK_RDMA                                = 0x14
+	NETLINK_ROUTE                               = 0x0
+	NETLINK_RX_RING                             = 0x6
+	NETLINK_SCSITRANSPORT                       = 0x12
+	NETLINK_SELINUX                             = 0x7
+	NETLINK_SMC                                 = 0x16
+	NETLINK_SOCK_DIAG                           = 0x4
+	NETLINK_TX_RING                             = 0x7
+	NETLINK_UNUSED                              = 0x1
+	NETLINK_USERSOCK                            = 0x2
+	NETLINK_XFRM                                = 0x6
+	NETNSA_MAX                                  = 0x5
+	NETNSA_NSID_NOT_ASSIGNED                    = -0x1
+	NFDBITS                                     = 0x40
+	NFNETLINK_V0                                = 0x0
+	NFNLGRP_ACCT_QUOTA                          = 0x8
+	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_DESTROY                   = 0x3
+	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_EXP_NEW                   = 0x4
+	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_EXP_UPDATE                = 0x5
+	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_NEW                       = 0x1
+	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_UPDATE                    = 0x2
+	NFNLGRP_MAX                                 = 0x9
+	NFNLGRP_NFTABLES                            = 0x7
+	NFNLGRP_NFTRACE                             = 0x9
+	NFNLGRP_NONE                                = 0x0
+	NFNL_BATCH_MAX                              = 0x1
+	NFNL_MSG_BATCH_BEGIN                        = 0x10
+	NFNL_MSG_BATCH_END                          = 0x11
+	NFNL_NFA_NEST                               = 0x8000
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_ACCT                            = 0x7
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_COUNT                           = 0xc
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTHELPER                        = 0x9
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTNETLINK                       = 0x1
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTNETLINK_EXP                   = 0x2
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_IPSET                           = 0x6
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_NFTABLES                        = 0xa
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_NFT_COMPAT                      = 0xb
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_NONE                            = 0x0
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_OSF                             = 0x5
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_QUEUE                           = 0x3
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_ULOG                            = 0x4
+	NFS_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x6969
+	NILFS_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x3434
+	NL0                                         = 0x0
+	NL1                                         = 0x100
+	NLA_ALIGNTO                                 = 0x4
+	NLA_F_NESTED                                = 0x8000
+	NLA_F_NET_BYTEORDER                         = 0x4000
+	NLA_HDRLEN                                  = 0x4
+	NLDLY                                       = 0x100
+	NLMSG_ALIGNTO                               = 0x4
+	NLMSG_DONE                                  = 0x3
+	NLMSG_ERROR                                 = 0x2
+	NLMSG_HDRLEN                                = 0x10
+	NLMSG_MIN_TYPE                              = 0x10
+	NLMSG_NOOP                                  = 0x1
+	NLMSG_OVERRUN                               = 0x4
+	NLM_F_ACK                                   = 0x4
+	NLM_F_ACK_TLVS                              = 0x200
+	NLM_F_APPEND                                = 0x800
+	NLM_F_ATOMIC                                = 0x400
+	NLM_F_CAPPED                                = 0x100
+	NLM_F_CREATE                                = 0x400
+	NLM_F_DUMP                                  = 0x300
+	NLM_F_DUMP_FILTERED                         = 0x20
+	NLM_F_DUMP_INTR                             = 0x10
+	NLM_F_ECHO                                  = 0x8
+	NLM_F_EXCL                                  = 0x200
+	NLM_F_MATCH                                 = 0x200
+	NLM_F_MULTI                                 = 0x2
+	NLM_F_NONREC                                = 0x100
+	NLM_F_REPLACE                               = 0x100
+	NLM_F_REQUEST                               = 0x1
+	NLM_F_ROOT                                  = 0x100
+	NOFLSH                                      = 0x80
+	NSFS_MAGIC                                  = 0x6e736673
+	NS_GET_NSTYPE                               = 0xb703
+	NS_GET_OWNER_UID                            = 0xb704
+	NS_GET_PARENT                               = 0xb702
+	NS_GET_USERNS                               = 0xb701
+	OCFS2_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x7461636f
+	OCRNL                                       = 0x8
+	OFDEL                                       = 0x80
+	OFILL                                       = 0x40
+	OLCUC                                       = 0x2
+	ONLCR                                       = 0x4
+	ONLRET                                      = 0x20
+	ONOCR                                       = 0x10
+	OPENPROM_SUPER_MAGIC                        = 0x9fa1
+	OPOST                                       = 0x1
+	OVERLAYFS_SUPER_MAGIC                       = 0x794c7630
+	O_ACCMODE                                   = 0x3
+	O_APPEND                                    = 0x400
+	O_ASYNC                                     = 0x2000
+	O_CLOEXEC                                   = 0x80000
+	O_CREAT                                     = 0x40
+	O_DIRECT                                    = 0x4000
+	O_DIRECTORY                                 = 0x10000
+	O_DSYNC                                     = 0x1000
+	O_EXCL                                      = 0x80
+	O_FSYNC                                     = 0x101000
+	O_LARGEFILE                                 = 0x0
+	O_NDELAY                                    = 0x800
+	O_NOATIME                                   = 0x40000
+	O_NOCTTY                                    = 0x100
+	O_NOFOLLOW                                  = 0x20000
+	O_NONBLOCK                                  = 0x800
+	O_PATH                                      = 0x200000
+	O_RDONLY                                    = 0x0
+	O_RDWR                                      = 0x2
+	O_RSYNC                                     = 0x101000
+	O_SYNC                                      = 0x101000
+	O_TMPFILE                                   = 0x410000
+	O_TRUNC                                     = 0x200
+	O_WRONLY                                    = 0x1
+	PACKET_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                       = 0x1
+	PACKET_AUXDATA                              = 0x8
+	PACKET_BROADCAST                            = 0x1
+	PACKET_COPY_THRESH                          = 0x7
+	PACKET_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                      = 0x2
+	PACKET_FANOUT                               = 0x12
+	PACKET_FANOUT_CBPF                          = 0x6
+	PACKET_FANOUT_CPU                           = 0x2
+	PACKET_FANOUT_DATA                          = 0x16
+	PACKET_FANOUT_EBPF                          = 0x7
+	PACKET_FANOUT_FLAG_DEFRAG                   = 0x8000
+	PACKET_FANOUT_FLAG_ROLLOVER                 = 0x1000
+	PACKET_FANOUT_FLAG_UNIQUEID                 = 0x2000
+	PACKET_FANOUT_HASH                          = 0x0
+	PACKET_FANOUT_LB                            = 0x1
+	PACKET_FANOUT_QM                            = 0x5
+	PACKET_FANOUT_RND                           = 0x4
+	PACKET_FANOUT_ROLLOVER                      = 0x3
+	PACKET_FASTROUTE                            = 0x6
+	PACKET_HDRLEN                               = 0xb
+	PACKET_HOST                                 = 0x0
+	PACKET_IGNORE_OUTGOING                      = 0x17
+	PACKET_KERNEL                               = 0x7
+	PACKET_LOOPBACK                             = 0x5
+	PACKET_LOSS                                 = 0xe
+	PACKET_MR_ALLMULTI                          = 0x2
+	PACKET_MR_MULTICAST                         = 0x0
+	PACKET_MR_PROMISC                           = 0x1
+	PACKET_MR_UNICAST                           = 0x3
+	PACKET_MULTICAST                            = 0x2
+	PACKET_ORIGDEV                              = 0x9
+	PACKET_OTHERHOST                            = 0x3
+	PACKET_OUTGOING                             = 0x4
+	PACKET_QDISC_BYPASS                         = 0x14
+	PACKET_RECV_OUTPUT                          = 0x3
+	PACKET_RESERVE                              = 0xc
+	PACKET_ROLLOVER_STATS                       = 0x15
+	PACKET_RX_RING                              = 0x5
+	PACKET_STATISTICS                           = 0x6
+	PACKET_TIMESTAMP                            = 0x11
+	PACKET_TX_HAS_OFF                           = 0x13
+	PACKET_TX_RING                              = 0xd
+	PACKET_TX_TIMESTAMP                         = 0x10
+	PACKET_USER                                 = 0x6
+	PACKET_VERSION                              = 0xa
+	PACKET_VNET_HDR                             = 0xf
+	PARENB                                      = 0x100
+	PARITY_CRC16_PR0                            = 0x2
+	PARITY_CRC16_PR0_CCITT                      = 0x4
+	PARITY_CRC16_PR1                            = 0x3
+	PARITY_CRC16_PR1_CCITT                      = 0x5
+	PARITY_CRC32_PR0_CCITT                      = 0x6
+	PARITY_CRC32_PR1_CCITT                      = 0x7
+	PARITY_DEFAULT                              = 0x0
+	PARITY_NONE                                 = 0x1
+	PARMRK                                      = 0x8
+	PARODD                                      = 0x200
+	PENDIN                                      = 0x4000
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_DISABLE                      = 0x2401
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_ENABLE                       = 0x2400
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_ID                           = 0x80082407
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_MODIFY_ATTRIBUTES            = 0x4008240b
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_PAUSE_OUTPUT                 = 0x40042409
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_PERIOD                       = 0x40082404
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_QUERY_BPF                    = 0xc008240a
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_REFRESH                      = 0x2402
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_RESET                        = 0x2403
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_BPF                      = 0x40042408
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_FILTER                   = 0x40082406
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_OUTPUT                   = 0x2405
+	PIPEFS_MAGIC                                = 0x50495045
+	PPPIOCATTACH                                = 0x4004743d
+	PPPIOCATTCHAN                               = 0x40047438
+	PPPIOCCONNECT                               = 0x4004743a
+	PPPIOCDETACH                                = 0x4004743c
+	PPPIOCDISCONN                               = 0x7439
+	PPPIOCGASYNCMAP                             = 0x80047458
+	PPPIOCGCHAN                                 = 0x80047437
+	PPPIOCGDEBUG                                = 0x80047441
+	PPPIOCGFLAGS                                = 0x8004745a
+	PPPIOCGIDLE                                 = 0x8010743f
+	PPPIOCGL2TPSTATS                            = 0x80487436
+	PPPIOCGMRU                                  = 0x80047453
+	PPPIOCGNPMODE                               = 0xc008744c
+	PPPIOCGRASYNCMAP                            = 0x80047455
+	PPPIOCGUNIT                                 = 0x80047456
+	PPPIOCGXASYNCMAP                            = 0x80207450
+	PPPIOCNEWUNIT                               = 0xc004743e
+	PPPIOCSACTIVE                               = 0x40107446
+	PPPIOCSASYNCMAP                             = 0x40047457
+	PPPIOCSCOMPRESS                             = 0x4010744d
+	PPPIOCSDEBUG                                = 0x40047440
+	PPPIOCSFLAGS                                = 0x40047459
+	PPPIOCSMAXCID                               = 0x40047451
+	PPPIOCSMRRU                                 = 0x4004743b
+	PPPIOCSMRU                                  = 0x40047452
+	PPPIOCSNPMODE                               = 0x4008744b
+	PPPIOCSPASS                                 = 0x40107447
+	PPPIOCSRASYNCMAP                            = 0x40047454
+	PPPIOCSXASYNCMAP                            = 0x4020744f
+	PPPIOCXFERUNIT                              = 0x744e
+	PRIO_PGRP                                   = 0x1
+	PRIO_PROCESS                                = 0x0
+	PRIO_USER                                   = 0x2
+	PROC_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0x9fa0
+	PROT_EXEC                                   = 0x4
+	PROT_GROWSDOWN                              = 0x1000000
+	PROT_GROWSUP                                = 0x2000000
+	PROT_NONE                                   = 0x0
+	PROT_READ                                   = 0x1
+	PROT_WRITE                                  = 0x2
+	PR_CAPBSET_DROP                             = 0x18
+	PR_CAPBSET_READ                             = 0x17
+	PR_CAP_AMBIENT                              = 0x2f
+	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_CLEAR_ALL                    = 0x4
+	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_IS_SET                       = 0x1
+	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_LOWER                        = 0x3
+	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_RAISE                        = 0x2
+	PR_ENDIAN_BIG                               = 0x0
+	PR_ENDIAN_LITTLE                            = 0x1
+	PR_ENDIAN_PPC_LITTLE                        = 0x2
+	PR_FPEMU_NOPRINT                            = 0x1
+	PR_FPEMU_SIGFPE                             = 0x2
+	PR_FP_EXC_ASYNC                             = 0x2
+	PR_FP_EXC_DISABLED                          = 0x0
+	PR_FP_EXC_DIV                               = 0x10000
+	PR_FP_EXC_INV                               = 0x100000
+	PR_FP_EXC_NONRECOV                          = 0x1
+	PR_FP_EXC_OVF                               = 0x20000
+	PR_FP_EXC_PRECISE                           = 0x3
+	PR_FP_EXC_RES                               = 0x80000
+	PR_FP_EXC_SW_ENABLE                         = 0x80
+	PR_FP_EXC_UND                               = 0x40000
+	PR_FP_MODE_FR                               = 0x1
+	PR_FP_MODE_FRE                              = 0x2
+	PR_GET_CHILD_SUBREAPER                      = 0x25
+	PR_GET_DUMPABLE                             = 0x3
+	PR_GET_ENDIAN                               = 0x13
+	PR_GET_FPEMU                                = 0x9
+	PR_GET_FPEXC                                = 0xb
+	PR_GET_FP_MODE                              = 0x2e
+	PR_GET_KEEPCAPS                             = 0x7
+	PR_GET_NAME                                 = 0x10
+	PR_GET_NO_NEW_PRIVS                         = 0x27
+	PR_GET_PDEATHSIG                            = 0x2
+	PR_GET_SECCOMP                              = 0x15
+	PR_GET_SECUREBITS                           = 0x1b
+	PR_GET_SPECULATION_CTRL                     = 0x34
+	PR_GET_TAGGED_ADDR_CTRL                     = 0x38
+	PR_GET_THP_DISABLE                          = 0x2a
+	PR_GET_TID_ADDRESS                          = 0x28
+	PR_GET_TIMERSLACK                           = 0x1e
+	PR_GET_TIMING                               = 0xd
+	PR_GET_TSC                                  = 0x19
+	PR_GET_UNALIGN                              = 0x5
+	PR_MCE_KILL                                 = 0x21
+	PR_MCE_KILL_CLEAR                           = 0x0
+	PR_MCE_KILL_DEFAULT                         = 0x2
+	PR_MCE_KILL_EARLY                           = 0x1
+	PR_MCE_KILL_GET                             = 0x22
+	PR_MCE_KILL_LATE                            = 0x0
+	PR_MCE_KILL_SET                             = 0x1
+	PR_MPX_DISABLE_MANAGEMENT                   = 0x2c
+	PR_MPX_ENABLE_MANAGEMENT                    = 0x2b
+	PR_PAC_APDAKEY                              = 0x4
+	PR_PAC_APDBKEY                              = 0x8
+	PR_PAC_APGAKEY                              = 0x10
+	PR_PAC_APIAKEY                              = 0x1
+	PR_PAC_APIBKEY                              = 0x2
+	PR_PAC_RESET_KEYS                           = 0x36
+	PR_SET_CHILD_SUBREAPER                      = 0x24
+	PR_SET_DUMPABLE                             = 0x4
+	PR_SET_ENDIAN                               = 0x14
+	PR_SET_FPEMU                                = 0xa
+	PR_SET_FPEXC                                = 0xc
+	PR_SET_FP_MODE                              = 0x2d
+	PR_SET_KEEPCAPS                             = 0x8
+	PR_SET_MM                                   = 0x23
+	PR_SET_MM_ARG_END                           = 0x9
+	PR_SET_MM_ARG_START                         = 0x8
+	PR_SET_MM_AUXV                              = 0xc
+	PR_SET_MM_BRK                               = 0x7
+	PR_SET_MM_END_CODE                          = 0x2
+	PR_SET_MM_END_DATA                          = 0x4
+	PR_SET_MM_ENV_END                           = 0xb
+	PR_SET_MM_ENV_START                         = 0xa
+	PR_SET_MM_EXE_FILE                          = 0xd
+	PR_SET_MM_MAP                               = 0xe
+	PR_SET_MM_MAP_SIZE                          = 0xf
+	PR_SET_MM_START_BRK                         = 0x6
+	PR_SET_MM_START_CODE                        = 0x1
+	PR_SET_MM_START_DATA                        = 0x3
+	PR_SET_MM_START_STACK                       = 0x5
+	PR_SET_NAME                                 = 0xf
+	PR_SET_NO_NEW_PRIVS                         = 0x26
+	PR_SET_PDEATHSIG                            = 0x1
+	PR_SET_PTRACER                              = 0x59616d61
+	PR_SET_PTRACER_ANY                          = 0xffffffffffffffff
+	PR_SET_SECCOMP                              = 0x16
+	PR_SET_SECUREBITS                           = 0x1c
+	PR_SET_SPECULATION_CTRL                     = 0x35
+	PR_SET_TAGGED_ADDR_CTRL                     = 0x37
+	PR_SET_THP_DISABLE                          = 0x29
+	PR_SET_TIMERSLACK                           = 0x1d
+	PR_SET_TIMING                               = 0xe
+	PR_SET_TSC                                  = 0x1a
+	PR_SET_UNALIGN                              = 0x6
+	PR_SPEC_DISABLE                             = 0x4
+	PR_SPEC_DISABLE_NOEXEC                      = 0x10
+	PR_SPEC_ENABLE                              = 0x2
+	PR_SPEC_FORCE_DISABLE                       = 0x8
+	PR_SPEC_INDIRECT_BRANCH                     = 0x1
+	PR_SPEC_NOT_AFFECTED                        = 0x0
+	PR_SPEC_PRCTL                               = 0x1
+	PR_SPEC_STORE_BYPASS                        = 0x0
+	PR_SVE_GET_VL                               = 0x33
+	PR_SVE_SET_VL                               = 0x32
+	PR_SVE_SET_VL_ONEXEC                        = 0x40000
+	PR_SVE_VL_INHERIT                           = 0x20000
+	PR_SVE_VL_LEN_MASK                          = 0xffff
+	PR_TAGGED_ADDR_ENABLE                       = 0x1
+	PR_TASK_PERF_EVENTS_DISABLE                 = 0x1f
+	PR_TASK_PERF_EVENTS_ENABLE                  = 0x20
+	PR_TIMING_STATISTICAL                       = 0x0
+	PR_TIMING_TIMESTAMP                         = 0x1
+	PR_TSC_ENABLE                               = 0x1
+	PR_TSC_SIGSEGV                              = 0x2
+	PR_UNALIGN_NOPRINT                          = 0x1
+	PR_UNALIGN_SIGBUS                           = 0x2
+	PSTOREFS_MAGIC                              = 0x6165676c
+	PTRACE_ARCH_PRCTL                           = 0x1e
+	PTRACE_ATTACH                               = 0x10
+	PTRACE_CONT                                 = 0x7
+	PTRACE_DETACH                               = 0x11
+	PTRACE_EVENTMSG_SYSCALL_EXIT                = 0x2
+	PTRACE_EVENT_CLONE                          = 0x3
+	PTRACE_EVENT_EXEC                           = 0x4
+	PTRACE_EVENT_EXIT                           = 0x6
+	PTRACE_EVENT_FORK                           = 0x1
+	PTRACE_EVENT_SECCOMP                        = 0x7
+	PTRACE_EVENT_STOP                           = 0x80
+	PTRACE_EVENT_VFORK                          = 0x2
+	PTRACE_EVENT_VFORK_DONE                     = 0x5
+	PTRACE_GETEVENTMSG                          = 0x4201
+	PTRACE_GETFPREGS                            = 0xe
+	PTRACE_GETFPXREGS                           = 0x12
+	PTRACE_GETREGS                              = 0xc
+	PTRACE_GETREGSET                            = 0x4204
+	PTRACE_GETSIGINFO                           = 0x4202
+	PTRACE_GETSIGMASK                           = 0x420a
+	PTRACE_GET_SYSCALL_INFO                     = 0x420e
+	PTRACE_GET_THREAD_AREA                      = 0x19
+	PTRACE_INTERRUPT                            = 0x4207
+	PTRACE_KILL                                 = 0x8
+	PTRACE_LISTEN                               = 0x4208
+	PTRACE_OLDSETOPTIONS                        = 0x15
+	PTRACE_O_EXITKILL                           = 0x100000
+	PTRACE_O_MASK                               = 0x3000ff
+	PTRACE_O_SUSPEND_SECCOMP                    = 0x200000
+	PTRACE_O_TRACECLONE                         = 0x8
+	PTRACE_O_TRACEEXEC                          = 0x10
+	PTRACE_O_TRACEEXIT                          = 0x40
+	PTRACE_O_TRACEFORK                          = 0x2
+	PTRACE_O_TRACESECCOMP                       = 0x80
+	PTRACE_O_TRACESYSGOOD                       = 0x1
+	PTRACE_O_TRACEVFORK                         = 0x4
+	PTRACE_O_TRACEVFORKDONE                     = 0x20
+	PTRACE_PEEKDATA                             = 0x2
+	PTRACE_PEEKSIGINFO                          = 0x4209
+	PTRACE_PEEKSIGINFO_SHARED                   = 0x1
+	PTRACE_PEEKTEXT                             = 0x1
+	PTRACE_PEEKUSR                              = 0x3
+	PTRACE_POKEDATA                             = 0x5
+	PTRACE_POKETEXT                             = 0x4
+	PTRACE_POKEUSR                              = 0x6
+	PTRACE_SECCOMP_GET_FILTER                   = 0x420c
+	PTRACE_SECCOMP_GET_METADATA                 = 0x420d
+	PTRACE_SEIZE                                = 0x4206
+	PTRACE_SETFPREGS                            = 0xf
+	PTRACE_SETFPXREGS                           = 0x13
+	PTRACE_SETOPTIONS                           = 0x4200
+	PTRACE_SETREGS                              = 0xd
+	PTRACE_SETREGSET                            = 0x4205
+	PTRACE_SETSIGINFO                           = 0x4203
+	PTRACE_SETSIGMASK                           = 0x420b
+	PTRACE_SET_THREAD_AREA                      = 0x1a
+	PTRACE_SINGLEBLOCK                          = 0x21
+	PTRACE_SINGLESTEP                           = 0x9
+	PTRACE_SYSCALL                              = 0x18
+	PTRACE_SYSCALL_INFO_ENTRY                   = 0x1
+	PTRACE_SYSCALL_INFO_EXIT                    = 0x2
+	PTRACE_SYSCALL_INFO_NONE                    = 0x0
+	PTRACE_SYSCALL_INFO_SECCOMP                 = 0x3
+	PTRACE_SYSEMU                               = 0x1f
+	PTRACE_SYSEMU_SINGLESTEP                    = 0x20
+	PTRACE_TRACEME                              = 0x0
+	QNX4_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0x2f
+	QNX6_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0x68191122
+	RAMFS_MAGIC                                 = 0x858458f6
+	RDTGROUP_SUPER_MAGIC                        = 0x7655821
+	REISERFS_SUPER_MAGIC                        = 0x52654973
+	RENAME_EXCHANGE                             = 0x2
+	RENAME_NOREPLACE                            = 0x1
+	RENAME_WHITEOUT                             = 0x4
+	RLIMIT_AS                                   = 0x9
+	RLIMIT_CORE                                 = 0x4
+	RLIMIT_CPU                                  = 0x0
+	RLIMIT_DATA                                 = 0x2
+	RLIMIT_FSIZE                                = 0x1
+	RLIMIT_LOCKS                                = 0xa
+	RLIMIT_MEMLOCK                              = 0x8
+	RLIMIT_MSGQUEUE                             = 0xc
+	RLIMIT_NICE                                 = 0xd
+	RLIMIT_NOFILE                               = 0x7
+	RLIMIT_NPROC                                = 0x6
+	RLIMIT_RSS                                  = 0x5
+	RLIMIT_RTPRIO                               = 0xe
+	RLIMIT_RTTIME                               = 0xf
+	RLIMIT_SIGPENDING                           = 0xb
+	RLIMIT_STACK                                = 0x3
+	RLIM_INFINITY                               = 0xffffffffffffffff
+	RNDADDENTROPY                               = 0x40085203
+	RNDADDTOENTCNT                              = 0x40045201
+	RNDCLEARPOOL                                = 0x5206
+	RNDGETENTCNT                                = 0x80045200
+	RNDGETPOOL                                  = 0x80085202
+	RNDRESEEDCRNG                               = 0x5207
+	RNDZAPENTCNT                                = 0x5204
+	RTAX_ADVMSS                                 = 0x8
+	RTAX_CC_ALGO                                = 0x10
+	RTAX_CWND                                   = 0x7
+	RTAX_FASTOPEN_NO_COOKIE                     = 0x11
+	RTAX_FEATURES                               = 0xc
+	RTAX_FEATURE_ALLFRAG                        = 0x8
+	RTAX_FEATURE_ECN                            = 0x1
+	RTAX_FEATURE_MASK                           = 0xf
+	RTAX_FEATURE_SACK                           = 0x2
+	RTAX_FEATURE_TIMESTAMP                      = 0x4
+	RTAX_HOPLIMIT                               = 0xa
+	RTAX_INITCWND                               = 0xb
+	RTAX_INITRWND                               = 0xe
+	RTAX_LOCK                                   = 0x1
+	RTAX_MAX                                    = 0x11
+	RTAX_MTU                                    = 0x2
+	RTAX_QUICKACK                               = 0xf
+	RTAX_REORDERING                             = 0x9
+	RTAX_RTO_MIN                                = 0xd
+	RTAX_RTT                                    = 0x4
+	RTAX_RTTVAR                                 = 0x5
+	RTAX_SSTHRESH                               = 0x6
+	RTAX_UNSPEC                                 = 0x0
+	RTAX_WINDOW                                 = 0x3
+	RTA_ALIGNTO                                 = 0x4
+	RTA_MAX                                     = 0x1e
+	RTCF_DIRECTSRC                              = 0x4000000
+	RTCF_DOREDIRECT                             = 0x1000000
+	RTCF_LOG                                    = 0x2000000
+	RTCF_MASQ                                   = 0x400000
+	RTCF_NAT                                    = 0x800000
+	RTCF_VALVE                                  = 0x200000
+	RTC_AF                                      = 0x20
+	RTC_AIE_OFF                                 = 0x7002
+	RTC_AIE_ON                                  = 0x7001
+	RTC_ALM_READ                                = 0x80247008
+	RTC_ALM_SET                                 = 0x40247007
+	RTC_EPOCH_READ                              = 0x8008700d
+	RTC_EPOCH_SET                               = 0x4008700e
+	RTC_IRQF                                    = 0x80
+	RTC_IRQP_READ                               = 0x8008700b
+	RTC_IRQP_SET                                = 0x4008700c
+	RTC_MAX_FREQ                                = 0x2000
+	RTC_PF                                      = 0x40
+	RTC_PIE_OFF                                 = 0x7006
+	RTC_PIE_ON                                  = 0x7005
+	RTC_PLL_GET                                 = 0x80207011
+	RTC_PLL_SET                                 = 0x40207012
+	RTC_RD_TIME                                 = 0x80247009
+	RTC_SET_TIME                                = 0x4024700a
+	RTC_UF                                      = 0x10
+	RTC_UIE_OFF                                 = 0x7004
+	RTC_UIE_ON                                  = 0x7003
+	RTC_VL_CLR                                  = 0x7014
+	RTC_VL_READ                                 = 0x80047013
+	RTC_WIE_OFF                                 = 0x7010
+	RTC_WIE_ON                                  = 0x700f
+	RTC_WKALM_RD                                = 0x80287010
+	RTC_WKALM_SET                               = 0x4028700f
+	RTF_ADDRCLASSMASK                           = 0xf8000000
+	RTF_ADDRCONF                                = 0x40000
+	RTF_ALLONLINK                               = 0x20000
+	RTF_BROADCAST                               = 0x10000000
+	RTF_CACHE                                   = 0x1000000
+	RTF_DEFAULT                                 = 0x10000
+	RTF_DYNAMIC                                 = 0x10
+	RTF_FLOW                                    = 0x2000000
+	RTF_GATEWAY                                 = 0x2
+	RTF_HOST                                    = 0x4
+	RTF_INTERFACE                               = 0x40000000
+	RTF_IRTT                                    = 0x100
+	RTF_LINKRT                                  = 0x100000
+	RTF_LOCAL                                   = 0x80000000
+	RTF_MODIFIED                                = 0x20
+	RTF_MSS                                     = 0x40
+	RTF_MTU                                     = 0x40
+	RTF_MULTICAST                               = 0x20000000
+	RTF_NAT                                     = 0x8000000
+	RTF_NOFORWARD                               = 0x1000
+	RTF_NONEXTHOP                               = 0x200000
+	RTF_NOPMTUDISC                              = 0x4000
+	RTF_POLICY                                  = 0x4000000
+	RTF_REINSTATE                               = 0x8
+	RTF_REJECT                                  = 0x200
+	RTF_STATIC                                  = 0x400
+	RTF_THROW                                   = 0x2000
+	RTF_UP                                      = 0x1
+	RTF_WINDOW                                  = 0x80
+	RTF_XRESOLVE                                = 0x800
+	RTM_BASE                                    = 0x10
+	RTM_DELACTION                               = 0x31
+	RTM_DELADDR                                 = 0x15
+	RTM_DELADDRLABEL                            = 0x49
+	RTM_DELCHAIN                                = 0x65
+	RTM_DELLINK                                 = 0x11
+	RTM_DELMDB                                  = 0x55
+	RTM_DELNEIGH                                = 0x1d
+	RTM_DELNETCONF                              = 0x51
+	RTM_DELNEXTHOP                              = 0x69
+	RTM_DELNSID                                 = 0x59
+	RTM_DELQDISC                                = 0x25
+	RTM_DELROUTE                                = 0x19
+	RTM_DELRULE                                 = 0x21
+	RTM_DELTCLASS                               = 0x29
+	RTM_DELTFILTER                              = 0x2d
+	RTM_F_CLONED                                = 0x200
+	RTM_F_EQUALIZE                              = 0x400
+	RTM_F_FIB_MATCH                             = 0x2000
+	RTM_F_LOOKUP_TABLE                          = 0x1000
+	RTM_F_NOTIFY                                = 0x100
+	RTM_F_PREFIX                                = 0x800
+	RTM_GETACTION                               = 0x32
+	RTM_GETADDR                                 = 0x16
+	RTM_GETADDRLABEL                            = 0x4a
+	RTM_GETANYCAST                              = 0x3e
+	RTM_GETCHAIN                                = 0x66
+	RTM_GETDCB                                  = 0x4e
+	RTM_GETLINK                                 = 0x12
+	RTM_GETMDB                                  = 0x56
+	RTM_GETMULTICAST                            = 0x3a
+	RTM_GETNEIGH                                = 0x1e
+	RTM_GETNEIGHTBL                             = 0x42
+	RTM_GETNETCONF                              = 0x52
+	RTM_GETNEXTHOP                              = 0x6a
+	RTM_GETNSID                                 = 0x5a
+	RTM_GETQDISC                                = 0x26
+	RTM_GETROUTE                                = 0x1a
+	RTM_GETRULE                                 = 0x22
+	RTM_GETSTATS                                = 0x5e
+	RTM_GETTCLASS                               = 0x2a
+	RTM_GETTFILTER                              = 0x2e
+	RTM_MAX                                     = 0x6b
+	RTM_NEWACTION                               = 0x30
+	RTM_NEWADDR                                 = 0x14
+	RTM_NEWADDRLABEL                            = 0x48
+	RTM_NEWCACHEREPORT                          = 0x60
+	RTM_NEWCHAIN                                = 0x64
+	RTM_NEWLINK                                 = 0x10
+	RTM_NEWMDB                                  = 0x54
+	RTM_NEWNDUSEROPT                            = 0x44
+	RTM_NEWNEIGH                                = 0x1c
+	RTM_NEWNEIGHTBL                             = 0x40
+	RTM_NEWNETCONF                              = 0x50
+	RTM_NEWNEXTHOP                              = 0x68
+	RTM_NEWNSID                                 = 0x58
+	RTM_NEWPREFIX                               = 0x34
+	RTM_NEWQDISC                                = 0x24
+	RTM_NEWROUTE                                = 0x18
+	RTM_NEWRULE                                 = 0x20
+	RTM_NEWSTATS                                = 0x5c
+	RTM_NEWTCLASS                               = 0x28
+	RTM_NEWTFILTER                              = 0x2c
+	RTM_NR_FAMILIES                             = 0x17
+	RTM_NR_MSGTYPES                             = 0x5c
+	RTM_SETDCB                                  = 0x4f
+	RTM_SETLINK                                 = 0x13
+	RTM_SETNEIGHTBL                             = 0x43
+	RTNH_ALIGNTO                                = 0x4
+	RTNH_COMPARE_MASK                           = 0x19
+	RTNH_F_DEAD                                 = 0x1
+	RTNH_F_LINKDOWN                             = 0x10
+	RTNH_F_OFFLOAD                              = 0x8
+	RTNH_F_ONLINK                               = 0x4
+	RTNH_F_PERVASIVE                            = 0x2
+	RTNH_F_UNRESOLVED                           = 0x20
+	RTN_MAX                                     = 0xb
+	RTPROT_BABEL                                = 0x2a
+	RTPROT_BGP                                  = 0xba
+	RTPROT_BIRD                                 = 0xc
+	RTPROT_BOOT                                 = 0x3
+	RTPROT_DHCP                                 = 0x10
+	RTPROT_DNROUTED                             = 0xd
+	RTPROT_EIGRP                                = 0xc0
+	RTPROT_GATED                                = 0x8
+	RTPROT_ISIS                                 = 0xbb
+	RTPROT_KERNEL                               = 0x2
+	RTPROT_MROUTED                              = 0x11
+	RTPROT_MRT                                  = 0xa
+	RTPROT_NTK                                  = 0xf
+	RTPROT_OSPF                                 = 0xbc
+	RTPROT_RA                                   = 0x9
+	RTPROT_REDIRECT                             = 0x1
+	RTPROT_RIP                                  = 0xbd
+	RTPROT_STATIC                               = 0x4
+	RTPROT_UNSPEC                               = 0x0
+	RTPROT_XORP                                 = 0xe
+	RTPROT_ZEBRA                                = 0xb
+	RT_CLASS_DEFAULT                            = 0xfd
+	RT_CLASS_LOCAL                              = 0xff
+	RT_CLASS_MAIN                               = 0xfe
+	RT_CLASS_MAX                                = 0xff
+	RT_CLASS_UNSPEC                             = 0x0
+	RUSAGE_CHILDREN                             = -0x1
+	RUSAGE_SELF                                 = 0x0
+	RUSAGE_THREAD                               = 0x1
+	SCM_CREDENTIALS                             = 0x2
+	SCM_RIGHTS                                  = 0x1
+	SCM_TIMESTAMP                               = 0x1d
+	SCM_TIMESTAMPING                            = 0x25
+	SCM_TIMESTAMPING_OPT_STATS                  = 0x36
+	SCM_TIMESTAMPING_PKTINFO                    = 0x3a
+	SCM_TIMESTAMPNS                             = 0x23
+	SCM_TXTIME                                  = 0x3d
+	SCM_WIFI_STATUS                             = 0x29
+	SC_LOG_FLUSH                                = 0x100000
+	SECCOMP_MODE_DISABLED                       = 0x0
+	SECCOMP_MODE_FILTER                         = 0x2
+	SECCOMP_MODE_STRICT                         = 0x1
+	SECURITYFS_MAGIC                            = 0x73636673
+	SELINUX_MAGIC                               = 0xf97cff8c
+	SFD_CLOEXEC                                 = 0x80000
+	SFD_NONBLOCK                                = 0x800
+	SHUT_RD                                     = 0x0
+	SHUT_RDWR                                   = 0x2
+	SHUT_WR                                     = 0x1
+	SIOCADDDLCI                                 = 0x8980
+	SIOCADDMULTI                                = 0x8931
+	SIOCADDRT                                   = 0x890b
+	SIOCATMARK                                  = 0x8905
+	SIOCBONDCHANGEACTIVE                        = 0x8995
+	SIOCBONDENSLAVE                             = 0x8990
+	SIOCBONDINFOQUERY                           = 0x8994
+	SIOCBONDRELEASE                             = 0x8991
+	SIOCBONDSETHWADDR                           = 0x8992
+	SIOCBONDSLAVEINFOQUERY                      = 0x8993
+	SIOCBRADDBR                                 = 0x89a0
+	SIOCBRADDIF                                 = 0x89a2
+	SIOCBRDELBR                                 = 0x89a1
+	SIOCBRDELIF                                 = 0x89a3
+	SIOCDARP                                    = 0x8953
+	SIOCDELDLCI                                 = 0x8981
+	SIOCDELMULTI                                = 0x8932
+	SIOCDELRT                                   = 0x890c
+	SIOCDEVPRIVATE                              = 0x89f0
+	SIOCDIFADDR                                 = 0x8936
+	SIOCDRARP                                   = 0x8960
+	SIOCETHTOOL                                 = 0x8946
+	SIOCGARP                                    = 0x8954
+	SIOCGETLINKNAME                             = 0x89e0
+	SIOCGETNODEID                               = 0x89e1
+	SIOCGHWTSTAMP                               = 0x89b1
+	SIOCGIFADDR                                 = 0x8915
+	SIOCGIFBR                                   = 0x8940
+	SIOCGIFBRDADDR                              = 0x8919
+	SIOCGIFCONF                                 = 0x8912
+	SIOCGIFCOUNT                                = 0x8938
+	SIOCGIFDSTADDR                              = 0x8917
+	SIOCGIFENCAP                                = 0x8925
+	SIOCGIFFLAGS                                = 0x8913
+	SIOCGIFHWADDR                               = 0x8927
+	SIOCGIFINDEX                                = 0x8933
+	SIOCGIFMAP                                  = 0x8970
+	SIOCGIFMEM                                  = 0x891f
+	SIOCGIFMETRIC                               = 0x891d
+	SIOCGIFMTU                                  = 0x8921
+	SIOCGIFNAME                                 = 0x8910
+	SIOCGIFNETMASK                              = 0x891b
+	SIOCGIFPFLAGS                               = 0x8935
+	SIOCGIFSLAVE                                = 0x8929
+	SIOCGIFTXQLEN                               = 0x8942
+	SIOCGIFVLAN                                 = 0x8982
+	SIOCGMIIPHY                                 = 0x8947
+	SIOCGMIIREG                                 = 0x8948
+	SIOCGPGRP                                   = 0x8904
+	SIOCGPPPCSTATS                              = 0x89f2
+	SIOCGPPPSTATS                               = 0x89f0
+	SIOCGPPPVER                                 = 0x89f1
+	SIOCGRARP                                   = 0x8961
+	SIOCGSKNS                                   = 0x894c
+	SIOCGSTAMP                                  = 0x8906
+	SIOCGSTAMPNS                                = 0x8907
+	SIOCGSTAMPNS_NEW                            = 0x80108907
+	SIOCGSTAMPNS_OLD                            = 0x8907
+	SIOCGSTAMP_NEW                              = 0x80108906
+	SIOCGSTAMP_OLD                              = 0x8906
+	SIOCINQ                                     = 0x541b
+	SIOCOUTQ                                    = 0x5411
+	SIOCOUTQNSD                                 = 0x894b
+	SIOCPROTOPRIVATE                            = 0x89e0
+	SIOCRTMSG                                   = 0x890d
+	SIOCSARP                                    = 0x8955
+	SIOCSHWTSTAMP                               = 0x89b0
+	SIOCSIFADDR                                 = 0x8916
+	SIOCSIFBR                                   = 0x8941
+	SIOCSIFBRDADDR                              = 0x891a
+	SIOCSIFDSTADDR                              = 0x8918
+	SIOCSIFENCAP                                = 0x8926
+	SIOCSIFFLAGS                                = 0x8914
+	SIOCSIFHWADDR                               = 0x8924
+	SIOCSIFHWBROADCAST                          = 0x8937
+	SIOCSIFLINK                                 = 0x8911
+	SIOCSIFMAP                                  = 0x8971
+	SIOCSIFMEM                                  = 0x8920
+	SIOCSIFMETRIC                               = 0x891e
+	SIOCSIFMTU                                  = 0x8922
+	SIOCSIFNAME                                 = 0x8923
+	SIOCSIFNETMASK                              = 0x891c
+	SIOCSIFPFLAGS                               = 0x8934
+	SIOCSIFSLAVE                                = 0x8930
+	SIOCSIFTXQLEN                               = 0x8943
+	SIOCSIFVLAN                                 = 0x8983
+	SIOCSMIIREG                                 = 0x8949
+	SIOCSPGRP                                   = 0x8902
+	SIOCSRARP                                   = 0x8962
+	SIOCWANDEV                                  = 0x894a
+	SMACK_MAGIC                                 = 0x43415d53
+	SMART_AUTOSAVE                              = 0xd2
+	SMART_AUTO_OFFLINE                          = 0xdb
+	SMART_DISABLE                               = 0xd9
+	SMART_ENABLE                                = 0xd8
+	SMART_HCYL_PASS                             = 0xc2
+	SMART_IMMEDIATE_OFFLINE                     = 0xd4
+	SMART_LCYL_PASS                             = 0x4f
+	SMART_READ_LOG_SECTOR                       = 0xd5
+	SMART_READ_THRESHOLDS                       = 0xd1
+	SMART_READ_VALUES                           = 0xd0
+	SMART_SAVE                                  = 0xd3
+	SMART_STATUS                                = 0xda
+	SMART_WRITE_LOG_SECTOR                      = 0xd6
+	SMART_WRITE_THRESHOLDS                      = 0xd7
+	SMB_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x517b
+	SOCKFS_MAGIC                                = 0x534f434b
+	SOCK_CLOEXEC                                = 0x80000
+	SOCK_DCCP                                   = 0x6
+	SOCK_DGRAM                                  = 0x2
+	SOCK_IOC_TYPE                               = 0x89
+	SOCK_NONBLOCK                               = 0x800
+	SOCK_PACKET                                 = 0xa
+	SOCK_RAW                                    = 0x3
+	SOCK_RDM                                    = 0x4
+	SOCK_SEQPACKET                              = 0x5
+	SOCK_STREAM                                 = 0x1
+	SOL_AAL                                     = 0x109
+	SOL_ALG                                     = 0x117
+	SOL_ATM                                     = 0x108
+	SOL_CAIF                                    = 0x116
+	SOL_CAN_BASE                                = 0x64
+	SOL_DCCP                                    = 0x10d
+	SOL_DECNET                                  = 0x105
+	SOL_ICMPV6                                  = 0x3a
+	SOL_IP                                      = 0x0
+	SOL_IPV6                                    = 0x29
+	SOL_IRDA                                    = 0x10a
+	SOL_IUCV                                    = 0x115
+	SOL_KCM                                     = 0x119
+	SOL_LLC                                     = 0x10c
+	SOL_NETBEUI                                 = 0x10b
+	SOL_NETLINK                                 = 0x10e
+	SOL_NFC                                     = 0x118
+	SOL_PACKET                                  = 0x107
+	SOL_PNPIPE                                  = 0x113
+	SOL_PPPOL2TP                                = 0x111
+	SOL_RAW                                     = 0xff
+	SOL_RDS                                     = 0x114
+	SOL_RXRPC                                   = 0x110
+	SOL_SOCKET                                  = 0x1
+	SOL_TCP                                     = 0x6
+	SOL_TIPC                                    = 0x10f
+	SOL_TLS                                     = 0x11a
+	SOL_X25                                     = 0x106
+	SOL_XDP                                     = 0x11b
+	SOMAXCONN                                   = 0x80
+	SO_ACCEPTCONN                               = 0x1e
+	SO_ATTACH_BPF                               = 0x32
+	SO_ATTACH_FILTER                            = 0x1a
+	SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_CBPF                    = 0x33
+	SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_EBPF                    = 0x34
+	SO_BINDTODEVICE                             = 0x19
+	SO_BINDTOIFINDEX                            = 0x3e
+	SO_BPF_EXTENSIONS                           = 0x30
+	SO_BROADCAST                                = 0x6
+	SO_BSDCOMPAT                                = 0xe
+	SO_BUSY_POLL                                = 0x2e
+	SO_CNX_ADVICE                               = 0x35
+	SO_COOKIE                                   = 0x39
+	SO_DEBUG                                    = 0x1
+	SO_DETACH_BPF                               = 0x1b
+	SO_DETACH_FILTER                            = 0x1b
+	SO_DETACH_REUSEPORT_BPF                     = 0x44
+	SO_DOMAIN                                   = 0x27
+	SO_DONTROUTE                                = 0x5
+	SO_EE_CODE_TXTIME_MISSED                    = 0x2
+	SO_EE_CODE_ZEROCOPY_COPIED                  = 0x1
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_ICMP                           = 0x2
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_ICMP6                          = 0x3
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_LOCAL                          = 0x1
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_NONE                           = 0x0
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_TIMESTAMPING                   = 0x4
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_TXSTATUS                       = 0x4
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_TXTIME                         = 0x6
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_ZEROCOPY                       = 0x5
+	SO_ERROR                                    = 0x4
+	SO_GET_FILTER                               = 0x1a
+	SO_INCOMING_CPU                             = 0x31
+	SO_INCOMING_NAPI_ID                         = 0x38
+	SO_KEEPALIVE                                = 0x9
+	SO_LINGER                                   = 0xd
+	SO_LOCK_FILTER                              = 0x2c
+	SO_MARK                                     = 0x24
+	SO_MAX_PACING_RATE                          = 0x2f
+	SO_MEMINFO                                  = 0x37
+	SO_NOFCS                                    = 0x2b
+	SO_NO_CHECK                                 = 0xb
+	SO_OOBINLINE                                = 0xa
+	SO_PASSCRED                                 = 0x10
+	SO_PASSSEC                                  = 0x22
+	SO_PEEK_OFF                                 = 0x2a
+	SO_PEERCRED                                 = 0x11
+	SO_PEERGROUPS                               = 0x3b
+	SO_PEERNAME                                 = 0x1c
+	SO_PEERSEC                                  = 0x1f
+	SO_PRIORITY                                 = 0xc
+	SO_PROTOCOL                                 = 0x26
+	SO_RCVBUF                                   = 0x8
+	SO_RCVBUFFORCE                              = 0x21
+	SO_RCVLOWAT                                 = 0x12
+	SO_RCVTIMEO                                 = 0x14
+	SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW                             = 0x42
+	SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD                             = 0x14
+	SO_REUSEADDR                                = 0x2
+	SO_REUSEPORT                                = 0xf
+	SO_RXQ_OVFL                                 = 0x28
+	SO_SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION                  = 0x16
+	SO_SELECT_ERR_QUEUE                         = 0x2d
+	SO_SNDBUF                                   = 0x7
+	SO_SNDBUFFORCE                              = 0x20
+	SO_SNDLOWAT                                 = 0x13
+	SO_SNDTIMEO                                 = 0x15
+	SO_SNDTIMEO_NEW                             = 0x43
+	SO_SNDTIMEO_OLD                             = 0x15
+	SO_TIMESTAMP                                = 0x1d
+	SO_TIMESTAMPING                             = 0x25
+	SO_TIMESTAMPING_NEW                         = 0x41
+	SO_TIMESTAMPING_OLD                         = 0x25
+	SO_TIMESTAMPNS                              = 0x23
+	SO_TIMESTAMPNS_NEW                          = 0x40
+	SO_TIMESTAMPNS_OLD                          = 0x23
+	SO_TIMESTAMP_NEW                            = 0x3f
+	SO_TIMESTAMP_OLD                            = 0x1d
+	SO_TXTIME                                   = 0x3d
+	SO_TYPE                                     = 0x3
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE               = 0x2
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_BUFFER_MIN_SIZE               = 0x1
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_BUFFER_SIZE                   = 0x0
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_CONNECT_TIMEOUT               = 0x6
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_NONBLOCK_TXRX                 = 0x7
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_PEER_HOST_VM_ID               = 0x3
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_TRUSTED                       = 0x5
+	SO_WIFI_STATUS                              = 0x29
+	SO_ZEROCOPY                                 = 0x3c
+	SPLICE_F_GIFT                               = 0x8
+	SPLICE_F_MORE                               = 0x4
+	SPLICE_F_MOVE                               = 0x1
+	SPLICE_F_NONBLOCK                           = 0x2
+	SQUASHFS_MAGIC                              = 0x73717368
+	STACK_END_MAGIC                             = 0x57ac6e9d
+	STATX_ALL                                   = 0xfff
+	STATX_ATIME                                 = 0x20
+	STATX_ATTR_APPEND                           = 0x20
+	STATX_ATTR_AUTOMOUNT                        = 0x1000
+	STATX_ATTR_COMPRESSED                       = 0x4
+	STATX_ATTR_ENCRYPTED                        = 0x800
+	STATX_ATTR_IMMUTABLE                        = 0x10
+	STATX_ATTR_NODUMP                           = 0x40
+	STATX_BASIC_STATS                           = 0x7ff
+	STATX_BLOCKS                                = 0x400
+	STATX_BTIME                                 = 0x800
+	STATX_CTIME                                 = 0x80
+	STATX_GID                                   = 0x10
+	STATX_INO                                   = 0x100
+	STATX_MODE                                  = 0x2
+	STATX_MTIME                                 = 0x40
+	STATX_NLINK                                 = 0x4
+	STATX_SIZE                                  = 0x200
+	STATX_TYPE                                  = 0x1
+	STATX_UID                                   = 0x8
+	STATX__RESERVED                             = 0x80000000
+	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WAIT_AFTER                  = 0x4
+	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WAIT_BEFORE                 = 0x1
+	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WRITE                       = 0x2
+	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WRITE_AND_WAIT              = 0x7
+	SYSFS_MAGIC                                 = 0x62656572
+	S_BLKSIZE                                   = 0x200
+	S_IEXEC                                     = 0x40
+	S_IFBLK                                     = 0x6000
+	S_IFCHR                                     = 0x2000
+	S_IFDIR                                     = 0x4000
+	S_IFIFO                                     = 0x1000
+	S_IFLNK                                     = 0xa000
+	S_IFMT                                      = 0xf000
+	S_IFREG                                     = 0x8000
+	S_IFSOCK                                    = 0xc000
+	S_IREAD                                     = 0x100
+	S_IRGRP                                     = 0x20
+	S_IROTH                                     = 0x4
+	S_IRUSR                                     = 0x100
+	S_IRWXG                                     = 0x38
+	S_IRWXO                                     = 0x7
+	S_IRWXU                                     = 0x1c0
+	S_ISGID                                     = 0x400
+	S_ISUID                                     = 0x800
+	S_ISVTX                                     = 0x200
+	S_IWGRP                                     = 0x10
+	S_IWOTH                                     = 0x2
+	S_IWRITE                                    = 0x80
+	S_IWUSR                                     = 0x80
+	S_IXGRP                                     = 0x8
+	S_IXOTH                                     = 0x1
+	S_IXUSR                                     = 0x40
+	TAB0                                        = 0x0
+	TAB1                                        = 0x800
+	TAB2                                        = 0x1000
+	TAB3                                        = 0x1800
+	TABDLY                                      = 0x1800
+	TASKSTATS_CMD_ATTR_MAX                      = 0x4
+	TASKSTATS_CMD_MAX                           = 0x2
+	TASKSTATS_GENL_NAME                         = "TASKSTATS"
+	TASKSTATS_GENL_VERSION                      = 0x1
+	TASKSTATS_TYPE_MAX                          = 0x6
+	TASKSTATS_VERSION                           = 0x9
+	TCFLSH                                      = 0x540b
+	TCGETA                                      = 0x5405
+	TCGETS                                      = 0x5401
+	TCGETS2                                     = 0x802c542a
+	TCGETX                                      = 0x5432
+	TCIFLUSH                                    = 0x0
+	TCIOFF                                      = 0x2
+	TCIOFLUSH                                   = 0x2
+	TCION                                       = 0x3
+	TCOFLUSH                                    = 0x1
+	TCOOFF                                      = 0x0
+	TCOON                                       = 0x1
+	TCP_BPF_IW                                  = 0x3e9
+	TCP_BPF_SNDCWND_CLAMP                       = 0x3ea
+	TCP_CC_INFO                                 = 0x1a
+	TCP_CM_INQ                                  = 0x24
+	TCP_CONGESTION                              = 0xd
+	TCP_COOKIE_IN_ALWAYS                        = 0x1
+	TCP_COOKIE_MAX                              = 0x10
+	TCP_COOKIE_MIN                              = 0x8
+	TCP_COOKIE_OUT_NEVER                        = 0x2
+	TCP_COOKIE_PAIR_SIZE                        = 0x20
+	TCP_COOKIE_TRANSACTIONS                     = 0xf
+	TCP_CORK                                    = 0x3
+	TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT                            = 0x9
+	TCP_FASTOPEN                                = 0x17
+	TCP_FASTOPEN_CONNECT                        = 0x1e
+	TCP_FASTOPEN_KEY                            = 0x21
+	TCP_FASTOPEN_NO_COOKIE                      = 0x22
+	TCP_INFO                                    = 0xb
+	TCP_INQ                                     = 0x24
+	TCP_KEEPCNT                                 = 0x6
+	TCP_KEEPIDLE                                = 0x4
+	TCP_KEEPINTVL                               = 0x5
+	TCP_LINGER2                                 = 0x8
+	TCP_MAXSEG                                  = 0x2
+	TCP_MAXWIN                                  = 0xffff
+	TCP_MAX_WINSHIFT                            = 0xe
+	TCP_MD5SIG                                  = 0xe
+	TCP_MD5SIG_EXT                              = 0x20
+	TCP_MD5SIG_FLAG_PREFIX                      = 0x1
+	TCP_MD5SIG_MAXKEYLEN                        = 0x50
+	TCP_MSS                                     = 0x200
+	TCP_MSS_DEFAULT                             = 0x218
+	TCP_MSS_DESIRED                             = 0x4c4
+	TCP_NODELAY                                 = 0x1
+	TCP_NOTSENT_LOWAT                           = 0x19
+	TCP_QUEUE_SEQ                               = 0x15
+	TCP_QUICKACK                                = 0xc
+	TCP_REPAIR                                  = 0x13
+	TCP_REPAIR_OFF                              = 0x0
+	TCP_REPAIR_OFF_NO_WP                        = -0x1
+	TCP_REPAIR_ON                               = 0x1
+	TCP_REPAIR_OPTIONS                          = 0x16
+	TCP_REPAIR_QUEUE                            = 0x14
+	TCP_REPAIR_WINDOW                           = 0x1d
+	TCP_SAVED_SYN                               = 0x1c
+	TCP_SAVE_SYN                                = 0x1b
+	TCP_SYNCNT                                  = 0x7
+	TCP_S_DATA_IN                               = 0x4
+	TCP_S_DATA_OUT                              = 0x8
+	TCP_THIN_DUPACK                             = 0x11
+	TCP_THIN_LINEAR_TIMEOUTS                    = 0x10
+	TCP_TIMESTAMP                               = 0x18
+	TCP_ULP                                     = 0x1f
+	TCP_USER_TIMEOUT                            = 0x12
+	TCP_WINDOW_CLAMP                            = 0xa
+	TCP_ZEROCOPY_RECEIVE                        = 0x23
+	TCSAFLUSH                                   = 0x2
+	TCSBRK                                      = 0x5409
+	TCSBRKP                                     = 0x5425
+	TCSETA                                      = 0x5406
+	TCSETAF                                     = 0x5408
+	TCSETAW                                     = 0x5407
+	TCSETS                                      = 0x5402
+	TCSETS2                                     = 0x402c542b
+	TCSETSF                                     = 0x5404
+	TCSETSF2                                    = 0x402c542d
+	TCSETSW                                     = 0x5403
+	TCSETSW2                                    = 0x402c542c
+	TCSETX                                      = 0x5433
+	TCSETXF                                     = 0x5434
+	TCSETXW                                     = 0x5435
+	TCXONC                                      = 0x540a
+	TIMER_ABSTIME                               = 0x1
+	TIOCCBRK                                    = 0x5428
+	TIOCCONS                                    = 0x541d
+	TIOCEXCL                                    = 0x540c
+	TIOCGDEV                                    = 0x80045432
+	TIOCGETD                                    = 0x5424
+	TIOCGEXCL                                   = 0x80045440
+	TIOCGICOUNT                                 = 0x545d
+	TIOCGISO7816                                = 0x80285442
+	TIOCGLCKTRMIOS                              = 0x5456
+	TIOCGPGRP                                   = 0x540f
+	TIOCGPKT                                    = 0x80045438
+	TIOCGPTLCK                                  = 0x80045439
+	TIOCGPTN                                    = 0x80045430
+	TIOCGPTPEER                                 = 0x5441
+	TIOCGRS485                                  = 0x542e
+	TIOCGSERIAL                                 = 0x541e
+	TIOCGSID                                    = 0x5429
+	TIOCGSOFTCAR                                = 0x5419
+	TIOCGWINSZ                                  = 0x5413
+	TIOCINQ                                     = 0x541b
+	TIOCLINUX                                   = 0x541c
+	TIOCMBIC                                    = 0x5417
+	TIOCMBIS                                    = 0x5416
+	TIOCMGET                                    = 0x5415
+	TIOCMIWAIT                                  = 0x545c
+	TIOCMSET                                    = 0x5418
+	TIOCM_CAR                                   = 0x40
+	TIOCM_CD                                    = 0x40
+	TIOCM_CTS                                   = 0x20
+	TIOCM_DSR                                   = 0x100
+	TIOCM_DTR                                   = 0x2
+	TIOCM_LE                                    = 0x1
+	TIOCM_RI                                    = 0x80
+	TIOCM_RNG                                   = 0x80
+	TIOCM_RTS                                   = 0x4
+	TIOCM_SR                                    = 0x10
+	TIOCM_ST                                    = 0x8
+	TIOCNOTTY                                   = 0x5422
+	TIOCNXCL                                    = 0x540d
+	TIOCOUTQ                                    = 0x5411
+	TIOCPKT                                     = 0x5420
+	TIOCPKT_DATA                                = 0x0
+	TIOCPKT_DOSTOP                              = 0x20
+	TIOCPKT_FLUSHREAD                           = 0x1
+	TIOCPKT_FLUSHWRITE                          = 0x2
+	TIOCPKT_IOCTL                               = 0x40
+	TIOCPKT_NOSTOP                              = 0x10
+	TIOCPKT_START                               = 0x8
+	TIOCPKT_STOP                                = 0x4
+	TIOCSBRK                                    = 0x5427
+	TIOCSCTTY                                   = 0x540e
+	TIOCSERCONFIG                               = 0x5453
+	TIOCSERGETLSR                               = 0x5459
+	TIOCSERGETMULTI                             = 0x545a
+	TIOCSERGSTRUCT                              = 0x5458
+	TIOCSERGWILD                                = 0x5454
+	TIOCSERSETMULTI                             = 0x545b
+	TIOCSERSWILD                                = 0x5455
+	TIOCSER_TEMT                                = 0x1
+	TIOCSETD                                    = 0x5423
+	TIOCSIG                                     = 0x40045436
+	TIOCSISO7816                                = 0xc0285443
+	TIOCSLCKTRMIOS                              = 0x5457
+	TIOCSPGRP                                   = 0x5410
+	TIOCSPTLCK                                  = 0x40045431
+	TIOCSRS485                                  = 0x542f
+	TIOCSSERIAL                                 = 0x541f
+	TIOCSSOFTCAR                                = 0x541a
+	TIOCSTI                                     = 0x5412
+	TIOCSWINSZ                                  = 0x5414
+	TIOCVHANGUP                                 = 0x5437
+	TIPC_ADDR_ID                                = 0x3
+	TIPC_ADDR_MCAST                             = 0x1
+	TIPC_ADDR_NAME                              = 0x2
+	TIPC_ADDR_NAMESEQ                           = 0x1
+	TIPC_CFG_SRV                                = 0x0
+	TIPC_CLUSTER_BITS                           = 0xc
+	TIPC_CLUSTER_MASK                           = 0xfff000
+	TIPC_CLUSTER_OFFSET                         = 0xc
+	TIPC_CLUSTER_SIZE                           = 0xfff
+	TIPC_CONN_SHUTDOWN                          = 0x5
+	TIPC_CONN_TIMEOUT                           = 0x82
+	TIPC_CRITICAL_IMPORTANCE                    = 0x3
+	TIPC_DESTNAME                               = 0x3
+	TIPC_DEST_DROPPABLE                         = 0x81
+	TIPC_ERRINFO                                = 0x1
+	TIPC_ERR_NO_NAME                            = 0x1
+	TIPC_ERR_NO_NODE                            = 0x3
+	TIPC_ERR_NO_PORT                            = 0x2
+	TIPC_ERR_OVERLOAD                           = 0x4
+	TIPC_GROUP_JOIN                             = 0x87
+	TIPC_GROUP_LEAVE                            = 0x88
+	TIPC_GROUP_LOOPBACK                         = 0x1
+	TIPC_GROUP_MEMBER_EVTS                      = 0x2
+	TIPC_HIGH_IMPORTANCE                        = 0x2
+	TIPC_IMPORTANCE                             = 0x7f
+	TIPC_LINK_STATE                             = 0x2
+	TIPC_LOW_IMPORTANCE                         = 0x0
+	TIPC_MAX_BEARER_NAME                        = 0x20
+	TIPC_MAX_IF_NAME                            = 0x10
+	TIPC_MAX_LINK_NAME                          = 0x44
+	TIPC_MAX_MEDIA_NAME                         = 0x10
+	TIPC_MAX_USER_MSG_SIZE                      = 0x101d0
+	TIPC_MCAST_BROADCAST                        = 0x85
+	TIPC_MCAST_REPLICAST                        = 0x86
+	TIPC_MEDIUM_IMPORTANCE                      = 0x1
+	TIPC_NODEID_LEN                             = 0x10
+	TIPC_NODE_BITS                              = 0xc
+	TIPC_NODE_MASK                              = 0xfff
+	TIPC_NODE_OFFSET                            = 0x0
+	TIPC_NODE_RECVQ_DEPTH                       = 0x83
+	TIPC_NODE_SIZE                              = 0xfff
+	TIPC_NODE_STATE                             = 0x0
+	TIPC_OK                                     = 0x0
+	TIPC_PUBLISHED                              = 0x1
+	TIPC_RESERVED_TYPES                         = 0x40
+	TIPC_RETDATA                                = 0x2
+	TIPC_SERVICE_ADDR                           = 0x2
+	TIPC_SERVICE_RANGE                          = 0x1
+	TIPC_SOCKET_ADDR                            = 0x3
+	TIPC_SOCK_RECVQ_DEPTH                       = 0x84
+	TIPC_SOCK_RECVQ_USED                        = 0x89
+	TIPC_SRC_DROPPABLE                          = 0x80
+	TIPC_SUBSCR_TIMEOUT                         = 0x3
+	TIPC_SUB_CANCEL                             = 0x4
+	TIPC_SUB_PORTS                              = 0x1
+	TIPC_SUB_SERVICE                            = 0x2
+	TIPC_TOP_SRV                                = 0x1
+	TIPC_WAIT_FOREVER                           = 0xffffffff
+	TIPC_WITHDRAWN                              = 0x2
+	TIPC_ZONE_BITS                              = 0x8
+	TIPC_ZONE_CLUSTER_MASK                      = 0xfffff000
+	TIPC_ZONE_MASK                              = 0xff000000
+	TIPC_ZONE_OFFSET                            = 0x18
+	TIPC_ZONE_SCOPE                             = 0x1
+	TIPC_ZONE_SIZE                              = 0xff
+	TMPFS_MAGIC                                 = 0x1021994
+	TOSTOP                                      = 0x100
+	TPACKET_ALIGNMENT                           = 0x10
+	TPACKET_HDRLEN                              = 0x34
+	TP_STATUS_AVAILABLE                         = 0x0
+	TP_STATUS_BLK_TMO                           = 0x20
+	TP_STATUS_COPY                              = 0x2
+	TP_STATUS_CSUMNOTREADY                      = 0x8
+	TP_STATUS_CSUM_VALID                        = 0x80
+	TP_STATUS_KERNEL                            = 0x0
+	TP_STATUS_LOSING                            = 0x4
+	TP_STATUS_SENDING                           = 0x2
+	TP_STATUS_SEND_REQUEST                      = 0x1
+	TP_STATUS_TS_RAW_HARDWARE                   = 0x80000000
+	TP_STATUS_TS_SOFTWARE                       = 0x20000000
+	TP_STATUS_TS_SYS_HARDWARE                   = 0x40000000
+	TP_STATUS_USER                              = 0x1
+	TP_STATUS_VLAN_TPID_VALID                   = 0x40
+	TP_STATUS_VLAN_VALID                        = 0x10
+	TP_STATUS_WRONG_FORMAT                      = 0x4
+	TRACEFS_MAGIC                               = 0x74726163
+	TS_COMM_LEN                                 = 0x20
+	TUNATTACHFILTER                             = 0x401054d5
+	TUNDETACHFILTER                             = 0x401054d6
+	TUNGETDEVNETNS                              = 0x54e3
+	TUNGETFEATURES                              = 0x800454cf
+	TUNGETFILTER                                = 0x801054db
+	TUNGETIFF                                   = 0x800454d2
+	TUNGETSNDBUF                                = 0x800454d3
+	TUNGETVNETBE                                = 0x800454df
+	TUNGETVNETHDRSZ                             = 0x800454d7
+	TUNGETVNETLE                                = 0x800454dd
+	TUNSETCARRIER                               = 0x400454e2
+	TUNSETDEBUG                                 = 0x400454c9
+	TUNSETFILTEREBPF                            = 0x800454e1
+	TUNSETGROUP                                 = 0x400454ce
+	TUNSETIFF                                   = 0x400454ca
+	TUNSETIFINDEX                               = 0x400454da
+	TUNSETLINK                                  = 0x400454cd
+	TUNSETNOCSUM                                = 0x400454c8
+	TUNSETOFFLOAD                               = 0x400454d0
+	TUNSETOWNER                                 = 0x400454cc
+	TUNSETPERSIST                               = 0x400454cb
+	TUNSETQUEUE                                 = 0x400454d9
+	TUNSETSNDBUF                                = 0x400454d4
+	TUNSETSTEERINGEBPF                          = 0x800454e0
+	TUNSETTXFILTER                              = 0x400454d1
+	TUNSETVNETBE                                = 0x400454de
+	TUNSETVNETHDRSZ                             = 0x400454d8
+	TUNSETVNETLE                                = 0x400454dc
+	UBI_IOCATT                                  = 0x40186f40
+	UBI_IOCDET                                  = 0x40046f41
+	UBI_IOCEBCH                                 = 0x40044f02
+	UBI_IOCEBER                                 = 0x40044f01
+	UBI_IOCEBISMAP                              = 0x80044f05
+	UBI_IOCEBMAP                                = 0x40084f03
+	UBI_IOCEBUNMAP                              = 0x40044f04
+	UBI_IOCMKVOL                                = 0x40986f00
+	UBI_IOCRMVOL                                = 0x40046f01
+	UBI_IOCRNVOL                                = 0x51106f03
+	UBI_IOCRPEB                                 = 0x40046f04
+	UBI_IOCRSVOL                                = 0x400c6f02
+	UBI_IOCSETVOLPROP                           = 0x40104f06
+	UBI_IOCSPEB                                 = 0x40046f05
+	UBI_IOCVOLCRBLK                             = 0x40804f07
+	UBI_IOCVOLRMBLK                             = 0x4f08
+	UBI_IOCVOLUP                                = 0x40084f00
+	UDF_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x15013346
+	UMOUNT_NOFOLLOW                             = 0x8
+	USBDEVICE_SUPER_MAGIC                       = 0x9fa2
+	UTIME_NOW                                   = 0x3fffffff
+	UTIME_OMIT                                  = 0x3ffffffe
+	V9FS_MAGIC                                  = 0x1021997
+	VDISCARD                                    = 0xd
+	VEOF                                        = 0x4
+	VEOL                                        = 0xb
+	VEOL2                                       = 0x10
+	VERASE                                      = 0x2
+	VINTR                                       = 0x0
+	VKILL                                       = 0x3
+	VLNEXT                                      = 0xf
+	VMADDR_CID_ANY                              = 0xffffffff
+	VMADDR_CID_HOST                             = 0x2
+	VMADDR_CID_HYPERVISOR                       = 0x0
+	VMADDR_CID_RESERVED                         = 0x1
+	VMADDR_PORT_ANY                             = 0xffffffff
+	VMIN                                        = 0x6
+	VM_SOCKETS_INVALID_VERSION                  = 0xffffffff
+	VQUIT                                       = 0x1
+	VREPRINT                                    = 0xc
+	VSTART                                      = 0x8
+	VSTOP                                       = 0x9
+	VSUSP                                       = 0xa
+	VSWTC                                       = 0x7
+	VT0                                         = 0x0
+	VT1                                         = 0x4000
+	VTDLY                                       = 0x4000
+	VTIME                                       = 0x5
+	VWERASE                                     = 0xe
+	WALL                                        = 0x40000000
+	WCLONE                                      = 0x80000000
+	WCONTINUED                                  = 0x8
+	WDIOC_GETBOOTSTATUS                         = 0x80045702
+	WDIOC_GETPRETIMEOUT                         = 0x80045709
+	WDIOC_GETSTATUS                             = 0x80045701
+	WDIOC_GETSUPPORT                            = 0x80285700
+	WDIOC_GETTEMP                               = 0x80045703
+	WDIOC_GETTIMELEFT                           = 0x8004570a
+	WDIOC_GETTIMEOUT                            = 0x80045707
+	WDIOC_KEEPALIVE                             = 0x80045705
+	WDIOC_SETOPTIONS                            = 0x80045704
+	WDIOC_SETPRETIMEOUT                         = 0xc0045708
+	WDIOC_SETTIMEOUT                            = 0xc0045706
+	WEXITED                                     = 0x4
+	WIN_ACKMEDIACHANGE                          = 0xdb
+	WIN_CHECKPOWERMODE1                         = 0xe5
+	WIN_CHECKPOWERMODE2                         = 0x98
+	WIN_DEVICE_RESET                            = 0x8
+	WIN_DIAGNOSE                                = 0x90
+	WIN_DOORLOCK                                = 0xde
+	WIN_DOORUNLOCK                              = 0xdf
+	WIN_DOWNLOAD_MICROCODE                      = 0x92
+	WIN_FLUSH_CACHE                             = 0xe7
+	WIN_FLUSH_CACHE_EXT                         = 0xea
+	WIN_FORMAT                                  = 0x50
+	WIN_GETMEDIASTATUS                          = 0xda
+	WIN_IDENTIFY                                = 0xec
+	WIN_IDENTIFY_DMA                            = 0xee
+	WIN_IDLEIMMEDIATE                           = 0xe1
+	WIN_INIT                                    = 0x60
+	WIN_MEDIAEJECT                              = 0xed
+	WIN_MULTREAD                                = 0xc4
+	WIN_MULTREAD_EXT                            = 0x29
+	WIN_MULTWRITE                               = 0xc5
+	WIN_MULTWRITE_EXT                           = 0x39
+	WIN_NOP                                     = 0x0
+	WIN_PACKETCMD                               = 0xa0
+	WIN_PIDENTIFY                               = 0xa1
+	WIN_POSTBOOT                                = 0xdc
+	WIN_PREBOOT                                 = 0xdd
+	WIN_QUEUED_SERVICE                          = 0xa2
+	WIN_READ                                    = 0x20
+	WIN_READDMA                                 = 0xc8
+	WIN_READDMA_EXT                             = 0x25
+	WIN_READDMA_ONCE                            = 0xc9
+	WIN_READDMA_QUEUED                          = 0xc7
+	WIN_READDMA_QUEUED_EXT                      = 0x26
+	WIN_READ_BUFFER                             = 0xe4
+	WIN_READ_EXT                                = 0x24
+	WIN_READ_LONG                               = 0x22
+	WIN_READ_LONG_ONCE                          = 0x23
+	WIN_READ_NATIVE_MAX                         = 0xf8
+	WIN_READ_NATIVE_MAX_EXT                     = 0x27
+	WIN_READ_ONCE                               = 0x21
+	WIN_RECAL                                   = 0x10
+	WIN_RESTORE                                 = 0x10
+	WIN_SECURITY_DISABLE                        = 0xf6
+	WIN_SECURITY_ERASE_PREPARE                  = 0xf3
+	WIN_SECURITY_ERASE_UNIT                     = 0xf4
+	WIN_SECURITY_FREEZE_LOCK                    = 0xf5
+	WIN_SECURITY_SET_PASS                       = 0xf1
+	WIN_SECURITY_UNLOCK                         = 0xf2
+	WIN_SEEK                                    = 0x70
+	WIN_SETFEATURES                             = 0xef
+	WIN_SETIDLE1                                = 0xe3
+	WIN_SETIDLE2                                = 0x97
+	WIN_SETMULT                                 = 0xc6
+	WIN_SET_MAX                                 = 0xf9
+	WIN_SET_MAX_EXT                             = 0x37
+	WIN_SLEEPNOW1                               = 0xe6
+	WIN_SLEEPNOW2                               = 0x99
+	WIN_SMART                                   = 0xb0
+	WIN_SPECIFY                                 = 0x91
+	WIN_SRST                                    = 0x8
+	WIN_STANDBY                                 = 0xe2
+	WIN_STANDBY2                                = 0x96
+	WIN_STANDBYNOW1                             = 0xe0
+	WIN_STANDBYNOW2                             = 0x94
+	WIN_VERIFY                                  = 0x40
+	WIN_VERIFY_EXT                              = 0x42
+	WIN_VERIFY_ONCE                             = 0x41
+	WIN_WRITE                                   = 0x30
+	WIN_WRITEDMA                                = 0xca
+	WIN_WRITEDMA_EXT                            = 0x35
+	WIN_WRITEDMA_ONCE                           = 0xcb
+	WIN_WRITEDMA_QUEUED                         = 0xcc
+	WIN_WRITEDMA_QUEUED_EXT                     = 0x36
+	WIN_WRITE_BUFFER                            = 0xe8
+	WIN_WRITE_EXT                               = 0x34
+	WIN_WRITE_LONG                              = 0x32
+	WIN_WRITE_LONG_ONCE                         = 0x33
+	WIN_WRITE_ONCE                              = 0x31
+	WIN_WRITE_SAME                              = 0xe9
+	WIN_WRITE_VERIFY                            = 0x3c
+	WNOHANG                                     = 0x1
+	WNOTHREAD                                   = 0x20000000
+	WNOWAIT                                     = 0x1000000
+	WORDSIZE                                    = 0x40
+	WSTOPPED                                    = 0x2
+	WUNTRACED                                   = 0x2
+	XATTR_CREATE                                = 0x1
+	XATTR_REPLACE                               = 0x2
+	XCASE                                       = 0x4
+	XDP_COPY                                    = 0x2
+	XDP_FLAGS_DRV_MODE                          = 0x4
+	XDP_FLAGS_HW_MODE                           = 0x8
+	XDP_FLAGS_MASK                              = 0xf
+	XDP_FLAGS_MODES                             = 0xe
+	XDP_FLAGS_SKB_MODE                          = 0x2
+	XDP_FLAGS_UPDATE_IF_NOEXIST                 = 0x1
+	XDP_MMAP_OFFSETS                            = 0x1
+	XDP_OPTIONS                                 = 0x8
+	XDP_OPTIONS_ZEROCOPY                        = 0x1
+	XDP_PACKET_HEADROOM                         = 0x100
+	XDP_PGOFF_RX_RING                           = 0x0
+	XDP_PGOFF_TX_RING                           = 0x80000000
+	XDP_RING_NEED_WAKEUP                        = 0x1
+	XDP_RX_RING                                 = 0x2
+	XDP_SHARED_UMEM                             = 0x1
+	XDP_STATISTICS                              = 0x7
+	XDP_TX_RING                                 = 0x3
+	XDP_UMEM_COMPLETION_RING                    = 0x6
+	XDP_UMEM_FILL_RING                          = 0x5
+	XDP_UMEM_PGOFF_COMPLETION_RING              = 0x180000000
+	XDP_UMEM_PGOFF_FILL_RING                    = 0x100000000
+	XDP_UMEM_REG                                = 0x4
+	XDP_UMEM_UNALIGNED_CHUNK_FLAG               = 0x1
+	XDP_USE_NEED_WAKEUP                         = 0x8
+	XDP_ZEROCOPY                                = 0x4
+	XENFS_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0xabba1974
+	XFS_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x58465342
+	XTABS                                       = 0x1800
+	Z3FOLD_MAGIC                                = 0x33
+	ZSMALLOC_MAGIC                              = 0x58295829
 // Errors
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_arm.go
index a1f038c..56cd2eb 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_arm.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_arm.go
@@ -11,2664 +11,2820 @@ package unix
 import "syscall"
 const (
-	AAFS_MAGIC                           = 0x5a3c69f0
-	ADFS_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xadf5
-	AFFS_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xadff
-	AFS_FS_MAGIC                         = 0x6b414653
-	AFS_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x5346414f
-	AF_ALG                               = 0x26
-	AF_APPLETALK                         = 0x5
-	AF_ASH                               = 0x12
-	AF_ATMPVC                            = 0x8
-	AF_ATMSVC                            = 0x14
-	AF_AX25                              = 0x3
-	AF_BLUETOOTH                         = 0x1f
-	AF_BRIDGE                            = 0x7
-	AF_CAIF                              = 0x25
-	AF_CAN                               = 0x1d
-	AF_DECnet                            = 0xc
-	AF_ECONET                            = 0x13
-	AF_FILE                              = 0x1
-	AF_IB                                = 0x1b
-	AF_IEEE802154                        = 0x24
-	AF_INET                              = 0x2
-	AF_INET6                             = 0xa
-	AF_IPX                               = 0x4
-	AF_IRDA                              = 0x17
-	AF_ISDN                              = 0x22
-	AF_IUCV                              = 0x20
-	AF_KCM                               = 0x29
-	AF_KEY                               = 0xf
-	AF_LLC                               = 0x1a
-	AF_LOCAL                             = 0x1
-	AF_MAX                               = 0x2d
-	AF_MPLS                              = 0x1c
-	AF_NETBEUI                           = 0xd
-	AF_NETLINK                           = 0x10
-	AF_NETROM                            = 0x6
-	AF_NFC                               = 0x27
-	AF_PACKET                            = 0x11
-	AF_PHONET                            = 0x23
-	AF_PPPOX                             = 0x18
-	AF_QIPCRTR                           = 0x2a
-	AF_RDS                               = 0x15
-	AF_ROSE                              = 0xb
-	AF_ROUTE                             = 0x10
-	AF_RXRPC                             = 0x21
-	AF_SECURITY                          = 0xe
-	AF_SMC                               = 0x2b
-	AF_SNA                               = 0x16
-	AF_TIPC                              = 0x1e
-	AF_UNIX                              = 0x1
-	AF_UNSPEC                            = 0x0
-	AF_VSOCK                             = 0x28
-	AF_WANPIPE                           = 0x19
-	AF_X25                               = 0x9
-	AF_XDP                               = 0x2c
-	ALG_OP_DECRYPT                       = 0x0
-	ALG_OP_ENCRYPT                       = 0x1
-	ALG_SET_AEAD_ASSOCLEN                = 0x4
-	ALG_SET_AEAD_AUTHSIZE                = 0x5
-	ALG_SET_IV                           = 0x2
-	ALG_SET_KEY                          = 0x1
-	ALG_SET_OP                           = 0x3
-	ANON_INODE_FS_MAGIC                  = 0x9041934
-	ARPHRD_6LOWPAN                       = 0x339
-	ARPHRD_ADAPT                         = 0x108
-	ARPHRD_APPLETLK                      = 0x8
-	ARPHRD_ARCNET                        = 0x7
-	ARPHRD_ASH                           = 0x30d
-	ARPHRD_ATM                           = 0x13
-	ARPHRD_AX25                          = 0x3
-	ARPHRD_BIF                           = 0x307
-	ARPHRD_CAIF                          = 0x336
-	ARPHRD_CAN                           = 0x118
-	ARPHRD_CHAOS                         = 0x5
-	ARPHRD_CISCO                         = 0x201
-	ARPHRD_CSLIP                         = 0x101
-	ARPHRD_CSLIP6                        = 0x103
-	ARPHRD_DDCMP                         = 0x205
-	ARPHRD_DLCI                          = 0xf
-	ARPHRD_ECONET                        = 0x30e
-	ARPHRD_EETHER                        = 0x2
-	ARPHRD_ETHER                         = 0x1
-	ARPHRD_EUI64                         = 0x1b
-	ARPHRD_FCAL                          = 0x311
-	ARPHRD_FCFABRIC                      = 0x313
-	ARPHRD_FCPL                          = 0x312
-	ARPHRD_FCPP                          = 0x310
-	ARPHRD_FDDI                          = 0x306
-	ARPHRD_FRAD                          = 0x302
-	ARPHRD_HDLC                          = 0x201
-	ARPHRD_HIPPI                         = 0x30c
-	ARPHRD_HWX25                         = 0x110
-	ARPHRD_IEEE1394                      = 0x18
-	ARPHRD_IEEE802                       = 0x6
-	ARPHRD_IEEE80211                     = 0x321
-	ARPHRD_IEEE80211_PRISM               = 0x322
-	ARPHRD_IEEE80211_RADIOTAP            = 0x323
-	ARPHRD_IEEE802154                    = 0x324
-	ARPHRD_IEEE802154_MONITOR            = 0x325
-	ARPHRD_IEEE802_TR                    = 0x320
-	ARPHRD_INFINIBAND                    = 0x20
-	ARPHRD_IP6GRE                        = 0x337
-	ARPHRD_IPDDP                         = 0x309
-	ARPHRD_IPGRE                         = 0x30a
-	ARPHRD_IRDA                          = 0x30f
-	ARPHRD_LAPB                          = 0x204
-	ARPHRD_LOCALTLK                      = 0x305
-	ARPHRD_LOOPBACK                      = 0x304
-	ARPHRD_METRICOM                      = 0x17
-	ARPHRD_NETLINK                       = 0x338
-	ARPHRD_NETROM                        = 0x0
-	ARPHRD_NONE                          = 0xfffe
-	ARPHRD_PHONET                        = 0x334
-	ARPHRD_PHONET_PIPE                   = 0x335
-	ARPHRD_PIMREG                        = 0x30b
-	ARPHRD_PPP                           = 0x200
-	ARPHRD_PRONET                        = 0x4
-	ARPHRD_RAWHDLC                       = 0x206
-	ARPHRD_RAWIP                         = 0x207
-	ARPHRD_ROSE                          = 0x10e
-	ARPHRD_RSRVD                         = 0x104
-	ARPHRD_SIT                           = 0x308
-	ARPHRD_SKIP                          = 0x303
-	ARPHRD_SLIP                          = 0x100
-	ARPHRD_SLIP6                         = 0x102
-	ARPHRD_TUNNEL                        = 0x300
-	ARPHRD_TUNNEL6                       = 0x301
-	ARPHRD_VOID                          = 0xffff
-	ARPHRD_VSOCKMON                      = 0x33a
-	ARPHRD_X25                           = 0x10f
-	AUTOFS_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0x187
-	B0                                   = 0x0
-	B1000000                             = 0x1008
-	B110                                 = 0x3
-	B115200                              = 0x1002
-	B1152000                             = 0x1009
-	B1200                                = 0x9
-	B134                                 = 0x4
-	B150                                 = 0x5
-	B1500000                             = 0x100a
-	B1800                                = 0xa
-	B19200                               = 0xe
-	B200                                 = 0x6
-	B2000000                             = 0x100b
-	B230400                              = 0x1003
-	B2400                                = 0xb
-	B2500000                             = 0x100c
-	B300                                 = 0x7
-	B3000000                             = 0x100d
-	B3500000                             = 0x100e
-	B38400                               = 0xf
-	B4000000                             = 0x100f
-	B460800                              = 0x1004
-	B4800                                = 0xc
-	B50                                  = 0x1
-	B500000                              = 0x1005
-	B57600                               = 0x1001
-	B576000                              = 0x1006
-	B600                                 = 0x8
-	B75                                  = 0x2
-	B921600                              = 0x1007
-	B9600                                = 0xd
-	BALLOON_KVM_MAGIC                    = 0x13661366
-	BDEVFS_MAGIC                         = 0x62646576
-	BINDERFS_SUPER_MAGIC                 = 0x6c6f6f70
-	BINFMTFS_MAGIC                       = 0x42494e4d
-	BLKBSZGET                            = 0x80041270
-	BLKBSZSET                            = 0x40041271
-	BLKFLSBUF                            = 0x1261
-	BLKFRAGET                            = 0x1265
-	BLKFRASET                            = 0x1264
-	BLKGETSIZE                           = 0x1260
-	BLKGETSIZE64                         = 0x80041272
-	BLKPBSZGET                           = 0x127b
-	BLKRAGET                             = 0x1263
-	BLKRASET                             = 0x1262
-	BLKROGET                             = 0x125e
-	BLKROSET                             = 0x125d
-	BLKRRPART                            = 0x125f
-	BLKSECTGET                           = 0x1267
-	BLKSECTSET                           = 0x1266
-	BLKSSZGET                            = 0x1268
-	BOTHER                               = 0x1000
-	BPF_A                                = 0x10
-	BPF_ABS                              = 0x20
-	BPF_ADD                              = 0x0
-	BPF_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L2_MASK           = 0xff
-	BPF_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L2_SHIFT          = 0x38
-	BPF_ALU                              = 0x4
-	BPF_ALU64                            = 0x7
-	BPF_AND                              = 0x50
-	BPF_ANY                              = 0x0
-	BPF_ARSH                             = 0xc0
-	BPF_B                                = 0x10
-	BPF_BUILD_ID_SIZE                    = 0x14
-	BPF_CALL                             = 0x80
-	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_MKNOD                  = 0x1
-	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_READ                   = 0x2
-	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_WRITE                  = 0x4
-	BPF_DEVCG_DEV_BLOCK                  = 0x1
-	BPF_DEVCG_DEV_CHAR                   = 0x2
-	BPF_DIV                              = 0x30
-	BPF_DW                               = 0x18
-	BPF_END                              = 0xd0
-	BPF_EXIST                            = 0x2
-	BPF_EXIT                             = 0x90
-	BPF_FROM_BE                          = 0x8
-	BPF_FROM_LE                          = 0x0
-	BPF_FS_MAGIC                         = 0xcafe4a11
-	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L3_IPV4         = 0x2
-	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L3_IPV6         = 0x4
-	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L4_GRE          = 0x8
-	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L4_UDP          = 0x10
-	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_FIXED_GSO             = 0x1
-	BPF_F_ALLOW_MULTI                    = 0x2
-	BPF_F_ALLOW_OVERRIDE                 = 0x1
-	BPF_F_ANY_ALIGNMENT                  = 0x2
-	BPF_F_CTXLEN_MASK                    = 0xfffff00000000
-	BPF_F_CURRENT_CPU                    = 0xffffffff
-	BPF_F_CURRENT_NETNS                  = -0x1
-	BPF_F_DONT_FRAGMENT                  = 0x4
-	BPF_F_FAST_STACK_CMP                 = 0x200
-	BPF_F_HDR_FIELD_MASK                 = 0xf
-	BPF_F_INDEX_MASK                     = 0xffffffff
-	BPF_F_INGRESS                        = 0x1
-	BPF_F_INVALIDATE_HASH                = 0x2
-	BPF_F_LOCK                           = 0x4
-	BPF_F_MARK_ENFORCE                   = 0x40
-	BPF_F_MARK_MANGLED_0                 = 0x20
-	BPF_F_NO_COMMON_LRU                  = 0x2
-	BPF_F_NO_PREALLOC                    = 0x1
-	BPF_F_NUMA_NODE                      = 0x4
-	BPF_F_PSEUDO_HDR                     = 0x10
-	BPF_F_QUERY_EFFECTIVE                = 0x1
-	BPF_F_RDONLY                         = 0x8
-	BPF_F_RDONLY_PROG                    = 0x80
-	BPF_F_RECOMPUTE_CSUM                 = 0x1
-	BPF_F_REUSE_STACKID                  = 0x400
-	BPF_F_SEQ_NUMBER                     = 0x8
-	BPF_F_SKIP_FIELD_MASK                = 0xff
-	BPF_F_STACK_BUILD_ID                 = 0x20
-	BPF_F_STRICT_ALIGNMENT               = 0x1
-	BPF_F_SYSCTL_BASE_NAME               = 0x1
-	BPF_F_TUNINFO_IPV6                   = 0x1
-	BPF_F_USER_BUILD_ID                  = 0x800
-	BPF_F_USER_STACK                     = 0x100
-	BPF_F_WRONLY                         = 0x10
-	BPF_F_WRONLY_PROG                    = 0x100
-	BPF_F_ZERO_CSUM_TX                   = 0x2
-	BPF_F_ZERO_SEED                      = 0x40
-	BPF_H                                = 0x8
-	BPF_IMM                              = 0x0
-	BPF_IND                              = 0x40
-	BPF_JA                               = 0x0
-	BPF_JEQ                              = 0x10
-	BPF_JGE                              = 0x30
-	BPF_JGT                              = 0x20
-	BPF_JLE                              = 0xb0
-	BPF_JLT                              = 0xa0
-	BPF_JMP                              = 0x5
-	BPF_JMP32                            = 0x6
-	BPF_JNE                              = 0x50
-	BPF_JSET                             = 0x40
-	BPF_JSGE                             = 0x70
-	BPF_JSGT                             = 0x60
-	BPF_JSLE                             = 0xd0
-	BPF_JSLT                             = 0xc0
-	BPF_K                                = 0x0
-	BPF_LD                               = 0x0
-	BPF_LDX                              = 0x1
-	BPF_LEN                              = 0x80
-	BPF_LL_OFF                           = -0x200000
-	BPF_LSH                              = 0x60
-	BPF_MAJOR_VERSION                    = 0x1
-	BPF_MAXINSNS                         = 0x1000
-	BPF_MEM                              = 0x60
-	BPF_MEMWORDS                         = 0x10
-	BPF_MINOR_VERSION                    = 0x1
-	BPF_MISC                             = 0x7
-	BPF_MOD                              = 0x90
-	BPF_MOV                              = 0xb0
-	BPF_MSH                              = 0xa0
-	BPF_MUL                              = 0x20
-	BPF_NEG                              = 0x80
-	BPF_NET_OFF                          = -0x100000
-	BPF_NOEXIST                          = 0x1
-	BPF_OBJ_NAME_LEN                     = 0x10
-	BPF_OR                               = 0x40
-	BPF_PSEUDO_CALL                      = 0x1
-	BPF_PSEUDO_MAP_FD                    = 0x1
-	BPF_PSEUDO_MAP_VALUE                 = 0x2
-	BPF_RET                              = 0x6
-	BPF_RSH                              = 0x70
-	BPF_SK_STORAGE_GET_F_CREATE          = 0x1
-	BPF_SOCK_OPS_ALL_CB_FLAGS            = 0x7
-	BPF_SOCK_OPS_RTO_CB_FLAG             = 0x1
-	BPF_SOCK_OPS_STATE_CB_FLAG           = 0x4
-	BPF_ST                               = 0x2
-	BPF_STX                              = 0x3
-	BPF_SUB                              = 0x10
-	BPF_TAG_SIZE                         = 0x8
-	BPF_TAX                              = 0x0
-	BPF_TO_BE                            = 0x8
-	BPF_TO_LE                            = 0x0
-	BPF_TXA                              = 0x80
-	BPF_W                                = 0x0
-	BPF_X                                = 0x8
-	BPF_XADD                             = 0xc0
-	BPF_XOR                              = 0xa0
-	BRKINT                               = 0x2
-	BS0                                  = 0x0
-	BS1                                  = 0x2000
-	BSDLY                                = 0x2000
-	BTRFS_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x9123683e
-	BTRFS_TEST_MAGIC                     = 0x73727279
-	CAN_BCM                              = 0x2
-	CAN_EFF_FLAG                         = 0x80000000
-	CAN_EFF_ID_BITS                      = 0x1d
-	CAN_EFF_MASK                         = 0x1fffffff
-	CAN_ERR_FLAG                         = 0x20000000
-	CAN_ERR_MASK                         = 0x1fffffff
-	CAN_INV_FILTER                       = 0x20000000
-	CAN_ISOTP                            = 0x6
-	CAN_MAX_DLC                          = 0x8
-	CAN_MAX_DLEN                         = 0x8
-	CAN_MCNET                            = 0x5
-	CAN_MTU                              = 0x10
-	CAN_NPROTO                           = 0x7
-	CAN_RAW                              = 0x1
-	CAN_RAW_FILTER_MAX                   = 0x200
-	CAN_RTR_FLAG                         = 0x40000000
-	CAN_SFF_ID_BITS                      = 0xb
-	CAN_SFF_MASK                         = 0x7ff
-	CAN_TP16                             = 0x3
-	CAN_TP20                             = 0x4
-	CAP_AUDIT_CONTROL                    = 0x1e
-	CAP_AUDIT_READ                       = 0x25
-	CAP_AUDIT_WRITE                      = 0x1d
-	CAP_BLOCK_SUSPEND                    = 0x24
-	CAP_CHOWN                            = 0x0
-	CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE                     = 0x1
-	CAP_DAC_READ_SEARCH                  = 0x2
-	CAP_FOWNER                           = 0x3
-	CAP_FSETID                           = 0x4
-	CAP_IPC_LOCK                         = 0xe
-	CAP_IPC_OWNER                        = 0xf
-	CAP_KILL                             = 0x5
-	CAP_LAST_CAP                         = 0x25
-	CAP_LEASE                            = 0x1c
-	CAP_LINUX_IMMUTABLE                  = 0x9
-	CAP_MAC_ADMIN                        = 0x21
-	CAP_MAC_OVERRIDE                     = 0x20
-	CAP_MKNOD                            = 0x1b
-	CAP_NET_ADMIN                        = 0xc
-	CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE                 = 0xa
-	CAP_NET_BROADCAST                    = 0xb
-	CAP_NET_RAW                          = 0xd
-	CAP_SETFCAP                          = 0x1f
-	CAP_SETGID                           = 0x6
-	CAP_SETPCAP                          = 0x8
-	CAP_SETUID                           = 0x7
-	CAP_SYSLOG                           = 0x22
-	CAP_SYS_ADMIN                        = 0x15
-	CAP_SYS_BOOT                         = 0x16
-	CAP_SYS_CHROOT                       = 0x12
-	CAP_SYS_MODULE                       = 0x10
-	CAP_SYS_NICE                         = 0x17
-	CAP_SYS_PACCT                        = 0x14
-	CAP_SYS_PTRACE                       = 0x13
-	CAP_SYS_RAWIO                        = 0x11
-	CAP_SYS_RESOURCE                     = 0x18
-	CAP_SYS_TIME                         = 0x19
-	CAP_SYS_TTY_CONFIG                   = 0x1a
-	CAP_WAKE_ALARM                       = 0x23
-	CBAUD                                = 0x100f
-	CBAUDEX                              = 0x1000
-	CFLUSH                               = 0xf
-	CGROUP2_SUPER_MAGIC                  = 0x63677270
-	CGROUP_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0x27e0eb
-	CIBAUD                               = 0x100f0000
-	CLOCAL                               = 0x800
-	CLOCK_BOOTTIME                       = 0x7
-	CLOCK_BOOTTIME_ALARM                 = 0x9
-	CLOCK_DEFAULT                        = 0x0
-	CLOCK_EXT                            = 0x1
-	CLOCK_INT                            = 0x2
-	CLOCK_MONOTONIC                      = 0x1
-	CLOCK_MONOTONIC_COARSE               = 0x6
-	CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW                  = 0x4
-	CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID             = 0x2
-	CLOCK_REALTIME                       = 0x0
-	CLOCK_REALTIME_ALARM                 = 0x8
-	CLOCK_REALTIME_COARSE                = 0x5
-	CLOCK_TAI                            = 0xb
-	CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID              = 0x3
-	CLOCK_TXFROMRX                       = 0x4
-	CLOCK_TXINT                          = 0x3
-	CLONE_CHILD_CLEARTID                 = 0x200000
-	CLONE_CHILD_SETTID                   = 0x1000000
-	CLONE_DETACHED                       = 0x400000
-	CLONE_FILES                          = 0x400
-	CLONE_FS                             = 0x200
-	CLONE_IO                             = 0x80000000
-	CLONE_NEWCGROUP                      = 0x2000000
-	CLONE_NEWIPC                         = 0x8000000
-	CLONE_NEWNET                         = 0x40000000
-	CLONE_NEWNS                          = 0x20000
-	CLONE_NEWPID                         = 0x20000000
-	CLONE_NEWUSER                        = 0x10000000
-	CLONE_NEWUTS                         = 0x4000000
-	CLONE_PARENT                         = 0x8000
-	CLONE_PARENT_SETTID                  = 0x100000
-	CLONE_PIDFD                          = 0x1000
-	CLONE_PTRACE                         = 0x2000
-	CLONE_SETTLS                         = 0x80000
-	CLONE_SIGHAND                        = 0x800
-	CLONE_SYSVSEM                        = 0x40000
-	CLONE_THREAD                         = 0x10000
-	CLONE_UNTRACED                       = 0x800000
-	CLONE_VFORK                          = 0x4000
-	CLONE_VM                             = 0x100
-	CMSPAR                               = 0x40000000
-	CODA_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0x73757245
-	CR0                                  = 0x0
-	CR1                                  = 0x200
-	CR2                                  = 0x400
-	CR3                                  = 0x600
-	CRAMFS_MAGIC                         = 0x28cd3d45
-	CRDLY                                = 0x600
-	CREAD                                = 0x80
-	CRTSCTS                              = 0x80000000
-	CRYPTO_MAX_NAME                      = 0x40
-	CRYPTO_MSG_MAX                       = 0x15
-	CRYPTO_NR_MSGTYPES                   = 0x6
-	CRYPTO_REPORT_MAXSIZE                = 0x160
-	CS5                                  = 0x0
-	CS6                                  = 0x10
-	CS7                                  = 0x20
-	CS8                                  = 0x30
-	CSIGNAL                              = 0xff
-	CSIZE                                = 0x30
-	CSTART                               = 0x11
-	CSTATUS                              = 0x0
-	CSTOP                                = 0x13
-	CSTOPB                               = 0x40
-	CSUSP                                = 0x1a
-	DAXFS_MAGIC                          = 0x64646178
-	DEBUGFS_MAGIC                        = 0x64626720
-	DEVPTS_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0x1cd1
-	DT_BLK                               = 0x6
-	DT_CHR                               = 0x2
-	DT_DIR                               = 0x4
-	DT_FIFO                              = 0x1
-	DT_LNK                               = 0xa
-	DT_REG                               = 0x8
-	DT_SOCK                              = 0xc
-	DT_UNKNOWN                           = 0x0
-	DT_WHT                               = 0xe
-	ECHO                                 = 0x8
-	ECHOCTL                              = 0x200
-	ECHOE                                = 0x10
-	ECHOK                                = 0x20
-	ECHOKE                               = 0x800
-	ECHONL                               = 0x40
-	ECHOPRT                              = 0x400
-	ECRYPTFS_SUPER_MAGIC                 = 0xf15f
-	EFD_CLOEXEC                          = 0x80000
-	EFD_NONBLOCK                         = 0x800
-	EFD_SEMAPHORE                        = 0x1
-	EFIVARFS_MAGIC                       = 0xde5e81e4
-	EFS_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x414a53
-	ENCODING_DEFAULT                     = 0x0
-	ENCODING_FM_MARK                     = 0x3
-	ENCODING_FM_SPACE                    = 0x4
-	ENCODING_MANCHESTER                  = 0x5
-	ENCODING_NRZ                         = 0x1
-	ENCODING_NRZI                        = 0x2
-	EPOLLERR                             = 0x8
-	EPOLLET                              = 0x80000000
-	EPOLLEXCLUSIVE                       = 0x10000000
-	EPOLLHUP                             = 0x10
-	EPOLLIN                              = 0x1
-	EPOLLMSG                             = 0x400
-	EPOLLONESHOT                         = 0x40000000
-	EPOLLOUT                             = 0x4
-	EPOLLPRI                             = 0x2
-	EPOLLRDBAND                          = 0x80
-	EPOLLRDHUP                           = 0x2000
-	EPOLLRDNORM                          = 0x40
-	EPOLLWAKEUP                          = 0x20000000
-	EPOLLWRBAND                          = 0x200
-	EPOLLWRNORM                          = 0x100
-	EPOLL_CLOEXEC                        = 0x80000
-	EPOLL_CTL_ADD                        = 0x1
-	EPOLL_CTL_DEL                        = 0x2
-	EPOLL_CTL_MOD                        = 0x3
-	ETH_P_1588                           = 0x88f7
-	ETH_P_8021AD                         = 0x88a8
-	ETH_P_8021AH                         = 0x88e7
-	ETH_P_8021Q                          = 0x8100
-	ETH_P_80221                          = 0x8917
-	ETH_P_802_2                          = 0x4
-	ETH_P_802_3                          = 0x1
-	ETH_P_802_3_MIN                      = 0x600
-	ETH_P_802_EX1                        = 0x88b5
-	ETH_P_AARP                           = 0x80f3
-	ETH_P_AF_IUCV                        = 0xfbfb
-	ETH_P_ALL                            = 0x3
-	ETH_P_AOE                            = 0x88a2
-	ETH_P_ARCNET                         = 0x1a
-	ETH_P_ARP                            = 0x806
-	ETH_P_ATALK                          = 0x809b
-	ETH_P_ATMFATE                        = 0x8884
-	ETH_P_ATMMPOA                        = 0x884c
-	ETH_P_AX25                           = 0x2
-	ETH_P_BATMAN                         = 0x4305
-	ETH_P_BPQ                            = 0x8ff
-	ETH_P_CAIF                           = 0xf7
-	ETH_P_CAN                            = 0xc
-	ETH_P_CANFD                          = 0xd
-	ETH_P_CONTROL                        = 0x16
-	ETH_P_CUST                           = 0x6006
-	ETH_P_DDCMP                          = 0x6
-	ETH_P_DEC                            = 0x6000
-	ETH_P_DIAG                           = 0x6005
-	ETH_P_DNA_DL                         = 0x6001
-	ETH_P_DNA_RC                         = 0x6002
-	ETH_P_DNA_RT                         = 0x6003
-	ETH_P_DSA                            = 0x1b
-	ETH_P_DSA_8021Q                      = 0xdadb
-	ETH_P_ECONET                         = 0x18
-	ETH_P_EDSA                           = 0xdada
-	ETH_P_ERSPAN                         = 0x88be
-	ETH_P_ERSPAN2                        = 0x22eb
-	ETH_P_FCOE                           = 0x8906
-	ETH_P_FIP                            = 0x8914
-	ETH_P_HDLC                           = 0x19
-	ETH_P_HSR                            = 0x892f
-	ETH_P_IBOE                           = 0x8915
-	ETH_P_IEEE802154                     = 0xf6
-	ETH_P_IEEEPUP                        = 0xa00
-	ETH_P_IEEEPUPAT                      = 0xa01
-	ETH_P_IFE                            = 0xed3e
-	ETH_P_IP                             = 0x800
-	ETH_P_IPV6                           = 0x86dd
-	ETH_P_IPX                            = 0x8137
-	ETH_P_IRDA                           = 0x17
-	ETH_P_LAT                            = 0x6004
-	ETH_P_LINK_CTL                       = 0x886c
-	ETH_P_LOCALTALK                      = 0x9
-	ETH_P_LOOP                           = 0x60
-	ETH_P_LOOPBACK                       = 0x9000
-	ETH_P_MACSEC                         = 0x88e5
-	ETH_P_MAP                            = 0xf9
-	ETH_P_MOBITEX                        = 0x15
-	ETH_P_MPLS_MC                        = 0x8848
-	ETH_P_MPLS_UC                        = 0x8847
-	ETH_P_MVRP                           = 0x88f5
-	ETH_P_NCSI                           = 0x88f8
-	ETH_P_NSH                            = 0x894f
-	ETH_P_PAE                            = 0x888e
-	ETH_P_PAUSE                          = 0x8808
-	ETH_P_PHONET                         = 0xf5
-	ETH_P_PPPTALK                        = 0x10
-	ETH_P_PPP_DISC                       = 0x8863
-	ETH_P_PPP_MP                         = 0x8
-	ETH_P_PPP_SES                        = 0x8864
-	ETH_P_PREAUTH                        = 0x88c7
-	ETH_P_PRP                            = 0x88fb
-	ETH_P_PUP                            = 0x200
-	ETH_P_PUPAT                          = 0x201
-	ETH_P_QINQ1                          = 0x9100
-	ETH_P_QINQ2                          = 0x9200
-	ETH_P_QINQ3                          = 0x9300
-	ETH_P_RARP                           = 0x8035
-	ETH_P_SCA                            = 0x6007
-	ETH_P_SLOW                           = 0x8809
-	ETH_P_SNAP                           = 0x5
-	ETH_P_TDLS                           = 0x890d
-	ETH_P_TEB                            = 0x6558
-	ETH_P_TIPC                           = 0x88ca
-	ETH_P_TRAILER                        = 0x1c
-	ETH_P_TR_802_2                       = 0x11
-	ETH_P_TSN                            = 0x22f0
-	ETH_P_WAN_PPP                        = 0x7
-	ETH_P_WCCP                           = 0x883e
-	ETH_P_X25                            = 0x805
-	ETH_P_XDSA                           = 0xf8
-	EXABYTE_ENABLE_NEST                  = 0xf0
-	EXT2_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xef53
-	EXT3_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xef53
-	EXT4_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xef53
-	EXTA                                 = 0xe
-	EXTB                                 = 0xf
-	EXTPROC                              = 0x10000
-	F2FS_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xf2f52010
-	FALLOC_FL_COLLAPSE_RANGE             = 0x8
-	FALLOC_FL_INSERT_RANGE               = 0x20
-	FALLOC_FL_KEEP_SIZE                  = 0x1
-	FALLOC_FL_NO_HIDE_STALE              = 0x4
-	FALLOC_FL_PUNCH_HOLE                 = 0x2
-	FALLOC_FL_UNSHARE_RANGE              = 0x40
-	FALLOC_FL_ZERO_RANGE                 = 0x10
-	FAN_ACCESS                           = 0x1
-	FAN_ACCESS_PERM                      = 0x20000
-	FAN_ALLOW                            = 0x1
-	FAN_ALL_CLASS_BITS                   = 0xc
-	FAN_ALL_EVENTS                       = 0x3b
-	FAN_ALL_INIT_FLAGS                   = 0x3f
-	FAN_ALL_MARK_FLAGS                   = 0xff
-	FAN_ALL_OUTGOING_EVENTS              = 0x3403b
-	FAN_ALL_PERM_EVENTS                  = 0x30000
-	FAN_ATTRIB                           = 0x4
-	FAN_AUDIT                            = 0x10
-	FAN_CLASS_CONTENT                    = 0x4
-	FAN_CLASS_NOTIF                      = 0x0
-	FAN_CLASS_PRE_CONTENT                = 0x8
-	FAN_CLOEXEC                          = 0x1
-	FAN_CLOSE                            = 0x18
-	FAN_CLOSE_NOWRITE                    = 0x10
-	FAN_CLOSE_WRITE                      = 0x8
-	FAN_CREATE                           = 0x100
-	FAN_DELETE                           = 0x200
-	FAN_DELETE_SELF                      = 0x400
-	FAN_DENY                             = 0x2
-	FAN_ENABLE_AUDIT                     = 0x40
-	FAN_EVENT_INFO_TYPE_FID              = 0x1
-	FAN_EVENT_METADATA_LEN               = 0x18
-	FAN_EVENT_ON_CHILD                   = 0x8000000
-	FAN_MARK_ADD                         = 0x1
-	FAN_MARK_DONT_FOLLOW                 = 0x4
-	FAN_MARK_FILESYSTEM                  = 0x100
-	FAN_MARK_FLUSH                       = 0x80
-	FAN_MARK_IGNORED_MASK                = 0x20
-	FAN_MARK_INODE                       = 0x0
-	FAN_MARK_MOUNT                       = 0x10
-	FAN_MARK_ONLYDIR                     = 0x8
-	FAN_MARK_REMOVE                      = 0x2
-	FAN_MODIFY                           = 0x2
-	FAN_MOVE                             = 0xc0
-	FAN_MOVED_FROM                       = 0x40
-	FAN_MOVED_TO                         = 0x80
-	FAN_MOVE_SELF                        = 0x800
-	FAN_NOFD                             = -0x1
-	FAN_NONBLOCK                         = 0x2
-	FAN_ONDIR                            = 0x40000000
-	FAN_OPEN                             = 0x20
-	FAN_OPEN_EXEC                        = 0x1000
-	FAN_OPEN_EXEC_PERM                   = 0x40000
-	FAN_OPEN_PERM                        = 0x10000
-	FAN_Q_OVERFLOW                       = 0x4000
-	FAN_REPORT_FID                       = 0x200
-	FAN_REPORT_TID                       = 0x100
-	FAN_UNLIMITED_MARKS                  = 0x20
-	FAN_UNLIMITED_QUEUE                  = 0x10
-	FD_CLOEXEC                           = 0x1
-	FD_SETSIZE                           = 0x400
-	FF0                                  = 0x0
-	FF1                                  = 0x8000
-	FFDLY                                = 0x8000
-	FLUSHO                               = 0x1000
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_128_CBC       = 0x5
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_128_CTS       = 0x6
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_CBC       = 0x3
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_CTS       = 0x4
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_GCM       = 0x2
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_XTS       = 0x1
-	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY         = 0x400c6615
-	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_PWSALT         = 0x40106614
-	FS_IOC_SET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY         = 0x800c6613
-	FS_KEY_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE               = 0x8
-	FS_KEY_DESC_PREFIX                   = "fscrypt:"
-	FS_KEY_DESC_PREFIX_SIZE              = 0x8
-	FS_MAX_KEY_SIZE                      = 0x40
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_16               = 0x2
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_32               = 0x3
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_4                = 0x0
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_8                = 0x1
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_MASK             = 0x3
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_VALID                = 0x7
-	FUTEXFS_SUPER_MAGIC                  = 0xbad1dea
-	F_ADD_SEALS                          = 0x409
-	F_DUPFD                              = 0x0
-	F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC                      = 0x406
-	F_EXLCK                              = 0x4
-	F_GETFD                              = 0x1
-	F_GETFL                              = 0x3
-	F_GETLEASE                           = 0x401
-	F_GETLK                              = 0xc
-	F_GETLK64                            = 0xc
-	F_GETOWN                             = 0x9
-	F_GETOWN_EX                          = 0x10
-	F_GETPIPE_SZ                         = 0x408
-	F_GETSIG                             = 0xb
-	F_GET_FILE_RW_HINT                   = 0x40d
-	F_GET_RW_HINT                        = 0x40b
-	F_GET_SEALS                          = 0x40a
-	F_LOCK                               = 0x1
-	F_NOTIFY                             = 0x402
-	F_OFD_GETLK                          = 0x24
-	F_OFD_SETLK                          = 0x25
-	F_OFD_SETLKW                         = 0x26
-	F_OK                                 = 0x0
-	F_RDLCK                              = 0x0
-	F_SEAL_FUTURE_WRITE                  = 0x10
-	F_SEAL_GROW                          = 0x4
-	F_SEAL_SEAL                          = 0x1
-	F_SEAL_SHRINK                        = 0x2
-	F_SEAL_WRITE                         = 0x8
-	F_SETFD                              = 0x2
-	F_SETFL                              = 0x4
-	F_SETLEASE                           = 0x400
-	F_SETLK                              = 0xd
-	F_SETLK64                            = 0xd
-	F_SETLKW                             = 0xe
-	F_SETLKW64                           = 0xe
-	F_SETOWN                             = 0x8
-	F_SETOWN_EX                          = 0xf
-	F_SETPIPE_SZ                         = 0x407
-	F_SETSIG                             = 0xa
-	F_SET_FILE_RW_HINT                   = 0x40e
-	F_SET_RW_HINT                        = 0x40c
-	F_SHLCK                              = 0x8
-	F_TEST                               = 0x3
-	F_TLOCK                              = 0x2
-	F_ULOCK                              = 0x0
-	F_UNLCK                              = 0x2
-	F_WRLCK                              = 0x1
-	GENL_ADMIN_PERM                      = 0x1
-	GENL_CMD_CAP_DO                      = 0x2
-	GENL_CMD_CAP_DUMP                    = 0x4
-	GENL_CMD_CAP_HASPOL                  = 0x8
-	GENL_HDRLEN                          = 0x4
-	GENL_ID_CTRL                         = 0x10
-	GENL_ID_PMCRAID                      = 0x12
-	GENL_ID_VFS_DQUOT                    = 0x11
-	GENL_MAX_ID                          = 0x3ff
-	GENL_MIN_ID                          = 0x10
-	GENL_NAMSIZ                          = 0x10
-	GENL_START_ALLOC                     = 0x13
-	GENL_UNS_ADMIN_PERM                  = 0x10
-	GRND_NONBLOCK                        = 0x1
-	GRND_RANDOM                          = 0x2
-	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD                       = 0x31f
-	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD_AEB                   = 0x31e
-	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD_HDR_SIZE              = 0x4
-	HDIO_DRIVE_HOB_HDR_SIZE              = 0x8
-	HDIO_DRIVE_RESET                     = 0x31c
-	HDIO_DRIVE_TASK                      = 0x31e
-	HDIO_DRIVE_TASKFILE                  = 0x31d
-	HDIO_DRIVE_TASK_HDR_SIZE             = 0x8
-	HDIO_GETGEO                          = 0x301
-	HDIO_GET_32BIT                       = 0x309
-	HDIO_GET_ACOUSTIC                    = 0x30f
-	HDIO_GET_ADDRESS                     = 0x310
-	HDIO_GET_BUSSTATE                    = 0x31a
-	HDIO_GET_DMA                         = 0x30b
-	HDIO_GET_IDENTITY                    = 0x30d
-	HDIO_GET_KEEPSETTINGS                = 0x308
-	HDIO_GET_MULTCOUNT                   = 0x304
-	HDIO_GET_NICE                        = 0x30c
-	HDIO_GET_NOWERR                      = 0x30a
-	HDIO_GET_QDMA                        = 0x305
-	HDIO_GET_UNMASKINTR                  = 0x302
-	HDIO_GET_WCACHE                      = 0x30e
-	HDIO_OBSOLETE_IDENTITY               = 0x307
-	HDIO_SCAN_HWIF                       = 0x328
-	HDIO_SET_32BIT                       = 0x324
-	HDIO_SET_ACOUSTIC                    = 0x32c
-	HDIO_SET_ADDRESS                     = 0x32f
-	HDIO_SET_BUSSTATE                    = 0x32d
-	HDIO_SET_DMA                         = 0x326
-	HDIO_SET_KEEPSETTINGS                = 0x323
-	HDIO_SET_MULTCOUNT                   = 0x321
-	HDIO_SET_NICE                        = 0x329
-	HDIO_SET_NOWERR                      = 0x325
-	HDIO_SET_PIO_MODE                    = 0x327
-	HDIO_SET_QDMA                        = 0x32e
-	HDIO_SET_UNMASKINTR                  = 0x322
-	HDIO_SET_WCACHE                      = 0x32b
-	HDIO_SET_XFER                        = 0x306
-	HDIO_TRISTATE_HWIF                   = 0x31b
-	HDIO_UNREGISTER_HWIF                 = 0x32a
-	HOSTFS_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0xc0ffee
-	HPFS_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xf995e849
-	HUGETLBFS_MAGIC                      = 0x958458f6
-	HUPCL                                = 0x400
-	IBSHIFT                              = 0x10
-	ICANON                               = 0x2
-	ICMPV6_FILTER                        = 0x1
-	ICRNL                                = 0x100
-	IEXTEN                               = 0x8000
-	IFA_F_DADFAILED                      = 0x8
-	IFA_F_DEPRECATED                     = 0x20
-	IFA_F_HOMEADDRESS                    = 0x10
-	IFA_F_MANAGETEMPADDR                 = 0x100
-	IFA_F_MCAUTOJOIN                     = 0x400
-	IFA_F_NODAD                          = 0x2
-	IFA_F_NOPREFIXROUTE                  = 0x200
-	IFA_F_OPTIMISTIC                     = 0x4
-	IFA_F_PERMANENT                      = 0x80
-	IFA_F_SECONDARY                      = 0x1
-	IFA_F_STABLE_PRIVACY                 = 0x800
-	IFA_F_TEMPORARY                      = 0x1
-	IFA_F_TENTATIVE                      = 0x40
-	IFA_MAX                              = 0xa
-	IFF_ALLMULTI                         = 0x200
-	IFF_ATTACH_QUEUE                     = 0x200
-	IFF_AUTOMEDIA                        = 0x4000
-	IFF_BROADCAST                        = 0x2
-	IFF_DEBUG                            = 0x4
-	IFF_DETACH_QUEUE                     = 0x400
-	IFF_DORMANT                          = 0x20000
-	IFF_DYNAMIC                          = 0x8000
-	IFF_ECHO                             = 0x40000
-	IFF_LOOPBACK                         = 0x8
-	IFF_LOWER_UP                         = 0x10000
-	IFF_MASTER                           = 0x400
-	IFF_MULTICAST                        = 0x1000
-	IFF_MULTI_QUEUE                      = 0x100
-	IFF_NAPI                             = 0x10
-	IFF_NAPI_FRAGS                       = 0x20
-	IFF_NOARP                            = 0x80
-	IFF_NOFILTER                         = 0x1000
-	IFF_NOTRAILERS                       = 0x20
-	IFF_NO_PI                            = 0x1000
-	IFF_ONE_QUEUE                        = 0x2000
-	IFF_PERSIST                          = 0x800
-	IFF_POINTOPOINT                      = 0x10
-	IFF_PORTSEL                          = 0x2000
-	IFF_PROMISC                          = 0x100
-	IFF_RUNNING                          = 0x40
-	IFF_SLAVE                            = 0x800
-	IFF_TAP                              = 0x2
-	IFF_TUN                              = 0x1
-	IFF_TUN_EXCL                         = 0x8000
-	IFF_UP                               = 0x1
-	IFF_VNET_HDR                         = 0x4000
-	IFF_VOLATILE                         = 0x70c5a
-	IFNAMSIZ                             = 0x10
-	IGNBRK                               = 0x1
-	IGNCR                                = 0x80
-	IGNPAR                               = 0x4
-	IMAXBEL                              = 0x2000
-	INLCR                                = 0x40
-	INPCK                                = 0x10
-	IN_ACCESS                            = 0x1
-	IN_ALL_EVENTS                        = 0xfff
-	IN_ATTRIB                            = 0x4
-	IN_CLASSA_HOST                       = 0xffffff
-	IN_CLASSA_MAX                        = 0x80
-	IN_CLASSA_NET                        = 0xff000000
-	IN_CLASSA_NSHIFT                     = 0x18
-	IN_CLASSB_HOST                       = 0xffff
-	IN_CLASSB_MAX                        = 0x10000
-	IN_CLASSB_NET                        = 0xffff0000
-	IN_CLASSB_NSHIFT                     = 0x10
-	IN_CLASSC_HOST                       = 0xff
-	IN_CLASSC_NET                        = 0xffffff00
-	IN_CLASSC_NSHIFT                     = 0x8
-	IN_CLOEXEC                           = 0x80000
-	IN_CLOSE                             = 0x18
-	IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE                     = 0x10
-	IN_CLOSE_WRITE                       = 0x8
-	IN_CREATE                            = 0x100
-	IN_DELETE                            = 0x200
-	IN_DELETE_SELF                       = 0x400
-	IN_DONT_FOLLOW                       = 0x2000000
-	IN_EXCL_UNLINK                       = 0x4000000
-	IN_IGNORED                           = 0x8000
-	IN_ISDIR                             = 0x40000000
-	IN_LOOPBACKNET                       = 0x7f
-	IN_MASK_ADD                          = 0x20000000
-	IN_MASK_CREATE                       = 0x10000000
-	IN_MODIFY                            = 0x2
-	IN_MOVE                              = 0xc0
-	IN_MOVED_FROM                        = 0x40
-	IN_MOVED_TO                          = 0x80
-	IN_MOVE_SELF                         = 0x800
-	IN_NONBLOCK                          = 0x800
-	IN_ONESHOT                           = 0x80000000
-	IN_ONLYDIR                           = 0x1000000
-	IN_OPEN                              = 0x20
-	IN_Q_OVERFLOW                        = 0x4000
-	IN_UNMOUNT                           = 0x2000
-	IPPROTO_AH                           = 0x33
-	IPPROTO_BEETPH                       = 0x5e
-	IPPROTO_COMP                         = 0x6c
-	IPPROTO_DCCP                         = 0x21
-	IPPROTO_DSTOPTS                      = 0x3c
-	IPPROTO_EGP                          = 0x8
-	IPPROTO_ENCAP                        = 0x62
-	IPPROTO_ESP                          = 0x32
-	IPPROTO_FRAGMENT                     = 0x2c
-	IPPROTO_GRE                          = 0x2f
-	IPPROTO_HOPOPTS                      = 0x0
-	IPPROTO_ICMP                         = 0x1
-	IPPROTO_ICMPV6                       = 0x3a
-	IPPROTO_IDP                          = 0x16
-	IPPROTO_IGMP                         = 0x2
-	IPPROTO_IP                           = 0x0
-	IPPROTO_IPIP                         = 0x4
-	IPPROTO_IPV6                         = 0x29
-	IPPROTO_MH                           = 0x87
-	IPPROTO_MPLS                         = 0x89
-	IPPROTO_MTP                          = 0x5c
-	IPPROTO_NONE                         = 0x3b
-	IPPROTO_PIM                          = 0x67
-	IPPROTO_PUP                          = 0xc
-	IPPROTO_RAW                          = 0xff
-	IPPROTO_ROUTING                      = 0x2b
-	IPPROTO_RSVP                         = 0x2e
-	IPPROTO_SCTP                         = 0x84
-	IPPROTO_TCP                          = 0x6
-	IPPROTO_TP                           = 0x1d
-	IPPROTO_UDP                          = 0x11
-	IPPROTO_UDPLITE                      = 0x88
-	IPV6_2292DSTOPTS                     = 0x4
-	IPV6_2292HOPLIMIT                    = 0x8
-	IPV6_2292HOPOPTS                     = 0x3
-	IPV6_2292PKTINFO                     = 0x2
-	IPV6_2292PKTOPTIONS                  = 0x6
-	IPV6_2292RTHDR                       = 0x5
-	IPV6_ADDRFORM                        = 0x1
-	IPV6_ADDR_PREFERENCES                = 0x48
-	IPV6_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                  = 0x14
-	IPV6_AUTHHDR                         = 0xa
-	IPV6_AUTOFLOWLABEL                   = 0x46
-	IPV6_CHECKSUM                        = 0x7
-	IPV6_DONTFRAG                        = 0x3e
-	IPV6_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                 = 0x15
-	IPV6_DSTOPTS                         = 0x3b
-	IPV6_FREEBIND                        = 0x4e
-	IPV6_HDRINCL                         = 0x24
-	IPV6_HOPLIMIT                        = 0x34
-	IPV6_HOPOPTS                         = 0x36
-	IPV6_IPSEC_POLICY                    = 0x22
-	IPV6_JOIN_ANYCAST                    = 0x1b
-	IPV6_JOIN_GROUP                      = 0x14
-	IPV6_LEAVE_ANYCAST                   = 0x1c
-	IPV6_LEAVE_GROUP                     = 0x15
-	IPV6_MINHOPCOUNT                     = 0x49
-	IPV6_MTU                             = 0x18
-	IPV6_MTU_DISCOVER                    = 0x17
-	IPV6_MULTICAST_ALL                   = 0x1d
-	IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS                  = 0x12
-	IPV6_MULTICAST_IF                    = 0x11
-	IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP                  = 0x13
-	IPV6_NEXTHOP                         = 0x9
-	IPV6_ORIGDSTADDR                     = 0x4a
-	IPV6_PATHMTU                         = 0x3d
-	IPV6_PKTINFO                         = 0x32
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_DO                     = 0x2
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_DONT                   = 0x0
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_INTERFACE              = 0x4
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_OMIT                   = 0x5
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_PROBE                  = 0x3
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_WANT                   = 0x1
-	IPV6_RECVDSTOPTS                     = 0x3a
-	IPV6_RECVERR                         = 0x19
-	IPV6_RECVFRAGSIZE                    = 0x4d
-	IPV6_RECVHOPLIMIT                    = 0x33
-	IPV6_RECVHOPOPTS                     = 0x35
-	IPV6_RECVORIGDSTADDR                 = 0x4a
-	IPV6_RECVPATHMTU                     = 0x3c
-	IPV6_RECVPKTINFO                     = 0x31
-	IPV6_RECVRTHDR                       = 0x38
-	IPV6_RECVTCLASS                      = 0x42
-	IPV6_ROUTER_ALERT                    = 0x16
-	IPV6_ROUTER_ALERT_ISOLATE            = 0x1e
-	IPV6_RTHDR                           = 0x39
-	IPV6_RTHDRDSTOPTS                    = 0x37
-	IPV6_RTHDR_LOOSE                     = 0x0
-	IPV6_RTHDR_STRICT                    = 0x1
-	IPV6_RTHDR_TYPE_0                    = 0x0
-	IPV6_RXDSTOPTS                       = 0x3b
-	IPV6_RXHOPOPTS                       = 0x36
-	IPV6_TCLASS                          = 0x43
-	IPV6_TRANSPARENT                     = 0x4b
-	IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS                    = 0x10
-	IPV6_UNICAST_IF                      = 0x4c
-	IPV6_V6ONLY                          = 0x1a
-	IPV6_XFRM_POLICY                     = 0x23
-	IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                    = 0x23
-	IP_ADD_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP             = 0x27
-	IP_BIND_ADDRESS_NO_PORT              = 0x18
-	IP_BLOCK_SOURCE                      = 0x26
-	IP_CHECKSUM                          = 0x17
-	IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_LOOP            = 0x1
-	IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_TTL             = 0x1
-	IP_DF                                = 0x4000
-	IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                   = 0x24
-	IP_DROP_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP            = 0x28
-	IP_FREEBIND                          = 0xf
-	IP_HDRINCL                           = 0x3
-	IP_IPSEC_POLICY                      = 0x10
-	IP_MAXPACKET                         = 0xffff
-	IP_MAX_MEMBERSHIPS                   = 0x14
-	IP_MF                                = 0x2000
-	IP_MINTTL                            = 0x15
-	IP_MSFILTER                          = 0x29
-	IP_MSS                               = 0x240
-	IP_MTU                               = 0xe
-	IP_MTU_DISCOVER                      = 0xa
-	IP_MULTICAST_ALL                     = 0x31
-	IP_MULTICAST_IF                      = 0x20
-	IP_MULTICAST_LOOP                    = 0x22
-	IP_MULTICAST_TTL                     = 0x21
-	IP_NODEFRAG                          = 0x16
-	IP_OFFMASK                           = 0x1fff
-	IP_OPTIONS                           = 0x4
-	IP_ORIGDSTADDR                       = 0x14
-	IP_PASSSEC                           = 0x12
-	IP_PKTINFO                           = 0x8
-	IP_PKTOPTIONS                        = 0x9
-	IP_PMTUDISC                          = 0xa
-	IP_PMTUDISC_DO                       = 0x2
-	IP_PMTUDISC_DONT                     = 0x0
-	IP_PMTUDISC_INTERFACE                = 0x4
-	IP_PMTUDISC_OMIT                     = 0x5
-	IP_PMTUDISC_PROBE                    = 0x3
-	IP_PMTUDISC_WANT                     = 0x1
-	IP_RECVERR                           = 0xb
-	IP_RECVFRAGSIZE                      = 0x19
-	IP_RECVOPTS                          = 0x6
-	IP_RECVORIGDSTADDR                   = 0x14
-	IP_RECVRETOPTS                       = 0x7
-	IP_RECVTOS                           = 0xd
-	IP_RECVTTL                           = 0xc
-	IP_RETOPTS                           = 0x7
-	IP_RF                                = 0x8000
-	IP_ROUTER_ALERT                      = 0x5
-	IP_TOS                               = 0x1
-	IP_TRANSPARENT                       = 0x13
-	IP_TTL                               = 0x2
-	IP_UNBLOCK_SOURCE                    = 0x25
-	IP_UNICAST_IF                        = 0x32
-	IP_XFRM_POLICY                       = 0x11
-	ISIG                                 = 0x1
-	ISOFS_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x9660
-	ISTRIP                               = 0x20
-	IUCLC                                = 0x200
-	IUTF8                                = 0x4000
-	IXANY                                = 0x800
-	IXOFF                                = 0x1000
-	IXON                                 = 0x400
-	JFFS2_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x72b6
-	KEXEC_ARCH_386                       = 0x30000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_68K                       = 0x40000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_AARCH64                   = 0xb70000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_ARM                       = 0x280000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_DEFAULT                   = 0x0
-	KEXEC_ARCH_IA_64                     = 0x320000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_MASK                      = 0xffff0000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_MIPS                      = 0x80000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_MIPS_LE                   = 0xa0000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_PPC                       = 0x140000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_PPC64                     = 0x150000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_S390                      = 0x160000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_SH                        = 0x2a0000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_X86_64                    = 0x3e0000
-	KEXEC_FILE_NO_INITRAMFS              = 0x4
-	KEXEC_FILE_ON_CRASH                  = 0x2
-	KEXEC_FILE_UNLOAD                    = 0x1
-	KEXEC_ON_CRASH                       = 0x1
-	KEXEC_PRESERVE_CONTEXT               = 0x2
-	KEXEC_SEGMENT_MAX                    = 0x10
-	KEYCTL_ASSUME_AUTHORITY              = 0x10
-	KEYCTL_CHOWN                         = 0x4
-	KEYCTL_CLEAR                         = 0x7
-	KEYCTL_DESCRIBE                      = 0x6
-	KEYCTL_DH_COMPUTE                    = 0x17
-	KEYCTL_GET_KEYRING_ID                = 0x0
-	KEYCTL_GET_PERSISTENT                = 0x16
-	KEYCTL_GET_SECURITY                  = 0x11
-	KEYCTL_INSTANTIATE                   = 0xc
-	KEYCTL_INSTANTIATE_IOV               = 0x14
-	KEYCTL_INVALIDATE                    = 0x15
-	KEYCTL_LINK                          = 0x8
-	KEYCTL_NEGATE                        = 0xd
-	KEYCTL_PKEY_DECRYPT                  = 0x1a
-	KEYCTL_PKEY_ENCRYPT                  = 0x19
-	KEYCTL_PKEY_QUERY                    = 0x18
-	KEYCTL_PKEY_SIGN                     = 0x1b
-	KEYCTL_PKEY_VERIFY                   = 0x1c
-	KEYCTL_READ                          = 0xb
-	KEYCTL_REJECT                        = 0x13
-	KEYCTL_RESTRICT_KEYRING              = 0x1d
-	KEYCTL_REVOKE                        = 0x3
-	KEYCTL_SEARCH                        = 0xa
-	KEYCTL_SESSION_TO_PARENT             = 0x12
-	KEYCTL_SETPERM                       = 0x5
-	KEYCTL_SET_REQKEY_KEYRING            = 0xe
-	KEYCTL_SET_TIMEOUT                   = 0xf
-	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_DECRYPT              = 0x2
-	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_ENCRYPT              = 0x1
-	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_SIGN                 = 0x4
-	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_VERIFY               = 0x8
-	KEYCTL_UNLINK                        = 0x9
-	KEYCTL_UPDATE                        = 0x2
-	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_DEFAULT              = 0x0
-	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_NO_CHANGE            = -0x1
-	KEY_SPEC_GROUP_KEYRING               = -0x6
-	KEY_SPEC_PROCESS_KEYRING             = -0x2
-	KEY_SPEC_REQKEY_AUTH_KEY             = -0x7
-	KEY_SPEC_SESSION_KEYRING             = -0x3
-	KEY_SPEC_THREAD_KEYRING              = -0x1
-	KEY_SPEC_USER_KEYRING                = -0x4
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_CAD_OFF             = 0x0
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_CAD_ON              = 0x89abcdef
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_HALT                = 0xcdef0123
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_KEXEC               = 0x45584543
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_POWER_OFF           = 0x4321fedc
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_RESTART             = 0x1234567
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_RESTART2            = 0xa1b2c3d4
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_SW_SUSPEND          = 0xd000fce2
-	LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC1                  = 0xfee1dead
-	LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC2                  = 0x28121969
-	LOCK_EX                              = 0x2
-	LOCK_NB                              = 0x4
-	LOCK_SH                              = 0x1
-	LOCK_UN                              = 0x8
-	LOOP_CLR_FD                          = 0x4c01
-	LOOP_CTL_ADD                         = 0x4c80
-	LOOP_CTL_GET_FREE                    = 0x4c82
-	LOOP_CTL_REMOVE                      = 0x4c81
-	LOOP_GET_STATUS                      = 0x4c03
-	LOOP_GET_STATUS64                    = 0x4c05
-	LOOP_SET_BLOCK_SIZE                  = 0x4c09
-	LOOP_SET_CAPACITY                    = 0x4c07
-	LOOP_SET_DIRECT_IO                   = 0x4c08
-	LOOP_SET_FD                          = 0x4c00
-	LOOP_SET_STATUS                      = 0x4c02
-	LOOP_SET_STATUS64                    = 0x4c04
-	LO_KEY_SIZE                          = 0x20
-	LO_NAME_SIZE                         = 0x40
-	MADV_DODUMP                          = 0x11
-	MADV_DOFORK                          = 0xb
-	MADV_DONTDUMP                        = 0x10
-	MADV_DONTFORK                        = 0xa
-	MADV_DONTNEED                        = 0x4
-	MADV_FREE                            = 0x8
-	MADV_HUGEPAGE                        = 0xe
-	MADV_HWPOISON                        = 0x64
-	MADV_KEEPONFORK                      = 0x13
-	MADV_MERGEABLE                       = 0xc
-	MADV_NOHUGEPAGE                      = 0xf
-	MADV_NORMAL                          = 0x0
-	MADV_RANDOM                          = 0x1
-	MADV_REMOVE                          = 0x9
-	MADV_SEQUENTIAL                      = 0x2
-	MADV_UNMERGEABLE                     = 0xd
-	MADV_WILLNEED                        = 0x3
-	MADV_WIPEONFORK                      = 0x12
-	MAP_ANON                             = 0x20
-	MAP_ANONYMOUS                        = 0x20
-	MAP_DENYWRITE                        = 0x800
-	MAP_EXECUTABLE                       = 0x1000
-	MAP_FILE                             = 0x0
-	MAP_FIXED                            = 0x10
-	MAP_FIXED_NOREPLACE                  = 0x100000
-	MAP_GROWSDOWN                        = 0x100
-	MAP_HUGETLB                          = 0x40000
-	MAP_HUGE_MASK                        = 0x3f
-	MAP_HUGE_SHIFT                       = 0x1a
-	MAP_LOCKED                           = 0x2000
-	MAP_NONBLOCK                         = 0x10000
-	MAP_NORESERVE                        = 0x4000
-	MAP_POPULATE                         = 0x8000
-	MAP_PRIVATE                          = 0x2
-	MAP_SHARED                           = 0x1
-	MAP_SHARED_VALIDATE                  = 0x3
-	MAP_STACK                            = 0x20000
-	MAP_SYNC                             = 0x80000
-	MAP_TYPE                             = 0xf
-	MCAST_BLOCK_SOURCE                   = 0x2b
-	MCAST_EXCLUDE                        = 0x0
-	MCAST_INCLUDE                        = 0x1
-	MCAST_JOIN_GROUP                     = 0x2a
-	MCAST_JOIN_SOURCE_GROUP              = 0x2e
-	MCAST_LEAVE_GROUP                    = 0x2d
-	MCAST_LEAVE_SOURCE_GROUP             = 0x2f
-	MCAST_MSFILTER                       = 0x30
-	MCAST_UNBLOCK_SOURCE                 = 0x2c
-	MCL_CURRENT                          = 0x1
-	MCL_FUTURE                           = 0x2
-	MCL_ONFAULT                          = 0x4
-	MFD_ALLOW_SEALING                    = 0x2
-	MFD_CLOEXEC                          = 0x1
-	MFD_HUGETLB                          = 0x4
-	MFD_HUGE_16GB                        = -0x78000000
-	MFD_HUGE_16MB                        = 0x60000000
-	MFD_HUGE_1GB                         = 0x78000000
-	MFD_HUGE_1MB                         = 0x50000000
-	MFD_HUGE_256MB                       = 0x70000000
-	MFD_HUGE_2GB                         = 0x7c000000
-	MFD_HUGE_2MB                         = 0x54000000
-	MFD_HUGE_32MB                        = 0x64000000
-	MFD_HUGE_512KB                       = 0x4c000000
-	MFD_HUGE_512MB                       = 0x74000000
-	MFD_HUGE_64KB                        = 0x40000000
-	MFD_HUGE_8MB                         = 0x5c000000
-	MFD_HUGE_MASK                        = 0x3f
-	MFD_HUGE_SHIFT                       = 0x1a
-	MINIX2_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0x2468
-	MINIX2_SUPER_MAGIC2                  = 0x2478
-	MINIX3_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0x4d5a
-	MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x137f
-	MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC2                   = 0x138f
-	MNT_DETACH                           = 0x2
-	MNT_EXPIRE                           = 0x4
-	MNT_FORCE                            = 0x1
-	MSDOS_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x4d44
-	MSG_BATCH                            = 0x40000
-	MSG_CMSG_CLOEXEC                     = 0x40000000
-	MSG_CONFIRM                          = 0x800
-	MSG_CTRUNC                           = 0x8
-	MSG_DONTROUTE                        = 0x4
-	MSG_DONTWAIT                         = 0x40
-	MSG_EOR                              = 0x80
-	MSG_ERRQUEUE                         = 0x2000
-	MSG_FASTOPEN                         = 0x20000000
-	MSG_FIN                              = 0x200
-	MSG_MORE                             = 0x8000
-	MSG_NOSIGNAL                         = 0x4000
-	MSG_OOB                              = 0x1
-	MSG_PEEK                             = 0x2
-	MSG_PROXY                            = 0x10
-	MSG_RST                              = 0x1000
-	MSG_SYN                              = 0x400
-	MSG_TRUNC                            = 0x20
-	MSG_TRYHARD                          = 0x4
-	MSG_WAITALL                          = 0x100
-	MSG_WAITFORONE                       = 0x10000
-	MSG_ZEROCOPY                         = 0x4000000
-	MS_ACTIVE                            = 0x40000000
-	MS_ASYNC                             = 0x1
-	MS_BIND                              = 0x1000
-	MS_BORN                              = 0x20000000
-	MS_DIRSYNC                           = 0x80
-	MS_INVALIDATE                        = 0x2
-	MS_I_VERSION                         = 0x800000
-	MS_KERNMOUNT                         = 0x400000
-	MS_LAZYTIME                          = 0x2000000
-	MS_MANDLOCK                          = 0x40
-	MS_MGC_MSK                           = 0xffff0000
-	MS_MGC_VAL                           = 0xc0ed0000
-	MS_MOVE                              = 0x2000
-	MS_NOATIME                           = 0x400
-	MS_NODEV                             = 0x4
-	MS_NODIRATIME                        = 0x800
-	MS_NOEXEC                            = 0x8
-	MS_NOREMOTELOCK                      = 0x8000000
-	MS_NOSEC                             = 0x10000000
-	MS_NOSUID                            = 0x2
-	MS_NOUSER                            = -0x80000000
-	MS_POSIXACL                          = 0x10000
-	MS_PRIVATE                           = 0x40000
-	MS_RDONLY                            = 0x1
-	MS_REC                               = 0x4000
-	MS_RELATIME                          = 0x200000
-	MS_REMOUNT                           = 0x20
-	MS_RMT_MASK                          = 0x2800051
-	MS_SHARED                            = 0x100000
-	MS_SILENT                            = 0x8000
-	MS_SLAVE                             = 0x80000
-	MS_STRICTATIME                       = 0x1000000
-	MS_SUBMOUNT                          = 0x4000000
-	MS_SYNC                              = 0x4
-	MS_SYNCHRONOUS                       = 0x10
-	MS_UNBINDABLE                        = 0x20000
-	MS_VERBOSE                           = 0x8000
-	MTD_INODE_FS_MAGIC                   = 0x11307854
-	NAME_MAX                             = 0xff
-	NCP_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x564c
-	NETLINK_ADD_MEMBERSHIP               = 0x1
-	NETLINK_AUDIT                        = 0x9
-	NETLINK_BROADCAST_ERROR              = 0x4
-	NETLINK_CAP_ACK                      = 0xa
-	NETLINK_CONNECTOR                    = 0xb
-	NETLINK_CRYPTO                       = 0x15
-	NETLINK_DNRTMSG                      = 0xe
-	NETLINK_DROP_MEMBERSHIP              = 0x2
-	NETLINK_ECRYPTFS                     = 0x13
-	NETLINK_EXT_ACK                      = 0xb
-	NETLINK_FIB_LOOKUP                   = 0xa
-	NETLINK_FIREWALL                     = 0x3
-	NETLINK_GENERIC                      = 0x10
-	NETLINK_GET_STRICT_CHK               = 0xc
-	NETLINK_INET_DIAG                    = 0x4
-	NETLINK_IP6_FW                       = 0xd
-	NETLINK_ISCSI                        = 0x8
-	NETLINK_KOBJECT_UEVENT               = 0xf
-	NETLINK_LISTEN_ALL_NSID              = 0x8
-	NETLINK_LIST_MEMBERSHIPS             = 0x9
-	NETLINK_NETFILTER                    = 0xc
-	NETLINK_NFLOG                        = 0x5
-	NETLINK_NO_ENOBUFS                   = 0x5
-	NETLINK_PKTINFO                      = 0x3
-	NETLINK_RDMA                         = 0x14
-	NETLINK_ROUTE                        = 0x0
-	NETLINK_RX_RING                      = 0x6
-	NETLINK_SCSITRANSPORT                = 0x12
-	NETLINK_SELINUX                      = 0x7
-	NETLINK_SMC                          = 0x16
-	NETLINK_SOCK_DIAG                    = 0x4
-	NETLINK_TX_RING                      = 0x7
-	NETLINK_UNUSED                       = 0x1
-	NETLINK_USERSOCK                     = 0x2
-	NETLINK_XFRM                         = 0x6
-	NETNSA_MAX                           = 0x5
-	NETNSA_NSID_NOT_ASSIGNED             = -0x1
-	NFNETLINK_V0                         = 0x0
-	NFNLGRP_ACCT_QUOTA                   = 0x8
-	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_EXP_NEW            = 0x4
-	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_NEW                = 0x1
-	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_UPDATE             = 0x2
-	NFNLGRP_MAX                          = 0x9
-	NFNLGRP_NFTABLES                     = 0x7
-	NFNLGRP_NFTRACE                      = 0x9
-	NFNLGRP_NONE                         = 0x0
-	NFNL_BATCH_MAX                       = 0x1
-	NFNL_MSG_BATCH_BEGIN                 = 0x10
-	NFNL_MSG_BATCH_END                   = 0x11
-	NFNL_NFA_NEST                        = 0x8000
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_ACCT                     = 0x7
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_COUNT                    = 0xc
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTHELPER                 = 0x9
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTNETLINK                = 0x1
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTNETLINK_EXP            = 0x2
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_IPSET                    = 0x6
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_NFTABLES                 = 0xa
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_NFT_COMPAT               = 0xb
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_NONE                     = 0x0
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_OSF                      = 0x5
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_QUEUE                    = 0x3
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_ULOG                     = 0x4
-	NFS_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x6969
-	NILFS_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x3434
-	NL0                                  = 0x0
-	NL1                                  = 0x100
-	NLA_ALIGNTO                          = 0x4
-	NLA_F_NESTED                         = 0x8000
-	NLA_F_NET_BYTEORDER                  = 0x4000
-	NLA_HDRLEN                           = 0x4
-	NLDLY                                = 0x100
-	NLMSG_ALIGNTO                        = 0x4
-	NLMSG_DONE                           = 0x3
-	NLMSG_ERROR                          = 0x2
-	NLMSG_HDRLEN                         = 0x10
-	NLMSG_MIN_TYPE                       = 0x10
-	NLMSG_NOOP                           = 0x1
-	NLMSG_OVERRUN                        = 0x4
-	NLM_F_ACK                            = 0x4
-	NLM_F_ACK_TLVS                       = 0x200
-	NLM_F_APPEND                         = 0x800
-	NLM_F_ATOMIC                         = 0x400
-	NLM_F_CAPPED                         = 0x100
-	NLM_F_CREATE                         = 0x400
-	NLM_F_DUMP                           = 0x300
-	NLM_F_DUMP_FILTERED                  = 0x20
-	NLM_F_DUMP_INTR                      = 0x10
-	NLM_F_ECHO                           = 0x8
-	NLM_F_EXCL                           = 0x200
-	NLM_F_MATCH                          = 0x200
-	NLM_F_MULTI                          = 0x2
-	NLM_F_NONREC                         = 0x100
-	NLM_F_REPLACE                        = 0x100
-	NLM_F_REQUEST                        = 0x1
-	NLM_F_ROOT                           = 0x100
-	NOFLSH                               = 0x80
-	NSFS_MAGIC                           = 0x6e736673
-	OCFS2_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x7461636f
-	OCRNL                                = 0x8
-	OFDEL                                = 0x80
-	OFILL                                = 0x40
-	OLCUC                                = 0x2
-	ONLCR                                = 0x4
-	ONLRET                               = 0x20
-	ONOCR                                = 0x10
-	OPENPROM_SUPER_MAGIC                 = 0x9fa1
-	OPOST                                = 0x1
-	OVERLAYFS_SUPER_MAGIC                = 0x794c7630
-	O_ACCMODE                            = 0x3
-	O_APPEND                             = 0x400
-	O_ASYNC                              = 0x2000
-	O_CLOEXEC                            = 0x80000
-	O_CREAT                              = 0x40
-	O_DIRECT                             = 0x10000
-	O_DIRECTORY                          = 0x4000
-	O_DSYNC                              = 0x1000
-	O_EXCL                               = 0x80
-	O_FSYNC                              = 0x101000
-	O_LARGEFILE                          = 0x20000
-	O_NDELAY                             = 0x800
-	O_NOATIME                            = 0x40000
-	O_NOCTTY                             = 0x100
-	O_NOFOLLOW                           = 0x8000
-	O_NONBLOCK                           = 0x800
-	O_PATH                               = 0x200000
-	O_RDONLY                             = 0x0
-	O_RDWR                               = 0x2
-	O_RSYNC                              = 0x101000
-	O_SYNC                               = 0x101000
-	O_TMPFILE                            = 0x404000
-	O_TRUNC                              = 0x200
-	O_WRONLY                             = 0x1
-	PACKET_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                = 0x1
-	PACKET_AUXDATA                       = 0x8
-	PACKET_BROADCAST                     = 0x1
-	PACKET_COPY_THRESH                   = 0x7
-	PACKET_DROP_MEMBERSHIP               = 0x2
-	PACKET_FANOUT                        = 0x12
-	PACKET_FANOUT_CBPF                   = 0x6
-	PACKET_FANOUT_CPU                    = 0x2
-	PACKET_FANOUT_DATA                   = 0x16
-	PACKET_FANOUT_EBPF                   = 0x7
-	PACKET_FANOUT_FLAG_DEFRAG            = 0x8000
-	PACKET_FANOUT_HASH                   = 0x0
-	PACKET_FANOUT_LB                     = 0x1
-	PACKET_FANOUT_QM                     = 0x5
-	PACKET_FANOUT_RND                    = 0x4
-	PACKET_FANOUT_ROLLOVER               = 0x3
-	PACKET_FASTROUTE                     = 0x6
-	PACKET_HDRLEN                        = 0xb
-	PACKET_HOST                          = 0x0
-	PACKET_IGNORE_OUTGOING               = 0x17
-	PACKET_KERNEL                        = 0x7
-	PACKET_LOOPBACK                      = 0x5
-	PACKET_LOSS                          = 0xe
-	PACKET_MR_ALLMULTI                   = 0x2
-	PACKET_MR_MULTICAST                  = 0x0
-	PACKET_MR_PROMISC                    = 0x1
-	PACKET_MR_UNICAST                    = 0x3
-	PACKET_MULTICAST                     = 0x2
-	PACKET_ORIGDEV                       = 0x9
-	PACKET_OTHERHOST                     = 0x3
-	PACKET_OUTGOING                      = 0x4
-	PACKET_QDISC_BYPASS                  = 0x14
-	PACKET_RECV_OUTPUT                   = 0x3
-	PACKET_RESERVE                       = 0xc
-	PACKET_ROLLOVER_STATS                = 0x15
-	PACKET_RX_RING                       = 0x5
-	PACKET_STATISTICS                    = 0x6
-	PACKET_TIMESTAMP                     = 0x11
-	PACKET_TX_HAS_OFF                    = 0x13
-	PACKET_TX_RING                       = 0xd
-	PACKET_TX_TIMESTAMP                  = 0x10
-	PACKET_USER                          = 0x6
-	PACKET_VERSION                       = 0xa
-	PACKET_VNET_HDR                      = 0xf
-	PARENB                               = 0x100
-	PARITY_CRC16_PR0                     = 0x2
-	PARITY_CRC16_PR0_CCITT               = 0x4
-	PARITY_CRC16_PR1                     = 0x3
-	PARITY_CRC16_PR1_CCITT               = 0x5
-	PARITY_CRC32_PR0_CCITT               = 0x6
-	PARITY_CRC32_PR1_CCITT               = 0x7
-	PARITY_DEFAULT                       = 0x0
-	PARITY_NONE                          = 0x1
-	PARMRK                               = 0x8
-	PARODD                               = 0x200
-	PENDIN                               = 0x4000
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_DISABLE               = 0x2401
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_ENABLE                = 0x2400
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_ID                    = 0x80042407
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_PAUSE_OUTPUT          = 0x40042409
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_PERIOD                = 0x40082404
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_QUERY_BPF             = 0xc004240a
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_REFRESH               = 0x2402
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_RESET                 = 0x2403
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_BPF               = 0x40042408
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_FILTER            = 0x40042406
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_OUTPUT            = 0x2405
-	PIPEFS_MAGIC                         = 0x50495045
-	PPPIOCATTACH                         = 0x4004743d
-	PPPIOCATTCHAN                        = 0x40047438
-	PPPIOCCONNECT                        = 0x4004743a
-	PPPIOCDETACH                         = 0x4004743c
-	PPPIOCDISCONN                        = 0x7439
-	PPPIOCGASYNCMAP                      = 0x80047458
-	PPPIOCGCHAN                          = 0x80047437
-	PPPIOCGDEBUG                         = 0x80047441
-	PPPIOCGFLAGS                         = 0x8004745a
-	PPPIOCGIDLE                          = 0x8008743f
-	PPPIOCGL2TPSTATS                     = 0x80487436
-	PPPIOCGMRU                           = 0x80047453
-	PPPIOCGNPMODE                        = 0xc008744c
-	PPPIOCGRASYNCMAP                     = 0x80047455
-	PPPIOCGUNIT                          = 0x80047456
-	PPPIOCGXASYNCMAP                     = 0x80207450
-	PPPIOCNEWUNIT                        = 0xc004743e
-	PPPIOCSACTIVE                        = 0x40087446
-	PPPIOCSASYNCMAP                      = 0x40047457
-	PPPIOCSCOMPRESS                      = 0x400c744d
-	PPPIOCSDEBUG                         = 0x40047440
-	PPPIOCSFLAGS                         = 0x40047459
-	PPPIOCSMAXCID                        = 0x40047451
-	PPPIOCSMRRU                          = 0x4004743b
-	PPPIOCSMRU                           = 0x40047452
-	PPPIOCSNPMODE                        = 0x4008744b
-	PPPIOCSPASS                          = 0x40087447
-	PPPIOCSRASYNCMAP                     = 0x40047454
-	PPPIOCSXASYNCMAP                     = 0x4020744f
-	PPPIOCXFERUNIT                       = 0x744e
-	PRIO_PGRP                            = 0x1
-	PRIO_PROCESS                         = 0x0
-	PRIO_USER                            = 0x2
-	PROC_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0x9fa0
-	PROT_EXEC                            = 0x4
-	PROT_GROWSDOWN                       = 0x1000000
-	PROT_GROWSUP                         = 0x2000000
-	PROT_NONE                            = 0x0
-	PROT_READ                            = 0x1
-	PROT_WRITE                           = 0x2
-	PR_CAPBSET_DROP                      = 0x18
-	PR_CAPBSET_READ                      = 0x17
-	PR_CAP_AMBIENT                       = 0x2f
-	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_CLEAR_ALL             = 0x4
-	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_IS_SET                = 0x1
-	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_LOWER                 = 0x3
-	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_RAISE                 = 0x2
-	PR_ENDIAN_BIG                        = 0x0
-	PR_ENDIAN_LITTLE                     = 0x1
-	PR_ENDIAN_PPC_LITTLE                 = 0x2
-	PR_FPEMU_NOPRINT                     = 0x1
-	PR_FPEMU_SIGFPE                      = 0x2
-	PR_FP_EXC_ASYNC                      = 0x2
-	PR_FP_EXC_DISABLED                   = 0x0
-	PR_FP_EXC_DIV                        = 0x10000
-	PR_FP_EXC_INV                        = 0x100000
-	PR_FP_EXC_NONRECOV                   = 0x1
-	PR_FP_EXC_OVF                        = 0x20000
-	PR_FP_EXC_PRECISE                    = 0x3
-	PR_FP_EXC_RES                        = 0x80000
-	PR_FP_EXC_SW_ENABLE                  = 0x80
-	PR_FP_EXC_UND                        = 0x40000
-	PR_FP_MODE_FR                        = 0x1
-	PR_FP_MODE_FRE                       = 0x2
-	PR_GET_CHILD_SUBREAPER               = 0x25
-	PR_GET_DUMPABLE                      = 0x3
-	PR_GET_ENDIAN                        = 0x13
-	PR_GET_FPEMU                         = 0x9
-	PR_GET_FPEXC                         = 0xb
-	PR_GET_FP_MODE                       = 0x2e
-	PR_GET_KEEPCAPS                      = 0x7
-	PR_GET_NAME                          = 0x10
-	PR_GET_NO_NEW_PRIVS                  = 0x27
-	PR_GET_PDEATHSIG                     = 0x2
-	PR_GET_SECCOMP                       = 0x15
-	PR_GET_SECUREBITS                    = 0x1b
-	PR_GET_SPECULATION_CTRL              = 0x34
-	PR_GET_THP_DISABLE                   = 0x2a
-	PR_GET_TID_ADDRESS                   = 0x28
-	PR_GET_TIMERSLACK                    = 0x1e
-	PR_GET_TIMING                        = 0xd
-	PR_GET_TSC                           = 0x19
-	PR_GET_UNALIGN                       = 0x5
-	PR_MCE_KILL                          = 0x21
-	PR_MCE_KILL_CLEAR                    = 0x0
-	PR_MCE_KILL_DEFAULT                  = 0x2
-	PR_MCE_KILL_EARLY                    = 0x1
-	PR_MCE_KILL_GET                      = 0x22
-	PR_MCE_KILL_LATE                     = 0x0
-	PR_MCE_KILL_SET                      = 0x1
-	PR_MPX_DISABLE_MANAGEMENT            = 0x2c
-	PR_MPX_ENABLE_MANAGEMENT             = 0x2b
-	PR_PAC_APDAKEY                       = 0x4
-	PR_PAC_APDBKEY                       = 0x8
-	PR_PAC_APGAKEY                       = 0x10
-	PR_PAC_APIAKEY                       = 0x1
-	PR_PAC_APIBKEY                       = 0x2
-	PR_PAC_RESET_KEYS                    = 0x36
-	PR_SET_CHILD_SUBREAPER               = 0x24
-	PR_SET_DUMPABLE                      = 0x4
-	PR_SET_ENDIAN                        = 0x14
-	PR_SET_FPEMU                         = 0xa
-	PR_SET_FPEXC                         = 0xc
-	PR_SET_FP_MODE                       = 0x2d
-	PR_SET_KEEPCAPS                      = 0x8
-	PR_SET_MM                            = 0x23
-	PR_SET_MM_ARG_END                    = 0x9
-	PR_SET_MM_ARG_START                  = 0x8
-	PR_SET_MM_AUXV                       = 0xc
-	PR_SET_MM_BRK                        = 0x7
-	PR_SET_MM_END_CODE                   = 0x2
-	PR_SET_MM_END_DATA                   = 0x4
-	PR_SET_MM_ENV_END                    = 0xb
-	PR_SET_MM_ENV_START                  = 0xa
-	PR_SET_MM_EXE_FILE                   = 0xd
-	PR_SET_MM_MAP                        = 0xe
-	PR_SET_MM_MAP_SIZE                   = 0xf
-	PR_SET_MM_START_BRK                  = 0x6
-	PR_SET_MM_START_CODE                 = 0x1
-	PR_SET_MM_START_DATA                 = 0x3
-	PR_SET_MM_START_STACK                = 0x5
-	PR_SET_NAME                          = 0xf
-	PR_SET_NO_NEW_PRIVS                  = 0x26
-	PR_SET_PDEATHSIG                     = 0x1
-	PR_SET_PTRACER                       = 0x59616d61
-	PR_SET_PTRACER_ANY                   = 0xffffffff
-	PR_SET_SECCOMP                       = 0x16
-	PR_SET_SECUREBITS                    = 0x1c
-	PR_SET_SPECULATION_CTRL              = 0x35
-	PR_SET_THP_DISABLE                   = 0x29
-	PR_SET_TIMERSLACK                    = 0x1d
-	PR_SET_TIMING                        = 0xe
-	PR_SET_TSC                           = 0x1a
-	PR_SET_UNALIGN                       = 0x6
-	PR_SPEC_DISABLE                      = 0x4
-	PR_SPEC_DISABLE_NOEXEC               = 0x10
-	PR_SPEC_ENABLE                       = 0x2
-	PR_SPEC_FORCE_DISABLE                = 0x8
-	PR_SPEC_INDIRECT_BRANCH              = 0x1
-	PR_SPEC_NOT_AFFECTED                 = 0x0
-	PR_SPEC_PRCTL                        = 0x1
-	PR_SPEC_STORE_BYPASS                 = 0x0
-	PR_SVE_GET_VL                        = 0x33
-	PR_SVE_SET_VL                        = 0x32
-	PR_SVE_SET_VL_ONEXEC                 = 0x40000
-	PR_SVE_VL_INHERIT                    = 0x20000
-	PR_SVE_VL_LEN_MASK                   = 0xffff
-	PR_TASK_PERF_EVENTS_ENABLE           = 0x20
-	PR_TIMING_STATISTICAL                = 0x0
-	PR_TIMING_TIMESTAMP                  = 0x1
-	PR_TSC_ENABLE                        = 0x1
-	PR_TSC_SIGSEGV                       = 0x2
-	PR_UNALIGN_NOPRINT                   = 0x1
-	PR_UNALIGN_SIGBUS                    = 0x2
-	PSTOREFS_MAGIC                       = 0x6165676c
-	PTRACE_ATTACH                        = 0x10
-	PTRACE_CONT                          = 0x7
-	PTRACE_DETACH                        = 0x11
-	PTRACE_EVENT_CLONE                   = 0x3
-	PTRACE_EVENT_EXEC                    = 0x4
-	PTRACE_EVENT_EXIT                    = 0x6
-	PTRACE_EVENT_FORK                    = 0x1
-	PTRACE_EVENT_SECCOMP                 = 0x7
-	PTRACE_EVENT_STOP                    = 0x80
-	PTRACE_EVENT_VFORK                   = 0x2
-	PTRACE_EVENT_VFORK_DONE              = 0x5
-	PTRACE_GETCRUNCHREGS                 = 0x19
-	PTRACE_GETEVENTMSG                   = 0x4201
-	PTRACE_GETFDPIC                      = 0x1f
-	PTRACE_GETFDPIC_EXEC                 = 0x0
-	PTRACE_GETFDPIC_INTERP               = 0x1
-	PTRACE_GETFPREGS                     = 0xe
-	PTRACE_GETHBPREGS                    = 0x1d
-	PTRACE_GETREGS                       = 0xc
-	PTRACE_GETREGSET                     = 0x4204
-	PTRACE_GETSIGINFO                    = 0x4202
-	PTRACE_GETSIGMASK                    = 0x420a
-	PTRACE_GETVFPREGS                    = 0x1b
-	PTRACE_GETWMMXREGS                   = 0x12
-	PTRACE_GET_THREAD_AREA               = 0x16
-	PTRACE_INTERRUPT                     = 0x4207
-	PTRACE_KILL                          = 0x8
-	PTRACE_LISTEN                        = 0x4208
-	PTRACE_OLDSETOPTIONS                 = 0x15
-	PTRACE_O_EXITKILL                    = 0x100000
-	PTRACE_O_MASK                        = 0x3000ff
-	PTRACE_O_SUSPEND_SECCOMP             = 0x200000
-	PTRACE_O_TRACECLONE                  = 0x8
-	PTRACE_O_TRACEEXEC                   = 0x10
-	PTRACE_O_TRACEEXIT                   = 0x40
-	PTRACE_O_TRACEFORK                   = 0x2
-	PTRACE_O_TRACESECCOMP                = 0x80
-	PTRACE_O_TRACESYSGOOD                = 0x1
-	PTRACE_O_TRACEVFORK                  = 0x4
-	PTRACE_O_TRACEVFORKDONE              = 0x20
-	PTRACE_PEEKDATA                      = 0x2
-	PTRACE_PEEKSIGINFO                   = 0x4209
-	PTRACE_PEEKTEXT                      = 0x1
-	PTRACE_PEEKUSR                       = 0x3
-	PTRACE_POKEDATA                      = 0x5
-	PTRACE_POKETEXT                      = 0x4
-	PTRACE_POKEUSR                       = 0x6
-	PTRACE_SECCOMP_GET_FILTER            = 0x420c
-	PTRACE_SEIZE                         = 0x4206
-	PTRACE_SETCRUNCHREGS                 = 0x1a
-	PTRACE_SETFPREGS                     = 0xf
-	PTRACE_SETHBPREGS                    = 0x1e
-	PTRACE_SETOPTIONS                    = 0x4200
-	PTRACE_SETREGS                       = 0xd
-	PTRACE_SETREGSET                     = 0x4205
-	PTRACE_SETSIGINFO                    = 0x4203
-	PTRACE_SETSIGMASK                    = 0x420b
-	PTRACE_SETVFPREGS                    = 0x1c
-	PTRACE_SETWMMXREGS                   = 0x13
-	PTRACE_SET_SYSCALL                   = 0x17
-	PTRACE_SINGLESTEP                    = 0x9
-	PTRACE_SYSCALL                       = 0x18
-	PTRACE_TRACEME                       = 0x0
-	PT_DATA_ADDR                         = 0x10004
-	PT_TEXT_ADDR                         = 0x10000
-	PT_TEXT_END_ADDR                     = 0x10008
-	QNX4_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0x2f
-	QNX6_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0x68191122
-	RAMFS_MAGIC                          = 0x858458f6
-	RDTGROUP_SUPER_MAGIC                 = 0x7655821
-	REISERFS_SUPER_MAGIC                 = 0x52654973
-	RENAME_EXCHANGE                      = 0x2
-	RENAME_NOREPLACE                     = 0x1
-	RENAME_WHITEOUT                      = 0x4
-	RLIMIT_AS                            = 0x9
-	RLIMIT_CORE                          = 0x4
-	RLIMIT_CPU                           = 0x0
-	RLIMIT_DATA                          = 0x2
-	RLIMIT_FSIZE                         = 0x1
-	RLIMIT_LOCKS                         = 0xa
-	RLIMIT_MEMLOCK                       = 0x8
-	RLIMIT_MSGQUEUE                      = 0xc
-	RLIMIT_NICE                          = 0xd
-	RLIMIT_NOFILE                        = 0x7
-	RLIMIT_NPROC                         = 0x6
-	RLIMIT_RSS                           = 0x5
-	RLIMIT_RTPRIO                        = 0xe
-	RLIMIT_RTTIME                        = 0xf
-	RLIMIT_SIGPENDING                    = 0xb
-	RLIMIT_STACK                         = 0x3
-	RLIM_INFINITY                        = 0xffffffffffffffff
-	RNDADDENTROPY                        = 0x40085203
-	RNDADDTOENTCNT                       = 0x40045201
-	RNDCLEARPOOL                         = 0x5206
-	RNDGETENTCNT                         = 0x80045200
-	RNDGETPOOL                           = 0x80085202
-	RNDRESEEDCRNG                        = 0x5207
-	RNDZAPENTCNT                         = 0x5204
-	RTAX_ADVMSS                          = 0x8
-	RTAX_CC_ALGO                         = 0x10
-	RTAX_CWND                            = 0x7
-	RTAX_FASTOPEN_NO_COOKIE              = 0x11
-	RTAX_FEATURES                        = 0xc
-	RTAX_FEATURE_ALLFRAG                 = 0x8
-	RTAX_FEATURE_ECN                     = 0x1
-	RTAX_FEATURE_MASK                    = 0xf
-	RTAX_FEATURE_SACK                    = 0x2
-	RTAX_FEATURE_TIMESTAMP               = 0x4
-	RTAX_HOPLIMIT                        = 0xa
-	RTAX_INITCWND                        = 0xb
-	RTAX_INITRWND                        = 0xe
-	RTAX_LOCK                            = 0x1
-	RTAX_MAX                             = 0x11
-	RTAX_MTU                             = 0x2
-	RTAX_QUICKACK                        = 0xf
-	RTAX_REORDERING                      = 0x9
-	RTAX_RTO_MIN                         = 0xd
-	RTAX_RTT                             = 0x4
-	RTAX_RTTVAR                          = 0x5
-	RTAX_SSTHRESH                        = 0x6
-	RTAX_UNSPEC                          = 0x0
-	RTAX_WINDOW                          = 0x3
-	RTA_ALIGNTO                          = 0x4
-	RTA_MAX                              = 0x1d
-	RTCF_DIRECTSRC                       = 0x4000000
-	RTCF_DOREDIRECT                      = 0x1000000
-	RTCF_LOG                             = 0x2000000
-	RTCF_MASQ                            = 0x400000
-	RTCF_NAT                             = 0x800000
-	RTCF_VALVE                           = 0x200000
-	RTC_AF                               = 0x20
-	RTC_AIE_OFF                          = 0x7002
-	RTC_AIE_ON                           = 0x7001
-	RTC_ALM_READ                         = 0x80247008
-	RTC_ALM_SET                          = 0x40247007
-	RTC_EPOCH_READ                       = 0x8004700d
-	RTC_EPOCH_SET                        = 0x4004700e
-	RTC_IRQF                             = 0x80
-	RTC_IRQP_READ                        = 0x8004700b
-	RTC_IRQP_SET                         = 0x4004700c
-	RTC_MAX_FREQ                         = 0x2000
-	RTC_PF                               = 0x40
-	RTC_PIE_OFF                          = 0x7006
-	RTC_PIE_ON                           = 0x7005
-	RTC_PLL_GET                          = 0x801c7011
-	RTC_PLL_SET                          = 0x401c7012
-	RTC_RD_TIME                          = 0x80247009
-	RTC_SET_TIME                         = 0x4024700a
-	RTC_UF                               = 0x10
-	RTC_UIE_OFF                          = 0x7004
-	RTC_UIE_ON                           = 0x7003
-	RTC_VL_CLR                           = 0x7014
-	RTC_VL_READ                          = 0x80047013
-	RTC_WIE_OFF                          = 0x7010
-	RTC_WIE_ON                           = 0x700f
-	RTC_WKALM_RD                         = 0x80287010
-	RTC_WKALM_SET                        = 0x4028700f
-	RTF_ADDRCLASSMASK                    = 0xf8000000
-	RTF_ADDRCONF                         = 0x40000
-	RTF_ALLONLINK                        = 0x20000
-	RTF_BROADCAST                        = 0x10000000
-	RTF_CACHE                            = 0x1000000
-	RTF_DEFAULT                          = 0x10000
-	RTF_DYNAMIC                          = 0x10
-	RTF_FLOW                             = 0x2000000
-	RTF_GATEWAY                          = 0x2
-	RTF_HOST                             = 0x4
-	RTF_INTERFACE                        = 0x40000000
-	RTF_IRTT                             = 0x100
-	RTF_LINKRT                           = 0x100000
-	RTF_LOCAL                            = 0x80000000
-	RTF_MODIFIED                         = 0x20
-	RTF_MSS                              = 0x40
-	RTF_MTU                              = 0x40
-	RTF_MULTICAST                        = 0x20000000
-	RTF_NAT                              = 0x8000000
-	RTF_NOFORWARD                        = 0x1000
-	RTF_NONEXTHOP                        = 0x200000
-	RTF_NOPMTUDISC                       = 0x4000
-	RTF_POLICY                           = 0x4000000
-	RTF_REINSTATE                        = 0x8
-	RTF_REJECT                           = 0x200
-	RTF_STATIC                           = 0x400
-	RTF_THROW                            = 0x2000
-	RTF_UP                               = 0x1
-	RTF_WINDOW                           = 0x80
-	RTF_XRESOLVE                         = 0x800
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-	RTM_DELACTION                        = 0x31
-	RTM_DELADDR                          = 0x15
-	RTM_DELADDRLABEL                     = 0x49
-	RTM_DELCHAIN                         = 0x65
-	RTM_DELLINK                          = 0x11
-	RTM_DELMDB                           = 0x55
-	RTM_DELNEIGH                         = 0x1d
-	RTM_DELNETCONF                       = 0x51
-	RTM_DELNSID                          = 0x59
-	RTM_DELQDISC                         = 0x25
-	RTM_DELROUTE                         = 0x19
-	RTM_DELRULE                          = 0x21
-	RTM_DELTCLASS                        = 0x29
-	RTM_DELTFILTER                       = 0x2d
-	RTM_F_CLONED                         = 0x200
-	RTM_F_EQUALIZE                       = 0x400
-	RTM_F_FIB_MATCH                      = 0x2000
-	RTM_F_LOOKUP_TABLE                   = 0x1000
-	RTM_F_NOTIFY                         = 0x100
-	RTM_F_PREFIX                         = 0x800
-	RTM_GETACTION                        = 0x32
-	RTM_GETADDR                          = 0x16
-	RTM_GETADDRLABEL                     = 0x4a
-	RTM_GETANYCAST                       = 0x3e
-	RTM_GETCHAIN                         = 0x66
-	RTM_GETDCB                           = 0x4e
-	RTM_GETLINK                          = 0x12
-	RTM_GETMDB                           = 0x56
-	RTM_GETMULTICAST                     = 0x3a
-	RTM_GETNEIGH                         = 0x1e
-	RTM_GETNEIGHTBL                      = 0x42
-	RTM_GETNETCONF                       = 0x52
-	RTM_GETNSID                          = 0x5a
-	RTM_GETQDISC                         = 0x26
-	RTM_GETROUTE                         = 0x1a
-	RTM_GETRULE                          = 0x22
-	RTM_GETSTATS                         = 0x5e
-	RTM_GETTCLASS                        = 0x2a
-	RTM_GETTFILTER                       = 0x2e
-	RTM_MAX                              = 0x67
-	RTM_NEWACTION                        = 0x30
-	RTM_NEWADDR                          = 0x14
-	RTM_NEWADDRLABEL                     = 0x48
-	RTM_NEWCACHEREPORT                   = 0x60
-	RTM_NEWCHAIN                         = 0x64
-	RTM_NEWLINK                          = 0x10
-	RTM_NEWMDB                           = 0x54
-	RTM_NEWNDUSEROPT                     = 0x44
-	RTM_NEWNEIGH                         = 0x1c
-	RTM_NEWNEIGHTBL                      = 0x40
-	RTM_NEWNETCONF                       = 0x50
-	RTM_NEWNSID                          = 0x58
-	RTM_NEWPREFIX                        = 0x34
-	RTM_NEWQDISC                         = 0x24
-	RTM_NEWROUTE                         = 0x18
-	RTM_NEWRULE                          = 0x20
-	RTM_NEWSTATS                         = 0x5c
-	RTM_NEWTCLASS                        = 0x28
-	RTM_NEWTFILTER                       = 0x2c
-	RTM_NR_FAMILIES                      = 0x16
-	RTM_NR_MSGTYPES                      = 0x58
-	RTM_SETDCB                           = 0x4f
-	RTM_SETLINK                          = 0x13
-	RTM_SETNEIGHTBL                      = 0x43
-	RTNH_ALIGNTO                         = 0x4
-	RTNH_COMPARE_MASK                    = 0x19
-	RTNH_F_DEAD                          = 0x1
-	RTNH_F_LINKDOWN                      = 0x10
-	RTNH_F_OFFLOAD                       = 0x8
-	RTNH_F_ONLINK                        = 0x4
-	RTNH_F_PERVASIVE                     = 0x2
-	RTNH_F_UNRESOLVED                    = 0x20
-	RTN_MAX                              = 0xb
-	RTPROT_BABEL                         = 0x2a
-	RTPROT_BGP                           = 0xba
-	RTPROT_BIRD                          = 0xc
-	RTPROT_BOOT                          = 0x3
-	RTPROT_DHCP                          = 0x10
-	RTPROT_DNROUTED                      = 0xd
-	RTPROT_EIGRP                         = 0xc0
-	RTPROT_GATED                         = 0x8
-	RTPROT_ISIS                          = 0xbb
-	RTPROT_KERNEL                        = 0x2
-	RTPROT_MROUTED                       = 0x11
-	RTPROT_MRT                           = 0xa
-	RTPROT_NTK                           = 0xf
-	RTPROT_OSPF                          = 0xbc
-	RTPROT_RA                            = 0x9
-	RTPROT_REDIRECT                      = 0x1
-	RTPROT_RIP                           = 0xbd
-	RTPROT_STATIC                        = 0x4
-	RTPROT_UNSPEC                        = 0x0
-	RTPROT_XORP                          = 0xe
-	RTPROT_ZEBRA                         = 0xb
-	RT_CLASS_DEFAULT                     = 0xfd
-	RT_CLASS_LOCAL                       = 0xff
-	RT_CLASS_MAIN                        = 0xfe
-	RT_CLASS_MAX                         = 0xff
-	RT_CLASS_UNSPEC                      = 0x0
-	RUSAGE_CHILDREN                      = -0x1
-	RUSAGE_SELF                          = 0x0
-	RUSAGE_THREAD                        = 0x1
-	SCM_CREDENTIALS                      = 0x2
-	SCM_RIGHTS                           = 0x1
-	SCM_TIMESTAMP                        = 0x1d
-	SCM_TIMESTAMPING                     = 0x25
-	SCM_TIMESTAMPING_PKTINFO             = 0x3a
-	SCM_TIMESTAMPNS                      = 0x23
-	SCM_TXTIME                           = 0x3d
-	SCM_WIFI_STATUS                      = 0x29
-	SC_LOG_FLUSH                         = 0x100000
-	SECCOMP_MODE_DISABLED                = 0x0
-	SECCOMP_MODE_FILTER                  = 0x2
-	SECCOMP_MODE_STRICT                  = 0x1
-	SECURITYFS_MAGIC                     = 0x73636673
-	SELINUX_MAGIC                        = 0xf97cff8c
-	SFD_CLOEXEC                          = 0x80000
-	SFD_NONBLOCK                         = 0x800
-	SHUT_RD                              = 0x0
-	SHUT_RDWR                            = 0x2
-	SHUT_WR                              = 0x1
-	SIOCADDDLCI                          = 0x8980
-	SIOCADDMULTI                         = 0x8931
-	SIOCADDRT                            = 0x890b
-	SIOCATMARK                           = 0x8905
-	SIOCBONDCHANGEACTIVE                 = 0x8995
-	SIOCBONDENSLAVE                      = 0x8990
-	SIOCBONDINFOQUERY                    = 0x8994
-	SIOCBONDRELEASE                      = 0x8991
-	SIOCBONDSETHWADDR                    = 0x8992
-	SIOCBONDSLAVEINFOQUERY               = 0x8993
-	SIOCBRADDBR                          = 0x89a0
-	SIOCBRADDIF                          = 0x89a2
-	SIOCBRDELBR                          = 0x89a1
-	SIOCBRDELIF                          = 0x89a3
-	SIOCDARP                             = 0x8953
-	SIOCDELDLCI                          = 0x8981
-	SIOCDELMULTI                         = 0x8932
-	SIOCDELRT                            = 0x890c
-	SIOCDEVPRIVATE                       = 0x89f0
-	SIOCDIFADDR                          = 0x8936
-	SIOCDRARP                            = 0x8960
-	SIOCETHTOOL                          = 0x8946
-	SIOCGARP                             = 0x8954
-	SIOCGHWTSTAMP                        = 0x89b1
-	SIOCGIFADDR                          = 0x8915
-	SIOCGIFBR                            = 0x8940
-	SIOCGIFBRDADDR                       = 0x8919
-	SIOCGIFCONF                          = 0x8912
-	SIOCGIFCOUNT                         = 0x8938
-	SIOCGIFDSTADDR                       = 0x8917
-	SIOCGIFENCAP                         = 0x8925
-	SIOCGIFFLAGS                         = 0x8913
-	SIOCGIFHWADDR                        = 0x8927
-	SIOCGIFINDEX                         = 0x8933
-	SIOCGIFMAP                           = 0x8970
-	SIOCGIFMEM                           = 0x891f
-	SIOCGIFMETRIC                        = 0x891d
-	SIOCGIFMTU                           = 0x8921
-	SIOCGIFNAME                          = 0x8910
-	SIOCGIFNETMASK                       = 0x891b
-	SIOCGIFPFLAGS                        = 0x8935
-	SIOCGIFSLAVE                         = 0x8929
-	SIOCGIFTXQLEN                        = 0x8942
-	SIOCGIFVLAN                          = 0x8982
-	SIOCGMIIPHY                          = 0x8947
-	SIOCGMIIREG                          = 0x8948
-	SIOCGPGRP                            = 0x8904
-	SIOCGPPPCSTATS                       = 0x89f2
-	SIOCGPPPSTATS                        = 0x89f0
-	SIOCGPPPVER                          = 0x89f1
-	SIOCGRARP                            = 0x8961
-	SIOCGSKNS                            = 0x894c
-	SIOCGSTAMP                           = 0x8906
-	SIOCGSTAMPNS                         = 0x8907
-	SIOCGSTAMPNS_NEW                     = 0x80108907
-	SIOCGSTAMPNS_OLD                     = 0x8907
-	SIOCGSTAMP_NEW                       = 0x80108906
-	SIOCGSTAMP_OLD                       = 0x8906
-	SIOCINQ                              = 0x541b
-	SIOCOUTQ                             = 0x5411
-	SIOCOUTQNSD                          = 0x894b
-	SIOCPROTOPRIVATE                     = 0x89e0
-	SIOCRTMSG                            = 0x890d
-	SIOCSARP                             = 0x8955
-	SIOCSHWTSTAMP                        = 0x89b0
-	SIOCSIFADDR                          = 0x8916
-	SIOCSIFBR                            = 0x8941
-	SIOCSIFBRDADDR                       = 0x891a
-	SIOCSIFDSTADDR                       = 0x8918
-	SIOCSIFENCAP                         = 0x8926
-	SIOCSIFFLAGS                         = 0x8914
-	SIOCSIFHWADDR                        = 0x8924
-	SIOCSIFHWBROADCAST                   = 0x8937
-	SIOCSIFLINK                          = 0x8911
-	SIOCSIFMAP                           = 0x8971
-	SIOCSIFMEM                           = 0x8920
-	SIOCSIFMETRIC                        = 0x891e
-	SIOCSIFMTU                           = 0x8922
-	SIOCSIFNAME                          = 0x8923
-	SIOCSIFNETMASK                       = 0x891c
-	SIOCSIFPFLAGS                        = 0x8934
-	SIOCSIFSLAVE                         = 0x8930
-	SIOCSIFTXQLEN                        = 0x8943
-	SIOCSIFVLAN                          = 0x8983
-	SIOCSMIIREG                          = 0x8949
-	SIOCSPGRP                            = 0x8902
-	SIOCSRARP                            = 0x8962
-	SIOCWANDEV                           = 0x894a
-	SMACK_MAGIC                          = 0x43415d53
-	SMART_AUTOSAVE                       = 0xd2
-	SMART_AUTO_OFFLINE                   = 0xdb
-	SMART_DISABLE                        = 0xd9
-	SMART_ENABLE                         = 0xd8
-	SMART_HCYL_PASS                      = 0xc2
-	SMART_IMMEDIATE_OFFLINE              = 0xd4
-	SMART_LCYL_PASS                      = 0x4f
-	SMART_READ_LOG_SECTOR                = 0xd5
-	SMART_READ_THRESHOLDS                = 0xd1
-	SMART_READ_VALUES                    = 0xd0
-	SMART_SAVE                           = 0xd3
-	SMART_STATUS                         = 0xda
-	SMART_WRITE_LOG_SECTOR               = 0xd6
-	SMART_WRITE_THRESHOLDS               = 0xd7
-	SMB_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x517b
-	SOCKFS_MAGIC                         = 0x534f434b
-	SOCK_CLOEXEC                         = 0x80000
-	SOCK_DCCP                            = 0x6
-	SOCK_DGRAM                           = 0x2
-	SOCK_IOC_TYPE                        = 0x89
-	SOCK_NONBLOCK                        = 0x800
-	SOCK_PACKET                          = 0xa
-	SOCK_RAW                             = 0x3
-	SOCK_RDM                             = 0x4
-	SOCK_SEQPACKET                       = 0x5
-	SOCK_STREAM                          = 0x1
-	SOL_AAL                              = 0x109
-	SOL_ALG                              = 0x117
-	SOL_ATM                              = 0x108
-	SOL_CAIF                             = 0x116
-	SOL_CAN_BASE                         = 0x64
-	SOL_DCCP                             = 0x10d
-	SOL_DECNET                           = 0x105
-	SOL_ICMPV6                           = 0x3a
-	SOL_IP                               = 0x0
-	SOL_IPV6                             = 0x29
-	SOL_IRDA                             = 0x10a
-	SOL_IUCV                             = 0x115
-	SOL_KCM                              = 0x119
-	SOL_LLC                              = 0x10c
-	SOL_NETBEUI                          = 0x10b
-	SOL_NETLINK                          = 0x10e
-	SOL_NFC                              = 0x118
-	SOL_PACKET                           = 0x107
-	SOL_PNPIPE                           = 0x113
-	SOL_PPPOL2TP                         = 0x111
-	SOL_RAW                              = 0xff
-	SOL_RDS                              = 0x114
-	SOL_RXRPC                            = 0x110
-	SOL_SOCKET                           = 0x1
-	SOL_TCP                              = 0x6
-	SOL_TIPC                             = 0x10f
-	SOL_TLS                              = 0x11a
-	SOL_X25                              = 0x106
-	SOL_XDP                              = 0x11b
-	SOMAXCONN                            = 0x80
-	SO_ACCEPTCONN                        = 0x1e
-	SO_ATTACH_BPF                        = 0x32
-	SO_ATTACH_FILTER                     = 0x1a
-	SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_CBPF             = 0x33
-	SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_EBPF             = 0x34
-	SO_BINDTODEVICE                      = 0x19
-	SO_BINDTOIFINDEX                     = 0x3e
-	SO_BPF_EXTENSIONS                    = 0x30
-	SO_BROADCAST                         = 0x6
-	SO_BSDCOMPAT                         = 0xe
-	SO_BUSY_POLL                         = 0x2e
-	SO_CNX_ADVICE                        = 0x35
-	SO_COOKIE                            = 0x39
-	SO_DEBUG                             = 0x1
-	SO_DETACH_BPF                        = 0x1b
-	SO_DETACH_FILTER                     = 0x1b
-	SO_DOMAIN                            = 0x27
-	SO_DONTROUTE                         = 0x5
-	SO_EE_CODE_TXTIME_MISSED             = 0x2
-	SO_EE_CODE_ZEROCOPY_COPIED           = 0x1
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_ICMP                    = 0x2
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_ICMP6                   = 0x3
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_LOCAL                   = 0x1
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_NONE                    = 0x0
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_TIMESTAMPING            = 0x4
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_TXSTATUS                = 0x4
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_TXTIME                  = 0x6
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_ZEROCOPY                = 0x5
-	SO_ERROR                             = 0x4
-	SO_GET_FILTER                        = 0x1a
-	SO_INCOMING_CPU                      = 0x31
-	SO_INCOMING_NAPI_ID                  = 0x38
-	SO_KEEPALIVE                         = 0x9
-	SO_LINGER                            = 0xd
-	SO_LOCK_FILTER                       = 0x2c
-	SO_MARK                              = 0x24
-	SO_MAX_PACING_RATE                   = 0x2f
-	SO_MEMINFO                           = 0x37
-	SO_NOFCS                             = 0x2b
-	SO_NO_CHECK                          = 0xb
-	SO_OOBINLINE                         = 0xa
-	SO_PASSCRED                          = 0x10
-	SO_PASSSEC                           = 0x22
-	SO_PEEK_OFF                          = 0x2a
-	SO_PEERCRED                          = 0x11
-	SO_PEERGROUPS                        = 0x3b
-	SO_PEERNAME                          = 0x1c
-	SO_PEERSEC                           = 0x1f
-	SO_PRIORITY                          = 0xc
-	SO_PROTOCOL                          = 0x26
-	SO_RCVBUF                            = 0x8
-	SO_RCVBUFFORCE                       = 0x21
-	SO_RCVLOWAT                          = 0x12
-	SO_RCVTIMEO                          = 0x14
-	SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW                      = 0x42
-	SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD                      = 0x14
-	SO_REUSEADDR                         = 0x2
-	SO_REUSEPORT                         = 0xf
-	SO_RXQ_OVFL                          = 0x28
-	SO_SELECT_ERR_QUEUE                  = 0x2d
-	SO_SNDBUF                            = 0x7
-	SO_SNDBUFFORCE                       = 0x20
-	SO_SNDLOWAT                          = 0x13
-	SO_SNDTIMEO                          = 0x15
-	SO_SNDTIMEO_NEW                      = 0x43
-	SO_SNDTIMEO_OLD                      = 0x15
-	SO_TIMESTAMP                         = 0x1d
-	SO_TIMESTAMPING                      = 0x25
-	SO_TIMESTAMPING_NEW                  = 0x41
-	SO_TIMESTAMPING_OLD                  = 0x25
-	SO_TIMESTAMPNS                       = 0x23
-	SO_TIMESTAMPNS_NEW                   = 0x40
-	SO_TIMESTAMPNS_OLD                   = 0x23
-	SO_TIMESTAMP_NEW                     = 0x3f
-	SO_TIMESTAMP_OLD                     = 0x1d
-	SO_TXTIME                            = 0x3d
-	SO_TYPE                              = 0x3
-	SO_VM_SOCKETS_BUFFER_SIZE            = 0x0
-	SO_VM_SOCKETS_TRUSTED                = 0x5
-	SO_WIFI_STATUS                       = 0x29
-	SO_ZEROCOPY                          = 0x3c
-	SPLICE_F_GIFT                        = 0x8
-	SPLICE_F_MORE                        = 0x4
-	SPLICE_F_MOVE                        = 0x1
-	SPLICE_F_NONBLOCK                    = 0x2
-	SQUASHFS_MAGIC                       = 0x73717368
-	STACK_END_MAGIC                      = 0x57ac6e9d
-	STATX_ALL                            = 0xfff
-	STATX_ATIME                          = 0x20
-	STATX_ATTR_APPEND                    = 0x20
-	STATX_ATTR_AUTOMOUNT                 = 0x1000
-	STATX_ATTR_COMPRESSED                = 0x4
-	STATX_ATTR_ENCRYPTED                 = 0x800
-	STATX_ATTR_IMMUTABLE                 = 0x10
-	STATX_ATTR_NODUMP                    = 0x40
-	STATX_BASIC_STATS                    = 0x7ff
-	STATX_BLOCKS                         = 0x400
-	STATX_BTIME                          = 0x800
-	STATX_CTIME                          = 0x80
-	STATX_GID                            = 0x10
-	STATX_INO                            = 0x100
-	STATX_MODE                           = 0x2
-	STATX_MTIME                          = 0x40
-	STATX_NLINK                          = 0x4
-	STATX_SIZE                           = 0x200
-	STATX_TYPE                           = 0x1
-	STATX_UID                            = 0x8
-	STATX__RESERVED                      = 0x80000000
-	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WAIT_AFTER           = 0x4
-	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WRITE                = 0x2
-	SYSFS_MAGIC                          = 0x62656572
-	S_BLKSIZE                            = 0x200
-	S_IEXEC                              = 0x40
-	S_IFBLK                              = 0x6000
-	S_IFCHR                              = 0x2000
-	S_IFDIR                              = 0x4000
-	S_IFIFO                              = 0x1000
-	S_IFLNK                              = 0xa000
-	S_IFMT                               = 0xf000
-	S_IFREG                              = 0x8000
-	S_IFSOCK                             = 0xc000
-	S_IREAD                              = 0x100
-	S_IRGRP                              = 0x20
-	S_IROTH                              = 0x4
-	S_IRUSR                              = 0x100
-	S_IRWXG                              = 0x38
-	S_IRWXO                              = 0x7
-	S_IRWXU                              = 0x1c0
-	S_ISGID                              = 0x400
-	S_ISUID                              = 0x800
-	S_ISVTX                              = 0x200
-	S_IWGRP                              = 0x10
-	S_IWOTH                              = 0x2
-	S_IWRITE                             = 0x80
-	S_IWUSR                              = 0x80
-	S_IXGRP                              = 0x8
-	S_IXOTH                              = 0x1
-	S_IXUSR                              = 0x40
-	TAB0                                 = 0x0
-	TAB1                                 = 0x800
-	TAB2                                 = 0x1000
-	TAB3                                 = 0x1800
-	TABDLY                               = 0x1800
-	TASKSTATS_CMD_ATTR_MAX               = 0x4
-	TASKSTATS_CMD_MAX                    = 0x2
-	TASKSTATS_GENL_NAME                  = "TASKSTATS"
-	TASKSTATS_GENL_VERSION               = 0x1
-	TASKSTATS_TYPE_MAX                   = 0x6
-	TASKSTATS_VERSION                    = 0x9
-	TCFLSH                               = 0x540b
-	TCGETA                               = 0x5405
-	TCGETS                               = 0x5401
-	TCGETS2                              = 0x802c542a
-	TCGETX                               = 0x5432
-	TCIFLUSH                             = 0x0
-	TCIOFF                               = 0x2
-	TCIOFLUSH                            = 0x2
-	TCION                                = 0x3
-	TCOFLUSH                             = 0x1
-	TCOOFF                               = 0x0
-	TCOON                                = 0x1
-	TCP_BPF_IW                           = 0x3e9
-	TCP_BPF_SNDCWND_CLAMP                = 0x3ea
-	TCP_CC_INFO                          = 0x1a
-	TCP_CM_INQ                           = 0x24
-	TCP_CONGESTION                       = 0xd
-	TCP_COOKIE_IN_ALWAYS                 = 0x1
-	TCP_COOKIE_MAX                       = 0x10
-	TCP_COOKIE_MIN                       = 0x8
-	TCP_COOKIE_OUT_NEVER                 = 0x2
-	TCP_COOKIE_PAIR_SIZE                 = 0x20
-	TCP_COOKIE_TRANSACTIONS              = 0xf
-	TCP_CORK                             = 0x3
-	TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT                     = 0x9
-	TCP_FASTOPEN                         = 0x17
-	TCP_FASTOPEN_CONNECT                 = 0x1e
-	TCP_FASTOPEN_KEY                     = 0x21
-	TCP_FASTOPEN_NO_COOKIE               = 0x22
-	TCP_INFO                             = 0xb
-	TCP_INQ                              = 0x24
-	TCP_KEEPCNT                          = 0x6
-	TCP_KEEPIDLE                         = 0x4
-	TCP_KEEPINTVL                        = 0x5
-	TCP_LINGER2                          = 0x8
-	TCP_MAXSEG                           = 0x2
-	TCP_MAXWIN                           = 0xffff
-	TCP_MAX_WINSHIFT                     = 0xe
-	TCP_MD5SIG                           = 0xe
-	TCP_MD5SIG_EXT                       = 0x20
-	TCP_MD5SIG_FLAG_PREFIX               = 0x1
-	TCP_MD5SIG_MAXKEYLEN                 = 0x50
-	TCP_MSS                              = 0x200
-	TCP_MSS_DEFAULT                      = 0x218
-	TCP_MSS_DESIRED                      = 0x4c4
-	TCP_NODELAY                          = 0x1
-	TCP_NOTSENT_LOWAT                    = 0x19
-	TCP_QUEUE_SEQ                        = 0x15
-	TCP_QUICKACK                         = 0xc
-	TCP_REPAIR                           = 0x13
-	TCP_REPAIR_OFF                       = 0x0
-	TCP_REPAIR_OFF_NO_WP                 = -0x1
-	TCP_REPAIR_ON                        = 0x1
-	TCP_REPAIR_OPTIONS                   = 0x16
-	TCP_REPAIR_QUEUE                     = 0x14
-	TCP_REPAIR_WINDOW                    = 0x1d
-	TCP_SAVED_SYN                        = 0x1c
-	TCP_SAVE_SYN                         = 0x1b
-	TCP_SYNCNT                           = 0x7
-	TCP_S_DATA_IN                        = 0x4
-	TCP_S_DATA_OUT                       = 0x8
-	TCP_THIN_DUPACK                      = 0x11
-	TCP_THIN_LINEAR_TIMEOUTS             = 0x10
-	TCP_TIMESTAMP                        = 0x18
-	TCP_ULP                              = 0x1f
-	TCP_USER_TIMEOUT                     = 0x12
-	TCP_WINDOW_CLAMP                     = 0xa
-	TCP_ZEROCOPY_RECEIVE                 = 0x23
-	TCSAFLUSH                            = 0x2
-	TCSBRK                               = 0x5409
-	TCSBRKP                              = 0x5425
-	TCSETA                               = 0x5406
-	TCSETAF                              = 0x5408
-	TCSETAW                              = 0x5407
-	TCSETS                               = 0x5402
-	TCSETS2                              = 0x402c542b
-	TCSETSF                              = 0x5404
-	TCSETSF2                             = 0x402c542d
-	TCSETSW                              = 0x5403
-	TCSETSW2                             = 0x402c542c
-	TCSETX                               = 0x5433
-	TCSETXF                              = 0x5434
-	TCSETXW                              = 0x5435
-	TCXONC                               = 0x540a
-	TIMER_ABSTIME                        = 0x1
-	TIOCCBRK                             = 0x5428
-	TIOCCONS                             = 0x541d
-	TIOCEXCL                             = 0x540c
-	TIOCGDEV                             = 0x80045432
-	TIOCGETD                             = 0x5424
-	TIOCGEXCL                            = 0x80045440
-	TIOCGICOUNT                          = 0x545d
-	TIOCGISO7816                         = 0x80285442
-	TIOCGLCKTRMIOS                       = 0x5456
-	TIOCGPGRP                            = 0x540f
-	TIOCGPKT                             = 0x80045438
-	TIOCGPTLCK                           = 0x80045439
-	TIOCGPTN                             = 0x80045430
-	TIOCGPTPEER                          = 0x5441
-	TIOCGRS485                           = 0x542e
-	TIOCGSERIAL                          = 0x541e
-	TIOCGSID                             = 0x5429
-	TIOCGSOFTCAR                         = 0x5419
-	TIOCGWINSZ                           = 0x5413
-	TIOCINQ                              = 0x541b
-	TIOCLINUX                            = 0x541c
-	TIOCMBIC                             = 0x5417
-	TIOCMBIS                             = 0x5416
-	TIOCMGET                             = 0x5415
-	TIOCMIWAIT                           = 0x545c
-	TIOCMSET                             = 0x5418
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-	TIOCM_CD                             = 0x40
-	TIOCM_CTS                            = 0x20
-	TIOCM_DSR                            = 0x100
-	TIOCM_DTR                            = 0x2
-	TIOCM_LE                             = 0x1
-	TIOCM_RI                             = 0x80
-	TIOCM_RNG                            = 0x80
-	TIOCM_RTS                            = 0x4
-	TIOCM_SR                             = 0x10
-	TIOCM_ST                             = 0x8
-	TIOCNOTTY                            = 0x5422
-	TIOCNXCL                             = 0x540d
-	TIOCOUTQ                             = 0x5411
-	TIOCPKT                              = 0x5420
-	TIOCPKT_DATA                         = 0x0
-	TIOCPKT_DOSTOP                       = 0x20
-	TIOCPKT_FLUSHREAD                    = 0x1
-	TIOCPKT_FLUSHWRITE                   = 0x2
-	TIOCPKT_IOCTL                        = 0x40
-	TIOCPKT_NOSTOP                       = 0x10
-	TIOCPKT_START                        = 0x8
-	TIOCPKT_STOP                         = 0x4
-	TIOCSBRK                             = 0x5427
-	TIOCSCTTY                            = 0x540e
-	TIOCSERCONFIG                        = 0x5453
-	TIOCSERGETLSR                        = 0x5459
-	TIOCSERGETMULTI                      = 0x545a
-	TIOCSERGSTRUCT                       = 0x5458
-	TIOCSERGWILD                         = 0x5454
-	TIOCSERSETMULTI                      = 0x545b
-	TIOCSERSWILD                         = 0x5455
-	TIOCSER_TEMT                         = 0x1
-	TIOCSETD                             = 0x5423
-	TIOCSIG                              = 0x40045436
-	TIOCSISO7816                         = 0xc0285443
-	TIOCSLCKTRMIOS                       = 0x5457
-	TIOCSPGRP                            = 0x5410
-	TIOCSPTLCK                           = 0x40045431
-	TIOCSRS485                           = 0x542f
-	TIOCSSERIAL                          = 0x541f
-	TIOCSSOFTCAR                         = 0x541a
-	TIOCSTI                              = 0x5412
-	TIOCSWINSZ                           = 0x5414
-	TIOCVHANGUP                          = 0x5437
-	TMPFS_MAGIC                          = 0x1021994
-	TOSTOP                               = 0x100
-	TPACKET_ALIGNMENT                    = 0x10
-	TPACKET_HDRLEN                       = 0x34
-	TP_STATUS_AVAILABLE                  = 0x0
-	TP_STATUS_BLK_TMO                    = 0x20
-	TP_STATUS_COPY                       = 0x2
-	TP_STATUS_CSUMNOTREADY               = 0x8
-	TP_STATUS_CSUM_VALID                 = 0x80
-	TP_STATUS_KERNEL                     = 0x0
-	TP_STATUS_LOSING                     = 0x4
-	TP_STATUS_SENDING                    = 0x2
-	TP_STATUS_SEND_REQUEST               = 0x1
-	TP_STATUS_TS_RAW_HARDWARE            = -0x80000000
-	TP_STATUS_TS_SOFTWARE                = 0x20000000
-	TP_STATUS_TS_SYS_HARDWARE            = 0x40000000
-	TP_STATUS_USER                       = 0x1
-	TP_STATUS_VLAN_TPID_VALID            = 0x40
-	TP_STATUS_VLAN_VALID                 = 0x10
-	TP_STATUS_WRONG_FORMAT               = 0x4
-	TRACEFS_MAGIC                        = 0x74726163
-	TS_COMM_LEN                          = 0x20
-	TUNATTACHFILTER                      = 0x400854d5
-	TUNDETACHFILTER                      = 0x400854d6
-	TUNGETDEVNETNS                       = 0x54e3
-	TUNGETFEATURES                       = 0x800454cf
-	TUNGETFILTER                         = 0x800854db
-	TUNGETIFF                            = 0x800454d2
-	TUNGETSNDBUF                         = 0x800454d3
-	TUNGETVNETBE                         = 0x800454df
-	TUNGETVNETHDRSZ                      = 0x800454d7
-	TUNGETVNETLE                         = 0x800454dd
-	TUNSETCARRIER                        = 0x400454e2
-	TUNSETDEBUG                          = 0x400454c9
-	TUNSETFILTEREBPF                     = 0x800454e1
-	TUNSETGROUP                          = 0x400454ce
-	TUNSETIFF                            = 0x400454ca
-	TUNSETIFINDEX                        = 0x400454da
-	TUNSETLINK                           = 0x400454cd
-	TUNSETNOCSUM                         = 0x400454c8
-	TUNSETOFFLOAD                        = 0x400454d0
-	TUNSETOWNER                          = 0x400454cc
-	TUNSETPERSIST                        = 0x400454cb
-	TUNSETQUEUE                          = 0x400454d9
-	TUNSETSNDBUF                         = 0x400454d4
-	TUNSETSTEERINGEBPF                   = 0x800454e0
-	TUNSETTXFILTER                       = 0x400454d1
-	TUNSETVNETBE                         = 0x400454de
-	TUNSETVNETHDRSZ                      = 0x400454d8
-	TUNSETVNETLE                         = 0x400454dc
-	UBI_IOCATT                           = 0x40186f40
-	UBI_IOCDET                           = 0x40046f41
-	UBI_IOCEBCH                          = 0x40044f02
-	UBI_IOCEBER                          = 0x40044f01
-	UBI_IOCEBISMAP                       = 0x80044f05
-	UBI_IOCEBMAP                         = 0x40084f03
-	UBI_IOCEBUNMAP                       = 0x40044f04
-	UBI_IOCMKVOL                         = 0x40986f00
-	UBI_IOCRMVOL                         = 0x40046f01
-	UBI_IOCRNVOL                         = 0x51106f03
-	UBI_IOCRPEB                          = 0x40046f04
-	UBI_IOCRSVOL                         = 0x400c6f02
-	UBI_IOCSETVOLPROP                    = 0x40104f06
-	UBI_IOCSPEB                          = 0x40046f05
-	UBI_IOCVOLCRBLK                      = 0x40804f07
-	UBI_IOCVOLRMBLK                      = 0x4f08
-	UBI_IOCVOLUP                         = 0x40084f00
-	UDF_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x15013346
-	UMOUNT_NOFOLLOW                      = 0x8
-	USBDEVICE_SUPER_MAGIC                = 0x9fa2
-	UTIME_NOW                            = 0x3fffffff
-	UTIME_OMIT                           = 0x3ffffffe
-	V9FS_MAGIC                           = 0x1021997
-	VDISCARD                             = 0xd
-	VEOF                                 = 0x4
-	VEOL                                 = 0xb
-	VEOL2                                = 0x10
-	VERASE                               = 0x2
-	VINTR                                = 0x0
-	VKILL                                = 0x3
-	VLNEXT                               = 0xf
-	VMADDR_CID_ANY                       = 0xffffffff
-	VMADDR_CID_HOST                      = 0x2
-	VMADDR_CID_HYPERVISOR                = 0x0
-	VMADDR_CID_RESERVED                  = 0x1
-	VMADDR_PORT_ANY                      = 0xffffffff
-	VMIN                                 = 0x6
-	VM_SOCKETS_INVALID_VERSION           = 0xffffffff
-	VQUIT                                = 0x1
-	VREPRINT                             = 0xc
-	VSTART                               = 0x8
-	VSTOP                                = 0x9
-	VSUSP                                = 0xa
-	VSWTC                                = 0x7
-	VT0                                  = 0x0
-	VT1                                  = 0x4000
-	VTDLY                                = 0x4000
-	VTIME                                = 0x5
-	VWERASE                              = 0xe
-	WALL                                 = 0x40000000
-	WCLONE                               = 0x80000000
-	WCONTINUED                           = 0x8
-	WDIOC_GETBOOTSTATUS                  = 0x80045702
-	WDIOC_GETPRETIMEOUT                  = 0x80045709
-	WDIOC_GETSTATUS                      = 0x80045701
-	WDIOC_GETSUPPORT                     = 0x80285700
-	WDIOC_GETTEMP                        = 0x80045703
-	WDIOC_GETTIMELEFT                    = 0x8004570a
-	WDIOC_GETTIMEOUT                     = 0x80045707
-	WDIOC_KEEPALIVE                      = 0x80045705
-	WDIOC_SETOPTIONS                     = 0x80045704
-	WDIOC_SETPRETIMEOUT                  = 0xc0045708
-	WDIOC_SETTIMEOUT                     = 0xc0045706
-	WEXITED                              = 0x4
-	WIN_ACKMEDIACHANGE                   = 0xdb
-	WIN_CHECKPOWERMODE1                  = 0xe5
-	WIN_CHECKPOWERMODE2                  = 0x98
-	WIN_DEVICE_RESET                     = 0x8
-	WIN_DIAGNOSE                         = 0x90
-	WIN_DOORLOCK                         = 0xde
-	WIN_DOORUNLOCK                       = 0xdf
-	WIN_DOWNLOAD_MICROCODE               = 0x92
-	WIN_FLUSH_CACHE                      = 0xe7
-	WIN_FLUSH_CACHE_EXT                  = 0xea
-	WIN_FORMAT                           = 0x50
-	WIN_GETMEDIASTATUS                   = 0xda
-	WIN_IDENTIFY                         = 0xec
-	WIN_IDENTIFY_DMA                     = 0xee
-	WIN_IDLEIMMEDIATE                    = 0xe1
-	WIN_INIT                             = 0x60
-	WIN_MEDIAEJECT                       = 0xed
-	WIN_MULTREAD                         = 0xc4
-	WIN_MULTREAD_EXT                     = 0x29
-	WIN_MULTWRITE                        = 0xc5
-	WIN_MULTWRITE_EXT                    = 0x39
-	WIN_NOP                              = 0x0
-	WIN_PACKETCMD                        = 0xa0
-	WIN_PIDENTIFY                        = 0xa1
-	WIN_POSTBOOT                         = 0xdc
-	WIN_PREBOOT                          = 0xdd
-	WIN_QUEUED_SERVICE                   = 0xa2
-	WIN_READ                             = 0x20
-	WIN_READDMA                          = 0xc8
-	WIN_READDMA_EXT                      = 0x25
-	WIN_READDMA_ONCE                     = 0xc9
-	WIN_READDMA_QUEUED                   = 0xc7
-	WIN_READDMA_QUEUED_EXT               = 0x26
-	WIN_READ_BUFFER                      = 0xe4
-	WIN_READ_EXT                         = 0x24
-	WIN_READ_LONG                        = 0x22
-	WIN_READ_LONG_ONCE                   = 0x23
-	WIN_READ_NATIVE_MAX                  = 0xf8
-	WIN_READ_NATIVE_MAX_EXT              = 0x27
-	WIN_READ_ONCE                        = 0x21
-	WIN_RECAL                            = 0x10
-	WIN_RESTORE                          = 0x10
-	WIN_SECURITY_DISABLE                 = 0xf6
-	WIN_SECURITY_ERASE_UNIT              = 0xf4
-	WIN_SECURITY_FREEZE_LOCK             = 0xf5
-	WIN_SECURITY_SET_PASS                = 0xf1
-	WIN_SECURITY_UNLOCK                  = 0xf2
-	WIN_SEEK                             = 0x70
-	WIN_SETFEATURES                      = 0xef
-	WIN_SETIDLE1                         = 0xe3
-	WIN_SETIDLE2                         = 0x97
-	WIN_SETMULT                          = 0xc6
-	WIN_SET_MAX                          = 0xf9
-	WIN_SET_MAX_EXT                      = 0x37
-	WIN_SLEEPNOW1                        = 0xe6
-	WIN_SLEEPNOW2                        = 0x99
-	WIN_SMART                            = 0xb0
-	WIN_SPECIFY                          = 0x91
-	WIN_SRST                             = 0x8
-	WIN_STANDBY                          = 0xe2
-	WIN_STANDBY2                         = 0x96
-	WIN_STANDBYNOW1                      = 0xe0
-	WIN_STANDBYNOW2                      = 0x94
-	WIN_VERIFY                           = 0x40
-	WIN_VERIFY_EXT                       = 0x42
-	WIN_VERIFY_ONCE                      = 0x41
-	WIN_WRITE                            = 0x30
-	WIN_WRITEDMA                         = 0xca
-	WIN_WRITEDMA_EXT                     = 0x35
-	WIN_WRITEDMA_ONCE                    = 0xcb
-	WIN_WRITEDMA_QUEUED                  = 0xcc
-	WIN_WRITEDMA_QUEUED_EXT              = 0x36
-	WIN_WRITE_BUFFER                     = 0xe8
-	WIN_WRITE_EXT                        = 0x34
-	WIN_WRITE_LONG                       = 0x32
-	WIN_WRITE_LONG_ONCE                  = 0x33
-	WIN_WRITE_ONCE                       = 0x31
-	WIN_WRITE_SAME                       = 0xe9
-	WIN_WRITE_VERIFY                     = 0x3c
-	WNOHANG                              = 0x1
-	WNOTHREAD                            = 0x20000000
-	WNOWAIT                              = 0x1000000
-	WORDSIZE                             = 0x20
-	WSTOPPED                             = 0x2
-	WUNTRACED                            = 0x2
-	XATTR_CREATE                         = 0x1
-	XATTR_REPLACE                        = 0x2
-	XCASE                                = 0x4
-	XDP_COPY                             = 0x2
-	XDP_FLAGS_DRV_MODE                   = 0x4
-	XDP_FLAGS_HW_MODE                    = 0x8
-	XDP_FLAGS_MASK                       = 0xf
-	XDP_FLAGS_MODES                      = 0xe
-	XDP_FLAGS_SKB_MODE                   = 0x2
-	XDP_MMAP_OFFSETS                     = 0x1
-	XDP_PACKET_HEADROOM                  = 0x100
-	XDP_PGOFF_RX_RING                    = 0x0
-	XDP_PGOFF_TX_RING                    = 0x80000000
-	XDP_RX_RING                          = 0x2
-	XDP_SHARED_UMEM                      = 0x1
-	XDP_STATISTICS                       = 0x7
-	XDP_TX_RING                          = 0x3
-	XDP_UMEM_COMPLETION_RING             = 0x6
-	XDP_UMEM_FILL_RING                   = 0x5
-	XDP_UMEM_PGOFF_COMPLETION_RING       = 0x180000000
-	XDP_UMEM_PGOFF_FILL_RING             = 0x100000000
-	XDP_UMEM_REG                         = 0x4
-	XDP_ZEROCOPY                         = 0x4
-	XENFS_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0xabba1974
-	XFS_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x58465342
-	XTABS                                = 0x1800
-	ZSMALLOC_MAGIC                       = 0x58295829
+	AAFS_MAGIC                                  = 0x5a3c69f0
+	ADFS_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xadf5
+	AFFS_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xadff
+	AFS_FS_MAGIC                                = 0x6b414653
+	AFS_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x5346414f
+	AF_ALG                                      = 0x26
+	AF_APPLETALK                                = 0x5
+	AF_ASH                                      = 0x12
+	AF_ATMPVC                                   = 0x8
+	AF_ATMSVC                                   = 0x14
+	AF_AX25                                     = 0x3
+	AF_BLUETOOTH                                = 0x1f
+	AF_BRIDGE                                   = 0x7
+	AF_CAIF                                     = 0x25
+	AF_CAN                                      = 0x1d
+	AF_DECnet                                   = 0xc
+	AF_ECONET                                   = 0x13
+	AF_FILE                                     = 0x1
+	AF_IB                                       = 0x1b
+	AF_IEEE802154                               = 0x24
+	AF_INET                                     = 0x2
+	AF_INET6                                    = 0xa
+	AF_IPX                                      = 0x4
+	AF_IRDA                                     = 0x17
+	AF_ISDN                                     = 0x22
+	AF_IUCV                                     = 0x20
+	AF_KCM                                      = 0x29
+	AF_KEY                                      = 0xf
+	AF_LLC                                      = 0x1a
+	AF_LOCAL                                    = 0x1
+	AF_MAX                                      = 0x2d
+	AF_MPLS                                     = 0x1c
+	AF_NETBEUI                                  = 0xd
+	AF_NETLINK                                  = 0x10
+	AF_NETROM                                   = 0x6
+	AF_NFC                                      = 0x27
+	AF_PACKET                                   = 0x11
+	AF_PHONET                                   = 0x23
+	AF_PPPOX                                    = 0x18
+	AF_QIPCRTR                                  = 0x2a
+	AF_RDS                                      = 0x15
+	AF_ROSE                                     = 0xb
+	AF_ROUTE                                    = 0x10
+	AF_RXRPC                                    = 0x21
+	AF_SECURITY                                 = 0xe
+	AF_SMC                                      = 0x2b
+	AF_SNA                                      = 0x16
+	AF_TIPC                                     = 0x1e
+	AF_UNIX                                     = 0x1
+	AF_UNSPEC                                   = 0x0
+	AF_VSOCK                                    = 0x28
+	AF_WANPIPE                                  = 0x19
+	AF_X25                                      = 0x9
+	AF_XDP                                      = 0x2c
+	ALG_OP_DECRYPT                              = 0x0
+	ALG_OP_ENCRYPT                              = 0x1
+	ALG_SET_AEAD_ASSOCLEN                       = 0x4
+	ALG_SET_AEAD_AUTHSIZE                       = 0x5
+	ALG_SET_IV                                  = 0x2
+	ALG_SET_KEY                                 = 0x1
+	ALG_SET_OP                                  = 0x3
+	ANON_INODE_FS_MAGIC                         = 0x9041934
+	ARPHRD_6LOWPAN                              = 0x339
+	ARPHRD_ADAPT                                = 0x108
+	ARPHRD_APPLETLK                             = 0x8
+	ARPHRD_ARCNET                               = 0x7
+	ARPHRD_ASH                                  = 0x30d
+	ARPHRD_ATM                                  = 0x13
+	ARPHRD_AX25                                 = 0x3
+	ARPHRD_BIF                                  = 0x307
+	ARPHRD_CAIF                                 = 0x336
+	ARPHRD_CAN                                  = 0x118
+	ARPHRD_CHAOS                                = 0x5
+	ARPHRD_CISCO                                = 0x201
+	ARPHRD_CSLIP                                = 0x101
+	ARPHRD_CSLIP6                               = 0x103
+	ARPHRD_DDCMP                                = 0x205
+	ARPHRD_DLCI                                 = 0xf
+	ARPHRD_ECONET                               = 0x30e
+	ARPHRD_EETHER                               = 0x2
+	ARPHRD_ETHER                                = 0x1
+	ARPHRD_EUI64                                = 0x1b
+	ARPHRD_FCAL                                 = 0x311
+	ARPHRD_FCFABRIC                             = 0x313
+	ARPHRD_FCPL                                 = 0x312
+	ARPHRD_FCPP                                 = 0x310
+	ARPHRD_FDDI                                 = 0x306
+	ARPHRD_FRAD                                 = 0x302
+	ARPHRD_HDLC                                 = 0x201
+	ARPHRD_HIPPI                                = 0x30c
+	ARPHRD_HWX25                                = 0x110
+	ARPHRD_IEEE1394                             = 0x18
+	ARPHRD_IEEE802                              = 0x6
+	ARPHRD_IEEE80211                            = 0x321
+	ARPHRD_IEEE80211_PRISM                      = 0x322
+	ARPHRD_IEEE80211_RADIOTAP                   = 0x323
+	ARPHRD_IEEE802154                           = 0x324
+	ARPHRD_IEEE802154_MONITOR                   = 0x325
+	ARPHRD_IEEE802_TR                           = 0x320
+	ARPHRD_INFINIBAND                           = 0x20
+	ARPHRD_IP6GRE                               = 0x337
+	ARPHRD_IPDDP                                = 0x309
+	ARPHRD_IPGRE                                = 0x30a
+	ARPHRD_IRDA                                 = 0x30f
+	ARPHRD_LAPB                                 = 0x204
+	ARPHRD_LOCALTLK                             = 0x305
+	ARPHRD_LOOPBACK                             = 0x304
+	ARPHRD_METRICOM                             = 0x17
+	ARPHRD_NETLINK                              = 0x338
+	ARPHRD_NETROM                               = 0x0
+	ARPHRD_NONE                                 = 0xfffe
+	ARPHRD_PHONET                               = 0x334
+	ARPHRD_PHONET_PIPE                          = 0x335
+	ARPHRD_PIMREG                               = 0x30b
+	ARPHRD_PPP                                  = 0x200
+	ARPHRD_PRONET                               = 0x4
+	ARPHRD_RAWHDLC                              = 0x206
+	ARPHRD_RAWIP                                = 0x207
+	ARPHRD_ROSE                                 = 0x10e
+	ARPHRD_RSRVD                                = 0x104
+	ARPHRD_SIT                                  = 0x308
+	ARPHRD_SKIP                                 = 0x303
+	ARPHRD_SLIP                                 = 0x100
+	ARPHRD_SLIP6                                = 0x102
+	ARPHRD_TUNNEL                               = 0x300
+	ARPHRD_TUNNEL6                              = 0x301
+	ARPHRD_VOID                                 = 0xffff
+	ARPHRD_VSOCKMON                             = 0x33a
+	ARPHRD_X25                                  = 0x10f
+	AUTOFS_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0x187
+	B0                                          = 0x0
+	B1000000                                    = 0x1008
+	B110                                        = 0x3
+	B115200                                     = 0x1002
+	B1152000                                    = 0x1009
+	B1200                                       = 0x9
+	B134                                        = 0x4
+	B150                                        = 0x5
+	B1500000                                    = 0x100a
+	B1800                                       = 0xa
+	B19200                                      = 0xe
+	B200                                        = 0x6
+	B2000000                                    = 0x100b
+	B230400                                     = 0x1003
+	B2400                                       = 0xb
+	B2500000                                    = 0x100c
+	B300                                        = 0x7
+	B3000000                                    = 0x100d
+	B3500000                                    = 0x100e
+	B38400                                      = 0xf
+	B4000000                                    = 0x100f
+	B460800                                     = 0x1004
+	B4800                                       = 0xc
+	B50                                         = 0x1
+	B500000                                     = 0x1005
+	B57600                                      = 0x1001
+	B576000                                     = 0x1006
+	B600                                        = 0x8
+	B75                                         = 0x2
+	B921600                                     = 0x1007
+	B9600                                       = 0xd
+	BALLOON_KVM_MAGIC                           = 0x13661366
+	BDEVFS_MAGIC                                = 0x62646576
+	BINDERFS_SUPER_MAGIC                        = 0x6c6f6f70
+	BINFMTFS_MAGIC                              = 0x42494e4d
+	BLKBSZGET                                   = 0x80041270
+	BLKBSZSET                                   = 0x40041271
+	BLKFLSBUF                                   = 0x1261
+	BLKFRAGET                                   = 0x1265
+	BLKFRASET                                   = 0x1264
+	BLKGETSIZE                                  = 0x1260
+	BLKGETSIZE64                                = 0x80041272
+	BLKPBSZGET                                  = 0x127b
+	BLKRAGET                                    = 0x1263
+	BLKRASET                                    = 0x1262
+	BLKROGET                                    = 0x125e
+	BLKROSET                                    = 0x125d
+	BLKRRPART                                   = 0x125f
+	BLKSECTGET                                  = 0x1267
+	BLKSECTSET                                  = 0x1266
+	BLKSSZGET                                   = 0x1268
+	BOTHER                                      = 0x1000
+	BPF_A                                       = 0x10
+	BPF_ABS                                     = 0x20
+	BPF_ADD                                     = 0x0
+	BPF_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L2_MASK                  = 0xff
+	BPF_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L2_SHIFT                 = 0x38
+	BPF_ALU                                     = 0x4
+	BPF_ALU64                                   = 0x7
+	BPF_AND                                     = 0x50
+	BPF_ANY                                     = 0x0
+	BPF_ARSH                                    = 0xc0
+	BPF_B                                       = 0x10
+	BPF_BUILD_ID_SIZE                           = 0x14
+	BPF_CALL                                    = 0x80
+	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_MKNOD                         = 0x1
+	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_READ                          = 0x2
+	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_WRITE                         = 0x4
+	BPF_DEVCG_DEV_BLOCK                         = 0x1
+	BPF_DEVCG_DEV_CHAR                          = 0x2
+	BPF_DIV                                     = 0x30
+	BPF_DW                                      = 0x18
+	BPF_END                                     = 0xd0
+	BPF_EXIST                                   = 0x2
+	BPF_EXIT                                    = 0x90
+	BPF_FROM_BE                                 = 0x8
+	BPF_FROM_LE                                 = 0x0
+	BPF_FS_MAGIC                                = 0xcafe4a11
+	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L3_IPV4                = 0x2
+	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L3_IPV6                = 0x4
+	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L4_GRE                 = 0x8
+	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L4_UDP                 = 0x10
+	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_FIXED_GSO                    = 0x1
+	BPF_F_ALLOW_MULTI                           = 0x2
+	BPF_F_ALLOW_OVERRIDE                        = 0x1
+	BPF_F_ANY_ALIGNMENT                         = 0x2
+	BPF_F_CLONE                                 = 0x200
+	BPF_F_CTXLEN_MASK                           = 0xfffff00000000
+	BPF_F_CURRENT_CPU                           = 0xffffffff
+	BPF_F_CURRENT_NETNS                         = -0x1
+	BPF_F_DONT_FRAGMENT                         = 0x4
+	BPF_F_FAST_STACK_CMP                        = 0x200
+	BPF_F_HDR_FIELD_MASK                        = 0xf
+	BPF_F_INDEX_MASK                            = 0xffffffff
+	BPF_F_INGRESS                               = 0x1
+	BPF_F_INVALIDATE_HASH                       = 0x2
+	BPF_F_LOCK                                  = 0x4
+	BPF_F_MARK_ENFORCE                          = 0x40
+	BPF_F_MARK_MANGLED_0                        = 0x20
+	BPF_F_NO_COMMON_LRU                         = 0x2
+	BPF_F_NO_PREALLOC                           = 0x1
+	BPF_F_NUMA_NODE                             = 0x4
+	BPF_F_PSEUDO_HDR                            = 0x10
+	BPF_F_QUERY_EFFECTIVE                       = 0x1
+	BPF_F_RDONLY                                = 0x8
+	BPF_F_RDONLY_PROG                           = 0x80
+	BPF_F_RECOMPUTE_CSUM                        = 0x1
+	BPF_F_REUSE_STACKID                         = 0x400
+	BPF_F_SEQ_NUMBER                            = 0x8
+	BPF_F_SKIP_FIELD_MASK                       = 0xff
+	BPF_F_STACK_BUILD_ID                        = 0x20
+	BPF_F_STRICT_ALIGNMENT                      = 0x1
+	BPF_F_SYSCTL_BASE_NAME                      = 0x1
+	BPF_F_TEST_RND_HI32                         = 0x4
+	BPF_F_TEST_STATE_FREQ                       = 0x8
+	BPF_F_TUNINFO_IPV6                          = 0x1
+	BPF_F_USER_BUILD_ID                         = 0x800
+	BPF_F_USER_STACK                            = 0x100
+	BPF_F_WRONLY                                = 0x10
+	BPF_F_WRONLY_PROG                           = 0x100
+	BPF_F_ZERO_CSUM_TX                          = 0x2
+	BPF_F_ZERO_SEED                             = 0x40
+	BPF_H                                       = 0x8
+	BPF_IMM                                     = 0x0
+	BPF_IND                                     = 0x40
+	BPF_JA                                      = 0x0
+	BPF_JEQ                                     = 0x10
+	BPF_JGE                                     = 0x30
+	BPF_JGT                                     = 0x20
+	BPF_JLE                                     = 0xb0
+	BPF_JLT                                     = 0xa0
+	BPF_JMP                                     = 0x5
+	BPF_JMP32                                   = 0x6
+	BPF_JNE                                     = 0x50
+	BPF_JSET                                    = 0x40
+	BPF_JSGE                                    = 0x70
+	BPF_JSGT                                    = 0x60
+	BPF_JSLE                                    = 0xd0
+	BPF_JSLT                                    = 0xc0
+	BPF_K                                       = 0x0
+	BPF_LD                                      = 0x0
+	BPF_LDX                                     = 0x1
+	BPF_LEN                                     = 0x80
+	BPF_LL_OFF                                  = -0x200000
+	BPF_LSH                                     = 0x60
+	BPF_MAJOR_VERSION                           = 0x1
+	BPF_MAXINSNS                                = 0x1000
+	BPF_MEM                                     = 0x60
+	BPF_MEMWORDS                                = 0x10
+	BPF_MINOR_VERSION                           = 0x1
+	BPF_MISC                                    = 0x7
+	BPF_MOD                                     = 0x90
+	BPF_MOV                                     = 0xb0
+	BPF_MSH                                     = 0xa0
+	BPF_MUL                                     = 0x20
+	BPF_NEG                                     = 0x80
+	BPF_NET_OFF                                 = -0x100000
+	BPF_NOEXIST                                 = 0x1
+	BPF_OBJ_NAME_LEN                            = 0x10
+	BPF_OR                                      = 0x40
+	BPF_PSEUDO_CALL                             = 0x1
+	BPF_PSEUDO_MAP_FD                           = 0x1
+	BPF_PSEUDO_MAP_VALUE                        = 0x2
+	BPF_RET                                     = 0x6
+	BPF_RSH                                     = 0x70
+	BPF_SK_STORAGE_GET_F_CREATE                 = 0x1
+	BPF_SOCK_OPS_ALL_CB_FLAGS                   = 0xf
+	BPF_SOCK_OPS_RETRANS_CB_FLAG                = 0x2
+	BPF_SOCK_OPS_RTO_CB_FLAG                    = 0x1
+	BPF_SOCK_OPS_RTT_CB_FLAG                    = 0x8
+	BPF_SOCK_OPS_STATE_CB_FLAG                  = 0x4
+	BPF_ST                                      = 0x2
+	BPF_STX                                     = 0x3
+	BPF_SUB                                     = 0x10
+	BPF_TAG_SIZE                                = 0x8
+	BPF_TAX                                     = 0x0
+	BPF_TO_BE                                   = 0x8
+	BPF_TO_LE                                   = 0x0
+	BPF_TXA                                     = 0x80
+	BPF_W                                       = 0x0
+	BPF_X                                       = 0x8
+	BPF_XADD                                    = 0xc0
+	BPF_XOR                                     = 0xa0
+	BRKINT                                      = 0x2
+	BS0                                         = 0x0
+	BS1                                         = 0x2000
+	BSDLY                                       = 0x2000
+	BTRFS_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x9123683e
+	BTRFS_TEST_MAGIC                            = 0x73727279
+	CAN_BCM                                     = 0x2
+	CAN_EFF_FLAG                                = 0x80000000
+	CAN_EFF_ID_BITS                             = 0x1d
+	CAN_EFF_MASK                                = 0x1fffffff
+	CAN_ERR_FLAG                                = 0x20000000
+	CAN_ERR_MASK                                = 0x1fffffff
+	CAN_INV_FILTER                              = 0x20000000
+	CAN_ISOTP                                   = 0x6
+	CAN_J1939                                   = 0x7
+	CAN_MAX_DLC                                 = 0x8
+	CAN_MAX_DLEN                                = 0x8
+	CAN_MCNET                                   = 0x5
+	CAN_MTU                                     = 0x10
+	CAN_NPROTO                                  = 0x8
+	CAN_RAW                                     = 0x1
+	CAN_RAW_FILTER_MAX                          = 0x200
+	CAN_RTR_FLAG                                = 0x40000000
+	CAN_SFF_ID_BITS                             = 0xb
+	CAN_SFF_MASK                                = 0x7ff
+	CAN_TP16                                    = 0x3
+	CAN_TP20                                    = 0x4
+	CAP_AUDIT_CONTROL                           = 0x1e
+	CAP_AUDIT_READ                              = 0x25
+	CAP_AUDIT_WRITE                             = 0x1d
+	CAP_BLOCK_SUSPEND                           = 0x24
+	CAP_CHOWN                                   = 0x0
+	CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE                            = 0x1
+	CAP_DAC_READ_SEARCH                         = 0x2
+	CAP_FOWNER                                  = 0x3
+	CAP_FSETID                                  = 0x4
+	CAP_IPC_LOCK                                = 0xe
+	CAP_IPC_OWNER                               = 0xf
+	CAP_KILL                                    = 0x5
+	CAP_LAST_CAP                                = 0x25
+	CAP_LEASE                                   = 0x1c
+	CAP_LINUX_IMMUTABLE                         = 0x9
+	CAP_MAC_ADMIN                               = 0x21
+	CAP_MAC_OVERRIDE                            = 0x20
+	CAP_MKNOD                                   = 0x1b
+	CAP_NET_ADMIN                               = 0xc
+	CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE                        = 0xa
+	CAP_NET_BROADCAST                           = 0xb
+	CAP_NET_RAW                                 = 0xd
+	CAP_SETFCAP                                 = 0x1f
+	CAP_SETGID                                  = 0x6
+	CAP_SETPCAP                                 = 0x8
+	CAP_SETUID                                  = 0x7
+	CAP_SYSLOG                                  = 0x22
+	CAP_SYS_ADMIN                               = 0x15
+	CAP_SYS_BOOT                                = 0x16
+	CAP_SYS_CHROOT                              = 0x12
+	CAP_SYS_MODULE                              = 0x10
+	CAP_SYS_NICE                                = 0x17
+	CAP_SYS_PACCT                               = 0x14
+	CAP_SYS_PTRACE                              = 0x13
+	CAP_SYS_RAWIO                               = 0x11
+	CAP_SYS_RESOURCE                            = 0x18
+	CAP_SYS_TIME                                = 0x19
+	CAP_SYS_TTY_CONFIG                          = 0x1a
+	CAP_WAKE_ALARM                              = 0x23
+	CBAUD                                       = 0x100f
+	CBAUDEX                                     = 0x1000
+	CFLUSH                                      = 0xf
+	CGROUP2_SUPER_MAGIC                         = 0x63677270
+	CGROUP_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0x27e0eb
+	CIBAUD                                      = 0x100f0000
+	CLOCAL                                      = 0x800
+	CLOCK_BOOTTIME                              = 0x7
+	CLOCK_BOOTTIME_ALARM                        = 0x9
+	CLOCK_DEFAULT                               = 0x0
+	CLOCK_EXT                                   = 0x1
+	CLOCK_INT                                   = 0x2
+	CLOCK_MONOTONIC                             = 0x1
+	CLOCK_MONOTONIC_COARSE                      = 0x6
+	CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW                         = 0x4
+	CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID                    = 0x2
+	CLOCK_REALTIME                              = 0x0
+	CLOCK_REALTIME_ALARM                        = 0x8
+	CLOCK_REALTIME_COARSE                       = 0x5
+	CLOCK_TAI                                   = 0xb
+	CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID                     = 0x3
+	CLOCK_TXFROMRX                              = 0x4
+	CLOCK_TXINT                                 = 0x3
+	CLONE_ARGS_SIZE_VER0                        = 0x40
+	CLONE_CHILD_CLEARTID                        = 0x200000
+	CLONE_CHILD_SETTID                          = 0x1000000
+	CLONE_DETACHED                              = 0x400000
+	CLONE_FILES                                 = 0x400
+	CLONE_FS                                    = 0x200
+	CLONE_IO                                    = 0x80000000
+	CLONE_NEWCGROUP                             = 0x2000000
+	CLONE_NEWIPC                                = 0x8000000
+	CLONE_NEWNET                                = 0x40000000
+	CLONE_NEWNS                                 = 0x20000
+	CLONE_NEWPID                                = 0x20000000
+	CLONE_NEWUSER                               = 0x10000000
+	CLONE_NEWUTS                                = 0x4000000
+	CLONE_PARENT                                = 0x8000
+	CLONE_PARENT_SETTID                         = 0x100000
+	CLONE_PIDFD                                 = 0x1000
+	CLONE_PTRACE                                = 0x2000
+	CLONE_SETTLS                                = 0x80000
+	CLONE_SIGHAND                               = 0x800
+	CLONE_SYSVSEM                               = 0x40000
+	CLONE_THREAD                                = 0x10000
+	CLONE_UNTRACED                              = 0x800000
+	CLONE_VFORK                                 = 0x4000
+	CLONE_VM                                    = 0x100
+	CMSPAR                                      = 0x40000000
+	CODA_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0x73757245
+	CR0                                         = 0x0
+	CR1                                         = 0x200
+	CR2                                         = 0x400
+	CR3                                         = 0x600
+	CRAMFS_MAGIC                                = 0x28cd3d45
+	CRDLY                                       = 0x600
+	CREAD                                       = 0x80
+	CRTSCTS                                     = 0x80000000
+	CRYPTO_MAX_NAME                             = 0x40
+	CRYPTO_MSG_MAX                              = 0x15
+	CRYPTO_NR_MSGTYPES                          = 0x6
+	CRYPTO_REPORT_MAXSIZE                       = 0x160
+	CS5                                         = 0x0
+	CS6                                         = 0x10
+	CS7                                         = 0x20
+	CS8                                         = 0x30
+	CSIGNAL                                     = 0xff
+	CSIZE                                       = 0x30
+	CSTART                                      = 0x11
+	CSTATUS                                     = 0x0
+	CSTOP                                       = 0x13
+	CSTOPB                                      = 0x40
+	CSUSP                                       = 0x1a
+	DAXFS_MAGIC                                 = 0x64646178
+	DEBUGFS_MAGIC                               = 0x64626720
+	DEVLINK_CMD_ESWITCH_MODE_GET                = 0x1d
+	DEVLINK_CMD_ESWITCH_MODE_SET                = 0x1e
+	DEVLINK_GENL_MCGRP_CONFIG_NAME              = "config"
+	DEVLINK_GENL_NAME                           = "devlink"
+	DEVLINK_GENL_VERSION                        = 0x1
+	DEVPTS_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0x1cd1
+	DMA_BUF_MAGIC                               = 0x444d4142
+	DT_BLK                                      = 0x6
+	DT_CHR                                      = 0x2
+	DT_DIR                                      = 0x4
+	DT_FIFO                                     = 0x1
+	DT_LNK                                      = 0xa
+	DT_REG                                      = 0x8
+	DT_SOCK                                     = 0xc
+	DT_UNKNOWN                                  = 0x0
+	DT_WHT                                      = 0xe
+	ECHO                                        = 0x8
+	ECHOCTL                                     = 0x200
+	ECHOE                                       = 0x10
+	ECHOK                                       = 0x20
+	ECHOKE                                      = 0x800
+	ECHONL                                      = 0x40
+	ECHOPRT                                     = 0x400
+	ECRYPTFS_SUPER_MAGIC                        = 0xf15f
+	EFD_CLOEXEC                                 = 0x80000
+	EFD_NONBLOCK                                = 0x800
+	EFD_SEMAPHORE                               = 0x1
+	EFIVARFS_MAGIC                              = 0xde5e81e4
+	EFS_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x414a53
+	ENCODING_DEFAULT                            = 0x0
+	ENCODING_FM_MARK                            = 0x3
+	ENCODING_FM_SPACE                           = 0x4
+	ENCODING_MANCHESTER                         = 0x5
+	ENCODING_NRZ                                = 0x1
+	ENCODING_NRZI                               = 0x2
+	EPOLLERR                                    = 0x8
+	EPOLLET                                     = 0x80000000
+	EPOLLEXCLUSIVE                              = 0x10000000
+	EPOLLHUP                                    = 0x10
+	EPOLLIN                                     = 0x1
+	EPOLLMSG                                    = 0x400
+	EPOLLONESHOT                                = 0x40000000
+	EPOLLOUT                                    = 0x4
+	EPOLLPRI                                    = 0x2
+	EPOLLRDBAND                                 = 0x80
+	EPOLLRDHUP                                  = 0x2000
+	EPOLLRDNORM                                 = 0x40
+	EPOLLWAKEUP                                 = 0x20000000
+	EPOLLWRBAND                                 = 0x200
+	EPOLLWRNORM                                 = 0x100
+	EPOLL_CLOEXEC                               = 0x80000
+	EPOLL_CTL_ADD                               = 0x1
+	EPOLL_CTL_DEL                               = 0x2
+	EPOLL_CTL_MOD                               = 0x3
+	EROFS_SUPER_MAGIC_V1                        = 0xe0f5e1e2
+	ETH_P_1588                                  = 0x88f7
+	ETH_P_8021AD                                = 0x88a8
+	ETH_P_8021AH                                = 0x88e7
+	ETH_P_8021Q                                 = 0x8100
+	ETH_P_80221                                 = 0x8917
+	ETH_P_802_2                                 = 0x4
+	ETH_P_802_3                                 = 0x1
+	ETH_P_802_3_MIN                             = 0x600
+	ETH_P_802_EX1                               = 0x88b5
+	ETH_P_AARP                                  = 0x80f3
+	ETH_P_AF_IUCV                               = 0xfbfb
+	ETH_P_ALL                                   = 0x3
+	ETH_P_AOE                                   = 0x88a2
+	ETH_P_ARCNET                                = 0x1a
+	ETH_P_ARP                                   = 0x806
+	ETH_P_ATALK                                 = 0x809b
+	ETH_P_ATMFATE                               = 0x8884
+	ETH_P_ATMMPOA                               = 0x884c
+	ETH_P_AX25                                  = 0x2
+	ETH_P_BATMAN                                = 0x4305
+	ETH_P_BPQ                                   = 0x8ff
+	ETH_P_CAIF                                  = 0xf7
+	ETH_P_CAN                                   = 0xc
+	ETH_P_CANFD                                 = 0xd
+	ETH_P_CONTROL                               = 0x16
+	ETH_P_CUST                                  = 0x6006
+	ETH_P_DDCMP                                 = 0x6
+	ETH_P_DEC                                   = 0x6000
+	ETH_P_DIAG                                  = 0x6005
+	ETH_P_DNA_DL                                = 0x6001
+	ETH_P_DNA_RC                                = 0x6002
+	ETH_P_DNA_RT                                = 0x6003
+	ETH_P_DSA                                   = 0x1b
+	ETH_P_DSA_8021Q                             = 0xdadb
+	ETH_P_ECONET                                = 0x18
+	ETH_P_EDSA                                  = 0xdada
+	ETH_P_ERSPAN                                = 0x88be
+	ETH_P_ERSPAN2                               = 0x22eb
+	ETH_P_FCOE                                  = 0x8906
+	ETH_P_FIP                                   = 0x8914
+	ETH_P_HDLC                                  = 0x19
+	ETH_P_HSR                                   = 0x892f
+	ETH_P_IBOE                                  = 0x8915
+	ETH_P_IEEE802154                            = 0xf6
+	ETH_P_IEEEPUP                               = 0xa00
+	ETH_P_IEEEPUPAT                             = 0xa01
+	ETH_P_IFE                                   = 0xed3e
+	ETH_P_IP                                    = 0x800
+	ETH_P_IPV6                                  = 0x86dd
+	ETH_P_IPX                                   = 0x8137
+	ETH_P_IRDA                                  = 0x17
+	ETH_P_LAT                                   = 0x6004
+	ETH_P_LINK_CTL                              = 0x886c
+	ETH_P_LLDP                                  = 0x88cc
+	ETH_P_LOCALTALK                             = 0x9
+	ETH_P_LOOP                                  = 0x60
+	ETH_P_LOOPBACK                              = 0x9000
+	ETH_P_MACSEC                                = 0x88e5
+	ETH_P_MAP                                   = 0xf9
+	ETH_P_MOBITEX                               = 0x15
+	ETH_P_MPLS_MC                               = 0x8848
+	ETH_P_MPLS_UC                               = 0x8847
+	ETH_P_MVRP                                  = 0x88f5
+	ETH_P_NCSI                                  = 0x88f8
+	ETH_P_NSH                                   = 0x894f
+	ETH_P_PAE                                   = 0x888e
+	ETH_P_PAUSE                                 = 0x8808
+	ETH_P_PHONET                                = 0xf5
+	ETH_P_PPPTALK                               = 0x10
+	ETH_P_PPP_DISC                              = 0x8863
+	ETH_P_PPP_MP                                = 0x8
+	ETH_P_PPP_SES                               = 0x8864
+	ETH_P_PREAUTH                               = 0x88c7
+	ETH_P_PRP                                   = 0x88fb
+	ETH_P_PUP                                   = 0x200
+	ETH_P_PUPAT                                 = 0x201
+	ETH_P_QINQ1                                 = 0x9100
+	ETH_P_QINQ2                                 = 0x9200
+	ETH_P_QINQ3                                 = 0x9300
+	ETH_P_RARP                                  = 0x8035
+	ETH_P_SCA                                   = 0x6007
+	ETH_P_SLOW                                  = 0x8809
+	ETH_P_SNAP                                  = 0x5
+	ETH_P_TDLS                                  = 0x890d
+	ETH_P_TEB                                   = 0x6558
+	ETH_P_TIPC                                  = 0x88ca
+	ETH_P_TRAILER                               = 0x1c
+	ETH_P_TR_802_2                              = 0x11
+	ETH_P_TSN                                   = 0x22f0
+	ETH_P_WAN_PPP                               = 0x7
+	ETH_P_WCCP                                  = 0x883e
+	ETH_P_X25                                   = 0x805
+	ETH_P_XDSA                                  = 0xf8
+	EXABYTE_ENABLE_NEST                         = 0xf0
+	EXT2_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xef53
+	EXT3_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xef53
+	EXT4_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xef53
+	EXTA                                        = 0xe
+	EXTB                                        = 0xf
+	EXTPROC                                     = 0x10000
+	F2FS_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xf2f52010
+	FALLOC_FL_COLLAPSE_RANGE                    = 0x8
+	FALLOC_FL_INSERT_RANGE                      = 0x20
+	FALLOC_FL_KEEP_SIZE                         = 0x1
+	FALLOC_FL_NO_HIDE_STALE                     = 0x4
+	FALLOC_FL_PUNCH_HOLE                        = 0x2
+	FALLOC_FL_UNSHARE_RANGE                     = 0x40
+	FALLOC_FL_ZERO_RANGE                        = 0x10
+	FANOTIFY_METADATA_VERSION                   = 0x3
+	FAN_ACCESS                                  = 0x1
+	FAN_ACCESS_PERM                             = 0x20000
+	FAN_ALLOW                                   = 0x1
+	FAN_ALL_CLASS_BITS                          = 0xc
+	FAN_ALL_EVENTS                              = 0x3b
+	FAN_ALL_INIT_FLAGS                          = 0x3f
+	FAN_ALL_MARK_FLAGS                          = 0xff
+	FAN_ALL_OUTGOING_EVENTS                     = 0x3403b
+	FAN_ALL_PERM_EVENTS                         = 0x30000
+	FAN_ATTRIB                                  = 0x4
+	FAN_AUDIT                                   = 0x10
+	FAN_CLASS_CONTENT                           = 0x4
+	FAN_CLASS_NOTIF                             = 0x0
+	FAN_CLASS_PRE_CONTENT                       = 0x8
+	FAN_CLOEXEC                                 = 0x1
+	FAN_CLOSE                                   = 0x18
+	FAN_CLOSE_NOWRITE                           = 0x10
+	FAN_CLOSE_WRITE                             = 0x8
+	FAN_CREATE                                  = 0x100
+	FAN_DELETE                                  = 0x200
+	FAN_DELETE_SELF                             = 0x400
+	FAN_DENY                                    = 0x2
+	FAN_ENABLE_AUDIT                            = 0x40
+	FAN_EVENT_INFO_TYPE_FID                     = 0x1
+	FAN_EVENT_METADATA_LEN                      = 0x18
+	FAN_EVENT_ON_CHILD                          = 0x8000000
+	FAN_MARK_ADD                                = 0x1
+	FAN_MARK_DONT_FOLLOW                        = 0x4
+	FAN_MARK_FILESYSTEM                         = 0x100
+	FAN_MARK_FLUSH                              = 0x80
+	FAN_MARK_IGNORED_MASK                       = 0x20
+	FAN_MARK_IGNORED_SURV_MODIFY                = 0x40
+	FAN_MARK_INODE                              = 0x0
+	FAN_MARK_MOUNT                              = 0x10
+	FAN_MARK_ONLYDIR                            = 0x8
+	FAN_MARK_REMOVE                             = 0x2
+	FAN_MODIFY                                  = 0x2
+	FAN_MOVE                                    = 0xc0
+	FAN_MOVED_FROM                              = 0x40
+	FAN_MOVED_TO                                = 0x80
+	FAN_MOVE_SELF                               = 0x800
+	FAN_NOFD                                    = -0x1
+	FAN_NONBLOCK                                = 0x2
+	FAN_ONDIR                                   = 0x40000000
+	FAN_OPEN                                    = 0x20
+	FAN_OPEN_EXEC                               = 0x1000
+	FAN_OPEN_EXEC_PERM                          = 0x40000
+	FAN_OPEN_PERM                               = 0x10000
+	FAN_Q_OVERFLOW                              = 0x4000
+	FAN_REPORT_FID                              = 0x200
+	FAN_REPORT_TID                              = 0x100
+	FAN_UNLIMITED_MARKS                         = 0x20
+	FAN_UNLIMITED_QUEUE                         = 0x10
+	FD_CLOEXEC                                  = 0x1
+	FD_SETSIZE                                  = 0x400
+	FF0                                         = 0x0
+	FF1                                         = 0x8000
+	FFDLY                                       = 0x8000
+	FLUSHO                                      = 0x1000
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE                 = 0x8
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_DESC_PREFIX                     = "fscrypt:"
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_DESC_PREFIX_SIZE                = 0x8
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_IDENTIFIER_SIZE                 = 0x10
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_STATUS_ABSENT                   = 0x1
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_STATUS_PRESENT                  = 0x2
+	FSCRYPT_MAX_KEY_SIZE                        = 0x40
+	FSCRYPT_MODE_ADIANTUM                       = 0x9
+	FSCRYPT_MODE_AES_128_CBC                    = 0x5
+	FSCRYPT_MODE_AES_128_CTS                    = 0x6
+	FSCRYPT_MODE_AES_256_CTS                    = 0x4
+	FSCRYPT_MODE_AES_256_XTS                    = 0x1
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_16                 = 0x2
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_32                 = 0x3
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_4                  = 0x0
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_8                  = 0x1
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_MASK               = 0x3
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_VALID                  = 0x7
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_V1                           = 0x0
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_V2                           = 0x2
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_ADIANTUM                 = 0x9
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_128_CBC              = 0x5
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_128_CTS              = 0x6
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_CBC              = 0x3
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_CTS              = 0x4
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_GCM              = 0x2
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_XTS              = 0x1
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_INVALID                  = 0x0
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_SPECK128_256_CTS         = 0x8
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_SPECK128_256_XTS         = 0x7
+	FS_IOC_ADD_ENCRYPTION_KEY                   = 0xc0506617
+	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_KEY_STATUS            = 0xc080661a
+	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY                = 0x400c6615
+	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY_EX             = 0xc0096616
+	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_PWSALT                = 0x40106614
+	FS_IOC_REMOVE_ENCRYPTION_KEY                = 0xc0406618
+	FS_IOC_SET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY                = 0x800c6613
+	FS_KEY_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE                      = 0x8
+	FS_KEY_DESC_PREFIX                          = "fscrypt:"
+	FS_KEY_DESC_PREFIX_SIZE                     = 0x8
+	FS_MAX_KEY_SIZE                             = 0x40
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_16                      = 0x2
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_32                      = 0x3
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_4                       = 0x0
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_8                       = 0x1
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_MASK                    = 0x3
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_VALID                       = 0x7
+	FUTEXFS_SUPER_MAGIC                         = 0xbad1dea
+	F_ADD_SEALS                                 = 0x409
+	F_DUPFD                                     = 0x0
+	F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC                             = 0x406
+	F_EXLCK                                     = 0x4
+	F_GETFD                                     = 0x1
+	F_GETFL                                     = 0x3
+	F_GETLEASE                                  = 0x401
+	F_GETLK                                     = 0xc
+	F_GETLK64                                   = 0xc
+	F_GETOWN                                    = 0x9
+	F_GETOWN_EX                                 = 0x10
+	F_GETPIPE_SZ                                = 0x408
+	F_GETSIG                                    = 0xb
+	F_GET_FILE_RW_HINT                          = 0x40d
+	F_GET_RW_HINT                               = 0x40b
+	F_GET_SEALS                                 = 0x40a
+	F_LOCK                                      = 0x1
+	F_NOTIFY                                    = 0x402
+	F_OFD_GETLK                                 = 0x24
+	F_OFD_SETLK                                 = 0x25
+	F_OFD_SETLKW                                = 0x26
+	F_OK                                        = 0x0
+	F_RDLCK                                     = 0x0
+	F_SEAL_FUTURE_WRITE                         = 0x10
+	F_SEAL_GROW                                 = 0x4
+	F_SEAL_SEAL                                 = 0x1
+	F_SEAL_SHRINK                               = 0x2
+	F_SEAL_WRITE                                = 0x8
+	F_SETFD                                     = 0x2
+	F_SETFL                                     = 0x4
+	F_SETLEASE                                  = 0x400
+	F_SETLK                                     = 0xd
+	F_SETLK64                                   = 0xd
+	F_SETLKW                                    = 0xe
+	F_SETLKW64                                  = 0xe
+	F_SETOWN                                    = 0x8
+	F_SETOWN_EX                                 = 0xf
+	F_SETPIPE_SZ                                = 0x407
+	F_SETSIG                                    = 0xa
+	F_SET_FILE_RW_HINT                          = 0x40e
+	F_SET_RW_HINT                               = 0x40c
+	F_SHLCK                                     = 0x8
+	F_TEST                                      = 0x3
+	F_TLOCK                                     = 0x2
+	F_ULOCK                                     = 0x0
+	F_UNLCK                                     = 0x2
+	F_WRLCK                                     = 0x1
+	GENL_ADMIN_PERM                             = 0x1
+	GENL_CMD_CAP_DO                             = 0x2
+	GENL_CMD_CAP_DUMP                           = 0x4
+	GENL_CMD_CAP_HASPOL                         = 0x8
+	GENL_HDRLEN                                 = 0x4
+	GENL_ID_CTRL                                = 0x10
+	GENL_ID_PMCRAID                             = 0x12
+	GENL_ID_VFS_DQUOT                           = 0x11
+	GENL_MAX_ID                                 = 0x3ff
+	GENL_MIN_ID                                 = 0x10
+	GENL_NAMSIZ                                 = 0x10
+	GENL_START_ALLOC                            = 0x13
+	GENL_UNS_ADMIN_PERM                         = 0x10
+	GRND_NONBLOCK                               = 0x1
+	GRND_RANDOM                                 = 0x2
+	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD                              = 0x31f
+	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD_AEB                          = 0x31e
+	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD_HDR_SIZE                     = 0x4
+	HDIO_DRIVE_HOB_HDR_SIZE                     = 0x8
+	HDIO_DRIVE_RESET                            = 0x31c
+	HDIO_DRIVE_TASK                             = 0x31e
+	HDIO_DRIVE_TASKFILE                         = 0x31d
+	HDIO_DRIVE_TASK_HDR_SIZE                    = 0x8
+	HDIO_GETGEO                                 = 0x301
+	HDIO_GET_32BIT                              = 0x309
+	HDIO_GET_ACOUSTIC                           = 0x30f
+	HDIO_GET_ADDRESS                            = 0x310
+	HDIO_GET_BUSSTATE                           = 0x31a
+	HDIO_GET_DMA                                = 0x30b
+	HDIO_GET_IDENTITY                           = 0x30d
+	HDIO_GET_KEEPSETTINGS                       = 0x308
+	HDIO_GET_MULTCOUNT                          = 0x304
+	HDIO_GET_NICE                               = 0x30c
+	HDIO_GET_NOWERR                             = 0x30a
+	HDIO_GET_QDMA                               = 0x305
+	HDIO_GET_UNMASKINTR                         = 0x302
+	HDIO_GET_WCACHE                             = 0x30e
+	HDIO_OBSOLETE_IDENTITY                      = 0x307
+	HDIO_SCAN_HWIF                              = 0x328
+	HDIO_SET_32BIT                              = 0x324
+	HDIO_SET_ACOUSTIC                           = 0x32c
+	HDIO_SET_ADDRESS                            = 0x32f
+	HDIO_SET_BUSSTATE                           = 0x32d
+	HDIO_SET_DMA                                = 0x326
+	HDIO_SET_KEEPSETTINGS                       = 0x323
+	HDIO_SET_MULTCOUNT                          = 0x321
+	HDIO_SET_NICE                               = 0x329
+	HDIO_SET_NOWERR                             = 0x325
+	HDIO_SET_PIO_MODE                           = 0x327
+	HDIO_SET_QDMA                               = 0x32e
+	HDIO_SET_UNMASKINTR                         = 0x322
+	HDIO_SET_WCACHE                             = 0x32b
+	HDIO_SET_XFER                               = 0x306
+	HDIO_TRISTATE_HWIF                          = 0x31b
+	HDIO_UNREGISTER_HWIF                        = 0x32a
+	HOSTFS_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0xc0ffee
+	HPFS_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xf995e849
+	HUGETLBFS_MAGIC                             = 0x958458f6
+	HUPCL                                       = 0x400
+	IBSHIFT                                     = 0x10
+	ICANON                                      = 0x2
+	ICMPV6_FILTER                               = 0x1
+	ICRNL                                       = 0x100
+	IEXTEN                                      = 0x8000
+	IFA_F_DADFAILED                             = 0x8
+	IFA_F_DEPRECATED                            = 0x20
+	IFA_F_HOMEADDRESS                           = 0x10
+	IFA_F_MANAGETEMPADDR                        = 0x100
+	IFA_F_MCAUTOJOIN                            = 0x400
+	IFA_F_NODAD                                 = 0x2
+	IFA_F_NOPREFIXROUTE                         = 0x200
+	IFA_F_OPTIMISTIC                            = 0x4
+	IFA_F_PERMANENT                             = 0x80
+	IFA_F_SECONDARY                             = 0x1
+	IFA_F_STABLE_PRIVACY                        = 0x800
+	IFA_F_TEMPORARY                             = 0x1
+	IFA_F_TENTATIVE                             = 0x40
+	IFA_MAX                                     = 0xa
+	IFF_ALLMULTI                                = 0x200
+	IFF_ATTACH_QUEUE                            = 0x200
+	IFF_AUTOMEDIA                               = 0x4000
+	IFF_BROADCAST                               = 0x2
+	IFF_DEBUG                                   = 0x4
+	IFF_DETACH_QUEUE                            = 0x400
+	IFF_DORMANT                                 = 0x20000
+	IFF_DYNAMIC                                 = 0x8000
+	IFF_ECHO                                    = 0x40000
+	IFF_LOOPBACK                                = 0x8
+	IFF_LOWER_UP                                = 0x10000
+	IFF_MASTER                                  = 0x400
+	IFF_MULTICAST                               = 0x1000
+	IFF_MULTI_QUEUE                             = 0x100
+	IFF_NAPI                                    = 0x10
+	IFF_NAPI_FRAGS                              = 0x20
+	IFF_NOARP                                   = 0x80
+	IFF_NOFILTER                                = 0x1000
+	IFF_NOTRAILERS                              = 0x20
+	IFF_NO_PI                                   = 0x1000
+	IFF_ONE_QUEUE                               = 0x2000
+	IFF_PERSIST                                 = 0x800
+	IFF_POINTOPOINT                             = 0x10
+	IFF_PORTSEL                                 = 0x2000
+	IFF_PROMISC                                 = 0x100
+	IFF_RUNNING                                 = 0x40
+	IFF_SLAVE                                   = 0x800
+	IFF_TAP                                     = 0x2
+	IFF_TUN                                     = 0x1
+	IFF_TUN_EXCL                                = 0x8000
+	IFF_UP                                      = 0x1
+	IFF_VNET_HDR                                = 0x4000
+	IFF_VOLATILE                                = 0x70c5a
+	IFNAMSIZ                                    = 0x10
+	IGNBRK                                      = 0x1
+	IGNCR                                       = 0x80
+	IGNPAR                                      = 0x4
+	IMAXBEL                                     = 0x2000
+	INLCR                                       = 0x40
+	INPCK                                       = 0x10
+	IN_ACCESS                                   = 0x1
+	IN_ALL_EVENTS                               = 0xfff
+	IN_ATTRIB                                   = 0x4
+	IN_CLASSA_HOST                              = 0xffffff
+	IN_CLASSA_MAX                               = 0x80
+	IN_CLASSA_NET                               = 0xff000000
+	IN_CLASSA_NSHIFT                            = 0x18
+	IN_CLASSB_HOST                              = 0xffff
+	IN_CLASSB_MAX                               = 0x10000
+	IN_CLASSB_NET                               = 0xffff0000
+	IN_CLASSB_NSHIFT                            = 0x10
+	IN_CLASSC_HOST                              = 0xff
+	IN_CLASSC_NET                               = 0xffffff00
+	IN_CLASSC_NSHIFT                            = 0x8
+	IN_CLOEXEC                                  = 0x80000
+	IN_CLOSE                                    = 0x18
+	IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE                            = 0x10
+	IN_CLOSE_WRITE                              = 0x8
+	IN_CREATE                                   = 0x100
+	IN_DELETE                                   = 0x200
+	IN_DELETE_SELF                              = 0x400
+	IN_DONT_FOLLOW                              = 0x2000000
+	IN_EXCL_UNLINK                              = 0x4000000
+	IN_IGNORED                                  = 0x8000
+	IN_ISDIR                                    = 0x40000000
+	IN_LOOPBACKNET                              = 0x7f
+	IN_MASK_ADD                                 = 0x20000000
+	IN_MASK_CREATE                              = 0x10000000
+	IN_MODIFY                                   = 0x2
+	IN_MOVE                                     = 0xc0
+	IN_MOVED_FROM                               = 0x40
+	IN_MOVED_TO                                 = 0x80
+	IN_MOVE_SELF                                = 0x800
+	IN_NONBLOCK                                 = 0x800
+	IN_ONESHOT                                  = 0x80000000
+	IN_ONLYDIR                                  = 0x1000000
+	IN_OPEN                                     = 0x20
+	IN_Q_OVERFLOW                               = 0x4000
+	IN_UNMOUNT                                  = 0x2000
+	IOCTL_VM_SOCKETS_GET_LOCAL_CID              = 0x7b9
+	IPPROTO_AH                                  = 0x33
+	IPPROTO_BEETPH                              = 0x5e
+	IPPROTO_COMP                                = 0x6c
+	IPPROTO_DCCP                                = 0x21
+	IPPROTO_DSTOPTS                             = 0x3c
+	IPPROTO_EGP                                 = 0x8
+	IPPROTO_ENCAP                               = 0x62
+	IPPROTO_ESP                                 = 0x32
+	IPPROTO_FRAGMENT                            = 0x2c
+	IPPROTO_GRE                                 = 0x2f
+	IPPROTO_HOPOPTS                             = 0x0
+	IPPROTO_ICMP                                = 0x1
+	IPPROTO_ICMPV6                              = 0x3a
+	IPPROTO_IDP                                 = 0x16
+	IPPROTO_IGMP                                = 0x2
+	IPPROTO_IP                                  = 0x0
+	IPPROTO_IPIP                                = 0x4
+	IPPROTO_IPV6                                = 0x29
+	IPPROTO_MH                                  = 0x87
+	IPPROTO_MPLS                                = 0x89
+	IPPROTO_MTP                                 = 0x5c
+	IPPROTO_NONE                                = 0x3b
+	IPPROTO_PIM                                 = 0x67
+	IPPROTO_PUP                                 = 0xc
+	IPPROTO_RAW                                 = 0xff
+	IPPROTO_ROUTING                             = 0x2b
+	IPPROTO_RSVP                                = 0x2e
+	IPPROTO_SCTP                                = 0x84
+	IPPROTO_TCP                                 = 0x6
+	IPPROTO_TP                                  = 0x1d
+	IPPROTO_UDP                                 = 0x11
+	IPPROTO_UDPLITE                             = 0x88
+	IPV6_2292DSTOPTS                            = 0x4
+	IPV6_2292HOPLIMIT                           = 0x8
+	IPV6_2292HOPOPTS                            = 0x3
+	IPV6_2292PKTINFO                            = 0x2
+	IPV6_2292PKTOPTIONS                         = 0x6
+	IPV6_2292RTHDR                              = 0x5
+	IPV6_ADDRFORM                               = 0x1
+	IPV6_ADDR_PREFERENCES                       = 0x48
+	IPV6_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                         = 0x14
+	IPV6_AUTHHDR                                = 0xa
+	IPV6_AUTOFLOWLABEL                          = 0x46
+	IPV6_CHECKSUM                               = 0x7
+	IPV6_DONTFRAG                               = 0x3e
+	IPV6_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                        = 0x15
+	IPV6_DSTOPTS                                = 0x3b
+	IPV6_FREEBIND                               = 0x4e
+	IPV6_HDRINCL                                = 0x24
+	IPV6_HOPLIMIT                               = 0x34
+	IPV6_HOPOPTS                                = 0x36
+	IPV6_IPSEC_POLICY                           = 0x22
+	IPV6_JOIN_ANYCAST                           = 0x1b
+	IPV6_JOIN_GROUP                             = 0x14
+	IPV6_LEAVE_ANYCAST                          = 0x1c
+	IPV6_LEAVE_GROUP                            = 0x15
+	IPV6_MINHOPCOUNT                            = 0x49
+	IPV6_MTU                                    = 0x18
+	IPV6_MTU_DISCOVER                           = 0x17
+	IPV6_MULTICAST_ALL                          = 0x1d
+	IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS                         = 0x12
+	IPV6_MULTICAST_IF                           = 0x11
+	IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP                         = 0x13
+	IPV6_NEXTHOP                                = 0x9
+	IPV6_ORIGDSTADDR                            = 0x4a
+	IPV6_PATHMTU                                = 0x3d
+	IPV6_PKTINFO                                = 0x32
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_DO                            = 0x2
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_DONT                          = 0x0
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_INTERFACE                     = 0x4
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_OMIT                          = 0x5
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_PROBE                         = 0x3
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_WANT                          = 0x1
+	IPV6_RECVDSTOPTS                            = 0x3a
+	IPV6_RECVERR                                = 0x19
+	IPV6_RECVFRAGSIZE                           = 0x4d
+	IPV6_RECVHOPLIMIT                           = 0x33
+	IPV6_RECVHOPOPTS                            = 0x35
+	IPV6_RECVORIGDSTADDR                        = 0x4a
+	IPV6_RECVPATHMTU                            = 0x3c
+	IPV6_RECVPKTINFO                            = 0x31
+	IPV6_RECVRTHDR                              = 0x38
+	IPV6_RECVTCLASS                             = 0x42
+	IPV6_ROUTER_ALERT                           = 0x16
+	IPV6_ROUTER_ALERT_ISOLATE                   = 0x1e
+	IPV6_RTHDR                                  = 0x39
+	IPV6_RTHDRDSTOPTS                           = 0x37
+	IPV6_RTHDR_LOOSE                            = 0x0
+	IPV6_RTHDR_STRICT                           = 0x1
+	IPV6_RTHDR_TYPE_0                           = 0x0
+	IPV6_RXDSTOPTS                              = 0x3b
+	IPV6_RXHOPOPTS                              = 0x36
+	IPV6_TCLASS                                 = 0x43
+	IPV6_TRANSPARENT                            = 0x4b
+	IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS                           = 0x10
+	IPV6_UNICAST_IF                             = 0x4c
+	IPV6_V6ONLY                                 = 0x1a
+	IPV6_XFRM_POLICY                            = 0x23
+	IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                           = 0x23
+	IP_ADD_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP                    = 0x27
+	IP_BIND_ADDRESS_NO_PORT                     = 0x18
+	IP_BLOCK_SOURCE                             = 0x26
+	IP_CHECKSUM                                 = 0x17
+	IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_LOOP                   = 0x1
+	IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_TTL                    = 0x1
+	IP_DF                                       = 0x4000
+	IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                          = 0x24
+	IP_DROP_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP                   = 0x28
+	IP_FREEBIND                                 = 0xf
+	IP_HDRINCL                                  = 0x3
+	IP_IPSEC_POLICY                             = 0x10
+	IP_MAXPACKET                                = 0xffff
+	IP_MAX_MEMBERSHIPS                          = 0x14
+	IP_MF                                       = 0x2000
+	IP_MINTTL                                   = 0x15
+	IP_MSFILTER                                 = 0x29
+	IP_MSS                                      = 0x240
+	IP_MTU                                      = 0xe
+	IP_MTU_DISCOVER                             = 0xa
+	IP_MULTICAST_ALL                            = 0x31
+	IP_MULTICAST_IF                             = 0x20
+	IP_MULTICAST_LOOP                           = 0x22
+	IP_MULTICAST_TTL                            = 0x21
+	IP_NODEFRAG                                 = 0x16
+	IP_OFFMASK                                  = 0x1fff
+	IP_OPTIONS                                  = 0x4
+	IP_ORIGDSTADDR                              = 0x14
+	IP_PASSSEC                                  = 0x12
+	IP_PKTINFO                                  = 0x8
+	IP_PKTOPTIONS                               = 0x9
+	IP_PMTUDISC                                 = 0xa
+	IP_PMTUDISC_DO                              = 0x2
+	IP_PMTUDISC_DONT                            = 0x0
+	IP_PMTUDISC_INTERFACE                       = 0x4
+	IP_PMTUDISC_OMIT                            = 0x5
+	IP_PMTUDISC_PROBE                           = 0x3
+	IP_PMTUDISC_WANT                            = 0x1
+	IP_RECVERR                                  = 0xb
+	IP_RECVFRAGSIZE                             = 0x19
+	IP_RECVOPTS                                 = 0x6
+	IP_RECVORIGDSTADDR                          = 0x14
+	IP_RECVRETOPTS                              = 0x7
+	IP_RECVTOS                                  = 0xd
+	IP_RECVTTL                                  = 0xc
+	IP_RETOPTS                                  = 0x7
+	IP_RF                                       = 0x8000
+	IP_ROUTER_ALERT                             = 0x5
+	IP_TOS                                      = 0x1
+	IP_TRANSPARENT                              = 0x13
+	IP_TTL                                      = 0x2
+	IP_UNBLOCK_SOURCE                           = 0x25
+	IP_UNICAST_IF                               = 0x32
+	IP_XFRM_POLICY                              = 0x11
+	ISIG                                        = 0x1
+	ISOFS_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x9660
+	ISTRIP                                      = 0x20
+	IUCLC                                       = 0x200
+	IUTF8                                       = 0x4000
+	IXANY                                       = 0x800
+	IXOFF                                       = 0x1000
+	IXON                                        = 0x400
+	JFFS2_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x72b6
+	KEXEC_ARCH_386                              = 0x30000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_68K                              = 0x40000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_AARCH64                          = 0xb70000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_ARM                              = 0x280000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_DEFAULT                          = 0x0
+	KEXEC_ARCH_IA_64                            = 0x320000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_MASK                             = 0xffff0000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_MIPS                             = 0x80000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_MIPS_LE                          = 0xa0000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_PARISC                           = 0xf0000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_PPC                              = 0x140000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_PPC64                            = 0x150000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_S390                             = 0x160000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_SH                               = 0x2a0000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_X86_64                           = 0x3e0000
+	KEXEC_FILE_NO_INITRAMFS                     = 0x4
+	KEXEC_FILE_ON_CRASH                         = 0x2
+	KEXEC_FILE_UNLOAD                           = 0x1
+	KEXEC_ON_CRASH                              = 0x1
+	KEXEC_PRESERVE_CONTEXT                      = 0x2
+	KEXEC_SEGMENT_MAX                           = 0x10
+	KEYCTL_ASSUME_AUTHORITY                     = 0x10
+	KEYCTL_CAPABILITIES                         = 0x1f
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_BIG_KEY                        = 0x10
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_CAPABILITIES                   = 0x1
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_DIFFIE_HELLMAN                 = 0x4
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_INVALIDATE                     = 0x20
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_MOVE                           = 0x80
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_PUBLIC_KEY                     = 0x8
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_RESTRICT_KEYRING               = 0x40
+	KEYCTL_CAPS1_NS_KEYRING_NAME                = 0x1
+	KEYCTL_CAPS1_NS_KEY_TAG                     = 0x2
+	KEYCTL_CHOWN                                = 0x4
+	KEYCTL_CLEAR                                = 0x7
+	KEYCTL_DESCRIBE                             = 0x6
+	KEYCTL_DH_COMPUTE                           = 0x17
+	KEYCTL_GET_KEYRING_ID                       = 0x0
+	KEYCTL_GET_PERSISTENT                       = 0x16
+	KEYCTL_GET_SECURITY                         = 0x11
+	KEYCTL_INSTANTIATE                          = 0xc
+	KEYCTL_INSTANTIATE_IOV                      = 0x14
+	KEYCTL_INVALIDATE                           = 0x15
+	KEYCTL_JOIN_SESSION_KEYRING                 = 0x1
+	KEYCTL_LINK                                 = 0x8
+	KEYCTL_MOVE                                 = 0x1e
+	KEYCTL_MOVE_EXCL                            = 0x1
+	KEYCTL_NEGATE                               = 0xd
+	KEYCTL_PKEY_DECRYPT                         = 0x1a
+	KEYCTL_PKEY_ENCRYPT                         = 0x19
+	KEYCTL_PKEY_QUERY                           = 0x18
+	KEYCTL_PKEY_SIGN                            = 0x1b
+	KEYCTL_PKEY_VERIFY                          = 0x1c
+	KEYCTL_READ                                 = 0xb
+	KEYCTL_REJECT                               = 0x13
+	KEYCTL_RESTRICT_KEYRING                     = 0x1d
+	KEYCTL_REVOKE                               = 0x3
+	KEYCTL_SEARCH                               = 0xa
+	KEYCTL_SESSION_TO_PARENT                    = 0x12
+	KEYCTL_SETPERM                              = 0x5
+	KEYCTL_SET_REQKEY_KEYRING                   = 0xe
+	KEYCTL_SET_TIMEOUT                          = 0xf
+	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_DECRYPT                     = 0x2
+	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_ENCRYPT                     = 0x1
+	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_SIGN                        = 0x4
+	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_VERIFY                      = 0x8
+	KEYCTL_UNLINK                               = 0x9
+	KEYCTL_UPDATE                               = 0x2
+	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_DEFAULT                     = 0x0
+	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_GROUP_KEYRING               = 0x6
+	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_NO_CHANGE                   = -0x1
+	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_USER_KEYRING                = 0x4
+	KEY_SPEC_GROUP_KEYRING                      = -0x6
+	KEY_SPEC_PROCESS_KEYRING                    = -0x2
+	KEY_SPEC_REQKEY_AUTH_KEY                    = -0x7
+	KEY_SPEC_REQUESTOR_KEYRING                  = -0x8
+	KEY_SPEC_SESSION_KEYRING                    = -0x3
+	KEY_SPEC_THREAD_KEYRING                     = -0x1
+	KEY_SPEC_USER_KEYRING                       = -0x4
+	KEY_SPEC_USER_SESSION_KEYRING               = -0x5
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_CAD_OFF                    = 0x0
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_CAD_ON                     = 0x89abcdef
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_HALT                       = 0xcdef0123
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_KEXEC                      = 0x45584543
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_POWER_OFF                  = 0x4321fedc
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_RESTART                    = 0x1234567
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_RESTART2                   = 0xa1b2c3d4
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_SW_SUSPEND                 = 0xd000fce2
+	LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC1                         = 0xfee1dead
+	LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC2                         = 0x28121969
+	LOCK_EX                                     = 0x2
+	LOCK_NB                                     = 0x4
+	LOCK_SH                                     = 0x1
+	LOCK_UN                                     = 0x8
+	LOOP_CLR_FD                                 = 0x4c01
+	LOOP_CTL_ADD                                = 0x4c80
+	LOOP_CTL_GET_FREE                           = 0x4c82
+	LOOP_CTL_REMOVE                             = 0x4c81
+	LOOP_GET_STATUS                             = 0x4c03
+	LOOP_GET_STATUS64                           = 0x4c05
+	LOOP_SET_BLOCK_SIZE                         = 0x4c09
+	LOOP_SET_CAPACITY                           = 0x4c07
+	LOOP_SET_DIRECT_IO                          = 0x4c08
+	LOOP_SET_FD                                 = 0x4c00
+	LOOP_SET_STATUS                             = 0x4c02
+	LOOP_SET_STATUS64                           = 0x4c04
+	LO_KEY_SIZE                                 = 0x20
+	LO_NAME_SIZE                                = 0x40
+	MADV_DODUMP                                 = 0x11
+	MADV_DOFORK                                 = 0xb
+	MADV_DONTDUMP                               = 0x10
+	MADV_DONTFORK                               = 0xa
+	MADV_DONTNEED                               = 0x4
+	MADV_FREE                                   = 0x8
+	MADV_HUGEPAGE                               = 0xe
+	MADV_HWPOISON                               = 0x64
+	MADV_KEEPONFORK                             = 0x13
+	MADV_MERGEABLE                              = 0xc
+	MADV_NOHUGEPAGE                             = 0xf
+	MADV_NORMAL                                 = 0x0
+	MADV_RANDOM                                 = 0x1
+	MADV_REMOVE                                 = 0x9
+	MADV_SEQUENTIAL                             = 0x2
+	MADV_UNMERGEABLE                            = 0xd
+	MADV_WILLNEED                               = 0x3
+	MADV_WIPEONFORK                             = 0x12
+	MAP_ANON                                    = 0x20
+	MAP_ANONYMOUS                               = 0x20
+	MAP_DENYWRITE                               = 0x800
+	MAP_EXECUTABLE                              = 0x1000
+	MAP_FILE                                    = 0x0
+	MAP_FIXED                                   = 0x10
+	MAP_FIXED_NOREPLACE                         = 0x100000
+	MAP_GROWSDOWN                               = 0x100
+	MAP_HUGETLB                                 = 0x40000
+	MAP_HUGE_MASK                               = 0x3f
+	MAP_HUGE_SHIFT                              = 0x1a
+	MAP_LOCKED                                  = 0x2000
+	MAP_NONBLOCK                                = 0x10000
+	MAP_NORESERVE                               = 0x4000
+	MAP_POPULATE                                = 0x8000
+	MAP_PRIVATE                                 = 0x2
+	MAP_SHARED                                  = 0x1
+	MAP_SHARED_VALIDATE                         = 0x3
+	MAP_STACK                                   = 0x20000
+	MAP_SYNC                                    = 0x80000
+	MAP_TYPE                                    = 0xf
+	MCAST_BLOCK_SOURCE                          = 0x2b
+	MCAST_EXCLUDE                               = 0x0
+	MCAST_INCLUDE                               = 0x1
+	MCAST_JOIN_GROUP                            = 0x2a
+	MCAST_JOIN_SOURCE_GROUP                     = 0x2e
+	MCAST_LEAVE_GROUP                           = 0x2d
+	MCAST_LEAVE_SOURCE_GROUP                    = 0x2f
+	MCAST_MSFILTER                              = 0x30
+	MCAST_UNBLOCK_SOURCE                        = 0x2c
+	MCL_CURRENT                                 = 0x1
+	MCL_FUTURE                                  = 0x2
+	MCL_ONFAULT                                 = 0x4
+	MFD_ALLOW_SEALING                           = 0x2
+	MFD_CLOEXEC                                 = 0x1
+	MFD_HUGETLB                                 = 0x4
+	MFD_HUGE_16GB                               = -0x78000000
+	MFD_HUGE_16MB                               = 0x60000000
+	MFD_HUGE_1GB                                = 0x78000000
+	MFD_HUGE_1MB                                = 0x50000000
+	MFD_HUGE_256MB                              = 0x70000000
+	MFD_HUGE_2GB                                = 0x7c000000
+	MFD_HUGE_2MB                                = 0x54000000
+	MFD_HUGE_32MB                               = 0x64000000
+	MFD_HUGE_512KB                              = 0x4c000000
+	MFD_HUGE_512MB                              = 0x74000000
+	MFD_HUGE_64KB                               = 0x40000000
+	MFD_HUGE_8MB                                = 0x5c000000
+	MFD_HUGE_MASK                               = 0x3f
+	MFD_HUGE_SHIFT                              = 0x1a
+	MINIX2_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0x2468
+	MINIX2_SUPER_MAGIC2                         = 0x2478
+	MINIX3_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0x4d5a
+	MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x137f
+	MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC2                          = 0x138f
+	MNT_DETACH                                  = 0x2
+	MNT_EXPIRE                                  = 0x4
+	MNT_FORCE                                   = 0x1
+	MODULE_INIT_IGNORE_VERMAGIC                 = 0x2
+	MSDOS_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x4d44
+	MSG_BATCH                                   = 0x40000
+	MSG_CMSG_CLOEXEC                            = 0x40000000
+	MSG_CONFIRM                                 = 0x800
+	MSG_CTRUNC                                  = 0x8
+	MSG_DONTROUTE                               = 0x4
+	MSG_DONTWAIT                                = 0x40
+	MSG_EOR                                     = 0x80
+	MSG_ERRQUEUE                                = 0x2000
+	MSG_FASTOPEN                                = 0x20000000
+	MSG_FIN                                     = 0x200
+	MSG_MORE                                    = 0x8000
+	MSG_NOSIGNAL                                = 0x4000
+	MSG_OOB                                     = 0x1
+	MSG_PEEK                                    = 0x2
+	MSG_PROXY                                   = 0x10
+	MSG_RST                                     = 0x1000
+	MSG_SYN                                     = 0x400
+	MSG_TRUNC                                   = 0x20
+	MSG_TRYHARD                                 = 0x4
+	MSG_WAITALL                                 = 0x100
+	MSG_WAITFORONE                              = 0x10000
+	MSG_ZEROCOPY                                = 0x4000000
+	MS_ACTIVE                                   = 0x40000000
+	MS_ASYNC                                    = 0x1
+	MS_BIND                                     = 0x1000
+	MS_BORN                                     = 0x20000000
+	MS_DIRSYNC                                  = 0x80
+	MS_INVALIDATE                               = 0x2
+	MS_I_VERSION                                = 0x800000
+	MS_KERNMOUNT                                = 0x400000
+	MS_LAZYTIME                                 = 0x2000000
+	MS_MANDLOCK                                 = 0x40
+	MS_MGC_MSK                                  = 0xffff0000
+	MS_MGC_VAL                                  = 0xc0ed0000
+	MS_MOVE                                     = 0x2000
+	MS_NOATIME                                  = 0x400
+	MS_NODEV                                    = 0x4
+	MS_NODIRATIME                               = 0x800
+	MS_NOEXEC                                   = 0x8
+	MS_NOREMOTELOCK                             = 0x8000000
+	MS_NOSEC                                    = 0x10000000
+	MS_NOSUID                                   = 0x2
+	MS_NOUSER                                   = -0x80000000
+	MS_POSIXACL                                 = 0x10000
+	MS_PRIVATE                                  = 0x40000
+	MS_RDONLY                                   = 0x1
+	MS_REC                                      = 0x4000
+	MS_RELATIME                                 = 0x200000
+	MS_REMOUNT                                  = 0x20
+	MS_RMT_MASK                                 = 0x2800051
+	MS_SHARED                                   = 0x100000
+	MS_SILENT                                   = 0x8000
+	MS_SLAVE                                    = 0x80000
+	MS_STRICTATIME                              = 0x1000000
+	MS_SUBMOUNT                                 = 0x4000000
+	MS_SYNC                                     = 0x4
+	MS_SYNCHRONOUS                              = 0x10
+	MS_UNBINDABLE                               = 0x20000
+	MS_VERBOSE                                  = 0x8000
+	MTD_INODE_FS_MAGIC                          = 0x11307854
+	NAME_MAX                                    = 0xff
+	NCP_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x564c
+	NETLINK_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                      = 0x1
+	NETLINK_AUDIT                               = 0x9
+	NETLINK_BROADCAST_ERROR                     = 0x4
+	NETLINK_CAP_ACK                             = 0xa
+	NETLINK_CONNECTOR                           = 0xb
+	NETLINK_CRYPTO                              = 0x15
+	NETLINK_DNRTMSG                             = 0xe
+	NETLINK_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                     = 0x2
+	NETLINK_ECRYPTFS                            = 0x13
+	NETLINK_EXT_ACK                             = 0xb
+	NETLINK_FIB_LOOKUP                          = 0xa
+	NETLINK_FIREWALL                            = 0x3
+	NETLINK_GENERIC                             = 0x10
+	NETLINK_GET_STRICT_CHK                      = 0xc
+	NETLINK_INET_DIAG                           = 0x4
+	NETLINK_IP6_FW                              = 0xd
+	NETLINK_ISCSI                               = 0x8
+	NETLINK_KOBJECT_UEVENT                      = 0xf
+	NETLINK_LISTEN_ALL_NSID                     = 0x8
+	NETLINK_LIST_MEMBERSHIPS                    = 0x9
+	NETLINK_NETFILTER                           = 0xc
+	NETLINK_NFLOG                               = 0x5
+	NETLINK_NO_ENOBUFS                          = 0x5
+	NETLINK_PKTINFO                             = 0x3
+	NETLINK_RDMA                                = 0x14
+	NETLINK_ROUTE                               = 0x0
+	NETLINK_RX_RING                             = 0x6
+	NETLINK_SCSITRANSPORT                       = 0x12
+	NETLINK_SELINUX                             = 0x7
+	NETLINK_SMC                                 = 0x16
+	NETLINK_SOCK_DIAG                           = 0x4
+	NETLINK_TX_RING                             = 0x7
+	NETLINK_UNUSED                              = 0x1
+	NETLINK_USERSOCK                            = 0x2
+	NETLINK_XFRM                                = 0x6
+	NETNSA_MAX                                  = 0x5
+	NETNSA_NSID_NOT_ASSIGNED                    = -0x1
+	NFDBITS                                     = 0x20
+	NFNETLINK_V0                                = 0x0
+	NFNLGRP_ACCT_QUOTA                          = 0x8
+	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_DESTROY                   = 0x3
+	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_EXP_NEW                   = 0x4
+	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_EXP_UPDATE                = 0x5
+	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_NEW                       = 0x1
+	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_UPDATE                    = 0x2
+	NFNLGRP_MAX                                 = 0x9
+	NFNLGRP_NFTABLES                            = 0x7
+	NFNLGRP_NFTRACE                             = 0x9
+	NFNLGRP_NONE                                = 0x0
+	NFNL_BATCH_MAX                              = 0x1
+	NFNL_MSG_BATCH_BEGIN                        = 0x10
+	NFNL_MSG_BATCH_END                          = 0x11
+	NFNL_NFA_NEST                               = 0x8000
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_ACCT                            = 0x7
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_COUNT                           = 0xc
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTHELPER                        = 0x9
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTNETLINK                       = 0x1
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTNETLINK_EXP                   = 0x2
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_IPSET                           = 0x6
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_NFTABLES                        = 0xa
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_NFT_COMPAT                      = 0xb
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_NONE                            = 0x0
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_OSF                             = 0x5
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_QUEUE                           = 0x3
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_ULOG                            = 0x4
+	NFS_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x6969
+	NILFS_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x3434
+	NL0                                         = 0x0
+	NL1                                         = 0x100
+	NLA_ALIGNTO                                 = 0x4
+	NLA_F_NESTED                                = 0x8000
+	NLA_F_NET_BYTEORDER                         = 0x4000
+	NLA_HDRLEN                                  = 0x4
+	NLDLY                                       = 0x100
+	NLMSG_ALIGNTO                               = 0x4
+	NLMSG_DONE                                  = 0x3
+	NLMSG_ERROR                                 = 0x2
+	NLMSG_HDRLEN                                = 0x10
+	NLMSG_MIN_TYPE                              = 0x10
+	NLMSG_NOOP                                  = 0x1
+	NLMSG_OVERRUN                               = 0x4
+	NLM_F_ACK                                   = 0x4
+	NLM_F_ACK_TLVS                              = 0x200
+	NLM_F_APPEND                                = 0x800
+	NLM_F_ATOMIC                                = 0x400
+	NLM_F_CAPPED                                = 0x100
+	NLM_F_CREATE                                = 0x400
+	NLM_F_DUMP                                  = 0x300
+	NLM_F_DUMP_FILTERED                         = 0x20
+	NLM_F_DUMP_INTR                             = 0x10
+	NLM_F_ECHO                                  = 0x8
+	NLM_F_EXCL                                  = 0x200
+	NLM_F_MATCH                                 = 0x200
+	NLM_F_MULTI                                 = 0x2
+	NLM_F_NONREC                                = 0x100
+	NLM_F_REPLACE                               = 0x100
+	NLM_F_REQUEST                               = 0x1
+	NLM_F_ROOT                                  = 0x100
+	NOFLSH                                      = 0x80
+	NSFS_MAGIC                                  = 0x6e736673
+	NS_GET_NSTYPE                               = 0xb703
+	NS_GET_OWNER_UID                            = 0xb704
+	NS_GET_PARENT                               = 0xb702
+	NS_GET_USERNS                               = 0xb701
+	OCFS2_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x7461636f
+	OCRNL                                       = 0x8
+	OFDEL                                       = 0x80
+	OFILL                                       = 0x40
+	OLCUC                                       = 0x2
+	ONLCR                                       = 0x4
+	ONLRET                                      = 0x20
+	ONOCR                                       = 0x10
+	OPENPROM_SUPER_MAGIC                        = 0x9fa1
+	OPOST                                       = 0x1
+	OVERLAYFS_SUPER_MAGIC                       = 0x794c7630
+	O_ACCMODE                                   = 0x3
+	O_APPEND                                    = 0x400
+	O_ASYNC                                     = 0x2000
+	O_CLOEXEC                                   = 0x80000
+	O_CREAT                                     = 0x40
+	O_DIRECT                                    = 0x10000
+	O_DIRECTORY                                 = 0x4000
+	O_DSYNC                                     = 0x1000
+	O_EXCL                                      = 0x80
+	O_FSYNC                                     = 0x101000
+	O_LARGEFILE                                 = 0x20000
+	O_NDELAY                                    = 0x800
+	O_NOATIME                                   = 0x40000
+	O_NOCTTY                                    = 0x100
+	O_NOFOLLOW                                  = 0x8000
+	O_NONBLOCK                                  = 0x800
+	O_PATH                                      = 0x200000
+	O_RDONLY                                    = 0x0
+	O_RDWR                                      = 0x2
+	O_RSYNC                                     = 0x101000
+	O_SYNC                                      = 0x101000
+	O_TMPFILE                                   = 0x404000
+	O_TRUNC                                     = 0x200
+	O_WRONLY                                    = 0x1
+	PACKET_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                       = 0x1
+	PACKET_AUXDATA                              = 0x8
+	PACKET_BROADCAST                            = 0x1
+	PACKET_COPY_THRESH                          = 0x7
+	PACKET_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                      = 0x2
+	PACKET_FANOUT                               = 0x12
+	PACKET_FANOUT_CBPF                          = 0x6
+	PACKET_FANOUT_CPU                           = 0x2
+	PACKET_FANOUT_DATA                          = 0x16
+	PACKET_FANOUT_EBPF                          = 0x7
+	PACKET_FANOUT_FLAG_DEFRAG                   = 0x8000
+	PACKET_FANOUT_FLAG_ROLLOVER                 = 0x1000
+	PACKET_FANOUT_FLAG_UNIQUEID                 = 0x2000
+	PACKET_FANOUT_HASH                          = 0x0
+	PACKET_FANOUT_LB                            = 0x1
+	PACKET_FANOUT_QM                            = 0x5
+	PACKET_FANOUT_RND                           = 0x4
+	PACKET_FANOUT_ROLLOVER                      = 0x3
+	PACKET_FASTROUTE                            = 0x6
+	PACKET_HDRLEN                               = 0xb
+	PACKET_HOST                                 = 0x0
+	PACKET_IGNORE_OUTGOING                      = 0x17
+	PACKET_KERNEL                               = 0x7
+	PACKET_LOOPBACK                             = 0x5
+	PACKET_LOSS                                 = 0xe
+	PACKET_MR_ALLMULTI                          = 0x2
+	PACKET_MR_MULTICAST                         = 0x0
+	PACKET_MR_PROMISC                           = 0x1
+	PACKET_MR_UNICAST                           = 0x3
+	PACKET_MULTICAST                            = 0x2
+	PACKET_ORIGDEV                              = 0x9
+	PACKET_OTHERHOST                            = 0x3
+	PACKET_OUTGOING                             = 0x4
+	PACKET_QDISC_BYPASS                         = 0x14
+	PACKET_RECV_OUTPUT                          = 0x3
+	PACKET_RESERVE                              = 0xc
+	PACKET_ROLLOVER_STATS                       = 0x15
+	PACKET_RX_RING                              = 0x5
+	PACKET_STATISTICS                           = 0x6
+	PACKET_TIMESTAMP                            = 0x11
+	PACKET_TX_HAS_OFF                           = 0x13
+	PACKET_TX_RING                              = 0xd
+	PACKET_TX_TIMESTAMP                         = 0x10
+	PACKET_USER                                 = 0x6
+	PACKET_VERSION                              = 0xa
+	PACKET_VNET_HDR                             = 0xf
+	PARENB                                      = 0x100
+	PARITY_CRC16_PR0                            = 0x2
+	PARITY_CRC16_PR0_CCITT                      = 0x4
+	PARITY_CRC16_PR1                            = 0x3
+	PARITY_CRC16_PR1_CCITT                      = 0x5
+	PARITY_CRC32_PR0_CCITT                      = 0x6
+	PARITY_CRC32_PR1_CCITT                      = 0x7
+	PARITY_DEFAULT                              = 0x0
+	PARITY_NONE                                 = 0x1
+	PARMRK                                      = 0x8
+	PARODD                                      = 0x200
+	PENDIN                                      = 0x4000
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_DISABLE                      = 0x2401
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_ENABLE                       = 0x2400
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_ID                           = 0x80042407
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_MODIFY_ATTRIBUTES            = 0x4004240b
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_PAUSE_OUTPUT                 = 0x40042409
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_PERIOD                       = 0x40082404
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_QUERY_BPF                    = 0xc004240a
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_REFRESH                      = 0x2402
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_RESET                        = 0x2403
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_BPF                      = 0x40042408
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_FILTER                   = 0x40042406
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_OUTPUT                   = 0x2405
+	PIPEFS_MAGIC                                = 0x50495045
+	PPPIOCATTACH                                = 0x4004743d
+	PPPIOCATTCHAN                               = 0x40047438
+	PPPIOCCONNECT                               = 0x4004743a
+	PPPIOCDETACH                                = 0x4004743c
+	PPPIOCDISCONN                               = 0x7439
+	PPPIOCGASYNCMAP                             = 0x80047458
+	PPPIOCGCHAN                                 = 0x80047437
+	PPPIOCGDEBUG                                = 0x80047441
+	PPPIOCGFLAGS                                = 0x8004745a
+	PPPIOCGIDLE                                 = 0x8008743f
+	PPPIOCGL2TPSTATS                            = 0x80487436
+	PPPIOCGMRU                                  = 0x80047453
+	PPPIOCGNPMODE                               = 0xc008744c
+	PPPIOCGRASYNCMAP                            = 0x80047455
+	PPPIOCGUNIT                                 = 0x80047456
+	PPPIOCGXASYNCMAP                            = 0x80207450
+	PPPIOCNEWUNIT                               = 0xc004743e
+	PPPIOCSACTIVE                               = 0x40087446
+	PPPIOCSASYNCMAP                             = 0x40047457
+	PPPIOCSCOMPRESS                             = 0x400c744d
+	PPPIOCSDEBUG                                = 0x40047440
+	PPPIOCSFLAGS                                = 0x40047459
+	PPPIOCSMAXCID                               = 0x40047451
+	PPPIOCSMRRU                                 = 0x4004743b
+	PPPIOCSMRU                                  = 0x40047452
+	PPPIOCSNPMODE                               = 0x4008744b
+	PPPIOCSPASS                                 = 0x40087447
+	PPPIOCSRASYNCMAP                            = 0x40047454
+	PPPIOCSXASYNCMAP                            = 0x4020744f
+	PPPIOCXFERUNIT                              = 0x744e
+	PRIO_PGRP                                   = 0x1
+	PRIO_PROCESS                                = 0x0
+	PRIO_USER                                   = 0x2
+	PROC_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0x9fa0
+	PROT_EXEC                                   = 0x4
+	PROT_GROWSDOWN                              = 0x1000000
+	PROT_GROWSUP                                = 0x2000000
+	PROT_NONE                                   = 0x0
+	PROT_READ                                   = 0x1
+	PROT_WRITE                                  = 0x2
+	PR_CAPBSET_DROP                             = 0x18
+	PR_CAPBSET_READ                             = 0x17
+	PR_CAP_AMBIENT                              = 0x2f
+	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_CLEAR_ALL                    = 0x4
+	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_IS_SET                       = 0x1
+	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_LOWER                        = 0x3
+	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_RAISE                        = 0x2
+	PR_ENDIAN_BIG                               = 0x0
+	PR_ENDIAN_LITTLE                            = 0x1
+	PR_ENDIAN_PPC_LITTLE                        = 0x2
+	PR_FPEMU_NOPRINT                            = 0x1
+	PR_FPEMU_SIGFPE                             = 0x2
+	PR_FP_EXC_ASYNC                             = 0x2
+	PR_FP_EXC_DISABLED                          = 0x0
+	PR_FP_EXC_DIV                               = 0x10000
+	PR_FP_EXC_INV                               = 0x100000
+	PR_FP_EXC_NONRECOV                          = 0x1
+	PR_FP_EXC_OVF                               = 0x20000
+	PR_FP_EXC_PRECISE                           = 0x3
+	PR_FP_EXC_RES                               = 0x80000
+	PR_FP_EXC_SW_ENABLE                         = 0x80
+	PR_FP_EXC_UND                               = 0x40000
+	PR_FP_MODE_FR                               = 0x1
+	PR_FP_MODE_FRE                              = 0x2
+	PR_GET_CHILD_SUBREAPER                      = 0x25
+	PR_GET_DUMPABLE                             = 0x3
+	PR_GET_ENDIAN                               = 0x13
+	PR_GET_FPEMU                                = 0x9
+	PR_GET_FPEXC                                = 0xb
+	PR_GET_FP_MODE                              = 0x2e
+	PR_GET_KEEPCAPS                             = 0x7
+	PR_GET_NAME                                 = 0x10
+	PR_GET_NO_NEW_PRIVS                         = 0x27
+	PR_GET_PDEATHSIG                            = 0x2
+	PR_GET_SECCOMP                              = 0x15
+	PR_GET_SECUREBITS                           = 0x1b
+	PR_GET_SPECULATION_CTRL                     = 0x34
+	PR_GET_TAGGED_ADDR_CTRL                     = 0x38
+	PR_GET_THP_DISABLE                          = 0x2a
+	PR_GET_TID_ADDRESS                          = 0x28
+	PR_GET_TIMERSLACK                           = 0x1e
+	PR_GET_TIMING                               = 0xd
+	PR_GET_TSC                                  = 0x19
+	PR_GET_UNALIGN                              = 0x5
+	PR_MCE_KILL                                 = 0x21
+	PR_MCE_KILL_CLEAR                           = 0x0
+	PR_MCE_KILL_DEFAULT                         = 0x2
+	PR_MCE_KILL_EARLY                           = 0x1
+	PR_MCE_KILL_GET                             = 0x22
+	PR_MCE_KILL_LATE                            = 0x0
+	PR_MCE_KILL_SET                             = 0x1
+	PR_MPX_DISABLE_MANAGEMENT                   = 0x2c
+	PR_MPX_ENABLE_MANAGEMENT                    = 0x2b
+	PR_PAC_APDAKEY                              = 0x4
+	PR_PAC_APDBKEY                              = 0x8
+	PR_PAC_APGAKEY                              = 0x10
+	PR_PAC_APIAKEY                              = 0x1
+	PR_PAC_APIBKEY                              = 0x2
+	PR_PAC_RESET_KEYS                           = 0x36
+	PR_SET_CHILD_SUBREAPER                      = 0x24
+	PR_SET_DUMPABLE                             = 0x4
+	PR_SET_ENDIAN                               = 0x14
+	PR_SET_FPEMU                                = 0xa
+	PR_SET_FPEXC                                = 0xc
+	PR_SET_FP_MODE                              = 0x2d
+	PR_SET_KEEPCAPS                             = 0x8
+	PR_SET_MM                                   = 0x23
+	PR_SET_MM_ARG_END                           = 0x9
+	PR_SET_MM_ARG_START                         = 0x8
+	PR_SET_MM_AUXV                              = 0xc
+	PR_SET_MM_BRK                               = 0x7
+	PR_SET_MM_END_CODE                          = 0x2
+	PR_SET_MM_END_DATA                          = 0x4
+	PR_SET_MM_ENV_END                           = 0xb
+	PR_SET_MM_ENV_START                         = 0xa
+	PR_SET_MM_EXE_FILE                          = 0xd
+	PR_SET_MM_MAP                               = 0xe
+	PR_SET_MM_MAP_SIZE                          = 0xf
+	PR_SET_MM_START_BRK                         = 0x6
+	PR_SET_MM_START_CODE                        = 0x1
+	PR_SET_MM_START_DATA                        = 0x3
+	PR_SET_MM_START_STACK                       = 0x5
+	PR_SET_NAME                                 = 0xf
+	PR_SET_NO_NEW_PRIVS                         = 0x26
+	PR_SET_PDEATHSIG                            = 0x1
+	PR_SET_PTRACER                              = 0x59616d61
+	PR_SET_PTRACER_ANY                          = 0xffffffff
+	PR_SET_SECCOMP                              = 0x16
+	PR_SET_SECUREBITS                           = 0x1c
+	PR_SET_SPECULATION_CTRL                     = 0x35
+	PR_SET_TAGGED_ADDR_CTRL                     = 0x37
+	PR_SET_THP_DISABLE                          = 0x29
+	PR_SET_TIMERSLACK                           = 0x1d
+	PR_SET_TIMING                               = 0xe
+	PR_SET_TSC                                  = 0x1a
+	PR_SET_UNALIGN                              = 0x6
+	PR_SPEC_DISABLE                             = 0x4
+	PR_SPEC_DISABLE_NOEXEC                      = 0x10
+	PR_SPEC_ENABLE                              = 0x2
+	PR_SPEC_FORCE_DISABLE                       = 0x8
+	PR_SPEC_INDIRECT_BRANCH                     = 0x1
+	PR_SPEC_NOT_AFFECTED                        = 0x0
+	PR_SPEC_PRCTL                               = 0x1
+	PR_SPEC_STORE_BYPASS                        = 0x0
+	PR_SVE_GET_VL                               = 0x33
+	PR_SVE_SET_VL                               = 0x32
+	PR_SVE_SET_VL_ONEXEC                        = 0x40000
+	PR_SVE_VL_INHERIT                           = 0x20000
+	PR_SVE_VL_LEN_MASK                          = 0xffff
+	PR_TAGGED_ADDR_ENABLE                       = 0x1
+	PR_TASK_PERF_EVENTS_DISABLE                 = 0x1f
+	PR_TASK_PERF_EVENTS_ENABLE                  = 0x20
+	PR_TIMING_STATISTICAL                       = 0x0
+	PR_TIMING_TIMESTAMP                         = 0x1
+	PR_TSC_ENABLE                               = 0x1
+	PR_TSC_SIGSEGV                              = 0x2
+	PR_UNALIGN_NOPRINT                          = 0x1
+	PR_UNALIGN_SIGBUS                           = 0x2
+	PSTOREFS_MAGIC                              = 0x6165676c
+	PTRACE_ATTACH                               = 0x10
+	PTRACE_CONT                                 = 0x7
+	PTRACE_DETACH                               = 0x11
+	PTRACE_EVENTMSG_SYSCALL_EXIT                = 0x2
+	PTRACE_EVENT_CLONE                          = 0x3
+	PTRACE_EVENT_EXEC                           = 0x4
+	PTRACE_EVENT_EXIT                           = 0x6
+	PTRACE_EVENT_FORK                           = 0x1
+	PTRACE_EVENT_SECCOMP                        = 0x7
+	PTRACE_EVENT_STOP                           = 0x80
+	PTRACE_EVENT_VFORK                          = 0x2
+	PTRACE_EVENT_VFORK_DONE                     = 0x5
+	PTRACE_GETCRUNCHREGS                        = 0x19
+	PTRACE_GETEVENTMSG                          = 0x4201
+	PTRACE_GETFDPIC                             = 0x1f
+	PTRACE_GETFDPIC_EXEC                        = 0x0
+	PTRACE_GETFDPIC_INTERP                      = 0x1
+	PTRACE_GETFPREGS                            = 0xe
+	PTRACE_GETHBPREGS                           = 0x1d
+	PTRACE_GETREGS                              = 0xc
+	PTRACE_GETREGSET                            = 0x4204
+	PTRACE_GETSIGINFO                           = 0x4202
+	PTRACE_GETSIGMASK                           = 0x420a
+	PTRACE_GETVFPREGS                           = 0x1b
+	PTRACE_GETWMMXREGS                          = 0x12
+	PTRACE_GET_SYSCALL_INFO                     = 0x420e
+	PTRACE_GET_THREAD_AREA                      = 0x16
+	PTRACE_INTERRUPT                            = 0x4207
+	PTRACE_KILL                                 = 0x8
+	PTRACE_LISTEN                               = 0x4208
+	PTRACE_OLDSETOPTIONS                        = 0x15
+	PTRACE_O_EXITKILL                           = 0x100000
+	PTRACE_O_MASK                               = 0x3000ff
+	PTRACE_O_SUSPEND_SECCOMP                    = 0x200000
+	PTRACE_O_TRACECLONE                         = 0x8
+	PTRACE_O_TRACEEXEC                          = 0x10
+	PTRACE_O_TRACEEXIT                          = 0x40
+	PTRACE_O_TRACEFORK                          = 0x2
+	PTRACE_O_TRACESECCOMP                       = 0x80
+	PTRACE_O_TRACESYSGOOD                       = 0x1
+	PTRACE_O_TRACEVFORK                         = 0x4
+	PTRACE_O_TRACEVFORKDONE                     = 0x20
+	PTRACE_PEEKDATA                             = 0x2
+	PTRACE_PEEKSIGINFO                          = 0x4209
+	PTRACE_PEEKSIGINFO_SHARED                   = 0x1
+	PTRACE_PEEKTEXT                             = 0x1
+	PTRACE_PEEKUSR                              = 0x3
+	PTRACE_POKEDATA                             = 0x5
+	PTRACE_POKETEXT                             = 0x4
+	PTRACE_POKEUSR                              = 0x6
+	PTRACE_SECCOMP_GET_FILTER                   = 0x420c
+	PTRACE_SECCOMP_GET_METADATA                 = 0x420d
+	PTRACE_SEIZE                                = 0x4206
+	PTRACE_SETCRUNCHREGS                        = 0x1a
+	PTRACE_SETFPREGS                            = 0xf
+	PTRACE_SETHBPREGS                           = 0x1e
+	PTRACE_SETOPTIONS                           = 0x4200
+	PTRACE_SETREGS                              = 0xd
+	PTRACE_SETREGSET                            = 0x4205
+	PTRACE_SETSIGINFO                           = 0x4203
+	PTRACE_SETSIGMASK                           = 0x420b
+	PTRACE_SETVFPREGS                           = 0x1c
+	PTRACE_SETWMMXREGS                          = 0x13
+	PTRACE_SET_SYSCALL                          = 0x17
+	PTRACE_SINGLESTEP                           = 0x9
+	PTRACE_SYSCALL                              = 0x18
+	PTRACE_SYSCALL_INFO_ENTRY                   = 0x1
+	PTRACE_SYSCALL_INFO_EXIT                    = 0x2
+	PTRACE_SYSCALL_INFO_NONE                    = 0x0
+	PTRACE_SYSCALL_INFO_SECCOMP                 = 0x3
+	PTRACE_TRACEME                              = 0x0
+	PT_DATA_ADDR                                = 0x10004
+	PT_TEXT_ADDR                                = 0x10000
+	PT_TEXT_END_ADDR                            = 0x10008
+	QNX4_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0x2f
+	QNX6_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0x68191122
+	RAMFS_MAGIC                                 = 0x858458f6
+	RDTGROUP_SUPER_MAGIC                        = 0x7655821
+	REISERFS_SUPER_MAGIC                        = 0x52654973
+	RENAME_EXCHANGE                             = 0x2
+	RENAME_NOREPLACE                            = 0x1
+	RENAME_WHITEOUT                             = 0x4
+	RLIMIT_AS                                   = 0x9
+	RLIMIT_CORE                                 = 0x4
+	RLIMIT_CPU                                  = 0x0
+	RLIMIT_DATA                                 = 0x2
+	RLIMIT_FSIZE                                = 0x1
+	RLIMIT_LOCKS                                = 0xa
+	RLIMIT_MEMLOCK                              = 0x8
+	RLIMIT_MSGQUEUE                             = 0xc
+	RLIMIT_NICE                                 = 0xd
+	RLIMIT_NOFILE                               = 0x7
+	RLIMIT_NPROC                                = 0x6
+	RLIMIT_RSS                                  = 0x5
+	RLIMIT_RTPRIO                               = 0xe
+	RLIMIT_RTTIME                               = 0xf
+	RLIMIT_SIGPENDING                           = 0xb
+	RLIMIT_STACK                                = 0x3
+	RLIM_INFINITY                               = 0xffffffffffffffff
+	RNDADDENTROPY                               = 0x40085203
+	RNDADDTOENTCNT                              = 0x40045201
+	RNDCLEARPOOL                                = 0x5206
+	RNDGETENTCNT                                = 0x80045200
+	RNDGETPOOL                                  = 0x80085202
+	RNDRESEEDCRNG                               = 0x5207
+	RNDZAPENTCNT                                = 0x5204
+	RTAX_ADVMSS                                 = 0x8
+	RTAX_CC_ALGO                                = 0x10
+	RTAX_CWND                                   = 0x7
+	RTAX_FASTOPEN_NO_COOKIE                     = 0x11
+	RTAX_FEATURES                               = 0xc
+	RTAX_FEATURE_ALLFRAG                        = 0x8
+	RTAX_FEATURE_ECN                            = 0x1
+	RTAX_FEATURE_MASK                           = 0xf
+	RTAX_FEATURE_SACK                           = 0x2
+	RTAX_FEATURE_TIMESTAMP                      = 0x4
+	RTAX_HOPLIMIT                               = 0xa
+	RTAX_INITCWND                               = 0xb
+	RTAX_INITRWND                               = 0xe
+	RTAX_LOCK                                   = 0x1
+	RTAX_MAX                                    = 0x11
+	RTAX_MTU                                    = 0x2
+	RTAX_QUICKACK                               = 0xf
+	RTAX_REORDERING                             = 0x9
+	RTAX_RTO_MIN                                = 0xd
+	RTAX_RTT                                    = 0x4
+	RTAX_RTTVAR                                 = 0x5
+	RTAX_SSTHRESH                               = 0x6
+	RTAX_UNSPEC                                 = 0x0
+	RTAX_WINDOW                                 = 0x3
+	RTA_ALIGNTO                                 = 0x4
+	RTA_MAX                                     = 0x1e
+	RTCF_DIRECTSRC                              = 0x4000000
+	RTCF_DOREDIRECT                             = 0x1000000
+	RTCF_LOG                                    = 0x2000000
+	RTCF_MASQ                                   = 0x400000
+	RTCF_NAT                                    = 0x800000
+	RTCF_VALVE                                  = 0x200000
+	RTC_AF                                      = 0x20
+	RTC_AIE_OFF                                 = 0x7002
+	RTC_AIE_ON                                  = 0x7001
+	RTC_ALM_READ                                = 0x80247008
+	RTC_ALM_SET                                 = 0x40247007
+	RTC_EPOCH_READ                              = 0x8004700d
+	RTC_EPOCH_SET                               = 0x4004700e
+	RTC_IRQF                                    = 0x80
+	RTC_IRQP_READ                               = 0x8004700b
+	RTC_IRQP_SET                                = 0x4004700c
+	RTC_MAX_FREQ                                = 0x2000
+	RTC_PF                                      = 0x40
+	RTC_PIE_OFF                                 = 0x7006
+	RTC_PIE_ON                                  = 0x7005
+	RTC_PLL_GET                                 = 0x801c7011
+	RTC_PLL_SET                                 = 0x401c7012
+	RTC_RD_TIME                                 = 0x80247009
+	RTC_SET_TIME                                = 0x4024700a
+	RTC_UF                                      = 0x10
+	RTC_UIE_OFF                                 = 0x7004
+	RTC_UIE_ON                                  = 0x7003
+	RTC_VL_CLR                                  = 0x7014
+	RTC_VL_READ                                 = 0x80047013
+	RTC_WIE_OFF                                 = 0x7010
+	RTC_WIE_ON                                  = 0x700f
+	RTC_WKALM_RD                                = 0x80287010
+	RTC_WKALM_SET                               = 0x4028700f
+	RTF_ADDRCLASSMASK                           = 0xf8000000
+	RTF_ADDRCONF                                = 0x40000
+	RTF_ALLONLINK                               = 0x20000
+	RTF_BROADCAST                               = 0x10000000
+	RTF_CACHE                                   = 0x1000000
+	RTF_DEFAULT                                 = 0x10000
+	RTF_DYNAMIC                                 = 0x10
+	RTF_FLOW                                    = 0x2000000
+	RTF_GATEWAY                                 = 0x2
+	RTF_HOST                                    = 0x4
+	RTF_INTERFACE                               = 0x40000000
+	RTF_IRTT                                    = 0x100
+	RTF_LINKRT                                  = 0x100000
+	RTF_LOCAL                                   = 0x80000000
+	RTF_MODIFIED                                = 0x20
+	RTF_MSS                                     = 0x40
+	RTF_MTU                                     = 0x40
+	RTF_MULTICAST                               = 0x20000000
+	RTF_NAT                                     = 0x8000000
+	RTF_NOFORWARD                               = 0x1000
+	RTF_NONEXTHOP                               = 0x200000
+	RTF_NOPMTUDISC                              = 0x4000
+	RTF_POLICY                                  = 0x4000000
+	RTF_REINSTATE                               = 0x8
+	RTF_REJECT                                  = 0x200
+	RTF_STATIC                                  = 0x400
+	RTF_THROW                                   = 0x2000
+	RTF_UP                                      = 0x1
+	RTF_WINDOW                                  = 0x80
+	RTF_XRESOLVE                                = 0x800
+	RTM_BASE                                    = 0x10
+	RTM_DELACTION                               = 0x31
+	RTM_DELADDR                                 = 0x15
+	RTM_DELADDRLABEL                            = 0x49
+	RTM_DELCHAIN                                = 0x65
+	RTM_DELLINK                                 = 0x11
+	RTM_DELMDB                                  = 0x55
+	RTM_DELNEIGH                                = 0x1d
+	RTM_DELNETCONF                              = 0x51
+	RTM_DELNEXTHOP                              = 0x69
+	RTM_DELNSID                                 = 0x59
+	RTM_DELQDISC                                = 0x25
+	RTM_DELROUTE                                = 0x19
+	RTM_DELRULE                                 = 0x21
+	RTM_DELTCLASS                               = 0x29
+	RTM_DELTFILTER                              = 0x2d
+	RTM_F_CLONED                                = 0x200
+	RTM_F_EQUALIZE                              = 0x400
+	RTM_F_FIB_MATCH                             = 0x2000
+	RTM_F_LOOKUP_TABLE                          = 0x1000
+	RTM_F_NOTIFY                                = 0x100
+	RTM_F_PREFIX                                = 0x800
+	RTM_GETACTION                               = 0x32
+	RTM_GETADDR                                 = 0x16
+	RTM_GETADDRLABEL                            = 0x4a
+	RTM_GETANYCAST                              = 0x3e
+	RTM_GETCHAIN                                = 0x66
+	RTM_GETDCB                                  = 0x4e
+	RTM_GETLINK                                 = 0x12
+	RTM_GETMDB                                  = 0x56
+	RTM_GETMULTICAST                            = 0x3a
+	RTM_GETNEIGH                                = 0x1e
+	RTM_GETNEIGHTBL                             = 0x42
+	RTM_GETNETCONF                              = 0x52
+	RTM_GETNEXTHOP                              = 0x6a
+	RTM_GETNSID                                 = 0x5a
+	RTM_GETQDISC                                = 0x26
+	RTM_GETROUTE                                = 0x1a
+	RTM_GETRULE                                 = 0x22
+	RTM_GETSTATS                                = 0x5e
+	RTM_GETTCLASS                               = 0x2a
+	RTM_GETTFILTER                              = 0x2e
+	RTM_MAX                                     = 0x6b
+	RTM_NEWACTION                               = 0x30
+	RTM_NEWADDR                                 = 0x14
+	RTM_NEWADDRLABEL                            = 0x48
+	RTM_NEWCACHEREPORT                          = 0x60
+	RTM_NEWCHAIN                                = 0x64
+	RTM_NEWLINK                                 = 0x10
+	RTM_NEWMDB                                  = 0x54
+	RTM_NEWNDUSEROPT                            = 0x44
+	RTM_NEWNEIGH                                = 0x1c
+	RTM_NEWNEIGHTBL                             = 0x40
+	RTM_NEWNETCONF                              = 0x50
+	RTM_NEWNEXTHOP                              = 0x68
+	RTM_NEWNSID                                 = 0x58
+	RTM_NEWPREFIX                               = 0x34
+	RTM_NEWQDISC                                = 0x24
+	RTM_NEWROUTE                                = 0x18
+	RTM_NEWRULE                                 = 0x20
+	RTM_NEWSTATS                                = 0x5c
+	RTM_NEWTCLASS                               = 0x28
+	RTM_NEWTFILTER                              = 0x2c
+	RTM_NR_FAMILIES                             = 0x17
+	RTM_NR_MSGTYPES                             = 0x5c
+	RTM_SETDCB                                  = 0x4f
+	RTM_SETLINK                                 = 0x13
+	RTM_SETNEIGHTBL                             = 0x43
+	RTNH_ALIGNTO                                = 0x4
+	RTNH_COMPARE_MASK                           = 0x19
+	RTNH_F_DEAD                                 = 0x1
+	RTNH_F_LINKDOWN                             = 0x10
+	RTNH_F_OFFLOAD                              = 0x8
+	RTNH_F_ONLINK                               = 0x4
+	RTNH_F_PERVASIVE                            = 0x2
+	RTNH_F_UNRESOLVED                           = 0x20
+	RTN_MAX                                     = 0xb
+	RTPROT_BABEL                                = 0x2a
+	RTPROT_BGP                                  = 0xba
+	RTPROT_BIRD                                 = 0xc
+	RTPROT_BOOT                                 = 0x3
+	RTPROT_DHCP                                 = 0x10
+	RTPROT_DNROUTED                             = 0xd
+	RTPROT_EIGRP                                = 0xc0
+	RTPROT_GATED                                = 0x8
+	RTPROT_ISIS                                 = 0xbb
+	RTPROT_KERNEL                               = 0x2
+	RTPROT_MROUTED                              = 0x11
+	RTPROT_MRT                                  = 0xa
+	RTPROT_NTK                                  = 0xf
+	RTPROT_OSPF                                 = 0xbc
+	RTPROT_RA                                   = 0x9
+	RTPROT_REDIRECT                             = 0x1
+	RTPROT_RIP                                  = 0xbd
+	RTPROT_STATIC                               = 0x4
+	RTPROT_UNSPEC                               = 0x0
+	RTPROT_XORP                                 = 0xe
+	RTPROT_ZEBRA                                = 0xb
+	RT_CLASS_DEFAULT                            = 0xfd
+	RT_CLASS_LOCAL                              = 0xff
+	RT_CLASS_MAIN                               = 0xfe
+	RT_CLASS_MAX                                = 0xff
+	RT_CLASS_UNSPEC                             = 0x0
+	RUSAGE_CHILDREN                             = -0x1
+	RUSAGE_SELF                                 = 0x0
+	RUSAGE_THREAD                               = 0x1
+	SCM_CREDENTIALS                             = 0x2
+	SCM_RIGHTS                                  = 0x1
+	SCM_TIMESTAMP                               = 0x1d
+	SCM_TIMESTAMPING                            = 0x25
+	SCM_TIMESTAMPING_OPT_STATS                  = 0x36
+	SCM_TIMESTAMPING_PKTINFO                    = 0x3a
+	SCM_TIMESTAMPNS                             = 0x23
+	SCM_TXTIME                                  = 0x3d
+	SCM_WIFI_STATUS                             = 0x29
+	SC_LOG_FLUSH                                = 0x100000
+	SECCOMP_MODE_DISABLED                       = 0x0
+	SECCOMP_MODE_FILTER                         = 0x2
+	SECCOMP_MODE_STRICT                         = 0x1
+	SECURITYFS_MAGIC                            = 0x73636673
+	SELINUX_MAGIC                               = 0xf97cff8c
+	SFD_CLOEXEC                                 = 0x80000
+	SFD_NONBLOCK                                = 0x800
+	SHUT_RD                                     = 0x0
+	SHUT_RDWR                                   = 0x2
+	SHUT_WR                                     = 0x1
+	SIOCADDDLCI                                 = 0x8980
+	SIOCADDMULTI                                = 0x8931
+	SIOCADDRT                                   = 0x890b
+	SIOCATMARK                                  = 0x8905
+	SIOCBONDCHANGEACTIVE                        = 0x8995
+	SIOCBONDENSLAVE                             = 0x8990
+	SIOCBONDINFOQUERY                           = 0x8994
+	SIOCBONDRELEASE                             = 0x8991
+	SIOCBONDSETHWADDR                           = 0x8992
+	SIOCBONDSLAVEINFOQUERY                      = 0x8993
+	SIOCBRADDBR                                 = 0x89a0
+	SIOCBRADDIF                                 = 0x89a2
+	SIOCBRDELBR                                 = 0x89a1
+	SIOCBRDELIF                                 = 0x89a3
+	SIOCDARP                                    = 0x8953
+	SIOCDELDLCI                                 = 0x8981
+	SIOCDELMULTI                                = 0x8932
+	SIOCDELRT                                   = 0x890c
+	SIOCDEVPRIVATE                              = 0x89f0
+	SIOCDIFADDR                                 = 0x8936
+	SIOCDRARP                                   = 0x8960
+	SIOCETHTOOL                                 = 0x8946
+	SIOCGARP                                    = 0x8954
+	SIOCGETLINKNAME                             = 0x89e0
+	SIOCGETNODEID                               = 0x89e1
+	SIOCGHWTSTAMP                               = 0x89b1
+	SIOCGIFADDR                                 = 0x8915
+	SIOCGIFBR                                   = 0x8940
+	SIOCGIFBRDADDR                              = 0x8919
+	SIOCGIFCONF                                 = 0x8912
+	SIOCGIFCOUNT                                = 0x8938
+	SIOCGIFDSTADDR                              = 0x8917
+	SIOCGIFENCAP                                = 0x8925
+	SIOCGIFFLAGS                                = 0x8913
+	SIOCGIFHWADDR                               = 0x8927
+	SIOCGIFINDEX                                = 0x8933
+	SIOCGIFMAP                                  = 0x8970
+	SIOCGIFMEM                                  = 0x891f
+	SIOCGIFMETRIC                               = 0x891d
+	SIOCGIFMTU                                  = 0x8921
+	SIOCGIFNAME                                 = 0x8910
+	SIOCGIFNETMASK                              = 0x891b
+	SIOCGIFPFLAGS                               = 0x8935
+	SIOCGIFSLAVE                                = 0x8929
+	SIOCGIFTXQLEN                               = 0x8942
+	SIOCGIFVLAN                                 = 0x8982
+	SIOCGMIIPHY                                 = 0x8947
+	SIOCGMIIREG                                 = 0x8948
+	SIOCGPGRP                                   = 0x8904
+	SIOCGPPPCSTATS                              = 0x89f2
+	SIOCGPPPSTATS                               = 0x89f0
+	SIOCGPPPVER                                 = 0x89f1
+	SIOCGRARP                                   = 0x8961
+	SIOCGSKNS                                   = 0x894c
+	SIOCGSTAMP                                  = 0x8906
+	SIOCGSTAMPNS                                = 0x8907
+	SIOCGSTAMPNS_NEW                            = 0x80108907
+	SIOCGSTAMPNS_OLD                            = 0x8907
+	SIOCGSTAMP_NEW                              = 0x80108906
+	SIOCGSTAMP_OLD                              = 0x8906
+	SIOCINQ                                     = 0x541b
+	SIOCOUTQ                                    = 0x5411
+	SIOCOUTQNSD                                 = 0x894b
+	SIOCPROTOPRIVATE                            = 0x89e0
+	SIOCRTMSG                                   = 0x890d
+	SIOCSARP                                    = 0x8955
+	SIOCSHWTSTAMP                               = 0x89b0
+	SIOCSIFADDR                                 = 0x8916
+	SIOCSIFBR                                   = 0x8941
+	SIOCSIFBRDADDR                              = 0x891a
+	SIOCSIFDSTADDR                              = 0x8918
+	SIOCSIFENCAP                                = 0x8926
+	SIOCSIFFLAGS                                = 0x8914
+	SIOCSIFHWADDR                               = 0x8924
+	SIOCSIFHWBROADCAST                          = 0x8937
+	SIOCSIFLINK                                 = 0x8911
+	SIOCSIFMAP                                  = 0x8971
+	SIOCSIFMEM                                  = 0x8920
+	SIOCSIFMETRIC                               = 0x891e
+	SIOCSIFMTU                                  = 0x8922
+	SIOCSIFNAME                                 = 0x8923
+	SIOCSIFNETMASK                              = 0x891c
+	SIOCSIFPFLAGS                               = 0x8934
+	SIOCSIFSLAVE                                = 0x8930
+	SIOCSIFTXQLEN                               = 0x8943
+	SIOCSIFVLAN                                 = 0x8983
+	SIOCSMIIREG                                 = 0x8949
+	SIOCSPGRP                                   = 0x8902
+	SIOCSRARP                                   = 0x8962
+	SIOCWANDEV                                  = 0x894a
+	SMACK_MAGIC                                 = 0x43415d53
+	SMART_AUTOSAVE                              = 0xd2
+	SMART_AUTO_OFFLINE                          = 0xdb
+	SMART_DISABLE                               = 0xd9
+	SMART_ENABLE                                = 0xd8
+	SMART_HCYL_PASS                             = 0xc2
+	SMART_IMMEDIATE_OFFLINE                     = 0xd4
+	SMART_LCYL_PASS                             = 0x4f
+	SMART_READ_LOG_SECTOR                       = 0xd5
+	SMART_READ_THRESHOLDS                       = 0xd1
+	SMART_READ_VALUES                           = 0xd0
+	SMART_SAVE                                  = 0xd3
+	SMART_STATUS                                = 0xda
+	SMART_WRITE_LOG_SECTOR                      = 0xd6
+	SMART_WRITE_THRESHOLDS                      = 0xd7
+	SMB_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x517b
+	SOCKFS_MAGIC                                = 0x534f434b
+	SOCK_CLOEXEC                                = 0x80000
+	SOCK_DCCP                                   = 0x6
+	SOCK_DGRAM                                  = 0x2
+	SOCK_IOC_TYPE                               = 0x89
+	SOCK_NONBLOCK                               = 0x800
+	SOCK_PACKET                                 = 0xa
+	SOCK_RAW                                    = 0x3
+	SOCK_RDM                                    = 0x4
+	SOCK_SEQPACKET                              = 0x5
+	SOCK_STREAM                                 = 0x1
+	SOL_AAL                                     = 0x109
+	SOL_ALG                                     = 0x117
+	SOL_ATM                                     = 0x108
+	SOL_CAIF                                    = 0x116
+	SOL_CAN_BASE                                = 0x64
+	SOL_DCCP                                    = 0x10d
+	SOL_DECNET                                  = 0x105
+	SOL_ICMPV6                                  = 0x3a
+	SOL_IP                                      = 0x0
+	SOL_IPV6                                    = 0x29
+	SOL_IRDA                                    = 0x10a
+	SOL_IUCV                                    = 0x115
+	SOL_KCM                                     = 0x119
+	SOL_LLC                                     = 0x10c
+	SOL_NETBEUI                                 = 0x10b
+	SOL_NETLINK                                 = 0x10e
+	SOL_NFC                                     = 0x118
+	SOL_PACKET                                  = 0x107
+	SOL_PNPIPE                                  = 0x113
+	SOL_PPPOL2TP                                = 0x111
+	SOL_RAW                                     = 0xff
+	SOL_RDS                                     = 0x114
+	SOL_RXRPC                                   = 0x110
+	SOL_SOCKET                                  = 0x1
+	SOL_TCP                                     = 0x6
+	SOL_TIPC                                    = 0x10f
+	SOL_TLS                                     = 0x11a
+	SOL_X25                                     = 0x106
+	SOL_XDP                                     = 0x11b
+	SOMAXCONN                                   = 0x80
+	SO_ACCEPTCONN                               = 0x1e
+	SO_ATTACH_BPF                               = 0x32
+	SO_ATTACH_FILTER                            = 0x1a
+	SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_CBPF                    = 0x33
+	SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_EBPF                    = 0x34
+	SO_BINDTODEVICE                             = 0x19
+	SO_BINDTOIFINDEX                            = 0x3e
+	SO_BPF_EXTENSIONS                           = 0x30
+	SO_BROADCAST                                = 0x6
+	SO_BSDCOMPAT                                = 0xe
+	SO_BUSY_POLL                                = 0x2e
+	SO_CNX_ADVICE                               = 0x35
+	SO_COOKIE                                   = 0x39
+	SO_DEBUG                                    = 0x1
+	SO_DETACH_BPF                               = 0x1b
+	SO_DETACH_FILTER                            = 0x1b
+	SO_DETACH_REUSEPORT_BPF                     = 0x44
+	SO_DOMAIN                                   = 0x27
+	SO_DONTROUTE                                = 0x5
+	SO_EE_CODE_TXTIME_MISSED                    = 0x2
+	SO_EE_CODE_ZEROCOPY_COPIED                  = 0x1
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_ICMP                           = 0x2
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_ICMP6                          = 0x3
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_LOCAL                          = 0x1
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_NONE                           = 0x0
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_TIMESTAMPING                   = 0x4
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_TXSTATUS                       = 0x4
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_TXTIME                         = 0x6
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_ZEROCOPY                       = 0x5
+	SO_ERROR                                    = 0x4
+	SO_GET_FILTER                               = 0x1a
+	SO_INCOMING_CPU                             = 0x31
+	SO_INCOMING_NAPI_ID                         = 0x38
+	SO_KEEPALIVE                                = 0x9
+	SO_LINGER                                   = 0xd
+	SO_LOCK_FILTER                              = 0x2c
+	SO_MARK                                     = 0x24
+	SO_MAX_PACING_RATE                          = 0x2f
+	SO_MEMINFO                                  = 0x37
+	SO_NOFCS                                    = 0x2b
+	SO_NO_CHECK                                 = 0xb
+	SO_OOBINLINE                                = 0xa
+	SO_PASSCRED                                 = 0x10
+	SO_PASSSEC                                  = 0x22
+	SO_PEEK_OFF                                 = 0x2a
+	SO_PEERCRED                                 = 0x11
+	SO_PEERGROUPS                               = 0x3b
+	SO_PEERNAME                                 = 0x1c
+	SO_PEERSEC                                  = 0x1f
+	SO_PRIORITY                                 = 0xc
+	SO_PROTOCOL                                 = 0x26
+	SO_RCVBUF                                   = 0x8
+	SO_RCVBUFFORCE                              = 0x21
+	SO_RCVLOWAT                                 = 0x12
+	SO_RCVTIMEO                                 = 0x14
+	SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW                             = 0x42
+	SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD                             = 0x14
+	SO_REUSEADDR                                = 0x2
+	SO_REUSEPORT                                = 0xf
+	SO_RXQ_OVFL                                 = 0x28
+	SO_SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION                  = 0x16
+	SO_SELECT_ERR_QUEUE                         = 0x2d
+	SO_SNDBUF                                   = 0x7
+	SO_SNDBUFFORCE                              = 0x20
+	SO_SNDLOWAT                                 = 0x13
+	SO_SNDTIMEO                                 = 0x15
+	SO_SNDTIMEO_NEW                             = 0x43
+	SO_SNDTIMEO_OLD                             = 0x15
+	SO_TIMESTAMP                                = 0x1d
+	SO_TIMESTAMPING                             = 0x25
+	SO_TIMESTAMPING_NEW                         = 0x41
+	SO_TIMESTAMPING_OLD                         = 0x25
+	SO_TIMESTAMPNS                              = 0x23
+	SO_TIMESTAMPNS_NEW                          = 0x40
+	SO_TIMESTAMPNS_OLD                          = 0x23
+	SO_TIMESTAMP_NEW                            = 0x3f
+	SO_TIMESTAMP_OLD                            = 0x1d
+	SO_TXTIME                                   = 0x3d
+	SO_TYPE                                     = 0x3
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE               = 0x2
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_BUFFER_MIN_SIZE               = 0x1
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_BUFFER_SIZE                   = 0x0
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_CONNECT_TIMEOUT               = 0x6
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_NONBLOCK_TXRX                 = 0x7
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_PEER_HOST_VM_ID               = 0x3
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_TRUSTED                       = 0x5
+	SO_WIFI_STATUS                              = 0x29
+	SO_ZEROCOPY                                 = 0x3c
+	SPLICE_F_GIFT                               = 0x8
+	SPLICE_F_MORE                               = 0x4
+	SPLICE_F_MOVE                               = 0x1
+	SPLICE_F_NONBLOCK                           = 0x2
+	SQUASHFS_MAGIC                              = 0x73717368
+	STACK_END_MAGIC                             = 0x57ac6e9d
+	STATX_ALL                                   = 0xfff
+	STATX_ATIME                                 = 0x20
+	STATX_ATTR_APPEND                           = 0x20
+	STATX_ATTR_AUTOMOUNT                        = 0x1000
+	STATX_ATTR_COMPRESSED                       = 0x4
+	STATX_ATTR_ENCRYPTED                        = 0x800
+	STATX_ATTR_IMMUTABLE                        = 0x10
+	STATX_ATTR_NODUMP                           = 0x40
+	STATX_BASIC_STATS                           = 0x7ff
+	STATX_BLOCKS                                = 0x400
+	STATX_BTIME                                 = 0x800
+	STATX_CTIME                                 = 0x80
+	STATX_GID                                   = 0x10
+	STATX_INO                                   = 0x100
+	STATX_MODE                                  = 0x2
+	STATX_MTIME                                 = 0x40
+	STATX_NLINK                                 = 0x4
+	STATX_SIZE                                  = 0x200
+	STATX_TYPE                                  = 0x1
+	STATX_UID                                   = 0x8
+	STATX__RESERVED                             = 0x80000000
+	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WAIT_AFTER                  = 0x4
+	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WAIT_BEFORE                 = 0x1
+	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WRITE                       = 0x2
+	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WRITE_AND_WAIT              = 0x7
+	SYSFS_MAGIC                                 = 0x62656572
+	S_BLKSIZE                                   = 0x200
+	S_IEXEC                                     = 0x40
+	S_IFBLK                                     = 0x6000
+	S_IFCHR                                     = 0x2000
+	S_IFDIR                                     = 0x4000
+	S_IFIFO                                     = 0x1000
+	S_IFLNK                                     = 0xa000
+	S_IFMT                                      = 0xf000
+	S_IFREG                                     = 0x8000
+	S_IFSOCK                                    = 0xc000
+	S_IREAD                                     = 0x100
+	S_IRGRP                                     = 0x20
+	S_IROTH                                     = 0x4
+	S_IRUSR                                     = 0x100
+	S_IRWXG                                     = 0x38
+	S_IRWXO                                     = 0x7
+	S_IRWXU                                     = 0x1c0
+	S_ISGID                                     = 0x400
+	S_ISUID                                     = 0x800
+	S_ISVTX                                     = 0x200
+	S_IWGRP                                     = 0x10
+	S_IWOTH                                     = 0x2
+	S_IWRITE                                    = 0x80
+	S_IWUSR                                     = 0x80
+	S_IXGRP                                     = 0x8
+	S_IXOTH                                     = 0x1
+	S_IXUSR                                     = 0x40
+	TAB0                                        = 0x0
+	TAB1                                        = 0x800
+	TAB2                                        = 0x1000
+	TAB3                                        = 0x1800
+	TABDLY                                      = 0x1800
+	TASKSTATS_CMD_ATTR_MAX                      = 0x4
+	TASKSTATS_CMD_MAX                           = 0x2
+	TASKSTATS_GENL_NAME                         = "TASKSTATS"
+	TASKSTATS_GENL_VERSION                      = 0x1
+	TASKSTATS_TYPE_MAX                          = 0x6
+	TASKSTATS_VERSION                           = 0x9
+	TCFLSH                                      = 0x540b
+	TCGETA                                      = 0x5405
+	TCGETS                                      = 0x5401
+	TCGETS2                                     = 0x802c542a
+	TCGETX                                      = 0x5432
+	TCIFLUSH                                    = 0x0
+	TCIOFF                                      = 0x2
+	TCIOFLUSH                                   = 0x2
+	TCION                                       = 0x3
+	TCOFLUSH                                    = 0x1
+	TCOOFF                                      = 0x0
+	TCOON                                       = 0x1
+	TCP_BPF_IW                                  = 0x3e9
+	TCP_BPF_SNDCWND_CLAMP                       = 0x3ea
+	TCP_CC_INFO                                 = 0x1a
+	TCP_CM_INQ                                  = 0x24
+	TCP_CONGESTION                              = 0xd
+	TCP_COOKIE_IN_ALWAYS                        = 0x1
+	TCP_COOKIE_MAX                              = 0x10
+	TCP_COOKIE_MIN                              = 0x8
+	TCP_COOKIE_OUT_NEVER                        = 0x2
+	TCP_COOKIE_PAIR_SIZE                        = 0x20
+	TCP_COOKIE_TRANSACTIONS                     = 0xf
+	TCP_CORK                                    = 0x3
+	TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT                            = 0x9
+	TCP_FASTOPEN                                = 0x17
+	TCP_FASTOPEN_CONNECT                        = 0x1e
+	TCP_FASTOPEN_KEY                            = 0x21
+	TCP_FASTOPEN_NO_COOKIE                      = 0x22
+	TCP_INFO                                    = 0xb
+	TCP_INQ                                     = 0x24
+	TCP_KEEPCNT                                 = 0x6
+	TCP_KEEPIDLE                                = 0x4
+	TCP_KEEPINTVL                               = 0x5
+	TCP_LINGER2                                 = 0x8
+	TCP_MAXSEG                                  = 0x2
+	TCP_MAXWIN                                  = 0xffff
+	TCP_MAX_WINSHIFT                            = 0xe
+	TCP_MD5SIG                                  = 0xe
+	TCP_MD5SIG_EXT                              = 0x20
+	TCP_MD5SIG_FLAG_PREFIX                      = 0x1
+	TCP_MD5SIG_MAXKEYLEN                        = 0x50
+	TCP_MSS                                     = 0x200
+	TCP_MSS_DEFAULT                             = 0x218
+	TCP_MSS_DESIRED                             = 0x4c4
+	TCP_NODELAY                                 = 0x1
+	TCP_NOTSENT_LOWAT                           = 0x19
+	TCP_QUEUE_SEQ                               = 0x15
+	TCP_QUICKACK                                = 0xc
+	TCP_REPAIR                                  = 0x13
+	TCP_REPAIR_OFF                              = 0x0
+	TCP_REPAIR_OFF_NO_WP                        = -0x1
+	TCP_REPAIR_ON                               = 0x1
+	TCP_REPAIR_OPTIONS                          = 0x16
+	TCP_REPAIR_QUEUE                            = 0x14
+	TCP_REPAIR_WINDOW                           = 0x1d
+	TCP_SAVED_SYN                               = 0x1c
+	TCP_SAVE_SYN                                = 0x1b
+	TCP_SYNCNT                                  = 0x7
+	TCP_S_DATA_IN                               = 0x4
+	TCP_S_DATA_OUT                              = 0x8
+	TCP_THIN_DUPACK                             = 0x11
+	TCP_THIN_LINEAR_TIMEOUTS                    = 0x10
+	TCP_TIMESTAMP                               = 0x18
+	TCP_ULP                                     = 0x1f
+	TCP_USER_TIMEOUT                            = 0x12
+	TCP_WINDOW_CLAMP                            = 0xa
+	TCP_ZEROCOPY_RECEIVE                        = 0x23
+	TCSAFLUSH                                   = 0x2
+	TCSBRK                                      = 0x5409
+	TCSBRKP                                     = 0x5425
+	TCSETA                                      = 0x5406
+	TCSETAF                                     = 0x5408
+	TCSETAW                                     = 0x5407
+	TCSETS                                      = 0x5402
+	TCSETS2                                     = 0x402c542b
+	TCSETSF                                     = 0x5404
+	TCSETSF2                                    = 0x402c542d
+	TCSETSW                                     = 0x5403
+	TCSETSW2                                    = 0x402c542c
+	TCSETX                                      = 0x5433
+	TCSETXF                                     = 0x5434
+	TCSETXW                                     = 0x5435
+	TCXONC                                      = 0x540a
+	TIMER_ABSTIME                               = 0x1
+	TIOCCBRK                                    = 0x5428
+	TIOCCONS                                    = 0x541d
+	TIOCEXCL                                    = 0x540c
+	TIOCGDEV                                    = 0x80045432
+	TIOCGETD                                    = 0x5424
+	TIOCGEXCL                                   = 0x80045440
+	TIOCGICOUNT                                 = 0x545d
+	TIOCGISO7816                                = 0x80285442
+	TIOCGLCKTRMIOS                              = 0x5456
+	TIOCGPGRP                                   = 0x540f
+	TIOCGPKT                                    = 0x80045438
+	TIOCGPTLCK                                  = 0x80045439
+	TIOCGPTN                                    = 0x80045430
+	TIOCGPTPEER                                 = 0x5441
+	TIOCGRS485                                  = 0x542e
+	TIOCGSERIAL                                 = 0x541e
+	TIOCGSID                                    = 0x5429
+	TIOCGSOFTCAR                                = 0x5419
+	TIOCGWINSZ                                  = 0x5413
+	TIOCINQ                                     = 0x541b
+	TIOCLINUX                                   = 0x541c
+	TIOCMBIC                                    = 0x5417
+	TIOCMBIS                                    = 0x5416
+	TIOCMGET                                    = 0x5415
+	TIOCMIWAIT                                  = 0x545c
+	TIOCMSET                                    = 0x5418
+	TIOCM_CAR                                   = 0x40
+	TIOCM_CD                                    = 0x40
+	TIOCM_CTS                                   = 0x20
+	TIOCM_DSR                                   = 0x100
+	TIOCM_DTR                                   = 0x2
+	TIOCM_LE                                    = 0x1
+	TIOCM_RI                                    = 0x80
+	TIOCM_RNG                                   = 0x80
+	TIOCM_RTS                                   = 0x4
+	TIOCM_SR                                    = 0x10
+	TIOCM_ST                                    = 0x8
+	TIOCNOTTY                                   = 0x5422
+	TIOCNXCL                                    = 0x540d
+	TIOCOUTQ                                    = 0x5411
+	TIOCPKT                                     = 0x5420
+	TIOCPKT_DATA                                = 0x0
+	TIOCPKT_DOSTOP                              = 0x20
+	TIOCPKT_FLUSHREAD                           = 0x1
+	TIOCPKT_FLUSHWRITE                          = 0x2
+	TIOCPKT_IOCTL                               = 0x40
+	TIOCPKT_NOSTOP                              = 0x10
+	TIOCPKT_START                               = 0x8
+	TIOCPKT_STOP                                = 0x4
+	TIOCSBRK                                    = 0x5427
+	TIOCSCTTY                                   = 0x540e
+	TIOCSERCONFIG                               = 0x5453
+	TIOCSERGETLSR                               = 0x5459
+	TIOCSERGETMULTI                             = 0x545a
+	TIOCSERGSTRUCT                              = 0x5458
+	TIOCSERGWILD                                = 0x5454
+	TIOCSERSETMULTI                             = 0x545b
+	TIOCSERSWILD                                = 0x5455
+	TIOCSER_TEMT                                = 0x1
+	TIOCSETD                                    = 0x5423
+	TIOCSIG                                     = 0x40045436
+	TIOCSISO7816                                = 0xc0285443
+	TIOCSLCKTRMIOS                              = 0x5457
+	TIOCSPGRP                                   = 0x5410
+	TIOCSPTLCK                                  = 0x40045431
+	TIOCSRS485                                  = 0x542f
+	TIOCSSERIAL                                 = 0x541f
+	TIOCSSOFTCAR                                = 0x541a
+	TIOCSTI                                     = 0x5412
+	TIOCSWINSZ                                  = 0x5414
+	TIOCVHANGUP                                 = 0x5437
+	TIPC_ADDR_ID                                = 0x3
+	TIPC_ADDR_MCAST                             = 0x1
+	TIPC_ADDR_NAME                              = 0x2
+	TIPC_ADDR_NAMESEQ                           = 0x1
+	TIPC_CFG_SRV                                = 0x0
+	TIPC_CLUSTER_BITS                           = 0xc
+	TIPC_CLUSTER_MASK                           = 0xfff000
+	TIPC_CLUSTER_OFFSET                         = 0xc
+	TIPC_CLUSTER_SIZE                           = 0xfff
+	TIPC_CONN_SHUTDOWN                          = 0x5
+	TIPC_CONN_TIMEOUT                           = 0x82
+	TIPC_CRITICAL_IMPORTANCE                    = 0x3
+	TIPC_DESTNAME                               = 0x3
+	TIPC_DEST_DROPPABLE                         = 0x81
+	TIPC_ERRINFO                                = 0x1
+	TIPC_ERR_NO_NAME                            = 0x1
+	TIPC_ERR_NO_NODE                            = 0x3
+	TIPC_ERR_NO_PORT                            = 0x2
+	TIPC_ERR_OVERLOAD                           = 0x4
+	TIPC_GROUP_JOIN                             = 0x87
+	TIPC_GROUP_LEAVE                            = 0x88
+	TIPC_GROUP_LOOPBACK                         = 0x1
+	TIPC_GROUP_MEMBER_EVTS                      = 0x2
+	TIPC_HIGH_IMPORTANCE                        = 0x2
+	TIPC_IMPORTANCE                             = 0x7f
+	TIPC_LINK_STATE                             = 0x2
+	TIPC_LOW_IMPORTANCE                         = 0x0
+	TIPC_MAX_BEARER_NAME                        = 0x20
+	TIPC_MAX_IF_NAME                            = 0x10
+	TIPC_MAX_LINK_NAME                          = 0x44
+	TIPC_MAX_MEDIA_NAME                         = 0x10
+	TIPC_MAX_USER_MSG_SIZE                      = 0x101d0
+	TIPC_MCAST_BROADCAST                        = 0x85
+	TIPC_MCAST_REPLICAST                        = 0x86
+	TIPC_MEDIUM_IMPORTANCE                      = 0x1
+	TIPC_NODEID_LEN                             = 0x10
+	TIPC_NODE_BITS                              = 0xc
+	TIPC_NODE_MASK                              = 0xfff
+	TIPC_NODE_OFFSET                            = 0x0
+	TIPC_NODE_RECVQ_DEPTH                       = 0x83
+	TIPC_NODE_SIZE                              = 0xfff
+	TIPC_NODE_STATE                             = 0x0
+	TIPC_OK                                     = 0x0
+	TIPC_PUBLISHED                              = 0x1
+	TIPC_RESERVED_TYPES                         = 0x40
+	TIPC_RETDATA                                = 0x2
+	TIPC_SERVICE_ADDR                           = 0x2
+	TIPC_SERVICE_RANGE                          = 0x1
+	TIPC_SOCKET_ADDR                            = 0x3
+	TIPC_SOCK_RECVQ_DEPTH                       = 0x84
+	TIPC_SOCK_RECVQ_USED                        = 0x89
+	TIPC_SRC_DROPPABLE                          = 0x80
+	TIPC_SUBSCR_TIMEOUT                         = 0x3
+	TIPC_SUB_CANCEL                             = 0x4
+	TIPC_SUB_PORTS                              = 0x1
+	TIPC_SUB_SERVICE                            = 0x2
+	TIPC_TOP_SRV                                = 0x1
+	TIPC_WAIT_FOREVER                           = 0xffffffff
+	TIPC_WITHDRAWN                              = 0x2
+	TIPC_ZONE_BITS                              = 0x8
+	TIPC_ZONE_CLUSTER_MASK                      = 0xfffff000
+	TIPC_ZONE_MASK                              = 0xff000000
+	TIPC_ZONE_OFFSET                            = 0x18
+	TIPC_ZONE_SCOPE                             = 0x1
+	TIPC_ZONE_SIZE                              = 0xff
+	TMPFS_MAGIC                                 = 0x1021994
+	TOSTOP                                      = 0x100
+	TPACKET_ALIGNMENT                           = 0x10
+	TPACKET_HDRLEN                              = 0x34
+	TP_STATUS_AVAILABLE                         = 0x0
+	TP_STATUS_BLK_TMO                           = 0x20
+	TP_STATUS_COPY                              = 0x2
+	TP_STATUS_CSUMNOTREADY                      = 0x8
+	TP_STATUS_CSUM_VALID                        = 0x80
+	TP_STATUS_KERNEL                            = 0x0
+	TP_STATUS_LOSING                            = 0x4
+	TP_STATUS_SENDING                           = 0x2
+	TP_STATUS_SEND_REQUEST                      = 0x1
+	TP_STATUS_TS_RAW_HARDWARE                   = 0x80000000
+	TP_STATUS_TS_SOFTWARE                       = 0x20000000
+	TP_STATUS_TS_SYS_HARDWARE                   = 0x40000000
+	TP_STATUS_USER                              = 0x1
+	TP_STATUS_VLAN_TPID_VALID                   = 0x40
+	TP_STATUS_VLAN_VALID                        = 0x10
+	TP_STATUS_WRONG_FORMAT                      = 0x4
+	TRACEFS_MAGIC                               = 0x74726163
+	TS_COMM_LEN                                 = 0x20
+	TUNATTACHFILTER                             = 0x400854d5
+	TUNDETACHFILTER                             = 0x400854d6
+	TUNGETDEVNETNS                              = 0x54e3
+	TUNGETFEATURES                              = 0x800454cf
+	TUNGETFILTER                                = 0x800854db
+	TUNGETIFF                                   = 0x800454d2
+	TUNGETSNDBUF                                = 0x800454d3
+	TUNGETVNETBE                                = 0x800454df
+	TUNGETVNETHDRSZ                             = 0x800454d7
+	TUNGETVNETLE                                = 0x800454dd
+	TUNSETCARRIER                               = 0x400454e2
+	TUNSETDEBUG                                 = 0x400454c9
+	TUNSETFILTEREBPF                            = 0x800454e1
+	TUNSETGROUP                                 = 0x400454ce
+	TUNSETIFF                                   = 0x400454ca
+	TUNSETIFINDEX                               = 0x400454da
+	TUNSETLINK                                  = 0x400454cd
+	TUNSETNOCSUM                                = 0x400454c8
+	TUNSETOFFLOAD                               = 0x400454d0
+	TUNSETOWNER                                 = 0x400454cc
+	TUNSETPERSIST                               = 0x400454cb
+	TUNSETQUEUE                                 = 0x400454d9
+	TUNSETSNDBUF                                = 0x400454d4
+	TUNSETSTEERINGEBPF                          = 0x800454e0
+	TUNSETTXFILTER                              = 0x400454d1
+	TUNSETVNETBE                                = 0x400454de
+	TUNSETVNETHDRSZ                             = 0x400454d8
+	TUNSETVNETLE                                = 0x400454dc
+	UBI_IOCATT                                  = 0x40186f40
+	UBI_IOCDET                                  = 0x40046f41
+	UBI_IOCEBCH                                 = 0x40044f02
+	UBI_IOCEBER                                 = 0x40044f01
+	UBI_IOCEBISMAP                              = 0x80044f05
+	UBI_IOCEBMAP                                = 0x40084f03
+	UBI_IOCEBUNMAP                              = 0x40044f04
+	UBI_IOCMKVOL                                = 0x40986f00
+	UBI_IOCRMVOL                                = 0x40046f01
+	UBI_IOCRNVOL                                = 0x51106f03
+	UBI_IOCRPEB                                 = 0x40046f04
+	UBI_IOCRSVOL                                = 0x400c6f02
+	UBI_IOCSETVOLPROP                           = 0x40104f06
+	UBI_IOCSPEB                                 = 0x40046f05
+	UBI_IOCVOLCRBLK                             = 0x40804f07
+	UBI_IOCVOLRMBLK                             = 0x4f08
+	UBI_IOCVOLUP                                = 0x40084f00
+	UDF_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x15013346
+	UMOUNT_NOFOLLOW                             = 0x8
+	USBDEVICE_SUPER_MAGIC                       = 0x9fa2
+	UTIME_NOW                                   = 0x3fffffff
+	UTIME_OMIT                                  = 0x3ffffffe
+	V9FS_MAGIC                                  = 0x1021997
+	VDISCARD                                    = 0xd
+	VEOF                                        = 0x4
+	VEOL                                        = 0xb
+	VEOL2                                       = 0x10
+	VERASE                                      = 0x2
+	VINTR                                       = 0x0
+	VKILL                                       = 0x3
+	VLNEXT                                      = 0xf
+	VMADDR_CID_ANY                              = 0xffffffff
+	VMADDR_CID_HOST                             = 0x2
+	VMADDR_CID_HYPERVISOR                       = 0x0
+	VMADDR_CID_RESERVED                         = 0x1
+	VMADDR_PORT_ANY                             = 0xffffffff
+	VMIN                                        = 0x6
+	VM_SOCKETS_INVALID_VERSION                  = 0xffffffff
+	VQUIT                                       = 0x1
+	VREPRINT                                    = 0xc
+	VSTART                                      = 0x8
+	VSTOP                                       = 0x9
+	VSUSP                                       = 0xa
+	VSWTC                                       = 0x7
+	VT0                                         = 0x0
+	VT1                                         = 0x4000
+	VTDLY                                       = 0x4000
+	VTIME                                       = 0x5
+	VWERASE                                     = 0xe
+	WALL                                        = 0x40000000
+	WCLONE                                      = 0x80000000
+	WCONTINUED                                  = 0x8
+	WDIOC_GETBOOTSTATUS                         = 0x80045702
+	WDIOC_GETPRETIMEOUT                         = 0x80045709
+	WDIOC_GETSTATUS                             = 0x80045701
+	WDIOC_GETSUPPORT                            = 0x80285700
+	WDIOC_GETTEMP                               = 0x80045703
+	WDIOC_GETTIMELEFT                           = 0x8004570a
+	WDIOC_GETTIMEOUT                            = 0x80045707
+	WDIOC_KEEPALIVE                             = 0x80045705
+	WDIOC_SETOPTIONS                            = 0x80045704
+	WDIOC_SETPRETIMEOUT                         = 0xc0045708
+	WDIOC_SETTIMEOUT                            = 0xc0045706
+	WEXITED                                     = 0x4
+	WIN_ACKMEDIACHANGE                          = 0xdb
+	WIN_CHECKPOWERMODE1                         = 0xe5
+	WIN_CHECKPOWERMODE2                         = 0x98
+	WIN_DEVICE_RESET                            = 0x8
+	WIN_DIAGNOSE                                = 0x90
+	WIN_DOORLOCK                                = 0xde
+	WIN_DOORUNLOCK                              = 0xdf
+	WIN_DOWNLOAD_MICROCODE                      = 0x92
+	WIN_FLUSH_CACHE                             = 0xe7
+	WIN_FLUSH_CACHE_EXT                         = 0xea
+	WIN_FORMAT                                  = 0x50
+	WIN_GETMEDIASTATUS                          = 0xda
+	WIN_IDENTIFY                                = 0xec
+	WIN_IDENTIFY_DMA                            = 0xee
+	WIN_IDLEIMMEDIATE                           = 0xe1
+	WIN_INIT                                    = 0x60
+	WIN_MEDIAEJECT                              = 0xed
+	WIN_MULTREAD                                = 0xc4
+	WIN_MULTREAD_EXT                            = 0x29
+	WIN_MULTWRITE                               = 0xc5
+	WIN_MULTWRITE_EXT                           = 0x39
+	WIN_NOP                                     = 0x0
+	WIN_PACKETCMD                               = 0xa0
+	WIN_PIDENTIFY                               = 0xa1
+	WIN_POSTBOOT                                = 0xdc
+	WIN_PREBOOT                                 = 0xdd
+	WIN_QUEUED_SERVICE                          = 0xa2
+	WIN_READ                                    = 0x20
+	WIN_READDMA                                 = 0xc8
+	WIN_READDMA_EXT                             = 0x25
+	WIN_READDMA_ONCE                            = 0xc9
+	WIN_READDMA_QUEUED                          = 0xc7
+	WIN_READDMA_QUEUED_EXT                      = 0x26
+	WIN_READ_BUFFER                             = 0xe4
+	WIN_READ_EXT                                = 0x24
+	WIN_READ_LONG                               = 0x22
+	WIN_READ_LONG_ONCE                          = 0x23
+	WIN_READ_NATIVE_MAX                         = 0xf8
+	WIN_READ_NATIVE_MAX_EXT                     = 0x27
+	WIN_READ_ONCE                               = 0x21
+	WIN_RECAL                                   = 0x10
+	WIN_RESTORE                                 = 0x10
+	WIN_SECURITY_DISABLE                        = 0xf6
+	WIN_SECURITY_ERASE_PREPARE                  = 0xf3
+	WIN_SECURITY_ERASE_UNIT                     = 0xf4
+	WIN_SECURITY_FREEZE_LOCK                    = 0xf5
+	WIN_SECURITY_SET_PASS                       = 0xf1
+	WIN_SECURITY_UNLOCK                         = 0xf2
+	WIN_SEEK                                    = 0x70
+	WIN_SETFEATURES                             = 0xef
+	WIN_SETIDLE1                                = 0xe3
+	WIN_SETIDLE2                                = 0x97
+	WIN_SETMULT                                 = 0xc6
+	WIN_SET_MAX                                 = 0xf9
+	WIN_SET_MAX_EXT                             = 0x37
+	WIN_SLEEPNOW1                               = 0xe6
+	WIN_SLEEPNOW2                               = 0x99
+	WIN_SMART                                   = 0xb0
+	WIN_SPECIFY                                 = 0x91
+	WIN_SRST                                    = 0x8
+	WIN_STANDBY                                 = 0xe2
+	WIN_STANDBY2                                = 0x96
+	WIN_STANDBYNOW1                             = 0xe0
+	WIN_STANDBYNOW2                             = 0x94
+	WIN_VERIFY                                  = 0x40
+	WIN_VERIFY_EXT                              = 0x42
+	WIN_VERIFY_ONCE                             = 0x41
+	WIN_WRITE                                   = 0x30
+	WIN_WRITEDMA                                = 0xca
+	WIN_WRITEDMA_EXT                            = 0x35
+	WIN_WRITEDMA_ONCE                           = 0xcb
+	WIN_WRITEDMA_QUEUED                         = 0xcc
+	WIN_WRITEDMA_QUEUED_EXT                     = 0x36
+	WIN_WRITE_BUFFER                            = 0xe8
+	WIN_WRITE_EXT                               = 0x34
+	WIN_WRITE_LONG                              = 0x32
+	WIN_WRITE_LONG_ONCE                         = 0x33
+	WIN_WRITE_ONCE                              = 0x31
+	WIN_WRITE_SAME                              = 0xe9
+	WIN_WRITE_VERIFY                            = 0x3c
+	WNOHANG                                     = 0x1
+	WNOTHREAD                                   = 0x20000000
+	WNOWAIT                                     = 0x1000000
+	WORDSIZE                                    = 0x20
+	WSTOPPED                                    = 0x2
+	WUNTRACED                                   = 0x2
+	XATTR_CREATE                                = 0x1
+	XATTR_REPLACE                               = 0x2
+	XCASE                                       = 0x4
+	XDP_COPY                                    = 0x2
+	XDP_FLAGS_DRV_MODE                          = 0x4
+	XDP_FLAGS_HW_MODE                           = 0x8
+	XDP_FLAGS_MASK                              = 0xf
+	XDP_FLAGS_MODES                             = 0xe
+	XDP_FLAGS_SKB_MODE                          = 0x2
+	XDP_FLAGS_UPDATE_IF_NOEXIST                 = 0x1
+	XDP_MMAP_OFFSETS                            = 0x1
+	XDP_OPTIONS                                 = 0x8
+	XDP_OPTIONS_ZEROCOPY                        = 0x1
+	XDP_PACKET_HEADROOM                         = 0x100
+	XDP_PGOFF_RX_RING                           = 0x0
+	XDP_PGOFF_TX_RING                           = 0x80000000
+	XDP_RING_NEED_WAKEUP                        = 0x1
+	XDP_RX_RING                                 = 0x2
+	XDP_SHARED_UMEM                             = 0x1
+	XDP_STATISTICS                              = 0x7
+	XDP_TX_RING                                 = 0x3
+	XDP_UMEM_COMPLETION_RING                    = 0x6
+	XDP_UMEM_FILL_RING                          = 0x5
+	XDP_UMEM_PGOFF_COMPLETION_RING              = 0x180000000
+	XDP_UMEM_PGOFF_FILL_RING                    = 0x100000000
+	XDP_UMEM_REG                                = 0x4
+	XDP_UMEM_UNALIGNED_CHUNK_FLAG               = 0x1
+	XDP_USE_NEED_WAKEUP                         = 0x8
+	XDP_ZEROCOPY                                = 0x4
+	XENFS_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0xabba1974
+	XFS_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x58465342
+	XTABS                                       = 0x1800
+	Z3FOLD_MAGIC                                = 0x33
+	ZSMALLOC_MAGIC                              = 0x58295829
 // Errors
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_arm64.go
index 504ce13..39712d7 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_arm64.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_arm64.go
@@ -11,2649 +11,2807 @@ package unix
 import "syscall"
 const (
-	AAFS_MAGIC                           = 0x5a3c69f0
-	ADFS_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xadf5
-	AFFS_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xadff
-	AFS_FS_MAGIC                         = 0x6b414653
-	AFS_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x5346414f
-	AF_ALG                               = 0x26
-	AF_APPLETALK                         = 0x5
-	AF_ASH                               = 0x12
-	AF_ATMPVC                            = 0x8
-	AF_ATMSVC                            = 0x14
-	AF_AX25                              = 0x3
-	AF_BLUETOOTH                         = 0x1f
-	AF_BRIDGE                            = 0x7
-	AF_CAIF                              = 0x25
-	AF_CAN                               = 0x1d
-	AF_DECnet                            = 0xc
-	AF_ECONET                            = 0x13
-	AF_FILE                              = 0x1
-	AF_IB                                = 0x1b
-	AF_IEEE802154                        = 0x24
-	AF_INET                              = 0x2
-	AF_INET6                             = 0xa
-	AF_IPX                               = 0x4
-	AF_IRDA                              = 0x17
-	AF_ISDN                              = 0x22
-	AF_IUCV                              = 0x20
-	AF_KCM                               = 0x29
-	AF_KEY                               = 0xf
-	AF_LLC                               = 0x1a
-	AF_LOCAL                             = 0x1
-	AF_MAX                               = 0x2d
-	AF_MPLS                              = 0x1c
-	AF_NETBEUI                           = 0xd
-	AF_NETLINK                           = 0x10
-	AF_NETROM                            = 0x6
-	AF_NFC                               = 0x27
-	AF_PACKET                            = 0x11
-	AF_PHONET                            = 0x23
-	AF_PPPOX                             = 0x18
-	AF_QIPCRTR                           = 0x2a
-	AF_RDS                               = 0x15
-	AF_ROSE                              = 0xb
-	AF_ROUTE                             = 0x10
-	AF_RXRPC                             = 0x21
-	AF_SECURITY                          = 0xe
-	AF_SMC                               = 0x2b
-	AF_SNA                               = 0x16
-	AF_TIPC                              = 0x1e
-	AF_UNIX                              = 0x1
-	AF_UNSPEC                            = 0x0
-	AF_VSOCK                             = 0x28
-	AF_WANPIPE                           = 0x19
-	AF_X25                               = 0x9
-	AF_XDP                               = 0x2c
-	ALG_OP_DECRYPT                       = 0x0
-	ALG_OP_ENCRYPT                       = 0x1
-	ALG_SET_AEAD_ASSOCLEN                = 0x4
-	ALG_SET_AEAD_AUTHSIZE                = 0x5
-	ALG_SET_IV                           = 0x2
-	ALG_SET_KEY                          = 0x1
-	ALG_SET_OP                           = 0x3
-	ANON_INODE_FS_MAGIC                  = 0x9041934
-	ARPHRD_6LOWPAN                       = 0x339
-	ARPHRD_ADAPT                         = 0x108
-	ARPHRD_APPLETLK                      = 0x8
-	ARPHRD_ARCNET                        = 0x7
-	ARPHRD_ASH                           = 0x30d
-	ARPHRD_ATM                           = 0x13
-	ARPHRD_AX25                          = 0x3
-	ARPHRD_BIF                           = 0x307
-	ARPHRD_CAIF                          = 0x336
-	ARPHRD_CAN                           = 0x118
-	ARPHRD_CHAOS                         = 0x5
-	ARPHRD_CISCO                         = 0x201
-	ARPHRD_CSLIP                         = 0x101
-	ARPHRD_CSLIP6                        = 0x103
-	ARPHRD_DDCMP                         = 0x205
-	ARPHRD_DLCI                          = 0xf
-	ARPHRD_ECONET                        = 0x30e
-	ARPHRD_EETHER                        = 0x2
-	ARPHRD_ETHER                         = 0x1
-	ARPHRD_EUI64                         = 0x1b
-	ARPHRD_FCAL                          = 0x311
-	ARPHRD_FCFABRIC                      = 0x313
-	ARPHRD_FCPL                          = 0x312
-	ARPHRD_FCPP                          = 0x310
-	ARPHRD_FDDI                          = 0x306
-	ARPHRD_FRAD                          = 0x302
-	ARPHRD_HDLC                          = 0x201
-	ARPHRD_HIPPI                         = 0x30c
-	ARPHRD_HWX25                         = 0x110
-	ARPHRD_IEEE1394                      = 0x18
-	ARPHRD_IEEE802                       = 0x6
-	ARPHRD_IEEE80211                     = 0x321
-	ARPHRD_IEEE80211_PRISM               = 0x322
-	ARPHRD_IEEE80211_RADIOTAP            = 0x323
-	ARPHRD_IEEE802154                    = 0x324
-	ARPHRD_IEEE802154_MONITOR            = 0x325
-	ARPHRD_IEEE802_TR                    = 0x320
-	ARPHRD_INFINIBAND                    = 0x20
-	ARPHRD_IP6GRE                        = 0x337
-	ARPHRD_IPDDP                         = 0x309
-	ARPHRD_IPGRE                         = 0x30a
-	ARPHRD_IRDA                          = 0x30f
-	ARPHRD_LAPB                          = 0x204
-	ARPHRD_LOCALTLK                      = 0x305
-	ARPHRD_LOOPBACK                      = 0x304
-	ARPHRD_METRICOM                      = 0x17
-	ARPHRD_NETLINK                       = 0x338
-	ARPHRD_NETROM                        = 0x0
-	ARPHRD_NONE                          = 0xfffe
-	ARPHRD_PHONET                        = 0x334
-	ARPHRD_PHONET_PIPE                   = 0x335
-	ARPHRD_PIMREG                        = 0x30b
-	ARPHRD_PPP                           = 0x200
-	ARPHRD_PRONET                        = 0x4
-	ARPHRD_RAWHDLC                       = 0x206
-	ARPHRD_RAWIP                         = 0x207
-	ARPHRD_ROSE                          = 0x10e
-	ARPHRD_RSRVD                         = 0x104
-	ARPHRD_SIT                           = 0x308
-	ARPHRD_SKIP                          = 0x303
-	ARPHRD_SLIP                          = 0x100
-	ARPHRD_SLIP6                         = 0x102
-	ARPHRD_TUNNEL                        = 0x300
-	ARPHRD_TUNNEL6                       = 0x301
-	ARPHRD_VOID                          = 0xffff
-	ARPHRD_VSOCKMON                      = 0x33a
-	ARPHRD_X25                           = 0x10f
-	AUTOFS_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0x187
-	B0                                   = 0x0
-	B1000000                             = 0x1008
-	B110                                 = 0x3
-	B115200                              = 0x1002
-	B1152000                             = 0x1009
-	B1200                                = 0x9
-	B134                                 = 0x4
-	B150                                 = 0x5
-	B1500000                             = 0x100a
-	B1800                                = 0xa
-	B19200                               = 0xe
-	B200                                 = 0x6
-	B2000000                             = 0x100b
-	B230400                              = 0x1003
-	B2400                                = 0xb
-	B2500000                             = 0x100c
-	B300                                 = 0x7
-	B3000000                             = 0x100d
-	B3500000                             = 0x100e
-	B38400                               = 0xf
-	B4000000                             = 0x100f
-	B460800                              = 0x1004
-	B4800                                = 0xc
-	B50                                  = 0x1
-	B500000                              = 0x1005
-	B57600                               = 0x1001
-	B576000                              = 0x1006
-	B600                                 = 0x8
-	B75                                  = 0x2
-	B921600                              = 0x1007
-	B9600                                = 0xd
-	BALLOON_KVM_MAGIC                    = 0x13661366
-	BDEVFS_MAGIC                         = 0x62646576
-	BINDERFS_SUPER_MAGIC                 = 0x6c6f6f70
-	BINFMTFS_MAGIC                       = 0x42494e4d
-	BLKBSZGET                            = 0x80081270
-	BLKBSZSET                            = 0x40081271
-	BLKFLSBUF                            = 0x1261
-	BLKFRAGET                            = 0x1265
-	BLKFRASET                            = 0x1264
-	BLKGETSIZE                           = 0x1260
-	BLKGETSIZE64                         = 0x80081272
-	BLKPBSZGET                           = 0x127b
-	BLKRAGET                             = 0x1263
-	BLKRASET                             = 0x1262
-	BLKROGET                             = 0x125e
-	BLKROSET                             = 0x125d
-	BLKRRPART                            = 0x125f
-	BLKSECTGET                           = 0x1267
-	BLKSECTSET                           = 0x1266
-	BLKSSZGET                            = 0x1268
-	BOTHER                               = 0x1000
-	BPF_A                                = 0x10
-	BPF_ABS                              = 0x20
-	BPF_ADD                              = 0x0
-	BPF_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L2_MASK           = 0xff
-	BPF_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L2_SHIFT          = 0x38
-	BPF_ALU                              = 0x4
-	BPF_ALU64                            = 0x7
-	BPF_AND                              = 0x50
-	BPF_ANY                              = 0x0
-	BPF_ARSH                             = 0xc0
-	BPF_B                                = 0x10
-	BPF_BUILD_ID_SIZE                    = 0x14
-	BPF_CALL                             = 0x80
-	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_MKNOD                  = 0x1
-	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_READ                   = 0x2
-	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_WRITE                  = 0x4
-	BPF_DEVCG_DEV_BLOCK                  = 0x1
-	BPF_DEVCG_DEV_CHAR                   = 0x2
-	BPF_DIV                              = 0x30
-	BPF_DW                               = 0x18
-	BPF_END                              = 0xd0
-	BPF_EXIST                            = 0x2
-	BPF_EXIT                             = 0x90
-	BPF_FROM_BE                          = 0x8
-	BPF_FROM_LE                          = 0x0
-	BPF_FS_MAGIC                         = 0xcafe4a11
-	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L3_IPV4         = 0x2
-	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L3_IPV6         = 0x4
-	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L4_GRE          = 0x8
-	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L4_UDP          = 0x10
-	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_FIXED_GSO             = 0x1
-	BPF_F_ALLOW_MULTI                    = 0x2
-	BPF_F_ALLOW_OVERRIDE                 = 0x1
-	BPF_F_ANY_ALIGNMENT                  = 0x2
-	BPF_F_CTXLEN_MASK                    = 0xfffff00000000
-	BPF_F_CURRENT_CPU                    = 0xffffffff
-	BPF_F_CURRENT_NETNS                  = -0x1
-	BPF_F_DONT_FRAGMENT                  = 0x4
-	BPF_F_FAST_STACK_CMP                 = 0x200
-	BPF_F_HDR_FIELD_MASK                 = 0xf
-	BPF_F_INDEX_MASK                     = 0xffffffff
-	BPF_F_INGRESS                        = 0x1
-	BPF_F_INVALIDATE_HASH                = 0x2
-	BPF_F_LOCK                           = 0x4
-	BPF_F_MARK_ENFORCE                   = 0x40
-	BPF_F_MARK_MANGLED_0                 = 0x20
-	BPF_F_NO_COMMON_LRU                  = 0x2
-	BPF_F_NO_PREALLOC                    = 0x1
-	BPF_F_NUMA_NODE                      = 0x4
-	BPF_F_PSEUDO_HDR                     = 0x10
-	BPF_F_QUERY_EFFECTIVE                = 0x1
-	BPF_F_RDONLY                         = 0x8
-	BPF_F_RDONLY_PROG                    = 0x80
-	BPF_F_RECOMPUTE_CSUM                 = 0x1
-	BPF_F_REUSE_STACKID                  = 0x400
-	BPF_F_SEQ_NUMBER                     = 0x8
-	BPF_F_SKIP_FIELD_MASK                = 0xff
-	BPF_F_STACK_BUILD_ID                 = 0x20
-	BPF_F_STRICT_ALIGNMENT               = 0x1
-	BPF_F_SYSCTL_BASE_NAME               = 0x1
-	BPF_F_TUNINFO_IPV6                   = 0x1
-	BPF_F_USER_BUILD_ID                  = 0x800
-	BPF_F_USER_STACK                     = 0x100
-	BPF_F_WRONLY                         = 0x10
-	BPF_F_WRONLY_PROG                    = 0x100
-	BPF_F_ZERO_CSUM_TX                   = 0x2
-	BPF_F_ZERO_SEED                      = 0x40
-	BPF_H                                = 0x8
-	BPF_IMM                              = 0x0
-	BPF_IND                              = 0x40
-	BPF_JA                               = 0x0
-	BPF_JEQ                              = 0x10
-	BPF_JGE                              = 0x30
-	BPF_JGT                              = 0x20
-	BPF_JLE                              = 0xb0
-	BPF_JLT                              = 0xa0
-	BPF_JMP                              = 0x5
-	BPF_JMP32                            = 0x6
-	BPF_JNE                              = 0x50
-	BPF_JSET                             = 0x40
-	BPF_JSGE                             = 0x70
-	BPF_JSGT                             = 0x60
-	BPF_JSLE                             = 0xd0
-	BPF_JSLT                             = 0xc0
-	BPF_K                                = 0x0
-	BPF_LD                               = 0x0
-	BPF_LDX                              = 0x1
-	BPF_LEN                              = 0x80
-	BPF_LL_OFF                           = -0x200000
-	BPF_LSH                              = 0x60
-	BPF_MAJOR_VERSION                    = 0x1
-	BPF_MAXINSNS                         = 0x1000
-	BPF_MEM                              = 0x60
-	BPF_MEMWORDS                         = 0x10
-	BPF_MINOR_VERSION                    = 0x1
-	BPF_MISC                             = 0x7
-	BPF_MOD                              = 0x90
-	BPF_MOV                              = 0xb0
-	BPF_MSH                              = 0xa0
-	BPF_MUL                              = 0x20
-	BPF_NEG                              = 0x80
-	BPF_NET_OFF                          = -0x100000
-	BPF_NOEXIST                          = 0x1
-	BPF_OBJ_NAME_LEN                     = 0x10
-	BPF_OR                               = 0x40
-	BPF_PSEUDO_CALL                      = 0x1
-	BPF_PSEUDO_MAP_FD                    = 0x1
-	BPF_PSEUDO_MAP_VALUE                 = 0x2
-	BPF_RET                              = 0x6
-	BPF_RSH                              = 0x70
-	BPF_SK_STORAGE_GET_F_CREATE          = 0x1
-	BPF_SOCK_OPS_ALL_CB_FLAGS            = 0x7
-	BPF_SOCK_OPS_RTO_CB_FLAG             = 0x1
-	BPF_SOCK_OPS_STATE_CB_FLAG           = 0x4
-	BPF_ST                               = 0x2
-	BPF_STX                              = 0x3
-	BPF_SUB                              = 0x10
-	BPF_TAG_SIZE                         = 0x8
-	BPF_TAX                              = 0x0
-	BPF_TO_BE                            = 0x8
-	BPF_TO_LE                            = 0x0
-	BPF_TXA                              = 0x80
-	BPF_W                                = 0x0
-	BPF_X                                = 0x8
-	BPF_XADD                             = 0xc0
-	BPF_XOR                              = 0xa0
-	BRKINT                               = 0x2
-	BS0                                  = 0x0
-	BS1                                  = 0x2000
-	BSDLY                                = 0x2000
-	BTRFS_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x9123683e
-	BTRFS_TEST_MAGIC                     = 0x73727279
-	CAN_BCM                              = 0x2
-	CAN_EFF_FLAG                         = 0x80000000
-	CAN_EFF_ID_BITS                      = 0x1d
-	CAN_EFF_MASK                         = 0x1fffffff
-	CAN_ERR_FLAG                         = 0x20000000
-	CAN_ERR_MASK                         = 0x1fffffff
-	CAN_INV_FILTER                       = 0x20000000
-	CAN_ISOTP                            = 0x6
-	CAN_MAX_DLC                          = 0x8
-	CAN_MAX_DLEN                         = 0x8
-	CAN_MCNET                            = 0x5
-	CAN_MTU                              = 0x10
-	CAN_NPROTO                           = 0x7
-	CAN_RAW                              = 0x1
-	CAN_RAW_FILTER_MAX                   = 0x200
-	CAN_RTR_FLAG                         = 0x40000000
-	CAN_SFF_ID_BITS                      = 0xb
-	CAN_SFF_MASK                         = 0x7ff
-	CAN_TP16                             = 0x3
-	CAN_TP20                             = 0x4
-	CAP_AUDIT_CONTROL                    = 0x1e
-	CAP_AUDIT_READ                       = 0x25
-	CAP_AUDIT_WRITE                      = 0x1d
-	CAP_BLOCK_SUSPEND                    = 0x24
-	CAP_CHOWN                            = 0x0
-	CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE                     = 0x1
-	CAP_DAC_READ_SEARCH                  = 0x2
-	CAP_FOWNER                           = 0x3
-	CAP_FSETID                           = 0x4
-	CAP_IPC_LOCK                         = 0xe
-	CAP_IPC_OWNER                        = 0xf
-	CAP_KILL                             = 0x5
-	CAP_LAST_CAP                         = 0x25
-	CAP_LEASE                            = 0x1c
-	CAP_LINUX_IMMUTABLE                  = 0x9
-	CAP_MAC_ADMIN                        = 0x21
-	CAP_MAC_OVERRIDE                     = 0x20
-	CAP_MKNOD                            = 0x1b
-	CAP_NET_ADMIN                        = 0xc
-	CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE                 = 0xa
-	CAP_NET_BROADCAST                    = 0xb
-	CAP_NET_RAW                          = 0xd
-	CAP_SETFCAP                          = 0x1f
-	CAP_SETGID                           = 0x6
-	CAP_SETPCAP                          = 0x8
-	CAP_SETUID                           = 0x7
-	CAP_SYSLOG                           = 0x22
-	CAP_SYS_ADMIN                        = 0x15
-	CAP_SYS_BOOT                         = 0x16
-	CAP_SYS_CHROOT                       = 0x12
-	CAP_SYS_MODULE                       = 0x10
-	CAP_SYS_NICE                         = 0x17
-	CAP_SYS_PACCT                        = 0x14
-	CAP_SYS_PTRACE                       = 0x13
-	CAP_SYS_RAWIO                        = 0x11
-	CAP_SYS_RESOURCE                     = 0x18
-	CAP_SYS_TIME                         = 0x19
-	CAP_SYS_TTY_CONFIG                   = 0x1a
-	CAP_WAKE_ALARM                       = 0x23
-	CBAUD                                = 0x100f
-	CBAUDEX                              = 0x1000
-	CFLUSH                               = 0xf
-	CGROUP2_SUPER_MAGIC                  = 0x63677270
-	CGROUP_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0x27e0eb
-	CIBAUD                               = 0x100f0000
-	CLOCAL                               = 0x800
-	CLOCK_BOOTTIME                       = 0x7
-	CLOCK_BOOTTIME_ALARM                 = 0x9
-	CLOCK_DEFAULT                        = 0x0
-	CLOCK_EXT                            = 0x1
-	CLOCK_INT                            = 0x2
-	CLOCK_MONOTONIC                      = 0x1
-	CLOCK_MONOTONIC_COARSE               = 0x6
-	CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW                  = 0x4
-	CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID             = 0x2
-	CLOCK_REALTIME                       = 0x0
-	CLOCK_REALTIME_ALARM                 = 0x8
-	CLOCK_REALTIME_COARSE                = 0x5
-	CLOCK_TAI                            = 0xb
-	CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID              = 0x3
-	CLOCK_TXFROMRX                       = 0x4
-	CLOCK_TXINT                          = 0x3
-	CLONE_CHILD_CLEARTID                 = 0x200000
-	CLONE_CHILD_SETTID                   = 0x1000000
-	CLONE_DETACHED                       = 0x400000
-	CLONE_FILES                          = 0x400
-	CLONE_FS                             = 0x200
-	CLONE_IO                             = 0x80000000
-	CLONE_NEWCGROUP                      = 0x2000000
-	CLONE_NEWIPC                         = 0x8000000
-	CLONE_NEWNET                         = 0x40000000
-	CLONE_NEWNS                          = 0x20000
-	CLONE_NEWPID                         = 0x20000000
-	CLONE_NEWUSER                        = 0x10000000
-	CLONE_NEWUTS                         = 0x4000000
-	CLONE_PARENT                         = 0x8000
-	CLONE_PARENT_SETTID                  = 0x100000
-	CLONE_PIDFD                          = 0x1000
-	CLONE_PTRACE                         = 0x2000
-	CLONE_SETTLS                         = 0x80000
-	CLONE_SIGHAND                        = 0x800
-	CLONE_SYSVSEM                        = 0x40000
-	CLONE_THREAD                         = 0x10000
-	CLONE_UNTRACED                       = 0x800000
-	CLONE_VFORK                          = 0x4000
-	CLONE_VM                             = 0x100
-	CMSPAR                               = 0x40000000
-	CODA_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0x73757245
-	CR0                                  = 0x0
-	CR1                                  = 0x200
-	CR2                                  = 0x400
-	CR3                                  = 0x600
-	CRAMFS_MAGIC                         = 0x28cd3d45
-	CRDLY                                = 0x600
-	CREAD                                = 0x80
-	CRTSCTS                              = 0x80000000
-	CRYPTO_MAX_NAME                      = 0x40
-	CRYPTO_MSG_MAX                       = 0x15
-	CRYPTO_NR_MSGTYPES                   = 0x6
-	CRYPTO_REPORT_MAXSIZE                = 0x160
-	CS5                                  = 0x0
-	CS6                                  = 0x10
-	CS7                                  = 0x20
-	CS8                                  = 0x30
-	CSIGNAL                              = 0xff
-	CSIZE                                = 0x30
-	CSTART                               = 0x11
-	CSTATUS                              = 0x0
-	CSTOP                                = 0x13
-	CSTOPB                               = 0x40
-	CSUSP                                = 0x1a
-	DAXFS_MAGIC                          = 0x64646178
-	DEBUGFS_MAGIC                        = 0x64626720
-	DEVPTS_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0x1cd1
-	DT_BLK                               = 0x6
-	DT_CHR                               = 0x2
-	DT_DIR                               = 0x4
-	DT_FIFO                              = 0x1
-	DT_LNK                               = 0xa
-	DT_REG                               = 0x8
-	DT_SOCK                              = 0xc
-	DT_UNKNOWN                           = 0x0
-	DT_WHT                               = 0xe
-	ECHO                                 = 0x8
-	ECHOCTL                              = 0x200
-	ECHOE                                = 0x10
-	ECHOK                                = 0x20
-	ECHOKE                               = 0x800
-	ECHONL                               = 0x40
-	ECHOPRT                              = 0x400
-	ECRYPTFS_SUPER_MAGIC                 = 0xf15f
-	EFD_CLOEXEC                          = 0x80000
-	EFD_NONBLOCK                         = 0x800
-	EFD_SEMAPHORE                        = 0x1
-	EFIVARFS_MAGIC                       = 0xde5e81e4
-	EFS_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x414a53
-	ENCODING_DEFAULT                     = 0x0
-	ENCODING_FM_MARK                     = 0x3
-	ENCODING_FM_SPACE                    = 0x4
-	ENCODING_MANCHESTER                  = 0x5
-	ENCODING_NRZ                         = 0x1
-	ENCODING_NRZI                        = 0x2
-	EPOLLERR                             = 0x8
-	EPOLLET                              = 0x80000000
-	EPOLLEXCLUSIVE                       = 0x10000000
-	EPOLLHUP                             = 0x10
-	EPOLLIN                              = 0x1
-	EPOLLMSG                             = 0x400
-	EPOLLONESHOT                         = 0x40000000
-	EPOLLOUT                             = 0x4
-	EPOLLPRI                             = 0x2
-	EPOLLRDBAND                          = 0x80
-	EPOLLRDHUP                           = 0x2000
-	EPOLLRDNORM                          = 0x40
-	EPOLLWAKEUP                          = 0x20000000
-	EPOLLWRBAND                          = 0x200
-	EPOLLWRNORM                          = 0x100
-	EPOLL_CLOEXEC                        = 0x80000
-	EPOLL_CTL_ADD                        = 0x1
-	EPOLL_CTL_DEL                        = 0x2
-	EPOLL_CTL_MOD                        = 0x3
-	ESR_MAGIC                            = 0x45535201
-	ETH_P_1588                           = 0x88f7
-	ETH_P_8021AD                         = 0x88a8
-	ETH_P_8021AH                         = 0x88e7
-	ETH_P_8021Q                          = 0x8100
-	ETH_P_80221                          = 0x8917
-	ETH_P_802_2                          = 0x4
-	ETH_P_802_3                          = 0x1
-	ETH_P_802_3_MIN                      = 0x600
-	ETH_P_802_EX1                        = 0x88b5
-	ETH_P_AARP                           = 0x80f3
-	ETH_P_AF_IUCV                        = 0xfbfb
-	ETH_P_ALL                            = 0x3
-	ETH_P_AOE                            = 0x88a2
-	ETH_P_ARCNET                         = 0x1a
-	ETH_P_ARP                            = 0x806
-	ETH_P_ATALK                          = 0x809b
-	ETH_P_ATMFATE                        = 0x8884
-	ETH_P_ATMMPOA                        = 0x884c
-	ETH_P_AX25                           = 0x2
-	ETH_P_BATMAN                         = 0x4305
-	ETH_P_BPQ                            = 0x8ff
-	ETH_P_CAIF                           = 0xf7
-	ETH_P_CAN                            = 0xc
-	ETH_P_CANFD                          = 0xd
-	ETH_P_CONTROL                        = 0x16
-	ETH_P_CUST                           = 0x6006
-	ETH_P_DDCMP                          = 0x6
-	ETH_P_DEC                            = 0x6000
-	ETH_P_DIAG                           = 0x6005
-	ETH_P_DNA_DL                         = 0x6001
-	ETH_P_DNA_RC                         = 0x6002
-	ETH_P_DNA_RT                         = 0x6003
-	ETH_P_DSA                            = 0x1b
-	ETH_P_DSA_8021Q                      = 0xdadb
-	ETH_P_ECONET                         = 0x18
-	ETH_P_EDSA                           = 0xdada
-	ETH_P_ERSPAN                         = 0x88be
-	ETH_P_ERSPAN2                        = 0x22eb
-	ETH_P_FCOE                           = 0x8906
-	ETH_P_FIP                            = 0x8914
-	ETH_P_HDLC                           = 0x19
-	ETH_P_HSR                            = 0x892f
-	ETH_P_IBOE                           = 0x8915
-	ETH_P_IEEE802154                     = 0xf6
-	ETH_P_IEEEPUP                        = 0xa00
-	ETH_P_IEEEPUPAT                      = 0xa01
-	ETH_P_IFE                            = 0xed3e
-	ETH_P_IP                             = 0x800
-	ETH_P_IPV6                           = 0x86dd
-	ETH_P_IPX                            = 0x8137
-	ETH_P_IRDA                           = 0x17
-	ETH_P_LAT                            = 0x6004
-	ETH_P_LINK_CTL                       = 0x886c
-	ETH_P_LOCALTALK                      = 0x9
-	ETH_P_LOOP                           = 0x60
-	ETH_P_LOOPBACK                       = 0x9000
-	ETH_P_MACSEC                         = 0x88e5
-	ETH_P_MAP                            = 0xf9
-	ETH_P_MOBITEX                        = 0x15
-	ETH_P_MPLS_MC                        = 0x8848
-	ETH_P_MPLS_UC                        = 0x8847
-	ETH_P_MVRP                           = 0x88f5
-	ETH_P_NCSI                           = 0x88f8
-	ETH_P_NSH                            = 0x894f
-	ETH_P_PAE                            = 0x888e
-	ETH_P_PAUSE                          = 0x8808
-	ETH_P_PHONET                         = 0xf5
-	ETH_P_PPPTALK                        = 0x10
-	ETH_P_PPP_DISC                       = 0x8863
-	ETH_P_PPP_MP                         = 0x8
-	ETH_P_PPP_SES                        = 0x8864
-	ETH_P_PREAUTH                        = 0x88c7
-	ETH_P_PRP                            = 0x88fb
-	ETH_P_PUP                            = 0x200
-	ETH_P_PUPAT                          = 0x201
-	ETH_P_QINQ1                          = 0x9100
-	ETH_P_QINQ2                          = 0x9200
-	ETH_P_QINQ3                          = 0x9300
-	ETH_P_RARP                           = 0x8035
-	ETH_P_SCA                            = 0x6007
-	ETH_P_SLOW                           = 0x8809
-	ETH_P_SNAP                           = 0x5
-	ETH_P_TDLS                           = 0x890d
-	ETH_P_TEB                            = 0x6558
-	ETH_P_TIPC                           = 0x88ca
-	ETH_P_TRAILER                        = 0x1c
-	ETH_P_TR_802_2                       = 0x11
-	ETH_P_TSN                            = 0x22f0
-	ETH_P_WAN_PPP                        = 0x7
-	ETH_P_WCCP                           = 0x883e
-	ETH_P_X25                            = 0x805
-	ETH_P_XDSA                           = 0xf8
-	EXABYTE_ENABLE_NEST                  = 0xf0
-	EXT2_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xef53
-	EXT3_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xef53
-	EXT4_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xef53
-	EXTA                                 = 0xe
-	EXTB                                 = 0xf
-	EXTPROC                              = 0x10000
-	EXTRA_MAGIC                          = 0x45585401
-	F2FS_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xf2f52010
-	FALLOC_FL_COLLAPSE_RANGE             = 0x8
-	FALLOC_FL_INSERT_RANGE               = 0x20
-	FALLOC_FL_KEEP_SIZE                  = 0x1
-	FALLOC_FL_NO_HIDE_STALE              = 0x4
-	FALLOC_FL_PUNCH_HOLE                 = 0x2
-	FALLOC_FL_UNSHARE_RANGE              = 0x40
-	FALLOC_FL_ZERO_RANGE                 = 0x10
-	FAN_ACCESS                           = 0x1
-	FAN_ACCESS_PERM                      = 0x20000
-	FAN_ALLOW                            = 0x1
-	FAN_ALL_CLASS_BITS                   = 0xc
-	FAN_ALL_EVENTS                       = 0x3b
-	FAN_ALL_INIT_FLAGS                   = 0x3f
-	FAN_ALL_MARK_FLAGS                   = 0xff
-	FAN_ALL_OUTGOING_EVENTS              = 0x3403b
-	FAN_ALL_PERM_EVENTS                  = 0x30000
-	FAN_ATTRIB                           = 0x4
-	FAN_AUDIT                            = 0x10
-	FAN_CLASS_CONTENT                    = 0x4
-	FAN_CLASS_NOTIF                      = 0x0
-	FAN_CLASS_PRE_CONTENT                = 0x8
-	FAN_CLOEXEC                          = 0x1
-	FAN_CLOSE                            = 0x18
-	FAN_CLOSE_NOWRITE                    = 0x10
-	FAN_CLOSE_WRITE                      = 0x8
-	FAN_CREATE                           = 0x100
-	FAN_DELETE                           = 0x200
-	FAN_DELETE_SELF                      = 0x400
-	FAN_DENY                             = 0x2
-	FAN_ENABLE_AUDIT                     = 0x40
-	FAN_EVENT_INFO_TYPE_FID              = 0x1
-	FAN_EVENT_METADATA_LEN               = 0x18
-	FAN_EVENT_ON_CHILD                   = 0x8000000
-	FAN_MARK_ADD                         = 0x1
-	FAN_MARK_DONT_FOLLOW                 = 0x4
-	FAN_MARK_FILESYSTEM                  = 0x100
-	FAN_MARK_FLUSH                       = 0x80
-	FAN_MARK_IGNORED_MASK                = 0x20
-	FAN_MARK_INODE                       = 0x0
-	FAN_MARK_MOUNT                       = 0x10
-	FAN_MARK_ONLYDIR                     = 0x8
-	FAN_MARK_REMOVE                      = 0x2
-	FAN_MODIFY                           = 0x2
-	FAN_MOVE                             = 0xc0
-	FAN_MOVED_FROM                       = 0x40
-	FAN_MOVED_TO                         = 0x80
-	FAN_MOVE_SELF                        = 0x800
-	FAN_NOFD                             = -0x1
-	FAN_NONBLOCK                         = 0x2
-	FAN_ONDIR                            = 0x40000000
-	FAN_OPEN                             = 0x20
-	FAN_OPEN_EXEC                        = 0x1000
-	FAN_OPEN_EXEC_PERM                   = 0x40000
-	FAN_OPEN_PERM                        = 0x10000
-	FAN_Q_OVERFLOW                       = 0x4000
-	FAN_REPORT_FID                       = 0x200
-	FAN_REPORT_TID                       = 0x100
-	FAN_UNLIMITED_MARKS                  = 0x20
-	FAN_UNLIMITED_QUEUE                  = 0x10
-	FD_CLOEXEC                           = 0x1
-	FD_SETSIZE                           = 0x400
-	FF0                                  = 0x0
-	FF1                                  = 0x8000
-	FFDLY                                = 0x8000
-	FLUSHO                               = 0x1000
-	FPSIMD_MAGIC                         = 0x46508001
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_128_CBC       = 0x5
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_128_CTS       = 0x6
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_CBC       = 0x3
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_CTS       = 0x4
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_GCM       = 0x2
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_XTS       = 0x1
-	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY         = 0x400c6615
-	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_PWSALT         = 0x40106614
-	FS_IOC_SET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY         = 0x800c6613
-	FS_KEY_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE               = 0x8
-	FS_KEY_DESC_PREFIX                   = "fscrypt:"
-	FS_KEY_DESC_PREFIX_SIZE              = 0x8
-	FS_MAX_KEY_SIZE                      = 0x40
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_16               = 0x2
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_32               = 0x3
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_4                = 0x0
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_8                = 0x1
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_MASK             = 0x3
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_VALID                = 0x7
-	FUTEXFS_SUPER_MAGIC                  = 0xbad1dea
-	F_ADD_SEALS                          = 0x409
-	F_DUPFD                              = 0x0
-	F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC                      = 0x406
-	F_EXLCK                              = 0x4
-	F_GETFD                              = 0x1
-	F_GETFL                              = 0x3
-	F_GETLEASE                           = 0x401
-	F_GETLK                              = 0x5
-	F_GETLK64                            = 0x5
-	F_GETOWN                             = 0x9
-	F_GETOWN_EX                          = 0x10
-	F_GETPIPE_SZ                         = 0x408
-	F_GETSIG                             = 0xb
-	F_GET_FILE_RW_HINT                   = 0x40d
-	F_GET_RW_HINT                        = 0x40b
-	F_GET_SEALS                          = 0x40a
-	F_LOCK                               = 0x1
-	F_NOTIFY                             = 0x402
-	F_OFD_GETLK                          = 0x24
-	F_OFD_SETLK                          = 0x25
-	F_OFD_SETLKW                         = 0x26
-	F_OK                                 = 0x0
-	F_RDLCK                              = 0x0
-	F_SEAL_FUTURE_WRITE                  = 0x10
-	F_SEAL_GROW                          = 0x4
-	F_SEAL_SEAL                          = 0x1
-	F_SEAL_SHRINK                        = 0x2
-	F_SEAL_WRITE                         = 0x8
-	F_SETFD                              = 0x2
-	F_SETFL                              = 0x4
-	F_SETLEASE                           = 0x400
-	F_SETLK                              = 0x6
-	F_SETLK64                            = 0x6
-	F_SETLKW                             = 0x7
-	F_SETLKW64                           = 0x7
-	F_SETOWN                             = 0x8
-	F_SETOWN_EX                          = 0xf
-	F_SETPIPE_SZ                         = 0x407
-	F_SETSIG                             = 0xa
-	F_SET_FILE_RW_HINT                   = 0x40e
-	F_SET_RW_HINT                        = 0x40c
-	F_SHLCK                              = 0x8
-	F_TEST                               = 0x3
-	F_TLOCK                              = 0x2
-	F_ULOCK                              = 0x0
-	F_UNLCK                              = 0x2
-	F_WRLCK                              = 0x1
-	GENL_ADMIN_PERM                      = 0x1
-	GENL_CMD_CAP_DO                      = 0x2
-	GENL_CMD_CAP_DUMP                    = 0x4
-	GENL_CMD_CAP_HASPOL                  = 0x8
-	GENL_HDRLEN                          = 0x4
-	GENL_ID_CTRL                         = 0x10
-	GENL_ID_PMCRAID                      = 0x12
-	GENL_ID_VFS_DQUOT                    = 0x11
-	GENL_MAX_ID                          = 0x3ff
-	GENL_MIN_ID                          = 0x10
-	GENL_NAMSIZ                          = 0x10
-	GENL_START_ALLOC                     = 0x13
-	GENL_UNS_ADMIN_PERM                  = 0x10
-	GRND_NONBLOCK                        = 0x1
-	GRND_RANDOM                          = 0x2
-	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD                       = 0x31f
-	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD_AEB                   = 0x31e
-	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD_HDR_SIZE              = 0x4
-	HDIO_DRIVE_HOB_HDR_SIZE              = 0x8
-	HDIO_DRIVE_RESET                     = 0x31c
-	HDIO_DRIVE_TASK                      = 0x31e
-	HDIO_DRIVE_TASKFILE                  = 0x31d
-	HDIO_DRIVE_TASK_HDR_SIZE             = 0x8
-	HDIO_GETGEO                          = 0x301
-	HDIO_GET_32BIT                       = 0x309
-	HDIO_GET_ACOUSTIC                    = 0x30f
-	HDIO_GET_ADDRESS                     = 0x310
-	HDIO_GET_BUSSTATE                    = 0x31a
-	HDIO_GET_DMA                         = 0x30b
-	HDIO_GET_IDENTITY                    = 0x30d
-	HDIO_GET_KEEPSETTINGS                = 0x308
-	HDIO_GET_MULTCOUNT                   = 0x304
-	HDIO_GET_NICE                        = 0x30c
-	HDIO_GET_NOWERR                      = 0x30a
-	HDIO_GET_QDMA                        = 0x305
-	HDIO_GET_UNMASKINTR                  = 0x302
-	HDIO_GET_WCACHE                      = 0x30e
-	HDIO_OBSOLETE_IDENTITY               = 0x307
-	HDIO_SCAN_HWIF                       = 0x328
-	HDIO_SET_32BIT                       = 0x324
-	HDIO_SET_ACOUSTIC                    = 0x32c
-	HDIO_SET_ADDRESS                     = 0x32f
-	HDIO_SET_BUSSTATE                    = 0x32d
-	HDIO_SET_DMA                         = 0x326
-	HDIO_SET_KEEPSETTINGS                = 0x323
-	HDIO_SET_MULTCOUNT                   = 0x321
-	HDIO_SET_NICE                        = 0x329
-	HDIO_SET_NOWERR                      = 0x325
-	HDIO_SET_PIO_MODE                    = 0x327
-	HDIO_SET_QDMA                        = 0x32e
-	HDIO_SET_UNMASKINTR                  = 0x322
-	HDIO_SET_WCACHE                      = 0x32b
-	HDIO_SET_XFER                        = 0x306
-	HDIO_TRISTATE_HWIF                   = 0x31b
-	HDIO_UNREGISTER_HWIF                 = 0x32a
-	HOSTFS_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0xc0ffee
-	HPFS_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xf995e849
-	HUGETLBFS_MAGIC                      = 0x958458f6
-	HUPCL                                = 0x400
-	IBSHIFT                              = 0x10
-	ICANON                               = 0x2
-	ICMPV6_FILTER                        = 0x1
-	ICRNL                                = 0x100
-	IEXTEN                               = 0x8000
-	IFA_F_DADFAILED                      = 0x8
-	IFA_F_DEPRECATED                     = 0x20
-	IFA_F_HOMEADDRESS                    = 0x10
-	IFA_F_MANAGETEMPADDR                 = 0x100
-	IFA_F_MCAUTOJOIN                     = 0x400
-	IFA_F_NODAD                          = 0x2
-	IFA_F_NOPREFIXROUTE                  = 0x200
-	IFA_F_OPTIMISTIC                     = 0x4
-	IFA_F_PERMANENT                      = 0x80
-	IFA_F_SECONDARY                      = 0x1
-	IFA_F_STABLE_PRIVACY                 = 0x800
-	IFA_F_TEMPORARY                      = 0x1
-	IFA_F_TENTATIVE                      = 0x40
-	IFA_MAX                              = 0xa
-	IFF_ALLMULTI                         = 0x200
-	IFF_ATTACH_QUEUE                     = 0x200
-	IFF_AUTOMEDIA                        = 0x4000
-	IFF_BROADCAST                        = 0x2
-	IFF_DEBUG                            = 0x4
-	IFF_DETACH_QUEUE                     = 0x400
-	IFF_DORMANT                          = 0x20000
-	IFF_DYNAMIC                          = 0x8000
-	IFF_ECHO                             = 0x40000
-	IFF_LOOPBACK                         = 0x8
-	IFF_LOWER_UP                         = 0x10000
-	IFF_MASTER                           = 0x400
-	IFF_MULTICAST                        = 0x1000
-	IFF_MULTI_QUEUE                      = 0x100
-	IFF_NAPI                             = 0x10
-	IFF_NAPI_FRAGS                       = 0x20
-	IFF_NOARP                            = 0x80
-	IFF_NOFILTER                         = 0x1000
-	IFF_NOTRAILERS                       = 0x20
-	IFF_NO_PI                            = 0x1000
-	IFF_ONE_QUEUE                        = 0x2000
-	IFF_PERSIST                          = 0x800
-	IFF_POINTOPOINT                      = 0x10
-	IFF_PORTSEL                          = 0x2000
-	IFF_PROMISC                          = 0x100
-	IFF_RUNNING                          = 0x40
-	IFF_SLAVE                            = 0x800
-	IFF_TAP                              = 0x2
-	IFF_TUN                              = 0x1
-	IFF_TUN_EXCL                         = 0x8000
-	IFF_UP                               = 0x1
-	IFF_VNET_HDR                         = 0x4000
-	IFF_VOLATILE                         = 0x70c5a
-	IFNAMSIZ                             = 0x10
-	IGNBRK                               = 0x1
-	IGNCR                                = 0x80
-	IGNPAR                               = 0x4
-	IMAXBEL                              = 0x2000
-	INLCR                                = 0x40
-	INPCK                                = 0x10
-	IN_ACCESS                            = 0x1
-	IN_ALL_EVENTS                        = 0xfff
-	IN_ATTRIB                            = 0x4
-	IN_CLASSA_HOST                       = 0xffffff
-	IN_CLASSA_MAX                        = 0x80
-	IN_CLASSA_NET                        = 0xff000000
-	IN_CLASSA_NSHIFT                     = 0x18
-	IN_CLASSB_HOST                       = 0xffff
-	IN_CLASSB_MAX                        = 0x10000
-	IN_CLASSB_NET                        = 0xffff0000
-	IN_CLASSB_NSHIFT                     = 0x10
-	IN_CLASSC_HOST                       = 0xff
-	IN_CLASSC_NET                        = 0xffffff00
-	IN_CLASSC_NSHIFT                     = 0x8
-	IN_CLOEXEC                           = 0x80000
-	IN_CLOSE                             = 0x18
-	IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE                     = 0x10
-	IN_CLOSE_WRITE                       = 0x8
-	IN_CREATE                            = 0x100
-	IN_DELETE                            = 0x200
-	IN_DELETE_SELF                       = 0x400
-	IN_DONT_FOLLOW                       = 0x2000000
-	IN_EXCL_UNLINK                       = 0x4000000
-	IN_IGNORED                           = 0x8000
-	IN_ISDIR                             = 0x40000000
-	IN_LOOPBACKNET                       = 0x7f
-	IN_MASK_ADD                          = 0x20000000
-	IN_MASK_CREATE                       = 0x10000000
-	IN_MODIFY                            = 0x2
-	IN_MOVE                              = 0xc0
-	IN_MOVED_FROM                        = 0x40
-	IN_MOVED_TO                          = 0x80
-	IN_MOVE_SELF                         = 0x800
-	IN_NONBLOCK                          = 0x800
-	IN_ONESHOT                           = 0x80000000
-	IN_ONLYDIR                           = 0x1000000
-	IN_OPEN                              = 0x20
-	IN_Q_OVERFLOW                        = 0x4000
-	IN_UNMOUNT                           = 0x2000
-	IPPROTO_AH                           = 0x33
-	IPPROTO_BEETPH                       = 0x5e
-	IPPROTO_COMP                         = 0x6c
-	IPPROTO_DCCP                         = 0x21
-	IPPROTO_DSTOPTS                      = 0x3c
-	IPPROTO_EGP                          = 0x8
-	IPPROTO_ENCAP                        = 0x62
-	IPPROTO_ESP                          = 0x32
-	IPPROTO_FRAGMENT                     = 0x2c
-	IPPROTO_GRE                          = 0x2f
-	IPPROTO_HOPOPTS                      = 0x0
-	IPPROTO_ICMP                         = 0x1
-	IPPROTO_ICMPV6                       = 0x3a
-	IPPROTO_IDP                          = 0x16
-	IPPROTO_IGMP                         = 0x2
-	IPPROTO_IP                           = 0x0
-	IPPROTO_IPIP                         = 0x4
-	IPPROTO_IPV6                         = 0x29
-	IPPROTO_MH                           = 0x87
-	IPPROTO_MPLS                         = 0x89
-	IPPROTO_MTP                          = 0x5c
-	IPPROTO_NONE                         = 0x3b
-	IPPROTO_PIM                          = 0x67
-	IPPROTO_PUP                          = 0xc
-	IPPROTO_RAW                          = 0xff
-	IPPROTO_ROUTING                      = 0x2b
-	IPPROTO_RSVP                         = 0x2e
-	IPPROTO_SCTP                         = 0x84
-	IPPROTO_TCP                          = 0x6
-	IPPROTO_TP                           = 0x1d
-	IPPROTO_UDP                          = 0x11
-	IPPROTO_UDPLITE                      = 0x88
-	IPV6_2292DSTOPTS                     = 0x4
-	IPV6_2292HOPLIMIT                    = 0x8
-	IPV6_2292HOPOPTS                     = 0x3
-	IPV6_2292PKTINFO                     = 0x2
-	IPV6_2292PKTOPTIONS                  = 0x6
-	IPV6_2292RTHDR                       = 0x5
-	IPV6_ADDRFORM                        = 0x1
-	IPV6_ADDR_PREFERENCES                = 0x48
-	IPV6_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                  = 0x14
-	IPV6_AUTHHDR                         = 0xa
-	IPV6_AUTOFLOWLABEL                   = 0x46
-	IPV6_CHECKSUM                        = 0x7
-	IPV6_DONTFRAG                        = 0x3e
-	IPV6_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                 = 0x15
-	IPV6_DSTOPTS                         = 0x3b
-	IPV6_FREEBIND                        = 0x4e
-	IPV6_HDRINCL                         = 0x24
-	IPV6_HOPLIMIT                        = 0x34
-	IPV6_HOPOPTS                         = 0x36
-	IPV6_IPSEC_POLICY                    = 0x22
-	IPV6_JOIN_ANYCAST                    = 0x1b
-	IPV6_JOIN_GROUP                      = 0x14
-	IPV6_LEAVE_ANYCAST                   = 0x1c
-	IPV6_LEAVE_GROUP                     = 0x15
-	IPV6_MINHOPCOUNT                     = 0x49
-	IPV6_MTU                             = 0x18
-	IPV6_MTU_DISCOVER                    = 0x17
-	IPV6_MULTICAST_ALL                   = 0x1d
-	IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS                  = 0x12
-	IPV6_MULTICAST_IF                    = 0x11
-	IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP                  = 0x13
-	IPV6_NEXTHOP                         = 0x9
-	IPV6_ORIGDSTADDR                     = 0x4a
-	IPV6_PATHMTU                         = 0x3d
-	IPV6_PKTINFO                         = 0x32
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_DO                     = 0x2
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_DONT                   = 0x0
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_INTERFACE              = 0x4
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_OMIT                   = 0x5
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_PROBE                  = 0x3
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_WANT                   = 0x1
-	IPV6_RECVDSTOPTS                     = 0x3a
-	IPV6_RECVERR                         = 0x19
-	IPV6_RECVFRAGSIZE                    = 0x4d
-	IPV6_RECVHOPLIMIT                    = 0x33
-	IPV6_RECVHOPOPTS                     = 0x35
-	IPV6_RECVORIGDSTADDR                 = 0x4a
-	IPV6_RECVPATHMTU                     = 0x3c
-	IPV6_RECVPKTINFO                     = 0x31
-	IPV6_RECVRTHDR                       = 0x38
-	IPV6_RECVTCLASS                      = 0x42
-	IPV6_ROUTER_ALERT                    = 0x16
-	IPV6_ROUTER_ALERT_ISOLATE            = 0x1e
-	IPV6_RTHDR                           = 0x39
-	IPV6_RTHDRDSTOPTS                    = 0x37
-	IPV6_RTHDR_LOOSE                     = 0x0
-	IPV6_RTHDR_STRICT                    = 0x1
-	IPV6_RTHDR_TYPE_0                    = 0x0
-	IPV6_RXDSTOPTS                       = 0x3b
-	IPV6_RXHOPOPTS                       = 0x36
-	IPV6_TCLASS                          = 0x43
-	IPV6_TRANSPARENT                     = 0x4b
-	IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS                    = 0x10
-	IPV6_UNICAST_IF                      = 0x4c
-	IPV6_V6ONLY                          = 0x1a
-	IPV6_XFRM_POLICY                     = 0x23
-	IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                    = 0x23
-	IP_ADD_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP             = 0x27
-	IP_BIND_ADDRESS_NO_PORT              = 0x18
-	IP_BLOCK_SOURCE                      = 0x26
-	IP_CHECKSUM                          = 0x17
-	IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_LOOP            = 0x1
-	IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_TTL             = 0x1
-	IP_DF                                = 0x4000
-	IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                   = 0x24
-	IP_DROP_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP            = 0x28
-	IP_FREEBIND                          = 0xf
-	IP_HDRINCL                           = 0x3
-	IP_IPSEC_POLICY                      = 0x10
-	IP_MAXPACKET                         = 0xffff
-	IP_MAX_MEMBERSHIPS                   = 0x14
-	IP_MF                                = 0x2000
-	IP_MINTTL                            = 0x15
-	IP_MSFILTER                          = 0x29
-	IP_MSS                               = 0x240
-	IP_MTU                               = 0xe
-	IP_MTU_DISCOVER                      = 0xa
-	IP_MULTICAST_ALL                     = 0x31
-	IP_MULTICAST_IF                      = 0x20
-	IP_MULTICAST_LOOP                    = 0x22
-	IP_MULTICAST_TTL                     = 0x21
-	IP_NODEFRAG                          = 0x16
-	IP_OFFMASK                           = 0x1fff
-	IP_OPTIONS                           = 0x4
-	IP_ORIGDSTADDR                       = 0x14
-	IP_PASSSEC                           = 0x12
-	IP_PKTINFO                           = 0x8
-	IP_PKTOPTIONS                        = 0x9
-	IP_PMTUDISC                          = 0xa
-	IP_PMTUDISC_DO                       = 0x2
-	IP_PMTUDISC_DONT                     = 0x0
-	IP_PMTUDISC_INTERFACE                = 0x4
-	IP_PMTUDISC_OMIT                     = 0x5
-	IP_PMTUDISC_PROBE                    = 0x3
-	IP_PMTUDISC_WANT                     = 0x1
-	IP_RECVERR                           = 0xb
-	IP_RECVFRAGSIZE                      = 0x19
-	IP_RECVOPTS                          = 0x6
-	IP_RECVORIGDSTADDR                   = 0x14
-	IP_RECVRETOPTS                       = 0x7
-	IP_RECVTOS                           = 0xd
-	IP_RECVTTL                           = 0xc
-	IP_RETOPTS                           = 0x7
-	IP_RF                                = 0x8000
-	IP_ROUTER_ALERT                      = 0x5
-	IP_TOS                               = 0x1
-	IP_TRANSPARENT                       = 0x13
-	IP_TTL                               = 0x2
-	IP_UNBLOCK_SOURCE                    = 0x25
-	IP_UNICAST_IF                        = 0x32
-	IP_XFRM_POLICY                       = 0x11
-	ISIG                                 = 0x1
-	ISOFS_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x9660
-	ISTRIP                               = 0x20
-	IUCLC                                = 0x200
-	IUTF8                                = 0x4000
-	IXANY                                = 0x800
-	IXOFF                                = 0x1000
-	IXON                                 = 0x400
-	JFFS2_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x72b6
-	KEXEC_ARCH_386                       = 0x30000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_68K                       = 0x40000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_AARCH64                   = 0xb70000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_ARM                       = 0x280000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_DEFAULT                   = 0x0
-	KEXEC_ARCH_IA_64                     = 0x320000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_MASK                      = 0xffff0000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_MIPS                      = 0x80000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_MIPS_LE                   = 0xa0000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_PPC                       = 0x140000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_PPC64                     = 0x150000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_S390                      = 0x160000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_SH                        = 0x2a0000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_X86_64                    = 0x3e0000
-	KEXEC_FILE_NO_INITRAMFS              = 0x4
-	KEXEC_FILE_ON_CRASH                  = 0x2
-	KEXEC_FILE_UNLOAD                    = 0x1
-	KEXEC_ON_CRASH                       = 0x1
-	KEXEC_PRESERVE_CONTEXT               = 0x2
-	KEXEC_SEGMENT_MAX                    = 0x10
-	KEYCTL_ASSUME_AUTHORITY              = 0x10
-	KEYCTL_CHOWN                         = 0x4
-	KEYCTL_CLEAR                         = 0x7
-	KEYCTL_DESCRIBE                      = 0x6
-	KEYCTL_DH_COMPUTE                    = 0x17
-	KEYCTL_GET_KEYRING_ID                = 0x0
-	KEYCTL_GET_PERSISTENT                = 0x16
-	KEYCTL_GET_SECURITY                  = 0x11
-	KEYCTL_INSTANTIATE                   = 0xc
-	KEYCTL_INSTANTIATE_IOV               = 0x14
-	KEYCTL_INVALIDATE                    = 0x15
-	KEYCTL_LINK                          = 0x8
-	KEYCTL_NEGATE                        = 0xd
-	KEYCTL_PKEY_DECRYPT                  = 0x1a
-	KEYCTL_PKEY_ENCRYPT                  = 0x19
-	KEYCTL_PKEY_QUERY                    = 0x18
-	KEYCTL_PKEY_SIGN                     = 0x1b
-	KEYCTL_PKEY_VERIFY                   = 0x1c
-	KEYCTL_READ                          = 0xb
-	KEYCTL_REJECT                        = 0x13
-	KEYCTL_RESTRICT_KEYRING              = 0x1d
-	KEYCTL_REVOKE                        = 0x3
-	KEYCTL_SEARCH                        = 0xa
-	KEYCTL_SESSION_TO_PARENT             = 0x12
-	KEYCTL_SETPERM                       = 0x5
-	KEYCTL_SET_REQKEY_KEYRING            = 0xe
-	KEYCTL_SET_TIMEOUT                   = 0xf
-	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_DECRYPT              = 0x2
-	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_ENCRYPT              = 0x1
-	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_SIGN                 = 0x4
-	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_VERIFY               = 0x8
-	KEYCTL_UNLINK                        = 0x9
-	KEYCTL_UPDATE                        = 0x2
-	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_DEFAULT              = 0x0
-	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_NO_CHANGE            = -0x1
-	KEY_SPEC_GROUP_KEYRING               = -0x6
-	KEY_SPEC_PROCESS_KEYRING             = -0x2
-	KEY_SPEC_REQKEY_AUTH_KEY             = -0x7
-	KEY_SPEC_SESSION_KEYRING             = -0x3
-	KEY_SPEC_THREAD_KEYRING              = -0x1
-	KEY_SPEC_USER_KEYRING                = -0x4
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_CAD_OFF             = 0x0
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_CAD_ON              = 0x89abcdef
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_HALT                = 0xcdef0123
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_KEXEC               = 0x45584543
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_POWER_OFF           = 0x4321fedc
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_RESTART             = 0x1234567
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_RESTART2            = 0xa1b2c3d4
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_SW_SUSPEND          = 0xd000fce2
-	LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC1                  = 0xfee1dead
-	LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC2                  = 0x28121969
-	LOCK_EX                              = 0x2
-	LOCK_NB                              = 0x4
-	LOCK_SH                              = 0x1
-	LOCK_UN                              = 0x8
-	LOOP_CLR_FD                          = 0x4c01
-	LOOP_CTL_ADD                         = 0x4c80
-	LOOP_CTL_GET_FREE                    = 0x4c82
-	LOOP_CTL_REMOVE                      = 0x4c81
-	LOOP_GET_STATUS                      = 0x4c03
-	LOOP_GET_STATUS64                    = 0x4c05
-	LOOP_SET_BLOCK_SIZE                  = 0x4c09
-	LOOP_SET_CAPACITY                    = 0x4c07
-	LOOP_SET_DIRECT_IO                   = 0x4c08
-	LOOP_SET_FD                          = 0x4c00
-	LOOP_SET_STATUS                      = 0x4c02
-	LOOP_SET_STATUS64                    = 0x4c04
-	LO_KEY_SIZE                          = 0x20
-	LO_NAME_SIZE                         = 0x40
-	MADV_DODUMP                          = 0x11
-	MADV_DOFORK                          = 0xb
-	MADV_DONTDUMP                        = 0x10
-	MADV_DONTFORK                        = 0xa
-	MADV_DONTNEED                        = 0x4
-	MADV_FREE                            = 0x8
-	MADV_HUGEPAGE                        = 0xe
-	MADV_HWPOISON                        = 0x64
-	MADV_KEEPONFORK                      = 0x13
-	MADV_MERGEABLE                       = 0xc
-	MADV_NOHUGEPAGE                      = 0xf
-	MADV_NORMAL                          = 0x0
-	MADV_RANDOM                          = 0x1
-	MADV_REMOVE                          = 0x9
-	MADV_SEQUENTIAL                      = 0x2
-	MADV_UNMERGEABLE                     = 0xd
-	MADV_WILLNEED                        = 0x3
-	MADV_WIPEONFORK                      = 0x12
-	MAP_ANON                             = 0x20
-	MAP_ANONYMOUS                        = 0x20
-	MAP_DENYWRITE                        = 0x800
-	MAP_EXECUTABLE                       = 0x1000
-	MAP_FILE                             = 0x0
-	MAP_FIXED                            = 0x10
-	MAP_FIXED_NOREPLACE                  = 0x100000
-	MAP_GROWSDOWN                        = 0x100
-	MAP_HUGETLB                          = 0x40000
-	MAP_HUGE_MASK                        = 0x3f
-	MAP_HUGE_SHIFT                       = 0x1a
-	MAP_LOCKED                           = 0x2000
-	MAP_NONBLOCK                         = 0x10000
-	MAP_NORESERVE                        = 0x4000
-	MAP_POPULATE                         = 0x8000
-	MAP_PRIVATE                          = 0x2
-	MAP_SHARED                           = 0x1
-	MAP_SHARED_VALIDATE                  = 0x3
-	MAP_STACK                            = 0x20000
-	MAP_SYNC                             = 0x80000
-	MAP_TYPE                             = 0xf
-	MCAST_BLOCK_SOURCE                   = 0x2b
-	MCAST_EXCLUDE                        = 0x0
-	MCAST_INCLUDE                        = 0x1
-	MCAST_JOIN_GROUP                     = 0x2a
-	MCAST_JOIN_SOURCE_GROUP              = 0x2e
-	MCAST_LEAVE_GROUP                    = 0x2d
-	MCAST_LEAVE_SOURCE_GROUP             = 0x2f
-	MCAST_MSFILTER                       = 0x30
-	MCAST_UNBLOCK_SOURCE                 = 0x2c
-	MCL_CURRENT                          = 0x1
-	MCL_FUTURE                           = 0x2
-	MCL_ONFAULT                          = 0x4
-	MFD_ALLOW_SEALING                    = 0x2
-	MFD_CLOEXEC                          = 0x1
-	MFD_HUGETLB                          = 0x4
-	MFD_HUGE_16GB                        = -0x78000000
-	MFD_HUGE_16MB                        = 0x60000000
-	MFD_HUGE_1GB                         = 0x78000000
-	MFD_HUGE_1MB                         = 0x50000000
-	MFD_HUGE_256MB                       = 0x70000000
-	MFD_HUGE_2GB                         = 0x7c000000
-	MFD_HUGE_2MB                         = 0x54000000
-	MFD_HUGE_32MB                        = 0x64000000
-	MFD_HUGE_512KB                       = 0x4c000000
-	MFD_HUGE_512MB                       = 0x74000000
-	MFD_HUGE_64KB                        = 0x40000000
-	MFD_HUGE_8MB                         = 0x5c000000
-	MFD_HUGE_MASK                        = 0x3f
-	MFD_HUGE_SHIFT                       = 0x1a
-	MINIX2_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0x2468
-	MINIX2_SUPER_MAGIC2                  = 0x2478
-	MINIX3_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0x4d5a
-	MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x137f
-	MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC2                   = 0x138f
-	MNT_DETACH                           = 0x2
-	MNT_EXPIRE                           = 0x4
-	MNT_FORCE                            = 0x1
-	MSDOS_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x4d44
-	MSG_BATCH                            = 0x40000
-	MSG_CMSG_CLOEXEC                     = 0x40000000
-	MSG_CONFIRM                          = 0x800
-	MSG_CTRUNC                           = 0x8
-	MSG_DONTROUTE                        = 0x4
-	MSG_DONTWAIT                         = 0x40
-	MSG_EOR                              = 0x80
-	MSG_ERRQUEUE                         = 0x2000
-	MSG_FASTOPEN                         = 0x20000000
-	MSG_FIN                              = 0x200
-	MSG_MORE                             = 0x8000
-	MSG_NOSIGNAL                         = 0x4000
-	MSG_OOB                              = 0x1
-	MSG_PEEK                             = 0x2
-	MSG_PROXY                            = 0x10
-	MSG_RST                              = 0x1000
-	MSG_SYN                              = 0x400
-	MSG_TRUNC                            = 0x20
-	MSG_TRYHARD                          = 0x4
-	MSG_WAITALL                          = 0x100
-	MSG_WAITFORONE                       = 0x10000
-	MSG_ZEROCOPY                         = 0x4000000
-	MS_ACTIVE                            = 0x40000000
-	MS_ASYNC                             = 0x1
-	MS_BIND                              = 0x1000
-	MS_BORN                              = 0x20000000
-	MS_DIRSYNC                           = 0x80
-	MS_INVALIDATE                        = 0x2
-	MS_I_VERSION                         = 0x800000
-	MS_KERNMOUNT                         = 0x400000
-	MS_LAZYTIME                          = 0x2000000
-	MS_MANDLOCK                          = 0x40
-	MS_MGC_MSK                           = 0xffff0000
-	MS_MGC_VAL                           = 0xc0ed0000
-	MS_MOVE                              = 0x2000
-	MS_NOATIME                           = 0x400
-	MS_NODEV                             = 0x4
-	MS_NODIRATIME                        = 0x800
-	MS_NOEXEC                            = 0x8
-	MS_NOREMOTELOCK                      = 0x8000000
-	MS_NOSEC                             = 0x10000000
-	MS_NOSUID                            = 0x2
-	MS_NOUSER                            = -0x80000000
-	MS_POSIXACL                          = 0x10000
-	MS_PRIVATE                           = 0x40000
-	MS_RDONLY                            = 0x1
-	MS_REC                               = 0x4000
-	MS_RELATIME                          = 0x200000
-	MS_REMOUNT                           = 0x20
-	MS_RMT_MASK                          = 0x2800051
-	MS_SHARED                            = 0x100000
-	MS_SILENT                            = 0x8000
-	MS_SLAVE                             = 0x80000
-	MS_STRICTATIME                       = 0x1000000
-	MS_SUBMOUNT                          = 0x4000000
-	MS_SYNC                              = 0x4
-	MS_SYNCHRONOUS                       = 0x10
-	MS_UNBINDABLE                        = 0x20000
-	MS_VERBOSE                           = 0x8000
-	MTD_INODE_FS_MAGIC                   = 0x11307854
-	NAME_MAX                             = 0xff
-	NCP_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x564c
-	NETLINK_ADD_MEMBERSHIP               = 0x1
-	NETLINK_AUDIT                        = 0x9
-	NETLINK_BROADCAST_ERROR              = 0x4
-	NETLINK_CAP_ACK                      = 0xa
-	NETLINK_CONNECTOR                    = 0xb
-	NETLINK_CRYPTO                       = 0x15
-	NETLINK_DNRTMSG                      = 0xe
-	NETLINK_DROP_MEMBERSHIP              = 0x2
-	NETLINK_ECRYPTFS                     = 0x13
-	NETLINK_EXT_ACK                      = 0xb
-	NETLINK_FIB_LOOKUP                   = 0xa
-	NETLINK_FIREWALL                     = 0x3
-	NETLINK_GENERIC                      = 0x10
-	NETLINK_GET_STRICT_CHK               = 0xc
-	NETLINK_INET_DIAG                    = 0x4
-	NETLINK_IP6_FW                       = 0xd
-	NETLINK_ISCSI                        = 0x8
-	NETLINK_KOBJECT_UEVENT               = 0xf
-	NETLINK_LISTEN_ALL_NSID              = 0x8
-	NETLINK_LIST_MEMBERSHIPS             = 0x9
-	NETLINK_NETFILTER                    = 0xc
-	NETLINK_NFLOG                        = 0x5
-	NETLINK_NO_ENOBUFS                   = 0x5
-	NETLINK_PKTINFO                      = 0x3
-	NETLINK_RDMA                         = 0x14
-	NETLINK_ROUTE                        = 0x0
-	NETLINK_RX_RING                      = 0x6
-	NETLINK_SCSITRANSPORT                = 0x12
-	NETLINK_SELINUX                      = 0x7
-	NETLINK_SMC                          = 0x16
-	NETLINK_SOCK_DIAG                    = 0x4
-	NETLINK_TX_RING                      = 0x7
-	NETLINK_UNUSED                       = 0x1
-	NETLINK_USERSOCK                     = 0x2
-	NETLINK_XFRM                         = 0x6
-	NETNSA_MAX                           = 0x5
-	NETNSA_NSID_NOT_ASSIGNED             = -0x1
-	NFNETLINK_V0                         = 0x0
-	NFNLGRP_ACCT_QUOTA                   = 0x8
-	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_EXP_NEW            = 0x4
-	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_NEW                = 0x1
-	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_UPDATE             = 0x2
-	NFNLGRP_MAX                          = 0x9
-	NFNLGRP_NFTABLES                     = 0x7
-	NFNLGRP_NFTRACE                      = 0x9
-	NFNLGRP_NONE                         = 0x0
-	NFNL_BATCH_MAX                       = 0x1
-	NFNL_MSG_BATCH_BEGIN                 = 0x10
-	NFNL_MSG_BATCH_END                   = 0x11
-	NFNL_NFA_NEST                        = 0x8000
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_ACCT                     = 0x7
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_COUNT                    = 0xc
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTHELPER                 = 0x9
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTNETLINK                = 0x1
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTNETLINK_EXP            = 0x2
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_IPSET                    = 0x6
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_NFTABLES                 = 0xa
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_NFT_COMPAT               = 0xb
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_NONE                     = 0x0
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_OSF                      = 0x5
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_QUEUE                    = 0x3
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_ULOG                     = 0x4
-	NFS_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x6969
-	NILFS_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x3434
-	NL0                                  = 0x0
-	NL1                                  = 0x100
-	NLA_ALIGNTO                          = 0x4
-	NLA_F_NESTED                         = 0x8000
-	NLA_F_NET_BYTEORDER                  = 0x4000
-	NLA_HDRLEN                           = 0x4
-	NLDLY                                = 0x100
-	NLMSG_ALIGNTO                        = 0x4
-	NLMSG_DONE                           = 0x3
-	NLMSG_ERROR                          = 0x2
-	NLMSG_HDRLEN                         = 0x10
-	NLMSG_MIN_TYPE                       = 0x10
-	NLMSG_NOOP                           = 0x1
-	NLMSG_OVERRUN                        = 0x4
-	NLM_F_ACK                            = 0x4
-	NLM_F_ACK_TLVS                       = 0x200
-	NLM_F_APPEND                         = 0x800
-	NLM_F_ATOMIC                         = 0x400
-	NLM_F_CAPPED                         = 0x100
-	NLM_F_CREATE                         = 0x400
-	NLM_F_DUMP                           = 0x300
-	NLM_F_DUMP_FILTERED                  = 0x20
-	NLM_F_DUMP_INTR                      = 0x10
-	NLM_F_ECHO                           = 0x8
-	NLM_F_EXCL                           = 0x200
-	NLM_F_MATCH                          = 0x200
-	NLM_F_MULTI                          = 0x2
-	NLM_F_NONREC                         = 0x100
-	NLM_F_REPLACE                        = 0x100
-	NLM_F_REQUEST                        = 0x1
-	NLM_F_ROOT                           = 0x100
-	NOFLSH                               = 0x80
-	NSFS_MAGIC                           = 0x6e736673
-	OCFS2_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x7461636f
-	OCRNL                                = 0x8
-	OFDEL                                = 0x80
-	OFILL                                = 0x40
-	OLCUC                                = 0x2
-	ONLCR                                = 0x4
-	ONLRET                               = 0x20
-	ONOCR                                = 0x10
-	OPENPROM_SUPER_MAGIC                 = 0x9fa1
-	OPOST                                = 0x1
-	OVERLAYFS_SUPER_MAGIC                = 0x794c7630
-	O_ACCMODE                            = 0x3
-	O_APPEND                             = 0x400
-	O_ASYNC                              = 0x2000
-	O_CLOEXEC                            = 0x80000
-	O_CREAT                              = 0x40
-	O_DIRECT                             = 0x10000
-	O_DIRECTORY                          = 0x4000
-	O_DSYNC                              = 0x1000
-	O_EXCL                               = 0x80
-	O_FSYNC                              = 0x101000
-	O_LARGEFILE                          = 0x0
-	O_NDELAY                             = 0x800
-	O_NOATIME                            = 0x40000
-	O_NOCTTY                             = 0x100
-	O_NOFOLLOW                           = 0x8000
-	O_NONBLOCK                           = 0x800
-	O_PATH                               = 0x200000
-	O_RDONLY                             = 0x0
-	O_RDWR                               = 0x2
-	O_RSYNC                              = 0x101000
-	O_SYNC                               = 0x101000
-	O_TMPFILE                            = 0x404000
-	O_TRUNC                              = 0x200
-	O_WRONLY                             = 0x1
-	PACKET_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                = 0x1
-	PACKET_AUXDATA                       = 0x8
-	PACKET_BROADCAST                     = 0x1
-	PACKET_COPY_THRESH                   = 0x7
-	PACKET_DROP_MEMBERSHIP               = 0x2
-	PACKET_FANOUT                        = 0x12
-	PACKET_FANOUT_CBPF                   = 0x6
-	PACKET_FANOUT_CPU                    = 0x2
-	PACKET_FANOUT_DATA                   = 0x16
-	PACKET_FANOUT_EBPF                   = 0x7
-	PACKET_FANOUT_FLAG_DEFRAG            = 0x8000
-	PACKET_FANOUT_HASH                   = 0x0
-	PACKET_FANOUT_LB                     = 0x1
-	PACKET_FANOUT_QM                     = 0x5
-	PACKET_FANOUT_RND                    = 0x4
-	PACKET_FANOUT_ROLLOVER               = 0x3
-	PACKET_FASTROUTE                     = 0x6
-	PACKET_HDRLEN                        = 0xb
-	PACKET_HOST                          = 0x0
-	PACKET_IGNORE_OUTGOING               = 0x17
-	PACKET_KERNEL                        = 0x7
-	PACKET_LOOPBACK                      = 0x5
-	PACKET_LOSS                          = 0xe
-	PACKET_MR_ALLMULTI                   = 0x2
-	PACKET_MR_MULTICAST                  = 0x0
-	PACKET_MR_PROMISC                    = 0x1
-	PACKET_MR_UNICAST                    = 0x3
-	PACKET_MULTICAST                     = 0x2
-	PACKET_ORIGDEV                       = 0x9
-	PACKET_OTHERHOST                     = 0x3
-	PACKET_OUTGOING                      = 0x4
-	PACKET_QDISC_BYPASS                  = 0x14
-	PACKET_RECV_OUTPUT                   = 0x3
-	PACKET_RESERVE                       = 0xc
-	PACKET_ROLLOVER_STATS                = 0x15
-	PACKET_RX_RING                       = 0x5
-	PACKET_STATISTICS                    = 0x6
-	PACKET_TIMESTAMP                     = 0x11
-	PACKET_TX_HAS_OFF                    = 0x13
-	PACKET_TX_RING                       = 0xd
-	PACKET_TX_TIMESTAMP                  = 0x10
-	PACKET_USER                          = 0x6
-	PACKET_VERSION                       = 0xa
-	PACKET_VNET_HDR                      = 0xf
-	PARENB                               = 0x100
-	PARITY_CRC16_PR0                     = 0x2
-	PARITY_CRC16_PR0_CCITT               = 0x4
-	PARITY_CRC16_PR1                     = 0x3
-	PARITY_CRC16_PR1_CCITT               = 0x5
-	PARITY_CRC32_PR0_CCITT               = 0x6
-	PARITY_CRC32_PR1_CCITT               = 0x7
-	PARITY_DEFAULT                       = 0x0
-	PARITY_NONE                          = 0x1
-	PARMRK                               = 0x8
-	PARODD                               = 0x200
-	PENDIN                               = 0x4000
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_DISABLE               = 0x2401
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_ENABLE                = 0x2400
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_ID                    = 0x80082407
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_PAUSE_OUTPUT          = 0x40042409
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_PERIOD                = 0x40082404
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_QUERY_BPF             = 0xc008240a
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_REFRESH               = 0x2402
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_RESET                 = 0x2403
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_BPF               = 0x40042408
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_FILTER            = 0x40082406
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_OUTPUT            = 0x2405
-	PIPEFS_MAGIC                         = 0x50495045
-	PPPIOCATTACH                         = 0x4004743d
-	PPPIOCATTCHAN                        = 0x40047438
-	PPPIOCCONNECT                        = 0x4004743a
-	PPPIOCDETACH                         = 0x4004743c
-	PPPIOCDISCONN                        = 0x7439
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-	PPPIOCGCHAN                          = 0x80047437
-	PPPIOCGDEBUG                         = 0x80047441
-	PPPIOCGFLAGS                         = 0x8004745a
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-	PPPIOCGMRU                           = 0x80047453
-	PPPIOCGNPMODE                        = 0xc008744c
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-	PPPIOCGUNIT                          = 0x80047456
-	PPPIOCGXASYNCMAP                     = 0x80207450
-	PPPIOCNEWUNIT                        = 0xc004743e
-	PPPIOCSACTIVE                        = 0x40107446
-	PPPIOCSASYNCMAP                      = 0x40047457
-	PPPIOCSCOMPRESS                      = 0x4010744d
-	PPPIOCSDEBUG                         = 0x40047440
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-	PPPIOCSMRU                           = 0x40047452
-	PPPIOCSNPMODE                        = 0x4008744b
-	PPPIOCSPASS                          = 0x40107447
-	PPPIOCSRASYNCMAP                     = 0x40047454
-	PPPIOCSXASYNCMAP                     = 0x4020744f
-	PPPIOCXFERUNIT                       = 0x744e
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-	PRIO_PROCESS                         = 0x0
-	PRIO_USER                            = 0x2
-	PROC_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0x9fa0
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-	PROT_GROWSUP                         = 0x2000000
-	PROT_NONE                            = 0x0
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-	PROT_WRITE                           = 0x2
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-	PR_CAPBSET_READ                      = 0x17
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-	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_IS_SET                = 0x1
-	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_LOWER                 = 0x3
-	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_RAISE                 = 0x2
-	PR_ENDIAN_BIG                        = 0x0
-	PR_ENDIAN_LITTLE                     = 0x1
-	PR_ENDIAN_PPC_LITTLE                 = 0x2
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-	PR_FP_EXC_INV                        = 0x100000
-	PR_FP_EXC_NONRECOV                   = 0x1
-	PR_FP_EXC_OVF                        = 0x20000
-	PR_FP_EXC_PRECISE                    = 0x3
-	PR_FP_EXC_RES                        = 0x80000
-	PR_FP_EXC_SW_ENABLE                  = 0x80
-	PR_FP_EXC_UND                        = 0x40000
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-	PR_FP_MODE_FRE                       = 0x2
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-	PR_GET_DUMPABLE                      = 0x3
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-	PR_GET_FPEMU                         = 0x9
-	PR_GET_FPEXC                         = 0xb
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-	PR_GET_NO_NEW_PRIVS                  = 0x27
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-	PR_GET_SECUREBITS                    = 0x1b
-	PR_GET_SPECULATION_CTRL              = 0x34
-	PR_GET_THP_DISABLE                   = 0x2a
-	PR_GET_TID_ADDRESS                   = 0x28
-	PR_GET_TIMERSLACK                    = 0x1e
-	PR_GET_TIMING                        = 0xd
-	PR_GET_TSC                           = 0x19
-	PR_GET_UNALIGN                       = 0x5
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-	PR_MCE_KILL_CLEAR                    = 0x0
-	PR_MCE_KILL_DEFAULT                  = 0x2
-	PR_MCE_KILL_EARLY                    = 0x1
-	PR_MCE_KILL_GET                      = 0x22
-	PR_MCE_KILL_LATE                     = 0x0
-	PR_MCE_KILL_SET                      = 0x1
-	PR_MPX_DISABLE_MANAGEMENT            = 0x2c
-	PR_MPX_ENABLE_MANAGEMENT             = 0x2b
-	PR_PAC_APDAKEY                       = 0x4
-	PR_PAC_APDBKEY                       = 0x8
-	PR_PAC_APGAKEY                       = 0x10
-	PR_PAC_APIAKEY                       = 0x1
-	PR_PAC_APIBKEY                       = 0x2
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-	PR_SET_DUMPABLE                      = 0x4
-	PR_SET_ENDIAN                        = 0x14
-	PR_SET_FPEMU                         = 0xa
-	PR_SET_FPEXC                         = 0xc
-	PR_SET_FP_MODE                       = 0x2d
-	PR_SET_KEEPCAPS                      = 0x8
-	PR_SET_MM                            = 0x23
-	PR_SET_MM_ARG_END                    = 0x9
-	PR_SET_MM_ARG_START                  = 0x8
-	PR_SET_MM_AUXV                       = 0xc
-	PR_SET_MM_BRK                        = 0x7
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-	PR_SET_MM_END_DATA                   = 0x4
-	PR_SET_MM_ENV_END                    = 0xb
-	PR_SET_MM_ENV_START                  = 0xa
-	PR_SET_MM_EXE_FILE                   = 0xd
-	PR_SET_MM_MAP                        = 0xe
-	PR_SET_MM_MAP_SIZE                   = 0xf
-	PR_SET_MM_START_BRK                  = 0x6
-	PR_SET_MM_START_CODE                 = 0x1
-	PR_SET_MM_START_DATA                 = 0x3
-	PR_SET_MM_START_STACK                = 0x5
-	PR_SET_NAME                          = 0xf
-	PR_SET_NO_NEW_PRIVS                  = 0x26
-	PR_SET_PDEATHSIG                     = 0x1
-	PR_SET_PTRACER                       = 0x59616d61
-	PR_SET_PTRACER_ANY                   = 0xffffffffffffffff
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-	PR_SET_SECUREBITS                    = 0x1c
-	PR_SET_SPECULATION_CTRL              = 0x35
-	PR_SET_THP_DISABLE                   = 0x29
-	PR_SET_TIMERSLACK                    = 0x1d
-	PR_SET_TIMING                        = 0xe
-	PR_SET_TSC                           = 0x1a
-	PR_SET_UNALIGN                       = 0x6
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-	PR_SPEC_DISABLE_NOEXEC               = 0x10
-	PR_SPEC_ENABLE                       = 0x2
-	PR_SPEC_FORCE_DISABLE                = 0x8
-	PR_SPEC_INDIRECT_BRANCH              = 0x1
-	PR_SPEC_NOT_AFFECTED                 = 0x0
-	PR_SPEC_PRCTL                        = 0x1
-	PR_SPEC_STORE_BYPASS                 = 0x0
-	PR_SVE_GET_VL                        = 0x33
-	PR_SVE_SET_VL                        = 0x32
-	PR_SVE_SET_VL_ONEXEC                 = 0x40000
-	PR_SVE_VL_INHERIT                    = 0x20000
-	PR_SVE_VL_LEN_MASK                   = 0xffff
-	PR_TASK_PERF_EVENTS_ENABLE           = 0x20
-	PR_TIMING_STATISTICAL                = 0x0
-	PR_TIMING_TIMESTAMP                  = 0x1
-	PR_TSC_ENABLE                        = 0x1
-	PR_TSC_SIGSEGV                       = 0x2
-	PR_UNALIGN_NOPRINT                   = 0x1
-	PR_UNALIGN_SIGBUS                    = 0x2
-	PSTOREFS_MAGIC                       = 0x6165676c
-	PTRACE_ATTACH                        = 0x10
-	PTRACE_CONT                          = 0x7
-	PTRACE_DETACH                        = 0x11
-	PTRACE_EVENT_CLONE                   = 0x3
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-	PTRACE_EVENT_EXIT                    = 0x6
-	PTRACE_EVENT_FORK                    = 0x1
-	PTRACE_EVENT_SECCOMP                 = 0x7
-	PTRACE_EVENT_STOP                    = 0x80
-	PTRACE_EVENT_VFORK                   = 0x2
-	PTRACE_EVENT_VFORK_DONE              = 0x5
-	PTRACE_GETEVENTMSG                   = 0x4201
-	PTRACE_GETREGS                       = 0xc
-	PTRACE_GETREGSET                     = 0x4204
-	PTRACE_GETSIGINFO                    = 0x4202
-	PTRACE_GETSIGMASK                    = 0x420a
-	PTRACE_INTERRUPT                     = 0x4207
-	PTRACE_KILL                          = 0x8
-	PTRACE_LISTEN                        = 0x4208
-	PTRACE_O_EXITKILL                    = 0x100000
-	PTRACE_O_MASK                        = 0x3000ff
-	PTRACE_O_SUSPEND_SECCOMP             = 0x200000
-	PTRACE_O_TRACECLONE                  = 0x8
-	PTRACE_O_TRACEEXEC                   = 0x10
-	PTRACE_O_TRACEEXIT                   = 0x40
-	PTRACE_O_TRACEFORK                   = 0x2
-	PTRACE_O_TRACESECCOMP                = 0x80
-	PTRACE_O_TRACESYSGOOD                = 0x1
-	PTRACE_O_TRACEVFORK                  = 0x4
-	PTRACE_O_TRACEVFORKDONE              = 0x20
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-	PTRACE_PEEKSIGINFO                   = 0x4209
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-	PTRACE_PEEKUSR                       = 0x3
-	PTRACE_POKEDATA                      = 0x5
-	PTRACE_POKETEXT                      = 0x4
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-	PTRACE_SEIZE                         = 0x4206
-	PTRACE_SETOPTIONS                    = 0x4200
-	PTRACE_SETREGS                       = 0xd
-	PTRACE_SETREGSET                     = 0x4205
-	PTRACE_SETSIGINFO                    = 0x4203
-	PTRACE_SETSIGMASK                    = 0x420b
-	PTRACE_SINGLESTEP                    = 0x9
-	PTRACE_SYSCALL                       = 0x18
-	PTRACE_TRACEME                       = 0x0
-	QNX4_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0x2f
-	QNX6_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0x68191122
-	RAMFS_MAGIC                          = 0x858458f6
-	RDTGROUP_SUPER_MAGIC                 = 0x7655821
-	REISERFS_SUPER_MAGIC                 = 0x52654973
-	RENAME_EXCHANGE                      = 0x2
-	RENAME_NOREPLACE                     = 0x1
-	RENAME_WHITEOUT                      = 0x4
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-	RLIMIT_CORE                          = 0x4
-	RLIMIT_CPU                           = 0x0
-	RLIMIT_DATA                          = 0x2
-	RLIMIT_FSIZE                         = 0x1
-	RLIMIT_LOCKS                         = 0xa
-	RLIMIT_MEMLOCK                       = 0x8
-	RLIMIT_MSGQUEUE                      = 0xc
-	RLIMIT_NICE                          = 0xd
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-	RLIMIT_NPROC                         = 0x6
-	RLIMIT_RSS                           = 0x5
-	RLIMIT_RTPRIO                        = 0xe
-	RLIMIT_RTTIME                        = 0xf
-	RLIMIT_SIGPENDING                    = 0xb
-	RLIMIT_STACK                         = 0x3
-	RLIM_INFINITY                        = 0xffffffffffffffff
-	RNDADDENTROPY                        = 0x40085203
-	RNDADDTOENTCNT                       = 0x40045201
-	RNDCLEARPOOL                         = 0x5206
-	RNDGETENTCNT                         = 0x80045200
-	RNDGETPOOL                           = 0x80085202
-	RNDRESEEDCRNG                        = 0x5207
-	RNDZAPENTCNT                         = 0x5204
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-	RTAX_FEATURES                        = 0xc
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-	RTAX_FEATURE_TIMESTAMP               = 0x4
-	RTAX_HOPLIMIT                        = 0xa
-	RTAX_INITCWND                        = 0xb
-	RTAX_INITRWND                        = 0xe
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-	RTAX_MAX                             = 0x11
-	RTAX_MTU                             = 0x2
-	RTAX_QUICKACK                        = 0xf
-	RTAX_REORDERING                      = 0x9
-	RTAX_RTO_MIN                         = 0xd
-	RTAX_RTT                             = 0x4
-	RTAX_RTTVAR                          = 0x5
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-	RTAX_WINDOW                          = 0x3
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-	RTA_MAX                              = 0x1d
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-	RTCF_DOREDIRECT                      = 0x1000000
-	RTCF_LOG                             = 0x2000000
-	RTCF_MASQ                            = 0x400000
-	RTCF_NAT                             = 0x800000
-	RTCF_VALVE                           = 0x200000
-	RTC_AF                               = 0x20
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-	RTC_AIE_ON                           = 0x7001
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-	RTC_ALM_SET                          = 0x40247007
-	RTC_EPOCH_READ                       = 0x8008700d
-	RTC_EPOCH_SET                        = 0x4008700e
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-	RTC_IRQP_SET                         = 0x4008700c
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-	RTC_PIE_ON                           = 0x7005
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-	RTC_PLL_SET                          = 0x40207012
-	RTC_RD_TIME                          = 0x80247009
-	RTC_SET_TIME                         = 0x4024700a
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-	RTC_UIE_ON                           = 0x7003
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-	RTC_WIE_ON                           = 0x700f
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-	RTF_LOCAL                            = 0x80000000
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-	RTF_NOPMTUDISC                       = 0x4000
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-	RTM_DELNEIGH                         = 0x1d
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-	RTM_DELNSID                          = 0x59
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-	RTM_GETADDR                          = 0x16
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-	RTM_GETCHAIN                         = 0x66
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-	RTM_GETMDB                           = 0x56
-	RTM_GETMULTICAST                     = 0x3a
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-	RTM_GETNEIGHTBL                      = 0x42
-	RTM_GETNETCONF                       = 0x52
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-	RTM_GETTFILTER                       = 0x2e
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-	RTM_NEWACTION                        = 0x30
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-	RTM_NEWMDB                           = 0x54
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-	RT_CLASS_MAX                         = 0xff
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-	SIOCBONDENSLAVE                      = 0x8990
-	SIOCBONDINFOQUERY                    = 0x8994
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-	SIOCBRADDIF                          = 0x89a2
-	SIOCBRDELBR                          = 0x89a1
-	SIOCBRDELIF                          = 0x89a3
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-	SIOCDELDLCI                          = 0x8981
-	SIOCDELMULTI                         = 0x8932
-	SIOCDELRT                            = 0x890c
-	SIOCDEVPRIVATE                       = 0x89f0
-	SIOCDIFADDR                          = 0x8936
-	SIOCDRARP                            = 0x8960
-	SIOCETHTOOL                          = 0x8946
-	SIOCGARP                             = 0x8954
-	SIOCGHWTSTAMP                        = 0x89b1
-	SIOCGIFADDR                          = 0x8915
-	SIOCGIFBR                            = 0x8940
-	SIOCGIFBRDADDR                       = 0x8919
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-	SIOCGIFDSTADDR                       = 0x8917
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-	SIOCGIFFLAGS                         = 0x8913
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-	SIOCGIFMEM                           = 0x891f
-	SIOCGIFMETRIC                        = 0x891d
-	SIOCGIFMTU                           = 0x8921
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-	SIOCGIFSLAVE                         = 0x8929
-	SIOCGIFTXQLEN                        = 0x8942
-	SIOCGIFVLAN                          = 0x8982
-	SIOCGMIIPHY                          = 0x8947
-	SIOCGMIIREG                          = 0x8948
-	SIOCGPGRP                            = 0x8904
-	SIOCGPPPCSTATS                       = 0x89f2
-	SIOCGPPPSTATS                        = 0x89f0
-	SIOCGPPPVER                          = 0x89f1
-	SIOCGRARP                            = 0x8961
-	SIOCGSKNS                            = 0x894c
-	SIOCGSTAMP                           = 0x8906
-	SIOCGSTAMPNS                         = 0x8907
-	SIOCGSTAMPNS_NEW                     = 0x80108907
-	SIOCGSTAMPNS_OLD                     = 0x8907
-	SIOCGSTAMP_NEW                       = 0x80108906
-	SIOCGSTAMP_OLD                       = 0x8906
-	SIOCINQ                              = 0x541b
-	SIOCOUTQ                             = 0x5411
-	SIOCOUTQNSD                          = 0x894b
-	SIOCPROTOPRIVATE                     = 0x89e0
-	SIOCRTMSG                            = 0x890d
-	SIOCSARP                             = 0x8955
-	SIOCSHWTSTAMP                        = 0x89b0
-	SIOCSIFADDR                          = 0x8916
-	SIOCSIFBR                            = 0x8941
-	SIOCSIFBRDADDR                       = 0x891a
-	SIOCSIFDSTADDR                       = 0x8918
-	SIOCSIFENCAP                         = 0x8926
-	SIOCSIFFLAGS                         = 0x8914
-	SIOCSIFHWADDR                        = 0x8924
-	SIOCSIFHWBROADCAST                   = 0x8937
-	SIOCSIFLINK                          = 0x8911
-	SIOCSIFMAP                           = 0x8971
-	SIOCSIFMEM                           = 0x8920
-	SIOCSIFMETRIC                        = 0x891e
-	SIOCSIFMTU                           = 0x8922
-	SIOCSIFNAME                          = 0x8923
-	SIOCSIFNETMASK                       = 0x891c
-	SIOCSIFPFLAGS                        = 0x8934
-	SIOCSIFSLAVE                         = 0x8930
-	SIOCSIFTXQLEN                        = 0x8943
-	SIOCSIFVLAN                          = 0x8983
-	SIOCSMIIREG                          = 0x8949
-	SIOCSPGRP                            = 0x8902
-	SIOCSRARP                            = 0x8962
-	SIOCWANDEV                           = 0x894a
-	SMACK_MAGIC                          = 0x43415d53
-	SMART_AUTOSAVE                       = 0xd2
-	SMART_AUTO_OFFLINE                   = 0xdb
-	SMART_DISABLE                        = 0xd9
-	SMART_ENABLE                         = 0xd8
-	SMART_HCYL_PASS                      = 0xc2
-	SMART_IMMEDIATE_OFFLINE              = 0xd4
-	SMART_LCYL_PASS                      = 0x4f
-	SMART_READ_LOG_SECTOR                = 0xd5
-	SMART_READ_THRESHOLDS                = 0xd1
-	SMART_READ_VALUES                    = 0xd0
-	SMART_SAVE                           = 0xd3
-	SMART_STATUS                         = 0xda
-	SMART_WRITE_LOG_SECTOR               = 0xd6
-	SMART_WRITE_THRESHOLDS               = 0xd7
-	SMB_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x517b
-	SOCKFS_MAGIC                         = 0x534f434b
-	SOCK_CLOEXEC                         = 0x80000
-	SOCK_DCCP                            = 0x6
-	SOCK_DGRAM                           = 0x2
-	SOCK_IOC_TYPE                        = 0x89
-	SOCK_NONBLOCK                        = 0x800
-	SOCK_PACKET                          = 0xa
-	SOCK_RAW                             = 0x3
-	SOCK_RDM                             = 0x4
-	SOCK_SEQPACKET                       = 0x5
-	SOCK_STREAM                          = 0x1
-	SOL_AAL                              = 0x109
-	SOL_ALG                              = 0x117
-	SOL_ATM                              = 0x108
-	SOL_CAIF                             = 0x116
-	SOL_CAN_BASE                         = 0x64
-	SOL_DCCP                             = 0x10d
-	SOL_DECNET                           = 0x105
-	SOL_ICMPV6                           = 0x3a
-	SOL_IP                               = 0x0
-	SOL_IPV6                             = 0x29
-	SOL_IRDA                             = 0x10a
-	SOL_IUCV                             = 0x115
-	SOL_KCM                              = 0x119
-	SOL_LLC                              = 0x10c
-	SOL_NETBEUI                          = 0x10b
-	SOL_NETLINK                          = 0x10e
-	SOL_NFC                              = 0x118
-	SOL_PACKET                           = 0x107
-	SOL_PNPIPE                           = 0x113
-	SOL_PPPOL2TP                         = 0x111
-	SOL_RAW                              = 0xff
-	SOL_RDS                              = 0x114
-	SOL_RXRPC                            = 0x110
-	SOL_SOCKET                           = 0x1
-	SOL_TCP                              = 0x6
-	SOL_TIPC                             = 0x10f
-	SOL_TLS                              = 0x11a
-	SOL_X25                              = 0x106
-	SOL_XDP                              = 0x11b
-	SOMAXCONN                            = 0x80
-	SO_ACCEPTCONN                        = 0x1e
-	SO_ATTACH_BPF                        = 0x32
-	SO_ATTACH_FILTER                     = 0x1a
-	SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_CBPF             = 0x33
-	SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_EBPF             = 0x34
-	SO_BINDTODEVICE                      = 0x19
-	SO_BINDTOIFINDEX                     = 0x3e
-	SO_BPF_EXTENSIONS                    = 0x30
-	SO_BROADCAST                         = 0x6
-	SO_BSDCOMPAT                         = 0xe
-	SO_BUSY_POLL                         = 0x2e
-	SO_CNX_ADVICE                        = 0x35
-	SO_COOKIE                            = 0x39
-	SO_DEBUG                             = 0x1
-	SO_DETACH_BPF                        = 0x1b
-	SO_DETACH_FILTER                     = 0x1b
-	SO_DOMAIN                            = 0x27
-	SO_DONTROUTE                         = 0x5
-	SO_EE_CODE_TXTIME_MISSED             = 0x2
-	SO_EE_CODE_ZEROCOPY_COPIED           = 0x1
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_ICMP                    = 0x2
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_ICMP6                   = 0x3
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_LOCAL                   = 0x1
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_NONE                    = 0x0
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_TIMESTAMPING            = 0x4
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_TXSTATUS                = 0x4
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_TXTIME                  = 0x6
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_ZEROCOPY                = 0x5
-	SO_ERROR                             = 0x4
-	SO_GET_FILTER                        = 0x1a
-	SO_INCOMING_CPU                      = 0x31
-	SO_INCOMING_NAPI_ID                  = 0x38
-	SO_KEEPALIVE                         = 0x9
-	SO_LINGER                            = 0xd
-	SO_LOCK_FILTER                       = 0x2c
-	SO_MARK                              = 0x24
-	SO_MAX_PACING_RATE                   = 0x2f
-	SO_MEMINFO                           = 0x37
-	SO_NOFCS                             = 0x2b
-	SO_NO_CHECK                          = 0xb
-	SO_OOBINLINE                         = 0xa
-	SO_PASSCRED                          = 0x10
-	SO_PASSSEC                           = 0x22
-	SO_PEEK_OFF                          = 0x2a
-	SO_PEERCRED                          = 0x11
-	SO_PEERGROUPS                        = 0x3b
-	SO_PEERNAME                          = 0x1c
-	SO_PEERSEC                           = 0x1f
-	SO_PRIORITY                          = 0xc
-	SO_PROTOCOL                          = 0x26
-	SO_RCVBUF                            = 0x8
-	SO_RCVBUFFORCE                       = 0x21
-	SO_RCVLOWAT                          = 0x12
-	SO_RCVTIMEO                          = 0x14
-	SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW                      = 0x42
-	SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD                      = 0x14
-	SO_REUSEADDR                         = 0x2
-	SO_REUSEPORT                         = 0xf
-	SO_RXQ_OVFL                          = 0x28
-	SO_SELECT_ERR_QUEUE                  = 0x2d
-	SO_SNDBUF                            = 0x7
-	SO_SNDBUFFORCE                       = 0x20
-	SO_SNDLOWAT                          = 0x13
-	SO_SNDTIMEO                          = 0x15
-	SO_SNDTIMEO_NEW                      = 0x43
-	SO_SNDTIMEO_OLD                      = 0x15
-	SO_TIMESTAMP                         = 0x1d
-	SO_TIMESTAMPING                      = 0x25
-	SO_TIMESTAMPING_NEW                  = 0x41
-	SO_TIMESTAMPING_OLD                  = 0x25
-	SO_TIMESTAMPNS                       = 0x23
-	SO_TIMESTAMPNS_NEW                   = 0x40
-	SO_TIMESTAMPNS_OLD                   = 0x23
-	SO_TIMESTAMP_NEW                     = 0x3f
-	SO_TIMESTAMP_OLD                     = 0x1d
-	SO_TXTIME                            = 0x3d
-	SO_TYPE                              = 0x3
-	SO_VM_SOCKETS_BUFFER_SIZE            = 0x0
-	SO_VM_SOCKETS_TRUSTED                = 0x5
-	SO_WIFI_STATUS                       = 0x29
-	SO_ZEROCOPY                          = 0x3c
-	SPLICE_F_GIFT                        = 0x8
-	SPLICE_F_MORE                        = 0x4
-	SPLICE_F_MOVE                        = 0x1
-	SPLICE_F_NONBLOCK                    = 0x2
-	SQUASHFS_MAGIC                       = 0x73717368
-	STACK_END_MAGIC                      = 0x57ac6e9d
-	STATX_ALL                            = 0xfff
-	STATX_ATIME                          = 0x20
-	STATX_ATTR_APPEND                    = 0x20
-	STATX_ATTR_AUTOMOUNT                 = 0x1000
-	STATX_ATTR_COMPRESSED                = 0x4
-	STATX_ATTR_ENCRYPTED                 = 0x800
-	STATX_ATTR_IMMUTABLE                 = 0x10
-	STATX_ATTR_NODUMP                    = 0x40
-	STATX_BASIC_STATS                    = 0x7ff
-	STATX_BLOCKS                         = 0x400
-	STATX_BTIME                          = 0x800
-	STATX_CTIME                          = 0x80
-	STATX_GID                            = 0x10
-	STATX_INO                            = 0x100
-	STATX_MODE                           = 0x2
-	STATX_MTIME                          = 0x40
-	STATX_NLINK                          = 0x4
-	STATX_SIZE                           = 0x200
-	STATX_TYPE                           = 0x1
-	STATX_UID                            = 0x8
-	STATX__RESERVED                      = 0x80000000
-	SVE_MAGIC                            = 0x53564501
-	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WAIT_AFTER           = 0x4
-	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WRITE                = 0x2
-	SYSFS_MAGIC                          = 0x62656572
-	S_BLKSIZE                            = 0x200
-	S_IEXEC                              = 0x40
-	S_IFBLK                              = 0x6000
-	S_IFCHR                              = 0x2000
-	S_IFDIR                              = 0x4000
-	S_IFIFO                              = 0x1000
-	S_IFLNK                              = 0xa000
-	S_IFMT                               = 0xf000
-	S_IFREG                              = 0x8000
-	S_IFSOCK                             = 0xc000
-	S_IREAD                              = 0x100
-	S_IRGRP                              = 0x20
-	S_IROTH                              = 0x4
-	S_IRUSR                              = 0x100
-	S_IRWXG                              = 0x38
-	S_IRWXO                              = 0x7
-	S_IRWXU                              = 0x1c0
-	S_ISGID                              = 0x400
-	S_ISUID                              = 0x800
-	S_ISVTX                              = 0x200
-	S_IWGRP                              = 0x10
-	S_IWOTH                              = 0x2
-	S_IWRITE                             = 0x80
-	S_IWUSR                              = 0x80
-	S_IXGRP                              = 0x8
-	S_IXOTH                              = 0x1
-	S_IXUSR                              = 0x40
-	TAB0                                 = 0x0
-	TAB1                                 = 0x800
-	TAB2                                 = 0x1000
-	TAB3                                 = 0x1800
-	TABDLY                               = 0x1800
-	TASKSTATS_CMD_ATTR_MAX               = 0x4
-	TASKSTATS_CMD_MAX                    = 0x2
-	TASKSTATS_GENL_NAME                  = "TASKSTATS"
-	TASKSTATS_GENL_VERSION               = 0x1
-	TASKSTATS_TYPE_MAX                   = 0x6
-	TASKSTATS_VERSION                    = 0x9
-	TCFLSH                               = 0x540b
-	TCGETA                               = 0x5405
-	TCGETS                               = 0x5401
-	TCGETS2                              = 0x802c542a
-	TCGETX                               = 0x5432
-	TCIFLUSH                             = 0x0
-	TCIOFF                               = 0x2
-	TCIOFLUSH                            = 0x2
-	TCION                                = 0x3
-	TCOFLUSH                             = 0x1
-	TCOOFF                               = 0x0
-	TCOON                                = 0x1
-	TCP_BPF_IW                           = 0x3e9
-	TCP_BPF_SNDCWND_CLAMP                = 0x3ea
-	TCP_CC_INFO                          = 0x1a
-	TCP_CM_INQ                           = 0x24
-	TCP_CONGESTION                       = 0xd
-	TCP_COOKIE_IN_ALWAYS                 = 0x1
-	TCP_COOKIE_MAX                       = 0x10
-	TCP_COOKIE_MIN                       = 0x8
-	TCP_COOKIE_OUT_NEVER                 = 0x2
-	TCP_COOKIE_PAIR_SIZE                 = 0x20
-	TCP_COOKIE_TRANSACTIONS              = 0xf
-	TCP_CORK                             = 0x3
-	TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT                     = 0x9
-	TCP_FASTOPEN                         = 0x17
-	TCP_FASTOPEN_CONNECT                 = 0x1e
-	TCP_FASTOPEN_KEY                     = 0x21
-	TCP_FASTOPEN_NO_COOKIE               = 0x22
-	TCP_INFO                             = 0xb
-	TCP_INQ                              = 0x24
-	TCP_KEEPCNT                          = 0x6
-	TCP_KEEPIDLE                         = 0x4
-	TCP_KEEPINTVL                        = 0x5
-	TCP_LINGER2                          = 0x8
-	TCP_MAXSEG                           = 0x2
-	TCP_MAXWIN                           = 0xffff
-	TCP_MAX_WINSHIFT                     = 0xe
-	TCP_MD5SIG                           = 0xe
-	TCP_MD5SIG_EXT                       = 0x20
-	TCP_MD5SIG_FLAG_PREFIX               = 0x1
-	TCP_MD5SIG_MAXKEYLEN                 = 0x50
-	TCP_MSS                              = 0x200
-	TCP_MSS_DEFAULT                      = 0x218
-	TCP_MSS_DESIRED                      = 0x4c4
-	TCP_NODELAY                          = 0x1
-	TCP_NOTSENT_LOWAT                    = 0x19
-	TCP_QUEUE_SEQ                        = 0x15
-	TCP_QUICKACK                         = 0xc
-	TCP_REPAIR                           = 0x13
-	TCP_REPAIR_OFF                       = 0x0
-	TCP_REPAIR_OFF_NO_WP                 = -0x1
-	TCP_REPAIR_ON                        = 0x1
-	TCP_REPAIR_OPTIONS                   = 0x16
-	TCP_REPAIR_QUEUE                     = 0x14
-	TCP_REPAIR_WINDOW                    = 0x1d
-	TCP_SAVED_SYN                        = 0x1c
-	TCP_SAVE_SYN                         = 0x1b
-	TCP_SYNCNT                           = 0x7
-	TCP_S_DATA_IN                        = 0x4
-	TCP_S_DATA_OUT                       = 0x8
-	TCP_THIN_DUPACK                      = 0x11
-	TCP_THIN_LINEAR_TIMEOUTS             = 0x10
-	TCP_TIMESTAMP                        = 0x18
-	TCP_ULP                              = 0x1f
-	TCP_USER_TIMEOUT                     = 0x12
-	TCP_WINDOW_CLAMP                     = 0xa
-	TCP_ZEROCOPY_RECEIVE                 = 0x23
-	TCSAFLUSH                            = 0x2
-	TCSBRK                               = 0x5409
-	TCSBRKP                              = 0x5425
-	TCSETA                               = 0x5406
-	TCSETAF                              = 0x5408
-	TCSETAW                              = 0x5407
-	TCSETS                               = 0x5402
-	TCSETS2                              = 0x402c542b
-	TCSETSF                              = 0x5404
-	TCSETSF2                             = 0x402c542d
-	TCSETSW                              = 0x5403
-	TCSETSW2                             = 0x402c542c
-	TCSETX                               = 0x5433
-	TCSETXF                              = 0x5434
-	TCSETXW                              = 0x5435
-	TCXONC                               = 0x540a
-	TIMER_ABSTIME                        = 0x1
-	TIOCCBRK                             = 0x5428
-	TIOCCONS                             = 0x541d
-	TIOCEXCL                             = 0x540c
-	TIOCGDEV                             = 0x80045432
-	TIOCGETD                             = 0x5424
-	TIOCGEXCL                            = 0x80045440
-	TIOCGICOUNT                          = 0x545d
-	TIOCGISO7816                         = 0x80285442
-	TIOCGLCKTRMIOS                       = 0x5456
-	TIOCGPGRP                            = 0x540f
-	TIOCGPKT                             = 0x80045438
-	TIOCGPTLCK                           = 0x80045439
-	TIOCGPTN                             = 0x80045430
-	TIOCGPTPEER                          = 0x5441
-	TIOCGRS485                           = 0x542e
-	TIOCGSERIAL                          = 0x541e
-	TIOCGSID                             = 0x5429
-	TIOCGSOFTCAR                         = 0x5419
-	TIOCGWINSZ                           = 0x5413
-	TIOCINQ                              = 0x541b
-	TIOCLINUX                            = 0x541c
-	TIOCMBIC                             = 0x5417
-	TIOCMBIS                             = 0x5416
-	TIOCMGET                             = 0x5415
-	TIOCMIWAIT                           = 0x545c
-	TIOCMSET                             = 0x5418
-	TIOCM_CAR                            = 0x40
-	TIOCM_CD                             = 0x40
-	TIOCM_CTS                            = 0x20
-	TIOCM_DSR                            = 0x100
-	TIOCM_DTR                            = 0x2
-	TIOCM_LE                             = 0x1
-	TIOCM_RI                             = 0x80
-	TIOCM_RNG                            = 0x80
-	TIOCM_RTS                            = 0x4
-	TIOCM_SR                             = 0x10
-	TIOCM_ST                             = 0x8
-	TIOCNOTTY                            = 0x5422
-	TIOCNXCL                             = 0x540d
-	TIOCOUTQ                             = 0x5411
-	TIOCPKT                              = 0x5420
-	TIOCPKT_DATA                         = 0x0
-	TIOCPKT_DOSTOP                       = 0x20
-	TIOCPKT_FLUSHREAD                    = 0x1
-	TIOCPKT_FLUSHWRITE                   = 0x2
-	TIOCPKT_IOCTL                        = 0x40
-	TIOCPKT_NOSTOP                       = 0x10
-	TIOCPKT_START                        = 0x8
-	TIOCPKT_STOP                         = 0x4
-	TIOCSBRK                             = 0x5427
-	TIOCSCTTY                            = 0x540e
-	TIOCSERCONFIG                        = 0x5453
-	TIOCSERGETLSR                        = 0x5459
-	TIOCSERGETMULTI                      = 0x545a
-	TIOCSERGSTRUCT                       = 0x5458
-	TIOCSERGWILD                         = 0x5454
-	TIOCSERSETMULTI                      = 0x545b
-	TIOCSERSWILD                         = 0x5455
-	TIOCSER_TEMT                         = 0x1
-	TIOCSETD                             = 0x5423
-	TIOCSIG                              = 0x40045436
-	TIOCSISO7816                         = 0xc0285443
-	TIOCSLCKTRMIOS                       = 0x5457
-	TIOCSPGRP                            = 0x5410
-	TIOCSPTLCK                           = 0x40045431
-	TIOCSRS485                           = 0x542f
-	TIOCSSERIAL                          = 0x541f
-	TIOCSSOFTCAR                         = 0x541a
-	TIOCSTI                              = 0x5412
-	TIOCSWINSZ                           = 0x5414
-	TIOCVHANGUP                          = 0x5437
-	TMPFS_MAGIC                          = 0x1021994
-	TOSTOP                               = 0x100
-	TPACKET_ALIGNMENT                    = 0x10
-	TPACKET_HDRLEN                       = 0x34
-	TP_STATUS_AVAILABLE                  = 0x0
-	TP_STATUS_BLK_TMO                    = 0x20
-	TP_STATUS_COPY                       = 0x2
-	TP_STATUS_CSUMNOTREADY               = 0x8
-	TP_STATUS_CSUM_VALID                 = 0x80
-	TP_STATUS_KERNEL                     = 0x0
-	TP_STATUS_LOSING                     = 0x4
-	TP_STATUS_SENDING                    = 0x2
-	TP_STATUS_SEND_REQUEST               = 0x1
-	TP_STATUS_TS_RAW_HARDWARE            = -0x80000000
-	TP_STATUS_TS_SOFTWARE                = 0x20000000
-	TP_STATUS_TS_SYS_HARDWARE            = 0x40000000
-	TP_STATUS_USER                       = 0x1
-	TP_STATUS_VLAN_TPID_VALID            = 0x40
-	TP_STATUS_VLAN_VALID                 = 0x10
-	TP_STATUS_WRONG_FORMAT               = 0x4
-	TRACEFS_MAGIC                        = 0x74726163
-	TS_COMM_LEN                          = 0x20
-	TUNATTACHFILTER                      = 0x401054d5
-	TUNDETACHFILTER                      = 0x401054d6
-	TUNGETDEVNETNS                       = 0x54e3
-	TUNGETFEATURES                       = 0x800454cf
-	TUNGETFILTER                         = 0x801054db
-	TUNGETIFF                            = 0x800454d2
-	TUNGETSNDBUF                         = 0x800454d3
-	TUNGETVNETBE                         = 0x800454df
-	TUNGETVNETHDRSZ                      = 0x800454d7
-	TUNGETVNETLE                         = 0x800454dd
-	TUNSETCARRIER                        = 0x400454e2
-	TUNSETDEBUG                          = 0x400454c9
-	TUNSETFILTEREBPF                     = 0x800454e1
-	TUNSETGROUP                          = 0x400454ce
-	TUNSETIFF                            = 0x400454ca
-	TUNSETIFINDEX                        = 0x400454da
-	TUNSETLINK                           = 0x400454cd
-	TUNSETNOCSUM                         = 0x400454c8
-	TUNSETOFFLOAD                        = 0x400454d0
-	TUNSETOWNER                          = 0x400454cc
-	TUNSETPERSIST                        = 0x400454cb
-	TUNSETQUEUE                          = 0x400454d9
-	TUNSETSNDBUF                         = 0x400454d4
-	TUNSETSTEERINGEBPF                   = 0x800454e0
-	TUNSETTXFILTER                       = 0x400454d1
-	TUNSETVNETBE                         = 0x400454de
-	TUNSETVNETHDRSZ                      = 0x400454d8
-	TUNSETVNETLE                         = 0x400454dc
-	UBI_IOCATT                           = 0x40186f40
-	UBI_IOCDET                           = 0x40046f41
-	UBI_IOCEBCH                          = 0x40044f02
-	UBI_IOCEBER                          = 0x40044f01
-	UBI_IOCEBISMAP                       = 0x80044f05
-	UBI_IOCEBMAP                         = 0x40084f03
-	UBI_IOCEBUNMAP                       = 0x40044f04
-	UBI_IOCMKVOL                         = 0x40986f00
-	UBI_IOCRMVOL                         = 0x40046f01
-	UBI_IOCRNVOL                         = 0x51106f03
-	UBI_IOCRPEB                          = 0x40046f04
-	UBI_IOCRSVOL                         = 0x400c6f02
-	UBI_IOCSETVOLPROP                    = 0x40104f06
-	UBI_IOCSPEB                          = 0x40046f05
-	UBI_IOCVOLCRBLK                      = 0x40804f07
-	UBI_IOCVOLRMBLK                      = 0x4f08
-	UBI_IOCVOLUP                         = 0x40084f00
-	UDF_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x15013346
-	UMOUNT_NOFOLLOW                      = 0x8
-	USBDEVICE_SUPER_MAGIC                = 0x9fa2
-	UTIME_NOW                            = 0x3fffffff
-	UTIME_OMIT                           = 0x3ffffffe
-	V9FS_MAGIC                           = 0x1021997
-	VDISCARD                             = 0xd
-	VEOF                                 = 0x4
-	VEOL                                 = 0xb
-	VEOL2                                = 0x10
-	VERASE                               = 0x2
-	VINTR                                = 0x0
-	VKILL                                = 0x3
-	VLNEXT                               = 0xf
-	VMADDR_CID_ANY                       = 0xffffffff
-	VMADDR_CID_HOST                      = 0x2
-	VMADDR_CID_HYPERVISOR                = 0x0
-	VMADDR_CID_RESERVED                  = 0x1
-	VMADDR_PORT_ANY                      = 0xffffffff
-	VMIN                                 = 0x6
-	VM_SOCKETS_INVALID_VERSION           = 0xffffffff
-	VQUIT                                = 0x1
-	VREPRINT                             = 0xc
-	VSTART                               = 0x8
-	VSTOP                                = 0x9
-	VSUSP                                = 0xa
-	VSWTC                                = 0x7
-	VT0                                  = 0x0
-	VT1                                  = 0x4000
-	VTDLY                                = 0x4000
-	VTIME                                = 0x5
-	VWERASE                              = 0xe
-	WALL                                 = 0x40000000
-	WCLONE                               = 0x80000000
-	WCONTINUED                           = 0x8
-	WDIOC_GETBOOTSTATUS                  = 0x80045702
-	WDIOC_GETPRETIMEOUT                  = 0x80045709
-	WDIOC_GETSTATUS                      = 0x80045701
-	WDIOC_GETSUPPORT                     = 0x80285700
-	WDIOC_GETTEMP                        = 0x80045703
-	WDIOC_GETTIMELEFT                    = 0x8004570a
-	WDIOC_GETTIMEOUT                     = 0x80045707
-	WDIOC_KEEPALIVE                      = 0x80045705
-	WDIOC_SETOPTIONS                     = 0x80045704
-	WDIOC_SETPRETIMEOUT                  = 0xc0045708
-	WDIOC_SETTIMEOUT                     = 0xc0045706
-	WEXITED                              = 0x4
-	WIN_ACKMEDIACHANGE                   = 0xdb
-	WIN_CHECKPOWERMODE1                  = 0xe5
-	WIN_CHECKPOWERMODE2                  = 0x98
-	WIN_DEVICE_RESET                     = 0x8
-	WIN_DIAGNOSE                         = 0x90
-	WIN_DOORLOCK                         = 0xde
-	WIN_DOORUNLOCK                       = 0xdf
-	WIN_DOWNLOAD_MICROCODE               = 0x92
-	WIN_FLUSH_CACHE                      = 0xe7
-	WIN_FLUSH_CACHE_EXT                  = 0xea
-	WIN_FORMAT                           = 0x50
-	WIN_GETMEDIASTATUS                   = 0xda
-	WIN_IDENTIFY                         = 0xec
-	WIN_IDENTIFY_DMA                     = 0xee
-	WIN_IDLEIMMEDIATE                    = 0xe1
-	WIN_INIT                             = 0x60
-	WIN_MEDIAEJECT                       = 0xed
-	WIN_MULTREAD                         = 0xc4
-	WIN_MULTREAD_EXT                     = 0x29
-	WIN_MULTWRITE                        = 0xc5
-	WIN_MULTWRITE_EXT                    = 0x39
-	WIN_NOP                              = 0x0
-	WIN_PACKETCMD                        = 0xa0
-	WIN_PIDENTIFY                        = 0xa1
-	WIN_POSTBOOT                         = 0xdc
-	WIN_PREBOOT                          = 0xdd
-	WIN_QUEUED_SERVICE                   = 0xa2
-	WIN_READ                             = 0x20
-	WIN_READDMA                          = 0xc8
-	WIN_READDMA_EXT                      = 0x25
-	WIN_READDMA_ONCE                     = 0xc9
-	WIN_READDMA_QUEUED                   = 0xc7
-	WIN_READDMA_QUEUED_EXT               = 0x26
-	WIN_READ_BUFFER                      = 0xe4
-	WIN_READ_EXT                         = 0x24
-	WIN_READ_LONG                        = 0x22
-	WIN_READ_LONG_ONCE                   = 0x23
-	WIN_READ_NATIVE_MAX                  = 0xf8
-	WIN_READ_NATIVE_MAX_EXT              = 0x27
-	WIN_READ_ONCE                        = 0x21
-	WIN_RECAL                            = 0x10
-	WIN_RESTORE                          = 0x10
-	WIN_SECURITY_DISABLE                 = 0xf6
-	WIN_SECURITY_ERASE_UNIT              = 0xf4
-	WIN_SECURITY_FREEZE_LOCK             = 0xf5
-	WIN_SECURITY_SET_PASS                = 0xf1
-	WIN_SECURITY_UNLOCK                  = 0xf2
-	WIN_SEEK                             = 0x70
-	WIN_SETFEATURES                      = 0xef
-	WIN_SETIDLE1                         = 0xe3
-	WIN_SETIDLE2                         = 0x97
-	WIN_SETMULT                          = 0xc6
-	WIN_SET_MAX                          = 0xf9
-	WIN_SET_MAX_EXT                      = 0x37
-	WIN_SLEEPNOW1                        = 0xe6
-	WIN_SLEEPNOW2                        = 0x99
-	WIN_SMART                            = 0xb0
-	WIN_SPECIFY                          = 0x91
-	WIN_SRST                             = 0x8
-	WIN_STANDBY                          = 0xe2
-	WIN_STANDBY2                         = 0x96
-	WIN_STANDBYNOW1                      = 0xe0
-	WIN_STANDBYNOW2                      = 0x94
-	WIN_VERIFY                           = 0x40
-	WIN_VERIFY_EXT                       = 0x42
-	WIN_VERIFY_ONCE                      = 0x41
-	WIN_WRITE                            = 0x30
-	WIN_WRITEDMA                         = 0xca
-	WIN_WRITEDMA_EXT                     = 0x35
-	WIN_WRITEDMA_ONCE                    = 0xcb
-	WIN_WRITEDMA_QUEUED                  = 0xcc
-	WIN_WRITEDMA_QUEUED_EXT              = 0x36
-	WIN_WRITE_BUFFER                     = 0xe8
-	WIN_WRITE_EXT                        = 0x34
-	WIN_WRITE_LONG                       = 0x32
-	WIN_WRITE_LONG_ONCE                  = 0x33
-	WIN_WRITE_ONCE                       = 0x31
-	WIN_WRITE_SAME                       = 0xe9
-	WIN_WRITE_VERIFY                     = 0x3c
-	WNOHANG                              = 0x1
-	WNOTHREAD                            = 0x20000000
-	WNOWAIT                              = 0x1000000
-	WORDSIZE                             = 0x40
-	WSTOPPED                             = 0x2
-	WUNTRACED                            = 0x2
-	XATTR_CREATE                         = 0x1
-	XATTR_REPLACE                        = 0x2
-	XCASE                                = 0x4
-	XDP_COPY                             = 0x2
-	XDP_FLAGS_DRV_MODE                   = 0x4
-	XDP_FLAGS_HW_MODE                    = 0x8
-	XDP_FLAGS_MASK                       = 0xf
-	XDP_FLAGS_MODES                      = 0xe
-	XDP_FLAGS_SKB_MODE                   = 0x2
-	XDP_MMAP_OFFSETS                     = 0x1
-	XDP_PACKET_HEADROOM                  = 0x100
-	XDP_PGOFF_RX_RING                    = 0x0
-	XDP_PGOFF_TX_RING                    = 0x80000000
-	XDP_RX_RING                          = 0x2
-	XDP_SHARED_UMEM                      = 0x1
-	XDP_STATISTICS                       = 0x7
-	XDP_TX_RING                          = 0x3
-	XDP_UMEM_COMPLETION_RING             = 0x6
-	XDP_UMEM_FILL_RING                   = 0x5
-	XDP_UMEM_PGOFF_COMPLETION_RING       = 0x180000000
-	XDP_UMEM_PGOFF_FILL_RING             = 0x100000000
-	XDP_UMEM_REG                         = 0x4
-	XDP_ZEROCOPY                         = 0x4
-	XENFS_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0xabba1974
-	XFS_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x58465342
-	XTABS                                = 0x1800
-	ZSMALLOC_MAGIC                       = 0x58295829
+	AAFS_MAGIC                                  = 0x5a3c69f0
+	ADFS_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xadf5
+	AFFS_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xadff
+	AFS_FS_MAGIC                                = 0x6b414653
+	AFS_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x5346414f
+	AF_ALG                                      = 0x26
+	AF_APPLETALK                                = 0x5
+	AF_ASH                                      = 0x12
+	AF_ATMPVC                                   = 0x8
+	AF_ATMSVC                                   = 0x14
+	AF_AX25                                     = 0x3
+	AF_BLUETOOTH                                = 0x1f
+	AF_BRIDGE                                   = 0x7
+	AF_CAIF                                     = 0x25
+	AF_CAN                                      = 0x1d
+	AF_DECnet                                   = 0xc
+	AF_ECONET                                   = 0x13
+	AF_FILE                                     = 0x1
+	AF_IB                                       = 0x1b
+	AF_IEEE802154                               = 0x24
+	AF_INET                                     = 0x2
+	AF_INET6                                    = 0xa
+	AF_IPX                                      = 0x4
+	AF_IRDA                                     = 0x17
+	AF_ISDN                                     = 0x22
+	AF_IUCV                                     = 0x20
+	AF_KCM                                      = 0x29
+	AF_KEY                                      = 0xf
+	AF_LLC                                      = 0x1a
+	AF_LOCAL                                    = 0x1
+	AF_MAX                                      = 0x2d
+	AF_MPLS                                     = 0x1c
+	AF_NETBEUI                                  = 0xd
+	AF_NETLINK                                  = 0x10
+	AF_NETROM                                   = 0x6
+	AF_NFC                                      = 0x27
+	AF_PACKET                                   = 0x11
+	AF_PHONET                                   = 0x23
+	AF_PPPOX                                    = 0x18
+	AF_QIPCRTR                                  = 0x2a
+	AF_RDS                                      = 0x15
+	AF_ROSE                                     = 0xb
+	AF_ROUTE                                    = 0x10
+	AF_RXRPC                                    = 0x21
+	AF_SECURITY                                 = 0xe
+	AF_SMC                                      = 0x2b
+	AF_SNA                                      = 0x16
+	AF_TIPC                                     = 0x1e
+	AF_UNIX                                     = 0x1
+	AF_UNSPEC                                   = 0x0
+	AF_VSOCK                                    = 0x28
+	AF_WANPIPE                                  = 0x19
+	AF_X25                                      = 0x9
+	AF_XDP                                      = 0x2c
+	ALG_OP_DECRYPT                              = 0x0
+	ALG_OP_ENCRYPT                              = 0x1
+	ALG_SET_AEAD_ASSOCLEN                       = 0x4
+	ALG_SET_AEAD_AUTHSIZE                       = 0x5
+	ALG_SET_IV                                  = 0x2
+	ALG_SET_KEY                                 = 0x1
+	ALG_SET_OP                                  = 0x3
+	ANON_INODE_FS_MAGIC                         = 0x9041934
+	ARPHRD_6LOWPAN                              = 0x339
+	ARPHRD_ADAPT                                = 0x108
+	ARPHRD_APPLETLK                             = 0x8
+	ARPHRD_ARCNET                               = 0x7
+	ARPHRD_ASH                                  = 0x30d
+	ARPHRD_ATM                                  = 0x13
+	ARPHRD_AX25                                 = 0x3
+	ARPHRD_BIF                                  = 0x307
+	ARPHRD_CAIF                                 = 0x336
+	ARPHRD_CAN                                  = 0x118
+	ARPHRD_CHAOS                                = 0x5
+	ARPHRD_CISCO                                = 0x201
+	ARPHRD_CSLIP                                = 0x101
+	ARPHRD_CSLIP6                               = 0x103
+	ARPHRD_DDCMP                                = 0x205
+	ARPHRD_DLCI                                 = 0xf
+	ARPHRD_ECONET                               = 0x30e
+	ARPHRD_EETHER                               = 0x2
+	ARPHRD_ETHER                                = 0x1
+	ARPHRD_EUI64                                = 0x1b
+	ARPHRD_FCAL                                 = 0x311
+	ARPHRD_FCFABRIC                             = 0x313
+	ARPHRD_FCPL                                 = 0x312
+	ARPHRD_FCPP                                 = 0x310
+	ARPHRD_FDDI                                 = 0x306
+	ARPHRD_FRAD                                 = 0x302
+	ARPHRD_HDLC                                 = 0x201
+	ARPHRD_HIPPI                                = 0x30c
+	ARPHRD_HWX25                                = 0x110
+	ARPHRD_IEEE1394                             = 0x18
+	ARPHRD_IEEE802                              = 0x6
+	ARPHRD_IEEE80211                            = 0x321
+	ARPHRD_IEEE80211_PRISM                      = 0x322
+	ARPHRD_IEEE80211_RADIOTAP                   = 0x323
+	ARPHRD_IEEE802154                           = 0x324
+	ARPHRD_IEEE802154_MONITOR                   = 0x325
+	ARPHRD_IEEE802_TR                           = 0x320
+	ARPHRD_INFINIBAND                           = 0x20
+	ARPHRD_IP6GRE                               = 0x337
+	ARPHRD_IPDDP                                = 0x309
+	ARPHRD_IPGRE                                = 0x30a
+	ARPHRD_IRDA                                 = 0x30f
+	ARPHRD_LAPB                                 = 0x204
+	ARPHRD_LOCALTLK                             = 0x305
+	ARPHRD_LOOPBACK                             = 0x304
+	ARPHRD_METRICOM                             = 0x17
+	ARPHRD_NETLINK                              = 0x338
+	ARPHRD_NETROM                               = 0x0
+	ARPHRD_NONE                                 = 0xfffe
+	ARPHRD_PHONET                               = 0x334
+	ARPHRD_PHONET_PIPE                          = 0x335
+	ARPHRD_PIMREG                               = 0x30b
+	ARPHRD_PPP                                  = 0x200
+	ARPHRD_PRONET                               = 0x4
+	ARPHRD_RAWHDLC                              = 0x206
+	ARPHRD_RAWIP                                = 0x207
+	ARPHRD_ROSE                                 = 0x10e
+	ARPHRD_RSRVD                                = 0x104
+	ARPHRD_SIT                                  = 0x308
+	ARPHRD_SKIP                                 = 0x303
+	ARPHRD_SLIP                                 = 0x100
+	ARPHRD_SLIP6                                = 0x102
+	ARPHRD_TUNNEL                               = 0x300
+	ARPHRD_TUNNEL6                              = 0x301
+	ARPHRD_VOID                                 = 0xffff
+	ARPHRD_VSOCKMON                             = 0x33a
+	ARPHRD_X25                                  = 0x10f
+	AUTOFS_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0x187
+	B0                                          = 0x0
+	B1000000                                    = 0x1008
+	B110                                        = 0x3
+	B115200                                     = 0x1002
+	B1152000                                    = 0x1009
+	B1200                                       = 0x9
+	B134                                        = 0x4
+	B150                                        = 0x5
+	B1500000                                    = 0x100a
+	B1800                                       = 0xa
+	B19200                                      = 0xe
+	B200                                        = 0x6
+	B2000000                                    = 0x100b
+	B230400                                     = 0x1003
+	B2400                                       = 0xb
+	B2500000                                    = 0x100c
+	B300                                        = 0x7
+	B3000000                                    = 0x100d
+	B3500000                                    = 0x100e
+	B38400                                      = 0xf
+	B4000000                                    = 0x100f
+	B460800                                     = 0x1004
+	B4800                                       = 0xc
+	B50                                         = 0x1
+	B500000                                     = 0x1005
+	B57600                                      = 0x1001
+	B576000                                     = 0x1006
+	B600                                        = 0x8
+	B75                                         = 0x2
+	B921600                                     = 0x1007
+	B9600                                       = 0xd
+	BALLOON_KVM_MAGIC                           = 0x13661366
+	BDEVFS_MAGIC                                = 0x62646576
+	BINDERFS_SUPER_MAGIC                        = 0x6c6f6f70
+	BINFMTFS_MAGIC                              = 0x42494e4d
+	BLKBSZGET                                   = 0x80081270
+	BLKBSZSET                                   = 0x40081271
+	BLKFLSBUF                                   = 0x1261
+	BLKFRAGET                                   = 0x1265
+	BLKFRASET                                   = 0x1264
+	BLKGETSIZE                                  = 0x1260
+	BLKGETSIZE64                                = 0x80081272
+	BLKPBSZGET                                  = 0x127b
+	BLKRAGET                                    = 0x1263
+	BLKRASET                                    = 0x1262
+	BLKROGET                                    = 0x125e
+	BLKROSET                                    = 0x125d
+	BLKRRPART                                   = 0x125f
+	BLKSECTGET                                  = 0x1267
+	BLKSECTSET                                  = 0x1266
+	BLKSSZGET                                   = 0x1268
+	BOTHER                                      = 0x1000
+	BPF_A                                       = 0x10
+	BPF_ABS                                     = 0x20
+	BPF_ADD                                     = 0x0
+	BPF_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L2_MASK                  = 0xff
+	BPF_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L2_SHIFT                 = 0x38
+	BPF_ALU                                     = 0x4
+	BPF_ALU64                                   = 0x7
+	BPF_AND                                     = 0x50
+	BPF_ANY                                     = 0x0
+	BPF_ARSH                                    = 0xc0
+	BPF_B                                       = 0x10
+	BPF_BUILD_ID_SIZE                           = 0x14
+	BPF_CALL                                    = 0x80
+	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_MKNOD                         = 0x1
+	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_READ                          = 0x2
+	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_WRITE                         = 0x4
+	BPF_DEVCG_DEV_BLOCK                         = 0x1
+	BPF_DEVCG_DEV_CHAR                          = 0x2
+	BPF_DIV                                     = 0x30
+	BPF_DW                                      = 0x18
+	BPF_END                                     = 0xd0
+	BPF_EXIST                                   = 0x2
+	BPF_EXIT                                    = 0x90
+	BPF_FROM_BE                                 = 0x8
+	BPF_FROM_LE                                 = 0x0
+	BPF_FS_MAGIC                                = 0xcafe4a11
+	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L3_IPV4                = 0x2
+	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L3_IPV6                = 0x4
+	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L4_GRE                 = 0x8
+	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L4_UDP                 = 0x10
+	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_FIXED_GSO                    = 0x1
+	BPF_F_ALLOW_MULTI                           = 0x2
+	BPF_F_ALLOW_OVERRIDE                        = 0x1
+	BPF_F_ANY_ALIGNMENT                         = 0x2
+	BPF_F_CLONE                                 = 0x200
+	BPF_F_CTXLEN_MASK                           = 0xfffff00000000
+	BPF_F_CURRENT_CPU                           = 0xffffffff
+	BPF_F_CURRENT_NETNS                         = -0x1
+	BPF_F_DONT_FRAGMENT                         = 0x4
+	BPF_F_FAST_STACK_CMP                        = 0x200
+	BPF_F_HDR_FIELD_MASK                        = 0xf
+	BPF_F_INDEX_MASK                            = 0xffffffff
+	BPF_F_INGRESS                               = 0x1
+	BPF_F_INVALIDATE_HASH                       = 0x2
+	BPF_F_LOCK                                  = 0x4
+	BPF_F_MARK_ENFORCE                          = 0x40
+	BPF_F_MARK_MANGLED_0                        = 0x20
+	BPF_F_NO_COMMON_LRU                         = 0x2
+	BPF_F_NO_PREALLOC                           = 0x1
+	BPF_F_NUMA_NODE                             = 0x4
+	BPF_F_PSEUDO_HDR                            = 0x10
+	BPF_F_QUERY_EFFECTIVE                       = 0x1
+	BPF_F_RDONLY                                = 0x8
+	BPF_F_RDONLY_PROG                           = 0x80
+	BPF_F_RECOMPUTE_CSUM                        = 0x1
+	BPF_F_REUSE_STACKID                         = 0x400
+	BPF_F_SEQ_NUMBER                            = 0x8
+	BPF_F_SKIP_FIELD_MASK                       = 0xff
+	BPF_F_STACK_BUILD_ID                        = 0x20
+	BPF_F_STRICT_ALIGNMENT                      = 0x1
+	BPF_F_SYSCTL_BASE_NAME                      = 0x1
+	BPF_F_TEST_RND_HI32                         = 0x4
+	BPF_F_TEST_STATE_FREQ                       = 0x8
+	BPF_F_TUNINFO_IPV6                          = 0x1
+	BPF_F_USER_BUILD_ID                         = 0x800
+	BPF_F_USER_STACK                            = 0x100
+	BPF_F_WRONLY                                = 0x10
+	BPF_F_WRONLY_PROG                           = 0x100
+	BPF_F_ZERO_CSUM_TX                          = 0x2
+	BPF_F_ZERO_SEED                             = 0x40
+	BPF_H                                       = 0x8
+	BPF_IMM                                     = 0x0
+	BPF_IND                                     = 0x40
+	BPF_JA                                      = 0x0
+	BPF_JEQ                                     = 0x10
+	BPF_JGE                                     = 0x30
+	BPF_JGT                                     = 0x20
+	BPF_JLE                                     = 0xb0
+	BPF_JLT                                     = 0xa0
+	BPF_JMP                                     = 0x5
+	BPF_JMP32                                   = 0x6
+	BPF_JNE                                     = 0x50
+	BPF_JSET                                    = 0x40
+	BPF_JSGE                                    = 0x70
+	BPF_JSGT                                    = 0x60
+	BPF_JSLE                                    = 0xd0
+	BPF_JSLT                                    = 0xc0
+	BPF_K                                       = 0x0
+	BPF_LD                                      = 0x0
+	BPF_LDX                                     = 0x1
+	BPF_LEN                                     = 0x80
+	BPF_LL_OFF                                  = -0x200000
+	BPF_LSH                                     = 0x60
+	BPF_MAJOR_VERSION                           = 0x1
+	BPF_MAXINSNS                                = 0x1000
+	BPF_MEM                                     = 0x60
+	BPF_MEMWORDS                                = 0x10
+	BPF_MINOR_VERSION                           = 0x1
+	BPF_MISC                                    = 0x7
+	BPF_MOD                                     = 0x90
+	BPF_MOV                                     = 0xb0
+	BPF_MSH                                     = 0xa0
+	BPF_MUL                                     = 0x20
+	BPF_NEG                                     = 0x80
+	BPF_NET_OFF                                 = -0x100000
+	BPF_NOEXIST                                 = 0x1
+	BPF_OBJ_NAME_LEN                            = 0x10
+	BPF_OR                                      = 0x40
+	BPF_PSEUDO_CALL                             = 0x1
+	BPF_PSEUDO_MAP_FD                           = 0x1
+	BPF_PSEUDO_MAP_VALUE                        = 0x2
+	BPF_RET                                     = 0x6
+	BPF_RSH                                     = 0x70
+	BPF_SK_STORAGE_GET_F_CREATE                 = 0x1
+	BPF_SOCK_OPS_ALL_CB_FLAGS                   = 0xf
+	BPF_SOCK_OPS_RETRANS_CB_FLAG                = 0x2
+	BPF_SOCK_OPS_RTO_CB_FLAG                    = 0x1
+	BPF_SOCK_OPS_RTT_CB_FLAG                    = 0x8
+	BPF_SOCK_OPS_STATE_CB_FLAG                  = 0x4
+	BPF_ST                                      = 0x2
+	BPF_STX                                     = 0x3
+	BPF_SUB                                     = 0x10
+	BPF_TAG_SIZE                                = 0x8
+	BPF_TAX                                     = 0x0
+	BPF_TO_BE                                   = 0x8
+	BPF_TO_LE                                   = 0x0
+	BPF_TXA                                     = 0x80
+	BPF_W                                       = 0x0
+	BPF_X                                       = 0x8
+	BPF_XADD                                    = 0xc0
+	BPF_XOR                                     = 0xa0
+	BRKINT                                      = 0x2
+	BS0                                         = 0x0
+	BS1                                         = 0x2000
+	BSDLY                                       = 0x2000
+	BTRFS_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x9123683e
+	BTRFS_TEST_MAGIC                            = 0x73727279
+	CAN_BCM                                     = 0x2
+	CAN_EFF_FLAG                                = 0x80000000
+	CAN_EFF_ID_BITS                             = 0x1d
+	CAN_EFF_MASK                                = 0x1fffffff
+	CAN_ERR_FLAG                                = 0x20000000
+	CAN_ERR_MASK                                = 0x1fffffff
+	CAN_INV_FILTER                              = 0x20000000
+	CAN_ISOTP                                   = 0x6
+	CAN_J1939                                   = 0x7
+	CAN_MAX_DLC                                 = 0x8
+	CAN_MAX_DLEN                                = 0x8
+	CAN_MCNET                                   = 0x5
+	CAN_MTU                                     = 0x10
+	CAN_NPROTO                                  = 0x8
+	CAN_RAW                                     = 0x1
+	CAN_RAW_FILTER_MAX                          = 0x200
+	CAN_RTR_FLAG                                = 0x40000000
+	CAN_SFF_ID_BITS                             = 0xb
+	CAN_SFF_MASK                                = 0x7ff
+	CAN_TP16                                    = 0x3
+	CAN_TP20                                    = 0x4
+	CAP_AUDIT_CONTROL                           = 0x1e
+	CAP_AUDIT_READ                              = 0x25
+	CAP_AUDIT_WRITE                             = 0x1d
+	CAP_BLOCK_SUSPEND                           = 0x24
+	CAP_CHOWN                                   = 0x0
+	CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE                            = 0x1
+	CAP_DAC_READ_SEARCH                         = 0x2
+	CAP_FOWNER                                  = 0x3
+	CAP_FSETID                                  = 0x4
+	CAP_IPC_LOCK                                = 0xe
+	CAP_IPC_OWNER                               = 0xf
+	CAP_KILL                                    = 0x5
+	CAP_LAST_CAP                                = 0x25
+	CAP_LEASE                                   = 0x1c
+	CAP_LINUX_IMMUTABLE                         = 0x9
+	CAP_MAC_ADMIN                               = 0x21
+	CAP_MAC_OVERRIDE                            = 0x20
+	CAP_MKNOD                                   = 0x1b
+	CAP_NET_ADMIN                               = 0xc
+	CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE                        = 0xa
+	CAP_NET_BROADCAST                           = 0xb
+	CAP_NET_RAW                                 = 0xd
+	CAP_SETFCAP                                 = 0x1f
+	CAP_SETGID                                  = 0x6
+	CAP_SETPCAP                                 = 0x8
+	CAP_SETUID                                  = 0x7
+	CAP_SYSLOG                                  = 0x22
+	CAP_SYS_ADMIN                               = 0x15
+	CAP_SYS_BOOT                                = 0x16
+	CAP_SYS_CHROOT                              = 0x12
+	CAP_SYS_MODULE                              = 0x10
+	CAP_SYS_NICE                                = 0x17
+	CAP_SYS_PACCT                               = 0x14
+	CAP_SYS_PTRACE                              = 0x13
+	CAP_SYS_RAWIO                               = 0x11
+	CAP_SYS_RESOURCE                            = 0x18
+	CAP_SYS_TIME                                = 0x19
+	CAP_SYS_TTY_CONFIG                          = 0x1a
+	CAP_WAKE_ALARM                              = 0x23
+	CBAUD                                       = 0x100f
+	CBAUDEX                                     = 0x1000
+	CFLUSH                                      = 0xf
+	CGROUP2_SUPER_MAGIC                         = 0x63677270
+	CGROUP_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0x27e0eb
+	CIBAUD                                      = 0x100f0000
+	CLOCAL                                      = 0x800
+	CLOCK_BOOTTIME                              = 0x7
+	CLOCK_BOOTTIME_ALARM                        = 0x9
+	CLOCK_DEFAULT                               = 0x0
+	CLOCK_EXT                                   = 0x1
+	CLOCK_INT                                   = 0x2
+	CLOCK_MONOTONIC                             = 0x1
+	CLOCK_MONOTONIC_COARSE                      = 0x6
+	CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW                         = 0x4
+	CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID                    = 0x2
+	CLOCK_REALTIME                              = 0x0
+	CLOCK_REALTIME_ALARM                        = 0x8
+	CLOCK_REALTIME_COARSE                       = 0x5
+	CLOCK_TAI                                   = 0xb
+	CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID                     = 0x3
+	CLOCK_TXFROMRX                              = 0x4
+	CLOCK_TXINT                                 = 0x3
+	CLONE_ARGS_SIZE_VER0                        = 0x40
+	CLONE_CHILD_CLEARTID                        = 0x200000
+	CLONE_CHILD_SETTID                          = 0x1000000
+	CLONE_DETACHED                              = 0x400000
+	CLONE_FILES                                 = 0x400
+	CLONE_FS                                    = 0x200
+	CLONE_IO                                    = 0x80000000
+	CLONE_NEWCGROUP                             = 0x2000000
+	CLONE_NEWIPC                                = 0x8000000
+	CLONE_NEWNET                                = 0x40000000
+	CLONE_NEWNS                                 = 0x20000
+	CLONE_NEWPID                                = 0x20000000
+	CLONE_NEWUSER                               = 0x10000000
+	CLONE_NEWUTS                                = 0x4000000
+	CLONE_PARENT                                = 0x8000
+	CLONE_PARENT_SETTID                         = 0x100000
+	CLONE_PIDFD                                 = 0x1000
+	CLONE_PTRACE                                = 0x2000
+	CLONE_SETTLS                                = 0x80000
+	CLONE_SIGHAND                               = 0x800
+	CLONE_SYSVSEM                               = 0x40000
+	CLONE_THREAD                                = 0x10000
+	CLONE_UNTRACED                              = 0x800000
+	CLONE_VFORK                                 = 0x4000
+	CLONE_VM                                    = 0x100
+	CMSPAR                                      = 0x40000000
+	CODA_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0x73757245
+	CR0                                         = 0x0
+	CR1                                         = 0x200
+	CR2                                         = 0x400
+	CR3                                         = 0x600
+	CRAMFS_MAGIC                                = 0x28cd3d45
+	CRDLY                                       = 0x600
+	CREAD                                       = 0x80
+	CRTSCTS                                     = 0x80000000
+	CRYPTO_MAX_NAME                             = 0x40
+	CRYPTO_MSG_MAX                              = 0x15
+	CRYPTO_NR_MSGTYPES                          = 0x6
+	CRYPTO_REPORT_MAXSIZE                       = 0x160
+	CS5                                         = 0x0
+	CS6                                         = 0x10
+	CS7                                         = 0x20
+	CS8                                         = 0x30
+	CSIGNAL                                     = 0xff
+	CSIZE                                       = 0x30
+	CSTART                                      = 0x11
+	CSTATUS                                     = 0x0
+	CSTOP                                       = 0x13
+	CSTOPB                                      = 0x40
+	CSUSP                                       = 0x1a
+	DAXFS_MAGIC                                 = 0x64646178
+	DEBUGFS_MAGIC                               = 0x64626720
+	DEVLINK_CMD_ESWITCH_MODE_GET                = 0x1d
+	DEVLINK_CMD_ESWITCH_MODE_SET                = 0x1e
+	DEVLINK_GENL_MCGRP_CONFIG_NAME              = "config"
+	DEVLINK_GENL_NAME                           = "devlink"
+	DEVLINK_GENL_VERSION                        = 0x1
+	DEVPTS_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0x1cd1
+	DMA_BUF_MAGIC                               = 0x444d4142
+	DT_BLK                                      = 0x6
+	DT_CHR                                      = 0x2
+	DT_DIR                                      = 0x4
+	DT_FIFO                                     = 0x1
+	DT_LNK                                      = 0xa
+	DT_REG                                      = 0x8
+	DT_SOCK                                     = 0xc
+	DT_UNKNOWN                                  = 0x0
+	DT_WHT                                      = 0xe
+	ECHO                                        = 0x8
+	ECHOCTL                                     = 0x200
+	ECHOE                                       = 0x10
+	ECHOK                                       = 0x20
+	ECHOKE                                      = 0x800
+	ECHONL                                      = 0x40
+	ECHOPRT                                     = 0x400
+	ECRYPTFS_SUPER_MAGIC                        = 0xf15f
+	EFD_CLOEXEC                                 = 0x80000
+	EFD_NONBLOCK                                = 0x800
+	EFD_SEMAPHORE                               = 0x1
+	EFIVARFS_MAGIC                              = 0xde5e81e4
+	EFS_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x414a53
+	ENCODING_DEFAULT                            = 0x0
+	ENCODING_FM_MARK                            = 0x3
+	ENCODING_FM_SPACE                           = 0x4
+	ENCODING_MANCHESTER                         = 0x5
+	ENCODING_NRZ                                = 0x1
+	ENCODING_NRZI                               = 0x2
+	EPOLLERR                                    = 0x8
+	EPOLLET                                     = 0x80000000
+	EPOLLEXCLUSIVE                              = 0x10000000
+	EPOLLHUP                                    = 0x10
+	EPOLLIN                                     = 0x1
+	EPOLLMSG                                    = 0x400
+	EPOLLONESHOT                                = 0x40000000
+	EPOLLOUT                                    = 0x4
+	EPOLLPRI                                    = 0x2
+	EPOLLRDBAND                                 = 0x80
+	EPOLLRDHUP                                  = 0x2000
+	EPOLLRDNORM                                 = 0x40
+	EPOLLWAKEUP                                 = 0x20000000
+	EPOLLWRBAND                                 = 0x200
+	EPOLLWRNORM                                 = 0x100
+	EPOLL_CLOEXEC                               = 0x80000
+	EPOLL_CTL_ADD                               = 0x1
+	EPOLL_CTL_DEL                               = 0x2
+	EPOLL_CTL_MOD                               = 0x3
+	EROFS_SUPER_MAGIC_V1                        = 0xe0f5e1e2
+	ESR_MAGIC                                   = 0x45535201
+	ETH_P_1588                                  = 0x88f7
+	ETH_P_8021AD                                = 0x88a8
+	ETH_P_8021AH                                = 0x88e7
+	ETH_P_8021Q                                 = 0x8100
+	ETH_P_80221                                 = 0x8917
+	ETH_P_802_2                                 = 0x4
+	ETH_P_802_3                                 = 0x1
+	ETH_P_802_3_MIN                             = 0x600
+	ETH_P_802_EX1                               = 0x88b5
+	ETH_P_AARP                                  = 0x80f3
+	ETH_P_AF_IUCV                               = 0xfbfb
+	ETH_P_ALL                                   = 0x3
+	ETH_P_AOE                                   = 0x88a2
+	ETH_P_ARCNET                                = 0x1a
+	ETH_P_ARP                                   = 0x806
+	ETH_P_ATALK                                 = 0x809b
+	ETH_P_ATMFATE                               = 0x8884
+	ETH_P_ATMMPOA                               = 0x884c
+	ETH_P_AX25                                  = 0x2
+	ETH_P_BATMAN                                = 0x4305
+	ETH_P_BPQ                                   = 0x8ff
+	ETH_P_CAIF                                  = 0xf7
+	ETH_P_CAN                                   = 0xc
+	ETH_P_CANFD                                 = 0xd
+	ETH_P_CONTROL                               = 0x16
+	ETH_P_CUST                                  = 0x6006
+	ETH_P_DDCMP                                 = 0x6
+	ETH_P_DEC                                   = 0x6000
+	ETH_P_DIAG                                  = 0x6005
+	ETH_P_DNA_DL                                = 0x6001
+	ETH_P_DNA_RC                                = 0x6002
+	ETH_P_DNA_RT                                = 0x6003
+	ETH_P_DSA                                   = 0x1b
+	ETH_P_DSA_8021Q                             = 0xdadb
+	ETH_P_ECONET                                = 0x18
+	ETH_P_EDSA                                  = 0xdada
+	ETH_P_ERSPAN                                = 0x88be
+	ETH_P_ERSPAN2                               = 0x22eb
+	ETH_P_FCOE                                  = 0x8906
+	ETH_P_FIP                                   = 0x8914
+	ETH_P_HDLC                                  = 0x19
+	ETH_P_HSR                                   = 0x892f
+	ETH_P_IBOE                                  = 0x8915
+	ETH_P_IEEE802154                            = 0xf6
+	ETH_P_IEEEPUP                               = 0xa00
+	ETH_P_IEEEPUPAT                             = 0xa01
+	ETH_P_IFE                                   = 0xed3e
+	ETH_P_IP                                    = 0x800
+	ETH_P_IPV6                                  = 0x86dd
+	ETH_P_IPX                                   = 0x8137
+	ETH_P_IRDA                                  = 0x17
+	ETH_P_LAT                                   = 0x6004
+	ETH_P_LINK_CTL                              = 0x886c
+	ETH_P_LLDP                                  = 0x88cc
+	ETH_P_LOCALTALK                             = 0x9
+	ETH_P_LOOP                                  = 0x60
+	ETH_P_LOOPBACK                              = 0x9000
+	ETH_P_MACSEC                                = 0x88e5
+	ETH_P_MAP                                   = 0xf9
+	ETH_P_MOBITEX                               = 0x15
+	ETH_P_MPLS_MC                               = 0x8848
+	ETH_P_MPLS_UC                               = 0x8847
+	ETH_P_MVRP                                  = 0x88f5
+	ETH_P_NCSI                                  = 0x88f8
+	ETH_P_NSH                                   = 0x894f
+	ETH_P_PAE                                   = 0x888e
+	ETH_P_PAUSE                                 = 0x8808
+	ETH_P_PHONET                                = 0xf5
+	ETH_P_PPPTALK                               = 0x10
+	ETH_P_PPP_DISC                              = 0x8863
+	ETH_P_PPP_MP                                = 0x8
+	ETH_P_PPP_SES                               = 0x8864
+	ETH_P_PREAUTH                               = 0x88c7
+	ETH_P_PRP                                   = 0x88fb
+	ETH_P_PUP                                   = 0x200
+	ETH_P_PUPAT                                 = 0x201
+	ETH_P_QINQ1                                 = 0x9100
+	ETH_P_QINQ2                                 = 0x9200
+	ETH_P_QINQ3                                 = 0x9300
+	ETH_P_RARP                                  = 0x8035
+	ETH_P_SCA                                   = 0x6007
+	ETH_P_SLOW                                  = 0x8809
+	ETH_P_SNAP                                  = 0x5
+	ETH_P_TDLS                                  = 0x890d
+	ETH_P_TEB                                   = 0x6558
+	ETH_P_TIPC                                  = 0x88ca
+	ETH_P_TRAILER                               = 0x1c
+	ETH_P_TR_802_2                              = 0x11
+	ETH_P_TSN                                   = 0x22f0
+	ETH_P_WAN_PPP                               = 0x7
+	ETH_P_WCCP                                  = 0x883e
+	ETH_P_X25                                   = 0x805
+	ETH_P_XDSA                                  = 0xf8
+	EXABYTE_ENABLE_NEST                         = 0xf0
+	EXT2_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xef53
+	EXT3_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xef53
+	EXT4_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xef53
+	EXTA                                        = 0xe
+	EXTB                                        = 0xf
+	EXTPROC                                     = 0x10000
+	EXTRA_MAGIC                                 = 0x45585401
+	F2FS_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xf2f52010
+	FALLOC_FL_COLLAPSE_RANGE                    = 0x8
+	FALLOC_FL_INSERT_RANGE                      = 0x20
+	FALLOC_FL_KEEP_SIZE                         = 0x1
+	FALLOC_FL_NO_HIDE_STALE                     = 0x4
+	FALLOC_FL_PUNCH_HOLE                        = 0x2
+	FALLOC_FL_UNSHARE_RANGE                     = 0x40
+	FALLOC_FL_ZERO_RANGE                        = 0x10
+	FANOTIFY_METADATA_VERSION                   = 0x3
+	FAN_ACCESS                                  = 0x1
+	FAN_ACCESS_PERM                             = 0x20000
+	FAN_ALLOW                                   = 0x1
+	FAN_ALL_CLASS_BITS                          = 0xc
+	FAN_ALL_EVENTS                              = 0x3b
+	FAN_ALL_INIT_FLAGS                          = 0x3f
+	FAN_ALL_MARK_FLAGS                          = 0xff
+	FAN_ALL_OUTGOING_EVENTS                     = 0x3403b
+	FAN_ALL_PERM_EVENTS                         = 0x30000
+	FAN_ATTRIB                                  = 0x4
+	FAN_AUDIT                                   = 0x10
+	FAN_CLASS_CONTENT                           = 0x4
+	FAN_CLASS_NOTIF                             = 0x0
+	FAN_CLASS_PRE_CONTENT                       = 0x8
+	FAN_CLOEXEC                                 = 0x1
+	FAN_CLOSE                                   = 0x18
+	FAN_CLOSE_NOWRITE                           = 0x10
+	FAN_CLOSE_WRITE                             = 0x8
+	FAN_CREATE                                  = 0x100
+	FAN_DELETE                                  = 0x200
+	FAN_DELETE_SELF                             = 0x400
+	FAN_DENY                                    = 0x2
+	FAN_ENABLE_AUDIT                            = 0x40
+	FAN_EVENT_INFO_TYPE_FID                     = 0x1
+	FAN_EVENT_METADATA_LEN                      = 0x18
+	FAN_EVENT_ON_CHILD                          = 0x8000000
+	FAN_MARK_ADD                                = 0x1
+	FAN_MARK_DONT_FOLLOW                        = 0x4
+	FAN_MARK_FILESYSTEM                         = 0x100
+	FAN_MARK_FLUSH                              = 0x80
+	FAN_MARK_IGNORED_MASK                       = 0x20
+	FAN_MARK_IGNORED_SURV_MODIFY                = 0x40
+	FAN_MARK_INODE                              = 0x0
+	FAN_MARK_MOUNT                              = 0x10
+	FAN_MARK_ONLYDIR                            = 0x8
+	FAN_MARK_REMOVE                             = 0x2
+	FAN_MODIFY                                  = 0x2
+	FAN_MOVE                                    = 0xc0
+	FAN_MOVED_FROM                              = 0x40
+	FAN_MOVED_TO                                = 0x80
+	FAN_MOVE_SELF                               = 0x800
+	FAN_NOFD                                    = -0x1
+	FAN_NONBLOCK                                = 0x2
+	FAN_ONDIR                                   = 0x40000000
+	FAN_OPEN                                    = 0x20
+	FAN_OPEN_EXEC                               = 0x1000
+	FAN_OPEN_EXEC_PERM                          = 0x40000
+	FAN_OPEN_PERM                               = 0x10000
+	FAN_Q_OVERFLOW                              = 0x4000
+	FAN_REPORT_FID                              = 0x200
+	FAN_REPORT_TID                              = 0x100
+	FAN_UNLIMITED_MARKS                         = 0x20
+	FAN_UNLIMITED_QUEUE                         = 0x10
+	FD_CLOEXEC                                  = 0x1
+	FD_SETSIZE                                  = 0x400
+	FF0                                         = 0x0
+	FF1                                         = 0x8000
+	FFDLY                                       = 0x8000
+	FLUSHO                                      = 0x1000
+	FPSIMD_MAGIC                                = 0x46508001
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE                 = 0x8
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_DESC_PREFIX                     = "fscrypt:"
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_DESC_PREFIX_SIZE                = 0x8
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_IDENTIFIER_SIZE                 = 0x10
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_STATUS_ABSENT                   = 0x1
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_STATUS_PRESENT                  = 0x2
+	FSCRYPT_MAX_KEY_SIZE                        = 0x40
+	FSCRYPT_MODE_ADIANTUM                       = 0x9
+	FSCRYPT_MODE_AES_128_CBC                    = 0x5
+	FSCRYPT_MODE_AES_128_CTS                    = 0x6
+	FSCRYPT_MODE_AES_256_CTS                    = 0x4
+	FSCRYPT_MODE_AES_256_XTS                    = 0x1
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_16                 = 0x2
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_32                 = 0x3
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_4                  = 0x0
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_8                  = 0x1
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_MASK               = 0x3
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_VALID                  = 0x7
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_V1                           = 0x0
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_V2                           = 0x2
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_ADIANTUM                 = 0x9
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_128_CBC              = 0x5
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_128_CTS              = 0x6
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_CBC              = 0x3
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_CTS              = 0x4
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_GCM              = 0x2
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_XTS              = 0x1
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_INVALID                  = 0x0
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_SPECK128_256_CTS         = 0x8
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_SPECK128_256_XTS         = 0x7
+	FS_IOC_ADD_ENCRYPTION_KEY                   = 0xc0506617
+	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_KEY_STATUS            = 0xc080661a
+	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY                = 0x400c6615
+	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY_EX             = 0xc0096616
+	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_PWSALT                = 0x40106614
+	FS_IOC_REMOVE_ENCRYPTION_KEY                = 0xc0406618
+	FS_IOC_SET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY                = 0x800c6613
+	FS_KEY_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE                      = 0x8
+	FS_KEY_DESC_PREFIX                          = "fscrypt:"
+	FS_KEY_DESC_PREFIX_SIZE                     = 0x8
+	FS_MAX_KEY_SIZE                             = 0x40
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_16                      = 0x2
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_32                      = 0x3
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_4                       = 0x0
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_8                       = 0x1
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_MASK                    = 0x3
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_VALID                       = 0x7
+	FUTEXFS_SUPER_MAGIC                         = 0xbad1dea
+	F_ADD_SEALS                                 = 0x409
+	F_DUPFD                                     = 0x0
+	F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC                             = 0x406
+	F_EXLCK                                     = 0x4
+	F_GETFD                                     = 0x1
+	F_GETFL                                     = 0x3
+	F_GETLEASE                                  = 0x401
+	F_GETLK                                     = 0x5
+	F_GETLK64                                   = 0x5
+	F_GETOWN                                    = 0x9
+	F_GETOWN_EX                                 = 0x10
+	F_GETPIPE_SZ                                = 0x408
+	F_GETSIG                                    = 0xb
+	F_GET_FILE_RW_HINT                          = 0x40d
+	F_GET_RW_HINT                               = 0x40b
+	F_GET_SEALS                                 = 0x40a
+	F_LOCK                                      = 0x1
+	F_NOTIFY                                    = 0x402
+	F_OFD_GETLK                                 = 0x24
+	F_OFD_SETLK                                 = 0x25
+	F_OFD_SETLKW                                = 0x26
+	F_OK                                        = 0x0
+	F_RDLCK                                     = 0x0
+	F_SEAL_FUTURE_WRITE                         = 0x10
+	F_SEAL_GROW                                 = 0x4
+	F_SEAL_SEAL                                 = 0x1
+	F_SEAL_SHRINK                               = 0x2
+	F_SEAL_WRITE                                = 0x8
+	F_SETFD                                     = 0x2
+	F_SETFL                                     = 0x4
+	F_SETLEASE                                  = 0x400
+	F_SETLK                                     = 0x6
+	F_SETLK64                                   = 0x6
+	F_SETLKW                                    = 0x7
+	F_SETLKW64                                  = 0x7
+	F_SETOWN                                    = 0x8
+	F_SETOWN_EX                                 = 0xf
+	F_SETPIPE_SZ                                = 0x407
+	F_SETSIG                                    = 0xa
+	F_SET_FILE_RW_HINT                          = 0x40e
+	F_SET_RW_HINT                               = 0x40c
+	F_SHLCK                                     = 0x8
+	F_TEST                                      = 0x3
+	F_TLOCK                                     = 0x2
+	F_ULOCK                                     = 0x0
+	F_UNLCK                                     = 0x2
+	F_WRLCK                                     = 0x1
+	GENL_ADMIN_PERM                             = 0x1
+	GENL_CMD_CAP_DO                             = 0x2
+	GENL_CMD_CAP_DUMP                           = 0x4
+	GENL_CMD_CAP_HASPOL                         = 0x8
+	GENL_HDRLEN                                 = 0x4
+	GENL_ID_CTRL                                = 0x10
+	GENL_ID_PMCRAID                             = 0x12
+	GENL_ID_VFS_DQUOT                           = 0x11
+	GENL_MAX_ID                                 = 0x3ff
+	GENL_MIN_ID                                 = 0x10
+	GENL_NAMSIZ                                 = 0x10
+	GENL_START_ALLOC                            = 0x13
+	GENL_UNS_ADMIN_PERM                         = 0x10
+	GRND_NONBLOCK                               = 0x1
+	GRND_RANDOM                                 = 0x2
+	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD                              = 0x31f
+	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD_AEB                          = 0x31e
+	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD_HDR_SIZE                     = 0x4
+	HDIO_DRIVE_HOB_HDR_SIZE                     = 0x8
+	HDIO_DRIVE_RESET                            = 0x31c
+	HDIO_DRIVE_TASK                             = 0x31e
+	HDIO_DRIVE_TASKFILE                         = 0x31d
+	HDIO_DRIVE_TASK_HDR_SIZE                    = 0x8
+	HDIO_GETGEO                                 = 0x301
+	HDIO_GET_32BIT                              = 0x309
+	HDIO_GET_ACOUSTIC                           = 0x30f
+	HDIO_GET_ADDRESS                            = 0x310
+	HDIO_GET_BUSSTATE                           = 0x31a
+	HDIO_GET_DMA                                = 0x30b
+	HDIO_GET_IDENTITY                           = 0x30d
+	HDIO_GET_KEEPSETTINGS                       = 0x308
+	HDIO_GET_MULTCOUNT                          = 0x304
+	HDIO_GET_NICE                               = 0x30c
+	HDIO_GET_NOWERR                             = 0x30a
+	HDIO_GET_QDMA                               = 0x305
+	HDIO_GET_UNMASKINTR                         = 0x302
+	HDIO_GET_WCACHE                             = 0x30e
+	HDIO_OBSOLETE_IDENTITY                      = 0x307
+	HDIO_SCAN_HWIF                              = 0x328
+	HDIO_SET_32BIT                              = 0x324
+	HDIO_SET_ACOUSTIC                           = 0x32c
+	HDIO_SET_ADDRESS                            = 0x32f
+	HDIO_SET_BUSSTATE                           = 0x32d
+	HDIO_SET_DMA                                = 0x326
+	HDIO_SET_KEEPSETTINGS                       = 0x323
+	HDIO_SET_MULTCOUNT                          = 0x321
+	HDIO_SET_NICE                               = 0x329
+	HDIO_SET_NOWERR                             = 0x325
+	HDIO_SET_PIO_MODE                           = 0x327
+	HDIO_SET_QDMA                               = 0x32e
+	HDIO_SET_UNMASKINTR                         = 0x322
+	HDIO_SET_WCACHE                             = 0x32b
+	HDIO_SET_XFER                               = 0x306
+	HDIO_TRISTATE_HWIF                          = 0x31b
+	HDIO_UNREGISTER_HWIF                        = 0x32a
+	HOSTFS_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0xc0ffee
+	HPFS_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xf995e849
+	HUGETLBFS_MAGIC                             = 0x958458f6
+	HUPCL                                       = 0x400
+	IBSHIFT                                     = 0x10
+	ICANON                                      = 0x2
+	ICMPV6_FILTER                               = 0x1
+	ICRNL                                       = 0x100
+	IEXTEN                                      = 0x8000
+	IFA_F_DADFAILED                             = 0x8
+	IFA_F_DEPRECATED                            = 0x20
+	IFA_F_HOMEADDRESS                           = 0x10
+	IFA_F_MANAGETEMPADDR                        = 0x100
+	IFA_F_MCAUTOJOIN                            = 0x400
+	IFA_F_NODAD                                 = 0x2
+	IFA_F_NOPREFIXROUTE                         = 0x200
+	IFA_F_OPTIMISTIC                            = 0x4
+	IFA_F_PERMANENT                             = 0x80
+	IFA_F_SECONDARY                             = 0x1
+	IFA_F_STABLE_PRIVACY                        = 0x800
+	IFA_F_TEMPORARY                             = 0x1
+	IFA_F_TENTATIVE                             = 0x40
+	IFA_MAX                                     = 0xa
+	IFF_ALLMULTI                                = 0x200
+	IFF_ATTACH_QUEUE                            = 0x200
+	IFF_AUTOMEDIA                               = 0x4000
+	IFF_BROADCAST                               = 0x2
+	IFF_DEBUG                                   = 0x4
+	IFF_DETACH_QUEUE                            = 0x400
+	IFF_DORMANT                                 = 0x20000
+	IFF_DYNAMIC                                 = 0x8000
+	IFF_ECHO                                    = 0x40000
+	IFF_LOOPBACK                                = 0x8
+	IFF_LOWER_UP                                = 0x10000
+	IFF_MASTER                                  = 0x400
+	IFF_MULTICAST                               = 0x1000
+	IFF_MULTI_QUEUE                             = 0x100
+	IFF_NAPI                                    = 0x10
+	IFF_NAPI_FRAGS                              = 0x20
+	IFF_NOARP                                   = 0x80
+	IFF_NOFILTER                                = 0x1000
+	IFF_NOTRAILERS                              = 0x20
+	IFF_NO_PI                                   = 0x1000
+	IFF_ONE_QUEUE                               = 0x2000
+	IFF_PERSIST                                 = 0x800
+	IFF_POINTOPOINT                             = 0x10
+	IFF_PORTSEL                                 = 0x2000
+	IFF_PROMISC                                 = 0x100
+	IFF_RUNNING                                 = 0x40
+	IFF_SLAVE                                   = 0x800
+	IFF_TAP                                     = 0x2
+	IFF_TUN                                     = 0x1
+	IFF_TUN_EXCL                                = 0x8000
+	IFF_UP                                      = 0x1
+	IFF_VNET_HDR                                = 0x4000
+	IFF_VOLATILE                                = 0x70c5a
+	IFNAMSIZ                                    = 0x10
+	IGNBRK                                      = 0x1
+	IGNCR                                       = 0x80
+	IGNPAR                                      = 0x4
+	IMAXBEL                                     = 0x2000
+	INLCR                                       = 0x40
+	INPCK                                       = 0x10
+	IN_ACCESS                                   = 0x1
+	IN_ALL_EVENTS                               = 0xfff
+	IN_ATTRIB                                   = 0x4
+	IN_CLASSA_HOST                              = 0xffffff
+	IN_CLASSA_MAX                               = 0x80
+	IN_CLASSA_NET                               = 0xff000000
+	IN_CLASSA_NSHIFT                            = 0x18
+	IN_CLASSB_HOST                              = 0xffff
+	IN_CLASSB_MAX                               = 0x10000
+	IN_CLASSB_NET                               = 0xffff0000
+	IN_CLASSB_NSHIFT                            = 0x10
+	IN_CLASSC_HOST                              = 0xff
+	IN_CLASSC_NET                               = 0xffffff00
+	IN_CLASSC_NSHIFT                            = 0x8
+	IN_CLOEXEC                                  = 0x80000
+	IN_CLOSE                                    = 0x18
+	IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE                            = 0x10
+	IN_CLOSE_WRITE                              = 0x8
+	IN_CREATE                                   = 0x100
+	IN_DELETE                                   = 0x200
+	IN_DELETE_SELF                              = 0x400
+	IN_DONT_FOLLOW                              = 0x2000000
+	IN_EXCL_UNLINK                              = 0x4000000
+	IN_IGNORED                                  = 0x8000
+	IN_ISDIR                                    = 0x40000000
+	IN_LOOPBACKNET                              = 0x7f
+	IN_MASK_ADD                                 = 0x20000000
+	IN_MASK_CREATE                              = 0x10000000
+	IN_MODIFY                                   = 0x2
+	IN_MOVE                                     = 0xc0
+	IN_MOVED_FROM                               = 0x40
+	IN_MOVED_TO                                 = 0x80
+	IN_MOVE_SELF                                = 0x800
+	IN_NONBLOCK                                 = 0x800
+	IN_ONESHOT                                  = 0x80000000
+	IN_ONLYDIR                                  = 0x1000000
+	IN_OPEN                                     = 0x20
+	IN_Q_OVERFLOW                               = 0x4000
+	IN_UNMOUNT                                  = 0x2000
+	IOCTL_VM_SOCKETS_GET_LOCAL_CID              = 0x7b9
+	IPPROTO_AH                                  = 0x33
+	IPPROTO_BEETPH                              = 0x5e
+	IPPROTO_COMP                                = 0x6c
+	IPPROTO_DCCP                                = 0x21
+	IPPROTO_DSTOPTS                             = 0x3c
+	IPPROTO_EGP                                 = 0x8
+	IPPROTO_ENCAP                               = 0x62
+	IPPROTO_ESP                                 = 0x32
+	IPPROTO_FRAGMENT                            = 0x2c
+	IPPROTO_GRE                                 = 0x2f
+	IPPROTO_HOPOPTS                             = 0x0
+	IPPROTO_ICMP                                = 0x1
+	IPPROTO_ICMPV6                              = 0x3a
+	IPPROTO_IDP                                 = 0x16
+	IPPROTO_IGMP                                = 0x2
+	IPPROTO_IP                                  = 0x0
+	IPPROTO_IPIP                                = 0x4
+	IPPROTO_IPV6                                = 0x29
+	IPPROTO_MH                                  = 0x87
+	IPPROTO_MPLS                                = 0x89
+	IPPROTO_MTP                                 = 0x5c
+	IPPROTO_NONE                                = 0x3b
+	IPPROTO_PIM                                 = 0x67
+	IPPROTO_PUP                                 = 0xc
+	IPPROTO_RAW                                 = 0xff
+	IPPROTO_ROUTING                             = 0x2b
+	IPPROTO_RSVP                                = 0x2e
+	IPPROTO_SCTP                                = 0x84
+	IPPROTO_TCP                                 = 0x6
+	IPPROTO_TP                                  = 0x1d
+	IPPROTO_UDP                                 = 0x11
+	IPPROTO_UDPLITE                             = 0x88
+	IPV6_2292DSTOPTS                            = 0x4
+	IPV6_2292HOPLIMIT                           = 0x8
+	IPV6_2292HOPOPTS                            = 0x3
+	IPV6_2292PKTINFO                            = 0x2
+	IPV6_2292PKTOPTIONS                         = 0x6
+	IPV6_2292RTHDR                              = 0x5
+	IPV6_ADDRFORM                               = 0x1
+	IPV6_ADDR_PREFERENCES                       = 0x48
+	IPV6_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                         = 0x14
+	IPV6_AUTHHDR                                = 0xa
+	IPV6_AUTOFLOWLABEL                          = 0x46
+	IPV6_CHECKSUM                               = 0x7
+	IPV6_DONTFRAG                               = 0x3e
+	IPV6_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                        = 0x15
+	IPV6_DSTOPTS                                = 0x3b
+	IPV6_FREEBIND                               = 0x4e
+	IPV6_HDRINCL                                = 0x24
+	IPV6_HOPLIMIT                               = 0x34
+	IPV6_HOPOPTS                                = 0x36
+	IPV6_IPSEC_POLICY                           = 0x22
+	IPV6_JOIN_ANYCAST                           = 0x1b
+	IPV6_JOIN_GROUP                             = 0x14
+	IPV6_LEAVE_ANYCAST                          = 0x1c
+	IPV6_LEAVE_GROUP                            = 0x15
+	IPV6_MINHOPCOUNT                            = 0x49
+	IPV6_MTU                                    = 0x18
+	IPV6_MTU_DISCOVER                           = 0x17
+	IPV6_MULTICAST_ALL                          = 0x1d
+	IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS                         = 0x12
+	IPV6_MULTICAST_IF                           = 0x11
+	IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP                         = 0x13
+	IPV6_NEXTHOP                                = 0x9
+	IPV6_ORIGDSTADDR                            = 0x4a
+	IPV6_PATHMTU                                = 0x3d
+	IPV6_PKTINFO                                = 0x32
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_DO                            = 0x2
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_DONT                          = 0x0
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_INTERFACE                     = 0x4
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_OMIT                          = 0x5
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_PROBE                         = 0x3
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_WANT                          = 0x1
+	IPV6_RECVDSTOPTS                            = 0x3a
+	IPV6_RECVERR                                = 0x19
+	IPV6_RECVFRAGSIZE                           = 0x4d
+	IPV6_RECVHOPLIMIT                           = 0x33
+	IPV6_RECVHOPOPTS                            = 0x35
+	IPV6_RECVORIGDSTADDR                        = 0x4a
+	IPV6_RECVPATHMTU                            = 0x3c
+	IPV6_RECVPKTINFO                            = 0x31
+	IPV6_RECVRTHDR                              = 0x38
+	IPV6_RECVTCLASS                             = 0x42
+	IPV6_ROUTER_ALERT                           = 0x16
+	IPV6_ROUTER_ALERT_ISOLATE                   = 0x1e
+	IPV6_RTHDR                                  = 0x39
+	IPV6_RTHDRDSTOPTS                           = 0x37
+	IPV6_RTHDR_LOOSE                            = 0x0
+	IPV6_RTHDR_STRICT                           = 0x1
+	IPV6_RTHDR_TYPE_0                           = 0x0
+	IPV6_RXDSTOPTS                              = 0x3b
+	IPV6_RXHOPOPTS                              = 0x36
+	IPV6_TCLASS                                 = 0x43
+	IPV6_TRANSPARENT                            = 0x4b
+	IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS                           = 0x10
+	IPV6_UNICAST_IF                             = 0x4c
+	IPV6_V6ONLY                                 = 0x1a
+	IPV6_XFRM_POLICY                            = 0x23
+	IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                           = 0x23
+	IP_ADD_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP                    = 0x27
+	IP_BIND_ADDRESS_NO_PORT                     = 0x18
+	IP_BLOCK_SOURCE                             = 0x26
+	IP_CHECKSUM                                 = 0x17
+	IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_LOOP                   = 0x1
+	IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_TTL                    = 0x1
+	IP_DF                                       = 0x4000
+	IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                          = 0x24
+	IP_DROP_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP                   = 0x28
+	IP_FREEBIND                                 = 0xf
+	IP_HDRINCL                                  = 0x3
+	IP_IPSEC_POLICY                             = 0x10
+	IP_MAXPACKET                                = 0xffff
+	IP_MAX_MEMBERSHIPS                          = 0x14
+	IP_MF                                       = 0x2000
+	IP_MINTTL                                   = 0x15
+	IP_MSFILTER                                 = 0x29
+	IP_MSS                                      = 0x240
+	IP_MTU                                      = 0xe
+	IP_MTU_DISCOVER                             = 0xa
+	IP_MULTICAST_ALL                            = 0x31
+	IP_MULTICAST_IF                             = 0x20
+	IP_MULTICAST_LOOP                           = 0x22
+	IP_MULTICAST_TTL                            = 0x21
+	IP_NODEFRAG                                 = 0x16
+	IP_OFFMASK                                  = 0x1fff
+	IP_OPTIONS                                  = 0x4
+	IP_ORIGDSTADDR                              = 0x14
+	IP_PASSSEC                                  = 0x12
+	IP_PKTINFO                                  = 0x8
+	IP_PKTOPTIONS                               = 0x9
+	IP_PMTUDISC                                 = 0xa
+	IP_PMTUDISC_DO                              = 0x2
+	IP_PMTUDISC_DONT                            = 0x0
+	IP_PMTUDISC_INTERFACE                       = 0x4
+	IP_PMTUDISC_OMIT                            = 0x5
+	IP_PMTUDISC_PROBE                           = 0x3
+	IP_PMTUDISC_WANT                            = 0x1
+	IP_RECVERR                                  = 0xb
+	IP_RECVFRAGSIZE                             = 0x19
+	IP_RECVOPTS                                 = 0x6
+	IP_RECVORIGDSTADDR                          = 0x14
+	IP_RECVRETOPTS                              = 0x7
+	IP_RECVTOS                                  = 0xd
+	IP_RECVTTL                                  = 0xc
+	IP_RETOPTS                                  = 0x7
+	IP_RF                                       = 0x8000
+	IP_ROUTER_ALERT                             = 0x5
+	IP_TOS                                      = 0x1
+	IP_TRANSPARENT                              = 0x13
+	IP_TTL                                      = 0x2
+	IP_UNBLOCK_SOURCE                           = 0x25
+	IP_UNICAST_IF                               = 0x32
+	IP_XFRM_POLICY                              = 0x11
+	ISIG                                        = 0x1
+	ISOFS_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x9660
+	ISTRIP                                      = 0x20
+	IUCLC                                       = 0x200
+	IUTF8                                       = 0x4000
+	IXANY                                       = 0x800
+	IXOFF                                       = 0x1000
+	IXON                                        = 0x400
+	JFFS2_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x72b6
+	KEXEC_ARCH_386                              = 0x30000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_68K                              = 0x40000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_AARCH64                          = 0xb70000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_ARM                              = 0x280000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_DEFAULT                          = 0x0
+	KEXEC_ARCH_IA_64                            = 0x320000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_MASK                             = 0xffff0000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_MIPS                             = 0x80000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_MIPS_LE                          = 0xa0000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_PARISC                           = 0xf0000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_PPC                              = 0x140000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_PPC64                            = 0x150000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_S390                             = 0x160000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_SH                               = 0x2a0000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_X86_64                           = 0x3e0000
+	KEXEC_FILE_NO_INITRAMFS                     = 0x4
+	KEXEC_FILE_ON_CRASH                         = 0x2
+	KEXEC_FILE_UNLOAD                           = 0x1
+	KEXEC_ON_CRASH                              = 0x1
+	KEXEC_PRESERVE_CONTEXT                      = 0x2
+	KEXEC_SEGMENT_MAX                           = 0x10
+	KEYCTL_ASSUME_AUTHORITY                     = 0x10
+	KEYCTL_CAPABILITIES                         = 0x1f
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_BIG_KEY                        = 0x10
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_CAPABILITIES                   = 0x1
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_DIFFIE_HELLMAN                 = 0x4
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_INVALIDATE                     = 0x20
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_MOVE                           = 0x80
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_PUBLIC_KEY                     = 0x8
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_RESTRICT_KEYRING               = 0x40
+	KEYCTL_CAPS1_NS_KEYRING_NAME                = 0x1
+	KEYCTL_CAPS1_NS_KEY_TAG                     = 0x2
+	KEYCTL_CHOWN                                = 0x4
+	KEYCTL_CLEAR                                = 0x7
+	KEYCTL_DESCRIBE                             = 0x6
+	KEYCTL_DH_COMPUTE                           = 0x17
+	KEYCTL_GET_KEYRING_ID                       = 0x0
+	KEYCTL_GET_PERSISTENT                       = 0x16
+	KEYCTL_GET_SECURITY                         = 0x11
+	KEYCTL_INSTANTIATE                          = 0xc
+	KEYCTL_INSTANTIATE_IOV                      = 0x14
+	KEYCTL_INVALIDATE                           = 0x15
+	KEYCTL_JOIN_SESSION_KEYRING                 = 0x1
+	KEYCTL_LINK                                 = 0x8
+	KEYCTL_MOVE                                 = 0x1e
+	KEYCTL_MOVE_EXCL                            = 0x1
+	KEYCTL_NEGATE                               = 0xd
+	KEYCTL_PKEY_DECRYPT                         = 0x1a
+	KEYCTL_PKEY_ENCRYPT                         = 0x19
+	KEYCTL_PKEY_QUERY                           = 0x18
+	KEYCTL_PKEY_SIGN                            = 0x1b
+	KEYCTL_PKEY_VERIFY                          = 0x1c
+	KEYCTL_READ                                 = 0xb
+	KEYCTL_REJECT                               = 0x13
+	KEYCTL_RESTRICT_KEYRING                     = 0x1d
+	KEYCTL_REVOKE                               = 0x3
+	KEYCTL_SEARCH                               = 0xa
+	KEYCTL_SESSION_TO_PARENT                    = 0x12
+	KEYCTL_SETPERM                              = 0x5
+	KEYCTL_SET_REQKEY_KEYRING                   = 0xe
+	KEYCTL_SET_TIMEOUT                          = 0xf
+	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_DECRYPT                     = 0x2
+	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_ENCRYPT                     = 0x1
+	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_SIGN                        = 0x4
+	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_VERIFY                      = 0x8
+	KEYCTL_UNLINK                               = 0x9
+	KEYCTL_UPDATE                               = 0x2
+	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_DEFAULT                     = 0x0
+	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_GROUP_KEYRING               = 0x6
+	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_NO_CHANGE                   = -0x1
+	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_USER_KEYRING                = 0x4
+	KEY_SPEC_GROUP_KEYRING                      = -0x6
+	KEY_SPEC_PROCESS_KEYRING                    = -0x2
+	KEY_SPEC_REQKEY_AUTH_KEY                    = -0x7
+	KEY_SPEC_REQUESTOR_KEYRING                  = -0x8
+	KEY_SPEC_SESSION_KEYRING                    = -0x3
+	KEY_SPEC_THREAD_KEYRING                     = -0x1
+	KEY_SPEC_USER_KEYRING                       = -0x4
+	KEY_SPEC_USER_SESSION_KEYRING               = -0x5
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_CAD_OFF                    = 0x0
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_CAD_ON                     = 0x89abcdef
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_HALT                       = 0xcdef0123
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_KEXEC                      = 0x45584543
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_POWER_OFF                  = 0x4321fedc
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_RESTART                    = 0x1234567
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_RESTART2                   = 0xa1b2c3d4
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_SW_SUSPEND                 = 0xd000fce2
+	LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC1                         = 0xfee1dead
+	LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC2                         = 0x28121969
+	LOCK_EX                                     = 0x2
+	LOCK_NB                                     = 0x4
+	LOCK_SH                                     = 0x1
+	LOCK_UN                                     = 0x8
+	LOOP_CLR_FD                                 = 0x4c01
+	LOOP_CTL_ADD                                = 0x4c80
+	LOOP_CTL_GET_FREE                           = 0x4c82
+	LOOP_CTL_REMOVE                             = 0x4c81
+	LOOP_GET_STATUS                             = 0x4c03
+	LOOP_GET_STATUS64                           = 0x4c05
+	LOOP_SET_BLOCK_SIZE                         = 0x4c09
+	LOOP_SET_CAPACITY                           = 0x4c07
+	LOOP_SET_DIRECT_IO                          = 0x4c08
+	LOOP_SET_FD                                 = 0x4c00
+	LOOP_SET_STATUS                             = 0x4c02
+	LOOP_SET_STATUS64                           = 0x4c04
+	LO_KEY_SIZE                                 = 0x20
+	LO_NAME_SIZE                                = 0x40
+	MADV_DODUMP                                 = 0x11
+	MADV_DOFORK                                 = 0xb
+	MADV_DONTDUMP                               = 0x10
+	MADV_DONTFORK                               = 0xa
+	MADV_DONTNEED                               = 0x4
+	MADV_FREE                                   = 0x8
+	MADV_HUGEPAGE                               = 0xe
+	MADV_HWPOISON                               = 0x64
+	MADV_KEEPONFORK                             = 0x13
+	MADV_MERGEABLE                              = 0xc
+	MADV_NOHUGEPAGE                             = 0xf
+	MADV_NORMAL                                 = 0x0
+	MADV_RANDOM                                 = 0x1
+	MADV_REMOVE                                 = 0x9
+	MADV_SEQUENTIAL                             = 0x2
+	MADV_UNMERGEABLE                            = 0xd
+	MADV_WILLNEED                               = 0x3
+	MADV_WIPEONFORK                             = 0x12
+	MAP_ANON                                    = 0x20
+	MAP_ANONYMOUS                               = 0x20
+	MAP_DENYWRITE                               = 0x800
+	MAP_EXECUTABLE                              = 0x1000
+	MAP_FILE                                    = 0x0
+	MAP_FIXED                                   = 0x10
+	MAP_FIXED_NOREPLACE                         = 0x100000
+	MAP_GROWSDOWN                               = 0x100
+	MAP_HUGETLB                                 = 0x40000
+	MAP_HUGE_MASK                               = 0x3f
+	MAP_HUGE_SHIFT                              = 0x1a
+	MAP_LOCKED                                  = 0x2000
+	MAP_NONBLOCK                                = 0x10000
+	MAP_NORESERVE                               = 0x4000
+	MAP_POPULATE                                = 0x8000
+	MAP_PRIVATE                                 = 0x2
+	MAP_SHARED                                  = 0x1
+	MAP_SHARED_VALIDATE                         = 0x3
+	MAP_STACK                                   = 0x20000
+	MAP_SYNC                                    = 0x80000
+	MAP_TYPE                                    = 0xf
+	MCAST_BLOCK_SOURCE                          = 0x2b
+	MCAST_EXCLUDE                               = 0x0
+	MCAST_INCLUDE                               = 0x1
+	MCAST_JOIN_GROUP                            = 0x2a
+	MCAST_JOIN_SOURCE_GROUP                     = 0x2e
+	MCAST_LEAVE_GROUP                           = 0x2d
+	MCAST_LEAVE_SOURCE_GROUP                    = 0x2f
+	MCAST_MSFILTER                              = 0x30
+	MCAST_UNBLOCK_SOURCE                        = 0x2c
+	MCL_CURRENT                                 = 0x1
+	MCL_FUTURE                                  = 0x2
+	MCL_ONFAULT                                 = 0x4
+	MFD_ALLOW_SEALING                           = 0x2
+	MFD_CLOEXEC                                 = 0x1
+	MFD_HUGETLB                                 = 0x4
+	MFD_HUGE_16GB                               = -0x78000000
+	MFD_HUGE_16MB                               = 0x60000000
+	MFD_HUGE_1GB                                = 0x78000000
+	MFD_HUGE_1MB                                = 0x50000000
+	MFD_HUGE_256MB                              = 0x70000000
+	MFD_HUGE_2GB                                = 0x7c000000
+	MFD_HUGE_2MB                                = 0x54000000
+	MFD_HUGE_32MB                               = 0x64000000
+	MFD_HUGE_512KB                              = 0x4c000000
+	MFD_HUGE_512MB                              = 0x74000000
+	MFD_HUGE_64KB                               = 0x40000000
+	MFD_HUGE_8MB                                = 0x5c000000
+	MFD_HUGE_MASK                               = 0x3f
+	MFD_HUGE_SHIFT                              = 0x1a
+	MINIX2_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0x2468
+	MINIX2_SUPER_MAGIC2                         = 0x2478
+	MINIX3_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0x4d5a
+	MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x137f
+	MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC2                          = 0x138f
+	MNT_DETACH                                  = 0x2
+	MNT_EXPIRE                                  = 0x4
+	MNT_FORCE                                   = 0x1
+	MODULE_INIT_IGNORE_VERMAGIC                 = 0x2
+	MSDOS_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x4d44
+	MSG_BATCH                                   = 0x40000
+	MSG_CMSG_CLOEXEC                            = 0x40000000
+	MSG_CONFIRM                                 = 0x800
+	MSG_CTRUNC                                  = 0x8
+	MSG_DONTROUTE                               = 0x4
+	MSG_DONTWAIT                                = 0x40
+	MSG_EOR                                     = 0x80
+	MSG_ERRQUEUE                                = 0x2000
+	MSG_FASTOPEN                                = 0x20000000
+	MSG_FIN                                     = 0x200
+	MSG_MORE                                    = 0x8000
+	MSG_NOSIGNAL                                = 0x4000
+	MSG_OOB                                     = 0x1
+	MSG_PEEK                                    = 0x2
+	MSG_PROXY                                   = 0x10
+	MSG_RST                                     = 0x1000
+	MSG_SYN                                     = 0x400
+	MSG_TRUNC                                   = 0x20
+	MSG_TRYHARD                                 = 0x4
+	MSG_WAITALL                                 = 0x100
+	MSG_WAITFORONE                              = 0x10000
+	MSG_ZEROCOPY                                = 0x4000000
+	MS_ACTIVE                                   = 0x40000000
+	MS_ASYNC                                    = 0x1
+	MS_BIND                                     = 0x1000
+	MS_BORN                                     = 0x20000000
+	MS_DIRSYNC                                  = 0x80
+	MS_INVALIDATE                               = 0x2
+	MS_I_VERSION                                = 0x800000
+	MS_KERNMOUNT                                = 0x400000
+	MS_LAZYTIME                                 = 0x2000000
+	MS_MANDLOCK                                 = 0x40
+	MS_MGC_MSK                                  = 0xffff0000
+	MS_MGC_VAL                                  = 0xc0ed0000
+	MS_MOVE                                     = 0x2000
+	MS_NOATIME                                  = 0x400
+	MS_NODEV                                    = 0x4
+	MS_NODIRATIME                               = 0x800
+	MS_NOEXEC                                   = 0x8
+	MS_NOREMOTELOCK                             = 0x8000000
+	MS_NOSEC                                    = 0x10000000
+	MS_NOSUID                                   = 0x2
+	MS_NOUSER                                   = -0x80000000
+	MS_POSIXACL                                 = 0x10000
+	MS_PRIVATE                                  = 0x40000
+	MS_RDONLY                                   = 0x1
+	MS_REC                                      = 0x4000
+	MS_RELATIME                                 = 0x200000
+	MS_REMOUNT                                  = 0x20
+	MS_RMT_MASK                                 = 0x2800051
+	MS_SHARED                                   = 0x100000
+	MS_SILENT                                   = 0x8000
+	MS_SLAVE                                    = 0x80000
+	MS_STRICTATIME                              = 0x1000000
+	MS_SUBMOUNT                                 = 0x4000000
+	MS_SYNC                                     = 0x4
+	MS_SYNCHRONOUS                              = 0x10
+	MS_UNBINDABLE                               = 0x20000
+	MS_VERBOSE                                  = 0x8000
+	MTD_INODE_FS_MAGIC                          = 0x11307854
+	NAME_MAX                                    = 0xff
+	NCP_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x564c
+	NETLINK_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                      = 0x1
+	NETLINK_AUDIT                               = 0x9
+	NETLINK_BROADCAST_ERROR                     = 0x4
+	NETLINK_CAP_ACK                             = 0xa
+	NETLINK_CONNECTOR                           = 0xb
+	NETLINK_CRYPTO                              = 0x15
+	NETLINK_DNRTMSG                             = 0xe
+	NETLINK_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                     = 0x2
+	NETLINK_ECRYPTFS                            = 0x13
+	NETLINK_EXT_ACK                             = 0xb
+	NETLINK_FIB_LOOKUP                          = 0xa
+	NETLINK_FIREWALL                            = 0x3
+	NETLINK_GENERIC                             = 0x10
+	NETLINK_GET_STRICT_CHK                      = 0xc
+	NETLINK_INET_DIAG                           = 0x4
+	NETLINK_IP6_FW                              = 0xd
+	NETLINK_ISCSI                               = 0x8
+	NETLINK_KOBJECT_UEVENT                      = 0xf
+	NETLINK_LISTEN_ALL_NSID                     = 0x8
+	NETLINK_LIST_MEMBERSHIPS                    = 0x9
+	NETLINK_NETFILTER                           = 0xc
+	NETLINK_NFLOG                               = 0x5
+	NETLINK_NO_ENOBUFS                          = 0x5
+	NETLINK_PKTINFO                             = 0x3
+	NETLINK_RDMA                                = 0x14
+	NETLINK_ROUTE                               = 0x0
+	NETLINK_RX_RING                             = 0x6
+	NETLINK_SCSITRANSPORT                       = 0x12
+	NETLINK_SELINUX                             = 0x7
+	NETLINK_SMC                                 = 0x16
+	NETLINK_SOCK_DIAG                           = 0x4
+	NETLINK_TX_RING                             = 0x7
+	NETLINK_UNUSED                              = 0x1
+	NETLINK_USERSOCK                            = 0x2
+	NETLINK_XFRM                                = 0x6
+	NETNSA_MAX                                  = 0x5
+	NETNSA_NSID_NOT_ASSIGNED                    = -0x1
+	NFDBITS                                     = 0x40
+	NFNETLINK_V0                                = 0x0
+	NFNLGRP_ACCT_QUOTA                          = 0x8
+	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_DESTROY                   = 0x3
+	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_EXP_NEW                   = 0x4
+	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_EXP_UPDATE                = 0x5
+	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_NEW                       = 0x1
+	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_UPDATE                    = 0x2
+	NFNLGRP_MAX                                 = 0x9
+	NFNLGRP_NFTABLES                            = 0x7
+	NFNLGRP_NFTRACE                             = 0x9
+	NFNLGRP_NONE                                = 0x0
+	NFNL_BATCH_MAX                              = 0x1
+	NFNL_MSG_BATCH_BEGIN                        = 0x10
+	NFNL_MSG_BATCH_END                          = 0x11
+	NFNL_NFA_NEST                               = 0x8000
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_ACCT                            = 0x7
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_COUNT                           = 0xc
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTHELPER                        = 0x9
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTNETLINK                       = 0x1
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTNETLINK_EXP                   = 0x2
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_IPSET                           = 0x6
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_NFTABLES                        = 0xa
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_NFT_COMPAT                      = 0xb
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_NONE                            = 0x0
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_OSF                             = 0x5
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_QUEUE                           = 0x3
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_ULOG                            = 0x4
+	NFS_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x6969
+	NILFS_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x3434
+	NL0                                         = 0x0
+	NL1                                         = 0x100
+	NLA_ALIGNTO                                 = 0x4
+	NLA_F_NESTED                                = 0x8000
+	NLA_F_NET_BYTEORDER                         = 0x4000
+	NLA_HDRLEN                                  = 0x4
+	NLDLY                                       = 0x100
+	NLMSG_ALIGNTO                               = 0x4
+	NLMSG_DONE                                  = 0x3
+	NLMSG_ERROR                                 = 0x2
+	NLMSG_HDRLEN                                = 0x10
+	NLMSG_MIN_TYPE                              = 0x10
+	NLMSG_NOOP                                  = 0x1
+	NLMSG_OVERRUN                               = 0x4
+	NLM_F_ACK                                   = 0x4
+	NLM_F_ACK_TLVS                              = 0x200
+	NLM_F_APPEND                                = 0x800
+	NLM_F_ATOMIC                                = 0x400
+	NLM_F_CAPPED                                = 0x100
+	NLM_F_CREATE                                = 0x400
+	NLM_F_DUMP                                  = 0x300
+	NLM_F_DUMP_FILTERED                         = 0x20
+	NLM_F_DUMP_INTR                             = 0x10
+	NLM_F_ECHO                                  = 0x8
+	NLM_F_EXCL                                  = 0x200
+	NLM_F_MATCH                                 = 0x200
+	NLM_F_MULTI                                 = 0x2
+	NLM_F_NONREC                                = 0x100
+	NLM_F_REPLACE                               = 0x100
+	NLM_F_REQUEST                               = 0x1
+	NLM_F_ROOT                                  = 0x100
+	NOFLSH                                      = 0x80
+	NSFS_MAGIC                                  = 0x6e736673
+	NS_GET_NSTYPE                               = 0xb703
+	NS_GET_OWNER_UID                            = 0xb704
+	NS_GET_PARENT                               = 0xb702
+	NS_GET_USERNS                               = 0xb701
+	OCFS2_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x7461636f
+	OCRNL                                       = 0x8
+	OFDEL                                       = 0x80
+	OFILL                                       = 0x40
+	OLCUC                                       = 0x2
+	ONLCR                                       = 0x4
+	ONLRET                                      = 0x20
+	ONOCR                                       = 0x10
+	OPENPROM_SUPER_MAGIC                        = 0x9fa1
+	OPOST                                       = 0x1
+	OVERLAYFS_SUPER_MAGIC                       = 0x794c7630
+	O_ACCMODE                                   = 0x3
+	O_APPEND                                    = 0x400
+	O_ASYNC                                     = 0x2000
+	O_CLOEXEC                                   = 0x80000
+	O_CREAT                                     = 0x40
+	O_DIRECT                                    = 0x10000
+	O_DIRECTORY                                 = 0x4000
+	O_DSYNC                                     = 0x1000
+	O_EXCL                                      = 0x80
+	O_FSYNC                                     = 0x101000
+	O_LARGEFILE                                 = 0x0
+	O_NDELAY                                    = 0x800
+	O_NOATIME                                   = 0x40000
+	O_NOCTTY                                    = 0x100
+	O_NOFOLLOW                                  = 0x8000
+	O_NONBLOCK                                  = 0x800
+	O_PATH                                      = 0x200000
+	O_RDONLY                                    = 0x0
+	O_RDWR                                      = 0x2
+	O_RSYNC                                     = 0x101000
+	O_SYNC                                      = 0x101000
+	O_TMPFILE                                   = 0x404000
+	O_TRUNC                                     = 0x200
+	O_WRONLY                                    = 0x1
+	PACKET_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                       = 0x1
+	PACKET_AUXDATA                              = 0x8
+	PACKET_BROADCAST                            = 0x1
+	PACKET_COPY_THRESH                          = 0x7
+	PACKET_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                      = 0x2
+	PACKET_FANOUT                               = 0x12
+	PACKET_FANOUT_CBPF                          = 0x6
+	PACKET_FANOUT_CPU                           = 0x2
+	PACKET_FANOUT_DATA                          = 0x16
+	PACKET_FANOUT_EBPF                          = 0x7
+	PACKET_FANOUT_FLAG_DEFRAG                   = 0x8000
+	PACKET_FANOUT_FLAG_ROLLOVER                 = 0x1000
+	PACKET_FANOUT_FLAG_UNIQUEID                 = 0x2000
+	PACKET_FANOUT_HASH                          = 0x0
+	PACKET_FANOUT_LB                            = 0x1
+	PACKET_FANOUT_QM                            = 0x5
+	PACKET_FANOUT_RND                           = 0x4
+	PACKET_FANOUT_ROLLOVER                      = 0x3
+	PACKET_FASTROUTE                            = 0x6
+	PACKET_HDRLEN                               = 0xb
+	PACKET_HOST                                 = 0x0
+	PACKET_IGNORE_OUTGOING                      = 0x17
+	PACKET_KERNEL                               = 0x7
+	PACKET_LOOPBACK                             = 0x5
+	PACKET_LOSS                                 = 0xe
+	PACKET_MR_ALLMULTI                          = 0x2
+	PACKET_MR_MULTICAST                         = 0x0
+	PACKET_MR_PROMISC                           = 0x1
+	PACKET_MR_UNICAST                           = 0x3
+	PACKET_MULTICAST                            = 0x2
+	PACKET_ORIGDEV                              = 0x9
+	PACKET_OTHERHOST                            = 0x3
+	PACKET_OUTGOING                             = 0x4
+	PACKET_QDISC_BYPASS                         = 0x14
+	PACKET_RECV_OUTPUT                          = 0x3
+	PACKET_RESERVE                              = 0xc
+	PACKET_ROLLOVER_STATS                       = 0x15
+	PACKET_RX_RING                              = 0x5
+	PACKET_STATISTICS                           = 0x6
+	PACKET_TIMESTAMP                            = 0x11
+	PACKET_TX_HAS_OFF                           = 0x13
+	PACKET_TX_RING                              = 0xd
+	PACKET_TX_TIMESTAMP                         = 0x10
+	PACKET_USER                                 = 0x6
+	PACKET_VERSION                              = 0xa
+	PACKET_VNET_HDR                             = 0xf
+	PARENB                                      = 0x100
+	PARITY_CRC16_PR0                            = 0x2
+	PARITY_CRC16_PR0_CCITT                      = 0x4
+	PARITY_CRC16_PR1                            = 0x3
+	PARITY_CRC16_PR1_CCITT                      = 0x5
+	PARITY_CRC32_PR0_CCITT                      = 0x6
+	PARITY_CRC32_PR1_CCITT                      = 0x7
+	PARITY_DEFAULT                              = 0x0
+	PARITY_NONE                                 = 0x1
+	PARMRK                                      = 0x8
+	PARODD                                      = 0x200
+	PENDIN                                      = 0x4000
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_DISABLE                      = 0x2401
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_ENABLE                       = 0x2400
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_ID                           = 0x80082407
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_MODIFY_ATTRIBUTES            = 0x4008240b
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_PAUSE_OUTPUT                 = 0x40042409
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_PERIOD                       = 0x40082404
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_QUERY_BPF                    = 0xc008240a
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_REFRESH                      = 0x2402
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_RESET                        = 0x2403
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_BPF                      = 0x40042408
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_FILTER                   = 0x40082406
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_OUTPUT                   = 0x2405
+	PIPEFS_MAGIC                                = 0x50495045
+	PPPIOCATTACH                                = 0x4004743d
+	PPPIOCATTCHAN                               = 0x40047438
+	PPPIOCCONNECT                               = 0x4004743a
+	PPPIOCDETACH                                = 0x4004743c
+	PPPIOCDISCONN                               = 0x7439
+	PPPIOCGASYNCMAP                             = 0x80047458
+	PPPIOCGCHAN                                 = 0x80047437
+	PPPIOCGDEBUG                                = 0x80047441
+	PPPIOCGFLAGS                                = 0x8004745a
+	PPPIOCGIDLE                                 = 0x8010743f
+	PPPIOCGL2TPSTATS                            = 0x80487436
+	PPPIOCGMRU                                  = 0x80047453
+	PPPIOCGNPMODE                               = 0xc008744c
+	PPPIOCGRASYNCMAP                            = 0x80047455
+	PPPIOCGUNIT                                 = 0x80047456
+	PPPIOCGXASYNCMAP                            = 0x80207450
+	PPPIOCNEWUNIT                               = 0xc004743e
+	PPPIOCSACTIVE                               = 0x40107446
+	PPPIOCSASYNCMAP                             = 0x40047457
+	PPPIOCSCOMPRESS                             = 0x4010744d
+	PPPIOCSDEBUG                                = 0x40047440
+	PPPIOCSFLAGS                                = 0x40047459
+	PPPIOCSMAXCID                               = 0x40047451
+	PPPIOCSMRRU                                 = 0x4004743b
+	PPPIOCSMRU                                  = 0x40047452
+	PPPIOCSNPMODE                               = 0x4008744b
+	PPPIOCSPASS                                 = 0x40107447
+	PPPIOCSRASYNCMAP                            = 0x40047454
+	PPPIOCSXASYNCMAP                            = 0x4020744f
+	PPPIOCXFERUNIT                              = 0x744e
+	PRIO_PGRP                                   = 0x1
+	PRIO_PROCESS                                = 0x0
+	PRIO_USER                                   = 0x2
+	PROC_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0x9fa0
+	PROT_EXEC                                   = 0x4
+	PROT_GROWSDOWN                              = 0x1000000
+	PROT_GROWSUP                                = 0x2000000
+	PROT_NONE                                   = 0x0
+	PROT_READ                                   = 0x1
+	PROT_WRITE                                  = 0x2
+	PR_CAPBSET_DROP                             = 0x18
+	PR_CAPBSET_READ                             = 0x17
+	PR_CAP_AMBIENT                              = 0x2f
+	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_CLEAR_ALL                    = 0x4
+	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_IS_SET                       = 0x1
+	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_LOWER                        = 0x3
+	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_RAISE                        = 0x2
+	PR_ENDIAN_BIG                               = 0x0
+	PR_ENDIAN_LITTLE                            = 0x1
+	PR_ENDIAN_PPC_LITTLE                        = 0x2
+	PR_FPEMU_NOPRINT                            = 0x1
+	PR_FPEMU_SIGFPE                             = 0x2
+	PR_FP_EXC_ASYNC                             = 0x2
+	PR_FP_EXC_DISABLED                          = 0x0
+	PR_FP_EXC_DIV                               = 0x10000
+	PR_FP_EXC_INV                               = 0x100000
+	PR_FP_EXC_NONRECOV                          = 0x1
+	PR_FP_EXC_OVF                               = 0x20000
+	PR_FP_EXC_PRECISE                           = 0x3
+	PR_FP_EXC_RES                               = 0x80000
+	PR_FP_EXC_SW_ENABLE                         = 0x80
+	PR_FP_EXC_UND                               = 0x40000
+	PR_FP_MODE_FR                               = 0x1
+	PR_FP_MODE_FRE                              = 0x2
+	PR_GET_CHILD_SUBREAPER                      = 0x25
+	PR_GET_DUMPABLE                             = 0x3
+	PR_GET_ENDIAN                               = 0x13
+	PR_GET_FPEMU                                = 0x9
+	PR_GET_FPEXC                                = 0xb
+	PR_GET_FP_MODE                              = 0x2e
+	PR_GET_KEEPCAPS                             = 0x7
+	PR_GET_NAME                                 = 0x10
+	PR_GET_NO_NEW_PRIVS                         = 0x27
+	PR_GET_PDEATHSIG                            = 0x2
+	PR_GET_SECCOMP                              = 0x15
+	PR_GET_SECUREBITS                           = 0x1b
+	PR_GET_SPECULATION_CTRL                     = 0x34
+	PR_GET_TAGGED_ADDR_CTRL                     = 0x38
+	PR_GET_THP_DISABLE                          = 0x2a
+	PR_GET_TID_ADDRESS                          = 0x28
+	PR_GET_TIMERSLACK                           = 0x1e
+	PR_GET_TIMING                               = 0xd
+	PR_GET_TSC                                  = 0x19
+	PR_GET_UNALIGN                              = 0x5
+	PR_MCE_KILL                                 = 0x21
+	PR_MCE_KILL_CLEAR                           = 0x0
+	PR_MCE_KILL_DEFAULT                         = 0x2
+	PR_MCE_KILL_EARLY                           = 0x1
+	PR_MCE_KILL_GET                             = 0x22
+	PR_MCE_KILL_LATE                            = 0x0
+	PR_MCE_KILL_SET                             = 0x1
+	PR_MPX_DISABLE_MANAGEMENT                   = 0x2c
+	PR_MPX_ENABLE_MANAGEMENT                    = 0x2b
+	PR_PAC_APDAKEY                              = 0x4
+	PR_PAC_APDBKEY                              = 0x8
+	PR_PAC_APGAKEY                              = 0x10
+	PR_PAC_APIAKEY                              = 0x1
+	PR_PAC_APIBKEY                              = 0x2
+	PR_PAC_RESET_KEYS                           = 0x36
+	PR_SET_CHILD_SUBREAPER                      = 0x24
+	PR_SET_DUMPABLE                             = 0x4
+	PR_SET_ENDIAN                               = 0x14
+	PR_SET_FPEMU                                = 0xa
+	PR_SET_FPEXC                                = 0xc
+	PR_SET_FP_MODE                              = 0x2d
+	PR_SET_KEEPCAPS                             = 0x8
+	PR_SET_MM                                   = 0x23
+	PR_SET_MM_ARG_END                           = 0x9
+	PR_SET_MM_ARG_START                         = 0x8
+	PR_SET_MM_AUXV                              = 0xc
+	PR_SET_MM_BRK                               = 0x7
+	PR_SET_MM_END_CODE                          = 0x2
+	PR_SET_MM_END_DATA                          = 0x4
+	PR_SET_MM_ENV_END                           = 0xb
+	PR_SET_MM_ENV_START                         = 0xa
+	PR_SET_MM_EXE_FILE                          = 0xd
+	PR_SET_MM_MAP                               = 0xe
+	PR_SET_MM_MAP_SIZE                          = 0xf
+	PR_SET_MM_START_BRK                         = 0x6
+	PR_SET_MM_START_CODE                        = 0x1
+	PR_SET_MM_START_DATA                        = 0x3
+	PR_SET_MM_START_STACK                       = 0x5
+	PR_SET_NAME                                 = 0xf
+	PR_SET_NO_NEW_PRIVS                         = 0x26
+	PR_SET_PDEATHSIG                            = 0x1
+	PR_SET_PTRACER                              = 0x59616d61
+	PR_SET_PTRACER_ANY                          = 0xffffffffffffffff
+	PR_SET_SECCOMP                              = 0x16
+	PR_SET_SECUREBITS                           = 0x1c
+	PR_SET_SPECULATION_CTRL                     = 0x35
+	PR_SET_TAGGED_ADDR_CTRL                     = 0x37
+	PR_SET_THP_DISABLE                          = 0x29
+	PR_SET_TIMERSLACK                           = 0x1d
+	PR_SET_TIMING                               = 0xe
+	PR_SET_TSC                                  = 0x1a
+	PR_SET_UNALIGN                              = 0x6
+	PR_SPEC_DISABLE                             = 0x4
+	PR_SPEC_DISABLE_NOEXEC                      = 0x10
+	PR_SPEC_ENABLE                              = 0x2
+	PR_SPEC_FORCE_DISABLE                       = 0x8
+	PR_SPEC_INDIRECT_BRANCH                     = 0x1
+	PR_SPEC_NOT_AFFECTED                        = 0x0
+	PR_SPEC_PRCTL                               = 0x1
+	PR_SPEC_STORE_BYPASS                        = 0x0
+	PR_SVE_GET_VL                               = 0x33
+	PR_SVE_SET_VL                               = 0x32
+	PR_SVE_SET_VL_ONEXEC                        = 0x40000
+	PR_SVE_VL_INHERIT                           = 0x20000
+	PR_SVE_VL_LEN_MASK                          = 0xffff
+	PR_TAGGED_ADDR_ENABLE                       = 0x1
+	PR_TASK_PERF_EVENTS_DISABLE                 = 0x1f
+	PR_TASK_PERF_EVENTS_ENABLE                  = 0x20
+	PR_TIMING_STATISTICAL                       = 0x0
+	PR_TIMING_TIMESTAMP                         = 0x1
+	PR_TSC_ENABLE                               = 0x1
+	PR_TSC_SIGSEGV                              = 0x2
+	PR_UNALIGN_NOPRINT                          = 0x1
+	PR_UNALIGN_SIGBUS                           = 0x2
+	PSTOREFS_MAGIC                              = 0x6165676c
+	PTRACE_ATTACH                               = 0x10
+	PTRACE_CONT                                 = 0x7
+	PTRACE_DETACH                               = 0x11
+	PTRACE_EVENTMSG_SYSCALL_EXIT                = 0x2
+	PTRACE_EVENT_CLONE                          = 0x3
+	PTRACE_EVENT_EXEC                           = 0x4
+	PTRACE_EVENT_EXIT                           = 0x6
+	PTRACE_EVENT_FORK                           = 0x1
+	PTRACE_EVENT_SECCOMP                        = 0x7
+	PTRACE_EVENT_STOP                           = 0x80
+	PTRACE_EVENT_VFORK                          = 0x2
+	PTRACE_EVENT_VFORK_DONE                     = 0x5
+	PTRACE_GETEVENTMSG                          = 0x4201
+	PTRACE_GETREGS                              = 0xc
+	PTRACE_GETREGSET                            = 0x4204
+	PTRACE_GETSIGINFO                           = 0x4202
+	PTRACE_GETSIGMASK                           = 0x420a
+	PTRACE_GET_SYSCALL_INFO                     = 0x420e
+	PTRACE_INTERRUPT                            = 0x4207
+	PTRACE_KILL                                 = 0x8
+	PTRACE_LISTEN                               = 0x4208
+	PTRACE_O_EXITKILL                           = 0x100000
+	PTRACE_O_MASK                               = 0x3000ff
+	PTRACE_O_SUSPEND_SECCOMP                    = 0x200000
+	PTRACE_O_TRACECLONE                         = 0x8
+	PTRACE_O_TRACEEXEC                          = 0x10
+	PTRACE_O_TRACEEXIT                          = 0x40
+	PTRACE_O_TRACEFORK                          = 0x2
+	PTRACE_O_TRACESECCOMP                       = 0x80
+	PTRACE_O_TRACESYSGOOD                       = 0x1
+	PTRACE_O_TRACEVFORK                         = 0x4
+	PTRACE_O_TRACEVFORKDONE                     = 0x20
+	PTRACE_PEEKDATA                             = 0x2
+	PTRACE_PEEKSIGINFO                          = 0x4209
+	PTRACE_PEEKSIGINFO_SHARED                   = 0x1
+	PTRACE_PEEKTEXT                             = 0x1
+	PTRACE_PEEKUSR                              = 0x3
+	PTRACE_POKEDATA                             = 0x5
+	PTRACE_POKETEXT                             = 0x4
+	PTRACE_POKEUSR                              = 0x6
+	PTRACE_SECCOMP_GET_FILTER                   = 0x420c
+	PTRACE_SECCOMP_GET_METADATA                 = 0x420d
+	PTRACE_SEIZE                                = 0x4206
+	PTRACE_SETOPTIONS                           = 0x4200
+	PTRACE_SETREGS                              = 0xd
+	PTRACE_SETREGSET                            = 0x4205
+	PTRACE_SETSIGINFO                           = 0x4203
+	PTRACE_SETSIGMASK                           = 0x420b
+	PTRACE_SINGLESTEP                           = 0x9
+	PTRACE_SYSCALL                              = 0x18
+	PTRACE_SYSCALL_INFO_ENTRY                   = 0x1
+	PTRACE_SYSCALL_INFO_EXIT                    = 0x2
+	PTRACE_SYSCALL_INFO_NONE                    = 0x0
+	PTRACE_SYSCALL_INFO_SECCOMP                 = 0x3
+	PTRACE_SYSEMU                               = 0x1f
+	PTRACE_SYSEMU_SINGLESTEP                    = 0x20
+	PTRACE_TRACEME                              = 0x0
+	QNX4_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0x2f
+	QNX6_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0x68191122
+	RAMFS_MAGIC                                 = 0x858458f6
+	RDTGROUP_SUPER_MAGIC                        = 0x7655821
+	REISERFS_SUPER_MAGIC                        = 0x52654973
+	RENAME_EXCHANGE                             = 0x2
+	RENAME_NOREPLACE                            = 0x1
+	RENAME_WHITEOUT                             = 0x4
+	RLIMIT_AS                                   = 0x9
+	RLIMIT_CORE                                 = 0x4
+	RLIMIT_CPU                                  = 0x0
+	RLIMIT_DATA                                 = 0x2
+	RLIMIT_FSIZE                                = 0x1
+	RLIMIT_LOCKS                                = 0xa
+	RLIMIT_MEMLOCK                              = 0x8
+	RLIMIT_MSGQUEUE                             = 0xc
+	RLIMIT_NICE                                 = 0xd
+	RLIMIT_NOFILE                               = 0x7
+	RLIMIT_NPROC                                = 0x6
+	RLIMIT_RSS                                  = 0x5
+	RLIMIT_RTPRIO                               = 0xe
+	RLIMIT_RTTIME                               = 0xf
+	RLIMIT_SIGPENDING                           = 0xb
+	RLIMIT_STACK                                = 0x3
+	RLIM_INFINITY                               = 0xffffffffffffffff
+	RNDADDENTROPY                               = 0x40085203
+	RNDADDTOENTCNT                              = 0x40045201
+	RNDCLEARPOOL                                = 0x5206
+	RNDGETENTCNT                                = 0x80045200
+	RNDGETPOOL                                  = 0x80085202
+	RNDRESEEDCRNG                               = 0x5207
+	RNDZAPENTCNT                                = 0x5204
+	RTAX_ADVMSS                                 = 0x8
+	RTAX_CC_ALGO                                = 0x10
+	RTAX_CWND                                   = 0x7
+	RTAX_FASTOPEN_NO_COOKIE                     = 0x11
+	RTAX_FEATURES                               = 0xc
+	RTAX_FEATURE_ALLFRAG                        = 0x8
+	RTAX_FEATURE_ECN                            = 0x1
+	RTAX_FEATURE_MASK                           = 0xf
+	RTAX_FEATURE_SACK                           = 0x2
+	RTAX_FEATURE_TIMESTAMP                      = 0x4
+	RTAX_HOPLIMIT                               = 0xa
+	RTAX_INITCWND                               = 0xb
+	RTAX_INITRWND                               = 0xe
+	RTAX_LOCK                                   = 0x1
+	RTAX_MAX                                    = 0x11
+	RTAX_MTU                                    = 0x2
+	RTAX_QUICKACK                               = 0xf
+	RTAX_REORDERING                             = 0x9
+	RTAX_RTO_MIN                                = 0xd
+	RTAX_RTT                                    = 0x4
+	RTAX_RTTVAR                                 = 0x5
+	RTAX_SSTHRESH                               = 0x6
+	RTAX_UNSPEC                                 = 0x0
+	RTAX_WINDOW                                 = 0x3
+	RTA_ALIGNTO                                 = 0x4
+	RTA_MAX                                     = 0x1e
+	RTCF_DIRECTSRC                              = 0x4000000
+	RTCF_DOREDIRECT                             = 0x1000000
+	RTCF_LOG                                    = 0x2000000
+	RTCF_MASQ                                   = 0x400000
+	RTCF_NAT                                    = 0x800000
+	RTCF_VALVE                                  = 0x200000
+	RTC_AF                                      = 0x20
+	RTC_AIE_OFF                                 = 0x7002
+	RTC_AIE_ON                                  = 0x7001
+	RTC_ALM_READ                                = 0x80247008
+	RTC_ALM_SET                                 = 0x40247007
+	RTC_EPOCH_READ                              = 0x8008700d
+	RTC_EPOCH_SET                               = 0x4008700e
+	RTC_IRQF                                    = 0x80
+	RTC_IRQP_READ                               = 0x8008700b
+	RTC_IRQP_SET                                = 0x4008700c
+	RTC_MAX_FREQ                                = 0x2000
+	RTC_PF                                      = 0x40
+	RTC_PIE_OFF                                 = 0x7006
+	RTC_PIE_ON                                  = 0x7005
+	RTC_PLL_GET                                 = 0x80207011
+	RTC_PLL_SET                                 = 0x40207012
+	RTC_RD_TIME                                 = 0x80247009
+	RTC_SET_TIME                                = 0x4024700a
+	RTC_UF                                      = 0x10
+	RTC_UIE_OFF                                 = 0x7004
+	RTC_UIE_ON                                  = 0x7003
+	RTC_VL_CLR                                  = 0x7014
+	RTC_VL_READ                                 = 0x80047013
+	RTC_WIE_OFF                                 = 0x7010
+	RTC_WIE_ON                                  = 0x700f
+	RTC_WKALM_RD                                = 0x80287010
+	RTC_WKALM_SET                               = 0x4028700f
+	RTF_ADDRCLASSMASK                           = 0xf8000000
+	RTF_ADDRCONF                                = 0x40000
+	RTF_ALLONLINK                               = 0x20000
+	RTF_BROADCAST                               = 0x10000000
+	RTF_CACHE                                   = 0x1000000
+	RTF_DEFAULT                                 = 0x10000
+	RTF_DYNAMIC                                 = 0x10
+	RTF_FLOW                                    = 0x2000000
+	RTF_GATEWAY                                 = 0x2
+	RTF_HOST                                    = 0x4
+	RTF_INTERFACE                               = 0x40000000
+	RTF_IRTT                                    = 0x100
+	RTF_LINKRT                                  = 0x100000
+	RTF_LOCAL                                   = 0x80000000
+	RTF_MODIFIED                                = 0x20
+	RTF_MSS                                     = 0x40
+	RTF_MTU                                     = 0x40
+	RTF_MULTICAST                               = 0x20000000
+	RTF_NAT                                     = 0x8000000
+	RTF_NOFORWARD                               = 0x1000
+	RTF_NONEXTHOP                               = 0x200000
+	RTF_NOPMTUDISC                              = 0x4000
+	RTF_POLICY                                  = 0x4000000
+	RTF_REINSTATE                               = 0x8
+	RTF_REJECT                                  = 0x200
+	RTF_STATIC                                  = 0x400
+	RTF_THROW                                   = 0x2000
+	RTF_UP                                      = 0x1
+	RTF_WINDOW                                  = 0x80
+	RTF_XRESOLVE                                = 0x800
+	RTM_BASE                                    = 0x10
+	RTM_DELACTION                               = 0x31
+	RTM_DELADDR                                 = 0x15
+	RTM_DELADDRLABEL                            = 0x49
+	RTM_DELCHAIN                                = 0x65
+	RTM_DELLINK                                 = 0x11
+	RTM_DELMDB                                  = 0x55
+	RTM_DELNEIGH                                = 0x1d
+	RTM_DELNETCONF                              = 0x51
+	RTM_DELNEXTHOP                              = 0x69
+	RTM_DELNSID                                 = 0x59
+	RTM_DELQDISC                                = 0x25
+	RTM_DELROUTE                                = 0x19
+	RTM_DELRULE                                 = 0x21
+	RTM_DELTCLASS                               = 0x29
+	RTM_DELTFILTER                              = 0x2d
+	RTM_F_CLONED                                = 0x200
+	RTM_F_EQUALIZE                              = 0x400
+	RTM_F_FIB_MATCH                             = 0x2000
+	RTM_F_LOOKUP_TABLE                          = 0x1000
+	RTM_F_NOTIFY                                = 0x100
+	RTM_F_PREFIX                                = 0x800
+	RTM_GETACTION                               = 0x32
+	RTM_GETADDR                                 = 0x16
+	RTM_GETADDRLABEL                            = 0x4a
+	RTM_GETANYCAST                              = 0x3e
+	RTM_GETCHAIN                                = 0x66
+	RTM_GETDCB                                  = 0x4e
+	RTM_GETLINK                                 = 0x12
+	RTM_GETMDB                                  = 0x56
+	RTM_GETMULTICAST                            = 0x3a
+	RTM_GETNEIGH                                = 0x1e
+	RTM_GETNEIGHTBL                             = 0x42
+	RTM_GETNETCONF                              = 0x52
+	RTM_GETNEXTHOP                              = 0x6a
+	RTM_GETNSID                                 = 0x5a
+	RTM_GETQDISC                                = 0x26
+	RTM_GETROUTE                                = 0x1a
+	RTM_GETRULE                                 = 0x22
+	RTM_GETSTATS                                = 0x5e
+	RTM_GETTCLASS                               = 0x2a
+	RTM_GETTFILTER                              = 0x2e
+	RTM_MAX                                     = 0x6b
+	RTM_NEWACTION                               = 0x30
+	RTM_NEWADDR                                 = 0x14
+	RTM_NEWADDRLABEL                            = 0x48
+	RTM_NEWCACHEREPORT                          = 0x60
+	RTM_NEWCHAIN                                = 0x64
+	RTM_NEWLINK                                 = 0x10
+	RTM_NEWMDB                                  = 0x54
+	RTM_NEWNDUSEROPT                            = 0x44
+	RTM_NEWNEIGH                                = 0x1c
+	RTM_NEWNEIGHTBL                             = 0x40
+	RTM_NEWNETCONF                              = 0x50
+	RTM_NEWNEXTHOP                              = 0x68
+	RTM_NEWNSID                                 = 0x58
+	RTM_NEWPREFIX                               = 0x34
+	RTM_NEWQDISC                                = 0x24
+	RTM_NEWROUTE                                = 0x18
+	RTM_NEWRULE                                 = 0x20
+	RTM_NEWSTATS                                = 0x5c
+	RTM_NEWTCLASS                               = 0x28
+	RTM_NEWTFILTER                              = 0x2c
+	RTM_NR_FAMILIES                             = 0x17
+	RTM_NR_MSGTYPES                             = 0x5c
+	RTM_SETDCB                                  = 0x4f
+	RTM_SETLINK                                 = 0x13
+	RTM_SETNEIGHTBL                             = 0x43
+	RTNH_ALIGNTO                                = 0x4
+	RTNH_COMPARE_MASK                           = 0x19
+	RTNH_F_DEAD                                 = 0x1
+	RTNH_F_LINKDOWN                             = 0x10
+	RTNH_F_OFFLOAD                              = 0x8
+	RTNH_F_ONLINK                               = 0x4
+	RTNH_F_PERVASIVE                            = 0x2
+	RTNH_F_UNRESOLVED                           = 0x20
+	RTN_MAX                                     = 0xb
+	RTPROT_BABEL                                = 0x2a
+	RTPROT_BGP                                  = 0xba
+	RTPROT_BIRD                                 = 0xc
+	RTPROT_BOOT                                 = 0x3
+	RTPROT_DHCP                                 = 0x10
+	RTPROT_DNROUTED                             = 0xd
+	RTPROT_EIGRP                                = 0xc0
+	RTPROT_GATED                                = 0x8
+	RTPROT_ISIS                                 = 0xbb
+	RTPROT_KERNEL                               = 0x2
+	RTPROT_MROUTED                              = 0x11
+	RTPROT_MRT                                  = 0xa
+	RTPROT_NTK                                  = 0xf
+	RTPROT_OSPF                                 = 0xbc
+	RTPROT_RA                                   = 0x9
+	RTPROT_REDIRECT                             = 0x1
+	RTPROT_RIP                                  = 0xbd
+	RTPROT_STATIC                               = 0x4
+	RTPROT_UNSPEC                               = 0x0
+	RTPROT_XORP                                 = 0xe
+	RTPROT_ZEBRA                                = 0xb
+	RT_CLASS_DEFAULT                            = 0xfd
+	RT_CLASS_LOCAL                              = 0xff
+	RT_CLASS_MAIN                               = 0xfe
+	RT_CLASS_MAX                                = 0xff
+	RT_CLASS_UNSPEC                             = 0x0
+	RUSAGE_CHILDREN                             = -0x1
+	RUSAGE_SELF                                 = 0x0
+	RUSAGE_THREAD                               = 0x1
+	SCM_CREDENTIALS                             = 0x2
+	SCM_RIGHTS                                  = 0x1
+	SCM_TIMESTAMP                               = 0x1d
+	SCM_TIMESTAMPING                            = 0x25
+	SCM_TIMESTAMPING_OPT_STATS                  = 0x36
+	SCM_TIMESTAMPING_PKTINFO                    = 0x3a
+	SCM_TIMESTAMPNS                             = 0x23
+	SCM_TXTIME                                  = 0x3d
+	SCM_WIFI_STATUS                             = 0x29
+	SC_LOG_FLUSH                                = 0x100000
+	SECCOMP_MODE_DISABLED                       = 0x0
+	SECCOMP_MODE_FILTER                         = 0x2
+	SECCOMP_MODE_STRICT                         = 0x1
+	SECURITYFS_MAGIC                            = 0x73636673
+	SELINUX_MAGIC                               = 0xf97cff8c
+	SFD_CLOEXEC                                 = 0x80000
+	SFD_NONBLOCK                                = 0x800
+	SHUT_RD                                     = 0x0
+	SHUT_RDWR                                   = 0x2
+	SHUT_WR                                     = 0x1
+	SIOCADDDLCI                                 = 0x8980
+	SIOCADDMULTI                                = 0x8931
+	SIOCADDRT                                   = 0x890b
+	SIOCATMARK                                  = 0x8905
+	SIOCBONDCHANGEACTIVE                        = 0x8995
+	SIOCBONDENSLAVE                             = 0x8990
+	SIOCBONDINFOQUERY                           = 0x8994
+	SIOCBONDRELEASE                             = 0x8991
+	SIOCBONDSETHWADDR                           = 0x8992
+	SIOCBONDSLAVEINFOQUERY                      = 0x8993
+	SIOCBRADDBR                                 = 0x89a0
+	SIOCBRADDIF                                 = 0x89a2
+	SIOCBRDELBR                                 = 0x89a1
+	SIOCBRDELIF                                 = 0x89a3
+	SIOCDARP                                    = 0x8953
+	SIOCDELDLCI                                 = 0x8981
+	SIOCDELMULTI                                = 0x8932
+	SIOCDELRT                                   = 0x890c
+	SIOCDEVPRIVATE                              = 0x89f0
+	SIOCDIFADDR                                 = 0x8936
+	SIOCDRARP                                   = 0x8960
+	SIOCETHTOOL                                 = 0x8946
+	SIOCGARP                                    = 0x8954
+	SIOCGETLINKNAME                             = 0x89e0
+	SIOCGETNODEID                               = 0x89e1
+	SIOCGHWTSTAMP                               = 0x89b1
+	SIOCGIFADDR                                 = 0x8915
+	SIOCGIFBR                                   = 0x8940
+	SIOCGIFBRDADDR                              = 0x8919
+	SIOCGIFCONF                                 = 0x8912
+	SIOCGIFCOUNT                                = 0x8938
+	SIOCGIFDSTADDR                              = 0x8917
+	SIOCGIFENCAP                                = 0x8925
+	SIOCGIFFLAGS                                = 0x8913
+	SIOCGIFHWADDR                               = 0x8927
+	SIOCGIFINDEX                                = 0x8933
+	SIOCGIFMAP                                  = 0x8970
+	SIOCGIFMEM                                  = 0x891f
+	SIOCGIFMETRIC                               = 0x891d
+	SIOCGIFMTU                                  = 0x8921
+	SIOCGIFNAME                                 = 0x8910
+	SIOCGIFNETMASK                              = 0x891b
+	SIOCGIFPFLAGS                               = 0x8935
+	SIOCGIFSLAVE                                = 0x8929
+	SIOCGIFTXQLEN                               = 0x8942
+	SIOCGIFVLAN                                 = 0x8982
+	SIOCGMIIPHY                                 = 0x8947
+	SIOCGMIIREG                                 = 0x8948
+	SIOCGPGRP                                   = 0x8904
+	SIOCGPPPCSTATS                              = 0x89f2
+	SIOCGPPPSTATS                               = 0x89f0
+	SIOCGPPPVER                                 = 0x89f1
+	SIOCGRARP                                   = 0x8961
+	SIOCGSKNS                                   = 0x894c
+	SIOCGSTAMP                                  = 0x8906
+	SIOCGSTAMPNS                                = 0x8907
+	SIOCGSTAMPNS_NEW                            = 0x80108907
+	SIOCGSTAMPNS_OLD                            = 0x8907
+	SIOCGSTAMP_NEW                              = 0x80108906
+	SIOCGSTAMP_OLD                              = 0x8906
+	SIOCINQ                                     = 0x541b
+	SIOCOUTQ                                    = 0x5411
+	SIOCOUTQNSD                                 = 0x894b
+	SIOCPROTOPRIVATE                            = 0x89e0
+	SIOCRTMSG                                   = 0x890d
+	SIOCSARP                                    = 0x8955
+	SIOCSHWTSTAMP                               = 0x89b0
+	SIOCSIFADDR                                 = 0x8916
+	SIOCSIFBR                                   = 0x8941
+	SIOCSIFBRDADDR                              = 0x891a
+	SIOCSIFDSTADDR                              = 0x8918
+	SIOCSIFENCAP                                = 0x8926
+	SIOCSIFFLAGS                                = 0x8914
+	SIOCSIFHWADDR                               = 0x8924
+	SIOCSIFHWBROADCAST                          = 0x8937
+	SIOCSIFLINK                                 = 0x8911
+	SIOCSIFMAP                                  = 0x8971
+	SIOCSIFMEM                                  = 0x8920
+	SIOCSIFMETRIC                               = 0x891e
+	SIOCSIFMTU                                  = 0x8922
+	SIOCSIFNAME                                 = 0x8923
+	SIOCSIFNETMASK                              = 0x891c
+	SIOCSIFPFLAGS                               = 0x8934
+	SIOCSIFSLAVE                                = 0x8930
+	SIOCSIFTXQLEN                               = 0x8943
+	SIOCSIFVLAN                                 = 0x8983
+	SIOCSMIIREG                                 = 0x8949
+	SIOCSPGRP                                   = 0x8902
+	SIOCSRARP                                   = 0x8962
+	SIOCWANDEV                                  = 0x894a
+	SMACK_MAGIC                                 = 0x43415d53
+	SMART_AUTOSAVE                              = 0xd2
+	SMART_AUTO_OFFLINE                          = 0xdb
+	SMART_DISABLE                               = 0xd9
+	SMART_ENABLE                                = 0xd8
+	SMART_HCYL_PASS                             = 0xc2
+	SMART_IMMEDIATE_OFFLINE                     = 0xd4
+	SMART_LCYL_PASS                             = 0x4f
+	SMART_READ_LOG_SECTOR                       = 0xd5
+	SMART_READ_THRESHOLDS                       = 0xd1
+	SMART_READ_VALUES                           = 0xd0
+	SMART_SAVE                                  = 0xd3
+	SMART_STATUS                                = 0xda
+	SMART_WRITE_LOG_SECTOR                      = 0xd6
+	SMART_WRITE_THRESHOLDS                      = 0xd7
+	SMB_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x517b
+	SOCKFS_MAGIC                                = 0x534f434b
+	SOCK_CLOEXEC                                = 0x80000
+	SOCK_DCCP                                   = 0x6
+	SOCK_DGRAM                                  = 0x2
+	SOCK_IOC_TYPE                               = 0x89
+	SOCK_NONBLOCK                               = 0x800
+	SOCK_PACKET                                 = 0xa
+	SOCK_RAW                                    = 0x3
+	SOCK_RDM                                    = 0x4
+	SOCK_SEQPACKET                              = 0x5
+	SOCK_STREAM                                 = 0x1
+	SOL_AAL                                     = 0x109
+	SOL_ALG                                     = 0x117
+	SOL_ATM                                     = 0x108
+	SOL_CAIF                                    = 0x116
+	SOL_CAN_BASE                                = 0x64
+	SOL_DCCP                                    = 0x10d
+	SOL_DECNET                                  = 0x105
+	SOL_ICMPV6                                  = 0x3a
+	SOL_IP                                      = 0x0
+	SOL_IPV6                                    = 0x29
+	SOL_IRDA                                    = 0x10a
+	SOL_IUCV                                    = 0x115
+	SOL_KCM                                     = 0x119
+	SOL_LLC                                     = 0x10c
+	SOL_NETBEUI                                 = 0x10b
+	SOL_NETLINK                                 = 0x10e
+	SOL_NFC                                     = 0x118
+	SOL_PACKET                                  = 0x107
+	SOL_PNPIPE                                  = 0x113
+	SOL_PPPOL2TP                                = 0x111
+	SOL_RAW                                     = 0xff
+	SOL_RDS                                     = 0x114
+	SOL_RXRPC                                   = 0x110
+	SOL_SOCKET                                  = 0x1
+	SOL_TCP                                     = 0x6
+	SOL_TIPC                                    = 0x10f
+	SOL_TLS                                     = 0x11a
+	SOL_X25                                     = 0x106
+	SOL_XDP                                     = 0x11b
+	SOMAXCONN                                   = 0x80
+	SO_ACCEPTCONN                               = 0x1e
+	SO_ATTACH_BPF                               = 0x32
+	SO_ATTACH_FILTER                            = 0x1a
+	SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_CBPF                    = 0x33
+	SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_EBPF                    = 0x34
+	SO_BINDTODEVICE                             = 0x19
+	SO_BINDTOIFINDEX                            = 0x3e
+	SO_BPF_EXTENSIONS                           = 0x30
+	SO_BROADCAST                                = 0x6
+	SO_BSDCOMPAT                                = 0xe
+	SO_BUSY_POLL                                = 0x2e
+	SO_CNX_ADVICE                               = 0x35
+	SO_COOKIE                                   = 0x39
+	SO_DEBUG                                    = 0x1
+	SO_DETACH_BPF                               = 0x1b
+	SO_DETACH_FILTER                            = 0x1b
+	SO_DETACH_REUSEPORT_BPF                     = 0x44
+	SO_DOMAIN                                   = 0x27
+	SO_DONTROUTE                                = 0x5
+	SO_EE_CODE_TXTIME_MISSED                    = 0x2
+	SO_EE_CODE_ZEROCOPY_COPIED                  = 0x1
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_ICMP                           = 0x2
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_ICMP6                          = 0x3
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_LOCAL                          = 0x1
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_NONE                           = 0x0
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_TIMESTAMPING                   = 0x4
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_TXSTATUS                       = 0x4
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_TXTIME                         = 0x6
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_ZEROCOPY                       = 0x5
+	SO_ERROR                                    = 0x4
+	SO_GET_FILTER                               = 0x1a
+	SO_INCOMING_CPU                             = 0x31
+	SO_INCOMING_NAPI_ID                         = 0x38
+	SO_KEEPALIVE                                = 0x9
+	SO_LINGER                                   = 0xd
+	SO_LOCK_FILTER                              = 0x2c
+	SO_MARK                                     = 0x24
+	SO_MAX_PACING_RATE                          = 0x2f
+	SO_MEMINFO                                  = 0x37
+	SO_NOFCS                                    = 0x2b
+	SO_NO_CHECK                                 = 0xb
+	SO_OOBINLINE                                = 0xa
+	SO_PASSCRED                                 = 0x10
+	SO_PASSSEC                                  = 0x22
+	SO_PEEK_OFF                                 = 0x2a
+	SO_PEERCRED                                 = 0x11
+	SO_PEERGROUPS                               = 0x3b
+	SO_PEERNAME                                 = 0x1c
+	SO_PEERSEC                                  = 0x1f
+	SO_PRIORITY                                 = 0xc
+	SO_PROTOCOL                                 = 0x26
+	SO_RCVBUF                                   = 0x8
+	SO_RCVBUFFORCE                              = 0x21
+	SO_RCVLOWAT                                 = 0x12
+	SO_RCVTIMEO                                 = 0x14
+	SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW                             = 0x42
+	SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD                             = 0x14
+	SO_REUSEADDR                                = 0x2
+	SO_REUSEPORT                                = 0xf
+	SO_RXQ_OVFL                                 = 0x28
+	SO_SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION                  = 0x16
+	SO_SELECT_ERR_QUEUE                         = 0x2d
+	SO_SNDBUF                                   = 0x7
+	SO_SNDBUFFORCE                              = 0x20
+	SO_SNDLOWAT                                 = 0x13
+	SO_SNDTIMEO                                 = 0x15
+	SO_SNDTIMEO_NEW                             = 0x43
+	SO_SNDTIMEO_OLD                             = 0x15
+	SO_TIMESTAMP                                = 0x1d
+	SO_TIMESTAMPING                             = 0x25
+	SO_TIMESTAMPING_NEW                         = 0x41
+	SO_TIMESTAMPING_OLD                         = 0x25
+	SO_TIMESTAMPNS                              = 0x23
+	SO_TIMESTAMPNS_NEW                          = 0x40
+	SO_TIMESTAMPNS_OLD                          = 0x23
+	SO_TIMESTAMP_NEW                            = 0x3f
+	SO_TIMESTAMP_OLD                            = 0x1d
+	SO_TXTIME                                   = 0x3d
+	SO_TYPE                                     = 0x3
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE               = 0x2
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_BUFFER_MIN_SIZE               = 0x1
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_BUFFER_SIZE                   = 0x0
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_CONNECT_TIMEOUT               = 0x6
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_NONBLOCK_TXRX                 = 0x7
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_PEER_HOST_VM_ID               = 0x3
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_TRUSTED                       = 0x5
+	SO_WIFI_STATUS                              = 0x29
+	SO_ZEROCOPY                                 = 0x3c
+	SPLICE_F_GIFT                               = 0x8
+	SPLICE_F_MORE                               = 0x4
+	SPLICE_F_MOVE                               = 0x1
+	SPLICE_F_NONBLOCK                           = 0x2
+	SQUASHFS_MAGIC                              = 0x73717368
+	STACK_END_MAGIC                             = 0x57ac6e9d
+	STATX_ALL                                   = 0xfff
+	STATX_ATIME                                 = 0x20
+	STATX_ATTR_APPEND                           = 0x20
+	STATX_ATTR_AUTOMOUNT                        = 0x1000
+	STATX_ATTR_COMPRESSED                       = 0x4
+	STATX_ATTR_ENCRYPTED                        = 0x800
+	STATX_ATTR_IMMUTABLE                        = 0x10
+	STATX_ATTR_NODUMP                           = 0x40
+	STATX_BASIC_STATS                           = 0x7ff
+	STATX_BLOCKS                                = 0x400
+	STATX_BTIME                                 = 0x800
+	STATX_CTIME                                 = 0x80
+	STATX_GID                                   = 0x10
+	STATX_INO                                   = 0x100
+	STATX_MODE                                  = 0x2
+	STATX_MTIME                                 = 0x40
+	STATX_NLINK                                 = 0x4
+	STATX_SIZE                                  = 0x200
+	STATX_TYPE                                  = 0x1
+	STATX_UID                                   = 0x8
+	STATX__RESERVED                             = 0x80000000
+	SVE_MAGIC                                   = 0x53564501
+	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WAIT_AFTER                  = 0x4
+	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WAIT_BEFORE                 = 0x1
+	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WRITE                       = 0x2
+	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WRITE_AND_WAIT              = 0x7
+	SYSFS_MAGIC                                 = 0x62656572
+	S_BLKSIZE                                   = 0x200
+	S_IEXEC                                     = 0x40
+	S_IFBLK                                     = 0x6000
+	S_IFCHR                                     = 0x2000
+	S_IFDIR                                     = 0x4000
+	S_IFIFO                                     = 0x1000
+	S_IFLNK                                     = 0xa000
+	S_IFMT                                      = 0xf000
+	S_IFREG                                     = 0x8000
+	S_IFSOCK                                    = 0xc000
+	S_IREAD                                     = 0x100
+	S_IRGRP                                     = 0x20
+	S_IROTH                                     = 0x4
+	S_IRUSR                                     = 0x100
+	S_IRWXG                                     = 0x38
+	S_IRWXO                                     = 0x7
+	S_IRWXU                                     = 0x1c0
+	S_ISGID                                     = 0x400
+	S_ISUID                                     = 0x800
+	S_ISVTX                                     = 0x200
+	S_IWGRP                                     = 0x10
+	S_IWOTH                                     = 0x2
+	S_IWRITE                                    = 0x80
+	S_IWUSR                                     = 0x80
+	S_IXGRP                                     = 0x8
+	S_IXOTH                                     = 0x1
+	S_IXUSR                                     = 0x40
+	TAB0                                        = 0x0
+	TAB1                                        = 0x800
+	TAB2                                        = 0x1000
+	TAB3                                        = 0x1800
+	TABDLY                                      = 0x1800
+	TASKSTATS_CMD_ATTR_MAX                      = 0x4
+	TASKSTATS_CMD_MAX                           = 0x2
+	TASKSTATS_GENL_NAME                         = "TASKSTATS"
+	TASKSTATS_GENL_VERSION                      = 0x1
+	TASKSTATS_TYPE_MAX                          = 0x6
+	TASKSTATS_VERSION                           = 0x9
+	TCFLSH                                      = 0x540b
+	TCGETA                                      = 0x5405
+	TCGETS                                      = 0x5401
+	TCGETS2                                     = 0x802c542a
+	TCGETX                                      = 0x5432
+	TCIFLUSH                                    = 0x0
+	TCIOFF                                      = 0x2
+	TCIOFLUSH                                   = 0x2
+	TCION                                       = 0x3
+	TCOFLUSH                                    = 0x1
+	TCOOFF                                      = 0x0
+	TCOON                                       = 0x1
+	TCP_BPF_IW                                  = 0x3e9
+	TCP_BPF_SNDCWND_CLAMP                       = 0x3ea
+	TCP_CC_INFO                                 = 0x1a
+	TCP_CM_INQ                                  = 0x24
+	TCP_CONGESTION                              = 0xd
+	TCP_COOKIE_IN_ALWAYS                        = 0x1
+	TCP_COOKIE_MAX                              = 0x10
+	TCP_COOKIE_MIN                              = 0x8
+	TCP_COOKIE_OUT_NEVER                        = 0x2
+	TCP_COOKIE_PAIR_SIZE                        = 0x20
+	TCP_COOKIE_TRANSACTIONS                     = 0xf
+	TCP_CORK                                    = 0x3
+	TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT                            = 0x9
+	TCP_FASTOPEN                                = 0x17
+	TCP_FASTOPEN_CONNECT                        = 0x1e
+	TCP_FASTOPEN_KEY                            = 0x21
+	TCP_FASTOPEN_NO_COOKIE                      = 0x22
+	TCP_INFO                                    = 0xb
+	TCP_INQ                                     = 0x24
+	TCP_KEEPCNT                                 = 0x6
+	TCP_KEEPIDLE                                = 0x4
+	TCP_KEEPINTVL                               = 0x5
+	TCP_LINGER2                                 = 0x8
+	TCP_MAXSEG                                  = 0x2
+	TCP_MAXWIN                                  = 0xffff
+	TCP_MAX_WINSHIFT                            = 0xe
+	TCP_MD5SIG                                  = 0xe
+	TCP_MD5SIG_EXT                              = 0x20
+	TCP_MD5SIG_FLAG_PREFIX                      = 0x1
+	TCP_MD5SIG_MAXKEYLEN                        = 0x50
+	TCP_MSS                                     = 0x200
+	TCP_MSS_DEFAULT                             = 0x218
+	TCP_MSS_DESIRED                             = 0x4c4
+	TCP_NODELAY                                 = 0x1
+	TCP_NOTSENT_LOWAT                           = 0x19
+	TCP_QUEUE_SEQ                               = 0x15
+	TCP_QUICKACK                                = 0xc
+	TCP_REPAIR                                  = 0x13
+	TCP_REPAIR_OFF                              = 0x0
+	TCP_REPAIR_OFF_NO_WP                        = -0x1
+	TCP_REPAIR_ON                               = 0x1
+	TCP_REPAIR_OPTIONS                          = 0x16
+	TCP_REPAIR_QUEUE                            = 0x14
+	TCP_REPAIR_WINDOW                           = 0x1d
+	TCP_SAVED_SYN                               = 0x1c
+	TCP_SAVE_SYN                                = 0x1b
+	TCP_SYNCNT                                  = 0x7
+	TCP_S_DATA_IN                               = 0x4
+	TCP_S_DATA_OUT                              = 0x8
+	TCP_THIN_DUPACK                             = 0x11
+	TCP_THIN_LINEAR_TIMEOUTS                    = 0x10
+	TCP_TIMESTAMP                               = 0x18
+	TCP_ULP                                     = 0x1f
+	TCP_USER_TIMEOUT                            = 0x12
+	TCP_WINDOW_CLAMP                            = 0xa
+	TCP_ZEROCOPY_RECEIVE                        = 0x23
+	TCSAFLUSH                                   = 0x2
+	TCSBRK                                      = 0x5409
+	TCSBRKP                                     = 0x5425
+	TCSETA                                      = 0x5406
+	TCSETAF                                     = 0x5408
+	TCSETAW                                     = 0x5407
+	TCSETS                                      = 0x5402
+	TCSETS2                                     = 0x402c542b
+	TCSETSF                                     = 0x5404
+	TCSETSF2                                    = 0x402c542d
+	TCSETSW                                     = 0x5403
+	TCSETSW2                                    = 0x402c542c
+	TCSETX                                      = 0x5433
+	TCSETXF                                     = 0x5434
+	TCSETXW                                     = 0x5435
+	TCXONC                                      = 0x540a
+	TIMER_ABSTIME                               = 0x1
+	TIOCCBRK                                    = 0x5428
+	TIOCCONS                                    = 0x541d
+	TIOCEXCL                                    = 0x540c
+	TIOCGDEV                                    = 0x80045432
+	TIOCGETD                                    = 0x5424
+	TIOCGEXCL                                   = 0x80045440
+	TIOCGICOUNT                                 = 0x545d
+	TIOCGISO7816                                = 0x80285442
+	TIOCGLCKTRMIOS                              = 0x5456
+	TIOCGPGRP                                   = 0x540f
+	TIOCGPKT                                    = 0x80045438
+	TIOCGPTLCK                                  = 0x80045439
+	TIOCGPTN                                    = 0x80045430
+	TIOCGPTPEER                                 = 0x5441
+	TIOCGRS485                                  = 0x542e
+	TIOCGSERIAL                                 = 0x541e
+	TIOCGSID                                    = 0x5429
+	TIOCGSOFTCAR                                = 0x5419
+	TIOCGWINSZ                                  = 0x5413
+	TIOCINQ                                     = 0x541b
+	TIOCLINUX                                   = 0x541c
+	TIOCMBIC                                    = 0x5417
+	TIOCMBIS                                    = 0x5416
+	TIOCMGET                                    = 0x5415
+	TIOCMIWAIT                                  = 0x545c
+	TIOCMSET                                    = 0x5418
+	TIOCM_CAR                                   = 0x40
+	TIOCM_CD                                    = 0x40
+	TIOCM_CTS                                   = 0x20
+	TIOCM_DSR                                   = 0x100
+	TIOCM_DTR                                   = 0x2
+	TIOCM_LE                                    = 0x1
+	TIOCM_RI                                    = 0x80
+	TIOCM_RNG                                   = 0x80
+	TIOCM_RTS                                   = 0x4
+	TIOCM_SR                                    = 0x10
+	TIOCM_ST                                    = 0x8
+	TIOCNOTTY                                   = 0x5422
+	TIOCNXCL                                    = 0x540d
+	TIOCOUTQ                                    = 0x5411
+	TIOCPKT                                     = 0x5420
+	TIOCPKT_DATA                                = 0x0
+	TIOCPKT_DOSTOP                              = 0x20
+	TIOCPKT_FLUSHREAD                           = 0x1
+	TIOCPKT_FLUSHWRITE                          = 0x2
+	TIOCPKT_IOCTL                               = 0x40
+	TIOCPKT_NOSTOP                              = 0x10
+	TIOCPKT_START                               = 0x8
+	TIOCPKT_STOP                                = 0x4
+	TIOCSBRK                                    = 0x5427
+	TIOCSCTTY                                   = 0x540e
+	TIOCSERCONFIG                               = 0x5453
+	TIOCSERGETLSR                               = 0x5459
+	TIOCSERGETMULTI                             = 0x545a
+	TIOCSERGSTRUCT                              = 0x5458
+	TIOCSERGWILD                                = 0x5454
+	TIOCSERSETMULTI                             = 0x545b
+	TIOCSERSWILD                                = 0x5455
+	TIOCSER_TEMT                                = 0x1
+	TIOCSETD                                    = 0x5423
+	TIOCSIG                                     = 0x40045436
+	TIOCSISO7816                                = 0xc0285443
+	TIOCSLCKTRMIOS                              = 0x5457
+	TIOCSPGRP                                   = 0x5410
+	TIOCSPTLCK                                  = 0x40045431
+	TIOCSRS485                                  = 0x542f
+	TIOCSSERIAL                                 = 0x541f
+	TIOCSSOFTCAR                                = 0x541a
+	TIOCSTI                                     = 0x5412
+	TIOCSWINSZ                                  = 0x5414
+	TIOCVHANGUP                                 = 0x5437
+	TIPC_ADDR_ID                                = 0x3
+	TIPC_ADDR_MCAST                             = 0x1
+	TIPC_ADDR_NAME                              = 0x2
+	TIPC_ADDR_NAMESEQ                           = 0x1
+	TIPC_CFG_SRV                                = 0x0
+	TIPC_CLUSTER_BITS                           = 0xc
+	TIPC_CLUSTER_MASK                           = 0xfff000
+	TIPC_CLUSTER_OFFSET                         = 0xc
+	TIPC_CLUSTER_SIZE                           = 0xfff
+	TIPC_CONN_SHUTDOWN                          = 0x5
+	TIPC_CONN_TIMEOUT                           = 0x82
+	TIPC_CRITICAL_IMPORTANCE                    = 0x3
+	TIPC_DESTNAME                               = 0x3
+	TIPC_DEST_DROPPABLE                         = 0x81
+	TIPC_ERRINFO                                = 0x1
+	TIPC_ERR_NO_NAME                            = 0x1
+	TIPC_ERR_NO_NODE                            = 0x3
+	TIPC_ERR_NO_PORT                            = 0x2
+	TIPC_ERR_OVERLOAD                           = 0x4
+	TIPC_GROUP_JOIN                             = 0x87
+	TIPC_GROUP_LEAVE                            = 0x88
+	TIPC_GROUP_LOOPBACK                         = 0x1
+	TIPC_GROUP_MEMBER_EVTS                      = 0x2
+	TIPC_HIGH_IMPORTANCE                        = 0x2
+	TIPC_IMPORTANCE                             = 0x7f
+	TIPC_LINK_STATE                             = 0x2
+	TIPC_LOW_IMPORTANCE                         = 0x0
+	TIPC_MAX_BEARER_NAME                        = 0x20
+	TIPC_MAX_IF_NAME                            = 0x10
+	TIPC_MAX_LINK_NAME                          = 0x44
+	TIPC_MAX_MEDIA_NAME                         = 0x10
+	TIPC_MAX_USER_MSG_SIZE                      = 0x101d0
+	TIPC_MCAST_BROADCAST                        = 0x85
+	TIPC_MCAST_REPLICAST                        = 0x86
+	TIPC_MEDIUM_IMPORTANCE                      = 0x1
+	TIPC_NODEID_LEN                             = 0x10
+	TIPC_NODE_BITS                              = 0xc
+	TIPC_NODE_MASK                              = 0xfff
+	TIPC_NODE_OFFSET                            = 0x0
+	TIPC_NODE_RECVQ_DEPTH                       = 0x83
+	TIPC_NODE_SIZE                              = 0xfff
+	TIPC_NODE_STATE                             = 0x0
+	TIPC_OK                                     = 0x0
+	TIPC_PUBLISHED                              = 0x1
+	TIPC_RESERVED_TYPES                         = 0x40
+	TIPC_RETDATA                                = 0x2
+	TIPC_SERVICE_ADDR                           = 0x2
+	TIPC_SERVICE_RANGE                          = 0x1
+	TIPC_SOCKET_ADDR                            = 0x3
+	TIPC_SOCK_RECVQ_DEPTH                       = 0x84
+	TIPC_SOCK_RECVQ_USED                        = 0x89
+	TIPC_SRC_DROPPABLE                          = 0x80
+	TIPC_SUBSCR_TIMEOUT                         = 0x3
+	TIPC_SUB_CANCEL                             = 0x4
+	TIPC_SUB_PORTS                              = 0x1
+	TIPC_SUB_SERVICE                            = 0x2
+	TIPC_TOP_SRV                                = 0x1
+	TIPC_WAIT_FOREVER                           = 0xffffffff
+	TIPC_WITHDRAWN                              = 0x2
+	TIPC_ZONE_BITS                              = 0x8
+	TIPC_ZONE_CLUSTER_MASK                      = 0xfffff000
+	TIPC_ZONE_MASK                              = 0xff000000
+	TIPC_ZONE_OFFSET                            = 0x18
+	TIPC_ZONE_SCOPE                             = 0x1
+	TIPC_ZONE_SIZE                              = 0xff
+	TMPFS_MAGIC                                 = 0x1021994
+	TOSTOP                                      = 0x100
+	TPACKET_ALIGNMENT                           = 0x10
+	TPACKET_HDRLEN                              = 0x34
+	TP_STATUS_AVAILABLE                         = 0x0
+	TP_STATUS_BLK_TMO                           = 0x20
+	TP_STATUS_COPY                              = 0x2
+	TP_STATUS_CSUMNOTREADY                      = 0x8
+	TP_STATUS_CSUM_VALID                        = 0x80
+	TP_STATUS_KERNEL                            = 0x0
+	TP_STATUS_LOSING                            = 0x4
+	TP_STATUS_SENDING                           = 0x2
+	TP_STATUS_SEND_REQUEST                      = 0x1
+	TP_STATUS_TS_RAW_HARDWARE                   = 0x80000000
+	TP_STATUS_TS_SOFTWARE                       = 0x20000000
+	TP_STATUS_TS_SYS_HARDWARE                   = 0x40000000
+	TP_STATUS_USER                              = 0x1
+	TP_STATUS_VLAN_TPID_VALID                   = 0x40
+	TP_STATUS_VLAN_VALID                        = 0x10
+	TP_STATUS_WRONG_FORMAT                      = 0x4
+	TRACEFS_MAGIC                               = 0x74726163
+	TS_COMM_LEN                                 = 0x20
+	TUNATTACHFILTER                             = 0x401054d5
+	TUNDETACHFILTER                             = 0x401054d6
+	TUNGETDEVNETNS                              = 0x54e3
+	TUNGETFEATURES                              = 0x800454cf
+	TUNGETFILTER                                = 0x801054db
+	TUNGETIFF                                   = 0x800454d2
+	TUNGETSNDBUF                                = 0x800454d3
+	TUNGETVNETBE                                = 0x800454df
+	TUNGETVNETHDRSZ                             = 0x800454d7
+	TUNGETVNETLE                                = 0x800454dd
+	TUNSETCARRIER                               = 0x400454e2
+	TUNSETDEBUG                                 = 0x400454c9
+	TUNSETFILTEREBPF                            = 0x800454e1
+	TUNSETGROUP                                 = 0x400454ce
+	TUNSETIFF                                   = 0x400454ca
+	TUNSETIFINDEX                               = 0x400454da
+	TUNSETLINK                                  = 0x400454cd
+	TUNSETNOCSUM                                = 0x400454c8
+	TUNSETOFFLOAD                               = 0x400454d0
+	TUNSETOWNER                                 = 0x400454cc
+	TUNSETPERSIST                               = 0x400454cb
+	TUNSETQUEUE                                 = 0x400454d9
+	TUNSETSNDBUF                                = 0x400454d4
+	TUNSETSTEERINGEBPF                          = 0x800454e0
+	TUNSETTXFILTER                              = 0x400454d1
+	TUNSETVNETBE                                = 0x400454de
+	TUNSETVNETHDRSZ                             = 0x400454d8
+	TUNSETVNETLE                                = 0x400454dc
+	UBI_IOCATT                                  = 0x40186f40
+	UBI_IOCDET                                  = 0x40046f41
+	UBI_IOCEBCH                                 = 0x40044f02
+	UBI_IOCEBER                                 = 0x40044f01
+	UBI_IOCEBISMAP                              = 0x80044f05
+	UBI_IOCEBMAP                                = 0x40084f03
+	UBI_IOCEBUNMAP                              = 0x40044f04
+	UBI_IOCMKVOL                                = 0x40986f00
+	UBI_IOCRMVOL                                = 0x40046f01
+	UBI_IOCRNVOL                                = 0x51106f03
+	UBI_IOCRPEB                                 = 0x40046f04
+	UBI_IOCRSVOL                                = 0x400c6f02
+	UBI_IOCSETVOLPROP                           = 0x40104f06
+	UBI_IOCSPEB                                 = 0x40046f05
+	UBI_IOCVOLCRBLK                             = 0x40804f07
+	UBI_IOCVOLRMBLK                             = 0x4f08
+	UBI_IOCVOLUP                                = 0x40084f00
+	UDF_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x15013346
+	UMOUNT_NOFOLLOW                             = 0x8
+	USBDEVICE_SUPER_MAGIC                       = 0x9fa2
+	UTIME_NOW                                   = 0x3fffffff
+	UTIME_OMIT                                  = 0x3ffffffe
+	V9FS_MAGIC                                  = 0x1021997
+	VDISCARD                                    = 0xd
+	VEOF                                        = 0x4
+	VEOL                                        = 0xb
+	VEOL2                                       = 0x10
+	VERASE                                      = 0x2
+	VINTR                                       = 0x0
+	VKILL                                       = 0x3
+	VLNEXT                                      = 0xf
+	VMADDR_CID_ANY                              = 0xffffffff
+	VMADDR_CID_HOST                             = 0x2
+	VMADDR_CID_HYPERVISOR                       = 0x0
+	VMADDR_CID_RESERVED                         = 0x1
+	VMADDR_PORT_ANY                             = 0xffffffff
+	VMIN                                        = 0x6
+	VM_SOCKETS_INVALID_VERSION                  = 0xffffffff
+	VQUIT                                       = 0x1
+	VREPRINT                                    = 0xc
+	VSTART                                      = 0x8
+	VSTOP                                       = 0x9
+	VSUSP                                       = 0xa
+	VSWTC                                       = 0x7
+	VT0                                         = 0x0
+	VT1                                         = 0x4000
+	VTDLY                                       = 0x4000
+	VTIME                                       = 0x5
+	VWERASE                                     = 0xe
+	WALL                                        = 0x40000000
+	WCLONE                                      = 0x80000000
+	WCONTINUED                                  = 0x8
+	WDIOC_GETBOOTSTATUS                         = 0x80045702
+	WDIOC_GETPRETIMEOUT                         = 0x80045709
+	WDIOC_GETSTATUS                             = 0x80045701
+	WDIOC_GETSUPPORT                            = 0x80285700
+	WDIOC_GETTEMP                               = 0x80045703
+	WDIOC_GETTIMELEFT                           = 0x8004570a
+	WDIOC_GETTIMEOUT                            = 0x80045707
+	WDIOC_KEEPALIVE                             = 0x80045705
+	WDIOC_SETOPTIONS                            = 0x80045704
+	WDIOC_SETPRETIMEOUT                         = 0xc0045708
+	WDIOC_SETTIMEOUT                            = 0xc0045706
+	WEXITED                                     = 0x4
+	WIN_ACKMEDIACHANGE                          = 0xdb
+	WIN_CHECKPOWERMODE1                         = 0xe5
+	WIN_CHECKPOWERMODE2                         = 0x98
+	WIN_DEVICE_RESET                            = 0x8
+	WIN_DIAGNOSE                                = 0x90
+	WIN_DOORLOCK                                = 0xde
+	WIN_DOORUNLOCK                              = 0xdf
+	WIN_DOWNLOAD_MICROCODE                      = 0x92
+	WIN_FLUSH_CACHE                             = 0xe7
+	WIN_FLUSH_CACHE_EXT                         = 0xea
+	WIN_FORMAT                                  = 0x50
+	WIN_GETMEDIASTATUS                          = 0xda
+	WIN_IDENTIFY                                = 0xec
+	WIN_IDENTIFY_DMA                            = 0xee
+	WIN_IDLEIMMEDIATE                           = 0xe1
+	WIN_INIT                                    = 0x60
+	WIN_MEDIAEJECT                              = 0xed
+	WIN_MULTREAD                                = 0xc4
+	WIN_MULTREAD_EXT                            = 0x29
+	WIN_MULTWRITE                               = 0xc5
+	WIN_MULTWRITE_EXT                           = 0x39
+	WIN_NOP                                     = 0x0
+	WIN_PACKETCMD                               = 0xa0
+	WIN_PIDENTIFY                               = 0xa1
+	WIN_POSTBOOT                                = 0xdc
+	WIN_PREBOOT                                 = 0xdd
+	WIN_QUEUED_SERVICE                          = 0xa2
+	WIN_READ                                    = 0x20
+	WIN_READDMA                                 = 0xc8
+	WIN_READDMA_EXT                             = 0x25
+	WIN_READDMA_ONCE                            = 0xc9
+	WIN_READDMA_QUEUED                          = 0xc7
+	WIN_READDMA_QUEUED_EXT                      = 0x26
+	WIN_READ_BUFFER                             = 0xe4
+	WIN_READ_EXT                                = 0x24
+	WIN_READ_LONG                               = 0x22
+	WIN_READ_LONG_ONCE                          = 0x23
+	WIN_READ_NATIVE_MAX                         = 0xf8
+	WIN_READ_NATIVE_MAX_EXT                     = 0x27
+	WIN_READ_ONCE                               = 0x21
+	WIN_RECAL                                   = 0x10
+	WIN_RESTORE                                 = 0x10
+	WIN_SECURITY_DISABLE                        = 0xf6
+	WIN_SECURITY_ERASE_PREPARE                  = 0xf3
+	WIN_SECURITY_ERASE_UNIT                     = 0xf4
+	WIN_SECURITY_FREEZE_LOCK                    = 0xf5
+	WIN_SECURITY_SET_PASS                       = 0xf1
+	WIN_SECURITY_UNLOCK                         = 0xf2
+	WIN_SEEK                                    = 0x70
+	WIN_SETFEATURES                             = 0xef
+	WIN_SETIDLE1                                = 0xe3
+	WIN_SETIDLE2                                = 0x97
+	WIN_SETMULT                                 = 0xc6
+	WIN_SET_MAX                                 = 0xf9
+	WIN_SET_MAX_EXT                             = 0x37
+	WIN_SLEEPNOW1                               = 0xe6
+	WIN_SLEEPNOW2                               = 0x99
+	WIN_SMART                                   = 0xb0
+	WIN_SPECIFY                                 = 0x91
+	WIN_SRST                                    = 0x8
+	WIN_STANDBY                                 = 0xe2
+	WIN_STANDBY2                                = 0x96
+	WIN_STANDBYNOW1                             = 0xe0
+	WIN_STANDBYNOW2                             = 0x94
+	WIN_VERIFY                                  = 0x40
+	WIN_VERIFY_EXT                              = 0x42
+	WIN_VERIFY_ONCE                             = 0x41
+	WIN_WRITE                                   = 0x30
+	WIN_WRITEDMA                                = 0xca
+	WIN_WRITEDMA_EXT                            = 0x35
+	WIN_WRITEDMA_ONCE                           = 0xcb
+	WIN_WRITEDMA_QUEUED                         = 0xcc
+	WIN_WRITEDMA_QUEUED_EXT                     = 0x36
+	WIN_WRITE_BUFFER                            = 0xe8
+	WIN_WRITE_EXT                               = 0x34
+	WIN_WRITE_LONG                              = 0x32
+	WIN_WRITE_LONG_ONCE                         = 0x33
+	WIN_WRITE_ONCE                              = 0x31
+	WIN_WRITE_SAME                              = 0xe9
+	WIN_WRITE_VERIFY                            = 0x3c
+	WNOHANG                                     = 0x1
+	WNOTHREAD                                   = 0x20000000
+	WNOWAIT                                     = 0x1000000
+	WORDSIZE                                    = 0x40
+	WSTOPPED                                    = 0x2
+	WUNTRACED                                   = 0x2
+	XATTR_CREATE                                = 0x1
+	XATTR_REPLACE                               = 0x2
+	XCASE                                       = 0x4
+	XDP_COPY                                    = 0x2
+	XDP_FLAGS_DRV_MODE                          = 0x4
+	XDP_FLAGS_HW_MODE                           = 0x8
+	XDP_FLAGS_MASK                              = 0xf
+	XDP_FLAGS_MODES                             = 0xe
+	XDP_FLAGS_SKB_MODE                          = 0x2
+	XDP_FLAGS_UPDATE_IF_NOEXIST                 = 0x1
+	XDP_MMAP_OFFSETS                            = 0x1
+	XDP_OPTIONS                                 = 0x8
+	XDP_OPTIONS_ZEROCOPY                        = 0x1
+	XDP_PACKET_HEADROOM                         = 0x100
+	XDP_PGOFF_RX_RING                           = 0x0
+	XDP_PGOFF_TX_RING                           = 0x80000000
+	XDP_RING_NEED_WAKEUP                        = 0x1
+	XDP_RX_RING                                 = 0x2
+	XDP_SHARED_UMEM                             = 0x1
+	XDP_STATISTICS                              = 0x7
+	XDP_TX_RING                                 = 0x3
+	XDP_UMEM_COMPLETION_RING                    = 0x6
+	XDP_UMEM_FILL_RING                          = 0x5
+	XDP_UMEM_PGOFF_COMPLETION_RING              = 0x180000000
+	XDP_UMEM_PGOFF_FILL_RING                    = 0x100000000
+	XDP_UMEM_REG                                = 0x4
+	XDP_UMEM_UNALIGNED_CHUNK_FLAG               = 0x1
+	XDP_USE_NEED_WAKEUP                         = 0x8
+	XDP_ZEROCOPY                                = 0x4
+	XENFS_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0xabba1974
+	XFS_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x58465342
+	XTABS                                       = 0x1800
+	Z3FOLD_MAGIC                                = 0x33
+	ZSMALLOC_MAGIC                              = 0x58295829
 // Errors
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mips.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mips.go
index 58b6429..89163c4 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mips.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mips.go
@@ -11,2660 +11,2816 @@ package unix
 import "syscall"
 const (
-	AAFS_MAGIC                           = 0x5a3c69f0
-	ADFS_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xadf5
-	AFFS_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xadff
-	AFS_FS_MAGIC                         = 0x6b414653
-	AFS_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x5346414f
-	AF_ALG                               = 0x26
-	AF_APPLETALK                         = 0x5
-	AF_ASH                               = 0x12
-	AF_ATMPVC                            = 0x8
-	AF_ATMSVC                            = 0x14
-	AF_AX25                              = 0x3
-	AF_BLUETOOTH                         = 0x1f
-	AF_BRIDGE                            = 0x7
-	AF_CAIF                              = 0x25
-	AF_CAN                               = 0x1d
-	AF_DECnet                            = 0xc
-	AF_ECONET                            = 0x13
-	AF_FILE                              = 0x1
-	AF_IB                                = 0x1b
-	AF_IEEE802154                        = 0x24
-	AF_INET                              = 0x2
-	AF_INET6                             = 0xa
-	AF_IPX                               = 0x4
-	AF_IRDA                              = 0x17
-	AF_ISDN                              = 0x22
-	AF_IUCV                              = 0x20
-	AF_KCM                               = 0x29
-	AF_KEY                               = 0xf
-	AF_LLC                               = 0x1a
-	AF_LOCAL                             = 0x1
-	AF_MAX                               = 0x2d
-	AF_MPLS                              = 0x1c
-	AF_NETBEUI                           = 0xd
-	AF_NETLINK                           = 0x10
-	AF_NETROM                            = 0x6
-	AF_NFC                               = 0x27
-	AF_PACKET                            = 0x11
-	AF_PHONET                            = 0x23
-	AF_PPPOX                             = 0x18
-	AF_QIPCRTR                           = 0x2a
-	AF_RDS                               = 0x15
-	AF_ROSE                              = 0xb
-	AF_ROUTE                             = 0x10
-	AF_RXRPC                             = 0x21
-	AF_SECURITY                          = 0xe
-	AF_SMC                               = 0x2b
-	AF_SNA                               = 0x16
-	AF_TIPC                              = 0x1e
-	AF_UNIX                              = 0x1
-	AF_UNSPEC                            = 0x0
-	AF_VSOCK                             = 0x28
-	AF_WANPIPE                           = 0x19
-	AF_X25                               = 0x9
-	AF_XDP                               = 0x2c
-	ALG_OP_DECRYPT                       = 0x0
-	ALG_OP_ENCRYPT                       = 0x1
-	ALG_SET_AEAD_ASSOCLEN                = 0x4
-	ALG_SET_AEAD_AUTHSIZE                = 0x5
-	ALG_SET_IV                           = 0x2
-	ALG_SET_KEY                          = 0x1
-	ALG_SET_OP                           = 0x3
-	ANON_INODE_FS_MAGIC                  = 0x9041934
-	ARPHRD_6LOWPAN                       = 0x339
-	ARPHRD_ADAPT                         = 0x108
-	ARPHRD_APPLETLK                      = 0x8
-	ARPHRD_ARCNET                        = 0x7
-	ARPHRD_ASH                           = 0x30d
-	ARPHRD_ATM                           = 0x13
-	ARPHRD_AX25                          = 0x3
-	ARPHRD_BIF                           = 0x307
-	ARPHRD_CAIF                          = 0x336
-	ARPHRD_CAN                           = 0x118
-	ARPHRD_CHAOS                         = 0x5
-	ARPHRD_CISCO                         = 0x201
-	ARPHRD_CSLIP                         = 0x101
-	ARPHRD_CSLIP6                        = 0x103
-	ARPHRD_DDCMP                         = 0x205
-	ARPHRD_DLCI                          = 0xf
-	ARPHRD_ECONET                        = 0x30e
-	ARPHRD_EETHER                        = 0x2
-	ARPHRD_ETHER                         = 0x1
-	ARPHRD_EUI64                         = 0x1b
-	ARPHRD_FCAL                          = 0x311
-	ARPHRD_FCFABRIC                      = 0x313
-	ARPHRD_FCPL                          = 0x312
-	ARPHRD_FCPP                          = 0x310
-	ARPHRD_FDDI                          = 0x306
-	ARPHRD_FRAD                          = 0x302
-	ARPHRD_HDLC                          = 0x201
-	ARPHRD_HIPPI                         = 0x30c
-	ARPHRD_HWX25                         = 0x110
-	ARPHRD_IEEE1394                      = 0x18
-	ARPHRD_IEEE802                       = 0x6
-	ARPHRD_IEEE80211                     = 0x321
-	ARPHRD_IEEE80211_PRISM               = 0x322
-	ARPHRD_IEEE80211_RADIOTAP            = 0x323
-	ARPHRD_IEEE802154                    = 0x324
-	ARPHRD_IEEE802154_MONITOR            = 0x325
-	ARPHRD_IEEE802_TR                    = 0x320
-	ARPHRD_INFINIBAND                    = 0x20
-	ARPHRD_IP6GRE                        = 0x337
-	ARPHRD_IPDDP                         = 0x309
-	ARPHRD_IPGRE                         = 0x30a
-	ARPHRD_IRDA                          = 0x30f
-	ARPHRD_LAPB                          = 0x204
-	ARPHRD_LOCALTLK                      = 0x305
-	ARPHRD_LOOPBACK                      = 0x304
-	ARPHRD_METRICOM                      = 0x17
-	ARPHRD_NETLINK                       = 0x338
-	ARPHRD_NETROM                        = 0x0
-	ARPHRD_NONE                          = 0xfffe
-	ARPHRD_PHONET                        = 0x334
-	ARPHRD_PHONET_PIPE                   = 0x335
-	ARPHRD_PIMREG                        = 0x30b
-	ARPHRD_PPP                           = 0x200
-	ARPHRD_PRONET                        = 0x4
-	ARPHRD_RAWHDLC                       = 0x206
-	ARPHRD_RAWIP                         = 0x207
-	ARPHRD_ROSE                          = 0x10e
-	ARPHRD_RSRVD                         = 0x104
-	ARPHRD_SIT                           = 0x308
-	ARPHRD_SKIP                          = 0x303
-	ARPHRD_SLIP                          = 0x100
-	ARPHRD_SLIP6                         = 0x102
-	ARPHRD_TUNNEL                        = 0x300
-	ARPHRD_TUNNEL6                       = 0x301
-	ARPHRD_VOID                          = 0xffff
-	ARPHRD_VSOCKMON                      = 0x33a
-	ARPHRD_X25                           = 0x10f
-	AUTOFS_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0x187
-	B0                                   = 0x0
-	B1000000                             = 0x1008
-	B110                                 = 0x3
-	B115200                              = 0x1002
-	B1152000                             = 0x1009
-	B1200                                = 0x9
-	B134                                 = 0x4
-	B150                                 = 0x5
-	B1500000                             = 0x100a
-	B1800                                = 0xa
-	B19200                               = 0xe
-	B200                                 = 0x6
-	B2000000                             = 0x100b
-	B230400                              = 0x1003
-	B2400                                = 0xb
-	B2500000                             = 0x100c
-	B300                                 = 0x7
-	B3000000                             = 0x100d
-	B3500000                             = 0x100e
-	B38400                               = 0xf
-	B4000000                             = 0x100f
-	B460800                              = 0x1004
-	B4800                                = 0xc
-	B50                                  = 0x1
-	B500000                              = 0x1005
-	B57600                               = 0x1001
-	B576000                              = 0x1006
-	B600                                 = 0x8
-	B75                                  = 0x2
-	B921600                              = 0x1007
-	B9600                                = 0xd
-	BALLOON_KVM_MAGIC                    = 0x13661366
-	BDEVFS_MAGIC                         = 0x62646576
-	BINDERFS_SUPER_MAGIC                 = 0x6c6f6f70
-	BINFMTFS_MAGIC                       = 0x42494e4d
-	BLKBSZGET                            = 0x40041270
-	BLKBSZSET                            = 0x80041271
-	BLKFLSBUF                            = 0x20001261
-	BLKFRAGET                            = 0x20001265
-	BLKFRASET                            = 0x20001264
-	BLKGETSIZE                           = 0x20001260
-	BLKGETSIZE64                         = 0x40041272
-	BLKPBSZGET                           = 0x2000127b
-	BLKRAGET                             = 0x20001263
-	BLKRASET                             = 0x20001262
-	BLKROGET                             = 0x2000125e
-	BLKROSET                             = 0x2000125d
-	BLKRRPART                            = 0x2000125f
-	BLKSECTGET                           = 0x20001267
-	BLKSECTSET                           = 0x20001266
-	BLKSSZGET                            = 0x20001268
-	BOTHER                               = 0x1000
-	BPF_A                                = 0x10
-	BPF_ABS                              = 0x20
-	BPF_ADD                              = 0x0
-	BPF_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L2_MASK           = 0xff
-	BPF_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L2_SHIFT          = 0x38
-	BPF_ALU                              = 0x4
-	BPF_ALU64                            = 0x7
-	BPF_AND                              = 0x50
-	BPF_ANY                              = 0x0
-	BPF_ARSH                             = 0xc0
-	BPF_B                                = 0x10
-	BPF_BUILD_ID_SIZE                    = 0x14
-	BPF_CALL                             = 0x80
-	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_MKNOD                  = 0x1
-	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_READ                   = 0x2
-	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_WRITE                  = 0x4
-	BPF_DEVCG_DEV_BLOCK                  = 0x1
-	BPF_DEVCG_DEV_CHAR                   = 0x2
-	BPF_DIV                              = 0x30
-	BPF_DW                               = 0x18
-	BPF_END                              = 0xd0
-	BPF_EXIST                            = 0x2
-	BPF_EXIT                             = 0x90
-	BPF_FROM_BE                          = 0x8
-	BPF_FROM_LE                          = 0x0
-	BPF_FS_MAGIC                         = 0xcafe4a11
-	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L3_IPV4         = 0x2
-	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L3_IPV6         = 0x4
-	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L4_GRE          = 0x8
-	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L4_UDP          = 0x10
-	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_FIXED_GSO             = 0x1
-	BPF_F_ALLOW_MULTI                    = 0x2
-	BPF_F_ALLOW_OVERRIDE                 = 0x1
-	BPF_F_ANY_ALIGNMENT                  = 0x2
-	BPF_F_CTXLEN_MASK                    = 0xfffff00000000
-	BPF_F_CURRENT_CPU                    = 0xffffffff
-	BPF_F_CURRENT_NETNS                  = -0x1
-	BPF_F_DONT_FRAGMENT                  = 0x4
-	BPF_F_FAST_STACK_CMP                 = 0x200
-	BPF_F_HDR_FIELD_MASK                 = 0xf
-	BPF_F_INDEX_MASK                     = 0xffffffff
-	BPF_F_INGRESS                        = 0x1
-	BPF_F_INVALIDATE_HASH                = 0x2
-	BPF_F_LOCK                           = 0x4
-	BPF_F_MARK_ENFORCE                   = 0x40
-	BPF_F_MARK_MANGLED_0                 = 0x20
-	BPF_F_NO_COMMON_LRU                  = 0x2
-	BPF_F_NO_PREALLOC                    = 0x1
-	BPF_F_NUMA_NODE                      = 0x4
-	BPF_F_PSEUDO_HDR                     = 0x10
-	BPF_F_QUERY_EFFECTIVE                = 0x1
-	BPF_F_RDONLY                         = 0x8
-	BPF_F_RDONLY_PROG                    = 0x80
-	BPF_F_RECOMPUTE_CSUM                 = 0x1
-	BPF_F_REUSE_STACKID                  = 0x400
-	BPF_F_SEQ_NUMBER                     = 0x8
-	BPF_F_SKIP_FIELD_MASK                = 0xff
-	BPF_F_STACK_BUILD_ID                 = 0x20
-	BPF_F_STRICT_ALIGNMENT               = 0x1
-	BPF_F_SYSCTL_BASE_NAME               = 0x1
-	BPF_F_TUNINFO_IPV6                   = 0x1
-	BPF_F_USER_BUILD_ID                  = 0x800
-	BPF_F_USER_STACK                     = 0x100
-	BPF_F_WRONLY                         = 0x10
-	BPF_F_WRONLY_PROG                    = 0x100
-	BPF_F_ZERO_CSUM_TX                   = 0x2
-	BPF_F_ZERO_SEED                      = 0x40
-	BPF_H                                = 0x8
-	BPF_IMM                              = 0x0
-	BPF_IND                              = 0x40
-	BPF_JA                               = 0x0
-	BPF_JEQ                              = 0x10
-	BPF_JGE                              = 0x30
-	BPF_JGT                              = 0x20
-	BPF_JLE                              = 0xb0
-	BPF_JLT                              = 0xa0
-	BPF_JMP                              = 0x5
-	BPF_JMP32                            = 0x6
-	BPF_JNE                              = 0x50
-	BPF_JSET                             = 0x40
-	BPF_JSGE                             = 0x70
-	BPF_JSGT                             = 0x60
-	BPF_JSLE                             = 0xd0
-	BPF_JSLT                             = 0xc0
-	BPF_K                                = 0x0
-	BPF_LD                               = 0x0
-	BPF_LDX                              = 0x1
-	BPF_LEN                              = 0x80
-	BPF_LL_OFF                           = -0x200000
-	BPF_LSH                              = 0x60
-	BPF_MAJOR_VERSION                    = 0x1
-	BPF_MAXINSNS                         = 0x1000
-	BPF_MEM                              = 0x60
-	BPF_MEMWORDS                         = 0x10
-	BPF_MINOR_VERSION                    = 0x1
-	BPF_MISC                             = 0x7
-	BPF_MOD                              = 0x90
-	BPF_MOV                              = 0xb0
-	BPF_MSH                              = 0xa0
-	BPF_MUL                              = 0x20
-	BPF_NEG                              = 0x80
-	BPF_NET_OFF                          = -0x100000
-	BPF_NOEXIST                          = 0x1
-	BPF_OBJ_NAME_LEN                     = 0x10
-	BPF_OR                               = 0x40
-	BPF_PSEUDO_CALL                      = 0x1
-	BPF_PSEUDO_MAP_FD                    = 0x1
-	BPF_PSEUDO_MAP_VALUE                 = 0x2
-	BPF_RET                              = 0x6
-	BPF_RSH                              = 0x70
-	BPF_SK_STORAGE_GET_F_CREATE          = 0x1
-	BPF_SOCK_OPS_ALL_CB_FLAGS            = 0x7
-	BPF_SOCK_OPS_RTO_CB_FLAG             = 0x1
-	BPF_SOCK_OPS_STATE_CB_FLAG           = 0x4
-	BPF_ST                               = 0x2
-	BPF_STX                              = 0x3
-	BPF_SUB                              = 0x10
-	BPF_TAG_SIZE                         = 0x8
-	BPF_TAX                              = 0x0
-	BPF_TO_BE                            = 0x8
-	BPF_TO_LE                            = 0x0
-	BPF_TXA                              = 0x80
-	BPF_W                                = 0x0
-	BPF_X                                = 0x8
-	BPF_XADD                             = 0xc0
-	BPF_XOR                              = 0xa0
-	BRKINT                               = 0x2
-	BS0                                  = 0x0
-	BS1                                  = 0x2000
-	BSDLY                                = 0x2000
-	BTRFS_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x9123683e
-	BTRFS_TEST_MAGIC                     = 0x73727279
-	CAN_BCM                              = 0x2
-	CAN_EFF_FLAG                         = 0x80000000
-	CAN_EFF_ID_BITS                      = 0x1d
-	CAN_EFF_MASK                         = 0x1fffffff
-	CAN_ERR_FLAG                         = 0x20000000
-	CAN_ERR_MASK                         = 0x1fffffff
-	CAN_INV_FILTER                       = 0x20000000
-	CAN_ISOTP                            = 0x6
-	CAN_MAX_DLC                          = 0x8
-	CAN_MAX_DLEN                         = 0x8
-	CAN_MCNET                            = 0x5
-	CAN_MTU                              = 0x10
-	CAN_NPROTO                           = 0x7
-	CAN_RAW                              = 0x1
-	CAN_RAW_FILTER_MAX                   = 0x200
-	CAN_RTR_FLAG                         = 0x40000000
-	CAN_SFF_ID_BITS                      = 0xb
-	CAN_SFF_MASK                         = 0x7ff
-	CAN_TP16                             = 0x3
-	CAN_TP20                             = 0x4
-	CAP_AUDIT_CONTROL                    = 0x1e
-	CAP_AUDIT_READ                       = 0x25
-	CAP_AUDIT_WRITE                      = 0x1d
-	CAP_BLOCK_SUSPEND                    = 0x24
-	CAP_CHOWN                            = 0x0
-	CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE                     = 0x1
-	CAP_DAC_READ_SEARCH                  = 0x2
-	CAP_FOWNER                           = 0x3
-	CAP_FSETID                           = 0x4
-	CAP_IPC_LOCK                         = 0xe
-	CAP_IPC_OWNER                        = 0xf
-	CAP_KILL                             = 0x5
-	CAP_LAST_CAP                         = 0x25
-	CAP_LEASE                            = 0x1c
-	CAP_LINUX_IMMUTABLE                  = 0x9
-	CAP_MAC_ADMIN                        = 0x21
-	CAP_MAC_OVERRIDE                     = 0x20
-	CAP_MKNOD                            = 0x1b
-	CAP_NET_ADMIN                        = 0xc
-	CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE                 = 0xa
-	CAP_NET_BROADCAST                    = 0xb
-	CAP_NET_RAW                          = 0xd
-	CAP_SETFCAP                          = 0x1f
-	CAP_SETGID                           = 0x6
-	CAP_SETPCAP                          = 0x8
-	CAP_SETUID                           = 0x7
-	CAP_SYSLOG                           = 0x22
-	CAP_SYS_ADMIN                        = 0x15
-	CAP_SYS_BOOT                         = 0x16
-	CAP_SYS_CHROOT                       = 0x12
-	CAP_SYS_MODULE                       = 0x10
-	CAP_SYS_NICE                         = 0x17
-	CAP_SYS_PACCT                        = 0x14
-	CAP_SYS_PTRACE                       = 0x13
-	CAP_SYS_RAWIO                        = 0x11
-	CAP_SYS_RESOURCE                     = 0x18
-	CAP_SYS_TIME                         = 0x19
-	CAP_SYS_TTY_CONFIG                   = 0x1a
-	CAP_WAKE_ALARM                       = 0x23
-	CBAUD                                = 0x100f
-	CBAUDEX                              = 0x1000
-	CFLUSH                               = 0xf
-	CGROUP2_SUPER_MAGIC                  = 0x63677270
-	CGROUP_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0x27e0eb
-	CIBAUD                               = 0x100f0000
-	CLOCAL                               = 0x800
-	CLOCK_BOOTTIME                       = 0x7
-	CLOCK_BOOTTIME_ALARM                 = 0x9
-	CLOCK_DEFAULT                        = 0x0
-	CLOCK_EXT                            = 0x1
-	CLOCK_INT                            = 0x2
-	CLOCK_MONOTONIC                      = 0x1
-	CLOCK_MONOTONIC_COARSE               = 0x6
-	CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW                  = 0x4
-	CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID             = 0x2
-	CLOCK_REALTIME                       = 0x0
-	CLOCK_REALTIME_ALARM                 = 0x8
-	CLOCK_REALTIME_COARSE                = 0x5
-	CLOCK_TAI                            = 0xb
-	CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID              = 0x3
-	CLOCK_TXFROMRX                       = 0x4
-	CLOCK_TXINT                          = 0x3
-	CLONE_CHILD_CLEARTID                 = 0x200000
-	CLONE_CHILD_SETTID                   = 0x1000000
-	CLONE_DETACHED                       = 0x400000
-	CLONE_FILES                          = 0x400
-	CLONE_FS                             = 0x200
-	CLONE_IO                             = 0x80000000
-	CLONE_NEWCGROUP                      = 0x2000000
-	CLONE_NEWIPC                         = 0x8000000
-	CLONE_NEWNET                         = 0x40000000
-	CLONE_NEWNS                          = 0x20000
-	CLONE_NEWPID                         = 0x20000000
-	CLONE_NEWUSER                        = 0x10000000
-	CLONE_NEWUTS                         = 0x4000000
-	CLONE_PARENT                         = 0x8000
-	CLONE_PARENT_SETTID                  = 0x100000
-	CLONE_PIDFD                          = 0x1000
-	CLONE_PTRACE                         = 0x2000
-	CLONE_SETTLS                         = 0x80000
-	CLONE_SIGHAND                        = 0x800
-	CLONE_SYSVSEM                        = 0x40000
-	CLONE_THREAD                         = 0x10000
-	CLONE_UNTRACED                       = 0x800000
-	CLONE_VFORK                          = 0x4000
-	CLONE_VM                             = 0x100
-	CMSPAR                               = 0x40000000
-	CODA_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0x73757245
-	CR0                                  = 0x0
-	CR1                                  = 0x200
-	CR2                                  = 0x400
-	CR3                                  = 0x600
-	CRAMFS_MAGIC                         = 0x28cd3d45
-	CRDLY                                = 0x600
-	CREAD                                = 0x80
-	CRTSCTS                              = 0x80000000
-	CRYPTO_MAX_NAME                      = 0x40
-	CRYPTO_MSG_MAX                       = 0x15
-	CRYPTO_NR_MSGTYPES                   = 0x6
-	CRYPTO_REPORT_MAXSIZE                = 0x160
-	CS5                                  = 0x0
-	CS6                                  = 0x10
-	CS7                                  = 0x20
-	CS8                                  = 0x30
-	CSIGNAL                              = 0xff
-	CSIZE                                = 0x30
-	CSTART                               = 0x11
-	CSTATUS                              = 0x0
-	CSTOP                                = 0x13
-	CSTOPB                               = 0x40
-	CSUSP                                = 0x1a
-	DAXFS_MAGIC                          = 0x64646178
-	DEBUGFS_MAGIC                        = 0x64626720
-	DEVPTS_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0x1cd1
-	DT_BLK                               = 0x6
-	DT_CHR                               = 0x2
-	DT_DIR                               = 0x4
-	DT_FIFO                              = 0x1
-	DT_LNK                               = 0xa
-	DT_REG                               = 0x8
-	DT_SOCK                              = 0xc
-	DT_UNKNOWN                           = 0x0
-	DT_WHT                               = 0xe
-	ECHO                                 = 0x8
-	ECHOCTL                              = 0x200
-	ECHOE                                = 0x10
-	ECHOK                                = 0x20
-	ECHOKE                               = 0x800
-	ECHONL                               = 0x40
-	ECHOPRT                              = 0x400
-	ECRYPTFS_SUPER_MAGIC                 = 0xf15f
-	EFD_CLOEXEC                          = 0x80000
-	EFD_NONBLOCK                         = 0x80
-	EFD_SEMAPHORE                        = 0x1
-	EFIVARFS_MAGIC                       = 0xde5e81e4
-	EFS_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x414a53
-	ENCODING_DEFAULT                     = 0x0
-	ENCODING_FM_MARK                     = 0x3
-	ENCODING_FM_SPACE                    = 0x4
-	ENCODING_MANCHESTER                  = 0x5
-	ENCODING_NRZ                         = 0x1
-	ENCODING_NRZI                        = 0x2
-	EPOLLERR                             = 0x8
-	EPOLLET                              = 0x80000000
-	EPOLLEXCLUSIVE                       = 0x10000000
-	EPOLLHUP                             = 0x10
-	EPOLLIN                              = 0x1
-	EPOLLMSG                             = 0x400
-	EPOLLONESHOT                         = 0x40000000
-	EPOLLOUT                             = 0x4
-	EPOLLPRI                             = 0x2
-	EPOLLRDBAND                          = 0x80
-	EPOLLRDHUP                           = 0x2000
-	EPOLLRDNORM                          = 0x40
-	EPOLLWAKEUP                          = 0x20000000
-	EPOLLWRBAND                          = 0x200
-	EPOLLWRNORM                          = 0x100
-	EPOLL_CLOEXEC                        = 0x80000
-	EPOLL_CTL_ADD                        = 0x1
-	EPOLL_CTL_DEL                        = 0x2
-	EPOLL_CTL_MOD                        = 0x3
-	ETH_P_1588                           = 0x88f7
-	ETH_P_8021AD                         = 0x88a8
-	ETH_P_8021AH                         = 0x88e7
-	ETH_P_8021Q                          = 0x8100
-	ETH_P_80221                          = 0x8917
-	ETH_P_802_2                          = 0x4
-	ETH_P_802_3                          = 0x1
-	ETH_P_802_3_MIN                      = 0x600
-	ETH_P_802_EX1                        = 0x88b5
-	ETH_P_AARP                           = 0x80f3
-	ETH_P_AF_IUCV                        = 0xfbfb
-	ETH_P_ALL                            = 0x3
-	ETH_P_AOE                            = 0x88a2
-	ETH_P_ARCNET                         = 0x1a
-	ETH_P_ARP                            = 0x806
-	ETH_P_ATALK                          = 0x809b
-	ETH_P_ATMFATE                        = 0x8884
-	ETH_P_ATMMPOA                        = 0x884c
-	ETH_P_AX25                           = 0x2
-	ETH_P_BATMAN                         = 0x4305
-	ETH_P_BPQ                            = 0x8ff
-	ETH_P_CAIF                           = 0xf7
-	ETH_P_CAN                            = 0xc
-	ETH_P_CANFD                          = 0xd
-	ETH_P_CONTROL                        = 0x16
-	ETH_P_CUST                           = 0x6006
-	ETH_P_DDCMP                          = 0x6
-	ETH_P_DEC                            = 0x6000
-	ETH_P_DIAG                           = 0x6005
-	ETH_P_DNA_DL                         = 0x6001
-	ETH_P_DNA_RC                         = 0x6002
-	ETH_P_DNA_RT                         = 0x6003
-	ETH_P_DSA                            = 0x1b
-	ETH_P_DSA_8021Q                      = 0xdadb
-	ETH_P_ECONET                         = 0x18
-	ETH_P_EDSA                           = 0xdada
-	ETH_P_ERSPAN                         = 0x88be
-	ETH_P_ERSPAN2                        = 0x22eb
-	ETH_P_FCOE                           = 0x8906
-	ETH_P_FIP                            = 0x8914
-	ETH_P_HDLC                           = 0x19
-	ETH_P_HSR                            = 0x892f
-	ETH_P_IBOE                           = 0x8915
-	ETH_P_IEEE802154                     = 0xf6
-	ETH_P_IEEEPUP                        = 0xa00
-	ETH_P_IEEEPUPAT                      = 0xa01
-	ETH_P_IFE                            = 0xed3e
-	ETH_P_IP                             = 0x800
-	ETH_P_IPV6                           = 0x86dd
-	ETH_P_IPX                            = 0x8137
-	ETH_P_IRDA                           = 0x17
-	ETH_P_LAT                            = 0x6004
-	ETH_P_LINK_CTL                       = 0x886c
-	ETH_P_LOCALTALK                      = 0x9
-	ETH_P_LOOP                           = 0x60
-	ETH_P_LOOPBACK                       = 0x9000
-	ETH_P_MACSEC                         = 0x88e5
-	ETH_P_MAP                            = 0xf9
-	ETH_P_MOBITEX                        = 0x15
-	ETH_P_MPLS_MC                        = 0x8848
-	ETH_P_MPLS_UC                        = 0x8847
-	ETH_P_MVRP                           = 0x88f5
-	ETH_P_NCSI                           = 0x88f8
-	ETH_P_NSH                            = 0x894f
-	ETH_P_PAE                            = 0x888e
-	ETH_P_PAUSE                          = 0x8808
-	ETH_P_PHONET                         = 0xf5
-	ETH_P_PPPTALK                        = 0x10
-	ETH_P_PPP_DISC                       = 0x8863
-	ETH_P_PPP_MP                         = 0x8
-	ETH_P_PPP_SES                        = 0x8864
-	ETH_P_PREAUTH                        = 0x88c7
-	ETH_P_PRP                            = 0x88fb
-	ETH_P_PUP                            = 0x200
-	ETH_P_PUPAT                          = 0x201
-	ETH_P_QINQ1                          = 0x9100
-	ETH_P_QINQ2                          = 0x9200
-	ETH_P_QINQ3                          = 0x9300
-	ETH_P_RARP                           = 0x8035
-	ETH_P_SCA                            = 0x6007
-	ETH_P_SLOW                           = 0x8809
-	ETH_P_SNAP                           = 0x5
-	ETH_P_TDLS                           = 0x890d
-	ETH_P_TEB                            = 0x6558
-	ETH_P_TIPC                           = 0x88ca
-	ETH_P_TRAILER                        = 0x1c
-	ETH_P_TR_802_2                       = 0x11
-	ETH_P_TSN                            = 0x22f0
-	ETH_P_WAN_PPP                        = 0x7
-	ETH_P_WCCP                           = 0x883e
-	ETH_P_X25                            = 0x805
-	ETH_P_XDSA                           = 0xf8
-	EXABYTE_ENABLE_NEST                  = 0xf0
-	EXT2_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xef53
-	EXT3_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xef53
-	EXT4_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xef53
-	EXTA                                 = 0xe
-	EXTB                                 = 0xf
-	EXTPROC                              = 0x10000
-	F2FS_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xf2f52010
-	FALLOC_FL_COLLAPSE_RANGE             = 0x8
-	FALLOC_FL_INSERT_RANGE               = 0x20
-	FALLOC_FL_KEEP_SIZE                  = 0x1
-	FALLOC_FL_NO_HIDE_STALE              = 0x4
-	FALLOC_FL_PUNCH_HOLE                 = 0x2
-	FALLOC_FL_UNSHARE_RANGE              = 0x40
-	FALLOC_FL_ZERO_RANGE                 = 0x10
-	FAN_ACCESS                           = 0x1
-	FAN_ACCESS_PERM                      = 0x20000
-	FAN_ALLOW                            = 0x1
-	FAN_ALL_CLASS_BITS                   = 0xc
-	FAN_ALL_EVENTS                       = 0x3b
-	FAN_ALL_INIT_FLAGS                   = 0x3f
-	FAN_ALL_MARK_FLAGS                   = 0xff
-	FAN_ALL_OUTGOING_EVENTS              = 0x3403b
-	FAN_ALL_PERM_EVENTS                  = 0x30000
-	FAN_ATTRIB                           = 0x4
-	FAN_AUDIT                            = 0x10
-	FAN_CLASS_CONTENT                    = 0x4
-	FAN_CLASS_NOTIF                      = 0x0
-	FAN_CLASS_PRE_CONTENT                = 0x8
-	FAN_CLOEXEC                          = 0x1
-	FAN_CLOSE                            = 0x18
-	FAN_CLOSE_NOWRITE                    = 0x10
-	FAN_CLOSE_WRITE                      = 0x8
-	FAN_CREATE                           = 0x100
-	FAN_DELETE                           = 0x200
-	FAN_DELETE_SELF                      = 0x400
-	FAN_DENY                             = 0x2
-	FAN_ENABLE_AUDIT                     = 0x40
-	FAN_EVENT_INFO_TYPE_FID              = 0x1
-	FAN_EVENT_METADATA_LEN               = 0x18
-	FAN_EVENT_ON_CHILD                   = 0x8000000
-	FAN_MARK_ADD                         = 0x1
-	FAN_MARK_DONT_FOLLOW                 = 0x4
-	FAN_MARK_FILESYSTEM                  = 0x100
-	FAN_MARK_FLUSH                       = 0x80
-	FAN_MARK_IGNORED_MASK                = 0x20
-	FAN_MARK_INODE                       = 0x0
-	FAN_MARK_MOUNT                       = 0x10
-	FAN_MARK_ONLYDIR                     = 0x8
-	FAN_MARK_REMOVE                      = 0x2
-	FAN_MODIFY                           = 0x2
-	FAN_MOVE                             = 0xc0
-	FAN_MOVED_FROM                       = 0x40
-	FAN_MOVED_TO                         = 0x80
-	FAN_MOVE_SELF                        = 0x800
-	FAN_NOFD                             = -0x1
-	FAN_NONBLOCK                         = 0x2
-	FAN_ONDIR                            = 0x40000000
-	FAN_OPEN                             = 0x20
-	FAN_OPEN_EXEC                        = 0x1000
-	FAN_OPEN_EXEC_PERM                   = 0x40000
-	FAN_OPEN_PERM                        = 0x10000
-	FAN_Q_OVERFLOW                       = 0x4000
-	FAN_REPORT_FID                       = 0x200
-	FAN_REPORT_TID                       = 0x100
-	FAN_UNLIMITED_MARKS                  = 0x20
-	FAN_UNLIMITED_QUEUE                  = 0x10
-	FD_CLOEXEC                           = 0x1
-	FD_SETSIZE                           = 0x400
-	FF0                                  = 0x0
-	FF1                                  = 0x8000
-	FFDLY                                = 0x8000
-	FLUSHO                               = 0x2000
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_128_CBC       = 0x5
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_128_CTS       = 0x6
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_CBC       = 0x3
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_CTS       = 0x4
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_GCM       = 0x2
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_XTS       = 0x1
-	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY         = 0x800c6615
-	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_PWSALT         = 0x80106614
-	FS_IOC_SET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY         = 0x400c6613
-	FS_KEY_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE               = 0x8
-	FS_KEY_DESC_PREFIX                   = "fscrypt:"
-	FS_KEY_DESC_PREFIX_SIZE              = 0x8
-	FS_MAX_KEY_SIZE                      = 0x40
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_16               = 0x2
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_32               = 0x3
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_4                = 0x0
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_8                = 0x1
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_MASK             = 0x3
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_VALID                = 0x7
-	FUTEXFS_SUPER_MAGIC                  = 0xbad1dea
-	F_ADD_SEALS                          = 0x409
-	F_DUPFD                              = 0x0
-	F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC                      = 0x406
-	F_EXLCK                              = 0x4
-	F_GETFD                              = 0x1
-	F_GETFL                              = 0x3
-	F_GETLEASE                           = 0x401
-	F_GETLK                              = 0x21
-	F_GETLK64                            = 0x21
-	F_GETOWN                             = 0x17
-	F_GETOWN_EX                          = 0x10
-	F_GETPIPE_SZ                         = 0x408
-	F_GETSIG                             = 0xb
-	F_GET_FILE_RW_HINT                   = 0x40d
-	F_GET_RW_HINT                        = 0x40b
-	F_GET_SEALS                          = 0x40a
-	F_LOCK                               = 0x1
-	F_NOTIFY                             = 0x402
-	F_OFD_GETLK                          = 0x24
-	F_OFD_SETLK                          = 0x25
-	F_OFD_SETLKW                         = 0x26
-	F_OK                                 = 0x0
-	F_RDLCK                              = 0x0
-	F_SEAL_FUTURE_WRITE                  = 0x10
-	F_SEAL_GROW                          = 0x4
-	F_SEAL_SEAL                          = 0x1
-	F_SEAL_SHRINK                        = 0x2
-	F_SEAL_WRITE                         = 0x8
-	F_SETFD                              = 0x2
-	F_SETFL                              = 0x4
-	F_SETLEASE                           = 0x400
-	F_SETLK                              = 0x22
-	F_SETLK64                            = 0x22
-	F_SETLKW                             = 0x23
-	F_SETLKW64                           = 0x23
-	F_SETOWN                             = 0x18
-	F_SETOWN_EX                          = 0xf
-	F_SETPIPE_SZ                         = 0x407
-	F_SETSIG                             = 0xa
-	F_SET_FILE_RW_HINT                   = 0x40e
-	F_SET_RW_HINT                        = 0x40c
-	F_SHLCK                              = 0x8
-	F_TEST                               = 0x3
-	F_TLOCK                              = 0x2
-	F_ULOCK                              = 0x0
-	F_UNLCK                              = 0x2
-	F_WRLCK                              = 0x1
-	GENL_ADMIN_PERM                      = 0x1
-	GENL_CMD_CAP_DO                      = 0x2
-	GENL_CMD_CAP_DUMP                    = 0x4
-	GENL_CMD_CAP_HASPOL                  = 0x8
-	GENL_HDRLEN                          = 0x4
-	GENL_ID_CTRL                         = 0x10
-	GENL_ID_PMCRAID                      = 0x12
-	GENL_ID_VFS_DQUOT                    = 0x11
-	GENL_MAX_ID                          = 0x3ff
-	GENL_MIN_ID                          = 0x10
-	GENL_NAMSIZ                          = 0x10
-	GENL_START_ALLOC                     = 0x13
-	GENL_UNS_ADMIN_PERM                  = 0x10
-	GRND_NONBLOCK                        = 0x1
-	GRND_RANDOM                          = 0x2
-	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD                       = 0x31f
-	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD_AEB                   = 0x31e
-	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD_HDR_SIZE              = 0x4
-	HDIO_DRIVE_HOB_HDR_SIZE              = 0x8
-	HDIO_DRIVE_RESET                     = 0x31c
-	HDIO_DRIVE_TASK                      = 0x31e
-	HDIO_DRIVE_TASKFILE                  = 0x31d
-	HDIO_DRIVE_TASK_HDR_SIZE             = 0x8
-	HDIO_GETGEO                          = 0x301
-	HDIO_GET_32BIT                       = 0x309
-	HDIO_GET_ACOUSTIC                    = 0x30f
-	HDIO_GET_ADDRESS                     = 0x310
-	HDIO_GET_BUSSTATE                    = 0x31a
-	HDIO_GET_DMA                         = 0x30b
-	HDIO_GET_IDENTITY                    = 0x30d
-	HDIO_GET_KEEPSETTINGS                = 0x308
-	HDIO_GET_MULTCOUNT                   = 0x304
-	HDIO_GET_NICE                        = 0x30c
-	HDIO_GET_NOWERR                      = 0x30a
-	HDIO_GET_QDMA                        = 0x305
-	HDIO_GET_UNMASKINTR                  = 0x302
-	HDIO_GET_WCACHE                      = 0x30e
-	HDIO_OBSOLETE_IDENTITY               = 0x307
-	HDIO_SCAN_HWIF                       = 0x328
-	HDIO_SET_32BIT                       = 0x324
-	HDIO_SET_ACOUSTIC                    = 0x32c
-	HDIO_SET_ADDRESS                     = 0x32f
-	HDIO_SET_BUSSTATE                    = 0x32d
-	HDIO_SET_DMA                         = 0x326
-	HDIO_SET_KEEPSETTINGS                = 0x323
-	HDIO_SET_MULTCOUNT                   = 0x321
-	HDIO_SET_NICE                        = 0x329
-	HDIO_SET_NOWERR                      = 0x325
-	HDIO_SET_PIO_MODE                    = 0x327
-	HDIO_SET_QDMA                        = 0x32e
-	HDIO_SET_UNMASKINTR                  = 0x322
-	HDIO_SET_WCACHE                      = 0x32b
-	HDIO_SET_XFER                        = 0x306
-	HDIO_TRISTATE_HWIF                   = 0x31b
-	HDIO_UNREGISTER_HWIF                 = 0x32a
-	HOSTFS_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0xc0ffee
-	HPFS_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xf995e849
-	HUGETLBFS_MAGIC                      = 0x958458f6
-	HUPCL                                = 0x400
-	IBSHIFT                              = 0x10
-	ICANON                               = 0x2
-	ICMPV6_FILTER                        = 0x1
-	ICRNL                                = 0x100
-	IEXTEN                               = 0x100
-	IFA_F_DADFAILED                      = 0x8
-	IFA_F_DEPRECATED                     = 0x20
-	IFA_F_HOMEADDRESS                    = 0x10
-	IFA_F_MANAGETEMPADDR                 = 0x100
-	IFA_F_MCAUTOJOIN                     = 0x400
-	IFA_F_NODAD                          = 0x2
-	IFA_F_NOPREFIXROUTE                  = 0x200
-	IFA_F_OPTIMISTIC                     = 0x4
-	IFA_F_PERMANENT                      = 0x80
-	IFA_F_SECONDARY                      = 0x1
-	IFA_F_STABLE_PRIVACY                 = 0x800
-	IFA_F_TEMPORARY                      = 0x1
-	IFA_F_TENTATIVE                      = 0x40
-	IFA_MAX                              = 0xa
-	IFF_ALLMULTI                         = 0x200
-	IFF_ATTACH_QUEUE                     = 0x200
-	IFF_AUTOMEDIA                        = 0x4000
-	IFF_BROADCAST                        = 0x2
-	IFF_DEBUG                            = 0x4
-	IFF_DETACH_QUEUE                     = 0x400
-	IFF_DORMANT                          = 0x20000
-	IFF_DYNAMIC                          = 0x8000
-	IFF_ECHO                             = 0x40000
-	IFF_LOOPBACK                         = 0x8
-	IFF_LOWER_UP                         = 0x10000
-	IFF_MASTER                           = 0x400
-	IFF_MULTICAST                        = 0x1000
-	IFF_MULTI_QUEUE                      = 0x100
-	IFF_NAPI                             = 0x10
-	IFF_NAPI_FRAGS                       = 0x20
-	IFF_NOARP                            = 0x80
-	IFF_NOFILTER                         = 0x1000
-	IFF_NOTRAILERS                       = 0x20
-	IFF_NO_PI                            = 0x1000
-	IFF_ONE_QUEUE                        = 0x2000
-	IFF_PERSIST                          = 0x800
-	IFF_POINTOPOINT                      = 0x10
-	IFF_PORTSEL                          = 0x2000
-	IFF_PROMISC                          = 0x100
-	IFF_RUNNING                          = 0x40
-	IFF_SLAVE                            = 0x800
-	IFF_TAP                              = 0x2
-	IFF_TUN                              = 0x1
-	IFF_TUN_EXCL                         = 0x8000
-	IFF_UP                               = 0x1
-	IFF_VNET_HDR                         = 0x4000
-	IFF_VOLATILE                         = 0x70c5a
-	IFNAMSIZ                             = 0x10
-	IGNBRK                               = 0x1
-	IGNCR                                = 0x80
-	IGNPAR                               = 0x4
-	IMAXBEL                              = 0x2000
-	INLCR                                = 0x40
-	INPCK                                = 0x10
-	IN_ACCESS                            = 0x1
-	IN_ALL_EVENTS                        = 0xfff
-	IN_ATTRIB                            = 0x4
-	IN_CLASSA_HOST                       = 0xffffff
-	IN_CLASSA_MAX                        = 0x80
-	IN_CLASSA_NET                        = 0xff000000
-	IN_CLASSA_NSHIFT                     = 0x18
-	IN_CLASSB_HOST                       = 0xffff
-	IN_CLASSB_MAX                        = 0x10000
-	IN_CLASSB_NET                        = 0xffff0000
-	IN_CLASSB_NSHIFT                     = 0x10
-	IN_CLASSC_HOST                       = 0xff
-	IN_CLASSC_NET                        = 0xffffff00
-	IN_CLASSC_NSHIFT                     = 0x8
-	IN_CLOEXEC                           = 0x80000
-	IN_CLOSE                             = 0x18
-	IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE                     = 0x10
-	IN_CLOSE_WRITE                       = 0x8
-	IN_CREATE                            = 0x100
-	IN_DELETE                            = 0x200
-	IN_DELETE_SELF                       = 0x400
-	IN_DONT_FOLLOW                       = 0x2000000
-	IN_EXCL_UNLINK                       = 0x4000000
-	IN_IGNORED                           = 0x8000
-	IN_ISDIR                             = 0x40000000
-	IN_LOOPBACKNET                       = 0x7f
-	IN_MASK_ADD                          = 0x20000000
-	IN_MASK_CREATE                       = 0x10000000
-	IN_MODIFY                            = 0x2
-	IN_MOVE                              = 0xc0
-	IN_MOVED_FROM                        = 0x40
-	IN_MOVED_TO                          = 0x80
-	IN_MOVE_SELF                         = 0x800
-	IN_NONBLOCK                          = 0x80
-	IN_ONESHOT                           = 0x80000000
-	IN_ONLYDIR                           = 0x1000000
-	IN_OPEN                              = 0x20
-	IN_Q_OVERFLOW                        = 0x4000
-	IN_UNMOUNT                           = 0x2000
-	IOCTL_VM_SOCKETS_GET_LOCAL_CID       = 0x200007b9
-	IPPROTO_AH                           = 0x33
-	IPPROTO_BEETPH                       = 0x5e
-	IPPROTO_COMP                         = 0x6c
-	IPPROTO_DCCP                         = 0x21
-	IPPROTO_DSTOPTS                      = 0x3c
-	IPPROTO_EGP                          = 0x8
-	IPPROTO_ENCAP                        = 0x62
-	IPPROTO_ESP                          = 0x32
-	IPPROTO_FRAGMENT                     = 0x2c
-	IPPROTO_GRE                          = 0x2f
-	IPPROTO_HOPOPTS                      = 0x0
-	IPPROTO_ICMP                         = 0x1
-	IPPROTO_ICMPV6                       = 0x3a
-	IPPROTO_IDP                          = 0x16
-	IPPROTO_IGMP                         = 0x2
-	IPPROTO_IP                           = 0x0
-	IPPROTO_IPIP                         = 0x4
-	IPPROTO_IPV6                         = 0x29
-	IPPROTO_MH                           = 0x87
-	IPPROTO_MPLS                         = 0x89
-	IPPROTO_MTP                          = 0x5c
-	IPPROTO_NONE                         = 0x3b
-	IPPROTO_PIM                          = 0x67
-	IPPROTO_PUP                          = 0xc
-	IPPROTO_RAW                          = 0xff
-	IPPROTO_ROUTING                      = 0x2b
-	IPPROTO_RSVP                         = 0x2e
-	IPPROTO_SCTP                         = 0x84
-	IPPROTO_TCP                          = 0x6
-	IPPROTO_TP                           = 0x1d
-	IPPROTO_UDP                          = 0x11
-	IPPROTO_UDPLITE                      = 0x88
-	IPV6_2292DSTOPTS                     = 0x4
-	IPV6_2292HOPLIMIT                    = 0x8
-	IPV6_2292HOPOPTS                     = 0x3
-	IPV6_2292PKTINFO                     = 0x2
-	IPV6_2292PKTOPTIONS                  = 0x6
-	IPV6_2292RTHDR                       = 0x5
-	IPV6_ADDRFORM                        = 0x1
-	IPV6_ADDR_PREFERENCES                = 0x48
-	IPV6_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                  = 0x14
-	IPV6_AUTHHDR                         = 0xa
-	IPV6_AUTOFLOWLABEL                   = 0x46
-	IPV6_CHECKSUM                        = 0x7
-	IPV6_DONTFRAG                        = 0x3e
-	IPV6_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                 = 0x15
-	IPV6_DSTOPTS                         = 0x3b
-	IPV6_FREEBIND                        = 0x4e
-	IPV6_HDRINCL                         = 0x24
-	IPV6_HOPLIMIT                        = 0x34
-	IPV6_HOPOPTS                         = 0x36
-	IPV6_IPSEC_POLICY                    = 0x22
-	IPV6_JOIN_ANYCAST                    = 0x1b
-	IPV6_JOIN_GROUP                      = 0x14
-	IPV6_LEAVE_ANYCAST                   = 0x1c
-	IPV6_LEAVE_GROUP                     = 0x15
-	IPV6_MINHOPCOUNT                     = 0x49
-	IPV6_MTU                             = 0x18
-	IPV6_MTU_DISCOVER                    = 0x17
-	IPV6_MULTICAST_ALL                   = 0x1d
-	IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS                  = 0x12
-	IPV6_MULTICAST_IF                    = 0x11
-	IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP                  = 0x13
-	IPV6_NEXTHOP                         = 0x9
-	IPV6_ORIGDSTADDR                     = 0x4a
-	IPV6_PATHMTU                         = 0x3d
-	IPV6_PKTINFO                         = 0x32
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_DO                     = 0x2
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_DONT                   = 0x0
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_INTERFACE              = 0x4
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_OMIT                   = 0x5
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_PROBE                  = 0x3
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_WANT                   = 0x1
-	IPV6_RECVDSTOPTS                     = 0x3a
-	IPV6_RECVERR                         = 0x19
-	IPV6_RECVFRAGSIZE                    = 0x4d
-	IPV6_RECVHOPLIMIT                    = 0x33
-	IPV6_RECVHOPOPTS                     = 0x35
-	IPV6_RECVORIGDSTADDR                 = 0x4a
-	IPV6_RECVPATHMTU                     = 0x3c
-	IPV6_RECVPKTINFO                     = 0x31
-	IPV6_RECVRTHDR                       = 0x38
-	IPV6_RECVTCLASS                      = 0x42
-	IPV6_ROUTER_ALERT                    = 0x16
-	IPV6_ROUTER_ALERT_ISOLATE            = 0x1e
-	IPV6_RTHDR                           = 0x39
-	IPV6_RTHDRDSTOPTS                    = 0x37
-	IPV6_RTHDR_LOOSE                     = 0x0
-	IPV6_RTHDR_STRICT                    = 0x1
-	IPV6_RTHDR_TYPE_0                    = 0x0
-	IPV6_RXDSTOPTS                       = 0x3b
-	IPV6_RXHOPOPTS                       = 0x36
-	IPV6_TCLASS                          = 0x43
-	IPV6_TRANSPARENT                     = 0x4b
-	IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS                    = 0x10
-	IPV6_UNICAST_IF                      = 0x4c
-	IPV6_V6ONLY                          = 0x1a
-	IPV6_XFRM_POLICY                     = 0x23
-	IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                    = 0x23
-	IP_ADD_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP             = 0x27
-	IP_BIND_ADDRESS_NO_PORT              = 0x18
-	IP_BLOCK_SOURCE                      = 0x26
-	IP_CHECKSUM                          = 0x17
-	IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_LOOP            = 0x1
-	IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_TTL             = 0x1
-	IP_DF                                = 0x4000
-	IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                   = 0x24
-	IP_DROP_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP            = 0x28
-	IP_FREEBIND                          = 0xf
-	IP_HDRINCL                           = 0x3
-	IP_IPSEC_POLICY                      = 0x10
-	IP_MAXPACKET                         = 0xffff
-	IP_MAX_MEMBERSHIPS                   = 0x14
-	IP_MF                                = 0x2000
-	IP_MINTTL                            = 0x15
-	IP_MSFILTER                          = 0x29
-	IP_MSS                               = 0x240
-	IP_MTU                               = 0xe
-	IP_MTU_DISCOVER                      = 0xa
-	IP_MULTICAST_ALL                     = 0x31
-	IP_MULTICAST_IF                      = 0x20
-	IP_MULTICAST_LOOP                    = 0x22
-	IP_MULTICAST_TTL                     = 0x21
-	IP_NODEFRAG                          = 0x16
-	IP_OFFMASK                           = 0x1fff
-	IP_OPTIONS                           = 0x4
-	IP_ORIGDSTADDR                       = 0x14
-	IP_PASSSEC                           = 0x12
-	IP_PKTINFO                           = 0x8
-	IP_PKTOPTIONS                        = 0x9
-	IP_PMTUDISC                          = 0xa
-	IP_PMTUDISC_DO                       = 0x2
-	IP_PMTUDISC_DONT                     = 0x0
-	IP_PMTUDISC_INTERFACE                = 0x4
-	IP_PMTUDISC_OMIT                     = 0x5
-	IP_PMTUDISC_PROBE                    = 0x3
-	IP_PMTUDISC_WANT                     = 0x1
-	IP_RECVERR                           = 0xb
-	IP_RECVFRAGSIZE                      = 0x19
-	IP_RECVOPTS                          = 0x6
-	IP_RECVORIGDSTADDR                   = 0x14
-	IP_RECVRETOPTS                       = 0x7
-	IP_RECVTOS                           = 0xd
-	IP_RECVTTL                           = 0xc
-	IP_RETOPTS                           = 0x7
-	IP_RF                                = 0x8000
-	IP_ROUTER_ALERT                      = 0x5
-	IP_TOS                               = 0x1
-	IP_TRANSPARENT                       = 0x13
-	IP_TTL                               = 0x2
-	IP_UNBLOCK_SOURCE                    = 0x25
-	IP_UNICAST_IF                        = 0x32
-	IP_XFRM_POLICY                       = 0x11
-	ISIG                                 = 0x1
-	ISOFS_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x9660
-	ISTRIP                               = 0x20
-	IUCLC                                = 0x200
-	IUTF8                                = 0x4000
-	IXANY                                = 0x800
-	IXOFF                                = 0x1000
-	IXON                                 = 0x400
-	JFFS2_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x72b6
-	KEXEC_ARCH_386                       = 0x30000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_68K                       = 0x40000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_AARCH64                   = 0xb70000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_ARM                       = 0x280000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_DEFAULT                   = 0x0
-	KEXEC_ARCH_IA_64                     = 0x320000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_MASK                      = 0xffff0000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_MIPS                      = 0x80000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_MIPS_LE                   = 0xa0000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_PPC                       = 0x140000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_PPC64                     = 0x150000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_S390                      = 0x160000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_SH                        = 0x2a0000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_X86_64                    = 0x3e0000
-	KEXEC_FILE_NO_INITRAMFS              = 0x4
-	KEXEC_FILE_ON_CRASH                  = 0x2
-	KEXEC_FILE_UNLOAD                    = 0x1
-	KEXEC_ON_CRASH                       = 0x1
-	KEXEC_PRESERVE_CONTEXT               = 0x2
-	KEXEC_SEGMENT_MAX                    = 0x10
-	KEYCTL_ASSUME_AUTHORITY              = 0x10
-	KEYCTL_CHOWN                         = 0x4
-	KEYCTL_CLEAR                         = 0x7
-	KEYCTL_DESCRIBE                      = 0x6
-	KEYCTL_DH_COMPUTE                    = 0x17
-	KEYCTL_GET_KEYRING_ID                = 0x0
-	KEYCTL_GET_PERSISTENT                = 0x16
-	KEYCTL_GET_SECURITY                  = 0x11
-	KEYCTL_INSTANTIATE                   = 0xc
-	KEYCTL_INSTANTIATE_IOV               = 0x14
-	KEYCTL_INVALIDATE                    = 0x15
-	KEYCTL_LINK                          = 0x8
-	KEYCTL_NEGATE                        = 0xd
-	KEYCTL_PKEY_DECRYPT                  = 0x1a
-	KEYCTL_PKEY_ENCRYPT                  = 0x19
-	KEYCTL_PKEY_QUERY                    = 0x18
-	KEYCTL_PKEY_SIGN                     = 0x1b
-	KEYCTL_PKEY_VERIFY                   = 0x1c
-	KEYCTL_READ                          = 0xb
-	KEYCTL_REJECT                        = 0x13
-	KEYCTL_RESTRICT_KEYRING              = 0x1d
-	KEYCTL_REVOKE                        = 0x3
-	KEYCTL_SEARCH                        = 0xa
-	KEYCTL_SESSION_TO_PARENT             = 0x12
-	KEYCTL_SETPERM                       = 0x5
-	KEYCTL_SET_REQKEY_KEYRING            = 0xe
-	KEYCTL_SET_TIMEOUT                   = 0xf
-	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_DECRYPT              = 0x2
-	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_ENCRYPT              = 0x1
-	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_SIGN                 = 0x4
-	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_VERIFY               = 0x8
-	KEYCTL_UNLINK                        = 0x9
-	KEYCTL_UPDATE                        = 0x2
-	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_DEFAULT              = 0x0
-	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_NO_CHANGE            = -0x1
-	KEY_SPEC_GROUP_KEYRING               = -0x6
-	KEY_SPEC_PROCESS_KEYRING             = -0x2
-	KEY_SPEC_REQKEY_AUTH_KEY             = -0x7
-	KEY_SPEC_SESSION_KEYRING             = -0x3
-	KEY_SPEC_THREAD_KEYRING              = -0x1
-	KEY_SPEC_USER_KEYRING                = -0x4
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_CAD_OFF             = 0x0
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_CAD_ON              = 0x89abcdef
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_HALT                = 0xcdef0123
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_KEXEC               = 0x45584543
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_POWER_OFF           = 0x4321fedc
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_RESTART             = 0x1234567
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_RESTART2            = 0xa1b2c3d4
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_SW_SUSPEND          = 0xd000fce2
-	LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC1                  = 0xfee1dead
-	LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC2                  = 0x28121969
-	LOCK_EX                              = 0x2
-	LOCK_NB                              = 0x4
-	LOCK_SH                              = 0x1
-	LOCK_UN                              = 0x8
-	LOOP_CLR_FD                          = 0x4c01
-	LOOP_CTL_ADD                         = 0x4c80
-	LOOP_CTL_GET_FREE                    = 0x4c82
-	LOOP_CTL_REMOVE                      = 0x4c81
-	LOOP_GET_STATUS                      = 0x4c03
-	LOOP_GET_STATUS64                    = 0x4c05
-	LOOP_SET_BLOCK_SIZE                  = 0x4c09
-	LOOP_SET_CAPACITY                    = 0x4c07
-	LOOP_SET_DIRECT_IO                   = 0x4c08
-	LOOP_SET_FD                          = 0x4c00
-	LOOP_SET_STATUS                      = 0x4c02
-	LOOP_SET_STATUS64                    = 0x4c04
-	LO_KEY_SIZE                          = 0x20
-	LO_NAME_SIZE                         = 0x40
-	MADV_DODUMP                          = 0x11
-	MADV_DOFORK                          = 0xb
-	MADV_DONTDUMP                        = 0x10
-	MADV_DONTFORK                        = 0xa
-	MADV_DONTNEED                        = 0x4
-	MADV_FREE                            = 0x8
-	MADV_HUGEPAGE                        = 0xe
-	MADV_HWPOISON                        = 0x64
-	MADV_KEEPONFORK                      = 0x13
-	MADV_MERGEABLE                       = 0xc
-	MADV_NOHUGEPAGE                      = 0xf
-	MADV_NORMAL                          = 0x0
-	MADV_RANDOM                          = 0x1
-	MADV_REMOVE                          = 0x9
-	MADV_SEQUENTIAL                      = 0x2
-	MADV_UNMERGEABLE                     = 0xd
-	MADV_WILLNEED                        = 0x3
-	MADV_WIPEONFORK                      = 0x12
-	MAP_ANON                             = 0x800
-	MAP_ANONYMOUS                        = 0x800
-	MAP_DENYWRITE                        = 0x2000
-	MAP_EXECUTABLE                       = 0x4000
-	MAP_FILE                             = 0x0
-	MAP_FIXED                            = 0x10
-	MAP_FIXED_NOREPLACE                  = 0x100000
-	MAP_GROWSDOWN                        = 0x1000
-	MAP_HUGETLB                          = 0x80000
-	MAP_HUGE_MASK                        = 0x3f
-	MAP_HUGE_SHIFT                       = 0x1a
-	MAP_LOCKED                           = 0x8000
-	MAP_NONBLOCK                         = 0x20000
-	MAP_NORESERVE                        = 0x400
-	MAP_POPULATE                         = 0x10000
-	MAP_PRIVATE                          = 0x2
-	MAP_RENAME                           = 0x800
-	MAP_SHARED                           = 0x1
-	MAP_SHARED_VALIDATE                  = 0x3
-	MAP_STACK                            = 0x40000
-	MAP_TYPE                             = 0xf
-	MCAST_BLOCK_SOURCE                   = 0x2b
-	MCAST_EXCLUDE                        = 0x0
-	MCAST_INCLUDE                        = 0x1
-	MCAST_JOIN_GROUP                     = 0x2a
-	MCAST_JOIN_SOURCE_GROUP              = 0x2e
-	MCAST_LEAVE_GROUP                    = 0x2d
-	MCAST_LEAVE_SOURCE_GROUP             = 0x2f
-	MCAST_MSFILTER                       = 0x30
-	MCAST_UNBLOCK_SOURCE                 = 0x2c
-	MCL_CURRENT                          = 0x1
-	MCL_FUTURE                           = 0x2
-	MCL_ONFAULT                          = 0x4
-	MFD_ALLOW_SEALING                    = 0x2
-	MFD_CLOEXEC                          = 0x1
-	MFD_HUGETLB                          = 0x4
-	MFD_HUGE_16GB                        = -0x78000000
-	MFD_HUGE_16MB                        = 0x60000000
-	MFD_HUGE_1GB                         = 0x78000000
-	MFD_HUGE_1MB                         = 0x50000000
-	MFD_HUGE_256MB                       = 0x70000000
-	MFD_HUGE_2GB                         = 0x7c000000
-	MFD_HUGE_2MB                         = 0x54000000
-	MFD_HUGE_32MB                        = 0x64000000
-	MFD_HUGE_512KB                       = 0x4c000000
-	MFD_HUGE_512MB                       = 0x74000000
-	MFD_HUGE_64KB                        = 0x40000000
-	MFD_HUGE_8MB                         = 0x5c000000
-	MFD_HUGE_MASK                        = 0x3f
-	MFD_HUGE_SHIFT                       = 0x1a
-	MINIX2_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0x2468
-	MINIX2_SUPER_MAGIC2                  = 0x2478
-	MINIX3_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0x4d5a
-	MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x137f
-	MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC2                   = 0x138f
-	MNT_DETACH                           = 0x2
-	MNT_EXPIRE                           = 0x4
-	MNT_FORCE                            = 0x1
-	MSDOS_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x4d44
-	MSG_BATCH                            = 0x40000
-	MSG_CMSG_CLOEXEC                     = 0x40000000
-	MSG_CONFIRM                          = 0x800
-	MSG_CTRUNC                           = 0x8
-	MSG_DONTROUTE                        = 0x4
-	MSG_DONTWAIT                         = 0x40
-	MSG_EOR                              = 0x80
-	MSG_ERRQUEUE                         = 0x2000
-	MSG_FASTOPEN                         = 0x20000000
-	MSG_FIN                              = 0x200
-	MSG_MORE                             = 0x8000
-	MSG_NOSIGNAL                         = 0x4000
-	MSG_OOB                              = 0x1
-	MSG_PEEK                             = 0x2
-	MSG_PROXY                            = 0x10
-	MSG_RST                              = 0x1000
-	MSG_SYN                              = 0x400
-	MSG_TRUNC                            = 0x20
-	MSG_TRYHARD                          = 0x4
-	MSG_WAITALL                          = 0x100
-	MSG_WAITFORONE                       = 0x10000
-	MSG_ZEROCOPY                         = 0x4000000
-	MS_ACTIVE                            = 0x40000000
-	MS_ASYNC                             = 0x1
-	MS_BIND                              = 0x1000
-	MS_BORN                              = 0x20000000
-	MS_DIRSYNC                           = 0x80
-	MS_INVALIDATE                        = 0x2
-	MS_I_VERSION                         = 0x800000
-	MS_KERNMOUNT                         = 0x400000
-	MS_LAZYTIME                          = 0x2000000
-	MS_MANDLOCK                          = 0x40
-	MS_MGC_MSK                           = 0xffff0000
-	MS_MGC_VAL                           = 0xc0ed0000
-	MS_MOVE                              = 0x2000
-	MS_NOATIME                           = 0x400
-	MS_NODEV                             = 0x4
-	MS_NODIRATIME                        = 0x800
-	MS_NOEXEC                            = 0x8
-	MS_NOREMOTELOCK                      = 0x8000000
-	MS_NOSEC                             = 0x10000000
-	MS_NOSUID                            = 0x2
-	MS_NOUSER                            = -0x80000000
-	MS_POSIXACL                          = 0x10000
-	MS_PRIVATE                           = 0x40000
-	MS_RDONLY                            = 0x1
-	MS_REC                               = 0x4000
-	MS_RELATIME                          = 0x200000
-	MS_REMOUNT                           = 0x20
-	MS_RMT_MASK                          = 0x2800051
-	MS_SHARED                            = 0x100000
-	MS_SILENT                            = 0x8000
-	MS_SLAVE                             = 0x80000
-	MS_STRICTATIME                       = 0x1000000
-	MS_SUBMOUNT                          = 0x4000000
-	MS_SYNC                              = 0x4
-	MS_SYNCHRONOUS                       = 0x10
-	MS_UNBINDABLE                        = 0x20000
-	MS_VERBOSE                           = 0x8000
-	MTD_INODE_FS_MAGIC                   = 0x11307854
-	NAME_MAX                             = 0xff
-	NCP_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x564c
-	NETLINK_ADD_MEMBERSHIP               = 0x1
-	NETLINK_AUDIT                        = 0x9
-	NETLINK_BROADCAST_ERROR              = 0x4
-	NETLINK_CAP_ACK                      = 0xa
-	NETLINK_CONNECTOR                    = 0xb
-	NETLINK_CRYPTO                       = 0x15
-	NETLINK_DNRTMSG                      = 0xe
-	NETLINK_DROP_MEMBERSHIP              = 0x2
-	NETLINK_ECRYPTFS                     = 0x13
-	NETLINK_EXT_ACK                      = 0xb
-	NETLINK_FIB_LOOKUP                   = 0xa
-	NETLINK_FIREWALL                     = 0x3
-	NETLINK_GENERIC                      = 0x10
-	NETLINK_GET_STRICT_CHK               = 0xc
-	NETLINK_INET_DIAG                    = 0x4
-	NETLINK_IP6_FW                       = 0xd
-	NETLINK_ISCSI                        = 0x8
-	NETLINK_KOBJECT_UEVENT               = 0xf
-	NETLINK_LISTEN_ALL_NSID              = 0x8
-	NETLINK_LIST_MEMBERSHIPS             = 0x9
-	NETLINK_NETFILTER                    = 0xc
-	NETLINK_NFLOG                        = 0x5
-	NETLINK_NO_ENOBUFS                   = 0x5
-	NETLINK_PKTINFO                      = 0x3
-	NETLINK_RDMA                         = 0x14
-	NETLINK_ROUTE                        = 0x0
-	NETLINK_RX_RING                      = 0x6
-	NETLINK_SCSITRANSPORT                = 0x12
-	NETLINK_SELINUX                      = 0x7
-	NETLINK_SMC                          = 0x16
-	NETLINK_SOCK_DIAG                    = 0x4
-	NETLINK_TX_RING                      = 0x7
-	NETLINK_UNUSED                       = 0x1
-	NETLINK_USERSOCK                     = 0x2
-	NETLINK_XFRM                         = 0x6
-	NETNSA_MAX                           = 0x5
-	NETNSA_NSID_NOT_ASSIGNED             = -0x1
-	NFNETLINK_V0                         = 0x0
-	NFNLGRP_ACCT_QUOTA                   = 0x8
-	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_EXP_NEW            = 0x4
-	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_NEW                = 0x1
-	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_UPDATE             = 0x2
-	NFNLGRP_MAX                          = 0x9
-	NFNLGRP_NFTABLES                     = 0x7
-	NFNLGRP_NFTRACE                      = 0x9
-	NFNLGRP_NONE                         = 0x0
-	NFNL_BATCH_MAX                       = 0x1
-	NFNL_MSG_BATCH_BEGIN                 = 0x10
-	NFNL_MSG_BATCH_END                   = 0x11
-	NFNL_NFA_NEST                        = 0x8000
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_ACCT                     = 0x7
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_COUNT                    = 0xc
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTHELPER                 = 0x9
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTNETLINK                = 0x1
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTNETLINK_EXP            = 0x2
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_IPSET                    = 0x6
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_NFTABLES                 = 0xa
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_NFT_COMPAT               = 0xb
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_NONE                     = 0x0
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_OSF                      = 0x5
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_QUEUE                    = 0x3
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_ULOG                     = 0x4
-	NFS_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x6969
-	NILFS_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x3434
-	NL0                                  = 0x0
-	NL1                                  = 0x100
-	NLA_ALIGNTO                          = 0x4
-	NLA_F_NESTED                         = 0x8000
-	NLA_F_NET_BYTEORDER                  = 0x4000
-	NLA_HDRLEN                           = 0x4
-	NLDLY                                = 0x100
-	NLMSG_ALIGNTO                        = 0x4
-	NLMSG_DONE                           = 0x3
-	NLMSG_ERROR                          = 0x2
-	NLMSG_HDRLEN                         = 0x10
-	NLMSG_MIN_TYPE                       = 0x10
-	NLMSG_NOOP                           = 0x1
-	NLMSG_OVERRUN                        = 0x4
-	NLM_F_ACK                            = 0x4
-	NLM_F_ACK_TLVS                       = 0x200
-	NLM_F_APPEND                         = 0x800
-	NLM_F_ATOMIC                         = 0x400
-	NLM_F_CAPPED                         = 0x100
-	NLM_F_CREATE                         = 0x400
-	NLM_F_DUMP                           = 0x300
-	NLM_F_DUMP_FILTERED                  = 0x20
-	NLM_F_DUMP_INTR                      = 0x10
-	NLM_F_ECHO                           = 0x8
-	NLM_F_EXCL                           = 0x200
-	NLM_F_MATCH                          = 0x200
-	NLM_F_MULTI                          = 0x2
-	NLM_F_NONREC                         = 0x100
-	NLM_F_REPLACE                        = 0x100
-	NLM_F_REQUEST                        = 0x1
-	NLM_F_ROOT                           = 0x100
-	NOFLSH                               = 0x80
-	NSFS_MAGIC                           = 0x6e736673
-	OCFS2_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x7461636f
-	OCRNL                                = 0x8
-	OFDEL                                = 0x80
-	OFILL                                = 0x40
-	OLCUC                                = 0x2
-	ONLCR                                = 0x4
-	ONLRET                               = 0x20
-	ONOCR                                = 0x10
-	OPENPROM_SUPER_MAGIC                 = 0x9fa1
-	OPOST                                = 0x1
-	OVERLAYFS_SUPER_MAGIC                = 0x794c7630
-	O_ACCMODE                            = 0x3
-	O_APPEND                             = 0x8
-	O_ASYNC                              = 0x1000
-	O_CLOEXEC                            = 0x80000
-	O_CREAT                              = 0x100
-	O_DIRECT                             = 0x8000
-	O_DIRECTORY                          = 0x10000
-	O_DSYNC                              = 0x10
-	O_EXCL                               = 0x400
-	O_FSYNC                              = 0x4010
-	O_LARGEFILE                          = 0x2000
-	O_NDELAY                             = 0x80
-	O_NOATIME                            = 0x40000
-	O_NOCTTY                             = 0x800
-	O_NOFOLLOW                           = 0x20000
-	O_NONBLOCK                           = 0x80
-	O_PATH                               = 0x200000
-	O_RDONLY                             = 0x0
-	O_RDWR                               = 0x2
-	O_RSYNC                              = 0x4010
-	O_SYNC                               = 0x4010
-	O_TMPFILE                            = 0x410000
-	O_TRUNC                              = 0x200
-	O_WRONLY                             = 0x1
-	PACKET_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                = 0x1
-	PACKET_AUXDATA                       = 0x8
-	PACKET_BROADCAST                     = 0x1
-	PACKET_COPY_THRESH                   = 0x7
-	PACKET_DROP_MEMBERSHIP               = 0x2
-	PACKET_FANOUT                        = 0x12
-	PACKET_FANOUT_CBPF                   = 0x6
-	PACKET_FANOUT_CPU                    = 0x2
-	PACKET_FANOUT_DATA                   = 0x16
-	PACKET_FANOUT_EBPF                   = 0x7
-	PACKET_FANOUT_FLAG_DEFRAG            = 0x8000
-	PACKET_FANOUT_HASH                   = 0x0
-	PACKET_FANOUT_LB                     = 0x1
-	PACKET_FANOUT_QM                     = 0x5
-	PACKET_FANOUT_RND                    = 0x4
-	PACKET_FANOUT_ROLLOVER               = 0x3
-	PACKET_FASTROUTE                     = 0x6
-	PACKET_HDRLEN                        = 0xb
-	PACKET_HOST                          = 0x0
-	PACKET_IGNORE_OUTGOING               = 0x17
-	PACKET_KERNEL                        = 0x7
-	PACKET_LOOPBACK                      = 0x5
-	PACKET_LOSS                          = 0xe
-	PACKET_MR_ALLMULTI                   = 0x2
-	PACKET_MR_MULTICAST                  = 0x0
-	PACKET_MR_PROMISC                    = 0x1
-	PACKET_MR_UNICAST                    = 0x3
-	PACKET_MULTICAST                     = 0x2
-	PACKET_ORIGDEV                       = 0x9
-	PACKET_OTHERHOST                     = 0x3
-	PACKET_OUTGOING                      = 0x4
-	PACKET_QDISC_BYPASS                  = 0x14
-	PACKET_RECV_OUTPUT                   = 0x3
-	PACKET_RESERVE                       = 0xc
-	PACKET_ROLLOVER_STATS                = 0x15
-	PACKET_RX_RING                       = 0x5
-	PACKET_STATISTICS                    = 0x6
-	PACKET_TIMESTAMP                     = 0x11
-	PACKET_TX_HAS_OFF                    = 0x13
-	PACKET_TX_RING                       = 0xd
-	PACKET_TX_TIMESTAMP                  = 0x10
-	PACKET_USER                          = 0x6
-	PACKET_VERSION                       = 0xa
-	PACKET_VNET_HDR                      = 0xf
-	PARENB                               = 0x100
-	PARITY_CRC16_PR0                     = 0x2
-	PARITY_CRC16_PR0_CCITT               = 0x4
-	PARITY_CRC16_PR1                     = 0x3
-	PARITY_CRC16_PR1_CCITT               = 0x5
-	PARITY_CRC32_PR0_CCITT               = 0x6
-	PARITY_CRC32_PR1_CCITT               = 0x7
-	PARITY_DEFAULT                       = 0x0
-	PARITY_NONE                          = 0x1
-	PARMRK                               = 0x8
-	PARODD                               = 0x200
-	PENDIN                               = 0x4000
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_DISABLE               = 0x20002401
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_ENABLE                = 0x20002400
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_ID                    = 0x40042407
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_PAUSE_OUTPUT          = 0x80042409
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_PERIOD                = 0x80082404
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_QUERY_BPF             = 0xc004240a
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_REFRESH               = 0x20002402
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_RESET                 = 0x20002403
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_BPF               = 0x80042408
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_FILTER            = 0x80042406
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_OUTPUT            = 0x20002405
-	PIPEFS_MAGIC                         = 0x50495045
-	PPPIOCATTACH                         = 0x8004743d
-	PPPIOCATTCHAN                        = 0x80047438
-	PPPIOCCONNECT                        = 0x8004743a
-	PPPIOCDETACH                         = 0x8004743c
-	PPPIOCDISCONN                        = 0x20007439
-	PPPIOCGASYNCMAP                      = 0x40047458
-	PPPIOCGCHAN                          = 0x40047437
-	PPPIOCGDEBUG                         = 0x40047441
-	PPPIOCGFLAGS                         = 0x4004745a
-	PPPIOCGIDLE                          = 0x4008743f
-	PPPIOCGL2TPSTATS                     = 0x40487436
-	PPPIOCGMRU                           = 0x40047453
-	PPPIOCGNPMODE                        = 0xc008744c
-	PPPIOCGRASYNCMAP                     = 0x40047455
-	PPPIOCGUNIT                          = 0x40047456
-	PPPIOCGXASYNCMAP                     = 0x40207450
-	PPPIOCNEWUNIT                        = 0xc004743e
-	PPPIOCSACTIVE                        = 0x80087446
-	PPPIOCSASYNCMAP                      = 0x80047457
-	PPPIOCSCOMPRESS                      = 0x800c744d
-	PPPIOCSDEBUG                         = 0x80047440
-	PPPIOCSFLAGS                         = 0x80047459
-	PPPIOCSMAXCID                        = 0x80047451
-	PPPIOCSMRRU                          = 0x8004743b
-	PPPIOCSMRU                           = 0x80047452
-	PPPIOCSNPMODE                        = 0x8008744b
-	PPPIOCSPASS                          = 0x80087447
-	PPPIOCSRASYNCMAP                     = 0x80047454
-	PPPIOCSXASYNCMAP                     = 0x8020744f
-	PPPIOCXFERUNIT                       = 0x2000744e
-	PRIO_PGRP                            = 0x1
-	PRIO_PROCESS                         = 0x0
-	PRIO_USER                            = 0x2
-	PROC_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0x9fa0
-	PROT_EXEC                            = 0x4
-	PROT_GROWSDOWN                       = 0x1000000
-	PROT_GROWSUP                         = 0x2000000
-	PROT_NONE                            = 0x0
-	PROT_READ                            = 0x1
-	PROT_WRITE                           = 0x2
-	PR_CAPBSET_DROP                      = 0x18
-	PR_CAPBSET_READ                      = 0x17
-	PR_CAP_AMBIENT                       = 0x2f
-	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_CLEAR_ALL             = 0x4
-	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_IS_SET                = 0x1
-	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_LOWER                 = 0x3
-	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_RAISE                 = 0x2
-	PR_ENDIAN_BIG                        = 0x0
-	PR_ENDIAN_LITTLE                     = 0x1
-	PR_ENDIAN_PPC_LITTLE                 = 0x2
-	PR_FPEMU_NOPRINT                     = 0x1
-	PR_FPEMU_SIGFPE                      = 0x2
-	PR_FP_EXC_ASYNC                      = 0x2
-	PR_FP_EXC_DISABLED                   = 0x0
-	PR_FP_EXC_DIV                        = 0x10000
-	PR_FP_EXC_INV                        = 0x100000
-	PR_FP_EXC_NONRECOV                   = 0x1
-	PR_FP_EXC_OVF                        = 0x20000
-	PR_FP_EXC_PRECISE                    = 0x3
-	PR_FP_EXC_RES                        = 0x80000
-	PR_FP_EXC_SW_ENABLE                  = 0x80
-	PR_FP_EXC_UND                        = 0x40000
-	PR_FP_MODE_FR                        = 0x1
-	PR_FP_MODE_FRE                       = 0x2
-	PR_GET_CHILD_SUBREAPER               = 0x25
-	PR_GET_DUMPABLE                      = 0x3
-	PR_GET_ENDIAN                        = 0x13
-	PR_GET_FPEMU                         = 0x9
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-	PR_GET_TIMING                        = 0xd
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-	PR_MCE_KILL_DEFAULT                  = 0x2
-	PR_MCE_KILL_EARLY                    = 0x1
-	PR_MCE_KILL_GET                      = 0x22
-	PR_MCE_KILL_LATE                     = 0x0
-	PR_MCE_KILL_SET                      = 0x1
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-	PR_MPX_ENABLE_MANAGEMENT             = 0x2b
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-	PR_PAC_APDBKEY                       = 0x8
-	PR_PAC_APGAKEY                       = 0x10
-	PR_PAC_APIAKEY                       = 0x1
-	PR_PAC_APIBKEY                       = 0x2
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-	PR_SET_FPEMU                         = 0xa
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-	PR_SET_MM_ARG_END                    = 0x9
-	PR_SET_MM_ARG_START                  = 0x8
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-	PR_SET_MM_ENV_START                  = 0xa
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-	PR_SET_MM_MAP_SIZE                   = 0xf
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-	PR_SET_MM_START_CODE                 = 0x1
-	PR_SET_MM_START_DATA                 = 0x3
-	PR_SET_MM_START_STACK                = 0x5
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-	PR_SET_TIMING                        = 0xe
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-	PR_SET_UNALIGN                       = 0x6
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-	PR_SVE_SET_VL                        = 0x32
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-	PR_SVE_VL_INHERIT                    = 0x20000
-	PR_SVE_VL_LEN_MASK                   = 0xffff
-	PR_TASK_PERF_EVENTS_ENABLE           = 0x20
-	PR_TIMING_STATISTICAL                = 0x0
-	PR_TIMING_TIMESTAMP                  = 0x1
-	PR_TSC_ENABLE                        = 0x1
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-	PR_UNALIGN_SIGBUS                    = 0x2
-	PSTOREFS_MAGIC                       = 0x6165676c
-	PTRACE_ATTACH                        = 0x10
-	PTRACE_CONT                          = 0x7
-	PTRACE_DETACH                        = 0x11
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-	PTRACE_EVENT_STOP                    = 0x80
-	PTRACE_EVENT_VFORK                   = 0x2
-	PTRACE_EVENT_VFORK_DONE              = 0x5
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-	PTRACE_GETFPREGS                     = 0xe
-	PTRACE_GETREGS                       = 0xc
-	PTRACE_GETREGSET                     = 0x4204
-	PTRACE_GETSIGINFO                    = 0x4202
-	PTRACE_GETSIGMASK                    = 0x420a
-	PTRACE_GET_THREAD_AREA               = 0x19
-	PTRACE_GET_THREAD_AREA_3264          = 0xc4
-	PTRACE_GET_WATCH_REGS                = 0xd0
-	PTRACE_INTERRUPT                     = 0x4207
-	PTRACE_KILL                          = 0x8
-	PTRACE_LISTEN                        = 0x4208
-	PTRACE_OLDSETOPTIONS                 = 0x15
-	PTRACE_O_EXITKILL                    = 0x100000
-	PTRACE_O_MASK                        = 0x3000ff
-	PTRACE_O_SUSPEND_SECCOMP             = 0x200000
-	PTRACE_O_TRACECLONE                  = 0x8
-	PTRACE_O_TRACEEXEC                   = 0x10
-	PTRACE_O_TRACEEXIT                   = 0x40
-	PTRACE_O_TRACEFORK                   = 0x2
-	PTRACE_O_TRACESECCOMP                = 0x80
-	PTRACE_O_TRACESYSGOOD                = 0x1
-	PTRACE_O_TRACEVFORK                  = 0x4
-	PTRACE_O_TRACEVFORKDONE              = 0x20
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-	PTRACE_PEEKUSR                       = 0x3
-	PTRACE_POKEDATA                      = 0x5
-	PTRACE_POKEDATA_3264                 = 0xc3
-	PTRACE_POKETEXT                      = 0x4
-	PTRACE_POKETEXT_3264                 = 0xc2
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-	PTRACE_SEIZE                         = 0x4206
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-	PTRACE_SETREGS                       = 0xd
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-	PTRACE_SET_THREAD_AREA               = 0x1a
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-	PTRACE_SINGLESTEP                    = 0x9
-	PTRACE_SYSCALL                       = 0x18
-	PTRACE_TRACEME                       = 0x0
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-	QNX6_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0x68191122
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-	RDTGROUP_SUPER_MAGIC                 = 0x7655821
-	REISERFS_SUPER_MAGIC                 = 0x52654973
-	RENAME_EXCHANGE                      = 0x2
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-	RENAME_WHITEOUT                      = 0x4
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-	RNDADDTOENTCNT                       = 0x80045201
-	RNDCLEARPOOL                         = 0x20005206
-	RNDGETENTCNT                         = 0x40045200
-	RNDGETPOOL                           = 0x40085202
-	RNDRESEEDCRNG                        = 0x20005207
-	RNDZAPENTCNT                         = 0x20005204
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-	RTAX_FEATURE_TIMESTAMP               = 0x4
-	RTAX_HOPLIMIT                        = 0xa
-	RTAX_INITCWND                        = 0xb
-	RTAX_INITRWND                        = 0xe
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-	RTAX_MAX                             = 0x11
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-	RTAX_RTO_MIN                         = 0xd
-	RTAX_RTT                             = 0x4
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-	RTA_MAX                              = 0x1d
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-	RTCF_DOREDIRECT                      = 0x1000000
-	RTCF_LOG                             = 0x2000000
-	RTCF_MASQ                            = 0x400000
-	RTCF_NAT                             = 0x800000
-	RTCF_VALVE                           = 0x200000
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-	RTC_AIE_ON                           = 0x20007001
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-	RTC_ALM_SET                          = 0x80247007
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-	RTC_EPOCH_SET                        = 0x8004700e
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-	RTC_IRQP_SET                         = 0x8004700c
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-	RTC_PIE_OFF                          = 0x20007006
-	RTC_PIE_ON                           = 0x20007005
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-	RTC_SET_TIME                         = 0x8024700a
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-	RTC_UIE_ON                           = 0x20007003
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-	RTC_WIE_ON                           = 0x2000700f
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-	SIOCGPPPSTATS                        = 0x89f0
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-	SIOCGSTAMPNS                         = 0x8907
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-	SIOCOUTQNSD                          = 0x894b
-	SIOCPROTOPRIVATE                     = 0x89e0
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-	SIOCSPGRP                            = 0x80047308
-	SIOCSRARP                            = 0x8962
-	SIOCWANDEV                           = 0x894a
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-	SMART_ENABLE                         = 0xd8
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-	SOCK_PACKET                          = 0xa
-	SOCK_RAW                             = 0x3
-	SOCK_RDM                             = 0x4
-	SOCK_SEQPACKET                       = 0x5
-	SOCK_STREAM                          = 0x2
-	SOL_AAL                              = 0x109
-	SOL_ALG                              = 0x117
-	SOL_ATM                              = 0x108
-	SOL_CAIF                             = 0x116
-	SOL_CAN_BASE                         = 0x64
-	SOL_DCCP                             = 0x10d
-	SOL_DECNET                           = 0x105
-	SOL_ICMPV6                           = 0x3a
-	SOL_IP                               = 0x0
-	SOL_IPV6                             = 0x29
-	SOL_IRDA                             = 0x10a
-	SOL_IUCV                             = 0x115
-	SOL_KCM                              = 0x119
-	SOL_LLC                              = 0x10c
-	SOL_NETBEUI                          = 0x10b
-	SOL_NETLINK                          = 0x10e
-	SOL_NFC                              = 0x118
-	SOL_PACKET                           = 0x107
-	SOL_PNPIPE                           = 0x113
-	SOL_PPPOL2TP                         = 0x111
-	SOL_RAW                              = 0xff
-	SOL_RDS                              = 0x114
-	SOL_RXRPC                            = 0x110
-	SOL_SOCKET                           = 0xffff
-	SOL_TCP                              = 0x6
-	SOL_TIPC                             = 0x10f
-	SOL_TLS                              = 0x11a
-	SOL_X25                              = 0x106
-	SOL_XDP                              = 0x11b
-	SOMAXCONN                            = 0x80
-	SO_ACCEPTCONN                        = 0x1009
-	SO_ATTACH_BPF                        = 0x32
-	SO_ATTACH_FILTER                     = 0x1a
-	SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_CBPF             = 0x33
-	SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_EBPF             = 0x34
-	SO_BINDTODEVICE                      = 0x19
-	SO_BINDTOIFINDEX                     = 0x3e
-	SO_BPF_EXTENSIONS                    = 0x30
-	SO_BROADCAST                         = 0x20
-	SO_BSDCOMPAT                         = 0xe
-	SO_BUSY_POLL                         = 0x2e
-	SO_CNX_ADVICE                        = 0x35
-	SO_COOKIE                            = 0x39
-	SO_DEBUG                             = 0x1
-	SO_DETACH_BPF                        = 0x1b
-	SO_DETACH_FILTER                     = 0x1b
-	SO_DOMAIN                            = 0x1029
-	SO_DONTROUTE                         = 0x10
-	SO_EE_CODE_TXTIME_MISSED             = 0x2
-	SO_EE_CODE_ZEROCOPY_COPIED           = 0x1
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_ICMP                    = 0x2
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_ICMP6                   = 0x3
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_LOCAL                   = 0x1
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_NONE                    = 0x0
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_TIMESTAMPING            = 0x4
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_TXSTATUS                = 0x4
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_TXTIME                  = 0x6
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_ZEROCOPY                = 0x5
-	SO_ERROR                             = 0x1007
-	SO_GET_FILTER                        = 0x1a
-	SO_INCOMING_CPU                      = 0x31
-	SO_INCOMING_NAPI_ID                  = 0x38
-	SO_KEEPALIVE                         = 0x8
-	SO_LINGER                            = 0x80
-	SO_LOCK_FILTER                       = 0x2c
-	SO_MARK                              = 0x24
-	SO_MAX_PACING_RATE                   = 0x2f
-	SO_MEMINFO                           = 0x37
-	SO_NOFCS                             = 0x2b
-	SO_NO_CHECK                          = 0xb
-	SO_OOBINLINE                         = 0x100
-	SO_PASSCRED                          = 0x11
-	SO_PASSSEC                           = 0x22
-	SO_PEEK_OFF                          = 0x2a
-	SO_PEERCRED                          = 0x12
-	SO_PEERGROUPS                        = 0x3b
-	SO_PEERNAME                          = 0x1c
-	SO_PEERSEC                           = 0x1e
-	SO_PRIORITY                          = 0xc
-	SO_PROTOCOL                          = 0x1028
-	SO_RCVBUF                            = 0x1002
-	SO_RCVBUFFORCE                       = 0x21
-	SO_RCVLOWAT                          = 0x1004
-	SO_RCVTIMEO                          = 0x1006
-	SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW                      = 0x42
-	SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD                      = 0x1006
-	SO_REUSEADDR                         = 0x4
-	SO_REUSEPORT                         = 0x200
-	SO_RXQ_OVFL                          = 0x28
-	SO_SELECT_ERR_QUEUE                  = 0x2d
-	SO_SNDBUF                            = 0x1001
-	SO_SNDBUFFORCE                       = 0x1f
-	SO_SNDLOWAT                          = 0x1003
-	SO_SNDTIMEO                          = 0x1005
-	SO_SNDTIMEO_NEW                      = 0x43
-	SO_SNDTIMEO_OLD                      = 0x1005
-	SO_STYLE                             = 0x1008
-	SO_TIMESTAMP                         = 0x1d
-	SO_TIMESTAMPING                      = 0x25
-	SO_TIMESTAMPING_NEW                  = 0x41
-	SO_TIMESTAMPING_OLD                  = 0x25
-	SO_TIMESTAMPNS                       = 0x23
-	SO_TIMESTAMPNS_NEW                   = 0x40
-	SO_TIMESTAMPNS_OLD                   = 0x23
-	SO_TIMESTAMP_NEW                     = 0x3f
-	SO_TIMESTAMP_OLD                     = 0x1d
-	SO_TXTIME                            = 0x3d
-	SO_TYPE                              = 0x1008
-	SO_VM_SOCKETS_BUFFER_SIZE            = 0x0
-	SO_VM_SOCKETS_TRUSTED                = 0x5
-	SO_WIFI_STATUS                       = 0x29
-	SO_ZEROCOPY                          = 0x3c
-	SPLICE_F_GIFT                        = 0x8
-	SPLICE_F_MORE                        = 0x4
-	SPLICE_F_MOVE                        = 0x1
-	SPLICE_F_NONBLOCK                    = 0x2
-	SQUASHFS_MAGIC                       = 0x73717368
-	STACK_END_MAGIC                      = 0x57ac6e9d
-	STATX_ALL                            = 0xfff
-	STATX_ATIME                          = 0x20
-	STATX_ATTR_APPEND                    = 0x20
-	STATX_ATTR_AUTOMOUNT                 = 0x1000
-	STATX_ATTR_COMPRESSED                = 0x4
-	STATX_ATTR_ENCRYPTED                 = 0x800
-	STATX_ATTR_IMMUTABLE                 = 0x10
-	STATX_ATTR_NODUMP                    = 0x40
-	STATX_BASIC_STATS                    = 0x7ff
-	STATX_BLOCKS                         = 0x400
-	STATX_BTIME                          = 0x800
-	STATX_CTIME                          = 0x80
-	STATX_GID                            = 0x10
-	STATX_INO                            = 0x100
-	STATX_MODE                           = 0x2
-	STATX_MTIME                          = 0x40
-	STATX_NLINK                          = 0x4
-	STATX_SIZE                           = 0x200
-	STATX_TYPE                           = 0x1
-	STATX_UID                            = 0x8
-	STATX__RESERVED                      = 0x80000000
-	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WAIT_AFTER           = 0x4
-	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WRITE                = 0x2
-	SYSFS_MAGIC                          = 0x62656572
-	S_BLKSIZE                            = 0x200
-	S_IEXEC                              = 0x40
-	S_IFBLK                              = 0x6000
-	S_IFCHR                              = 0x2000
-	S_IFDIR                              = 0x4000
-	S_IFIFO                              = 0x1000
-	S_IFLNK                              = 0xa000
-	S_IFMT                               = 0xf000
-	S_IFREG                              = 0x8000
-	S_IFSOCK                             = 0xc000
-	S_IREAD                              = 0x100
-	S_IRGRP                              = 0x20
-	S_IROTH                              = 0x4
-	S_IRUSR                              = 0x100
-	S_IRWXG                              = 0x38
-	S_IRWXO                              = 0x7
-	S_IRWXU                              = 0x1c0
-	S_ISGID                              = 0x400
-	S_ISUID                              = 0x800
-	S_ISVTX                              = 0x200
-	S_IWGRP                              = 0x10
-	S_IWOTH                              = 0x2
-	S_IWRITE                             = 0x80
-	S_IWUSR                              = 0x80
-	S_IXGRP                              = 0x8
-	S_IXOTH                              = 0x1
-	S_IXUSR                              = 0x40
-	TAB0                                 = 0x0
-	TAB1                                 = 0x800
-	TAB2                                 = 0x1000
-	TAB3                                 = 0x1800
-	TABDLY                               = 0x1800
-	TASKSTATS_CMD_ATTR_MAX               = 0x4
-	TASKSTATS_CMD_MAX                    = 0x2
-	TASKSTATS_GENL_NAME                  = "TASKSTATS"
-	TASKSTATS_GENL_VERSION               = 0x1
-	TASKSTATS_TYPE_MAX                   = 0x6
-	TASKSTATS_VERSION                    = 0x9
-	TCFLSH                               = 0x5407
-	TCGETA                               = 0x5401
-	TCGETS                               = 0x540d
-	TCGETS2                              = 0x4030542a
-	TCIFLUSH                             = 0x0
-	TCIOFF                               = 0x2
-	TCIOFLUSH                            = 0x2
-	TCION                                = 0x3
-	TCOFLUSH                             = 0x1
-	TCOOFF                               = 0x0
-	TCOON                                = 0x1
-	TCP_BPF_IW                           = 0x3e9
-	TCP_BPF_SNDCWND_CLAMP                = 0x3ea
-	TCP_CC_INFO                          = 0x1a
-	TCP_CM_INQ                           = 0x24
-	TCP_CONGESTION                       = 0xd
-	TCP_COOKIE_IN_ALWAYS                 = 0x1
-	TCP_COOKIE_MAX                       = 0x10
-	TCP_COOKIE_MIN                       = 0x8
-	TCP_COOKIE_OUT_NEVER                 = 0x2
-	TCP_COOKIE_PAIR_SIZE                 = 0x20
-	TCP_COOKIE_TRANSACTIONS              = 0xf
-	TCP_CORK                             = 0x3
-	TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT                     = 0x9
-	TCP_FASTOPEN                         = 0x17
-	TCP_FASTOPEN_CONNECT                 = 0x1e
-	TCP_FASTOPEN_KEY                     = 0x21
-	TCP_FASTOPEN_NO_COOKIE               = 0x22
-	TCP_INFO                             = 0xb
-	TCP_INQ                              = 0x24
-	TCP_KEEPCNT                          = 0x6
-	TCP_KEEPIDLE                         = 0x4
-	TCP_KEEPINTVL                        = 0x5
-	TCP_LINGER2                          = 0x8
-	TCP_MAXSEG                           = 0x2
-	TCP_MAXWIN                           = 0xffff
-	TCP_MAX_WINSHIFT                     = 0xe
-	TCP_MD5SIG                           = 0xe
-	TCP_MD5SIG_EXT                       = 0x20
-	TCP_MD5SIG_FLAG_PREFIX               = 0x1
-	TCP_MD5SIG_MAXKEYLEN                 = 0x50
-	TCP_MSS                              = 0x200
-	TCP_MSS_DEFAULT                      = 0x218
-	TCP_MSS_DESIRED                      = 0x4c4
-	TCP_NODELAY                          = 0x1
-	TCP_NOTSENT_LOWAT                    = 0x19
-	TCP_QUEUE_SEQ                        = 0x15
-	TCP_QUICKACK                         = 0xc
-	TCP_REPAIR                           = 0x13
-	TCP_REPAIR_OFF                       = 0x0
-	TCP_REPAIR_OFF_NO_WP                 = -0x1
-	TCP_REPAIR_ON                        = 0x1
-	TCP_REPAIR_OPTIONS                   = 0x16
-	TCP_REPAIR_QUEUE                     = 0x14
-	TCP_REPAIR_WINDOW                    = 0x1d
-	TCP_SAVED_SYN                        = 0x1c
-	TCP_SAVE_SYN                         = 0x1b
-	TCP_SYNCNT                           = 0x7
-	TCP_S_DATA_IN                        = 0x4
-	TCP_S_DATA_OUT                       = 0x8
-	TCP_THIN_DUPACK                      = 0x11
-	TCP_THIN_LINEAR_TIMEOUTS             = 0x10
-	TCP_TIMESTAMP                        = 0x18
-	TCP_ULP                              = 0x1f
-	TCP_USER_TIMEOUT                     = 0x12
-	TCP_WINDOW_CLAMP                     = 0xa
-	TCP_ZEROCOPY_RECEIVE                 = 0x23
-	TCSAFLUSH                            = 0x5410
-	TCSBRK                               = 0x5405
-	TCSBRKP                              = 0x5486
-	TCSETA                               = 0x5402
-	TCSETAF                              = 0x5404
-	TCSETAW                              = 0x5403
-	TCSETS                               = 0x540e
-	TCSETS2                              = 0x8030542b
-	TCSETSF                              = 0x5410
-	TCSETSF2                             = 0x8030542d
-	TCSETSW                              = 0x540f
-	TCSETSW2                             = 0x8030542c
-	TCXONC                               = 0x5406
-	TIMER_ABSTIME                        = 0x1
-	TIOCCBRK                             = 0x5428
-	TIOCCONS                             = 0x80047478
-	TIOCEXCL                             = 0x740d
-	TIOCGDEV                             = 0x40045432
-	TIOCGETD                             = 0x7400
-	TIOCGETP                             = 0x7408
-	TIOCGEXCL                            = 0x40045440
-	TIOCGICOUNT                          = 0x5492
-	TIOCGISO7816                         = 0x40285442
-	TIOCGLCKTRMIOS                       = 0x548b
-	TIOCGLTC                             = 0x7474
-	TIOCGPGRP                            = 0x40047477
-	TIOCGPKT                             = 0x40045438
-	TIOCGPTLCK                           = 0x40045439
-	TIOCGPTN                             = 0x40045430
-	TIOCGPTPEER                          = 0x20005441
-	TIOCGRS485                           = 0x4020542e
-	TIOCGSERIAL                          = 0x5484
-	TIOCGSID                             = 0x7416
-	TIOCGSOFTCAR                         = 0x5481
-	TIOCGWINSZ                           = 0x40087468
-	TIOCINQ                              = 0x467f
-	TIOCLINUX                            = 0x5483
-	TIOCMBIC                             = 0x741c
-	TIOCMBIS                             = 0x741b
-	TIOCMGET                             = 0x741d
-	TIOCMIWAIT                           = 0x5491
-	TIOCMSET                             = 0x741a
-	TIOCM_CAR                            = 0x100
-	TIOCM_CD                             = 0x100
-	TIOCM_CTS                            = 0x40
-	TIOCM_DSR                            = 0x400
-	TIOCM_DTR                            = 0x2
-	TIOCM_LE                             = 0x1
-	TIOCM_RI                             = 0x200
-	TIOCM_RNG                            = 0x200
-	TIOCM_RTS                            = 0x4
-	TIOCM_SR                             = 0x20
-	TIOCM_ST                             = 0x10
-	TIOCNOTTY                            = 0x5471
-	TIOCNXCL                             = 0x740e
-	TIOCOUTQ                             = 0x7472
-	TIOCPKT                              = 0x5470
-	TIOCPKT_DATA                         = 0x0
-	TIOCPKT_DOSTOP                       = 0x20
-	TIOCPKT_FLUSHREAD                    = 0x1
-	TIOCPKT_FLUSHWRITE                   = 0x2
-	TIOCPKT_IOCTL                        = 0x40
-	TIOCPKT_NOSTOP                       = 0x10
-	TIOCPKT_START                        = 0x8
-	TIOCPKT_STOP                         = 0x4
-	TIOCSBRK                             = 0x5427
-	TIOCSCTTY                            = 0x5480
-	TIOCSERCONFIG                        = 0x5488
-	TIOCSERGETLSR                        = 0x548e
-	TIOCSERGETMULTI                      = 0x548f
-	TIOCSERGSTRUCT                       = 0x548d
-	TIOCSERGWILD                         = 0x5489
-	TIOCSERSETMULTI                      = 0x5490
-	TIOCSERSWILD                         = 0x548a
-	TIOCSER_TEMT                         = 0x1
-	TIOCSETD                             = 0x7401
-	TIOCSETN                             = 0x740a
-	TIOCSETP                             = 0x7409
-	TIOCSIG                              = 0x80045436
-	TIOCSISO7816                         = 0xc0285443
-	TIOCSLCKTRMIOS                       = 0x548c
-	TIOCSLTC                             = 0x7475
-	TIOCSPGRP                            = 0x80047476
-	TIOCSPTLCK                           = 0x80045431
-	TIOCSRS485                           = 0xc020542f
-	TIOCSSERIAL                          = 0x5485
-	TIOCSSOFTCAR                         = 0x5482
-	TIOCSTI                              = 0x5472
-	TIOCSWINSZ                           = 0x80087467
-	TIOCVHANGUP                          = 0x5437
-	TMPFS_MAGIC                          = 0x1021994
-	TOSTOP                               = 0x8000
-	TPACKET_ALIGNMENT                    = 0x10
-	TPACKET_HDRLEN                       = 0x34
-	TP_STATUS_AVAILABLE                  = 0x0
-	TP_STATUS_BLK_TMO                    = 0x20
-	TP_STATUS_COPY                       = 0x2
-	TP_STATUS_CSUMNOTREADY               = 0x8
-	TP_STATUS_CSUM_VALID                 = 0x80
-	TP_STATUS_KERNEL                     = 0x0
-	TP_STATUS_LOSING                     = 0x4
-	TP_STATUS_SENDING                    = 0x2
-	TP_STATUS_SEND_REQUEST               = 0x1
-	TP_STATUS_TS_RAW_HARDWARE            = -0x80000000
-	TP_STATUS_TS_SOFTWARE                = 0x20000000
-	TP_STATUS_TS_SYS_HARDWARE            = 0x40000000
-	TP_STATUS_USER                       = 0x1
-	TP_STATUS_VLAN_TPID_VALID            = 0x40
-	TP_STATUS_VLAN_VALID                 = 0x10
-	TP_STATUS_WRONG_FORMAT               = 0x4
-	TRACEFS_MAGIC                        = 0x74726163
-	TS_COMM_LEN                          = 0x20
-	TUNATTACHFILTER                      = 0x800854d5
-	TUNDETACHFILTER                      = 0x800854d6
-	TUNGETDEVNETNS                       = 0x200054e3
-	TUNGETFEATURES                       = 0x400454cf
-	TUNGETFILTER                         = 0x400854db
-	TUNGETIFF                            = 0x400454d2
-	TUNGETSNDBUF                         = 0x400454d3
-	TUNGETVNETBE                         = 0x400454df
-	TUNGETVNETHDRSZ                      = 0x400454d7
-	TUNGETVNETLE                         = 0x400454dd
-	TUNSETCARRIER                        = 0x800454e2
-	TUNSETDEBUG                          = 0x800454c9
-	TUNSETFILTEREBPF                     = 0x400454e1
-	TUNSETGROUP                          = 0x800454ce
-	TUNSETIFF                            = 0x800454ca
-	TUNSETIFINDEX                        = 0x800454da
-	TUNSETLINK                           = 0x800454cd
-	TUNSETNOCSUM                         = 0x800454c8
-	TUNSETOFFLOAD                        = 0x800454d0
-	TUNSETOWNER                          = 0x800454cc
-	TUNSETPERSIST                        = 0x800454cb
-	TUNSETQUEUE                          = 0x800454d9
-	TUNSETSNDBUF                         = 0x800454d4
-	TUNSETSTEERINGEBPF                   = 0x400454e0
-	TUNSETTXFILTER                       = 0x800454d1
-	TUNSETVNETBE                         = 0x800454de
-	TUNSETVNETHDRSZ                      = 0x800454d8
-	TUNSETVNETLE                         = 0x800454dc
-	UBI_IOCATT                           = 0x80186f40
-	UBI_IOCDET                           = 0x80046f41
-	UBI_IOCEBCH                          = 0x80044f02
-	UBI_IOCEBER                          = 0x80044f01
-	UBI_IOCEBISMAP                       = 0x40044f05
-	UBI_IOCEBMAP                         = 0x80084f03
-	UBI_IOCEBUNMAP                       = 0x80044f04
-	UBI_IOCMKVOL                         = 0x80986f00
-	UBI_IOCRMVOL                         = 0x80046f01
-	UBI_IOCRNVOL                         = 0x91106f03
-	UBI_IOCRPEB                          = 0x80046f04
-	UBI_IOCRSVOL                         = 0x800c6f02
-	UBI_IOCSETVOLPROP                    = 0x80104f06
-	UBI_IOCSPEB                          = 0x80046f05
-	UBI_IOCVOLCRBLK                      = 0x80804f07
-	UBI_IOCVOLRMBLK                      = 0x20004f08
-	UBI_IOCVOLUP                         = 0x80084f00
-	UDF_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x15013346
-	UMOUNT_NOFOLLOW                      = 0x8
-	USBDEVICE_SUPER_MAGIC                = 0x9fa2
-	UTIME_NOW                            = 0x3fffffff
-	UTIME_OMIT                           = 0x3ffffffe
-	V9FS_MAGIC                           = 0x1021997
-	VDISCARD                             = 0xd
-	VEOF                                 = 0x10
-	VEOL                                 = 0x11
-	VEOL2                                = 0x6
-	VERASE                               = 0x2
-	VINTR                                = 0x0
-	VKILL                                = 0x3
-	VLNEXT                               = 0xf
-	VMADDR_CID_ANY                       = 0xffffffff
-	VMADDR_CID_HOST                      = 0x2
-	VMADDR_CID_HYPERVISOR                = 0x0
-	VMADDR_CID_RESERVED                  = 0x1
-	VMADDR_PORT_ANY                      = 0xffffffff
-	VMIN                                 = 0x4
-	VM_SOCKETS_INVALID_VERSION           = 0xffffffff
-	VQUIT                                = 0x1
-	VREPRINT                             = 0xc
-	VSTART                               = 0x8
-	VSTOP                                = 0x9
-	VSUSP                                = 0xa
-	VSWTC                                = 0x7
-	VSWTCH                               = 0x7
-	VT0                                  = 0x0
-	VT1                                  = 0x4000
-	VTDLY                                = 0x4000
-	VTIME                                = 0x5
-	VWERASE                              = 0xe
-	WALL                                 = 0x40000000
-	WCLONE                               = 0x80000000
-	WCONTINUED                           = 0x8
-	WDIOC_GETBOOTSTATUS                  = 0x40045702
-	WDIOC_GETPRETIMEOUT                  = 0x40045709
-	WDIOC_GETSTATUS                      = 0x40045701
-	WDIOC_GETSUPPORT                     = 0x40285700
-	WDIOC_GETTEMP                        = 0x40045703
-	WDIOC_GETTIMELEFT                    = 0x4004570a
-	WDIOC_GETTIMEOUT                     = 0x40045707
-	WDIOC_KEEPALIVE                      = 0x40045705
-	WDIOC_SETOPTIONS                     = 0x40045704
-	WDIOC_SETPRETIMEOUT                  = 0xc0045708
-	WDIOC_SETTIMEOUT                     = 0xc0045706
-	WEXITED                              = 0x4
-	WIN_ACKMEDIACHANGE                   = 0xdb
-	WIN_CHECKPOWERMODE1                  = 0xe5
-	WIN_CHECKPOWERMODE2                  = 0x98
-	WIN_DEVICE_RESET                     = 0x8
-	WIN_DIAGNOSE                         = 0x90
-	WIN_DOORLOCK                         = 0xde
-	WIN_DOORUNLOCK                       = 0xdf
-	WIN_DOWNLOAD_MICROCODE               = 0x92
-	WIN_FLUSH_CACHE                      = 0xe7
-	WIN_FLUSH_CACHE_EXT                  = 0xea
-	WIN_FORMAT                           = 0x50
-	WIN_GETMEDIASTATUS                   = 0xda
-	WIN_IDENTIFY                         = 0xec
-	WIN_IDENTIFY_DMA                     = 0xee
-	WIN_IDLEIMMEDIATE                    = 0xe1
-	WIN_INIT                             = 0x60
-	WIN_MEDIAEJECT                       = 0xed
-	WIN_MULTREAD                         = 0xc4
-	WIN_MULTREAD_EXT                     = 0x29
-	WIN_MULTWRITE                        = 0xc5
-	WIN_MULTWRITE_EXT                    = 0x39
-	WIN_NOP                              = 0x0
-	WIN_PACKETCMD                        = 0xa0
-	WIN_PIDENTIFY                        = 0xa1
-	WIN_POSTBOOT                         = 0xdc
-	WIN_PREBOOT                          = 0xdd
-	WIN_QUEUED_SERVICE                   = 0xa2
-	WIN_READ                             = 0x20
-	WIN_READDMA                          = 0xc8
-	WIN_READDMA_EXT                      = 0x25
-	WIN_READDMA_ONCE                     = 0xc9
-	WIN_READDMA_QUEUED                   = 0xc7
-	WIN_READDMA_QUEUED_EXT               = 0x26
-	WIN_READ_BUFFER                      = 0xe4
-	WIN_READ_EXT                         = 0x24
-	WIN_READ_LONG                        = 0x22
-	WIN_READ_LONG_ONCE                   = 0x23
-	WIN_READ_NATIVE_MAX                  = 0xf8
-	WIN_READ_NATIVE_MAX_EXT              = 0x27
-	WIN_READ_ONCE                        = 0x21
-	WIN_RECAL                            = 0x10
-	WIN_RESTORE                          = 0x10
-	WIN_SECURITY_DISABLE                 = 0xf6
-	WIN_SECURITY_ERASE_UNIT              = 0xf4
-	WIN_SECURITY_FREEZE_LOCK             = 0xf5
-	WIN_SECURITY_SET_PASS                = 0xf1
-	WIN_SECURITY_UNLOCK                  = 0xf2
-	WIN_SEEK                             = 0x70
-	WIN_SETFEATURES                      = 0xef
-	WIN_SETIDLE1                         = 0xe3
-	WIN_SETIDLE2                         = 0x97
-	WIN_SETMULT                          = 0xc6
-	WIN_SET_MAX                          = 0xf9
-	WIN_SET_MAX_EXT                      = 0x37
-	WIN_SLEEPNOW1                        = 0xe6
-	WIN_SLEEPNOW2                        = 0x99
-	WIN_SMART                            = 0xb0
-	WIN_SPECIFY                          = 0x91
-	WIN_SRST                             = 0x8
-	WIN_STANDBY                          = 0xe2
-	WIN_STANDBY2                         = 0x96
-	WIN_STANDBYNOW1                      = 0xe0
-	WIN_STANDBYNOW2                      = 0x94
-	WIN_VERIFY                           = 0x40
-	WIN_VERIFY_EXT                       = 0x42
-	WIN_VERIFY_ONCE                      = 0x41
-	WIN_WRITE                            = 0x30
-	WIN_WRITEDMA                         = 0xca
-	WIN_WRITEDMA_EXT                     = 0x35
-	WIN_WRITEDMA_ONCE                    = 0xcb
-	WIN_WRITEDMA_QUEUED                  = 0xcc
-	WIN_WRITEDMA_QUEUED_EXT              = 0x36
-	WIN_WRITE_BUFFER                     = 0xe8
-	WIN_WRITE_EXT                        = 0x34
-	WIN_WRITE_LONG                       = 0x32
-	WIN_WRITE_LONG_ONCE                  = 0x33
-	WIN_WRITE_ONCE                       = 0x31
-	WIN_WRITE_SAME                       = 0xe9
-	WIN_WRITE_VERIFY                     = 0x3c
-	WNOHANG                              = 0x1
-	WNOTHREAD                            = 0x20000000
-	WNOWAIT                              = 0x1000000
-	WORDSIZE                             = 0x20
-	WSTOPPED                             = 0x2
-	WUNTRACED                            = 0x2
-	XATTR_CREATE                         = 0x1
-	XATTR_REPLACE                        = 0x2
-	XCASE                                = 0x4
-	XDP_COPY                             = 0x2
-	XDP_FLAGS_DRV_MODE                   = 0x4
-	XDP_FLAGS_HW_MODE                    = 0x8
-	XDP_FLAGS_MASK                       = 0xf
-	XDP_FLAGS_MODES                      = 0xe
-	XDP_FLAGS_SKB_MODE                   = 0x2
-	XDP_MMAP_OFFSETS                     = 0x1
-	XDP_PACKET_HEADROOM                  = 0x100
-	XDP_PGOFF_RX_RING                    = 0x0
-	XDP_PGOFF_TX_RING                    = 0x80000000
-	XDP_RX_RING                          = 0x2
-	XDP_SHARED_UMEM                      = 0x1
-	XDP_STATISTICS                       = 0x7
-	XDP_TX_RING                          = 0x3
-	XDP_UMEM_COMPLETION_RING             = 0x6
-	XDP_UMEM_FILL_RING                   = 0x5
-	XDP_UMEM_PGOFF_COMPLETION_RING       = 0x180000000
-	XDP_UMEM_PGOFF_FILL_RING             = 0x100000000
-	XDP_UMEM_REG                         = 0x4
-	XDP_ZEROCOPY                         = 0x4
-	XENFS_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0xabba1974
-	XFS_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x58465342
-	XTABS                                = 0x1800
-	ZSMALLOC_MAGIC                       = 0x58295829
+	AAFS_MAGIC                                  = 0x5a3c69f0
+	ADFS_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xadf5
+	AFFS_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xadff
+	AFS_FS_MAGIC                                = 0x6b414653
+	AFS_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x5346414f
+	AF_ALG                                      = 0x26
+	AF_APPLETALK                                = 0x5
+	AF_ASH                                      = 0x12
+	AF_ATMPVC                                   = 0x8
+	AF_ATMSVC                                   = 0x14
+	AF_AX25                                     = 0x3
+	AF_BLUETOOTH                                = 0x1f
+	AF_BRIDGE                                   = 0x7
+	AF_CAIF                                     = 0x25
+	AF_CAN                                      = 0x1d
+	AF_DECnet                                   = 0xc
+	AF_ECONET                                   = 0x13
+	AF_FILE                                     = 0x1
+	AF_IB                                       = 0x1b
+	AF_IEEE802154                               = 0x24
+	AF_INET                                     = 0x2
+	AF_INET6                                    = 0xa
+	AF_IPX                                      = 0x4
+	AF_IRDA                                     = 0x17
+	AF_ISDN                                     = 0x22
+	AF_IUCV                                     = 0x20
+	AF_KCM                                      = 0x29
+	AF_KEY                                      = 0xf
+	AF_LLC                                      = 0x1a
+	AF_LOCAL                                    = 0x1
+	AF_MAX                                      = 0x2d
+	AF_MPLS                                     = 0x1c
+	AF_NETBEUI                                  = 0xd
+	AF_NETLINK                                  = 0x10
+	AF_NETROM                                   = 0x6
+	AF_NFC                                      = 0x27
+	AF_PACKET                                   = 0x11
+	AF_PHONET                                   = 0x23
+	AF_PPPOX                                    = 0x18
+	AF_QIPCRTR                                  = 0x2a
+	AF_RDS                                      = 0x15
+	AF_ROSE                                     = 0xb
+	AF_ROUTE                                    = 0x10
+	AF_RXRPC                                    = 0x21
+	AF_SECURITY                                 = 0xe
+	AF_SMC                                      = 0x2b
+	AF_SNA                                      = 0x16
+	AF_TIPC                                     = 0x1e
+	AF_UNIX                                     = 0x1
+	AF_UNSPEC                                   = 0x0
+	AF_VSOCK                                    = 0x28
+	AF_WANPIPE                                  = 0x19
+	AF_X25                                      = 0x9
+	AF_XDP                                      = 0x2c
+	ALG_OP_DECRYPT                              = 0x0
+	ALG_OP_ENCRYPT                              = 0x1
+	ALG_SET_AEAD_ASSOCLEN                       = 0x4
+	ALG_SET_AEAD_AUTHSIZE                       = 0x5
+	ALG_SET_IV                                  = 0x2
+	ALG_SET_KEY                                 = 0x1
+	ALG_SET_OP                                  = 0x3
+	ANON_INODE_FS_MAGIC                         = 0x9041934
+	ARPHRD_6LOWPAN                              = 0x339
+	ARPHRD_ADAPT                                = 0x108
+	ARPHRD_APPLETLK                             = 0x8
+	ARPHRD_ARCNET                               = 0x7
+	ARPHRD_ASH                                  = 0x30d
+	ARPHRD_ATM                                  = 0x13
+	ARPHRD_AX25                                 = 0x3
+	ARPHRD_BIF                                  = 0x307
+	ARPHRD_CAIF                                 = 0x336
+	ARPHRD_CAN                                  = 0x118
+	ARPHRD_CHAOS                                = 0x5
+	ARPHRD_CISCO                                = 0x201
+	ARPHRD_CSLIP                                = 0x101
+	ARPHRD_CSLIP6                               = 0x103
+	ARPHRD_DDCMP                                = 0x205
+	ARPHRD_DLCI                                 = 0xf
+	ARPHRD_ECONET                               = 0x30e
+	ARPHRD_EETHER                               = 0x2
+	ARPHRD_ETHER                                = 0x1
+	ARPHRD_EUI64                                = 0x1b
+	ARPHRD_FCAL                                 = 0x311
+	ARPHRD_FCFABRIC                             = 0x313
+	ARPHRD_FCPL                                 = 0x312
+	ARPHRD_FCPP                                 = 0x310
+	ARPHRD_FDDI                                 = 0x306
+	ARPHRD_FRAD                                 = 0x302
+	ARPHRD_HDLC                                 = 0x201
+	ARPHRD_HIPPI                                = 0x30c
+	ARPHRD_HWX25                                = 0x110
+	ARPHRD_IEEE1394                             = 0x18
+	ARPHRD_IEEE802                              = 0x6
+	ARPHRD_IEEE80211                            = 0x321
+	ARPHRD_IEEE80211_PRISM                      = 0x322
+	ARPHRD_IEEE80211_RADIOTAP                   = 0x323
+	ARPHRD_IEEE802154                           = 0x324
+	ARPHRD_IEEE802154_MONITOR                   = 0x325
+	ARPHRD_IEEE802_TR                           = 0x320
+	ARPHRD_INFINIBAND                           = 0x20
+	ARPHRD_IP6GRE                               = 0x337
+	ARPHRD_IPDDP                                = 0x309
+	ARPHRD_IPGRE                                = 0x30a
+	ARPHRD_IRDA                                 = 0x30f
+	ARPHRD_LAPB                                 = 0x204
+	ARPHRD_LOCALTLK                             = 0x305
+	ARPHRD_LOOPBACK                             = 0x304
+	ARPHRD_METRICOM                             = 0x17
+	ARPHRD_NETLINK                              = 0x338
+	ARPHRD_NETROM                               = 0x0
+	ARPHRD_NONE                                 = 0xfffe
+	ARPHRD_PHONET                               = 0x334
+	ARPHRD_PHONET_PIPE                          = 0x335
+	ARPHRD_PIMREG                               = 0x30b
+	ARPHRD_PPP                                  = 0x200
+	ARPHRD_PRONET                               = 0x4
+	ARPHRD_RAWHDLC                              = 0x206
+	ARPHRD_RAWIP                                = 0x207
+	ARPHRD_ROSE                                 = 0x10e
+	ARPHRD_RSRVD                                = 0x104
+	ARPHRD_SIT                                  = 0x308
+	ARPHRD_SKIP                                 = 0x303
+	ARPHRD_SLIP                                 = 0x100
+	ARPHRD_SLIP6                                = 0x102
+	ARPHRD_TUNNEL                               = 0x300
+	ARPHRD_TUNNEL6                              = 0x301
+	ARPHRD_VOID                                 = 0xffff
+	ARPHRD_VSOCKMON                             = 0x33a
+	ARPHRD_X25                                  = 0x10f
+	AUTOFS_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0x187
+	B0                                          = 0x0
+	B1000000                                    = 0x1008
+	B110                                        = 0x3
+	B115200                                     = 0x1002
+	B1152000                                    = 0x1009
+	B1200                                       = 0x9
+	B134                                        = 0x4
+	B150                                        = 0x5
+	B1500000                                    = 0x100a
+	B1800                                       = 0xa
+	B19200                                      = 0xe
+	B200                                        = 0x6
+	B2000000                                    = 0x100b
+	B230400                                     = 0x1003
+	B2400                                       = 0xb
+	B2500000                                    = 0x100c
+	B300                                        = 0x7
+	B3000000                                    = 0x100d
+	B3500000                                    = 0x100e
+	B38400                                      = 0xf
+	B4000000                                    = 0x100f
+	B460800                                     = 0x1004
+	B4800                                       = 0xc
+	B50                                         = 0x1
+	B500000                                     = 0x1005
+	B57600                                      = 0x1001
+	B576000                                     = 0x1006
+	B600                                        = 0x8
+	B75                                         = 0x2
+	B921600                                     = 0x1007
+	B9600                                       = 0xd
+	BALLOON_KVM_MAGIC                           = 0x13661366
+	BDEVFS_MAGIC                                = 0x62646576
+	BINDERFS_SUPER_MAGIC                        = 0x6c6f6f70
+	BINFMTFS_MAGIC                              = 0x42494e4d
+	BLKBSZGET                                   = 0x40041270
+	BLKBSZSET                                   = 0x80041271
+	BLKFLSBUF                                   = 0x20001261
+	BLKFRAGET                                   = 0x20001265
+	BLKFRASET                                   = 0x20001264
+	BLKGETSIZE                                  = 0x20001260
+	BLKGETSIZE64                                = 0x40041272
+	BLKPBSZGET                                  = 0x2000127b
+	BLKRAGET                                    = 0x20001263
+	BLKRASET                                    = 0x20001262
+	BLKROGET                                    = 0x2000125e
+	BLKROSET                                    = 0x2000125d
+	BLKRRPART                                   = 0x2000125f
+	BLKSECTGET                                  = 0x20001267
+	BLKSECTSET                                  = 0x20001266
+	BLKSSZGET                                   = 0x20001268
+	BOTHER                                      = 0x1000
+	BPF_A                                       = 0x10
+	BPF_ABS                                     = 0x20
+	BPF_ADD                                     = 0x0
+	BPF_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L2_MASK                  = 0xff
+	BPF_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L2_SHIFT                 = 0x38
+	BPF_ALU                                     = 0x4
+	BPF_ALU64                                   = 0x7
+	BPF_AND                                     = 0x50
+	BPF_ANY                                     = 0x0
+	BPF_ARSH                                    = 0xc0
+	BPF_B                                       = 0x10
+	BPF_BUILD_ID_SIZE                           = 0x14
+	BPF_CALL                                    = 0x80
+	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_MKNOD                         = 0x1
+	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_READ                          = 0x2
+	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_WRITE                         = 0x4
+	BPF_DEVCG_DEV_BLOCK                         = 0x1
+	BPF_DEVCG_DEV_CHAR                          = 0x2
+	BPF_DIV                                     = 0x30
+	BPF_DW                                      = 0x18
+	BPF_END                                     = 0xd0
+	BPF_EXIST                                   = 0x2
+	BPF_EXIT                                    = 0x90
+	BPF_FROM_BE                                 = 0x8
+	BPF_FROM_LE                                 = 0x0
+	BPF_FS_MAGIC                                = 0xcafe4a11
+	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L3_IPV4                = 0x2
+	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L3_IPV6                = 0x4
+	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L4_GRE                 = 0x8
+	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L4_UDP                 = 0x10
+	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_FIXED_GSO                    = 0x1
+	BPF_F_ALLOW_MULTI                           = 0x2
+	BPF_F_ALLOW_OVERRIDE                        = 0x1
+	BPF_F_ANY_ALIGNMENT                         = 0x2
+	BPF_F_CLONE                                 = 0x200
+	BPF_F_CTXLEN_MASK                           = 0xfffff00000000
+	BPF_F_CURRENT_CPU                           = 0xffffffff
+	BPF_F_CURRENT_NETNS                         = -0x1
+	BPF_F_DONT_FRAGMENT                         = 0x4
+	BPF_F_FAST_STACK_CMP                        = 0x200
+	BPF_F_HDR_FIELD_MASK                        = 0xf
+	BPF_F_INDEX_MASK                            = 0xffffffff
+	BPF_F_INGRESS                               = 0x1
+	BPF_F_INVALIDATE_HASH                       = 0x2
+	BPF_F_LOCK                                  = 0x4
+	BPF_F_MARK_ENFORCE                          = 0x40
+	BPF_F_MARK_MANGLED_0                        = 0x20
+	BPF_F_NO_COMMON_LRU                         = 0x2
+	BPF_F_NO_PREALLOC                           = 0x1
+	BPF_F_NUMA_NODE                             = 0x4
+	BPF_F_PSEUDO_HDR                            = 0x10
+	BPF_F_QUERY_EFFECTIVE                       = 0x1
+	BPF_F_RDONLY                                = 0x8
+	BPF_F_RDONLY_PROG                           = 0x80
+	BPF_F_RECOMPUTE_CSUM                        = 0x1
+	BPF_F_REUSE_STACKID                         = 0x400
+	BPF_F_SEQ_NUMBER                            = 0x8
+	BPF_F_SKIP_FIELD_MASK                       = 0xff
+	BPF_F_STACK_BUILD_ID                        = 0x20
+	BPF_F_STRICT_ALIGNMENT                      = 0x1
+	BPF_F_SYSCTL_BASE_NAME                      = 0x1
+	BPF_F_TEST_RND_HI32                         = 0x4
+	BPF_F_TEST_STATE_FREQ                       = 0x8
+	BPF_F_TUNINFO_IPV6                          = 0x1
+	BPF_F_USER_BUILD_ID                         = 0x800
+	BPF_F_USER_STACK                            = 0x100
+	BPF_F_WRONLY                                = 0x10
+	BPF_F_WRONLY_PROG                           = 0x100
+	BPF_F_ZERO_CSUM_TX                          = 0x2
+	BPF_F_ZERO_SEED                             = 0x40
+	BPF_H                                       = 0x8
+	BPF_IMM                                     = 0x0
+	BPF_IND                                     = 0x40
+	BPF_JA                                      = 0x0
+	BPF_JEQ                                     = 0x10
+	BPF_JGE                                     = 0x30
+	BPF_JGT                                     = 0x20
+	BPF_JLE                                     = 0xb0
+	BPF_JLT                                     = 0xa0
+	BPF_JMP                                     = 0x5
+	BPF_JMP32                                   = 0x6
+	BPF_JNE                                     = 0x50
+	BPF_JSET                                    = 0x40
+	BPF_JSGE                                    = 0x70
+	BPF_JSGT                                    = 0x60
+	BPF_JSLE                                    = 0xd0
+	BPF_JSLT                                    = 0xc0
+	BPF_K                                       = 0x0
+	BPF_LD                                      = 0x0
+	BPF_LDX                                     = 0x1
+	BPF_LEN                                     = 0x80
+	BPF_LL_OFF                                  = -0x200000
+	BPF_LSH                                     = 0x60
+	BPF_MAJOR_VERSION                           = 0x1
+	BPF_MAXINSNS                                = 0x1000
+	BPF_MEM                                     = 0x60
+	BPF_MEMWORDS                                = 0x10
+	BPF_MINOR_VERSION                           = 0x1
+	BPF_MISC                                    = 0x7
+	BPF_MOD                                     = 0x90
+	BPF_MOV                                     = 0xb0
+	BPF_MSH                                     = 0xa0
+	BPF_MUL                                     = 0x20
+	BPF_NEG                                     = 0x80
+	BPF_NET_OFF                                 = -0x100000
+	BPF_NOEXIST                                 = 0x1
+	BPF_OBJ_NAME_LEN                            = 0x10
+	BPF_OR                                      = 0x40
+	BPF_PSEUDO_CALL                             = 0x1
+	BPF_PSEUDO_MAP_FD                           = 0x1
+	BPF_PSEUDO_MAP_VALUE                        = 0x2
+	BPF_RET                                     = 0x6
+	BPF_RSH                                     = 0x70
+	BPF_SK_STORAGE_GET_F_CREATE                 = 0x1
+	BPF_SOCK_OPS_ALL_CB_FLAGS                   = 0xf
+	BPF_SOCK_OPS_RETRANS_CB_FLAG                = 0x2
+	BPF_SOCK_OPS_RTO_CB_FLAG                    = 0x1
+	BPF_SOCK_OPS_RTT_CB_FLAG                    = 0x8
+	BPF_SOCK_OPS_STATE_CB_FLAG                  = 0x4
+	BPF_ST                                      = 0x2
+	BPF_STX                                     = 0x3
+	BPF_SUB                                     = 0x10
+	BPF_TAG_SIZE                                = 0x8
+	BPF_TAX                                     = 0x0
+	BPF_TO_BE                                   = 0x8
+	BPF_TO_LE                                   = 0x0
+	BPF_TXA                                     = 0x80
+	BPF_W                                       = 0x0
+	BPF_X                                       = 0x8
+	BPF_XADD                                    = 0xc0
+	BPF_XOR                                     = 0xa0
+	BRKINT                                      = 0x2
+	BS0                                         = 0x0
+	BS1                                         = 0x2000
+	BSDLY                                       = 0x2000
+	BTRFS_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x9123683e
+	BTRFS_TEST_MAGIC                            = 0x73727279
+	CAN_BCM                                     = 0x2
+	CAN_EFF_FLAG                                = 0x80000000
+	CAN_EFF_ID_BITS                             = 0x1d
+	CAN_EFF_MASK                                = 0x1fffffff
+	CAN_ERR_FLAG                                = 0x20000000
+	CAN_ERR_MASK                                = 0x1fffffff
+	CAN_INV_FILTER                              = 0x20000000
+	CAN_ISOTP                                   = 0x6
+	CAN_J1939                                   = 0x7
+	CAN_MAX_DLC                                 = 0x8
+	CAN_MAX_DLEN                                = 0x8
+	CAN_MCNET                                   = 0x5
+	CAN_MTU                                     = 0x10
+	CAN_NPROTO                                  = 0x8
+	CAN_RAW                                     = 0x1
+	CAN_RAW_FILTER_MAX                          = 0x200
+	CAN_RTR_FLAG                                = 0x40000000
+	CAN_SFF_ID_BITS                             = 0xb
+	CAN_SFF_MASK                                = 0x7ff
+	CAN_TP16                                    = 0x3
+	CAN_TP20                                    = 0x4
+	CAP_AUDIT_CONTROL                           = 0x1e
+	CAP_AUDIT_READ                              = 0x25
+	CAP_AUDIT_WRITE                             = 0x1d
+	CAP_BLOCK_SUSPEND                           = 0x24
+	CAP_CHOWN                                   = 0x0
+	CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE                            = 0x1
+	CAP_DAC_READ_SEARCH                         = 0x2
+	CAP_FOWNER                                  = 0x3
+	CAP_FSETID                                  = 0x4
+	CAP_IPC_LOCK                                = 0xe
+	CAP_IPC_OWNER                               = 0xf
+	CAP_KILL                                    = 0x5
+	CAP_LAST_CAP                                = 0x25
+	CAP_LEASE                                   = 0x1c
+	CAP_LINUX_IMMUTABLE                         = 0x9
+	CAP_MAC_ADMIN                               = 0x21
+	CAP_MAC_OVERRIDE                            = 0x20
+	CAP_MKNOD                                   = 0x1b
+	CAP_NET_ADMIN                               = 0xc
+	CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE                        = 0xa
+	CAP_NET_BROADCAST                           = 0xb
+	CAP_NET_RAW                                 = 0xd
+	CAP_SETFCAP                                 = 0x1f
+	CAP_SETGID                                  = 0x6
+	CAP_SETPCAP                                 = 0x8
+	CAP_SETUID                                  = 0x7
+	CAP_SYSLOG                                  = 0x22
+	CAP_SYS_ADMIN                               = 0x15
+	CAP_SYS_BOOT                                = 0x16
+	CAP_SYS_CHROOT                              = 0x12
+	CAP_SYS_MODULE                              = 0x10
+	CAP_SYS_NICE                                = 0x17
+	CAP_SYS_PACCT                               = 0x14
+	CAP_SYS_PTRACE                              = 0x13
+	CAP_SYS_RAWIO                               = 0x11
+	CAP_SYS_RESOURCE                            = 0x18
+	CAP_SYS_TIME                                = 0x19
+	CAP_SYS_TTY_CONFIG                          = 0x1a
+	CAP_WAKE_ALARM                              = 0x23
+	CBAUD                                       = 0x100f
+	CBAUDEX                                     = 0x1000
+	CFLUSH                                      = 0xf
+	CGROUP2_SUPER_MAGIC                         = 0x63677270
+	CGROUP_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0x27e0eb
+	CIBAUD                                      = 0x100f0000
+	CLOCAL                                      = 0x800
+	CLOCK_BOOTTIME                              = 0x7
+	CLOCK_BOOTTIME_ALARM                        = 0x9
+	CLOCK_DEFAULT                               = 0x0
+	CLOCK_EXT                                   = 0x1
+	CLOCK_INT                                   = 0x2
+	CLOCK_MONOTONIC                             = 0x1
+	CLOCK_MONOTONIC_COARSE                      = 0x6
+	CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW                         = 0x4
+	CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID                    = 0x2
+	CLOCK_REALTIME                              = 0x0
+	CLOCK_REALTIME_ALARM                        = 0x8
+	CLOCK_REALTIME_COARSE                       = 0x5
+	CLOCK_TAI                                   = 0xb
+	CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID                     = 0x3
+	CLOCK_TXFROMRX                              = 0x4
+	CLOCK_TXINT                                 = 0x3
+	CLONE_ARGS_SIZE_VER0                        = 0x40
+	CLONE_CHILD_CLEARTID                        = 0x200000
+	CLONE_CHILD_SETTID                          = 0x1000000
+	CLONE_DETACHED                              = 0x400000
+	CLONE_FILES                                 = 0x400
+	CLONE_FS                                    = 0x200
+	CLONE_IO                                    = 0x80000000
+	CLONE_NEWCGROUP                             = 0x2000000
+	CLONE_NEWIPC                                = 0x8000000
+	CLONE_NEWNET                                = 0x40000000
+	CLONE_NEWNS                                 = 0x20000
+	CLONE_NEWPID                                = 0x20000000
+	CLONE_NEWUSER                               = 0x10000000
+	CLONE_NEWUTS                                = 0x4000000
+	CLONE_PARENT                                = 0x8000
+	CLONE_PARENT_SETTID                         = 0x100000
+	CLONE_PIDFD                                 = 0x1000
+	CLONE_PTRACE                                = 0x2000
+	CLONE_SETTLS                                = 0x80000
+	CLONE_SIGHAND                               = 0x800
+	CLONE_SYSVSEM                               = 0x40000
+	CLONE_THREAD                                = 0x10000
+	CLONE_UNTRACED                              = 0x800000
+	CLONE_VFORK                                 = 0x4000
+	CLONE_VM                                    = 0x100
+	CMSPAR                                      = 0x40000000
+	CODA_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0x73757245
+	CR0                                         = 0x0
+	CR1                                         = 0x200
+	CR2                                         = 0x400
+	CR3                                         = 0x600
+	CRAMFS_MAGIC                                = 0x28cd3d45
+	CRDLY                                       = 0x600
+	CREAD                                       = 0x80
+	CRTSCTS                                     = 0x80000000
+	CRYPTO_MAX_NAME                             = 0x40
+	CRYPTO_MSG_MAX                              = 0x15
+	CRYPTO_NR_MSGTYPES                          = 0x6
+	CRYPTO_REPORT_MAXSIZE                       = 0x160
+	CS5                                         = 0x0
+	CS6                                         = 0x10
+	CS7                                         = 0x20
+	CS8                                         = 0x30
+	CSIGNAL                                     = 0xff
+	CSIZE                                       = 0x30
+	CSTART                                      = 0x11
+	CSTATUS                                     = 0x0
+	CSTOP                                       = 0x13
+	CSTOPB                                      = 0x40
+	CSUSP                                       = 0x1a
+	DAXFS_MAGIC                                 = 0x64646178
+	DEBUGFS_MAGIC                               = 0x64626720
+	DEVLINK_CMD_ESWITCH_MODE_GET                = 0x1d
+	DEVLINK_CMD_ESWITCH_MODE_SET                = 0x1e
+	DEVLINK_GENL_MCGRP_CONFIG_NAME              = "config"
+	DEVLINK_GENL_NAME                           = "devlink"
+	DEVLINK_GENL_VERSION                        = 0x1
+	DEVPTS_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0x1cd1
+	DMA_BUF_MAGIC                               = 0x444d4142
+	DT_BLK                                      = 0x6
+	DT_CHR                                      = 0x2
+	DT_DIR                                      = 0x4
+	DT_FIFO                                     = 0x1
+	DT_LNK                                      = 0xa
+	DT_REG                                      = 0x8
+	DT_SOCK                                     = 0xc
+	DT_UNKNOWN                                  = 0x0
+	DT_WHT                                      = 0xe
+	ECHO                                        = 0x8
+	ECHOCTL                                     = 0x200
+	ECHOE                                       = 0x10
+	ECHOK                                       = 0x20
+	ECHOKE                                      = 0x800
+	ECHONL                                      = 0x40
+	ECHOPRT                                     = 0x400
+	ECRYPTFS_SUPER_MAGIC                        = 0xf15f
+	EFD_CLOEXEC                                 = 0x80000
+	EFD_NONBLOCK                                = 0x80
+	EFD_SEMAPHORE                               = 0x1
+	EFIVARFS_MAGIC                              = 0xde5e81e4
+	EFS_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x414a53
+	ENCODING_DEFAULT                            = 0x0
+	ENCODING_FM_MARK                            = 0x3
+	ENCODING_FM_SPACE                           = 0x4
+	ENCODING_MANCHESTER                         = 0x5
+	ENCODING_NRZ                                = 0x1
+	ENCODING_NRZI                               = 0x2
+	EPOLLERR                                    = 0x8
+	EPOLLET                                     = 0x80000000
+	EPOLLEXCLUSIVE                              = 0x10000000
+	EPOLLHUP                                    = 0x10
+	EPOLLIN                                     = 0x1
+	EPOLLMSG                                    = 0x400
+	EPOLLONESHOT                                = 0x40000000
+	EPOLLOUT                                    = 0x4
+	EPOLLPRI                                    = 0x2
+	EPOLLRDBAND                                 = 0x80
+	EPOLLRDHUP                                  = 0x2000
+	EPOLLRDNORM                                 = 0x40
+	EPOLLWAKEUP                                 = 0x20000000
+	EPOLLWRBAND                                 = 0x200
+	EPOLLWRNORM                                 = 0x100
+	EPOLL_CLOEXEC                               = 0x80000
+	EPOLL_CTL_ADD                               = 0x1
+	EPOLL_CTL_DEL                               = 0x2
+	EPOLL_CTL_MOD                               = 0x3
+	EROFS_SUPER_MAGIC_V1                        = 0xe0f5e1e2
+	ETH_P_1588                                  = 0x88f7
+	ETH_P_8021AD                                = 0x88a8
+	ETH_P_8021AH                                = 0x88e7
+	ETH_P_8021Q                                 = 0x8100
+	ETH_P_80221                                 = 0x8917
+	ETH_P_802_2                                 = 0x4
+	ETH_P_802_3                                 = 0x1
+	ETH_P_802_3_MIN                             = 0x600
+	ETH_P_802_EX1                               = 0x88b5
+	ETH_P_AARP                                  = 0x80f3
+	ETH_P_AF_IUCV                               = 0xfbfb
+	ETH_P_ALL                                   = 0x3
+	ETH_P_AOE                                   = 0x88a2
+	ETH_P_ARCNET                                = 0x1a
+	ETH_P_ARP                                   = 0x806
+	ETH_P_ATALK                                 = 0x809b
+	ETH_P_ATMFATE                               = 0x8884
+	ETH_P_ATMMPOA                               = 0x884c
+	ETH_P_AX25                                  = 0x2
+	ETH_P_BATMAN                                = 0x4305
+	ETH_P_BPQ                                   = 0x8ff
+	ETH_P_CAIF                                  = 0xf7
+	ETH_P_CAN                                   = 0xc
+	ETH_P_CANFD                                 = 0xd
+	ETH_P_CONTROL                               = 0x16
+	ETH_P_CUST                                  = 0x6006
+	ETH_P_DDCMP                                 = 0x6
+	ETH_P_DEC                                   = 0x6000
+	ETH_P_DIAG                                  = 0x6005
+	ETH_P_DNA_DL                                = 0x6001
+	ETH_P_DNA_RC                                = 0x6002
+	ETH_P_DNA_RT                                = 0x6003
+	ETH_P_DSA                                   = 0x1b
+	ETH_P_DSA_8021Q                             = 0xdadb
+	ETH_P_ECONET                                = 0x18
+	ETH_P_EDSA                                  = 0xdada
+	ETH_P_ERSPAN                                = 0x88be
+	ETH_P_ERSPAN2                               = 0x22eb
+	ETH_P_FCOE                                  = 0x8906
+	ETH_P_FIP                                   = 0x8914
+	ETH_P_HDLC                                  = 0x19
+	ETH_P_HSR                                   = 0x892f
+	ETH_P_IBOE                                  = 0x8915
+	ETH_P_IEEE802154                            = 0xf6
+	ETH_P_IEEEPUP                               = 0xa00
+	ETH_P_IEEEPUPAT                             = 0xa01
+	ETH_P_IFE                                   = 0xed3e
+	ETH_P_IP                                    = 0x800
+	ETH_P_IPV6                                  = 0x86dd
+	ETH_P_IPX                                   = 0x8137
+	ETH_P_IRDA                                  = 0x17
+	ETH_P_LAT                                   = 0x6004
+	ETH_P_LINK_CTL                              = 0x886c
+	ETH_P_LLDP                                  = 0x88cc
+	ETH_P_LOCALTALK                             = 0x9
+	ETH_P_LOOP                                  = 0x60
+	ETH_P_LOOPBACK                              = 0x9000
+	ETH_P_MACSEC                                = 0x88e5
+	ETH_P_MAP                                   = 0xf9
+	ETH_P_MOBITEX                               = 0x15
+	ETH_P_MPLS_MC                               = 0x8848
+	ETH_P_MPLS_UC                               = 0x8847
+	ETH_P_MVRP                                  = 0x88f5
+	ETH_P_NCSI                                  = 0x88f8
+	ETH_P_NSH                                   = 0x894f
+	ETH_P_PAE                                   = 0x888e
+	ETH_P_PAUSE                                 = 0x8808
+	ETH_P_PHONET                                = 0xf5
+	ETH_P_PPPTALK                               = 0x10
+	ETH_P_PPP_DISC                              = 0x8863
+	ETH_P_PPP_MP                                = 0x8
+	ETH_P_PPP_SES                               = 0x8864
+	ETH_P_PREAUTH                               = 0x88c7
+	ETH_P_PRP                                   = 0x88fb
+	ETH_P_PUP                                   = 0x200
+	ETH_P_PUPAT                                 = 0x201
+	ETH_P_QINQ1                                 = 0x9100
+	ETH_P_QINQ2                                 = 0x9200
+	ETH_P_QINQ3                                 = 0x9300
+	ETH_P_RARP                                  = 0x8035
+	ETH_P_SCA                                   = 0x6007
+	ETH_P_SLOW                                  = 0x8809
+	ETH_P_SNAP                                  = 0x5
+	ETH_P_TDLS                                  = 0x890d
+	ETH_P_TEB                                   = 0x6558
+	ETH_P_TIPC                                  = 0x88ca
+	ETH_P_TRAILER                               = 0x1c
+	ETH_P_TR_802_2                              = 0x11
+	ETH_P_TSN                                   = 0x22f0
+	ETH_P_WAN_PPP                               = 0x7
+	ETH_P_WCCP                                  = 0x883e
+	ETH_P_X25                                   = 0x805
+	ETH_P_XDSA                                  = 0xf8
+	EXABYTE_ENABLE_NEST                         = 0xf0
+	EXT2_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xef53
+	EXT3_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xef53
+	EXT4_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xef53
+	EXTA                                        = 0xe
+	EXTB                                        = 0xf
+	EXTPROC                                     = 0x10000
+	F2FS_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xf2f52010
+	FALLOC_FL_COLLAPSE_RANGE                    = 0x8
+	FALLOC_FL_INSERT_RANGE                      = 0x20
+	FALLOC_FL_KEEP_SIZE                         = 0x1
+	FALLOC_FL_NO_HIDE_STALE                     = 0x4
+	FALLOC_FL_PUNCH_HOLE                        = 0x2
+	FALLOC_FL_UNSHARE_RANGE                     = 0x40
+	FALLOC_FL_ZERO_RANGE                        = 0x10
+	FANOTIFY_METADATA_VERSION                   = 0x3
+	FAN_ACCESS                                  = 0x1
+	FAN_ACCESS_PERM                             = 0x20000
+	FAN_ALLOW                                   = 0x1
+	FAN_ALL_CLASS_BITS                          = 0xc
+	FAN_ALL_EVENTS                              = 0x3b
+	FAN_ALL_INIT_FLAGS                          = 0x3f
+	FAN_ALL_MARK_FLAGS                          = 0xff
+	FAN_ALL_OUTGOING_EVENTS                     = 0x3403b
+	FAN_ALL_PERM_EVENTS                         = 0x30000
+	FAN_ATTRIB                                  = 0x4
+	FAN_AUDIT                                   = 0x10
+	FAN_CLASS_CONTENT                           = 0x4
+	FAN_CLASS_NOTIF                             = 0x0
+	FAN_CLASS_PRE_CONTENT                       = 0x8
+	FAN_CLOEXEC                                 = 0x1
+	FAN_CLOSE                                   = 0x18
+	FAN_CLOSE_NOWRITE                           = 0x10
+	FAN_CLOSE_WRITE                             = 0x8
+	FAN_CREATE                                  = 0x100
+	FAN_DELETE                                  = 0x200
+	FAN_DELETE_SELF                             = 0x400
+	FAN_DENY                                    = 0x2
+	FAN_ENABLE_AUDIT                            = 0x40
+	FAN_EVENT_INFO_TYPE_FID                     = 0x1
+	FAN_EVENT_METADATA_LEN                      = 0x18
+	FAN_EVENT_ON_CHILD                          = 0x8000000
+	FAN_MARK_ADD                                = 0x1
+	FAN_MARK_DONT_FOLLOW                        = 0x4
+	FAN_MARK_FILESYSTEM                         = 0x100
+	FAN_MARK_FLUSH                              = 0x80
+	FAN_MARK_IGNORED_MASK                       = 0x20
+	FAN_MARK_IGNORED_SURV_MODIFY                = 0x40
+	FAN_MARK_INODE                              = 0x0
+	FAN_MARK_MOUNT                              = 0x10
+	FAN_MARK_ONLYDIR                            = 0x8
+	FAN_MARK_REMOVE                             = 0x2
+	FAN_MODIFY                                  = 0x2
+	FAN_MOVE                                    = 0xc0
+	FAN_MOVED_FROM                              = 0x40
+	FAN_MOVED_TO                                = 0x80
+	FAN_MOVE_SELF                               = 0x800
+	FAN_NOFD                                    = -0x1
+	FAN_NONBLOCK                                = 0x2
+	FAN_ONDIR                                   = 0x40000000
+	FAN_OPEN                                    = 0x20
+	FAN_OPEN_EXEC                               = 0x1000
+	FAN_OPEN_EXEC_PERM                          = 0x40000
+	FAN_OPEN_PERM                               = 0x10000
+	FAN_Q_OVERFLOW                              = 0x4000
+	FAN_REPORT_FID                              = 0x200
+	FAN_REPORT_TID                              = 0x100
+	FAN_UNLIMITED_MARKS                         = 0x20
+	FAN_UNLIMITED_QUEUE                         = 0x10
+	FD_CLOEXEC                                  = 0x1
+	FD_SETSIZE                                  = 0x400
+	FF0                                         = 0x0
+	FF1                                         = 0x8000
+	FFDLY                                       = 0x8000
+	FLUSHO                                      = 0x2000
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE                 = 0x8
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_DESC_PREFIX                     = "fscrypt:"
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_DESC_PREFIX_SIZE                = 0x8
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_IDENTIFIER_SIZE                 = 0x10
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_STATUS_ABSENT                   = 0x1
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_STATUS_PRESENT                  = 0x2
+	FSCRYPT_MAX_KEY_SIZE                        = 0x40
+	FSCRYPT_MODE_ADIANTUM                       = 0x9
+	FSCRYPT_MODE_AES_128_CBC                    = 0x5
+	FSCRYPT_MODE_AES_128_CTS                    = 0x6
+	FSCRYPT_MODE_AES_256_CTS                    = 0x4
+	FSCRYPT_MODE_AES_256_XTS                    = 0x1
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_16                 = 0x2
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_32                 = 0x3
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_4                  = 0x0
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_8                  = 0x1
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_MASK               = 0x3
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_VALID                  = 0x7
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_V1                           = 0x0
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_V2                           = 0x2
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_ADIANTUM                 = 0x9
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_128_CBC              = 0x5
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_128_CTS              = 0x6
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_CBC              = 0x3
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_CTS              = 0x4
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_GCM              = 0x2
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_XTS              = 0x1
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_INVALID                  = 0x0
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_SPECK128_256_CTS         = 0x8
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_SPECK128_256_XTS         = 0x7
+	FS_IOC_ADD_ENCRYPTION_KEY                   = 0xc0506617
+	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_KEY_STATUS            = 0xc080661a
+	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY                = 0x800c6615
+	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY_EX             = 0xc0096616
+	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_PWSALT                = 0x80106614
+	FS_IOC_REMOVE_ENCRYPTION_KEY                = 0xc0406618
+	FS_IOC_SET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY                = 0x400c6613
+	FS_KEY_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE                      = 0x8
+	FS_KEY_DESC_PREFIX                          = "fscrypt:"
+	FS_KEY_DESC_PREFIX_SIZE                     = 0x8
+	FS_MAX_KEY_SIZE                             = 0x40
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_16                      = 0x2
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_32                      = 0x3
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_4                       = 0x0
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_8                       = 0x1
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_MASK                    = 0x3
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_VALID                       = 0x7
+	FUTEXFS_SUPER_MAGIC                         = 0xbad1dea
+	F_ADD_SEALS                                 = 0x409
+	F_DUPFD                                     = 0x0
+	F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC                             = 0x406
+	F_EXLCK                                     = 0x4
+	F_GETFD                                     = 0x1
+	F_GETFL                                     = 0x3
+	F_GETLEASE                                  = 0x401
+	F_GETLK                                     = 0x21
+	F_GETLK64                                   = 0x21
+	F_GETOWN                                    = 0x17
+	F_GETOWN_EX                                 = 0x10
+	F_GETPIPE_SZ                                = 0x408
+	F_GETSIG                                    = 0xb
+	F_GET_FILE_RW_HINT                          = 0x40d
+	F_GET_RW_HINT                               = 0x40b
+	F_GET_SEALS                                 = 0x40a
+	F_LOCK                                      = 0x1
+	F_NOTIFY                                    = 0x402
+	F_OFD_GETLK                                 = 0x24
+	F_OFD_SETLK                                 = 0x25
+	F_OFD_SETLKW                                = 0x26
+	F_OK                                        = 0x0
+	F_RDLCK                                     = 0x0
+	F_SEAL_FUTURE_WRITE                         = 0x10
+	F_SEAL_GROW                                 = 0x4
+	F_SEAL_SEAL                                 = 0x1
+	F_SEAL_SHRINK                               = 0x2
+	F_SEAL_WRITE                                = 0x8
+	F_SETFD                                     = 0x2
+	F_SETFL                                     = 0x4
+	F_SETLEASE                                  = 0x400
+	F_SETLK                                     = 0x22
+	F_SETLK64                                   = 0x22
+	F_SETLKW                                    = 0x23
+	F_SETLKW64                                  = 0x23
+	F_SETOWN                                    = 0x18
+	F_SETOWN_EX                                 = 0xf
+	F_SETPIPE_SZ                                = 0x407
+	F_SETSIG                                    = 0xa
+	F_SET_FILE_RW_HINT                          = 0x40e
+	F_SET_RW_HINT                               = 0x40c
+	F_SHLCK                                     = 0x8
+	F_TEST                                      = 0x3
+	F_TLOCK                                     = 0x2
+	F_ULOCK                                     = 0x0
+	F_UNLCK                                     = 0x2
+	F_WRLCK                                     = 0x1
+	GENL_ADMIN_PERM                             = 0x1
+	GENL_CMD_CAP_DO                             = 0x2
+	GENL_CMD_CAP_DUMP                           = 0x4
+	GENL_CMD_CAP_HASPOL                         = 0x8
+	GENL_HDRLEN                                 = 0x4
+	GENL_ID_CTRL                                = 0x10
+	GENL_ID_PMCRAID                             = 0x12
+	GENL_ID_VFS_DQUOT                           = 0x11
+	GENL_MAX_ID                                 = 0x3ff
+	GENL_MIN_ID                                 = 0x10
+	GENL_NAMSIZ                                 = 0x10
+	GENL_START_ALLOC                            = 0x13
+	GENL_UNS_ADMIN_PERM                         = 0x10
+	GRND_NONBLOCK                               = 0x1
+	GRND_RANDOM                                 = 0x2
+	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD                              = 0x31f
+	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD_AEB                          = 0x31e
+	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD_HDR_SIZE                     = 0x4
+	HDIO_DRIVE_HOB_HDR_SIZE                     = 0x8
+	HDIO_DRIVE_RESET                            = 0x31c
+	HDIO_DRIVE_TASK                             = 0x31e
+	HDIO_DRIVE_TASKFILE                         = 0x31d
+	HDIO_DRIVE_TASK_HDR_SIZE                    = 0x8
+	HDIO_GETGEO                                 = 0x301
+	HDIO_GET_32BIT                              = 0x309
+	HDIO_GET_ACOUSTIC                           = 0x30f
+	HDIO_GET_ADDRESS                            = 0x310
+	HDIO_GET_BUSSTATE                           = 0x31a
+	HDIO_GET_DMA                                = 0x30b
+	HDIO_GET_IDENTITY                           = 0x30d
+	HDIO_GET_KEEPSETTINGS                       = 0x308
+	HDIO_GET_MULTCOUNT                          = 0x304
+	HDIO_GET_NICE                               = 0x30c
+	HDIO_GET_NOWERR                             = 0x30a
+	HDIO_GET_QDMA                               = 0x305
+	HDIO_GET_UNMASKINTR                         = 0x302
+	HDIO_GET_WCACHE                             = 0x30e
+	HDIO_OBSOLETE_IDENTITY                      = 0x307
+	HDIO_SCAN_HWIF                              = 0x328
+	HDIO_SET_32BIT                              = 0x324
+	HDIO_SET_ACOUSTIC                           = 0x32c
+	HDIO_SET_ADDRESS                            = 0x32f
+	HDIO_SET_BUSSTATE                           = 0x32d
+	HDIO_SET_DMA                                = 0x326
+	HDIO_SET_KEEPSETTINGS                       = 0x323
+	HDIO_SET_MULTCOUNT                          = 0x321
+	HDIO_SET_NICE                               = 0x329
+	HDIO_SET_NOWERR                             = 0x325
+	HDIO_SET_PIO_MODE                           = 0x327
+	HDIO_SET_QDMA                               = 0x32e
+	HDIO_SET_UNMASKINTR                         = 0x322
+	HDIO_SET_WCACHE                             = 0x32b
+	HDIO_SET_XFER                               = 0x306
+	HDIO_TRISTATE_HWIF                          = 0x31b
+	HDIO_UNREGISTER_HWIF                        = 0x32a
+	HOSTFS_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0xc0ffee
+	HPFS_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xf995e849
+	HUGETLBFS_MAGIC                             = 0x958458f6
+	HUPCL                                       = 0x400
+	IBSHIFT                                     = 0x10
+	ICANON                                      = 0x2
+	ICMPV6_FILTER                               = 0x1
+	ICRNL                                       = 0x100
+	IEXTEN                                      = 0x100
+	IFA_F_DADFAILED                             = 0x8
+	IFA_F_DEPRECATED                            = 0x20
+	IFA_F_HOMEADDRESS                           = 0x10
+	IFA_F_MANAGETEMPADDR                        = 0x100
+	IFA_F_MCAUTOJOIN                            = 0x400
+	IFA_F_NODAD                                 = 0x2
+	IFA_F_NOPREFIXROUTE                         = 0x200
+	IFA_F_OPTIMISTIC                            = 0x4
+	IFA_F_PERMANENT                             = 0x80
+	IFA_F_SECONDARY                             = 0x1
+	IFA_F_STABLE_PRIVACY                        = 0x800
+	IFA_F_TEMPORARY                             = 0x1
+	IFA_F_TENTATIVE                             = 0x40
+	IFA_MAX                                     = 0xa
+	IFF_ALLMULTI                                = 0x200
+	IFF_ATTACH_QUEUE                            = 0x200
+	IFF_AUTOMEDIA                               = 0x4000
+	IFF_BROADCAST                               = 0x2
+	IFF_DEBUG                                   = 0x4
+	IFF_DETACH_QUEUE                            = 0x400
+	IFF_DORMANT                                 = 0x20000
+	IFF_DYNAMIC                                 = 0x8000
+	IFF_ECHO                                    = 0x40000
+	IFF_LOOPBACK                                = 0x8
+	IFF_LOWER_UP                                = 0x10000
+	IFF_MASTER                                  = 0x400
+	IFF_MULTICAST                               = 0x1000
+	IFF_MULTI_QUEUE                             = 0x100
+	IFF_NAPI                                    = 0x10
+	IFF_NAPI_FRAGS                              = 0x20
+	IFF_NOARP                                   = 0x80
+	IFF_NOFILTER                                = 0x1000
+	IFF_NOTRAILERS                              = 0x20
+	IFF_NO_PI                                   = 0x1000
+	IFF_ONE_QUEUE                               = 0x2000
+	IFF_PERSIST                                 = 0x800
+	IFF_POINTOPOINT                             = 0x10
+	IFF_PORTSEL                                 = 0x2000
+	IFF_PROMISC                                 = 0x100
+	IFF_RUNNING                                 = 0x40
+	IFF_SLAVE                                   = 0x800
+	IFF_TAP                                     = 0x2
+	IFF_TUN                                     = 0x1
+	IFF_TUN_EXCL                                = 0x8000
+	IFF_UP                                      = 0x1
+	IFF_VNET_HDR                                = 0x4000
+	IFF_VOLATILE                                = 0x70c5a
+	IFNAMSIZ                                    = 0x10
+	IGNBRK                                      = 0x1
+	IGNCR                                       = 0x80
+	IGNPAR                                      = 0x4
+	IMAXBEL                                     = 0x2000
+	INLCR                                       = 0x40
+	INPCK                                       = 0x10
+	IN_ACCESS                                   = 0x1
+	IN_ALL_EVENTS                               = 0xfff
+	IN_ATTRIB                                   = 0x4
+	IN_CLASSA_HOST                              = 0xffffff
+	IN_CLASSA_MAX                               = 0x80
+	IN_CLASSA_NET                               = 0xff000000
+	IN_CLASSA_NSHIFT                            = 0x18
+	IN_CLASSB_HOST                              = 0xffff
+	IN_CLASSB_MAX                               = 0x10000
+	IN_CLASSB_NET                               = 0xffff0000
+	IN_CLASSB_NSHIFT                            = 0x10
+	IN_CLASSC_HOST                              = 0xff
+	IN_CLASSC_NET                               = 0xffffff00
+	IN_CLASSC_NSHIFT                            = 0x8
+	IN_CLOEXEC                                  = 0x80000
+	IN_CLOSE                                    = 0x18
+	IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE                            = 0x10
+	IN_CLOSE_WRITE                              = 0x8
+	IN_CREATE                                   = 0x100
+	IN_DELETE                                   = 0x200
+	IN_DELETE_SELF                              = 0x400
+	IN_DONT_FOLLOW                              = 0x2000000
+	IN_EXCL_UNLINK                              = 0x4000000
+	IN_IGNORED                                  = 0x8000
+	IN_ISDIR                                    = 0x40000000
+	IN_LOOPBACKNET                              = 0x7f
+	IN_MASK_ADD                                 = 0x20000000
+	IN_MASK_CREATE                              = 0x10000000
+	IN_MODIFY                                   = 0x2
+	IN_MOVE                                     = 0xc0
+	IN_MOVED_FROM                               = 0x40
+	IN_MOVED_TO                                 = 0x80
+	IN_MOVE_SELF                                = 0x800
+	IN_NONBLOCK                                 = 0x80
+	IN_ONESHOT                                  = 0x80000000
+	IN_ONLYDIR                                  = 0x1000000
+	IN_OPEN                                     = 0x20
+	IN_Q_OVERFLOW                               = 0x4000
+	IN_UNMOUNT                                  = 0x2000
+	IOCTL_VM_SOCKETS_GET_LOCAL_CID              = 0x200007b9
+	IPPROTO_AH                                  = 0x33
+	IPPROTO_BEETPH                              = 0x5e
+	IPPROTO_COMP                                = 0x6c
+	IPPROTO_DCCP                                = 0x21
+	IPPROTO_DSTOPTS                             = 0x3c
+	IPPROTO_EGP                                 = 0x8
+	IPPROTO_ENCAP                               = 0x62
+	IPPROTO_ESP                                 = 0x32
+	IPPROTO_FRAGMENT                            = 0x2c
+	IPPROTO_GRE                                 = 0x2f
+	IPPROTO_HOPOPTS                             = 0x0
+	IPPROTO_ICMP                                = 0x1
+	IPPROTO_ICMPV6                              = 0x3a
+	IPPROTO_IDP                                 = 0x16
+	IPPROTO_IGMP                                = 0x2
+	IPPROTO_IP                                  = 0x0
+	IPPROTO_IPIP                                = 0x4
+	IPPROTO_IPV6                                = 0x29
+	IPPROTO_MH                                  = 0x87
+	IPPROTO_MPLS                                = 0x89
+	IPPROTO_MTP                                 = 0x5c
+	IPPROTO_NONE                                = 0x3b
+	IPPROTO_PIM                                 = 0x67
+	IPPROTO_PUP                                 = 0xc
+	IPPROTO_RAW                                 = 0xff
+	IPPROTO_ROUTING                             = 0x2b
+	IPPROTO_RSVP                                = 0x2e
+	IPPROTO_SCTP                                = 0x84
+	IPPROTO_TCP                                 = 0x6
+	IPPROTO_TP                                  = 0x1d
+	IPPROTO_UDP                                 = 0x11
+	IPPROTO_UDPLITE                             = 0x88
+	IPV6_2292DSTOPTS                            = 0x4
+	IPV6_2292HOPLIMIT                           = 0x8
+	IPV6_2292HOPOPTS                            = 0x3
+	IPV6_2292PKTINFO                            = 0x2
+	IPV6_2292PKTOPTIONS                         = 0x6
+	IPV6_2292RTHDR                              = 0x5
+	IPV6_ADDRFORM                               = 0x1
+	IPV6_ADDR_PREFERENCES                       = 0x48
+	IPV6_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                         = 0x14
+	IPV6_AUTHHDR                                = 0xa
+	IPV6_AUTOFLOWLABEL                          = 0x46
+	IPV6_CHECKSUM                               = 0x7
+	IPV6_DONTFRAG                               = 0x3e
+	IPV6_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                        = 0x15
+	IPV6_DSTOPTS                                = 0x3b
+	IPV6_FREEBIND                               = 0x4e
+	IPV6_HDRINCL                                = 0x24
+	IPV6_HOPLIMIT                               = 0x34
+	IPV6_HOPOPTS                                = 0x36
+	IPV6_IPSEC_POLICY                           = 0x22
+	IPV6_JOIN_ANYCAST                           = 0x1b
+	IPV6_JOIN_GROUP                             = 0x14
+	IPV6_LEAVE_ANYCAST                          = 0x1c
+	IPV6_LEAVE_GROUP                            = 0x15
+	IPV6_MINHOPCOUNT                            = 0x49
+	IPV6_MTU                                    = 0x18
+	IPV6_MTU_DISCOVER                           = 0x17
+	IPV6_MULTICAST_ALL                          = 0x1d
+	IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS                         = 0x12
+	IPV6_MULTICAST_IF                           = 0x11
+	IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP                         = 0x13
+	IPV6_NEXTHOP                                = 0x9
+	IPV6_ORIGDSTADDR                            = 0x4a
+	IPV6_PATHMTU                                = 0x3d
+	IPV6_PKTINFO                                = 0x32
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_DO                            = 0x2
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_DONT                          = 0x0
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_INTERFACE                     = 0x4
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_OMIT                          = 0x5
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_PROBE                         = 0x3
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_WANT                          = 0x1
+	IPV6_RECVDSTOPTS                            = 0x3a
+	IPV6_RECVERR                                = 0x19
+	IPV6_RECVFRAGSIZE                           = 0x4d
+	IPV6_RECVHOPLIMIT                           = 0x33
+	IPV6_RECVHOPOPTS                            = 0x35
+	IPV6_RECVORIGDSTADDR                        = 0x4a
+	IPV6_RECVPATHMTU                            = 0x3c
+	IPV6_RECVPKTINFO                            = 0x31
+	IPV6_RECVRTHDR                              = 0x38
+	IPV6_RECVTCLASS                             = 0x42
+	IPV6_ROUTER_ALERT                           = 0x16
+	IPV6_ROUTER_ALERT_ISOLATE                   = 0x1e
+	IPV6_RTHDR                                  = 0x39
+	IPV6_RTHDRDSTOPTS                           = 0x37
+	IPV6_RTHDR_LOOSE                            = 0x0
+	IPV6_RTHDR_STRICT                           = 0x1
+	IPV6_RTHDR_TYPE_0                           = 0x0
+	IPV6_RXDSTOPTS                              = 0x3b
+	IPV6_RXHOPOPTS                              = 0x36
+	IPV6_TCLASS                                 = 0x43
+	IPV6_TRANSPARENT                            = 0x4b
+	IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS                           = 0x10
+	IPV6_UNICAST_IF                             = 0x4c
+	IPV6_V6ONLY                                 = 0x1a
+	IPV6_XFRM_POLICY                            = 0x23
+	IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                           = 0x23
+	IP_ADD_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP                    = 0x27
+	IP_BIND_ADDRESS_NO_PORT                     = 0x18
+	IP_BLOCK_SOURCE                             = 0x26
+	IP_CHECKSUM                                 = 0x17
+	IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_LOOP                   = 0x1
+	IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_TTL                    = 0x1
+	IP_DF                                       = 0x4000
+	IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                          = 0x24
+	IP_DROP_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP                   = 0x28
+	IP_FREEBIND                                 = 0xf
+	IP_HDRINCL                                  = 0x3
+	IP_IPSEC_POLICY                             = 0x10
+	IP_MAXPACKET                                = 0xffff
+	IP_MAX_MEMBERSHIPS                          = 0x14
+	IP_MF                                       = 0x2000
+	IP_MINTTL                                   = 0x15
+	IP_MSFILTER                                 = 0x29
+	IP_MSS                                      = 0x240
+	IP_MTU                                      = 0xe
+	IP_MTU_DISCOVER                             = 0xa
+	IP_MULTICAST_ALL                            = 0x31
+	IP_MULTICAST_IF                             = 0x20
+	IP_MULTICAST_LOOP                           = 0x22
+	IP_MULTICAST_TTL                            = 0x21
+	IP_NODEFRAG                                 = 0x16
+	IP_OFFMASK                                  = 0x1fff
+	IP_OPTIONS                                  = 0x4
+	IP_ORIGDSTADDR                              = 0x14
+	IP_PASSSEC                                  = 0x12
+	IP_PKTINFO                                  = 0x8
+	IP_PKTOPTIONS                               = 0x9
+	IP_PMTUDISC                                 = 0xa
+	IP_PMTUDISC_DO                              = 0x2
+	IP_PMTUDISC_DONT                            = 0x0
+	IP_PMTUDISC_INTERFACE                       = 0x4
+	IP_PMTUDISC_OMIT                            = 0x5
+	IP_PMTUDISC_PROBE                           = 0x3
+	IP_PMTUDISC_WANT                            = 0x1
+	IP_RECVERR                                  = 0xb
+	IP_RECVFRAGSIZE                             = 0x19
+	IP_RECVOPTS                                 = 0x6
+	IP_RECVORIGDSTADDR                          = 0x14
+	IP_RECVRETOPTS                              = 0x7
+	IP_RECVTOS                                  = 0xd
+	IP_RECVTTL                                  = 0xc
+	IP_RETOPTS                                  = 0x7
+	IP_RF                                       = 0x8000
+	IP_ROUTER_ALERT                             = 0x5
+	IP_TOS                                      = 0x1
+	IP_TRANSPARENT                              = 0x13
+	IP_TTL                                      = 0x2
+	IP_UNBLOCK_SOURCE                           = 0x25
+	IP_UNICAST_IF                               = 0x32
+	IP_XFRM_POLICY                              = 0x11
+	ISIG                                        = 0x1
+	ISOFS_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x9660
+	ISTRIP                                      = 0x20
+	IUCLC                                       = 0x200
+	IUTF8                                       = 0x4000
+	IXANY                                       = 0x800
+	IXOFF                                       = 0x1000
+	IXON                                        = 0x400
+	JFFS2_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x72b6
+	KEXEC_ARCH_386                              = 0x30000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_68K                              = 0x40000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_AARCH64                          = 0xb70000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_ARM                              = 0x280000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_DEFAULT                          = 0x0
+	KEXEC_ARCH_IA_64                            = 0x320000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_MASK                             = 0xffff0000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_MIPS                             = 0x80000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_MIPS_LE                          = 0xa0000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_PARISC                           = 0xf0000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_PPC                              = 0x140000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_PPC64                            = 0x150000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_S390                             = 0x160000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_SH                               = 0x2a0000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_X86_64                           = 0x3e0000
+	KEXEC_FILE_NO_INITRAMFS                     = 0x4
+	KEXEC_FILE_ON_CRASH                         = 0x2
+	KEXEC_FILE_UNLOAD                           = 0x1
+	KEXEC_ON_CRASH                              = 0x1
+	KEXEC_PRESERVE_CONTEXT                      = 0x2
+	KEXEC_SEGMENT_MAX                           = 0x10
+	KEYCTL_ASSUME_AUTHORITY                     = 0x10
+	KEYCTL_CAPABILITIES                         = 0x1f
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_BIG_KEY                        = 0x10
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_CAPABILITIES                   = 0x1
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_DIFFIE_HELLMAN                 = 0x4
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_INVALIDATE                     = 0x20
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_MOVE                           = 0x80
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_PUBLIC_KEY                     = 0x8
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_RESTRICT_KEYRING               = 0x40
+	KEYCTL_CAPS1_NS_KEYRING_NAME                = 0x1
+	KEYCTL_CAPS1_NS_KEY_TAG                     = 0x2
+	KEYCTL_CHOWN                                = 0x4
+	KEYCTL_CLEAR                                = 0x7
+	KEYCTL_DESCRIBE                             = 0x6
+	KEYCTL_DH_COMPUTE                           = 0x17
+	KEYCTL_GET_KEYRING_ID                       = 0x0
+	KEYCTL_GET_PERSISTENT                       = 0x16
+	KEYCTL_GET_SECURITY                         = 0x11
+	KEYCTL_INSTANTIATE                          = 0xc
+	KEYCTL_INSTANTIATE_IOV                      = 0x14
+	KEYCTL_INVALIDATE                           = 0x15
+	KEYCTL_JOIN_SESSION_KEYRING                 = 0x1
+	KEYCTL_LINK                                 = 0x8
+	KEYCTL_MOVE                                 = 0x1e
+	KEYCTL_MOVE_EXCL                            = 0x1
+	KEYCTL_NEGATE                               = 0xd
+	KEYCTL_PKEY_DECRYPT                         = 0x1a
+	KEYCTL_PKEY_ENCRYPT                         = 0x19
+	KEYCTL_PKEY_QUERY                           = 0x18
+	KEYCTL_PKEY_SIGN                            = 0x1b
+	KEYCTL_PKEY_VERIFY                          = 0x1c
+	KEYCTL_READ                                 = 0xb
+	KEYCTL_REJECT                               = 0x13
+	KEYCTL_RESTRICT_KEYRING                     = 0x1d
+	KEYCTL_REVOKE                               = 0x3
+	KEYCTL_SEARCH                               = 0xa
+	KEYCTL_SESSION_TO_PARENT                    = 0x12
+	KEYCTL_SETPERM                              = 0x5
+	KEYCTL_SET_REQKEY_KEYRING                   = 0xe
+	KEYCTL_SET_TIMEOUT                          = 0xf
+	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_DECRYPT                     = 0x2
+	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_ENCRYPT                     = 0x1
+	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_SIGN                        = 0x4
+	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_VERIFY                      = 0x8
+	KEYCTL_UNLINK                               = 0x9
+	KEYCTL_UPDATE                               = 0x2
+	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_DEFAULT                     = 0x0
+	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_GROUP_KEYRING               = 0x6
+	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_NO_CHANGE                   = -0x1
+	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_USER_KEYRING                = 0x4
+	KEY_SPEC_GROUP_KEYRING                      = -0x6
+	KEY_SPEC_PROCESS_KEYRING                    = -0x2
+	KEY_SPEC_REQKEY_AUTH_KEY                    = -0x7
+	KEY_SPEC_REQUESTOR_KEYRING                  = -0x8
+	KEY_SPEC_SESSION_KEYRING                    = -0x3
+	KEY_SPEC_THREAD_KEYRING                     = -0x1
+	KEY_SPEC_USER_KEYRING                       = -0x4
+	KEY_SPEC_USER_SESSION_KEYRING               = -0x5
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_CAD_OFF                    = 0x0
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_CAD_ON                     = 0x89abcdef
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_HALT                       = 0xcdef0123
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_KEXEC                      = 0x45584543
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_POWER_OFF                  = 0x4321fedc
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_RESTART                    = 0x1234567
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_RESTART2                   = 0xa1b2c3d4
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_SW_SUSPEND                 = 0xd000fce2
+	LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC1                         = 0xfee1dead
+	LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC2                         = 0x28121969
+	LOCK_EX                                     = 0x2
+	LOCK_NB                                     = 0x4
+	LOCK_SH                                     = 0x1
+	LOCK_UN                                     = 0x8
+	LOOP_CLR_FD                                 = 0x4c01
+	LOOP_CTL_ADD                                = 0x4c80
+	LOOP_CTL_GET_FREE                           = 0x4c82
+	LOOP_CTL_REMOVE                             = 0x4c81
+	LOOP_GET_STATUS                             = 0x4c03
+	LOOP_GET_STATUS64                           = 0x4c05
+	LOOP_SET_BLOCK_SIZE                         = 0x4c09
+	LOOP_SET_CAPACITY                           = 0x4c07
+	LOOP_SET_DIRECT_IO                          = 0x4c08
+	LOOP_SET_FD                                 = 0x4c00
+	LOOP_SET_STATUS                             = 0x4c02
+	LOOP_SET_STATUS64                           = 0x4c04
+	LO_KEY_SIZE                                 = 0x20
+	LO_NAME_SIZE                                = 0x40
+	MADV_DODUMP                                 = 0x11
+	MADV_DOFORK                                 = 0xb
+	MADV_DONTDUMP                               = 0x10
+	MADV_DONTFORK                               = 0xa
+	MADV_DONTNEED                               = 0x4
+	MADV_FREE                                   = 0x8
+	MADV_HUGEPAGE                               = 0xe
+	MADV_HWPOISON                               = 0x64
+	MADV_KEEPONFORK                             = 0x13
+	MADV_MERGEABLE                              = 0xc
+	MADV_NOHUGEPAGE                             = 0xf
+	MADV_NORMAL                                 = 0x0
+	MADV_RANDOM                                 = 0x1
+	MADV_REMOVE                                 = 0x9
+	MADV_SEQUENTIAL                             = 0x2
+	MADV_UNMERGEABLE                            = 0xd
+	MADV_WILLNEED                               = 0x3
+	MADV_WIPEONFORK                             = 0x12
+	MAP_ANON                                    = 0x800
+	MAP_ANONYMOUS                               = 0x800
+	MAP_DENYWRITE                               = 0x2000
+	MAP_EXECUTABLE                              = 0x4000
+	MAP_FILE                                    = 0x0
+	MAP_FIXED                                   = 0x10
+	MAP_FIXED_NOREPLACE                         = 0x100000
+	MAP_GROWSDOWN                               = 0x1000
+	MAP_HUGETLB                                 = 0x80000
+	MAP_HUGE_MASK                               = 0x3f
+	MAP_HUGE_SHIFT                              = 0x1a
+	MAP_LOCKED                                  = 0x8000
+	MAP_NONBLOCK                                = 0x20000
+	MAP_NORESERVE                               = 0x400
+	MAP_POPULATE                                = 0x10000
+	MAP_PRIVATE                                 = 0x2
+	MAP_RENAME                                  = 0x800
+	MAP_SHARED                                  = 0x1
+	MAP_SHARED_VALIDATE                         = 0x3
+	MAP_STACK                                   = 0x40000
+	MAP_TYPE                                    = 0xf
+	MCAST_BLOCK_SOURCE                          = 0x2b
+	MCAST_EXCLUDE                               = 0x0
+	MCAST_INCLUDE                               = 0x1
+	MCAST_JOIN_GROUP                            = 0x2a
+	MCAST_JOIN_SOURCE_GROUP                     = 0x2e
+	MCAST_LEAVE_GROUP                           = 0x2d
+	MCAST_LEAVE_SOURCE_GROUP                    = 0x2f
+	MCAST_MSFILTER                              = 0x30
+	MCAST_UNBLOCK_SOURCE                        = 0x2c
+	MCL_CURRENT                                 = 0x1
+	MCL_FUTURE                                  = 0x2
+	MCL_ONFAULT                                 = 0x4
+	MFD_ALLOW_SEALING                           = 0x2
+	MFD_CLOEXEC                                 = 0x1
+	MFD_HUGETLB                                 = 0x4
+	MFD_HUGE_16GB                               = -0x78000000
+	MFD_HUGE_16MB                               = 0x60000000
+	MFD_HUGE_1GB                                = 0x78000000
+	MFD_HUGE_1MB                                = 0x50000000
+	MFD_HUGE_256MB                              = 0x70000000
+	MFD_HUGE_2GB                                = 0x7c000000
+	MFD_HUGE_2MB                                = 0x54000000
+	MFD_HUGE_32MB                               = 0x64000000
+	MFD_HUGE_512KB                              = 0x4c000000
+	MFD_HUGE_512MB                              = 0x74000000
+	MFD_HUGE_64KB                               = 0x40000000
+	MFD_HUGE_8MB                                = 0x5c000000
+	MFD_HUGE_MASK                               = 0x3f
+	MFD_HUGE_SHIFT                              = 0x1a
+	MINIX2_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0x2468
+	MINIX2_SUPER_MAGIC2                         = 0x2478
+	MINIX3_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0x4d5a
+	MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x137f
+	MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC2                          = 0x138f
+	MNT_DETACH                                  = 0x2
+	MNT_EXPIRE                                  = 0x4
+	MNT_FORCE                                   = 0x1
+	MODULE_INIT_IGNORE_VERMAGIC                 = 0x2
+	MSDOS_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x4d44
+	MSG_BATCH                                   = 0x40000
+	MSG_CMSG_CLOEXEC                            = 0x40000000
+	MSG_CONFIRM                                 = 0x800
+	MSG_CTRUNC                                  = 0x8
+	MSG_DONTROUTE                               = 0x4
+	MSG_DONTWAIT                                = 0x40
+	MSG_EOR                                     = 0x80
+	MSG_ERRQUEUE                                = 0x2000
+	MSG_FASTOPEN                                = 0x20000000
+	MSG_FIN                                     = 0x200
+	MSG_MORE                                    = 0x8000
+	MSG_NOSIGNAL                                = 0x4000
+	MSG_OOB                                     = 0x1
+	MSG_PEEK                                    = 0x2
+	MSG_PROXY                                   = 0x10
+	MSG_RST                                     = 0x1000
+	MSG_SYN                                     = 0x400
+	MSG_TRUNC                                   = 0x20
+	MSG_TRYHARD                                 = 0x4
+	MSG_WAITALL                                 = 0x100
+	MSG_WAITFORONE                              = 0x10000
+	MSG_ZEROCOPY                                = 0x4000000
+	MS_ACTIVE                                   = 0x40000000
+	MS_ASYNC                                    = 0x1
+	MS_BIND                                     = 0x1000
+	MS_BORN                                     = 0x20000000
+	MS_DIRSYNC                                  = 0x80
+	MS_INVALIDATE                               = 0x2
+	MS_I_VERSION                                = 0x800000
+	MS_KERNMOUNT                                = 0x400000
+	MS_LAZYTIME                                 = 0x2000000
+	MS_MANDLOCK                                 = 0x40
+	MS_MGC_MSK                                  = 0xffff0000
+	MS_MGC_VAL                                  = 0xc0ed0000
+	MS_MOVE                                     = 0x2000
+	MS_NOATIME                                  = 0x400
+	MS_NODEV                                    = 0x4
+	MS_NODIRATIME                               = 0x800
+	MS_NOEXEC                                   = 0x8
+	MS_NOREMOTELOCK                             = 0x8000000
+	MS_NOSEC                                    = 0x10000000
+	MS_NOSUID                                   = 0x2
+	MS_NOUSER                                   = -0x80000000
+	MS_POSIXACL                                 = 0x10000
+	MS_PRIVATE                                  = 0x40000
+	MS_RDONLY                                   = 0x1
+	MS_REC                                      = 0x4000
+	MS_RELATIME                                 = 0x200000
+	MS_REMOUNT                                  = 0x20
+	MS_RMT_MASK                                 = 0x2800051
+	MS_SHARED                                   = 0x100000
+	MS_SILENT                                   = 0x8000
+	MS_SLAVE                                    = 0x80000
+	MS_STRICTATIME                              = 0x1000000
+	MS_SUBMOUNT                                 = 0x4000000
+	MS_SYNC                                     = 0x4
+	MS_SYNCHRONOUS                              = 0x10
+	MS_UNBINDABLE                               = 0x20000
+	MS_VERBOSE                                  = 0x8000
+	MTD_INODE_FS_MAGIC                          = 0x11307854
+	NAME_MAX                                    = 0xff
+	NCP_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x564c
+	NETLINK_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                      = 0x1
+	NETLINK_AUDIT                               = 0x9
+	NETLINK_BROADCAST_ERROR                     = 0x4
+	NETLINK_CAP_ACK                             = 0xa
+	NETLINK_CONNECTOR                           = 0xb
+	NETLINK_CRYPTO                              = 0x15
+	NETLINK_DNRTMSG                             = 0xe
+	NETLINK_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                     = 0x2
+	NETLINK_ECRYPTFS                            = 0x13
+	NETLINK_EXT_ACK                             = 0xb
+	NETLINK_FIB_LOOKUP                          = 0xa
+	NETLINK_FIREWALL                            = 0x3
+	NETLINK_GENERIC                             = 0x10
+	NETLINK_GET_STRICT_CHK                      = 0xc
+	NETLINK_INET_DIAG                           = 0x4
+	NETLINK_IP6_FW                              = 0xd
+	NETLINK_ISCSI                               = 0x8
+	NETLINK_KOBJECT_UEVENT                      = 0xf
+	NETLINK_LISTEN_ALL_NSID                     = 0x8
+	NETLINK_LIST_MEMBERSHIPS                    = 0x9
+	NETLINK_NETFILTER                           = 0xc
+	NETLINK_NFLOG                               = 0x5
+	NETLINK_NO_ENOBUFS                          = 0x5
+	NETLINK_PKTINFO                             = 0x3
+	NETLINK_RDMA                                = 0x14
+	NETLINK_ROUTE                               = 0x0
+	NETLINK_RX_RING                             = 0x6
+	NETLINK_SCSITRANSPORT                       = 0x12
+	NETLINK_SELINUX                             = 0x7
+	NETLINK_SMC                                 = 0x16
+	NETLINK_SOCK_DIAG                           = 0x4
+	NETLINK_TX_RING                             = 0x7
+	NETLINK_UNUSED                              = 0x1
+	NETLINK_USERSOCK                            = 0x2
+	NETLINK_XFRM                                = 0x6
+	NETNSA_MAX                                  = 0x5
+	NETNSA_NSID_NOT_ASSIGNED                    = -0x1
+	NFDBITS                                     = 0x20
+	NFNETLINK_V0                                = 0x0
+	NFNLGRP_ACCT_QUOTA                          = 0x8
+	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_DESTROY                   = 0x3
+	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_EXP_NEW                   = 0x4
+	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_EXP_UPDATE                = 0x5
+	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_NEW                       = 0x1
+	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_UPDATE                    = 0x2
+	NFNLGRP_MAX                                 = 0x9
+	NFNLGRP_NFTABLES                            = 0x7
+	NFNLGRP_NFTRACE                             = 0x9
+	NFNLGRP_NONE                                = 0x0
+	NFNL_BATCH_MAX                              = 0x1
+	NFNL_MSG_BATCH_BEGIN                        = 0x10
+	NFNL_MSG_BATCH_END                          = 0x11
+	NFNL_NFA_NEST                               = 0x8000
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_ACCT                            = 0x7
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_COUNT                           = 0xc
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTHELPER                        = 0x9
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTNETLINK                       = 0x1
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTNETLINK_EXP                   = 0x2
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_IPSET                           = 0x6
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_NFTABLES                        = 0xa
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_NFT_COMPAT                      = 0xb
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_NONE                            = 0x0
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_OSF                             = 0x5
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_QUEUE                           = 0x3
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_ULOG                            = 0x4
+	NFS_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x6969
+	NILFS_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x3434
+	NL0                                         = 0x0
+	NL1                                         = 0x100
+	NLA_ALIGNTO                                 = 0x4
+	NLA_F_NESTED                                = 0x8000
+	NLA_F_NET_BYTEORDER                         = 0x4000
+	NLA_HDRLEN                                  = 0x4
+	NLDLY                                       = 0x100
+	NLMSG_ALIGNTO                               = 0x4
+	NLMSG_DONE                                  = 0x3
+	NLMSG_ERROR                                 = 0x2
+	NLMSG_HDRLEN                                = 0x10
+	NLMSG_MIN_TYPE                              = 0x10
+	NLMSG_NOOP                                  = 0x1
+	NLMSG_OVERRUN                               = 0x4
+	NLM_F_ACK                                   = 0x4
+	NLM_F_ACK_TLVS                              = 0x200
+	NLM_F_APPEND                                = 0x800
+	NLM_F_ATOMIC                                = 0x400
+	NLM_F_CAPPED                                = 0x100
+	NLM_F_CREATE                                = 0x400
+	NLM_F_DUMP                                  = 0x300
+	NLM_F_DUMP_FILTERED                         = 0x20
+	NLM_F_DUMP_INTR                             = 0x10
+	NLM_F_ECHO                                  = 0x8
+	NLM_F_EXCL                                  = 0x200
+	NLM_F_MATCH                                 = 0x200
+	NLM_F_MULTI                                 = 0x2
+	NLM_F_NONREC                                = 0x100
+	NLM_F_REPLACE                               = 0x100
+	NLM_F_REQUEST                               = 0x1
+	NLM_F_ROOT                                  = 0x100
+	NOFLSH                                      = 0x80
+	NSFS_MAGIC                                  = 0x6e736673
+	NS_GET_NSTYPE                               = 0x2000b703
+	NS_GET_OWNER_UID                            = 0x2000b704
+	NS_GET_PARENT                               = 0x2000b702
+	NS_GET_USERNS                               = 0x2000b701
+	OCFS2_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x7461636f
+	OCRNL                                       = 0x8
+	OFDEL                                       = 0x80
+	OFILL                                       = 0x40
+	OLCUC                                       = 0x2
+	ONLCR                                       = 0x4
+	ONLRET                                      = 0x20
+	ONOCR                                       = 0x10
+	OPENPROM_SUPER_MAGIC                        = 0x9fa1
+	OPOST                                       = 0x1
+	OVERLAYFS_SUPER_MAGIC                       = 0x794c7630
+	O_ACCMODE                                   = 0x3
+	O_APPEND                                    = 0x8
+	O_ASYNC                                     = 0x1000
+	O_CLOEXEC                                   = 0x80000
+	O_CREAT                                     = 0x100
+	O_DIRECT                                    = 0x8000
+	O_DIRECTORY                                 = 0x10000
+	O_DSYNC                                     = 0x10
+	O_EXCL                                      = 0x400
+	O_FSYNC                                     = 0x4010
+	O_LARGEFILE                                 = 0x2000
+	O_NDELAY                                    = 0x80
+	O_NOATIME                                   = 0x40000
+	O_NOCTTY                                    = 0x800
+	O_NOFOLLOW                                  = 0x20000
+	O_NONBLOCK                                  = 0x80
+	O_PATH                                      = 0x200000
+	O_RDONLY                                    = 0x0
+	O_RDWR                                      = 0x2
+	O_RSYNC                                     = 0x4010
+	O_SYNC                                      = 0x4010
+	O_TMPFILE                                   = 0x410000
+	O_TRUNC                                     = 0x200
+	O_WRONLY                                    = 0x1
+	PACKET_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                       = 0x1
+	PACKET_AUXDATA                              = 0x8
+	PACKET_BROADCAST                            = 0x1
+	PACKET_COPY_THRESH                          = 0x7
+	PACKET_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                      = 0x2
+	PACKET_FANOUT                               = 0x12
+	PACKET_FANOUT_CBPF                          = 0x6
+	PACKET_FANOUT_CPU                           = 0x2
+	PACKET_FANOUT_DATA                          = 0x16
+	PACKET_FANOUT_EBPF                          = 0x7
+	PACKET_FANOUT_FLAG_DEFRAG                   = 0x8000
+	PACKET_FANOUT_FLAG_ROLLOVER                 = 0x1000
+	PACKET_FANOUT_FLAG_UNIQUEID                 = 0x2000
+	PACKET_FANOUT_HASH                          = 0x0
+	PACKET_FANOUT_LB                            = 0x1
+	PACKET_FANOUT_QM                            = 0x5
+	PACKET_FANOUT_RND                           = 0x4
+	PACKET_FANOUT_ROLLOVER                      = 0x3
+	PACKET_FASTROUTE                            = 0x6
+	PACKET_HDRLEN                               = 0xb
+	PACKET_HOST                                 = 0x0
+	PACKET_IGNORE_OUTGOING                      = 0x17
+	PACKET_KERNEL                               = 0x7
+	PACKET_LOOPBACK                             = 0x5
+	PACKET_LOSS                                 = 0xe
+	PACKET_MR_ALLMULTI                          = 0x2
+	PACKET_MR_MULTICAST                         = 0x0
+	PACKET_MR_PROMISC                           = 0x1
+	PACKET_MR_UNICAST                           = 0x3
+	PACKET_MULTICAST                            = 0x2
+	PACKET_ORIGDEV                              = 0x9
+	PACKET_OTHERHOST                            = 0x3
+	PACKET_OUTGOING                             = 0x4
+	PACKET_QDISC_BYPASS                         = 0x14
+	PACKET_RECV_OUTPUT                          = 0x3
+	PACKET_RESERVE                              = 0xc
+	PACKET_ROLLOVER_STATS                       = 0x15
+	PACKET_RX_RING                              = 0x5
+	PACKET_STATISTICS                           = 0x6
+	PACKET_TIMESTAMP                            = 0x11
+	PACKET_TX_HAS_OFF                           = 0x13
+	PACKET_TX_RING                              = 0xd
+	PACKET_TX_TIMESTAMP                         = 0x10
+	PACKET_USER                                 = 0x6
+	PACKET_VERSION                              = 0xa
+	PACKET_VNET_HDR                             = 0xf
+	PARENB                                      = 0x100
+	PARITY_CRC16_PR0                            = 0x2
+	PARITY_CRC16_PR0_CCITT                      = 0x4
+	PARITY_CRC16_PR1                            = 0x3
+	PARITY_CRC16_PR1_CCITT                      = 0x5
+	PARITY_CRC32_PR0_CCITT                      = 0x6
+	PARITY_CRC32_PR1_CCITT                      = 0x7
+	PARITY_DEFAULT                              = 0x0
+	PARITY_NONE                                 = 0x1
+	PARMRK                                      = 0x8
+	PARODD                                      = 0x200
+	PENDIN                                      = 0x4000
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_DISABLE                      = 0x20002401
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_ENABLE                       = 0x20002400
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_ID                           = 0x40042407
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_MODIFY_ATTRIBUTES            = 0x8004240b
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_PAUSE_OUTPUT                 = 0x80042409
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_PERIOD                       = 0x80082404
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_QUERY_BPF                    = 0xc004240a
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_REFRESH                      = 0x20002402
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_RESET                        = 0x20002403
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_BPF                      = 0x80042408
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_FILTER                   = 0x80042406
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_OUTPUT                   = 0x20002405
+	PIPEFS_MAGIC                                = 0x50495045
+	PPPIOCATTACH                                = 0x8004743d
+	PPPIOCATTCHAN                               = 0x80047438
+	PPPIOCCONNECT                               = 0x8004743a
+	PPPIOCDETACH                                = 0x8004743c
+	PPPIOCDISCONN                               = 0x20007439
+	PPPIOCGASYNCMAP                             = 0x40047458
+	PPPIOCGCHAN                                 = 0x40047437
+	PPPIOCGDEBUG                                = 0x40047441
+	PPPIOCGFLAGS                                = 0x4004745a
+	PPPIOCGIDLE                                 = 0x4008743f
+	PPPIOCGL2TPSTATS                            = 0x40487436
+	PPPIOCGMRU                                  = 0x40047453
+	PPPIOCGNPMODE                               = 0xc008744c
+	PPPIOCGRASYNCMAP                            = 0x40047455
+	PPPIOCGUNIT                                 = 0x40047456
+	PPPIOCGXASYNCMAP                            = 0x40207450
+	PPPIOCNEWUNIT                               = 0xc004743e
+	PPPIOCSACTIVE                               = 0x80087446
+	PPPIOCSASYNCMAP                             = 0x80047457
+	PPPIOCSCOMPRESS                             = 0x800c744d
+	PPPIOCSDEBUG                                = 0x80047440
+	PPPIOCSFLAGS                                = 0x80047459
+	PPPIOCSMAXCID                               = 0x80047451
+	PPPIOCSMRRU                                 = 0x8004743b
+	PPPIOCSMRU                                  = 0x80047452
+	PPPIOCSNPMODE                               = 0x8008744b
+	PPPIOCSPASS                                 = 0x80087447
+	PPPIOCSRASYNCMAP                            = 0x80047454
+	PPPIOCSXASYNCMAP                            = 0x8020744f
+	PPPIOCXFERUNIT                              = 0x2000744e
+	PRIO_PGRP                                   = 0x1
+	PRIO_PROCESS                                = 0x0
+	PRIO_USER                                   = 0x2
+	PROC_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0x9fa0
+	PROT_EXEC                                   = 0x4
+	PROT_GROWSDOWN                              = 0x1000000
+	PROT_GROWSUP                                = 0x2000000
+	PROT_NONE                                   = 0x0
+	PROT_READ                                   = 0x1
+	PROT_WRITE                                  = 0x2
+	PR_CAPBSET_DROP                             = 0x18
+	PR_CAPBSET_READ                             = 0x17
+	PR_CAP_AMBIENT                              = 0x2f
+	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_CLEAR_ALL                    = 0x4
+	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_IS_SET                       = 0x1
+	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_LOWER                        = 0x3
+	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_RAISE                        = 0x2
+	PR_ENDIAN_BIG                               = 0x0
+	PR_ENDIAN_LITTLE                            = 0x1
+	PR_ENDIAN_PPC_LITTLE                        = 0x2
+	PR_FPEMU_NOPRINT                            = 0x1
+	PR_FPEMU_SIGFPE                             = 0x2
+	PR_FP_EXC_ASYNC                             = 0x2
+	PR_FP_EXC_DISABLED                          = 0x0
+	PR_FP_EXC_DIV                               = 0x10000
+	PR_FP_EXC_INV                               = 0x100000
+	PR_FP_EXC_NONRECOV                          = 0x1
+	PR_FP_EXC_OVF                               = 0x20000
+	PR_FP_EXC_PRECISE                           = 0x3
+	PR_FP_EXC_RES                               = 0x80000
+	PR_FP_EXC_SW_ENABLE                         = 0x80
+	PR_FP_EXC_UND                               = 0x40000
+	PR_FP_MODE_FR                               = 0x1
+	PR_FP_MODE_FRE                              = 0x2
+	PR_GET_CHILD_SUBREAPER                      = 0x25
+	PR_GET_DUMPABLE                             = 0x3
+	PR_GET_ENDIAN                               = 0x13
+	PR_GET_FPEMU                                = 0x9
+	PR_GET_FPEXC                                = 0xb
+	PR_GET_FP_MODE                              = 0x2e
+	PR_GET_KEEPCAPS                             = 0x7
+	PR_GET_NAME                                 = 0x10
+	PR_GET_NO_NEW_PRIVS                         = 0x27
+	PR_GET_PDEATHSIG                            = 0x2
+	PR_GET_SECCOMP                              = 0x15
+	PR_GET_SECUREBITS                           = 0x1b
+	PR_GET_SPECULATION_CTRL                     = 0x34
+	PR_GET_TAGGED_ADDR_CTRL                     = 0x38
+	PR_GET_THP_DISABLE                          = 0x2a
+	PR_GET_TID_ADDRESS                          = 0x28
+	PR_GET_TIMERSLACK                           = 0x1e
+	PR_GET_TIMING                               = 0xd
+	PR_GET_TSC                                  = 0x19
+	PR_GET_UNALIGN                              = 0x5
+	PR_MCE_KILL                                 = 0x21
+	PR_MCE_KILL_CLEAR                           = 0x0
+	PR_MCE_KILL_DEFAULT                         = 0x2
+	PR_MCE_KILL_EARLY                           = 0x1
+	PR_MCE_KILL_GET                             = 0x22
+	PR_MCE_KILL_LATE                            = 0x0
+	PR_MCE_KILL_SET                             = 0x1
+	PR_MPX_DISABLE_MANAGEMENT                   = 0x2c
+	PR_MPX_ENABLE_MANAGEMENT                    = 0x2b
+	PR_PAC_APDAKEY                              = 0x4
+	PR_PAC_APDBKEY                              = 0x8
+	PR_PAC_APGAKEY                              = 0x10
+	PR_PAC_APIAKEY                              = 0x1
+	PR_PAC_APIBKEY                              = 0x2
+	PR_PAC_RESET_KEYS                           = 0x36
+	PR_SET_CHILD_SUBREAPER                      = 0x24
+	PR_SET_DUMPABLE                             = 0x4
+	PR_SET_ENDIAN                               = 0x14
+	PR_SET_FPEMU                                = 0xa
+	PR_SET_FPEXC                                = 0xc
+	PR_SET_FP_MODE                              = 0x2d
+	PR_SET_KEEPCAPS                             = 0x8
+	PR_SET_MM                                   = 0x23
+	PR_SET_MM_ARG_END                           = 0x9
+	PR_SET_MM_ARG_START                         = 0x8
+	PR_SET_MM_AUXV                              = 0xc
+	PR_SET_MM_BRK                               = 0x7
+	PR_SET_MM_END_CODE                          = 0x2
+	PR_SET_MM_END_DATA                          = 0x4
+	PR_SET_MM_ENV_END                           = 0xb
+	PR_SET_MM_ENV_START                         = 0xa
+	PR_SET_MM_EXE_FILE                          = 0xd
+	PR_SET_MM_MAP                               = 0xe
+	PR_SET_MM_MAP_SIZE                          = 0xf
+	PR_SET_MM_START_BRK                         = 0x6
+	PR_SET_MM_START_CODE                        = 0x1
+	PR_SET_MM_START_DATA                        = 0x3
+	PR_SET_MM_START_STACK                       = 0x5
+	PR_SET_NAME                                 = 0xf
+	PR_SET_NO_NEW_PRIVS                         = 0x26
+	PR_SET_PDEATHSIG                            = 0x1
+	PR_SET_PTRACER                              = 0x59616d61
+	PR_SET_PTRACER_ANY                          = 0xffffffff
+	PR_SET_SECCOMP                              = 0x16
+	PR_SET_SECUREBITS                           = 0x1c
+	PR_SET_SPECULATION_CTRL                     = 0x35
+	PR_SET_TAGGED_ADDR_CTRL                     = 0x37
+	PR_SET_THP_DISABLE                          = 0x29
+	PR_SET_TIMERSLACK                           = 0x1d
+	PR_SET_TIMING                               = 0xe
+	PR_SET_TSC                                  = 0x1a
+	PR_SET_UNALIGN                              = 0x6
+	PR_SPEC_DISABLE                             = 0x4
+	PR_SPEC_DISABLE_NOEXEC                      = 0x10
+	PR_SPEC_ENABLE                              = 0x2
+	PR_SPEC_FORCE_DISABLE                       = 0x8
+	PR_SPEC_INDIRECT_BRANCH                     = 0x1
+	PR_SPEC_NOT_AFFECTED                        = 0x0
+	PR_SPEC_PRCTL                               = 0x1
+	PR_SPEC_STORE_BYPASS                        = 0x0
+	PR_SVE_GET_VL                               = 0x33
+	PR_SVE_SET_VL                               = 0x32
+	PR_SVE_SET_VL_ONEXEC                        = 0x40000
+	PR_SVE_VL_INHERIT                           = 0x20000
+	PR_SVE_VL_LEN_MASK                          = 0xffff
+	PR_TAGGED_ADDR_ENABLE                       = 0x1
+	PR_TASK_PERF_EVENTS_DISABLE                 = 0x1f
+	PR_TASK_PERF_EVENTS_ENABLE                  = 0x20
+	PR_TIMING_STATISTICAL                       = 0x0
+	PR_TIMING_TIMESTAMP                         = 0x1
+	PR_TSC_ENABLE                               = 0x1
+	PR_TSC_SIGSEGV                              = 0x2
+	PR_UNALIGN_NOPRINT                          = 0x1
+	PR_UNALIGN_SIGBUS                           = 0x2
+	PSTOREFS_MAGIC                              = 0x6165676c
+	PTRACE_ATTACH                               = 0x10
+	PTRACE_CONT                                 = 0x7
+	PTRACE_DETACH                               = 0x11
+	PTRACE_EVENTMSG_SYSCALL_EXIT                = 0x2
+	PTRACE_EVENT_CLONE                          = 0x3
+	PTRACE_EVENT_EXEC                           = 0x4
+	PTRACE_EVENT_EXIT                           = 0x6
+	PTRACE_EVENT_FORK                           = 0x1
+	PTRACE_EVENT_SECCOMP                        = 0x7
+	PTRACE_EVENT_STOP                           = 0x80
+	PTRACE_EVENT_VFORK                          = 0x2
+	PTRACE_EVENT_VFORK_DONE                     = 0x5
+	PTRACE_GETEVENTMSG                          = 0x4201
+	PTRACE_GETFPREGS                            = 0xe
+	PTRACE_GETREGS                              = 0xc
+	PTRACE_GETREGSET                            = 0x4204
+	PTRACE_GETSIGINFO                           = 0x4202
+	PTRACE_GETSIGMASK                           = 0x420a
+	PTRACE_GET_SYSCALL_INFO                     = 0x420e
+	PTRACE_GET_THREAD_AREA                      = 0x19
+	PTRACE_GET_THREAD_AREA_3264                 = 0xc4
+	PTRACE_GET_WATCH_REGS                       = 0xd0
+	PTRACE_INTERRUPT                            = 0x4207
+	PTRACE_KILL                                 = 0x8
+	PTRACE_LISTEN                               = 0x4208
+	PTRACE_OLDSETOPTIONS                        = 0x15
+	PTRACE_O_EXITKILL                           = 0x100000
+	PTRACE_O_MASK                               = 0x3000ff
+	PTRACE_O_SUSPEND_SECCOMP                    = 0x200000
+	PTRACE_O_TRACECLONE                         = 0x8
+	PTRACE_O_TRACEEXEC                          = 0x10
+	PTRACE_O_TRACEEXIT                          = 0x40
+	PTRACE_O_TRACEFORK                          = 0x2
+	PTRACE_O_TRACESECCOMP                       = 0x80
+	PTRACE_O_TRACESYSGOOD                       = 0x1
+	PTRACE_O_TRACEVFORK                         = 0x4
+	PTRACE_O_TRACEVFORKDONE                     = 0x20
+	PTRACE_PEEKDATA                             = 0x2
+	PTRACE_PEEKDATA_3264                        = 0xc1
+	PTRACE_PEEKSIGINFO                          = 0x4209
+	PTRACE_PEEKSIGINFO_SHARED                   = 0x1
+	PTRACE_PEEKTEXT                             = 0x1
+	PTRACE_PEEKTEXT_3264                        = 0xc0
+	PTRACE_PEEKUSR                              = 0x3
+	PTRACE_POKEDATA                             = 0x5
+	PTRACE_POKEDATA_3264                        = 0xc3
+	PTRACE_POKETEXT                             = 0x4
+	PTRACE_POKETEXT_3264                        = 0xc2
+	PTRACE_POKEUSR                              = 0x6
+	PTRACE_SECCOMP_GET_FILTER                   = 0x420c
+	PTRACE_SECCOMP_GET_METADATA                 = 0x420d
+	PTRACE_SEIZE                                = 0x4206
+	PTRACE_SETFPREGS                            = 0xf
+	PTRACE_SETOPTIONS                           = 0x4200
+	PTRACE_SETREGS                              = 0xd
+	PTRACE_SETREGSET                            = 0x4205
+	PTRACE_SETSIGINFO                           = 0x4203
+	PTRACE_SETSIGMASK                           = 0x420b
+	PTRACE_SET_THREAD_AREA                      = 0x1a
+	PTRACE_SET_WATCH_REGS                       = 0xd1
+	PTRACE_SINGLESTEP                           = 0x9
+	PTRACE_SYSCALL                              = 0x18
+	PTRACE_SYSCALL_INFO_ENTRY                   = 0x1
+	PTRACE_SYSCALL_INFO_EXIT                    = 0x2
+	PTRACE_SYSCALL_INFO_NONE                    = 0x0
+	PTRACE_SYSCALL_INFO_SECCOMP                 = 0x3
+	PTRACE_TRACEME                              = 0x0
+	QNX4_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0x2f
+	QNX6_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0x68191122
+	RAMFS_MAGIC                                 = 0x858458f6
+	RDTGROUP_SUPER_MAGIC                        = 0x7655821
+	REISERFS_SUPER_MAGIC                        = 0x52654973
+	RENAME_EXCHANGE                             = 0x2
+	RENAME_NOREPLACE                            = 0x1
+	RENAME_WHITEOUT                             = 0x4
+	RLIMIT_AS                                   = 0x6
+	RLIMIT_CORE                                 = 0x4
+	RLIMIT_CPU                                  = 0x0
+	RLIMIT_DATA                                 = 0x2
+	RLIMIT_FSIZE                                = 0x1
+	RLIMIT_LOCKS                                = 0xa
+	RLIMIT_MEMLOCK                              = 0x9
+	RLIMIT_MSGQUEUE                             = 0xc
+	RLIMIT_NICE                                 = 0xd
+	RLIMIT_NOFILE                               = 0x5
+	RLIMIT_NPROC                                = 0x8
+	RLIMIT_RSS                                  = 0x7
+	RLIMIT_RTPRIO                               = 0xe
+	RLIMIT_RTTIME                               = 0xf
+	RLIMIT_SIGPENDING                           = 0xb
+	RLIMIT_STACK                                = 0x3
+	RLIM_INFINITY                               = 0xffffffffffffffff
+	RNDADDENTROPY                               = 0x80085203
+	RNDADDTOENTCNT                              = 0x80045201
+	RNDCLEARPOOL                                = 0x20005206
+	RNDGETENTCNT                                = 0x40045200
+	RNDGETPOOL                                  = 0x40085202
+	RNDRESEEDCRNG                               = 0x20005207
+	RNDZAPENTCNT                                = 0x20005204
+	RTAX_ADVMSS                                 = 0x8
+	RTAX_CC_ALGO                                = 0x10
+	RTAX_CWND                                   = 0x7
+	RTAX_FASTOPEN_NO_COOKIE                     = 0x11
+	RTAX_FEATURES                               = 0xc
+	RTAX_FEATURE_ALLFRAG                        = 0x8
+	RTAX_FEATURE_ECN                            = 0x1
+	RTAX_FEATURE_MASK                           = 0xf
+	RTAX_FEATURE_SACK                           = 0x2
+	RTAX_FEATURE_TIMESTAMP                      = 0x4
+	RTAX_HOPLIMIT                               = 0xa
+	RTAX_INITCWND                               = 0xb
+	RTAX_INITRWND                               = 0xe
+	RTAX_LOCK                                   = 0x1
+	RTAX_MAX                                    = 0x11
+	RTAX_MTU                                    = 0x2
+	RTAX_QUICKACK                               = 0xf
+	RTAX_REORDERING                             = 0x9
+	RTAX_RTO_MIN                                = 0xd
+	RTAX_RTT                                    = 0x4
+	RTAX_RTTVAR                                 = 0x5
+	RTAX_SSTHRESH                               = 0x6
+	RTAX_UNSPEC                                 = 0x0
+	RTAX_WINDOW                                 = 0x3
+	RTA_ALIGNTO                                 = 0x4
+	RTA_MAX                                     = 0x1e
+	RTCF_DIRECTSRC                              = 0x4000000
+	RTCF_DOREDIRECT                             = 0x1000000
+	RTCF_LOG                                    = 0x2000000
+	RTCF_MASQ                                   = 0x400000
+	RTCF_NAT                                    = 0x800000
+	RTCF_VALVE                                  = 0x200000
+	RTC_AF                                      = 0x20
+	RTC_AIE_OFF                                 = 0x20007002
+	RTC_AIE_ON                                  = 0x20007001
+	RTC_ALM_READ                                = 0x40247008
+	RTC_ALM_SET                                 = 0x80247007
+	RTC_EPOCH_READ                              = 0x4004700d
+	RTC_EPOCH_SET                               = 0x8004700e
+	RTC_IRQF                                    = 0x80
+	RTC_IRQP_READ                               = 0x4004700b
+	RTC_IRQP_SET                                = 0x8004700c
+	RTC_MAX_FREQ                                = 0x2000
+	RTC_PF                                      = 0x40
+	RTC_PIE_OFF                                 = 0x20007006
+	RTC_PIE_ON                                  = 0x20007005
+	RTC_PLL_GET                                 = 0x401c7011
+	RTC_PLL_SET                                 = 0x801c7012
+	RTC_RD_TIME                                 = 0x40247009
+	RTC_SET_TIME                                = 0x8024700a
+	RTC_UF                                      = 0x10
+	RTC_UIE_OFF                                 = 0x20007004
+	RTC_UIE_ON                                  = 0x20007003
+	RTC_VL_CLR                                  = 0x20007014
+	RTC_VL_READ                                 = 0x40047013
+	RTC_WIE_OFF                                 = 0x20007010
+	RTC_WIE_ON                                  = 0x2000700f
+	RTC_WKALM_RD                                = 0x40287010
+	RTC_WKALM_SET                               = 0x8028700f
+	RTF_ADDRCLASSMASK                           = 0xf8000000
+	RTF_ADDRCONF                                = 0x40000
+	RTF_ALLONLINK                               = 0x20000
+	RTF_BROADCAST                               = 0x10000000
+	RTF_CACHE                                   = 0x1000000
+	RTF_DEFAULT                                 = 0x10000
+	RTF_DYNAMIC                                 = 0x10
+	RTF_FLOW                                    = 0x2000000
+	RTF_GATEWAY                                 = 0x2
+	RTF_HOST                                    = 0x4
+	RTF_INTERFACE                               = 0x40000000
+	RTF_IRTT                                    = 0x100
+	RTF_LINKRT                                  = 0x100000
+	RTF_LOCAL                                   = 0x80000000
+	RTF_MODIFIED                                = 0x20
+	RTF_MSS                                     = 0x40
+	RTF_MTU                                     = 0x40
+	RTF_MULTICAST                               = 0x20000000
+	RTF_NAT                                     = 0x8000000
+	RTF_NOFORWARD                               = 0x1000
+	RTF_NONEXTHOP                               = 0x200000
+	RTF_NOPMTUDISC                              = 0x4000
+	RTF_POLICY                                  = 0x4000000
+	RTF_REINSTATE                               = 0x8
+	RTF_REJECT                                  = 0x200
+	RTF_STATIC                                  = 0x400
+	RTF_THROW                                   = 0x2000
+	RTF_UP                                      = 0x1
+	RTF_WINDOW                                  = 0x80
+	RTF_XRESOLVE                                = 0x800
+	RTM_BASE                                    = 0x10
+	RTM_DELACTION                               = 0x31
+	RTM_DELADDR                                 = 0x15
+	RTM_DELADDRLABEL                            = 0x49
+	RTM_DELCHAIN                                = 0x65
+	RTM_DELLINK                                 = 0x11
+	RTM_DELMDB                                  = 0x55
+	RTM_DELNEIGH                                = 0x1d
+	RTM_DELNETCONF                              = 0x51
+	RTM_DELNEXTHOP                              = 0x69
+	RTM_DELNSID                                 = 0x59
+	RTM_DELQDISC                                = 0x25
+	RTM_DELROUTE                                = 0x19
+	RTM_DELRULE                                 = 0x21
+	RTM_DELTCLASS                               = 0x29
+	RTM_DELTFILTER                              = 0x2d
+	RTM_F_CLONED                                = 0x200
+	RTM_F_EQUALIZE                              = 0x400
+	RTM_F_FIB_MATCH                             = 0x2000
+	RTM_F_LOOKUP_TABLE                          = 0x1000
+	RTM_F_NOTIFY                                = 0x100
+	RTM_F_PREFIX                                = 0x800
+	RTM_GETACTION                               = 0x32
+	RTM_GETADDR                                 = 0x16
+	RTM_GETADDRLABEL                            = 0x4a
+	RTM_GETANYCAST                              = 0x3e
+	RTM_GETCHAIN                                = 0x66
+	RTM_GETDCB                                  = 0x4e
+	RTM_GETLINK                                 = 0x12
+	RTM_GETMDB                                  = 0x56
+	RTM_GETMULTICAST                            = 0x3a
+	RTM_GETNEIGH                                = 0x1e
+	RTM_GETNEIGHTBL                             = 0x42
+	RTM_GETNETCONF                              = 0x52
+	RTM_GETNEXTHOP                              = 0x6a
+	RTM_GETNSID                                 = 0x5a
+	RTM_GETQDISC                                = 0x26
+	RTM_GETROUTE                                = 0x1a
+	RTM_GETRULE                                 = 0x22
+	RTM_GETSTATS                                = 0x5e
+	RTM_GETTCLASS                               = 0x2a
+	RTM_GETTFILTER                              = 0x2e
+	RTM_MAX                                     = 0x6b
+	RTM_NEWACTION                               = 0x30
+	RTM_NEWADDR                                 = 0x14
+	RTM_NEWADDRLABEL                            = 0x48
+	RTM_NEWCACHEREPORT                          = 0x60
+	RTM_NEWCHAIN                                = 0x64
+	RTM_NEWLINK                                 = 0x10
+	RTM_NEWMDB                                  = 0x54
+	RTM_NEWNDUSEROPT                            = 0x44
+	RTM_NEWNEIGH                                = 0x1c
+	RTM_NEWNEIGHTBL                             = 0x40
+	RTM_NEWNETCONF                              = 0x50
+	RTM_NEWNEXTHOP                              = 0x68
+	RTM_NEWNSID                                 = 0x58
+	RTM_NEWPREFIX                               = 0x34
+	RTM_NEWQDISC                                = 0x24
+	RTM_NEWROUTE                                = 0x18
+	RTM_NEWRULE                                 = 0x20
+	RTM_NEWSTATS                                = 0x5c
+	RTM_NEWTCLASS                               = 0x28
+	RTM_NEWTFILTER                              = 0x2c
+	RTM_NR_FAMILIES                             = 0x17
+	RTM_NR_MSGTYPES                             = 0x5c
+	RTM_SETDCB                                  = 0x4f
+	RTM_SETLINK                                 = 0x13
+	RTM_SETNEIGHTBL                             = 0x43
+	RTNH_ALIGNTO                                = 0x4
+	RTNH_COMPARE_MASK                           = 0x19
+	RTNH_F_DEAD                                 = 0x1
+	RTNH_F_LINKDOWN                             = 0x10
+	RTNH_F_OFFLOAD                              = 0x8
+	RTNH_F_ONLINK                               = 0x4
+	RTNH_F_PERVASIVE                            = 0x2
+	RTNH_F_UNRESOLVED                           = 0x20
+	RTN_MAX                                     = 0xb
+	RTPROT_BABEL                                = 0x2a
+	RTPROT_BGP                                  = 0xba
+	RTPROT_BIRD                                 = 0xc
+	RTPROT_BOOT                                 = 0x3
+	RTPROT_DHCP                                 = 0x10
+	RTPROT_DNROUTED                             = 0xd
+	RTPROT_EIGRP                                = 0xc0
+	RTPROT_GATED                                = 0x8
+	RTPROT_ISIS                                 = 0xbb
+	RTPROT_KERNEL                               = 0x2
+	RTPROT_MROUTED                              = 0x11
+	RTPROT_MRT                                  = 0xa
+	RTPROT_NTK                                  = 0xf
+	RTPROT_OSPF                                 = 0xbc
+	RTPROT_RA                                   = 0x9
+	RTPROT_REDIRECT                             = 0x1
+	RTPROT_RIP                                  = 0xbd
+	RTPROT_STATIC                               = 0x4
+	RTPROT_UNSPEC                               = 0x0
+	RTPROT_XORP                                 = 0xe
+	RTPROT_ZEBRA                                = 0xb
+	RT_CLASS_DEFAULT                            = 0xfd
+	RT_CLASS_LOCAL                              = 0xff
+	RT_CLASS_MAIN                               = 0xfe
+	RT_CLASS_MAX                                = 0xff
+	RT_CLASS_UNSPEC                             = 0x0
+	RUSAGE_CHILDREN                             = -0x1
+	RUSAGE_SELF                                 = 0x0
+	RUSAGE_THREAD                               = 0x1
+	SCM_CREDENTIALS                             = 0x2
+	SCM_RIGHTS                                  = 0x1
+	SCM_TIMESTAMP                               = 0x1d
+	SCM_TIMESTAMPING                            = 0x25
+	SCM_TIMESTAMPING_OPT_STATS                  = 0x36
+	SCM_TIMESTAMPING_PKTINFO                    = 0x3a
+	SCM_TIMESTAMPNS                             = 0x23
+	SCM_TXTIME                                  = 0x3d
+	SCM_WIFI_STATUS                             = 0x29
+	SC_LOG_FLUSH                                = 0x100000
+	SECCOMP_MODE_DISABLED                       = 0x0
+	SECCOMP_MODE_FILTER                         = 0x2
+	SECCOMP_MODE_STRICT                         = 0x1
+	SECURITYFS_MAGIC                            = 0x73636673
+	SELINUX_MAGIC                               = 0xf97cff8c
+	SFD_CLOEXEC                                 = 0x80000
+	SFD_NONBLOCK                                = 0x80
+	SHUT_RD                                     = 0x0
+	SHUT_RDWR                                   = 0x2
+	SHUT_WR                                     = 0x1
+	SIOCADDDLCI                                 = 0x8980
+	SIOCADDMULTI                                = 0x8931
+	SIOCADDRT                                   = 0x890b
+	SIOCATMARK                                  = 0x40047307
+	SIOCBONDCHANGEACTIVE                        = 0x8995
+	SIOCBONDENSLAVE                             = 0x8990
+	SIOCBONDINFOQUERY                           = 0x8994
+	SIOCBONDRELEASE                             = 0x8991
+	SIOCBONDSETHWADDR                           = 0x8992
+	SIOCBONDSLAVEINFOQUERY                      = 0x8993
+	SIOCBRADDBR                                 = 0x89a0
+	SIOCBRADDIF                                 = 0x89a2
+	SIOCBRDELBR                                 = 0x89a1
+	SIOCBRDELIF                                 = 0x89a3
+	SIOCDARP                                    = 0x8953
+	SIOCDELDLCI                                 = 0x8981
+	SIOCDELMULTI                                = 0x8932
+	SIOCDELRT                                   = 0x890c
+	SIOCDEVPRIVATE                              = 0x89f0
+	SIOCDIFADDR                                 = 0x8936
+	SIOCDRARP                                   = 0x8960
+	SIOCETHTOOL                                 = 0x8946
+	SIOCGARP                                    = 0x8954
+	SIOCGETLINKNAME                             = 0x89e0
+	SIOCGETNODEID                               = 0x89e1
+	SIOCGHWTSTAMP                               = 0x89b1
+	SIOCGIFADDR                                 = 0x8915
+	SIOCGIFBR                                   = 0x8940
+	SIOCGIFBRDADDR                              = 0x8919
+	SIOCGIFCONF                                 = 0x8912
+	SIOCGIFCOUNT                                = 0x8938
+	SIOCGIFDSTADDR                              = 0x8917
+	SIOCGIFENCAP                                = 0x8925
+	SIOCGIFFLAGS                                = 0x8913
+	SIOCGIFHWADDR                               = 0x8927
+	SIOCGIFINDEX                                = 0x8933
+	SIOCGIFMAP                                  = 0x8970
+	SIOCGIFMEM                                  = 0x891f
+	SIOCGIFMETRIC                               = 0x891d
+	SIOCGIFMTU                                  = 0x8921
+	SIOCGIFNAME                                 = 0x8910
+	SIOCGIFNETMASK                              = 0x891b
+	SIOCGIFPFLAGS                               = 0x8935
+	SIOCGIFSLAVE                                = 0x8929
+	SIOCGIFTXQLEN                               = 0x8942
+	SIOCGIFVLAN                                 = 0x8982
+	SIOCGMIIPHY                                 = 0x8947
+	SIOCGMIIREG                                 = 0x8948
+	SIOCGPGRP                                   = 0x40047309
+	SIOCGPPPCSTATS                              = 0x89f2
+	SIOCGPPPSTATS                               = 0x89f0
+	SIOCGPPPVER                                 = 0x89f1
+	SIOCGRARP                                   = 0x8961
+	SIOCGSKNS                                   = 0x894c
+	SIOCGSTAMP                                  = 0x8906
+	SIOCGSTAMPNS                                = 0x8907
+	SIOCGSTAMPNS_NEW                            = 0x40108907
+	SIOCGSTAMPNS_OLD                            = 0x8907
+	SIOCGSTAMP_NEW                              = 0x40108906
+	SIOCGSTAMP_OLD                              = 0x8906
+	SIOCINQ                                     = 0x467f
+	SIOCOUTQ                                    = 0x7472
+	SIOCOUTQNSD                                 = 0x894b
+	SIOCPROTOPRIVATE                            = 0x89e0
+	SIOCRTMSG                                   = 0x890d
+	SIOCSARP                                    = 0x8955
+	SIOCSHWTSTAMP                               = 0x89b0
+	SIOCSIFADDR                                 = 0x8916
+	SIOCSIFBR                                   = 0x8941
+	SIOCSIFBRDADDR                              = 0x891a
+	SIOCSIFDSTADDR                              = 0x8918
+	SIOCSIFENCAP                                = 0x8926
+	SIOCSIFFLAGS                                = 0x8914
+	SIOCSIFHWADDR                               = 0x8924
+	SIOCSIFHWBROADCAST                          = 0x8937
+	SIOCSIFLINK                                 = 0x8911
+	SIOCSIFMAP                                  = 0x8971
+	SIOCSIFMEM                                  = 0x8920
+	SIOCSIFMETRIC                               = 0x891e
+	SIOCSIFMTU                                  = 0x8922
+	SIOCSIFNAME                                 = 0x8923
+	SIOCSIFNETMASK                              = 0x891c
+	SIOCSIFPFLAGS                               = 0x8934
+	SIOCSIFSLAVE                                = 0x8930
+	SIOCSIFTXQLEN                               = 0x8943
+	SIOCSIFVLAN                                 = 0x8983
+	SIOCSMIIREG                                 = 0x8949
+	SIOCSPGRP                                   = 0x80047308
+	SIOCSRARP                                   = 0x8962
+	SIOCWANDEV                                  = 0x894a
+	SMACK_MAGIC                                 = 0x43415d53
+	SMART_AUTOSAVE                              = 0xd2
+	SMART_AUTO_OFFLINE                          = 0xdb
+	SMART_DISABLE                               = 0xd9
+	SMART_ENABLE                                = 0xd8
+	SMART_HCYL_PASS                             = 0xc2
+	SMART_IMMEDIATE_OFFLINE                     = 0xd4
+	SMART_LCYL_PASS                             = 0x4f
+	SMART_READ_LOG_SECTOR                       = 0xd5
+	SMART_READ_THRESHOLDS                       = 0xd1
+	SMART_READ_VALUES                           = 0xd0
+	SMART_SAVE                                  = 0xd3
+	SMART_STATUS                                = 0xda
+	SMART_WRITE_LOG_SECTOR                      = 0xd6
+	SMART_WRITE_THRESHOLDS                      = 0xd7
+	SMB_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x517b
+	SOCKFS_MAGIC                                = 0x534f434b
+	SOCK_CLOEXEC                                = 0x80000
+	SOCK_DCCP                                   = 0x6
+	SOCK_DGRAM                                  = 0x1
+	SOCK_IOC_TYPE                               = 0x89
+	SOCK_NONBLOCK                               = 0x80
+	SOCK_PACKET                                 = 0xa
+	SOCK_RAW                                    = 0x3
+	SOCK_RDM                                    = 0x4
+	SOCK_SEQPACKET                              = 0x5
+	SOCK_STREAM                                 = 0x2
+	SOL_AAL                                     = 0x109
+	SOL_ALG                                     = 0x117
+	SOL_ATM                                     = 0x108
+	SOL_CAIF                                    = 0x116
+	SOL_CAN_BASE                                = 0x64
+	SOL_DCCP                                    = 0x10d
+	SOL_DECNET                                  = 0x105
+	SOL_ICMPV6                                  = 0x3a
+	SOL_IP                                      = 0x0
+	SOL_IPV6                                    = 0x29
+	SOL_IRDA                                    = 0x10a
+	SOL_IUCV                                    = 0x115
+	SOL_KCM                                     = 0x119
+	SOL_LLC                                     = 0x10c
+	SOL_NETBEUI                                 = 0x10b
+	SOL_NETLINK                                 = 0x10e
+	SOL_NFC                                     = 0x118
+	SOL_PACKET                                  = 0x107
+	SOL_PNPIPE                                  = 0x113
+	SOL_PPPOL2TP                                = 0x111
+	SOL_RAW                                     = 0xff
+	SOL_RDS                                     = 0x114
+	SOL_RXRPC                                   = 0x110
+	SOL_SOCKET                                  = 0xffff
+	SOL_TCP                                     = 0x6
+	SOL_TIPC                                    = 0x10f
+	SOL_TLS                                     = 0x11a
+	SOL_X25                                     = 0x106
+	SOL_XDP                                     = 0x11b
+	SOMAXCONN                                   = 0x80
+	SO_ACCEPTCONN                               = 0x1009
+	SO_ATTACH_BPF                               = 0x32
+	SO_ATTACH_FILTER                            = 0x1a
+	SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_CBPF                    = 0x33
+	SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_EBPF                    = 0x34
+	SO_BINDTODEVICE                             = 0x19
+	SO_BINDTOIFINDEX                            = 0x3e
+	SO_BPF_EXTENSIONS                           = 0x30
+	SO_BROADCAST                                = 0x20
+	SO_BSDCOMPAT                                = 0xe
+	SO_BUSY_POLL                                = 0x2e
+	SO_CNX_ADVICE                               = 0x35
+	SO_COOKIE                                   = 0x39
+	SO_DEBUG                                    = 0x1
+	SO_DETACH_BPF                               = 0x1b
+	SO_DETACH_FILTER                            = 0x1b
+	SO_DETACH_REUSEPORT_BPF                     = 0x44
+	SO_DOMAIN                                   = 0x1029
+	SO_DONTROUTE                                = 0x10
+	SO_EE_CODE_TXTIME_MISSED                    = 0x2
+	SO_EE_CODE_ZEROCOPY_COPIED                  = 0x1
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_ICMP                           = 0x2
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_ICMP6                          = 0x3
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_LOCAL                          = 0x1
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_NONE                           = 0x0
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_TIMESTAMPING                   = 0x4
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_TXSTATUS                       = 0x4
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_TXTIME                         = 0x6
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_ZEROCOPY                       = 0x5
+	SO_ERROR                                    = 0x1007
+	SO_GET_FILTER                               = 0x1a
+	SO_INCOMING_CPU                             = 0x31
+	SO_INCOMING_NAPI_ID                         = 0x38
+	SO_KEEPALIVE                                = 0x8
+	SO_LINGER                                   = 0x80
+	SO_LOCK_FILTER                              = 0x2c
+	SO_MARK                                     = 0x24
+	SO_MAX_PACING_RATE                          = 0x2f
+	SO_MEMINFO                                  = 0x37
+	SO_NOFCS                                    = 0x2b
+	SO_NO_CHECK                                 = 0xb
+	SO_OOBINLINE                                = 0x100
+	SO_PASSCRED                                 = 0x11
+	SO_PASSSEC                                  = 0x22
+	SO_PEEK_OFF                                 = 0x2a
+	SO_PEERCRED                                 = 0x12
+	SO_PEERGROUPS                               = 0x3b
+	SO_PEERNAME                                 = 0x1c
+	SO_PEERSEC                                  = 0x1e
+	SO_PRIORITY                                 = 0xc
+	SO_PROTOCOL                                 = 0x1028
+	SO_RCVBUF                                   = 0x1002
+	SO_RCVBUFFORCE                              = 0x21
+	SO_RCVLOWAT                                 = 0x1004
+	SO_RCVTIMEO                                 = 0x1006
+	SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW                             = 0x42
+	SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD                             = 0x1006
+	SO_REUSEADDR                                = 0x4
+	SO_REUSEPORT                                = 0x200
+	SO_RXQ_OVFL                                 = 0x28
+	SO_SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION                  = 0x16
+	SO_SELECT_ERR_QUEUE                         = 0x2d
+	SO_SNDBUF                                   = 0x1001
+	SO_SNDBUFFORCE                              = 0x1f
+	SO_SNDLOWAT                                 = 0x1003
+	SO_SNDTIMEO                                 = 0x1005
+	SO_SNDTIMEO_NEW                             = 0x43
+	SO_SNDTIMEO_OLD                             = 0x1005
+	SO_STYLE                                    = 0x1008
+	SO_TIMESTAMP                                = 0x1d
+	SO_TIMESTAMPING                             = 0x25
+	SO_TIMESTAMPING_NEW                         = 0x41
+	SO_TIMESTAMPING_OLD                         = 0x25
+	SO_TIMESTAMPNS                              = 0x23
+	SO_TIMESTAMPNS_NEW                          = 0x40
+	SO_TIMESTAMPNS_OLD                          = 0x23
+	SO_TIMESTAMP_NEW                            = 0x3f
+	SO_TIMESTAMP_OLD                            = 0x1d
+	SO_TXTIME                                   = 0x3d
+	SO_TYPE                                     = 0x1008
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE               = 0x2
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_BUFFER_MIN_SIZE               = 0x1
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_BUFFER_SIZE                   = 0x0
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_CONNECT_TIMEOUT               = 0x6
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_NONBLOCK_TXRX                 = 0x7
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_PEER_HOST_VM_ID               = 0x3
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_TRUSTED                       = 0x5
+	SO_WIFI_STATUS                              = 0x29
+	SO_ZEROCOPY                                 = 0x3c
+	SPLICE_F_GIFT                               = 0x8
+	SPLICE_F_MORE                               = 0x4
+	SPLICE_F_MOVE                               = 0x1
+	SPLICE_F_NONBLOCK                           = 0x2
+	SQUASHFS_MAGIC                              = 0x73717368
+	STACK_END_MAGIC                             = 0x57ac6e9d
+	STATX_ALL                                   = 0xfff
+	STATX_ATIME                                 = 0x20
+	STATX_ATTR_APPEND                           = 0x20
+	STATX_ATTR_AUTOMOUNT                        = 0x1000
+	STATX_ATTR_COMPRESSED                       = 0x4
+	STATX_ATTR_ENCRYPTED                        = 0x800
+	STATX_ATTR_IMMUTABLE                        = 0x10
+	STATX_ATTR_NODUMP                           = 0x40
+	STATX_BASIC_STATS                           = 0x7ff
+	STATX_BLOCKS                                = 0x400
+	STATX_BTIME                                 = 0x800
+	STATX_CTIME                                 = 0x80
+	STATX_GID                                   = 0x10
+	STATX_INO                                   = 0x100
+	STATX_MODE                                  = 0x2
+	STATX_MTIME                                 = 0x40
+	STATX_NLINK                                 = 0x4
+	STATX_SIZE                                  = 0x200
+	STATX_TYPE                                  = 0x1
+	STATX_UID                                   = 0x8
+	STATX__RESERVED                             = 0x80000000
+	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WAIT_AFTER                  = 0x4
+	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WAIT_BEFORE                 = 0x1
+	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WRITE                       = 0x2
+	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WRITE_AND_WAIT              = 0x7
+	SYSFS_MAGIC                                 = 0x62656572
+	S_BLKSIZE                                   = 0x200
+	S_IEXEC                                     = 0x40
+	S_IFBLK                                     = 0x6000
+	S_IFCHR                                     = 0x2000
+	S_IFDIR                                     = 0x4000
+	S_IFIFO                                     = 0x1000
+	S_IFLNK                                     = 0xa000
+	S_IFMT                                      = 0xf000
+	S_IFREG                                     = 0x8000
+	S_IFSOCK                                    = 0xc000
+	S_IREAD                                     = 0x100
+	S_IRGRP                                     = 0x20
+	S_IROTH                                     = 0x4
+	S_IRUSR                                     = 0x100
+	S_IRWXG                                     = 0x38
+	S_IRWXO                                     = 0x7
+	S_IRWXU                                     = 0x1c0
+	S_ISGID                                     = 0x400
+	S_ISUID                                     = 0x800
+	S_ISVTX                                     = 0x200
+	S_IWGRP                                     = 0x10
+	S_IWOTH                                     = 0x2
+	S_IWRITE                                    = 0x80
+	S_IWUSR                                     = 0x80
+	S_IXGRP                                     = 0x8
+	S_IXOTH                                     = 0x1
+	S_IXUSR                                     = 0x40
+	TAB0                                        = 0x0
+	TAB1                                        = 0x800
+	TAB2                                        = 0x1000
+	TAB3                                        = 0x1800
+	TABDLY                                      = 0x1800
+	TASKSTATS_CMD_ATTR_MAX                      = 0x4
+	TASKSTATS_CMD_MAX                           = 0x2
+	TASKSTATS_GENL_NAME                         = "TASKSTATS"
+	TASKSTATS_GENL_VERSION                      = 0x1
+	TASKSTATS_TYPE_MAX                          = 0x6
+	TASKSTATS_VERSION                           = 0x9
+	TCFLSH                                      = 0x5407
+	TCGETA                                      = 0x5401
+	TCGETS                                      = 0x540d
+	TCGETS2                                     = 0x4030542a
+	TCIFLUSH                                    = 0x0
+	TCIOFF                                      = 0x2
+	TCIOFLUSH                                   = 0x2
+	TCION                                       = 0x3
+	TCOFLUSH                                    = 0x1
+	TCOOFF                                      = 0x0
+	TCOON                                       = 0x1
+	TCP_BPF_IW                                  = 0x3e9
+	TCP_BPF_SNDCWND_CLAMP                       = 0x3ea
+	TCP_CC_INFO                                 = 0x1a
+	TCP_CM_INQ                                  = 0x24
+	TCP_CONGESTION                              = 0xd
+	TCP_COOKIE_IN_ALWAYS                        = 0x1
+	TCP_COOKIE_MAX                              = 0x10
+	TCP_COOKIE_MIN                              = 0x8
+	TCP_COOKIE_OUT_NEVER                        = 0x2
+	TCP_COOKIE_PAIR_SIZE                        = 0x20
+	TCP_COOKIE_TRANSACTIONS                     = 0xf
+	TCP_CORK                                    = 0x3
+	TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT                            = 0x9
+	TCP_FASTOPEN                                = 0x17
+	TCP_FASTOPEN_CONNECT                        = 0x1e
+	TCP_FASTOPEN_KEY                            = 0x21
+	TCP_FASTOPEN_NO_COOKIE                      = 0x22
+	TCP_INFO                                    = 0xb
+	TCP_INQ                                     = 0x24
+	TCP_KEEPCNT                                 = 0x6
+	TCP_KEEPIDLE                                = 0x4
+	TCP_KEEPINTVL                               = 0x5
+	TCP_LINGER2                                 = 0x8
+	TCP_MAXSEG                                  = 0x2
+	TCP_MAXWIN                                  = 0xffff
+	TCP_MAX_WINSHIFT                            = 0xe
+	TCP_MD5SIG                                  = 0xe
+	TCP_MD5SIG_EXT                              = 0x20
+	TCP_MD5SIG_FLAG_PREFIX                      = 0x1
+	TCP_MD5SIG_MAXKEYLEN                        = 0x50
+	TCP_MSS                                     = 0x200
+	TCP_MSS_DEFAULT                             = 0x218
+	TCP_MSS_DESIRED                             = 0x4c4
+	TCP_NODELAY                                 = 0x1
+	TCP_NOTSENT_LOWAT                           = 0x19
+	TCP_QUEUE_SEQ                               = 0x15
+	TCP_QUICKACK                                = 0xc
+	TCP_REPAIR                                  = 0x13
+	TCP_REPAIR_OFF                              = 0x0
+	TCP_REPAIR_OFF_NO_WP                        = -0x1
+	TCP_REPAIR_ON                               = 0x1
+	TCP_REPAIR_OPTIONS                          = 0x16
+	TCP_REPAIR_QUEUE                            = 0x14
+	TCP_REPAIR_WINDOW                           = 0x1d
+	TCP_SAVED_SYN                               = 0x1c
+	TCP_SAVE_SYN                                = 0x1b
+	TCP_SYNCNT                                  = 0x7
+	TCP_S_DATA_IN                               = 0x4
+	TCP_S_DATA_OUT                              = 0x8
+	TCP_THIN_DUPACK                             = 0x11
+	TCP_THIN_LINEAR_TIMEOUTS                    = 0x10
+	TCP_TIMESTAMP                               = 0x18
+	TCP_ULP                                     = 0x1f
+	TCP_USER_TIMEOUT                            = 0x12
+	TCP_WINDOW_CLAMP                            = 0xa
+	TCP_ZEROCOPY_RECEIVE                        = 0x23
+	TCSAFLUSH                                   = 0x5410
+	TCSBRK                                      = 0x5405
+	TCSBRKP                                     = 0x5486
+	TCSETA                                      = 0x5402
+	TCSETAF                                     = 0x5404
+	TCSETAW                                     = 0x5403
+	TCSETS                                      = 0x540e
+	TCSETS2                                     = 0x8030542b
+	TCSETSF                                     = 0x5410
+	TCSETSF2                                    = 0x8030542d
+	TCSETSW                                     = 0x540f
+	TCSETSW2                                    = 0x8030542c
+	TCXONC                                      = 0x5406
+	TIMER_ABSTIME                               = 0x1
+	TIOCCBRK                                    = 0x5428
+	TIOCCONS                                    = 0x80047478
+	TIOCEXCL                                    = 0x740d
+	TIOCGDEV                                    = 0x40045432
+	TIOCGETD                                    = 0x7400
+	TIOCGETP                                    = 0x7408
+	TIOCGEXCL                                   = 0x40045440
+	TIOCGICOUNT                                 = 0x5492
+	TIOCGISO7816                                = 0x40285442
+	TIOCGLCKTRMIOS                              = 0x548b
+	TIOCGLTC                                    = 0x7474
+	TIOCGPGRP                                   = 0x40047477
+	TIOCGPKT                                    = 0x40045438
+	TIOCGPTLCK                                  = 0x40045439
+	TIOCGPTN                                    = 0x40045430
+	TIOCGPTPEER                                 = 0x20005441
+	TIOCGRS485                                  = 0x4020542e
+	TIOCGSERIAL                                 = 0x5484
+	TIOCGSID                                    = 0x7416
+	TIOCGSOFTCAR                                = 0x5481
+	TIOCGWINSZ                                  = 0x40087468
+	TIOCINQ                                     = 0x467f
+	TIOCLINUX                                   = 0x5483
+	TIOCMBIC                                    = 0x741c
+	TIOCMBIS                                    = 0x741b
+	TIOCMGET                                    = 0x741d
+	TIOCMIWAIT                                  = 0x5491
+	TIOCMSET                                    = 0x741a
+	TIOCM_CAR                                   = 0x100
+	TIOCM_CD                                    = 0x100
+	TIOCM_CTS                                   = 0x40
+	TIOCM_DSR                                   = 0x400
+	TIOCM_DTR                                   = 0x2
+	TIOCM_LE                                    = 0x1
+	TIOCM_RI                                    = 0x200
+	TIOCM_RNG                                   = 0x200
+	TIOCM_RTS                                   = 0x4
+	TIOCM_SR                                    = 0x20
+	TIOCM_ST                                    = 0x10
+	TIOCNOTTY                                   = 0x5471
+	TIOCNXCL                                    = 0x740e
+	TIOCOUTQ                                    = 0x7472
+	TIOCPKT                                     = 0x5470
+	TIOCPKT_DATA                                = 0x0
+	TIOCPKT_DOSTOP                              = 0x20
+	TIOCPKT_FLUSHREAD                           = 0x1
+	TIOCPKT_FLUSHWRITE                          = 0x2
+	TIOCPKT_IOCTL                               = 0x40
+	TIOCPKT_NOSTOP                              = 0x10
+	TIOCPKT_START                               = 0x8
+	TIOCPKT_STOP                                = 0x4
+	TIOCSBRK                                    = 0x5427
+	TIOCSCTTY                                   = 0x5480
+	TIOCSERCONFIG                               = 0x5488
+	TIOCSERGETLSR                               = 0x548e
+	TIOCSERGETMULTI                             = 0x548f
+	TIOCSERGSTRUCT                              = 0x548d
+	TIOCSERGWILD                                = 0x5489
+	TIOCSERSETMULTI                             = 0x5490
+	TIOCSERSWILD                                = 0x548a
+	TIOCSER_TEMT                                = 0x1
+	TIOCSETD                                    = 0x7401
+	TIOCSETN                                    = 0x740a
+	TIOCSETP                                    = 0x7409
+	TIOCSIG                                     = 0x80045436
+	TIOCSISO7816                                = 0xc0285443
+	TIOCSLCKTRMIOS                              = 0x548c
+	TIOCSLTC                                    = 0x7475
+	TIOCSPGRP                                   = 0x80047476
+	TIOCSPTLCK                                  = 0x80045431
+	TIOCSRS485                                  = 0xc020542f
+	TIOCSSERIAL                                 = 0x5485
+	TIOCSSOFTCAR                                = 0x5482
+	TIOCSTI                                     = 0x5472
+	TIOCSWINSZ                                  = 0x80087467
+	TIOCVHANGUP                                 = 0x5437
+	TIPC_ADDR_ID                                = 0x3
+	TIPC_ADDR_MCAST                             = 0x1
+	TIPC_ADDR_NAME                              = 0x2
+	TIPC_ADDR_NAMESEQ                           = 0x1
+	TIPC_CFG_SRV                                = 0x0
+	TIPC_CLUSTER_BITS                           = 0xc
+	TIPC_CLUSTER_MASK                           = 0xfff000
+	TIPC_CLUSTER_OFFSET                         = 0xc
+	TIPC_CLUSTER_SIZE                           = 0xfff
+	TIPC_CONN_SHUTDOWN                          = 0x5
+	TIPC_CONN_TIMEOUT                           = 0x82
+	TIPC_CRITICAL_IMPORTANCE                    = 0x3
+	TIPC_DESTNAME                               = 0x3
+	TIPC_DEST_DROPPABLE                         = 0x81
+	TIPC_ERRINFO                                = 0x1
+	TIPC_ERR_NO_NAME                            = 0x1
+	TIPC_ERR_NO_NODE                            = 0x3
+	TIPC_ERR_NO_PORT                            = 0x2
+	TIPC_ERR_OVERLOAD                           = 0x4
+	TIPC_GROUP_JOIN                             = 0x87
+	TIPC_GROUP_LEAVE                            = 0x88
+	TIPC_GROUP_LOOPBACK                         = 0x1
+	TIPC_GROUP_MEMBER_EVTS                      = 0x2
+	TIPC_HIGH_IMPORTANCE                        = 0x2
+	TIPC_IMPORTANCE                             = 0x7f
+	TIPC_LINK_STATE                             = 0x2
+	TIPC_LOW_IMPORTANCE                         = 0x0
+	TIPC_MAX_BEARER_NAME                        = 0x20
+	TIPC_MAX_IF_NAME                            = 0x10
+	TIPC_MAX_LINK_NAME                          = 0x44
+	TIPC_MAX_MEDIA_NAME                         = 0x10
+	TIPC_MAX_USER_MSG_SIZE                      = 0x101d0
+	TIPC_MCAST_BROADCAST                        = 0x85
+	TIPC_MCAST_REPLICAST                        = 0x86
+	TIPC_MEDIUM_IMPORTANCE                      = 0x1
+	TIPC_NODEID_LEN                             = 0x10
+	TIPC_NODE_BITS                              = 0xc
+	TIPC_NODE_MASK                              = 0xfff
+	TIPC_NODE_OFFSET                            = 0x0
+	TIPC_NODE_RECVQ_DEPTH                       = 0x83
+	TIPC_NODE_SIZE                              = 0xfff
+	TIPC_NODE_STATE                             = 0x0
+	TIPC_OK                                     = 0x0
+	TIPC_PUBLISHED                              = 0x1
+	TIPC_RESERVED_TYPES                         = 0x40
+	TIPC_RETDATA                                = 0x2
+	TIPC_SERVICE_ADDR                           = 0x2
+	TIPC_SERVICE_RANGE                          = 0x1
+	TIPC_SOCKET_ADDR                            = 0x3
+	TIPC_SOCK_RECVQ_DEPTH                       = 0x84
+	TIPC_SOCK_RECVQ_USED                        = 0x89
+	TIPC_SRC_DROPPABLE                          = 0x80
+	TIPC_SUBSCR_TIMEOUT                         = 0x3
+	TIPC_SUB_CANCEL                             = 0x4
+	TIPC_SUB_PORTS                              = 0x1
+	TIPC_SUB_SERVICE                            = 0x2
+	TIPC_TOP_SRV                                = 0x1
+	TIPC_WAIT_FOREVER                           = 0xffffffff
+	TIPC_WITHDRAWN                              = 0x2
+	TIPC_ZONE_BITS                              = 0x8
+	TIPC_ZONE_CLUSTER_MASK                      = 0xfffff000
+	TIPC_ZONE_MASK                              = 0xff000000
+	TIPC_ZONE_OFFSET                            = 0x18
+	TIPC_ZONE_SCOPE                             = 0x1
+	TIPC_ZONE_SIZE                              = 0xff
+	TMPFS_MAGIC                                 = 0x1021994
+	TOSTOP                                      = 0x8000
+	TPACKET_ALIGNMENT                           = 0x10
+	TPACKET_HDRLEN                              = 0x34
+	TP_STATUS_AVAILABLE                         = 0x0
+	TP_STATUS_BLK_TMO                           = 0x20
+	TP_STATUS_COPY                              = 0x2
+	TP_STATUS_CSUMNOTREADY                      = 0x8
+	TP_STATUS_CSUM_VALID                        = 0x80
+	TP_STATUS_KERNEL                            = 0x0
+	TP_STATUS_LOSING                            = 0x4
+	TP_STATUS_SENDING                           = 0x2
+	TP_STATUS_SEND_REQUEST                      = 0x1
+	TP_STATUS_TS_RAW_HARDWARE                   = 0x80000000
+	TP_STATUS_TS_SOFTWARE                       = 0x20000000
+	TP_STATUS_TS_SYS_HARDWARE                   = 0x40000000
+	TP_STATUS_USER                              = 0x1
+	TP_STATUS_VLAN_TPID_VALID                   = 0x40
+	TP_STATUS_VLAN_VALID                        = 0x10
+	TP_STATUS_WRONG_FORMAT                      = 0x4
+	TRACEFS_MAGIC                               = 0x74726163
+	TS_COMM_LEN                                 = 0x20
+	TUNATTACHFILTER                             = 0x800854d5
+	TUNDETACHFILTER                             = 0x800854d6
+	TUNGETDEVNETNS                              = 0x200054e3
+	TUNGETFEATURES                              = 0x400454cf
+	TUNGETFILTER                                = 0x400854db
+	TUNGETIFF                                   = 0x400454d2
+	TUNGETSNDBUF                                = 0x400454d3
+	TUNGETVNETBE                                = 0x400454df
+	TUNGETVNETHDRSZ                             = 0x400454d7
+	TUNGETVNETLE                                = 0x400454dd
+	TUNSETCARRIER                               = 0x800454e2
+	TUNSETDEBUG                                 = 0x800454c9
+	TUNSETFILTEREBPF                            = 0x400454e1
+	TUNSETGROUP                                 = 0x800454ce
+	TUNSETIFF                                   = 0x800454ca
+	TUNSETIFINDEX                               = 0x800454da
+	TUNSETLINK                                  = 0x800454cd
+	TUNSETNOCSUM                                = 0x800454c8
+	TUNSETOFFLOAD                               = 0x800454d0
+	TUNSETOWNER                                 = 0x800454cc
+	TUNSETPERSIST                               = 0x800454cb
+	TUNSETQUEUE                                 = 0x800454d9
+	TUNSETSNDBUF                                = 0x800454d4
+	TUNSETSTEERINGEBPF                          = 0x400454e0
+	TUNSETTXFILTER                              = 0x800454d1
+	TUNSETVNETBE                                = 0x800454de
+	TUNSETVNETHDRSZ                             = 0x800454d8
+	TUNSETVNETLE                                = 0x800454dc
+	UBI_IOCATT                                  = 0x80186f40
+	UBI_IOCDET                                  = 0x80046f41
+	UBI_IOCEBCH                                 = 0x80044f02
+	UBI_IOCEBER                                 = 0x80044f01
+	UBI_IOCEBISMAP                              = 0x40044f05
+	UBI_IOCEBMAP                                = 0x80084f03
+	UBI_IOCEBUNMAP                              = 0x80044f04
+	UBI_IOCMKVOL                                = 0x80986f00
+	UBI_IOCRMVOL                                = 0x80046f01
+	UBI_IOCRNVOL                                = 0x91106f03
+	UBI_IOCRPEB                                 = 0x80046f04
+	UBI_IOCRSVOL                                = 0x800c6f02
+	UBI_IOCSETVOLPROP                           = 0x80104f06
+	UBI_IOCSPEB                                 = 0x80046f05
+	UBI_IOCVOLCRBLK                             = 0x80804f07
+	UBI_IOCVOLRMBLK                             = 0x20004f08
+	UBI_IOCVOLUP                                = 0x80084f00
+	UDF_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x15013346
+	UMOUNT_NOFOLLOW                             = 0x8
+	USBDEVICE_SUPER_MAGIC                       = 0x9fa2
+	UTIME_NOW                                   = 0x3fffffff
+	UTIME_OMIT                                  = 0x3ffffffe
+	V9FS_MAGIC                                  = 0x1021997
+	VDISCARD                                    = 0xd
+	VEOF                                        = 0x10
+	VEOL                                        = 0x11
+	VEOL2                                       = 0x6
+	VERASE                                      = 0x2
+	VINTR                                       = 0x0
+	VKILL                                       = 0x3
+	VLNEXT                                      = 0xf
+	VMADDR_CID_ANY                              = 0xffffffff
+	VMADDR_CID_HOST                             = 0x2
+	VMADDR_CID_HYPERVISOR                       = 0x0
+	VMADDR_CID_RESERVED                         = 0x1
+	VMADDR_PORT_ANY                             = 0xffffffff
+	VMIN                                        = 0x4
+	VM_SOCKETS_INVALID_VERSION                  = 0xffffffff
+	VQUIT                                       = 0x1
+	VREPRINT                                    = 0xc
+	VSTART                                      = 0x8
+	VSTOP                                       = 0x9
+	VSUSP                                       = 0xa
+	VSWTC                                       = 0x7
+	VSWTCH                                      = 0x7
+	VT0                                         = 0x0
+	VT1                                         = 0x4000
+	VTDLY                                       = 0x4000
+	VTIME                                       = 0x5
+	VWERASE                                     = 0xe
+	WALL                                        = 0x40000000
+	WCLONE                                      = 0x80000000
+	WCONTINUED                                  = 0x8
+	WDIOC_GETBOOTSTATUS                         = 0x40045702
+	WDIOC_GETPRETIMEOUT                         = 0x40045709
+	WDIOC_GETSTATUS                             = 0x40045701
+	WDIOC_GETSUPPORT                            = 0x40285700
+	WDIOC_GETTEMP                               = 0x40045703
+	WDIOC_GETTIMELEFT                           = 0x4004570a
+	WDIOC_GETTIMEOUT                            = 0x40045707
+	WDIOC_KEEPALIVE                             = 0x40045705
+	WDIOC_SETOPTIONS                            = 0x40045704
+	WDIOC_SETPRETIMEOUT                         = 0xc0045708
+	WDIOC_SETTIMEOUT                            = 0xc0045706
+	WEXITED                                     = 0x4
+	WIN_ACKMEDIACHANGE                          = 0xdb
+	WIN_CHECKPOWERMODE1                         = 0xe5
+	WIN_CHECKPOWERMODE2                         = 0x98
+	WIN_DEVICE_RESET                            = 0x8
+	WIN_DIAGNOSE                                = 0x90
+	WIN_DOORLOCK                                = 0xde
+	WIN_DOORUNLOCK                              = 0xdf
+	WIN_DOWNLOAD_MICROCODE                      = 0x92
+	WIN_FLUSH_CACHE                             = 0xe7
+	WIN_FLUSH_CACHE_EXT                         = 0xea
+	WIN_FORMAT                                  = 0x50
+	WIN_GETMEDIASTATUS                          = 0xda
+	WIN_IDENTIFY                                = 0xec
+	WIN_IDENTIFY_DMA                            = 0xee
+	WIN_IDLEIMMEDIATE                           = 0xe1
+	WIN_INIT                                    = 0x60
+	WIN_MEDIAEJECT                              = 0xed
+	WIN_MULTREAD                                = 0xc4
+	WIN_MULTREAD_EXT                            = 0x29
+	WIN_MULTWRITE                               = 0xc5
+	WIN_MULTWRITE_EXT                           = 0x39
+	WIN_NOP                                     = 0x0
+	WIN_PACKETCMD                               = 0xa0
+	WIN_PIDENTIFY                               = 0xa1
+	WIN_POSTBOOT                                = 0xdc
+	WIN_PREBOOT                                 = 0xdd
+	WIN_QUEUED_SERVICE                          = 0xa2
+	WIN_READ                                    = 0x20
+	WIN_READDMA                                 = 0xc8
+	WIN_READDMA_EXT                             = 0x25
+	WIN_READDMA_ONCE                            = 0xc9
+	WIN_READDMA_QUEUED                          = 0xc7
+	WIN_READDMA_QUEUED_EXT                      = 0x26
+	WIN_READ_BUFFER                             = 0xe4
+	WIN_READ_EXT                                = 0x24
+	WIN_READ_LONG                               = 0x22
+	WIN_READ_LONG_ONCE                          = 0x23
+	WIN_READ_NATIVE_MAX                         = 0xf8
+	WIN_READ_NATIVE_MAX_EXT                     = 0x27
+	WIN_READ_ONCE                               = 0x21
+	WIN_RECAL                                   = 0x10
+	WIN_RESTORE                                 = 0x10
+	WIN_SECURITY_DISABLE                        = 0xf6
+	WIN_SECURITY_ERASE_PREPARE                  = 0xf3
+	WIN_SECURITY_ERASE_UNIT                     = 0xf4
+	WIN_SECURITY_FREEZE_LOCK                    = 0xf5
+	WIN_SECURITY_SET_PASS                       = 0xf1
+	WIN_SECURITY_UNLOCK                         = 0xf2
+	WIN_SEEK                                    = 0x70
+	WIN_SETFEATURES                             = 0xef
+	WIN_SETIDLE1                                = 0xe3
+	WIN_SETIDLE2                                = 0x97
+	WIN_SETMULT                                 = 0xc6
+	WIN_SET_MAX                                 = 0xf9
+	WIN_SET_MAX_EXT                             = 0x37
+	WIN_SLEEPNOW1                               = 0xe6
+	WIN_SLEEPNOW2                               = 0x99
+	WIN_SMART                                   = 0xb0
+	WIN_SPECIFY                                 = 0x91
+	WIN_SRST                                    = 0x8
+	WIN_STANDBY                                 = 0xe2
+	WIN_STANDBY2                                = 0x96
+	WIN_STANDBYNOW1                             = 0xe0
+	WIN_STANDBYNOW2                             = 0x94
+	WIN_VERIFY                                  = 0x40
+	WIN_VERIFY_EXT                              = 0x42
+	WIN_VERIFY_ONCE                             = 0x41
+	WIN_WRITE                                   = 0x30
+	WIN_WRITEDMA                                = 0xca
+	WIN_WRITEDMA_EXT                            = 0x35
+	WIN_WRITEDMA_ONCE                           = 0xcb
+	WIN_WRITEDMA_QUEUED                         = 0xcc
+	WIN_WRITEDMA_QUEUED_EXT                     = 0x36
+	WIN_WRITE_BUFFER                            = 0xe8
+	WIN_WRITE_EXT                               = 0x34
+	WIN_WRITE_LONG                              = 0x32
+	WIN_WRITE_LONG_ONCE                         = 0x33
+	WIN_WRITE_ONCE                              = 0x31
+	WIN_WRITE_SAME                              = 0xe9
+	WIN_WRITE_VERIFY                            = 0x3c
+	WNOHANG                                     = 0x1
+	WNOTHREAD                                   = 0x20000000
+	WNOWAIT                                     = 0x1000000
+	WORDSIZE                                    = 0x20
+	WSTOPPED                                    = 0x2
+	WUNTRACED                                   = 0x2
+	XATTR_CREATE                                = 0x1
+	XATTR_REPLACE                               = 0x2
+	XCASE                                       = 0x4
+	XDP_COPY                                    = 0x2
+	XDP_FLAGS_DRV_MODE                          = 0x4
+	XDP_FLAGS_HW_MODE                           = 0x8
+	XDP_FLAGS_MASK                              = 0xf
+	XDP_FLAGS_MODES                             = 0xe
+	XDP_FLAGS_SKB_MODE                          = 0x2
+	XDP_FLAGS_UPDATE_IF_NOEXIST                 = 0x1
+	XDP_MMAP_OFFSETS                            = 0x1
+	XDP_OPTIONS                                 = 0x8
+	XDP_OPTIONS_ZEROCOPY                        = 0x1
+	XDP_PACKET_HEADROOM                         = 0x100
+	XDP_PGOFF_RX_RING                           = 0x0
+	XDP_PGOFF_TX_RING                           = 0x80000000
+	XDP_RING_NEED_WAKEUP                        = 0x1
+	XDP_RX_RING                                 = 0x2
+	XDP_SHARED_UMEM                             = 0x1
+	XDP_STATISTICS                              = 0x7
+	XDP_TX_RING                                 = 0x3
+	XDP_UMEM_COMPLETION_RING                    = 0x6
+	XDP_UMEM_FILL_RING                          = 0x5
+	XDP_UMEM_PGOFF_COMPLETION_RING              = 0x180000000
+	XDP_UMEM_PGOFF_FILL_RING                    = 0x100000000
+	XDP_UMEM_REG                                = 0x4
+	XDP_UMEM_UNALIGNED_CHUNK_FLAG               = 0x1
+	XDP_USE_NEED_WAKEUP                         = 0x8
+	XDP_ZEROCOPY                                = 0x4
+	XENFS_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0xabba1974
+	XFS_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x58465342
+	XTABS                                       = 0x1800
+	Z3FOLD_MAGIC                                = 0x33
+	ZSMALLOC_MAGIC                              = 0x58295829
 // Errors
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mips64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mips64.go
index 35e33de..15284ff 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mips64.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mips64.go
@@ -11,2660 +11,2816 @@ package unix
 import "syscall"
 const (
-	AAFS_MAGIC                           = 0x5a3c69f0
-	ADFS_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xadf5
-	AFFS_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xadff
-	AFS_FS_MAGIC                         = 0x6b414653
-	AFS_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x5346414f
-	AF_ALG                               = 0x26
-	AF_APPLETALK                         = 0x5
-	AF_ASH                               = 0x12
-	AF_ATMPVC                            = 0x8
-	AF_ATMSVC                            = 0x14
-	AF_AX25                              = 0x3
-	AF_BLUETOOTH                         = 0x1f
-	AF_BRIDGE                            = 0x7
-	AF_CAIF                              = 0x25
-	AF_CAN                               = 0x1d
-	AF_DECnet                            = 0xc
-	AF_ECONET                            = 0x13
-	AF_FILE                              = 0x1
-	AF_IB                                = 0x1b
-	AF_IEEE802154                        = 0x24
-	AF_INET                              = 0x2
-	AF_INET6                             = 0xa
-	AF_IPX                               = 0x4
-	AF_IRDA                              = 0x17
-	AF_ISDN                              = 0x22
-	AF_IUCV                              = 0x20
-	AF_KCM                               = 0x29
-	AF_KEY                               = 0xf
-	AF_LLC                               = 0x1a
-	AF_LOCAL                             = 0x1
-	AF_MAX                               = 0x2d
-	AF_MPLS                              = 0x1c
-	AF_NETBEUI                           = 0xd
-	AF_NETLINK                           = 0x10
-	AF_NETROM                            = 0x6
-	AF_NFC                               = 0x27
-	AF_PACKET                            = 0x11
-	AF_PHONET                            = 0x23
-	AF_PPPOX                             = 0x18
-	AF_QIPCRTR                           = 0x2a
-	AF_RDS                               = 0x15
-	AF_ROSE                              = 0xb
-	AF_ROUTE                             = 0x10
-	AF_RXRPC                             = 0x21
-	AF_SECURITY                          = 0xe
-	AF_SMC                               = 0x2b
-	AF_SNA                               = 0x16
-	AF_TIPC                              = 0x1e
-	AF_UNIX                              = 0x1
-	AF_UNSPEC                            = 0x0
-	AF_VSOCK                             = 0x28
-	AF_WANPIPE                           = 0x19
-	AF_X25                               = 0x9
-	AF_XDP                               = 0x2c
-	ALG_OP_DECRYPT                       = 0x0
-	ALG_OP_ENCRYPT                       = 0x1
-	ALG_SET_AEAD_ASSOCLEN                = 0x4
-	ALG_SET_AEAD_AUTHSIZE                = 0x5
-	ALG_SET_IV                           = 0x2
-	ALG_SET_KEY                          = 0x1
-	ALG_SET_OP                           = 0x3
-	ANON_INODE_FS_MAGIC                  = 0x9041934
-	ARPHRD_6LOWPAN                       = 0x339
-	ARPHRD_ADAPT                         = 0x108
-	ARPHRD_APPLETLK                      = 0x8
-	ARPHRD_ARCNET                        = 0x7
-	ARPHRD_ASH                           = 0x30d
-	ARPHRD_ATM                           = 0x13
-	ARPHRD_AX25                          = 0x3
-	ARPHRD_BIF                           = 0x307
-	ARPHRD_CAIF                          = 0x336
-	ARPHRD_CAN                           = 0x118
-	ARPHRD_CHAOS                         = 0x5
-	ARPHRD_CISCO                         = 0x201
-	ARPHRD_CSLIP                         = 0x101
-	ARPHRD_CSLIP6                        = 0x103
-	ARPHRD_DDCMP                         = 0x205
-	ARPHRD_DLCI                          = 0xf
-	ARPHRD_ECONET                        = 0x30e
-	ARPHRD_EETHER                        = 0x2
-	ARPHRD_ETHER                         = 0x1
-	ARPHRD_EUI64                         = 0x1b
-	ARPHRD_FCAL                          = 0x311
-	ARPHRD_FCFABRIC                      = 0x313
-	ARPHRD_FCPL                          = 0x312
-	ARPHRD_FCPP                          = 0x310
-	ARPHRD_FDDI                          = 0x306
-	ARPHRD_FRAD                          = 0x302
-	ARPHRD_HDLC                          = 0x201
-	ARPHRD_HIPPI                         = 0x30c
-	ARPHRD_HWX25                         = 0x110
-	ARPHRD_IEEE1394                      = 0x18
-	ARPHRD_IEEE802                       = 0x6
-	ARPHRD_IEEE80211                     = 0x321
-	ARPHRD_IEEE80211_PRISM               = 0x322
-	ARPHRD_IEEE80211_RADIOTAP            = 0x323
-	ARPHRD_IEEE802154                    = 0x324
-	ARPHRD_IEEE802154_MONITOR            = 0x325
-	ARPHRD_IEEE802_TR                    = 0x320
-	ARPHRD_INFINIBAND                    = 0x20
-	ARPHRD_IP6GRE                        = 0x337
-	ARPHRD_IPDDP                         = 0x309
-	ARPHRD_IPGRE                         = 0x30a
-	ARPHRD_IRDA                          = 0x30f
-	ARPHRD_LAPB                          = 0x204
-	ARPHRD_LOCALTLK                      = 0x305
-	ARPHRD_LOOPBACK                      = 0x304
-	ARPHRD_METRICOM                      = 0x17
-	ARPHRD_NETLINK                       = 0x338
-	ARPHRD_NETROM                        = 0x0
-	ARPHRD_NONE                          = 0xfffe
-	ARPHRD_PHONET                        = 0x334
-	ARPHRD_PHONET_PIPE                   = 0x335
-	ARPHRD_PIMREG                        = 0x30b
-	ARPHRD_PPP                           = 0x200
-	ARPHRD_PRONET                        = 0x4
-	ARPHRD_RAWHDLC                       = 0x206
-	ARPHRD_RAWIP                         = 0x207
-	ARPHRD_ROSE                          = 0x10e
-	ARPHRD_RSRVD                         = 0x104
-	ARPHRD_SIT                           = 0x308
-	ARPHRD_SKIP                          = 0x303
-	ARPHRD_SLIP                          = 0x100
-	ARPHRD_SLIP6                         = 0x102
-	ARPHRD_TUNNEL                        = 0x300
-	ARPHRD_TUNNEL6                       = 0x301
-	ARPHRD_VOID                          = 0xffff
-	ARPHRD_VSOCKMON                      = 0x33a
-	ARPHRD_X25                           = 0x10f
-	AUTOFS_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0x187
-	B0                                   = 0x0
-	B1000000                             = 0x1008
-	B110                                 = 0x3
-	B115200                              = 0x1002
-	B1152000                             = 0x1009
-	B1200                                = 0x9
-	B134                                 = 0x4
-	B150                                 = 0x5
-	B1500000                             = 0x100a
-	B1800                                = 0xa
-	B19200                               = 0xe
-	B200                                 = 0x6
-	B2000000                             = 0x100b
-	B230400                              = 0x1003
-	B2400                                = 0xb
-	B2500000                             = 0x100c
-	B300                                 = 0x7
-	B3000000                             = 0x100d
-	B3500000                             = 0x100e
-	B38400                               = 0xf
-	B4000000                             = 0x100f
-	B460800                              = 0x1004
-	B4800                                = 0xc
-	B50                                  = 0x1
-	B500000                              = 0x1005
-	B57600                               = 0x1001
-	B576000                              = 0x1006
-	B600                                 = 0x8
-	B75                                  = 0x2
-	B921600                              = 0x1007
-	B9600                                = 0xd
-	BALLOON_KVM_MAGIC                    = 0x13661366
-	BDEVFS_MAGIC                         = 0x62646576
-	BINDERFS_SUPER_MAGIC                 = 0x6c6f6f70
-	BINFMTFS_MAGIC                       = 0x42494e4d
-	BLKBSZGET                            = 0x40081270
-	BLKBSZSET                            = 0x80081271
-	BLKFLSBUF                            = 0x20001261
-	BLKFRAGET                            = 0x20001265
-	BLKFRASET                            = 0x20001264
-	BLKGETSIZE                           = 0x20001260
-	BLKGETSIZE64                         = 0x40081272
-	BLKPBSZGET                           = 0x2000127b
-	BLKRAGET                             = 0x20001263
-	BLKRASET                             = 0x20001262
-	BLKROGET                             = 0x2000125e
-	BLKROSET                             = 0x2000125d
-	BLKRRPART                            = 0x2000125f
-	BLKSECTGET                           = 0x20001267
-	BLKSECTSET                           = 0x20001266
-	BLKSSZGET                            = 0x20001268
-	BOTHER                               = 0x1000
-	BPF_A                                = 0x10
-	BPF_ABS                              = 0x20
-	BPF_ADD                              = 0x0
-	BPF_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L2_MASK           = 0xff
-	BPF_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L2_SHIFT          = 0x38
-	BPF_ALU                              = 0x4
-	BPF_ALU64                            = 0x7
-	BPF_AND                              = 0x50
-	BPF_ANY                              = 0x0
-	BPF_ARSH                             = 0xc0
-	BPF_B                                = 0x10
-	BPF_BUILD_ID_SIZE                    = 0x14
-	BPF_CALL                             = 0x80
-	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_MKNOD                  = 0x1
-	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_READ                   = 0x2
-	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_WRITE                  = 0x4
-	BPF_DEVCG_DEV_BLOCK                  = 0x1
-	BPF_DEVCG_DEV_CHAR                   = 0x2
-	BPF_DIV                              = 0x30
-	BPF_DW                               = 0x18
-	BPF_END                              = 0xd0
-	BPF_EXIST                            = 0x2
-	BPF_EXIT                             = 0x90
-	BPF_FROM_BE                          = 0x8
-	BPF_FROM_LE                          = 0x0
-	BPF_FS_MAGIC                         = 0xcafe4a11
-	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L3_IPV4         = 0x2
-	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L3_IPV6         = 0x4
-	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L4_GRE          = 0x8
-	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L4_UDP          = 0x10
-	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_FIXED_GSO             = 0x1
-	BPF_F_ALLOW_MULTI                    = 0x2
-	BPF_F_ALLOW_OVERRIDE                 = 0x1
-	BPF_F_ANY_ALIGNMENT                  = 0x2
-	BPF_F_CTXLEN_MASK                    = 0xfffff00000000
-	BPF_F_CURRENT_CPU                    = 0xffffffff
-	BPF_F_CURRENT_NETNS                  = -0x1
-	BPF_F_DONT_FRAGMENT                  = 0x4
-	BPF_F_FAST_STACK_CMP                 = 0x200
-	BPF_F_HDR_FIELD_MASK                 = 0xf
-	BPF_F_INDEX_MASK                     = 0xffffffff
-	BPF_F_INGRESS                        = 0x1
-	BPF_F_INVALIDATE_HASH                = 0x2
-	BPF_F_LOCK                           = 0x4
-	BPF_F_MARK_ENFORCE                   = 0x40
-	BPF_F_MARK_MANGLED_0                 = 0x20
-	BPF_F_NO_COMMON_LRU                  = 0x2
-	BPF_F_NO_PREALLOC                    = 0x1
-	BPF_F_NUMA_NODE                      = 0x4
-	BPF_F_PSEUDO_HDR                     = 0x10
-	BPF_F_QUERY_EFFECTIVE                = 0x1
-	BPF_F_RDONLY                         = 0x8
-	BPF_F_RDONLY_PROG                    = 0x80
-	BPF_F_RECOMPUTE_CSUM                 = 0x1
-	BPF_F_REUSE_STACKID                  = 0x400
-	BPF_F_SEQ_NUMBER                     = 0x8
-	BPF_F_SKIP_FIELD_MASK                = 0xff
-	BPF_F_STACK_BUILD_ID                 = 0x20
-	BPF_F_STRICT_ALIGNMENT               = 0x1
-	BPF_F_SYSCTL_BASE_NAME               = 0x1
-	BPF_F_TUNINFO_IPV6                   = 0x1
-	BPF_F_USER_BUILD_ID                  = 0x800
-	BPF_F_USER_STACK                     = 0x100
-	BPF_F_WRONLY                         = 0x10
-	BPF_F_WRONLY_PROG                    = 0x100
-	BPF_F_ZERO_CSUM_TX                   = 0x2
-	BPF_F_ZERO_SEED                      = 0x40
-	BPF_H                                = 0x8
-	BPF_IMM                              = 0x0
-	BPF_IND                              = 0x40
-	BPF_JA                               = 0x0
-	BPF_JEQ                              = 0x10
-	BPF_JGE                              = 0x30
-	BPF_JGT                              = 0x20
-	BPF_JLE                              = 0xb0
-	BPF_JLT                              = 0xa0
-	BPF_JMP                              = 0x5
-	BPF_JMP32                            = 0x6
-	BPF_JNE                              = 0x50
-	BPF_JSET                             = 0x40
-	BPF_JSGE                             = 0x70
-	BPF_JSGT                             = 0x60
-	BPF_JSLE                             = 0xd0
-	BPF_JSLT                             = 0xc0
-	BPF_K                                = 0x0
-	BPF_LD                               = 0x0
-	BPF_LDX                              = 0x1
-	BPF_LEN                              = 0x80
-	BPF_LL_OFF                           = -0x200000
-	BPF_LSH                              = 0x60
-	BPF_MAJOR_VERSION                    = 0x1
-	BPF_MAXINSNS                         = 0x1000
-	BPF_MEM                              = 0x60
-	BPF_MEMWORDS                         = 0x10
-	BPF_MINOR_VERSION                    = 0x1
-	BPF_MISC                             = 0x7
-	BPF_MOD                              = 0x90
-	BPF_MOV                              = 0xb0
-	BPF_MSH                              = 0xa0
-	BPF_MUL                              = 0x20
-	BPF_NEG                              = 0x80
-	BPF_NET_OFF                          = -0x100000
-	BPF_NOEXIST                          = 0x1
-	BPF_OBJ_NAME_LEN                     = 0x10
-	BPF_OR                               = 0x40
-	BPF_PSEUDO_CALL                      = 0x1
-	BPF_PSEUDO_MAP_FD                    = 0x1
-	BPF_PSEUDO_MAP_VALUE                 = 0x2
-	BPF_RET                              = 0x6
-	BPF_RSH                              = 0x70
-	BPF_SK_STORAGE_GET_F_CREATE          = 0x1
-	BPF_SOCK_OPS_ALL_CB_FLAGS            = 0x7
-	BPF_SOCK_OPS_RTO_CB_FLAG             = 0x1
-	BPF_SOCK_OPS_STATE_CB_FLAG           = 0x4
-	BPF_ST                               = 0x2
-	BPF_STX                              = 0x3
-	BPF_SUB                              = 0x10
-	BPF_TAG_SIZE                         = 0x8
-	BPF_TAX                              = 0x0
-	BPF_TO_BE                            = 0x8
-	BPF_TO_LE                            = 0x0
-	BPF_TXA                              = 0x80
-	BPF_W                                = 0x0
-	BPF_X                                = 0x8
-	BPF_XADD                             = 0xc0
-	BPF_XOR                              = 0xa0
-	BRKINT                               = 0x2
-	BS0                                  = 0x0
-	BS1                                  = 0x2000
-	BSDLY                                = 0x2000
-	BTRFS_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x9123683e
-	BTRFS_TEST_MAGIC                     = 0x73727279
-	CAN_BCM                              = 0x2
-	CAN_EFF_FLAG                         = 0x80000000
-	CAN_EFF_ID_BITS                      = 0x1d
-	CAN_EFF_MASK                         = 0x1fffffff
-	CAN_ERR_FLAG                         = 0x20000000
-	CAN_ERR_MASK                         = 0x1fffffff
-	CAN_INV_FILTER                       = 0x20000000
-	CAN_ISOTP                            = 0x6
-	CAN_MAX_DLC                          = 0x8
-	CAN_MAX_DLEN                         = 0x8
-	CAN_MCNET                            = 0x5
-	CAN_MTU                              = 0x10
-	CAN_NPROTO                           = 0x7
-	CAN_RAW                              = 0x1
-	CAN_RAW_FILTER_MAX                   = 0x200
-	CAN_RTR_FLAG                         = 0x40000000
-	CAN_SFF_ID_BITS                      = 0xb
-	CAN_SFF_MASK                         = 0x7ff
-	CAN_TP16                             = 0x3
-	CAN_TP20                             = 0x4
-	CAP_AUDIT_CONTROL                    = 0x1e
-	CAP_AUDIT_READ                       = 0x25
-	CAP_AUDIT_WRITE                      = 0x1d
-	CAP_BLOCK_SUSPEND                    = 0x24
-	CAP_CHOWN                            = 0x0
-	CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE                     = 0x1
-	CAP_DAC_READ_SEARCH                  = 0x2
-	CAP_FOWNER                           = 0x3
-	CAP_FSETID                           = 0x4
-	CAP_IPC_LOCK                         = 0xe
-	CAP_IPC_OWNER                        = 0xf
-	CAP_KILL                             = 0x5
-	CAP_LAST_CAP                         = 0x25
-	CAP_LEASE                            = 0x1c
-	CAP_LINUX_IMMUTABLE                  = 0x9
-	CAP_MAC_ADMIN                        = 0x21
-	CAP_MAC_OVERRIDE                     = 0x20
-	CAP_MKNOD                            = 0x1b
-	CAP_NET_ADMIN                        = 0xc
-	CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE                 = 0xa
-	CAP_NET_BROADCAST                    = 0xb
-	CAP_NET_RAW                          = 0xd
-	CAP_SETFCAP                          = 0x1f
-	CAP_SETGID                           = 0x6
-	CAP_SETPCAP                          = 0x8
-	CAP_SETUID                           = 0x7
-	CAP_SYSLOG                           = 0x22
-	CAP_SYS_ADMIN                        = 0x15
-	CAP_SYS_BOOT                         = 0x16
-	CAP_SYS_CHROOT                       = 0x12
-	CAP_SYS_MODULE                       = 0x10
-	CAP_SYS_NICE                         = 0x17
-	CAP_SYS_PACCT                        = 0x14
-	CAP_SYS_PTRACE                       = 0x13
-	CAP_SYS_RAWIO                        = 0x11
-	CAP_SYS_RESOURCE                     = 0x18
-	CAP_SYS_TIME                         = 0x19
-	CAP_SYS_TTY_CONFIG                   = 0x1a
-	CAP_WAKE_ALARM                       = 0x23
-	CBAUD                                = 0x100f
-	CBAUDEX                              = 0x1000
-	CFLUSH                               = 0xf
-	CGROUP2_SUPER_MAGIC                  = 0x63677270
-	CGROUP_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0x27e0eb
-	CIBAUD                               = 0x100f0000
-	CLOCAL                               = 0x800
-	CLOCK_BOOTTIME                       = 0x7
-	CLOCK_BOOTTIME_ALARM                 = 0x9
-	CLOCK_DEFAULT                        = 0x0
-	CLOCK_EXT                            = 0x1
-	CLOCK_INT                            = 0x2
-	CLOCK_MONOTONIC                      = 0x1
-	CLOCK_MONOTONIC_COARSE               = 0x6
-	CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW                  = 0x4
-	CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID             = 0x2
-	CLOCK_REALTIME                       = 0x0
-	CLOCK_REALTIME_ALARM                 = 0x8
-	CLOCK_REALTIME_COARSE                = 0x5
-	CLOCK_TAI                            = 0xb
-	CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID              = 0x3
-	CLOCK_TXFROMRX                       = 0x4
-	CLOCK_TXINT                          = 0x3
-	CLONE_CHILD_CLEARTID                 = 0x200000
-	CLONE_CHILD_SETTID                   = 0x1000000
-	CLONE_DETACHED                       = 0x400000
-	CLONE_FILES                          = 0x400
-	CLONE_FS                             = 0x200
-	CLONE_IO                             = 0x80000000
-	CLONE_NEWCGROUP                      = 0x2000000
-	CLONE_NEWIPC                         = 0x8000000
-	CLONE_NEWNET                         = 0x40000000
-	CLONE_NEWNS                          = 0x20000
-	CLONE_NEWPID                         = 0x20000000
-	CLONE_NEWUSER                        = 0x10000000
-	CLONE_NEWUTS                         = 0x4000000
-	CLONE_PARENT                         = 0x8000
-	CLONE_PARENT_SETTID                  = 0x100000
-	CLONE_PIDFD                          = 0x1000
-	CLONE_PTRACE                         = 0x2000
-	CLONE_SETTLS                         = 0x80000
-	CLONE_SIGHAND                        = 0x800
-	CLONE_SYSVSEM                        = 0x40000
-	CLONE_THREAD                         = 0x10000
-	CLONE_UNTRACED                       = 0x800000
-	CLONE_VFORK                          = 0x4000
-	CLONE_VM                             = 0x100
-	CMSPAR                               = 0x40000000
-	CODA_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0x73757245
-	CR0                                  = 0x0
-	CR1                                  = 0x200
-	CR2                                  = 0x400
-	CR3                                  = 0x600
-	CRAMFS_MAGIC                         = 0x28cd3d45
-	CRDLY                                = 0x600
-	CREAD                                = 0x80
-	CRTSCTS                              = 0x80000000
-	CRYPTO_MAX_NAME                      = 0x40
-	CRYPTO_MSG_MAX                       = 0x15
-	CRYPTO_NR_MSGTYPES                   = 0x6
-	CRYPTO_REPORT_MAXSIZE                = 0x160
-	CS5                                  = 0x0
-	CS6                                  = 0x10
-	CS7                                  = 0x20
-	CS8                                  = 0x30
-	CSIGNAL                              = 0xff
-	CSIZE                                = 0x30
-	CSTART                               = 0x11
-	CSTATUS                              = 0x0
-	CSTOP                                = 0x13
-	CSTOPB                               = 0x40
-	CSUSP                                = 0x1a
-	DAXFS_MAGIC                          = 0x64646178
-	DEBUGFS_MAGIC                        = 0x64626720
-	DEVPTS_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0x1cd1
-	DT_BLK                               = 0x6
-	DT_CHR                               = 0x2
-	DT_DIR                               = 0x4
-	DT_FIFO                              = 0x1
-	DT_LNK                               = 0xa
-	DT_REG                               = 0x8
-	DT_SOCK                              = 0xc
-	DT_UNKNOWN                           = 0x0
-	DT_WHT                               = 0xe
-	ECHO                                 = 0x8
-	ECHOCTL                              = 0x200
-	ECHOE                                = 0x10
-	ECHOK                                = 0x20
-	ECHOKE                               = 0x800
-	ECHONL                               = 0x40
-	ECHOPRT                              = 0x400
-	ECRYPTFS_SUPER_MAGIC                 = 0xf15f
-	EFD_CLOEXEC                          = 0x80000
-	EFD_NONBLOCK                         = 0x80
-	EFD_SEMAPHORE                        = 0x1
-	EFIVARFS_MAGIC                       = 0xde5e81e4
-	EFS_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x414a53
-	ENCODING_DEFAULT                     = 0x0
-	ENCODING_FM_MARK                     = 0x3
-	ENCODING_FM_SPACE                    = 0x4
-	ENCODING_MANCHESTER                  = 0x5
-	ENCODING_NRZ                         = 0x1
-	ENCODING_NRZI                        = 0x2
-	EPOLLERR                             = 0x8
-	EPOLLET                              = 0x80000000
-	EPOLLEXCLUSIVE                       = 0x10000000
-	EPOLLHUP                             = 0x10
-	EPOLLIN                              = 0x1
-	EPOLLMSG                             = 0x400
-	EPOLLONESHOT                         = 0x40000000
-	EPOLLOUT                             = 0x4
-	EPOLLPRI                             = 0x2
-	EPOLLRDBAND                          = 0x80
-	EPOLLRDHUP                           = 0x2000
-	EPOLLRDNORM                          = 0x40
-	EPOLLWAKEUP                          = 0x20000000
-	EPOLLWRBAND                          = 0x200
-	EPOLLWRNORM                          = 0x100
-	EPOLL_CLOEXEC                        = 0x80000
-	EPOLL_CTL_ADD                        = 0x1
-	EPOLL_CTL_DEL                        = 0x2
-	EPOLL_CTL_MOD                        = 0x3
-	ETH_P_1588                           = 0x88f7
-	ETH_P_8021AD                         = 0x88a8
-	ETH_P_8021AH                         = 0x88e7
-	ETH_P_8021Q                          = 0x8100
-	ETH_P_80221                          = 0x8917
-	ETH_P_802_2                          = 0x4
-	ETH_P_802_3                          = 0x1
-	ETH_P_802_3_MIN                      = 0x600
-	ETH_P_802_EX1                        = 0x88b5
-	ETH_P_AARP                           = 0x80f3
-	ETH_P_AF_IUCV                        = 0xfbfb
-	ETH_P_ALL                            = 0x3
-	ETH_P_AOE                            = 0x88a2
-	ETH_P_ARCNET                         = 0x1a
-	ETH_P_ARP                            = 0x806
-	ETH_P_ATALK                          = 0x809b
-	ETH_P_ATMFATE                        = 0x8884
-	ETH_P_ATMMPOA                        = 0x884c
-	ETH_P_AX25                           = 0x2
-	ETH_P_BATMAN                         = 0x4305
-	ETH_P_BPQ                            = 0x8ff
-	ETH_P_CAIF                           = 0xf7
-	ETH_P_CAN                            = 0xc
-	ETH_P_CANFD                          = 0xd
-	ETH_P_CONTROL                        = 0x16
-	ETH_P_CUST                           = 0x6006
-	ETH_P_DDCMP                          = 0x6
-	ETH_P_DEC                            = 0x6000
-	ETH_P_DIAG                           = 0x6005
-	ETH_P_DNA_DL                         = 0x6001
-	ETH_P_DNA_RC                         = 0x6002
-	ETH_P_DNA_RT                         = 0x6003
-	ETH_P_DSA                            = 0x1b
-	ETH_P_DSA_8021Q                      = 0xdadb
-	ETH_P_ECONET                         = 0x18
-	ETH_P_EDSA                           = 0xdada
-	ETH_P_ERSPAN                         = 0x88be
-	ETH_P_ERSPAN2                        = 0x22eb
-	ETH_P_FCOE                           = 0x8906
-	ETH_P_FIP                            = 0x8914
-	ETH_P_HDLC                           = 0x19
-	ETH_P_HSR                            = 0x892f
-	ETH_P_IBOE                           = 0x8915
-	ETH_P_IEEE802154                     = 0xf6
-	ETH_P_IEEEPUP                        = 0xa00
-	ETH_P_IEEEPUPAT                      = 0xa01
-	ETH_P_IFE                            = 0xed3e
-	ETH_P_IP                             = 0x800
-	ETH_P_IPV6                           = 0x86dd
-	ETH_P_IPX                            = 0x8137
-	ETH_P_IRDA                           = 0x17
-	ETH_P_LAT                            = 0x6004
-	ETH_P_LINK_CTL                       = 0x886c
-	ETH_P_LOCALTALK                      = 0x9
-	ETH_P_LOOP                           = 0x60
-	ETH_P_LOOPBACK                       = 0x9000
-	ETH_P_MACSEC                         = 0x88e5
-	ETH_P_MAP                            = 0xf9
-	ETH_P_MOBITEX                        = 0x15
-	ETH_P_MPLS_MC                        = 0x8848
-	ETH_P_MPLS_UC                        = 0x8847
-	ETH_P_MVRP                           = 0x88f5
-	ETH_P_NCSI                           = 0x88f8
-	ETH_P_NSH                            = 0x894f
-	ETH_P_PAE                            = 0x888e
-	ETH_P_PAUSE                          = 0x8808
-	ETH_P_PHONET                         = 0xf5
-	ETH_P_PPPTALK                        = 0x10
-	ETH_P_PPP_DISC                       = 0x8863
-	ETH_P_PPP_MP                         = 0x8
-	ETH_P_PPP_SES                        = 0x8864
-	ETH_P_PREAUTH                        = 0x88c7
-	ETH_P_PRP                            = 0x88fb
-	ETH_P_PUP                            = 0x200
-	ETH_P_PUPAT                          = 0x201
-	ETH_P_QINQ1                          = 0x9100
-	ETH_P_QINQ2                          = 0x9200
-	ETH_P_QINQ3                          = 0x9300
-	ETH_P_RARP                           = 0x8035
-	ETH_P_SCA                            = 0x6007
-	ETH_P_SLOW                           = 0x8809
-	ETH_P_SNAP                           = 0x5
-	ETH_P_TDLS                           = 0x890d
-	ETH_P_TEB                            = 0x6558
-	ETH_P_TIPC                           = 0x88ca
-	ETH_P_TRAILER                        = 0x1c
-	ETH_P_TR_802_2                       = 0x11
-	ETH_P_TSN                            = 0x22f0
-	ETH_P_WAN_PPP                        = 0x7
-	ETH_P_WCCP                           = 0x883e
-	ETH_P_X25                            = 0x805
-	ETH_P_XDSA                           = 0xf8
-	EXABYTE_ENABLE_NEST                  = 0xf0
-	EXT2_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xef53
-	EXT3_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xef53
-	EXT4_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xef53
-	EXTA                                 = 0xe
-	EXTB                                 = 0xf
-	EXTPROC                              = 0x10000
-	F2FS_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xf2f52010
-	FALLOC_FL_COLLAPSE_RANGE             = 0x8
-	FALLOC_FL_INSERT_RANGE               = 0x20
-	FALLOC_FL_KEEP_SIZE                  = 0x1
-	FALLOC_FL_NO_HIDE_STALE              = 0x4
-	FALLOC_FL_PUNCH_HOLE                 = 0x2
-	FALLOC_FL_UNSHARE_RANGE              = 0x40
-	FALLOC_FL_ZERO_RANGE                 = 0x10
-	FAN_ACCESS                           = 0x1
-	FAN_ACCESS_PERM                      = 0x20000
-	FAN_ALLOW                            = 0x1
-	FAN_ALL_CLASS_BITS                   = 0xc
-	FAN_ALL_EVENTS                       = 0x3b
-	FAN_ALL_INIT_FLAGS                   = 0x3f
-	FAN_ALL_MARK_FLAGS                   = 0xff
-	FAN_ALL_OUTGOING_EVENTS              = 0x3403b
-	FAN_ALL_PERM_EVENTS                  = 0x30000
-	FAN_ATTRIB                           = 0x4
-	FAN_AUDIT                            = 0x10
-	FAN_CLASS_CONTENT                    = 0x4
-	FAN_CLASS_NOTIF                      = 0x0
-	FAN_CLASS_PRE_CONTENT                = 0x8
-	FAN_CLOEXEC                          = 0x1
-	FAN_CLOSE                            = 0x18
-	FAN_CLOSE_NOWRITE                    = 0x10
-	FAN_CLOSE_WRITE                      = 0x8
-	FAN_CREATE                           = 0x100
-	FAN_DELETE                           = 0x200
-	FAN_DELETE_SELF                      = 0x400
-	FAN_DENY                             = 0x2
-	FAN_ENABLE_AUDIT                     = 0x40
-	FAN_EVENT_INFO_TYPE_FID              = 0x1
-	FAN_EVENT_METADATA_LEN               = 0x18
-	FAN_EVENT_ON_CHILD                   = 0x8000000
-	FAN_MARK_ADD                         = 0x1
-	FAN_MARK_DONT_FOLLOW                 = 0x4
-	FAN_MARK_FILESYSTEM                  = 0x100
-	FAN_MARK_FLUSH                       = 0x80
-	FAN_MARK_IGNORED_MASK                = 0x20
-	FAN_MARK_INODE                       = 0x0
-	FAN_MARK_MOUNT                       = 0x10
-	FAN_MARK_ONLYDIR                     = 0x8
-	FAN_MARK_REMOVE                      = 0x2
-	FAN_MODIFY                           = 0x2
-	FAN_MOVE                             = 0xc0
-	FAN_MOVED_FROM                       = 0x40
-	FAN_MOVED_TO                         = 0x80
-	FAN_MOVE_SELF                        = 0x800
-	FAN_NOFD                             = -0x1
-	FAN_NONBLOCK                         = 0x2
-	FAN_ONDIR                            = 0x40000000
-	FAN_OPEN                             = 0x20
-	FAN_OPEN_EXEC                        = 0x1000
-	FAN_OPEN_EXEC_PERM                   = 0x40000
-	FAN_OPEN_PERM                        = 0x10000
-	FAN_Q_OVERFLOW                       = 0x4000
-	FAN_REPORT_FID                       = 0x200
-	FAN_REPORT_TID                       = 0x100
-	FAN_UNLIMITED_MARKS                  = 0x20
-	FAN_UNLIMITED_QUEUE                  = 0x10
-	FD_CLOEXEC                           = 0x1
-	FD_SETSIZE                           = 0x400
-	FF0                                  = 0x0
-	FF1                                  = 0x8000
-	FFDLY                                = 0x8000
-	FLUSHO                               = 0x2000
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_128_CBC       = 0x5
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_128_CTS       = 0x6
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_CBC       = 0x3
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_CTS       = 0x4
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_GCM       = 0x2
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_XTS       = 0x1
-	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY         = 0x800c6615
-	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_PWSALT         = 0x80106614
-	FS_IOC_SET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY         = 0x400c6613
-	FS_KEY_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE               = 0x8
-	FS_KEY_DESC_PREFIX                   = "fscrypt:"
-	FS_KEY_DESC_PREFIX_SIZE              = 0x8
-	FS_MAX_KEY_SIZE                      = 0x40
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_16               = 0x2
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_32               = 0x3
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_4                = 0x0
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_8                = 0x1
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_MASK             = 0x3
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_VALID                = 0x7
-	FUTEXFS_SUPER_MAGIC                  = 0xbad1dea
-	F_ADD_SEALS                          = 0x409
-	F_DUPFD                              = 0x0
-	F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC                      = 0x406
-	F_EXLCK                              = 0x4
-	F_GETFD                              = 0x1
-	F_GETFL                              = 0x3
-	F_GETLEASE                           = 0x401
-	F_GETLK                              = 0xe
-	F_GETLK64                            = 0xe
-	F_GETOWN                             = 0x17
-	F_GETOWN_EX                          = 0x10
-	F_GETPIPE_SZ                         = 0x408
-	F_GETSIG                             = 0xb
-	F_GET_FILE_RW_HINT                   = 0x40d
-	F_GET_RW_HINT                        = 0x40b
-	F_GET_SEALS                          = 0x40a
-	F_LOCK                               = 0x1
-	F_NOTIFY                             = 0x402
-	F_OFD_GETLK                          = 0x24
-	F_OFD_SETLK                          = 0x25
-	F_OFD_SETLKW                         = 0x26
-	F_OK                                 = 0x0
-	F_RDLCK                              = 0x0
-	F_SEAL_FUTURE_WRITE                  = 0x10
-	F_SEAL_GROW                          = 0x4
-	F_SEAL_SEAL                          = 0x1
-	F_SEAL_SHRINK                        = 0x2
-	F_SEAL_WRITE                         = 0x8
-	F_SETFD                              = 0x2
-	F_SETFL                              = 0x4
-	F_SETLEASE                           = 0x400
-	F_SETLK                              = 0x6
-	F_SETLK64                            = 0x6
-	F_SETLKW                             = 0x7
-	F_SETLKW64                           = 0x7
-	F_SETOWN                             = 0x18
-	F_SETOWN_EX                          = 0xf
-	F_SETPIPE_SZ                         = 0x407
-	F_SETSIG                             = 0xa
-	F_SET_FILE_RW_HINT                   = 0x40e
-	F_SET_RW_HINT                        = 0x40c
-	F_SHLCK                              = 0x8
-	F_TEST                               = 0x3
-	F_TLOCK                              = 0x2
-	F_ULOCK                              = 0x0
-	F_UNLCK                              = 0x2
-	F_WRLCK                              = 0x1
-	GENL_ADMIN_PERM                      = 0x1
-	GENL_CMD_CAP_DO                      = 0x2
-	GENL_CMD_CAP_DUMP                    = 0x4
-	GENL_CMD_CAP_HASPOL                  = 0x8
-	GENL_HDRLEN                          = 0x4
-	GENL_ID_CTRL                         = 0x10
-	GENL_ID_PMCRAID                      = 0x12
-	GENL_ID_VFS_DQUOT                    = 0x11
-	GENL_MAX_ID                          = 0x3ff
-	GENL_MIN_ID                          = 0x10
-	GENL_NAMSIZ                          = 0x10
-	GENL_START_ALLOC                     = 0x13
-	GENL_UNS_ADMIN_PERM                  = 0x10
-	GRND_NONBLOCK                        = 0x1
-	GRND_RANDOM                          = 0x2
-	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD                       = 0x31f
-	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD_AEB                   = 0x31e
-	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD_HDR_SIZE              = 0x4
-	HDIO_DRIVE_HOB_HDR_SIZE              = 0x8
-	HDIO_DRIVE_RESET                     = 0x31c
-	HDIO_DRIVE_TASK                      = 0x31e
-	HDIO_DRIVE_TASKFILE                  = 0x31d
-	HDIO_DRIVE_TASK_HDR_SIZE             = 0x8
-	HDIO_GETGEO                          = 0x301
-	HDIO_GET_32BIT                       = 0x309
-	HDIO_GET_ACOUSTIC                    = 0x30f
-	HDIO_GET_ADDRESS                     = 0x310
-	HDIO_GET_BUSSTATE                    = 0x31a
-	HDIO_GET_DMA                         = 0x30b
-	HDIO_GET_IDENTITY                    = 0x30d
-	HDIO_GET_KEEPSETTINGS                = 0x308
-	HDIO_GET_MULTCOUNT                   = 0x304
-	HDIO_GET_NICE                        = 0x30c
-	HDIO_GET_NOWERR                      = 0x30a
-	HDIO_GET_QDMA                        = 0x305
-	HDIO_GET_UNMASKINTR                  = 0x302
-	HDIO_GET_WCACHE                      = 0x30e
-	HDIO_OBSOLETE_IDENTITY               = 0x307
-	HDIO_SCAN_HWIF                       = 0x328
-	HDIO_SET_32BIT                       = 0x324
-	HDIO_SET_ACOUSTIC                    = 0x32c
-	HDIO_SET_ADDRESS                     = 0x32f
-	HDIO_SET_BUSSTATE                    = 0x32d
-	HDIO_SET_DMA                         = 0x326
-	HDIO_SET_KEEPSETTINGS                = 0x323
-	HDIO_SET_MULTCOUNT                   = 0x321
-	HDIO_SET_NICE                        = 0x329
-	HDIO_SET_NOWERR                      = 0x325
-	HDIO_SET_PIO_MODE                    = 0x327
-	HDIO_SET_QDMA                        = 0x32e
-	HDIO_SET_UNMASKINTR                  = 0x322
-	HDIO_SET_WCACHE                      = 0x32b
-	HDIO_SET_XFER                        = 0x306
-	HDIO_TRISTATE_HWIF                   = 0x31b
-	HDIO_UNREGISTER_HWIF                 = 0x32a
-	HOSTFS_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0xc0ffee
-	HPFS_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xf995e849
-	HUGETLBFS_MAGIC                      = 0x958458f6
-	HUPCL                                = 0x400
-	IBSHIFT                              = 0x10
-	ICANON                               = 0x2
-	ICMPV6_FILTER                        = 0x1
-	ICRNL                                = 0x100
-	IEXTEN                               = 0x100
-	IFA_F_DADFAILED                      = 0x8
-	IFA_F_DEPRECATED                     = 0x20
-	IFA_F_HOMEADDRESS                    = 0x10
-	IFA_F_MANAGETEMPADDR                 = 0x100
-	IFA_F_MCAUTOJOIN                     = 0x400
-	IFA_F_NODAD                          = 0x2
-	IFA_F_NOPREFIXROUTE                  = 0x200
-	IFA_F_OPTIMISTIC                     = 0x4
-	IFA_F_PERMANENT                      = 0x80
-	IFA_F_SECONDARY                      = 0x1
-	IFA_F_STABLE_PRIVACY                 = 0x800
-	IFA_F_TEMPORARY                      = 0x1
-	IFA_F_TENTATIVE                      = 0x40
-	IFA_MAX                              = 0xa
-	IFF_ALLMULTI                         = 0x200
-	IFF_ATTACH_QUEUE                     = 0x200
-	IFF_AUTOMEDIA                        = 0x4000
-	IFF_BROADCAST                        = 0x2
-	IFF_DEBUG                            = 0x4
-	IFF_DETACH_QUEUE                     = 0x400
-	IFF_DORMANT                          = 0x20000
-	IFF_DYNAMIC                          = 0x8000
-	IFF_ECHO                             = 0x40000
-	IFF_LOOPBACK                         = 0x8
-	IFF_LOWER_UP                         = 0x10000
-	IFF_MASTER                           = 0x400
-	IFF_MULTICAST                        = 0x1000
-	IFF_MULTI_QUEUE                      = 0x100
-	IFF_NAPI                             = 0x10
-	IFF_NAPI_FRAGS                       = 0x20
-	IFF_NOARP                            = 0x80
-	IFF_NOFILTER                         = 0x1000
-	IFF_NOTRAILERS                       = 0x20
-	IFF_NO_PI                            = 0x1000
-	IFF_ONE_QUEUE                        = 0x2000
-	IFF_PERSIST                          = 0x800
-	IFF_POINTOPOINT                      = 0x10
-	IFF_PORTSEL                          = 0x2000
-	IFF_PROMISC                          = 0x100
-	IFF_RUNNING                          = 0x40
-	IFF_SLAVE                            = 0x800
-	IFF_TAP                              = 0x2
-	IFF_TUN                              = 0x1
-	IFF_TUN_EXCL                         = 0x8000
-	IFF_UP                               = 0x1
-	IFF_VNET_HDR                         = 0x4000
-	IFF_VOLATILE                         = 0x70c5a
-	IFNAMSIZ                             = 0x10
-	IGNBRK                               = 0x1
-	IGNCR                                = 0x80
-	IGNPAR                               = 0x4
-	IMAXBEL                              = 0x2000
-	INLCR                                = 0x40
-	INPCK                                = 0x10
-	IN_ACCESS                            = 0x1
-	IN_ALL_EVENTS                        = 0xfff
-	IN_ATTRIB                            = 0x4
-	IN_CLASSA_HOST                       = 0xffffff
-	IN_CLASSA_MAX                        = 0x80
-	IN_CLASSA_NET                        = 0xff000000
-	IN_CLASSA_NSHIFT                     = 0x18
-	IN_CLASSB_HOST                       = 0xffff
-	IN_CLASSB_MAX                        = 0x10000
-	IN_CLASSB_NET                        = 0xffff0000
-	IN_CLASSB_NSHIFT                     = 0x10
-	IN_CLASSC_HOST                       = 0xff
-	IN_CLASSC_NET                        = 0xffffff00
-	IN_CLASSC_NSHIFT                     = 0x8
-	IN_CLOEXEC                           = 0x80000
-	IN_CLOSE                             = 0x18
-	IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE                     = 0x10
-	IN_CLOSE_WRITE                       = 0x8
-	IN_CREATE                            = 0x100
-	IN_DELETE                            = 0x200
-	IN_DELETE_SELF                       = 0x400
-	IN_DONT_FOLLOW                       = 0x2000000
-	IN_EXCL_UNLINK                       = 0x4000000
-	IN_IGNORED                           = 0x8000
-	IN_ISDIR                             = 0x40000000
-	IN_LOOPBACKNET                       = 0x7f
-	IN_MASK_ADD                          = 0x20000000
-	IN_MASK_CREATE                       = 0x10000000
-	IN_MODIFY                            = 0x2
-	IN_MOVE                              = 0xc0
-	IN_MOVED_FROM                        = 0x40
-	IN_MOVED_TO                          = 0x80
-	IN_MOVE_SELF                         = 0x800
-	IN_NONBLOCK                          = 0x80
-	IN_ONESHOT                           = 0x80000000
-	IN_ONLYDIR                           = 0x1000000
-	IN_OPEN                              = 0x20
-	IN_Q_OVERFLOW                        = 0x4000
-	IN_UNMOUNT                           = 0x2000
-	IOCTL_VM_SOCKETS_GET_LOCAL_CID       = 0x200007b9
-	IPPROTO_AH                           = 0x33
-	IPPROTO_BEETPH                       = 0x5e
-	IPPROTO_COMP                         = 0x6c
-	IPPROTO_DCCP                         = 0x21
-	IPPROTO_DSTOPTS                      = 0x3c
-	IPPROTO_EGP                          = 0x8
-	IPPROTO_ENCAP                        = 0x62
-	IPPROTO_ESP                          = 0x32
-	IPPROTO_FRAGMENT                     = 0x2c
-	IPPROTO_GRE                          = 0x2f
-	IPPROTO_HOPOPTS                      = 0x0
-	IPPROTO_ICMP                         = 0x1
-	IPPROTO_ICMPV6                       = 0x3a
-	IPPROTO_IDP                          = 0x16
-	IPPROTO_IGMP                         = 0x2
-	IPPROTO_IP                           = 0x0
-	IPPROTO_IPIP                         = 0x4
-	IPPROTO_IPV6                         = 0x29
-	IPPROTO_MH                           = 0x87
-	IPPROTO_MPLS                         = 0x89
-	IPPROTO_MTP                          = 0x5c
-	IPPROTO_NONE                         = 0x3b
-	IPPROTO_PIM                          = 0x67
-	IPPROTO_PUP                          = 0xc
-	IPPROTO_RAW                          = 0xff
-	IPPROTO_ROUTING                      = 0x2b
-	IPPROTO_RSVP                         = 0x2e
-	IPPROTO_SCTP                         = 0x84
-	IPPROTO_TCP                          = 0x6
-	IPPROTO_TP                           = 0x1d
-	IPPROTO_UDP                          = 0x11
-	IPPROTO_UDPLITE                      = 0x88
-	IPV6_2292DSTOPTS                     = 0x4
-	IPV6_2292HOPLIMIT                    = 0x8
-	IPV6_2292HOPOPTS                     = 0x3
-	IPV6_2292PKTINFO                     = 0x2
-	IPV6_2292PKTOPTIONS                  = 0x6
-	IPV6_2292RTHDR                       = 0x5
-	IPV6_ADDRFORM                        = 0x1
-	IPV6_ADDR_PREFERENCES                = 0x48
-	IPV6_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                  = 0x14
-	IPV6_AUTHHDR                         = 0xa
-	IPV6_AUTOFLOWLABEL                   = 0x46
-	IPV6_CHECKSUM                        = 0x7
-	IPV6_DONTFRAG                        = 0x3e
-	IPV6_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                 = 0x15
-	IPV6_DSTOPTS                         = 0x3b
-	IPV6_FREEBIND                        = 0x4e
-	IPV6_HDRINCL                         = 0x24
-	IPV6_HOPLIMIT                        = 0x34
-	IPV6_HOPOPTS                         = 0x36
-	IPV6_IPSEC_POLICY                    = 0x22
-	IPV6_JOIN_ANYCAST                    = 0x1b
-	IPV6_JOIN_GROUP                      = 0x14
-	IPV6_LEAVE_ANYCAST                   = 0x1c
-	IPV6_LEAVE_GROUP                     = 0x15
-	IPV6_MINHOPCOUNT                     = 0x49
-	IPV6_MTU                             = 0x18
-	IPV6_MTU_DISCOVER                    = 0x17
-	IPV6_MULTICAST_ALL                   = 0x1d
-	IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS                  = 0x12
-	IPV6_MULTICAST_IF                    = 0x11
-	IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP                  = 0x13
-	IPV6_NEXTHOP                         = 0x9
-	IPV6_ORIGDSTADDR                     = 0x4a
-	IPV6_PATHMTU                         = 0x3d
-	IPV6_PKTINFO                         = 0x32
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_DO                     = 0x2
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_DONT                   = 0x0
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_INTERFACE              = 0x4
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_OMIT                   = 0x5
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_PROBE                  = 0x3
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_WANT                   = 0x1
-	IPV6_RECVDSTOPTS                     = 0x3a
-	IPV6_RECVERR                         = 0x19
-	IPV6_RECVFRAGSIZE                    = 0x4d
-	IPV6_RECVHOPLIMIT                    = 0x33
-	IPV6_RECVHOPOPTS                     = 0x35
-	IPV6_RECVORIGDSTADDR                 = 0x4a
-	IPV6_RECVPATHMTU                     = 0x3c
-	IPV6_RECVPKTINFO                     = 0x31
-	IPV6_RECVRTHDR                       = 0x38
-	IPV6_RECVTCLASS                      = 0x42
-	IPV6_ROUTER_ALERT                    = 0x16
-	IPV6_ROUTER_ALERT_ISOLATE            = 0x1e
-	IPV6_RTHDR                           = 0x39
-	IPV6_RTHDRDSTOPTS                    = 0x37
-	IPV6_RTHDR_LOOSE                     = 0x0
-	IPV6_RTHDR_STRICT                    = 0x1
-	IPV6_RTHDR_TYPE_0                    = 0x0
-	IPV6_RXDSTOPTS                       = 0x3b
-	IPV6_RXHOPOPTS                       = 0x36
-	IPV6_TCLASS                          = 0x43
-	IPV6_TRANSPARENT                     = 0x4b
-	IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS                    = 0x10
-	IPV6_UNICAST_IF                      = 0x4c
-	IPV6_V6ONLY                          = 0x1a
-	IPV6_XFRM_POLICY                     = 0x23
-	IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                    = 0x23
-	IP_ADD_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP             = 0x27
-	IP_BIND_ADDRESS_NO_PORT              = 0x18
-	IP_BLOCK_SOURCE                      = 0x26
-	IP_CHECKSUM                          = 0x17
-	IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_LOOP            = 0x1
-	IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_TTL             = 0x1
-	IP_DF                                = 0x4000
-	IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                   = 0x24
-	IP_DROP_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP            = 0x28
-	IP_FREEBIND                          = 0xf
-	IP_HDRINCL                           = 0x3
-	IP_IPSEC_POLICY                      = 0x10
-	IP_MAXPACKET                         = 0xffff
-	IP_MAX_MEMBERSHIPS                   = 0x14
-	IP_MF                                = 0x2000
-	IP_MINTTL                            = 0x15
-	IP_MSFILTER                          = 0x29
-	IP_MSS                               = 0x240
-	IP_MTU                               = 0xe
-	IP_MTU_DISCOVER                      = 0xa
-	IP_MULTICAST_ALL                     = 0x31
-	IP_MULTICAST_IF                      = 0x20
-	IP_MULTICAST_LOOP                    = 0x22
-	IP_MULTICAST_TTL                     = 0x21
-	IP_NODEFRAG                          = 0x16
-	IP_OFFMASK                           = 0x1fff
-	IP_OPTIONS                           = 0x4
-	IP_ORIGDSTADDR                       = 0x14
-	IP_PASSSEC                           = 0x12
-	IP_PKTINFO                           = 0x8
-	IP_PKTOPTIONS                        = 0x9
-	IP_PMTUDISC                          = 0xa
-	IP_PMTUDISC_DO                       = 0x2
-	IP_PMTUDISC_DONT                     = 0x0
-	IP_PMTUDISC_INTERFACE                = 0x4
-	IP_PMTUDISC_OMIT                     = 0x5
-	IP_PMTUDISC_PROBE                    = 0x3
-	IP_PMTUDISC_WANT                     = 0x1
-	IP_RECVERR                           = 0xb
-	IP_RECVFRAGSIZE                      = 0x19
-	IP_RECVOPTS                          = 0x6
-	IP_RECVORIGDSTADDR                   = 0x14
-	IP_RECVRETOPTS                       = 0x7
-	IP_RECVTOS                           = 0xd
-	IP_RECVTTL                           = 0xc
-	IP_RETOPTS                           = 0x7
-	IP_RF                                = 0x8000
-	IP_ROUTER_ALERT                      = 0x5
-	IP_TOS                               = 0x1
-	IP_TRANSPARENT                       = 0x13
-	IP_TTL                               = 0x2
-	IP_UNBLOCK_SOURCE                    = 0x25
-	IP_UNICAST_IF                        = 0x32
-	IP_XFRM_POLICY                       = 0x11
-	ISIG                                 = 0x1
-	ISOFS_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x9660
-	ISTRIP                               = 0x20
-	IUCLC                                = 0x200
-	IUTF8                                = 0x4000
-	IXANY                                = 0x800
-	IXOFF                                = 0x1000
-	IXON                                 = 0x400
-	JFFS2_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x72b6
-	KEXEC_ARCH_386                       = 0x30000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_68K                       = 0x40000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_AARCH64                   = 0xb70000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_ARM                       = 0x280000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_DEFAULT                   = 0x0
-	KEXEC_ARCH_IA_64                     = 0x320000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_MASK                      = 0xffff0000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_MIPS                      = 0x80000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_MIPS_LE                   = 0xa0000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_PPC                       = 0x140000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_PPC64                     = 0x150000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_S390                      = 0x160000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_SH                        = 0x2a0000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_X86_64                    = 0x3e0000
-	KEXEC_FILE_NO_INITRAMFS              = 0x4
-	KEXEC_FILE_ON_CRASH                  = 0x2
-	KEXEC_FILE_UNLOAD                    = 0x1
-	KEXEC_ON_CRASH                       = 0x1
-	KEXEC_PRESERVE_CONTEXT               = 0x2
-	KEXEC_SEGMENT_MAX                    = 0x10
-	KEYCTL_ASSUME_AUTHORITY              = 0x10
-	KEYCTL_CHOWN                         = 0x4
-	KEYCTL_CLEAR                         = 0x7
-	KEYCTL_DESCRIBE                      = 0x6
-	KEYCTL_DH_COMPUTE                    = 0x17
-	KEYCTL_GET_KEYRING_ID                = 0x0
-	KEYCTL_GET_PERSISTENT                = 0x16
-	KEYCTL_GET_SECURITY                  = 0x11
-	KEYCTL_INSTANTIATE                   = 0xc
-	KEYCTL_INSTANTIATE_IOV               = 0x14
-	KEYCTL_INVALIDATE                    = 0x15
-	KEYCTL_LINK                          = 0x8
-	KEYCTL_NEGATE                        = 0xd
-	KEYCTL_PKEY_DECRYPT                  = 0x1a
-	KEYCTL_PKEY_ENCRYPT                  = 0x19
-	KEYCTL_PKEY_QUERY                    = 0x18
-	KEYCTL_PKEY_SIGN                     = 0x1b
-	KEYCTL_PKEY_VERIFY                   = 0x1c
-	KEYCTL_READ                          = 0xb
-	KEYCTL_REJECT                        = 0x13
-	KEYCTL_RESTRICT_KEYRING              = 0x1d
-	KEYCTL_REVOKE                        = 0x3
-	KEYCTL_SEARCH                        = 0xa
-	KEYCTL_SESSION_TO_PARENT             = 0x12
-	KEYCTL_SETPERM                       = 0x5
-	KEYCTL_SET_REQKEY_KEYRING            = 0xe
-	KEYCTL_SET_TIMEOUT                   = 0xf
-	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_DECRYPT              = 0x2
-	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_ENCRYPT              = 0x1
-	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_SIGN                 = 0x4
-	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_VERIFY               = 0x8
-	KEYCTL_UNLINK                        = 0x9
-	KEYCTL_UPDATE                        = 0x2
-	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_DEFAULT              = 0x0
-	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_NO_CHANGE            = -0x1
-	KEY_SPEC_GROUP_KEYRING               = -0x6
-	KEY_SPEC_PROCESS_KEYRING             = -0x2
-	KEY_SPEC_REQKEY_AUTH_KEY             = -0x7
-	KEY_SPEC_SESSION_KEYRING             = -0x3
-	KEY_SPEC_THREAD_KEYRING              = -0x1
-	KEY_SPEC_USER_KEYRING                = -0x4
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_CAD_OFF             = 0x0
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_CAD_ON              = 0x89abcdef
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_HALT                = 0xcdef0123
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_KEXEC               = 0x45584543
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_POWER_OFF           = 0x4321fedc
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_RESTART             = 0x1234567
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_RESTART2            = 0xa1b2c3d4
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_SW_SUSPEND          = 0xd000fce2
-	LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC1                  = 0xfee1dead
-	LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC2                  = 0x28121969
-	LOCK_EX                              = 0x2
-	LOCK_NB                              = 0x4
-	LOCK_SH                              = 0x1
-	LOCK_UN                              = 0x8
-	LOOP_CLR_FD                          = 0x4c01
-	LOOP_CTL_ADD                         = 0x4c80
-	LOOP_CTL_GET_FREE                    = 0x4c82
-	LOOP_CTL_REMOVE                      = 0x4c81
-	LOOP_GET_STATUS                      = 0x4c03
-	LOOP_GET_STATUS64                    = 0x4c05
-	LOOP_SET_BLOCK_SIZE                  = 0x4c09
-	LOOP_SET_CAPACITY                    = 0x4c07
-	LOOP_SET_DIRECT_IO                   = 0x4c08
-	LOOP_SET_FD                          = 0x4c00
-	LOOP_SET_STATUS                      = 0x4c02
-	LOOP_SET_STATUS64                    = 0x4c04
-	LO_KEY_SIZE                          = 0x20
-	LO_NAME_SIZE                         = 0x40
-	MADV_DODUMP                          = 0x11
-	MADV_DOFORK                          = 0xb
-	MADV_DONTDUMP                        = 0x10
-	MADV_DONTFORK                        = 0xa
-	MADV_DONTNEED                        = 0x4
-	MADV_FREE                            = 0x8
-	MADV_HUGEPAGE                        = 0xe
-	MADV_HWPOISON                        = 0x64
-	MADV_KEEPONFORK                      = 0x13
-	MADV_MERGEABLE                       = 0xc
-	MADV_NOHUGEPAGE                      = 0xf
-	MADV_NORMAL                          = 0x0
-	MADV_RANDOM                          = 0x1
-	MADV_REMOVE                          = 0x9
-	MADV_SEQUENTIAL                      = 0x2
-	MADV_UNMERGEABLE                     = 0xd
-	MADV_WILLNEED                        = 0x3
-	MADV_WIPEONFORK                      = 0x12
-	MAP_ANON                             = 0x800
-	MAP_ANONYMOUS                        = 0x800
-	MAP_DENYWRITE                        = 0x2000
-	MAP_EXECUTABLE                       = 0x4000
-	MAP_FILE                             = 0x0
-	MAP_FIXED                            = 0x10
-	MAP_FIXED_NOREPLACE                  = 0x100000
-	MAP_GROWSDOWN                        = 0x1000
-	MAP_HUGETLB                          = 0x80000
-	MAP_HUGE_MASK                        = 0x3f
-	MAP_HUGE_SHIFT                       = 0x1a
-	MAP_LOCKED                           = 0x8000
-	MAP_NONBLOCK                         = 0x20000
-	MAP_NORESERVE                        = 0x400
-	MAP_POPULATE                         = 0x10000
-	MAP_PRIVATE                          = 0x2
-	MAP_RENAME                           = 0x800
-	MAP_SHARED                           = 0x1
-	MAP_SHARED_VALIDATE                  = 0x3
-	MAP_STACK                            = 0x40000
-	MAP_TYPE                             = 0xf
-	MCAST_BLOCK_SOURCE                   = 0x2b
-	MCAST_EXCLUDE                        = 0x0
-	MCAST_INCLUDE                        = 0x1
-	MCAST_JOIN_GROUP                     = 0x2a
-	MCAST_JOIN_SOURCE_GROUP              = 0x2e
-	MCAST_LEAVE_GROUP                    = 0x2d
-	MCAST_LEAVE_SOURCE_GROUP             = 0x2f
-	MCAST_MSFILTER                       = 0x30
-	MCAST_UNBLOCK_SOURCE                 = 0x2c
-	MCL_CURRENT                          = 0x1
-	MCL_FUTURE                           = 0x2
-	MCL_ONFAULT                          = 0x4
-	MFD_ALLOW_SEALING                    = 0x2
-	MFD_CLOEXEC                          = 0x1
-	MFD_HUGETLB                          = 0x4
-	MFD_HUGE_16GB                        = -0x78000000
-	MFD_HUGE_16MB                        = 0x60000000
-	MFD_HUGE_1GB                         = 0x78000000
-	MFD_HUGE_1MB                         = 0x50000000
-	MFD_HUGE_256MB                       = 0x70000000
-	MFD_HUGE_2GB                         = 0x7c000000
-	MFD_HUGE_2MB                         = 0x54000000
-	MFD_HUGE_32MB                        = 0x64000000
-	MFD_HUGE_512KB                       = 0x4c000000
-	MFD_HUGE_512MB                       = 0x74000000
-	MFD_HUGE_64KB                        = 0x40000000
-	MFD_HUGE_8MB                         = 0x5c000000
-	MFD_HUGE_MASK                        = 0x3f
-	MFD_HUGE_SHIFT                       = 0x1a
-	MINIX2_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0x2468
-	MINIX2_SUPER_MAGIC2                  = 0x2478
-	MINIX3_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0x4d5a
-	MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x137f
-	MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC2                   = 0x138f
-	MNT_DETACH                           = 0x2
-	MNT_EXPIRE                           = 0x4
-	MNT_FORCE                            = 0x1
-	MSDOS_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x4d44
-	MSG_BATCH                            = 0x40000
-	MSG_CMSG_CLOEXEC                     = 0x40000000
-	MSG_CONFIRM                          = 0x800
-	MSG_CTRUNC                           = 0x8
-	MSG_DONTROUTE                        = 0x4
-	MSG_DONTWAIT                         = 0x40
-	MSG_EOR                              = 0x80
-	MSG_ERRQUEUE                         = 0x2000
-	MSG_FASTOPEN                         = 0x20000000
-	MSG_FIN                              = 0x200
-	MSG_MORE                             = 0x8000
-	MSG_NOSIGNAL                         = 0x4000
-	MSG_OOB                              = 0x1
-	MSG_PEEK                             = 0x2
-	MSG_PROXY                            = 0x10
-	MSG_RST                              = 0x1000
-	MSG_SYN                              = 0x400
-	MSG_TRUNC                            = 0x20
-	MSG_TRYHARD                          = 0x4
-	MSG_WAITALL                          = 0x100
-	MSG_WAITFORONE                       = 0x10000
-	MSG_ZEROCOPY                         = 0x4000000
-	MS_ACTIVE                            = 0x40000000
-	MS_ASYNC                             = 0x1
-	MS_BIND                              = 0x1000
-	MS_BORN                              = 0x20000000
-	MS_DIRSYNC                           = 0x80
-	MS_INVALIDATE                        = 0x2
-	MS_I_VERSION                         = 0x800000
-	MS_KERNMOUNT                         = 0x400000
-	MS_LAZYTIME                          = 0x2000000
-	MS_MANDLOCK                          = 0x40
-	MS_MGC_MSK                           = 0xffff0000
-	MS_MGC_VAL                           = 0xc0ed0000
-	MS_MOVE                              = 0x2000
-	MS_NOATIME                           = 0x400
-	MS_NODEV                             = 0x4
-	MS_NODIRATIME                        = 0x800
-	MS_NOEXEC                            = 0x8
-	MS_NOREMOTELOCK                      = 0x8000000
-	MS_NOSEC                             = 0x10000000
-	MS_NOSUID                            = 0x2
-	MS_NOUSER                            = -0x80000000
-	MS_POSIXACL                          = 0x10000
-	MS_PRIVATE                           = 0x40000
-	MS_RDONLY                            = 0x1
-	MS_REC                               = 0x4000
-	MS_RELATIME                          = 0x200000
-	MS_REMOUNT                           = 0x20
-	MS_RMT_MASK                          = 0x2800051
-	MS_SHARED                            = 0x100000
-	MS_SILENT                            = 0x8000
-	MS_SLAVE                             = 0x80000
-	MS_STRICTATIME                       = 0x1000000
-	MS_SUBMOUNT                          = 0x4000000
-	MS_SYNC                              = 0x4
-	MS_SYNCHRONOUS                       = 0x10
-	MS_UNBINDABLE                        = 0x20000
-	MS_VERBOSE                           = 0x8000
-	MTD_INODE_FS_MAGIC                   = 0x11307854
-	NAME_MAX                             = 0xff
-	NCP_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x564c
-	NETLINK_ADD_MEMBERSHIP               = 0x1
-	NETLINK_AUDIT                        = 0x9
-	NETLINK_BROADCAST_ERROR              = 0x4
-	NETLINK_CAP_ACK                      = 0xa
-	NETLINK_CONNECTOR                    = 0xb
-	NETLINK_CRYPTO                       = 0x15
-	NETLINK_DNRTMSG                      = 0xe
-	NETLINK_DROP_MEMBERSHIP              = 0x2
-	NETLINK_ECRYPTFS                     = 0x13
-	NETLINK_EXT_ACK                      = 0xb
-	NETLINK_FIB_LOOKUP                   = 0xa
-	NETLINK_FIREWALL                     = 0x3
-	NETLINK_GENERIC                      = 0x10
-	NETLINK_GET_STRICT_CHK               = 0xc
-	NETLINK_INET_DIAG                    = 0x4
-	NETLINK_IP6_FW                       = 0xd
-	NETLINK_ISCSI                        = 0x8
-	NETLINK_KOBJECT_UEVENT               = 0xf
-	NETLINK_LISTEN_ALL_NSID              = 0x8
-	NETLINK_LIST_MEMBERSHIPS             = 0x9
-	NETLINK_NETFILTER                    = 0xc
-	NETLINK_NFLOG                        = 0x5
-	NETLINK_NO_ENOBUFS                   = 0x5
-	NETLINK_PKTINFO                      = 0x3
-	NETLINK_RDMA                         = 0x14
-	NETLINK_ROUTE                        = 0x0
-	NETLINK_RX_RING                      = 0x6
-	NETLINK_SCSITRANSPORT                = 0x12
-	NETLINK_SELINUX                      = 0x7
-	NETLINK_SMC                          = 0x16
-	NETLINK_SOCK_DIAG                    = 0x4
-	NETLINK_TX_RING                      = 0x7
-	NETLINK_UNUSED                       = 0x1
-	NETLINK_USERSOCK                     = 0x2
-	NETLINK_XFRM                         = 0x6
-	NETNSA_MAX                           = 0x5
-	NETNSA_NSID_NOT_ASSIGNED             = -0x1
-	NFNETLINK_V0                         = 0x0
-	NFNLGRP_ACCT_QUOTA                   = 0x8
-	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_EXP_NEW            = 0x4
-	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_NEW                = 0x1
-	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_UPDATE             = 0x2
-	NFNLGRP_MAX                          = 0x9
-	NFNLGRP_NFTABLES                     = 0x7
-	NFNLGRP_NFTRACE                      = 0x9
-	NFNLGRP_NONE                         = 0x0
-	NFNL_BATCH_MAX                       = 0x1
-	NFNL_MSG_BATCH_BEGIN                 = 0x10
-	NFNL_MSG_BATCH_END                   = 0x11
-	NFNL_NFA_NEST                        = 0x8000
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_ACCT                     = 0x7
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_COUNT                    = 0xc
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTHELPER                 = 0x9
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTNETLINK                = 0x1
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTNETLINK_EXP            = 0x2
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_IPSET                    = 0x6
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_NFTABLES                 = 0xa
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_NFT_COMPAT               = 0xb
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_NONE                     = 0x0
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_OSF                      = 0x5
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_QUEUE                    = 0x3
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_ULOG                     = 0x4
-	NFS_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x6969
-	NILFS_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x3434
-	NL0                                  = 0x0
-	NL1                                  = 0x100
-	NLA_ALIGNTO                          = 0x4
-	NLA_F_NESTED                         = 0x8000
-	NLA_F_NET_BYTEORDER                  = 0x4000
-	NLA_HDRLEN                           = 0x4
-	NLDLY                                = 0x100
-	NLMSG_ALIGNTO                        = 0x4
-	NLMSG_DONE                           = 0x3
-	NLMSG_ERROR                          = 0x2
-	NLMSG_HDRLEN                         = 0x10
-	NLMSG_MIN_TYPE                       = 0x10
-	NLMSG_NOOP                           = 0x1
-	NLMSG_OVERRUN                        = 0x4
-	NLM_F_ACK                            = 0x4
-	NLM_F_ACK_TLVS                       = 0x200
-	NLM_F_APPEND                         = 0x800
-	NLM_F_ATOMIC                         = 0x400
-	NLM_F_CAPPED                         = 0x100
-	NLM_F_CREATE                         = 0x400
-	NLM_F_DUMP                           = 0x300
-	NLM_F_DUMP_FILTERED                  = 0x20
-	NLM_F_DUMP_INTR                      = 0x10
-	NLM_F_ECHO                           = 0x8
-	NLM_F_EXCL                           = 0x200
-	NLM_F_MATCH                          = 0x200
-	NLM_F_MULTI                          = 0x2
-	NLM_F_NONREC                         = 0x100
-	NLM_F_REPLACE                        = 0x100
-	NLM_F_REQUEST                        = 0x1
-	NLM_F_ROOT                           = 0x100
-	NOFLSH                               = 0x80
-	NSFS_MAGIC                           = 0x6e736673
-	OCFS2_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x7461636f
-	OCRNL                                = 0x8
-	OFDEL                                = 0x80
-	OFILL                                = 0x40
-	OLCUC                                = 0x2
-	ONLCR                                = 0x4
-	ONLRET                               = 0x20
-	ONOCR                                = 0x10
-	OPENPROM_SUPER_MAGIC                 = 0x9fa1
-	OPOST                                = 0x1
-	OVERLAYFS_SUPER_MAGIC                = 0x794c7630
-	O_ACCMODE                            = 0x3
-	O_APPEND                             = 0x8
-	O_ASYNC                              = 0x1000
-	O_CLOEXEC                            = 0x80000
-	O_CREAT                              = 0x100
-	O_DIRECT                             = 0x8000
-	O_DIRECTORY                          = 0x10000
-	O_DSYNC                              = 0x10
-	O_EXCL                               = 0x400
-	O_FSYNC                              = 0x4010
-	O_LARGEFILE                          = 0x0
-	O_NDELAY                             = 0x80
-	O_NOATIME                            = 0x40000
-	O_NOCTTY                             = 0x800
-	O_NOFOLLOW                           = 0x20000
-	O_NONBLOCK                           = 0x80
-	O_PATH                               = 0x200000
-	O_RDONLY                             = 0x0
-	O_RDWR                               = 0x2
-	O_RSYNC                              = 0x4010
-	O_SYNC                               = 0x4010
-	O_TMPFILE                            = 0x410000
-	O_TRUNC                              = 0x200
-	O_WRONLY                             = 0x1
-	PACKET_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                = 0x1
-	PACKET_AUXDATA                       = 0x8
-	PACKET_BROADCAST                     = 0x1
-	PACKET_COPY_THRESH                   = 0x7
-	PACKET_DROP_MEMBERSHIP               = 0x2
-	PACKET_FANOUT                        = 0x12
-	PACKET_FANOUT_CBPF                   = 0x6
-	PACKET_FANOUT_CPU                    = 0x2
-	PACKET_FANOUT_DATA                   = 0x16
-	PACKET_FANOUT_EBPF                   = 0x7
-	PACKET_FANOUT_FLAG_DEFRAG            = 0x8000
-	PACKET_FANOUT_HASH                   = 0x0
-	PACKET_FANOUT_LB                     = 0x1
-	PACKET_FANOUT_QM                     = 0x5
-	PACKET_FANOUT_RND                    = 0x4
-	PACKET_FANOUT_ROLLOVER               = 0x3
-	PACKET_FASTROUTE                     = 0x6
-	PACKET_HDRLEN                        = 0xb
-	PACKET_HOST                          = 0x0
-	PACKET_IGNORE_OUTGOING               = 0x17
-	PACKET_KERNEL                        = 0x7
-	PACKET_LOOPBACK                      = 0x5
-	PACKET_LOSS                          = 0xe
-	PACKET_MR_ALLMULTI                   = 0x2
-	PACKET_MR_MULTICAST                  = 0x0
-	PACKET_MR_PROMISC                    = 0x1
-	PACKET_MR_UNICAST                    = 0x3
-	PACKET_MULTICAST                     = 0x2
-	PACKET_ORIGDEV                       = 0x9
-	PACKET_OTHERHOST                     = 0x3
-	PACKET_OUTGOING                      = 0x4
-	PACKET_QDISC_BYPASS                  = 0x14
-	PACKET_RECV_OUTPUT                   = 0x3
-	PACKET_RESERVE                       = 0xc
-	PACKET_ROLLOVER_STATS                = 0x15
-	PACKET_RX_RING                       = 0x5
-	PACKET_STATISTICS                    = 0x6
-	PACKET_TIMESTAMP                     = 0x11
-	PACKET_TX_HAS_OFF                    = 0x13
-	PACKET_TX_RING                       = 0xd
-	PACKET_TX_TIMESTAMP                  = 0x10
-	PACKET_USER                          = 0x6
-	PACKET_VERSION                       = 0xa
-	PACKET_VNET_HDR                      = 0xf
-	PARENB                               = 0x100
-	PARITY_CRC16_PR0                     = 0x2
-	PARITY_CRC16_PR0_CCITT               = 0x4
-	PARITY_CRC16_PR1                     = 0x3
-	PARITY_CRC16_PR1_CCITT               = 0x5
-	PARITY_CRC32_PR0_CCITT               = 0x6
-	PARITY_CRC32_PR1_CCITT               = 0x7
-	PARITY_DEFAULT                       = 0x0
-	PARITY_NONE                          = 0x1
-	PARMRK                               = 0x8
-	PARODD                               = 0x200
-	PENDIN                               = 0x4000
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_DISABLE               = 0x20002401
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_ENABLE                = 0x20002400
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_ID                    = 0x40082407
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_PAUSE_OUTPUT          = 0x80042409
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_PERIOD                = 0x80082404
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_QUERY_BPF             = 0xc008240a
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_REFRESH               = 0x20002402
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_RESET                 = 0x20002403
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_BPF               = 0x80042408
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_FILTER            = 0x80082406
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_OUTPUT            = 0x20002405
-	PIPEFS_MAGIC                         = 0x50495045
-	PPPIOCATTACH                         = 0x8004743d
-	PPPIOCATTCHAN                        = 0x80047438
-	PPPIOCCONNECT                        = 0x8004743a
-	PPPIOCDETACH                         = 0x8004743c
-	PPPIOCDISCONN                        = 0x20007439
-	PPPIOCGASYNCMAP                      = 0x40047458
-	PPPIOCGCHAN                          = 0x40047437
-	PPPIOCGDEBUG                         = 0x40047441
-	PPPIOCGFLAGS                         = 0x4004745a
-	PPPIOCGIDLE                          = 0x4010743f
-	PPPIOCGL2TPSTATS                     = 0x40487436
-	PPPIOCGMRU                           = 0x40047453
-	PPPIOCGNPMODE                        = 0xc008744c
-	PPPIOCGRASYNCMAP                     = 0x40047455
-	PPPIOCGUNIT                          = 0x40047456
-	PPPIOCGXASYNCMAP                     = 0x40207450
-	PPPIOCNEWUNIT                        = 0xc004743e
-	PPPIOCSACTIVE                        = 0x80107446
-	PPPIOCSASYNCMAP                      = 0x80047457
-	PPPIOCSCOMPRESS                      = 0x8010744d
-	PPPIOCSDEBUG                         = 0x80047440
-	PPPIOCSFLAGS                         = 0x80047459
-	PPPIOCSMAXCID                        = 0x80047451
-	PPPIOCSMRRU                          = 0x8004743b
-	PPPIOCSMRU                           = 0x80047452
-	PPPIOCSNPMODE                        = 0x8008744b
-	PPPIOCSPASS                          = 0x80107447
-	PPPIOCSRASYNCMAP                     = 0x80047454
-	PPPIOCSXASYNCMAP                     = 0x8020744f
-	PPPIOCXFERUNIT                       = 0x2000744e
-	PRIO_PGRP                            = 0x1
-	PRIO_PROCESS                         = 0x0
-	PRIO_USER                            = 0x2
-	PROC_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0x9fa0
-	PROT_EXEC                            = 0x4
-	PROT_GROWSDOWN                       = 0x1000000
-	PROT_GROWSUP                         = 0x2000000
-	PROT_NONE                            = 0x0
-	PROT_READ                            = 0x1
-	PROT_WRITE                           = 0x2
-	PR_CAPBSET_DROP                      = 0x18
-	PR_CAPBSET_READ                      = 0x17
-	PR_CAP_AMBIENT                       = 0x2f
-	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_CLEAR_ALL             = 0x4
-	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_IS_SET                = 0x1
-	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_LOWER                 = 0x3
-	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_RAISE                 = 0x2
-	PR_ENDIAN_BIG                        = 0x0
-	PR_ENDIAN_LITTLE                     = 0x1
-	PR_ENDIAN_PPC_LITTLE                 = 0x2
-	PR_FPEMU_NOPRINT                     = 0x1
-	PR_FPEMU_SIGFPE                      = 0x2
-	PR_FP_EXC_ASYNC                      = 0x2
-	PR_FP_EXC_DISABLED                   = 0x0
-	PR_FP_EXC_DIV                        = 0x10000
-	PR_FP_EXC_INV                        = 0x100000
-	PR_FP_EXC_NONRECOV                   = 0x1
-	PR_FP_EXC_OVF                        = 0x20000
-	PR_FP_EXC_PRECISE                    = 0x3
-	PR_FP_EXC_RES                        = 0x80000
-	PR_FP_EXC_SW_ENABLE                  = 0x80
-	PR_FP_EXC_UND                        = 0x40000
-	PR_FP_MODE_FR                        = 0x1
-	PR_FP_MODE_FRE                       = 0x2
-	PR_GET_CHILD_SUBREAPER               = 0x25
-	PR_GET_DUMPABLE                      = 0x3
-	PR_GET_ENDIAN                        = 0x13
-	PR_GET_FPEMU                         = 0x9
-	PR_GET_FPEXC                         = 0xb
-	PR_GET_FP_MODE                       = 0x2e
-	PR_GET_KEEPCAPS                      = 0x7
-	PR_GET_NAME                          = 0x10
-	PR_GET_NO_NEW_PRIVS                  = 0x27
-	PR_GET_PDEATHSIG                     = 0x2
-	PR_GET_SECCOMP                       = 0x15
-	PR_GET_SECUREBITS                    = 0x1b
-	PR_GET_SPECULATION_CTRL              = 0x34
-	PR_GET_THP_DISABLE                   = 0x2a
-	PR_GET_TID_ADDRESS                   = 0x28
-	PR_GET_TIMERSLACK                    = 0x1e
-	PR_GET_TIMING                        = 0xd
-	PR_GET_TSC                           = 0x19
-	PR_GET_UNALIGN                       = 0x5
-	PR_MCE_KILL                          = 0x21
-	PR_MCE_KILL_CLEAR                    = 0x0
-	PR_MCE_KILL_DEFAULT                  = 0x2
-	PR_MCE_KILL_EARLY                    = 0x1
-	PR_MCE_KILL_GET                      = 0x22
-	PR_MCE_KILL_LATE                     = 0x0
-	PR_MCE_KILL_SET                      = 0x1
-	PR_MPX_DISABLE_MANAGEMENT            = 0x2c
-	PR_MPX_ENABLE_MANAGEMENT             = 0x2b
-	PR_PAC_APDAKEY                       = 0x4
-	PR_PAC_APDBKEY                       = 0x8
-	PR_PAC_APGAKEY                       = 0x10
-	PR_PAC_APIAKEY                       = 0x1
-	PR_PAC_APIBKEY                       = 0x2
-	PR_PAC_RESET_KEYS                    = 0x36
-	PR_SET_CHILD_SUBREAPER               = 0x24
-	PR_SET_DUMPABLE                      = 0x4
-	PR_SET_ENDIAN                        = 0x14
-	PR_SET_FPEMU                         = 0xa
-	PR_SET_FPEXC                         = 0xc
-	PR_SET_FP_MODE                       = 0x2d
-	PR_SET_KEEPCAPS                      = 0x8
-	PR_SET_MM                            = 0x23
-	PR_SET_MM_ARG_END                    = 0x9
-	PR_SET_MM_ARG_START                  = 0x8
-	PR_SET_MM_AUXV                       = 0xc
-	PR_SET_MM_BRK                        = 0x7
-	PR_SET_MM_END_CODE                   = 0x2
-	PR_SET_MM_END_DATA                   = 0x4
-	PR_SET_MM_ENV_END                    = 0xb
-	PR_SET_MM_ENV_START                  = 0xa
-	PR_SET_MM_EXE_FILE                   = 0xd
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-	PR_SET_MM_MAP_SIZE                   = 0xf
-	PR_SET_MM_START_BRK                  = 0x6
-	PR_SET_MM_START_CODE                 = 0x1
-	PR_SET_MM_START_DATA                 = 0x3
-	PR_SET_MM_START_STACK                = 0x5
-	PR_SET_NAME                          = 0xf
-	PR_SET_NO_NEW_PRIVS                  = 0x26
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-	PR_SET_PTRACER_ANY                   = 0xffffffffffffffff
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-	PR_SET_TIMING                        = 0xe
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-	PR_SET_UNALIGN                       = 0x6
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-	PR_SPEC_NOT_AFFECTED                 = 0x0
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-	PR_SVE_SET_VL                        = 0x32
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-	PR_SVE_VL_INHERIT                    = 0x20000
-	PR_SVE_VL_LEN_MASK                   = 0xffff
-	PR_TASK_PERF_EVENTS_ENABLE           = 0x20
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-	PR_TIMING_TIMESTAMP                  = 0x1
-	PR_TSC_ENABLE                        = 0x1
-	PR_TSC_SIGSEGV                       = 0x2
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-	PR_UNALIGN_SIGBUS                    = 0x2
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-	PTRACE_ATTACH                        = 0x10
-	PTRACE_CONT                          = 0x7
-	PTRACE_DETACH                        = 0x11
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-	PTRACE_EVENT_STOP                    = 0x80
-	PTRACE_EVENT_VFORK                   = 0x2
-	PTRACE_EVENT_VFORK_DONE              = 0x5
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-	PTRACE_GETFPREGS                     = 0xe
-	PTRACE_GETREGS                       = 0xc
-	PTRACE_GETREGSET                     = 0x4204
-	PTRACE_GETSIGINFO                    = 0x4202
-	PTRACE_GETSIGMASK                    = 0x420a
-	PTRACE_GET_THREAD_AREA               = 0x19
-	PTRACE_GET_THREAD_AREA_3264          = 0xc4
-	PTRACE_GET_WATCH_REGS                = 0xd0
-	PTRACE_INTERRUPT                     = 0x4207
-	PTRACE_KILL                          = 0x8
-	PTRACE_LISTEN                        = 0x4208
-	PTRACE_OLDSETOPTIONS                 = 0x15
-	PTRACE_O_EXITKILL                    = 0x100000
-	PTRACE_O_MASK                        = 0x3000ff
-	PTRACE_O_SUSPEND_SECCOMP             = 0x200000
-	PTRACE_O_TRACECLONE                  = 0x8
-	PTRACE_O_TRACEEXEC                   = 0x10
-	PTRACE_O_TRACEEXIT                   = 0x40
-	PTRACE_O_TRACEFORK                   = 0x2
-	PTRACE_O_TRACESECCOMP                = 0x80
-	PTRACE_O_TRACESYSGOOD                = 0x1
-	PTRACE_O_TRACEVFORK                  = 0x4
-	PTRACE_O_TRACEVFORKDONE              = 0x20
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-	PTRACE_PEEKDATA_3264                 = 0xc1
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-	PTRACE_PEEKTEXT_3264                 = 0xc0
-	PTRACE_PEEKUSR                       = 0x3
-	PTRACE_POKEDATA                      = 0x5
-	PTRACE_POKEDATA_3264                 = 0xc3
-	PTRACE_POKETEXT                      = 0x4
-	PTRACE_POKETEXT_3264                 = 0xc2
-	PTRACE_POKEUSR                       = 0x6
-	PTRACE_SECCOMP_GET_FILTER            = 0x420c
-	PTRACE_SEIZE                         = 0x4206
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-	PTRACE_SETOPTIONS                    = 0x4200
-	PTRACE_SETREGS                       = 0xd
-	PTRACE_SETREGSET                     = 0x4205
-	PTRACE_SETSIGINFO                    = 0x4203
-	PTRACE_SETSIGMASK                    = 0x420b
-	PTRACE_SET_THREAD_AREA               = 0x1a
-	PTRACE_SET_WATCH_REGS                = 0xd1
-	PTRACE_SINGLESTEP                    = 0x9
-	PTRACE_SYSCALL                       = 0x18
-	PTRACE_TRACEME                       = 0x0
-	QNX4_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0x2f
-	QNX6_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0x68191122
-	RAMFS_MAGIC                          = 0x858458f6
-	RDTGROUP_SUPER_MAGIC                 = 0x7655821
-	REISERFS_SUPER_MAGIC                 = 0x52654973
-	RENAME_EXCHANGE                      = 0x2
-	RENAME_NOREPLACE                     = 0x1
-	RENAME_WHITEOUT                      = 0x4
-	RLIMIT_AS                            = 0x6
-	RLIMIT_CORE                          = 0x4
-	RLIMIT_CPU                           = 0x0
-	RLIMIT_DATA                          = 0x2
-	RLIMIT_FSIZE                         = 0x1
-	RLIMIT_LOCKS                         = 0xa
-	RLIMIT_MEMLOCK                       = 0x9
-	RLIMIT_MSGQUEUE                      = 0xc
-	RLIMIT_NICE                          = 0xd
-	RLIMIT_NOFILE                        = 0x5
-	RLIMIT_NPROC                         = 0x8
-	RLIMIT_RSS                           = 0x7
-	RLIMIT_RTPRIO                        = 0xe
-	RLIMIT_RTTIME                        = 0xf
-	RLIMIT_SIGPENDING                    = 0xb
-	RLIMIT_STACK                         = 0x3
-	RLIM_INFINITY                        = 0xffffffffffffffff
-	RNDADDENTROPY                        = 0x80085203
-	RNDADDTOENTCNT                       = 0x80045201
-	RNDCLEARPOOL                         = 0x20005206
-	RNDGETENTCNT                         = 0x40045200
-	RNDGETPOOL                           = 0x40085202
-	RNDRESEEDCRNG                        = 0x20005207
-	RNDZAPENTCNT                         = 0x20005204
-	RTAX_ADVMSS                          = 0x8
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-	RTAX_CWND                            = 0x7
-	RTAX_FASTOPEN_NO_COOKIE              = 0x11
-	RTAX_FEATURES                        = 0xc
-	RTAX_FEATURE_ALLFRAG                 = 0x8
-	RTAX_FEATURE_ECN                     = 0x1
-	RTAX_FEATURE_MASK                    = 0xf
-	RTAX_FEATURE_SACK                    = 0x2
-	RTAX_FEATURE_TIMESTAMP               = 0x4
-	RTAX_HOPLIMIT                        = 0xa
-	RTAX_INITCWND                        = 0xb
-	RTAX_INITRWND                        = 0xe
-	RTAX_LOCK                            = 0x1
-	RTAX_MAX                             = 0x11
-	RTAX_MTU                             = 0x2
-	RTAX_QUICKACK                        = 0xf
-	RTAX_REORDERING                      = 0x9
-	RTAX_RTO_MIN                         = 0xd
-	RTAX_RTT                             = 0x4
-	RTAX_RTTVAR                          = 0x5
-	RTAX_SSTHRESH                        = 0x6
-	RTAX_UNSPEC                          = 0x0
-	RTAX_WINDOW                          = 0x3
-	RTA_ALIGNTO                          = 0x4
-	RTA_MAX                              = 0x1d
-	RTCF_DIRECTSRC                       = 0x4000000
-	RTCF_DOREDIRECT                      = 0x1000000
-	RTCF_LOG                             = 0x2000000
-	RTCF_MASQ                            = 0x400000
-	RTCF_NAT                             = 0x800000
-	RTCF_VALVE                           = 0x200000
-	RTC_AF                               = 0x20
-	RTC_AIE_OFF                          = 0x20007002
-	RTC_AIE_ON                           = 0x20007001
-	RTC_ALM_READ                         = 0x40247008
-	RTC_ALM_SET                          = 0x80247007
-	RTC_EPOCH_READ                       = 0x4008700d
-	RTC_EPOCH_SET                        = 0x8008700e
-	RTC_IRQF                             = 0x80
-	RTC_IRQP_READ                        = 0x4008700b
-	RTC_IRQP_SET                         = 0x8008700c
-	RTC_MAX_FREQ                         = 0x2000
-	RTC_PF                               = 0x40
-	RTC_PIE_OFF                          = 0x20007006
-	RTC_PIE_ON                           = 0x20007005
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-	RTC_PLL_SET                          = 0x80207012
-	RTC_RD_TIME                          = 0x40247009
-	RTC_SET_TIME                         = 0x8024700a
-	RTC_UF                               = 0x10
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-	RTC_UIE_ON                           = 0x20007003
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-	RTC_VL_READ                          = 0x40047013
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-	RTC_WIE_ON                           = 0x2000700f
-	RTC_WKALM_RD                         = 0x40287010
-	RTC_WKALM_SET                        = 0x8028700f
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-	RTF_DEFAULT                          = 0x10000
-	RTF_DYNAMIC                          = 0x10
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-	RTF_GATEWAY                          = 0x2
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-	RTF_LINKRT                           = 0x100000
-	RTF_LOCAL                            = 0x80000000
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-	RTF_MSS                              = 0x40
-	RTF_MTU                              = 0x40
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-	RTF_NAT                              = 0x8000000
-	RTF_NOFORWARD                        = 0x1000
-	RTF_NONEXTHOP                        = 0x200000
-	RTF_NOPMTUDISC                       = 0x4000
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-	RTF_STATIC                           = 0x400
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-	RTF_WINDOW                           = 0x80
-	RTF_XRESOLVE                         = 0x800
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-	RTM_DELNSID                          = 0x59
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-	RTM_GETCHAIN                         = 0x66
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-	RTM_GETMDB                           = 0x56
-	RTM_GETMULTICAST                     = 0x3a
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-	RTM_GETNEIGHTBL                      = 0x42
-	RTM_GETNETCONF                       = 0x52
-	RTM_GETNSID                          = 0x5a
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-	RTM_GETRULE                          = 0x22
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-	RTM_GETTFILTER                       = 0x2e
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-	RTM_NR_MSGTYPES                      = 0x58
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-	RT_CLASS_MAIN                        = 0xfe
-	RT_CLASS_MAX                         = 0xff
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-	SIOCBRADDIF                          = 0x89a2
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-	SIOCBRDELIF                          = 0x89a3
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-	SIOCDELMULTI                         = 0x8932
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-	SIOCDEVPRIVATE                       = 0x89f0
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-	SIOCGIFADDR                          = 0x8915
-	SIOCGIFBR                            = 0x8940
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-	SIOCGIFMETRIC                        = 0x891d
-	SIOCGIFMTU                           = 0x8921
-	SIOCGIFNAME                          = 0x8910
-	SIOCGIFNETMASK                       = 0x891b
-	SIOCGIFPFLAGS                        = 0x8935
-	SIOCGIFSLAVE                         = 0x8929
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-	SIOCGIFVLAN                          = 0x8982
-	SIOCGMIIPHY                          = 0x8947
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-	SIOCGPPPCSTATS                       = 0x89f2
-	SIOCGPPPSTATS                        = 0x89f0
-	SIOCGPPPVER                          = 0x89f1
-	SIOCGRARP                            = 0x8961
-	SIOCGSKNS                            = 0x894c
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-	SIOCGSTAMPNS                         = 0x8907
-	SIOCGSTAMPNS_NEW                     = 0x40108907
-	SIOCGSTAMPNS_OLD                     = 0x8907
-	SIOCGSTAMP_NEW                       = 0x40108906
-	SIOCGSTAMP_OLD                       = 0x8906
-	SIOCINQ                              = 0x467f
-	SIOCOUTQ                             = 0x7472
-	SIOCOUTQNSD                          = 0x894b
-	SIOCPROTOPRIVATE                     = 0x89e0
-	SIOCRTMSG                            = 0x890d
-	SIOCSARP                             = 0x8955
-	SIOCSHWTSTAMP                        = 0x89b0
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-	SIOCSMIIREG                          = 0x8949
-	SIOCSPGRP                            = 0x80047308
-	SIOCSRARP                            = 0x8962
-	SIOCWANDEV                           = 0x894a
-	SMACK_MAGIC                          = 0x43415d53
-	SMART_AUTOSAVE                       = 0xd2
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-	SMART_DISABLE                        = 0xd9
-	SMART_ENABLE                         = 0xd8
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-	SMART_IMMEDIATE_OFFLINE              = 0xd4
-	SMART_LCYL_PASS                      = 0x4f
-	SMART_READ_LOG_SECTOR                = 0xd5
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-	SMART_READ_VALUES                    = 0xd0
-	SMART_SAVE                           = 0xd3
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-	SMB_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x517b
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-	SOCK_PACKET                          = 0xa
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-	SOCK_RDM                             = 0x4
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-	SOL_AAL                              = 0x109
-	SOL_ALG                              = 0x117
-	SOL_ATM                              = 0x108
-	SOL_CAIF                             = 0x116
-	SOL_CAN_BASE                         = 0x64
-	SOL_DCCP                             = 0x10d
-	SOL_DECNET                           = 0x105
-	SOL_ICMPV6                           = 0x3a
-	SOL_IP                               = 0x0
-	SOL_IPV6                             = 0x29
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-	SOL_IUCV                             = 0x115
-	SOL_KCM                              = 0x119
-	SOL_LLC                              = 0x10c
-	SOL_NETBEUI                          = 0x10b
-	SOL_NETLINK                          = 0x10e
-	SOL_NFC                              = 0x118
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-	SOL_PPPOL2TP                         = 0x111
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-	SOL_SOCKET                           = 0xffff
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-	SOL_X25                              = 0x106
-	SOL_XDP                              = 0x11b
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-	SO_ACCEPTCONN                        = 0x1009
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-	SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_EBPF             = 0x34
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-	SO_COOKIE                            = 0x39
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-	SO_EE_CODE_ZEROCOPY_COPIED           = 0x1
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_ICMP                    = 0x2
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_ICMP6                   = 0x3
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_LOCAL                   = 0x1
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_NONE                    = 0x0
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_TIMESTAMPING            = 0x4
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_TXSTATUS                = 0x4
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_TXTIME                  = 0x6
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_ZEROCOPY                = 0x5
-	SO_ERROR                             = 0x1007
-	SO_GET_FILTER                        = 0x1a
-	SO_INCOMING_CPU                      = 0x31
-	SO_INCOMING_NAPI_ID                  = 0x38
-	SO_KEEPALIVE                         = 0x8
-	SO_LINGER                            = 0x80
-	SO_LOCK_FILTER                       = 0x2c
-	SO_MARK                              = 0x24
-	SO_MAX_PACING_RATE                   = 0x2f
-	SO_MEMINFO                           = 0x37
-	SO_NOFCS                             = 0x2b
-	SO_NO_CHECK                          = 0xb
-	SO_OOBINLINE                         = 0x100
-	SO_PASSCRED                          = 0x11
-	SO_PASSSEC                           = 0x22
-	SO_PEEK_OFF                          = 0x2a
-	SO_PEERCRED                          = 0x12
-	SO_PEERGROUPS                        = 0x3b
-	SO_PEERNAME                          = 0x1c
-	SO_PEERSEC                           = 0x1e
-	SO_PRIORITY                          = 0xc
-	SO_PROTOCOL                          = 0x1028
-	SO_RCVBUF                            = 0x1002
-	SO_RCVBUFFORCE                       = 0x21
-	SO_RCVLOWAT                          = 0x1004
-	SO_RCVTIMEO                          = 0x1006
-	SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW                      = 0x42
-	SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD                      = 0x1006
-	SO_REUSEADDR                         = 0x4
-	SO_REUSEPORT                         = 0x200
-	SO_RXQ_OVFL                          = 0x28
-	SO_SELECT_ERR_QUEUE                  = 0x2d
-	SO_SNDBUF                            = 0x1001
-	SO_SNDBUFFORCE                       = 0x1f
-	SO_SNDLOWAT                          = 0x1003
-	SO_SNDTIMEO                          = 0x1005
-	SO_SNDTIMEO_NEW                      = 0x43
-	SO_SNDTIMEO_OLD                      = 0x1005
-	SO_STYLE                             = 0x1008
-	SO_TIMESTAMP                         = 0x1d
-	SO_TIMESTAMPING                      = 0x25
-	SO_TIMESTAMPING_NEW                  = 0x41
-	SO_TIMESTAMPING_OLD                  = 0x25
-	SO_TIMESTAMPNS                       = 0x23
-	SO_TIMESTAMPNS_NEW                   = 0x40
-	SO_TIMESTAMPNS_OLD                   = 0x23
-	SO_TIMESTAMP_NEW                     = 0x3f
-	SO_TIMESTAMP_OLD                     = 0x1d
-	SO_TXTIME                            = 0x3d
-	SO_TYPE                              = 0x1008
-	SO_VM_SOCKETS_BUFFER_SIZE            = 0x0
-	SO_VM_SOCKETS_TRUSTED                = 0x5
-	SO_WIFI_STATUS                       = 0x29
-	SO_ZEROCOPY                          = 0x3c
-	SPLICE_F_GIFT                        = 0x8
-	SPLICE_F_MORE                        = 0x4
-	SPLICE_F_MOVE                        = 0x1
-	SPLICE_F_NONBLOCK                    = 0x2
-	SQUASHFS_MAGIC                       = 0x73717368
-	STACK_END_MAGIC                      = 0x57ac6e9d
-	STATX_ALL                            = 0xfff
-	STATX_ATIME                          = 0x20
-	STATX_ATTR_APPEND                    = 0x20
-	STATX_ATTR_AUTOMOUNT                 = 0x1000
-	STATX_ATTR_COMPRESSED                = 0x4
-	STATX_ATTR_ENCRYPTED                 = 0x800
-	STATX_ATTR_IMMUTABLE                 = 0x10
-	STATX_ATTR_NODUMP                    = 0x40
-	STATX_BASIC_STATS                    = 0x7ff
-	STATX_BLOCKS                         = 0x400
-	STATX_BTIME                          = 0x800
-	STATX_CTIME                          = 0x80
-	STATX_GID                            = 0x10
-	STATX_INO                            = 0x100
-	STATX_MODE                           = 0x2
-	STATX_MTIME                          = 0x40
-	STATX_NLINK                          = 0x4
-	STATX_SIZE                           = 0x200
-	STATX_TYPE                           = 0x1
-	STATX_UID                            = 0x8
-	STATX__RESERVED                      = 0x80000000
-	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WAIT_AFTER           = 0x4
-	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WRITE                = 0x2
-	SYSFS_MAGIC                          = 0x62656572
-	S_BLKSIZE                            = 0x200
-	S_IEXEC                              = 0x40
-	S_IFBLK                              = 0x6000
-	S_IFCHR                              = 0x2000
-	S_IFDIR                              = 0x4000
-	S_IFIFO                              = 0x1000
-	S_IFLNK                              = 0xa000
-	S_IFMT                               = 0xf000
-	S_IFREG                              = 0x8000
-	S_IFSOCK                             = 0xc000
-	S_IREAD                              = 0x100
-	S_IRGRP                              = 0x20
-	S_IROTH                              = 0x4
-	S_IRUSR                              = 0x100
-	S_IRWXG                              = 0x38
-	S_IRWXO                              = 0x7
-	S_IRWXU                              = 0x1c0
-	S_ISGID                              = 0x400
-	S_ISUID                              = 0x800
-	S_ISVTX                              = 0x200
-	S_IWGRP                              = 0x10
-	S_IWOTH                              = 0x2
-	S_IWRITE                             = 0x80
-	S_IWUSR                              = 0x80
-	S_IXGRP                              = 0x8
-	S_IXOTH                              = 0x1
-	S_IXUSR                              = 0x40
-	TAB0                                 = 0x0
-	TAB1                                 = 0x800
-	TAB2                                 = 0x1000
-	TAB3                                 = 0x1800
-	TABDLY                               = 0x1800
-	TASKSTATS_CMD_ATTR_MAX               = 0x4
-	TASKSTATS_CMD_MAX                    = 0x2
-	TASKSTATS_GENL_NAME                  = "TASKSTATS"
-	TASKSTATS_GENL_VERSION               = 0x1
-	TASKSTATS_TYPE_MAX                   = 0x6
-	TASKSTATS_VERSION                    = 0x9
-	TCFLSH                               = 0x5407
-	TCGETA                               = 0x5401
-	TCGETS                               = 0x540d
-	TCGETS2                              = 0x4030542a
-	TCIFLUSH                             = 0x0
-	TCIOFF                               = 0x2
-	TCIOFLUSH                            = 0x2
-	TCION                                = 0x3
-	TCOFLUSH                             = 0x1
-	TCOOFF                               = 0x0
-	TCOON                                = 0x1
-	TCP_BPF_IW                           = 0x3e9
-	TCP_BPF_SNDCWND_CLAMP                = 0x3ea
-	TCP_CC_INFO                          = 0x1a
-	TCP_CM_INQ                           = 0x24
-	TCP_CONGESTION                       = 0xd
-	TCP_COOKIE_IN_ALWAYS                 = 0x1
-	TCP_COOKIE_MAX                       = 0x10
-	TCP_COOKIE_MIN                       = 0x8
-	TCP_COOKIE_OUT_NEVER                 = 0x2
-	TCP_COOKIE_PAIR_SIZE                 = 0x20
-	TCP_COOKIE_TRANSACTIONS              = 0xf
-	TCP_CORK                             = 0x3
-	TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT                     = 0x9
-	TCP_FASTOPEN                         = 0x17
-	TCP_FASTOPEN_CONNECT                 = 0x1e
-	TCP_FASTOPEN_KEY                     = 0x21
-	TCP_FASTOPEN_NO_COOKIE               = 0x22
-	TCP_INFO                             = 0xb
-	TCP_INQ                              = 0x24
-	TCP_KEEPCNT                          = 0x6
-	TCP_KEEPIDLE                         = 0x4
-	TCP_KEEPINTVL                        = 0x5
-	TCP_LINGER2                          = 0x8
-	TCP_MAXSEG                           = 0x2
-	TCP_MAXWIN                           = 0xffff
-	TCP_MAX_WINSHIFT                     = 0xe
-	TCP_MD5SIG                           = 0xe
-	TCP_MD5SIG_EXT                       = 0x20
-	TCP_MD5SIG_FLAG_PREFIX               = 0x1
-	TCP_MD5SIG_MAXKEYLEN                 = 0x50
-	TCP_MSS                              = 0x200
-	TCP_MSS_DEFAULT                      = 0x218
-	TCP_MSS_DESIRED                      = 0x4c4
-	TCP_NODELAY                          = 0x1
-	TCP_NOTSENT_LOWAT                    = 0x19
-	TCP_QUEUE_SEQ                        = 0x15
-	TCP_QUICKACK                         = 0xc
-	TCP_REPAIR                           = 0x13
-	TCP_REPAIR_OFF                       = 0x0
-	TCP_REPAIR_OFF_NO_WP                 = -0x1
-	TCP_REPAIR_ON                        = 0x1
-	TCP_REPAIR_OPTIONS                   = 0x16
-	TCP_REPAIR_QUEUE                     = 0x14
-	TCP_REPAIR_WINDOW                    = 0x1d
-	TCP_SAVED_SYN                        = 0x1c
-	TCP_SAVE_SYN                         = 0x1b
-	TCP_SYNCNT                           = 0x7
-	TCP_S_DATA_IN                        = 0x4
-	TCP_S_DATA_OUT                       = 0x8
-	TCP_THIN_DUPACK                      = 0x11
-	TCP_THIN_LINEAR_TIMEOUTS             = 0x10
-	TCP_TIMESTAMP                        = 0x18
-	TCP_ULP                              = 0x1f
-	TCP_USER_TIMEOUT                     = 0x12
-	TCP_WINDOW_CLAMP                     = 0xa
-	TCP_ZEROCOPY_RECEIVE                 = 0x23
-	TCSAFLUSH                            = 0x5410
-	TCSBRK                               = 0x5405
-	TCSBRKP                              = 0x5486
-	TCSETA                               = 0x5402
-	TCSETAF                              = 0x5404
-	TCSETAW                              = 0x5403
-	TCSETS                               = 0x540e
-	TCSETS2                              = 0x8030542b
-	TCSETSF                              = 0x5410
-	TCSETSF2                             = 0x8030542d
-	TCSETSW                              = 0x540f
-	TCSETSW2                             = 0x8030542c
-	TCXONC                               = 0x5406
-	TIMER_ABSTIME                        = 0x1
-	TIOCCBRK                             = 0x5428
-	TIOCCONS                             = 0x80047478
-	TIOCEXCL                             = 0x740d
-	TIOCGDEV                             = 0x40045432
-	TIOCGETD                             = 0x7400
-	TIOCGETP                             = 0x7408
-	TIOCGEXCL                            = 0x40045440
-	TIOCGICOUNT                          = 0x5492
-	TIOCGISO7816                         = 0x40285442
-	TIOCGLCKTRMIOS                       = 0x548b
-	TIOCGLTC                             = 0x7474
-	TIOCGPGRP                            = 0x40047477
-	TIOCGPKT                             = 0x40045438
-	TIOCGPTLCK                           = 0x40045439
-	TIOCGPTN                             = 0x40045430
-	TIOCGPTPEER                          = 0x20005441
-	TIOCGRS485                           = 0x4020542e
-	TIOCGSERIAL                          = 0x5484
-	TIOCGSID                             = 0x7416
-	TIOCGSOFTCAR                         = 0x5481
-	TIOCGWINSZ                           = 0x40087468
-	TIOCINQ                              = 0x467f
-	TIOCLINUX                            = 0x5483
-	TIOCMBIC                             = 0x741c
-	TIOCMBIS                             = 0x741b
-	TIOCMGET                             = 0x741d
-	TIOCMIWAIT                           = 0x5491
-	TIOCMSET                             = 0x741a
-	TIOCM_CAR                            = 0x100
-	TIOCM_CD                             = 0x100
-	TIOCM_CTS                            = 0x40
-	TIOCM_DSR                            = 0x400
-	TIOCM_DTR                            = 0x2
-	TIOCM_LE                             = 0x1
-	TIOCM_RI                             = 0x200
-	TIOCM_RNG                            = 0x200
-	TIOCM_RTS                            = 0x4
-	TIOCM_SR                             = 0x20
-	TIOCM_ST                             = 0x10
-	TIOCNOTTY                            = 0x5471
-	TIOCNXCL                             = 0x740e
-	TIOCOUTQ                             = 0x7472
-	TIOCPKT                              = 0x5470
-	TIOCPKT_DATA                         = 0x0
-	TIOCPKT_DOSTOP                       = 0x20
-	TIOCPKT_FLUSHREAD                    = 0x1
-	TIOCPKT_FLUSHWRITE                   = 0x2
-	TIOCPKT_IOCTL                        = 0x40
-	TIOCPKT_NOSTOP                       = 0x10
-	TIOCPKT_START                        = 0x8
-	TIOCPKT_STOP                         = 0x4
-	TIOCSBRK                             = 0x5427
-	TIOCSCTTY                            = 0x5480
-	TIOCSERCONFIG                        = 0x5488
-	TIOCSERGETLSR                        = 0x548e
-	TIOCSERGETMULTI                      = 0x548f
-	TIOCSERGSTRUCT                       = 0x548d
-	TIOCSERGWILD                         = 0x5489
-	TIOCSERSETMULTI                      = 0x5490
-	TIOCSERSWILD                         = 0x548a
-	TIOCSER_TEMT                         = 0x1
-	TIOCSETD                             = 0x7401
-	TIOCSETN                             = 0x740a
-	TIOCSETP                             = 0x7409
-	TIOCSIG                              = 0x80045436
-	TIOCSISO7816                         = 0xc0285443
-	TIOCSLCKTRMIOS                       = 0x548c
-	TIOCSLTC                             = 0x7475
-	TIOCSPGRP                            = 0x80047476
-	TIOCSPTLCK                           = 0x80045431
-	TIOCSRS485                           = 0xc020542f
-	TIOCSSERIAL                          = 0x5485
-	TIOCSSOFTCAR                         = 0x5482
-	TIOCSTI                              = 0x5472
-	TIOCSWINSZ                           = 0x80087467
-	TIOCVHANGUP                          = 0x5437
-	TMPFS_MAGIC                          = 0x1021994
-	TOSTOP                               = 0x8000
-	TPACKET_ALIGNMENT                    = 0x10
-	TPACKET_HDRLEN                       = 0x34
-	TP_STATUS_AVAILABLE                  = 0x0
-	TP_STATUS_BLK_TMO                    = 0x20
-	TP_STATUS_COPY                       = 0x2
-	TP_STATUS_CSUMNOTREADY               = 0x8
-	TP_STATUS_CSUM_VALID                 = 0x80
-	TP_STATUS_KERNEL                     = 0x0
-	TP_STATUS_LOSING                     = 0x4
-	TP_STATUS_SENDING                    = 0x2
-	TP_STATUS_SEND_REQUEST               = 0x1
-	TP_STATUS_TS_RAW_HARDWARE            = -0x80000000
-	TP_STATUS_TS_SOFTWARE                = 0x20000000
-	TP_STATUS_TS_SYS_HARDWARE            = 0x40000000
-	TP_STATUS_USER                       = 0x1
-	TP_STATUS_VLAN_TPID_VALID            = 0x40
-	TP_STATUS_VLAN_VALID                 = 0x10
-	TP_STATUS_WRONG_FORMAT               = 0x4
-	TRACEFS_MAGIC                        = 0x74726163
-	TS_COMM_LEN                          = 0x20
-	TUNATTACHFILTER                      = 0x801054d5
-	TUNDETACHFILTER                      = 0x801054d6
-	TUNGETDEVNETNS                       = 0x200054e3
-	TUNGETFEATURES                       = 0x400454cf
-	TUNGETFILTER                         = 0x401054db
-	TUNGETIFF                            = 0x400454d2
-	TUNGETSNDBUF                         = 0x400454d3
-	TUNGETVNETBE                         = 0x400454df
-	TUNGETVNETHDRSZ                      = 0x400454d7
-	TUNGETVNETLE                         = 0x400454dd
-	TUNSETCARRIER                        = 0x800454e2
-	TUNSETDEBUG                          = 0x800454c9
-	TUNSETFILTEREBPF                     = 0x400454e1
-	TUNSETGROUP                          = 0x800454ce
-	TUNSETIFF                            = 0x800454ca
-	TUNSETIFINDEX                        = 0x800454da
-	TUNSETLINK                           = 0x800454cd
-	TUNSETNOCSUM                         = 0x800454c8
-	TUNSETOFFLOAD                        = 0x800454d0
-	TUNSETOWNER                          = 0x800454cc
-	TUNSETPERSIST                        = 0x800454cb
-	TUNSETQUEUE                          = 0x800454d9
-	TUNSETSNDBUF                         = 0x800454d4
-	TUNSETSTEERINGEBPF                   = 0x400454e0
-	TUNSETTXFILTER                       = 0x800454d1
-	TUNSETVNETBE                         = 0x800454de
-	TUNSETVNETHDRSZ                      = 0x800454d8
-	TUNSETVNETLE                         = 0x800454dc
-	UBI_IOCATT                           = 0x80186f40
-	UBI_IOCDET                           = 0x80046f41
-	UBI_IOCEBCH                          = 0x80044f02
-	UBI_IOCEBER                          = 0x80044f01
-	UBI_IOCEBISMAP                       = 0x40044f05
-	UBI_IOCEBMAP                         = 0x80084f03
-	UBI_IOCEBUNMAP                       = 0x80044f04
-	UBI_IOCMKVOL                         = 0x80986f00
-	UBI_IOCRMVOL                         = 0x80046f01
-	UBI_IOCRNVOL                         = 0x91106f03
-	UBI_IOCRPEB                          = 0x80046f04
-	UBI_IOCRSVOL                         = 0x800c6f02
-	UBI_IOCSETVOLPROP                    = 0x80104f06
-	UBI_IOCSPEB                          = 0x80046f05
-	UBI_IOCVOLCRBLK                      = 0x80804f07
-	UBI_IOCVOLRMBLK                      = 0x20004f08
-	UBI_IOCVOLUP                         = 0x80084f00
-	UDF_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x15013346
-	UMOUNT_NOFOLLOW                      = 0x8
-	USBDEVICE_SUPER_MAGIC                = 0x9fa2
-	UTIME_NOW                            = 0x3fffffff
-	UTIME_OMIT                           = 0x3ffffffe
-	V9FS_MAGIC                           = 0x1021997
-	VDISCARD                             = 0xd
-	VEOF                                 = 0x10
-	VEOL                                 = 0x11
-	VEOL2                                = 0x6
-	VERASE                               = 0x2
-	VINTR                                = 0x0
-	VKILL                                = 0x3
-	VLNEXT                               = 0xf
-	VMADDR_CID_ANY                       = 0xffffffff
-	VMADDR_CID_HOST                      = 0x2
-	VMADDR_CID_HYPERVISOR                = 0x0
-	VMADDR_CID_RESERVED                  = 0x1
-	VMADDR_PORT_ANY                      = 0xffffffff
-	VMIN                                 = 0x4
-	VM_SOCKETS_INVALID_VERSION           = 0xffffffff
-	VQUIT                                = 0x1
-	VREPRINT                             = 0xc
-	VSTART                               = 0x8
-	VSTOP                                = 0x9
-	VSUSP                                = 0xa
-	VSWTC                                = 0x7
-	VSWTCH                               = 0x7
-	VT0                                  = 0x0
-	VT1                                  = 0x4000
-	VTDLY                                = 0x4000
-	VTIME                                = 0x5
-	VWERASE                              = 0xe
-	WALL                                 = 0x40000000
-	WCLONE                               = 0x80000000
-	WCONTINUED                           = 0x8
-	WDIOC_GETBOOTSTATUS                  = 0x40045702
-	WDIOC_GETPRETIMEOUT                  = 0x40045709
-	WDIOC_GETSTATUS                      = 0x40045701
-	WDIOC_GETSUPPORT                     = 0x40285700
-	WDIOC_GETTEMP                        = 0x40045703
-	WDIOC_GETTIMELEFT                    = 0x4004570a
-	WDIOC_GETTIMEOUT                     = 0x40045707
-	WDIOC_KEEPALIVE                      = 0x40045705
-	WDIOC_SETOPTIONS                     = 0x40045704
-	WDIOC_SETPRETIMEOUT                  = 0xc0045708
-	WDIOC_SETTIMEOUT                     = 0xc0045706
-	WEXITED                              = 0x4
-	WIN_ACKMEDIACHANGE                   = 0xdb
-	WIN_CHECKPOWERMODE1                  = 0xe5
-	WIN_CHECKPOWERMODE2                  = 0x98
-	WIN_DEVICE_RESET                     = 0x8
-	WIN_DIAGNOSE                         = 0x90
-	WIN_DOORLOCK                         = 0xde
-	WIN_DOORUNLOCK                       = 0xdf
-	WIN_DOWNLOAD_MICROCODE               = 0x92
-	WIN_FLUSH_CACHE                      = 0xe7
-	WIN_FLUSH_CACHE_EXT                  = 0xea
-	WIN_FORMAT                           = 0x50
-	WIN_GETMEDIASTATUS                   = 0xda
-	WIN_IDENTIFY                         = 0xec
-	WIN_IDENTIFY_DMA                     = 0xee
-	WIN_IDLEIMMEDIATE                    = 0xe1
-	WIN_INIT                             = 0x60
-	WIN_MEDIAEJECT                       = 0xed
-	WIN_MULTREAD                         = 0xc4
-	WIN_MULTREAD_EXT                     = 0x29
-	WIN_MULTWRITE                        = 0xc5
-	WIN_MULTWRITE_EXT                    = 0x39
-	WIN_NOP                              = 0x0
-	WIN_PACKETCMD                        = 0xa0
-	WIN_PIDENTIFY                        = 0xa1
-	WIN_POSTBOOT                         = 0xdc
-	WIN_PREBOOT                          = 0xdd
-	WIN_QUEUED_SERVICE                   = 0xa2
-	WIN_READ                             = 0x20
-	WIN_READDMA                          = 0xc8
-	WIN_READDMA_EXT                      = 0x25
-	WIN_READDMA_ONCE                     = 0xc9
-	WIN_READDMA_QUEUED                   = 0xc7
-	WIN_READDMA_QUEUED_EXT               = 0x26
-	WIN_READ_BUFFER                      = 0xe4
-	WIN_READ_EXT                         = 0x24
-	WIN_READ_LONG                        = 0x22
-	WIN_READ_LONG_ONCE                   = 0x23
-	WIN_READ_NATIVE_MAX                  = 0xf8
-	WIN_READ_NATIVE_MAX_EXT              = 0x27
-	WIN_READ_ONCE                        = 0x21
-	WIN_RECAL                            = 0x10
-	WIN_RESTORE                          = 0x10
-	WIN_SECURITY_DISABLE                 = 0xf6
-	WIN_SECURITY_ERASE_UNIT              = 0xf4
-	WIN_SECURITY_FREEZE_LOCK             = 0xf5
-	WIN_SECURITY_SET_PASS                = 0xf1
-	WIN_SECURITY_UNLOCK                  = 0xf2
-	WIN_SEEK                             = 0x70
-	WIN_SETFEATURES                      = 0xef
-	WIN_SETIDLE1                         = 0xe3
-	WIN_SETIDLE2                         = 0x97
-	WIN_SETMULT                          = 0xc6
-	WIN_SET_MAX                          = 0xf9
-	WIN_SET_MAX_EXT                      = 0x37
-	WIN_SLEEPNOW1                        = 0xe6
-	WIN_SLEEPNOW2                        = 0x99
-	WIN_SMART                            = 0xb0
-	WIN_SPECIFY                          = 0x91
-	WIN_SRST                             = 0x8
-	WIN_STANDBY                          = 0xe2
-	WIN_STANDBY2                         = 0x96
-	WIN_STANDBYNOW1                      = 0xe0
-	WIN_STANDBYNOW2                      = 0x94
-	WIN_VERIFY                           = 0x40
-	WIN_VERIFY_EXT                       = 0x42
-	WIN_VERIFY_ONCE                      = 0x41
-	WIN_WRITE                            = 0x30
-	WIN_WRITEDMA                         = 0xca
-	WIN_WRITEDMA_EXT                     = 0x35
-	WIN_WRITEDMA_ONCE                    = 0xcb
-	WIN_WRITEDMA_QUEUED                  = 0xcc
-	WIN_WRITEDMA_QUEUED_EXT              = 0x36
-	WIN_WRITE_BUFFER                     = 0xe8
-	WIN_WRITE_EXT                        = 0x34
-	WIN_WRITE_LONG                       = 0x32
-	WIN_WRITE_LONG_ONCE                  = 0x33
-	WIN_WRITE_ONCE                       = 0x31
-	WIN_WRITE_SAME                       = 0xe9
-	WIN_WRITE_VERIFY                     = 0x3c
-	WNOHANG                              = 0x1
-	WNOTHREAD                            = 0x20000000
-	WNOWAIT                              = 0x1000000
-	WORDSIZE                             = 0x40
-	WSTOPPED                             = 0x2
-	WUNTRACED                            = 0x2
-	XATTR_CREATE                         = 0x1
-	XATTR_REPLACE                        = 0x2
-	XCASE                                = 0x4
-	XDP_COPY                             = 0x2
-	XDP_FLAGS_DRV_MODE                   = 0x4
-	XDP_FLAGS_HW_MODE                    = 0x8
-	XDP_FLAGS_MASK                       = 0xf
-	XDP_FLAGS_MODES                      = 0xe
-	XDP_FLAGS_SKB_MODE                   = 0x2
-	XDP_MMAP_OFFSETS                     = 0x1
-	XDP_PACKET_HEADROOM                  = 0x100
-	XDP_PGOFF_RX_RING                    = 0x0
-	XDP_PGOFF_TX_RING                    = 0x80000000
-	XDP_RX_RING                          = 0x2
-	XDP_SHARED_UMEM                      = 0x1
-	XDP_STATISTICS                       = 0x7
-	XDP_TX_RING                          = 0x3
-	XDP_UMEM_COMPLETION_RING             = 0x6
-	XDP_UMEM_FILL_RING                   = 0x5
-	XDP_UMEM_PGOFF_COMPLETION_RING       = 0x180000000
-	XDP_UMEM_PGOFF_FILL_RING             = 0x100000000
-	XDP_UMEM_REG                         = 0x4
-	XDP_ZEROCOPY                         = 0x4
-	XENFS_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0xabba1974
-	XFS_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x58465342
-	XTABS                                = 0x1800
-	ZSMALLOC_MAGIC                       = 0x58295829
+	AAFS_MAGIC                                  = 0x5a3c69f0
+	ADFS_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xadf5
+	AFFS_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xadff
+	AFS_FS_MAGIC                                = 0x6b414653
+	AFS_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x5346414f
+	AF_ALG                                      = 0x26
+	AF_APPLETALK                                = 0x5
+	AF_ASH                                      = 0x12
+	AF_ATMPVC                                   = 0x8
+	AF_ATMSVC                                   = 0x14
+	AF_AX25                                     = 0x3
+	AF_BLUETOOTH                                = 0x1f
+	AF_BRIDGE                                   = 0x7
+	AF_CAIF                                     = 0x25
+	AF_CAN                                      = 0x1d
+	AF_DECnet                                   = 0xc
+	AF_ECONET                                   = 0x13
+	AF_FILE                                     = 0x1
+	AF_IB                                       = 0x1b
+	AF_IEEE802154                               = 0x24
+	AF_INET                                     = 0x2
+	AF_INET6                                    = 0xa
+	AF_IPX                                      = 0x4
+	AF_IRDA                                     = 0x17
+	AF_ISDN                                     = 0x22
+	AF_IUCV                                     = 0x20
+	AF_KCM                                      = 0x29
+	AF_KEY                                      = 0xf
+	AF_LLC                                      = 0x1a
+	AF_LOCAL                                    = 0x1
+	AF_MAX                                      = 0x2d
+	AF_MPLS                                     = 0x1c
+	AF_NETBEUI                                  = 0xd
+	AF_NETLINK                                  = 0x10
+	AF_NETROM                                   = 0x6
+	AF_NFC                                      = 0x27
+	AF_PACKET                                   = 0x11
+	AF_PHONET                                   = 0x23
+	AF_PPPOX                                    = 0x18
+	AF_QIPCRTR                                  = 0x2a
+	AF_RDS                                      = 0x15
+	AF_ROSE                                     = 0xb
+	AF_ROUTE                                    = 0x10
+	AF_RXRPC                                    = 0x21
+	AF_SECURITY                                 = 0xe
+	AF_SMC                                      = 0x2b
+	AF_SNA                                      = 0x16
+	AF_TIPC                                     = 0x1e
+	AF_UNIX                                     = 0x1
+	AF_UNSPEC                                   = 0x0
+	AF_VSOCK                                    = 0x28
+	AF_WANPIPE                                  = 0x19
+	AF_X25                                      = 0x9
+	AF_XDP                                      = 0x2c
+	ALG_OP_DECRYPT                              = 0x0
+	ALG_OP_ENCRYPT                              = 0x1
+	ALG_SET_AEAD_ASSOCLEN                       = 0x4
+	ALG_SET_AEAD_AUTHSIZE                       = 0x5
+	ALG_SET_IV                                  = 0x2
+	ALG_SET_KEY                                 = 0x1
+	ALG_SET_OP                                  = 0x3
+	ANON_INODE_FS_MAGIC                         = 0x9041934
+	ARPHRD_6LOWPAN                              = 0x339
+	ARPHRD_ADAPT                                = 0x108
+	ARPHRD_APPLETLK                             = 0x8
+	ARPHRD_ARCNET                               = 0x7
+	ARPHRD_ASH                                  = 0x30d
+	ARPHRD_ATM                                  = 0x13
+	ARPHRD_AX25                                 = 0x3
+	ARPHRD_BIF                                  = 0x307
+	ARPHRD_CAIF                                 = 0x336
+	ARPHRD_CAN                                  = 0x118
+	ARPHRD_CHAOS                                = 0x5
+	ARPHRD_CISCO                                = 0x201
+	ARPHRD_CSLIP                                = 0x101
+	ARPHRD_CSLIP6                               = 0x103
+	ARPHRD_DDCMP                                = 0x205
+	ARPHRD_DLCI                                 = 0xf
+	ARPHRD_ECONET                               = 0x30e
+	ARPHRD_EETHER                               = 0x2
+	ARPHRD_ETHER                                = 0x1
+	ARPHRD_EUI64                                = 0x1b
+	ARPHRD_FCAL                                 = 0x311
+	ARPHRD_FCFABRIC                             = 0x313
+	ARPHRD_FCPL                                 = 0x312
+	ARPHRD_FCPP                                 = 0x310
+	ARPHRD_FDDI                                 = 0x306
+	ARPHRD_FRAD                                 = 0x302
+	ARPHRD_HDLC                                 = 0x201
+	ARPHRD_HIPPI                                = 0x30c
+	ARPHRD_HWX25                                = 0x110
+	ARPHRD_IEEE1394                             = 0x18
+	ARPHRD_IEEE802                              = 0x6
+	ARPHRD_IEEE80211                            = 0x321
+	ARPHRD_IEEE80211_PRISM                      = 0x322
+	ARPHRD_IEEE80211_RADIOTAP                   = 0x323
+	ARPHRD_IEEE802154                           = 0x324
+	ARPHRD_IEEE802154_MONITOR                   = 0x325
+	ARPHRD_IEEE802_TR                           = 0x320
+	ARPHRD_INFINIBAND                           = 0x20
+	ARPHRD_IP6GRE                               = 0x337
+	ARPHRD_IPDDP                                = 0x309
+	ARPHRD_IPGRE                                = 0x30a
+	ARPHRD_IRDA                                 = 0x30f
+	ARPHRD_LAPB                                 = 0x204
+	ARPHRD_LOCALTLK                             = 0x305
+	ARPHRD_LOOPBACK                             = 0x304
+	ARPHRD_METRICOM                             = 0x17
+	ARPHRD_NETLINK                              = 0x338
+	ARPHRD_NETROM                               = 0x0
+	ARPHRD_NONE                                 = 0xfffe
+	ARPHRD_PHONET                               = 0x334
+	ARPHRD_PHONET_PIPE                          = 0x335
+	ARPHRD_PIMREG                               = 0x30b
+	ARPHRD_PPP                                  = 0x200
+	ARPHRD_PRONET                               = 0x4
+	ARPHRD_RAWHDLC                              = 0x206
+	ARPHRD_RAWIP                                = 0x207
+	ARPHRD_ROSE                                 = 0x10e
+	ARPHRD_RSRVD                                = 0x104
+	ARPHRD_SIT                                  = 0x308
+	ARPHRD_SKIP                                 = 0x303
+	ARPHRD_SLIP                                 = 0x100
+	ARPHRD_SLIP6                                = 0x102
+	ARPHRD_TUNNEL                               = 0x300
+	ARPHRD_TUNNEL6                              = 0x301
+	ARPHRD_VOID                                 = 0xffff
+	ARPHRD_VSOCKMON                             = 0x33a
+	ARPHRD_X25                                  = 0x10f
+	AUTOFS_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0x187
+	B0                                          = 0x0
+	B1000000                                    = 0x1008
+	B110                                        = 0x3
+	B115200                                     = 0x1002
+	B1152000                                    = 0x1009
+	B1200                                       = 0x9
+	B134                                        = 0x4
+	B150                                        = 0x5
+	B1500000                                    = 0x100a
+	B1800                                       = 0xa
+	B19200                                      = 0xe
+	B200                                        = 0x6
+	B2000000                                    = 0x100b
+	B230400                                     = 0x1003
+	B2400                                       = 0xb
+	B2500000                                    = 0x100c
+	B300                                        = 0x7
+	B3000000                                    = 0x100d
+	B3500000                                    = 0x100e
+	B38400                                      = 0xf
+	B4000000                                    = 0x100f
+	B460800                                     = 0x1004
+	B4800                                       = 0xc
+	B50                                         = 0x1
+	B500000                                     = 0x1005
+	B57600                                      = 0x1001
+	B576000                                     = 0x1006
+	B600                                        = 0x8
+	B75                                         = 0x2
+	B921600                                     = 0x1007
+	B9600                                       = 0xd
+	BALLOON_KVM_MAGIC                           = 0x13661366
+	BDEVFS_MAGIC                                = 0x62646576
+	BINDERFS_SUPER_MAGIC                        = 0x6c6f6f70
+	BINFMTFS_MAGIC                              = 0x42494e4d
+	BLKBSZGET                                   = 0x40081270
+	BLKBSZSET                                   = 0x80081271
+	BLKFLSBUF                                   = 0x20001261
+	BLKFRAGET                                   = 0x20001265
+	BLKFRASET                                   = 0x20001264
+	BLKGETSIZE                                  = 0x20001260
+	BLKGETSIZE64                                = 0x40081272
+	BLKPBSZGET                                  = 0x2000127b
+	BLKRAGET                                    = 0x20001263
+	BLKRASET                                    = 0x20001262
+	BLKROGET                                    = 0x2000125e
+	BLKROSET                                    = 0x2000125d
+	BLKRRPART                                   = 0x2000125f
+	BLKSECTGET                                  = 0x20001267
+	BLKSECTSET                                  = 0x20001266
+	BLKSSZGET                                   = 0x20001268
+	BOTHER                                      = 0x1000
+	BPF_A                                       = 0x10
+	BPF_ABS                                     = 0x20
+	BPF_ADD                                     = 0x0
+	BPF_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L2_MASK                  = 0xff
+	BPF_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L2_SHIFT                 = 0x38
+	BPF_ALU                                     = 0x4
+	BPF_ALU64                                   = 0x7
+	BPF_AND                                     = 0x50
+	BPF_ANY                                     = 0x0
+	BPF_ARSH                                    = 0xc0
+	BPF_B                                       = 0x10
+	BPF_BUILD_ID_SIZE                           = 0x14
+	BPF_CALL                                    = 0x80
+	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_MKNOD                         = 0x1
+	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_READ                          = 0x2
+	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_WRITE                         = 0x4
+	BPF_DEVCG_DEV_BLOCK                         = 0x1
+	BPF_DEVCG_DEV_CHAR                          = 0x2
+	BPF_DIV                                     = 0x30
+	BPF_DW                                      = 0x18
+	BPF_END                                     = 0xd0
+	BPF_EXIST                                   = 0x2
+	BPF_EXIT                                    = 0x90
+	BPF_FROM_BE                                 = 0x8
+	BPF_FROM_LE                                 = 0x0
+	BPF_FS_MAGIC                                = 0xcafe4a11
+	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L3_IPV4                = 0x2
+	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L3_IPV6                = 0x4
+	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L4_GRE                 = 0x8
+	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L4_UDP                 = 0x10
+	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_FIXED_GSO                    = 0x1
+	BPF_F_ALLOW_MULTI                           = 0x2
+	BPF_F_ALLOW_OVERRIDE                        = 0x1
+	BPF_F_ANY_ALIGNMENT                         = 0x2
+	BPF_F_CLONE                                 = 0x200
+	BPF_F_CTXLEN_MASK                           = 0xfffff00000000
+	BPF_F_CURRENT_CPU                           = 0xffffffff
+	BPF_F_CURRENT_NETNS                         = -0x1
+	BPF_F_DONT_FRAGMENT                         = 0x4
+	BPF_F_FAST_STACK_CMP                        = 0x200
+	BPF_F_HDR_FIELD_MASK                        = 0xf
+	BPF_F_INDEX_MASK                            = 0xffffffff
+	BPF_F_INGRESS                               = 0x1
+	BPF_F_INVALIDATE_HASH                       = 0x2
+	BPF_F_LOCK                                  = 0x4
+	BPF_F_MARK_ENFORCE                          = 0x40
+	BPF_F_MARK_MANGLED_0                        = 0x20
+	BPF_F_NO_COMMON_LRU                         = 0x2
+	BPF_F_NO_PREALLOC                           = 0x1
+	BPF_F_NUMA_NODE                             = 0x4
+	BPF_F_PSEUDO_HDR                            = 0x10
+	BPF_F_QUERY_EFFECTIVE                       = 0x1
+	BPF_F_RDONLY                                = 0x8
+	BPF_F_RDONLY_PROG                           = 0x80
+	BPF_F_RECOMPUTE_CSUM                        = 0x1
+	BPF_F_REUSE_STACKID                         = 0x400
+	BPF_F_SEQ_NUMBER                            = 0x8
+	BPF_F_SKIP_FIELD_MASK                       = 0xff
+	BPF_F_STACK_BUILD_ID                        = 0x20
+	BPF_F_STRICT_ALIGNMENT                      = 0x1
+	BPF_F_SYSCTL_BASE_NAME                      = 0x1
+	BPF_F_TEST_RND_HI32                         = 0x4
+	BPF_F_TEST_STATE_FREQ                       = 0x8
+	BPF_F_TUNINFO_IPV6                          = 0x1
+	BPF_F_USER_BUILD_ID                         = 0x800
+	BPF_F_USER_STACK                            = 0x100
+	BPF_F_WRONLY                                = 0x10
+	BPF_F_WRONLY_PROG                           = 0x100
+	BPF_F_ZERO_CSUM_TX                          = 0x2
+	BPF_F_ZERO_SEED                             = 0x40
+	BPF_H                                       = 0x8
+	BPF_IMM                                     = 0x0
+	BPF_IND                                     = 0x40
+	BPF_JA                                      = 0x0
+	BPF_JEQ                                     = 0x10
+	BPF_JGE                                     = 0x30
+	BPF_JGT                                     = 0x20
+	BPF_JLE                                     = 0xb0
+	BPF_JLT                                     = 0xa0
+	BPF_JMP                                     = 0x5
+	BPF_JMP32                                   = 0x6
+	BPF_JNE                                     = 0x50
+	BPF_JSET                                    = 0x40
+	BPF_JSGE                                    = 0x70
+	BPF_JSGT                                    = 0x60
+	BPF_JSLE                                    = 0xd0
+	BPF_JSLT                                    = 0xc0
+	BPF_K                                       = 0x0
+	BPF_LD                                      = 0x0
+	BPF_LDX                                     = 0x1
+	BPF_LEN                                     = 0x80
+	BPF_LL_OFF                                  = -0x200000
+	BPF_LSH                                     = 0x60
+	BPF_MAJOR_VERSION                           = 0x1
+	BPF_MAXINSNS                                = 0x1000
+	BPF_MEM                                     = 0x60
+	BPF_MEMWORDS                                = 0x10
+	BPF_MINOR_VERSION                           = 0x1
+	BPF_MISC                                    = 0x7
+	BPF_MOD                                     = 0x90
+	BPF_MOV                                     = 0xb0
+	BPF_MSH                                     = 0xa0
+	BPF_MUL                                     = 0x20
+	BPF_NEG                                     = 0x80
+	BPF_NET_OFF                                 = -0x100000
+	BPF_NOEXIST                                 = 0x1
+	BPF_OBJ_NAME_LEN                            = 0x10
+	BPF_OR                                      = 0x40
+	BPF_PSEUDO_CALL                             = 0x1
+	BPF_PSEUDO_MAP_FD                           = 0x1
+	BPF_PSEUDO_MAP_VALUE                        = 0x2
+	BPF_RET                                     = 0x6
+	BPF_RSH                                     = 0x70
+	BPF_SK_STORAGE_GET_F_CREATE                 = 0x1
+	BPF_SOCK_OPS_ALL_CB_FLAGS                   = 0xf
+	BPF_SOCK_OPS_RETRANS_CB_FLAG                = 0x2
+	BPF_SOCK_OPS_RTO_CB_FLAG                    = 0x1
+	BPF_SOCK_OPS_RTT_CB_FLAG                    = 0x8
+	BPF_SOCK_OPS_STATE_CB_FLAG                  = 0x4
+	BPF_ST                                      = 0x2
+	BPF_STX                                     = 0x3
+	BPF_SUB                                     = 0x10
+	BPF_TAG_SIZE                                = 0x8
+	BPF_TAX                                     = 0x0
+	BPF_TO_BE                                   = 0x8
+	BPF_TO_LE                                   = 0x0
+	BPF_TXA                                     = 0x80
+	BPF_W                                       = 0x0
+	BPF_X                                       = 0x8
+	BPF_XADD                                    = 0xc0
+	BPF_XOR                                     = 0xa0
+	BRKINT                                      = 0x2
+	BS0                                         = 0x0
+	BS1                                         = 0x2000
+	BSDLY                                       = 0x2000
+	BTRFS_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x9123683e
+	BTRFS_TEST_MAGIC                            = 0x73727279
+	CAN_BCM                                     = 0x2
+	CAN_EFF_FLAG                                = 0x80000000
+	CAN_EFF_ID_BITS                             = 0x1d
+	CAN_EFF_MASK                                = 0x1fffffff
+	CAN_ERR_FLAG                                = 0x20000000
+	CAN_ERR_MASK                                = 0x1fffffff
+	CAN_INV_FILTER                              = 0x20000000
+	CAN_ISOTP                                   = 0x6
+	CAN_J1939                                   = 0x7
+	CAN_MAX_DLC                                 = 0x8
+	CAN_MAX_DLEN                                = 0x8
+	CAN_MCNET                                   = 0x5
+	CAN_MTU                                     = 0x10
+	CAN_NPROTO                                  = 0x8
+	CAN_RAW                                     = 0x1
+	CAN_RAW_FILTER_MAX                          = 0x200
+	CAN_RTR_FLAG                                = 0x40000000
+	CAN_SFF_ID_BITS                             = 0xb
+	CAN_SFF_MASK                                = 0x7ff
+	CAN_TP16                                    = 0x3
+	CAN_TP20                                    = 0x4
+	CAP_AUDIT_CONTROL                           = 0x1e
+	CAP_AUDIT_READ                              = 0x25
+	CAP_AUDIT_WRITE                             = 0x1d
+	CAP_BLOCK_SUSPEND                           = 0x24
+	CAP_CHOWN                                   = 0x0
+	CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE                            = 0x1
+	CAP_DAC_READ_SEARCH                         = 0x2
+	CAP_FOWNER                                  = 0x3
+	CAP_FSETID                                  = 0x4
+	CAP_IPC_LOCK                                = 0xe
+	CAP_IPC_OWNER                               = 0xf
+	CAP_KILL                                    = 0x5
+	CAP_LAST_CAP                                = 0x25
+	CAP_LEASE                                   = 0x1c
+	CAP_LINUX_IMMUTABLE                         = 0x9
+	CAP_MAC_ADMIN                               = 0x21
+	CAP_MAC_OVERRIDE                            = 0x20
+	CAP_MKNOD                                   = 0x1b
+	CAP_NET_ADMIN                               = 0xc
+	CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE                        = 0xa
+	CAP_NET_BROADCAST                           = 0xb
+	CAP_NET_RAW                                 = 0xd
+	CAP_SETFCAP                                 = 0x1f
+	CAP_SETGID                                  = 0x6
+	CAP_SETPCAP                                 = 0x8
+	CAP_SETUID                                  = 0x7
+	CAP_SYSLOG                                  = 0x22
+	CAP_SYS_ADMIN                               = 0x15
+	CAP_SYS_BOOT                                = 0x16
+	CAP_SYS_CHROOT                              = 0x12
+	CAP_SYS_MODULE                              = 0x10
+	CAP_SYS_NICE                                = 0x17
+	CAP_SYS_PACCT                               = 0x14
+	CAP_SYS_PTRACE                              = 0x13
+	CAP_SYS_RAWIO                               = 0x11
+	CAP_SYS_RESOURCE                            = 0x18
+	CAP_SYS_TIME                                = 0x19
+	CAP_SYS_TTY_CONFIG                          = 0x1a
+	CAP_WAKE_ALARM                              = 0x23
+	CBAUD                                       = 0x100f
+	CBAUDEX                                     = 0x1000
+	CFLUSH                                      = 0xf
+	CGROUP2_SUPER_MAGIC                         = 0x63677270
+	CGROUP_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0x27e0eb
+	CIBAUD                                      = 0x100f0000
+	CLOCAL                                      = 0x800
+	CLOCK_BOOTTIME                              = 0x7
+	CLOCK_BOOTTIME_ALARM                        = 0x9
+	CLOCK_DEFAULT                               = 0x0
+	CLOCK_EXT                                   = 0x1
+	CLOCK_INT                                   = 0x2
+	CLOCK_MONOTONIC                             = 0x1
+	CLOCK_MONOTONIC_COARSE                      = 0x6
+	CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW                         = 0x4
+	CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID                    = 0x2
+	CLOCK_REALTIME                              = 0x0
+	CLOCK_REALTIME_ALARM                        = 0x8
+	CLOCK_REALTIME_COARSE                       = 0x5
+	CLOCK_TAI                                   = 0xb
+	CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID                     = 0x3
+	CLOCK_TXFROMRX                              = 0x4
+	CLOCK_TXINT                                 = 0x3
+	CLONE_ARGS_SIZE_VER0                        = 0x40
+	CLONE_CHILD_CLEARTID                        = 0x200000
+	CLONE_CHILD_SETTID                          = 0x1000000
+	CLONE_DETACHED                              = 0x400000
+	CLONE_FILES                                 = 0x400
+	CLONE_FS                                    = 0x200
+	CLONE_IO                                    = 0x80000000
+	CLONE_NEWCGROUP                             = 0x2000000
+	CLONE_NEWIPC                                = 0x8000000
+	CLONE_NEWNET                                = 0x40000000
+	CLONE_NEWNS                                 = 0x20000
+	CLONE_NEWPID                                = 0x20000000
+	CLONE_NEWUSER                               = 0x10000000
+	CLONE_NEWUTS                                = 0x4000000
+	CLONE_PARENT                                = 0x8000
+	CLONE_PARENT_SETTID                         = 0x100000
+	CLONE_PIDFD                                 = 0x1000
+	CLONE_PTRACE                                = 0x2000
+	CLONE_SETTLS                                = 0x80000
+	CLONE_SIGHAND                               = 0x800
+	CLONE_SYSVSEM                               = 0x40000
+	CLONE_THREAD                                = 0x10000
+	CLONE_UNTRACED                              = 0x800000
+	CLONE_VFORK                                 = 0x4000
+	CLONE_VM                                    = 0x100
+	CMSPAR                                      = 0x40000000
+	CODA_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0x73757245
+	CR0                                         = 0x0
+	CR1                                         = 0x200
+	CR2                                         = 0x400
+	CR3                                         = 0x600
+	CRAMFS_MAGIC                                = 0x28cd3d45
+	CRDLY                                       = 0x600
+	CREAD                                       = 0x80
+	CRTSCTS                                     = 0x80000000
+	CRYPTO_MAX_NAME                             = 0x40
+	CRYPTO_MSG_MAX                              = 0x15
+	CRYPTO_NR_MSGTYPES                          = 0x6
+	CRYPTO_REPORT_MAXSIZE                       = 0x160
+	CS5                                         = 0x0
+	CS6                                         = 0x10
+	CS7                                         = 0x20
+	CS8                                         = 0x30
+	CSIGNAL                                     = 0xff
+	CSIZE                                       = 0x30
+	CSTART                                      = 0x11
+	CSTATUS                                     = 0x0
+	CSTOP                                       = 0x13
+	CSTOPB                                      = 0x40
+	CSUSP                                       = 0x1a
+	DAXFS_MAGIC                                 = 0x64646178
+	DEBUGFS_MAGIC                               = 0x64626720
+	DEVLINK_CMD_ESWITCH_MODE_GET                = 0x1d
+	DEVLINK_CMD_ESWITCH_MODE_SET                = 0x1e
+	DEVLINK_GENL_MCGRP_CONFIG_NAME              = "config"
+	DEVLINK_GENL_NAME                           = "devlink"
+	DEVLINK_GENL_VERSION                        = 0x1
+	DEVPTS_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0x1cd1
+	DMA_BUF_MAGIC                               = 0x444d4142
+	DT_BLK                                      = 0x6
+	DT_CHR                                      = 0x2
+	DT_DIR                                      = 0x4
+	DT_FIFO                                     = 0x1
+	DT_LNK                                      = 0xa
+	DT_REG                                      = 0x8
+	DT_SOCK                                     = 0xc
+	DT_UNKNOWN                                  = 0x0
+	DT_WHT                                      = 0xe
+	ECHO                                        = 0x8
+	ECHOCTL                                     = 0x200
+	ECHOE                                       = 0x10
+	ECHOK                                       = 0x20
+	ECHOKE                                      = 0x800
+	ECHONL                                      = 0x40
+	ECHOPRT                                     = 0x400
+	ECRYPTFS_SUPER_MAGIC                        = 0xf15f
+	EFD_CLOEXEC                                 = 0x80000
+	EFD_NONBLOCK                                = 0x80
+	EFD_SEMAPHORE                               = 0x1
+	EFIVARFS_MAGIC                              = 0xde5e81e4
+	EFS_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x414a53
+	ENCODING_DEFAULT                            = 0x0
+	ENCODING_FM_MARK                            = 0x3
+	ENCODING_FM_SPACE                           = 0x4
+	ENCODING_MANCHESTER                         = 0x5
+	ENCODING_NRZ                                = 0x1
+	ENCODING_NRZI                               = 0x2
+	EPOLLERR                                    = 0x8
+	EPOLLET                                     = 0x80000000
+	EPOLLEXCLUSIVE                              = 0x10000000
+	EPOLLHUP                                    = 0x10
+	EPOLLIN                                     = 0x1
+	EPOLLMSG                                    = 0x400
+	EPOLLONESHOT                                = 0x40000000
+	EPOLLOUT                                    = 0x4
+	EPOLLPRI                                    = 0x2
+	EPOLLRDBAND                                 = 0x80
+	EPOLLRDHUP                                  = 0x2000
+	EPOLLRDNORM                                 = 0x40
+	EPOLLWAKEUP                                 = 0x20000000
+	EPOLLWRBAND                                 = 0x200
+	EPOLLWRNORM                                 = 0x100
+	EPOLL_CLOEXEC                               = 0x80000
+	EPOLL_CTL_ADD                               = 0x1
+	EPOLL_CTL_DEL                               = 0x2
+	EPOLL_CTL_MOD                               = 0x3
+	EROFS_SUPER_MAGIC_V1                        = 0xe0f5e1e2
+	ETH_P_1588                                  = 0x88f7
+	ETH_P_8021AD                                = 0x88a8
+	ETH_P_8021AH                                = 0x88e7
+	ETH_P_8021Q                                 = 0x8100
+	ETH_P_80221                                 = 0x8917
+	ETH_P_802_2                                 = 0x4
+	ETH_P_802_3                                 = 0x1
+	ETH_P_802_3_MIN                             = 0x600
+	ETH_P_802_EX1                               = 0x88b5
+	ETH_P_AARP                                  = 0x80f3
+	ETH_P_AF_IUCV                               = 0xfbfb
+	ETH_P_ALL                                   = 0x3
+	ETH_P_AOE                                   = 0x88a2
+	ETH_P_ARCNET                                = 0x1a
+	ETH_P_ARP                                   = 0x806
+	ETH_P_ATALK                                 = 0x809b
+	ETH_P_ATMFATE                               = 0x8884
+	ETH_P_ATMMPOA                               = 0x884c
+	ETH_P_AX25                                  = 0x2
+	ETH_P_BATMAN                                = 0x4305
+	ETH_P_BPQ                                   = 0x8ff
+	ETH_P_CAIF                                  = 0xf7
+	ETH_P_CAN                                   = 0xc
+	ETH_P_CANFD                                 = 0xd
+	ETH_P_CONTROL                               = 0x16
+	ETH_P_CUST                                  = 0x6006
+	ETH_P_DDCMP                                 = 0x6
+	ETH_P_DEC                                   = 0x6000
+	ETH_P_DIAG                                  = 0x6005
+	ETH_P_DNA_DL                                = 0x6001
+	ETH_P_DNA_RC                                = 0x6002
+	ETH_P_DNA_RT                                = 0x6003
+	ETH_P_DSA                                   = 0x1b
+	ETH_P_DSA_8021Q                             = 0xdadb
+	ETH_P_ECONET                                = 0x18
+	ETH_P_EDSA                                  = 0xdada
+	ETH_P_ERSPAN                                = 0x88be
+	ETH_P_ERSPAN2                               = 0x22eb
+	ETH_P_FCOE                                  = 0x8906
+	ETH_P_FIP                                   = 0x8914
+	ETH_P_HDLC                                  = 0x19
+	ETH_P_HSR                                   = 0x892f
+	ETH_P_IBOE                                  = 0x8915
+	ETH_P_IEEE802154                            = 0xf6
+	ETH_P_IEEEPUP                               = 0xa00
+	ETH_P_IEEEPUPAT                             = 0xa01
+	ETH_P_IFE                                   = 0xed3e
+	ETH_P_IP                                    = 0x800
+	ETH_P_IPV6                                  = 0x86dd
+	ETH_P_IPX                                   = 0x8137
+	ETH_P_IRDA                                  = 0x17
+	ETH_P_LAT                                   = 0x6004
+	ETH_P_LINK_CTL                              = 0x886c
+	ETH_P_LLDP                                  = 0x88cc
+	ETH_P_LOCALTALK                             = 0x9
+	ETH_P_LOOP                                  = 0x60
+	ETH_P_LOOPBACK                              = 0x9000
+	ETH_P_MACSEC                                = 0x88e5
+	ETH_P_MAP                                   = 0xf9
+	ETH_P_MOBITEX                               = 0x15
+	ETH_P_MPLS_MC                               = 0x8848
+	ETH_P_MPLS_UC                               = 0x8847
+	ETH_P_MVRP                                  = 0x88f5
+	ETH_P_NCSI                                  = 0x88f8
+	ETH_P_NSH                                   = 0x894f
+	ETH_P_PAE                                   = 0x888e
+	ETH_P_PAUSE                                 = 0x8808
+	ETH_P_PHONET                                = 0xf5
+	ETH_P_PPPTALK                               = 0x10
+	ETH_P_PPP_DISC                              = 0x8863
+	ETH_P_PPP_MP                                = 0x8
+	ETH_P_PPP_SES                               = 0x8864
+	ETH_P_PREAUTH                               = 0x88c7
+	ETH_P_PRP                                   = 0x88fb
+	ETH_P_PUP                                   = 0x200
+	ETH_P_PUPAT                                 = 0x201
+	ETH_P_QINQ1                                 = 0x9100
+	ETH_P_QINQ2                                 = 0x9200
+	ETH_P_QINQ3                                 = 0x9300
+	ETH_P_RARP                                  = 0x8035
+	ETH_P_SCA                                   = 0x6007
+	ETH_P_SLOW                                  = 0x8809
+	ETH_P_SNAP                                  = 0x5
+	ETH_P_TDLS                                  = 0x890d
+	ETH_P_TEB                                   = 0x6558
+	ETH_P_TIPC                                  = 0x88ca
+	ETH_P_TRAILER                               = 0x1c
+	ETH_P_TR_802_2                              = 0x11
+	ETH_P_TSN                                   = 0x22f0
+	ETH_P_WAN_PPP                               = 0x7
+	ETH_P_WCCP                                  = 0x883e
+	ETH_P_X25                                   = 0x805
+	ETH_P_XDSA                                  = 0xf8
+	EXABYTE_ENABLE_NEST                         = 0xf0
+	EXT2_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xef53
+	EXT3_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xef53
+	EXT4_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xef53
+	EXTA                                        = 0xe
+	EXTB                                        = 0xf
+	EXTPROC                                     = 0x10000
+	F2FS_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xf2f52010
+	FALLOC_FL_COLLAPSE_RANGE                    = 0x8
+	FALLOC_FL_INSERT_RANGE                      = 0x20
+	FALLOC_FL_KEEP_SIZE                         = 0x1
+	FALLOC_FL_NO_HIDE_STALE                     = 0x4
+	FALLOC_FL_PUNCH_HOLE                        = 0x2
+	FALLOC_FL_UNSHARE_RANGE                     = 0x40
+	FALLOC_FL_ZERO_RANGE                        = 0x10
+	FANOTIFY_METADATA_VERSION                   = 0x3
+	FAN_ACCESS                                  = 0x1
+	FAN_ACCESS_PERM                             = 0x20000
+	FAN_ALLOW                                   = 0x1
+	FAN_ALL_CLASS_BITS                          = 0xc
+	FAN_ALL_EVENTS                              = 0x3b
+	FAN_ALL_INIT_FLAGS                          = 0x3f
+	FAN_ALL_MARK_FLAGS                          = 0xff
+	FAN_ALL_OUTGOING_EVENTS                     = 0x3403b
+	FAN_ALL_PERM_EVENTS                         = 0x30000
+	FAN_ATTRIB                                  = 0x4
+	FAN_AUDIT                                   = 0x10
+	FAN_CLASS_CONTENT                           = 0x4
+	FAN_CLASS_NOTIF                             = 0x0
+	FAN_CLASS_PRE_CONTENT                       = 0x8
+	FAN_CLOEXEC                                 = 0x1
+	FAN_CLOSE                                   = 0x18
+	FAN_CLOSE_NOWRITE                           = 0x10
+	FAN_CLOSE_WRITE                             = 0x8
+	FAN_CREATE                                  = 0x100
+	FAN_DELETE                                  = 0x200
+	FAN_DELETE_SELF                             = 0x400
+	FAN_DENY                                    = 0x2
+	FAN_ENABLE_AUDIT                            = 0x40
+	FAN_EVENT_INFO_TYPE_FID                     = 0x1
+	FAN_EVENT_METADATA_LEN                      = 0x18
+	FAN_EVENT_ON_CHILD                          = 0x8000000
+	FAN_MARK_ADD                                = 0x1
+	FAN_MARK_DONT_FOLLOW                        = 0x4
+	FAN_MARK_FILESYSTEM                         = 0x100
+	FAN_MARK_FLUSH                              = 0x80
+	FAN_MARK_IGNORED_MASK                       = 0x20
+	FAN_MARK_IGNORED_SURV_MODIFY                = 0x40
+	FAN_MARK_INODE                              = 0x0
+	FAN_MARK_MOUNT                              = 0x10
+	FAN_MARK_ONLYDIR                            = 0x8
+	FAN_MARK_REMOVE                             = 0x2
+	FAN_MODIFY                                  = 0x2
+	FAN_MOVE                                    = 0xc0
+	FAN_MOVED_FROM                              = 0x40
+	FAN_MOVED_TO                                = 0x80
+	FAN_MOVE_SELF                               = 0x800
+	FAN_NOFD                                    = -0x1
+	FAN_NONBLOCK                                = 0x2
+	FAN_ONDIR                                   = 0x40000000
+	FAN_OPEN                                    = 0x20
+	FAN_OPEN_EXEC                               = 0x1000
+	FAN_OPEN_EXEC_PERM                          = 0x40000
+	FAN_OPEN_PERM                               = 0x10000
+	FAN_Q_OVERFLOW                              = 0x4000
+	FAN_REPORT_FID                              = 0x200
+	FAN_REPORT_TID                              = 0x100
+	FAN_UNLIMITED_MARKS                         = 0x20
+	FAN_UNLIMITED_QUEUE                         = 0x10
+	FD_CLOEXEC                                  = 0x1
+	FD_SETSIZE                                  = 0x400
+	FF0                                         = 0x0
+	FF1                                         = 0x8000
+	FFDLY                                       = 0x8000
+	FLUSHO                                      = 0x2000
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE                 = 0x8
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_DESC_PREFIX                     = "fscrypt:"
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_DESC_PREFIX_SIZE                = 0x8
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_IDENTIFIER_SIZE                 = 0x10
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_STATUS_ABSENT                   = 0x1
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_STATUS_PRESENT                  = 0x2
+	FSCRYPT_MAX_KEY_SIZE                        = 0x40
+	FSCRYPT_MODE_ADIANTUM                       = 0x9
+	FSCRYPT_MODE_AES_128_CBC                    = 0x5
+	FSCRYPT_MODE_AES_128_CTS                    = 0x6
+	FSCRYPT_MODE_AES_256_CTS                    = 0x4
+	FSCRYPT_MODE_AES_256_XTS                    = 0x1
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_16                 = 0x2
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_32                 = 0x3
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_4                  = 0x0
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_8                  = 0x1
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_MASK               = 0x3
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_VALID                  = 0x7
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_V1                           = 0x0
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_V2                           = 0x2
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_ADIANTUM                 = 0x9
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_128_CBC              = 0x5
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_128_CTS              = 0x6
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_CBC              = 0x3
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_CTS              = 0x4
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_GCM              = 0x2
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_XTS              = 0x1
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_INVALID                  = 0x0
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_SPECK128_256_CTS         = 0x8
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_SPECK128_256_XTS         = 0x7
+	FS_IOC_ADD_ENCRYPTION_KEY                   = 0xc0506617
+	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_KEY_STATUS            = 0xc080661a
+	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY                = 0x800c6615
+	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY_EX             = 0xc0096616
+	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_PWSALT                = 0x80106614
+	FS_IOC_REMOVE_ENCRYPTION_KEY                = 0xc0406618
+	FS_IOC_SET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY                = 0x400c6613
+	FS_KEY_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE                      = 0x8
+	FS_KEY_DESC_PREFIX                          = "fscrypt:"
+	FS_KEY_DESC_PREFIX_SIZE                     = 0x8
+	FS_MAX_KEY_SIZE                             = 0x40
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_16                      = 0x2
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_32                      = 0x3
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_4                       = 0x0
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_8                       = 0x1
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_MASK                    = 0x3
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_VALID                       = 0x7
+	FUTEXFS_SUPER_MAGIC                         = 0xbad1dea
+	F_ADD_SEALS                                 = 0x409
+	F_DUPFD                                     = 0x0
+	F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC                             = 0x406
+	F_EXLCK                                     = 0x4
+	F_GETFD                                     = 0x1
+	F_GETFL                                     = 0x3
+	F_GETLEASE                                  = 0x401
+	F_GETLK                                     = 0xe
+	F_GETLK64                                   = 0xe
+	F_GETOWN                                    = 0x17
+	F_GETOWN_EX                                 = 0x10
+	F_GETPIPE_SZ                                = 0x408
+	F_GETSIG                                    = 0xb
+	F_GET_FILE_RW_HINT                          = 0x40d
+	F_GET_RW_HINT                               = 0x40b
+	F_GET_SEALS                                 = 0x40a
+	F_LOCK                                      = 0x1
+	F_NOTIFY                                    = 0x402
+	F_OFD_GETLK                                 = 0x24
+	F_OFD_SETLK                                 = 0x25
+	F_OFD_SETLKW                                = 0x26
+	F_OK                                        = 0x0
+	F_RDLCK                                     = 0x0
+	F_SEAL_FUTURE_WRITE                         = 0x10
+	F_SEAL_GROW                                 = 0x4
+	F_SEAL_SEAL                                 = 0x1
+	F_SEAL_SHRINK                               = 0x2
+	F_SEAL_WRITE                                = 0x8
+	F_SETFD                                     = 0x2
+	F_SETFL                                     = 0x4
+	F_SETLEASE                                  = 0x400
+	F_SETLK                                     = 0x6
+	F_SETLK64                                   = 0x6
+	F_SETLKW                                    = 0x7
+	F_SETLKW64                                  = 0x7
+	F_SETOWN                                    = 0x18
+	F_SETOWN_EX                                 = 0xf
+	F_SETPIPE_SZ                                = 0x407
+	F_SETSIG                                    = 0xa
+	F_SET_FILE_RW_HINT                          = 0x40e
+	F_SET_RW_HINT                               = 0x40c
+	F_SHLCK                                     = 0x8
+	F_TEST                                      = 0x3
+	F_TLOCK                                     = 0x2
+	F_ULOCK                                     = 0x0
+	F_UNLCK                                     = 0x2
+	F_WRLCK                                     = 0x1
+	GENL_ADMIN_PERM                             = 0x1
+	GENL_CMD_CAP_DO                             = 0x2
+	GENL_CMD_CAP_DUMP                           = 0x4
+	GENL_CMD_CAP_HASPOL                         = 0x8
+	GENL_HDRLEN                                 = 0x4
+	GENL_ID_CTRL                                = 0x10
+	GENL_ID_PMCRAID                             = 0x12
+	GENL_ID_VFS_DQUOT                           = 0x11
+	GENL_MAX_ID                                 = 0x3ff
+	GENL_MIN_ID                                 = 0x10
+	GENL_NAMSIZ                                 = 0x10
+	GENL_START_ALLOC                            = 0x13
+	GENL_UNS_ADMIN_PERM                         = 0x10
+	GRND_NONBLOCK                               = 0x1
+	GRND_RANDOM                                 = 0x2
+	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD                              = 0x31f
+	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD_AEB                          = 0x31e
+	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD_HDR_SIZE                     = 0x4
+	HDIO_DRIVE_HOB_HDR_SIZE                     = 0x8
+	HDIO_DRIVE_RESET                            = 0x31c
+	HDIO_DRIVE_TASK                             = 0x31e
+	HDIO_DRIVE_TASKFILE                         = 0x31d
+	HDIO_DRIVE_TASK_HDR_SIZE                    = 0x8
+	HDIO_GETGEO                                 = 0x301
+	HDIO_GET_32BIT                              = 0x309
+	HDIO_GET_ACOUSTIC                           = 0x30f
+	HDIO_GET_ADDRESS                            = 0x310
+	HDIO_GET_BUSSTATE                           = 0x31a
+	HDIO_GET_DMA                                = 0x30b
+	HDIO_GET_IDENTITY                           = 0x30d
+	HDIO_GET_KEEPSETTINGS                       = 0x308
+	HDIO_GET_MULTCOUNT                          = 0x304
+	HDIO_GET_NICE                               = 0x30c
+	HDIO_GET_NOWERR                             = 0x30a
+	HDIO_GET_QDMA                               = 0x305
+	HDIO_GET_UNMASKINTR                         = 0x302
+	HDIO_GET_WCACHE                             = 0x30e
+	HDIO_OBSOLETE_IDENTITY                      = 0x307
+	HDIO_SCAN_HWIF                              = 0x328
+	HDIO_SET_32BIT                              = 0x324
+	HDIO_SET_ACOUSTIC                           = 0x32c
+	HDIO_SET_ADDRESS                            = 0x32f
+	HDIO_SET_BUSSTATE                           = 0x32d
+	HDIO_SET_DMA                                = 0x326
+	HDIO_SET_KEEPSETTINGS                       = 0x323
+	HDIO_SET_MULTCOUNT                          = 0x321
+	HDIO_SET_NICE                               = 0x329
+	HDIO_SET_NOWERR                             = 0x325
+	HDIO_SET_PIO_MODE                           = 0x327
+	HDIO_SET_QDMA                               = 0x32e
+	HDIO_SET_UNMASKINTR                         = 0x322
+	HDIO_SET_WCACHE                             = 0x32b
+	HDIO_SET_XFER                               = 0x306
+	HDIO_TRISTATE_HWIF                          = 0x31b
+	HDIO_UNREGISTER_HWIF                        = 0x32a
+	HOSTFS_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0xc0ffee
+	HPFS_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xf995e849
+	HUGETLBFS_MAGIC                             = 0x958458f6
+	HUPCL                                       = 0x400
+	IBSHIFT                                     = 0x10
+	ICANON                                      = 0x2
+	ICMPV6_FILTER                               = 0x1
+	ICRNL                                       = 0x100
+	IEXTEN                                      = 0x100
+	IFA_F_DADFAILED                             = 0x8
+	IFA_F_DEPRECATED                            = 0x20
+	IFA_F_HOMEADDRESS                           = 0x10
+	IFA_F_MANAGETEMPADDR                        = 0x100
+	IFA_F_MCAUTOJOIN                            = 0x400
+	IFA_F_NODAD                                 = 0x2
+	IFA_F_NOPREFIXROUTE                         = 0x200
+	IFA_F_OPTIMISTIC                            = 0x4
+	IFA_F_PERMANENT                             = 0x80
+	IFA_F_SECONDARY                             = 0x1
+	IFA_F_STABLE_PRIVACY                        = 0x800
+	IFA_F_TEMPORARY                             = 0x1
+	IFA_F_TENTATIVE                             = 0x40
+	IFA_MAX                                     = 0xa
+	IFF_ALLMULTI                                = 0x200
+	IFF_ATTACH_QUEUE                            = 0x200
+	IFF_AUTOMEDIA                               = 0x4000
+	IFF_BROADCAST                               = 0x2
+	IFF_DEBUG                                   = 0x4
+	IFF_DETACH_QUEUE                            = 0x400
+	IFF_DORMANT                                 = 0x20000
+	IFF_DYNAMIC                                 = 0x8000
+	IFF_ECHO                                    = 0x40000
+	IFF_LOOPBACK                                = 0x8
+	IFF_LOWER_UP                                = 0x10000
+	IFF_MASTER                                  = 0x400
+	IFF_MULTICAST                               = 0x1000
+	IFF_MULTI_QUEUE                             = 0x100
+	IFF_NAPI                                    = 0x10
+	IFF_NAPI_FRAGS                              = 0x20
+	IFF_NOARP                                   = 0x80
+	IFF_NOFILTER                                = 0x1000
+	IFF_NOTRAILERS                              = 0x20
+	IFF_NO_PI                                   = 0x1000
+	IFF_ONE_QUEUE                               = 0x2000
+	IFF_PERSIST                                 = 0x800
+	IFF_POINTOPOINT                             = 0x10
+	IFF_PORTSEL                                 = 0x2000
+	IFF_PROMISC                                 = 0x100
+	IFF_RUNNING                                 = 0x40
+	IFF_SLAVE                                   = 0x800
+	IFF_TAP                                     = 0x2
+	IFF_TUN                                     = 0x1
+	IFF_TUN_EXCL                                = 0x8000
+	IFF_UP                                      = 0x1
+	IFF_VNET_HDR                                = 0x4000
+	IFF_VOLATILE                                = 0x70c5a
+	IFNAMSIZ                                    = 0x10
+	IGNBRK                                      = 0x1
+	IGNCR                                       = 0x80
+	IGNPAR                                      = 0x4
+	IMAXBEL                                     = 0x2000
+	INLCR                                       = 0x40
+	INPCK                                       = 0x10
+	IN_ACCESS                                   = 0x1
+	IN_ALL_EVENTS                               = 0xfff
+	IN_ATTRIB                                   = 0x4
+	IN_CLASSA_HOST                              = 0xffffff
+	IN_CLASSA_MAX                               = 0x80
+	IN_CLASSA_NET                               = 0xff000000
+	IN_CLASSA_NSHIFT                            = 0x18
+	IN_CLASSB_HOST                              = 0xffff
+	IN_CLASSB_MAX                               = 0x10000
+	IN_CLASSB_NET                               = 0xffff0000
+	IN_CLASSB_NSHIFT                            = 0x10
+	IN_CLASSC_HOST                              = 0xff
+	IN_CLASSC_NET                               = 0xffffff00
+	IN_CLASSC_NSHIFT                            = 0x8
+	IN_CLOEXEC                                  = 0x80000
+	IN_CLOSE                                    = 0x18
+	IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE                            = 0x10
+	IN_CLOSE_WRITE                              = 0x8
+	IN_CREATE                                   = 0x100
+	IN_DELETE                                   = 0x200
+	IN_DELETE_SELF                              = 0x400
+	IN_DONT_FOLLOW                              = 0x2000000
+	IN_EXCL_UNLINK                              = 0x4000000
+	IN_IGNORED                                  = 0x8000
+	IN_ISDIR                                    = 0x40000000
+	IN_LOOPBACKNET                              = 0x7f
+	IN_MASK_ADD                                 = 0x20000000
+	IN_MASK_CREATE                              = 0x10000000
+	IN_MODIFY                                   = 0x2
+	IN_MOVE                                     = 0xc0
+	IN_MOVED_FROM                               = 0x40
+	IN_MOVED_TO                                 = 0x80
+	IN_MOVE_SELF                                = 0x800
+	IN_NONBLOCK                                 = 0x80
+	IN_ONESHOT                                  = 0x80000000
+	IN_ONLYDIR                                  = 0x1000000
+	IN_OPEN                                     = 0x20
+	IN_Q_OVERFLOW                               = 0x4000
+	IN_UNMOUNT                                  = 0x2000
+	IOCTL_VM_SOCKETS_GET_LOCAL_CID              = 0x200007b9
+	IPPROTO_AH                                  = 0x33
+	IPPROTO_BEETPH                              = 0x5e
+	IPPROTO_COMP                                = 0x6c
+	IPPROTO_DCCP                                = 0x21
+	IPPROTO_DSTOPTS                             = 0x3c
+	IPPROTO_EGP                                 = 0x8
+	IPPROTO_ENCAP                               = 0x62
+	IPPROTO_ESP                                 = 0x32
+	IPPROTO_FRAGMENT                            = 0x2c
+	IPPROTO_GRE                                 = 0x2f
+	IPPROTO_HOPOPTS                             = 0x0
+	IPPROTO_ICMP                                = 0x1
+	IPPROTO_ICMPV6                              = 0x3a
+	IPPROTO_IDP                                 = 0x16
+	IPPROTO_IGMP                                = 0x2
+	IPPROTO_IP                                  = 0x0
+	IPPROTO_IPIP                                = 0x4
+	IPPROTO_IPV6                                = 0x29
+	IPPROTO_MH                                  = 0x87
+	IPPROTO_MPLS                                = 0x89
+	IPPROTO_MTP                                 = 0x5c
+	IPPROTO_NONE                                = 0x3b
+	IPPROTO_PIM                                 = 0x67
+	IPPROTO_PUP                                 = 0xc
+	IPPROTO_RAW                                 = 0xff
+	IPPROTO_ROUTING                             = 0x2b
+	IPPROTO_RSVP                                = 0x2e
+	IPPROTO_SCTP                                = 0x84
+	IPPROTO_TCP                                 = 0x6
+	IPPROTO_TP                                  = 0x1d
+	IPPROTO_UDP                                 = 0x11
+	IPPROTO_UDPLITE                             = 0x88
+	IPV6_2292DSTOPTS                            = 0x4
+	IPV6_2292HOPLIMIT                           = 0x8
+	IPV6_2292HOPOPTS                            = 0x3
+	IPV6_2292PKTINFO                            = 0x2
+	IPV6_2292PKTOPTIONS                         = 0x6
+	IPV6_2292RTHDR                              = 0x5
+	IPV6_ADDRFORM                               = 0x1
+	IPV6_ADDR_PREFERENCES                       = 0x48
+	IPV6_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                         = 0x14
+	IPV6_AUTHHDR                                = 0xa
+	IPV6_AUTOFLOWLABEL                          = 0x46
+	IPV6_CHECKSUM                               = 0x7
+	IPV6_DONTFRAG                               = 0x3e
+	IPV6_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                        = 0x15
+	IPV6_DSTOPTS                                = 0x3b
+	IPV6_FREEBIND                               = 0x4e
+	IPV6_HDRINCL                                = 0x24
+	IPV6_HOPLIMIT                               = 0x34
+	IPV6_HOPOPTS                                = 0x36
+	IPV6_IPSEC_POLICY                           = 0x22
+	IPV6_JOIN_ANYCAST                           = 0x1b
+	IPV6_JOIN_GROUP                             = 0x14
+	IPV6_LEAVE_ANYCAST                          = 0x1c
+	IPV6_LEAVE_GROUP                            = 0x15
+	IPV6_MINHOPCOUNT                            = 0x49
+	IPV6_MTU                                    = 0x18
+	IPV6_MTU_DISCOVER                           = 0x17
+	IPV6_MULTICAST_ALL                          = 0x1d
+	IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS                         = 0x12
+	IPV6_MULTICAST_IF                           = 0x11
+	IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP                         = 0x13
+	IPV6_NEXTHOP                                = 0x9
+	IPV6_ORIGDSTADDR                            = 0x4a
+	IPV6_PATHMTU                                = 0x3d
+	IPV6_PKTINFO                                = 0x32
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_DO                            = 0x2
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_DONT                          = 0x0
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_INTERFACE                     = 0x4
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_OMIT                          = 0x5
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_PROBE                         = 0x3
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_WANT                          = 0x1
+	IPV6_RECVDSTOPTS                            = 0x3a
+	IPV6_RECVERR                                = 0x19
+	IPV6_RECVFRAGSIZE                           = 0x4d
+	IPV6_RECVHOPLIMIT                           = 0x33
+	IPV6_RECVHOPOPTS                            = 0x35
+	IPV6_RECVORIGDSTADDR                        = 0x4a
+	IPV6_RECVPATHMTU                            = 0x3c
+	IPV6_RECVPKTINFO                            = 0x31
+	IPV6_RECVRTHDR                              = 0x38
+	IPV6_RECVTCLASS                             = 0x42
+	IPV6_ROUTER_ALERT                           = 0x16
+	IPV6_ROUTER_ALERT_ISOLATE                   = 0x1e
+	IPV6_RTHDR                                  = 0x39
+	IPV6_RTHDRDSTOPTS                           = 0x37
+	IPV6_RTHDR_LOOSE                            = 0x0
+	IPV6_RTHDR_STRICT                           = 0x1
+	IPV6_RTHDR_TYPE_0                           = 0x0
+	IPV6_RXDSTOPTS                              = 0x3b
+	IPV6_RXHOPOPTS                              = 0x36
+	IPV6_TCLASS                                 = 0x43
+	IPV6_TRANSPARENT                            = 0x4b
+	IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS                           = 0x10
+	IPV6_UNICAST_IF                             = 0x4c
+	IPV6_V6ONLY                                 = 0x1a
+	IPV6_XFRM_POLICY                            = 0x23
+	IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                           = 0x23
+	IP_ADD_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP                    = 0x27
+	IP_BIND_ADDRESS_NO_PORT                     = 0x18
+	IP_BLOCK_SOURCE                             = 0x26
+	IP_CHECKSUM                                 = 0x17
+	IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_LOOP                   = 0x1
+	IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_TTL                    = 0x1
+	IP_DF                                       = 0x4000
+	IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                          = 0x24
+	IP_DROP_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP                   = 0x28
+	IP_FREEBIND                                 = 0xf
+	IP_HDRINCL                                  = 0x3
+	IP_IPSEC_POLICY                             = 0x10
+	IP_MAXPACKET                                = 0xffff
+	IP_MAX_MEMBERSHIPS                          = 0x14
+	IP_MF                                       = 0x2000
+	IP_MINTTL                                   = 0x15
+	IP_MSFILTER                                 = 0x29
+	IP_MSS                                      = 0x240
+	IP_MTU                                      = 0xe
+	IP_MTU_DISCOVER                             = 0xa
+	IP_MULTICAST_ALL                            = 0x31
+	IP_MULTICAST_IF                             = 0x20
+	IP_MULTICAST_LOOP                           = 0x22
+	IP_MULTICAST_TTL                            = 0x21
+	IP_NODEFRAG                                 = 0x16
+	IP_OFFMASK                                  = 0x1fff
+	IP_OPTIONS                                  = 0x4
+	IP_ORIGDSTADDR                              = 0x14
+	IP_PASSSEC                                  = 0x12
+	IP_PKTINFO                                  = 0x8
+	IP_PKTOPTIONS                               = 0x9
+	IP_PMTUDISC                                 = 0xa
+	IP_PMTUDISC_DO                              = 0x2
+	IP_PMTUDISC_DONT                            = 0x0
+	IP_PMTUDISC_INTERFACE                       = 0x4
+	IP_PMTUDISC_OMIT                            = 0x5
+	IP_PMTUDISC_PROBE                           = 0x3
+	IP_PMTUDISC_WANT                            = 0x1
+	IP_RECVERR                                  = 0xb
+	IP_RECVFRAGSIZE                             = 0x19
+	IP_RECVOPTS                                 = 0x6
+	IP_RECVORIGDSTADDR                          = 0x14
+	IP_RECVRETOPTS                              = 0x7
+	IP_RECVTOS                                  = 0xd
+	IP_RECVTTL                                  = 0xc
+	IP_RETOPTS                                  = 0x7
+	IP_RF                                       = 0x8000
+	IP_ROUTER_ALERT                             = 0x5
+	IP_TOS                                      = 0x1
+	IP_TRANSPARENT                              = 0x13
+	IP_TTL                                      = 0x2
+	IP_UNBLOCK_SOURCE                           = 0x25
+	IP_UNICAST_IF                               = 0x32
+	IP_XFRM_POLICY                              = 0x11
+	ISIG                                        = 0x1
+	ISOFS_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x9660
+	ISTRIP                                      = 0x20
+	IUCLC                                       = 0x200
+	IUTF8                                       = 0x4000
+	IXANY                                       = 0x800
+	IXOFF                                       = 0x1000
+	IXON                                        = 0x400
+	JFFS2_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x72b6
+	KEXEC_ARCH_386                              = 0x30000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_68K                              = 0x40000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_AARCH64                          = 0xb70000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_ARM                              = 0x280000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_DEFAULT                          = 0x0
+	KEXEC_ARCH_IA_64                            = 0x320000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_MASK                             = 0xffff0000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_MIPS                             = 0x80000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_MIPS_LE                          = 0xa0000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_PARISC                           = 0xf0000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_PPC                              = 0x140000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_PPC64                            = 0x150000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_S390                             = 0x160000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_SH                               = 0x2a0000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_X86_64                           = 0x3e0000
+	KEXEC_FILE_NO_INITRAMFS                     = 0x4
+	KEXEC_FILE_ON_CRASH                         = 0x2
+	KEXEC_FILE_UNLOAD                           = 0x1
+	KEXEC_ON_CRASH                              = 0x1
+	KEXEC_PRESERVE_CONTEXT                      = 0x2
+	KEXEC_SEGMENT_MAX                           = 0x10
+	KEYCTL_ASSUME_AUTHORITY                     = 0x10
+	KEYCTL_CAPABILITIES                         = 0x1f
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_BIG_KEY                        = 0x10
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_CAPABILITIES                   = 0x1
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_DIFFIE_HELLMAN                 = 0x4
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_INVALIDATE                     = 0x20
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_MOVE                           = 0x80
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_PUBLIC_KEY                     = 0x8
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_RESTRICT_KEYRING               = 0x40
+	KEYCTL_CAPS1_NS_KEYRING_NAME                = 0x1
+	KEYCTL_CAPS1_NS_KEY_TAG                     = 0x2
+	KEYCTL_CHOWN                                = 0x4
+	KEYCTL_CLEAR                                = 0x7
+	KEYCTL_DESCRIBE                             = 0x6
+	KEYCTL_DH_COMPUTE                           = 0x17
+	KEYCTL_GET_KEYRING_ID                       = 0x0
+	KEYCTL_GET_PERSISTENT                       = 0x16
+	KEYCTL_GET_SECURITY                         = 0x11
+	KEYCTL_INSTANTIATE                          = 0xc
+	KEYCTL_INSTANTIATE_IOV                      = 0x14
+	KEYCTL_INVALIDATE                           = 0x15
+	KEYCTL_JOIN_SESSION_KEYRING                 = 0x1
+	KEYCTL_LINK                                 = 0x8
+	KEYCTL_MOVE                                 = 0x1e
+	KEYCTL_MOVE_EXCL                            = 0x1
+	KEYCTL_NEGATE                               = 0xd
+	KEYCTL_PKEY_DECRYPT                         = 0x1a
+	KEYCTL_PKEY_ENCRYPT                         = 0x19
+	KEYCTL_PKEY_QUERY                           = 0x18
+	KEYCTL_PKEY_SIGN                            = 0x1b
+	KEYCTL_PKEY_VERIFY                          = 0x1c
+	KEYCTL_READ                                 = 0xb
+	KEYCTL_REJECT                               = 0x13
+	KEYCTL_RESTRICT_KEYRING                     = 0x1d
+	KEYCTL_REVOKE                               = 0x3
+	KEYCTL_SEARCH                               = 0xa
+	KEYCTL_SESSION_TO_PARENT                    = 0x12
+	KEYCTL_SETPERM                              = 0x5
+	KEYCTL_SET_REQKEY_KEYRING                   = 0xe
+	KEYCTL_SET_TIMEOUT                          = 0xf
+	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_DECRYPT                     = 0x2
+	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_ENCRYPT                     = 0x1
+	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_SIGN                        = 0x4
+	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_VERIFY                      = 0x8
+	KEYCTL_UNLINK                               = 0x9
+	KEYCTL_UPDATE                               = 0x2
+	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_DEFAULT                     = 0x0
+	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_GROUP_KEYRING               = 0x6
+	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_NO_CHANGE                   = -0x1
+	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_USER_KEYRING                = 0x4
+	KEY_SPEC_GROUP_KEYRING                      = -0x6
+	KEY_SPEC_PROCESS_KEYRING                    = -0x2
+	KEY_SPEC_REQKEY_AUTH_KEY                    = -0x7
+	KEY_SPEC_REQUESTOR_KEYRING                  = -0x8
+	KEY_SPEC_SESSION_KEYRING                    = -0x3
+	KEY_SPEC_THREAD_KEYRING                     = -0x1
+	KEY_SPEC_USER_KEYRING                       = -0x4
+	KEY_SPEC_USER_SESSION_KEYRING               = -0x5
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_CAD_OFF                    = 0x0
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_CAD_ON                     = 0x89abcdef
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_HALT                       = 0xcdef0123
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_KEXEC                      = 0x45584543
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_POWER_OFF                  = 0x4321fedc
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_RESTART                    = 0x1234567
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_RESTART2                   = 0xa1b2c3d4
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_SW_SUSPEND                 = 0xd000fce2
+	LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC1                         = 0xfee1dead
+	LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC2                         = 0x28121969
+	LOCK_EX                                     = 0x2
+	LOCK_NB                                     = 0x4
+	LOCK_SH                                     = 0x1
+	LOCK_UN                                     = 0x8
+	LOOP_CLR_FD                                 = 0x4c01
+	LOOP_CTL_ADD                                = 0x4c80
+	LOOP_CTL_GET_FREE                           = 0x4c82
+	LOOP_CTL_REMOVE                             = 0x4c81
+	LOOP_GET_STATUS                             = 0x4c03
+	LOOP_GET_STATUS64                           = 0x4c05
+	LOOP_SET_BLOCK_SIZE                         = 0x4c09
+	LOOP_SET_CAPACITY                           = 0x4c07
+	LOOP_SET_DIRECT_IO                          = 0x4c08
+	LOOP_SET_FD                                 = 0x4c00
+	LOOP_SET_STATUS                             = 0x4c02
+	LOOP_SET_STATUS64                           = 0x4c04
+	LO_KEY_SIZE                                 = 0x20
+	LO_NAME_SIZE                                = 0x40
+	MADV_DODUMP                                 = 0x11
+	MADV_DOFORK                                 = 0xb
+	MADV_DONTDUMP                               = 0x10
+	MADV_DONTFORK                               = 0xa
+	MADV_DONTNEED                               = 0x4
+	MADV_FREE                                   = 0x8
+	MADV_HUGEPAGE                               = 0xe
+	MADV_HWPOISON                               = 0x64
+	MADV_KEEPONFORK                             = 0x13
+	MADV_MERGEABLE                              = 0xc
+	MADV_NOHUGEPAGE                             = 0xf
+	MADV_NORMAL                                 = 0x0
+	MADV_RANDOM                                 = 0x1
+	MADV_REMOVE                                 = 0x9
+	MADV_SEQUENTIAL                             = 0x2
+	MADV_UNMERGEABLE                            = 0xd
+	MADV_WILLNEED                               = 0x3
+	MADV_WIPEONFORK                             = 0x12
+	MAP_ANON                                    = 0x800
+	MAP_ANONYMOUS                               = 0x800
+	MAP_DENYWRITE                               = 0x2000
+	MAP_EXECUTABLE                              = 0x4000
+	MAP_FILE                                    = 0x0
+	MAP_FIXED                                   = 0x10
+	MAP_FIXED_NOREPLACE                         = 0x100000
+	MAP_GROWSDOWN                               = 0x1000
+	MAP_HUGETLB                                 = 0x80000
+	MAP_HUGE_MASK                               = 0x3f
+	MAP_HUGE_SHIFT                              = 0x1a
+	MAP_LOCKED                                  = 0x8000
+	MAP_NONBLOCK                                = 0x20000
+	MAP_NORESERVE                               = 0x400
+	MAP_POPULATE                                = 0x10000
+	MAP_PRIVATE                                 = 0x2
+	MAP_RENAME                                  = 0x800
+	MAP_SHARED                                  = 0x1
+	MAP_SHARED_VALIDATE                         = 0x3
+	MAP_STACK                                   = 0x40000
+	MAP_TYPE                                    = 0xf
+	MCAST_BLOCK_SOURCE                          = 0x2b
+	MCAST_EXCLUDE                               = 0x0
+	MCAST_INCLUDE                               = 0x1
+	MCAST_JOIN_GROUP                            = 0x2a
+	MCAST_JOIN_SOURCE_GROUP                     = 0x2e
+	MCAST_LEAVE_GROUP                           = 0x2d
+	MCAST_LEAVE_SOURCE_GROUP                    = 0x2f
+	MCAST_MSFILTER                              = 0x30
+	MCAST_UNBLOCK_SOURCE                        = 0x2c
+	MCL_CURRENT                                 = 0x1
+	MCL_FUTURE                                  = 0x2
+	MCL_ONFAULT                                 = 0x4
+	MFD_ALLOW_SEALING                           = 0x2
+	MFD_CLOEXEC                                 = 0x1
+	MFD_HUGETLB                                 = 0x4
+	MFD_HUGE_16GB                               = -0x78000000
+	MFD_HUGE_16MB                               = 0x60000000
+	MFD_HUGE_1GB                                = 0x78000000
+	MFD_HUGE_1MB                                = 0x50000000
+	MFD_HUGE_256MB                              = 0x70000000
+	MFD_HUGE_2GB                                = 0x7c000000
+	MFD_HUGE_2MB                                = 0x54000000
+	MFD_HUGE_32MB                               = 0x64000000
+	MFD_HUGE_512KB                              = 0x4c000000
+	MFD_HUGE_512MB                              = 0x74000000
+	MFD_HUGE_64KB                               = 0x40000000
+	MFD_HUGE_8MB                                = 0x5c000000
+	MFD_HUGE_MASK                               = 0x3f
+	MFD_HUGE_SHIFT                              = 0x1a
+	MINIX2_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0x2468
+	MINIX2_SUPER_MAGIC2                         = 0x2478
+	MINIX3_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0x4d5a
+	MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x137f
+	MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC2                          = 0x138f
+	MNT_DETACH                                  = 0x2
+	MNT_EXPIRE                                  = 0x4
+	MNT_FORCE                                   = 0x1
+	MODULE_INIT_IGNORE_VERMAGIC                 = 0x2
+	MSDOS_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x4d44
+	MSG_BATCH                                   = 0x40000
+	MSG_CMSG_CLOEXEC                            = 0x40000000
+	MSG_CONFIRM                                 = 0x800
+	MSG_CTRUNC                                  = 0x8
+	MSG_DONTROUTE                               = 0x4
+	MSG_DONTWAIT                                = 0x40
+	MSG_EOR                                     = 0x80
+	MSG_ERRQUEUE                                = 0x2000
+	MSG_FASTOPEN                                = 0x20000000
+	MSG_FIN                                     = 0x200
+	MSG_MORE                                    = 0x8000
+	MSG_NOSIGNAL                                = 0x4000
+	MSG_OOB                                     = 0x1
+	MSG_PEEK                                    = 0x2
+	MSG_PROXY                                   = 0x10
+	MSG_RST                                     = 0x1000
+	MSG_SYN                                     = 0x400
+	MSG_TRUNC                                   = 0x20
+	MSG_TRYHARD                                 = 0x4
+	MSG_WAITALL                                 = 0x100
+	MSG_WAITFORONE                              = 0x10000
+	MSG_ZEROCOPY                                = 0x4000000
+	MS_ACTIVE                                   = 0x40000000
+	MS_ASYNC                                    = 0x1
+	MS_BIND                                     = 0x1000
+	MS_BORN                                     = 0x20000000
+	MS_DIRSYNC                                  = 0x80
+	MS_INVALIDATE                               = 0x2
+	MS_I_VERSION                                = 0x800000
+	MS_KERNMOUNT                                = 0x400000
+	MS_LAZYTIME                                 = 0x2000000
+	MS_MANDLOCK                                 = 0x40
+	MS_MGC_MSK                                  = 0xffff0000
+	MS_MGC_VAL                                  = 0xc0ed0000
+	MS_MOVE                                     = 0x2000
+	MS_NOATIME                                  = 0x400
+	MS_NODEV                                    = 0x4
+	MS_NODIRATIME                               = 0x800
+	MS_NOEXEC                                   = 0x8
+	MS_NOREMOTELOCK                             = 0x8000000
+	MS_NOSEC                                    = 0x10000000
+	MS_NOSUID                                   = 0x2
+	MS_NOUSER                                   = -0x80000000
+	MS_POSIXACL                                 = 0x10000
+	MS_PRIVATE                                  = 0x40000
+	MS_RDONLY                                   = 0x1
+	MS_REC                                      = 0x4000
+	MS_RELATIME                                 = 0x200000
+	MS_REMOUNT                                  = 0x20
+	MS_RMT_MASK                                 = 0x2800051
+	MS_SHARED                                   = 0x100000
+	MS_SILENT                                   = 0x8000
+	MS_SLAVE                                    = 0x80000
+	MS_STRICTATIME                              = 0x1000000
+	MS_SUBMOUNT                                 = 0x4000000
+	MS_SYNC                                     = 0x4
+	MS_SYNCHRONOUS                              = 0x10
+	MS_UNBINDABLE                               = 0x20000
+	MS_VERBOSE                                  = 0x8000
+	MTD_INODE_FS_MAGIC                          = 0x11307854
+	NAME_MAX                                    = 0xff
+	NCP_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x564c
+	NETLINK_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                      = 0x1
+	NETLINK_AUDIT                               = 0x9
+	NETLINK_BROADCAST_ERROR                     = 0x4
+	NETLINK_CAP_ACK                             = 0xa
+	NETLINK_CONNECTOR                           = 0xb
+	NETLINK_CRYPTO                              = 0x15
+	NETLINK_DNRTMSG                             = 0xe
+	NETLINK_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                     = 0x2
+	NETLINK_ECRYPTFS                            = 0x13
+	NETLINK_EXT_ACK                             = 0xb
+	NETLINK_FIB_LOOKUP                          = 0xa
+	NETLINK_FIREWALL                            = 0x3
+	NETLINK_GENERIC                             = 0x10
+	NETLINK_GET_STRICT_CHK                      = 0xc
+	NETLINK_INET_DIAG                           = 0x4
+	NETLINK_IP6_FW                              = 0xd
+	NETLINK_ISCSI                               = 0x8
+	NETLINK_KOBJECT_UEVENT                      = 0xf
+	NETLINK_LISTEN_ALL_NSID                     = 0x8
+	NETLINK_LIST_MEMBERSHIPS                    = 0x9
+	NETLINK_NETFILTER                           = 0xc
+	NETLINK_NFLOG                               = 0x5
+	NETLINK_NO_ENOBUFS                          = 0x5
+	NETLINK_PKTINFO                             = 0x3
+	NETLINK_RDMA                                = 0x14
+	NETLINK_ROUTE                               = 0x0
+	NETLINK_RX_RING                             = 0x6
+	NETLINK_SCSITRANSPORT                       = 0x12
+	NETLINK_SELINUX                             = 0x7
+	NETLINK_SMC                                 = 0x16
+	NETLINK_SOCK_DIAG                           = 0x4
+	NETLINK_TX_RING                             = 0x7
+	NETLINK_UNUSED                              = 0x1
+	NETLINK_USERSOCK                            = 0x2
+	NETLINK_XFRM                                = 0x6
+	NETNSA_MAX                                  = 0x5
+	NETNSA_NSID_NOT_ASSIGNED                    = -0x1
+	NFDBITS                                     = 0x40
+	NFNETLINK_V0                                = 0x0
+	NFNLGRP_ACCT_QUOTA                          = 0x8
+	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_DESTROY                   = 0x3
+	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_EXP_NEW                   = 0x4
+	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_EXP_UPDATE                = 0x5
+	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_NEW                       = 0x1
+	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_UPDATE                    = 0x2
+	NFNLGRP_MAX                                 = 0x9
+	NFNLGRP_NFTABLES                            = 0x7
+	NFNLGRP_NFTRACE                             = 0x9
+	NFNLGRP_NONE                                = 0x0
+	NFNL_BATCH_MAX                              = 0x1
+	NFNL_MSG_BATCH_BEGIN                        = 0x10
+	NFNL_MSG_BATCH_END                          = 0x11
+	NFNL_NFA_NEST                               = 0x8000
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_ACCT                            = 0x7
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_COUNT                           = 0xc
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTHELPER                        = 0x9
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTNETLINK                       = 0x1
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTNETLINK_EXP                   = 0x2
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_IPSET                           = 0x6
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_NFTABLES                        = 0xa
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_NFT_COMPAT                      = 0xb
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_NONE                            = 0x0
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_OSF                             = 0x5
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_QUEUE                           = 0x3
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_ULOG                            = 0x4
+	NFS_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x6969
+	NILFS_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x3434
+	NL0                                         = 0x0
+	NL1                                         = 0x100
+	NLA_ALIGNTO                                 = 0x4
+	NLA_F_NESTED                                = 0x8000
+	NLA_F_NET_BYTEORDER                         = 0x4000
+	NLA_HDRLEN                                  = 0x4
+	NLDLY                                       = 0x100
+	NLMSG_ALIGNTO                               = 0x4
+	NLMSG_DONE                                  = 0x3
+	NLMSG_ERROR                                 = 0x2
+	NLMSG_HDRLEN                                = 0x10
+	NLMSG_MIN_TYPE                              = 0x10
+	NLMSG_NOOP                                  = 0x1
+	NLMSG_OVERRUN                               = 0x4
+	NLM_F_ACK                                   = 0x4
+	NLM_F_ACK_TLVS                              = 0x200
+	NLM_F_APPEND                                = 0x800
+	NLM_F_ATOMIC                                = 0x400
+	NLM_F_CAPPED                                = 0x100
+	NLM_F_CREATE                                = 0x400
+	NLM_F_DUMP                                  = 0x300
+	NLM_F_DUMP_FILTERED                         = 0x20
+	NLM_F_DUMP_INTR                             = 0x10
+	NLM_F_ECHO                                  = 0x8
+	NLM_F_EXCL                                  = 0x200
+	NLM_F_MATCH                                 = 0x200
+	NLM_F_MULTI                                 = 0x2
+	NLM_F_NONREC                                = 0x100
+	NLM_F_REPLACE                               = 0x100
+	NLM_F_REQUEST                               = 0x1
+	NLM_F_ROOT                                  = 0x100
+	NOFLSH                                      = 0x80
+	NSFS_MAGIC                                  = 0x6e736673
+	NS_GET_NSTYPE                               = 0x2000b703
+	NS_GET_OWNER_UID                            = 0x2000b704
+	NS_GET_PARENT                               = 0x2000b702
+	NS_GET_USERNS                               = 0x2000b701
+	OCFS2_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x7461636f
+	OCRNL                                       = 0x8
+	OFDEL                                       = 0x80
+	OFILL                                       = 0x40
+	OLCUC                                       = 0x2
+	ONLCR                                       = 0x4
+	ONLRET                                      = 0x20
+	ONOCR                                       = 0x10
+	OPENPROM_SUPER_MAGIC                        = 0x9fa1
+	OPOST                                       = 0x1
+	OVERLAYFS_SUPER_MAGIC                       = 0x794c7630
+	O_ACCMODE                                   = 0x3
+	O_APPEND                                    = 0x8
+	O_ASYNC                                     = 0x1000
+	O_CLOEXEC                                   = 0x80000
+	O_CREAT                                     = 0x100
+	O_DIRECT                                    = 0x8000
+	O_DIRECTORY                                 = 0x10000
+	O_DSYNC                                     = 0x10
+	O_EXCL                                      = 0x400
+	O_FSYNC                                     = 0x4010
+	O_LARGEFILE                                 = 0x0
+	O_NDELAY                                    = 0x80
+	O_NOATIME                                   = 0x40000
+	O_NOCTTY                                    = 0x800
+	O_NOFOLLOW                                  = 0x20000
+	O_NONBLOCK                                  = 0x80
+	O_PATH                                      = 0x200000
+	O_RDONLY                                    = 0x0
+	O_RDWR                                      = 0x2
+	O_RSYNC                                     = 0x4010
+	O_SYNC                                      = 0x4010
+	O_TMPFILE                                   = 0x410000
+	O_TRUNC                                     = 0x200
+	O_WRONLY                                    = 0x1
+	PACKET_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                       = 0x1
+	PACKET_AUXDATA                              = 0x8
+	PACKET_BROADCAST                            = 0x1
+	PACKET_COPY_THRESH                          = 0x7
+	PACKET_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                      = 0x2
+	PACKET_FANOUT                               = 0x12
+	PACKET_FANOUT_CBPF                          = 0x6
+	PACKET_FANOUT_CPU                           = 0x2
+	PACKET_FANOUT_DATA                          = 0x16
+	PACKET_FANOUT_EBPF                          = 0x7
+	PACKET_FANOUT_FLAG_DEFRAG                   = 0x8000
+	PACKET_FANOUT_FLAG_ROLLOVER                 = 0x1000
+	PACKET_FANOUT_FLAG_UNIQUEID                 = 0x2000
+	PACKET_FANOUT_HASH                          = 0x0
+	PACKET_FANOUT_LB                            = 0x1
+	PACKET_FANOUT_QM                            = 0x5
+	PACKET_FANOUT_RND                           = 0x4
+	PACKET_FANOUT_ROLLOVER                      = 0x3
+	PACKET_FASTROUTE                            = 0x6
+	PACKET_HDRLEN                               = 0xb
+	PACKET_HOST                                 = 0x0
+	PACKET_IGNORE_OUTGOING                      = 0x17
+	PACKET_KERNEL                               = 0x7
+	PACKET_LOOPBACK                             = 0x5
+	PACKET_LOSS                                 = 0xe
+	PACKET_MR_ALLMULTI                          = 0x2
+	PACKET_MR_MULTICAST                         = 0x0
+	PACKET_MR_PROMISC                           = 0x1
+	PACKET_MR_UNICAST                           = 0x3
+	PACKET_MULTICAST                            = 0x2
+	PACKET_ORIGDEV                              = 0x9
+	PACKET_OTHERHOST                            = 0x3
+	PACKET_OUTGOING                             = 0x4
+	PACKET_QDISC_BYPASS                         = 0x14
+	PACKET_RECV_OUTPUT                          = 0x3
+	PACKET_RESERVE                              = 0xc
+	PACKET_ROLLOVER_STATS                       = 0x15
+	PACKET_RX_RING                              = 0x5
+	PACKET_STATISTICS                           = 0x6
+	PACKET_TIMESTAMP                            = 0x11
+	PACKET_TX_HAS_OFF                           = 0x13
+	PACKET_TX_RING                              = 0xd
+	PACKET_TX_TIMESTAMP                         = 0x10
+	PACKET_USER                                 = 0x6
+	PACKET_VERSION                              = 0xa
+	PACKET_VNET_HDR                             = 0xf
+	PARENB                                      = 0x100
+	PARITY_CRC16_PR0                            = 0x2
+	PARITY_CRC16_PR0_CCITT                      = 0x4
+	PARITY_CRC16_PR1                            = 0x3
+	PARITY_CRC16_PR1_CCITT                      = 0x5
+	PARITY_CRC32_PR0_CCITT                      = 0x6
+	PARITY_CRC32_PR1_CCITT                      = 0x7
+	PARITY_DEFAULT                              = 0x0
+	PARITY_NONE                                 = 0x1
+	PARMRK                                      = 0x8
+	PARODD                                      = 0x200
+	PENDIN                                      = 0x4000
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_DISABLE                      = 0x20002401
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_ENABLE                       = 0x20002400
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_ID                           = 0x40082407
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_MODIFY_ATTRIBUTES            = 0x8008240b
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_PAUSE_OUTPUT                 = 0x80042409
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_PERIOD                       = 0x80082404
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_QUERY_BPF                    = 0xc008240a
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_REFRESH                      = 0x20002402
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_RESET                        = 0x20002403
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_BPF                      = 0x80042408
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_FILTER                   = 0x80082406
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_OUTPUT                   = 0x20002405
+	PIPEFS_MAGIC                                = 0x50495045
+	PPPIOCATTACH                                = 0x8004743d
+	PPPIOCATTCHAN                               = 0x80047438
+	PPPIOCCONNECT                               = 0x8004743a
+	PPPIOCDETACH                                = 0x8004743c
+	PPPIOCDISCONN                               = 0x20007439
+	PPPIOCGASYNCMAP                             = 0x40047458
+	PPPIOCGCHAN                                 = 0x40047437
+	PPPIOCGDEBUG                                = 0x40047441
+	PPPIOCGFLAGS                                = 0x4004745a
+	PPPIOCGIDLE                                 = 0x4010743f
+	PPPIOCGL2TPSTATS                            = 0x40487436
+	PPPIOCGMRU                                  = 0x40047453
+	PPPIOCGNPMODE                               = 0xc008744c
+	PPPIOCGRASYNCMAP                            = 0x40047455
+	PPPIOCGUNIT                                 = 0x40047456
+	PPPIOCGXASYNCMAP                            = 0x40207450
+	PPPIOCNEWUNIT                               = 0xc004743e
+	PPPIOCSACTIVE                               = 0x80107446
+	PPPIOCSASYNCMAP                             = 0x80047457
+	PPPIOCSCOMPRESS                             = 0x8010744d
+	PPPIOCSDEBUG                                = 0x80047440
+	PPPIOCSFLAGS                                = 0x80047459
+	PPPIOCSMAXCID                               = 0x80047451
+	PPPIOCSMRRU                                 = 0x8004743b
+	PPPIOCSMRU                                  = 0x80047452
+	PPPIOCSNPMODE                               = 0x8008744b
+	PPPIOCSPASS                                 = 0x80107447
+	PPPIOCSRASYNCMAP                            = 0x80047454
+	PPPIOCSXASYNCMAP                            = 0x8020744f
+	PPPIOCXFERUNIT                              = 0x2000744e
+	PRIO_PGRP                                   = 0x1
+	PRIO_PROCESS                                = 0x0
+	PRIO_USER                                   = 0x2
+	PROC_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0x9fa0
+	PROT_EXEC                                   = 0x4
+	PROT_GROWSDOWN                              = 0x1000000
+	PROT_GROWSUP                                = 0x2000000
+	PROT_NONE                                   = 0x0
+	PROT_READ                                   = 0x1
+	PROT_WRITE                                  = 0x2
+	PR_CAPBSET_DROP                             = 0x18
+	PR_CAPBSET_READ                             = 0x17
+	PR_CAP_AMBIENT                              = 0x2f
+	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_CLEAR_ALL                    = 0x4
+	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_IS_SET                       = 0x1
+	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_LOWER                        = 0x3
+	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_RAISE                        = 0x2
+	PR_ENDIAN_BIG                               = 0x0
+	PR_ENDIAN_LITTLE                            = 0x1
+	PR_ENDIAN_PPC_LITTLE                        = 0x2
+	PR_FPEMU_NOPRINT                            = 0x1
+	PR_FPEMU_SIGFPE                             = 0x2
+	PR_FP_EXC_ASYNC                             = 0x2
+	PR_FP_EXC_DISABLED                          = 0x0
+	PR_FP_EXC_DIV                               = 0x10000
+	PR_FP_EXC_INV                               = 0x100000
+	PR_FP_EXC_NONRECOV                          = 0x1
+	PR_FP_EXC_OVF                               = 0x20000
+	PR_FP_EXC_PRECISE                           = 0x3
+	PR_FP_EXC_RES                               = 0x80000
+	PR_FP_EXC_SW_ENABLE                         = 0x80
+	PR_FP_EXC_UND                               = 0x40000
+	PR_FP_MODE_FR                               = 0x1
+	PR_FP_MODE_FRE                              = 0x2
+	PR_GET_CHILD_SUBREAPER                      = 0x25
+	PR_GET_DUMPABLE                             = 0x3
+	PR_GET_ENDIAN                               = 0x13
+	PR_GET_FPEMU                                = 0x9
+	PR_GET_FPEXC                                = 0xb
+	PR_GET_FP_MODE                              = 0x2e
+	PR_GET_KEEPCAPS                             = 0x7
+	PR_GET_NAME                                 = 0x10
+	PR_GET_NO_NEW_PRIVS                         = 0x27
+	PR_GET_PDEATHSIG                            = 0x2
+	PR_GET_SECCOMP                              = 0x15
+	PR_GET_SECUREBITS                           = 0x1b
+	PR_GET_SPECULATION_CTRL                     = 0x34
+	PR_GET_TAGGED_ADDR_CTRL                     = 0x38
+	PR_GET_THP_DISABLE                          = 0x2a
+	PR_GET_TID_ADDRESS                          = 0x28
+	PR_GET_TIMERSLACK                           = 0x1e
+	PR_GET_TIMING                               = 0xd
+	PR_GET_TSC                                  = 0x19
+	PR_GET_UNALIGN                              = 0x5
+	PR_MCE_KILL                                 = 0x21
+	PR_MCE_KILL_CLEAR                           = 0x0
+	PR_MCE_KILL_DEFAULT                         = 0x2
+	PR_MCE_KILL_EARLY                           = 0x1
+	PR_MCE_KILL_GET                             = 0x22
+	PR_MCE_KILL_LATE                            = 0x0
+	PR_MCE_KILL_SET                             = 0x1
+	PR_MPX_DISABLE_MANAGEMENT                   = 0x2c
+	PR_MPX_ENABLE_MANAGEMENT                    = 0x2b
+	PR_PAC_APDAKEY                              = 0x4
+	PR_PAC_APDBKEY                              = 0x8
+	PR_PAC_APGAKEY                              = 0x10
+	PR_PAC_APIAKEY                              = 0x1
+	PR_PAC_APIBKEY                              = 0x2
+	PR_PAC_RESET_KEYS                           = 0x36
+	PR_SET_CHILD_SUBREAPER                      = 0x24
+	PR_SET_DUMPABLE                             = 0x4
+	PR_SET_ENDIAN                               = 0x14
+	PR_SET_FPEMU                                = 0xa
+	PR_SET_FPEXC                                = 0xc
+	PR_SET_FP_MODE                              = 0x2d
+	PR_SET_KEEPCAPS                             = 0x8
+	PR_SET_MM                                   = 0x23
+	PR_SET_MM_ARG_END                           = 0x9
+	PR_SET_MM_ARG_START                         = 0x8
+	PR_SET_MM_AUXV                              = 0xc
+	PR_SET_MM_BRK                               = 0x7
+	PR_SET_MM_END_CODE                          = 0x2
+	PR_SET_MM_END_DATA                          = 0x4
+	PR_SET_MM_ENV_END                           = 0xb
+	PR_SET_MM_ENV_START                         = 0xa
+	PR_SET_MM_EXE_FILE                          = 0xd
+	PR_SET_MM_MAP                               = 0xe
+	PR_SET_MM_MAP_SIZE                          = 0xf
+	PR_SET_MM_START_BRK                         = 0x6
+	PR_SET_MM_START_CODE                        = 0x1
+	PR_SET_MM_START_DATA                        = 0x3
+	PR_SET_MM_START_STACK                       = 0x5
+	PR_SET_NAME                                 = 0xf
+	PR_SET_NO_NEW_PRIVS                         = 0x26
+	PR_SET_PDEATHSIG                            = 0x1
+	PR_SET_PTRACER                              = 0x59616d61
+	PR_SET_PTRACER_ANY                          = 0xffffffffffffffff
+	PR_SET_SECCOMP                              = 0x16
+	PR_SET_SECUREBITS                           = 0x1c
+	PR_SET_SPECULATION_CTRL                     = 0x35
+	PR_SET_TAGGED_ADDR_CTRL                     = 0x37
+	PR_SET_THP_DISABLE                          = 0x29
+	PR_SET_TIMERSLACK                           = 0x1d
+	PR_SET_TIMING                               = 0xe
+	PR_SET_TSC                                  = 0x1a
+	PR_SET_UNALIGN                              = 0x6
+	PR_SPEC_DISABLE                             = 0x4
+	PR_SPEC_DISABLE_NOEXEC                      = 0x10
+	PR_SPEC_ENABLE                              = 0x2
+	PR_SPEC_FORCE_DISABLE                       = 0x8
+	PR_SPEC_INDIRECT_BRANCH                     = 0x1
+	PR_SPEC_NOT_AFFECTED                        = 0x0
+	PR_SPEC_PRCTL                               = 0x1
+	PR_SPEC_STORE_BYPASS                        = 0x0
+	PR_SVE_GET_VL                               = 0x33
+	PR_SVE_SET_VL                               = 0x32
+	PR_SVE_SET_VL_ONEXEC                        = 0x40000
+	PR_SVE_VL_INHERIT                           = 0x20000
+	PR_SVE_VL_LEN_MASK                          = 0xffff
+	PR_TAGGED_ADDR_ENABLE                       = 0x1
+	PR_TASK_PERF_EVENTS_DISABLE                 = 0x1f
+	PR_TASK_PERF_EVENTS_ENABLE                  = 0x20
+	PR_TIMING_STATISTICAL                       = 0x0
+	PR_TIMING_TIMESTAMP                         = 0x1
+	PR_TSC_ENABLE                               = 0x1
+	PR_TSC_SIGSEGV                              = 0x2
+	PR_UNALIGN_NOPRINT                          = 0x1
+	PR_UNALIGN_SIGBUS                           = 0x2
+	PSTOREFS_MAGIC                              = 0x6165676c
+	PTRACE_ATTACH                               = 0x10
+	PTRACE_CONT                                 = 0x7
+	PTRACE_DETACH                               = 0x11
+	PTRACE_EVENTMSG_SYSCALL_EXIT                = 0x2
+	PTRACE_EVENT_CLONE                          = 0x3
+	PTRACE_EVENT_EXEC                           = 0x4
+	PTRACE_EVENT_EXIT                           = 0x6
+	PTRACE_EVENT_FORK                           = 0x1
+	PTRACE_EVENT_SECCOMP                        = 0x7
+	PTRACE_EVENT_STOP                           = 0x80
+	PTRACE_EVENT_VFORK                          = 0x2
+	PTRACE_EVENT_VFORK_DONE                     = 0x5
+	PTRACE_GETEVENTMSG                          = 0x4201
+	PTRACE_GETFPREGS                            = 0xe
+	PTRACE_GETREGS                              = 0xc
+	PTRACE_GETREGSET                            = 0x4204
+	PTRACE_GETSIGINFO                           = 0x4202
+	PTRACE_GETSIGMASK                           = 0x420a
+	PTRACE_GET_SYSCALL_INFO                     = 0x420e
+	PTRACE_GET_THREAD_AREA                      = 0x19
+	PTRACE_GET_THREAD_AREA_3264                 = 0xc4
+	PTRACE_GET_WATCH_REGS                       = 0xd0
+	PTRACE_INTERRUPT                            = 0x4207
+	PTRACE_KILL                                 = 0x8
+	PTRACE_LISTEN                               = 0x4208
+	PTRACE_OLDSETOPTIONS                        = 0x15
+	PTRACE_O_EXITKILL                           = 0x100000
+	PTRACE_O_MASK                               = 0x3000ff
+	PTRACE_O_SUSPEND_SECCOMP                    = 0x200000
+	PTRACE_O_TRACECLONE                         = 0x8
+	PTRACE_O_TRACEEXEC                          = 0x10
+	PTRACE_O_TRACEEXIT                          = 0x40
+	PTRACE_O_TRACEFORK                          = 0x2
+	PTRACE_O_TRACESECCOMP                       = 0x80
+	PTRACE_O_TRACESYSGOOD                       = 0x1
+	PTRACE_O_TRACEVFORK                         = 0x4
+	PTRACE_O_TRACEVFORKDONE                     = 0x20
+	PTRACE_PEEKDATA                             = 0x2
+	PTRACE_PEEKDATA_3264                        = 0xc1
+	PTRACE_PEEKSIGINFO                          = 0x4209
+	PTRACE_PEEKSIGINFO_SHARED                   = 0x1
+	PTRACE_PEEKTEXT                             = 0x1
+	PTRACE_PEEKTEXT_3264                        = 0xc0
+	PTRACE_PEEKUSR                              = 0x3
+	PTRACE_POKEDATA                             = 0x5
+	PTRACE_POKEDATA_3264                        = 0xc3
+	PTRACE_POKETEXT                             = 0x4
+	PTRACE_POKETEXT_3264                        = 0xc2
+	PTRACE_POKEUSR                              = 0x6
+	PTRACE_SECCOMP_GET_FILTER                   = 0x420c
+	PTRACE_SECCOMP_GET_METADATA                 = 0x420d
+	PTRACE_SEIZE                                = 0x4206
+	PTRACE_SETFPREGS                            = 0xf
+	PTRACE_SETOPTIONS                           = 0x4200
+	PTRACE_SETREGS                              = 0xd
+	PTRACE_SETREGSET                            = 0x4205
+	PTRACE_SETSIGINFO                           = 0x4203
+	PTRACE_SETSIGMASK                           = 0x420b
+	PTRACE_SET_THREAD_AREA                      = 0x1a
+	PTRACE_SET_WATCH_REGS                       = 0xd1
+	PTRACE_SINGLESTEP                           = 0x9
+	PTRACE_SYSCALL                              = 0x18
+	PTRACE_SYSCALL_INFO_ENTRY                   = 0x1
+	PTRACE_SYSCALL_INFO_EXIT                    = 0x2
+	PTRACE_SYSCALL_INFO_NONE                    = 0x0
+	PTRACE_SYSCALL_INFO_SECCOMP                 = 0x3
+	PTRACE_TRACEME                              = 0x0
+	QNX4_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0x2f
+	QNX6_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0x68191122
+	RAMFS_MAGIC                                 = 0x858458f6
+	RDTGROUP_SUPER_MAGIC                        = 0x7655821
+	REISERFS_SUPER_MAGIC                        = 0x52654973
+	RENAME_EXCHANGE                             = 0x2
+	RENAME_NOREPLACE                            = 0x1
+	RENAME_WHITEOUT                             = 0x4
+	RLIMIT_AS                                   = 0x6
+	RLIMIT_CORE                                 = 0x4
+	RLIMIT_CPU                                  = 0x0
+	RLIMIT_DATA                                 = 0x2
+	RLIMIT_FSIZE                                = 0x1
+	RLIMIT_LOCKS                                = 0xa
+	RLIMIT_MEMLOCK                              = 0x9
+	RLIMIT_MSGQUEUE                             = 0xc
+	RLIMIT_NICE                                 = 0xd
+	RLIMIT_NOFILE                               = 0x5
+	RLIMIT_NPROC                                = 0x8
+	RLIMIT_RSS                                  = 0x7
+	RLIMIT_RTPRIO                               = 0xe
+	RLIMIT_RTTIME                               = 0xf
+	RLIMIT_SIGPENDING                           = 0xb
+	RLIMIT_STACK                                = 0x3
+	RLIM_INFINITY                               = 0xffffffffffffffff
+	RNDADDENTROPY                               = 0x80085203
+	RNDADDTOENTCNT                              = 0x80045201
+	RNDCLEARPOOL                                = 0x20005206
+	RNDGETENTCNT                                = 0x40045200
+	RNDGETPOOL                                  = 0x40085202
+	RNDRESEEDCRNG                               = 0x20005207
+	RNDZAPENTCNT                                = 0x20005204
+	RTAX_ADVMSS                                 = 0x8
+	RTAX_CC_ALGO                                = 0x10
+	RTAX_CWND                                   = 0x7
+	RTAX_FASTOPEN_NO_COOKIE                     = 0x11
+	RTAX_FEATURES                               = 0xc
+	RTAX_FEATURE_ALLFRAG                        = 0x8
+	RTAX_FEATURE_ECN                            = 0x1
+	RTAX_FEATURE_MASK                           = 0xf
+	RTAX_FEATURE_SACK                           = 0x2
+	RTAX_FEATURE_TIMESTAMP                      = 0x4
+	RTAX_HOPLIMIT                               = 0xa
+	RTAX_INITCWND                               = 0xb
+	RTAX_INITRWND                               = 0xe
+	RTAX_LOCK                                   = 0x1
+	RTAX_MAX                                    = 0x11
+	RTAX_MTU                                    = 0x2
+	RTAX_QUICKACK                               = 0xf
+	RTAX_REORDERING                             = 0x9
+	RTAX_RTO_MIN                                = 0xd
+	RTAX_RTT                                    = 0x4
+	RTAX_RTTVAR                                 = 0x5
+	RTAX_SSTHRESH                               = 0x6
+	RTAX_UNSPEC                                 = 0x0
+	RTAX_WINDOW                                 = 0x3
+	RTA_ALIGNTO                                 = 0x4
+	RTA_MAX                                     = 0x1e
+	RTCF_DIRECTSRC                              = 0x4000000
+	RTCF_DOREDIRECT                             = 0x1000000
+	RTCF_LOG                                    = 0x2000000
+	RTCF_MASQ                                   = 0x400000
+	RTCF_NAT                                    = 0x800000
+	RTCF_VALVE                                  = 0x200000
+	RTC_AF                                      = 0x20
+	RTC_AIE_OFF                                 = 0x20007002
+	RTC_AIE_ON                                  = 0x20007001
+	RTC_ALM_READ                                = 0x40247008
+	RTC_ALM_SET                                 = 0x80247007
+	RTC_EPOCH_READ                              = 0x4008700d
+	RTC_EPOCH_SET                               = 0x8008700e
+	RTC_IRQF                                    = 0x80
+	RTC_IRQP_READ                               = 0x4008700b
+	RTC_IRQP_SET                                = 0x8008700c
+	RTC_MAX_FREQ                                = 0x2000
+	RTC_PF                                      = 0x40
+	RTC_PIE_OFF                                 = 0x20007006
+	RTC_PIE_ON                                  = 0x20007005
+	RTC_PLL_GET                                 = 0x40207011
+	RTC_PLL_SET                                 = 0x80207012
+	RTC_RD_TIME                                 = 0x40247009
+	RTC_SET_TIME                                = 0x8024700a
+	RTC_UF                                      = 0x10
+	RTC_UIE_OFF                                 = 0x20007004
+	RTC_UIE_ON                                  = 0x20007003
+	RTC_VL_CLR                                  = 0x20007014
+	RTC_VL_READ                                 = 0x40047013
+	RTC_WIE_OFF                                 = 0x20007010
+	RTC_WIE_ON                                  = 0x2000700f
+	RTC_WKALM_RD                                = 0x40287010
+	RTC_WKALM_SET                               = 0x8028700f
+	RTF_ADDRCLASSMASK                           = 0xf8000000
+	RTF_ADDRCONF                                = 0x40000
+	RTF_ALLONLINK                               = 0x20000
+	RTF_BROADCAST                               = 0x10000000
+	RTF_CACHE                                   = 0x1000000
+	RTF_DEFAULT                                 = 0x10000
+	RTF_DYNAMIC                                 = 0x10
+	RTF_FLOW                                    = 0x2000000
+	RTF_GATEWAY                                 = 0x2
+	RTF_HOST                                    = 0x4
+	RTF_INTERFACE                               = 0x40000000
+	RTF_IRTT                                    = 0x100
+	RTF_LINKRT                                  = 0x100000
+	RTF_LOCAL                                   = 0x80000000
+	RTF_MODIFIED                                = 0x20
+	RTF_MSS                                     = 0x40
+	RTF_MTU                                     = 0x40
+	RTF_MULTICAST                               = 0x20000000
+	RTF_NAT                                     = 0x8000000
+	RTF_NOFORWARD                               = 0x1000
+	RTF_NONEXTHOP                               = 0x200000
+	RTF_NOPMTUDISC                              = 0x4000
+	RTF_POLICY                                  = 0x4000000
+	RTF_REINSTATE                               = 0x8
+	RTF_REJECT                                  = 0x200
+	RTF_STATIC                                  = 0x400
+	RTF_THROW                                   = 0x2000
+	RTF_UP                                      = 0x1
+	RTF_WINDOW                                  = 0x80
+	RTF_XRESOLVE                                = 0x800
+	RTM_BASE                                    = 0x10
+	RTM_DELACTION                               = 0x31
+	RTM_DELADDR                                 = 0x15
+	RTM_DELADDRLABEL                            = 0x49
+	RTM_DELCHAIN                                = 0x65
+	RTM_DELLINK                                 = 0x11
+	RTM_DELMDB                                  = 0x55
+	RTM_DELNEIGH                                = 0x1d
+	RTM_DELNETCONF                              = 0x51
+	RTM_DELNEXTHOP                              = 0x69
+	RTM_DELNSID                                 = 0x59
+	RTM_DELQDISC                                = 0x25
+	RTM_DELROUTE                                = 0x19
+	RTM_DELRULE                                 = 0x21
+	RTM_DELTCLASS                               = 0x29
+	RTM_DELTFILTER                              = 0x2d
+	RTM_F_CLONED                                = 0x200
+	RTM_F_EQUALIZE                              = 0x400
+	RTM_F_FIB_MATCH                             = 0x2000
+	RTM_F_LOOKUP_TABLE                          = 0x1000
+	RTM_F_NOTIFY                                = 0x100
+	RTM_F_PREFIX                                = 0x800
+	RTM_GETACTION                               = 0x32
+	RTM_GETADDR                                 = 0x16
+	RTM_GETADDRLABEL                            = 0x4a
+	RTM_GETANYCAST                              = 0x3e
+	RTM_GETCHAIN                                = 0x66
+	RTM_GETDCB                                  = 0x4e
+	RTM_GETLINK                                 = 0x12
+	RTM_GETMDB                                  = 0x56
+	RTM_GETMULTICAST                            = 0x3a
+	RTM_GETNEIGH                                = 0x1e
+	RTM_GETNEIGHTBL                             = 0x42
+	RTM_GETNETCONF                              = 0x52
+	RTM_GETNEXTHOP                              = 0x6a
+	RTM_GETNSID                                 = 0x5a
+	RTM_GETQDISC                                = 0x26
+	RTM_GETROUTE                                = 0x1a
+	RTM_GETRULE                                 = 0x22
+	RTM_GETSTATS                                = 0x5e
+	RTM_GETTCLASS                               = 0x2a
+	RTM_GETTFILTER                              = 0x2e
+	RTM_MAX                                     = 0x6b
+	RTM_NEWACTION                               = 0x30
+	RTM_NEWADDR                                 = 0x14
+	RTM_NEWADDRLABEL                            = 0x48
+	RTM_NEWCACHEREPORT                          = 0x60
+	RTM_NEWCHAIN                                = 0x64
+	RTM_NEWLINK                                 = 0x10
+	RTM_NEWMDB                                  = 0x54
+	RTM_NEWNDUSEROPT                            = 0x44
+	RTM_NEWNEIGH                                = 0x1c
+	RTM_NEWNEIGHTBL                             = 0x40
+	RTM_NEWNETCONF                              = 0x50
+	RTM_NEWNEXTHOP                              = 0x68
+	RTM_NEWNSID                                 = 0x58
+	RTM_NEWPREFIX                               = 0x34
+	RTM_NEWQDISC                                = 0x24
+	RTM_NEWROUTE                                = 0x18
+	RTM_NEWRULE                                 = 0x20
+	RTM_NEWSTATS                                = 0x5c
+	RTM_NEWTCLASS                               = 0x28
+	RTM_NEWTFILTER                              = 0x2c
+	RTM_NR_FAMILIES                             = 0x17
+	RTM_NR_MSGTYPES                             = 0x5c
+	RTM_SETDCB                                  = 0x4f
+	RTM_SETLINK                                 = 0x13
+	RTM_SETNEIGHTBL                             = 0x43
+	RTNH_ALIGNTO                                = 0x4
+	RTNH_COMPARE_MASK                           = 0x19
+	RTNH_F_DEAD                                 = 0x1
+	RTNH_F_LINKDOWN                             = 0x10
+	RTNH_F_OFFLOAD                              = 0x8
+	RTNH_F_ONLINK                               = 0x4
+	RTNH_F_PERVASIVE                            = 0x2
+	RTNH_F_UNRESOLVED                           = 0x20
+	RTN_MAX                                     = 0xb
+	RTPROT_BABEL                                = 0x2a
+	RTPROT_BGP                                  = 0xba
+	RTPROT_BIRD                                 = 0xc
+	RTPROT_BOOT                                 = 0x3
+	RTPROT_DHCP                                 = 0x10
+	RTPROT_DNROUTED                             = 0xd
+	RTPROT_EIGRP                                = 0xc0
+	RTPROT_GATED                                = 0x8
+	RTPROT_ISIS                                 = 0xbb
+	RTPROT_KERNEL                               = 0x2
+	RTPROT_MROUTED                              = 0x11
+	RTPROT_MRT                                  = 0xa
+	RTPROT_NTK                                  = 0xf
+	RTPROT_OSPF                                 = 0xbc
+	RTPROT_RA                                   = 0x9
+	RTPROT_REDIRECT                             = 0x1
+	RTPROT_RIP                                  = 0xbd
+	RTPROT_STATIC                               = 0x4
+	RTPROT_UNSPEC                               = 0x0
+	RTPROT_XORP                                 = 0xe
+	RTPROT_ZEBRA                                = 0xb
+	RT_CLASS_DEFAULT                            = 0xfd
+	RT_CLASS_LOCAL                              = 0xff
+	RT_CLASS_MAIN                               = 0xfe
+	RT_CLASS_MAX                                = 0xff
+	RT_CLASS_UNSPEC                             = 0x0
+	RUSAGE_CHILDREN                             = -0x1
+	RUSAGE_SELF                                 = 0x0
+	RUSAGE_THREAD                               = 0x1
+	SCM_CREDENTIALS                             = 0x2
+	SCM_RIGHTS                                  = 0x1
+	SCM_TIMESTAMP                               = 0x1d
+	SCM_TIMESTAMPING                            = 0x25
+	SCM_TIMESTAMPING_OPT_STATS                  = 0x36
+	SCM_TIMESTAMPING_PKTINFO                    = 0x3a
+	SCM_TIMESTAMPNS                             = 0x23
+	SCM_TXTIME                                  = 0x3d
+	SCM_WIFI_STATUS                             = 0x29
+	SC_LOG_FLUSH                                = 0x100000
+	SECCOMP_MODE_DISABLED                       = 0x0
+	SECCOMP_MODE_FILTER                         = 0x2
+	SECCOMP_MODE_STRICT                         = 0x1
+	SECURITYFS_MAGIC                            = 0x73636673
+	SELINUX_MAGIC                               = 0xf97cff8c
+	SFD_CLOEXEC                                 = 0x80000
+	SFD_NONBLOCK                                = 0x80
+	SHUT_RD                                     = 0x0
+	SHUT_RDWR                                   = 0x2
+	SHUT_WR                                     = 0x1
+	SIOCADDDLCI                                 = 0x8980
+	SIOCADDMULTI                                = 0x8931
+	SIOCADDRT                                   = 0x890b
+	SIOCATMARK                                  = 0x40047307
+	SIOCBONDCHANGEACTIVE                        = 0x8995
+	SIOCBONDENSLAVE                             = 0x8990
+	SIOCBONDINFOQUERY                           = 0x8994
+	SIOCBONDRELEASE                             = 0x8991
+	SIOCBONDSETHWADDR                           = 0x8992
+	SIOCBONDSLAVEINFOQUERY                      = 0x8993
+	SIOCBRADDBR                                 = 0x89a0
+	SIOCBRADDIF                                 = 0x89a2
+	SIOCBRDELBR                                 = 0x89a1
+	SIOCBRDELIF                                 = 0x89a3
+	SIOCDARP                                    = 0x8953
+	SIOCDELDLCI                                 = 0x8981
+	SIOCDELMULTI                                = 0x8932
+	SIOCDELRT                                   = 0x890c
+	SIOCDEVPRIVATE                              = 0x89f0
+	SIOCDIFADDR                                 = 0x8936
+	SIOCDRARP                                   = 0x8960
+	SIOCETHTOOL                                 = 0x8946
+	SIOCGARP                                    = 0x8954
+	SIOCGETLINKNAME                             = 0x89e0
+	SIOCGETNODEID                               = 0x89e1
+	SIOCGHWTSTAMP                               = 0x89b1
+	SIOCGIFADDR                                 = 0x8915
+	SIOCGIFBR                                   = 0x8940
+	SIOCGIFBRDADDR                              = 0x8919
+	SIOCGIFCONF                                 = 0x8912
+	SIOCGIFCOUNT                                = 0x8938
+	SIOCGIFDSTADDR                              = 0x8917
+	SIOCGIFENCAP                                = 0x8925
+	SIOCGIFFLAGS                                = 0x8913
+	SIOCGIFHWADDR                               = 0x8927
+	SIOCGIFINDEX                                = 0x8933
+	SIOCGIFMAP                                  = 0x8970
+	SIOCGIFMEM                                  = 0x891f
+	SIOCGIFMETRIC                               = 0x891d
+	SIOCGIFMTU                                  = 0x8921
+	SIOCGIFNAME                                 = 0x8910
+	SIOCGIFNETMASK                              = 0x891b
+	SIOCGIFPFLAGS                               = 0x8935
+	SIOCGIFSLAVE                                = 0x8929
+	SIOCGIFTXQLEN                               = 0x8942
+	SIOCGIFVLAN                                 = 0x8982
+	SIOCGMIIPHY                                 = 0x8947
+	SIOCGMIIREG                                 = 0x8948
+	SIOCGPGRP                                   = 0x40047309
+	SIOCGPPPCSTATS                              = 0x89f2
+	SIOCGPPPSTATS                               = 0x89f0
+	SIOCGPPPVER                                 = 0x89f1
+	SIOCGRARP                                   = 0x8961
+	SIOCGSKNS                                   = 0x894c
+	SIOCGSTAMP                                  = 0x8906
+	SIOCGSTAMPNS                                = 0x8907
+	SIOCGSTAMPNS_NEW                            = 0x40108907
+	SIOCGSTAMPNS_OLD                            = 0x8907
+	SIOCGSTAMP_NEW                              = 0x40108906
+	SIOCGSTAMP_OLD                              = 0x8906
+	SIOCINQ                                     = 0x467f
+	SIOCOUTQ                                    = 0x7472
+	SIOCOUTQNSD                                 = 0x894b
+	SIOCPROTOPRIVATE                            = 0x89e0
+	SIOCRTMSG                                   = 0x890d
+	SIOCSARP                                    = 0x8955
+	SIOCSHWTSTAMP                               = 0x89b0
+	SIOCSIFADDR                                 = 0x8916
+	SIOCSIFBR                                   = 0x8941
+	SIOCSIFBRDADDR                              = 0x891a
+	SIOCSIFDSTADDR                              = 0x8918
+	SIOCSIFENCAP                                = 0x8926
+	SIOCSIFFLAGS                                = 0x8914
+	SIOCSIFHWADDR                               = 0x8924
+	SIOCSIFHWBROADCAST                          = 0x8937
+	SIOCSIFLINK                                 = 0x8911
+	SIOCSIFMAP                                  = 0x8971
+	SIOCSIFMEM                                  = 0x8920
+	SIOCSIFMETRIC                               = 0x891e
+	SIOCSIFMTU                                  = 0x8922
+	SIOCSIFNAME                                 = 0x8923
+	SIOCSIFNETMASK                              = 0x891c
+	SIOCSIFPFLAGS                               = 0x8934
+	SIOCSIFSLAVE                                = 0x8930
+	SIOCSIFTXQLEN                               = 0x8943
+	SIOCSIFVLAN                                 = 0x8983
+	SIOCSMIIREG                                 = 0x8949
+	SIOCSPGRP                                   = 0x80047308
+	SIOCSRARP                                   = 0x8962
+	SIOCWANDEV                                  = 0x894a
+	SMACK_MAGIC                                 = 0x43415d53
+	SMART_AUTOSAVE                              = 0xd2
+	SMART_AUTO_OFFLINE                          = 0xdb
+	SMART_DISABLE                               = 0xd9
+	SMART_ENABLE                                = 0xd8
+	SMART_HCYL_PASS                             = 0xc2
+	SMART_IMMEDIATE_OFFLINE                     = 0xd4
+	SMART_LCYL_PASS                             = 0x4f
+	SMART_READ_LOG_SECTOR                       = 0xd5
+	SMART_READ_THRESHOLDS                       = 0xd1
+	SMART_READ_VALUES                           = 0xd0
+	SMART_SAVE                                  = 0xd3
+	SMART_STATUS                                = 0xda
+	SMART_WRITE_LOG_SECTOR                      = 0xd6
+	SMART_WRITE_THRESHOLDS                      = 0xd7
+	SMB_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x517b
+	SOCKFS_MAGIC                                = 0x534f434b
+	SOCK_CLOEXEC                                = 0x80000
+	SOCK_DCCP                                   = 0x6
+	SOCK_DGRAM                                  = 0x1
+	SOCK_IOC_TYPE                               = 0x89
+	SOCK_NONBLOCK                               = 0x80
+	SOCK_PACKET                                 = 0xa
+	SOCK_RAW                                    = 0x3
+	SOCK_RDM                                    = 0x4
+	SOCK_SEQPACKET                              = 0x5
+	SOCK_STREAM                                 = 0x2
+	SOL_AAL                                     = 0x109
+	SOL_ALG                                     = 0x117
+	SOL_ATM                                     = 0x108
+	SOL_CAIF                                    = 0x116
+	SOL_CAN_BASE                                = 0x64
+	SOL_DCCP                                    = 0x10d
+	SOL_DECNET                                  = 0x105
+	SOL_ICMPV6                                  = 0x3a
+	SOL_IP                                      = 0x0
+	SOL_IPV6                                    = 0x29
+	SOL_IRDA                                    = 0x10a
+	SOL_IUCV                                    = 0x115
+	SOL_KCM                                     = 0x119
+	SOL_LLC                                     = 0x10c
+	SOL_NETBEUI                                 = 0x10b
+	SOL_NETLINK                                 = 0x10e
+	SOL_NFC                                     = 0x118
+	SOL_PACKET                                  = 0x107
+	SOL_PNPIPE                                  = 0x113
+	SOL_PPPOL2TP                                = 0x111
+	SOL_RAW                                     = 0xff
+	SOL_RDS                                     = 0x114
+	SOL_RXRPC                                   = 0x110
+	SOL_SOCKET                                  = 0xffff
+	SOL_TCP                                     = 0x6
+	SOL_TIPC                                    = 0x10f
+	SOL_TLS                                     = 0x11a
+	SOL_X25                                     = 0x106
+	SOL_XDP                                     = 0x11b
+	SOMAXCONN                                   = 0x80
+	SO_ACCEPTCONN                               = 0x1009
+	SO_ATTACH_BPF                               = 0x32
+	SO_ATTACH_FILTER                            = 0x1a
+	SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_CBPF                    = 0x33
+	SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_EBPF                    = 0x34
+	SO_BINDTODEVICE                             = 0x19
+	SO_BINDTOIFINDEX                            = 0x3e
+	SO_BPF_EXTENSIONS                           = 0x30
+	SO_BROADCAST                                = 0x20
+	SO_BSDCOMPAT                                = 0xe
+	SO_BUSY_POLL                                = 0x2e
+	SO_CNX_ADVICE                               = 0x35
+	SO_COOKIE                                   = 0x39
+	SO_DEBUG                                    = 0x1
+	SO_DETACH_BPF                               = 0x1b
+	SO_DETACH_FILTER                            = 0x1b
+	SO_DETACH_REUSEPORT_BPF                     = 0x44
+	SO_DOMAIN                                   = 0x1029
+	SO_DONTROUTE                                = 0x10
+	SO_EE_CODE_TXTIME_MISSED                    = 0x2
+	SO_EE_CODE_ZEROCOPY_COPIED                  = 0x1
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_ICMP                           = 0x2
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_ICMP6                          = 0x3
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_LOCAL                          = 0x1
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_NONE                           = 0x0
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_TIMESTAMPING                   = 0x4
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_TXSTATUS                       = 0x4
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_TXTIME                         = 0x6
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_ZEROCOPY                       = 0x5
+	SO_ERROR                                    = 0x1007
+	SO_GET_FILTER                               = 0x1a
+	SO_INCOMING_CPU                             = 0x31
+	SO_INCOMING_NAPI_ID                         = 0x38
+	SO_KEEPALIVE                                = 0x8
+	SO_LINGER                                   = 0x80
+	SO_LOCK_FILTER                              = 0x2c
+	SO_MARK                                     = 0x24
+	SO_MAX_PACING_RATE                          = 0x2f
+	SO_MEMINFO                                  = 0x37
+	SO_NOFCS                                    = 0x2b
+	SO_NO_CHECK                                 = 0xb
+	SO_OOBINLINE                                = 0x100
+	SO_PASSCRED                                 = 0x11
+	SO_PASSSEC                                  = 0x22
+	SO_PEEK_OFF                                 = 0x2a
+	SO_PEERCRED                                 = 0x12
+	SO_PEERGROUPS                               = 0x3b
+	SO_PEERNAME                                 = 0x1c
+	SO_PEERSEC                                  = 0x1e
+	SO_PRIORITY                                 = 0xc
+	SO_PROTOCOL                                 = 0x1028
+	SO_RCVBUF                                   = 0x1002
+	SO_RCVBUFFORCE                              = 0x21
+	SO_RCVLOWAT                                 = 0x1004
+	SO_RCVTIMEO                                 = 0x1006
+	SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW                             = 0x42
+	SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD                             = 0x1006
+	SO_REUSEADDR                                = 0x4
+	SO_REUSEPORT                                = 0x200
+	SO_RXQ_OVFL                                 = 0x28
+	SO_SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION                  = 0x16
+	SO_SELECT_ERR_QUEUE                         = 0x2d
+	SO_SNDBUF                                   = 0x1001
+	SO_SNDBUFFORCE                              = 0x1f
+	SO_SNDLOWAT                                 = 0x1003
+	SO_SNDTIMEO                                 = 0x1005
+	SO_SNDTIMEO_NEW                             = 0x43
+	SO_SNDTIMEO_OLD                             = 0x1005
+	SO_STYLE                                    = 0x1008
+	SO_TIMESTAMP                                = 0x1d
+	SO_TIMESTAMPING                             = 0x25
+	SO_TIMESTAMPING_NEW                         = 0x41
+	SO_TIMESTAMPING_OLD                         = 0x25
+	SO_TIMESTAMPNS                              = 0x23
+	SO_TIMESTAMPNS_NEW                          = 0x40
+	SO_TIMESTAMPNS_OLD                          = 0x23
+	SO_TIMESTAMP_NEW                            = 0x3f
+	SO_TIMESTAMP_OLD                            = 0x1d
+	SO_TXTIME                                   = 0x3d
+	SO_TYPE                                     = 0x1008
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE               = 0x2
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_BUFFER_MIN_SIZE               = 0x1
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_BUFFER_SIZE                   = 0x0
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_CONNECT_TIMEOUT               = 0x6
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_NONBLOCK_TXRX                 = 0x7
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_PEER_HOST_VM_ID               = 0x3
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_TRUSTED                       = 0x5
+	SO_WIFI_STATUS                              = 0x29
+	SO_ZEROCOPY                                 = 0x3c
+	SPLICE_F_GIFT                               = 0x8
+	SPLICE_F_MORE                               = 0x4
+	SPLICE_F_MOVE                               = 0x1
+	SPLICE_F_NONBLOCK                           = 0x2
+	SQUASHFS_MAGIC                              = 0x73717368
+	STACK_END_MAGIC                             = 0x57ac6e9d
+	STATX_ALL                                   = 0xfff
+	STATX_ATIME                                 = 0x20
+	STATX_ATTR_APPEND                           = 0x20
+	STATX_ATTR_AUTOMOUNT                        = 0x1000
+	STATX_ATTR_COMPRESSED                       = 0x4
+	STATX_ATTR_ENCRYPTED                        = 0x800
+	STATX_ATTR_IMMUTABLE                        = 0x10
+	STATX_ATTR_NODUMP                           = 0x40
+	STATX_BASIC_STATS                           = 0x7ff
+	STATX_BLOCKS                                = 0x400
+	STATX_BTIME                                 = 0x800
+	STATX_CTIME                                 = 0x80
+	STATX_GID                                   = 0x10
+	STATX_INO                                   = 0x100
+	STATX_MODE                                  = 0x2
+	STATX_MTIME                                 = 0x40
+	STATX_NLINK                                 = 0x4
+	STATX_SIZE                                  = 0x200
+	STATX_TYPE                                  = 0x1
+	STATX_UID                                   = 0x8
+	STATX__RESERVED                             = 0x80000000
+	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WAIT_AFTER                  = 0x4
+	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WAIT_BEFORE                 = 0x1
+	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WRITE                       = 0x2
+	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WRITE_AND_WAIT              = 0x7
+	SYSFS_MAGIC                                 = 0x62656572
+	S_BLKSIZE                                   = 0x200
+	S_IEXEC                                     = 0x40
+	S_IFBLK                                     = 0x6000
+	S_IFCHR                                     = 0x2000
+	S_IFDIR                                     = 0x4000
+	S_IFIFO                                     = 0x1000
+	S_IFLNK                                     = 0xa000
+	S_IFMT                                      = 0xf000
+	S_IFREG                                     = 0x8000
+	S_IFSOCK                                    = 0xc000
+	S_IREAD                                     = 0x100
+	S_IRGRP                                     = 0x20
+	S_IROTH                                     = 0x4
+	S_IRUSR                                     = 0x100
+	S_IRWXG                                     = 0x38
+	S_IRWXO                                     = 0x7
+	S_IRWXU                                     = 0x1c0
+	S_ISGID                                     = 0x400
+	S_ISUID                                     = 0x800
+	S_ISVTX                                     = 0x200
+	S_IWGRP                                     = 0x10
+	S_IWOTH                                     = 0x2
+	S_IWRITE                                    = 0x80
+	S_IWUSR                                     = 0x80
+	S_IXGRP                                     = 0x8
+	S_IXOTH                                     = 0x1
+	S_IXUSR                                     = 0x40
+	TAB0                                        = 0x0
+	TAB1                                        = 0x800
+	TAB2                                        = 0x1000
+	TAB3                                        = 0x1800
+	TABDLY                                      = 0x1800
+	TASKSTATS_CMD_ATTR_MAX                      = 0x4
+	TASKSTATS_CMD_MAX                           = 0x2
+	TASKSTATS_GENL_NAME                         = "TASKSTATS"
+	TASKSTATS_GENL_VERSION                      = 0x1
+	TASKSTATS_TYPE_MAX                          = 0x6
+	TASKSTATS_VERSION                           = 0x9
+	TCFLSH                                      = 0x5407
+	TCGETA                                      = 0x5401
+	TCGETS                                      = 0x540d
+	TCGETS2                                     = 0x4030542a
+	TCIFLUSH                                    = 0x0
+	TCIOFF                                      = 0x2
+	TCIOFLUSH                                   = 0x2
+	TCION                                       = 0x3
+	TCOFLUSH                                    = 0x1
+	TCOOFF                                      = 0x0
+	TCOON                                       = 0x1
+	TCP_BPF_IW                                  = 0x3e9
+	TCP_BPF_SNDCWND_CLAMP                       = 0x3ea
+	TCP_CC_INFO                                 = 0x1a
+	TCP_CM_INQ                                  = 0x24
+	TCP_CONGESTION                              = 0xd
+	TCP_COOKIE_IN_ALWAYS                        = 0x1
+	TCP_COOKIE_MAX                              = 0x10
+	TCP_COOKIE_MIN                              = 0x8
+	TCP_COOKIE_OUT_NEVER                        = 0x2
+	TCP_COOKIE_PAIR_SIZE                        = 0x20
+	TCP_COOKIE_TRANSACTIONS                     = 0xf
+	TCP_CORK                                    = 0x3
+	TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT                            = 0x9
+	TCP_FASTOPEN                                = 0x17
+	TCP_FASTOPEN_CONNECT                        = 0x1e
+	TCP_FASTOPEN_KEY                            = 0x21
+	TCP_FASTOPEN_NO_COOKIE                      = 0x22
+	TCP_INFO                                    = 0xb
+	TCP_INQ                                     = 0x24
+	TCP_KEEPCNT                                 = 0x6
+	TCP_KEEPIDLE                                = 0x4
+	TCP_KEEPINTVL                               = 0x5
+	TCP_LINGER2                                 = 0x8
+	TCP_MAXSEG                                  = 0x2
+	TCP_MAXWIN                                  = 0xffff
+	TCP_MAX_WINSHIFT                            = 0xe
+	TCP_MD5SIG                                  = 0xe
+	TCP_MD5SIG_EXT                              = 0x20
+	TCP_MD5SIG_FLAG_PREFIX                      = 0x1
+	TCP_MD5SIG_MAXKEYLEN                        = 0x50
+	TCP_MSS                                     = 0x200
+	TCP_MSS_DEFAULT                             = 0x218
+	TCP_MSS_DESIRED                             = 0x4c4
+	TCP_NODELAY                                 = 0x1
+	TCP_NOTSENT_LOWAT                           = 0x19
+	TCP_QUEUE_SEQ                               = 0x15
+	TCP_QUICKACK                                = 0xc
+	TCP_REPAIR                                  = 0x13
+	TCP_REPAIR_OFF                              = 0x0
+	TCP_REPAIR_OFF_NO_WP                        = -0x1
+	TCP_REPAIR_ON                               = 0x1
+	TCP_REPAIR_OPTIONS                          = 0x16
+	TCP_REPAIR_QUEUE                            = 0x14
+	TCP_REPAIR_WINDOW                           = 0x1d
+	TCP_SAVED_SYN                               = 0x1c
+	TCP_SAVE_SYN                                = 0x1b
+	TCP_SYNCNT                                  = 0x7
+	TCP_S_DATA_IN                               = 0x4
+	TCP_S_DATA_OUT                              = 0x8
+	TCP_THIN_DUPACK                             = 0x11
+	TCP_THIN_LINEAR_TIMEOUTS                    = 0x10
+	TCP_TIMESTAMP                               = 0x18
+	TCP_ULP                                     = 0x1f
+	TCP_USER_TIMEOUT                            = 0x12
+	TCP_WINDOW_CLAMP                            = 0xa
+	TCP_ZEROCOPY_RECEIVE                        = 0x23
+	TCSAFLUSH                                   = 0x5410
+	TCSBRK                                      = 0x5405
+	TCSBRKP                                     = 0x5486
+	TCSETA                                      = 0x5402
+	TCSETAF                                     = 0x5404
+	TCSETAW                                     = 0x5403
+	TCSETS                                      = 0x540e
+	TCSETS2                                     = 0x8030542b
+	TCSETSF                                     = 0x5410
+	TCSETSF2                                    = 0x8030542d
+	TCSETSW                                     = 0x540f
+	TCSETSW2                                    = 0x8030542c
+	TCXONC                                      = 0x5406
+	TIMER_ABSTIME                               = 0x1
+	TIOCCBRK                                    = 0x5428
+	TIOCCONS                                    = 0x80047478
+	TIOCEXCL                                    = 0x740d
+	TIOCGDEV                                    = 0x40045432
+	TIOCGETD                                    = 0x7400
+	TIOCGETP                                    = 0x7408
+	TIOCGEXCL                                   = 0x40045440
+	TIOCGICOUNT                                 = 0x5492
+	TIOCGISO7816                                = 0x40285442
+	TIOCGLCKTRMIOS                              = 0x548b
+	TIOCGLTC                                    = 0x7474
+	TIOCGPGRP                                   = 0x40047477
+	TIOCGPKT                                    = 0x40045438
+	TIOCGPTLCK                                  = 0x40045439
+	TIOCGPTN                                    = 0x40045430
+	TIOCGPTPEER                                 = 0x20005441
+	TIOCGRS485                                  = 0x4020542e
+	TIOCGSERIAL                                 = 0x5484
+	TIOCGSID                                    = 0x7416
+	TIOCGSOFTCAR                                = 0x5481
+	TIOCGWINSZ                                  = 0x40087468
+	TIOCINQ                                     = 0x467f
+	TIOCLINUX                                   = 0x5483
+	TIOCMBIC                                    = 0x741c
+	TIOCMBIS                                    = 0x741b
+	TIOCMGET                                    = 0x741d
+	TIOCMIWAIT                                  = 0x5491
+	TIOCMSET                                    = 0x741a
+	TIOCM_CAR                                   = 0x100
+	TIOCM_CD                                    = 0x100
+	TIOCM_CTS                                   = 0x40
+	TIOCM_DSR                                   = 0x400
+	TIOCM_DTR                                   = 0x2
+	TIOCM_LE                                    = 0x1
+	TIOCM_RI                                    = 0x200
+	TIOCM_RNG                                   = 0x200
+	TIOCM_RTS                                   = 0x4
+	TIOCM_SR                                    = 0x20
+	TIOCM_ST                                    = 0x10
+	TIOCNOTTY                                   = 0x5471
+	TIOCNXCL                                    = 0x740e
+	TIOCOUTQ                                    = 0x7472
+	TIOCPKT                                     = 0x5470
+	TIOCPKT_DATA                                = 0x0
+	TIOCPKT_DOSTOP                              = 0x20
+	TIOCPKT_FLUSHREAD                           = 0x1
+	TIOCPKT_FLUSHWRITE                          = 0x2
+	TIOCPKT_IOCTL                               = 0x40
+	TIOCPKT_NOSTOP                              = 0x10
+	TIOCPKT_START                               = 0x8
+	TIOCPKT_STOP                                = 0x4
+	TIOCSBRK                                    = 0x5427
+	TIOCSCTTY                                   = 0x5480
+	TIOCSERCONFIG                               = 0x5488
+	TIOCSERGETLSR                               = 0x548e
+	TIOCSERGETMULTI                             = 0x548f
+	TIOCSERGSTRUCT                              = 0x548d
+	TIOCSERGWILD                                = 0x5489
+	TIOCSERSETMULTI                             = 0x5490
+	TIOCSERSWILD                                = 0x548a
+	TIOCSER_TEMT                                = 0x1
+	TIOCSETD                                    = 0x7401
+	TIOCSETN                                    = 0x740a
+	TIOCSETP                                    = 0x7409
+	TIOCSIG                                     = 0x80045436
+	TIOCSISO7816                                = 0xc0285443
+	TIOCSLCKTRMIOS                              = 0x548c
+	TIOCSLTC                                    = 0x7475
+	TIOCSPGRP                                   = 0x80047476
+	TIOCSPTLCK                                  = 0x80045431
+	TIOCSRS485                                  = 0xc020542f
+	TIOCSSERIAL                                 = 0x5485
+	TIOCSSOFTCAR                                = 0x5482
+	TIOCSTI                                     = 0x5472
+	TIOCSWINSZ                                  = 0x80087467
+	TIOCVHANGUP                                 = 0x5437
+	TIPC_ADDR_ID                                = 0x3
+	TIPC_ADDR_MCAST                             = 0x1
+	TIPC_ADDR_NAME                              = 0x2
+	TIPC_ADDR_NAMESEQ                           = 0x1
+	TIPC_CFG_SRV                                = 0x0
+	TIPC_CLUSTER_BITS                           = 0xc
+	TIPC_CLUSTER_MASK                           = 0xfff000
+	TIPC_CLUSTER_OFFSET                         = 0xc
+	TIPC_CLUSTER_SIZE                           = 0xfff
+	TIPC_CONN_SHUTDOWN                          = 0x5
+	TIPC_CONN_TIMEOUT                           = 0x82
+	TIPC_CRITICAL_IMPORTANCE                    = 0x3
+	TIPC_DESTNAME                               = 0x3
+	TIPC_DEST_DROPPABLE                         = 0x81
+	TIPC_ERRINFO                                = 0x1
+	TIPC_ERR_NO_NAME                            = 0x1
+	TIPC_ERR_NO_NODE                            = 0x3
+	TIPC_ERR_NO_PORT                            = 0x2
+	TIPC_ERR_OVERLOAD                           = 0x4
+	TIPC_GROUP_JOIN                             = 0x87
+	TIPC_GROUP_LEAVE                            = 0x88
+	TIPC_GROUP_LOOPBACK                         = 0x1
+	TIPC_GROUP_MEMBER_EVTS                      = 0x2
+	TIPC_HIGH_IMPORTANCE                        = 0x2
+	TIPC_IMPORTANCE                             = 0x7f
+	TIPC_LINK_STATE                             = 0x2
+	TIPC_LOW_IMPORTANCE                         = 0x0
+	TIPC_MAX_BEARER_NAME                        = 0x20
+	TIPC_MAX_IF_NAME                            = 0x10
+	TIPC_MAX_LINK_NAME                          = 0x44
+	TIPC_MAX_MEDIA_NAME                         = 0x10
+	TIPC_MAX_USER_MSG_SIZE                      = 0x101d0
+	TIPC_MCAST_BROADCAST                        = 0x85
+	TIPC_MCAST_REPLICAST                        = 0x86
+	TIPC_MEDIUM_IMPORTANCE                      = 0x1
+	TIPC_NODEID_LEN                             = 0x10
+	TIPC_NODE_BITS                              = 0xc
+	TIPC_NODE_MASK                              = 0xfff
+	TIPC_NODE_OFFSET                            = 0x0
+	TIPC_NODE_RECVQ_DEPTH                       = 0x83
+	TIPC_NODE_SIZE                              = 0xfff
+	TIPC_NODE_STATE                             = 0x0
+	TIPC_OK                                     = 0x0
+	TIPC_PUBLISHED                              = 0x1
+	TIPC_RESERVED_TYPES                         = 0x40
+	TIPC_RETDATA                                = 0x2
+	TIPC_SERVICE_ADDR                           = 0x2
+	TIPC_SERVICE_RANGE                          = 0x1
+	TIPC_SOCKET_ADDR                            = 0x3
+	TIPC_SOCK_RECVQ_DEPTH                       = 0x84
+	TIPC_SOCK_RECVQ_USED                        = 0x89
+	TIPC_SRC_DROPPABLE                          = 0x80
+	TIPC_SUBSCR_TIMEOUT                         = 0x3
+	TIPC_SUB_CANCEL                             = 0x4
+	TIPC_SUB_PORTS                              = 0x1
+	TIPC_SUB_SERVICE                            = 0x2
+	TIPC_TOP_SRV                                = 0x1
+	TIPC_WAIT_FOREVER                           = 0xffffffff
+	TIPC_WITHDRAWN                              = 0x2
+	TIPC_ZONE_BITS                              = 0x8
+	TIPC_ZONE_CLUSTER_MASK                      = 0xfffff000
+	TIPC_ZONE_MASK                              = 0xff000000
+	TIPC_ZONE_OFFSET                            = 0x18
+	TIPC_ZONE_SCOPE                             = 0x1
+	TIPC_ZONE_SIZE                              = 0xff
+	TMPFS_MAGIC                                 = 0x1021994
+	TOSTOP                                      = 0x8000
+	TPACKET_ALIGNMENT                           = 0x10
+	TPACKET_HDRLEN                              = 0x34
+	TP_STATUS_AVAILABLE                         = 0x0
+	TP_STATUS_BLK_TMO                           = 0x20
+	TP_STATUS_COPY                              = 0x2
+	TP_STATUS_CSUMNOTREADY                      = 0x8
+	TP_STATUS_CSUM_VALID                        = 0x80
+	TP_STATUS_KERNEL                            = 0x0
+	TP_STATUS_LOSING                            = 0x4
+	TP_STATUS_SENDING                           = 0x2
+	TP_STATUS_SEND_REQUEST                      = 0x1
+	TP_STATUS_TS_RAW_HARDWARE                   = 0x80000000
+	TP_STATUS_TS_SOFTWARE                       = 0x20000000
+	TP_STATUS_TS_SYS_HARDWARE                   = 0x40000000
+	TP_STATUS_USER                              = 0x1
+	TP_STATUS_VLAN_TPID_VALID                   = 0x40
+	TP_STATUS_VLAN_VALID                        = 0x10
+	TP_STATUS_WRONG_FORMAT                      = 0x4
+	TRACEFS_MAGIC                               = 0x74726163
+	TS_COMM_LEN                                 = 0x20
+	TUNATTACHFILTER                             = 0x801054d5
+	TUNDETACHFILTER                             = 0x801054d6
+	TUNGETDEVNETNS                              = 0x200054e3
+	TUNGETFEATURES                              = 0x400454cf
+	TUNGETFILTER                                = 0x401054db
+	TUNGETIFF                                   = 0x400454d2
+	TUNGETSNDBUF                                = 0x400454d3
+	TUNGETVNETBE                                = 0x400454df
+	TUNGETVNETHDRSZ                             = 0x400454d7
+	TUNGETVNETLE                                = 0x400454dd
+	TUNSETCARRIER                               = 0x800454e2
+	TUNSETDEBUG                                 = 0x800454c9
+	TUNSETFILTEREBPF                            = 0x400454e1
+	TUNSETGROUP                                 = 0x800454ce
+	TUNSETIFF                                   = 0x800454ca
+	TUNSETIFINDEX                               = 0x800454da
+	TUNSETLINK                                  = 0x800454cd
+	TUNSETNOCSUM                                = 0x800454c8
+	TUNSETOFFLOAD                               = 0x800454d0
+	TUNSETOWNER                                 = 0x800454cc
+	TUNSETPERSIST                               = 0x800454cb
+	TUNSETQUEUE                                 = 0x800454d9
+	TUNSETSNDBUF                                = 0x800454d4
+	TUNSETSTEERINGEBPF                          = 0x400454e0
+	TUNSETTXFILTER                              = 0x800454d1
+	TUNSETVNETBE                                = 0x800454de
+	TUNSETVNETHDRSZ                             = 0x800454d8
+	TUNSETVNETLE                                = 0x800454dc
+	UBI_IOCATT                                  = 0x80186f40
+	UBI_IOCDET                                  = 0x80046f41
+	UBI_IOCEBCH                                 = 0x80044f02
+	UBI_IOCEBER                                 = 0x80044f01
+	UBI_IOCEBISMAP                              = 0x40044f05
+	UBI_IOCEBMAP                                = 0x80084f03
+	UBI_IOCEBUNMAP                              = 0x80044f04
+	UBI_IOCMKVOL                                = 0x80986f00
+	UBI_IOCRMVOL                                = 0x80046f01
+	UBI_IOCRNVOL                                = 0x91106f03
+	UBI_IOCRPEB                                 = 0x80046f04
+	UBI_IOCRSVOL                                = 0x800c6f02
+	UBI_IOCSETVOLPROP                           = 0x80104f06
+	UBI_IOCSPEB                                 = 0x80046f05
+	UBI_IOCVOLCRBLK                             = 0x80804f07
+	UBI_IOCVOLRMBLK                             = 0x20004f08
+	UBI_IOCVOLUP                                = 0x80084f00
+	UDF_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x15013346
+	UMOUNT_NOFOLLOW                             = 0x8
+	USBDEVICE_SUPER_MAGIC                       = 0x9fa2
+	UTIME_NOW                                   = 0x3fffffff
+	UTIME_OMIT                                  = 0x3ffffffe
+	V9FS_MAGIC                                  = 0x1021997
+	VDISCARD                                    = 0xd
+	VEOF                                        = 0x10
+	VEOL                                        = 0x11
+	VEOL2                                       = 0x6
+	VERASE                                      = 0x2
+	VINTR                                       = 0x0
+	VKILL                                       = 0x3
+	VLNEXT                                      = 0xf
+	VMADDR_CID_ANY                              = 0xffffffff
+	VMADDR_CID_HOST                             = 0x2
+	VMADDR_CID_HYPERVISOR                       = 0x0
+	VMADDR_CID_RESERVED                         = 0x1
+	VMADDR_PORT_ANY                             = 0xffffffff
+	VMIN                                        = 0x4
+	VM_SOCKETS_INVALID_VERSION                  = 0xffffffff
+	VQUIT                                       = 0x1
+	VREPRINT                                    = 0xc
+	VSTART                                      = 0x8
+	VSTOP                                       = 0x9
+	VSUSP                                       = 0xa
+	VSWTC                                       = 0x7
+	VSWTCH                                      = 0x7
+	VT0                                         = 0x0
+	VT1                                         = 0x4000
+	VTDLY                                       = 0x4000
+	VTIME                                       = 0x5
+	VWERASE                                     = 0xe
+	WALL                                        = 0x40000000
+	WCLONE                                      = 0x80000000
+	WCONTINUED                                  = 0x8
+	WDIOC_GETBOOTSTATUS                         = 0x40045702
+	WDIOC_GETPRETIMEOUT                         = 0x40045709
+	WDIOC_GETSTATUS                             = 0x40045701
+	WDIOC_GETSUPPORT                            = 0x40285700
+	WDIOC_GETTEMP                               = 0x40045703
+	WDIOC_GETTIMELEFT                           = 0x4004570a
+	WDIOC_GETTIMEOUT                            = 0x40045707
+	WDIOC_KEEPALIVE                             = 0x40045705
+	WDIOC_SETOPTIONS                            = 0x40045704
+	WDIOC_SETPRETIMEOUT                         = 0xc0045708
+	WDIOC_SETTIMEOUT                            = 0xc0045706
+	WEXITED                                     = 0x4
+	WIN_ACKMEDIACHANGE                          = 0xdb
+	WIN_CHECKPOWERMODE1                         = 0xe5
+	WIN_CHECKPOWERMODE2                         = 0x98
+	WIN_DEVICE_RESET                            = 0x8
+	WIN_DIAGNOSE                                = 0x90
+	WIN_DOORLOCK                                = 0xde
+	WIN_DOORUNLOCK                              = 0xdf
+	WIN_DOWNLOAD_MICROCODE                      = 0x92
+	WIN_FLUSH_CACHE                             = 0xe7
+	WIN_FLUSH_CACHE_EXT                         = 0xea
+	WIN_FORMAT                                  = 0x50
+	WIN_GETMEDIASTATUS                          = 0xda
+	WIN_IDENTIFY                                = 0xec
+	WIN_IDENTIFY_DMA                            = 0xee
+	WIN_IDLEIMMEDIATE                           = 0xe1
+	WIN_INIT                                    = 0x60
+	WIN_MEDIAEJECT                              = 0xed
+	WIN_MULTREAD                                = 0xc4
+	WIN_MULTREAD_EXT                            = 0x29
+	WIN_MULTWRITE                               = 0xc5
+	WIN_MULTWRITE_EXT                           = 0x39
+	WIN_NOP                                     = 0x0
+	WIN_PACKETCMD                               = 0xa0
+	WIN_PIDENTIFY                               = 0xa1
+	WIN_POSTBOOT                                = 0xdc
+	WIN_PREBOOT                                 = 0xdd
+	WIN_QUEUED_SERVICE                          = 0xa2
+	WIN_READ                                    = 0x20
+	WIN_READDMA                                 = 0xc8
+	WIN_READDMA_EXT                             = 0x25
+	WIN_READDMA_ONCE                            = 0xc9
+	WIN_READDMA_QUEUED                          = 0xc7
+	WIN_READDMA_QUEUED_EXT                      = 0x26
+	WIN_READ_BUFFER                             = 0xe4
+	WIN_READ_EXT                                = 0x24
+	WIN_READ_LONG                               = 0x22
+	WIN_READ_LONG_ONCE                          = 0x23
+	WIN_READ_NATIVE_MAX                         = 0xf8
+	WIN_READ_NATIVE_MAX_EXT                     = 0x27
+	WIN_READ_ONCE                               = 0x21
+	WIN_RECAL                                   = 0x10
+	WIN_RESTORE                                 = 0x10
+	WIN_SECURITY_DISABLE                        = 0xf6
+	WIN_SECURITY_ERASE_PREPARE                  = 0xf3
+	WIN_SECURITY_ERASE_UNIT                     = 0xf4
+	WIN_SECURITY_FREEZE_LOCK                    = 0xf5
+	WIN_SECURITY_SET_PASS                       = 0xf1
+	WIN_SECURITY_UNLOCK                         = 0xf2
+	WIN_SEEK                                    = 0x70
+	WIN_SETFEATURES                             = 0xef
+	WIN_SETIDLE1                                = 0xe3
+	WIN_SETIDLE2                                = 0x97
+	WIN_SETMULT                                 = 0xc6
+	WIN_SET_MAX                                 = 0xf9
+	WIN_SET_MAX_EXT                             = 0x37
+	WIN_SLEEPNOW1                               = 0xe6
+	WIN_SLEEPNOW2                               = 0x99
+	WIN_SMART                                   = 0xb0
+	WIN_SPECIFY                                 = 0x91
+	WIN_SRST                                    = 0x8
+	WIN_STANDBY                                 = 0xe2
+	WIN_STANDBY2                                = 0x96
+	WIN_STANDBYNOW1                             = 0xe0
+	WIN_STANDBYNOW2                             = 0x94
+	WIN_VERIFY                                  = 0x40
+	WIN_VERIFY_EXT                              = 0x42
+	WIN_VERIFY_ONCE                             = 0x41
+	WIN_WRITE                                   = 0x30
+	WIN_WRITEDMA                                = 0xca
+	WIN_WRITEDMA_EXT                            = 0x35
+	WIN_WRITEDMA_ONCE                           = 0xcb
+	WIN_WRITEDMA_QUEUED                         = 0xcc
+	WIN_WRITEDMA_QUEUED_EXT                     = 0x36
+	WIN_WRITE_BUFFER                            = 0xe8
+	WIN_WRITE_EXT                               = 0x34
+	WIN_WRITE_LONG                              = 0x32
+	WIN_WRITE_LONG_ONCE                         = 0x33
+	WIN_WRITE_ONCE                              = 0x31
+	WIN_WRITE_SAME                              = 0xe9
+	WIN_WRITE_VERIFY                            = 0x3c
+	WNOHANG                                     = 0x1
+	WNOTHREAD                                   = 0x20000000
+	WNOWAIT                                     = 0x1000000
+	WORDSIZE                                    = 0x40
+	WSTOPPED                                    = 0x2
+	WUNTRACED                                   = 0x2
+	XATTR_CREATE                                = 0x1
+	XATTR_REPLACE                               = 0x2
+	XCASE                                       = 0x4
+	XDP_COPY                                    = 0x2
+	XDP_FLAGS_DRV_MODE                          = 0x4
+	XDP_FLAGS_HW_MODE                           = 0x8
+	XDP_FLAGS_MASK                              = 0xf
+	XDP_FLAGS_MODES                             = 0xe
+	XDP_FLAGS_SKB_MODE                          = 0x2
+	XDP_FLAGS_UPDATE_IF_NOEXIST                 = 0x1
+	XDP_MMAP_OFFSETS                            = 0x1
+	XDP_OPTIONS                                 = 0x8
+	XDP_OPTIONS_ZEROCOPY                        = 0x1
+	XDP_PACKET_HEADROOM                         = 0x100
+	XDP_PGOFF_RX_RING                           = 0x0
+	XDP_PGOFF_TX_RING                           = 0x80000000
+	XDP_RING_NEED_WAKEUP                        = 0x1
+	XDP_RX_RING                                 = 0x2
+	XDP_SHARED_UMEM                             = 0x1
+	XDP_STATISTICS                              = 0x7
+	XDP_TX_RING                                 = 0x3
+	XDP_UMEM_COMPLETION_RING                    = 0x6
+	XDP_UMEM_FILL_RING                          = 0x5
+	XDP_UMEM_PGOFF_COMPLETION_RING              = 0x180000000
+	XDP_UMEM_PGOFF_FILL_RING                    = 0x100000000
+	XDP_UMEM_REG                                = 0x4
+	XDP_UMEM_UNALIGNED_CHUNK_FLAG               = 0x1
+	XDP_USE_NEED_WAKEUP                         = 0x8
+	XDP_ZEROCOPY                                = 0x4
+	XENFS_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0xabba1974
+	XFS_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x58465342
+	XTABS                                       = 0x1800
+	Z3FOLD_MAGIC                                = 0x33
+	ZSMALLOC_MAGIC                              = 0x58295829
 // Errors
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mips64le.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mips64le.go
index 574fcd8..1ec7769 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mips64le.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mips64le.go
@@ -11,2660 +11,2816 @@ package unix
 import "syscall"
 const (
-	AAFS_MAGIC                           = 0x5a3c69f0
-	ADFS_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xadf5
-	AFFS_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xadff
-	AFS_FS_MAGIC                         = 0x6b414653
-	AFS_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x5346414f
-	AF_ALG                               = 0x26
-	AF_APPLETALK                         = 0x5
-	AF_ASH                               = 0x12
-	AF_ATMPVC                            = 0x8
-	AF_ATMSVC                            = 0x14
-	AF_AX25                              = 0x3
-	AF_BLUETOOTH                         = 0x1f
-	AF_BRIDGE                            = 0x7
-	AF_CAIF                              = 0x25
-	AF_CAN                               = 0x1d
-	AF_DECnet                            = 0xc
-	AF_ECONET                            = 0x13
-	AF_FILE                              = 0x1
-	AF_IB                                = 0x1b
-	AF_IEEE802154                        = 0x24
-	AF_INET                              = 0x2
-	AF_INET6                             = 0xa
-	AF_IPX                               = 0x4
-	AF_IRDA                              = 0x17
-	AF_ISDN                              = 0x22
-	AF_IUCV                              = 0x20
-	AF_KCM                               = 0x29
-	AF_KEY                               = 0xf
-	AF_LLC                               = 0x1a
-	AF_LOCAL                             = 0x1
-	AF_MAX                               = 0x2d
-	AF_MPLS                              = 0x1c
-	AF_NETBEUI                           = 0xd
-	AF_NETLINK                           = 0x10
-	AF_NETROM                            = 0x6
-	AF_NFC                               = 0x27
-	AF_PACKET                            = 0x11
-	AF_PHONET                            = 0x23
-	AF_PPPOX                             = 0x18
-	AF_QIPCRTR                           = 0x2a
-	AF_RDS                               = 0x15
-	AF_ROSE                              = 0xb
-	AF_ROUTE                             = 0x10
-	AF_RXRPC                             = 0x21
-	AF_SECURITY                          = 0xe
-	AF_SMC                               = 0x2b
-	AF_SNA                               = 0x16
-	AF_TIPC                              = 0x1e
-	AF_UNIX                              = 0x1
-	AF_UNSPEC                            = 0x0
-	AF_VSOCK                             = 0x28
-	AF_WANPIPE                           = 0x19
-	AF_X25                               = 0x9
-	AF_XDP                               = 0x2c
-	ALG_OP_DECRYPT                       = 0x0
-	ALG_OP_ENCRYPT                       = 0x1
-	ALG_SET_AEAD_ASSOCLEN                = 0x4
-	ALG_SET_AEAD_AUTHSIZE                = 0x5
-	ALG_SET_IV                           = 0x2
-	ALG_SET_KEY                          = 0x1
-	ALG_SET_OP                           = 0x3
-	ANON_INODE_FS_MAGIC                  = 0x9041934
-	ARPHRD_6LOWPAN                       = 0x339
-	ARPHRD_ADAPT                         = 0x108
-	ARPHRD_APPLETLK                      = 0x8
-	ARPHRD_ARCNET                        = 0x7
-	ARPHRD_ASH                           = 0x30d
-	ARPHRD_ATM                           = 0x13
-	ARPHRD_AX25                          = 0x3
-	ARPHRD_BIF                           = 0x307
-	ARPHRD_CAIF                          = 0x336
-	ARPHRD_CAN                           = 0x118
-	ARPHRD_CHAOS                         = 0x5
-	ARPHRD_CISCO                         = 0x201
-	ARPHRD_CSLIP                         = 0x101
-	ARPHRD_CSLIP6                        = 0x103
-	ARPHRD_DDCMP                         = 0x205
-	ARPHRD_DLCI                          = 0xf
-	ARPHRD_ECONET                        = 0x30e
-	ARPHRD_EETHER                        = 0x2
-	ARPHRD_ETHER                         = 0x1
-	ARPHRD_EUI64                         = 0x1b
-	ARPHRD_FCAL                          = 0x311
-	ARPHRD_FCFABRIC                      = 0x313
-	ARPHRD_FCPL                          = 0x312
-	ARPHRD_FCPP                          = 0x310
-	ARPHRD_FDDI                          = 0x306
-	ARPHRD_FRAD                          = 0x302
-	ARPHRD_HDLC                          = 0x201
-	ARPHRD_HIPPI                         = 0x30c
-	ARPHRD_HWX25                         = 0x110
-	ARPHRD_IEEE1394                      = 0x18
-	ARPHRD_IEEE802                       = 0x6
-	ARPHRD_IEEE80211                     = 0x321
-	ARPHRD_IEEE80211_PRISM               = 0x322
-	ARPHRD_IEEE80211_RADIOTAP            = 0x323
-	ARPHRD_IEEE802154                    = 0x324
-	ARPHRD_IEEE802154_MONITOR            = 0x325
-	ARPHRD_IEEE802_TR                    = 0x320
-	ARPHRD_INFINIBAND                    = 0x20
-	ARPHRD_IP6GRE                        = 0x337
-	ARPHRD_IPDDP                         = 0x309
-	ARPHRD_IPGRE                         = 0x30a
-	ARPHRD_IRDA                          = 0x30f
-	ARPHRD_LAPB                          = 0x204
-	ARPHRD_LOCALTLK                      = 0x305
-	ARPHRD_LOOPBACK                      = 0x304
-	ARPHRD_METRICOM                      = 0x17
-	ARPHRD_NETLINK                       = 0x338
-	ARPHRD_NETROM                        = 0x0
-	ARPHRD_NONE                          = 0xfffe
-	ARPHRD_PHONET                        = 0x334
-	ARPHRD_PHONET_PIPE                   = 0x335
-	ARPHRD_PIMREG                        = 0x30b
-	ARPHRD_PPP                           = 0x200
-	ARPHRD_PRONET                        = 0x4
-	ARPHRD_RAWHDLC                       = 0x206
-	ARPHRD_RAWIP                         = 0x207
-	ARPHRD_ROSE                          = 0x10e
-	ARPHRD_RSRVD                         = 0x104
-	ARPHRD_SIT                           = 0x308
-	ARPHRD_SKIP                          = 0x303
-	ARPHRD_SLIP                          = 0x100
-	ARPHRD_SLIP6                         = 0x102
-	ARPHRD_TUNNEL                        = 0x300
-	ARPHRD_TUNNEL6                       = 0x301
-	ARPHRD_VOID                          = 0xffff
-	ARPHRD_VSOCKMON                      = 0x33a
-	ARPHRD_X25                           = 0x10f
-	AUTOFS_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0x187
-	B0                                   = 0x0
-	B1000000                             = 0x1008
-	B110                                 = 0x3
-	B115200                              = 0x1002
-	B1152000                             = 0x1009
-	B1200                                = 0x9
-	B134                                 = 0x4
-	B150                                 = 0x5
-	B1500000                             = 0x100a
-	B1800                                = 0xa
-	B19200                               = 0xe
-	B200                                 = 0x6
-	B2000000                             = 0x100b
-	B230400                              = 0x1003
-	B2400                                = 0xb
-	B2500000                             = 0x100c
-	B300                                 = 0x7
-	B3000000                             = 0x100d
-	B3500000                             = 0x100e
-	B38400                               = 0xf
-	B4000000                             = 0x100f
-	B460800                              = 0x1004
-	B4800                                = 0xc
-	B50                                  = 0x1
-	B500000                              = 0x1005
-	B57600                               = 0x1001
-	B576000                              = 0x1006
-	B600                                 = 0x8
-	B75                                  = 0x2
-	B921600                              = 0x1007
-	B9600                                = 0xd
-	BALLOON_KVM_MAGIC                    = 0x13661366
-	BDEVFS_MAGIC                         = 0x62646576
-	BINDERFS_SUPER_MAGIC                 = 0x6c6f6f70
-	BINFMTFS_MAGIC                       = 0x42494e4d
-	BLKBSZGET                            = 0x40081270
-	BLKBSZSET                            = 0x80081271
-	BLKFLSBUF                            = 0x20001261
-	BLKFRAGET                            = 0x20001265
-	BLKFRASET                            = 0x20001264
-	BLKGETSIZE                           = 0x20001260
-	BLKGETSIZE64                         = 0x40081272
-	BLKPBSZGET                           = 0x2000127b
-	BLKRAGET                             = 0x20001263
-	BLKRASET                             = 0x20001262
-	BLKROGET                             = 0x2000125e
-	BLKROSET                             = 0x2000125d
-	BLKRRPART                            = 0x2000125f
-	BLKSECTGET                           = 0x20001267
-	BLKSECTSET                           = 0x20001266
-	BLKSSZGET                            = 0x20001268
-	BOTHER                               = 0x1000
-	BPF_A                                = 0x10
-	BPF_ABS                              = 0x20
-	BPF_ADD                              = 0x0
-	BPF_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L2_MASK           = 0xff
-	BPF_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L2_SHIFT          = 0x38
-	BPF_ALU                              = 0x4
-	BPF_ALU64                            = 0x7
-	BPF_AND                              = 0x50
-	BPF_ANY                              = 0x0
-	BPF_ARSH                             = 0xc0
-	BPF_B                                = 0x10
-	BPF_BUILD_ID_SIZE                    = 0x14
-	BPF_CALL                             = 0x80
-	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_MKNOD                  = 0x1
-	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_READ                   = 0x2
-	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_WRITE                  = 0x4
-	BPF_DEVCG_DEV_BLOCK                  = 0x1
-	BPF_DEVCG_DEV_CHAR                   = 0x2
-	BPF_DIV                              = 0x30
-	BPF_DW                               = 0x18
-	BPF_END                              = 0xd0
-	BPF_EXIST                            = 0x2
-	BPF_EXIT                             = 0x90
-	BPF_FROM_BE                          = 0x8
-	BPF_FROM_LE                          = 0x0
-	BPF_FS_MAGIC                         = 0xcafe4a11
-	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L3_IPV4         = 0x2
-	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L3_IPV6         = 0x4
-	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L4_GRE          = 0x8
-	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L4_UDP          = 0x10
-	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_FIXED_GSO             = 0x1
-	BPF_F_ALLOW_MULTI                    = 0x2
-	BPF_F_ALLOW_OVERRIDE                 = 0x1
-	BPF_F_ANY_ALIGNMENT                  = 0x2
-	BPF_F_CTXLEN_MASK                    = 0xfffff00000000
-	BPF_F_CURRENT_CPU                    = 0xffffffff
-	BPF_F_CURRENT_NETNS                  = -0x1
-	BPF_F_DONT_FRAGMENT                  = 0x4
-	BPF_F_FAST_STACK_CMP                 = 0x200
-	BPF_F_HDR_FIELD_MASK                 = 0xf
-	BPF_F_INDEX_MASK                     = 0xffffffff
-	BPF_F_INGRESS                        = 0x1
-	BPF_F_INVALIDATE_HASH                = 0x2
-	BPF_F_LOCK                           = 0x4
-	BPF_F_MARK_ENFORCE                   = 0x40
-	BPF_F_MARK_MANGLED_0                 = 0x20
-	BPF_F_NO_COMMON_LRU                  = 0x2
-	BPF_F_NO_PREALLOC                    = 0x1
-	BPF_F_NUMA_NODE                      = 0x4
-	BPF_F_PSEUDO_HDR                     = 0x10
-	BPF_F_QUERY_EFFECTIVE                = 0x1
-	BPF_F_RDONLY                         = 0x8
-	BPF_F_RDONLY_PROG                    = 0x80
-	BPF_F_RECOMPUTE_CSUM                 = 0x1
-	BPF_F_REUSE_STACKID                  = 0x400
-	BPF_F_SEQ_NUMBER                     = 0x8
-	BPF_F_SKIP_FIELD_MASK                = 0xff
-	BPF_F_STACK_BUILD_ID                 = 0x20
-	BPF_F_STRICT_ALIGNMENT               = 0x1
-	BPF_F_SYSCTL_BASE_NAME               = 0x1
-	BPF_F_TUNINFO_IPV6                   = 0x1
-	BPF_F_USER_BUILD_ID                  = 0x800
-	BPF_F_USER_STACK                     = 0x100
-	BPF_F_WRONLY                         = 0x10
-	BPF_F_WRONLY_PROG                    = 0x100
-	BPF_F_ZERO_CSUM_TX                   = 0x2
-	BPF_F_ZERO_SEED                      = 0x40
-	BPF_H                                = 0x8
-	BPF_IMM                              = 0x0
-	BPF_IND                              = 0x40
-	BPF_JA                               = 0x0
-	BPF_JEQ                              = 0x10
-	BPF_JGE                              = 0x30
-	BPF_JGT                              = 0x20
-	BPF_JLE                              = 0xb0
-	BPF_JLT                              = 0xa0
-	BPF_JMP                              = 0x5
-	BPF_JMP32                            = 0x6
-	BPF_JNE                              = 0x50
-	BPF_JSET                             = 0x40
-	BPF_JSGE                             = 0x70
-	BPF_JSGT                             = 0x60
-	BPF_JSLE                             = 0xd0
-	BPF_JSLT                             = 0xc0
-	BPF_K                                = 0x0
-	BPF_LD                               = 0x0
-	BPF_LDX                              = 0x1
-	BPF_LEN                              = 0x80
-	BPF_LL_OFF                           = -0x200000
-	BPF_LSH                              = 0x60
-	BPF_MAJOR_VERSION                    = 0x1
-	BPF_MAXINSNS                         = 0x1000
-	BPF_MEM                              = 0x60
-	BPF_MEMWORDS                         = 0x10
-	BPF_MINOR_VERSION                    = 0x1
-	BPF_MISC                             = 0x7
-	BPF_MOD                              = 0x90
-	BPF_MOV                              = 0xb0
-	BPF_MSH                              = 0xa0
-	BPF_MUL                              = 0x20
-	BPF_NEG                              = 0x80
-	BPF_NET_OFF                          = -0x100000
-	BPF_NOEXIST                          = 0x1
-	BPF_OBJ_NAME_LEN                     = 0x10
-	BPF_OR                               = 0x40
-	BPF_PSEUDO_CALL                      = 0x1
-	BPF_PSEUDO_MAP_FD                    = 0x1
-	BPF_PSEUDO_MAP_VALUE                 = 0x2
-	BPF_RET                              = 0x6
-	BPF_RSH                              = 0x70
-	BPF_SK_STORAGE_GET_F_CREATE          = 0x1
-	BPF_SOCK_OPS_ALL_CB_FLAGS            = 0x7
-	BPF_SOCK_OPS_RTO_CB_FLAG             = 0x1
-	BPF_SOCK_OPS_STATE_CB_FLAG           = 0x4
-	BPF_ST                               = 0x2
-	BPF_STX                              = 0x3
-	BPF_SUB                              = 0x10
-	BPF_TAG_SIZE                         = 0x8
-	BPF_TAX                              = 0x0
-	BPF_TO_BE                            = 0x8
-	BPF_TO_LE                            = 0x0
-	BPF_TXA                              = 0x80
-	BPF_W                                = 0x0
-	BPF_X                                = 0x8
-	BPF_XADD                             = 0xc0
-	BPF_XOR                              = 0xa0
-	BRKINT                               = 0x2
-	BS0                                  = 0x0
-	BS1                                  = 0x2000
-	BSDLY                                = 0x2000
-	BTRFS_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x9123683e
-	BTRFS_TEST_MAGIC                     = 0x73727279
-	CAN_BCM                              = 0x2
-	CAN_EFF_FLAG                         = 0x80000000
-	CAN_EFF_ID_BITS                      = 0x1d
-	CAN_EFF_MASK                         = 0x1fffffff
-	CAN_ERR_FLAG                         = 0x20000000
-	CAN_ERR_MASK                         = 0x1fffffff
-	CAN_INV_FILTER                       = 0x20000000
-	CAN_ISOTP                            = 0x6
-	CAN_MAX_DLC                          = 0x8
-	CAN_MAX_DLEN                         = 0x8
-	CAN_MCNET                            = 0x5
-	CAN_MTU                              = 0x10
-	CAN_NPROTO                           = 0x7
-	CAN_RAW                              = 0x1
-	CAN_RAW_FILTER_MAX                   = 0x200
-	CAN_RTR_FLAG                         = 0x40000000
-	CAN_SFF_ID_BITS                      = 0xb
-	CAN_SFF_MASK                         = 0x7ff
-	CAN_TP16                             = 0x3
-	CAN_TP20                             = 0x4
-	CAP_AUDIT_CONTROL                    = 0x1e
-	CAP_AUDIT_READ                       = 0x25
-	CAP_AUDIT_WRITE                      = 0x1d
-	CAP_BLOCK_SUSPEND                    = 0x24
-	CAP_CHOWN                            = 0x0
-	CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE                     = 0x1
-	CAP_DAC_READ_SEARCH                  = 0x2
-	CAP_FOWNER                           = 0x3
-	CAP_FSETID                           = 0x4
-	CAP_IPC_LOCK                         = 0xe
-	CAP_IPC_OWNER                        = 0xf
-	CAP_KILL                             = 0x5
-	CAP_LAST_CAP                         = 0x25
-	CAP_LEASE                            = 0x1c
-	CAP_LINUX_IMMUTABLE                  = 0x9
-	CAP_MAC_ADMIN                        = 0x21
-	CAP_MAC_OVERRIDE                     = 0x20
-	CAP_MKNOD                            = 0x1b
-	CAP_NET_ADMIN                        = 0xc
-	CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE                 = 0xa
-	CAP_NET_BROADCAST                    = 0xb
-	CAP_NET_RAW                          = 0xd
-	CAP_SETFCAP                          = 0x1f
-	CAP_SETGID                           = 0x6
-	CAP_SETPCAP                          = 0x8
-	CAP_SETUID                           = 0x7
-	CAP_SYSLOG                           = 0x22
-	CAP_SYS_ADMIN                        = 0x15
-	CAP_SYS_BOOT                         = 0x16
-	CAP_SYS_CHROOT                       = 0x12
-	CAP_SYS_MODULE                       = 0x10
-	CAP_SYS_NICE                         = 0x17
-	CAP_SYS_PACCT                        = 0x14
-	CAP_SYS_PTRACE                       = 0x13
-	CAP_SYS_RAWIO                        = 0x11
-	CAP_SYS_RESOURCE                     = 0x18
-	CAP_SYS_TIME                         = 0x19
-	CAP_SYS_TTY_CONFIG                   = 0x1a
-	CAP_WAKE_ALARM                       = 0x23
-	CBAUD                                = 0x100f
-	CBAUDEX                              = 0x1000
-	CFLUSH                               = 0xf
-	CGROUP2_SUPER_MAGIC                  = 0x63677270
-	CGROUP_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0x27e0eb
-	CIBAUD                               = 0x100f0000
-	CLOCAL                               = 0x800
-	CLOCK_BOOTTIME                       = 0x7
-	CLOCK_BOOTTIME_ALARM                 = 0x9
-	CLOCK_DEFAULT                        = 0x0
-	CLOCK_EXT                            = 0x1
-	CLOCK_INT                            = 0x2
-	CLOCK_MONOTONIC                      = 0x1
-	CLOCK_MONOTONIC_COARSE               = 0x6
-	CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW                  = 0x4
-	CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID             = 0x2
-	CLOCK_REALTIME                       = 0x0
-	CLOCK_REALTIME_ALARM                 = 0x8
-	CLOCK_REALTIME_COARSE                = 0x5
-	CLOCK_TAI                            = 0xb
-	CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID              = 0x3
-	CLOCK_TXFROMRX                       = 0x4
-	CLOCK_TXINT                          = 0x3
-	CLONE_CHILD_CLEARTID                 = 0x200000
-	CLONE_CHILD_SETTID                   = 0x1000000
-	CLONE_DETACHED                       = 0x400000
-	CLONE_FILES                          = 0x400
-	CLONE_FS                             = 0x200
-	CLONE_IO                             = 0x80000000
-	CLONE_NEWCGROUP                      = 0x2000000
-	CLONE_NEWIPC                         = 0x8000000
-	CLONE_NEWNET                         = 0x40000000
-	CLONE_NEWNS                          = 0x20000
-	CLONE_NEWPID                         = 0x20000000
-	CLONE_NEWUSER                        = 0x10000000
-	CLONE_NEWUTS                         = 0x4000000
-	CLONE_PARENT                         = 0x8000
-	CLONE_PARENT_SETTID                  = 0x100000
-	CLONE_PIDFD                          = 0x1000
-	CLONE_PTRACE                         = 0x2000
-	CLONE_SETTLS                         = 0x80000
-	CLONE_SIGHAND                        = 0x800
-	CLONE_SYSVSEM                        = 0x40000
-	CLONE_THREAD                         = 0x10000
-	CLONE_UNTRACED                       = 0x800000
-	CLONE_VFORK                          = 0x4000
-	CLONE_VM                             = 0x100
-	CMSPAR                               = 0x40000000
-	CODA_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0x73757245
-	CR0                                  = 0x0
-	CR1                                  = 0x200
-	CR2                                  = 0x400
-	CR3                                  = 0x600
-	CRAMFS_MAGIC                         = 0x28cd3d45
-	CRDLY                                = 0x600
-	CREAD                                = 0x80
-	CRTSCTS                              = 0x80000000
-	CRYPTO_MAX_NAME                      = 0x40
-	CRYPTO_MSG_MAX                       = 0x15
-	CRYPTO_NR_MSGTYPES                   = 0x6
-	CRYPTO_REPORT_MAXSIZE                = 0x160
-	CS5                                  = 0x0
-	CS6                                  = 0x10
-	CS7                                  = 0x20
-	CS8                                  = 0x30
-	CSIGNAL                              = 0xff
-	CSIZE                                = 0x30
-	CSTART                               = 0x11
-	CSTATUS                              = 0x0
-	CSTOP                                = 0x13
-	CSTOPB                               = 0x40
-	CSUSP                                = 0x1a
-	DAXFS_MAGIC                          = 0x64646178
-	DEBUGFS_MAGIC                        = 0x64626720
-	DEVPTS_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0x1cd1
-	DT_BLK                               = 0x6
-	DT_CHR                               = 0x2
-	DT_DIR                               = 0x4
-	DT_FIFO                              = 0x1
-	DT_LNK                               = 0xa
-	DT_REG                               = 0x8
-	DT_SOCK                              = 0xc
-	DT_UNKNOWN                           = 0x0
-	DT_WHT                               = 0xe
-	ECHO                                 = 0x8
-	ECHOCTL                              = 0x200
-	ECHOE                                = 0x10
-	ECHOK                                = 0x20
-	ECHOKE                               = 0x800
-	ECHONL                               = 0x40
-	ECHOPRT                              = 0x400
-	ECRYPTFS_SUPER_MAGIC                 = 0xf15f
-	EFD_CLOEXEC                          = 0x80000
-	EFD_NONBLOCK                         = 0x80
-	EFD_SEMAPHORE                        = 0x1
-	EFIVARFS_MAGIC                       = 0xde5e81e4
-	EFS_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x414a53
-	ENCODING_DEFAULT                     = 0x0
-	ENCODING_FM_MARK                     = 0x3
-	ENCODING_FM_SPACE                    = 0x4
-	ENCODING_MANCHESTER                  = 0x5
-	ENCODING_NRZ                         = 0x1
-	ENCODING_NRZI                        = 0x2
-	EPOLLERR                             = 0x8
-	EPOLLET                              = 0x80000000
-	EPOLLEXCLUSIVE                       = 0x10000000
-	EPOLLHUP                             = 0x10
-	EPOLLIN                              = 0x1
-	EPOLLMSG                             = 0x400
-	EPOLLONESHOT                         = 0x40000000
-	EPOLLOUT                             = 0x4
-	EPOLLPRI                             = 0x2
-	EPOLLRDBAND                          = 0x80
-	EPOLLRDHUP                           = 0x2000
-	EPOLLRDNORM                          = 0x40
-	EPOLLWAKEUP                          = 0x20000000
-	EPOLLWRBAND                          = 0x200
-	EPOLLWRNORM                          = 0x100
-	EPOLL_CLOEXEC                        = 0x80000
-	EPOLL_CTL_ADD                        = 0x1
-	EPOLL_CTL_DEL                        = 0x2
-	EPOLL_CTL_MOD                        = 0x3
-	ETH_P_1588                           = 0x88f7
-	ETH_P_8021AD                         = 0x88a8
-	ETH_P_8021AH                         = 0x88e7
-	ETH_P_8021Q                          = 0x8100
-	ETH_P_80221                          = 0x8917
-	ETH_P_802_2                          = 0x4
-	ETH_P_802_3                          = 0x1
-	ETH_P_802_3_MIN                      = 0x600
-	ETH_P_802_EX1                        = 0x88b5
-	ETH_P_AARP                           = 0x80f3
-	ETH_P_AF_IUCV                        = 0xfbfb
-	ETH_P_ALL                            = 0x3
-	ETH_P_AOE                            = 0x88a2
-	ETH_P_ARCNET                         = 0x1a
-	ETH_P_ARP                            = 0x806
-	ETH_P_ATALK                          = 0x809b
-	ETH_P_ATMFATE                        = 0x8884
-	ETH_P_ATMMPOA                        = 0x884c
-	ETH_P_AX25                           = 0x2
-	ETH_P_BATMAN                         = 0x4305
-	ETH_P_BPQ                            = 0x8ff
-	ETH_P_CAIF                           = 0xf7
-	ETH_P_CAN                            = 0xc
-	ETH_P_CANFD                          = 0xd
-	ETH_P_CONTROL                        = 0x16
-	ETH_P_CUST                           = 0x6006
-	ETH_P_DDCMP                          = 0x6
-	ETH_P_DEC                            = 0x6000
-	ETH_P_DIAG                           = 0x6005
-	ETH_P_DNA_DL                         = 0x6001
-	ETH_P_DNA_RC                         = 0x6002
-	ETH_P_DNA_RT                         = 0x6003
-	ETH_P_DSA                            = 0x1b
-	ETH_P_DSA_8021Q                      = 0xdadb
-	ETH_P_ECONET                         = 0x18
-	ETH_P_EDSA                           = 0xdada
-	ETH_P_ERSPAN                         = 0x88be
-	ETH_P_ERSPAN2                        = 0x22eb
-	ETH_P_FCOE                           = 0x8906
-	ETH_P_FIP                            = 0x8914
-	ETH_P_HDLC                           = 0x19
-	ETH_P_HSR                            = 0x892f
-	ETH_P_IBOE                           = 0x8915
-	ETH_P_IEEE802154                     = 0xf6
-	ETH_P_IEEEPUP                        = 0xa00
-	ETH_P_IEEEPUPAT                      = 0xa01
-	ETH_P_IFE                            = 0xed3e
-	ETH_P_IP                             = 0x800
-	ETH_P_IPV6                           = 0x86dd
-	ETH_P_IPX                            = 0x8137
-	ETH_P_IRDA                           = 0x17
-	ETH_P_LAT                            = 0x6004
-	ETH_P_LINK_CTL                       = 0x886c
-	ETH_P_LOCALTALK                      = 0x9
-	ETH_P_LOOP                           = 0x60
-	ETH_P_LOOPBACK                       = 0x9000
-	ETH_P_MACSEC                         = 0x88e5
-	ETH_P_MAP                            = 0xf9
-	ETH_P_MOBITEX                        = 0x15
-	ETH_P_MPLS_MC                        = 0x8848
-	ETH_P_MPLS_UC                        = 0x8847
-	ETH_P_MVRP                           = 0x88f5
-	ETH_P_NCSI                           = 0x88f8
-	ETH_P_NSH                            = 0x894f
-	ETH_P_PAE                            = 0x888e
-	ETH_P_PAUSE                          = 0x8808
-	ETH_P_PHONET                         = 0xf5
-	ETH_P_PPPTALK                        = 0x10
-	ETH_P_PPP_DISC                       = 0x8863
-	ETH_P_PPP_MP                         = 0x8
-	ETH_P_PPP_SES                        = 0x8864
-	ETH_P_PREAUTH                        = 0x88c7
-	ETH_P_PRP                            = 0x88fb
-	ETH_P_PUP                            = 0x200
-	ETH_P_PUPAT                          = 0x201
-	ETH_P_QINQ1                          = 0x9100
-	ETH_P_QINQ2                          = 0x9200
-	ETH_P_QINQ3                          = 0x9300
-	ETH_P_RARP                           = 0x8035
-	ETH_P_SCA                            = 0x6007
-	ETH_P_SLOW                           = 0x8809
-	ETH_P_SNAP                           = 0x5
-	ETH_P_TDLS                           = 0x890d
-	ETH_P_TEB                            = 0x6558
-	ETH_P_TIPC                           = 0x88ca
-	ETH_P_TRAILER                        = 0x1c
-	ETH_P_TR_802_2                       = 0x11
-	ETH_P_TSN                            = 0x22f0
-	ETH_P_WAN_PPP                        = 0x7
-	ETH_P_WCCP                           = 0x883e
-	ETH_P_X25                            = 0x805
-	ETH_P_XDSA                           = 0xf8
-	EXABYTE_ENABLE_NEST                  = 0xf0
-	EXT2_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xef53
-	EXT3_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xef53
-	EXT4_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xef53
-	EXTA                                 = 0xe
-	EXTB                                 = 0xf
-	EXTPROC                              = 0x10000
-	F2FS_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xf2f52010
-	FALLOC_FL_COLLAPSE_RANGE             = 0x8
-	FALLOC_FL_INSERT_RANGE               = 0x20
-	FALLOC_FL_KEEP_SIZE                  = 0x1
-	FALLOC_FL_NO_HIDE_STALE              = 0x4
-	FALLOC_FL_PUNCH_HOLE                 = 0x2
-	FALLOC_FL_UNSHARE_RANGE              = 0x40
-	FALLOC_FL_ZERO_RANGE                 = 0x10
-	FAN_ACCESS                           = 0x1
-	FAN_ACCESS_PERM                      = 0x20000
-	FAN_ALLOW                            = 0x1
-	FAN_ALL_CLASS_BITS                   = 0xc
-	FAN_ALL_EVENTS                       = 0x3b
-	FAN_ALL_INIT_FLAGS                   = 0x3f
-	FAN_ALL_MARK_FLAGS                   = 0xff
-	FAN_ALL_OUTGOING_EVENTS              = 0x3403b
-	FAN_ALL_PERM_EVENTS                  = 0x30000
-	FAN_ATTRIB                           = 0x4
-	FAN_AUDIT                            = 0x10
-	FAN_CLASS_CONTENT                    = 0x4
-	FAN_CLASS_NOTIF                      = 0x0
-	FAN_CLASS_PRE_CONTENT                = 0x8
-	FAN_CLOEXEC                          = 0x1
-	FAN_CLOSE                            = 0x18
-	FAN_CLOSE_NOWRITE                    = 0x10
-	FAN_CLOSE_WRITE                      = 0x8
-	FAN_CREATE                           = 0x100
-	FAN_DELETE                           = 0x200
-	FAN_DELETE_SELF                      = 0x400
-	FAN_DENY                             = 0x2
-	FAN_ENABLE_AUDIT                     = 0x40
-	FAN_EVENT_INFO_TYPE_FID              = 0x1
-	FAN_EVENT_METADATA_LEN               = 0x18
-	FAN_EVENT_ON_CHILD                   = 0x8000000
-	FAN_MARK_ADD                         = 0x1
-	FAN_MARK_DONT_FOLLOW                 = 0x4
-	FAN_MARK_FILESYSTEM                  = 0x100
-	FAN_MARK_FLUSH                       = 0x80
-	FAN_MARK_IGNORED_MASK                = 0x20
-	FAN_MARK_INODE                       = 0x0
-	FAN_MARK_MOUNT                       = 0x10
-	FAN_MARK_ONLYDIR                     = 0x8
-	FAN_MARK_REMOVE                      = 0x2
-	FAN_MODIFY                           = 0x2
-	FAN_MOVE                             = 0xc0
-	FAN_MOVED_FROM                       = 0x40
-	FAN_MOVED_TO                         = 0x80
-	FAN_MOVE_SELF                        = 0x800
-	FAN_NOFD                             = -0x1
-	FAN_NONBLOCK                         = 0x2
-	FAN_ONDIR                            = 0x40000000
-	FAN_OPEN                             = 0x20
-	FAN_OPEN_EXEC                        = 0x1000
-	FAN_OPEN_EXEC_PERM                   = 0x40000
-	FAN_OPEN_PERM                        = 0x10000
-	FAN_Q_OVERFLOW                       = 0x4000
-	FAN_REPORT_FID                       = 0x200
-	FAN_REPORT_TID                       = 0x100
-	FAN_UNLIMITED_MARKS                  = 0x20
-	FAN_UNLIMITED_QUEUE                  = 0x10
-	FD_CLOEXEC                           = 0x1
-	FD_SETSIZE                           = 0x400
-	FF0                                  = 0x0
-	FF1                                  = 0x8000
-	FFDLY                                = 0x8000
-	FLUSHO                               = 0x2000
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_128_CBC       = 0x5
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_128_CTS       = 0x6
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_CBC       = 0x3
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_CTS       = 0x4
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_GCM       = 0x2
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_XTS       = 0x1
-	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY         = 0x800c6615
-	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_PWSALT         = 0x80106614
-	FS_IOC_SET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY         = 0x400c6613
-	FS_KEY_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE               = 0x8
-	FS_KEY_DESC_PREFIX                   = "fscrypt:"
-	FS_KEY_DESC_PREFIX_SIZE              = 0x8
-	FS_MAX_KEY_SIZE                      = 0x40
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_16               = 0x2
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_32               = 0x3
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_4                = 0x0
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_8                = 0x1
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_MASK             = 0x3
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_VALID                = 0x7
-	FUTEXFS_SUPER_MAGIC                  = 0xbad1dea
-	F_ADD_SEALS                          = 0x409
-	F_DUPFD                              = 0x0
-	F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC                      = 0x406
-	F_EXLCK                              = 0x4
-	F_GETFD                              = 0x1
-	F_GETFL                              = 0x3
-	F_GETLEASE                           = 0x401
-	F_GETLK                              = 0xe
-	F_GETLK64                            = 0xe
-	F_GETOWN                             = 0x17
-	F_GETOWN_EX                          = 0x10
-	F_GETPIPE_SZ                         = 0x408
-	F_GETSIG                             = 0xb
-	F_GET_FILE_RW_HINT                   = 0x40d
-	F_GET_RW_HINT                        = 0x40b
-	F_GET_SEALS                          = 0x40a
-	F_LOCK                               = 0x1
-	F_NOTIFY                             = 0x402
-	F_OFD_GETLK                          = 0x24
-	F_OFD_SETLK                          = 0x25
-	F_OFD_SETLKW                         = 0x26
-	F_OK                                 = 0x0
-	F_RDLCK                              = 0x0
-	F_SEAL_FUTURE_WRITE                  = 0x10
-	F_SEAL_GROW                          = 0x4
-	F_SEAL_SEAL                          = 0x1
-	F_SEAL_SHRINK                        = 0x2
-	F_SEAL_WRITE                         = 0x8
-	F_SETFD                              = 0x2
-	F_SETFL                              = 0x4
-	F_SETLEASE                           = 0x400
-	F_SETLK                              = 0x6
-	F_SETLK64                            = 0x6
-	F_SETLKW                             = 0x7
-	F_SETLKW64                           = 0x7
-	F_SETOWN                             = 0x18
-	F_SETOWN_EX                          = 0xf
-	F_SETPIPE_SZ                         = 0x407
-	F_SETSIG                             = 0xa
-	F_SET_FILE_RW_HINT                   = 0x40e
-	F_SET_RW_HINT                        = 0x40c
-	F_SHLCK                              = 0x8
-	F_TEST                               = 0x3
-	F_TLOCK                              = 0x2
-	F_ULOCK                              = 0x0
-	F_UNLCK                              = 0x2
-	F_WRLCK                              = 0x1
-	GENL_ADMIN_PERM                      = 0x1
-	GENL_CMD_CAP_DO                      = 0x2
-	GENL_CMD_CAP_DUMP                    = 0x4
-	GENL_CMD_CAP_HASPOL                  = 0x8
-	GENL_HDRLEN                          = 0x4
-	GENL_ID_CTRL                         = 0x10
-	GENL_ID_PMCRAID                      = 0x12
-	GENL_ID_VFS_DQUOT                    = 0x11
-	GENL_MAX_ID                          = 0x3ff
-	GENL_MIN_ID                          = 0x10
-	GENL_NAMSIZ                          = 0x10
-	GENL_START_ALLOC                     = 0x13
-	GENL_UNS_ADMIN_PERM                  = 0x10
-	GRND_NONBLOCK                        = 0x1
-	GRND_RANDOM                          = 0x2
-	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD                       = 0x31f
-	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD_AEB                   = 0x31e
-	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD_HDR_SIZE              = 0x4
-	HDIO_DRIVE_HOB_HDR_SIZE              = 0x8
-	HDIO_DRIVE_RESET                     = 0x31c
-	HDIO_DRIVE_TASK                      = 0x31e
-	HDIO_DRIVE_TASKFILE                  = 0x31d
-	HDIO_DRIVE_TASK_HDR_SIZE             = 0x8
-	HDIO_GETGEO                          = 0x301
-	HDIO_GET_32BIT                       = 0x309
-	HDIO_GET_ACOUSTIC                    = 0x30f
-	HDIO_GET_ADDRESS                     = 0x310
-	HDIO_GET_BUSSTATE                    = 0x31a
-	HDIO_GET_DMA                         = 0x30b
-	HDIO_GET_IDENTITY                    = 0x30d
-	HDIO_GET_KEEPSETTINGS                = 0x308
-	HDIO_GET_MULTCOUNT                   = 0x304
-	HDIO_GET_NICE                        = 0x30c
-	HDIO_GET_NOWERR                      = 0x30a
-	HDIO_GET_QDMA                        = 0x305
-	HDIO_GET_UNMASKINTR                  = 0x302
-	HDIO_GET_WCACHE                      = 0x30e
-	HDIO_OBSOLETE_IDENTITY               = 0x307
-	HDIO_SCAN_HWIF                       = 0x328
-	HDIO_SET_32BIT                       = 0x324
-	HDIO_SET_ACOUSTIC                    = 0x32c
-	HDIO_SET_ADDRESS                     = 0x32f
-	HDIO_SET_BUSSTATE                    = 0x32d
-	HDIO_SET_DMA                         = 0x326
-	HDIO_SET_KEEPSETTINGS                = 0x323
-	HDIO_SET_MULTCOUNT                   = 0x321
-	HDIO_SET_NICE                        = 0x329
-	HDIO_SET_NOWERR                      = 0x325
-	HDIO_SET_PIO_MODE                    = 0x327
-	HDIO_SET_QDMA                        = 0x32e
-	HDIO_SET_UNMASKINTR                  = 0x322
-	HDIO_SET_WCACHE                      = 0x32b
-	HDIO_SET_XFER                        = 0x306
-	HDIO_TRISTATE_HWIF                   = 0x31b
-	HDIO_UNREGISTER_HWIF                 = 0x32a
-	HOSTFS_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0xc0ffee
-	HPFS_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xf995e849
-	HUGETLBFS_MAGIC                      = 0x958458f6
-	HUPCL                                = 0x400
-	IBSHIFT                              = 0x10
-	ICANON                               = 0x2
-	ICMPV6_FILTER                        = 0x1
-	ICRNL                                = 0x100
-	IEXTEN                               = 0x100
-	IFA_F_DADFAILED                      = 0x8
-	IFA_F_DEPRECATED                     = 0x20
-	IFA_F_HOMEADDRESS                    = 0x10
-	IFA_F_MANAGETEMPADDR                 = 0x100
-	IFA_F_MCAUTOJOIN                     = 0x400
-	IFA_F_NODAD                          = 0x2
-	IFA_F_NOPREFIXROUTE                  = 0x200
-	IFA_F_OPTIMISTIC                     = 0x4
-	IFA_F_PERMANENT                      = 0x80
-	IFA_F_SECONDARY                      = 0x1
-	IFA_F_STABLE_PRIVACY                 = 0x800
-	IFA_F_TEMPORARY                      = 0x1
-	IFA_F_TENTATIVE                      = 0x40
-	IFA_MAX                              = 0xa
-	IFF_ALLMULTI                         = 0x200
-	IFF_ATTACH_QUEUE                     = 0x200
-	IFF_AUTOMEDIA                        = 0x4000
-	IFF_BROADCAST                        = 0x2
-	IFF_DEBUG                            = 0x4
-	IFF_DETACH_QUEUE                     = 0x400
-	IFF_DORMANT                          = 0x20000
-	IFF_DYNAMIC                          = 0x8000
-	IFF_ECHO                             = 0x40000
-	IFF_LOOPBACK                         = 0x8
-	IFF_LOWER_UP                         = 0x10000
-	IFF_MASTER                           = 0x400
-	IFF_MULTICAST                        = 0x1000
-	IFF_MULTI_QUEUE                      = 0x100
-	IFF_NAPI                             = 0x10
-	IFF_NAPI_FRAGS                       = 0x20
-	IFF_NOARP                            = 0x80
-	IFF_NOFILTER                         = 0x1000
-	IFF_NOTRAILERS                       = 0x20
-	IFF_NO_PI                            = 0x1000
-	IFF_ONE_QUEUE                        = 0x2000
-	IFF_PERSIST                          = 0x800
-	IFF_POINTOPOINT                      = 0x10
-	IFF_PORTSEL                          = 0x2000
-	IFF_PROMISC                          = 0x100
-	IFF_RUNNING                          = 0x40
-	IFF_SLAVE                            = 0x800
-	IFF_TAP                              = 0x2
-	IFF_TUN                              = 0x1
-	IFF_TUN_EXCL                         = 0x8000
-	IFF_UP                               = 0x1
-	IFF_VNET_HDR                         = 0x4000
-	IFF_VOLATILE                         = 0x70c5a
-	IFNAMSIZ                             = 0x10
-	IGNBRK                               = 0x1
-	IGNCR                                = 0x80
-	IGNPAR                               = 0x4
-	IMAXBEL                              = 0x2000
-	INLCR                                = 0x40
-	INPCK                                = 0x10
-	IN_ACCESS                            = 0x1
-	IN_ALL_EVENTS                        = 0xfff
-	IN_ATTRIB                            = 0x4
-	IN_CLASSA_HOST                       = 0xffffff
-	IN_CLASSA_MAX                        = 0x80
-	IN_CLASSA_NET                        = 0xff000000
-	IN_CLASSA_NSHIFT                     = 0x18
-	IN_CLASSB_HOST                       = 0xffff
-	IN_CLASSB_MAX                        = 0x10000
-	IN_CLASSB_NET                        = 0xffff0000
-	IN_CLASSB_NSHIFT                     = 0x10
-	IN_CLASSC_HOST                       = 0xff
-	IN_CLASSC_NET                        = 0xffffff00
-	IN_CLASSC_NSHIFT                     = 0x8
-	IN_CLOEXEC                           = 0x80000
-	IN_CLOSE                             = 0x18
-	IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE                     = 0x10
-	IN_CLOSE_WRITE                       = 0x8
-	IN_CREATE                            = 0x100
-	IN_DELETE                            = 0x200
-	IN_DELETE_SELF                       = 0x400
-	IN_DONT_FOLLOW                       = 0x2000000
-	IN_EXCL_UNLINK                       = 0x4000000
-	IN_IGNORED                           = 0x8000
-	IN_ISDIR                             = 0x40000000
-	IN_LOOPBACKNET                       = 0x7f
-	IN_MASK_ADD                          = 0x20000000
-	IN_MASK_CREATE                       = 0x10000000
-	IN_MODIFY                            = 0x2
-	IN_MOVE                              = 0xc0
-	IN_MOVED_FROM                        = 0x40
-	IN_MOVED_TO                          = 0x80
-	IN_MOVE_SELF                         = 0x800
-	IN_NONBLOCK                          = 0x80
-	IN_ONESHOT                           = 0x80000000
-	IN_ONLYDIR                           = 0x1000000
-	IN_OPEN                              = 0x20
-	IN_Q_OVERFLOW                        = 0x4000
-	IN_UNMOUNT                           = 0x2000
-	IOCTL_VM_SOCKETS_GET_LOCAL_CID       = 0x200007b9
-	IPPROTO_AH                           = 0x33
-	IPPROTO_BEETPH                       = 0x5e
-	IPPROTO_COMP                         = 0x6c
-	IPPROTO_DCCP                         = 0x21
-	IPPROTO_DSTOPTS                      = 0x3c
-	IPPROTO_EGP                          = 0x8
-	IPPROTO_ENCAP                        = 0x62
-	IPPROTO_ESP                          = 0x32
-	IPPROTO_FRAGMENT                     = 0x2c
-	IPPROTO_GRE                          = 0x2f
-	IPPROTO_HOPOPTS                      = 0x0
-	IPPROTO_ICMP                         = 0x1
-	IPPROTO_ICMPV6                       = 0x3a
-	IPPROTO_IDP                          = 0x16
-	IPPROTO_IGMP                         = 0x2
-	IPPROTO_IP                           = 0x0
-	IPPROTO_IPIP                         = 0x4
-	IPPROTO_IPV6                         = 0x29
-	IPPROTO_MH                           = 0x87
-	IPPROTO_MPLS                         = 0x89
-	IPPROTO_MTP                          = 0x5c
-	IPPROTO_NONE                         = 0x3b
-	IPPROTO_PIM                          = 0x67
-	IPPROTO_PUP                          = 0xc
-	IPPROTO_RAW                          = 0xff
-	IPPROTO_ROUTING                      = 0x2b
-	IPPROTO_RSVP                         = 0x2e
-	IPPROTO_SCTP                         = 0x84
-	IPPROTO_TCP                          = 0x6
-	IPPROTO_TP                           = 0x1d
-	IPPROTO_UDP                          = 0x11
-	IPPROTO_UDPLITE                      = 0x88
-	IPV6_2292DSTOPTS                     = 0x4
-	IPV6_2292HOPLIMIT                    = 0x8
-	IPV6_2292HOPOPTS                     = 0x3
-	IPV6_2292PKTINFO                     = 0x2
-	IPV6_2292PKTOPTIONS                  = 0x6
-	IPV6_2292RTHDR                       = 0x5
-	IPV6_ADDRFORM                        = 0x1
-	IPV6_ADDR_PREFERENCES                = 0x48
-	IPV6_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                  = 0x14
-	IPV6_AUTHHDR                         = 0xa
-	IPV6_AUTOFLOWLABEL                   = 0x46
-	IPV6_CHECKSUM                        = 0x7
-	IPV6_DONTFRAG                        = 0x3e
-	IPV6_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                 = 0x15
-	IPV6_DSTOPTS                         = 0x3b
-	IPV6_FREEBIND                        = 0x4e
-	IPV6_HDRINCL                         = 0x24
-	IPV6_HOPLIMIT                        = 0x34
-	IPV6_HOPOPTS                         = 0x36
-	IPV6_IPSEC_POLICY                    = 0x22
-	IPV6_JOIN_ANYCAST                    = 0x1b
-	IPV6_JOIN_GROUP                      = 0x14
-	IPV6_LEAVE_ANYCAST                   = 0x1c
-	IPV6_LEAVE_GROUP                     = 0x15
-	IPV6_MINHOPCOUNT                     = 0x49
-	IPV6_MTU                             = 0x18
-	IPV6_MTU_DISCOVER                    = 0x17
-	IPV6_MULTICAST_ALL                   = 0x1d
-	IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS                  = 0x12
-	IPV6_MULTICAST_IF                    = 0x11
-	IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP                  = 0x13
-	IPV6_NEXTHOP                         = 0x9
-	IPV6_ORIGDSTADDR                     = 0x4a
-	IPV6_PATHMTU                         = 0x3d
-	IPV6_PKTINFO                         = 0x32
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_DO                     = 0x2
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_DONT                   = 0x0
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_INTERFACE              = 0x4
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_OMIT                   = 0x5
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_PROBE                  = 0x3
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_WANT                   = 0x1
-	IPV6_RECVDSTOPTS                     = 0x3a
-	IPV6_RECVERR                         = 0x19
-	IPV6_RECVFRAGSIZE                    = 0x4d
-	IPV6_RECVHOPLIMIT                    = 0x33
-	IPV6_RECVHOPOPTS                     = 0x35
-	IPV6_RECVORIGDSTADDR                 = 0x4a
-	IPV6_RECVPATHMTU                     = 0x3c
-	IPV6_RECVPKTINFO                     = 0x31
-	IPV6_RECVRTHDR                       = 0x38
-	IPV6_RECVTCLASS                      = 0x42
-	IPV6_ROUTER_ALERT                    = 0x16
-	IPV6_ROUTER_ALERT_ISOLATE            = 0x1e
-	IPV6_RTHDR                           = 0x39
-	IPV6_RTHDRDSTOPTS                    = 0x37
-	IPV6_RTHDR_LOOSE                     = 0x0
-	IPV6_RTHDR_STRICT                    = 0x1
-	IPV6_RTHDR_TYPE_0                    = 0x0
-	IPV6_RXDSTOPTS                       = 0x3b
-	IPV6_RXHOPOPTS                       = 0x36
-	IPV6_TCLASS                          = 0x43
-	IPV6_TRANSPARENT                     = 0x4b
-	IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS                    = 0x10
-	IPV6_UNICAST_IF                      = 0x4c
-	IPV6_V6ONLY                          = 0x1a
-	IPV6_XFRM_POLICY                     = 0x23
-	IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                    = 0x23
-	IP_ADD_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP             = 0x27
-	IP_BIND_ADDRESS_NO_PORT              = 0x18
-	IP_BLOCK_SOURCE                      = 0x26
-	IP_CHECKSUM                          = 0x17
-	IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_LOOP            = 0x1
-	IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_TTL             = 0x1
-	IP_DF                                = 0x4000
-	IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                   = 0x24
-	IP_DROP_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP            = 0x28
-	IP_FREEBIND                          = 0xf
-	IP_HDRINCL                           = 0x3
-	IP_IPSEC_POLICY                      = 0x10
-	IP_MAXPACKET                         = 0xffff
-	IP_MAX_MEMBERSHIPS                   = 0x14
-	IP_MF                                = 0x2000
-	IP_MINTTL                            = 0x15
-	IP_MSFILTER                          = 0x29
-	IP_MSS                               = 0x240
-	IP_MTU                               = 0xe
-	IP_MTU_DISCOVER                      = 0xa
-	IP_MULTICAST_ALL                     = 0x31
-	IP_MULTICAST_IF                      = 0x20
-	IP_MULTICAST_LOOP                    = 0x22
-	IP_MULTICAST_TTL                     = 0x21
-	IP_NODEFRAG                          = 0x16
-	IP_OFFMASK                           = 0x1fff
-	IP_OPTIONS                           = 0x4
-	IP_ORIGDSTADDR                       = 0x14
-	IP_PASSSEC                           = 0x12
-	IP_PKTINFO                           = 0x8
-	IP_PKTOPTIONS                        = 0x9
-	IP_PMTUDISC                          = 0xa
-	IP_PMTUDISC_DO                       = 0x2
-	IP_PMTUDISC_DONT                     = 0x0
-	IP_PMTUDISC_INTERFACE                = 0x4
-	IP_PMTUDISC_OMIT                     = 0x5
-	IP_PMTUDISC_PROBE                    = 0x3
-	IP_PMTUDISC_WANT                     = 0x1
-	IP_RECVERR                           = 0xb
-	IP_RECVFRAGSIZE                      = 0x19
-	IP_RECVOPTS                          = 0x6
-	IP_RECVORIGDSTADDR                   = 0x14
-	IP_RECVRETOPTS                       = 0x7
-	IP_RECVTOS                           = 0xd
-	IP_RECVTTL                           = 0xc
-	IP_RETOPTS                           = 0x7
-	IP_RF                                = 0x8000
-	IP_ROUTER_ALERT                      = 0x5
-	IP_TOS                               = 0x1
-	IP_TRANSPARENT                       = 0x13
-	IP_TTL                               = 0x2
-	IP_UNBLOCK_SOURCE                    = 0x25
-	IP_UNICAST_IF                        = 0x32
-	IP_XFRM_POLICY                       = 0x11
-	ISIG                                 = 0x1
-	ISOFS_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x9660
-	ISTRIP                               = 0x20
-	IUCLC                                = 0x200
-	IUTF8                                = 0x4000
-	IXANY                                = 0x800
-	IXOFF                                = 0x1000
-	IXON                                 = 0x400
-	JFFS2_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x72b6
-	KEXEC_ARCH_386                       = 0x30000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_68K                       = 0x40000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_AARCH64                   = 0xb70000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_ARM                       = 0x280000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_DEFAULT                   = 0x0
-	KEXEC_ARCH_IA_64                     = 0x320000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_MASK                      = 0xffff0000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_MIPS                      = 0x80000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_MIPS_LE                   = 0xa0000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_PPC                       = 0x140000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_PPC64                     = 0x150000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_S390                      = 0x160000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_SH                        = 0x2a0000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_X86_64                    = 0x3e0000
-	KEXEC_FILE_NO_INITRAMFS              = 0x4
-	KEXEC_FILE_ON_CRASH                  = 0x2
-	KEXEC_FILE_UNLOAD                    = 0x1
-	KEXEC_ON_CRASH                       = 0x1
-	KEXEC_PRESERVE_CONTEXT               = 0x2
-	KEXEC_SEGMENT_MAX                    = 0x10
-	KEYCTL_ASSUME_AUTHORITY              = 0x10
-	KEYCTL_CHOWN                         = 0x4
-	KEYCTL_CLEAR                         = 0x7
-	KEYCTL_DESCRIBE                      = 0x6
-	KEYCTL_DH_COMPUTE                    = 0x17
-	KEYCTL_GET_KEYRING_ID                = 0x0
-	KEYCTL_GET_PERSISTENT                = 0x16
-	KEYCTL_GET_SECURITY                  = 0x11
-	KEYCTL_INSTANTIATE                   = 0xc
-	KEYCTL_INSTANTIATE_IOV               = 0x14
-	KEYCTL_INVALIDATE                    = 0x15
-	KEYCTL_LINK                          = 0x8
-	KEYCTL_NEGATE                        = 0xd
-	KEYCTL_PKEY_DECRYPT                  = 0x1a
-	KEYCTL_PKEY_ENCRYPT                  = 0x19
-	KEYCTL_PKEY_QUERY                    = 0x18
-	KEYCTL_PKEY_SIGN                     = 0x1b
-	KEYCTL_PKEY_VERIFY                   = 0x1c
-	KEYCTL_READ                          = 0xb
-	KEYCTL_REJECT                        = 0x13
-	KEYCTL_RESTRICT_KEYRING              = 0x1d
-	KEYCTL_REVOKE                        = 0x3
-	KEYCTL_SEARCH                        = 0xa
-	KEYCTL_SESSION_TO_PARENT             = 0x12
-	KEYCTL_SETPERM                       = 0x5
-	KEYCTL_SET_REQKEY_KEYRING            = 0xe
-	KEYCTL_SET_TIMEOUT                   = 0xf
-	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_DECRYPT              = 0x2
-	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_ENCRYPT              = 0x1
-	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_SIGN                 = 0x4
-	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_VERIFY               = 0x8
-	KEYCTL_UNLINK                        = 0x9
-	KEYCTL_UPDATE                        = 0x2
-	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_DEFAULT              = 0x0
-	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_NO_CHANGE            = -0x1
-	KEY_SPEC_GROUP_KEYRING               = -0x6
-	KEY_SPEC_PROCESS_KEYRING             = -0x2
-	KEY_SPEC_REQKEY_AUTH_KEY             = -0x7
-	KEY_SPEC_SESSION_KEYRING             = -0x3
-	KEY_SPEC_THREAD_KEYRING              = -0x1
-	KEY_SPEC_USER_KEYRING                = -0x4
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_CAD_OFF             = 0x0
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_CAD_ON              = 0x89abcdef
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_HALT                = 0xcdef0123
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_KEXEC               = 0x45584543
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_POWER_OFF           = 0x4321fedc
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_RESTART             = 0x1234567
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_RESTART2            = 0xa1b2c3d4
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_SW_SUSPEND          = 0xd000fce2
-	LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC1                  = 0xfee1dead
-	LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC2                  = 0x28121969
-	LOCK_EX                              = 0x2
-	LOCK_NB                              = 0x4
-	LOCK_SH                              = 0x1
-	LOCK_UN                              = 0x8
-	LOOP_CLR_FD                          = 0x4c01
-	LOOP_CTL_ADD                         = 0x4c80
-	LOOP_CTL_GET_FREE                    = 0x4c82
-	LOOP_CTL_REMOVE                      = 0x4c81
-	LOOP_GET_STATUS                      = 0x4c03
-	LOOP_GET_STATUS64                    = 0x4c05
-	LOOP_SET_BLOCK_SIZE                  = 0x4c09
-	LOOP_SET_CAPACITY                    = 0x4c07
-	LOOP_SET_DIRECT_IO                   = 0x4c08
-	LOOP_SET_FD                          = 0x4c00
-	LOOP_SET_STATUS                      = 0x4c02
-	LOOP_SET_STATUS64                    = 0x4c04
-	LO_KEY_SIZE                          = 0x20
-	LO_NAME_SIZE                         = 0x40
-	MADV_DODUMP                          = 0x11
-	MADV_DOFORK                          = 0xb
-	MADV_DONTDUMP                        = 0x10
-	MADV_DONTFORK                        = 0xa
-	MADV_DONTNEED                        = 0x4
-	MADV_FREE                            = 0x8
-	MADV_HUGEPAGE                        = 0xe
-	MADV_HWPOISON                        = 0x64
-	MADV_KEEPONFORK                      = 0x13
-	MADV_MERGEABLE                       = 0xc
-	MADV_NOHUGEPAGE                      = 0xf
-	MADV_NORMAL                          = 0x0
-	MADV_RANDOM                          = 0x1
-	MADV_REMOVE                          = 0x9
-	MADV_SEQUENTIAL                      = 0x2
-	MADV_UNMERGEABLE                     = 0xd
-	MADV_WILLNEED                        = 0x3
-	MADV_WIPEONFORK                      = 0x12
-	MAP_ANON                             = 0x800
-	MAP_ANONYMOUS                        = 0x800
-	MAP_DENYWRITE                        = 0x2000
-	MAP_EXECUTABLE                       = 0x4000
-	MAP_FILE                             = 0x0
-	MAP_FIXED                            = 0x10
-	MAP_FIXED_NOREPLACE                  = 0x100000
-	MAP_GROWSDOWN                        = 0x1000
-	MAP_HUGETLB                          = 0x80000
-	MAP_HUGE_MASK                        = 0x3f
-	MAP_HUGE_SHIFT                       = 0x1a
-	MAP_LOCKED                           = 0x8000
-	MAP_NONBLOCK                         = 0x20000
-	MAP_NORESERVE                        = 0x400
-	MAP_POPULATE                         = 0x10000
-	MAP_PRIVATE                          = 0x2
-	MAP_RENAME                           = 0x800
-	MAP_SHARED                           = 0x1
-	MAP_SHARED_VALIDATE                  = 0x3
-	MAP_STACK                            = 0x40000
-	MAP_TYPE                             = 0xf
-	MCAST_BLOCK_SOURCE                   = 0x2b
-	MCAST_EXCLUDE                        = 0x0
-	MCAST_INCLUDE                        = 0x1
-	MCAST_JOIN_GROUP                     = 0x2a
-	MCAST_JOIN_SOURCE_GROUP              = 0x2e
-	MCAST_LEAVE_GROUP                    = 0x2d
-	MCAST_LEAVE_SOURCE_GROUP             = 0x2f
-	MCAST_MSFILTER                       = 0x30
-	MCAST_UNBLOCK_SOURCE                 = 0x2c
-	MCL_CURRENT                          = 0x1
-	MCL_FUTURE                           = 0x2
-	MCL_ONFAULT                          = 0x4
-	MFD_ALLOW_SEALING                    = 0x2
-	MFD_CLOEXEC                          = 0x1
-	MFD_HUGETLB                          = 0x4
-	MFD_HUGE_16GB                        = -0x78000000
-	MFD_HUGE_16MB                        = 0x60000000
-	MFD_HUGE_1GB                         = 0x78000000
-	MFD_HUGE_1MB                         = 0x50000000
-	MFD_HUGE_256MB                       = 0x70000000
-	MFD_HUGE_2GB                         = 0x7c000000
-	MFD_HUGE_2MB                         = 0x54000000
-	MFD_HUGE_32MB                        = 0x64000000
-	MFD_HUGE_512KB                       = 0x4c000000
-	MFD_HUGE_512MB                       = 0x74000000
-	MFD_HUGE_64KB                        = 0x40000000
-	MFD_HUGE_8MB                         = 0x5c000000
-	MFD_HUGE_MASK                        = 0x3f
-	MFD_HUGE_SHIFT                       = 0x1a
-	MINIX2_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0x2468
-	MINIX2_SUPER_MAGIC2                  = 0x2478
-	MINIX3_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0x4d5a
-	MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x137f
-	MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC2                   = 0x138f
-	MNT_DETACH                           = 0x2
-	MNT_EXPIRE                           = 0x4
-	MNT_FORCE                            = 0x1
-	MSDOS_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x4d44
-	MSG_BATCH                            = 0x40000
-	MSG_CMSG_CLOEXEC                     = 0x40000000
-	MSG_CONFIRM                          = 0x800
-	MSG_CTRUNC                           = 0x8
-	MSG_DONTROUTE                        = 0x4
-	MSG_DONTWAIT                         = 0x40
-	MSG_EOR                              = 0x80
-	MSG_ERRQUEUE                         = 0x2000
-	MSG_FASTOPEN                         = 0x20000000
-	MSG_FIN                              = 0x200
-	MSG_MORE                             = 0x8000
-	MSG_NOSIGNAL                         = 0x4000
-	MSG_OOB                              = 0x1
-	MSG_PEEK                             = 0x2
-	MSG_PROXY                            = 0x10
-	MSG_RST                              = 0x1000
-	MSG_SYN                              = 0x400
-	MSG_TRUNC                            = 0x20
-	MSG_TRYHARD                          = 0x4
-	MSG_WAITALL                          = 0x100
-	MSG_WAITFORONE                       = 0x10000
-	MSG_ZEROCOPY                         = 0x4000000
-	MS_ACTIVE                            = 0x40000000
-	MS_ASYNC                             = 0x1
-	MS_BIND                              = 0x1000
-	MS_BORN                              = 0x20000000
-	MS_DIRSYNC                           = 0x80
-	MS_INVALIDATE                        = 0x2
-	MS_I_VERSION                         = 0x800000
-	MS_KERNMOUNT                         = 0x400000
-	MS_LAZYTIME                          = 0x2000000
-	MS_MANDLOCK                          = 0x40
-	MS_MGC_MSK                           = 0xffff0000
-	MS_MGC_VAL                           = 0xc0ed0000
-	MS_MOVE                              = 0x2000
-	MS_NOATIME                           = 0x400
-	MS_NODEV                             = 0x4
-	MS_NODIRATIME                        = 0x800
-	MS_NOEXEC                            = 0x8
-	MS_NOREMOTELOCK                      = 0x8000000
-	MS_NOSEC                             = 0x10000000
-	MS_NOSUID                            = 0x2
-	MS_NOUSER                            = -0x80000000
-	MS_POSIXACL                          = 0x10000
-	MS_PRIVATE                           = 0x40000
-	MS_RDONLY                            = 0x1
-	MS_REC                               = 0x4000
-	MS_RELATIME                          = 0x200000
-	MS_REMOUNT                           = 0x20
-	MS_RMT_MASK                          = 0x2800051
-	MS_SHARED                            = 0x100000
-	MS_SILENT                            = 0x8000
-	MS_SLAVE                             = 0x80000
-	MS_STRICTATIME                       = 0x1000000
-	MS_SUBMOUNT                          = 0x4000000
-	MS_SYNC                              = 0x4
-	MS_SYNCHRONOUS                       = 0x10
-	MS_UNBINDABLE                        = 0x20000
-	MS_VERBOSE                           = 0x8000
-	MTD_INODE_FS_MAGIC                   = 0x11307854
-	NAME_MAX                             = 0xff
-	NCP_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x564c
-	NETLINK_ADD_MEMBERSHIP               = 0x1
-	NETLINK_AUDIT                        = 0x9
-	NETLINK_BROADCAST_ERROR              = 0x4
-	NETLINK_CAP_ACK                      = 0xa
-	NETLINK_CONNECTOR                    = 0xb
-	NETLINK_CRYPTO                       = 0x15
-	NETLINK_DNRTMSG                      = 0xe
-	NETLINK_DROP_MEMBERSHIP              = 0x2
-	NETLINK_ECRYPTFS                     = 0x13
-	NETLINK_EXT_ACK                      = 0xb
-	NETLINK_FIB_LOOKUP                   = 0xa
-	NETLINK_FIREWALL                     = 0x3
-	NETLINK_GENERIC                      = 0x10
-	NETLINK_GET_STRICT_CHK               = 0xc
-	NETLINK_INET_DIAG                    = 0x4
-	NETLINK_IP6_FW                       = 0xd
-	NETLINK_ISCSI                        = 0x8
-	NETLINK_KOBJECT_UEVENT               = 0xf
-	NETLINK_LISTEN_ALL_NSID              = 0x8
-	NETLINK_LIST_MEMBERSHIPS             = 0x9
-	NETLINK_NETFILTER                    = 0xc
-	NETLINK_NFLOG                        = 0x5
-	NETLINK_NO_ENOBUFS                   = 0x5
-	NETLINK_PKTINFO                      = 0x3
-	NETLINK_RDMA                         = 0x14
-	NETLINK_ROUTE                        = 0x0
-	NETLINK_RX_RING                      = 0x6
-	NETLINK_SCSITRANSPORT                = 0x12
-	NETLINK_SELINUX                      = 0x7
-	NETLINK_SMC                          = 0x16
-	NETLINK_SOCK_DIAG                    = 0x4
-	NETLINK_TX_RING                      = 0x7
-	NETLINK_UNUSED                       = 0x1
-	NETLINK_USERSOCK                     = 0x2
-	NETLINK_XFRM                         = 0x6
-	NETNSA_MAX                           = 0x5
-	NETNSA_NSID_NOT_ASSIGNED             = -0x1
-	NFNETLINK_V0                         = 0x0
-	NFNLGRP_ACCT_QUOTA                   = 0x8
-	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_EXP_NEW            = 0x4
-	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_NEW                = 0x1
-	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_UPDATE             = 0x2
-	NFNLGRP_MAX                          = 0x9
-	NFNLGRP_NFTABLES                     = 0x7
-	NFNLGRP_NFTRACE                      = 0x9
-	NFNLGRP_NONE                         = 0x0
-	NFNL_BATCH_MAX                       = 0x1
-	NFNL_MSG_BATCH_BEGIN                 = 0x10
-	NFNL_MSG_BATCH_END                   = 0x11
-	NFNL_NFA_NEST                        = 0x8000
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_ACCT                     = 0x7
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_COUNT                    = 0xc
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTHELPER                 = 0x9
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTNETLINK                = 0x1
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTNETLINK_EXP            = 0x2
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_IPSET                    = 0x6
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_NFTABLES                 = 0xa
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_NFT_COMPAT               = 0xb
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_NONE                     = 0x0
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_OSF                      = 0x5
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_QUEUE                    = 0x3
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_ULOG                     = 0x4
-	NFS_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x6969
-	NILFS_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x3434
-	NL0                                  = 0x0
-	NL1                                  = 0x100
-	NLA_ALIGNTO                          = 0x4
-	NLA_F_NESTED                         = 0x8000
-	NLA_F_NET_BYTEORDER                  = 0x4000
-	NLA_HDRLEN                           = 0x4
-	NLDLY                                = 0x100
-	NLMSG_ALIGNTO                        = 0x4
-	NLMSG_DONE                           = 0x3
-	NLMSG_ERROR                          = 0x2
-	NLMSG_HDRLEN                         = 0x10
-	NLMSG_MIN_TYPE                       = 0x10
-	NLMSG_NOOP                           = 0x1
-	NLMSG_OVERRUN                        = 0x4
-	NLM_F_ACK                            = 0x4
-	NLM_F_ACK_TLVS                       = 0x200
-	NLM_F_APPEND                         = 0x800
-	NLM_F_ATOMIC                         = 0x400
-	NLM_F_CAPPED                         = 0x100
-	NLM_F_CREATE                         = 0x400
-	NLM_F_DUMP                           = 0x300
-	NLM_F_DUMP_FILTERED                  = 0x20
-	NLM_F_DUMP_INTR                      = 0x10
-	NLM_F_ECHO                           = 0x8
-	NLM_F_EXCL                           = 0x200
-	NLM_F_MATCH                          = 0x200
-	NLM_F_MULTI                          = 0x2
-	NLM_F_NONREC                         = 0x100
-	NLM_F_REPLACE                        = 0x100
-	NLM_F_REQUEST                        = 0x1
-	NLM_F_ROOT                           = 0x100
-	NOFLSH                               = 0x80
-	NSFS_MAGIC                           = 0x6e736673
-	OCFS2_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x7461636f
-	OCRNL                                = 0x8
-	OFDEL                                = 0x80
-	OFILL                                = 0x40
-	OLCUC                                = 0x2
-	ONLCR                                = 0x4
-	ONLRET                               = 0x20
-	ONOCR                                = 0x10
-	OPENPROM_SUPER_MAGIC                 = 0x9fa1
-	OPOST                                = 0x1
-	OVERLAYFS_SUPER_MAGIC                = 0x794c7630
-	O_ACCMODE                            = 0x3
-	O_APPEND                             = 0x8
-	O_ASYNC                              = 0x1000
-	O_CLOEXEC                            = 0x80000
-	O_CREAT                              = 0x100
-	O_DIRECT                             = 0x8000
-	O_DIRECTORY                          = 0x10000
-	O_DSYNC                              = 0x10
-	O_EXCL                               = 0x400
-	O_FSYNC                              = 0x4010
-	O_LARGEFILE                          = 0x0
-	O_NDELAY                             = 0x80
-	O_NOATIME                            = 0x40000
-	O_NOCTTY                             = 0x800
-	O_NOFOLLOW                           = 0x20000
-	O_NONBLOCK                           = 0x80
-	O_PATH                               = 0x200000
-	O_RDONLY                             = 0x0
-	O_RDWR                               = 0x2
-	O_RSYNC                              = 0x4010
-	O_SYNC                               = 0x4010
-	O_TMPFILE                            = 0x410000
-	O_TRUNC                              = 0x200
-	O_WRONLY                             = 0x1
-	PACKET_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                = 0x1
-	PACKET_AUXDATA                       = 0x8
-	PACKET_BROADCAST                     = 0x1
-	PACKET_COPY_THRESH                   = 0x7
-	PACKET_DROP_MEMBERSHIP               = 0x2
-	PACKET_FANOUT                        = 0x12
-	PACKET_FANOUT_CBPF                   = 0x6
-	PACKET_FANOUT_CPU                    = 0x2
-	PACKET_FANOUT_DATA                   = 0x16
-	PACKET_FANOUT_EBPF                   = 0x7
-	PACKET_FANOUT_FLAG_DEFRAG            = 0x8000
-	PACKET_FANOUT_HASH                   = 0x0
-	PACKET_FANOUT_LB                     = 0x1
-	PACKET_FANOUT_QM                     = 0x5
-	PACKET_FANOUT_RND                    = 0x4
-	PACKET_FANOUT_ROLLOVER               = 0x3
-	PACKET_FASTROUTE                     = 0x6
-	PACKET_HDRLEN                        = 0xb
-	PACKET_HOST                          = 0x0
-	PACKET_IGNORE_OUTGOING               = 0x17
-	PACKET_KERNEL                        = 0x7
-	PACKET_LOOPBACK                      = 0x5
-	PACKET_LOSS                          = 0xe
-	PACKET_MR_ALLMULTI                   = 0x2
-	PACKET_MR_MULTICAST                  = 0x0
-	PACKET_MR_PROMISC                    = 0x1
-	PACKET_MR_UNICAST                    = 0x3
-	PACKET_MULTICAST                     = 0x2
-	PACKET_ORIGDEV                       = 0x9
-	PACKET_OTHERHOST                     = 0x3
-	PACKET_OUTGOING                      = 0x4
-	PACKET_QDISC_BYPASS                  = 0x14
-	PACKET_RECV_OUTPUT                   = 0x3
-	PACKET_RESERVE                       = 0xc
-	PACKET_ROLLOVER_STATS                = 0x15
-	PACKET_RX_RING                       = 0x5
-	PACKET_STATISTICS                    = 0x6
-	PACKET_TIMESTAMP                     = 0x11
-	PACKET_TX_HAS_OFF                    = 0x13
-	PACKET_TX_RING                       = 0xd
-	PACKET_TX_TIMESTAMP                  = 0x10
-	PACKET_USER                          = 0x6
-	PACKET_VERSION                       = 0xa
-	PACKET_VNET_HDR                      = 0xf
-	PARENB                               = 0x100
-	PARITY_CRC16_PR0                     = 0x2
-	PARITY_CRC16_PR0_CCITT               = 0x4
-	PARITY_CRC16_PR1                     = 0x3
-	PARITY_CRC16_PR1_CCITT               = 0x5
-	PARITY_CRC32_PR0_CCITT               = 0x6
-	PARITY_CRC32_PR1_CCITT               = 0x7
-	PARITY_DEFAULT                       = 0x0
-	PARITY_NONE                          = 0x1
-	PARMRK                               = 0x8
-	PARODD                               = 0x200
-	PENDIN                               = 0x4000
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_DISABLE               = 0x20002401
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_ENABLE                = 0x20002400
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_ID                    = 0x40082407
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_PAUSE_OUTPUT          = 0x80042409
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_PERIOD                = 0x80082404
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_QUERY_BPF             = 0xc008240a
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_REFRESH               = 0x20002402
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_RESET                 = 0x20002403
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_BPF               = 0x80042408
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_FILTER            = 0x80082406
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_OUTPUT            = 0x20002405
-	PIPEFS_MAGIC                         = 0x50495045
-	PPPIOCATTACH                         = 0x8004743d
-	PPPIOCATTCHAN                        = 0x80047438
-	PPPIOCCONNECT                        = 0x8004743a
-	PPPIOCDETACH                         = 0x8004743c
-	PPPIOCDISCONN                        = 0x20007439
-	PPPIOCGASYNCMAP                      = 0x40047458
-	PPPIOCGCHAN                          = 0x40047437
-	PPPIOCGDEBUG                         = 0x40047441
-	PPPIOCGFLAGS                         = 0x4004745a
-	PPPIOCGIDLE                          = 0x4010743f
-	PPPIOCGL2TPSTATS                     = 0x40487436
-	PPPIOCGMRU                           = 0x40047453
-	PPPIOCGNPMODE                        = 0xc008744c
-	PPPIOCGRASYNCMAP                     = 0x40047455
-	PPPIOCGUNIT                          = 0x40047456
-	PPPIOCGXASYNCMAP                     = 0x40207450
-	PPPIOCNEWUNIT                        = 0xc004743e
-	PPPIOCSACTIVE                        = 0x80107446
-	PPPIOCSASYNCMAP                      = 0x80047457
-	PPPIOCSCOMPRESS                      = 0x8010744d
-	PPPIOCSDEBUG                         = 0x80047440
-	PPPIOCSFLAGS                         = 0x80047459
-	PPPIOCSMAXCID                        = 0x80047451
-	PPPIOCSMRRU                          = 0x8004743b
-	PPPIOCSMRU                           = 0x80047452
-	PPPIOCSNPMODE                        = 0x8008744b
-	PPPIOCSPASS                          = 0x80107447
-	PPPIOCSRASYNCMAP                     = 0x80047454
-	PPPIOCSXASYNCMAP                     = 0x8020744f
-	PPPIOCXFERUNIT                       = 0x2000744e
-	PRIO_PGRP                            = 0x1
-	PRIO_PROCESS                         = 0x0
-	PRIO_USER                            = 0x2
-	PROC_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0x9fa0
-	PROT_EXEC                            = 0x4
-	PROT_GROWSDOWN                       = 0x1000000
-	PROT_GROWSUP                         = 0x2000000
-	PROT_NONE                            = 0x0
-	PROT_READ                            = 0x1
-	PROT_WRITE                           = 0x2
-	PR_CAPBSET_DROP                      = 0x18
-	PR_CAPBSET_READ                      = 0x17
-	PR_CAP_AMBIENT                       = 0x2f
-	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_CLEAR_ALL             = 0x4
-	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_IS_SET                = 0x1
-	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_LOWER                 = 0x3
-	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_RAISE                 = 0x2
-	PR_ENDIAN_BIG                        = 0x0
-	PR_ENDIAN_LITTLE                     = 0x1
-	PR_ENDIAN_PPC_LITTLE                 = 0x2
-	PR_FPEMU_NOPRINT                     = 0x1
-	PR_FPEMU_SIGFPE                      = 0x2
-	PR_FP_EXC_ASYNC                      = 0x2
-	PR_FP_EXC_DISABLED                   = 0x0
-	PR_FP_EXC_DIV                        = 0x10000
-	PR_FP_EXC_INV                        = 0x100000
-	PR_FP_EXC_NONRECOV                   = 0x1
-	PR_FP_EXC_OVF                        = 0x20000
-	PR_FP_EXC_PRECISE                    = 0x3
-	PR_FP_EXC_RES                        = 0x80000
-	PR_FP_EXC_SW_ENABLE                  = 0x80
-	PR_FP_EXC_UND                        = 0x40000
-	PR_FP_MODE_FR                        = 0x1
-	PR_FP_MODE_FRE                       = 0x2
-	PR_GET_CHILD_SUBREAPER               = 0x25
-	PR_GET_DUMPABLE                      = 0x3
-	PR_GET_ENDIAN                        = 0x13
-	PR_GET_FPEMU                         = 0x9
-	PR_GET_FPEXC                         = 0xb
-	PR_GET_FP_MODE                       = 0x2e
-	PR_GET_KEEPCAPS                      = 0x7
-	PR_GET_NAME                          = 0x10
-	PR_GET_NO_NEW_PRIVS                  = 0x27
-	PR_GET_PDEATHSIG                     = 0x2
-	PR_GET_SECCOMP                       = 0x15
-	PR_GET_SECUREBITS                    = 0x1b
-	PR_GET_SPECULATION_CTRL              = 0x34
-	PR_GET_THP_DISABLE                   = 0x2a
-	PR_GET_TID_ADDRESS                   = 0x28
-	PR_GET_TIMERSLACK                    = 0x1e
-	PR_GET_TIMING                        = 0xd
-	PR_GET_TSC                           = 0x19
-	PR_GET_UNALIGN                       = 0x5
-	PR_MCE_KILL                          = 0x21
-	PR_MCE_KILL_CLEAR                    = 0x0
-	PR_MCE_KILL_DEFAULT                  = 0x2
-	PR_MCE_KILL_EARLY                    = 0x1
-	PR_MCE_KILL_GET                      = 0x22
-	PR_MCE_KILL_LATE                     = 0x0
-	PR_MCE_KILL_SET                      = 0x1
-	PR_MPX_DISABLE_MANAGEMENT            = 0x2c
-	PR_MPX_ENABLE_MANAGEMENT             = 0x2b
-	PR_PAC_APDAKEY                       = 0x4
-	PR_PAC_APDBKEY                       = 0x8
-	PR_PAC_APGAKEY                       = 0x10
-	PR_PAC_APIAKEY                       = 0x1
-	PR_PAC_APIBKEY                       = 0x2
-	PR_PAC_RESET_KEYS                    = 0x36
-	PR_SET_CHILD_SUBREAPER               = 0x24
-	PR_SET_DUMPABLE                      = 0x4
-	PR_SET_ENDIAN                        = 0x14
-	PR_SET_FPEMU                         = 0xa
-	PR_SET_FPEXC                         = 0xc
-	PR_SET_FP_MODE                       = 0x2d
-	PR_SET_KEEPCAPS                      = 0x8
-	PR_SET_MM                            = 0x23
-	PR_SET_MM_ARG_END                    = 0x9
-	PR_SET_MM_ARG_START                  = 0x8
-	PR_SET_MM_AUXV                       = 0xc
-	PR_SET_MM_BRK                        = 0x7
-	PR_SET_MM_END_CODE                   = 0x2
-	PR_SET_MM_END_DATA                   = 0x4
-	PR_SET_MM_ENV_END                    = 0xb
-	PR_SET_MM_ENV_START                  = 0xa
-	PR_SET_MM_EXE_FILE                   = 0xd
-	PR_SET_MM_MAP                        = 0xe
-	PR_SET_MM_MAP_SIZE                   = 0xf
-	PR_SET_MM_START_BRK                  = 0x6
-	PR_SET_MM_START_CODE                 = 0x1
-	PR_SET_MM_START_DATA                 = 0x3
-	PR_SET_MM_START_STACK                = 0x5
-	PR_SET_NAME                          = 0xf
-	PR_SET_NO_NEW_PRIVS                  = 0x26
-	PR_SET_PDEATHSIG                     = 0x1
-	PR_SET_PTRACER                       = 0x59616d61
-	PR_SET_PTRACER_ANY                   = 0xffffffffffffffff
-	PR_SET_SECCOMP                       = 0x16
-	PR_SET_SECUREBITS                    = 0x1c
-	PR_SET_SPECULATION_CTRL              = 0x35
-	PR_SET_THP_DISABLE                   = 0x29
-	PR_SET_TIMERSLACK                    = 0x1d
-	PR_SET_TIMING                        = 0xe
-	PR_SET_TSC                           = 0x1a
-	PR_SET_UNALIGN                       = 0x6
-	PR_SPEC_DISABLE                      = 0x4
-	PR_SPEC_DISABLE_NOEXEC               = 0x10
-	PR_SPEC_ENABLE                       = 0x2
-	PR_SPEC_FORCE_DISABLE                = 0x8
-	PR_SPEC_INDIRECT_BRANCH              = 0x1
-	PR_SPEC_NOT_AFFECTED                 = 0x0
-	PR_SPEC_PRCTL                        = 0x1
-	PR_SPEC_STORE_BYPASS                 = 0x0
-	PR_SVE_GET_VL                        = 0x33
-	PR_SVE_SET_VL                        = 0x32
-	PR_SVE_SET_VL_ONEXEC                 = 0x40000
-	PR_SVE_VL_INHERIT                    = 0x20000
-	PR_SVE_VL_LEN_MASK                   = 0xffff
-	PR_TASK_PERF_EVENTS_ENABLE           = 0x20
-	PR_TIMING_STATISTICAL                = 0x0
-	PR_TIMING_TIMESTAMP                  = 0x1
-	PR_TSC_ENABLE                        = 0x1
-	PR_TSC_SIGSEGV                       = 0x2
-	PR_UNALIGN_NOPRINT                   = 0x1
-	PR_UNALIGN_SIGBUS                    = 0x2
-	PSTOREFS_MAGIC                       = 0x6165676c
-	PTRACE_ATTACH                        = 0x10
-	PTRACE_CONT                          = 0x7
-	PTRACE_DETACH                        = 0x11
-	PTRACE_EVENT_CLONE                   = 0x3
-	PTRACE_EVENT_EXEC                    = 0x4
-	PTRACE_EVENT_EXIT                    = 0x6
-	PTRACE_EVENT_FORK                    = 0x1
-	PTRACE_EVENT_SECCOMP                 = 0x7
-	PTRACE_EVENT_STOP                    = 0x80
-	PTRACE_EVENT_VFORK                   = 0x2
-	PTRACE_EVENT_VFORK_DONE              = 0x5
-	PTRACE_GETEVENTMSG                   = 0x4201
-	PTRACE_GETFPREGS                     = 0xe
-	PTRACE_GETREGS                       = 0xc
-	PTRACE_GETREGSET                     = 0x4204
-	PTRACE_GETSIGINFO                    = 0x4202
-	PTRACE_GETSIGMASK                    = 0x420a
-	PTRACE_GET_THREAD_AREA               = 0x19
-	PTRACE_GET_THREAD_AREA_3264          = 0xc4
-	PTRACE_GET_WATCH_REGS                = 0xd0
-	PTRACE_INTERRUPT                     = 0x4207
-	PTRACE_KILL                          = 0x8
-	PTRACE_LISTEN                        = 0x4208
-	PTRACE_OLDSETOPTIONS                 = 0x15
-	PTRACE_O_EXITKILL                    = 0x100000
-	PTRACE_O_MASK                        = 0x3000ff
-	PTRACE_O_SUSPEND_SECCOMP             = 0x200000
-	PTRACE_O_TRACECLONE                  = 0x8
-	PTRACE_O_TRACEEXEC                   = 0x10
-	PTRACE_O_TRACEEXIT                   = 0x40
-	PTRACE_O_TRACEFORK                   = 0x2
-	PTRACE_O_TRACESECCOMP                = 0x80
-	PTRACE_O_TRACESYSGOOD                = 0x1
-	PTRACE_O_TRACEVFORK                  = 0x4
-	PTRACE_O_TRACEVFORKDONE              = 0x20
-	PTRACE_PEEKDATA                      = 0x2
-	PTRACE_PEEKDATA_3264                 = 0xc1
-	PTRACE_PEEKSIGINFO                   = 0x4209
-	PTRACE_PEEKTEXT                      = 0x1
-	PTRACE_PEEKTEXT_3264                 = 0xc0
-	PTRACE_PEEKUSR                       = 0x3
-	PTRACE_POKEDATA                      = 0x5
-	PTRACE_POKEDATA_3264                 = 0xc3
-	PTRACE_POKETEXT                      = 0x4
-	PTRACE_POKETEXT_3264                 = 0xc2
-	PTRACE_POKEUSR                       = 0x6
-	PTRACE_SECCOMP_GET_FILTER            = 0x420c
-	PTRACE_SEIZE                         = 0x4206
-	PTRACE_SETFPREGS                     = 0xf
-	PTRACE_SETOPTIONS                    = 0x4200
-	PTRACE_SETREGS                       = 0xd
-	PTRACE_SETREGSET                     = 0x4205
-	PTRACE_SETSIGINFO                    = 0x4203
-	PTRACE_SETSIGMASK                    = 0x420b
-	PTRACE_SET_THREAD_AREA               = 0x1a
-	PTRACE_SET_WATCH_REGS                = 0xd1
-	PTRACE_SINGLESTEP                    = 0x9
-	PTRACE_SYSCALL                       = 0x18
-	PTRACE_TRACEME                       = 0x0
-	QNX4_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0x2f
-	QNX6_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0x68191122
-	RAMFS_MAGIC                          = 0x858458f6
-	RDTGROUP_SUPER_MAGIC                 = 0x7655821
-	REISERFS_SUPER_MAGIC                 = 0x52654973
-	RENAME_EXCHANGE                      = 0x2
-	RENAME_NOREPLACE                     = 0x1
-	RENAME_WHITEOUT                      = 0x4
-	RLIMIT_AS                            = 0x6
-	RLIMIT_CORE                          = 0x4
-	RLIMIT_CPU                           = 0x0
-	RLIMIT_DATA                          = 0x2
-	RLIMIT_FSIZE                         = 0x1
-	RLIMIT_LOCKS                         = 0xa
-	RLIMIT_MEMLOCK                       = 0x9
-	RLIMIT_MSGQUEUE                      = 0xc
-	RLIMIT_NICE                          = 0xd
-	RLIMIT_NOFILE                        = 0x5
-	RLIMIT_NPROC                         = 0x8
-	RLIMIT_RSS                           = 0x7
-	RLIMIT_RTPRIO                        = 0xe
-	RLIMIT_RTTIME                        = 0xf
-	RLIMIT_SIGPENDING                    = 0xb
-	RLIMIT_STACK                         = 0x3
-	RLIM_INFINITY                        = 0xffffffffffffffff
-	RNDADDENTROPY                        = 0x80085203
-	RNDADDTOENTCNT                       = 0x80045201
-	RNDCLEARPOOL                         = 0x20005206
-	RNDGETENTCNT                         = 0x40045200
-	RNDGETPOOL                           = 0x40085202
-	RNDRESEEDCRNG                        = 0x20005207
-	RNDZAPENTCNT                         = 0x20005204
-	RTAX_ADVMSS                          = 0x8
-	RTAX_CC_ALGO                         = 0x10
-	RTAX_CWND                            = 0x7
-	RTAX_FASTOPEN_NO_COOKIE              = 0x11
-	RTAX_FEATURES                        = 0xc
-	RTAX_FEATURE_ALLFRAG                 = 0x8
-	RTAX_FEATURE_ECN                     = 0x1
-	RTAX_FEATURE_MASK                    = 0xf
-	RTAX_FEATURE_SACK                    = 0x2
-	RTAX_FEATURE_TIMESTAMP               = 0x4
-	RTAX_HOPLIMIT                        = 0xa
-	RTAX_INITCWND                        = 0xb
-	RTAX_INITRWND                        = 0xe
-	RTAX_LOCK                            = 0x1
-	RTAX_MAX                             = 0x11
-	RTAX_MTU                             = 0x2
-	RTAX_QUICKACK                        = 0xf
-	RTAX_REORDERING                      = 0x9
-	RTAX_RTO_MIN                         = 0xd
-	RTAX_RTT                             = 0x4
-	RTAX_RTTVAR                          = 0x5
-	RTAX_SSTHRESH                        = 0x6
-	RTAX_UNSPEC                          = 0x0
-	RTAX_WINDOW                          = 0x3
-	RTA_ALIGNTO                          = 0x4
-	RTA_MAX                              = 0x1d
-	RTCF_DIRECTSRC                       = 0x4000000
-	RTCF_DOREDIRECT                      = 0x1000000
-	RTCF_LOG                             = 0x2000000
-	RTCF_MASQ                            = 0x400000
-	RTCF_NAT                             = 0x800000
-	RTCF_VALVE                           = 0x200000
-	RTC_AF                               = 0x20
-	RTC_AIE_OFF                          = 0x20007002
-	RTC_AIE_ON                           = 0x20007001
-	RTC_ALM_READ                         = 0x40247008
-	RTC_ALM_SET                          = 0x80247007
-	RTC_EPOCH_READ                       = 0x4008700d
-	RTC_EPOCH_SET                        = 0x8008700e
-	RTC_IRQF                             = 0x80
-	RTC_IRQP_READ                        = 0x4008700b
-	RTC_IRQP_SET                         = 0x8008700c
-	RTC_MAX_FREQ                         = 0x2000
-	RTC_PF                               = 0x40
-	RTC_PIE_OFF                          = 0x20007006
-	RTC_PIE_ON                           = 0x20007005
-	RTC_PLL_GET                          = 0x40207011
-	RTC_PLL_SET                          = 0x80207012
-	RTC_RD_TIME                          = 0x40247009
-	RTC_SET_TIME                         = 0x8024700a
-	RTC_UF                               = 0x10
-	RTC_UIE_OFF                          = 0x20007004
-	RTC_UIE_ON                           = 0x20007003
-	RTC_VL_CLR                           = 0x20007014
-	RTC_VL_READ                          = 0x40047013
-	RTC_WIE_OFF                          = 0x20007010
-	RTC_WIE_ON                           = 0x2000700f
-	RTC_WKALM_RD                         = 0x40287010
-	RTC_WKALM_SET                        = 0x8028700f
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-	RTF_ADDRCONF                         = 0x40000
-	RTF_ALLONLINK                        = 0x20000
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-	RTF_DEFAULT                          = 0x10000
-	RTF_DYNAMIC                          = 0x10
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-	RTF_GATEWAY                          = 0x2
-	RTF_HOST                             = 0x4
-	RTF_INTERFACE                        = 0x40000000
-	RTF_IRTT                             = 0x100
-	RTF_LINKRT                           = 0x100000
-	RTF_LOCAL                            = 0x80000000
-	RTF_MODIFIED                         = 0x20
-	RTF_MSS                              = 0x40
-	RTF_MTU                              = 0x40
-	RTF_MULTICAST                        = 0x20000000
-	RTF_NAT                              = 0x8000000
-	RTF_NOFORWARD                        = 0x1000
-	RTF_NONEXTHOP                        = 0x200000
-	RTF_NOPMTUDISC                       = 0x4000
-	RTF_POLICY                           = 0x4000000
-	RTF_REINSTATE                        = 0x8
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-	RTF_STATIC                           = 0x400
-	RTF_THROW                            = 0x2000
-	RTF_UP                               = 0x1
-	RTF_WINDOW                           = 0x80
-	RTF_XRESOLVE                         = 0x800
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-	RTM_DELADDRLABEL                     = 0x49
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-	RTM_DELMDB                           = 0x55
-	RTM_DELNEIGH                         = 0x1d
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-	RTM_DELNSID                          = 0x59
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-	RTM_DELROUTE                         = 0x19
-	RTM_DELRULE                          = 0x21
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-	RTM_F_FIB_MATCH                      = 0x2000
-	RTM_F_LOOKUP_TABLE                   = 0x1000
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-	RTM_F_PREFIX                         = 0x800
-	RTM_GETACTION                        = 0x32
-	RTM_GETADDR                          = 0x16
-	RTM_GETADDRLABEL                     = 0x4a
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-	RTM_GETCHAIN                         = 0x66
-	RTM_GETDCB                           = 0x4e
-	RTM_GETLINK                          = 0x12
-	RTM_GETMDB                           = 0x56
-	RTM_GETMULTICAST                     = 0x3a
-	RTM_GETNEIGH                         = 0x1e
-	RTM_GETNEIGHTBL                      = 0x42
-	RTM_GETNETCONF                       = 0x52
-	RTM_GETNSID                          = 0x5a
-	RTM_GETQDISC                         = 0x26
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-	RTM_GETRULE                          = 0x22
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-	RTM_GETTCLASS                        = 0x2a
-	RTM_GETTFILTER                       = 0x2e
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-	RTM_NEWADDR                          = 0x14
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-	RTM_NEWCHAIN                         = 0x64
-	RTM_NEWLINK                          = 0x10
-	RTM_NEWMDB                           = 0x54
-	RTM_NEWNDUSEROPT                     = 0x44
-	RTM_NEWNEIGH                         = 0x1c
-	RTM_NEWNEIGHTBL                      = 0x40
-	RTM_NEWNETCONF                       = 0x50
-	RTM_NEWNSID                          = 0x58
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-	RTM_NEWRULE                          = 0x20
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-	RTM_NEWTCLASS                        = 0x28
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-	RTM_NR_MSGTYPES                      = 0x58
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-	RTM_SETLINK                          = 0x13
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-	RTNH_F_UNRESOLVED                    = 0x20
-	RTN_MAX                              = 0xb
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-	RTPROT_BIRD                          = 0xc
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-	RTPROT_DHCP                          = 0x10
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-	RTPROT_UNSPEC                        = 0x0
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-	RTPROT_ZEBRA                         = 0xb
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-	RT_CLASS_LOCAL                       = 0xff
-	RT_CLASS_MAIN                        = 0xfe
-	RT_CLASS_MAX                         = 0xff
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-	SCM_TIMESTAMPNS                      = 0x23
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-	SECCOMP_MODE_DISABLED                = 0x0
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-	SELINUX_MAGIC                        = 0xf97cff8c
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-	SHUT_WR                              = 0x1
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-	SIOCADDMULTI                         = 0x8931
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-	SIOCBONDCHANGEACTIVE                 = 0x8995
-	SIOCBONDENSLAVE                      = 0x8990
-	SIOCBONDINFOQUERY                    = 0x8994
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-	SIOCBONDSETHWADDR                    = 0x8992
-	SIOCBONDSLAVEINFOQUERY               = 0x8993
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-	SIOCBRADDIF                          = 0x89a2
-	SIOCBRDELBR                          = 0x89a1
-	SIOCBRDELIF                          = 0x89a3
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-	SIOCDELDLCI                          = 0x8981
-	SIOCDELMULTI                         = 0x8932
-	SIOCDELRT                            = 0x890c
-	SIOCDEVPRIVATE                       = 0x89f0
-	SIOCDIFADDR                          = 0x8936
-	SIOCDRARP                            = 0x8960
-	SIOCETHTOOL                          = 0x8946
-	SIOCGARP                             = 0x8954
-	SIOCGHWTSTAMP                        = 0x89b1
-	SIOCGIFADDR                          = 0x8915
-	SIOCGIFBR                            = 0x8940
-	SIOCGIFBRDADDR                       = 0x8919
-	SIOCGIFCONF                          = 0x8912
-	SIOCGIFCOUNT                         = 0x8938
-	SIOCGIFDSTADDR                       = 0x8917
-	SIOCGIFENCAP                         = 0x8925
-	SIOCGIFFLAGS                         = 0x8913
-	SIOCGIFHWADDR                        = 0x8927
-	SIOCGIFINDEX                         = 0x8933
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-	SIOCGIFMEM                           = 0x891f
-	SIOCGIFMETRIC                        = 0x891d
-	SIOCGIFMTU                           = 0x8921
-	SIOCGIFNAME                          = 0x8910
-	SIOCGIFNETMASK                       = 0x891b
-	SIOCGIFPFLAGS                        = 0x8935
-	SIOCGIFSLAVE                         = 0x8929
-	SIOCGIFTXQLEN                        = 0x8942
-	SIOCGIFVLAN                          = 0x8982
-	SIOCGMIIPHY                          = 0x8947
-	SIOCGMIIREG                          = 0x8948
-	SIOCGPGRP                            = 0x40047309
-	SIOCGPPPCSTATS                       = 0x89f2
-	SIOCGPPPSTATS                        = 0x89f0
-	SIOCGPPPVER                          = 0x89f1
-	SIOCGRARP                            = 0x8961
-	SIOCGSKNS                            = 0x894c
-	SIOCGSTAMP                           = 0x8906
-	SIOCGSTAMPNS                         = 0x8907
-	SIOCGSTAMPNS_NEW                     = 0x40108907
-	SIOCGSTAMPNS_OLD                     = 0x8907
-	SIOCGSTAMP_NEW                       = 0x40108906
-	SIOCGSTAMP_OLD                       = 0x8906
-	SIOCINQ                              = 0x467f
-	SIOCOUTQ                             = 0x7472
-	SIOCOUTQNSD                          = 0x894b
-	SIOCPROTOPRIVATE                     = 0x89e0
-	SIOCRTMSG                            = 0x890d
-	SIOCSARP                             = 0x8955
-	SIOCSHWTSTAMP                        = 0x89b0
-	SIOCSIFADDR                          = 0x8916
-	SIOCSIFBR                            = 0x8941
-	SIOCSIFBRDADDR                       = 0x891a
-	SIOCSIFDSTADDR                       = 0x8918
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-	SIOCSIFFLAGS                         = 0x8914
-	SIOCSIFHWADDR                        = 0x8924
-	SIOCSIFHWBROADCAST                   = 0x8937
-	SIOCSIFLINK                          = 0x8911
-	SIOCSIFMAP                           = 0x8971
-	SIOCSIFMEM                           = 0x8920
-	SIOCSIFMETRIC                        = 0x891e
-	SIOCSIFMTU                           = 0x8922
-	SIOCSIFNAME                          = 0x8923
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-	SIOCSIFSLAVE                         = 0x8930
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-	SIOCSIFVLAN                          = 0x8983
-	SIOCSMIIREG                          = 0x8949
-	SIOCSPGRP                            = 0x80047308
-	SIOCSRARP                            = 0x8962
-	SIOCWANDEV                           = 0x894a
-	SMACK_MAGIC                          = 0x43415d53
-	SMART_AUTOSAVE                       = 0xd2
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-	SMART_DISABLE                        = 0xd9
-	SMART_ENABLE                         = 0xd8
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-	SMART_IMMEDIATE_OFFLINE              = 0xd4
-	SMART_LCYL_PASS                      = 0x4f
-	SMART_READ_LOG_SECTOR                = 0xd5
-	SMART_READ_THRESHOLDS                = 0xd1
-	SMART_READ_VALUES                    = 0xd0
-	SMART_SAVE                           = 0xd3
-	SMART_STATUS                         = 0xda
-	SMART_WRITE_LOG_SECTOR               = 0xd6
-	SMART_WRITE_THRESHOLDS               = 0xd7
-	SMB_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x517b
-	SOCKFS_MAGIC                         = 0x534f434b
-	SOCK_CLOEXEC                         = 0x80000
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-	SOCK_IOC_TYPE                        = 0x89
-	SOCK_NONBLOCK                        = 0x80
-	SOCK_PACKET                          = 0xa
-	SOCK_RAW                             = 0x3
-	SOCK_RDM                             = 0x4
-	SOCK_SEQPACKET                       = 0x5
-	SOCK_STREAM                          = 0x2
-	SOL_AAL                              = 0x109
-	SOL_ALG                              = 0x117
-	SOL_ATM                              = 0x108
-	SOL_CAIF                             = 0x116
-	SOL_CAN_BASE                         = 0x64
-	SOL_DCCP                             = 0x10d
-	SOL_DECNET                           = 0x105
-	SOL_ICMPV6                           = 0x3a
-	SOL_IP                               = 0x0
-	SOL_IPV6                             = 0x29
-	SOL_IRDA                             = 0x10a
-	SOL_IUCV                             = 0x115
-	SOL_KCM                              = 0x119
-	SOL_LLC                              = 0x10c
-	SOL_NETBEUI                          = 0x10b
-	SOL_NETLINK                          = 0x10e
-	SOL_NFC                              = 0x118
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-	SOL_PPPOL2TP                         = 0x111
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-	SOL_RDS                              = 0x114
-	SOL_RXRPC                            = 0x110
-	SOL_SOCKET                           = 0xffff
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-	SOL_TIPC                             = 0x10f
-	SOL_TLS                              = 0x11a
-	SOL_X25                              = 0x106
-	SOL_XDP                              = 0x11b
-	SOMAXCONN                            = 0x80
-	SO_ACCEPTCONN                        = 0x1009
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-	SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_CBPF             = 0x33
-	SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_EBPF             = 0x34
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-	SO_BINDTOIFINDEX                     = 0x3e
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-	SO_BSDCOMPAT                         = 0xe
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-	SO_CNX_ADVICE                        = 0x35
-	SO_COOKIE                            = 0x39
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-	SO_DONTROUTE                         = 0x10
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-	SO_INCOMING_CPU                      = 0x31
-	SO_INCOMING_NAPI_ID                  = 0x38
-	SO_KEEPALIVE                         = 0x8
-	SO_LINGER                            = 0x80
-	SO_LOCK_FILTER                       = 0x2c
-	SO_MARK                              = 0x24
-	SO_MAX_PACING_RATE                   = 0x2f
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-	SO_NOFCS                             = 0x2b
-	SO_NO_CHECK                          = 0xb
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-	SO_PASSSEC                           = 0x22
-	SO_PEEK_OFF                          = 0x2a
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-	SO_PEERGROUPS                        = 0x3b
-	SO_PEERNAME                          = 0x1c
-	SO_PEERSEC                           = 0x1e
-	SO_PRIORITY                          = 0xc
-	SO_PROTOCOL                          = 0x1028
-	SO_RCVBUF                            = 0x1002
-	SO_RCVBUFFORCE                       = 0x21
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-	SO_RCVTIMEO                          = 0x1006
-	SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW                      = 0x42
-	SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD                      = 0x1006
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-	SO_REUSEPORT                         = 0x200
-	SO_RXQ_OVFL                          = 0x28
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-	SO_SNDBUF                            = 0x1001
-	SO_SNDBUFFORCE                       = 0x1f
-	SO_SNDLOWAT                          = 0x1003
-	SO_SNDTIMEO                          = 0x1005
-	SO_SNDTIMEO_NEW                      = 0x43
-	SO_SNDTIMEO_OLD                      = 0x1005
-	SO_STYLE                             = 0x1008
-	SO_TIMESTAMP                         = 0x1d
-	SO_TIMESTAMPING                      = 0x25
-	SO_TIMESTAMPING_NEW                  = 0x41
-	SO_TIMESTAMPING_OLD                  = 0x25
-	SO_TIMESTAMPNS                       = 0x23
-	SO_TIMESTAMPNS_NEW                   = 0x40
-	SO_TIMESTAMPNS_OLD                   = 0x23
-	SO_TIMESTAMP_NEW                     = 0x3f
-	SO_TIMESTAMP_OLD                     = 0x1d
-	SO_TXTIME                            = 0x3d
-	SO_TYPE                              = 0x1008
-	SO_VM_SOCKETS_BUFFER_SIZE            = 0x0
-	SO_VM_SOCKETS_TRUSTED                = 0x5
-	SO_WIFI_STATUS                       = 0x29
-	SO_ZEROCOPY                          = 0x3c
-	SPLICE_F_GIFT                        = 0x8
-	SPLICE_F_MORE                        = 0x4
-	SPLICE_F_MOVE                        = 0x1
-	SPLICE_F_NONBLOCK                    = 0x2
-	SQUASHFS_MAGIC                       = 0x73717368
-	STACK_END_MAGIC                      = 0x57ac6e9d
-	STATX_ALL                            = 0xfff
-	STATX_ATIME                          = 0x20
-	STATX_ATTR_APPEND                    = 0x20
-	STATX_ATTR_AUTOMOUNT                 = 0x1000
-	STATX_ATTR_COMPRESSED                = 0x4
-	STATX_ATTR_ENCRYPTED                 = 0x800
-	STATX_ATTR_IMMUTABLE                 = 0x10
-	STATX_ATTR_NODUMP                    = 0x40
-	STATX_BASIC_STATS                    = 0x7ff
-	STATX_BLOCKS                         = 0x400
-	STATX_BTIME                          = 0x800
-	STATX_CTIME                          = 0x80
-	STATX_GID                            = 0x10
-	STATX_INO                            = 0x100
-	STATX_MODE                           = 0x2
-	STATX_MTIME                          = 0x40
-	STATX_NLINK                          = 0x4
-	STATX_SIZE                           = 0x200
-	STATX_TYPE                           = 0x1
-	STATX_UID                            = 0x8
-	STATX__RESERVED                      = 0x80000000
-	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WAIT_AFTER           = 0x4
-	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WRITE                = 0x2
-	SYSFS_MAGIC                          = 0x62656572
-	S_BLKSIZE                            = 0x200
-	S_IEXEC                              = 0x40
-	S_IFBLK                              = 0x6000
-	S_IFCHR                              = 0x2000
-	S_IFDIR                              = 0x4000
-	S_IFIFO                              = 0x1000
-	S_IFLNK                              = 0xa000
-	S_IFMT                               = 0xf000
-	S_IFREG                              = 0x8000
-	S_IFSOCK                             = 0xc000
-	S_IREAD                              = 0x100
-	S_IRGRP                              = 0x20
-	S_IROTH                              = 0x4
-	S_IRUSR                              = 0x100
-	S_IRWXG                              = 0x38
-	S_IRWXO                              = 0x7
-	S_IRWXU                              = 0x1c0
-	S_ISGID                              = 0x400
-	S_ISUID                              = 0x800
-	S_ISVTX                              = 0x200
-	S_IWGRP                              = 0x10
-	S_IWOTH                              = 0x2
-	S_IWRITE                             = 0x80
-	S_IWUSR                              = 0x80
-	S_IXGRP                              = 0x8
-	S_IXOTH                              = 0x1
-	S_IXUSR                              = 0x40
-	TAB0                                 = 0x0
-	TAB1                                 = 0x800
-	TAB2                                 = 0x1000
-	TAB3                                 = 0x1800
-	TABDLY                               = 0x1800
-	TASKSTATS_CMD_ATTR_MAX               = 0x4
-	TASKSTATS_CMD_MAX                    = 0x2
-	TASKSTATS_GENL_NAME                  = "TASKSTATS"
-	TASKSTATS_GENL_VERSION               = 0x1
-	TASKSTATS_TYPE_MAX                   = 0x6
-	TASKSTATS_VERSION                    = 0x9
-	TCFLSH                               = 0x5407
-	TCGETA                               = 0x5401
-	TCGETS                               = 0x540d
-	TCGETS2                              = 0x4030542a
-	TCIFLUSH                             = 0x0
-	TCIOFF                               = 0x2
-	TCIOFLUSH                            = 0x2
-	TCION                                = 0x3
-	TCOFLUSH                             = 0x1
-	TCOOFF                               = 0x0
-	TCOON                                = 0x1
-	TCP_BPF_IW                           = 0x3e9
-	TCP_BPF_SNDCWND_CLAMP                = 0x3ea
-	TCP_CC_INFO                          = 0x1a
-	TCP_CM_INQ                           = 0x24
-	TCP_CONGESTION                       = 0xd
-	TCP_COOKIE_IN_ALWAYS                 = 0x1
-	TCP_COOKIE_MAX                       = 0x10
-	TCP_COOKIE_MIN                       = 0x8
-	TCP_COOKIE_OUT_NEVER                 = 0x2
-	TCP_COOKIE_PAIR_SIZE                 = 0x20
-	TCP_COOKIE_TRANSACTIONS              = 0xf
-	TCP_CORK                             = 0x3
-	TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT                     = 0x9
-	TCP_FASTOPEN                         = 0x17
-	TCP_FASTOPEN_CONNECT                 = 0x1e
-	TCP_FASTOPEN_KEY                     = 0x21
-	TCP_FASTOPEN_NO_COOKIE               = 0x22
-	TCP_INFO                             = 0xb
-	TCP_INQ                              = 0x24
-	TCP_KEEPCNT                          = 0x6
-	TCP_KEEPIDLE                         = 0x4
-	TCP_KEEPINTVL                        = 0x5
-	TCP_LINGER2                          = 0x8
-	TCP_MAXSEG                           = 0x2
-	TCP_MAXWIN                           = 0xffff
-	TCP_MAX_WINSHIFT                     = 0xe
-	TCP_MD5SIG                           = 0xe
-	TCP_MD5SIG_EXT                       = 0x20
-	TCP_MD5SIG_FLAG_PREFIX               = 0x1
-	TCP_MD5SIG_MAXKEYLEN                 = 0x50
-	TCP_MSS                              = 0x200
-	TCP_MSS_DEFAULT                      = 0x218
-	TCP_MSS_DESIRED                      = 0x4c4
-	TCP_NODELAY                          = 0x1
-	TCP_NOTSENT_LOWAT                    = 0x19
-	TCP_QUEUE_SEQ                        = 0x15
-	TCP_QUICKACK                         = 0xc
-	TCP_REPAIR                           = 0x13
-	TCP_REPAIR_OFF                       = 0x0
-	TCP_REPAIR_OFF_NO_WP                 = -0x1
-	TCP_REPAIR_ON                        = 0x1
-	TCP_REPAIR_OPTIONS                   = 0x16
-	TCP_REPAIR_QUEUE                     = 0x14
-	TCP_REPAIR_WINDOW                    = 0x1d
-	TCP_SAVED_SYN                        = 0x1c
-	TCP_SAVE_SYN                         = 0x1b
-	TCP_SYNCNT                           = 0x7
-	TCP_S_DATA_IN                        = 0x4
-	TCP_S_DATA_OUT                       = 0x8
-	TCP_THIN_DUPACK                      = 0x11
-	TCP_THIN_LINEAR_TIMEOUTS             = 0x10
-	TCP_TIMESTAMP                        = 0x18
-	TCP_ULP                              = 0x1f
-	TCP_USER_TIMEOUT                     = 0x12
-	TCP_WINDOW_CLAMP                     = 0xa
-	TCP_ZEROCOPY_RECEIVE                 = 0x23
-	TCSAFLUSH                            = 0x5410
-	TCSBRK                               = 0x5405
-	TCSBRKP                              = 0x5486
-	TCSETA                               = 0x5402
-	TCSETAF                              = 0x5404
-	TCSETAW                              = 0x5403
-	TCSETS                               = 0x540e
-	TCSETS2                              = 0x8030542b
-	TCSETSF                              = 0x5410
-	TCSETSF2                             = 0x8030542d
-	TCSETSW                              = 0x540f
-	TCSETSW2                             = 0x8030542c
-	TCXONC                               = 0x5406
-	TIMER_ABSTIME                        = 0x1
-	TIOCCBRK                             = 0x5428
-	TIOCCONS                             = 0x80047478
-	TIOCEXCL                             = 0x740d
-	TIOCGDEV                             = 0x40045432
-	TIOCGETD                             = 0x7400
-	TIOCGETP                             = 0x7408
-	TIOCGEXCL                            = 0x40045440
-	TIOCGICOUNT                          = 0x5492
-	TIOCGISO7816                         = 0x40285442
-	TIOCGLCKTRMIOS                       = 0x548b
-	TIOCGLTC                             = 0x7474
-	TIOCGPGRP                            = 0x40047477
-	TIOCGPKT                             = 0x40045438
-	TIOCGPTLCK                           = 0x40045439
-	TIOCGPTN                             = 0x40045430
-	TIOCGPTPEER                          = 0x20005441
-	TIOCGRS485                           = 0x4020542e
-	TIOCGSERIAL                          = 0x5484
-	TIOCGSID                             = 0x7416
-	TIOCGSOFTCAR                         = 0x5481
-	TIOCGWINSZ                           = 0x40087468
-	TIOCINQ                              = 0x467f
-	TIOCLINUX                            = 0x5483
-	TIOCMBIC                             = 0x741c
-	TIOCMBIS                             = 0x741b
-	TIOCMGET                             = 0x741d
-	TIOCMIWAIT                           = 0x5491
-	TIOCMSET                             = 0x741a
-	TIOCM_CAR                            = 0x100
-	TIOCM_CD                             = 0x100
-	TIOCM_CTS                            = 0x40
-	TIOCM_DSR                            = 0x400
-	TIOCM_DTR                            = 0x2
-	TIOCM_LE                             = 0x1
-	TIOCM_RI                             = 0x200
-	TIOCM_RNG                            = 0x200
-	TIOCM_RTS                            = 0x4
-	TIOCM_SR                             = 0x20
-	TIOCM_ST                             = 0x10
-	TIOCNOTTY                            = 0x5471
-	TIOCNXCL                             = 0x740e
-	TIOCOUTQ                             = 0x7472
-	TIOCPKT                              = 0x5470
-	TIOCPKT_DATA                         = 0x0
-	TIOCPKT_DOSTOP                       = 0x20
-	TIOCPKT_FLUSHREAD                    = 0x1
-	TIOCPKT_FLUSHWRITE                   = 0x2
-	TIOCPKT_IOCTL                        = 0x40
-	TIOCPKT_NOSTOP                       = 0x10
-	TIOCPKT_START                        = 0x8
-	TIOCPKT_STOP                         = 0x4
-	TIOCSBRK                             = 0x5427
-	TIOCSCTTY                            = 0x5480
-	TIOCSERCONFIG                        = 0x5488
-	TIOCSERGETLSR                        = 0x548e
-	TIOCSERGETMULTI                      = 0x548f
-	TIOCSERGSTRUCT                       = 0x548d
-	TIOCSERGWILD                         = 0x5489
-	TIOCSERSETMULTI                      = 0x5490
-	TIOCSERSWILD                         = 0x548a
-	TIOCSER_TEMT                         = 0x1
-	TIOCSETD                             = 0x7401
-	TIOCSETN                             = 0x740a
-	TIOCSETP                             = 0x7409
-	TIOCSIG                              = 0x80045436
-	TIOCSISO7816                         = 0xc0285443
-	TIOCSLCKTRMIOS                       = 0x548c
-	TIOCSLTC                             = 0x7475
-	TIOCSPGRP                            = 0x80047476
-	TIOCSPTLCK                           = 0x80045431
-	TIOCSRS485                           = 0xc020542f
-	TIOCSSERIAL                          = 0x5485
-	TIOCSSOFTCAR                         = 0x5482
-	TIOCSTI                              = 0x5472
-	TIOCSWINSZ                           = 0x80087467
-	TIOCVHANGUP                          = 0x5437
-	TMPFS_MAGIC                          = 0x1021994
-	TOSTOP                               = 0x8000
-	TPACKET_ALIGNMENT                    = 0x10
-	TPACKET_HDRLEN                       = 0x34
-	TP_STATUS_AVAILABLE                  = 0x0
-	TP_STATUS_BLK_TMO                    = 0x20
-	TP_STATUS_COPY                       = 0x2
-	TP_STATUS_CSUMNOTREADY               = 0x8
-	TP_STATUS_CSUM_VALID                 = 0x80
-	TP_STATUS_KERNEL                     = 0x0
-	TP_STATUS_LOSING                     = 0x4
-	TP_STATUS_SENDING                    = 0x2
-	TP_STATUS_SEND_REQUEST               = 0x1
-	TP_STATUS_TS_RAW_HARDWARE            = -0x80000000
-	TP_STATUS_TS_SOFTWARE                = 0x20000000
-	TP_STATUS_TS_SYS_HARDWARE            = 0x40000000
-	TP_STATUS_USER                       = 0x1
-	TP_STATUS_VLAN_TPID_VALID            = 0x40
-	TP_STATUS_VLAN_VALID                 = 0x10
-	TP_STATUS_WRONG_FORMAT               = 0x4
-	TRACEFS_MAGIC                        = 0x74726163
-	TS_COMM_LEN                          = 0x20
-	TUNATTACHFILTER                      = 0x801054d5
-	TUNDETACHFILTER                      = 0x801054d6
-	TUNGETDEVNETNS                       = 0x200054e3
-	TUNGETFEATURES                       = 0x400454cf
-	TUNGETFILTER                         = 0x401054db
-	TUNGETIFF                            = 0x400454d2
-	TUNGETSNDBUF                         = 0x400454d3
-	TUNGETVNETBE                         = 0x400454df
-	TUNGETVNETHDRSZ                      = 0x400454d7
-	TUNGETVNETLE                         = 0x400454dd
-	TUNSETCARRIER                        = 0x800454e2
-	TUNSETDEBUG                          = 0x800454c9
-	TUNSETFILTEREBPF                     = 0x400454e1
-	TUNSETGROUP                          = 0x800454ce
-	TUNSETIFF                            = 0x800454ca
-	TUNSETIFINDEX                        = 0x800454da
-	TUNSETLINK                           = 0x800454cd
-	TUNSETNOCSUM                         = 0x800454c8
-	TUNSETOFFLOAD                        = 0x800454d0
-	TUNSETOWNER                          = 0x800454cc
-	TUNSETPERSIST                        = 0x800454cb
-	TUNSETQUEUE                          = 0x800454d9
-	TUNSETSNDBUF                         = 0x800454d4
-	TUNSETSTEERINGEBPF                   = 0x400454e0
-	TUNSETTXFILTER                       = 0x800454d1
-	TUNSETVNETBE                         = 0x800454de
-	TUNSETVNETHDRSZ                      = 0x800454d8
-	TUNSETVNETLE                         = 0x800454dc
-	UBI_IOCATT                           = 0x80186f40
-	UBI_IOCDET                           = 0x80046f41
-	UBI_IOCEBCH                          = 0x80044f02
-	UBI_IOCEBER                          = 0x80044f01
-	UBI_IOCEBISMAP                       = 0x40044f05
-	UBI_IOCEBMAP                         = 0x80084f03
-	UBI_IOCEBUNMAP                       = 0x80044f04
-	UBI_IOCMKVOL                         = 0x80986f00
-	UBI_IOCRMVOL                         = 0x80046f01
-	UBI_IOCRNVOL                         = 0x91106f03
-	UBI_IOCRPEB                          = 0x80046f04
-	UBI_IOCRSVOL                         = 0x800c6f02
-	UBI_IOCSETVOLPROP                    = 0x80104f06
-	UBI_IOCSPEB                          = 0x80046f05
-	UBI_IOCVOLCRBLK                      = 0x80804f07
-	UBI_IOCVOLRMBLK                      = 0x20004f08
-	UBI_IOCVOLUP                         = 0x80084f00
-	UDF_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x15013346
-	UMOUNT_NOFOLLOW                      = 0x8
-	USBDEVICE_SUPER_MAGIC                = 0x9fa2
-	UTIME_NOW                            = 0x3fffffff
-	UTIME_OMIT                           = 0x3ffffffe
-	V9FS_MAGIC                           = 0x1021997
-	VDISCARD                             = 0xd
-	VEOF                                 = 0x10
-	VEOL                                 = 0x11
-	VEOL2                                = 0x6
-	VERASE                               = 0x2
-	VINTR                                = 0x0
-	VKILL                                = 0x3
-	VLNEXT                               = 0xf
-	VMADDR_CID_ANY                       = 0xffffffff
-	VMADDR_CID_HOST                      = 0x2
-	VMADDR_CID_HYPERVISOR                = 0x0
-	VMADDR_CID_RESERVED                  = 0x1
-	VMADDR_PORT_ANY                      = 0xffffffff
-	VMIN                                 = 0x4
-	VM_SOCKETS_INVALID_VERSION           = 0xffffffff
-	VQUIT                                = 0x1
-	VREPRINT                             = 0xc
-	VSTART                               = 0x8
-	VSTOP                                = 0x9
-	VSUSP                                = 0xa
-	VSWTC                                = 0x7
-	VSWTCH                               = 0x7
-	VT0                                  = 0x0
-	VT1                                  = 0x4000
-	VTDLY                                = 0x4000
-	VTIME                                = 0x5
-	VWERASE                              = 0xe
-	WALL                                 = 0x40000000
-	WCLONE                               = 0x80000000
-	WCONTINUED                           = 0x8
-	WDIOC_GETBOOTSTATUS                  = 0x40045702
-	WDIOC_GETPRETIMEOUT                  = 0x40045709
-	WDIOC_GETSTATUS                      = 0x40045701
-	WDIOC_GETSUPPORT                     = 0x40285700
-	WDIOC_GETTEMP                        = 0x40045703
-	WDIOC_GETTIMELEFT                    = 0x4004570a
-	WDIOC_GETTIMEOUT                     = 0x40045707
-	WDIOC_KEEPALIVE                      = 0x40045705
-	WDIOC_SETOPTIONS                     = 0x40045704
-	WDIOC_SETPRETIMEOUT                  = 0xc0045708
-	WDIOC_SETTIMEOUT                     = 0xc0045706
-	WEXITED                              = 0x4
-	WIN_ACKMEDIACHANGE                   = 0xdb
-	WIN_CHECKPOWERMODE1                  = 0xe5
-	WIN_CHECKPOWERMODE2                  = 0x98
-	WIN_DEVICE_RESET                     = 0x8
-	WIN_DIAGNOSE                         = 0x90
-	WIN_DOORLOCK                         = 0xde
-	WIN_DOORUNLOCK                       = 0xdf
-	WIN_DOWNLOAD_MICROCODE               = 0x92
-	WIN_FLUSH_CACHE                      = 0xe7
-	WIN_FLUSH_CACHE_EXT                  = 0xea
-	WIN_FORMAT                           = 0x50
-	WIN_GETMEDIASTATUS                   = 0xda
-	WIN_IDENTIFY                         = 0xec
-	WIN_IDENTIFY_DMA                     = 0xee
-	WIN_IDLEIMMEDIATE                    = 0xe1
-	WIN_INIT                             = 0x60
-	WIN_MEDIAEJECT                       = 0xed
-	WIN_MULTREAD                         = 0xc4
-	WIN_MULTREAD_EXT                     = 0x29
-	WIN_MULTWRITE                        = 0xc5
-	WIN_MULTWRITE_EXT                    = 0x39
-	WIN_NOP                              = 0x0
-	WIN_PACKETCMD                        = 0xa0
-	WIN_PIDENTIFY                        = 0xa1
-	WIN_POSTBOOT                         = 0xdc
-	WIN_PREBOOT                          = 0xdd
-	WIN_QUEUED_SERVICE                   = 0xa2
-	WIN_READ                             = 0x20
-	WIN_READDMA                          = 0xc8
-	WIN_READDMA_EXT                      = 0x25
-	WIN_READDMA_ONCE                     = 0xc9
-	WIN_READDMA_QUEUED                   = 0xc7
-	WIN_READDMA_QUEUED_EXT               = 0x26
-	WIN_READ_BUFFER                      = 0xe4
-	WIN_READ_EXT                         = 0x24
-	WIN_READ_LONG                        = 0x22
-	WIN_READ_LONG_ONCE                   = 0x23
-	WIN_READ_NATIVE_MAX                  = 0xf8
-	WIN_READ_NATIVE_MAX_EXT              = 0x27
-	WIN_READ_ONCE                        = 0x21
-	WIN_RECAL                            = 0x10
-	WIN_RESTORE                          = 0x10
-	WIN_SECURITY_DISABLE                 = 0xf6
-	WIN_SECURITY_ERASE_UNIT              = 0xf4
-	WIN_SECURITY_FREEZE_LOCK             = 0xf5
-	WIN_SECURITY_SET_PASS                = 0xf1
-	WIN_SECURITY_UNLOCK                  = 0xf2
-	WIN_SEEK                             = 0x70
-	WIN_SETFEATURES                      = 0xef
-	WIN_SETIDLE1                         = 0xe3
-	WIN_SETIDLE2                         = 0x97
-	WIN_SETMULT                          = 0xc6
-	WIN_SET_MAX                          = 0xf9
-	WIN_SET_MAX_EXT                      = 0x37
-	WIN_SLEEPNOW1                        = 0xe6
-	WIN_SLEEPNOW2                        = 0x99
-	WIN_SMART                            = 0xb0
-	WIN_SPECIFY                          = 0x91
-	WIN_SRST                             = 0x8
-	WIN_STANDBY                          = 0xe2
-	WIN_STANDBY2                         = 0x96
-	WIN_STANDBYNOW1                      = 0xe0
-	WIN_STANDBYNOW2                      = 0x94
-	WIN_VERIFY                           = 0x40
-	WIN_VERIFY_EXT                       = 0x42
-	WIN_VERIFY_ONCE                      = 0x41
-	WIN_WRITE                            = 0x30
-	WIN_WRITEDMA                         = 0xca
-	WIN_WRITEDMA_EXT                     = 0x35
-	WIN_WRITEDMA_ONCE                    = 0xcb
-	WIN_WRITEDMA_QUEUED                  = 0xcc
-	WIN_WRITEDMA_QUEUED_EXT              = 0x36
-	WIN_WRITE_BUFFER                     = 0xe8
-	WIN_WRITE_EXT                        = 0x34
-	WIN_WRITE_LONG                       = 0x32
-	WIN_WRITE_LONG_ONCE                  = 0x33
-	WIN_WRITE_ONCE                       = 0x31
-	WIN_WRITE_SAME                       = 0xe9
-	WIN_WRITE_VERIFY                     = 0x3c
-	WNOHANG                              = 0x1
-	WNOTHREAD                            = 0x20000000
-	WNOWAIT                              = 0x1000000
-	WORDSIZE                             = 0x40
-	WSTOPPED                             = 0x2
-	WUNTRACED                            = 0x2
-	XATTR_CREATE                         = 0x1
-	XATTR_REPLACE                        = 0x2
-	XCASE                                = 0x4
-	XDP_COPY                             = 0x2
-	XDP_FLAGS_DRV_MODE                   = 0x4
-	XDP_FLAGS_HW_MODE                    = 0x8
-	XDP_FLAGS_MASK                       = 0xf
-	XDP_FLAGS_MODES                      = 0xe
-	XDP_FLAGS_SKB_MODE                   = 0x2
-	XDP_MMAP_OFFSETS                     = 0x1
-	XDP_PACKET_HEADROOM                  = 0x100
-	XDP_PGOFF_RX_RING                    = 0x0
-	XDP_PGOFF_TX_RING                    = 0x80000000
-	XDP_RX_RING                          = 0x2
-	XDP_SHARED_UMEM                      = 0x1
-	XDP_STATISTICS                       = 0x7
-	XDP_TX_RING                          = 0x3
-	XDP_UMEM_COMPLETION_RING             = 0x6
-	XDP_UMEM_FILL_RING                   = 0x5
-	XDP_UMEM_PGOFF_COMPLETION_RING       = 0x180000000
-	XDP_UMEM_PGOFF_FILL_RING             = 0x100000000
-	XDP_UMEM_REG                         = 0x4
-	XDP_ZEROCOPY                         = 0x4
-	XENFS_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0xabba1974
-	XFS_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x58465342
-	XTABS                                = 0x1800
-	ZSMALLOC_MAGIC                       = 0x58295829
+	AAFS_MAGIC                                  = 0x5a3c69f0
+	ADFS_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xadf5
+	AFFS_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xadff
+	AFS_FS_MAGIC                                = 0x6b414653
+	AFS_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x5346414f
+	AF_ALG                                      = 0x26
+	AF_APPLETALK                                = 0x5
+	AF_ASH                                      = 0x12
+	AF_ATMPVC                                   = 0x8
+	AF_ATMSVC                                   = 0x14
+	AF_AX25                                     = 0x3
+	AF_BLUETOOTH                                = 0x1f
+	AF_BRIDGE                                   = 0x7
+	AF_CAIF                                     = 0x25
+	AF_CAN                                      = 0x1d
+	AF_DECnet                                   = 0xc
+	AF_ECONET                                   = 0x13
+	AF_FILE                                     = 0x1
+	AF_IB                                       = 0x1b
+	AF_IEEE802154                               = 0x24
+	AF_INET                                     = 0x2
+	AF_INET6                                    = 0xa
+	AF_IPX                                      = 0x4
+	AF_IRDA                                     = 0x17
+	AF_ISDN                                     = 0x22
+	AF_IUCV                                     = 0x20
+	AF_KCM                                      = 0x29
+	AF_KEY                                      = 0xf
+	AF_LLC                                      = 0x1a
+	AF_LOCAL                                    = 0x1
+	AF_MAX                                      = 0x2d
+	AF_MPLS                                     = 0x1c
+	AF_NETBEUI                                  = 0xd
+	AF_NETLINK                                  = 0x10
+	AF_NETROM                                   = 0x6
+	AF_NFC                                      = 0x27
+	AF_PACKET                                   = 0x11
+	AF_PHONET                                   = 0x23
+	AF_PPPOX                                    = 0x18
+	AF_QIPCRTR                                  = 0x2a
+	AF_RDS                                      = 0x15
+	AF_ROSE                                     = 0xb
+	AF_ROUTE                                    = 0x10
+	AF_RXRPC                                    = 0x21
+	AF_SECURITY                                 = 0xe
+	AF_SMC                                      = 0x2b
+	AF_SNA                                      = 0x16
+	AF_TIPC                                     = 0x1e
+	AF_UNIX                                     = 0x1
+	AF_UNSPEC                                   = 0x0
+	AF_VSOCK                                    = 0x28
+	AF_WANPIPE                                  = 0x19
+	AF_X25                                      = 0x9
+	AF_XDP                                      = 0x2c
+	ALG_OP_DECRYPT                              = 0x0
+	ALG_OP_ENCRYPT                              = 0x1
+	ALG_SET_AEAD_ASSOCLEN                       = 0x4
+	ALG_SET_AEAD_AUTHSIZE                       = 0x5
+	ALG_SET_IV                                  = 0x2
+	ALG_SET_KEY                                 = 0x1
+	ALG_SET_OP                                  = 0x3
+	ANON_INODE_FS_MAGIC                         = 0x9041934
+	ARPHRD_6LOWPAN                              = 0x339
+	ARPHRD_ADAPT                                = 0x108
+	ARPHRD_APPLETLK                             = 0x8
+	ARPHRD_ARCNET                               = 0x7
+	ARPHRD_ASH                                  = 0x30d
+	ARPHRD_ATM                                  = 0x13
+	ARPHRD_AX25                                 = 0x3
+	ARPHRD_BIF                                  = 0x307
+	ARPHRD_CAIF                                 = 0x336
+	ARPHRD_CAN                                  = 0x118
+	ARPHRD_CHAOS                                = 0x5
+	ARPHRD_CISCO                                = 0x201
+	ARPHRD_CSLIP                                = 0x101
+	ARPHRD_CSLIP6                               = 0x103
+	ARPHRD_DDCMP                                = 0x205
+	ARPHRD_DLCI                                 = 0xf
+	ARPHRD_ECONET                               = 0x30e
+	ARPHRD_EETHER                               = 0x2
+	ARPHRD_ETHER                                = 0x1
+	ARPHRD_EUI64                                = 0x1b
+	ARPHRD_FCAL                                 = 0x311
+	ARPHRD_FCFABRIC                             = 0x313
+	ARPHRD_FCPL                                 = 0x312
+	ARPHRD_FCPP                                 = 0x310
+	ARPHRD_FDDI                                 = 0x306
+	ARPHRD_FRAD                                 = 0x302
+	ARPHRD_HDLC                                 = 0x201
+	ARPHRD_HIPPI                                = 0x30c
+	ARPHRD_HWX25                                = 0x110
+	ARPHRD_IEEE1394                             = 0x18
+	ARPHRD_IEEE802                              = 0x6
+	ARPHRD_IEEE80211                            = 0x321
+	ARPHRD_IEEE80211_PRISM                      = 0x322
+	ARPHRD_IEEE80211_RADIOTAP                   = 0x323
+	ARPHRD_IEEE802154                           = 0x324
+	ARPHRD_IEEE802154_MONITOR                   = 0x325
+	ARPHRD_IEEE802_TR                           = 0x320
+	ARPHRD_INFINIBAND                           = 0x20
+	ARPHRD_IP6GRE                               = 0x337
+	ARPHRD_IPDDP                                = 0x309
+	ARPHRD_IPGRE                                = 0x30a
+	ARPHRD_IRDA                                 = 0x30f
+	ARPHRD_LAPB                                 = 0x204
+	ARPHRD_LOCALTLK                             = 0x305
+	ARPHRD_LOOPBACK                             = 0x304
+	ARPHRD_METRICOM                             = 0x17
+	ARPHRD_NETLINK                              = 0x338
+	ARPHRD_NETROM                               = 0x0
+	ARPHRD_NONE                                 = 0xfffe
+	ARPHRD_PHONET                               = 0x334
+	ARPHRD_PHONET_PIPE                          = 0x335
+	ARPHRD_PIMREG                               = 0x30b
+	ARPHRD_PPP                                  = 0x200
+	ARPHRD_PRONET                               = 0x4
+	ARPHRD_RAWHDLC                              = 0x206
+	ARPHRD_RAWIP                                = 0x207
+	ARPHRD_ROSE                                 = 0x10e
+	ARPHRD_RSRVD                                = 0x104
+	ARPHRD_SIT                                  = 0x308
+	ARPHRD_SKIP                                 = 0x303
+	ARPHRD_SLIP                                 = 0x100
+	ARPHRD_SLIP6                                = 0x102
+	ARPHRD_TUNNEL                               = 0x300
+	ARPHRD_TUNNEL6                              = 0x301
+	ARPHRD_VOID                                 = 0xffff
+	ARPHRD_VSOCKMON                             = 0x33a
+	ARPHRD_X25                                  = 0x10f
+	AUTOFS_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0x187
+	B0                                          = 0x0
+	B1000000                                    = 0x1008
+	B110                                        = 0x3
+	B115200                                     = 0x1002
+	B1152000                                    = 0x1009
+	B1200                                       = 0x9
+	B134                                        = 0x4
+	B150                                        = 0x5
+	B1500000                                    = 0x100a
+	B1800                                       = 0xa
+	B19200                                      = 0xe
+	B200                                        = 0x6
+	B2000000                                    = 0x100b
+	B230400                                     = 0x1003
+	B2400                                       = 0xb
+	B2500000                                    = 0x100c
+	B300                                        = 0x7
+	B3000000                                    = 0x100d
+	B3500000                                    = 0x100e
+	B38400                                      = 0xf
+	B4000000                                    = 0x100f
+	B460800                                     = 0x1004
+	B4800                                       = 0xc
+	B50                                         = 0x1
+	B500000                                     = 0x1005
+	B57600                                      = 0x1001
+	B576000                                     = 0x1006
+	B600                                        = 0x8
+	B75                                         = 0x2
+	B921600                                     = 0x1007
+	B9600                                       = 0xd
+	BALLOON_KVM_MAGIC                           = 0x13661366
+	BDEVFS_MAGIC                                = 0x62646576
+	BINDERFS_SUPER_MAGIC                        = 0x6c6f6f70
+	BINFMTFS_MAGIC                              = 0x42494e4d
+	BLKBSZGET                                   = 0x40081270
+	BLKBSZSET                                   = 0x80081271
+	BLKFLSBUF                                   = 0x20001261
+	BLKFRAGET                                   = 0x20001265
+	BLKFRASET                                   = 0x20001264
+	BLKGETSIZE                                  = 0x20001260
+	BLKGETSIZE64                                = 0x40081272
+	BLKPBSZGET                                  = 0x2000127b
+	BLKRAGET                                    = 0x20001263
+	BLKRASET                                    = 0x20001262
+	BLKROGET                                    = 0x2000125e
+	BLKROSET                                    = 0x2000125d
+	BLKRRPART                                   = 0x2000125f
+	BLKSECTGET                                  = 0x20001267
+	BLKSECTSET                                  = 0x20001266
+	BLKSSZGET                                   = 0x20001268
+	BOTHER                                      = 0x1000
+	BPF_A                                       = 0x10
+	BPF_ABS                                     = 0x20
+	BPF_ADD                                     = 0x0
+	BPF_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L2_MASK                  = 0xff
+	BPF_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L2_SHIFT                 = 0x38
+	BPF_ALU                                     = 0x4
+	BPF_ALU64                                   = 0x7
+	BPF_AND                                     = 0x50
+	BPF_ANY                                     = 0x0
+	BPF_ARSH                                    = 0xc0
+	BPF_B                                       = 0x10
+	BPF_BUILD_ID_SIZE                           = 0x14
+	BPF_CALL                                    = 0x80
+	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_MKNOD                         = 0x1
+	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_READ                          = 0x2
+	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_WRITE                         = 0x4
+	BPF_DEVCG_DEV_BLOCK                         = 0x1
+	BPF_DEVCG_DEV_CHAR                          = 0x2
+	BPF_DIV                                     = 0x30
+	BPF_DW                                      = 0x18
+	BPF_END                                     = 0xd0
+	BPF_EXIST                                   = 0x2
+	BPF_EXIT                                    = 0x90
+	BPF_FROM_BE                                 = 0x8
+	BPF_FROM_LE                                 = 0x0
+	BPF_FS_MAGIC                                = 0xcafe4a11
+	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L3_IPV4                = 0x2
+	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L3_IPV6                = 0x4
+	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L4_GRE                 = 0x8
+	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L4_UDP                 = 0x10
+	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_FIXED_GSO                    = 0x1
+	BPF_F_ALLOW_MULTI                           = 0x2
+	BPF_F_ALLOW_OVERRIDE                        = 0x1
+	BPF_F_ANY_ALIGNMENT                         = 0x2
+	BPF_F_CLONE                                 = 0x200
+	BPF_F_CTXLEN_MASK                           = 0xfffff00000000
+	BPF_F_CURRENT_CPU                           = 0xffffffff
+	BPF_F_CURRENT_NETNS                         = -0x1
+	BPF_F_DONT_FRAGMENT                         = 0x4
+	BPF_F_FAST_STACK_CMP                        = 0x200
+	BPF_F_HDR_FIELD_MASK                        = 0xf
+	BPF_F_INDEX_MASK                            = 0xffffffff
+	BPF_F_INGRESS                               = 0x1
+	BPF_F_INVALIDATE_HASH                       = 0x2
+	BPF_F_LOCK                                  = 0x4
+	BPF_F_MARK_ENFORCE                          = 0x40
+	BPF_F_MARK_MANGLED_0                        = 0x20
+	BPF_F_NO_COMMON_LRU                         = 0x2
+	BPF_F_NO_PREALLOC                           = 0x1
+	BPF_F_NUMA_NODE                             = 0x4
+	BPF_F_PSEUDO_HDR                            = 0x10
+	BPF_F_QUERY_EFFECTIVE                       = 0x1
+	BPF_F_RDONLY                                = 0x8
+	BPF_F_RDONLY_PROG                           = 0x80
+	BPF_F_RECOMPUTE_CSUM                        = 0x1
+	BPF_F_REUSE_STACKID                         = 0x400
+	BPF_F_SEQ_NUMBER                            = 0x8
+	BPF_F_SKIP_FIELD_MASK                       = 0xff
+	BPF_F_STACK_BUILD_ID                        = 0x20
+	BPF_F_STRICT_ALIGNMENT                      = 0x1
+	BPF_F_SYSCTL_BASE_NAME                      = 0x1
+	BPF_F_TEST_RND_HI32                         = 0x4
+	BPF_F_TEST_STATE_FREQ                       = 0x8
+	BPF_F_TUNINFO_IPV6                          = 0x1
+	BPF_F_USER_BUILD_ID                         = 0x800
+	BPF_F_USER_STACK                            = 0x100
+	BPF_F_WRONLY                                = 0x10
+	BPF_F_WRONLY_PROG                           = 0x100
+	BPF_F_ZERO_CSUM_TX                          = 0x2
+	BPF_F_ZERO_SEED                             = 0x40
+	BPF_H                                       = 0x8
+	BPF_IMM                                     = 0x0
+	BPF_IND                                     = 0x40
+	BPF_JA                                      = 0x0
+	BPF_JEQ                                     = 0x10
+	BPF_JGE                                     = 0x30
+	BPF_JGT                                     = 0x20
+	BPF_JLE                                     = 0xb0
+	BPF_JLT                                     = 0xa0
+	BPF_JMP                                     = 0x5
+	BPF_JMP32                                   = 0x6
+	BPF_JNE                                     = 0x50
+	BPF_JSET                                    = 0x40
+	BPF_JSGE                                    = 0x70
+	BPF_JSGT                                    = 0x60
+	BPF_JSLE                                    = 0xd0
+	BPF_JSLT                                    = 0xc0
+	BPF_K                                       = 0x0
+	BPF_LD                                      = 0x0
+	BPF_LDX                                     = 0x1
+	BPF_LEN                                     = 0x80
+	BPF_LL_OFF                                  = -0x200000
+	BPF_LSH                                     = 0x60
+	BPF_MAJOR_VERSION                           = 0x1
+	BPF_MAXINSNS                                = 0x1000
+	BPF_MEM                                     = 0x60
+	BPF_MEMWORDS                                = 0x10
+	BPF_MINOR_VERSION                           = 0x1
+	BPF_MISC                                    = 0x7
+	BPF_MOD                                     = 0x90
+	BPF_MOV                                     = 0xb0
+	BPF_MSH                                     = 0xa0
+	BPF_MUL                                     = 0x20
+	BPF_NEG                                     = 0x80
+	BPF_NET_OFF                                 = -0x100000
+	BPF_NOEXIST                                 = 0x1
+	BPF_OBJ_NAME_LEN                            = 0x10
+	BPF_OR                                      = 0x40
+	BPF_PSEUDO_CALL                             = 0x1
+	BPF_PSEUDO_MAP_FD                           = 0x1
+	BPF_PSEUDO_MAP_VALUE                        = 0x2
+	BPF_RET                                     = 0x6
+	BPF_RSH                                     = 0x70
+	BPF_SK_STORAGE_GET_F_CREATE                 = 0x1
+	BPF_SOCK_OPS_ALL_CB_FLAGS                   = 0xf
+	BPF_SOCK_OPS_RETRANS_CB_FLAG                = 0x2
+	BPF_SOCK_OPS_RTO_CB_FLAG                    = 0x1
+	BPF_SOCK_OPS_RTT_CB_FLAG                    = 0x8
+	BPF_SOCK_OPS_STATE_CB_FLAG                  = 0x4
+	BPF_ST                                      = 0x2
+	BPF_STX                                     = 0x3
+	BPF_SUB                                     = 0x10
+	BPF_TAG_SIZE                                = 0x8
+	BPF_TAX                                     = 0x0
+	BPF_TO_BE                                   = 0x8
+	BPF_TO_LE                                   = 0x0
+	BPF_TXA                                     = 0x80
+	BPF_W                                       = 0x0
+	BPF_X                                       = 0x8
+	BPF_XADD                                    = 0xc0
+	BPF_XOR                                     = 0xa0
+	BRKINT                                      = 0x2
+	BS0                                         = 0x0
+	BS1                                         = 0x2000
+	BSDLY                                       = 0x2000
+	BTRFS_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x9123683e
+	BTRFS_TEST_MAGIC                            = 0x73727279
+	CAN_BCM                                     = 0x2
+	CAN_EFF_FLAG                                = 0x80000000
+	CAN_EFF_ID_BITS                             = 0x1d
+	CAN_EFF_MASK                                = 0x1fffffff
+	CAN_ERR_FLAG                                = 0x20000000
+	CAN_ERR_MASK                                = 0x1fffffff
+	CAN_INV_FILTER                              = 0x20000000
+	CAN_ISOTP                                   = 0x6
+	CAN_J1939                                   = 0x7
+	CAN_MAX_DLC                                 = 0x8
+	CAN_MAX_DLEN                                = 0x8
+	CAN_MCNET                                   = 0x5
+	CAN_MTU                                     = 0x10
+	CAN_NPROTO                                  = 0x8
+	CAN_RAW                                     = 0x1
+	CAN_RAW_FILTER_MAX                          = 0x200
+	CAN_RTR_FLAG                                = 0x40000000
+	CAN_SFF_ID_BITS                             = 0xb
+	CAN_SFF_MASK                                = 0x7ff
+	CAN_TP16                                    = 0x3
+	CAN_TP20                                    = 0x4
+	CAP_AUDIT_CONTROL                           = 0x1e
+	CAP_AUDIT_READ                              = 0x25
+	CAP_AUDIT_WRITE                             = 0x1d
+	CAP_BLOCK_SUSPEND                           = 0x24
+	CAP_CHOWN                                   = 0x0
+	CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE                            = 0x1
+	CAP_DAC_READ_SEARCH                         = 0x2
+	CAP_FOWNER                                  = 0x3
+	CAP_FSETID                                  = 0x4
+	CAP_IPC_LOCK                                = 0xe
+	CAP_IPC_OWNER                               = 0xf
+	CAP_KILL                                    = 0x5
+	CAP_LAST_CAP                                = 0x25
+	CAP_LEASE                                   = 0x1c
+	CAP_LINUX_IMMUTABLE                         = 0x9
+	CAP_MAC_ADMIN                               = 0x21
+	CAP_MAC_OVERRIDE                            = 0x20
+	CAP_MKNOD                                   = 0x1b
+	CAP_NET_ADMIN                               = 0xc
+	CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE                        = 0xa
+	CAP_NET_BROADCAST                           = 0xb
+	CAP_NET_RAW                                 = 0xd
+	CAP_SETFCAP                                 = 0x1f
+	CAP_SETGID                                  = 0x6
+	CAP_SETPCAP                                 = 0x8
+	CAP_SETUID                                  = 0x7
+	CAP_SYSLOG                                  = 0x22
+	CAP_SYS_ADMIN                               = 0x15
+	CAP_SYS_BOOT                                = 0x16
+	CAP_SYS_CHROOT                              = 0x12
+	CAP_SYS_MODULE                              = 0x10
+	CAP_SYS_NICE                                = 0x17
+	CAP_SYS_PACCT                               = 0x14
+	CAP_SYS_PTRACE                              = 0x13
+	CAP_SYS_RAWIO                               = 0x11
+	CAP_SYS_RESOURCE                            = 0x18
+	CAP_SYS_TIME                                = 0x19
+	CAP_SYS_TTY_CONFIG                          = 0x1a
+	CAP_WAKE_ALARM                              = 0x23
+	CBAUD                                       = 0x100f
+	CBAUDEX                                     = 0x1000
+	CFLUSH                                      = 0xf
+	CGROUP2_SUPER_MAGIC                         = 0x63677270
+	CGROUP_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0x27e0eb
+	CIBAUD                                      = 0x100f0000
+	CLOCAL                                      = 0x800
+	CLOCK_BOOTTIME                              = 0x7
+	CLOCK_BOOTTIME_ALARM                        = 0x9
+	CLOCK_DEFAULT                               = 0x0
+	CLOCK_EXT                                   = 0x1
+	CLOCK_INT                                   = 0x2
+	CLOCK_MONOTONIC                             = 0x1
+	CLOCK_MONOTONIC_COARSE                      = 0x6
+	CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW                         = 0x4
+	CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID                    = 0x2
+	CLOCK_REALTIME                              = 0x0
+	CLOCK_REALTIME_ALARM                        = 0x8
+	CLOCK_REALTIME_COARSE                       = 0x5
+	CLOCK_TAI                                   = 0xb
+	CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID                     = 0x3
+	CLOCK_TXFROMRX                              = 0x4
+	CLOCK_TXINT                                 = 0x3
+	CLONE_ARGS_SIZE_VER0                        = 0x40
+	CLONE_CHILD_CLEARTID                        = 0x200000
+	CLONE_CHILD_SETTID                          = 0x1000000
+	CLONE_DETACHED                              = 0x400000
+	CLONE_FILES                                 = 0x400
+	CLONE_FS                                    = 0x200
+	CLONE_IO                                    = 0x80000000
+	CLONE_NEWCGROUP                             = 0x2000000
+	CLONE_NEWIPC                                = 0x8000000
+	CLONE_NEWNET                                = 0x40000000
+	CLONE_NEWNS                                 = 0x20000
+	CLONE_NEWPID                                = 0x20000000
+	CLONE_NEWUSER                               = 0x10000000
+	CLONE_NEWUTS                                = 0x4000000
+	CLONE_PARENT                                = 0x8000
+	CLONE_PARENT_SETTID                         = 0x100000
+	CLONE_PIDFD                                 = 0x1000
+	CLONE_PTRACE                                = 0x2000
+	CLONE_SETTLS                                = 0x80000
+	CLONE_SIGHAND                               = 0x800
+	CLONE_SYSVSEM                               = 0x40000
+	CLONE_THREAD                                = 0x10000
+	CLONE_UNTRACED                              = 0x800000
+	CLONE_VFORK                                 = 0x4000
+	CLONE_VM                                    = 0x100
+	CMSPAR                                      = 0x40000000
+	CODA_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0x73757245
+	CR0                                         = 0x0
+	CR1                                         = 0x200
+	CR2                                         = 0x400
+	CR3                                         = 0x600
+	CRAMFS_MAGIC                                = 0x28cd3d45
+	CRDLY                                       = 0x600
+	CREAD                                       = 0x80
+	CRTSCTS                                     = 0x80000000
+	CRYPTO_MAX_NAME                             = 0x40
+	CRYPTO_MSG_MAX                              = 0x15
+	CRYPTO_NR_MSGTYPES                          = 0x6
+	CRYPTO_REPORT_MAXSIZE                       = 0x160
+	CS5                                         = 0x0
+	CS6                                         = 0x10
+	CS7                                         = 0x20
+	CS8                                         = 0x30
+	CSIGNAL                                     = 0xff
+	CSIZE                                       = 0x30
+	CSTART                                      = 0x11
+	CSTATUS                                     = 0x0
+	CSTOP                                       = 0x13
+	CSTOPB                                      = 0x40
+	CSUSP                                       = 0x1a
+	DAXFS_MAGIC                                 = 0x64646178
+	DEBUGFS_MAGIC                               = 0x64626720
+	DEVLINK_CMD_ESWITCH_MODE_GET                = 0x1d
+	DEVLINK_CMD_ESWITCH_MODE_SET                = 0x1e
+	DEVLINK_GENL_MCGRP_CONFIG_NAME              = "config"
+	DEVLINK_GENL_NAME                           = "devlink"
+	DEVLINK_GENL_VERSION                        = 0x1
+	DEVPTS_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0x1cd1
+	DMA_BUF_MAGIC                               = 0x444d4142
+	DT_BLK                                      = 0x6
+	DT_CHR                                      = 0x2
+	DT_DIR                                      = 0x4
+	DT_FIFO                                     = 0x1
+	DT_LNK                                      = 0xa
+	DT_REG                                      = 0x8
+	DT_SOCK                                     = 0xc
+	DT_UNKNOWN                                  = 0x0
+	DT_WHT                                      = 0xe
+	ECHO                                        = 0x8
+	ECHOCTL                                     = 0x200
+	ECHOE                                       = 0x10
+	ECHOK                                       = 0x20
+	ECHOKE                                      = 0x800
+	ECHONL                                      = 0x40
+	ECHOPRT                                     = 0x400
+	ECRYPTFS_SUPER_MAGIC                        = 0xf15f
+	EFD_CLOEXEC                                 = 0x80000
+	EFD_NONBLOCK                                = 0x80
+	EFD_SEMAPHORE                               = 0x1
+	EFIVARFS_MAGIC                              = 0xde5e81e4
+	EFS_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x414a53
+	ENCODING_DEFAULT                            = 0x0
+	ENCODING_FM_MARK                            = 0x3
+	ENCODING_FM_SPACE                           = 0x4
+	ENCODING_MANCHESTER                         = 0x5
+	ENCODING_NRZ                                = 0x1
+	ENCODING_NRZI                               = 0x2
+	EPOLLERR                                    = 0x8
+	EPOLLET                                     = 0x80000000
+	EPOLLEXCLUSIVE                              = 0x10000000
+	EPOLLHUP                                    = 0x10
+	EPOLLIN                                     = 0x1
+	EPOLLMSG                                    = 0x400
+	EPOLLONESHOT                                = 0x40000000
+	EPOLLOUT                                    = 0x4
+	EPOLLPRI                                    = 0x2
+	EPOLLRDBAND                                 = 0x80
+	EPOLLRDHUP                                  = 0x2000
+	EPOLLRDNORM                                 = 0x40
+	EPOLLWAKEUP                                 = 0x20000000
+	EPOLLWRBAND                                 = 0x200
+	EPOLLWRNORM                                 = 0x100
+	EPOLL_CLOEXEC                               = 0x80000
+	EPOLL_CTL_ADD                               = 0x1
+	EPOLL_CTL_DEL                               = 0x2
+	EPOLL_CTL_MOD                               = 0x3
+	EROFS_SUPER_MAGIC_V1                        = 0xe0f5e1e2
+	ETH_P_1588                                  = 0x88f7
+	ETH_P_8021AD                                = 0x88a8
+	ETH_P_8021AH                                = 0x88e7
+	ETH_P_8021Q                                 = 0x8100
+	ETH_P_80221                                 = 0x8917
+	ETH_P_802_2                                 = 0x4
+	ETH_P_802_3                                 = 0x1
+	ETH_P_802_3_MIN                             = 0x600
+	ETH_P_802_EX1                               = 0x88b5
+	ETH_P_AARP                                  = 0x80f3
+	ETH_P_AF_IUCV                               = 0xfbfb
+	ETH_P_ALL                                   = 0x3
+	ETH_P_AOE                                   = 0x88a2
+	ETH_P_ARCNET                                = 0x1a
+	ETH_P_ARP                                   = 0x806
+	ETH_P_ATALK                                 = 0x809b
+	ETH_P_ATMFATE                               = 0x8884
+	ETH_P_ATMMPOA                               = 0x884c
+	ETH_P_AX25                                  = 0x2
+	ETH_P_BATMAN                                = 0x4305
+	ETH_P_BPQ                                   = 0x8ff
+	ETH_P_CAIF                                  = 0xf7
+	ETH_P_CAN                                   = 0xc
+	ETH_P_CANFD                                 = 0xd
+	ETH_P_CONTROL                               = 0x16
+	ETH_P_CUST                                  = 0x6006
+	ETH_P_DDCMP                                 = 0x6
+	ETH_P_DEC                                   = 0x6000
+	ETH_P_DIAG                                  = 0x6005
+	ETH_P_DNA_DL                                = 0x6001
+	ETH_P_DNA_RC                                = 0x6002
+	ETH_P_DNA_RT                                = 0x6003
+	ETH_P_DSA                                   = 0x1b
+	ETH_P_DSA_8021Q                             = 0xdadb
+	ETH_P_ECONET                                = 0x18
+	ETH_P_EDSA                                  = 0xdada
+	ETH_P_ERSPAN                                = 0x88be
+	ETH_P_ERSPAN2                               = 0x22eb
+	ETH_P_FCOE                                  = 0x8906
+	ETH_P_FIP                                   = 0x8914
+	ETH_P_HDLC                                  = 0x19
+	ETH_P_HSR                                   = 0x892f
+	ETH_P_IBOE                                  = 0x8915
+	ETH_P_IEEE802154                            = 0xf6
+	ETH_P_IEEEPUP                               = 0xa00
+	ETH_P_IEEEPUPAT                             = 0xa01
+	ETH_P_IFE                                   = 0xed3e
+	ETH_P_IP                                    = 0x800
+	ETH_P_IPV6                                  = 0x86dd
+	ETH_P_IPX                                   = 0x8137
+	ETH_P_IRDA                                  = 0x17
+	ETH_P_LAT                                   = 0x6004
+	ETH_P_LINK_CTL                              = 0x886c
+	ETH_P_LLDP                                  = 0x88cc
+	ETH_P_LOCALTALK                             = 0x9
+	ETH_P_LOOP                                  = 0x60
+	ETH_P_LOOPBACK                              = 0x9000
+	ETH_P_MACSEC                                = 0x88e5
+	ETH_P_MAP                                   = 0xf9
+	ETH_P_MOBITEX                               = 0x15
+	ETH_P_MPLS_MC                               = 0x8848
+	ETH_P_MPLS_UC                               = 0x8847
+	ETH_P_MVRP                                  = 0x88f5
+	ETH_P_NCSI                                  = 0x88f8
+	ETH_P_NSH                                   = 0x894f
+	ETH_P_PAE                                   = 0x888e
+	ETH_P_PAUSE                                 = 0x8808
+	ETH_P_PHONET                                = 0xf5
+	ETH_P_PPPTALK                               = 0x10
+	ETH_P_PPP_DISC                              = 0x8863
+	ETH_P_PPP_MP                                = 0x8
+	ETH_P_PPP_SES                               = 0x8864
+	ETH_P_PREAUTH                               = 0x88c7
+	ETH_P_PRP                                   = 0x88fb
+	ETH_P_PUP                                   = 0x200
+	ETH_P_PUPAT                                 = 0x201
+	ETH_P_QINQ1                                 = 0x9100
+	ETH_P_QINQ2                                 = 0x9200
+	ETH_P_QINQ3                                 = 0x9300
+	ETH_P_RARP                                  = 0x8035
+	ETH_P_SCA                                   = 0x6007
+	ETH_P_SLOW                                  = 0x8809
+	ETH_P_SNAP                                  = 0x5
+	ETH_P_TDLS                                  = 0x890d
+	ETH_P_TEB                                   = 0x6558
+	ETH_P_TIPC                                  = 0x88ca
+	ETH_P_TRAILER                               = 0x1c
+	ETH_P_TR_802_2                              = 0x11
+	ETH_P_TSN                                   = 0x22f0
+	ETH_P_WAN_PPP                               = 0x7
+	ETH_P_WCCP                                  = 0x883e
+	ETH_P_X25                                   = 0x805
+	ETH_P_XDSA                                  = 0xf8
+	EXABYTE_ENABLE_NEST                         = 0xf0
+	EXT2_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xef53
+	EXT3_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xef53
+	EXT4_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xef53
+	EXTA                                        = 0xe
+	EXTB                                        = 0xf
+	EXTPROC                                     = 0x10000
+	F2FS_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xf2f52010
+	FALLOC_FL_COLLAPSE_RANGE                    = 0x8
+	FALLOC_FL_INSERT_RANGE                      = 0x20
+	FALLOC_FL_KEEP_SIZE                         = 0x1
+	FALLOC_FL_NO_HIDE_STALE                     = 0x4
+	FALLOC_FL_PUNCH_HOLE                        = 0x2
+	FALLOC_FL_UNSHARE_RANGE                     = 0x40
+	FALLOC_FL_ZERO_RANGE                        = 0x10
+	FANOTIFY_METADATA_VERSION                   = 0x3
+	FAN_ACCESS                                  = 0x1
+	FAN_ACCESS_PERM                             = 0x20000
+	FAN_ALLOW                                   = 0x1
+	FAN_ALL_CLASS_BITS                          = 0xc
+	FAN_ALL_EVENTS                              = 0x3b
+	FAN_ALL_INIT_FLAGS                          = 0x3f
+	FAN_ALL_MARK_FLAGS                          = 0xff
+	FAN_ALL_OUTGOING_EVENTS                     = 0x3403b
+	FAN_ALL_PERM_EVENTS                         = 0x30000
+	FAN_ATTRIB                                  = 0x4
+	FAN_AUDIT                                   = 0x10
+	FAN_CLASS_CONTENT                           = 0x4
+	FAN_CLASS_NOTIF                             = 0x0
+	FAN_CLASS_PRE_CONTENT                       = 0x8
+	FAN_CLOEXEC                                 = 0x1
+	FAN_CLOSE                                   = 0x18
+	FAN_CLOSE_NOWRITE                           = 0x10
+	FAN_CLOSE_WRITE                             = 0x8
+	FAN_CREATE                                  = 0x100
+	FAN_DELETE                                  = 0x200
+	FAN_DELETE_SELF                             = 0x400
+	FAN_DENY                                    = 0x2
+	FAN_ENABLE_AUDIT                            = 0x40
+	FAN_EVENT_INFO_TYPE_FID                     = 0x1
+	FAN_EVENT_METADATA_LEN                      = 0x18
+	FAN_EVENT_ON_CHILD                          = 0x8000000
+	FAN_MARK_ADD                                = 0x1
+	FAN_MARK_DONT_FOLLOW                        = 0x4
+	FAN_MARK_FILESYSTEM                         = 0x100
+	FAN_MARK_FLUSH                              = 0x80
+	FAN_MARK_IGNORED_MASK                       = 0x20
+	FAN_MARK_IGNORED_SURV_MODIFY                = 0x40
+	FAN_MARK_INODE                              = 0x0
+	FAN_MARK_MOUNT                              = 0x10
+	FAN_MARK_ONLYDIR                            = 0x8
+	FAN_MARK_REMOVE                             = 0x2
+	FAN_MODIFY                                  = 0x2
+	FAN_MOVE                                    = 0xc0
+	FAN_MOVED_FROM                              = 0x40
+	FAN_MOVED_TO                                = 0x80
+	FAN_MOVE_SELF                               = 0x800
+	FAN_NOFD                                    = -0x1
+	FAN_NONBLOCK                                = 0x2
+	FAN_ONDIR                                   = 0x40000000
+	FAN_OPEN                                    = 0x20
+	FAN_OPEN_EXEC                               = 0x1000
+	FAN_OPEN_EXEC_PERM                          = 0x40000
+	FAN_OPEN_PERM                               = 0x10000
+	FAN_Q_OVERFLOW                              = 0x4000
+	FAN_REPORT_FID                              = 0x200
+	FAN_REPORT_TID                              = 0x100
+	FAN_UNLIMITED_MARKS                         = 0x20
+	FAN_UNLIMITED_QUEUE                         = 0x10
+	FD_CLOEXEC                                  = 0x1
+	FD_SETSIZE                                  = 0x400
+	FF0                                         = 0x0
+	FF1                                         = 0x8000
+	FFDLY                                       = 0x8000
+	FLUSHO                                      = 0x2000
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE                 = 0x8
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_DESC_PREFIX                     = "fscrypt:"
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_DESC_PREFIX_SIZE                = 0x8
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_IDENTIFIER_SIZE                 = 0x10
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_STATUS_ABSENT                   = 0x1
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_STATUS_PRESENT                  = 0x2
+	FSCRYPT_MAX_KEY_SIZE                        = 0x40
+	FSCRYPT_MODE_ADIANTUM                       = 0x9
+	FSCRYPT_MODE_AES_128_CBC                    = 0x5
+	FSCRYPT_MODE_AES_128_CTS                    = 0x6
+	FSCRYPT_MODE_AES_256_CTS                    = 0x4
+	FSCRYPT_MODE_AES_256_XTS                    = 0x1
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_16                 = 0x2
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_32                 = 0x3
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_4                  = 0x0
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_8                  = 0x1
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_MASK               = 0x3
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_VALID                  = 0x7
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_V1                           = 0x0
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_V2                           = 0x2
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_ADIANTUM                 = 0x9
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_128_CBC              = 0x5
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_128_CTS              = 0x6
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_CBC              = 0x3
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_CTS              = 0x4
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_GCM              = 0x2
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_XTS              = 0x1
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_INVALID                  = 0x0
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_SPECK128_256_CTS         = 0x8
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_SPECK128_256_XTS         = 0x7
+	FS_IOC_ADD_ENCRYPTION_KEY                   = 0xc0506617
+	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_KEY_STATUS            = 0xc080661a
+	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY                = 0x800c6615
+	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY_EX             = 0xc0096616
+	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_PWSALT                = 0x80106614
+	FS_IOC_REMOVE_ENCRYPTION_KEY                = 0xc0406618
+	FS_IOC_SET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY                = 0x400c6613
+	FS_KEY_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE                      = 0x8
+	FS_KEY_DESC_PREFIX                          = "fscrypt:"
+	FS_KEY_DESC_PREFIX_SIZE                     = 0x8
+	FS_MAX_KEY_SIZE                             = 0x40
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_16                      = 0x2
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_32                      = 0x3
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_4                       = 0x0
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_8                       = 0x1
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_MASK                    = 0x3
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_VALID                       = 0x7
+	FUTEXFS_SUPER_MAGIC                         = 0xbad1dea
+	F_ADD_SEALS                                 = 0x409
+	F_DUPFD                                     = 0x0
+	F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC                             = 0x406
+	F_EXLCK                                     = 0x4
+	F_GETFD                                     = 0x1
+	F_GETFL                                     = 0x3
+	F_GETLEASE                                  = 0x401
+	F_GETLK                                     = 0xe
+	F_GETLK64                                   = 0xe
+	F_GETOWN                                    = 0x17
+	F_GETOWN_EX                                 = 0x10
+	F_GETPIPE_SZ                                = 0x408
+	F_GETSIG                                    = 0xb
+	F_GET_FILE_RW_HINT                          = 0x40d
+	F_GET_RW_HINT                               = 0x40b
+	F_GET_SEALS                                 = 0x40a
+	F_LOCK                                      = 0x1
+	F_NOTIFY                                    = 0x402
+	F_OFD_GETLK                                 = 0x24
+	F_OFD_SETLK                                 = 0x25
+	F_OFD_SETLKW                                = 0x26
+	F_OK                                        = 0x0
+	F_RDLCK                                     = 0x0
+	F_SEAL_FUTURE_WRITE                         = 0x10
+	F_SEAL_GROW                                 = 0x4
+	F_SEAL_SEAL                                 = 0x1
+	F_SEAL_SHRINK                               = 0x2
+	F_SEAL_WRITE                                = 0x8
+	F_SETFD                                     = 0x2
+	F_SETFL                                     = 0x4
+	F_SETLEASE                                  = 0x400
+	F_SETLK                                     = 0x6
+	F_SETLK64                                   = 0x6
+	F_SETLKW                                    = 0x7
+	F_SETLKW64                                  = 0x7
+	F_SETOWN                                    = 0x18
+	F_SETOWN_EX                                 = 0xf
+	F_SETPIPE_SZ                                = 0x407
+	F_SETSIG                                    = 0xa
+	F_SET_FILE_RW_HINT                          = 0x40e
+	F_SET_RW_HINT                               = 0x40c
+	F_SHLCK                                     = 0x8
+	F_TEST                                      = 0x3
+	F_TLOCK                                     = 0x2
+	F_ULOCK                                     = 0x0
+	F_UNLCK                                     = 0x2
+	F_WRLCK                                     = 0x1
+	GENL_ADMIN_PERM                             = 0x1
+	GENL_CMD_CAP_DO                             = 0x2
+	GENL_CMD_CAP_DUMP                           = 0x4
+	GENL_CMD_CAP_HASPOL                         = 0x8
+	GENL_HDRLEN                                 = 0x4
+	GENL_ID_CTRL                                = 0x10
+	GENL_ID_PMCRAID                             = 0x12
+	GENL_ID_VFS_DQUOT                           = 0x11
+	GENL_MAX_ID                                 = 0x3ff
+	GENL_MIN_ID                                 = 0x10
+	GENL_NAMSIZ                                 = 0x10
+	GENL_START_ALLOC                            = 0x13
+	GENL_UNS_ADMIN_PERM                         = 0x10
+	GRND_NONBLOCK                               = 0x1
+	GRND_RANDOM                                 = 0x2
+	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD                              = 0x31f
+	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD_AEB                          = 0x31e
+	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD_HDR_SIZE                     = 0x4
+	HDIO_DRIVE_HOB_HDR_SIZE                     = 0x8
+	HDIO_DRIVE_RESET                            = 0x31c
+	HDIO_DRIVE_TASK                             = 0x31e
+	HDIO_DRIVE_TASKFILE                         = 0x31d
+	HDIO_DRIVE_TASK_HDR_SIZE                    = 0x8
+	HDIO_GETGEO                                 = 0x301
+	HDIO_GET_32BIT                              = 0x309
+	HDIO_GET_ACOUSTIC                           = 0x30f
+	HDIO_GET_ADDRESS                            = 0x310
+	HDIO_GET_BUSSTATE                           = 0x31a
+	HDIO_GET_DMA                                = 0x30b
+	HDIO_GET_IDENTITY                           = 0x30d
+	HDIO_GET_KEEPSETTINGS                       = 0x308
+	HDIO_GET_MULTCOUNT                          = 0x304
+	HDIO_GET_NICE                               = 0x30c
+	HDIO_GET_NOWERR                             = 0x30a
+	HDIO_GET_QDMA                               = 0x305
+	HDIO_GET_UNMASKINTR                         = 0x302
+	HDIO_GET_WCACHE                             = 0x30e
+	HDIO_OBSOLETE_IDENTITY                      = 0x307
+	HDIO_SCAN_HWIF                              = 0x328
+	HDIO_SET_32BIT                              = 0x324
+	HDIO_SET_ACOUSTIC                           = 0x32c
+	HDIO_SET_ADDRESS                            = 0x32f
+	HDIO_SET_BUSSTATE                           = 0x32d
+	HDIO_SET_DMA                                = 0x326
+	HDIO_SET_KEEPSETTINGS                       = 0x323
+	HDIO_SET_MULTCOUNT                          = 0x321
+	HDIO_SET_NICE                               = 0x329
+	HDIO_SET_NOWERR                             = 0x325
+	HDIO_SET_PIO_MODE                           = 0x327
+	HDIO_SET_QDMA                               = 0x32e
+	HDIO_SET_UNMASKINTR                         = 0x322
+	HDIO_SET_WCACHE                             = 0x32b
+	HDIO_SET_XFER                               = 0x306
+	HDIO_TRISTATE_HWIF                          = 0x31b
+	HDIO_UNREGISTER_HWIF                        = 0x32a
+	HOSTFS_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0xc0ffee
+	HPFS_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xf995e849
+	HUGETLBFS_MAGIC                             = 0x958458f6
+	HUPCL                                       = 0x400
+	IBSHIFT                                     = 0x10
+	ICANON                                      = 0x2
+	ICMPV6_FILTER                               = 0x1
+	ICRNL                                       = 0x100
+	IEXTEN                                      = 0x100
+	IFA_F_DADFAILED                             = 0x8
+	IFA_F_DEPRECATED                            = 0x20
+	IFA_F_HOMEADDRESS                           = 0x10
+	IFA_F_MANAGETEMPADDR                        = 0x100
+	IFA_F_MCAUTOJOIN                            = 0x400
+	IFA_F_NODAD                                 = 0x2
+	IFA_F_NOPREFIXROUTE                         = 0x200
+	IFA_F_OPTIMISTIC                            = 0x4
+	IFA_F_PERMANENT                             = 0x80
+	IFA_F_SECONDARY                             = 0x1
+	IFA_F_STABLE_PRIVACY                        = 0x800
+	IFA_F_TEMPORARY                             = 0x1
+	IFA_F_TENTATIVE                             = 0x40
+	IFA_MAX                                     = 0xa
+	IFF_ALLMULTI                                = 0x200
+	IFF_ATTACH_QUEUE                            = 0x200
+	IFF_AUTOMEDIA                               = 0x4000
+	IFF_BROADCAST                               = 0x2
+	IFF_DEBUG                                   = 0x4
+	IFF_DETACH_QUEUE                            = 0x400
+	IFF_DORMANT                                 = 0x20000
+	IFF_DYNAMIC                                 = 0x8000
+	IFF_ECHO                                    = 0x40000
+	IFF_LOOPBACK                                = 0x8
+	IFF_LOWER_UP                                = 0x10000
+	IFF_MASTER                                  = 0x400
+	IFF_MULTICAST                               = 0x1000
+	IFF_MULTI_QUEUE                             = 0x100
+	IFF_NAPI                                    = 0x10
+	IFF_NAPI_FRAGS                              = 0x20
+	IFF_NOARP                                   = 0x80
+	IFF_NOFILTER                                = 0x1000
+	IFF_NOTRAILERS                              = 0x20
+	IFF_NO_PI                                   = 0x1000
+	IFF_ONE_QUEUE                               = 0x2000
+	IFF_PERSIST                                 = 0x800
+	IFF_POINTOPOINT                             = 0x10
+	IFF_PORTSEL                                 = 0x2000
+	IFF_PROMISC                                 = 0x100
+	IFF_RUNNING                                 = 0x40
+	IFF_SLAVE                                   = 0x800
+	IFF_TAP                                     = 0x2
+	IFF_TUN                                     = 0x1
+	IFF_TUN_EXCL                                = 0x8000
+	IFF_UP                                      = 0x1
+	IFF_VNET_HDR                                = 0x4000
+	IFF_VOLATILE                                = 0x70c5a
+	IFNAMSIZ                                    = 0x10
+	IGNBRK                                      = 0x1
+	IGNCR                                       = 0x80
+	IGNPAR                                      = 0x4
+	IMAXBEL                                     = 0x2000
+	INLCR                                       = 0x40
+	INPCK                                       = 0x10
+	IN_ACCESS                                   = 0x1
+	IN_ALL_EVENTS                               = 0xfff
+	IN_ATTRIB                                   = 0x4
+	IN_CLASSA_HOST                              = 0xffffff
+	IN_CLASSA_MAX                               = 0x80
+	IN_CLASSA_NET                               = 0xff000000
+	IN_CLASSA_NSHIFT                            = 0x18
+	IN_CLASSB_HOST                              = 0xffff
+	IN_CLASSB_MAX                               = 0x10000
+	IN_CLASSB_NET                               = 0xffff0000
+	IN_CLASSB_NSHIFT                            = 0x10
+	IN_CLASSC_HOST                              = 0xff
+	IN_CLASSC_NET                               = 0xffffff00
+	IN_CLASSC_NSHIFT                            = 0x8
+	IN_CLOEXEC                                  = 0x80000
+	IN_CLOSE                                    = 0x18
+	IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE                            = 0x10
+	IN_CLOSE_WRITE                              = 0x8
+	IN_CREATE                                   = 0x100
+	IN_DELETE                                   = 0x200
+	IN_DELETE_SELF                              = 0x400
+	IN_DONT_FOLLOW                              = 0x2000000
+	IN_EXCL_UNLINK                              = 0x4000000
+	IN_IGNORED                                  = 0x8000
+	IN_ISDIR                                    = 0x40000000
+	IN_LOOPBACKNET                              = 0x7f
+	IN_MASK_ADD                                 = 0x20000000
+	IN_MASK_CREATE                              = 0x10000000
+	IN_MODIFY                                   = 0x2
+	IN_MOVE                                     = 0xc0
+	IN_MOVED_FROM                               = 0x40
+	IN_MOVED_TO                                 = 0x80
+	IN_MOVE_SELF                                = 0x800
+	IN_NONBLOCK                                 = 0x80
+	IN_ONESHOT                                  = 0x80000000
+	IN_ONLYDIR                                  = 0x1000000
+	IN_OPEN                                     = 0x20
+	IN_Q_OVERFLOW                               = 0x4000
+	IN_UNMOUNT                                  = 0x2000
+	IOCTL_VM_SOCKETS_GET_LOCAL_CID              = 0x200007b9
+	IPPROTO_AH                                  = 0x33
+	IPPROTO_BEETPH                              = 0x5e
+	IPPROTO_COMP                                = 0x6c
+	IPPROTO_DCCP                                = 0x21
+	IPPROTO_DSTOPTS                             = 0x3c
+	IPPROTO_EGP                                 = 0x8
+	IPPROTO_ENCAP                               = 0x62
+	IPPROTO_ESP                                 = 0x32
+	IPPROTO_FRAGMENT                            = 0x2c
+	IPPROTO_GRE                                 = 0x2f
+	IPPROTO_HOPOPTS                             = 0x0
+	IPPROTO_ICMP                                = 0x1
+	IPPROTO_ICMPV6                              = 0x3a
+	IPPROTO_IDP                                 = 0x16
+	IPPROTO_IGMP                                = 0x2
+	IPPROTO_IP                                  = 0x0
+	IPPROTO_IPIP                                = 0x4
+	IPPROTO_IPV6                                = 0x29
+	IPPROTO_MH                                  = 0x87
+	IPPROTO_MPLS                                = 0x89
+	IPPROTO_MTP                                 = 0x5c
+	IPPROTO_NONE                                = 0x3b
+	IPPROTO_PIM                                 = 0x67
+	IPPROTO_PUP                                 = 0xc
+	IPPROTO_RAW                                 = 0xff
+	IPPROTO_ROUTING                             = 0x2b
+	IPPROTO_RSVP                                = 0x2e
+	IPPROTO_SCTP                                = 0x84
+	IPPROTO_TCP                                 = 0x6
+	IPPROTO_TP                                  = 0x1d
+	IPPROTO_UDP                                 = 0x11
+	IPPROTO_UDPLITE                             = 0x88
+	IPV6_2292DSTOPTS                            = 0x4
+	IPV6_2292HOPLIMIT                           = 0x8
+	IPV6_2292HOPOPTS                            = 0x3
+	IPV6_2292PKTINFO                            = 0x2
+	IPV6_2292PKTOPTIONS                         = 0x6
+	IPV6_2292RTHDR                              = 0x5
+	IPV6_ADDRFORM                               = 0x1
+	IPV6_ADDR_PREFERENCES                       = 0x48
+	IPV6_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                         = 0x14
+	IPV6_AUTHHDR                                = 0xa
+	IPV6_AUTOFLOWLABEL                          = 0x46
+	IPV6_CHECKSUM                               = 0x7
+	IPV6_DONTFRAG                               = 0x3e
+	IPV6_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                        = 0x15
+	IPV6_DSTOPTS                                = 0x3b
+	IPV6_FREEBIND                               = 0x4e
+	IPV6_HDRINCL                                = 0x24
+	IPV6_HOPLIMIT                               = 0x34
+	IPV6_HOPOPTS                                = 0x36
+	IPV6_IPSEC_POLICY                           = 0x22
+	IPV6_JOIN_ANYCAST                           = 0x1b
+	IPV6_JOIN_GROUP                             = 0x14
+	IPV6_LEAVE_ANYCAST                          = 0x1c
+	IPV6_LEAVE_GROUP                            = 0x15
+	IPV6_MINHOPCOUNT                            = 0x49
+	IPV6_MTU                                    = 0x18
+	IPV6_MTU_DISCOVER                           = 0x17
+	IPV6_MULTICAST_ALL                          = 0x1d
+	IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS                         = 0x12
+	IPV6_MULTICAST_IF                           = 0x11
+	IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP                         = 0x13
+	IPV6_NEXTHOP                                = 0x9
+	IPV6_ORIGDSTADDR                            = 0x4a
+	IPV6_PATHMTU                                = 0x3d
+	IPV6_PKTINFO                                = 0x32
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_DO                            = 0x2
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_DONT                          = 0x0
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_INTERFACE                     = 0x4
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_OMIT                          = 0x5
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_PROBE                         = 0x3
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_WANT                          = 0x1
+	IPV6_RECVDSTOPTS                            = 0x3a
+	IPV6_RECVERR                                = 0x19
+	IPV6_RECVFRAGSIZE                           = 0x4d
+	IPV6_RECVHOPLIMIT                           = 0x33
+	IPV6_RECVHOPOPTS                            = 0x35
+	IPV6_RECVORIGDSTADDR                        = 0x4a
+	IPV6_RECVPATHMTU                            = 0x3c
+	IPV6_RECVPKTINFO                            = 0x31
+	IPV6_RECVRTHDR                              = 0x38
+	IPV6_RECVTCLASS                             = 0x42
+	IPV6_ROUTER_ALERT                           = 0x16
+	IPV6_ROUTER_ALERT_ISOLATE                   = 0x1e
+	IPV6_RTHDR                                  = 0x39
+	IPV6_RTHDRDSTOPTS                           = 0x37
+	IPV6_RTHDR_LOOSE                            = 0x0
+	IPV6_RTHDR_STRICT                           = 0x1
+	IPV6_RTHDR_TYPE_0                           = 0x0
+	IPV6_RXDSTOPTS                              = 0x3b
+	IPV6_RXHOPOPTS                              = 0x36
+	IPV6_TCLASS                                 = 0x43
+	IPV6_TRANSPARENT                            = 0x4b
+	IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS                           = 0x10
+	IPV6_UNICAST_IF                             = 0x4c
+	IPV6_V6ONLY                                 = 0x1a
+	IPV6_XFRM_POLICY                            = 0x23
+	IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                           = 0x23
+	IP_ADD_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP                    = 0x27
+	IP_BIND_ADDRESS_NO_PORT                     = 0x18
+	IP_BLOCK_SOURCE                             = 0x26
+	IP_CHECKSUM                                 = 0x17
+	IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_LOOP                   = 0x1
+	IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_TTL                    = 0x1
+	IP_DF                                       = 0x4000
+	IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                          = 0x24
+	IP_DROP_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP                   = 0x28
+	IP_FREEBIND                                 = 0xf
+	IP_HDRINCL                                  = 0x3
+	IP_IPSEC_POLICY                             = 0x10
+	IP_MAXPACKET                                = 0xffff
+	IP_MAX_MEMBERSHIPS                          = 0x14
+	IP_MF                                       = 0x2000
+	IP_MINTTL                                   = 0x15
+	IP_MSFILTER                                 = 0x29
+	IP_MSS                                      = 0x240
+	IP_MTU                                      = 0xe
+	IP_MTU_DISCOVER                             = 0xa
+	IP_MULTICAST_ALL                            = 0x31
+	IP_MULTICAST_IF                             = 0x20
+	IP_MULTICAST_LOOP                           = 0x22
+	IP_MULTICAST_TTL                            = 0x21
+	IP_NODEFRAG                                 = 0x16
+	IP_OFFMASK                                  = 0x1fff
+	IP_OPTIONS                                  = 0x4
+	IP_ORIGDSTADDR                              = 0x14
+	IP_PASSSEC                                  = 0x12
+	IP_PKTINFO                                  = 0x8
+	IP_PKTOPTIONS                               = 0x9
+	IP_PMTUDISC                                 = 0xa
+	IP_PMTUDISC_DO                              = 0x2
+	IP_PMTUDISC_DONT                            = 0x0
+	IP_PMTUDISC_INTERFACE                       = 0x4
+	IP_PMTUDISC_OMIT                            = 0x5
+	IP_PMTUDISC_PROBE                           = 0x3
+	IP_PMTUDISC_WANT                            = 0x1
+	IP_RECVERR                                  = 0xb
+	IP_RECVFRAGSIZE                             = 0x19
+	IP_RECVOPTS                                 = 0x6
+	IP_RECVORIGDSTADDR                          = 0x14
+	IP_RECVRETOPTS                              = 0x7
+	IP_RECVTOS                                  = 0xd
+	IP_RECVTTL                                  = 0xc
+	IP_RETOPTS                                  = 0x7
+	IP_RF                                       = 0x8000
+	IP_ROUTER_ALERT                             = 0x5
+	IP_TOS                                      = 0x1
+	IP_TRANSPARENT                              = 0x13
+	IP_TTL                                      = 0x2
+	IP_UNBLOCK_SOURCE                           = 0x25
+	IP_UNICAST_IF                               = 0x32
+	IP_XFRM_POLICY                              = 0x11
+	ISIG                                        = 0x1
+	ISOFS_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x9660
+	ISTRIP                                      = 0x20
+	IUCLC                                       = 0x200
+	IUTF8                                       = 0x4000
+	IXANY                                       = 0x800
+	IXOFF                                       = 0x1000
+	IXON                                        = 0x400
+	JFFS2_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x72b6
+	KEXEC_ARCH_386                              = 0x30000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_68K                              = 0x40000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_AARCH64                          = 0xb70000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_ARM                              = 0x280000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_DEFAULT                          = 0x0
+	KEXEC_ARCH_IA_64                            = 0x320000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_MASK                             = 0xffff0000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_MIPS                             = 0x80000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_MIPS_LE                          = 0xa0000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_PARISC                           = 0xf0000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_PPC                              = 0x140000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_PPC64                            = 0x150000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_S390                             = 0x160000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_SH                               = 0x2a0000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_X86_64                           = 0x3e0000
+	KEXEC_FILE_NO_INITRAMFS                     = 0x4
+	KEXEC_FILE_ON_CRASH                         = 0x2
+	KEXEC_FILE_UNLOAD                           = 0x1
+	KEXEC_ON_CRASH                              = 0x1
+	KEXEC_PRESERVE_CONTEXT                      = 0x2
+	KEXEC_SEGMENT_MAX                           = 0x10
+	KEYCTL_ASSUME_AUTHORITY                     = 0x10
+	KEYCTL_CAPABILITIES                         = 0x1f
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_BIG_KEY                        = 0x10
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_CAPABILITIES                   = 0x1
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_DIFFIE_HELLMAN                 = 0x4
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_INVALIDATE                     = 0x20
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_MOVE                           = 0x80
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_PUBLIC_KEY                     = 0x8
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_RESTRICT_KEYRING               = 0x40
+	KEYCTL_CAPS1_NS_KEYRING_NAME                = 0x1
+	KEYCTL_CAPS1_NS_KEY_TAG                     = 0x2
+	KEYCTL_CHOWN                                = 0x4
+	KEYCTL_CLEAR                                = 0x7
+	KEYCTL_DESCRIBE                             = 0x6
+	KEYCTL_DH_COMPUTE                           = 0x17
+	KEYCTL_GET_KEYRING_ID                       = 0x0
+	KEYCTL_GET_PERSISTENT                       = 0x16
+	KEYCTL_GET_SECURITY                         = 0x11
+	KEYCTL_INSTANTIATE                          = 0xc
+	KEYCTL_INSTANTIATE_IOV                      = 0x14
+	KEYCTL_INVALIDATE                           = 0x15
+	KEYCTL_JOIN_SESSION_KEYRING                 = 0x1
+	KEYCTL_LINK                                 = 0x8
+	KEYCTL_MOVE                                 = 0x1e
+	KEYCTL_MOVE_EXCL                            = 0x1
+	KEYCTL_NEGATE                               = 0xd
+	KEYCTL_PKEY_DECRYPT                         = 0x1a
+	KEYCTL_PKEY_ENCRYPT                         = 0x19
+	KEYCTL_PKEY_QUERY                           = 0x18
+	KEYCTL_PKEY_SIGN                            = 0x1b
+	KEYCTL_PKEY_VERIFY                          = 0x1c
+	KEYCTL_READ                                 = 0xb
+	KEYCTL_REJECT                               = 0x13
+	KEYCTL_RESTRICT_KEYRING                     = 0x1d
+	KEYCTL_REVOKE                               = 0x3
+	KEYCTL_SEARCH                               = 0xa
+	KEYCTL_SESSION_TO_PARENT                    = 0x12
+	KEYCTL_SETPERM                              = 0x5
+	KEYCTL_SET_REQKEY_KEYRING                   = 0xe
+	KEYCTL_SET_TIMEOUT                          = 0xf
+	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_DECRYPT                     = 0x2
+	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_ENCRYPT                     = 0x1
+	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_SIGN                        = 0x4
+	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_VERIFY                      = 0x8
+	KEYCTL_UNLINK                               = 0x9
+	KEYCTL_UPDATE                               = 0x2
+	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_DEFAULT                     = 0x0
+	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_GROUP_KEYRING               = 0x6
+	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_NO_CHANGE                   = -0x1
+	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_USER_KEYRING                = 0x4
+	KEY_SPEC_GROUP_KEYRING                      = -0x6
+	KEY_SPEC_PROCESS_KEYRING                    = -0x2
+	KEY_SPEC_REQKEY_AUTH_KEY                    = -0x7
+	KEY_SPEC_REQUESTOR_KEYRING                  = -0x8
+	KEY_SPEC_SESSION_KEYRING                    = -0x3
+	KEY_SPEC_THREAD_KEYRING                     = -0x1
+	KEY_SPEC_USER_KEYRING                       = -0x4
+	KEY_SPEC_USER_SESSION_KEYRING               = -0x5
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_CAD_OFF                    = 0x0
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_CAD_ON                     = 0x89abcdef
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_HALT                       = 0xcdef0123
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_KEXEC                      = 0x45584543
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_POWER_OFF                  = 0x4321fedc
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_RESTART                    = 0x1234567
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_RESTART2                   = 0xa1b2c3d4
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_SW_SUSPEND                 = 0xd000fce2
+	LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC1                         = 0xfee1dead
+	LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC2                         = 0x28121969
+	LOCK_EX                                     = 0x2
+	LOCK_NB                                     = 0x4
+	LOCK_SH                                     = 0x1
+	LOCK_UN                                     = 0x8
+	LOOP_CLR_FD                                 = 0x4c01
+	LOOP_CTL_ADD                                = 0x4c80
+	LOOP_CTL_GET_FREE                           = 0x4c82
+	LOOP_CTL_REMOVE                             = 0x4c81
+	LOOP_GET_STATUS                             = 0x4c03
+	LOOP_GET_STATUS64                           = 0x4c05
+	LOOP_SET_BLOCK_SIZE                         = 0x4c09
+	LOOP_SET_CAPACITY                           = 0x4c07
+	LOOP_SET_DIRECT_IO                          = 0x4c08
+	LOOP_SET_FD                                 = 0x4c00
+	LOOP_SET_STATUS                             = 0x4c02
+	LOOP_SET_STATUS64                           = 0x4c04
+	LO_KEY_SIZE                                 = 0x20
+	LO_NAME_SIZE                                = 0x40
+	MADV_DODUMP                                 = 0x11
+	MADV_DOFORK                                 = 0xb
+	MADV_DONTDUMP                               = 0x10
+	MADV_DONTFORK                               = 0xa
+	MADV_DONTNEED                               = 0x4
+	MADV_FREE                                   = 0x8
+	MADV_HUGEPAGE                               = 0xe
+	MADV_HWPOISON                               = 0x64
+	MADV_KEEPONFORK                             = 0x13
+	MADV_MERGEABLE                              = 0xc
+	MADV_NOHUGEPAGE                             = 0xf
+	MADV_NORMAL                                 = 0x0
+	MADV_RANDOM                                 = 0x1
+	MADV_REMOVE                                 = 0x9
+	MADV_SEQUENTIAL                             = 0x2
+	MADV_UNMERGEABLE                            = 0xd
+	MADV_WILLNEED                               = 0x3
+	MADV_WIPEONFORK                             = 0x12
+	MAP_ANON                                    = 0x800
+	MAP_ANONYMOUS                               = 0x800
+	MAP_DENYWRITE                               = 0x2000
+	MAP_EXECUTABLE                              = 0x4000
+	MAP_FILE                                    = 0x0
+	MAP_FIXED                                   = 0x10
+	MAP_FIXED_NOREPLACE                         = 0x100000
+	MAP_GROWSDOWN                               = 0x1000
+	MAP_HUGETLB                                 = 0x80000
+	MAP_HUGE_MASK                               = 0x3f
+	MAP_HUGE_SHIFT                              = 0x1a
+	MAP_LOCKED                                  = 0x8000
+	MAP_NONBLOCK                                = 0x20000
+	MAP_NORESERVE                               = 0x400
+	MAP_POPULATE                                = 0x10000
+	MAP_PRIVATE                                 = 0x2
+	MAP_RENAME                                  = 0x800
+	MAP_SHARED                                  = 0x1
+	MAP_SHARED_VALIDATE                         = 0x3
+	MAP_STACK                                   = 0x40000
+	MAP_TYPE                                    = 0xf
+	MCAST_BLOCK_SOURCE                          = 0x2b
+	MCAST_EXCLUDE                               = 0x0
+	MCAST_INCLUDE                               = 0x1
+	MCAST_JOIN_GROUP                            = 0x2a
+	MCAST_JOIN_SOURCE_GROUP                     = 0x2e
+	MCAST_LEAVE_GROUP                           = 0x2d
+	MCAST_LEAVE_SOURCE_GROUP                    = 0x2f
+	MCAST_MSFILTER                              = 0x30
+	MCAST_UNBLOCK_SOURCE                        = 0x2c
+	MCL_CURRENT                                 = 0x1
+	MCL_FUTURE                                  = 0x2
+	MCL_ONFAULT                                 = 0x4
+	MFD_ALLOW_SEALING                           = 0x2
+	MFD_CLOEXEC                                 = 0x1
+	MFD_HUGETLB                                 = 0x4
+	MFD_HUGE_16GB                               = -0x78000000
+	MFD_HUGE_16MB                               = 0x60000000
+	MFD_HUGE_1GB                                = 0x78000000
+	MFD_HUGE_1MB                                = 0x50000000
+	MFD_HUGE_256MB                              = 0x70000000
+	MFD_HUGE_2GB                                = 0x7c000000
+	MFD_HUGE_2MB                                = 0x54000000
+	MFD_HUGE_32MB                               = 0x64000000
+	MFD_HUGE_512KB                              = 0x4c000000
+	MFD_HUGE_512MB                              = 0x74000000
+	MFD_HUGE_64KB                               = 0x40000000
+	MFD_HUGE_8MB                                = 0x5c000000
+	MFD_HUGE_MASK                               = 0x3f
+	MFD_HUGE_SHIFT                              = 0x1a
+	MINIX2_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0x2468
+	MINIX2_SUPER_MAGIC2                         = 0x2478
+	MINIX3_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0x4d5a
+	MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x137f
+	MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC2                          = 0x138f
+	MNT_DETACH                                  = 0x2
+	MNT_EXPIRE                                  = 0x4
+	MNT_FORCE                                   = 0x1
+	MODULE_INIT_IGNORE_VERMAGIC                 = 0x2
+	MSDOS_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x4d44
+	MSG_BATCH                                   = 0x40000
+	MSG_CMSG_CLOEXEC                            = 0x40000000
+	MSG_CONFIRM                                 = 0x800
+	MSG_CTRUNC                                  = 0x8
+	MSG_DONTROUTE                               = 0x4
+	MSG_DONTWAIT                                = 0x40
+	MSG_EOR                                     = 0x80
+	MSG_ERRQUEUE                                = 0x2000
+	MSG_FASTOPEN                                = 0x20000000
+	MSG_FIN                                     = 0x200
+	MSG_MORE                                    = 0x8000
+	MSG_NOSIGNAL                                = 0x4000
+	MSG_OOB                                     = 0x1
+	MSG_PEEK                                    = 0x2
+	MSG_PROXY                                   = 0x10
+	MSG_RST                                     = 0x1000
+	MSG_SYN                                     = 0x400
+	MSG_TRUNC                                   = 0x20
+	MSG_TRYHARD                                 = 0x4
+	MSG_WAITALL                                 = 0x100
+	MSG_WAITFORONE                              = 0x10000
+	MSG_ZEROCOPY                                = 0x4000000
+	MS_ACTIVE                                   = 0x40000000
+	MS_ASYNC                                    = 0x1
+	MS_BIND                                     = 0x1000
+	MS_BORN                                     = 0x20000000
+	MS_DIRSYNC                                  = 0x80
+	MS_INVALIDATE                               = 0x2
+	MS_I_VERSION                                = 0x800000
+	MS_KERNMOUNT                                = 0x400000
+	MS_LAZYTIME                                 = 0x2000000
+	MS_MANDLOCK                                 = 0x40
+	MS_MGC_MSK                                  = 0xffff0000
+	MS_MGC_VAL                                  = 0xc0ed0000
+	MS_MOVE                                     = 0x2000
+	MS_NOATIME                                  = 0x400
+	MS_NODEV                                    = 0x4
+	MS_NODIRATIME                               = 0x800
+	MS_NOEXEC                                   = 0x8
+	MS_NOREMOTELOCK                             = 0x8000000
+	MS_NOSEC                                    = 0x10000000
+	MS_NOSUID                                   = 0x2
+	MS_NOUSER                                   = -0x80000000
+	MS_POSIXACL                                 = 0x10000
+	MS_PRIVATE                                  = 0x40000
+	MS_RDONLY                                   = 0x1
+	MS_REC                                      = 0x4000
+	MS_RELATIME                                 = 0x200000
+	MS_REMOUNT                                  = 0x20
+	MS_RMT_MASK                                 = 0x2800051
+	MS_SHARED                                   = 0x100000
+	MS_SILENT                                   = 0x8000
+	MS_SLAVE                                    = 0x80000
+	MS_STRICTATIME                              = 0x1000000
+	MS_SUBMOUNT                                 = 0x4000000
+	MS_SYNC                                     = 0x4
+	MS_SYNCHRONOUS                              = 0x10
+	MS_UNBINDABLE                               = 0x20000
+	MS_VERBOSE                                  = 0x8000
+	MTD_INODE_FS_MAGIC                          = 0x11307854
+	NAME_MAX                                    = 0xff
+	NCP_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x564c
+	NETLINK_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                      = 0x1
+	NETLINK_AUDIT                               = 0x9
+	NETLINK_BROADCAST_ERROR                     = 0x4
+	NETLINK_CAP_ACK                             = 0xa
+	NETLINK_CONNECTOR                           = 0xb
+	NETLINK_CRYPTO                              = 0x15
+	NETLINK_DNRTMSG                             = 0xe
+	NETLINK_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                     = 0x2
+	NETLINK_ECRYPTFS                            = 0x13
+	NETLINK_EXT_ACK                             = 0xb
+	NETLINK_FIB_LOOKUP                          = 0xa
+	NETLINK_FIREWALL                            = 0x3
+	NETLINK_GENERIC                             = 0x10
+	NETLINK_GET_STRICT_CHK                      = 0xc
+	NETLINK_INET_DIAG                           = 0x4
+	NETLINK_IP6_FW                              = 0xd
+	NETLINK_ISCSI                               = 0x8
+	NETLINK_KOBJECT_UEVENT                      = 0xf
+	NETLINK_LISTEN_ALL_NSID                     = 0x8
+	NETLINK_LIST_MEMBERSHIPS                    = 0x9
+	NETLINK_NETFILTER                           = 0xc
+	NETLINK_NFLOG                               = 0x5
+	NETLINK_NO_ENOBUFS                          = 0x5
+	NETLINK_PKTINFO                             = 0x3
+	NETLINK_RDMA                                = 0x14
+	NETLINK_ROUTE                               = 0x0
+	NETLINK_RX_RING                             = 0x6
+	NETLINK_SCSITRANSPORT                       = 0x12
+	NETLINK_SELINUX                             = 0x7
+	NETLINK_SMC                                 = 0x16
+	NETLINK_SOCK_DIAG                           = 0x4
+	NETLINK_TX_RING                             = 0x7
+	NETLINK_UNUSED                              = 0x1
+	NETLINK_USERSOCK                            = 0x2
+	NETLINK_XFRM                                = 0x6
+	NETNSA_MAX                                  = 0x5
+	NETNSA_NSID_NOT_ASSIGNED                    = -0x1
+	NFDBITS                                     = 0x40
+	NFNETLINK_V0                                = 0x0
+	NFNLGRP_ACCT_QUOTA                          = 0x8
+	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_DESTROY                   = 0x3
+	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_EXP_NEW                   = 0x4
+	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_EXP_UPDATE                = 0x5
+	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_NEW                       = 0x1
+	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_UPDATE                    = 0x2
+	NFNLGRP_MAX                                 = 0x9
+	NFNLGRP_NFTABLES                            = 0x7
+	NFNLGRP_NFTRACE                             = 0x9
+	NFNLGRP_NONE                                = 0x0
+	NFNL_BATCH_MAX                              = 0x1
+	NFNL_MSG_BATCH_BEGIN                        = 0x10
+	NFNL_MSG_BATCH_END                          = 0x11
+	NFNL_NFA_NEST                               = 0x8000
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_ACCT                            = 0x7
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_COUNT                           = 0xc
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTHELPER                        = 0x9
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTNETLINK                       = 0x1
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTNETLINK_EXP                   = 0x2
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_IPSET                           = 0x6
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_NFTABLES                        = 0xa
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_NFT_COMPAT                      = 0xb
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_NONE                            = 0x0
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_OSF                             = 0x5
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_QUEUE                           = 0x3
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_ULOG                            = 0x4
+	NFS_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x6969
+	NILFS_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x3434
+	NL0                                         = 0x0
+	NL1                                         = 0x100
+	NLA_ALIGNTO                                 = 0x4
+	NLA_F_NESTED                                = 0x8000
+	NLA_F_NET_BYTEORDER                         = 0x4000
+	NLA_HDRLEN                                  = 0x4
+	NLDLY                                       = 0x100
+	NLMSG_ALIGNTO                               = 0x4
+	NLMSG_DONE                                  = 0x3
+	NLMSG_ERROR                                 = 0x2
+	NLMSG_HDRLEN                                = 0x10
+	NLMSG_MIN_TYPE                              = 0x10
+	NLMSG_NOOP                                  = 0x1
+	NLMSG_OVERRUN                               = 0x4
+	NLM_F_ACK                                   = 0x4
+	NLM_F_ACK_TLVS                              = 0x200
+	NLM_F_APPEND                                = 0x800
+	NLM_F_ATOMIC                                = 0x400
+	NLM_F_CAPPED                                = 0x100
+	NLM_F_CREATE                                = 0x400
+	NLM_F_DUMP                                  = 0x300
+	NLM_F_DUMP_FILTERED                         = 0x20
+	NLM_F_DUMP_INTR                             = 0x10
+	NLM_F_ECHO                                  = 0x8
+	NLM_F_EXCL                                  = 0x200
+	NLM_F_MATCH                                 = 0x200
+	NLM_F_MULTI                                 = 0x2
+	NLM_F_NONREC                                = 0x100
+	NLM_F_REPLACE                               = 0x100
+	NLM_F_REQUEST                               = 0x1
+	NLM_F_ROOT                                  = 0x100
+	NOFLSH                                      = 0x80
+	NSFS_MAGIC                                  = 0x6e736673
+	NS_GET_NSTYPE                               = 0x2000b703
+	NS_GET_OWNER_UID                            = 0x2000b704
+	NS_GET_PARENT                               = 0x2000b702
+	NS_GET_USERNS                               = 0x2000b701
+	OCFS2_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x7461636f
+	OCRNL                                       = 0x8
+	OFDEL                                       = 0x80
+	OFILL                                       = 0x40
+	OLCUC                                       = 0x2
+	ONLCR                                       = 0x4
+	ONLRET                                      = 0x20
+	ONOCR                                       = 0x10
+	OPENPROM_SUPER_MAGIC                        = 0x9fa1
+	OPOST                                       = 0x1
+	OVERLAYFS_SUPER_MAGIC                       = 0x794c7630
+	O_ACCMODE                                   = 0x3
+	O_APPEND                                    = 0x8
+	O_ASYNC                                     = 0x1000
+	O_CLOEXEC                                   = 0x80000
+	O_CREAT                                     = 0x100
+	O_DIRECT                                    = 0x8000
+	O_DIRECTORY                                 = 0x10000
+	O_DSYNC                                     = 0x10
+	O_EXCL                                      = 0x400
+	O_FSYNC                                     = 0x4010
+	O_LARGEFILE                                 = 0x0
+	O_NDELAY                                    = 0x80
+	O_NOATIME                                   = 0x40000
+	O_NOCTTY                                    = 0x800
+	O_NOFOLLOW                                  = 0x20000
+	O_NONBLOCK                                  = 0x80
+	O_PATH                                      = 0x200000
+	O_RDONLY                                    = 0x0
+	O_RDWR                                      = 0x2
+	O_RSYNC                                     = 0x4010
+	O_SYNC                                      = 0x4010
+	O_TMPFILE                                   = 0x410000
+	O_TRUNC                                     = 0x200
+	O_WRONLY                                    = 0x1
+	PACKET_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                       = 0x1
+	PACKET_AUXDATA                              = 0x8
+	PACKET_BROADCAST                            = 0x1
+	PACKET_COPY_THRESH                          = 0x7
+	PACKET_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                      = 0x2
+	PACKET_FANOUT                               = 0x12
+	PACKET_FANOUT_CBPF                          = 0x6
+	PACKET_FANOUT_CPU                           = 0x2
+	PACKET_FANOUT_DATA                          = 0x16
+	PACKET_FANOUT_EBPF                          = 0x7
+	PACKET_FANOUT_FLAG_DEFRAG                   = 0x8000
+	PACKET_FANOUT_FLAG_ROLLOVER                 = 0x1000
+	PACKET_FANOUT_FLAG_UNIQUEID                 = 0x2000
+	PACKET_FANOUT_HASH                          = 0x0
+	PACKET_FANOUT_LB                            = 0x1
+	PACKET_FANOUT_QM                            = 0x5
+	PACKET_FANOUT_RND                           = 0x4
+	PACKET_FANOUT_ROLLOVER                      = 0x3
+	PACKET_FASTROUTE                            = 0x6
+	PACKET_HDRLEN                               = 0xb
+	PACKET_HOST                                 = 0x0
+	PACKET_IGNORE_OUTGOING                      = 0x17
+	PACKET_KERNEL                               = 0x7
+	PACKET_LOOPBACK                             = 0x5
+	PACKET_LOSS                                 = 0xe
+	PACKET_MR_ALLMULTI                          = 0x2
+	PACKET_MR_MULTICAST                         = 0x0
+	PACKET_MR_PROMISC                           = 0x1
+	PACKET_MR_UNICAST                           = 0x3
+	PACKET_MULTICAST                            = 0x2
+	PACKET_ORIGDEV                              = 0x9
+	PACKET_OTHERHOST                            = 0x3
+	PACKET_OUTGOING                             = 0x4
+	PACKET_QDISC_BYPASS                         = 0x14
+	PACKET_RECV_OUTPUT                          = 0x3
+	PACKET_RESERVE                              = 0xc
+	PACKET_ROLLOVER_STATS                       = 0x15
+	PACKET_RX_RING                              = 0x5
+	PACKET_STATISTICS                           = 0x6
+	PACKET_TIMESTAMP                            = 0x11
+	PACKET_TX_HAS_OFF                           = 0x13
+	PACKET_TX_RING                              = 0xd
+	PACKET_TX_TIMESTAMP                         = 0x10
+	PACKET_USER                                 = 0x6
+	PACKET_VERSION                              = 0xa
+	PACKET_VNET_HDR                             = 0xf
+	PARENB                                      = 0x100
+	PARITY_CRC16_PR0                            = 0x2
+	PARITY_CRC16_PR0_CCITT                      = 0x4
+	PARITY_CRC16_PR1                            = 0x3
+	PARITY_CRC16_PR1_CCITT                      = 0x5
+	PARITY_CRC32_PR0_CCITT                      = 0x6
+	PARITY_CRC32_PR1_CCITT                      = 0x7
+	PARITY_DEFAULT                              = 0x0
+	PARITY_NONE                                 = 0x1
+	PARMRK                                      = 0x8
+	PARODD                                      = 0x200
+	PENDIN                                      = 0x4000
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_DISABLE                      = 0x20002401
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_ENABLE                       = 0x20002400
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_ID                           = 0x40082407
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_MODIFY_ATTRIBUTES            = 0x8008240b
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_PAUSE_OUTPUT                 = 0x80042409
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_PERIOD                       = 0x80082404
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_QUERY_BPF                    = 0xc008240a
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_REFRESH                      = 0x20002402
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_RESET                        = 0x20002403
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_BPF                      = 0x80042408
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_FILTER                   = 0x80082406
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_OUTPUT                   = 0x20002405
+	PIPEFS_MAGIC                                = 0x50495045
+	PPPIOCATTACH                                = 0x8004743d
+	PPPIOCATTCHAN                               = 0x80047438
+	PPPIOCCONNECT                               = 0x8004743a
+	PPPIOCDETACH                                = 0x8004743c
+	PPPIOCDISCONN                               = 0x20007439
+	PPPIOCGASYNCMAP                             = 0x40047458
+	PPPIOCGCHAN                                 = 0x40047437
+	PPPIOCGDEBUG                                = 0x40047441
+	PPPIOCGFLAGS                                = 0x4004745a
+	PPPIOCGIDLE                                 = 0x4010743f
+	PPPIOCGL2TPSTATS                            = 0x40487436
+	PPPIOCGMRU                                  = 0x40047453
+	PPPIOCGNPMODE                               = 0xc008744c
+	PPPIOCGRASYNCMAP                            = 0x40047455
+	PPPIOCGUNIT                                 = 0x40047456
+	PPPIOCGXASYNCMAP                            = 0x40207450
+	PPPIOCNEWUNIT                               = 0xc004743e
+	PPPIOCSACTIVE                               = 0x80107446
+	PPPIOCSASYNCMAP                             = 0x80047457
+	PPPIOCSCOMPRESS                             = 0x8010744d
+	PPPIOCSDEBUG                                = 0x80047440
+	PPPIOCSFLAGS                                = 0x80047459
+	PPPIOCSMAXCID                               = 0x80047451
+	PPPIOCSMRRU                                 = 0x8004743b
+	PPPIOCSMRU                                  = 0x80047452
+	PPPIOCSNPMODE                               = 0x8008744b
+	PPPIOCSPASS                                 = 0x80107447
+	PPPIOCSRASYNCMAP                            = 0x80047454
+	PPPIOCSXASYNCMAP                            = 0x8020744f
+	PPPIOCXFERUNIT                              = 0x2000744e
+	PRIO_PGRP                                   = 0x1
+	PRIO_PROCESS                                = 0x0
+	PRIO_USER                                   = 0x2
+	PROC_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0x9fa0
+	PROT_EXEC                                   = 0x4
+	PROT_GROWSDOWN                              = 0x1000000
+	PROT_GROWSUP                                = 0x2000000
+	PROT_NONE                                   = 0x0
+	PROT_READ                                   = 0x1
+	PROT_WRITE                                  = 0x2
+	PR_CAPBSET_DROP                             = 0x18
+	PR_CAPBSET_READ                             = 0x17
+	PR_CAP_AMBIENT                              = 0x2f
+	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_CLEAR_ALL                    = 0x4
+	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_IS_SET                       = 0x1
+	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_LOWER                        = 0x3
+	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_RAISE                        = 0x2
+	PR_ENDIAN_BIG                               = 0x0
+	PR_ENDIAN_LITTLE                            = 0x1
+	PR_ENDIAN_PPC_LITTLE                        = 0x2
+	PR_FPEMU_NOPRINT                            = 0x1
+	PR_FPEMU_SIGFPE                             = 0x2
+	PR_FP_EXC_ASYNC                             = 0x2
+	PR_FP_EXC_DISABLED                          = 0x0
+	PR_FP_EXC_DIV                               = 0x10000
+	PR_FP_EXC_INV                               = 0x100000
+	PR_FP_EXC_NONRECOV                          = 0x1
+	PR_FP_EXC_OVF                               = 0x20000
+	PR_FP_EXC_PRECISE                           = 0x3
+	PR_FP_EXC_RES                               = 0x80000
+	PR_FP_EXC_SW_ENABLE                         = 0x80
+	PR_FP_EXC_UND                               = 0x40000
+	PR_FP_MODE_FR                               = 0x1
+	PR_FP_MODE_FRE                              = 0x2
+	PR_GET_CHILD_SUBREAPER                      = 0x25
+	PR_GET_DUMPABLE                             = 0x3
+	PR_GET_ENDIAN                               = 0x13
+	PR_GET_FPEMU                                = 0x9
+	PR_GET_FPEXC                                = 0xb
+	PR_GET_FP_MODE                              = 0x2e
+	PR_GET_KEEPCAPS                             = 0x7
+	PR_GET_NAME                                 = 0x10
+	PR_GET_NO_NEW_PRIVS                         = 0x27
+	PR_GET_PDEATHSIG                            = 0x2
+	PR_GET_SECCOMP                              = 0x15
+	PR_GET_SECUREBITS                           = 0x1b
+	PR_GET_SPECULATION_CTRL                     = 0x34
+	PR_GET_TAGGED_ADDR_CTRL                     = 0x38
+	PR_GET_THP_DISABLE                          = 0x2a
+	PR_GET_TID_ADDRESS                          = 0x28
+	PR_GET_TIMERSLACK                           = 0x1e
+	PR_GET_TIMING                               = 0xd
+	PR_GET_TSC                                  = 0x19
+	PR_GET_UNALIGN                              = 0x5
+	PR_MCE_KILL                                 = 0x21
+	PR_MCE_KILL_CLEAR                           = 0x0
+	PR_MCE_KILL_DEFAULT                         = 0x2
+	PR_MCE_KILL_EARLY                           = 0x1
+	PR_MCE_KILL_GET                             = 0x22
+	PR_MCE_KILL_LATE                            = 0x0
+	PR_MCE_KILL_SET                             = 0x1
+	PR_MPX_DISABLE_MANAGEMENT                   = 0x2c
+	PR_MPX_ENABLE_MANAGEMENT                    = 0x2b
+	PR_PAC_APDAKEY                              = 0x4
+	PR_PAC_APDBKEY                              = 0x8
+	PR_PAC_APGAKEY                              = 0x10
+	PR_PAC_APIAKEY                              = 0x1
+	PR_PAC_APIBKEY                              = 0x2
+	PR_PAC_RESET_KEYS                           = 0x36
+	PR_SET_CHILD_SUBREAPER                      = 0x24
+	PR_SET_DUMPABLE                             = 0x4
+	PR_SET_ENDIAN                               = 0x14
+	PR_SET_FPEMU                                = 0xa
+	PR_SET_FPEXC                                = 0xc
+	PR_SET_FP_MODE                              = 0x2d
+	PR_SET_KEEPCAPS                             = 0x8
+	PR_SET_MM                                   = 0x23
+	PR_SET_MM_ARG_END                           = 0x9
+	PR_SET_MM_ARG_START                         = 0x8
+	PR_SET_MM_AUXV                              = 0xc
+	PR_SET_MM_BRK                               = 0x7
+	PR_SET_MM_END_CODE                          = 0x2
+	PR_SET_MM_END_DATA                          = 0x4
+	PR_SET_MM_ENV_END                           = 0xb
+	PR_SET_MM_ENV_START                         = 0xa
+	PR_SET_MM_EXE_FILE                          = 0xd
+	PR_SET_MM_MAP                               = 0xe
+	PR_SET_MM_MAP_SIZE                          = 0xf
+	PR_SET_MM_START_BRK                         = 0x6
+	PR_SET_MM_START_CODE                        = 0x1
+	PR_SET_MM_START_DATA                        = 0x3
+	PR_SET_MM_START_STACK                       = 0x5
+	PR_SET_NAME                                 = 0xf
+	PR_SET_NO_NEW_PRIVS                         = 0x26
+	PR_SET_PDEATHSIG                            = 0x1
+	PR_SET_PTRACER                              = 0x59616d61
+	PR_SET_PTRACER_ANY                          = 0xffffffffffffffff
+	PR_SET_SECCOMP                              = 0x16
+	PR_SET_SECUREBITS                           = 0x1c
+	PR_SET_SPECULATION_CTRL                     = 0x35
+	PR_SET_TAGGED_ADDR_CTRL                     = 0x37
+	PR_SET_THP_DISABLE                          = 0x29
+	PR_SET_TIMERSLACK                           = 0x1d
+	PR_SET_TIMING                               = 0xe
+	PR_SET_TSC                                  = 0x1a
+	PR_SET_UNALIGN                              = 0x6
+	PR_SPEC_DISABLE                             = 0x4
+	PR_SPEC_DISABLE_NOEXEC                      = 0x10
+	PR_SPEC_ENABLE                              = 0x2
+	PR_SPEC_FORCE_DISABLE                       = 0x8
+	PR_SPEC_INDIRECT_BRANCH                     = 0x1
+	PR_SPEC_NOT_AFFECTED                        = 0x0
+	PR_SPEC_PRCTL                               = 0x1
+	PR_SPEC_STORE_BYPASS                        = 0x0
+	PR_SVE_GET_VL                               = 0x33
+	PR_SVE_SET_VL                               = 0x32
+	PR_SVE_SET_VL_ONEXEC                        = 0x40000
+	PR_SVE_VL_INHERIT                           = 0x20000
+	PR_SVE_VL_LEN_MASK                          = 0xffff
+	PR_TAGGED_ADDR_ENABLE                       = 0x1
+	PR_TASK_PERF_EVENTS_DISABLE                 = 0x1f
+	PR_TASK_PERF_EVENTS_ENABLE                  = 0x20
+	PR_TIMING_STATISTICAL                       = 0x0
+	PR_TIMING_TIMESTAMP                         = 0x1
+	PR_TSC_ENABLE                               = 0x1
+	PR_TSC_SIGSEGV                              = 0x2
+	PR_UNALIGN_NOPRINT                          = 0x1
+	PR_UNALIGN_SIGBUS                           = 0x2
+	PSTOREFS_MAGIC                              = 0x6165676c
+	PTRACE_ATTACH                               = 0x10
+	PTRACE_CONT                                 = 0x7
+	PTRACE_DETACH                               = 0x11
+	PTRACE_EVENTMSG_SYSCALL_EXIT                = 0x2
+	PTRACE_EVENT_CLONE                          = 0x3
+	PTRACE_EVENT_EXEC                           = 0x4
+	PTRACE_EVENT_EXIT                           = 0x6
+	PTRACE_EVENT_FORK                           = 0x1
+	PTRACE_EVENT_SECCOMP                        = 0x7
+	PTRACE_EVENT_STOP                           = 0x80
+	PTRACE_EVENT_VFORK                          = 0x2
+	PTRACE_EVENT_VFORK_DONE                     = 0x5
+	PTRACE_GETEVENTMSG                          = 0x4201
+	PTRACE_GETFPREGS                            = 0xe
+	PTRACE_GETREGS                              = 0xc
+	PTRACE_GETREGSET                            = 0x4204
+	PTRACE_GETSIGINFO                           = 0x4202
+	PTRACE_GETSIGMASK                           = 0x420a
+	PTRACE_GET_SYSCALL_INFO                     = 0x420e
+	PTRACE_GET_THREAD_AREA                      = 0x19
+	PTRACE_GET_THREAD_AREA_3264                 = 0xc4
+	PTRACE_GET_WATCH_REGS                       = 0xd0
+	PTRACE_INTERRUPT                            = 0x4207
+	PTRACE_KILL                                 = 0x8
+	PTRACE_LISTEN                               = 0x4208
+	PTRACE_OLDSETOPTIONS                        = 0x15
+	PTRACE_O_EXITKILL                           = 0x100000
+	PTRACE_O_MASK                               = 0x3000ff
+	PTRACE_O_SUSPEND_SECCOMP                    = 0x200000
+	PTRACE_O_TRACECLONE                         = 0x8
+	PTRACE_O_TRACEEXEC                          = 0x10
+	PTRACE_O_TRACEEXIT                          = 0x40
+	PTRACE_O_TRACEFORK                          = 0x2
+	PTRACE_O_TRACESECCOMP                       = 0x80
+	PTRACE_O_TRACESYSGOOD                       = 0x1
+	PTRACE_O_TRACEVFORK                         = 0x4
+	PTRACE_O_TRACEVFORKDONE                     = 0x20
+	PTRACE_PEEKDATA                             = 0x2
+	PTRACE_PEEKDATA_3264                        = 0xc1
+	PTRACE_PEEKSIGINFO                          = 0x4209
+	PTRACE_PEEKSIGINFO_SHARED                   = 0x1
+	PTRACE_PEEKTEXT                             = 0x1
+	PTRACE_PEEKTEXT_3264                        = 0xc0
+	PTRACE_PEEKUSR                              = 0x3
+	PTRACE_POKEDATA                             = 0x5
+	PTRACE_POKEDATA_3264                        = 0xc3
+	PTRACE_POKETEXT                             = 0x4
+	PTRACE_POKETEXT_3264                        = 0xc2
+	PTRACE_POKEUSR                              = 0x6
+	PTRACE_SECCOMP_GET_FILTER                   = 0x420c
+	PTRACE_SECCOMP_GET_METADATA                 = 0x420d
+	PTRACE_SEIZE                                = 0x4206
+	PTRACE_SETFPREGS                            = 0xf
+	PTRACE_SETOPTIONS                           = 0x4200
+	PTRACE_SETREGS                              = 0xd
+	PTRACE_SETREGSET                            = 0x4205
+	PTRACE_SETSIGINFO                           = 0x4203
+	PTRACE_SETSIGMASK                           = 0x420b
+	PTRACE_SET_THREAD_AREA                      = 0x1a
+	PTRACE_SET_WATCH_REGS                       = 0xd1
+	PTRACE_SINGLESTEP                           = 0x9
+	PTRACE_SYSCALL                              = 0x18
+	PTRACE_SYSCALL_INFO_ENTRY                   = 0x1
+	PTRACE_SYSCALL_INFO_EXIT                    = 0x2
+	PTRACE_SYSCALL_INFO_NONE                    = 0x0
+	PTRACE_SYSCALL_INFO_SECCOMP                 = 0x3
+	PTRACE_TRACEME                              = 0x0
+	QNX4_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0x2f
+	QNX6_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0x68191122
+	RAMFS_MAGIC                                 = 0x858458f6
+	RDTGROUP_SUPER_MAGIC                        = 0x7655821
+	REISERFS_SUPER_MAGIC                        = 0x52654973
+	RENAME_EXCHANGE                             = 0x2
+	RENAME_NOREPLACE                            = 0x1
+	RENAME_WHITEOUT                             = 0x4
+	RLIMIT_AS                                   = 0x6
+	RLIMIT_CORE                                 = 0x4
+	RLIMIT_CPU                                  = 0x0
+	RLIMIT_DATA                                 = 0x2
+	RLIMIT_FSIZE                                = 0x1
+	RLIMIT_LOCKS                                = 0xa
+	RLIMIT_MEMLOCK                              = 0x9
+	RLIMIT_MSGQUEUE                             = 0xc
+	RLIMIT_NICE                                 = 0xd
+	RLIMIT_NOFILE                               = 0x5
+	RLIMIT_NPROC                                = 0x8
+	RLIMIT_RSS                                  = 0x7
+	RLIMIT_RTPRIO                               = 0xe
+	RLIMIT_RTTIME                               = 0xf
+	RLIMIT_SIGPENDING                           = 0xb
+	RLIMIT_STACK                                = 0x3
+	RLIM_INFINITY                               = 0xffffffffffffffff
+	RNDADDENTROPY                               = 0x80085203
+	RNDADDTOENTCNT                              = 0x80045201
+	RNDCLEARPOOL                                = 0x20005206
+	RNDGETENTCNT                                = 0x40045200
+	RNDGETPOOL                                  = 0x40085202
+	RNDRESEEDCRNG                               = 0x20005207
+	RNDZAPENTCNT                                = 0x20005204
+	RTAX_ADVMSS                                 = 0x8
+	RTAX_CC_ALGO                                = 0x10
+	RTAX_CWND                                   = 0x7
+	RTAX_FASTOPEN_NO_COOKIE                     = 0x11
+	RTAX_FEATURES                               = 0xc
+	RTAX_FEATURE_ALLFRAG                        = 0x8
+	RTAX_FEATURE_ECN                            = 0x1
+	RTAX_FEATURE_MASK                           = 0xf
+	RTAX_FEATURE_SACK                           = 0x2
+	RTAX_FEATURE_TIMESTAMP                      = 0x4
+	RTAX_HOPLIMIT                               = 0xa
+	RTAX_INITCWND                               = 0xb
+	RTAX_INITRWND                               = 0xe
+	RTAX_LOCK                                   = 0x1
+	RTAX_MAX                                    = 0x11
+	RTAX_MTU                                    = 0x2
+	RTAX_QUICKACK                               = 0xf
+	RTAX_REORDERING                             = 0x9
+	RTAX_RTO_MIN                                = 0xd
+	RTAX_RTT                                    = 0x4
+	RTAX_RTTVAR                                 = 0x5
+	RTAX_SSTHRESH                               = 0x6
+	RTAX_UNSPEC                                 = 0x0
+	RTAX_WINDOW                                 = 0x3
+	RTA_ALIGNTO                                 = 0x4
+	RTA_MAX                                     = 0x1e
+	RTCF_DIRECTSRC                              = 0x4000000
+	RTCF_DOREDIRECT                             = 0x1000000
+	RTCF_LOG                                    = 0x2000000
+	RTCF_MASQ                                   = 0x400000
+	RTCF_NAT                                    = 0x800000
+	RTCF_VALVE                                  = 0x200000
+	RTC_AF                                      = 0x20
+	RTC_AIE_OFF                                 = 0x20007002
+	RTC_AIE_ON                                  = 0x20007001
+	RTC_ALM_READ                                = 0x40247008
+	RTC_ALM_SET                                 = 0x80247007
+	RTC_EPOCH_READ                              = 0x4008700d
+	RTC_EPOCH_SET                               = 0x8008700e
+	RTC_IRQF                                    = 0x80
+	RTC_IRQP_READ                               = 0x4008700b
+	RTC_IRQP_SET                                = 0x8008700c
+	RTC_MAX_FREQ                                = 0x2000
+	RTC_PF                                      = 0x40
+	RTC_PIE_OFF                                 = 0x20007006
+	RTC_PIE_ON                                  = 0x20007005
+	RTC_PLL_GET                                 = 0x40207011
+	RTC_PLL_SET                                 = 0x80207012
+	RTC_RD_TIME                                 = 0x40247009
+	RTC_SET_TIME                                = 0x8024700a
+	RTC_UF                                      = 0x10
+	RTC_UIE_OFF                                 = 0x20007004
+	RTC_UIE_ON                                  = 0x20007003
+	RTC_VL_CLR                                  = 0x20007014
+	RTC_VL_READ                                 = 0x40047013
+	RTC_WIE_OFF                                 = 0x20007010
+	RTC_WIE_ON                                  = 0x2000700f
+	RTC_WKALM_RD                                = 0x40287010
+	RTC_WKALM_SET                               = 0x8028700f
+	RTF_ADDRCLASSMASK                           = 0xf8000000
+	RTF_ADDRCONF                                = 0x40000
+	RTF_ALLONLINK                               = 0x20000
+	RTF_BROADCAST                               = 0x10000000
+	RTF_CACHE                                   = 0x1000000
+	RTF_DEFAULT                                 = 0x10000
+	RTF_DYNAMIC                                 = 0x10
+	RTF_FLOW                                    = 0x2000000
+	RTF_GATEWAY                                 = 0x2
+	RTF_HOST                                    = 0x4
+	RTF_INTERFACE                               = 0x40000000
+	RTF_IRTT                                    = 0x100
+	RTF_LINKRT                                  = 0x100000
+	RTF_LOCAL                                   = 0x80000000
+	RTF_MODIFIED                                = 0x20
+	RTF_MSS                                     = 0x40
+	RTF_MTU                                     = 0x40
+	RTF_MULTICAST                               = 0x20000000
+	RTF_NAT                                     = 0x8000000
+	RTF_NOFORWARD                               = 0x1000
+	RTF_NONEXTHOP                               = 0x200000
+	RTF_NOPMTUDISC                              = 0x4000
+	RTF_POLICY                                  = 0x4000000
+	RTF_REINSTATE                               = 0x8
+	RTF_REJECT                                  = 0x200
+	RTF_STATIC                                  = 0x400
+	RTF_THROW                                   = 0x2000
+	RTF_UP                                      = 0x1
+	RTF_WINDOW                                  = 0x80
+	RTF_XRESOLVE                                = 0x800
+	RTM_BASE                                    = 0x10
+	RTM_DELACTION                               = 0x31
+	RTM_DELADDR                                 = 0x15
+	RTM_DELADDRLABEL                            = 0x49
+	RTM_DELCHAIN                                = 0x65
+	RTM_DELLINK                                 = 0x11
+	RTM_DELMDB                                  = 0x55
+	RTM_DELNEIGH                                = 0x1d
+	RTM_DELNETCONF                              = 0x51
+	RTM_DELNEXTHOP                              = 0x69
+	RTM_DELNSID                                 = 0x59
+	RTM_DELQDISC                                = 0x25
+	RTM_DELROUTE                                = 0x19
+	RTM_DELRULE                                 = 0x21
+	RTM_DELTCLASS                               = 0x29
+	RTM_DELTFILTER                              = 0x2d
+	RTM_F_CLONED                                = 0x200
+	RTM_F_EQUALIZE                              = 0x400
+	RTM_F_FIB_MATCH                             = 0x2000
+	RTM_F_LOOKUP_TABLE                          = 0x1000
+	RTM_F_NOTIFY                                = 0x100
+	RTM_F_PREFIX                                = 0x800
+	RTM_GETACTION                               = 0x32
+	RTM_GETADDR                                 = 0x16
+	RTM_GETADDRLABEL                            = 0x4a
+	RTM_GETANYCAST                              = 0x3e
+	RTM_GETCHAIN                                = 0x66
+	RTM_GETDCB                                  = 0x4e
+	RTM_GETLINK                                 = 0x12
+	RTM_GETMDB                                  = 0x56
+	RTM_GETMULTICAST                            = 0x3a
+	RTM_GETNEIGH                                = 0x1e
+	RTM_GETNEIGHTBL                             = 0x42
+	RTM_GETNETCONF                              = 0x52
+	RTM_GETNEXTHOP                              = 0x6a
+	RTM_GETNSID                                 = 0x5a
+	RTM_GETQDISC                                = 0x26
+	RTM_GETROUTE                                = 0x1a
+	RTM_GETRULE                                 = 0x22
+	RTM_GETSTATS                                = 0x5e
+	RTM_GETTCLASS                               = 0x2a
+	RTM_GETTFILTER                              = 0x2e
+	RTM_MAX                                     = 0x6b
+	RTM_NEWACTION                               = 0x30
+	RTM_NEWADDR                                 = 0x14
+	RTM_NEWADDRLABEL                            = 0x48
+	RTM_NEWCACHEREPORT                          = 0x60
+	RTM_NEWCHAIN                                = 0x64
+	RTM_NEWLINK                                 = 0x10
+	RTM_NEWMDB                                  = 0x54
+	RTM_NEWNDUSEROPT                            = 0x44
+	RTM_NEWNEIGH                                = 0x1c
+	RTM_NEWNEIGHTBL                             = 0x40
+	RTM_NEWNETCONF                              = 0x50
+	RTM_NEWNEXTHOP                              = 0x68
+	RTM_NEWNSID                                 = 0x58
+	RTM_NEWPREFIX                               = 0x34
+	RTM_NEWQDISC                                = 0x24
+	RTM_NEWROUTE                                = 0x18
+	RTM_NEWRULE                                 = 0x20
+	RTM_NEWSTATS                                = 0x5c
+	RTM_NEWTCLASS                               = 0x28
+	RTM_NEWTFILTER                              = 0x2c
+	RTM_NR_FAMILIES                             = 0x17
+	RTM_NR_MSGTYPES                             = 0x5c
+	RTM_SETDCB                                  = 0x4f
+	RTM_SETLINK                                 = 0x13
+	RTM_SETNEIGHTBL                             = 0x43
+	RTNH_ALIGNTO                                = 0x4
+	RTNH_COMPARE_MASK                           = 0x19
+	RTNH_F_DEAD                                 = 0x1
+	RTNH_F_LINKDOWN                             = 0x10
+	RTNH_F_OFFLOAD                              = 0x8
+	RTNH_F_ONLINK                               = 0x4
+	RTNH_F_PERVASIVE                            = 0x2
+	RTNH_F_UNRESOLVED                           = 0x20
+	RTN_MAX                                     = 0xb
+	RTPROT_BABEL                                = 0x2a
+	RTPROT_BGP                                  = 0xba
+	RTPROT_BIRD                                 = 0xc
+	RTPROT_BOOT                                 = 0x3
+	RTPROT_DHCP                                 = 0x10
+	RTPROT_DNROUTED                             = 0xd
+	RTPROT_EIGRP                                = 0xc0
+	RTPROT_GATED                                = 0x8
+	RTPROT_ISIS                                 = 0xbb
+	RTPROT_KERNEL                               = 0x2
+	RTPROT_MROUTED                              = 0x11
+	RTPROT_MRT                                  = 0xa
+	RTPROT_NTK                                  = 0xf
+	RTPROT_OSPF                                 = 0xbc
+	RTPROT_RA                                   = 0x9
+	RTPROT_REDIRECT                             = 0x1
+	RTPROT_RIP                                  = 0xbd
+	RTPROT_STATIC                               = 0x4
+	RTPROT_UNSPEC                               = 0x0
+	RTPROT_XORP                                 = 0xe
+	RTPROT_ZEBRA                                = 0xb
+	RT_CLASS_DEFAULT                            = 0xfd
+	RT_CLASS_LOCAL                              = 0xff
+	RT_CLASS_MAIN                               = 0xfe
+	RT_CLASS_MAX                                = 0xff
+	RT_CLASS_UNSPEC                             = 0x0
+	RUSAGE_CHILDREN                             = -0x1
+	RUSAGE_SELF                                 = 0x0
+	RUSAGE_THREAD                               = 0x1
+	SCM_CREDENTIALS                             = 0x2
+	SCM_RIGHTS                                  = 0x1
+	SCM_TIMESTAMP                               = 0x1d
+	SCM_TIMESTAMPING                            = 0x25
+	SCM_TIMESTAMPING_OPT_STATS                  = 0x36
+	SCM_TIMESTAMPING_PKTINFO                    = 0x3a
+	SCM_TIMESTAMPNS                             = 0x23
+	SCM_TXTIME                                  = 0x3d
+	SCM_WIFI_STATUS                             = 0x29
+	SC_LOG_FLUSH                                = 0x100000
+	SECCOMP_MODE_DISABLED                       = 0x0
+	SECCOMP_MODE_FILTER                         = 0x2
+	SECCOMP_MODE_STRICT                         = 0x1
+	SECURITYFS_MAGIC                            = 0x73636673
+	SELINUX_MAGIC                               = 0xf97cff8c
+	SFD_CLOEXEC                                 = 0x80000
+	SFD_NONBLOCK                                = 0x80
+	SHUT_RD                                     = 0x0
+	SHUT_RDWR                                   = 0x2
+	SHUT_WR                                     = 0x1
+	SIOCADDDLCI                                 = 0x8980
+	SIOCADDMULTI                                = 0x8931
+	SIOCADDRT                                   = 0x890b
+	SIOCATMARK                                  = 0x40047307
+	SIOCBONDCHANGEACTIVE                        = 0x8995
+	SIOCBONDENSLAVE                             = 0x8990
+	SIOCBONDINFOQUERY                           = 0x8994
+	SIOCBONDRELEASE                             = 0x8991
+	SIOCBONDSETHWADDR                           = 0x8992
+	SIOCBONDSLAVEINFOQUERY                      = 0x8993
+	SIOCBRADDBR                                 = 0x89a0
+	SIOCBRADDIF                                 = 0x89a2
+	SIOCBRDELBR                                 = 0x89a1
+	SIOCBRDELIF                                 = 0x89a3
+	SIOCDARP                                    = 0x8953
+	SIOCDELDLCI                                 = 0x8981
+	SIOCDELMULTI                                = 0x8932
+	SIOCDELRT                                   = 0x890c
+	SIOCDEVPRIVATE                              = 0x89f0
+	SIOCDIFADDR                                 = 0x8936
+	SIOCDRARP                                   = 0x8960
+	SIOCETHTOOL                                 = 0x8946
+	SIOCGARP                                    = 0x8954
+	SIOCGETLINKNAME                             = 0x89e0
+	SIOCGETNODEID                               = 0x89e1
+	SIOCGHWTSTAMP                               = 0x89b1
+	SIOCGIFADDR                                 = 0x8915
+	SIOCGIFBR                                   = 0x8940
+	SIOCGIFBRDADDR                              = 0x8919
+	SIOCGIFCONF                                 = 0x8912
+	SIOCGIFCOUNT                                = 0x8938
+	SIOCGIFDSTADDR                              = 0x8917
+	SIOCGIFENCAP                                = 0x8925
+	SIOCGIFFLAGS                                = 0x8913
+	SIOCGIFHWADDR                               = 0x8927
+	SIOCGIFINDEX                                = 0x8933
+	SIOCGIFMAP                                  = 0x8970
+	SIOCGIFMEM                                  = 0x891f
+	SIOCGIFMETRIC                               = 0x891d
+	SIOCGIFMTU                                  = 0x8921
+	SIOCGIFNAME                                 = 0x8910
+	SIOCGIFNETMASK                              = 0x891b
+	SIOCGIFPFLAGS                               = 0x8935
+	SIOCGIFSLAVE                                = 0x8929
+	SIOCGIFTXQLEN                               = 0x8942
+	SIOCGIFVLAN                                 = 0x8982
+	SIOCGMIIPHY                                 = 0x8947
+	SIOCGMIIREG                                 = 0x8948
+	SIOCGPGRP                                   = 0x40047309
+	SIOCGPPPCSTATS                              = 0x89f2
+	SIOCGPPPSTATS                               = 0x89f0
+	SIOCGPPPVER                                 = 0x89f1
+	SIOCGRARP                                   = 0x8961
+	SIOCGSKNS                                   = 0x894c
+	SIOCGSTAMP                                  = 0x8906
+	SIOCGSTAMPNS                                = 0x8907
+	SIOCGSTAMPNS_NEW                            = 0x40108907
+	SIOCGSTAMPNS_OLD                            = 0x8907
+	SIOCGSTAMP_NEW                              = 0x40108906
+	SIOCGSTAMP_OLD                              = 0x8906
+	SIOCINQ                                     = 0x467f
+	SIOCOUTQ                                    = 0x7472
+	SIOCOUTQNSD                                 = 0x894b
+	SIOCPROTOPRIVATE                            = 0x89e0
+	SIOCRTMSG                                   = 0x890d
+	SIOCSARP                                    = 0x8955
+	SIOCSHWTSTAMP                               = 0x89b0
+	SIOCSIFADDR                                 = 0x8916
+	SIOCSIFBR                                   = 0x8941
+	SIOCSIFBRDADDR                              = 0x891a
+	SIOCSIFDSTADDR                              = 0x8918
+	SIOCSIFENCAP                                = 0x8926
+	SIOCSIFFLAGS                                = 0x8914
+	SIOCSIFHWADDR                               = 0x8924
+	SIOCSIFHWBROADCAST                          = 0x8937
+	SIOCSIFLINK                                 = 0x8911
+	SIOCSIFMAP                                  = 0x8971
+	SIOCSIFMEM                                  = 0x8920
+	SIOCSIFMETRIC                               = 0x891e
+	SIOCSIFMTU                                  = 0x8922
+	SIOCSIFNAME                                 = 0x8923
+	SIOCSIFNETMASK                              = 0x891c
+	SIOCSIFPFLAGS                               = 0x8934
+	SIOCSIFSLAVE                                = 0x8930
+	SIOCSIFTXQLEN                               = 0x8943
+	SIOCSIFVLAN                                 = 0x8983
+	SIOCSMIIREG                                 = 0x8949
+	SIOCSPGRP                                   = 0x80047308
+	SIOCSRARP                                   = 0x8962
+	SIOCWANDEV                                  = 0x894a
+	SMACK_MAGIC                                 = 0x43415d53
+	SMART_AUTOSAVE                              = 0xd2
+	SMART_AUTO_OFFLINE                          = 0xdb
+	SMART_DISABLE                               = 0xd9
+	SMART_ENABLE                                = 0xd8
+	SMART_HCYL_PASS                             = 0xc2
+	SMART_IMMEDIATE_OFFLINE                     = 0xd4
+	SMART_LCYL_PASS                             = 0x4f
+	SMART_READ_LOG_SECTOR                       = 0xd5
+	SMART_READ_THRESHOLDS                       = 0xd1
+	SMART_READ_VALUES                           = 0xd0
+	SMART_SAVE                                  = 0xd3
+	SMART_STATUS                                = 0xda
+	SMART_WRITE_LOG_SECTOR                      = 0xd6
+	SMART_WRITE_THRESHOLDS                      = 0xd7
+	SMB_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x517b
+	SOCKFS_MAGIC                                = 0x534f434b
+	SOCK_CLOEXEC                                = 0x80000
+	SOCK_DCCP                                   = 0x6
+	SOCK_DGRAM                                  = 0x1
+	SOCK_IOC_TYPE                               = 0x89
+	SOCK_NONBLOCK                               = 0x80
+	SOCK_PACKET                                 = 0xa
+	SOCK_RAW                                    = 0x3
+	SOCK_RDM                                    = 0x4
+	SOCK_SEQPACKET                              = 0x5
+	SOCK_STREAM                                 = 0x2
+	SOL_AAL                                     = 0x109
+	SOL_ALG                                     = 0x117
+	SOL_ATM                                     = 0x108
+	SOL_CAIF                                    = 0x116
+	SOL_CAN_BASE                                = 0x64
+	SOL_DCCP                                    = 0x10d
+	SOL_DECNET                                  = 0x105
+	SOL_ICMPV6                                  = 0x3a
+	SOL_IP                                      = 0x0
+	SOL_IPV6                                    = 0x29
+	SOL_IRDA                                    = 0x10a
+	SOL_IUCV                                    = 0x115
+	SOL_KCM                                     = 0x119
+	SOL_LLC                                     = 0x10c
+	SOL_NETBEUI                                 = 0x10b
+	SOL_NETLINK                                 = 0x10e
+	SOL_NFC                                     = 0x118
+	SOL_PACKET                                  = 0x107
+	SOL_PNPIPE                                  = 0x113
+	SOL_PPPOL2TP                                = 0x111
+	SOL_RAW                                     = 0xff
+	SOL_RDS                                     = 0x114
+	SOL_RXRPC                                   = 0x110
+	SOL_SOCKET                                  = 0xffff
+	SOL_TCP                                     = 0x6
+	SOL_TIPC                                    = 0x10f
+	SOL_TLS                                     = 0x11a
+	SOL_X25                                     = 0x106
+	SOL_XDP                                     = 0x11b
+	SOMAXCONN                                   = 0x80
+	SO_ACCEPTCONN                               = 0x1009
+	SO_ATTACH_BPF                               = 0x32
+	SO_ATTACH_FILTER                            = 0x1a
+	SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_CBPF                    = 0x33
+	SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_EBPF                    = 0x34
+	SO_BINDTODEVICE                             = 0x19
+	SO_BINDTOIFINDEX                            = 0x3e
+	SO_BPF_EXTENSIONS                           = 0x30
+	SO_BROADCAST                                = 0x20
+	SO_BSDCOMPAT                                = 0xe
+	SO_BUSY_POLL                                = 0x2e
+	SO_CNX_ADVICE                               = 0x35
+	SO_COOKIE                                   = 0x39
+	SO_DEBUG                                    = 0x1
+	SO_DETACH_BPF                               = 0x1b
+	SO_DETACH_FILTER                            = 0x1b
+	SO_DETACH_REUSEPORT_BPF                     = 0x44
+	SO_DOMAIN                                   = 0x1029
+	SO_DONTROUTE                                = 0x10
+	SO_EE_CODE_TXTIME_MISSED                    = 0x2
+	SO_EE_CODE_ZEROCOPY_COPIED                  = 0x1
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_ICMP                           = 0x2
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_ICMP6                          = 0x3
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_LOCAL                          = 0x1
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_NONE                           = 0x0
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_TIMESTAMPING                   = 0x4
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_TXSTATUS                       = 0x4
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_TXTIME                         = 0x6
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_ZEROCOPY                       = 0x5
+	SO_ERROR                                    = 0x1007
+	SO_GET_FILTER                               = 0x1a
+	SO_INCOMING_CPU                             = 0x31
+	SO_INCOMING_NAPI_ID                         = 0x38
+	SO_KEEPALIVE                                = 0x8
+	SO_LINGER                                   = 0x80
+	SO_LOCK_FILTER                              = 0x2c
+	SO_MARK                                     = 0x24
+	SO_MAX_PACING_RATE                          = 0x2f
+	SO_MEMINFO                                  = 0x37
+	SO_NOFCS                                    = 0x2b
+	SO_NO_CHECK                                 = 0xb
+	SO_OOBINLINE                                = 0x100
+	SO_PASSCRED                                 = 0x11
+	SO_PASSSEC                                  = 0x22
+	SO_PEEK_OFF                                 = 0x2a
+	SO_PEERCRED                                 = 0x12
+	SO_PEERGROUPS                               = 0x3b
+	SO_PEERNAME                                 = 0x1c
+	SO_PEERSEC                                  = 0x1e
+	SO_PRIORITY                                 = 0xc
+	SO_PROTOCOL                                 = 0x1028
+	SO_RCVBUF                                   = 0x1002
+	SO_RCVBUFFORCE                              = 0x21
+	SO_RCVLOWAT                                 = 0x1004
+	SO_RCVTIMEO                                 = 0x1006
+	SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW                             = 0x42
+	SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD                             = 0x1006
+	SO_REUSEADDR                                = 0x4
+	SO_REUSEPORT                                = 0x200
+	SO_RXQ_OVFL                                 = 0x28
+	SO_SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION                  = 0x16
+	SO_SELECT_ERR_QUEUE                         = 0x2d
+	SO_SNDBUF                                   = 0x1001
+	SO_SNDBUFFORCE                              = 0x1f
+	SO_SNDLOWAT                                 = 0x1003
+	SO_SNDTIMEO                                 = 0x1005
+	SO_SNDTIMEO_NEW                             = 0x43
+	SO_SNDTIMEO_OLD                             = 0x1005
+	SO_STYLE                                    = 0x1008
+	SO_TIMESTAMP                                = 0x1d
+	SO_TIMESTAMPING                             = 0x25
+	SO_TIMESTAMPING_NEW                         = 0x41
+	SO_TIMESTAMPING_OLD                         = 0x25
+	SO_TIMESTAMPNS                              = 0x23
+	SO_TIMESTAMPNS_NEW                          = 0x40
+	SO_TIMESTAMPNS_OLD                          = 0x23
+	SO_TIMESTAMP_NEW                            = 0x3f
+	SO_TIMESTAMP_OLD                            = 0x1d
+	SO_TXTIME                                   = 0x3d
+	SO_TYPE                                     = 0x1008
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE               = 0x2
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_BUFFER_MIN_SIZE               = 0x1
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_BUFFER_SIZE                   = 0x0
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_CONNECT_TIMEOUT               = 0x6
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_NONBLOCK_TXRX                 = 0x7
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_PEER_HOST_VM_ID               = 0x3
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_TRUSTED                       = 0x5
+	SO_WIFI_STATUS                              = 0x29
+	SO_ZEROCOPY                                 = 0x3c
+	SPLICE_F_GIFT                               = 0x8
+	SPLICE_F_MORE                               = 0x4
+	SPLICE_F_MOVE                               = 0x1
+	SPLICE_F_NONBLOCK                           = 0x2
+	SQUASHFS_MAGIC                              = 0x73717368
+	STACK_END_MAGIC                             = 0x57ac6e9d
+	STATX_ALL                                   = 0xfff
+	STATX_ATIME                                 = 0x20
+	STATX_ATTR_APPEND                           = 0x20
+	STATX_ATTR_AUTOMOUNT                        = 0x1000
+	STATX_ATTR_COMPRESSED                       = 0x4
+	STATX_ATTR_ENCRYPTED                        = 0x800
+	STATX_ATTR_IMMUTABLE                        = 0x10
+	STATX_ATTR_NODUMP                           = 0x40
+	STATX_BASIC_STATS                           = 0x7ff
+	STATX_BLOCKS                                = 0x400
+	STATX_BTIME                                 = 0x800
+	STATX_CTIME                                 = 0x80
+	STATX_GID                                   = 0x10
+	STATX_INO                                   = 0x100
+	STATX_MODE                                  = 0x2
+	STATX_MTIME                                 = 0x40
+	STATX_NLINK                                 = 0x4
+	STATX_SIZE                                  = 0x200
+	STATX_TYPE                                  = 0x1
+	STATX_UID                                   = 0x8
+	STATX__RESERVED                             = 0x80000000
+	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WAIT_AFTER                  = 0x4
+	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WAIT_BEFORE                 = 0x1
+	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WRITE                       = 0x2
+	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WRITE_AND_WAIT              = 0x7
+	SYSFS_MAGIC                                 = 0x62656572
+	S_BLKSIZE                                   = 0x200
+	S_IEXEC                                     = 0x40
+	S_IFBLK                                     = 0x6000
+	S_IFCHR                                     = 0x2000
+	S_IFDIR                                     = 0x4000
+	S_IFIFO                                     = 0x1000
+	S_IFLNK                                     = 0xa000
+	S_IFMT                                      = 0xf000
+	S_IFREG                                     = 0x8000
+	S_IFSOCK                                    = 0xc000
+	S_IREAD                                     = 0x100
+	S_IRGRP                                     = 0x20
+	S_IROTH                                     = 0x4
+	S_IRUSR                                     = 0x100
+	S_IRWXG                                     = 0x38
+	S_IRWXO                                     = 0x7
+	S_IRWXU                                     = 0x1c0
+	S_ISGID                                     = 0x400
+	S_ISUID                                     = 0x800
+	S_ISVTX                                     = 0x200
+	S_IWGRP                                     = 0x10
+	S_IWOTH                                     = 0x2
+	S_IWRITE                                    = 0x80
+	S_IWUSR                                     = 0x80
+	S_IXGRP                                     = 0x8
+	S_IXOTH                                     = 0x1
+	S_IXUSR                                     = 0x40
+	TAB0                                        = 0x0
+	TAB1                                        = 0x800
+	TAB2                                        = 0x1000
+	TAB3                                        = 0x1800
+	TABDLY                                      = 0x1800
+	TASKSTATS_CMD_ATTR_MAX                      = 0x4
+	TASKSTATS_CMD_MAX                           = 0x2
+	TASKSTATS_GENL_NAME                         = "TASKSTATS"
+	TASKSTATS_GENL_VERSION                      = 0x1
+	TASKSTATS_TYPE_MAX                          = 0x6
+	TASKSTATS_VERSION                           = 0x9
+	TCFLSH                                      = 0x5407
+	TCGETA                                      = 0x5401
+	TCGETS                                      = 0x540d
+	TCGETS2                                     = 0x4030542a
+	TCIFLUSH                                    = 0x0
+	TCIOFF                                      = 0x2
+	TCIOFLUSH                                   = 0x2
+	TCION                                       = 0x3
+	TCOFLUSH                                    = 0x1
+	TCOOFF                                      = 0x0
+	TCOON                                       = 0x1
+	TCP_BPF_IW                                  = 0x3e9
+	TCP_BPF_SNDCWND_CLAMP                       = 0x3ea
+	TCP_CC_INFO                                 = 0x1a
+	TCP_CM_INQ                                  = 0x24
+	TCP_CONGESTION                              = 0xd
+	TCP_COOKIE_IN_ALWAYS                        = 0x1
+	TCP_COOKIE_MAX                              = 0x10
+	TCP_COOKIE_MIN                              = 0x8
+	TCP_COOKIE_OUT_NEVER                        = 0x2
+	TCP_COOKIE_PAIR_SIZE                        = 0x20
+	TCP_COOKIE_TRANSACTIONS                     = 0xf
+	TCP_CORK                                    = 0x3
+	TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT                            = 0x9
+	TCP_FASTOPEN                                = 0x17
+	TCP_FASTOPEN_CONNECT                        = 0x1e
+	TCP_FASTOPEN_KEY                            = 0x21
+	TCP_FASTOPEN_NO_COOKIE                      = 0x22
+	TCP_INFO                                    = 0xb
+	TCP_INQ                                     = 0x24
+	TCP_KEEPCNT                                 = 0x6
+	TCP_KEEPIDLE                                = 0x4
+	TCP_KEEPINTVL                               = 0x5
+	TCP_LINGER2                                 = 0x8
+	TCP_MAXSEG                                  = 0x2
+	TCP_MAXWIN                                  = 0xffff
+	TCP_MAX_WINSHIFT                            = 0xe
+	TCP_MD5SIG                                  = 0xe
+	TCP_MD5SIG_EXT                              = 0x20
+	TCP_MD5SIG_FLAG_PREFIX                      = 0x1
+	TCP_MD5SIG_MAXKEYLEN                        = 0x50
+	TCP_MSS                                     = 0x200
+	TCP_MSS_DEFAULT                             = 0x218
+	TCP_MSS_DESIRED                             = 0x4c4
+	TCP_NODELAY                                 = 0x1
+	TCP_NOTSENT_LOWAT                           = 0x19
+	TCP_QUEUE_SEQ                               = 0x15
+	TCP_QUICKACK                                = 0xc
+	TCP_REPAIR                                  = 0x13
+	TCP_REPAIR_OFF                              = 0x0
+	TCP_REPAIR_OFF_NO_WP                        = -0x1
+	TCP_REPAIR_ON                               = 0x1
+	TCP_REPAIR_OPTIONS                          = 0x16
+	TCP_REPAIR_QUEUE                            = 0x14
+	TCP_REPAIR_WINDOW                           = 0x1d
+	TCP_SAVED_SYN                               = 0x1c
+	TCP_SAVE_SYN                                = 0x1b
+	TCP_SYNCNT                                  = 0x7
+	TCP_S_DATA_IN                               = 0x4
+	TCP_S_DATA_OUT                              = 0x8
+	TCP_THIN_DUPACK                             = 0x11
+	TCP_THIN_LINEAR_TIMEOUTS                    = 0x10
+	TCP_TIMESTAMP                               = 0x18
+	TCP_ULP                                     = 0x1f
+	TCP_USER_TIMEOUT                            = 0x12
+	TCP_WINDOW_CLAMP                            = 0xa
+	TCP_ZEROCOPY_RECEIVE                        = 0x23
+	TCSAFLUSH                                   = 0x5410
+	TCSBRK                                      = 0x5405
+	TCSBRKP                                     = 0x5486
+	TCSETA                                      = 0x5402
+	TCSETAF                                     = 0x5404
+	TCSETAW                                     = 0x5403
+	TCSETS                                      = 0x540e
+	TCSETS2                                     = 0x8030542b
+	TCSETSF                                     = 0x5410
+	TCSETSF2                                    = 0x8030542d
+	TCSETSW                                     = 0x540f
+	TCSETSW2                                    = 0x8030542c
+	TCXONC                                      = 0x5406
+	TIMER_ABSTIME                               = 0x1
+	TIOCCBRK                                    = 0x5428
+	TIOCCONS                                    = 0x80047478
+	TIOCEXCL                                    = 0x740d
+	TIOCGDEV                                    = 0x40045432
+	TIOCGETD                                    = 0x7400
+	TIOCGETP                                    = 0x7408
+	TIOCGEXCL                                   = 0x40045440
+	TIOCGICOUNT                                 = 0x5492
+	TIOCGISO7816                                = 0x40285442
+	TIOCGLCKTRMIOS                              = 0x548b
+	TIOCGLTC                                    = 0x7474
+	TIOCGPGRP                                   = 0x40047477
+	TIOCGPKT                                    = 0x40045438
+	TIOCGPTLCK                                  = 0x40045439
+	TIOCGPTN                                    = 0x40045430
+	TIOCGPTPEER                                 = 0x20005441
+	TIOCGRS485                                  = 0x4020542e
+	TIOCGSERIAL                                 = 0x5484
+	TIOCGSID                                    = 0x7416
+	TIOCGSOFTCAR                                = 0x5481
+	TIOCGWINSZ                                  = 0x40087468
+	TIOCINQ                                     = 0x467f
+	TIOCLINUX                                   = 0x5483
+	TIOCMBIC                                    = 0x741c
+	TIOCMBIS                                    = 0x741b
+	TIOCMGET                                    = 0x741d
+	TIOCMIWAIT                                  = 0x5491
+	TIOCMSET                                    = 0x741a
+	TIOCM_CAR                                   = 0x100
+	TIOCM_CD                                    = 0x100
+	TIOCM_CTS                                   = 0x40
+	TIOCM_DSR                                   = 0x400
+	TIOCM_DTR                                   = 0x2
+	TIOCM_LE                                    = 0x1
+	TIOCM_RI                                    = 0x200
+	TIOCM_RNG                                   = 0x200
+	TIOCM_RTS                                   = 0x4
+	TIOCM_SR                                    = 0x20
+	TIOCM_ST                                    = 0x10
+	TIOCNOTTY                                   = 0x5471
+	TIOCNXCL                                    = 0x740e
+	TIOCOUTQ                                    = 0x7472
+	TIOCPKT                                     = 0x5470
+	TIOCPKT_DATA                                = 0x0
+	TIOCPKT_DOSTOP                              = 0x20
+	TIOCPKT_FLUSHREAD                           = 0x1
+	TIOCPKT_FLUSHWRITE                          = 0x2
+	TIOCPKT_IOCTL                               = 0x40
+	TIOCPKT_NOSTOP                              = 0x10
+	TIOCPKT_START                               = 0x8
+	TIOCPKT_STOP                                = 0x4
+	TIOCSBRK                                    = 0x5427
+	TIOCSCTTY                                   = 0x5480
+	TIOCSERCONFIG                               = 0x5488
+	TIOCSERGETLSR                               = 0x548e
+	TIOCSERGETMULTI                             = 0x548f
+	TIOCSERGSTRUCT                              = 0x548d
+	TIOCSERGWILD                                = 0x5489
+	TIOCSERSETMULTI                             = 0x5490
+	TIOCSERSWILD                                = 0x548a
+	TIOCSER_TEMT                                = 0x1
+	TIOCSETD                                    = 0x7401
+	TIOCSETN                                    = 0x740a
+	TIOCSETP                                    = 0x7409
+	TIOCSIG                                     = 0x80045436
+	TIOCSISO7816                                = 0xc0285443
+	TIOCSLCKTRMIOS                              = 0x548c
+	TIOCSLTC                                    = 0x7475
+	TIOCSPGRP                                   = 0x80047476
+	TIOCSPTLCK                                  = 0x80045431
+	TIOCSRS485                                  = 0xc020542f
+	TIOCSSERIAL                                 = 0x5485
+	TIOCSSOFTCAR                                = 0x5482
+	TIOCSTI                                     = 0x5472
+	TIOCSWINSZ                                  = 0x80087467
+	TIOCVHANGUP                                 = 0x5437
+	TIPC_ADDR_ID                                = 0x3
+	TIPC_ADDR_MCAST                             = 0x1
+	TIPC_ADDR_NAME                              = 0x2
+	TIPC_ADDR_NAMESEQ                           = 0x1
+	TIPC_CFG_SRV                                = 0x0
+	TIPC_CLUSTER_BITS                           = 0xc
+	TIPC_CLUSTER_MASK                           = 0xfff000
+	TIPC_CLUSTER_OFFSET                         = 0xc
+	TIPC_CLUSTER_SIZE                           = 0xfff
+	TIPC_CONN_SHUTDOWN                          = 0x5
+	TIPC_CONN_TIMEOUT                           = 0x82
+	TIPC_CRITICAL_IMPORTANCE                    = 0x3
+	TIPC_DESTNAME                               = 0x3
+	TIPC_DEST_DROPPABLE                         = 0x81
+	TIPC_ERRINFO                                = 0x1
+	TIPC_ERR_NO_NAME                            = 0x1
+	TIPC_ERR_NO_NODE                            = 0x3
+	TIPC_ERR_NO_PORT                            = 0x2
+	TIPC_ERR_OVERLOAD                           = 0x4
+	TIPC_GROUP_JOIN                             = 0x87
+	TIPC_GROUP_LEAVE                            = 0x88
+	TIPC_GROUP_LOOPBACK                         = 0x1
+	TIPC_GROUP_MEMBER_EVTS                      = 0x2
+	TIPC_HIGH_IMPORTANCE                        = 0x2
+	TIPC_IMPORTANCE                             = 0x7f
+	TIPC_LINK_STATE                             = 0x2
+	TIPC_LOW_IMPORTANCE                         = 0x0
+	TIPC_MAX_BEARER_NAME                        = 0x20
+	TIPC_MAX_IF_NAME                            = 0x10
+	TIPC_MAX_LINK_NAME                          = 0x44
+	TIPC_MAX_MEDIA_NAME                         = 0x10
+	TIPC_MAX_USER_MSG_SIZE                      = 0x101d0
+	TIPC_MCAST_BROADCAST                        = 0x85
+	TIPC_MCAST_REPLICAST                        = 0x86
+	TIPC_MEDIUM_IMPORTANCE                      = 0x1
+	TIPC_NODEID_LEN                             = 0x10
+	TIPC_NODE_BITS                              = 0xc
+	TIPC_NODE_MASK                              = 0xfff
+	TIPC_NODE_OFFSET                            = 0x0
+	TIPC_NODE_RECVQ_DEPTH                       = 0x83
+	TIPC_NODE_SIZE                              = 0xfff
+	TIPC_NODE_STATE                             = 0x0
+	TIPC_OK                                     = 0x0
+	TIPC_PUBLISHED                              = 0x1
+	TIPC_RESERVED_TYPES                         = 0x40
+	TIPC_RETDATA                                = 0x2
+	TIPC_SERVICE_ADDR                           = 0x2
+	TIPC_SERVICE_RANGE                          = 0x1
+	TIPC_SOCKET_ADDR                            = 0x3
+	TIPC_SOCK_RECVQ_DEPTH                       = 0x84
+	TIPC_SOCK_RECVQ_USED                        = 0x89
+	TIPC_SRC_DROPPABLE                          = 0x80
+	TIPC_SUBSCR_TIMEOUT                         = 0x3
+	TIPC_SUB_CANCEL                             = 0x4
+	TIPC_SUB_PORTS                              = 0x1
+	TIPC_SUB_SERVICE                            = 0x2
+	TIPC_TOP_SRV                                = 0x1
+	TIPC_WAIT_FOREVER                           = 0xffffffff
+	TIPC_WITHDRAWN                              = 0x2
+	TIPC_ZONE_BITS                              = 0x8
+	TIPC_ZONE_CLUSTER_MASK                      = 0xfffff000
+	TIPC_ZONE_MASK                              = 0xff000000
+	TIPC_ZONE_OFFSET                            = 0x18
+	TIPC_ZONE_SCOPE                             = 0x1
+	TIPC_ZONE_SIZE                              = 0xff
+	TMPFS_MAGIC                                 = 0x1021994
+	TOSTOP                                      = 0x8000
+	TPACKET_ALIGNMENT                           = 0x10
+	TPACKET_HDRLEN                              = 0x34
+	TP_STATUS_AVAILABLE                         = 0x0
+	TP_STATUS_BLK_TMO                           = 0x20
+	TP_STATUS_COPY                              = 0x2
+	TP_STATUS_CSUMNOTREADY                      = 0x8
+	TP_STATUS_CSUM_VALID                        = 0x80
+	TP_STATUS_KERNEL                            = 0x0
+	TP_STATUS_LOSING                            = 0x4
+	TP_STATUS_SENDING                           = 0x2
+	TP_STATUS_SEND_REQUEST                      = 0x1
+	TP_STATUS_TS_RAW_HARDWARE                   = 0x80000000
+	TP_STATUS_TS_SOFTWARE                       = 0x20000000
+	TP_STATUS_TS_SYS_HARDWARE                   = 0x40000000
+	TP_STATUS_USER                              = 0x1
+	TP_STATUS_VLAN_TPID_VALID                   = 0x40
+	TP_STATUS_VLAN_VALID                        = 0x10
+	TP_STATUS_WRONG_FORMAT                      = 0x4
+	TRACEFS_MAGIC                               = 0x74726163
+	TS_COMM_LEN                                 = 0x20
+	TUNATTACHFILTER                             = 0x801054d5
+	TUNDETACHFILTER                             = 0x801054d6
+	TUNGETDEVNETNS                              = 0x200054e3
+	TUNGETFEATURES                              = 0x400454cf
+	TUNGETFILTER                                = 0x401054db
+	TUNGETIFF                                   = 0x400454d2
+	TUNGETSNDBUF                                = 0x400454d3
+	TUNGETVNETBE                                = 0x400454df
+	TUNGETVNETHDRSZ                             = 0x400454d7
+	TUNGETVNETLE                                = 0x400454dd
+	TUNSETCARRIER                               = 0x800454e2
+	TUNSETDEBUG                                 = 0x800454c9
+	TUNSETFILTEREBPF                            = 0x400454e1
+	TUNSETGROUP                                 = 0x800454ce
+	TUNSETIFF                                   = 0x800454ca
+	TUNSETIFINDEX                               = 0x800454da
+	TUNSETLINK                                  = 0x800454cd
+	TUNSETNOCSUM                                = 0x800454c8
+	TUNSETOFFLOAD                               = 0x800454d0
+	TUNSETOWNER                                 = 0x800454cc
+	TUNSETPERSIST                               = 0x800454cb
+	TUNSETQUEUE                                 = 0x800454d9
+	TUNSETSNDBUF                                = 0x800454d4
+	TUNSETSTEERINGEBPF                          = 0x400454e0
+	TUNSETTXFILTER                              = 0x800454d1
+	TUNSETVNETBE                                = 0x800454de
+	TUNSETVNETHDRSZ                             = 0x800454d8
+	TUNSETVNETLE                                = 0x800454dc
+	UBI_IOCATT                                  = 0x80186f40
+	UBI_IOCDET                                  = 0x80046f41
+	UBI_IOCEBCH                                 = 0x80044f02
+	UBI_IOCEBER                                 = 0x80044f01
+	UBI_IOCEBISMAP                              = 0x40044f05
+	UBI_IOCEBMAP                                = 0x80084f03
+	UBI_IOCEBUNMAP                              = 0x80044f04
+	UBI_IOCMKVOL                                = 0x80986f00
+	UBI_IOCRMVOL                                = 0x80046f01
+	UBI_IOCRNVOL                                = 0x91106f03
+	UBI_IOCRPEB                                 = 0x80046f04
+	UBI_IOCRSVOL                                = 0x800c6f02
+	UBI_IOCSETVOLPROP                           = 0x80104f06
+	UBI_IOCSPEB                                 = 0x80046f05
+	UBI_IOCVOLCRBLK                             = 0x80804f07
+	UBI_IOCVOLRMBLK                             = 0x20004f08
+	UBI_IOCVOLUP                                = 0x80084f00
+	UDF_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x15013346
+	UMOUNT_NOFOLLOW                             = 0x8
+	USBDEVICE_SUPER_MAGIC                       = 0x9fa2
+	UTIME_NOW                                   = 0x3fffffff
+	UTIME_OMIT                                  = 0x3ffffffe
+	V9FS_MAGIC                                  = 0x1021997
+	VDISCARD                                    = 0xd
+	VEOF                                        = 0x10
+	VEOL                                        = 0x11
+	VEOL2                                       = 0x6
+	VERASE                                      = 0x2
+	VINTR                                       = 0x0
+	VKILL                                       = 0x3
+	VLNEXT                                      = 0xf
+	VMADDR_CID_ANY                              = 0xffffffff
+	VMADDR_CID_HOST                             = 0x2
+	VMADDR_CID_HYPERVISOR                       = 0x0
+	VMADDR_CID_RESERVED                         = 0x1
+	VMADDR_PORT_ANY                             = 0xffffffff
+	VMIN                                        = 0x4
+	VM_SOCKETS_INVALID_VERSION                  = 0xffffffff
+	VQUIT                                       = 0x1
+	VREPRINT                                    = 0xc
+	VSTART                                      = 0x8
+	VSTOP                                       = 0x9
+	VSUSP                                       = 0xa
+	VSWTC                                       = 0x7
+	VSWTCH                                      = 0x7
+	VT0                                         = 0x0
+	VT1                                         = 0x4000
+	VTDLY                                       = 0x4000
+	VTIME                                       = 0x5
+	VWERASE                                     = 0xe
+	WALL                                        = 0x40000000
+	WCLONE                                      = 0x80000000
+	WCONTINUED                                  = 0x8
+	WDIOC_GETBOOTSTATUS                         = 0x40045702
+	WDIOC_GETPRETIMEOUT                         = 0x40045709
+	WDIOC_GETSTATUS                             = 0x40045701
+	WDIOC_GETSUPPORT                            = 0x40285700
+	WDIOC_GETTEMP                               = 0x40045703
+	WDIOC_GETTIMELEFT                           = 0x4004570a
+	WDIOC_GETTIMEOUT                            = 0x40045707
+	WDIOC_KEEPALIVE                             = 0x40045705
+	WDIOC_SETOPTIONS                            = 0x40045704
+	WDIOC_SETPRETIMEOUT                         = 0xc0045708
+	WDIOC_SETTIMEOUT                            = 0xc0045706
+	WEXITED                                     = 0x4
+	WIN_ACKMEDIACHANGE                          = 0xdb
+	WIN_CHECKPOWERMODE1                         = 0xe5
+	WIN_CHECKPOWERMODE2                         = 0x98
+	WIN_DEVICE_RESET                            = 0x8
+	WIN_DIAGNOSE                                = 0x90
+	WIN_DOORLOCK                                = 0xde
+	WIN_DOORUNLOCK                              = 0xdf
+	WIN_DOWNLOAD_MICROCODE                      = 0x92
+	WIN_FLUSH_CACHE                             = 0xe7
+	WIN_FLUSH_CACHE_EXT                         = 0xea
+	WIN_FORMAT                                  = 0x50
+	WIN_GETMEDIASTATUS                          = 0xda
+	WIN_IDENTIFY                                = 0xec
+	WIN_IDENTIFY_DMA                            = 0xee
+	WIN_IDLEIMMEDIATE                           = 0xe1
+	WIN_INIT                                    = 0x60
+	WIN_MEDIAEJECT                              = 0xed
+	WIN_MULTREAD                                = 0xc4
+	WIN_MULTREAD_EXT                            = 0x29
+	WIN_MULTWRITE                               = 0xc5
+	WIN_MULTWRITE_EXT                           = 0x39
+	WIN_NOP                                     = 0x0
+	WIN_PACKETCMD                               = 0xa0
+	WIN_PIDENTIFY                               = 0xa1
+	WIN_POSTBOOT                                = 0xdc
+	WIN_PREBOOT                                 = 0xdd
+	WIN_QUEUED_SERVICE                          = 0xa2
+	WIN_READ                                    = 0x20
+	WIN_READDMA                                 = 0xc8
+	WIN_READDMA_EXT                             = 0x25
+	WIN_READDMA_ONCE                            = 0xc9
+	WIN_READDMA_QUEUED                          = 0xc7
+	WIN_READDMA_QUEUED_EXT                      = 0x26
+	WIN_READ_BUFFER                             = 0xe4
+	WIN_READ_EXT                                = 0x24
+	WIN_READ_LONG                               = 0x22
+	WIN_READ_LONG_ONCE                          = 0x23
+	WIN_READ_NATIVE_MAX                         = 0xf8
+	WIN_READ_NATIVE_MAX_EXT                     = 0x27
+	WIN_READ_ONCE                               = 0x21
+	WIN_RECAL                                   = 0x10
+	WIN_RESTORE                                 = 0x10
+	WIN_SECURITY_DISABLE                        = 0xf6
+	WIN_SECURITY_ERASE_PREPARE                  = 0xf3
+	WIN_SECURITY_ERASE_UNIT                     = 0xf4
+	WIN_SECURITY_FREEZE_LOCK                    = 0xf5
+	WIN_SECURITY_SET_PASS                       = 0xf1
+	WIN_SECURITY_UNLOCK                         = 0xf2
+	WIN_SEEK                                    = 0x70
+	WIN_SETFEATURES                             = 0xef
+	WIN_SETIDLE1                                = 0xe3
+	WIN_SETIDLE2                                = 0x97
+	WIN_SETMULT                                 = 0xc6
+	WIN_SET_MAX                                 = 0xf9
+	WIN_SET_MAX_EXT                             = 0x37
+	WIN_SLEEPNOW1                               = 0xe6
+	WIN_SLEEPNOW2                               = 0x99
+	WIN_SMART                                   = 0xb0
+	WIN_SPECIFY                                 = 0x91
+	WIN_SRST                                    = 0x8
+	WIN_STANDBY                                 = 0xe2
+	WIN_STANDBY2                                = 0x96
+	WIN_STANDBYNOW1                             = 0xe0
+	WIN_STANDBYNOW2                             = 0x94
+	WIN_VERIFY                                  = 0x40
+	WIN_VERIFY_EXT                              = 0x42
+	WIN_VERIFY_ONCE                             = 0x41
+	WIN_WRITE                                   = 0x30
+	WIN_WRITEDMA                                = 0xca
+	WIN_WRITEDMA_EXT                            = 0x35
+	WIN_WRITEDMA_ONCE                           = 0xcb
+	WIN_WRITEDMA_QUEUED                         = 0xcc
+	WIN_WRITEDMA_QUEUED_EXT                     = 0x36
+	WIN_WRITE_BUFFER                            = 0xe8
+	WIN_WRITE_EXT                               = 0x34
+	WIN_WRITE_LONG                              = 0x32
+	WIN_WRITE_LONG_ONCE                         = 0x33
+	WIN_WRITE_ONCE                              = 0x31
+	WIN_WRITE_SAME                              = 0xe9
+	WIN_WRITE_VERIFY                            = 0x3c
+	WNOHANG                                     = 0x1
+	WNOTHREAD                                   = 0x20000000
+	WNOWAIT                                     = 0x1000000
+	WORDSIZE                                    = 0x40
+	WSTOPPED                                    = 0x2
+	WUNTRACED                                   = 0x2
+	XATTR_CREATE                                = 0x1
+	XATTR_REPLACE                               = 0x2
+	XCASE                                       = 0x4
+	XDP_COPY                                    = 0x2
+	XDP_FLAGS_DRV_MODE                          = 0x4
+	XDP_FLAGS_HW_MODE                           = 0x8
+	XDP_FLAGS_MASK                              = 0xf
+	XDP_FLAGS_MODES                             = 0xe
+	XDP_FLAGS_SKB_MODE                          = 0x2
+	XDP_FLAGS_UPDATE_IF_NOEXIST                 = 0x1
+	XDP_MMAP_OFFSETS                            = 0x1
+	XDP_OPTIONS                                 = 0x8
+	XDP_OPTIONS_ZEROCOPY                        = 0x1
+	XDP_PACKET_HEADROOM                         = 0x100
+	XDP_PGOFF_RX_RING                           = 0x0
+	XDP_PGOFF_TX_RING                           = 0x80000000
+	XDP_RING_NEED_WAKEUP                        = 0x1
+	XDP_RX_RING                                 = 0x2
+	XDP_SHARED_UMEM                             = 0x1
+	XDP_STATISTICS                              = 0x7
+	XDP_TX_RING                                 = 0x3
+	XDP_UMEM_COMPLETION_RING                    = 0x6
+	XDP_UMEM_FILL_RING                          = 0x5
+	XDP_UMEM_PGOFF_COMPLETION_RING              = 0x180000000
+	XDP_UMEM_PGOFF_FILL_RING                    = 0x100000000
+	XDP_UMEM_REG                                = 0x4
+	XDP_UMEM_UNALIGNED_CHUNK_FLAG               = 0x1
+	XDP_USE_NEED_WAKEUP                         = 0x8
+	XDP_ZEROCOPY                                = 0x4
+	XENFS_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0xabba1974
+	XFS_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x58465342
+	XTABS                                       = 0x1800
+	Z3FOLD_MAGIC                                = 0x33
+	ZSMALLOC_MAGIC                              = 0x58295829
 // Errors
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mipsle.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mipsle.go
index cdf0cf5..f96d545 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mipsle.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mipsle.go
@@ -11,2660 +11,2816 @@ package unix
 import "syscall"
 const (
-	AAFS_MAGIC                           = 0x5a3c69f0
-	ADFS_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xadf5
-	AFFS_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xadff
-	AFS_FS_MAGIC                         = 0x6b414653
-	AFS_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x5346414f
-	AF_ALG                               = 0x26
-	AF_APPLETALK                         = 0x5
-	AF_ASH                               = 0x12
-	AF_ATMPVC                            = 0x8
-	AF_ATMSVC                            = 0x14
-	AF_AX25                              = 0x3
-	AF_BLUETOOTH                         = 0x1f
-	AF_BRIDGE                            = 0x7
-	AF_CAIF                              = 0x25
-	AF_CAN                               = 0x1d
-	AF_DECnet                            = 0xc
-	AF_ECONET                            = 0x13
-	AF_FILE                              = 0x1
-	AF_IB                                = 0x1b
-	AF_IEEE802154                        = 0x24
-	AF_INET                              = 0x2
-	AF_INET6                             = 0xa
-	AF_IPX                               = 0x4
-	AF_IRDA                              = 0x17
-	AF_ISDN                              = 0x22
-	AF_IUCV                              = 0x20
-	AF_KCM                               = 0x29
-	AF_KEY                               = 0xf
-	AF_LLC                               = 0x1a
-	AF_LOCAL                             = 0x1
-	AF_MAX                               = 0x2d
-	AF_MPLS                              = 0x1c
-	AF_NETBEUI                           = 0xd
-	AF_NETLINK                           = 0x10
-	AF_NETROM                            = 0x6
-	AF_NFC                               = 0x27
-	AF_PACKET                            = 0x11
-	AF_PHONET                            = 0x23
-	AF_PPPOX                             = 0x18
-	AF_QIPCRTR                           = 0x2a
-	AF_RDS                               = 0x15
-	AF_ROSE                              = 0xb
-	AF_ROUTE                             = 0x10
-	AF_RXRPC                             = 0x21
-	AF_SECURITY                          = 0xe
-	AF_SMC                               = 0x2b
-	AF_SNA                               = 0x16
-	AF_TIPC                              = 0x1e
-	AF_UNIX                              = 0x1
-	AF_UNSPEC                            = 0x0
-	AF_VSOCK                             = 0x28
-	AF_WANPIPE                           = 0x19
-	AF_X25                               = 0x9
-	AF_XDP                               = 0x2c
-	ALG_OP_DECRYPT                       = 0x0
-	ALG_OP_ENCRYPT                       = 0x1
-	ALG_SET_AEAD_ASSOCLEN                = 0x4
-	ALG_SET_AEAD_AUTHSIZE                = 0x5
-	ALG_SET_IV                           = 0x2
-	ALG_SET_KEY                          = 0x1
-	ALG_SET_OP                           = 0x3
-	ANON_INODE_FS_MAGIC                  = 0x9041934
-	ARPHRD_6LOWPAN                       = 0x339
-	ARPHRD_ADAPT                         = 0x108
-	ARPHRD_APPLETLK                      = 0x8
-	ARPHRD_ARCNET                        = 0x7
-	ARPHRD_ASH                           = 0x30d
-	ARPHRD_ATM                           = 0x13
-	ARPHRD_AX25                          = 0x3
-	ARPHRD_BIF                           = 0x307
-	ARPHRD_CAIF                          = 0x336
-	ARPHRD_CAN                           = 0x118
-	ARPHRD_CHAOS                         = 0x5
-	ARPHRD_CISCO                         = 0x201
-	ARPHRD_CSLIP                         = 0x101
-	ARPHRD_CSLIP6                        = 0x103
-	ARPHRD_DDCMP                         = 0x205
-	ARPHRD_DLCI                          = 0xf
-	ARPHRD_ECONET                        = 0x30e
-	ARPHRD_EETHER                        = 0x2
-	ARPHRD_ETHER                         = 0x1
-	ARPHRD_EUI64                         = 0x1b
-	ARPHRD_FCAL                          = 0x311
-	ARPHRD_FCFABRIC                      = 0x313
-	ARPHRD_FCPL                          = 0x312
-	ARPHRD_FCPP                          = 0x310
-	ARPHRD_FDDI                          = 0x306
-	ARPHRD_FRAD                          = 0x302
-	ARPHRD_HDLC                          = 0x201
-	ARPHRD_HIPPI                         = 0x30c
-	ARPHRD_HWX25                         = 0x110
-	ARPHRD_IEEE1394                      = 0x18
-	ARPHRD_IEEE802                       = 0x6
-	ARPHRD_IEEE80211                     = 0x321
-	ARPHRD_IEEE80211_PRISM               = 0x322
-	ARPHRD_IEEE80211_RADIOTAP            = 0x323
-	ARPHRD_IEEE802154                    = 0x324
-	ARPHRD_IEEE802154_MONITOR            = 0x325
-	ARPHRD_IEEE802_TR                    = 0x320
-	ARPHRD_INFINIBAND                    = 0x20
-	ARPHRD_IP6GRE                        = 0x337
-	ARPHRD_IPDDP                         = 0x309
-	ARPHRD_IPGRE                         = 0x30a
-	ARPHRD_IRDA                          = 0x30f
-	ARPHRD_LAPB                          = 0x204
-	ARPHRD_LOCALTLK                      = 0x305
-	ARPHRD_LOOPBACK                      = 0x304
-	ARPHRD_METRICOM                      = 0x17
-	ARPHRD_NETLINK                       = 0x338
-	ARPHRD_NETROM                        = 0x0
-	ARPHRD_NONE                          = 0xfffe
-	ARPHRD_PHONET                        = 0x334
-	ARPHRD_PHONET_PIPE                   = 0x335
-	ARPHRD_PIMREG                        = 0x30b
-	ARPHRD_PPP                           = 0x200
-	ARPHRD_PRONET                        = 0x4
-	ARPHRD_RAWHDLC                       = 0x206
-	ARPHRD_RAWIP                         = 0x207
-	ARPHRD_ROSE                          = 0x10e
-	ARPHRD_RSRVD                         = 0x104
-	ARPHRD_SIT                           = 0x308
-	ARPHRD_SKIP                          = 0x303
-	ARPHRD_SLIP                          = 0x100
-	ARPHRD_SLIP6                         = 0x102
-	ARPHRD_TUNNEL                        = 0x300
-	ARPHRD_TUNNEL6                       = 0x301
-	ARPHRD_VOID                          = 0xffff
-	ARPHRD_VSOCKMON                      = 0x33a
-	ARPHRD_X25                           = 0x10f
-	AUTOFS_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0x187
-	B0                                   = 0x0
-	B1000000                             = 0x1008
-	B110                                 = 0x3
-	B115200                              = 0x1002
-	B1152000                             = 0x1009
-	B1200                                = 0x9
-	B134                                 = 0x4
-	B150                                 = 0x5
-	B1500000                             = 0x100a
-	B1800                                = 0xa
-	B19200                               = 0xe
-	B200                                 = 0x6
-	B2000000                             = 0x100b
-	B230400                              = 0x1003
-	B2400                                = 0xb
-	B2500000                             = 0x100c
-	B300                                 = 0x7
-	B3000000                             = 0x100d
-	B3500000                             = 0x100e
-	B38400                               = 0xf
-	B4000000                             = 0x100f
-	B460800                              = 0x1004
-	B4800                                = 0xc
-	B50                                  = 0x1
-	B500000                              = 0x1005
-	B57600                               = 0x1001
-	B576000                              = 0x1006
-	B600                                 = 0x8
-	B75                                  = 0x2
-	B921600                              = 0x1007
-	B9600                                = 0xd
-	BALLOON_KVM_MAGIC                    = 0x13661366
-	BDEVFS_MAGIC                         = 0x62646576
-	BINDERFS_SUPER_MAGIC                 = 0x6c6f6f70
-	BINFMTFS_MAGIC                       = 0x42494e4d
-	BLKBSZGET                            = 0x40041270
-	BLKBSZSET                            = 0x80041271
-	BLKFLSBUF                            = 0x20001261
-	BLKFRAGET                            = 0x20001265
-	BLKFRASET                            = 0x20001264
-	BLKGETSIZE                           = 0x20001260
-	BLKGETSIZE64                         = 0x40041272
-	BLKPBSZGET                           = 0x2000127b
-	BLKRAGET                             = 0x20001263
-	BLKRASET                             = 0x20001262
-	BLKROGET                             = 0x2000125e
-	BLKROSET                             = 0x2000125d
-	BLKRRPART                            = 0x2000125f
-	BLKSECTGET                           = 0x20001267
-	BLKSECTSET                           = 0x20001266
-	BLKSSZGET                            = 0x20001268
-	BOTHER                               = 0x1000
-	BPF_A                                = 0x10
-	BPF_ABS                              = 0x20
-	BPF_ADD                              = 0x0
-	BPF_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L2_MASK           = 0xff
-	BPF_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L2_SHIFT          = 0x38
-	BPF_ALU                              = 0x4
-	BPF_ALU64                            = 0x7
-	BPF_AND                              = 0x50
-	BPF_ANY                              = 0x0
-	BPF_ARSH                             = 0xc0
-	BPF_B                                = 0x10
-	BPF_BUILD_ID_SIZE                    = 0x14
-	BPF_CALL                             = 0x80
-	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_MKNOD                  = 0x1
-	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_READ                   = 0x2
-	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_WRITE                  = 0x4
-	BPF_DEVCG_DEV_BLOCK                  = 0x1
-	BPF_DEVCG_DEV_CHAR                   = 0x2
-	BPF_DIV                              = 0x30
-	BPF_DW                               = 0x18
-	BPF_END                              = 0xd0
-	BPF_EXIST                            = 0x2
-	BPF_EXIT                             = 0x90
-	BPF_FROM_BE                          = 0x8
-	BPF_FROM_LE                          = 0x0
-	BPF_FS_MAGIC                         = 0xcafe4a11
-	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L3_IPV4         = 0x2
-	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L3_IPV6         = 0x4
-	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L4_GRE          = 0x8
-	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L4_UDP          = 0x10
-	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_FIXED_GSO             = 0x1
-	BPF_F_ALLOW_MULTI                    = 0x2
-	BPF_F_ALLOW_OVERRIDE                 = 0x1
-	BPF_F_ANY_ALIGNMENT                  = 0x2
-	BPF_F_CTXLEN_MASK                    = 0xfffff00000000
-	BPF_F_CURRENT_CPU                    = 0xffffffff
-	BPF_F_CURRENT_NETNS                  = -0x1
-	BPF_F_DONT_FRAGMENT                  = 0x4
-	BPF_F_FAST_STACK_CMP                 = 0x200
-	BPF_F_HDR_FIELD_MASK                 = 0xf
-	BPF_F_INDEX_MASK                     = 0xffffffff
-	BPF_F_INGRESS                        = 0x1
-	BPF_F_INVALIDATE_HASH                = 0x2
-	BPF_F_LOCK                           = 0x4
-	BPF_F_MARK_ENFORCE                   = 0x40
-	BPF_F_MARK_MANGLED_0                 = 0x20
-	BPF_F_NO_COMMON_LRU                  = 0x2
-	BPF_F_NO_PREALLOC                    = 0x1
-	BPF_F_NUMA_NODE                      = 0x4
-	BPF_F_PSEUDO_HDR                     = 0x10
-	BPF_F_QUERY_EFFECTIVE                = 0x1
-	BPF_F_RDONLY                         = 0x8
-	BPF_F_RDONLY_PROG                    = 0x80
-	BPF_F_RECOMPUTE_CSUM                 = 0x1
-	BPF_F_REUSE_STACKID                  = 0x400
-	BPF_F_SEQ_NUMBER                     = 0x8
-	BPF_F_SKIP_FIELD_MASK                = 0xff
-	BPF_F_STACK_BUILD_ID                 = 0x20
-	BPF_F_STRICT_ALIGNMENT               = 0x1
-	BPF_F_SYSCTL_BASE_NAME               = 0x1
-	BPF_F_TUNINFO_IPV6                   = 0x1
-	BPF_F_USER_BUILD_ID                  = 0x800
-	BPF_F_USER_STACK                     = 0x100
-	BPF_F_WRONLY                         = 0x10
-	BPF_F_WRONLY_PROG                    = 0x100
-	BPF_F_ZERO_CSUM_TX                   = 0x2
-	BPF_F_ZERO_SEED                      = 0x40
-	BPF_H                                = 0x8
-	BPF_IMM                              = 0x0
-	BPF_IND                              = 0x40
-	BPF_JA                               = 0x0
-	BPF_JEQ                              = 0x10
-	BPF_JGE                              = 0x30
-	BPF_JGT                              = 0x20
-	BPF_JLE                              = 0xb0
-	BPF_JLT                              = 0xa0
-	BPF_JMP                              = 0x5
-	BPF_JMP32                            = 0x6
-	BPF_JNE                              = 0x50
-	BPF_JSET                             = 0x40
-	BPF_JSGE                             = 0x70
-	BPF_JSGT                             = 0x60
-	BPF_JSLE                             = 0xd0
-	BPF_JSLT                             = 0xc0
-	BPF_K                                = 0x0
-	BPF_LD                               = 0x0
-	BPF_LDX                              = 0x1
-	BPF_LEN                              = 0x80
-	BPF_LL_OFF                           = -0x200000
-	BPF_LSH                              = 0x60
-	BPF_MAJOR_VERSION                    = 0x1
-	BPF_MAXINSNS                         = 0x1000
-	BPF_MEM                              = 0x60
-	BPF_MEMWORDS                         = 0x10
-	BPF_MINOR_VERSION                    = 0x1
-	BPF_MISC                             = 0x7
-	BPF_MOD                              = 0x90
-	BPF_MOV                              = 0xb0
-	BPF_MSH                              = 0xa0
-	BPF_MUL                              = 0x20
-	BPF_NEG                              = 0x80
-	BPF_NET_OFF                          = -0x100000
-	BPF_NOEXIST                          = 0x1
-	BPF_OBJ_NAME_LEN                     = 0x10
-	BPF_OR                               = 0x40
-	BPF_PSEUDO_CALL                      = 0x1
-	BPF_PSEUDO_MAP_FD                    = 0x1
-	BPF_PSEUDO_MAP_VALUE                 = 0x2
-	BPF_RET                              = 0x6
-	BPF_RSH                              = 0x70
-	BPF_SK_STORAGE_GET_F_CREATE          = 0x1
-	BPF_SOCK_OPS_ALL_CB_FLAGS            = 0x7
-	BPF_SOCK_OPS_RTO_CB_FLAG             = 0x1
-	BPF_SOCK_OPS_STATE_CB_FLAG           = 0x4
-	BPF_ST                               = 0x2
-	BPF_STX                              = 0x3
-	BPF_SUB                              = 0x10
-	BPF_TAG_SIZE                         = 0x8
-	BPF_TAX                              = 0x0
-	BPF_TO_BE                            = 0x8
-	BPF_TO_LE                            = 0x0
-	BPF_TXA                              = 0x80
-	BPF_W                                = 0x0
-	BPF_X                                = 0x8
-	BPF_XADD                             = 0xc0
-	BPF_XOR                              = 0xa0
-	BRKINT                               = 0x2
-	BS0                                  = 0x0
-	BS1                                  = 0x2000
-	BSDLY                                = 0x2000
-	BTRFS_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x9123683e
-	BTRFS_TEST_MAGIC                     = 0x73727279
-	CAN_BCM                              = 0x2
-	CAN_EFF_FLAG                         = 0x80000000
-	CAN_EFF_ID_BITS                      = 0x1d
-	CAN_EFF_MASK                         = 0x1fffffff
-	CAN_ERR_FLAG                         = 0x20000000
-	CAN_ERR_MASK                         = 0x1fffffff
-	CAN_INV_FILTER                       = 0x20000000
-	CAN_ISOTP                            = 0x6
-	CAN_MAX_DLC                          = 0x8
-	CAN_MAX_DLEN                         = 0x8
-	CAN_MCNET                            = 0x5
-	CAN_MTU                              = 0x10
-	CAN_NPROTO                           = 0x7
-	CAN_RAW                              = 0x1
-	CAN_RAW_FILTER_MAX                   = 0x200
-	CAN_RTR_FLAG                         = 0x40000000
-	CAN_SFF_ID_BITS                      = 0xb
-	CAN_SFF_MASK                         = 0x7ff
-	CAN_TP16                             = 0x3
-	CAN_TP20                             = 0x4
-	CAP_AUDIT_CONTROL                    = 0x1e
-	CAP_AUDIT_READ                       = 0x25
-	CAP_AUDIT_WRITE                      = 0x1d
-	CAP_BLOCK_SUSPEND                    = 0x24
-	CAP_CHOWN                            = 0x0
-	CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE                     = 0x1
-	CAP_DAC_READ_SEARCH                  = 0x2
-	CAP_FOWNER                           = 0x3
-	CAP_FSETID                           = 0x4
-	CAP_IPC_LOCK                         = 0xe
-	CAP_IPC_OWNER                        = 0xf
-	CAP_KILL                             = 0x5
-	CAP_LAST_CAP                         = 0x25
-	CAP_LEASE                            = 0x1c
-	CAP_LINUX_IMMUTABLE                  = 0x9
-	CAP_MAC_ADMIN                        = 0x21
-	CAP_MAC_OVERRIDE                     = 0x20
-	CAP_MKNOD                            = 0x1b
-	CAP_NET_ADMIN                        = 0xc
-	CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE                 = 0xa
-	CAP_NET_BROADCAST                    = 0xb
-	CAP_NET_RAW                          = 0xd
-	CAP_SETFCAP                          = 0x1f
-	CAP_SETGID                           = 0x6
-	CAP_SETPCAP                          = 0x8
-	CAP_SETUID                           = 0x7
-	CAP_SYSLOG                           = 0x22
-	CAP_SYS_ADMIN                        = 0x15
-	CAP_SYS_BOOT                         = 0x16
-	CAP_SYS_CHROOT                       = 0x12
-	CAP_SYS_MODULE                       = 0x10
-	CAP_SYS_NICE                         = 0x17
-	CAP_SYS_PACCT                        = 0x14
-	CAP_SYS_PTRACE                       = 0x13
-	CAP_SYS_RAWIO                        = 0x11
-	CAP_SYS_RESOURCE                     = 0x18
-	CAP_SYS_TIME                         = 0x19
-	CAP_SYS_TTY_CONFIG                   = 0x1a
-	CAP_WAKE_ALARM                       = 0x23
-	CBAUD                                = 0x100f
-	CBAUDEX                              = 0x1000
-	CFLUSH                               = 0xf
-	CGROUP2_SUPER_MAGIC                  = 0x63677270
-	CGROUP_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0x27e0eb
-	CIBAUD                               = 0x100f0000
-	CLOCAL                               = 0x800
-	CLOCK_BOOTTIME                       = 0x7
-	CLOCK_BOOTTIME_ALARM                 = 0x9
-	CLOCK_DEFAULT                        = 0x0
-	CLOCK_EXT                            = 0x1
-	CLOCK_INT                            = 0x2
-	CLOCK_MONOTONIC                      = 0x1
-	CLOCK_MONOTONIC_COARSE               = 0x6
-	CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW                  = 0x4
-	CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID             = 0x2
-	CLOCK_REALTIME                       = 0x0
-	CLOCK_REALTIME_ALARM                 = 0x8
-	CLOCK_REALTIME_COARSE                = 0x5
-	CLOCK_TAI                            = 0xb
-	CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID              = 0x3
-	CLOCK_TXFROMRX                       = 0x4
-	CLOCK_TXINT                          = 0x3
-	CLONE_CHILD_CLEARTID                 = 0x200000
-	CLONE_CHILD_SETTID                   = 0x1000000
-	CLONE_DETACHED                       = 0x400000
-	CLONE_FILES                          = 0x400
-	CLONE_FS                             = 0x200
-	CLONE_IO                             = 0x80000000
-	CLONE_NEWCGROUP                      = 0x2000000
-	CLONE_NEWIPC                         = 0x8000000
-	CLONE_NEWNET                         = 0x40000000
-	CLONE_NEWNS                          = 0x20000
-	CLONE_NEWPID                         = 0x20000000
-	CLONE_NEWUSER                        = 0x10000000
-	CLONE_NEWUTS                         = 0x4000000
-	CLONE_PARENT                         = 0x8000
-	CLONE_PARENT_SETTID                  = 0x100000
-	CLONE_PIDFD                          = 0x1000
-	CLONE_PTRACE                         = 0x2000
-	CLONE_SETTLS                         = 0x80000
-	CLONE_SIGHAND                        = 0x800
-	CLONE_SYSVSEM                        = 0x40000
-	CLONE_THREAD                         = 0x10000
-	CLONE_UNTRACED                       = 0x800000
-	CLONE_VFORK                          = 0x4000
-	CLONE_VM                             = 0x100
-	CMSPAR                               = 0x40000000
-	CODA_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0x73757245
-	CR0                                  = 0x0
-	CR1                                  = 0x200
-	CR2                                  = 0x400
-	CR3                                  = 0x600
-	CRAMFS_MAGIC                         = 0x28cd3d45
-	CRDLY                                = 0x600
-	CREAD                                = 0x80
-	CRTSCTS                              = 0x80000000
-	CRYPTO_MAX_NAME                      = 0x40
-	CRYPTO_MSG_MAX                       = 0x15
-	CRYPTO_NR_MSGTYPES                   = 0x6
-	CRYPTO_REPORT_MAXSIZE                = 0x160
-	CS5                                  = 0x0
-	CS6                                  = 0x10
-	CS7                                  = 0x20
-	CS8                                  = 0x30
-	CSIGNAL                              = 0xff
-	CSIZE                                = 0x30
-	CSTART                               = 0x11
-	CSTATUS                              = 0x0
-	CSTOP                                = 0x13
-	CSTOPB                               = 0x40
-	CSUSP                                = 0x1a
-	DAXFS_MAGIC                          = 0x64646178
-	DEBUGFS_MAGIC                        = 0x64626720
-	DEVPTS_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0x1cd1
-	DT_BLK                               = 0x6
-	DT_CHR                               = 0x2
-	DT_DIR                               = 0x4
-	DT_FIFO                              = 0x1
-	DT_LNK                               = 0xa
-	DT_REG                               = 0x8
-	DT_SOCK                              = 0xc
-	DT_UNKNOWN                           = 0x0
-	DT_WHT                               = 0xe
-	ECHO                                 = 0x8
-	ECHOCTL                              = 0x200
-	ECHOE                                = 0x10
-	ECHOK                                = 0x20
-	ECHOKE                               = 0x800
-	ECHONL                               = 0x40
-	ECHOPRT                              = 0x400
-	ECRYPTFS_SUPER_MAGIC                 = 0xf15f
-	EFD_CLOEXEC                          = 0x80000
-	EFD_NONBLOCK                         = 0x80
-	EFD_SEMAPHORE                        = 0x1
-	EFIVARFS_MAGIC                       = 0xde5e81e4
-	EFS_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x414a53
-	ENCODING_DEFAULT                     = 0x0
-	ENCODING_FM_MARK                     = 0x3
-	ENCODING_FM_SPACE                    = 0x4
-	ENCODING_MANCHESTER                  = 0x5
-	ENCODING_NRZ                         = 0x1
-	ENCODING_NRZI                        = 0x2
-	EPOLLERR                             = 0x8
-	EPOLLET                              = 0x80000000
-	EPOLLEXCLUSIVE                       = 0x10000000
-	EPOLLHUP                             = 0x10
-	EPOLLIN                              = 0x1
-	EPOLLMSG                             = 0x400
-	EPOLLONESHOT                         = 0x40000000
-	EPOLLOUT                             = 0x4
-	EPOLLPRI                             = 0x2
-	EPOLLRDBAND                          = 0x80
-	EPOLLRDHUP                           = 0x2000
-	EPOLLRDNORM                          = 0x40
-	EPOLLWAKEUP                          = 0x20000000
-	EPOLLWRBAND                          = 0x200
-	EPOLLWRNORM                          = 0x100
-	EPOLL_CLOEXEC                        = 0x80000
-	EPOLL_CTL_ADD                        = 0x1
-	EPOLL_CTL_DEL                        = 0x2
-	EPOLL_CTL_MOD                        = 0x3
-	ETH_P_1588                           = 0x88f7
-	ETH_P_8021AD                         = 0x88a8
-	ETH_P_8021AH                         = 0x88e7
-	ETH_P_8021Q                          = 0x8100
-	ETH_P_80221                          = 0x8917
-	ETH_P_802_2                          = 0x4
-	ETH_P_802_3                          = 0x1
-	ETH_P_802_3_MIN                      = 0x600
-	ETH_P_802_EX1                        = 0x88b5
-	ETH_P_AARP                           = 0x80f3
-	ETH_P_AF_IUCV                        = 0xfbfb
-	ETH_P_ALL                            = 0x3
-	ETH_P_AOE                            = 0x88a2
-	ETH_P_ARCNET                         = 0x1a
-	ETH_P_ARP                            = 0x806
-	ETH_P_ATALK                          = 0x809b
-	ETH_P_ATMFATE                        = 0x8884
-	ETH_P_ATMMPOA                        = 0x884c
-	ETH_P_AX25                           = 0x2
-	ETH_P_BATMAN                         = 0x4305
-	ETH_P_BPQ                            = 0x8ff
-	ETH_P_CAIF                           = 0xf7
-	ETH_P_CAN                            = 0xc
-	ETH_P_CANFD                          = 0xd
-	ETH_P_CONTROL                        = 0x16
-	ETH_P_CUST                           = 0x6006
-	ETH_P_DDCMP                          = 0x6
-	ETH_P_DEC                            = 0x6000
-	ETH_P_DIAG                           = 0x6005
-	ETH_P_DNA_DL                         = 0x6001
-	ETH_P_DNA_RC                         = 0x6002
-	ETH_P_DNA_RT                         = 0x6003
-	ETH_P_DSA                            = 0x1b
-	ETH_P_DSA_8021Q                      = 0xdadb
-	ETH_P_ECONET                         = 0x18
-	ETH_P_EDSA                           = 0xdada
-	ETH_P_ERSPAN                         = 0x88be
-	ETH_P_ERSPAN2                        = 0x22eb
-	ETH_P_FCOE                           = 0x8906
-	ETH_P_FIP                            = 0x8914
-	ETH_P_HDLC                           = 0x19
-	ETH_P_HSR                            = 0x892f
-	ETH_P_IBOE                           = 0x8915
-	ETH_P_IEEE802154                     = 0xf6
-	ETH_P_IEEEPUP                        = 0xa00
-	ETH_P_IEEEPUPAT                      = 0xa01
-	ETH_P_IFE                            = 0xed3e
-	ETH_P_IP                             = 0x800
-	ETH_P_IPV6                           = 0x86dd
-	ETH_P_IPX                            = 0x8137
-	ETH_P_IRDA                           = 0x17
-	ETH_P_LAT                            = 0x6004
-	ETH_P_LINK_CTL                       = 0x886c
-	ETH_P_LOCALTALK                      = 0x9
-	ETH_P_LOOP                           = 0x60
-	ETH_P_LOOPBACK                       = 0x9000
-	ETH_P_MACSEC                         = 0x88e5
-	ETH_P_MAP                            = 0xf9
-	ETH_P_MOBITEX                        = 0x15
-	ETH_P_MPLS_MC                        = 0x8848
-	ETH_P_MPLS_UC                        = 0x8847
-	ETH_P_MVRP                           = 0x88f5
-	ETH_P_NCSI                           = 0x88f8
-	ETH_P_NSH                            = 0x894f
-	ETH_P_PAE                            = 0x888e
-	ETH_P_PAUSE                          = 0x8808
-	ETH_P_PHONET                         = 0xf5
-	ETH_P_PPPTALK                        = 0x10
-	ETH_P_PPP_DISC                       = 0x8863
-	ETH_P_PPP_MP                         = 0x8
-	ETH_P_PPP_SES                        = 0x8864
-	ETH_P_PREAUTH                        = 0x88c7
-	ETH_P_PRP                            = 0x88fb
-	ETH_P_PUP                            = 0x200
-	ETH_P_PUPAT                          = 0x201
-	ETH_P_QINQ1                          = 0x9100
-	ETH_P_QINQ2                          = 0x9200
-	ETH_P_QINQ3                          = 0x9300
-	ETH_P_RARP                           = 0x8035
-	ETH_P_SCA                            = 0x6007
-	ETH_P_SLOW                           = 0x8809
-	ETH_P_SNAP                           = 0x5
-	ETH_P_TDLS                           = 0x890d
-	ETH_P_TEB                            = 0x6558
-	ETH_P_TIPC                           = 0x88ca
-	ETH_P_TRAILER                        = 0x1c
-	ETH_P_TR_802_2                       = 0x11
-	ETH_P_TSN                            = 0x22f0
-	ETH_P_WAN_PPP                        = 0x7
-	ETH_P_WCCP                           = 0x883e
-	ETH_P_X25                            = 0x805
-	ETH_P_XDSA                           = 0xf8
-	EXABYTE_ENABLE_NEST                  = 0xf0
-	EXT2_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xef53
-	EXT3_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xef53
-	EXT4_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xef53
-	EXTA                                 = 0xe
-	EXTB                                 = 0xf
-	EXTPROC                              = 0x10000
-	F2FS_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xf2f52010
-	FALLOC_FL_COLLAPSE_RANGE             = 0x8
-	FALLOC_FL_INSERT_RANGE               = 0x20
-	FALLOC_FL_KEEP_SIZE                  = 0x1
-	FALLOC_FL_NO_HIDE_STALE              = 0x4
-	FALLOC_FL_PUNCH_HOLE                 = 0x2
-	FALLOC_FL_UNSHARE_RANGE              = 0x40
-	FALLOC_FL_ZERO_RANGE                 = 0x10
-	FAN_ACCESS                           = 0x1
-	FAN_ACCESS_PERM                      = 0x20000
-	FAN_ALLOW                            = 0x1
-	FAN_ALL_CLASS_BITS                   = 0xc
-	FAN_ALL_EVENTS                       = 0x3b
-	FAN_ALL_INIT_FLAGS                   = 0x3f
-	FAN_ALL_MARK_FLAGS                   = 0xff
-	FAN_ALL_OUTGOING_EVENTS              = 0x3403b
-	FAN_ALL_PERM_EVENTS                  = 0x30000
-	FAN_ATTRIB                           = 0x4
-	FAN_AUDIT                            = 0x10
-	FAN_CLASS_CONTENT                    = 0x4
-	FAN_CLASS_NOTIF                      = 0x0
-	FAN_CLASS_PRE_CONTENT                = 0x8
-	FAN_CLOEXEC                          = 0x1
-	FAN_CLOSE                            = 0x18
-	FAN_CLOSE_NOWRITE                    = 0x10
-	FAN_CLOSE_WRITE                      = 0x8
-	FAN_CREATE                           = 0x100
-	FAN_DELETE                           = 0x200
-	FAN_DELETE_SELF                      = 0x400
-	FAN_DENY                             = 0x2
-	FAN_ENABLE_AUDIT                     = 0x40
-	FAN_EVENT_INFO_TYPE_FID              = 0x1
-	FAN_EVENT_METADATA_LEN               = 0x18
-	FAN_EVENT_ON_CHILD                   = 0x8000000
-	FAN_MARK_ADD                         = 0x1
-	FAN_MARK_DONT_FOLLOW                 = 0x4
-	FAN_MARK_FILESYSTEM                  = 0x100
-	FAN_MARK_FLUSH                       = 0x80
-	FAN_MARK_IGNORED_MASK                = 0x20
-	FAN_MARK_INODE                       = 0x0
-	FAN_MARK_MOUNT                       = 0x10
-	FAN_MARK_ONLYDIR                     = 0x8
-	FAN_MARK_REMOVE                      = 0x2
-	FAN_MODIFY                           = 0x2
-	FAN_MOVE                             = 0xc0
-	FAN_MOVED_FROM                       = 0x40
-	FAN_MOVED_TO                         = 0x80
-	FAN_MOVE_SELF                        = 0x800
-	FAN_NOFD                             = -0x1
-	FAN_NONBLOCK                         = 0x2
-	FAN_ONDIR                            = 0x40000000
-	FAN_OPEN                             = 0x20
-	FAN_OPEN_EXEC                        = 0x1000
-	FAN_OPEN_EXEC_PERM                   = 0x40000
-	FAN_OPEN_PERM                        = 0x10000
-	FAN_Q_OVERFLOW                       = 0x4000
-	FAN_REPORT_FID                       = 0x200
-	FAN_REPORT_TID                       = 0x100
-	FAN_UNLIMITED_MARKS                  = 0x20
-	FAN_UNLIMITED_QUEUE                  = 0x10
-	FD_CLOEXEC                           = 0x1
-	FD_SETSIZE                           = 0x400
-	FF0                                  = 0x0
-	FF1                                  = 0x8000
-	FFDLY                                = 0x8000
-	FLUSHO                               = 0x2000
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_128_CBC       = 0x5
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_128_CTS       = 0x6
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_CBC       = 0x3
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_CTS       = 0x4
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_GCM       = 0x2
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_XTS       = 0x1
-	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY         = 0x800c6615
-	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_PWSALT         = 0x80106614
-	FS_IOC_SET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY         = 0x400c6613
-	FS_KEY_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE               = 0x8
-	FS_KEY_DESC_PREFIX                   = "fscrypt:"
-	FS_KEY_DESC_PREFIX_SIZE              = 0x8
-	FS_MAX_KEY_SIZE                      = 0x40
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_16               = 0x2
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_32               = 0x3
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_4                = 0x0
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_8                = 0x1
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_MASK             = 0x3
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_VALID                = 0x7
-	FUTEXFS_SUPER_MAGIC                  = 0xbad1dea
-	F_ADD_SEALS                          = 0x409
-	F_DUPFD                              = 0x0
-	F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC                      = 0x406
-	F_EXLCK                              = 0x4
-	F_GETFD                              = 0x1
-	F_GETFL                              = 0x3
-	F_GETLEASE                           = 0x401
-	F_GETLK                              = 0x21
-	F_GETLK64                            = 0x21
-	F_GETOWN                             = 0x17
-	F_GETOWN_EX                          = 0x10
-	F_GETPIPE_SZ                         = 0x408
-	F_GETSIG                             = 0xb
-	F_GET_FILE_RW_HINT                   = 0x40d
-	F_GET_RW_HINT                        = 0x40b
-	F_GET_SEALS                          = 0x40a
-	F_LOCK                               = 0x1
-	F_NOTIFY                             = 0x402
-	F_OFD_GETLK                          = 0x24
-	F_OFD_SETLK                          = 0x25
-	F_OFD_SETLKW                         = 0x26
-	F_OK                                 = 0x0
-	F_RDLCK                              = 0x0
-	F_SEAL_FUTURE_WRITE                  = 0x10
-	F_SEAL_GROW                          = 0x4
-	F_SEAL_SEAL                          = 0x1
-	F_SEAL_SHRINK                        = 0x2
-	F_SEAL_WRITE                         = 0x8
-	F_SETFD                              = 0x2
-	F_SETFL                              = 0x4
-	F_SETLEASE                           = 0x400
-	F_SETLK                              = 0x22
-	F_SETLK64                            = 0x22
-	F_SETLKW                             = 0x23
-	F_SETLKW64                           = 0x23
-	F_SETOWN                             = 0x18
-	F_SETOWN_EX                          = 0xf
-	F_SETPIPE_SZ                         = 0x407
-	F_SETSIG                             = 0xa
-	F_SET_FILE_RW_HINT                   = 0x40e
-	F_SET_RW_HINT                        = 0x40c
-	F_SHLCK                              = 0x8
-	F_TEST                               = 0x3
-	F_TLOCK                              = 0x2
-	F_ULOCK                              = 0x0
-	F_UNLCK                              = 0x2
-	F_WRLCK                              = 0x1
-	GENL_ADMIN_PERM                      = 0x1
-	GENL_CMD_CAP_DO                      = 0x2
-	GENL_CMD_CAP_DUMP                    = 0x4
-	GENL_CMD_CAP_HASPOL                  = 0x8
-	GENL_HDRLEN                          = 0x4
-	GENL_ID_CTRL                         = 0x10
-	GENL_ID_PMCRAID                      = 0x12
-	GENL_ID_VFS_DQUOT                    = 0x11
-	GENL_MAX_ID                          = 0x3ff
-	GENL_MIN_ID                          = 0x10
-	GENL_NAMSIZ                          = 0x10
-	GENL_START_ALLOC                     = 0x13
-	GENL_UNS_ADMIN_PERM                  = 0x10
-	GRND_NONBLOCK                        = 0x1
-	GRND_RANDOM                          = 0x2
-	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD                       = 0x31f
-	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD_AEB                   = 0x31e
-	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD_HDR_SIZE              = 0x4
-	HDIO_DRIVE_HOB_HDR_SIZE              = 0x8
-	HDIO_DRIVE_RESET                     = 0x31c
-	HDIO_DRIVE_TASK                      = 0x31e
-	HDIO_DRIVE_TASKFILE                  = 0x31d
-	HDIO_DRIVE_TASK_HDR_SIZE             = 0x8
-	HDIO_GETGEO                          = 0x301
-	HDIO_GET_32BIT                       = 0x309
-	HDIO_GET_ACOUSTIC                    = 0x30f
-	HDIO_GET_ADDRESS                     = 0x310
-	HDIO_GET_BUSSTATE                    = 0x31a
-	HDIO_GET_DMA                         = 0x30b
-	HDIO_GET_IDENTITY                    = 0x30d
-	HDIO_GET_KEEPSETTINGS                = 0x308
-	HDIO_GET_MULTCOUNT                   = 0x304
-	HDIO_GET_NICE                        = 0x30c
-	HDIO_GET_NOWERR                      = 0x30a
-	HDIO_GET_QDMA                        = 0x305
-	HDIO_GET_UNMASKINTR                  = 0x302
-	HDIO_GET_WCACHE                      = 0x30e
-	HDIO_OBSOLETE_IDENTITY               = 0x307
-	HDIO_SCAN_HWIF                       = 0x328
-	HDIO_SET_32BIT                       = 0x324
-	HDIO_SET_ACOUSTIC                    = 0x32c
-	HDIO_SET_ADDRESS                     = 0x32f
-	HDIO_SET_BUSSTATE                    = 0x32d
-	HDIO_SET_DMA                         = 0x326
-	HDIO_SET_KEEPSETTINGS                = 0x323
-	HDIO_SET_MULTCOUNT                   = 0x321
-	HDIO_SET_NICE                        = 0x329
-	HDIO_SET_NOWERR                      = 0x325
-	HDIO_SET_PIO_MODE                    = 0x327
-	HDIO_SET_QDMA                        = 0x32e
-	HDIO_SET_UNMASKINTR                  = 0x322
-	HDIO_SET_WCACHE                      = 0x32b
-	HDIO_SET_XFER                        = 0x306
-	HDIO_TRISTATE_HWIF                   = 0x31b
-	HDIO_UNREGISTER_HWIF                 = 0x32a
-	HOSTFS_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0xc0ffee
-	HPFS_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xf995e849
-	HUGETLBFS_MAGIC                      = 0x958458f6
-	HUPCL                                = 0x400
-	IBSHIFT                              = 0x10
-	ICANON                               = 0x2
-	ICMPV6_FILTER                        = 0x1
-	ICRNL                                = 0x100
-	IEXTEN                               = 0x100
-	IFA_F_DADFAILED                      = 0x8
-	IFA_F_DEPRECATED                     = 0x20
-	IFA_F_HOMEADDRESS                    = 0x10
-	IFA_F_MANAGETEMPADDR                 = 0x100
-	IFA_F_MCAUTOJOIN                     = 0x400
-	IFA_F_NODAD                          = 0x2
-	IFA_F_NOPREFIXROUTE                  = 0x200
-	IFA_F_OPTIMISTIC                     = 0x4
-	IFA_F_PERMANENT                      = 0x80
-	IFA_F_SECONDARY                      = 0x1
-	IFA_F_STABLE_PRIVACY                 = 0x800
-	IFA_F_TEMPORARY                      = 0x1
-	IFA_F_TENTATIVE                      = 0x40
-	IFA_MAX                              = 0xa
-	IFF_ALLMULTI                         = 0x200
-	IFF_ATTACH_QUEUE                     = 0x200
-	IFF_AUTOMEDIA                        = 0x4000
-	IFF_BROADCAST                        = 0x2
-	IFF_DEBUG                            = 0x4
-	IFF_DETACH_QUEUE                     = 0x400
-	IFF_DORMANT                          = 0x20000
-	IFF_DYNAMIC                          = 0x8000
-	IFF_ECHO                             = 0x40000
-	IFF_LOOPBACK                         = 0x8
-	IFF_LOWER_UP                         = 0x10000
-	IFF_MASTER                           = 0x400
-	IFF_MULTICAST                        = 0x1000
-	IFF_MULTI_QUEUE                      = 0x100
-	IFF_NAPI                             = 0x10
-	IFF_NAPI_FRAGS                       = 0x20
-	IFF_NOARP                            = 0x80
-	IFF_NOFILTER                         = 0x1000
-	IFF_NOTRAILERS                       = 0x20
-	IFF_NO_PI                            = 0x1000
-	IFF_ONE_QUEUE                        = 0x2000
-	IFF_PERSIST                          = 0x800
-	IFF_POINTOPOINT                      = 0x10
-	IFF_PORTSEL                          = 0x2000
-	IFF_PROMISC                          = 0x100
-	IFF_RUNNING                          = 0x40
-	IFF_SLAVE                            = 0x800
-	IFF_TAP                              = 0x2
-	IFF_TUN                              = 0x1
-	IFF_TUN_EXCL                         = 0x8000
-	IFF_UP                               = 0x1
-	IFF_VNET_HDR                         = 0x4000
-	IFF_VOLATILE                         = 0x70c5a
-	IFNAMSIZ                             = 0x10
-	IGNBRK                               = 0x1
-	IGNCR                                = 0x80
-	IGNPAR                               = 0x4
-	IMAXBEL                              = 0x2000
-	INLCR                                = 0x40
-	INPCK                                = 0x10
-	IN_ACCESS                            = 0x1
-	IN_ALL_EVENTS                        = 0xfff
-	IN_ATTRIB                            = 0x4
-	IN_CLASSA_HOST                       = 0xffffff
-	IN_CLASSA_MAX                        = 0x80
-	IN_CLASSA_NET                        = 0xff000000
-	IN_CLASSA_NSHIFT                     = 0x18
-	IN_CLASSB_HOST                       = 0xffff
-	IN_CLASSB_MAX                        = 0x10000
-	IN_CLASSB_NET                        = 0xffff0000
-	IN_CLASSB_NSHIFT                     = 0x10
-	IN_CLASSC_HOST                       = 0xff
-	IN_CLASSC_NET                        = 0xffffff00
-	IN_CLASSC_NSHIFT                     = 0x8
-	IN_CLOEXEC                           = 0x80000
-	IN_CLOSE                             = 0x18
-	IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE                     = 0x10
-	IN_CLOSE_WRITE                       = 0x8
-	IN_CREATE                            = 0x100
-	IN_DELETE                            = 0x200
-	IN_DELETE_SELF                       = 0x400
-	IN_DONT_FOLLOW                       = 0x2000000
-	IN_EXCL_UNLINK                       = 0x4000000
-	IN_IGNORED                           = 0x8000
-	IN_ISDIR                             = 0x40000000
-	IN_LOOPBACKNET                       = 0x7f
-	IN_MASK_ADD                          = 0x20000000
-	IN_MASK_CREATE                       = 0x10000000
-	IN_MODIFY                            = 0x2
-	IN_MOVE                              = 0xc0
-	IN_MOVED_FROM                        = 0x40
-	IN_MOVED_TO                          = 0x80
-	IN_MOVE_SELF                         = 0x800
-	IN_NONBLOCK                          = 0x80
-	IN_ONESHOT                           = 0x80000000
-	IN_ONLYDIR                           = 0x1000000
-	IN_OPEN                              = 0x20
-	IN_Q_OVERFLOW                        = 0x4000
-	IN_UNMOUNT                           = 0x2000
-	IOCTL_VM_SOCKETS_GET_LOCAL_CID       = 0x200007b9
-	IPPROTO_AH                           = 0x33
-	IPPROTO_BEETPH                       = 0x5e
-	IPPROTO_COMP                         = 0x6c
-	IPPROTO_DCCP                         = 0x21
-	IPPROTO_DSTOPTS                      = 0x3c
-	IPPROTO_EGP                          = 0x8
-	IPPROTO_ENCAP                        = 0x62
-	IPPROTO_ESP                          = 0x32
-	IPPROTO_FRAGMENT                     = 0x2c
-	IPPROTO_GRE                          = 0x2f
-	IPPROTO_HOPOPTS                      = 0x0
-	IPPROTO_ICMP                         = 0x1
-	IPPROTO_ICMPV6                       = 0x3a
-	IPPROTO_IDP                          = 0x16
-	IPPROTO_IGMP                         = 0x2
-	IPPROTO_IP                           = 0x0
-	IPPROTO_IPIP                         = 0x4
-	IPPROTO_IPV6                         = 0x29
-	IPPROTO_MH                           = 0x87
-	IPPROTO_MPLS                         = 0x89
-	IPPROTO_MTP                          = 0x5c
-	IPPROTO_NONE                         = 0x3b
-	IPPROTO_PIM                          = 0x67
-	IPPROTO_PUP                          = 0xc
-	IPPROTO_RAW                          = 0xff
-	IPPROTO_ROUTING                      = 0x2b
-	IPPROTO_RSVP                         = 0x2e
-	IPPROTO_SCTP                         = 0x84
-	IPPROTO_TCP                          = 0x6
-	IPPROTO_TP                           = 0x1d
-	IPPROTO_UDP                          = 0x11
-	IPPROTO_UDPLITE                      = 0x88
-	IPV6_2292DSTOPTS                     = 0x4
-	IPV6_2292HOPLIMIT                    = 0x8
-	IPV6_2292HOPOPTS                     = 0x3
-	IPV6_2292PKTINFO                     = 0x2
-	IPV6_2292PKTOPTIONS                  = 0x6
-	IPV6_2292RTHDR                       = 0x5
-	IPV6_ADDRFORM                        = 0x1
-	IPV6_ADDR_PREFERENCES                = 0x48
-	IPV6_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                  = 0x14
-	IPV6_AUTHHDR                         = 0xa
-	IPV6_AUTOFLOWLABEL                   = 0x46
-	IPV6_CHECKSUM                        = 0x7
-	IPV6_DONTFRAG                        = 0x3e
-	IPV6_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                 = 0x15
-	IPV6_DSTOPTS                         = 0x3b
-	IPV6_FREEBIND                        = 0x4e
-	IPV6_HDRINCL                         = 0x24
-	IPV6_HOPLIMIT                        = 0x34
-	IPV6_HOPOPTS                         = 0x36
-	IPV6_IPSEC_POLICY                    = 0x22
-	IPV6_JOIN_ANYCAST                    = 0x1b
-	IPV6_JOIN_GROUP                      = 0x14
-	IPV6_LEAVE_ANYCAST                   = 0x1c
-	IPV6_LEAVE_GROUP                     = 0x15
-	IPV6_MINHOPCOUNT                     = 0x49
-	IPV6_MTU                             = 0x18
-	IPV6_MTU_DISCOVER                    = 0x17
-	IPV6_MULTICAST_ALL                   = 0x1d
-	IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS                  = 0x12
-	IPV6_MULTICAST_IF                    = 0x11
-	IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP                  = 0x13
-	IPV6_NEXTHOP                         = 0x9
-	IPV6_ORIGDSTADDR                     = 0x4a
-	IPV6_PATHMTU                         = 0x3d
-	IPV6_PKTINFO                         = 0x32
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_DO                     = 0x2
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_DONT                   = 0x0
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_INTERFACE              = 0x4
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_OMIT                   = 0x5
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_PROBE                  = 0x3
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_WANT                   = 0x1
-	IPV6_RECVDSTOPTS                     = 0x3a
-	IPV6_RECVERR                         = 0x19
-	IPV6_RECVFRAGSIZE                    = 0x4d
-	IPV6_RECVHOPLIMIT                    = 0x33
-	IPV6_RECVHOPOPTS                     = 0x35
-	IPV6_RECVORIGDSTADDR                 = 0x4a
-	IPV6_RECVPATHMTU                     = 0x3c
-	IPV6_RECVPKTINFO                     = 0x31
-	IPV6_RECVRTHDR                       = 0x38
-	IPV6_RECVTCLASS                      = 0x42
-	IPV6_ROUTER_ALERT                    = 0x16
-	IPV6_ROUTER_ALERT_ISOLATE            = 0x1e
-	IPV6_RTHDR                           = 0x39
-	IPV6_RTHDRDSTOPTS                    = 0x37
-	IPV6_RTHDR_LOOSE                     = 0x0
-	IPV6_RTHDR_STRICT                    = 0x1
-	IPV6_RTHDR_TYPE_0                    = 0x0
-	IPV6_RXDSTOPTS                       = 0x3b
-	IPV6_RXHOPOPTS                       = 0x36
-	IPV6_TCLASS                          = 0x43
-	IPV6_TRANSPARENT                     = 0x4b
-	IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS                    = 0x10
-	IPV6_UNICAST_IF                      = 0x4c
-	IPV6_V6ONLY                          = 0x1a
-	IPV6_XFRM_POLICY                     = 0x23
-	IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                    = 0x23
-	IP_ADD_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP             = 0x27
-	IP_BIND_ADDRESS_NO_PORT              = 0x18
-	IP_BLOCK_SOURCE                      = 0x26
-	IP_CHECKSUM                          = 0x17
-	IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_LOOP            = 0x1
-	IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_TTL             = 0x1
-	IP_DF                                = 0x4000
-	IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                   = 0x24
-	IP_DROP_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP            = 0x28
-	IP_FREEBIND                          = 0xf
-	IP_HDRINCL                           = 0x3
-	IP_IPSEC_POLICY                      = 0x10
-	IP_MAXPACKET                         = 0xffff
-	IP_MAX_MEMBERSHIPS                   = 0x14
-	IP_MF                                = 0x2000
-	IP_MINTTL                            = 0x15
-	IP_MSFILTER                          = 0x29
-	IP_MSS                               = 0x240
-	IP_MTU                               = 0xe
-	IP_MTU_DISCOVER                      = 0xa
-	IP_MULTICAST_ALL                     = 0x31
-	IP_MULTICAST_IF                      = 0x20
-	IP_MULTICAST_LOOP                    = 0x22
-	IP_MULTICAST_TTL                     = 0x21
-	IP_NODEFRAG                          = 0x16
-	IP_OFFMASK                           = 0x1fff
-	IP_OPTIONS                           = 0x4
-	IP_ORIGDSTADDR                       = 0x14
-	IP_PASSSEC                           = 0x12
-	IP_PKTINFO                           = 0x8
-	IP_PKTOPTIONS                        = 0x9
-	IP_PMTUDISC                          = 0xa
-	IP_PMTUDISC_DO                       = 0x2
-	IP_PMTUDISC_DONT                     = 0x0
-	IP_PMTUDISC_INTERFACE                = 0x4
-	IP_PMTUDISC_OMIT                     = 0x5
-	IP_PMTUDISC_PROBE                    = 0x3
-	IP_PMTUDISC_WANT                     = 0x1
-	IP_RECVERR                           = 0xb
-	IP_RECVFRAGSIZE                      = 0x19
-	IP_RECVOPTS                          = 0x6
-	IP_RECVORIGDSTADDR                   = 0x14
-	IP_RECVRETOPTS                       = 0x7
-	IP_RECVTOS                           = 0xd
-	IP_RECVTTL                           = 0xc
-	IP_RETOPTS                           = 0x7
-	IP_RF                                = 0x8000
-	IP_ROUTER_ALERT                      = 0x5
-	IP_TOS                               = 0x1
-	IP_TRANSPARENT                       = 0x13
-	IP_TTL                               = 0x2
-	IP_UNBLOCK_SOURCE                    = 0x25
-	IP_UNICAST_IF                        = 0x32
-	IP_XFRM_POLICY                       = 0x11
-	ISIG                                 = 0x1
-	ISOFS_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x9660
-	ISTRIP                               = 0x20
-	IUCLC                                = 0x200
-	IUTF8                                = 0x4000
-	IXANY                                = 0x800
-	IXOFF                                = 0x1000
-	IXON                                 = 0x400
-	JFFS2_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x72b6
-	KEXEC_ARCH_386                       = 0x30000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_68K                       = 0x40000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_AARCH64                   = 0xb70000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_ARM                       = 0x280000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_DEFAULT                   = 0x0
-	KEXEC_ARCH_IA_64                     = 0x320000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_MASK                      = 0xffff0000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_MIPS                      = 0x80000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_MIPS_LE                   = 0xa0000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_PPC                       = 0x140000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_PPC64                     = 0x150000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_S390                      = 0x160000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_SH                        = 0x2a0000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_X86_64                    = 0x3e0000
-	KEXEC_FILE_NO_INITRAMFS              = 0x4
-	KEXEC_FILE_ON_CRASH                  = 0x2
-	KEXEC_FILE_UNLOAD                    = 0x1
-	KEXEC_ON_CRASH                       = 0x1
-	KEXEC_PRESERVE_CONTEXT               = 0x2
-	KEXEC_SEGMENT_MAX                    = 0x10
-	KEYCTL_ASSUME_AUTHORITY              = 0x10
-	KEYCTL_CHOWN                         = 0x4
-	KEYCTL_CLEAR                         = 0x7
-	KEYCTL_DESCRIBE                      = 0x6
-	KEYCTL_DH_COMPUTE                    = 0x17
-	KEYCTL_GET_KEYRING_ID                = 0x0
-	KEYCTL_GET_PERSISTENT                = 0x16
-	KEYCTL_GET_SECURITY                  = 0x11
-	KEYCTL_INSTANTIATE                   = 0xc
-	KEYCTL_INSTANTIATE_IOV               = 0x14
-	KEYCTL_INVALIDATE                    = 0x15
-	KEYCTL_LINK                          = 0x8
-	KEYCTL_NEGATE                        = 0xd
-	KEYCTL_PKEY_DECRYPT                  = 0x1a
-	KEYCTL_PKEY_ENCRYPT                  = 0x19
-	KEYCTL_PKEY_QUERY                    = 0x18
-	KEYCTL_PKEY_SIGN                     = 0x1b
-	KEYCTL_PKEY_VERIFY                   = 0x1c
-	KEYCTL_READ                          = 0xb
-	KEYCTL_REJECT                        = 0x13
-	KEYCTL_RESTRICT_KEYRING              = 0x1d
-	KEYCTL_REVOKE                        = 0x3
-	KEYCTL_SEARCH                        = 0xa
-	KEYCTL_SESSION_TO_PARENT             = 0x12
-	KEYCTL_SETPERM                       = 0x5
-	KEYCTL_SET_REQKEY_KEYRING            = 0xe
-	KEYCTL_SET_TIMEOUT                   = 0xf
-	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_DECRYPT              = 0x2
-	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_ENCRYPT              = 0x1
-	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_SIGN                 = 0x4
-	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_VERIFY               = 0x8
-	KEYCTL_UNLINK                        = 0x9
-	KEYCTL_UPDATE                        = 0x2
-	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_DEFAULT              = 0x0
-	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_NO_CHANGE            = -0x1
-	KEY_SPEC_GROUP_KEYRING               = -0x6
-	KEY_SPEC_PROCESS_KEYRING             = -0x2
-	KEY_SPEC_REQKEY_AUTH_KEY             = -0x7
-	KEY_SPEC_SESSION_KEYRING             = -0x3
-	KEY_SPEC_THREAD_KEYRING              = -0x1
-	KEY_SPEC_USER_KEYRING                = -0x4
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_CAD_OFF             = 0x0
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_CAD_ON              = 0x89abcdef
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_HALT                = 0xcdef0123
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_KEXEC               = 0x45584543
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_POWER_OFF           = 0x4321fedc
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_RESTART             = 0x1234567
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_RESTART2            = 0xa1b2c3d4
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_SW_SUSPEND          = 0xd000fce2
-	LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC1                  = 0xfee1dead
-	LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC2                  = 0x28121969
-	LOCK_EX                              = 0x2
-	LOCK_NB                              = 0x4
-	LOCK_SH                              = 0x1
-	LOCK_UN                              = 0x8
-	LOOP_CLR_FD                          = 0x4c01
-	LOOP_CTL_ADD                         = 0x4c80
-	LOOP_CTL_GET_FREE                    = 0x4c82
-	LOOP_CTL_REMOVE                      = 0x4c81
-	LOOP_GET_STATUS                      = 0x4c03
-	LOOP_GET_STATUS64                    = 0x4c05
-	LOOP_SET_BLOCK_SIZE                  = 0x4c09
-	LOOP_SET_CAPACITY                    = 0x4c07
-	LOOP_SET_DIRECT_IO                   = 0x4c08
-	LOOP_SET_FD                          = 0x4c00
-	LOOP_SET_STATUS                      = 0x4c02
-	LOOP_SET_STATUS64                    = 0x4c04
-	LO_KEY_SIZE                          = 0x20
-	LO_NAME_SIZE                         = 0x40
-	MADV_DODUMP                          = 0x11
-	MADV_DOFORK                          = 0xb
-	MADV_DONTDUMP                        = 0x10
-	MADV_DONTFORK                        = 0xa
-	MADV_DONTNEED                        = 0x4
-	MADV_FREE                            = 0x8
-	MADV_HUGEPAGE                        = 0xe
-	MADV_HWPOISON                        = 0x64
-	MADV_KEEPONFORK                      = 0x13
-	MADV_MERGEABLE                       = 0xc
-	MADV_NOHUGEPAGE                      = 0xf
-	MADV_NORMAL                          = 0x0
-	MADV_RANDOM                          = 0x1
-	MADV_REMOVE                          = 0x9
-	MADV_SEQUENTIAL                      = 0x2
-	MADV_UNMERGEABLE                     = 0xd
-	MADV_WILLNEED                        = 0x3
-	MADV_WIPEONFORK                      = 0x12
-	MAP_ANON                             = 0x800
-	MAP_ANONYMOUS                        = 0x800
-	MAP_DENYWRITE                        = 0x2000
-	MAP_EXECUTABLE                       = 0x4000
-	MAP_FILE                             = 0x0
-	MAP_FIXED                            = 0x10
-	MAP_FIXED_NOREPLACE                  = 0x100000
-	MAP_GROWSDOWN                        = 0x1000
-	MAP_HUGETLB                          = 0x80000
-	MAP_HUGE_MASK                        = 0x3f
-	MAP_HUGE_SHIFT                       = 0x1a
-	MAP_LOCKED                           = 0x8000
-	MAP_NONBLOCK                         = 0x20000
-	MAP_NORESERVE                        = 0x400
-	MAP_POPULATE                         = 0x10000
-	MAP_PRIVATE                          = 0x2
-	MAP_RENAME                           = 0x800
-	MAP_SHARED                           = 0x1
-	MAP_SHARED_VALIDATE                  = 0x3
-	MAP_STACK                            = 0x40000
-	MAP_TYPE                             = 0xf
-	MCAST_BLOCK_SOURCE                   = 0x2b
-	MCAST_EXCLUDE                        = 0x0
-	MCAST_INCLUDE                        = 0x1
-	MCAST_JOIN_GROUP                     = 0x2a
-	MCAST_JOIN_SOURCE_GROUP              = 0x2e
-	MCAST_LEAVE_GROUP                    = 0x2d
-	MCAST_LEAVE_SOURCE_GROUP             = 0x2f
-	MCAST_MSFILTER                       = 0x30
-	MCAST_UNBLOCK_SOURCE                 = 0x2c
-	MCL_CURRENT                          = 0x1
-	MCL_FUTURE                           = 0x2
-	MCL_ONFAULT                          = 0x4
-	MFD_ALLOW_SEALING                    = 0x2
-	MFD_CLOEXEC                          = 0x1
-	MFD_HUGETLB                          = 0x4
-	MFD_HUGE_16GB                        = -0x78000000
-	MFD_HUGE_16MB                        = 0x60000000
-	MFD_HUGE_1GB                         = 0x78000000
-	MFD_HUGE_1MB                         = 0x50000000
-	MFD_HUGE_256MB                       = 0x70000000
-	MFD_HUGE_2GB                         = 0x7c000000
-	MFD_HUGE_2MB                         = 0x54000000
-	MFD_HUGE_32MB                        = 0x64000000
-	MFD_HUGE_512KB                       = 0x4c000000
-	MFD_HUGE_512MB                       = 0x74000000
-	MFD_HUGE_64KB                        = 0x40000000
-	MFD_HUGE_8MB                         = 0x5c000000
-	MFD_HUGE_MASK                        = 0x3f
-	MFD_HUGE_SHIFT                       = 0x1a
-	MINIX2_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0x2468
-	MINIX2_SUPER_MAGIC2                  = 0x2478
-	MINIX3_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0x4d5a
-	MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x137f
-	MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC2                   = 0x138f
-	MNT_DETACH                           = 0x2
-	MNT_EXPIRE                           = 0x4
-	MNT_FORCE                            = 0x1
-	MSDOS_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x4d44
-	MSG_BATCH                            = 0x40000
-	MSG_CMSG_CLOEXEC                     = 0x40000000
-	MSG_CONFIRM                          = 0x800
-	MSG_CTRUNC                           = 0x8
-	MSG_DONTROUTE                        = 0x4
-	MSG_DONTWAIT                         = 0x40
-	MSG_EOR                              = 0x80
-	MSG_ERRQUEUE                         = 0x2000
-	MSG_FASTOPEN                         = 0x20000000
-	MSG_FIN                              = 0x200
-	MSG_MORE                             = 0x8000
-	MSG_NOSIGNAL                         = 0x4000
-	MSG_OOB                              = 0x1
-	MSG_PEEK                             = 0x2
-	MSG_PROXY                            = 0x10
-	MSG_RST                              = 0x1000
-	MSG_SYN                              = 0x400
-	MSG_TRUNC                            = 0x20
-	MSG_TRYHARD                          = 0x4
-	MSG_WAITALL                          = 0x100
-	MSG_WAITFORONE                       = 0x10000
-	MSG_ZEROCOPY                         = 0x4000000
-	MS_ACTIVE                            = 0x40000000
-	MS_ASYNC                             = 0x1
-	MS_BIND                              = 0x1000
-	MS_BORN                              = 0x20000000
-	MS_DIRSYNC                           = 0x80
-	MS_INVALIDATE                        = 0x2
-	MS_I_VERSION                         = 0x800000
-	MS_KERNMOUNT                         = 0x400000
-	MS_LAZYTIME                          = 0x2000000
-	MS_MANDLOCK                          = 0x40
-	MS_MGC_MSK                           = 0xffff0000
-	MS_MGC_VAL                           = 0xc0ed0000
-	MS_MOVE                              = 0x2000
-	MS_NOATIME                           = 0x400
-	MS_NODEV                             = 0x4
-	MS_NODIRATIME                        = 0x800
-	MS_NOEXEC                            = 0x8
-	MS_NOREMOTELOCK                      = 0x8000000
-	MS_NOSEC                             = 0x10000000
-	MS_NOSUID                            = 0x2
-	MS_NOUSER                            = -0x80000000
-	MS_POSIXACL                          = 0x10000
-	MS_PRIVATE                           = 0x40000
-	MS_RDONLY                            = 0x1
-	MS_REC                               = 0x4000
-	MS_RELATIME                          = 0x200000
-	MS_REMOUNT                           = 0x20
-	MS_RMT_MASK                          = 0x2800051
-	MS_SHARED                            = 0x100000
-	MS_SILENT                            = 0x8000
-	MS_SLAVE                             = 0x80000
-	MS_STRICTATIME                       = 0x1000000
-	MS_SUBMOUNT                          = 0x4000000
-	MS_SYNC                              = 0x4
-	MS_SYNCHRONOUS                       = 0x10
-	MS_UNBINDABLE                        = 0x20000
-	MS_VERBOSE                           = 0x8000
-	MTD_INODE_FS_MAGIC                   = 0x11307854
-	NAME_MAX                             = 0xff
-	NCP_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x564c
-	NETLINK_ADD_MEMBERSHIP               = 0x1
-	NETLINK_AUDIT                        = 0x9
-	NETLINK_BROADCAST_ERROR              = 0x4
-	NETLINK_CAP_ACK                      = 0xa
-	NETLINK_CONNECTOR                    = 0xb
-	NETLINK_CRYPTO                       = 0x15
-	NETLINK_DNRTMSG                      = 0xe
-	NETLINK_DROP_MEMBERSHIP              = 0x2
-	NETLINK_ECRYPTFS                     = 0x13
-	NETLINK_EXT_ACK                      = 0xb
-	NETLINK_FIB_LOOKUP                   = 0xa
-	NETLINK_FIREWALL                     = 0x3
-	NETLINK_GENERIC                      = 0x10
-	NETLINK_GET_STRICT_CHK               = 0xc
-	NETLINK_INET_DIAG                    = 0x4
-	NETLINK_IP6_FW                       = 0xd
-	NETLINK_ISCSI                        = 0x8
-	NETLINK_KOBJECT_UEVENT               = 0xf
-	NETLINK_LISTEN_ALL_NSID              = 0x8
-	NETLINK_LIST_MEMBERSHIPS             = 0x9
-	NETLINK_NETFILTER                    = 0xc
-	NETLINK_NFLOG                        = 0x5
-	NETLINK_NO_ENOBUFS                   = 0x5
-	NETLINK_PKTINFO                      = 0x3
-	NETLINK_RDMA                         = 0x14
-	NETLINK_ROUTE                        = 0x0
-	NETLINK_RX_RING                      = 0x6
-	NETLINK_SCSITRANSPORT                = 0x12
-	NETLINK_SELINUX                      = 0x7
-	NETLINK_SMC                          = 0x16
-	NETLINK_SOCK_DIAG                    = 0x4
-	NETLINK_TX_RING                      = 0x7
-	NETLINK_UNUSED                       = 0x1
-	NETLINK_USERSOCK                     = 0x2
-	NETLINK_XFRM                         = 0x6
-	NETNSA_MAX                           = 0x5
-	NETNSA_NSID_NOT_ASSIGNED             = -0x1
-	NFNETLINK_V0                         = 0x0
-	NFNLGRP_ACCT_QUOTA                   = 0x8
-	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_EXP_NEW            = 0x4
-	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_NEW                = 0x1
-	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_UPDATE             = 0x2
-	NFNLGRP_MAX                          = 0x9
-	NFNLGRP_NFTABLES                     = 0x7
-	NFNLGRP_NFTRACE                      = 0x9
-	NFNLGRP_NONE                         = 0x0
-	NFNL_BATCH_MAX                       = 0x1
-	NFNL_MSG_BATCH_BEGIN                 = 0x10
-	NFNL_MSG_BATCH_END                   = 0x11
-	NFNL_NFA_NEST                        = 0x8000
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_ACCT                     = 0x7
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_COUNT                    = 0xc
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTHELPER                 = 0x9
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTNETLINK                = 0x1
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTNETLINK_EXP            = 0x2
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_IPSET                    = 0x6
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_NFTABLES                 = 0xa
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_NFT_COMPAT               = 0xb
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_NONE                     = 0x0
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_OSF                      = 0x5
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_QUEUE                    = 0x3
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_ULOG                     = 0x4
-	NFS_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x6969
-	NILFS_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x3434
-	NL0                                  = 0x0
-	NL1                                  = 0x100
-	NLA_ALIGNTO                          = 0x4
-	NLA_F_NESTED                         = 0x8000
-	NLA_F_NET_BYTEORDER                  = 0x4000
-	NLA_HDRLEN                           = 0x4
-	NLDLY                                = 0x100
-	NLMSG_ALIGNTO                        = 0x4
-	NLMSG_DONE                           = 0x3
-	NLMSG_ERROR                          = 0x2
-	NLMSG_HDRLEN                         = 0x10
-	NLMSG_MIN_TYPE                       = 0x10
-	NLMSG_NOOP                           = 0x1
-	NLMSG_OVERRUN                        = 0x4
-	NLM_F_ACK                            = 0x4
-	NLM_F_ACK_TLVS                       = 0x200
-	NLM_F_APPEND                         = 0x800
-	NLM_F_ATOMIC                         = 0x400
-	NLM_F_CAPPED                         = 0x100
-	NLM_F_CREATE                         = 0x400
-	NLM_F_DUMP                           = 0x300
-	NLM_F_DUMP_FILTERED                  = 0x20
-	NLM_F_DUMP_INTR                      = 0x10
-	NLM_F_ECHO                           = 0x8
-	NLM_F_EXCL                           = 0x200
-	NLM_F_MATCH                          = 0x200
-	NLM_F_MULTI                          = 0x2
-	NLM_F_NONREC                         = 0x100
-	NLM_F_REPLACE                        = 0x100
-	NLM_F_REQUEST                        = 0x1
-	NLM_F_ROOT                           = 0x100
-	NOFLSH                               = 0x80
-	NSFS_MAGIC                           = 0x6e736673
-	OCFS2_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x7461636f
-	OCRNL                                = 0x8
-	OFDEL                                = 0x80
-	OFILL                                = 0x40
-	OLCUC                                = 0x2
-	ONLCR                                = 0x4
-	ONLRET                               = 0x20
-	ONOCR                                = 0x10
-	OPENPROM_SUPER_MAGIC                 = 0x9fa1
-	OPOST                                = 0x1
-	OVERLAYFS_SUPER_MAGIC                = 0x794c7630
-	O_ACCMODE                            = 0x3
-	O_APPEND                             = 0x8
-	O_ASYNC                              = 0x1000
-	O_CLOEXEC                            = 0x80000
-	O_CREAT                              = 0x100
-	O_DIRECT                             = 0x8000
-	O_DIRECTORY                          = 0x10000
-	O_DSYNC                              = 0x10
-	O_EXCL                               = 0x400
-	O_FSYNC                              = 0x4010
-	O_LARGEFILE                          = 0x2000
-	O_NDELAY                             = 0x80
-	O_NOATIME                            = 0x40000
-	O_NOCTTY                             = 0x800
-	O_NOFOLLOW                           = 0x20000
-	O_NONBLOCK                           = 0x80
-	O_PATH                               = 0x200000
-	O_RDONLY                             = 0x0
-	O_RDWR                               = 0x2
-	O_RSYNC                              = 0x4010
-	O_SYNC                               = 0x4010
-	O_TMPFILE                            = 0x410000
-	O_TRUNC                              = 0x200
-	O_WRONLY                             = 0x1
-	PACKET_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                = 0x1
-	PACKET_AUXDATA                       = 0x8
-	PACKET_BROADCAST                     = 0x1
-	PACKET_COPY_THRESH                   = 0x7
-	PACKET_DROP_MEMBERSHIP               = 0x2
-	PACKET_FANOUT                        = 0x12
-	PACKET_FANOUT_CBPF                   = 0x6
-	PACKET_FANOUT_CPU                    = 0x2
-	PACKET_FANOUT_DATA                   = 0x16
-	PACKET_FANOUT_EBPF                   = 0x7
-	PACKET_FANOUT_FLAG_DEFRAG            = 0x8000
-	PACKET_FANOUT_HASH                   = 0x0
-	PACKET_FANOUT_LB                     = 0x1
-	PACKET_FANOUT_QM                     = 0x5
-	PACKET_FANOUT_RND                    = 0x4
-	PACKET_FANOUT_ROLLOVER               = 0x3
-	PACKET_FASTROUTE                     = 0x6
-	PACKET_HDRLEN                        = 0xb
-	PACKET_HOST                          = 0x0
-	PACKET_IGNORE_OUTGOING               = 0x17
-	PACKET_KERNEL                        = 0x7
-	PACKET_LOOPBACK                      = 0x5
-	PACKET_LOSS                          = 0xe
-	PACKET_MR_ALLMULTI                   = 0x2
-	PACKET_MR_MULTICAST                  = 0x0
-	PACKET_MR_PROMISC                    = 0x1
-	PACKET_MR_UNICAST                    = 0x3
-	PACKET_MULTICAST                     = 0x2
-	PACKET_ORIGDEV                       = 0x9
-	PACKET_OTHERHOST                     = 0x3
-	PACKET_OUTGOING                      = 0x4
-	PACKET_QDISC_BYPASS                  = 0x14
-	PACKET_RECV_OUTPUT                   = 0x3
-	PACKET_RESERVE                       = 0xc
-	PACKET_ROLLOVER_STATS                = 0x15
-	PACKET_RX_RING                       = 0x5
-	PACKET_STATISTICS                    = 0x6
-	PACKET_TIMESTAMP                     = 0x11
-	PACKET_TX_HAS_OFF                    = 0x13
-	PACKET_TX_RING                       = 0xd
-	PACKET_TX_TIMESTAMP                  = 0x10
-	PACKET_USER                          = 0x6
-	PACKET_VERSION                       = 0xa
-	PACKET_VNET_HDR                      = 0xf
-	PARENB                               = 0x100
-	PARITY_CRC16_PR0                     = 0x2
-	PARITY_CRC16_PR0_CCITT               = 0x4
-	PARITY_CRC16_PR1                     = 0x3
-	PARITY_CRC16_PR1_CCITT               = 0x5
-	PARITY_CRC32_PR0_CCITT               = 0x6
-	PARITY_CRC32_PR1_CCITT               = 0x7
-	PARITY_DEFAULT                       = 0x0
-	PARITY_NONE                          = 0x1
-	PARMRK                               = 0x8
-	PARODD                               = 0x200
-	PENDIN                               = 0x4000
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_DISABLE               = 0x20002401
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_ENABLE                = 0x20002400
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_ID                    = 0x40042407
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_PAUSE_OUTPUT          = 0x80042409
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_PERIOD                = 0x80082404
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_QUERY_BPF             = 0xc004240a
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_REFRESH               = 0x20002402
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_RESET                 = 0x20002403
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_BPF               = 0x80042408
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_FILTER            = 0x80042406
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_OUTPUT            = 0x20002405
-	PIPEFS_MAGIC                         = 0x50495045
-	PPPIOCATTACH                         = 0x8004743d
-	PPPIOCATTCHAN                        = 0x80047438
-	PPPIOCCONNECT                        = 0x8004743a
-	PPPIOCDETACH                         = 0x8004743c
-	PPPIOCDISCONN                        = 0x20007439
-	PPPIOCGASYNCMAP                      = 0x40047458
-	PPPIOCGCHAN                          = 0x40047437
-	PPPIOCGDEBUG                         = 0x40047441
-	PPPIOCGFLAGS                         = 0x4004745a
-	PPPIOCGIDLE                          = 0x4008743f
-	PPPIOCGL2TPSTATS                     = 0x40487436
-	PPPIOCGMRU                           = 0x40047453
-	PPPIOCGNPMODE                        = 0xc008744c
-	PPPIOCGRASYNCMAP                     = 0x40047455
-	PPPIOCGUNIT                          = 0x40047456
-	PPPIOCGXASYNCMAP                     = 0x40207450
-	PPPIOCNEWUNIT                        = 0xc004743e
-	PPPIOCSACTIVE                        = 0x80087446
-	PPPIOCSASYNCMAP                      = 0x80047457
-	PPPIOCSCOMPRESS                      = 0x800c744d
-	PPPIOCSDEBUG                         = 0x80047440
-	PPPIOCSFLAGS                         = 0x80047459
-	PPPIOCSMAXCID                        = 0x80047451
-	PPPIOCSMRRU                          = 0x8004743b
-	PPPIOCSMRU                           = 0x80047452
-	PPPIOCSNPMODE                        = 0x8008744b
-	PPPIOCSPASS                          = 0x80087447
-	PPPIOCSRASYNCMAP                     = 0x80047454
-	PPPIOCSXASYNCMAP                     = 0x8020744f
-	PPPIOCXFERUNIT                       = 0x2000744e
-	PRIO_PGRP                            = 0x1
-	PRIO_PROCESS                         = 0x0
-	PRIO_USER                            = 0x2
-	PROC_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0x9fa0
-	PROT_EXEC                            = 0x4
-	PROT_GROWSDOWN                       = 0x1000000
-	PROT_GROWSUP                         = 0x2000000
-	PROT_NONE                            = 0x0
-	PROT_READ                            = 0x1
-	PROT_WRITE                           = 0x2
-	PR_CAPBSET_DROP                      = 0x18
-	PR_CAPBSET_READ                      = 0x17
-	PR_CAP_AMBIENT                       = 0x2f
-	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_CLEAR_ALL             = 0x4
-	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_IS_SET                = 0x1
-	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_LOWER                 = 0x3
-	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_RAISE                 = 0x2
-	PR_ENDIAN_BIG                        = 0x0
-	PR_ENDIAN_LITTLE                     = 0x1
-	PR_ENDIAN_PPC_LITTLE                 = 0x2
-	PR_FPEMU_NOPRINT                     = 0x1
-	PR_FPEMU_SIGFPE                      = 0x2
-	PR_FP_EXC_ASYNC                      = 0x2
-	PR_FP_EXC_DISABLED                   = 0x0
-	PR_FP_EXC_DIV                        = 0x10000
-	PR_FP_EXC_INV                        = 0x100000
-	PR_FP_EXC_NONRECOV                   = 0x1
-	PR_FP_EXC_OVF                        = 0x20000
-	PR_FP_EXC_PRECISE                    = 0x3
-	PR_FP_EXC_RES                        = 0x80000
-	PR_FP_EXC_SW_ENABLE                  = 0x80
-	PR_FP_EXC_UND                        = 0x40000
-	PR_FP_MODE_FR                        = 0x1
-	PR_FP_MODE_FRE                       = 0x2
-	PR_GET_CHILD_SUBREAPER               = 0x25
-	PR_GET_DUMPABLE                      = 0x3
-	PR_GET_ENDIAN                        = 0x13
-	PR_GET_FPEMU                         = 0x9
-	PR_GET_FPEXC                         = 0xb
-	PR_GET_FP_MODE                       = 0x2e
-	PR_GET_KEEPCAPS                      = 0x7
-	PR_GET_NAME                          = 0x10
-	PR_GET_NO_NEW_PRIVS                  = 0x27
-	PR_GET_PDEATHSIG                     = 0x2
-	PR_GET_SECCOMP                       = 0x15
-	PR_GET_SECUREBITS                    = 0x1b
-	PR_GET_SPECULATION_CTRL              = 0x34
-	PR_GET_THP_DISABLE                   = 0x2a
-	PR_GET_TID_ADDRESS                   = 0x28
-	PR_GET_TIMERSLACK                    = 0x1e
-	PR_GET_TIMING                        = 0xd
-	PR_GET_TSC                           = 0x19
-	PR_GET_UNALIGN                       = 0x5
-	PR_MCE_KILL                          = 0x21
-	PR_MCE_KILL_CLEAR                    = 0x0
-	PR_MCE_KILL_DEFAULT                  = 0x2
-	PR_MCE_KILL_EARLY                    = 0x1
-	PR_MCE_KILL_GET                      = 0x22
-	PR_MCE_KILL_LATE                     = 0x0
-	PR_MCE_KILL_SET                      = 0x1
-	PR_MPX_DISABLE_MANAGEMENT            = 0x2c
-	PR_MPX_ENABLE_MANAGEMENT             = 0x2b
-	PR_PAC_APDAKEY                       = 0x4
-	PR_PAC_APDBKEY                       = 0x8
-	PR_PAC_APGAKEY                       = 0x10
-	PR_PAC_APIAKEY                       = 0x1
-	PR_PAC_APIBKEY                       = 0x2
-	PR_PAC_RESET_KEYS                    = 0x36
-	PR_SET_CHILD_SUBREAPER               = 0x24
-	PR_SET_DUMPABLE                      = 0x4
-	PR_SET_ENDIAN                        = 0x14
-	PR_SET_FPEMU                         = 0xa
-	PR_SET_FPEXC                         = 0xc
-	PR_SET_FP_MODE                       = 0x2d
-	PR_SET_KEEPCAPS                      = 0x8
-	PR_SET_MM                            = 0x23
-	PR_SET_MM_ARG_END                    = 0x9
-	PR_SET_MM_ARG_START                  = 0x8
-	PR_SET_MM_AUXV                       = 0xc
-	PR_SET_MM_BRK                        = 0x7
-	PR_SET_MM_END_CODE                   = 0x2
-	PR_SET_MM_END_DATA                   = 0x4
-	PR_SET_MM_ENV_END                    = 0xb
-	PR_SET_MM_ENV_START                  = 0xa
-	PR_SET_MM_EXE_FILE                   = 0xd
-	PR_SET_MM_MAP                        = 0xe
-	PR_SET_MM_MAP_SIZE                   = 0xf
-	PR_SET_MM_START_BRK                  = 0x6
-	PR_SET_MM_START_CODE                 = 0x1
-	PR_SET_MM_START_DATA                 = 0x3
-	PR_SET_MM_START_STACK                = 0x5
-	PR_SET_NAME                          = 0xf
-	PR_SET_NO_NEW_PRIVS                  = 0x26
-	PR_SET_PDEATHSIG                     = 0x1
-	PR_SET_PTRACER                       = 0x59616d61
-	PR_SET_PTRACER_ANY                   = 0xffffffff
-	PR_SET_SECCOMP                       = 0x16
-	PR_SET_SECUREBITS                    = 0x1c
-	PR_SET_SPECULATION_CTRL              = 0x35
-	PR_SET_THP_DISABLE                   = 0x29
-	PR_SET_TIMERSLACK                    = 0x1d
-	PR_SET_TIMING                        = 0xe
-	PR_SET_TSC                           = 0x1a
-	PR_SET_UNALIGN                       = 0x6
-	PR_SPEC_DISABLE                      = 0x4
-	PR_SPEC_DISABLE_NOEXEC               = 0x10
-	PR_SPEC_ENABLE                       = 0x2
-	PR_SPEC_FORCE_DISABLE                = 0x8
-	PR_SPEC_INDIRECT_BRANCH              = 0x1
-	PR_SPEC_NOT_AFFECTED                 = 0x0
-	PR_SPEC_PRCTL                        = 0x1
-	PR_SPEC_STORE_BYPASS                 = 0x0
-	PR_SVE_GET_VL                        = 0x33
-	PR_SVE_SET_VL                        = 0x32
-	PR_SVE_SET_VL_ONEXEC                 = 0x40000
-	PR_SVE_VL_INHERIT                    = 0x20000
-	PR_SVE_VL_LEN_MASK                   = 0xffff
-	PR_TASK_PERF_EVENTS_ENABLE           = 0x20
-	PR_TIMING_STATISTICAL                = 0x0
-	PR_TIMING_TIMESTAMP                  = 0x1
-	PR_TSC_ENABLE                        = 0x1
-	PR_TSC_SIGSEGV                       = 0x2
-	PR_UNALIGN_NOPRINT                   = 0x1
-	PR_UNALIGN_SIGBUS                    = 0x2
-	PSTOREFS_MAGIC                       = 0x6165676c
-	PTRACE_ATTACH                        = 0x10
-	PTRACE_CONT                          = 0x7
-	PTRACE_DETACH                        = 0x11
-	PTRACE_EVENT_CLONE                   = 0x3
-	PTRACE_EVENT_EXEC                    = 0x4
-	PTRACE_EVENT_EXIT                    = 0x6
-	PTRACE_EVENT_FORK                    = 0x1
-	PTRACE_EVENT_SECCOMP                 = 0x7
-	PTRACE_EVENT_STOP                    = 0x80
-	PTRACE_EVENT_VFORK                   = 0x2
-	PTRACE_EVENT_VFORK_DONE              = 0x5
-	PTRACE_GETEVENTMSG                   = 0x4201
-	PTRACE_GETFPREGS                     = 0xe
-	PTRACE_GETREGS                       = 0xc
-	PTRACE_GETREGSET                     = 0x4204
-	PTRACE_GETSIGINFO                    = 0x4202
-	PTRACE_GETSIGMASK                    = 0x420a
-	PTRACE_GET_THREAD_AREA               = 0x19
-	PTRACE_GET_THREAD_AREA_3264          = 0xc4
-	PTRACE_GET_WATCH_REGS                = 0xd0
-	PTRACE_INTERRUPT                     = 0x4207
-	PTRACE_KILL                          = 0x8
-	PTRACE_LISTEN                        = 0x4208
-	PTRACE_OLDSETOPTIONS                 = 0x15
-	PTRACE_O_EXITKILL                    = 0x100000
-	PTRACE_O_MASK                        = 0x3000ff
-	PTRACE_O_SUSPEND_SECCOMP             = 0x200000
-	PTRACE_O_TRACECLONE                  = 0x8
-	PTRACE_O_TRACEEXEC                   = 0x10
-	PTRACE_O_TRACEEXIT                   = 0x40
-	PTRACE_O_TRACEFORK                   = 0x2
-	PTRACE_O_TRACESECCOMP                = 0x80
-	PTRACE_O_TRACESYSGOOD                = 0x1
-	PTRACE_O_TRACEVFORK                  = 0x4
-	PTRACE_O_TRACEVFORKDONE              = 0x20
-	PTRACE_PEEKDATA                      = 0x2
-	PTRACE_PEEKDATA_3264                 = 0xc1
-	PTRACE_PEEKSIGINFO                   = 0x4209
-	PTRACE_PEEKTEXT                      = 0x1
-	PTRACE_PEEKTEXT_3264                 = 0xc0
-	PTRACE_PEEKUSR                       = 0x3
-	PTRACE_POKEDATA                      = 0x5
-	PTRACE_POKEDATA_3264                 = 0xc3
-	PTRACE_POKETEXT                      = 0x4
-	PTRACE_POKETEXT_3264                 = 0xc2
-	PTRACE_POKEUSR                       = 0x6
-	PTRACE_SECCOMP_GET_FILTER            = 0x420c
-	PTRACE_SEIZE                         = 0x4206
-	PTRACE_SETFPREGS                     = 0xf
-	PTRACE_SETOPTIONS                    = 0x4200
-	PTRACE_SETREGS                       = 0xd
-	PTRACE_SETREGSET                     = 0x4205
-	PTRACE_SETSIGINFO                    = 0x4203
-	PTRACE_SETSIGMASK                    = 0x420b
-	PTRACE_SET_THREAD_AREA               = 0x1a
-	PTRACE_SET_WATCH_REGS                = 0xd1
-	PTRACE_SINGLESTEP                    = 0x9
-	PTRACE_SYSCALL                       = 0x18
-	PTRACE_TRACEME                       = 0x0
-	QNX4_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0x2f
-	QNX6_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0x68191122
-	RAMFS_MAGIC                          = 0x858458f6
-	RDTGROUP_SUPER_MAGIC                 = 0x7655821
-	REISERFS_SUPER_MAGIC                 = 0x52654973
-	RENAME_EXCHANGE                      = 0x2
-	RENAME_NOREPLACE                     = 0x1
-	RENAME_WHITEOUT                      = 0x4
-	RLIMIT_AS                            = 0x6
-	RLIMIT_CORE                          = 0x4
-	RLIMIT_CPU                           = 0x0
-	RLIMIT_DATA                          = 0x2
-	RLIMIT_FSIZE                         = 0x1
-	RLIMIT_LOCKS                         = 0xa
-	RLIMIT_MEMLOCK                       = 0x9
-	RLIMIT_MSGQUEUE                      = 0xc
-	RLIMIT_NICE                          = 0xd
-	RLIMIT_NOFILE                        = 0x5
-	RLIMIT_NPROC                         = 0x8
-	RLIMIT_RSS                           = 0x7
-	RLIMIT_RTPRIO                        = 0xe
-	RLIMIT_RTTIME                        = 0xf
-	RLIMIT_SIGPENDING                    = 0xb
-	RLIMIT_STACK                         = 0x3
-	RLIM_INFINITY                        = 0xffffffffffffffff
-	RNDADDENTROPY                        = 0x80085203
-	RNDADDTOENTCNT                       = 0x80045201
-	RNDCLEARPOOL                         = 0x20005206
-	RNDGETENTCNT                         = 0x40045200
-	RNDGETPOOL                           = 0x40085202
-	RNDRESEEDCRNG                        = 0x20005207
-	RNDZAPENTCNT                         = 0x20005204
-	RTAX_ADVMSS                          = 0x8
-	RTAX_CC_ALGO                         = 0x10
-	RTAX_CWND                            = 0x7
-	RTAX_FASTOPEN_NO_COOKIE              = 0x11
-	RTAX_FEATURES                        = 0xc
-	RTAX_FEATURE_ALLFRAG                 = 0x8
-	RTAX_FEATURE_ECN                     = 0x1
-	RTAX_FEATURE_MASK                    = 0xf
-	RTAX_FEATURE_SACK                    = 0x2
-	RTAX_FEATURE_TIMESTAMP               = 0x4
-	RTAX_HOPLIMIT                        = 0xa
-	RTAX_INITCWND                        = 0xb
-	RTAX_INITRWND                        = 0xe
-	RTAX_LOCK                            = 0x1
-	RTAX_MAX                             = 0x11
-	RTAX_MTU                             = 0x2
-	RTAX_QUICKACK                        = 0xf
-	RTAX_REORDERING                      = 0x9
-	RTAX_RTO_MIN                         = 0xd
-	RTAX_RTT                             = 0x4
-	RTAX_RTTVAR                          = 0x5
-	RTAX_SSTHRESH                        = 0x6
-	RTAX_UNSPEC                          = 0x0
-	RTAX_WINDOW                          = 0x3
-	RTA_ALIGNTO                          = 0x4
-	RTA_MAX                              = 0x1d
-	RTCF_DIRECTSRC                       = 0x4000000
-	RTCF_DOREDIRECT                      = 0x1000000
-	RTCF_LOG                             = 0x2000000
-	RTCF_MASQ                            = 0x400000
-	RTCF_NAT                             = 0x800000
-	RTCF_VALVE                           = 0x200000
-	RTC_AF                               = 0x20
-	RTC_AIE_OFF                          = 0x20007002
-	RTC_AIE_ON                           = 0x20007001
-	RTC_ALM_READ                         = 0x40247008
-	RTC_ALM_SET                          = 0x80247007
-	RTC_EPOCH_READ                       = 0x4004700d
-	RTC_EPOCH_SET                        = 0x8004700e
-	RTC_IRQF                             = 0x80
-	RTC_IRQP_READ                        = 0x4004700b
-	RTC_IRQP_SET                         = 0x8004700c
-	RTC_MAX_FREQ                         = 0x2000
-	RTC_PF                               = 0x40
-	RTC_PIE_OFF                          = 0x20007006
-	RTC_PIE_ON                           = 0x20007005
-	RTC_PLL_GET                          = 0x401c7011
-	RTC_PLL_SET                          = 0x801c7012
-	RTC_RD_TIME                          = 0x40247009
-	RTC_SET_TIME                         = 0x8024700a
-	RTC_UF                               = 0x10
-	RTC_UIE_OFF                          = 0x20007004
-	RTC_UIE_ON                           = 0x20007003
-	RTC_VL_CLR                           = 0x20007014
-	RTC_VL_READ                          = 0x40047013
-	RTC_WIE_OFF                          = 0x20007010
-	RTC_WIE_ON                           = 0x2000700f
-	RTC_WKALM_RD                         = 0x40287010
-	RTC_WKALM_SET                        = 0x8028700f
-	RTF_ADDRCLASSMASK                    = 0xf8000000
-	RTF_ADDRCONF                         = 0x40000
-	RTF_ALLONLINK                        = 0x20000
-	RTF_BROADCAST                        = 0x10000000
-	RTF_CACHE                            = 0x1000000
-	RTF_DEFAULT                          = 0x10000
-	RTF_DYNAMIC                          = 0x10
-	RTF_FLOW                             = 0x2000000
-	RTF_GATEWAY                          = 0x2
-	RTF_HOST                             = 0x4
-	RTF_INTERFACE                        = 0x40000000
-	RTF_IRTT                             = 0x100
-	RTF_LINKRT                           = 0x100000
-	RTF_LOCAL                            = 0x80000000
-	RTF_MODIFIED                         = 0x20
-	RTF_MSS                              = 0x40
-	RTF_MTU                              = 0x40
-	RTF_MULTICAST                        = 0x20000000
-	RTF_NAT                              = 0x8000000
-	RTF_NOFORWARD                        = 0x1000
-	RTF_NONEXTHOP                        = 0x200000
-	RTF_NOPMTUDISC                       = 0x4000
-	RTF_POLICY                           = 0x4000000
-	RTF_REINSTATE                        = 0x8
-	RTF_REJECT                           = 0x200
-	RTF_STATIC                           = 0x400
-	RTF_THROW                            = 0x2000
-	RTF_UP                               = 0x1
-	RTF_WINDOW                           = 0x80
-	RTF_XRESOLVE                         = 0x800
-	RTM_BASE                             = 0x10
-	RTM_DELACTION                        = 0x31
-	RTM_DELADDR                          = 0x15
-	RTM_DELADDRLABEL                     = 0x49
-	RTM_DELCHAIN                         = 0x65
-	RTM_DELLINK                          = 0x11
-	RTM_DELMDB                           = 0x55
-	RTM_DELNEIGH                         = 0x1d
-	RTM_DELNETCONF                       = 0x51
-	RTM_DELNSID                          = 0x59
-	RTM_DELQDISC                         = 0x25
-	RTM_DELROUTE                         = 0x19
-	RTM_DELRULE                          = 0x21
-	RTM_DELTCLASS                        = 0x29
-	RTM_DELTFILTER                       = 0x2d
-	RTM_F_CLONED                         = 0x200
-	RTM_F_EQUALIZE                       = 0x400
-	RTM_F_FIB_MATCH                      = 0x2000
-	RTM_F_LOOKUP_TABLE                   = 0x1000
-	RTM_F_NOTIFY                         = 0x100
-	RTM_F_PREFIX                         = 0x800
-	RTM_GETACTION                        = 0x32
-	RTM_GETADDR                          = 0x16
-	RTM_GETADDRLABEL                     = 0x4a
-	RTM_GETANYCAST                       = 0x3e
-	RTM_GETCHAIN                         = 0x66
-	RTM_GETDCB                           = 0x4e
-	RTM_GETLINK                          = 0x12
-	RTM_GETMDB                           = 0x56
-	RTM_GETMULTICAST                     = 0x3a
-	RTM_GETNEIGH                         = 0x1e
-	RTM_GETNEIGHTBL                      = 0x42
-	RTM_GETNETCONF                       = 0x52
-	RTM_GETNSID                          = 0x5a
-	RTM_GETQDISC                         = 0x26
-	RTM_GETROUTE                         = 0x1a
-	RTM_GETRULE                          = 0x22
-	RTM_GETSTATS                         = 0x5e
-	RTM_GETTCLASS                        = 0x2a
-	RTM_GETTFILTER                       = 0x2e
-	RTM_MAX                              = 0x67
-	RTM_NEWACTION                        = 0x30
-	RTM_NEWADDR                          = 0x14
-	RTM_NEWADDRLABEL                     = 0x48
-	RTM_NEWCACHEREPORT                   = 0x60
-	RTM_NEWCHAIN                         = 0x64
-	RTM_NEWLINK                          = 0x10
-	RTM_NEWMDB                           = 0x54
-	RTM_NEWNDUSEROPT                     = 0x44
-	RTM_NEWNEIGH                         = 0x1c
-	RTM_NEWNEIGHTBL                      = 0x40
-	RTM_NEWNETCONF                       = 0x50
-	RTM_NEWNSID                          = 0x58
-	RTM_NEWPREFIX                        = 0x34
-	RTM_NEWQDISC                         = 0x24
-	RTM_NEWROUTE                         = 0x18
-	RTM_NEWRULE                          = 0x20
-	RTM_NEWSTATS                         = 0x5c
-	RTM_NEWTCLASS                        = 0x28
-	RTM_NEWTFILTER                       = 0x2c
-	RTM_NR_FAMILIES                      = 0x16
-	RTM_NR_MSGTYPES                      = 0x58
-	RTM_SETDCB                           = 0x4f
-	RTM_SETLINK                          = 0x13
-	RTM_SETNEIGHTBL                      = 0x43
-	RTNH_ALIGNTO                         = 0x4
-	RTNH_COMPARE_MASK                    = 0x19
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-	RTNH_F_LINKDOWN                      = 0x10
-	RTNH_F_OFFLOAD                       = 0x8
-	RTNH_F_ONLINK                        = 0x4
-	RTNH_F_PERVASIVE                     = 0x2
-	RTNH_F_UNRESOLVED                    = 0x20
-	RTN_MAX                              = 0xb
-	RTPROT_BABEL                         = 0x2a
-	RTPROT_BGP                           = 0xba
-	RTPROT_BIRD                          = 0xc
-	RTPROT_BOOT                          = 0x3
-	RTPROT_DHCP                          = 0x10
-	RTPROT_DNROUTED                      = 0xd
-	RTPROT_EIGRP                         = 0xc0
-	RTPROT_GATED                         = 0x8
-	RTPROT_ISIS                          = 0xbb
-	RTPROT_KERNEL                        = 0x2
-	RTPROT_MROUTED                       = 0x11
-	RTPROT_MRT                           = 0xa
-	RTPROT_NTK                           = 0xf
-	RTPROT_OSPF                          = 0xbc
-	RTPROT_RA                            = 0x9
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-	RTPROT_RIP                           = 0xbd
-	RTPROT_STATIC                        = 0x4
-	RTPROT_UNSPEC                        = 0x0
-	RTPROT_XORP                          = 0xe
-	RTPROT_ZEBRA                         = 0xb
-	RT_CLASS_DEFAULT                     = 0xfd
-	RT_CLASS_LOCAL                       = 0xff
-	RT_CLASS_MAIN                        = 0xfe
-	RT_CLASS_MAX                         = 0xff
-	RT_CLASS_UNSPEC                      = 0x0
-	RUSAGE_CHILDREN                      = -0x1
-	RUSAGE_SELF                          = 0x0
-	RUSAGE_THREAD                        = 0x1
-	SCM_CREDENTIALS                      = 0x2
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-	SCM_TIMESTAMPING                     = 0x25
-	SCM_TIMESTAMPING_PKTINFO             = 0x3a
-	SCM_TIMESTAMPNS                      = 0x23
-	SCM_TXTIME                           = 0x3d
-	SCM_WIFI_STATUS                      = 0x29
-	SC_LOG_FLUSH                         = 0x100000
-	SECCOMP_MODE_DISABLED                = 0x0
-	SECCOMP_MODE_FILTER                  = 0x2
-	SECCOMP_MODE_STRICT                  = 0x1
-	SECURITYFS_MAGIC                     = 0x73636673
-	SELINUX_MAGIC                        = 0xf97cff8c
-	SFD_CLOEXEC                          = 0x80000
-	SFD_NONBLOCK                         = 0x80
-	SHUT_RD                              = 0x0
-	SHUT_RDWR                            = 0x2
-	SHUT_WR                              = 0x1
-	SIOCADDDLCI                          = 0x8980
-	SIOCADDMULTI                         = 0x8931
-	SIOCADDRT                            = 0x890b
-	SIOCATMARK                           = 0x40047307
-	SIOCBONDCHANGEACTIVE                 = 0x8995
-	SIOCBONDENSLAVE                      = 0x8990
-	SIOCBONDINFOQUERY                    = 0x8994
-	SIOCBONDRELEASE                      = 0x8991
-	SIOCBONDSETHWADDR                    = 0x8992
-	SIOCBONDSLAVEINFOQUERY               = 0x8993
-	SIOCBRADDBR                          = 0x89a0
-	SIOCBRADDIF                          = 0x89a2
-	SIOCBRDELBR                          = 0x89a1
-	SIOCBRDELIF                          = 0x89a3
-	SIOCDARP                             = 0x8953
-	SIOCDELDLCI                          = 0x8981
-	SIOCDELMULTI                         = 0x8932
-	SIOCDELRT                            = 0x890c
-	SIOCDEVPRIVATE                       = 0x89f0
-	SIOCDIFADDR                          = 0x8936
-	SIOCDRARP                            = 0x8960
-	SIOCETHTOOL                          = 0x8946
-	SIOCGARP                             = 0x8954
-	SIOCGHWTSTAMP                        = 0x89b1
-	SIOCGIFADDR                          = 0x8915
-	SIOCGIFBR                            = 0x8940
-	SIOCGIFBRDADDR                       = 0x8919
-	SIOCGIFCONF                          = 0x8912
-	SIOCGIFCOUNT                         = 0x8938
-	SIOCGIFDSTADDR                       = 0x8917
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-	SIOCGIFINDEX                         = 0x8933
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-	SIOCGIFMEM                           = 0x891f
-	SIOCGIFMETRIC                        = 0x891d
-	SIOCGIFMTU                           = 0x8921
-	SIOCGIFNAME                          = 0x8910
-	SIOCGIFNETMASK                       = 0x891b
-	SIOCGIFPFLAGS                        = 0x8935
-	SIOCGIFSLAVE                         = 0x8929
-	SIOCGIFTXQLEN                        = 0x8942
-	SIOCGIFVLAN                          = 0x8982
-	SIOCGMIIPHY                          = 0x8947
-	SIOCGMIIREG                          = 0x8948
-	SIOCGPGRP                            = 0x40047309
-	SIOCGPPPCSTATS                       = 0x89f2
-	SIOCGPPPSTATS                        = 0x89f0
-	SIOCGPPPVER                          = 0x89f1
-	SIOCGRARP                            = 0x8961
-	SIOCGSKNS                            = 0x894c
-	SIOCGSTAMP                           = 0x8906
-	SIOCGSTAMPNS                         = 0x8907
-	SIOCGSTAMPNS_NEW                     = 0x40108907
-	SIOCGSTAMPNS_OLD                     = 0x8907
-	SIOCGSTAMP_NEW                       = 0x40108906
-	SIOCGSTAMP_OLD                       = 0x8906
-	SIOCINQ                              = 0x467f
-	SIOCOUTQ                             = 0x7472
-	SIOCOUTQNSD                          = 0x894b
-	SIOCPROTOPRIVATE                     = 0x89e0
-	SIOCRTMSG                            = 0x890d
-	SIOCSARP                             = 0x8955
-	SIOCSHWTSTAMP                        = 0x89b0
-	SIOCSIFADDR                          = 0x8916
-	SIOCSIFBR                            = 0x8941
-	SIOCSIFBRDADDR                       = 0x891a
-	SIOCSIFDSTADDR                       = 0x8918
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-	SIOCSIFFLAGS                         = 0x8914
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-	SIOCSIFHWBROADCAST                   = 0x8937
-	SIOCSIFLINK                          = 0x8911
-	SIOCSIFMAP                           = 0x8971
-	SIOCSIFMEM                           = 0x8920
-	SIOCSIFMETRIC                        = 0x891e
-	SIOCSIFMTU                           = 0x8922
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-	SIOCSPGRP                            = 0x80047308
-	SIOCSRARP                            = 0x8962
-	SIOCWANDEV                           = 0x894a
-	SMACK_MAGIC                          = 0x43415d53
-	SMART_AUTOSAVE                       = 0xd2
-	SMART_AUTO_OFFLINE                   = 0xdb
-	SMART_DISABLE                        = 0xd9
-	SMART_ENABLE                         = 0xd8
-	SMART_HCYL_PASS                      = 0xc2
-	SMART_IMMEDIATE_OFFLINE              = 0xd4
-	SMART_LCYL_PASS                      = 0x4f
-	SMART_READ_LOG_SECTOR                = 0xd5
-	SMART_READ_THRESHOLDS                = 0xd1
-	SMART_READ_VALUES                    = 0xd0
-	SMART_SAVE                           = 0xd3
-	SMART_STATUS                         = 0xda
-	SMART_WRITE_LOG_SECTOR               = 0xd6
-	SMART_WRITE_THRESHOLDS               = 0xd7
-	SMB_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x517b
-	SOCKFS_MAGIC                         = 0x534f434b
-	SOCK_CLOEXEC                         = 0x80000
-	SOCK_DCCP                            = 0x6
-	SOCK_DGRAM                           = 0x1
-	SOCK_IOC_TYPE                        = 0x89
-	SOCK_NONBLOCK                        = 0x80
-	SOCK_PACKET                          = 0xa
-	SOCK_RAW                             = 0x3
-	SOCK_RDM                             = 0x4
-	SOCK_SEQPACKET                       = 0x5
-	SOCK_STREAM                          = 0x2
-	SOL_AAL                              = 0x109
-	SOL_ALG                              = 0x117
-	SOL_ATM                              = 0x108
-	SOL_CAIF                             = 0x116
-	SOL_CAN_BASE                         = 0x64
-	SOL_DCCP                             = 0x10d
-	SOL_DECNET                           = 0x105
-	SOL_ICMPV6                           = 0x3a
-	SOL_IP                               = 0x0
-	SOL_IPV6                             = 0x29
-	SOL_IRDA                             = 0x10a
-	SOL_IUCV                             = 0x115
-	SOL_KCM                              = 0x119
-	SOL_LLC                              = 0x10c
-	SOL_NETBEUI                          = 0x10b
-	SOL_NETLINK                          = 0x10e
-	SOL_NFC                              = 0x118
-	SOL_PACKET                           = 0x107
-	SOL_PNPIPE                           = 0x113
-	SOL_PPPOL2TP                         = 0x111
-	SOL_RAW                              = 0xff
-	SOL_RDS                              = 0x114
-	SOL_RXRPC                            = 0x110
-	SOL_SOCKET                           = 0xffff
-	SOL_TCP                              = 0x6
-	SOL_TIPC                             = 0x10f
-	SOL_TLS                              = 0x11a
-	SOL_X25                              = 0x106
-	SOL_XDP                              = 0x11b
-	SOMAXCONN                            = 0x80
-	SO_ACCEPTCONN                        = 0x1009
-	SO_ATTACH_BPF                        = 0x32
-	SO_ATTACH_FILTER                     = 0x1a
-	SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_CBPF             = 0x33
-	SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_EBPF             = 0x34
-	SO_BINDTODEVICE                      = 0x19
-	SO_BINDTOIFINDEX                     = 0x3e
-	SO_BPF_EXTENSIONS                    = 0x30
-	SO_BROADCAST                         = 0x20
-	SO_BSDCOMPAT                         = 0xe
-	SO_BUSY_POLL                         = 0x2e
-	SO_CNX_ADVICE                        = 0x35
-	SO_COOKIE                            = 0x39
-	SO_DEBUG                             = 0x1
-	SO_DETACH_BPF                        = 0x1b
-	SO_DETACH_FILTER                     = 0x1b
-	SO_DOMAIN                            = 0x1029
-	SO_DONTROUTE                         = 0x10
-	SO_EE_CODE_TXTIME_MISSED             = 0x2
-	SO_EE_CODE_ZEROCOPY_COPIED           = 0x1
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_ICMP                    = 0x2
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_ICMP6                   = 0x3
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-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_NONE                    = 0x0
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_TIMESTAMPING            = 0x4
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_TXSTATUS                = 0x4
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_TXTIME                  = 0x6
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_ZEROCOPY                = 0x5
-	SO_ERROR                             = 0x1007
-	SO_GET_FILTER                        = 0x1a
-	SO_INCOMING_CPU                      = 0x31
-	SO_INCOMING_NAPI_ID                  = 0x38
-	SO_KEEPALIVE                         = 0x8
-	SO_LINGER                            = 0x80
-	SO_LOCK_FILTER                       = 0x2c
-	SO_MARK                              = 0x24
-	SO_MAX_PACING_RATE                   = 0x2f
-	SO_MEMINFO                           = 0x37
-	SO_NOFCS                             = 0x2b
-	SO_NO_CHECK                          = 0xb
-	SO_OOBINLINE                         = 0x100
-	SO_PASSCRED                          = 0x11
-	SO_PASSSEC                           = 0x22
-	SO_PEEK_OFF                          = 0x2a
-	SO_PEERCRED                          = 0x12
-	SO_PEERGROUPS                        = 0x3b
-	SO_PEERNAME                          = 0x1c
-	SO_PEERSEC                           = 0x1e
-	SO_PRIORITY                          = 0xc
-	SO_PROTOCOL                          = 0x1028
-	SO_RCVBUF                            = 0x1002
-	SO_RCVBUFFORCE                       = 0x21
-	SO_RCVLOWAT                          = 0x1004
-	SO_RCVTIMEO                          = 0x1006
-	SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW                      = 0x42
-	SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD                      = 0x1006
-	SO_REUSEADDR                         = 0x4
-	SO_REUSEPORT                         = 0x200
-	SO_RXQ_OVFL                          = 0x28
-	SO_SELECT_ERR_QUEUE                  = 0x2d
-	SO_SNDBUF                            = 0x1001
-	SO_SNDBUFFORCE                       = 0x1f
-	SO_SNDLOWAT                          = 0x1003
-	SO_SNDTIMEO                          = 0x1005
-	SO_SNDTIMEO_NEW                      = 0x43
-	SO_SNDTIMEO_OLD                      = 0x1005
-	SO_STYLE                             = 0x1008
-	SO_TIMESTAMP                         = 0x1d
-	SO_TIMESTAMPING                      = 0x25
-	SO_TIMESTAMPING_NEW                  = 0x41
-	SO_TIMESTAMPING_OLD                  = 0x25
-	SO_TIMESTAMPNS                       = 0x23
-	SO_TIMESTAMPNS_NEW                   = 0x40
-	SO_TIMESTAMPNS_OLD                   = 0x23
-	SO_TIMESTAMP_NEW                     = 0x3f
-	SO_TIMESTAMP_OLD                     = 0x1d
-	SO_TXTIME                            = 0x3d
-	SO_TYPE                              = 0x1008
-	SO_VM_SOCKETS_BUFFER_SIZE            = 0x0
-	SO_VM_SOCKETS_TRUSTED                = 0x5
-	SO_WIFI_STATUS                       = 0x29
-	SO_ZEROCOPY                          = 0x3c
-	SPLICE_F_GIFT                        = 0x8
-	SPLICE_F_MORE                        = 0x4
-	SPLICE_F_MOVE                        = 0x1
-	SPLICE_F_NONBLOCK                    = 0x2
-	SQUASHFS_MAGIC                       = 0x73717368
-	STACK_END_MAGIC                      = 0x57ac6e9d
-	STATX_ALL                            = 0xfff
-	STATX_ATIME                          = 0x20
-	STATX_ATTR_APPEND                    = 0x20
-	STATX_ATTR_AUTOMOUNT                 = 0x1000
-	STATX_ATTR_COMPRESSED                = 0x4
-	STATX_ATTR_ENCRYPTED                 = 0x800
-	STATX_ATTR_IMMUTABLE                 = 0x10
-	STATX_ATTR_NODUMP                    = 0x40
-	STATX_BASIC_STATS                    = 0x7ff
-	STATX_BLOCKS                         = 0x400
-	STATX_BTIME                          = 0x800
-	STATX_CTIME                          = 0x80
-	STATX_GID                            = 0x10
-	STATX_INO                            = 0x100
-	STATX_MODE                           = 0x2
-	STATX_MTIME                          = 0x40
-	STATX_NLINK                          = 0x4
-	STATX_SIZE                           = 0x200
-	STATX_TYPE                           = 0x1
-	STATX_UID                            = 0x8
-	STATX__RESERVED                      = 0x80000000
-	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WAIT_AFTER           = 0x4
-	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WRITE                = 0x2
-	SYSFS_MAGIC                          = 0x62656572
-	S_BLKSIZE                            = 0x200
-	S_IEXEC                              = 0x40
-	S_IFBLK                              = 0x6000
-	S_IFCHR                              = 0x2000
-	S_IFDIR                              = 0x4000
-	S_IFIFO                              = 0x1000
-	S_IFLNK                              = 0xa000
-	S_IFMT                               = 0xf000
-	S_IFREG                              = 0x8000
-	S_IFSOCK                             = 0xc000
-	S_IREAD                              = 0x100
-	S_IRGRP                              = 0x20
-	S_IROTH                              = 0x4
-	S_IRUSR                              = 0x100
-	S_IRWXG                              = 0x38
-	S_IRWXO                              = 0x7
-	S_IRWXU                              = 0x1c0
-	S_ISGID                              = 0x400
-	S_ISUID                              = 0x800
-	S_ISVTX                              = 0x200
-	S_IWGRP                              = 0x10
-	S_IWOTH                              = 0x2
-	S_IWRITE                             = 0x80
-	S_IWUSR                              = 0x80
-	S_IXGRP                              = 0x8
-	S_IXOTH                              = 0x1
-	S_IXUSR                              = 0x40
-	TAB0                                 = 0x0
-	TAB1                                 = 0x800
-	TAB2                                 = 0x1000
-	TAB3                                 = 0x1800
-	TABDLY                               = 0x1800
-	TASKSTATS_CMD_ATTR_MAX               = 0x4
-	TASKSTATS_CMD_MAX                    = 0x2
-	TASKSTATS_GENL_NAME                  = "TASKSTATS"
-	TASKSTATS_GENL_VERSION               = 0x1
-	TASKSTATS_TYPE_MAX                   = 0x6
-	TASKSTATS_VERSION                    = 0x9
-	TCFLSH                               = 0x5407
-	TCGETA                               = 0x5401
-	TCGETS                               = 0x540d
-	TCGETS2                              = 0x4030542a
-	TCIFLUSH                             = 0x0
-	TCIOFF                               = 0x2
-	TCIOFLUSH                            = 0x2
-	TCION                                = 0x3
-	TCOFLUSH                             = 0x1
-	TCOOFF                               = 0x0
-	TCOON                                = 0x1
-	TCP_BPF_IW                           = 0x3e9
-	TCP_BPF_SNDCWND_CLAMP                = 0x3ea
-	TCP_CC_INFO                          = 0x1a
-	TCP_CM_INQ                           = 0x24
-	TCP_CONGESTION                       = 0xd
-	TCP_COOKIE_IN_ALWAYS                 = 0x1
-	TCP_COOKIE_MAX                       = 0x10
-	TCP_COOKIE_MIN                       = 0x8
-	TCP_COOKIE_OUT_NEVER                 = 0x2
-	TCP_COOKIE_PAIR_SIZE                 = 0x20
-	TCP_COOKIE_TRANSACTIONS              = 0xf
-	TCP_CORK                             = 0x3
-	TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT                     = 0x9
-	TCP_FASTOPEN                         = 0x17
-	TCP_FASTOPEN_CONNECT                 = 0x1e
-	TCP_FASTOPEN_KEY                     = 0x21
-	TCP_FASTOPEN_NO_COOKIE               = 0x22
-	TCP_INFO                             = 0xb
-	TCP_INQ                              = 0x24
-	TCP_KEEPCNT                          = 0x6
-	TCP_KEEPIDLE                         = 0x4
-	TCP_KEEPINTVL                        = 0x5
-	TCP_LINGER2                          = 0x8
-	TCP_MAXSEG                           = 0x2
-	TCP_MAXWIN                           = 0xffff
-	TCP_MAX_WINSHIFT                     = 0xe
-	TCP_MD5SIG                           = 0xe
-	TCP_MD5SIG_EXT                       = 0x20
-	TCP_MD5SIG_FLAG_PREFIX               = 0x1
-	TCP_MD5SIG_MAXKEYLEN                 = 0x50
-	TCP_MSS                              = 0x200
-	TCP_MSS_DEFAULT                      = 0x218
-	TCP_MSS_DESIRED                      = 0x4c4
-	TCP_NODELAY                          = 0x1
-	TCP_NOTSENT_LOWAT                    = 0x19
-	TCP_QUEUE_SEQ                        = 0x15
-	TCP_QUICKACK                         = 0xc
-	TCP_REPAIR                           = 0x13
-	TCP_REPAIR_OFF                       = 0x0
-	TCP_REPAIR_OFF_NO_WP                 = -0x1
-	TCP_REPAIR_ON                        = 0x1
-	TCP_REPAIR_OPTIONS                   = 0x16
-	TCP_REPAIR_QUEUE                     = 0x14
-	TCP_REPAIR_WINDOW                    = 0x1d
-	TCP_SAVED_SYN                        = 0x1c
-	TCP_SAVE_SYN                         = 0x1b
-	TCP_SYNCNT                           = 0x7
-	TCP_S_DATA_IN                        = 0x4
-	TCP_S_DATA_OUT                       = 0x8
-	TCP_THIN_DUPACK                      = 0x11
-	TCP_THIN_LINEAR_TIMEOUTS             = 0x10
-	TCP_TIMESTAMP                        = 0x18
-	TCP_ULP                              = 0x1f
-	TCP_USER_TIMEOUT                     = 0x12
-	TCP_WINDOW_CLAMP                     = 0xa
-	TCP_ZEROCOPY_RECEIVE                 = 0x23
-	TCSAFLUSH                            = 0x5410
-	TCSBRK                               = 0x5405
-	TCSBRKP                              = 0x5486
-	TCSETA                               = 0x5402
-	TCSETAF                              = 0x5404
-	TCSETAW                              = 0x5403
-	TCSETS                               = 0x540e
-	TCSETS2                              = 0x8030542b
-	TCSETSF                              = 0x5410
-	TCSETSF2                             = 0x8030542d
-	TCSETSW                              = 0x540f
-	TCSETSW2                             = 0x8030542c
-	TCXONC                               = 0x5406
-	TIMER_ABSTIME                        = 0x1
-	TIOCCBRK                             = 0x5428
-	TIOCCONS                             = 0x80047478
-	TIOCEXCL                             = 0x740d
-	TIOCGDEV                             = 0x40045432
-	TIOCGETD                             = 0x7400
-	TIOCGETP                             = 0x7408
-	TIOCGEXCL                            = 0x40045440
-	TIOCGICOUNT                          = 0x5492
-	TIOCGISO7816                         = 0x40285442
-	TIOCGLCKTRMIOS                       = 0x548b
-	TIOCGLTC                             = 0x7474
-	TIOCGPGRP                            = 0x40047477
-	TIOCGPKT                             = 0x40045438
-	TIOCGPTLCK                           = 0x40045439
-	TIOCGPTN                             = 0x40045430
-	TIOCGPTPEER                          = 0x20005441
-	TIOCGRS485                           = 0x4020542e
-	TIOCGSERIAL                          = 0x5484
-	TIOCGSID                             = 0x7416
-	TIOCGSOFTCAR                         = 0x5481
-	TIOCGWINSZ                           = 0x40087468
-	TIOCINQ                              = 0x467f
-	TIOCLINUX                            = 0x5483
-	TIOCMBIC                             = 0x741c
-	TIOCMBIS                             = 0x741b
-	TIOCMGET                             = 0x741d
-	TIOCMIWAIT                           = 0x5491
-	TIOCMSET                             = 0x741a
-	TIOCM_CAR                            = 0x100
-	TIOCM_CD                             = 0x100
-	TIOCM_CTS                            = 0x40
-	TIOCM_DSR                            = 0x400
-	TIOCM_DTR                            = 0x2
-	TIOCM_LE                             = 0x1
-	TIOCM_RI                             = 0x200
-	TIOCM_RNG                            = 0x200
-	TIOCM_RTS                            = 0x4
-	TIOCM_SR                             = 0x20
-	TIOCM_ST                             = 0x10
-	TIOCNOTTY                            = 0x5471
-	TIOCNXCL                             = 0x740e
-	TIOCOUTQ                             = 0x7472
-	TIOCPKT                              = 0x5470
-	TIOCPKT_DATA                         = 0x0
-	TIOCPKT_DOSTOP                       = 0x20
-	TIOCPKT_FLUSHREAD                    = 0x1
-	TIOCPKT_FLUSHWRITE                   = 0x2
-	TIOCPKT_IOCTL                        = 0x40
-	TIOCPKT_NOSTOP                       = 0x10
-	TIOCPKT_START                        = 0x8
-	TIOCPKT_STOP                         = 0x4
-	TIOCSBRK                             = 0x5427
-	TIOCSCTTY                            = 0x5480
-	TIOCSERCONFIG                        = 0x5488
-	TIOCSERGETLSR                        = 0x548e
-	TIOCSERGETMULTI                      = 0x548f
-	TIOCSERGSTRUCT                       = 0x548d
-	TIOCSERGWILD                         = 0x5489
-	TIOCSERSETMULTI                      = 0x5490
-	TIOCSERSWILD                         = 0x548a
-	TIOCSER_TEMT                         = 0x1
-	TIOCSETD                             = 0x7401
-	TIOCSETN                             = 0x740a
-	TIOCSETP                             = 0x7409
-	TIOCSIG                              = 0x80045436
-	TIOCSISO7816                         = 0xc0285443
-	TIOCSLCKTRMIOS                       = 0x548c
-	TIOCSLTC                             = 0x7475
-	TIOCSPGRP                            = 0x80047476
-	TIOCSPTLCK                           = 0x80045431
-	TIOCSRS485                           = 0xc020542f
-	TIOCSSERIAL                          = 0x5485
-	TIOCSSOFTCAR                         = 0x5482
-	TIOCSTI                              = 0x5472
-	TIOCSWINSZ                           = 0x80087467
-	TIOCVHANGUP                          = 0x5437
-	TMPFS_MAGIC                          = 0x1021994
-	TOSTOP                               = 0x8000
-	TPACKET_ALIGNMENT                    = 0x10
-	TPACKET_HDRLEN                       = 0x34
-	TP_STATUS_AVAILABLE                  = 0x0
-	TP_STATUS_BLK_TMO                    = 0x20
-	TP_STATUS_COPY                       = 0x2
-	TP_STATUS_CSUMNOTREADY               = 0x8
-	TP_STATUS_CSUM_VALID                 = 0x80
-	TP_STATUS_KERNEL                     = 0x0
-	TP_STATUS_LOSING                     = 0x4
-	TP_STATUS_SENDING                    = 0x2
-	TP_STATUS_SEND_REQUEST               = 0x1
-	TP_STATUS_TS_RAW_HARDWARE            = -0x80000000
-	TP_STATUS_TS_SOFTWARE                = 0x20000000
-	TP_STATUS_TS_SYS_HARDWARE            = 0x40000000
-	TP_STATUS_USER                       = 0x1
-	TP_STATUS_VLAN_TPID_VALID            = 0x40
-	TP_STATUS_VLAN_VALID                 = 0x10
-	TP_STATUS_WRONG_FORMAT               = 0x4
-	TRACEFS_MAGIC                        = 0x74726163
-	TS_COMM_LEN                          = 0x20
-	TUNATTACHFILTER                      = 0x800854d5
-	TUNDETACHFILTER                      = 0x800854d6
-	TUNGETDEVNETNS                       = 0x200054e3
-	TUNGETFEATURES                       = 0x400454cf
-	TUNGETFILTER                         = 0x400854db
-	TUNGETIFF                            = 0x400454d2
-	TUNGETSNDBUF                         = 0x400454d3
-	TUNGETVNETBE                         = 0x400454df
-	TUNGETVNETHDRSZ                      = 0x400454d7
-	TUNGETVNETLE                         = 0x400454dd
-	TUNSETCARRIER                        = 0x800454e2
-	TUNSETDEBUG                          = 0x800454c9
-	TUNSETFILTEREBPF                     = 0x400454e1
-	TUNSETGROUP                          = 0x800454ce
-	TUNSETIFF                            = 0x800454ca
-	TUNSETIFINDEX                        = 0x800454da
-	TUNSETLINK                           = 0x800454cd
-	TUNSETNOCSUM                         = 0x800454c8
-	TUNSETOFFLOAD                        = 0x800454d0
-	TUNSETOWNER                          = 0x800454cc
-	TUNSETPERSIST                        = 0x800454cb
-	TUNSETQUEUE                          = 0x800454d9
-	TUNSETSNDBUF                         = 0x800454d4
-	TUNSETSTEERINGEBPF                   = 0x400454e0
-	TUNSETTXFILTER                       = 0x800454d1
-	TUNSETVNETBE                         = 0x800454de
-	TUNSETVNETHDRSZ                      = 0x800454d8
-	TUNSETVNETLE                         = 0x800454dc
-	UBI_IOCATT                           = 0x80186f40
-	UBI_IOCDET                           = 0x80046f41
-	UBI_IOCEBCH                          = 0x80044f02
-	UBI_IOCEBER                          = 0x80044f01
-	UBI_IOCEBISMAP                       = 0x40044f05
-	UBI_IOCEBMAP                         = 0x80084f03
-	UBI_IOCEBUNMAP                       = 0x80044f04
-	UBI_IOCMKVOL                         = 0x80986f00
-	UBI_IOCRMVOL                         = 0x80046f01
-	UBI_IOCRNVOL                         = 0x91106f03
-	UBI_IOCRPEB                          = 0x80046f04
-	UBI_IOCRSVOL                         = 0x800c6f02
-	UBI_IOCSETVOLPROP                    = 0x80104f06
-	UBI_IOCSPEB                          = 0x80046f05
-	UBI_IOCVOLCRBLK                      = 0x80804f07
-	UBI_IOCVOLRMBLK                      = 0x20004f08
-	UBI_IOCVOLUP                         = 0x80084f00
-	UDF_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x15013346
-	UMOUNT_NOFOLLOW                      = 0x8
-	USBDEVICE_SUPER_MAGIC                = 0x9fa2
-	UTIME_NOW                            = 0x3fffffff
-	UTIME_OMIT                           = 0x3ffffffe
-	V9FS_MAGIC                           = 0x1021997
-	VDISCARD                             = 0xd
-	VEOF                                 = 0x10
-	VEOL                                 = 0x11
-	VEOL2                                = 0x6
-	VERASE                               = 0x2
-	VINTR                                = 0x0
-	VKILL                                = 0x3
-	VLNEXT                               = 0xf
-	VMADDR_CID_ANY                       = 0xffffffff
-	VMADDR_CID_HOST                      = 0x2
-	VMADDR_CID_HYPERVISOR                = 0x0
-	VMADDR_CID_RESERVED                  = 0x1
-	VMADDR_PORT_ANY                      = 0xffffffff
-	VMIN                                 = 0x4
-	VM_SOCKETS_INVALID_VERSION           = 0xffffffff
-	VQUIT                                = 0x1
-	VREPRINT                             = 0xc
-	VSTART                               = 0x8
-	VSTOP                                = 0x9
-	VSUSP                                = 0xa
-	VSWTC                                = 0x7
-	VSWTCH                               = 0x7
-	VT0                                  = 0x0
-	VT1                                  = 0x4000
-	VTDLY                                = 0x4000
-	VTIME                                = 0x5
-	VWERASE                              = 0xe
-	WALL                                 = 0x40000000
-	WCLONE                               = 0x80000000
-	WCONTINUED                           = 0x8
-	WDIOC_GETBOOTSTATUS                  = 0x40045702
-	WDIOC_GETPRETIMEOUT                  = 0x40045709
-	WDIOC_GETSTATUS                      = 0x40045701
-	WDIOC_GETSUPPORT                     = 0x40285700
-	WDIOC_GETTEMP                        = 0x40045703
-	WDIOC_GETTIMELEFT                    = 0x4004570a
-	WDIOC_GETTIMEOUT                     = 0x40045707
-	WDIOC_KEEPALIVE                      = 0x40045705
-	WDIOC_SETOPTIONS                     = 0x40045704
-	WDIOC_SETPRETIMEOUT                  = 0xc0045708
-	WDIOC_SETTIMEOUT                     = 0xc0045706
-	WEXITED                              = 0x4
-	WIN_ACKMEDIACHANGE                   = 0xdb
-	WIN_CHECKPOWERMODE1                  = 0xe5
-	WIN_CHECKPOWERMODE2                  = 0x98
-	WIN_DEVICE_RESET                     = 0x8
-	WIN_DIAGNOSE                         = 0x90
-	WIN_DOORLOCK                         = 0xde
-	WIN_DOORUNLOCK                       = 0xdf
-	WIN_DOWNLOAD_MICROCODE               = 0x92
-	WIN_FLUSH_CACHE                      = 0xe7
-	WIN_FLUSH_CACHE_EXT                  = 0xea
-	WIN_FORMAT                           = 0x50
-	WIN_GETMEDIASTATUS                   = 0xda
-	WIN_IDENTIFY                         = 0xec
-	WIN_IDENTIFY_DMA                     = 0xee
-	WIN_IDLEIMMEDIATE                    = 0xe1
-	WIN_INIT                             = 0x60
-	WIN_MEDIAEJECT                       = 0xed
-	WIN_MULTREAD                         = 0xc4
-	WIN_MULTREAD_EXT                     = 0x29
-	WIN_MULTWRITE                        = 0xc5
-	WIN_MULTWRITE_EXT                    = 0x39
-	WIN_NOP                              = 0x0
-	WIN_PACKETCMD                        = 0xa0
-	WIN_PIDENTIFY                        = 0xa1
-	WIN_POSTBOOT                         = 0xdc
-	WIN_PREBOOT                          = 0xdd
-	WIN_QUEUED_SERVICE                   = 0xa2
-	WIN_READ                             = 0x20
-	WIN_READDMA                          = 0xc8
-	WIN_READDMA_EXT                      = 0x25
-	WIN_READDMA_ONCE                     = 0xc9
-	WIN_READDMA_QUEUED                   = 0xc7
-	WIN_READDMA_QUEUED_EXT               = 0x26
-	WIN_READ_BUFFER                      = 0xe4
-	WIN_READ_EXT                         = 0x24
-	WIN_READ_LONG                        = 0x22
-	WIN_READ_LONG_ONCE                   = 0x23
-	WIN_READ_NATIVE_MAX                  = 0xf8
-	WIN_READ_NATIVE_MAX_EXT              = 0x27
-	WIN_READ_ONCE                        = 0x21
-	WIN_RECAL                            = 0x10
-	WIN_RESTORE                          = 0x10
-	WIN_SECURITY_DISABLE                 = 0xf6
-	WIN_SECURITY_ERASE_UNIT              = 0xf4
-	WIN_SECURITY_FREEZE_LOCK             = 0xf5
-	WIN_SECURITY_SET_PASS                = 0xf1
-	WIN_SECURITY_UNLOCK                  = 0xf2
-	WIN_SEEK                             = 0x70
-	WIN_SETFEATURES                      = 0xef
-	WIN_SETIDLE1                         = 0xe3
-	WIN_SETIDLE2                         = 0x97
-	WIN_SETMULT                          = 0xc6
-	WIN_SET_MAX                          = 0xf9
-	WIN_SET_MAX_EXT                      = 0x37
-	WIN_SLEEPNOW1                        = 0xe6
-	WIN_SLEEPNOW2                        = 0x99
-	WIN_SMART                            = 0xb0
-	WIN_SPECIFY                          = 0x91
-	WIN_SRST                             = 0x8
-	WIN_STANDBY                          = 0xe2
-	WIN_STANDBY2                         = 0x96
-	WIN_STANDBYNOW1                      = 0xe0
-	WIN_STANDBYNOW2                      = 0x94
-	WIN_VERIFY                           = 0x40
-	WIN_VERIFY_EXT                       = 0x42
-	WIN_VERIFY_ONCE                      = 0x41
-	WIN_WRITE                            = 0x30
-	WIN_WRITEDMA                         = 0xca
-	WIN_WRITEDMA_EXT                     = 0x35
-	WIN_WRITEDMA_ONCE                    = 0xcb
-	WIN_WRITEDMA_QUEUED                  = 0xcc
-	WIN_WRITEDMA_QUEUED_EXT              = 0x36
-	WIN_WRITE_BUFFER                     = 0xe8
-	WIN_WRITE_EXT                        = 0x34
-	WIN_WRITE_LONG                       = 0x32
-	WIN_WRITE_LONG_ONCE                  = 0x33
-	WIN_WRITE_ONCE                       = 0x31
-	WIN_WRITE_SAME                       = 0xe9
-	WIN_WRITE_VERIFY                     = 0x3c
-	WNOHANG                              = 0x1
-	WNOTHREAD                            = 0x20000000
-	WNOWAIT                              = 0x1000000
-	WORDSIZE                             = 0x20
-	WSTOPPED                             = 0x2
-	WUNTRACED                            = 0x2
-	XATTR_CREATE                         = 0x1
-	XATTR_REPLACE                        = 0x2
-	XCASE                                = 0x4
-	XDP_COPY                             = 0x2
-	XDP_FLAGS_DRV_MODE                   = 0x4
-	XDP_FLAGS_HW_MODE                    = 0x8
-	XDP_FLAGS_MASK                       = 0xf
-	XDP_FLAGS_MODES                      = 0xe
-	XDP_FLAGS_SKB_MODE                   = 0x2
-	XDP_MMAP_OFFSETS                     = 0x1
-	XDP_PACKET_HEADROOM                  = 0x100
-	XDP_PGOFF_RX_RING                    = 0x0
-	XDP_PGOFF_TX_RING                    = 0x80000000
-	XDP_RX_RING                          = 0x2
-	XDP_SHARED_UMEM                      = 0x1
-	XDP_STATISTICS                       = 0x7
-	XDP_TX_RING                          = 0x3
-	XDP_UMEM_COMPLETION_RING             = 0x6
-	XDP_UMEM_FILL_RING                   = 0x5
-	XDP_UMEM_PGOFF_COMPLETION_RING       = 0x180000000
-	XDP_UMEM_PGOFF_FILL_RING             = 0x100000000
-	XDP_UMEM_REG                         = 0x4
-	XDP_ZEROCOPY                         = 0x4
-	XENFS_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0xabba1974
-	XFS_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x58465342
-	XTABS                                = 0x1800
-	ZSMALLOC_MAGIC                       = 0x58295829
+	AAFS_MAGIC                                  = 0x5a3c69f0
+	ADFS_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xadf5
+	AFFS_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xadff
+	AFS_FS_MAGIC                                = 0x6b414653
+	AFS_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x5346414f
+	AF_ALG                                      = 0x26
+	AF_APPLETALK                                = 0x5
+	AF_ASH                                      = 0x12
+	AF_ATMPVC                                   = 0x8
+	AF_ATMSVC                                   = 0x14
+	AF_AX25                                     = 0x3
+	AF_BLUETOOTH                                = 0x1f
+	AF_BRIDGE                                   = 0x7
+	AF_CAIF                                     = 0x25
+	AF_CAN                                      = 0x1d
+	AF_DECnet                                   = 0xc
+	AF_ECONET                                   = 0x13
+	AF_FILE                                     = 0x1
+	AF_IB                                       = 0x1b
+	AF_IEEE802154                               = 0x24
+	AF_INET                                     = 0x2
+	AF_INET6                                    = 0xa
+	AF_IPX                                      = 0x4
+	AF_IRDA                                     = 0x17
+	AF_ISDN                                     = 0x22
+	AF_IUCV                                     = 0x20
+	AF_KCM                                      = 0x29
+	AF_KEY                                      = 0xf
+	AF_LLC                                      = 0x1a
+	AF_LOCAL                                    = 0x1
+	AF_MAX                                      = 0x2d
+	AF_MPLS                                     = 0x1c
+	AF_NETBEUI                                  = 0xd
+	AF_NETLINK                                  = 0x10
+	AF_NETROM                                   = 0x6
+	AF_NFC                                      = 0x27
+	AF_PACKET                                   = 0x11
+	AF_PHONET                                   = 0x23
+	AF_PPPOX                                    = 0x18
+	AF_QIPCRTR                                  = 0x2a
+	AF_RDS                                      = 0x15
+	AF_ROSE                                     = 0xb
+	AF_ROUTE                                    = 0x10
+	AF_RXRPC                                    = 0x21
+	AF_SECURITY                                 = 0xe
+	AF_SMC                                      = 0x2b
+	AF_SNA                                      = 0x16
+	AF_TIPC                                     = 0x1e
+	AF_UNIX                                     = 0x1
+	AF_UNSPEC                                   = 0x0
+	AF_VSOCK                                    = 0x28
+	AF_WANPIPE                                  = 0x19
+	AF_X25                                      = 0x9
+	AF_XDP                                      = 0x2c
+	ALG_OP_DECRYPT                              = 0x0
+	ALG_OP_ENCRYPT                              = 0x1
+	ALG_SET_AEAD_ASSOCLEN                       = 0x4
+	ALG_SET_AEAD_AUTHSIZE                       = 0x5
+	ALG_SET_IV                                  = 0x2
+	ALG_SET_KEY                                 = 0x1
+	ALG_SET_OP                                  = 0x3
+	ANON_INODE_FS_MAGIC                         = 0x9041934
+	ARPHRD_6LOWPAN                              = 0x339
+	ARPHRD_ADAPT                                = 0x108
+	ARPHRD_APPLETLK                             = 0x8
+	ARPHRD_ARCNET                               = 0x7
+	ARPHRD_ASH                                  = 0x30d
+	ARPHRD_ATM                                  = 0x13
+	ARPHRD_AX25                                 = 0x3
+	ARPHRD_BIF                                  = 0x307
+	ARPHRD_CAIF                                 = 0x336
+	ARPHRD_CAN                                  = 0x118
+	ARPHRD_CHAOS                                = 0x5
+	ARPHRD_CISCO                                = 0x201
+	ARPHRD_CSLIP                                = 0x101
+	ARPHRD_CSLIP6                               = 0x103
+	ARPHRD_DDCMP                                = 0x205
+	ARPHRD_DLCI                                 = 0xf
+	ARPHRD_ECONET                               = 0x30e
+	ARPHRD_EETHER                               = 0x2
+	ARPHRD_ETHER                                = 0x1
+	ARPHRD_EUI64                                = 0x1b
+	ARPHRD_FCAL                                 = 0x311
+	ARPHRD_FCFABRIC                             = 0x313
+	ARPHRD_FCPL                                 = 0x312
+	ARPHRD_FCPP                                 = 0x310
+	ARPHRD_FDDI                                 = 0x306
+	ARPHRD_FRAD                                 = 0x302
+	ARPHRD_HDLC                                 = 0x201
+	ARPHRD_HIPPI                                = 0x30c
+	ARPHRD_HWX25                                = 0x110
+	ARPHRD_IEEE1394                             = 0x18
+	ARPHRD_IEEE802                              = 0x6
+	ARPHRD_IEEE80211                            = 0x321
+	ARPHRD_IEEE80211_PRISM                      = 0x322
+	ARPHRD_IEEE80211_RADIOTAP                   = 0x323
+	ARPHRD_IEEE802154                           = 0x324
+	ARPHRD_IEEE802154_MONITOR                   = 0x325
+	ARPHRD_IEEE802_TR                           = 0x320
+	ARPHRD_INFINIBAND                           = 0x20
+	ARPHRD_IP6GRE                               = 0x337
+	ARPHRD_IPDDP                                = 0x309
+	ARPHRD_IPGRE                                = 0x30a
+	ARPHRD_IRDA                                 = 0x30f
+	ARPHRD_LAPB                                 = 0x204
+	ARPHRD_LOCALTLK                             = 0x305
+	ARPHRD_LOOPBACK                             = 0x304
+	ARPHRD_METRICOM                             = 0x17
+	ARPHRD_NETLINK                              = 0x338
+	ARPHRD_NETROM                               = 0x0
+	ARPHRD_NONE                                 = 0xfffe
+	ARPHRD_PHONET                               = 0x334
+	ARPHRD_PHONET_PIPE                          = 0x335
+	ARPHRD_PIMREG                               = 0x30b
+	ARPHRD_PPP                                  = 0x200
+	ARPHRD_PRONET                               = 0x4
+	ARPHRD_RAWHDLC                              = 0x206
+	ARPHRD_RAWIP                                = 0x207
+	ARPHRD_ROSE                                 = 0x10e
+	ARPHRD_RSRVD                                = 0x104
+	ARPHRD_SIT                                  = 0x308
+	ARPHRD_SKIP                                 = 0x303
+	ARPHRD_SLIP                                 = 0x100
+	ARPHRD_SLIP6                                = 0x102
+	ARPHRD_TUNNEL                               = 0x300
+	ARPHRD_TUNNEL6                              = 0x301
+	ARPHRD_VOID                                 = 0xffff
+	ARPHRD_VSOCKMON                             = 0x33a
+	ARPHRD_X25                                  = 0x10f
+	AUTOFS_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0x187
+	B0                                          = 0x0
+	B1000000                                    = 0x1008
+	B110                                        = 0x3
+	B115200                                     = 0x1002
+	B1152000                                    = 0x1009
+	B1200                                       = 0x9
+	B134                                        = 0x4
+	B150                                        = 0x5
+	B1500000                                    = 0x100a
+	B1800                                       = 0xa
+	B19200                                      = 0xe
+	B200                                        = 0x6
+	B2000000                                    = 0x100b
+	B230400                                     = 0x1003
+	B2400                                       = 0xb
+	B2500000                                    = 0x100c
+	B300                                        = 0x7
+	B3000000                                    = 0x100d
+	B3500000                                    = 0x100e
+	B38400                                      = 0xf
+	B4000000                                    = 0x100f
+	B460800                                     = 0x1004
+	B4800                                       = 0xc
+	B50                                         = 0x1
+	B500000                                     = 0x1005
+	B57600                                      = 0x1001
+	B576000                                     = 0x1006
+	B600                                        = 0x8
+	B75                                         = 0x2
+	B921600                                     = 0x1007
+	B9600                                       = 0xd
+	BALLOON_KVM_MAGIC                           = 0x13661366
+	BDEVFS_MAGIC                                = 0x62646576
+	BINDERFS_SUPER_MAGIC                        = 0x6c6f6f70
+	BINFMTFS_MAGIC                              = 0x42494e4d
+	BLKBSZGET                                   = 0x40041270
+	BLKBSZSET                                   = 0x80041271
+	BLKFLSBUF                                   = 0x20001261
+	BLKFRAGET                                   = 0x20001265
+	BLKFRASET                                   = 0x20001264
+	BLKGETSIZE                                  = 0x20001260
+	BLKGETSIZE64                                = 0x40041272
+	BLKPBSZGET                                  = 0x2000127b
+	BLKRAGET                                    = 0x20001263
+	BLKRASET                                    = 0x20001262
+	BLKROGET                                    = 0x2000125e
+	BLKROSET                                    = 0x2000125d
+	BLKRRPART                                   = 0x2000125f
+	BLKSECTGET                                  = 0x20001267
+	BLKSECTSET                                  = 0x20001266
+	BLKSSZGET                                   = 0x20001268
+	BOTHER                                      = 0x1000
+	BPF_A                                       = 0x10
+	BPF_ABS                                     = 0x20
+	BPF_ADD                                     = 0x0
+	BPF_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L2_MASK                  = 0xff
+	BPF_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L2_SHIFT                 = 0x38
+	BPF_ALU                                     = 0x4
+	BPF_ALU64                                   = 0x7
+	BPF_AND                                     = 0x50
+	BPF_ANY                                     = 0x0
+	BPF_ARSH                                    = 0xc0
+	BPF_B                                       = 0x10
+	BPF_BUILD_ID_SIZE                           = 0x14
+	BPF_CALL                                    = 0x80
+	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_MKNOD                         = 0x1
+	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_READ                          = 0x2
+	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_WRITE                         = 0x4
+	BPF_DEVCG_DEV_BLOCK                         = 0x1
+	BPF_DEVCG_DEV_CHAR                          = 0x2
+	BPF_DIV                                     = 0x30
+	BPF_DW                                      = 0x18
+	BPF_END                                     = 0xd0
+	BPF_EXIST                                   = 0x2
+	BPF_EXIT                                    = 0x90
+	BPF_FROM_BE                                 = 0x8
+	BPF_FROM_LE                                 = 0x0
+	BPF_FS_MAGIC                                = 0xcafe4a11
+	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L3_IPV4                = 0x2
+	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L3_IPV6                = 0x4
+	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L4_GRE                 = 0x8
+	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L4_UDP                 = 0x10
+	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_FIXED_GSO                    = 0x1
+	BPF_F_ALLOW_MULTI                           = 0x2
+	BPF_F_ALLOW_OVERRIDE                        = 0x1
+	BPF_F_ANY_ALIGNMENT                         = 0x2
+	BPF_F_CLONE                                 = 0x200
+	BPF_F_CTXLEN_MASK                           = 0xfffff00000000
+	BPF_F_CURRENT_CPU                           = 0xffffffff
+	BPF_F_CURRENT_NETNS                         = -0x1
+	BPF_F_DONT_FRAGMENT                         = 0x4
+	BPF_F_FAST_STACK_CMP                        = 0x200
+	BPF_F_HDR_FIELD_MASK                        = 0xf
+	BPF_F_INDEX_MASK                            = 0xffffffff
+	BPF_F_INGRESS                               = 0x1
+	BPF_F_INVALIDATE_HASH                       = 0x2
+	BPF_F_LOCK                                  = 0x4
+	BPF_F_MARK_ENFORCE                          = 0x40
+	BPF_F_MARK_MANGLED_0                        = 0x20
+	BPF_F_NO_COMMON_LRU                         = 0x2
+	BPF_F_NO_PREALLOC                           = 0x1
+	BPF_F_NUMA_NODE                             = 0x4
+	BPF_F_PSEUDO_HDR                            = 0x10
+	BPF_F_QUERY_EFFECTIVE                       = 0x1
+	BPF_F_RDONLY                                = 0x8
+	BPF_F_RDONLY_PROG                           = 0x80
+	BPF_F_RECOMPUTE_CSUM                        = 0x1
+	BPF_F_REUSE_STACKID                         = 0x400
+	BPF_F_SEQ_NUMBER                            = 0x8
+	BPF_F_SKIP_FIELD_MASK                       = 0xff
+	BPF_F_STACK_BUILD_ID                        = 0x20
+	BPF_F_STRICT_ALIGNMENT                      = 0x1
+	BPF_F_SYSCTL_BASE_NAME                      = 0x1
+	BPF_F_TEST_RND_HI32                         = 0x4
+	BPF_F_TEST_STATE_FREQ                       = 0x8
+	BPF_F_TUNINFO_IPV6                          = 0x1
+	BPF_F_USER_BUILD_ID                         = 0x800
+	BPF_F_USER_STACK                            = 0x100
+	BPF_F_WRONLY                                = 0x10
+	BPF_F_WRONLY_PROG                           = 0x100
+	BPF_F_ZERO_CSUM_TX                          = 0x2
+	BPF_F_ZERO_SEED                             = 0x40
+	BPF_H                                       = 0x8
+	BPF_IMM                                     = 0x0
+	BPF_IND                                     = 0x40
+	BPF_JA                                      = 0x0
+	BPF_JEQ                                     = 0x10
+	BPF_JGE                                     = 0x30
+	BPF_JGT                                     = 0x20
+	BPF_JLE                                     = 0xb0
+	BPF_JLT                                     = 0xa0
+	BPF_JMP                                     = 0x5
+	BPF_JMP32                                   = 0x6
+	BPF_JNE                                     = 0x50
+	BPF_JSET                                    = 0x40
+	BPF_JSGE                                    = 0x70
+	BPF_JSGT                                    = 0x60
+	BPF_JSLE                                    = 0xd0
+	BPF_JSLT                                    = 0xc0
+	BPF_K                                       = 0x0
+	BPF_LD                                      = 0x0
+	BPF_LDX                                     = 0x1
+	BPF_LEN                                     = 0x80
+	BPF_LL_OFF                                  = -0x200000
+	BPF_LSH                                     = 0x60
+	BPF_MAJOR_VERSION                           = 0x1
+	BPF_MAXINSNS                                = 0x1000
+	BPF_MEM                                     = 0x60
+	BPF_MEMWORDS                                = 0x10
+	BPF_MINOR_VERSION                           = 0x1
+	BPF_MISC                                    = 0x7
+	BPF_MOD                                     = 0x90
+	BPF_MOV                                     = 0xb0
+	BPF_MSH                                     = 0xa0
+	BPF_MUL                                     = 0x20
+	BPF_NEG                                     = 0x80
+	BPF_NET_OFF                                 = -0x100000
+	BPF_NOEXIST                                 = 0x1
+	BPF_OBJ_NAME_LEN                            = 0x10
+	BPF_OR                                      = 0x40
+	BPF_PSEUDO_CALL                             = 0x1
+	BPF_PSEUDO_MAP_FD                           = 0x1
+	BPF_PSEUDO_MAP_VALUE                        = 0x2
+	BPF_RET                                     = 0x6
+	BPF_RSH                                     = 0x70
+	BPF_SK_STORAGE_GET_F_CREATE                 = 0x1
+	BPF_SOCK_OPS_ALL_CB_FLAGS                   = 0xf
+	BPF_SOCK_OPS_RETRANS_CB_FLAG                = 0x2
+	BPF_SOCK_OPS_RTO_CB_FLAG                    = 0x1
+	BPF_SOCK_OPS_RTT_CB_FLAG                    = 0x8
+	BPF_SOCK_OPS_STATE_CB_FLAG                  = 0x4
+	BPF_ST                                      = 0x2
+	BPF_STX                                     = 0x3
+	BPF_SUB                                     = 0x10
+	BPF_TAG_SIZE                                = 0x8
+	BPF_TAX                                     = 0x0
+	BPF_TO_BE                                   = 0x8
+	BPF_TO_LE                                   = 0x0
+	BPF_TXA                                     = 0x80
+	BPF_W                                       = 0x0
+	BPF_X                                       = 0x8
+	BPF_XADD                                    = 0xc0
+	BPF_XOR                                     = 0xa0
+	BRKINT                                      = 0x2
+	BS0                                         = 0x0
+	BS1                                         = 0x2000
+	BSDLY                                       = 0x2000
+	BTRFS_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x9123683e
+	BTRFS_TEST_MAGIC                            = 0x73727279
+	CAN_BCM                                     = 0x2
+	CAN_EFF_FLAG                                = 0x80000000
+	CAN_EFF_ID_BITS                             = 0x1d
+	CAN_EFF_MASK                                = 0x1fffffff
+	CAN_ERR_FLAG                                = 0x20000000
+	CAN_ERR_MASK                                = 0x1fffffff
+	CAN_INV_FILTER                              = 0x20000000
+	CAN_ISOTP                                   = 0x6
+	CAN_J1939                                   = 0x7
+	CAN_MAX_DLC                                 = 0x8
+	CAN_MAX_DLEN                                = 0x8
+	CAN_MCNET                                   = 0x5
+	CAN_MTU                                     = 0x10
+	CAN_NPROTO                                  = 0x8
+	CAN_RAW                                     = 0x1
+	CAN_RAW_FILTER_MAX                          = 0x200
+	CAN_RTR_FLAG                                = 0x40000000
+	CAN_SFF_ID_BITS                             = 0xb
+	CAN_SFF_MASK                                = 0x7ff
+	CAN_TP16                                    = 0x3
+	CAN_TP20                                    = 0x4
+	CAP_AUDIT_CONTROL                           = 0x1e
+	CAP_AUDIT_READ                              = 0x25
+	CAP_AUDIT_WRITE                             = 0x1d
+	CAP_BLOCK_SUSPEND                           = 0x24
+	CAP_CHOWN                                   = 0x0
+	CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE                            = 0x1
+	CAP_DAC_READ_SEARCH                         = 0x2
+	CAP_FOWNER                                  = 0x3
+	CAP_FSETID                                  = 0x4
+	CAP_IPC_LOCK                                = 0xe
+	CAP_IPC_OWNER                               = 0xf
+	CAP_KILL                                    = 0x5
+	CAP_LAST_CAP                                = 0x25
+	CAP_LEASE                                   = 0x1c
+	CAP_LINUX_IMMUTABLE                         = 0x9
+	CAP_MAC_ADMIN                               = 0x21
+	CAP_MAC_OVERRIDE                            = 0x20
+	CAP_MKNOD                                   = 0x1b
+	CAP_NET_ADMIN                               = 0xc
+	CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE                        = 0xa
+	CAP_NET_BROADCAST                           = 0xb
+	CAP_NET_RAW                                 = 0xd
+	CAP_SETFCAP                                 = 0x1f
+	CAP_SETGID                                  = 0x6
+	CAP_SETPCAP                                 = 0x8
+	CAP_SETUID                                  = 0x7
+	CAP_SYSLOG                                  = 0x22
+	CAP_SYS_ADMIN                               = 0x15
+	CAP_SYS_BOOT                                = 0x16
+	CAP_SYS_CHROOT                              = 0x12
+	CAP_SYS_MODULE                              = 0x10
+	CAP_SYS_NICE                                = 0x17
+	CAP_SYS_PACCT                               = 0x14
+	CAP_SYS_PTRACE                              = 0x13
+	CAP_SYS_RAWIO                               = 0x11
+	CAP_SYS_RESOURCE                            = 0x18
+	CAP_SYS_TIME                                = 0x19
+	CAP_SYS_TTY_CONFIG                          = 0x1a
+	CAP_WAKE_ALARM                              = 0x23
+	CBAUD                                       = 0x100f
+	CBAUDEX                                     = 0x1000
+	CFLUSH                                      = 0xf
+	CGROUP2_SUPER_MAGIC                         = 0x63677270
+	CGROUP_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0x27e0eb
+	CIBAUD                                      = 0x100f0000
+	CLOCAL                                      = 0x800
+	CLOCK_BOOTTIME                              = 0x7
+	CLOCK_BOOTTIME_ALARM                        = 0x9
+	CLOCK_DEFAULT                               = 0x0
+	CLOCK_EXT                                   = 0x1
+	CLOCK_INT                                   = 0x2
+	CLOCK_MONOTONIC                             = 0x1
+	CLOCK_MONOTONIC_COARSE                      = 0x6
+	CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW                         = 0x4
+	CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID                    = 0x2
+	CLOCK_REALTIME                              = 0x0
+	CLOCK_REALTIME_ALARM                        = 0x8
+	CLOCK_REALTIME_COARSE                       = 0x5
+	CLOCK_TAI                                   = 0xb
+	CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID                     = 0x3
+	CLOCK_TXFROMRX                              = 0x4
+	CLOCK_TXINT                                 = 0x3
+	CLONE_ARGS_SIZE_VER0                        = 0x40
+	CLONE_CHILD_CLEARTID                        = 0x200000
+	CLONE_CHILD_SETTID                          = 0x1000000
+	CLONE_DETACHED                              = 0x400000
+	CLONE_FILES                                 = 0x400
+	CLONE_FS                                    = 0x200
+	CLONE_IO                                    = 0x80000000
+	CLONE_NEWCGROUP                             = 0x2000000
+	CLONE_NEWIPC                                = 0x8000000
+	CLONE_NEWNET                                = 0x40000000
+	CLONE_NEWNS                                 = 0x20000
+	CLONE_NEWPID                                = 0x20000000
+	CLONE_NEWUSER                               = 0x10000000
+	CLONE_NEWUTS                                = 0x4000000
+	CLONE_PARENT                                = 0x8000
+	CLONE_PARENT_SETTID                         = 0x100000
+	CLONE_PIDFD                                 = 0x1000
+	CLONE_PTRACE                                = 0x2000
+	CLONE_SETTLS                                = 0x80000
+	CLONE_SIGHAND                               = 0x800
+	CLONE_SYSVSEM                               = 0x40000
+	CLONE_THREAD                                = 0x10000
+	CLONE_UNTRACED                              = 0x800000
+	CLONE_VFORK                                 = 0x4000
+	CLONE_VM                                    = 0x100
+	CMSPAR                                      = 0x40000000
+	CODA_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0x73757245
+	CR0                                         = 0x0
+	CR1                                         = 0x200
+	CR2                                         = 0x400
+	CR3                                         = 0x600
+	CRAMFS_MAGIC                                = 0x28cd3d45
+	CRDLY                                       = 0x600
+	CREAD                                       = 0x80
+	CRTSCTS                                     = 0x80000000
+	CRYPTO_MAX_NAME                             = 0x40
+	CRYPTO_MSG_MAX                              = 0x15
+	CRYPTO_NR_MSGTYPES                          = 0x6
+	CRYPTO_REPORT_MAXSIZE                       = 0x160
+	CS5                                         = 0x0
+	CS6                                         = 0x10
+	CS7                                         = 0x20
+	CS8                                         = 0x30
+	CSIGNAL                                     = 0xff
+	CSIZE                                       = 0x30
+	CSTART                                      = 0x11
+	CSTATUS                                     = 0x0
+	CSTOP                                       = 0x13
+	CSTOPB                                      = 0x40
+	CSUSP                                       = 0x1a
+	DAXFS_MAGIC                                 = 0x64646178
+	DEBUGFS_MAGIC                               = 0x64626720
+	DEVLINK_CMD_ESWITCH_MODE_GET                = 0x1d
+	DEVLINK_CMD_ESWITCH_MODE_SET                = 0x1e
+	DEVLINK_GENL_MCGRP_CONFIG_NAME              = "config"
+	DEVLINK_GENL_NAME                           = "devlink"
+	DEVLINK_GENL_VERSION                        = 0x1
+	DEVPTS_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0x1cd1
+	DMA_BUF_MAGIC                               = 0x444d4142
+	DT_BLK                                      = 0x6
+	DT_CHR                                      = 0x2
+	DT_DIR                                      = 0x4
+	DT_FIFO                                     = 0x1
+	DT_LNK                                      = 0xa
+	DT_REG                                      = 0x8
+	DT_SOCK                                     = 0xc
+	DT_UNKNOWN                                  = 0x0
+	DT_WHT                                      = 0xe
+	ECHO                                        = 0x8
+	ECHOCTL                                     = 0x200
+	ECHOE                                       = 0x10
+	ECHOK                                       = 0x20
+	ECHOKE                                      = 0x800
+	ECHONL                                      = 0x40
+	ECHOPRT                                     = 0x400
+	ECRYPTFS_SUPER_MAGIC                        = 0xf15f
+	EFD_CLOEXEC                                 = 0x80000
+	EFD_NONBLOCK                                = 0x80
+	EFD_SEMAPHORE                               = 0x1
+	EFIVARFS_MAGIC                              = 0xde5e81e4
+	EFS_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x414a53
+	ENCODING_DEFAULT                            = 0x0
+	ENCODING_FM_MARK                            = 0x3
+	ENCODING_FM_SPACE                           = 0x4
+	ENCODING_MANCHESTER                         = 0x5
+	ENCODING_NRZ                                = 0x1
+	ENCODING_NRZI                               = 0x2
+	EPOLLERR                                    = 0x8
+	EPOLLET                                     = 0x80000000
+	EPOLLEXCLUSIVE                              = 0x10000000
+	EPOLLHUP                                    = 0x10
+	EPOLLIN                                     = 0x1
+	EPOLLMSG                                    = 0x400
+	EPOLLONESHOT                                = 0x40000000
+	EPOLLOUT                                    = 0x4
+	EPOLLPRI                                    = 0x2
+	EPOLLRDBAND                                 = 0x80
+	EPOLLRDHUP                                  = 0x2000
+	EPOLLRDNORM                                 = 0x40
+	EPOLLWAKEUP                                 = 0x20000000
+	EPOLLWRBAND                                 = 0x200
+	EPOLLWRNORM                                 = 0x100
+	EPOLL_CLOEXEC                               = 0x80000
+	EPOLL_CTL_ADD                               = 0x1
+	EPOLL_CTL_DEL                               = 0x2
+	EPOLL_CTL_MOD                               = 0x3
+	EROFS_SUPER_MAGIC_V1                        = 0xe0f5e1e2
+	ETH_P_1588                                  = 0x88f7
+	ETH_P_8021AD                                = 0x88a8
+	ETH_P_8021AH                                = 0x88e7
+	ETH_P_8021Q                                 = 0x8100
+	ETH_P_80221                                 = 0x8917
+	ETH_P_802_2                                 = 0x4
+	ETH_P_802_3                                 = 0x1
+	ETH_P_802_3_MIN                             = 0x600
+	ETH_P_802_EX1                               = 0x88b5
+	ETH_P_AARP                                  = 0x80f3
+	ETH_P_AF_IUCV                               = 0xfbfb
+	ETH_P_ALL                                   = 0x3
+	ETH_P_AOE                                   = 0x88a2
+	ETH_P_ARCNET                                = 0x1a
+	ETH_P_ARP                                   = 0x806
+	ETH_P_ATALK                                 = 0x809b
+	ETH_P_ATMFATE                               = 0x8884
+	ETH_P_ATMMPOA                               = 0x884c
+	ETH_P_AX25                                  = 0x2
+	ETH_P_BATMAN                                = 0x4305
+	ETH_P_BPQ                                   = 0x8ff
+	ETH_P_CAIF                                  = 0xf7
+	ETH_P_CAN                                   = 0xc
+	ETH_P_CANFD                                 = 0xd
+	ETH_P_CONTROL                               = 0x16
+	ETH_P_CUST                                  = 0x6006
+	ETH_P_DDCMP                                 = 0x6
+	ETH_P_DEC                                   = 0x6000
+	ETH_P_DIAG                                  = 0x6005
+	ETH_P_DNA_DL                                = 0x6001
+	ETH_P_DNA_RC                                = 0x6002
+	ETH_P_DNA_RT                                = 0x6003
+	ETH_P_DSA                                   = 0x1b
+	ETH_P_DSA_8021Q                             = 0xdadb
+	ETH_P_ECONET                                = 0x18
+	ETH_P_EDSA                                  = 0xdada
+	ETH_P_ERSPAN                                = 0x88be
+	ETH_P_ERSPAN2                               = 0x22eb
+	ETH_P_FCOE                                  = 0x8906
+	ETH_P_FIP                                   = 0x8914
+	ETH_P_HDLC                                  = 0x19
+	ETH_P_HSR                                   = 0x892f
+	ETH_P_IBOE                                  = 0x8915
+	ETH_P_IEEE802154                            = 0xf6
+	ETH_P_IEEEPUP                               = 0xa00
+	ETH_P_IEEEPUPAT                             = 0xa01
+	ETH_P_IFE                                   = 0xed3e
+	ETH_P_IP                                    = 0x800
+	ETH_P_IPV6                                  = 0x86dd
+	ETH_P_IPX                                   = 0x8137
+	ETH_P_IRDA                                  = 0x17
+	ETH_P_LAT                                   = 0x6004
+	ETH_P_LINK_CTL                              = 0x886c
+	ETH_P_LLDP                                  = 0x88cc
+	ETH_P_LOCALTALK                             = 0x9
+	ETH_P_LOOP                                  = 0x60
+	ETH_P_LOOPBACK                              = 0x9000
+	ETH_P_MACSEC                                = 0x88e5
+	ETH_P_MAP                                   = 0xf9
+	ETH_P_MOBITEX                               = 0x15
+	ETH_P_MPLS_MC                               = 0x8848
+	ETH_P_MPLS_UC                               = 0x8847
+	ETH_P_MVRP                                  = 0x88f5
+	ETH_P_NCSI                                  = 0x88f8
+	ETH_P_NSH                                   = 0x894f
+	ETH_P_PAE                                   = 0x888e
+	ETH_P_PAUSE                                 = 0x8808
+	ETH_P_PHONET                                = 0xf5
+	ETH_P_PPPTALK                               = 0x10
+	ETH_P_PPP_DISC                              = 0x8863
+	ETH_P_PPP_MP                                = 0x8
+	ETH_P_PPP_SES                               = 0x8864
+	ETH_P_PREAUTH                               = 0x88c7
+	ETH_P_PRP                                   = 0x88fb
+	ETH_P_PUP                                   = 0x200
+	ETH_P_PUPAT                                 = 0x201
+	ETH_P_QINQ1                                 = 0x9100
+	ETH_P_QINQ2                                 = 0x9200
+	ETH_P_QINQ3                                 = 0x9300
+	ETH_P_RARP                                  = 0x8035
+	ETH_P_SCA                                   = 0x6007
+	ETH_P_SLOW                                  = 0x8809
+	ETH_P_SNAP                                  = 0x5
+	ETH_P_TDLS                                  = 0x890d
+	ETH_P_TEB                                   = 0x6558
+	ETH_P_TIPC                                  = 0x88ca
+	ETH_P_TRAILER                               = 0x1c
+	ETH_P_TR_802_2                              = 0x11
+	ETH_P_TSN                                   = 0x22f0
+	ETH_P_WAN_PPP                               = 0x7
+	ETH_P_WCCP                                  = 0x883e
+	ETH_P_X25                                   = 0x805
+	ETH_P_XDSA                                  = 0xf8
+	EXABYTE_ENABLE_NEST                         = 0xf0
+	EXT2_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xef53
+	EXT3_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xef53
+	EXT4_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xef53
+	EXTA                                        = 0xe
+	EXTB                                        = 0xf
+	EXTPROC                                     = 0x10000
+	F2FS_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xf2f52010
+	FALLOC_FL_COLLAPSE_RANGE                    = 0x8
+	FALLOC_FL_INSERT_RANGE                      = 0x20
+	FALLOC_FL_KEEP_SIZE                         = 0x1
+	FALLOC_FL_NO_HIDE_STALE                     = 0x4
+	FALLOC_FL_PUNCH_HOLE                        = 0x2
+	FALLOC_FL_UNSHARE_RANGE                     = 0x40
+	FALLOC_FL_ZERO_RANGE                        = 0x10
+	FANOTIFY_METADATA_VERSION                   = 0x3
+	FAN_ACCESS                                  = 0x1
+	FAN_ACCESS_PERM                             = 0x20000
+	FAN_ALLOW                                   = 0x1
+	FAN_ALL_CLASS_BITS                          = 0xc
+	FAN_ALL_EVENTS                              = 0x3b
+	FAN_ALL_INIT_FLAGS                          = 0x3f
+	FAN_ALL_MARK_FLAGS                          = 0xff
+	FAN_ALL_OUTGOING_EVENTS                     = 0x3403b
+	FAN_ALL_PERM_EVENTS                         = 0x30000
+	FAN_ATTRIB                                  = 0x4
+	FAN_AUDIT                                   = 0x10
+	FAN_CLASS_CONTENT                           = 0x4
+	FAN_CLASS_NOTIF                             = 0x0
+	FAN_CLASS_PRE_CONTENT                       = 0x8
+	FAN_CLOEXEC                                 = 0x1
+	FAN_CLOSE                                   = 0x18
+	FAN_CLOSE_NOWRITE                           = 0x10
+	FAN_CLOSE_WRITE                             = 0x8
+	FAN_CREATE                                  = 0x100
+	FAN_DELETE                                  = 0x200
+	FAN_DELETE_SELF                             = 0x400
+	FAN_DENY                                    = 0x2
+	FAN_ENABLE_AUDIT                            = 0x40
+	FAN_EVENT_INFO_TYPE_FID                     = 0x1
+	FAN_EVENT_METADATA_LEN                      = 0x18
+	FAN_EVENT_ON_CHILD                          = 0x8000000
+	FAN_MARK_ADD                                = 0x1
+	FAN_MARK_DONT_FOLLOW                        = 0x4
+	FAN_MARK_FILESYSTEM                         = 0x100
+	FAN_MARK_FLUSH                              = 0x80
+	FAN_MARK_IGNORED_MASK                       = 0x20
+	FAN_MARK_IGNORED_SURV_MODIFY                = 0x40
+	FAN_MARK_INODE                              = 0x0
+	FAN_MARK_MOUNT                              = 0x10
+	FAN_MARK_ONLYDIR                            = 0x8
+	FAN_MARK_REMOVE                             = 0x2
+	FAN_MODIFY                                  = 0x2
+	FAN_MOVE                                    = 0xc0
+	FAN_MOVED_FROM                              = 0x40
+	FAN_MOVED_TO                                = 0x80
+	FAN_MOVE_SELF                               = 0x800
+	FAN_NOFD                                    = -0x1
+	FAN_NONBLOCK                                = 0x2
+	FAN_ONDIR                                   = 0x40000000
+	FAN_OPEN                                    = 0x20
+	FAN_OPEN_EXEC                               = 0x1000
+	FAN_OPEN_EXEC_PERM                          = 0x40000
+	FAN_OPEN_PERM                               = 0x10000
+	FAN_Q_OVERFLOW                              = 0x4000
+	FAN_REPORT_FID                              = 0x200
+	FAN_REPORT_TID                              = 0x100
+	FAN_UNLIMITED_MARKS                         = 0x20
+	FAN_UNLIMITED_QUEUE                         = 0x10
+	FD_CLOEXEC                                  = 0x1
+	FD_SETSIZE                                  = 0x400
+	FF0                                         = 0x0
+	FF1                                         = 0x8000
+	FFDLY                                       = 0x8000
+	FLUSHO                                      = 0x2000
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE                 = 0x8
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_DESC_PREFIX                     = "fscrypt:"
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_DESC_PREFIX_SIZE                = 0x8
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_IDENTIFIER_SIZE                 = 0x10
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_STATUS_ABSENT                   = 0x1
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_STATUS_PRESENT                  = 0x2
+	FSCRYPT_MAX_KEY_SIZE                        = 0x40
+	FSCRYPT_MODE_ADIANTUM                       = 0x9
+	FSCRYPT_MODE_AES_128_CBC                    = 0x5
+	FSCRYPT_MODE_AES_128_CTS                    = 0x6
+	FSCRYPT_MODE_AES_256_CTS                    = 0x4
+	FSCRYPT_MODE_AES_256_XTS                    = 0x1
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_16                 = 0x2
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_32                 = 0x3
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_4                  = 0x0
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_8                  = 0x1
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_MASK               = 0x3
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_VALID                  = 0x7
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_V1                           = 0x0
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_V2                           = 0x2
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_ADIANTUM                 = 0x9
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_128_CBC              = 0x5
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_128_CTS              = 0x6
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_CBC              = 0x3
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_CTS              = 0x4
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_GCM              = 0x2
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_XTS              = 0x1
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_INVALID                  = 0x0
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_SPECK128_256_CTS         = 0x8
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_SPECK128_256_XTS         = 0x7
+	FS_IOC_ADD_ENCRYPTION_KEY                   = 0xc0506617
+	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_KEY_STATUS            = 0xc080661a
+	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY                = 0x800c6615
+	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY_EX             = 0xc0096616
+	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_PWSALT                = 0x80106614
+	FS_IOC_REMOVE_ENCRYPTION_KEY                = 0xc0406618
+	FS_IOC_SET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY                = 0x400c6613
+	FS_KEY_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE                      = 0x8
+	FS_KEY_DESC_PREFIX                          = "fscrypt:"
+	FS_KEY_DESC_PREFIX_SIZE                     = 0x8
+	FS_MAX_KEY_SIZE                             = 0x40
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_16                      = 0x2
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_32                      = 0x3
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_4                       = 0x0
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_8                       = 0x1
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_MASK                    = 0x3
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_VALID                       = 0x7
+	FUTEXFS_SUPER_MAGIC                         = 0xbad1dea
+	F_ADD_SEALS                                 = 0x409
+	F_DUPFD                                     = 0x0
+	F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC                             = 0x406
+	F_EXLCK                                     = 0x4
+	F_GETFD                                     = 0x1
+	F_GETFL                                     = 0x3
+	F_GETLEASE                                  = 0x401
+	F_GETLK                                     = 0x21
+	F_GETLK64                                   = 0x21
+	F_GETOWN                                    = 0x17
+	F_GETOWN_EX                                 = 0x10
+	F_GETPIPE_SZ                                = 0x408
+	F_GETSIG                                    = 0xb
+	F_GET_FILE_RW_HINT                          = 0x40d
+	F_GET_RW_HINT                               = 0x40b
+	F_GET_SEALS                                 = 0x40a
+	F_LOCK                                      = 0x1
+	F_NOTIFY                                    = 0x402
+	F_OFD_GETLK                                 = 0x24
+	F_OFD_SETLK                                 = 0x25
+	F_OFD_SETLKW                                = 0x26
+	F_OK                                        = 0x0
+	F_RDLCK                                     = 0x0
+	F_SEAL_FUTURE_WRITE                         = 0x10
+	F_SEAL_GROW                                 = 0x4
+	F_SEAL_SEAL                                 = 0x1
+	F_SEAL_SHRINK                               = 0x2
+	F_SEAL_WRITE                                = 0x8
+	F_SETFD                                     = 0x2
+	F_SETFL                                     = 0x4
+	F_SETLEASE                                  = 0x400
+	F_SETLK                                     = 0x22
+	F_SETLK64                                   = 0x22
+	F_SETLKW                                    = 0x23
+	F_SETLKW64                                  = 0x23
+	F_SETOWN                                    = 0x18
+	F_SETOWN_EX                                 = 0xf
+	F_SETPIPE_SZ                                = 0x407
+	F_SETSIG                                    = 0xa
+	F_SET_FILE_RW_HINT                          = 0x40e
+	F_SET_RW_HINT                               = 0x40c
+	F_SHLCK                                     = 0x8
+	F_TEST                                      = 0x3
+	F_TLOCK                                     = 0x2
+	F_ULOCK                                     = 0x0
+	F_UNLCK                                     = 0x2
+	F_WRLCK                                     = 0x1
+	GENL_ADMIN_PERM                             = 0x1
+	GENL_CMD_CAP_DO                             = 0x2
+	GENL_CMD_CAP_DUMP                           = 0x4
+	GENL_CMD_CAP_HASPOL                         = 0x8
+	GENL_HDRLEN                                 = 0x4
+	GENL_ID_CTRL                                = 0x10
+	GENL_ID_PMCRAID                             = 0x12
+	GENL_ID_VFS_DQUOT                           = 0x11
+	GENL_MAX_ID                                 = 0x3ff
+	GENL_MIN_ID                                 = 0x10
+	GENL_NAMSIZ                                 = 0x10
+	GENL_START_ALLOC                            = 0x13
+	GENL_UNS_ADMIN_PERM                         = 0x10
+	GRND_NONBLOCK                               = 0x1
+	GRND_RANDOM                                 = 0x2
+	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD                              = 0x31f
+	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD_AEB                          = 0x31e
+	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD_HDR_SIZE                     = 0x4
+	HDIO_DRIVE_HOB_HDR_SIZE                     = 0x8
+	HDIO_DRIVE_RESET                            = 0x31c
+	HDIO_DRIVE_TASK                             = 0x31e
+	HDIO_DRIVE_TASKFILE                         = 0x31d
+	HDIO_DRIVE_TASK_HDR_SIZE                    = 0x8
+	HDIO_GETGEO                                 = 0x301
+	HDIO_GET_32BIT                              = 0x309
+	HDIO_GET_ACOUSTIC                           = 0x30f
+	HDIO_GET_ADDRESS                            = 0x310
+	HDIO_GET_BUSSTATE                           = 0x31a
+	HDIO_GET_DMA                                = 0x30b
+	HDIO_GET_IDENTITY                           = 0x30d
+	HDIO_GET_KEEPSETTINGS                       = 0x308
+	HDIO_GET_MULTCOUNT                          = 0x304
+	HDIO_GET_NICE                               = 0x30c
+	HDIO_GET_NOWERR                             = 0x30a
+	HDIO_GET_QDMA                               = 0x305
+	HDIO_GET_UNMASKINTR                         = 0x302
+	HDIO_GET_WCACHE                             = 0x30e
+	HDIO_OBSOLETE_IDENTITY                      = 0x307
+	HDIO_SCAN_HWIF                              = 0x328
+	HDIO_SET_32BIT                              = 0x324
+	HDIO_SET_ACOUSTIC                           = 0x32c
+	HDIO_SET_ADDRESS                            = 0x32f
+	HDIO_SET_BUSSTATE                           = 0x32d
+	HDIO_SET_DMA                                = 0x326
+	HDIO_SET_KEEPSETTINGS                       = 0x323
+	HDIO_SET_MULTCOUNT                          = 0x321
+	HDIO_SET_NICE                               = 0x329
+	HDIO_SET_NOWERR                             = 0x325
+	HDIO_SET_PIO_MODE                           = 0x327
+	HDIO_SET_QDMA                               = 0x32e
+	HDIO_SET_UNMASKINTR                         = 0x322
+	HDIO_SET_WCACHE                             = 0x32b
+	HDIO_SET_XFER                               = 0x306
+	HDIO_TRISTATE_HWIF                          = 0x31b
+	HDIO_UNREGISTER_HWIF                        = 0x32a
+	HOSTFS_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0xc0ffee
+	HPFS_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xf995e849
+	HUGETLBFS_MAGIC                             = 0x958458f6
+	HUPCL                                       = 0x400
+	IBSHIFT                                     = 0x10
+	ICANON                                      = 0x2
+	ICMPV6_FILTER                               = 0x1
+	ICRNL                                       = 0x100
+	IEXTEN                                      = 0x100
+	IFA_F_DADFAILED                             = 0x8
+	IFA_F_DEPRECATED                            = 0x20
+	IFA_F_HOMEADDRESS                           = 0x10
+	IFA_F_MANAGETEMPADDR                        = 0x100
+	IFA_F_MCAUTOJOIN                            = 0x400
+	IFA_F_NODAD                                 = 0x2
+	IFA_F_NOPREFIXROUTE                         = 0x200
+	IFA_F_OPTIMISTIC                            = 0x4
+	IFA_F_PERMANENT                             = 0x80
+	IFA_F_SECONDARY                             = 0x1
+	IFA_F_STABLE_PRIVACY                        = 0x800
+	IFA_F_TEMPORARY                             = 0x1
+	IFA_F_TENTATIVE                             = 0x40
+	IFA_MAX                                     = 0xa
+	IFF_ALLMULTI                                = 0x200
+	IFF_ATTACH_QUEUE                            = 0x200
+	IFF_AUTOMEDIA                               = 0x4000
+	IFF_BROADCAST                               = 0x2
+	IFF_DEBUG                                   = 0x4
+	IFF_DETACH_QUEUE                            = 0x400
+	IFF_DORMANT                                 = 0x20000
+	IFF_DYNAMIC                                 = 0x8000
+	IFF_ECHO                                    = 0x40000
+	IFF_LOOPBACK                                = 0x8
+	IFF_LOWER_UP                                = 0x10000
+	IFF_MASTER                                  = 0x400
+	IFF_MULTICAST                               = 0x1000
+	IFF_MULTI_QUEUE                             = 0x100
+	IFF_NAPI                                    = 0x10
+	IFF_NAPI_FRAGS                              = 0x20
+	IFF_NOARP                                   = 0x80
+	IFF_NOFILTER                                = 0x1000
+	IFF_NOTRAILERS                              = 0x20
+	IFF_NO_PI                                   = 0x1000
+	IFF_ONE_QUEUE                               = 0x2000
+	IFF_PERSIST                                 = 0x800
+	IFF_POINTOPOINT                             = 0x10
+	IFF_PORTSEL                                 = 0x2000
+	IFF_PROMISC                                 = 0x100
+	IFF_RUNNING                                 = 0x40
+	IFF_SLAVE                                   = 0x800
+	IFF_TAP                                     = 0x2
+	IFF_TUN                                     = 0x1
+	IFF_TUN_EXCL                                = 0x8000
+	IFF_UP                                      = 0x1
+	IFF_VNET_HDR                                = 0x4000
+	IFF_VOLATILE                                = 0x70c5a
+	IFNAMSIZ                                    = 0x10
+	IGNBRK                                      = 0x1
+	IGNCR                                       = 0x80
+	IGNPAR                                      = 0x4
+	IMAXBEL                                     = 0x2000
+	INLCR                                       = 0x40
+	INPCK                                       = 0x10
+	IN_ACCESS                                   = 0x1
+	IN_ALL_EVENTS                               = 0xfff
+	IN_ATTRIB                                   = 0x4
+	IN_CLASSA_HOST                              = 0xffffff
+	IN_CLASSA_MAX                               = 0x80
+	IN_CLASSA_NET                               = 0xff000000
+	IN_CLASSA_NSHIFT                            = 0x18
+	IN_CLASSB_HOST                              = 0xffff
+	IN_CLASSB_MAX                               = 0x10000
+	IN_CLASSB_NET                               = 0xffff0000
+	IN_CLASSB_NSHIFT                            = 0x10
+	IN_CLASSC_HOST                              = 0xff
+	IN_CLASSC_NET                               = 0xffffff00
+	IN_CLASSC_NSHIFT                            = 0x8
+	IN_CLOEXEC                                  = 0x80000
+	IN_CLOSE                                    = 0x18
+	IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE                            = 0x10
+	IN_CLOSE_WRITE                              = 0x8
+	IN_CREATE                                   = 0x100
+	IN_DELETE                                   = 0x200
+	IN_DELETE_SELF                              = 0x400
+	IN_DONT_FOLLOW                              = 0x2000000
+	IN_EXCL_UNLINK                              = 0x4000000
+	IN_IGNORED                                  = 0x8000
+	IN_ISDIR                                    = 0x40000000
+	IN_LOOPBACKNET                              = 0x7f
+	IN_MASK_ADD                                 = 0x20000000
+	IN_MASK_CREATE                              = 0x10000000
+	IN_MODIFY                                   = 0x2
+	IN_MOVE                                     = 0xc0
+	IN_MOVED_FROM                               = 0x40
+	IN_MOVED_TO                                 = 0x80
+	IN_MOVE_SELF                                = 0x800
+	IN_NONBLOCK                                 = 0x80
+	IN_ONESHOT                                  = 0x80000000
+	IN_ONLYDIR                                  = 0x1000000
+	IN_OPEN                                     = 0x20
+	IN_Q_OVERFLOW                               = 0x4000
+	IN_UNMOUNT                                  = 0x2000
+	IOCTL_VM_SOCKETS_GET_LOCAL_CID              = 0x200007b9
+	IPPROTO_AH                                  = 0x33
+	IPPROTO_BEETPH                              = 0x5e
+	IPPROTO_COMP                                = 0x6c
+	IPPROTO_DCCP                                = 0x21
+	IPPROTO_DSTOPTS                             = 0x3c
+	IPPROTO_EGP                                 = 0x8
+	IPPROTO_ENCAP                               = 0x62
+	IPPROTO_ESP                                 = 0x32
+	IPPROTO_FRAGMENT                            = 0x2c
+	IPPROTO_GRE                                 = 0x2f
+	IPPROTO_HOPOPTS                             = 0x0
+	IPPROTO_ICMP                                = 0x1
+	IPPROTO_ICMPV6                              = 0x3a
+	IPPROTO_IDP                                 = 0x16
+	IPPROTO_IGMP                                = 0x2
+	IPPROTO_IP                                  = 0x0
+	IPPROTO_IPIP                                = 0x4
+	IPPROTO_IPV6                                = 0x29
+	IPPROTO_MH                                  = 0x87
+	IPPROTO_MPLS                                = 0x89
+	IPPROTO_MTP                                 = 0x5c
+	IPPROTO_NONE                                = 0x3b
+	IPPROTO_PIM                                 = 0x67
+	IPPROTO_PUP                                 = 0xc
+	IPPROTO_RAW                                 = 0xff
+	IPPROTO_ROUTING                             = 0x2b
+	IPPROTO_RSVP                                = 0x2e
+	IPPROTO_SCTP                                = 0x84
+	IPPROTO_TCP                                 = 0x6
+	IPPROTO_TP                                  = 0x1d
+	IPPROTO_UDP                                 = 0x11
+	IPPROTO_UDPLITE                             = 0x88
+	IPV6_2292DSTOPTS                            = 0x4
+	IPV6_2292HOPLIMIT                           = 0x8
+	IPV6_2292HOPOPTS                            = 0x3
+	IPV6_2292PKTINFO                            = 0x2
+	IPV6_2292PKTOPTIONS                         = 0x6
+	IPV6_2292RTHDR                              = 0x5
+	IPV6_ADDRFORM                               = 0x1
+	IPV6_ADDR_PREFERENCES                       = 0x48
+	IPV6_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                         = 0x14
+	IPV6_AUTHHDR                                = 0xa
+	IPV6_AUTOFLOWLABEL                          = 0x46
+	IPV6_CHECKSUM                               = 0x7
+	IPV6_DONTFRAG                               = 0x3e
+	IPV6_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                        = 0x15
+	IPV6_DSTOPTS                                = 0x3b
+	IPV6_FREEBIND                               = 0x4e
+	IPV6_HDRINCL                                = 0x24
+	IPV6_HOPLIMIT                               = 0x34
+	IPV6_HOPOPTS                                = 0x36
+	IPV6_IPSEC_POLICY                           = 0x22
+	IPV6_JOIN_ANYCAST                           = 0x1b
+	IPV6_JOIN_GROUP                             = 0x14
+	IPV6_LEAVE_ANYCAST                          = 0x1c
+	IPV6_LEAVE_GROUP                            = 0x15
+	IPV6_MINHOPCOUNT                            = 0x49
+	IPV6_MTU                                    = 0x18
+	IPV6_MTU_DISCOVER                           = 0x17
+	IPV6_MULTICAST_ALL                          = 0x1d
+	IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS                         = 0x12
+	IPV6_MULTICAST_IF                           = 0x11
+	IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP                         = 0x13
+	IPV6_NEXTHOP                                = 0x9
+	IPV6_ORIGDSTADDR                            = 0x4a
+	IPV6_PATHMTU                                = 0x3d
+	IPV6_PKTINFO                                = 0x32
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_DO                            = 0x2
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_DONT                          = 0x0
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_INTERFACE                     = 0x4
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_OMIT                          = 0x5
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_PROBE                         = 0x3
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_WANT                          = 0x1
+	IPV6_RECVDSTOPTS                            = 0x3a
+	IPV6_RECVERR                                = 0x19
+	IPV6_RECVFRAGSIZE                           = 0x4d
+	IPV6_RECVHOPLIMIT                           = 0x33
+	IPV6_RECVHOPOPTS                            = 0x35
+	IPV6_RECVORIGDSTADDR                        = 0x4a
+	IPV6_RECVPATHMTU                            = 0x3c
+	IPV6_RECVPKTINFO                            = 0x31
+	IPV6_RECVRTHDR                              = 0x38
+	IPV6_RECVTCLASS                             = 0x42
+	IPV6_ROUTER_ALERT                           = 0x16
+	IPV6_ROUTER_ALERT_ISOLATE                   = 0x1e
+	IPV6_RTHDR                                  = 0x39
+	IPV6_RTHDRDSTOPTS                           = 0x37
+	IPV6_RTHDR_LOOSE                            = 0x0
+	IPV6_RTHDR_STRICT                           = 0x1
+	IPV6_RTHDR_TYPE_0                           = 0x0
+	IPV6_RXDSTOPTS                              = 0x3b
+	IPV6_RXHOPOPTS                              = 0x36
+	IPV6_TCLASS                                 = 0x43
+	IPV6_TRANSPARENT                            = 0x4b
+	IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS                           = 0x10
+	IPV6_UNICAST_IF                             = 0x4c
+	IPV6_V6ONLY                                 = 0x1a
+	IPV6_XFRM_POLICY                            = 0x23
+	IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                           = 0x23
+	IP_ADD_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP                    = 0x27
+	IP_BIND_ADDRESS_NO_PORT                     = 0x18
+	IP_BLOCK_SOURCE                             = 0x26
+	IP_CHECKSUM                                 = 0x17
+	IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_LOOP                   = 0x1
+	IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_TTL                    = 0x1
+	IP_DF                                       = 0x4000
+	IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                          = 0x24
+	IP_DROP_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP                   = 0x28
+	IP_FREEBIND                                 = 0xf
+	IP_HDRINCL                                  = 0x3
+	IP_IPSEC_POLICY                             = 0x10
+	IP_MAXPACKET                                = 0xffff
+	IP_MAX_MEMBERSHIPS                          = 0x14
+	IP_MF                                       = 0x2000
+	IP_MINTTL                                   = 0x15
+	IP_MSFILTER                                 = 0x29
+	IP_MSS                                      = 0x240
+	IP_MTU                                      = 0xe
+	IP_MTU_DISCOVER                             = 0xa
+	IP_MULTICAST_ALL                            = 0x31
+	IP_MULTICAST_IF                             = 0x20
+	IP_MULTICAST_LOOP                           = 0x22
+	IP_MULTICAST_TTL                            = 0x21
+	IP_NODEFRAG                                 = 0x16
+	IP_OFFMASK                                  = 0x1fff
+	IP_OPTIONS                                  = 0x4
+	IP_ORIGDSTADDR                              = 0x14
+	IP_PASSSEC                                  = 0x12
+	IP_PKTINFO                                  = 0x8
+	IP_PKTOPTIONS                               = 0x9
+	IP_PMTUDISC                                 = 0xa
+	IP_PMTUDISC_DO                              = 0x2
+	IP_PMTUDISC_DONT                            = 0x0
+	IP_PMTUDISC_INTERFACE                       = 0x4
+	IP_PMTUDISC_OMIT                            = 0x5
+	IP_PMTUDISC_PROBE                           = 0x3
+	IP_PMTUDISC_WANT                            = 0x1
+	IP_RECVERR                                  = 0xb
+	IP_RECVFRAGSIZE                             = 0x19
+	IP_RECVOPTS                                 = 0x6
+	IP_RECVORIGDSTADDR                          = 0x14
+	IP_RECVRETOPTS                              = 0x7
+	IP_RECVTOS                                  = 0xd
+	IP_RECVTTL                                  = 0xc
+	IP_RETOPTS                                  = 0x7
+	IP_RF                                       = 0x8000
+	IP_ROUTER_ALERT                             = 0x5
+	IP_TOS                                      = 0x1
+	IP_TRANSPARENT                              = 0x13
+	IP_TTL                                      = 0x2
+	IP_UNBLOCK_SOURCE                           = 0x25
+	IP_UNICAST_IF                               = 0x32
+	IP_XFRM_POLICY                              = 0x11
+	ISIG                                        = 0x1
+	ISOFS_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x9660
+	ISTRIP                                      = 0x20
+	IUCLC                                       = 0x200
+	IUTF8                                       = 0x4000
+	IXANY                                       = 0x800
+	IXOFF                                       = 0x1000
+	IXON                                        = 0x400
+	JFFS2_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x72b6
+	KEXEC_ARCH_386                              = 0x30000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_68K                              = 0x40000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_AARCH64                          = 0xb70000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_ARM                              = 0x280000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_DEFAULT                          = 0x0
+	KEXEC_ARCH_IA_64                            = 0x320000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_MASK                             = 0xffff0000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_MIPS                             = 0x80000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_MIPS_LE                          = 0xa0000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_PARISC                           = 0xf0000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_PPC                              = 0x140000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_PPC64                            = 0x150000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_S390                             = 0x160000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_SH                               = 0x2a0000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_X86_64                           = 0x3e0000
+	KEXEC_FILE_NO_INITRAMFS                     = 0x4
+	KEXEC_FILE_ON_CRASH                         = 0x2
+	KEXEC_FILE_UNLOAD                           = 0x1
+	KEXEC_ON_CRASH                              = 0x1
+	KEXEC_PRESERVE_CONTEXT                      = 0x2
+	KEXEC_SEGMENT_MAX                           = 0x10
+	KEYCTL_ASSUME_AUTHORITY                     = 0x10
+	KEYCTL_CAPABILITIES                         = 0x1f
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_BIG_KEY                        = 0x10
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_CAPABILITIES                   = 0x1
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_DIFFIE_HELLMAN                 = 0x4
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_INVALIDATE                     = 0x20
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_MOVE                           = 0x80
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_PUBLIC_KEY                     = 0x8
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_RESTRICT_KEYRING               = 0x40
+	KEYCTL_CAPS1_NS_KEYRING_NAME                = 0x1
+	KEYCTL_CAPS1_NS_KEY_TAG                     = 0x2
+	KEYCTL_CHOWN                                = 0x4
+	KEYCTL_CLEAR                                = 0x7
+	KEYCTL_DESCRIBE                             = 0x6
+	KEYCTL_DH_COMPUTE                           = 0x17
+	KEYCTL_GET_KEYRING_ID                       = 0x0
+	KEYCTL_GET_PERSISTENT                       = 0x16
+	KEYCTL_GET_SECURITY                         = 0x11
+	KEYCTL_INSTANTIATE                          = 0xc
+	KEYCTL_INSTANTIATE_IOV                      = 0x14
+	KEYCTL_INVALIDATE                           = 0x15
+	KEYCTL_JOIN_SESSION_KEYRING                 = 0x1
+	KEYCTL_LINK                                 = 0x8
+	KEYCTL_MOVE                                 = 0x1e
+	KEYCTL_MOVE_EXCL                            = 0x1
+	KEYCTL_NEGATE                               = 0xd
+	KEYCTL_PKEY_DECRYPT                         = 0x1a
+	KEYCTL_PKEY_ENCRYPT                         = 0x19
+	KEYCTL_PKEY_QUERY                           = 0x18
+	KEYCTL_PKEY_SIGN                            = 0x1b
+	KEYCTL_PKEY_VERIFY                          = 0x1c
+	KEYCTL_READ                                 = 0xb
+	KEYCTL_REJECT                               = 0x13
+	KEYCTL_RESTRICT_KEYRING                     = 0x1d
+	KEYCTL_REVOKE                               = 0x3
+	KEYCTL_SEARCH                               = 0xa
+	KEYCTL_SESSION_TO_PARENT                    = 0x12
+	KEYCTL_SETPERM                              = 0x5
+	KEYCTL_SET_REQKEY_KEYRING                   = 0xe
+	KEYCTL_SET_TIMEOUT                          = 0xf
+	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_DECRYPT                     = 0x2
+	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_ENCRYPT                     = 0x1
+	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_SIGN                        = 0x4
+	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_VERIFY                      = 0x8
+	KEYCTL_UNLINK                               = 0x9
+	KEYCTL_UPDATE                               = 0x2
+	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_DEFAULT                     = 0x0
+	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_GROUP_KEYRING               = 0x6
+	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_NO_CHANGE                   = -0x1
+	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_USER_KEYRING                = 0x4
+	KEY_SPEC_GROUP_KEYRING                      = -0x6
+	KEY_SPEC_PROCESS_KEYRING                    = -0x2
+	KEY_SPEC_REQKEY_AUTH_KEY                    = -0x7
+	KEY_SPEC_REQUESTOR_KEYRING                  = -0x8
+	KEY_SPEC_SESSION_KEYRING                    = -0x3
+	KEY_SPEC_THREAD_KEYRING                     = -0x1
+	KEY_SPEC_USER_KEYRING                       = -0x4
+	KEY_SPEC_USER_SESSION_KEYRING               = -0x5
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_CAD_OFF                    = 0x0
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_CAD_ON                     = 0x89abcdef
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_HALT                       = 0xcdef0123
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_KEXEC                      = 0x45584543
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_POWER_OFF                  = 0x4321fedc
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_RESTART                    = 0x1234567
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_RESTART2                   = 0xa1b2c3d4
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_SW_SUSPEND                 = 0xd000fce2
+	LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC1                         = 0xfee1dead
+	LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC2                         = 0x28121969
+	LOCK_EX                                     = 0x2
+	LOCK_NB                                     = 0x4
+	LOCK_SH                                     = 0x1
+	LOCK_UN                                     = 0x8
+	LOOP_CLR_FD                                 = 0x4c01
+	LOOP_CTL_ADD                                = 0x4c80
+	LOOP_CTL_GET_FREE                           = 0x4c82
+	LOOP_CTL_REMOVE                             = 0x4c81
+	LOOP_GET_STATUS                             = 0x4c03
+	LOOP_GET_STATUS64                           = 0x4c05
+	LOOP_SET_BLOCK_SIZE                         = 0x4c09
+	LOOP_SET_CAPACITY                           = 0x4c07
+	LOOP_SET_DIRECT_IO                          = 0x4c08
+	LOOP_SET_FD                                 = 0x4c00
+	LOOP_SET_STATUS                             = 0x4c02
+	LOOP_SET_STATUS64                           = 0x4c04
+	LO_KEY_SIZE                                 = 0x20
+	LO_NAME_SIZE                                = 0x40
+	MADV_DODUMP                                 = 0x11
+	MADV_DOFORK                                 = 0xb
+	MADV_DONTDUMP                               = 0x10
+	MADV_DONTFORK                               = 0xa
+	MADV_DONTNEED                               = 0x4
+	MADV_FREE                                   = 0x8
+	MADV_HUGEPAGE                               = 0xe
+	MADV_HWPOISON                               = 0x64
+	MADV_KEEPONFORK                             = 0x13
+	MADV_MERGEABLE                              = 0xc
+	MADV_NOHUGEPAGE                             = 0xf
+	MADV_NORMAL                                 = 0x0
+	MADV_RANDOM                                 = 0x1
+	MADV_REMOVE                                 = 0x9
+	MADV_SEQUENTIAL                             = 0x2
+	MADV_UNMERGEABLE                            = 0xd
+	MADV_WILLNEED                               = 0x3
+	MADV_WIPEONFORK                             = 0x12
+	MAP_ANON                                    = 0x800
+	MAP_ANONYMOUS                               = 0x800
+	MAP_DENYWRITE                               = 0x2000
+	MAP_EXECUTABLE                              = 0x4000
+	MAP_FILE                                    = 0x0
+	MAP_FIXED                                   = 0x10
+	MAP_FIXED_NOREPLACE                         = 0x100000
+	MAP_GROWSDOWN                               = 0x1000
+	MAP_HUGETLB                                 = 0x80000
+	MAP_HUGE_MASK                               = 0x3f
+	MAP_HUGE_SHIFT                              = 0x1a
+	MAP_LOCKED                                  = 0x8000
+	MAP_NONBLOCK                                = 0x20000
+	MAP_NORESERVE                               = 0x400
+	MAP_POPULATE                                = 0x10000
+	MAP_PRIVATE                                 = 0x2
+	MAP_RENAME                                  = 0x800
+	MAP_SHARED                                  = 0x1
+	MAP_SHARED_VALIDATE                         = 0x3
+	MAP_STACK                                   = 0x40000
+	MAP_TYPE                                    = 0xf
+	MCAST_BLOCK_SOURCE                          = 0x2b
+	MCAST_EXCLUDE                               = 0x0
+	MCAST_INCLUDE                               = 0x1
+	MCAST_JOIN_GROUP                            = 0x2a
+	MCAST_JOIN_SOURCE_GROUP                     = 0x2e
+	MCAST_LEAVE_GROUP                           = 0x2d
+	MCAST_LEAVE_SOURCE_GROUP                    = 0x2f
+	MCAST_MSFILTER                              = 0x30
+	MCAST_UNBLOCK_SOURCE                        = 0x2c
+	MCL_CURRENT                                 = 0x1
+	MCL_FUTURE                                  = 0x2
+	MCL_ONFAULT                                 = 0x4
+	MFD_ALLOW_SEALING                           = 0x2
+	MFD_CLOEXEC                                 = 0x1
+	MFD_HUGETLB                                 = 0x4
+	MFD_HUGE_16GB                               = -0x78000000
+	MFD_HUGE_16MB                               = 0x60000000
+	MFD_HUGE_1GB                                = 0x78000000
+	MFD_HUGE_1MB                                = 0x50000000
+	MFD_HUGE_256MB                              = 0x70000000
+	MFD_HUGE_2GB                                = 0x7c000000
+	MFD_HUGE_2MB                                = 0x54000000
+	MFD_HUGE_32MB                               = 0x64000000
+	MFD_HUGE_512KB                              = 0x4c000000
+	MFD_HUGE_512MB                              = 0x74000000
+	MFD_HUGE_64KB                               = 0x40000000
+	MFD_HUGE_8MB                                = 0x5c000000
+	MFD_HUGE_MASK                               = 0x3f
+	MFD_HUGE_SHIFT                              = 0x1a
+	MINIX2_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0x2468
+	MINIX2_SUPER_MAGIC2                         = 0x2478
+	MINIX3_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0x4d5a
+	MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x137f
+	MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC2                          = 0x138f
+	MNT_DETACH                                  = 0x2
+	MNT_EXPIRE                                  = 0x4
+	MNT_FORCE                                   = 0x1
+	MODULE_INIT_IGNORE_VERMAGIC                 = 0x2
+	MSDOS_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x4d44
+	MSG_BATCH                                   = 0x40000
+	MSG_CMSG_CLOEXEC                            = 0x40000000
+	MSG_CONFIRM                                 = 0x800
+	MSG_CTRUNC                                  = 0x8
+	MSG_DONTROUTE                               = 0x4
+	MSG_DONTWAIT                                = 0x40
+	MSG_EOR                                     = 0x80
+	MSG_ERRQUEUE                                = 0x2000
+	MSG_FASTOPEN                                = 0x20000000
+	MSG_FIN                                     = 0x200
+	MSG_MORE                                    = 0x8000
+	MSG_NOSIGNAL                                = 0x4000
+	MSG_OOB                                     = 0x1
+	MSG_PEEK                                    = 0x2
+	MSG_PROXY                                   = 0x10
+	MSG_RST                                     = 0x1000
+	MSG_SYN                                     = 0x400
+	MSG_TRUNC                                   = 0x20
+	MSG_TRYHARD                                 = 0x4
+	MSG_WAITALL                                 = 0x100
+	MSG_WAITFORONE                              = 0x10000
+	MSG_ZEROCOPY                                = 0x4000000
+	MS_ACTIVE                                   = 0x40000000
+	MS_ASYNC                                    = 0x1
+	MS_BIND                                     = 0x1000
+	MS_BORN                                     = 0x20000000
+	MS_DIRSYNC                                  = 0x80
+	MS_INVALIDATE                               = 0x2
+	MS_I_VERSION                                = 0x800000
+	MS_KERNMOUNT                                = 0x400000
+	MS_LAZYTIME                                 = 0x2000000
+	MS_MANDLOCK                                 = 0x40
+	MS_MGC_MSK                                  = 0xffff0000
+	MS_MGC_VAL                                  = 0xc0ed0000
+	MS_MOVE                                     = 0x2000
+	MS_NOATIME                                  = 0x400
+	MS_NODEV                                    = 0x4
+	MS_NODIRATIME                               = 0x800
+	MS_NOEXEC                                   = 0x8
+	MS_NOREMOTELOCK                             = 0x8000000
+	MS_NOSEC                                    = 0x10000000
+	MS_NOSUID                                   = 0x2
+	MS_NOUSER                                   = -0x80000000
+	MS_POSIXACL                                 = 0x10000
+	MS_PRIVATE                                  = 0x40000
+	MS_RDONLY                                   = 0x1
+	MS_REC                                      = 0x4000
+	MS_RELATIME                                 = 0x200000
+	MS_REMOUNT                                  = 0x20
+	MS_RMT_MASK                                 = 0x2800051
+	MS_SHARED                                   = 0x100000
+	MS_SILENT                                   = 0x8000
+	MS_SLAVE                                    = 0x80000
+	MS_STRICTATIME                              = 0x1000000
+	MS_SUBMOUNT                                 = 0x4000000
+	MS_SYNC                                     = 0x4
+	MS_SYNCHRONOUS                              = 0x10
+	MS_UNBINDABLE                               = 0x20000
+	MS_VERBOSE                                  = 0x8000
+	MTD_INODE_FS_MAGIC                          = 0x11307854
+	NAME_MAX                                    = 0xff
+	NCP_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x564c
+	NETLINK_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                      = 0x1
+	NETLINK_AUDIT                               = 0x9
+	NETLINK_BROADCAST_ERROR                     = 0x4
+	NETLINK_CAP_ACK                             = 0xa
+	NETLINK_CONNECTOR                           = 0xb
+	NETLINK_CRYPTO                              = 0x15
+	NETLINK_DNRTMSG                             = 0xe
+	NETLINK_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                     = 0x2
+	NETLINK_ECRYPTFS                            = 0x13
+	NETLINK_EXT_ACK                             = 0xb
+	NETLINK_FIB_LOOKUP                          = 0xa
+	NETLINK_FIREWALL                            = 0x3
+	NETLINK_GENERIC                             = 0x10
+	NETLINK_GET_STRICT_CHK                      = 0xc
+	NETLINK_INET_DIAG                           = 0x4
+	NETLINK_IP6_FW                              = 0xd
+	NETLINK_ISCSI                               = 0x8
+	NETLINK_KOBJECT_UEVENT                      = 0xf
+	NETLINK_LISTEN_ALL_NSID                     = 0x8
+	NETLINK_LIST_MEMBERSHIPS                    = 0x9
+	NETLINK_NETFILTER                           = 0xc
+	NETLINK_NFLOG                               = 0x5
+	NETLINK_NO_ENOBUFS                          = 0x5
+	NETLINK_PKTINFO                             = 0x3
+	NETLINK_RDMA                                = 0x14
+	NETLINK_ROUTE                               = 0x0
+	NETLINK_RX_RING                             = 0x6
+	NETLINK_SCSITRANSPORT                       = 0x12
+	NETLINK_SELINUX                             = 0x7
+	NETLINK_SMC                                 = 0x16
+	NETLINK_SOCK_DIAG                           = 0x4
+	NETLINK_TX_RING                             = 0x7
+	NETLINK_UNUSED                              = 0x1
+	NETLINK_USERSOCK                            = 0x2
+	NETLINK_XFRM                                = 0x6
+	NETNSA_MAX                                  = 0x5
+	NETNSA_NSID_NOT_ASSIGNED                    = -0x1
+	NFDBITS                                     = 0x20
+	NFNETLINK_V0                                = 0x0
+	NFNLGRP_ACCT_QUOTA                          = 0x8
+	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_DESTROY                   = 0x3
+	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_EXP_NEW                   = 0x4
+	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_EXP_UPDATE                = 0x5
+	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_NEW                       = 0x1
+	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_UPDATE                    = 0x2
+	NFNLGRP_MAX                                 = 0x9
+	NFNLGRP_NFTABLES                            = 0x7
+	NFNLGRP_NFTRACE                             = 0x9
+	NFNLGRP_NONE                                = 0x0
+	NFNL_BATCH_MAX                              = 0x1
+	NFNL_MSG_BATCH_BEGIN                        = 0x10
+	NFNL_MSG_BATCH_END                          = 0x11
+	NFNL_NFA_NEST                               = 0x8000
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_ACCT                            = 0x7
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_COUNT                           = 0xc
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTHELPER                        = 0x9
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTNETLINK                       = 0x1
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTNETLINK_EXP                   = 0x2
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_IPSET                           = 0x6
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_NFTABLES                        = 0xa
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_NFT_COMPAT                      = 0xb
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_NONE                            = 0x0
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_OSF                             = 0x5
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_QUEUE                           = 0x3
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_ULOG                            = 0x4
+	NFS_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x6969
+	NILFS_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x3434
+	NL0                                         = 0x0
+	NL1                                         = 0x100
+	NLA_ALIGNTO                                 = 0x4
+	NLA_F_NESTED                                = 0x8000
+	NLA_F_NET_BYTEORDER                         = 0x4000
+	NLA_HDRLEN                                  = 0x4
+	NLDLY                                       = 0x100
+	NLMSG_ALIGNTO                               = 0x4
+	NLMSG_DONE                                  = 0x3
+	NLMSG_ERROR                                 = 0x2
+	NLMSG_HDRLEN                                = 0x10
+	NLMSG_MIN_TYPE                              = 0x10
+	NLMSG_NOOP                                  = 0x1
+	NLMSG_OVERRUN                               = 0x4
+	NLM_F_ACK                                   = 0x4
+	NLM_F_ACK_TLVS                              = 0x200
+	NLM_F_APPEND                                = 0x800
+	NLM_F_ATOMIC                                = 0x400
+	NLM_F_CAPPED                                = 0x100
+	NLM_F_CREATE                                = 0x400
+	NLM_F_DUMP                                  = 0x300
+	NLM_F_DUMP_FILTERED                         = 0x20
+	NLM_F_DUMP_INTR                             = 0x10
+	NLM_F_ECHO                                  = 0x8
+	NLM_F_EXCL                                  = 0x200
+	NLM_F_MATCH                                 = 0x200
+	NLM_F_MULTI                                 = 0x2
+	NLM_F_NONREC                                = 0x100
+	NLM_F_REPLACE                               = 0x100
+	NLM_F_REQUEST                               = 0x1
+	NLM_F_ROOT                                  = 0x100
+	NOFLSH                                      = 0x80
+	NSFS_MAGIC                                  = 0x6e736673
+	NS_GET_NSTYPE                               = 0x2000b703
+	NS_GET_OWNER_UID                            = 0x2000b704
+	NS_GET_PARENT                               = 0x2000b702
+	NS_GET_USERNS                               = 0x2000b701
+	OCFS2_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x7461636f
+	OCRNL                                       = 0x8
+	OFDEL                                       = 0x80
+	OFILL                                       = 0x40
+	OLCUC                                       = 0x2
+	ONLCR                                       = 0x4
+	ONLRET                                      = 0x20
+	ONOCR                                       = 0x10
+	OPENPROM_SUPER_MAGIC                        = 0x9fa1
+	OPOST                                       = 0x1
+	OVERLAYFS_SUPER_MAGIC                       = 0x794c7630
+	O_ACCMODE                                   = 0x3
+	O_APPEND                                    = 0x8
+	O_ASYNC                                     = 0x1000
+	O_CLOEXEC                                   = 0x80000
+	O_CREAT                                     = 0x100
+	O_DIRECT                                    = 0x8000
+	O_DIRECTORY                                 = 0x10000
+	O_DSYNC                                     = 0x10
+	O_EXCL                                      = 0x400
+	O_FSYNC                                     = 0x4010
+	O_LARGEFILE                                 = 0x2000
+	O_NDELAY                                    = 0x80
+	O_NOATIME                                   = 0x40000
+	O_NOCTTY                                    = 0x800
+	O_NOFOLLOW                                  = 0x20000
+	O_NONBLOCK                                  = 0x80
+	O_PATH                                      = 0x200000
+	O_RDONLY                                    = 0x0
+	O_RDWR                                      = 0x2
+	O_RSYNC                                     = 0x4010
+	O_SYNC                                      = 0x4010
+	O_TMPFILE                                   = 0x410000
+	O_TRUNC                                     = 0x200
+	O_WRONLY                                    = 0x1
+	PACKET_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                       = 0x1
+	PACKET_AUXDATA                              = 0x8
+	PACKET_BROADCAST                            = 0x1
+	PACKET_COPY_THRESH                          = 0x7
+	PACKET_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                      = 0x2
+	PACKET_FANOUT                               = 0x12
+	PACKET_FANOUT_CBPF                          = 0x6
+	PACKET_FANOUT_CPU                           = 0x2
+	PACKET_FANOUT_DATA                          = 0x16
+	PACKET_FANOUT_EBPF                          = 0x7
+	PACKET_FANOUT_FLAG_DEFRAG                   = 0x8000
+	PACKET_FANOUT_FLAG_ROLLOVER                 = 0x1000
+	PACKET_FANOUT_FLAG_UNIQUEID                 = 0x2000
+	PACKET_FANOUT_HASH                          = 0x0
+	PACKET_FANOUT_LB                            = 0x1
+	PACKET_FANOUT_QM                            = 0x5
+	PACKET_FANOUT_RND                           = 0x4
+	PACKET_FANOUT_ROLLOVER                      = 0x3
+	PACKET_FASTROUTE                            = 0x6
+	PACKET_HDRLEN                               = 0xb
+	PACKET_HOST                                 = 0x0
+	PACKET_IGNORE_OUTGOING                      = 0x17
+	PACKET_KERNEL                               = 0x7
+	PACKET_LOOPBACK                             = 0x5
+	PACKET_LOSS                                 = 0xe
+	PACKET_MR_ALLMULTI                          = 0x2
+	PACKET_MR_MULTICAST                         = 0x0
+	PACKET_MR_PROMISC                           = 0x1
+	PACKET_MR_UNICAST                           = 0x3
+	PACKET_MULTICAST                            = 0x2
+	PACKET_ORIGDEV                              = 0x9
+	PACKET_OTHERHOST                            = 0x3
+	PACKET_OUTGOING                             = 0x4
+	PACKET_QDISC_BYPASS                         = 0x14
+	PACKET_RECV_OUTPUT                          = 0x3
+	PACKET_RESERVE                              = 0xc
+	PACKET_ROLLOVER_STATS                       = 0x15
+	PACKET_RX_RING                              = 0x5
+	PACKET_STATISTICS                           = 0x6
+	PACKET_TIMESTAMP                            = 0x11
+	PACKET_TX_HAS_OFF                           = 0x13
+	PACKET_TX_RING                              = 0xd
+	PACKET_TX_TIMESTAMP                         = 0x10
+	PACKET_USER                                 = 0x6
+	PACKET_VERSION                              = 0xa
+	PACKET_VNET_HDR                             = 0xf
+	PARENB                                      = 0x100
+	PARITY_CRC16_PR0                            = 0x2
+	PARITY_CRC16_PR0_CCITT                      = 0x4
+	PARITY_CRC16_PR1                            = 0x3
+	PARITY_CRC16_PR1_CCITT                      = 0x5
+	PARITY_CRC32_PR0_CCITT                      = 0x6
+	PARITY_CRC32_PR1_CCITT                      = 0x7
+	PARITY_DEFAULT                              = 0x0
+	PARITY_NONE                                 = 0x1
+	PARMRK                                      = 0x8
+	PARODD                                      = 0x200
+	PENDIN                                      = 0x4000
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_DISABLE                      = 0x20002401
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_ENABLE                       = 0x20002400
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_ID                           = 0x40042407
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_MODIFY_ATTRIBUTES            = 0x8004240b
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_PAUSE_OUTPUT                 = 0x80042409
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_PERIOD                       = 0x80082404
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_QUERY_BPF                    = 0xc004240a
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_REFRESH                      = 0x20002402
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_RESET                        = 0x20002403
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_BPF                      = 0x80042408
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_FILTER                   = 0x80042406
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_OUTPUT                   = 0x20002405
+	PIPEFS_MAGIC                                = 0x50495045
+	PPPIOCATTACH                                = 0x8004743d
+	PPPIOCATTCHAN                               = 0x80047438
+	PPPIOCCONNECT                               = 0x8004743a
+	PPPIOCDETACH                                = 0x8004743c
+	PPPIOCDISCONN                               = 0x20007439
+	PPPIOCGASYNCMAP                             = 0x40047458
+	PPPIOCGCHAN                                 = 0x40047437
+	PPPIOCGDEBUG                                = 0x40047441
+	PPPIOCGFLAGS                                = 0x4004745a
+	PPPIOCGIDLE                                 = 0x4008743f
+	PPPIOCGL2TPSTATS                            = 0x40487436
+	PPPIOCGMRU                                  = 0x40047453
+	PPPIOCGNPMODE                               = 0xc008744c
+	PPPIOCGRASYNCMAP                            = 0x40047455
+	PPPIOCGUNIT                                 = 0x40047456
+	PPPIOCGXASYNCMAP                            = 0x40207450
+	PPPIOCNEWUNIT                               = 0xc004743e
+	PPPIOCSACTIVE                               = 0x80087446
+	PPPIOCSASYNCMAP                             = 0x80047457
+	PPPIOCSCOMPRESS                             = 0x800c744d
+	PPPIOCSDEBUG                                = 0x80047440
+	PPPIOCSFLAGS                                = 0x80047459
+	PPPIOCSMAXCID                               = 0x80047451
+	PPPIOCSMRRU                                 = 0x8004743b
+	PPPIOCSMRU                                  = 0x80047452
+	PPPIOCSNPMODE                               = 0x8008744b
+	PPPIOCSPASS                                 = 0x80087447
+	PPPIOCSRASYNCMAP                            = 0x80047454
+	PPPIOCSXASYNCMAP                            = 0x8020744f
+	PPPIOCXFERUNIT                              = 0x2000744e
+	PRIO_PGRP                                   = 0x1
+	PRIO_PROCESS                                = 0x0
+	PRIO_USER                                   = 0x2
+	PROC_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0x9fa0
+	PROT_EXEC                                   = 0x4
+	PROT_GROWSDOWN                              = 0x1000000
+	PROT_GROWSUP                                = 0x2000000
+	PROT_NONE                                   = 0x0
+	PROT_READ                                   = 0x1
+	PROT_WRITE                                  = 0x2
+	PR_CAPBSET_DROP                             = 0x18
+	PR_CAPBSET_READ                             = 0x17
+	PR_CAP_AMBIENT                              = 0x2f
+	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_CLEAR_ALL                    = 0x4
+	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_IS_SET                       = 0x1
+	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_LOWER                        = 0x3
+	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_RAISE                        = 0x2
+	PR_ENDIAN_BIG                               = 0x0
+	PR_ENDIAN_LITTLE                            = 0x1
+	PR_ENDIAN_PPC_LITTLE                        = 0x2
+	PR_FPEMU_NOPRINT                            = 0x1
+	PR_FPEMU_SIGFPE                             = 0x2
+	PR_FP_EXC_ASYNC                             = 0x2
+	PR_FP_EXC_DISABLED                          = 0x0
+	PR_FP_EXC_DIV                               = 0x10000
+	PR_FP_EXC_INV                               = 0x100000
+	PR_FP_EXC_NONRECOV                          = 0x1
+	PR_FP_EXC_OVF                               = 0x20000
+	PR_FP_EXC_PRECISE                           = 0x3
+	PR_FP_EXC_RES                               = 0x80000
+	PR_FP_EXC_SW_ENABLE                         = 0x80
+	PR_FP_EXC_UND                               = 0x40000
+	PR_FP_MODE_FR                               = 0x1
+	PR_FP_MODE_FRE                              = 0x2
+	PR_GET_CHILD_SUBREAPER                      = 0x25
+	PR_GET_DUMPABLE                             = 0x3
+	PR_GET_ENDIAN                               = 0x13
+	PR_GET_FPEMU                                = 0x9
+	PR_GET_FPEXC                                = 0xb
+	PR_GET_FP_MODE                              = 0x2e
+	PR_GET_KEEPCAPS                             = 0x7
+	PR_GET_NAME                                 = 0x10
+	PR_GET_NO_NEW_PRIVS                         = 0x27
+	PR_GET_PDEATHSIG                            = 0x2
+	PR_GET_SECCOMP                              = 0x15
+	PR_GET_SECUREBITS                           = 0x1b
+	PR_GET_SPECULATION_CTRL                     = 0x34
+	PR_GET_TAGGED_ADDR_CTRL                     = 0x38
+	PR_GET_THP_DISABLE                          = 0x2a
+	PR_GET_TID_ADDRESS                          = 0x28
+	PR_GET_TIMERSLACK                           = 0x1e
+	PR_GET_TIMING                               = 0xd
+	PR_GET_TSC                                  = 0x19
+	PR_GET_UNALIGN                              = 0x5
+	PR_MCE_KILL                                 = 0x21
+	PR_MCE_KILL_CLEAR                           = 0x0
+	PR_MCE_KILL_DEFAULT                         = 0x2
+	PR_MCE_KILL_EARLY                           = 0x1
+	PR_MCE_KILL_GET                             = 0x22
+	PR_MCE_KILL_LATE                            = 0x0
+	PR_MCE_KILL_SET                             = 0x1
+	PR_MPX_DISABLE_MANAGEMENT                   = 0x2c
+	PR_MPX_ENABLE_MANAGEMENT                    = 0x2b
+	PR_PAC_APDAKEY                              = 0x4
+	PR_PAC_APDBKEY                              = 0x8
+	PR_PAC_APGAKEY                              = 0x10
+	PR_PAC_APIAKEY                              = 0x1
+	PR_PAC_APIBKEY                              = 0x2
+	PR_PAC_RESET_KEYS                           = 0x36
+	PR_SET_CHILD_SUBREAPER                      = 0x24
+	PR_SET_DUMPABLE                             = 0x4
+	PR_SET_ENDIAN                               = 0x14
+	PR_SET_FPEMU                                = 0xa
+	PR_SET_FPEXC                                = 0xc
+	PR_SET_FP_MODE                              = 0x2d
+	PR_SET_KEEPCAPS                             = 0x8
+	PR_SET_MM                                   = 0x23
+	PR_SET_MM_ARG_END                           = 0x9
+	PR_SET_MM_ARG_START                         = 0x8
+	PR_SET_MM_AUXV                              = 0xc
+	PR_SET_MM_BRK                               = 0x7
+	PR_SET_MM_END_CODE                          = 0x2
+	PR_SET_MM_END_DATA                          = 0x4
+	PR_SET_MM_ENV_END                           = 0xb
+	PR_SET_MM_ENV_START                         = 0xa
+	PR_SET_MM_EXE_FILE                          = 0xd
+	PR_SET_MM_MAP                               = 0xe
+	PR_SET_MM_MAP_SIZE                          = 0xf
+	PR_SET_MM_START_BRK                         = 0x6
+	PR_SET_MM_START_CODE                        = 0x1
+	PR_SET_MM_START_DATA                        = 0x3
+	PR_SET_MM_START_STACK                       = 0x5
+	PR_SET_NAME                                 = 0xf
+	PR_SET_NO_NEW_PRIVS                         = 0x26
+	PR_SET_PDEATHSIG                            = 0x1
+	PR_SET_PTRACER                              = 0x59616d61
+	PR_SET_PTRACER_ANY                          = 0xffffffff
+	PR_SET_SECCOMP                              = 0x16
+	PR_SET_SECUREBITS                           = 0x1c
+	PR_SET_SPECULATION_CTRL                     = 0x35
+	PR_SET_TAGGED_ADDR_CTRL                     = 0x37
+	PR_SET_THP_DISABLE                          = 0x29
+	PR_SET_TIMERSLACK                           = 0x1d
+	PR_SET_TIMING                               = 0xe
+	PR_SET_TSC                                  = 0x1a
+	PR_SET_UNALIGN                              = 0x6
+	PR_SPEC_DISABLE                             = 0x4
+	PR_SPEC_DISABLE_NOEXEC                      = 0x10
+	PR_SPEC_ENABLE                              = 0x2
+	PR_SPEC_FORCE_DISABLE                       = 0x8
+	PR_SPEC_INDIRECT_BRANCH                     = 0x1
+	PR_SPEC_NOT_AFFECTED                        = 0x0
+	PR_SPEC_PRCTL                               = 0x1
+	PR_SPEC_STORE_BYPASS                        = 0x0
+	PR_SVE_GET_VL                               = 0x33
+	PR_SVE_SET_VL                               = 0x32
+	PR_SVE_SET_VL_ONEXEC                        = 0x40000
+	PR_SVE_VL_INHERIT                           = 0x20000
+	PR_SVE_VL_LEN_MASK                          = 0xffff
+	PR_TAGGED_ADDR_ENABLE                       = 0x1
+	PR_TASK_PERF_EVENTS_DISABLE                 = 0x1f
+	PR_TASK_PERF_EVENTS_ENABLE                  = 0x20
+	PR_TIMING_STATISTICAL                       = 0x0
+	PR_TIMING_TIMESTAMP                         = 0x1
+	PR_TSC_ENABLE                               = 0x1
+	PR_TSC_SIGSEGV                              = 0x2
+	PR_UNALIGN_NOPRINT                          = 0x1
+	PR_UNALIGN_SIGBUS                           = 0x2
+	PSTOREFS_MAGIC                              = 0x6165676c
+	PTRACE_ATTACH                               = 0x10
+	PTRACE_CONT                                 = 0x7
+	PTRACE_DETACH                               = 0x11
+	PTRACE_EVENTMSG_SYSCALL_EXIT                = 0x2
+	PTRACE_EVENT_CLONE                          = 0x3
+	PTRACE_EVENT_EXEC                           = 0x4
+	PTRACE_EVENT_EXIT                           = 0x6
+	PTRACE_EVENT_FORK                           = 0x1
+	PTRACE_EVENT_SECCOMP                        = 0x7
+	PTRACE_EVENT_STOP                           = 0x80
+	PTRACE_EVENT_VFORK                          = 0x2
+	PTRACE_EVENT_VFORK_DONE                     = 0x5
+	PTRACE_GETEVENTMSG                          = 0x4201
+	PTRACE_GETFPREGS                            = 0xe
+	PTRACE_GETREGS                              = 0xc
+	PTRACE_GETREGSET                            = 0x4204
+	PTRACE_GETSIGINFO                           = 0x4202
+	PTRACE_GETSIGMASK                           = 0x420a
+	PTRACE_GET_SYSCALL_INFO                     = 0x420e
+	PTRACE_GET_THREAD_AREA                      = 0x19
+	PTRACE_GET_THREAD_AREA_3264                 = 0xc4
+	PTRACE_GET_WATCH_REGS                       = 0xd0
+	PTRACE_INTERRUPT                            = 0x4207
+	PTRACE_KILL                                 = 0x8
+	PTRACE_LISTEN                               = 0x4208
+	PTRACE_OLDSETOPTIONS                        = 0x15
+	PTRACE_O_EXITKILL                           = 0x100000
+	PTRACE_O_MASK                               = 0x3000ff
+	PTRACE_O_SUSPEND_SECCOMP                    = 0x200000
+	PTRACE_O_TRACECLONE                         = 0x8
+	PTRACE_O_TRACEEXEC                          = 0x10
+	PTRACE_O_TRACEEXIT                          = 0x40
+	PTRACE_O_TRACEFORK                          = 0x2
+	PTRACE_O_TRACESECCOMP                       = 0x80
+	PTRACE_O_TRACESYSGOOD                       = 0x1
+	PTRACE_O_TRACEVFORK                         = 0x4
+	PTRACE_O_TRACEVFORKDONE                     = 0x20
+	PTRACE_PEEKDATA                             = 0x2
+	PTRACE_PEEKDATA_3264                        = 0xc1
+	PTRACE_PEEKSIGINFO                          = 0x4209
+	PTRACE_PEEKSIGINFO_SHARED                   = 0x1
+	PTRACE_PEEKTEXT                             = 0x1
+	PTRACE_PEEKTEXT_3264                        = 0xc0
+	PTRACE_PEEKUSR                              = 0x3
+	PTRACE_POKEDATA                             = 0x5
+	PTRACE_POKEDATA_3264                        = 0xc3
+	PTRACE_POKETEXT                             = 0x4
+	PTRACE_POKETEXT_3264                        = 0xc2
+	PTRACE_POKEUSR                              = 0x6
+	PTRACE_SECCOMP_GET_FILTER                   = 0x420c
+	PTRACE_SECCOMP_GET_METADATA                 = 0x420d
+	PTRACE_SEIZE                                = 0x4206
+	PTRACE_SETFPREGS                            = 0xf
+	PTRACE_SETOPTIONS                           = 0x4200
+	PTRACE_SETREGS                              = 0xd
+	PTRACE_SETREGSET                            = 0x4205
+	PTRACE_SETSIGINFO                           = 0x4203
+	PTRACE_SETSIGMASK                           = 0x420b
+	PTRACE_SET_THREAD_AREA                      = 0x1a
+	PTRACE_SET_WATCH_REGS                       = 0xd1
+	PTRACE_SINGLESTEP                           = 0x9
+	PTRACE_SYSCALL                              = 0x18
+	PTRACE_SYSCALL_INFO_ENTRY                   = 0x1
+	PTRACE_SYSCALL_INFO_EXIT                    = 0x2
+	PTRACE_SYSCALL_INFO_NONE                    = 0x0
+	PTRACE_SYSCALL_INFO_SECCOMP                 = 0x3
+	PTRACE_TRACEME                              = 0x0
+	QNX4_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0x2f
+	QNX6_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0x68191122
+	RAMFS_MAGIC                                 = 0x858458f6
+	RDTGROUP_SUPER_MAGIC                        = 0x7655821
+	REISERFS_SUPER_MAGIC                        = 0x52654973
+	RENAME_EXCHANGE                             = 0x2
+	RENAME_NOREPLACE                            = 0x1
+	RENAME_WHITEOUT                             = 0x4
+	RLIMIT_AS                                   = 0x6
+	RLIMIT_CORE                                 = 0x4
+	RLIMIT_CPU                                  = 0x0
+	RLIMIT_DATA                                 = 0x2
+	RLIMIT_FSIZE                                = 0x1
+	RLIMIT_LOCKS                                = 0xa
+	RLIMIT_MEMLOCK                              = 0x9
+	RLIMIT_MSGQUEUE                             = 0xc
+	RLIMIT_NICE                                 = 0xd
+	RLIMIT_NOFILE                               = 0x5
+	RLIMIT_NPROC                                = 0x8
+	RLIMIT_RSS                                  = 0x7
+	RLIMIT_RTPRIO                               = 0xe
+	RLIMIT_RTTIME                               = 0xf
+	RLIMIT_SIGPENDING                           = 0xb
+	RLIMIT_STACK                                = 0x3
+	RLIM_INFINITY                               = 0xffffffffffffffff
+	RNDADDENTROPY                               = 0x80085203
+	RNDADDTOENTCNT                              = 0x80045201
+	RNDCLEARPOOL                                = 0x20005206
+	RNDGETENTCNT                                = 0x40045200
+	RNDGETPOOL                                  = 0x40085202
+	RNDRESEEDCRNG                               = 0x20005207
+	RNDZAPENTCNT                                = 0x20005204
+	RTAX_ADVMSS                                 = 0x8
+	RTAX_CC_ALGO                                = 0x10
+	RTAX_CWND                                   = 0x7
+	RTAX_FASTOPEN_NO_COOKIE                     = 0x11
+	RTAX_FEATURES                               = 0xc
+	RTAX_FEATURE_ALLFRAG                        = 0x8
+	RTAX_FEATURE_ECN                            = 0x1
+	RTAX_FEATURE_MASK                           = 0xf
+	RTAX_FEATURE_SACK                           = 0x2
+	RTAX_FEATURE_TIMESTAMP                      = 0x4
+	RTAX_HOPLIMIT                               = 0xa
+	RTAX_INITCWND                               = 0xb
+	RTAX_INITRWND                               = 0xe
+	RTAX_LOCK                                   = 0x1
+	RTAX_MAX                                    = 0x11
+	RTAX_MTU                                    = 0x2
+	RTAX_QUICKACK                               = 0xf
+	RTAX_REORDERING                             = 0x9
+	RTAX_RTO_MIN                                = 0xd
+	RTAX_RTT                                    = 0x4
+	RTAX_RTTVAR                                 = 0x5
+	RTAX_SSTHRESH                               = 0x6
+	RTAX_UNSPEC                                 = 0x0
+	RTAX_WINDOW                                 = 0x3
+	RTA_ALIGNTO                                 = 0x4
+	RTA_MAX                                     = 0x1e
+	RTCF_DIRECTSRC                              = 0x4000000
+	RTCF_DOREDIRECT                             = 0x1000000
+	RTCF_LOG                                    = 0x2000000
+	RTCF_MASQ                                   = 0x400000
+	RTCF_NAT                                    = 0x800000
+	RTCF_VALVE                                  = 0x200000
+	RTC_AF                                      = 0x20
+	RTC_AIE_OFF                                 = 0x20007002
+	RTC_AIE_ON                                  = 0x20007001
+	RTC_ALM_READ                                = 0x40247008
+	RTC_ALM_SET                                 = 0x80247007
+	RTC_EPOCH_READ                              = 0x4004700d
+	RTC_EPOCH_SET                               = 0x8004700e
+	RTC_IRQF                                    = 0x80
+	RTC_IRQP_READ                               = 0x4004700b
+	RTC_IRQP_SET                                = 0x8004700c
+	RTC_MAX_FREQ                                = 0x2000
+	RTC_PF                                      = 0x40
+	RTC_PIE_OFF                                 = 0x20007006
+	RTC_PIE_ON                                  = 0x20007005
+	RTC_PLL_GET                                 = 0x401c7011
+	RTC_PLL_SET                                 = 0x801c7012
+	RTC_RD_TIME                                 = 0x40247009
+	RTC_SET_TIME                                = 0x8024700a
+	RTC_UF                                      = 0x10
+	RTC_UIE_OFF                                 = 0x20007004
+	RTC_UIE_ON                                  = 0x20007003
+	RTC_VL_CLR                                  = 0x20007014
+	RTC_VL_READ                                 = 0x40047013
+	RTC_WIE_OFF                                 = 0x20007010
+	RTC_WIE_ON                                  = 0x2000700f
+	RTC_WKALM_RD                                = 0x40287010
+	RTC_WKALM_SET                               = 0x8028700f
+	RTF_ADDRCLASSMASK                           = 0xf8000000
+	RTF_ADDRCONF                                = 0x40000
+	RTF_ALLONLINK                               = 0x20000
+	RTF_BROADCAST                               = 0x10000000
+	RTF_CACHE                                   = 0x1000000
+	RTF_DEFAULT                                 = 0x10000
+	RTF_DYNAMIC                                 = 0x10
+	RTF_FLOW                                    = 0x2000000
+	RTF_GATEWAY                                 = 0x2
+	RTF_HOST                                    = 0x4
+	RTF_INTERFACE                               = 0x40000000
+	RTF_IRTT                                    = 0x100
+	RTF_LINKRT                                  = 0x100000
+	RTF_LOCAL                                   = 0x80000000
+	RTF_MODIFIED                                = 0x20
+	RTF_MSS                                     = 0x40
+	RTF_MTU                                     = 0x40
+	RTF_MULTICAST                               = 0x20000000
+	RTF_NAT                                     = 0x8000000
+	RTF_NOFORWARD                               = 0x1000
+	RTF_NONEXTHOP                               = 0x200000
+	RTF_NOPMTUDISC                              = 0x4000
+	RTF_POLICY                                  = 0x4000000
+	RTF_REINSTATE                               = 0x8
+	RTF_REJECT                                  = 0x200
+	RTF_STATIC                                  = 0x400
+	RTF_THROW                                   = 0x2000
+	RTF_UP                                      = 0x1
+	RTF_WINDOW                                  = 0x80
+	RTF_XRESOLVE                                = 0x800
+	RTM_BASE                                    = 0x10
+	RTM_DELACTION                               = 0x31
+	RTM_DELADDR                                 = 0x15
+	RTM_DELADDRLABEL                            = 0x49
+	RTM_DELCHAIN                                = 0x65
+	RTM_DELLINK                                 = 0x11
+	RTM_DELMDB                                  = 0x55
+	RTM_DELNEIGH                                = 0x1d
+	RTM_DELNETCONF                              = 0x51
+	RTM_DELNEXTHOP                              = 0x69
+	RTM_DELNSID                                 = 0x59
+	RTM_DELQDISC                                = 0x25
+	RTM_DELROUTE                                = 0x19
+	RTM_DELRULE                                 = 0x21
+	RTM_DELTCLASS                               = 0x29
+	RTM_DELTFILTER                              = 0x2d
+	RTM_F_CLONED                                = 0x200
+	RTM_F_EQUALIZE                              = 0x400
+	RTM_F_FIB_MATCH                             = 0x2000
+	RTM_F_LOOKUP_TABLE                          = 0x1000
+	RTM_F_NOTIFY                                = 0x100
+	RTM_F_PREFIX                                = 0x800
+	RTM_GETACTION                               = 0x32
+	RTM_GETADDR                                 = 0x16
+	RTM_GETADDRLABEL                            = 0x4a
+	RTM_GETANYCAST                              = 0x3e
+	RTM_GETCHAIN                                = 0x66
+	RTM_GETDCB                                  = 0x4e
+	RTM_GETLINK                                 = 0x12
+	RTM_GETMDB                                  = 0x56
+	RTM_GETMULTICAST                            = 0x3a
+	RTM_GETNEIGH                                = 0x1e
+	RTM_GETNEIGHTBL                             = 0x42
+	RTM_GETNETCONF                              = 0x52
+	RTM_GETNEXTHOP                              = 0x6a
+	RTM_GETNSID                                 = 0x5a
+	RTM_GETQDISC                                = 0x26
+	RTM_GETROUTE                                = 0x1a
+	RTM_GETRULE                                 = 0x22
+	RTM_GETSTATS                                = 0x5e
+	RTM_GETTCLASS                               = 0x2a
+	RTM_GETTFILTER                              = 0x2e
+	RTM_MAX                                     = 0x6b
+	RTM_NEWACTION                               = 0x30
+	RTM_NEWADDR                                 = 0x14
+	RTM_NEWADDRLABEL                            = 0x48
+	RTM_NEWCACHEREPORT                          = 0x60
+	RTM_NEWCHAIN                                = 0x64
+	RTM_NEWLINK                                 = 0x10
+	RTM_NEWMDB                                  = 0x54
+	RTM_NEWNDUSEROPT                            = 0x44
+	RTM_NEWNEIGH                                = 0x1c
+	RTM_NEWNEIGHTBL                             = 0x40
+	RTM_NEWNETCONF                              = 0x50
+	RTM_NEWNEXTHOP                              = 0x68
+	RTM_NEWNSID                                 = 0x58
+	RTM_NEWPREFIX                               = 0x34
+	RTM_NEWQDISC                                = 0x24
+	RTM_NEWROUTE                                = 0x18
+	RTM_NEWRULE                                 = 0x20
+	RTM_NEWSTATS                                = 0x5c
+	RTM_NEWTCLASS                               = 0x28
+	RTM_NEWTFILTER                              = 0x2c
+	RTM_NR_FAMILIES                             = 0x17
+	RTM_NR_MSGTYPES                             = 0x5c
+	RTM_SETDCB                                  = 0x4f
+	RTM_SETLINK                                 = 0x13
+	RTM_SETNEIGHTBL                             = 0x43
+	RTNH_ALIGNTO                                = 0x4
+	RTNH_COMPARE_MASK                           = 0x19
+	RTNH_F_DEAD                                 = 0x1
+	RTNH_F_LINKDOWN                             = 0x10
+	RTNH_F_OFFLOAD                              = 0x8
+	RTNH_F_ONLINK                               = 0x4
+	RTNH_F_PERVASIVE                            = 0x2
+	RTNH_F_UNRESOLVED                           = 0x20
+	RTN_MAX                                     = 0xb
+	RTPROT_BABEL                                = 0x2a
+	RTPROT_BGP                                  = 0xba
+	RTPROT_BIRD                                 = 0xc
+	RTPROT_BOOT                                 = 0x3
+	RTPROT_DHCP                                 = 0x10
+	RTPROT_DNROUTED                             = 0xd
+	RTPROT_EIGRP                                = 0xc0
+	RTPROT_GATED                                = 0x8
+	RTPROT_ISIS                                 = 0xbb
+	RTPROT_KERNEL                               = 0x2
+	RTPROT_MROUTED                              = 0x11
+	RTPROT_MRT                                  = 0xa
+	RTPROT_NTK                                  = 0xf
+	RTPROT_OSPF                                 = 0xbc
+	RTPROT_RA                                   = 0x9
+	RTPROT_REDIRECT                             = 0x1
+	RTPROT_RIP                                  = 0xbd
+	RTPROT_STATIC                               = 0x4
+	RTPROT_UNSPEC                               = 0x0
+	RTPROT_XORP                                 = 0xe
+	RTPROT_ZEBRA                                = 0xb
+	RT_CLASS_DEFAULT                            = 0xfd
+	RT_CLASS_LOCAL                              = 0xff
+	RT_CLASS_MAIN                               = 0xfe
+	RT_CLASS_MAX                                = 0xff
+	RT_CLASS_UNSPEC                             = 0x0
+	RUSAGE_CHILDREN                             = -0x1
+	RUSAGE_SELF                                 = 0x0
+	RUSAGE_THREAD                               = 0x1
+	SCM_CREDENTIALS                             = 0x2
+	SCM_RIGHTS                                  = 0x1
+	SCM_TIMESTAMP                               = 0x1d
+	SCM_TIMESTAMPING                            = 0x25
+	SCM_TIMESTAMPING_OPT_STATS                  = 0x36
+	SCM_TIMESTAMPING_PKTINFO                    = 0x3a
+	SCM_TIMESTAMPNS                             = 0x23
+	SCM_TXTIME                                  = 0x3d
+	SCM_WIFI_STATUS                             = 0x29
+	SC_LOG_FLUSH                                = 0x100000
+	SECCOMP_MODE_DISABLED                       = 0x0
+	SECCOMP_MODE_FILTER                         = 0x2
+	SECCOMP_MODE_STRICT                         = 0x1
+	SECURITYFS_MAGIC                            = 0x73636673
+	SELINUX_MAGIC                               = 0xf97cff8c
+	SFD_CLOEXEC                                 = 0x80000
+	SFD_NONBLOCK                                = 0x80
+	SHUT_RD                                     = 0x0
+	SHUT_RDWR                                   = 0x2
+	SHUT_WR                                     = 0x1
+	SIOCADDDLCI                                 = 0x8980
+	SIOCADDMULTI                                = 0x8931
+	SIOCADDRT                                   = 0x890b
+	SIOCATMARK                                  = 0x40047307
+	SIOCBONDCHANGEACTIVE                        = 0x8995
+	SIOCBONDENSLAVE                             = 0x8990
+	SIOCBONDINFOQUERY                           = 0x8994
+	SIOCBONDRELEASE                             = 0x8991
+	SIOCBONDSETHWADDR                           = 0x8992
+	SIOCBONDSLAVEINFOQUERY                      = 0x8993
+	SIOCBRADDBR                                 = 0x89a0
+	SIOCBRADDIF                                 = 0x89a2
+	SIOCBRDELBR                                 = 0x89a1
+	SIOCBRDELIF                                 = 0x89a3
+	SIOCDARP                                    = 0x8953
+	SIOCDELDLCI                                 = 0x8981
+	SIOCDELMULTI                                = 0x8932
+	SIOCDELRT                                   = 0x890c
+	SIOCDEVPRIVATE                              = 0x89f0
+	SIOCDIFADDR                                 = 0x8936
+	SIOCDRARP                                   = 0x8960
+	SIOCETHTOOL                                 = 0x8946
+	SIOCGARP                                    = 0x8954
+	SIOCGETLINKNAME                             = 0x89e0
+	SIOCGETNODEID                               = 0x89e1
+	SIOCGHWTSTAMP                               = 0x89b1
+	SIOCGIFADDR                                 = 0x8915
+	SIOCGIFBR                                   = 0x8940
+	SIOCGIFBRDADDR                              = 0x8919
+	SIOCGIFCONF                                 = 0x8912
+	SIOCGIFCOUNT                                = 0x8938
+	SIOCGIFDSTADDR                              = 0x8917
+	SIOCGIFENCAP                                = 0x8925
+	SIOCGIFFLAGS                                = 0x8913
+	SIOCGIFHWADDR                               = 0x8927
+	SIOCGIFINDEX                                = 0x8933
+	SIOCGIFMAP                                  = 0x8970
+	SIOCGIFMEM                                  = 0x891f
+	SIOCGIFMETRIC                               = 0x891d
+	SIOCGIFMTU                                  = 0x8921
+	SIOCGIFNAME                                 = 0x8910
+	SIOCGIFNETMASK                              = 0x891b
+	SIOCGIFPFLAGS                               = 0x8935
+	SIOCGIFSLAVE                                = 0x8929
+	SIOCGIFTXQLEN                               = 0x8942
+	SIOCGIFVLAN                                 = 0x8982
+	SIOCGMIIPHY                                 = 0x8947
+	SIOCGMIIREG                                 = 0x8948
+	SIOCGPGRP                                   = 0x40047309
+	SIOCGPPPCSTATS                              = 0x89f2
+	SIOCGPPPSTATS                               = 0x89f0
+	SIOCGPPPVER                                 = 0x89f1
+	SIOCGRARP                                   = 0x8961
+	SIOCGSKNS                                   = 0x894c
+	SIOCGSTAMP                                  = 0x8906
+	SIOCGSTAMPNS                                = 0x8907
+	SIOCGSTAMPNS_NEW                            = 0x40108907
+	SIOCGSTAMPNS_OLD                            = 0x8907
+	SIOCGSTAMP_NEW                              = 0x40108906
+	SIOCGSTAMP_OLD                              = 0x8906
+	SIOCINQ                                     = 0x467f
+	SIOCOUTQ                                    = 0x7472
+	SIOCOUTQNSD                                 = 0x894b
+	SIOCPROTOPRIVATE                            = 0x89e0
+	SIOCRTMSG                                   = 0x890d
+	SIOCSARP                                    = 0x8955
+	SIOCSHWTSTAMP                               = 0x89b0
+	SIOCSIFADDR                                 = 0x8916
+	SIOCSIFBR                                   = 0x8941
+	SIOCSIFBRDADDR                              = 0x891a
+	SIOCSIFDSTADDR                              = 0x8918
+	SIOCSIFENCAP                                = 0x8926
+	SIOCSIFFLAGS                                = 0x8914
+	SIOCSIFHWADDR                               = 0x8924
+	SIOCSIFHWBROADCAST                          = 0x8937
+	SIOCSIFLINK                                 = 0x8911
+	SIOCSIFMAP                                  = 0x8971
+	SIOCSIFMEM                                  = 0x8920
+	SIOCSIFMETRIC                               = 0x891e
+	SIOCSIFMTU                                  = 0x8922
+	SIOCSIFNAME                                 = 0x8923
+	SIOCSIFNETMASK                              = 0x891c
+	SIOCSIFPFLAGS                               = 0x8934
+	SIOCSIFSLAVE                                = 0x8930
+	SIOCSIFTXQLEN                               = 0x8943
+	SIOCSIFVLAN                                 = 0x8983
+	SIOCSMIIREG                                 = 0x8949
+	SIOCSPGRP                                   = 0x80047308
+	SIOCSRARP                                   = 0x8962
+	SIOCWANDEV                                  = 0x894a
+	SMACK_MAGIC                                 = 0x43415d53
+	SMART_AUTOSAVE                              = 0xd2
+	SMART_AUTO_OFFLINE                          = 0xdb
+	SMART_DISABLE                               = 0xd9
+	SMART_ENABLE                                = 0xd8
+	SMART_HCYL_PASS                             = 0xc2
+	SMART_IMMEDIATE_OFFLINE                     = 0xd4
+	SMART_LCYL_PASS                             = 0x4f
+	SMART_READ_LOG_SECTOR                       = 0xd5
+	SMART_READ_THRESHOLDS                       = 0xd1
+	SMART_READ_VALUES                           = 0xd0
+	SMART_SAVE                                  = 0xd3
+	SMART_STATUS                                = 0xda
+	SMART_WRITE_LOG_SECTOR                      = 0xd6
+	SMART_WRITE_THRESHOLDS                      = 0xd7
+	SMB_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x517b
+	SOCKFS_MAGIC                                = 0x534f434b
+	SOCK_CLOEXEC                                = 0x80000
+	SOCK_DCCP                                   = 0x6
+	SOCK_DGRAM                                  = 0x1
+	SOCK_IOC_TYPE                               = 0x89
+	SOCK_NONBLOCK                               = 0x80
+	SOCK_PACKET                                 = 0xa
+	SOCK_RAW                                    = 0x3
+	SOCK_RDM                                    = 0x4
+	SOCK_SEQPACKET                              = 0x5
+	SOCK_STREAM                                 = 0x2
+	SOL_AAL                                     = 0x109
+	SOL_ALG                                     = 0x117
+	SOL_ATM                                     = 0x108
+	SOL_CAIF                                    = 0x116
+	SOL_CAN_BASE                                = 0x64
+	SOL_DCCP                                    = 0x10d
+	SOL_DECNET                                  = 0x105
+	SOL_ICMPV6                                  = 0x3a
+	SOL_IP                                      = 0x0
+	SOL_IPV6                                    = 0x29
+	SOL_IRDA                                    = 0x10a
+	SOL_IUCV                                    = 0x115
+	SOL_KCM                                     = 0x119
+	SOL_LLC                                     = 0x10c
+	SOL_NETBEUI                                 = 0x10b
+	SOL_NETLINK                                 = 0x10e
+	SOL_NFC                                     = 0x118
+	SOL_PACKET                                  = 0x107
+	SOL_PNPIPE                                  = 0x113
+	SOL_PPPOL2TP                                = 0x111
+	SOL_RAW                                     = 0xff
+	SOL_RDS                                     = 0x114
+	SOL_RXRPC                                   = 0x110
+	SOL_SOCKET                                  = 0xffff
+	SOL_TCP                                     = 0x6
+	SOL_TIPC                                    = 0x10f
+	SOL_TLS                                     = 0x11a
+	SOL_X25                                     = 0x106
+	SOL_XDP                                     = 0x11b
+	SOMAXCONN                                   = 0x80
+	SO_ACCEPTCONN                               = 0x1009
+	SO_ATTACH_BPF                               = 0x32
+	SO_ATTACH_FILTER                            = 0x1a
+	SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_CBPF                    = 0x33
+	SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_EBPF                    = 0x34
+	SO_BINDTODEVICE                             = 0x19
+	SO_BINDTOIFINDEX                            = 0x3e
+	SO_BPF_EXTENSIONS                           = 0x30
+	SO_BROADCAST                                = 0x20
+	SO_BSDCOMPAT                                = 0xe
+	SO_BUSY_POLL                                = 0x2e
+	SO_CNX_ADVICE                               = 0x35
+	SO_COOKIE                                   = 0x39
+	SO_DEBUG                                    = 0x1
+	SO_DETACH_BPF                               = 0x1b
+	SO_DETACH_FILTER                            = 0x1b
+	SO_DETACH_REUSEPORT_BPF                     = 0x44
+	SO_DOMAIN                                   = 0x1029
+	SO_DONTROUTE                                = 0x10
+	SO_EE_CODE_TXTIME_MISSED                    = 0x2
+	SO_EE_CODE_ZEROCOPY_COPIED                  = 0x1
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_ICMP                           = 0x2
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_ICMP6                          = 0x3
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_LOCAL                          = 0x1
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_NONE                           = 0x0
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_TIMESTAMPING                   = 0x4
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_TXSTATUS                       = 0x4
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_TXTIME                         = 0x6
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_ZEROCOPY                       = 0x5
+	SO_ERROR                                    = 0x1007
+	SO_GET_FILTER                               = 0x1a
+	SO_INCOMING_CPU                             = 0x31
+	SO_INCOMING_NAPI_ID                         = 0x38
+	SO_KEEPALIVE                                = 0x8
+	SO_LINGER                                   = 0x80
+	SO_LOCK_FILTER                              = 0x2c
+	SO_MARK                                     = 0x24
+	SO_MAX_PACING_RATE                          = 0x2f
+	SO_MEMINFO                                  = 0x37
+	SO_NOFCS                                    = 0x2b
+	SO_NO_CHECK                                 = 0xb
+	SO_OOBINLINE                                = 0x100
+	SO_PASSCRED                                 = 0x11
+	SO_PASSSEC                                  = 0x22
+	SO_PEEK_OFF                                 = 0x2a
+	SO_PEERCRED                                 = 0x12
+	SO_PEERGROUPS                               = 0x3b
+	SO_PEERNAME                                 = 0x1c
+	SO_PEERSEC                                  = 0x1e
+	SO_PRIORITY                                 = 0xc
+	SO_PROTOCOL                                 = 0x1028
+	SO_RCVBUF                                   = 0x1002
+	SO_RCVBUFFORCE                              = 0x21
+	SO_RCVLOWAT                                 = 0x1004
+	SO_RCVTIMEO                                 = 0x1006
+	SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW                             = 0x42
+	SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD                             = 0x1006
+	SO_REUSEADDR                                = 0x4
+	SO_REUSEPORT                                = 0x200
+	SO_RXQ_OVFL                                 = 0x28
+	SO_SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION                  = 0x16
+	SO_SELECT_ERR_QUEUE                         = 0x2d
+	SO_SNDBUF                                   = 0x1001
+	SO_SNDBUFFORCE                              = 0x1f
+	SO_SNDLOWAT                                 = 0x1003
+	SO_SNDTIMEO                                 = 0x1005
+	SO_SNDTIMEO_NEW                             = 0x43
+	SO_SNDTIMEO_OLD                             = 0x1005
+	SO_STYLE                                    = 0x1008
+	SO_TIMESTAMP                                = 0x1d
+	SO_TIMESTAMPING                             = 0x25
+	SO_TIMESTAMPING_NEW                         = 0x41
+	SO_TIMESTAMPING_OLD                         = 0x25
+	SO_TIMESTAMPNS                              = 0x23
+	SO_TIMESTAMPNS_NEW                          = 0x40
+	SO_TIMESTAMPNS_OLD                          = 0x23
+	SO_TIMESTAMP_NEW                            = 0x3f
+	SO_TIMESTAMP_OLD                            = 0x1d
+	SO_TXTIME                                   = 0x3d
+	SO_TYPE                                     = 0x1008
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE               = 0x2
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_BUFFER_MIN_SIZE               = 0x1
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_BUFFER_SIZE                   = 0x0
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_CONNECT_TIMEOUT               = 0x6
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_NONBLOCK_TXRX                 = 0x7
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_PEER_HOST_VM_ID               = 0x3
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_TRUSTED                       = 0x5
+	SO_WIFI_STATUS                              = 0x29
+	SO_ZEROCOPY                                 = 0x3c
+	SPLICE_F_GIFT                               = 0x8
+	SPLICE_F_MORE                               = 0x4
+	SPLICE_F_MOVE                               = 0x1
+	SPLICE_F_NONBLOCK                           = 0x2
+	SQUASHFS_MAGIC                              = 0x73717368
+	STACK_END_MAGIC                             = 0x57ac6e9d
+	STATX_ALL                                   = 0xfff
+	STATX_ATIME                                 = 0x20
+	STATX_ATTR_APPEND                           = 0x20
+	STATX_ATTR_AUTOMOUNT                        = 0x1000
+	STATX_ATTR_COMPRESSED                       = 0x4
+	STATX_ATTR_ENCRYPTED                        = 0x800
+	STATX_ATTR_IMMUTABLE                        = 0x10
+	STATX_ATTR_NODUMP                           = 0x40
+	STATX_BASIC_STATS                           = 0x7ff
+	STATX_BLOCKS                                = 0x400
+	STATX_BTIME                                 = 0x800
+	STATX_CTIME                                 = 0x80
+	STATX_GID                                   = 0x10
+	STATX_INO                                   = 0x100
+	STATX_MODE                                  = 0x2
+	STATX_MTIME                                 = 0x40
+	STATX_NLINK                                 = 0x4
+	STATX_SIZE                                  = 0x200
+	STATX_TYPE                                  = 0x1
+	STATX_UID                                   = 0x8
+	STATX__RESERVED                             = 0x80000000
+	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WAIT_AFTER                  = 0x4
+	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WAIT_BEFORE                 = 0x1
+	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WRITE                       = 0x2
+	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WRITE_AND_WAIT              = 0x7
+	SYSFS_MAGIC                                 = 0x62656572
+	S_BLKSIZE                                   = 0x200
+	S_IEXEC                                     = 0x40
+	S_IFBLK                                     = 0x6000
+	S_IFCHR                                     = 0x2000
+	S_IFDIR                                     = 0x4000
+	S_IFIFO                                     = 0x1000
+	S_IFLNK                                     = 0xa000
+	S_IFMT                                      = 0xf000
+	S_IFREG                                     = 0x8000
+	S_IFSOCK                                    = 0xc000
+	S_IREAD                                     = 0x100
+	S_IRGRP                                     = 0x20
+	S_IROTH                                     = 0x4
+	S_IRUSR                                     = 0x100
+	S_IRWXG                                     = 0x38
+	S_IRWXO                                     = 0x7
+	S_IRWXU                                     = 0x1c0
+	S_ISGID                                     = 0x400
+	S_ISUID                                     = 0x800
+	S_ISVTX                                     = 0x200
+	S_IWGRP                                     = 0x10
+	S_IWOTH                                     = 0x2
+	S_IWRITE                                    = 0x80
+	S_IWUSR                                     = 0x80
+	S_IXGRP                                     = 0x8
+	S_IXOTH                                     = 0x1
+	S_IXUSR                                     = 0x40
+	TAB0                                        = 0x0
+	TAB1                                        = 0x800
+	TAB2                                        = 0x1000
+	TAB3                                        = 0x1800
+	TABDLY                                      = 0x1800
+	TASKSTATS_CMD_ATTR_MAX                      = 0x4
+	TASKSTATS_CMD_MAX                           = 0x2
+	TASKSTATS_GENL_NAME                         = "TASKSTATS"
+	TASKSTATS_GENL_VERSION                      = 0x1
+	TASKSTATS_TYPE_MAX                          = 0x6
+	TASKSTATS_VERSION                           = 0x9
+	TCFLSH                                      = 0x5407
+	TCGETA                                      = 0x5401
+	TCGETS                                      = 0x540d
+	TCGETS2                                     = 0x4030542a
+	TCIFLUSH                                    = 0x0
+	TCIOFF                                      = 0x2
+	TCIOFLUSH                                   = 0x2
+	TCION                                       = 0x3
+	TCOFLUSH                                    = 0x1
+	TCOOFF                                      = 0x0
+	TCOON                                       = 0x1
+	TCP_BPF_IW                                  = 0x3e9
+	TCP_BPF_SNDCWND_CLAMP                       = 0x3ea
+	TCP_CC_INFO                                 = 0x1a
+	TCP_CM_INQ                                  = 0x24
+	TCP_CONGESTION                              = 0xd
+	TCP_COOKIE_IN_ALWAYS                        = 0x1
+	TCP_COOKIE_MAX                              = 0x10
+	TCP_COOKIE_MIN                              = 0x8
+	TCP_COOKIE_OUT_NEVER                        = 0x2
+	TCP_COOKIE_PAIR_SIZE                        = 0x20
+	TCP_COOKIE_TRANSACTIONS                     = 0xf
+	TCP_CORK                                    = 0x3
+	TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT                            = 0x9
+	TCP_FASTOPEN                                = 0x17
+	TCP_FASTOPEN_CONNECT                        = 0x1e
+	TCP_FASTOPEN_KEY                            = 0x21
+	TCP_FASTOPEN_NO_COOKIE                      = 0x22
+	TCP_INFO                                    = 0xb
+	TCP_INQ                                     = 0x24
+	TCP_KEEPCNT                                 = 0x6
+	TCP_KEEPIDLE                                = 0x4
+	TCP_KEEPINTVL                               = 0x5
+	TCP_LINGER2                                 = 0x8
+	TCP_MAXSEG                                  = 0x2
+	TCP_MAXWIN                                  = 0xffff
+	TCP_MAX_WINSHIFT                            = 0xe
+	TCP_MD5SIG                                  = 0xe
+	TCP_MD5SIG_EXT                              = 0x20
+	TCP_MD5SIG_FLAG_PREFIX                      = 0x1
+	TCP_MD5SIG_MAXKEYLEN                        = 0x50
+	TCP_MSS                                     = 0x200
+	TCP_MSS_DEFAULT                             = 0x218
+	TCP_MSS_DESIRED                             = 0x4c4
+	TCP_NODELAY                                 = 0x1
+	TCP_NOTSENT_LOWAT                           = 0x19
+	TCP_QUEUE_SEQ                               = 0x15
+	TCP_QUICKACK                                = 0xc
+	TCP_REPAIR                                  = 0x13
+	TCP_REPAIR_OFF                              = 0x0
+	TCP_REPAIR_OFF_NO_WP                        = -0x1
+	TCP_REPAIR_ON                               = 0x1
+	TCP_REPAIR_OPTIONS                          = 0x16
+	TCP_REPAIR_QUEUE                            = 0x14
+	TCP_REPAIR_WINDOW                           = 0x1d
+	TCP_SAVED_SYN                               = 0x1c
+	TCP_SAVE_SYN                                = 0x1b
+	TCP_SYNCNT                                  = 0x7
+	TCP_S_DATA_IN                               = 0x4
+	TCP_S_DATA_OUT                              = 0x8
+	TCP_THIN_DUPACK                             = 0x11
+	TCP_THIN_LINEAR_TIMEOUTS                    = 0x10
+	TCP_TIMESTAMP                               = 0x18
+	TCP_ULP                                     = 0x1f
+	TCP_USER_TIMEOUT                            = 0x12
+	TCP_WINDOW_CLAMP                            = 0xa
+	TCP_ZEROCOPY_RECEIVE                        = 0x23
+	TCSAFLUSH                                   = 0x5410
+	TCSBRK                                      = 0x5405
+	TCSBRKP                                     = 0x5486
+	TCSETA                                      = 0x5402
+	TCSETAF                                     = 0x5404
+	TCSETAW                                     = 0x5403
+	TCSETS                                      = 0x540e
+	TCSETS2                                     = 0x8030542b
+	TCSETSF                                     = 0x5410
+	TCSETSF2                                    = 0x8030542d
+	TCSETSW                                     = 0x540f
+	TCSETSW2                                    = 0x8030542c
+	TCXONC                                      = 0x5406
+	TIMER_ABSTIME                               = 0x1
+	TIOCCBRK                                    = 0x5428
+	TIOCCONS                                    = 0x80047478
+	TIOCEXCL                                    = 0x740d
+	TIOCGDEV                                    = 0x40045432
+	TIOCGETD                                    = 0x7400
+	TIOCGETP                                    = 0x7408
+	TIOCGEXCL                                   = 0x40045440
+	TIOCGICOUNT                                 = 0x5492
+	TIOCGISO7816                                = 0x40285442
+	TIOCGLCKTRMIOS                              = 0x548b
+	TIOCGLTC                                    = 0x7474
+	TIOCGPGRP                                   = 0x40047477
+	TIOCGPKT                                    = 0x40045438
+	TIOCGPTLCK                                  = 0x40045439
+	TIOCGPTN                                    = 0x40045430
+	TIOCGPTPEER                                 = 0x20005441
+	TIOCGRS485                                  = 0x4020542e
+	TIOCGSERIAL                                 = 0x5484
+	TIOCGSID                                    = 0x7416
+	TIOCGSOFTCAR                                = 0x5481
+	TIOCGWINSZ                                  = 0x40087468
+	TIOCINQ                                     = 0x467f
+	TIOCLINUX                                   = 0x5483
+	TIOCMBIC                                    = 0x741c
+	TIOCMBIS                                    = 0x741b
+	TIOCMGET                                    = 0x741d
+	TIOCMIWAIT                                  = 0x5491
+	TIOCMSET                                    = 0x741a
+	TIOCM_CAR                                   = 0x100
+	TIOCM_CD                                    = 0x100
+	TIOCM_CTS                                   = 0x40
+	TIOCM_DSR                                   = 0x400
+	TIOCM_DTR                                   = 0x2
+	TIOCM_LE                                    = 0x1
+	TIOCM_RI                                    = 0x200
+	TIOCM_RNG                                   = 0x200
+	TIOCM_RTS                                   = 0x4
+	TIOCM_SR                                    = 0x20
+	TIOCM_ST                                    = 0x10
+	TIOCNOTTY                                   = 0x5471
+	TIOCNXCL                                    = 0x740e
+	TIOCOUTQ                                    = 0x7472
+	TIOCPKT                                     = 0x5470
+	TIOCPKT_DATA                                = 0x0
+	TIOCPKT_DOSTOP                              = 0x20
+	TIOCPKT_FLUSHREAD                           = 0x1
+	TIOCPKT_FLUSHWRITE                          = 0x2
+	TIOCPKT_IOCTL                               = 0x40
+	TIOCPKT_NOSTOP                              = 0x10
+	TIOCPKT_START                               = 0x8
+	TIOCPKT_STOP                                = 0x4
+	TIOCSBRK                                    = 0x5427
+	TIOCSCTTY                                   = 0x5480
+	TIOCSERCONFIG                               = 0x5488
+	TIOCSERGETLSR                               = 0x548e
+	TIOCSERGETMULTI                             = 0x548f
+	TIOCSERGSTRUCT                              = 0x548d
+	TIOCSERGWILD                                = 0x5489
+	TIOCSERSETMULTI                             = 0x5490
+	TIOCSERSWILD                                = 0x548a
+	TIOCSER_TEMT                                = 0x1
+	TIOCSETD                                    = 0x7401
+	TIOCSETN                                    = 0x740a
+	TIOCSETP                                    = 0x7409
+	TIOCSIG                                     = 0x80045436
+	TIOCSISO7816                                = 0xc0285443
+	TIOCSLCKTRMIOS                              = 0x548c
+	TIOCSLTC                                    = 0x7475
+	TIOCSPGRP                                   = 0x80047476
+	TIOCSPTLCK                                  = 0x80045431
+	TIOCSRS485                                  = 0xc020542f
+	TIOCSSERIAL                                 = 0x5485
+	TIOCSSOFTCAR                                = 0x5482
+	TIOCSTI                                     = 0x5472
+	TIOCSWINSZ                                  = 0x80087467
+	TIOCVHANGUP                                 = 0x5437
+	TIPC_ADDR_ID                                = 0x3
+	TIPC_ADDR_MCAST                             = 0x1
+	TIPC_ADDR_NAME                              = 0x2
+	TIPC_ADDR_NAMESEQ                           = 0x1
+	TIPC_CFG_SRV                                = 0x0
+	TIPC_CLUSTER_BITS                           = 0xc
+	TIPC_CLUSTER_MASK                           = 0xfff000
+	TIPC_CLUSTER_OFFSET                         = 0xc
+	TIPC_CLUSTER_SIZE                           = 0xfff
+	TIPC_CONN_SHUTDOWN                          = 0x5
+	TIPC_CONN_TIMEOUT                           = 0x82
+	TIPC_CRITICAL_IMPORTANCE                    = 0x3
+	TIPC_DESTNAME                               = 0x3
+	TIPC_DEST_DROPPABLE                         = 0x81
+	TIPC_ERRINFO                                = 0x1
+	TIPC_ERR_NO_NAME                            = 0x1
+	TIPC_ERR_NO_NODE                            = 0x3
+	TIPC_ERR_NO_PORT                            = 0x2
+	TIPC_ERR_OVERLOAD                           = 0x4
+	TIPC_GROUP_JOIN                             = 0x87
+	TIPC_GROUP_LEAVE                            = 0x88
+	TIPC_GROUP_LOOPBACK                         = 0x1
+	TIPC_GROUP_MEMBER_EVTS                      = 0x2
+	TIPC_HIGH_IMPORTANCE                        = 0x2
+	TIPC_IMPORTANCE                             = 0x7f
+	TIPC_LINK_STATE                             = 0x2
+	TIPC_LOW_IMPORTANCE                         = 0x0
+	TIPC_MAX_BEARER_NAME                        = 0x20
+	TIPC_MAX_IF_NAME                            = 0x10
+	TIPC_MAX_LINK_NAME                          = 0x44
+	TIPC_MAX_MEDIA_NAME                         = 0x10
+	TIPC_MAX_USER_MSG_SIZE                      = 0x101d0
+	TIPC_MCAST_BROADCAST                        = 0x85
+	TIPC_MCAST_REPLICAST                        = 0x86
+	TIPC_MEDIUM_IMPORTANCE                      = 0x1
+	TIPC_NODEID_LEN                             = 0x10
+	TIPC_NODE_BITS                              = 0xc
+	TIPC_NODE_MASK                              = 0xfff
+	TIPC_NODE_OFFSET                            = 0x0
+	TIPC_NODE_RECVQ_DEPTH                       = 0x83
+	TIPC_NODE_SIZE                              = 0xfff
+	TIPC_NODE_STATE                             = 0x0
+	TIPC_OK                                     = 0x0
+	TIPC_PUBLISHED                              = 0x1
+	TIPC_RESERVED_TYPES                         = 0x40
+	TIPC_RETDATA                                = 0x2
+	TIPC_SERVICE_ADDR                           = 0x2
+	TIPC_SERVICE_RANGE                          = 0x1
+	TIPC_SOCKET_ADDR                            = 0x3
+	TIPC_SOCK_RECVQ_DEPTH                       = 0x84
+	TIPC_SOCK_RECVQ_USED                        = 0x89
+	TIPC_SRC_DROPPABLE                          = 0x80
+	TIPC_SUBSCR_TIMEOUT                         = 0x3
+	TIPC_SUB_CANCEL                             = 0x4
+	TIPC_SUB_PORTS                              = 0x1
+	TIPC_SUB_SERVICE                            = 0x2
+	TIPC_TOP_SRV                                = 0x1
+	TIPC_WAIT_FOREVER                           = 0xffffffff
+	TIPC_WITHDRAWN                              = 0x2
+	TIPC_ZONE_BITS                              = 0x8
+	TIPC_ZONE_CLUSTER_MASK                      = 0xfffff000
+	TIPC_ZONE_MASK                              = 0xff000000
+	TIPC_ZONE_OFFSET                            = 0x18
+	TIPC_ZONE_SCOPE                             = 0x1
+	TIPC_ZONE_SIZE                              = 0xff
+	TMPFS_MAGIC                                 = 0x1021994
+	TOSTOP                                      = 0x8000
+	TPACKET_ALIGNMENT                           = 0x10
+	TPACKET_HDRLEN                              = 0x34
+	TP_STATUS_AVAILABLE                         = 0x0
+	TP_STATUS_BLK_TMO                           = 0x20
+	TP_STATUS_COPY                              = 0x2
+	TP_STATUS_CSUMNOTREADY                      = 0x8
+	TP_STATUS_CSUM_VALID                        = 0x80
+	TP_STATUS_KERNEL                            = 0x0
+	TP_STATUS_LOSING                            = 0x4
+	TP_STATUS_SENDING                           = 0x2
+	TP_STATUS_SEND_REQUEST                      = 0x1
+	TP_STATUS_TS_RAW_HARDWARE                   = 0x80000000
+	TP_STATUS_TS_SOFTWARE                       = 0x20000000
+	TP_STATUS_TS_SYS_HARDWARE                   = 0x40000000
+	TP_STATUS_USER                              = 0x1
+	TP_STATUS_VLAN_TPID_VALID                   = 0x40
+	TP_STATUS_VLAN_VALID                        = 0x10
+	TP_STATUS_WRONG_FORMAT                      = 0x4
+	TRACEFS_MAGIC                               = 0x74726163
+	TS_COMM_LEN                                 = 0x20
+	TUNATTACHFILTER                             = 0x800854d5
+	TUNDETACHFILTER                             = 0x800854d6
+	TUNGETDEVNETNS                              = 0x200054e3
+	TUNGETFEATURES                              = 0x400454cf
+	TUNGETFILTER                                = 0x400854db
+	TUNGETIFF                                   = 0x400454d2
+	TUNGETSNDBUF                                = 0x400454d3
+	TUNGETVNETBE                                = 0x400454df
+	TUNGETVNETHDRSZ                             = 0x400454d7
+	TUNGETVNETLE                                = 0x400454dd
+	TUNSETCARRIER                               = 0x800454e2
+	TUNSETDEBUG                                 = 0x800454c9
+	TUNSETFILTEREBPF                            = 0x400454e1
+	TUNSETGROUP                                 = 0x800454ce
+	TUNSETIFF                                   = 0x800454ca
+	TUNSETIFINDEX                               = 0x800454da
+	TUNSETLINK                                  = 0x800454cd
+	TUNSETNOCSUM                                = 0x800454c8
+	TUNSETOFFLOAD                               = 0x800454d0
+	TUNSETOWNER                                 = 0x800454cc
+	TUNSETPERSIST                               = 0x800454cb
+	TUNSETQUEUE                                 = 0x800454d9
+	TUNSETSNDBUF                                = 0x800454d4
+	TUNSETSTEERINGEBPF                          = 0x400454e0
+	TUNSETTXFILTER                              = 0x800454d1
+	TUNSETVNETBE                                = 0x800454de
+	TUNSETVNETHDRSZ                             = 0x800454d8
+	TUNSETVNETLE                                = 0x800454dc
+	UBI_IOCATT                                  = 0x80186f40
+	UBI_IOCDET                                  = 0x80046f41
+	UBI_IOCEBCH                                 = 0x80044f02
+	UBI_IOCEBER                                 = 0x80044f01
+	UBI_IOCEBISMAP                              = 0x40044f05
+	UBI_IOCEBMAP                                = 0x80084f03
+	UBI_IOCEBUNMAP                              = 0x80044f04
+	UBI_IOCMKVOL                                = 0x80986f00
+	UBI_IOCRMVOL                                = 0x80046f01
+	UBI_IOCRNVOL                                = 0x91106f03
+	UBI_IOCRPEB                                 = 0x80046f04
+	UBI_IOCRSVOL                                = 0x800c6f02
+	UBI_IOCSETVOLPROP                           = 0x80104f06
+	UBI_IOCSPEB                                 = 0x80046f05
+	UBI_IOCVOLCRBLK                             = 0x80804f07
+	UBI_IOCVOLRMBLK                             = 0x20004f08
+	UBI_IOCVOLUP                                = 0x80084f00
+	UDF_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x15013346
+	UMOUNT_NOFOLLOW                             = 0x8
+	USBDEVICE_SUPER_MAGIC                       = 0x9fa2
+	UTIME_NOW                                   = 0x3fffffff
+	UTIME_OMIT                                  = 0x3ffffffe
+	V9FS_MAGIC                                  = 0x1021997
+	VDISCARD                                    = 0xd
+	VEOF                                        = 0x10
+	VEOL                                        = 0x11
+	VEOL2                                       = 0x6
+	VERASE                                      = 0x2
+	VINTR                                       = 0x0
+	VKILL                                       = 0x3
+	VLNEXT                                      = 0xf
+	VMADDR_CID_ANY                              = 0xffffffff
+	VMADDR_CID_HOST                             = 0x2
+	VMADDR_CID_HYPERVISOR                       = 0x0
+	VMADDR_CID_RESERVED                         = 0x1
+	VMADDR_PORT_ANY                             = 0xffffffff
+	VMIN                                        = 0x4
+	VM_SOCKETS_INVALID_VERSION                  = 0xffffffff
+	VQUIT                                       = 0x1
+	VREPRINT                                    = 0xc
+	VSTART                                      = 0x8
+	VSTOP                                       = 0x9
+	VSUSP                                       = 0xa
+	VSWTC                                       = 0x7
+	VSWTCH                                      = 0x7
+	VT0                                         = 0x0
+	VT1                                         = 0x4000
+	VTDLY                                       = 0x4000
+	VTIME                                       = 0x5
+	VWERASE                                     = 0xe
+	WALL                                        = 0x40000000
+	WCLONE                                      = 0x80000000
+	WCONTINUED                                  = 0x8
+	WDIOC_GETBOOTSTATUS                         = 0x40045702
+	WDIOC_GETPRETIMEOUT                         = 0x40045709
+	WDIOC_GETSTATUS                             = 0x40045701
+	WDIOC_GETSUPPORT                            = 0x40285700
+	WDIOC_GETTEMP                               = 0x40045703
+	WDIOC_GETTIMELEFT                           = 0x4004570a
+	WDIOC_GETTIMEOUT                            = 0x40045707
+	WDIOC_KEEPALIVE                             = 0x40045705
+	WDIOC_SETOPTIONS                            = 0x40045704
+	WDIOC_SETPRETIMEOUT                         = 0xc0045708
+	WDIOC_SETTIMEOUT                            = 0xc0045706
+	WEXITED                                     = 0x4
+	WIN_ACKMEDIACHANGE                          = 0xdb
+	WIN_CHECKPOWERMODE1                         = 0xe5
+	WIN_CHECKPOWERMODE2                         = 0x98
+	WIN_DEVICE_RESET                            = 0x8
+	WIN_DIAGNOSE                                = 0x90
+	WIN_DOORLOCK                                = 0xde
+	WIN_DOORUNLOCK                              = 0xdf
+	WIN_DOWNLOAD_MICROCODE                      = 0x92
+	WIN_FLUSH_CACHE                             = 0xe7
+	WIN_FLUSH_CACHE_EXT                         = 0xea
+	WIN_FORMAT                                  = 0x50
+	WIN_GETMEDIASTATUS                          = 0xda
+	WIN_IDENTIFY                                = 0xec
+	WIN_IDENTIFY_DMA                            = 0xee
+	WIN_IDLEIMMEDIATE                           = 0xe1
+	WIN_INIT                                    = 0x60
+	WIN_MEDIAEJECT                              = 0xed
+	WIN_MULTREAD                                = 0xc4
+	WIN_MULTREAD_EXT                            = 0x29
+	WIN_MULTWRITE                               = 0xc5
+	WIN_MULTWRITE_EXT                           = 0x39
+	WIN_NOP                                     = 0x0
+	WIN_PACKETCMD                               = 0xa0
+	WIN_PIDENTIFY                               = 0xa1
+	WIN_POSTBOOT                                = 0xdc
+	WIN_PREBOOT                                 = 0xdd
+	WIN_QUEUED_SERVICE                          = 0xa2
+	WIN_READ                                    = 0x20
+	WIN_READDMA                                 = 0xc8
+	WIN_READDMA_EXT                             = 0x25
+	WIN_READDMA_ONCE                            = 0xc9
+	WIN_READDMA_QUEUED                          = 0xc7
+	WIN_READDMA_QUEUED_EXT                      = 0x26
+	WIN_READ_BUFFER                             = 0xe4
+	WIN_READ_EXT                                = 0x24
+	WIN_READ_LONG                               = 0x22
+	WIN_READ_LONG_ONCE                          = 0x23
+	WIN_READ_NATIVE_MAX                         = 0xf8
+	WIN_READ_NATIVE_MAX_EXT                     = 0x27
+	WIN_READ_ONCE                               = 0x21
+	WIN_RECAL                                   = 0x10
+	WIN_RESTORE                                 = 0x10
+	WIN_SECURITY_DISABLE                        = 0xf6
+	WIN_SECURITY_ERASE_PREPARE                  = 0xf3
+	WIN_SECURITY_ERASE_UNIT                     = 0xf4
+	WIN_SECURITY_FREEZE_LOCK                    = 0xf5
+	WIN_SECURITY_SET_PASS                       = 0xf1
+	WIN_SECURITY_UNLOCK                         = 0xf2
+	WIN_SEEK                                    = 0x70
+	WIN_SETFEATURES                             = 0xef
+	WIN_SETIDLE1                                = 0xe3
+	WIN_SETIDLE2                                = 0x97
+	WIN_SETMULT                                 = 0xc6
+	WIN_SET_MAX                                 = 0xf9
+	WIN_SET_MAX_EXT                             = 0x37
+	WIN_SLEEPNOW1                               = 0xe6
+	WIN_SLEEPNOW2                               = 0x99
+	WIN_SMART                                   = 0xb0
+	WIN_SPECIFY                                 = 0x91
+	WIN_SRST                                    = 0x8
+	WIN_STANDBY                                 = 0xe2
+	WIN_STANDBY2                                = 0x96
+	WIN_STANDBYNOW1                             = 0xe0
+	WIN_STANDBYNOW2                             = 0x94
+	WIN_VERIFY                                  = 0x40
+	WIN_VERIFY_EXT                              = 0x42
+	WIN_VERIFY_ONCE                             = 0x41
+	WIN_WRITE                                   = 0x30
+	WIN_WRITEDMA                                = 0xca
+	WIN_WRITEDMA_EXT                            = 0x35
+	WIN_WRITEDMA_ONCE                           = 0xcb
+	WIN_WRITEDMA_QUEUED                         = 0xcc
+	WIN_WRITEDMA_QUEUED_EXT                     = 0x36
+	WIN_WRITE_BUFFER                            = 0xe8
+	WIN_WRITE_EXT                               = 0x34
+	WIN_WRITE_LONG                              = 0x32
+	WIN_WRITE_LONG_ONCE                         = 0x33
+	WIN_WRITE_ONCE                              = 0x31
+	WIN_WRITE_SAME                              = 0xe9
+	WIN_WRITE_VERIFY                            = 0x3c
+	WNOHANG                                     = 0x1
+	WNOTHREAD                                   = 0x20000000
+	WNOWAIT                                     = 0x1000000
+	WORDSIZE                                    = 0x20
+	WSTOPPED                                    = 0x2
+	WUNTRACED                                   = 0x2
+	XATTR_CREATE                                = 0x1
+	XATTR_REPLACE                               = 0x2
+	XCASE                                       = 0x4
+	XDP_COPY                                    = 0x2
+	XDP_FLAGS_DRV_MODE                          = 0x4
+	XDP_FLAGS_HW_MODE                           = 0x8
+	XDP_FLAGS_MASK                              = 0xf
+	XDP_FLAGS_MODES                             = 0xe
+	XDP_FLAGS_SKB_MODE                          = 0x2
+	XDP_FLAGS_UPDATE_IF_NOEXIST                 = 0x1
+	XDP_MMAP_OFFSETS                            = 0x1
+	XDP_OPTIONS                                 = 0x8
+	XDP_OPTIONS_ZEROCOPY                        = 0x1
+	XDP_PACKET_HEADROOM                         = 0x100
+	XDP_PGOFF_RX_RING                           = 0x0
+	XDP_PGOFF_TX_RING                           = 0x80000000
+	XDP_RING_NEED_WAKEUP                        = 0x1
+	XDP_RX_RING                                 = 0x2
+	XDP_SHARED_UMEM                             = 0x1
+	XDP_STATISTICS                              = 0x7
+	XDP_TX_RING                                 = 0x3
+	XDP_UMEM_COMPLETION_RING                    = 0x6
+	XDP_UMEM_FILL_RING                          = 0x5
+	XDP_UMEM_PGOFF_COMPLETION_RING              = 0x180000000
+	XDP_UMEM_PGOFF_FILL_RING                    = 0x100000000
+	XDP_UMEM_REG                                = 0x4
+	XDP_UMEM_UNALIGNED_CHUNK_FLAG               = 0x1
+	XDP_USE_NEED_WAKEUP                         = 0x8
+	XDP_ZEROCOPY                                = 0x4
+	XENFS_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0xabba1974
+	XFS_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x58465342
+	XTABS                                       = 0x1800
+	Z3FOLD_MAGIC                                = 0x33
+	ZSMALLOC_MAGIC                              = 0x58295829
 // Errors
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_ppc64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_ppc64.go
index eefdb32..9adb20e 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_ppc64.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_ppc64.go
@@ -11,2719 +11,2875 @@ package unix
 import "syscall"
 const (
-	AAFS_MAGIC                           = 0x5a3c69f0
-	ADFS_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xadf5
-	AFFS_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xadff
-	AFS_FS_MAGIC                         = 0x6b414653
-	AFS_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x5346414f
-	AF_ALG                               = 0x26
-	AF_APPLETALK                         = 0x5
-	AF_ASH                               = 0x12
-	AF_ATMPVC                            = 0x8
-	AF_ATMSVC                            = 0x14
-	AF_AX25                              = 0x3
-	AF_BLUETOOTH                         = 0x1f
-	AF_BRIDGE                            = 0x7
-	AF_CAIF                              = 0x25
-	AF_CAN                               = 0x1d
-	AF_DECnet                            = 0xc
-	AF_ECONET                            = 0x13
-	AF_FILE                              = 0x1
-	AF_IB                                = 0x1b
-	AF_IEEE802154                        = 0x24
-	AF_INET                              = 0x2
-	AF_INET6                             = 0xa
-	AF_IPX                               = 0x4
-	AF_IRDA                              = 0x17
-	AF_ISDN                              = 0x22
-	AF_IUCV                              = 0x20
-	AF_KCM                               = 0x29
-	AF_KEY                               = 0xf
-	AF_LLC                               = 0x1a
-	AF_LOCAL                             = 0x1
-	AF_MAX                               = 0x2d
-	AF_MPLS                              = 0x1c
-	AF_NETBEUI                           = 0xd
-	AF_NETLINK                           = 0x10
-	AF_NETROM                            = 0x6
-	AF_NFC                               = 0x27
-	AF_PACKET                            = 0x11
-	AF_PHONET                            = 0x23
-	AF_PPPOX                             = 0x18
-	AF_QIPCRTR                           = 0x2a
-	AF_RDS                               = 0x15
-	AF_ROSE                              = 0xb
-	AF_ROUTE                             = 0x10
-	AF_RXRPC                             = 0x21
-	AF_SECURITY                          = 0xe
-	AF_SMC                               = 0x2b
-	AF_SNA                               = 0x16
-	AF_TIPC                              = 0x1e
-	AF_UNIX                              = 0x1
-	AF_UNSPEC                            = 0x0
-	AF_VSOCK                             = 0x28
-	AF_WANPIPE                           = 0x19
-	AF_X25                               = 0x9
-	AF_XDP                               = 0x2c
-	ALG_OP_DECRYPT                       = 0x0
-	ALG_OP_ENCRYPT                       = 0x1
-	ALG_SET_AEAD_ASSOCLEN                = 0x4
-	ALG_SET_AEAD_AUTHSIZE                = 0x5
-	ALG_SET_IV                           = 0x2
-	ALG_SET_KEY                          = 0x1
-	ALG_SET_OP                           = 0x3
-	ANON_INODE_FS_MAGIC                  = 0x9041934
-	ARPHRD_6LOWPAN                       = 0x339
-	ARPHRD_ADAPT                         = 0x108
-	ARPHRD_APPLETLK                      = 0x8
-	ARPHRD_ARCNET                        = 0x7
-	ARPHRD_ASH                           = 0x30d
-	ARPHRD_ATM                           = 0x13
-	ARPHRD_AX25                          = 0x3
-	ARPHRD_BIF                           = 0x307
-	ARPHRD_CAIF                          = 0x336
-	ARPHRD_CAN                           = 0x118
-	ARPHRD_CHAOS                         = 0x5
-	ARPHRD_CISCO                         = 0x201
-	ARPHRD_CSLIP                         = 0x101
-	ARPHRD_CSLIP6                        = 0x103
-	ARPHRD_DDCMP                         = 0x205
-	ARPHRD_DLCI                          = 0xf
-	ARPHRD_ECONET                        = 0x30e
-	ARPHRD_EETHER                        = 0x2
-	ARPHRD_ETHER                         = 0x1
-	ARPHRD_EUI64                         = 0x1b
-	ARPHRD_FCAL                          = 0x311
-	ARPHRD_FCFABRIC                      = 0x313
-	ARPHRD_FCPL                          = 0x312
-	ARPHRD_FCPP                          = 0x310
-	ARPHRD_FDDI                          = 0x306
-	ARPHRD_FRAD                          = 0x302
-	ARPHRD_HDLC                          = 0x201
-	ARPHRD_HIPPI                         = 0x30c
-	ARPHRD_HWX25                         = 0x110
-	ARPHRD_IEEE1394                      = 0x18
-	ARPHRD_IEEE802                       = 0x6
-	ARPHRD_IEEE80211                     = 0x321
-	ARPHRD_IEEE80211_PRISM               = 0x322
-	ARPHRD_IEEE80211_RADIOTAP            = 0x323
-	ARPHRD_IEEE802154                    = 0x324
-	ARPHRD_IEEE802154_MONITOR            = 0x325
-	ARPHRD_IEEE802_TR                    = 0x320
-	ARPHRD_INFINIBAND                    = 0x20
-	ARPHRD_IP6GRE                        = 0x337
-	ARPHRD_IPDDP                         = 0x309
-	ARPHRD_IPGRE                         = 0x30a
-	ARPHRD_IRDA                          = 0x30f
-	ARPHRD_LAPB                          = 0x204
-	ARPHRD_LOCALTLK                      = 0x305
-	ARPHRD_LOOPBACK                      = 0x304
-	ARPHRD_METRICOM                      = 0x17
-	ARPHRD_NETLINK                       = 0x338
-	ARPHRD_NETROM                        = 0x0
-	ARPHRD_NONE                          = 0xfffe
-	ARPHRD_PHONET                        = 0x334
-	ARPHRD_PHONET_PIPE                   = 0x335
-	ARPHRD_PIMREG                        = 0x30b
-	ARPHRD_PPP                           = 0x200
-	ARPHRD_PRONET                        = 0x4
-	ARPHRD_RAWHDLC                       = 0x206
-	ARPHRD_RAWIP                         = 0x207
-	ARPHRD_ROSE                          = 0x10e
-	ARPHRD_RSRVD                         = 0x104
-	ARPHRD_SIT                           = 0x308
-	ARPHRD_SKIP                          = 0x303
-	ARPHRD_SLIP                          = 0x100
-	ARPHRD_SLIP6                         = 0x102
-	ARPHRD_TUNNEL                        = 0x300
-	ARPHRD_TUNNEL6                       = 0x301
-	ARPHRD_VOID                          = 0xffff
-	ARPHRD_VSOCKMON                      = 0x33a
-	ARPHRD_X25                           = 0x10f
-	AUTOFS_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0x187
-	B0                                   = 0x0
-	B1000000                             = 0x17
-	B110                                 = 0x3
-	B115200                              = 0x11
-	B1152000                             = 0x18
-	B1200                                = 0x9
-	B134                                 = 0x4
-	B150                                 = 0x5
-	B1500000                             = 0x19
-	B1800                                = 0xa
-	B19200                               = 0xe
-	B200                                 = 0x6
-	B2000000                             = 0x1a
-	B230400                              = 0x12
-	B2400                                = 0xb
-	B2500000                             = 0x1b
-	B300                                 = 0x7
-	B3000000                             = 0x1c
-	B3500000                             = 0x1d
-	B38400                               = 0xf
-	B4000000                             = 0x1e
-	B460800                              = 0x13
-	B4800                                = 0xc
-	B50                                  = 0x1
-	B500000                              = 0x14
-	B57600                               = 0x10
-	B576000                              = 0x15
-	B600                                 = 0x8
-	B75                                  = 0x2
-	B921600                              = 0x16
-	B9600                                = 0xd
-	BALLOON_KVM_MAGIC                    = 0x13661366
-	BDEVFS_MAGIC                         = 0x62646576
-	BINDERFS_SUPER_MAGIC                 = 0x6c6f6f70
-	BINFMTFS_MAGIC                       = 0x42494e4d
-	BLKBSZGET                            = 0x40081270
-	BLKBSZSET                            = 0x80081271
-	BLKFLSBUF                            = 0x20001261
-	BLKFRAGET                            = 0x20001265
-	BLKFRASET                            = 0x20001264
-	BLKGETSIZE                           = 0x20001260
-	BLKGETSIZE64                         = 0x40081272
-	BLKPBSZGET                           = 0x2000127b
-	BLKRAGET                             = 0x20001263
-	BLKRASET                             = 0x20001262
-	BLKROGET                             = 0x2000125e
-	BLKROSET                             = 0x2000125d
-	BLKRRPART                            = 0x2000125f
-	BLKSECTGET                           = 0x20001267
-	BLKSECTSET                           = 0x20001266
-	BLKSSZGET                            = 0x20001268
-	BOTHER                               = 0x1f
-	BPF_A                                = 0x10
-	BPF_ABS                              = 0x20
-	BPF_ADD                              = 0x0
-	BPF_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L2_MASK           = 0xff
-	BPF_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L2_SHIFT          = 0x38
-	BPF_ALU                              = 0x4
-	BPF_ALU64                            = 0x7
-	BPF_AND                              = 0x50
-	BPF_ANY                              = 0x0
-	BPF_ARSH                             = 0xc0
-	BPF_B                                = 0x10
-	BPF_BUILD_ID_SIZE                    = 0x14
-	BPF_CALL                             = 0x80
-	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_MKNOD                  = 0x1
-	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_READ                   = 0x2
-	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_WRITE                  = 0x4
-	BPF_DEVCG_DEV_BLOCK                  = 0x1
-	BPF_DEVCG_DEV_CHAR                   = 0x2
-	BPF_DIV                              = 0x30
-	BPF_DW                               = 0x18
-	BPF_END                              = 0xd0
-	BPF_EXIST                            = 0x2
-	BPF_EXIT                             = 0x90
-	BPF_FROM_BE                          = 0x8
-	BPF_FROM_LE                          = 0x0
-	BPF_FS_MAGIC                         = 0xcafe4a11
-	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L3_IPV4         = 0x2
-	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L3_IPV6         = 0x4
-	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L4_GRE          = 0x8
-	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L4_UDP          = 0x10
-	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_FIXED_GSO             = 0x1
-	BPF_F_ALLOW_MULTI                    = 0x2
-	BPF_F_ALLOW_OVERRIDE                 = 0x1
-	BPF_F_ANY_ALIGNMENT                  = 0x2
-	BPF_F_CTXLEN_MASK                    = 0xfffff00000000
-	BPF_F_CURRENT_CPU                    = 0xffffffff
-	BPF_F_CURRENT_NETNS                  = -0x1
-	BPF_F_DONT_FRAGMENT                  = 0x4
-	BPF_F_FAST_STACK_CMP                 = 0x200
-	BPF_F_HDR_FIELD_MASK                 = 0xf
-	BPF_F_INDEX_MASK                     = 0xffffffff
-	BPF_F_INGRESS                        = 0x1
-	BPF_F_INVALIDATE_HASH                = 0x2
-	BPF_F_LOCK                           = 0x4
-	BPF_F_MARK_ENFORCE                   = 0x40
-	BPF_F_MARK_MANGLED_0                 = 0x20
-	BPF_F_NO_COMMON_LRU                  = 0x2
-	BPF_F_NO_PREALLOC                    = 0x1
-	BPF_F_NUMA_NODE                      = 0x4
-	BPF_F_PSEUDO_HDR                     = 0x10
-	BPF_F_QUERY_EFFECTIVE                = 0x1
-	BPF_F_RDONLY                         = 0x8
-	BPF_F_RDONLY_PROG                    = 0x80
-	BPF_F_RECOMPUTE_CSUM                 = 0x1
-	BPF_F_REUSE_STACKID                  = 0x400
-	BPF_F_SEQ_NUMBER                     = 0x8
-	BPF_F_SKIP_FIELD_MASK                = 0xff
-	BPF_F_STACK_BUILD_ID                 = 0x20
-	BPF_F_STRICT_ALIGNMENT               = 0x1
-	BPF_F_SYSCTL_BASE_NAME               = 0x1
-	BPF_F_TUNINFO_IPV6                   = 0x1
-	BPF_F_USER_BUILD_ID                  = 0x800
-	BPF_F_USER_STACK                     = 0x100
-	BPF_F_WRONLY                         = 0x10
-	BPF_F_WRONLY_PROG                    = 0x100
-	BPF_F_ZERO_CSUM_TX                   = 0x2
-	BPF_F_ZERO_SEED                      = 0x40
-	BPF_H                                = 0x8
-	BPF_IMM                              = 0x0
-	BPF_IND                              = 0x40
-	BPF_JA                               = 0x0
-	BPF_JEQ                              = 0x10
-	BPF_JGE                              = 0x30
-	BPF_JGT                              = 0x20
-	BPF_JLE                              = 0xb0
-	BPF_JLT                              = 0xa0
-	BPF_JMP                              = 0x5
-	BPF_JMP32                            = 0x6
-	BPF_JNE                              = 0x50
-	BPF_JSET                             = 0x40
-	BPF_JSGE                             = 0x70
-	BPF_JSGT                             = 0x60
-	BPF_JSLE                             = 0xd0
-	BPF_JSLT                             = 0xc0
-	BPF_K                                = 0x0
-	BPF_LD                               = 0x0
-	BPF_LDX                              = 0x1
-	BPF_LEN                              = 0x80
-	BPF_LL_OFF                           = -0x200000
-	BPF_LSH                              = 0x60
-	BPF_MAJOR_VERSION                    = 0x1
-	BPF_MAXINSNS                         = 0x1000
-	BPF_MEM                              = 0x60
-	BPF_MEMWORDS                         = 0x10
-	BPF_MINOR_VERSION                    = 0x1
-	BPF_MISC                             = 0x7
-	BPF_MOD                              = 0x90
-	BPF_MOV                              = 0xb0
-	BPF_MSH                              = 0xa0
-	BPF_MUL                              = 0x20
-	BPF_NEG                              = 0x80
-	BPF_NET_OFF                          = -0x100000
-	BPF_NOEXIST                          = 0x1
-	BPF_OBJ_NAME_LEN                     = 0x10
-	BPF_OR                               = 0x40
-	BPF_PSEUDO_CALL                      = 0x1
-	BPF_PSEUDO_MAP_FD                    = 0x1
-	BPF_PSEUDO_MAP_VALUE                 = 0x2
-	BPF_RET                              = 0x6
-	BPF_RSH                              = 0x70
-	BPF_SK_STORAGE_GET_F_CREATE          = 0x1
-	BPF_SOCK_OPS_ALL_CB_FLAGS            = 0x7
-	BPF_SOCK_OPS_RTO_CB_FLAG             = 0x1
-	BPF_SOCK_OPS_STATE_CB_FLAG           = 0x4
-	BPF_ST                               = 0x2
-	BPF_STX                              = 0x3
-	BPF_SUB                              = 0x10
-	BPF_TAG_SIZE                         = 0x8
-	BPF_TAX                              = 0x0
-	BPF_TO_BE                            = 0x8
-	BPF_TO_LE                            = 0x0
-	BPF_TXA                              = 0x80
-	BPF_W                                = 0x0
-	BPF_X                                = 0x8
-	BPF_XADD                             = 0xc0
-	BPF_XOR                              = 0xa0
-	BRKINT                               = 0x2
-	BS0                                  = 0x0
-	BS1                                  = 0x8000
-	BSDLY                                = 0x8000
-	BTRFS_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x9123683e
-	BTRFS_TEST_MAGIC                     = 0x73727279
-	CAN_BCM                              = 0x2
-	CAN_EFF_FLAG                         = 0x80000000
-	CAN_EFF_ID_BITS                      = 0x1d
-	CAN_EFF_MASK                         = 0x1fffffff
-	CAN_ERR_FLAG                         = 0x20000000
-	CAN_ERR_MASK                         = 0x1fffffff
-	CAN_INV_FILTER                       = 0x20000000
-	CAN_ISOTP                            = 0x6
-	CAN_MAX_DLC                          = 0x8
-	CAN_MAX_DLEN                         = 0x8
-	CAN_MCNET                            = 0x5
-	CAN_MTU                              = 0x10
-	CAN_NPROTO                           = 0x7
-	CAN_RAW                              = 0x1
-	CAN_RAW_FILTER_MAX                   = 0x200
-	CAN_RTR_FLAG                         = 0x40000000
-	CAN_SFF_ID_BITS                      = 0xb
-	CAN_SFF_MASK                         = 0x7ff
-	CAN_TP16                             = 0x3
-	CAN_TP20                             = 0x4
-	CAP_AUDIT_CONTROL                    = 0x1e
-	CAP_AUDIT_READ                       = 0x25
-	CAP_AUDIT_WRITE                      = 0x1d
-	CAP_BLOCK_SUSPEND                    = 0x24
-	CAP_CHOWN                            = 0x0
-	CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE                     = 0x1
-	CAP_DAC_READ_SEARCH                  = 0x2
-	CAP_FOWNER                           = 0x3
-	CAP_FSETID                           = 0x4
-	CAP_IPC_LOCK                         = 0xe
-	CAP_IPC_OWNER                        = 0xf
-	CAP_KILL                             = 0x5
-	CAP_LAST_CAP                         = 0x25
-	CAP_LEASE                            = 0x1c
-	CAP_LINUX_IMMUTABLE                  = 0x9
-	CAP_MAC_ADMIN                        = 0x21
-	CAP_MAC_OVERRIDE                     = 0x20
-	CAP_MKNOD                            = 0x1b
-	CAP_NET_ADMIN                        = 0xc
-	CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE                 = 0xa
-	CAP_NET_BROADCAST                    = 0xb
-	CAP_NET_RAW                          = 0xd
-	CAP_SETFCAP                          = 0x1f
-	CAP_SETGID                           = 0x6
-	CAP_SETPCAP                          = 0x8
-	CAP_SETUID                           = 0x7
-	CAP_SYSLOG                           = 0x22
-	CAP_SYS_ADMIN                        = 0x15
-	CAP_SYS_BOOT                         = 0x16
-	CAP_SYS_CHROOT                       = 0x12
-	CAP_SYS_MODULE                       = 0x10
-	CAP_SYS_NICE                         = 0x17
-	CAP_SYS_PACCT                        = 0x14
-	CAP_SYS_PTRACE                       = 0x13
-	CAP_SYS_RAWIO                        = 0x11
-	CAP_SYS_RESOURCE                     = 0x18
-	CAP_SYS_TIME                         = 0x19
-	CAP_SYS_TTY_CONFIG                   = 0x1a
-	CAP_WAKE_ALARM                       = 0x23
-	CBAUD                                = 0xff
-	CBAUDEX                              = 0x0
-	CFLUSH                               = 0xf
-	CGROUP2_SUPER_MAGIC                  = 0x63677270
-	CGROUP_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0x27e0eb
-	CIBAUD                               = 0xff0000
-	CLOCAL                               = 0x8000
-	CLOCK_BOOTTIME                       = 0x7
-	CLOCK_BOOTTIME_ALARM                 = 0x9
-	CLOCK_DEFAULT                        = 0x0
-	CLOCK_EXT                            = 0x1
-	CLOCK_INT                            = 0x2
-	CLOCK_MONOTONIC                      = 0x1
-	CLOCK_MONOTONIC_COARSE               = 0x6
-	CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW                  = 0x4
-	CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID             = 0x2
-	CLOCK_REALTIME                       = 0x0
-	CLOCK_REALTIME_ALARM                 = 0x8
-	CLOCK_REALTIME_COARSE                = 0x5
-	CLOCK_TAI                            = 0xb
-	CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID              = 0x3
-	CLOCK_TXFROMRX                       = 0x4
-	CLOCK_TXINT                          = 0x3
-	CLONE_CHILD_CLEARTID                 = 0x200000
-	CLONE_CHILD_SETTID                   = 0x1000000
-	CLONE_DETACHED                       = 0x400000
-	CLONE_FILES                          = 0x400
-	CLONE_FS                             = 0x200
-	CLONE_IO                             = 0x80000000
-	CLONE_NEWCGROUP                      = 0x2000000
-	CLONE_NEWIPC                         = 0x8000000
-	CLONE_NEWNET                         = 0x40000000
-	CLONE_NEWNS                          = 0x20000
-	CLONE_NEWPID                         = 0x20000000
-	CLONE_NEWUSER                        = 0x10000000
-	CLONE_NEWUTS                         = 0x4000000
-	CLONE_PARENT                         = 0x8000
-	CLONE_PARENT_SETTID                  = 0x100000
-	CLONE_PIDFD                          = 0x1000
-	CLONE_PTRACE                         = 0x2000
-	CLONE_SETTLS                         = 0x80000
-	CLONE_SIGHAND                        = 0x800
-	CLONE_SYSVSEM                        = 0x40000
-	CLONE_THREAD                         = 0x10000
-	CLONE_UNTRACED                       = 0x800000
-	CLONE_VFORK                          = 0x4000
-	CLONE_VM                             = 0x100
-	CMSPAR                               = 0x40000000
-	CODA_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0x73757245
-	CR0                                  = 0x0
-	CR1                                  = 0x1000
-	CR2                                  = 0x2000
-	CR3                                  = 0x3000
-	CRAMFS_MAGIC                         = 0x28cd3d45
-	CRDLY                                = 0x3000
-	CREAD                                = 0x800
-	CRTSCTS                              = 0x80000000
-	CRYPTO_MAX_NAME                      = 0x40
-	CRYPTO_MSG_MAX                       = 0x15
-	CRYPTO_NR_MSGTYPES                   = 0x6
-	CRYPTO_REPORT_MAXSIZE                = 0x160
-	CS5                                  = 0x0
-	CS6                                  = 0x100
-	CS7                                  = 0x200
-	CS8                                  = 0x300
-	CSIGNAL                              = 0xff
-	CSIZE                                = 0x300
-	CSTART                               = 0x11
-	CSTATUS                              = 0x0
-	CSTOP                                = 0x13
-	CSTOPB                               = 0x400
-	CSUSP                                = 0x1a
-	DAXFS_MAGIC                          = 0x64646178
-	DEBUGFS_MAGIC                        = 0x64626720
-	DEVPTS_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0x1cd1
-	DT_BLK                               = 0x6
-	DT_CHR                               = 0x2
-	DT_DIR                               = 0x4
-	DT_FIFO                              = 0x1
-	DT_LNK                               = 0xa
-	DT_REG                               = 0x8
-	DT_SOCK                              = 0xc
-	DT_UNKNOWN                           = 0x0
-	DT_WHT                               = 0xe
-	ECHO                                 = 0x8
-	ECHOCTL                              = 0x40
-	ECHOE                                = 0x2
-	ECHOK                                = 0x4
-	ECHOKE                               = 0x1
-	ECHONL                               = 0x10
-	ECHOPRT                              = 0x20
-	ECRYPTFS_SUPER_MAGIC                 = 0xf15f
-	EFD_CLOEXEC                          = 0x80000
-	EFD_NONBLOCK                         = 0x800
-	EFD_SEMAPHORE                        = 0x1
-	EFIVARFS_MAGIC                       = 0xde5e81e4
-	EFS_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x414a53
-	ENCODING_DEFAULT                     = 0x0
-	ENCODING_FM_MARK                     = 0x3
-	ENCODING_FM_SPACE                    = 0x4
-	ENCODING_MANCHESTER                  = 0x5
-	ENCODING_NRZ                         = 0x1
-	ENCODING_NRZI                        = 0x2
-	EPOLLERR                             = 0x8
-	EPOLLET                              = 0x80000000
-	EPOLLEXCLUSIVE                       = 0x10000000
-	EPOLLHUP                             = 0x10
-	EPOLLIN                              = 0x1
-	EPOLLMSG                             = 0x400
-	EPOLLONESHOT                         = 0x40000000
-	EPOLLOUT                             = 0x4
-	EPOLLPRI                             = 0x2
-	EPOLLRDBAND                          = 0x80
-	EPOLLRDHUP                           = 0x2000
-	EPOLLRDNORM                          = 0x40
-	EPOLLWAKEUP                          = 0x20000000
-	EPOLLWRBAND                          = 0x200
-	EPOLLWRNORM                          = 0x100
-	EPOLL_CLOEXEC                        = 0x80000
-	EPOLL_CTL_ADD                        = 0x1
-	EPOLL_CTL_DEL                        = 0x2
-	EPOLL_CTL_MOD                        = 0x3
-	ETH_P_1588                           = 0x88f7
-	ETH_P_8021AD                         = 0x88a8
-	ETH_P_8021AH                         = 0x88e7
-	ETH_P_8021Q                          = 0x8100
-	ETH_P_80221                          = 0x8917
-	ETH_P_802_2                          = 0x4
-	ETH_P_802_3                          = 0x1
-	ETH_P_802_3_MIN                      = 0x600
-	ETH_P_802_EX1                        = 0x88b5
-	ETH_P_AARP                           = 0x80f3
-	ETH_P_AF_IUCV                        = 0xfbfb
-	ETH_P_ALL                            = 0x3
-	ETH_P_AOE                            = 0x88a2
-	ETH_P_ARCNET                         = 0x1a
-	ETH_P_ARP                            = 0x806
-	ETH_P_ATALK                          = 0x809b
-	ETH_P_ATMFATE                        = 0x8884
-	ETH_P_ATMMPOA                        = 0x884c
-	ETH_P_AX25                           = 0x2
-	ETH_P_BATMAN                         = 0x4305
-	ETH_P_BPQ                            = 0x8ff
-	ETH_P_CAIF                           = 0xf7
-	ETH_P_CAN                            = 0xc
-	ETH_P_CANFD                          = 0xd
-	ETH_P_CONTROL                        = 0x16
-	ETH_P_CUST                           = 0x6006
-	ETH_P_DDCMP                          = 0x6
-	ETH_P_DEC                            = 0x6000
-	ETH_P_DIAG                           = 0x6005
-	ETH_P_DNA_DL                         = 0x6001
-	ETH_P_DNA_RC                         = 0x6002
-	ETH_P_DNA_RT                         = 0x6003
-	ETH_P_DSA                            = 0x1b
-	ETH_P_DSA_8021Q                      = 0xdadb
-	ETH_P_ECONET                         = 0x18
-	ETH_P_EDSA                           = 0xdada
-	ETH_P_ERSPAN                         = 0x88be
-	ETH_P_ERSPAN2                        = 0x22eb
-	ETH_P_FCOE                           = 0x8906
-	ETH_P_FIP                            = 0x8914
-	ETH_P_HDLC                           = 0x19
-	ETH_P_HSR                            = 0x892f
-	ETH_P_IBOE                           = 0x8915
-	ETH_P_IEEE802154                     = 0xf6
-	ETH_P_IEEEPUP                        = 0xa00
-	ETH_P_IEEEPUPAT                      = 0xa01
-	ETH_P_IFE                            = 0xed3e
-	ETH_P_IP                             = 0x800
-	ETH_P_IPV6                           = 0x86dd
-	ETH_P_IPX                            = 0x8137
-	ETH_P_IRDA                           = 0x17
-	ETH_P_LAT                            = 0x6004
-	ETH_P_LINK_CTL                       = 0x886c
-	ETH_P_LOCALTALK                      = 0x9
-	ETH_P_LOOP                           = 0x60
-	ETH_P_LOOPBACK                       = 0x9000
-	ETH_P_MACSEC                         = 0x88e5
-	ETH_P_MAP                            = 0xf9
-	ETH_P_MOBITEX                        = 0x15
-	ETH_P_MPLS_MC                        = 0x8848
-	ETH_P_MPLS_UC                        = 0x8847
-	ETH_P_MVRP                           = 0x88f5
-	ETH_P_NCSI                           = 0x88f8
-	ETH_P_NSH                            = 0x894f
-	ETH_P_PAE                            = 0x888e
-	ETH_P_PAUSE                          = 0x8808
-	ETH_P_PHONET                         = 0xf5
-	ETH_P_PPPTALK                        = 0x10
-	ETH_P_PPP_DISC                       = 0x8863
-	ETH_P_PPP_MP                         = 0x8
-	ETH_P_PPP_SES                        = 0x8864
-	ETH_P_PREAUTH                        = 0x88c7
-	ETH_P_PRP                            = 0x88fb
-	ETH_P_PUP                            = 0x200
-	ETH_P_PUPAT                          = 0x201
-	ETH_P_QINQ1                          = 0x9100
-	ETH_P_QINQ2                          = 0x9200
-	ETH_P_QINQ3                          = 0x9300
-	ETH_P_RARP                           = 0x8035
-	ETH_P_SCA                            = 0x6007
-	ETH_P_SLOW                           = 0x8809
-	ETH_P_SNAP                           = 0x5
-	ETH_P_TDLS                           = 0x890d
-	ETH_P_TEB                            = 0x6558
-	ETH_P_TIPC                           = 0x88ca
-	ETH_P_TRAILER                        = 0x1c
-	ETH_P_TR_802_2                       = 0x11
-	ETH_P_TSN                            = 0x22f0
-	ETH_P_WAN_PPP                        = 0x7
-	ETH_P_WCCP                           = 0x883e
-	ETH_P_X25                            = 0x805
-	ETH_P_XDSA                           = 0xf8
-	EXABYTE_ENABLE_NEST                  = 0xf0
-	EXT2_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xef53
-	EXT3_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xef53
-	EXT4_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xef53
-	EXTA                                 = 0xe
-	EXTB                                 = 0xf
-	EXTPROC                              = 0x10000000
-	F2FS_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xf2f52010
-	FALLOC_FL_COLLAPSE_RANGE             = 0x8
-	FALLOC_FL_INSERT_RANGE               = 0x20
-	FALLOC_FL_KEEP_SIZE                  = 0x1
-	FALLOC_FL_NO_HIDE_STALE              = 0x4
-	FALLOC_FL_PUNCH_HOLE                 = 0x2
-	FALLOC_FL_UNSHARE_RANGE              = 0x40
-	FALLOC_FL_ZERO_RANGE                 = 0x10
-	FAN_ACCESS                           = 0x1
-	FAN_ACCESS_PERM                      = 0x20000
-	FAN_ALLOW                            = 0x1
-	FAN_ALL_CLASS_BITS                   = 0xc
-	FAN_ALL_EVENTS                       = 0x3b
-	FAN_ALL_INIT_FLAGS                   = 0x3f
-	FAN_ALL_MARK_FLAGS                   = 0xff
-	FAN_ALL_OUTGOING_EVENTS              = 0x3403b
-	FAN_ALL_PERM_EVENTS                  = 0x30000
-	FAN_ATTRIB                           = 0x4
-	FAN_AUDIT                            = 0x10
-	FAN_CLASS_CONTENT                    = 0x4
-	FAN_CLASS_NOTIF                      = 0x0
-	FAN_CLASS_PRE_CONTENT                = 0x8
-	FAN_CLOEXEC                          = 0x1
-	FAN_CLOSE                            = 0x18
-	FAN_CLOSE_NOWRITE                    = 0x10
-	FAN_CLOSE_WRITE                      = 0x8
-	FAN_CREATE                           = 0x100
-	FAN_DELETE                           = 0x200
-	FAN_DELETE_SELF                      = 0x400
-	FAN_DENY                             = 0x2
-	FAN_ENABLE_AUDIT                     = 0x40
-	FAN_EVENT_INFO_TYPE_FID              = 0x1
-	FAN_EVENT_METADATA_LEN               = 0x18
-	FAN_EVENT_ON_CHILD                   = 0x8000000
-	FAN_MARK_ADD                         = 0x1
-	FAN_MARK_DONT_FOLLOW                 = 0x4
-	FAN_MARK_FILESYSTEM                  = 0x100
-	FAN_MARK_FLUSH                       = 0x80
-	FAN_MARK_IGNORED_MASK                = 0x20
-	FAN_MARK_INODE                       = 0x0
-	FAN_MARK_MOUNT                       = 0x10
-	FAN_MARK_ONLYDIR                     = 0x8
-	FAN_MARK_REMOVE                      = 0x2
-	FAN_MODIFY                           = 0x2
-	FAN_MOVE                             = 0xc0
-	FAN_MOVED_FROM                       = 0x40
-	FAN_MOVED_TO                         = 0x80
-	FAN_MOVE_SELF                        = 0x800
-	FAN_NOFD                             = -0x1
-	FAN_NONBLOCK                         = 0x2
-	FAN_ONDIR                            = 0x40000000
-	FAN_OPEN                             = 0x20
-	FAN_OPEN_EXEC                        = 0x1000
-	FAN_OPEN_EXEC_PERM                   = 0x40000
-	FAN_OPEN_PERM                        = 0x10000
-	FAN_Q_OVERFLOW                       = 0x4000
-	FAN_REPORT_FID                       = 0x200
-	FAN_REPORT_TID                       = 0x100
-	FAN_UNLIMITED_MARKS                  = 0x20
-	FAN_UNLIMITED_QUEUE                  = 0x10
-	FD_CLOEXEC                           = 0x1
-	FD_SETSIZE                           = 0x400
-	FF0                                  = 0x0
-	FF1                                  = 0x4000
-	FFDLY                                = 0x4000
-	FLUSHO                               = 0x800000
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_128_CBC       = 0x5
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_128_CTS       = 0x6
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_CBC       = 0x3
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_CTS       = 0x4
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_GCM       = 0x2
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_XTS       = 0x1
-	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY         = 0x800c6615
-	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_PWSALT         = 0x80106614
-	FS_IOC_SET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY         = 0x400c6613
-	FS_KEY_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE               = 0x8
-	FS_KEY_DESC_PREFIX                   = "fscrypt:"
-	FS_KEY_DESC_PREFIX_SIZE              = 0x8
-	FS_MAX_KEY_SIZE                      = 0x40
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_16               = 0x2
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_32               = 0x3
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_4                = 0x0
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_8                = 0x1
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_MASK             = 0x3
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_VALID                = 0x7
-	FUTEXFS_SUPER_MAGIC                  = 0xbad1dea
-	F_ADD_SEALS                          = 0x409
-	F_DUPFD                              = 0x0
-	F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC                      = 0x406
-	F_EXLCK                              = 0x4
-	F_GETFD                              = 0x1
-	F_GETFL                              = 0x3
-	F_GETLEASE                           = 0x401
-	F_GETLK                              = 0x5
-	F_GETLK64                            = 0xc
-	F_GETOWN                             = 0x9
-	F_GETOWN_EX                          = 0x10
-	F_GETPIPE_SZ                         = 0x408
-	F_GETSIG                             = 0xb
-	F_GET_FILE_RW_HINT                   = 0x40d
-	F_GET_RW_HINT                        = 0x40b
-	F_GET_SEALS                          = 0x40a
-	F_LOCK                               = 0x1
-	F_NOTIFY                             = 0x402
-	F_OFD_GETLK                          = 0x24
-	F_OFD_SETLK                          = 0x25
-	F_OFD_SETLKW                         = 0x26
-	F_OK                                 = 0x0
-	F_RDLCK                              = 0x0
-	F_SEAL_FUTURE_WRITE                  = 0x10
-	F_SEAL_GROW                          = 0x4
-	F_SEAL_SEAL                          = 0x1
-	F_SEAL_SHRINK                        = 0x2
-	F_SEAL_WRITE                         = 0x8
-	F_SETFD                              = 0x2
-	F_SETFL                              = 0x4
-	F_SETLEASE                           = 0x400
-	F_SETLK                              = 0x6
-	F_SETLK64                            = 0xd
-	F_SETLKW                             = 0x7
-	F_SETLKW64                           = 0xe
-	F_SETOWN                             = 0x8
-	F_SETOWN_EX                          = 0xf
-	F_SETPIPE_SZ                         = 0x407
-	F_SETSIG                             = 0xa
-	F_SET_FILE_RW_HINT                   = 0x40e
-	F_SET_RW_HINT                        = 0x40c
-	F_SHLCK                              = 0x8
-	F_TEST                               = 0x3
-	F_TLOCK                              = 0x2
-	F_ULOCK                              = 0x0
-	F_UNLCK                              = 0x2
-	F_WRLCK                              = 0x1
-	GENL_ADMIN_PERM                      = 0x1
-	GENL_CMD_CAP_DO                      = 0x2
-	GENL_CMD_CAP_DUMP                    = 0x4
-	GENL_CMD_CAP_HASPOL                  = 0x8
-	GENL_HDRLEN                          = 0x4
-	GENL_ID_CTRL                         = 0x10
-	GENL_ID_PMCRAID                      = 0x12
-	GENL_ID_VFS_DQUOT                    = 0x11
-	GENL_MAX_ID                          = 0x3ff
-	GENL_MIN_ID                          = 0x10
-	GENL_NAMSIZ                          = 0x10
-	GENL_START_ALLOC                     = 0x13
-	GENL_UNS_ADMIN_PERM                  = 0x10
-	GRND_NONBLOCK                        = 0x1
-	GRND_RANDOM                          = 0x2
-	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD                       = 0x31f
-	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD_AEB                   = 0x31e
-	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD_HDR_SIZE              = 0x4
-	HDIO_DRIVE_HOB_HDR_SIZE              = 0x8
-	HDIO_DRIVE_RESET                     = 0x31c
-	HDIO_DRIVE_TASK                      = 0x31e
-	HDIO_DRIVE_TASKFILE                  = 0x31d
-	HDIO_DRIVE_TASK_HDR_SIZE             = 0x8
-	HDIO_GETGEO                          = 0x301
-	HDIO_GET_32BIT                       = 0x309
-	HDIO_GET_ACOUSTIC                    = 0x30f
-	HDIO_GET_ADDRESS                     = 0x310
-	HDIO_GET_BUSSTATE                    = 0x31a
-	HDIO_GET_DMA                         = 0x30b
-	HDIO_GET_IDENTITY                    = 0x30d
-	HDIO_GET_KEEPSETTINGS                = 0x308
-	HDIO_GET_MULTCOUNT                   = 0x304
-	HDIO_GET_NICE                        = 0x30c
-	HDIO_GET_NOWERR                      = 0x30a
-	HDIO_GET_QDMA                        = 0x305
-	HDIO_GET_UNMASKINTR                  = 0x302
-	HDIO_GET_WCACHE                      = 0x30e
-	HDIO_OBSOLETE_IDENTITY               = 0x307
-	HDIO_SCAN_HWIF                       = 0x328
-	HDIO_SET_32BIT                       = 0x324
-	HDIO_SET_ACOUSTIC                    = 0x32c
-	HDIO_SET_ADDRESS                     = 0x32f
-	HDIO_SET_BUSSTATE                    = 0x32d
-	HDIO_SET_DMA                         = 0x326
-	HDIO_SET_KEEPSETTINGS                = 0x323
-	HDIO_SET_MULTCOUNT                   = 0x321
-	HDIO_SET_NICE                        = 0x329
-	HDIO_SET_NOWERR                      = 0x325
-	HDIO_SET_PIO_MODE                    = 0x327
-	HDIO_SET_QDMA                        = 0x32e
-	HDIO_SET_UNMASKINTR                  = 0x322
-	HDIO_SET_WCACHE                      = 0x32b
-	HDIO_SET_XFER                        = 0x306
-	HDIO_TRISTATE_HWIF                   = 0x31b
-	HDIO_UNREGISTER_HWIF                 = 0x32a
-	HOSTFS_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0xc0ffee
-	HPFS_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xf995e849
-	HUGETLBFS_MAGIC                      = 0x958458f6
-	HUPCL                                = 0x4000
-	IBSHIFT                              = 0x10
-	ICANON                               = 0x100
-	ICMPV6_FILTER                        = 0x1
-	ICRNL                                = 0x100
-	IEXTEN                               = 0x400
-	IFA_F_DADFAILED                      = 0x8
-	IFA_F_DEPRECATED                     = 0x20
-	IFA_F_HOMEADDRESS                    = 0x10
-	IFA_F_MANAGETEMPADDR                 = 0x100
-	IFA_F_MCAUTOJOIN                     = 0x400
-	IFA_F_NODAD                          = 0x2
-	IFA_F_NOPREFIXROUTE                  = 0x200
-	IFA_F_OPTIMISTIC                     = 0x4
-	IFA_F_PERMANENT                      = 0x80
-	IFA_F_SECONDARY                      = 0x1
-	IFA_F_STABLE_PRIVACY                 = 0x800
-	IFA_F_TEMPORARY                      = 0x1
-	IFA_F_TENTATIVE                      = 0x40
-	IFA_MAX                              = 0xa
-	IFF_ALLMULTI                         = 0x200
-	IFF_ATTACH_QUEUE                     = 0x200
-	IFF_AUTOMEDIA                        = 0x4000
-	IFF_BROADCAST                        = 0x2
-	IFF_DEBUG                            = 0x4
-	IFF_DETACH_QUEUE                     = 0x400
-	IFF_DORMANT                          = 0x20000
-	IFF_DYNAMIC                          = 0x8000
-	IFF_ECHO                             = 0x40000
-	IFF_LOOPBACK                         = 0x8
-	IFF_LOWER_UP                         = 0x10000
-	IFF_MASTER                           = 0x400
-	IFF_MULTICAST                        = 0x1000
-	IFF_MULTI_QUEUE                      = 0x100
-	IFF_NAPI                             = 0x10
-	IFF_NAPI_FRAGS                       = 0x20
-	IFF_NOARP                            = 0x80
-	IFF_NOFILTER                         = 0x1000
-	IFF_NOTRAILERS                       = 0x20
-	IFF_NO_PI                            = 0x1000
-	IFF_ONE_QUEUE                        = 0x2000
-	IFF_PERSIST                          = 0x800
-	IFF_POINTOPOINT                      = 0x10
-	IFF_PORTSEL                          = 0x2000
-	IFF_PROMISC                          = 0x100
-	IFF_RUNNING                          = 0x40
-	IFF_SLAVE                            = 0x800
-	IFF_TAP                              = 0x2
-	IFF_TUN                              = 0x1
-	IFF_TUN_EXCL                         = 0x8000
-	IFF_UP                               = 0x1
-	IFF_VNET_HDR                         = 0x4000
-	IFF_VOLATILE                         = 0x70c5a
-	IFNAMSIZ                             = 0x10
-	IGNBRK                               = 0x1
-	IGNCR                                = 0x80
-	IGNPAR                               = 0x4
-	IMAXBEL                              = 0x2000
-	INLCR                                = 0x40
-	INPCK                                = 0x10
-	IN_ACCESS                            = 0x1
-	IN_ALL_EVENTS                        = 0xfff
-	IN_ATTRIB                            = 0x4
-	IN_CLASSA_HOST                       = 0xffffff
-	IN_CLASSA_MAX                        = 0x80
-	IN_CLASSA_NET                        = 0xff000000
-	IN_CLASSA_NSHIFT                     = 0x18
-	IN_CLASSB_HOST                       = 0xffff
-	IN_CLASSB_MAX                        = 0x10000
-	IN_CLASSB_NET                        = 0xffff0000
-	IN_CLASSB_NSHIFT                     = 0x10
-	IN_CLASSC_HOST                       = 0xff
-	IN_CLASSC_NET                        = 0xffffff00
-	IN_CLASSC_NSHIFT                     = 0x8
-	IN_CLOEXEC                           = 0x80000
-	IN_CLOSE                             = 0x18
-	IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE                     = 0x10
-	IN_CLOSE_WRITE                       = 0x8
-	IN_CREATE                            = 0x100
-	IN_DELETE                            = 0x200
-	IN_DELETE_SELF                       = 0x400
-	IN_DONT_FOLLOW                       = 0x2000000
-	IN_EXCL_UNLINK                       = 0x4000000
-	IN_IGNORED                           = 0x8000
-	IN_ISDIR                             = 0x40000000
-	IN_LOOPBACKNET                       = 0x7f
-	IN_MASK_ADD                          = 0x20000000
-	IN_MASK_CREATE                       = 0x10000000
-	IN_MODIFY                            = 0x2
-	IN_MOVE                              = 0xc0
-	IN_MOVED_FROM                        = 0x40
-	IN_MOVED_TO                          = 0x80
-	IN_MOVE_SELF                         = 0x800
-	IN_NONBLOCK                          = 0x800
-	IN_ONESHOT                           = 0x80000000
-	IN_ONLYDIR                           = 0x1000000
-	IN_OPEN                              = 0x20
-	IN_Q_OVERFLOW                        = 0x4000
-	IN_UNMOUNT                           = 0x2000
-	IOCTL_VM_SOCKETS_GET_LOCAL_CID       = 0x200007b9
-	IPPROTO_AH                           = 0x33
-	IPPROTO_BEETPH                       = 0x5e
-	IPPROTO_COMP                         = 0x6c
-	IPPROTO_DCCP                         = 0x21
-	IPPROTO_DSTOPTS                      = 0x3c
-	IPPROTO_EGP                          = 0x8
-	IPPROTO_ENCAP                        = 0x62
-	IPPROTO_ESP                          = 0x32
-	IPPROTO_FRAGMENT                     = 0x2c
-	IPPROTO_GRE                          = 0x2f
-	IPPROTO_HOPOPTS                      = 0x0
-	IPPROTO_ICMP                         = 0x1
-	IPPROTO_ICMPV6                       = 0x3a
-	IPPROTO_IDP                          = 0x16
-	IPPROTO_IGMP                         = 0x2
-	IPPROTO_IP                           = 0x0
-	IPPROTO_IPIP                         = 0x4
-	IPPROTO_IPV6                         = 0x29
-	IPPROTO_MH                           = 0x87
-	IPPROTO_MPLS                         = 0x89
-	IPPROTO_MTP                          = 0x5c
-	IPPROTO_NONE                         = 0x3b
-	IPPROTO_PIM                          = 0x67
-	IPPROTO_PUP                          = 0xc
-	IPPROTO_RAW                          = 0xff
-	IPPROTO_ROUTING                      = 0x2b
-	IPPROTO_RSVP                         = 0x2e
-	IPPROTO_SCTP                         = 0x84
-	IPPROTO_TCP                          = 0x6
-	IPPROTO_TP                           = 0x1d
-	IPPROTO_UDP                          = 0x11
-	IPPROTO_UDPLITE                      = 0x88
-	IPV6_2292DSTOPTS                     = 0x4
-	IPV6_2292HOPLIMIT                    = 0x8
-	IPV6_2292HOPOPTS                     = 0x3
-	IPV6_2292PKTINFO                     = 0x2
-	IPV6_2292PKTOPTIONS                  = 0x6
-	IPV6_2292RTHDR                       = 0x5
-	IPV6_ADDRFORM                        = 0x1
-	IPV6_ADDR_PREFERENCES                = 0x48
-	IPV6_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                  = 0x14
-	IPV6_AUTHHDR                         = 0xa
-	IPV6_AUTOFLOWLABEL                   = 0x46
-	IPV6_CHECKSUM                        = 0x7
-	IPV6_DONTFRAG                        = 0x3e
-	IPV6_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                 = 0x15
-	IPV6_DSTOPTS                         = 0x3b
-	IPV6_FREEBIND                        = 0x4e
-	IPV6_HDRINCL                         = 0x24
-	IPV6_HOPLIMIT                        = 0x34
-	IPV6_HOPOPTS                         = 0x36
-	IPV6_IPSEC_POLICY                    = 0x22
-	IPV6_JOIN_ANYCAST                    = 0x1b
-	IPV6_JOIN_GROUP                      = 0x14
-	IPV6_LEAVE_ANYCAST                   = 0x1c
-	IPV6_LEAVE_GROUP                     = 0x15
-	IPV6_MINHOPCOUNT                     = 0x49
-	IPV6_MTU                             = 0x18
-	IPV6_MTU_DISCOVER                    = 0x17
-	IPV6_MULTICAST_ALL                   = 0x1d
-	IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS                  = 0x12
-	IPV6_MULTICAST_IF                    = 0x11
-	IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP                  = 0x13
-	IPV6_NEXTHOP                         = 0x9
-	IPV6_ORIGDSTADDR                     = 0x4a
-	IPV6_PATHMTU                         = 0x3d
-	IPV6_PKTINFO                         = 0x32
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_DO                     = 0x2
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_DONT                   = 0x0
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_INTERFACE              = 0x4
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_OMIT                   = 0x5
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_PROBE                  = 0x3
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_WANT                   = 0x1
-	IPV6_RECVDSTOPTS                     = 0x3a
-	IPV6_RECVERR                         = 0x19
-	IPV6_RECVFRAGSIZE                    = 0x4d
-	IPV6_RECVHOPLIMIT                    = 0x33
-	IPV6_RECVHOPOPTS                     = 0x35
-	IPV6_RECVORIGDSTADDR                 = 0x4a
-	IPV6_RECVPATHMTU                     = 0x3c
-	IPV6_RECVPKTINFO                     = 0x31
-	IPV6_RECVRTHDR                       = 0x38
-	IPV6_RECVTCLASS                      = 0x42
-	IPV6_ROUTER_ALERT                    = 0x16
-	IPV6_ROUTER_ALERT_ISOLATE            = 0x1e
-	IPV6_RTHDR                           = 0x39
-	IPV6_RTHDRDSTOPTS                    = 0x37
-	IPV6_RTHDR_LOOSE                     = 0x0
-	IPV6_RTHDR_STRICT                    = 0x1
-	IPV6_RTHDR_TYPE_0                    = 0x0
-	IPV6_RXDSTOPTS                       = 0x3b
-	IPV6_RXHOPOPTS                       = 0x36
-	IPV6_TCLASS                          = 0x43
-	IPV6_TRANSPARENT                     = 0x4b
-	IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS                    = 0x10
-	IPV6_UNICAST_IF                      = 0x4c
-	IPV6_V6ONLY                          = 0x1a
-	IPV6_XFRM_POLICY                     = 0x23
-	IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                    = 0x23
-	IP_ADD_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP             = 0x27
-	IP_BIND_ADDRESS_NO_PORT              = 0x18
-	IP_BLOCK_SOURCE                      = 0x26
-	IP_CHECKSUM                          = 0x17
-	IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_LOOP            = 0x1
-	IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_TTL             = 0x1
-	IP_DF                                = 0x4000
-	IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                   = 0x24
-	IP_DROP_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP            = 0x28
-	IP_FREEBIND                          = 0xf
-	IP_HDRINCL                           = 0x3
-	IP_IPSEC_POLICY                      = 0x10
-	IP_MAXPACKET                         = 0xffff
-	IP_MAX_MEMBERSHIPS                   = 0x14
-	IP_MF                                = 0x2000
-	IP_MINTTL                            = 0x15
-	IP_MSFILTER                          = 0x29
-	IP_MSS                               = 0x240
-	IP_MTU                               = 0xe
-	IP_MTU_DISCOVER                      = 0xa
-	IP_MULTICAST_ALL                     = 0x31
-	IP_MULTICAST_IF                      = 0x20
-	IP_MULTICAST_LOOP                    = 0x22
-	IP_MULTICAST_TTL                     = 0x21
-	IP_NODEFRAG                          = 0x16
-	IP_OFFMASK                           = 0x1fff
-	IP_OPTIONS                           = 0x4
-	IP_ORIGDSTADDR                       = 0x14
-	IP_PASSSEC                           = 0x12
-	IP_PKTINFO                           = 0x8
-	IP_PKTOPTIONS                        = 0x9
-	IP_PMTUDISC                          = 0xa
-	IP_PMTUDISC_DO                       = 0x2
-	IP_PMTUDISC_DONT                     = 0x0
-	IP_PMTUDISC_INTERFACE                = 0x4
-	IP_PMTUDISC_OMIT                     = 0x5
-	IP_PMTUDISC_PROBE                    = 0x3
-	IP_PMTUDISC_WANT                     = 0x1
-	IP_RECVERR                           = 0xb
-	IP_RECVFRAGSIZE                      = 0x19
-	IP_RECVOPTS                          = 0x6
-	IP_RECVORIGDSTADDR                   = 0x14
-	IP_RECVRETOPTS                       = 0x7
-	IP_RECVTOS                           = 0xd
-	IP_RECVTTL                           = 0xc
-	IP_RETOPTS                           = 0x7
-	IP_RF                                = 0x8000
-	IP_ROUTER_ALERT                      = 0x5
-	IP_TOS                               = 0x1
-	IP_TRANSPARENT                       = 0x13
-	IP_TTL                               = 0x2
-	IP_UNBLOCK_SOURCE                    = 0x25
-	IP_UNICAST_IF                        = 0x32
-	IP_XFRM_POLICY                       = 0x11
-	ISIG                                 = 0x80
-	ISOFS_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x9660
-	ISTRIP                               = 0x20
-	IUCLC                                = 0x1000
-	IUTF8                                = 0x4000
-	IXANY                                = 0x800
-	IXOFF                                = 0x400
-	IXON                                 = 0x200
-	JFFS2_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x72b6
-	KEXEC_ARCH_386                       = 0x30000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_68K                       = 0x40000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_AARCH64                   = 0xb70000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_ARM                       = 0x280000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_DEFAULT                   = 0x0
-	KEXEC_ARCH_IA_64                     = 0x320000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_MASK                      = 0xffff0000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_MIPS                      = 0x80000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_MIPS_LE                   = 0xa0000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_PPC                       = 0x140000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_PPC64                     = 0x150000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_S390                      = 0x160000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_SH                        = 0x2a0000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_X86_64                    = 0x3e0000
-	KEXEC_FILE_NO_INITRAMFS              = 0x4
-	KEXEC_FILE_ON_CRASH                  = 0x2
-	KEXEC_FILE_UNLOAD                    = 0x1
-	KEXEC_ON_CRASH                       = 0x1
-	KEXEC_PRESERVE_CONTEXT               = 0x2
-	KEXEC_SEGMENT_MAX                    = 0x10
-	KEYCTL_ASSUME_AUTHORITY              = 0x10
-	KEYCTL_CHOWN                         = 0x4
-	KEYCTL_CLEAR                         = 0x7
-	KEYCTL_DESCRIBE                      = 0x6
-	KEYCTL_DH_COMPUTE                    = 0x17
-	KEYCTL_GET_KEYRING_ID                = 0x0
-	KEYCTL_GET_PERSISTENT                = 0x16
-	KEYCTL_GET_SECURITY                  = 0x11
-	KEYCTL_INSTANTIATE                   = 0xc
-	KEYCTL_INSTANTIATE_IOV               = 0x14
-	KEYCTL_INVALIDATE                    = 0x15
-	KEYCTL_LINK                          = 0x8
-	KEYCTL_NEGATE                        = 0xd
-	KEYCTL_PKEY_DECRYPT                  = 0x1a
-	KEYCTL_PKEY_ENCRYPT                  = 0x19
-	KEYCTL_PKEY_QUERY                    = 0x18
-	KEYCTL_PKEY_SIGN                     = 0x1b
-	KEYCTL_PKEY_VERIFY                   = 0x1c
-	KEYCTL_READ                          = 0xb
-	KEYCTL_REJECT                        = 0x13
-	KEYCTL_RESTRICT_KEYRING              = 0x1d
-	KEYCTL_REVOKE                        = 0x3
-	KEYCTL_SEARCH                        = 0xa
-	KEYCTL_SESSION_TO_PARENT             = 0x12
-	KEYCTL_SETPERM                       = 0x5
-	KEYCTL_SET_REQKEY_KEYRING            = 0xe
-	KEYCTL_SET_TIMEOUT                   = 0xf
-	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_DECRYPT              = 0x2
-	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_ENCRYPT              = 0x1
-	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_SIGN                 = 0x4
-	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_VERIFY               = 0x8
-	KEYCTL_UNLINK                        = 0x9
-	KEYCTL_UPDATE                        = 0x2
-	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_DEFAULT              = 0x0
-	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_NO_CHANGE            = -0x1
-	KEY_SPEC_GROUP_KEYRING               = -0x6
-	KEY_SPEC_PROCESS_KEYRING             = -0x2
-	KEY_SPEC_REQKEY_AUTH_KEY             = -0x7
-	KEY_SPEC_SESSION_KEYRING             = -0x3
-	KEY_SPEC_THREAD_KEYRING              = -0x1
-	KEY_SPEC_USER_KEYRING                = -0x4
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_CAD_OFF             = 0x0
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_CAD_ON              = 0x89abcdef
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_HALT                = 0xcdef0123
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_KEXEC               = 0x45584543
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_POWER_OFF           = 0x4321fedc
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_RESTART             = 0x1234567
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_RESTART2            = 0xa1b2c3d4
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_SW_SUSPEND          = 0xd000fce2
-	LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC1                  = 0xfee1dead
-	LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC2                  = 0x28121969
-	LOCK_EX                              = 0x2
-	LOCK_NB                              = 0x4
-	LOCK_SH                              = 0x1
-	LOCK_UN                              = 0x8
-	LOOP_CLR_FD                          = 0x4c01
-	LOOP_CTL_ADD                         = 0x4c80
-	LOOP_CTL_GET_FREE                    = 0x4c82
-	LOOP_CTL_REMOVE                      = 0x4c81
-	LOOP_GET_STATUS                      = 0x4c03
-	LOOP_GET_STATUS64                    = 0x4c05
-	LOOP_SET_BLOCK_SIZE                  = 0x4c09
-	LOOP_SET_CAPACITY                    = 0x4c07
-	LOOP_SET_DIRECT_IO                   = 0x4c08
-	LOOP_SET_FD                          = 0x4c00
-	LOOP_SET_STATUS                      = 0x4c02
-	LOOP_SET_STATUS64                    = 0x4c04
-	LO_KEY_SIZE                          = 0x20
-	LO_NAME_SIZE                         = 0x40
-	MADV_DODUMP                          = 0x11
-	MADV_DOFORK                          = 0xb
-	MADV_DONTDUMP                        = 0x10
-	MADV_DONTFORK                        = 0xa
-	MADV_DONTNEED                        = 0x4
-	MADV_FREE                            = 0x8
-	MADV_HUGEPAGE                        = 0xe
-	MADV_HWPOISON                        = 0x64
-	MADV_KEEPONFORK                      = 0x13
-	MADV_MERGEABLE                       = 0xc
-	MADV_NOHUGEPAGE                      = 0xf
-	MADV_NORMAL                          = 0x0
-	MADV_RANDOM                          = 0x1
-	MADV_REMOVE                          = 0x9
-	MADV_SEQUENTIAL                      = 0x2
-	MADV_UNMERGEABLE                     = 0xd
-	MADV_WILLNEED                        = 0x3
-	MADV_WIPEONFORK                      = 0x12
-	MAP_ANON                             = 0x20
-	MAP_ANONYMOUS                        = 0x20
-	MAP_DENYWRITE                        = 0x800
-	MAP_EXECUTABLE                       = 0x1000
-	MAP_FILE                             = 0x0
-	MAP_FIXED                            = 0x10
-	MAP_FIXED_NOREPLACE                  = 0x100000
-	MAP_GROWSDOWN                        = 0x100
-	MAP_HUGETLB                          = 0x40000
-	MAP_HUGE_MASK                        = 0x3f
-	MAP_HUGE_SHIFT                       = 0x1a
-	MAP_LOCKED                           = 0x80
-	MAP_NONBLOCK                         = 0x10000
-	MAP_NORESERVE                        = 0x40
-	MAP_POPULATE                         = 0x8000
-	MAP_PRIVATE                          = 0x2
-	MAP_SHARED                           = 0x1
-	MAP_SHARED_VALIDATE                  = 0x3
-	MAP_STACK                            = 0x20000
-	MAP_TYPE                             = 0xf
-	MCAST_BLOCK_SOURCE                   = 0x2b
-	MCAST_EXCLUDE                        = 0x0
-	MCAST_INCLUDE                        = 0x1
-	MCAST_JOIN_GROUP                     = 0x2a
-	MCAST_JOIN_SOURCE_GROUP              = 0x2e
-	MCAST_LEAVE_GROUP                    = 0x2d
-	MCAST_LEAVE_SOURCE_GROUP             = 0x2f
-	MCAST_MSFILTER                       = 0x30
-	MCAST_UNBLOCK_SOURCE                 = 0x2c
-	MCL_CURRENT                          = 0x2000
-	MCL_FUTURE                           = 0x4000
-	MCL_ONFAULT                          = 0x8000
-	MFD_ALLOW_SEALING                    = 0x2
-	MFD_CLOEXEC                          = 0x1
-	MFD_HUGETLB                          = 0x4
-	MFD_HUGE_16GB                        = -0x78000000
-	MFD_HUGE_16MB                        = 0x60000000
-	MFD_HUGE_1GB                         = 0x78000000
-	MFD_HUGE_1MB                         = 0x50000000
-	MFD_HUGE_256MB                       = 0x70000000
-	MFD_HUGE_2GB                         = 0x7c000000
-	MFD_HUGE_2MB                         = 0x54000000
-	MFD_HUGE_32MB                        = 0x64000000
-	MFD_HUGE_512KB                       = 0x4c000000
-	MFD_HUGE_512MB                       = 0x74000000
-	MFD_HUGE_64KB                        = 0x40000000
-	MFD_HUGE_8MB                         = 0x5c000000
-	MFD_HUGE_MASK                        = 0x3f
-	MFD_HUGE_SHIFT                       = 0x1a
-	MINIX2_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0x2468
-	MINIX2_SUPER_MAGIC2                  = 0x2478
-	MINIX3_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0x4d5a
-	MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x137f
-	MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC2                   = 0x138f
-	MNT_DETACH                           = 0x2
-	MNT_EXPIRE                           = 0x4
-	MNT_FORCE                            = 0x1
-	MSDOS_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x4d44
-	MSG_BATCH                            = 0x40000
-	MSG_CMSG_CLOEXEC                     = 0x40000000
-	MSG_CONFIRM                          = 0x800
-	MSG_CTRUNC                           = 0x8
-	MSG_DONTROUTE                        = 0x4
-	MSG_DONTWAIT                         = 0x40
-	MSG_EOR                              = 0x80
-	MSG_ERRQUEUE                         = 0x2000
-	MSG_FASTOPEN                         = 0x20000000
-	MSG_FIN                              = 0x200
-	MSG_MORE                             = 0x8000
-	MSG_NOSIGNAL                         = 0x4000
-	MSG_OOB                              = 0x1
-	MSG_PEEK                             = 0x2
-	MSG_PROXY                            = 0x10
-	MSG_RST                              = 0x1000
-	MSG_SYN                              = 0x400
-	MSG_TRUNC                            = 0x20
-	MSG_TRYHARD                          = 0x4
-	MSG_WAITALL                          = 0x100
-	MSG_WAITFORONE                       = 0x10000
-	MSG_ZEROCOPY                         = 0x4000000
-	MS_ACTIVE                            = 0x40000000
-	MS_ASYNC                             = 0x1
-	MS_BIND                              = 0x1000
-	MS_BORN                              = 0x20000000
-	MS_DIRSYNC                           = 0x80
-	MS_INVALIDATE                        = 0x2
-	MS_I_VERSION                         = 0x800000
-	MS_KERNMOUNT                         = 0x400000
-	MS_LAZYTIME                          = 0x2000000
-	MS_MANDLOCK                          = 0x40
-	MS_MGC_MSK                           = 0xffff0000
-	MS_MGC_VAL                           = 0xc0ed0000
-	MS_MOVE                              = 0x2000
-	MS_NOATIME                           = 0x400
-	MS_NODEV                             = 0x4
-	MS_NODIRATIME                        = 0x800
-	MS_NOEXEC                            = 0x8
-	MS_NOREMOTELOCK                      = 0x8000000
-	MS_NOSEC                             = 0x10000000
-	MS_NOSUID                            = 0x2
-	MS_NOUSER                            = -0x80000000
-	MS_POSIXACL                          = 0x10000
-	MS_PRIVATE                           = 0x40000
-	MS_RDONLY                            = 0x1
-	MS_REC                               = 0x4000
-	MS_RELATIME                          = 0x200000
-	MS_REMOUNT                           = 0x20
-	MS_RMT_MASK                          = 0x2800051
-	MS_SHARED                            = 0x100000
-	MS_SILENT                            = 0x8000
-	MS_SLAVE                             = 0x80000
-	MS_STRICTATIME                       = 0x1000000
-	MS_SUBMOUNT                          = 0x4000000
-	MS_SYNC                              = 0x4
-	MS_SYNCHRONOUS                       = 0x10
-	MS_UNBINDABLE                        = 0x20000
-	MS_VERBOSE                           = 0x8000
-	MTD_INODE_FS_MAGIC                   = 0x11307854
-	NAME_MAX                             = 0xff
-	NCP_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x564c
-	NETLINK_ADD_MEMBERSHIP               = 0x1
-	NETLINK_AUDIT                        = 0x9
-	NETLINK_BROADCAST_ERROR              = 0x4
-	NETLINK_CAP_ACK                      = 0xa
-	NETLINK_CONNECTOR                    = 0xb
-	NETLINK_CRYPTO                       = 0x15
-	NETLINK_DNRTMSG                      = 0xe
-	NETLINK_DROP_MEMBERSHIP              = 0x2
-	NETLINK_ECRYPTFS                     = 0x13
-	NETLINK_EXT_ACK                      = 0xb
-	NETLINK_FIB_LOOKUP                   = 0xa
-	NETLINK_FIREWALL                     = 0x3
-	NETLINK_GENERIC                      = 0x10
-	NETLINK_GET_STRICT_CHK               = 0xc
-	NETLINK_INET_DIAG                    = 0x4
-	NETLINK_IP6_FW                       = 0xd
-	NETLINK_ISCSI                        = 0x8
-	NETLINK_KOBJECT_UEVENT               = 0xf
-	NETLINK_LISTEN_ALL_NSID              = 0x8
-	NETLINK_LIST_MEMBERSHIPS             = 0x9
-	NETLINK_NETFILTER                    = 0xc
-	NETLINK_NFLOG                        = 0x5
-	NETLINK_NO_ENOBUFS                   = 0x5
-	NETLINK_PKTINFO                      = 0x3
-	NETLINK_RDMA                         = 0x14
-	NETLINK_ROUTE                        = 0x0
-	NETLINK_RX_RING                      = 0x6
-	NETLINK_SCSITRANSPORT                = 0x12
-	NETLINK_SELINUX                      = 0x7
-	NETLINK_SMC                          = 0x16
-	NETLINK_SOCK_DIAG                    = 0x4
-	NETLINK_TX_RING                      = 0x7
-	NETLINK_UNUSED                       = 0x1
-	NETLINK_USERSOCK                     = 0x2
-	NETLINK_XFRM                         = 0x6
-	NETNSA_MAX                           = 0x5
-	NETNSA_NSID_NOT_ASSIGNED             = -0x1
-	NFNETLINK_V0                         = 0x0
-	NFNLGRP_ACCT_QUOTA                   = 0x8
-	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_EXP_NEW            = 0x4
-	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_NEW                = 0x1
-	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_UPDATE             = 0x2
-	NFNLGRP_MAX                          = 0x9
-	NFNLGRP_NFTABLES                     = 0x7
-	NFNLGRP_NFTRACE                      = 0x9
-	NFNLGRP_NONE                         = 0x0
-	NFNL_BATCH_MAX                       = 0x1
-	NFNL_MSG_BATCH_BEGIN                 = 0x10
-	NFNL_MSG_BATCH_END                   = 0x11
-	NFNL_NFA_NEST                        = 0x8000
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_ACCT                     = 0x7
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_COUNT                    = 0xc
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTHELPER                 = 0x9
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTNETLINK                = 0x1
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTNETLINK_EXP            = 0x2
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_IPSET                    = 0x6
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_NFTABLES                 = 0xa
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_NFT_COMPAT               = 0xb
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_NONE                     = 0x0
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_OSF                      = 0x5
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_QUEUE                    = 0x3
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_ULOG                     = 0x4
-	NFS_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x6969
-	NILFS_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x3434
-	NL0                                  = 0x0
-	NL1                                  = 0x100
-	NL2                                  = 0x200
-	NL3                                  = 0x300
-	NLA_ALIGNTO                          = 0x4
-	NLA_F_NESTED                         = 0x8000
-	NLA_F_NET_BYTEORDER                  = 0x4000
-	NLA_HDRLEN                           = 0x4
-	NLDLY                                = 0x300
-	NLMSG_ALIGNTO                        = 0x4
-	NLMSG_DONE                           = 0x3
-	NLMSG_ERROR                          = 0x2
-	NLMSG_HDRLEN                         = 0x10
-	NLMSG_MIN_TYPE                       = 0x10
-	NLMSG_NOOP                           = 0x1
-	NLMSG_OVERRUN                        = 0x4
-	NLM_F_ACK                            = 0x4
-	NLM_F_ACK_TLVS                       = 0x200
-	NLM_F_APPEND                         = 0x800
-	NLM_F_ATOMIC                         = 0x400
-	NLM_F_CAPPED                         = 0x100
-	NLM_F_CREATE                         = 0x400
-	NLM_F_DUMP                           = 0x300
-	NLM_F_DUMP_FILTERED                  = 0x20
-	NLM_F_DUMP_INTR                      = 0x10
-	NLM_F_ECHO                           = 0x8
-	NLM_F_EXCL                           = 0x200
-	NLM_F_MATCH                          = 0x200
-	NLM_F_MULTI                          = 0x2
-	NLM_F_NONREC                         = 0x100
-	NLM_F_REPLACE                        = 0x100
-	NLM_F_REQUEST                        = 0x1
-	NLM_F_ROOT                           = 0x100
-	NOFLSH                               = 0x80000000
-	NSFS_MAGIC                           = 0x6e736673
-	OCFS2_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x7461636f
-	OCRNL                                = 0x8
-	OFDEL                                = 0x80
-	OFILL                                = 0x40
-	OLCUC                                = 0x4
-	ONLCR                                = 0x2
-	ONLRET                               = 0x20
-	ONOCR                                = 0x10
-	OPENPROM_SUPER_MAGIC                 = 0x9fa1
-	OPOST                                = 0x1
-	OVERLAYFS_SUPER_MAGIC                = 0x794c7630
-	O_ACCMODE                            = 0x3
-	O_APPEND                             = 0x400
-	O_ASYNC                              = 0x2000
-	O_CLOEXEC                            = 0x80000
-	O_CREAT                              = 0x40
-	O_DIRECT                             = 0x20000
-	O_DIRECTORY                          = 0x4000
-	O_DSYNC                              = 0x1000
-	O_EXCL                               = 0x80
-	O_FSYNC                              = 0x101000
-	O_LARGEFILE                          = 0x0
-	O_NDELAY                             = 0x800
-	O_NOATIME                            = 0x40000
-	O_NOCTTY                             = 0x100
-	O_NOFOLLOW                           = 0x8000
-	O_NONBLOCK                           = 0x800
-	O_PATH                               = 0x200000
-	O_RDONLY                             = 0x0
-	O_RDWR                               = 0x2
-	O_RSYNC                              = 0x101000
-	O_SYNC                               = 0x101000
-	O_TMPFILE                            = 0x404000
-	O_TRUNC                              = 0x200
-	O_WRONLY                             = 0x1
-	PACKET_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                = 0x1
-	PACKET_AUXDATA                       = 0x8
-	PACKET_BROADCAST                     = 0x1
-	PACKET_COPY_THRESH                   = 0x7
-	PACKET_DROP_MEMBERSHIP               = 0x2
-	PACKET_FANOUT                        = 0x12
-	PACKET_FANOUT_CBPF                   = 0x6
-	PACKET_FANOUT_CPU                    = 0x2
-	PACKET_FANOUT_DATA                   = 0x16
-	PACKET_FANOUT_EBPF                   = 0x7
-	PACKET_FANOUT_FLAG_DEFRAG            = 0x8000
-	PACKET_FANOUT_HASH                   = 0x0
-	PACKET_FANOUT_LB                     = 0x1
-	PACKET_FANOUT_QM                     = 0x5
-	PACKET_FANOUT_RND                    = 0x4
-	PACKET_FANOUT_ROLLOVER               = 0x3
-	PACKET_FASTROUTE                     = 0x6
-	PACKET_HDRLEN                        = 0xb
-	PACKET_HOST                          = 0x0
-	PACKET_IGNORE_OUTGOING               = 0x17
-	PACKET_KERNEL                        = 0x7
-	PACKET_LOOPBACK                      = 0x5
-	PACKET_LOSS                          = 0xe
-	PACKET_MR_ALLMULTI                   = 0x2
-	PACKET_MR_MULTICAST                  = 0x0
-	PACKET_MR_PROMISC                    = 0x1
-	PACKET_MR_UNICAST                    = 0x3
-	PACKET_MULTICAST                     = 0x2
-	PACKET_ORIGDEV                       = 0x9
-	PACKET_OTHERHOST                     = 0x3
-	PACKET_OUTGOING                      = 0x4
-	PACKET_QDISC_BYPASS                  = 0x14
-	PACKET_RECV_OUTPUT                   = 0x3
-	PACKET_RESERVE                       = 0xc
-	PACKET_ROLLOVER_STATS                = 0x15
-	PACKET_RX_RING                       = 0x5
-	PACKET_STATISTICS                    = 0x6
-	PACKET_TIMESTAMP                     = 0x11
-	PACKET_TX_HAS_OFF                    = 0x13
-	PACKET_TX_RING                       = 0xd
-	PACKET_TX_TIMESTAMP                  = 0x10
-	PACKET_USER                          = 0x6
-	PACKET_VERSION                       = 0xa
-	PACKET_VNET_HDR                      = 0xf
-	PARENB                               = 0x1000
-	PARITY_CRC16_PR0                     = 0x2
-	PARITY_CRC16_PR0_CCITT               = 0x4
-	PARITY_CRC16_PR1                     = 0x3
-	PARITY_CRC16_PR1_CCITT               = 0x5
-	PARITY_CRC32_PR0_CCITT               = 0x6
-	PARITY_CRC32_PR1_CCITT               = 0x7
-	PARITY_DEFAULT                       = 0x0
-	PARITY_NONE                          = 0x1
-	PARMRK                               = 0x8
-	PARODD                               = 0x2000
-	PENDIN                               = 0x20000000
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_DISABLE               = 0x20002401
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_ENABLE                = 0x20002400
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_ID                    = 0x40082407
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_PAUSE_OUTPUT          = 0x80042409
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_PERIOD                = 0x80082404
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_QUERY_BPF             = 0xc008240a
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_REFRESH               = 0x20002402
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_RESET                 = 0x20002403
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_BPF               = 0x80042408
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_FILTER            = 0x80082406
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_OUTPUT            = 0x20002405
-	PIPEFS_MAGIC                         = 0x50495045
-	PPPIOCATTACH                         = 0x8004743d
-	PPPIOCATTCHAN                        = 0x80047438
-	PPPIOCCONNECT                        = 0x8004743a
-	PPPIOCDETACH                         = 0x8004743c
-	PPPIOCDISCONN                        = 0x20007439
-	PPPIOCGASYNCMAP                      = 0x40047458
-	PPPIOCGCHAN                          = 0x40047437
-	PPPIOCGDEBUG                         = 0x40047441
-	PPPIOCGFLAGS                         = 0x4004745a
-	PPPIOCGIDLE                          = 0x4010743f
-	PPPIOCGL2TPSTATS                     = 0x40487436
-	PPPIOCGMRU                           = 0x40047453
-	PPPIOCGNPMODE                        = 0xc008744c
-	PPPIOCGRASYNCMAP                     = 0x40047455
-	PPPIOCGUNIT                          = 0x40047456
-	PPPIOCGXASYNCMAP                     = 0x40207450
-	PPPIOCNEWUNIT                        = 0xc004743e
-	PPPIOCSACTIVE                        = 0x80107446
-	PPPIOCSASYNCMAP                      = 0x80047457
-	PPPIOCSCOMPRESS                      = 0x8010744d
-	PPPIOCSDEBUG                         = 0x80047440
-	PPPIOCSFLAGS                         = 0x80047459
-	PPPIOCSMAXCID                        = 0x80047451
-	PPPIOCSMRRU                          = 0x8004743b
-	PPPIOCSMRU                           = 0x80047452
-	PPPIOCSNPMODE                        = 0x8008744b
-	PPPIOCSPASS                          = 0x80107447
-	PPPIOCSRASYNCMAP                     = 0x80047454
-	PPPIOCSXASYNCMAP                     = 0x8020744f
-	PPPIOCXFERUNIT                       = 0x2000744e
-	PRIO_PGRP                            = 0x1
-	PRIO_PROCESS                         = 0x0
-	PRIO_USER                            = 0x2
-	PROC_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0x9fa0
-	PROT_EXEC                            = 0x4
-	PROT_GROWSDOWN                       = 0x1000000
-	PROT_GROWSUP                         = 0x2000000
-	PROT_NONE                            = 0x0
-	PROT_READ                            = 0x1
-	PROT_SAO                             = 0x10
-	PROT_WRITE                           = 0x2
-	PR_CAPBSET_DROP                      = 0x18
-	PR_CAPBSET_READ                      = 0x17
-	PR_CAP_AMBIENT                       = 0x2f
-	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_CLEAR_ALL             = 0x4
-	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_IS_SET                = 0x1
-	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_LOWER                 = 0x3
-	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_RAISE                 = 0x2
-	PR_ENDIAN_BIG                        = 0x0
-	PR_ENDIAN_LITTLE                     = 0x1
-	PR_ENDIAN_PPC_LITTLE                 = 0x2
-	PR_FPEMU_NOPRINT                     = 0x1
-	PR_FPEMU_SIGFPE                      = 0x2
-	PR_FP_EXC_ASYNC                      = 0x2
-	PR_FP_EXC_DISABLED                   = 0x0
-	PR_FP_EXC_DIV                        = 0x10000
-	PR_FP_EXC_INV                        = 0x100000
-	PR_FP_EXC_NONRECOV                   = 0x1
-	PR_FP_EXC_OVF                        = 0x20000
-	PR_FP_EXC_PRECISE                    = 0x3
-	PR_FP_EXC_RES                        = 0x80000
-	PR_FP_EXC_SW_ENABLE                  = 0x80
-	PR_FP_EXC_UND                        = 0x40000
-	PR_FP_MODE_FR                        = 0x1
-	PR_FP_MODE_FRE                       = 0x2
-	PR_GET_CHILD_SUBREAPER               = 0x25
-	PR_GET_DUMPABLE                      = 0x3
-	PR_GET_ENDIAN                        = 0x13
-	PR_GET_FPEMU                         = 0x9
-	PR_GET_FPEXC                         = 0xb
-	PR_GET_FP_MODE                       = 0x2e
-	PR_GET_KEEPCAPS                      = 0x7
-	PR_GET_NAME                          = 0x10
-	PR_GET_NO_NEW_PRIVS                  = 0x27
-	PR_GET_PDEATHSIG                     = 0x2
-	PR_GET_SECCOMP                       = 0x15
-	PR_GET_SECUREBITS                    = 0x1b
-	PR_GET_SPECULATION_CTRL              = 0x34
-	PR_GET_THP_DISABLE                   = 0x2a
-	PR_GET_TID_ADDRESS                   = 0x28
-	PR_GET_TIMERSLACK                    = 0x1e
-	PR_GET_TIMING                        = 0xd
-	PR_GET_TSC                           = 0x19
-	PR_GET_UNALIGN                       = 0x5
-	PR_MCE_KILL                          = 0x21
-	PR_MCE_KILL_CLEAR                    = 0x0
-	PR_MCE_KILL_DEFAULT                  = 0x2
-	PR_MCE_KILL_EARLY                    = 0x1
-	PR_MCE_KILL_GET                      = 0x22
-	PR_MCE_KILL_LATE                     = 0x0
-	PR_MCE_KILL_SET                      = 0x1
-	PR_MPX_DISABLE_MANAGEMENT            = 0x2c
-	PR_MPX_ENABLE_MANAGEMENT             = 0x2b
-	PR_PAC_APDAKEY                       = 0x4
-	PR_PAC_APDBKEY                       = 0x8
-	PR_PAC_APGAKEY                       = 0x10
-	PR_PAC_APIAKEY                       = 0x1
-	PR_PAC_APIBKEY                       = 0x2
-	PR_PAC_RESET_KEYS                    = 0x36
-	PR_SET_CHILD_SUBREAPER               = 0x24
-	PR_SET_DUMPABLE                      = 0x4
-	PR_SET_ENDIAN                        = 0x14
-	PR_SET_FPEMU                         = 0xa
-	PR_SET_FPEXC                         = 0xc
-	PR_SET_FP_MODE                       = 0x2d
-	PR_SET_KEEPCAPS                      = 0x8
-	PR_SET_MM                            = 0x23
-	PR_SET_MM_ARG_END                    = 0x9
-	PR_SET_MM_ARG_START                  = 0x8
-	PR_SET_MM_AUXV                       = 0xc
-	PR_SET_MM_BRK                        = 0x7
-	PR_SET_MM_END_CODE                   = 0x2
-	PR_SET_MM_END_DATA                   = 0x4
-	PR_SET_MM_ENV_END                    = 0xb
-	PR_SET_MM_ENV_START                  = 0xa
-	PR_SET_MM_EXE_FILE                   = 0xd
-	PR_SET_MM_MAP                        = 0xe
-	PR_SET_MM_MAP_SIZE                   = 0xf
-	PR_SET_MM_START_BRK                  = 0x6
-	PR_SET_MM_START_CODE                 = 0x1
-	PR_SET_MM_START_DATA                 = 0x3
-	PR_SET_MM_START_STACK                = 0x5
-	PR_SET_NAME                          = 0xf
-	PR_SET_NO_NEW_PRIVS                  = 0x26
-	PR_SET_PDEATHSIG                     = 0x1
-	PR_SET_PTRACER                       = 0x59616d61
-	PR_SET_PTRACER_ANY                   = 0xffffffffffffffff
-	PR_SET_SECCOMP                       = 0x16
-	PR_SET_SECUREBITS                    = 0x1c
-	PR_SET_SPECULATION_CTRL              = 0x35
-	PR_SET_THP_DISABLE                   = 0x29
-	PR_SET_TIMERSLACK                    = 0x1d
-	PR_SET_TIMING                        = 0xe
-	PR_SET_TSC                           = 0x1a
-	PR_SET_UNALIGN                       = 0x6
-	PR_SPEC_DISABLE                      = 0x4
-	PR_SPEC_DISABLE_NOEXEC               = 0x10
-	PR_SPEC_ENABLE                       = 0x2
-	PR_SPEC_FORCE_DISABLE                = 0x8
-	PR_SPEC_INDIRECT_BRANCH              = 0x1
-	PR_SPEC_NOT_AFFECTED                 = 0x0
-	PR_SPEC_PRCTL                        = 0x1
-	PR_SPEC_STORE_BYPASS                 = 0x0
-	PR_SVE_GET_VL                        = 0x33
-	PR_SVE_SET_VL                        = 0x32
-	PR_SVE_SET_VL_ONEXEC                 = 0x40000
-	PR_SVE_VL_INHERIT                    = 0x20000
-	PR_SVE_VL_LEN_MASK                   = 0xffff
-	PR_TASK_PERF_EVENTS_ENABLE           = 0x20
-	PR_TIMING_STATISTICAL                = 0x0
-	PR_TIMING_TIMESTAMP                  = 0x1
-	PR_TSC_ENABLE                        = 0x1
-	PR_TSC_SIGSEGV                       = 0x2
-	PR_UNALIGN_NOPRINT                   = 0x1
-	PR_UNALIGN_SIGBUS                    = 0x2
-	PSTOREFS_MAGIC                       = 0x6165676c
-	PTRACE_ATTACH                        = 0x10
-	PTRACE_CONT                          = 0x7
-	PTRACE_DETACH                        = 0x11
-	PTRACE_EVENT_CLONE                   = 0x3
-	PTRACE_EVENT_EXEC                    = 0x4
-	PTRACE_EVENT_EXIT                    = 0x6
-	PTRACE_EVENT_FORK                    = 0x1
-	PTRACE_EVENT_SECCOMP                 = 0x7
-	PTRACE_EVENT_STOP                    = 0x80
-	PTRACE_EVENT_VFORK                   = 0x2
-	PTRACE_EVENT_VFORK_DONE              = 0x5
-	PTRACE_GETEVENTMSG                   = 0x4201
-	PTRACE_GETEVRREGS                    = 0x14
-	PTRACE_GETFPREGS                     = 0xe
-	PTRACE_GETREGS                       = 0xc
-	PTRACE_GETREGS64                     = 0x16
-	PTRACE_GETREGSET                     = 0x4204
-	PTRACE_GETSIGINFO                    = 0x4202
-	PTRACE_GETSIGMASK                    = 0x420a
-	PTRACE_GETVRREGS                     = 0x12
-	PTRACE_GETVSRREGS                    = 0x1b
-	PTRACE_GET_DEBUGREG                  = 0x19
-	PTRACE_INTERRUPT                     = 0x4207
-	PTRACE_KILL                          = 0x8
-	PTRACE_LISTEN                        = 0x4208
-	PTRACE_O_EXITKILL                    = 0x100000
-	PTRACE_O_MASK                        = 0x3000ff
-	PTRACE_O_SUSPEND_SECCOMP             = 0x200000
-	PTRACE_O_TRACECLONE                  = 0x8
-	PTRACE_O_TRACEEXEC                   = 0x10
-	PTRACE_O_TRACEEXIT                   = 0x40
-	PTRACE_O_TRACEFORK                   = 0x2
-	PTRACE_O_TRACESECCOMP                = 0x80
-	PTRACE_O_TRACESYSGOOD                = 0x1
-	PTRACE_O_TRACEVFORK                  = 0x4
-	PTRACE_O_TRACEVFORKDONE              = 0x20
-	PTRACE_PEEKDATA                      = 0x2
-	PTRACE_PEEKSIGINFO                   = 0x4209
-	PTRACE_PEEKTEXT                      = 0x1
-	PTRACE_PEEKUSR                       = 0x3
-	PTRACE_POKEDATA                      = 0x5
-	PTRACE_POKETEXT                      = 0x4
-	PTRACE_POKEUSR                       = 0x6
-	PTRACE_SECCOMP_GET_FILTER            = 0x420c
-	PTRACE_SEIZE                         = 0x4206
-	PTRACE_SETEVRREGS                    = 0x15
-	PTRACE_SETFPREGS                     = 0xf
-	PTRACE_SETOPTIONS                    = 0x4200
-	PTRACE_SETREGS                       = 0xd
-	PTRACE_SETREGS64                     = 0x17
-	PTRACE_SETREGSET                     = 0x4205
-	PTRACE_SETSIGINFO                    = 0x4203
-	PTRACE_SETSIGMASK                    = 0x420b
-	PTRACE_SETVRREGS                     = 0x13
-	PTRACE_SETVSRREGS                    = 0x1c
-	PTRACE_SET_DEBUGREG                  = 0x1a
-	PTRACE_SINGLEBLOCK                   = 0x100
-	PTRACE_SINGLESTEP                    = 0x9
-	PTRACE_SYSCALL                       = 0x18
-	PTRACE_SYSEMU                        = 0x1d
-	PTRACE_SYSEMU_SINGLESTEP             = 0x1e
-	PTRACE_TRACEME                       = 0x0
-	PT_CCR                               = 0x26
-	PT_CTR                               = 0x23
-	PT_DAR                               = 0x29
-	PT_DSCR                              = 0x2c
-	PT_DSISR                             = 0x2a
-	PT_FPR0                              = 0x30
-	PT_FPSCR                             = 0x50
-	PT_LNK                               = 0x24
-	PT_MSR                               = 0x21
-	PT_NIP                               = 0x20
-	PT_ORIG_R3                           = 0x22
-	PT_R0                                = 0x0
-	PT_R1                                = 0x1
-	PT_R10                               = 0xa
-	PT_R11                               = 0xb
-	PT_R12                               = 0xc
-	PT_R13                               = 0xd
-	PT_R14                               = 0xe
-	PT_R15                               = 0xf
-	PT_R16                               = 0x10
-	PT_R17                               = 0x11
-	PT_R18                               = 0x12
-	PT_R19                               = 0x13
-	PT_R2                                = 0x2
-	PT_R20                               = 0x14
-	PT_R21                               = 0x15
-	PT_R22                               = 0x16
-	PT_R23                               = 0x17
-	PT_R24                               = 0x18
-	PT_R25                               = 0x19
-	PT_R26                               = 0x1a
-	PT_R27                               = 0x1b
-	PT_R28                               = 0x1c
-	PT_R29                               = 0x1d
-	PT_R3                                = 0x3
-	PT_R30                               = 0x1e
-	PT_R31                               = 0x1f
-	PT_R4                                = 0x4
-	PT_R5                                = 0x5
-	PT_R6                                = 0x6
-	PT_R7                                = 0x7
-	PT_R8                                = 0x8
-	PT_R9                                = 0x9
-	PT_REGS_COUNT                        = 0x2c
-	PT_RESULT                            = 0x2b
-	PT_SOFTE                             = 0x27
-	PT_TRAP                              = 0x28
-	PT_VR0                               = 0x52
-	PT_VRSAVE                            = 0x94
-	PT_VSCR                              = 0x93
-	PT_VSR0                              = 0x96
-	PT_VSR31                             = 0xd4
-	PT_XER                               = 0x25
-	QNX4_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0x2f
-	QNX6_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0x68191122
-	RAMFS_MAGIC                          = 0x858458f6
-	RDTGROUP_SUPER_MAGIC                 = 0x7655821
-	REISERFS_SUPER_MAGIC                 = 0x52654973
-	RENAME_EXCHANGE                      = 0x2
-	RENAME_NOREPLACE                     = 0x1
-	RENAME_WHITEOUT                      = 0x4
-	RLIMIT_AS                            = 0x9
-	RLIMIT_CORE                          = 0x4
-	RLIMIT_CPU                           = 0x0
-	RLIMIT_DATA                          = 0x2
-	RLIMIT_FSIZE                         = 0x1
-	RLIMIT_LOCKS                         = 0xa
-	RLIMIT_MEMLOCK                       = 0x8
-	RLIMIT_MSGQUEUE                      = 0xc
-	RLIMIT_NICE                          = 0xd
-	RLIMIT_NOFILE                        = 0x7
-	RLIMIT_NPROC                         = 0x6
-	RLIMIT_RSS                           = 0x5
-	RLIMIT_RTPRIO                        = 0xe
-	RLIMIT_RTTIME                        = 0xf
-	RLIMIT_SIGPENDING                    = 0xb
-	RLIMIT_STACK                         = 0x3
-	RLIM_INFINITY                        = 0xffffffffffffffff
-	RNDADDENTROPY                        = 0x80085203
-	RNDADDTOENTCNT                       = 0x80045201
-	RNDCLEARPOOL                         = 0x20005206
-	RNDGETENTCNT                         = 0x40045200
-	RNDGETPOOL                           = 0x40085202
-	RNDRESEEDCRNG                        = 0x20005207
-	RNDZAPENTCNT                         = 0x20005204
-	RTAX_ADVMSS                          = 0x8
-	RTAX_CC_ALGO                         = 0x10
-	RTAX_CWND                            = 0x7
-	RTAX_FASTOPEN_NO_COOKIE              = 0x11
-	RTAX_FEATURES                        = 0xc
-	RTAX_FEATURE_ALLFRAG                 = 0x8
-	RTAX_FEATURE_ECN                     = 0x1
-	RTAX_FEATURE_MASK                    = 0xf
-	RTAX_FEATURE_SACK                    = 0x2
-	RTAX_FEATURE_TIMESTAMP               = 0x4
-	RTAX_HOPLIMIT                        = 0xa
-	RTAX_INITCWND                        = 0xb
-	RTAX_INITRWND                        = 0xe
-	RTAX_LOCK                            = 0x1
-	RTAX_MAX                             = 0x11
-	RTAX_MTU                             = 0x2
-	RTAX_QUICKACK                        = 0xf
-	RTAX_REORDERING                      = 0x9
-	RTAX_RTO_MIN                         = 0xd
-	RTAX_RTT                             = 0x4
-	RTAX_RTTVAR                          = 0x5
-	RTAX_SSTHRESH                        = 0x6
-	RTAX_UNSPEC                          = 0x0
-	RTAX_WINDOW                          = 0x3
-	RTA_ALIGNTO                          = 0x4
-	RTA_MAX                              = 0x1d
-	RTCF_DIRECTSRC                       = 0x4000000
-	RTCF_DOREDIRECT                      = 0x1000000
-	RTCF_LOG                             = 0x2000000
-	RTCF_MASQ                            = 0x400000
-	RTCF_NAT                             = 0x800000
-	RTCF_VALVE                           = 0x200000
-	RTC_AF                               = 0x20
-	RTC_AIE_OFF                          = 0x20007002
-	RTC_AIE_ON                           = 0x20007001
-	RTC_ALM_READ                         = 0x40247008
-	RTC_ALM_SET                          = 0x80247007
-	RTC_EPOCH_READ                       = 0x4008700d
-	RTC_EPOCH_SET                        = 0x8008700e
-	RTC_IRQF                             = 0x80
-	RTC_IRQP_READ                        = 0x4008700b
-	RTC_IRQP_SET                         = 0x8008700c
-	RTC_MAX_FREQ                         = 0x2000
-	RTC_PF                               = 0x40
-	RTC_PIE_OFF                          = 0x20007006
-	RTC_PIE_ON                           = 0x20007005
-	RTC_PLL_GET                          = 0x40207011
-	RTC_PLL_SET                          = 0x80207012
-	RTC_RD_TIME                          = 0x40247009
-	RTC_SET_TIME                         = 0x8024700a
-	RTC_UF                               = 0x10
-	RTC_UIE_OFF                          = 0x20007004
-	RTC_UIE_ON                           = 0x20007003
-	RTC_VL_CLR                           = 0x20007014
-	RTC_VL_READ                          = 0x40047013
-	RTC_WIE_OFF                          = 0x20007010
-	RTC_WIE_ON                           = 0x2000700f
-	RTC_WKALM_RD                         = 0x40287010
-	RTC_WKALM_SET                        = 0x8028700f
-	RTF_ADDRCLASSMASK                    = 0xf8000000
-	RTF_ADDRCONF                         = 0x40000
-	RTF_ALLONLINK                        = 0x20000
-	RTF_BROADCAST                        = 0x10000000
-	RTF_CACHE                            = 0x1000000
-	RTF_DEFAULT                          = 0x10000
-	RTF_DYNAMIC                          = 0x10
-	RTF_FLOW                             = 0x2000000
-	RTF_GATEWAY                          = 0x2
-	RTF_HOST                             = 0x4
-	RTF_INTERFACE                        = 0x40000000
-	RTF_IRTT                             = 0x100
-	RTF_LINKRT                           = 0x100000
-	RTF_LOCAL                            = 0x80000000
-	RTF_MODIFIED                         = 0x20
-	RTF_MSS                              = 0x40
-	RTF_MTU                              = 0x40
-	RTF_MULTICAST                        = 0x20000000
-	RTF_NAT                              = 0x8000000
-	RTF_NOFORWARD                        = 0x1000
-	RTF_NONEXTHOP                        = 0x200000
-	RTF_NOPMTUDISC                       = 0x4000
-	RTF_POLICY                           = 0x4000000
-	RTF_REINSTATE                        = 0x8
-	RTF_REJECT                           = 0x200
-	RTF_STATIC                           = 0x400
-	RTF_THROW                            = 0x2000
-	RTF_UP                               = 0x1
-	RTF_WINDOW                           = 0x80
-	RTF_XRESOLVE                         = 0x800
-	RTM_BASE                             = 0x10
-	RTM_DELACTION                        = 0x31
-	RTM_DELADDR                          = 0x15
-	RTM_DELADDRLABEL                     = 0x49
-	RTM_DELCHAIN                         = 0x65
-	RTM_DELLINK                          = 0x11
-	RTM_DELMDB                           = 0x55
-	RTM_DELNEIGH                         = 0x1d
-	RTM_DELNETCONF                       = 0x51
-	RTM_DELNSID                          = 0x59
-	RTM_DELQDISC                         = 0x25
-	RTM_DELROUTE                         = 0x19
-	RTM_DELRULE                          = 0x21
-	RTM_DELTCLASS                        = 0x29
-	RTM_DELTFILTER                       = 0x2d
-	RTM_F_CLONED                         = 0x200
-	RTM_F_EQUALIZE                       = 0x400
-	RTM_F_FIB_MATCH                      = 0x2000
-	RTM_F_LOOKUP_TABLE                   = 0x1000
-	RTM_F_NOTIFY                         = 0x100
-	RTM_F_PREFIX                         = 0x800
-	RTM_GETACTION                        = 0x32
-	RTM_GETADDR                          = 0x16
-	RTM_GETADDRLABEL                     = 0x4a
-	RTM_GETANYCAST                       = 0x3e
-	RTM_GETCHAIN                         = 0x66
-	RTM_GETDCB                           = 0x4e
-	RTM_GETLINK                          = 0x12
-	RTM_GETMDB                           = 0x56
-	RTM_GETMULTICAST                     = 0x3a
-	RTM_GETNEIGH                         = 0x1e
-	RTM_GETNEIGHTBL                      = 0x42
-	RTM_GETNETCONF                       = 0x52
-	RTM_GETNSID                          = 0x5a
-	RTM_GETQDISC                         = 0x26
-	RTM_GETROUTE                         = 0x1a
-	RTM_GETRULE                          = 0x22
-	RTM_GETSTATS                         = 0x5e
-	RTM_GETTCLASS                        = 0x2a
-	RTM_GETTFILTER                       = 0x2e
-	RTM_MAX                              = 0x67
-	RTM_NEWACTION                        = 0x30
-	RTM_NEWADDR                          = 0x14
-	RTM_NEWADDRLABEL                     = 0x48
-	RTM_NEWCACHEREPORT                   = 0x60
-	RTM_NEWCHAIN                         = 0x64
-	RTM_NEWLINK                          = 0x10
-	RTM_NEWMDB                           = 0x54
-	RTM_NEWNDUSEROPT                     = 0x44
-	RTM_NEWNEIGH                         = 0x1c
-	RTM_NEWNEIGHTBL                      = 0x40
-	RTM_NEWNETCONF                       = 0x50
-	RTM_NEWNSID                          = 0x58
-	RTM_NEWPREFIX                        = 0x34
-	RTM_NEWQDISC                         = 0x24
-	RTM_NEWROUTE                         = 0x18
-	RTM_NEWRULE                          = 0x20
-	RTM_NEWSTATS                         = 0x5c
-	RTM_NEWTCLASS                        = 0x28
-	RTM_NEWTFILTER                       = 0x2c
-	RTM_NR_FAMILIES                      = 0x16
-	RTM_NR_MSGTYPES                      = 0x58
-	RTM_SETDCB                           = 0x4f
-	RTM_SETLINK                          = 0x13
-	RTM_SETNEIGHTBL                      = 0x43
-	RTNH_ALIGNTO                         = 0x4
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-	RTNH_F_LINKDOWN                      = 0x10
-	RTNH_F_OFFLOAD                       = 0x8
-	RTNH_F_ONLINK                        = 0x4
-	RTNH_F_PERVASIVE                     = 0x2
-	RTNH_F_UNRESOLVED                    = 0x20
-	RTN_MAX                              = 0xb
-	RTPROT_BABEL                         = 0x2a
-	RTPROT_BGP                           = 0xba
-	RTPROT_BIRD                          = 0xc
-	RTPROT_BOOT                          = 0x3
-	RTPROT_DHCP                          = 0x10
-	RTPROT_DNROUTED                      = 0xd
-	RTPROT_EIGRP                         = 0xc0
-	RTPROT_GATED                         = 0x8
-	RTPROT_ISIS                          = 0xbb
-	RTPROT_KERNEL                        = 0x2
-	RTPROT_MROUTED                       = 0x11
-	RTPROT_MRT                           = 0xa
-	RTPROT_NTK                           = 0xf
-	RTPROT_OSPF                          = 0xbc
-	RTPROT_RA                            = 0x9
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-	RTPROT_RIP                           = 0xbd
-	RTPROT_STATIC                        = 0x4
-	RTPROT_UNSPEC                        = 0x0
-	RTPROT_XORP                          = 0xe
-	RTPROT_ZEBRA                         = 0xb
-	RT_CLASS_DEFAULT                     = 0xfd
-	RT_CLASS_LOCAL                       = 0xff
-	RT_CLASS_MAIN                        = 0xfe
-	RT_CLASS_MAX                         = 0xff
-	RT_CLASS_UNSPEC                      = 0x0
-	RUSAGE_CHILDREN                      = -0x1
-	RUSAGE_SELF                          = 0x0
-	RUSAGE_THREAD                        = 0x1
-	SCM_CREDENTIALS                      = 0x2
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-	SCM_TIMESTAMPING                     = 0x25
-	SCM_TIMESTAMPING_PKTINFO             = 0x3a
-	SCM_TIMESTAMPNS                      = 0x23
-	SCM_TXTIME                           = 0x3d
-	SCM_WIFI_STATUS                      = 0x29
-	SC_LOG_FLUSH                         = 0x100000
-	SECCOMP_MODE_DISABLED                = 0x0
-	SECCOMP_MODE_FILTER                  = 0x2
-	SECCOMP_MODE_STRICT                  = 0x1
-	SECURITYFS_MAGIC                     = 0x73636673
-	SELINUX_MAGIC                        = 0xf97cff8c
-	SFD_CLOEXEC                          = 0x80000
-	SFD_NONBLOCK                         = 0x800
-	SHUT_RD                              = 0x0
-	SHUT_RDWR                            = 0x2
-	SHUT_WR                              = 0x1
-	SIOCADDDLCI                          = 0x8980
-	SIOCADDMULTI                         = 0x8931
-	SIOCADDRT                            = 0x890b
-	SIOCATMARK                           = 0x8905
-	SIOCBONDCHANGEACTIVE                 = 0x8995
-	SIOCBONDENSLAVE                      = 0x8990
-	SIOCBONDINFOQUERY                    = 0x8994
-	SIOCBONDRELEASE                      = 0x8991
-	SIOCBONDSETHWADDR                    = 0x8992
-	SIOCBONDSLAVEINFOQUERY               = 0x8993
-	SIOCBRADDBR                          = 0x89a0
-	SIOCBRADDIF                          = 0x89a2
-	SIOCBRDELBR                          = 0x89a1
-	SIOCBRDELIF                          = 0x89a3
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-	SIOCDELDLCI                          = 0x8981
-	SIOCDELMULTI                         = 0x8932
-	SIOCDELRT                            = 0x890c
-	SIOCDEVPRIVATE                       = 0x89f0
-	SIOCDIFADDR                          = 0x8936
-	SIOCDRARP                            = 0x8960
-	SIOCETHTOOL                          = 0x8946
-	SIOCGARP                             = 0x8954
-	SIOCGHWTSTAMP                        = 0x89b1
-	SIOCGIFADDR                          = 0x8915
-	SIOCGIFBR                            = 0x8940
-	SIOCGIFBRDADDR                       = 0x8919
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-	SIOCGIFCOUNT                         = 0x8938
-	SIOCGIFDSTADDR                       = 0x8917
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-	SIOCGIFINDEX                         = 0x8933
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-	SIOCGIFMEM                           = 0x891f
-	SIOCGIFMETRIC                        = 0x891d
-	SIOCGIFMTU                           = 0x8921
-	SIOCGIFNAME                          = 0x8910
-	SIOCGIFNETMASK                       = 0x891b
-	SIOCGIFPFLAGS                        = 0x8935
-	SIOCGIFSLAVE                         = 0x8929
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-	SIOCGIFVLAN                          = 0x8982
-	SIOCGMIIPHY                          = 0x8947
-	SIOCGMIIREG                          = 0x8948
-	SIOCGPGRP                            = 0x8904
-	SIOCGPPPCSTATS                       = 0x89f2
-	SIOCGPPPSTATS                        = 0x89f0
-	SIOCGPPPVER                          = 0x89f1
-	SIOCGRARP                            = 0x8961
-	SIOCGSKNS                            = 0x894c
-	SIOCGSTAMP                           = 0x8906
-	SIOCGSTAMPNS                         = 0x8907
-	SIOCGSTAMPNS_NEW                     = 0x40108907
-	SIOCGSTAMPNS_OLD                     = 0x8907
-	SIOCGSTAMP_NEW                       = 0x40108906
-	SIOCGSTAMP_OLD                       = 0x8906
-	SIOCINQ                              = 0x4004667f
-	SIOCOUTQ                             = 0x40047473
-	SIOCOUTQNSD                          = 0x894b
-	SIOCPROTOPRIVATE                     = 0x89e0
-	SIOCRTMSG                            = 0x890d
-	SIOCSARP                             = 0x8955
-	SIOCSHWTSTAMP                        = 0x89b0
-	SIOCSIFADDR                          = 0x8916
-	SIOCSIFBR                            = 0x8941
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-	SIOCSIFHWBROADCAST                   = 0x8937
-	SIOCSIFLINK                          = 0x8911
-	SIOCSIFMAP                           = 0x8971
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-	SIOCSIFMETRIC                        = 0x891e
-	SIOCSIFMTU                           = 0x8922
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-	SIOCSPGRP                            = 0x8902
-	SIOCSRARP                            = 0x8962
-	SIOCWANDEV                           = 0x894a
-	SMACK_MAGIC                          = 0x43415d53
-	SMART_AUTOSAVE                       = 0xd2
-	SMART_AUTO_OFFLINE                   = 0xdb
-	SMART_DISABLE                        = 0xd9
-	SMART_ENABLE                         = 0xd8
-	SMART_HCYL_PASS                      = 0xc2
-	SMART_IMMEDIATE_OFFLINE              = 0xd4
-	SMART_LCYL_PASS                      = 0x4f
-	SMART_READ_LOG_SECTOR                = 0xd5
-	SMART_READ_THRESHOLDS                = 0xd1
-	SMART_READ_VALUES                    = 0xd0
-	SMART_SAVE                           = 0xd3
-	SMART_STATUS                         = 0xda
-	SMART_WRITE_LOG_SECTOR               = 0xd6
-	SMART_WRITE_THRESHOLDS               = 0xd7
-	SMB_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x517b
-	SOCKFS_MAGIC                         = 0x534f434b
-	SOCK_CLOEXEC                         = 0x80000
-	SOCK_DCCP                            = 0x6
-	SOCK_DGRAM                           = 0x2
-	SOCK_IOC_TYPE                        = 0x89
-	SOCK_NONBLOCK                        = 0x800
-	SOCK_PACKET                          = 0xa
-	SOCK_RAW                             = 0x3
-	SOCK_RDM                             = 0x4
-	SOCK_SEQPACKET                       = 0x5
-	SOCK_STREAM                          = 0x1
-	SOL_AAL                              = 0x109
-	SOL_ALG                              = 0x117
-	SOL_ATM                              = 0x108
-	SOL_CAIF                             = 0x116
-	SOL_CAN_BASE                         = 0x64
-	SOL_DCCP                             = 0x10d
-	SOL_DECNET                           = 0x105
-	SOL_ICMPV6                           = 0x3a
-	SOL_IP                               = 0x0
-	SOL_IPV6                             = 0x29
-	SOL_IRDA                             = 0x10a
-	SOL_IUCV                             = 0x115
-	SOL_KCM                              = 0x119
-	SOL_LLC                              = 0x10c
-	SOL_NETBEUI                          = 0x10b
-	SOL_NETLINK                          = 0x10e
-	SOL_NFC                              = 0x118
-	SOL_PACKET                           = 0x107
-	SOL_PNPIPE                           = 0x113
-	SOL_PPPOL2TP                         = 0x111
-	SOL_RAW                              = 0xff
-	SOL_RDS                              = 0x114
-	SOL_RXRPC                            = 0x110
-	SOL_SOCKET                           = 0x1
-	SOL_TCP                              = 0x6
-	SOL_TIPC                             = 0x10f
-	SOL_TLS                              = 0x11a
-	SOL_X25                              = 0x106
-	SOL_XDP                              = 0x11b
-	SOMAXCONN                            = 0x80
-	SO_ACCEPTCONN                        = 0x1e
-	SO_ATTACH_BPF                        = 0x32
-	SO_ATTACH_FILTER                     = 0x1a
-	SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_CBPF             = 0x33
-	SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_EBPF             = 0x34
-	SO_BINDTODEVICE                      = 0x19
-	SO_BINDTOIFINDEX                     = 0x3e
-	SO_BPF_EXTENSIONS                    = 0x30
-	SO_BROADCAST                         = 0x6
-	SO_BSDCOMPAT                         = 0xe
-	SO_BUSY_POLL                         = 0x2e
-	SO_CNX_ADVICE                        = 0x35
-	SO_COOKIE                            = 0x39
-	SO_DEBUG                             = 0x1
-	SO_DETACH_BPF                        = 0x1b
-	SO_DETACH_FILTER                     = 0x1b
-	SO_DOMAIN                            = 0x27
-	SO_DONTROUTE                         = 0x5
-	SO_EE_CODE_TXTIME_MISSED             = 0x2
-	SO_EE_CODE_ZEROCOPY_COPIED           = 0x1
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_ICMP                    = 0x2
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_ICMP6                   = 0x3
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_LOCAL                   = 0x1
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_NONE                    = 0x0
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_TIMESTAMPING            = 0x4
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_TXSTATUS                = 0x4
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_TXTIME                  = 0x6
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_ZEROCOPY                = 0x5
-	SO_ERROR                             = 0x4
-	SO_GET_FILTER                        = 0x1a
-	SO_INCOMING_CPU                      = 0x31
-	SO_INCOMING_NAPI_ID                  = 0x38
-	SO_KEEPALIVE                         = 0x9
-	SO_LINGER                            = 0xd
-	SO_LOCK_FILTER                       = 0x2c
-	SO_MARK                              = 0x24
-	SO_MAX_PACING_RATE                   = 0x2f
-	SO_MEMINFO                           = 0x37
-	SO_NOFCS                             = 0x2b
-	SO_NO_CHECK                          = 0xb
-	SO_OOBINLINE                         = 0xa
-	SO_PASSCRED                          = 0x14
-	SO_PASSSEC                           = 0x22
-	SO_PEEK_OFF                          = 0x2a
-	SO_PEERCRED                          = 0x15
-	SO_PEERGROUPS                        = 0x3b
-	SO_PEERNAME                          = 0x1c
-	SO_PEERSEC                           = 0x1f
-	SO_PRIORITY                          = 0xc
-	SO_PROTOCOL                          = 0x26
-	SO_RCVBUF                            = 0x8
-	SO_RCVBUFFORCE                       = 0x21
-	SO_RCVLOWAT                          = 0x10
-	SO_RCVTIMEO                          = 0x12
-	SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW                      = 0x42
-	SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD                      = 0x12
-	SO_REUSEADDR                         = 0x2
-	SO_REUSEPORT                         = 0xf
-	SO_RXQ_OVFL                          = 0x28
-	SO_SELECT_ERR_QUEUE                  = 0x2d
-	SO_SNDBUF                            = 0x7
-	SO_SNDBUFFORCE                       = 0x20
-	SO_SNDLOWAT                          = 0x11
-	SO_SNDTIMEO                          = 0x13
-	SO_SNDTIMEO_NEW                      = 0x43
-	SO_SNDTIMEO_OLD                      = 0x13
-	SO_TIMESTAMP                         = 0x1d
-	SO_TIMESTAMPING                      = 0x25
-	SO_TIMESTAMPING_NEW                  = 0x41
-	SO_TIMESTAMPING_OLD                  = 0x25
-	SO_TIMESTAMPNS                       = 0x23
-	SO_TIMESTAMPNS_NEW                   = 0x40
-	SO_TIMESTAMPNS_OLD                   = 0x23
-	SO_TIMESTAMP_NEW                     = 0x3f
-	SO_TIMESTAMP_OLD                     = 0x1d
-	SO_TXTIME                            = 0x3d
-	SO_TYPE                              = 0x3
-	SO_VM_SOCKETS_BUFFER_SIZE            = 0x0
-	SO_VM_SOCKETS_TRUSTED                = 0x5
-	SO_WIFI_STATUS                       = 0x29
-	SO_ZEROCOPY                          = 0x3c
-	SPLICE_F_GIFT                        = 0x8
-	SPLICE_F_MORE                        = 0x4
-	SPLICE_F_MOVE                        = 0x1
-	SPLICE_F_NONBLOCK                    = 0x2
-	SQUASHFS_MAGIC                       = 0x73717368
-	STACK_END_MAGIC                      = 0x57ac6e9d
-	STATX_ALL                            = 0xfff
-	STATX_ATIME                          = 0x20
-	STATX_ATTR_APPEND                    = 0x20
-	STATX_ATTR_AUTOMOUNT                 = 0x1000
-	STATX_ATTR_COMPRESSED                = 0x4
-	STATX_ATTR_ENCRYPTED                 = 0x800
-	STATX_ATTR_IMMUTABLE                 = 0x10
-	STATX_ATTR_NODUMP                    = 0x40
-	STATX_BASIC_STATS                    = 0x7ff
-	STATX_BLOCKS                         = 0x400
-	STATX_BTIME                          = 0x800
-	STATX_CTIME                          = 0x80
-	STATX_GID                            = 0x10
-	STATX_INO                            = 0x100
-	STATX_MODE                           = 0x2
-	STATX_MTIME                          = 0x40
-	STATX_NLINK                          = 0x4
-	STATX_SIZE                           = 0x200
-	STATX_TYPE                           = 0x1
-	STATX_UID                            = 0x8
-	STATX__RESERVED                      = 0x80000000
-	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WAIT_AFTER           = 0x4
-	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WRITE                = 0x2
-	SYSFS_MAGIC                          = 0x62656572
-	S_BLKSIZE                            = 0x200
-	S_IEXEC                              = 0x40
-	S_IFBLK                              = 0x6000
-	S_IFCHR                              = 0x2000
-	S_IFDIR                              = 0x4000
-	S_IFIFO                              = 0x1000
-	S_IFLNK                              = 0xa000
-	S_IFMT                               = 0xf000
-	S_IFREG                              = 0x8000
-	S_IFSOCK                             = 0xc000
-	S_IREAD                              = 0x100
-	S_IRGRP                              = 0x20
-	S_IROTH                              = 0x4
-	S_IRUSR                              = 0x100
-	S_IRWXG                              = 0x38
-	S_IRWXO                              = 0x7
-	S_IRWXU                              = 0x1c0
-	S_ISGID                              = 0x400
-	S_ISUID                              = 0x800
-	S_ISVTX                              = 0x200
-	S_IWGRP                              = 0x10
-	S_IWOTH                              = 0x2
-	S_IWRITE                             = 0x80
-	S_IWUSR                              = 0x80
-	S_IXGRP                              = 0x8
-	S_IXOTH                              = 0x1
-	S_IXUSR                              = 0x40
-	TAB0                                 = 0x0
-	TAB1                                 = 0x400
-	TAB2                                 = 0x800
-	TAB3                                 = 0xc00
-	TABDLY                               = 0xc00
-	TASKSTATS_CMD_ATTR_MAX               = 0x4
-	TASKSTATS_CMD_MAX                    = 0x2
-	TASKSTATS_GENL_NAME                  = "TASKSTATS"
-	TASKSTATS_GENL_VERSION               = 0x1
-	TASKSTATS_TYPE_MAX                   = 0x6
-	TASKSTATS_VERSION                    = 0x9
-	TCFLSH                               = 0x2000741f
-	TCGETA                               = 0x40147417
-	TCGETS                               = 0x402c7413
-	TCIFLUSH                             = 0x0
-	TCIOFF                               = 0x2
-	TCIOFLUSH                            = 0x2
-	TCION                                = 0x3
-	TCOFLUSH                             = 0x1
-	TCOOFF                               = 0x0
-	TCOON                                = 0x1
-	TCP_BPF_IW                           = 0x3e9
-	TCP_BPF_SNDCWND_CLAMP                = 0x3ea
-	TCP_CC_INFO                          = 0x1a
-	TCP_CM_INQ                           = 0x24
-	TCP_CONGESTION                       = 0xd
-	TCP_COOKIE_IN_ALWAYS                 = 0x1
-	TCP_COOKIE_MAX                       = 0x10
-	TCP_COOKIE_MIN                       = 0x8
-	TCP_COOKIE_OUT_NEVER                 = 0x2
-	TCP_COOKIE_PAIR_SIZE                 = 0x20
-	TCP_COOKIE_TRANSACTIONS              = 0xf
-	TCP_CORK                             = 0x3
-	TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT                     = 0x9
-	TCP_FASTOPEN                         = 0x17
-	TCP_FASTOPEN_CONNECT                 = 0x1e
-	TCP_FASTOPEN_KEY                     = 0x21
-	TCP_FASTOPEN_NO_COOKIE               = 0x22
-	TCP_INFO                             = 0xb
-	TCP_INQ                              = 0x24
-	TCP_KEEPCNT                          = 0x6
-	TCP_KEEPIDLE                         = 0x4
-	TCP_KEEPINTVL                        = 0x5
-	TCP_LINGER2                          = 0x8
-	TCP_MAXSEG                           = 0x2
-	TCP_MAXWIN                           = 0xffff
-	TCP_MAX_WINSHIFT                     = 0xe
-	TCP_MD5SIG                           = 0xe
-	TCP_MD5SIG_EXT                       = 0x20
-	TCP_MD5SIG_FLAG_PREFIX               = 0x1
-	TCP_MD5SIG_MAXKEYLEN                 = 0x50
-	TCP_MSS                              = 0x200
-	TCP_MSS_DEFAULT                      = 0x218
-	TCP_MSS_DESIRED                      = 0x4c4
-	TCP_NODELAY                          = 0x1
-	TCP_NOTSENT_LOWAT                    = 0x19
-	TCP_QUEUE_SEQ                        = 0x15
-	TCP_QUICKACK                         = 0xc
-	TCP_REPAIR                           = 0x13
-	TCP_REPAIR_OFF                       = 0x0
-	TCP_REPAIR_OFF_NO_WP                 = -0x1
-	TCP_REPAIR_ON                        = 0x1
-	TCP_REPAIR_OPTIONS                   = 0x16
-	TCP_REPAIR_QUEUE                     = 0x14
-	TCP_REPAIR_WINDOW                    = 0x1d
-	TCP_SAVED_SYN                        = 0x1c
-	TCP_SAVE_SYN                         = 0x1b
-	TCP_SYNCNT                           = 0x7
-	TCP_S_DATA_IN                        = 0x4
-	TCP_S_DATA_OUT                       = 0x8
-	TCP_THIN_DUPACK                      = 0x11
-	TCP_THIN_LINEAR_TIMEOUTS             = 0x10
-	TCP_TIMESTAMP                        = 0x18
-	TCP_ULP                              = 0x1f
-	TCP_USER_TIMEOUT                     = 0x12
-	TCP_WINDOW_CLAMP                     = 0xa
-	TCP_ZEROCOPY_RECEIVE                 = 0x23
-	TCSAFLUSH                            = 0x2
-	TCSBRK                               = 0x2000741d
-	TCSBRKP                              = 0x5425
-	TCSETA                               = 0x80147418
-	TCSETAF                              = 0x8014741c
-	TCSETAW                              = 0x80147419
-	TCSETS                               = 0x802c7414
-	TCSETSF                              = 0x802c7416
-	TCSETSW                              = 0x802c7415
-	TCXONC                               = 0x2000741e
-	TIMER_ABSTIME                        = 0x1
-	TIOCCBRK                             = 0x5428
-	TIOCCONS                             = 0x541d
-	TIOCEXCL                             = 0x540c
-	TIOCGDEV                             = 0x40045432
-	TIOCGETC                             = 0x40067412
-	TIOCGETD                             = 0x5424
-	TIOCGETP                             = 0x40067408
-	TIOCGEXCL                            = 0x40045440
-	TIOCGICOUNT                          = 0x545d
-	TIOCGISO7816                         = 0x40285442
-	TIOCGLCKTRMIOS                       = 0x5456
-	TIOCGLTC                             = 0x40067474
-	TIOCGPGRP                            = 0x40047477
-	TIOCGPKT                             = 0x40045438
-	TIOCGPTLCK                           = 0x40045439
-	TIOCGPTN                             = 0x40045430
-	TIOCGPTPEER                          = 0x20005441
-	TIOCGRS485                           = 0x542e
-	TIOCGSERIAL                          = 0x541e
-	TIOCGSID                             = 0x5429
-	TIOCGSOFTCAR                         = 0x5419
-	TIOCGWINSZ                           = 0x40087468
-	TIOCINQ                              = 0x4004667f
-	TIOCLINUX                            = 0x541c
-	TIOCMBIC                             = 0x5417
-	TIOCMBIS                             = 0x5416
-	TIOCMGET                             = 0x5415
-	TIOCMIWAIT                           = 0x545c
-	TIOCMSET                             = 0x5418
-	TIOCM_CAR                            = 0x40
-	TIOCM_CD                             = 0x40
-	TIOCM_CTS                            = 0x20
-	TIOCM_DSR                            = 0x100
-	TIOCM_DTR                            = 0x2
-	TIOCM_LE                             = 0x1
-	TIOCM_LOOP                           = 0x8000
-	TIOCM_OUT1                           = 0x2000
-	TIOCM_OUT2                           = 0x4000
-	TIOCM_RI                             = 0x80
-	TIOCM_RNG                            = 0x80
-	TIOCM_RTS                            = 0x4
-	TIOCM_SR                             = 0x10
-	TIOCM_ST                             = 0x8
-	TIOCNOTTY                            = 0x5422
-	TIOCNXCL                             = 0x540d
-	TIOCOUTQ                             = 0x40047473
-	TIOCPKT                              = 0x5420
-	TIOCPKT_DATA                         = 0x0
-	TIOCPKT_DOSTOP                       = 0x20
-	TIOCPKT_FLUSHREAD                    = 0x1
-	TIOCPKT_FLUSHWRITE                   = 0x2
-	TIOCPKT_IOCTL                        = 0x40
-	TIOCPKT_NOSTOP                       = 0x10
-	TIOCPKT_START                        = 0x8
-	TIOCPKT_STOP                         = 0x4
-	TIOCSBRK                             = 0x5427
-	TIOCSCTTY                            = 0x540e
-	TIOCSERCONFIG                        = 0x5453
-	TIOCSERGETLSR                        = 0x5459
-	TIOCSERGETMULTI                      = 0x545a
-	TIOCSERGSTRUCT                       = 0x5458
-	TIOCSERGWILD                         = 0x5454
-	TIOCSERSETMULTI                      = 0x545b
-	TIOCSERSWILD                         = 0x5455
-	TIOCSER_TEMT                         = 0x1
-	TIOCSETC                             = 0x80067411
-	TIOCSETD                             = 0x5423
-	TIOCSETN                             = 0x8006740a
-	TIOCSETP                             = 0x80067409
-	TIOCSIG                              = 0x80045436
-	TIOCSISO7816                         = 0xc0285443
-	TIOCSLCKTRMIOS                       = 0x5457
-	TIOCSLTC                             = 0x80067475
-	TIOCSPGRP                            = 0x80047476
-	TIOCSPTLCK                           = 0x80045431
-	TIOCSRS485                           = 0x542f
-	TIOCSSERIAL                          = 0x541f
-	TIOCSSOFTCAR                         = 0x541a
-	TIOCSTART                            = 0x2000746e
-	TIOCSTI                              = 0x5412
-	TIOCSTOP                             = 0x2000746f
-	TIOCSWINSZ                           = 0x80087467
-	TIOCVHANGUP                          = 0x5437
-	TMPFS_MAGIC                          = 0x1021994
-	TOSTOP                               = 0x400000
-	TPACKET_ALIGNMENT                    = 0x10
-	TPACKET_HDRLEN                       = 0x34
-	TP_STATUS_AVAILABLE                  = 0x0
-	TP_STATUS_BLK_TMO                    = 0x20
-	TP_STATUS_COPY                       = 0x2
-	TP_STATUS_CSUMNOTREADY               = 0x8
-	TP_STATUS_CSUM_VALID                 = 0x80
-	TP_STATUS_KERNEL                     = 0x0
-	TP_STATUS_LOSING                     = 0x4
-	TP_STATUS_SENDING                    = 0x2
-	TP_STATUS_SEND_REQUEST               = 0x1
-	TP_STATUS_TS_RAW_HARDWARE            = -0x80000000
-	TP_STATUS_TS_SOFTWARE                = 0x20000000
-	TP_STATUS_TS_SYS_HARDWARE            = 0x40000000
-	TP_STATUS_USER                       = 0x1
-	TP_STATUS_VLAN_TPID_VALID            = 0x40
-	TP_STATUS_VLAN_VALID                 = 0x10
-	TP_STATUS_WRONG_FORMAT               = 0x4
-	TRACEFS_MAGIC                        = 0x74726163
-	TS_COMM_LEN                          = 0x20
-	TUNATTACHFILTER                      = 0x801054d5
-	TUNDETACHFILTER                      = 0x801054d6
-	TUNGETDEVNETNS                       = 0x200054e3
-	TUNGETFEATURES                       = 0x400454cf
-	TUNGETFILTER                         = 0x401054db
-	TUNGETIFF                            = 0x400454d2
-	TUNGETSNDBUF                         = 0x400454d3
-	TUNGETVNETBE                         = 0x400454df
-	TUNGETVNETHDRSZ                      = 0x400454d7
-	TUNGETVNETLE                         = 0x400454dd
-	TUNSETCARRIER                        = 0x800454e2
-	TUNSETDEBUG                          = 0x800454c9
-	TUNSETFILTEREBPF                     = 0x400454e1
-	TUNSETGROUP                          = 0x800454ce
-	TUNSETIFF                            = 0x800454ca
-	TUNSETIFINDEX                        = 0x800454da
-	TUNSETLINK                           = 0x800454cd
-	TUNSETNOCSUM                         = 0x800454c8
-	TUNSETOFFLOAD                        = 0x800454d0
-	TUNSETOWNER                          = 0x800454cc
-	TUNSETPERSIST                        = 0x800454cb
-	TUNSETQUEUE                          = 0x800454d9
-	TUNSETSNDBUF                         = 0x800454d4
-	TUNSETSTEERINGEBPF                   = 0x400454e0
-	TUNSETTXFILTER                       = 0x800454d1
-	TUNSETVNETBE                         = 0x800454de
-	TUNSETVNETHDRSZ                      = 0x800454d8
-	TUNSETVNETLE                         = 0x800454dc
-	UBI_IOCATT                           = 0x80186f40
-	UBI_IOCDET                           = 0x80046f41
-	UBI_IOCEBCH                          = 0x80044f02
-	UBI_IOCEBER                          = 0x80044f01
-	UBI_IOCEBISMAP                       = 0x40044f05
-	UBI_IOCEBMAP                         = 0x80084f03
-	UBI_IOCEBUNMAP                       = 0x80044f04
-	UBI_IOCMKVOL                         = 0x80986f00
-	UBI_IOCRMVOL                         = 0x80046f01
-	UBI_IOCRNVOL                         = 0x91106f03
-	UBI_IOCRPEB                          = 0x80046f04
-	UBI_IOCRSVOL                         = 0x800c6f02
-	UBI_IOCSETVOLPROP                    = 0x80104f06
-	UBI_IOCSPEB                          = 0x80046f05
-	UBI_IOCVOLCRBLK                      = 0x80804f07
-	UBI_IOCVOLRMBLK                      = 0x20004f08
-	UBI_IOCVOLUP                         = 0x80084f00
-	UDF_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x15013346
-	UMOUNT_NOFOLLOW                      = 0x8
-	USBDEVICE_SUPER_MAGIC                = 0x9fa2
-	UTIME_NOW                            = 0x3fffffff
-	UTIME_OMIT                           = 0x3ffffffe
-	V9FS_MAGIC                           = 0x1021997
-	VDISCARD                             = 0x10
-	VEOF                                 = 0x4
-	VEOL                                 = 0x6
-	VEOL2                                = 0x8
-	VERASE                               = 0x2
-	VINTR                                = 0x0
-	VKILL                                = 0x3
-	VLNEXT                               = 0xf
-	VMADDR_CID_ANY                       = 0xffffffff
-	VMADDR_CID_HOST                      = 0x2
-	VMADDR_CID_HYPERVISOR                = 0x0
-	VMADDR_CID_RESERVED                  = 0x1
-	VMADDR_PORT_ANY                      = 0xffffffff
-	VMIN                                 = 0x5
-	VM_SOCKETS_INVALID_VERSION           = 0xffffffff
-	VQUIT                                = 0x1
-	VREPRINT                             = 0xb
-	VSTART                               = 0xd
-	VSTOP                                = 0xe
-	VSUSP                                = 0xc
-	VSWTC                                = 0x9
-	VT0                                  = 0x0
-	VT1                                  = 0x10000
-	VTDLY                                = 0x10000
-	VTIME                                = 0x7
-	VWERASE                              = 0xa
-	WALL                                 = 0x40000000
-	WCLONE                               = 0x80000000
-	WCONTINUED                           = 0x8
-	WDIOC_GETBOOTSTATUS                  = 0x40045702
-	WDIOC_GETPRETIMEOUT                  = 0x40045709
-	WDIOC_GETSTATUS                      = 0x40045701
-	WDIOC_GETSUPPORT                     = 0x40285700
-	WDIOC_GETTEMP                        = 0x40045703
-	WDIOC_GETTIMELEFT                    = 0x4004570a
-	WDIOC_GETTIMEOUT                     = 0x40045707
-	WDIOC_KEEPALIVE                      = 0x40045705
-	WDIOC_SETOPTIONS                     = 0x40045704
-	WDIOC_SETPRETIMEOUT                  = 0xc0045708
-	WDIOC_SETTIMEOUT                     = 0xc0045706
-	WEXITED                              = 0x4
-	WIN_ACKMEDIACHANGE                   = 0xdb
-	WIN_CHECKPOWERMODE1                  = 0xe5
-	WIN_CHECKPOWERMODE2                  = 0x98
-	WIN_DEVICE_RESET                     = 0x8
-	WIN_DIAGNOSE                         = 0x90
-	WIN_DOORLOCK                         = 0xde
-	WIN_DOORUNLOCK                       = 0xdf
-	WIN_DOWNLOAD_MICROCODE               = 0x92
-	WIN_FLUSH_CACHE                      = 0xe7
-	WIN_FLUSH_CACHE_EXT                  = 0xea
-	WIN_FORMAT                           = 0x50
-	WIN_GETMEDIASTATUS                   = 0xda
-	WIN_IDENTIFY                         = 0xec
-	WIN_IDENTIFY_DMA                     = 0xee
-	WIN_IDLEIMMEDIATE                    = 0xe1
-	WIN_INIT                             = 0x60
-	WIN_MEDIAEJECT                       = 0xed
-	WIN_MULTREAD                         = 0xc4
-	WIN_MULTREAD_EXT                     = 0x29
-	WIN_MULTWRITE                        = 0xc5
-	WIN_MULTWRITE_EXT                    = 0x39
-	WIN_NOP                              = 0x0
-	WIN_PACKETCMD                        = 0xa0
-	WIN_PIDENTIFY                        = 0xa1
-	WIN_POSTBOOT                         = 0xdc
-	WIN_PREBOOT                          = 0xdd
-	WIN_QUEUED_SERVICE                   = 0xa2
-	WIN_READ                             = 0x20
-	WIN_READDMA                          = 0xc8
-	WIN_READDMA_EXT                      = 0x25
-	WIN_READDMA_ONCE                     = 0xc9
-	WIN_READDMA_QUEUED                   = 0xc7
-	WIN_READDMA_QUEUED_EXT               = 0x26
-	WIN_READ_BUFFER                      = 0xe4
-	WIN_READ_EXT                         = 0x24
-	WIN_READ_LONG                        = 0x22
-	WIN_READ_LONG_ONCE                   = 0x23
-	WIN_READ_NATIVE_MAX                  = 0xf8
-	WIN_READ_NATIVE_MAX_EXT              = 0x27
-	WIN_READ_ONCE                        = 0x21
-	WIN_RECAL                            = 0x10
-	WIN_RESTORE                          = 0x10
-	WIN_SECURITY_DISABLE                 = 0xf6
-	WIN_SECURITY_ERASE_UNIT              = 0xf4
-	WIN_SECURITY_FREEZE_LOCK             = 0xf5
-	WIN_SECURITY_SET_PASS                = 0xf1
-	WIN_SECURITY_UNLOCK                  = 0xf2
-	WIN_SEEK                             = 0x70
-	WIN_SETFEATURES                      = 0xef
-	WIN_SETIDLE1                         = 0xe3
-	WIN_SETIDLE2                         = 0x97
-	WIN_SETMULT                          = 0xc6
-	WIN_SET_MAX                          = 0xf9
-	WIN_SET_MAX_EXT                      = 0x37
-	WIN_SLEEPNOW1                        = 0xe6
-	WIN_SLEEPNOW2                        = 0x99
-	WIN_SMART                            = 0xb0
-	WIN_SPECIFY                          = 0x91
-	WIN_SRST                             = 0x8
-	WIN_STANDBY                          = 0xe2
-	WIN_STANDBY2                         = 0x96
-	WIN_STANDBYNOW1                      = 0xe0
-	WIN_STANDBYNOW2                      = 0x94
-	WIN_VERIFY                           = 0x40
-	WIN_VERIFY_EXT                       = 0x42
-	WIN_VERIFY_ONCE                      = 0x41
-	WIN_WRITE                            = 0x30
-	WIN_WRITEDMA                         = 0xca
-	WIN_WRITEDMA_EXT                     = 0x35
-	WIN_WRITEDMA_ONCE                    = 0xcb
-	WIN_WRITEDMA_QUEUED                  = 0xcc
-	WIN_WRITEDMA_QUEUED_EXT              = 0x36
-	WIN_WRITE_BUFFER                     = 0xe8
-	WIN_WRITE_EXT                        = 0x34
-	WIN_WRITE_LONG                       = 0x32
-	WIN_WRITE_LONG_ONCE                  = 0x33
-	WIN_WRITE_ONCE                       = 0x31
-	WIN_WRITE_SAME                       = 0xe9
-	WIN_WRITE_VERIFY                     = 0x3c
-	WNOHANG                              = 0x1
-	WNOTHREAD                            = 0x20000000
-	WNOWAIT                              = 0x1000000
-	WORDSIZE                             = 0x40
-	WSTOPPED                             = 0x2
-	WUNTRACED                            = 0x2
-	XATTR_CREATE                         = 0x1
-	XATTR_REPLACE                        = 0x2
-	XCASE                                = 0x4000
-	XDP_COPY                             = 0x2
-	XDP_FLAGS_DRV_MODE                   = 0x4
-	XDP_FLAGS_HW_MODE                    = 0x8
-	XDP_FLAGS_MASK                       = 0xf
-	XDP_FLAGS_MODES                      = 0xe
-	XDP_FLAGS_SKB_MODE                   = 0x2
-	XDP_MMAP_OFFSETS                     = 0x1
-	XDP_PACKET_HEADROOM                  = 0x100
-	XDP_PGOFF_RX_RING                    = 0x0
-	XDP_PGOFF_TX_RING                    = 0x80000000
-	XDP_RX_RING                          = 0x2
-	XDP_SHARED_UMEM                      = 0x1
-	XDP_STATISTICS                       = 0x7
-	XDP_TX_RING                          = 0x3
-	XDP_UMEM_COMPLETION_RING             = 0x6
-	XDP_UMEM_FILL_RING                   = 0x5
-	XDP_UMEM_PGOFF_COMPLETION_RING       = 0x180000000
-	XDP_UMEM_PGOFF_FILL_RING             = 0x100000000
-	XDP_UMEM_REG                         = 0x4
-	XDP_ZEROCOPY                         = 0x4
-	XENFS_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0xabba1974
-	XFS_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x58465342
-	XTABS                                = 0xc00
-	ZSMALLOC_MAGIC                       = 0x58295829
+	AAFS_MAGIC                                  = 0x5a3c69f0
+	ADFS_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xadf5
+	AFFS_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xadff
+	AFS_FS_MAGIC                                = 0x6b414653
+	AFS_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x5346414f
+	AF_ALG                                      = 0x26
+	AF_APPLETALK                                = 0x5
+	AF_ASH                                      = 0x12
+	AF_ATMPVC                                   = 0x8
+	AF_ATMSVC                                   = 0x14
+	AF_AX25                                     = 0x3
+	AF_BLUETOOTH                                = 0x1f
+	AF_BRIDGE                                   = 0x7
+	AF_CAIF                                     = 0x25
+	AF_CAN                                      = 0x1d
+	AF_DECnet                                   = 0xc
+	AF_ECONET                                   = 0x13
+	AF_FILE                                     = 0x1
+	AF_IB                                       = 0x1b
+	AF_IEEE802154                               = 0x24
+	AF_INET                                     = 0x2
+	AF_INET6                                    = 0xa
+	AF_IPX                                      = 0x4
+	AF_IRDA                                     = 0x17
+	AF_ISDN                                     = 0x22
+	AF_IUCV                                     = 0x20
+	AF_KCM                                      = 0x29
+	AF_KEY                                      = 0xf
+	AF_LLC                                      = 0x1a
+	AF_LOCAL                                    = 0x1
+	AF_MAX                                      = 0x2d
+	AF_MPLS                                     = 0x1c
+	AF_NETBEUI                                  = 0xd
+	AF_NETLINK                                  = 0x10
+	AF_NETROM                                   = 0x6
+	AF_NFC                                      = 0x27
+	AF_PACKET                                   = 0x11
+	AF_PHONET                                   = 0x23
+	AF_PPPOX                                    = 0x18
+	AF_QIPCRTR                                  = 0x2a
+	AF_RDS                                      = 0x15
+	AF_ROSE                                     = 0xb
+	AF_ROUTE                                    = 0x10
+	AF_RXRPC                                    = 0x21
+	AF_SECURITY                                 = 0xe
+	AF_SMC                                      = 0x2b
+	AF_SNA                                      = 0x16
+	AF_TIPC                                     = 0x1e
+	AF_UNIX                                     = 0x1
+	AF_UNSPEC                                   = 0x0
+	AF_VSOCK                                    = 0x28
+	AF_WANPIPE                                  = 0x19
+	AF_X25                                      = 0x9
+	AF_XDP                                      = 0x2c
+	ALG_OP_DECRYPT                              = 0x0
+	ALG_OP_ENCRYPT                              = 0x1
+	ALG_SET_AEAD_ASSOCLEN                       = 0x4
+	ALG_SET_AEAD_AUTHSIZE                       = 0x5
+	ALG_SET_IV                                  = 0x2
+	ALG_SET_KEY                                 = 0x1
+	ALG_SET_OP                                  = 0x3
+	ANON_INODE_FS_MAGIC                         = 0x9041934
+	ARPHRD_6LOWPAN                              = 0x339
+	ARPHRD_ADAPT                                = 0x108
+	ARPHRD_APPLETLK                             = 0x8
+	ARPHRD_ARCNET                               = 0x7
+	ARPHRD_ASH                                  = 0x30d
+	ARPHRD_ATM                                  = 0x13
+	ARPHRD_AX25                                 = 0x3
+	ARPHRD_BIF                                  = 0x307
+	ARPHRD_CAIF                                 = 0x336
+	ARPHRD_CAN                                  = 0x118
+	ARPHRD_CHAOS                                = 0x5
+	ARPHRD_CISCO                                = 0x201
+	ARPHRD_CSLIP                                = 0x101
+	ARPHRD_CSLIP6                               = 0x103
+	ARPHRD_DDCMP                                = 0x205
+	ARPHRD_DLCI                                 = 0xf
+	ARPHRD_ECONET                               = 0x30e
+	ARPHRD_EETHER                               = 0x2
+	ARPHRD_ETHER                                = 0x1
+	ARPHRD_EUI64                                = 0x1b
+	ARPHRD_FCAL                                 = 0x311
+	ARPHRD_FCFABRIC                             = 0x313
+	ARPHRD_FCPL                                 = 0x312
+	ARPHRD_FCPP                                 = 0x310
+	ARPHRD_FDDI                                 = 0x306
+	ARPHRD_FRAD                                 = 0x302
+	ARPHRD_HDLC                                 = 0x201
+	ARPHRD_HIPPI                                = 0x30c
+	ARPHRD_HWX25                                = 0x110
+	ARPHRD_IEEE1394                             = 0x18
+	ARPHRD_IEEE802                              = 0x6
+	ARPHRD_IEEE80211                            = 0x321
+	ARPHRD_IEEE80211_PRISM                      = 0x322
+	ARPHRD_IEEE80211_RADIOTAP                   = 0x323
+	ARPHRD_IEEE802154                           = 0x324
+	ARPHRD_IEEE802154_MONITOR                   = 0x325
+	ARPHRD_IEEE802_TR                           = 0x320
+	ARPHRD_INFINIBAND                           = 0x20
+	ARPHRD_IP6GRE                               = 0x337
+	ARPHRD_IPDDP                                = 0x309
+	ARPHRD_IPGRE                                = 0x30a
+	ARPHRD_IRDA                                 = 0x30f
+	ARPHRD_LAPB                                 = 0x204
+	ARPHRD_LOCALTLK                             = 0x305
+	ARPHRD_LOOPBACK                             = 0x304
+	ARPHRD_METRICOM                             = 0x17
+	ARPHRD_NETLINK                              = 0x338
+	ARPHRD_NETROM                               = 0x0
+	ARPHRD_NONE                                 = 0xfffe
+	ARPHRD_PHONET                               = 0x334
+	ARPHRD_PHONET_PIPE                          = 0x335
+	ARPHRD_PIMREG                               = 0x30b
+	ARPHRD_PPP                                  = 0x200
+	ARPHRD_PRONET                               = 0x4
+	ARPHRD_RAWHDLC                              = 0x206
+	ARPHRD_RAWIP                                = 0x207
+	ARPHRD_ROSE                                 = 0x10e
+	ARPHRD_RSRVD                                = 0x104
+	ARPHRD_SIT                                  = 0x308
+	ARPHRD_SKIP                                 = 0x303
+	ARPHRD_SLIP                                 = 0x100
+	ARPHRD_SLIP6                                = 0x102
+	ARPHRD_TUNNEL                               = 0x300
+	ARPHRD_TUNNEL6                              = 0x301
+	ARPHRD_VOID                                 = 0xffff
+	ARPHRD_VSOCKMON                             = 0x33a
+	ARPHRD_X25                                  = 0x10f
+	AUTOFS_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0x187
+	B0                                          = 0x0
+	B1000000                                    = 0x17
+	B110                                        = 0x3
+	B115200                                     = 0x11
+	B1152000                                    = 0x18
+	B1200                                       = 0x9
+	B134                                        = 0x4
+	B150                                        = 0x5
+	B1500000                                    = 0x19
+	B1800                                       = 0xa
+	B19200                                      = 0xe
+	B200                                        = 0x6
+	B2000000                                    = 0x1a
+	B230400                                     = 0x12
+	B2400                                       = 0xb
+	B2500000                                    = 0x1b
+	B300                                        = 0x7
+	B3000000                                    = 0x1c
+	B3500000                                    = 0x1d
+	B38400                                      = 0xf
+	B4000000                                    = 0x1e
+	B460800                                     = 0x13
+	B4800                                       = 0xc
+	B50                                         = 0x1
+	B500000                                     = 0x14
+	B57600                                      = 0x10
+	B576000                                     = 0x15
+	B600                                        = 0x8
+	B75                                         = 0x2
+	B921600                                     = 0x16
+	B9600                                       = 0xd
+	BALLOON_KVM_MAGIC                           = 0x13661366
+	BDEVFS_MAGIC                                = 0x62646576
+	BINDERFS_SUPER_MAGIC                        = 0x6c6f6f70
+	BINFMTFS_MAGIC                              = 0x42494e4d
+	BLKBSZGET                                   = 0x40081270
+	BLKBSZSET                                   = 0x80081271
+	BLKFLSBUF                                   = 0x20001261
+	BLKFRAGET                                   = 0x20001265
+	BLKFRASET                                   = 0x20001264
+	BLKGETSIZE                                  = 0x20001260
+	BLKGETSIZE64                                = 0x40081272
+	BLKPBSZGET                                  = 0x2000127b
+	BLKRAGET                                    = 0x20001263
+	BLKRASET                                    = 0x20001262
+	BLKROGET                                    = 0x2000125e
+	BLKROSET                                    = 0x2000125d
+	BLKRRPART                                   = 0x2000125f
+	BLKSECTGET                                  = 0x20001267
+	BLKSECTSET                                  = 0x20001266
+	BLKSSZGET                                   = 0x20001268
+	BOTHER                                      = 0x1f
+	BPF_A                                       = 0x10
+	BPF_ABS                                     = 0x20
+	BPF_ADD                                     = 0x0
+	BPF_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L2_MASK                  = 0xff
+	BPF_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L2_SHIFT                 = 0x38
+	BPF_ALU                                     = 0x4
+	BPF_ALU64                                   = 0x7
+	BPF_AND                                     = 0x50
+	BPF_ANY                                     = 0x0
+	BPF_ARSH                                    = 0xc0
+	BPF_B                                       = 0x10
+	BPF_BUILD_ID_SIZE                           = 0x14
+	BPF_CALL                                    = 0x80
+	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_MKNOD                         = 0x1
+	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_READ                          = 0x2
+	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_WRITE                         = 0x4
+	BPF_DEVCG_DEV_BLOCK                         = 0x1
+	BPF_DEVCG_DEV_CHAR                          = 0x2
+	BPF_DIV                                     = 0x30
+	BPF_DW                                      = 0x18
+	BPF_END                                     = 0xd0
+	BPF_EXIST                                   = 0x2
+	BPF_EXIT                                    = 0x90
+	BPF_FROM_BE                                 = 0x8
+	BPF_FROM_LE                                 = 0x0
+	BPF_FS_MAGIC                                = 0xcafe4a11
+	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L3_IPV4                = 0x2
+	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L3_IPV6                = 0x4
+	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L4_GRE                 = 0x8
+	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L4_UDP                 = 0x10
+	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_FIXED_GSO                    = 0x1
+	BPF_F_ALLOW_MULTI                           = 0x2
+	BPF_F_ALLOW_OVERRIDE                        = 0x1
+	BPF_F_ANY_ALIGNMENT                         = 0x2
+	BPF_F_CLONE                                 = 0x200
+	BPF_F_CTXLEN_MASK                           = 0xfffff00000000
+	BPF_F_CURRENT_CPU                           = 0xffffffff
+	BPF_F_CURRENT_NETNS                         = -0x1
+	BPF_F_DONT_FRAGMENT                         = 0x4
+	BPF_F_FAST_STACK_CMP                        = 0x200
+	BPF_F_HDR_FIELD_MASK                        = 0xf
+	BPF_F_INDEX_MASK                            = 0xffffffff
+	BPF_F_INGRESS                               = 0x1
+	BPF_F_INVALIDATE_HASH                       = 0x2
+	BPF_F_LOCK                                  = 0x4
+	BPF_F_MARK_ENFORCE                          = 0x40
+	BPF_F_MARK_MANGLED_0                        = 0x20
+	BPF_F_NO_COMMON_LRU                         = 0x2
+	BPF_F_NO_PREALLOC                           = 0x1
+	BPF_F_NUMA_NODE                             = 0x4
+	BPF_F_PSEUDO_HDR                            = 0x10
+	BPF_F_QUERY_EFFECTIVE                       = 0x1
+	BPF_F_RDONLY                                = 0x8
+	BPF_F_RDONLY_PROG                           = 0x80
+	BPF_F_RECOMPUTE_CSUM                        = 0x1
+	BPF_F_REUSE_STACKID                         = 0x400
+	BPF_F_SEQ_NUMBER                            = 0x8
+	BPF_F_SKIP_FIELD_MASK                       = 0xff
+	BPF_F_STACK_BUILD_ID                        = 0x20
+	BPF_F_STRICT_ALIGNMENT                      = 0x1
+	BPF_F_SYSCTL_BASE_NAME                      = 0x1
+	BPF_F_TEST_RND_HI32                         = 0x4
+	BPF_F_TEST_STATE_FREQ                       = 0x8
+	BPF_F_TUNINFO_IPV6                          = 0x1
+	BPF_F_USER_BUILD_ID                         = 0x800
+	BPF_F_USER_STACK                            = 0x100
+	BPF_F_WRONLY                                = 0x10
+	BPF_F_WRONLY_PROG                           = 0x100
+	BPF_F_ZERO_CSUM_TX                          = 0x2
+	BPF_F_ZERO_SEED                             = 0x40
+	BPF_H                                       = 0x8
+	BPF_IMM                                     = 0x0
+	BPF_IND                                     = 0x40
+	BPF_JA                                      = 0x0
+	BPF_JEQ                                     = 0x10
+	BPF_JGE                                     = 0x30
+	BPF_JGT                                     = 0x20
+	BPF_JLE                                     = 0xb0
+	BPF_JLT                                     = 0xa0
+	BPF_JMP                                     = 0x5
+	BPF_JMP32                                   = 0x6
+	BPF_JNE                                     = 0x50
+	BPF_JSET                                    = 0x40
+	BPF_JSGE                                    = 0x70
+	BPF_JSGT                                    = 0x60
+	BPF_JSLE                                    = 0xd0
+	BPF_JSLT                                    = 0xc0
+	BPF_K                                       = 0x0
+	BPF_LD                                      = 0x0
+	BPF_LDX                                     = 0x1
+	BPF_LEN                                     = 0x80
+	BPF_LL_OFF                                  = -0x200000
+	BPF_LSH                                     = 0x60
+	BPF_MAJOR_VERSION                           = 0x1
+	BPF_MAXINSNS                                = 0x1000
+	BPF_MEM                                     = 0x60
+	BPF_MEMWORDS                                = 0x10
+	BPF_MINOR_VERSION                           = 0x1
+	BPF_MISC                                    = 0x7
+	BPF_MOD                                     = 0x90
+	BPF_MOV                                     = 0xb0
+	BPF_MSH                                     = 0xa0
+	BPF_MUL                                     = 0x20
+	BPF_NEG                                     = 0x80
+	BPF_NET_OFF                                 = -0x100000
+	BPF_NOEXIST                                 = 0x1
+	BPF_OBJ_NAME_LEN                            = 0x10
+	BPF_OR                                      = 0x40
+	BPF_PSEUDO_CALL                             = 0x1
+	BPF_PSEUDO_MAP_FD                           = 0x1
+	BPF_PSEUDO_MAP_VALUE                        = 0x2
+	BPF_RET                                     = 0x6
+	BPF_RSH                                     = 0x70
+	BPF_SK_STORAGE_GET_F_CREATE                 = 0x1
+	BPF_SOCK_OPS_ALL_CB_FLAGS                   = 0xf
+	BPF_SOCK_OPS_RETRANS_CB_FLAG                = 0x2
+	BPF_SOCK_OPS_RTO_CB_FLAG                    = 0x1
+	BPF_SOCK_OPS_RTT_CB_FLAG                    = 0x8
+	BPF_SOCK_OPS_STATE_CB_FLAG                  = 0x4
+	BPF_ST                                      = 0x2
+	BPF_STX                                     = 0x3
+	BPF_SUB                                     = 0x10
+	BPF_TAG_SIZE                                = 0x8
+	BPF_TAX                                     = 0x0
+	BPF_TO_BE                                   = 0x8
+	BPF_TO_LE                                   = 0x0
+	BPF_TXA                                     = 0x80
+	BPF_W                                       = 0x0
+	BPF_X                                       = 0x8
+	BPF_XADD                                    = 0xc0
+	BPF_XOR                                     = 0xa0
+	BRKINT                                      = 0x2
+	BS0                                         = 0x0
+	BS1                                         = 0x8000
+	BSDLY                                       = 0x8000
+	BTRFS_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x9123683e
+	BTRFS_TEST_MAGIC                            = 0x73727279
+	CAN_BCM                                     = 0x2
+	CAN_EFF_FLAG                                = 0x80000000
+	CAN_EFF_ID_BITS                             = 0x1d
+	CAN_EFF_MASK                                = 0x1fffffff
+	CAN_ERR_FLAG                                = 0x20000000
+	CAN_ERR_MASK                                = 0x1fffffff
+	CAN_INV_FILTER                              = 0x20000000
+	CAN_ISOTP                                   = 0x6
+	CAN_J1939                                   = 0x7
+	CAN_MAX_DLC                                 = 0x8
+	CAN_MAX_DLEN                                = 0x8
+	CAN_MCNET                                   = 0x5
+	CAN_MTU                                     = 0x10
+	CAN_NPROTO                                  = 0x8
+	CAN_RAW                                     = 0x1
+	CAN_RAW_FILTER_MAX                          = 0x200
+	CAN_RTR_FLAG                                = 0x40000000
+	CAN_SFF_ID_BITS                             = 0xb
+	CAN_SFF_MASK                                = 0x7ff
+	CAN_TP16                                    = 0x3
+	CAN_TP20                                    = 0x4
+	CAP_AUDIT_CONTROL                           = 0x1e
+	CAP_AUDIT_READ                              = 0x25
+	CAP_AUDIT_WRITE                             = 0x1d
+	CAP_BLOCK_SUSPEND                           = 0x24
+	CAP_CHOWN                                   = 0x0
+	CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE                            = 0x1
+	CAP_DAC_READ_SEARCH                         = 0x2
+	CAP_FOWNER                                  = 0x3
+	CAP_FSETID                                  = 0x4
+	CAP_IPC_LOCK                                = 0xe
+	CAP_IPC_OWNER                               = 0xf
+	CAP_KILL                                    = 0x5
+	CAP_LAST_CAP                                = 0x25
+	CAP_LEASE                                   = 0x1c
+	CAP_LINUX_IMMUTABLE                         = 0x9
+	CAP_MAC_ADMIN                               = 0x21
+	CAP_MAC_OVERRIDE                            = 0x20
+	CAP_MKNOD                                   = 0x1b
+	CAP_NET_ADMIN                               = 0xc
+	CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE                        = 0xa
+	CAP_NET_BROADCAST                           = 0xb
+	CAP_NET_RAW                                 = 0xd
+	CAP_SETFCAP                                 = 0x1f
+	CAP_SETGID                                  = 0x6
+	CAP_SETPCAP                                 = 0x8
+	CAP_SETUID                                  = 0x7
+	CAP_SYSLOG                                  = 0x22
+	CAP_SYS_ADMIN                               = 0x15
+	CAP_SYS_BOOT                                = 0x16
+	CAP_SYS_CHROOT                              = 0x12
+	CAP_SYS_MODULE                              = 0x10
+	CAP_SYS_NICE                                = 0x17
+	CAP_SYS_PACCT                               = 0x14
+	CAP_SYS_PTRACE                              = 0x13
+	CAP_SYS_RAWIO                               = 0x11
+	CAP_SYS_RESOURCE                            = 0x18
+	CAP_SYS_TIME                                = 0x19
+	CAP_SYS_TTY_CONFIG                          = 0x1a
+	CAP_WAKE_ALARM                              = 0x23
+	CBAUD                                       = 0xff
+	CBAUDEX                                     = 0x0
+	CFLUSH                                      = 0xf
+	CGROUP2_SUPER_MAGIC                         = 0x63677270
+	CGROUP_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0x27e0eb
+	CIBAUD                                      = 0xff0000
+	CLOCAL                                      = 0x8000
+	CLOCK_BOOTTIME                              = 0x7
+	CLOCK_BOOTTIME_ALARM                        = 0x9
+	CLOCK_DEFAULT                               = 0x0
+	CLOCK_EXT                                   = 0x1
+	CLOCK_INT                                   = 0x2
+	CLOCK_MONOTONIC                             = 0x1
+	CLOCK_MONOTONIC_COARSE                      = 0x6
+	CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW                         = 0x4
+	CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID                    = 0x2
+	CLOCK_REALTIME                              = 0x0
+	CLOCK_REALTIME_ALARM                        = 0x8
+	CLOCK_REALTIME_COARSE                       = 0x5
+	CLOCK_TAI                                   = 0xb
+	CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID                     = 0x3
+	CLOCK_TXFROMRX                              = 0x4
+	CLOCK_TXINT                                 = 0x3
+	CLONE_ARGS_SIZE_VER0                        = 0x40
+	CLONE_CHILD_CLEARTID                        = 0x200000
+	CLONE_CHILD_SETTID                          = 0x1000000
+	CLONE_DETACHED                              = 0x400000
+	CLONE_FILES                                 = 0x400
+	CLONE_FS                                    = 0x200
+	CLONE_IO                                    = 0x80000000
+	CLONE_NEWCGROUP                             = 0x2000000
+	CLONE_NEWIPC                                = 0x8000000
+	CLONE_NEWNET                                = 0x40000000
+	CLONE_NEWNS                                 = 0x20000
+	CLONE_NEWPID                                = 0x20000000
+	CLONE_NEWUSER                               = 0x10000000
+	CLONE_NEWUTS                                = 0x4000000
+	CLONE_PARENT                                = 0x8000
+	CLONE_PARENT_SETTID                         = 0x100000
+	CLONE_PIDFD                                 = 0x1000
+	CLONE_PTRACE                                = 0x2000
+	CLONE_SETTLS                                = 0x80000
+	CLONE_SIGHAND                               = 0x800
+	CLONE_SYSVSEM                               = 0x40000
+	CLONE_THREAD                                = 0x10000
+	CLONE_UNTRACED                              = 0x800000
+	CLONE_VFORK                                 = 0x4000
+	CLONE_VM                                    = 0x100
+	CMSPAR                                      = 0x40000000
+	CODA_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0x73757245
+	CR0                                         = 0x0
+	CR1                                         = 0x1000
+	CR2                                         = 0x2000
+	CR3                                         = 0x3000
+	CRAMFS_MAGIC                                = 0x28cd3d45
+	CRDLY                                       = 0x3000
+	CREAD                                       = 0x800
+	CRTSCTS                                     = 0x80000000
+	CRYPTO_MAX_NAME                             = 0x40
+	CRYPTO_MSG_MAX                              = 0x15
+	CRYPTO_NR_MSGTYPES                          = 0x6
+	CRYPTO_REPORT_MAXSIZE                       = 0x160
+	CS5                                         = 0x0
+	CS6                                         = 0x100
+	CS7                                         = 0x200
+	CS8                                         = 0x300
+	CSIGNAL                                     = 0xff
+	CSIZE                                       = 0x300
+	CSTART                                      = 0x11
+	CSTATUS                                     = 0x0
+	CSTOP                                       = 0x13
+	CSTOPB                                      = 0x400
+	CSUSP                                       = 0x1a
+	DAXFS_MAGIC                                 = 0x64646178
+	DEBUGFS_MAGIC                               = 0x64626720
+	DEVLINK_CMD_ESWITCH_MODE_GET                = 0x1d
+	DEVLINK_CMD_ESWITCH_MODE_SET                = 0x1e
+	DEVLINK_GENL_MCGRP_CONFIG_NAME              = "config"
+	DEVLINK_GENL_NAME                           = "devlink"
+	DEVLINK_GENL_VERSION                        = 0x1
+	DEVPTS_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0x1cd1
+	DMA_BUF_MAGIC                               = 0x444d4142
+	DT_BLK                                      = 0x6
+	DT_CHR                                      = 0x2
+	DT_DIR                                      = 0x4
+	DT_FIFO                                     = 0x1
+	DT_LNK                                      = 0xa
+	DT_REG                                      = 0x8
+	DT_SOCK                                     = 0xc
+	DT_UNKNOWN                                  = 0x0
+	DT_WHT                                      = 0xe
+	ECHO                                        = 0x8
+	ECHOCTL                                     = 0x40
+	ECHOE                                       = 0x2
+	ECHOK                                       = 0x4
+	ECHOKE                                      = 0x1
+	ECHONL                                      = 0x10
+	ECHOPRT                                     = 0x20
+	ECRYPTFS_SUPER_MAGIC                        = 0xf15f
+	EFD_CLOEXEC                                 = 0x80000
+	EFD_NONBLOCK                                = 0x800
+	EFD_SEMAPHORE                               = 0x1
+	EFIVARFS_MAGIC                              = 0xde5e81e4
+	EFS_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x414a53
+	ENCODING_DEFAULT                            = 0x0
+	ENCODING_FM_MARK                            = 0x3
+	ENCODING_FM_SPACE                           = 0x4
+	ENCODING_MANCHESTER                         = 0x5
+	ENCODING_NRZ                                = 0x1
+	ENCODING_NRZI                               = 0x2
+	EPOLLERR                                    = 0x8
+	EPOLLET                                     = 0x80000000
+	EPOLLEXCLUSIVE                              = 0x10000000
+	EPOLLHUP                                    = 0x10
+	EPOLLIN                                     = 0x1
+	EPOLLMSG                                    = 0x400
+	EPOLLONESHOT                                = 0x40000000
+	EPOLLOUT                                    = 0x4
+	EPOLLPRI                                    = 0x2
+	EPOLLRDBAND                                 = 0x80
+	EPOLLRDHUP                                  = 0x2000
+	EPOLLRDNORM                                 = 0x40
+	EPOLLWAKEUP                                 = 0x20000000
+	EPOLLWRBAND                                 = 0x200
+	EPOLLWRNORM                                 = 0x100
+	EPOLL_CLOEXEC                               = 0x80000
+	EPOLL_CTL_ADD                               = 0x1
+	EPOLL_CTL_DEL                               = 0x2
+	EPOLL_CTL_MOD                               = 0x3
+	EROFS_SUPER_MAGIC_V1                        = 0xe0f5e1e2
+	ETH_P_1588                                  = 0x88f7
+	ETH_P_8021AD                                = 0x88a8
+	ETH_P_8021AH                                = 0x88e7
+	ETH_P_8021Q                                 = 0x8100
+	ETH_P_80221                                 = 0x8917
+	ETH_P_802_2                                 = 0x4
+	ETH_P_802_3                                 = 0x1
+	ETH_P_802_3_MIN                             = 0x600
+	ETH_P_802_EX1                               = 0x88b5
+	ETH_P_AARP                                  = 0x80f3
+	ETH_P_AF_IUCV                               = 0xfbfb
+	ETH_P_ALL                                   = 0x3
+	ETH_P_AOE                                   = 0x88a2
+	ETH_P_ARCNET                                = 0x1a
+	ETH_P_ARP                                   = 0x806
+	ETH_P_ATALK                                 = 0x809b
+	ETH_P_ATMFATE                               = 0x8884
+	ETH_P_ATMMPOA                               = 0x884c
+	ETH_P_AX25                                  = 0x2
+	ETH_P_BATMAN                                = 0x4305
+	ETH_P_BPQ                                   = 0x8ff
+	ETH_P_CAIF                                  = 0xf7
+	ETH_P_CAN                                   = 0xc
+	ETH_P_CANFD                                 = 0xd
+	ETH_P_CONTROL                               = 0x16
+	ETH_P_CUST                                  = 0x6006
+	ETH_P_DDCMP                                 = 0x6
+	ETH_P_DEC                                   = 0x6000
+	ETH_P_DIAG                                  = 0x6005
+	ETH_P_DNA_DL                                = 0x6001
+	ETH_P_DNA_RC                                = 0x6002
+	ETH_P_DNA_RT                                = 0x6003
+	ETH_P_DSA                                   = 0x1b
+	ETH_P_DSA_8021Q                             = 0xdadb
+	ETH_P_ECONET                                = 0x18
+	ETH_P_EDSA                                  = 0xdada
+	ETH_P_ERSPAN                                = 0x88be
+	ETH_P_ERSPAN2                               = 0x22eb
+	ETH_P_FCOE                                  = 0x8906
+	ETH_P_FIP                                   = 0x8914
+	ETH_P_HDLC                                  = 0x19
+	ETH_P_HSR                                   = 0x892f
+	ETH_P_IBOE                                  = 0x8915
+	ETH_P_IEEE802154                            = 0xf6
+	ETH_P_IEEEPUP                               = 0xa00
+	ETH_P_IEEEPUPAT                             = 0xa01
+	ETH_P_IFE                                   = 0xed3e
+	ETH_P_IP                                    = 0x800
+	ETH_P_IPV6                                  = 0x86dd
+	ETH_P_IPX                                   = 0x8137
+	ETH_P_IRDA                                  = 0x17
+	ETH_P_LAT                                   = 0x6004
+	ETH_P_LINK_CTL                              = 0x886c
+	ETH_P_LLDP                                  = 0x88cc
+	ETH_P_LOCALTALK                             = 0x9
+	ETH_P_LOOP                                  = 0x60
+	ETH_P_LOOPBACK                              = 0x9000
+	ETH_P_MACSEC                                = 0x88e5
+	ETH_P_MAP                                   = 0xf9
+	ETH_P_MOBITEX                               = 0x15
+	ETH_P_MPLS_MC                               = 0x8848
+	ETH_P_MPLS_UC                               = 0x8847
+	ETH_P_MVRP                                  = 0x88f5
+	ETH_P_NCSI                                  = 0x88f8
+	ETH_P_NSH                                   = 0x894f
+	ETH_P_PAE                                   = 0x888e
+	ETH_P_PAUSE                                 = 0x8808
+	ETH_P_PHONET                                = 0xf5
+	ETH_P_PPPTALK                               = 0x10
+	ETH_P_PPP_DISC                              = 0x8863
+	ETH_P_PPP_MP                                = 0x8
+	ETH_P_PPP_SES                               = 0x8864
+	ETH_P_PREAUTH                               = 0x88c7
+	ETH_P_PRP                                   = 0x88fb
+	ETH_P_PUP                                   = 0x200
+	ETH_P_PUPAT                                 = 0x201
+	ETH_P_QINQ1                                 = 0x9100
+	ETH_P_QINQ2                                 = 0x9200
+	ETH_P_QINQ3                                 = 0x9300
+	ETH_P_RARP                                  = 0x8035
+	ETH_P_SCA                                   = 0x6007
+	ETH_P_SLOW                                  = 0x8809
+	ETH_P_SNAP                                  = 0x5
+	ETH_P_TDLS                                  = 0x890d
+	ETH_P_TEB                                   = 0x6558
+	ETH_P_TIPC                                  = 0x88ca
+	ETH_P_TRAILER                               = 0x1c
+	ETH_P_TR_802_2                              = 0x11
+	ETH_P_TSN                                   = 0x22f0
+	ETH_P_WAN_PPP                               = 0x7
+	ETH_P_WCCP                                  = 0x883e
+	ETH_P_X25                                   = 0x805
+	ETH_P_XDSA                                  = 0xf8
+	EXABYTE_ENABLE_NEST                         = 0xf0
+	EXT2_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xef53
+	EXT3_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xef53
+	EXT4_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xef53
+	EXTA                                        = 0xe
+	EXTB                                        = 0xf
+	EXTPROC                                     = 0x10000000
+	F2FS_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xf2f52010
+	FALLOC_FL_COLLAPSE_RANGE                    = 0x8
+	FALLOC_FL_INSERT_RANGE                      = 0x20
+	FALLOC_FL_KEEP_SIZE                         = 0x1
+	FALLOC_FL_NO_HIDE_STALE                     = 0x4
+	FALLOC_FL_PUNCH_HOLE                        = 0x2
+	FALLOC_FL_UNSHARE_RANGE                     = 0x40
+	FALLOC_FL_ZERO_RANGE                        = 0x10
+	FANOTIFY_METADATA_VERSION                   = 0x3
+	FAN_ACCESS                                  = 0x1
+	FAN_ACCESS_PERM                             = 0x20000
+	FAN_ALLOW                                   = 0x1
+	FAN_ALL_CLASS_BITS                          = 0xc
+	FAN_ALL_EVENTS                              = 0x3b
+	FAN_ALL_INIT_FLAGS                          = 0x3f
+	FAN_ALL_MARK_FLAGS                          = 0xff
+	FAN_ALL_OUTGOING_EVENTS                     = 0x3403b
+	FAN_ALL_PERM_EVENTS                         = 0x30000
+	FAN_ATTRIB                                  = 0x4
+	FAN_AUDIT                                   = 0x10
+	FAN_CLASS_CONTENT                           = 0x4
+	FAN_CLASS_NOTIF                             = 0x0
+	FAN_CLASS_PRE_CONTENT                       = 0x8
+	FAN_CLOEXEC                                 = 0x1
+	FAN_CLOSE                                   = 0x18
+	FAN_CLOSE_NOWRITE                           = 0x10
+	FAN_CLOSE_WRITE                             = 0x8
+	FAN_CREATE                                  = 0x100
+	FAN_DELETE                                  = 0x200
+	FAN_DELETE_SELF                             = 0x400
+	FAN_DENY                                    = 0x2
+	FAN_ENABLE_AUDIT                            = 0x40
+	FAN_EVENT_INFO_TYPE_FID                     = 0x1
+	FAN_EVENT_METADATA_LEN                      = 0x18
+	FAN_EVENT_ON_CHILD                          = 0x8000000
+	FAN_MARK_ADD                                = 0x1
+	FAN_MARK_DONT_FOLLOW                        = 0x4
+	FAN_MARK_FILESYSTEM                         = 0x100
+	FAN_MARK_FLUSH                              = 0x80
+	FAN_MARK_IGNORED_MASK                       = 0x20
+	FAN_MARK_IGNORED_SURV_MODIFY                = 0x40
+	FAN_MARK_INODE                              = 0x0
+	FAN_MARK_MOUNT                              = 0x10
+	FAN_MARK_ONLYDIR                            = 0x8
+	FAN_MARK_REMOVE                             = 0x2
+	FAN_MODIFY                                  = 0x2
+	FAN_MOVE                                    = 0xc0
+	FAN_MOVED_FROM                              = 0x40
+	FAN_MOVED_TO                                = 0x80
+	FAN_MOVE_SELF                               = 0x800
+	FAN_NOFD                                    = -0x1
+	FAN_NONBLOCK                                = 0x2
+	FAN_ONDIR                                   = 0x40000000
+	FAN_OPEN                                    = 0x20
+	FAN_OPEN_EXEC                               = 0x1000
+	FAN_OPEN_EXEC_PERM                          = 0x40000
+	FAN_OPEN_PERM                               = 0x10000
+	FAN_Q_OVERFLOW                              = 0x4000
+	FAN_REPORT_FID                              = 0x200
+	FAN_REPORT_TID                              = 0x100
+	FAN_UNLIMITED_MARKS                         = 0x20
+	FAN_UNLIMITED_QUEUE                         = 0x10
+	FD_CLOEXEC                                  = 0x1
+	FD_SETSIZE                                  = 0x400
+	FF0                                         = 0x0
+	FF1                                         = 0x4000
+	FFDLY                                       = 0x4000
+	FLUSHO                                      = 0x800000
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE                 = 0x8
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_DESC_PREFIX                     = "fscrypt:"
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_DESC_PREFIX_SIZE                = 0x8
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_IDENTIFIER_SIZE                 = 0x10
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_STATUS_ABSENT                   = 0x1
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_STATUS_PRESENT                  = 0x2
+	FSCRYPT_MAX_KEY_SIZE                        = 0x40
+	FSCRYPT_MODE_ADIANTUM                       = 0x9
+	FSCRYPT_MODE_AES_128_CBC                    = 0x5
+	FSCRYPT_MODE_AES_128_CTS                    = 0x6
+	FSCRYPT_MODE_AES_256_CTS                    = 0x4
+	FSCRYPT_MODE_AES_256_XTS                    = 0x1
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_16                 = 0x2
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_32                 = 0x3
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_4                  = 0x0
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_8                  = 0x1
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_MASK               = 0x3
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_VALID                  = 0x7
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_V1                           = 0x0
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_V2                           = 0x2
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_ADIANTUM                 = 0x9
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_128_CBC              = 0x5
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_128_CTS              = 0x6
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_CBC              = 0x3
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_CTS              = 0x4
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_GCM              = 0x2
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_XTS              = 0x1
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_INVALID                  = 0x0
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_SPECK128_256_CTS         = 0x8
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_SPECK128_256_XTS         = 0x7
+	FS_IOC_ADD_ENCRYPTION_KEY                   = 0xc0506617
+	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_KEY_STATUS            = 0xc080661a
+	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY                = 0x800c6615
+	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY_EX             = 0xc0096616
+	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_PWSALT                = 0x80106614
+	FS_IOC_REMOVE_ENCRYPTION_KEY                = 0xc0406618
+	FS_IOC_SET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY                = 0x400c6613
+	FS_KEY_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE                      = 0x8
+	FS_KEY_DESC_PREFIX                          = "fscrypt:"
+	FS_KEY_DESC_PREFIX_SIZE                     = 0x8
+	FS_MAX_KEY_SIZE                             = 0x40
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_16                      = 0x2
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_32                      = 0x3
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_4                       = 0x0
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_8                       = 0x1
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_MASK                    = 0x3
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_VALID                       = 0x7
+	FUTEXFS_SUPER_MAGIC                         = 0xbad1dea
+	F_ADD_SEALS                                 = 0x409
+	F_DUPFD                                     = 0x0
+	F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC                             = 0x406
+	F_EXLCK                                     = 0x4
+	F_GETFD                                     = 0x1
+	F_GETFL                                     = 0x3
+	F_GETLEASE                                  = 0x401
+	F_GETLK                                     = 0x5
+	F_GETLK64                                   = 0xc
+	F_GETOWN                                    = 0x9
+	F_GETOWN_EX                                 = 0x10
+	F_GETPIPE_SZ                                = 0x408
+	F_GETSIG                                    = 0xb
+	F_GET_FILE_RW_HINT                          = 0x40d
+	F_GET_RW_HINT                               = 0x40b
+	F_GET_SEALS                                 = 0x40a
+	F_LOCK                                      = 0x1
+	F_NOTIFY                                    = 0x402
+	F_OFD_GETLK                                 = 0x24
+	F_OFD_SETLK                                 = 0x25
+	F_OFD_SETLKW                                = 0x26
+	F_OK                                        = 0x0
+	F_RDLCK                                     = 0x0
+	F_SEAL_FUTURE_WRITE                         = 0x10
+	F_SEAL_GROW                                 = 0x4
+	F_SEAL_SEAL                                 = 0x1
+	F_SEAL_SHRINK                               = 0x2
+	F_SEAL_WRITE                                = 0x8
+	F_SETFD                                     = 0x2
+	F_SETFL                                     = 0x4
+	F_SETLEASE                                  = 0x400
+	F_SETLK                                     = 0x6
+	F_SETLK64                                   = 0xd
+	F_SETLKW                                    = 0x7
+	F_SETLKW64                                  = 0xe
+	F_SETOWN                                    = 0x8
+	F_SETOWN_EX                                 = 0xf
+	F_SETPIPE_SZ                                = 0x407
+	F_SETSIG                                    = 0xa
+	F_SET_FILE_RW_HINT                          = 0x40e
+	F_SET_RW_HINT                               = 0x40c
+	F_SHLCK                                     = 0x8
+	F_TEST                                      = 0x3
+	F_TLOCK                                     = 0x2
+	F_ULOCK                                     = 0x0
+	F_UNLCK                                     = 0x2
+	F_WRLCK                                     = 0x1
+	GENL_ADMIN_PERM                             = 0x1
+	GENL_CMD_CAP_DO                             = 0x2
+	GENL_CMD_CAP_DUMP                           = 0x4
+	GENL_CMD_CAP_HASPOL                         = 0x8
+	GENL_HDRLEN                                 = 0x4
+	GENL_ID_CTRL                                = 0x10
+	GENL_ID_PMCRAID                             = 0x12
+	GENL_ID_VFS_DQUOT                           = 0x11
+	GENL_MAX_ID                                 = 0x3ff
+	GENL_MIN_ID                                 = 0x10
+	GENL_NAMSIZ                                 = 0x10
+	GENL_START_ALLOC                            = 0x13
+	GENL_UNS_ADMIN_PERM                         = 0x10
+	GRND_NONBLOCK                               = 0x1
+	GRND_RANDOM                                 = 0x2
+	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD                              = 0x31f
+	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD_AEB                          = 0x31e
+	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD_HDR_SIZE                     = 0x4
+	HDIO_DRIVE_HOB_HDR_SIZE                     = 0x8
+	HDIO_DRIVE_RESET                            = 0x31c
+	HDIO_DRIVE_TASK                             = 0x31e
+	HDIO_DRIVE_TASKFILE                         = 0x31d
+	HDIO_DRIVE_TASK_HDR_SIZE                    = 0x8
+	HDIO_GETGEO                                 = 0x301
+	HDIO_GET_32BIT                              = 0x309
+	HDIO_GET_ACOUSTIC                           = 0x30f
+	HDIO_GET_ADDRESS                            = 0x310
+	HDIO_GET_BUSSTATE                           = 0x31a
+	HDIO_GET_DMA                                = 0x30b
+	HDIO_GET_IDENTITY                           = 0x30d
+	HDIO_GET_KEEPSETTINGS                       = 0x308
+	HDIO_GET_MULTCOUNT                          = 0x304
+	HDIO_GET_NICE                               = 0x30c
+	HDIO_GET_NOWERR                             = 0x30a
+	HDIO_GET_QDMA                               = 0x305
+	HDIO_GET_UNMASKINTR                         = 0x302
+	HDIO_GET_WCACHE                             = 0x30e
+	HDIO_OBSOLETE_IDENTITY                      = 0x307
+	HDIO_SCAN_HWIF                              = 0x328
+	HDIO_SET_32BIT                              = 0x324
+	HDIO_SET_ACOUSTIC                           = 0x32c
+	HDIO_SET_ADDRESS                            = 0x32f
+	HDIO_SET_BUSSTATE                           = 0x32d
+	HDIO_SET_DMA                                = 0x326
+	HDIO_SET_KEEPSETTINGS                       = 0x323
+	HDIO_SET_MULTCOUNT                          = 0x321
+	HDIO_SET_NICE                               = 0x329
+	HDIO_SET_NOWERR                             = 0x325
+	HDIO_SET_PIO_MODE                           = 0x327
+	HDIO_SET_QDMA                               = 0x32e
+	HDIO_SET_UNMASKINTR                         = 0x322
+	HDIO_SET_WCACHE                             = 0x32b
+	HDIO_SET_XFER                               = 0x306
+	HDIO_TRISTATE_HWIF                          = 0x31b
+	HDIO_UNREGISTER_HWIF                        = 0x32a
+	HOSTFS_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0xc0ffee
+	HPFS_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xf995e849
+	HUGETLBFS_MAGIC                             = 0x958458f6
+	HUPCL                                       = 0x4000
+	IBSHIFT                                     = 0x10
+	ICANON                                      = 0x100
+	ICMPV6_FILTER                               = 0x1
+	ICRNL                                       = 0x100
+	IEXTEN                                      = 0x400
+	IFA_F_DADFAILED                             = 0x8
+	IFA_F_DEPRECATED                            = 0x20
+	IFA_F_HOMEADDRESS                           = 0x10
+	IFA_F_MANAGETEMPADDR                        = 0x100
+	IFA_F_MCAUTOJOIN                            = 0x400
+	IFA_F_NODAD                                 = 0x2
+	IFA_F_NOPREFIXROUTE                         = 0x200
+	IFA_F_OPTIMISTIC                            = 0x4
+	IFA_F_PERMANENT                             = 0x80
+	IFA_F_SECONDARY                             = 0x1
+	IFA_F_STABLE_PRIVACY                        = 0x800
+	IFA_F_TEMPORARY                             = 0x1
+	IFA_F_TENTATIVE                             = 0x40
+	IFA_MAX                                     = 0xa
+	IFF_ALLMULTI                                = 0x200
+	IFF_ATTACH_QUEUE                            = 0x200
+	IFF_AUTOMEDIA                               = 0x4000
+	IFF_BROADCAST                               = 0x2
+	IFF_DEBUG                                   = 0x4
+	IFF_DETACH_QUEUE                            = 0x400
+	IFF_DORMANT                                 = 0x20000
+	IFF_DYNAMIC                                 = 0x8000
+	IFF_ECHO                                    = 0x40000
+	IFF_LOOPBACK                                = 0x8
+	IFF_LOWER_UP                                = 0x10000
+	IFF_MASTER                                  = 0x400
+	IFF_MULTICAST                               = 0x1000
+	IFF_MULTI_QUEUE                             = 0x100
+	IFF_NAPI                                    = 0x10
+	IFF_NAPI_FRAGS                              = 0x20
+	IFF_NOARP                                   = 0x80
+	IFF_NOFILTER                                = 0x1000
+	IFF_NOTRAILERS                              = 0x20
+	IFF_NO_PI                                   = 0x1000
+	IFF_ONE_QUEUE                               = 0x2000
+	IFF_PERSIST                                 = 0x800
+	IFF_POINTOPOINT                             = 0x10
+	IFF_PORTSEL                                 = 0x2000
+	IFF_PROMISC                                 = 0x100
+	IFF_RUNNING                                 = 0x40
+	IFF_SLAVE                                   = 0x800
+	IFF_TAP                                     = 0x2
+	IFF_TUN                                     = 0x1
+	IFF_TUN_EXCL                                = 0x8000
+	IFF_UP                                      = 0x1
+	IFF_VNET_HDR                                = 0x4000
+	IFF_VOLATILE                                = 0x70c5a
+	IFNAMSIZ                                    = 0x10
+	IGNBRK                                      = 0x1
+	IGNCR                                       = 0x80
+	IGNPAR                                      = 0x4
+	IMAXBEL                                     = 0x2000
+	INLCR                                       = 0x40
+	INPCK                                       = 0x10
+	IN_ACCESS                                   = 0x1
+	IN_ALL_EVENTS                               = 0xfff
+	IN_ATTRIB                                   = 0x4
+	IN_CLASSA_HOST                              = 0xffffff
+	IN_CLASSA_MAX                               = 0x80
+	IN_CLASSA_NET                               = 0xff000000
+	IN_CLASSA_NSHIFT                            = 0x18
+	IN_CLASSB_HOST                              = 0xffff
+	IN_CLASSB_MAX                               = 0x10000
+	IN_CLASSB_NET                               = 0xffff0000
+	IN_CLASSB_NSHIFT                            = 0x10
+	IN_CLASSC_HOST                              = 0xff
+	IN_CLASSC_NET                               = 0xffffff00
+	IN_CLASSC_NSHIFT                            = 0x8
+	IN_CLOEXEC                                  = 0x80000
+	IN_CLOSE                                    = 0x18
+	IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE                            = 0x10
+	IN_CLOSE_WRITE                              = 0x8
+	IN_CREATE                                   = 0x100
+	IN_DELETE                                   = 0x200
+	IN_DELETE_SELF                              = 0x400
+	IN_DONT_FOLLOW                              = 0x2000000
+	IN_EXCL_UNLINK                              = 0x4000000
+	IN_IGNORED                                  = 0x8000
+	IN_ISDIR                                    = 0x40000000
+	IN_LOOPBACKNET                              = 0x7f
+	IN_MASK_ADD                                 = 0x20000000
+	IN_MASK_CREATE                              = 0x10000000
+	IN_MODIFY                                   = 0x2
+	IN_MOVE                                     = 0xc0
+	IN_MOVED_FROM                               = 0x40
+	IN_MOVED_TO                                 = 0x80
+	IN_MOVE_SELF                                = 0x800
+	IN_NONBLOCK                                 = 0x800
+	IN_ONESHOT                                  = 0x80000000
+	IN_ONLYDIR                                  = 0x1000000
+	IN_OPEN                                     = 0x20
+	IN_Q_OVERFLOW                               = 0x4000
+	IN_UNMOUNT                                  = 0x2000
+	IOCTL_VM_SOCKETS_GET_LOCAL_CID              = 0x200007b9
+	IPPROTO_AH                                  = 0x33
+	IPPROTO_BEETPH                              = 0x5e
+	IPPROTO_COMP                                = 0x6c
+	IPPROTO_DCCP                                = 0x21
+	IPPROTO_DSTOPTS                             = 0x3c
+	IPPROTO_EGP                                 = 0x8
+	IPPROTO_ENCAP                               = 0x62
+	IPPROTO_ESP                                 = 0x32
+	IPPROTO_FRAGMENT                            = 0x2c
+	IPPROTO_GRE                                 = 0x2f
+	IPPROTO_HOPOPTS                             = 0x0
+	IPPROTO_ICMP                                = 0x1
+	IPPROTO_ICMPV6                              = 0x3a
+	IPPROTO_IDP                                 = 0x16
+	IPPROTO_IGMP                                = 0x2
+	IPPROTO_IP                                  = 0x0
+	IPPROTO_IPIP                                = 0x4
+	IPPROTO_IPV6                                = 0x29
+	IPPROTO_MH                                  = 0x87
+	IPPROTO_MPLS                                = 0x89
+	IPPROTO_MTP                                 = 0x5c
+	IPPROTO_NONE                                = 0x3b
+	IPPROTO_PIM                                 = 0x67
+	IPPROTO_PUP                                 = 0xc
+	IPPROTO_RAW                                 = 0xff
+	IPPROTO_ROUTING                             = 0x2b
+	IPPROTO_RSVP                                = 0x2e
+	IPPROTO_SCTP                                = 0x84
+	IPPROTO_TCP                                 = 0x6
+	IPPROTO_TP                                  = 0x1d
+	IPPROTO_UDP                                 = 0x11
+	IPPROTO_UDPLITE                             = 0x88
+	IPV6_2292DSTOPTS                            = 0x4
+	IPV6_2292HOPLIMIT                           = 0x8
+	IPV6_2292HOPOPTS                            = 0x3
+	IPV6_2292PKTINFO                            = 0x2
+	IPV6_2292PKTOPTIONS                         = 0x6
+	IPV6_2292RTHDR                              = 0x5
+	IPV6_ADDRFORM                               = 0x1
+	IPV6_ADDR_PREFERENCES                       = 0x48
+	IPV6_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                         = 0x14
+	IPV6_AUTHHDR                                = 0xa
+	IPV6_AUTOFLOWLABEL                          = 0x46
+	IPV6_CHECKSUM                               = 0x7
+	IPV6_DONTFRAG                               = 0x3e
+	IPV6_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                        = 0x15
+	IPV6_DSTOPTS                                = 0x3b
+	IPV6_FREEBIND                               = 0x4e
+	IPV6_HDRINCL                                = 0x24
+	IPV6_HOPLIMIT                               = 0x34
+	IPV6_HOPOPTS                                = 0x36
+	IPV6_IPSEC_POLICY                           = 0x22
+	IPV6_JOIN_ANYCAST                           = 0x1b
+	IPV6_JOIN_GROUP                             = 0x14
+	IPV6_LEAVE_ANYCAST                          = 0x1c
+	IPV6_LEAVE_GROUP                            = 0x15
+	IPV6_MINHOPCOUNT                            = 0x49
+	IPV6_MTU                                    = 0x18
+	IPV6_MTU_DISCOVER                           = 0x17
+	IPV6_MULTICAST_ALL                          = 0x1d
+	IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS                         = 0x12
+	IPV6_MULTICAST_IF                           = 0x11
+	IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP                         = 0x13
+	IPV6_NEXTHOP                                = 0x9
+	IPV6_ORIGDSTADDR                            = 0x4a
+	IPV6_PATHMTU                                = 0x3d
+	IPV6_PKTINFO                                = 0x32
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_DO                            = 0x2
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_DONT                          = 0x0
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_INTERFACE                     = 0x4
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_OMIT                          = 0x5
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_PROBE                         = 0x3
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_WANT                          = 0x1
+	IPV6_RECVDSTOPTS                            = 0x3a
+	IPV6_RECVERR                                = 0x19
+	IPV6_RECVFRAGSIZE                           = 0x4d
+	IPV6_RECVHOPLIMIT                           = 0x33
+	IPV6_RECVHOPOPTS                            = 0x35
+	IPV6_RECVORIGDSTADDR                        = 0x4a
+	IPV6_RECVPATHMTU                            = 0x3c
+	IPV6_RECVPKTINFO                            = 0x31
+	IPV6_RECVRTHDR                              = 0x38
+	IPV6_RECVTCLASS                             = 0x42
+	IPV6_ROUTER_ALERT                           = 0x16
+	IPV6_ROUTER_ALERT_ISOLATE                   = 0x1e
+	IPV6_RTHDR                                  = 0x39
+	IPV6_RTHDRDSTOPTS                           = 0x37
+	IPV6_RTHDR_LOOSE                            = 0x0
+	IPV6_RTHDR_STRICT                           = 0x1
+	IPV6_RTHDR_TYPE_0                           = 0x0
+	IPV6_RXDSTOPTS                              = 0x3b
+	IPV6_RXHOPOPTS                              = 0x36
+	IPV6_TCLASS                                 = 0x43
+	IPV6_TRANSPARENT                            = 0x4b
+	IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS                           = 0x10
+	IPV6_UNICAST_IF                             = 0x4c
+	IPV6_V6ONLY                                 = 0x1a
+	IPV6_XFRM_POLICY                            = 0x23
+	IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                           = 0x23
+	IP_ADD_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP                    = 0x27
+	IP_BIND_ADDRESS_NO_PORT                     = 0x18
+	IP_BLOCK_SOURCE                             = 0x26
+	IP_CHECKSUM                                 = 0x17
+	IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_LOOP                   = 0x1
+	IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_TTL                    = 0x1
+	IP_DF                                       = 0x4000
+	IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                          = 0x24
+	IP_DROP_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP                   = 0x28
+	IP_FREEBIND                                 = 0xf
+	IP_HDRINCL                                  = 0x3
+	IP_IPSEC_POLICY                             = 0x10
+	IP_MAXPACKET                                = 0xffff
+	IP_MAX_MEMBERSHIPS                          = 0x14
+	IP_MF                                       = 0x2000
+	IP_MINTTL                                   = 0x15
+	IP_MSFILTER                                 = 0x29
+	IP_MSS                                      = 0x240
+	IP_MTU                                      = 0xe
+	IP_MTU_DISCOVER                             = 0xa
+	IP_MULTICAST_ALL                            = 0x31
+	IP_MULTICAST_IF                             = 0x20
+	IP_MULTICAST_LOOP                           = 0x22
+	IP_MULTICAST_TTL                            = 0x21
+	IP_NODEFRAG                                 = 0x16
+	IP_OFFMASK                                  = 0x1fff
+	IP_OPTIONS                                  = 0x4
+	IP_ORIGDSTADDR                              = 0x14
+	IP_PASSSEC                                  = 0x12
+	IP_PKTINFO                                  = 0x8
+	IP_PKTOPTIONS                               = 0x9
+	IP_PMTUDISC                                 = 0xa
+	IP_PMTUDISC_DO                              = 0x2
+	IP_PMTUDISC_DONT                            = 0x0
+	IP_PMTUDISC_INTERFACE                       = 0x4
+	IP_PMTUDISC_OMIT                            = 0x5
+	IP_PMTUDISC_PROBE                           = 0x3
+	IP_PMTUDISC_WANT                            = 0x1
+	IP_RECVERR                                  = 0xb
+	IP_RECVFRAGSIZE                             = 0x19
+	IP_RECVOPTS                                 = 0x6
+	IP_RECVORIGDSTADDR                          = 0x14
+	IP_RECVRETOPTS                              = 0x7
+	IP_RECVTOS                                  = 0xd
+	IP_RECVTTL                                  = 0xc
+	IP_RETOPTS                                  = 0x7
+	IP_RF                                       = 0x8000
+	IP_ROUTER_ALERT                             = 0x5
+	IP_TOS                                      = 0x1
+	IP_TRANSPARENT                              = 0x13
+	IP_TTL                                      = 0x2
+	IP_UNBLOCK_SOURCE                           = 0x25
+	IP_UNICAST_IF                               = 0x32
+	IP_XFRM_POLICY                              = 0x11
+	ISIG                                        = 0x80
+	ISOFS_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x9660
+	ISTRIP                                      = 0x20
+	IUCLC                                       = 0x1000
+	IUTF8                                       = 0x4000
+	IXANY                                       = 0x800
+	IXOFF                                       = 0x400
+	IXON                                        = 0x200
+	JFFS2_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x72b6
+	KEXEC_ARCH_386                              = 0x30000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_68K                              = 0x40000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_AARCH64                          = 0xb70000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_ARM                              = 0x280000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_DEFAULT                          = 0x0
+	KEXEC_ARCH_IA_64                            = 0x320000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_MASK                             = 0xffff0000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_MIPS                             = 0x80000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_MIPS_LE                          = 0xa0000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_PARISC                           = 0xf0000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_PPC                              = 0x140000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_PPC64                            = 0x150000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_S390                             = 0x160000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_SH                               = 0x2a0000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_X86_64                           = 0x3e0000
+	KEXEC_FILE_NO_INITRAMFS                     = 0x4
+	KEXEC_FILE_ON_CRASH                         = 0x2
+	KEXEC_FILE_UNLOAD                           = 0x1
+	KEXEC_ON_CRASH                              = 0x1
+	KEXEC_PRESERVE_CONTEXT                      = 0x2
+	KEXEC_SEGMENT_MAX                           = 0x10
+	KEYCTL_ASSUME_AUTHORITY                     = 0x10
+	KEYCTL_CAPABILITIES                         = 0x1f
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_BIG_KEY                        = 0x10
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_CAPABILITIES                   = 0x1
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_DIFFIE_HELLMAN                 = 0x4
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_INVALIDATE                     = 0x20
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_MOVE                           = 0x80
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_PUBLIC_KEY                     = 0x8
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_RESTRICT_KEYRING               = 0x40
+	KEYCTL_CAPS1_NS_KEYRING_NAME                = 0x1
+	KEYCTL_CAPS1_NS_KEY_TAG                     = 0x2
+	KEYCTL_CHOWN                                = 0x4
+	KEYCTL_CLEAR                                = 0x7
+	KEYCTL_DESCRIBE                             = 0x6
+	KEYCTL_DH_COMPUTE                           = 0x17
+	KEYCTL_GET_KEYRING_ID                       = 0x0
+	KEYCTL_GET_PERSISTENT                       = 0x16
+	KEYCTL_GET_SECURITY                         = 0x11
+	KEYCTL_INSTANTIATE                          = 0xc
+	KEYCTL_INSTANTIATE_IOV                      = 0x14
+	KEYCTL_INVALIDATE                           = 0x15
+	KEYCTL_JOIN_SESSION_KEYRING                 = 0x1
+	KEYCTL_LINK                                 = 0x8
+	KEYCTL_MOVE                                 = 0x1e
+	KEYCTL_MOVE_EXCL                            = 0x1
+	KEYCTL_NEGATE                               = 0xd
+	KEYCTL_PKEY_DECRYPT                         = 0x1a
+	KEYCTL_PKEY_ENCRYPT                         = 0x19
+	KEYCTL_PKEY_QUERY                           = 0x18
+	KEYCTL_PKEY_SIGN                            = 0x1b
+	KEYCTL_PKEY_VERIFY                          = 0x1c
+	KEYCTL_READ                                 = 0xb
+	KEYCTL_REJECT                               = 0x13
+	KEYCTL_RESTRICT_KEYRING                     = 0x1d
+	KEYCTL_REVOKE                               = 0x3
+	KEYCTL_SEARCH                               = 0xa
+	KEYCTL_SESSION_TO_PARENT                    = 0x12
+	KEYCTL_SETPERM                              = 0x5
+	KEYCTL_SET_REQKEY_KEYRING                   = 0xe
+	KEYCTL_SET_TIMEOUT                          = 0xf
+	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_DECRYPT                     = 0x2
+	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_ENCRYPT                     = 0x1
+	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_SIGN                        = 0x4
+	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_VERIFY                      = 0x8
+	KEYCTL_UNLINK                               = 0x9
+	KEYCTL_UPDATE                               = 0x2
+	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_DEFAULT                     = 0x0
+	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_GROUP_KEYRING               = 0x6
+	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_NO_CHANGE                   = -0x1
+	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_USER_KEYRING                = 0x4
+	KEY_SPEC_GROUP_KEYRING                      = -0x6
+	KEY_SPEC_PROCESS_KEYRING                    = -0x2
+	KEY_SPEC_REQKEY_AUTH_KEY                    = -0x7
+	KEY_SPEC_REQUESTOR_KEYRING                  = -0x8
+	KEY_SPEC_SESSION_KEYRING                    = -0x3
+	KEY_SPEC_THREAD_KEYRING                     = -0x1
+	KEY_SPEC_USER_KEYRING                       = -0x4
+	KEY_SPEC_USER_SESSION_KEYRING               = -0x5
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_CAD_OFF                    = 0x0
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_CAD_ON                     = 0x89abcdef
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_HALT                       = 0xcdef0123
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_KEXEC                      = 0x45584543
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_POWER_OFF                  = 0x4321fedc
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_RESTART                    = 0x1234567
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_RESTART2                   = 0xa1b2c3d4
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_SW_SUSPEND                 = 0xd000fce2
+	LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC1                         = 0xfee1dead
+	LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC2                         = 0x28121969
+	LOCK_EX                                     = 0x2
+	LOCK_NB                                     = 0x4
+	LOCK_SH                                     = 0x1
+	LOCK_UN                                     = 0x8
+	LOOP_CLR_FD                                 = 0x4c01
+	LOOP_CTL_ADD                                = 0x4c80
+	LOOP_CTL_GET_FREE                           = 0x4c82
+	LOOP_CTL_REMOVE                             = 0x4c81
+	LOOP_GET_STATUS                             = 0x4c03
+	LOOP_GET_STATUS64                           = 0x4c05
+	LOOP_SET_BLOCK_SIZE                         = 0x4c09
+	LOOP_SET_CAPACITY                           = 0x4c07
+	LOOP_SET_DIRECT_IO                          = 0x4c08
+	LOOP_SET_FD                                 = 0x4c00
+	LOOP_SET_STATUS                             = 0x4c02
+	LOOP_SET_STATUS64                           = 0x4c04
+	LO_KEY_SIZE                                 = 0x20
+	LO_NAME_SIZE                                = 0x40
+	MADV_DODUMP                                 = 0x11
+	MADV_DOFORK                                 = 0xb
+	MADV_DONTDUMP                               = 0x10
+	MADV_DONTFORK                               = 0xa
+	MADV_DONTNEED                               = 0x4
+	MADV_FREE                                   = 0x8
+	MADV_HUGEPAGE                               = 0xe
+	MADV_HWPOISON                               = 0x64
+	MADV_KEEPONFORK                             = 0x13
+	MADV_MERGEABLE                              = 0xc
+	MADV_NOHUGEPAGE                             = 0xf
+	MADV_NORMAL                                 = 0x0
+	MADV_RANDOM                                 = 0x1
+	MADV_REMOVE                                 = 0x9
+	MADV_SEQUENTIAL                             = 0x2
+	MADV_UNMERGEABLE                            = 0xd
+	MADV_WILLNEED                               = 0x3
+	MADV_WIPEONFORK                             = 0x12
+	MAP_ANON                                    = 0x20
+	MAP_ANONYMOUS                               = 0x20
+	MAP_DENYWRITE                               = 0x800
+	MAP_EXECUTABLE                              = 0x1000
+	MAP_FILE                                    = 0x0
+	MAP_FIXED                                   = 0x10
+	MAP_FIXED_NOREPLACE                         = 0x100000
+	MAP_GROWSDOWN                               = 0x100
+	MAP_HUGETLB                                 = 0x40000
+	MAP_HUGE_MASK                               = 0x3f
+	MAP_HUGE_SHIFT                              = 0x1a
+	MAP_LOCKED                                  = 0x80
+	MAP_NONBLOCK                                = 0x10000
+	MAP_NORESERVE                               = 0x40
+	MAP_POPULATE                                = 0x8000
+	MAP_PRIVATE                                 = 0x2
+	MAP_SHARED                                  = 0x1
+	MAP_SHARED_VALIDATE                         = 0x3
+	MAP_STACK                                   = 0x20000
+	MAP_TYPE                                    = 0xf
+	MCAST_BLOCK_SOURCE                          = 0x2b
+	MCAST_EXCLUDE                               = 0x0
+	MCAST_INCLUDE                               = 0x1
+	MCAST_JOIN_GROUP                            = 0x2a
+	MCAST_JOIN_SOURCE_GROUP                     = 0x2e
+	MCAST_LEAVE_GROUP                           = 0x2d
+	MCAST_LEAVE_SOURCE_GROUP                    = 0x2f
+	MCAST_MSFILTER                              = 0x30
+	MCAST_UNBLOCK_SOURCE                        = 0x2c
+	MCL_CURRENT                                 = 0x2000
+	MCL_FUTURE                                  = 0x4000
+	MCL_ONFAULT                                 = 0x8000
+	MFD_ALLOW_SEALING                           = 0x2
+	MFD_CLOEXEC                                 = 0x1
+	MFD_HUGETLB                                 = 0x4
+	MFD_HUGE_16GB                               = -0x78000000
+	MFD_HUGE_16MB                               = 0x60000000
+	MFD_HUGE_1GB                                = 0x78000000
+	MFD_HUGE_1MB                                = 0x50000000
+	MFD_HUGE_256MB                              = 0x70000000
+	MFD_HUGE_2GB                                = 0x7c000000
+	MFD_HUGE_2MB                                = 0x54000000
+	MFD_HUGE_32MB                               = 0x64000000
+	MFD_HUGE_512KB                              = 0x4c000000
+	MFD_HUGE_512MB                              = 0x74000000
+	MFD_HUGE_64KB                               = 0x40000000
+	MFD_HUGE_8MB                                = 0x5c000000
+	MFD_HUGE_MASK                               = 0x3f
+	MFD_HUGE_SHIFT                              = 0x1a
+	MINIX2_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0x2468
+	MINIX2_SUPER_MAGIC2                         = 0x2478
+	MINIX3_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0x4d5a
+	MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x137f
+	MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC2                          = 0x138f
+	MNT_DETACH                                  = 0x2
+	MNT_EXPIRE                                  = 0x4
+	MNT_FORCE                                   = 0x1
+	MODULE_INIT_IGNORE_VERMAGIC                 = 0x2
+	MSDOS_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x4d44
+	MSG_BATCH                                   = 0x40000
+	MSG_CMSG_CLOEXEC                            = 0x40000000
+	MSG_CONFIRM                                 = 0x800
+	MSG_CTRUNC                                  = 0x8
+	MSG_DONTROUTE                               = 0x4
+	MSG_DONTWAIT                                = 0x40
+	MSG_EOR                                     = 0x80
+	MSG_ERRQUEUE                                = 0x2000
+	MSG_FASTOPEN                                = 0x20000000
+	MSG_FIN                                     = 0x200
+	MSG_MORE                                    = 0x8000
+	MSG_NOSIGNAL                                = 0x4000
+	MSG_OOB                                     = 0x1
+	MSG_PEEK                                    = 0x2
+	MSG_PROXY                                   = 0x10
+	MSG_RST                                     = 0x1000
+	MSG_SYN                                     = 0x400
+	MSG_TRUNC                                   = 0x20
+	MSG_TRYHARD                                 = 0x4
+	MSG_WAITALL                                 = 0x100
+	MSG_WAITFORONE                              = 0x10000
+	MSG_ZEROCOPY                                = 0x4000000
+	MS_ACTIVE                                   = 0x40000000
+	MS_ASYNC                                    = 0x1
+	MS_BIND                                     = 0x1000
+	MS_BORN                                     = 0x20000000
+	MS_DIRSYNC                                  = 0x80
+	MS_INVALIDATE                               = 0x2
+	MS_I_VERSION                                = 0x800000
+	MS_KERNMOUNT                                = 0x400000
+	MS_LAZYTIME                                 = 0x2000000
+	MS_MANDLOCK                                 = 0x40
+	MS_MGC_MSK                                  = 0xffff0000
+	MS_MGC_VAL                                  = 0xc0ed0000
+	MS_MOVE                                     = 0x2000
+	MS_NOATIME                                  = 0x400
+	MS_NODEV                                    = 0x4
+	MS_NODIRATIME                               = 0x800
+	MS_NOEXEC                                   = 0x8
+	MS_NOREMOTELOCK                             = 0x8000000
+	MS_NOSEC                                    = 0x10000000
+	MS_NOSUID                                   = 0x2
+	MS_NOUSER                                   = -0x80000000
+	MS_POSIXACL                                 = 0x10000
+	MS_PRIVATE                                  = 0x40000
+	MS_RDONLY                                   = 0x1
+	MS_REC                                      = 0x4000
+	MS_RELATIME                                 = 0x200000
+	MS_REMOUNT                                  = 0x20
+	MS_RMT_MASK                                 = 0x2800051
+	MS_SHARED                                   = 0x100000
+	MS_SILENT                                   = 0x8000
+	MS_SLAVE                                    = 0x80000
+	MS_STRICTATIME                              = 0x1000000
+	MS_SUBMOUNT                                 = 0x4000000
+	MS_SYNC                                     = 0x4
+	MS_SYNCHRONOUS                              = 0x10
+	MS_UNBINDABLE                               = 0x20000
+	MS_VERBOSE                                  = 0x8000
+	MTD_INODE_FS_MAGIC                          = 0x11307854
+	NAME_MAX                                    = 0xff
+	NCP_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x564c
+	NETLINK_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                      = 0x1
+	NETLINK_AUDIT                               = 0x9
+	NETLINK_BROADCAST_ERROR                     = 0x4
+	NETLINK_CAP_ACK                             = 0xa
+	NETLINK_CONNECTOR                           = 0xb
+	NETLINK_CRYPTO                              = 0x15
+	NETLINK_DNRTMSG                             = 0xe
+	NETLINK_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                     = 0x2
+	NETLINK_ECRYPTFS                            = 0x13
+	NETLINK_EXT_ACK                             = 0xb
+	NETLINK_FIB_LOOKUP                          = 0xa
+	NETLINK_FIREWALL                            = 0x3
+	NETLINK_GENERIC                             = 0x10
+	NETLINK_GET_STRICT_CHK                      = 0xc
+	NETLINK_INET_DIAG                           = 0x4
+	NETLINK_IP6_FW                              = 0xd
+	NETLINK_ISCSI                               = 0x8
+	NETLINK_KOBJECT_UEVENT                      = 0xf
+	NETLINK_LISTEN_ALL_NSID                     = 0x8
+	NETLINK_LIST_MEMBERSHIPS                    = 0x9
+	NETLINK_NETFILTER                           = 0xc
+	NETLINK_NFLOG                               = 0x5
+	NETLINK_NO_ENOBUFS                          = 0x5
+	NETLINK_PKTINFO                             = 0x3
+	NETLINK_RDMA                                = 0x14
+	NETLINK_ROUTE                               = 0x0
+	NETLINK_RX_RING                             = 0x6
+	NETLINK_SCSITRANSPORT                       = 0x12
+	NETLINK_SELINUX                             = 0x7
+	NETLINK_SMC                                 = 0x16
+	NETLINK_SOCK_DIAG                           = 0x4
+	NETLINK_TX_RING                             = 0x7
+	NETLINK_UNUSED                              = 0x1
+	NETLINK_USERSOCK                            = 0x2
+	NETLINK_XFRM                                = 0x6
+	NETNSA_MAX                                  = 0x5
+	NETNSA_NSID_NOT_ASSIGNED                    = -0x1
+	NFDBITS                                     = 0x40
+	NFNETLINK_V0                                = 0x0
+	NFNLGRP_ACCT_QUOTA                          = 0x8
+	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_DESTROY                   = 0x3
+	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_EXP_NEW                   = 0x4
+	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_EXP_UPDATE                = 0x5
+	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_NEW                       = 0x1
+	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_UPDATE                    = 0x2
+	NFNLGRP_MAX                                 = 0x9
+	NFNLGRP_NFTABLES                            = 0x7
+	NFNLGRP_NFTRACE                             = 0x9
+	NFNLGRP_NONE                                = 0x0
+	NFNL_BATCH_MAX                              = 0x1
+	NFNL_MSG_BATCH_BEGIN                        = 0x10
+	NFNL_MSG_BATCH_END                          = 0x11
+	NFNL_NFA_NEST                               = 0x8000
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_ACCT                            = 0x7
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_COUNT                           = 0xc
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTHELPER                        = 0x9
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTNETLINK                       = 0x1
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTNETLINK_EXP                   = 0x2
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_IPSET                           = 0x6
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_NFTABLES                        = 0xa
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_NFT_COMPAT                      = 0xb
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_NONE                            = 0x0
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_OSF                             = 0x5
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_QUEUE                           = 0x3
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_ULOG                            = 0x4
+	NFS_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x6969
+	NILFS_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x3434
+	NL0                                         = 0x0
+	NL1                                         = 0x100
+	NL2                                         = 0x200
+	NL3                                         = 0x300
+	NLA_ALIGNTO                                 = 0x4
+	NLA_F_NESTED                                = 0x8000
+	NLA_F_NET_BYTEORDER                         = 0x4000
+	NLA_HDRLEN                                  = 0x4
+	NLDLY                                       = 0x300
+	NLMSG_ALIGNTO                               = 0x4
+	NLMSG_DONE                                  = 0x3
+	NLMSG_ERROR                                 = 0x2
+	NLMSG_HDRLEN                                = 0x10
+	NLMSG_MIN_TYPE                              = 0x10
+	NLMSG_NOOP                                  = 0x1
+	NLMSG_OVERRUN                               = 0x4
+	NLM_F_ACK                                   = 0x4
+	NLM_F_ACK_TLVS                              = 0x200
+	NLM_F_APPEND                                = 0x800
+	NLM_F_ATOMIC                                = 0x400
+	NLM_F_CAPPED                                = 0x100
+	NLM_F_CREATE                                = 0x400
+	NLM_F_DUMP                                  = 0x300
+	NLM_F_DUMP_FILTERED                         = 0x20
+	NLM_F_DUMP_INTR                             = 0x10
+	NLM_F_ECHO                                  = 0x8
+	NLM_F_EXCL                                  = 0x200
+	NLM_F_MATCH                                 = 0x200
+	NLM_F_MULTI                                 = 0x2
+	NLM_F_NONREC                                = 0x100
+	NLM_F_REPLACE                               = 0x100
+	NLM_F_REQUEST                               = 0x1
+	NLM_F_ROOT                                  = 0x100
+	NOFLSH                                      = 0x80000000
+	NSFS_MAGIC                                  = 0x6e736673
+	NS_GET_NSTYPE                               = 0x2000b703
+	NS_GET_OWNER_UID                            = 0x2000b704
+	NS_GET_PARENT                               = 0x2000b702
+	NS_GET_USERNS                               = 0x2000b701
+	OCFS2_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x7461636f
+	OCRNL                                       = 0x8
+	OFDEL                                       = 0x80
+	OFILL                                       = 0x40
+	OLCUC                                       = 0x4
+	ONLCR                                       = 0x2
+	ONLRET                                      = 0x20
+	ONOCR                                       = 0x10
+	OPENPROM_SUPER_MAGIC                        = 0x9fa1
+	OPOST                                       = 0x1
+	OVERLAYFS_SUPER_MAGIC                       = 0x794c7630
+	O_ACCMODE                                   = 0x3
+	O_APPEND                                    = 0x400
+	O_ASYNC                                     = 0x2000
+	O_CLOEXEC                                   = 0x80000
+	O_CREAT                                     = 0x40
+	O_DIRECT                                    = 0x20000
+	O_DIRECTORY                                 = 0x4000
+	O_DSYNC                                     = 0x1000
+	O_EXCL                                      = 0x80
+	O_FSYNC                                     = 0x101000
+	O_LARGEFILE                                 = 0x0
+	O_NDELAY                                    = 0x800
+	O_NOATIME                                   = 0x40000
+	O_NOCTTY                                    = 0x100
+	O_NOFOLLOW                                  = 0x8000
+	O_NONBLOCK                                  = 0x800
+	O_PATH                                      = 0x200000
+	O_RDONLY                                    = 0x0
+	O_RDWR                                      = 0x2
+	O_RSYNC                                     = 0x101000
+	O_SYNC                                      = 0x101000
+	O_TMPFILE                                   = 0x404000
+	O_TRUNC                                     = 0x200
+	O_WRONLY                                    = 0x1
+	PACKET_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                       = 0x1
+	PACKET_AUXDATA                              = 0x8
+	PACKET_BROADCAST                            = 0x1
+	PACKET_COPY_THRESH                          = 0x7
+	PACKET_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                      = 0x2
+	PACKET_FANOUT                               = 0x12
+	PACKET_FANOUT_CBPF                          = 0x6
+	PACKET_FANOUT_CPU                           = 0x2
+	PACKET_FANOUT_DATA                          = 0x16
+	PACKET_FANOUT_EBPF                          = 0x7
+	PACKET_FANOUT_FLAG_DEFRAG                   = 0x8000
+	PACKET_FANOUT_FLAG_ROLLOVER                 = 0x1000
+	PACKET_FANOUT_FLAG_UNIQUEID                 = 0x2000
+	PACKET_FANOUT_HASH                          = 0x0
+	PACKET_FANOUT_LB                            = 0x1
+	PACKET_FANOUT_QM                            = 0x5
+	PACKET_FANOUT_RND                           = 0x4
+	PACKET_FANOUT_ROLLOVER                      = 0x3
+	PACKET_FASTROUTE                            = 0x6
+	PACKET_HDRLEN                               = 0xb
+	PACKET_HOST                                 = 0x0
+	PACKET_IGNORE_OUTGOING                      = 0x17
+	PACKET_KERNEL                               = 0x7
+	PACKET_LOOPBACK                             = 0x5
+	PACKET_LOSS                                 = 0xe
+	PACKET_MR_ALLMULTI                          = 0x2
+	PACKET_MR_MULTICAST                         = 0x0
+	PACKET_MR_PROMISC                           = 0x1
+	PACKET_MR_UNICAST                           = 0x3
+	PACKET_MULTICAST                            = 0x2
+	PACKET_ORIGDEV                              = 0x9
+	PACKET_OTHERHOST                            = 0x3
+	PACKET_OUTGOING                             = 0x4
+	PACKET_QDISC_BYPASS                         = 0x14
+	PACKET_RECV_OUTPUT                          = 0x3
+	PACKET_RESERVE                              = 0xc
+	PACKET_ROLLOVER_STATS                       = 0x15
+	PACKET_RX_RING                              = 0x5
+	PACKET_STATISTICS                           = 0x6
+	PACKET_TIMESTAMP                            = 0x11
+	PACKET_TX_HAS_OFF                           = 0x13
+	PACKET_TX_RING                              = 0xd
+	PACKET_TX_TIMESTAMP                         = 0x10
+	PACKET_USER                                 = 0x6
+	PACKET_VERSION                              = 0xa
+	PACKET_VNET_HDR                             = 0xf
+	PARENB                                      = 0x1000
+	PARITY_CRC16_PR0                            = 0x2
+	PARITY_CRC16_PR0_CCITT                      = 0x4
+	PARITY_CRC16_PR1                            = 0x3
+	PARITY_CRC16_PR1_CCITT                      = 0x5
+	PARITY_CRC32_PR0_CCITT                      = 0x6
+	PARITY_CRC32_PR1_CCITT                      = 0x7
+	PARITY_DEFAULT                              = 0x0
+	PARITY_NONE                                 = 0x1
+	PARMRK                                      = 0x8
+	PARODD                                      = 0x2000
+	PENDIN                                      = 0x20000000
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_DISABLE                      = 0x20002401
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_ENABLE                       = 0x20002400
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_ID                           = 0x40082407
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_MODIFY_ATTRIBUTES            = 0x8008240b
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_PAUSE_OUTPUT                 = 0x80042409
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_PERIOD                       = 0x80082404
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_QUERY_BPF                    = 0xc008240a
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_REFRESH                      = 0x20002402
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_RESET                        = 0x20002403
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_BPF                      = 0x80042408
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_FILTER                   = 0x80082406
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_OUTPUT                   = 0x20002405
+	PIPEFS_MAGIC                                = 0x50495045
+	PPPIOCATTACH                                = 0x8004743d
+	PPPIOCATTCHAN                               = 0x80047438
+	PPPIOCCONNECT                               = 0x8004743a
+	PPPIOCDETACH                                = 0x8004743c
+	PPPIOCDISCONN                               = 0x20007439
+	PPPIOCGASYNCMAP                             = 0x40047458
+	PPPIOCGCHAN                                 = 0x40047437
+	PPPIOCGDEBUG                                = 0x40047441
+	PPPIOCGFLAGS                                = 0x4004745a
+	PPPIOCGIDLE                                 = 0x4010743f
+	PPPIOCGL2TPSTATS                            = 0x40487436
+	PPPIOCGMRU                                  = 0x40047453
+	PPPIOCGNPMODE                               = 0xc008744c
+	PPPIOCGRASYNCMAP                            = 0x40047455
+	PPPIOCGUNIT                                 = 0x40047456
+	PPPIOCGXASYNCMAP                            = 0x40207450
+	PPPIOCNEWUNIT                               = 0xc004743e
+	PPPIOCSACTIVE                               = 0x80107446
+	PPPIOCSASYNCMAP                             = 0x80047457
+	PPPIOCSCOMPRESS                             = 0x8010744d
+	PPPIOCSDEBUG                                = 0x80047440
+	PPPIOCSFLAGS                                = 0x80047459
+	PPPIOCSMAXCID                               = 0x80047451
+	PPPIOCSMRRU                                 = 0x8004743b
+	PPPIOCSMRU                                  = 0x80047452
+	PPPIOCSNPMODE                               = 0x8008744b
+	PPPIOCSPASS                                 = 0x80107447
+	PPPIOCSRASYNCMAP                            = 0x80047454
+	PPPIOCSXASYNCMAP                            = 0x8020744f
+	PPPIOCXFERUNIT                              = 0x2000744e
+	PRIO_PGRP                                   = 0x1
+	PRIO_PROCESS                                = 0x0
+	PRIO_USER                                   = 0x2
+	PROC_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0x9fa0
+	PROT_EXEC                                   = 0x4
+	PROT_GROWSDOWN                              = 0x1000000
+	PROT_GROWSUP                                = 0x2000000
+	PROT_NONE                                   = 0x0
+	PROT_READ                                   = 0x1
+	PROT_SAO                                    = 0x10
+	PROT_WRITE                                  = 0x2
+	PR_CAPBSET_DROP                             = 0x18
+	PR_CAPBSET_READ                             = 0x17
+	PR_CAP_AMBIENT                              = 0x2f
+	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_CLEAR_ALL                    = 0x4
+	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_IS_SET                       = 0x1
+	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_LOWER                        = 0x3
+	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_RAISE                        = 0x2
+	PR_ENDIAN_BIG                               = 0x0
+	PR_ENDIAN_LITTLE                            = 0x1
+	PR_ENDIAN_PPC_LITTLE                        = 0x2
+	PR_FPEMU_NOPRINT                            = 0x1
+	PR_FPEMU_SIGFPE                             = 0x2
+	PR_FP_EXC_ASYNC                             = 0x2
+	PR_FP_EXC_DISABLED                          = 0x0
+	PR_FP_EXC_DIV                               = 0x10000
+	PR_FP_EXC_INV                               = 0x100000
+	PR_FP_EXC_NONRECOV                          = 0x1
+	PR_FP_EXC_OVF                               = 0x20000
+	PR_FP_EXC_PRECISE                           = 0x3
+	PR_FP_EXC_RES                               = 0x80000
+	PR_FP_EXC_SW_ENABLE                         = 0x80
+	PR_FP_EXC_UND                               = 0x40000
+	PR_FP_MODE_FR                               = 0x1
+	PR_FP_MODE_FRE                              = 0x2
+	PR_GET_CHILD_SUBREAPER                      = 0x25
+	PR_GET_DUMPABLE                             = 0x3
+	PR_GET_ENDIAN                               = 0x13
+	PR_GET_FPEMU                                = 0x9
+	PR_GET_FPEXC                                = 0xb
+	PR_GET_FP_MODE                              = 0x2e
+	PR_GET_KEEPCAPS                             = 0x7
+	PR_GET_NAME                                 = 0x10
+	PR_GET_NO_NEW_PRIVS                         = 0x27
+	PR_GET_PDEATHSIG                            = 0x2
+	PR_GET_SECCOMP                              = 0x15
+	PR_GET_SECUREBITS                           = 0x1b
+	PR_GET_SPECULATION_CTRL                     = 0x34
+	PR_GET_TAGGED_ADDR_CTRL                     = 0x38
+	PR_GET_THP_DISABLE                          = 0x2a
+	PR_GET_TID_ADDRESS                          = 0x28
+	PR_GET_TIMERSLACK                           = 0x1e
+	PR_GET_TIMING                               = 0xd
+	PR_GET_TSC                                  = 0x19
+	PR_GET_UNALIGN                              = 0x5
+	PR_MCE_KILL                                 = 0x21
+	PR_MCE_KILL_CLEAR                           = 0x0
+	PR_MCE_KILL_DEFAULT                         = 0x2
+	PR_MCE_KILL_EARLY                           = 0x1
+	PR_MCE_KILL_GET                             = 0x22
+	PR_MCE_KILL_LATE                            = 0x0
+	PR_MCE_KILL_SET                             = 0x1
+	PR_MPX_DISABLE_MANAGEMENT                   = 0x2c
+	PR_MPX_ENABLE_MANAGEMENT                    = 0x2b
+	PR_PAC_APDAKEY                              = 0x4
+	PR_PAC_APDBKEY                              = 0x8
+	PR_PAC_APGAKEY                              = 0x10
+	PR_PAC_APIAKEY                              = 0x1
+	PR_PAC_APIBKEY                              = 0x2
+	PR_PAC_RESET_KEYS                           = 0x36
+	PR_SET_CHILD_SUBREAPER                      = 0x24
+	PR_SET_DUMPABLE                             = 0x4
+	PR_SET_ENDIAN                               = 0x14
+	PR_SET_FPEMU                                = 0xa
+	PR_SET_FPEXC                                = 0xc
+	PR_SET_FP_MODE                              = 0x2d
+	PR_SET_KEEPCAPS                             = 0x8
+	PR_SET_MM                                   = 0x23
+	PR_SET_MM_ARG_END                           = 0x9
+	PR_SET_MM_ARG_START                         = 0x8
+	PR_SET_MM_AUXV                              = 0xc
+	PR_SET_MM_BRK                               = 0x7
+	PR_SET_MM_END_CODE                          = 0x2
+	PR_SET_MM_END_DATA                          = 0x4
+	PR_SET_MM_ENV_END                           = 0xb
+	PR_SET_MM_ENV_START                         = 0xa
+	PR_SET_MM_EXE_FILE                          = 0xd
+	PR_SET_MM_MAP                               = 0xe
+	PR_SET_MM_MAP_SIZE                          = 0xf
+	PR_SET_MM_START_BRK                         = 0x6
+	PR_SET_MM_START_CODE                        = 0x1
+	PR_SET_MM_START_DATA                        = 0x3
+	PR_SET_MM_START_STACK                       = 0x5
+	PR_SET_NAME                                 = 0xf
+	PR_SET_NO_NEW_PRIVS                         = 0x26
+	PR_SET_PDEATHSIG                            = 0x1
+	PR_SET_PTRACER                              = 0x59616d61
+	PR_SET_PTRACER_ANY                          = 0xffffffffffffffff
+	PR_SET_SECCOMP                              = 0x16
+	PR_SET_SECUREBITS                           = 0x1c
+	PR_SET_SPECULATION_CTRL                     = 0x35
+	PR_SET_TAGGED_ADDR_CTRL                     = 0x37
+	PR_SET_THP_DISABLE                          = 0x29
+	PR_SET_TIMERSLACK                           = 0x1d
+	PR_SET_TIMING                               = 0xe
+	PR_SET_TSC                                  = 0x1a
+	PR_SET_UNALIGN                              = 0x6
+	PR_SPEC_DISABLE                             = 0x4
+	PR_SPEC_DISABLE_NOEXEC                      = 0x10
+	PR_SPEC_ENABLE                              = 0x2
+	PR_SPEC_FORCE_DISABLE                       = 0x8
+	PR_SPEC_INDIRECT_BRANCH                     = 0x1
+	PR_SPEC_NOT_AFFECTED                        = 0x0
+	PR_SPEC_PRCTL                               = 0x1
+	PR_SPEC_STORE_BYPASS                        = 0x0
+	PR_SVE_GET_VL                               = 0x33
+	PR_SVE_SET_VL                               = 0x32
+	PR_SVE_SET_VL_ONEXEC                        = 0x40000
+	PR_SVE_VL_INHERIT                           = 0x20000
+	PR_SVE_VL_LEN_MASK                          = 0xffff
+	PR_TAGGED_ADDR_ENABLE                       = 0x1
+	PR_TASK_PERF_EVENTS_DISABLE                 = 0x1f
+	PR_TASK_PERF_EVENTS_ENABLE                  = 0x20
+	PR_TIMING_STATISTICAL                       = 0x0
+	PR_TIMING_TIMESTAMP                         = 0x1
+	PR_TSC_ENABLE                               = 0x1
+	PR_TSC_SIGSEGV                              = 0x2
+	PR_UNALIGN_NOPRINT                          = 0x1
+	PR_UNALIGN_SIGBUS                           = 0x2
+	PSTOREFS_MAGIC                              = 0x6165676c
+	PTRACE_ATTACH                               = 0x10
+	PTRACE_CONT                                 = 0x7
+	PTRACE_DETACH                               = 0x11
+	PTRACE_EVENTMSG_SYSCALL_EXIT                = 0x2
+	PTRACE_EVENT_CLONE                          = 0x3
+	PTRACE_EVENT_EXEC                           = 0x4
+	PTRACE_EVENT_EXIT                           = 0x6
+	PTRACE_EVENT_FORK                           = 0x1
+	PTRACE_EVENT_SECCOMP                        = 0x7
+	PTRACE_EVENT_STOP                           = 0x80
+	PTRACE_EVENT_VFORK                          = 0x2
+	PTRACE_EVENT_VFORK_DONE                     = 0x5
+	PTRACE_GETEVENTMSG                          = 0x4201
+	PTRACE_GETEVRREGS                           = 0x14
+	PTRACE_GETFPREGS                            = 0xe
+	PTRACE_GETREGS                              = 0xc
+	PTRACE_GETREGS64                            = 0x16
+	PTRACE_GETREGSET                            = 0x4204
+	PTRACE_GETSIGINFO                           = 0x4202
+	PTRACE_GETSIGMASK                           = 0x420a
+	PTRACE_GETVRREGS                            = 0x12
+	PTRACE_GETVSRREGS                           = 0x1b
+	PTRACE_GET_DEBUGREG                         = 0x19
+	PTRACE_GET_SYSCALL_INFO                     = 0x420e
+	PTRACE_INTERRUPT                            = 0x4207
+	PTRACE_KILL                                 = 0x8
+	PTRACE_LISTEN                               = 0x4208
+	PTRACE_O_EXITKILL                           = 0x100000
+	PTRACE_O_MASK                               = 0x3000ff
+	PTRACE_O_SUSPEND_SECCOMP                    = 0x200000
+	PTRACE_O_TRACECLONE                         = 0x8
+	PTRACE_O_TRACEEXEC                          = 0x10
+	PTRACE_O_TRACEEXIT                          = 0x40
+	PTRACE_O_TRACEFORK                          = 0x2
+	PTRACE_O_TRACESECCOMP                       = 0x80
+	PTRACE_O_TRACESYSGOOD                       = 0x1
+	PTRACE_O_TRACEVFORK                         = 0x4
+	PTRACE_O_TRACEVFORKDONE                     = 0x20
+	PTRACE_PEEKDATA                             = 0x2
+	PTRACE_PEEKSIGINFO                          = 0x4209
+	PTRACE_PEEKSIGINFO_SHARED                   = 0x1
+	PTRACE_PEEKTEXT                             = 0x1
+	PTRACE_PEEKUSR                              = 0x3
+	PTRACE_POKEDATA                             = 0x5
+	PTRACE_POKETEXT                             = 0x4
+	PTRACE_POKEUSR                              = 0x6
+	PTRACE_SECCOMP_GET_FILTER                   = 0x420c
+	PTRACE_SECCOMP_GET_METADATA                 = 0x420d
+	PTRACE_SEIZE                                = 0x4206
+	PTRACE_SETEVRREGS                           = 0x15
+	PTRACE_SETFPREGS                            = 0xf
+	PTRACE_SETOPTIONS                           = 0x4200
+	PTRACE_SETREGS                              = 0xd
+	PTRACE_SETREGS64                            = 0x17
+	PTRACE_SETREGSET                            = 0x4205
+	PTRACE_SETSIGINFO                           = 0x4203
+	PTRACE_SETSIGMASK                           = 0x420b
+	PTRACE_SETVRREGS                            = 0x13
+	PTRACE_SETVSRREGS                           = 0x1c
+	PTRACE_SET_DEBUGREG                         = 0x1a
+	PTRACE_SINGLEBLOCK                          = 0x100
+	PTRACE_SINGLESTEP                           = 0x9
+	PTRACE_SYSCALL                              = 0x18
+	PTRACE_SYSCALL_INFO_ENTRY                   = 0x1
+	PTRACE_SYSCALL_INFO_EXIT                    = 0x2
+	PTRACE_SYSCALL_INFO_NONE                    = 0x0
+	PTRACE_SYSCALL_INFO_SECCOMP                 = 0x3
+	PTRACE_SYSEMU                               = 0x1d
+	PTRACE_SYSEMU_SINGLESTEP                    = 0x1e
+	PTRACE_TRACEME                              = 0x0
+	PT_CCR                                      = 0x26
+	PT_CTR                                      = 0x23
+	PT_DAR                                      = 0x29
+	PT_DSCR                                     = 0x2c
+	PT_DSISR                                    = 0x2a
+	PT_FPR0                                     = 0x30
+	PT_FPSCR                                    = 0x50
+	PT_LNK                                      = 0x24
+	PT_MSR                                      = 0x21
+	PT_NIP                                      = 0x20
+	PT_ORIG_R3                                  = 0x22
+	PT_R0                                       = 0x0
+	PT_R1                                       = 0x1
+	PT_R10                                      = 0xa
+	PT_R11                                      = 0xb
+	PT_R12                                      = 0xc
+	PT_R13                                      = 0xd
+	PT_R14                                      = 0xe
+	PT_R15                                      = 0xf
+	PT_R16                                      = 0x10
+	PT_R17                                      = 0x11
+	PT_R18                                      = 0x12
+	PT_R19                                      = 0x13
+	PT_R2                                       = 0x2
+	PT_R20                                      = 0x14
+	PT_R21                                      = 0x15
+	PT_R22                                      = 0x16
+	PT_R23                                      = 0x17
+	PT_R24                                      = 0x18
+	PT_R25                                      = 0x19
+	PT_R26                                      = 0x1a
+	PT_R27                                      = 0x1b
+	PT_R28                                      = 0x1c
+	PT_R29                                      = 0x1d
+	PT_R3                                       = 0x3
+	PT_R30                                      = 0x1e
+	PT_R31                                      = 0x1f
+	PT_R4                                       = 0x4
+	PT_R5                                       = 0x5
+	PT_R6                                       = 0x6
+	PT_R7                                       = 0x7
+	PT_R8                                       = 0x8
+	PT_R9                                       = 0x9
+	PT_REGS_COUNT                               = 0x2c
+	PT_RESULT                                   = 0x2b
+	PT_SOFTE                                    = 0x27
+	PT_TRAP                                     = 0x28
+	PT_VR0                                      = 0x52
+	PT_VRSAVE                                   = 0x94
+	PT_VSCR                                     = 0x93
+	PT_VSR0                                     = 0x96
+	PT_VSR31                                    = 0xd4
+	PT_XER                                      = 0x25
+	QNX4_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0x2f
+	QNX6_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0x68191122
+	RAMFS_MAGIC                                 = 0x858458f6
+	RDTGROUP_SUPER_MAGIC                        = 0x7655821
+	REISERFS_SUPER_MAGIC                        = 0x52654973
+	RENAME_EXCHANGE                             = 0x2
+	RENAME_NOREPLACE                            = 0x1
+	RENAME_WHITEOUT                             = 0x4
+	RLIMIT_AS                                   = 0x9
+	RLIMIT_CORE                                 = 0x4
+	RLIMIT_CPU                                  = 0x0
+	RLIMIT_DATA                                 = 0x2
+	RLIMIT_FSIZE                                = 0x1
+	RLIMIT_LOCKS                                = 0xa
+	RLIMIT_MEMLOCK                              = 0x8
+	RLIMIT_MSGQUEUE                             = 0xc
+	RLIMIT_NICE                                 = 0xd
+	RLIMIT_NOFILE                               = 0x7
+	RLIMIT_NPROC                                = 0x6
+	RLIMIT_RSS                                  = 0x5
+	RLIMIT_RTPRIO                               = 0xe
+	RLIMIT_RTTIME                               = 0xf
+	RLIMIT_SIGPENDING                           = 0xb
+	RLIMIT_STACK                                = 0x3
+	RLIM_INFINITY                               = 0xffffffffffffffff
+	RNDADDENTROPY                               = 0x80085203
+	RNDADDTOENTCNT                              = 0x80045201
+	RNDCLEARPOOL                                = 0x20005206
+	RNDGETENTCNT                                = 0x40045200
+	RNDGETPOOL                                  = 0x40085202
+	RNDRESEEDCRNG                               = 0x20005207
+	RNDZAPENTCNT                                = 0x20005204
+	RTAX_ADVMSS                                 = 0x8
+	RTAX_CC_ALGO                                = 0x10
+	RTAX_CWND                                   = 0x7
+	RTAX_FASTOPEN_NO_COOKIE                     = 0x11
+	RTAX_FEATURES                               = 0xc
+	RTAX_FEATURE_ALLFRAG                        = 0x8
+	RTAX_FEATURE_ECN                            = 0x1
+	RTAX_FEATURE_MASK                           = 0xf
+	RTAX_FEATURE_SACK                           = 0x2
+	RTAX_FEATURE_TIMESTAMP                      = 0x4
+	RTAX_HOPLIMIT                               = 0xa
+	RTAX_INITCWND                               = 0xb
+	RTAX_INITRWND                               = 0xe
+	RTAX_LOCK                                   = 0x1
+	RTAX_MAX                                    = 0x11
+	RTAX_MTU                                    = 0x2
+	RTAX_QUICKACK                               = 0xf
+	RTAX_REORDERING                             = 0x9
+	RTAX_RTO_MIN                                = 0xd
+	RTAX_RTT                                    = 0x4
+	RTAX_RTTVAR                                 = 0x5
+	RTAX_SSTHRESH                               = 0x6
+	RTAX_UNSPEC                                 = 0x0
+	RTAX_WINDOW                                 = 0x3
+	RTA_ALIGNTO                                 = 0x4
+	RTA_MAX                                     = 0x1e
+	RTCF_DIRECTSRC                              = 0x4000000
+	RTCF_DOREDIRECT                             = 0x1000000
+	RTCF_LOG                                    = 0x2000000
+	RTCF_MASQ                                   = 0x400000
+	RTCF_NAT                                    = 0x800000
+	RTCF_VALVE                                  = 0x200000
+	RTC_AF                                      = 0x20
+	RTC_AIE_OFF                                 = 0x20007002
+	RTC_AIE_ON                                  = 0x20007001
+	RTC_ALM_READ                                = 0x40247008
+	RTC_ALM_SET                                 = 0x80247007
+	RTC_EPOCH_READ                              = 0x4008700d
+	RTC_EPOCH_SET                               = 0x8008700e
+	RTC_IRQF                                    = 0x80
+	RTC_IRQP_READ                               = 0x4008700b
+	RTC_IRQP_SET                                = 0x8008700c
+	RTC_MAX_FREQ                                = 0x2000
+	RTC_PF                                      = 0x40
+	RTC_PIE_OFF                                 = 0x20007006
+	RTC_PIE_ON                                  = 0x20007005
+	RTC_PLL_GET                                 = 0x40207011
+	RTC_PLL_SET                                 = 0x80207012
+	RTC_RD_TIME                                 = 0x40247009
+	RTC_SET_TIME                                = 0x8024700a
+	RTC_UF                                      = 0x10
+	RTC_UIE_OFF                                 = 0x20007004
+	RTC_UIE_ON                                  = 0x20007003
+	RTC_VL_CLR                                  = 0x20007014
+	RTC_VL_READ                                 = 0x40047013
+	RTC_WIE_OFF                                 = 0x20007010
+	RTC_WIE_ON                                  = 0x2000700f
+	RTC_WKALM_RD                                = 0x40287010
+	RTC_WKALM_SET                               = 0x8028700f
+	RTF_ADDRCLASSMASK                           = 0xf8000000
+	RTF_ADDRCONF                                = 0x40000
+	RTF_ALLONLINK                               = 0x20000
+	RTF_BROADCAST                               = 0x10000000
+	RTF_CACHE                                   = 0x1000000
+	RTF_DEFAULT                                 = 0x10000
+	RTF_DYNAMIC                                 = 0x10
+	RTF_FLOW                                    = 0x2000000
+	RTF_GATEWAY                                 = 0x2
+	RTF_HOST                                    = 0x4
+	RTF_INTERFACE                               = 0x40000000
+	RTF_IRTT                                    = 0x100
+	RTF_LINKRT                                  = 0x100000
+	RTF_LOCAL                                   = 0x80000000
+	RTF_MODIFIED                                = 0x20
+	RTF_MSS                                     = 0x40
+	RTF_MTU                                     = 0x40
+	RTF_MULTICAST                               = 0x20000000
+	RTF_NAT                                     = 0x8000000
+	RTF_NOFORWARD                               = 0x1000
+	RTF_NONEXTHOP                               = 0x200000
+	RTF_NOPMTUDISC                              = 0x4000
+	RTF_POLICY                                  = 0x4000000
+	RTF_REINSTATE                               = 0x8
+	RTF_REJECT                                  = 0x200
+	RTF_STATIC                                  = 0x400
+	RTF_THROW                                   = 0x2000
+	RTF_UP                                      = 0x1
+	RTF_WINDOW                                  = 0x80
+	RTF_XRESOLVE                                = 0x800
+	RTM_BASE                                    = 0x10
+	RTM_DELACTION                               = 0x31
+	RTM_DELADDR                                 = 0x15
+	RTM_DELADDRLABEL                            = 0x49
+	RTM_DELCHAIN                                = 0x65
+	RTM_DELLINK                                 = 0x11
+	RTM_DELMDB                                  = 0x55
+	RTM_DELNEIGH                                = 0x1d
+	RTM_DELNETCONF                              = 0x51
+	RTM_DELNEXTHOP                              = 0x69
+	RTM_DELNSID                                 = 0x59
+	RTM_DELQDISC                                = 0x25
+	RTM_DELROUTE                                = 0x19
+	RTM_DELRULE                                 = 0x21
+	RTM_DELTCLASS                               = 0x29
+	RTM_DELTFILTER                              = 0x2d
+	RTM_F_CLONED                                = 0x200
+	RTM_F_EQUALIZE                              = 0x400
+	RTM_F_FIB_MATCH                             = 0x2000
+	RTM_F_LOOKUP_TABLE                          = 0x1000
+	RTM_F_NOTIFY                                = 0x100
+	RTM_F_PREFIX                                = 0x800
+	RTM_GETACTION                               = 0x32
+	RTM_GETADDR                                 = 0x16
+	RTM_GETADDRLABEL                            = 0x4a
+	RTM_GETANYCAST                              = 0x3e
+	RTM_GETCHAIN                                = 0x66
+	RTM_GETDCB                                  = 0x4e
+	RTM_GETLINK                                 = 0x12
+	RTM_GETMDB                                  = 0x56
+	RTM_GETMULTICAST                            = 0x3a
+	RTM_GETNEIGH                                = 0x1e
+	RTM_GETNEIGHTBL                             = 0x42
+	RTM_GETNETCONF                              = 0x52
+	RTM_GETNEXTHOP                              = 0x6a
+	RTM_GETNSID                                 = 0x5a
+	RTM_GETQDISC                                = 0x26
+	RTM_GETROUTE                                = 0x1a
+	RTM_GETRULE                                 = 0x22
+	RTM_GETSTATS                                = 0x5e
+	RTM_GETTCLASS                               = 0x2a
+	RTM_GETTFILTER                              = 0x2e
+	RTM_MAX                                     = 0x6b
+	RTM_NEWACTION                               = 0x30
+	RTM_NEWADDR                                 = 0x14
+	RTM_NEWADDRLABEL                            = 0x48
+	RTM_NEWCACHEREPORT                          = 0x60
+	RTM_NEWCHAIN                                = 0x64
+	RTM_NEWLINK                                 = 0x10
+	RTM_NEWMDB                                  = 0x54
+	RTM_NEWNDUSEROPT                            = 0x44
+	RTM_NEWNEIGH                                = 0x1c
+	RTM_NEWNEIGHTBL                             = 0x40
+	RTM_NEWNETCONF                              = 0x50
+	RTM_NEWNEXTHOP                              = 0x68
+	RTM_NEWNSID                                 = 0x58
+	RTM_NEWPREFIX                               = 0x34
+	RTM_NEWQDISC                                = 0x24
+	RTM_NEWROUTE                                = 0x18
+	RTM_NEWRULE                                 = 0x20
+	RTM_NEWSTATS                                = 0x5c
+	RTM_NEWTCLASS                               = 0x28
+	RTM_NEWTFILTER                              = 0x2c
+	RTM_NR_FAMILIES                             = 0x17
+	RTM_NR_MSGTYPES                             = 0x5c
+	RTM_SETDCB                                  = 0x4f
+	RTM_SETLINK                                 = 0x13
+	RTM_SETNEIGHTBL                             = 0x43
+	RTNH_ALIGNTO                                = 0x4
+	RTNH_COMPARE_MASK                           = 0x19
+	RTNH_F_DEAD                                 = 0x1
+	RTNH_F_LINKDOWN                             = 0x10
+	RTNH_F_OFFLOAD                              = 0x8
+	RTNH_F_ONLINK                               = 0x4
+	RTNH_F_PERVASIVE                            = 0x2
+	RTNH_F_UNRESOLVED                           = 0x20
+	RTN_MAX                                     = 0xb
+	RTPROT_BABEL                                = 0x2a
+	RTPROT_BGP                                  = 0xba
+	RTPROT_BIRD                                 = 0xc
+	RTPROT_BOOT                                 = 0x3
+	RTPROT_DHCP                                 = 0x10
+	RTPROT_DNROUTED                             = 0xd
+	RTPROT_EIGRP                                = 0xc0
+	RTPROT_GATED                                = 0x8
+	RTPROT_ISIS                                 = 0xbb
+	RTPROT_KERNEL                               = 0x2
+	RTPROT_MROUTED                              = 0x11
+	RTPROT_MRT                                  = 0xa
+	RTPROT_NTK                                  = 0xf
+	RTPROT_OSPF                                 = 0xbc
+	RTPROT_RA                                   = 0x9
+	RTPROT_REDIRECT                             = 0x1
+	RTPROT_RIP                                  = 0xbd
+	RTPROT_STATIC                               = 0x4
+	RTPROT_UNSPEC                               = 0x0
+	RTPROT_XORP                                 = 0xe
+	RTPROT_ZEBRA                                = 0xb
+	RT_CLASS_DEFAULT                            = 0xfd
+	RT_CLASS_LOCAL                              = 0xff
+	RT_CLASS_MAIN                               = 0xfe
+	RT_CLASS_MAX                                = 0xff
+	RT_CLASS_UNSPEC                             = 0x0
+	RUSAGE_CHILDREN                             = -0x1
+	RUSAGE_SELF                                 = 0x0
+	RUSAGE_THREAD                               = 0x1
+	SCM_CREDENTIALS                             = 0x2
+	SCM_RIGHTS                                  = 0x1
+	SCM_TIMESTAMP                               = 0x1d
+	SCM_TIMESTAMPING                            = 0x25
+	SCM_TIMESTAMPING_OPT_STATS                  = 0x36
+	SCM_TIMESTAMPING_PKTINFO                    = 0x3a
+	SCM_TIMESTAMPNS                             = 0x23
+	SCM_TXTIME                                  = 0x3d
+	SCM_WIFI_STATUS                             = 0x29
+	SC_LOG_FLUSH                                = 0x100000
+	SECCOMP_MODE_DISABLED                       = 0x0
+	SECCOMP_MODE_FILTER                         = 0x2
+	SECCOMP_MODE_STRICT                         = 0x1
+	SECURITYFS_MAGIC                            = 0x73636673
+	SELINUX_MAGIC                               = 0xf97cff8c
+	SFD_CLOEXEC                                 = 0x80000
+	SFD_NONBLOCK                                = 0x800
+	SHUT_RD                                     = 0x0
+	SHUT_RDWR                                   = 0x2
+	SHUT_WR                                     = 0x1
+	SIOCADDDLCI                                 = 0x8980
+	SIOCADDMULTI                                = 0x8931
+	SIOCADDRT                                   = 0x890b
+	SIOCATMARK                                  = 0x8905
+	SIOCBONDCHANGEACTIVE                        = 0x8995
+	SIOCBONDENSLAVE                             = 0x8990
+	SIOCBONDINFOQUERY                           = 0x8994
+	SIOCBONDRELEASE                             = 0x8991
+	SIOCBONDSETHWADDR                           = 0x8992
+	SIOCBONDSLAVEINFOQUERY                      = 0x8993
+	SIOCBRADDBR                                 = 0x89a0
+	SIOCBRADDIF                                 = 0x89a2
+	SIOCBRDELBR                                 = 0x89a1
+	SIOCBRDELIF                                 = 0x89a3
+	SIOCDARP                                    = 0x8953
+	SIOCDELDLCI                                 = 0x8981
+	SIOCDELMULTI                                = 0x8932
+	SIOCDELRT                                   = 0x890c
+	SIOCDEVPRIVATE                              = 0x89f0
+	SIOCDIFADDR                                 = 0x8936
+	SIOCDRARP                                   = 0x8960
+	SIOCETHTOOL                                 = 0x8946
+	SIOCGARP                                    = 0x8954
+	SIOCGETLINKNAME                             = 0x89e0
+	SIOCGETNODEID                               = 0x89e1
+	SIOCGHWTSTAMP                               = 0x89b1
+	SIOCGIFADDR                                 = 0x8915
+	SIOCGIFBR                                   = 0x8940
+	SIOCGIFBRDADDR                              = 0x8919
+	SIOCGIFCONF                                 = 0x8912
+	SIOCGIFCOUNT                                = 0x8938
+	SIOCGIFDSTADDR                              = 0x8917
+	SIOCGIFENCAP                                = 0x8925
+	SIOCGIFFLAGS                                = 0x8913
+	SIOCGIFHWADDR                               = 0x8927
+	SIOCGIFINDEX                                = 0x8933
+	SIOCGIFMAP                                  = 0x8970
+	SIOCGIFMEM                                  = 0x891f
+	SIOCGIFMETRIC                               = 0x891d
+	SIOCGIFMTU                                  = 0x8921
+	SIOCGIFNAME                                 = 0x8910
+	SIOCGIFNETMASK                              = 0x891b
+	SIOCGIFPFLAGS                               = 0x8935
+	SIOCGIFSLAVE                                = 0x8929
+	SIOCGIFTXQLEN                               = 0x8942
+	SIOCGIFVLAN                                 = 0x8982
+	SIOCGMIIPHY                                 = 0x8947
+	SIOCGMIIREG                                 = 0x8948
+	SIOCGPGRP                                   = 0x8904
+	SIOCGPPPCSTATS                              = 0x89f2
+	SIOCGPPPSTATS                               = 0x89f0
+	SIOCGPPPVER                                 = 0x89f1
+	SIOCGRARP                                   = 0x8961
+	SIOCGSKNS                                   = 0x894c
+	SIOCGSTAMP                                  = 0x8906
+	SIOCGSTAMPNS                                = 0x8907
+	SIOCGSTAMPNS_NEW                            = 0x40108907
+	SIOCGSTAMPNS_OLD                            = 0x8907
+	SIOCGSTAMP_NEW                              = 0x40108906
+	SIOCGSTAMP_OLD                              = 0x8906
+	SIOCINQ                                     = 0x4004667f
+	SIOCOUTQ                                    = 0x40047473
+	SIOCOUTQNSD                                 = 0x894b
+	SIOCPROTOPRIVATE                            = 0x89e0
+	SIOCRTMSG                                   = 0x890d
+	SIOCSARP                                    = 0x8955
+	SIOCSHWTSTAMP                               = 0x89b0
+	SIOCSIFADDR                                 = 0x8916
+	SIOCSIFBR                                   = 0x8941
+	SIOCSIFBRDADDR                              = 0x891a
+	SIOCSIFDSTADDR                              = 0x8918
+	SIOCSIFENCAP                                = 0x8926
+	SIOCSIFFLAGS                                = 0x8914
+	SIOCSIFHWADDR                               = 0x8924
+	SIOCSIFHWBROADCAST                          = 0x8937
+	SIOCSIFLINK                                 = 0x8911
+	SIOCSIFMAP                                  = 0x8971
+	SIOCSIFMEM                                  = 0x8920
+	SIOCSIFMETRIC                               = 0x891e
+	SIOCSIFMTU                                  = 0x8922
+	SIOCSIFNAME                                 = 0x8923
+	SIOCSIFNETMASK                              = 0x891c
+	SIOCSIFPFLAGS                               = 0x8934
+	SIOCSIFSLAVE                                = 0x8930
+	SIOCSIFTXQLEN                               = 0x8943
+	SIOCSIFVLAN                                 = 0x8983
+	SIOCSMIIREG                                 = 0x8949
+	SIOCSPGRP                                   = 0x8902
+	SIOCSRARP                                   = 0x8962
+	SIOCWANDEV                                  = 0x894a
+	SMACK_MAGIC                                 = 0x43415d53
+	SMART_AUTOSAVE                              = 0xd2
+	SMART_AUTO_OFFLINE                          = 0xdb
+	SMART_DISABLE                               = 0xd9
+	SMART_ENABLE                                = 0xd8
+	SMART_HCYL_PASS                             = 0xc2
+	SMART_IMMEDIATE_OFFLINE                     = 0xd4
+	SMART_LCYL_PASS                             = 0x4f
+	SMART_READ_LOG_SECTOR                       = 0xd5
+	SMART_READ_THRESHOLDS                       = 0xd1
+	SMART_READ_VALUES                           = 0xd0
+	SMART_SAVE                                  = 0xd3
+	SMART_STATUS                                = 0xda
+	SMART_WRITE_LOG_SECTOR                      = 0xd6
+	SMART_WRITE_THRESHOLDS                      = 0xd7
+	SMB_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x517b
+	SOCKFS_MAGIC                                = 0x534f434b
+	SOCK_CLOEXEC                                = 0x80000
+	SOCK_DCCP                                   = 0x6
+	SOCK_DGRAM                                  = 0x2
+	SOCK_IOC_TYPE                               = 0x89
+	SOCK_NONBLOCK                               = 0x800
+	SOCK_PACKET                                 = 0xa
+	SOCK_RAW                                    = 0x3
+	SOCK_RDM                                    = 0x4
+	SOCK_SEQPACKET                              = 0x5
+	SOCK_STREAM                                 = 0x1
+	SOL_AAL                                     = 0x109
+	SOL_ALG                                     = 0x117
+	SOL_ATM                                     = 0x108
+	SOL_CAIF                                    = 0x116
+	SOL_CAN_BASE                                = 0x64
+	SOL_DCCP                                    = 0x10d
+	SOL_DECNET                                  = 0x105
+	SOL_ICMPV6                                  = 0x3a
+	SOL_IP                                      = 0x0
+	SOL_IPV6                                    = 0x29
+	SOL_IRDA                                    = 0x10a
+	SOL_IUCV                                    = 0x115
+	SOL_KCM                                     = 0x119
+	SOL_LLC                                     = 0x10c
+	SOL_NETBEUI                                 = 0x10b
+	SOL_NETLINK                                 = 0x10e
+	SOL_NFC                                     = 0x118
+	SOL_PACKET                                  = 0x107
+	SOL_PNPIPE                                  = 0x113
+	SOL_PPPOL2TP                                = 0x111
+	SOL_RAW                                     = 0xff
+	SOL_RDS                                     = 0x114
+	SOL_RXRPC                                   = 0x110
+	SOL_SOCKET                                  = 0x1
+	SOL_TCP                                     = 0x6
+	SOL_TIPC                                    = 0x10f
+	SOL_TLS                                     = 0x11a
+	SOL_X25                                     = 0x106
+	SOL_XDP                                     = 0x11b
+	SOMAXCONN                                   = 0x80
+	SO_ACCEPTCONN                               = 0x1e
+	SO_ATTACH_BPF                               = 0x32
+	SO_ATTACH_FILTER                            = 0x1a
+	SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_CBPF                    = 0x33
+	SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_EBPF                    = 0x34
+	SO_BINDTODEVICE                             = 0x19
+	SO_BINDTOIFINDEX                            = 0x3e
+	SO_BPF_EXTENSIONS                           = 0x30
+	SO_BROADCAST                                = 0x6
+	SO_BSDCOMPAT                                = 0xe
+	SO_BUSY_POLL                                = 0x2e
+	SO_CNX_ADVICE                               = 0x35
+	SO_COOKIE                                   = 0x39
+	SO_DEBUG                                    = 0x1
+	SO_DETACH_BPF                               = 0x1b
+	SO_DETACH_FILTER                            = 0x1b
+	SO_DETACH_REUSEPORT_BPF                     = 0x44
+	SO_DOMAIN                                   = 0x27
+	SO_DONTROUTE                                = 0x5
+	SO_EE_CODE_TXTIME_MISSED                    = 0x2
+	SO_EE_CODE_ZEROCOPY_COPIED                  = 0x1
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_ICMP                           = 0x2
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_ICMP6                          = 0x3
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_LOCAL                          = 0x1
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_NONE                           = 0x0
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_TIMESTAMPING                   = 0x4
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_TXSTATUS                       = 0x4
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_TXTIME                         = 0x6
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_ZEROCOPY                       = 0x5
+	SO_ERROR                                    = 0x4
+	SO_GET_FILTER                               = 0x1a
+	SO_INCOMING_CPU                             = 0x31
+	SO_INCOMING_NAPI_ID                         = 0x38
+	SO_KEEPALIVE                                = 0x9
+	SO_LINGER                                   = 0xd
+	SO_LOCK_FILTER                              = 0x2c
+	SO_MARK                                     = 0x24
+	SO_MAX_PACING_RATE                          = 0x2f
+	SO_MEMINFO                                  = 0x37
+	SO_NOFCS                                    = 0x2b
+	SO_NO_CHECK                                 = 0xb
+	SO_OOBINLINE                                = 0xa
+	SO_PASSCRED                                 = 0x14
+	SO_PASSSEC                                  = 0x22
+	SO_PEEK_OFF                                 = 0x2a
+	SO_PEERCRED                                 = 0x15
+	SO_PEERGROUPS                               = 0x3b
+	SO_PEERNAME                                 = 0x1c
+	SO_PEERSEC                                  = 0x1f
+	SO_PRIORITY                                 = 0xc
+	SO_PROTOCOL                                 = 0x26
+	SO_RCVBUF                                   = 0x8
+	SO_RCVBUFFORCE                              = 0x21
+	SO_RCVLOWAT                                 = 0x10
+	SO_RCVTIMEO                                 = 0x12
+	SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW                             = 0x42
+	SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD                             = 0x12
+	SO_REUSEADDR                                = 0x2
+	SO_REUSEPORT                                = 0xf
+	SO_RXQ_OVFL                                 = 0x28
+	SO_SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION                  = 0x16
+	SO_SELECT_ERR_QUEUE                         = 0x2d
+	SO_SNDBUF                                   = 0x7
+	SO_SNDBUFFORCE                              = 0x20
+	SO_SNDLOWAT                                 = 0x11
+	SO_SNDTIMEO                                 = 0x13
+	SO_SNDTIMEO_NEW                             = 0x43
+	SO_SNDTIMEO_OLD                             = 0x13
+	SO_TIMESTAMP                                = 0x1d
+	SO_TIMESTAMPING                             = 0x25
+	SO_TIMESTAMPING_NEW                         = 0x41
+	SO_TIMESTAMPING_OLD                         = 0x25
+	SO_TIMESTAMPNS                              = 0x23
+	SO_TIMESTAMPNS_NEW                          = 0x40
+	SO_TIMESTAMPNS_OLD                          = 0x23
+	SO_TIMESTAMP_NEW                            = 0x3f
+	SO_TIMESTAMP_OLD                            = 0x1d
+	SO_TXTIME                                   = 0x3d
+	SO_TYPE                                     = 0x3
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE               = 0x2
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_BUFFER_MIN_SIZE               = 0x1
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_BUFFER_SIZE                   = 0x0
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_CONNECT_TIMEOUT               = 0x6
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_NONBLOCK_TXRX                 = 0x7
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_PEER_HOST_VM_ID               = 0x3
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_TRUSTED                       = 0x5
+	SO_WIFI_STATUS                              = 0x29
+	SO_ZEROCOPY                                 = 0x3c
+	SPLICE_F_GIFT                               = 0x8
+	SPLICE_F_MORE                               = 0x4
+	SPLICE_F_MOVE                               = 0x1
+	SPLICE_F_NONBLOCK                           = 0x2
+	SQUASHFS_MAGIC                              = 0x73717368
+	STACK_END_MAGIC                             = 0x57ac6e9d
+	STATX_ALL                                   = 0xfff
+	STATX_ATIME                                 = 0x20
+	STATX_ATTR_APPEND                           = 0x20
+	STATX_ATTR_AUTOMOUNT                        = 0x1000
+	STATX_ATTR_COMPRESSED                       = 0x4
+	STATX_ATTR_ENCRYPTED                        = 0x800
+	STATX_ATTR_IMMUTABLE                        = 0x10
+	STATX_ATTR_NODUMP                           = 0x40
+	STATX_BASIC_STATS                           = 0x7ff
+	STATX_BLOCKS                                = 0x400
+	STATX_BTIME                                 = 0x800
+	STATX_CTIME                                 = 0x80
+	STATX_GID                                   = 0x10
+	STATX_INO                                   = 0x100
+	STATX_MODE                                  = 0x2
+	STATX_MTIME                                 = 0x40
+	STATX_NLINK                                 = 0x4
+	STATX_SIZE                                  = 0x200
+	STATX_TYPE                                  = 0x1
+	STATX_UID                                   = 0x8
+	STATX__RESERVED                             = 0x80000000
+	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WAIT_AFTER                  = 0x4
+	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WAIT_BEFORE                 = 0x1
+	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WRITE                       = 0x2
+	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WRITE_AND_WAIT              = 0x7
+	SYSFS_MAGIC                                 = 0x62656572
+	S_BLKSIZE                                   = 0x200
+	S_IEXEC                                     = 0x40
+	S_IFBLK                                     = 0x6000
+	S_IFCHR                                     = 0x2000
+	S_IFDIR                                     = 0x4000
+	S_IFIFO                                     = 0x1000
+	S_IFLNK                                     = 0xa000
+	S_IFMT                                      = 0xf000
+	S_IFREG                                     = 0x8000
+	S_IFSOCK                                    = 0xc000
+	S_IREAD                                     = 0x100
+	S_IRGRP                                     = 0x20
+	S_IROTH                                     = 0x4
+	S_IRUSR                                     = 0x100
+	S_IRWXG                                     = 0x38
+	S_IRWXO                                     = 0x7
+	S_IRWXU                                     = 0x1c0
+	S_ISGID                                     = 0x400
+	S_ISUID                                     = 0x800
+	S_ISVTX                                     = 0x200
+	S_IWGRP                                     = 0x10
+	S_IWOTH                                     = 0x2
+	S_IWRITE                                    = 0x80
+	S_IWUSR                                     = 0x80
+	S_IXGRP                                     = 0x8
+	S_IXOTH                                     = 0x1
+	S_IXUSR                                     = 0x40
+	TAB0                                        = 0x0
+	TAB1                                        = 0x400
+	TAB2                                        = 0x800
+	TAB3                                        = 0xc00
+	TABDLY                                      = 0xc00
+	TASKSTATS_CMD_ATTR_MAX                      = 0x4
+	TASKSTATS_CMD_MAX                           = 0x2
+	TASKSTATS_GENL_NAME                         = "TASKSTATS"
+	TASKSTATS_GENL_VERSION                      = 0x1
+	TASKSTATS_TYPE_MAX                          = 0x6
+	TASKSTATS_VERSION                           = 0x9
+	TCFLSH                                      = 0x2000741f
+	TCGETA                                      = 0x40147417
+	TCGETS                                      = 0x402c7413
+	TCIFLUSH                                    = 0x0
+	TCIOFF                                      = 0x2
+	TCIOFLUSH                                   = 0x2
+	TCION                                       = 0x3
+	TCOFLUSH                                    = 0x1
+	TCOOFF                                      = 0x0
+	TCOON                                       = 0x1
+	TCP_BPF_IW                                  = 0x3e9
+	TCP_BPF_SNDCWND_CLAMP                       = 0x3ea
+	TCP_CC_INFO                                 = 0x1a
+	TCP_CM_INQ                                  = 0x24
+	TCP_CONGESTION                              = 0xd
+	TCP_COOKIE_IN_ALWAYS                        = 0x1
+	TCP_COOKIE_MAX                              = 0x10
+	TCP_COOKIE_MIN                              = 0x8
+	TCP_COOKIE_OUT_NEVER                        = 0x2
+	TCP_COOKIE_PAIR_SIZE                        = 0x20
+	TCP_COOKIE_TRANSACTIONS                     = 0xf
+	TCP_CORK                                    = 0x3
+	TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT                            = 0x9
+	TCP_FASTOPEN                                = 0x17
+	TCP_FASTOPEN_CONNECT                        = 0x1e
+	TCP_FASTOPEN_KEY                            = 0x21
+	TCP_FASTOPEN_NO_COOKIE                      = 0x22
+	TCP_INFO                                    = 0xb
+	TCP_INQ                                     = 0x24
+	TCP_KEEPCNT                                 = 0x6
+	TCP_KEEPIDLE                                = 0x4
+	TCP_KEEPINTVL                               = 0x5
+	TCP_LINGER2                                 = 0x8
+	TCP_MAXSEG                                  = 0x2
+	TCP_MAXWIN                                  = 0xffff
+	TCP_MAX_WINSHIFT                            = 0xe
+	TCP_MD5SIG                                  = 0xe
+	TCP_MD5SIG_EXT                              = 0x20
+	TCP_MD5SIG_FLAG_PREFIX                      = 0x1
+	TCP_MD5SIG_MAXKEYLEN                        = 0x50
+	TCP_MSS                                     = 0x200
+	TCP_MSS_DEFAULT                             = 0x218
+	TCP_MSS_DESIRED                             = 0x4c4
+	TCP_NODELAY                                 = 0x1
+	TCP_NOTSENT_LOWAT                           = 0x19
+	TCP_QUEUE_SEQ                               = 0x15
+	TCP_QUICKACK                                = 0xc
+	TCP_REPAIR                                  = 0x13
+	TCP_REPAIR_OFF                              = 0x0
+	TCP_REPAIR_OFF_NO_WP                        = -0x1
+	TCP_REPAIR_ON                               = 0x1
+	TCP_REPAIR_OPTIONS                          = 0x16
+	TCP_REPAIR_QUEUE                            = 0x14
+	TCP_REPAIR_WINDOW                           = 0x1d
+	TCP_SAVED_SYN                               = 0x1c
+	TCP_SAVE_SYN                                = 0x1b
+	TCP_SYNCNT                                  = 0x7
+	TCP_S_DATA_IN                               = 0x4
+	TCP_S_DATA_OUT                              = 0x8
+	TCP_THIN_DUPACK                             = 0x11
+	TCP_THIN_LINEAR_TIMEOUTS                    = 0x10
+	TCP_TIMESTAMP                               = 0x18
+	TCP_ULP                                     = 0x1f
+	TCP_USER_TIMEOUT                            = 0x12
+	TCP_WINDOW_CLAMP                            = 0xa
+	TCP_ZEROCOPY_RECEIVE                        = 0x23
+	TCSAFLUSH                                   = 0x2
+	TCSBRK                                      = 0x2000741d
+	TCSBRKP                                     = 0x5425
+	TCSETA                                      = 0x80147418
+	TCSETAF                                     = 0x8014741c
+	TCSETAW                                     = 0x80147419
+	TCSETS                                      = 0x802c7414
+	TCSETSF                                     = 0x802c7416
+	TCSETSW                                     = 0x802c7415
+	TCXONC                                      = 0x2000741e
+	TIMER_ABSTIME                               = 0x1
+	TIOCCBRK                                    = 0x5428
+	TIOCCONS                                    = 0x541d
+	TIOCEXCL                                    = 0x540c
+	TIOCGDEV                                    = 0x40045432
+	TIOCGETC                                    = 0x40067412
+	TIOCGETD                                    = 0x5424
+	TIOCGETP                                    = 0x40067408
+	TIOCGEXCL                                   = 0x40045440
+	TIOCGICOUNT                                 = 0x545d
+	TIOCGISO7816                                = 0x40285442
+	TIOCGLCKTRMIOS                              = 0x5456
+	TIOCGLTC                                    = 0x40067474
+	TIOCGPGRP                                   = 0x40047477
+	TIOCGPKT                                    = 0x40045438
+	TIOCGPTLCK                                  = 0x40045439
+	TIOCGPTN                                    = 0x40045430
+	TIOCGPTPEER                                 = 0x20005441
+	TIOCGRS485                                  = 0x542e
+	TIOCGSERIAL                                 = 0x541e
+	TIOCGSID                                    = 0x5429
+	TIOCGSOFTCAR                                = 0x5419
+	TIOCGWINSZ                                  = 0x40087468
+	TIOCINQ                                     = 0x4004667f
+	TIOCLINUX                                   = 0x541c
+	TIOCMBIC                                    = 0x5417
+	TIOCMBIS                                    = 0x5416
+	TIOCMGET                                    = 0x5415
+	TIOCMIWAIT                                  = 0x545c
+	TIOCMSET                                    = 0x5418
+	TIOCM_CAR                                   = 0x40
+	TIOCM_CD                                    = 0x40
+	TIOCM_CTS                                   = 0x20
+	TIOCM_DSR                                   = 0x100
+	TIOCM_DTR                                   = 0x2
+	TIOCM_LE                                    = 0x1
+	TIOCM_LOOP                                  = 0x8000
+	TIOCM_OUT1                                  = 0x2000
+	TIOCM_OUT2                                  = 0x4000
+	TIOCM_RI                                    = 0x80
+	TIOCM_RNG                                   = 0x80
+	TIOCM_RTS                                   = 0x4
+	TIOCM_SR                                    = 0x10
+	TIOCM_ST                                    = 0x8
+	TIOCNOTTY                                   = 0x5422
+	TIOCNXCL                                    = 0x540d
+	TIOCOUTQ                                    = 0x40047473
+	TIOCPKT                                     = 0x5420
+	TIOCPKT_DATA                                = 0x0
+	TIOCPKT_DOSTOP                              = 0x20
+	TIOCPKT_FLUSHREAD                           = 0x1
+	TIOCPKT_FLUSHWRITE                          = 0x2
+	TIOCPKT_IOCTL                               = 0x40
+	TIOCPKT_NOSTOP                              = 0x10
+	TIOCPKT_START                               = 0x8
+	TIOCPKT_STOP                                = 0x4
+	TIOCSBRK                                    = 0x5427
+	TIOCSCTTY                                   = 0x540e
+	TIOCSERCONFIG                               = 0x5453
+	TIOCSERGETLSR                               = 0x5459
+	TIOCSERGETMULTI                             = 0x545a
+	TIOCSERGSTRUCT                              = 0x5458
+	TIOCSERGWILD                                = 0x5454
+	TIOCSERSETMULTI                             = 0x545b
+	TIOCSERSWILD                                = 0x5455
+	TIOCSER_TEMT                                = 0x1
+	TIOCSETC                                    = 0x80067411
+	TIOCSETD                                    = 0x5423
+	TIOCSETN                                    = 0x8006740a
+	TIOCSETP                                    = 0x80067409
+	TIOCSIG                                     = 0x80045436
+	TIOCSISO7816                                = 0xc0285443
+	TIOCSLCKTRMIOS                              = 0x5457
+	TIOCSLTC                                    = 0x80067475
+	TIOCSPGRP                                   = 0x80047476
+	TIOCSPTLCK                                  = 0x80045431
+	TIOCSRS485                                  = 0x542f
+	TIOCSSERIAL                                 = 0x541f
+	TIOCSSOFTCAR                                = 0x541a
+	TIOCSTART                                   = 0x2000746e
+	TIOCSTI                                     = 0x5412
+	TIOCSTOP                                    = 0x2000746f
+	TIOCSWINSZ                                  = 0x80087467
+	TIOCVHANGUP                                 = 0x5437
+	TIPC_ADDR_ID                                = 0x3
+	TIPC_ADDR_MCAST                             = 0x1
+	TIPC_ADDR_NAME                              = 0x2
+	TIPC_ADDR_NAMESEQ                           = 0x1
+	TIPC_CFG_SRV                                = 0x0
+	TIPC_CLUSTER_BITS                           = 0xc
+	TIPC_CLUSTER_MASK                           = 0xfff000
+	TIPC_CLUSTER_OFFSET                         = 0xc
+	TIPC_CLUSTER_SIZE                           = 0xfff
+	TIPC_CONN_SHUTDOWN                          = 0x5
+	TIPC_CONN_TIMEOUT                           = 0x82
+	TIPC_CRITICAL_IMPORTANCE                    = 0x3
+	TIPC_DESTNAME                               = 0x3
+	TIPC_DEST_DROPPABLE                         = 0x81
+	TIPC_ERRINFO                                = 0x1
+	TIPC_ERR_NO_NAME                            = 0x1
+	TIPC_ERR_NO_NODE                            = 0x3
+	TIPC_ERR_NO_PORT                            = 0x2
+	TIPC_ERR_OVERLOAD                           = 0x4
+	TIPC_GROUP_JOIN                             = 0x87
+	TIPC_GROUP_LEAVE                            = 0x88
+	TIPC_GROUP_LOOPBACK                         = 0x1
+	TIPC_GROUP_MEMBER_EVTS                      = 0x2
+	TIPC_HIGH_IMPORTANCE                        = 0x2
+	TIPC_IMPORTANCE                             = 0x7f
+	TIPC_LINK_STATE                             = 0x2
+	TIPC_LOW_IMPORTANCE                         = 0x0
+	TIPC_MAX_BEARER_NAME                        = 0x20
+	TIPC_MAX_IF_NAME                            = 0x10
+	TIPC_MAX_LINK_NAME                          = 0x44
+	TIPC_MAX_MEDIA_NAME                         = 0x10
+	TIPC_MAX_USER_MSG_SIZE                      = 0x101d0
+	TIPC_MCAST_BROADCAST                        = 0x85
+	TIPC_MCAST_REPLICAST                        = 0x86
+	TIPC_MEDIUM_IMPORTANCE                      = 0x1
+	TIPC_NODEID_LEN                             = 0x10
+	TIPC_NODE_BITS                              = 0xc
+	TIPC_NODE_MASK                              = 0xfff
+	TIPC_NODE_OFFSET                            = 0x0
+	TIPC_NODE_RECVQ_DEPTH                       = 0x83
+	TIPC_NODE_SIZE                              = 0xfff
+	TIPC_NODE_STATE                             = 0x0
+	TIPC_OK                                     = 0x0
+	TIPC_PUBLISHED                              = 0x1
+	TIPC_RESERVED_TYPES                         = 0x40
+	TIPC_RETDATA                                = 0x2
+	TIPC_SERVICE_ADDR                           = 0x2
+	TIPC_SERVICE_RANGE                          = 0x1
+	TIPC_SOCKET_ADDR                            = 0x3
+	TIPC_SOCK_RECVQ_DEPTH                       = 0x84
+	TIPC_SOCK_RECVQ_USED                        = 0x89
+	TIPC_SRC_DROPPABLE                          = 0x80
+	TIPC_SUBSCR_TIMEOUT                         = 0x3
+	TIPC_SUB_CANCEL                             = 0x4
+	TIPC_SUB_PORTS                              = 0x1
+	TIPC_SUB_SERVICE                            = 0x2
+	TIPC_TOP_SRV                                = 0x1
+	TIPC_WAIT_FOREVER                           = 0xffffffff
+	TIPC_WITHDRAWN                              = 0x2
+	TIPC_ZONE_BITS                              = 0x8
+	TIPC_ZONE_CLUSTER_MASK                      = 0xfffff000
+	TIPC_ZONE_MASK                              = 0xff000000
+	TIPC_ZONE_OFFSET                            = 0x18
+	TIPC_ZONE_SCOPE                             = 0x1
+	TIPC_ZONE_SIZE                              = 0xff
+	TMPFS_MAGIC                                 = 0x1021994
+	TOSTOP                                      = 0x400000
+	TPACKET_ALIGNMENT                           = 0x10
+	TPACKET_HDRLEN                              = 0x34
+	TP_STATUS_AVAILABLE                         = 0x0
+	TP_STATUS_BLK_TMO                           = 0x20
+	TP_STATUS_COPY                              = 0x2
+	TP_STATUS_CSUMNOTREADY                      = 0x8
+	TP_STATUS_CSUM_VALID                        = 0x80
+	TP_STATUS_KERNEL                            = 0x0
+	TP_STATUS_LOSING                            = 0x4
+	TP_STATUS_SENDING                           = 0x2
+	TP_STATUS_SEND_REQUEST                      = 0x1
+	TP_STATUS_TS_RAW_HARDWARE                   = 0x80000000
+	TP_STATUS_TS_SOFTWARE                       = 0x20000000
+	TP_STATUS_TS_SYS_HARDWARE                   = 0x40000000
+	TP_STATUS_USER                              = 0x1
+	TP_STATUS_VLAN_TPID_VALID                   = 0x40
+	TP_STATUS_VLAN_VALID                        = 0x10
+	TP_STATUS_WRONG_FORMAT                      = 0x4
+	TRACEFS_MAGIC                               = 0x74726163
+	TS_COMM_LEN                                 = 0x20
+	TUNATTACHFILTER                             = 0x801054d5
+	TUNDETACHFILTER                             = 0x801054d6
+	TUNGETDEVNETNS                              = 0x200054e3
+	TUNGETFEATURES                              = 0x400454cf
+	TUNGETFILTER                                = 0x401054db
+	TUNGETIFF                                   = 0x400454d2
+	TUNGETSNDBUF                                = 0x400454d3
+	TUNGETVNETBE                                = 0x400454df
+	TUNGETVNETHDRSZ                             = 0x400454d7
+	TUNGETVNETLE                                = 0x400454dd
+	TUNSETCARRIER                               = 0x800454e2
+	TUNSETDEBUG                                 = 0x800454c9
+	TUNSETFILTEREBPF                            = 0x400454e1
+	TUNSETGROUP                                 = 0x800454ce
+	TUNSETIFF                                   = 0x800454ca
+	TUNSETIFINDEX                               = 0x800454da
+	TUNSETLINK                                  = 0x800454cd
+	TUNSETNOCSUM                                = 0x800454c8
+	TUNSETOFFLOAD                               = 0x800454d0
+	TUNSETOWNER                                 = 0x800454cc
+	TUNSETPERSIST                               = 0x800454cb
+	TUNSETQUEUE                                 = 0x800454d9
+	TUNSETSNDBUF                                = 0x800454d4
+	TUNSETSTEERINGEBPF                          = 0x400454e0
+	TUNSETTXFILTER                              = 0x800454d1
+	TUNSETVNETBE                                = 0x800454de
+	TUNSETVNETHDRSZ                             = 0x800454d8
+	TUNSETVNETLE                                = 0x800454dc
+	UBI_IOCATT                                  = 0x80186f40
+	UBI_IOCDET                                  = 0x80046f41
+	UBI_IOCEBCH                                 = 0x80044f02
+	UBI_IOCEBER                                 = 0x80044f01
+	UBI_IOCEBISMAP                              = 0x40044f05
+	UBI_IOCEBMAP                                = 0x80084f03
+	UBI_IOCEBUNMAP                              = 0x80044f04
+	UBI_IOCMKVOL                                = 0x80986f00
+	UBI_IOCRMVOL                                = 0x80046f01
+	UBI_IOCRNVOL                                = 0x91106f03
+	UBI_IOCRPEB                                 = 0x80046f04
+	UBI_IOCRSVOL                                = 0x800c6f02
+	UBI_IOCSETVOLPROP                           = 0x80104f06
+	UBI_IOCSPEB                                 = 0x80046f05
+	UBI_IOCVOLCRBLK                             = 0x80804f07
+	UBI_IOCVOLRMBLK                             = 0x20004f08
+	UBI_IOCVOLUP                                = 0x80084f00
+	UDF_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x15013346
+	UMOUNT_NOFOLLOW                             = 0x8
+	USBDEVICE_SUPER_MAGIC                       = 0x9fa2
+	UTIME_NOW                                   = 0x3fffffff
+	UTIME_OMIT                                  = 0x3ffffffe
+	V9FS_MAGIC                                  = 0x1021997
+	VDISCARD                                    = 0x10
+	VEOF                                        = 0x4
+	VEOL                                        = 0x6
+	VEOL2                                       = 0x8
+	VERASE                                      = 0x2
+	VINTR                                       = 0x0
+	VKILL                                       = 0x3
+	VLNEXT                                      = 0xf
+	VMADDR_CID_ANY                              = 0xffffffff
+	VMADDR_CID_HOST                             = 0x2
+	VMADDR_CID_HYPERVISOR                       = 0x0
+	VMADDR_CID_RESERVED                         = 0x1
+	VMADDR_PORT_ANY                             = 0xffffffff
+	VMIN                                        = 0x5
+	VM_SOCKETS_INVALID_VERSION                  = 0xffffffff
+	VQUIT                                       = 0x1
+	VREPRINT                                    = 0xb
+	VSTART                                      = 0xd
+	VSTOP                                       = 0xe
+	VSUSP                                       = 0xc
+	VSWTC                                       = 0x9
+	VT0                                         = 0x0
+	VT1                                         = 0x10000
+	VTDLY                                       = 0x10000
+	VTIME                                       = 0x7
+	VWERASE                                     = 0xa
+	WALL                                        = 0x40000000
+	WCLONE                                      = 0x80000000
+	WCONTINUED                                  = 0x8
+	WDIOC_GETBOOTSTATUS                         = 0x40045702
+	WDIOC_GETPRETIMEOUT                         = 0x40045709
+	WDIOC_GETSTATUS                             = 0x40045701
+	WDIOC_GETSUPPORT                            = 0x40285700
+	WDIOC_GETTEMP                               = 0x40045703
+	WDIOC_GETTIMELEFT                           = 0x4004570a
+	WDIOC_GETTIMEOUT                            = 0x40045707
+	WDIOC_KEEPALIVE                             = 0x40045705
+	WDIOC_SETOPTIONS                            = 0x40045704
+	WDIOC_SETPRETIMEOUT                         = 0xc0045708
+	WDIOC_SETTIMEOUT                            = 0xc0045706
+	WEXITED                                     = 0x4
+	WIN_ACKMEDIACHANGE                          = 0xdb
+	WIN_CHECKPOWERMODE1                         = 0xe5
+	WIN_CHECKPOWERMODE2                         = 0x98
+	WIN_DEVICE_RESET                            = 0x8
+	WIN_DIAGNOSE                                = 0x90
+	WIN_DOORLOCK                                = 0xde
+	WIN_DOORUNLOCK                              = 0xdf
+	WIN_DOWNLOAD_MICROCODE                      = 0x92
+	WIN_FLUSH_CACHE                             = 0xe7
+	WIN_FLUSH_CACHE_EXT                         = 0xea
+	WIN_FORMAT                                  = 0x50
+	WIN_GETMEDIASTATUS                          = 0xda
+	WIN_IDENTIFY                                = 0xec
+	WIN_IDENTIFY_DMA                            = 0xee
+	WIN_IDLEIMMEDIATE                           = 0xe1
+	WIN_INIT                                    = 0x60
+	WIN_MEDIAEJECT                              = 0xed
+	WIN_MULTREAD                                = 0xc4
+	WIN_MULTREAD_EXT                            = 0x29
+	WIN_MULTWRITE                               = 0xc5
+	WIN_MULTWRITE_EXT                           = 0x39
+	WIN_NOP                                     = 0x0
+	WIN_PACKETCMD                               = 0xa0
+	WIN_PIDENTIFY                               = 0xa1
+	WIN_POSTBOOT                                = 0xdc
+	WIN_PREBOOT                                 = 0xdd
+	WIN_QUEUED_SERVICE                          = 0xa2
+	WIN_READ                                    = 0x20
+	WIN_READDMA                                 = 0xc8
+	WIN_READDMA_EXT                             = 0x25
+	WIN_READDMA_ONCE                            = 0xc9
+	WIN_READDMA_QUEUED                          = 0xc7
+	WIN_READDMA_QUEUED_EXT                      = 0x26
+	WIN_READ_BUFFER                             = 0xe4
+	WIN_READ_EXT                                = 0x24
+	WIN_READ_LONG                               = 0x22
+	WIN_READ_LONG_ONCE                          = 0x23
+	WIN_READ_NATIVE_MAX                         = 0xf8
+	WIN_READ_NATIVE_MAX_EXT                     = 0x27
+	WIN_READ_ONCE                               = 0x21
+	WIN_RECAL                                   = 0x10
+	WIN_RESTORE                                 = 0x10
+	WIN_SECURITY_DISABLE                        = 0xf6
+	WIN_SECURITY_ERASE_PREPARE                  = 0xf3
+	WIN_SECURITY_ERASE_UNIT                     = 0xf4
+	WIN_SECURITY_FREEZE_LOCK                    = 0xf5
+	WIN_SECURITY_SET_PASS                       = 0xf1
+	WIN_SECURITY_UNLOCK                         = 0xf2
+	WIN_SEEK                                    = 0x70
+	WIN_SETFEATURES                             = 0xef
+	WIN_SETIDLE1                                = 0xe3
+	WIN_SETIDLE2                                = 0x97
+	WIN_SETMULT                                 = 0xc6
+	WIN_SET_MAX                                 = 0xf9
+	WIN_SET_MAX_EXT                             = 0x37
+	WIN_SLEEPNOW1                               = 0xe6
+	WIN_SLEEPNOW2                               = 0x99
+	WIN_SMART                                   = 0xb0
+	WIN_SPECIFY                                 = 0x91
+	WIN_SRST                                    = 0x8
+	WIN_STANDBY                                 = 0xe2
+	WIN_STANDBY2                                = 0x96
+	WIN_STANDBYNOW1                             = 0xe0
+	WIN_STANDBYNOW2                             = 0x94
+	WIN_VERIFY                                  = 0x40
+	WIN_VERIFY_EXT                              = 0x42
+	WIN_VERIFY_ONCE                             = 0x41
+	WIN_WRITE                                   = 0x30
+	WIN_WRITEDMA                                = 0xca
+	WIN_WRITEDMA_EXT                            = 0x35
+	WIN_WRITEDMA_ONCE                           = 0xcb
+	WIN_WRITEDMA_QUEUED                         = 0xcc
+	WIN_WRITEDMA_QUEUED_EXT                     = 0x36
+	WIN_WRITE_BUFFER                            = 0xe8
+	WIN_WRITE_EXT                               = 0x34
+	WIN_WRITE_LONG                              = 0x32
+	WIN_WRITE_LONG_ONCE                         = 0x33
+	WIN_WRITE_ONCE                              = 0x31
+	WIN_WRITE_SAME                              = 0xe9
+	WIN_WRITE_VERIFY                            = 0x3c
+	WNOHANG                                     = 0x1
+	WNOTHREAD                                   = 0x20000000
+	WNOWAIT                                     = 0x1000000
+	WORDSIZE                                    = 0x40
+	WSTOPPED                                    = 0x2
+	WUNTRACED                                   = 0x2
+	XATTR_CREATE                                = 0x1
+	XATTR_REPLACE                               = 0x2
+	XCASE                                       = 0x4000
+	XDP_COPY                                    = 0x2
+	XDP_FLAGS_DRV_MODE                          = 0x4
+	XDP_FLAGS_HW_MODE                           = 0x8
+	XDP_FLAGS_MASK                              = 0xf
+	XDP_FLAGS_MODES                             = 0xe
+	XDP_FLAGS_SKB_MODE                          = 0x2
+	XDP_FLAGS_UPDATE_IF_NOEXIST                 = 0x1
+	XDP_MMAP_OFFSETS                            = 0x1
+	XDP_OPTIONS                                 = 0x8
+	XDP_OPTIONS_ZEROCOPY                        = 0x1
+	XDP_PACKET_HEADROOM                         = 0x100
+	XDP_PGOFF_RX_RING                           = 0x0
+	XDP_PGOFF_TX_RING                           = 0x80000000
+	XDP_RING_NEED_WAKEUP                        = 0x1
+	XDP_RX_RING                                 = 0x2
+	XDP_SHARED_UMEM                             = 0x1
+	XDP_STATISTICS                              = 0x7
+	XDP_TX_RING                                 = 0x3
+	XDP_UMEM_COMPLETION_RING                    = 0x6
+	XDP_UMEM_FILL_RING                          = 0x5
+	XDP_UMEM_PGOFF_COMPLETION_RING              = 0x180000000
+	XDP_UMEM_PGOFF_FILL_RING                    = 0x100000000
+	XDP_UMEM_REG                                = 0x4
+	XDP_UMEM_UNALIGNED_CHUNK_FLAG               = 0x1
+	XDP_USE_NEED_WAKEUP                         = 0x8
+	XDP_ZEROCOPY                                = 0x4
+	XENFS_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0xabba1974
+	XFS_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x58465342
+	XTABS                                       = 0xc00
+	Z3FOLD_MAGIC                                = 0x33
+	ZSMALLOC_MAGIC                              = 0x58295829
 // Errors
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_ppc64le.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_ppc64le.go
index 78db210..080e2f0 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_ppc64le.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_ppc64le.go
@@ -11,2719 +11,2875 @@ package unix
 import "syscall"
 const (
-	AAFS_MAGIC                           = 0x5a3c69f0
-	ADFS_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xadf5
-	AFFS_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xadff
-	AFS_FS_MAGIC                         = 0x6b414653
-	AFS_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x5346414f
-	AF_ALG                               = 0x26
-	AF_APPLETALK                         = 0x5
-	AF_ASH                               = 0x12
-	AF_ATMPVC                            = 0x8
-	AF_ATMSVC                            = 0x14
-	AF_AX25                              = 0x3
-	AF_BLUETOOTH                         = 0x1f
-	AF_BRIDGE                            = 0x7
-	AF_CAIF                              = 0x25
-	AF_CAN                               = 0x1d
-	AF_DECnet                            = 0xc
-	AF_ECONET                            = 0x13
-	AF_FILE                              = 0x1
-	AF_IB                                = 0x1b
-	AF_IEEE802154                        = 0x24
-	AF_INET                              = 0x2
-	AF_INET6                             = 0xa
-	AF_IPX                               = 0x4
-	AF_IRDA                              = 0x17
-	AF_ISDN                              = 0x22
-	AF_IUCV                              = 0x20
-	AF_KCM                               = 0x29
-	AF_KEY                               = 0xf
-	AF_LLC                               = 0x1a
-	AF_LOCAL                             = 0x1
-	AF_MAX                               = 0x2d
-	AF_MPLS                              = 0x1c
-	AF_NETBEUI                           = 0xd
-	AF_NETLINK                           = 0x10
-	AF_NETROM                            = 0x6
-	AF_NFC                               = 0x27
-	AF_PACKET                            = 0x11
-	AF_PHONET                            = 0x23
-	AF_PPPOX                             = 0x18
-	AF_QIPCRTR                           = 0x2a
-	AF_RDS                               = 0x15
-	AF_ROSE                              = 0xb
-	AF_ROUTE                             = 0x10
-	AF_RXRPC                             = 0x21
-	AF_SECURITY                          = 0xe
-	AF_SMC                               = 0x2b
-	AF_SNA                               = 0x16
-	AF_TIPC                              = 0x1e
-	AF_UNIX                              = 0x1
-	AF_UNSPEC                            = 0x0
-	AF_VSOCK                             = 0x28
-	AF_WANPIPE                           = 0x19
-	AF_X25                               = 0x9
-	AF_XDP                               = 0x2c
-	ALG_OP_DECRYPT                       = 0x0
-	ALG_OP_ENCRYPT                       = 0x1
-	ALG_SET_AEAD_ASSOCLEN                = 0x4
-	ALG_SET_AEAD_AUTHSIZE                = 0x5
-	ALG_SET_IV                           = 0x2
-	ALG_SET_KEY                          = 0x1
-	ALG_SET_OP                           = 0x3
-	ANON_INODE_FS_MAGIC                  = 0x9041934
-	ARPHRD_6LOWPAN                       = 0x339
-	ARPHRD_ADAPT                         = 0x108
-	ARPHRD_APPLETLK                      = 0x8
-	ARPHRD_ARCNET                        = 0x7
-	ARPHRD_ASH                           = 0x30d
-	ARPHRD_ATM                           = 0x13
-	ARPHRD_AX25                          = 0x3
-	ARPHRD_BIF                           = 0x307
-	ARPHRD_CAIF                          = 0x336
-	ARPHRD_CAN                           = 0x118
-	ARPHRD_CHAOS                         = 0x5
-	ARPHRD_CISCO                         = 0x201
-	ARPHRD_CSLIP                         = 0x101
-	ARPHRD_CSLIP6                        = 0x103
-	ARPHRD_DDCMP                         = 0x205
-	ARPHRD_DLCI                          = 0xf
-	ARPHRD_ECONET                        = 0x30e
-	ARPHRD_EETHER                        = 0x2
-	ARPHRD_ETHER                         = 0x1
-	ARPHRD_EUI64                         = 0x1b
-	ARPHRD_FCAL                          = 0x311
-	ARPHRD_FCFABRIC                      = 0x313
-	ARPHRD_FCPL                          = 0x312
-	ARPHRD_FCPP                          = 0x310
-	ARPHRD_FDDI                          = 0x306
-	ARPHRD_FRAD                          = 0x302
-	ARPHRD_HDLC                          = 0x201
-	ARPHRD_HIPPI                         = 0x30c
-	ARPHRD_HWX25                         = 0x110
-	ARPHRD_IEEE1394                      = 0x18
-	ARPHRD_IEEE802                       = 0x6
-	ARPHRD_IEEE80211                     = 0x321
-	ARPHRD_IEEE80211_PRISM               = 0x322
-	ARPHRD_IEEE80211_RADIOTAP            = 0x323
-	ARPHRD_IEEE802154                    = 0x324
-	ARPHRD_IEEE802154_MONITOR            = 0x325
-	ARPHRD_IEEE802_TR                    = 0x320
-	ARPHRD_INFINIBAND                    = 0x20
-	ARPHRD_IP6GRE                        = 0x337
-	ARPHRD_IPDDP                         = 0x309
-	ARPHRD_IPGRE                         = 0x30a
-	ARPHRD_IRDA                          = 0x30f
-	ARPHRD_LAPB                          = 0x204
-	ARPHRD_LOCALTLK                      = 0x305
-	ARPHRD_LOOPBACK                      = 0x304
-	ARPHRD_METRICOM                      = 0x17
-	ARPHRD_NETLINK                       = 0x338
-	ARPHRD_NETROM                        = 0x0
-	ARPHRD_NONE                          = 0xfffe
-	ARPHRD_PHONET                        = 0x334
-	ARPHRD_PHONET_PIPE                   = 0x335
-	ARPHRD_PIMREG                        = 0x30b
-	ARPHRD_PPP                           = 0x200
-	ARPHRD_PRONET                        = 0x4
-	ARPHRD_RAWHDLC                       = 0x206
-	ARPHRD_RAWIP                         = 0x207
-	ARPHRD_ROSE                          = 0x10e
-	ARPHRD_RSRVD                         = 0x104
-	ARPHRD_SIT                           = 0x308
-	ARPHRD_SKIP                          = 0x303
-	ARPHRD_SLIP                          = 0x100
-	ARPHRD_SLIP6                         = 0x102
-	ARPHRD_TUNNEL                        = 0x300
-	ARPHRD_TUNNEL6                       = 0x301
-	ARPHRD_VOID                          = 0xffff
-	ARPHRD_VSOCKMON                      = 0x33a
-	ARPHRD_X25                           = 0x10f
-	AUTOFS_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0x187
-	B0                                   = 0x0
-	B1000000                             = 0x17
-	B110                                 = 0x3
-	B115200                              = 0x11
-	B1152000                             = 0x18
-	B1200                                = 0x9
-	B134                                 = 0x4
-	B150                                 = 0x5
-	B1500000                             = 0x19
-	B1800                                = 0xa
-	B19200                               = 0xe
-	B200                                 = 0x6
-	B2000000                             = 0x1a
-	B230400                              = 0x12
-	B2400                                = 0xb
-	B2500000                             = 0x1b
-	B300                                 = 0x7
-	B3000000                             = 0x1c
-	B3500000                             = 0x1d
-	B38400                               = 0xf
-	B4000000                             = 0x1e
-	B460800                              = 0x13
-	B4800                                = 0xc
-	B50                                  = 0x1
-	B500000                              = 0x14
-	B57600                               = 0x10
-	B576000                              = 0x15
-	B600                                 = 0x8
-	B75                                  = 0x2
-	B921600                              = 0x16
-	B9600                                = 0xd
-	BALLOON_KVM_MAGIC                    = 0x13661366
-	BDEVFS_MAGIC                         = 0x62646576
-	BINDERFS_SUPER_MAGIC                 = 0x6c6f6f70
-	BINFMTFS_MAGIC                       = 0x42494e4d
-	BLKBSZGET                            = 0x40081270
-	BLKBSZSET                            = 0x80081271
-	BLKFLSBUF                            = 0x20001261
-	BLKFRAGET                            = 0x20001265
-	BLKFRASET                            = 0x20001264
-	BLKGETSIZE                           = 0x20001260
-	BLKGETSIZE64                         = 0x40081272
-	BLKPBSZGET                           = 0x2000127b
-	BLKRAGET                             = 0x20001263
-	BLKRASET                             = 0x20001262
-	BLKROGET                             = 0x2000125e
-	BLKROSET                             = 0x2000125d
-	BLKRRPART                            = 0x2000125f
-	BLKSECTGET                           = 0x20001267
-	BLKSECTSET                           = 0x20001266
-	BLKSSZGET                            = 0x20001268
-	BOTHER                               = 0x1f
-	BPF_A                                = 0x10
-	BPF_ABS                              = 0x20
-	BPF_ADD                              = 0x0
-	BPF_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L2_MASK           = 0xff
-	BPF_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L2_SHIFT          = 0x38
-	BPF_ALU                              = 0x4
-	BPF_ALU64                            = 0x7
-	BPF_AND                              = 0x50
-	BPF_ANY                              = 0x0
-	BPF_ARSH                             = 0xc0
-	BPF_B                                = 0x10
-	BPF_BUILD_ID_SIZE                    = 0x14
-	BPF_CALL                             = 0x80
-	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_MKNOD                  = 0x1
-	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_READ                   = 0x2
-	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_WRITE                  = 0x4
-	BPF_DEVCG_DEV_BLOCK                  = 0x1
-	BPF_DEVCG_DEV_CHAR                   = 0x2
-	BPF_DIV                              = 0x30
-	BPF_DW                               = 0x18
-	BPF_END                              = 0xd0
-	BPF_EXIST                            = 0x2
-	BPF_EXIT                             = 0x90
-	BPF_FROM_BE                          = 0x8
-	BPF_FROM_LE                          = 0x0
-	BPF_FS_MAGIC                         = 0xcafe4a11
-	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L3_IPV4         = 0x2
-	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L3_IPV6         = 0x4
-	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L4_GRE          = 0x8
-	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L4_UDP          = 0x10
-	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_FIXED_GSO             = 0x1
-	BPF_F_ALLOW_MULTI                    = 0x2
-	BPF_F_ALLOW_OVERRIDE                 = 0x1
-	BPF_F_ANY_ALIGNMENT                  = 0x2
-	BPF_F_CTXLEN_MASK                    = 0xfffff00000000
-	BPF_F_CURRENT_CPU                    = 0xffffffff
-	BPF_F_CURRENT_NETNS                  = -0x1
-	BPF_F_DONT_FRAGMENT                  = 0x4
-	BPF_F_FAST_STACK_CMP                 = 0x200
-	BPF_F_HDR_FIELD_MASK                 = 0xf
-	BPF_F_INDEX_MASK                     = 0xffffffff
-	BPF_F_INGRESS                        = 0x1
-	BPF_F_INVALIDATE_HASH                = 0x2
-	BPF_F_LOCK                           = 0x4
-	BPF_F_MARK_ENFORCE                   = 0x40
-	BPF_F_MARK_MANGLED_0                 = 0x20
-	BPF_F_NO_COMMON_LRU                  = 0x2
-	BPF_F_NO_PREALLOC                    = 0x1
-	BPF_F_NUMA_NODE                      = 0x4
-	BPF_F_PSEUDO_HDR                     = 0x10
-	BPF_F_QUERY_EFFECTIVE                = 0x1
-	BPF_F_RDONLY                         = 0x8
-	BPF_F_RDONLY_PROG                    = 0x80
-	BPF_F_RECOMPUTE_CSUM                 = 0x1
-	BPF_F_REUSE_STACKID                  = 0x400
-	BPF_F_SEQ_NUMBER                     = 0x8
-	BPF_F_SKIP_FIELD_MASK                = 0xff
-	BPF_F_STACK_BUILD_ID                 = 0x20
-	BPF_F_STRICT_ALIGNMENT               = 0x1
-	BPF_F_SYSCTL_BASE_NAME               = 0x1
-	BPF_F_TUNINFO_IPV6                   = 0x1
-	BPF_F_USER_BUILD_ID                  = 0x800
-	BPF_F_USER_STACK                     = 0x100
-	BPF_F_WRONLY                         = 0x10
-	BPF_F_WRONLY_PROG                    = 0x100
-	BPF_F_ZERO_CSUM_TX                   = 0x2
-	BPF_F_ZERO_SEED                      = 0x40
-	BPF_H                                = 0x8
-	BPF_IMM                              = 0x0
-	BPF_IND                              = 0x40
-	BPF_JA                               = 0x0
-	BPF_JEQ                              = 0x10
-	BPF_JGE                              = 0x30
-	BPF_JGT                              = 0x20
-	BPF_JLE                              = 0xb0
-	BPF_JLT                              = 0xa0
-	BPF_JMP                              = 0x5
-	BPF_JMP32                            = 0x6
-	BPF_JNE                              = 0x50
-	BPF_JSET                             = 0x40
-	BPF_JSGE                             = 0x70
-	BPF_JSGT                             = 0x60
-	BPF_JSLE                             = 0xd0
-	BPF_JSLT                             = 0xc0
-	BPF_K                                = 0x0
-	BPF_LD                               = 0x0
-	BPF_LDX                              = 0x1
-	BPF_LEN                              = 0x80
-	BPF_LL_OFF                           = -0x200000
-	BPF_LSH                              = 0x60
-	BPF_MAJOR_VERSION                    = 0x1
-	BPF_MAXINSNS                         = 0x1000
-	BPF_MEM                              = 0x60
-	BPF_MEMWORDS                         = 0x10
-	BPF_MINOR_VERSION                    = 0x1
-	BPF_MISC                             = 0x7
-	BPF_MOD                              = 0x90
-	BPF_MOV                              = 0xb0
-	BPF_MSH                              = 0xa0
-	BPF_MUL                              = 0x20
-	BPF_NEG                              = 0x80
-	BPF_NET_OFF                          = -0x100000
-	BPF_NOEXIST                          = 0x1
-	BPF_OBJ_NAME_LEN                     = 0x10
-	BPF_OR                               = 0x40
-	BPF_PSEUDO_CALL                      = 0x1
-	BPF_PSEUDO_MAP_FD                    = 0x1
-	BPF_PSEUDO_MAP_VALUE                 = 0x2
-	BPF_RET                              = 0x6
-	BPF_RSH                              = 0x70
-	BPF_SK_STORAGE_GET_F_CREATE          = 0x1
-	BPF_SOCK_OPS_ALL_CB_FLAGS            = 0x7
-	BPF_SOCK_OPS_RTO_CB_FLAG             = 0x1
-	BPF_SOCK_OPS_STATE_CB_FLAG           = 0x4
-	BPF_ST                               = 0x2
-	BPF_STX                              = 0x3
-	BPF_SUB                              = 0x10
-	BPF_TAG_SIZE                         = 0x8
-	BPF_TAX                              = 0x0
-	BPF_TO_BE                            = 0x8
-	BPF_TO_LE                            = 0x0
-	BPF_TXA                              = 0x80
-	BPF_W                                = 0x0
-	BPF_X                                = 0x8
-	BPF_XADD                             = 0xc0
-	BPF_XOR                              = 0xa0
-	BRKINT                               = 0x2
-	BS0                                  = 0x0
-	BS1                                  = 0x8000
-	BSDLY                                = 0x8000
-	BTRFS_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x9123683e
-	BTRFS_TEST_MAGIC                     = 0x73727279
-	CAN_BCM                              = 0x2
-	CAN_EFF_FLAG                         = 0x80000000
-	CAN_EFF_ID_BITS                      = 0x1d
-	CAN_EFF_MASK                         = 0x1fffffff
-	CAN_ERR_FLAG                         = 0x20000000
-	CAN_ERR_MASK                         = 0x1fffffff
-	CAN_INV_FILTER                       = 0x20000000
-	CAN_ISOTP                            = 0x6
-	CAN_MAX_DLC                          = 0x8
-	CAN_MAX_DLEN                         = 0x8
-	CAN_MCNET                            = 0x5
-	CAN_MTU                              = 0x10
-	CAN_NPROTO                           = 0x7
-	CAN_RAW                              = 0x1
-	CAN_RAW_FILTER_MAX                   = 0x200
-	CAN_RTR_FLAG                         = 0x40000000
-	CAN_SFF_ID_BITS                      = 0xb
-	CAN_SFF_MASK                         = 0x7ff
-	CAN_TP16                             = 0x3
-	CAN_TP20                             = 0x4
-	CAP_AUDIT_CONTROL                    = 0x1e
-	CAP_AUDIT_READ                       = 0x25
-	CAP_AUDIT_WRITE                      = 0x1d
-	CAP_BLOCK_SUSPEND                    = 0x24
-	CAP_CHOWN                            = 0x0
-	CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE                     = 0x1
-	CAP_DAC_READ_SEARCH                  = 0x2
-	CAP_FOWNER                           = 0x3
-	CAP_FSETID                           = 0x4
-	CAP_IPC_LOCK                         = 0xe
-	CAP_IPC_OWNER                        = 0xf
-	CAP_KILL                             = 0x5
-	CAP_LAST_CAP                         = 0x25
-	CAP_LEASE                            = 0x1c
-	CAP_LINUX_IMMUTABLE                  = 0x9
-	CAP_MAC_ADMIN                        = 0x21
-	CAP_MAC_OVERRIDE                     = 0x20
-	CAP_MKNOD                            = 0x1b
-	CAP_NET_ADMIN                        = 0xc
-	CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE                 = 0xa
-	CAP_NET_BROADCAST                    = 0xb
-	CAP_NET_RAW                          = 0xd
-	CAP_SETFCAP                          = 0x1f
-	CAP_SETGID                           = 0x6
-	CAP_SETPCAP                          = 0x8
-	CAP_SETUID                           = 0x7
-	CAP_SYSLOG                           = 0x22
-	CAP_SYS_ADMIN                        = 0x15
-	CAP_SYS_BOOT                         = 0x16
-	CAP_SYS_CHROOT                       = 0x12
-	CAP_SYS_MODULE                       = 0x10
-	CAP_SYS_NICE                         = 0x17
-	CAP_SYS_PACCT                        = 0x14
-	CAP_SYS_PTRACE                       = 0x13
-	CAP_SYS_RAWIO                        = 0x11
-	CAP_SYS_RESOURCE                     = 0x18
-	CAP_SYS_TIME                         = 0x19
-	CAP_SYS_TTY_CONFIG                   = 0x1a
-	CAP_WAKE_ALARM                       = 0x23
-	CBAUD                                = 0xff
-	CBAUDEX                              = 0x0
-	CFLUSH                               = 0xf
-	CGROUP2_SUPER_MAGIC                  = 0x63677270
-	CGROUP_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0x27e0eb
-	CIBAUD                               = 0xff0000
-	CLOCAL                               = 0x8000
-	CLOCK_BOOTTIME                       = 0x7
-	CLOCK_BOOTTIME_ALARM                 = 0x9
-	CLOCK_DEFAULT                        = 0x0
-	CLOCK_EXT                            = 0x1
-	CLOCK_INT                            = 0x2
-	CLOCK_MONOTONIC                      = 0x1
-	CLOCK_MONOTONIC_COARSE               = 0x6
-	CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW                  = 0x4
-	CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID             = 0x2
-	CLOCK_REALTIME                       = 0x0
-	CLOCK_REALTIME_ALARM                 = 0x8
-	CLOCK_REALTIME_COARSE                = 0x5
-	CLOCK_TAI                            = 0xb
-	CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID              = 0x3
-	CLOCK_TXFROMRX                       = 0x4
-	CLOCK_TXINT                          = 0x3
-	CLONE_CHILD_CLEARTID                 = 0x200000
-	CLONE_CHILD_SETTID                   = 0x1000000
-	CLONE_DETACHED                       = 0x400000
-	CLONE_FILES                          = 0x400
-	CLONE_FS                             = 0x200
-	CLONE_IO                             = 0x80000000
-	CLONE_NEWCGROUP                      = 0x2000000
-	CLONE_NEWIPC                         = 0x8000000
-	CLONE_NEWNET                         = 0x40000000
-	CLONE_NEWNS                          = 0x20000
-	CLONE_NEWPID                         = 0x20000000
-	CLONE_NEWUSER                        = 0x10000000
-	CLONE_NEWUTS                         = 0x4000000
-	CLONE_PARENT                         = 0x8000
-	CLONE_PARENT_SETTID                  = 0x100000
-	CLONE_PIDFD                          = 0x1000
-	CLONE_PTRACE                         = 0x2000
-	CLONE_SETTLS                         = 0x80000
-	CLONE_SIGHAND                        = 0x800
-	CLONE_SYSVSEM                        = 0x40000
-	CLONE_THREAD                         = 0x10000
-	CLONE_UNTRACED                       = 0x800000
-	CLONE_VFORK                          = 0x4000
-	CLONE_VM                             = 0x100
-	CMSPAR                               = 0x40000000
-	CODA_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0x73757245
-	CR0                                  = 0x0
-	CR1                                  = 0x1000
-	CR2                                  = 0x2000
-	CR3                                  = 0x3000
-	CRAMFS_MAGIC                         = 0x28cd3d45
-	CRDLY                                = 0x3000
-	CREAD                                = 0x800
-	CRTSCTS                              = 0x80000000
-	CRYPTO_MAX_NAME                      = 0x40
-	CRYPTO_MSG_MAX                       = 0x15
-	CRYPTO_NR_MSGTYPES                   = 0x6
-	CRYPTO_REPORT_MAXSIZE                = 0x160
-	CS5                                  = 0x0
-	CS6                                  = 0x100
-	CS7                                  = 0x200
-	CS8                                  = 0x300
-	CSIGNAL                              = 0xff
-	CSIZE                                = 0x300
-	CSTART                               = 0x11
-	CSTATUS                              = 0x0
-	CSTOP                                = 0x13
-	CSTOPB                               = 0x400
-	CSUSP                                = 0x1a
-	DAXFS_MAGIC                          = 0x64646178
-	DEBUGFS_MAGIC                        = 0x64626720
-	DEVPTS_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0x1cd1
-	DT_BLK                               = 0x6
-	DT_CHR                               = 0x2
-	DT_DIR                               = 0x4
-	DT_FIFO                              = 0x1
-	DT_LNK                               = 0xa
-	DT_REG                               = 0x8
-	DT_SOCK                              = 0xc
-	DT_UNKNOWN                           = 0x0
-	DT_WHT                               = 0xe
-	ECHO                                 = 0x8
-	ECHOCTL                              = 0x40
-	ECHOE                                = 0x2
-	ECHOK                                = 0x4
-	ECHOKE                               = 0x1
-	ECHONL                               = 0x10
-	ECHOPRT                              = 0x20
-	ECRYPTFS_SUPER_MAGIC                 = 0xf15f
-	EFD_CLOEXEC                          = 0x80000
-	EFD_NONBLOCK                         = 0x800
-	EFD_SEMAPHORE                        = 0x1
-	EFIVARFS_MAGIC                       = 0xde5e81e4
-	EFS_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x414a53
-	ENCODING_DEFAULT                     = 0x0
-	ENCODING_FM_MARK                     = 0x3
-	ENCODING_FM_SPACE                    = 0x4
-	ENCODING_MANCHESTER                  = 0x5
-	ENCODING_NRZ                         = 0x1
-	ENCODING_NRZI                        = 0x2
-	EPOLLERR                             = 0x8
-	EPOLLET                              = 0x80000000
-	EPOLLEXCLUSIVE                       = 0x10000000
-	EPOLLHUP                             = 0x10
-	EPOLLIN                              = 0x1
-	EPOLLMSG                             = 0x400
-	EPOLLONESHOT                         = 0x40000000
-	EPOLLOUT                             = 0x4
-	EPOLLPRI                             = 0x2
-	EPOLLRDBAND                          = 0x80
-	EPOLLRDHUP                           = 0x2000
-	EPOLLRDNORM                          = 0x40
-	EPOLLWAKEUP                          = 0x20000000
-	EPOLLWRBAND                          = 0x200
-	EPOLLWRNORM                          = 0x100
-	EPOLL_CLOEXEC                        = 0x80000
-	EPOLL_CTL_ADD                        = 0x1
-	EPOLL_CTL_DEL                        = 0x2
-	EPOLL_CTL_MOD                        = 0x3
-	ETH_P_1588                           = 0x88f7
-	ETH_P_8021AD                         = 0x88a8
-	ETH_P_8021AH                         = 0x88e7
-	ETH_P_8021Q                          = 0x8100
-	ETH_P_80221                          = 0x8917
-	ETH_P_802_2                          = 0x4
-	ETH_P_802_3                          = 0x1
-	ETH_P_802_3_MIN                      = 0x600
-	ETH_P_802_EX1                        = 0x88b5
-	ETH_P_AARP                           = 0x80f3
-	ETH_P_AF_IUCV                        = 0xfbfb
-	ETH_P_ALL                            = 0x3
-	ETH_P_AOE                            = 0x88a2
-	ETH_P_ARCNET                         = 0x1a
-	ETH_P_ARP                            = 0x806
-	ETH_P_ATALK                          = 0x809b
-	ETH_P_ATMFATE                        = 0x8884
-	ETH_P_ATMMPOA                        = 0x884c
-	ETH_P_AX25                           = 0x2
-	ETH_P_BATMAN                         = 0x4305
-	ETH_P_BPQ                            = 0x8ff
-	ETH_P_CAIF                           = 0xf7
-	ETH_P_CAN                            = 0xc
-	ETH_P_CANFD                          = 0xd
-	ETH_P_CONTROL                        = 0x16
-	ETH_P_CUST                           = 0x6006
-	ETH_P_DDCMP                          = 0x6
-	ETH_P_DEC                            = 0x6000
-	ETH_P_DIAG                           = 0x6005
-	ETH_P_DNA_DL                         = 0x6001
-	ETH_P_DNA_RC                         = 0x6002
-	ETH_P_DNA_RT                         = 0x6003
-	ETH_P_DSA                            = 0x1b
-	ETH_P_DSA_8021Q                      = 0xdadb
-	ETH_P_ECONET                         = 0x18
-	ETH_P_EDSA                           = 0xdada
-	ETH_P_ERSPAN                         = 0x88be
-	ETH_P_ERSPAN2                        = 0x22eb
-	ETH_P_FCOE                           = 0x8906
-	ETH_P_FIP                            = 0x8914
-	ETH_P_HDLC                           = 0x19
-	ETH_P_HSR                            = 0x892f
-	ETH_P_IBOE                           = 0x8915
-	ETH_P_IEEE802154                     = 0xf6
-	ETH_P_IEEEPUP                        = 0xa00
-	ETH_P_IEEEPUPAT                      = 0xa01
-	ETH_P_IFE                            = 0xed3e
-	ETH_P_IP                             = 0x800
-	ETH_P_IPV6                           = 0x86dd
-	ETH_P_IPX                            = 0x8137
-	ETH_P_IRDA                           = 0x17
-	ETH_P_LAT                            = 0x6004
-	ETH_P_LINK_CTL                       = 0x886c
-	ETH_P_LOCALTALK                      = 0x9
-	ETH_P_LOOP                           = 0x60
-	ETH_P_LOOPBACK                       = 0x9000
-	ETH_P_MACSEC                         = 0x88e5
-	ETH_P_MAP                            = 0xf9
-	ETH_P_MOBITEX                        = 0x15
-	ETH_P_MPLS_MC                        = 0x8848
-	ETH_P_MPLS_UC                        = 0x8847
-	ETH_P_MVRP                           = 0x88f5
-	ETH_P_NCSI                           = 0x88f8
-	ETH_P_NSH                            = 0x894f
-	ETH_P_PAE                            = 0x888e
-	ETH_P_PAUSE                          = 0x8808
-	ETH_P_PHONET                         = 0xf5
-	ETH_P_PPPTALK                        = 0x10
-	ETH_P_PPP_DISC                       = 0x8863
-	ETH_P_PPP_MP                         = 0x8
-	ETH_P_PPP_SES                        = 0x8864
-	ETH_P_PREAUTH                        = 0x88c7
-	ETH_P_PRP                            = 0x88fb
-	ETH_P_PUP                            = 0x200
-	ETH_P_PUPAT                          = 0x201
-	ETH_P_QINQ1                          = 0x9100
-	ETH_P_QINQ2                          = 0x9200
-	ETH_P_QINQ3                          = 0x9300
-	ETH_P_RARP                           = 0x8035
-	ETH_P_SCA                            = 0x6007
-	ETH_P_SLOW                           = 0x8809
-	ETH_P_SNAP                           = 0x5
-	ETH_P_TDLS                           = 0x890d
-	ETH_P_TEB                            = 0x6558
-	ETH_P_TIPC                           = 0x88ca
-	ETH_P_TRAILER                        = 0x1c
-	ETH_P_TR_802_2                       = 0x11
-	ETH_P_TSN                            = 0x22f0
-	ETH_P_WAN_PPP                        = 0x7
-	ETH_P_WCCP                           = 0x883e
-	ETH_P_X25                            = 0x805
-	ETH_P_XDSA                           = 0xf8
-	EXABYTE_ENABLE_NEST                  = 0xf0
-	EXT2_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xef53
-	EXT3_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xef53
-	EXT4_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xef53
-	EXTA                                 = 0xe
-	EXTB                                 = 0xf
-	EXTPROC                              = 0x10000000
-	F2FS_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xf2f52010
-	FALLOC_FL_COLLAPSE_RANGE             = 0x8
-	FALLOC_FL_INSERT_RANGE               = 0x20
-	FALLOC_FL_KEEP_SIZE                  = 0x1
-	FALLOC_FL_NO_HIDE_STALE              = 0x4
-	FALLOC_FL_PUNCH_HOLE                 = 0x2
-	FALLOC_FL_UNSHARE_RANGE              = 0x40
-	FALLOC_FL_ZERO_RANGE                 = 0x10
-	FAN_ACCESS                           = 0x1
-	FAN_ACCESS_PERM                      = 0x20000
-	FAN_ALLOW                            = 0x1
-	FAN_ALL_CLASS_BITS                   = 0xc
-	FAN_ALL_EVENTS                       = 0x3b
-	FAN_ALL_INIT_FLAGS                   = 0x3f
-	FAN_ALL_MARK_FLAGS                   = 0xff
-	FAN_ALL_OUTGOING_EVENTS              = 0x3403b
-	FAN_ALL_PERM_EVENTS                  = 0x30000
-	FAN_ATTRIB                           = 0x4
-	FAN_AUDIT                            = 0x10
-	FAN_CLASS_CONTENT                    = 0x4
-	FAN_CLASS_NOTIF                      = 0x0
-	FAN_CLASS_PRE_CONTENT                = 0x8
-	FAN_CLOEXEC                          = 0x1
-	FAN_CLOSE                            = 0x18
-	FAN_CLOSE_NOWRITE                    = 0x10
-	FAN_CLOSE_WRITE                      = 0x8
-	FAN_CREATE                           = 0x100
-	FAN_DELETE                           = 0x200
-	FAN_DELETE_SELF                      = 0x400
-	FAN_DENY                             = 0x2
-	FAN_ENABLE_AUDIT                     = 0x40
-	FAN_EVENT_INFO_TYPE_FID              = 0x1
-	FAN_EVENT_METADATA_LEN               = 0x18
-	FAN_EVENT_ON_CHILD                   = 0x8000000
-	FAN_MARK_ADD                         = 0x1
-	FAN_MARK_DONT_FOLLOW                 = 0x4
-	FAN_MARK_FILESYSTEM                  = 0x100
-	FAN_MARK_FLUSH                       = 0x80
-	FAN_MARK_IGNORED_MASK                = 0x20
-	FAN_MARK_INODE                       = 0x0
-	FAN_MARK_MOUNT                       = 0x10
-	FAN_MARK_ONLYDIR                     = 0x8
-	FAN_MARK_REMOVE                      = 0x2
-	FAN_MODIFY                           = 0x2
-	FAN_MOVE                             = 0xc0
-	FAN_MOVED_FROM                       = 0x40
-	FAN_MOVED_TO                         = 0x80
-	FAN_MOVE_SELF                        = 0x800
-	FAN_NOFD                             = -0x1
-	FAN_NONBLOCK                         = 0x2
-	FAN_ONDIR                            = 0x40000000
-	FAN_OPEN                             = 0x20
-	FAN_OPEN_EXEC                        = 0x1000
-	FAN_OPEN_EXEC_PERM                   = 0x40000
-	FAN_OPEN_PERM                        = 0x10000
-	FAN_Q_OVERFLOW                       = 0x4000
-	FAN_REPORT_FID                       = 0x200
-	FAN_REPORT_TID                       = 0x100
-	FAN_UNLIMITED_MARKS                  = 0x20
-	FAN_UNLIMITED_QUEUE                  = 0x10
-	FD_CLOEXEC                           = 0x1
-	FD_SETSIZE                           = 0x400
-	FF0                                  = 0x0
-	FF1                                  = 0x4000
-	FFDLY                                = 0x4000
-	FLUSHO                               = 0x800000
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_128_CBC       = 0x5
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_128_CTS       = 0x6
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_CBC       = 0x3
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_CTS       = 0x4
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_GCM       = 0x2
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_XTS       = 0x1
-	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY         = 0x800c6615
-	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_PWSALT         = 0x80106614
-	FS_IOC_SET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY         = 0x400c6613
-	FS_KEY_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE               = 0x8
-	FS_KEY_DESC_PREFIX                   = "fscrypt:"
-	FS_KEY_DESC_PREFIX_SIZE              = 0x8
-	FS_MAX_KEY_SIZE                      = 0x40
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_16               = 0x2
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_32               = 0x3
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_4                = 0x0
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_8                = 0x1
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_MASK             = 0x3
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_VALID                = 0x7
-	FUTEXFS_SUPER_MAGIC                  = 0xbad1dea
-	F_ADD_SEALS                          = 0x409
-	F_DUPFD                              = 0x0
-	F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC                      = 0x406
-	F_EXLCK                              = 0x4
-	F_GETFD                              = 0x1
-	F_GETFL                              = 0x3
-	F_GETLEASE                           = 0x401
-	F_GETLK                              = 0x5
-	F_GETLK64                            = 0xc
-	F_GETOWN                             = 0x9
-	F_GETOWN_EX                          = 0x10
-	F_GETPIPE_SZ                         = 0x408
-	F_GETSIG                             = 0xb
-	F_GET_FILE_RW_HINT                   = 0x40d
-	F_GET_RW_HINT                        = 0x40b
-	F_GET_SEALS                          = 0x40a
-	F_LOCK                               = 0x1
-	F_NOTIFY                             = 0x402
-	F_OFD_GETLK                          = 0x24
-	F_OFD_SETLK                          = 0x25
-	F_OFD_SETLKW                         = 0x26
-	F_OK                                 = 0x0
-	F_RDLCK                              = 0x0
-	F_SEAL_FUTURE_WRITE                  = 0x10
-	F_SEAL_GROW                          = 0x4
-	F_SEAL_SEAL                          = 0x1
-	F_SEAL_SHRINK                        = 0x2
-	F_SEAL_WRITE                         = 0x8
-	F_SETFD                              = 0x2
-	F_SETFL                              = 0x4
-	F_SETLEASE                           = 0x400
-	F_SETLK                              = 0x6
-	F_SETLK64                            = 0xd
-	F_SETLKW                             = 0x7
-	F_SETLKW64                           = 0xe
-	F_SETOWN                             = 0x8
-	F_SETOWN_EX                          = 0xf
-	F_SETPIPE_SZ                         = 0x407
-	F_SETSIG                             = 0xa
-	F_SET_FILE_RW_HINT                   = 0x40e
-	F_SET_RW_HINT                        = 0x40c
-	F_SHLCK                              = 0x8
-	F_TEST                               = 0x3
-	F_TLOCK                              = 0x2
-	F_ULOCK                              = 0x0
-	F_UNLCK                              = 0x2
-	F_WRLCK                              = 0x1
-	GENL_ADMIN_PERM                      = 0x1
-	GENL_CMD_CAP_DO                      = 0x2
-	GENL_CMD_CAP_DUMP                    = 0x4
-	GENL_CMD_CAP_HASPOL                  = 0x8
-	GENL_HDRLEN                          = 0x4
-	GENL_ID_CTRL                         = 0x10
-	GENL_ID_PMCRAID                      = 0x12
-	GENL_ID_VFS_DQUOT                    = 0x11
-	GENL_MAX_ID                          = 0x3ff
-	GENL_MIN_ID                          = 0x10
-	GENL_NAMSIZ                          = 0x10
-	GENL_START_ALLOC                     = 0x13
-	GENL_UNS_ADMIN_PERM                  = 0x10
-	GRND_NONBLOCK                        = 0x1
-	GRND_RANDOM                          = 0x2
-	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD                       = 0x31f
-	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD_AEB                   = 0x31e
-	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD_HDR_SIZE              = 0x4
-	HDIO_DRIVE_HOB_HDR_SIZE              = 0x8
-	HDIO_DRIVE_RESET                     = 0x31c
-	HDIO_DRIVE_TASK                      = 0x31e
-	HDIO_DRIVE_TASKFILE                  = 0x31d
-	HDIO_DRIVE_TASK_HDR_SIZE             = 0x8
-	HDIO_GETGEO                          = 0x301
-	HDIO_GET_32BIT                       = 0x309
-	HDIO_GET_ACOUSTIC                    = 0x30f
-	HDIO_GET_ADDRESS                     = 0x310
-	HDIO_GET_BUSSTATE                    = 0x31a
-	HDIO_GET_DMA                         = 0x30b
-	HDIO_GET_IDENTITY                    = 0x30d
-	HDIO_GET_KEEPSETTINGS                = 0x308
-	HDIO_GET_MULTCOUNT                   = 0x304
-	HDIO_GET_NICE                        = 0x30c
-	HDIO_GET_NOWERR                      = 0x30a
-	HDIO_GET_QDMA                        = 0x305
-	HDIO_GET_UNMASKINTR                  = 0x302
-	HDIO_GET_WCACHE                      = 0x30e
-	HDIO_OBSOLETE_IDENTITY               = 0x307
-	HDIO_SCAN_HWIF                       = 0x328
-	HDIO_SET_32BIT                       = 0x324
-	HDIO_SET_ACOUSTIC                    = 0x32c
-	HDIO_SET_ADDRESS                     = 0x32f
-	HDIO_SET_BUSSTATE                    = 0x32d
-	HDIO_SET_DMA                         = 0x326
-	HDIO_SET_KEEPSETTINGS                = 0x323
-	HDIO_SET_MULTCOUNT                   = 0x321
-	HDIO_SET_NICE                        = 0x329
-	HDIO_SET_NOWERR                      = 0x325
-	HDIO_SET_PIO_MODE                    = 0x327
-	HDIO_SET_QDMA                        = 0x32e
-	HDIO_SET_UNMASKINTR                  = 0x322
-	HDIO_SET_WCACHE                      = 0x32b
-	HDIO_SET_XFER                        = 0x306
-	HDIO_TRISTATE_HWIF                   = 0x31b
-	HDIO_UNREGISTER_HWIF                 = 0x32a
-	HOSTFS_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0xc0ffee
-	HPFS_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xf995e849
-	HUGETLBFS_MAGIC                      = 0x958458f6
-	HUPCL                                = 0x4000
-	IBSHIFT                              = 0x10
-	ICANON                               = 0x100
-	ICMPV6_FILTER                        = 0x1
-	ICRNL                                = 0x100
-	IEXTEN                               = 0x400
-	IFA_F_DADFAILED                      = 0x8
-	IFA_F_DEPRECATED                     = 0x20
-	IFA_F_HOMEADDRESS                    = 0x10
-	IFA_F_MANAGETEMPADDR                 = 0x100
-	IFA_F_MCAUTOJOIN                     = 0x400
-	IFA_F_NODAD                          = 0x2
-	IFA_F_NOPREFIXROUTE                  = 0x200
-	IFA_F_OPTIMISTIC                     = 0x4
-	IFA_F_PERMANENT                      = 0x80
-	IFA_F_SECONDARY                      = 0x1
-	IFA_F_STABLE_PRIVACY                 = 0x800
-	IFA_F_TEMPORARY                      = 0x1
-	IFA_F_TENTATIVE                      = 0x40
-	IFA_MAX                              = 0xa
-	IFF_ALLMULTI                         = 0x200
-	IFF_ATTACH_QUEUE                     = 0x200
-	IFF_AUTOMEDIA                        = 0x4000
-	IFF_BROADCAST                        = 0x2
-	IFF_DEBUG                            = 0x4
-	IFF_DETACH_QUEUE                     = 0x400
-	IFF_DORMANT                          = 0x20000
-	IFF_DYNAMIC                          = 0x8000
-	IFF_ECHO                             = 0x40000
-	IFF_LOOPBACK                         = 0x8
-	IFF_LOWER_UP                         = 0x10000
-	IFF_MASTER                           = 0x400
-	IFF_MULTICAST                        = 0x1000
-	IFF_MULTI_QUEUE                      = 0x100
-	IFF_NAPI                             = 0x10
-	IFF_NAPI_FRAGS                       = 0x20
-	IFF_NOARP                            = 0x80
-	IFF_NOFILTER                         = 0x1000
-	IFF_NOTRAILERS                       = 0x20
-	IFF_NO_PI                            = 0x1000
-	IFF_ONE_QUEUE                        = 0x2000
-	IFF_PERSIST                          = 0x800
-	IFF_POINTOPOINT                      = 0x10
-	IFF_PORTSEL                          = 0x2000
-	IFF_PROMISC                          = 0x100
-	IFF_RUNNING                          = 0x40
-	IFF_SLAVE                            = 0x800
-	IFF_TAP                              = 0x2
-	IFF_TUN                              = 0x1
-	IFF_TUN_EXCL                         = 0x8000
-	IFF_UP                               = 0x1
-	IFF_VNET_HDR                         = 0x4000
-	IFF_VOLATILE                         = 0x70c5a
-	IFNAMSIZ                             = 0x10
-	IGNBRK                               = 0x1
-	IGNCR                                = 0x80
-	IGNPAR                               = 0x4
-	IMAXBEL                              = 0x2000
-	INLCR                                = 0x40
-	INPCK                                = 0x10
-	IN_ACCESS                            = 0x1
-	IN_ALL_EVENTS                        = 0xfff
-	IN_ATTRIB                            = 0x4
-	IN_CLASSA_HOST                       = 0xffffff
-	IN_CLASSA_MAX                        = 0x80
-	IN_CLASSA_NET                        = 0xff000000
-	IN_CLASSA_NSHIFT                     = 0x18
-	IN_CLASSB_HOST                       = 0xffff
-	IN_CLASSB_MAX                        = 0x10000
-	IN_CLASSB_NET                        = 0xffff0000
-	IN_CLASSB_NSHIFT                     = 0x10
-	IN_CLASSC_HOST                       = 0xff
-	IN_CLASSC_NET                        = 0xffffff00
-	IN_CLASSC_NSHIFT                     = 0x8
-	IN_CLOEXEC                           = 0x80000
-	IN_CLOSE                             = 0x18
-	IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE                     = 0x10
-	IN_CLOSE_WRITE                       = 0x8
-	IN_CREATE                            = 0x100
-	IN_DELETE                            = 0x200
-	IN_DELETE_SELF                       = 0x400
-	IN_DONT_FOLLOW                       = 0x2000000
-	IN_EXCL_UNLINK                       = 0x4000000
-	IN_IGNORED                           = 0x8000
-	IN_ISDIR                             = 0x40000000
-	IN_LOOPBACKNET                       = 0x7f
-	IN_MASK_ADD                          = 0x20000000
-	IN_MASK_CREATE                       = 0x10000000
-	IN_MODIFY                            = 0x2
-	IN_MOVE                              = 0xc0
-	IN_MOVED_FROM                        = 0x40
-	IN_MOVED_TO                          = 0x80
-	IN_MOVE_SELF                         = 0x800
-	IN_NONBLOCK                          = 0x800
-	IN_ONESHOT                           = 0x80000000
-	IN_ONLYDIR                           = 0x1000000
-	IN_OPEN                              = 0x20
-	IN_Q_OVERFLOW                        = 0x4000
-	IN_UNMOUNT                           = 0x2000
-	IOCTL_VM_SOCKETS_GET_LOCAL_CID       = 0x200007b9
-	IPPROTO_AH                           = 0x33
-	IPPROTO_BEETPH                       = 0x5e
-	IPPROTO_COMP                         = 0x6c
-	IPPROTO_DCCP                         = 0x21
-	IPPROTO_DSTOPTS                      = 0x3c
-	IPPROTO_EGP                          = 0x8
-	IPPROTO_ENCAP                        = 0x62
-	IPPROTO_ESP                          = 0x32
-	IPPROTO_FRAGMENT                     = 0x2c
-	IPPROTO_GRE                          = 0x2f
-	IPPROTO_HOPOPTS                      = 0x0
-	IPPROTO_ICMP                         = 0x1
-	IPPROTO_ICMPV6                       = 0x3a
-	IPPROTO_IDP                          = 0x16
-	IPPROTO_IGMP                         = 0x2
-	IPPROTO_IP                           = 0x0
-	IPPROTO_IPIP                         = 0x4
-	IPPROTO_IPV6                         = 0x29
-	IPPROTO_MH                           = 0x87
-	IPPROTO_MPLS                         = 0x89
-	IPPROTO_MTP                          = 0x5c
-	IPPROTO_NONE                         = 0x3b
-	IPPROTO_PIM                          = 0x67
-	IPPROTO_PUP                          = 0xc
-	IPPROTO_RAW                          = 0xff
-	IPPROTO_ROUTING                      = 0x2b
-	IPPROTO_RSVP                         = 0x2e
-	IPPROTO_SCTP                         = 0x84
-	IPPROTO_TCP                          = 0x6
-	IPPROTO_TP                           = 0x1d
-	IPPROTO_UDP                          = 0x11
-	IPPROTO_UDPLITE                      = 0x88
-	IPV6_2292DSTOPTS                     = 0x4
-	IPV6_2292HOPLIMIT                    = 0x8
-	IPV6_2292HOPOPTS                     = 0x3
-	IPV6_2292PKTINFO                     = 0x2
-	IPV6_2292PKTOPTIONS                  = 0x6
-	IPV6_2292RTHDR                       = 0x5
-	IPV6_ADDRFORM                        = 0x1
-	IPV6_ADDR_PREFERENCES                = 0x48
-	IPV6_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                  = 0x14
-	IPV6_AUTHHDR                         = 0xa
-	IPV6_AUTOFLOWLABEL                   = 0x46
-	IPV6_CHECKSUM                        = 0x7
-	IPV6_DONTFRAG                        = 0x3e
-	IPV6_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                 = 0x15
-	IPV6_DSTOPTS                         = 0x3b
-	IPV6_FREEBIND                        = 0x4e
-	IPV6_HDRINCL                         = 0x24
-	IPV6_HOPLIMIT                        = 0x34
-	IPV6_HOPOPTS                         = 0x36
-	IPV6_IPSEC_POLICY                    = 0x22
-	IPV6_JOIN_ANYCAST                    = 0x1b
-	IPV6_JOIN_GROUP                      = 0x14
-	IPV6_LEAVE_ANYCAST                   = 0x1c
-	IPV6_LEAVE_GROUP                     = 0x15
-	IPV6_MINHOPCOUNT                     = 0x49
-	IPV6_MTU                             = 0x18
-	IPV6_MTU_DISCOVER                    = 0x17
-	IPV6_MULTICAST_ALL                   = 0x1d
-	IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS                  = 0x12
-	IPV6_MULTICAST_IF                    = 0x11
-	IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP                  = 0x13
-	IPV6_NEXTHOP                         = 0x9
-	IPV6_ORIGDSTADDR                     = 0x4a
-	IPV6_PATHMTU                         = 0x3d
-	IPV6_PKTINFO                         = 0x32
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_DO                     = 0x2
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_DONT                   = 0x0
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_INTERFACE              = 0x4
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_OMIT                   = 0x5
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_PROBE                  = 0x3
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_WANT                   = 0x1
-	IPV6_RECVDSTOPTS                     = 0x3a
-	IPV6_RECVERR                         = 0x19
-	IPV6_RECVFRAGSIZE                    = 0x4d
-	IPV6_RECVHOPLIMIT                    = 0x33
-	IPV6_RECVHOPOPTS                     = 0x35
-	IPV6_RECVORIGDSTADDR                 = 0x4a
-	IPV6_RECVPATHMTU                     = 0x3c
-	IPV6_RECVPKTINFO                     = 0x31
-	IPV6_RECVRTHDR                       = 0x38
-	IPV6_RECVTCLASS                      = 0x42
-	IPV6_ROUTER_ALERT                    = 0x16
-	IPV6_ROUTER_ALERT_ISOLATE            = 0x1e
-	IPV6_RTHDR                           = 0x39
-	IPV6_RTHDRDSTOPTS                    = 0x37
-	IPV6_RTHDR_LOOSE                     = 0x0
-	IPV6_RTHDR_STRICT                    = 0x1
-	IPV6_RTHDR_TYPE_0                    = 0x0
-	IPV6_RXDSTOPTS                       = 0x3b
-	IPV6_RXHOPOPTS                       = 0x36
-	IPV6_TCLASS                          = 0x43
-	IPV6_TRANSPARENT                     = 0x4b
-	IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS                    = 0x10
-	IPV6_UNICAST_IF                      = 0x4c
-	IPV6_V6ONLY                          = 0x1a
-	IPV6_XFRM_POLICY                     = 0x23
-	IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                    = 0x23
-	IP_ADD_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP             = 0x27
-	IP_BIND_ADDRESS_NO_PORT              = 0x18
-	IP_BLOCK_SOURCE                      = 0x26
-	IP_CHECKSUM                          = 0x17
-	IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_LOOP            = 0x1
-	IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_TTL             = 0x1
-	IP_DF                                = 0x4000
-	IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                   = 0x24
-	IP_DROP_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP            = 0x28
-	IP_FREEBIND                          = 0xf
-	IP_HDRINCL                           = 0x3
-	IP_IPSEC_POLICY                      = 0x10
-	IP_MAXPACKET                         = 0xffff
-	IP_MAX_MEMBERSHIPS                   = 0x14
-	IP_MF                                = 0x2000
-	IP_MINTTL                            = 0x15
-	IP_MSFILTER                          = 0x29
-	IP_MSS                               = 0x240
-	IP_MTU                               = 0xe
-	IP_MTU_DISCOVER                      = 0xa
-	IP_MULTICAST_ALL                     = 0x31
-	IP_MULTICAST_IF                      = 0x20
-	IP_MULTICAST_LOOP                    = 0x22
-	IP_MULTICAST_TTL                     = 0x21
-	IP_NODEFRAG                          = 0x16
-	IP_OFFMASK                           = 0x1fff
-	IP_OPTIONS                           = 0x4
-	IP_ORIGDSTADDR                       = 0x14
-	IP_PASSSEC                           = 0x12
-	IP_PKTINFO                           = 0x8
-	IP_PKTOPTIONS                        = 0x9
-	IP_PMTUDISC                          = 0xa
-	IP_PMTUDISC_DO                       = 0x2
-	IP_PMTUDISC_DONT                     = 0x0
-	IP_PMTUDISC_INTERFACE                = 0x4
-	IP_PMTUDISC_OMIT                     = 0x5
-	IP_PMTUDISC_PROBE                    = 0x3
-	IP_PMTUDISC_WANT                     = 0x1
-	IP_RECVERR                           = 0xb
-	IP_RECVFRAGSIZE                      = 0x19
-	IP_RECVOPTS                          = 0x6
-	IP_RECVORIGDSTADDR                   = 0x14
-	IP_RECVRETOPTS                       = 0x7
-	IP_RECVTOS                           = 0xd
-	IP_RECVTTL                           = 0xc
-	IP_RETOPTS                           = 0x7
-	IP_RF                                = 0x8000
-	IP_ROUTER_ALERT                      = 0x5
-	IP_TOS                               = 0x1
-	IP_TRANSPARENT                       = 0x13
-	IP_TTL                               = 0x2
-	IP_UNBLOCK_SOURCE                    = 0x25
-	IP_UNICAST_IF                        = 0x32
-	IP_XFRM_POLICY                       = 0x11
-	ISIG                                 = 0x80
-	ISOFS_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x9660
-	ISTRIP                               = 0x20
-	IUCLC                                = 0x1000
-	IUTF8                                = 0x4000
-	IXANY                                = 0x800
-	IXOFF                                = 0x400
-	IXON                                 = 0x200
-	JFFS2_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x72b6
-	KEXEC_ARCH_386                       = 0x30000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_68K                       = 0x40000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_AARCH64                   = 0xb70000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_ARM                       = 0x280000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_DEFAULT                   = 0x0
-	KEXEC_ARCH_IA_64                     = 0x320000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_MASK                      = 0xffff0000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_MIPS                      = 0x80000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_MIPS_LE                   = 0xa0000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_PPC                       = 0x140000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_PPC64                     = 0x150000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_S390                      = 0x160000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_SH                        = 0x2a0000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_X86_64                    = 0x3e0000
-	KEXEC_FILE_NO_INITRAMFS              = 0x4
-	KEXEC_FILE_ON_CRASH                  = 0x2
-	KEXEC_FILE_UNLOAD                    = 0x1
-	KEXEC_ON_CRASH                       = 0x1
-	KEXEC_PRESERVE_CONTEXT               = 0x2
-	KEXEC_SEGMENT_MAX                    = 0x10
-	KEYCTL_ASSUME_AUTHORITY              = 0x10
-	KEYCTL_CHOWN                         = 0x4
-	KEYCTL_CLEAR                         = 0x7
-	KEYCTL_DESCRIBE                      = 0x6
-	KEYCTL_DH_COMPUTE                    = 0x17
-	KEYCTL_GET_KEYRING_ID                = 0x0
-	KEYCTL_GET_PERSISTENT                = 0x16
-	KEYCTL_GET_SECURITY                  = 0x11
-	KEYCTL_INSTANTIATE                   = 0xc
-	KEYCTL_INSTANTIATE_IOV               = 0x14
-	KEYCTL_INVALIDATE                    = 0x15
-	KEYCTL_LINK                          = 0x8
-	KEYCTL_NEGATE                        = 0xd
-	KEYCTL_PKEY_DECRYPT                  = 0x1a
-	KEYCTL_PKEY_ENCRYPT                  = 0x19
-	KEYCTL_PKEY_QUERY                    = 0x18
-	KEYCTL_PKEY_SIGN                     = 0x1b
-	KEYCTL_PKEY_VERIFY                   = 0x1c
-	KEYCTL_READ                          = 0xb
-	KEYCTL_REJECT                        = 0x13
-	KEYCTL_RESTRICT_KEYRING              = 0x1d
-	KEYCTL_REVOKE                        = 0x3
-	KEYCTL_SEARCH                        = 0xa
-	KEYCTL_SESSION_TO_PARENT             = 0x12
-	KEYCTL_SETPERM                       = 0x5
-	KEYCTL_SET_REQKEY_KEYRING            = 0xe
-	KEYCTL_SET_TIMEOUT                   = 0xf
-	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_DECRYPT              = 0x2
-	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_ENCRYPT              = 0x1
-	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_SIGN                 = 0x4
-	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_VERIFY               = 0x8
-	KEYCTL_UNLINK                        = 0x9
-	KEYCTL_UPDATE                        = 0x2
-	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_DEFAULT              = 0x0
-	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_NO_CHANGE            = -0x1
-	KEY_SPEC_GROUP_KEYRING               = -0x6
-	KEY_SPEC_PROCESS_KEYRING             = -0x2
-	KEY_SPEC_REQKEY_AUTH_KEY             = -0x7
-	KEY_SPEC_SESSION_KEYRING             = -0x3
-	KEY_SPEC_THREAD_KEYRING              = -0x1
-	KEY_SPEC_USER_KEYRING                = -0x4
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_CAD_OFF             = 0x0
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_CAD_ON              = 0x89abcdef
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_HALT                = 0xcdef0123
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_KEXEC               = 0x45584543
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_POWER_OFF           = 0x4321fedc
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_RESTART             = 0x1234567
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_RESTART2            = 0xa1b2c3d4
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_SW_SUSPEND          = 0xd000fce2
-	LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC1                  = 0xfee1dead
-	LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC2                  = 0x28121969
-	LOCK_EX                              = 0x2
-	LOCK_NB                              = 0x4
-	LOCK_SH                              = 0x1
-	LOCK_UN                              = 0x8
-	LOOP_CLR_FD                          = 0x4c01
-	LOOP_CTL_ADD                         = 0x4c80
-	LOOP_CTL_GET_FREE                    = 0x4c82
-	LOOP_CTL_REMOVE                      = 0x4c81
-	LOOP_GET_STATUS                      = 0x4c03
-	LOOP_GET_STATUS64                    = 0x4c05
-	LOOP_SET_BLOCK_SIZE                  = 0x4c09
-	LOOP_SET_CAPACITY                    = 0x4c07
-	LOOP_SET_DIRECT_IO                   = 0x4c08
-	LOOP_SET_FD                          = 0x4c00
-	LOOP_SET_STATUS                      = 0x4c02
-	LOOP_SET_STATUS64                    = 0x4c04
-	LO_KEY_SIZE                          = 0x20
-	LO_NAME_SIZE                         = 0x40
-	MADV_DODUMP                          = 0x11
-	MADV_DOFORK                          = 0xb
-	MADV_DONTDUMP                        = 0x10
-	MADV_DONTFORK                        = 0xa
-	MADV_DONTNEED                        = 0x4
-	MADV_FREE                            = 0x8
-	MADV_HUGEPAGE                        = 0xe
-	MADV_HWPOISON                        = 0x64
-	MADV_KEEPONFORK                      = 0x13
-	MADV_MERGEABLE                       = 0xc
-	MADV_NOHUGEPAGE                      = 0xf
-	MADV_NORMAL                          = 0x0
-	MADV_RANDOM                          = 0x1
-	MADV_REMOVE                          = 0x9
-	MADV_SEQUENTIAL                      = 0x2
-	MADV_UNMERGEABLE                     = 0xd
-	MADV_WILLNEED                        = 0x3
-	MADV_WIPEONFORK                      = 0x12
-	MAP_ANON                             = 0x20
-	MAP_ANONYMOUS                        = 0x20
-	MAP_DENYWRITE                        = 0x800
-	MAP_EXECUTABLE                       = 0x1000
-	MAP_FILE                             = 0x0
-	MAP_FIXED                            = 0x10
-	MAP_FIXED_NOREPLACE                  = 0x100000
-	MAP_GROWSDOWN                        = 0x100
-	MAP_HUGETLB                          = 0x40000
-	MAP_HUGE_MASK                        = 0x3f
-	MAP_HUGE_SHIFT                       = 0x1a
-	MAP_LOCKED                           = 0x80
-	MAP_NONBLOCK                         = 0x10000
-	MAP_NORESERVE                        = 0x40
-	MAP_POPULATE                         = 0x8000
-	MAP_PRIVATE                          = 0x2
-	MAP_SHARED                           = 0x1
-	MAP_SHARED_VALIDATE                  = 0x3
-	MAP_STACK                            = 0x20000
-	MAP_TYPE                             = 0xf
-	MCAST_BLOCK_SOURCE                   = 0x2b
-	MCAST_EXCLUDE                        = 0x0
-	MCAST_INCLUDE                        = 0x1
-	MCAST_JOIN_GROUP                     = 0x2a
-	MCAST_JOIN_SOURCE_GROUP              = 0x2e
-	MCAST_LEAVE_GROUP                    = 0x2d
-	MCAST_LEAVE_SOURCE_GROUP             = 0x2f
-	MCAST_MSFILTER                       = 0x30
-	MCAST_UNBLOCK_SOURCE                 = 0x2c
-	MCL_CURRENT                          = 0x2000
-	MCL_FUTURE                           = 0x4000
-	MCL_ONFAULT                          = 0x8000
-	MFD_ALLOW_SEALING                    = 0x2
-	MFD_CLOEXEC                          = 0x1
-	MFD_HUGETLB                          = 0x4
-	MFD_HUGE_16GB                        = -0x78000000
-	MFD_HUGE_16MB                        = 0x60000000
-	MFD_HUGE_1GB                         = 0x78000000
-	MFD_HUGE_1MB                         = 0x50000000
-	MFD_HUGE_256MB                       = 0x70000000
-	MFD_HUGE_2GB                         = 0x7c000000
-	MFD_HUGE_2MB                         = 0x54000000
-	MFD_HUGE_32MB                        = 0x64000000
-	MFD_HUGE_512KB                       = 0x4c000000
-	MFD_HUGE_512MB                       = 0x74000000
-	MFD_HUGE_64KB                        = 0x40000000
-	MFD_HUGE_8MB                         = 0x5c000000
-	MFD_HUGE_MASK                        = 0x3f
-	MFD_HUGE_SHIFT                       = 0x1a
-	MINIX2_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0x2468
-	MINIX2_SUPER_MAGIC2                  = 0x2478
-	MINIX3_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0x4d5a
-	MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x137f
-	MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC2                   = 0x138f
-	MNT_DETACH                           = 0x2
-	MNT_EXPIRE                           = 0x4
-	MNT_FORCE                            = 0x1
-	MSDOS_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x4d44
-	MSG_BATCH                            = 0x40000
-	MSG_CMSG_CLOEXEC                     = 0x40000000
-	MSG_CONFIRM                          = 0x800
-	MSG_CTRUNC                           = 0x8
-	MSG_DONTROUTE                        = 0x4
-	MSG_DONTWAIT                         = 0x40
-	MSG_EOR                              = 0x80
-	MSG_ERRQUEUE                         = 0x2000
-	MSG_FASTOPEN                         = 0x20000000
-	MSG_FIN                              = 0x200
-	MSG_MORE                             = 0x8000
-	MSG_NOSIGNAL                         = 0x4000
-	MSG_OOB                              = 0x1
-	MSG_PEEK                             = 0x2
-	MSG_PROXY                            = 0x10
-	MSG_RST                              = 0x1000
-	MSG_SYN                              = 0x400
-	MSG_TRUNC                            = 0x20
-	MSG_TRYHARD                          = 0x4
-	MSG_WAITALL                          = 0x100
-	MSG_WAITFORONE                       = 0x10000
-	MSG_ZEROCOPY                         = 0x4000000
-	MS_ACTIVE                            = 0x40000000
-	MS_ASYNC                             = 0x1
-	MS_BIND                              = 0x1000
-	MS_BORN                              = 0x20000000
-	MS_DIRSYNC                           = 0x80
-	MS_INVALIDATE                        = 0x2
-	MS_I_VERSION                         = 0x800000
-	MS_KERNMOUNT                         = 0x400000
-	MS_LAZYTIME                          = 0x2000000
-	MS_MANDLOCK                          = 0x40
-	MS_MGC_MSK                           = 0xffff0000
-	MS_MGC_VAL                           = 0xc0ed0000
-	MS_MOVE                              = 0x2000
-	MS_NOATIME                           = 0x400
-	MS_NODEV                             = 0x4
-	MS_NODIRATIME                        = 0x800
-	MS_NOEXEC                            = 0x8
-	MS_NOREMOTELOCK                      = 0x8000000
-	MS_NOSEC                             = 0x10000000
-	MS_NOSUID                            = 0x2
-	MS_NOUSER                            = -0x80000000
-	MS_POSIXACL                          = 0x10000
-	MS_PRIVATE                           = 0x40000
-	MS_RDONLY                            = 0x1
-	MS_REC                               = 0x4000
-	MS_RELATIME                          = 0x200000
-	MS_REMOUNT                           = 0x20
-	MS_RMT_MASK                          = 0x2800051
-	MS_SHARED                            = 0x100000
-	MS_SILENT                            = 0x8000
-	MS_SLAVE                             = 0x80000
-	MS_STRICTATIME                       = 0x1000000
-	MS_SUBMOUNT                          = 0x4000000
-	MS_SYNC                              = 0x4
-	MS_SYNCHRONOUS                       = 0x10
-	MS_UNBINDABLE                        = 0x20000
-	MS_VERBOSE                           = 0x8000
-	MTD_INODE_FS_MAGIC                   = 0x11307854
-	NAME_MAX                             = 0xff
-	NCP_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x564c
-	NETLINK_ADD_MEMBERSHIP               = 0x1
-	NETLINK_AUDIT                        = 0x9
-	NETLINK_BROADCAST_ERROR              = 0x4
-	NETLINK_CAP_ACK                      = 0xa
-	NETLINK_CONNECTOR                    = 0xb
-	NETLINK_CRYPTO                       = 0x15
-	NETLINK_DNRTMSG                      = 0xe
-	NETLINK_DROP_MEMBERSHIP              = 0x2
-	NETLINK_ECRYPTFS                     = 0x13
-	NETLINK_EXT_ACK                      = 0xb
-	NETLINK_FIB_LOOKUP                   = 0xa
-	NETLINK_FIREWALL                     = 0x3
-	NETLINK_GENERIC                      = 0x10
-	NETLINK_GET_STRICT_CHK               = 0xc
-	NETLINK_INET_DIAG                    = 0x4
-	NETLINK_IP6_FW                       = 0xd
-	NETLINK_ISCSI                        = 0x8
-	NETLINK_KOBJECT_UEVENT               = 0xf
-	NETLINK_LISTEN_ALL_NSID              = 0x8
-	NETLINK_LIST_MEMBERSHIPS             = 0x9
-	NETLINK_NETFILTER                    = 0xc
-	NETLINK_NFLOG                        = 0x5
-	NETLINK_NO_ENOBUFS                   = 0x5
-	NETLINK_PKTINFO                      = 0x3
-	NETLINK_RDMA                         = 0x14
-	NETLINK_ROUTE                        = 0x0
-	NETLINK_RX_RING                      = 0x6
-	NETLINK_SCSITRANSPORT                = 0x12
-	NETLINK_SELINUX                      = 0x7
-	NETLINK_SMC                          = 0x16
-	NETLINK_SOCK_DIAG                    = 0x4
-	NETLINK_TX_RING                      = 0x7
-	NETLINK_UNUSED                       = 0x1
-	NETLINK_USERSOCK                     = 0x2
-	NETLINK_XFRM                         = 0x6
-	NETNSA_MAX                           = 0x5
-	NETNSA_NSID_NOT_ASSIGNED             = -0x1
-	NFNETLINK_V0                         = 0x0
-	NFNLGRP_ACCT_QUOTA                   = 0x8
-	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_EXP_NEW            = 0x4
-	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_NEW                = 0x1
-	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_UPDATE             = 0x2
-	NFNLGRP_MAX                          = 0x9
-	NFNLGRP_NFTABLES                     = 0x7
-	NFNLGRP_NFTRACE                      = 0x9
-	NFNLGRP_NONE                         = 0x0
-	NFNL_BATCH_MAX                       = 0x1
-	NFNL_MSG_BATCH_BEGIN                 = 0x10
-	NFNL_MSG_BATCH_END                   = 0x11
-	NFNL_NFA_NEST                        = 0x8000
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_ACCT                     = 0x7
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_COUNT                    = 0xc
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTHELPER                 = 0x9
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTNETLINK                = 0x1
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTNETLINK_EXP            = 0x2
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_IPSET                    = 0x6
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_NFTABLES                 = 0xa
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_NFT_COMPAT               = 0xb
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_NONE                     = 0x0
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_OSF                      = 0x5
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_QUEUE                    = 0x3
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_ULOG                     = 0x4
-	NFS_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x6969
-	NILFS_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x3434
-	NL0                                  = 0x0
-	NL1                                  = 0x100
-	NL2                                  = 0x200
-	NL3                                  = 0x300
-	NLA_ALIGNTO                          = 0x4
-	NLA_F_NESTED                         = 0x8000
-	NLA_F_NET_BYTEORDER                  = 0x4000
-	NLA_HDRLEN                           = 0x4
-	NLDLY                                = 0x300
-	NLMSG_ALIGNTO                        = 0x4
-	NLMSG_DONE                           = 0x3
-	NLMSG_ERROR                          = 0x2
-	NLMSG_HDRLEN                         = 0x10
-	NLMSG_MIN_TYPE                       = 0x10
-	NLMSG_NOOP                           = 0x1
-	NLMSG_OVERRUN                        = 0x4
-	NLM_F_ACK                            = 0x4
-	NLM_F_ACK_TLVS                       = 0x200
-	NLM_F_APPEND                         = 0x800
-	NLM_F_ATOMIC                         = 0x400
-	NLM_F_CAPPED                         = 0x100
-	NLM_F_CREATE                         = 0x400
-	NLM_F_DUMP                           = 0x300
-	NLM_F_DUMP_FILTERED                  = 0x20
-	NLM_F_DUMP_INTR                      = 0x10
-	NLM_F_ECHO                           = 0x8
-	NLM_F_EXCL                           = 0x200
-	NLM_F_MATCH                          = 0x200
-	NLM_F_MULTI                          = 0x2
-	NLM_F_NONREC                         = 0x100
-	NLM_F_REPLACE                        = 0x100
-	NLM_F_REQUEST                        = 0x1
-	NLM_F_ROOT                           = 0x100
-	NOFLSH                               = 0x80000000
-	NSFS_MAGIC                           = 0x6e736673
-	OCFS2_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x7461636f
-	OCRNL                                = 0x8
-	OFDEL                                = 0x80
-	OFILL                                = 0x40
-	OLCUC                                = 0x4
-	ONLCR                                = 0x2
-	ONLRET                               = 0x20
-	ONOCR                                = 0x10
-	OPENPROM_SUPER_MAGIC                 = 0x9fa1
-	OPOST                                = 0x1
-	OVERLAYFS_SUPER_MAGIC                = 0x794c7630
-	O_ACCMODE                            = 0x3
-	O_APPEND                             = 0x400
-	O_ASYNC                              = 0x2000
-	O_CLOEXEC                            = 0x80000
-	O_CREAT                              = 0x40
-	O_DIRECT                             = 0x20000
-	O_DIRECTORY                          = 0x4000
-	O_DSYNC                              = 0x1000
-	O_EXCL                               = 0x80
-	O_FSYNC                              = 0x101000
-	O_LARGEFILE                          = 0x0
-	O_NDELAY                             = 0x800
-	O_NOATIME                            = 0x40000
-	O_NOCTTY                             = 0x100
-	O_NOFOLLOW                           = 0x8000
-	O_NONBLOCK                           = 0x800
-	O_PATH                               = 0x200000
-	O_RDONLY                             = 0x0
-	O_RDWR                               = 0x2
-	O_RSYNC                              = 0x101000
-	O_SYNC                               = 0x101000
-	O_TMPFILE                            = 0x404000
-	O_TRUNC                              = 0x200
-	O_WRONLY                             = 0x1
-	PACKET_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                = 0x1
-	PACKET_AUXDATA                       = 0x8
-	PACKET_BROADCAST                     = 0x1
-	PACKET_COPY_THRESH                   = 0x7
-	PACKET_DROP_MEMBERSHIP               = 0x2
-	PACKET_FANOUT                        = 0x12
-	PACKET_FANOUT_CBPF                   = 0x6
-	PACKET_FANOUT_CPU                    = 0x2
-	PACKET_FANOUT_DATA                   = 0x16
-	PACKET_FANOUT_EBPF                   = 0x7
-	PACKET_FANOUT_FLAG_DEFRAG            = 0x8000
-	PACKET_FANOUT_HASH                   = 0x0
-	PACKET_FANOUT_LB                     = 0x1
-	PACKET_FANOUT_QM                     = 0x5
-	PACKET_FANOUT_RND                    = 0x4
-	PACKET_FANOUT_ROLLOVER               = 0x3
-	PACKET_FASTROUTE                     = 0x6
-	PACKET_HDRLEN                        = 0xb
-	PACKET_HOST                          = 0x0
-	PACKET_IGNORE_OUTGOING               = 0x17
-	PACKET_KERNEL                        = 0x7
-	PACKET_LOOPBACK                      = 0x5
-	PACKET_LOSS                          = 0xe
-	PACKET_MR_ALLMULTI                   = 0x2
-	PACKET_MR_MULTICAST                  = 0x0
-	PACKET_MR_PROMISC                    = 0x1
-	PACKET_MR_UNICAST                    = 0x3
-	PACKET_MULTICAST                     = 0x2
-	PACKET_ORIGDEV                       = 0x9
-	PACKET_OTHERHOST                     = 0x3
-	PACKET_OUTGOING                      = 0x4
-	PACKET_QDISC_BYPASS                  = 0x14
-	PACKET_RECV_OUTPUT                   = 0x3
-	PACKET_RESERVE                       = 0xc
-	PACKET_ROLLOVER_STATS                = 0x15
-	PACKET_RX_RING                       = 0x5
-	PACKET_STATISTICS                    = 0x6
-	PACKET_TIMESTAMP                     = 0x11
-	PACKET_TX_HAS_OFF                    = 0x13
-	PACKET_TX_RING                       = 0xd
-	PACKET_TX_TIMESTAMP                  = 0x10
-	PACKET_USER                          = 0x6
-	PACKET_VERSION                       = 0xa
-	PACKET_VNET_HDR                      = 0xf
-	PARENB                               = 0x1000
-	PARITY_CRC16_PR0                     = 0x2
-	PARITY_CRC16_PR0_CCITT               = 0x4
-	PARITY_CRC16_PR1                     = 0x3
-	PARITY_CRC16_PR1_CCITT               = 0x5
-	PARITY_CRC32_PR0_CCITT               = 0x6
-	PARITY_CRC32_PR1_CCITT               = 0x7
-	PARITY_DEFAULT                       = 0x0
-	PARITY_NONE                          = 0x1
-	PARMRK                               = 0x8
-	PARODD                               = 0x2000
-	PENDIN                               = 0x20000000
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_DISABLE               = 0x20002401
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_ENABLE                = 0x20002400
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_ID                    = 0x40082407
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_PAUSE_OUTPUT          = 0x80042409
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_PERIOD                = 0x80082404
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_QUERY_BPF             = 0xc008240a
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_REFRESH               = 0x20002402
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_RESET                 = 0x20002403
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_BPF               = 0x80042408
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_FILTER            = 0x80082406
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_OUTPUT            = 0x20002405
-	PIPEFS_MAGIC                         = 0x50495045
-	PPPIOCATTACH                         = 0x8004743d
-	PPPIOCATTCHAN                        = 0x80047438
-	PPPIOCCONNECT                        = 0x8004743a
-	PPPIOCDETACH                         = 0x8004743c
-	PPPIOCDISCONN                        = 0x20007439
-	PPPIOCGASYNCMAP                      = 0x40047458
-	PPPIOCGCHAN                          = 0x40047437
-	PPPIOCGDEBUG                         = 0x40047441
-	PPPIOCGFLAGS                         = 0x4004745a
-	PPPIOCGIDLE                          = 0x4010743f
-	PPPIOCGL2TPSTATS                     = 0x40487436
-	PPPIOCGMRU                           = 0x40047453
-	PPPIOCGNPMODE                        = 0xc008744c
-	PPPIOCGRASYNCMAP                     = 0x40047455
-	PPPIOCGUNIT                          = 0x40047456
-	PPPIOCGXASYNCMAP                     = 0x40207450
-	PPPIOCNEWUNIT                        = 0xc004743e
-	PPPIOCSACTIVE                        = 0x80107446
-	PPPIOCSASYNCMAP                      = 0x80047457
-	PPPIOCSCOMPRESS                      = 0x8010744d
-	PPPIOCSDEBUG                         = 0x80047440
-	PPPIOCSFLAGS                         = 0x80047459
-	PPPIOCSMAXCID                        = 0x80047451
-	PPPIOCSMRRU                          = 0x8004743b
-	PPPIOCSMRU                           = 0x80047452
-	PPPIOCSNPMODE                        = 0x8008744b
-	PPPIOCSPASS                          = 0x80107447
-	PPPIOCSRASYNCMAP                     = 0x80047454
-	PPPIOCSXASYNCMAP                     = 0x8020744f
-	PPPIOCXFERUNIT                       = 0x2000744e
-	PRIO_PGRP                            = 0x1
-	PRIO_PROCESS                         = 0x0
-	PRIO_USER                            = 0x2
-	PROC_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0x9fa0
-	PROT_EXEC                            = 0x4
-	PROT_GROWSDOWN                       = 0x1000000
-	PROT_GROWSUP                         = 0x2000000
-	PROT_NONE                            = 0x0
-	PROT_READ                            = 0x1
-	PROT_SAO                             = 0x10
-	PROT_WRITE                           = 0x2
-	PR_CAPBSET_DROP                      = 0x18
-	PR_CAPBSET_READ                      = 0x17
-	PR_CAP_AMBIENT                       = 0x2f
-	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_CLEAR_ALL             = 0x4
-	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_IS_SET                = 0x1
-	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_LOWER                 = 0x3
-	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_RAISE                 = 0x2
-	PR_ENDIAN_BIG                        = 0x0
-	PR_ENDIAN_LITTLE                     = 0x1
-	PR_ENDIAN_PPC_LITTLE                 = 0x2
-	PR_FPEMU_NOPRINT                     = 0x1
-	PR_FPEMU_SIGFPE                      = 0x2
-	PR_FP_EXC_ASYNC                      = 0x2
-	PR_FP_EXC_DISABLED                   = 0x0
-	PR_FP_EXC_DIV                        = 0x10000
-	PR_FP_EXC_INV                        = 0x100000
-	PR_FP_EXC_NONRECOV                   = 0x1
-	PR_FP_EXC_OVF                        = 0x20000
-	PR_FP_EXC_PRECISE                    = 0x3
-	PR_FP_EXC_RES                        = 0x80000
-	PR_FP_EXC_SW_ENABLE                  = 0x80
-	PR_FP_EXC_UND                        = 0x40000
-	PR_FP_MODE_FR                        = 0x1
-	PR_FP_MODE_FRE                       = 0x2
-	PR_GET_CHILD_SUBREAPER               = 0x25
-	PR_GET_DUMPABLE                      = 0x3
-	PR_GET_ENDIAN                        = 0x13
-	PR_GET_FPEMU                         = 0x9
-	PR_GET_FPEXC                         = 0xb
-	PR_GET_FP_MODE                       = 0x2e
-	PR_GET_KEEPCAPS                      = 0x7
-	PR_GET_NAME                          = 0x10
-	PR_GET_NO_NEW_PRIVS                  = 0x27
-	PR_GET_PDEATHSIG                     = 0x2
-	PR_GET_SECCOMP                       = 0x15
-	PR_GET_SECUREBITS                    = 0x1b
-	PR_GET_SPECULATION_CTRL              = 0x34
-	PR_GET_THP_DISABLE                   = 0x2a
-	PR_GET_TID_ADDRESS                   = 0x28
-	PR_GET_TIMERSLACK                    = 0x1e
-	PR_GET_TIMING                        = 0xd
-	PR_GET_TSC                           = 0x19
-	PR_GET_UNALIGN                       = 0x5
-	PR_MCE_KILL                          = 0x21
-	PR_MCE_KILL_CLEAR                    = 0x0
-	PR_MCE_KILL_DEFAULT                  = 0x2
-	PR_MCE_KILL_EARLY                    = 0x1
-	PR_MCE_KILL_GET                      = 0x22
-	PR_MCE_KILL_LATE                     = 0x0
-	PR_MCE_KILL_SET                      = 0x1
-	PR_MPX_DISABLE_MANAGEMENT            = 0x2c
-	PR_MPX_ENABLE_MANAGEMENT             = 0x2b
-	PR_PAC_APDAKEY                       = 0x4
-	PR_PAC_APDBKEY                       = 0x8
-	PR_PAC_APGAKEY                       = 0x10
-	PR_PAC_APIAKEY                       = 0x1
-	PR_PAC_APIBKEY                       = 0x2
-	PR_PAC_RESET_KEYS                    = 0x36
-	PR_SET_CHILD_SUBREAPER               = 0x24
-	PR_SET_DUMPABLE                      = 0x4
-	PR_SET_ENDIAN                        = 0x14
-	PR_SET_FPEMU                         = 0xa
-	PR_SET_FPEXC                         = 0xc
-	PR_SET_FP_MODE                       = 0x2d
-	PR_SET_KEEPCAPS                      = 0x8
-	PR_SET_MM                            = 0x23
-	PR_SET_MM_ARG_END                    = 0x9
-	PR_SET_MM_ARG_START                  = 0x8
-	PR_SET_MM_AUXV                       = 0xc
-	PR_SET_MM_BRK                        = 0x7
-	PR_SET_MM_END_CODE                   = 0x2
-	PR_SET_MM_END_DATA                   = 0x4
-	PR_SET_MM_ENV_END                    = 0xb
-	PR_SET_MM_ENV_START                  = 0xa
-	PR_SET_MM_EXE_FILE                   = 0xd
-	PR_SET_MM_MAP                        = 0xe
-	PR_SET_MM_MAP_SIZE                   = 0xf
-	PR_SET_MM_START_BRK                  = 0x6
-	PR_SET_MM_START_CODE                 = 0x1
-	PR_SET_MM_START_DATA                 = 0x3
-	PR_SET_MM_START_STACK                = 0x5
-	PR_SET_NAME                          = 0xf
-	PR_SET_NO_NEW_PRIVS                  = 0x26
-	PR_SET_PDEATHSIG                     = 0x1
-	PR_SET_PTRACER                       = 0x59616d61
-	PR_SET_PTRACER_ANY                   = 0xffffffffffffffff
-	PR_SET_SECCOMP                       = 0x16
-	PR_SET_SECUREBITS                    = 0x1c
-	PR_SET_SPECULATION_CTRL              = 0x35
-	PR_SET_THP_DISABLE                   = 0x29
-	PR_SET_TIMERSLACK                    = 0x1d
-	PR_SET_TIMING                        = 0xe
-	PR_SET_TSC                           = 0x1a
-	PR_SET_UNALIGN                       = 0x6
-	PR_SPEC_DISABLE                      = 0x4
-	PR_SPEC_DISABLE_NOEXEC               = 0x10
-	PR_SPEC_ENABLE                       = 0x2
-	PR_SPEC_FORCE_DISABLE                = 0x8
-	PR_SPEC_INDIRECT_BRANCH              = 0x1
-	PR_SPEC_NOT_AFFECTED                 = 0x0
-	PR_SPEC_PRCTL                        = 0x1
-	PR_SPEC_STORE_BYPASS                 = 0x0
-	PR_SVE_GET_VL                        = 0x33
-	PR_SVE_SET_VL                        = 0x32
-	PR_SVE_SET_VL_ONEXEC                 = 0x40000
-	PR_SVE_VL_INHERIT                    = 0x20000
-	PR_SVE_VL_LEN_MASK                   = 0xffff
-	PR_TASK_PERF_EVENTS_ENABLE           = 0x20
-	PR_TIMING_STATISTICAL                = 0x0
-	PR_TIMING_TIMESTAMP                  = 0x1
-	PR_TSC_ENABLE                        = 0x1
-	PR_TSC_SIGSEGV                       = 0x2
-	PR_UNALIGN_NOPRINT                   = 0x1
-	PR_UNALIGN_SIGBUS                    = 0x2
-	PSTOREFS_MAGIC                       = 0x6165676c
-	PTRACE_ATTACH                        = 0x10
-	PTRACE_CONT                          = 0x7
-	PTRACE_DETACH                        = 0x11
-	PTRACE_EVENT_CLONE                   = 0x3
-	PTRACE_EVENT_EXEC                    = 0x4
-	PTRACE_EVENT_EXIT                    = 0x6
-	PTRACE_EVENT_FORK                    = 0x1
-	PTRACE_EVENT_SECCOMP                 = 0x7
-	PTRACE_EVENT_STOP                    = 0x80
-	PTRACE_EVENT_VFORK                   = 0x2
-	PTRACE_EVENT_VFORK_DONE              = 0x5
-	PTRACE_GETEVENTMSG                   = 0x4201
-	PTRACE_GETEVRREGS                    = 0x14
-	PTRACE_GETFPREGS                     = 0xe
-	PTRACE_GETREGS                       = 0xc
-	PTRACE_GETREGS64                     = 0x16
-	PTRACE_GETREGSET                     = 0x4204
-	PTRACE_GETSIGINFO                    = 0x4202
-	PTRACE_GETSIGMASK                    = 0x420a
-	PTRACE_GETVRREGS                     = 0x12
-	PTRACE_GETVSRREGS                    = 0x1b
-	PTRACE_GET_DEBUGREG                  = 0x19
-	PTRACE_INTERRUPT                     = 0x4207
-	PTRACE_KILL                          = 0x8
-	PTRACE_LISTEN                        = 0x4208
-	PTRACE_O_EXITKILL                    = 0x100000
-	PTRACE_O_MASK                        = 0x3000ff
-	PTRACE_O_SUSPEND_SECCOMP             = 0x200000
-	PTRACE_O_TRACECLONE                  = 0x8
-	PTRACE_O_TRACEEXEC                   = 0x10
-	PTRACE_O_TRACEEXIT                   = 0x40
-	PTRACE_O_TRACEFORK                   = 0x2
-	PTRACE_O_TRACESECCOMP                = 0x80
-	PTRACE_O_TRACESYSGOOD                = 0x1
-	PTRACE_O_TRACEVFORK                  = 0x4
-	PTRACE_O_TRACEVFORKDONE              = 0x20
-	PTRACE_PEEKDATA                      = 0x2
-	PTRACE_PEEKSIGINFO                   = 0x4209
-	PTRACE_PEEKTEXT                      = 0x1
-	PTRACE_PEEKUSR                       = 0x3
-	PTRACE_POKEDATA                      = 0x5
-	PTRACE_POKETEXT                      = 0x4
-	PTRACE_POKEUSR                       = 0x6
-	PTRACE_SECCOMP_GET_FILTER            = 0x420c
-	PTRACE_SEIZE                         = 0x4206
-	PTRACE_SETEVRREGS                    = 0x15
-	PTRACE_SETFPREGS                     = 0xf
-	PTRACE_SETOPTIONS                    = 0x4200
-	PTRACE_SETREGS                       = 0xd
-	PTRACE_SETREGS64                     = 0x17
-	PTRACE_SETREGSET                     = 0x4205
-	PTRACE_SETSIGINFO                    = 0x4203
-	PTRACE_SETSIGMASK                    = 0x420b
-	PTRACE_SETVRREGS                     = 0x13
-	PTRACE_SETVSRREGS                    = 0x1c
-	PTRACE_SET_DEBUGREG                  = 0x1a
-	PTRACE_SINGLEBLOCK                   = 0x100
-	PTRACE_SINGLESTEP                    = 0x9
-	PTRACE_SYSCALL                       = 0x18
-	PTRACE_SYSEMU                        = 0x1d
-	PTRACE_SYSEMU_SINGLESTEP             = 0x1e
-	PTRACE_TRACEME                       = 0x0
-	PT_CCR                               = 0x26
-	PT_CTR                               = 0x23
-	PT_DAR                               = 0x29
-	PT_DSCR                              = 0x2c
-	PT_DSISR                             = 0x2a
-	PT_FPR0                              = 0x30
-	PT_FPSCR                             = 0x50
-	PT_LNK                               = 0x24
-	PT_MSR                               = 0x21
-	PT_NIP                               = 0x20
-	PT_ORIG_R3                           = 0x22
-	PT_R0                                = 0x0
-	PT_R1                                = 0x1
-	PT_R10                               = 0xa
-	PT_R11                               = 0xb
-	PT_R12                               = 0xc
-	PT_R13                               = 0xd
-	PT_R14                               = 0xe
-	PT_R15                               = 0xf
-	PT_R16                               = 0x10
-	PT_R17                               = 0x11
-	PT_R18                               = 0x12
-	PT_R19                               = 0x13
-	PT_R2                                = 0x2
-	PT_R20                               = 0x14
-	PT_R21                               = 0x15
-	PT_R22                               = 0x16
-	PT_R23                               = 0x17
-	PT_R24                               = 0x18
-	PT_R25                               = 0x19
-	PT_R26                               = 0x1a
-	PT_R27                               = 0x1b
-	PT_R28                               = 0x1c
-	PT_R29                               = 0x1d
-	PT_R3                                = 0x3
-	PT_R30                               = 0x1e
-	PT_R31                               = 0x1f
-	PT_R4                                = 0x4
-	PT_R5                                = 0x5
-	PT_R6                                = 0x6
-	PT_R7                                = 0x7
-	PT_R8                                = 0x8
-	PT_R9                                = 0x9
-	PT_REGS_COUNT                        = 0x2c
-	PT_RESULT                            = 0x2b
-	PT_SOFTE                             = 0x27
-	PT_TRAP                              = 0x28
-	PT_VR0                               = 0x52
-	PT_VRSAVE                            = 0x94
-	PT_VSCR                              = 0x93
-	PT_VSR0                              = 0x96
-	PT_VSR31                             = 0xd4
-	PT_XER                               = 0x25
-	QNX4_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0x2f
-	QNX6_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0x68191122
-	RAMFS_MAGIC                          = 0x858458f6
-	RDTGROUP_SUPER_MAGIC                 = 0x7655821
-	REISERFS_SUPER_MAGIC                 = 0x52654973
-	RENAME_EXCHANGE                      = 0x2
-	RENAME_NOREPLACE                     = 0x1
-	RENAME_WHITEOUT                      = 0x4
-	RLIMIT_AS                            = 0x9
-	RLIMIT_CORE                          = 0x4
-	RLIMIT_CPU                           = 0x0
-	RLIMIT_DATA                          = 0x2
-	RLIMIT_FSIZE                         = 0x1
-	RLIMIT_LOCKS                         = 0xa
-	RLIMIT_MEMLOCK                       = 0x8
-	RLIMIT_MSGQUEUE                      = 0xc
-	RLIMIT_NICE                          = 0xd
-	RLIMIT_NOFILE                        = 0x7
-	RLIMIT_NPROC                         = 0x6
-	RLIMIT_RSS                           = 0x5
-	RLIMIT_RTPRIO                        = 0xe
-	RLIMIT_RTTIME                        = 0xf
-	RLIMIT_SIGPENDING                    = 0xb
-	RLIMIT_STACK                         = 0x3
-	RLIM_INFINITY                        = 0xffffffffffffffff
-	RNDADDENTROPY                        = 0x80085203
-	RNDADDTOENTCNT                       = 0x80045201
-	RNDCLEARPOOL                         = 0x20005206
-	RNDGETENTCNT                         = 0x40045200
-	RNDGETPOOL                           = 0x40085202
-	RNDRESEEDCRNG                        = 0x20005207
-	RNDZAPENTCNT                         = 0x20005204
-	RTAX_ADVMSS                          = 0x8
-	RTAX_CC_ALGO                         = 0x10
-	RTAX_CWND                            = 0x7
-	RTAX_FASTOPEN_NO_COOKIE              = 0x11
-	RTAX_FEATURES                        = 0xc
-	RTAX_FEATURE_ALLFRAG                 = 0x8
-	RTAX_FEATURE_ECN                     = 0x1
-	RTAX_FEATURE_MASK                    = 0xf
-	RTAX_FEATURE_SACK                    = 0x2
-	RTAX_FEATURE_TIMESTAMP               = 0x4
-	RTAX_HOPLIMIT                        = 0xa
-	RTAX_INITCWND                        = 0xb
-	RTAX_INITRWND                        = 0xe
-	RTAX_LOCK                            = 0x1
-	RTAX_MAX                             = 0x11
-	RTAX_MTU                             = 0x2
-	RTAX_QUICKACK                        = 0xf
-	RTAX_REORDERING                      = 0x9
-	RTAX_RTO_MIN                         = 0xd
-	RTAX_RTT                             = 0x4
-	RTAX_RTTVAR                          = 0x5
-	RTAX_SSTHRESH                        = 0x6
-	RTAX_UNSPEC                          = 0x0
-	RTAX_WINDOW                          = 0x3
-	RTA_ALIGNTO                          = 0x4
-	RTA_MAX                              = 0x1d
-	RTCF_DIRECTSRC                       = 0x4000000
-	RTCF_DOREDIRECT                      = 0x1000000
-	RTCF_LOG                             = 0x2000000
-	RTCF_MASQ                            = 0x400000
-	RTCF_NAT                             = 0x800000
-	RTCF_VALVE                           = 0x200000
-	RTC_AF                               = 0x20
-	RTC_AIE_OFF                          = 0x20007002
-	RTC_AIE_ON                           = 0x20007001
-	RTC_ALM_READ                         = 0x40247008
-	RTC_ALM_SET                          = 0x80247007
-	RTC_EPOCH_READ                       = 0x4008700d
-	RTC_EPOCH_SET                        = 0x8008700e
-	RTC_IRQF                             = 0x80
-	RTC_IRQP_READ                        = 0x4008700b
-	RTC_IRQP_SET                         = 0x8008700c
-	RTC_MAX_FREQ                         = 0x2000
-	RTC_PF                               = 0x40
-	RTC_PIE_OFF                          = 0x20007006
-	RTC_PIE_ON                           = 0x20007005
-	RTC_PLL_GET                          = 0x40207011
-	RTC_PLL_SET                          = 0x80207012
-	RTC_RD_TIME                          = 0x40247009
-	RTC_SET_TIME                         = 0x8024700a
-	RTC_UF                               = 0x10
-	RTC_UIE_OFF                          = 0x20007004
-	RTC_UIE_ON                           = 0x20007003
-	RTC_VL_CLR                           = 0x20007014
-	RTC_VL_READ                          = 0x40047013
-	RTC_WIE_OFF                          = 0x20007010
-	RTC_WIE_ON                           = 0x2000700f
-	RTC_WKALM_RD                         = 0x40287010
-	RTC_WKALM_SET                        = 0x8028700f
-	RTF_ADDRCLASSMASK                    = 0xf8000000
-	RTF_ADDRCONF                         = 0x40000
-	RTF_ALLONLINK                        = 0x20000
-	RTF_BROADCAST                        = 0x10000000
-	RTF_CACHE                            = 0x1000000
-	RTF_DEFAULT                          = 0x10000
-	RTF_DYNAMIC                          = 0x10
-	RTF_FLOW                             = 0x2000000
-	RTF_GATEWAY                          = 0x2
-	RTF_HOST                             = 0x4
-	RTF_INTERFACE                        = 0x40000000
-	RTF_IRTT                             = 0x100
-	RTF_LINKRT                           = 0x100000
-	RTF_LOCAL                            = 0x80000000
-	RTF_MODIFIED                         = 0x20
-	RTF_MSS                              = 0x40
-	RTF_MTU                              = 0x40
-	RTF_MULTICAST                        = 0x20000000
-	RTF_NAT                              = 0x8000000
-	RTF_NOFORWARD                        = 0x1000
-	RTF_NONEXTHOP                        = 0x200000
-	RTF_NOPMTUDISC                       = 0x4000
-	RTF_POLICY                           = 0x4000000
-	RTF_REINSTATE                        = 0x8
-	RTF_REJECT                           = 0x200
-	RTF_STATIC                           = 0x400
-	RTF_THROW                            = 0x2000
-	RTF_UP                               = 0x1
-	RTF_WINDOW                           = 0x80
-	RTF_XRESOLVE                         = 0x800
-	RTM_BASE                             = 0x10
-	RTM_DELACTION                        = 0x31
-	RTM_DELADDR                          = 0x15
-	RTM_DELADDRLABEL                     = 0x49
-	RTM_DELCHAIN                         = 0x65
-	RTM_DELLINK                          = 0x11
-	RTM_DELMDB                           = 0x55
-	RTM_DELNEIGH                         = 0x1d
-	RTM_DELNETCONF                       = 0x51
-	RTM_DELNSID                          = 0x59
-	RTM_DELQDISC                         = 0x25
-	RTM_DELROUTE                         = 0x19
-	RTM_DELRULE                          = 0x21
-	RTM_DELTCLASS                        = 0x29
-	RTM_DELTFILTER                       = 0x2d
-	RTM_F_CLONED                         = 0x200
-	RTM_F_EQUALIZE                       = 0x400
-	RTM_F_FIB_MATCH                      = 0x2000
-	RTM_F_LOOKUP_TABLE                   = 0x1000
-	RTM_F_NOTIFY                         = 0x100
-	RTM_F_PREFIX                         = 0x800
-	RTM_GETACTION                        = 0x32
-	RTM_GETADDR                          = 0x16
-	RTM_GETADDRLABEL                     = 0x4a
-	RTM_GETANYCAST                       = 0x3e
-	RTM_GETCHAIN                         = 0x66
-	RTM_GETDCB                           = 0x4e
-	RTM_GETLINK                          = 0x12
-	RTM_GETMDB                           = 0x56
-	RTM_GETMULTICAST                     = 0x3a
-	RTM_GETNEIGH                         = 0x1e
-	RTM_GETNEIGHTBL                      = 0x42
-	RTM_GETNETCONF                       = 0x52
-	RTM_GETNSID                          = 0x5a
-	RTM_GETQDISC                         = 0x26
-	RTM_GETROUTE                         = 0x1a
-	RTM_GETRULE                          = 0x22
-	RTM_GETSTATS                         = 0x5e
-	RTM_GETTCLASS                        = 0x2a
-	RTM_GETTFILTER                       = 0x2e
-	RTM_MAX                              = 0x67
-	RTM_NEWACTION                        = 0x30
-	RTM_NEWADDR                          = 0x14
-	RTM_NEWADDRLABEL                     = 0x48
-	RTM_NEWCACHEREPORT                   = 0x60
-	RTM_NEWCHAIN                         = 0x64
-	RTM_NEWLINK                          = 0x10
-	RTM_NEWMDB                           = 0x54
-	RTM_NEWNDUSEROPT                     = 0x44
-	RTM_NEWNEIGH                         = 0x1c
-	RTM_NEWNEIGHTBL                      = 0x40
-	RTM_NEWNETCONF                       = 0x50
-	RTM_NEWNSID                          = 0x58
-	RTM_NEWPREFIX                        = 0x34
-	RTM_NEWQDISC                         = 0x24
-	RTM_NEWROUTE                         = 0x18
-	RTM_NEWRULE                          = 0x20
-	RTM_NEWSTATS                         = 0x5c
-	RTM_NEWTCLASS                        = 0x28
-	RTM_NEWTFILTER                       = 0x2c
-	RTM_NR_FAMILIES                      = 0x16
-	RTM_NR_MSGTYPES                      = 0x58
-	RTM_SETDCB                           = 0x4f
-	RTM_SETLINK                          = 0x13
-	RTM_SETNEIGHTBL                      = 0x43
-	RTNH_ALIGNTO                         = 0x4
-	RTNH_COMPARE_MASK                    = 0x19
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-	RTNH_F_LINKDOWN                      = 0x10
-	RTNH_F_OFFLOAD                       = 0x8
-	RTNH_F_ONLINK                        = 0x4
-	RTNH_F_PERVASIVE                     = 0x2
-	RTNH_F_UNRESOLVED                    = 0x20
-	RTN_MAX                              = 0xb
-	RTPROT_BABEL                         = 0x2a
-	RTPROT_BGP                           = 0xba
-	RTPROT_BIRD                          = 0xc
-	RTPROT_BOOT                          = 0x3
-	RTPROT_DHCP                          = 0x10
-	RTPROT_DNROUTED                      = 0xd
-	RTPROT_EIGRP                         = 0xc0
-	RTPROT_GATED                         = 0x8
-	RTPROT_ISIS                          = 0xbb
-	RTPROT_KERNEL                        = 0x2
-	RTPROT_MROUTED                       = 0x11
-	RTPROT_MRT                           = 0xa
-	RTPROT_NTK                           = 0xf
-	RTPROT_OSPF                          = 0xbc
-	RTPROT_RA                            = 0x9
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-	RTPROT_RIP                           = 0xbd
-	RTPROT_STATIC                        = 0x4
-	RTPROT_UNSPEC                        = 0x0
-	RTPROT_XORP                          = 0xe
-	RTPROT_ZEBRA                         = 0xb
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-	RT_CLASS_LOCAL                       = 0xff
-	RT_CLASS_MAIN                        = 0xfe
-	RT_CLASS_MAX                         = 0xff
-	RT_CLASS_UNSPEC                      = 0x0
-	RUSAGE_CHILDREN                      = -0x1
-	RUSAGE_SELF                          = 0x0
-	RUSAGE_THREAD                        = 0x1
-	SCM_CREDENTIALS                      = 0x2
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-	SCM_TIMESTAMPING                     = 0x25
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-	SCM_TIMESTAMPNS                      = 0x23
-	SCM_TXTIME                           = 0x3d
-	SCM_WIFI_STATUS                      = 0x29
-	SC_LOG_FLUSH                         = 0x100000
-	SECCOMP_MODE_DISABLED                = 0x0
-	SECCOMP_MODE_FILTER                  = 0x2
-	SECCOMP_MODE_STRICT                  = 0x1
-	SECURITYFS_MAGIC                     = 0x73636673
-	SELINUX_MAGIC                        = 0xf97cff8c
-	SFD_CLOEXEC                          = 0x80000
-	SFD_NONBLOCK                         = 0x800
-	SHUT_RD                              = 0x0
-	SHUT_RDWR                            = 0x2
-	SHUT_WR                              = 0x1
-	SIOCADDDLCI                          = 0x8980
-	SIOCADDMULTI                         = 0x8931
-	SIOCADDRT                            = 0x890b
-	SIOCATMARK                           = 0x8905
-	SIOCBONDCHANGEACTIVE                 = 0x8995
-	SIOCBONDENSLAVE                      = 0x8990
-	SIOCBONDINFOQUERY                    = 0x8994
-	SIOCBONDRELEASE                      = 0x8991
-	SIOCBONDSETHWADDR                    = 0x8992
-	SIOCBONDSLAVEINFOQUERY               = 0x8993
-	SIOCBRADDBR                          = 0x89a0
-	SIOCBRADDIF                          = 0x89a2
-	SIOCBRDELBR                          = 0x89a1
-	SIOCBRDELIF                          = 0x89a3
-	SIOCDARP                             = 0x8953
-	SIOCDELDLCI                          = 0x8981
-	SIOCDELMULTI                         = 0x8932
-	SIOCDELRT                            = 0x890c
-	SIOCDEVPRIVATE                       = 0x89f0
-	SIOCDIFADDR                          = 0x8936
-	SIOCDRARP                            = 0x8960
-	SIOCETHTOOL                          = 0x8946
-	SIOCGARP                             = 0x8954
-	SIOCGHWTSTAMP                        = 0x89b1
-	SIOCGIFADDR                          = 0x8915
-	SIOCGIFBR                            = 0x8940
-	SIOCGIFBRDADDR                       = 0x8919
-	SIOCGIFCONF                          = 0x8912
-	SIOCGIFCOUNT                         = 0x8938
-	SIOCGIFDSTADDR                       = 0x8917
-	SIOCGIFENCAP                         = 0x8925
-	SIOCGIFFLAGS                         = 0x8913
-	SIOCGIFHWADDR                        = 0x8927
-	SIOCGIFINDEX                         = 0x8933
-	SIOCGIFMAP                           = 0x8970
-	SIOCGIFMEM                           = 0x891f
-	SIOCGIFMETRIC                        = 0x891d
-	SIOCGIFMTU                           = 0x8921
-	SIOCGIFNAME                          = 0x8910
-	SIOCGIFNETMASK                       = 0x891b
-	SIOCGIFPFLAGS                        = 0x8935
-	SIOCGIFSLAVE                         = 0x8929
-	SIOCGIFTXQLEN                        = 0x8942
-	SIOCGIFVLAN                          = 0x8982
-	SIOCGMIIPHY                          = 0x8947
-	SIOCGMIIREG                          = 0x8948
-	SIOCGPGRP                            = 0x8904
-	SIOCGPPPCSTATS                       = 0x89f2
-	SIOCGPPPSTATS                        = 0x89f0
-	SIOCGPPPVER                          = 0x89f1
-	SIOCGRARP                            = 0x8961
-	SIOCGSKNS                            = 0x894c
-	SIOCGSTAMP                           = 0x8906
-	SIOCGSTAMPNS                         = 0x8907
-	SIOCGSTAMPNS_NEW                     = 0x40108907
-	SIOCGSTAMPNS_OLD                     = 0x8907
-	SIOCGSTAMP_NEW                       = 0x40108906
-	SIOCGSTAMP_OLD                       = 0x8906
-	SIOCINQ                              = 0x4004667f
-	SIOCOUTQ                             = 0x40047473
-	SIOCOUTQNSD                          = 0x894b
-	SIOCPROTOPRIVATE                     = 0x89e0
-	SIOCRTMSG                            = 0x890d
-	SIOCSARP                             = 0x8955
-	SIOCSHWTSTAMP                        = 0x89b0
-	SIOCSIFADDR                          = 0x8916
-	SIOCSIFBR                            = 0x8941
-	SIOCSIFBRDADDR                       = 0x891a
-	SIOCSIFDSTADDR                       = 0x8918
-	SIOCSIFENCAP                         = 0x8926
-	SIOCSIFFLAGS                         = 0x8914
-	SIOCSIFHWADDR                        = 0x8924
-	SIOCSIFHWBROADCAST                   = 0x8937
-	SIOCSIFLINK                          = 0x8911
-	SIOCSIFMAP                           = 0x8971
-	SIOCSIFMEM                           = 0x8920
-	SIOCSIFMETRIC                        = 0x891e
-	SIOCSIFMTU                           = 0x8922
-	SIOCSIFNAME                          = 0x8923
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-	SIOCSMIIREG                          = 0x8949
-	SIOCSPGRP                            = 0x8902
-	SIOCSRARP                            = 0x8962
-	SIOCWANDEV                           = 0x894a
-	SMACK_MAGIC                          = 0x43415d53
-	SMART_AUTOSAVE                       = 0xd2
-	SMART_AUTO_OFFLINE                   = 0xdb
-	SMART_DISABLE                        = 0xd9
-	SMART_ENABLE                         = 0xd8
-	SMART_HCYL_PASS                      = 0xc2
-	SMART_IMMEDIATE_OFFLINE              = 0xd4
-	SMART_LCYL_PASS                      = 0x4f
-	SMART_READ_LOG_SECTOR                = 0xd5
-	SMART_READ_THRESHOLDS                = 0xd1
-	SMART_READ_VALUES                    = 0xd0
-	SMART_SAVE                           = 0xd3
-	SMART_STATUS                         = 0xda
-	SMART_WRITE_LOG_SECTOR               = 0xd6
-	SMART_WRITE_THRESHOLDS               = 0xd7
-	SMB_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x517b
-	SOCKFS_MAGIC                         = 0x534f434b
-	SOCK_CLOEXEC                         = 0x80000
-	SOCK_DCCP                            = 0x6
-	SOCK_DGRAM                           = 0x2
-	SOCK_IOC_TYPE                        = 0x89
-	SOCK_NONBLOCK                        = 0x800
-	SOCK_PACKET                          = 0xa
-	SOCK_RAW                             = 0x3
-	SOCK_RDM                             = 0x4
-	SOCK_SEQPACKET                       = 0x5
-	SOCK_STREAM                          = 0x1
-	SOL_AAL                              = 0x109
-	SOL_ALG                              = 0x117
-	SOL_ATM                              = 0x108
-	SOL_CAIF                             = 0x116
-	SOL_CAN_BASE                         = 0x64
-	SOL_DCCP                             = 0x10d
-	SOL_DECNET                           = 0x105
-	SOL_ICMPV6                           = 0x3a
-	SOL_IP                               = 0x0
-	SOL_IPV6                             = 0x29
-	SOL_IRDA                             = 0x10a
-	SOL_IUCV                             = 0x115
-	SOL_KCM                              = 0x119
-	SOL_LLC                              = 0x10c
-	SOL_NETBEUI                          = 0x10b
-	SOL_NETLINK                          = 0x10e
-	SOL_NFC                              = 0x118
-	SOL_PACKET                           = 0x107
-	SOL_PNPIPE                           = 0x113
-	SOL_PPPOL2TP                         = 0x111
-	SOL_RAW                              = 0xff
-	SOL_RDS                              = 0x114
-	SOL_RXRPC                            = 0x110
-	SOL_SOCKET                           = 0x1
-	SOL_TCP                              = 0x6
-	SOL_TIPC                             = 0x10f
-	SOL_TLS                              = 0x11a
-	SOL_X25                              = 0x106
-	SOL_XDP                              = 0x11b
-	SOMAXCONN                            = 0x80
-	SO_ACCEPTCONN                        = 0x1e
-	SO_ATTACH_BPF                        = 0x32
-	SO_ATTACH_FILTER                     = 0x1a
-	SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_CBPF             = 0x33
-	SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_EBPF             = 0x34
-	SO_BINDTODEVICE                      = 0x19
-	SO_BINDTOIFINDEX                     = 0x3e
-	SO_BPF_EXTENSIONS                    = 0x30
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-	SO_BSDCOMPAT                         = 0xe
-	SO_BUSY_POLL                         = 0x2e
-	SO_CNX_ADVICE                        = 0x35
-	SO_COOKIE                            = 0x39
-	SO_DEBUG                             = 0x1
-	SO_DETACH_BPF                        = 0x1b
-	SO_DETACH_FILTER                     = 0x1b
-	SO_DOMAIN                            = 0x27
-	SO_DONTROUTE                         = 0x5
-	SO_EE_CODE_TXTIME_MISSED             = 0x2
-	SO_EE_CODE_ZEROCOPY_COPIED           = 0x1
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_ICMP                    = 0x2
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_ICMP6                   = 0x3
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-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_NONE                    = 0x0
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_TIMESTAMPING            = 0x4
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_TXSTATUS                = 0x4
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_TXTIME                  = 0x6
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_ZEROCOPY                = 0x5
-	SO_ERROR                             = 0x4
-	SO_GET_FILTER                        = 0x1a
-	SO_INCOMING_CPU                      = 0x31
-	SO_INCOMING_NAPI_ID                  = 0x38
-	SO_KEEPALIVE                         = 0x9
-	SO_LINGER                            = 0xd
-	SO_LOCK_FILTER                       = 0x2c
-	SO_MARK                              = 0x24
-	SO_MAX_PACING_RATE                   = 0x2f
-	SO_MEMINFO                           = 0x37
-	SO_NOFCS                             = 0x2b
-	SO_NO_CHECK                          = 0xb
-	SO_OOBINLINE                         = 0xa
-	SO_PASSCRED                          = 0x14
-	SO_PASSSEC                           = 0x22
-	SO_PEEK_OFF                          = 0x2a
-	SO_PEERCRED                          = 0x15
-	SO_PEERGROUPS                        = 0x3b
-	SO_PEERNAME                          = 0x1c
-	SO_PEERSEC                           = 0x1f
-	SO_PRIORITY                          = 0xc
-	SO_PROTOCOL                          = 0x26
-	SO_RCVBUF                            = 0x8
-	SO_RCVBUFFORCE                       = 0x21
-	SO_RCVLOWAT                          = 0x10
-	SO_RCVTIMEO                          = 0x12
-	SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW                      = 0x42
-	SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD                      = 0x12
-	SO_REUSEADDR                         = 0x2
-	SO_REUSEPORT                         = 0xf
-	SO_RXQ_OVFL                          = 0x28
-	SO_SELECT_ERR_QUEUE                  = 0x2d
-	SO_SNDBUF                            = 0x7
-	SO_SNDBUFFORCE                       = 0x20
-	SO_SNDLOWAT                          = 0x11
-	SO_SNDTIMEO                          = 0x13
-	SO_SNDTIMEO_NEW                      = 0x43
-	SO_SNDTIMEO_OLD                      = 0x13
-	SO_TIMESTAMP                         = 0x1d
-	SO_TIMESTAMPING                      = 0x25
-	SO_TIMESTAMPING_NEW                  = 0x41
-	SO_TIMESTAMPING_OLD                  = 0x25
-	SO_TIMESTAMPNS                       = 0x23
-	SO_TIMESTAMPNS_NEW                   = 0x40
-	SO_TIMESTAMPNS_OLD                   = 0x23
-	SO_TIMESTAMP_NEW                     = 0x3f
-	SO_TIMESTAMP_OLD                     = 0x1d
-	SO_TXTIME                            = 0x3d
-	SO_TYPE                              = 0x3
-	SO_VM_SOCKETS_BUFFER_SIZE            = 0x0
-	SO_VM_SOCKETS_TRUSTED                = 0x5
-	SO_WIFI_STATUS                       = 0x29
-	SO_ZEROCOPY                          = 0x3c
-	SPLICE_F_GIFT                        = 0x8
-	SPLICE_F_MORE                        = 0x4
-	SPLICE_F_MOVE                        = 0x1
-	SPLICE_F_NONBLOCK                    = 0x2
-	SQUASHFS_MAGIC                       = 0x73717368
-	STACK_END_MAGIC                      = 0x57ac6e9d
-	STATX_ALL                            = 0xfff
-	STATX_ATIME                          = 0x20
-	STATX_ATTR_APPEND                    = 0x20
-	STATX_ATTR_AUTOMOUNT                 = 0x1000
-	STATX_ATTR_COMPRESSED                = 0x4
-	STATX_ATTR_ENCRYPTED                 = 0x800
-	STATX_ATTR_IMMUTABLE                 = 0x10
-	STATX_ATTR_NODUMP                    = 0x40
-	STATX_BASIC_STATS                    = 0x7ff
-	STATX_BLOCKS                         = 0x400
-	STATX_BTIME                          = 0x800
-	STATX_CTIME                          = 0x80
-	STATX_GID                            = 0x10
-	STATX_INO                            = 0x100
-	STATX_MODE                           = 0x2
-	STATX_MTIME                          = 0x40
-	STATX_NLINK                          = 0x4
-	STATX_SIZE                           = 0x200
-	STATX_TYPE                           = 0x1
-	STATX_UID                            = 0x8
-	STATX__RESERVED                      = 0x80000000
-	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WAIT_AFTER           = 0x4
-	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WRITE                = 0x2
-	SYSFS_MAGIC                          = 0x62656572
-	S_BLKSIZE                            = 0x200
-	S_IEXEC                              = 0x40
-	S_IFBLK                              = 0x6000
-	S_IFCHR                              = 0x2000
-	S_IFDIR                              = 0x4000
-	S_IFIFO                              = 0x1000
-	S_IFLNK                              = 0xa000
-	S_IFMT                               = 0xf000
-	S_IFREG                              = 0x8000
-	S_IFSOCK                             = 0xc000
-	S_IREAD                              = 0x100
-	S_IRGRP                              = 0x20
-	S_IROTH                              = 0x4
-	S_IRUSR                              = 0x100
-	S_IRWXG                              = 0x38
-	S_IRWXO                              = 0x7
-	S_IRWXU                              = 0x1c0
-	S_ISGID                              = 0x400
-	S_ISUID                              = 0x800
-	S_ISVTX                              = 0x200
-	S_IWGRP                              = 0x10
-	S_IWOTH                              = 0x2
-	S_IWRITE                             = 0x80
-	S_IWUSR                              = 0x80
-	S_IXGRP                              = 0x8
-	S_IXOTH                              = 0x1
-	S_IXUSR                              = 0x40
-	TAB0                                 = 0x0
-	TAB1                                 = 0x400
-	TAB2                                 = 0x800
-	TAB3                                 = 0xc00
-	TABDLY                               = 0xc00
-	TASKSTATS_CMD_ATTR_MAX               = 0x4
-	TASKSTATS_CMD_MAX                    = 0x2
-	TASKSTATS_GENL_NAME                  = "TASKSTATS"
-	TASKSTATS_GENL_VERSION               = 0x1
-	TASKSTATS_TYPE_MAX                   = 0x6
-	TASKSTATS_VERSION                    = 0x9
-	TCFLSH                               = 0x2000741f
-	TCGETA                               = 0x40147417
-	TCGETS                               = 0x402c7413
-	TCIFLUSH                             = 0x0
-	TCIOFF                               = 0x2
-	TCIOFLUSH                            = 0x2
-	TCION                                = 0x3
-	TCOFLUSH                             = 0x1
-	TCOOFF                               = 0x0
-	TCOON                                = 0x1
-	TCP_BPF_IW                           = 0x3e9
-	TCP_BPF_SNDCWND_CLAMP                = 0x3ea
-	TCP_CC_INFO                          = 0x1a
-	TCP_CM_INQ                           = 0x24
-	TCP_CONGESTION                       = 0xd
-	TCP_COOKIE_IN_ALWAYS                 = 0x1
-	TCP_COOKIE_MAX                       = 0x10
-	TCP_COOKIE_MIN                       = 0x8
-	TCP_COOKIE_OUT_NEVER                 = 0x2
-	TCP_COOKIE_PAIR_SIZE                 = 0x20
-	TCP_COOKIE_TRANSACTIONS              = 0xf
-	TCP_CORK                             = 0x3
-	TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT                     = 0x9
-	TCP_FASTOPEN                         = 0x17
-	TCP_FASTOPEN_CONNECT                 = 0x1e
-	TCP_FASTOPEN_KEY                     = 0x21
-	TCP_FASTOPEN_NO_COOKIE               = 0x22
-	TCP_INFO                             = 0xb
-	TCP_INQ                              = 0x24
-	TCP_KEEPCNT                          = 0x6
-	TCP_KEEPIDLE                         = 0x4
-	TCP_KEEPINTVL                        = 0x5
-	TCP_LINGER2                          = 0x8
-	TCP_MAXSEG                           = 0x2
-	TCP_MAXWIN                           = 0xffff
-	TCP_MAX_WINSHIFT                     = 0xe
-	TCP_MD5SIG                           = 0xe
-	TCP_MD5SIG_EXT                       = 0x20
-	TCP_MD5SIG_FLAG_PREFIX               = 0x1
-	TCP_MD5SIG_MAXKEYLEN                 = 0x50
-	TCP_MSS                              = 0x200
-	TCP_MSS_DEFAULT                      = 0x218
-	TCP_MSS_DESIRED                      = 0x4c4
-	TCP_NODELAY                          = 0x1
-	TCP_NOTSENT_LOWAT                    = 0x19
-	TCP_QUEUE_SEQ                        = 0x15
-	TCP_QUICKACK                         = 0xc
-	TCP_REPAIR                           = 0x13
-	TCP_REPAIR_OFF                       = 0x0
-	TCP_REPAIR_OFF_NO_WP                 = -0x1
-	TCP_REPAIR_ON                        = 0x1
-	TCP_REPAIR_OPTIONS                   = 0x16
-	TCP_REPAIR_QUEUE                     = 0x14
-	TCP_REPAIR_WINDOW                    = 0x1d
-	TCP_SAVED_SYN                        = 0x1c
-	TCP_SAVE_SYN                         = 0x1b
-	TCP_SYNCNT                           = 0x7
-	TCP_S_DATA_IN                        = 0x4
-	TCP_S_DATA_OUT                       = 0x8
-	TCP_THIN_DUPACK                      = 0x11
-	TCP_THIN_LINEAR_TIMEOUTS             = 0x10
-	TCP_TIMESTAMP                        = 0x18
-	TCP_ULP                              = 0x1f
-	TCP_USER_TIMEOUT                     = 0x12
-	TCP_WINDOW_CLAMP                     = 0xa
-	TCP_ZEROCOPY_RECEIVE                 = 0x23
-	TCSAFLUSH                            = 0x2
-	TCSBRK                               = 0x2000741d
-	TCSBRKP                              = 0x5425
-	TCSETA                               = 0x80147418
-	TCSETAF                              = 0x8014741c
-	TCSETAW                              = 0x80147419
-	TCSETS                               = 0x802c7414
-	TCSETSF                              = 0x802c7416
-	TCSETSW                              = 0x802c7415
-	TCXONC                               = 0x2000741e
-	TIMER_ABSTIME                        = 0x1
-	TIOCCBRK                             = 0x5428
-	TIOCCONS                             = 0x541d
-	TIOCEXCL                             = 0x540c
-	TIOCGDEV                             = 0x40045432
-	TIOCGETC                             = 0x40067412
-	TIOCGETD                             = 0x5424
-	TIOCGETP                             = 0x40067408
-	TIOCGEXCL                            = 0x40045440
-	TIOCGICOUNT                          = 0x545d
-	TIOCGISO7816                         = 0x40285442
-	TIOCGLCKTRMIOS                       = 0x5456
-	TIOCGLTC                             = 0x40067474
-	TIOCGPGRP                            = 0x40047477
-	TIOCGPKT                             = 0x40045438
-	TIOCGPTLCK                           = 0x40045439
-	TIOCGPTN                             = 0x40045430
-	TIOCGPTPEER                          = 0x20005441
-	TIOCGRS485                           = 0x542e
-	TIOCGSERIAL                          = 0x541e
-	TIOCGSID                             = 0x5429
-	TIOCGSOFTCAR                         = 0x5419
-	TIOCGWINSZ                           = 0x40087468
-	TIOCINQ                              = 0x4004667f
-	TIOCLINUX                            = 0x541c
-	TIOCMBIC                             = 0x5417
-	TIOCMBIS                             = 0x5416
-	TIOCMGET                             = 0x5415
-	TIOCMIWAIT                           = 0x545c
-	TIOCMSET                             = 0x5418
-	TIOCM_CAR                            = 0x40
-	TIOCM_CD                             = 0x40
-	TIOCM_CTS                            = 0x20
-	TIOCM_DSR                            = 0x100
-	TIOCM_DTR                            = 0x2
-	TIOCM_LE                             = 0x1
-	TIOCM_LOOP                           = 0x8000
-	TIOCM_OUT1                           = 0x2000
-	TIOCM_OUT2                           = 0x4000
-	TIOCM_RI                             = 0x80
-	TIOCM_RNG                            = 0x80
-	TIOCM_RTS                            = 0x4
-	TIOCM_SR                             = 0x10
-	TIOCM_ST                             = 0x8
-	TIOCNOTTY                            = 0x5422
-	TIOCNXCL                             = 0x540d
-	TIOCOUTQ                             = 0x40047473
-	TIOCPKT                              = 0x5420
-	TIOCPKT_DATA                         = 0x0
-	TIOCPKT_DOSTOP                       = 0x20
-	TIOCPKT_FLUSHREAD                    = 0x1
-	TIOCPKT_FLUSHWRITE                   = 0x2
-	TIOCPKT_IOCTL                        = 0x40
-	TIOCPKT_NOSTOP                       = 0x10
-	TIOCPKT_START                        = 0x8
-	TIOCPKT_STOP                         = 0x4
-	TIOCSBRK                             = 0x5427
-	TIOCSCTTY                            = 0x540e
-	TIOCSERCONFIG                        = 0x5453
-	TIOCSERGETLSR                        = 0x5459
-	TIOCSERGETMULTI                      = 0x545a
-	TIOCSERGSTRUCT                       = 0x5458
-	TIOCSERGWILD                         = 0x5454
-	TIOCSERSETMULTI                      = 0x545b
-	TIOCSERSWILD                         = 0x5455
-	TIOCSER_TEMT                         = 0x1
-	TIOCSETC                             = 0x80067411
-	TIOCSETD                             = 0x5423
-	TIOCSETN                             = 0x8006740a
-	TIOCSETP                             = 0x80067409
-	TIOCSIG                              = 0x80045436
-	TIOCSISO7816                         = 0xc0285443
-	TIOCSLCKTRMIOS                       = 0x5457
-	TIOCSLTC                             = 0x80067475
-	TIOCSPGRP                            = 0x80047476
-	TIOCSPTLCK                           = 0x80045431
-	TIOCSRS485                           = 0x542f
-	TIOCSSERIAL                          = 0x541f
-	TIOCSSOFTCAR                         = 0x541a
-	TIOCSTART                            = 0x2000746e
-	TIOCSTI                              = 0x5412
-	TIOCSTOP                             = 0x2000746f
-	TIOCSWINSZ                           = 0x80087467
-	TIOCVHANGUP                          = 0x5437
-	TMPFS_MAGIC                          = 0x1021994
-	TOSTOP                               = 0x400000
-	TPACKET_ALIGNMENT                    = 0x10
-	TPACKET_HDRLEN                       = 0x34
-	TP_STATUS_AVAILABLE                  = 0x0
-	TP_STATUS_BLK_TMO                    = 0x20
-	TP_STATUS_COPY                       = 0x2
-	TP_STATUS_CSUMNOTREADY               = 0x8
-	TP_STATUS_CSUM_VALID                 = 0x80
-	TP_STATUS_KERNEL                     = 0x0
-	TP_STATUS_LOSING                     = 0x4
-	TP_STATUS_SENDING                    = 0x2
-	TP_STATUS_SEND_REQUEST               = 0x1
-	TP_STATUS_TS_RAW_HARDWARE            = -0x80000000
-	TP_STATUS_TS_SOFTWARE                = 0x20000000
-	TP_STATUS_TS_SYS_HARDWARE            = 0x40000000
-	TP_STATUS_USER                       = 0x1
-	TP_STATUS_VLAN_TPID_VALID            = 0x40
-	TP_STATUS_VLAN_VALID                 = 0x10
-	TP_STATUS_WRONG_FORMAT               = 0x4
-	TRACEFS_MAGIC                        = 0x74726163
-	TS_COMM_LEN                          = 0x20
-	TUNATTACHFILTER                      = 0x801054d5
-	TUNDETACHFILTER                      = 0x801054d6
-	TUNGETDEVNETNS                       = 0x200054e3
-	TUNGETFEATURES                       = 0x400454cf
-	TUNGETFILTER                         = 0x401054db
-	TUNGETIFF                            = 0x400454d2
-	TUNGETSNDBUF                         = 0x400454d3
-	TUNGETVNETBE                         = 0x400454df
-	TUNGETVNETHDRSZ                      = 0x400454d7
-	TUNGETVNETLE                         = 0x400454dd
-	TUNSETCARRIER                        = 0x800454e2
-	TUNSETDEBUG                          = 0x800454c9
-	TUNSETFILTEREBPF                     = 0x400454e1
-	TUNSETGROUP                          = 0x800454ce
-	TUNSETIFF                            = 0x800454ca
-	TUNSETIFINDEX                        = 0x800454da
-	TUNSETLINK                           = 0x800454cd
-	TUNSETNOCSUM                         = 0x800454c8
-	TUNSETOFFLOAD                        = 0x800454d0
-	TUNSETOWNER                          = 0x800454cc
-	TUNSETPERSIST                        = 0x800454cb
-	TUNSETQUEUE                          = 0x800454d9
-	TUNSETSNDBUF                         = 0x800454d4
-	TUNSETSTEERINGEBPF                   = 0x400454e0
-	TUNSETTXFILTER                       = 0x800454d1
-	TUNSETVNETBE                         = 0x800454de
-	TUNSETVNETHDRSZ                      = 0x800454d8
-	TUNSETVNETLE                         = 0x800454dc
-	UBI_IOCATT                           = 0x80186f40
-	UBI_IOCDET                           = 0x80046f41
-	UBI_IOCEBCH                          = 0x80044f02
-	UBI_IOCEBER                          = 0x80044f01
-	UBI_IOCEBISMAP                       = 0x40044f05
-	UBI_IOCEBMAP                         = 0x80084f03
-	UBI_IOCEBUNMAP                       = 0x80044f04
-	UBI_IOCMKVOL                         = 0x80986f00
-	UBI_IOCRMVOL                         = 0x80046f01
-	UBI_IOCRNVOL                         = 0x91106f03
-	UBI_IOCRPEB                          = 0x80046f04
-	UBI_IOCRSVOL                         = 0x800c6f02
-	UBI_IOCSETVOLPROP                    = 0x80104f06
-	UBI_IOCSPEB                          = 0x80046f05
-	UBI_IOCVOLCRBLK                      = 0x80804f07
-	UBI_IOCVOLRMBLK                      = 0x20004f08
-	UBI_IOCVOLUP                         = 0x80084f00
-	UDF_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x15013346
-	UMOUNT_NOFOLLOW                      = 0x8
-	USBDEVICE_SUPER_MAGIC                = 0x9fa2
-	UTIME_NOW                            = 0x3fffffff
-	UTIME_OMIT                           = 0x3ffffffe
-	V9FS_MAGIC                           = 0x1021997
-	VDISCARD                             = 0x10
-	VEOF                                 = 0x4
-	VEOL                                 = 0x6
-	VEOL2                                = 0x8
-	VERASE                               = 0x2
-	VINTR                                = 0x0
-	VKILL                                = 0x3
-	VLNEXT                               = 0xf
-	VMADDR_CID_ANY                       = 0xffffffff
-	VMADDR_CID_HOST                      = 0x2
-	VMADDR_CID_HYPERVISOR                = 0x0
-	VMADDR_CID_RESERVED                  = 0x1
-	VMADDR_PORT_ANY                      = 0xffffffff
-	VMIN                                 = 0x5
-	VM_SOCKETS_INVALID_VERSION           = 0xffffffff
-	VQUIT                                = 0x1
-	VREPRINT                             = 0xb
-	VSTART                               = 0xd
-	VSTOP                                = 0xe
-	VSUSP                                = 0xc
-	VSWTC                                = 0x9
-	VT0                                  = 0x0
-	VT1                                  = 0x10000
-	VTDLY                                = 0x10000
-	VTIME                                = 0x7
-	VWERASE                              = 0xa
-	WALL                                 = 0x40000000
-	WCLONE                               = 0x80000000
-	WCONTINUED                           = 0x8
-	WDIOC_GETBOOTSTATUS                  = 0x40045702
-	WDIOC_GETPRETIMEOUT                  = 0x40045709
-	WDIOC_GETSTATUS                      = 0x40045701
-	WDIOC_GETSUPPORT                     = 0x40285700
-	WDIOC_GETTEMP                        = 0x40045703
-	WDIOC_GETTIMELEFT                    = 0x4004570a
-	WDIOC_GETTIMEOUT                     = 0x40045707
-	WDIOC_KEEPALIVE                      = 0x40045705
-	WDIOC_SETOPTIONS                     = 0x40045704
-	WDIOC_SETPRETIMEOUT                  = 0xc0045708
-	WDIOC_SETTIMEOUT                     = 0xc0045706
-	WEXITED                              = 0x4
-	WIN_ACKMEDIACHANGE                   = 0xdb
-	WIN_CHECKPOWERMODE1                  = 0xe5
-	WIN_CHECKPOWERMODE2                  = 0x98
-	WIN_DEVICE_RESET                     = 0x8
-	WIN_DIAGNOSE                         = 0x90
-	WIN_DOORLOCK                         = 0xde
-	WIN_DOORUNLOCK                       = 0xdf
-	WIN_DOWNLOAD_MICROCODE               = 0x92
-	WIN_FLUSH_CACHE                      = 0xe7
-	WIN_FLUSH_CACHE_EXT                  = 0xea
-	WIN_FORMAT                           = 0x50
-	WIN_GETMEDIASTATUS                   = 0xda
-	WIN_IDENTIFY                         = 0xec
-	WIN_IDENTIFY_DMA                     = 0xee
-	WIN_IDLEIMMEDIATE                    = 0xe1
-	WIN_INIT                             = 0x60
-	WIN_MEDIAEJECT                       = 0xed
-	WIN_MULTREAD                         = 0xc4
-	WIN_MULTREAD_EXT                     = 0x29
-	WIN_MULTWRITE                        = 0xc5
-	WIN_MULTWRITE_EXT                    = 0x39
-	WIN_NOP                              = 0x0
-	WIN_PACKETCMD                        = 0xa0
-	WIN_PIDENTIFY                        = 0xa1
-	WIN_POSTBOOT                         = 0xdc
-	WIN_PREBOOT                          = 0xdd
-	WIN_QUEUED_SERVICE                   = 0xa2
-	WIN_READ                             = 0x20
-	WIN_READDMA                          = 0xc8
-	WIN_READDMA_EXT                      = 0x25
-	WIN_READDMA_ONCE                     = 0xc9
-	WIN_READDMA_QUEUED                   = 0xc7
-	WIN_READDMA_QUEUED_EXT               = 0x26
-	WIN_READ_BUFFER                      = 0xe4
-	WIN_READ_EXT                         = 0x24
-	WIN_READ_LONG                        = 0x22
-	WIN_READ_LONG_ONCE                   = 0x23
-	WIN_READ_NATIVE_MAX                  = 0xf8
-	WIN_READ_NATIVE_MAX_EXT              = 0x27
-	WIN_READ_ONCE                        = 0x21
-	WIN_RECAL                            = 0x10
-	WIN_RESTORE                          = 0x10
-	WIN_SECURITY_DISABLE                 = 0xf6
-	WIN_SECURITY_ERASE_UNIT              = 0xf4
-	WIN_SECURITY_FREEZE_LOCK             = 0xf5
-	WIN_SECURITY_SET_PASS                = 0xf1
-	WIN_SECURITY_UNLOCK                  = 0xf2
-	WIN_SEEK                             = 0x70
-	WIN_SETFEATURES                      = 0xef
-	WIN_SETIDLE1                         = 0xe3
-	WIN_SETIDLE2                         = 0x97
-	WIN_SETMULT                          = 0xc6
-	WIN_SET_MAX                          = 0xf9
-	WIN_SET_MAX_EXT                      = 0x37
-	WIN_SLEEPNOW1                        = 0xe6
-	WIN_SLEEPNOW2                        = 0x99
-	WIN_SMART                            = 0xb0
-	WIN_SPECIFY                          = 0x91
-	WIN_SRST                             = 0x8
-	WIN_STANDBY                          = 0xe2
-	WIN_STANDBY2                         = 0x96
-	WIN_STANDBYNOW1                      = 0xe0
-	WIN_STANDBYNOW2                      = 0x94
-	WIN_VERIFY                           = 0x40
-	WIN_VERIFY_EXT                       = 0x42
-	WIN_VERIFY_ONCE                      = 0x41
-	WIN_WRITE                            = 0x30
-	WIN_WRITEDMA                         = 0xca
-	WIN_WRITEDMA_EXT                     = 0x35
-	WIN_WRITEDMA_ONCE                    = 0xcb
-	WIN_WRITEDMA_QUEUED                  = 0xcc
-	WIN_WRITEDMA_QUEUED_EXT              = 0x36
-	WIN_WRITE_BUFFER                     = 0xe8
-	WIN_WRITE_EXT                        = 0x34
-	WIN_WRITE_LONG                       = 0x32
-	WIN_WRITE_LONG_ONCE                  = 0x33
-	WIN_WRITE_ONCE                       = 0x31
-	WIN_WRITE_SAME                       = 0xe9
-	WIN_WRITE_VERIFY                     = 0x3c
-	WNOHANG                              = 0x1
-	WNOTHREAD                            = 0x20000000
-	WNOWAIT                              = 0x1000000
-	WORDSIZE                             = 0x40
-	WSTOPPED                             = 0x2
-	WUNTRACED                            = 0x2
-	XATTR_CREATE                         = 0x1
-	XATTR_REPLACE                        = 0x2
-	XCASE                                = 0x4000
-	XDP_COPY                             = 0x2
-	XDP_FLAGS_DRV_MODE                   = 0x4
-	XDP_FLAGS_HW_MODE                    = 0x8
-	XDP_FLAGS_MASK                       = 0xf
-	XDP_FLAGS_MODES                      = 0xe
-	XDP_FLAGS_SKB_MODE                   = 0x2
-	XDP_MMAP_OFFSETS                     = 0x1
-	XDP_PACKET_HEADROOM                  = 0x100
-	XDP_PGOFF_RX_RING                    = 0x0
-	XDP_PGOFF_TX_RING                    = 0x80000000
-	XDP_RX_RING                          = 0x2
-	XDP_SHARED_UMEM                      = 0x1
-	XDP_STATISTICS                       = 0x7
-	XDP_TX_RING                          = 0x3
-	XDP_UMEM_COMPLETION_RING             = 0x6
-	XDP_UMEM_FILL_RING                   = 0x5
-	XDP_UMEM_PGOFF_COMPLETION_RING       = 0x180000000
-	XDP_UMEM_PGOFF_FILL_RING             = 0x100000000
-	XDP_UMEM_REG                         = 0x4
-	XDP_ZEROCOPY                         = 0x4
-	XENFS_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0xabba1974
-	XFS_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x58465342
-	XTABS                                = 0xc00
-	ZSMALLOC_MAGIC                       = 0x58295829
+	AAFS_MAGIC                                  = 0x5a3c69f0
+	ADFS_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xadf5
+	AFFS_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xadff
+	AFS_FS_MAGIC                                = 0x6b414653
+	AFS_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x5346414f
+	AF_ALG                                      = 0x26
+	AF_APPLETALK                                = 0x5
+	AF_ASH                                      = 0x12
+	AF_ATMPVC                                   = 0x8
+	AF_ATMSVC                                   = 0x14
+	AF_AX25                                     = 0x3
+	AF_BLUETOOTH                                = 0x1f
+	AF_BRIDGE                                   = 0x7
+	AF_CAIF                                     = 0x25
+	AF_CAN                                      = 0x1d
+	AF_DECnet                                   = 0xc
+	AF_ECONET                                   = 0x13
+	AF_FILE                                     = 0x1
+	AF_IB                                       = 0x1b
+	AF_IEEE802154                               = 0x24
+	AF_INET                                     = 0x2
+	AF_INET6                                    = 0xa
+	AF_IPX                                      = 0x4
+	AF_IRDA                                     = 0x17
+	AF_ISDN                                     = 0x22
+	AF_IUCV                                     = 0x20
+	AF_KCM                                      = 0x29
+	AF_KEY                                      = 0xf
+	AF_LLC                                      = 0x1a
+	AF_LOCAL                                    = 0x1
+	AF_MAX                                      = 0x2d
+	AF_MPLS                                     = 0x1c
+	AF_NETBEUI                                  = 0xd
+	AF_NETLINK                                  = 0x10
+	AF_NETROM                                   = 0x6
+	AF_NFC                                      = 0x27
+	AF_PACKET                                   = 0x11
+	AF_PHONET                                   = 0x23
+	AF_PPPOX                                    = 0x18
+	AF_QIPCRTR                                  = 0x2a
+	AF_RDS                                      = 0x15
+	AF_ROSE                                     = 0xb
+	AF_ROUTE                                    = 0x10
+	AF_RXRPC                                    = 0x21
+	AF_SECURITY                                 = 0xe
+	AF_SMC                                      = 0x2b
+	AF_SNA                                      = 0x16
+	AF_TIPC                                     = 0x1e
+	AF_UNIX                                     = 0x1
+	AF_UNSPEC                                   = 0x0
+	AF_VSOCK                                    = 0x28
+	AF_WANPIPE                                  = 0x19
+	AF_X25                                      = 0x9
+	AF_XDP                                      = 0x2c
+	ALG_OP_DECRYPT                              = 0x0
+	ALG_OP_ENCRYPT                              = 0x1
+	ALG_SET_AEAD_ASSOCLEN                       = 0x4
+	ALG_SET_AEAD_AUTHSIZE                       = 0x5
+	ALG_SET_IV                                  = 0x2
+	ALG_SET_KEY                                 = 0x1
+	ALG_SET_OP                                  = 0x3
+	ANON_INODE_FS_MAGIC                         = 0x9041934
+	ARPHRD_6LOWPAN                              = 0x339
+	ARPHRD_ADAPT                                = 0x108
+	ARPHRD_APPLETLK                             = 0x8
+	ARPHRD_ARCNET                               = 0x7
+	ARPHRD_ASH                                  = 0x30d
+	ARPHRD_ATM                                  = 0x13
+	ARPHRD_AX25                                 = 0x3
+	ARPHRD_BIF                                  = 0x307
+	ARPHRD_CAIF                                 = 0x336
+	ARPHRD_CAN                                  = 0x118
+	ARPHRD_CHAOS                                = 0x5
+	ARPHRD_CISCO                                = 0x201
+	ARPHRD_CSLIP                                = 0x101
+	ARPHRD_CSLIP6                               = 0x103
+	ARPHRD_DDCMP                                = 0x205
+	ARPHRD_DLCI                                 = 0xf
+	ARPHRD_ECONET                               = 0x30e
+	ARPHRD_EETHER                               = 0x2
+	ARPHRD_ETHER                                = 0x1
+	ARPHRD_EUI64                                = 0x1b
+	ARPHRD_FCAL                                 = 0x311
+	ARPHRD_FCFABRIC                             = 0x313
+	ARPHRD_FCPL                                 = 0x312
+	ARPHRD_FCPP                                 = 0x310
+	ARPHRD_FDDI                                 = 0x306
+	ARPHRD_FRAD                                 = 0x302
+	ARPHRD_HDLC                                 = 0x201
+	ARPHRD_HIPPI                                = 0x30c
+	ARPHRD_HWX25                                = 0x110
+	ARPHRD_IEEE1394                             = 0x18
+	ARPHRD_IEEE802                              = 0x6
+	ARPHRD_IEEE80211                            = 0x321
+	ARPHRD_IEEE80211_PRISM                      = 0x322
+	ARPHRD_IEEE80211_RADIOTAP                   = 0x323
+	ARPHRD_IEEE802154                           = 0x324
+	ARPHRD_IEEE802154_MONITOR                   = 0x325
+	ARPHRD_IEEE802_TR                           = 0x320
+	ARPHRD_INFINIBAND                           = 0x20
+	ARPHRD_IP6GRE                               = 0x337
+	ARPHRD_IPDDP                                = 0x309
+	ARPHRD_IPGRE                                = 0x30a
+	ARPHRD_IRDA                                 = 0x30f
+	ARPHRD_LAPB                                 = 0x204
+	ARPHRD_LOCALTLK                             = 0x305
+	ARPHRD_LOOPBACK                             = 0x304
+	ARPHRD_METRICOM                             = 0x17
+	ARPHRD_NETLINK                              = 0x338
+	ARPHRD_NETROM                               = 0x0
+	ARPHRD_NONE                                 = 0xfffe
+	ARPHRD_PHONET                               = 0x334
+	ARPHRD_PHONET_PIPE                          = 0x335
+	ARPHRD_PIMREG                               = 0x30b
+	ARPHRD_PPP                                  = 0x200
+	ARPHRD_PRONET                               = 0x4
+	ARPHRD_RAWHDLC                              = 0x206
+	ARPHRD_RAWIP                                = 0x207
+	ARPHRD_ROSE                                 = 0x10e
+	ARPHRD_RSRVD                                = 0x104
+	ARPHRD_SIT                                  = 0x308
+	ARPHRD_SKIP                                 = 0x303
+	ARPHRD_SLIP                                 = 0x100
+	ARPHRD_SLIP6                                = 0x102
+	ARPHRD_TUNNEL                               = 0x300
+	ARPHRD_TUNNEL6                              = 0x301
+	ARPHRD_VOID                                 = 0xffff
+	ARPHRD_VSOCKMON                             = 0x33a
+	ARPHRD_X25                                  = 0x10f
+	AUTOFS_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0x187
+	B0                                          = 0x0
+	B1000000                                    = 0x17
+	B110                                        = 0x3
+	B115200                                     = 0x11
+	B1152000                                    = 0x18
+	B1200                                       = 0x9
+	B134                                        = 0x4
+	B150                                        = 0x5
+	B1500000                                    = 0x19
+	B1800                                       = 0xa
+	B19200                                      = 0xe
+	B200                                        = 0x6
+	B2000000                                    = 0x1a
+	B230400                                     = 0x12
+	B2400                                       = 0xb
+	B2500000                                    = 0x1b
+	B300                                        = 0x7
+	B3000000                                    = 0x1c
+	B3500000                                    = 0x1d
+	B38400                                      = 0xf
+	B4000000                                    = 0x1e
+	B460800                                     = 0x13
+	B4800                                       = 0xc
+	B50                                         = 0x1
+	B500000                                     = 0x14
+	B57600                                      = 0x10
+	B576000                                     = 0x15
+	B600                                        = 0x8
+	B75                                         = 0x2
+	B921600                                     = 0x16
+	B9600                                       = 0xd
+	BALLOON_KVM_MAGIC                           = 0x13661366
+	BDEVFS_MAGIC                                = 0x62646576
+	BINDERFS_SUPER_MAGIC                        = 0x6c6f6f70
+	BINFMTFS_MAGIC                              = 0x42494e4d
+	BLKBSZGET                                   = 0x40081270
+	BLKBSZSET                                   = 0x80081271
+	BLKFLSBUF                                   = 0x20001261
+	BLKFRAGET                                   = 0x20001265
+	BLKFRASET                                   = 0x20001264
+	BLKGETSIZE                                  = 0x20001260
+	BLKGETSIZE64                                = 0x40081272
+	BLKPBSZGET                                  = 0x2000127b
+	BLKRAGET                                    = 0x20001263
+	BLKRASET                                    = 0x20001262
+	BLKROGET                                    = 0x2000125e
+	BLKROSET                                    = 0x2000125d
+	BLKRRPART                                   = 0x2000125f
+	BLKSECTGET                                  = 0x20001267
+	BLKSECTSET                                  = 0x20001266
+	BLKSSZGET                                   = 0x20001268
+	BOTHER                                      = 0x1f
+	BPF_A                                       = 0x10
+	BPF_ABS                                     = 0x20
+	BPF_ADD                                     = 0x0
+	BPF_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L2_MASK                  = 0xff
+	BPF_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L2_SHIFT                 = 0x38
+	BPF_ALU                                     = 0x4
+	BPF_ALU64                                   = 0x7
+	BPF_AND                                     = 0x50
+	BPF_ANY                                     = 0x0
+	BPF_ARSH                                    = 0xc0
+	BPF_B                                       = 0x10
+	BPF_BUILD_ID_SIZE                           = 0x14
+	BPF_CALL                                    = 0x80
+	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_MKNOD                         = 0x1
+	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_READ                          = 0x2
+	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_WRITE                         = 0x4
+	BPF_DEVCG_DEV_BLOCK                         = 0x1
+	BPF_DEVCG_DEV_CHAR                          = 0x2
+	BPF_DIV                                     = 0x30
+	BPF_DW                                      = 0x18
+	BPF_END                                     = 0xd0
+	BPF_EXIST                                   = 0x2
+	BPF_EXIT                                    = 0x90
+	BPF_FROM_BE                                 = 0x8
+	BPF_FROM_LE                                 = 0x0
+	BPF_FS_MAGIC                                = 0xcafe4a11
+	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L3_IPV4                = 0x2
+	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L3_IPV6                = 0x4
+	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L4_GRE                 = 0x8
+	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L4_UDP                 = 0x10
+	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_FIXED_GSO                    = 0x1
+	BPF_F_ALLOW_MULTI                           = 0x2
+	BPF_F_ALLOW_OVERRIDE                        = 0x1
+	BPF_F_ANY_ALIGNMENT                         = 0x2
+	BPF_F_CLONE                                 = 0x200
+	BPF_F_CTXLEN_MASK                           = 0xfffff00000000
+	BPF_F_CURRENT_CPU                           = 0xffffffff
+	BPF_F_CURRENT_NETNS                         = -0x1
+	BPF_F_DONT_FRAGMENT                         = 0x4
+	BPF_F_FAST_STACK_CMP                        = 0x200
+	BPF_F_HDR_FIELD_MASK                        = 0xf
+	BPF_F_INDEX_MASK                            = 0xffffffff
+	BPF_F_INGRESS                               = 0x1
+	BPF_F_INVALIDATE_HASH                       = 0x2
+	BPF_F_LOCK                                  = 0x4
+	BPF_F_MARK_ENFORCE                          = 0x40
+	BPF_F_MARK_MANGLED_0                        = 0x20
+	BPF_F_NO_COMMON_LRU                         = 0x2
+	BPF_F_NO_PREALLOC                           = 0x1
+	BPF_F_NUMA_NODE                             = 0x4
+	BPF_F_PSEUDO_HDR                            = 0x10
+	BPF_F_QUERY_EFFECTIVE                       = 0x1
+	BPF_F_RDONLY                                = 0x8
+	BPF_F_RDONLY_PROG                           = 0x80
+	BPF_F_RECOMPUTE_CSUM                        = 0x1
+	BPF_F_REUSE_STACKID                         = 0x400
+	BPF_F_SEQ_NUMBER                            = 0x8
+	BPF_F_SKIP_FIELD_MASK                       = 0xff
+	BPF_F_STACK_BUILD_ID                        = 0x20
+	BPF_F_STRICT_ALIGNMENT                      = 0x1
+	BPF_F_SYSCTL_BASE_NAME                      = 0x1
+	BPF_F_TEST_RND_HI32                         = 0x4
+	BPF_F_TEST_STATE_FREQ                       = 0x8
+	BPF_F_TUNINFO_IPV6                          = 0x1
+	BPF_F_USER_BUILD_ID                         = 0x800
+	BPF_F_USER_STACK                            = 0x100
+	BPF_F_WRONLY                                = 0x10
+	BPF_F_WRONLY_PROG                           = 0x100
+	BPF_F_ZERO_CSUM_TX                          = 0x2
+	BPF_F_ZERO_SEED                             = 0x40
+	BPF_H                                       = 0x8
+	BPF_IMM                                     = 0x0
+	BPF_IND                                     = 0x40
+	BPF_JA                                      = 0x0
+	BPF_JEQ                                     = 0x10
+	BPF_JGE                                     = 0x30
+	BPF_JGT                                     = 0x20
+	BPF_JLE                                     = 0xb0
+	BPF_JLT                                     = 0xa0
+	BPF_JMP                                     = 0x5
+	BPF_JMP32                                   = 0x6
+	BPF_JNE                                     = 0x50
+	BPF_JSET                                    = 0x40
+	BPF_JSGE                                    = 0x70
+	BPF_JSGT                                    = 0x60
+	BPF_JSLE                                    = 0xd0
+	BPF_JSLT                                    = 0xc0
+	BPF_K                                       = 0x0
+	BPF_LD                                      = 0x0
+	BPF_LDX                                     = 0x1
+	BPF_LEN                                     = 0x80
+	BPF_LL_OFF                                  = -0x200000
+	BPF_LSH                                     = 0x60
+	BPF_MAJOR_VERSION                           = 0x1
+	BPF_MAXINSNS                                = 0x1000
+	BPF_MEM                                     = 0x60
+	BPF_MEMWORDS                                = 0x10
+	BPF_MINOR_VERSION                           = 0x1
+	BPF_MISC                                    = 0x7
+	BPF_MOD                                     = 0x90
+	BPF_MOV                                     = 0xb0
+	BPF_MSH                                     = 0xa0
+	BPF_MUL                                     = 0x20
+	BPF_NEG                                     = 0x80
+	BPF_NET_OFF                                 = -0x100000
+	BPF_NOEXIST                                 = 0x1
+	BPF_OBJ_NAME_LEN                            = 0x10
+	BPF_OR                                      = 0x40
+	BPF_PSEUDO_CALL                             = 0x1
+	BPF_PSEUDO_MAP_FD                           = 0x1
+	BPF_PSEUDO_MAP_VALUE                        = 0x2
+	BPF_RET                                     = 0x6
+	BPF_RSH                                     = 0x70
+	BPF_SK_STORAGE_GET_F_CREATE                 = 0x1
+	BPF_SOCK_OPS_ALL_CB_FLAGS                   = 0xf
+	BPF_SOCK_OPS_RETRANS_CB_FLAG                = 0x2
+	BPF_SOCK_OPS_RTO_CB_FLAG                    = 0x1
+	BPF_SOCK_OPS_RTT_CB_FLAG                    = 0x8
+	BPF_SOCK_OPS_STATE_CB_FLAG                  = 0x4
+	BPF_ST                                      = 0x2
+	BPF_STX                                     = 0x3
+	BPF_SUB                                     = 0x10
+	BPF_TAG_SIZE                                = 0x8
+	BPF_TAX                                     = 0x0
+	BPF_TO_BE                                   = 0x8
+	BPF_TO_LE                                   = 0x0
+	BPF_TXA                                     = 0x80
+	BPF_W                                       = 0x0
+	BPF_X                                       = 0x8
+	BPF_XADD                                    = 0xc0
+	BPF_XOR                                     = 0xa0
+	BRKINT                                      = 0x2
+	BS0                                         = 0x0
+	BS1                                         = 0x8000
+	BSDLY                                       = 0x8000
+	BTRFS_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x9123683e
+	BTRFS_TEST_MAGIC                            = 0x73727279
+	CAN_BCM                                     = 0x2
+	CAN_EFF_FLAG                                = 0x80000000
+	CAN_EFF_ID_BITS                             = 0x1d
+	CAN_EFF_MASK                                = 0x1fffffff
+	CAN_ERR_FLAG                                = 0x20000000
+	CAN_ERR_MASK                                = 0x1fffffff
+	CAN_INV_FILTER                              = 0x20000000
+	CAN_ISOTP                                   = 0x6
+	CAN_J1939                                   = 0x7
+	CAN_MAX_DLC                                 = 0x8
+	CAN_MAX_DLEN                                = 0x8
+	CAN_MCNET                                   = 0x5
+	CAN_MTU                                     = 0x10
+	CAN_NPROTO                                  = 0x8
+	CAN_RAW                                     = 0x1
+	CAN_RAW_FILTER_MAX                          = 0x200
+	CAN_RTR_FLAG                                = 0x40000000
+	CAN_SFF_ID_BITS                             = 0xb
+	CAN_SFF_MASK                                = 0x7ff
+	CAN_TP16                                    = 0x3
+	CAN_TP20                                    = 0x4
+	CAP_AUDIT_CONTROL                           = 0x1e
+	CAP_AUDIT_READ                              = 0x25
+	CAP_AUDIT_WRITE                             = 0x1d
+	CAP_BLOCK_SUSPEND                           = 0x24
+	CAP_CHOWN                                   = 0x0
+	CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE                            = 0x1
+	CAP_DAC_READ_SEARCH                         = 0x2
+	CAP_FOWNER                                  = 0x3
+	CAP_FSETID                                  = 0x4
+	CAP_IPC_LOCK                                = 0xe
+	CAP_IPC_OWNER                               = 0xf
+	CAP_KILL                                    = 0x5
+	CAP_LAST_CAP                                = 0x25
+	CAP_LEASE                                   = 0x1c
+	CAP_LINUX_IMMUTABLE                         = 0x9
+	CAP_MAC_ADMIN                               = 0x21
+	CAP_MAC_OVERRIDE                            = 0x20
+	CAP_MKNOD                                   = 0x1b
+	CAP_NET_ADMIN                               = 0xc
+	CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE                        = 0xa
+	CAP_NET_BROADCAST                           = 0xb
+	CAP_NET_RAW                                 = 0xd
+	CAP_SETFCAP                                 = 0x1f
+	CAP_SETGID                                  = 0x6
+	CAP_SETPCAP                                 = 0x8
+	CAP_SETUID                                  = 0x7
+	CAP_SYSLOG                                  = 0x22
+	CAP_SYS_ADMIN                               = 0x15
+	CAP_SYS_BOOT                                = 0x16
+	CAP_SYS_CHROOT                              = 0x12
+	CAP_SYS_MODULE                              = 0x10
+	CAP_SYS_NICE                                = 0x17
+	CAP_SYS_PACCT                               = 0x14
+	CAP_SYS_PTRACE                              = 0x13
+	CAP_SYS_RAWIO                               = 0x11
+	CAP_SYS_RESOURCE                            = 0x18
+	CAP_SYS_TIME                                = 0x19
+	CAP_SYS_TTY_CONFIG                          = 0x1a
+	CAP_WAKE_ALARM                              = 0x23
+	CBAUD                                       = 0xff
+	CBAUDEX                                     = 0x0
+	CFLUSH                                      = 0xf
+	CGROUP2_SUPER_MAGIC                         = 0x63677270
+	CGROUP_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0x27e0eb
+	CIBAUD                                      = 0xff0000
+	CLOCAL                                      = 0x8000
+	CLOCK_BOOTTIME                              = 0x7
+	CLOCK_BOOTTIME_ALARM                        = 0x9
+	CLOCK_DEFAULT                               = 0x0
+	CLOCK_EXT                                   = 0x1
+	CLOCK_INT                                   = 0x2
+	CLOCK_MONOTONIC                             = 0x1
+	CLOCK_MONOTONIC_COARSE                      = 0x6
+	CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW                         = 0x4
+	CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID                    = 0x2
+	CLOCK_REALTIME                              = 0x0
+	CLOCK_REALTIME_ALARM                        = 0x8
+	CLOCK_REALTIME_COARSE                       = 0x5
+	CLOCK_TAI                                   = 0xb
+	CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID                     = 0x3
+	CLOCK_TXFROMRX                              = 0x4
+	CLOCK_TXINT                                 = 0x3
+	CLONE_ARGS_SIZE_VER0                        = 0x40
+	CLONE_CHILD_CLEARTID                        = 0x200000
+	CLONE_CHILD_SETTID                          = 0x1000000
+	CLONE_DETACHED                              = 0x400000
+	CLONE_FILES                                 = 0x400
+	CLONE_FS                                    = 0x200
+	CLONE_IO                                    = 0x80000000
+	CLONE_NEWCGROUP                             = 0x2000000
+	CLONE_NEWIPC                                = 0x8000000
+	CLONE_NEWNET                                = 0x40000000
+	CLONE_NEWNS                                 = 0x20000
+	CLONE_NEWPID                                = 0x20000000
+	CLONE_NEWUSER                               = 0x10000000
+	CLONE_NEWUTS                                = 0x4000000
+	CLONE_PARENT                                = 0x8000
+	CLONE_PARENT_SETTID                         = 0x100000
+	CLONE_PIDFD                                 = 0x1000
+	CLONE_PTRACE                                = 0x2000
+	CLONE_SETTLS                                = 0x80000
+	CLONE_SIGHAND                               = 0x800
+	CLONE_SYSVSEM                               = 0x40000
+	CLONE_THREAD                                = 0x10000
+	CLONE_UNTRACED                              = 0x800000
+	CLONE_VFORK                                 = 0x4000
+	CLONE_VM                                    = 0x100
+	CMSPAR                                      = 0x40000000
+	CODA_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0x73757245
+	CR0                                         = 0x0
+	CR1                                         = 0x1000
+	CR2                                         = 0x2000
+	CR3                                         = 0x3000
+	CRAMFS_MAGIC                                = 0x28cd3d45
+	CRDLY                                       = 0x3000
+	CREAD                                       = 0x800
+	CRTSCTS                                     = 0x80000000
+	CRYPTO_MAX_NAME                             = 0x40
+	CRYPTO_MSG_MAX                              = 0x15
+	CRYPTO_NR_MSGTYPES                          = 0x6
+	CRYPTO_REPORT_MAXSIZE                       = 0x160
+	CS5                                         = 0x0
+	CS6                                         = 0x100
+	CS7                                         = 0x200
+	CS8                                         = 0x300
+	CSIGNAL                                     = 0xff
+	CSIZE                                       = 0x300
+	CSTART                                      = 0x11
+	CSTATUS                                     = 0x0
+	CSTOP                                       = 0x13
+	CSTOPB                                      = 0x400
+	CSUSP                                       = 0x1a
+	DAXFS_MAGIC                                 = 0x64646178
+	DEBUGFS_MAGIC                               = 0x64626720
+	DEVLINK_CMD_ESWITCH_MODE_GET                = 0x1d
+	DEVLINK_CMD_ESWITCH_MODE_SET                = 0x1e
+	DEVLINK_GENL_MCGRP_CONFIG_NAME              = "config"
+	DEVLINK_GENL_NAME                           = "devlink"
+	DEVLINK_GENL_VERSION                        = 0x1
+	DEVPTS_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0x1cd1
+	DMA_BUF_MAGIC                               = 0x444d4142
+	DT_BLK                                      = 0x6
+	DT_CHR                                      = 0x2
+	DT_DIR                                      = 0x4
+	DT_FIFO                                     = 0x1
+	DT_LNK                                      = 0xa
+	DT_REG                                      = 0x8
+	DT_SOCK                                     = 0xc
+	DT_UNKNOWN                                  = 0x0
+	DT_WHT                                      = 0xe
+	ECHO                                        = 0x8
+	ECHOCTL                                     = 0x40
+	ECHOE                                       = 0x2
+	ECHOK                                       = 0x4
+	ECHOKE                                      = 0x1
+	ECHONL                                      = 0x10
+	ECHOPRT                                     = 0x20
+	ECRYPTFS_SUPER_MAGIC                        = 0xf15f
+	EFD_CLOEXEC                                 = 0x80000
+	EFD_NONBLOCK                                = 0x800
+	EFD_SEMAPHORE                               = 0x1
+	EFIVARFS_MAGIC                              = 0xde5e81e4
+	EFS_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x414a53
+	ENCODING_DEFAULT                            = 0x0
+	ENCODING_FM_MARK                            = 0x3
+	ENCODING_FM_SPACE                           = 0x4
+	ENCODING_MANCHESTER                         = 0x5
+	ENCODING_NRZ                                = 0x1
+	ENCODING_NRZI                               = 0x2
+	EPOLLERR                                    = 0x8
+	EPOLLET                                     = 0x80000000
+	EPOLLEXCLUSIVE                              = 0x10000000
+	EPOLLHUP                                    = 0x10
+	EPOLLIN                                     = 0x1
+	EPOLLMSG                                    = 0x400
+	EPOLLONESHOT                                = 0x40000000
+	EPOLLOUT                                    = 0x4
+	EPOLLPRI                                    = 0x2
+	EPOLLRDBAND                                 = 0x80
+	EPOLLRDHUP                                  = 0x2000
+	EPOLLRDNORM                                 = 0x40
+	EPOLLWAKEUP                                 = 0x20000000
+	EPOLLWRBAND                                 = 0x200
+	EPOLLWRNORM                                 = 0x100
+	EPOLL_CLOEXEC                               = 0x80000
+	EPOLL_CTL_ADD                               = 0x1
+	EPOLL_CTL_DEL                               = 0x2
+	EPOLL_CTL_MOD                               = 0x3
+	EROFS_SUPER_MAGIC_V1                        = 0xe0f5e1e2
+	ETH_P_1588                                  = 0x88f7
+	ETH_P_8021AD                                = 0x88a8
+	ETH_P_8021AH                                = 0x88e7
+	ETH_P_8021Q                                 = 0x8100
+	ETH_P_80221                                 = 0x8917
+	ETH_P_802_2                                 = 0x4
+	ETH_P_802_3                                 = 0x1
+	ETH_P_802_3_MIN                             = 0x600
+	ETH_P_802_EX1                               = 0x88b5
+	ETH_P_AARP                                  = 0x80f3
+	ETH_P_AF_IUCV                               = 0xfbfb
+	ETH_P_ALL                                   = 0x3
+	ETH_P_AOE                                   = 0x88a2
+	ETH_P_ARCNET                                = 0x1a
+	ETH_P_ARP                                   = 0x806
+	ETH_P_ATALK                                 = 0x809b
+	ETH_P_ATMFATE                               = 0x8884
+	ETH_P_ATMMPOA                               = 0x884c
+	ETH_P_AX25                                  = 0x2
+	ETH_P_BATMAN                                = 0x4305
+	ETH_P_BPQ                                   = 0x8ff
+	ETH_P_CAIF                                  = 0xf7
+	ETH_P_CAN                                   = 0xc
+	ETH_P_CANFD                                 = 0xd
+	ETH_P_CONTROL                               = 0x16
+	ETH_P_CUST                                  = 0x6006
+	ETH_P_DDCMP                                 = 0x6
+	ETH_P_DEC                                   = 0x6000
+	ETH_P_DIAG                                  = 0x6005
+	ETH_P_DNA_DL                                = 0x6001
+	ETH_P_DNA_RC                                = 0x6002
+	ETH_P_DNA_RT                                = 0x6003
+	ETH_P_DSA                                   = 0x1b
+	ETH_P_DSA_8021Q                             = 0xdadb
+	ETH_P_ECONET                                = 0x18
+	ETH_P_EDSA                                  = 0xdada
+	ETH_P_ERSPAN                                = 0x88be
+	ETH_P_ERSPAN2                               = 0x22eb
+	ETH_P_FCOE                                  = 0x8906
+	ETH_P_FIP                                   = 0x8914
+	ETH_P_HDLC                                  = 0x19
+	ETH_P_HSR                                   = 0x892f
+	ETH_P_IBOE                                  = 0x8915
+	ETH_P_IEEE802154                            = 0xf6
+	ETH_P_IEEEPUP                               = 0xa00
+	ETH_P_IEEEPUPAT                             = 0xa01
+	ETH_P_IFE                                   = 0xed3e
+	ETH_P_IP                                    = 0x800
+	ETH_P_IPV6                                  = 0x86dd
+	ETH_P_IPX                                   = 0x8137
+	ETH_P_IRDA                                  = 0x17
+	ETH_P_LAT                                   = 0x6004
+	ETH_P_LINK_CTL                              = 0x886c
+	ETH_P_LLDP                                  = 0x88cc
+	ETH_P_LOCALTALK                             = 0x9
+	ETH_P_LOOP                                  = 0x60
+	ETH_P_LOOPBACK                              = 0x9000
+	ETH_P_MACSEC                                = 0x88e5
+	ETH_P_MAP                                   = 0xf9
+	ETH_P_MOBITEX                               = 0x15
+	ETH_P_MPLS_MC                               = 0x8848
+	ETH_P_MPLS_UC                               = 0x8847
+	ETH_P_MVRP                                  = 0x88f5
+	ETH_P_NCSI                                  = 0x88f8
+	ETH_P_NSH                                   = 0x894f
+	ETH_P_PAE                                   = 0x888e
+	ETH_P_PAUSE                                 = 0x8808
+	ETH_P_PHONET                                = 0xf5
+	ETH_P_PPPTALK                               = 0x10
+	ETH_P_PPP_DISC                              = 0x8863
+	ETH_P_PPP_MP                                = 0x8
+	ETH_P_PPP_SES                               = 0x8864
+	ETH_P_PREAUTH                               = 0x88c7
+	ETH_P_PRP                                   = 0x88fb
+	ETH_P_PUP                                   = 0x200
+	ETH_P_PUPAT                                 = 0x201
+	ETH_P_QINQ1                                 = 0x9100
+	ETH_P_QINQ2                                 = 0x9200
+	ETH_P_QINQ3                                 = 0x9300
+	ETH_P_RARP                                  = 0x8035
+	ETH_P_SCA                                   = 0x6007
+	ETH_P_SLOW                                  = 0x8809
+	ETH_P_SNAP                                  = 0x5
+	ETH_P_TDLS                                  = 0x890d
+	ETH_P_TEB                                   = 0x6558
+	ETH_P_TIPC                                  = 0x88ca
+	ETH_P_TRAILER                               = 0x1c
+	ETH_P_TR_802_2                              = 0x11
+	ETH_P_TSN                                   = 0x22f0
+	ETH_P_WAN_PPP                               = 0x7
+	ETH_P_WCCP                                  = 0x883e
+	ETH_P_X25                                   = 0x805
+	ETH_P_XDSA                                  = 0xf8
+	EXABYTE_ENABLE_NEST                         = 0xf0
+	EXT2_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xef53
+	EXT3_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xef53
+	EXT4_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xef53
+	EXTA                                        = 0xe
+	EXTB                                        = 0xf
+	EXTPROC                                     = 0x10000000
+	F2FS_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xf2f52010
+	FALLOC_FL_COLLAPSE_RANGE                    = 0x8
+	FALLOC_FL_INSERT_RANGE                      = 0x20
+	FALLOC_FL_KEEP_SIZE                         = 0x1
+	FALLOC_FL_NO_HIDE_STALE                     = 0x4
+	FALLOC_FL_PUNCH_HOLE                        = 0x2
+	FALLOC_FL_UNSHARE_RANGE                     = 0x40
+	FALLOC_FL_ZERO_RANGE                        = 0x10
+	FANOTIFY_METADATA_VERSION                   = 0x3
+	FAN_ACCESS                                  = 0x1
+	FAN_ACCESS_PERM                             = 0x20000
+	FAN_ALLOW                                   = 0x1
+	FAN_ALL_CLASS_BITS                          = 0xc
+	FAN_ALL_EVENTS                              = 0x3b
+	FAN_ALL_INIT_FLAGS                          = 0x3f
+	FAN_ALL_MARK_FLAGS                          = 0xff
+	FAN_ALL_OUTGOING_EVENTS                     = 0x3403b
+	FAN_ALL_PERM_EVENTS                         = 0x30000
+	FAN_ATTRIB                                  = 0x4
+	FAN_AUDIT                                   = 0x10
+	FAN_CLASS_CONTENT                           = 0x4
+	FAN_CLASS_NOTIF                             = 0x0
+	FAN_CLASS_PRE_CONTENT                       = 0x8
+	FAN_CLOEXEC                                 = 0x1
+	FAN_CLOSE                                   = 0x18
+	FAN_CLOSE_NOWRITE                           = 0x10
+	FAN_CLOSE_WRITE                             = 0x8
+	FAN_CREATE                                  = 0x100
+	FAN_DELETE                                  = 0x200
+	FAN_DELETE_SELF                             = 0x400
+	FAN_DENY                                    = 0x2
+	FAN_ENABLE_AUDIT                            = 0x40
+	FAN_EVENT_INFO_TYPE_FID                     = 0x1
+	FAN_EVENT_METADATA_LEN                      = 0x18
+	FAN_EVENT_ON_CHILD                          = 0x8000000
+	FAN_MARK_ADD                                = 0x1
+	FAN_MARK_DONT_FOLLOW                        = 0x4
+	FAN_MARK_FILESYSTEM                         = 0x100
+	FAN_MARK_FLUSH                              = 0x80
+	FAN_MARK_IGNORED_MASK                       = 0x20
+	FAN_MARK_IGNORED_SURV_MODIFY                = 0x40
+	FAN_MARK_INODE                              = 0x0
+	FAN_MARK_MOUNT                              = 0x10
+	FAN_MARK_ONLYDIR                            = 0x8
+	FAN_MARK_REMOVE                             = 0x2
+	FAN_MODIFY                                  = 0x2
+	FAN_MOVE                                    = 0xc0
+	FAN_MOVED_FROM                              = 0x40
+	FAN_MOVED_TO                                = 0x80
+	FAN_MOVE_SELF                               = 0x800
+	FAN_NOFD                                    = -0x1
+	FAN_NONBLOCK                                = 0x2
+	FAN_ONDIR                                   = 0x40000000
+	FAN_OPEN                                    = 0x20
+	FAN_OPEN_EXEC                               = 0x1000
+	FAN_OPEN_EXEC_PERM                          = 0x40000
+	FAN_OPEN_PERM                               = 0x10000
+	FAN_Q_OVERFLOW                              = 0x4000
+	FAN_REPORT_FID                              = 0x200
+	FAN_REPORT_TID                              = 0x100
+	FAN_UNLIMITED_MARKS                         = 0x20
+	FAN_UNLIMITED_QUEUE                         = 0x10
+	FD_CLOEXEC                                  = 0x1
+	FD_SETSIZE                                  = 0x400
+	FF0                                         = 0x0
+	FF1                                         = 0x4000
+	FFDLY                                       = 0x4000
+	FLUSHO                                      = 0x800000
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE                 = 0x8
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_DESC_PREFIX                     = "fscrypt:"
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_DESC_PREFIX_SIZE                = 0x8
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_IDENTIFIER_SIZE                 = 0x10
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_STATUS_ABSENT                   = 0x1
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_STATUS_PRESENT                  = 0x2
+	FSCRYPT_MAX_KEY_SIZE                        = 0x40
+	FSCRYPT_MODE_ADIANTUM                       = 0x9
+	FSCRYPT_MODE_AES_128_CBC                    = 0x5
+	FSCRYPT_MODE_AES_128_CTS                    = 0x6
+	FSCRYPT_MODE_AES_256_CTS                    = 0x4
+	FSCRYPT_MODE_AES_256_XTS                    = 0x1
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_16                 = 0x2
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_32                 = 0x3
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_4                  = 0x0
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_8                  = 0x1
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_MASK               = 0x3
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_VALID                  = 0x7
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_V1                           = 0x0
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_V2                           = 0x2
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_ADIANTUM                 = 0x9
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_128_CBC              = 0x5
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_128_CTS              = 0x6
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_CBC              = 0x3
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_CTS              = 0x4
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_GCM              = 0x2
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_XTS              = 0x1
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_INVALID                  = 0x0
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_SPECK128_256_CTS         = 0x8
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_SPECK128_256_XTS         = 0x7
+	FS_IOC_ADD_ENCRYPTION_KEY                   = 0xc0506617
+	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_KEY_STATUS            = 0xc080661a
+	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY                = 0x800c6615
+	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY_EX             = 0xc0096616
+	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_PWSALT                = 0x80106614
+	FS_IOC_REMOVE_ENCRYPTION_KEY                = 0xc0406618
+	FS_IOC_SET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY                = 0x400c6613
+	FS_KEY_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE                      = 0x8
+	FS_KEY_DESC_PREFIX                          = "fscrypt:"
+	FS_KEY_DESC_PREFIX_SIZE                     = 0x8
+	FS_MAX_KEY_SIZE                             = 0x40
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_16                      = 0x2
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_32                      = 0x3
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_4                       = 0x0
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_8                       = 0x1
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_MASK                    = 0x3
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_VALID                       = 0x7
+	FUTEXFS_SUPER_MAGIC                         = 0xbad1dea
+	F_ADD_SEALS                                 = 0x409
+	F_DUPFD                                     = 0x0
+	F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC                             = 0x406
+	F_EXLCK                                     = 0x4
+	F_GETFD                                     = 0x1
+	F_GETFL                                     = 0x3
+	F_GETLEASE                                  = 0x401
+	F_GETLK                                     = 0x5
+	F_GETLK64                                   = 0xc
+	F_GETOWN                                    = 0x9
+	F_GETOWN_EX                                 = 0x10
+	F_GETPIPE_SZ                                = 0x408
+	F_GETSIG                                    = 0xb
+	F_GET_FILE_RW_HINT                          = 0x40d
+	F_GET_RW_HINT                               = 0x40b
+	F_GET_SEALS                                 = 0x40a
+	F_LOCK                                      = 0x1
+	F_NOTIFY                                    = 0x402
+	F_OFD_GETLK                                 = 0x24
+	F_OFD_SETLK                                 = 0x25
+	F_OFD_SETLKW                                = 0x26
+	F_OK                                        = 0x0
+	F_RDLCK                                     = 0x0
+	F_SEAL_FUTURE_WRITE                         = 0x10
+	F_SEAL_GROW                                 = 0x4
+	F_SEAL_SEAL                                 = 0x1
+	F_SEAL_SHRINK                               = 0x2
+	F_SEAL_WRITE                                = 0x8
+	F_SETFD                                     = 0x2
+	F_SETFL                                     = 0x4
+	F_SETLEASE                                  = 0x400
+	F_SETLK                                     = 0x6
+	F_SETLK64                                   = 0xd
+	F_SETLKW                                    = 0x7
+	F_SETLKW64                                  = 0xe
+	F_SETOWN                                    = 0x8
+	F_SETOWN_EX                                 = 0xf
+	F_SETPIPE_SZ                                = 0x407
+	F_SETSIG                                    = 0xa
+	F_SET_FILE_RW_HINT                          = 0x40e
+	F_SET_RW_HINT                               = 0x40c
+	F_SHLCK                                     = 0x8
+	F_TEST                                      = 0x3
+	F_TLOCK                                     = 0x2
+	F_ULOCK                                     = 0x0
+	F_UNLCK                                     = 0x2
+	F_WRLCK                                     = 0x1
+	GENL_ADMIN_PERM                             = 0x1
+	GENL_CMD_CAP_DO                             = 0x2
+	GENL_CMD_CAP_DUMP                           = 0x4
+	GENL_CMD_CAP_HASPOL                         = 0x8
+	GENL_HDRLEN                                 = 0x4
+	GENL_ID_CTRL                                = 0x10
+	GENL_ID_PMCRAID                             = 0x12
+	GENL_ID_VFS_DQUOT                           = 0x11
+	GENL_MAX_ID                                 = 0x3ff
+	GENL_MIN_ID                                 = 0x10
+	GENL_NAMSIZ                                 = 0x10
+	GENL_START_ALLOC                            = 0x13
+	GENL_UNS_ADMIN_PERM                         = 0x10
+	GRND_NONBLOCK                               = 0x1
+	GRND_RANDOM                                 = 0x2
+	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD                              = 0x31f
+	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD_AEB                          = 0x31e
+	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD_HDR_SIZE                     = 0x4
+	HDIO_DRIVE_HOB_HDR_SIZE                     = 0x8
+	HDIO_DRIVE_RESET                            = 0x31c
+	HDIO_DRIVE_TASK                             = 0x31e
+	HDIO_DRIVE_TASKFILE                         = 0x31d
+	HDIO_DRIVE_TASK_HDR_SIZE                    = 0x8
+	HDIO_GETGEO                                 = 0x301
+	HDIO_GET_32BIT                              = 0x309
+	HDIO_GET_ACOUSTIC                           = 0x30f
+	HDIO_GET_ADDRESS                            = 0x310
+	HDIO_GET_BUSSTATE                           = 0x31a
+	HDIO_GET_DMA                                = 0x30b
+	HDIO_GET_IDENTITY                           = 0x30d
+	HDIO_GET_KEEPSETTINGS                       = 0x308
+	HDIO_GET_MULTCOUNT                          = 0x304
+	HDIO_GET_NICE                               = 0x30c
+	HDIO_GET_NOWERR                             = 0x30a
+	HDIO_GET_QDMA                               = 0x305
+	HDIO_GET_UNMASKINTR                         = 0x302
+	HDIO_GET_WCACHE                             = 0x30e
+	HDIO_OBSOLETE_IDENTITY                      = 0x307
+	HDIO_SCAN_HWIF                              = 0x328
+	HDIO_SET_32BIT                              = 0x324
+	HDIO_SET_ACOUSTIC                           = 0x32c
+	HDIO_SET_ADDRESS                            = 0x32f
+	HDIO_SET_BUSSTATE                           = 0x32d
+	HDIO_SET_DMA                                = 0x326
+	HDIO_SET_KEEPSETTINGS                       = 0x323
+	HDIO_SET_MULTCOUNT                          = 0x321
+	HDIO_SET_NICE                               = 0x329
+	HDIO_SET_NOWERR                             = 0x325
+	HDIO_SET_PIO_MODE                           = 0x327
+	HDIO_SET_QDMA                               = 0x32e
+	HDIO_SET_UNMASKINTR                         = 0x322
+	HDIO_SET_WCACHE                             = 0x32b
+	HDIO_SET_XFER                               = 0x306
+	HDIO_TRISTATE_HWIF                          = 0x31b
+	HDIO_UNREGISTER_HWIF                        = 0x32a
+	HOSTFS_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0xc0ffee
+	HPFS_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xf995e849
+	HUGETLBFS_MAGIC                             = 0x958458f6
+	HUPCL                                       = 0x4000
+	IBSHIFT                                     = 0x10
+	ICANON                                      = 0x100
+	ICMPV6_FILTER                               = 0x1
+	ICRNL                                       = 0x100
+	IEXTEN                                      = 0x400
+	IFA_F_DADFAILED                             = 0x8
+	IFA_F_DEPRECATED                            = 0x20
+	IFA_F_HOMEADDRESS                           = 0x10
+	IFA_F_MANAGETEMPADDR                        = 0x100
+	IFA_F_MCAUTOJOIN                            = 0x400
+	IFA_F_NODAD                                 = 0x2
+	IFA_F_NOPREFIXROUTE                         = 0x200
+	IFA_F_OPTIMISTIC                            = 0x4
+	IFA_F_PERMANENT                             = 0x80
+	IFA_F_SECONDARY                             = 0x1
+	IFA_F_STABLE_PRIVACY                        = 0x800
+	IFA_F_TEMPORARY                             = 0x1
+	IFA_F_TENTATIVE                             = 0x40
+	IFA_MAX                                     = 0xa
+	IFF_ALLMULTI                                = 0x200
+	IFF_ATTACH_QUEUE                            = 0x200
+	IFF_AUTOMEDIA                               = 0x4000
+	IFF_BROADCAST                               = 0x2
+	IFF_DEBUG                                   = 0x4
+	IFF_DETACH_QUEUE                            = 0x400
+	IFF_DORMANT                                 = 0x20000
+	IFF_DYNAMIC                                 = 0x8000
+	IFF_ECHO                                    = 0x40000
+	IFF_LOOPBACK                                = 0x8
+	IFF_LOWER_UP                                = 0x10000
+	IFF_MASTER                                  = 0x400
+	IFF_MULTICAST                               = 0x1000
+	IFF_MULTI_QUEUE                             = 0x100
+	IFF_NAPI                                    = 0x10
+	IFF_NAPI_FRAGS                              = 0x20
+	IFF_NOARP                                   = 0x80
+	IFF_NOFILTER                                = 0x1000
+	IFF_NOTRAILERS                              = 0x20
+	IFF_NO_PI                                   = 0x1000
+	IFF_ONE_QUEUE                               = 0x2000
+	IFF_PERSIST                                 = 0x800
+	IFF_POINTOPOINT                             = 0x10
+	IFF_PORTSEL                                 = 0x2000
+	IFF_PROMISC                                 = 0x100
+	IFF_RUNNING                                 = 0x40
+	IFF_SLAVE                                   = 0x800
+	IFF_TAP                                     = 0x2
+	IFF_TUN                                     = 0x1
+	IFF_TUN_EXCL                                = 0x8000
+	IFF_UP                                      = 0x1
+	IFF_VNET_HDR                                = 0x4000
+	IFF_VOLATILE                                = 0x70c5a
+	IFNAMSIZ                                    = 0x10
+	IGNBRK                                      = 0x1
+	IGNCR                                       = 0x80
+	IGNPAR                                      = 0x4
+	IMAXBEL                                     = 0x2000
+	INLCR                                       = 0x40
+	INPCK                                       = 0x10
+	IN_ACCESS                                   = 0x1
+	IN_ALL_EVENTS                               = 0xfff
+	IN_ATTRIB                                   = 0x4
+	IN_CLASSA_HOST                              = 0xffffff
+	IN_CLASSA_MAX                               = 0x80
+	IN_CLASSA_NET                               = 0xff000000
+	IN_CLASSA_NSHIFT                            = 0x18
+	IN_CLASSB_HOST                              = 0xffff
+	IN_CLASSB_MAX                               = 0x10000
+	IN_CLASSB_NET                               = 0xffff0000
+	IN_CLASSB_NSHIFT                            = 0x10
+	IN_CLASSC_HOST                              = 0xff
+	IN_CLASSC_NET                               = 0xffffff00
+	IN_CLASSC_NSHIFT                            = 0x8
+	IN_CLOEXEC                                  = 0x80000
+	IN_CLOSE                                    = 0x18
+	IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE                            = 0x10
+	IN_CLOSE_WRITE                              = 0x8
+	IN_CREATE                                   = 0x100
+	IN_DELETE                                   = 0x200
+	IN_DELETE_SELF                              = 0x400
+	IN_DONT_FOLLOW                              = 0x2000000
+	IN_EXCL_UNLINK                              = 0x4000000
+	IN_IGNORED                                  = 0x8000
+	IN_ISDIR                                    = 0x40000000
+	IN_LOOPBACKNET                              = 0x7f
+	IN_MASK_ADD                                 = 0x20000000
+	IN_MASK_CREATE                              = 0x10000000
+	IN_MODIFY                                   = 0x2
+	IN_MOVE                                     = 0xc0
+	IN_MOVED_FROM                               = 0x40
+	IN_MOVED_TO                                 = 0x80
+	IN_MOVE_SELF                                = 0x800
+	IN_NONBLOCK                                 = 0x800
+	IN_ONESHOT                                  = 0x80000000
+	IN_ONLYDIR                                  = 0x1000000
+	IN_OPEN                                     = 0x20
+	IN_Q_OVERFLOW                               = 0x4000
+	IN_UNMOUNT                                  = 0x2000
+	IOCTL_VM_SOCKETS_GET_LOCAL_CID              = 0x200007b9
+	IPPROTO_AH                                  = 0x33
+	IPPROTO_BEETPH                              = 0x5e
+	IPPROTO_COMP                                = 0x6c
+	IPPROTO_DCCP                                = 0x21
+	IPPROTO_DSTOPTS                             = 0x3c
+	IPPROTO_EGP                                 = 0x8
+	IPPROTO_ENCAP                               = 0x62
+	IPPROTO_ESP                                 = 0x32
+	IPPROTO_FRAGMENT                            = 0x2c
+	IPPROTO_GRE                                 = 0x2f
+	IPPROTO_HOPOPTS                             = 0x0
+	IPPROTO_ICMP                                = 0x1
+	IPPROTO_ICMPV6                              = 0x3a
+	IPPROTO_IDP                                 = 0x16
+	IPPROTO_IGMP                                = 0x2
+	IPPROTO_IP                                  = 0x0
+	IPPROTO_IPIP                                = 0x4
+	IPPROTO_IPV6                                = 0x29
+	IPPROTO_MH                                  = 0x87
+	IPPROTO_MPLS                                = 0x89
+	IPPROTO_MTP                                 = 0x5c
+	IPPROTO_NONE                                = 0x3b
+	IPPROTO_PIM                                 = 0x67
+	IPPROTO_PUP                                 = 0xc
+	IPPROTO_RAW                                 = 0xff
+	IPPROTO_ROUTING                             = 0x2b
+	IPPROTO_RSVP                                = 0x2e
+	IPPROTO_SCTP                                = 0x84
+	IPPROTO_TCP                                 = 0x6
+	IPPROTO_TP                                  = 0x1d
+	IPPROTO_UDP                                 = 0x11
+	IPPROTO_UDPLITE                             = 0x88
+	IPV6_2292DSTOPTS                            = 0x4
+	IPV6_2292HOPLIMIT                           = 0x8
+	IPV6_2292HOPOPTS                            = 0x3
+	IPV6_2292PKTINFO                            = 0x2
+	IPV6_2292PKTOPTIONS                         = 0x6
+	IPV6_2292RTHDR                              = 0x5
+	IPV6_ADDRFORM                               = 0x1
+	IPV6_ADDR_PREFERENCES                       = 0x48
+	IPV6_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                         = 0x14
+	IPV6_AUTHHDR                                = 0xa
+	IPV6_AUTOFLOWLABEL                          = 0x46
+	IPV6_CHECKSUM                               = 0x7
+	IPV6_DONTFRAG                               = 0x3e
+	IPV6_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                        = 0x15
+	IPV6_DSTOPTS                                = 0x3b
+	IPV6_FREEBIND                               = 0x4e
+	IPV6_HDRINCL                                = 0x24
+	IPV6_HOPLIMIT                               = 0x34
+	IPV6_HOPOPTS                                = 0x36
+	IPV6_IPSEC_POLICY                           = 0x22
+	IPV6_JOIN_ANYCAST                           = 0x1b
+	IPV6_JOIN_GROUP                             = 0x14
+	IPV6_LEAVE_ANYCAST                          = 0x1c
+	IPV6_LEAVE_GROUP                            = 0x15
+	IPV6_MINHOPCOUNT                            = 0x49
+	IPV6_MTU                                    = 0x18
+	IPV6_MTU_DISCOVER                           = 0x17
+	IPV6_MULTICAST_ALL                          = 0x1d
+	IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS                         = 0x12
+	IPV6_MULTICAST_IF                           = 0x11
+	IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP                         = 0x13
+	IPV6_NEXTHOP                                = 0x9
+	IPV6_ORIGDSTADDR                            = 0x4a
+	IPV6_PATHMTU                                = 0x3d
+	IPV6_PKTINFO                                = 0x32
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_DO                            = 0x2
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_DONT                          = 0x0
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_INTERFACE                     = 0x4
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_OMIT                          = 0x5
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_PROBE                         = 0x3
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_WANT                          = 0x1
+	IPV6_RECVDSTOPTS                            = 0x3a
+	IPV6_RECVERR                                = 0x19
+	IPV6_RECVFRAGSIZE                           = 0x4d
+	IPV6_RECVHOPLIMIT                           = 0x33
+	IPV6_RECVHOPOPTS                            = 0x35
+	IPV6_RECVORIGDSTADDR                        = 0x4a
+	IPV6_RECVPATHMTU                            = 0x3c
+	IPV6_RECVPKTINFO                            = 0x31
+	IPV6_RECVRTHDR                              = 0x38
+	IPV6_RECVTCLASS                             = 0x42
+	IPV6_ROUTER_ALERT                           = 0x16
+	IPV6_ROUTER_ALERT_ISOLATE                   = 0x1e
+	IPV6_RTHDR                                  = 0x39
+	IPV6_RTHDRDSTOPTS                           = 0x37
+	IPV6_RTHDR_LOOSE                            = 0x0
+	IPV6_RTHDR_STRICT                           = 0x1
+	IPV6_RTHDR_TYPE_0                           = 0x0
+	IPV6_RXDSTOPTS                              = 0x3b
+	IPV6_RXHOPOPTS                              = 0x36
+	IPV6_TCLASS                                 = 0x43
+	IPV6_TRANSPARENT                            = 0x4b
+	IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS                           = 0x10
+	IPV6_UNICAST_IF                             = 0x4c
+	IPV6_V6ONLY                                 = 0x1a
+	IPV6_XFRM_POLICY                            = 0x23
+	IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                           = 0x23
+	IP_ADD_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP                    = 0x27
+	IP_BIND_ADDRESS_NO_PORT                     = 0x18
+	IP_BLOCK_SOURCE                             = 0x26
+	IP_CHECKSUM                                 = 0x17
+	IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_LOOP                   = 0x1
+	IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_TTL                    = 0x1
+	IP_DF                                       = 0x4000
+	IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                          = 0x24
+	IP_DROP_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP                   = 0x28
+	IP_FREEBIND                                 = 0xf
+	IP_HDRINCL                                  = 0x3
+	IP_IPSEC_POLICY                             = 0x10
+	IP_MAXPACKET                                = 0xffff
+	IP_MAX_MEMBERSHIPS                          = 0x14
+	IP_MF                                       = 0x2000
+	IP_MINTTL                                   = 0x15
+	IP_MSFILTER                                 = 0x29
+	IP_MSS                                      = 0x240
+	IP_MTU                                      = 0xe
+	IP_MTU_DISCOVER                             = 0xa
+	IP_MULTICAST_ALL                            = 0x31
+	IP_MULTICAST_IF                             = 0x20
+	IP_MULTICAST_LOOP                           = 0x22
+	IP_MULTICAST_TTL                            = 0x21
+	IP_NODEFRAG                                 = 0x16
+	IP_OFFMASK                                  = 0x1fff
+	IP_OPTIONS                                  = 0x4
+	IP_ORIGDSTADDR                              = 0x14
+	IP_PASSSEC                                  = 0x12
+	IP_PKTINFO                                  = 0x8
+	IP_PKTOPTIONS                               = 0x9
+	IP_PMTUDISC                                 = 0xa
+	IP_PMTUDISC_DO                              = 0x2
+	IP_PMTUDISC_DONT                            = 0x0
+	IP_PMTUDISC_INTERFACE                       = 0x4
+	IP_PMTUDISC_OMIT                            = 0x5
+	IP_PMTUDISC_PROBE                           = 0x3
+	IP_PMTUDISC_WANT                            = 0x1
+	IP_RECVERR                                  = 0xb
+	IP_RECVFRAGSIZE                             = 0x19
+	IP_RECVOPTS                                 = 0x6
+	IP_RECVORIGDSTADDR                          = 0x14
+	IP_RECVRETOPTS                              = 0x7
+	IP_RECVTOS                                  = 0xd
+	IP_RECVTTL                                  = 0xc
+	IP_RETOPTS                                  = 0x7
+	IP_RF                                       = 0x8000
+	IP_ROUTER_ALERT                             = 0x5
+	IP_TOS                                      = 0x1
+	IP_TRANSPARENT                              = 0x13
+	IP_TTL                                      = 0x2
+	IP_UNBLOCK_SOURCE                           = 0x25
+	IP_UNICAST_IF                               = 0x32
+	IP_XFRM_POLICY                              = 0x11
+	ISIG                                        = 0x80
+	ISOFS_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x9660
+	ISTRIP                                      = 0x20
+	IUCLC                                       = 0x1000
+	IUTF8                                       = 0x4000
+	IXANY                                       = 0x800
+	IXOFF                                       = 0x400
+	IXON                                        = 0x200
+	JFFS2_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x72b6
+	KEXEC_ARCH_386                              = 0x30000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_68K                              = 0x40000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_AARCH64                          = 0xb70000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_ARM                              = 0x280000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_DEFAULT                          = 0x0
+	KEXEC_ARCH_IA_64                            = 0x320000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_MASK                             = 0xffff0000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_MIPS                             = 0x80000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_MIPS_LE                          = 0xa0000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_PARISC                           = 0xf0000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_PPC                              = 0x140000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_PPC64                            = 0x150000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_S390                             = 0x160000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_SH                               = 0x2a0000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_X86_64                           = 0x3e0000
+	KEXEC_FILE_NO_INITRAMFS                     = 0x4
+	KEXEC_FILE_ON_CRASH                         = 0x2
+	KEXEC_FILE_UNLOAD                           = 0x1
+	KEXEC_ON_CRASH                              = 0x1
+	KEXEC_PRESERVE_CONTEXT                      = 0x2
+	KEXEC_SEGMENT_MAX                           = 0x10
+	KEYCTL_ASSUME_AUTHORITY                     = 0x10
+	KEYCTL_CAPABILITIES                         = 0x1f
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_BIG_KEY                        = 0x10
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_CAPABILITIES                   = 0x1
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_DIFFIE_HELLMAN                 = 0x4
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_INVALIDATE                     = 0x20
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_MOVE                           = 0x80
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_PUBLIC_KEY                     = 0x8
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_RESTRICT_KEYRING               = 0x40
+	KEYCTL_CAPS1_NS_KEYRING_NAME                = 0x1
+	KEYCTL_CAPS1_NS_KEY_TAG                     = 0x2
+	KEYCTL_CHOWN                                = 0x4
+	KEYCTL_CLEAR                                = 0x7
+	KEYCTL_DESCRIBE                             = 0x6
+	KEYCTL_DH_COMPUTE                           = 0x17
+	KEYCTL_GET_KEYRING_ID                       = 0x0
+	KEYCTL_GET_PERSISTENT                       = 0x16
+	KEYCTL_GET_SECURITY                         = 0x11
+	KEYCTL_INSTANTIATE                          = 0xc
+	KEYCTL_INSTANTIATE_IOV                      = 0x14
+	KEYCTL_INVALIDATE                           = 0x15
+	KEYCTL_JOIN_SESSION_KEYRING                 = 0x1
+	KEYCTL_LINK                                 = 0x8
+	KEYCTL_MOVE                                 = 0x1e
+	KEYCTL_MOVE_EXCL                            = 0x1
+	KEYCTL_NEGATE                               = 0xd
+	KEYCTL_PKEY_DECRYPT                         = 0x1a
+	KEYCTL_PKEY_ENCRYPT                         = 0x19
+	KEYCTL_PKEY_QUERY                           = 0x18
+	KEYCTL_PKEY_SIGN                            = 0x1b
+	KEYCTL_PKEY_VERIFY                          = 0x1c
+	KEYCTL_READ                                 = 0xb
+	KEYCTL_REJECT                               = 0x13
+	KEYCTL_RESTRICT_KEYRING                     = 0x1d
+	KEYCTL_REVOKE                               = 0x3
+	KEYCTL_SEARCH                               = 0xa
+	KEYCTL_SESSION_TO_PARENT                    = 0x12
+	KEYCTL_SETPERM                              = 0x5
+	KEYCTL_SET_REQKEY_KEYRING                   = 0xe
+	KEYCTL_SET_TIMEOUT                          = 0xf
+	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_DECRYPT                     = 0x2
+	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_ENCRYPT                     = 0x1
+	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_SIGN                        = 0x4
+	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_VERIFY                      = 0x8
+	KEYCTL_UNLINK                               = 0x9
+	KEYCTL_UPDATE                               = 0x2
+	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_DEFAULT                     = 0x0
+	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_GROUP_KEYRING               = 0x6
+	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_NO_CHANGE                   = -0x1
+	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_USER_KEYRING                = 0x4
+	KEY_SPEC_GROUP_KEYRING                      = -0x6
+	KEY_SPEC_PROCESS_KEYRING                    = -0x2
+	KEY_SPEC_REQKEY_AUTH_KEY                    = -0x7
+	KEY_SPEC_REQUESTOR_KEYRING                  = -0x8
+	KEY_SPEC_SESSION_KEYRING                    = -0x3
+	KEY_SPEC_THREAD_KEYRING                     = -0x1
+	KEY_SPEC_USER_KEYRING                       = -0x4
+	KEY_SPEC_USER_SESSION_KEYRING               = -0x5
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_CAD_OFF                    = 0x0
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_CAD_ON                     = 0x89abcdef
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_HALT                       = 0xcdef0123
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_KEXEC                      = 0x45584543
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_POWER_OFF                  = 0x4321fedc
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_RESTART                    = 0x1234567
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_RESTART2                   = 0xa1b2c3d4
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_SW_SUSPEND                 = 0xd000fce2
+	LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC1                         = 0xfee1dead
+	LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC2                         = 0x28121969
+	LOCK_EX                                     = 0x2
+	LOCK_NB                                     = 0x4
+	LOCK_SH                                     = 0x1
+	LOCK_UN                                     = 0x8
+	LOOP_CLR_FD                                 = 0x4c01
+	LOOP_CTL_ADD                                = 0x4c80
+	LOOP_CTL_GET_FREE                           = 0x4c82
+	LOOP_CTL_REMOVE                             = 0x4c81
+	LOOP_GET_STATUS                             = 0x4c03
+	LOOP_GET_STATUS64                           = 0x4c05
+	LOOP_SET_BLOCK_SIZE                         = 0x4c09
+	LOOP_SET_CAPACITY                           = 0x4c07
+	LOOP_SET_DIRECT_IO                          = 0x4c08
+	LOOP_SET_FD                                 = 0x4c00
+	LOOP_SET_STATUS                             = 0x4c02
+	LOOP_SET_STATUS64                           = 0x4c04
+	LO_KEY_SIZE                                 = 0x20
+	LO_NAME_SIZE                                = 0x40
+	MADV_DODUMP                                 = 0x11
+	MADV_DOFORK                                 = 0xb
+	MADV_DONTDUMP                               = 0x10
+	MADV_DONTFORK                               = 0xa
+	MADV_DONTNEED                               = 0x4
+	MADV_FREE                                   = 0x8
+	MADV_HUGEPAGE                               = 0xe
+	MADV_HWPOISON                               = 0x64
+	MADV_KEEPONFORK                             = 0x13
+	MADV_MERGEABLE                              = 0xc
+	MADV_NOHUGEPAGE                             = 0xf
+	MADV_NORMAL                                 = 0x0
+	MADV_RANDOM                                 = 0x1
+	MADV_REMOVE                                 = 0x9
+	MADV_SEQUENTIAL                             = 0x2
+	MADV_UNMERGEABLE                            = 0xd
+	MADV_WILLNEED                               = 0x3
+	MADV_WIPEONFORK                             = 0x12
+	MAP_ANON                                    = 0x20
+	MAP_ANONYMOUS                               = 0x20
+	MAP_DENYWRITE                               = 0x800
+	MAP_EXECUTABLE                              = 0x1000
+	MAP_FILE                                    = 0x0
+	MAP_FIXED                                   = 0x10
+	MAP_FIXED_NOREPLACE                         = 0x100000
+	MAP_GROWSDOWN                               = 0x100
+	MAP_HUGETLB                                 = 0x40000
+	MAP_HUGE_MASK                               = 0x3f
+	MAP_HUGE_SHIFT                              = 0x1a
+	MAP_LOCKED                                  = 0x80
+	MAP_NONBLOCK                                = 0x10000
+	MAP_NORESERVE                               = 0x40
+	MAP_POPULATE                                = 0x8000
+	MAP_PRIVATE                                 = 0x2
+	MAP_SHARED                                  = 0x1
+	MAP_SHARED_VALIDATE                         = 0x3
+	MAP_STACK                                   = 0x20000
+	MAP_TYPE                                    = 0xf
+	MCAST_BLOCK_SOURCE                          = 0x2b
+	MCAST_EXCLUDE                               = 0x0
+	MCAST_INCLUDE                               = 0x1
+	MCAST_JOIN_GROUP                            = 0x2a
+	MCAST_JOIN_SOURCE_GROUP                     = 0x2e
+	MCAST_LEAVE_GROUP                           = 0x2d
+	MCAST_LEAVE_SOURCE_GROUP                    = 0x2f
+	MCAST_MSFILTER                              = 0x30
+	MCAST_UNBLOCK_SOURCE                        = 0x2c
+	MCL_CURRENT                                 = 0x2000
+	MCL_FUTURE                                  = 0x4000
+	MCL_ONFAULT                                 = 0x8000
+	MFD_ALLOW_SEALING                           = 0x2
+	MFD_CLOEXEC                                 = 0x1
+	MFD_HUGETLB                                 = 0x4
+	MFD_HUGE_16GB                               = -0x78000000
+	MFD_HUGE_16MB                               = 0x60000000
+	MFD_HUGE_1GB                                = 0x78000000
+	MFD_HUGE_1MB                                = 0x50000000
+	MFD_HUGE_256MB                              = 0x70000000
+	MFD_HUGE_2GB                                = 0x7c000000
+	MFD_HUGE_2MB                                = 0x54000000
+	MFD_HUGE_32MB                               = 0x64000000
+	MFD_HUGE_512KB                              = 0x4c000000
+	MFD_HUGE_512MB                              = 0x74000000
+	MFD_HUGE_64KB                               = 0x40000000
+	MFD_HUGE_8MB                                = 0x5c000000
+	MFD_HUGE_MASK                               = 0x3f
+	MFD_HUGE_SHIFT                              = 0x1a
+	MINIX2_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0x2468
+	MINIX2_SUPER_MAGIC2                         = 0x2478
+	MINIX3_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0x4d5a
+	MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x137f
+	MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC2                          = 0x138f
+	MNT_DETACH                                  = 0x2
+	MNT_EXPIRE                                  = 0x4
+	MNT_FORCE                                   = 0x1
+	MODULE_INIT_IGNORE_VERMAGIC                 = 0x2
+	MSDOS_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x4d44
+	MSG_BATCH                                   = 0x40000
+	MSG_CMSG_CLOEXEC                            = 0x40000000
+	MSG_CONFIRM                                 = 0x800
+	MSG_CTRUNC                                  = 0x8
+	MSG_DONTROUTE                               = 0x4
+	MSG_DONTWAIT                                = 0x40
+	MSG_EOR                                     = 0x80
+	MSG_ERRQUEUE                                = 0x2000
+	MSG_FASTOPEN                                = 0x20000000
+	MSG_FIN                                     = 0x200
+	MSG_MORE                                    = 0x8000
+	MSG_NOSIGNAL                                = 0x4000
+	MSG_OOB                                     = 0x1
+	MSG_PEEK                                    = 0x2
+	MSG_PROXY                                   = 0x10
+	MSG_RST                                     = 0x1000
+	MSG_SYN                                     = 0x400
+	MSG_TRUNC                                   = 0x20
+	MSG_TRYHARD                                 = 0x4
+	MSG_WAITALL                                 = 0x100
+	MSG_WAITFORONE                              = 0x10000
+	MSG_ZEROCOPY                                = 0x4000000
+	MS_ACTIVE                                   = 0x40000000
+	MS_ASYNC                                    = 0x1
+	MS_BIND                                     = 0x1000
+	MS_BORN                                     = 0x20000000
+	MS_DIRSYNC                                  = 0x80
+	MS_INVALIDATE                               = 0x2
+	MS_I_VERSION                                = 0x800000
+	MS_KERNMOUNT                                = 0x400000
+	MS_LAZYTIME                                 = 0x2000000
+	MS_MANDLOCK                                 = 0x40
+	MS_MGC_MSK                                  = 0xffff0000
+	MS_MGC_VAL                                  = 0xc0ed0000
+	MS_MOVE                                     = 0x2000
+	MS_NOATIME                                  = 0x400
+	MS_NODEV                                    = 0x4
+	MS_NODIRATIME                               = 0x800
+	MS_NOEXEC                                   = 0x8
+	MS_NOREMOTELOCK                             = 0x8000000
+	MS_NOSEC                                    = 0x10000000
+	MS_NOSUID                                   = 0x2
+	MS_NOUSER                                   = -0x80000000
+	MS_POSIXACL                                 = 0x10000
+	MS_PRIVATE                                  = 0x40000
+	MS_RDONLY                                   = 0x1
+	MS_REC                                      = 0x4000
+	MS_RELATIME                                 = 0x200000
+	MS_REMOUNT                                  = 0x20
+	MS_RMT_MASK                                 = 0x2800051
+	MS_SHARED                                   = 0x100000
+	MS_SILENT                                   = 0x8000
+	MS_SLAVE                                    = 0x80000
+	MS_STRICTATIME                              = 0x1000000
+	MS_SUBMOUNT                                 = 0x4000000
+	MS_SYNC                                     = 0x4
+	MS_SYNCHRONOUS                              = 0x10
+	MS_UNBINDABLE                               = 0x20000
+	MS_VERBOSE                                  = 0x8000
+	MTD_INODE_FS_MAGIC                          = 0x11307854
+	NAME_MAX                                    = 0xff
+	NCP_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x564c
+	NETLINK_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                      = 0x1
+	NETLINK_AUDIT                               = 0x9
+	NETLINK_BROADCAST_ERROR                     = 0x4
+	NETLINK_CAP_ACK                             = 0xa
+	NETLINK_CONNECTOR                           = 0xb
+	NETLINK_CRYPTO                              = 0x15
+	NETLINK_DNRTMSG                             = 0xe
+	NETLINK_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                     = 0x2
+	NETLINK_ECRYPTFS                            = 0x13
+	NETLINK_EXT_ACK                             = 0xb
+	NETLINK_FIB_LOOKUP                          = 0xa
+	NETLINK_FIREWALL                            = 0x3
+	NETLINK_GENERIC                             = 0x10
+	NETLINK_GET_STRICT_CHK                      = 0xc
+	NETLINK_INET_DIAG                           = 0x4
+	NETLINK_IP6_FW                              = 0xd
+	NETLINK_ISCSI                               = 0x8
+	NETLINK_KOBJECT_UEVENT                      = 0xf
+	NETLINK_LISTEN_ALL_NSID                     = 0x8
+	NETLINK_LIST_MEMBERSHIPS                    = 0x9
+	NETLINK_NETFILTER                           = 0xc
+	NETLINK_NFLOG                               = 0x5
+	NETLINK_NO_ENOBUFS                          = 0x5
+	NETLINK_PKTINFO                             = 0x3
+	NETLINK_RDMA                                = 0x14
+	NETLINK_ROUTE                               = 0x0
+	NETLINK_RX_RING                             = 0x6
+	NETLINK_SCSITRANSPORT                       = 0x12
+	NETLINK_SELINUX                             = 0x7
+	NETLINK_SMC                                 = 0x16
+	NETLINK_SOCK_DIAG                           = 0x4
+	NETLINK_TX_RING                             = 0x7
+	NETLINK_UNUSED                              = 0x1
+	NETLINK_USERSOCK                            = 0x2
+	NETLINK_XFRM                                = 0x6
+	NETNSA_MAX                                  = 0x5
+	NETNSA_NSID_NOT_ASSIGNED                    = -0x1
+	NFDBITS                                     = 0x40
+	NFNETLINK_V0                                = 0x0
+	NFNLGRP_ACCT_QUOTA                          = 0x8
+	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_DESTROY                   = 0x3
+	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_EXP_NEW                   = 0x4
+	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_EXP_UPDATE                = 0x5
+	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_NEW                       = 0x1
+	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_UPDATE                    = 0x2
+	NFNLGRP_MAX                                 = 0x9
+	NFNLGRP_NFTABLES                            = 0x7
+	NFNLGRP_NFTRACE                             = 0x9
+	NFNLGRP_NONE                                = 0x0
+	NFNL_BATCH_MAX                              = 0x1
+	NFNL_MSG_BATCH_BEGIN                        = 0x10
+	NFNL_MSG_BATCH_END                          = 0x11
+	NFNL_NFA_NEST                               = 0x8000
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_ACCT                            = 0x7
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_COUNT                           = 0xc
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTHELPER                        = 0x9
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTNETLINK                       = 0x1
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTNETLINK_EXP                   = 0x2
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_IPSET                           = 0x6
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_NFTABLES                        = 0xa
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_NFT_COMPAT                      = 0xb
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_NONE                            = 0x0
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_OSF                             = 0x5
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_QUEUE                           = 0x3
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_ULOG                            = 0x4
+	NFS_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x6969
+	NILFS_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x3434
+	NL0                                         = 0x0
+	NL1                                         = 0x100
+	NL2                                         = 0x200
+	NL3                                         = 0x300
+	NLA_ALIGNTO                                 = 0x4
+	NLA_F_NESTED                                = 0x8000
+	NLA_F_NET_BYTEORDER                         = 0x4000
+	NLA_HDRLEN                                  = 0x4
+	NLDLY                                       = 0x300
+	NLMSG_ALIGNTO                               = 0x4
+	NLMSG_DONE                                  = 0x3
+	NLMSG_ERROR                                 = 0x2
+	NLMSG_HDRLEN                                = 0x10
+	NLMSG_MIN_TYPE                              = 0x10
+	NLMSG_NOOP                                  = 0x1
+	NLMSG_OVERRUN                               = 0x4
+	NLM_F_ACK                                   = 0x4
+	NLM_F_ACK_TLVS                              = 0x200
+	NLM_F_APPEND                                = 0x800
+	NLM_F_ATOMIC                                = 0x400
+	NLM_F_CAPPED                                = 0x100
+	NLM_F_CREATE                                = 0x400
+	NLM_F_DUMP                                  = 0x300
+	NLM_F_DUMP_FILTERED                         = 0x20
+	NLM_F_DUMP_INTR                             = 0x10
+	NLM_F_ECHO                                  = 0x8
+	NLM_F_EXCL                                  = 0x200
+	NLM_F_MATCH                                 = 0x200
+	NLM_F_MULTI                                 = 0x2
+	NLM_F_NONREC                                = 0x100
+	NLM_F_REPLACE                               = 0x100
+	NLM_F_REQUEST                               = 0x1
+	NLM_F_ROOT                                  = 0x100
+	NOFLSH                                      = 0x80000000
+	NSFS_MAGIC                                  = 0x6e736673
+	NS_GET_NSTYPE                               = 0x2000b703
+	NS_GET_OWNER_UID                            = 0x2000b704
+	NS_GET_PARENT                               = 0x2000b702
+	NS_GET_USERNS                               = 0x2000b701
+	OCFS2_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x7461636f
+	OCRNL                                       = 0x8
+	OFDEL                                       = 0x80
+	OFILL                                       = 0x40
+	OLCUC                                       = 0x4
+	ONLCR                                       = 0x2
+	ONLRET                                      = 0x20
+	ONOCR                                       = 0x10
+	OPENPROM_SUPER_MAGIC                        = 0x9fa1
+	OPOST                                       = 0x1
+	OVERLAYFS_SUPER_MAGIC                       = 0x794c7630
+	O_ACCMODE                                   = 0x3
+	O_APPEND                                    = 0x400
+	O_ASYNC                                     = 0x2000
+	O_CLOEXEC                                   = 0x80000
+	O_CREAT                                     = 0x40
+	O_DIRECT                                    = 0x20000
+	O_DIRECTORY                                 = 0x4000
+	O_DSYNC                                     = 0x1000
+	O_EXCL                                      = 0x80
+	O_FSYNC                                     = 0x101000
+	O_LARGEFILE                                 = 0x0
+	O_NDELAY                                    = 0x800
+	O_NOATIME                                   = 0x40000
+	O_NOCTTY                                    = 0x100
+	O_NOFOLLOW                                  = 0x8000
+	O_NONBLOCK                                  = 0x800
+	O_PATH                                      = 0x200000
+	O_RDONLY                                    = 0x0
+	O_RDWR                                      = 0x2
+	O_RSYNC                                     = 0x101000
+	O_SYNC                                      = 0x101000
+	O_TMPFILE                                   = 0x404000
+	O_TRUNC                                     = 0x200
+	O_WRONLY                                    = 0x1
+	PACKET_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                       = 0x1
+	PACKET_AUXDATA                              = 0x8
+	PACKET_BROADCAST                            = 0x1
+	PACKET_COPY_THRESH                          = 0x7
+	PACKET_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                      = 0x2
+	PACKET_FANOUT                               = 0x12
+	PACKET_FANOUT_CBPF                          = 0x6
+	PACKET_FANOUT_CPU                           = 0x2
+	PACKET_FANOUT_DATA                          = 0x16
+	PACKET_FANOUT_EBPF                          = 0x7
+	PACKET_FANOUT_FLAG_DEFRAG                   = 0x8000
+	PACKET_FANOUT_FLAG_ROLLOVER                 = 0x1000
+	PACKET_FANOUT_FLAG_UNIQUEID                 = 0x2000
+	PACKET_FANOUT_HASH                          = 0x0
+	PACKET_FANOUT_LB                            = 0x1
+	PACKET_FANOUT_QM                            = 0x5
+	PACKET_FANOUT_RND                           = 0x4
+	PACKET_FANOUT_ROLLOVER                      = 0x3
+	PACKET_FASTROUTE                            = 0x6
+	PACKET_HDRLEN                               = 0xb
+	PACKET_HOST                                 = 0x0
+	PACKET_IGNORE_OUTGOING                      = 0x17
+	PACKET_KERNEL                               = 0x7
+	PACKET_LOOPBACK                             = 0x5
+	PACKET_LOSS                                 = 0xe
+	PACKET_MR_ALLMULTI                          = 0x2
+	PACKET_MR_MULTICAST                         = 0x0
+	PACKET_MR_PROMISC                           = 0x1
+	PACKET_MR_UNICAST                           = 0x3
+	PACKET_MULTICAST                            = 0x2
+	PACKET_ORIGDEV                              = 0x9
+	PACKET_OTHERHOST                            = 0x3
+	PACKET_OUTGOING                             = 0x4
+	PACKET_QDISC_BYPASS                         = 0x14
+	PACKET_RECV_OUTPUT                          = 0x3
+	PACKET_RESERVE                              = 0xc
+	PACKET_ROLLOVER_STATS                       = 0x15
+	PACKET_RX_RING                              = 0x5
+	PACKET_STATISTICS                           = 0x6
+	PACKET_TIMESTAMP                            = 0x11
+	PACKET_TX_HAS_OFF                           = 0x13
+	PACKET_TX_RING                              = 0xd
+	PACKET_TX_TIMESTAMP                         = 0x10
+	PACKET_USER                                 = 0x6
+	PACKET_VERSION                              = 0xa
+	PACKET_VNET_HDR                             = 0xf
+	PARENB                                      = 0x1000
+	PARITY_CRC16_PR0                            = 0x2
+	PARITY_CRC16_PR0_CCITT                      = 0x4
+	PARITY_CRC16_PR1                            = 0x3
+	PARITY_CRC16_PR1_CCITT                      = 0x5
+	PARITY_CRC32_PR0_CCITT                      = 0x6
+	PARITY_CRC32_PR1_CCITT                      = 0x7
+	PARITY_DEFAULT                              = 0x0
+	PARITY_NONE                                 = 0x1
+	PARMRK                                      = 0x8
+	PARODD                                      = 0x2000
+	PENDIN                                      = 0x20000000
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_DISABLE                      = 0x20002401
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_ENABLE                       = 0x20002400
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_ID                           = 0x40082407
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_MODIFY_ATTRIBUTES            = 0x8008240b
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_PAUSE_OUTPUT                 = 0x80042409
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_PERIOD                       = 0x80082404
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_QUERY_BPF                    = 0xc008240a
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_REFRESH                      = 0x20002402
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_RESET                        = 0x20002403
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_BPF                      = 0x80042408
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_FILTER                   = 0x80082406
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_OUTPUT                   = 0x20002405
+	PIPEFS_MAGIC                                = 0x50495045
+	PPPIOCATTACH                                = 0x8004743d
+	PPPIOCATTCHAN                               = 0x80047438
+	PPPIOCCONNECT                               = 0x8004743a
+	PPPIOCDETACH                                = 0x8004743c
+	PPPIOCDISCONN                               = 0x20007439
+	PPPIOCGASYNCMAP                             = 0x40047458
+	PPPIOCGCHAN                                 = 0x40047437
+	PPPIOCGDEBUG                                = 0x40047441
+	PPPIOCGFLAGS                                = 0x4004745a
+	PPPIOCGIDLE                                 = 0x4010743f
+	PPPIOCGL2TPSTATS                            = 0x40487436
+	PPPIOCGMRU                                  = 0x40047453
+	PPPIOCGNPMODE                               = 0xc008744c
+	PPPIOCGRASYNCMAP                            = 0x40047455
+	PPPIOCGUNIT                                 = 0x40047456
+	PPPIOCGXASYNCMAP                            = 0x40207450
+	PPPIOCNEWUNIT                               = 0xc004743e
+	PPPIOCSACTIVE                               = 0x80107446
+	PPPIOCSASYNCMAP                             = 0x80047457
+	PPPIOCSCOMPRESS                             = 0x8010744d
+	PPPIOCSDEBUG                                = 0x80047440
+	PPPIOCSFLAGS                                = 0x80047459
+	PPPIOCSMAXCID                               = 0x80047451
+	PPPIOCSMRRU                                 = 0x8004743b
+	PPPIOCSMRU                                  = 0x80047452
+	PPPIOCSNPMODE                               = 0x8008744b
+	PPPIOCSPASS                                 = 0x80107447
+	PPPIOCSRASYNCMAP                            = 0x80047454
+	PPPIOCSXASYNCMAP                            = 0x8020744f
+	PPPIOCXFERUNIT                              = 0x2000744e
+	PRIO_PGRP                                   = 0x1
+	PRIO_PROCESS                                = 0x0
+	PRIO_USER                                   = 0x2
+	PROC_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0x9fa0
+	PROT_EXEC                                   = 0x4
+	PROT_GROWSDOWN                              = 0x1000000
+	PROT_GROWSUP                                = 0x2000000
+	PROT_NONE                                   = 0x0
+	PROT_READ                                   = 0x1
+	PROT_SAO                                    = 0x10
+	PROT_WRITE                                  = 0x2
+	PR_CAPBSET_DROP                             = 0x18
+	PR_CAPBSET_READ                             = 0x17
+	PR_CAP_AMBIENT                              = 0x2f
+	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_CLEAR_ALL                    = 0x4
+	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_IS_SET                       = 0x1
+	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_LOWER                        = 0x3
+	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_RAISE                        = 0x2
+	PR_ENDIAN_BIG                               = 0x0
+	PR_ENDIAN_LITTLE                            = 0x1
+	PR_ENDIAN_PPC_LITTLE                        = 0x2
+	PR_FPEMU_NOPRINT                            = 0x1
+	PR_FPEMU_SIGFPE                             = 0x2
+	PR_FP_EXC_ASYNC                             = 0x2
+	PR_FP_EXC_DISABLED                          = 0x0
+	PR_FP_EXC_DIV                               = 0x10000
+	PR_FP_EXC_INV                               = 0x100000
+	PR_FP_EXC_NONRECOV                          = 0x1
+	PR_FP_EXC_OVF                               = 0x20000
+	PR_FP_EXC_PRECISE                           = 0x3
+	PR_FP_EXC_RES                               = 0x80000
+	PR_FP_EXC_SW_ENABLE                         = 0x80
+	PR_FP_EXC_UND                               = 0x40000
+	PR_FP_MODE_FR                               = 0x1
+	PR_FP_MODE_FRE                              = 0x2
+	PR_GET_CHILD_SUBREAPER                      = 0x25
+	PR_GET_DUMPABLE                             = 0x3
+	PR_GET_ENDIAN                               = 0x13
+	PR_GET_FPEMU                                = 0x9
+	PR_GET_FPEXC                                = 0xb
+	PR_GET_FP_MODE                              = 0x2e
+	PR_GET_KEEPCAPS                             = 0x7
+	PR_GET_NAME                                 = 0x10
+	PR_GET_NO_NEW_PRIVS                         = 0x27
+	PR_GET_PDEATHSIG                            = 0x2
+	PR_GET_SECCOMP                              = 0x15
+	PR_GET_SECUREBITS                           = 0x1b
+	PR_GET_SPECULATION_CTRL                     = 0x34
+	PR_GET_TAGGED_ADDR_CTRL                     = 0x38
+	PR_GET_THP_DISABLE                          = 0x2a
+	PR_GET_TID_ADDRESS                          = 0x28
+	PR_GET_TIMERSLACK                           = 0x1e
+	PR_GET_TIMING                               = 0xd
+	PR_GET_TSC                                  = 0x19
+	PR_GET_UNALIGN                              = 0x5
+	PR_MCE_KILL                                 = 0x21
+	PR_MCE_KILL_CLEAR                           = 0x0
+	PR_MCE_KILL_DEFAULT                         = 0x2
+	PR_MCE_KILL_EARLY                           = 0x1
+	PR_MCE_KILL_GET                             = 0x22
+	PR_MCE_KILL_LATE                            = 0x0
+	PR_MCE_KILL_SET                             = 0x1
+	PR_MPX_DISABLE_MANAGEMENT                   = 0x2c
+	PR_MPX_ENABLE_MANAGEMENT                    = 0x2b
+	PR_PAC_APDAKEY                              = 0x4
+	PR_PAC_APDBKEY                              = 0x8
+	PR_PAC_APGAKEY                              = 0x10
+	PR_PAC_APIAKEY                              = 0x1
+	PR_PAC_APIBKEY                              = 0x2
+	PR_PAC_RESET_KEYS                           = 0x36
+	PR_SET_CHILD_SUBREAPER                      = 0x24
+	PR_SET_DUMPABLE                             = 0x4
+	PR_SET_ENDIAN                               = 0x14
+	PR_SET_FPEMU                                = 0xa
+	PR_SET_FPEXC                                = 0xc
+	PR_SET_FP_MODE                              = 0x2d
+	PR_SET_KEEPCAPS                             = 0x8
+	PR_SET_MM                                   = 0x23
+	PR_SET_MM_ARG_END                           = 0x9
+	PR_SET_MM_ARG_START                         = 0x8
+	PR_SET_MM_AUXV                              = 0xc
+	PR_SET_MM_BRK                               = 0x7
+	PR_SET_MM_END_CODE                          = 0x2
+	PR_SET_MM_END_DATA                          = 0x4
+	PR_SET_MM_ENV_END                           = 0xb
+	PR_SET_MM_ENV_START                         = 0xa
+	PR_SET_MM_EXE_FILE                          = 0xd
+	PR_SET_MM_MAP                               = 0xe
+	PR_SET_MM_MAP_SIZE                          = 0xf
+	PR_SET_MM_START_BRK                         = 0x6
+	PR_SET_MM_START_CODE                        = 0x1
+	PR_SET_MM_START_DATA                        = 0x3
+	PR_SET_MM_START_STACK                       = 0x5
+	PR_SET_NAME                                 = 0xf
+	PR_SET_NO_NEW_PRIVS                         = 0x26
+	PR_SET_PDEATHSIG                            = 0x1
+	PR_SET_PTRACER                              = 0x59616d61
+	PR_SET_PTRACER_ANY                          = 0xffffffffffffffff
+	PR_SET_SECCOMP                              = 0x16
+	PR_SET_SECUREBITS                           = 0x1c
+	PR_SET_SPECULATION_CTRL                     = 0x35
+	PR_SET_TAGGED_ADDR_CTRL                     = 0x37
+	PR_SET_THP_DISABLE                          = 0x29
+	PR_SET_TIMERSLACK                           = 0x1d
+	PR_SET_TIMING                               = 0xe
+	PR_SET_TSC                                  = 0x1a
+	PR_SET_UNALIGN                              = 0x6
+	PR_SPEC_DISABLE                             = 0x4
+	PR_SPEC_DISABLE_NOEXEC                      = 0x10
+	PR_SPEC_ENABLE                              = 0x2
+	PR_SPEC_FORCE_DISABLE                       = 0x8
+	PR_SPEC_INDIRECT_BRANCH                     = 0x1
+	PR_SPEC_NOT_AFFECTED                        = 0x0
+	PR_SPEC_PRCTL                               = 0x1
+	PR_SPEC_STORE_BYPASS                        = 0x0
+	PR_SVE_GET_VL                               = 0x33
+	PR_SVE_SET_VL                               = 0x32
+	PR_SVE_SET_VL_ONEXEC                        = 0x40000
+	PR_SVE_VL_INHERIT                           = 0x20000
+	PR_SVE_VL_LEN_MASK                          = 0xffff
+	PR_TAGGED_ADDR_ENABLE                       = 0x1
+	PR_TASK_PERF_EVENTS_DISABLE                 = 0x1f
+	PR_TASK_PERF_EVENTS_ENABLE                  = 0x20
+	PR_TIMING_STATISTICAL                       = 0x0
+	PR_TIMING_TIMESTAMP                         = 0x1
+	PR_TSC_ENABLE                               = 0x1
+	PR_TSC_SIGSEGV                              = 0x2
+	PR_UNALIGN_NOPRINT                          = 0x1
+	PR_UNALIGN_SIGBUS                           = 0x2
+	PSTOREFS_MAGIC                              = 0x6165676c
+	PTRACE_ATTACH                               = 0x10
+	PTRACE_CONT                                 = 0x7
+	PTRACE_DETACH                               = 0x11
+	PTRACE_EVENTMSG_SYSCALL_EXIT                = 0x2
+	PTRACE_EVENT_CLONE                          = 0x3
+	PTRACE_EVENT_EXEC                           = 0x4
+	PTRACE_EVENT_EXIT                           = 0x6
+	PTRACE_EVENT_FORK                           = 0x1
+	PTRACE_EVENT_SECCOMP                        = 0x7
+	PTRACE_EVENT_STOP                           = 0x80
+	PTRACE_EVENT_VFORK                          = 0x2
+	PTRACE_EVENT_VFORK_DONE                     = 0x5
+	PTRACE_GETEVENTMSG                          = 0x4201
+	PTRACE_GETEVRREGS                           = 0x14
+	PTRACE_GETFPREGS                            = 0xe
+	PTRACE_GETREGS                              = 0xc
+	PTRACE_GETREGS64                            = 0x16
+	PTRACE_GETREGSET                            = 0x4204
+	PTRACE_GETSIGINFO                           = 0x4202
+	PTRACE_GETSIGMASK                           = 0x420a
+	PTRACE_GETVRREGS                            = 0x12
+	PTRACE_GETVSRREGS                           = 0x1b
+	PTRACE_GET_DEBUGREG                         = 0x19
+	PTRACE_GET_SYSCALL_INFO                     = 0x420e
+	PTRACE_INTERRUPT                            = 0x4207
+	PTRACE_KILL                                 = 0x8
+	PTRACE_LISTEN                               = 0x4208
+	PTRACE_O_EXITKILL                           = 0x100000
+	PTRACE_O_MASK                               = 0x3000ff
+	PTRACE_O_SUSPEND_SECCOMP                    = 0x200000
+	PTRACE_O_TRACECLONE                         = 0x8
+	PTRACE_O_TRACEEXEC                          = 0x10
+	PTRACE_O_TRACEEXIT                          = 0x40
+	PTRACE_O_TRACEFORK                          = 0x2
+	PTRACE_O_TRACESECCOMP                       = 0x80
+	PTRACE_O_TRACESYSGOOD                       = 0x1
+	PTRACE_O_TRACEVFORK                         = 0x4
+	PTRACE_O_TRACEVFORKDONE                     = 0x20
+	PTRACE_PEEKDATA                             = 0x2
+	PTRACE_PEEKSIGINFO                          = 0x4209
+	PTRACE_PEEKSIGINFO_SHARED                   = 0x1
+	PTRACE_PEEKTEXT                             = 0x1
+	PTRACE_PEEKUSR                              = 0x3
+	PTRACE_POKEDATA                             = 0x5
+	PTRACE_POKETEXT                             = 0x4
+	PTRACE_POKEUSR                              = 0x6
+	PTRACE_SECCOMP_GET_FILTER                   = 0x420c
+	PTRACE_SECCOMP_GET_METADATA                 = 0x420d
+	PTRACE_SEIZE                                = 0x4206
+	PTRACE_SETEVRREGS                           = 0x15
+	PTRACE_SETFPREGS                            = 0xf
+	PTRACE_SETOPTIONS                           = 0x4200
+	PTRACE_SETREGS                              = 0xd
+	PTRACE_SETREGS64                            = 0x17
+	PTRACE_SETREGSET                            = 0x4205
+	PTRACE_SETSIGINFO                           = 0x4203
+	PTRACE_SETSIGMASK                           = 0x420b
+	PTRACE_SETVRREGS                            = 0x13
+	PTRACE_SETVSRREGS                           = 0x1c
+	PTRACE_SET_DEBUGREG                         = 0x1a
+	PTRACE_SINGLEBLOCK                          = 0x100
+	PTRACE_SINGLESTEP                           = 0x9
+	PTRACE_SYSCALL                              = 0x18
+	PTRACE_SYSCALL_INFO_ENTRY                   = 0x1
+	PTRACE_SYSCALL_INFO_EXIT                    = 0x2
+	PTRACE_SYSCALL_INFO_NONE                    = 0x0
+	PTRACE_SYSCALL_INFO_SECCOMP                 = 0x3
+	PTRACE_SYSEMU                               = 0x1d
+	PTRACE_SYSEMU_SINGLESTEP                    = 0x1e
+	PTRACE_TRACEME                              = 0x0
+	PT_CCR                                      = 0x26
+	PT_CTR                                      = 0x23
+	PT_DAR                                      = 0x29
+	PT_DSCR                                     = 0x2c
+	PT_DSISR                                    = 0x2a
+	PT_FPR0                                     = 0x30
+	PT_FPSCR                                    = 0x50
+	PT_LNK                                      = 0x24
+	PT_MSR                                      = 0x21
+	PT_NIP                                      = 0x20
+	PT_ORIG_R3                                  = 0x22
+	PT_R0                                       = 0x0
+	PT_R1                                       = 0x1
+	PT_R10                                      = 0xa
+	PT_R11                                      = 0xb
+	PT_R12                                      = 0xc
+	PT_R13                                      = 0xd
+	PT_R14                                      = 0xe
+	PT_R15                                      = 0xf
+	PT_R16                                      = 0x10
+	PT_R17                                      = 0x11
+	PT_R18                                      = 0x12
+	PT_R19                                      = 0x13
+	PT_R2                                       = 0x2
+	PT_R20                                      = 0x14
+	PT_R21                                      = 0x15
+	PT_R22                                      = 0x16
+	PT_R23                                      = 0x17
+	PT_R24                                      = 0x18
+	PT_R25                                      = 0x19
+	PT_R26                                      = 0x1a
+	PT_R27                                      = 0x1b
+	PT_R28                                      = 0x1c
+	PT_R29                                      = 0x1d
+	PT_R3                                       = 0x3
+	PT_R30                                      = 0x1e
+	PT_R31                                      = 0x1f
+	PT_R4                                       = 0x4
+	PT_R5                                       = 0x5
+	PT_R6                                       = 0x6
+	PT_R7                                       = 0x7
+	PT_R8                                       = 0x8
+	PT_R9                                       = 0x9
+	PT_REGS_COUNT                               = 0x2c
+	PT_RESULT                                   = 0x2b
+	PT_SOFTE                                    = 0x27
+	PT_TRAP                                     = 0x28
+	PT_VR0                                      = 0x52
+	PT_VRSAVE                                   = 0x94
+	PT_VSCR                                     = 0x93
+	PT_VSR0                                     = 0x96
+	PT_VSR31                                    = 0xd4
+	PT_XER                                      = 0x25
+	QNX4_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0x2f
+	QNX6_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0x68191122
+	RAMFS_MAGIC                                 = 0x858458f6
+	RDTGROUP_SUPER_MAGIC                        = 0x7655821
+	REISERFS_SUPER_MAGIC                        = 0x52654973
+	RENAME_EXCHANGE                             = 0x2
+	RENAME_NOREPLACE                            = 0x1
+	RENAME_WHITEOUT                             = 0x4
+	RLIMIT_AS                                   = 0x9
+	RLIMIT_CORE                                 = 0x4
+	RLIMIT_CPU                                  = 0x0
+	RLIMIT_DATA                                 = 0x2
+	RLIMIT_FSIZE                                = 0x1
+	RLIMIT_LOCKS                                = 0xa
+	RLIMIT_MEMLOCK                              = 0x8
+	RLIMIT_MSGQUEUE                             = 0xc
+	RLIMIT_NICE                                 = 0xd
+	RLIMIT_NOFILE                               = 0x7
+	RLIMIT_NPROC                                = 0x6
+	RLIMIT_RSS                                  = 0x5
+	RLIMIT_RTPRIO                               = 0xe
+	RLIMIT_RTTIME                               = 0xf
+	RLIMIT_SIGPENDING                           = 0xb
+	RLIMIT_STACK                                = 0x3
+	RLIM_INFINITY                               = 0xffffffffffffffff
+	RNDADDENTROPY                               = 0x80085203
+	RNDADDTOENTCNT                              = 0x80045201
+	RNDCLEARPOOL                                = 0x20005206
+	RNDGETENTCNT                                = 0x40045200
+	RNDGETPOOL                                  = 0x40085202
+	RNDRESEEDCRNG                               = 0x20005207
+	RNDZAPENTCNT                                = 0x20005204
+	RTAX_ADVMSS                                 = 0x8
+	RTAX_CC_ALGO                                = 0x10
+	RTAX_CWND                                   = 0x7
+	RTAX_FASTOPEN_NO_COOKIE                     = 0x11
+	RTAX_FEATURES                               = 0xc
+	RTAX_FEATURE_ALLFRAG                        = 0x8
+	RTAX_FEATURE_ECN                            = 0x1
+	RTAX_FEATURE_MASK                           = 0xf
+	RTAX_FEATURE_SACK                           = 0x2
+	RTAX_FEATURE_TIMESTAMP                      = 0x4
+	RTAX_HOPLIMIT                               = 0xa
+	RTAX_INITCWND                               = 0xb
+	RTAX_INITRWND                               = 0xe
+	RTAX_LOCK                                   = 0x1
+	RTAX_MAX                                    = 0x11
+	RTAX_MTU                                    = 0x2
+	RTAX_QUICKACK                               = 0xf
+	RTAX_REORDERING                             = 0x9
+	RTAX_RTO_MIN                                = 0xd
+	RTAX_RTT                                    = 0x4
+	RTAX_RTTVAR                                 = 0x5
+	RTAX_SSTHRESH                               = 0x6
+	RTAX_UNSPEC                                 = 0x0
+	RTAX_WINDOW                                 = 0x3
+	RTA_ALIGNTO                                 = 0x4
+	RTA_MAX                                     = 0x1e
+	RTCF_DIRECTSRC                              = 0x4000000
+	RTCF_DOREDIRECT                             = 0x1000000
+	RTCF_LOG                                    = 0x2000000
+	RTCF_MASQ                                   = 0x400000
+	RTCF_NAT                                    = 0x800000
+	RTCF_VALVE                                  = 0x200000
+	RTC_AF                                      = 0x20
+	RTC_AIE_OFF                                 = 0x20007002
+	RTC_AIE_ON                                  = 0x20007001
+	RTC_ALM_READ                                = 0x40247008
+	RTC_ALM_SET                                 = 0x80247007
+	RTC_EPOCH_READ                              = 0x4008700d
+	RTC_EPOCH_SET                               = 0x8008700e
+	RTC_IRQF                                    = 0x80
+	RTC_IRQP_READ                               = 0x4008700b
+	RTC_IRQP_SET                                = 0x8008700c
+	RTC_MAX_FREQ                                = 0x2000
+	RTC_PF                                      = 0x40
+	RTC_PIE_OFF                                 = 0x20007006
+	RTC_PIE_ON                                  = 0x20007005
+	RTC_PLL_GET                                 = 0x40207011
+	RTC_PLL_SET                                 = 0x80207012
+	RTC_RD_TIME                                 = 0x40247009
+	RTC_SET_TIME                                = 0x8024700a
+	RTC_UF                                      = 0x10
+	RTC_UIE_OFF                                 = 0x20007004
+	RTC_UIE_ON                                  = 0x20007003
+	RTC_VL_CLR                                  = 0x20007014
+	RTC_VL_READ                                 = 0x40047013
+	RTC_WIE_OFF                                 = 0x20007010
+	RTC_WIE_ON                                  = 0x2000700f
+	RTC_WKALM_RD                                = 0x40287010
+	RTC_WKALM_SET                               = 0x8028700f
+	RTF_ADDRCLASSMASK                           = 0xf8000000
+	RTF_ADDRCONF                                = 0x40000
+	RTF_ALLONLINK                               = 0x20000
+	RTF_BROADCAST                               = 0x10000000
+	RTF_CACHE                                   = 0x1000000
+	RTF_DEFAULT                                 = 0x10000
+	RTF_DYNAMIC                                 = 0x10
+	RTF_FLOW                                    = 0x2000000
+	RTF_GATEWAY                                 = 0x2
+	RTF_HOST                                    = 0x4
+	RTF_INTERFACE                               = 0x40000000
+	RTF_IRTT                                    = 0x100
+	RTF_LINKRT                                  = 0x100000
+	RTF_LOCAL                                   = 0x80000000
+	RTF_MODIFIED                                = 0x20
+	RTF_MSS                                     = 0x40
+	RTF_MTU                                     = 0x40
+	RTF_MULTICAST                               = 0x20000000
+	RTF_NAT                                     = 0x8000000
+	RTF_NOFORWARD                               = 0x1000
+	RTF_NONEXTHOP                               = 0x200000
+	RTF_NOPMTUDISC                              = 0x4000
+	RTF_POLICY                                  = 0x4000000
+	RTF_REINSTATE                               = 0x8
+	RTF_REJECT                                  = 0x200
+	RTF_STATIC                                  = 0x400
+	RTF_THROW                                   = 0x2000
+	RTF_UP                                      = 0x1
+	RTF_WINDOW                                  = 0x80
+	RTF_XRESOLVE                                = 0x800
+	RTM_BASE                                    = 0x10
+	RTM_DELACTION                               = 0x31
+	RTM_DELADDR                                 = 0x15
+	RTM_DELADDRLABEL                            = 0x49
+	RTM_DELCHAIN                                = 0x65
+	RTM_DELLINK                                 = 0x11
+	RTM_DELMDB                                  = 0x55
+	RTM_DELNEIGH                                = 0x1d
+	RTM_DELNETCONF                              = 0x51
+	RTM_DELNEXTHOP                              = 0x69
+	RTM_DELNSID                                 = 0x59
+	RTM_DELQDISC                                = 0x25
+	RTM_DELROUTE                                = 0x19
+	RTM_DELRULE                                 = 0x21
+	RTM_DELTCLASS                               = 0x29
+	RTM_DELTFILTER                              = 0x2d
+	RTM_F_CLONED                                = 0x200
+	RTM_F_EQUALIZE                              = 0x400
+	RTM_F_FIB_MATCH                             = 0x2000
+	RTM_F_LOOKUP_TABLE                          = 0x1000
+	RTM_F_NOTIFY                                = 0x100
+	RTM_F_PREFIX                                = 0x800
+	RTM_GETACTION                               = 0x32
+	RTM_GETADDR                                 = 0x16
+	RTM_GETADDRLABEL                            = 0x4a
+	RTM_GETANYCAST                              = 0x3e
+	RTM_GETCHAIN                                = 0x66
+	RTM_GETDCB                                  = 0x4e
+	RTM_GETLINK                                 = 0x12
+	RTM_GETMDB                                  = 0x56
+	RTM_GETMULTICAST                            = 0x3a
+	RTM_GETNEIGH                                = 0x1e
+	RTM_GETNEIGHTBL                             = 0x42
+	RTM_GETNETCONF                              = 0x52
+	RTM_GETNEXTHOP                              = 0x6a
+	RTM_GETNSID                                 = 0x5a
+	RTM_GETQDISC                                = 0x26
+	RTM_GETROUTE                                = 0x1a
+	RTM_GETRULE                                 = 0x22
+	RTM_GETSTATS                                = 0x5e
+	RTM_GETTCLASS                               = 0x2a
+	RTM_GETTFILTER                              = 0x2e
+	RTM_MAX                                     = 0x6b
+	RTM_NEWACTION                               = 0x30
+	RTM_NEWADDR                                 = 0x14
+	RTM_NEWADDRLABEL                            = 0x48
+	RTM_NEWCACHEREPORT                          = 0x60
+	RTM_NEWCHAIN                                = 0x64
+	RTM_NEWLINK                                 = 0x10
+	RTM_NEWMDB                                  = 0x54
+	RTM_NEWNDUSEROPT                            = 0x44
+	RTM_NEWNEIGH                                = 0x1c
+	RTM_NEWNEIGHTBL                             = 0x40
+	RTM_NEWNETCONF                              = 0x50
+	RTM_NEWNEXTHOP                              = 0x68
+	RTM_NEWNSID                                 = 0x58
+	RTM_NEWPREFIX                               = 0x34
+	RTM_NEWQDISC                                = 0x24
+	RTM_NEWROUTE                                = 0x18
+	RTM_NEWRULE                                 = 0x20
+	RTM_NEWSTATS                                = 0x5c
+	RTM_NEWTCLASS                               = 0x28
+	RTM_NEWTFILTER                              = 0x2c
+	RTM_NR_FAMILIES                             = 0x17
+	RTM_NR_MSGTYPES                             = 0x5c
+	RTM_SETDCB                                  = 0x4f
+	RTM_SETLINK                                 = 0x13
+	RTM_SETNEIGHTBL                             = 0x43
+	RTNH_ALIGNTO                                = 0x4
+	RTNH_COMPARE_MASK                           = 0x19
+	RTNH_F_DEAD                                 = 0x1
+	RTNH_F_LINKDOWN                             = 0x10
+	RTNH_F_OFFLOAD                              = 0x8
+	RTNH_F_ONLINK                               = 0x4
+	RTNH_F_PERVASIVE                            = 0x2
+	RTNH_F_UNRESOLVED                           = 0x20
+	RTN_MAX                                     = 0xb
+	RTPROT_BABEL                                = 0x2a
+	RTPROT_BGP                                  = 0xba
+	RTPROT_BIRD                                 = 0xc
+	RTPROT_BOOT                                 = 0x3
+	RTPROT_DHCP                                 = 0x10
+	RTPROT_DNROUTED                             = 0xd
+	RTPROT_EIGRP                                = 0xc0
+	RTPROT_GATED                                = 0x8
+	RTPROT_ISIS                                 = 0xbb
+	RTPROT_KERNEL                               = 0x2
+	RTPROT_MROUTED                              = 0x11
+	RTPROT_MRT                                  = 0xa
+	RTPROT_NTK                                  = 0xf
+	RTPROT_OSPF                                 = 0xbc
+	RTPROT_RA                                   = 0x9
+	RTPROT_REDIRECT                             = 0x1
+	RTPROT_RIP                                  = 0xbd
+	RTPROT_STATIC                               = 0x4
+	RTPROT_UNSPEC                               = 0x0
+	RTPROT_XORP                                 = 0xe
+	RTPROT_ZEBRA                                = 0xb
+	RT_CLASS_DEFAULT                            = 0xfd
+	RT_CLASS_LOCAL                              = 0xff
+	RT_CLASS_MAIN                               = 0xfe
+	RT_CLASS_MAX                                = 0xff
+	RT_CLASS_UNSPEC                             = 0x0
+	RUSAGE_CHILDREN                             = -0x1
+	RUSAGE_SELF                                 = 0x0
+	RUSAGE_THREAD                               = 0x1
+	SCM_CREDENTIALS                             = 0x2
+	SCM_RIGHTS                                  = 0x1
+	SCM_TIMESTAMP                               = 0x1d
+	SCM_TIMESTAMPING                            = 0x25
+	SCM_TIMESTAMPING_OPT_STATS                  = 0x36
+	SCM_TIMESTAMPING_PKTINFO                    = 0x3a
+	SCM_TIMESTAMPNS                             = 0x23
+	SCM_TXTIME                                  = 0x3d
+	SCM_WIFI_STATUS                             = 0x29
+	SC_LOG_FLUSH                                = 0x100000
+	SECCOMP_MODE_DISABLED                       = 0x0
+	SECCOMP_MODE_FILTER                         = 0x2
+	SECCOMP_MODE_STRICT                         = 0x1
+	SECURITYFS_MAGIC                            = 0x73636673
+	SELINUX_MAGIC                               = 0xf97cff8c
+	SFD_CLOEXEC                                 = 0x80000
+	SFD_NONBLOCK                                = 0x800
+	SHUT_RD                                     = 0x0
+	SHUT_RDWR                                   = 0x2
+	SHUT_WR                                     = 0x1
+	SIOCADDDLCI                                 = 0x8980
+	SIOCADDMULTI                                = 0x8931
+	SIOCADDRT                                   = 0x890b
+	SIOCATMARK                                  = 0x8905
+	SIOCBONDCHANGEACTIVE                        = 0x8995
+	SIOCBONDENSLAVE                             = 0x8990
+	SIOCBONDINFOQUERY                           = 0x8994
+	SIOCBONDRELEASE                             = 0x8991
+	SIOCBONDSETHWADDR                           = 0x8992
+	SIOCBONDSLAVEINFOQUERY                      = 0x8993
+	SIOCBRADDBR                                 = 0x89a0
+	SIOCBRADDIF                                 = 0x89a2
+	SIOCBRDELBR                                 = 0x89a1
+	SIOCBRDELIF                                 = 0x89a3
+	SIOCDARP                                    = 0x8953
+	SIOCDELDLCI                                 = 0x8981
+	SIOCDELMULTI                                = 0x8932
+	SIOCDELRT                                   = 0x890c
+	SIOCDEVPRIVATE                              = 0x89f0
+	SIOCDIFADDR                                 = 0x8936
+	SIOCDRARP                                   = 0x8960
+	SIOCETHTOOL                                 = 0x8946
+	SIOCGARP                                    = 0x8954
+	SIOCGETLINKNAME                             = 0x89e0
+	SIOCGETNODEID                               = 0x89e1
+	SIOCGHWTSTAMP                               = 0x89b1
+	SIOCGIFADDR                                 = 0x8915
+	SIOCGIFBR                                   = 0x8940
+	SIOCGIFBRDADDR                              = 0x8919
+	SIOCGIFCONF                                 = 0x8912
+	SIOCGIFCOUNT                                = 0x8938
+	SIOCGIFDSTADDR                              = 0x8917
+	SIOCGIFENCAP                                = 0x8925
+	SIOCGIFFLAGS                                = 0x8913
+	SIOCGIFHWADDR                               = 0x8927
+	SIOCGIFINDEX                                = 0x8933
+	SIOCGIFMAP                                  = 0x8970
+	SIOCGIFMEM                                  = 0x891f
+	SIOCGIFMETRIC                               = 0x891d
+	SIOCGIFMTU                                  = 0x8921
+	SIOCGIFNAME                                 = 0x8910
+	SIOCGIFNETMASK                              = 0x891b
+	SIOCGIFPFLAGS                               = 0x8935
+	SIOCGIFSLAVE                                = 0x8929
+	SIOCGIFTXQLEN                               = 0x8942
+	SIOCGIFVLAN                                 = 0x8982
+	SIOCGMIIPHY                                 = 0x8947
+	SIOCGMIIREG                                 = 0x8948
+	SIOCGPGRP                                   = 0x8904
+	SIOCGPPPCSTATS                              = 0x89f2
+	SIOCGPPPSTATS                               = 0x89f0
+	SIOCGPPPVER                                 = 0x89f1
+	SIOCGRARP                                   = 0x8961
+	SIOCGSKNS                                   = 0x894c
+	SIOCGSTAMP                                  = 0x8906
+	SIOCGSTAMPNS                                = 0x8907
+	SIOCGSTAMPNS_NEW                            = 0x40108907
+	SIOCGSTAMPNS_OLD                            = 0x8907
+	SIOCGSTAMP_NEW                              = 0x40108906
+	SIOCGSTAMP_OLD                              = 0x8906
+	SIOCINQ                                     = 0x4004667f
+	SIOCOUTQ                                    = 0x40047473
+	SIOCOUTQNSD                                 = 0x894b
+	SIOCPROTOPRIVATE                            = 0x89e0
+	SIOCRTMSG                                   = 0x890d
+	SIOCSARP                                    = 0x8955
+	SIOCSHWTSTAMP                               = 0x89b0
+	SIOCSIFADDR                                 = 0x8916
+	SIOCSIFBR                                   = 0x8941
+	SIOCSIFBRDADDR                              = 0x891a
+	SIOCSIFDSTADDR                              = 0x8918
+	SIOCSIFENCAP                                = 0x8926
+	SIOCSIFFLAGS                                = 0x8914
+	SIOCSIFHWADDR                               = 0x8924
+	SIOCSIFHWBROADCAST                          = 0x8937
+	SIOCSIFLINK                                 = 0x8911
+	SIOCSIFMAP                                  = 0x8971
+	SIOCSIFMEM                                  = 0x8920
+	SIOCSIFMETRIC                               = 0x891e
+	SIOCSIFMTU                                  = 0x8922
+	SIOCSIFNAME                                 = 0x8923
+	SIOCSIFNETMASK                              = 0x891c
+	SIOCSIFPFLAGS                               = 0x8934
+	SIOCSIFSLAVE                                = 0x8930
+	SIOCSIFTXQLEN                               = 0x8943
+	SIOCSIFVLAN                                 = 0x8983
+	SIOCSMIIREG                                 = 0x8949
+	SIOCSPGRP                                   = 0x8902
+	SIOCSRARP                                   = 0x8962
+	SIOCWANDEV                                  = 0x894a
+	SMACK_MAGIC                                 = 0x43415d53
+	SMART_AUTOSAVE                              = 0xd2
+	SMART_AUTO_OFFLINE                          = 0xdb
+	SMART_DISABLE                               = 0xd9
+	SMART_ENABLE                                = 0xd8
+	SMART_HCYL_PASS                             = 0xc2
+	SMART_IMMEDIATE_OFFLINE                     = 0xd4
+	SMART_LCYL_PASS                             = 0x4f
+	SMART_READ_LOG_SECTOR                       = 0xd5
+	SMART_READ_THRESHOLDS                       = 0xd1
+	SMART_READ_VALUES                           = 0xd0
+	SMART_SAVE                                  = 0xd3
+	SMART_STATUS                                = 0xda
+	SMART_WRITE_LOG_SECTOR                      = 0xd6
+	SMART_WRITE_THRESHOLDS                      = 0xd7
+	SMB_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x517b
+	SOCKFS_MAGIC                                = 0x534f434b
+	SOCK_CLOEXEC                                = 0x80000
+	SOCK_DCCP                                   = 0x6
+	SOCK_DGRAM                                  = 0x2
+	SOCK_IOC_TYPE                               = 0x89
+	SOCK_NONBLOCK                               = 0x800
+	SOCK_PACKET                                 = 0xa
+	SOCK_RAW                                    = 0x3
+	SOCK_RDM                                    = 0x4
+	SOCK_SEQPACKET                              = 0x5
+	SOCK_STREAM                                 = 0x1
+	SOL_AAL                                     = 0x109
+	SOL_ALG                                     = 0x117
+	SOL_ATM                                     = 0x108
+	SOL_CAIF                                    = 0x116
+	SOL_CAN_BASE                                = 0x64
+	SOL_DCCP                                    = 0x10d
+	SOL_DECNET                                  = 0x105
+	SOL_ICMPV6                                  = 0x3a
+	SOL_IP                                      = 0x0
+	SOL_IPV6                                    = 0x29
+	SOL_IRDA                                    = 0x10a
+	SOL_IUCV                                    = 0x115
+	SOL_KCM                                     = 0x119
+	SOL_LLC                                     = 0x10c
+	SOL_NETBEUI                                 = 0x10b
+	SOL_NETLINK                                 = 0x10e
+	SOL_NFC                                     = 0x118
+	SOL_PACKET                                  = 0x107
+	SOL_PNPIPE                                  = 0x113
+	SOL_PPPOL2TP                                = 0x111
+	SOL_RAW                                     = 0xff
+	SOL_RDS                                     = 0x114
+	SOL_RXRPC                                   = 0x110
+	SOL_SOCKET                                  = 0x1
+	SOL_TCP                                     = 0x6
+	SOL_TIPC                                    = 0x10f
+	SOL_TLS                                     = 0x11a
+	SOL_X25                                     = 0x106
+	SOL_XDP                                     = 0x11b
+	SOMAXCONN                                   = 0x80
+	SO_ACCEPTCONN                               = 0x1e
+	SO_ATTACH_BPF                               = 0x32
+	SO_ATTACH_FILTER                            = 0x1a
+	SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_CBPF                    = 0x33
+	SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_EBPF                    = 0x34
+	SO_BINDTODEVICE                             = 0x19
+	SO_BINDTOIFINDEX                            = 0x3e
+	SO_BPF_EXTENSIONS                           = 0x30
+	SO_BROADCAST                                = 0x6
+	SO_BSDCOMPAT                                = 0xe
+	SO_BUSY_POLL                                = 0x2e
+	SO_CNX_ADVICE                               = 0x35
+	SO_COOKIE                                   = 0x39
+	SO_DEBUG                                    = 0x1
+	SO_DETACH_BPF                               = 0x1b
+	SO_DETACH_FILTER                            = 0x1b
+	SO_DETACH_REUSEPORT_BPF                     = 0x44
+	SO_DOMAIN                                   = 0x27
+	SO_DONTROUTE                                = 0x5
+	SO_EE_CODE_TXTIME_MISSED                    = 0x2
+	SO_EE_CODE_ZEROCOPY_COPIED                  = 0x1
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_ICMP                           = 0x2
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_ICMP6                          = 0x3
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_LOCAL                          = 0x1
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_NONE                           = 0x0
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_TIMESTAMPING                   = 0x4
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_TXSTATUS                       = 0x4
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_TXTIME                         = 0x6
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_ZEROCOPY                       = 0x5
+	SO_ERROR                                    = 0x4
+	SO_GET_FILTER                               = 0x1a
+	SO_INCOMING_CPU                             = 0x31
+	SO_INCOMING_NAPI_ID                         = 0x38
+	SO_KEEPALIVE                                = 0x9
+	SO_LINGER                                   = 0xd
+	SO_LOCK_FILTER                              = 0x2c
+	SO_MARK                                     = 0x24
+	SO_MAX_PACING_RATE                          = 0x2f
+	SO_MEMINFO                                  = 0x37
+	SO_NOFCS                                    = 0x2b
+	SO_NO_CHECK                                 = 0xb
+	SO_OOBINLINE                                = 0xa
+	SO_PASSCRED                                 = 0x14
+	SO_PASSSEC                                  = 0x22
+	SO_PEEK_OFF                                 = 0x2a
+	SO_PEERCRED                                 = 0x15
+	SO_PEERGROUPS                               = 0x3b
+	SO_PEERNAME                                 = 0x1c
+	SO_PEERSEC                                  = 0x1f
+	SO_PRIORITY                                 = 0xc
+	SO_PROTOCOL                                 = 0x26
+	SO_RCVBUF                                   = 0x8
+	SO_RCVBUFFORCE                              = 0x21
+	SO_RCVLOWAT                                 = 0x10
+	SO_RCVTIMEO                                 = 0x12
+	SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW                             = 0x42
+	SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD                             = 0x12
+	SO_REUSEADDR                                = 0x2
+	SO_REUSEPORT                                = 0xf
+	SO_RXQ_OVFL                                 = 0x28
+	SO_SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION                  = 0x16
+	SO_SELECT_ERR_QUEUE                         = 0x2d
+	SO_SNDBUF                                   = 0x7
+	SO_SNDBUFFORCE                              = 0x20
+	SO_SNDLOWAT                                 = 0x11
+	SO_SNDTIMEO                                 = 0x13
+	SO_SNDTIMEO_NEW                             = 0x43
+	SO_SNDTIMEO_OLD                             = 0x13
+	SO_TIMESTAMP                                = 0x1d
+	SO_TIMESTAMPING                             = 0x25
+	SO_TIMESTAMPING_NEW                         = 0x41
+	SO_TIMESTAMPING_OLD                         = 0x25
+	SO_TIMESTAMPNS                              = 0x23
+	SO_TIMESTAMPNS_NEW                          = 0x40
+	SO_TIMESTAMPNS_OLD                          = 0x23
+	SO_TIMESTAMP_NEW                            = 0x3f
+	SO_TIMESTAMP_OLD                            = 0x1d
+	SO_TXTIME                                   = 0x3d
+	SO_TYPE                                     = 0x3
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE               = 0x2
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_BUFFER_MIN_SIZE               = 0x1
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_BUFFER_SIZE                   = 0x0
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_CONNECT_TIMEOUT               = 0x6
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_NONBLOCK_TXRX                 = 0x7
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_PEER_HOST_VM_ID               = 0x3
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_TRUSTED                       = 0x5
+	SO_WIFI_STATUS                              = 0x29
+	SO_ZEROCOPY                                 = 0x3c
+	SPLICE_F_GIFT                               = 0x8
+	SPLICE_F_MORE                               = 0x4
+	SPLICE_F_MOVE                               = 0x1
+	SPLICE_F_NONBLOCK                           = 0x2
+	SQUASHFS_MAGIC                              = 0x73717368
+	STACK_END_MAGIC                             = 0x57ac6e9d
+	STATX_ALL                                   = 0xfff
+	STATX_ATIME                                 = 0x20
+	STATX_ATTR_APPEND                           = 0x20
+	STATX_ATTR_AUTOMOUNT                        = 0x1000
+	STATX_ATTR_COMPRESSED                       = 0x4
+	STATX_ATTR_ENCRYPTED                        = 0x800
+	STATX_ATTR_IMMUTABLE                        = 0x10
+	STATX_ATTR_NODUMP                           = 0x40
+	STATX_BASIC_STATS                           = 0x7ff
+	STATX_BLOCKS                                = 0x400
+	STATX_BTIME                                 = 0x800
+	STATX_CTIME                                 = 0x80
+	STATX_GID                                   = 0x10
+	STATX_INO                                   = 0x100
+	STATX_MODE                                  = 0x2
+	STATX_MTIME                                 = 0x40
+	STATX_NLINK                                 = 0x4
+	STATX_SIZE                                  = 0x200
+	STATX_TYPE                                  = 0x1
+	STATX_UID                                   = 0x8
+	STATX__RESERVED                             = 0x80000000
+	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WAIT_AFTER                  = 0x4
+	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WAIT_BEFORE                 = 0x1
+	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WRITE                       = 0x2
+	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WRITE_AND_WAIT              = 0x7
+	SYSFS_MAGIC                                 = 0x62656572
+	S_BLKSIZE                                   = 0x200
+	S_IEXEC                                     = 0x40
+	S_IFBLK                                     = 0x6000
+	S_IFCHR                                     = 0x2000
+	S_IFDIR                                     = 0x4000
+	S_IFIFO                                     = 0x1000
+	S_IFLNK                                     = 0xa000
+	S_IFMT                                      = 0xf000
+	S_IFREG                                     = 0x8000
+	S_IFSOCK                                    = 0xc000
+	S_IREAD                                     = 0x100
+	S_IRGRP                                     = 0x20
+	S_IROTH                                     = 0x4
+	S_IRUSR                                     = 0x100
+	S_IRWXG                                     = 0x38
+	S_IRWXO                                     = 0x7
+	S_IRWXU                                     = 0x1c0
+	S_ISGID                                     = 0x400
+	S_ISUID                                     = 0x800
+	S_ISVTX                                     = 0x200
+	S_IWGRP                                     = 0x10
+	S_IWOTH                                     = 0x2
+	S_IWRITE                                    = 0x80
+	S_IWUSR                                     = 0x80
+	S_IXGRP                                     = 0x8
+	S_IXOTH                                     = 0x1
+	S_IXUSR                                     = 0x40
+	TAB0                                        = 0x0
+	TAB1                                        = 0x400
+	TAB2                                        = 0x800
+	TAB3                                        = 0xc00
+	TABDLY                                      = 0xc00
+	TASKSTATS_CMD_ATTR_MAX                      = 0x4
+	TASKSTATS_CMD_MAX                           = 0x2
+	TASKSTATS_GENL_NAME                         = "TASKSTATS"
+	TASKSTATS_GENL_VERSION                      = 0x1
+	TASKSTATS_TYPE_MAX                          = 0x6
+	TASKSTATS_VERSION                           = 0x9
+	TCFLSH                                      = 0x2000741f
+	TCGETA                                      = 0x40147417
+	TCGETS                                      = 0x402c7413
+	TCIFLUSH                                    = 0x0
+	TCIOFF                                      = 0x2
+	TCIOFLUSH                                   = 0x2
+	TCION                                       = 0x3
+	TCOFLUSH                                    = 0x1
+	TCOOFF                                      = 0x0
+	TCOON                                       = 0x1
+	TCP_BPF_IW                                  = 0x3e9
+	TCP_BPF_SNDCWND_CLAMP                       = 0x3ea
+	TCP_CC_INFO                                 = 0x1a
+	TCP_CM_INQ                                  = 0x24
+	TCP_CONGESTION                              = 0xd
+	TCP_COOKIE_IN_ALWAYS                        = 0x1
+	TCP_COOKIE_MAX                              = 0x10
+	TCP_COOKIE_MIN                              = 0x8
+	TCP_COOKIE_OUT_NEVER                        = 0x2
+	TCP_COOKIE_PAIR_SIZE                        = 0x20
+	TCP_COOKIE_TRANSACTIONS                     = 0xf
+	TCP_CORK                                    = 0x3
+	TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT                            = 0x9
+	TCP_FASTOPEN                                = 0x17
+	TCP_FASTOPEN_CONNECT                        = 0x1e
+	TCP_FASTOPEN_KEY                            = 0x21
+	TCP_FASTOPEN_NO_COOKIE                      = 0x22
+	TCP_INFO                                    = 0xb
+	TCP_INQ                                     = 0x24
+	TCP_KEEPCNT                                 = 0x6
+	TCP_KEEPIDLE                                = 0x4
+	TCP_KEEPINTVL                               = 0x5
+	TCP_LINGER2                                 = 0x8
+	TCP_MAXSEG                                  = 0x2
+	TCP_MAXWIN                                  = 0xffff
+	TCP_MAX_WINSHIFT                            = 0xe
+	TCP_MD5SIG                                  = 0xe
+	TCP_MD5SIG_EXT                              = 0x20
+	TCP_MD5SIG_FLAG_PREFIX                      = 0x1
+	TCP_MD5SIG_MAXKEYLEN                        = 0x50
+	TCP_MSS                                     = 0x200
+	TCP_MSS_DEFAULT                             = 0x218
+	TCP_MSS_DESIRED                             = 0x4c4
+	TCP_NODELAY                                 = 0x1
+	TCP_NOTSENT_LOWAT                           = 0x19
+	TCP_QUEUE_SEQ                               = 0x15
+	TCP_QUICKACK                                = 0xc
+	TCP_REPAIR                                  = 0x13
+	TCP_REPAIR_OFF                              = 0x0
+	TCP_REPAIR_OFF_NO_WP                        = -0x1
+	TCP_REPAIR_ON                               = 0x1
+	TCP_REPAIR_OPTIONS                          = 0x16
+	TCP_REPAIR_QUEUE                            = 0x14
+	TCP_REPAIR_WINDOW                           = 0x1d
+	TCP_SAVED_SYN                               = 0x1c
+	TCP_SAVE_SYN                                = 0x1b
+	TCP_SYNCNT                                  = 0x7
+	TCP_S_DATA_IN                               = 0x4
+	TCP_S_DATA_OUT                              = 0x8
+	TCP_THIN_DUPACK                             = 0x11
+	TCP_THIN_LINEAR_TIMEOUTS                    = 0x10
+	TCP_TIMESTAMP                               = 0x18
+	TCP_ULP                                     = 0x1f
+	TCP_USER_TIMEOUT                            = 0x12
+	TCP_WINDOW_CLAMP                            = 0xa
+	TCP_ZEROCOPY_RECEIVE                        = 0x23
+	TCSAFLUSH                                   = 0x2
+	TCSBRK                                      = 0x2000741d
+	TCSBRKP                                     = 0x5425
+	TCSETA                                      = 0x80147418
+	TCSETAF                                     = 0x8014741c
+	TCSETAW                                     = 0x80147419
+	TCSETS                                      = 0x802c7414
+	TCSETSF                                     = 0x802c7416
+	TCSETSW                                     = 0x802c7415
+	TCXONC                                      = 0x2000741e
+	TIMER_ABSTIME                               = 0x1
+	TIOCCBRK                                    = 0x5428
+	TIOCCONS                                    = 0x541d
+	TIOCEXCL                                    = 0x540c
+	TIOCGDEV                                    = 0x40045432
+	TIOCGETC                                    = 0x40067412
+	TIOCGETD                                    = 0x5424
+	TIOCGETP                                    = 0x40067408
+	TIOCGEXCL                                   = 0x40045440
+	TIOCGICOUNT                                 = 0x545d
+	TIOCGISO7816                                = 0x40285442
+	TIOCGLCKTRMIOS                              = 0x5456
+	TIOCGLTC                                    = 0x40067474
+	TIOCGPGRP                                   = 0x40047477
+	TIOCGPKT                                    = 0x40045438
+	TIOCGPTLCK                                  = 0x40045439
+	TIOCGPTN                                    = 0x40045430
+	TIOCGPTPEER                                 = 0x20005441
+	TIOCGRS485                                  = 0x542e
+	TIOCGSERIAL                                 = 0x541e
+	TIOCGSID                                    = 0x5429
+	TIOCGSOFTCAR                                = 0x5419
+	TIOCGWINSZ                                  = 0x40087468
+	TIOCINQ                                     = 0x4004667f
+	TIOCLINUX                                   = 0x541c
+	TIOCMBIC                                    = 0x5417
+	TIOCMBIS                                    = 0x5416
+	TIOCMGET                                    = 0x5415
+	TIOCMIWAIT                                  = 0x545c
+	TIOCMSET                                    = 0x5418
+	TIOCM_CAR                                   = 0x40
+	TIOCM_CD                                    = 0x40
+	TIOCM_CTS                                   = 0x20
+	TIOCM_DSR                                   = 0x100
+	TIOCM_DTR                                   = 0x2
+	TIOCM_LE                                    = 0x1
+	TIOCM_LOOP                                  = 0x8000
+	TIOCM_OUT1                                  = 0x2000
+	TIOCM_OUT2                                  = 0x4000
+	TIOCM_RI                                    = 0x80
+	TIOCM_RNG                                   = 0x80
+	TIOCM_RTS                                   = 0x4
+	TIOCM_SR                                    = 0x10
+	TIOCM_ST                                    = 0x8
+	TIOCNOTTY                                   = 0x5422
+	TIOCNXCL                                    = 0x540d
+	TIOCOUTQ                                    = 0x40047473
+	TIOCPKT                                     = 0x5420
+	TIOCPKT_DATA                                = 0x0
+	TIOCPKT_DOSTOP                              = 0x20
+	TIOCPKT_FLUSHREAD                           = 0x1
+	TIOCPKT_FLUSHWRITE                          = 0x2
+	TIOCPKT_IOCTL                               = 0x40
+	TIOCPKT_NOSTOP                              = 0x10
+	TIOCPKT_START                               = 0x8
+	TIOCPKT_STOP                                = 0x4
+	TIOCSBRK                                    = 0x5427
+	TIOCSCTTY                                   = 0x540e
+	TIOCSERCONFIG                               = 0x5453
+	TIOCSERGETLSR                               = 0x5459
+	TIOCSERGETMULTI                             = 0x545a
+	TIOCSERGSTRUCT                              = 0x5458
+	TIOCSERGWILD                                = 0x5454
+	TIOCSERSETMULTI                             = 0x545b
+	TIOCSERSWILD                                = 0x5455
+	TIOCSER_TEMT                                = 0x1
+	TIOCSETC                                    = 0x80067411
+	TIOCSETD                                    = 0x5423
+	TIOCSETN                                    = 0x8006740a
+	TIOCSETP                                    = 0x80067409
+	TIOCSIG                                     = 0x80045436
+	TIOCSISO7816                                = 0xc0285443
+	TIOCSLCKTRMIOS                              = 0x5457
+	TIOCSLTC                                    = 0x80067475
+	TIOCSPGRP                                   = 0x80047476
+	TIOCSPTLCK                                  = 0x80045431
+	TIOCSRS485                                  = 0x542f
+	TIOCSSERIAL                                 = 0x541f
+	TIOCSSOFTCAR                                = 0x541a
+	TIOCSTART                                   = 0x2000746e
+	TIOCSTI                                     = 0x5412
+	TIOCSTOP                                    = 0x2000746f
+	TIOCSWINSZ                                  = 0x80087467
+	TIOCVHANGUP                                 = 0x5437
+	TIPC_ADDR_ID                                = 0x3
+	TIPC_ADDR_MCAST                             = 0x1
+	TIPC_ADDR_NAME                              = 0x2
+	TIPC_ADDR_NAMESEQ                           = 0x1
+	TIPC_CFG_SRV                                = 0x0
+	TIPC_CLUSTER_BITS                           = 0xc
+	TIPC_CLUSTER_MASK                           = 0xfff000
+	TIPC_CLUSTER_OFFSET                         = 0xc
+	TIPC_CLUSTER_SIZE                           = 0xfff
+	TIPC_CONN_SHUTDOWN                          = 0x5
+	TIPC_CONN_TIMEOUT                           = 0x82
+	TIPC_CRITICAL_IMPORTANCE                    = 0x3
+	TIPC_DESTNAME                               = 0x3
+	TIPC_DEST_DROPPABLE                         = 0x81
+	TIPC_ERRINFO                                = 0x1
+	TIPC_ERR_NO_NAME                            = 0x1
+	TIPC_ERR_NO_NODE                            = 0x3
+	TIPC_ERR_NO_PORT                            = 0x2
+	TIPC_ERR_OVERLOAD                           = 0x4
+	TIPC_GROUP_JOIN                             = 0x87
+	TIPC_GROUP_LEAVE                            = 0x88
+	TIPC_GROUP_LOOPBACK                         = 0x1
+	TIPC_GROUP_MEMBER_EVTS                      = 0x2
+	TIPC_HIGH_IMPORTANCE                        = 0x2
+	TIPC_IMPORTANCE                             = 0x7f
+	TIPC_LINK_STATE                             = 0x2
+	TIPC_LOW_IMPORTANCE                         = 0x0
+	TIPC_MAX_BEARER_NAME                        = 0x20
+	TIPC_MAX_IF_NAME                            = 0x10
+	TIPC_MAX_LINK_NAME                          = 0x44
+	TIPC_MAX_MEDIA_NAME                         = 0x10
+	TIPC_MAX_USER_MSG_SIZE                      = 0x101d0
+	TIPC_MCAST_BROADCAST                        = 0x85
+	TIPC_MCAST_REPLICAST                        = 0x86
+	TIPC_MEDIUM_IMPORTANCE                      = 0x1
+	TIPC_NODEID_LEN                             = 0x10
+	TIPC_NODE_BITS                              = 0xc
+	TIPC_NODE_MASK                              = 0xfff
+	TIPC_NODE_OFFSET                            = 0x0
+	TIPC_NODE_RECVQ_DEPTH                       = 0x83
+	TIPC_NODE_SIZE                              = 0xfff
+	TIPC_NODE_STATE                             = 0x0
+	TIPC_OK                                     = 0x0
+	TIPC_PUBLISHED                              = 0x1
+	TIPC_RESERVED_TYPES                         = 0x40
+	TIPC_RETDATA                                = 0x2
+	TIPC_SERVICE_ADDR                           = 0x2
+	TIPC_SERVICE_RANGE                          = 0x1
+	TIPC_SOCKET_ADDR                            = 0x3
+	TIPC_SOCK_RECVQ_DEPTH                       = 0x84
+	TIPC_SOCK_RECVQ_USED                        = 0x89
+	TIPC_SRC_DROPPABLE                          = 0x80
+	TIPC_SUBSCR_TIMEOUT                         = 0x3
+	TIPC_SUB_CANCEL                             = 0x4
+	TIPC_SUB_PORTS                              = 0x1
+	TIPC_SUB_SERVICE                            = 0x2
+	TIPC_TOP_SRV                                = 0x1
+	TIPC_WAIT_FOREVER                           = 0xffffffff
+	TIPC_WITHDRAWN                              = 0x2
+	TIPC_ZONE_BITS                              = 0x8
+	TIPC_ZONE_CLUSTER_MASK                      = 0xfffff000
+	TIPC_ZONE_MASK                              = 0xff000000
+	TIPC_ZONE_OFFSET                            = 0x18
+	TIPC_ZONE_SCOPE                             = 0x1
+	TIPC_ZONE_SIZE                              = 0xff
+	TMPFS_MAGIC                                 = 0x1021994
+	TOSTOP                                      = 0x400000
+	TPACKET_ALIGNMENT                           = 0x10
+	TPACKET_HDRLEN                              = 0x34
+	TP_STATUS_AVAILABLE                         = 0x0
+	TP_STATUS_BLK_TMO                           = 0x20
+	TP_STATUS_COPY                              = 0x2
+	TP_STATUS_CSUMNOTREADY                      = 0x8
+	TP_STATUS_CSUM_VALID                        = 0x80
+	TP_STATUS_KERNEL                            = 0x0
+	TP_STATUS_LOSING                            = 0x4
+	TP_STATUS_SENDING                           = 0x2
+	TP_STATUS_SEND_REQUEST                      = 0x1
+	TP_STATUS_TS_RAW_HARDWARE                   = 0x80000000
+	TP_STATUS_TS_SOFTWARE                       = 0x20000000
+	TP_STATUS_TS_SYS_HARDWARE                   = 0x40000000
+	TP_STATUS_USER                              = 0x1
+	TP_STATUS_VLAN_TPID_VALID                   = 0x40
+	TP_STATUS_VLAN_VALID                        = 0x10
+	TP_STATUS_WRONG_FORMAT                      = 0x4
+	TRACEFS_MAGIC                               = 0x74726163
+	TS_COMM_LEN                                 = 0x20
+	TUNATTACHFILTER                             = 0x801054d5
+	TUNDETACHFILTER                             = 0x801054d6
+	TUNGETDEVNETNS                              = 0x200054e3
+	TUNGETFEATURES                              = 0x400454cf
+	TUNGETFILTER                                = 0x401054db
+	TUNGETIFF                                   = 0x400454d2
+	TUNGETSNDBUF                                = 0x400454d3
+	TUNGETVNETBE                                = 0x400454df
+	TUNGETVNETHDRSZ                             = 0x400454d7
+	TUNGETVNETLE                                = 0x400454dd
+	TUNSETCARRIER                               = 0x800454e2
+	TUNSETDEBUG                                 = 0x800454c9
+	TUNSETFILTEREBPF                            = 0x400454e1
+	TUNSETGROUP                                 = 0x800454ce
+	TUNSETIFF                                   = 0x800454ca
+	TUNSETIFINDEX                               = 0x800454da
+	TUNSETLINK                                  = 0x800454cd
+	TUNSETNOCSUM                                = 0x800454c8
+	TUNSETOFFLOAD                               = 0x800454d0
+	TUNSETOWNER                                 = 0x800454cc
+	TUNSETPERSIST                               = 0x800454cb
+	TUNSETQUEUE                                 = 0x800454d9
+	TUNSETSNDBUF                                = 0x800454d4
+	TUNSETSTEERINGEBPF                          = 0x400454e0
+	TUNSETTXFILTER                              = 0x800454d1
+	TUNSETVNETBE                                = 0x800454de
+	TUNSETVNETHDRSZ                             = 0x800454d8
+	TUNSETVNETLE                                = 0x800454dc
+	UBI_IOCATT                                  = 0x80186f40
+	UBI_IOCDET                                  = 0x80046f41
+	UBI_IOCEBCH                                 = 0x80044f02
+	UBI_IOCEBER                                 = 0x80044f01
+	UBI_IOCEBISMAP                              = 0x40044f05
+	UBI_IOCEBMAP                                = 0x80084f03
+	UBI_IOCEBUNMAP                              = 0x80044f04
+	UBI_IOCMKVOL                                = 0x80986f00
+	UBI_IOCRMVOL                                = 0x80046f01
+	UBI_IOCRNVOL                                = 0x91106f03
+	UBI_IOCRPEB                                 = 0x80046f04
+	UBI_IOCRSVOL                                = 0x800c6f02
+	UBI_IOCSETVOLPROP                           = 0x80104f06
+	UBI_IOCSPEB                                 = 0x80046f05
+	UBI_IOCVOLCRBLK                             = 0x80804f07
+	UBI_IOCVOLRMBLK                             = 0x20004f08
+	UBI_IOCVOLUP                                = 0x80084f00
+	UDF_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x15013346
+	UMOUNT_NOFOLLOW                             = 0x8
+	USBDEVICE_SUPER_MAGIC                       = 0x9fa2
+	UTIME_NOW                                   = 0x3fffffff
+	UTIME_OMIT                                  = 0x3ffffffe
+	V9FS_MAGIC                                  = 0x1021997
+	VDISCARD                                    = 0x10
+	VEOF                                        = 0x4
+	VEOL                                        = 0x6
+	VEOL2                                       = 0x8
+	VERASE                                      = 0x2
+	VINTR                                       = 0x0
+	VKILL                                       = 0x3
+	VLNEXT                                      = 0xf
+	VMADDR_CID_ANY                              = 0xffffffff
+	VMADDR_CID_HOST                             = 0x2
+	VMADDR_CID_HYPERVISOR                       = 0x0
+	VMADDR_CID_RESERVED                         = 0x1
+	VMADDR_PORT_ANY                             = 0xffffffff
+	VMIN                                        = 0x5
+	VM_SOCKETS_INVALID_VERSION                  = 0xffffffff
+	VQUIT                                       = 0x1
+	VREPRINT                                    = 0xb
+	VSTART                                      = 0xd
+	VSTOP                                       = 0xe
+	VSUSP                                       = 0xc
+	VSWTC                                       = 0x9
+	VT0                                         = 0x0
+	VT1                                         = 0x10000
+	VTDLY                                       = 0x10000
+	VTIME                                       = 0x7
+	VWERASE                                     = 0xa
+	WALL                                        = 0x40000000
+	WCLONE                                      = 0x80000000
+	WCONTINUED                                  = 0x8
+	WDIOC_GETBOOTSTATUS                         = 0x40045702
+	WDIOC_GETPRETIMEOUT                         = 0x40045709
+	WDIOC_GETSTATUS                             = 0x40045701
+	WDIOC_GETSUPPORT                            = 0x40285700
+	WDIOC_GETTEMP                               = 0x40045703
+	WDIOC_GETTIMELEFT                           = 0x4004570a
+	WDIOC_GETTIMEOUT                            = 0x40045707
+	WDIOC_KEEPALIVE                             = 0x40045705
+	WDIOC_SETOPTIONS                            = 0x40045704
+	WDIOC_SETPRETIMEOUT                         = 0xc0045708
+	WDIOC_SETTIMEOUT                            = 0xc0045706
+	WEXITED                                     = 0x4
+	WIN_ACKMEDIACHANGE                          = 0xdb
+	WIN_CHECKPOWERMODE1                         = 0xe5
+	WIN_CHECKPOWERMODE2                         = 0x98
+	WIN_DEVICE_RESET                            = 0x8
+	WIN_DIAGNOSE                                = 0x90
+	WIN_DOORLOCK                                = 0xde
+	WIN_DOORUNLOCK                              = 0xdf
+	WIN_DOWNLOAD_MICROCODE                      = 0x92
+	WIN_FLUSH_CACHE                             = 0xe7
+	WIN_FLUSH_CACHE_EXT                         = 0xea
+	WIN_FORMAT                                  = 0x50
+	WIN_GETMEDIASTATUS                          = 0xda
+	WIN_IDENTIFY                                = 0xec
+	WIN_IDENTIFY_DMA                            = 0xee
+	WIN_IDLEIMMEDIATE                           = 0xe1
+	WIN_INIT                                    = 0x60
+	WIN_MEDIAEJECT                              = 0xed
+	WIN_MULTREAD                                = 0xc4
+	WIN_MULTREAD_EXT                            = 0x29
+	WIN_MULTWRITE                               = 0xc5
+	WIN_MULTWRITE_EXT                           = 0x39
+	WIN_NOP                                     = 0x0
+	WIN_PACKETCMD                               = 0xa0
+	WIN_PIDENTIFY                               = 0xa1
+	WIN_POSTBOOT                                = 0xdc
+	WIN_PREBOOT                                 = 0xdd
+	WIN_QUEUED_SERVICE                          = 0xa2
+	WIN_READ                                    = 0x20
+	WIN_READDMA                                 = 0xc8
+	WIN_READDMA_EXT                             = 0x25
+	WIN_READDMA_ONCE                            = 0xc9
+	WIN_READDMA_QUEUED                          = 0xc7
+	WIN_READDMA_QUEUED_EXT                      = 0x26
+	WIN_READ_BUFFER                             = 0xe4
+	WIN_READ_EXT                                = 0x24
+	WIN_READ_LONG                               = 0x22
+	WIN_READ_LONG_ONCE                          = 0x23
+	WIN_READ_NATIVE_MAX                         = 0xf8
+	WIN_READ_NATIVE_MAX_EXT                     = 0x27
+	WIN_READ_ONCE                               = 0x21
+	WIN_RECAL                                   = 0x10
+	WIN_RESTORE                                 = 0x10
+	WIN_SECURITY_DISABLE                        = 0xf6
+	WIN_SECURITY_ERASE_PREPARE                  = 0xf3
+	WIN_SECURITY_ERASE_UNIT                     = 0xf4
+	WIN_SECURITY_FREEZE_LOCK                    = 0xf5
+	WIN_SECURITY_SET_PASS                       = 0xf1
+	WIN_SECURITY_UNLOCK                         = 0xf2
+	WIN_SEEK                                    = 0x70
+	WIN_SETFEATURES                             = 0xef
+	WIN_SETIDLE1                                = 0xe3
+	WIN_SETIDLE2                                = 0x97
+	WIN_SETMULT                                 = 0xc6
+	WIN_SET_MAX                                 = 0xf9
+	WIN_SET_MAX_EXT                             = 0x37
+	WIN_SLEEPNOW1                               = 0xe6
+	WIN_SLEEPNOW2                               = 0x99
+	WIN_SMART                                   = 0xb0
+	WIN_SPECIFY                                 = 0x91
+	WIN_SRST                                    = 0x8
+	WIN_STANDBY                                 = 0xe2
+	WIN_STANDBY2                                = 0x96
+	WIN_STANDBYNOW1                             = 0xe0
+	WIN_STANDBYNOW2                             = 0x94
+	WIN_VERIFY                                  = 0x40
+	WIN_VERIFY_EXT                              = 0x42
+	WIN_VERIFY_ONCE                             = 0x41
+	WIN_WRITE                                   = 0x30
+	WIN_WRITEDMA                                = 0xca
+	WIN_WRITEDMA_EXT                            = 0x35
+	WIN_WRITEDMA_ONCE                           = 0xcb
+	WIN_WRITEDMA_QUEUED                         = 0xcc
+	WIN_WRITEDMA_QUEUED_EXT                     = 0x36
+	WIN_WRITE_BUFFER                            = 0xe8
+	WIN_WRITE_EXT                               = 0x34
+	WIN_WRITE_LONG                              = 0x32
+	WIN_WRITE_LONG_ONCE                         = 0x33
+	WIN_WRITE_ONCE                              = 0x31
+	WIN_WRITE_SAME                              = 0xe9
+	WIN_WRITE_VERIFY                            = 0x3c
+	WNOHANG                                     = 0x1
+	WNOTHREAD                                   = 0x20000000
+	WNOWAIT                                     = 0x1000000
+	WORDSIZE                                    = 0x40
+	WSTOPPED                                    = 0x2
+	WUNTRACED                                   = 0x2
+	XATTR_CREATE                                = 0x1
+	XATTR_REPLACE                               = 0x2
+	XCASE                                       = 0x4000
+	XDP_COPY                                    = 0x2
+	XDP_FLAGS_DRV_MODE                          = 0x4
+	XDP_FLAGS_HW_MODE                           = 0x8
+	XDP_FLAGS_MASK                              = 0xf
+	XDP_FLAGS_MODES                             = 0xe
+	XDP_FLAGS_SKB_MODE                          = 0x2
+	XDP_FLAGS_UPDATE_IF_NOEXIST                 = 0x1
+	XDP_MMAP_OFFSETS                            = 0x1
+	XDP_OPTIONS                                 = 0x8
+	XDP_OPTIONS_ZEROCOPY                        = 0x1
+	XDP_PACKET_HEADROOM                         = 0x100
+	XDP_PGOFF_RX_RING                           = 0x0
+	XDP_PGOFF_TX_RING                           = 0x80000000
+	XDP_RING_NEED_WAKEUP                        = 0x1
+	XDP_RX_RING                                 = 0x2
+	XDP_SHARED_UMEM                             = 0x1
+	XDP_STATISTICS                              = 0x7
+	XDP_TX_RING                                 = 0x3
+	XDP_UMEM_COMPLETION_RING                    = 0x6
+	XDP_UMEM_FILL_RING                          = 0x5
+	XDP_UMEM_PGOFF_COMPLETION_RING              = 0x180000000
+	XDP_UMEM_PGOFF_FILL_RING                    = 0x100000000
+	XDP_UMEM_REG                                = 0x4
+	XDP_UMEM_UNALIGNED_CHUNK_FLAG               = 0x1
+	XDP_USE_NEED_WAKEUP                         = 0x8
+	XDP_ZEROCOPY                                = 0x4
+	XENFS_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0xabba1974
+	XFS_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x58465342
+	XTABS                                       = 0xc00
+	Z3FOLD_MAGIC                                = 0x33
+	ZSMALLOC_MAGIC                              = 0x58295829
 // Errors
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_riscv64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_riscv64.go
index 0cd07f9..db20a36 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_riscv64.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_riscv64.go
@@ -11,2645 +11,2801 @@ package unix
 import "syscall"
 const (
-	AAFS_MAGIC                           = 0x5a3c69f0
-	ADFS_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xadf5
-	AFFS_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xadff
-	AFS_FS_MAGIC                         = 0x6b414653
-	AFS_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x5346414f
-	AF_ALG                               = 0x26
-	AF_APPLETALK                         = 0x5
-	AF_ASH                               = 0x12
-	AF_ATMPVC                            = 0x8
-	AF_ATMSVC                            = 0x14
-	AF_AX25                              = 0x3
-	AF_BLUETOOTH                         = 0x1f
-	AF_BRIDGE                            = 0x7
-	AF_CAIF                              = 0x25
-	AF_CAN                               = 0x1d
-	AF_DECnet                            = 0xc
-	AF_ECONET                            = 0x13
-	AF_FILE                              = 0x1
-	AF_IB                                = 0x1b
-	AF_IEEE802154                        = 0x24
-	AF_INET                              = 0x2
-	AF_INET6                             = 0xa
-	AF_IPX                               = 0x4
-	AF_IRDA                              = 0x17
-	AF_ISDN                              = 0x22
-	AF_IUCV                              = 0x20
-	AF_KCM                               = 0x29
-	AF_KEY                               = 0xf
-	AF_LLC                               = 0x1a
-	AF_LOCAL                             = 0x1
-	AF_MAX                               = 0x2d
-	AF_MPLS                              = 0x1c
-	AF_NETBEUI                           = 0xd
-	AF_NETLINK                           = 0x10
-	AF_NETROM                            = 0x6
-	AF_NFC                               = 0x27
-	AF_PACKET                            = 0x11
-	AF_PHONET                            = 0x23
-	AF_PPPOX                             = 0x18
-	AF_QIPCRTR                           = 0x2a
-	AF_RDS                               = 0x15
-	AF_ROSE                              = 0xb
-	AF_ROUTE                             = 0x10
-	AF_RXRPC                             = 0x21
-	AF_SECURITY                          = 0xe
-	AF_SMC                               = 0x2b
-	AF_SNA                               = 0x16
-	AF_TIPC                              = 0x1e
-	AF_UNIX                              = 0x1
-	AF_UNSPEC                            = 0x0
-	AF_VSOCK                             = 0x28
-	AF_WANPIPE                           = 0x19
-	AF_X25                               = 0x9
-	AF_XDP                               = 0x2c
-	ALG_OP_DECRYPT                       = 0x0
-	ALG_OP_ENCRYPT                       = 0x1
-	ALG_SET_AEAD_ASSOCLEN                = 0x4
-	ALG_SET_AEAD_AUTHSIZE                = 0x5
-	ALG_SET_IV                           = 0x2
-	ALG_SET_KEY                          = 0x1
-	ALG_SET_OP                           = 0x3
-	ANON_INODE_FS_MAGIC                  = 0x9041934
-	ARPHRD_6LOWPAN                       = 0x339
-	ARPHRD_ADAPT                         = 0x108
-	ARPHRD_APPLETLK                      = 0x8
-	ARPHRD_ARCNET                        = 0x7
-	ARPHRD_ASH                           = 0x30d
-	ARPHRD_ATM                           = 0x13
-	ARPHRD_AX25                          = 0x3
-	ARPHRD_BIF                           = 0x307
-	ARPHRD_CAIF                          = 0x336
-	ARPHRD_CAN                           = 0x118
-	ARPHRD_CHAOS                         = 0x5
-	ARPHRD_CISCO                         = 0x201
-	ARPHRD_CSLIP                         = 0x101
-	ARPHRD_CSLIP6                        = 0x103
-	ARPHRD_DDCMP                         = 0x205
-	ARPHRD_DLCI                          = 0xf
-	ARPHRD_ECONET                        = 0x30e
-	ARPHRD_EETHER                        = 0x2
-	ARPHRD_ETHER                         = 0x1
-	ARPHRD_EUI64                         = 0x1b
-	ARPHRD_FCAL                          = 0x311
-	ARPHRD_FCFABRIC                      = 0x313
-	ARPHRD_FCPL                          = 0x312
-	ARPHRD_FCPP                          = 0x310
-	ARPHRD_FDDI                          = 0x306
-	ARPHRD_FRAD                          = 0x302
-	ARPHRD_HDLC                          = 0x201
-	ARPHRD_HIPPI                         = 0x30c
-	ARPHRD_HWX25                         = 0x110
-	ARPHRD_IEEE1394                      = 0x18
-	ARPHRD_IEEE802                       = 0x6
-	ARPHRD_IEEE80211                     = 0x321
-	ARPHRD_IEEE80211_PRISM               = 0x322
-	ARPHRD_IEEE80211_RADIOTAP            = 0x323
-	ARPHRD_IEEE802154                    = 0x324
-	ARPHRD_IEEE802154_MONITOR            = 0x325
-	ARPHRD_IEEE802_TR                    = 0x320
-	ARPHRD_INFINIBAND                    = 0x20
-	ARPHRD_IP6GRE                        = 0x337
-	ARPHRD_IPDDP                         = 0x309
-	ARPHRD_IPGRE                         = 0x30a
-	ARPHRD_IRDA                          = 0x30f
-	ARPHRD_LAPB                          = 0x204
-	ARPHRD_LOCALTLK                      = 0x305
-	ARPHRD_LOOPBACK                      = 0x304
-	ARPHRD_METRICOM                      = 0x17
-	ARPHRD_NETLINK                       = 0x338
-	ARPHRD_NETROM                        = 0x0
-	ARPHRD_NONE                          = 0xfffe
-	ARPHRD_PHONET                        = 0x334
-	ARPHRD_PHONET_PIPE                   = 0x335
-	ARPHRD_PIMREG                        = 0x30b
-	ARPHRD_PPP                           = 0x200
-	ARPHRD_PRONET                        = 0x4
-	ARPHRD_RAWHDLC                       = 0x206
-	ARPHRD_RAWIP                         = 0x207
-	ARPHRD_ROSE                          = 0x10e
-	ARPHRD_RSRVD                         = 0x104
-	ARPHRD_SIT                           = 0x308
-	ARPHRD_SKIP                          = 0x303
-	ARPHRD_SLIP                          = 0x100
-	ARPHRD_SLIP6                         = 0x102
-	ARPHRD_TUNNEL                        = 0x300
-	ARPHRD_TUNNEL6                       = 0x301
-	ARPHRD_VOID                          = 0xffff
-	ARPHRD_VSOCKMON                      = 0x33a
-	ARPHRD_X25                           = 0x10f
-	AUTOFS_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0x187
-	B0                                   = 0x0
-	B1000000                             = 0x1008
-	B110                                 = 0x3
-	B115200                              = 0x1002
-	B1152000                             = 0x1009
-	B1200                                = 0x9
-	B134                                 = 0x4
-	B150                                 = 0x5
-	B1500000                             = 0x100a
-	B1800                                = 0xa
-	B19200                               = 0xe
-	B200                                 = 0x6
-	B2000000                             = 0x100b
-	B230400                              = 0x1003
-	B2400                                = 0xb
-	B2500000                             = 0x100c
-	B300                                 = 0x7
-	B3000000                             = 0x100d
-	B3500000                             = 0x100e
-	B38400                               = 0xf
-	B4000000                             = 0x100f
-	B460800                              = 0x1004
-	B4800                                = 0xc
-	B50                                  = 0x1
-	B500000                              = 0x1005
-	B57600                               = 0x1001
-	B576000                              = 0x1006
-	B600                                 = 0x8
-	B75                                  = 0x2
-	B921600                              = 0x1007
-	B9600                                = 0xd
-	BALLOON_KVM_MAGIC                    = 0x13661366
-	BDEVFS_MAGIC                         = 0x62646576
-	BINDERFS_SUPER_MAGIC                 = 0x6c6f6f70
-	BINFMTFS_MAGIC                       = 0x42494e4d
-	BLKBSZGET                            = 0x80081270
-	BLKBSZSET                            = 0x40081271
-	BLKFLSBUF                            = 0x1261
-	BLKFRAGET                            = 0x1265
-	BLKFRASET                            = 0x1264
-	BLKGETSIZE                           = 0x1260
-	BLKGETSIZE64                         = 0x80081272
-	BLKPBSZGET                           = 0x127b
-	BLKRAGET                             = 0x1263
-	BLKRASET                             = 0x1262
-	BLKROGET                             = 0x125e
-	BLKROSET                             = 0x125d
-	BLKRRPART                            = 0x125f
-	BLKSECTGET                           = 0x1267
-	BLKSECTSET                           = 0x1266
-	BLKSSZGET                            = 0x1268
-	BOTHER                               = 0x1000
-	BPF_A                                = 0x10
-	BPF_ABS                              = 0x20
-	BPF_ADD                              = 0x0
-	BPF_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L2_MASK           = 0xff
-	BPF_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L2_SHIFT          = 0x38
-	BPF_ALU                              = 0x4
-	BPF_ALU64                            = 0x7
-	BPF_AND                              = 0x50
-	BPF_ANY                              = 0x0
-	BPF_ARSH                             = 0xc0
-	BPF_B                                = 0x10
-	BPF_BUILD_ID_SIZE                    = 0x14
-	BPF_CALL                             = 0x80
-	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_MKNOD                  = 0x1
-	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_READ                   = 0x2
-	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_WRITE                  = 0x4
-	BPF_DEVCG_DEV_BLOCK                  = 0x1
-	BPF_DEVCG_DEV_CHAR                   = 0x2
-	BPF_DIV                              = 0x30
-	BPF_DW                               = 0x18
-	BPF_END                              = 0xd0
-	BPF_EXIST                            = 0x2
-	BPF_EXIT                             = 0x90
-	BPF_FROM_BE                          = 0x8
-	BPF_FROM_LE                          = 0x0
-	BPF_FS_MAGIC                         = 0xcafe4a11
-	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L3_IPV4         = 0x2
-	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L3_IPV6         = 0x4
-	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L4_GRE          = 0x8
-	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L4_UDP          = 0x10
-	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_FIXED_GSO             = 0x1
-	BPF_F_ALLOW_MULTI                    = 0x2
-	BPF_F_ALLOW_OVERRIDE                 = 0x1
-	BPF_F_ANY_ALIGNMENT                  = 0x2
-	BPF_F_CTXLEN_MASK                    = 0xfffff00000000
-	BPF_F_CURRENT_CPU                    = 0xffffffff
-	BPF_F_CURRENT_NETNS                  = -0x1
-	BPF_F_DONT_FRAGMENT                  = 0x4
-	BPF_F_FAST_STACK_CMP                 = 0x200
-	BPF_F_HDR_FIELD_MASK                 = 0xf
-	BPF_F_INDEX_MASK                     = 0xffffffff
-	BPF_F_INGRESS                        = 0x1
-	BPF_F_INVALIDATE_HASH                = 0x2
-	BPF_F_LOCK                           = 0x4
-	BPF_F_MARK_ENFORCE                   = 0x40
-	BPF_F_MARK_MANGLED_0                 = 0x20
-	BPF_F_NO_COMMON_LRU                  = 0x2
-	BPF_F_NO_PREALLOC                    = 0x1
-	BPF_F_NUMA_NODE                      = 0x4
-	BPF_F_PSEUDO_HDR                     = 0x10
-	BPF_F_QUERY_EFFECTIVE                = 0x1
-	BPF_F_RDONLY                         = 0x8
-	BPF_F_RDONLY_PROG                    = 0x80
-	BPF_F_RECOMPUTE_CSUM                 = 0x1
-	BPF_F_REUSE_STACKID                  = 0x400
-	BPF_F_SEQ_NUMBER                     = 0x8
-	BPF_F_SKIP_FIELD_MASK                = 0xff
-	BPF_F_STACK_BUILD_ID                 = 0x20
-	BPF_F_STRICT_ALIGNMENT               = 0x1
-	BPF_F_SYSCTL_BASE_NAME               = 0x1
-	BPF_F_TUNINFO_IPV6                   = 0x1
-	BPF_F_USER_BUILD_ID                  = 0x800
-	BPF_F_USER_STACK                     = 0x100
-	BPF_F_WRONLY                         = 0x10
-	BPF_F_WRONLY_PROG                    = 0x100
-	BPF_F_ZERO_CSUM_TX                   = 0x2
-	BPF_F_ZERO_SEED                      = 0x40
-	BPF_H                                = 0x8
-	BPF_IMM                              = 0x0
-	BPF_IND                              = 0x40
-	BPF_JA                               = 0x0
-	BPF_JEQ                              = 0x10
-	BPF_JGE                              = 0x30
-	BPF_JGT                              = 0x20
-	BPF_JLE                              = 0xb0
-	BPF_JLT                              = 0xa0
-	BPF_JMP                              = 0x5
-	BPF_JMP32                            = 0x6
-	BPF_JNE                              = 0x50
-	BPF_JSET                             = 0x40
-	BPF_JSGE                             = 0x70
-	BPF_JSGT                             = 0x60
-	BPF_JSLE                             = 0xd0
-	BPF_JSLT                             = 0xc0
-	BPF_K                                = 0x0
-	BPF_LD                               = 0x0
-	BPF_LDX                              = 0x1
-	BPF_LEN                              = 0x80
-	BPF_LL_OFF                           = -0x200000
-	BPF_LSH                              = 0x60
-	BPF_MAJOR_VERSION                    = 0x1
-	BPF_MAXINSNS                         = 0x1000
-	BPF_MEM                              = 0x60
-	BPF_MEMWORDS                         = 0x10
-	BPF_MINOR_VERSION                    = 0x1
-	BPF_MISC                             = 0x7
-	BPF_MOD                              = 0x90
-	BPF_MOV                              = 0xb0
-	BPF_MSH                              = 0xa0
-	BPF_MUL                              = 0x20
-	BPF_NEG                              = 0x80
-	BPF_NET_OFF                          = -0x100000
-	BPF_NOEXIST                          = 0x1
-	BPF_OBJ_NAME_LEN                     = 0x10
-	BPF_OR                               = 0x40
-	BPF_PSEUDO_CALL                      = 0x1
-	BPF_PSEUDO_MAP_FD                    = 0x1
-	BPF_PSEUDO_MAP_VALUE                 = 0x2
-	BPF_RET                              = 0x6
-	BPF_RSH                              = 0x70
-	BPF_SK_STORAGE_GET_F_CREATE          = 0x1
-	BPF_SOCK_OPS_ALL_CB_FLAGS            = 0x7
-	BPF_SOCK_OPS_RTO_CB_FLAG             = 0x1
-	BPF_SOCK_OPS_STATE_CB_FLAG           = 0x4
-	BPF_ST                               = 0x2
-	BPF_STX                              = 0x3
-	BPF_SUB                              = 0x10
-	BPF_TAG_SIZE                         = 0x8
-	BPF_TAX                              = 0x0
-	BPF_TO_BE                            = 0x8
-	BPF_TO_LE                            = 0x0
-	BPF_TXA                              = 0x80
-	BPF_W                                = 0x0
-	BPF_X                                = 0x8
-	BPF_XADD                             = 0xc0
-	BPF_XOR                              = 0xa0
-	BRKINT                               = 0x2
-	BS0                                  = 0x0
-	BS1                                  = 0x2000
-	BSDLY                                = 0x2000
-	BTRFS_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x9123683e
-	BTRFS_TEST_MAGIC                     = 0x73727279
-	CAN_BCM                              = 0x2
-	CAN_EFF_FLAG                         = 0x80000000
-	CAN_EFF_ID_BITS                      = 0x1d
-	CAN_EFF_MASK                         = 0x1fffffff
-	CAN_ERR_FLAG                         = 0x20000000
-	CAN_ERR_MASK                         = 0x1fffffff
-	CAN_INV_FILTER                       = 0x20000000
-	CAN_ISOTP                            = 0x6
-	CAN_MAX_DLC                          = 0x8
-	CAN_MAX_DLEN                         = 0x8
-	CAN_MCNET                            = 0x5
-	CAN_MTU                              = 0x10
-	CAN_NPROTO                           = 0x7
-	CAN_RAW                              = 0x1
-	CAN_RAW_FILTER_MAX                   = 0x200
-	CAN_RTR_FLAG                         = 0x40000000
-	CAN_SFF_ID_BITS                      = 0xb
-	CAN_SFF_MASK                         = 0x7ff
-	CAN_TP16                             = 0x3
-	CAN_TP20                             = 0x4
-	CAP_AUDIT_CONTROL                    = 0x1e
-	CAP_AUDIT_READ                       = 0x25
-	CAP_AUDIT_WRITE                      = 0x1d
-	CAP_BLOCK_SUSPEND                    = 0x24
-	CAP_CHOWN                            = 0x0
-	CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE                     = 0x1
-	CAP_DAC_READ_SEARCH                  = 0x2
-	CAP_FOWNER                           = 0x3
-	CAP_FSETID                           = 0x4
-	CAP_IPC_LOCK                         = 0xe
-	CAP_IPC_OWNER                        = 0xf
-	CAP_KILL                             = 0x5
-	CAP_LAST_CAP                         = 0x25
-	CAP_LEASE                            = 0x1c
-	CAP_LINUX_IMMUTABLE                  = 0x9
-	CAP_MAC_ADMIN                        = 0x21
-	CAP_MAC_OVERRIDE                     = 0x20
-	CAP_MKNOD                            = 0x1b
-	CAP_NET_ADMIN                        = 0xc
-	CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE                 = 0xa
-	CAP_NET_BROADCAST                    = 0xb
-	CAP_NET_RAW                          = 0xd
-	CAP_SETFCAP                          = 0x1f
-	CAP_SETGID                           = 0x6
-	CAP_SETPCAP                          = 0x8
-	CAP_SETUID                           = 0x7
-	CAP_SYSLOG                           = 0x22
-	CAP_SYS_ADMIN                        = 0x15
-	CAP_SYS_BOOT                         = 0x16
-	CAP_SYS_CHROOT                       = 0x12
-	CAP_SYS_MODULE                       = 0x10
-	CAP_SYS_NICE                         = 0x17
-	CAP_SYS_PACCT                        = 0x14
-	CAP_SYS_PTRACE                       = 0x13
-	CAP_SYS_RAWIO                        = 0x11
-	CAP_SYS_RESOURCE                     = 0x18
-	CAP_SYS_TIME                         = 0x19
-	CAP_SYS_TTY_CONFIG                   = 0x1a
-	CAP_WAKE_ALARM                       = 0x23
-	CBAUD                                = 0x100f
-	CBAUDEX                              = 0x1000
-	CFLUSH                               = 0xf
-	CGROUP2_SUPER_MAGIC                  = 0x63677270
-	CGROUP_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0x27e0eb
-	CIBAUD                               = 0x100f0000
-	CLOCAL                               = 0x800
-	CLOCK_BOOTTIME                       = 0x7
-	CLOCK_BOOTTIME_ALARM                 = 0x9
-	CLOCK_DEFAULT                        = 0x0
-	CLOCK_EXT                            = 0x1
-	CLOCK_INT                            = 0x2
-	CLOCK_MONOTONIC                      = 0x1
-	CLOCK_MONOTONIC_COARSE               = 0x6
-	CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW                  = 0x4
-	CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID             = 0x2
-	CLOCK_REALTIME                       = 0x0
-	CLOCK_REALTIME_ALARM                 = 0x8
-	CLOCK_REALTIME_COARSE                = 0x5
-	CLOCK_TAI                            = 0xb
-	CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID              = 0x3
-	CLOCK_TXFROMRX                       = 0x4
-	CLOCK_TXINT                          = 0x3
-	CLONE_CHILD_CLEARTID                 = 0x200000
-	CLONE_CHILD_SETTID                   = 0x1000000
-	CLONE_DETACHED                       = 0x400000
-	CLONE_FILES                          = 0x400
-	CLONE_FS                             = 0x200
-	CLONE_IO                             = 0x80000000
-	CLONE_NEWCGROUP                      = 0x2000000
-	CLONE_NEWIPC                         = 0x8000000
-	CLONE_NEWNET                         = 0x40000000
-	CLONE_NEWNS                          = 0x20000
-	CLONE_NEWPID                         = 0x20000000
-	CLONE_NEWUSER                        = 0x10000000
-	CLONE_NEWUTS                         = 0x4000000
-	CLONE_PARENT                         = 0x8000
-	CLONE_PARENT_SETTID                  = 0x100000
-	CLONE_PIDFD                          = 0x1000
-	CLONE_PTRACE                         = 0x2000
-	CLONE_SETTLS                         = 0x80000
-	CLONE_SIGHAND                        = 0x800
-	CLONE_SYSVSEM                        = 0x40000
-	CLONE_THREAD                         = 0x10000
-	CLONE_UNTRACED                       = 0x800000
-	CLONE_VFORK                          = 0x4000
-	CLONE_VM                             = 0x100
-	CMSPAR                               = 0x40000000
-	CODA_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0x73757245
-	CR0                                  = 0x0
-	CR1                                  = 0x200
-	CR2                                  = 0x400
-	CR3                                  = 0x600
-	CRAMFS_MAGIC                         = 0x28cd3d45
-	CRDLY                                = 0x600
-	CREAD                                = 0x80
-	CRTSCTS                              = 0x80000000
-	CRYPTO_MAX_NAME                      = 0x40
-	CRYPTO_MSG_MAX                       = 0x15
-	CRYPTO_NR_MSGTYPES                   = 0x6
-	CRYPTO_REPORT_MAXSIZE                = 0x160
-	CS5                                  = 0x0
-	CS6                                  = 0x10
-	CS7                                  = 0x20
-	CS8                                  = 0x30
-	CSIGNAL                              = 0xff
-	CSIZE                                = 0x30
-	CSTART                               = 0x11
-	CSTATUS                              = 0x0
-	CSTOP                                = 0x13
-	CSTOPB                               = 0x40
-	CSUSP                                = 0x1a
-	DAXFS_MAGIC                          = 0x64646178
-	DEBUGFS_MAGIC                        = 0x64626720
-	DEVPTS_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0x1cd1
-	DT_BLK                               = 0x6
-	DT_CHR                               = 0x2
-	DT_DIR                               = 0x4
-	DT_FIFO                              = 0x1
-	DT_LNK                               = 0xa
-	DT_REG                               = 0x8
-	DT_SOCK                              = 0xc
-	DT_UNKNOWN                           = 0x0
-	DT_WHT                               = 0xe
-	ECHO                                 = 0x8
-	ECHOCTL                              = 0x200
-	ECHOE                                = 0x10
-	ECHOK                                = 0x20
-	ECHOKE                               = 0x800
-	ECHONL                               = 0x40
-	ECHOPRT                              = 0x400
-	ECRYPTFS_SUPER_MAGIC                 = 0xf15f
-	EFD_CLOEXEC                          = 0x80000
-	EFD_NONBLOCK                         = 0x800
-	EFD_SEMAPHORE                        = 0x1
-	EFIVARFS_MAGIC                       = 0xde5e81e4
-	EFS_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x414a53
-	ENCODING_DEFAULT                     = 0x0
-	ENCODING_FM_MARK                     = 0x3
-	ENCODING_FM_SPACE                    = 0x4
-	ENCODING_MANCHESTER                  = 0x5
-	ENCODING_NRZ                         = 0x1
-	ENCODING_NRZI                        = 0x2
-	EPOLLERR                             = 0x8
-	EPOLLET                              = 0x80000000
-	EPOLLEXCLUSIVE                       = 0x10000000
-	EPOLLHUP                             = 0x10
-	EPOLLIN                              = 0x1
-	EPOLLMSG                             = 0x400
-	EPOLLONESHOT                         = 0x40000000
-	EPOLLOUT                             = 0x4
-	EPOLLPRI                             = 0x2
-	EPOLLRDBAND                          = 0x80
-	EPOLLRDHUP                           = 0x2000
-	EPOLLRDNORM                          = 0x40
-	EPOLLWAKEUP                          = 0x20000000
-	EPOLLWRBAND                          = 0x200
-	EPOLLWRNORM                          = 0x100
-	EPOLL_CLOEXEC                        = 0x80000
-	EPOLL_CTL_ADD                        = 0x1
-	EPOLL_CTL_DEL                        = 0x2
-	EPOLL_CTL_MOD                        = 0x3
-	ETH_P_1588                           = 0x88f7
-	ETH_P_8021AD                         = 0x88a8
-	ETH_P_8021AH                         = 0x88e7
-	ETH_P_8021Q                          = 0x8100
-	ETH_P_80221                          = 0x8917
-	ETH_P_802_2                          = 0x4
-	ETH_P_802_3                          = 0x1
-	ETH_P_802_3_MIN                      = 0x600
-	ETH_P_802_EX1                        = 0x88b5
-	ETH_P_AARP                           = 0x80f3
-	ETH_P_AF_IUCV                        = 0xfbfb
-	ETH_P_ALL                            = 0x3
-	ETH_P_AOE                            = 0x88a2
-	ETH_P_ARCNET                         = 0x1a
-	ETH_P_ARP                            = 0x806
-	ETH_P_ATALK                          = 0x809b
-	ETH_P_ATMFATE                        = 0x8884
-	ETH_P_ATMMPOA                        = 0x884c
-	ETH_P_AX25                           = 0x2
-	ETH_P_BATMAN                         = 0x4305
-	ETH_P_BPQ                            = 0x8ff
-	ETH_P_CAIF                           = 0xf7
-	ETH_P_CAN                            = 0xc
-	ETH_P_CANFD                          = 0xd
-	ETH_P_CONTROL                        = 0x16
-	ETH_P_CUST                           = 0x6006
-	ETH_P_DDCMP                          = 0x6
-	ETH_P_DEC                            = 0x6000
-	ETH_P_DIAG                           = 0x6005
-	ETH_P_DNA_DL                         = 0x6001
-	ETH_P_DNA_RC                         = 0x6002
-	ETH_P_DNA_RT                         = 0x6003
-	ETH_P_DSA                            = 0x1b
-	ETH_P_DSA_8021Q                      = 0xdadb
-	ETH_P_ECONET                         = 0x18
-	ETH_P_EDSA                           = 0xdada
-	ETH_P_ERSPAN                         = 0x88be
-	ETH_P_ERSPAN2                        = 0x22eb
-	ETH_P_FCOE                           = 0x8906
-	ETH_P_FIP                            = 0x8914
-	ETH_P_HDLC                           = 0x19
-	ETH_P_HSR                            = 0x892f
-	ETH_P_IBOE                           = 0x8915
-	ETH_P_IEEE802154                     = 0xf6
-	ETH_P_IEEEPUP                        = 0xa00
-	ETH_P_IEEEPUPAT                      = 0xa01
-	ETH_P_IFE                            = 0xed3e
-	ETH_P_IP                             = 0x800
-	ETH_P_IPV6                           = 0x86dd
-	ETH_P_IPX                            = 0x8137
-	ETH_P_IRDA                           = 0x17
-	ETH_P_LAT                            = 0x6004
-	ETH_P_LINK_CTL                       = 0x886c
-	ETH_P_LOCALTALK                      = 0x9
-	ETH_P_LOOP                           = 0x60
-	ETH_P_LOOPBACK                       = 0x9000
-	ETH_P_MACSEC                         = 0x88e5
-	ETH_P_MAP                            = 0xf9
-	ETH_P_MOBITEX                        = 0x15
-	ETH_P_MPLS_MC                        = 0x8848
-	ETH_P_MPLS_UC                        = 0x8847
-	ETH_P_MVRP                           = 0x88f5
-	ETH_P_NCSI                           = 0x88f8
-	ETH_P_NSH                            = 0x894f
-	ETH_P_PAE                            = 0x888e
-	ETH_P_PAUSE                          = 0x8808
-	ETH_P_PHONET                         = 0xf5
-	ETH_P_PPPTALK                        = 0x10
-	ETH_P_PPP_DISC                       = 0x8863
-	ETH_P_PPP_MP                         = 0x8
-	ETH_P_PPP_SES                        = 0x8864
-	ETH_P_PREAUTH                        = 0x88c7
-	ETH_P_PRP                            = 0x88fb
-	ETH_P_PUP                            = 0x200
-	ETH_P_PUPAT                          = 0x201
-	ETH_P_QINQ1                          = 0x9100
-	ETH_P_QINQ2                          = 0x9200
-	ETH_P_QINQ3                          = 0x9300
-	ETH_P_RARP                           = 0x8035
-	ETH_P_SCA                            = 0x6007
-	ETH_P_SLOW                           = 0x8809
-	ETH_P_SNAP                           = 0x5
-	ETH_P_TDLS                           = 0x890d
-	ETH_P_TEB                            = 0x6558
-	ETH_P_TIPC                           = 0x88ca
-	ETH_P_TRAILER                        = 0x1c
-	ETH_P_TR_802_2                       = 0x11
-	ETH_P_TSN                            = 0x22f0
-	ETH_P_WAN_PPP                        = 0x7
-	ETH_P_WCCP                           = 0x883e
-	ETH_P_X25                            = 0x805
-	ETH_P_XDSA                           = 0xf8
-	EXABYTE_ENABLE_NEST                  = 0xf0
-	EXT2_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xef53
-	EXT3_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xef53
-	EXT4_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xef53
-	EXTA                                 = 0xe
-	EXTB                                 = 0xf
-	EXTPROC                              = 0x10000
-	F2FS_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xf2f52010
-	FALLOC_FL_COLLAPSE_RANGE             = 0x8
-	FALLOC_FL_INSERT_RANGE               = 0x20
-	FALLOC_FL_KEEP_SIZE                  = 0x1
-	FALLOC_FL_NO_HIDE_STALE              = 0x4
-	FALLOC_FL_PUNCH_HOLE                 = 0x2
-	FALLOC_FL_UNSHARE_RANGE              = 0x40
-	FALLOC_FL_ZERO_RANGE                 = 0x10
-	FAN_ACCESS                           = 0x1
-	FAN_ACCESS_PERM                      = 0x20000
-	FAN_ALLOW                            = 0x1
-	FAN_ALL_CLASS_BITS                   = 0xc
-	FAN_ALL_EVENTS                       = 0x3b
-	FAN_ALL_INIT_FLAGS                   = 0x3f
-	FAN_ALL_MARK_FLAGS                   = 0xff
-	FAN_ALL_OUTGOING_EVENTS              = 0x3403b
-	FAN_ALL_PERM_EVENTS                  = 0x30000
-	FAN_ATTRIB                           = 0x4
-	FAN_AUDIT                            = 0x10
-	FAN_CLASS_CONTENT                    = 0x4
-	FAN_CLASS_NOTIF                      = 0x0
-	FAN_CLASS_PRE_CONTENT                = 0x8
-	FAN_CLOEXEC                          = 0x1
-	FAN_CLOSE                            = 0x18
-	FAN_CLOSE_NOWRITE                    = 0x10
-	FAN_CLOSE_WRITE                      = 0x8
-	FAN_CREATE                           = 0x100
-	FAN_DELETE                           = 0x200
-	FAN_DELETE_SELF                      = 0x400
-	FAN_DENY                             = 0x2
-	FAN_ENABLE_AUDIT                     = 0x40
-	FAN_EVENT_INFO_TYPE_FID              = 0x1
-	FAN_EVENT_METADATA_LEN               = 0x18
-	FAN_EVENT_ON_CHILD                   = 0x8000000
-	FAN_MARK_ADD                         = 0x1
-	FAN_MARK_DONT_FOLLOW                 = 0x4
-	FAN_MARK_FILESYSTEM                  = 0x100
-	FAN_MARK_FLUSH                       = 0x80
-	FAN_MARK_IGNORED_MASK                = 0x20
-	FAN_MARK_INODE                       = 0x0
-	FAN_MARK_MOUNT                       = 0x10
-	FAN_MARK_ONLYDIR                     = 0x8
-	FAN_MARK_REMOVE                      = 0x2
-	FAN_MODIFY                           = 0x2
-	FAN_MOVE                             = 0xc0
-	FAN_MOVED_FROM                       = 0x40
-	FAN_MOVED_TO                         = 0x80
-	FAN_MOVE_SELF                        = 0x800
-	FAN_NOFD                             = -0x1
-	FAN_NONBLOCK                         = 0x2
-	FAN_ONDIR                            = 0x40000000
-	FAN_OPEN                             = 0x20
-	FAN_OPEN_EXEC                        = 0x1000
-	FAN_OPEN_EXEC_PERM                   = 0x40000
-	FAN_OPEN_PERM                        = 0x10000
-	FAN_Q_OVERFLOW                       = 0x4000
-	FAN_REPORT_FID                       = 0x200
-	FAN_REPORT_TID                       = 0x100
-	FAN_UNLIMITED_MARKS                  = 0x20
-	FAN_UNLIMITED_QUEUE                  = 0x10
-	FD_CLOEXEC                           = 0x1
-	FD_SETSIZE                           = 0x400
-	FF0                                  = 0x0
-	FF1                                  = 0x8000
-	FFDLY                                = 0x8000
-	FLUSHO                               = 0x1000
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_128_CBC       = 0x5
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_128_CTS       = 0x6
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_CBC       = 0x3
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_CTS       = 0x4
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_GCM       = 0x2
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_XTS       = 0x1
-	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY         = 0x400c6615
-	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_PWSALT         = 0x40106614
-	FS_IOC_SET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY         = 0x800c6613
-	FS_KEY_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE               = 0x8
-	FS_KEY_DESC_PREFIX                   = "fscrypt:"
-	FS_KEY_DESC_PREFIX_SIZE              = 0x8
-	FS_MAX_KEY_SIZE                      = 0x40
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_16               = 0x2
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_32               = 0x3
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_4                = 0x0
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_8                = 0x1
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_MASK             = 0x3
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_VALID                = 0x7
-	FUTEXFS_SUPER_MAGIC                  = 0xbad1dea
-	F_ADD_SEALS                          = 0x409
-	F_DUPFD                              = 0x0
-	F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC                      = 0x406
-	F_EXLCK                              = 0x4
-	F_GETFD                              = 0x1
-	F_GETFL                              = 0x3
-	F_GETLEASE                           = 0x401
-	F_GETLK                              = 0x5
-	F_GETLK64                            = 0x5
-	F_GETOWN                             = 0x9
-	F_GETOWN_EX                          = 0x10
-	F_GETPIPE_SZ                         = 0x408
-	F_GETSIG                             = 0xb
-	F_GET_FILE_RW_HINT                   = 0x40d
-	F_GET_RW_HINT                        = 0x40b
-	F_GET_SEALS                          = 0x40a
-	F_LOCK                               = 0x1
-	F_NOTIFY                             = 0x402
-	F_OFD_GETLK                          = 0x24
-	F_OFD_SETLK                          = 0x25
-	F_OFD_SETLKW                         = 0x26
-	F_OK                                 = 0x0
-	F_RDLCK                              = 0x0
-	F_SEAL_FUTURE_WRITE                  = 0x10
-	F_SEAL_GROW                          = 0x4
-	F_SEAL_SEAL                          = 0x1
-	F_SEAL_SHRINK                        = 0x2
-	F_SEAL_WRITE                         = 0x8
-	F_SETFD                              = 0x2
-	F_SETFL                              = 0x4
-	F_SETLEASE                           = 0x400
-	F_SETLK                              = 0x6
-	F_SETLK64                            = 0x6
-	F_SETLKW                             = 0x7
-	F_SETLKW64                           = 0x7
-	F_SETOWN                             = 0x8
-	F_SETOWN_EX                          = 0xf
-	F_SETPIPE_SZ                         = 0x407
-	F_SETSIG                             = 0xa
-	F_SET_FILE_RW_HINT                   = 0x40e
-	F_SET_RW_HINT                        = 0x40c
-	F_SHLCK                              = 0x8
-	F_TEST                               = 0x3
-	F_TLOCK                              = 0x2
-	F_ULOCK                              = 0x0
-	F_UNLCK                              = 0x2
-	F_WRLCK                              = 0x1
-	GENL_ADMIN_PERM                      = 0x1
-	GENL_CMD_CAP_DO                      = 0x2
-	GENL_CMD_CAP_DUMP                    = 0x4
-	GENL_CMD_CAP_HASPOL                  = 0x8
-	GENL_HDRLEN                          = 0x4
-	GENL_ID_CTRL                         = 0x10
-	GENL_ID_PMCRAID                      = 0x12
-	GENL_ID_VFS_DQUOT                    = 0x11
-	GENL_MAX_ID                          = 0x3ff
-	GENL_MIN_ID                          = 0x10
-	GENL_NAMSIZ                          = 0x10
-	GENL_START_ALLOC                     = 0x13
-	GENL_UNS_ADMIN_PERM                  = 0x10
-	GRND_NONBLOCK                        = 0x1
-	GRND_RANDOM                          = 0x2
-	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD                       = 0x31f
-	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD_AEB                   = 0x31e
-	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD_HDR_SIZE              = 0x4
-	HDIO_DRIVE_HOB_HDR_SIZE              = 0x8
-	HDIO_DRIVE_RESET                     = 0x31c
-	HDIO_DRIVE_TASK                      = 0x31e
-	HDIO_DRIVE_TASKFILE                  = 0x31d
-	HDIO_DRIVE_TASK_HDR_SIZE             = 0x8
-	HDIO_GETGEO                          = 0x301
-	HDIO_GET_32BIT                       = 0x309
-	HDIO_GET_ACOUSTIC                    = 0x30f
-	HDIO_GET_ADDRESS                     = 0x310
-	HDIO_GET_BUSSTATE                    = 0x31a
-	HDIO_GET_DMA                         = 0x30b
-	HDIO_GET_IDENTITY                    = 0x30d
-	HDIO_GET_KEEPSETTINGS                = 0x308
-	HDIO_GET_MULTCOUNT                   = 0x304
-	HDIO_GET_NICE                        = 0x30c
-	HDIO_GET_NOWERR                      = 0x30a
-	HDIO_GET_QDMA                        = 0x305
-	HDIO_GET_UNMASKINTR                  = 0x302
-	HDIO_GET_WCACHE                      = 0x30e
-	HDIO_OBSOLETE_IDENTITY               = 0x307
-	HDIO_SCAN_HWIF                       = 0x328
-	HDIO_SET_32BIT                       = 0x324
-	HDIO_SET_ACOUSTIC                    = 0x32c
-	HDIO_SET_ADDRESS                     = 0x32f
-	HDIO_SET_BUSSTATE                    = 0x32d
-	HDIO_SET_DMA                         = 0x326
-	HDIO_SET_KEEPSETTINGS                = 0x323
-	HDIO_SET_MULTCOUNT                   = 0x321
-	HDIO_SET_NICE                        = 0x329
-	HDIO_SET_NOWERR                      = 0x325
-	HDIO_SET_PIO_MODE                    = 0x327
-	HDIO_SET_QDMA                        = 0x32e
-	HDIO_SET_UNMASKINTR                  = 0x322
-	HDIO_SET_WCACHE                      = 0x32b
-	HDIO_SET_XFER                        = 0x306
-	HDIO_TRISTATE_HWIF                   = 0x31b
-	HDIO_UNREGISTER_HWIF                 = 0x32a
-	HOSTFS_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0xc0ffee
-	HPFS_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xf995e849
-	HUGETLBFS_MAGIC                      = 0x958458f6
-	HUPCL                                = 0x400
-	IBSHIFT                              = 0x10
-	ICANON                               = 0x2
-	ICMPV6_FILTER                        = 0x1
-	ICRNL                                = 0x100
-	IEXTEN                               = 0x8000
-	IFA_F_DADFAILED                      = 0x8
-	IFA_F_DEPRECATED                     = 0x20
-	IFA_F_HOMEADDRESS                    = 0x10
-	IFA_F_MANAGETEMPADDR                 = 0x100
-	IFA_F_MCAUTOJOIN                     = 0x400
-	IFA_F_NODAD                          = 0x2
-	IFA_F_NOPREFIXROUTE                  = 0x200
-	IFA_F_OPTIMISTIC                     = 0x4
-	IFA_F_PERMANENT                      = 0x80
-	IFA_F_SECONDARY                      = 0x1
-	IFA_F_STABLE_PRIVACY                 = 0x800
-	IFA_F_TEMPORARY                      = 0x1
-	IFA_F_TENTATIVE                      = 0x40
-	IFA_MAX                              = 0xa
-	IFF_ALLMULTI                         = 0x200
-	IFF_ATTACH_QUEUE                     = 0x200
-	IFF_AUTOMEDIA                        = 0x4000
-	IFF_BROADCAST                        = 0x2
-	IFF_DEBUG                            = 0x4
-	IFF_DETACH_QUEUE                     = 0x400
-	IFF_DORMANT                          = 0x20000
-	IFF_DYNAMIC                          = 0x8000
-	IFF_ECHO                             = 0x40000
-	IFF_LOOPBACK                         = 0x8
-	IFF_LOWER_UP                         = 0x10000
-	IFF_MASTER                           = 0x400
-	IFF_MULTICAST                        = 0x1000
-	IFF_MULTI_QUEUE                      = 0x100
-	IFF_NAPI                             = 0x10
-	IFF_NAPI_FRAGS                       = 0x20
-	IFF_NOARP                            = 0x80
-	IFF_NOFILTER                         = 0x1000
-	IFF_NOTRAILERS                       = 0x20
-	IFF_NO_PI                            = 0x1000
-	IFF_ONE_QUEUE                        = 0x2000
-	IFF_PERSIST                          = 0x800
-	IFF_POINTOPOINT                      = 0x10
-	IFF_PORTSEL                          = 0x2000
-	IFF_PROMISC                          = 0x100
-	IFF_RUNNING                          = 0x40
-	IFF_SLAVE                            = 0x800
-	IFF_TAP                              = 0x2
-	IFF_TUN                              = 0x1
-	IFF_TUN_EXCL                         = 0x8000
-	IFF_UP                               = 0x1
-	IFF_VNET_HDR                         = 0x4000
-	IFF_VOLATILE                         = 0x70c5a
-	IFNAMSIZ                             = 0x10
-	IGNBRK                               = 0x1
-	IGNCR                                = 0x80
-	IGNPAR                               = 0x4
-	IMAXBEL                              = 0x2000
-	INLCR                                = 0x40
-	INPCK                                = 0x10
-	IN_ACCESS                            = 0x1
-	IN_ALL_EVENTS                        = 0xfff
-	IN_ATTRIB                            = 0x4
-	IN_CLASSA_HOST                       = 0xffffff
-	IN_CLASSA_MAX                        = 0x80
-	IN_CLASSA_NET                        = 0xff000000
-	IN_CLASSA_NSHIFT                     = 0x18
-	IN_CLASSB_HOST                       = 0xffff
-	IN_CLASSB_MAX                        = 0x10000
-	IN_CLASSB_NET                        = 0xffff0000
-	IN_CLASSB_NSHIFT                     = 0x10
-	IN_CLASSC_HOST                       = 0xff
-	IN_CLASSC_NET                        = 0xffffff00
-	IN_CLASSC_NSHIFT                     = 0x8
-	IN_CLOEXEC                           = 0x80000
-	IN_CLOSE                             = 0x18
-	IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE                     = 0x10
-	IN_CLOSE_WRITE                       = 0x8
-	IN_CREATE                            = 0x100
-	IN_DELETE                            = 0x200
-	IN_DELETE_SELF                       = 0x400
-	IN_DONT_FOLLOW                       = 0x2000000
-	IN_EXCL_UNLINK                       = 0x4000000
-	IN_IGNORED                           = 0x8000
-	IN_ISDIR                             = 0x40000000
-	IN_LOOPBACKNET                       = 0x7f
-	IN_MASK_ADD                          = 0x20000000
-	IN_MASK_CREATE                       = 0x10000000
-	IN_MODIFY                            = 0x2
-	IN_MOVE                              = 0xc0
-	IN_MOVED_FROM                        = 0x40
-	IN_MOVED_TO                          = 0x80
-	IN_MOVE_SELF                         = 0x800
-	IN_NONBLOCK                          = 0x800
-	IN_ONESHOT                           = 0x80000000
-	IN_ONLYDIR                           = 0x1000000
-	IN_OPEN                              = 0x20
-	IN_Q_OVERFLOW                        = 0x4000
-	IN_UNMOUNT                           = 0x2000
-	IPPROTO_AH                           = 0x33
-	IPPROTO_BEETPH                       = 0x5e
-	IPPROTO_COMP                         = 0x6c
-	IPPROTO_DCCP                         = 0x21
-	IPPROTO_DSTOPTS                      = 0x3c
-	IPPROTO_EGP                          = 0x8
-	IPPROTO_ENCAP                        = 0x62
-	IPPROTO_ESP                          = 0x32
-	IPPROTO_FRAGMENT                     = 0x2c
-	IPPROTO_GRE                          = 0x2f
-	IPPROTO_HOPOPTS                      = 0x0
-	IPPROTO_ICMP                         = 0x1
-	IPPROTO_ICMPV6                       = 0x3a
-	IPPROTO_IDP                          = 0x16
-	IPPROTO_IGMP                         = 0x2
-	IPPROTO_IP                           = 0x0
-	IPPROTO_IPIP                         = 0x4
-	IPPROTO_IPV6                         = 0x29
-	IPPROTO_MH                           = 0x87
-	IPPROTO_MPLS                         = 0x89
-	IPPROTO_MTP                          = 0x5c
-	IPPROTO_NONE                         = 0x3b
-	IPPROTO_PIM                          = 0x67
-	IPPROTO_PUP                          = 0xc
-	IPPROTO_RAW                          = 0xff
-	IPPROTO_ROUTING                      = 0x2b
-	IPPROTO_RSVP                         = 0x2e
-	IPPROTO_SCTP                         = 0x84
-	IPPROTO_TCP                          = 0x6
-	IPPROTO_TP                           = 0x1d
-	IPPROTO_UDP                          = 0x11
-	IPPROTO_UDPLITE                      = 0x88
-	IPV6_2292DSTOPTS                     = 0x4
-	IPV6_2292HOPLIMIT                    = 0x8
-	IPV6_2292HOPOPTS                     = 0x3
-	IPV6_2292PKTINFO                     = 0x2
-	IPV6_2292PKTOPTIONS                  = 0x6
-	IPV6_2292RTHDR                       = 0x5
-	IPV6_ADDRFORM                        = 0x1
-	IPV6_ADDR_PREFERENCES                = 0x48
-	IPV6_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                  = 0x14
-	IPV6_AUTHHDR                         = 0xa
-	IPV6_AUTOFLOWLABEL                   = 0x46
-	IPV6_CHECKSUM                        = 0x7
-	IPV6_DONTFRAG                        = 0x3e
-	IPV6_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                 = 0x15
-	IPV6_DSTOPTS                         = 0x3b
-	IPV6_FREEBIND                        = 0x4e
-	IPV6_HDRINCL                         = 0x24
-	IPV6_HOPLIMIT                        = 0x34
-	IPV6_HOPOPTS                         = 0x36
-	IPV6_IPSEC_POLICY                    = 0x22
-	IPV6_JOIN_ANYCAST                    = 0x1b
-	IPV6_JOIN_GROUP                      = 0x14
-	IPV6_LEAVE_ANYCAST                   = 0x1c
-	IPV6_LEAVE_GROUP                     = 0x15
-	IPV6_MINHOPCOUNT                     = 0x49
-	IPV6_MTU                             = 0x18
-	IPV6_MTU_DISCOVER                    = 0x17
-	IPV6_MULTICAST_ALL                   = 0x1d
-	IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS                  = 0x12
-	IPV6_MULTICAST_IF                    = 0x11
-	IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP                  = 0x13
-	IPV6_NEXTHOP                         = 0x9
-	IPV6_ORIGDSTADDR                     = 0x4a
-	IPV6_PATHMTU                         = 0x3d
-	IPV6_PKTINFO                         = 0x32
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_DO                     = 0x2
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_DONT                   = 0x0
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_INTERFACE              = 0x4
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_OMIT                   = 0x5
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_PROBE                  = 0x3
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_WANT                   = 0x1
-	IPV6_RECVDSTOPTS                     = 0x3a
-	IPV6_RECVERR                         = 0x19
-	IPV6_RECVFRAGSIZE                    = 0x4d
-	IPV6_RECVHOPLIMIT                    = 0x33
-	IPV6_RECVHOPOPTS                     = 0x35
-	IPV6_RECVORIGDSTADDR                 = 0x4a
-	IPV6_RECVPATHMTU                     = 0x3c
-	IPV6_RECVPKTINFO                     = 0x31
-	IPV6_RECVRTHDR                       = 0x38
-	IPV6_RECVTCLASS                      = 0x42
-	IPV6_ROUTER_ALERT                    = 0x16
-	IPV6_ROUTER_ALERT_ISOLATE            = 0x1e
-	IPV6_RTHDR                           = 0x39
-	IPV6_RTHDRDSTOPTS                    = 0x37
-	IPV6_RTHDR_LOOSE                     = 0x0
-	IPV6_RTHDR_STRICT                    = 0x1
-	IPV6_RTHDR_TYPE_0                    = 0x0
-	IPV6_RXDSTOPTS                       = 0x3b
-	IPV6_RXHOPOPTS                       = 0x36
-	IPV6_TCLASS                          = 0x43
-	IPV6_TRANSPARENT                     = 0x4b
-	IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS                    = 0x10
-	IPV6_UNICAST_IF                      = 0x4c
-	IPV6_V6ONLY                          = 0x1a
-	IPV6_XFRM_POLICY                     = 0x23
-	IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                    = 0x23
-	IP_ADD_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP             = 0x27
-	IP_BIND_ADDRESS_NO_PORT              = 0x18
-	IP_BLOCK_SOURCE                      = 0x26
-	IP_CHECKSUM                          = 0x17
-	IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_LOOP            = 0x1
-	IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_TTL             = 0x1
-	IP_DF                                = 0x4000
-	IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                   = 0x24
-	IP_DROP_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP            = 0x28
-	IP_FREEBIND                          = 0xf
-	IP_HDRINCL                           = 0x3
-	IP_IPSEC_POLICY                      = 0x10
-	IP_MAXPACKET                         = 0xffff
-	IP_MAX_MEMBERSHIPS                   = 0x14
-	IP_MF                                = 0x2000
-	IP_MINTTL                            = 0x15
-	IP_MSFILTER                          = 0x29
-	IP_MSS                               = 0x240
-	IP_MTU                               = 0xe
-	IP_MTU_DISCOVER                      = 0xa
-	IP_MULTICAST_ALL                     = 0x31
-	IP_MULTICAST_IF                      = 0x20
-	IP_MULTICAST_LOOP                    = 0x22
-	IP_MULTICAST_TTL                     = 0x21
-	IP_NODEFRAG                          = 0x16
-	IP_OFFMASK                           = 0x1fff
-	IP_OPTIONS                           = 0x4
-	IP_ORIGDSTADDR                       = 0x14
-	IP_PASSSEC                           = 0x12
-	IP_PKTINFO                           = 0x8
-	IP_PKTOPTIONS                        = 0x9
-	IP_PMTUDISC                          = 0xa
-	IP_PMTUDISC_DO                       = 0x2
-	IP_PMTUDISC_DONT                     = 0x0
-	IP_PMTUDISC_INTERFACE                = 0x4
-	IP_PMTUDISC_OMIT                     = 0x5
-	IP_PMTUDISC_PROBE                    = 0x3
-	IP_PMTUDISC_WANT                     = 0x1
-	IP_RECVERR                           = 0xb
-	IP_RECVFRAGSIZE                      = 0x19
-	IP_RECVOPTS                          = 0x6
-	IP_RECVORIGDSTADDR                   = 0x14
-	IP_RECVRETOPTS                       = 0x7
-	IP_RECVTOS                           = 0xd
-	IP_RECVTTL                           = 0xc
-	IP_RETOPTS                           = 0x7
-	IP_RF                                = 0x8000
-	IP_ROUTER_ALERT                      = 0x5
-	IP_TOS                               = 0x1
-	IP_TRANSPARENT                       = 0x13
-	IP_TTL                               = 0x2
-	IP_UNBLOCK_SOURCE                    = 0x25
-	IP_UNICAST_IF                        = 0x32
-	IP_XFRM_POLICY                       = 0x11
-	ISIG                                 = 0x1
-	ISOFS_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x9660
-	ISTRIP                               = 0x20
-	IUCLC                                = 0x200
-	IUTF8                                = 0x4000
-	IXANY                                = 0x800
-	IXOFF                                = 0x1000
-	IXON                                 = 0x400
-	JFFS2_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x72b6
-	KEXEC_ARCH_386                       = 0x30000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_68K                       = 0x40000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_AARCH64                   = 0xb70000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_ARM                       = 0x280000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_DEFAULT                   = 0x0
-	KEXEC_ARCH_IA_64                     = 0x320000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_MASK                      = 0xffff0000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_MIPS                      = 0x80000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_MIPS_LE                   = 0xa0000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_PPC                       = 0x140000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_PPC64                     = 0x150000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_S390                      = 0x160000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_SH                        = 0x2a0000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_X86_64                    = 0x3e0000
-	KEXEC_FILE_NO_INITRAMFS              = 0x4
-	KEXEC_FILE_ON_CRASH                  = 0x2
-	KEXEC_FILE_UNLOAD                    = 0x1
-	KEXEC_ON_CRASH                       = 0x1
-	KEXEC_PRESERVE_CONTEXT               = 0x2
-	KEXEC_SEGMENT_MAX                    = 0x10
-	KEYCTL_ASSUME_AUTHORITY              = 0x10
-	KEYCTL_CHOWN                         = 0x4
-	KEYCTL_CLEAR                         = 0x7
-	KEYCTL_DESCRIBE                      = 0x6
-	KEYCTL_DH_COMPUTE                    = 0x17
-	KEYCTL_GET_KEYRING_ID                = 0x0
-	KEYCTL_GET_PERSISTENT                = 0x16
-	KEYCTL_GET_SECURITY                  = 0x11
-	KEYCTL_INSTANTIATE                   = 0xc
-	KEYCTL_INSTANTIATE_IOV               = 0x14
-	KEYCTL_INVALIDATE                    = 0x15
-	KEYCTL_LINK                          = 0x8
-	KEYCTL_NEGATE                        = 0xd
-	KEYCTL_PKEY_DECRYPT                  = 0x1a
-	KEYCTL_PKEY_ENCRYPT                  = 0x19
-	KEYCTL_PKEY_QUERY                    = 0x18
-	KEYCTL_PKEY_SIGN                     = 0x1b
-	KEYCTL_PKEY_VERIFY                   = 0x1c
-	KEYCTL_READ                          = 0xb
-	KEYCTL_REJECT                        = 0x13
-	KEYCTL_RESTRICT_KEYRING              = 0x1d
-	KEYCTL_REVOKE                        = 0x3
-	KEYCTL_SEARCH                        = 0xa
-	KEYCTL_SESSION_TO_PARENT             = 0x12
-	KEYCTL_SETPERM                       = 0x5
-	KEYCTL_SET_REQKEY_KEYRING            = 0xe
-	KEYCTL_SET_TIMEOUT                   = 0xf
-	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_DECRYPT              = 0x2
-	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_ENCRYPT              = 0x1
-	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_SIGN                 = 0x4
-	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_VERIFY               = 0x8
-	KEYCTL_UNLINK                        = 0x9
-	KEYCTL_UPDATE                        = 0x2
-	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_DEFAULT              = 0x0
-	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_NO_CHANGE            = -0x1
-	KEY_SPEC_GROUP_KEYRING               = -0x6
-	KEY_SPEC_PROCESS_KEYRING             = -0x2
-	KEY_SPEC_REQKEY_AUTH_KEY             = -0x7
-	KEY_SPEC_SESSION_KEYRING             = -0x3
-	KEY_SPEC_THREAD_KEYRING              = -0x1
-	KEY_SPEC_USER_KEYRING                = -0x4
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_CAD_OFF             = 0x0
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_CAD_ON              = 0x89abcdef
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_HALT                = 0xcdef0123
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_KEXEC               = 0x45584543
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_POWER_OFF           = 0x4321fedc
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_RESTART             = 0x1234567
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_RESTART2            = 0xa1b2c3d4
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_SW_SUSPEND          = 0xd000fce2
-	LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC1                  = 0xfee1dead
-	LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC2                  = 0x28121969
-	LOCK_EX                              = 0x2
-	LOCK_NB                              = 0x4
-	LOCK_SH                              = 0x1
-	LOCK_UN                              = 0x8
-	LOOP_CLR_FD                          = 0x4c01
-	LOOP_CTL_ADD                         = 0x4c80
-	LOOP_CTL_GET_FREE                    = 0x4c82
-	LOOP_CTL_REMOVE                      = 0x4c81
-	LOOP_GET_STATUS                      = 0x4c03
-	LOOP_GET_STATUS64                    = 0x4c05
-	LOOP_SET_BLOCK_SIZE                  = 0x4c09
-	LOOP_SET_CAPACITY                    = 0x4c07
-	LOOP_SET_DIRECT_IO                   = 0x4c08
-	LOOP_SET_FD                          = 0x4c00
-	LOOP_SET_STATUS                      = 0x4c02
-	LOOP_SET_STATUS64                    = 0x4c04
-	LO_KEY_SIZE                          = 0x20
-	LO_NAME_SIZE                         = 0x40
-	MADV_DODUMP                          = 0x11
-	MADV_DOFORK                          = 0xb
-	MADV_DONTDUMP                        = 0x10
-	MADV_DONTFORK                        = 0xa
-	MADV_DONTNEED                        = 0x4
-	MADV_FREE                            = 0x8
-	MADV_HUGEPAGE                        = 0xe
-	MADV_HWPOISON                        = 0x64
-	MADV_KEEPONFORK                      = 0x13
-	MADV_MERGEABLE                       = 0xc
-	MADV_NOHUGEPAGE                      = 0xf
-	MADV_NORMAL                          = 0x0
-	MADV_RANDOM                          = 0x1
-	MADV_REMOVE                          = 0x9
-	MADV_SEQUENTIAL                      = 0x2
-	MADV_UNMERGEABLE                     = 0xd
-	MADV_WILLNEED                        = 0x3
-	MADV_WIPEONFORK                      = 0x12
-	MAP_ANON                             = 0x20
-	MAP_ANONYMOUS                        = 0x20
-	MAP_DENYWRITE                        = 0x800
-	MAP_EXECUTABLE                       = 0x1000
-	MAP_FILE                             = 0x0
-	MAP_FIXED                            = 0x10
-	MAP_FIXED_NOREPLACE                  = 0x100000
-	MAP_GROWSDOWN                        = 0x100
-	MAP_HUGETLB                          = 0x40000
-	MAP_HUGE_MASK                        = 0x3f
-	MAP_HUGE_SHIFT                       = 0x1a
-	MAP_LOCKED                           = 0x2000
-	MAP_NONBLOCK                         = 0x10000
-	MAP_NORESERVE                        = 0x4000
-	MAP_POPULATE                         = 0x8000
-	MAP_PRIVATE                          = 0x2
-	MAP_SHARED                           = 0x1
-	MAP_SHARED_VALIDATE                  = 0x3
-	MAP_STACK                            = 0x20000
-	MAP_SYNC                             = 0x80000
-	MAP_TYPE                             = 0xf
-	MCAST_BLOCK_SOURCE                   = 0x2b
-	MCAST_EXCLUDE                        = 0x0
-	MCAST_INCLUDE                        = 0x1
-	MCAST_JOIN_GROUP                     = 0x2a
-	MCAST_JOIN_SOURCE_GROUP              = 0x2e
-	MCAST_LEAVE_GROUP                    = 0x2d
-	MCAST_LEAVE_SOURCE_GROUP             = 0x2f
-	MCAST_MSFILTER                       = 0x30
-	MCAST_UNBLOCK_SOURCE                 = 0x2c
-	MCL_CURRENT                          = 0x1
-	MCL_FUTURE                           = 0x2
-	MCL_ONFAULT                          = 0x4
-	MFD_ALLOW_SEALING                    = 0x2
-	MFD_CLOEXEC                          = 0x1
-	MFD_HUGETLB                          = 0x4
-	MFD_HUGE_16GB                        = -0x78000000
-	MFD_HUGE_16MB                        = 0x60000000
-	MFD_HUGE_1GB                         = 0x78000000
-	MFD_HUGE_1MB                         = 0x50000000
-	MFD_HUGE_256MB                       = 0x70000000
-	MFD_HUGE_2GB                         = 0x7c000000
-	MFD_HUGE_2MB                         = 0x54000000
-	MFD_HUGE_32MB                        = 0x64000000
-	MFD_HUGE_512KB                       = 0x4c000000
-	MFD_HUGE_512MB                       = 0x74000000
-	MFD_HUGE_64KB                        = 0x40000000
-	MFD_HUGE_8MB                         = 0x5c000000
-	MFD_HUGE_MASK                        = 0x3f
-	MFD_HUGE_SHIFT                       = 0x1a
-	MINIX2_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0x2468
-	MINIX2_SUPER_MAGIC2                  = 0x2478
-	MINIX3_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0x4d5a
-	MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x137f
-	MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC2                   = 0x138f
-	MNT_DETACH                           = 0x2
-	MNT_EXPIRE                           = 0x4
-	MNT_FORCE                            = 0x1
-	MSDOS_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x4d44
-	MSG_BATCH                            = 0x40000
-	MSG_CMSG_CLOEXEC                     = 0x40000000
-	MSG_CONFIRM                          = 0x800
-	MSG_CTRUNC                           = 0x8
-	MSG_DONTROUTE                        = 0x4
-	MSG_DONTWAIT                         = 0x40
-	MSG_EOR                              = 0x80
-	MSG_ERRQUEUE                         = 0x2000
-	MSG_FASTOPEN                         = 0x20000000
-	MSG_FIN                              = 0x200
-	MSG_MORE                             = 0x8000
-	MSG_NOSIGNAL                         = 0x4000
-	MSG_OOB                              = 0x1
-	MSG_PEEK                             = 0x2
-	MSG_PROXY                            = 0x10
-	MSG_RST                              = 0x1000
-	MSG_SYN                              = 0x400
-	MSG_TRUNC                            = 0x20
-	MSG_TRYHARD                          = 0x4
-	MSG_WAITALL                          = 0x100
-	MSG_WAITFORONE                       = 0x10000
-	MSG_ZEROCOPY                         = 0x4000000
-	MS_ACTIVE                            = 0x40000000
-	MS_ASYNC                             = 0x1
-	MS_BIND                              = 0x1000
-	MS_BORN                              = 0x20000000
-	MS_DIRSYNC                           = 0x80
-	MS_INVALIDATE                        = 0x2
-	MS_I_VERSION                         = 0x800000
-	MS_KERNMOUNT                         = 0x400000
-	MS_LAZYTIME                          = 0x2000000
-	MS_MANDLOCK                          = 0x40
-	MS_MGC_MSK                           = 0xffff0000
-	MS_MGC_VAL                           = 0xc0ed0000
-	MS_MOVE                              = 0x2000
-	MS_NOATIME                           = 0x400
-	MS_NODEV                             = 0x4
-	MS_NODIRATIME                        = 0x800
-	MS_NOEXEC                            = 0x8
-	MS_NOREMOTELOCK                      = 0x8000000
-	MS_NOSEC                             = 0x10000000
-	MS_NOSUID                            = 0x2
-	MS_NOUSER                            = -0x80000000
-	MS_POSIXACL                          = 0x10000
-	MS_PRIVATE                           = 0x40000
-	MS_RDONLY                            = 0x1
-	MS_REC                               = 0x4000
-	MS_RELATIME                          = 0x200000
-	MS_REMOUNT                           = 0x20
-	MS_RMT_MASK                          = 0x2800051
-	MS_SHARED                            = 0x100000
-	MS_SILENT                            = 0x8000
-	MS_SLAVE                             = 0x80000
-	MS_STRICTATIME                       = 0x1000000
-	MS_SUBMOUNT                          = 0x4000000
-	MS_SYNC                              = 0x4
-	MS_SYNCHRONOUS                       = 0x10
-	MS_UNBINDABLE                        = 0x20000
-	MS_VERBOSE                           = 0x8000
-	MTD_INODE_FS_MAGIC                   = 0x11307854
-	NAME_MAX                             = 0xff
-	NCP_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x564c
-	NETLINK_ADD_MEMBERSHIP               = 0x1
-	NETLINK_AUDIT                        = 0x9
-	NETLINK_BROADCAST_ERROR              = 0x4
-	NETLINK_CAP_ACK                      = 0xa
-	NETLINK_CONNECTOR                    = 0xb
-	NETLINK_CRYPTO                       = 0x15
-	NETLINK_DNRTMSG                      = 0xe
-	NETLINK_DROP_MEMBERSHIP              = 0x2
-	NETLINK_ECRYPTFS                     = 0x13
-	NETLINK_EXT_ACK                      = 0xb
-	NETLINK_FIB_LOOKUP                   = 0xa
-	NETLINK_FIREWALL                     = 0x3
-	NETLINK_GENERIC                      = 0x10
-	NETLINK_GET_STRICT_CHK               = 0xc
-	NETLINK_INET_DIAG                    = 0x4
-	NETLINK_IP6_FW                       = 0xd
-	NETLINK_ISCSI                        = 0x8
-	NETLINK_KOBJECT_UEVENT               = 0xf
-	NETLINK_LISTEN_ALL_NSID              = 0x8
-	NETLINK_LIST_MEMBERSHIPS             = 0x9
-	NETLINK_NETFILTER                    = 0xc
-	NETLINK_NFLOG                        = 0x5
-	NETLINK_NO_ENOBUFS                   = 0x5
-	NETLINK_PKTINFO                      = 0x3
-	NETLINK_RDMA                         = 0x14
-	NETLINK_ROUTE                        = 0x0
-	NETLINK_RX_RING                      = 0x6
-	NETLINK_SCSITRANSPORT                = 0x12
-	NETLINK_SELINUX                      = 0x7
-	NETLINK_SMC                          = 0x16
-	NETLINK_SOCK_DIAG                    = 0x4
-	NETLINK_TX_RING                      = 0x7
-	NETLINK_UNUSED                       = 0x1
-	NETLINK_USERSOCK                     = 0x2
-	NETLINK_XFRM                         = 0x6
-	NETNSA_MAX                           = 0x5
-	NETNSA_NSID_NOT_ASSIGNED             = -0x1
-	NFNETLINK_V0                         = 0x0
-	NFNLGRP_ACCT_QUOTA                   = 0x8
-	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_EXP_NEW            = 0x4
-	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_NEW                = 0x1
-	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_UPDATE             = 0x2
-	NFNLGRP_MAX                          = 0x9
-	NFNLGRP_NFTABLES                     = 0x7
-	NFNLGRP_NFTRACE                      = 0x9
-	NFNLGRP_NONE                         = 0x0
-	NFNL_BATCH_MAX                       = 0x1
-	NFNL_MSG_BATCH_BEGIN                 = 0x10
-	NFNL_MSG_BATCH_END                   = 0x11
-	NFNL_NFA_NEST                        = 0x8000
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_ACCT                     = 0x7
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_COUNT                    = 0xc
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTHELPER                 = 0x9
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTNETLINK                = 0x1
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTNETLINK_EXP            = 0x2
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_IPSET                    = 0x6
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_NFTABLES                 = 0xa
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_NFT_COMPAT               = 0xb
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_NONE                     = 0x0
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_OSF                      = 0x5
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_QUEUE                    = 0x3
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_ULOG                     = 0x4
-	NFS_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x6969
-	NILFS_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x3434
-	NL0                                  = 0x0
-	NL1                                  = 0x100
-	NLA_ALIGNTO                          = 0x4
-	NLA_F_NESTED                         = 0x8000
-	NLA_F_NET_BYTEORDER                  = 0x4000
-	NLA_HDRLEN                           = 0x4
-	NLDLY                                = 0x100
-	NLMSG_ALIGNTO                        = 0x4
-	NLMSG_DONE                           = 0x3
-	NLMSG_ERROR                          = 0x2
-	NLMSG_HDRLEN                         = 0x10
-	NLMSG_MIN_TYPE                       = 0x10
-	NLMSG_NOOP                           = 0x1
-	NLMSG_OVERRUN                        = 0x4
-	NLM_F_ACK                            = 0x4
-	NLM_F_ACK_TLVS                       = 0x200
-	NLM_F_APPEND                         = 0x800
-	NLM_F_ATOMIC                         = 0x400
-	NLM_F_CAPPED                         = 0x100
-	NLM_F_CREATE                         = 0x400
-	NLM_F_DUMP                           = 0x300
-	NLM_F_DUMP_FILTERED                  = 0x20
-	NLM_F_DUMP_INTR                      = 0x10
-	NLM_F_ECHO                           = 0x8
-	NLM_F_EXCL                           = 0x200
-	NLM_F_MATCH                          = 0x200
-	NLM_F_MULTI                          = 0x2
-	NLM_F_NONREC                         = 0x100
-	NLM_F_REPLACE                        = 0x100
-	NLM_F_REQUEST                        = 0x1
-	NLM_F_ROOT                           = 0x100
-	NOFLSH                               = 0x80
-	NSFS_MAGIC                           = 0x6e736673
-	OCFS2_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x7461636f
-	OCRNL                                = 0x8
-	OFDEL                                = 0x80
-	OFILL                                = 0x40
-	OLCUC                                = 0x2
-	ONLCR                                = 0x4
-	ONLRET                               = 0x20
-	ONOCR                                = 0x10
-	OPENPROM_SUPER_MAGIC                 = 0x9fa1
-	OPOST                                = 0x1
-	OVERLAYFS_SUPER_MAGIC                = 0x794c7630
-	O_ACCMODE                            = 0x3
-	O_APPEND                             = 0x400
-	O_ASYNC                              = 0x2000
-	O_CLOEXEC                            = 0x80000
-	O_CREAT                              = 0x40
-	O_DIRECT                             = 0x4000
-	O_DIRECTORY                          = 0x10000
-	O_DSYNC                              = 0x1000
-	O_EXCL                               = 0x80
-	O_FSYNC                              = 0x101000
-	O_LARGEFILE                          = 0x0
-	O_NDELAY                             = 0x800
-	O_NOATIME                            = 0x40000
-	O_NOCTTY                             = 0x100
-	O_NOFOLLOW                           = 0x20000
-	O_NONBLOCK                           = 0x800
-	O_PATH                               = 0x200000
-	O_RDONLY                             = 0x0
-	O_RDWR                               = 0x2
-	O_RSYNC                              = 0x101000
-	O_SYNC                               = 0x101000
-	O_TMPFILE                            = 0x410000
-	O_TRUNC                              = 0x200
-	O_WRONLY                             = 0x1
-	PACKET_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                = 0x1
-	PACKET_AUXDATA                       = 0x8
-	PACKET_BROADCAST                     = 0x1
-	PACKET_COPY_THRESH                   = 0x7
-	PACKET_DROP_MEMBERSHIP               = 0x2
-	PACKET_FANOUT                        = 0x12
-	PACKET_FANOUT_CBPF                   = 0x6
-	PACKET_FANOUT_CPU                    = 0x2
-	PACKET_FANOUT_DATA                   = 0x16
-	PACKET_FANOUT_EBPF                   = 0x7
-	PACKET_FANOUT_FLAG_DEFRAG            = 0x8000
-	PACKET_FANOUT_HASH                   = 0x0
-	PACKET_FANOUT_LB                     = 0x1
-	PACKET_FANOUT_QM                     = 0x5
-	PACKET_FANOUT_RND                    = 0x4
-	PACKET_FANOUT_ROLLOVER               = 0x3
-	PACKET_FASTROUTE                     = 0x6
-	PACKET_HDRLEN                        = 0xb
-	PACKET_HOST                          = 0x0
-	PACKET_IGNORE_OUTGOING               = 0x17
-	PACKET_KERNEL                        = 0x7
-	PACKET_LOOPBACK                      = 0x5
-	PACKET_LOSS                          = 0xe
-	PACKET_MR_ALLMULTI                   = 0x2
-	PACKET_MR_MULTICAST                  = 0x0
-	PACKET_MR_PROMISC                    = 0x1
-	PACKET_MR_UNICAST                    = 0x3
-	PACKET_MULTICAST                     = 0x2
-	PACKET_ORIGDEV                       = 0x9
-	PACKET_OTHERHOST                     = 0x3
-	PACKET_OUTGOING                      = 0x4
-	PACKET_QDISC_BYPASS                  = 0x14
-	PACKET_RECV_OUTPUT                   = 0x3
-	PACKET_RESERVE                       = 0xc
-	PACKET_ROLLOVER_STATS                = 0x15
-	PACKET_RX_RING                       = 0x5
-	PACKET_STATISTICS                    = 0x6
-	PACKET_TIMESTAMP                     = 0x11
-	PACKET_TX_HAS_OFF                    = 0x13
-	PACKET_TX_RING                       = 0xd
-	PACKET_TX_TIMESTAMP                  = 0x10
-	PACKET_USER                          = 0x6
-	PACKET_VERSION                       = 0xa
-	PACKET_VNET_HDR                      = 0xf
-	PARENB                               = 0x100
-	PARITY_CRC16_PR0                     = 0x2
-	PARITY_CRC16_PR0_CCITT               = 0x4
-	PARITY_CRC16_PR1                     = 0x3
-	PARITY_CRC16_PR1_CCITT               = 0x5
-	PARITY_CRC32_PR0_CCITT               = 0x6
-	PARITY_CRC32_PR1_CCITT               = 0x7
-	PARITY_DEFAULT                       = 0x0
-	PARITY_NONE                          = 0x1
-	PARMRK                               = 0x8
-	PARODD                               = 0x200
-	PENDIN                               = 0x4000
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_DISABLE               = 0x2401
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_ENABLE                = 0x2400
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_ID                    = 0x80082407
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_PAUSE_OUTPUT          = 0x40042409
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_PERIOD                = 0x40082404
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_QUERY_BPF             = 0xc008240a
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_REFRESH               = 0x2402
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_RESET                 = 0x2403
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_BPF               = 0x40042408
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_FILTER            = 0x40082406
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_OUTPUT            = 0x2405
-	PIPEFS_MAGIC                         = 0x50495045
-	PPPIOCATTACH                         = 0x4004743d
-	PPPIOCATTCHAN                        = 0x40047438
-	PPPIOCCONNECT                        = 0x4004743a
-	PPPIOCDETACH                         = 0x4004743c
-	PPPIOCDISCONN                        = 0x7439
-	PPPIOCGASYNCMAP                      = 0x80047458
-	PPPIOCGCHAN                          = 0x80047437
-	PPPIOCGDEBUG                         = 0x80047441
-	PPPIOCGFLAGS                         = 0x8004745a
-	PPPIOCGIDLE                          = 0x8010743f
-	PPPIOCGL2TPSTATS                     = 0x80487436
-	PPPIOCGMRU                           = 0x80047453
-	PPPIOCGNPMODE                        = 0xc008744c
-	PPPIOCGRASYNCMAP                     = 0x80047455
-	PPPIOCGUNIT                          = 0x80047456
-	PPPIOCGXASYNCMAP                     = 0x80207450
-	PPPIOCNEWUNIT                        = 0xc004743e
-	PPPIOCSACTIVE                        = 0x40107446
-	PPPIOCSASYNCMAP                      = 0x40047457
-	PPPIOCSCOMPRESS                      = 0x4010744d
-	PPPIOCSDEBUG                         = 0x40047440
-	PPPIOCSFLAGS                         = 0x40047459
-	PPPIOCSMAXCID                        = 0x40047451
-	PPPIOCSMRRU                          = 0x4004743b
-	PPPIOCSMRU                           = 0x40047452
-	PPPIOCSNPMODE                        = 0x4008744b
-	PPPIOCSPASS                          = 0x40107447
-	PPPIOCSRASYNCMAP                     = 0x40047454
-	PPPIOCSXASYNCMAP                     = 0x4020744f
-	PPPIOCXFERUNIT                       = 0x744e
-	PRIO_PGRP                            = 0x1
-	PRIO_PROCESS                         = 0x0
-	PRIO_USER                            = 0x2
-	PROC_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0x9fa0
-	PROT_EXEC                            = 0x4
-	PROT_GROWSDOWN                       = 0x1000000
-	PROT_GROWSUP                         = 0x2000000
-	PROT_NONE                            = 0x0
-	PROT_READ                            = 0x1
-	PROT_WRITE                           = 0x2
-	PR_CAPBSET_DROP                      = 0x18
-	PR_CAPBSET_READ                      = 0x17
-	PR_CAP_AMBIENT                       = 0x2f
-	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_CLEAR_ALL             = 0x4
-	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_IS_SET                = 0x1
-	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_LOWER                 = 0x3
-	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_RAISE                 = 0x2
-	PR_ENDIAN_BIG                        = 0x0
-	PR_ENDIAN_LITTLE                     = 0x1
-	PR_ENDIAN_PPC_LITTLE                 = 0x2
-	PR_FPEMU_NOPRINT                     = 0x1
-	PR_FPEMU_SIGFPE                      = 0x2
-	PR_FP_EXC_ASYNC                      = 0x2
-	PR_FP_EXC_DISABLED                   = 0x0
-	PR_FP_EXC_DIV                        = 0x10000
-	PR_FP_EXC_INV                        = 0x100000
-	PR_FP_EXC_NONRECOV                   = 0x1
-	PR_FP_EXC_OVF                        = 0x20000
-	PR_FP_EXC_PRECISE                    = 0x3
-	PR_FP_EXC_RES                        = 0x80000
-	PR_FP_EXC_SW_ENABLE                  = 0x80
-	PR_FP_EXC_UND                        = 0x40000
-	PR_FP_MODE_FR                        = 0x1
-	PR_FP_MODE_FRE                       = 0x2
-	PR_GET_CHILD_SUBREAPER               = 0x25
-	PR_GET_DUMPABLE                      = 0x3
-	PR_GET_ENDIAN                        = 0x13
-	PR_GET_FPEMU                         = 0x9
-	PR_GET_FPEXC                         = 0xb
-	PR_GET_FP_MODE                       = 0x2e
-	PR_GET_KEEPCAPS                      = 0x7
-	PR_GET_NAME                          = 0x10
-	PR_GET_NO_NEW_PRIVS                  = 0x27
-	PR_GET_PDEATHSIG                     = 0x2
-	PR_GET_SECCOMP                       = 0x15
-	PR_GET_SECUREBITS                    = 0x1b
-	PR_GET_SPECULATION_CTRL              = 0x34
-	PR_GET_THP_DISABLE                   = 0x2a
-	PR_GET_TID_ADDRESS                   = 0x28
-	PR_GET_TIMERSLACK                    = 0x1e
-	PR_GET_TIMING                        = 0xd
-	PR_GET_TSC                           = 0x19
-	PR_GET_UNALIGN                       = 0x5
-	PR_MCE_KILL                          = 0x21
-	PR_MCE_KILL_CLEAR                    = 0x0
-	PR_MCE_KILL_DEFAULT                  = 0x2
-	PR_MCE_KILL_EARLY                    = 0x1
-	PR_MCE_KILL_GET                      = 0x22
-	PR_MCE_KILL_LATE                     = 0x0
-	PR_MCE_KILL_SET                      = 0x1
-	PR_MPX_DISABLE_MANAGEMENT            = 0x2c
-	PR_MPX_ENABLE_MANAGEMENT             = 0x2b
-	PR_PAC_APDAKEY                       = 0x4
-	PR_PAC_APDBKEY                       = 0x8
-	PR_PAC_APGAKEY                       = 0x10
-	PR_PAC_APIAKEY                       = 0x1
-	PR_PAC_APIBKEY                       = 0x2
-	PR_PAC_RESET_KEYS                    = 0x36
-	PR_SET_CHILD_SUBREAPER               = 0x24
-	PR_SET_DUMPABLE                      = 0x4
-	PR_SET_ENDIAN                        = 0x14
-	PR_SET_FPEMU                         = 0xa
-	PR_SET_FPEXC                         = 0xc
-	PR_SET_FP_MODE                       = 0x2d
-	PR_SET_KEEPCAPS                      = 0x8
-	PR_SET_MM                            = 0x23
-	PR_SET_MM_ARG_END                    = 0x9
-	PR_SET_MM_ARG_START                  = 0x8
-	PR_SET_MM_AUXV                       = 0xc
-	PR_SET_MM_BRK                        = 0x7
-	PR_SET_MM_END_CODE                   = 0x2
-	PR_SET_MM_END_DATA                   = 0x4
-	PR_SET_MM_ENV_END                    = 0xb
-	PR_SET_MM_ENV_START                  = 0xa
-	PR_SET_MM_EXE_FILE                   = 0xd
-	PR_SET_MM_MAP                        = 0xe
-	PR_SET_MM_MAP_SIZE                   = 0xf
-	PR_SET_MM_START_BRK                  = 0x6
-	PR_SET_MM_START_CODE                 = 0x1
-	PR_SET_MM_START_DATA                 = 0x3
-	PR_SET_MM_START_STACK                = 0x5
-	PR_SET_NAME                          = 0xf
-	PR_SET_NO_NEW_PRIVS                  = 0x26
-	PR_SET_PDEATHSIG                     = 0x1
-	PR_SET_PTRACER                       = 0x59616d61
-	PR_SET_PTRACER_ANY                   = 0xffffffffffffffff
-	PR_SET_SECCOMP                       = 0x16
-	PR_SET_SECUREBITS                    = 0x1c
-	PR_SET_SPECULATION_CTRL              = 0x35
-	PR_SET_THP_DISABLE                   = 0x29
-	PR_SET_TIMERSLACK                    = 0x1d
-	PR_SET_TIMING                        = 0xe
-	PR_SET_TSC                           = 0x1a
-	PR_SET_UNALIGN                       = 0x6
-	PR_SPEC_DISABLE                      = 0x4
-	PR_SPEC_DISABLE_NOEXEC               = 0x10
-	PR_SPEC_ENABLE                       = 0x2
-	PR_SPEC_FORCE_DISABLE                = 0x8
-	PR_SPEC_INDIRECT_BRANCH              = 0x1
-	PR_SPEC_NOT_AFFECTED                 = 0x0
-	PR_SPEC_PRCTL                        = 0x1
-	PR_SPEC_STORE_BYPASS                 = 0x0
-	PR_SVE_GET_VL                        = 0x33
-	PR_SVE_SET_VL                        = 0x32
-	PR_SVE_SET_VL_ONEXEC                 = 0x40000
-	PR_SVE_VL_INHERIT                    = 0x20000
-	PR_SVE_VL_LEN_MASK                   = 0xffff
-	PR_TASK_PERF_EVENTS_ENABLE           = 0x20
-	PR_TIMING_STATISTICAL                = 0x0
-	PR_TIMING_TIMESTAMP                  = 0x1
-	PR_TSC_ENABLE                        = 0x1
-	PR_TSC_SIGSEGV                       = 0x2
-	PR_UNALIGN_NOPRINT                   = 0x1
-	PR_UNALIGN_SIGBUS                    = 0x2
-	PSTOREFS_MAGIC                       = 0x6165676c
-	PTRACE_ATTACH                        = 0x10
-	PTRACE_CONT                          = 0x7
-	PTRACE_DETACH                        = 0x11
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-	PTRACE_EVENT_VFORK_DONE              = 0x5
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-	PTRACE_GETREGS                       = 0xc
-	PTRACE_GETREGSET                     = 0x4204
-	PTRACE_GETSIGINFO                    = 0x4202
-	PTRACE_GETSIGMASK                    = 0x420a
-	PTRACE_INTERRUPT                     = 0x4207
-	PTRACE_KILL                          = 0x8
-	PTRACE_LISTEN                        = 0x4208
-	PTRACE_O_EXITKILL                    = 0x100000
-	PTRACE_O_MASK                        = 0x3000ff
-	PTRACE_O_SUSPEND_SECCOMP             = 0x200000
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-	PTRACE_O_TRACEEXEC                   = 0x10
-	PTRACE_O_TRACEEXIT                   = 0x40
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-	PTRACE_O_TRACESECCOMP                = 0x80
-	PTRACE_O_TRACESYSGOOD                = 0x1
-	PTRACE_O_TRACEVFORK                  = 0x4
-	PTRACE_O_TRACEVFORKDONE              = 0x20
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-	PTRACE_SEIZE                         = 0x4206
-	PTRACE_SETOPTIONS                    = 0x4200
-	PTRACE_SETREGS                       = 0xd
-	PTRACE_SETREGSET                     = 0x4205
-	PTRACE_SETSIGINFO                    = 0x4203
-	PTRACE_SETSIGMASK                    = 0x420b
-	PTRACE_SINGLESTEP                    = 0x9
-	PTRACE_SYSCALL                       = 0x18
-	PTRACE_TRACEME                       = 0x0
-	QNX4_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0x2f
-	QNX6_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0x68191122
-	RAMFS_MAGIC                          = 0x858458f6
-	RDTGROUP_SUPER_MAGIC                 = 0x7655821
-	REISERFS_SUPER_MAGIC                 = 0x52654973
-	RENAME_EXCHANGE                      = 0x2
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-	RENAME_WHITEOUT                      = 0x4
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-	RLIMIT_NPROC                         = 0x6
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-	RLIMIT_RTTIME                        = 0xf
-	RLIMIT_SIGPENDING                    = 0xb
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-	RNDADDTOENTCNT                       = 0x40045201
-	RNDCLEARPOOL                         = 0x5206
-	RNDGETENTCNT                         = 0x80045200
-	RNDGETPOOL                           = 0x80085202
-	RNDRESEEDCRNG                        = 0x5207
-	RNDZAPENTCNT                         = 0x5204
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-	RTAX_FEATURES                        = 0xc
-	RTAX_FEATURE_ALLFRAG                 = 0x8
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-	RTAX_FEATURE_TIMESTAMP               = 0x4
-	RTAX_HOPLIMIT                        = 0xa
-	RTAX_INITCWND                        = 0xb
-	RTAX_INITRWND                        = 0xe
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-	RTAX_MAX                             = 0x11
-	RTAX_MTU                             = 0x2
-	RTAX_QUICKACK                        = 0xf
-	RTAX_REORDERING                      = 0x9
-	RTAX_RTO_MIN                         = 0xd
-	RTAX_RTT                             = 0x4
-	RTAX_RTTVAR                          = 0x5
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-	RTAX_UNSPEC                          = 0x0
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-	RTA_ALIGNTO                          = 0x4
-	RTA_MAX                              = 0x1d
-	RTCF_DIRECTSRC                       = 0x4000000
-	RTCF_DOREDIRECT                      = 0x1000000
-	RTCF_LOG                             = 0x2000000
-	RTCF_MASQ                            = 0x400000
-	RTCF_NAT                             = 0x800000
-	RTCF_VALVE                           = 0x200000
-	RTC_AF                               = 0x20
-	RTC_AIE_OFF                          = 0x7002
-	RTC_AIE_ON                           = 0x7001
-	RTC_ALM_READ                         = 0x80247008
-	RTC_ALM_SET                          = 0x40247007
-	RTC_EPOCH_READ                       = 0x8008700d
-	RTC_EPOCH_SET                        = 0x4008700e
-	RTC_IRQF                             = 0x80
-	RTC_IRQP_READ                        = 0x8008700b
-	RTC_IRQP_SET                         = 0x4008700c
-	RTC_MAX_FREQ                         = 0x2000
-	RTC_PF                               = 0x40
-	RTC_PIE_OFF                          = 0x7006
-	RTC_PIE_ON                           = 0x7005
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-	RTC_PLL_SET                          = 0x40207012
-	RTC_RD_TIME                          = 0x80247009
-	RTC_SET_TIME                         = 0x4024700a
-	RTC_UF                               = 0x10
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-	RTC_UIE_ON                           = 0x7003
-	RTC_VL_CLR                           = 0x7014
-	RTC_VL_READ                          = 0x80047013
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-	RTC_WIE_ON                           = 0x700f
-	RTC_WKALM_RD                         = 0x80287010
-	RTC_WKALM_SET                        = 0x4028700f
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-	RTF_ADDRCONF                         = 0x40000
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-	RTF_DEFAULT                          = 0x10000
-	RTF_DYNAMIC                          = 0x10
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-	RTF_HOST                             = 0x4
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-	RTF_IRTT                             = 0x100
-	RTF_LINKRT                           = 0x100000
-	RTF_LOCAL                            = 0x80000000
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-	RTF_MSS                              = 0x40
-	RTF_MTU                              = 0x40
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-	RTF_NOFORWARD                        = 0x1000
-	RTF_NONEXTHOP                        = 0x200000
-	RTF_NOPMTUDISC                       = 0x4000
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-	RTF_STATIC                           = 0x400
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-	RTF_WINDOW                           = 0x80
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-	RTM_DELNEIGH                         = 0x1d
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-	RTM_GETCHAIN                         = 0x66
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-	RTM_GETMDB                           = 0x56
-	RTM_GETMULTICAST                     = 0x3a
-	RTM_GETNEIGH                         = 0x1e
-	RTM_GETNEIGHTBL                      = 0x42
-	RTM_GETNETCONF                       = 0x52
-	RTM_GETNSID                          = 0x5a
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-	RTM_GETRULE                          = 0x22
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-	RTM_GETTFILTER                       = 0x2e
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-	RTM_NEWMDB                           = 0x54
-	RTM_NEWNDUSEROPT                     = 0x44
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-	RTM_NR_MSGTYPES                      = 0x58
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-	RTNH_F_UNRESOLVED                    = 0x20
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-	RT_CLASS_MAIN                        = 0xfe
-	RT_CLASS_MAX                         = 0xff
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-	SELINUX_MAGIC                        = 0xf97cff8c
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-	SIOCBRDELIF                          = 0x89a3
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-	SIOCGIFADDR                          = 0x8915
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-	SIOCGIFPFLAGS                        = 0x8935
-	SIOCGIFSLAVE                         = 0x8929
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-	SIOCGIFVLAN                          = 0x8982
-	SIOCGMIIPHY                          = 0x8947
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-	SIOCGPGRP                            = 0x8904
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-	SIOCGPPPSTATS                        = 0x89f0
-	SIOCGPPPVER                          = 0x89f1
-	SIOCGRARP                            = 0x8961
-	SIOCGSKNS                            = 0x894c
-	SIOCGSTAMP                           = 0x8906
-	SIOCGSTAMPNS                         = 0x8907
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-	SIOCGSTAMPNS_OLD                     = 0x8907
-	SIOCGSTAMP_NEW                       = 0x80108906
-	SIOCGSTAMP_OLD                       = 0x8906
-	SIOCINQ                              = 0x541b
-	SIOCOUTQ                             = 0x5411
-	SIOCOUTQNSD                          = 0x894b
-	SIOCPROTOPRIVATE                     = 0x89e0
-	SIOCRTMSG                            = 0x890d
-	SIOCSARP                             = 0x8955
-	SIOCSHWTSTAMP                        = 0x89b0
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-	SIOCSPGRP                            = 0x8902
-	SIOCSRARP                            = 0x8962
-	SIOCWANDEV                           = 0x894a
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-	SMART_ENABLE                         = 0xd8
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-	SMART_IMMEDIATE_OFFLINE              = 0xd4
-	SMART_LCYL_PASS                      = 0x4f
-	SMART_READ_LOG_SECTOR                = 0xd5
-	SMART_READ_THRESHOLDS                = 0xd1
-	SMART_READ_VALUES                    = 0xd0
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-	SMB_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x517b
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-	SOCK_PACKET                          = 0xa
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-	SOCK_RDM                             = 0x4
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-	SOL_AAL                              = 0x109
-	SOL_ALG                              = 0x117
-	SOL_ATM                              = 0x108
-	SOL_CAIF                             = 0x116
-	SOL_CAN_BASE                         = 0x64
-	SOL_DCCP                             = 0x10d
-	SOL_DECNET                           = 0x105
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-	SOL_IP                               = 0x0
-	SOL_IPV6                             = 0x29
-	SOL_IRDA                             = 0x10a
-	SOL_IUCV                             = 0x115
-	SOL_KCM                              = 0x119
-	SOL_LLC                              = 0x10c
-	SOL_NETBEUI                          = 0x10b
-	SOL_NETLINK                          = 0x10e
-	SOL_NFC                              = 0x118
-	SOL_PACKET                           = 0x107
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-	SOL_PPPOL2TP                         = 0x111
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-	SOL_RDS                              = 0x114
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-	SOL_SOCKET                           = 0x1
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-	SOL_TLS                              = 0x11a
-	SOL_X25                              = 0x106
-	SOL_XDP                              = 0x11b
-	SOMAXCONN                            = 0x80
-	SO_ACCEPTCONN                        = 0x1e
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-	SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_CBPF             = 0x33
-	SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_EBPF             = 0x34
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-	SO_CNX_ADVICE                        = 0x35
-	SO_COOKIE                            = 0x39
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-	SO_INCOMING_CPU                      = 0x31
-	SO_INCOMING_NAPI_ID                  = 0x38
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-	SO_LOCK_FILTER                       = 0x2c
-	SO_MARK                              = 0x24
-	SO_MAX_PACING_RATE                   = 0x2f
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-	SO_NO_CHECK                          = 0xb
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-	SO_PEERGROUPS                        = 0x3b
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-	SO_PEERSEC                           = 0x1f
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-	SO_PROTOCOL                          = 0x26
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-	SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW                      = 0x42
-	SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD                      = 0x14
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-	SO_SNDBUFFORCE                       = 0x20
-	SO_SNDLOWAT                          = 0x13
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-	SO_SNDTIMEO_NEW                      = 0x43
-	SO_SNDTIMEO_OLD                      = 0x15
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-	SO_TIMESTAMPING                      = 0x25
-	SO_TIMESTAMPING_NEW                  = 0x41
-	SO_TIMESTAMPING_OLD                  = 0x25
-	SO_TIMESTAMPNS                       = 0x23
-	SO_TIMESTAMPNS_NEW                   = 0x40
-	SO_TIMESTAMPNS_OLD                   = 0x23
-	SO_TIMESTAMP_NEW                     = 0x3f
-	SO_TIMESTAMP_OLD                     = 0x1d
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-	SO_TYPE                              = 0x3
-	SO_VM_SOCKETS_BUFFER_SIZE            = 0x0
-	SO_VM_SOCKETS_TRUSTED                = 0x5
-	SO_WIFI_STATUS                       = 0x29
-	SO_ZEROCOPY                          = 0x3c
-	SPLICE_F_GIFT                        = 0x8
-	SPLICE_F_MORE                        = 0x4
-	SPLICE_F_MOVE                        = 0x1
-	SPLICE_F_NONBLOCK                    = 0x2
-	SQUASHFS_MAGIC                       = 0x73717368
-	STACK_END_MAGIC                      = 0x57ac6e9d
-	STATX_ALL                            = 0xfff
-	STATX_ATIME                          = 0x20
-	STATX_ATTR_APPEND                    = 0x20
-	STATX_ATTR_AUTOMOUNT                 = 0x1000
-	STATX_ATTR_COMPRESSED                = 0x4
-	STATX_ATTR_ENCRYPTED                 = 0x800
-	STATX_ATTR_IMMUTABLE                 = 0x10
-	STATX_ATTR_NODUMP                    = 0x40
-	STATX_BASIC_STATS                    = 0x7ff
-	STATX_BLOCKS                         = 0x400
-	STATX_BTIME                          = 0x800
-	STATX_CTIME                          = 0x80
-	STATX_GID                            = 0x10
-	STATX_INO                            = 0x100
-	STATX_MODE                           = 0x2
-	STATX_MTIME                          = 0x40
-	STATX_NLINK                          = 0x4
-	STATX_SIZE                           = 0x200
-	STATX_TYPE                           = 0x1
-	STATX_UID                            = 0x8
-	STATX__RESERVED                      = 0x80000000
-	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WAIT_AFTER           = 0x4
-	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WRITE                = 0x2
-	SYSFS_MAGIC                          = 0x62656572
-	S_BLKSIZE                            = 0x200
-	S_IEXEC                              = 0x40
-	S_IFBLK                              = 0x6000
-	S_IFCHR                              = 0x2000
-	S_IFDIR                              = 0x4000
-	S_IFIFO                              = 0x1000
-	S_IFLNK                              = 0xa000
-	S_IFMT                               = 0xf000
-	S_IFREG                              = 0x8000
-	S_IFSOCK                             = 0xc000
-	S_IREAD                              = 0x100
-	S_IRGRP                              = 0x20
-	S_IROTH                              = 0x4
-	S_IRUSR                              = 0x100
-	S_IRWXG                              = 0x38
-	S_IRWXO                              = 0x7
-	S_IRWXU                              = 0x1c0
-	S_ISGID                              = 0x400
-	S_ISUID                              = 0x800
-	S_ISVTX                              = 0x200
-	S_IWGRP                              = 0x10
-	S_IWOTH                              = 0x2
-	S_IWRITE                             = 0x80
-	S_IWUSR                              = 0x80
-	S_IXGRP                              = 0x8
-	S_IXOTH                              = 0x1
-	S_IXUSR                              = 0x40
-	TAB0                                 = 0x0
-	TAB1                                 = 0x800
-	TAB2                                 = 0x1000
-	TAB3                                 = 0x1800
-	TABDLY                               = 0x1800
-	TASKSTATS_CMD_ATTR_MAX               = 0x4
-	TASKSTATS_CMD_MAX                    = 0x2
-	TASKSTATS_GENL_NAME                  = "TASKSTATS"
-	TASKSTATS_GENL_VERSION               = 0x1
-	TASKSTATS_TYPE_MAX                   = 0x6
-	TASKSTATS_VERSION                    = 0x9
-	TCFLSH                               = 0x540b
-	TCGETA                               = 0x5405
-	TCGETS                               = 0x5401
-	TCGETS2                              = 0x802c542a
-	TCGETX                               = 0x5432
-	TCIFLUSH                             = 0x0
-	TCIOFF                               = 0x2
-	TCIOFLUSH                            = 0x2
-	TCION                                = 0x3
-	TCOFLUSH                             = 0x1
-	TCOOFF                               = 0x0
-	TCOON                                = 0x1
-	TCP_BPF_IW                           = 0x3e9
-	TCP_BPF_SNDCWND_CLAMP                = 0x3ea
-	TCP_CC_INFO                          = 0x1a
-	TCP_CM_INQ                           = 0x24
-	TCP_CONGESTION                       = 0xd
-	TCP_COOKIE_IN_ALWAYS                 = 0x1
-	TCP_COOKIE_MAX                       = 0x10
-	TCP_COOKIE_MIN                       = 0x8
-	TCP_COOKIE_OUT_NEVER                 = 0x2
-	TCP_COOKIE_PAIR_SIZE                 = 0x20
-	TCP_COOKIE_TRANSACTIONS              = 0xf
-	TCP_CORK                             = 0x3
-	TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT                     = 0x9
-	TCP_FASTOPEN                         = 0x17
-	TCP_FASTOPEN_CONNECT                 = 0x1e
-	TCP_FASTOPEN_KEY                     = 0x21
-	TCP_FASTOPEN_NO_COOKIE               = 0x22
-	TCP_INFO                             = 0xb
-	TCP_INQ                              = 0x24
-	TCP_KEEPCNT                          = 0x6
-	TCP_KEEPIDLE                         = 0x4
-	TCP_KEEPINTVL                        = 0x5
-	TCP_LINGER2                          = 0x8
-	TCP_MAXSEG                           = 0x2
-	TCP_MAXWIN                           = 0xffff
-	TCP_MAX_WINSHIFT                     = 0xe
-	TCP_MD5SIG                           = 0xe
-	TCP_MD5SIG_EXT                       = 0x20
-	TCP_MD5SIG_FLAG_PREFIX               = 0x1
-	TCP_MD5SIG_MAXKEYLEN                 = 0x50
-	TCP_MSS                              = 0x200
-	TCP_MSS_DEFAULT                      = 0x218
-	TCP_MSS_DESIRED                      = 0x4c4
-	TCP_NODELAY                          = 0x1
-	TCP_NOTSENT_LOWAT                    = 0x19
-	TCP_QUEUE_SEQ                        = 0x15
-	TCP_QUICKACK                         = 0xc
-	TCP_REPAIR                           = 0x13
-	TCP_REPAIR_OFF                       = 0x0
-	TCP_REPAIR_OFF_NO_WP                 = -0x1
-	TCP_REPAIR_ON                        = 0x1
-	TCP_REPAIR_OPTIONS                   = 0x16
-	TCP_REPAIR_QUEUE                     = 0x14
-	TCP_REPAIR_WINDOW                    = 0x1d
-	TCP_SAVED_SYN                        = 0x1c
-	TCP_SAVE_SYN                         = 0x1b
-	TCP_SYNCNT                           = 0x7
-	TCP_S_DATA_IN                        = 0x4
-	TCP_S_DATA_OUT                       = 0x8
-	TCP_THIN_DUPACK                      = 0x11
-	TCP_THIN_LINEAR_TIMEOUTS             = 0x10
-	TCP_TIMESTAMP                        = 0x18
-	TCP_ULP                              = 0x1f
-	TCP_USER_TIMEOUT                     = 0x12
-	TCP_WINDOW_CLAMP                     = 0xa
-	TCP_ZEROCOPY_RECEIVE                 = 0x23
-	TCSAFLUSH                            = 0x2
-	TCSBRK                               = 0x5409
-	TCSBRKP                              = 0x5425
-	TCSETA                               = 0x5406
-	TCSETAF                              = 0x5408
-	TCSETAW                              = 0x5407
-	TCSETS                               = 0x5402
-	TCSETS2                              = 0x402c542b
-	TCSETSF                              = 0x5404
-	TCSETSF2                             = 0x402c542d
-	TCSETSW                              = 0x5403
-	TCSETSW2                             = 0x402c542c
-	TCSETX                               = 0x5433
-	TCSETXF                              = 0x5434
-	TCSETXW                              = 0x5435
-	TCXONC                               = 0x540a
-	TIMER_ABSTIME                        = 0x1
-	TIOCCBRK                             = 0x5428
-	TIOCCONS                             = 0x541d
-	TIOCEXCL                             = 0x540c
-	TIOCGDEV                             = 0x80045432
-	TIOCGETD                             = 0x5424
-	TIOCGEXCL                            = 0x80045440
-	TIOCGICOUNT                          = 0x545d
-	TIOCGISO7816                         = 0x80285442
-	TIOCGLCKTRMIOS                       = 0x5456
-	TIOCGPGRP                            = 0x540f
-	TIOCGPKT                             = 0x80045438
-	TIOCGPTLCK                           = 0x80045439
-	TIOCGPTN                             = 0x80045430
-	TIOCGPTPEER                          = 0x5441
-	TIOCGRS485                           = 0x542e
-	TIOCGSERIAL                          = 0x541e
-	TIOCGSID                             = 0x5429
-	TIOCGSOFTCAR                         = 0x5419
-	TIOCGWINSZ                           = 0x5413
-	TIOCINQ                              = 0x541b
-	TIOCLINUX                            = 0x541c
-	TIOCMBIC                             = 0x5417
-	TIOCMBIS                             = 0x5416
-	TIOCMGET                             = 0x5415
-	TIOCMIWAIT                           = 0x545c
-	TIOCMSET                             = 0x5418
-	TIOCM_CAR                            = 0x40
-	TIOCM_CD                             = 0x40
-	TIOCM_CTS                            = 0x20
-	TIOCM_DSR                            = 0x100
-	TIOCM_DTR                            = 0x2
-	TIOCM_LE                             = 0x1
-	TIOCM_RI                             = 0x80
-	TIOCM_RNG                            = 0x80
-	TIOCM_RTS                            = 0x4
-	TIOCM_SR                             = 0x10
-	TIOCM_ST                             = 0x8
-	TIOCNOTTY                            = 0x5422
-	TIOCNXCL                             = 0x540d
-	TIOCOUTQ                             = 0x5411
-	TIOCPKT                              = 0x5420
-	TIOCPKT_DATA                         = 0x0
-	TIOCPKT_DOSTOP                       = 0x20
-	TIOCPKT_FLUSHREAD                    = 0x1
-	TIOCPKT_FLUSHWRITE                   = 0x2
-	TIOCPKT_IOCTL                        = 0x40
-	TIOCPKT_NOSTOP                       = 0x10
-	TIOCPKT_START                        = 0x8
-	TIOCPKT_STOP                         = 0x4
-	TIOCSBRK                             = 0x5427
-	TIOCSCTTY                            = 0x540e
-	TIOCSERCONFIG                        = 0x5453
-	TIOCSERGETLSR                        = 0x5459
-	TIOCSERGETMULTI                      = 0x545a
-	TIOCSERGSTRUCT                       = 0x5458
-	TIOCSERGWILD                         = 0x5454
-	TIOCSERSETMULTI                      = 0x545b
-	TIOCSERSWILD                         = 0x5455
-	TIOCSER_TEMT                         = 0x1
-	TIOCSETD                             = 0x5423
-	TIOCSIG                              = 0x40045436
-	TIOCSISO7816                         = 0xc0285443
-	TIOCSLCKTRMIOS                       = 0x5457
-	TIOCSPGRP                            = 0x5410
-	TIOCSPTLCK                           = 0x40045431
-	TIOCSRS485                           = 0x542f
-	TIOCSSERIAL                          = 0x541f
-	TIOCSSOFTCAR                         = 0x541a
-	TIOCSTI                              = 0x5412
-	TIOCSWINSZ                           = 0x5414
-	TIOCVHANGUP                          = 0x5437
-	TMPFS_MAGIC                          = 0x1021994
-	TOSTOP                               = 0x100
-	TPACKET_ALIGNMENT                    = 0x10
-	TPACKET_HDRLEN                       = 0x34
-	TP_STATUS_AVAILABLE                  = 0x0
-	TP_STATUS_BLK_TMO                    = 0x20
-	TP_STATUS_COPY                       = 0x2
-	TP_STATUS_CSUMNOTREADY               = 0x8
-	TP_STATUS_CSUM_VALID                 = 0x80
-	TP_STATUS_KERNEL                     = 0x0
-	TP_STATUS_LOSING                     = 0x4
-	TP_STATUS_SENDING                    = 0x2
-	TP_STATUS_SEND_REQUEST               = 0x1
-	TP_STATUS_TS_RAW_HARDWARE            = -0x80000000
-	TP_STATUS_TS_SOFTWARE                = 0x20000000
-	TP_STATUS_TS_SYS_HARDWARE            = 0x40000000
-	TP_STATUS_USER                       = 0x1
-	TP_STATUS_VLAN_TPID_VALID            = 0x40
-	TP_STATUS_VLAN_VALID                 = 0x10
-	TP_STATUS_WRONG_FORMAT               = 0x4
-	TRACEFS_MAGIC                        = 0x74726163
-	TS_COMM_LEN                          = 0x20
-	TUNATTACHFILTER                      = 0x401054d5
-	TUNDETACHFILTER                      = 0x401054d6
-	TUNGETDEVNETNS                       = 0x54e3
-	TUNGETFEATURES                       = 0x800454cf
-	TUNGETFILTER                         = 0x801054db
-	TUNGETIFF                            = 0x800454d2
-	TUNGETSNDBUF                         = 0x800454d3
-	TUNGETVNETBE                         = 0x800454df
-	TUNGETVNETHDRSZ                      = 0x800454d7
-	TUNGETVNETLE                         = 0x800454dd
-	TUNSETCARRIER                        = 0x400454e2
-	TUNSETDEBUG                          = 0x400454c9
-	TUNSETFILTEREBPF                     = 0x800454e1
-	TUNSETGROUP                          = 0x400454ce
-	TUNSETIFF                            = 0x400454ca
-	TUNSETIFINDEX                        = 0x400454da
-	TUNSETLINK                           = 0x400454cd
-	TUNSETNOCSUM                         = 0x400454c8
-	TUNSETOFFLOAD                        = 0x400454d0
-	TUNSETOWNER                          = 0x400454cc
-	TUNSETPERSIST                        = 0x400454cb
-	TUNSETQUEUE                          = 0x400454d9
-	TUNSETSNDBUF                         = 0x400454d4
-	TUNSETSTEERINGEBPF                   = 0x800454e0
-	TUNSETTXFILTER                       = 0x400454d1
-	TUNSETVNETBE                         = 0x400454de
-	TUNSETVNETHDRSZ                      = 0x400454d8
-	TUNSETVNETLE                         = 0x400454dc
-	UBI_IOCATT                           = 0x40186f40
-	UBI_IOCDET                           = 0x40046f41
-	UBI_IOCEBCH                          = 0x40044f02
-	UBI_IOCEBER                          = 0x40044f01
-	UBI_IOCEBISMAP                       = 0x80044f05
-	UBI_IOCEBMAP                         = 0x40084f03
-	UBI_IOCEBUNMAP                       = 0x40044f04
-	UBI_IOCMKVOL                         = 0x40986f00
-	UBI_IOCRMVOL                         = 0x40046f01
-	UBI_IOCRNVOL                         = 0x51106f03
-	UBI_IOCRPEB                          = 0x40046f04
-	UBI_IOCRSVOL                         = 0x400c6f02
-	UBI_IOCSETVOLPROP                    = 0x40104f06
-	UBI_IOCSPEB                          = 0x40046f05
-	UBI_IOCVOLCRBLK                      = 0x40804f07
-	UBI_IOCVOLRMBLK                      = 0x4f08
-	UBI_IOCVOLUP                         = 0x40084f00
-	UDF_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x15013346
-	UMOUNT_NOFOLLOW                      = 0x8
-	USBDEVICE_SUPER_MAGIC                = 0x9fa2
-	UTIME_NOW                            = 0x3fffffff
-	UTIME_OMIT                           = 0x3ffffffe
-	V9FS_MAGIC                           = 0x1021997
-	VDISCARD                             = 0xd
-	VEOF                                 = 0x4
-	VEOL                                 = 0xb
-	VEOL2                                = 0x10
-	VERASE                               = 0x2
-	VINTR                                = 0x0
-	VKILL                                = 0x3
-	VLNEXT                               = 0xf
-	VMADDR_CID_ANY                       = 0xffffffff
-	VMADDR_CID_HOST                      = 0x2
-	VMADDR_CID_HYPERVISOR                = 0x0
-	VMADDR_CID_RESERVED                  = 0x1
-	VMADDR_PORT_ANY                      = 0xffffffff
-	VMIN                                 = 0x6
-	VM_SOCKETS_INVALID_VERSION           = 0xffffffff
-	VQUIT                                = 0x1
-	VREPRINT                             = 0xc
-	VSTART                               = 0x8
-	VSTOP                                = 0x9
-	VSUSP                                = 0xa
-	VSWTC                                = 0x7
-	VT0                                  = 0x0
-	VT1                                  = 0x4000
-	VTDLY                                = 0x4000
-	VTIME                                = 0x5
-	VWERASE                              = 0xe
-	WALL                                 = 0x40000000
-	WCLONE                               = 0x80000000
-	WCONTINUED                           = 0x8
-	WDIOC_GETBOOTSTATUS                  = 0x80045702
-	WDIOC_GETPRETIMEOUT                  = 0x80045709
-	WDIOC_GETSTATUS                      = 0x80045701
-	WDIOC_GETSUPPORT                     = 0x80285700
-	WDIOC_GETTEMP                        = 0x80045703
-	WDIOC_GETTIMELEFT                    = 0x8004570a
-	WDIOC_GETTIMEOUT                     = 0x80045707
-	WDIOC_KEEPALIVE                      = 0x80045705
-	WDIOC_SETOPTIONS                     = 0x80045704
-	WDIOC_SETPRETIMEOUT                  = 0xc0045708
-	WDIOC_SETTIMEOUT                     = 0xc0045706
-	WEXITED                              = 0x4
-	WIN_ACKMEDIACHANGE                   = 0xdb
-	WIN_CHECKPOWERMODE1                  = 0xe5
-	WIN_CHECKPOWERMODE2                  = 0x98
-	WIN_DEVICE_RESET                     = 0x8
-	WIN_DIAGNOSE                         = 0x90
-	WIN_DOORLOCK                         = 0xde
-	WIN_DOORUNLOCK                       = 0xdf
-	WIN_DOWNLOAD_MICROCODE               = 0x92
-	WIN_FLUSH_CACHE                      = 0xe7
-	WIN_FLUSH_CACHE_EXT                  = 0xea
-	WIN_FORMAT                           = 0x50
-	WIN_GETMEDIASTATUS                   = 0xda
-	WIN_IDENTIFY                         = 0xec
-	WIN_IDENTIFY_DMA                     = 0xee
-	WIN_IDLEIMMEDIATE                    = 0xe1
-	WIN_INIT                             = 0x60
-	WIN_MEDIAEJECT                       = 0xed
-	WIN_MULTREAD                         = 0xc4
-	WIN_MULTREAD_EXT                     = 0x29
-	WIN_MULTWRITE                        = 0xc5
-	WIN_MULTWRITE_EXT                    = 0x39
-	WIN_NOP                              = 0x0
-	WIN_PACKETCMD                        = 0xa0
-	WIN_PIDENTIFY                        = 0xa1
-	WIN_POSTBOOT                         = 0xdc
-	WIN_PREBOOT                          = 0xdd
-	WIN_QUEUED_SERVICE                   = 0xa2
-	WIN_READ                             = 0x20
-	WIN_READDMA                          = 0xc8
-	WIN_READDMA_EXT                      = 0x25
-	WIN_READDMA_ONCE                     = 0xc9
-	WIN_READDMA_QUEUED                   = 0xc7
-	WIN_READDMA_QUEUED_EXT               = 0x26
-	WIN_READ_BUFFER                      = 0xe4
-	WIN_READ_EXT                         = 0x24
-	WIN_READ_LONG                        = 0x22
-	WIN_READ_LONG_ONCE                   = 0x23
-	WIN_READ_NATIVE_MAX                  = 0xf8
-	WIN_READ_NATIVE_MAX_EXT              = 0x27
-	WIN_READ_ONCE                        = 0x21
-	WIN_RECAL                            = 0x10
-	WIN_RESTORE                          = 0x10
-	WIN_SECURITY_DISABLE                 = 0xf6
-	WIN_SECURITY_ERASE_UNIT              = 0xf4
-	WIN_SECURITY_FREEZE_LOCK             = 0xf5
-	WIN_SECURITY_SET_PASS                = 0xf1
-	WIN_SECURITY_UNLOCK                  = 0xf2
-	WIN_SEEK                             = 0x70
-	WIN_SETFEATURES                      = 0xef
-	WIN_SETIDLE1                         = 0xe3
-	WIN_SETIDLE2                         = 0x97
-	WIN_SETMULT                          = 0xc6
-	WIN_SET_MAX                          = 0xf9
-	WIN_SET_MAX_EXT                      = 0x37
-	WIN_SLEEPNOW1                        = 0xe6
-	WIN_SLEEPNOW2                        = 0x99
-	WIN_SMART                            = 0xb0
-	WIN_SPECIFY                          = 0x91
-	WIN_SRST                             = 0x8
-	WIN_STANDBY                          = 0xe2
-	WIN_STANDBY2                         = 0x96
-	WIN_STANDBYNOW1                      = 0xe0
-	WIN_STANDBYNOW2                      = 0x94
-	WIN_VERIFY                           = 0x40
-	WIN_VERIFY_EXT                       = 0x42
-	WIN_VERIFY_ONCE                      = 0x41
-	WIN_WRITE                            = 0x30
-	WIN_WRITEDMA                         = 0xca
-	WIN_WRITEDMA_EXT                     = 0x35
-	WIN_WRITEDMA_ONCE                    = 0xcb
-	WIN_WRITEDMA_QUEUED                  = 0xcc
-	WIN_WRITEDMA_QUEUED_EXT              = 0x36
-	WIN_WRITE_BUFFER                     = 0xe8
-	WIN_WRITE_EXT                        = 0x34
-	WIN_WRITE_LONG                       = 0x32
-	WIN_WRITE_LONG_ONCE                  = 0x33
-	WIN_WRITE_ONCE                       = 0x31
-	WIN_WRITE_SAME                       = 0xe9
-	WIN_WRITE_VERIFY                     = 0x3c
-	WNOHANG                              = 0x1
-	WNOTHREAD                            = 0x20000000
-	WNOWAIT                              = 0x1000000
-	WORDSIZE                             = 0x40
-	WSTOPPED                             = 0x2
-	WUNTRACED                            = 0x2
-	XATTR_CREATE                         = 0x1
-	XATTR_REPLACE                        = 0x2
-	XCASE                                = 0x4
-	XDP_COPY                             = 0x2
-	XDP_FLAGS_DRV_MODE                   = 0x4
-	XDP_FLAGS_HW_MODE                    = 0x8
-	XDP_FLAGS_MASK                       = 0xf
-	XDP_FLAGS_MODES                      = 0xe
-	XDP_FLAGS_SKB_MODE                   = 0x2
-	XDP_MMAP_OFFSETS                     = 0x1
-	XDP_PACKET_HEADROOM                  = 0x100
-	XDP_PGOFF_RX_RING                    = 0x0
-	XDP_PGOFF_TX_RING                    = 0x80000000
-	XDP_RX_RING                          = 0x2
-	XDP_SHARED_UMEM                      = 0x1
-	XDP_STATISTICS                       = 0x7
-	XDP_TX_RING                          = 0x3
-	XDP_UMEM_COMPLETION_RING             = 0x6
-	XDP_UMEM_FILL_RING                   = 0x5
-	XDP_UMEM_PGOFF_COMPLETION_RING       = 0x180000000
-	XDP_UMEM_PGOFF_FILL_RING             = 0x100000000
-	XDP_UMEM_REG                         = 0x4
-	XDP_ZEROCOPY                         = 0x4
-	XENFS_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0xabba1974
-	XFS_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x58465342
-	XTABS                                = 0x1800
-	ZSMALLOC_MAGIC                       = 0x58295829
+	AAFS_MAGIC                                  = 0x5a3c69f0
+	ADFS_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xadf5
+	AFFS_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xadff
+	AFS_FS_MAGIC                                = 0x6b414653
+	AFS_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x5346414f
+	AF_ALG                                      = 0x26
+	AF_APPLETALK                                = 0x5
+	AF_ASH                                      = 0x12
+	AF_ATMPVC                                   = 0x8
+	AF_ATMSVC                                   = 0x14
+	AF_AX25                                     = 0x3
+	AF_BLUETOOTH                                = 0x1f
+	AF_BRIDGE                                   = 0x7
+	AF_CAIF                                     = 0x25
+	AF_CAN                                      = 0x1d
+	AF_DECnet                                   = 0xc
+	AF_ECONET                                   = 0x13
+	AF_FILE                                     = 0x1
+	AF_IB                                       = 0x1b
+	AF_IEEE802154                               = 0x24
+	AF_INET                                     = 0x2
+	AF_INET6                                    = 0xa
+	AF_IPX                                      = 0x4
+	AF_IRDA                                     = 0x17
+	AF_ISDN                                     = 0x22
+	AF_IUCV                                     = 0x20
+	AF_KCM                                      = 0x29
+	AF_KEY                                      = 0xf
+	AF_LLC                                      = 0x1a
+	AF_LOCAL                                    = 0x1
+	AF_MAX                                      = 0x2d
+	AF_MPLS                                     = 0x1c
+	AF_NETBEUI                                  = 0xd
+	AF_NETLINK                                  = 0x10
+	AF_NETROM                                   = 0x6
+	AF_NFC                                      = 0x27
+	AF_PACKET                                   = 0x11
+	AF_PHONET                                   = 0x23
+	AF_PPPOX                                    = 0x18
+	AF_QIPCRTR                                  = 0x2a
+	AF_RDS                                      = 0x15
+	AF_ROSE                                     = 0xb
+	AF_ROUTE                                    = 0x10
+	AF_RXRPC                                    = 0x21
+	AF_SECURITY                                 = 0xe
+	AF_SMC                                      = 0x2b
+	AF_SNA                                      = 0x16
+	AF_TIPC                                     = 0x1e
+	AF_UNIX                                     = 0x1
+	AF_UNSPEC                                   = 0x0
+	AF_VSOCK                                    = 0x28
+	AF_WANPIPE                                  = 0x19
+	AF_X25                                      = 0x9
+	AF_XDP                                      = 0x2c
+	ALG_OP_DECRYPT                              = 0x0
+	ALG_OP_ENCRYPT                              = 0x1
+	ALG_SET_AEAD_ASSOCLEN                       = 0x4
+	ALG_SET_AEAD_AUTHSIZE                       = 0x5
+	ALG_SET_IV                                  = 0x2
+	ALG_SET_KEY                                 = 0x1
+	ALG_SET_OP                                  = 0x3
+	ANON_INODE_FS_MAGIC                         = 0x9041934
+	ARPHRD_6LOWPAN                              = 0x339
+	ARPHRD_ADAPT                                = 0x108
+	ARPHRD_APPLETLK                             = 0x8
+	ARPHRD_ARCNET                               = 0x7
+	ARPHRD_ASH                                  = 0x30d
+	ARPHRD_ATM                                  = 0x13
+	ARPHRD_AX25                                 = 0x3
+	ARPHRD_BIF                                  = 0x307
+	ARPHRD_CAIF                                 = 0x336
+	ARPHRD_CAN                                  = 0x118
+	ARPHRD_CHAOS                                = 0x5
+	ARPHRD_CISCO                                = 0x201
+	ARPHRD_CSLIP                                = 0x101
+	ARPHRD_CSLIP6                               = 0x103
+	ARPHRD_DDCMP                                = 0x205
+	ARPHRD_DLCI                                 = 0xf
+	ARPHRD_ECONET                               = 0x30e
+	ARPHRD_EETHER                               = 0x2
+	ARPHRD_ETHER                                = 0x1
+	ARPHRD_EUI64                                = 0x1b
+	ARPHRD_FCAL                                 = 0x311
+	ARPHRD_FCFABRIC                             = 0x313
+	ARPHRD_FCPL                                 = 0x312
+	ARPHRD_FCPP                                 = 0x310
+	ARPHRD_FDDI                                 = 0x306
+	ARPHRD_FRAD                                 = 0x302
+	ARPHRD_HDLC                                 = 0x201
+	ARPHRD_HIPPI                                = 0x30c
+	ARPHRD_HWX25                                = 0x110
+	ARPHRD_IEEE1394                             = 0x18
+	ARPHRD_IEEE802                              = 0x6
+	ARPHRD_IEEE80211                            = 0x321
+	ARPHRD_IEEE80211_PRISM                      = 0x322
+	ARPHRD_IEEE80211_RADIOTAP                   = 0x323
+	ARPHRD_IEEE802154                           = 0x324
+	ARPHRD_IEEE802154_MONITOR                   = 0x325
+	ARPHRD_IEEE802_TR                           = 0x320
+	ARPHRD_INFINIBAND                           = 0x20
+	ARPHRD_IP6GRE                               = 0x337
+	ARPHRD_IPDDP                                = 0x309
+	ARPHRD_IPGRE                                = 0x30a
+	ARPHRD_IRDA                                 = 0x30f
+	ARPHRD_LAPB                                 = 0x204
+	ARPHRD_LOCALTLK                             = 0x305
+	ARPHRD_LOOPBACK                             = 0x304
+	ARPHRD_METRICOM                             = 0x17
+	ARPHRD_NETLINK                              = 0x338
+	ARPHRD_NETROM                               = 0x0
+	ARPHRD_NONE                                 = 0xfffe
+	ARPHRD_PHONET                               = 0x334
+	ARPHRD_PHONET_PIPE                          = 0x335
+	ARPHRD_PIMREG                               = 0x30b
+	ARPHRD_PPP                                  = 0x200
+	ARPHRD_PRONET                               = 0x4
+	ARPHRD_RAWHDLC                              = 0x206
+	ARPHRD_RAWIP                                = 0x207
+	ARPHRD_ROSE                                 = 0x10e
+	ARPHRD_RSRVD                                = 0x104
+	ARPHRD_SIT                                  = 0x308
+	ARPHRD_SKIP                                 = 0x303
+	ARPHRD_SLIP                                 = 0x100
+	ARPHRD_SLIP6                                = 0x102
+	ARPHRD_TUNNEL                               = 0x300
+	ARPHRD_TUNNEL6                              = 0x301
+	ARPHRD_VOID                                 = 0xffff
+	ARPHRD_VSOCKMON                             = 0x33a
+	ARPHRD_X25                                  = 0x10f
+	AUTOFS_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0x187
+	B0                                          = 0x0
+	B1000000                                    = 0x1008
+	B110                                        = 0x3
+	B115200                                     = 0x1002
+	B1152000                                    = 0x1009
+	B1200                                       = 0x9
+	B134                                        = 0x4
+	B150                                        = 0x5
+	B1500000                                    = 0x100a
+	B1800                                       = 0xa
+	B19200                                      = 0xe
+	B200                                        = 0x6
+	B2000000                                    = 0x100b
+	B230400                                     = 0x1003
+	B2400                                       = 0xb
+	B2500000                                    = 0x100c
+	B300                                        = 0x7
+	B3000000                                    = 0x100d
+	B3500000                                    = 0x100e
+	B38400                                      = 0xf
+	B4000000                                    = 0x100f
+	B460800                                     = 0x1004
+	B4800                                       = 0xc
+	B50                                         = 0x1
+	B500000                                     = 0x1005
+	B57600                                      = 0x1001
+	B576000                                     = 0x1006
+	B600                                        = 0x8
+	B75                                         = 0x2
+	B921600                                     = 0x1007
+	B9600                                       = 0xd
+	BALLOON_KVM_MAGIC                           = 0x13661366
+	BDEVFS_MAGIC                                = 0x62646576
+	BINDERFS_SUPER_MAGIC                        = 0x6c6f6f70
+	BINFMTFS_MAGIC                              = 0x42494e4d
+	BLKBSZGET                                   = 0x80081270
+	BLKBSZSET                                   = 0x40081271
+	BLKFLSBUF                                   = 0x1261
+	BLKFRAGET                                   = 0x1265
+	BLKFRASET                                   = 0x1264
+	BLKGETSIZE                                  = 0x1260
+	BLKGETSIZE64                                = 0x80081272
+	BLKPBSZGET                                  = 0x127b
+	BLKRAGET                                    = 0x1263
+	BLKRASET                                    = 0x1262
+	BLKROGET                                    = 0x125e
+	BLKROSET                                    = 0x125d
+	BLKRRPART                                   = 0x125f
+	BLKSECTGET                                  = 0x1267
+	BLKSECTSET                                  = 0x1266
+	BLKSSZGET                                   = 0x1268
+	BOTHER                                      = 0x1000
+	BPF_A                                       = 0x10
+	BPF_ABS                                     = 0x20
+	BPF_ADD                                     = 0x0
+	BPF_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L2_MASK                  = 0xff
+	BPF_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L2_SHIFT                 = 0x38
+	BPF_ALU                                     = 0x4
+	BPF_ALU64                                   = 0x7
+	BPF_AND                                     = 0x50
+	BPF_ANY                                     = 0x0
+	BPF_ARSH                                    = 0xc0
+	BPF_B                                       = 0x10
+	BPF_BUILD_ID_SIZE                           = 0x14
+	BPF_CALL                                    = 0x80
+	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_MKNOD                         = 0x1
+	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_READ                          = 0x2
+	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_WRITE                         = 0x4
+	BPF_DEVCG_DEV_BLOCK                         = 0x1
+	BPF_DEVCG_DEV_CHAR                          = 0x2
+	BPF_DIV                                     = 0x30
+	BPF_DW                                      = 0x18
+	BPF_END                                     = 0xd0
+	BPF_EXIST                                   = 0x2
+	BPF_EXIT                                    = 0x90
+	BPF_FROM_BE                                 = 0x8
+	BPF_FROM_LE                                 = 0x0
+	BPF_FS_MAGIC                                = 0xcafe4a11
+	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L3_IPV4                = 0x2
+	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L3_IPV6                = 0x4
+	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L4_GRE                 = 0x8
+	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L4_UDP                 = 0x10
+	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_FIXED_GSO                    = 0x1
+	BPF_F_ALLOW_MULTI                           = 0x2
+	BPF_F_ALLOW_OVERRIDE                        = 0x1
+	BPF_F_ANY_ALIGNMENT                         = 0x2
+	BPF_F_CLONE                                 = 0x200
+	BPF_F_CTXLEN_MASK                           = 0xfffff00000000
+	BPF_F_CURRENT_CPU                           = 0xffffffff
+	BPF_F_CURRENT_NETNS                         = -0x1
+	BPF_F_DONT_FRAGMENT                         = 0x4
+	BPF_F_FAST_STACK_CMP                        = 0x200
+	BPF_F_HDR_FIELD_MASK                        = 0xf
+	BPF_F_INDEX_MASK                            = 0xffffffff
+	BPF_F_INGRESS                               = 0x1
+	BPF_F_INVALIDATE_HASH                       = 0x2
+	BPF_F_LOCK                                  = 0x4
+	BPF_F_MARK_ENFORCE                          = 0x40
+	BPF_F_MARK_MANGLED_0                        = 0x20
+	BPF_F_NO_COMMON_LRU                         = 0x2
+	BPF_F_NO_PREALLOC                           = 0x1
+	BPF_F_NUMA_NODE                             = 0x4
+	BPF_F_PSEUDO_HDR                            = 0x10
+	BPF_F_QUERY_EFFECTIVE                       = 0x1
+	BPF_F_RDONLY                                = 0x8
+	BPF_F_RDONLY_PROG                           = 0x80
+	BPF_F_RECOMPUTE_CSUM                        = 0x1
+	BPF_F_REUSE_STACKID                         = 0x400
+	BPF_F_SEQ_NUMBER                            = 0x8
+	BPF_F_SKIP_FIELD_MASK                       = 0xff
+	BPF_F_STACK_BUILD_ID                        = 0x20
+	BPF_F_STRICT_ALIGNMENT                      = 0x1
+	BPF_F_SYSCTL_BASE_NAME                      = 0x1
+	BPF_F_TEST_RND_HI32                         = 0x4
+	BPF_F_TEST_STATE_FREQ                       = 0x8
+	BPF_F_TUNINFO_IPV6                          = 0x1
+	BPF_F_USER_BUILD_ID                         = 0x800
+	BPF_F_USER_STACK                            = 0x100
+	BPF_F_WRONLY                                = 0x10
+	BPF_F_WRONLY_PROG                           = 0x100
+	BPF_F_ZERO_CSUM_TX                          = 0x2
+	BPF_F_ZERO_SEED                             = 0x40
+	BPF_H                                       = 0x8
+	BPF_IMM                                     = 0x0
+	BPF_IND                                     = 0x40
+	BPF_JA                                      = 0x0
+	BPF_JEQ                                     = 0x10
+	BPF_JGE                                     = 0x30
+	BPF_JGT                                     = 0x20
+	BPF_JLE                                     = 0xb0
+	BPF_JLT                                     = 0xa0
+	BPF_JMP                                     = 0x5
+	BPF_JMP32                                   = 0x6
+	BPF_JNE                                     = 0x50
+	BPF_JSET                                    = 0x40
+	BPF_JSGE                                    = 0x70
+	BPF_JSGT                                    = 0x60
+	BPF_JSLE                                    = 0xd0
+	BPF_JSLT                                    = 0xc0
+	BPF_K                                       = 0x0
+	BPF_LD                                      = 0x0
+	BPF_LDX                                     = 0x1
+	BPF_LEN                                     = 0x80
+	BPF_LL_OFF                                  = -0x200000
+	BPF_LSH                                     = 0x60
+	BPF_MAJOR_VERSION                           = 0x1
+	BPF_MAXINSNS                                = 0x1000
+	BPF_MEM                                     = 0x60
+	BPF_MEMWORDS                                = 0x10
+	BPF_MINOR_VERSION                           = 0x1
+	BPF_MISC                                    = 0x7
+	BPF_MOD                                     = 0x90
+	BPF_MOV                                     = 0xb0
+	BPF_MSH                                     = 0xa0
+	BPF_MUL                                     = 0x20
+	BPF_NEG                                     = 0x80
+	BPF_NET_OFF                                 = -0x100000
+	BPF_NOEXIST                                 = 0x1
+	BPF_OBJ_NAME_LEN                            = 0x10
+	BPF_OR                                      = 0x40
+	BPF_PSEUDO_CALL                             = 0x1
+	BPF_PSEUDO_MAP_FD                           = 0x1
+	BPF_PSEUDO_MAP_VALUE                        = 0x2
+	BPF_RET                                     = 0x6
+	BPF_RSH                                     = 0x70
+	BPF_SK_STORAGE_GET_F_CREATE                 = 0x1
+	BPF_SOCK_OPS_ALL_CB_FLAGS                   = 0xf
+	BPF_SOCK_OPS_RETRANS_CB_FLAG                = 0x2
+	BPF_SOCK_OPS_RTO_CB_FLAG                    = 0x1
+	BPF_SOCK_OPS_RTT_CB_FLAG                    = 0x8
+	BPF_SOCK_OPS_STATE_CB_FLAG                  = 0x4
+	BPF_ST                                      = 0x2
+	BPF_STX                                     = 0x3
+	BPF_SUB                                     = 0x10
+	BPF_TAG_SIZE                                = 0x8
+	BPF_TAX                                     = 0x0
+	BPF_TO_BE                                   = 0x8
+	BPF_TO_LE                                   = 0x0
+	BPF_TXA                                     = 0x80
+	BPF_W                                       = 0x0
+	BPF_X                                       = 0x8
+	BPF_XADD                                    = 0xc0
+	BPF_XOR                                     = 0xa0
+	BRKINT                                      = 0x2
+	BS0                                         = 0x0
+	BS1                                         = 0x2000
+	BSDLY                                       = 0x2000
+	BTRFS_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x9123683e
+	BTRFS_TEST_MAGIC                            = 0x73727279
+	CAN_BCM                                     = 0x2
+	CAN_EFF_FLAG                                = 0x80000000
+	CAN_EFF_ID_BITS                             = 0x1d
+	CAN_EFF_MASK                                = 0x1fffffff
+	CAN_ERR_FLAG                                = 0x20000000
+	CAN_ERR_MASK                                = 0x1fffffff
+	CAN_INV_FILTER                              = 0x20000000
+	CAN_ISOTP                                   = 0x6
+	CAN_J1939                                   = 0x7
+	CAN_MAX_DLC                                 = 0x8
+	CAN_MAX_DLEN                                = 0x8
+	CAN_MCNET                                   = 0x5
+	CAN_MTU                                     = 0x10
+	CAN_NPROTO                                  = 0x8
+	CAN_RAW                                     = 0x1
+	CAN_RAW_FILTER_MAX                          = 0x200
+	CAN_RTR_FLAG                                = 0x40000000
+	CAN_SFF_ID_BITS                             = 0xb
+	CAN_SFF_MASK                                = 0x7ff
+	CAN_TP16                                    = 0x3
+	CAN_TP20                                    = 0x4
+	CAP_AUDIT_CONTROL                           = 0x1e
+	CAP_AUDIT_READ                              = 0x25
+	CAP_AUDIT_WRITE                             = 0x1d
+	CAP_BLOCK_SUSPEND                           = 0x24
+	CAP_CHOWN                                   = 0x0
+	CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE                            = 0x1
+	CAP_DAC_READ_SEARCH                         = 0x2
+	CAP_FOWNER                                  = 0x3
+	CAP_FSETID                                  = 0x4
+	CAP_IPC_LOCK                                = 0xe
+	CAP_IPC_OWNER                               = 0xf
+	CAP_KILL                                    = 0x5
+	CAP_LAST_CAP                                = 0x25
+	CAP_LEASE                                   = 0x1c
+	CAP_LINUX_IMMUTABLE                         = 0x9
+	CAP_MAC_ADMIN                               = 0x21
+	CAP_MAC_OVERRIDE                            = 0x20
+	CAP_MKNOD                                   = 0x1b
+	CAP_NET_ADMIN                               = 0xc
+	CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE                        = 0xa
+	CAP_NET_BROADCAST                           = 0xb
+	CAP_NET_RAW                                 = 0xd
+	CAP_SETFCAP                                 = 0x1f
+	CAP_SETGID                                  = 0x6
+	CAP_SETPCAP                                 = 0x8
+	CAP_SETUID                                  = 0x7
+	CAP_SYSLOG                                  = 0x22
+	CAP_SYS_ADMIN                               = 0x15
+	CAP_SYS_BOOT                                = 0x16
+	CAP_SYS_CHROOT                              = 0x12
+	CAP_SYS_MODULE                              = 0x10
+	CAP_SYS_NICE                                = 0x17
+	CAP_SYS_PACCT                               = 0x14
+	CAP_SYS_PTRACE                              = 0x13
+	CAP_SYS_RAWIO                               = 0x11
+	CAP_SYS_RESOURCE                            = 0x18
+	CAP_SYS_TIME                                = 0x19
+	CAP_SYS_TTY_CONFIG                          = 0x1a
+	CAP_WAKE_ALARM                              = 0x23
+	CBAUD                                       = 0x100f
+	CBAUDEX                                     = 0x1000
+	CFLUSH                                      = 0xf
+	CGROUP2_SUPER_MAGIC                         = 0x63677270
+	CGROUP_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0x27e0eb
+	CIBAUD                                      = 0x100f0000
+	CLOCAL                                      = 0x800
+	CLOCK_BOOTTIME                              = 0x7
+	CLOCK_BOOTTIME_ALARM                        = 0x9
+	CLOCK_DEFAULT                               = 0x0
+	CLOCK_EXT                                   = 0x1
+	CLOCK_INT                                   = 0x2
+	CLOCK_MONOTONIC                             = 0x1
+	CLOCK_MONOTONIC_COARSE                      = 0x6
+	CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW                         = 0x4
+	CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID                    = 0x2
+	CLOCK_REALTIME                              = 0x0
+	CLOCK_REALTIME_ALARM                        = 0x8
+	CLOCK_REALTIME_COARSE                       = 0x5
+	CLOCK_TAI                                   = 0xb
+	CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID                     = 0x3
+	CLOCK_TXFROMRX                              = 0x4
+	CLOCK_TXINT                                 = 0x3
+	CLONE_ARGS_SIZE_VER0                        = 0x40
+	CLONE_CHILD_CLEARTID                        = 0x200000
+	CLONE_CHILD_SETTID                          = 0x1000000
+	CLONE_DETACHED                              = 0x400000
+	CLONE_FILES                                 = 0x400
+	CLONE_FS                                    = 0x200
+	CLONE_IO                                    = 0x80000000
+	CLONE_NEWCGROUP                             = 0x2000000
+	CLONE_NEWIPC                                = 0x8000000
+	CLONE_NEWNET                                = 0x40000000
+	CLONE_NEWNS                                 = 0x20000
+	CLONE_NEWPID                                = 0x20000000
+	CLONE_NEWUSER                               = 0x10000000
+	CLONE_NEWUTS                                = 0x4000000
+	CLONE_PARENT                                = 0x8000
+	CLONE_PARENT_SETTID                         = 0x100000
+	CLONE_PIDFD                                 = 0x1000
+	CLONE_PTRACE                                = 0x2000
+	CLONE_SETTLS                                = 0x80000
+	CLONE_SIGHAND                               = 0x800
+	CLONE_SYSVSEM                               = 0x40000
+	CLONE_THREAD                                = 0x10000
+	CLONE_UNTRACED                              = 0x800000
+	CLONE_VFORK                                 = 0x4000
+	CLONE_VM                                    = 0x100
+	CMSPAR                                      = 0x40000000
+	CODA_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0x73757245
+	CR0                                         = 0x0
+	CR1                                         = 0x200
+	CR2                                         = 0x400
+	CR3                                         = 0x600
+	CRAMFS_MAGIC                                = 0x28cd3d45
+	CRDLY                                       = 0x600
+	CREAD                                       = 0x80
+	CRTSCTS                                     = 0x80000000
+	CRYPTO_MAX_NAME                             = 0x40
+	CRYPTO_MSG_MAX                              = 0x15
+	CRYPTO_NR_MSGTYPES                          = 0x6
+	CRYPTO_REPORT_MAXSIZE                       = 0x160
+	CS5                                         = 0x0
+	CS6                                         = 0x10
+	CS7                                         = 0x20
+	CS8                                         = 0x30
+	CSIGNAL                                     = 0xff
+	CSIZE                                       = 0x30
+	CSTART                                      = 0x11
+	CSTATUS                                     = 0x0
+	CSTOP                                       = 0x13
+	CSTOPB                                      = 0x40
+	CSUSP                                       = 0x1a
+	DAXFS_MAGIC                                 = 0x64646178
+	DEBUGFS_MAGIC                               = 0x64626720
+	DEVLINK_CMD_ESWITCH_MODE_GET                = 0x1d
+	DEVLINK_CMD_ESWITCH_MODE_SET                = 0x1e
+	DEVLINK_GENL_MCGRP_CONFIG_NAME              = "config"
+	DEVLINK_GENL_NAME                           = "devlink"
+	DEVLINK_GENL_VERSION                        = 0x1
+	DEVPTS_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0x1cd1
+	DMA_BUF_MAGIC                               = 0x444d4142
+	DT_BLK                                      = 0x6
+	DT_CHR                                      = 0x2
+	DT_DIR                                      = 0x4
+	DT_FIFO                                     = 0x1
+	DT_LNK                                      = 0xa
+	DT_REG                                      = 0x8
+	DT_SOCK                                     = 0xc
+	DT_UNKNOWN                                  = 0x0
+	DT_WHT                                      = 0xe
+	ECHO                                        = 0x8
+	ECHOCTL                                     = 0x200
+	ECHOE                                       = 0x10
+	ECHOK                                       = 0x20
+	ECHOKE                                      = 0x800
+	ECHONL                                      = 0x40
+	ECHOPRT                                     = 0x400
+	ECRYPTFS_SUPER_MAGIC                        = 0xf15f
+	EFD_CLOEXEC                                 = 0x80000
+	EFD_NONBLOCK                                = 0x800
+	EFD_SEMAPHORE                               = 0x1
+	EFIVARFS_MAGIC                              = 0xde5e81e4
+	EFS_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x414a53
+	ENCODING_DEFAULT                            = 0x0
+	ENCODING_FM_MARK                            = 0x3
+	ENCODING_FM_SPACE                           = 0x4
+	ENCODING_MANCHESTER                         = 0x5
+	ENCODING_NRZ                                = 0x1
+	ENCODING_NRZI                               = 0x2
+	EPOLLERR                                    = 0x8
+	EPOLLET                                     = 0x80000000
+	EPOLLEXCLUSIVE                              = 0x10000000
+	EPOLLHUP                                    = 0x10
+	EPOLLIN                                     = 0x1
+	EPOLLMSG                                    = 0x400
+	EPOLLONESHOT                                = 0x40000000
+	EPOLLOUT                                    = 0x4
+	EPOLLPRI                                    = 0x2
+	EPOLLRDBAND                                 = 0x80
+	EPOLLRDHUP                                  = 0x2000
+	EPOLLRDNORM                                 = 0x40
+	EPOLLWAKEUP                                 = 0x20000000
+	EPOLLWRBAND                                 = 0x200
+	EPOLLWRNORM                                 = 0x100
+	EPOLL_CLOEXEC                               = 0x80000
+	EPOLL_CTL_ADD                               = 0x1
+	EPOLL_CTL_DEL                               = 0x2
+	EPOLL_CTL_MOD                               = 0x3
+	EROFS_SUPER_MAGIC_V1                        = 0xe0f5e1e2
+	ETH_P_1588                                  = 0x88f7
+	ETH_P_8021AD                                = 0x88a8
+	ETH_P_8021AH                                = 0x88e7
+	ETH_P_8021Q                                 = 0x8100
+	ETH_P_80221                                 = 0x8917
+	ETH_P_802_2                                 = 0x4
+	ETH_P_802_3                                 = 0x1
+	ETH_P_802_3_MIN                             = 0x600
+	ETH_P_802_EX1                               = 0x88b5
+	ETH_P_AARP                                  = 0x80f3
+	ETH_P_AF_IUCV                               = 0xfbfb
+	ETH_P_ALL                                   = 0x3
+	ETH_P_AOE                                   = 0x88a2
+	ETH_P_ARCNET                                = 0x1a
+	ETH_P_ARP                                   = 0x806
+	ETH_P_ATALK                                 = 0x809b
+	ETH_P_ATMFATE                               = 0x8884
+	ETH_P_ATMMPOA                               = 0x884c
+	ETH_P_AX25                                  = 0x2
+	ETH_P_BATMAN                                = 0x4305
+	ETH_P_BPQ                                   = 0x8ff
+	ETH_P_CAIF                                  = 0xf7
+	ETH_P_CAN                                   = 0xc
+	ETH_P_CANFD                                 = 0xd
+	ETH_P_CONTROL                               = 0x16
+	ETH_P_CUST                                  = 0x6006
+	ETH_P_DDCMP                                 = 0x6
+	ETH_P_DEC                                   = 0x6000
+	ETH_P_DIAG                                  = 0x6005
+	ETH_P_DNA_DL                                = 0x6001
+	ETH_P_DNA_RC                                = 0x6002
+	ETH_P_DNA_RT                                = 0x6003
+	ETH_P_DSA                                   = 0x1b
+	ETH_P_DSA_8021Q                             = 0xdadb
+	ETH_P_ECONET                                = 0x18
+	ETH_P_EDSA                                  = 0xdada
+	ETH_P_ERSPAN                                = 0x88be
+	ETH_P_ERSPAN2                               = 0x22eb
+	ETH_P_FCOE                                  = 0x8906
+	ETH_P_FIP                                   = 0x8914
+	ETH_P_HDLC                                  = 0x19
+	ETH_P_HSR                                   = 0x892f
+	ETH_P_IBOE                                  = 0x8915
+	ETH_P_IEEE802154                            = 0xf6
+	ETH_P_IEEEPUP                               = 0xa00
+	ETH_P_IEEEPUPAT                             = 0xa01
+	ETH_P_IFE                                   = 0xed3e
+	ETH_P_IP                                    = 0x800
+	ETH_P_IPV6                                  = 0x86dd
+	ETH_P_IPX                                   = 0x8137
+	ETH_P_IRDA                                  = 0x17
+	ETH_P_LAT                                   = 0x6004
+	ETH_P_LINK_CTL                              = 0x886c
+	ETH_P_LLDP                                  = 0x88cc
+	ETH_P_LOCALTALK                             = 0x9
+	ETH_P_LOOP                                  = 0x60
+	ETH_P_LOOPBACK                              = 0x9000
+	ETH_P_MACSEC                                = 0x88e5
+	ETH_P_MAP                                   = 0xf9
+	ETH_P_MOBITEX                               = 0x15
+	ETH_P_MPLS_MC                               = 0x8848
+	ETH_P_MPLS_UC                               = 0x8847
+	ETH_P_MVRP                                  = 0x88f5
+	ETH_P_NCSI                                  = 0x88f8
+	ETH_P_NSH                                   = 0x894f
+	ETH_P_PAE                                   = 0x888e
+	ETH_P_PAUSE                                 = 0x8808
+	ETH_P_PHONET                                = 0xf5
+	ETH_P_PPPTALK                               = 0x10
+	ETH_P_PPP_DISC                              = 0x8863
+	ETH_P_PPP_MP                                = 0x8
+	ETH_P_PPP_SES                               = 0x8864
+	ETH_P_PREAUTH                               = 0x88c7
+	ETH_P_PRP                                   = 0x88fb
+	ETH_P_PUP                                   = 0x200
+	ETH_P_PUPAT                                 = 0x201
+	ETH_P_QINQ1                                 = 0x9100
+	ETH_P_QINQ2                                 = 0x9200
+	ETH_P_QINQ3                                 = 0x9300
+	ETH_P_RARP                                  = 0x8035
+	ETH_P_SCA                                   = 0x6007
+	ETH_P_SLOW                                  = 0x8809
+	ETH_P_SNAP                                  = 0x5
+	ETH_P_TDLS                                  = 0x890d
+	ETH_P_TEB                                   = 0x6558
+	ETH_P_TIPC                                  = 0x88ca
+	ETH_P_TRAILER                               = 0x1c
+	ETH_P_TR_802_2                              = 0x11
+	ETH_P_TSN                                   = 0x22f0
+	ETH_P_WAN_PPP                               = 0x7
+	ETH_P_WCCP                                  = 0x883e
+	ETH_P_X25                                   = 0x805
+	ETH_P_XDSA                                  = 0xf8
+	EXABYTE_ENABLE_NEST                         = 0xf0
+	EXT2_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xef53
+	EXT3_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xef53
+	EXT4_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xef53
+	EXTA                                        = 0xe
+	EXTB                                        = 0xf
+	EXTPROC                                     = 0x10000
+	F2FS_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xf2f52010
+	FALLOC_FL_COLLAPSE_RANGE                    = 0x8
+	FALLOC_FL_INSERT_RANGE                      = 0x20
+	FALLOC_FL_KEEP_SIZE                         = 0x1
+	FALLOC_FL_NO_HIDE_STALE                     = 0x4
+	FALLOC_FL_PUNCH_HOLE                        = 0x2
+	FALLOC_FL_UNSHARE_RANGE                     = 0x40
+	FALLOC_FL_ZERO_RANGE                        = 0x10
+	FANOTIFY_METADATA_VERSION                   = 0x3
+	FAN_ACCESS                                  = 0x1
+	FAN_ACCESS_PERM                             = 0x20000
+	FAN_ALLOW                                   = 0x1
+	FAN_ALL_CLASS_BITS                          = 0xc
+	FAN_ALL_EVENTS                              = 0x3b
+	FAN_ALL_INIT_FLAGS                          = 0x3f
+	FAN_ALL_MARK_FLAGS                          = 0xff
+	FAN_ALL_OUTGOING_EVENTS                     = 0x3403b
+	FAN_ALL_PERM_EVENTS                         = 0x30000
+	FAN_ATTRIB                                  = 0x4
+	FAN_AUDIT                                   = 0x10
+	FAN_CLASS_CONTENT                           = 0x4
+	FAN_CLASS_NOTIF                             = 0x0
+	FAN_CLASS_PRE_CONTENT                       = 0x8
+	FAN_CLOEXEC                                 = 0x1
+	FAN_CLOSE                                   = 0x18
+	FAN_CLOSE_NOWRITE                           = 0x10
+	FAN_CLOSE_WRITE                             = 0x8
+	FAN_CREATE                                  = 0x100
+	FAN_DELETE                                  = 0x200
+	FAN_DELETE_SELF                             = 0x400
+	FAN_DENY                                    = 0x2
+	FAN_ENABLE_AUDIT                            = 0x40
+	FAN_EVENT_INFO_TYPE_FID                     = 0x1
+	FAN_EVENT_METADATA_LEN                      = 0x18
+	FAN_EVENT_ON_CHILD                          = 0x8000000
+	FAN_MARK_ADD                                = 0x1
+	FAN_MARK_DONT_FOLLOW                        = 0x4
+	FAN_MARK_FILESYSTEM                         = 0x100
+	FAN_MARK_FLUSH                              = 0x80
+	FAN_MARK_IGNORED_MASK                       = 0x20
+	FAN_MARK_IGNORED_SURV_MODIFY                = 0x40
+	FAN_MARK_INODE                              = 0x0
+	FAN_MARK_MOUNT                              = 0x10
+	FAN_MARK_ONLYDIR                            = 0x8
+	FAN_MARK_REMOVE                             = 0x2
+	FAN_MODIFY                                  = 0x2
+	FAN_MOVE                                    = 0xc0
+	FAN_MOVED_FROM                              = 0x40
+	FAN_MOVED_TO                                = 0x80
+	FAN_MOVE_SELF                               = 0x800
+	FAN_NOFD                                    = -0x1
+	FAN_NONBLOCK                                = 0x2
+	FAN_ONDIR                                   = 0x40000000
+	FAN_OPEN                                    = 0x20
+	FAN_OPEN_EXEC                               = 0x1000
+	FAN_OPEN_EXEC_PERM                          = 0x40000
+	FAN_OPEN_PERM                               = 0x10000
+	FAN_Q_OVERFLOW                              = 0x4000
+	FAN_REPORT_FID                              = 0x200
+	FAN_REPORT_TID                              = 0x100
+	FAN_UNLIMITED_MARKS                         = 0x20
+	FAN_UNLIMITED_QUEUE                         = 0x10
+	FD_CLOEXEC                                  = 0x1
+	FD_SETSIZE                                  = 0x400
+	FF0                                         = 0x0
+	FF1                                         = 0x8000
+	FFDLY                                       = 0x8000
+	FLUSHO                                      = 0x1000
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE                 = 0x8
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_DESC_PREFIX                     = "fscrypt:"
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_DESC_PREFIX_SIZE                = 0x8
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_IDENTIFIER_SIZE                 = 0x10
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_STATUS_ABSENT                   = 0x1
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_STATUS_PRESENT                  = 0x2
+	FSCRYPT_MAX_KEY_SIZE                        = 0x40
+	FSCRYPT_MODE_ADIANTUM                       = 0x9
+	FSCRYPT_MODE_AES_128_CBC                    = 0x5
+	FSCRYPT_MODE_AES_128_CTS                    = 0x6
+	FSCRYPT_MODE_AES_256_CTS                    = 0x4
+	FSCRYPT_MODE_AES_256_XTS                    = 0x1
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_16                 = 0x2
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_32                 = 0x3
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_4                  = 0x0
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_8                  = 0x1
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_MASK               = 0x3
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_VALID                  = 0x7
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_V1                           = 0x0
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_V2                           = 0x2
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_ADIANTUM                 = 0x9
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_128_CBC              = 0x5
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_128_CTS              = 0x6
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_CBC              = 0x3
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_CTS              = 0x4
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_GCM              = 0x2
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_XTS              = 0x1
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_INVALID                  = 0x0
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_SPECK128_256_CTS         = 0x8
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_SPECK128_256_XTS         = 0x7
+	FS_IOC_ADD_ENCRYPTION_KEY                   = 0xc0506617
+	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_KEY_STATUS            = 0xc080661a
+	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY                = 0x400c6615
+	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY_EX             = 0xc0096616
+	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_PWSALT                = 0x40106614
+	FS_IOC_REMOVE_ENCRYPTION_KEY                = 0xc0406618
+	FS_IOC_SET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY                = 0x800c6613
+	FS_KEY_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE                      = 0x8
+	FS_KEY_DESC_PREFIX                          = "fscrypt:"
+	FS_KEY_DESC_PREFIX_SIZE                     = 0x8
+	FS_MAX_KEY_SIZE                             = 0x40
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_16                      = 0x2
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_32                      = 0x3
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_4                       = 0x0
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_8                       = 0x1
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_MASK                    = 0x3
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_VALID                       = 0x7
+	FUTEXFS_SUPER_MAGIC                         = 0xbad1dea
+	F_ADD_SEALS                                 = 0x409
+	F_DUPFD                                     = 0x0
+	F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC                             = 0x406
+	F_EXLCK                                     = 0x4
+	F_GETFD                                     = 0x1
+	F_GETFL                                     = 0x3
+	F_GETLEASE                                  = 0x401
+	F_GETLK                                     = 0x5
+	F_GETLK64                                   = 0x5
+	F_GETOWN                                    = 0x9
+	F_GETOWN_EX                                 = 0x10
+	F_GETPIPE_SZ                                = 0x408
+	F_GETSIG                                    = 0xb
+	F_GET_FILE_RW_HINT                          = 0x40d
+	F_GET_RW_HINT                               = 0x40b
+	F_GET_SEALS                                 = 0x40a
+	F_LOCK                                      = 0x1
+	F_NOTIFY                                    = 0x402
+	F_OFD_GETLK                                 = 0x24
+	F_OFD_SETLK                                 = 0x25
+	F_OFD_SETLKW                                = 0x26
+	F_OK                                        = 0x0
+	F_RDLCK                                     = 0x0
+	F_SEAL_FUTURE_WRITE                         = 0x10
+	F_SEAL_GROW                                 = 0x4
+	F_SEAL_SEAL                                 = 0x1
+	F_SEAL_SHRINK                               = 0x2
+	F_SEAL_WRITE                                = 0x8
+	F_SETFD                                     = 0x2
+	F_SETFL                                     = 0x4
+	F_SETLEASE                                  = 0x400
+	F_SETLK                                     = 0x6
+	F_SETLK64                                   = 0x6
+	F_SETLKW                                    = 0x7
+	F_SETLKW64                                  = 0x7
+	F_SETOWN                                    = 0x8
+	F_SETOWN_EX                                 = 0xf
+	F_SETPIPE_SZ                                = 0x407
+	F_SETSIG                                    = 0xa
+	F_SET_FILE_RW_HINT                          = 0x40e
+	F_SET_RW_HINT                               = 0x40c
+	F_SHLCK                                     = 0x8
+	F_TEST                                      = 0x3
+	F_TLOCK                                     = 0x2
+	F_ULOCK                                     = 0x0
+	F_UNLCK                                     = 0x2
+	F_WRLCK                                     = 0x1
+	GENL_ADMIN_PERM                             = 0x1
+	GENL_CMD_CAP_DO                             = 0x2
+	GENL_CMD_CAP_DUMP                           = 0x4
+	GENL_CMD_CAP_HASPOL                         = 0x8
+	GENL_HDRLEN                                 = 0x4
+	GENL_ID_CTRL                                = 0x10
+	GENL_ID_PMCRAID                             = 0x12
+	GENL_ID_VFS_DQUOT                           = 0x11
+	GENL_MAX_ID                                 = 0x3ff
+	GENL_MIN_ID                                 = 0x10
+	GENL_NAMSIZ                                 = 0x10
+	GENL_START_ALLOC                            = 0x13
+	GENL_UNS_ADMIN_PERM                         = 0x10
+	GRND_NONBLOCK                               = 0x1
+	GRND_RANDOM                                 = 0x2
+	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD                              = 0x31f
+	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD_AEB                          = 0x31e
+	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD_HDR_SIZE                     = 0x4
+	HDIO_DRIVE_HOB_HDR_SIZE                     = 0x8
+	HDIO_DRIVE_RESET                            = 0x31c
+	HDIO_DRIVE_TASK                             = 0x31e
+	HDIO_DRIVE_TASKFILE                         = 0x31d
+	HDIO_DRIVE_TASK_HDR_SIZE                    = 0x8
+	HDIO_GETGEO                                 = 0x301
+	HDIO_GET_32BIT                              = 0x309
+	HDIO_GET_ACOUSTIC                           = 0x30f
+	HDIO_GET_ADDRESS                            = 0x310
+	HDIO_GET_BUSSTATE                           = 0x31a
+	HDIO_GET_DMA                                = 0x30b
+	HDIO_GET_IDENTITY                           = 0x30d
+	HDIO_GET_KEEPSETTINGS                       = 0x308
+	HDIO_GET_MULTCOUNT                          = 0x304
+	HDIO_GET_NICE                               = 0x30c
+	HDIO_GET_NOWERR                             = 0x30a
+	HDIO_GET_QDMA                               = 0x305
+	HDIO_GET_UNMASKINTR                         = 0x302
+	HDIO_GET_WCACHE                             = 0x30e
+	HDIO_OBSOLETE_IDENTITY                      = 0x307
+	HDIO_SCAN_HWIF                              = 0x328
+	HDIO_SET_32BIT                              = 0x324
+	HDIO_SET_ACOUSTIC                           = 0x32c
+	HDIO_SET_ADDRESS                            = 0x32f
+	HDIO_SET_BUSSTATE                           = 0x32d
+	HDIO_SET_DMA                                = 0x326
+	HDIO_SET_KEEPSETTINGS                       = 0x323
+	HDIO_SET_MULTCOUNT                          = 0x321
+	HDIO_SET_NICE                               = 0x329
+	HDIO_SET_NOWERR                             = 0x325
+	HDIO_SET_PIO_MODE                           = 0x327
+	HDIO_SET_QDMA                               = 0x32e
+	HDIO_SET_UNMASKINTR                         = 0x322
+	HDIO_SET_WCACHE                             = 0x32b
+	HDIO_SET_XFER                               = 0x306
+	HDIO_TRISTATE_HWIF                          = 0x31b
+	HDIO_UNREGISTER_HWIF                        = 0x32a
+	HOSTFS_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0xc0ffee
+	HPFS_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xf995e849
+	HUGETLBFS_MAGIC                             = 0x958458f6
+	HUPCL                                       = 0x400
+	IBSHIFT                                     = 0x10
+	ICANON                                      = 0x2
+	ICMPV6_FILTER                               = 0x1
+	ICRNL                                       = 0x100
+	IEXTEN                                      = 0x8000
+	IFA_F_DADFAILED                             = 0x8
+	IFA_F_DEPRECATED                            = 0x20
+	IFA_F_HOMEADDRESS                           = 0x10
+	IFA_F_MANAGETEMPADDR                        = 0x100
+	IFA_F_MCAUTOJOIN                            = 0x400
+	IFA_F_NODAD                                 = 0x2
+	IFA_F_NOPREFIXROUTE                         = 0x200
+	IFA_F_OPTIMISTIC                            = 0x4
+	IFA_F_PERMANENT                             = 0x80
+	IFA_F_SECONDARY                             = 0x1
+	IFA_F_STABLE_PRIVACY                        = 0x800
+	IFA_F_TEMPORARY                             = 0x1
+	IFA_F_TENTATIVE                             = 0x40
+	IFA_MAX                                     = 0xa
+	IFF_ALLMULTI                                = 0x200
+	IFF_ATTACH_QUEUE                            = 0x200
+	IFF_AUTOMEDIA                               = 0x4000
+	IFF_BROADCAST                               = 0x2
+	IFF_DEBUG                                   = 0x4
+	IFF_DETACH_QUEUE                            = 0x400
+	IFF_DORMANT                                 = 0x20000
+	IFF_DYNAMIC                                 = 0x8000
+	IFF_ECHO                                    = 0x40000
+	IFF_LOOPBACK                                = 0x8
+	IFF_LOWER_UP                                = 0x10000
+	IFF_MASTER                                  = 0x400
+	IFF_MULTICAST                               = 0x1000
+	IFF_MULTI_QUEUE                             = 0x100
+	IFF_NAPI                                    = 0x10
+	IFF_NAPI_FRAGS                              = 0x20
+	IFF_NOARP                                   = 0x80
+	IFF_NOFILTER                                = 0x1000
+	IFF_NOTRAILERS                              = 0x20
+	IFF_NO_PI                                   = 0x1000
+	IFF_ONE_QUEUE                               = 0x2000
+	IFF_PERSIST                                 = 0x800
+	IFF_POINTOPOINT                             = 0x10
+	IFF_PORTSEL                                 = 0x2000
+	IFF_PROMISC                                 = 0x100
+	IFF_RUNNING                                 = 0x40
+	IFF_SLAVE                                   = 0x800
+	IFF_TAP                                     = 0x2
+	IFF_TUN                                     = 0x1
+	IFF_TUN_EXCL                                = 0x8000
+	IFF_UP                                      = 0x1
+	IFF_VNET_HDR                                = 0x4000
+	IFF_VOLATILE                                = 0x70c5a
+	IFNAMSIZ                                    = 0x10
+	IGNBRK                                      = 0x1
+	IGNCR                                       = 0x80
+	IGNPAR                                      = 0x4
+	IMAXBEL                                     = 0x2000
+	INLCR                                       = 0x40
+	INPCK                                       = 0x10
+	IN_ACCESS                                   = 0x1
+	IN_ALL_EVENTS                               = 0xfff
+	IN_ATTRIB                                   = 0x4
+	IN_CLASSA_HOST                              = 0xffffff
+	IN_CLASSA_MAX                               = 0x80
+	IN_CLASSA_NET                               = 0xff000000
+	IN_CLASSA_NSHIFT                            = 0x18
+	IN_CLASSB_HOST                              = 0xffff
+	IN_CLASSB_MAX                               = 0x10000
+	IN_CLASSB_NET                               = 0xffff0000
+	IN_CLASSB_NSHIFT                            = 0x10
+	IN_CLASSC_HOST                              = 0xff
+	IN_CLASSC_NET                               = 0xffffff00
+	IN_CLASSC_NSHIFT                            = 0x8
+	IN_CLOEXEC                                  = 0x80000
+	IN_CLOSE                                    = 0x18
+	IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE                            = 0x10
+	IN_CLOSE_WRITE                              = 0x8
+	IN_CREATE                                   = 0x100
+	IN_DELETE                                   = 0x200
+	IN_DELETE_SELF                              = 0x400
+	IN_DONT_FOLLOW                              = 0x2000000
+	IN_EXCL_UNLINK                              = 0x4000000
+	IN_IGNORED                                  = 0x8000
+	IN_ISDIR                                    = 0x40000000
+	IN_LOOPBACKNET                              = 0x7f
+	IN_MASK_ADD                                 = 0x20000000
+	IN_MASK_CREATE                              = 0x10000000
+	IN_MODIFY                                   = 0x2
+	IN_MOVE                                     = 0xc0
+	IN_MOVED_FROM                               = 0x40
+	IN_MOVED_TO                                 = 0x80
+	IN_MOVE_SELF                                = 0x800
+	IN_NONBLOCK                                 = 0x800
+	IN_ONESHOT                                  = 0x80000000
+	IN_ONLYDIR                                  = 0x1000000
+	IN_OPEN                                     = 0x20
+	IN_Q_OVERFLOW                               = 0x4000
+	IN_UNMOUNT                                  = 0x2000
+	IOCTL_VM_SOCKETS_GET_LOCAL_CID              = 0x7b9
+	IPPROTO_AH                                  = 0x33
+	IPPROTO_BEETPH                              = 0x5e
+	IPPROTO_COMP                                = 0x6c
+	IPPROTO_DCCP                                = 0x21
+	IPPROTO_DSTOPTS                             = 0x3c
+	IPPROTO_EGP                                 = 0x8
+	IPPROTO_ENCAP                               = 0x62
+	IPPROTO_ESP                                 = 0x32
+	IPPROTO_FRAGMENT                            = 0x2c
+	IPPROTO_GRE                                 = 0x2f
+	IPPROTO_HOPOPTS                             = 0x0
+	IPPROTO_ICMP                                = 0x1
+	IPPROTO_ICMPV6                              = 0x3a
+	IPPROTO_IDP                                 = 0x16
+	IPPROTO_IGMP                                = 0x2
+	IPPROTO_IP                                  = 0x0
+	IPPROTO_IPIP                                = 0x4
+	IPPROTO_IPV6                                = 0x29
+	IPPROTO_MH                                  = 0x87
+	IPPROTO_MPLS                                = 0x89
+	IPPROTO_MTP                                 = 0x5c
+	IPPROTO_NONE                                = 0x3b
+	IPPROTO_PIM                                 = 0x67
+	IPPROTO_PUP                                 = 0xc
+	IPPROTO_RAW                                 = 0xff
+	IPPROTO_ROUTING                             = 0x2b
+	IPPROTO_RSVP                                = 0x2e
+	IPPROTO_SCTP                                = 0x84
+	IPPROTO_TCP                                 = 0x6
+	IPPROTO_TP                                  = 0x1d
+	IPPROTO_UDP                                 = 0x11
+	IPPROTO_UDPLITE                             = 0x88
+	IPV6_2292DSTOPTS                            = 0x4
+	IPV6_2292HOPLIMIT                           = 0x8
+	IPV6_2292HOPOPTS                            = 0x3
+	IPV6_2292PKTINFO                            = 0x2
+	IPV6_2292PKTOPTIONS                         = 0x6
+	IPV6_2292RTHDR                              = 0x5
+	IPV6_ADDRFORM                               = 0x1
+	IPV6_ADDR_PREFERENCES                       = 0x48
+	IPV6_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                         = 0x14
+	IPV6_AUTHHDR                                = 0xa
+	IPV6_AUTOFLOWLABEL                          = 0x46
+	IPV6_CHECKSUM                               = 0x7
+	IPV6_DONTFRAG                               = 0x3e
+	IPV6_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                        = 0x15
+	IPV6_DSTOPTS                                = 0x3b
+	IPV6_FREEBIND                               = 0x4e
+	IPV6_HDRINCL                                = 0x24
+	IPV6_HOPLIMIT                               = 0x34
+	IPV6_HOPOPTS                                = 0x36
+	IPV6_IPSEC_POLICY                           = 0x22
+	IPV6_JOIN_ANYCAST                           = 0x1b
+	IPV6_JOIN_GROUP                             = 0x14
+	IPV6_LEAVE_ANYCAST                          = 0x1c
+	IPV6_LEAVE_GROUP                            = 0x15
+	IPV6_MINHOPCOUNT                            = 0x49
+	IPV6_MTU                                    = 0x18
+	IPV6_MTU_DISCOVER                           = 0x17
+	IPV6_MULTICAST_ALL                          = 0x1d
+	IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS                         = 0x12
+	IPV6_MULTICAST_IF                           = 0x11
+	IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP                         = 0x13
+	IPV6_NEXTHOP                                = 0x9
+	IPV6_ORIGDSTADDR                            = 0x4a
+	IPV6_PATHMTU                                = 0x3d
+	IPV6_PKTINFO                                = 0x32
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_DO                            = 0x2
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_DONT                          = 0x0
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_INTERFACE                     = 0x4
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_OMIT                          = 0x5
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_PROBE                         = 0x3
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_WANT                          = 0x1
+	IPV6_RECVDSTOPTS                            = 0x3a
+	IPV6_RECVERR                                = 0x19
+	IPV6_RECVFRAGSIZE                           = 0x4d
+	IPV6_RECVHOPLIMIT                           = 0x33
+	IPV6_RECVHOPOPTS                            = 0x35
+	IPV6_RECVORIGDSTADDR                        = 0x4a
+	IPV6_RECVPATHMTU                            = 0x3c
+	IPV6_RECVPKTINFO                            = 0x31
+	IPV6_RECVRTHDR                              = 0x38
+	IPV6_RECVTCLASS                             = 0x42
+	IPV6_ROUTER_ALERT                           = 0x16
+	IPV6_ROUTER_ALERT_ISOLATE                   = 0x1e
+	IPV6_RTHDR                                  = 0x39
+	IPV6_RTHDRDSTOPTS                           = 0x37
+	IPV6_RTHDR_LOOSE                            = 0x0
+	IPV6_RTHDR_STRICT                           = 0x1
+	IPV6_RTHDR_TYPE_0                           = 0x0
+	IPV6_RXDSTOPTS                              = 0x3b
+	IPV6_RXHOPOPTS                              = 0x36
+	IPV6_TCLASS                                 = 0x43
+	IPV6_TRANSPARENT                            = 0x4b
+	IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS                           = 0x10
+	IPV6_UNICAST_IF                             = 0x4c
+	IPV6_V6ONLY                                 = 0x1a
+	IPV6_XFRM_POLICY                            = 0x23
+	IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                           = 0x23
+	IP_ADD_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP                    = 0x27
+	IP_BIND_ADDRESS_NO_PORT                     = 0x18
+	IP_BLOCK_SOURCE                             = 0x26
+	IP_CHECKSUM                                 = 0x17
+	IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_LOOP                   = 0x1
+	IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_TTL                    = 0x1
+	IP_DF                                       = 0x4000
+	IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                          = 0x24
+	IP_DROP_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP                   = 0x28
+	IP_FREEBIND                                 = 0xf
+	IP_HDRINCL                                  = 0x3
+	IP_IPSEC_POLICY                             = 0x10
+	IP_MAXPACKET                                = 0xffff
+	IP_MAX_MEMBERSHIPS                          = 0x14
+	IP_MF                                       = 0x2000
+	IP_MINTTL                                   = 0x15
+	IP_MSFILTER                                 = 0x29
+	IP_MSS                                      = 0x240
+	IP_MTU                                      = 0xe
+	IP_MTU_DISCOVER                             = 0xa
+	IP_MULTICAST_ALL                            = 0x31
+	IP_MULTICAST_IF                             = 0x20
+	IP_MULTICAST_LOOP                           = 0x22
+	IP_MULTICAST_TTL                            = 0x21
+	IP_NODEFRAG                                 = 0x16
+	IP_OFFMASK                                  = 0x1fff
+	IP_OPTIONS                                  = 0x4
+	IP_ORIGDSTADDR                              = 0x14
+	IP_PASSSEC                                  = 0x12
+	IP_PKTINFO                                  = 0x8
+	IP_PKTOPTIONS                               = 0x9
+	IP_PMTUDISC                                 = 0xa
+	IP_PMTUDISC_DO                              = 0x2
+	IP_PMTUDISC_DONT                            = 0x0
+	IP_PMTUDISC_INTERFACE                       = 0x4
+	IP_PMTUDISC_OMIT                            = 0x5
+	IP_PMTUDISC_PROBE                           = 0x3
+	IP_PMTUDISC_WANT                            = 0x1
+	IP_RECVERR                                  = 0xb
+	IP_RECVFRAGSIZE                             = 0x19
+	IP_RECVOPTS                                 = 0x6
+	IP_RECVORIGDSTADDR                          = 0x14
+	IP_RECVRETOPTS                              = 0x7
+	IP_RECVTOS                                  = 0xd
+	IP_RECVTTL                                  = 0xc
+	IP_RETOPTS                                  = 0x7
+	IP_RF                                       = 0x8000
+	IP_ROUTER_ALERT                             = 0x5
+	IP_TOS                                      = 0x1
+	IP_TRANSPARENT                              = 0x13
+	IP_TTL                                      = 0x2
+	IP_UNBLOCK_SOURCE                           = 0x25
+	IP_UNICAST_IF                               = 0x32
+	IP_XFRM_POLICY                              = 0x11
+	ISIG                                        = 0x1
+	ISOFS_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x9660
+	ISTRIP                                      = 0x20
+	IUCLC                                       = 0x200
+	IUTF8                                       = 0x4000
+	IXANY                                       = 0x800
+	IXOFF                                       = 0x1000
+	IXON                                        = 0x400
+	JFFS2_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x72b6
+	KEXEC_ARCH_386                              = 0x30000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_68K                              = 0x40000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_AARCH64                          = 0xb70000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_ARM                              = 0x280000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_DEFAULT                          = 0x0
+	KEXEC_ARCH_IA_64                            = 0x320000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_MASK                             = 0xffff0000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_MIPS                             = 0x80000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_MIPS_LE                          = 0xa0000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_PARISC                           = 0xf0000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_PPC                              = 0x140000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_PPC64                            = 0x150000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_S390                             = 0x160000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_SH                               = 0x2a0000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_X86_64                           = 0x3e0000
+	KEXEC_FILE_NO_INITRAMFS                     = 0x4
+	KEXEC_FILE_ON_CRASH                         = 0x2
+	KEXEC_FILE_UNLOAD                           = 0x1
+	KEXEC_ON_CRASH                              = 0x1
+	KEXEC_PRESERVE_CONTEXT                      = 0x2
+	KEXEC_SEGMENT_MAX                           = 0x10
+	KEYCTL_ASSUME_AUTHORITY                     = 0x10
+	KEYCTL_CAPABILITIES                         = 0x1f
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_BIG_KEY                        = 0x10
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_CAPABILITIES                   = 0x1
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_DIFFIE_HELLMAN                 = 0x4
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_INVALIDATE                     = 0x20
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_MOVE                           = 0x80
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_PUBLIC_KEY                     = 0x8
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_RESTRICT_KEYRING               = 0x40
+	KEYCTL_CAPS1_NS_KEYRING_NAME                = 0x1
+	KEYCTL_CAPS1_NS_KEY_TAG                     = 0x2
+	KEYCTL_CHOWN                                = 0x4
+	KEYCTL_CLEAR                                = 0x7
+	KEYCTL_DESCRIBE                             = 0x6
+	KEYCTL_DH_COMPUTE                           = 0x17
+	KEYCTL_GET_KEYRING_ID                       = 0x0
+	KEYCTL_GET_PERSISTENT                       = 0x16
+	KEYCTL_GET_SECURITY                         = 0x11
+	KEYCTL_INSTANTIATE                          = 0xc
+	KEYCTL_INSTANTIATE_IOV                      = 0x14
+	KEYCTL_INVALIDATE                           = 0x15
+	KEYCTL_JOIN_SESSION_KEYRING                 = 0x1
+	KEYCTL_LINK                                 = 0x8
+	KEYCTL_MOVE                                 = 0x1e
+	KEYCTL_MOVE_EXCL                            = 0x1
+	KEYCTL_NEGATE                               = 0xd
+	KEYCTL_PKEY_DECRYPT                         = 0x1a
+	KEYCTL_PKEY_ENCRYPT                         = 0x19
+	KEYCTL_PKEY_QUERY                           = 0x18
+	KEYCTL_PKEY_SIGN                            = 0x1b
+	KEYCTL_PKEY_VERIFY                          = 0x1c
+	KEYCTL_READ                                 = 0xb
+	KEYCTL_REJECT                               = 0x13
+	KEYCTL_RESTRICT_KEYRING                     = 0x1d
+	KEYCTL_REVOKE                               = 0x3
+	KEYCTL_SEARCH                               = 0xa
+	KEYCTL_SESSION_TO_PARENT                    = 0x12
+	KEYCTL_SETPERM                              = 0x5
+	KEYCTL_SET_REQKEY_KEYRING                   = 0xe
+	KEYCTL_SET_TIMEOUT                          = 0xf
+	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_DECRYPT                     = 0x2
+	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_ENCRYPT                     = 0x1
+	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_SIGN                        = 0x4
+	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_VERIFY                      = 0x8
+	KEYCTL_UNLINK                               = 0x9
+	KEYCTL_UPDATE                               = 0x2
+	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_DEFAULT                     = 0x0
+	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_GROUP_KEYRING               = 0x6
+	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_NO_CHANGE                   = -0x1
+	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_USER_KEYRING                = 0x4
+	KEY_SPEC_GROUP_KEYRING                      = -0x6
+	KEY_SPEC_PROCESS_KEYRING                    = -0x2
+	KEY_SPEC_REQKEY_AUTH_KEY                    = -0x7
+	KEY_SPEC_REQUESTOR_KEYRING                  = -0x8
+	KEY_SPEC_SESSION_KEYRING                    = -0x3
+	KEY_SPEC_THREAD_KEYRING                     = -0x1
+	KEY_SPEC_USER_KEYRING                       = -0x4
+	KEY_SPEC_USER_SESSION_KEYRING               = -0x5
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_CAD_OFF                    = 0x0
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_CAD_ON                     = 0x89abcdef
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_HALT                       = 0xcdef0123
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_KEXEC                      = 0x45584543
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_POWER_OFF                  = 0x4321fedc
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_RESTART                    = 0x1234567
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_RESTART2                   = 0xa1b2c3d4
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_SW_SUSPEND                 = 0xd000fce2
+	LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC1                         = 0xfee1dead
+	LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC2                         = 0x28121969
+	LOCK_EX                                     = 0x2
+	LOCK_NB                                     = 0x4
+	LOCK_SH                                     = 0x1
+	LOCK_UN                                     = 0x8
+	LOOP_CLR_FD                                 = 0x4c01
+	LOOP_CTL_ADD                                = 0x4c80
+	LOOP_CTL_GET_FREE                           = 0x4c82
+	LOOP_CTL_REMOVE                             = 0x4c81
+	LOOP_GET_STATUS                             = 0x4c03
+	LOOP_GET_STATUS64                           = 0x4c05
+	LOOP_SET_BLOCK_SIZE                         = 0x4c09
+	LOOP_SET_CAPACITY                           = 0x4c07
+	LOOP_SET_DIRECT_IO                          = 0x4c08
+	LOOP_SET_FD                                 = 0x4c00
+	LOOP_SET_STATUS                             = 0x4c02
+	LOOP_SET_STATUS64                           = 0x4c04
+	LO_KEY_SIZE                                 = 0x20
+	LO_NAME_SIZE                                = 0x40
+	MADV_DODUMP                                 = 0x11
+	MADV_DOFORK                                 = 0xb
+	MADV_DONTDUMP                               = 0x10
+	MADV_DONTFORK                               = 0xa
+	MADV_DONTNEED                               = 0x4
+	MADV_FREE                                   = 0x8
+	MADV_HUGEPAGE                               = 0xe
+	MADV_HWPOISON                               = 0x64
+	MADV_KEEPONFORK                             = 0x13
+	MADV_MERGEABLE                              = 0xc
+	MADV_NOHUGEPAGE                             = 0xf
+	MADV_NORMAL                                 = 0x0
+	MADV_RANDOM                                 = 0x1
+	MADV_REMOVE                                 = 0x9
+	MADV_SEQUENTIAL                             = 0x2
+	MADV_UNMERGEABLE                            = 0xd
+	MADV_WILLNEED                               = 0x3
+	MADV_WIPEONFORK                             = 0x12
+	MAP_ANON                                    = 0x20
+	MAP_ANONYMOUS                               = 0x20
+	MAP_DENYWRITE                               = 0x800
+	MAP_EXECUTABLE                              = 0x1000
+	MAP_FILE                                    = 0x0
+	MAP_FIXED                                   = 0x10
+	MAP_FIXED_NOREPLACE                         = 0x100000
+	MAP_GROWSDOWN                               = 0x100
+	MAP_HUGETLB                                 = 0x40000
+	MAP_HUGE_MASK                               = 0x3f
+	MAP_HUGE_SHIFT                              = 0x1a
+	MAP_LOCKED                                  = 0x2000
+	MAP_NONBLOCK                                = 0x10000
+	MAP_NORESERVE                               = 0x4000
+	MAP_POPULATE                                = 0x8000
+	MAP_PRIVATE                                 = 0x2
+	MAP_SHARED                                  = 0x1
+	MAP_SHARED_VALIDATE                         = 0x3
+	MAP_STACK                                   = 0x20000
+	MAP_SYNC                                    = 0x80000
+	MAP_TYPE                                    = 0xf
+	MCAST_BLOCK_SOURCE                          = 0x2b
+	MCAST_EXCLUDE                               = 0x0
+	MCAST_INCLUDE                               = 0x1
+	MCAST_JOIN_GROUP                            = 0x2a
+	MCAST_JOIN_SOURCE_GROUP                     = 0x2e
+	MCAST_LEAVE_GROUP                           = 0x2d
+	MCAST_LEAVE_SOURCE_GROUP                    = 0x2f
+	MCAST_MSFILTER                              = 0x30
+	MCAST_UNBLOCK_SOURCE                        = 0x2c
+	MCL_CURRENT                                 = 0x1
+	MCL_FUTURE                                  = 0x2
+	MCL_ONFAULT                                 = 0x4
+	MFD_ALLOW_SEALING                           = 0x2
+	MFD_CLOEXEC                                 = 0x1
+	MFD_HUGETLB                                 = 0x4
+	MFD_HUGE_16GB                               = -0x78000000
+	MFD_HUGE_16MB                               = 0x60000000
+	MFD_HUGE_1GB                                = 0x78000000
+	MFD_HUGE_1MB                                = 0x50000000
+	MFD_HUGE_256MB                              = 0x70000000
+	MFD_HUGE_2GB                                = 0x7c000000
+	MFD_HUGE_2MB                                = 0x54000000
+	MFD_HUGE_32MB                               = 0x64000000
+	MFD_HUGE_512KB                              = 0x4c000000
+	MFD_HUGE_512MB                              = 0x74000000
+	MFD_HUGE_64KB                               = 0x40000000
+	MFD_HUGE_8MB                                = 0x5c000000
+	MFD_HUGE_MASK                               = 0x3f
+	MFD_HUGE_SHIFT                              = 0x1a
+	MINIX2_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0x2468
+	MINIX2_SUPER_MAGIC2                         = 0x2478
+	MINIX3_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0x4d5a
+	MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x137f
+	MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC2                          = 0x138f
+	MNT_DETACH                                  = 0x2
+	MNT_EXPIRE                                  = 0x4
+	MNT_FORCE                                   = 0x1
+	MODULE_INIT_IGNORE_VERMAGIC                 = 0x2
+	MSDOS_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x4d44
+	MSG_BATCH                                   = 0x40000
+	MSG_CMSG_CLOEXEC                            = 0x40000000
+	MSG_CONFIRM                                 = 0x800
+	MSG_CTRUNC                                  = 0x8
+	MSG_DONTROUTE                               = 0x4
+	MSG_DONTWAIT                                = 0x40
+	MSG_EOR                                     = 0x80
+	MSG_ERRQUEUE                                = 0x2000
+	MSG_FASTOPEN                                = 0x20000000
+	MSG_FIN                                     = 0x200
+	MSG_MORE                                    = 0x8000
+	MSG_NOSIGNAL                                = 0x4000
+	MSG_OOB                                     = 0x1
+	MSG_PEEK                                    = 0x2
+	MSG_PROXY                                   = 0x10
+	MSG_RST                                     = 0x1000
+	MSG_SYN                                     = 0x400
+	MSG_TRUNC                                   = 0x20
+	MSG_TRYHARD                                 = 0x4
+	MSG_WAITALL                                 = 0x100
+	MSG_WAITFORONE                              = 0x10000
+	MSG_ZEROCOPY                                = 0x4000000
+	MS_ACTIVE                                   = 0x40000000
+	MS_ASYNC                                    = 0x1
+	MS_BIND                                     = 0x1000
+	MS_BORN                                     = 0x20000000
+	MS_DIRSYNC                                  = 0x80
+	MS_INVALIDATE                               = 0x2
+	MS_I_VERSION                                = 0x800000
+	MS_KERNMOUNT                                = 0x400000
+	MS_LAZYTIME                                 = 0x2000000
+	MS_MANDLOCK                                 = 0x40
+	MS_MGC_MSK                                  = 0xffff0000
+	MS_MGC_VAL                                  = 0xc0ed0000
+	MS_MOVE                                     = 0x2000
+	MS_NOATIME                                  = 0x400
+	MS_NODEV                                    = 0x4
+	MS_NODIRATIME                               = 0x800
+	MS_NOEXEC                                   = 0x8
+	MS_NOREMOTELOCK                             = 0x8000000
+	MS_NOSEC                                    = 0x10000000
+	MS_NOSUID                                   = 0x2
+	MS_NOUSER                                   = -0x80000000
+	MS_POSIXACL                                 = 0x10000
+	MS_PRIVATE                                  = 0x40000
+	MS_RDONLY                                   = 0x1
+	MS_REC                                      = 0x4000
+	MS_RELATIME                                 = 0x200000
+	MS_REMOUNT                                  = 0x20
+	MS_RMT_MASK                                 = 0x2800051
+	MS_SHARED                                   = 0x100000
+	MS_SILENT                                   = 0x8000
+	MS_SLAVE                                    = 0x80000
+	MS_STRICTATIME                              = 0x1000000
+	MS_SUBMOUNT                                 = 0x4000000
+	MS_SYNC                                     = 0x4
+	MS_SYNCHRONOUS                              = 0x10
+	MS_UNBINDABLE                               = 0x20000
+	MS_VERBOSE                                  = 0x8000
+	MTD_INODE_FS_MAGIC                          = 0x11307854
+	NAME_MAX                                    = 0xff
+	NCP_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x564c
+	NETLINK_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                      = 0x1
+	NETLINK_AUDIT                               = 0x9
+	NETLINK_BROADCAST_ERROR                     = 0x4
+	NETLINK_CAP_ACK                             = 0xa
+	NETLINK_CONNECTOR                           = 0xb
+	NETLINK_CRYPTO                              = 0x15
+	NETLINK_DNRTMSG                             = 0xe
+	NETLINK_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                     = 0x2
+	NETLINK_ECRYPTFS                            = 0x13
+	NETLINK_EXT_ACK                             = 0xb
+	NETLINK_FIB_LOOKUP                          = 0xa
+	NETLINK_FIREWALL                            = 0x3
+	NETLINK_GENERIC                             = 0x10
+	NETLINK_GET_STRICT_CHK                      = 0xc
+	NETLINK_INET_DIAG                           = 0x4
+	NETLINK_IP6_FW                              = 0xd
+	NETLINK_ISCSI                               = 0x8
+	NETLINK_KOBJECT_UEVENT                      = 0xf
+	NETLINK_LISTEN_ALL_NSID                     = 0x8
+	NETLINK_LIST_MEMBERSHIPS                    = 0x9
+	NETLINK_NETFILTER                           = 0xc
+	NETLINK_NFLOG                               = 0x5
+	NETLINK_NO_ENOBUFS                          = 0x5
+	NETLINK_PKTINFO                             = 0x3
+	NETLINK_RDMA                                = 0x14
+	NETLINK_ROUTE                               = 0x0
+	NETLINK_RX_RING                             = 0x6
+	NETLINK_SCSITRANSPORT                       = 0x12
+	NETLINK_SELINUX                             = 0x7
+	NETLINK_SMC                                 = 0x16
+	NETLINK_SOCK_DIAG                           = 0x4
+	NETLINK_TX_RING                             = 0x7
+	NETLINK_UNUSED                              = 0x1
+	NETLINK_USERSOCK                            = 0x2
+	NETLINK_XFRM                                = 0x6
+	NETNSA_MAX                                  = 0x5
+	NETNSA_NSID_NOT_ASSIGNED                    = -0x1
+	NFDBITS                                     = 0x40
+	NFNETLINK_V0                                = 0x0
+	NFNLGRP_ACCT_QUOTA                          = 0x8
+	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_DESTROY                   = 0x3
+	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_EXP_NEW                   = 0x4
+	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_EXP_UPDATE                = 0x5
+	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_NEW                       = 0x1
+	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_UPDATE                    = 0x2
+	NFNLGRP_MAX                                 = 0x9
+	NFNLGRP_NFTABLES                            = 0x7
+	NFNLGRP_NFTRACE                             = 0x9
+	NFNLGRP_NONE                                = 0x0
+	NFNL_BATCH_MAX                              = 0x1
+	NFNL_MSG_BATCH_BEGIN                        = 0x10
+	NFNL_MSG_BATCH_END                          = 0x11
+	NFNL_NFA_NEST                               = 0x8000
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_ACCT                            = 0x7
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_COUNT                           = 0xc
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTHELPER                        = 0x9
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTNETLINK                       = 0x1
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTNETLINK_EXP                   = 0x2
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_IPSET                           = 0x6
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_NFTABLES                        = 0xa
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_NFT_COMPAT                      = 0xb
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_NONE                            = 0x0
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_OSF                             = 0x5
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_QUEUE                           = 0x3
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_ULOG                            = 0x4
+	NFS_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x6969
+	NILFS_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x3434
+	NL0                                         = 0x0
+	NL1                                         = 0x100
+	NLA_ALIGNTO                                 = 0x4
+	NLA_F_NESTED                                = 0x8000
+	NLA_F_NET_BYTEORDER                         = 0x4000
+	NLA_HDRLEN                                  = 0x4
+	NLDLY                                       = 0x100
+	NLMSG_ALIGNTO                               = 0x4
+	NLMSG_DONE                                  = 0x3
+	NLMSG_ERROR                                 = 0x2
+	NLMSG_HDRLEN                                = 0x10
+	NLMSG_MIN_TYPE                              = 0x10
+	NLMSG_NOOP                                  = 0x1
+	NLMSG_OVERRUN                               = 0x4
+	NLM_F_ACK                                   = 0x4
+	NLM_F_ACK_TLVS                              = 0x200
+	NLM_F_APPEND                                = 0x800
+	NLM_F_ATOMIC                                = 0x400
+	NLM_F_CAPPED                                = 0x100
+	NLM_F_CREATE                                = 0x400
+	NLM_F_DUMP                                  = 0x300
+	NLM_F_DUMP_FILTERED                         = 0x20
+	NLM_F_DUMP_INTR                             = 0x10
+	NLM_F_ECHO                                  = 0x8
+	NLM_F_EXCL                                  = 0x200
+	NLM_F_MATCH                                 = 0x200
+	NLM_F_MULTI                                 = 0x2
+	NLM_F_NONREC                                = 0x100
+	NLM_F_REPLACE                               = 0x100
+	NLM_F_REQUEST                               = 0x1
+	NLM_F_ROOT                                  = 0x100
+	NOFLSH                                      = 0x80
+	NSFS_MAGIC                                  = 0x6e736673
+	NS_GET_NSTYPE                               = 0xb703
+	NS_GET_OWNER_UID                            = 0xb704
+	NS_GET_PARENT                               = 0xb702
+	NS_GET_USERNS                               = 0xb701
+	OCFS2_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x7461636f
+	OCRNL                                       = 0x8
+	OFDEL                                       = 0x80
+	OFILL                                       = 0x40
+	OLCUC                                       = 0x2
+	ONLCR                                       = 0x4
+	ONLRET                                      = 0x20
+	ONOCR                                       = 0x10
+	OPENPROM_SUPER_MAGIC                        = 0x9fa1
+	OPOST                                       = 0x1
+	OVERLAYFS_SUPER_MAGIC                       = 0x794c7630
+	O_ACCMODE                                   = 0x3
+	O_APPEND                                    = 0x400
+	O_ASYNC                                     = 0x2000
+	O_CLOEXEC                                   = 0x80000
+	O_CREAT                                     = 0x40
+	O_DIRECT                                    = 0x4000
+	O_DIRECTORY                                 = 0x10000
+	O_DSYNC                                     = 0x1000
+	O_EXCL                                      = 0x80
+	O_FSYNC                                     = 0x101000
+	O_LARGEFILE                                 = 0x0
+	O_NDELAY                                    = 0x800
+	O_NOATIME                                   = 0x40000
+	O_NOCTTY                                    = 0x100
+	O_NOFOLLOW                                  = 0x20000
+	O_NONBLOCK                                  = 0x800
+	O_PATH                                      = 0x200000
+	O_RDONLY                                    = 0x0
+	O_RDWR                                      = 0x2
+	O_RSYNC                                     = 0x101000
+	O_SYNC                                      = 0x101000
+	O_TMPFILE                                   = 0x410000
+	O_TRUNC                                     = 0x200
+	O_WRONLY                                    = 0x1
+	PACKET_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                       = 0x1
+	PACKET_AUXDATA                              = 0x8
+	PACKET_BROADCAST                            = 0x1
+	PACKET_COPY_THRESH                          = 0x7
+	PACKET_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                      = 0x2
+	PACKET_FANOUT                               = 0x12
+	PACKET_FANOUT_CBPF                          = 0x6
+	PACKET_FANOUT_CPU                           = 0x2
+	PACKET_FANOUT_DATA                          = 0x16
+	PACKET_FANOUT_EBPF                          = 0x7
+	PACKET_FANOUT_FLAG_DEFRAG                   = 0x8000
+	PACKET_FANOUT_FLAG_ROLLOVER                 = 0x1000
+	PACKET_FANOUT_FLAG_UNIQUEID                 = 0x2000
+	PACKET_FANOUT_HASH                          = 0x0
+	PACKET_FANOUT_LB                            = 0x1
+	PACKET_FANOUT_QM                            = 0x5
+	PACKET_FANOUT_RND                           = 0x4
+	PACKET_FANOUT_ROLLOVER                      = 0x3
+	PACKET_FASTROUTE                            = 0x6
+	PACKET_HDRLEN                               = 0xb
+	PACKET_HOST                                 = 0x0
+	PACKET_IGNORE_OUTGOING                      = 0x17
+	PACKET_KERNEL                               = 0x7
+	PACKET_LOOPBACK                             = 0x5
+	PACKET_LOSS                                 = 0xe
+	PACKET_MR_ALLMULTI                          = 0x2
+	PACKET_MR_MULTICAST                         = 0x0
+	PACKET_MR_PROMISC                           = 0x1
+	PACKET_MR_UNICAST                           = 0x3
+	PACKET_MULTICAST                            = 0x2
+	PACKET_ORIGDEV                              = 0x9
+	PACKET_OTHERHOST                            = 0x3
+	PACKET_OUTGOING                             = 0x4
+	PACKET_QDISC_BYPASS                         = 0x14
+	PACKET_RECV_OUTPUT                          = 0x3
+	PACKET_RESERVE                              = 0xc
+	PACKET_ROLLOVER_STATS                       = 0x15
+	PACKET_RX_RING                              = 0x5
+	PACKET_STATISTICS                           = 0x6
+	PACKET_TIMESTAMP                            = 0x11
+	PACKET_TX_HAS_OFF                           = 0x13
+	PACKET_TX_RING                              = 0xd
+	PACKET_TX_TIMESTAMP                         = 0x10
+	PACKET_USER                                 = 0x6
+	PACKET_VERSION                              = 0xa
+	PACKET_VNET_HDR                             = 0xf
+	PARENB                                      = 0x100
+	PARITY_CRC16_PR0                            = 0x2
+	PARITY_CRC16_PR0_CCITT                      = 0x4
+	PARITY_CRC16_PR1                            = 0x3
+	PARITY_CRC16_PR1_CCITT                      = 0x5
+	PARITY_CRC32_PR0_CCITT                      = 0x6
+	PARITY_CRC32_PR1_CCITT                      = 0x7
+	PARITY_DEFAULT                              = 0x0
+	PARITY_NONE                                 = 0x1
+	PARMRK                                      = 0x8
+	PARODD                                      = 0x200
+	PENDIN                                      = 0x4000
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_DISABLE                      = 0x2401
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_ENABLE                       = 0x2400
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_ID                           = 0x80082407
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_MODIFY_ATTRIBUTES            = 0x4008240b
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_PAUSE_OUTPUT                 = 0x40042409
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_PERIOD                       = 0x40082404
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_QUERY_BPF                    = 0xc008240a
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_REFRESH                      = 0x2402
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_RESET                        = 0x2403
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_BPF                      = 0x40042408
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_FILTER                   = 0x40082406
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_OUTPUT                   = 0x2405
+	PIPEFS_MAGIC                                = 0x50495045
+	PPPIOCATTACH                                = 0x4004743d
+	PPPIOCATTCHAN                               = 0x40047438
+	PPPIOCCONNECT                               = 0x4004743a
+	PPPIOCDETACH                                = 0x4004743c
+	PPPIOCDISCONN                               = 0x7439
+	PPPIOCGASYNCMAP                             = 0x80047458
+	PPPIOCGCHAN                                 = 0x80047437
+	PPPIOCGDEBUG                                = 0x80047441
+	PPPIOCGFLAGS                                = 0x8004745a
+	PPPIOCGIDLE                                 = 0x8010743f
+	PPPIOCGL2TPSTATS                            = 0x80487436
+	PPPIOCGMRU                                  = 0x80047453
+	PPPIOCGNPMODE                               = 0xc008744c
+	PPPIOCGRASYNCMAP                            = 0x80047455
+	PPPIOCGUNIT                                 = 0x80047456
+	PPPIOCGXASYNCMAP                            = 0x80207450
+	PPPIOCNEWUNIT                               = 0xc004743e
+	PPPIOCSACTIVE                               = 0x40107446
+	PPPIOCSASYNCMAP                             = 0x40047457
+	PPPIOCSCOMPRESS                             = 0x4010744d
+	PPPIOCSDEBUG                                = 0x40047440
+	PPPIOCSFLAGS                                = 0x40047459
+	PPPIOCSMAXCID                               = 0x40047451
+	PPPIOCSMRRU                                 = 0x4004743b
+	PPPIOCSMRU                                  = 0x40047452
+	PPPIOCSNPMODE                               = 0x4008744b
+	PPPIOCSPASS                                 = 0x40107447
+	PPPIOCSRASYNCMAP                            = 0x40047454
+	PPPIOCSXASYNCMAP                            = 0x4020744f
+	PPPIOCXFERUNIT                              = 0x744e
+	PRIO_PGRP                                   = 0x1
+	PRIO_PROCESS                                = 0x0
+	PRIO_USER                                   = 0x2
+	PROC_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0x9fa0
+	PROT_EXEC                                   = 0x4
+	PROT_GROWSDOWN                              = 0x1000000
+	PROT_GROWSUP                                = 0x2000000
+	PROT_NONE                                   = 0x0
+	PROT_READ                                   = 0x1
+	PROT_WRITE                                  = 0x2
+	PR_CAPBSET_DROP                             = 0x18
+	PR_CAPBSET_READ                             = 0x17
+	PR_CAP_AMBIENT                              = 0x2f
+	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_CLEAR_ALL                    = 0x4
+	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_IS_SET                       = 0x1
+	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_LOWER                        = 0x3
+	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_RAISE                        = 0x2
+	PR_ENDIAN_BIG                               = 0x0
+	PR_ENDIAN_LITTLE                            = 0x1
+	PR_ENDIAN_PPC_LITTLE                        = 0x2
+	PR_FPEMU_NOPRINT                            = 0x1
+	PR_FPEMU_SIGFPE                             = 0x2
+	PR_FP_EXC_ASYNC                             = 0x2
+	PR_FP_EXC_DISABLED                          = 0x0
+	PR_FP_EXC_DIV                               = 0x10000
+	PR_FP_EXC_INV                               = 0x100000
+	PR_FP_EXC_NONRECOV                          = 0x1
+	PR_FP_EXC_OVF                               = 0x20000
+	PR_FP_EXC_PRECISE                           = 0x3
+	PR_FP_EXC_RES                               = 0x80000
+	PR_FP_EXC_SW_ENABLE                         = 0x80
+	PR_FP_EXC_UND                               = 0x40000
+	PR_FP_MODE_FR                               = 0x1
+	PR_FP_MODE_FRE                              = 0x2
+	PR_GET_CHILD_SUBREAPER                      = 0x25
+	PR_GET_DUMPABLE                             = 0x3
+	PR_GET_ENDIAN                               = 0x13
+	PR_GET_FPEMU                                = 0x9
+	PR_GET_FPEXC                                = 0xb
+	PR_GET_FP_MODE                              = 0x2e
+	PR_GET_KEEPCAPS                             = 0x7
+	PR_GET_NAME                                 = 0x10
+	PR_GET_NO_NEW_PRIVS                         = 0x27
+	PR_GET_PDEATHSIG                            = 0x2
+	PR_GET_SECCOMP                              = 0x15
+	PR_GET_SECUREBITS                           = 0x1b
+	PR_GET_SPECULATION_CTRL                     = 0x34
+	PR_GET_TAGGED_ADDR_CTRL                     = 0x38
+	PR_GET_THP_DISABLE                          = 0x2a
+	PR_GET_TID_ADDRESS                          = 0x28
+	PR_GET_TIMERSLACK                           = 0x1e
+	PR_GET_TIMING                               = 0xd
+	PR_GET_TSC                                  = 0x19
+	PR_GET_UNALIGN                              = 0x5
+	PR_MCE_KILL                                 = 0x21
+	PR_MCE_KILL_CLEAR                           = 0x0
+	PR_MCE_KILL_DEFAULT                         = 0x2
+	PR_MCE_KILL_EARLY                           = 0x1
+	PR_MCE_KILL_GET                             = 0x22
+	PR_MCE_KILL_LATE                            = 0x0
+	PR_MCE_KILL_SET                             = 0x1
+	PR_MPX_DISABLE_MANAGEMENT                   = 0x2c
+	PR_MPX_ENABLE_MANAGEMENT                    = 0x2b
+	PR_PAC_APDAKEY                              = 0x4
+	PR_PAC_APDBKEY                              = 0x8
+	PR_PAC_APGAKEY                              = 0x10
+	PR_PAC_APIAKEY                              = 0x1
+	PR_PAC_APIBKEY                              = 0x2
+	PR_PAC_RESET_KEYS                           = 0x36
+	PR_SET_CHILD_SUBREAPER                      = 0x24
+	PR_SET_DUMPABLE                             = 0x4
+	PR_SET_ENDIAN                               = 0x14
+	PR_SET_FPEMU                                = 0xa
+	PR_SET_FPEXC                                = 0xc
+	PR_SET_FP_MODE                              = 0x2d
+	PR_SET_KEEPCAPS                             = 0x8
+	PR_SET_MM                                   = 0x23
+	PR_SET_MM_ARG_END                           = 0x9
+	PR_SET_MM_ARG_START                         = 0x8
+	PR_SET_MM_AUXV                              = 0xc
+	PR_SET_MM_BRK                               = 0x7
+	PR_SET_MM_END_CODE                          = 0x2
+	PR_SET_MM_END_DATA                          = 0x4
+	PR_SET_MM_ENV_END                           = 0xb
+	PR_SET_MM_ENV_START                         = 0xa
+	PR_SET_MM_EXE_FILE                          = 0xd
+	PR_SET_MM_MAP                               = 0xe
+	PR_SET_MM_MAP_SIZE                          = 0xf
+	PR_SET_MM_START_BRK                         = 0x6
+	PR_SET_MM_START_CODE                        = 0x1
+	PR_SET_MM_START_DATA                        = 0x3
+	PR_SET_MM_START_STACK                       = 0x5
+	PR_SET_NAME                                 = 0xf
+	PR_SET_NO_NEW_PRIVS                         = 0x26
+	PR_SET_PDEATHSIG                            = 0x1
+	PR_SET_PTRACER                              = 0x59616d61
+	PR_SET_PTRACER_ANY                          = 0xffffffffffffffff
+	PR_SET_SECCOMP                              = 0x16
+	PR_SET_SECUREBITS                           = 0x1c
+	PR_SET_SPECULATION_CTRL                     = 0x35
+	PR_SET_TAGGED_ADDR_CTRL                     = 0x37
+	PR_SET_THP_DISABLE                          = 0x29
+	PR_SET_TIMERSLACK                           = 0x1d
+	PR_SET_TIMING                               = 0xe
+	PR_SET_TSC                                  = 0x1a
+	PR_SET_UNALIGN                              = 0x6
+	PR_SPEC_DISABLE                             = 0x4
+	PR_SPEC_DISABLE_NOEXEC                      = 0x10
+	PR_SPEC_ENABLE                              = 0x2
+	PR_SPEC_FORCE_DISABLE                       = 0x8
+	PR_SPEC_INDIRECT_BRANCH                     = 0x1
+	PR_SPEC_NOT_AFFECTED                        = 0x0
+	PR_SPEC_PRCTL                               = 0x1
+	PR_SPEC_STORE_BYPASS                        = 0x0
+	PR_SVE_GET_VL                               = 0x33
+	PR_SVE_SET_VL                               = 0x32
+	PR_SVE_SET_VL_ONEXEC                        = 0x40000
+	PR_SVE_VL_INHERIT                           = 0x20000
+	PR_SVE_VL_LEN_MASK                          = 0xffff
+	PR_TAGGED_ADDR_ENABLE                       = 0x1
+	PR_TASK_PERF_EVENTS_DISABLE                 = 0x1f
+	PR_TASK_PERF_EVENTS_ENABLE                  = 0x20
+	PR_TIMING_STATISTICAL                       = 0x0
+	PR_TIMING_TIMESTAMP                         = 0x1
+	PR_TSC_ENABLE                               = 0x1
+	PR_TSC_SIGSEGV                              = 0x2
+	PR_UNALIGN_NOPRINT                          = 0x1
+	PR_UNALIGN_SIGBUS                           = 0x2
+	PSTOREFS_MAGIC                              = 0x6165676c
+	PTRACE_ATTACH                               = 0x10
+	PTRACE_CONT                                 = 0x7
+	PTRACE_DETACH                               = 0x11
+	PTRACE_EVENTMSG_SYSCALL_EXIT                = 0x2
+	PTRACE_EVENT_CLONE                          = 0x3
+	PTRACE_EVENT_EXEC                           = 0x4
+	PTRACE_EVENT_EXIT                           = 0x6
+	PTRACE_EVENT_FORK                           = 0x1
+	PTRACE_EVENT_SECCOMP                        = 0x7
+	PTRACE_EVENT_STOP                           = 0x80
+	PTRACE_EVENT_VFORK                          = 0x2
+	PTRACE_EVENT_VFORK_DONE                     = 0x5
+	PTRACE_GETEVENTMSG                          = 0x4201
+	PTRACE_GETREGS                              = 0xc
+	PTRACE_GETREGSET                            = 0x4204
+	PTRACE_GETSIGINFO                           = 0x4202
+	PTRACE_GETSIGMASK                           = 0x420a
+	PTRACE_GET_SYSCALL_INFO                     = 0x420e
+	PTRACE_INTERRUPT                            = 0x4207
+	PTRACE_KILL                                 = 0x8
+	PTRACE_LISTEN                               = 0x4208
+	PTRACE_O_EXITKILL                           = 0x100000
+	PTRACE_O_MASK                               = 0x3000ff
+	PTRACE_O_SUSPEND_SECCOMP                    = 0x200000
+	PTRACE_O_TRACECLONE                         = 0x8
+	PTRACE_O_TRACEEXEC                          = 0x10
+	PTRACE_O_TRACEEXIT                          = 0x40
+	PTRACE_O_TRACEFORK                          = 0x2
+	PTRACE_O_TRACESECCOMP                       = 0x80
+	PTRACE_O_TRACESYSGOOD                       = 0x1
+	PTRACE_O_TRACEVFORK                         = 0x4
+	PTRACE_O_TRACEVFORKDONE                     = 0x20
+	PTRACE_PEEKDATA                             = 0x2
+	PTRACE_PEEKSIGINFO                          = 0x4209
+	PTRACE_PEEKSIGINFO_SHARED                   = 0x1
+	PTRACE_PEEKTEXT                             = 0x1
+	PTRACE_PEEKUSR                              = 0x3
+	PTRACE_POKEDATA                             = 0x5
+	PTRACE_POKETEXT                             = 0x4
+	PTRACE_POKEUSR                              = 0x6
+	PTRACE_SECCOMP_GET_FILTER                   = 0x420c
+	PTRACE_SECCOMP_GET_METADATA                 = 0x420d
+	PTRACE_SEIZE                                = 0x4206
+	PTRACE_SETOPTIONS                           = 0x4200
+	PTRACE_SETREGS                              = 0xd
+	PTRACE_SETREGSET                            = 0x4205
+	PTRACE_SETSIGINFO                           = 0x4203
+	PTRACE_SETSIGMASK                           = 0x420b
+	PTRACE_SINGLESTEP                           = 0x9
+	PTRACE_SYSCALL                              = 0x18
+	PTRACE_SYSCALL_INFO_ENTRY                   = 0x1
+	PTRACE_SYSCALL_INFO_EXIT                    = 0x2
+	PTRACE_SYSCALL_INFO_NONE                    = 0x0
+	PTRACE_SYSCALL_INFO_SECCOMP                 = 0x3
+	PTRACE_TRACEME                              = 0x0
+	QNX4_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0x2f
+	QNX6_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0x68191122
+	RAMFS_MAGIC                                 = 0x858458f6
+	RDTGROUP_SUPER_MAGIC                        = 0x7655821
+	REISERFS_SUPER_MAGIC                        = 0x52654973
+	RENAME_EXCHANGE                             = 0x2
+	RENAME_NOREPLACE                            = 0x1
+	RENAME_WHITEOUT                             = 0x4
+	RLIMIT_AS                                   = 0x9
+	RLIMIT_CORE                                 = 0x4
+	RLIMIT_CPU                                  = 0x0
+	RLIMIT_DATA                                 = 0x2
+	RLIMIT_FSIZE                                = 0x1
+	RLIMIT_LOCKS                                = 0xa
+	RLIMIT_MEMLOCK                              = 0x8
+	RLIMIT_MSGQUEUE                             = 0xc
+	RLIMIT_NICE                                 = 0xd
+	RLIMIT_NOFILE                               = 0x7
+	RLIMIT_NPROC                                = 0x6
+	RLIMIT_RSS                                  = 0x5
+	RLIMIT_RTPRIO                               = 0xe
+	RLIMIT_RTTIME                               = 0xf
+	RLIMIT_SIGPENDING                           = 0xb
+	RLIMIT_STACK                                = 0x3
+	RLIM_INFINITY                               = 0xffffffffffffffff
+	RNDADDENTROPY                               = 0x40085203
+	RNDADDTOENTCNT                              = 0x40045201
+	RNDCLEARPOOL                                = 0x5206
+	RNDGETENTCNT                                = 0x80045200
+	RNDGETPOOL                                  = 0x80085202
+	RNDRESEEDCRNG                               = 0x5207
+	RNDZAPENTCNT                                = 0x5204
+	RTAX_ADVMSS                                 = 0x8
+	RTAX_CC_ALGO                                = 0x10
+	RTAX_CWND                                   = 0x7
+	RTAX_FASTOPEN_NO_COOKIE                     = 0x11
+	RTAX_FEATURES                               = 0xc
+	RTAX_FEATURE_ALLFRAG                        = 0x8
+	RTAX_FEATURE_ECN                            = 0x1
+	RTAX_FEATURE_MASK                           = 0xf
+	RTAX_FEATURE_SACK                           = 0x2
+	RTAX_FEATURE_TIMESTAMP                      = 0x4
+	RTAX_HOPLIMIT                               = 0xa
+	RTAX_INITCWND                               = 0xb
+	RTAX_INITRWND                               = 0xe
+	RTAX_LOCK                                   = 0x1
+	RTAX_MAX                                    = 0x11
+	RTAX_MTU                                    = 0x2
+	RTAX_QUICKACK                               = 0xf
+	RTAX_REORDERING                             = 0x9
+	RTAX_RTO_MIN                                = 0xd
+	RTAX_RTT                                    = 0x4
+	RTAX_RTTVAR                                 = 0x5
+	RTAX_SSTHRESH                               = 0x6
+	RTAX_UNSPEC                                 = 0x0
+	RTAX_WINDOW                                 = 0x3
+	RTA_ALIGNTO                                 = 0x4
+	RTA_MAX                                     = 0x1e
+	RTCF_DIRECTSRC                              = 0x4000000
+	RTCF_DOREDIRECT                             = 0x1000000
+	RTCF_LOG                                    = 0x2000000
+	RTCF_MASQ                                   = 0x400000
+	RTCF_NAT                                    = 0x800000
+	RTCF_VALVE                                  = 0x200000
+	RTC_AF                                      = 0x20
+	RTC_AIE_OFF                                 = 0x7002
+	RTC_AIE_ON                                  = 0x7001
+	RTC_ALM_READ                                = 0x80247008
+	RTC_ALM_SET                                 = 0x40247007
+	RTC_EPOCH_READ                              = 0x8008700d
+	RTC_EPOCH_SET                               = 0x4008700e
+	RTC_IRQF                                    = 0x80
+	RTC_IRQP_READ                               = 0x8008700b
+	RTC_IRQP_SET                                = 0x4008700c
+	RTC_MAX_FREQ                                = 0x2000
+	RTC_PF                                      = 0x40
+	RTC_PIE_OFF                                 = 0x7006
+	RTC_PIE_ON                                  = 0x7005
+	RTC_PLL_GET                                 = 0x80207011
+	RTC_PLL_SET                                 = 0x40207012
+	RTC_RD_TIME                                 = 0x80247009
+	RTC_SET_TIME                                = 0x4024700a
+	RTC_UF                                      = 0x10
+	RTC_UIE_OFF                                 = 0x7004
+	RTC_UIE_ON                                  = 0x7003
+	RTC_VL_CLR                                  = 0x7014
+	RTC_VL_READ                                 = 0x80047013
+	RTC_WIE_OFF                                 = 0x7010
+	RTC_WIE_ON                                  = 0x700f
+	RTC_WKALM_RD                                = 0x80287010
+	RTC_WKALM_SET                               = 0x4028700f
+	RTF_ADDRCLASSMASK                           = 0xf8000000
+	RTF_ADDRCONF                                = 0x40000
+	RTF_ALLONLINK                               = 0x20000
+	RTF_BROADCAST                               = 0x10000000
+	RTF_CACHE                                   = 0x1000000
+	RTF_DEFAULT                                 = 0x10000
+	RTF_DYNAMIC                                 = 0x10
+	RTF_FLOW                                    = 0x2000000
+	RTF_GATEWAY                                 = 0x2
+	RTF_HOST                                    = 0x4
+	RTF_INTERFACE                               = 0x40000000
+	RTF_IRTT                                    = 0x100
+	RTF_LINKRT                                  = 0x100000
+	RTF_LOCAL                                   = 0x80000000
+	RTF_MODIFIED                                = 0x20
+	RTF_MSS                                     = 0x40
+	RTF_MTU                                     = 0x40
+	RTF_MULTICAST                               = 0x20000000
+	RTF_NAT                                     = 0x8000000
+	RTF_NOFORWARD                               = 0x1000
+	RTF_NONEXTHOP                               = 0x200000
+	RTF_NOPMTUDISC                              = 0x4000
+	RTF_POLICY                                  = 0x4000000
+	RTF_REINSTATE                               = 0x8
+	RTF_REJECT                                  = 0x200
+	RTF_STATIC                                  = 0x400
+	RTF_THROW                                   = 0x2000
+	RTF_UP                                      = 0x1
+	RTF_WINDOW                                  = 0x80
+	RTF_XRESOLVE                                = 0x800
+	RTM_BASE                                    = 0x10
+	RTM_DELACTION                               = 0x31
+	RTM_DELADDR                                 = 0x15
+	RTM_DELADDRLABEL                            = 0x49
+	RTM_DELCHAIN                                = 0x65
+	RTM_DELLINK                                 = 0x11
+	RTM_DELMDB                                  = 0x55
+	RTM_DELNEIGH                                = 0x1d
+	RTM_DELNETCONF                              = 0x51
+	RTM_DELNEXTHOP                              = 0x69
+	RTM_DELNSID                                 = 0x59
+	RTM_DELQDISC                                = 0x25
+	RTM_DELROUTE                                = 0x19
+	RTM_DELRULE                                 = 0x21
+	RTM_DELTCLASS                               = 0x29
+	RTM_DELTFILTER                              = 0x2d
+	RTM_F_CLONED                                = 0x200
+	RTM_F_EQUALIZE                              = 0x400
+	RTM_F_FIB_MATCH                             = 0x2000
+	RTM_F_LOOKUP_TABLE                          = 0x1000
+	RTM_F_NOTIFY                                = 0x100
+	RTM_F_PREFIX                                = 0x800
+	RTM_GETACTION                               = 0x32
+	RTM_GETADDR                                 = 0x16
+	RTM_GETADDRLABEL                            = 0x4a
+	RTM_GETANYCAST                              = 0x3e
+	RTM_GETCHAIN                                = 0x66
+	RTM_GETDCB                                  = 0x4e
+	RTM_GETLINK                                 = 0x12
+	RTM_GETMDB                                  = 0x56
+	RTM_GETMULTICAST                            = 0x3a
+	RTM_GETNEIGH                                = 0x1e
+	RTM_GETNEIGHTBL                             = 0x42
+	RTM_GETNETCONF                              = 0x52
+	RTM_GETNEXTHOP                              = 0x6a
+	RTM_GETNSID                                 = 0x5a
+	RTM_GETQDISC                                = 0x26
+	RTM_GETROUTE                                = 0x1a
+	RTM_GETRULE                                 = 0x22
+	RTM_GETSTATS                                = 0x5e
+	RTM_GETTCLASS                               = 0x2a
+	RTM_GETTFILTER                              = 0x2e
+	RTM_MAX                                     = 0x6b
+	RTM_NEWACTION                               = 0x30
+	RTM_NEWADDR                                 = 0x14
+	RTM_NEWADDRLABEL                            = 0x48
+	RTM_NEWCACHEREPORT                          = 0x60
+	RTM_NEWCHAIN                                = 0x64
+	RTM_NEWLINK                                 = 0x10
+	RTM_NEWMDB                                  = 0x54
+	RTM_NEWNDUSEROPT                            = 0x44
+	RTM_NEWNEIGH                                = 0x1c
+	RTM_NEWNEIGHTBL                             = 0x40
+	RTM_NEWNETCONF                              = 0x50
+	RTM_NEWNEXTHOP                              = 0x68
+	RTM_NEWNSID                                 = 0x58
+	RTM_NEWPREFIX                               = 0x34
+	RTM_NEWQDISC                                = 0x24
+	RTM_NEWROUTE                                = 0x18
+	RTM_NEWRULE                                 = 0x20
+	RTM_NEWSTATS                                = 0x5c
+	RTM_NEWTCLASS                               = 0x28
+	RTM_NEWTFILTER                              = 0x2c
+	RTM_NR_FAMILIES                             = 0x17
+	RTM_NR_MSGTYPES                             = 0x5c
+	RTM_SETDCB                                  = 0x4f
+	RTM_SETLINK                                 = 0x13
+	RTM_SETNEIGHTBL                             = 0x43
+	RTNH_ALIGNTO                                = 0x4
+	RTNH_COMPARE_MASK                           = 0x19
+	RTNH_F_DEAD                                 = 0x1
+	RTNH_F_LINKDOWN                             = 0x10
+	RTNH_F_OFFLOAD                              = 0x8
+	RTNH_F_ONLINK                               = 0x4
+	RTNH_F_PERVASIVE                            = 0x2
+	RTNH_F_UNRESOLVED                           = 0x20
+	RTN_MAX                                     = 0xb
+	RTPROT_BABEL                                = 0x2a
+	RTPROT_BGP                                  = 0xba
+	RTPROT_BIRD                                 = 0xc
+	RTPROT_BOOT                                 = 0x3
+	RTPROT_DHCP                                 = 0x10
+	RTPROT_DNROUTED                             = 0xd
+	RTPROT_EIGRP                                = 0xc0
+	RTPROT_GATED                                = 0x8
+	RTPROT_ISIS                                 = 0xbb
+	RTPROT_KERNEL                               = 0x2
+	RTPROT_MROUTED                              = 0x11
+	RTPROT_MRT                                  = 0xa
+	RTPROT_NTK                                  = 0xf
+	RTPROT_OSPF                                 = 0xbc
+	RTPROT_RA                                   = 0x9
+	RTPROT_REDIRECT                             = 0x1
+	RTPROT_RIP                                  = 0xbd
+	RTPROT_STATIC                               = 0x4
+	RTPROT_UNSPEC                               = 0x0
+	RTPROT_XORP                                 = 0xe
+	RTPROT_ZEBRA                                = 0xb
+	RT_CLASS_DEFAULT                            = 0xfd
+	RT_CLASS_LOCAL                              = 0xff
+	RT_CLASS_MAIN                               = 0xfe
+	RT_CLASS_MAX                                = 0xff
+	RT_CLASS_UNSPEC                             = 0x0
+	RUSAGE_CHILDREN                             = -0x1
+	RUSAGE_SELF                                 = 0x0
+	RUSAGE_THREAD                               = 0x1
+	SCM_CREDENTIALS                             = 0x2
+	SCM_RIGHTS                                  = 0x1
+	SCM_TIMESTAMP                               = 0x1d
+	SCM_TIMESTAMPING                            = 0x25
+	SCM_TIMESTAMPING_OPT_STATS                  = 0x36
+	SCM_TIMESTAMPING_PKTINFO                    = 0x3a
+	SCM_TIMESTAMPNS                             = 0x23
+	SCM_TXTIME                                  = 0x3d
+	SCM_WIFI_STATUS                             = 0x29
+	SC_LOG_FLUSH                                = 0x100000
+	SECCOMP_MODE_DISABLED                       = 0x0
+	SECCOMP_MODE_FILTER                         = 0x2
+	SECCOMP_MODE_STRICT                         = 0x1
+	SECURITYFS_MAGIC                            = 0x73636673
+	SELINUX_MAGIC                               = 0xf97cff8c
+	SFD_CLOEXEC                                 = 0x80000
+	SFD_NONBLOCK                                = 0x800
+	SHUT_RD                                     = 0x0
+	SHUT_RDWR                                   = 0x2
+	SHUT_WR                                     = 0x1
+	SIOCADDDLCI                                 = 0x8980
+	SIOCADDMULTI                                = 0x8931
+	SIOCADDRT                                   = 0x890b
+	SIOCATMARK                                  = 0x8905
+	SIOCBONDCHANGEACTIVE                        = 0x8995
+	SIOCBONDENSLAVE                             = 0x8990
+	SIOCBONDINFOQUERY                           = 0x8994
+	SIOCBONDRELEASE                             = 0x8991
+	SIOCBONDSETHWADDR                           = 0x8992
+	SIOCBONDSLAVEINFOQUERY                      = 0x8993
+	SIOCBRADDBR                                 = 0x89a0
+	SIOCBRADDIF                                 = 0x89a2
+	SIOCBRDELBR                                 = 0x89a1
+	SIOCBRDELIF                                 = 0x89a3
+	SIOCDARP                                    = 0x8953
+	SIOCDELDLCI                                 = 0x8981
+	SIOCDELMULTI                                = 0x8932
+	SIOCDELRT                                   = 0x890c
+	SIOCDEVPRIVATE                              = 0x89f0
+	SIOCDIFADDR                                 = 0x8936
+	SIOCDRARP                                   = 0x8960
+	SIOCETHTOOL                                 = 0x8946
+	SIOCGARP                                    = 0x8954
+	SIOCGETLINKNAME                             = 0x89e0
+	SIOCGETNODEID                               = 0x89e1
+	SIOCGHWTSTAMP                               = 0x89b1
+	SIOCGIFADDR                                 = 0x8915
+	SIOCGIFBR                                   = 0x8940
+	SIOCGIFBRDADDR                              = 0x8919
+	SIOCGIFCONF                                 = 0x8912
+	SIOCGIFCOUNT                                = 0x8938
+	SIOCGIFDSTADDR                              = 0x8917
+	SIOCGIFENCAP                                = 0x8925
+	SIOCGIFFLAGS                                = 0x8913
+	SIOCGIFHWADDR                               = 0x8927
+	SIOCGIFINDEX                                = 0x8933
+	SIOCGIFMAP                                  = 0x8970
+	SIOCGIFMEM                                  = 0x891f
+	SIOCGIFMETRIC                               = 0x891d
+	SIOCGIFMTU                                  = 0x8921
+	SIOCGIFNAME                                 = 0x8910
+	SIOCGIFNETMASK                              = 0x891b
+	SIOCGIFPFLAGS                               = 0x8935
+	SIOCGIFSLAVE                                = 0x8929
+	SIOCGIFTXQLEN                               = 0x8942
+	SIOCGIFVLAN                                 = 0x8982
+	SIOCGMIIPHY                                 = 0x8947
+	SIOCGMIIREG                                 = 0x8948
+	SIOCGPGRP                                   = 0x8904
+	SIOCGPPPCSTATS                              = 0x89f2
+	SIOCGPPPSTATS                               = 0x89f0
+	SIOCGPPPVER                                 = 0x89f1
+	SIOCGRARP                                   = 0x8961
+	SIOCGSKNS                                   = 0x894c
+	SIOCGSTAMP                                  = 0x8906
+	SIOCGSTAMPNS                                = 0x8907
+	SIOCGSTAMPNS_NEW                            = 0x80108907
+	SIOCGSTAMPNS_OLD                            = 0x8907
+	SIOCGSTAMP_NEW                              = 0x80108906
+	SIOCGSTAMP_OLD                              = 0x8906
+	SIOCINQ                                     = 0x541b
+	SIOCOUTQ                                    = 0x5411
+	SIOCOUTQNSD                                 = 0x894b
+	SIOCPROTOPRIVATE                            = 0x89e0
+	SIOCRTMSG                                   = 0x890d
+	SIOCSARP                                    = 0x8955
+	SIOCSHWTSTAMP                               = 0x89b0
+	SIOCSIFADDR                                 = 0x8916
+	SIOCSIFBR                                   = 0x8941
+	SIOCSIFBRDADDR                              = 0x891a
+	SIOCSIFDSTADDR                              = 0x8918
+	SIOCSIFENCAP                                = 0x8926
+	SIOCSIFFLAGS                                = 0x8914
+	SIOCSIFHWADDR                               = 0x8924
+	SIOCSIFHWBROADCAST                          = 0x8937
+	SIOCSIFLINK                                 = 0x8911
+	SIOCSIFMAP                                  = 0x8971
+	SIOCSIFMEM                                  = 0x8920
+	SIOCSIFMETRIC                               = 0x891e
+	SIOCSIFMTU                                  = 0x8922
+	SIOCSIFNAME                                 = 0x8923
+	SIOCSIFNETMASK                              = 0x891c
+	SIOCSIFPFLAGS                               = 0x8934
+	SIOCSIFSLAVE                                = 0x8930
+	SIOCSIFTXQLEN                               = 0x8943
+	SIOCSIFVLAN                                 = 0x8983
+	SIOCSMIIREG                                 = 0x8949
+	SIOCSPGRP                                   = 0x8902
+	SIOCSRARP                                   = 0x8962
+	SIOCWANDEV                                  = 0x894a
+	SMACK_MAGIC                                 = 0x43415d53
+	SMART_AUTOSAVE                              = 0xd2
+	SMART_AUTO_OFFLINE                          = 0xdb
+	SMART_DISABLE                               = 0xd9
+	SMART_ENABLE                                = 0xd8
+	SMART_HCYL_PASS                             = 0xc2
+	SMART_IMMEDIATE_OFFLINE                     = 0xd4
+	SMART_LCYL_PASS                             = 0x4f
+	SMART_READ_LOG_SECTOR                       = 0xd5
+	SMART_READ_THRESHOLDS                       = 0xd1
+	SMART_READ_VALUES                           = 0xd0
+	SMART_SAVE                                  = 0xd3
+	SMART_STATUS                                = 0xda
+	SMART_WRITE_LOG_SECTOR                      = 0xd6
+	SMART_WRITE_THRESHOLDS                      = 0xd7
+	SMB_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x517b
+	SOCKFS_MAGIC                                = 0x534f434b
+	SOCK_CLOEXEC                                = 0x80000
+	SOCK_DCCP                                   = 0x6
+	SOCK_DGRAM                                  = 0x2
+	SOCK_IOC_TYPE                               = 0x89
+	SOCK_NONBLOCK                               = 0x800
+	SOCK_PACKET                                 = 0xa
+	SOCK_RAW                                    = 0x3
+	SOCK_RDM                                    = 0x4
+	SOCK_SEQPACKET                              = 0x5
+	SOCK_STREAM                                 = 0x1
+	SOL_AAL                                     = 0x109
+	SOL_ALG                                     = 0x117
+	SOL_ATM                                     = 0x108
+	SOL_CAIF                                    = 0x116
+	SOL_CAN_BASE                                = 0x64
+	SOL_DCCP                                    = 0x10d
+	SOL_DECNET                                  = 0x105
+	SOL_ICMPV6                                  = 0x3a
+	SOL_IP                                      = 0x0
+	SOL_IPV6                                    = 0x29
+	SOL_IRDA                                    = 0x10a
+	SOL_IUCV                                    = 0x115
+	SOL_KCM                                     = 0x119
+	SOL_LLC                                     = 0x10c
+	SOL_NETBEUI                                 = 0x10b
+	SOL_NETLINK                                 = 0x10e
+	SOL_NFC                                     = 0x118
+	SOL_PACKET                                  = 0x107
+	SOL_PNPIPE                                  = 0x113
+	SOL_PPPOL2TP                                = 0x111
+	SOL_RAW                                     = 0xff
+	SOL_RDS                                     = 0x114
+	SOL_RXRPC                                   = 0x110
+	SOL_SOCKET                                  = 0x1
+	SOL_TCP                                     = 0x6
+	SOL_TIPC                                    = 0x10f
+	SOL_TLS                                     = 0x11a
+	SOL_X25                                     = 0x106
+	SOL_XDP                                     = 0x11b
+	SOMAXCONN                                   = 0x80
+	SO_ACCEPTCONN                               = 0x1e
+	SO_ATTACH_BPF                               = 0x32
+	SO_ATTACH_FILTER                            = 0x1a
+	SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_CBPF                    = 0x33
+	SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_EBPF                    = 0x34
+	SO_BINDTODEVICE                             = 0x19
+	SO_BINDTOIFINDEX                            = 0x3e
+	SO_BPF_EXTENSIONS                           = 0x30
+	SO_BROADCAST                                = 0x6
+	SO_BSDCOMPAT                                = 0xe
+	SO_BUSY_POLL                                = 0x2e
+	SO_CNX_ADVICE                               = 0x35
+	SO_COOKIE                                   = 0x39
+	SO_DEBUG                                    = 0x1
+	SO_DETACH_BPF                               = 0x1b
+	SO_DETACH_FILTER                            = 0x1b
+	SO_DETACH_REUSEPORT_BPF                     = 0x44
+	SO_DOMAIN                                   = 0x27
+	SO_DONTROUTE                                = 0x5
+	SO_EE_CODE_TXTIME_MISSED                    = 0x2
+	SO_EE_CODE_ZEROCOPY_COPIED                  = 0x1
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_ICMP                           = 0x2
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_ICMP6                          = 0x3
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_LOCAL                          = 0x1
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_NONE                           = 0x0
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_TIMESTAMPING                   = 0x4
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_TXSTATUS                       = 0x4
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_TXTIME                         = 0x6
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_ZEROCOPY                       = 0x5
+	SO_ERROR                                    = 0x4
+	SO_GET_FILTER                               = 0x1a
+	SO_INCOMING_CPU                             = 0x31
+	SO_INCOMING_NAPI_ID                         = 0x38
+	SO_KEEPALIVE                                = 0x9
+	SO_LINGER                                   = 0xd
+	SO_LOCK_FILTER                              = 0x2c
+	SO_MARK                                     = 0x24
+	SO_MAX_PACING_RATE                          = 0x2f
+	SO_MEMINFO                                  = 0x37
+	SO_NOFCS                                    = 0x2b
+	SO_NO_CHECK                                 = 0xb
+	SO_OOBINLINE                                = 0xa
+	SO_PASSCRED                                 = 0x10
+	SO_PASSSEC                                  = 0x22
+	SO_PEEK_OFF                                 = 0x2a
+	SO_PEERCRED                                 = 0x11
+	SO_PEERGROUPS                               = 0x3b
+	SO_PEERNAME                                 = 0x1c
+	SO_PEERSEC                                  = 0x1f
+	SO_PRIORITY                                 = 0xc
+	SO_PROTOCOL                                 = 0x26
+	SO_RCVBUF                                   = 0x8
+	SO_RCVBUFFORCE                              = 0x21
+	SO_RCVLOWAT                                 = 0x12
+	SO_RCVTIMEO                                 = 0x14
+	SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW                             = 0x42
+	SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD                             = 0x14
+	SO_REUSEADDR                                = 0x2
+	SO_REUSEPORT                                = 0xf
+	SO_RXQ_OVFL                                 = 0x28
+	SO_SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION                  = 0x16
+	SO_SELECT_ERR_QUEUE                         = 0x2d
+	SO_SNDBUF                                   = 0x7
+	SO_SNDBUFFORCE                              = 0x20
+	SO_SNDLOWAT                                 = 0x13
+	SO_SNDTIMEO                                 = 0x15
+	SO_SNDTIMEO_NEW                             = 0x43
+	SO_SNDTIMEO_OLD                             = 0x15
+	SO_TIMESTAMP                                = 0x1d
+	SO_TIMESTAMPING                             = 0x25
+	SO_TIMESTAMPING_NEW                         = 0x41
+	SO_TIMESTAMPING_OLD                         = 0x25
+	SO_TIMESTAMPNS                              = 0x23
+	SO_TIMESTAMPNS_NEW                          = 0x40
+	SO_TIMESTAMPNS_OLD                          = 0x23
+	SO_TIMESTAMP_NEW                            = 0x3f
+	SO_TIMESTAMP_OLD                            = 0x1d
+	SO_TXTIME                                   = 0x3d
+	SO_TYPE                                     = 0x3
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE               = 0x2
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_BUFFER_MIN_SIZE               = 0x1
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_BUFFER_SIZE                   = 0x0
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_CONNECT_TIMEOUT               = 0x6
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_NONBLOCK_TXRX                 = 0x7
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_PEER_HOST_VM_ID               = 0x3
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_TRUSTED                       = 0x5
+	SO_WIFI_STATUS                              = 0x29
+	SO_ZEROCOPY                                 = 0x3c
+	SPLICE_F_GIFT                               = 0x8
+	SPLICE_F_MORE                               = 0x4
+	SPLICE_F_MOVE                               = 0x1
+	SPLICE_F_NONBLOCK                           = 0x2
+	SQUASHFS_MAGIC                              = 0x73717368
+	STACK_END_MAGIC                             = 0x57ac6e9d
+	STATX_ALL                                   = 0xfff
+	STATX_ATIME                                 = 0x20
+	STATX_ATTR_APPEND                           = 0x20
+	STATX_ATTR_AUTOMOUNT                        = 0x1000
+	STATX_ATTR_COMPRESSED                       = 0x4
+	STATX_ATTR_ENCRYPTED                        = 0x800
+	STATX_ATTR_IMMUTABLE                        = 0x10
+	STATX_ATTR_NODUMP                           = 0x40
+	STATX_BASIC_STATS                           = 0x7ff
+	STATX_BLOCKS                                = 0x400
+	STATX_BTIME                                 = 0x800
+	STATX_CTIME                                 = 0x80
+	STATX_GID                                   = 0x10
+	STATX_INO                                   = 0x100
+	STATX_MODE                                  = 0x2
+	STATX_MTIME                                 = 0x40
+	STATX_NLINK                                 = 0x4
+	STATX_SIZE                                  = 0x200
+	STATX_TYPE                                  = 0x1
+	STATX_UID                                   = 0x8
+	STATX__RESERVED                             = 0x80000000
+	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WAIT_AFTER                  = 0x4
+	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WAIT_BEFORE                 = 0x1
+	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WRITE                       = 0x2
+	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WRITE_AND_WAIT              = 0x7
+	SYSFS_MAGIC                                 = 0x62656572
+	S_BLKSIZE                                   = 0x200
+	S_IEXEC                                     = 0x40
+	S_IFBLK                                     = 0x6000
+	S_IFCHR                                     = 0x2000
+	S_IFDIR                                     = 0x4000
+	S_IFIFO                                     = 0x1000
+	S_IFLNK                                     = 0xa000
+	S_IFMT                                      = 0xf000
+	S_IFREG                                     = 0x8000
+	S_IFSOCK                                    = 0xc000
+	S_IREAD                                     = 0x100
+	S_IRGRP                                     = 0x20
+	S_IROTH                                     = 0x4
+	S_IRUSR                                     = 0x100
+	S_IRWXG                                     = 0x38
+	S_IRWXO                                     = 0x7
+	S_IRWXU                                     = 0x1c0
+	S_ISGID                                     = 0x400
+	S_ISUID                                     = 0x800
+	S_ISVTX                                     = 0x200
+	S_IWGRP                                     = 0x10
+	S_IWOTH                                     = 0x2
+	S_IWRITE                                    = 0x80
+	S_IWUSR                                     = 0x80
+	S_IXGRP                                     = 0x8
+	S_IXOTH                                     = 0x1
+	S_IXUSR                                     = 0x40
+	TAB0                                        = 0x0
+	TAB1                                        = 0x800
+	TAB2                                        = 0x1000
+	TAB3                                        = 0x1800
+	TABDLY                                      = 0x1800
+	TASKSTATS_CMD_ATTR_MAX                      = 0x4
+	TASKSTATS_CMD_MAX                           = 0x2
+	TASKSTATS_GENL_NAME                         = "TASKSTATS"
+	TASKSTATS_GENL_VERSION                      = 0x1
+	TASKSTATS_TYPE_MAX                          = 0x6
+	TASKSTATS_VERSION                           = 0x9
+	TCFLSH                                      = 0x540b
+	TCGETA                                      = 0x5405
+	TCGETS                                      = 0x5401
+	TCGETS2                                     = 0x802c542a
+	TCGETX                                      = 0x5432
+	TCIFLUSH                                    = 0x0
+	TCIOFF                                      = 0x2
+	TCIOFLUSH                                   = 0x2
+	TCION                                       = 0x3
+	TCOFLUSH                                    = 0x1
+	TCOOFF                                      = 0x0
+	TCOON                                       = 0x1
+	TCP_BPF_IW                                  = 0x3e9
+	TCP_BPF_SNDCWND_CLAMP                       = 0x3ea
+	TCP_CC_INFO                                 = 0x1a
+	TCP_CM_INQ                                  = 0x24
+	TCP_CONGESTION                              = 0xd
+	TCP_COOKIE_IN_ALWAYS                        = 0x1
+	TCP_COOKIE_MAX                              = 0x10
+	TCP_COOKIE_MIN                              = 0x8
+	TCP_COOKIE_OUT_NEVER                        = 0x2
+	TCP_COOKIE_PAIR_SIZE                        = 0x20
+	TCP_COOKIE_TRANSACTIONS                     = 0xf
+	TCP_CORK                                    = 0x3
+	TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT                            = 0x9
+	TCP_FASTOPEN                                = 0x17
+	TCP_FASTOPEN_CONNECT                        = 0x1e
+	TCP_FASTOPEN_KEY                            = 0x21
+	TCP_FASTOPEN_NO_COOKIE                      = 0x22
+	TCP_INFO                                    = 0xb
+	TCP_INQ                                     = 0x24
+	TCP_KEEPCNT                                 = 0x6
+	TCP_KEEPIDLE                                = 0x4
+	TCP_KEEPINTVL                               = 0x5
+	TCP_LINGER2                                 = 0x8
+	TCP_MAXSEG                                  = 0x2
+	TCP_MAXWIN                                  = 0xffff
+	TCP_MAX_WINSHIFT                            = 0xe
+	TCP_MD5SIG                                  = 0xe
+	TCP_MD5SIG_EXT                              = 0x20
+	TCP_MD5SIG_FLAG_PREFIX                      = 0x1
+	TCP_MD5SIG_MAXKEYLEN                        = 0x50
+	TCP_MSS                                     = 0x200
+	TCP_MSS_DEFAULT                             = 0x218
+	TCP_MSS_DESIRED                             = 0x4c4
+	TCP_NODELAY                                 = 0x1
+	TCP_NOTSENT_LOWAT                           = 0x19
+	TCP_QUEUE_SEQ                               = 0x15
+	TCP_QUICKACK                                = 0xc
+	TCP_REPAIR                                  = 0x13
+	TCP_REPAIR_OFF                              = 0x0
+	TCP_REPAIR_OFF_NO_WP                        = -0x1
+	TCP_REPAIR_ON                               = 0x1
+	TCP_REPAIR_OPTIONS                          = 0x16
+	TCP_REPAIR_QUEUE                            = 0x14
+	TCP_REPAIR_WINDOW                           = 0x1d
+	TCP_SAVED_SYN                               = 0x1c
+	TCP_SAVE_SYN                                = 0x1b
+	TCP_SYNCNT                                  = 0x7
+	TCP_S_DATA_IN                               = 0x4
+	TCP_S_DATA_OUT                              = 0x8
+	TCP_THIN_DUPACK                             = 0x11
+	TCP_THIN_LINEAR_TIMEOUTS                    = 0x10
+	TCP_TIMESTAMP                               = 0x18
+	TCP_ULP                                     = 0x1f
+	TCP_USER_TIMEOUT                            = 0x12
+	TCP_WINDOW_CLAMP                            = 0xa
+	TCP_ZEROCOPY_RECEIVE                        = 0x23
+	TCSAFLUSH                                   = 0x2
+	TCSBRK                                      = 0x5409
+	TCSBRKP                                     = 0x5425
+	TCSETA                                      = 0x5406
+	TCSETAF                                     = 0x5408
+	TCSETAW                                     = 0x5407
+	TCSETS                                      = 0x5402
+	TCSETS2                                     = 0x402c542b
+	TCSETSF                                     = 0x5404
+	TCSETSF2                                    = 0x402c542d
+	TCSETSW                                     = 0x5403
+	TCSETSW2                                    = 0x402c542c
+	TCSETX                                      = 0x5433
+	TCSETXF                                     = 0x5434
+	TCSETXW                                     = 0x5435
+	TCXONC                                      = 0x540a
+	TIMER_ABSTIME                               = 0x1
+	TIOCCBRK                                    = 0x5428
+	TIOCCONS                                    = 0x541d
+	TIOCEXCL                                    = 0x540c
+	TIOCGDEV                                    = 0x80045432
+	TIOCGETD                                    = 0x5424
+	TIOCGEXCL                                   = 0x80045440
+	TIOCGICOUNT                                 = 0x545d
+	TIOCGISO7816                                = 0x80285442
+	TIOCGLCKTRMIOS                              = 0x5456
+	TIOCGPGRP                                   = 0x540f
+	TIOCGPKT                                    = 0x80045438
+	TIOCGPTLCK                                  = 0x80045439
+	TIOCGPTN                                    = 0x80045430
+	TIOCGPTPEER                                 = 0x5441
+	TIOCGRS485                                  = 0x542e
+	TIOCGSERIAL                                 = 0x541e
+	TIOCGSID                                    = 0x5429
+	TIOCGSOFTCAR                                = 0x5419
+	TIOCGWINSZ                                  = 0x5413
+	TIOCINQ                                     = 0x541b
+	TIOCLINUX                                   = 0x541c
+	TIOCMBIC                                    = 0x5417
+	TIOCMBIS                                    = 0x5416
+	TIOCMGET                                    = 0x5415
+	TIOCMIWAIT                                  = 0x545c
+	TIOCMSET                                    = 0x5418
+	TIOCM_CAR                                   = 0x40
+	TIOCM_CD                                    = 0x40
+	TIOCM_CTS                                   = 0x20
+	TIOCM_DSR                                   = 0x100
+	TIOCM_DTR                                   = 0x2
+	TIOCM_LE                                    = 0x1
+	TIOCM_RI                                    = 0x80
+	TIOCM_RNG                                   = 0x80
+	TIOCM_RTS                                   = 0x4
+	TIOCM_SR                                    = 0x10
+	TIOCM_ST                                    = 0x8
+	TIOCNOTTY                                   = 0x5422
+	TIOCNXCL                                    = 0x540d
+	TIOCOUTQ                                    = 0x5411
+	TIOCPKT                                     = 0x5420
+	TIOCPKT_DATA                                = 0x0
+	TIOCPKT_DOSTOP                              = 0x20
+	TIOCPKT_FLUSHREAD                           = 0x1
+	TIOCPKT_FLUSHWRITE                          = 0x2
+	TIOCPKT_IOCTL                               = 0x40
+	TIOCPKT_NOSTOP                              = 0x10
+	TIOCPKT_START                               = 0x8
+	TIOCPKT_STOP                                = 0x4
+	TIOCSBRK                                    = 0x5427
+	TIOCSCTTY                                   = 0x540e
+	TIOCSERCONFIG                               = 0x5453
+	TIOCSERGETLSR                               = 0x5459
+	TIOCSERGETMULTI                             = 0x545a
+	TIOCSERGSTRUCT                              = 0x5458
+	TIOCSERGWILD                                = 0x5454
+	TIOCSERSETMULTI                             = 0x545b
+	TIOCSERSWILD                                = 0x5455
+	TIOCSER_TEMT                                = 0x1
+	TIOCSETD                                    = 0x5423
+	TIOCSIG                                     = 0x40045436
+	TIOCSISO7816                                = 0xc0285443
+	TIOCSLCKTRMIOS                              = 0x5457
+	TIOCSPGRP                                   = 0x5410
+	TIOCSPTLCK                                  = 0x40045431
+	TIOCSRS485                                  = 0x542f
+	TIOCSSERIAL                                 = 0x541f
+	TIOCSSOFTCAR                                = 0x541a
+	TIOCSTI                                     = 0x5412
+	TIOCSWINSZ                                  = 0x5414
+	TIOCVHANGUP                                 = 0x5437
+	TIPC_ADDR_ID                                = 0x3
+	TIPC_ADDR_MCAST                             = 0x1
+	TIPC_ADDR_NAME                              = 0x2
+	TIPC_ADDR_NAMESEQ                           = 0x1
+	TIPC_CFG_SRV                                = 0x0
+	TIPC_CLUSTER_BITS                           = 0xc
+	TIPC_CLUSTER_MASK                           = 0xfff000
+	TIPC_CLUSTER_OFFSET                         = 0xc
+	TIPC_CLUSTER_SIZE                           = 0xfff
+	TIPC_CONN_SHUTDOWN                          = 0x5
+	TIPC_CONN_TIMEOUT                           = 0x82
+	TIPC_CRITICAL_IMPORTANCE                    = 0x3
+	TIPC_DESTNAME                               = 0x3
+	TIPC_DEST_DROPPABLE                         = 0x81
+	TIPC_ERRINFO                                = 0x1
+	TIPC_ERR_NO_NAME                            = 0x1
+	TIPC_ERR_NO_NODE                            = 0x3
+	TIPC_ERR_NO_PORT                            = 0x2
+	TIPC_ERR_OVERLOAD                           = 0x4
+	TIPC_GROUP_JOIN                             = 0x87
+	TIPC_GROUP_LEAVE                            = 0x88
+	TIPC_GROUP_LOOPBACK                         = 0x1
+	TIPC_GROUP_MEMBER_EVTS                      = 0x2
+	TIPC_HIGH_IMPORTANCE                        = 0x2
+	TIPC_IMPORTANCE                             = 0x7f
+	TIPC_LINK_STATE                             = 0x2
+	TIPC_LOW_IMPORTANCE                         = 0x0
+	TIPC_MAX_BEARER_NAME                        = 0x20
+	TIPC_MAX_IF_NAME                            = 0x10
+	TIPC_MAX_LINK_NAME                          = 0x44
+	TIPC_MAX_MEDIA_NAME                         = 0x10
+	TIPC_MAX_USER_MSG_SIZE                      = 0x101d0
+	TIPC_MCAST_BROADCAST                        = 0x85
+	TIPC_MCAST_REPLICAST                        = 0x86
+	TIPC_MEDIUM_IMPORTANCE                      = 0x1
+	TIPC_NODEID_LEN                             = 0x10
+	TIPC_NODE_BITS                              = 0xc
+	TIPC_NODE_MASK                              = 0xfff
+	TIPC_NODE_OFFSET                            = 0x0
+	TIPC_NODE_RECVQ_DEPTH                       = 0x83
+	TIPC_NODE_SIZE                              = 0xfff
+	TIPC_NODE_STATE                             = 0x0
+	TIPC_OK                                     = 0x0
+	TIPC_PUBLISHED                              = 0x1
+	TIPC_RESERVED_TYPES                         = 0x40
+	TIPC_RETDATA                                = 0x2
+	TIPC_SERVICE_ADDR                           = 0x2
+	TIPC_SERVICE_RANGE                          = 0x1
+	TIPC_SOCKET_ADDR                            = 0x3
+	TIPC_SOCK_RECVQ_DEPTH                       = 0x84
+	TIPC_SOCK_RECVQ_USED                        = 0x89
+	TIPC_SRC_DROPPABLE                          = 0x80
+	TIPC_SUBSCR_TIMEOUT                         = 0x3
+	TIPC_SUB_CANCEL                             = 0x4
+	TIPC_SUB_PORTS                              = 0x1
+	TIPC_SUB_SERVICE                            = 0x2
+	TIPC_TOP_SRV                                = 0x1
+	TIPC_WAIT_FOREVER                           = 0xffffffff
+	TIPC_WITHDRAWN                              = 0x2
+	TIPC_ZONE_BITS                              = 0x8
+	TIPC_ZONE_CLUSTER_MASK                      = 0xfffff000
+	TIPC_ZONE_MASK                              = 0xff000000
+	TIPC_ZONE_OFFSET                            = 0x18
+	TIPC_ZONE_SCOPE                             = 0x1
+	TIPC_ZONE_SIZE                              = 0xff
+	TMPFS_MAGIC                                 = 0x1021994
+	TOSTOP                                      = 0x100
+	TPACKET_ALIGNMENT                           = 0x10
+	TPACKET_HDRLEN                              = 0x34
+	TP_STATUS_AVAILABLE                         = 0x0
+	TP_STATUS_BLK_TMO                           = 0x20
+	TP_STATUS_COPY                              = 0x2
+	TP_STATUS_CSUMNOTREADY                      = 0x8
+	TP_STATUS_CSUM_VALID                        = 0x80
+	TP_STATUS_KERNEL                            = 0x0
+	TP_STATUS_LOSING                            = 0x4
+	TP_STATUS_SENDING                           = 0x2
+	TP_STATUS_SEND_REQUEST                      = 0x1
+	TP_STATUS_TS_RAW_HARDWARE                   = 0x80000000
+	TP_STATUS_TS_SOFTWARE                       = 0x20000000
+	TP_STATUS_TS_SYS_HARDWARE                   = 0x40000000
+	TP_STATUS_USER                              = 0x1
+	TP_STATUS_VLAN_TPID_VALID                   = 0x40
+	TP_STATUS_VLAN_VALID                        = 0x10
+	TP_STATUS_WRONG_FORMAT                      = 0x4
+	TRACEFS_MAGIC                               = 0x74726163
+	TS_COMM_LEN                                 = 0x20
+	TUNATTACHFILTER                             = 0x401054d5
+	TUNDETACHFILTER                             = 0x401054d6
+	TUNGETDEVNETNS                              = 0x54e3
+	TUNGETFEATURES                              = 0x800454cf
+	TUNGETFILTER                                = 0x801054db
+	TUNGETIFF                                   = 0x800454d2
+	TUNGETSNDBUF                                = 0x800454d3
+	TUNGETVNETBE                                = 0x800454df
+	TUNGETVNETHDRSZ                             = 0x800454d7
+	TUNGETVNETLE                                = 0x800454dd
+	TUNSETCARRIER                               = 0x400454e2
+	TUNSETDEBUG                                 = 0x400454c9
+	TUNSETFILTEREBPF                            = 0x800454e1
+	TUNSETGROUP                                 = 0x400454ce
+	TUNSETIFF                                   = 0x400454ca
+	TUNSETIFINDEX                               = 0x400454da
+	TUNSETLINK                                  = 0x400454cd
+	TUNSETNOCSUM                                = 0x400454c8
+	TUNSETOFFLOAD                               = 0x400454d0
+	TUNSETOWNER                                 = 0x400454cc
+	TUNSETPERSIST                               = 0x400454cb
+	TUNSETQUEUE                                 = 0x400454d9
+	TUNSETSNDBUF                                = 0x400454d4
+	TUNSETSTEERINGEBPF                          = 0x800454e0
+	TUNSETTXFILTER                              = 0x400454d1
+	TUNSETVNETBE                                = 0x400454de
+	TUNSETVNETHDRSZ                             = 0x400454d8
+	TUNSETVNETLE                                = 0x400454dc
+	UBI_IOCATT                                  = 0x40186f40
+	UBI_IOCDET                                  = 0x40046f41
+	UBI_IOCEBCH                                 = 0x40044f02
+	UBI_IOCEBER                                 = 0x40044f01
+	UBI_IOCEBISMAP                              = 0x80044f05
+	UBI_IOCEBMAP                                = 0x40084f03
+	UBI_IOCEBUNMAP                              = 0x40044f04
+	UBI_IOCMKVOL                                = 0x40986f00
+	UBI_IOCRMVOL                                = 0x40046f01
+	UBI_IOCRNVOL                                = 0x51106f03
+	UBI_IOCRPEB                                 = 0x40046f04
+	UBI_IOCRSVOL                                = 0x400c6f02
+	UBI_IOCSETVOLPROP                           = 0x40104f06
+	UBI_IOCSPEB                                 = 0x40046f05
+	UBI_IOCVOLCRBLK                             = 0x40804f07
+	UBI_IOCVOLRMBLK                             = 0x4f08
+	UBI_IOCVOLUP                                = 0x40084f00
+	UDF_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x15013346
+	UMOUNT_NOFOLLOW                             = 0x8
+	USBDEVICE_SUPER_MAGIC                       = 0x9fa2
+	UTIME_NOW                                   = 0x3fffffff
+	UTIME_OMIT                                  = 0x3ffffffe
+	V9FS_MAGIC                                  = 0x1021997
+	VDISCARD                                    = 0xd
+	VEOF                                        = 0x4
+	VEOL                                        = 0xb
+	VEOL2                                       = 0x10
+	VERASE                                      = 0x2
+	VINTR                                       = 0x0
+	VKILL                                       = 0x3
+	VLNEXT                                      = 0xf
+	VMADDR_CID_ANY                              = 0xffffffff
+	VMADDR_CID_HOST                             = 0x2
+	VMADDR_CID_HYPERVISOR                       = 0x0
+	VMADDR_CID_RESERVED                         = 0x1
+	VMADDR_PORT_ANY                             = 0xffffffff
+	VMIN                                        = 0x6
+	VM_SOCKETS_INVALID_VERSION                  = 0xffffffff
+	VQUIT                                       = 0x1
+	VREPRINT                                    = 0xc
+	VSTART                                      = 0x8
+	VSTOP                                       = 0x9
+	VSUSP                                       = 0xa
+	VSWTC                                       = 0x7
+	VT0                                         = 0x0
+	VT1                                         = 0x4000
+	VTDLY                                       = 0x4000
+	VTIME                                       = 0x5
+	VWERASE                                     = 0xe
+	WALL                                        = 0x40000000
+	WCLONE                                      = 0x80000000
+	WCONTINUED                                  = 0x8
+	WDIOC_GETBOOTSTATUS                         = 0x80045702
+	WDIOC_GETPRETIMEOUT                         = 0x80045709
+	WDIOC_GETSTATUS                             = 0x80045701
+	WDIOC_GETSUPPORT                            = 0x80285700
+	WDIOC_GETTEMP                               = 0x80045703
+	WDIOC_GETTIMELEFT                           = 0x8004570a
+	WDIOC_GETTIMEOUT                            = 0x80045707
+	WDIOC_KEEPALIVE                             = 0x80045705
+	WDIOC_SETOPTIONS                            = 0x80045704
+	WDIOC_SETPRETIMEOUT                         = 0xc0045708
+	WDIOC_SETTIMEOUT                            = 0xc0045706
+	WEXITED                                     = 0x4
+	WIN_ACKMEDIACHANGE                          = 0xdb
+	WIN_CHECKPOWERMODE1                         = 0xe5
+	WIN_CHECKPOWERMODE2                         = 0x98
+	WIN_DEVICE_RESET                            = 0x8
+	WIN_DIAGNOSE                                = 0x90
+	WIN_DOORLOCK                                = 0xde
+	WIN_DOORUNLOCK                              = 0xdf
+	WIN_DOWNLOAD_MICROCODE                      = 0x92
+	WIN_FLUSH_CACHE                             = 0xe7
+	WIN_FLUSH_CACHE_EXT                         = 0xea
+	WIN_FORMAT                                  = 0x50
+	WIN_GETMEDIASTATUS                          = 0xda
+	WIN_IDENTIFY                                = 0xec
+	WIN_IDENTIFY_DMA                            = 0xee
+	WIN_IDLEIMMEDIATE                           = 0xe1
+	WIN_INIT                                    = 0x60
+	WIN_MEDIAEJECT                              = 0xed
+	WIN_MULTREAD                                = 0xc4
+	WIN_MULTREAD_EXT                            = 0x29
+	WIN_MULTWRITE                               = 0xc5
+	WIN_MULTWRITE_EXT                           = 0x39
+	WIN_NOP                                     = 0x0
+	WIN_PACKETCMD                               = 0xa0
+	WIN_PIDENTIFY                               = 0xa1
+	WIN_POSTBOOT                                = 0xdc
+	WIN_PREBOOT                                 = 0xdd
+	WIN_QUEUED_SERVICE                          = 0xa2
+	WIN_READ                                    = 0x20
+	WIN_READDMA                                 = 0xc8
+	WIN_READDMA_EXT                             = 0x25
+	WIN_READDMA_ONCE                            = 0xc9
+	WIN_READDMA_QUEUED                          = 0xc7
+	WIN_READDMA_QUEUED_EXT                      = 0x26
+	WIN_READ_BUFFER                             = 0xe4
+	WIN_READ_EXT                                = 0x24
+	WIN_READ_LONG                               = 0x22
+	WIN_READ_LONG_ONCE                          = 0x23
+	WIN_READ_NATIVE_MAX                         = 0xf8
+	WIN_READ_NATIVE_MAX_EXT                     = 0x27
+	WIN_READ_ONCE                               = 0x21
+	WIN_RECAL                                   = 0x10
+	WIN_RESTORE                                 = 0x10
+	WIN_SECURITY_DISABLE                        = 0xf6
+	WIN_SECURITY_ERASE_PREPARE                  = 0xf3
+	WIN_SECURITY_ERASE_UNIT                     = 0xf4
+	WIN_SECURITY_FREEZE_LOCK                    = 0xf5
+	WIN_SECURITY_SET_PASS                       = 0xf1
+	WIN_SECURITY_UNLOCK                         = 0xf2
+	WIN_SEEK                                    = 0x70
+	WIN_SETFEATURES                             = 0xef
+	WIN_SETIDLE1                                = 0xe3
+	WIN_SETIDLE2                                = 0x97
+	WIN_SETMULT                                 = 0xc6
+	WIN_SET_MAX                                 = 0xf9
+	WIN_SET_MAX_EXT                             = 0x37
+	WIN_SLEEPNOW1                               = 0xe6
+	WIN_SLEEPNOW2                               = 0x99
+	WIN_SMART                                   = 0xb0
+	WIN_SPECIFY                                 = 0x91
+	WIN_SRST                                    = 0x8
+	WIN_STANDBY                                 = 0xe2
+	WIN_STANDBY2                                = 0x96
+	WIN_STANDBYNOW1                             = 0xe0
+	WIN_STANDBYNOW2                             = 0x94
+	WIN_VERIFY                                  = 0x40
+	WIN_VERIFY_EXT                              = 0x42
+	WIN_VERIFY_ONCE                             = 0x41
+	WIN_WRITE                                   = 0x30
+	WIN_WRITEDMA                                = 0xca
+	WIN_WRITEDMA_EXT                            = 0x35
+	WIN_WRITEDMA_ONCE                           = 0xcb
+	WIN_WRITEDMA_QUEUED                         = 0xcc
+	WIN_WRITEDMA_QUEUED_EXT                     = 0x36
+	WIN_WRITE_BUFFER                            = 0xe8
+	WIN_WRITE_EXT                               = 0x34
+	WIN_WRITE_LONG                              = 0x32
+	WIN_WRITE_LONG_ONCE                         = 0x33
+	WIN_WRITE_ONCE                              = 0x31
+	WIN_WRITE_SAME                              = 0xe9
+	WIN_WRITE_VERIFY                            = 0x3c
+	WNOHANG                                     = 0x1
+	WNOTHREAD                                   = 0x20000000
+	WNOWAIT                                     = 0x1000000
+	WORDSIZE                                    = 0x40
+	WSTOPPED                                    = 0x2
+	WUNTRACED                                   = 0x2
+	XATTR_CREATE                                = 0x1
+	XATTR_REPLACE                               = 0x2
+	XCASE                                       = 0x4
+	XDP_COPY                                    = 0x2
+	XDP_FLAGS_DRV_MODE                          = 0x4
+	XDP_FLAGS_HW_MODE                           = 0x8
+	XDP_FLAGS_MASK                              = 0xf
+	XDP_FLAGS_MODES                             = 0xe
+	XDP_FLAGS_SKB_MODE                          = 0x2
+	XDP_FLAGS_UPDATE_IF_NOEXIST                 = 0x1
+	XDP_MMAP_OFFSETS                            = 0x1
+	XDP_OPTIONS                                 = 0x8
+	XDP_OPTIONS_ZEROCOPY                        = 0x1
+	XDP_PACKET_HEADROOM                         = 0x100
+	XDP_PGOFF_RX_RING                           = 0x0
+	XDP_PGOFF_TX_RING                           = 0x80000000
+	XDP_RING_NEED_WAKEUP                        = 0x1
+	XDP_RX_RING                                 = 0x2
+	XDP_SHARED_UMEM                             = 0x1
+	XDP_STATISTICS                              = 0x7
+	XDP_TX_RING                                 = 0x3
+	XDP_UMEM_COMPLETION_RING                    = 0x6
+	XDP_UMEM_FILL_RING                          = 0x5
+	XDP_UMEM_PGOFF_COMPLETION_RING              = 0x180000000
+	XDP_UMEM_PGOFF_FILL_RING                    = 0x100000000
+	XDP_UMEM_REG                                = 0x4
+	XDP_UMEM_UNALIGNED_CHUNK_FLAG               = 0x1
+	XDP_USE_NEED_WAKEUP                         = 0x8
+	XDP_ZEROCOPY                                = 0x4
+	XENFS_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0xabba1974
+	XFS_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x58465342
+	XTABS                                       = 0x1800
+	Z3FOLD_MAGIC                                = 0x33
+	ZSMALLOC_MAGIC                              = 0x58295829
 // Errors
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_s390x.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_s390x.go
index ac4f1d9..734757a 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_s390x.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_s390x.go
@@ -11,2718 +11,2874 @@ package unix
 import "syscall"
 const (
-	AAFS_MAGIC                           = 0x5a3c69f0
-	ADFS_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xadf5
-	AFFS_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xadff
-	AFS_FS_MAGIC                         = 0x6b414653
-	AFS_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x5346414f
-	AF_ALG                               = 0x26
-	AF_APPLETALK                         = 0x5
-	AF_ASH                               = 0x12
-	AF_ATMPVC                            = 0x8
-	AF_ATMSVC                            = 0x14
-	AF_AX25                              = 0x3
-	AF_BLUETOOTH                         = 0x1f
-	AF_BRIDGE                            = 0x7
-	AF_CAIF                              = 0x25
-	AF_CAN                               = 0x1d
-	AF_DECnet                            = 0xc
-	AF_ECONET                            = 0x13
-	AF_FILE                              = 0x1
-	AF_IB                                = 0x1b
-	AF_IEEE802154                        = 0x24
-	AF_INET                              = 0x2
-	AF_INET6                             = 0xa
-	AF_IPX                               = 0x4
-	AF_IRDA                              = 0x17
-	AF_ISDN                              = 0x22
-	AF_IUCV                              = 0x20
-	AF_KCM                               = 0x29
-	AF_KEY                               = 0xf
-	AF_LLC                               = 0x1a
-	AF_LOCAL                             = 0x1
-	AF_MAX                               = 0x2d
-	AF_MPLS                              = 0x1c
-	AF_NETBEUI                           = 0xd
-	AF_NETLINK                           = 0x10
-	AF_NETROM                            = 0x6
-	AF_NFC                               = 0x27
-	AF_PACKET                            = 0x11
-	AF_PHONET                            = 0x23
-	AF_PPPOX                             = 0x18
-	AF_QIPCRTR                           = 0x2a
-	AF_RDS                               = 0x15
-	AF_ROSE                              = 0xb
-	AF_ROUTE                             = 0x10
-	AF_RXRPC                             = 0x21
-	AF_SECURITY                          = 0xe
-	AF_SMC                               = 0x2b
-	AF_SNA                               = 0x16
-	AF_TIPC                              = 0x1e
-	AF_UNIX                              = 0x1
-	AF_UNSPEC                            = 0x0
-	AF_VSOCK                             = 0x28
-	AF_WANPIPE                           = 0x19
-	AF_X25                               = 0x9
-	AF_XDP                               = 0x2c
-	ALG_OP_DECRYPT                       = 0x0
-	ALG_OP_ENCRYPT                       = 0x1
-	ALG_SET_AEAD_ASSOCLEN                = 0x4
-	ALG_SET_AEAD_AUTHSIZE                = 0x5
-	ALG_SET_IV                           = 0x2
-	ALG_SET_KEY                          = 0x1
-	ALG_SET_OP                           = 0x3
-	ANON_INODE_FS_MAGIC                  = 0x9041934
-	ARPHRD_6LOWPAN                       = 0x339
-	ARPHRD_ADAPT                         = 0x108
-	ARPHRD_APPLETLK                      = 0x8
-	ARPHRD_ARCNET                        = 0x7
-	ARPHRD_ASH                           = 0x30d
-	ARPHRD_ATM                           = 0x13
-	ARPHRD_AX25                          = 0x3
-	ARPHRD_BIF                           = 0x307
-	ARPHRD_CAIF                          = 0x336
-	ARPHRD_CAN                           = 0x118
-	ARPHRD_CHAOS                         = 0x5
-	ARPHRD_CISCO                         = 0x201
-	ARPHRD_CSLIP                         = 0x101
-	ARPHRD_CSLIP6                        = 0x103
-	ARPHRD_DDCMP                         = 0x205
-	ARPHRD_DLCI                          = 0xf
-	ARPHRD_ECONET                        = 0x30e
-	ARPHRD_EETHER                        = 0x2
-	ARPHRD_ETHER                         = 0x1
-	ARPHRD_EUI64                         = 0x1b
-	ARPHRD_FCAL                          = 0x311
-	ARPHRD_FCFABRIC                      = 0x313
-	ARPHRD_FCPL                          = 0x312
-	ARPHRD_FCPP                          = 0x310
-	ARPHRD_FDDI                          = 0x306
-	ARPHRD_FRAD                          = 0x302
-	ARPHRD_HDLC                          = 0x201
-	ARPHRD_HIPPI                         = 0x30c
-	ARPHRD_HWX25                         = 0x110
-	ARPHRD_IEEE1394                      = 0x18
-	ARPHRD_IEEE802                       = 0x6
-	ARPHRD_IEEE80211                     = 0x321
-	ARPHRD_IEEE80211_PRISM               = 0x322
-	ARPHRD_IEEE80211_RADIOTAP            = 0x323
-	ARPHRD_IEEE802154                    = 0x324
-	ARPHRD_IEEE802154_MONITOR            = 0x325
-	ARPHRD_IEEE802_TR                    = 0x320
-	ARPHRD_INFINIBAND                    = 0x20
-	ARPHRD_IP6GRE                        = 0x337
-	ARPHRD_IPDDP                         = 0x309
-	ARPHRD_IPGRE                         = 0x30a
-	ARPHRD_IRDA                          = 0x30f
-	ARPHRD_LAPB                          = 0x204
-	ARPHRD_LOCALTLK                      = 0x305
-	ARPHRD_LOOPBACK                      = 0x304
-	ARPHRD_METRICOM                      = 0x17
-	ARPHRD_NETLINK                       = 0x338
-	ARPHRD_NETROM                        = 0x0
-	ARPHRD_NONE                          = 0xfffe
-	ARPHRD_PHONET                        = 0x334
-	ARPHRD_PHONET_PIPE                   = 0x335
-	ARPHRD_PIMREG                        = 0x30b
-	ARPHRD_PPP                           = 0x200
-	ARPHRD_PRONET                        = 0x4
-	ARPHRD_RAWHDLC                       = 0x206
-	ARPHRD_RAWIP                         = 0x207
-	ARPHRD_ROSE                          = 0x10e
-	ARPHRD_RSRVD                         = 0x104
-	ARPHRD_SIT                           = 0x308
-	ARPHRD_SKIP                          = 0x303
-	ARPHRD_SLIP                          = 0x100
-	ARPHRD_SLIP6                         = 0x102
-	ARPHRD_TUNNEL                        = 0x300
-	ARPHRD_TUNNEL6                       = 0x301
-	ARPHRD_VOID                          = 0xffff
-	ARPHRD_VSOCKMON                      = 0x33a
-	ARPHRD_X25                           = 0x10f
-	AUTOFS_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0x187
-	B0                                   = 0x0
-	B1000000                             = 0x1008
-	B110                                 = 0x3
-	B115200                              = 0x1002
-	B1152000                             = 0x1009
-	B1200                                = 0x9
-	B134                                 = 0x4
-	B150                                 = 0x5
-	B1500000                             = 0x100a
-	B1800                                = 0xa
-	B19200                               = 0xe
-	B200                                 = 0x6
-	B2000000                             = 0x100b
-	B230400                              = 0x1003
-	B2400                                = 0xb
-	B2500000                             = 0x100c
-	B300                                 = 0x7
-	B3000000                             = 0x100d
-	B3500000                             = 0x100e
-	B38400                               = 0xf
-	B4000000                             = 0x100f
-	B460800                              = 0x1004
-	B4800                                = 0xc
-	B50                                  = 0x1
-	B500000                              = 0x1005
-	B57600                               = 0x1001
-	B576000                              = 0x1006
-	B600                                 = 0x8
-	B75                                  = 0x2
-	B921600                              = 0x1007
-	B9600                                = 0xd
-	BALLOON_KVM_MAGIC                    = 0x13661366
-	BDEVFS_MAGIC                         = 0x62646576
-	BINDERFS_SUPER_MAGIC                 = 0x6c6f6f70
-	BINFMTFS_MAGIC                       = 0x42494e4d
-	BLKBSZGET                            = 0x80081270
-	BLKBSZSET                            = 0x40081271
-	BLKFLSBUF                            = 0x1261
-	BLKFRAGET                            = 0x1265
-	BLKFRASET                            = 0x1264
-	BLKGETSIZE                           = 0x1260
-	BLKGETSIZE64                         = 0x80081272
-	BLKPBSZGET                           = 0x127b
-	BLKRAGET                             = 0x1263
-	BLKRASET                             = 0x1262
-	BLKROGET                             = 0x125e
-	BLKROSET                             = 0x125d
-	BLKRRPART                            = 0x125f
-	BLKSECTGET                           = 0x1267
-	BLKSECTSET                           = 0x1266
-	BLKSSZGET                            = 0x1268
-	BOTHER                               = 0x1000
-	BPF_A                                = 0x10
-	BPF_ABS                              = 0x20
-	BPF_ADD                              = 0x0
-	BPF_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L2_MASK           = 0xff
-	BPF_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L2_SHIFT          = 0x38
-	BPF_ALU                              = 0x4
-	BPF_ALU64                            = 0x7
-	BPF_AND                              = 0x50
-	BPF_ANY                              = 0x0
-	BPF_ARSH                             = 0xc0
-	BPF_B                                = 0x10
-	BPF_BUILD_ID_SIZE                    = 0x14
-	BPF_CALL                             = 0x80
-	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_MKNOD                  = 0x1
-	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_READ                   = 0x2
-	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_WRITE                  = 0x4
-	BPF_DEVCG_DEV_BLOCK                  = 0x1
-	BPF_DEVCG_DEV_CHAR                   = 0x2
-	BPF_DIV                              = 0x30
-	BPF_DW                               = 0x18
-	BPF_END                              = 0xd0
-	BPF_EXIST                            = 0x2
-	BPF_EXIT                             = 0x90
-	BPF_FROM_BE                          = 0x8
-	BPF_FROM_LE                          = 0x0
-	BPF_FS_MAGIC                         = 0xcafe4a11
-	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L3_IPV4         = 0x2
-	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L3_IPV6         = 0x4
-	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L4_GRE          = 0x8
-	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L4_UDP          = 0x10
-	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_FIXED_GSO             = 0x1
-	BPF_F_ALLOW_MULTI                    = 0x2
-	BPF_F_ALLOW_OVERRIDE                 = 0x1
-	BPF_F_ANY_ALIGNMENT                  = 0x2
-	BPF_F_CTXLEN_MASK                    = 0xfffff00000000
-	BPF_F_CURRENT_CPU                    = 0xffffffff
-	BPF_F_CURRENT_NETNS                  = -0x1
-	BPF_F_DONT_FRAGMENT                  = 0x4
-	BPF_F_FAST_STACK_CMP                 = 0x200
-	BPF_F_HDR_FIELD_MASK                 = 0xf
-	BPF_F_INDEX_MASK                     = 0xffffffff
-	BPF_F_INGRESS                        = 0x1
-	BPF_F_INVALIDATE_HASH                = 0x2
-	BPF_F_LOCK                           = 0x4
-	BPF_F_MARK_ENFORCE                   = 0x40
-	BPF_F_MARK_MANGLED_0                 = 0x20
-	BPF_F_NO_COMMON_LRU                  = 0x2
-	BPF_F_NO_PREALLOC                    = 0x1
-	BPF_F_NUMA_NODE                      = 0x4
-	BPF_F_PSEUDO_HDR                     = 0x10
-	BPF_F_QUERY_EFFECTIVE                = 0x1
-	BPF_F_RDONLY                         = 0x8
-	BPF_F_RDONLY_PROG                    = 0x80
-	BPF_F_RECOMPUTE_CSUM                 = 0x1
-	BPF_F_REUSE_STACKID                  = 0x400
-	BPF_F_SEQ_NUMBER                     = 0x8
-	BPF_F_SKIP_FIELD_MASK                = 0xff
-	BPF_F_STACK_BUILD_ID                 = 0x20
-	BPF_F_STRICT_ALIGNMENT               = 0x1
-	BPF_F_SYSCTL_BASE_NAME               = 0x1
-	BPF_F_TUNINFO_IPV6                   = 0x1
-	BPF_F_USER_BUILD_ID                  = 0x800
-	BPF_F_USER_STACK                     = 0x100
-	BPF_F_WRONLY                         = 0x10
-	BPF_F_WRONLY_PROG                    = 0x100
-	BPF_F_ZERO_CSUM_TX                   = 0x2
-	BPF_F_ZERO_SEED                      = 0x40
-	BPF_H                                = 0x8
-	BPF_IMM                              = 0x0
-	BPF_IND                              = 0x40
-	BPF_JA                               = 0x0
-	BPF_JEQ                              = 0x10
-	BPF_JGE                              = 0x30
-	BPF_JGT                              = 0x20
-	BPF_JLE                              = 0xb0
-	BPF_JLT                              = 0xa0
-	BPF_JMP                              = 0x5
-	BPF_JMP32                            = 0x6
-	BPF_JNE                              = 0x50
-	BPF_JSET                             = 0x40
-	BPF_JSGE                             = 0x70
-	BPF_JSGT                             = 0x60
-	BPF_JSLE                             = 0xd0
-	BPF_JSLT                             = 0xc0
-	BPF_K                                = 0x0
-	BPF_LD                               = 0x0
-	BPF_LDX                              = 0x1
-	BPF_LEN                              = 0x80
-	BPF_LL_OFF                           = -0x200000
-	BPF_LSH                              = 0x60
-	BPF_MAJOR_VERSION                    = 0x1
-	BPF_MAXINSNS                         = 0x1000
-	BPF_MEM                              = 0x60
-	BPF_MEMWORDS                         = 0x10
-	BPF_MINOR_VERSION                    = 0x1
-	BPF_MISC                             = 0x7
-	BPF_MOD                              = 0x90
-	BPF_MOV                              = 0xb0
-	BPF_MSH                              = 0xa0
-	BPF_MUL                              = 0x20
-	BPF_NEG                              = 0x80
-	BPF_NET_OFF                          = -0x100000
-	BPF_NOEXIST                          = 0x1
-	BPF_OBJ_NAME_LEN                     = 0x10
-	BPF_OR                               = 0x40
-	BPF_PSEUDO_CALL                      = 0x1
-	BPF_PSEUDO_MAP_FD                    = 0x1
-	BPF_PSEUDO_MAP_VALUE                 = 0x2
-	BPF_RET                              = 0x6
-	BPF_RSH                              = 0x70
-	BPF_SK_STORAGE_GET_F_CREATE          = 0x1
-	BPF_SOCK_OPS_ALL_CB_FLAGS            = 0x7
-	BPF_SOCK_OPS_RTO_CB_FLAG             = 0x1
-	BPF_SOCK_OPS_STATE_CB_FLAG           = 0x4
-	BPF_ST                               = 0x2
-	BPF_STX                              = 0x3
-	BPF_SUB                              = 0x10
-	BPF_TAG_SIZE                         = 0x8
-	BPF_TAX                              = 0x0
-	BPF_TO_BE                            = 0x8
-	BPF_TO_LE                            = 0x0
-	BPF_TXA                              = 0x80
-	BPF_W                                = 0x0
-	BPF_X                                = 0x8
-	BPF_XADD                             = 0xc0
-	BPF_XOR                              = 0xa0
-	BRKINT                               = 0x2
-	BS0                                  = 0x0
-	BS1                                  = 0x2000
-	BSDLY                                = 0x2000
-	BTRFS_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x9123683e
-	BTRFS_TEST_MAGIC                     = 0x73727279
-	CAN_BCM                              = 0x2
-	CAN_EFF_FLAG                         = 0x80000000
-	CAN_EFF_ID_BITS                      = 0x1d
-	CAN_EFF_MASK                         = 0x1fffffff
-	CAN_ERR_FLAG                         = 0x20000000
-	CAN_ERR_MASK                         = 0x1fffffff
-	CAN_INV_FILTER                       = 0x20000000
-	CAN_ISOTP                            = 0x6
-	CAN_MAX_DLC                          = 0x8
-	CAN_MAX_DLEN                         = 0x8
-	CAN_MCNET                            = 0x5
-	CAN_MTU                              = 0x10
-	CAN_NPROTO                           = 0x7
-	CAN_RAW                              = 0x1
-	CAN_RAW_FILTER_MAX                   = 0x200
-	CAN_RTR_FLAG                         = 0x40000000
-	CAN_SFF_ID_BITS                      = 0xb
-	CAN_SFF_MASK                         = 0x7ff
-	CAN_TP16                             = 0x3
-	CAN_TP20                             = 0x4
-	CAP_AUDIT_CONTROL                    = 0x1e
-	CAP_AUDIT_READ                       = 0x25
-	CAP_AUDIT_WRITE                      = 0x1d
-	CAP_BLOCK_SUSPEND                    = 0x24
-	CAP_CHOWN                            = 0x0
-	CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE                     = 0x1
-	CAP_DAC_READ_SEARCH                  = 0x2
-	CAP_FOWNER                           = 0x3
-	CAP_FSETID                           = 0x4
-	CAP_IPC_LOCK                         = 0xe
-	CAP_IPC_OWNER                        = 0xf
-	CAP_KILL                             = 0x5
-	CAP_LAST_CAP                         = 0x25
-	CAP_LEASE                            = 0x1c
-	CAP_LINUX_IMMUTABLE                  = 0x9
-	CAP_MAC_ADMIN                        = 0x21
-	CAP_MAC_OVERRIDE                     = 0x20
-	CAP_MKNOD                            = 0x1b
-	CAP_NET_ADMIN                        = 0xc
-	CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE                 = 0xa
-	CAP_NET_BROADCAST                    = 0xb
-	CAP_NET_RAW                          = 0xd
-	CAP_SETFCAP                          = 0x1f
-	CAP_SETGID                           = 0x6
-	CAP_SETPCAP                          = 0x8
-	CAP_SETUID                           = 0x7
-	CAP_SYSLOG                           = 0x22
-	CAP_SYS_ADMIN                        = 0x15
-	CAP_SYS_BOOT                         = 0x16
-	CAP_SYS_CHROOT                       = 0x12
-	CAP_SYS_MODULE                       = 0x10
-	CAP_SYS_NICE                         = 0x17
-	CAP_SYS_PACCT                        = 0x14
-	CAP_SYS_PTRACE                       = 0x13
-	CAP_SYS_RAWIO                        = 0x11
-	CAP_SYS_RESOURCE                     = 0x18
-	CAP_SYS_TIME                         = 0x19
-	CAP_SYS_TTY_CONFIG                   = 0x1a
-	CAP_WAKE_ALARM                       = 0x23
-	CBAUD                                = 0x100f
-	CBAUDEX                              = 0x1000
-	CFLUSH                               = 0xf
-	CGROUP2_SUPER_MAGIC                  = 0x63677270
-	CGROUP_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0x27e0eb
-	CIBAUD                               = 0x100f0000
-	CLOCAL                               = 0x800
-	CLOCK_BOOTTIME                       = 0x7
-	CLOCK_BOOTTIME_ALARM                 = 0x9
-	CLOCK_DEFAULT                        = 0x0
-	CLOCK_EXT                            = 0x1
-	CLOCK_INT                            = 0x2
-	CLOCK_MONOTONIC                      = 0x1
-	CLOCK_MONOTONIC_COARSE               = 0x6
-	CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW                  = 0x4
-	CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID             = 0x2
-	CLOCK_REALTIME                       = 0x0
-	CLOCK_REALTIME_ALARM                 = 0x8
-	CLOCK_REALTIME_COARSE                = 0x5
-	CLOCK_TAI                            = 0xb
-	CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID              = 0x3
-	CLOCK_TXFROMRX                       = 0x4
-	CLOCK_TXINT                          = 0x3
-	CLONE_CHILD_CLEARTID                 = 0x200000
-	CLONE_CHILD_SETTID                   = 0x1000000
-	CLONE_DETACHED                       = 0x400000
-	CLONE_FILES                          = 0x400
-	CLONE_FS                             = 0x200
-	CLONE_IO                             = 0x80000000
-	CLONE_NEWCGROUP                      = 0x2000000
-	CLONE_NEWIPC                         = 0x8000000
-	CLONE_NEWNET                         = 0x40000000
-	CLONE_NEWNS                          = 0x20000
-	CLONE_NEWPID                         = 0x20000000
-	CLONE_NEWUSER                        = 0x10000000
-	CLONE_NEWUTS                         = 0x4000000
-	CLONE_PARENT                         = 0x8000
-	CLONE_PARENT_SETTID                  = 0x100000
-	CLONE_PIDFD                          = 0x1000
-	CLONE_PTRACE                         = 0x2000
-	CLONE_SETTLS                         = 0x80000
-	CLONE_SIGHAND                        = 0x800
-	CLONE_SYSVSEM                        = 0x40000
-	CLONE_THREAD                         = 0x10000
-	CLONE_UNTRACED                       = 0x800000
-	CLONE_VFORK                          = 0x4000
-	CLONE_VM                             = 0x100
-	CMSPAR                               = 0x40000000
-	CODA_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0x73757245
-	CR0                                  = 0x0
-	CR1                                  = 0x200
-	CR2                                  = 0x400
-	CR3                                  = 0x600
-	CRAMFS_MAGIC                         = 0x28cd3d45
-	CRDLY                                = 0x600
-	CREAD                                = 0x80
-	CRTSCTS                              = 0x80000000
-	CRYPTO_MAX_NAME                      = 0x40
-	CRYPTO_MSG_MAX                       = 0x15
-	CRYPTO_NR_MSGTYPES                   = 0x6
-	CRYPTO_REPORT_MAXSIZE                = 0x160
-	CS5                                  = 0x0
-	CS6                                  = 0x10
-	CS7                                  = 0x20
-	CS8                                  = 0x30
-	CSIGNAL                              = 0xff
-	CSIZE                                = 0x30
-	CSTART                               = 0x11
-	CSTATUS                              = 0x0
-	CSTOP                                = 0x13
-	CSTOPB                               = 0x40
-	CSUSP                                = 0x1a
-	DAXFS_MAGIC                          = 0x64646178
-	DEBUGFS_MAGIC                        = 0x64626720
-	DEVPTS_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0x1cd1
-	DT_BLK                               = 0x6
-	DT_CHR                               = 0x2
-	DT_DIR                               = 0x4
-	DT_FIFO                              = 0x1
-	DT_LNK                               = 0xa
-	DT_REG                               = 0x8
-	DT_SOCK                              = 0xc
-	DT_UNKNOWN                           = 0x0
-	DT_WHT                               = 0xe
-	ECHO                                 = 0x8
-	ECHOCTL                              = 0x200
-	ECHOE                                = 0x10
-	ECHOK                                = 0x20
-	ECHOKE                               = 0x800
-	ECHONL                               = 0x40
-	ECHOPRT                              = 0x400
-	ECRYPTFS_SUPER_MAGIC                 = 0xf15f
-	EFD_CLOEXEC                          = 0x80000
-	EFD_NONBLOCK                         = 0x800
-	EFD_SEMAPHORE                        = 0x1
-	EFIVARFS_MAGIC                       = 0xde5e81e4
-	EFS_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x414a53
-	ENCODING_DEFAULT                     = 0x0
-	ENCODING_FM_MARK                     = 0x3
-	ENCODING_FM_SPACE                    = 0x4
-	ENCODING_MANCHESTER                  = 0x5
-	ENCODING_NRZ                         = 0x1
-	ENCODING_NRZI                        = 0x2
-	EPOLLERR                             = 0x8
-	EPOLLET                              = 0x80000000
-	EPOLLEXCLUSIVE                       = 0x10000000
-	EPOLLHUP                             = 0x10
-	EPOLLIN                              = 0x1
-	EPOLLMSG                             = 0x400
-	EPOLLONESHOT                         = 0x40000000
-	EPOLLOUT                             = 0x4
-	EPOLLPRI                             = 0x2
-	EPOLLRDBAND                          = 0x80
-	EPOLLRDHUP                           = 0x2000
-	EPOLLRDNORM                          = 0x40
-	EPOLLWAKEUP                          = 0x20000000
-	EPOLLWRBAND                          = 0x200
-	EPOLLWRNORM                          = 0x100
-	EPOLL_CLOEXEC                        = 0x80000
-	EPOLL_CTL_ADD                        = 0x1
-	EPOLL_CTL_DEL                        = 0x2
-	EPOLL_CTL_MOD                        = 0x3
-	ETH_P_1588                           = 0x88f7
-	ETH_P_8021AD                         = 0x88a8
-	ETH_P_8021AH                         = 0x88e7
-	ETH_P_8021Q                          = 0x8100
-	ETH_P_80221                          = 0x8917
-	ETH_P_802_2                          = 0x4
-	ETH_P_802_3                          = 0x1
-	ETH_P_802_3_MIN                      = 0x600
-	ETH_P_802_EX1                        = 0x88b5
-	ETH_P_AARP                           = 0x80f3
-	ETH_P_AF_IUCV                        = 0xfbfb
-	ETH_P_ALL                            = 0x3
-	ETH_P_AOE                            = 0x88a2
-	ETH_P_ARCNET                         = 0x1a
-	ETH_P_ARP                            = 0x806
-	ETH_P_ATALK                          = 0x809b
-	ETH_P_ATMFATE                        = 0x8884
-	ETH_P_ATMMPOA                        = 0x884c
-	ETH_P_AX25                           = 0x2
-	ETH_P_BATMAN                         = 0x4305
-	ETH_P_BPQ                            = 0x8ff
-	ETH_P_CAIF                           = 0xf7
-	ETH_P_CAN                            = 0xc
-	ETH_P_CANFD                          = 0xd
-	ETH_P_CONTROL                        = 0x16
-	ETH_P_CUST                           = 0x6006
-	ETH_P_DDCMP                          = 0x6
-	ETH_P_DEC                            = 0x6000
-	ETH_P_DIAG                           = 0x6005
-	ETH_P_DNA_DL                         = 0x6001
-	ETH_P_DNA_RC                         = 0x6002
-	ETH_P_DNA_RT                         = 0x6003
-	ETH_P_DSA                            = 0x1b
-	ETH_P_DSA_8021Q                      = 0xdadb
-	ETH_P_ECONET                         = 0x18
-	ETH_P_EDSA                           = 0xdada
-	ETH_P_ERSPAN                         = 0x88be
-	ETH_P_ERSPAN2                        = 0x22eb
-	ETH_P_FCOE                           = 0x8906
-	ETH_P_FIP                            = 0x8914
-	ETH_P_HDLC                           = 0x19
-	ETH_P_HSR                            = 0x892f
-	ETH_P_IBOE                           = 0x8915
-	ETH_P_IEEE802154                     = 0xf6
-	ETH_P_IEEEPUP                        = 0xa00
-	ETH_P_IEEEPUPAT                      = 0xa01
-	ETH_P_IFE                            = 0xed3e
-	ETH_P_IP                             = 0x800
-	ETH_P_IPV6                           = 0x86dd
-	ETH_P_IPX                            = 0x8137
-	ETH_P_IRDA                           = 0x17
-	ETH_P_LAT                            = 0x6004
-	ETH_P_LINK_CTL                       = 0x886c
-	ETH_P_LOCALTALK                      = 0x9
-	ETH_P_LOOP                           = 0x60
-	ETH_P_LOOPBACK                       = 0x9000
-	ETH_P_MACSEC                         = 0x88e5
-	ETH_P_MAP                            = 0xf9
-	ETH_P_MOBITEX                        = 0x15
-	ETH_P_MPLS_MC                        = 0x8848
-	ETH_P_MPLS_UC                        = 0x8847
-	ETH_P_MVRP                           = 0x88f5
-	ETH_P_NCSI                           = 0x88f8
-	ETH_P_NSH                            = 0x894f
-	ETH_P_PAE                            = 0x888e
-	ETH_P_PAUSE                          = 0x8808
-	ETH_P_PHONET                         = 0xf5
-	ETH_P_PPPTALK                        = 0x10
-	ETH_P_PPP_DISC                       = 0x8863
-	ETH_P_PPP_MP                         = 0x8
-	ETH_P_PPP_SES                        = 0x8864
-	ETH_P_PREAUTH                        = 0x88c7
-	ETH_P_PRP                            = 0x88fb
-	ETH_P_PUP                            = 0x200
-	ETH_P_PUPAT                          = 0x201
-	ETH_P_QINQ1                          = 0x9100
-	ETH_P_QINQ2                          = 0x9200
-	ETH_P_QINQ3                          = 0x9300
-	ETH_P_RARP                           = 0x8035
-	ETH_P_SCA                            = 0x6007
-	ETH_P_SLOW                           = 0x8809
-	ETH_P_SNAP                           = 0x5
-	ETH_P_TDLS                           = 0x890d
-	ETH_P_TEB                            = 0x6558
-	ETH_P_TIPC                           = 0x88ca
-	ETH_P_TRAILER                        = 0x1c
-	ETH_P_TR_802_2                       = 0x11
-	ETH_P_TSN                            = 0x22f0
-	ETH_P_WAN_PPP                        = 0x7
-	ETH_P_WCCP                           = 0x883e
-	ETH_P_X25                            = 0x805
-	ETH_P_XDSA                           = 0xf8
-	EXABYTE_ENABLE_NEST                  = 0xf0
-	EXT2_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xef53
-	EXT3_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xef53
-	EXT4_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xef53
-	EXTA                                 = 0xe
-	EXTB                                 = 0xf
-	EXTPROC                              = 0x10000
-	F2FS_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xf2f52010
-	FALLOC_FL_COLLAPSE_RANGE             = 0x8
-	FALLOC_FL_INSERT_RANGE               = 0x20
-	FALLOC_FL_KEEP_SIZE                  = 0x1
-	FALLOC_FL_NO_HIDE_STALE              = 0x4
-	FALLOC_FL_PUNCH_HOLE                 = 0x2
-	FALLOC_FL_UNSHARE_RANGE              = 0x40
-	FALLOC_FL_ZERO_RANGE                 = 0x10
-	FAN_ACCESS                           = 0x1
-	FAN_ACCESS_PERM                      = 0x20000
-	FAN_ALLOW                            = 0x1
-	FAN_ALL_CLASS_BITS                   = 0xc
-	FAN_ALL_EVENTS                       = 0x3b
-	FAN_ALL_INIT_FLAGS                   = 0x3f
-	FAN_ALL_MARK_FLAGS                   = 0xff
-	FAN_ALL_OUTGOING_EVENTS              = 0x3403b
-	FAN_ALL_PERM_EVENTS                  = 0x30000
-	FAN_ATTRIB                           = 0x4
-	FAN_AUDIT                            = 0x10
-	FAN_CLASS_CONTENT                    = 0x4
-	FAN_CLASS_NOTIF                      = 0x0
-	FAN_CLASS_PRE_CONTENT                = 0x8
-	FAN_CLOEXEC                          = 0x1
-	FAN_CLOSE                            = 0x18
-	FAN_CLOSE_NOWRITE                    = 0x10
-	FAN_CLOSE_WRITE                      = 0x8
-	FAN_CREATE                           = 0x100
-	FAN_DELETE                           = 0x200
-	FAN_DELETE_SELF                      = 0x400
-	FAN_DENY                             = 0x2
-	FAN_ENABLE_AUDIT                     = 0x40
-	FAN_EVENT_INFO_TYPE_FID              = 0x1
-	FAN_EVENT_METADATA_LEN               = 0x18
-	FAN_EVENT_ON_CHILD                   = 0x8000000
-	FAN_MARK_ADD                         = 0x1
-	FAN_MARK_DONT_FOLLOW                 = 0x4
-	FAN_MARK_FILESYSTEM                  = 0x100
-	FAN_MARK_FLUSH                       = 0x80
-	FAN_MARK_IGNORED_MASK                = 0x20
-	FAN_MARK_INODE                       = 0x0
-	FAN_MARK_MOUNT                       = 0x10
-	FAN_MARK_ONLYDIR                     = 0x8
-	FAN_MARK_REMOVE                      = 0x2
-	FAN_MODIFY                           = 0x2
-	FAN_MOVE                             = 0xc0
-	FAN_MOVED_FROM                       = 0x40
-	FAN_MOVED_TO                         = 0x80
-	FAN_MOVE_SELF                        = 0x800
-	FAN_NOFD                             = -0x1
-	FAN_NONBLOCK                         = 0x2
-	FAN_ONDIR                            = 0x40000000
-	FAN_OPEN                             = 0x20
-	FAN_OPEN_EXEC                        = 0x1000
-	FAN_OPEN_EXEC_PERM                   = 0x40000
-	FAN_OPEN_PERM                        = 0x10000
-	FAN_Q_OVERFLOW                       = 0x4000
-	FAN_REPORT_FID                       = 0x200
-	FAN_REPORT_TID                       = 0x100
-	FAN_UNLIMITED_MARKS                  = 0x20
-	FAN_UNLIMITED_QUEUE                  = 0x10
-	FD_CLOEXEC                           = 0x1
-	FD_SETSIZE                           = 0x400
-	FF0                                  = 0x0
-	FF1                                  = 0x8000
-	FFDLY                                = 0x8000
-	FLUSHO                               = 0x1000
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_128_CBC       = 0x5
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_128_CTS       = 0x6
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_CBC       = 0x3
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_CTS       = 0x4
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_GCM       = 0x2
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_XTS       = 0x1
-	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY         = 0x400c6615
-	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_PWSALT         = 0x40106614
-	FS_IOC_SET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY         = 0x800c6613
-	FS_KEY_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE               = 0x8
-	FS_KEY_DESC_PREFIX                   = "fscrypt:"
-	FS_KEY_DESC_PREFIX_SIZE              = 0x8
-	FS_MAX_KEY_SIZE                      = 0x40
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_16               = 0x2
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_32               = 0x3
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_4                = 0x0
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_8                = 0x1
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_MASK             = 0x3
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_VALID                = 0x7
-	FUTEXFS_SUPER_MAGIC                  = 0xbad1dea
-	F_ADD_SEALS                          = 0x409
-	F_DUPFD                              = 0x0
-	F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC                      = 0x406
-	F_EXLCK                              = 0x4
-	F_GETFD                              = 0x1
-	F_GETFL                              = 0x3
-	F_GETLEASE                           = 0x401
-	F_GETLK                              = 0x5
-	F_GETLK64                            = 0x5
-	F_GETOWN                             = 0x9
-	F_GETOWN_EX                          = 0x10
-	F_GETPIPE_SZ                         = 0x408
-	F_GETSIG                             = 0xb
-	F_GET_FILE_RW_HINT                   = 0x40d
-	F_GET_RW_HINT                        = 0x40b
-	F_GET_SEALS                          = 0x40a
-	F_LOCK                               = 0x1
-	F_NOTIFY                             = 0x402
-	F_OFD_GETLK                          = 0x24
-	F_OFD_SETLK                          = 0x25
-	F_OFD_SETLKW                         = 0x26
-	F_OK                                 = 0x0
-	F_RDLCK                              = 0x0
-	F_SEAL_FUTURE_WRITE                  = 0x10
-	F_SEAL_GROW                          = 0x4
-	F_SEAL_SEAL                          = 0x1
-	F_SEAL_SHRINK                        = 0x2
-	F_SEAL_WRITE                         = 0x8
-	F_SETFD                              = 0x2
-	F_SETFL                              = 0x4
-	F_SETLEASE                           = 0x400
-	F_SETLK                              = 0x6
-	F_SETLK64                            = 0x6
-	F_SETLKW                             = 0x7
-	F_SETLKW64                           = 0x7
-	F_SETOWN                             = 0x8
-	F_SETOWN_EX                          = 0xf
-	F_SETPIPE_SZ                         = 0x407
-	F_SETSIG                             = 0xa
-	F_SET_FILE_RW_HINT                   = 0x40e
-	F_SET_RW_HINT                        = 0x40c
-	F_SHLCK                              = 0x8
-	F_TEST                               = 0x3
-	F_TLOCK                              = 0x2
-	F_ULOCK                              = 0x0
-	F_UNLCK                              = 0x2
-	F_WRLCK                              = 0x1
-	GENL_ADMIN_PERM                      = 0x1
-	GENL_CMD_CAP_DO                      = 0x2
-	GENL_CMD_CAP_DUMP                    = 0x4
-	GENL_CMD_CAP_HASPOL                  = 0x8
-	GENL_HDRLEN                          = 0x4
-	GENL_ID_CTRL                         = 0x10
-	GENL_ID_PMCRAID                      = 0x12
-	GENL_ID_VFS_DQUOT                    = 0x11
-	GENL_MAX_ID                          = 0x3ff
-	GENL_MIN_ID                          = 0x10
-	GENL_NAMSIZ                          = 0x10
-	GENL_START_ALLOC                     = 0x13
-	GENL_UNS_ADMIN_PERM                  = 0x10
-	GRND_NONBLOCK                        = 0x1
-	GRND_RANDOM                          = 0x2
-	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD                       = 0x31f
-	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD_AEB                   = 0x31e
-	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD_HDR_SIZE              = 0x4
-	HDIO_DRIVE_HOB_HDR_SIZE              = 0x8
-	HDIO_DRIVE_RESET                     = 0x31c
-	HDIO_DRIVE_TASK                      = 0x31e
-	HDIO_DRIVE_TASKFILE                  = 0x31d
-	HDIO_DRIVE_TASK_HDR_SIZE             = 0x8
-	HDIO_GETGEO                          = 0x301
-	HDIO_GET_32BIT                       = 0x309
-	HDIO_GET_ACOUSTIC                    = 0x30f
-	HDIO_GET_ADDRESS                     = 0x310
-	HDIO_GET_BUSSTATE                    = 0x31a
-	HDIO_GET_DMA                         = 0x30b
-	HDIO_GET_IDENTITY                    = 0x30d
-	HDIO_GET_KEEPSETTINGS                = 0x308
-	HDIO_GET_MULTCOUNT                   = 0x304
-	HDIO_GET_NICE                        = 0x30c
-	HDIO_GET_NOWERR                      = 0x30a
-	HDIO_GET_QDMA                        = 0x305
-	HDIO_GET_UNMASKINTR                  = 0x302
-	HDIO_GET_WCACHE                      = 0x30e
-	HDIO_OBSOLETE_IDENTITY               = 0x307
-	HDIO_SCAN_HWIF                       = 0x328
-	HDIO_SET_32BIT                       = 0x324
-	HDIO_SET_ACOUSTIC                    = 0x32c
-	HDIO_SET_ADDRESS                     = 0x32f
-	HDIO_SET_BUSSTATE                    = 0x32d
-	HDIO_SET_DMA                         = 0x326
-	HDIO_SET_KEEPSETTINGS                = 0x323
-	HDIO_SET_MULTCOUNT                   = 0x321
-	HDIO_SET_NICE                        = 0x329
-	HDIO_SET_NOWERR                      = 0x325
-	HDIO_SET_PIO_MODE                    = 0x327
-	HDIO_SET_QDMA                        = 0x32e
-	HDIO_SET_UNMASKINTR                  = 0x322
-	HDIO_SET_WCACHE                      = 0x32b
-	HDIO_SET_XFER                        = 0x306
-	HDIO_TRISTATE_HWIF                   = 0x31b
-	HDIO_UNREGISTER_HWIF                 = 0x32a
-	HOSTFS_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0xc0ffee
-	HPFS_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xf995e849
-	HUGETLBFS_MAGIC                      = 0x958458f6
-	HUPCL                                = 0x400
-	IBSHIFT                              = 0x10
-	ICANON                               = 0x2
-	ICMPV6_FILTER                        = 0x1
-	ICRNL                                = 0x100
-	IEXTEN                               = 0x8000
-	IFA_F_DADFAILED                      = 0x8
-	IFA_F_DEPRECATED                     = 0x20
-	IFA_F_HOMEADDRESS                    = 0x10
-	IFA_F_MANAGETEMPADDR                 = 0x100
-	IFA_F_MCAUTOJOIN                     = 0x400
-	IFA_F_NODAD                          = 0x2
-	IFA_F_NOPREFIXROUTE                  = 0x200
-	IFA_F_OPTIMISTIC                     = 0x4
-	IFA_F_PERMANENT                      = 0x80
-	IFA_F_SECONDARY                      = 0x1
-	IFA_F_STABLE_PRIVACY                 = 0x800
-	IFA_F_TEMPORARY                      = 0x1
-	IFA_F_TENTATIVE                      = 0x40
-	IFA_MAX                              = 0xa
-	IFF_ALLMULTI                         = 0x200
-	IFF_ATTACH_QUEUE                     = 0x200
-	IFF_AUTOMEDIA                        = 0x4000
-	IFF_BROADCAST                        = 0x2
-	IFF_DEBUG                            = 0x4
-	IFF_DETACH_QUEUE                     = 0x400
-	IFF_DORMANT                          = 0x20000
-	IFF_DYNAMIC                          = 0x8000
-	IFF_ECHO                             = 0x40000
-	IFF_LOOPBACK                         = 0x8
-	IFF_LOWER_UP                         = 0x10000
-	IFF_MASTER                           = 0x400
-	IFF_MULTICAST                        = 0x1000
-	IFF_MULTI_QUEUE                      = 0x100
-	IFF_NAPI                             = 0x10
-	IFF_NAPI_FRAGS                       = 0x20
-	IFF_NOARP                            = 0x80
-	IFF_NOFILTER                         = 0x1000
-	IFF_NOTRAILERS                       = 0x20
-	IFF_NO_PI                            = 0x1000
-	IFF_ONE_QUEUE                        = 0x2000
-	IFF_PERSIST                          = 0x800
-	IFF_POINTOPOINT                      = 0x10
-	IFF_PORTSEL                          = 0x2000
-	IFF_PROMISC                          = 0x100
-	IFF_RUNNING                          = 0x40
-	IFF_SLAVE                            = 0x800
-	IFF_TAP                              = 0x2
-	IFF_TUN                              = 0x1
-	IFF_TUN_EXCL                         = 0x8000
-	IFF_UP                               = 0x1
-	IFF_VNET_HDR                         = 0x4000
-	IFF_VOLATILE                         = 0x70c5a
-	IFNAMSIZ                             = 0x10
-	IGNBRK                               = 0x1
-	IGNCR                                = 0x80
-	IGNPAR                               = 0x4
-	IMAXBEL                              = 0x2000
-	INLCR                                = 0x40
-	INPCK                                = 0x10
-	IN_ACCESS                            = 0x1
-	IN_ALL_EVENTS                        = 0xfff
-	IN_ATTRIB                            = 0x4
-	IN_CLASSA_HOST                       = 0xffffff
-	IN_CLASSA_MAX                        = 0x80
-	IN_CLASSA_NET                        = 0xff000000
-	IN_CLASSA_NSHIFT                     = 0x18
-	IN_CLASSB_HOST                       = 0xffff
-	IN_CLASSB_MAX                        = 0x10000
-	IN_CLASSB_NET                        = 0xffff0000
-	IN_CLASSB_NSHIFT                     = 0x10
-	IN_CLASSC_HOST                       = 0xff
-	IN_CLASSC_NET                        = 0xffffff00
-	IN_CLASSC_NSHIFT                     = 0x8
-	IN_CLOEXEC                           = 0x80000
-	IN_CLOSE                             = 0x18
-	IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE                     = 0x10
-	IN_CLOSE_WRITE                       = 0x8
-	IN_CREATE                            = 0x100
-	IN_DELETE                            = 0x200
-	IN_DELETE_SELF                       = 0x400
-	IN_DONT_FOLLOW                       = 0x2000000
-	IN_EXCL_UNLINK                       = 0x4000000
-	IN_IGNORED                           = 0x8000
-	IN_ISDIR                             = 0x40000000
-	IN_LOOPBACKNET                       = 0x7f
-	IN_MASK_ADD                          = 0x20000000
-	IN_MASK_CREATE                       = 0x10000000
-	IN_MODIFY                            = 0x2
-	IN_MOVE                              = 0xc0
-	IN_MOVED_FROM                        = 0x40
-	IN_MOVED_TO                          = 0x80
-	IN_MOVE_SELF                         = 0x800
-	IN_NONBLOCK                          = 0x800
-	IN_ONESHOT                           = 0x80000000
-	IN_ONLYDIR                           = 0x1000000
-	IN_OPEN                              = 0x20
-	IN_Q_OVERFLOW                        = 0x4000
-	IN_UNMOUNT                           = 0x2000
-	IPPROTO_AH                           = 0x33
-	IPPROTO_BEETPH                       = 0x5e
-	IPPROTO_COMP                         = 0x6c
-	IPPROTO_DCCP                         = 0x21
-	IPPROTO_DSTOPTS                      = 0x3c
-	IPPROTO_EGP                          = 0x8
-	IPPROTO_ENCAP                        = 0x62
-	IPPROTO_ESP                          = 0x32
-	IPPROTO_FRAGMENT                     = 0x2c
-	IPPROTO_GRE                          = 0x2f
-	IPPROTO_HOPOPTS                      = 0x0
-	IPPROTO_ICMP                         = 0x1
-	IPPROTO_ICMPV6                       = 0x3a
-	IPPROTO_IDP                          = 0x16
-	IPPROTO_IGMP                         = 0x2
-	IPPROTO_IP                           = 0x0
-	IPPROTO_IPIP                         = 0x4
-	IPPROTO_IPV6                         = 0x29
-	IPPROTO_MH                           = 0x87
-	IPPROTO_MPLS                         = 0x89
-	IPPROTO_MTP                          = 0x5c
-	IPPROTO_NONE                         = 0x3b
-	IPPROTO_PIM                          = 0x67
-	IPPROTO_PUP                          = 0xc
-	IPPROTO_RAW                          = 0xff
-	IPPROTO_ROUTING                      = 0x2b
-	IPPROTO_RSVP                         = 0x2e
-	IPPROTO_SCTP                         = 0x84
-	IPPROTO_TCP                          = 0x6
-	IPPROTO_TP                           = 0x1d
-	IPPROTO_UDP                          = 0x11
-	IPPROTO_UDPLITE                      = 0x88
-	IPV6_2292DSTOPTS                     = 0x4
-	IPV6_2292HOPLIMIT                    = 0x8
-	IPV6_2292HOPOPTS                     = 0x3
-	IPV6_2292PKTINFO                     = 0x2
-	IPV6_2292PKTOPTIONS                  = 0x6
-	IPV6_2292RTHDR                       = 0x5
-	IPV6_ADDRFORM                        = 0x1
-	IPV6_ADDR_PREFERENCES                = 0x48
-	IPV6_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                  = 0x14
-	IPV6_AUTHHDR                         = 0xa
-	IPV6_AUTOFLOWLABEL                   = 0x46
-	IPV6_CHECKSUM                        = 0x7
-	IPV6_DONTFRAG                        = 0x3e
-	IPV6_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                 = 0x15
-	IPV6_DSTOPTS                         = 0x3b
-	IPV6_FREEBIND                        = 0x4e
-	IPV6_HDRINCL                         = 0x24
-	IPV6_HOPLIMIT                        = 0x34
-	IPV6_HOPOPTS                         = 0x36
-	IPV6_IPSEC_POLICY                    = 0x22
-	IPV6_JOIN_ANYCAST                    = 0x1b
-	IPV6_JOIN_GROUP                      = 0x14
-	IPV6_LEAVE_ANYCAST                   = 0x1c
-	IPV6_LEAVE_GROUP                     = 0x15
-	IPV6_MINHOPCOUNT                     = 0x49
-	IPV6_MTU                             = 0x18
-	IPV6_MTU_DISCOVER                    = 0x17
-	IPV6_MULTICAST_ALL                   = 0x1d
-	IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS                  = 0x12
-	IPV6_MULTICAST_IF                    = 0x11
-	IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP                  = 0x13
-	IPV6_NEXTHOP                         = 0x9
-	IPV6_ORIGDSTADDR                     = 0x4a
-	IPV6_PATHMTU                         = 0x3d
-	IPV6_PKTINFO                         = 0x32
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_DO                     = 0x2
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_DONT                   = 0x0
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_INTERFACE              = 0x4
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_OMIT                   = 0x5
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_PROBE                  = 0x3
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_WANT                   = 0x1
-	IPV6_RECVDSTOPTS                     = 0x3a
-	IPV6_RECVERR                         = 0x19
-	IPV6_RECVFRAGSIZE                    = 0x4d
-	IPV6_RECVHOPLIMIT                    = 0x33
-	IPV6_RECVHOPOPTS                     = 0x35
-	IPV6_RECVORIGDSTADDR                 = 0x4a
-	IPV6_RECVPATHMTU                     = 0x3c
-	IPV6_RECVPKTINFO                     = 0x31
-	IPV6_RECVRTHDR                       = 0x38
-	IPV6_RECVTCLASS                      = 0x42
-	IPV6_ROUTER_ALERT                    = 0x16
-	IPV6_ROUTER_ALERT_ISOLATE            = 0x1e
-	IPV6_RTHDR                           = 0x39
-	IPV6_RTHDRDSTOPTS                    = 0x37
-	IPV6_RTHDR_LOOSE                     = 0x0
-	IPV6_RTHDR_STRICT                    = 0x1
-	IPV6_RTHDR_TYPE_0                    = 0x0
-	IPV6_RXDSTOPTS                       = 0x3b
-	IPV6_RXHOPOPTS                       = 0x36
-	IPV6_TCLASS                          = 0x43
-	IPV6_TRANSPARENT                     = 0x4b
-	IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS                    = 0x10
-	IPV6_UNICAST_IF                      = 0x4c
-	IPV6_V6ONLY                          = 0x1a
-	IPV6_XFRM_POLICY                     = 0x23
-	IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                    = 0x23
-	IP_ADD_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP             = 0x27
-	IP_BIND_ADDRESS_NO_PORT              = 0x18
-	IP_BLOCK_SOURCE                      = 0x26
-	IP_CHECKSUM                          = 0x17
-	IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_LOOP            = 0x1
-	IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_TTL             = 0x1
-	IP_DF                                = 0x4000
-	IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                   = 0x24
-	IP_DROP_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP            = 0x28
-	IP_FREEBIND                          = 0xf
-	IP_HDRINCL                           = 0x3
-	IP_IPSEC_POLICY                      = 0x10
-	IP_MAXPACKET                         = 0xffff
-	IP_MAX_MEMBERSHIPS                   = 0x14
-	IP_MF                                = 0x2000
-	IP_MINTTL                            = 0x15
-	IP_MSFILTER                          = 0x29
-	IP_MSS                               = 0x240
-	IP_MTU                               = 0xe
-	IP_MTU_DISCOVER                      = 0xa
-	IP_MULTICAST_ALL                     = 0x31
-	IP_MULTICAST_IF                      = 0x20
-	IP_MULTICAST_LOOP                    = 0x22
-	IP_MULTICAST_TTL                     = 0x21
-	IP_NODEFRAG                          = 0x16
-	IP_OFFMASK                           = 0x1fff
-	IP_OPTIONS                           = 0x4
-	IP_ORIGDSTADDR                       = 0x14
-	IP_PASSSEC                           = 0x12
-	IP_PKTINFO                           = 0x8
-	IP_PKTOPTIONS                        = 0x9
-	IP_PMTUDISC                          = 0xa
-	IP_PMTUDISC_DO                       = 0x2
-	IP_PMTUDISC_DONT                     = 0x0
-	IP_PMTUDISC_INTERFACE                = 0x4
-	IP_PMTUDISC_OMIT                     = 0x5
-	IP_PMTUDISC_PROBE                    = 0x3
-	IP_PMTUDISC_WANT                     = 0x1
-	IP_RECVERR                           = 0xb
-	IP_RECVFRAGSIZE                      = 0x19
-	IP_RECVOPTS                          = 0x6
-	IP_RECVORIGDSTADDR                   = 0x14
-	IP_RECVRETOPTS                       = 0x7
-	IP_RECVTOS                           = 0xd
-	IP_RECVTTL                           = 0xc
-	IP_RETOPTS                           = 0x7
-	IP_RF                                = 0x8000
-	IP_ROUTER_ALERT                      = 0x5
-	IP_TOS                               = 0x1
-	IP_TRANSPARENT                       = 0x13
-	IP_TTL                               = 0x2
-	IP_UNBLOCK_SOURCE                    = 0x25
-	IP_UNICAST_IF                        = 0x32
-	IP_XFRM_POLICY                       = 0x11
-	ISIG                                 = 0x1
-	ISOFS_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x9660
-	ISTRIP                               = 0x20
-	IUCLC                                = 0x200
-	IUTF8                                = 0x4000
-	IXANY                                = 0x800
-	IXOFF                                = 0x1000
-	IXON                                 = 0x400
-	JFFS2_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x72b6
-	KEXEC_ARCH_386                       = 0x30000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_68K                       = 0x40000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_AARCH64                   = 0xb70000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_ARM                       = 0x280000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_DEFAULT                   = 0x0
-	KEXEC_ARCH_IA_64                     = 0x320000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_MASK                      = 0xffff0000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_MIPS                      = 0x80000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_MIPS_LE                   = 0xa0000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_PPC                       = 0x140000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_PPC64                     = 0x150000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_S390                      = 0x160000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_SH                        = 0x2a0000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_X86_64                    = 0x3e0000
-	KEXEC_FILE_NO_INITRAMFS              = 0x4
-	KEXEC_FILE_ON_CRASH                  = 0x2
-	KEXEC_FILE_UNLOAD                    = 0x1
-	KEXEC_ON_CRASH                       = 0x1
-	KEXEC_PRESERVE_CONTEXT               = 0x2
-	KEXEC_SEGMENT_MAX                    = 0x10
-	KEYCTL_ASSUME_AUTHORITY              = 0x10
-	KEYCTL_CHOWN                         = 0x4
-	KEYCTL_CLEAR                         = 0x7
-	KEYCTL_DESCRIBE                      = 0x6
-	KEYCTL_DH_COMPUTE                    = 0x17
-	KEYCTL_GET_KEYRING_ID                = 0x0
-	KEYCTL_GET_PERSISTENT                = 0x16
-	KEYCTL_GET_SECURITY                  = 0x11
-	KEYCTL_INSTANTIATE                   = 0xc
-	KEYCTL_INSTANTIATE_IOV               = 0x14
-	KEYCTL_INVALIDATE                    = 0x15
-	KEYCTL_LINK                          = 0x8
-	KEYCTL_NEGATE                        = 0xd
-	KEYCTL_PKEY_DECRYPT                  = 0x1a
-	KEYCTL_PKEY_ENCRYPT                  = 0x19
-	KEYCTL_PKEY_QUERY                    = 0x18
-	KEYCTL_PKEY_SIGN                     = 0x1b
-	KEYCTL_PKEY_VERIFY                   = 0x1c
-	KEYCTL_READ                          = 0xb
-	KEYCTL_REJECT                        = 0x13
-	KEYCTL_RESTRICT_KEYRING              = 0x1d
-	KEYCTL_REVOKE                        = 0x3
-	KEYCTL_SEARCH                        = 0xa
-	KEYCTL_SESSION_TO_PARENT             = 0x12
-	KEYCTL_SETPERM                       = 0x5
-	KEYCTL_SET_REQKEY_KEYRING            = 0xe
-	KEYCTL_SET_TIMEOUT                   = 0xf
-	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_DECRYPT              = 0x2
-	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_ENCRYPT              = 0x1
-	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_SIGN                 = 0x4
-	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_VERIFY               = 0x8
-	KEYCTL_UNLINK                        = 0x9
-	KEYCTL_UPDATE                        = 0x2
-	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_DEFAULT              = 0x0
-	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_NO_CHANGE            = -0x1
-	KEY_SPEC_GROUP_KEYRING               = -0x6
-	KEY_SPEC_PROCESS_KEYRING             = -0x2
-	KEY_SPEC_REQKEY_AUTH_KEY             = -0x7
-	KEY_SPEC_SESSION_KEYRING             = -0x3
-	KEY_SPEC_THREAD_KEYRING              = -0x1
-	KEY_SPEC_USER_KEYRING                = -0x4
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_CAD_OFF             = 0x0
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_CAD_ON              = 0x89abcdef
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_HALT                = 0xcdef0123
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_KEXEC               = 0x45584543
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_POWER_OFF           = 0x4321fedc
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_RESTART             = 0x1234567
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_RESTART2            = 0xa1b2c3d4
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_SW_SUSPEND          = 0xd000fce2
-	LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC1                  = 0xfee1dead
-	LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC2                  = 0x28121969
-	LOCK_EX                              = 0x2
-	LOCK_NB                              = 0x4
-	LOCK_SH                              = 0x1
-	LOCK_UN                              = 0x8
-	LOOP_CLR_FD                          = 0x4c01
-	LOOP_CTL_ADD                         = 0x4c80
-	LOOP_CTL_GET_FREE                    = 0x4c82
-	LOOP_CTL_REMOVE                      = 0x4c81
-	LOOP_GET_STATUS                      = 0x4c03
-	LOOP_GET_STATUS64                    = 0x4c05
-	LOOP_SET_BLOCK_SIZE                  = 0x4c09
-	LOOP_SET_CAPACITY                    = 0x4c07
-	LOOP_SET_DIRECT_IO                   = 0x4c08
-	LOOP_SET_FD                          = 0x4c00
-	LOOP_SET_STATUS                      = 0x4c02
-	LOOP_SET_STATUS64                    = 0x4c04
-	LO_KEY_SIZE                          = 0x20
-	LO_NAME_SIZE                         = 0x40
-	MADV_DODUMP                          = 0x11
-	MADV_DOFORK                          = 0xb
-	MADV_DONTDUMP                        = 0x10
-	MADV_DONTFORK                        = 0xa
-	MADV_DONTNEED                        = 0x4
-	MADV_FREE                            = 0x8
-	MADV_HUGEPAGE                        = 0xe
-	MADV_HWPOISON                        = 0x64
-	MADV_KEEPONFORK                      = 0x13
-	MADV_MERGEABLE                       = 0xc
-	MADV_NOHUGEPAGE                      = 0xf
-	MADV_NORMAL                          = 0x0
-	MADV_RANDOM                          = 0x1
-	MADV_REMOVE                          = 0x9
-	MADV_SEQUENTIAL                      = 0x2
-	MADV_UNMERGEABLE                     = 0xd
-	MADV_WILLNEED                        = 0x3
-	MADV_WIPEONFORK                      = 0x12
-	MAP_ANON                             = 0x20
-	MAP_ANONYMOUS                        = 0x20
-	MAP_DENYWRITE                        = 0x800
-	MAP_EXECUTABLE                       = 0x1000
-	MAP_FILE                             = 0x0
-	MAP_FIXED                            = 0x10
-	MAP_FIXED_NOREPLACE                  = 0x100000
-	MAP_GROWSDOWN                        = 0x100
-	MAP_HUGETLB                          = 0x40000
-	MAP_HUGE_MASK                        = 0x3f
-	MAP_HUGE_SHIFT                       = 0x1a
-	MAP_LOCKED                           = 0x2000
-	MAP_NONBLOCK                         = 0x10000
-	MAP_NORESERVE                        = 0x4000
-	MAP_POPULATE                         = 0x8000
-	MAP_PRIVATE                          = 0x2
-	MAP_SHARED                           = 0x1
-	MAP_SHARED_VALIDATE                  = 0x3
-	MAP_STACK                            = 0x20000
-	MAP_SYNC                             = 0x80000
-	MAP_TYPE                             = 0xf
-	MCAST_BLOCK_SOURCE                   = 0x2b
-	MCAST_EXCLUDE                        = 0x0
-	MCAST_INCLUDE                        = 0x1
-	MCAST_JOIN_GROUP                     = 0x2a
-	MCAST_JOIN_SOURCE_GROUP              = 0x2e
-	MCAST_LEAVE_GROUP                    = 0x2d
-	MCAST_LEAVE_SOURCE_GROUP             = 0x2f
-	MCAST_MSFILTER                       = 0x30
-	MCAST_UNBLOCK_SOURCE                 = 0x2c
-	MCL_CURRENT                          = 0x1
-	MCL_FUTURE                           = 0x2
-	MCL_ONFAULT                          = 0x4
-	MFD_ALLOW_SEALING                    = 0x2
-	MFD_CLOEXEC                          = 0x1
-	MFD_HUGETLB                          = 0x4
-	MFD_HUGE_16GB                        = -0x78000000
-	MFD_HUGE_16MB                        = 0x60000000
-	MFD_HUGE_1GB                         = 0x78000000
-	MFD_HUGE_1MB                         = 0x50000000
-	MFD_HUGE_256MB                       = 0x70000000
-	MFD_HUGE_2GB                         = 0x7c000000
-	MFD_HUGE_2MB                         = 0x54000000
-	MFD_HUGE_32MB                        = 0x64000000
-	MFD_HUGE_512KB                       = 0x4c000000
-	MFD_HUGE_512MB                       = 0x74000000
-	MFD_HUGE_64KB                        = 0x40000000
-	MFD_HUGE_8MB                         = 0x5c000000
-	MFD_HUGE_MASK                        = 0x3f
-	MFD_HUGE_SHIFT                       = 0x1a
-	MINIX2_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0x2468
-	MINIX2_SUPER_MAGIC2                  = 0x2478
-	MINIX3_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0x4d5a
-	MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x137f
-	MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC2                   = 0x138f
-	MNT_DETACH                           = 0x2
-	MNT_EXPIRE                           = 0x4
-	MNT_FORCE                            = 0x1
-	MSDOS_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x4d44
-	MSG_BATCH                            = 0x40000
-	MSG_CMSG_CLOEXEC                     = 0x40000000
-	MSG_CONFIRM                          = 0x800
-	MSG_CTRUNC                           = 0x8
-	MSG_DONTROUTE                        = 0x4
-	MSG_DONTWAIT                         = 0x40
-	MSG_EOR                              = 0x80
-	MSG_ERRQUEUE                         = 0x2000
-	MSG_FASTOPEN                         = 0x20000000
-	MSG_FIN                              = 0x200
-	MSG_MORE                             = 0x8000
-	MSG_NOSIGNAL                         = 0x4000
-	MSG_OOB                              = 0x1
-	MSG_PEEK                             = 0x2
-	MSG_PROXY                            = 0x10
-	MSG_RST                              = 0x1000
-	MSG_SYN                              = 0x400
-	MSG_TRUNC                            = 0x20
-	MSG_TRYHARD                          = 0x4
-	MSG_WAITALL                          = 0x100
-	MSG_WAITFORONE                       = 0x10000
-	MSG_ZEROCOPY                         = 0x4000000
-	MS_ACTIVE                            = 0x40000000
-	MS_ASYNC                             = 0x1
-	MS_BIND                              = 0x1000
-	MS_BORN                              = 0x20000000
-	MS_DIRSYNC                           = 0x80
-	MS_INVALIDATE                        = 0x2
-	MS_I_VERSION                         = 0x800000
-	MS_KERNMOUNT                         = 0x400000
-	MS_LAZYTIME                          = 0x2000000
-	MS_MANDLOCK                          = 0x40
-	MS_MGC_MSK                           = 0xffff0000
-	MS_MGC_VAL                           = 0xc0ed0000
-	MS_MOVE                              = 0x2000
-	MS_NOATIME                           = 0x400
-	MS_NODEV                             = 0x4
-	MS_NODIRATIME                        = 0x800
-	MS_NOEXEC                            = 0x8
-	MS_NOREMOTELOCK                      = 0x8000000
-	MS_NOSEC                             = 0x10000000
-	MS_NOSUID                            = 0x2
-	MS_NOUSER                            = -0x80000000
-	MS_POSIXACL                          = 0x10000
-	MS_PRIVATE                           = 0x40000
-	MS_RDONLY                            = 0x1
-	MS_REC                               = 0x4000
-	MS_RELATIME                          = 0x200000
-	MS_REMOUNT                           = 0x20
-	MS_RMT_MASK                          = 0x2800051
-	MS_SHARED                            = 0x100000
-	MS_SILENT                            = 0x8000
-	MS_SLAVE                             = 0x80000
-	MS_STRICTATIME                       = 0x1000000
-	MS_SUBMOUNT                          = 0x4000000
-	MS_SYNC                              = 0x4
-	MS_SYNCHRONOUS                       = 0x10
-	MS_UNBINDABLE                        = 0x20000
-	MS_VERBOSE                           = 0x8000
-	MTD_INODE_FS_MAGIC                   = 0x11307854
-	NAME_MAX                             = 0xff
-	NCP_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x564c
-	NETLINK_ADD_MEMBERSHIP               = 0x1
-	NETLINK_AUDIT                        = 0x9
-	NETLINK_BROADCAST_ERROR              = 0x4
-	NETLINK_CAP_ACK                      = 0xa
-	NETLINK_CONNECTOR                    = 0xb
-	NETLINK_CRYPTO                       = 0x15
-	NETLINK_DNRTMSG                      = 0xe
-	NETLINK_DROP_MEMBERSHIP              = 0x2
-	NETLINK_ECRYPTFS                     = 0x13
-	NETLINK_EXT_ACK                      = 0xb
-	NETLINK_FIB_LOOKUP                   = 0xa
-	NETLINK_FIREWALL                     = 0x3
-	NETLINK_GENERIC                      = 0x10
-	NETLINK_GET_STRICT_CHK               = 0xc
-	NETLINK_INET_DIAG                    = 0x4
-	NETLINK_IP6_FW                       = 0xd
-	NETLINK_ISCSI                        = 0x8
-	NETLINK_KOBJECT_UEVENT               = 0xf
-	NETLINK_LISTEN_ALL_NSID              = 0x8
-	NETLINK_LIST_MEMBERSHIPS             = 0x9
-	NETLINK_NETFILTER                    = 0xc
-	NETLINK_NFLOG                        = 0x5
-	NETLINK_NO_ENOBUFS                   = 0x5
-	NETLINK_PKTINFO                      = 0x3
-	NETLINK_RDMA                         = 0x14
-	NETLINK_ROUTE                        = 0x0
-	NETLINK_RX_RING                      = 0x6
-	NETLINK_SCSITRANSPORT                = 0x12
-	NETLINK_SELINUX                      = 0x7
-	NETLINK_SMC                          = 0x16
-	NETLINK_SOCK_DIAG                    = 0x4
-	NETLINK_TX_RING                      = 0x7
-	NETLINK_UNUSED                       = 0x1
-	NETLINK_USERSOCK                     = 0x2
-	NETLINK_XFRM                         = 0x6
-	NETNSA_MAX                           = 0x5
-	NETNSA_NSID_NOT_ASSIGNED             = -0x1
-	NFNETLINK_V0                         = 0x0
-	NFNLGRP_ACCT_QUOTA                   = 0x8
-	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_EXP_NEW            = 0x4
-	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_NEW                = 0x1
-	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_UPDATE             = 0x2
-	NFNLGRP_MAX                          = 0x9
-	NFNLGRP_NFTABLES                     = 0x7
-	NFNLGRP_NFTRACE                      = 0x9
-	NFNLGRP_NONE                         = 0x0
-	NFNL_BATCH_MAX                       = 0x1
-	NFNL_MSG_BATCH_BEGIN                 = 0x10
-	NFNL_MSG_BATCH_END                   = 0x11
-	NFNL_NFA_NEST                        = 0x8000
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_ACCT                     = 0x7
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_COUNT                    = 0xc
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTHELPER                 = 0x9
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTNETLINK                = 0x1
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTNETLINK_EXP            = 0x2
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_IPSET                    = 0x6
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_NFTABLES                 = 0xa
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_NFT_COMPAT               = 0xb
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_NONE                     = 0x0
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_OSF                      = 0x5
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_QUEUE                    = 0x3
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_ULOG                     = 0x4
-	NFS_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x6969
-	NILFS_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x3434
-	NL0                                  = 0x0
-	NL1                                  = 0x100
-	NLA_ALIGNTO                          = 0x4
-	NLA_F_NESTED                         = 0x8000
-	NLA_F_NET_BYTEORDER                  = 0x4000
-	NLA_HDRLEN                           = 0x4
-	NLDLY                                = 0x100
-	NLMSG_ALIGNTO                        = 0x4
-	NLMSG_DONE                           = 0x3
-	NLMSG_ERROR                          = 0x2
-	NLMSG_HDRLEN                         = 0x10
-	NLMSG_MIN_TYPE                       = 0x10
-	NLMSG_NOOP                           = 0x1
-	NLMSG_OVERRUN                        = 0x4
-	NLM_F_ACK                            = 0x4
-	NLM_F_ACK_TLVS                       = 0x200
-	NLM_F_APPEND                         = 0x800
-	NLM_F_ATOMIC                         = 0x400
-	NLM_F_CAPPED                         = 0x100
-	NLM_F_CREATE                         = 0x400
-	NLM_F_DUMP                           = 0x300
-	NLM_F_DUMP_FILTERED                  = 0x20
-	NLM_F_DUMP_INTR                      = 0x10
-	NLM_F_ECHO                           = 0x8
-	NLM_F_EXCL                           = 0x200
-	NLM_F_MATCH                          = 0x200
-	NLM_F_MULTI                          = 0x2
-	NLM_F_NONREC                         = 0x100
-	NLM_F_REPLACE                        = 0x100
-	NLM_F_REQUEST                        = 0x1
-	NLM_F_ROOT                           = 0x100
-	NOFLSH                               = 0x80
-	NSFS_MAGIC                           = 0x6e736673
-	OCFS2_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x7461636f
-	OCRNL                                = 0x8
-	OFDEL                                = 0x80
-	OFILL                                = 0x40
-	OLCUC                                = 0x2
-	ONLCR                                = 0x4
-	ONLRET                               = 0x20
-	ONOCR                                = 0x10
-	OPENPROM_SUPER_MAGIC                 = 0x9fa1
-	OPOST                                = 0x1
-	OVERLAYFS_SUPER_MAGIC                = 0x794c7630
-	O_ACCMODE                            = 0x3
-	O_APPEND                             = 0x400
-	O_ASYNC                              = 0x2000
-	O_CLOEXEC                            = 0x80000
-	O_CREAT                              = 0x40
-	O_DIRECT                             = 0x4000
-	O_DIRECTORY                          = 0x10000
-	O_DSYNC                              = 0x1000
-	O_EXCL                               = 0x80
-	O_FSYNC                              = 0x101000
-	O_LARGEFILE                          = 0x0
-	O_NDELAY                             = 0x800
-	O_NOATIME                            = 0x40000
-	O_NOCTTY                             = 0x100
-	O_NOFOLLOW                           = 0x20000
-	O_NONBLOCK                           = 0x800
-	O_PATH                               = 0x200000
-	O_RDONLY                             = 0x0
-	O_RDWR                               = 0x2
-	O_RSYNC                              = 0x101000
-	O_SYNC                               = 0x101000
-	O_TMPFILE                            = 0x410000
-	O_TRUNC                              = 0x200
-	O_WRONLY                             = 0x1
-	PACKET_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                = 0x1
-	PACKET_AUXDATA                       = 0x8
-	PACKET_BROADCAST                     = 0x1
-	PACKET_COPY_THRESH                   = 0x7
-	PACKET_DROP_MEMBERSHIP               = 0x2
-	PACKET_FANOUT                        = 0x12
-	PACKET_FANOUT_CBPF                   = 0x6
-	PACKET_FANOUT_CPU                    = 0x2
-	PACKET_FANOUT_DATA                   = 0x16
-	PACKET_FANOUT_EBPF                   = 0x7
-	PACKET_FANOUT_FLAG_DEFRAG            = 0x8000
-	PACKET_FANOUT_HASH                   = 0x0
-	PACKET_FANOUT_LB                     = 0x1
-	PACKET_FANOUT_QM                     = 0x5
-	PACKET_FANOUT_RND                    = 0x4
-	PACKET_FANOUT_ROLLOVER               = 0x3
-	PACKET_FASTROUTE                     = 0x6
-	PACKET_HDRLEN                        = 0xb
-	PACKET_HOST                          = 0x0
-	PACKET_IGNORE_OUTGOING               = 0x17
-	PACKET_KERNEL                        = 0x7
-	PACKET_LOOPBACK                      = 0x5
-	PACKET_LOSS                          = 0xe
-	PACKET_MR_ALLMULTI                   = 0x2
-	PACKET_MR_MULTICAST                  = 0x0
-	PACKET_MR_PROMISC                    = 0x1
-	PACKET_MR_UNICAST                    = 0x3
-	PACKET_MULTICAST                     = 0x2
-	PACKET_ORIGDEV                       = 0x9
-	PACKET_OTHERHOST                     = 0x3
-	PACKET_OUTGOING                      = 0x4
-	PACKET_QDISC_BYPASS                  = 0x14
-	PACKET_RECV_OUTPUT                   = 0x3
-	PACKET_RESERVE                       = 0xc
-	PACKET_ROLLOVER_STATS                = 0x15
-	PACKET_RX_RING                       = 0x5
-	PACKET_STATISTICS                    = 0x6
-	PACKET_TIMESTAMP                     = 0x11
-	PACKET_TX_HAS_OFF                    = 0x13
-	PACKET_TX_RING                       = 0xd
-	PACKET_TX_TIMESTAMP                  = 0x10
-	PACKET_USER                          = 0x6
-	PACKET_VERSION                       = 0xa
-	PACKET_VNET_HDR                      = 0xf
-	PARENB                               = 0x100
-	PARITY_CRC16_PR0                     = 0x2
-	PARITY_CRC16_PR0_CCITT               = 0x4
-	PARITY_CRC16_PR1                     = 0x3
-	PARITY_CRC16_PR1_CCITT               = 0x5
-	PARITY_CRC32_PR0_CCITT               = 0x6
-	PARITY_CRC32_PR1_CCITT               = 0x7
-	PARITY_DEFAULT                       = 0x0
-	PARITY_NONE                          = 0x1
-	PARMRK                               = 0x8
-	PARODD                               = 0x200
-	PENDIN                               = 0x4000
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_DISABLE               = 0x2401
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_ENABLE                = 0x2400
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_ID                    = 0x80082407
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_PAUSE_OUTPUT          = 0x40042409
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_PERIOD                = 0x40082404
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_QUERY_BPF             = 0xc008240a
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_REFRESH               = 0x2402
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_RESET                 = 0x2403
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_BPF               = 0x40042408
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_FILTER            = 0x40082406
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_OUTPUT            = 0x2405
-	PIPEFS_MAGIC                         = 0x50495045
-	PPPIOCATTACH                         = 0x4004743d
-	PPPIOCATTCHAN                        = 0x40047438
-	PPPIOCCONNECT                        = 0x4004743a
-	PPPIOCDETACH                         = 0x4004743c
-	PPPIOCDISCONN                        = 0x7439
-	PPPIOCGASYNCMAP                      = 0x80047458
-	PPPIOCGCHAN                          = 0x80047437
-	PPPIOCGDEBUG                         = 0x80047441
-	PPPIOCGFLAGS                         = 0x8004745a
-	PPPIOCGIDLE                          = 0x8010743f
-	PPPIOCGL2TPSTATS                     = 0x80487436
-	PPPIOCGMRU                           = 0x80047453
-	PPPIOCGNPMODE                        = 0xc008744c
-	PPPIOCGRASYNCMAP                     = 0x80047455
-	PPPIOCGUNIT                          = 0x80047456
-	PPPIOCGXASYNCMAP                     = 0x80207450
-	PPPIOCNEWUNIT                        = 0xc004743e
-	PPPIOCSACTIVE                        = 0x40107446
-	PPPIOCSASYNCMAP                      = 0x40047457
-	PPPIOCSCOMPRESS                      = 0x4010744d
-	PPPIOCSDEBUG                         = 0x40047440
-	PPPIOCSFLAGS                         = 0x40047459
-	PPPIOCSMAXCID                        = 0x40047451
-	PPPIOCSMRRU                          = 0x4004743b
-	PPPIOCSMRU                           = 0x40047452
-	PPPIOCSNPMODE                        = 0x4008744b
-	PPPIOCSPASS                          = 0x40107447
-	PPPIOCSRASYNCMAP                     = 0x40047454
-	PPPIOCSXASYNCMAP                     = 0x4020744f
-	PPPIOCXFERUNIT                       = 0x744e
-	PRIO_PGRP                            = 0x1
-	PRIO_PROCESS                         = 0x0
-	PRIO_USER                            = 0x2
-	PROC_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0x9fa0
-	PROT_EXEC                            = 0x4
-	PROT_GROWSDOWN                       = 0x1000000
-	PROT_GROWSUP                         = 0x2000000
-	PROT_NONE                            = 0x0
-	PROT_READ                            = 0x1
-	PROT_WRITE                           = 0x2
-	PR_CAPBSET_DROP                      = 0x18
-	PR_CAPBSET_READ                      = 0x17
-	PR_CAP_AMBIENT                       = 0x2f
-	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_CLEAR_ALL             = 0x4
-	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_IS_SET                = 0x1
-	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_LOWER                 = 0x3
-	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_RAISE                 = 0x2
-	PR_ENDIAN_BIG                        = 0x0
-	PR_ENDIAN_LITTLE                     = 0x1
-	PR_ENDIAN_PPC_LITTLE                 = 0x2
-	PR_FPEMU_NOPRINT                     = 0x1
-	PR_FPEMU_SIGFPE                      = 0x2
-	PR_FP_EXC_ASYNC                      = 0x2
-	PR_FP_EXC_DISABLED                   = 0x0
-	PR_FP_EXC_DIV                        = 0x10000
-	PR_FP_EXC_INV                        = 0x100000
-	PR_FP_EXC_NONRECOV                   = 0x1
-	PR_FP_EXC_OVF                        = 0x20000
-	PR_FP_EXC_PRECISE                    = 0x3
-	PR_FP_EXC_RES                        = 0x80000
-	PR_FP_EXC_SW_ENABLE                  = 0x80
-	PR_FP_EXC_UND                        = 0x40000
-	PR_FP_MODE_FR                        = 0x1
-	PR_FP_MODE_FRE                       = 0x2
-	PR_GET_CHILD_SUBREAPER               = 0x25
-	PR_GET_DUMPABLE                      = 0x3
-	PR_GET_ENDIAN                        = 0x13
-	PR_GET_FPEMU                         = 0x9
-	PR_GET_FPEXC                         = 0xb
-	PR_GET_FP_MODE                       = 0x2e
-	PR_GET_KEEPCAPS                      = 0x7
-	PR_GET_NAME                          = 0x10
-	PR_GET_NO_NEW_PRIVS                  = 0x27
-	PR_GET_PDEATHSIG                     = 0x2
-	PR_GET_SECCOMP                       = 0x15
-	PR_GET_SECUREBITS                    = 0x1b
-	PR_GET_SPECULATION_CTRL              = 0x34
-	PR_GET_THP_DISABLE                   = 0x2a
-	PR_GET_TID_ADDRESS                   = 0x28
-	PR_GET_TIMERSLACK                    = 0x1e
-	PR_GET_TIMING                        = 0xd
-	PR_GET_TSC                           = 0x19
-	PR_GET_UNALIGN                       = 0x5
-	PR_MCE_KILL                          = 0x21
-	PR_MCE_KILL_CLEAR                    = 0x0
-	PR_MCE_KILL_DEFAULT                  = 0x2
-	PR_MCE_KILL_EARLY                    = 0x1
-	PR_MCE_KILL_GET                      = 0x22
-	PR_MCE_KILL_LATE                     = 0x0
-	PR_MCE_KILL_SET                      = 0x1
-	PR_MPX_DISABLE_MANAGEMENT            = 0x2c
-	PR_MPX_ENABLE_MANAGEMENT             = 0x2b
-	PR_PAC_APDAKEY                       = 0x4
-	PR_PAC_APDBKEY                       = 0x8
-	PR_PAC_APGAKEY                       = 0x10
-	PR_PAC_APIAKEY                       = 0x1
-	PR_PAC_APIBKEY                       = 0x2
-	PR_PAC_RESET_KEYS                    = 0x36
-	PR_SET_CHILD_SUBREAPER               = 0x24
-	PR_SET_DUMPABLE                      = 0x4
-	PR_SET_ENDIAN                        = 0x14
-	PR_SET_FPEMU                         = 0xa
-	PR_SET_FPEXC                         = 0xc
-	PR_SET_FP_MODE                       = 0x2d
-	PR_SET_KEEPCAPS                      = 0x8
-	PR_SET_MM                            = 0x23
-	PR_SET_MM_ARG_END                    = 0x9
-	PR_SET_MM_ARG_START                  = 0x8
-	PR_SET_MM_AUXV                       = 0xc
-	PR_SET_MM_BRK                        = 0x7
-	PR_SET_MM_END_CODE                   = 0x2
-	PR_SET_MM_END_DATA                   = 0x4
-	PR_SET_MM_ENV_END                    = 0xb
-	PR_SET_MM_ENV_START                  = 0xa
-	PR_SET_MM_EXE_FILE                   = 0xd
-	PR_SET_MM_MAP                        = 0xe
-	PR_SET_MM_MAP_SIZE                   = 0xf
-	PR_SET_MM_START_BRK                  = 0x6
-	PR_SET_MM_START_CODE                 = 0x1
-	PR_SET_MM_START_DATA                 = 0x3
-	PR_SET_MM_START_STACK                = 0x5
-	PR_SET_NAME                          = 0xf
-	PR_SET_NO_NEW_PRIVS                  = 0x26
-	PR_SET_PDEATHSIG                     = 0x1
-	PR_SET_PTRACER                       = 0x59616d61
-	PR_SET_PTRACER_ANY                   = 0xffffffffffffffff
-	PR_SET_SECCOMP                       = 0x16
-	PR_SET_SECUREBITS                    = 0x1c
-	PR_SET_SPECULATION_CTRL              = 0x35
-	PR_SET_THP_DISABLE                   = 0x29
-	PR_SET_TIMERSLACK                    = 0x1d
-	PR_SET_TIMING                        = 0xe
-	PR_SET_TSC                           = 0x1a
-	PR_SET_UNALIGN                       = 0x6
-	PR_SPEC_DISABLE                      = 0x4
-	PR_SPEC_DISABLE_NOEXEC               = 0x10
-	PR_SPEC_ENABLE                       = 0x2
-	PR_SPEC_FORCE_DISABLE                = 0x8
-	PR_SPEC_INDIRECT_BRANCH              = 0x1
-	PR_SPEC_NOT_AFFECTED                 = 0x0
-	PR_SPEC_PRCTL                        = 0x1
-	PR_SPEC_STORE_BYPASS                 = 0x0
-	PR_SVE_GET_VL                        = 0x33
-	PR_SVE_SET_VL                        = 0x32
-	PR_SVE_SET_VL_ONEXEC                 = 0x40000
-	PR_SVE_VL_INHERIT                    = 0x20000
-	PR_SVE_VL_LEN_MASK                   = 0xffff
-	PR_TASK_PERF_EVENTS_ENABLE           = 0x20
-	PR_TIMING_STATISTICAL                = 0x0
-	PR_TIMING_TIMESTAMP                  = 0x1
-	PR_TSC_ENABLE                        = 0x1
-	PR_TSC_SIGSEGV                       = 0x2
-	PR_UNALIGN_NOPRINT                   = 0x1
-	PR_UNALIGN_SIGBUS                    = 0x2
-	PSTOREFS_MAGIC                       = 0x6165676c
-	PTRACE_ATTACH                        = 0x10
-	PTRACE_CONT                          = 0x7
-	PTRACE_DETACH                        = 0x11
-	PTRACE_DISABLE_TE                    = 0x5010
-	PTRACE_ENABLE_TE                     = 0x5009
-	PTRACE_EVENT_CLONE                   = 0x3
-	PTRACE_EVENT_EXEC                    = 0x4
-	PTRACE_EVENT_EXIT                    = 0x6
-	PTRACE_EVENT_FORK                    = 0x1
-	PTRACE_EVENT_SECCOMP                 = 0x7
-	PTRACE_EVENT_STOP                    = 0x80
-	PTRACE_EVENT_VFORK                   = 0x2
-	PTRACE_EVENT_VFORK_DONE              = 0x5
-	PTRACE_GETEVENTMSG                   = 0x4201
-	PTRACE_GETREGS                       = 0xc
-	PTRACE_GETREGSET                     = 0x4204
-	PTRACE_GETSIGINFO                    = 0x4202
-	PTRACE_GETSIGMASK                    = 0x420a
-	PTRACE_GET_LAST_BREAK                = 0x5006
-	PTRACE_INTERRUPT                     = 0x4207
-	PTRACE_KILL                          = 0x8
-	PTRACE_LISTEN                        = 0x4208
-	PTRACE_OLDSETOPTIONS                 = 0x15
-	PTRACE_O_EXITKILL                    = 0x100000
-	PTRACE_O_MASK                        = 0x3000ff
-	PTRACE_O_SUSPEND_SECCOMP             = 0x200000
-	PTRACE_O_TRACECLONE                  = 0x8
-	PTRACE_O_TRACEEXEC                   = 0x10
-	PTRACE_O_TRACEEXIT                   = 0x40
-	PTRACE_O_TRACEFORK                   = 0x2
-	PTRACE_O_TRACESECCOMP                = 0x80
-	PTRACE_O_TRACESYSGOOD                = 0x1
-	PTRACE_O_TRACEVFORK                  = 0x4
-	PTRACE_O_TRACEVFORKDONE              = 0x20
-	PTRACE_PEEKDATA                      = 0x2
-	PTRACE_PEEKDATA_AREA                 = 0x5003
-	PTRACE_PEEKSIGINFO                   = 0x4209
-	PTRACE_PEEKTEXT                      = 0x1
-	PTRACE_PEEKTEXT_AREA                 = 0x5002
-	PTRACE_PEEKUSR                       = 0x3
-	PTRACE_PEEKUSR_AREA                  = 0x5000
-	PTRACE_PEEK_SYSTEM_CALL              = 0x5007
-	PTRACE_POKEDATA                      = 0x5
-	PTRACE_POKEDATA_AREA                 = 0x5005
-	PTRACE_POKETEXT                      = 0x4
-	PTRACE_POKETEXT_AREA                 = 0x5004
-	PTRACE_POKEUSR                       = 0x6
-	PTRACE_POKEUSR_AREA                  = 0x5001
-	PTRACE_POKE_SYSTEM_CALL              = 0x5008
-	PTRACE_PROT                          = 0x15
-	PTRACE_SECCOMP_GET_FILTER            = 0x420c
-	PTRACE_SEIZE                         = 0x4206
-	PTRACE_SETOPTIONS                    = 0x4200
-	PTRACE_SETREGS                       = 0xd
-	PTRACE_SETREGSET                     = 0x4205
-	PTRACE_SETSIGINFO                    = 0x4203
-	PTRACE_SETSIGMASK                    = 0x420b
-	PTRACE_SINGLEBLOCK                   = 0xc
-	PTRACE_SINGLESTEP                    = 0x9
-	PTRACE_SYSCALL                       = 0x18
-	PTRACE_TE_ABORT_RAND                 = 0x5011
-	PTRACE_TRACEME                       = 0x0
-	PT_ACR0                              = 0x90
-	PT_ACR1                              = 0x94
-	PT_ACR10                             = 0xb8
-	PT_ACR11                             = 0xbc
-	PT_ACR12                             = 0xc0
-	PT_ACR13                             = 0xc4
-	PT_ACR14                             = 0xc8
-	PT_ACR15                             = 0xcc
-	PT_ACR2                              = 0x98
-	PT_ACR3                              = 0x9c
-	PT_ACR4                              = 0xa0
-	PT_ACR5                              = 0xa4
-	PT_ACR6                              = 0xa8
-	PT_ACR7                              = 0xac
-	PT_ACR8                              = 0xb0
-	PT_ACR9                              = 0xb4
-	PT_CR_10                             = 0x168
-	PT_CR_11                             = 0x170
-	PT_CR_9                              = 0x160
-	PT_ENDREGS                           = 0x1af
-	PT_FPC                               = 0xd8
-	PT_FPR0                              = 0xe0
-	PT_FPR1                              = 0xe8
-	PT_FPR10                             = 0x130
-	PT_FPR11                             = 0x138
-	PT_FPR12                             = 0x140
-	PT_FPR13                             = 0x148
-	PT_FPR14                             = 0x150
-	PT_FPR15                             = 0x158
-	PT_FPR2                              = 0xf0
-	PT_FPR3                              = 0xf8
-	PT_FPR4                              = 0x100
-	PT_FPR5                              = 0x108
-	PT_FPR6                              = 0x110
-	PT_FPR7                              = 0x118
-	PT_FPR8                              = 0x120
-	PT_FPR9                              = 0x128
-	PT_GPR0                              = 0x10
-	PT_GPR1                              = 0x18
-	PT_GPR10                             = 0x60
-	PT_GPR11                             = 0x68
-	PT_GPR12                             = 0x70
-	PT_GPR13                             = 0x78
-	PT_GPR14                             = 0x80
-	PT_GPR15                             = 0x88
-	PT_GPR2                              = 0x20
-	PT_GPR3                              = 0x28
-	PT_GPR4                              = 0x30
-	PT_GPR5                              = 0x38
-	PT_GPR6                              = 0x40
-	PT_GPR7                              = 0x48
-	PT_GPR8                              = 0x50
-	PT_GPR9                              = 0x58
-	PT_IEEE_IP                           = 0x1a8
-	PT_LASTOFF                           = 0x1a8
-	PT_ORIGGPR2                          = 0xd0
-	PT_PSWADDR                           = 0x8
-	PT_PSWMASK                           = 0x0
-	QNX4_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0x2f
-	QNX6_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0x68191122
-	RAMFS_MAGIC                          = 0x858458f6
-	RDTGROUP_SUPER_MAGIC                 = 0x7655821
-	REISERFS_SUPER_MAGIC                 = 0x52654973
-	RENAME_EXCHANGE                      = 0x2
-	RENAME_NOREPLACE                     = 0x1
-	RENAME_WHITEOUT                      = 0x4
-	RLIMIT_AS                            = 0x9
-	RLIMIT_CORE                          = 0x4
-	RLIMIT_CPU                           = 0x0
-	RLIMIT_DATA                          = 0x2
-	RLIMIT_FSIZE                         = 0x1
-	RLIMIT_LOCKS                         = 0xa
-	RLIMIT_MEMLOCK                       = 0x8
-	RLIMIT_MSGQUEUE                      = 0xc
-	RLIMIT_NICE                          = 0xd
-	RLIMIT_NOFILE                        = 0x7
-	RLIMIT_NPROC                         = 0x6
-	RLIMIT_RSS                           = 0x5
-	RLIMIT_RTPRIO                        = 0xe
-	RLIMIT_RTTIME                        = 0xf
-	RLIMIT_SIGPENDING                    = 0xb
-	RLIMIT_STACK                         = 0x3
-	RLIM_INFINITY                        = 0xffffffffffffffff
-	RNDADDENTROPY                        = 0x40085203
-	RNDADDTOENTCNT                       = 0x40045201
-	RNDCLEARPOOL                         = 0x5206
-	RNDGETENTCNT                         = 0x80045200
-	RNDGETPOOL                           = 0x80085202
-	RNDRESEEDCRNG                        = 0x5207
-	RNDZAPENTCNT                         = 0x5204
-	RTAX_ADVMSS                          = 0x8
-	RTAX_CC_ALGO                         = 0x10
-	RTAX_CWND                            = 0x7
-	RTAX_FASTOPEN_NO_COOKIE              = 0x11
-	RTAX_FEATURES                        = 0xc
-	RTAX_FEATURE_ALLFRAG                 = 0x8
-	RTAX_FEATURE_ECN                     = 0x1
-	RTAX_FEATURE_MASK                    = 0xf
-	RTAX_FEATURE_SACK                    = 0x2
-	RTAX_FEATURE_TIMESTAMP               = 0x4
-	RTAX_HOPLIMIT                        = 0xa
-	RTAX_INITCWND                        = 0xb
-	RTAX_INITRWND                        = 0xe
-	RTAX_LOCK                            = 0x1
-	RTAX_MAX                             = 0x11
-	RTAX_MTU                             = 0x2
-	RTAX_QUICKACK                        = 0xf
-	RTAX_REORDERING                      = 0x9
-	RTAX_RTO_MIN                         = 0xd
-	RTAX_RTT                             = 0x4
-	RTAX_RTTVAR                          = 0x5
-	RTAX_SSTHRESH                        = 0x6
-	RTAX_UNSPEC                          = 0x0
-	RTAX_WINDOW                          = 0x3
-	RTA_ALIGNTO                          = 0x4
-	RTA_MAX                              = 0x1d
-	RTCF_DIRECTSRC                       = 0x4000000
-	RTCF_DOREDIRECT                      = 0x1000000
-	RTCF_LOG                             = 0x2000000
-	RTCF_MASQ                            = 0x400000
-	RTCF_NAT                             = 0x800000
-	RTCF_VALVE                           = 0x200000
-	RTC_AF                               = 0x20
-	RTC_AIE_OFF                          = 0x7002
-	RTC_AIE_ON                           = 0x7001
-	RTC_ALM_READ                         = 0x80247008
-	RTC_ALM_SET                          = 0x40247007
-	RTC_EPOCH_READ                       = 0x8008700d
-	RTC_EPOCH_SET                        = 0x4008700e
-	RTC_IRQF                             = 0x80
-	RTC_IRQP_READ                        = 0x8008700b
-	RTC_IRQP_SET                         = 0x4008700c
-	RTC_MAX_FREQ                         = 0x2000
-	RTC_PF                               = 0x40
-	RTC_PIE_OFF                          = 0x7006
-	RTC_PIE_ON                           = 0x7005
-	RTC_PLL_GET                          = 0x80207011
-	RTC_PLL_SET                          = 0x40207012
-	RTC_RD_TIME                          = 0x80247009
-	RTC_SET_TIME                         = 0x4024700a
-	RTC_UF                               = 0x10
-	RTC_UIE_OFF                          = 0x7004
-	RTC_UIE_ON                           = 0x7003
-	RTC_VL_CLR                           = 0x7014
-	RTC_VL_READ                          = 0x80047013
-	RTC_WIE_OFF                          = 0x7010
-	RTC_WIE_ON                           = 0x700f
-	RTC_WKALM_RD                         = 0x80287010
-	RTC_WKALM_SET                        = 0x4028700f
-	RTF_ADDRCLASSMASK                    = 0xf8000000
-	RTF_ADDRCONF                         = 0x40000
-	RTF_ALLONLINK                        = 0x20000
-	RTF_BROADCAST                        = 0x10000000
-	RTF_CACHE                            = 0x1000000
-	RTF_DEFAULT                          = 0x10000
-	RTF_DYNAMIC                          = 0x10
-	RTF_FLOW                             = 0x2000000
-	RTF_GATEWAY                          = 0x2
-	RTF_HOST                             = 0x4
-	RTF_INTERFACE                        = 0x40000000
-	RTF_IRTT                             = 0x100
-	RTF_LINKRT                           = 0x100000
-	RTF_LOCAL                            = 0x80000000
-	RTF_MODIFIED                         = 0x20
-	RTF_MSS                              = 0x40
-	RTF_MTU                              = 0x40
-	RTF_MULTICAST                        = 0x20000000
-	RTF_NAT                              = 0x8000000
-	RTF_NOFORWARD                        = 0x1000
-	RTF_NONEXTHOP                        = 0x200000
-	RTF_NOPMTUDISC                       = 0x4000
-	RTF_POLICY                           = 0x4000000
-	RTF_REINSTATE                        = 0x8
-	RTF_REJECT                           = 0x200
-	RTF_STATIC                           = 0x400
-	RTF_THROW                            = 0x2000
-	RTF_UP                               = 0x1
-	RTF_WINDOW                           = 0x80
-	RTF_XRESOLVE                         = 0x800
-	RTM_BASE                             = 0x10
-	RTM_DELACTION                        = 0x31
-	RTM_DELADDR                          = 0x15
-	RTM_DELADDRLABEL                     = 0x49
-	RTM_DELCHAIN                         = 0x65
-	RTM_DELLINK                          = 0x11
-	RTM_DELMDB                           = 0x55
-	RTM_DELNEIGH                         = 0x1d
-	RTM_DELNETCONF                       = 0x51
-	RTM_DELNSID                          = 0x59
-	RTM_DELQDISC                         = 0x25
-	RTM_DELROUTE                         = 0x19
-	RTM_DELRULE                          = 0x21
-	RTM_DELTCLASS                        = 0x29
-	RTM_DELTFILTER                       = 0x2d
-	RTM_F_CLONED                         = 0x200
-	RTM_F_EQUALIZE                       = 0x400
-	RTM_F_FIB_MATCH                      = 0x2000
-	RTM_F_LOOKUP_TABLE                   = 0x1000
-	RTM_F_NOTIFY                         = 0x100
-	RTM_F_PREFIX                         = 0x800
-	RTM_GETACTION                        = 0x32
-	RTM_GETADDR                          = 0x16
-	RTM_GETADDRLABEL                     = 0x4a
-	RTM_GETANYCAST                       = 0x3e
-	RTM_GETCHAIN                         = 0x66
-	RTM_GETDCB                           = 0x4e
-	RTM_GETLINK                          = 0x12
-	RTM_GETMDB                           = 0x56
-	RTM_GETMULTICAST                     = 0x3a
-	RTM_GETNEIGH                         = 0x1e
-	RTM_GETNEIGHTBL                      = 0x42
-	RTM_GETNETCONF                       = 0x52
-	RTM_GETNSID                          = 0x5a
-	RTM_GETQDISC                         = 0x26
-	RTM_GETROUTE                         = 0x1a
-	RTM_GETRULE                          = 0x22
-	RTM_GETSTATS                         = 0x5e
-	RTM_GETTCLASS                        = 0x2a
-	RTM_GETTFILTER                       = 0x2e
-	RTM_MAX                              = 0x67
-	RTM_NEWACTION                        = 0x30
-	RTM_NEWADDR                          = 0x14
-	RTM_NEWADDRLABEL                     = 0x48
-	RTM_NEWCACHEREPORT                   = 0x60
-	RTM_NEWCHAIN                         = 0x64
-	RTM_NEWLINK                          = 0x10
-	RTM_NEWMDB                           = 0x54
-	RTM_NEWNDUSEROPT                     = 0x44
-	RTM_NEWNEIGH                         = 0x1c
-	RTM_NEWNEIGHTBL                      = 0x40
-	RTM_NEWNETCONF                       = 0x50
-	RTM_NEWNSID                          = 0x58
-	RTM_NEWPREFIX                        = 0x34
-	RTM_NEWQDISC                         = 0x24
-	RTM_NEWROUTE                         = 0x18
-	RTM_NEWRULE                          = 0x20
-	RTM_NEWSTATS                         = 0x5c
-	RTM_NEWTCLASS                        = 0x28
-	RTM_NEWTFILTER                       = 0x2c
-	RTM_NR_FAMILIES                      = 0x16
-	RTM_NR_MSGTYPES                      = 0x58
-	RTM_SETDCB                           = 0x4f
-	RTM_SETLINK                          = 0x13
-	RTM_SETNEIGHTBL                      = 0x43
-	RTNH_ALIGNTO                         = 0x4
-	RTNH_COMPARE_MASK                    = 0x19
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-	RTNH_F_LINKDOWN                      = 0x10
-	RTNH_F_OFFLOAD                       = 0x8
-	RTNH_F_ONLINK                        = 0x4
-	RTNH_F_PERVASIVE                     = 0x2
-	RTNH_F_UNRESOLVED                    = 0x20
-	RTN_MAX                              = 0xb
-	RTPROT_BABEL                         = 0x2a
-	RTPROT_BGP                           = 0xba
-	RTPROT_BIRD                          = 0xc
-	RTPROT_BOOT                          = 0x3
-	RTPROT_DHCP                          = 0x10
-	RTPROT_DNROUTED                      = 0xd
-	RTPROT_EIGRP                         = 0xc0
-	RTPROT_GATED                         = 0x8
-	RTPROT_ISIS                          = 0xbb
-	RTPROT_KERNEL                        = 0x2
-	RTPROT_MROUTED                       = 0x11
-	RTPROT_MRT                           = 0xa
-	RTPROT_NTK                           = 0xf
-	RTPROT_OSPF                          = 0xbc
-	RTPROT_RA                            = 0x9
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-	RTPROT_RIP                           = 0xbd
-	RTPROT_STATIC                        = 0x4
-	RTPROT_UNSPEC                        = 0x0
-	RTPROT_XORP                          = 0xe
-	RTPROT_ZEBRA                         = 0xb
-	RT_CLASS_DEFAULT                     = 0xfd
-	RT_CLASS_LOCAL                       = 0xff
-	RT_CLASS_MAIN                        = 0xfe
-	RT_CLASS_MAX                         = 0xff
-	RT_CLASS_UNSPEC                      = 0x0
-	RUSAGE_CHILDREN                      = -0x1
-	RUSAGE_SELF                          = 0x0
-	RUSAGE_THREAD                        = 0x1
-	SCM_CREDENTIALS                      = 0x2
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-	SCM_TIMESTAMPING                     = 0x25
-	SCM_TIMESTAMPING_PKTINFO             = 0x3a
-	SCM_TIMESTAMPNS                      = 0x23
-	SCM_TXTIME                           = 0x3d
-	SCM_WIFI_STATUS                      = 0x29
-	SC_LOG_FLUSH                         = 0x100000
-	SECCOMP_MODE_DISABLED                = 0x0
-	SECCOMP_MODE_FILTER                  = 0x2
-	SECCOMP_MODE_STRICT                  = 0x1
-	SECURITYFS_MAGIC                     = 0x73636673
-	SELINUX_MAGIC                        = 0xf97cff8c
-	SFD_CLOEXEC                          = 0x80000
-	SFD_NONBLOCK                         = 0x800
-	SHUT_RD                              = 0x0
-	SHUT_RDWR                            = 0x2
-	SHUT_WR                              = 0x1
-	SIOCADDDLCI                          = 0x8980
-	SIOCADDMULTI                         = 0x8931
-	SIOCADDRT                            = 0x890b
-	SIOCATMARK                           = 0x8905
-	SIOCBONDCHANGEACTIVE                 = 0x8995
-	SIOCBONDENSLAVE                      = 0x8990
-	SIOCBONDINFOQUERY                    = 0x8994
-	SIOCBONDRELEASE                      = 0x8991
-	SIOCBONDSETHWADDR                    = 0x8992
-	SIOCBONDSLAVEINFOQUERY               = 0x8993
-	SIOCBRADDBR                          = 0x89a0
-	SIOCBRADDIF                          = 0x89a2
-	SIOCBRDELBR                          = 0x89a1
-	SIOCBRDELIF                          = 0x89a3
-	SIOCDARP                             = 0x8953
-	SIOCDELDLCI                          = 0x8981
-	SIOCDELMULTI                         = 0x8932
-	SIOCDELRT                            = 0x890c
-	SIOCDEVPRIVATE                       = 0x89f0
-	SIOCDIFADDR                          = 0x8936
-	SIOCDRARP                            = 0x8960
-	SIOCETHTOOL                          = 0x8946
-	SIOCGARP                             = 0x8954
-	SIOCGHWTSTAMP                        = 0x89b1
-	SIOCGIFADDR                          = 0x8915
-	SIOCGIFBR                            = 0x8940
-	SIOCGIFBRDADDR                       = 0x8919
-	SIOCGIFCONF                          = 0x8912
-	SIOCGIFCOUNT                         = 0x8938
-	SIOCGIFDSTADDR                       = 0x8917
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-	SIOCGIFHWADDR                        = 0x8927
-	SIOCGIFINDEX                         = 0x8933
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-	SIOCGIFMEM                           = 0x891f
-	SIOCGIFMETRIC                        = 0x891d
-	SIOCGIFMTU                           = 0x8921
-	SIOCGIFNAME                          = 0x8910
-	SIOCGIFNETMASK                       = 0x891b
-	SIOCGIFPFLAGS                        = 0x8935
-	SIOCGIFSLAVE                         = 0x8929
-	SIOCGIFTXQLEN                        = 0x8942
-	SIOCGIFVLAN                          = 0x8982
-	SIOCGMIIPHY                          = 0x8947
-	SIOCGMIIREG                          = 0x8948
-	SIOCGPGRP                            = 0x8904
-	SIOCGPPPCSTATS                       = 0x89f2
-	SIOCGPPPSTATS                        = 0x89f0
-	SIOCGPPPVER                          = 0x89f1
-	SIOCGRARP                            = 0x8961
-	SIOCGSKNS                            = 0x894c
-	SIOCGSTAMP                           = 0x8906
-	SIOCGSTAMPNS                         = 0x8907
-	SIOCGSTAMPNS_NEW                     = 0x80108907
-	SIOCGSTAMPNS_OLD                     = 0x8907
-	SIOCGSTAMP_NEW                       = 0x80108906
-	SIOCGSTAMP_OLD                       = 0x8906
-	SIOCINQ                              = 0x541b
-	SIOCOUTQ                             = 0x5411
-	SIOCOUTQNSD                          = 0x894b
-	SIOCPROTOPRIVATE                     = 0x89e0
-	SIOCRTMSG                            = 0x890d
-	SIOCSARP                             = 0x8955
-	SIOCSHWTSTAMP                        = 0x89b0
-	SIOCSIFADDR                          = 0x8916
-	SIOCSIFBR                            = 0x8941
-	SIOCSIFBRDADDR                       = 0x891a
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-	SIOCSIFHWBROADCAST                   = 0x8937
-	SIOCSIFLINK                          = 0x8911
-	SIOCSIFMAP                           = 0x8971
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-	SIOCSIFMETRIC                        = 0x891e
-	SIOCSIFMTU                           = 0x8922
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-	SIOCSMIIREG                          = 0x8949
-	SIOCSPGRP                            = 0x8902
-	SIOCSRARP                            = 0x8962
-	SIOCWANDEV                           = 0x894a
-	SMACK_MAGIC                          = 0x43415d53
-	SMART_AUTOSAVE                       = 0xd2
-	SMART_AUTO_OFFLINE                   = 0xdb
-	SMART_DISABLE                        = 0xd9
-	SMART_ENABLE                         = 0xd8
-	SMART_HCYL_PASS                      = 0xc2
-	SMART_IMMEDIATE_OFFLINE              = 0xd4
-	SMART_LCYL_PASS                      = 0x4f
-	SMART_READ_LOG_SECTOR                = 0xd5
-	SMART_READ_THRESHOLDS                = 0xd1
-	SMART_READ_VALUES                    = 0xd0
-	SMART_SAVE                           = 0xd3
-	SMART_STATUS                         = 0xda
-	SMART_WRITE_LOG_SECTOR               = 0xd6
-	SMART_WRITE_THRESHOLDS               = 0xd7
-	SMB_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x517b
-	SOCKFS_MAGIC                         = 0x534f434b
-	SOCK_CLOEXEC                         = 0x80000
-	SOCK_DCCP                            = 0x6
-	SOCK_DGRAM                           = 0x2
-	SOCK_IOC_TYPE                        = 0x89
-	SOCK_NONBLOCK                        = 0x800
-	SOCK_PACKET                          = 0xa
-	SOCK_RAW                             = 0x3
-	SOCK_RDM                             = 0x4
-	SOCK_SEQPACKET                       = 0x5
-	SOCK_STREAM                          = 0x1
-	SOL_AAL                              = 0x109
-	SOL_ALG                              = 0x117
-	SOL_ATM                              = 0x108
-	SOL_CAIF                             = 0x116
-	SOL_CAN_BASE                         = 0x64
-	SOL_DCCP                             = 0x10d
-	SOL_DECNET                           = 0x105
-	SOL_ICMPV6                           = 0x3a
-	SOL_IP                               = 0x0
-	SOL_IPV6                             = 0x29
-	SOL_IRDA                             = 0x10a
-	SOL_IUCV                             = 0x115
-	SOL_KCM                              = 0x119
-	SOL_LLC                              = 0x10c
-	SOL_NETBEUI                          = 0x10b
-	SOL_NETLINK                          = 0x10e
-	SOL_NFC                              = 0x118
-	SOL_PACKET                           = 0x107
-	SOL_PNPIPE                           = 0x113
-	SOL_PPPOL2TP                         = 0x111
-	SOL_RAW                              = 0xff
-	SOL_RDS                              = 0x114
-	SOL_RXRPC                            = 0x110
-	SOL_SOCKET                           = 0x1
-	SOL_TCP                              = 0x6
-	SOL_TIPC                             = 0x10f
-	SOL_TLS                              = 0x11a
-	SOL_X25                              = 0x106
-	SOL_XDP                              = 0x11b
-	SOMAXCONN                            = 0x80
-	SO_ACCEPTCONN                        = 0x1e
-	SO_ATTACH_BPF                        = 0x32
-	SO_ATTACH_FILTER                     = 0x1a
-	SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_CBPF             = 0x33
-	SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_EBPF             = 0x34
-	SO_BINDTODEVICE                      = 0x19
-	SO_BINDTOIFINDEX                     = 0x3e
-	SO_BPF_EXTENSIONS                    = 0x30
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-	SO_BSDCOMPAT                         = 0xe
-	SO_BUSY_POLL                         = 0x2e
-	SO_CNX_ADVICE                        = 0x35
-	SO_COOKIE                            = 0x39
-	SO_DEBUG                             = 0x1
-	SO_DETACH_BPF                        = 0x1b
-	SO_DETACH_FILTER                     = 0x1b
-	SO_DOMAIN                            = 0x27
-	SO_DONTROUTE                         = 0x5
-	SO_EE_CODE_TXTIME_MISSED             = 0x2
-	SO_EE_CODE_ZEROCOPY_COPIED           = 0x1
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_ICMP                    = 0x2
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_ICMP6                   = 0x3
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_LOCAL                   = 0x1
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_NONE                    = 0x0
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_TIMESTAMPING            = 0x4
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_TXSTATUS                = 0x4
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_TXTIME                  = 0x6
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_ZEROCOPY                = 0x5
-	SO_ERROR                             = 0x4
-	SO_GET_FILTER                        = 0x1a
-	SO_INCOMING_CPU                      = 0x31
-	SO_INCOMING_NAPI_ID                  = 0x38
-	SO_KEEPALIVE                         = 0x9
-	SO_LINGER                            = 0xd
-	SO_LOCK_FILTER                       = 0x2c
-	SO_MARK                              = 0x24
-	SO_MAX_PACING_RATE                   = 0x2f
-	SO_MEMINFO                           = 0x37
-	SO_NOFCS                             = 0x2b
-	SO_NO_CHECK                          = 0xb
-	SO_OOBINLINE                         = 0xa
-	SO_PASSCRED                          = 0x10
-	SO_PASSSEC                           = 0x22
-	SO_PEEK_OFF                          = 0x2a
-	SO_PEERCRED                          = 0x11
-	SO_PEERGROUPS                        = 0x3b
-	SO_PEERNAME                          = 0x1c
-	SO_PEERSEC                           = 0x1f
-	SO_PRIORITY                          = 0xc
-	SO_PROTOCOL                          = 0x26
-	SO_RCVBUF                            = 0x8
-	SO_RCVBUFFORCE                       = 0x21
-	SO_RCVLOWAT                          = 0x12
-	SO_RCVTIMEO                          = 0x14
-	SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW                      = 0x42
-	SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD                      = 0x14
-	SO_REUSEADDR                         = 0x2
-	SO_REUSEPORT                         = 0xf
-	SO_RXQ_OVFL                          = 0x28
-	SO_SELECT_ERR_QUEUE                  = 0x2d
-	SO_SNDBUF                            = 0x7
-	SO_SNDBUFFORCE                       = 0x20
-	SO_SNDLOWAT                          = 0x13
-	SO_SNDTIMEO                          = 0x15
-	SO_SNDTIMEO_NEW                      = 0x43
-	SO_SNDTIMEO_OLD                      = 0x15
-	SO_TIMESTAMP                         = 0x1d
-	SO_TIMESTAMPING                      = 0x25
-	SO_TIMESTAMPING_NEW                  = 0x41
-	SO_TIMESTAMPING_OLD                  = 0x25
-	SO_TIMESTAMPNS                       = 0x23
-	SO_TIMESTAMPNS_NEW                   = 0x40
-	SO_TIMESTAMPNS_OLD                   = 0x23
-	SO_TIMESTAMP_NEW                     = 0x3f
-	SO_TIMESTAMP_OLD                     = 0x1d
-	SO_TXTIME                            = 0x3d
-	SO_TYPE                              = 0x3
-	SO_VM_SOCKETS_BUFFER_SIZE            = 0x0
-	SO_VM_SOCKETS_TRUSTED                = 0x5
-	SO_WIFI_STATUS                       = 0x29
-	SO_ZEROCOPY                          = 0x3c
-	SPLICE_F_GIFT                        = 0x8
-	SPLICE_F_MORE                        = 0x4
-	SPLICE_F_MOVE                        = 0x1
-	SPLICE_F_NONBLOCK                    = 0x2
-	SQUASHFS_MAGIC                       = 0x73717368
-	STACK_END_MAGIC                      = 0x57ac6e9d
-	STATX_ALL                            = 0xfff
-	STATX_ATIME                          = 0x20
-	STATX_ATTR_APPEND                    = 0x20
-	STATX_ATTR_AUTOMOUNT                 = 0x1000
-	STATX_ATTR_COMPRESSED                = 0x4
-	STATX_ATTR_ENCRYPTED                 = 0x800
-	STATX_ATTR_IMMUTABLE                 = 0x10
-	STATX_ATTR_NODUMP                    = 0x40
-	STATX_BASIC_STATS                    = 0x7ff
-	STATX_BLOCKS                         = 0x400
-	STATX_BTIME                          = 0x800
-	STATX_CTIME                          = 0x80
-	STATX_GID                            = 0x10
-	STATX_INO                            = 0x100
-	STATX_MODE                           = 0x2
-	STATX_MTIME                          = 0x40
-	STATX_NLINK                          = 0x4
-	STATX_SIZE                           = 0x200
-	STATX_TYPE                           = 0x1
-	STATX_UID                            = 0x8
-	STATX__RESERVED                      = 0x80000000
-	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WAIT_AFTER           = 0x4
-	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WRITE                = 0x2
-	SYSFS_MAGIC                          = 0x62656572
-	S_BLKSIZE                            = 0x200
-	S_IEXEC                              = 0x40
-	S_IFBLK                              = 0x6000
-	S_IFCHR                              = 0x2000
-	S_IFDIR                              = 0x4000
-	S_IFIFO                              = 0x1000
-	S_IFLNK                              = 0xa000
-	S_IFMT                               = 0xf000
-	S_IFREG                              = 0x8000
-	S_IFSOCK                             = 0xc000
-	S_IREAD                              = 0x100
-	S_IRGRP                              = 0x20
-	S_IROTH                              = 0x4
-	S_IRUSR                              = 0x100
-	S_IRWXG                              = 0x38
-	S_IRWXO                              = 0x7
-	S_IRWXU                              = 0x1c0
-	S_ISGID                              = 0x400
-	S_ISUID                              = 0x800
-	S_ISVTX                              = 0x200
-	S_IWGRP                              = 0x10
-	S_IWOTH                              = 0x2
-	S_IWRITE                             = 0x80
-	S_IWUSR                              = 0x80
-	S_IXGRP                              = 0x8
-	S_IXOTH                              = 0x1
-	S_IXUSR                              = 0x40
-	TAB0                                 = 0x0
-	TAB1                                 = 0x800
-	TAB2                                 = 0x1000
-	TAB3                                 = 0x1800
-	TABDLY                               = 0x1800
-	TASKSTATS_CMD_ATTR_MAX               = 0x4
-	TASKSTATS_CMD_MAX                    = 0x2
-	TASKSTATS_GENL_NAME                  = "TASKSTATS"
-	TASKSTATS_GENL_VERSION               = 0x1
-	TASKSTATS_TYPE_MAX                   = 0x6
-	TASKSTATS_VERSION                    = 0x9
-	TCFLSH                               = 0x540b
-	TCGETA                               = 0x5405
-	TCGETS                               = 0x5401
-	TCGETS2                              = 0x802c542a
-	TCGETX                               = 0x5432
-	TCIFLUSH                             = 0x0
-	TCIOFF                               = 0x2
-	TCIOFLUSH                            = 0x2
-	TCION                                = 0x3
-	TCOFLUSH                             = 0x1
-	TCOOFF                               = 0x0
-	TCOON                                = 0x1
-	TCP_BPF_IW                           = 0x3e9
-	TCP_BPF_SNDCWND_CLAMP                = 0x3ea
-	TCP_CC_INFO                          = 0x1a
-	TCP_CM_INQ                           = 0x24
-	TCP_CONGESTION                       = 0xd
-	TCP_COOKIE_IN_ALWAYS                 = 0x1
-	TCP_COOKIE_MAX                       = 0x10
-	TCP_COOKIE_MIN                       = 0x8
-	TCP_COOKIE_OUT_NEVER                 = 0x2
-	TCP_COOKIE_PAIR_SIZE                 = 0x20
-	TCP_COOKIE_TRANSACTIONS              = 0xf
-	TCP_CORK                             = 0x3
-	TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT                     = 0x9
-	TCP_FASTOPEN                         = 0x17
-	TCP_FASTOPEN_CONNECT                 = 0x1e
-	TCP_FASTOPEN_KEY                     = 0x21
-	TCP_FASTOPEN_NO_COOKIE               = 0x22
-	TCP_INFO                             = 0xb
-	TCP_INQ                              = 0x24
-	TCP_KEEPCNT                          = 0x6
-	TCP_KEEPIDLE                         = 0x4
-	TCP_KEEPINTVL                        = 0x5
-	TCP_LINGER2                          = 0x8
-	TCP_MAXSEG                           = 0x2
-	TCP_MAXWIN                           = 0xffff
-	TCP_MAX_WINSHIFT                     = 0xe
-	TCP_MD5SIG                           = 0xe
-	TCP_MD5SIG_EXT                       = 0x20
-	TCP_MD5SIG_FLAG_PREFIX               = 0x1
-	TCP_MD5SIG_MAXKEYLEN                 = 0x50
-	TCP_MSS                              = 0x200
-	TCP_MSS_DEFAULT                      = 0x218
-	TCP_MSS_DESIRED                      = 0x4c4
-	TCP_NODELAY                          = 0x1
-	TCP_NOTSENT_LOWAT                    = 0x19
-	TCP_QUEUE_SEQ                        = 0x15
-	TCP_QUICKACK                         = 0xc
-	TCP_REPAIR                           = 0x13
-	TCP_REPAIR_OFF                       = 0x0
-	TCP_REPAIR_OFF_NO_WP                 = -0x1
-	TCP_REPAIR_ON                        = 0x1
-	TCP_REPAIR_OPTIONS                   = 0x16
-	TCP_REPAIR_QUEUE                     = 0x14
-	TCP_REPAIR_WINDOW                    = 0x1d
-	TCP_SAVED_SYN                        = 0x1c
-	TCP_SAVE_SYN                         = 0x1b
-	TCP_SYNCNT                           = 0x7
-	TCP_S_DATA_IN                        = 0x4
-	TCP_S_DATA_OUT                       = 0x8
-	TCP_THIN_DUPACK                      = 0x11
-	TCP_THIN_LINEAR_TIMEOUTS             = 0x10
-	TCP_TIMESTAMP                        = 0x18
-	TCP_ULP                              = 0x1f
-	TCP_USER_TIMEOUT                     = 0x12
-	TCP_WINDOW_CLAMP                     = 0xa
-	TCP_ZEROCOPY_RECEIVE                 = 0x23
-	TCSAFLUSH                            = 0x2
-	TCSBRK                               = 0x5409
-	TCSBRKP                              = 0x5425
-	TCSETA                               = 0x5406
-	TCSETAF                              = 0x5408
-	TCSETAW                              = 0x5407
-	TCSETS                               = 0x5402
-	TCSETS2                              = 0x402c542b
-	TCSETSF                              = 0x5404
-	TCSETSF2                             = 0x402c542d
-	TCSETSW                              = 0x5403
-	TCSETSW2                             = 0x402c542c
-	TCSETX                               = 0x5433
-	TCSETXF                              = 0x5434
-	TCSETXW                              = 0x5435
-	TCXONC                               = 0x540a
-	TIMER_ABSTIME                        = 0x1
-	TIOCCBRK                             = 0x5428
-	TIOCCONS                             = 0x541d
-	TIOCEXCL                             = 0x540c
-	TIOCGDEV                             = 0x80045432
-	TIOCGETD                             = 0x5424
-	TIOCGEXCL                            = 0x80045440
-	TIOCGICOUNT                          = 0x545d
-	TIOCGISO7816                         = 0x80285442
-	TIOCGLCKTRMIOS                       = 0x5456
-	TIOCGPGRP                            = 0x540f
-	TIOCGPKT                             = 0x80045438
-	TIOCGPTLCK                           = 0x80045439
-	TIOCGPTN                             = 0x80045430
-	TIOCGPTPEER                          = 0x5441
-	TIOCGRS485                           = 0x542e
-	TIOCGSERIAL                          = 0x541e
-	TIOCGSID                             = 0x5429
-	TIOCGSOFTCAR                         = 0x5419
-	TIOCGWINSZ                           = 0x5413
-	TIOCINQ                              = 0x541b
-	TIOCLINUX                            = 0x541c
-	TIOCMBIC                             = 0x5417
-	TIOCMBIS                             = 0x5416
-	TIOCMGET                             = 0x5415
-	TIOCMIWAIT                           = 0x545c
-	TIOCMSET                             = 0x5418
-	TIOCM_CAR                            = 0x40
-	TIOCM_CD                             = 0x40
-	TIOCM_CTS                            = 0x20
-	TIOCM_DSR                            = 0x100
-	TIOCM_DTR                            = 0x2
-	TIOCM_LE                             = 0x1
-	TIOCM_RI                             = 0x80
-	TIOCM_RNG                            = 0x80
-	TIOCM_RTS                            = 0x4
-	TIOCM_SR                             = 0x10
-	TIOCM_ST                             = 0x8
-	TIOCNOTTY                            = 0x5422
-	TIOCNXCL                             = 0x540d
-	TIOCOUTQ                             = 0x5411
-	TIOCPKT                              = 0x5420
-	TIOCPKT_DATA                         = 0x0
-	TIOCPKT_DOSTOP                       = 0x20
-	TIOCPKT_FLUSHREAD                    = 0x1
-	TIOCPKT_FLUSHWRITE                   = 0x2
-	TIOCPKT_IOCTL                        = 0x40
-	TIOCPKT_NOSTOP                       = 0x10
-	TIOCPKT_START                        = 0x8
-	TIOCPKT_STOP                         = 0x4
-	TIOCSBRK                             = 0x5427
-	TIOCSCTTY                            = 0x540e
-	TIOCSERCONFIG                        = 0x5453
-	TIOCSERGETLSR                        = 0x5459
-	TIOCSERGETMULTI                      = 0x545a
-	TIOCSERGSTRUCT                       = 0x5458
-	TIOCSERGWILD                         = 0x5454
-	TIOCSERSETMULTI                      = 0x545b
-	TIOCSERSWILD                         = 0x5455
-	TIOCSER_TEMT                         = 0x1
-	TIOCSETD                             = 0x5423
-	TIOCSIG                              = 0x40045436
-	TIOCSISO7816                         = 0xc0285443
-	TIOCSLCKTRMIOS                       = 0x5457
-	TIOCSPGRP                            = 0x5410
-	TIOCSPTLCK                           = 0x40045431
-	TIOCSRS485                           = 0x542f
-	TIOCSSERIAL                          = 0x541f
-	TIOCSSOFTCAR                         = 0x541a
-	TIOCSTI                              = 0x5412
-	TIOCSWINSZ                           = 0x5414
-	TIOCVHANGUP                          = 0x5437
-	TMPFS_MAGIC                          = 0x1021994
-	TOSTOP                               = 0x100
-	TPACKET_ALIGNMENT                    = 0x10
-	TPACKET_HDRLEN                       = 0x34
-	TP_STATUS_AVAILABLE                  = 0x0
-	TP_STATUS_BLK_TMO                    = 0x20
-	TP_STATUS_COPY                       = 0x2
-	TP_STATUS_CSUMNOTREADY               = 0x8
-	TP_STATUS_CSUM_VALID                 = 0x80
-	TP_STATUS_KERNEL                     = 0x0
-	TP_STATUS_LOSING                     = 0x4
-	TP_STATUS_SENDING                    = 0x2
-	TP_STATUS_SEND_REQUEST               = 0x1
-	TP_STATUS_TS_RAW_HARDWARE            = -0x80000000
-	TP_STATUS_TS_SOFTWARE                = 0x20000000
-	TP_STATUS_TS_SYS_HARDWARE            = 0x40000000
-	TP_STATUS_USER                       = 0x1
-	TP_STATUS_VLAN_TPID_VALID            = 0x40
-	TP_STATUS_VLAN_VALID                 = 0x10
-	TP_STATUS_WRONG_FORMAT               = 0x4
-	TRACEFS_MAGIC                        = 0x74726163
-	TS_COMM_LEN                          = 0x20
-	TUNATTACHFILTER                      = 0x401054d5
-	TUNDETACHFILTER                      = 0x401054d6
-	TUNGETDEVNETNS                       = 0x54e3
-	TUNGETFEATURES                       = 0x800454cf
-	TUNGETFILTER                         = 0x801054db
-	TUNGETIFF                            = 0x800454d2
-	TUNGETSNDBUF                         = 0x800454d3
-	TUNGETVNETBE                         = 0x800454df
-	TUNGETVNETHDRSZ                      = 0x800454d7
-	TUNGETVNETLE                         = 0x800454dd
-	TUNSETCARRIER                        = 0x400454e2
-	TUNSETDEBUG                          = 0x400454c9
-	TUNSETFILTEREBPF                     = 0x800454e1
-	TUNSETGROUP                          = 0x400454ce
-	TUNSETIFF                            = 0x400454ca
-	TUNSETIFINDEX                        = 0x400454da
-	TUNSETLINK                           = 0x400454cd
-	TUNSETNOCSUM                         = 0x400454c8
-	TUNSETOFFLOAD                        = 0x400454d0
-	TUNSETOWNER                          = 0x400454cc
-	TUNSETPERSIST                        = 0x400454cb
-	TUNSETQUEUE                          = 0x400454d9
-	TUNSETSNDBUF                         = 0x400454d4
-	TUNSETSTEERINGEBPF                   = 0x800454e0
-	TUNSETTXFILTER                       = 0x400454d1
-	TUNSETVNETBE                         = 0x400454de
-	TUNSETVNETHDRSZ                      = 0x400454d8
-	TUNSETVNETLE                         = 0x400454dc
-	UBI_IOCATT                           = 0x40186f40
-	UBI_IOCDET                           = 0x40046f41
-	UBI_IOCEBCH                          = 0x40044f02
-	UBI_IOCEBER                          = 0x40044f01
-	UBI_IOCEBISMAP                       = 0x80044f05
-	UBI_IOCEBMAP                         = 0x40084f03
-	UBI_IOCEBUNMAP                       = 0x40044f04
-	UBI_IOCMKVOL                         = 0x40986f00
-	UBI_IOCRMVOL                         = 0x40046f01
-	UBI_IOCRNVOL                         = 0x51106f03
-	UBI_IOCRPEB                          = 0x40046f04
-	UBI_IOCRSVOL                         = 0x400c6f02
-	UBI_IOCSETVOLPROP                    = 0x40104f06
-	UBI_IOCSPEB                          = 0x40046f05
-	UBI_IOCVOLCRBLK                      = 0x40804f07
-	UBI_IOCVOLRMBLK                      = 0x4f08
-	UBI_IOCVOLUP                         = 0x40084f00
-	UDF_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x15013346
-	UMOUNT_NOFOLLOW                      = 0x8
-	USBDEVICE_SUPER_MAGIC                = 0x9fa2
-	UTIME_NOW                            = 0x3fffffff
-	UTIME_OMIT                           = 0x3ffffffe
-	V9FS_MAGIC                           = 0x1021997
-	VDISCARD                             = 0xd
-	VEOF                                 = 0x4
-	VEOL                                 = 0xb
-	VEOL2                                = 0x10
-	VERASE                               = 0x2
-	VINTR                                = 0x0
-	VKILL                                = 0x3
-	VLNEXT                               = 0xf
-	VMADDR_CID_ANY                       = 0xffffffff
-	VMADDR_CID_HOST                      = 0x2
-	VMADDR_CID_HYPERVISOR                = 0x0
-	VMADDR_CID_RESERVED                  = 0x1
-	VMADDR_PORT_ANY                      = 0xffffffff
-	VMIN                                 = 0x6
-	VM_SOCKETS_INVALID_VERSION           = 0xffffffff
-	VQUIT                                = 0x1
-	VREPRINT                             = 0xc
-	VSTART                               = 0x8
-	VSTOP                                = 0x9
-	VSUSP                                = 0xa
-	VSWTC                                = 0x7
-	VT0                                  = 0x0
-	VT1                                  = 0x4000
-	VTDLY                                = 0x4000
-	VTIME                                = 0x5
-	VWERASE                              = 0xe
-	WALL                                 = 0x40000000
-	WCLONE                               = 0x80000000
-	WCONTINUED                           = 0x8
-	WDIOC_GETBOOTSTATUS                  = 0x80045702
-	WDIOC_GETPRETIMEOUT                  = 0x80045709
-	WDIOC_GETSTATUS                      = 0x80045701
-	WDIOC_GETSUPPORT                     = 0x80285700
-	WDIOC_GETTEMP                        = 0x80045703
-	WDIOC_GETTIMELEFT                    = 0x8004570a
-	WDIOC_GETTIMEOUT                     = 0x80045707
-	WDIOC_KEEPALIVE                      = 0x80045705
-	WDIOC_SETOPTIONS                     = 0x80045704
-	WDIOC_SETPRETIMEOUT                  = 0xc0045708
-	WDIOC_SETTIMEOUT                     = 0xc0045706
-	WEXITED                              = 0x4
-	WIN_ACKMEDIACHANGE                   = 0xdb
-	WIN_CHECKPOWERMODE1                  = 0xe5
-	WIN_CHECKPOWERMODE2                  = 0x98
-	WIN_DEVICE_RESET                     = 0x8
-	WIN_DIAGNOSE                         = 0x90
-	WIN_DOORLOCK                         = 0xde
-	WIN_DOORUNLOCK                       = 0xdf
-	WIN_DOWNLOAD_MICROCODE               = 0x92
-	WIN_FLUSH_CACHE                      = 0xe7
-	WIN_FLUSH_CACHE_EXT                  = 0xea
-	WIN_FORMAT                           = 0x50
-	WIN_GETMEDIASTATUS                   = 0xda
-	WIN_IDENTIFY                         = 0xec
-	WIN_IDENTIFY_DMA                     = 0xee
-	WIN_IDLEIMMEDIATE                    = 0xe1
-	WIN_INIT                             = 0x60
-	WIN_MEDIAEJECT                       = 0xed
-	WIN_MULTREAD                         = 0xc4
-	WIN_MULTREAD_EXT                     = 0x29
-	WIN_MULTWRITE                        = 0xc5
-	WIN_MULTWRITE_EXT                    = 0x39
-	WIN_NOP                              = 0x0
-	WIN_PACKETCMD                        = 0xa0
-	WIN_PIDENTIFY                        = 0xa1
-	WIN_POSTBOOT                         = 0xdc
-	WIN_PREBOOT                          = 0xdd
-	WIN_QUEUED_SERVICE                   = 0xa2
-	WIN_READ                             = 0x20
-	WIN_READDMA                          = 0xc8
-	WIN_READDMA_EXT                      = 0x25
-	WIN_READDMA_ONCE                     = 0xc9
-	WIN_READDMA_QUEUED                   = 0xc7
-	WIN_READDMA_QUEUED_EXT               = 0x26
-	WIN_READ_BUFFER                      = 0xe4
-	WIN_READ_EXT                         = 0x24
-	WIN_READ_LONG                        = 0x22
-	WIN_READ_LONG_ONCE                   = 0x23
-	WIN_READ_NATIVE_MAX                  = 0xf8
-	WIN_READ_NATIVE_MAX_EXT              = 0x27
-	WIN_READ_ONCE                        = 0x21
-	WIN_RECAL                            = 0x10
-	WIN_RESTORE                          = 0x10
-	WIN_SECURITY_DISABLE                 = 0xf6
-	WIN_SECURITY_ERASE_UNIT              = 0xf4
-	WIN_SECURITY_FREEZE_LOCK             = 0xf5
-	WIN_SECURITY_SET_PASS                = 0xf1
-	WIN_SECURITY_UNLOCK                  = 0xf2
-	WIN_SEEK                             = 0x70
-	WIN_SETFEATURES                      = 0xef
-	WIN_SETIDLE1                         = 0xe3
-	WIN_SETIDLE2                         = 0x97
-	WIN_SETMULT                          = 0xc6
-	WIN_SET_MAX                          = 0xf9
-	WIN_SET_MAX_EXT                      = 0x37
-	WIN_SLEEPNOW1                        = 0xe6
-	WIN_SLEEPNOW2                        = 0x99
-	WIN_SMART                            = 0xb0
-	WIN_SPECIFY                          = 0x91
-	WIN_SRST                             = 0x8
-	WIN_STANDBY                          = 0xe2
-	WIN_STANDBY2                         = 0x96
-	WIN_STANDBYNOW1                      = 0xe0
-	WIN_STANDBYNOW2                      = 0x94
-	WIN_VERIFY                           = 0x40
-	WIN_VERIFY_EXT                       = 0x42
-	WIN_VERIFY_ONCE                      = 0x41
-	WIN_WRITE                            = 0x30
-	WIN_WRITEDMA                         = 0xca
-	WIN_WRITEDMA_EXT                     = 0x35
-	WIN_WRITEDMA_ONCE                    = 0xcb
-	WIN_WRITEDMA_QUEUED                  = 0xcc
-	WIN_WRITEDMA_QUEUED_EXT              = 0x36
-	WIN_WRITE_BUFFER                     = 0xe8
-	WIN_WRITE_EXT                        = 0x34
-	WIN_WRITE_LONG                       = 0x32
-	WIN_WRITE_LONG_ONCE                  = 0x33
-	WIN_WRITE_ONCE                       = 0x31
-	WIN_WRITE_SAME                       = 0xe9
-	WIN_WRITE_VERIFY                     = 0x3c
-	WNOHANG                              = 0x1
-	WNOTHREAD                            = 0x20000000
-	WNOWAIT                              = 0x1000000
-	WORDSIZE                             = 0x40
-	WSTOPPED                             = 0x2
-	WUNTRACED                            = 0x2
-	XATTR_CREATE                         = 0x1
-	XATTR_REPLACE                        = 0x2
-	XCASE                                = 0x4
-	XDP_COPY                             = 0x2
-	XDP_FLAGS_DRV_MODE                   = 0x4
-	XDP_FLAGS_HW_MODE                    = 0x8
-	XDP_FLAGS_MASK                       = 0xf
-	XDP_FLAGS_MODES                      = 0xe
-	XDP_FLAGS_SKB_MODE                   = 0x2
-	XDP_MMAP_OFFSETS                     = 0x1
-	XDP_PACKET_HEADROOM                  = 0x100
-	XDP_PGOFF_RX_RING                    = 0x0
-	XDP_PGOFF_TX_RING                    = 0x80000000
-	XDP_RX_RING                          = 0x2
-	XDP_SHARED_UMEM                      = 0x1
-	XDP_STATISTICS                       = 0x7
-	XDP_TX_RING                          = 0x3
-	XDP_UMEM_COMPLETION_RING             = 0x6
-	XDP_UMEM_FILL_RING                   = 0x5
-	XDP_UMEM_PGOFF_COMPLETION_RING       = 0x180000000
-	XDP_UMEM_PGOFF_FILL_RING             = 0x100000000
-	XDP_UMEM_REG                         = 0x4
-	XDP_ZEROCOPY                         = 0x4
-	XENFS_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0xabba1974
-	XFS_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x58465342
-	XTABS                                = 0x1800
-	ZSMALLOC_MAGIC                       = 0x58295829
+	AAFS_MAGIC                                  = 0x5a3c69f0
+	ADFS_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xadf5
+	AFFS_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xadff
+	AFS_FS_MAGIC                                = 0x6b414653
+	AFS_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x5346414f
+	AF_ALG                                      = 0x26
+	AF_APPLETALK                                = 0x5
+	AF_ASH                                      = 0x12
+	AF_ATMPVC                                   = 0x8
+	AF_ATMSVC                                   = 0x14
+	AF_AX25                                     = 0x3
+	AF_BLUETOOTH                                = 0x1f
+	AF_BRIDGE                                   = 0x7
+	AF_CAIF                                     = 0x25
+	AF_CAN                                      = 0x1d
+	AF_DECnet                                   = 0xc
+	AF_ECONET                                   = 0x13
+	AF_FILE                                     = 0x1
+	AF_IB                                       = 0x1b
+	AF_IEEE802154                               = 0x24
+	AF_INET                                     = 0x2
+	AF_INET6                                    = 0xa
+	AF_IPX                                      = 0x4
+	AF_IRDA                                     = 0x17
+	AF_ISDN                                     = 0x22
+	AF_IUCV                                     = 0x20
+	AF_KCM                                      = 0x29
+	AF_KEY                                      = 0xf
+	AF_LLC                                      = 0x1a
+	AF_LOCAL                                    = 0x1
+	AF_MAX                                      = 0x2d
+	AF_MPLS                                     = 0x1c
+	AF_NETBEUI                                  = 0xd
+	AF_NETLINK                                  = 0x10
+	AF_NETROM                                   = 0x6
+	AF_NFC                                      = 0x27
+	AF_PACKET                                   = 0x11
+	AF_PHONET                                   = 0x23
+	AF_PPPOX                                    = 0x18
+	AF_QIPCRTR                                  = 0x2a
+	AF_RDS                                      = 0x15
+	AF_ROSE                                     = 0xb
+	AF_ROUTE                                    = 0x10
+	AF_RXRPC                                    = 0x21
+	AF_SECURITY                                 = 0xe
+	AF_SMC                                      = 0x2b
+	AF_SNA                                      = 0x16
+	AF_TIPC                                     = 0x1e
+	AF_UNIX                                     = 0x1
+	AF_UNSPEC                                   = 0x0
+	AF_VSOCK                                    = 0x28
+	AF_WANPIPE                                  = 0x19
+	AF_X25                                      = 0x9
+	AF_XDP                                      = 0x2c
+	ALG_OP_DECRYPT                              = 0x0
+	ALG_OP_ENCRYPT                              = 0x1
+	ALG_SET_AEAD_ASSOCLEN                       = 0x4
+	ALG_SET_AEAD_AUTHSIZE                       = 0x5
+	ALG_SET_IV                                  = 0x2
+	ALG_SET_KEY                                 = 0x1
+	ALG_SET_OP                                  = 0x3
+	ANON_INODE_FS_MAGIC                         = 0x9041934
+	ARPHRD_6LOWPAN                              = 0x339
+	ARPHRD_ADAPT                                = 0x108
+	ARPHRD_APPLETLK                             = 0x8
+	ARPHRD_ARCNET                               = 0x7
+	ARPHRD_ASH                                  = 0x30d
+	ARPHRD_ATM                                  = 0x13
+	ARPHRD_AX25                                 = 0x3
+	ARPHRD_BIF                                  = 0x307
+	ARPHRD_CAIF                                 = 0x336
+	ARPHRD_CAN                                  = 0x118
+	ARPHRD_CHAOS                                = 0x5
+	ARPHRD_CISCO                                = 0x201
+	ARPHRD_CSLIP                                = 0x101
+	ARPHRD_CSLIP6                               = 0x103
+	ARPHRD_DDCMP                                = 0x205
+	ARPHRD_DLCI                                 = 0xf
+	ARPHRD_ECONET                               = 0x30e
+	ARPHRD_EETHER                               = 0x2
+	ARPHRD_ETHER                                = 0x1
+	ARPHRD_EUI64                                = 0x1b
+	ARPHRD_FCAL                                 = 0x311
+	ARPHRD_FCFABRIC                             = 0x313
+	ARPHRD_FCPL                                 = 0x312
+	ARPHRD_FCPP                                 = 0x310
+	ARPHRD_FDDI                                 = 0x306
+	ARPHRD_FRAD                                 = 0x302
+	ARPHRD_HDLC                                 = 0x201
+	ARPHRD_HIPPI                                = 0x30c
+	ARPHRD_HWX25                                = 0x110
+	ARPHRD_IEEE1394                             = 0x18
+	ARPHRD_IEEE802                              = 0x6
+	ARPHRD_IEEE80211                            = 0x321
+	ARPHRD_IEEE80211_PRISM                      = 0x322
+	ARPHRD_IEEE80211_RADIOTAP                   = 0x323
+	ARPHRD_IEEE802154                           = 0x324
+	ARPHRD_IEEE802154_MONITOR                   = 0x325
+	ARPHRD_IEEE802_TR                           = 0x320
+	ARPHRD_INFINIBAND                           = 0x20
+	ARPHRD_IP6GRE                               = 0x337
+	ARPHRD_IPDDP                                = 0x309
+	ARPHRD_IPGRE                                = 0x30a
+	ARPHRD_IRDA                                 = 0x30f
+	ARPHRD_LAPB                                 = 0x204
+	ARPHRD_LOCALTLK                             = 0x305
+	ARPHRD_LOOPBACK                             = 0x304
+	ARPHRD_METRICOM                             = 0x17
+	ARPHRD_NETLINK                              = 0x338
+	ARPHRD_NETROM                               = 0x0
+	ARPHRD_NONE                                 = 0xfffe
+	ARPHRD_PHONET                               = 0x334
+	ARPHRD_PHONET_PIPE                          = 0x335
+	ARPHRD_PIMREG                               = 0x30b
+	ARPHRD_PPP                                  = 0x200
+	ARPHRD_PRONET                               = 0x4
+	ARPHRD_RAWHDLC                              = 0x206
+	ARPHRD_RAWIP                                = 0x207
+	ARPHRD_ROSE                                 = 0x10e
+	ARPHRD_RSRVD                                = 0x104
+	ARPHRD_SIT                                  = 0x308
+	ARPHRD_SKIP                                 = 0x303
+	ARPHRD_SLIP                                 = 0x100
+	ARPHRD_SLIP6                                = 0x102
+	ARPHRD_TUNNEL                               = 0x300
+	ARPHRD_TUNNEL6                              = 0x301
+	ARPHRD_VOID                                 = 0xffff
+	ARPHRD_VSOCKMON                             = 0x33a
+	ARPHRD_X25                                  = 0x10f
+	AUTOFS_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0x187
+	B0                                          = 0x0
+	B1000000                                    = 0x1008
+	B110                                        = 0x3
+	B115200                                     = 0x1002
+	B1152000                                    = 0x1009
+	B1200                                       = 0x9
+	B134                                        = 0x4
+	B150                                        = 0x5
+	B1500000                                    = 0x100a
+	B1800                                       = 0xa
+	B19200                                      = 0xe
+	B200                                        = 0x6
+	B2000000                                    = 0x100b
+	B230400                                     = 0x1003
+	B2400                                       = 0xb
+	B2500000                                    = 0x100c
+	B300                                        = 0x7
+	B3000000                                    = 0x100d
+	B3500000                                    = 0x100e
+	B38400                                      = 0xf
+	B4000000                                    = 0x100f
+	B460800                                     = 0x1004
+	B4800                                       = 0xc
+	B50                                         = 0x1
+	B500000                                     = 0x1005
+	B57600                                      = 0x1001
+	B576000                                     = 0x1006
+	B600                                        = 0x8
+	B75                                         = 0x2
+	B921600                                     = 0x1007
+	B9600                                       = 0xd
+	BALLOON_KVM_MAGIC                           = 0x13661366
+	BDEVFS_MAGIC                                = 0x62646576
+	BINDERFS_SUPER_MAGIC                        = 0x6c6f6f70
+	BINFMTFS_MAGIC                              = 0x42494e4d
+	BLKBSZGET                                   = 0x80081270
+	BLKBSZSET                                   = 0x40081271
+	BLKFLSBUF                                   = 0x1261
+	BLKFRAGET                                   = 0x1265
+	BLKFRASET                                   = 0x1264
+	BLKGETSIZE                                  = 0x1260
+	BLKGETSIZE64                                = 0x80081272
+	BLKPBSZGET                                  = 0x127b
+	BLKRAGET                                    = 0x1263
+	BLKRASET                                    = 0x1262
+	BLKROGET                                    = 0x125e
+	BLKROSET                                    = 0x125d
+	BLKRRPART                                   = 0x125f
+	BLKSECTGET                                  = 0x1267
+	BLKSECTSET                                  = 0x1266
+	BLKSSZGET                                   = 0x1268
+	BOTHER                                      = 0x1000
+	BPF_A                                       = 0x10
+	BPF_ABS                                     = 0x20
+	BPF_ADD                                     = 0x0
+	BPF_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L2_MASK                  = 0xff
+	BPF_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L2_SHIFT                 = 0x38
+	BPF_ALU                                     = 0x4
+	BPF_ALU64                                   = 0x7
+	BPF_AND                                     = 0x50
+	BPF_ANY                                     = 0x0
+	BPF_ARSH                                    = 0xc0
+	BPF_B                                       = 0x10
+	BPF_BUILD_ID_SIZE                           = 0x14
+	BPF_CALL                                    = 0x80
+	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_MKNOD                         = 0x1
+	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_READ                          = 0x2
+	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_WRITE                         = 0x4
+	BPF_DEVCG_DEV_BLOCK                         = 0x1
+	BPF_DEVCG_DEV_CHAR                          = 0x2
+	BPF_DIV                                     = 0x30
+	BPF_DW                                      = 0x18
+	BPF_END                                     = 0xd0
+	BPF_EXIST                                   = 0x2
+	BPF_EXIT                                    = 0x90
+	BPF_FROM_BE                                 = 0x8
+	BPF_FROM_LE                                 = 0x0
+	BPF_FS_MAGIC                                = 0xcafe4a11
+	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L3_IPV4                = 0x2
+	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L3_IPV6                = 0x4
+	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L4_GRE                 = 0x8
+	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L4_UDP                 = 0x10
+	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_FIXED_GSO                    = 0x1
+	BPF_F_ALLOW_MULTI                           = 0x2
+	BPF_F_ALLOW_OVERRIDE                        = 0x1
+	BPF_F_ANY_ALIGNMENT                         = 0x2
+	BPF_F_CLONE                                 = 0x200
+	BPF_F_CTXLEN_MASK                           = 0xfffff00000000
+	BPF_F_CURRENT_CPU                           = 0xffffffff
+	BPF_F_CURRENT_NETNS                         = -0x1
+	BPF_F_DONT_FRAGMENT                         = 0x4
+	BPF_F_FAST_STACK_CMP                        = 0x200
+	BPF_F_HDR_FIELD_MASK                        = 0xf
+	BPF_F_INDEX_MASK                            = 0xffffffff
+	BPF_F_INGRESS                               = 0x1
+	BPF_F_INVALIDATE_HASH                       = 0x2
+	BPF_F_LOCK                                  = 0x4
+	BPF_F_MARK_ENFORCE                          = 0x40
+	BPF_F_MARK_MANGLED_0                        = 0x20
+	BPF_F_NO_COMMON_LRU                         = 0x2
+	BPF_F_NO_PREALLOC                           = 0x1
+	BPF_F_NUMA_NODE                             = 0x4
+	BPF_F_PSEUDO_HDR                            = 0x10
+	BPF_F_QUERY_EFFECTIVE                       = 0x1
+	BPF_F_RDONLY                                = 0x8
+	BPF_F_RDONLY_PROG                           = 0x80
+	BPF_F_RECOMPUTE_CSUM                        = 0x1
+	BPF_F_REUSE_STACKID                         = 0x400
+	BPF_F_SEQ_NUMBER                            = 0x8
+	BPF_F_SKIP_FIELD_MASK                       = 0xff
+	BPF_F_STACK_BUILD_ID                        = 0x20
+	BPF_F_STRICT_ALIGNMENT                      = 0x1
+	BPF_F_SYSCTL_BASE_NAME                      = 0x1
+	BPF_F_TEST_RND_HI32                         = 0x4
+	BPF_F_TEST_STATE_FREQ                       = 0x8
+	BPF_F_TUNINFO_IPV6                          = 0x1
+	BPF_F_USER_BUILD_ID                         = 0x800
+	BPF_F_USER_STACK                            = 0x100
+	BPF_F_WRONLY                                = 0x10
+	BPF_F_WRONLY_PROG                           = 0x100
+	BPF_F_ZERO_CSUM_TX                          = 0x2
+	BPF_F_ZERO_SEED                             = 0x40
+	BPF_H                                       = 0x8
+	BPF_IMM                                     = 0x0
+	BPF_IND                                     = 0x40
+	BPF_JA                                      = 0x0
+	BPF_JEQ                                     = 0x10
+	BPF_JGE                                     = 0x30
+	BPF_JGT                                     = 0x20
+	BPF_JLE                                     = 0xb0
+	BPF_JLT                                     = 0xa0
+	BPF_JMP                                     = 0x5
+	BPF_JMP32                                   = 0x6
+	BPF_JNE                                     = 0x50
+	BPF_JSET                                    = 0x40
+	BPF_JSGE                                    = 0x70
+	BPF_JSGT                                    = 0x60
+	BPF_JSLE                                    = 0xd0
+	BPF_JSLT                                    = 0xc0
+	BPF_K                                       = 0x0
+	BPF_LD                                      = 0x0
+	BPF_LDX                                     = 0x1
+	BPF_LEN                                     = 0x80
+	BPF_LL_OFF                                  = -0x200000
+	BPF_LSH                                     = 0x60
+	BPF_MAJOR_VERSION                           = 0x1
+	BPF_MAXINSNS                                = 0x1000
+	BPF_MEM                                     = 0x60
+	BPF_MEMWORDS                                = 0x10
+	BPF_MINOR_VERSION                           = 0x1
+	BPF_MISC                                    = 0x7
+	BPF_MOD                                     = 0x90
+	BPF_MOV                                     = 0xb0
+	BPF_MSH                                     = 0xa0
+	BPF_MUL                                     = 0x20
+	BPF_NEG                                     = 0x80
+	BPF_NET_OFF                                 = -0x100000
+	BPF_NOEXIST                                 = 0x1
+	BPF_OBJ_NAME_LEN                            = 0x10
+	BPF_OR                                      = 0x40
+	BPF_PSEUDO_CALL                             = 0x1
+	BPF_PSEUDO_MAP_FD                           = 0x1
+	BPF_PSEUDO_MAP_VALUE                        = 0x2
+	BPF_RET                                     = 0x6
+	BPF_RSH                                     = 0x70
+	BPF_SK_STORAGE_GET_F_CREATE                 = 0x1
+	BPF_SOCK_OPS_ALL_CB_FLAGS                   = 0xf
+	BPF_SOCK_OPS_RETRANS_CB_FLAG                = 0x2
+	BPF_SOCK_OPS_RTO_CB_FLAG                    = 0x1
+	BPF_SOCK_OPS_RTT_CB_FLAG                    = 0x8
+	BPF_SOCK_OPS_STATE_CB_FLAG                  = 0x4
+	BPF_ST                                      = 0x2
+	BPF_STX                                     = 0x3
+	BPF_SUB                                     = 0x10
+	BPF_TAG_SIZE                                = 0x8
+	BPF_TAX                                     = 0x0
+	BPF_TO_BE                                   = 0x8
+	BPF_TO_LE                                   = 0x0
+	BPF_TXA                                     = 0x80
+	BPF_W                                       = 0x0
+	BPF_X                                       = 0x8
+	BPF_XADD                                    = 0xc0
+	BPF_XOR                                     = 0xa0
+	BRKINT                                      = 0x2
+	BS0                                         = 0x0
+	BS1                                         = 0x2000
+	BSDLY                                       = 0x2000
+	BTRFS_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x9123683e
+	BTRFS_TEST_MAGIC                            = 0x73727279
+	CAN_BCM                                     = 0x2
+	CAN_EFF_FLAG                                = 0x80000000
+	CAN_EFF_ID_BITS                             = 0x1d
+	CAN_EFF_MASK                                = 0x1fffffff
+	CAN_ERR_FLAG                                = 0x20000000
+	CAN_ERR_MASK                                = 0x1fffffff
+	CAN_INV_FILTER                              = 0x20000000
+	CAN_ISOTP                                   = 0x6
+	CAN_J1939                                   = 0x7
+	CAN_MAX_DLC                                 = 0x8
+	CAN_MAX_DLEN                                = 0x8
+	CAN_MCNET                                   = 0x5
+	CAN_MTU                                     = 0x10
+	CAN_NPROTO                                  = 0x8
+	CAN_RAW                                     = 0x1
+	CAN_RAW_FILTER_MAX                          = 0x200
+	CAN_RTR_FLAG                                = 0x40000000
+	CAN_SFF_ID_BITS                             = 0xb
+	CAN_SFF_MASK                                = 0x7ff
+	CAN_TP16                                    = 0x3
+	CAN_TP20                                    = 0x4
+	CAP_AUDIT_CONTROL                           = 0x1e
+	CAP_AUDIT_READ                              = 0x25
+	CAP_AUDIT_WRITE                             = 0x1d
+	CAP_BLOCK_SUSPEND                           = 0x24
+	CAP_CHOWN                                   = 0x0
+	CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE                            = 0x1
+	CAP_DAC_READ_SEARCH                         = 0x2
+	CAP_FOWNER                                  = 0x3
+	CAP_FSETID                                  = 0x4
+	CAP_IPC_LOCK                                = 0xe
+	CAP_IPC_OWNER                               = 0xf
+	CAP_KILL                                    = 0x5
+	CAP_LAST_CAP                                = 0x25
+	CAP_LEASE                                   = 0x1c
+	CAP_LINUX_IMMUTABLE                         = 0x9
+	CAP_MAC_ADMIN                               = 0x21
+	CAP_MAC_OVERRIDE                            = 0x20
+	CAP_MKNOD                                   = 0x1b
+	CAP_NET_ADMIN                               = 0xc
+	CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE                        = 0xa
+	CAP_NET_BROADCAST                           = 0xb
+	CAP_NET_RAW                                 = 0xd
+	CAP_SETFCAP                                 = 0x1f
+	CAP_SETGID                                  = 0x6
+	CAP_SETPCAP                                 = 0x8
+	CAP_SETUID                                  = 0x7
+	CAP_SYSLOG                                  = 0x22
+	CAP_SYS_ADMIN                               = 0x15
+	CAP_SYS_BOOT                                = 0x16
+	CAP_SYS_CHROOT                              = 0x12
+	CAP_SYS_MODULE                              = 0x10
+	CAP_SYS_NICE                                = 0x17
+	CAP_SYS_PACCT                               = 0x14
+	CAP_SYS_PTRACE                              = 0x13
+	CAP_SYS_RAWIO                               = 0x11
+	CAP_SYS_RESOURCE                            = 0x18
+	CAP_SYS_TIME                                = 0x19
+	CAP_SYS_TTY_CONFIG                          = 0x1a
+	CAP_WAKE_ALARM                              = 0x23
+	CBAUD                                       = 0x100f
+	CBAUDEX                                     = 0x1000
+	CFLUSH                                      = 0xf
+	CGROUP2_SUPER_MAGIC                         = 0x63677270
+	CGROUP_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0x27e0eb
+	CIBAUD                                      = 0x100f0000
+	CLOCAL                                      = 0x800
+	CLOCK_BOOTTIME                              = 0x7
+	CLOCK_BOOTTIME_ALARM                        = 0x9
+	CLOCK_DEFAULT                               = 0x0
+	CLOCK_EXT                                   = 0x1
+	CLOCK_INT                                   = 0x2
+	CLOCK_MONOTONIC                             = 0x1
+	CLOCK_MONOTONIC_COARSE                      = 0x6
+	CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW                         = 0x4
+	CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID                    = 0x2
+	CLOCK_REALTIME                              = 0x0
+	CLOCK_REALTIME_ALARM                        = 0x8
+	CLOCK_REALTIME_COARSE                       = 0x5
+	CLOCK_TAI                                   = 0xb
+	CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID                     = 0x3
+	CLOCK_TXFROMRX                              = 0x4
+	CLOCK_TXINT                                 = 0x3
+	CLONE_ARGS_SIZE_VER0                        = 0x40
+	CLONE_CHILD_CLEARTID                        = 0x200000
+	CLONE_CHILD_SETTID                          = 0x1000000
+	CLONE_DETACHED                              = 0x400000
+	CLONE_FILES                                 = 0x400
+	CLONE_FS                                    = 0x200
+	CLONE_IO                                    = 0x80000000
+	CLONE_NEWCGROUP                             = 0x2000000
+	CLONE_NEWIPC                                = 0x8000000
+	CLONE_NEWNET                                = 0x40000000
+	CLONE_NEWNS                                 = 0x20000
+	CLONE_NEWPID                                = 0x20000000
+	CLONE_NEWUSER                               = 0x10000000
+	CLONE_NEWUTS                                = 0x4000000
+	CLONE_PARENT                                = 0x8000
+	CLONE_PARENT_SETTID                         = 0x100000
+	CLONE_PIDFD                                 = 0x1000
+	CLONE_PTRACE                                = 0x2000
+	CLONE_SETTLS                                = 0x80000
+	CLONE_SIGHAND                               = 0x800
+	CLONE_SYSVSEM                               = 0x40000
+	CLONE_THREAD                                = 0x10000
+	CLONE_UNTRACED                              = 0x800000
+	CLONE_VFORK                                 = 0x4000
+	CLONE_VM                                    = 0x100
+	CMSPAR                                      = 0x40000000
+	CODA_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0x73757245
+	CR0                                         = 0x0
+	CR1                                         = 0x200
+	CR2                                         = 0x400
+	CR3                                         = 0x600
+	CRAMFS_MAGIC                                = 0x28cd3d45
+	CRDLY                                       = 0x600
+	CREAD                                       = 0x80
+	CRTSCTS                                     = 0x80000000
+	CRYPTO_MAX_NAME                             = 0x40
+	CRYPTO_MSG_MAX                              = 0x15
+	CRYPTO_NR_MSGTYPES                          = 0x6
+	CRYPTO_REPORT_MAXSIZE                       = 0x160
+	CS5                                         = 0x0
+	CS6                                         = 0x10
+	CS7                                         = 0x20
+	CS8                                         = 0x30
+	CSIGNAL                                     = 0xff
+	CSIZE                                       = 0x30
+	CSTART                                      = 0x11
+	CSTATUS                                     = 0x0
+	CSTOP                                       = 0x13
+	CSTOPB                                      = 0x40
+	CSUSP                                       = 0x1a
+	DAXFS_MAGIC                                 = 0x64646178
+	DEBUGFS_MAGIC                               = 0x64626720
+	DEVLINK_CMD_ESWITCH_MODE_GET                = 0x1d
+	DEVLINK_CMD_ESWITCH_MODE_SET                = 0x1e
+	DEVLINK_GENL_MCGRP_CONFIG_NAME              = "config"
+	DEVLINK_GENL_NAME                           = "devlink"
+	DEVLINK_GENL_VERSION                        = 0x1
+	DEVPTS_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0x1cd1
+	DMA_BUF_MAGIC                               = 0x444d4142
+	DT_BLK                                      = 0x6
+	DT_CHR                                      = 0x2
+	DT_DIR                                      = 0x4
+	DT_FIFO                                     = 0x1
+	DT_LNK                                      = 0xa
+	DT_REG                                      = 0x8
+	DT_SOCK                                     = 0xc
+	DT_UNKNOWN                                  = 0x0
+	DT_WHT                                      = 0xe
+	ECHO                                        = 0x8
+	ECHOCTL                                     = 0x200
+	ECHOE                                       = 0x10
+	ECHOK                                       = 0x20
+	ECHOKE                                      = 0x800
+	ECHONL                                      = 0x40
+	ECHOPRT                                     = 0x400
+	ECRYPTFS_SUPER_MAGIC                        = 0xf15f
+	EFD_CLOEXEC                                 = 0x80000
+	EFD_NONBLOCK                                = 0x800
+	EFD_SEMAPHORE                               = 0x1
+	EFIVARFS_MAGIC                              = 0xde5e81e4
+	EFS_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x414a53
+	ENCODING_DEFAULT                            = 0x0
+	ENCODING_FM_MARK                            = 0x3
+	ENCODING_FM_SPACE                           = 0x4
+	ENCODING_MANCHESTER                         = 0x5
+	ENCODING_NRZ                                = 0x1
+	ENCODING_NRZI                               = 0x2
+	EPOLLERR                                    = 0x8
+	EPOLLET                                     = 0x80000000
+	EPOLLEXCLUSIVE                              = 0x10000000
+	EPOLLHUP                                    = 0x10
+	EPOLLIN                                     = 0x1
+	EPOLLMSG                                    = 0x400
+	EPOLLONESHOT                                = 0x40000000
+	EPOLLOUT                                    = 0x4
+	EPOLLPRI                                    = 0x2
+	EPOLLRDBAND                                 = 0x80
+	EPOLLRDHUP                                  = 0x2000
+	EPOLLRDNORM                                 = 0x40
+	EPOLLWAKEUP                                 = 0x20000000
+	EPOLLWRBAND                                 = 0x200
+	EPOLLWRNORM                                 = 0x100
+	EPOLL_CLOEXEC                               = 0x80000
+	EPOLL_CTL_ADD                               = 0x1
+	EPOLL_CTL_DEL                               = 0x2
+	EPOLL_CTL_MOD                               = 0x3
+	EROFS_SUPER_MAGIC_V1                        = 0xe0f5e1e2
+	ETH_P_1588                                  = 0x88f7
+	ETH_P_8021AD                                = 0x88a8
+	ETH_P_8021AH                                = 0x88e7
+	ETH_P_8021Q                                 = 0x8100
+	ETH_P_80221                                 = 0x8917
+	ETH_P_802_2                                 = 0x4
+	ETH_P_802_3                                 = 0x1
+	ETH_P_802_3_MIN                             = 0x600
+	ETH_P_802_EX1                               = 0x88b5
+	ETH_P_AARP                                  = 0x80f3
+	ETH_P_AF_IUCV                               = 0xfbfb
+	ETH_P_ALL                                   = 0x3
+	ETH_P_AOE                                   = 0x88a2
+	ETH_P_ARCNET                                = 0x1a
+	ETH_P_ARP                                   = 0x806
+	ETH_P_ATALK                                 = 0x809b
+	ETH_P_ATMFATE                               = 0x8884
+	ETH_P_ATMMPOA                               = 0x884c
+	ETH_P_AX25                                  = 0x2
+	ETH_P_BATMAN                                = 0x4305
+	ETH_P_BPQ                                   = 0x8ff
+	ETH_P_CAIF                                  = 0xf7
+	ETH_P_CAN                                   = 0xc
+	ETH_P_CANFD                                 = 0xd
+	ETH_P_CONTROL                               = 0x16
+	ETH_P_CUST                                  = 0x6006
+	ETH_P_DDCMP                                 = 0x6
+	ETH_P_DEC                                   = 0x6000
+	ETH_P_DIAG                                  = 0x6005
+	ETH_P_DNA_DL                                = 0x6001
+	ETH_P_DNA_RC                                = 0x6002
+	ETH_P_DNA_RT                                = 0x6003
+	ETH_P_DSA                                   = 0x1b
+	ETH_P_DSA_8021Q                             = 0xdadb
+	ETH_P_ECONET                                = 0x18
+	ETH_P_EDSA                                  = 0xdada
+	ETH_P_ERSPAN                                = 0x88be
+	ETH_P_ERSPAN2                               = 0x22eb
+	ETH_P_FCOE                                  = 0x8906
+	ETH_P_FIP                                   = 0x8914
+	ETH_P_HDLC                                  = 0x19
+	ETH_P_HSR                                   = 0x892f
+	ETH_P_IBOE                                  = 0x8915
+	ETH_P_IEEE802154                            = 0xf6
+	ETH_P_IEEEPUP                               = 0xa00
+	ETH_P_IEEEPUPAT                             = 0xa01
+	ETH_P_IFE                                   = 0xed3e
+	ETH_P_IP                                    = 0x800
+	ETH_P_IPV6                                  = 0x86dd
+	ETH_P_IPX                                   = 0x8137
+	ETH_P_IRDA                                  = 0x17
+	ETH_P_LAT                                   = 0x6004
+	ETH_P_LINK_CTL                              = 0x886c
+	ETH_P_LLDP                                  = 0x88cc
+	ETH_P_LOCALTALK                             = 0x9
+	ETH_P_LOOP                                  = 0x60
+	ETH_P_LOOPBACK                              = 0x9000
+	ETH_P_MACSEC                                = 0x88e5
+	ETH_P_MAP                                   = 0xf9
+	ETH_P_MOBITEX                               = 0x15
+	ETH_P_MPLS_MC                               = 0x8848
+	ETH_P_MPLS_UC                               = 0x8847
+	ETH_P_MVRP                                  = 0x88f5
+	ETH_P_NCSI                                  = 0x88f8
+	ETH_P_NSH                                   = 0x894f
+	ETH_P_PAE                                   = 0x888e
+	ETH_P_PAUSE                                 = 0x8808
+	ETH_P_PHONET                                = 0xf5
+	ETH_P_PPPTALK                               = 0x10
+	ETH_P_PPP_DISC                              = 0x8863
+	ETH_P_PPP_MP                                = 0x8
+	ETH_P_PPP_SES                               = 0x8864
+	ETH_P_PREAUTH                               = 0x88c7
+	ETH_P_PRP                                   = 0x88fb
+	ETH_P_PUP                                   = 0x200
+	ETH_P_PUPAT                                 = 0x201
+	ETH_P_QINQ1                                 = 0x9100
+	ETH_P_QINQ2                                 = 0x9200
+	ETH_P_QINQ3                                 = 0x9300
+	ETH_P_RARP                                  = 0x8035
+	ETH_P_SCA                                   = 0x6007
+	ETH_P_SLOW                                  = 0x8809
+	ETH_P_SNAP                                  = 0x5
+	ETH_P_TDLS                                  = 0x890d
+	ETH_P_TEB                                   = 0x6558
+	ETH_P_TIPC                                  = 0x88ca
+	ETH_P_TRAILER                               = 0x1c
+	ETH_P_TR_802_2                              = 0x11
+	ETH_P_TSN                                   = 0x22f0
+	ETH_P_WAN_PPP                               = 0x7
+	ETH_P_WCCP                                  = 0x883e
+	ETH_P_X25                                   = 0x805
+	ETH_P_XDSA                                  = 0xf8
+	EXABYTE_ENABLE_NEST                         = 0xf0
+	EXT2_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xef53
+	EXT3_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xef53
+	EXT4_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xef53
+	EXTA                                        = 0xe
+	EXTB                                        = 0xf
+	EXTPROC                                     = 0x10000
+	F2FS_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xf2f52010
+	FALLOC_FL_COLLAPSE_RANGE                    = 0x8
+	FALLOC_FL_INSERT_RANGE                      = 0x20
+	FALLOC_FL_KEEP_SIZE                         = 0x1
+	FALLOC_FL_NO_HIDE_STALE                     = 0x4
+	FALLOC_FL_PUNCH_HOLE                        = 0x2
+	FALLOC_FL_UNSHARE_RANGE                     = 0x40
+	FALLOC_FL_ZERO_RANGE                        = 0x10
+	FANOTIFY_METADATA_VERSION                   = 0x3
+	FAN_ACCESS                                  = 0x1
+	FAN_ACCESS_PERM                             = 0x20000
+	FAN_ALLOW                                   = 0x1
+	FAN_ALL_CLASS_BITS                          = 0xc
+	FAN_ALL_EVENTS                              = 0x3b
+	FAN_ALL_INIT_FLAGS                          = 0x3f
+	FAN_ALL_MARK_FLAGS                          = 0xff
+	FAN_ALL_OUTGOING_EVENTS                     = 0x3403b
+	FAN_ALL_PERM_EVENTS                         = 0x30000
+	FAN_ATTRIB                                  = 0x4
+	FAN_AUDIT                                   = 0x10
+	FAN_CLASS_CONTENT                           = 0x4
+	FAN_CLASS_NOTIF                             = 0x0
+	FAN_CLASS_PRE_CONTENT                       = 0x8
+	FAN_CLOEXEC                                 = 0x1
+	FAN_CLOSE                                   = 0x18
+	FAN_CLOSE_NOWRITE                           = 0x10
+	FAN_CLOSE_WRITE                             = 0x8
+	FAN_CREATE                                  = 0x100
+	FAN_DELETE                                  = 0x200
+	FAN_DELETE_SELF                             = 0x400
+	FAN_DENY                                    = 0x2
+	FAN_ENABLE_AUDIT                            = 0x40
+	FAN_EVENT_INFO_TYPE_FID                     = 0x1
+	FAN_EVENT_METADATA_LEN                      = 0x18
+	FAN_EVENT_ON_CHILD                          = 0x8000000
+	FAN_MARK_ADD                                = 0x1
+	FAN_MARK_DONT_FOLLOW                        = 0x4
+	FAN_MARK_FILESYSTEM                         = 0x100
+	FAN_MARK_FLUSH                              = 0x80
+	FAN_MARK_IGNORED_MASK                       = 0x20
+	FAN_MARK_IGNORED_SURV_MODIFY                = 0x40
+	FAN_MARK_INODE                              = 0x0
+	FAN_MARK_MOUNT                              = 0x10
+	FAN_MARK_ONLYDIR                            = 0x8
+	FAN_MARK_REMOVE                             = 0x2
+	FAN_MODIFY                                  = 0x2
+	FAN_MOVE                                    = 0xc0
+	FAN_MOVED_FROM                              = 0x40
+	FAN_MOVED_TO                                = 0x80
+	FAN_MOVE_SELF                               = 0x800
+	FAN_NOFD                                    = -0x1
+	FAN_NONBLOCK                                = 0x2
+	FAN_ONDIR                                   = 0x40000000
+	FAN_OPEN                                    = 0x20
+	FAN_OPEN_EXEC                               = 0x1000
+	FAN_OPEN_EXEC_PERM                          = 0x40000
+	FAN_OPEN_PERM                               = 0x10000
+	FAN_Q_OVERFLOW                              = 0x4000
+	FAN_REPORT_FID                              = 0x200
+	FAN_REPORT_TID                              = 0x100
+	FAN_UNLIMITED_MARKS                         = 0x20
+	FAN_UNLIMITED_QUEUE                         = 0x10
+	FD_CLOEXEC                                  = 0x1
+	FD_SETSIZE                                  = 0x400
+	FF0                                         = 0x0
+	FF1                                         = 0x8000
+	FFDLY                                       = 0x8000
+	FLUSHO                                      = 0x1000
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE                 = 0x8
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_DESC_PREFIX                     = "fscrypt:"
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_DESC_PREFIX_SIZE                = 0x8
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_IDENTIFIER_SIZE                 = 0x10
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_STATUS_ABSENT                   = 0x1
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_STATUS_PRESENT                  = 0x2
+	FSCRYPT_MAX_KEY_SIZE                        = 0x40
+	FSCRYPT_MODE_ADIANTUM                       = 0x9
+	FSCRYPT_MODE_AES_128_CBC                    = 0x5
+	FSCRYPT_MODE_AES_128_CTS                    = 0x6
+	FSCRYPT_MODE_AES_256_CTS                    = 0x4
+	FSCRYPT_MODE_AES_256_XTS                    = 0x1
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_16                 = 0x2
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_32                 = 0x3
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_4                  = 0x0
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_8                  = 0x1
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_MASK               = 0x3
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_VALID                  = 0x7
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_V1                           = 0x0
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_V2                           = 0x2
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_ADIANTUM                 = 0x9
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_128_CBC              = 0x5
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_128_CTS              = 0x6
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_CBC              = 0x3
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_CTS              = 0x4
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_GCM              = 0x2
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_XTS              = 0x1
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_INVALID                  = 0x0
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_SPECK128_256_CTS         = 0x8
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_SPECK128_256_XTS         = 0x7
+	FS_IOC_ADD_ENCRYPTION_KEY                   = 0xc0506617
+	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_KEY_STATUS            = 0xc080661a
+	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY                = 0x400c6615
+	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY_EX             = 0xc0096616
+	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_PWSALT                = 0x40106614
+	FS_IOC_REMOVE_ENCRYPTION_KEY                = 0xc0406618
+	FS_IOC_SET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY                = 0x800c6613
+	FS_KEY_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE                      = 0x8
+	FS_KEY_DESC_PREFIX                          = "fscrypt:"
+	FS_KEY_DESC_PREFIX_SIZE                     = 0x8
+	FS_MAX_KEY_SIZE                             = 0x40
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_16                      = 0x2
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_32                      = 0x3
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_4                       = 0x0
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_8                       = 0x1
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_MASK                    = 0x3
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_VALID                       = 0x7
+	FUTEXFS_SUPER_MAGIC                         = 0xbad1dea
+	F_ADD_SEALS                                 = 0x409
+	F_DUPFD                                     = 0x0
+	F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC                             = 0x406
+	F_EXLCK                                     = 0x4
+	F_GETFD                                     = 0x1
+	F_GETFL                                     = 0x3
+	F_GETLEASE                                  = 0x401
+	F_GETLK                                     = 0x5
+	F_GETLK64                                   = 0x5
+	F_GETOWN                                    = 0x9
+	F_GETOWN_EX                                 = 0x10
+	F_GETPIPE_SZ                                = 0x408
+	F_GETSIG                                    = 0xb
+	F_GET_FILE_RW_HINT                          = 0x40d
+	F_GET_RW_HINT                               = 0x40b
+	F_GET_SEALS                                 = 0x40a
+	F_LOCK                                      = 0x1
+	F_NOTIFY                                    = 0x402
+	F_OFD_GETLK                                 = 0x24
+	F_OFD_SETLK                                 = 0x25
+	F_OFD_SETLKW                                = 0x26
+	F_OK                                        = 0x0
+	F_RDLCK                                     = 0x0
+	F_SEAL_FUTURE_WRITE                         = 0x10
+	F_SEAL_GROW                                 = 0x4
+	F_SEAL_SEAL                                 = 0x1
+	F_SEAL_SHRINK                               = 0x2
+	F_SEAL_WRITE                                = 0x8
+	F_SETFD                                     = 0x2
+	F_SETFL                                     = 0x4
+	F_SETLEASE                                  = 0x400
+	F_SETLK                                     = 0x6
+	F_SETLK64                                   = 0x6
+	F_SETLKW                                    = 0x7
+	F_SETLKW64                                  = 0x7
+	F_SETOWN                                    = 0x8
+	F_SETOWN_EX                                 = 0xf
+	F_SETPIPE_SZ                                = 0x407
+	F_SETSIG                                    = 0xa
+	F_SET_FILE_RW_HINT                          = 0x40e
+	F_SET_RW_HINT                               = 0x40c
+	F_SHLCK                                     = 0x8
+	F_TEST                                      = 0x3
+	F_TLOCK                                     = 0x2
+	F_ULOCK                                     = 0x0
+	F_UNLCK                                     = 0x2
+	F_WRLCK                                     = 0x1
+	GENL_ADMIN_PERM                             = 0x1
+	GENL_CMD_CAP_DO                             = 0x2
+	GENL_CMD_CAP_DUMP                           = 0x4
+	GENL_CMD_CAP_HASPOL                         = 0x8
+	GENL_HDRLEN                                 = 0x4
+	GENL_ID_CTRL                                = 0x10
+	GENL_ID_PMCRAID                             = 0x12
+	GENL_ID_VFS_DQUOT                           = 0x11
+	GENL_MAX_ID                                 = 0x3ff
+	GENL_MIN_ID                                 = 0x10
+	GENL_NAMSIZ                                 = 0x10
+	GENL_START_ALLOC                            = 0x13
+	GENL_UNS_ADMIN_PERM                         = 0x10
+	GRND_NONBLOCK                               = 0x1
+	GRND_RANDOM                                 = 0x2
+	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD                              = 0x31f
+	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD_AEB                          = 0x31e
+	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD_HDR_SIZE                     = 0x4
+	HDIO_DRIVE_HOB_HDR_SIZE                     = 0x8
+	HDIO_DRIVE_RESET                            = 0x31c
+	HDIO_DRIVE_TASK                             = 0x31e
+	HDIO_DRIVE_TASKFILE                         = 0x31d
+	HDIO_DRIVE_TASK_HDR_SIZE                    = 0x8
+	HDIO_GETGEO                                 = 0x301
+	HDIO_GET_32BIT                              = 0x309
+	HDIO_GET_ACOUSTIC                           = 0x30f
+	HDIO_GET_ADDRESS                            = 0x310
+	HDIO_GET_BUSSTATE                           = 0x31a
+	HDIO_GET_DMA                                = 0x30b
+	HDIO_GET_IDENTITY                           = 0x30d
+	HDIO_GET_KEEPSETTINGS                       = 0x308
+	HDIO_GET_MULTCOUNT                          = 0x304
+	HDIO_GET_NICE                               = 0x30c
+	HDIO_GET_NOWERR                             = 0x30a
+	HDIO_GET_QDMA                               = 0x305
+	HDIO_GET_UNMASKINTR                         = 0x302
+	HDIO_GET_WCACHE                             = 0x30e
+	HDIO_OBSOLETE_IDENTITY                      = 0x307
+	HDIO_SCAN_HWIF                              = 0x328
+	HDIO_SET_32BIT                              = 0x324
+	HDIO_SET_ACOUSTIC                           = 0x32c
+	HDIO_SET_ADDRESS                            = 0x32f
+	HDIO_SET_BUSSTATE                           = 0x32d
+	HDIO_SET_DMA                                = 0x326
+	HDIO_SET_KEEPSETTINGS                       = 0x323
+	HDIO_SET_MULTCOUNT                          = 0x321
+	HDIO_SET_NICE                               = 0x329
+	HDIO_SET_NOWERR                             = 0x325
+	HDIO_SET_PIO_MODE                           = 0x327
+	HDIO_SET_QDMA                               = 0x32e
+	HDIO_SET_UNMASKINTR                         = 0x322
+	HDIO_SET_WCACHE                             = 0x32b
+	HDIO_SET_XFER                               = 0x306
+	HDIO_TRISTATE_HWIF                          = 0x31b
+	HDIO_UNREGISTER_HWIF                        = 0x32a
+	HOSTFS_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0xc0ffee
+	HPFS_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xf995e849
+	HUGETLBFS_MAGIC                             = 0x958458f6
+	HUPCL                                       = 0x400
+	IBSHIFT                                     = 0x10
+	ICANON                                      = 0x2
+	ICMPV6_FILTER                               = 0x1
+	ICRNL                                       = 0x100
+	IEXTEN                                      = 0x8000
+	IFA_F_DADFAILED                             = 0x8
+	IFA_F_DEPRECATED                            = 0x20
+	IFA_F_HOMEADDRESS                           = 0x10
+	IFA_F_MANAGETEMPADDR                        = 0x100
+	IFA_F_MCAUTOJOIN                            = 0x400
+	IFA_F_NODAD                                 = 0x2
+	IFA_F_NOPREFIXROUTE                         = 0x200
+	IFA_F_OPTIMISTIC                            = 0x4
+	IFA_F_PERMANENT                             = 0x80
+	IFA_F_SECONDARY                             = 0x1
+	IFA_F_STABLE_PRIVACY                        = 0x800
+	IFA_F_TEMPORARY                             = 0x1
+	IFA_F_TENTATIVE                             = 0x40
+	IFA_MAX                                     = 0xa
+	IFF_ALLMULTI                                = 0x200
+	IFF_ATTACH_QUEUE                            = 0x200
+	IFF_AUTOMEDIA                               = 0x4000
+	IFF_BROADCAST                               = 0x2
+	IFF_DEBUG                                   = 0x4
+	IFF_DETACH_QUEUE                            = 0x400
+	IFF_DORMANT                                 = 0x20000
+	IFF_DYNAMIC                                 = 0x8000
+	IFF_ECHO                                    = 0x40000
+	IFF_LOOPBACK                                = 0x8
+	IFF_LOWER_UP                                = 0x10000
+	IFF_MASTER                                  = 0x400
+	IFF_MULTICAST                               = 0x1000
+	IFF_MULTI_QUEUE                             = 0x100
+	IFF_NAPI                                    = 0x10
+	IFF_NAPI_FRAGS                              = 0x20
+	IFF_NOARP                                   = 0x80
+	IFF_NOFILTER                                = 0x1000
+	IFF_NOTRAILERS                              = 0x20
+	IFF_NO_PI                                   = 0x1000
+	IFF_ONE_QUEUE                               = 0x2000
+	IFF_PERSIST                                 = 0x800
+	IFF_POINTOPOINT                             = 0x10
+	IFF_PORTSEL                                 = 0x2000
+	IFF_PROMISC                                 = 0x100
+	IFF_RUNNING                                 = 0x40
+	IFF_SLAVE                                   = 0x800
+	IFF_TAP                                     = 0x2
+	IFF_TUN                                     = 0x1
+	IFF_TUN_EXCL                                = 0x8000
+	IFF_UP                                      = 0x1
+	IFF_VNET_HDR                                = 0x4000
+	IFF_VOLATILE                                = 0x70c5a
+	IFNAMSIZ                                    = 0x10
+	IGNBRK                                      = 0x1
+	IGNCR                                       = 0x80
+	IGNPAR                                      = 0x4
+	IMAXBEL                                     = 0x2000
+	INLCR                                       = 0x40
+	INPCK                                       = 0x10
+	IN_ACCESS                                   = 0x1
+	IN_ALL_EVENTS                               = 0xfff
+	IN_ATTRIB                                   = 0x4
+	IN_CLASSA_HOST                              = 0xffffff
+	IN_CLASSA_MAX                               = 0x80
+	IN_CLASSA_NET                               = 0xff000000
+	IN_CLASSA_NSHIFT                            = 0x18
+	IN_CLASSB_HOST                              = 0xffff
+	IN_CLASSB_MAX                               = 0x10000
+	IN_CLASSB_NET                               = 0xffff0000
+	IN_CLASSB_NSHIFT                            = 0x10
+	IN_CLASSC_HOST                              = 0xff
+	IN_CLASSC_NET                               = 0xffffff00
+	IN_CLASSC_NSHIFT                            = 0x8
+	IN_CLOEXEC                                  = 0x80000
+	IN_CLOSE                                    = 0x18
+	IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE                            = 0x10
+	IN_CLOSE_WRITE                              = 0x8
+	IN_CREATE                                   = 0x100
+	IN_DELETE                                   = 0x200
+	IN_DELETE_SELF                              = 0x400
+	IN_DONT_FOLLOW                              = 0x2000000
+	IN_EXCL_UNLINK                              = 0x4000000
+	IN_IGNORED                                  = 0x8000
+	IN_ISDIR                                    = 0x40000000
+	IN_LOOPBACKNET                              = 0x7f
+	IN_MASK_ADD                                 = 0x20000000
+	IN_MASK_CREATE                              = 0x10000000
+	IN_MODIFY                                   = 0x2
+	IN_MOVE                                     = 0xc0
+	IN_MOVED_FROM                               = 0x40
+	IN_MOVED_TO                                 = 0x80
+	IN_MOVE_SELF                                = 0x800
+	IN_NONBLOCK                                 = 0x800
+	IN_ONESHOT                                  = 0x80000000
+	IN_ONLYDIR                                  = 0x1000000
+	IN_OPEN                                     = 0x20
+	IN_Q_OVERFLOW                               = 0x4000
+	IN_UNMOUNT                                  = 0x2000
+	IOCTL_VM_SOCKETS_GET_LOCAL_CID              = 0x7b9
+	IPPROTO_AH                                  = 0x33
+	IPPROTO_BEETPH                              = 0x5e
+	IPPROTO_COMP                                = 0x6c
+	IPPROTO_DCCP                                = 0x21
+	IPPROTO_DSTOPTS                             = 0x3c
+	IPPROTO_EGP                                 = 0x8
+	IPPROTO_ENCAP                               = 0x62
+	IPPROTO_ESP                                 = 0x32
+	IPPROTO_FRAGMENT                            = 0x2c
+	IPPROTO_GRE                                 = 0x2f
+	IPPROTO_HOPOPTS                             = 0x0
+	IPPROTO_ICMP                                = 0x1
+	IPPROTO_ICMPV6                              = 0x3a
+	IPPROTO_IDP                                 = 0x16
+	IPPROTO_IGMP                                = 0x2
+	IPPROTO_IP                                  = 0x0
+	IPPROTO_IPIP                                = 0x4
+	IPPROTO_IPV6                                = 0x29
+	IPPROTO_MH                                  = 0x87
+	IPPROTO_MPLS                                = 0x89
+	IPPROTO_MTP                                 = 0x5c
+	IPPROTO_NONE                                = 0x3b
+	IPPROTO_PIM                                 = 0x67
+	IPPROTO_PUP                                 = 0xc
+	IPPROTO_RAW                                 = 0xff
+	IPPROTO_ROUTING                             = 0x2b
+	IPPROTO_RSVP                                = 0x2e
+	IPPROTO_SCTP                                = 0x84
+	IPPROTO_TCP                                 = 0x6
+	IPPROTO_TP                                  = 0x1d
+	IPPROTO_UDP                                 = 0x11
+	IPPROTO_UDPLITE                             = 0x88
+	IPV6_2292DSTOPTS                            = 0x4
+	IPV6_2292HOPLIMIT                           = 0x8
+	IPV6_2292HOPOPTS                            = 0x3
+	IPV6_2292PKTINFO                            = 0x2
+	IPV6_2292PKTOPTIONS                         = 0x6
+	IPV6_2292RTHDR                              = 0x5
+	IPV6_ADDRFORM                               = 0x1
+	IPV6_ADDR_PREFERENCES                       = 0x48
+	IPV6_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                         = 0x14
+	IPV6_AUTHHDR                                = 0xa
+	IPV6_AUTOFLOWLABEL                          = 0x46
+	IPV6_CHECKSUM                               = 0x7
+	IPV6_DONTFRAG                               = 0x3e
+	IPV6_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                        = 0x15
+	IPV6_DSTOPTS                                = 0x3b
+	IPV6_FREEBIND                               = 0x4e
+	IPV6_HDRINCL                                = 0x24
+	IPV6_HOPLIMIT                               = 0x34
+	IPV6_HOPOPTS                                = 0x36
+	IPV6_IPSEC_POLICY                           = 0x22
+	IPV6_JOIN_ANYCAST                           = 0x1b
+	IPV6_JOIN_GROUP                             = 0x14
+	IPV6_LEAVE_ANYCAST                          = 0x1c
+	IPV6_LEAVE_GROUP                            = 0x15
+	IPV6_MINHOPCOUNT                            = 0x49
+	IPV6_MTU                                    = 0x18
+	IPV6_MTU_DISCOVER                           = 0x17
+	IPV6_MULTICAST_ALL                          = 0x1d
+	IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS                         = 0x12
+	IPV6_MULTICAST_IF                           = 0x11
+	IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP                         = 0x13
+	IPV6_NEXTHOP                                = 0x9
+	IPV6_ORIGDSTADDR                            = 0x4a
+	IPV6_PATHMTU                                = 0x3d
+	IPV6_PKTINFO                                = 0x32
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_DO                            = 0x2
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_DONT                          = 0x0
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_INTERFACE                     = 0x4
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_OMIT                          = 0x5
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_PROBE                         = 0x3
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_WANT                          = 0x1
+	IPV6_RECVDSTOPTS                            = 0x3a
+	IPV6_RECVERR                                = 0x19
+	IPV6_RECVFRAGSIZE                           = 0x4d
+	IPV6_RECVHOPLIMIT                           = 0x33
+	IPV6_RECVHOPOPTS                            = 0x35
+	IPV6_RECVORIGDSTADDR                        = 0x4a
+	IPV6_RECVPATHMTU                            = 0x3c
+	IPV6_RECVPKTINFO                            = 0x31
+	IPV6_RECVRTHDR                              = 0x38
+	IPV6_RECVTCLASS                             = 0x42
+	IPV6_ROUTER_ALERT                           = 0x16
+	IPV6_ROUTER_ALERT_ISOLATE                   = 0x1e
+	IPV6_RTHDR                                  = 0x39
+	IPV6_RTHDRDSTOPTS                           = 0x37
+	IPV6_RTHDR_LOOSE                            = 0x0
+	IPV6_RTHDR_STRICT                           = 0x1
+	IPV6_RTHDR_TYPE_0                           = 0x0
+	IPV6_RXDSTOPTS                              = 0x3b
+	IPV6_RXHOPOPTS                              = 0x36
+	IPV6_TCLASS                                 = 0x43
+	IPV6_TRANSPARENT                            = 0x4b
+	IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS                           = 0x10
+	IPV6_UNICAST_IF                             = 0x4c
+	IPV6_V6ONLY                                 = 0x1a
+	IPV6_XFRM_POLICY                            = 0x23
+	IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                           = 0x23
+	IP_ADD_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP                    = 0x27
+	IP_BIND_ADDRESS_NO_PORT                     = 0x18
+	IP_BLOCK_SOURCE                             = 0x26
+	IP_CHECKSUM                                 = 0x17
+	IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_LOOP                   = 0x1
+	IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_TTL                    = 0x1
+	IP_DF                                       = 0x4000
+	IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                          = 0x24
+	IP_DROP_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP                   = 0x28
+	IP_FREEBIND                                 = 0xf
+	IP_HDRINCL                                  = 0x3
+	IP_IPSEC_POLICY                             = 0x10
+	IP_MAXPACKET                                = 0xffff
+	IP_MAX_MEMBERSHIPS                          = 0x14
+	IP_MF                                       = 0x2000
+	IP_MINTTL                                   = 0x15
+	IP_MSFILTER                                 = 0x29
+	IP_MSS                                      = 0x240
+	IP_MTU                                      = 0xe
+	IP_MTU_DISCOVER                             = 0xa
+	IP_MULTICAST_ALL                            = 0x31
+	IP_MULTICAST_IF                             = 0x20
+	IP_MULTICAST_LOOP                           = 0x22
+	IP_MULTICAST_TTL                            = 0x21
+	IP_NODEFRAG                                 = 0x16
+	IP_OFFMASK                                  = 0x1fff
+	IP_OPTIONS                                  = 0x4
+	IP_ORIGDSTADDR                              = 0x14
+	IP_PASSSEC                                  = 0x12
+	IP_PKTINFO                                  = 0x8
+	IP_PKTOPTIONS                               = 0x9
+	IP_PMTUDISC                                 = 0xa
+	IP_PMTUDISC_DO                              = 0x2
+	IP_PMTUDISC_DONT                            = 0x0
+	IP_PMTUDISC_INTERFACE                       = 0x4
+	IP_PMTUDISC_OMIT                            = 0x5
+	IP_PMTUDISC_PROBE                           = 0x3
+	IP_PMTUDISC_WANT                            = 0x1
+	IP_RECVERR                                  = 0xb
+	IP_RECVFRAGSIZE                             = 0x19
+	IP_RECVOPTS                                 = 0x6
+	IP_RECVORIGDSTADDR                          = 0x14
+	IP_RECVRETOPTS                              = 0x7
+	IP_RECVTOS                                  = 0xd
+	IP_RECVTTL                                  = 0xc
+	IP_RETOPTS                                  = 0x7
+	IP_RF                                       = 0x8000
+	IP_ROUTER_ALERT                             = 0x5
+	IP_TOS                                      = 0x1
+	IP_TRANSPARENT                              = 0x13
+	IP_TTL                                      = 0x2
+	IP_UNBLOCK_SOURCE                           = 0x25
+	IP_UNICAST_IF                               = 0x32
+	IP_XFRM_POLICY                              = 0x11
+	ISIG                                        = 0x1
+	ISOFS_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x9660
+	ISTRIP                                      = 0x20
+	IUCLC                                       = 0x200
+	IUTF8                                       = 0x4000
+	IXANY                                       = 0x800
+	IXOFF                                       = 0x1000
+	IXON                                        = 0x400
+	JFFS2_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x72b6
+	KEXEC_ARCH_386                              = 0x30000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_68K                              = 0x40000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_AARCH64                          = 0xb70000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_ARM                              = 0x280000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_DEFAULT                          = 0x0
+	KEXEC_ARCH_IA_64                            = 0x320000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_MASK                             = 0xffff0000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_MIPS                             = 0x80000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_MIPS_LE                          = 0xa0000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_PARISC                           = 0xf0000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_PPC                              = 0x140000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_PPC64                            = 0x150000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_S390                             = 0x160000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_SH                               = 0x2a0000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_X86_64                           = 0x3e0000
+	KEXEC_FILE_NO_INITRAMFS                     = 0x4
+	KEXEC_FILE_ON_CRASH                         = 0x2
+	KEXEC_FILE_UNLOAD                           = 0x1
+	KEXEC_ON_CRASH                              = 0x1
+	KEXEC_PRESERVE_CONTEXT                      = 0x2
+	KEXEC_SEGMENT_MAX                           = 0x10
+	KEYCTL_ASSUME_AUTHORITY                     = 0x10
+	KEYCTL_CAPABILITIES                         = 0x1f
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_BIG_KEY                        = 0x10
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_CAPABILITIES                   = 0x1
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_DIFFIE_HELLMAN                 = 0x4
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_INVALIDATE                     = 0x20
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_MOVE                           = 0x80
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_PUBLIC_KEY                     = 0x8
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_RESTRICT_KEYRING               = 0x40
+	KEYCTL_CAPS1_NS_KEYRING_NAME                = 0x1
+	KEYCTL_CAPS1_NS_KEY_TAG                     = 0x2
+	KEYCTL_CHOWN                                = 0x4
+	KEYCTL_CLEAR                                = 0x7
+	KEYCTL_DESCRIBE                             = 0x6
+	KEYCTL_DH_COMPUTE                           = 0x17
+	KEYCTL_GET_KEYRING_ID                       = 0x0
+	KEYCTL_GET_PERSISTENT                       = 0x16
+	KEYCTL_GET_SECURITY                         = 0x11
+	KEYCTL_INSTANTIATE                          = 0xc
+	KEYCTL_INSTANTIATE_IOV                      = 0x14
+	KEYCTL_INVALIDATE                           = 0x15
+	KEYCTL_JOIN_SESSION_KEYRING                 = 0x1
+	KEYCTL_LINK                                 = 0x8
+	KEYCTL_MOVE                                 = 0x1e
+	KEYCTL_MOVE_EXCL                            = 0x1
+	KEYCTL_NEGATE                               = 0xd
+	KEYCTL_PKEY_DECRYPT                         = 0x1a
+	KEYCTL_PKEY_ENCRYPT                         = 0x19
+	KEYCTL_PKEY_QUERY                           = 0x18
+	KEYCTL_PKEY_SIGN                            = 0x1b
+	KEYCTL_PKEY_VERIFY                          = 0x1c
+	KEYCTL_READ                                 = 0xb
+	KEYCTL_REJECT                               = 0x13
+	KEYCTL_RESTRICT_KEYRING                     = 0x1d
+	KEYCTL_REVOKE                               = 0x3
+	KEYCTL_SEARCH                               = 0xa
+	KEYCTL_SESSION_TO_PARENT                    = 0x12
+	KEYCTL_SETPERM                              = 0x5
+	KEYCTL_SET_REQKEY_KEYRING                   = 0xe
+	KEYCTL_SET_TIMEOUT                          = 0xf
+	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_DECRYPT                     = 0x2
+	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_ENCRYPT                     = 0x1
+	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_SIGN                        = 0x4
+	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_VERIFY                      = 0x8
+	KEYCTL_UNLINK                               = 0x9
+	KEYCTL_UPDATE                               = 0x2
+	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_DEFAULT                     = 0x0
+	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_GROUP_KEYRING               = 0x6
+	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_NO_CHANGE                   = -0x1
+	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_USER_KEYRING                = 0x4
+	KEY_SPEC_GROUP_KEYRING                      = -0x6
+	KEY_SPEC_PROCESS_KEYRING                    = -0x2
+	KEY_SPEC_REQKEY_AUTH_KEY                    = -0x7
+	KEY_SPEC_REQUESTOR_KEYRING                  = -0x8
+	KEY_SPEC_SESSION_KEYRING                    = -0x3
+	KEY_SPEC_THREAD_KEYRING                     = -0x1
+	KEY_SPEC_USER_KEYRING                       = -0x4
+	KEY_SPEC_USER_SESSION_KEYRING               = -0x5
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_CAD_OFF                    = 0x0
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_CAD_ON                     = 0x89abcdef
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_HALT                       = 0xcdef0123
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_KEXEC                      = 0x45584543
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_POWER_OFF                  = 0x4321fedc
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_RESTART                    = 0x1234567
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_RESTART2                   = 0xa1b2c3d4
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_SW_SUSPEND                 = 0xd000fce2
+	LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC1                         = 0xfee1dead
+	LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC2                         = 0x28121969
+	LOCK_EX                                     = 0x2
+	LOCK_NB                                     = 0x4
+	LOCK_SH                                     = 0x1
+	LOCK_UN                                     = 0x8
+	LOOP_CLR_FD                                 = 0x4c01
+	LOOP_CTL_ADD                                = 0x4c80
+	LOOP_CTL_GET_FREE                           = 0x4c82
+	LOOP_CTL_REMOVE                             = 0x4c81
+	LOOP_GET_STATUS                             = 0x4c03
+	LOOP_GET_STATUS64                           = 0x4c05
+	LOOP_SET_BLOCK_SIZE                         = 0x4c09
+	LOOP_SET_CAPACITY                           = 0x4c07
+	LOOP_SET_DIRECT_IO                          = 0x4c08
+	LOOP_SET_FD                                 = 0x4c00
+	LOOP_SET_STATUS                             = 0x4c02
+	LOOP_SET_STATUS64                           = 0x4c04
+	LO_KEY_SIZE                                 = 0x20
+	LO_NAME_SIZE                                = 0x40
+	MADV_DODUMP                                 = 0x11
+	MADV_DOFORK                                 = 0xb
+	MADV_DONTDUMP                               = 0x10
+	MADV_DONTFORK                               = 0xa
+	MADV_DONTNEED                               = 0x4
+	MADV_FREE                                   = 0x8
+	MADV_HUGEPAGE                               = 0xe
+	MADV_HWPOISON                               = 0x64
+	MADV_KEEPONFORK                             = 0x13
+	MADV_MERGEABLE                              = 0xc
+	MADV_NOHUGEPAGE                             = 0xf
+	MADV_NORMAL                                 = 0x0
+	MADV_RANDOM                                 = 0x1
+	MADV_REMOVE                                 = 0x9
+	MADV_SEQUENTIAL                             = 0x2
+	MADV_UNMERGEABLE                            = 0xd
+	MADV_WILLNEED                               = 0x3
+	MADV_WIPEONFORK                             = 0x12
+	MAP_ANON                                    = 0x20
+	MAP_ANONYMOUS                               = 0x20
+	MAP_DENYWRITE                               = 0x800
+	MAP_EXECUTABLE                              = 0x1000
+	MAP_FILE                                    = 0x0
+	MAP_FIXED                                   = 0x10
+	MAP_FIXED_NOREPLACE                         = 0x100000
+	MAP_GROWSDOWN                               = 0x100
+	MAP_HUGETLB                                 = 0x40000
+	MAP_HUGE_MASK                               = 0x3f
+	MAP_HUGE_SHIFT                              = 0x1a
+	MAP_LOCKED                                  = 0x2000
+	MAP_NONBLOCK                                = 0x10000
+	MAP_NORESERVE                               = 0x4000
+	MAP_POPULATE                                = 0x8000
+	MAP_PRIVATE                                 = 0x2
+	MAP_SHARED                                  = 0x1
+	MAP_SHARED_VALIDATE                         = 0x3
+	MAP_STACK                                   = 0x20000
+	MAP_SYNC                                    = 0x80000
+	MAP_TYPE                                    = 0xf
+	MCAST_BLOCK_SOURCE                          = 0x2b
+	MCAST_EXCLUDE                               = 0x0
+	MCAST_INCLUDE                               = 0x1
+	MCAST_JOIN_GROUP                            = 0x2a
+	MCAST_JOIN_SOURCE_GROUP                     = 0x2e
+	MCAST_LEAVE_GROUP                           = 0x2d
+	MCAST_LEAVE_SOURCE_GROUP                    = 0x2f
+	MCAST_MSFILTER                              = 0x30
+	MCAST_UNBLOCK_SOURCE                        = 0x2c
+	MCL_CURRENT                                 = 0x1
+	MCL_FUTURE                                  = 0x2
+	MCL_ONFAULT                                 = 0x4
+	MFD_ALLOW_SEALING                           = 0x2
+	MFD_CLOEXEC                                 = 0x1
+	MFD_HUGETLB                                 = 0x4
+	MFD_HUGE_16GB                               = -0x78000000
+	MFD_HUGE_16MB                               = 0x60000000
+	MFD_HUGE_1GB                                = 0x78000000
+	MFD_HUGE_1MB                                = 0x50000000
+	MFD_HUGE_256MB                              = 0x70000000
+	MFD_HUGE_2GB                                = 0x7c000000
+	MFD_HUGE_2MB                                = 0x54000000
+	MFD_HUGE_32MB                               = 0x64000000
+	MFD_HUGE_512KB                              = 0x4c000000
+	MFD_HUGE_512MB                              = 0x74000000
+	MFD_HUGE_64KB                               = 0x40000000
+	MFD_HUGE_8MB                                = 0x5c000000
+	MFD_HUGE_MASK                               = 0x3f
+	MFD_HUGE_SHIFT                              = 0x1a
+	MINIX2_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0x2468
+	MINIX2_SUPER_MAGIC2                         = 0x2478
+	MINIX3_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0x4d5a
+	MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x137f
+	MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC2                          = 0x138f
+	MNT_DETACH                                  = 0x2
+	MNT_EXPIRE                                  = 0x4
+	MNT_FORCE                                   = 0x1
+	MODULE_INIT_IGNORE_VERMAGIC                 = 0x2
+	MSDOS_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x4d44
+	MSG_BATCH                                   = 0x40000
+	MSG_CMSG_CLOEXEC                            = 0x40000000
+	MSG_CONFIRM                                 = 0x800
+	MSG_CTRUNC                                  = 0x8
+	MSG_DONTROUTE                               = 0x4
+	MSG_DONTWAIT                                = 0x40
+	MSG_EOR                                     = 0x80
+	MSG_ERRQUEUE                                = 0x2000
+	MSG_FASTOPEN                                = 0x20000000
+	MSG_FIN                                     = 0x200
+	MSG_MORE                                    = 0x8000
+	MSG_NOSIGNAL                                = 0x4000
+	MSG_OOB                                     = 0x1
+	MSG_PEEK                                    = 0x2
+	MSG_PROXY                                   = 0x10
+	MSG_RST                                     = 0x1000
+	MSG_SYN                                     = 0x400
+	MSG_TRUNC                                   = 0x20
+	MSG_TRYHARD                                 = 0x4
+	MSG_WAITALL                                 = 0x100
+	MSG_WAITFORONE                              = 0x10000
+	MSG_ZEROCOPY                                = 0x4000000
+	MS_ACTIVE                                   = 0x40000000
+	MS_ASYNC                                    = 0x1
+	MS_BIND                                     = 0x1000
+	MS_BORN                                     = 0x20000000
+	MS_DIRSYNC                                  = 0x80
+	MS_INVALIDATE                               = 0x2
+	MS_I_VERSION                                = 0x800000
+	MS_KERNMOUNT                                = 0x400000
+	MS_LAZYTIME                                 = 0x2000000
+	MS_MANDLOCK                                 = 0x40
+	MS_MGC_MSK                                  = 0xffff0000
+	MS_MGC_VAL                                  = 0xc0ed0000
+	MS_MOVE                                     = 0x2000
+	MS_NOATIME                                  = 0x400
+	MS_NODEV                                    = 0x4
+	MS_NODIRATIME                               = 0x800
+	MS_NOEXEC                                   = 0x8
+	MS_NOREMOTELOCK                             = 0x8000000
+	MS_NOSEC                                    = 0x10000000
+	MS_NOSUID                                   = 0x2
+	MS_NOUSER                                   = -0x80000000
+	MS_POSIXACL                                 = 0x10000
+	MS_PRIVATE                                  = 0x40000
+	MS_RDONLY                                   = 0x1
+	MS_REC                                      = 0x4000
+	MS_RELATIME                                 = 0x200000
+	MS_REMOUNT                                  = 0x20
+	MS_RMT_MASK                                 = 0x2800051
+	MS_SHARED                                   = 0x100000
+	MS_SILENT                                   = 0x8000
+	MS_SLAVE                                    = 0x80000
+	MS_STRICTATIME                              = 0x1000000
+	MS_SUBMOUNT                                 = 0x4000000
+	MS_SYNC                                     = 0x4
+	MS_SYNCHRONOUS                              = 0x10
+	MS_UNBINDABLE                               = 0x20000
+	MS_VERBOSE                                  = 0x8000
+	MTD_INODE_FS_MAGIC                          = 0x11307854
+	NAME_MAX                                    = 0xff
+	NCP_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x564c
+	NETLINK_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                      = 0x1
+	NETLINK_AUDIT                               = 0x9
+	NETLINK_BROADCAST_ERROR                     = 0x4
+	NETLINK_CAP_ACK                             = 0xa
+	NETLINK_CONNECTOR                           = 0xb
+	NETLINK_CRYPTO                              = 0x15
+	NETLINK_DNRTMSG                             = 0xe
+	NETLINK_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                     = 0x2
+	NETLINK_ECRYPTFS                            = 0x13
+	NETLINK_EXT_ACK                             = 0xb
+	NETLINK_FIB_LOOKUP                          = 0xa
+	NETLINK_FIREWALL                            = 0x3
+	NETLINK_GENERIC                             = 0x10
+	NETLINK_GET_STRICT_CHK                      = 0xc
+	NETLINK_INET_DIAG                           = 0x4
+	NETLINK_IP6_FW                              = 0xd
+	NETLINK_ISCSI                               = 0x8
+	NETLINK_KOBJECT_UEVENT                      = 0xf
+	NETLINK_LISTEN_ALL_NSID                     = 0x8
+	NETLINK_LIST_MEMBERSHIPS                    = 0x9
+	NETLINK_NETFILTER                           = 0xc
+	NETLINK_NFLOG                               = 0x5
+	NETLINK_NO_ENOBUFS                          = 0x5
+	NETLINK_PKTINFO                             = 0x3
+	NETLINK_RDMA                                = 0x14
+	NETLINK_ROUTE                               = 0x0
+	NETLINK_RX_RING                             = 0x6
+	NETLINK_SCSITRANSPORT                       = 0x12
+	NETLINK_SELINUX                             = 0x7
+	NETLINK_SMC                                 = 0x16
+	NETLINK_SOCK_DIAG                           = 0x4
+	NETLINK_TX_RING                             = 0x7
+	NETLINK_UNUSED                              = 0x1
+	NETLINK_USERSOCK                            = 0x2
+	NETLINK_XFRM                                = 0x6
+	NETNSA_MAX                                  = 0x5
+	NETNSA_NSID_NOT_ASSIGNED                    = -0x1
+	NFDBITS                                     = 0x40
+	NFNETLINK_V0                                = 0x0
+	NFNLGRP_ACCT_QUOTA                          = 0x8
+	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_DESTROY                   = 0x3
+	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_EXP_NEW                   = 0x4
+	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_EXP_UPDATE                = 0x5
+	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_NEW                       = 0x1
+	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_UPDATE                    = 0x2
+	NFNLGRP_MAX                                 = 0x9
+	NFNLGRP_NFTABLES                            = 0x7
+	NFNLGRP_NFTRACE                             = 0x9
+	NFNLGRP_NONE                                = 0x0
+	NFNL_BATCH_MAX                              = 0x1
+	NFNL_MSG_BATCH_BEGIN                        = 0x10
+	NFNL_MSG_BATCH_END                          = 0x11
+	NFNL_NFA_NEST                               = 0x8000
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_ACCT                            = 0x7
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_COUNT                           = 0xc
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTHELPER                        = 0x9
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTNETLINK                       = 0x1
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTNETLINK_EXP                   = 0x2
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_IPSET                           = 0x6
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_NFTABLES                        = 0xa
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_NFT_COMPAT                      = 0xb
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_NONE                            = 0x0
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_OSF                             = 0x5
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_QUEUE                           = 0x3
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_ULOG                            = 0x4
+	NFS_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x6969
+	NILFS_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x3434
+	NL0                                         = 0x0
+	NL1                                         = 0x100
+	NLA_ALIGNTO                                 = 0x4
+	NLA_F_NESTED                                = 0x8000
+	NLA_F_NET_BYTEORDER                         = 0x4000
+	NLA_HDRLEN                                  = 0x4
+	NLDLY                                       = 0x100
+	NLMSG_ALIGNTO                               = 0x4
+	NLMSG_DONE                                  = 0x3
+	NLMSG_ERROR                                 = 0x2
+	NLMSG_HDRLEN                                = 0x10
+	NLMSG_MIN_TYPE                              = 0x10
+	NLMSG_NOOP                                  = 0x1
+	NLMSG_OVERRUN                               = 0x4
+	NLM_F_ACK                                   = 0x4
+	NLM_F_ACK_TLVS                              = 0x200
+	NLM_F_APPEND                                = 0x800
+	NLM_F_ATOMIC                                = 0x400
+	NLM_F_CAPPED                                = 0x100
+	NLM_F_CREATE                                = 0x400
+	NLM_F_DUMP                                  = 0x300
+	NLM_F_DUMP_FILTERED                         = 0x20
+	NLM_F_DUMP_INTR                             = 0x10
+	NLM_F_ECHO                                  = 0x8
+	NLM_F_EXCL                                  = 0x200
+	NLM_F_MATCH                                 = 0x200
+	NLM_F_MULTI                                 = 0x2
+	NLM_F_NONREC                                = 0x100
+	NLM_F_REPLACE                               = 0x100
+	NLM_F_REQUEST                               = 0x1
+	NLM_F_ROOT                                  = 0x100
+	NOFLSH                                      = 0x80
+	NSFS_MAGIC                                  = 0x6e736673
+	NS_GET_NSTYPE                               = 0xb703
+	NS_GET_OWNER_UID                            = 0xb704
+	NS_GET_PARENT                               = 0xb702
+	NS_GET_USERNS                               = 0xb701
+	OCFS2_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x7461636f
+	OCRNL                                       = 0x8
+	OFDEL                                       = 0x80
+	OFILL                                       = 0x40
+	OLCUC                                       = 0x2
+	ONLCR                                       = 0x4
+	ONLRET                                      = 0x20
+	ONOCR                                       = 0x10
+	OPENPROM_SUPER_MAGIC                        = 0x9fa1
+	OPOST                                       = 0x1
+	OVERLAYFS_SUPER_MAGIC                       = 0x794c7630
+	O_ACCMODE                                   = 0x3
+	O_APPEND                                    = 0x400
+	O_ASYNC                                     = 0x2000
+	O_CLOEXEC                                   = 0x80000
+	O_CREAT                                     = 0x40
+	O_DIRECT                                    = 0x4000
+	O_DIRECTORY                                 = 0x10000
+	O_DSYNC                                     = 0x1000
+	O_EXCL                                      = 0x80
+	O_FSYNC                                     = 0x101000
+	O_LARGEFILE                                 = 0x0
+	O_NDELAY                                    = 0x800
+	O_NOATIME                                   = 0x40000
+	O_NOCTTY                                    = 0x100
+	O_NOFOLLOW                                  = 0x20000
+	O_NONBLOCK                                  = 0x800
+	O_PATH                                      = 0x200000
+	O_RDONLY                                    = 0x0
+	O_RDWR                                      = 0x2
+	O_RSYNC                                     = 0x101000
+	O_SYNC                                      = 0x101000
+	O_TMPFILE                                   = 0x410000
+	O_TRUNC                                     = 0x200
+	O_WRONLY                                    = 0x1
+	PACKET_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                       = 0x1
+	PACKET_AUXDATA                              = 0x8
+	PACKET_BROADCAST                            = 0x1
+	PACKET_COPY_THRESH                          = 0x7
+	PACKET_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                      = 0x2
+	PACKET_FANOUT                               = 0x12
+	PACKET_FANOUT_CBPF                          = 0x6
+	PACKET_FANOUT_CPU                           = 0x2
+	PACKET_FANOUT_DATA                          = 0x16
+	PACKET_FANOUT_EBPF                          = 0x7
+	PACKET_FANOUT_FLAG_DEFRAG                   = 0x8000
+	PACKET_FANOUT_FLAG_ROLLOVER                 = 0x1000
+	PACKET_FANOUT_FLAG_UNIQUEID                 = 0x2000
+	PACKET_FANOUT_HASH                          = 0x0
+	PACKET_FANOUT_LB                            = 0x1
+	PACKET_FANOUT_QM                            = 0x5
+	PACKET_FANOUT_RND                           = 0x4
+	PACKET_FANOUT_ROLLOVER                      = 0x3
+	PACKET_FASTROUTE                            = 0x6
+	PACKET_HDRLEN                               = 0xb
+	PACKET_HOST                                 = 0x0
+	PACKET_IGNORE_OUTGOING                      = 0x17
+	PACKET_KERNEL                               = 0x7
+	PACKET_LOOPBACK                             = 0x5
+	PACKET_LOSS                                 = 0xe
+	PACKET_MR_ALLMULTI                          = 0x2
+	PACKET_MR_MULTICAST                         = 0x0
+	PACKET_MR_PROMISC                           = 0x1
+	PACKET_MR_UNICAST                           = 0x3
+	PACKET_MULTICAST                            = 0x2
+	PACKET_ORIGDEV                              = 0x9
+	PACKET_OTHERHOST                            = 0x3
+	PACKET_OUTGOING                             = 0x4
+	PACKET_QDISC_BYPASS                         = 0x14
+	PACKET_RECV_OUTPUT                          = 0x3
+	PACKET_RESERVE                              = 0xc
+	PACKET_ROLLOVER_STATS                       = 0x15
+	PACKET_RX_RING                              = 0x5
+	PACKET_STATISTICS                           = 0x6
+	PACKET_TIMESTAMP                            = 0x11
+	PACKET_TX_HAS_OFF                           = 0x13
+	PACKET_TX_RING                              = 0xd
+	PACKET_TX_TIMESTAMP                         = 0x10
+	PACKET_USER                                 = 0x6
+	PACKET_VERSION                              = 0xa
+	PACKET_VNET_HDR                             = 0xf
+	PARENB                                      = 0x100
+	PARITY_CRC16_PR0                            = 0x2
+	PARITY_CRC16_PR0_CCITT                      = 0x4
+	PARITY_CRC16_PR1                            = 0x3
+	PARITY_CRC16_PR1_CCITT                      = 0x5
+	PARITY_CRC32_PR0_CCITT                      = 0x6
+	PARITY_CRC32_PR1_CCITT                      = 0x7
+	PARITY_DEFAULT                              = 0x0
+	PARITY_NONE                                 = 0x1
+	PARMRK                                      = 0x8
+	PARODD                                      = 0x200
+	PENDIN                                      = 0x4000
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_DISABLE                      = 0x2401
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_ENABLE                       = 0x2400
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_ID                           = 0x80082407
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_MODIFY_ATTRIBUTES            = 0x4008240b
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_PAUSE_OUTPUT                 = 0x40042409
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_PERIOD                       = 0x40082404
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_QUERY_BPF                    = 0xc008240a
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_REFRESH                      = 0x2402
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_RESET                        = 0x2403
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_BPF                      = 0x40042408
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_FILTER                   = 0x40082406
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_OUTPUT                   = 0x2405
+	PIPEFS_MAGIC                                = 0x50495045
+	PPPIOCATTACH                                = 0x4004743d
+	PPPIOCATTCHAN                               = 0x40047438
+	PPPIOCCONNECT                               = 0x4004743a
+	PPPIOCDETACH                                = 0x4004743c
+	PPPIOCDISCONN                               = 0x7439
+	PPPIOCGASYNCMAP                             = 0x80047458
+	PPPIOCGCHAN                                 = 0x80047437
+	PPPIOCGDEBUG                                = 0x80047441
+	PPPIOCGFLAGS                                = 0x8004745a
+	PPPIOCGIDLE                                 = 0x8010743f
+	PPPIOCGL2TPSTATS                            = 0x80487436
+	PPPIOCGMRU                                  = 0x80047453
+	PPPIOCGNPMODE                               = 0xc008744c
+	PPPIOCGRASYNCMAP                            = 0x80047455
+	PPPIOCGUNIT                                 = 0x80047456
+	PPPIOCGXASYNCMAP                            = 0x80207450
+	PPPIOCNEWUNIT                               = 0xc004743e
+	PPPIOCSACTIVE                               = 0x40107446
+	PPPIOCSASYNCMAP                             = 0x40047457
+	PPPIOCSCOMPRESS                             = 0x4010744d
+	PPPIOCSDEBUG                                = 0x40047440
+	PPPIOCSFLAGS                                = 0x40047459
+	PPPIOCSMAXCID                               = 0x40047451
+	PPPIOCSMRRU                                 = 0x4004743b
+	PPPIOCSMRU                                  = 0x40047452
+	PPPIOCSNPMODE                               = 0x4008744b
+	PPPIOCSPASS                                 = 0x40107447
+	PPPIOCSRASYNCMAP                            = 0x40047454
+	PPPIOCSXASYNCMAP                            = 0x4020744f
+	PPPIOCXFERUNIT                              = 0x744e
+	PRIO_PGRP                                   = 0x1
+	PRIO_PROCESS                                = 0x0
+	PRIO_USER                                   = 0x2
+	PROC_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0x9fa0
+	PROT_EXEC                                   = 0x4
+	PROT_GROWSDOWN                              = 0x1000000
+	PROT_GROWSUP                                = 0x2000000
+	PROT_NONE                                   = 0x0
+	PROT_READ                                   = 0x1
+	PROT_WRITE                                  = 0x2
+	PR_CAPBSET_DROP                             = 0x18
+	PR_CAPBSET_READ                             = 0x17
+	PR_CAP_AMBIENT                              = 0x2f
+	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_CLEAR_ALL                    = 0x4
+	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_IS_SET                       = 0x1
+	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_LOWER                        = 0x3
+	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_RAISE                        = 0x2
+	PR_ENDIAN_BIG                               = 0x0
+	PR_ENDIAN_LITTLE                            = 0x1
+	PR_ENDIAN_PPC_LITTLE                        = 0x2
+	PR_FPEMU_NOPRINT                            = 0x1
+	PR_FPEMU_SIGFPE                             = 0x2
+	PR_FP_EXC_ASYNC                             = 0x2
+	PR_FP_EXC_DISABLED                          = 0x0
+	PR_FP_EXC_DIV                               = 0x10000
+	PR_FP_EXC_INV                               = 0x100000
+	PR_FP_EXC_NONRECOV                          = 0x1
+	PR_FP_EXC_OVF                               = 0x20000
+	PR_FP_EXC_PRECISE                           = 0x3
+	PR_FP_EXC_RES                               = 0x80000
+	PR_FP_EXC_SW_ENABLE                         = 0x80
+	PR_FP_EXC_UND                               = 0x40000
+	PR_FP_MODE_FR                               = 0x1
+	PR_FP_MODE_FRE                              = 0x2
+	PR_GET_CHILD_SUBREAPER                      = 0x25
+	PR_GET_DUMPABLE                             = 0x3
+	PR_GET_ENDIAN                               = 0x13
+	PR_GET_FPEMU                                = 0x9
+	PR_GET_FPEXC                                = 0xb
+	PR_GET_FP_MODE                              = 0x2e
+	PR_GET_KEEPCAPS                             = 0x7
+	PR_GET_NAME                                 = 0x10
+	PR_GET_NO_NEW_PRIVS                         = 0x27
+	PR_GET_PDEATHSIG                            = 0x2
+	PR_GET_SECCOMP                              = 0x15
+	PR_GET_SECUREBITS                           = 0x1b
+	PR_GET_SPECULATION_CTRL                     = 0x34
+	PR_GET_TAGGED_ADDR_CTRL                     = 0x38
+	PR_GET_THP_DISABLE                          = 0x2a
+	PR_GET_TID_ADDRESS                          = 0x28
+	PR_GET_TIMERSLACK                           = 0x1e
+	PR_GET_TIMING                               = 0xd
+	PR_GET_TSC                                  = 0x19
+	PR_GET_UNALIGN                              = 0x5
+	PR_MCE_KILL                                 = 0x21
+	PR_MCE_KILL_CLEAR                           = 0x0
+	PR_MCE_KILL_DEFAULT                         = 0x2
+	PR_MCE_KILL_EARLY                           = 0x1
+	PR_MCE_KILL_GET                             = 0x22
+	PR_MCE_KILL_LATE                            = 0x0
+	PR_MCE_KILL_SET                             = 0x1
+	PR_MPX_DISABLE_MANAGEMENT                   = 0x2c
+	PR_MPX_ENABLE_MANAGEMENT                    = 0x2b
+	PR_PAC_APDAKEY                              = 0x4
+	PR_PAC_APDBKEY                              = 0x8
+	PR_PAC_APGAKEY                              = 0x10
+	PR_PAC_APIAKEY                              = 0x1
+	PR_PAC_APIBKEY                              = 0x2
+	PR_PAC_RESET_KEYS                           = 0x36
+	PR_SET_CHILD_SUBREAPER                      = 0x24
+	PR_SET_DUMPABLE                             = 0x4
+	PR_SET_ENDIAN                               = 0x14
+	PR_SET_FPEMU                                = 0xa
+	PR_SET_FPEXC                                = 0xc
+	PR_SET_FP_MODE                              = 0x2d
+	PR_SET_KEEPCAPS                             = 0x8
+	PR_SET_MM                                   = 0x23
+	PR_SET_MM_ARG_END                           = 0x9
+	PR_SET_MM_ARG_START                         = 0x8
+	PR_SET_MM_AUXV                              = 0xc
+	PR_SET_MM_BRK                               = 0x7
+	PR_SET_MM_END_CODE                          = 0x2
+	PR_SET_MM_END_DATA                          = 0x4
+	PR_SET_MM_ENV_END                           = 0xb
+	PR_SET_MM_ENV_START                         = 0xa
+	PR_SET_MM_EXE_FILE                          = 0xd
+	PR_SET_MM_MAP                               = 0xe
+	PR_SET_MM_MAP_SIZE                          = 0xf
+	PR_SET_MM_START_BRK                         = 0x6
+	PR_SET_MM_START_CODE                        = 0x1
+	PR_SET_MM_START_DATA                        = 0x3
+	PR_SET_MM_START_STACK                       = 0x5
+	PR_SET_NAME                                 = 0xf
+	PR_SET_NO_NEW_PRIVS                         = 0x26
+	PR_SET_PDEATHSIG                            = 0x1
+	PR_SET_PTRACER                              = 0x59616d61
+	PR_SET_PTRACER_ANY                          = 0xffffffffffffffff
+	PR_SET_SECCOMP                              = 0x16
+	PR_SET_SECUREBITS                           = 0x1c
+	PR_SET_SPECULATION_CTRL                     = 0x35
+	PR_SET_TAGGED_ADDR_CTRL                     = 0x37
+	PR_SET_THP_DISABLE                          = 0x29
+	PR_SET_TIMERSLACK                           = 0x1d
+	PR_SET_TIMING                               = 0xe
+	PR_SET_TSC                                  = 0x1a
+	PR_SET_UNALIGN                              = 0x6
+	PR_SPEC_DISABLE                             = 0x4
+	PR_SPEC_DISABLE_NOEXEC                      = 0x10
+	PR_SPEC_ENABLE                              = 0x2
+	PR_SPEC_FORCE_DISABLE                       = 0x8
+	PR_SPEC_INDIRECT_BRANCH                     = 0x1
+	PR_SPEC_NOT_AFFECTED                        = 0x0
+	PR_SPEC_PRCTL                               = 0x1
+	PR_SPEC_STORE_BYPASS                        = 0x0
+	PR_SVE_GET_VL                               = 0x33
+	PR_SVE_SET_VL                               = 0x32
+	PR_SVE_SET_VL_ONEXEC                        = 0x40000
+	PR_SVE_VL_INHERIT                           = 0x20000
+	PR_SVE_VL_LEN_MASK                          = 0xffff
+	PR_TAGGED_ADDR_ENABLE                       = 0x1
+	PR_TASK_PERF_EVENTS_DISABLE                 = 0x1f
+	PR_TASK_PERF_EVENTS_ENABLE                  = 0x20
+	PR_TIMING_STATISTICAL                       = 0x0
+	PR_TIMING_TIMESTAMP                         = 0x1
+	PR_TSC_ENABLE                               = 0x1
+	PR_TSC_SIGSEGV                              = 0x2
+	PR_UNALIGN_NOPRINT                          = 0x1
+	PR_UNALIGN_SIGBUS                           = 0x2
+	PSTOREFS_MAGIC                              = 0x6165676c
+	PTRACE_ATTACH                               = 0x10
+	PTRACE_CONT                                 = 0x7
+	PTRACE_DETACH                               = 0x11
+	PTRACE_DISABLE_TE                           = 0x5010
+	PTRACE_ENABLE_TE                            = 0x5009
+	PTRACE_EVENTMSG_SYSCALL_EXIT                = 0x2
+	PTRACE_EVENT_CLONE                          = 0x3
+	PTRACE_EVENT_EXEC                           = 0x4
+	PTRACE_EVENT_EXIT                           = 0x6
+	PTRACE_EVENT_FORK                           = 0x1
+	PTRACE_EVENT_SECCOMP                        = 0x7
+	PTRACE_EVENT_STOP                           = 0x80
+	PTRACE_EVENT_VFORK                          = 0x2
+	PTRACE_EVENT_VFORK_DONE                     = 0x5
+	PTRACE_GETEVENTMSG                          = 0x4201
+	PTRACE_GETREGS                              = 0xc
+	PTRACE_GETREGSET                            = 0x4204
+	PTRACE_GETSIGINFO                           = 0x4202
+	PTRACE_GETSIGMASK                           = 0x420a
+	PTRACE_GET_LAST_BREAK                       = 0x5006
+	PTRACE_GET_SYSCALL_INFO                     = 0x420e
+	PTRACE_INTERRUPT                            = 0x4207
+	PTRACE_KILL                                 = 0x8
+	PTRACE_LISTEN                               = 0x4208
+	PTRACE_OLDSETOPTIONS                        = 0x15
+	PTRACE_O_EXITKILL                           = 0x100000
+	PTRACE_O_MASK                               = 0x3000ff
+	PTRACE_O_SUSPEND_SECCOMP                    = 0x200000
+	PTRACE_O_TRACECLONE                         = 0x8
+	PTRACE_O_TRACEEXEC                          = 0x10
+	PTRACE_O_TRACEEXIT                          = 0x40
+	PTRACE_O_TRACEFORK                          = 0x2
+	PTRACE_O_TRACESECCOMP                       = 0x80
+	PTRACE_O_TRACESYSGOOD                       = 0x1
+	PTRACE_O_TRACEVFORK                         = 0x4
+	PTRACE_O_TRACEVFORKDONE                     = 0x20
+	PTRACE_PEEKDATA                             = 0x2
+	PTRACE_PEEKDATA_AREA                        = 0x5003
+	PTRACE_PEEKSIGINFO                          = 0x4209
+	PTRACE_PEEKSIGINFO_SHARED                   = 0x1
+	PTRACE_PEEKTEXT                             = 0x1
+	PTRACE_PEEKTEXT_AREA                        = 0x5002
+	PTRACE_PEEKUSR                              = 0x3
+	PTRACE_PEEKUSR_AREA                         = 0x5000
+	PTRACE_PEEK_SYSTEM_CALL                     = 0x5007
+	PTRACE_POKEDATA                             = 0x5
+	PTRACE_POKEDATA_AREA                        = 0x5005
+	PTRACE_POKETEXT                             = 0x4
+	PTRACE_POKETEXT_AREA                        = 0x5004
+	PTRACE_POKEUSR                              = 0x6
+	PTRACE_POKEUSR_AREA                         = 0x5001
+	PTRACE_POKE_SYSTEM_CALL                     = 0x5008
+	PTRACE_PROT                                 = 0x15
+	PTRACE_SECCOMP_GET_FILTER                   = 0x420c
+	PTRACE_SECCOMP_GET_METADATA                 = 0x420d
+	PTRACE_SEIZE                                = 0x4206
+	PTRACE_SETOPTIONS                           = 0x4200
+	PTRACE_SETREGS                              = 0xd
+	PTRACE_SETREGSET                            = 0x4205
+	PTRACE_SETSIGINFO                           = 0x4203
+	PTRACE_SETSIGMASK                           = 0x420b
+	PTRACE_SINGLEBLOCK                          = 0xc
+	PTRACE_SINGLESTEP                           = 0x9
+	PTRACE_SYSCALL                              = 0x18
+	PTRACE_SYSCALL_INFO_ENTRY                   = 0x1
+	PTRACE_SYSCALL_INFO_EXIT                    = 0x2
+	PTRACE_SYSCALL_INFO_NONE                    = 0x0
+	PTRACE_SYSCALL_INFO_SECCOMP                 = 0x3
+	PTRACE_TE_ABORT_RAND                        = 0x5011
+	PTRACE_TRACEME                              = 0x0
+	PT_ACR0                                     = 0x90
+	PT_ACR1                                     = 0x94
+	PT_ACR10                                    = 0xb8
+	PT_ACR11                                    = 0xbc
+	PT_ACR12                                    = 0xc0
+	PT_ACR13                                    = 0xc4
+	PT_ACR14                                    = 0xc8
+	PT_ACR15                                    = 0xcc
+	PT_ACR2                                     = 0x98
+	PT_ACR3                                     = 0x9c
+	PT_ACR4                                     = 0xa0
+	PT_ACR5                                     = 0xa4
+	PT_ACR6                                     = 0xa8
+	PT_ACR7                                     = 0xac
+	PT_ACR8                                     = 0xb0
+	PT_ACR9                                     = 0xb4
+	PT_CR_10                                    = 0x168
+	PT_CR_11                                    = 0x170
+	PT_CR_9                                     = 0x160
+	PT_ENDREGS                                  = 0x1af
+	PT_FPC                                      = 0xd8
+	PT_FPR0                                     = 0xe0
+	PT_FPR1                                     = 0xe8
+	PT_FPR10                                    = 0x130
+	PT_FPR11                                    = 0x138
+	PT_FPR12                                    = 0x140
+	PT_FPR13                                    = 0x148
+	PT_FPR14                                    = 0x150
+	PT_FPR15                                    = 0x158
+	PT_FPR2                                     = 0xf0
+	PT_FPR3                                     = 0xf8
+	PT_FPR4                                     = 0x100
+	PT_FPR5                                     = 0x108
+	PT_FPR6                                     = 0x110
+	PT_FPR7                                     = 0x118
+	PT_FPR8                                     = 0x120
+	PT_FPR9                                     = 0x128
+	PT_GPR0                                     = 0x10
+	PT_GPR1                                     = 0x18
+	PT_GPR10                                    = 0x60
+	PT_GPR11                                    = 0x68
+	PT_GPR12                                    = 0x70
+	PT_GPR13                                    = 0x78
+	PT_GPR14                                    = 0x80
+	PT_GPR15                                    = 0x88
+	PT_GPR2                                     = 0x20
+	PT_GPR3                                     = 0x28
+	PT_GPR4                                     = 0x30
+	PT_GPR5                                     = 0x38
+	PT_GPR6                                     = 0x40
+	PT_GPR7                                     = 0x48
+	PT_GPR8                                     = 0x50
+	PT_GPR9                                     = 0x58
+	PT_IEEE_IP                                  = 0x1a8
+	PT_LASTOFF                                  = 0x1a8
+	PT_ORIGGPR2                                 = 0xd0
+	PT_PSWADDR                                  = 0x8
+	PT_PSWMASK                                  = 0x0
+	QNX4_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0x2f
+	QNX6_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0x68191122
+	RAMFS_MAGIC                                 = 0x858458f6
+	RDTGROUP_SUPER_MAGIC                        = 0x7655821
+	REISERFS_SUPER_MAGIC                        = 0x52654973
+	RENAME_EXCHANGE                             = 0x2
+	RENAME_NOREPLACE                            = 0x1
+	RENAME_WHITEOUT                             = 0x4
+	RLIMIT_AS                                   = 0x9
+	RLIMIT_CORE                                 = 0x4
+	RLIMIT_CPU                                  = 0x0
+	RLIMIT_DATA                                 = 0x2
+	RLIMIT_FSIZE                                = 0x1
+	RLIMIT_LOCKS                                = 0xa
+	RLIMIT_MEMLOCK                              = 0x8
+	RLIMIT_MSGQUEUE                             = 0xc
+	RLIMIT_NICE                                 = 0xd
+	RLIMIT_NOFILE                               = 0x7
+	RLIMIT_NPROC                                = 0x6
+	RLIMIT_RSS                                  = 0x5
+	RLIMIT_RTPRIO                               = 0xe
+	RLIMIT_RTTIME                               = 0xf
+	RLIMIT_SIGPENDING                           = 0xb
+	RLIMIT_STACK                                = 0x3
+	RLIM_INFINITY                               = 0xffffffffffffffff
+	RNDADDENTROPY                               = 0x40085203
+	RNDADDTOENTCNT                              = 0x40045201
+	RNDCLEARPOOL                                = 0x5206
+	RNDGETENTCNT                                = 0x80045200
+	RNDGETPOOL                                  = 0x80085202
+	RNDRESEEDCRNG                               = 0x5207
+	RNDZAPENTCNT                                = 0x5204
+	RTAX_ADVMSS                                 = 0x8
+	RTAX_CC_ALGO                                = 0x10
+	RTAX_CWND                                   = 0x7
+	RTAX_FASTOPEN_NO_COOKIE                     = 0x11
+	RTAX_FEATURES                               = 0xc
+	RTAX_FEATURE_ALLFRAG                        = 0x8
+	RTAX_FEATURE_ECN                            = 0x1
+	RTAX_FEATURE_MASK                           = 0xf
+	RTAX_FEATURE_SACK                           = 0x2
+	RTAX_FEATURE_TIMESTAMP                      = 0x4
+	RTAX_HOPLIMIT                               = 0xa
+	RTAX_INITCWND                               = 0xb
+	RTAX_INITRWND                               = 0xe
+	RTAX_LOCK                                   = 0x1
+	RTAX_MAX                                    = 0x11
+	RTAX_MTU                                    = 0x2
+	RTAX_QUICKACK                               = 0xf
+	RTAX_REORDERING                             = 0x9
+	RTAX_RTO_MIN                                = 0xd
+	RTAX_RTT                                    = 0x4
+	RTAX_RTTVAR                                 = 0x5
+	RTAX_SSTHRESH                               = 0x6
+	RTAX_UNSPEC                                 = 0x0
+	RTAX_WINDOW                                 = 0x3
+	RTA_ALIGNTO                                 = 0x4
+	RTA_MAX                                     = 0x1e
+	RTCF_DIRECTSRC                              = 0x4000000
+	RTCF_DOREDIRECT                             = 0x1000000
+	RTCF_LOG                                    = 0x2000000
+	RTCF_MASQ                                   = 0x400000
+	RTCF_NAT                                    = 0x800000
+	RTCF_VALVE                                  = 0x200000
+	RTC_AF                                      = 0x20
+	RTC_AIE_OFF                                 = 0x7002
+	RTC_AIE_ON                                  = 0x7001
+	RTC_ALM_READ                                = 0x80247008
+	RTC_ALM_SET                                 = 0x40247007
+	RTC_EPOCH_READ                              = 0x8008700d
+	RTC_EPOCH_SET                               = 0x4008700e
+	RTC_IRQF                                    = 0x80
+	RTC_IRQP_READ                               = 0x8008700b
+	RTC_IRQP_SET                                = 0x4008700c
+	RTC_MAX_FREQ                                = 0x2000
+	RTC_PF                                      = 0x40
+	RTC_PIE_OFF                                 = 0x7006
+	RTC_PIE_ON                                  = 0x7005
+	RTC_PLL_GET                                 = 0x80207011
+	RTC_PLL_SET                                 = 0x40207012
+	RTC_RD_TIME                                 = 0x80247009
+	RTC_SET_TIME                                = 0x4024700a
+	RTC_UF                                      = 0x10
+	RTC_UIE_OFF                                 = 0x7004
+	RTC_UIE_ON                                  = 0x7003
+	RTC_VL_CLR                                  = 0x7014
+	RTC_VL_READ                                 = 0x80047013
+	RTC_WIE_OFF                                 = 0x7010
+	RTC_WIE_ON                                  = 0x700f
+	RTC_WKALM_RD                                = 0x80287010
+	RTC_WKALM_SET                               = 0x4028700f
+	RTF_ADDRCLASSMASK                           = 0xf8000000
+	RTF_ADDRCONF                                = 0x40000
+	RTF_ALLONLINK                               = 0x20000
+	RTF_BROADCAST                               = 0x10000000
+	RTF_CACHE                                   = 0x1000000
+	RTF_DEFAULT                                 = 0x10000
+	RTF_DYNAMIC                                 = 0x10
+	RTF_FLOW                                    = 0x2000000
+	RTF_GATEWAY                                 = 0x2
+	RTF_HOST                                    = 0x4
+	RTF_INTERFACE                               = 0x40000000
+	RTF_IRTT                                    = 0x100
+	RTF_LINKRT                                  = 0x100000
+	RTF_LOCAL                                   = 0x80000000
+	RTF_MODIFIED                                = 0x20
+	RTF_MSS                                     = 0x40
+	RTF_MTU                                     = 0x40
+	RTF_MULTICAST                               = 0x20000000
+	RTF_NAT                                     = 0x8000000
+	RTF_NOFORWARD                               = 0x1000
+	RTF_NONEXTHOP                               = 0x200000
+	RTF_NOPMTUDISC                              = 0x4000
+	RTF_POLICY                                  = 0x4000000
+	RTF_REINSTATE                               = 0x8
+	RTF_REJECT                                  = 0x200
+	RTF_STATIC                                  = 0x400
+	RTF_THROW                                   = 0x2000
+	RTF_UP                                      = 0x1
+	RTF_WINDOW                                  = 0x80
+	RTF_XRESOLVE                                = 0x800
+	RTM_BASE                                    = 0x10
+	RTM_DELACTION                               = 0x31
+	RTM_DELADDR                                 = 0x15
+	RTM_DELADDRLABEL                            = 0x49
+	RTM_DELCHAIN                                = 0x65
+	RTM_DELLINK                                 = 0x11
+	RTM_DELMDB                                  = 0x55
+	RTM_DELNEIGH                                = 0x1d
+	RTM_DELNETCONF                              = 0x51
+	RTM_DELNEXTHOP                              = 0x69
+	RTM_DELNSID                                 = 0x59
+	RTM_DELQDISC                                = 0x25
+	RTM_DELROUTE                                = 0x19
+	RTM_DELRULE                                 = 0x21
+	RTM_DELTCLASS                               = 0x29
+	RTM_DELTFILTER                              = 0x2d
+	RTM_F_CLONED                                = 0x200
+	RTM_F_EQUALIZE                              = 0x400
+	RTM_F_FIB_MATCH                             = 0x2000
+	RTM_F_LOOKUP_TABLE                          = 0x1000
+	RTM_F_NOTIFY                                = 0x100
+	RTM_F_PREFIX                                = 0x800
+	RTM_GETACTION                               = 0x32
+	RTM_GETADDR                                 = 0x16
+	RTM_GETADDRLABEL                            = 0x4a
+	RTM_GETANYCAST                              = 0x3e
+	RTM_GETCHAIN                                = 0x66
+	RTM_GETDCB                                  = 0x4e
+	RTM_GETLINK                                 = 0x12
+	RTM_GETMDB                                  = 0x56
+	RTM_GETMULTICAST                            = 0x3a
+	RTM_GETNEIGH                                = 0x1e
+	RTM_GETNEIGHTBL                             = 0x42
+	RTM_GETNETCONF                              = 0x52
+	RTM_GETNEXTHOP                              = 0x6a
+	RTM_GETNSID                                 = 0x5a
+	RTM_GETQDISC                                = 0x26
+	RTM_GETROUTE                                = 0x1a
+	RTM_GETRULE                                 = 0x22
+	RTM_GETSTATS                                = 0x5e
+	RTM_GETTCLASS                               = 0x2a
+	RTM_GETTFILTER                              = 0x2e
+	RTM_MAX                                     = 0x6b
+	RTM_NEWACTION                               = 0x30
+	RTM_NEWADDR                                 = 0x14
+	RTM_NEWADDRLABEL                            = 0x48
+	RTM_NEWCACHEREPORT                          = 0x60
+	RTM_NEWCHAIN                                = 0x64
+	RTM_NEWLINK                                 = 0x10
+	RTM_NEWMDB                                  = 0x54
+	RTM_NEWNDUSEROPT                            = 0x44
+	RTM_NEWNEIGH                                = 0x1c
+	RTM_NEWNEIGHTBL                             = 0x40
+	RTM_NEWNETCONF                              = 0x50
+	RTM_NEWNEXTHOP                              = 0x68
+	RTM_NEWNSID                                 = 0x58
+	RTM_NEWPREFIX                               = 0x34
+	RTM_NEWQDISC                                = 0x24
+	RTM_NEWROUTE                                = 0x18
+	RTM_NEWRULE                                 = 0x20
+	RTM_NEWSTATS                                = 0x5c
+	RTM_NEWTCLASS                               = 0x28
+	RTM_NEWTFILTER                              = 0x2c
+	RTM_NR_FAMILIES                             = 0x17
+	RTM_NR_MSGTYPES                             = 0x5c
+	RTM_SETDCB                                  = 0x4f
+	RTM_SETLINK                                 = 0x13
+	RTM_SETNEIGHTBL                             = 0x43
+	RTNH_ALIGNTO                                = 0x4
+	RTNH_COMPARE_MASK                           = 0x19
+	RTNH_F_DEAD                                 = 0x1
+	RTNH_F_LINKDOWN                             = 0x10
+	RTNH_F_OFFLOAD                              = 0x8
+	RTNH_F_ONLINK                               = 0x4
+	RTNH_F_PERVASIVE                            = 0x2
+	RTNH_F_UNRESOLVED                           = 0x20
+	RTN_MAX                                     = 0xb
+	RTPROT_BABEL                                = 0x2a
+	RTPROT_BGP                                  = 0xba
+	RTPROT_BIRD                                 = 0xc
+	RTPROT_BOOT                                 = 0x3
+	RTPROT_DHCP                                 = 0x10
+	RTPROT_DNROUTED                             = 0xd
+	RTPROT_EIGRP                                = 0xc0
+	RTPROT_GATED                                = 0x8
+	RTPROT_ISIS                                 = 0xbb
+	RTPROT_KERNEL                               = 0x2
+	RTPROT_MROUTED                              = 0x11
+	RTPROT_MRT                                  = 0xa
+	RTPROT_NTK                                  = 0xf
+	RTPROT_OSPF                                 = 0xbc
+	RTPROT_RA                                   = 0x9
+	RTPROT_REDIRECT                             = 0x1
+	RTPROT_RIP                                  = 0xbd
+	RTPROT_STATIC                               = 0x4
+	RTPROT_UNSPEC                               = 0x0
+	RTPROT_XORP                                 = 0xe
+	RTPROT_ZEBRA                                = 0xb
+	RT_CLASS_DEFAULT                            = 0xfd
+	RT_CLASS_LOCAL                              = 0xff
+	RT_CLASS_MAIN                               = 0xfe
+	RT_CLASS_MAX                                = 0xff
+	RT_CLASS_UNSPEC                             = 0x0
+	RUSAGE_CHILDREN                             = -0x1
+	RUSAGE_SELF                                 = 0x0
+	RUSAGE_THREAD                               = 0x1
+	SCM_CREDENTIALS                             = 0x2
+	SCM_RIGHTS                                  = 0x1
+	SCM_TIMESTAMP                               = 0x1d
+	SCM_TIMESTAMPING                            = 0x25
+	SCM_TIMESTAMPING_OPT_STATS                  = 0x36
+	SCM_TIMESTAMPING_PKTINFO                    = 0x3a
+	SCM_TIMESTAMPNS                             = 0x23
+	SCM_TXTIME                                  = 0x3d
+	SCM_WIFI_STATUS                             = 0x29
+	SC_LOG_FLUSH                                = 0x100000
+	SECCOMP_MODE_DISABLED                       = 0x0
+	SECCOMP_MODE_FILTER                         = 0x2
+	SECCOMP_MODE_STRICT                         = 0x1
+	SECURITYFS_MAGIC                            = 0x73636673
+	SELINUX_MAGIC                               = 0xf97cff8c
+	SFD_CLOEXEC                                 = 0x80000
+	SFD_NONBLOCK                                = 0x800
+	SHUT_RD                                     = 0x0
+	SHUT_RDWR                                   = 0x2
+	SHUT_WR                                     = 0x1
+	SIOCADDDLCI                                 = 0x8980
+	SIOCADDMULTI                                = 0x8931
+	SIOCADDRT                                   = 0x890b
+	SIOCATMARK                                  = 0x8905
+	SIOCBONDCHANGEACTIVE                        = 0x8995
+	SIOCBONDENSLAVE                             = 0x8990
+	SIOCBONDINFOQUERY                           = 0x8994
+	SIOCBONDRELEASE                             = 0x8991
+	SIOCBONDSETHWADDR                           = 0x8992
+	SIOCBONDSLAVEINFOQUERY                      = 0x8993
+	SIOCBRADDBR                                 = 0x89a0
+	SIOCBRADDIF                                 = 0x89a2
+	SIOCBRDELBR                                 = 0x89a1
+	SIOCBRDELIF                                 = 0x89a3
+	SIOCDARP                                    = 0x8953
+	SIOCDELDLCI                                 = 0x8981
+	SIOCDELMULTI                                = 0x8932
+	SIOCDELRT                                   = 0x890c
+	SIOCDEVPRIVATE                              = 0x89f0
+	SIOCDIFADDR                                 = 0x8936
+	SIOCDRARP                                   = 0x8960
+	SIOCETHTOOL                                 = 0x8946
+	SIOCGARP                                    = 0x8954
+	SIOCGETLINKNAME                             = 0x89e0
+	SIOCGETNODEID                               = 0x89e1
+	SIOCGHWTSTAMP                               = 0x89b1
+	SIOCGIFADDR                                 = 0x8915
+	SIOCGIFBR                                   = 0x8940
+	SIOCGIFBRDADDR                              = 0x8919
+	SIOCGIFCONF                                 = 0x8912
+	SIOCGIFCOUNT                                = 0x8938
+	SIOCGIFDSTADDR                              = 0x8917
+	SIOCGIFENCAP                                = 0x8925
+	SIOCGIFFLAGS                                = 0x8913
+	SIOCGIFHWADDR                               = 0x8927
+	SIOCGIFINDEX                                = 0x8933
+	SIOCGIFMAP                                  = 0x8970
+	SIOCGIFMEM                                  = 0x891f
+	SIOCGIFMETRIC                               = 0x891d
+	SIOCGIFMTU                                  = 0x8921
+	SIOCGIFNAME                                 = 0x8910
+	SIOCGIFNETMASK                              = 0x891b
+	SIOCGIFPFLAGS                               = 0x8935
+	SIOCGIFSLAVE                                = 0x8929
+	SIOCGIFTXQLEN                               = 0x8942
+	SIOCGIFVLAN                                 = 0x8982
+	SIOCGMIIPHY                                 = 0x8947
+	SIOCGMIIREG                                 = 0x8948
+	SIOCGPGRP                                   = 0x8904
+	SIOCGPPPCSTATS                              = 0x89f2
+	SIOCGPPPSTATS                               = 0x89f0
+	SIOCGPPPVER                                 = 0x89f1
+	SIOCGRARP                                   = 0x8961
+	SIOCGSKNS                                   = 0x894c
+	SIOCGSTAMP                                  = 0x8906
+	SIOCGSTAMPNS                                = 0x8907
+	SIOCGSTAMPNS_NEW                            = 0x80108907
+	SIOCGSTAMPNS_OLD                            = 0x8907
+	SIOCGSTAMP_NEW                              = 0x80108906
+	SIOCGSTAMP_OLD                              = 0x8906
+	SIOCINQ                                     = 0x541b
+	SIOCOUTQ                                    = 0x5411
+	SIOCOUTQNSD                                 = 0x894b
+	SIOCPROTOPRIVATE                            = 0x89e0
+	SIOCRTMSG                                   = 0x890d
+	SIOCSARP                                    = 0x8955
+	SIOCSHWTSTAMP                               = 0x89b0
+	SIOCSIFADDR                                 = 0x8916
+	SIOCSIFBR                                   = 0x8941
+	SIOCSIFBRDADDR                              = 0x891a
+	SIOCSIFDSTADDR                              = 0x8918
+	SIOCSIFENCAP                                = 0x8926
+	SIOCSIFFLAGS                                = 0x8914
+	SIOCSIFHWADDR                               = 0x8924
+	SIOCSIFHWBROADCAST                          = 0x8937
+	SIOCSIFLINK                                 = 0x8911
+	SIOCSIFMAP                                  = 0x8971
+	SIOCSIFMEM                                  = 0x8920
+	SIOCSIFMETRIC                               = 0x891e
+	SIOCSIFMTU                                  = 0x8922
+	SIOCSIFNAME                                 = 0x8923
+	SIOCSIFNETMASK                              = 0x891c
+	SIOCSIFPFLAGS                               = 0x8934
+	SIOCSIFSLAVE                                = 0x8930
+	SIOCSIFTXQLEN                               = 0x8943
+	SIOCSIFVLAN                                 = 0x8983
+	SIOCSMIIREG                                 = 0x8949
+	SIOCSPGRP                                   = 0x8902
+	SIOCSRARP                                   = 0x8962
+	SIOCWANDEV                                  = 0x894a
+	SMACK_MAGIC                                 = 0x43415d53
+	SMART_AUTOSAVE                              = 0xd2
+	SMART_AUTO_OFFLINE                          = 0xdb
+	SMART_DISABLE                               = 0xd9
+	SMART_ENABLE                                = 0xd8
+	SMART_HCYL_PASS                             = 0xc2
+	SMART_IMMEDIATE_OFFLINE                     = 0xd4
+	SMART_LCYL_PASS                             = 0x4f
+	SMART_READ_LOG_SECTOR                       = 0xd5
+	SMART_READ_THRESHOLDS                       = 0xd1
+	SMART_READ_VALUES                           = 0xd0
+	SMART_SAVE                                  = 0xd3
+	SMART_STATUS                                = 0xda
+	SMART_WRITE_LOG_SECTOR                      = 0xd6
+	SMART_WRITE_THRESHOLDS                      = 0xd7
+	SMB_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x517b
+	SOCKFS_MAGIC                                = 0x534f434b
+	SOCK_CLOEXEC                                = 0x80000
+	SOCK_DCCP                                   = 0x6
+	SOCK_DGRAM                                  = 0x2
+	SOCK_IOC_TYPE                               = 0x89
+	SOCK_NONBLOCK                               = 0x800
+	SOCK_PACKET                                 = 0xa
+	SOCK_RAW                                    = 0x3
+	SOCK_RDM                                    = 0x4
+	SOCK_SEQPACKET                              = 0x5
+	SOCK_STREAM                                 = 0x1
+	SOL_AAL                                     = 0x109
+	SOL_ALG                                     = 0x117
+	SOL_ATM                                     = 0x108
+	SOL_CAIF                                    = 0x116
+	SOL_CAN_BASE                                = 0x64
+	SOL_DCCP                                    = 0x10d
+	SOL_DECNET                                  = 0x105
+	SOL_ICMPV6                                  = 0x3a
+	SOL_IP                                      = 0x0
+	SOL_IPV6                                    = 0x29
+	SOL_IRDA                                    = 0x10a
+	SOL_IUCV                                    = 0x115
+	SOL_KCM                                     = 0x119
+	SOL_LLC                                     = 0x10c
+	SOL_NETBEUI                                 = 0x10b
+	SOL_NETLINK                                 = 0x10e
+	SOL_NFC                                     = 0x118
+	SOL_PACKET                                  = 0x107
+	SOL_PNPIPE                                  = 0x113
+	SOL_PPPOL2TP                                = 0x111
+	SOL_RAW                                     = 0xff
+	SOL_RDS                                     = 0x114
+	SOL_RXRPC                                   = 0x110
+	SOL_SOCKET                                  = 0x1
+	SOL_TCP                                     = 0x6
+	SOL_TIPC                                    = 0x10f
+	SOL_TLS                                     = 0x11a
+	SOL_X25                                     = 0x106
+	SOL_XDP                                     = 0x11b
+	SOMAXCONN                                   = 0x80
+	SO_ACCEPTCONN                               = 0x1e
+	SO_ATTACH_BPF                               = 0x32
+	SO_ATTACH_FILTER                            = 0x1a
+	SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_CBPF                    = 0x33
+	SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_EBPF                    = 0x34
+	SO_BINDTODEVICE                             = 0x19
+	SO_BINDTOIFINDEX                            = 0x3e
+	SO_BPF_EXTENSIONS                           = 0x30
+	SO_BROADCAST                                = 0x6
+	SO_BSDCOMPAT                                = 0xe
+	SO_BUSY_POLL                                = 0x2e
+	SO_CNX_ADVICE                               = 0x35
+	SO_COOKIE                                   = 0x39
+	SO_DEBUG                                    = 0x1
+	SO_DETACH_BPF                               = 0x1b
+	SO_DETACH_FILTER                            = 0x1b
+	SO_DETACH_REUSEPORT_BPF                     = 0x44
+	SO_DOMAIN                                   = 0x27
+	SO_DONTROUTE                                = 0x5
+	SO_EE_CODE_TXTIME_MISSED                    = 0x2
+	SO_EE_CODE_ZEROCOPY_COPIED                  = 0x1
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_ICMP                           = 0x2
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_ICMP6                          = 0x3
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_LOCAL                          = 0x1
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_NONE                           = 0x0
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_TIMESTAMPING                   = 0x4
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_TXSTATUS                       = 0x4
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_TXTIME                         = 0x6
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_ZEROCOPY                       = 0x5
+	SO_ERROR                                    = 0x4
+	SO_GET_FILTER                               = 0x1a
+	SO_INCOMING_CPU                             = 0x31
+	SO_INCOMING_NAPI_ID                         = 0x38
+	SO_KEEPALIVE                                = 0x9
+	SO_LINGER                                   = 0xd
+	SO_LOCK_FILTER                              = 0x2c
+	SO_MARK                                     = 0x24
+	SO_MAX_PACING_RATE                          = 0x2f
+	SO_MEMINFO                                  = 0x37
+	SO_NOFCS                                    = 0x2b
+	SO_NO_CHECK                                 = 0xb
+	SO_OOBINLINE                                = 0xa
+	SO_PASSCRED                                 = 0x10
+	SO_PASSSEC                                  = 0x22
+	SO_PEEK_OFF                                 = 0x2a
+	SO_PEERCRED                                 = 0x11
+	SO_PEERGROUPS                               = 0x3b
+	SO_PEERNAME                                 = 0x1c
+	SO_PEERSEC                                  = 0x1f
+	SO_PRIORITY                                 = 0xc
+	SO_PROTOCOL                                 = 0x26
+	SO_RCVBUF                                   = 0x8
+	SO_RCVBUFFORCE                              = 0x21
+	SO_RCVLOWAT                                 = 0x12
+	SO_RCVTIMEO                                 = 0x14
+	SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW                             = 0x42
+	SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD                             = 0x14
+	SO_REUSEADDR                                = 0x2
+	SO_REUSEPORT                                = 0xf
+	SO_RXQ_OVFL                                 = 0x28
+	SO_SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION                  = 0x16
+	SO_SELECT_ERR_QUEUE                         = 0x2d
+	SO_SNDBUF                                   = 0x7
+	SO_SNDBUFFORCE                              = 0x20
+	SO_SNDLOWAT                                 = 0x13
+	SO_SNDTIMEO                                 = 0x15
+	SO_SNDTIMEO_NEW                             = 0x43
+	SO_SNDTIMEO_OLD                             = 0x15
+	SO_TIMESTAMP                                = 0x1d
+	SO_TIMESTAMPING                             = 0x25
+	SO_TIMESTAMPING_NEW                         = 0x41
+	SO_TIMESTAMPING_OLD                         = 0x25
+	SO_TIMESTAMPNS                              = 0x23
+	SO_TIMESTAMPNS_NEW                          = 0x40
+	SO_TIMESTAMPNS_OLD                          = 0x23
+	SO_TIMESTAMP_NEW                            = 0x3f
+	SO_TIMESTAMP_OLD                            = 0x1d
+	SO_TXTIME                                   = 0x3d
+	SO_TYPE                                     = 0x3
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE               = 0x2
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_BUFFER_MIN_SIZE               = 0x1
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_BUFFER_SIZE                   = 0x0
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_CONNECT_TIMEOUT               = 0x6
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_NONBLOCK_TXRX                 = 0x7
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_PEER_HOST_VM_ID               = 0x3
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_TRUSTED                       = 0x5
+	SO_WIFI_STATUS                              = 0x29
+	SO_ZEROCOPY                                 = 0x3c
+	SPLICE_F_GIFT                               = 0x8
+	SPLICE_F_MORE                               = 0x4
+	SPLICE_F_MOVE                               = 0x1
+	SPLICE_F_NONBLOCK                           = 0x2
+	SQUASHFS_MAGIC                              = 0x73717368
+	STACK_END_MAGIC                             = 0x57ac6e9d
+	STATX_ALL                                   = 0xfff
+	STATX_ATIME                                 = 0x20
+	STATX_ATTR_APPEND                           = 0x20
+	STATX_ATTR_AUTOMOUNT                        = 0x1000
+	STATX_ATTR_COMPRESSED                       = 0x4
+	STATX_ATTR_ENCRYPTED                        = 0x800
+	STATX_ATTR_IMMUTABLE                        = 0x10
+	STATX_ATTR_NODUMP                           = 0x40
+	STATX_BASIC_STATS                           = 0x7ff
+	STATX_BLOCKS                                = 0x400
+	STATX_BTIME                                 = 0x800
+	STATX_CTIME                                 = 0x80
+	STATX_GID                                   = 0x10
+	STATX_INO                                   = 0x100
+	STATX_MODE                                  = 0x2
+	STATX_MTIME                                 = 0x40
+	STATX_NLINK                                 = 0x4
+	STATX_SIZE                                  = 0x200
+	STATX_TYPE                                  = 0x1
+	STATX_UID                                   = 0x8
+	STATX__RESERVED                             = 0x80000000
+	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WAIT_AFTER                  = 0x4
+	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WAIT_BEFORE                 = 0x1
+	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WRITE                       = 0x2
+	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WRITE_AND_WAIT              = 0x7
+	SYSFS_MAGIC                                 = 0x62656572
+	S_BLKSIZE                                   = 0x200
+	S_IEXEC                                     = 0x40
+	S_IFBLK                                     = 0x6000
+	S_IFCHR                                     = 0x2000
+	S_IFDIR                                     = 0x4000
+	S_IFIFO                                     = 0x1000
+	S_IFLNK                                     = 0xa000
+	S_IFMT                                      = 0xf000
+	S_IFREG                                     = 0x8000
+	S_IFSOCK                                    = 0xc000
+	S_IREAD                                     = 0x100
+	S_IRGRP                                     = 0x20
+	S_IROTH                                     = 0x4
+	S_IRUSR                                     = 0x100
+	S_IRWXG                                     = 0x38
+	S_IRWXO                                     = 0x7
+	S_IRWXU                                     = 0x1c0
+	S_ISGID                                     = 0x400
+	S_ISUID                                     = 0x800
+	S_ISVTX                                     = 0x200
+	S_IWGRP                                     = 0x10
+	S_IWOTH                                     = 0x2
+	S_IWRITE                                    = 0x80
+	S_IWUSR                                     = 0x80
+	S_IXGRP                                     = 0x8
+	S_IXOTH                                     = 0x1
+	S_IXUSR                                     = 0x40
+	TAB0                                        = 0x0
+	TAB1                                        = 0x800
+	TAB2                                        = 0x1000
+	TAB3                                        = 0x1800
+	TABDLY                                      = 0x1800
+	TASKSTATS_CMD_ATTR_MAX                      = 0x4
+	TASKSTATS_CMD_MAX                           = 0x2
+	TASKSTATS_GENL_NAME                         = "TASKSTATS"
+	TASKSTATS_GENL_VERSION                      = 0x1
+	TASKSTATS_TYPE_MAX                          = 0x6
+	TASKSTATS_VERSION                           = 0x9
+	TCFLSH                                      = 0x540b
+	TCGETA                                      = 0x5405
+	TCGETS                                      = 0x5401
+	TCGETS2                                     = 0x802c542a
+	TCGETX                                      = 0x5432
+	TCIFLUSH                                    = 0x0
+	TCIOFF                                      = 0x2
+	TCIOFLUSH                                   = 0x2
+	TCION                                       = 0x3
+	TCOFLUSH                                    = 0x1
+	TCOOFF                                      = 0x0
+	TCOON                                       = 0x1
+	TCP_BPF_IW                                  = 0x3e9
+	TCP_BPF_SNDCWND_CLAMP                       = 0x3ea
+	TCP_CC_INFO                                 = 0x1a
+	TCP_CM_INQ                                  = 0x24
+	TCP_CONGESTION                              = 0xd
+	TCP_COOKIE_IN_ALWAYS                        = 0x1
+	TCP_COOKIE_MAX                              = 0x10
+	TCP_COOKIE_MIN                              = 0x8
+	TCP_COOKIE_OUT_NEVER                        = 0x2
+	TCP_COOKIE_PAIR_SIZE                        = 0x20
+	TCP_COOKIE_TRANSACTIONS                     = 0xf
+	TCP_CORK                                    = 0x3
+	TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT                            = 0x9
+	TCP_FASTOPEN                                = 0x17
+	TCP_FASTOPEN_CONNECT                        = 0x1e
+	TCP_FASTOPEN_KEY                            = 0x21
+	TCP_FASTOPEN_NO_COOKIE                      = 0x22
+	TCP_INFO                                    = 0xb
+	TCP_INQ                                     = 0x24
+	TCP_KEEPCNT                                 = 0x6
+	TCP_KEEPIDLE                                = 0x4
+	TCP_KEEPINTVL                               = 0x5
+	TCP_LINGER2                                 = 0x8
+	TCP_MAXSEG                                  = 0x2
+	TCP_MAXWIN                                  = 0xffff
+	TCP_MAX_WINSHIFT                            = 0xe
+	TCP_MD5SIG                                  = 0xe
+	TCP_MD5SIG_EXT                              = 0x20
+	TCP_MD5SIG_FLAG_PREFIX                      = 0x1
+	TCP_MD5SIG_MAXKEYLEN                        = 0x50
+	TCP_MSS                                     = 0x200
+	TCP_MSS_DEFAULT                             = 0x218
+	TCP_MSS_DESIRED                             = 0x4c4
+	TCP_NODELAY                                 = 0x1
+	TCP_NOTSENT_LOWAT                           = 0x19
+	TCP_QUEUE_SEQ                               = 0x15
+	TCP_QUICKACK                                = 0xc
+	TCP_REPAIR                                  = 0x13
+	TCP_REPAIR_OFF                              = 0x0
+	TCP_REPAIR_OFF_NO_WP                        = -0x1
+	TCP_REPAIR_ON                               = 0x1
+	TCP_REPAIR_OPTIONS                          = 0x16
+	TCP_REPAIR_QUEUE                            = 0x14
+	TCP_REPAIR_WINDOW                           = 0x1d
+	TCP_SAVED_SYN                               = 0x1c
+	TCP_SAVE_SYN                                = 0x1b
+	TCP_SYNCNT                                  = 0x7
+	TCP_S_DATA_IN                               = 0x4
+	TCP_S_DATA_OUT                              = 0x8
+	TCP_THIN_DUPACK                             = 0x11
+	TCP_THIN_LINEAR_TIMEOUTS                    = 0x10
+	TCP_TIMESTAMP                               = 0x18
+	TCP_ULP                                     = 0x1f
+	TCP_USER_TIMEOUT                            = 0x12
+	TCP_WINDOW_CLAMP                            = 0xa
+	TCP_ZEROCOPY_RECEIVE                        = 0x23
+	TCSAFLUSH                                   = 0x2
+	TCSBRK                                      = 0x5409
+	TCSBRKP                                     = 0x5425
+	TCSETA                                      = 0x5406
+	TCSETAF                                     = 0x5408
+	TCSETAW                                     = 0x5407
+	TCSETS                                      = 0x5402
+	TCSETS2                                     = 0x402c542b
+	TCSETSF                                     = 0x5404
+	TCSETSF2                                    = 0x402c542d
+	TCSETSW                                     = 0x5403
+	TCSETSW2                                    = 0x402c542c
+	TCSETX                                      = 0x5433
+	TCSETXF                                     = 0x5434
+	TCSETXW                                     = 0x5435
+	TCXONC                                      = 0x540a
+	TIMER_ABSTIME                               = 0x1
+	TIOCCBRK                                    = 0x5428
+	TIOCCONS                                    = 0x541d
+	TIOCEXCL                                    = 0x540c
+	TIOCGDEV                                    = 0x80045432
+	TIOCGETD                                    = 0x5424
+	TIOCGEXCL                                   = 0x80045440
+	TIOCGICOUNT                                 = 0x545d
+	TIOCGISO7816                                = 0x80285442
+	TIOCGLCKTRMIOS                              = 0x5456
+	TIOCGPGRP                                   = 0x540f
+	TIOCGPKT                                    = 0x80045438
+	TIOCGPTLCK                                  = 0x80045439
+	TIOCGPTN                                    = 0x80045430
+	TIOCGPTPEER                                 = 0x5441
+	TIOCGRS485                                  = 0x542e
+	TIOCGSERIAL                                 = 0x541e
+	TIOCGSID                                    = 0x5429
+	TIOCGSOFTCAR                                = 0x5419
+	TIOCGWINSZ                                  = 0x5413
+	TIOCINQ                                     = 0x541b
+	TIOCLINUX                                   = 0x541c
+	TIOCMBIC                                    = 0x5417
+	TIOCMBIS                                    = 0x5416
+	TIOCMGET                                    = 0x5415
+	TIOCMIWAIT                                  = 0x545c
+	TIOCMSET                                    = 0x5418
+	TIOCM_CAR                                   = 0x40
+	TIOCM_CD                                    = 0x40
+	TIOCM_CTS                                   = 0x20
+	TIOCM_DSR                                   = 0x100
+	TIOCM_DTR                                   = 0x2
+	TIOCM_LE                                    = 0x1
+	TIOCM_RI                                    = 0x80
+	TIOCM_RNG                                   = 0x80
+	TIOCM_RTS                                   = 0x4
+	TIOCM_SR                                    = 0x10
+	TIOCM_ST                                    = 0x8
+	TIOCNOTTY                                   = 0x5422
+	TIOCNXCL                                    = 0x540d
+	TIOCOUTQ                                    = 0x5411
+	TIOCPKT                                     = 0x5420
+	TIOCPKT_DATA                                = 0x0
+	TIOCPKT_DOSTOP                              = 0x20
+	TIOCPKT_FLUSHREAD                           = 0x1
+	TIOCPKT_FLUSHWRITE                          = 0x2
+	TIOCPKT_IOCTL                               = 0x40
+	TIOCPKT_NOSTOP                              = 0x10
+	TIOCPKT_START                               = 0x8
+	TIOCPKT_STOP                                = 0x4
+	TIOCSBRK                                    = 0x5427
+	TIOCSCTTY                                   = 0x540e
+	TIOCSERCONFIG                               = 0x5453
+	TIOCSERGETLSR                               = 0x5459
+	TIOCSERGETMULTI                             = 0x545a
+	TIOCSERGSTRUCT                              = 0x5458
+	TIOCSERGWILD                                = 0x5454
+	TIOCSERSETMULTI                             = 0x545b
+	TIOCSERSWILD                                = 0x5455
+	TIOCSER_TEMT                                = 0x1
+	TIOCSETD                                    = 0x5423
+	TIOCSIG                                     = 0x40045436
+	TIOCSISO7816                                = 0xc0285443
+	TIOCSLCKTRMIOS                              = 0x5457
+	TIOCSPGRP                                   = 0x5410
+	TIOCSPTLCK                                  = 0x40045431
+	TIOCSRS485                                  = 0x542f
+	TIOCSSERIAL                                 = 0x541f
+	TIOCSSOFTCAR                                = 0x541a
+	TIOCSTI                                     = 0x5412
+	TIOCSWINSZ                                  = 0x5414
+	TIOCVHANGUP                                 = 0x5437
+	TIPC_ADDR_ID                                = 0x3
+	TIPC_ADDR_MCAST                             = 0x1
+	TIPC_ADDR_NAME                              = 0x2
+	TIPC_ADDR_NAMESEQ                           = 0x1
+	TIPC_CFG_SRV                                = 0x0
+	TIPC_CLUSTER_BITS                           = 0xc
+	TIPC_CLUSTER_MASK                           = 0xfff000
+	TIPC_CLUSTER_OFFSET                         = 0xc
+	TIPC_CLUSTER_SIZE                           = 0xfff
+	TIPC_CONN_SHUTDOWN                          = 0x5
+	TIPC_CONN_TIMEOUT                           = 0x82
+	TIPC_CRITICAL_IMPORTANCE                    = 0x3
+	TIPC_DESTNAME                               = 0x3
+	TIPC_DEST_DROPPABLE                         = 0x81
+	TIPC_ERRINFO                                = 0x1
+	TIPC_ERR_NO_NAME                            = 0x1
+	TIPC_ERR_NO_NODE                            = 0x3
+	TIPC_ERR_NO_PORT                            = 0x2
+	TIPC_ERR_OVERLOAD                           = 0x4
+	TIPC_GROUP_JOIN                             = 0x87
+	TIPC_GROUP_LEAVE                            = 0x88
+	TIPC_GROUP_LOOPBACK                         = 0x1
+	TIPC_GROUP_MEMBER_EVTS                      = 0x2
+	TIPC_HIGH_IMPORTANCE                        = 0x2
+	TIPC_IMPORTANCE                             = 0x7f
+	TIPC_LINK_STATE                             = 0x2
+	TIPC_LOW_IMPORTANCE                         = 0x0
+	TIPC_MAX_BEARER_NAME                        = 0x20
+	TIPC_MAX_IF_NAME                            = 0x10
+	TIPC_MAX_LINK_NAME                          = 0x44
+	TIPC_MAX_MEDIA_NAME                         = 0x10
+	TIPC_MAX_USER_MSG_SIZE                      = 0x101d0
+	TIPC_MCAST_BROADCAST                        = 0x85
+	TIPC_MCAST_REPLICAST                        = 0x86
+	TIPC_MEDIUM_IMPORTANCE                      = 0x1
+	TIPC_NODEID_LEN                             = 0x10
+	TIPC_NODE_BITS                              = 0xc
+	TIPC_NODE_MASK                              = 0xfff
+	TIPC_NODE_OFFSET                            = 0x0
+	TIPC_NODE_RECVQ_DEPTH                       = 0x83
+	TIPC_NODE_SIZE                              = 0xfff
+	TIPC_NODE_STATE                             = 0x0
+	TIPC_OK                                     = 0x0
+	TIPC_PUBLISHED                              = 0x1
+	TIPC_RESERVED_TYPES                         = 0x40
+	TIPC_RETDATA                                = 0x2
+	TIPC_SERVICE_ADDR                           = 0x2
+	TIPC_SERVICE_RANGE                          = 0x1
+	TIPC_SOCKET_ADDR                            = 0x3
+	TIPC_SOCK_RECVQ_DEPTH                       = 0x84
+	TIPC_SOCK_RECVQ_USED                        = 0x89
+	TIPC_SRC_DROPPABLE                          = 0x80
+	TIPC_SUBSCR_TIMEOUT                         = 0x3
+	TIPC_SUB_CANCEL                             = 0x4
+	TIPC_SUB_PORTS                              = 0x1
+	TIPC_SUB_SERVICE                            = 0x2
+	TIPC_TOP_SRV                                = 0x1
+	TIPC_WAIT_FOREVER                           = 0xffffffff
+	TIPC_WITHDRAWN                              = 0x2
+	TIPC_ZONE_BITS                              = 0x8
+	TIPC_ZONE_CLUSTER_MASK                      = 0xfffff000
+	TIPC_ZONE_MASK                              = 0xff000000
+	TIPC_ZONE_OFFSET                            = 0x18
+	TIPC_ZONE_SCOPE                             = 0x1
+	TIPC_ZONE_SIZE                              = 0xff
+	TMPFS_MAGIC                                 = 0x1021994
+	TOSTOP                                      = 0x100
+	TPACKET_ALIGNMENT                           = 0x10
+	TPACKET_HDRLEN                              = 0x34
+	TP_STATUS_AVAILABLE                         = 0x0
+	TP_STATUS_BLK_TMO                           = 0x20
+	TP_STATUS_COPY                              = 0x2
+	TP_STATUS_CSUMNOTREADY                      = 0x8
+	TP_STATUS_CSUM_VALID                        = 0x80
+	TP_STATUS_KERNEL                            = 0x0
+	TP_STATUS_LOSING                            = 0x4
+	TP_STATUS_SENDING                           = 0x2
+	TP_STATUS_SEND_REQUEST                      = 0x1
+	TP_STATUS_TS_RAW_HARDWARE                   = 0x80000000
+	TP_STATUS_TS_SOFTWARE                       = 0x20000000
+	TP_STATUS_TS_SYS_HARDWARE                   = 0x40000000
+	TP_STATUS_USER                              = 0x1
+	TP_STATUS_VLAN_TPID_VALID                   = 0x40
+	TP_STATUS_VLAN_VALID                        = 0x10
+	TP_STATUS_WRONG_FORMAT                      = 0x4
+	TRACEFS_MAGIC                               = 0x74726163
+	TS_COMM_LEN                                 = 0x20
+	TUNATTACHFILTER                             = 0x401054d5
+	TUNDETACHFILTER                             = 0x401054d6
+	TUNGETDEVNETNS                              = 0x54e3
+	TUNGETFEATURES                              = 0x800454cf
+	TUNGETFILTER                                = 0x801054db
+	TUNGETIFF                                   = 0x800454d2
+	TUNGETSNDBUF                                = 0x800454d3
+	TUNGETVNETBE                                = 0x800454df
+	TUNGETVNETHDRSZ                             = 0x800454d7
+	TUNGETVNETLE                                = 0x800454dd
+	TUNSETCARRIER                               = 0x400454e2
+	TUNSETDEBUG                                 = 0x400454c9
+	TUNSETFILTEREBPF                            = 0x800454e1
+	TUNSETGROUP                                 = 0x400454ce
+	TUNSETIFF                                   = 0x400454ca
+	TUNSETIFINDEX                               = 0x400454da
+	TUNSETLINK                                  = 0x400454cd
+	TUNSETNOCSUM                                = 0x400454c8
+	TUNSETOFFLOAD                               = 0x400454d0
+	TUNSETOWNER                                 = 0x400454cc
+	TUNSETPERSIST                               = 0x400454cb
+	TUNSETQUEUE                                 = 0x400454d9
+	TUNSETSNDBUF                                = 0x400454d4
+	TUNSETSTEERINGEBPF                          = 0x800454e0
+	TUNSETTXFILTER                              = 0x400454d1
+	TUNSETVNETBE                                = 0x400454de
+	TUNSETVNETHDRSZ                             = 0x400454d8
+	TUNSETVNETLE                                = 0x400454dc
+	UBI_IOCATT                                  = 0x40186f40
+	UBI_IOCDET                                  = 0x40046f41
+	UBI_IOCEBCH                                 = 0x40044f02
+	UBI_IOCEBER                                 = 0x40044f01
+	UBI_IOCEBISMAP                              = 0x80044f05
+	UBI_IOCEBMAP                                = 0x40084f03
+	UBI_IOCEBUNMAP                              = 0x40044f04
+	UBI_IOCMKVOL                                = 0x40986f00
+	UBI_IOCRMVOL                                = 0x40046f01
+	UBI_IOCRNVOL                                = 0x51106f03
+	UBI_IOCRPEB                                 = 0x40046f04
+	UBI_IOCRSVOL                                = 0x400c6f02
+	UBI_IOCSETVOLPROP                           = 0x40104f06
+	UBI_IOCSPEB                                 = 0x40046f05
+	UBI_IOCVOLCRBLK                             = 0x40804f07
+	UBI_IOCVOLRMBLK                             = 0x4f08
+	UBI_IOCVOLUP                                = 0x40084f00
+	UDF_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x15013346
+	UMOUNT_NOFOLLOW                             = 0x8
+	USBDEVICE_SUPER_MAGIC                       = 0x9fa2
+	UTIME_NOW                                   = 0x3fffffff
+	UTIME_OMIT                                  = 0x3ffffffe
+	V9FS_MAGIC                                  = 0x1021997
+	VDISCARD                                    = 0xd
+	VEOF                                        = 0x4
+	VEOL                                        = 0xb
+	VEOL2                                       = 0x10
+	VERASE                                      = 0x2
+	VINTR                                       = 0x0
+	VKILL                                       = 0x3
+	VLNEXT                                      = 0xf
+	VMADDR_CID_ANY                              = 0xffffffff
+	VMADDR_CID_HOST                             = 0x2
+	VMADDR_CID_HYPERVISOR                       = 0x0
+	VMADDR_CID_RESERVED                         = 0x1
+	VMADDR_PORT_ANY                             = 0xffffffff
+	VMIN                                        = 0x6
+	VM_SOCKETS_INVALID_VERSION                  = 0xffffffff
+	VQUIT                                       = 0x1
+	VREPRINT                                    = 0xc
+	VSTART                                      = 0x8
+	VSTOP                                       = 0x9
+	VSUSP                                       = 0xa
+	VSWTC                                       = 0x7
+	VT0                                         = 0x0
+	VT1                                         = 0x4000
+	VTDLY                                       = 0x4000
+	VTIME                                       = 0x5
+	VWERASE                                     = 0xe
+	WALL                                        = 0x40000000
+	WCLONE                                      = 0x80000000
+	WCONTINUED                                  = 0x8
+	WDIOC_GETBOOTSTATUS                         = 0x80045702
+	WDIOC_GETPRETIMEOUT                         = 0x80045709
+	WDIOC_GETSTATUS                             = 0x80045701
+	WDIOC_GETSUPPORT                            = 0x80285700
+	WDIOC_GETTEMP                               = 0x80045703
+	WDIOC_GETTIMELEFT                           = 0x8004570a
+	WDIOC_GETTIMEOUT                            = 0x80045707
+	WDIOC_KEEPALIVE                             = 0x80045705
+	WDIOC_SETOPTIONS                            = 0x80045704
+	WDIOC_SETPRETIMEOUT                         = 0xc0045708
+	WDIOC_SETTIMEOUT                            = 0xc0045706
+	WEXITED                                     = 0x4
+	WIN_ACKMEDIACHANGE                          = 0xdb
+	WIN_CHECKPOWERMODE1                         = 0xe5
+	WIN_CHECKPOWERMODE2                         = 0x98
+	WIN_DEVICE_RESET                            = 0x8
+	WIN_DIAGNOSE                                = 0x90
+	WIN_DOORLOCK                                = 0xde
+	WIN_DOORUNLOCK                              = 0xdf
+	WIN_DOWNLOAD_MICROCODE                      = 0x92
+	WIN_FLUSH_CACHE                             = 0xe7
+	WIN_FLUSH_CACHE_EXT                         = 0xea
+	WIN_FORMAT                                  = 0x50
+	WIN_GETMEDIASTATUS                          = 0xda
+	WIN_IDENTIFY                                = 0xec
+	WIN_IDENTIFY_DMA                            = 0xee
+	WIN_IDLEIMMEDIATE                           = 0xe1
+	WIN_INIT                                    = 0x60
+	WIN_MEDIAEJECT                              = 0xed
+	WIN_MULTREAD                                = 0xc4
+	WIN_MULTREAD_EXT                            = 0x29
+	WIN_MULTWRITE                               = 0xc5
+	WIN_MULTWRITE_EXT                           = 0x39
+	WIN_NOP                                     = 0x0
+	WIN_PACKETCMD                               = 0xa0
+	WIN_PIDENTIFY                               = 0xa1
+	WIN_POSTBOOT                                = 0xdc
+	WIN_PREBOOT                                 = 0xdd
+	WIN_QUEUED_SERVICE                          = 0xa2
+	WIN_READ                                    = 0x20
+	WIN_READDMA                                 = 0xc8
+	WIN_READDMA_EXT                             = 0x25
+	WIN_READDMA_ONCE                            = 0xc9
+	WIN_READDMA_QUEUED                          = 0xc7
+	WIN_READDMA_QUEUED_EXT                      = 0x26
+	WIN_READ_BUFFER                             = 0xe4
+	WIN_READ_EXT                                = 0x24
+	WIN_READ_LONG                               = 0x22
+	WIN_READ_LONG_ONCE                          = 0x23
+	WIN_READ_NATIVE_MAX                         = 0xf8
+	WIN_READ_NATIVE_MAX_EXT                     = 0x27
+	WIN_READ_ONCE                               = 0x21
+	WIN_RECAL                                   = 0x10
+	WIN_RESTORE                                 = 0x10
+	WIN_SECURITY_DISABLE                        = 0xf6
+	WIN_SECURITY_ERASE_PREPARE                  = 0xf3
+	WIN_SECURITY_ERASE_UNIT                     = 0xf4
+	WIN_SECURITY_FREEZE_LOCK                    = 0xf5
+	WIN_SECURITY_SET_PASS                       = 0xf1
+	WIN_SECURITY_UNLOCK                         = 0xf2
+	WIN_SEEK                                    = 0x70
+	WIN_SETFEATURES                             = 0xef
+	WIN_SETIDLE1                                = 0xe3
+	WIN_SETIDLE2                                = 0x97
+	WIN_SETMULT                                 = 0xc6
+	WIN_SET_MAX                                 = 0xf9
+	WIN_SET_MAX_EXT                             = 0x37
+	WIN_SLEEPNOW1                               = 0xe6
+	WIN_SLEEPNOW2                               = 0x99
+	WIN_SMART                                   = 0xb0
+	WIN_SPECIFY                                 = 0x91
+	WIN_SRST                                    = 0x8
+	WIN_STANDBY                                 = 0xe2
+	WIN_STANDBY2                                = 0x96
+	WIN_STANDBYNOW1                             = 0xe0
+	WIN_STANDBYNOW2                             = 0x94
+	WIN_VERIFY                                  = 0x40
+	WIN_VERIFY_EXT                              = 0x42
+	WIN_VERIFY_ONCE                             = 0x41
+	WIN_WRITE                                   = 0x30
+	WIN_WRITEDMA                                = 0xca
+	WIN_WRITEDMA_EXT                            = 0x35
+	WIN_WRITEDMA_ONCE                           = 0xcb
+	WIN_WRITEDMA_QUEUED                         = 0xcc
+	WIN_WRITEDMA_QUEUED_EXT                     = 0x36
+	WIN_WRITE_BUFFER                            = 0xe8
+	WIN_WRITE_EXT                               = 0x34
+	WIN_WRITE_LONG                              = 0x32
+	WIN_WRITE_LONG_ONCE                         = 0x33
+	WIN_WRITE_ONCE                              = 0x31
+	WIN_WRITE_SAME                              = 0xe9
+	WIN_WRITE_VERIFY                            = 0x3c
+	WNOHANG                                     = 0x1
+	WNOTHREAD                                   = 0x20000000
+	WNOWAIT                                     = 0x1000000
+	WORDSIZE                                    = 0x40
+	WSTOPPED                                    = 0x2
+	WUNTRACED                                   = 0x2
+	XATTR_CREATE                                = 0x1
+	XATTR_REPLACE                               = 0x2
+	XCASE                                       = 0x4
+	XDP_COPY                                    = 0x2
+	XDP_FLAGS_DRV_MODE                          = 0x4
+	XDP_FLAGS_HW_MODE                           = 0x8
+	XDP_FLAGS_MASK                              = 0xf
+	XDP_FLAGS_MODES                             = 0xe
+	XDP_FLAGS_SKB_MODE                          = 0x2
+	XDP_FLAGS_UPDATE_IF_NOEXIST                 = 0x1
+	XDP_MMAP_OFFSETS                            = 0x1
+	XDP_OPTIONS                                 = 0x8
+	XDP_OPTIONS_ZEROCOPY                        = 0x1
+	XDP_PACKET_HEADROOM                         = 0x100
+	XDP_PGOFF_RX_RING                           = 0x0
+	XDP_PGOFF_TX_RING                           = 0x80000000
+	XDP_RING_NEED_WAKEUP                        = 0x1
+	XDP_RX_RING                                 = 0x2
+	XDP_SHARED_UMEM                             = 0x1
+	XDP_STATISTICS                              = 0x7
+	XDP_TX_RING                                 = 0x3
+	XDP_UMEM_COMPLETION_RING                    = 0x6
+	XDP_UMEM_FILL_RING                          = 0x5
+	XDP_UMEM_PGOFF_COMPLETION_RING              = 0x180000000
+	XDP_UMEM_PGOFF_FILL_RING                    = 0x100000000
+	XDP_UMEM_REG                                = 0x4
+	XDP_UMEM_UNALIGNED_CHUNK_FLAG               = 0x1
+	XDP_USE_NEED_WAKEUP                         = 0x8
+	XDP_ZEROCOPY                                = 0x4
+	XENFS_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0xabba1974
+	XFS_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x58465342
+	XTABS                                       = 0x1800
+	Z3FOLD_MAGIC                                = 0x33
+	ZSMALLOC_MAGIC                              = 0x58295829
 // Errors
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_sparc64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_sparc64.go
index 8a12f14..c8d2c23 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_sparc64.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_sparc64.go
@@ -11,2708 +11,2864 @@ package unix
 import "syscall"
 const (
-	AAFS_MAGIC                           = 0x5a3c69f0
-	ADFS_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xadf5
-	AFFS_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xadff
-	AFS_FS_MAGIC                         = 0x6b414653
-	AFS_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x5346414f
-	AF_ALG                               = 0x26
-	AF_APPLETALK                         = 0x5
-	AF_ASH                               = 0x12
-	AF_ATMPVC                            = 0x8
-	AF_ATMSVC                            = 0x14
-	AF_AX25                              = 0x3
-	AF_BLUETOOTH                         = 0x1f
-	AF_BRIDGE                            = 0x7
-	AF_CAIF                              = 0x25
-	AF_CAN                               = 0x1d
-	AF_DECnet                            = 0xc
-	AF_ECONET                            = 0x13
-	AF_FILE                              = 0x1
-	AF_IB                                = 0x1b
-	AF_IEEE802154                        = 0x24
-	AF_INET                              = 0x2
-	AF_INET6                             = 0xa
-	AF_IPX                               = 0x4
-	AF_IRDA                              = 0x17
-	AF_ISDN                              = 0x22
-	AF_IUCV                              = 0x20
-	AF_KCM                               = 0x29
-	AF_KEY                               = 0xf
-	AF_LLC                               = 0x1a
-	AF_LOCAL                             = 0x1
-	AF_MAX                               = 0x2d
-	AF_MPLS                              = 0x1c
-	AF_NETBEUI                           = 0xd
-	AF_NETLINK                           = 0x10
-	AF_NETROM                            = 0x6
-	AF_NFC                               = 0x27
-	AF_PACKET                            = 0x11
-	AF_PHONET                            = 0x23
-	AF_PPPOX                             = 0x18
-	AF_QIPCRTR                           = 0x2a
-	AF_RDS                               = 0x15
-	AF_ROSE                              = 0xb
-	AF_ROUTE                             = 0x10
-	AF_RXRPC                             = 0x21
-	AF_SECURITY                          = 0xe
-	AF_SMC                               = 0x2b
-	AF_SNA                               = 0x16
-	AF_TIPC                              = 0x1e
-	AF_UNIX                              = 0x1
-	AF_UNSPEC                            = 0x0
-	AF_VSOCK                             = 0x28
-	AF_WANPIPE                           = 0x19
-	AF_X25                               = 0x9
-	AF_XDP                               = 0x2c
-	ALG_OP_DECRYPT                       = 0x0
-	ALG_OP_ENCRYPT                       = 0x1
-	ALG_SET_AEAD_ASSOCLEN                = 0x4
-	ALG_SET_AEAD_AUTHSIZE                = 0x5
-	ALG_SET_IV                           = 0x2
-	ALG_SET_KEY                          = 0x1
-	ALG_SET_OP                           = 0x3
-	ANON_INODE_FS_MAGIC                  = 0x9041934
-	ARPHRD_6LOWPAN                       = 0x339
-	ARPHRD_ADAPT                         = 0x108
-	ARPHRD_APPLETLK                      = 0x8
-	ARPHRD_ARCNET                        = 0x7
-	ARPHRD_ASH                           = 0x30d
-	ARPHRD_ATM                           = 0x13
-	ARPHRD_AX25                          = 0x3
-	ARPHRD_BIF                           = 0x307
-	ARPHRD_CAIF                          = 0x336
-	ARPHRD_CAN                           = 0x118
-	ARPHRD_CHAOS                         = 0x5
-	ARPHRD_CISCO                         = 0x201
-	ARPHRD_CSLIP                         = 0x101
-	ARPHRD_CSLIP6                        = 0x103
-	ARPHRD_DDCMP                         = 0x205
-	ARPHRD_DLCI                          = 0xf
-	ARPHRD_ECONET                        = 0x30e
-	ARPHRD_EETHER                        = 0x2
-	ARPHRD_ETHER                         = 0x1
-	ARPHRD_EUI64                         = 0x1b
-	ARPHRD_FCAL                          = 0x311
-	ARPHRD_FCFABRIC                      = 0x313
-	ARPHRD_FCPL                          = 0x312
-	ARPHRD_FCPP                          = 0x310
-	ARPHRD_FDDI                          = 0x306
-	ARPHRD_FRAD                          = 0x302
-	ARPHRD_HDLC                          = 0x201
-	ARPHRD_HIPPI                         = 0x30c
-	ARPHRD_HWX25                         = 0x110
-	ARPHRD_IEEE1394                      = 0x18
-	ARPHRD_IEEE802                       = 0x6
-	ARPHRD_IEEE80211                     = 0x321
-	ARPHRD_IEEE80211_PRISM               = 0x322
-	ARPHRD_IEEE80211_RADIOTAP            = 0x323
-	ARPHRD_IEEE802154                    = 0x324
-	ARPHRD_IEEE802154_MONITOR            = 0x325
-	ARPHRD_IEEE802_TR                    = 0x320
-	ARPHRD_INFINIBAND                    = 0x20
-	ARPHRD_IP6GRE                        = 0x337
-	ARPHRD_IPDDP                         = 0x309
-	ARPHRD_IPGRE                         = 0x30a
-	ARPHRD_IRDA                          = 0x30f
-	ARPHRD_LAPB                          = 0x204
-	ARPHRD_LOCALTLK                      = 0x305
-	ARPHRD_LOOPBACK                      = 0x304
-	ARPHRD_METRICOM                      = 0x17
-	ARPHRD_NETLINK                       = 0x338
-	ARPHRD_NETROM                        = 0x0
-	ARPHRD_NONE                          = 0xfffe
-	ARPHRD_PHONET                        = 0x334
-	ARPHRD_PHONET_PIPE                   = 0x335
-	ARPHRD_PIMREG                        = 0x30b
-	ARPHRD_PPP                           = 0x200
-	ARPHRD_PRONET                        = 0x4
-	ARPHRD_RAWHDLC                       = 0x206
-	ARPHRD_RAWIP                         = 0x207
-	ARPHRD_ROSE                          = 0x10e
-	ARPHRD_RSRVD                         = 0x104
-	ARPHRD_SIT                           = 0x308
-	ARPHRD_SKIP                          = 0x303
-	ARPHRD_SLIP                          = 0x100
-	ARPHRD_SLIP6                         = 0x102
-	ARPHRD_TUNNEL                        = 0x300
-	ARPHRD_TUNNEL6                       = 0x301
-	ARPHRD_VOID                          = 0xffff
-	ARPHRD_VSOCKMON                      = 0x33a
-	ARPHRD_X25                           = 0x10f
-	ASI_LEON_DFLUSH                      = 0x11
-	ASI_LEON_IFLUSH                      = 0x10
-	ASI_LEON_MMUFLUSH                    = 0x18
-	AUTOFS_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0x187
-	B0                                   = 0x0
-	B1000000                             = 0x1008
-	B110                                 = 0x3
-	B115200                              = 0x1002
-	B1152000                             = 0x1009
-	B1200                                = 0x9
-	B134                                 = 0x4
-	B150                                 = 0x5
-	B1500000                             = 0x100a
-	B1800                                = 0xa
-	B19200                               = 0xe
-	B200                                 = 0x6
-	B2000000                             = 0x100b
-	B230400                              = 0x1003
-	B2400                                = 0xb
-	B2500000                             = 0x100c
-	B300                                 = 0x7
-	B3000000                             = 0x100d
-	B3500000                             = 0x100e
-	B38400                               = 0xf
-	B4000000                             = 0x100f
-	B460800                              = 0x1004
-	B4800                                = 0xc
-	B50                                  = 0x1
-	B500000                              = 0x1005
-	B57600                               = 0x1001
-	B576000                              = 0x1006
-	B600                                 = 0x8
-	B75                                  = 0x2
-	B921600                              = 0x1007
-	B9600                                = 0xd
-	BALLOON_KVM_MAGIC                    = 0x13661366
-	BDEVFS_MAGIC                         = 0x62646576
-	BINDERFS_SUPER_MAGIC                 = 0x6c6f6f70
-	BINFMTFS_MAGIC                       = 0x42494e4d
-	BLKBSZGET                            = 0x40081270
-	BLKBSZSET                            = 0x80081271
-	BLKFLSBUF                            = 0x20001261
-	BLKFRAGET                            = 0x20001265
-	BLKFRASET                            = 0x20001264
-	BLKGETSIZE                           = 0x20001260
-	BLKGETSIZE64                         = 0x40081272
-	BLKPBSZGET                           = 0x2000127b
-	BLKRAGET                             = 0x20001263
-	BLKRASET                             = 0x20001262
-	BLKROGET                             = 0x2000125e
-	BLKROSET                             = 0x2000125d
-	BLKRRPART                            = 0x2000125f
-	BLKSECTGET                           = 0x20001267
-	BLKSECTSET                           = 0x20001266
-	BLKSSZGET                            = 0x20001268
-	BOTHER                               = 0x1000
-	BPF_A                                = 0x10
-	BPF_ABS                              = 0x20
-	BPF_ADD                              = 0x0
-	BPF_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L2_MASK           = 0xff
-	BPF_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L2_SHIFT          = 0x38
-	BPF_ALU                              = 0x4
-	BPF_ALU64                            = 0x7
-	BPF_AND                              = 0x50
-	BPF_ANY                              = 0x0
-	BPF_ARSH                             = 0xc0
-	BPF_B                                = 0x10
-	BPF_BUILD_ID_SIZE                    = 0x14
-	BPF_CALL                             = 0x80
-	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_MKNOD                  = 0x1
-	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_READ                   = 0x2
-	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_WRITE                  = 0x4
-	BPF_DEVCG_DEV_BLOCK                  = 0x1
-	BPF_DEVCG_DEV_CHAR                   = 0x2
-	BPF_DIV                              = 0x30
-	BPF_DW                               = 0x18
-	BPF_END                              = 0xd0
-	BPF_EXIST                            = 0x2
-	BPF_EXIT                             = 0x90
-	BPF_FROM_BE                          = 0x8
-	BPF_FROM_LE                          = 0x0
-	BPF_FS_MAGIC                         = 0xcafe4a11
-	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L3_IPV4         = 0x2
-	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L3_IPV6         = 0x4
-	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L4_GRE          = 0x8
-	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L4_UDP          = 0x10
-	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_FIXED_GSO             = 0x1
-	BPF_F_ALLOW_MULTI                    = 0x2
-	BPF_F_ALLOW_OVERRIDE                 = 0x1
-	BPF_F_ANY_ALIGNMENT                  = 0x2
-	BPF_F_CTXLEN_MASK                    = 0xfffff00000000
-	BPF_F_CURRENT_CPU                    = 0xffffffff
-	BPF_F_CURRENT_NETNS                  = -0x1
-	BPF_F_DONT_FRAGMENT                  = 0x4
-	BPF_F_FAST_STACK_CMP                 = 0x200
-	BPF_F_HDR_FIELD_MASK                 = 0xf
-	BPF_F_INDEX_MASK                     = 0xffffffff
-	BPF_F_INGRESS                        = 0x1
-	BPF_F_INVALIDATE_HASH                = 0x2
-	BPF_F_LOCK                           = 0x4
-	BPF_F_MARK_ENFORCE                   = 0x40
-	BPF_F_MARK_MANGLED_0                 = 0x20
-	BPF_F_NO_COMMON_LRU                  = 0x2
-	BPF_F_NO_PREALLOC                    = 0x1
-	BPF_F_NUMA_NODE                      = 0x4
-	BPF_F_PSEUDO_HDR                     = 0x10
-	BPF_F_QUERY_EFFECTIVE                = 0x1
-	BPF_F_RDONLY                         = 0x8
-	BPF_F_RDONLY_PROG                    = 0x80
-	BPF_F_RECOMPUTE_CSUM                 = 0x1
-	BPF_F_REUSE_STACKID                  = 0x400
-	BPF_F_SEQ_NUMBER                     = 0x8
-	BPF_F_SKIP_FIELD_MASK                = 0xff
-	BPF_F_STACK_BUILD_ID                 = 0x20
-	BPF_F_STRICT_ALIGNMENT               = 0x1
-	BPF_F_SYSCTL_BASE_NAME               = 0x1
-	BPF_F_TUNINFO_IPV6                   = 0x1
-	BPF_F_USER_BUILD_ID                  = 0x800
-	BPF_F_USER_STACK                     = 0x100
-	BPF_F_WRONLY                         = 0x10
-	BPF_F_WRONLY_PROG                    = 0x100
-	BPF_F_ZERO_CSUM_TX                   = 0x2
-	BPF_F_ZERO_SEED                      = 0x40
-	BPF_H                                = 0x8
-	BPF_IMM                              = 0x0
-	BPF_IND                              = 0x40
-	BPF_JA                               = 0x0
-	BPF_JEQ                              = 0x10
-	BPF_JGE                              = 0x30
-	BPF_JGT                              = 0x20
-	BPF_JLE                              = 0xb0
-	BPF_JLT                              = 0xa0
-	BPF_JMP                              = 0x5
-	BPF_JMP32                            = 0x6
-	BPF_JNE                              = 0x50
-	BPF_JSET                             = 0x40
-	BPF_JSGE                             = 0x70
-	BPF_JSGT                             = 0x60
-	BPF_JSLE                             = 0xd0
-	BPF_JSLT                             = 0xc0
-	BPF_K                                = 0x0
-	BPF_LD                               = 0x0
-	BPF_LDX                              = 0x1
-	BPF_LEN                              = 0x80
-	BPF_LL_OFF                           = -0x200000
-	BPF_LSH                              = 0x60
-	BPF_MAJOR_VERSION                    = 0x1
-	BPF_MAXINSNS                         = 0x1000
-	BPF_MEM                              = 0x60
-	BPF_MEMWORDS                         = 0x10
-	BPF_MINOR_VERSION                    = 0x1
-	BPF_MISC                             = 0x7
-	BPF_MOD                              = 0x90
-	BPF_MOV                              = 0xb0
-	BPF_MSH                              = 0xa0
-	BPF_MUL                              = 0x20
-	BPF_NEG                              = 0x80
-	BPF_NET_OFF                          = -0x100000
-	BPF_NOEXIST                          = 0x1
-	BPF_OBJ_NAME_LEN                     = 0x10
-	BPF_OR                               = 0x40
-	BPF_PSEUDO_CALL                      = 0x1
-	BPF_PSEUDO_MAP_FD                    = 0x1
-	BPF_PSEUDO_MAP_VALUE                 = 0x2
-	BPF_RET                              = 0x6
-	BPF_RSH                              = 0x70
-	BPF_SK_STORAGE_GET_F_CREATE          = 0x1
-	BPF_SOCK_OPS_ALL_CB_FLAGS            = 0x7
-	BPF_SOCK_OPS_RTO_CB_FLAG             = 0x1
-	BPF_SOCK_OPS_STATE_CB_FLAG           = 0x4
-	BPF_ST                               = 0x2
-	BPF_STX                              = 0x3
-	BPF_SUB                              = 0x10
-	BPF_TAG_SIZE                         = 0x8
-	BPF_TAX                              = 0x0
-	BPF_TO_BE                            = 0x8
-	BPF_TO_LE                            = 0x0
-	BPF_TXA                              = 0x80
-	BPF_W                                = 0x0
-	BPF_X                                = 0x8
-	BPF_XADD                             = 0xc0
-	BPF_XOR                              = 0xa0
-	BRKINT                               = 0x2
-	BS0                                  = 0x0
-	BS1                                  = 0x2000
-	BSDLY                                = 0x2000
-	BTRFS_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x9123683e
-	BTRFS_TEST_MAGIC                     = 0x73727279
-	CAN_BCM                              = 0x2
-	CAN_EFF_FLAG                         = 0x80000000
-	CAN_EFF_ID_BITS                      = 0x1d
-	CAN_EFF_MASK                         = 0x1fffffff
-	CAN_ERR_FLAG                         = 0x20000000
-	CAN_ERR_MASK                         = 0x1fffffff
-	CAN_INV_FILTER                       = 0x20000000
-	CAN_ISOTP                            = 0x6
-	CAN_MAX_DLC                          = 0x8
-	CAN_MAX_DLEN                         = 0x8
-	CAN_MCNET                            = 0x5
-	CAN_MTU                              = 0x10
-	CAN_NPROTO                           = 0x7
-	CAN_RAW                              = 0x1
-	CAN_RAW_FILTER_MAX                   = 0x200
-	CAN_RTR_FLAG                         = 0x40000000
-	CAN_SFF_ID_BITS                      = 0xb
-	CAN_SFF_MASK                         = 0x7ff
-	CAN_TP16                             = 0x3
-	CAN_TP20                             = 0x4
-	CAP_AUDIT_CONTROL                    = 0x1e
-	CAP_AUDIT_READ                       = 0x25
-	CAP_AUDIT_WRITE                      = 0x1d
-	CAP_BLOCK_SUSPEND                    = 0x24
-	CAP_CHOWN                            = 0x0
-	CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE                     = 0x1
-	CAP_DAC_READ_SEARCH                  = 0x2
-	CAP_FOWNER                           = 0x3
-	CAP_FSETID                           = 0x4
-	CAP_IPC_LOCK                         = 0xe
-	CAP_IPC_OWNER                        = 0xf
-	CAP_KILL                             = 0x5
-	CAP_LAST_CAP                         = 0x25
-	CAP_LEASE                            = 0x1c
-	CAP_LINUX_IMMUTABLE                  = 0x9
-	CAP_MAC_ADMIN                        = 0x21
-	CAP_MAC_OVERRIDE                     = 0x20
-	CAP_MKNOD                            = 0x1b
-	CAP_NET_ADMIN                        = 0xc
-	CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE                 = 0xa
-	CAP_NET_BROADCAST                    = 0xb
-	CAP_NET_RAW                          = 0xd
-	CAP_SETFCAP                          = 0x1f
-	CAP_SETGID                           = 0x6
-	CAP_SETPCAP                          = 0x8
-	CAP_SETUID                           = 0x7
-	CAP_SYSLOG                           = 0x22
-	CAP_SYS_ADMIN                        = 0x15
-	CAP_SYS_BOOT                         = 0x16
-	CAP_SYS_CHROOT                       = 0x12
-	CAP_SYS_MODULE                       = 0x10
-	CAP_SYS_NICE                         = 0x17
-	CAP_SYS_PACCT                        = 0x14
-	CAP_SYS_PTRACE                       = 0x13
-	CAP_SYS_RAWIO                        = 0x11
-	CAP_SYS_RESOURCE                     = 0x18
-	CAP_SYS_TIME                         = 0x19
-	CAP_SYS_TTY_CONFIG                   = 0x1a
-	CAP_WAKE_ALARM                       = 0x23
-	CBAUD                                = 0x100f
-	CBAUDEX                              = 0x1000
-	CFLUSH                               = 0xf
-	CGROUP2_SUPER_MAGIC                  = 0x63677270
-	CGROUP_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0x27e0eb
-	CIBAUD                               = 0x100f0000
-	CLOCAL                               = 0x800
-	CLOCK_BOOTTIME                       = 0x7
-	CLOCK_BOOTTIME_ALARM                 = 0x9
-	CLOCK_DEFAULT                        = 0x0
-	CLOCK_EXT                            = 0x1
-	CLOCK_INT                            = 0x2
-	CLOCK_MONOTONIC                      = 0x1
-	CLOCK_MONOTONIC_COARSE               = 0x6
-	CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW                  = 0x4
-	CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID             = 0x2
-	CLOCK_REALTIME                       = 0x0
-	CLOCK_REALTIME_ALARM                 = 0x8
-	CLOCK_REALTIME_COARSE                = 0x5
-	CLOCK_TAI                            = 0xb
-	CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID              = 0x3
-	CLOCK_TXFROMRX                       = 0x4
-	CLOCK_TXINT                          = 0x3
-	CLONE_CHILD_CLEARTID                 = 0x200000
-	CLONE_CHILD_SETTID                   = 0x1000000
-	CLONE_DETACHED                       = 0x400000
-	CLONE_FILES                          = 0x400
-	CLONE_FS                             = 0x200
-	CLONE_IO                             = 0x80000000
-	CLONE_NEWCGROUP                      = 0x2000000
-	CLONE_NEWIPC                         = 0x8000000
-	CLONE_NEWNET                         = 0x40000000
-	CLONE_NEWNS                          = 0x20000
-	CLONE_NEWPID                         = 0x20000000
-	CLONE_NEWUSER                        = 0x10000000
-	CLONE_NEWUTS                         = 0x4000000
-	CLONE_PARENT                         = 0x8000
-	CLONE_PARENT_SETTID                  = 0x100000
-	CLONE_PIDFD                          = 0x1000
-	CLONE_PTRACE                         = 0x2000
-	CLONE_SETTLS                         = 0x80000
-	CLONE_SIGHAND                        = 0x800
-	CLONE_SYSVSEM                        = 0x40000
-	CLONE_THREAD                         = 0x10000
-	CLONE_UNTRACED                       = 0x800000
-	CLONE_VFORK                          = 0x4000
-	CLONE_VM                             = 0x100
-	CMSPAR                               = 0x40000000
-	CODA_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0x73757245
-	CR0                                  = 0x0
-	CR1                                  = 0x200
-	CR2                                  = 0x400
-	CR3                                  = 0x600
-	CRAMFS_MAGIC                         = 0x28cd3d45
-	CRDLY                                = 0x600
-	CREAD                                = 0x80
-	CRTSCTS                              = 0x80000000
-	CRYPTO_MAX_NAME                      = 0x40
-	CRYPTO_MSG_MAX                       = 0x15
-	CRYPTO_NR_MSGTYPES                   = 0x6
-	CRYPTO_REPORT_MAXSIZE                = 0x160
-	CS5                                  = 0x0
-	CS6                                  = 0x10
-	CS7                                  = 0x20
-	CS8                                  = 0x30
-	CSIGNAL                              = 0xff
-	CSIZE                                = 0x30
-	CSTART                               = 0x11
-	CSTATUS                              = 0x0
-	CSTOP                                = 0x13
-	CSTOPB                               = 0x40
-	CSUSP                                = 0x1a
-	DAXFS_MAGIC                          = 0x64646178
-	DEBUGFS_MAGIC                        = 0x64626720
-	DEVPTS_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0x1cd1
-	DT_BLK                               = 0x6
-	DT_CHR                               = 0x2
-	DT_DIR                               = 0x4
-	DT_FIFO                              = 0x1
-	DT_LNK                               = 0xa
-	DT_REG                               = 0x8
-	DT_SOCK                              = 0xc
-	DT_UNKNOWN                           = 0x0
-	DT_WHT                               = 0xe
-	ECHO                                 = 0x8
-	ECHOCTL                              = 0x200
-	ECHOE                                = 0x10
-	ECHOK                                = 0x20
-	ECHOKE                               = 0x800
-	ECHONL                               = 0x40
-	ECHOPRT                              = 0x400
-	ECRYPTFS_SUPER_MAGIC                 = 0xf15f
-	EFD_CLOEXEC                          = 0x400000
-	EFD_NONBLOCK                         = 0x4000
-	EFD_SEMAPHORE                        = 0x1
-	EFIVARFS_MAGIC                       = 0xde5e81e4
-	EFS_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x414a53
-	EMT_TAGOVF                           = 0x1
-	ENCODING_DEFAULT                     = 0x0
-	ENCODING_FM_MARK                     = 0x3
-	ENCODING_FM_SPACE                    = 0x4
-	ENCODING_MANCHESTER                  = 0x5
-	ENCODING_NRZ                         = 0x1
-	ENCODING_NRZI                        = 0x2
-	EPOLLERR                             = 0x8
-	EPOLLET                              = 0x80000000
-	EPOLLEXCLUSIVE                       = 0x10000000
-	EPOLLHUP                             = 0x10
-	EPOLLIN                              = 0x1
-	EPOLLMSG                             = 0x400
-	EPOLLONESHOT                         = 0x40000000
-	EPOLLOUT                             = 0x4
-	EPOLLPRI                             = 0x2
-	EPOLLRDBAND                          = 0x80
-	EPOLLRDHUP                           = 0x2000
-	EPOLLRDNORM                          = 0x40
-	EPOLLWAKEUP                          = 0x20000000
-	EPOLLWRBAND                          = 0x200
-	EPOLLWRNORM                          = 0x100
-	EPOLL_CLOEXEC                        = 0x400000
-	EPOLL_CTL_ADD                        = 0x1
-	EPOLL_CTL_DEL                        = 0x2
-	EPOLL_CTL_MOD                        = 0x3
-	ETH_P_1588                           = 0x88f7
-	ETH_P_8021AD                         = 0x88a8
-	ETH_P_8021AH                         = 0x88e7
-	ETH_P_8021Q                          = 0x8100
-	ETH_P_80221                          = 0x8917
-	ETH_P_802_2                          = 0x4
-	ETH_P_802_3                          = 0x1
-	ETH_P_802_3_MIN                      = 0x600
-	ETH_P_802_EX1                        = 0x88b5
-	ETH_P_AARP                           = 0x80f3
-	ETH_P_AF_IUCV                        = 0xfbfb
-	ETH_P_ALL                            = 0x3
-	ETH_P_AOE                            = 0x88a2
-	ETH_P_ARCNET                         = 0x1a
-	ETH_P_ARP                            = 0x806
-	ETH_P_ATALK                          = 0x809b
-	ETH_P_ATMFATE                        = 0x8884
-	ETH_P_ATMMPOA                        = 0x884c
-	ETH_P_AX25                           = 0x2
-	ETH_P_BATMAN                         = 0x4305
-	ETH_P_BPQ                            = 0x8ff
-	ETH_P_CAIF                           = 0xf7
-	ETH_P_CAN                            = 0xc
-	ETH_P_CANFD                          = 0xd
-	ETH_P_CONTROL                        = 0x16
-	ETH_P_CUST                           = 0x6006
-	ETH_P_DDCMP                          = 0x6
-	ETH_P_DEC                            = 0x6000
-	ETH_P_DIAG                           = 0x6005
-	ETH_P_DNA_DL                         = 0x6001
-	ETH_P_DNA_RC                         = 0x6002
-	ETH_P_DNA_RT                         = 0x6003
-	ETH_P_DSA                            = 0x1b
-	ETH_P_DSA_8021Q                      = 0xdadb
-	ETH_P_ECONET                         = 0x18
-	ETH_P_EDSA                           = 0xdada
-	ETH_P_ERSPAN                         = 0x88be
-	ETH_P_ERSPAN2                        = 0x22eb
-	ETH_P_FCOE                           = 0x8906
-	ETH_P_FIP                            = 0x8914
-	ETH_P_HDLC                           = 0x19
-	ETH_P_HSR                            = 0x892f
-	ETH_P_IBOE                           = 0x8915
-	ETH_P_IEEE802154                     = 0xf6
-	ETH_P_IEEEPUP                        = 0xa00
-	ETH_P_IEEEPUPAT                      = 0xa01
-	ETH_P_IFE                            = 0xed3e
-	ETH_P_IP                             = 0x800
-	ETH_P_IPV6                           = 0x86dd
-	ETH_P_IPX                            = 0x8137
-	ETH_P_IRDA                           = 0x17
-	ETH_P_LAT                            = 0x6004
-	ETH_P_LINK_CTL                       = 0x886c
-	ETH_P_LOCALTALK                      = 0x9
-	ETH_P_LOOP                           = 0x60
-	ETH_P_LOOPBACK                       = 0x9000
-	ETH_P_MACSEC                         = 0x88e5
-	ETH_P_MAP                            = 0xf9
-	ETH_P_MOBITEX                        = 0x15
-	ETH_P_MPLS_MC                        = 0x8848
-	ETH_P_MPLS_UC                        = 0x8847
-	ETH_P_MVRP                           = 0x88f5
-	ETH_P_NCSI                           = 0x88f8
-	ETH_P_NSH                            = 0x894f
-	ETH_P_PAE                            = 0x888e
-	ETH_P_PAUSE                          = 0x8808
-	ETH_P_PHONET                         = 0xf5
-	ETH_P_PPPTALK                        = 0x10
-	ETH_P_PPP_DISC                       = 0x8863
-	ETH_P_PPP_MP                         = 0x8
-	ETH_P_PPP_SES                        = 0x8864
-	ETH_P_PREAUTH                        = 0x88c7
-	ETH_P_PRP                            = 0x88fb
-	ETH_P_PUP                            = 0x200
-	ETH_P_PUPAT                          = 0x201
-	ETH_P_QINQ1                          = 0x9100
-	ETH_P_QINQ2                          = 0x9200
-	ETH_P_QINQ3                          = 0x9300
-	ETH_P_RARP                           = 0x8035
-	ETH_P_SCA                            = 0x6007
-	ETH_P_SLOW                           = 0x8809
-	ETH_P_SNAP                           = 0x5
-	ETH_P_TDLS                           = 0x890d
-	ETH_P_TEB                            = 0x6558
-	ETH_P_TIPC                           = 0x88ca
-	ETH_P_TRAILER                        = 0x1c
-	ETH_P_TR_802_2                       = 0x11
-	ETH_P_TSN                            = 0x22f0
-	ETH_P_WAN_PPP                        = 0x7
-	ETH_P_WCCP                           = 0x883e
-	ETH_P_X25                            = 0x805
-	ETH_P_XDSA                           = 0xf8
-	EXABYTE_ENABLE_NEST                  = 0xf0
-	EXT2_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xef53
-	EXT3_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xef53
-	EXT4_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xef53
-	EXTA                                 = 0xe
-	EXTB                                 = 0xf
-	EXTPROC                              = 0x10000
-	F2FS_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xf2f52010
-	FALLOC_FL_COLLAPSE_RANGE             = 0x8
-	FALLOC_FL_INSERT_RANGE               = 0x20
-	FALLOC_FL_KEEP_SIZE                  = 0x1
-	FALLOC_FL_NO_HIDE_STALE              = 0x4
-	FALLOC_FL_PUNCH_HOLE                 = 0x2
-	FALLOC_FL_UNSHARE_RANGE              = 0x40
-	FALLOC_FL_ZERO_RANGE                 = 0x10
-	FAN_ACCESS                           = 0x1
-	FAN_ACCESS_PERM                      = 0x20000
-	FAN_ALLOW                            = 0x1
-	FAN_ALL_CLASS_BITS                   = 0xc
-	FAN_ALL_EVENTS                       = 0x3b
-	FAN_ALL_INIT_FLAGS                   = 0x3f
-	FAN_ALL_MARK_FLAGS                   = 0xff
-	FAN_ALL_OUTGOING_EVENTS              = 0x3403b
-	FAN_ALL_PERM_EVENTS                  = 0x30000
-	FAN_ATTRIB                           = 0x4
-	FAN_AUDIT                            = 0x10
-	FAN_CLASS_CONTENT                    = 0x4
-	FAN_CLASS_NOTIF                      = 0x0
-	FAN_CLASS_PRE_CONTENT                = 0x8
-	FAN_CLOEXEC                          = 0x1
-	FAN_CLOSE                            = 0x18
-	FAN_CLOSE_NOWRITE                    = 0x10
-	FAN_CLOSE_WRITE                      = 0x8
-	FAN_CREATE                           = 0x100
-	FAN_DELETE                           = 0x200
-	FAN_DELETE_SELF                      = 0x400
-	FAN_DENY                             = 0x2
-	FAN_ENABLE_AUDIT                     = 0x40
-	FAN_EVENT_INFO_TYPE_FID              = 0x1
-	FAN_EVENT_METADATA_LEN               = 0x18
-	FAN_EVENT_ON_CHILD                   = 0x8000000
-	FAN_MARK_ADD                         = 0x1
-	FAN_MARK_DONT_FOLLOW                 = 0x4
-	FAN_MARK_FILESYSTEM                  = 0x100
-	FAN_MARK_FLUSH                       = 0x80
-	FAN_MARK_IGNORED_MASK                = 0x20
-	FAN_MARK_INODE                       = 0x0
-	FAN_MARK_MOUNT                       = 0x10
-	FAN_MARK_ONLYDIR                     = 0x8
-	FAN_MARK_REMOVE                      = 0x2
-	FAN_MODIFY                           = 0x2
-	FAN_MOVE                             = 0xc0
-	FAN_MOVED_FROM                       = 0x40
-	FAN_MOVED_TO                         = 0x80
-	FAN_MOVE_SELF                        = 0x800
-	FAN_NOFD                             = -0x1
-	FAN_NONBLOCK                         = 0x2
-	FAN_ONDIR                            = 0x40000000
-	FAN_OPEN                             = 0x20
-	FAN_OPEN_EXEC                        = 0x1000
-	FAN_OPEN_EXEC_PERM                   = 0x40000
-	FAN_OPEN_PERM                        = 0x10000
-	FAN_Q_OVERFLOW                       = 0x4000
-	FAN_REPORT_FID                       = 0x200
-	FAN_REPORT_TID                       = 0x100
-	FAN_UNLIMITED_MARKS                  = 0x20
-	FAN_UNLIMITED_QUEUE                  = 0x10
-	FD_CLOEXEC                           = 0x1
-	FD_SETSIZE                           = 0x400
-	FF0                                  = 0x0
-	FF1                                  = 0x8000
-	FFDLY                                = 0x8000
-	FLUSHO                               = 0x1000
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_128_CBC       = 0x5
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_128_CTS       = 0x6
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_CBC       = 0x3
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_CTS       = 0x4
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_GCM       = 0x2
-	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_XTS       = 0x1
-	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY         = 0x800c6615
-	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_PWSALT         = 0x80106614
-	FS_IOC_SET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY         = 0x400c6613
-	FS_KEY_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE               = 0x8
-	FS_KEY_DESC_PREFIX                   = "fscrypt:"
-	FS_KEY_DESC_PREFIX_SIZE              = 0x8
-	FS_MAX_KEY_SIZE                      = 0x40
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_16               = 0x2
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_32               = 0x3
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_4                = 0x0
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_8                = 0x1
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_MASK             = 0x3
-	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_VALID                = 0x7
-	FUTEXFS_SUPER_MAGIC                  = 0xbad1dea
-	F_ADD_SEALS                          = 0x409
-	F_DUPFD                              = 0x0
-	F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC                      = 0x406
-	F_EXLCK                              = 0x4
-	F_GETFD                              = 0x1
-	F_GETFL                              = 0x3
-	F_GETLEASE                           = 0x401
-	F_GETLK                              = 0x7
-	F_GETLK64                            = 0x7
-	F_GETOWN                             = 0x5
-	F_GETOWN_EX                          = 0x10
-	F_GETPIPE_SZ                         = 0x408
-	F_GETSIG                             = 0xb
-	F_GET_FILE_RW_HINT                   = 0x40d
-	F_GET_RW_HINT                        = 0x40b
-	F_GET_SEALS                          = 0x40a
-	F_LOCK                               = 0x1
-	F_NOTIFY                             = 0x402
-	F_OFD_GETLK                          = 0x24
-	F_OFD_SETLK                          = 0x25
-	F_OFD_SETLKW                         = 0x26
-	F_OK                                 = 0x0
-	F_RDLCK                              = 0x1
-	F_SEAL_FUTURE_WRITE                  = 0x10
-	F_SEAL_GROW                          = 0x4
-	F_SEAL_SEAL                          = 0x1
-	F_SEAL_SHRINK                        = 0x2
-	F_SEAL_WRITE                         = 0x8
-	F_SETFD                              = 0x2
-	F_SETFL                              = 0x4
-	F_SETLEASE                           = 0x400
-	F_SETLK                              = 0x8
-	F_SETLK64                            = 0x8
-	F_SETLKW                             = 0x9
-	F_SETLKW64                           = 0x9
-	F_SETOWN                             = 0x6
-	F_SETOWN_EX                          = 0xf
-	F_SETPIPE_SZ                         = 0x407
-	F_SETSIG                             = 0xa
-	F_SET_FILE_RW_HINT                   = 0x40e
-	F_SET_RW_HINT                        = 0x40c
-	F_SHLCK                              = 0x8
-	F_TEST                               = 0x3
-	F_TLOCK                              = 0x2
-	F_ULOCK                              = 0x0
-	F_UNLCK                              = 0x3
-	F_WRLCK                              = 0x2
-	GENL_ADMIN_PERM                      = 0x1
-	GENL_CMD_CAP_DO                      = 0x2
-	GENL_CMD_CAP_DUMP                    = 0x4
-	GENL_CMD_CAP_HASPOL                  = 0x8
-	GENL_HDRLEN                          = 0x4
-	GENL_ID_CTRL                         = 0x10
-	GENL_ID_PMCRAID                      = 0x12
-	GENL_ID_VFS_DQUOT                    = 0x11
-	GENL_MAX_ID                          = 0x3ff
-	GENL_MIN_ID                          = 0x10
-	GENL_NAMSIZ                          = 0x10
-	GENL_START_ALLOC                     = 0x13
-	GENL_UNS_ADMIN_PERM                  = 0x10
-	GRND_NONBLOCK                        = 0x1
-	GRND_RANDOM                          = 0x2
-	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD                       = 0x31f
-	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD_AEB                   = 0x31e
-	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD_HDR_SIZE              = 0x4
-	HDIO_DRIVE_HOB_HDR_SIZE              = 0x8
-	HDIO_DRIVE_RESET                     = 0x31c
-	HDIO_DRIVE_TASK                      = 0x31e
-	HDIO_DRIVE_TASKFILE                  = 0x31d
-	HDIO_DRIVE_TASK_HDR_SIZE             = 0x8
-	HDIO_GETGEO                          = 0x301
-	HDIO_GET_32BIT                       = 0x309
-	HDIO_GET_ACOUSTIC                    = 0x30f
-	HDIO_GET_ADDRESS                     = 0x310
-	HDIO_GET_BUSSTATE                    = 0x31a
-	HDIO_GET_DMA                         = 0x30b
-	HDIO_GET_IDENTITY                    = 0x30d
-	HDIO_GET_KEEPSETTINGS                = 0x308
-	HDIO_GET_MULTCOUNT                   = 0x304
-	HDIO_GET_NICE                        = 0x30c
-	HDIO_GET_NOWERR                      = 0x30a
-	HDIO_GET_QDMA                        = 0x305
-	HDIO_GET_UNMASKINTR                  = 0x302
-	HDIO_GET_WCACHE                      = 0x30e
-	HDIO_OBSOLETE_IDENTITY               = 0x307
-	HDIO_SCAN_HWIF                       = 0x328
-	HDIO_SET_32BIT                       = 0x324
-	HDIO_SET_ACOUSTIC                    = 0x32c
-	HDIO_SET_ADDRESS                     = 0x32f
-	HDIO_SET_BUSSTATE                    = 0x32d
-	HDIO_SET_DMA                         = 0x326
-	HDIO_SET_KEEPSETTINGS                = 0x323
-	HDIO_SET_MULTCOUNT                   = 0x321
-	HDIO_SET_NICE                        = 0x329
-	HDIO_SET_NOWERR                      = 0x325
-	HDIO_SET_PIO_MODE                    = 0x327
-	HDIO_SET_QDMA                        = 0x32e
-	HDIO_SET_UNMASKINTR                  = 0x322
-	HDIO_SET_WCACHE                      = 0x32b
-	HDIO_SET_XFER                        = 0x306
-	HDIO_TRISTATE_HWIF                   = 0x31b
-	HDIO_UNREGISTER_HWIF                 = 0x32a
-	HOSTFS_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0xc0ffee
-	HPFS_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0xf995e849
-	HUGETLBFS_MAGIC                      = 0x958458f6
-	HUPCL                                = 0x400
-	IBSHIFT                              = 0x10
-	ICANON                               = 0x2
-	ICMPV6_FILTER                        = 0x1
-	ICRNL                                = 0x100
-	IEXTEN                               = 0x8000
-	IFA_F_DADFAILED                      = 0x8
-	IFA_F_DEPRECATED                     = 0x20
-	IFA_F_HOMEADDRESS                    = 0x10
-	IFA_F_MANAGETEMPADDR                 = 0x100
-	IFA_F_MCAUTOJOIN                     = 0x400
-	IFA_F_NODAD                          = 0x2
-	IFA_F_NOPREFIXROUTE                  = 0x200
-	IFA_F_OPTIMISTIC                     = 0x4
-	IFA_F_PERMANENT                      = 0x80
-	IFA_F_SECONDARY                      = 0x1
-	IFA_F_STABLE_PRIVACY                 = 0x800
-	IFA_F_TEMPORARY                      = 0x1
-	IFA_F_TENTATIVE                      = 0x40
-	IFA_MAX                              = 0xa
-	IFF_ALLMULTI                         = 0x200
-	IFF_ATTACH_QUEUE                     = 0x200
-	IFF_AUTOMEDIA                        = 0x4000
-	IFF_BROADCAST                        = 0x2
-	IFF_DEBUG                            = 0x4
-	IFF_DETACH_QUEUE                     = 0x400
-	IFF_DORMANT                          = 0x20000
-	IFF_DYNAMIC                          = 0x8000
-	IFF_ECHO                             = 0x40000
-	IFF_LOOPBACK                         = 0x8
-	IFF_LOWER_UP                         = 0x10000
-	IFF_MASTER                           = 0x400
-	IFF_MULTICAST                        = 0x1000
-	IFF_MULTI_QUEUE                      = 0x100
-	IFF_NAPI                             = 0x10
-	IFF_NAPI_FRAGS                       = 0x20
-	IFF_NOARP                            = 0x80
-	IFF_NOFILTER                         = 0x1000
-	IFF_NOTRAILERS                       = 0x20
-	IFF_NO_PI                            = 0x1000
-	IFF_ONE_QUEUE                        = 0x2000
-	IFF_PERSIST                          = 0x800
-	IFF_POINTOPOINT                      = 0x10
-	IFF_PORTSEL                          = 0x2000
-	IFF_PROMISC                          = 0x100
-	IFF_RUNNING                          = 0x40
-	IFF_SLAVE                            = 0x800
-	IFF_TAP                              = 0x2
-	IFF_TUN                              = 0x1
-	IFF_TUN_EXCL                         = 0x8000
-	IFF_UP                               = 0x1
-	IFF_VNET_HDR                         = 0x4000
-	IFF_VOLATILE                         = 0x70c5a
-	IFNAMSIZ                             = 0x10
-	IGNBRK                               = 0x1
-	IGNCR                                = 0x80
-	IGNPAR                               = 0x4
-	IMAXBEL                              = 0x2000
-	INLCR                                = 0x40
-	INPCK                                = 0x10
-	IN_ACCESS                            = 0x1
-	IN_ALL_EVENTS                        = 0xfff
-	IN_ATTRIB                            = 0x4
-	IN_CLASSA_HOST                       = 0xffffff
-	IN_CLASSA_MAX                        = 0x80
-	IN_CLASSA_NET                        = 0xff000000
-	IN_CLASSA_NSHIFT                     = 0x18
-	IN_CLASSB_HOST                       = 0xffff
-	IN_CLASSB_MAX                        = 0x10000
-	IN_CLASSB_NET                        = 0xffff0000
-	IN_CLASSB_NSHIFT                     = 0x10
-	IN_CLASSC_HOST                       = 0xff
-	IN_CLASSC_NET                        = 0xffffff00
-	IN_CLASSC_NSHIFT                     = 0x8
-	IN_CLOEXEC                           = 0x400000
-	IN_CLOSE                             = 0x18
-	IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE                     = 0x10
-	IN_CLOSE_WRITE                       = 0x8
-	IN_CREATE                            = 0x100
-	IN_DELETE                            = 0x200
-	IN_DELETE_SELF                       = 0x400
-	IN_DONT_FOLLOW                       = 0x2000000
-	IN_EXCL_UNLINK                       = 0x4000000
-	IN_IGNORED                           = 0x8000
-	IN_ISDIR                             = 0x40000000
-	IN_LOOPBACKNET                       = 0x7f
-	IN_MASK_ADD                          = 0x20000000
-	IN_MASK_CREATE                       = 0x10000000
-	IN_MODIFY                            = 0x2
-	IN_MOVE                              = 0xc0
-	IN_MOVED_FROM                        = 0x40
-	IN_MOVED_TO                          = 0x80
-	IN_MOVE_SELF                         = 0x800
-	IN_NONBLOCK                          = 0x4000
-	IN_ONESHOT                           = 0x80000000
-	IN_ONLYDIR                           = 0x1000000
-	IN_OPEN                              = 0x20
-	IN_Q_OVERFLOW                        = 0x4000
-	IN_UNMOUNT                           = 0x2000
-	IOCTL_VM_SOCKETS_GET_LOCAL_CID       = 0x200007b9
-	IPPROTO_AH                           = 0x33
-	IPPROTO_BEETPH                       = 0x5e
-	IPPROTO_COMP                         = 0x6c
-	IPPROTO_DCCP                         = 0x21
-	IPPROTO_DSTOPTS                      = 0x3c
-	IPPROTO_EGP                          = 0x8
-	IPPROTO_ENCAP                        = 0x62
-	IPPROTO_ESP                          = 0x32
-	IPPROTO_FRAGMENT                     = 0x2c
-	IPPROTO_GRE                          = 0x2f
-	IPPROTO_HOPOPTS                      = 0x0
-	IPPROTO_ICMP                         = 0x1
-	IPPROTO_ICMPV6                       = 0x3a
-	IPPROTO_IDP                          = 0x16
-	IPPROTO_IGMP                         = 0x2
-	IPPROTO_IP                           = 0x0
-	IPPROTO_IPIP                         = 0x4
-	IPPROTO_IPV6                         = 0x29
-	IPPROTO_MH                           = 0x87
-	IPPROTO_MPLS                         = 0x89
-	IPPROTO_MTP                          = 0x5c
-	IPPROTO_NONE                         = 0x3b
-	IPPROTO_PIM                          = 0x67
-	IPPROTO_PUP                          = 0xc
-	IPPROTO_RAW                          = 0xff
-	IPPROTO_ROUTING                      = 0x2b
-	IPPROTO_RSVP                         = 0x2e
-	IPPROTO_SCTP                         = 0x84
-	IPPROTO_TCP                          = 0x6
-	IPPROTO_TP                           = 0x1d
-	IPPROTO_UDP                          = 0x11
-	IPPROTO_UDPLITE                      = 0x88
-	IPV6_2292DSTOPTS                     = 0x4
-	IPV6_2292HOPLIMIT                    = 0x8
-	IPV6_2292HOPOPTS                     = 0x3
-	IPV6_2292PKTINFO                     = 0x2
-	IPV6_2292PKTOPTIONS                  = 0x6
-	IPV6_2292RTHDR                       = 0x5
-	IPV6_ADDRFORM                        = 0x1
-	IPV6_ADDR_PREFERENCES                = 0x48
-	IPV6_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                  = 0x14
-	IPV6_AUTHHDR                         = 0xa
-	IPV6_AUTOFLOWLABEL                   = 0x46
-	IPV6_CHECKSUM                        = 0x7
-	IPV6_DONTFRAG                        = 0x3e
-	IPV6_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                 = 0x15
-	IPV6_DSTOPTS                         = 0x3b
-	IPV6_FREEBIND                        = 0x4e
-	IPV6_HDRINCL                         = 0x24
-	IPV6_HOPLIMIT                        = 0x34
-	IPV6_HOPOPTS                         = 0x36
-	IPV6_IPSEC_POLICY                    = 0x22
-	IPV6_JOIN_ANYCAST                    = 0x1b
-	IPV6_JOIN_GROUP                      = 0x14
-	IPV6_LEAVE_ANYCAST                   = 0x1c
-	IPV6_LEAVE_GROUP                     = 0x15
-	IPV6_MINHOPCOUNT                     = 0x49
-	IPV6_MTU                             = 0x18
-	IPV6_MTU_DISCOVER                    = 0x17
-	IPV6_MULTICAST_ALL                   = 0x1d
-	IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS                  = 0x12
-	IPV6_MULTICAST_IF                    = 0x11
-	IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP                  = 0x13
-	IPV6_NEXTHOP                         = 0x9
-	IPV6_ORIGDSTADDR                     = 0x4a
-	IPV6_PATHMTU                         = 0x3d
-	IPV6_PKTINFO                         = 0x32
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_DO                     = 0x2
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_DONT                   = 0x0
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_INTERFACE              = 0x4
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_OMIT                   = 0x5
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_PROBE                  = 0x3
-	IPV6_PMTUDISC_WANT                   = 0x1
-	IPV6_RECVDSTOPTS                     = 0x3a
-	IPV6_RECVERR                         = 0x19
-	IPV6_RECVFRAGSIZE                    = 0x4d
-	IPV6_RECVHOPLIMIT                    = 0x33
-	IPV6_RECVHOPOPTS                     = 0x35
-	IPV6_RECVORIGDSTADDR                 = 0x4a
-	IPV6_RECVPATHMTU                     = 0x3c
-	IPV6_RECVPKTINFO                     = 0x31
-	IPV6_RECVRTHDR                       = 0x38
-	IPV6_RECVTCLASS                      = 0x42
-	IPV6_ROUTER_ALERT                    = 0x16
-	IPV6_ROUTER_ALERT_ISOLATE            = 0x1e
-	IPV6_RTHDR                           = 0x39
-	IPV6_RTHDRDSTOPTS                    = 0x37
-	IPV6_RTHDR_LOOSE                     = 0x0
-	IPV6_RTHDR_STRICT                    = 0x1
-	IPV6_RTHDR_TYPE_0                    = 0x0
-	IPV6_RXDSTOPTS                       = 0x3b
-	IPV6_RXHOPOPTS                       = 0x36
-	IPV6_TCLASS                          = 0x43
-	IPV6_TRANSPARENT                     = 0x4b
-	IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS                    = 0x10
-	IPV6_UNICAST_IF                      = 0x4c
-	IPV6_V6ONLY                          = 0x1a
-	IPV6_XFRM_POLICY                     = 0x23
-	IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                    = 0x23
-	IP_ADD_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP             = 0x27
-	IP_BIND_ADDRESS_NO_PORT              = 0x18
-	IP_BLOCK_SOURCE                      = 0x26
-	IP_CHECKSUM                          = 0x17
-	IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_LOOP            = 0x1
-	IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_TTL             = 0x1
-	IP_DF                                = 0x4000
-	IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                   = 0x24
-	IP_DROP_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP            = 0x28
-	IP_FREEBIND                          = 0xf
-	IP_HDRINCL                           = 0x3
-	IP_IPSEC_POLICY                      = 0x10
-	IP_MAXPACKET                         = 0xffff
-	IP_MAX_MEMBERSHIPS                   = 0x14
-	IP_MF                                = 0x2000
-	IP_MINTTL                            = 0x15
-	IP_MSFILTER                          = 0x29
-	IP_MSS                               = 0x240
-	IP_MTU                               = 0xe
-	IP_MTU_DISCOVER                      = 0xa
-	IP_MULTICAST_ALL                     = 0x31
-	IP_MULTICAST_IF                      = 0x20
-	IP_MULTICAST_LOOP                    = 0x22
-	IP_MULTICAST_TTL                     = 0x21
-	IP_NODEFRAG                          = 0x16
-	IP_OFFMASK                           = 0x1fff
-	IP_OPTIONS                           = 0x4
-	IP_ORIGDSTADDR                       = 0x14
-	IP_PASSSEC                           = 0x12
-	IP_PKTINFO                           = 0x8
-	IP_PKTOPTIONS                        = 0x9
-	IP_PMTUDISC                          = 0xa
-	IP_PMTUDISC_DO                       = 0x2
-	IP_PMTUDISC_DONT                     = 0x0
-	IP_PMTUDISC_INTERFACE                = 0x4
-	IP_PMTUDISC_OMIT                     = 0x5
-	IP_PMTUDISC_PROBE                    = 0x3
-	IP_PMTUDISC_WANT                     = 0x1
-	IP_RECVERR                           = 0xb
-	IP_RECVFRAGSIZE                      = 0x19
-	IP_RECVOPTS                          = 0x6
-	IP_RECVORIGDSTADDR                   = 0x14
-	IP_RECVRETOPTS                       = 0x7
-	IP_RECVTOS                           = 0xd
-	IP_RECVTTL                           = 0xc
-	IP_RETOPTS                           = 0x7
-	IP_RF                                = 0x8000
-	IP_ROUTER_ALERT                      = 0x5
-	IP_TOS                               = 0x1
-	IP_TRANSPARENT                       = 0x13
-	IP_TTL                               = 0x2
-	IP_UNBLOCK_SOURCE                    = 0x25
-	IP_UNICAST_IF                        = 0x32
-	IP_XFRM_POLICY                       = 0x11
-	ISIG                                 = 0x1
-	ISOFS_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x9660
-	ISTRIP                               = 0x20
-	IUCLC                                = 0x200
-	IUTF8                                = 0x4000
-	IXANY                                = 0x800
-	IXOFF                                = 0x1000
-	IXON                                 = 0x400
-	JFFS2_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x72b6
-	KEXEC_ARCH_386                       = 0x30000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_68K                       = 0x40000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_AARCH64                   = 0xb70000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_ARM                       = 0x280000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_DEFAULT                   = 0x0
-	KEXEC_ARCH_IA_64                     = 0x320000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_MASK                      = 0xffff0000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_MIPS                      = 0x80000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_MIPS_LE                   = 0xa0000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_PPC                       = 0x140000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_PPC64                     = 0x150000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_S390                      = 0x160000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_SH                        = 0x2a0000
-	KEXEC_ARCH_X86_64                    = 0x3e0000
-	KEXEC_FILE_NO_INITRAMFS              = 0x4
-	KEXEC_FILE_ON_CRASH                  = 0x2
-	KEXEC_FILE_UNLOAD                    = 0x1
-	KEXEC_ON_CRASH                       = 0x1
-	KEXEC_PRESERVE_CONTEXT               = 0x2
-	KEXEC_SEGMENT_MAX                    = 0x10
-	KEYCTL_ASSUME_AUTHORITY              = 0x10
-	KEYCTL_CHOWN                         = 0x4
-	KEYCTL_CLEAR                         = 0x7
-	KEYCTL_DESCRIBE                      = 0x6
-	KEYCTL_DH_COMPUTE                    = 0x17
-	KEYCTL_GET_KEYRING_ID                = 0x0
-	KEYCTL_GET_PERSISTENT                = 0x16
-	KEYCTL_GET_SECURITY                  = 0x11
-	KEYCTL_INSTANTIATE                   = 0xc
-	KEYCTL_INSTANTIATE_IOV               = 0x14
-	KEYCTL_INVALIDATE                    = 0x15
-	KEYCTL_LINK                          = 0x8
-	KEYCTL_NEGATE                        = 0xd
-	KEYCTL_PKEY_DECRYPT                  = 0x1a
-	KEYCTL_PKEY_ENCRYPT                  = 0x19
-	KEYCTL_PKEY_QUERY                    = 0x18
-	KEYCTL_PKEY_SIGN                     = 0x1b
-	KEYCTL_PKEY_VERIFY                   = 0x1c
-	KEYCTL_READ                          = 0xb
-	KEYCTL_REJECT                        = 0x13
-	KEYCTL_RESTRICT_KEYRING              = 0x1d
-	KEYCTL_REVOKE                        = 0x3
-	KEYCTL_SEARCH                        = 0xa
-	KEYCTL_SESSION_TO_PARENT             = 0x12
-	KEYCTL_SETPERM                       = 0x5
-	KEYCTL_SET_REQKEY_KEYRING            = 0xe
-	KEYCTL_SET_TIMEOUT                   = 0xf
-	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_DECRYPT              = 0x2
-	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_ENCRYPT              = 0x1
-	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_SIGN                 = 0x4
-	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_VERIFY               = 0x8
-	KEYCTL_UNLINK                        = 0x9
-	KEYCTL_UPDATE                        = 0x2
-	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_DEFAULT              = 0x0
-	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_NO_CHANGE            = -0x1
-	KEY_SPEC_GROUP_KEYRING               = -0x6
-	KEY_SPEC_PROCESS_KEYRING             = -0x2
-	KEY_SPEC_REQKEY_AUTH_KEY             = -0x7
-	KEY_SPEC_SESSION_KEYRING             = -0x3
-	KEY_SPEC_THREAD_KEYRING              = -0x1
-	KEY_SPEC_USER_KEYRING                = -0x4
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_CAD_OFF             = 0x0
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_CAD_ON              = 0x89abcdef
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_HALT                = 0xcdef0123
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_KEXEC               = 0x45584543
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_POWER_OFF           = 0x4321fedc
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_RESTART             = 0x1234567
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_RESTART2            = 0xa1b2c3d4
-	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_SW_SUSPEND          = 0xd000fce2
-	LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC1                  = 0xfee1dead
-	LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC2                  = 0x28121969
-	LOCK_EX                              = 0x2
-	LOCK_NB                              = 0x4
-	LOCK_SH                              = 0x1
-	LOCK_UN                              = 0x8
-	LOOP_CLR_FD                          = 0x4c01
-	LOOP_CTL_ADD                         = 0x4c80
-	LOOP_CTL_GET_FREE                    = 0x4c82
-	LOOP_CTL_REMOVE                      = 0x4c81
-	LOOP_GET_STATUS                      = 0x4c03
-	LOOP_GET_STATUS64                    = 0x4c05
-	LOOP_SET_BLOCK_SIZE                  = 0x4c09
-	LOOP_SET_CAPACITY                    = 0x4c07
-	LOOP_SET_DIRECT_IO                   = 0x4c08
-	LOOP_SET_FD                          = 0x4c00
-	LOOP_SET_STATUS                      = 0x4c02
-	LOOP_SET_STATUS64                    = 0x4c04
-	LO_KEY_SIZE                          = 0x20
-	LO_NAME_SIZE                         = 0x40
-	MADV_DODUMP                          = 0x11
-	MADV_DOFORK                          = 0xb
-	MADV_DONTDUMP                        = 0x10
-	MADV_DONTFORK                        = 0xa
-	MADV_DONTNEED                        = 0x4
-	MADV_FREE                            = 0x8
-	MADV_HUGEPAGE                        = 0xe
-	MADV_HWPOISON                        = 0x64
-	MADV_KEEPONFORK                      = 0x13
-	MADV_MERGEABLE                       = 0xc
-	MADV_NOHUGEPAGE                      = 0xf
-	MADV_NORMAL                          = 0x0
-	MADV_RANDOM                          = 0x1
-	MADV_REMOVE                          = 0x9
-	MADV_SEQUENTIAL                      = 0x2
-	MADV_UNMERGEABLE                     = 0xd
-	MADV_WILLNEED                        = 0x3
-	MADV_WIPEONFORK                      = 0x12
-	MAP_ANON                             = 0x20
-	MAP_ANONYMOUS                        = 0x20
-	MAP_DENYWRITE                        = 0x800
-	MAP_EXECUTABLE                       = 0x1000
-	MAP_FILE                             = 0x0
-	MAP_FIXED                            = 0x10
-	MAP_FIXED_NOREPLACE                  = 0x100000
-	MAP_GROWSDOWN                        = 0x200
-	MAP_HUGETLB                          = 0x40000
-	MAP_HUGE_MASK                        = 0x3f
-	MAP_HUGE_SHIFT                       = 0x1a
-	MAP_LOCKED                           = 0x100
-	MAP_NONBLOCK                         = 0x10000
-	MAP_NORESERVE                        = 0x40
-	MAP_POPULATE                         = 0x8000
-	MAP_PRIVATE                          = 0x2
-	MAP_RENAME                           = 0x20
-	MAP_SHARED                           = 0x1
-	MAP_SHARED_VALIDATE                  = 0x3
-	MAP_STACK                            = 0x20000
-	MAP_TYPE                             = 0xf
-	MCAST_BLOCK_SOURCE                   = 0x2b
-	MCAST_EXCLUDE                        = 0x0
-	MCAST_INCLUDE                        = 0x1
-	MCAST_JOIN_GROUP                     = 0x2a
-	MCAST_JOIN_SOURCE_GROUP              = 0x2e
-	MCAST_LEAVE_GROUP                    = 0x2d
-	MCAST_LEAVE_SOURCE_GROUP             = 0x2f
-	MCAST_MSFILTER                       = 0x30
-	MCAST_UNBLOCK_SOURCE                 = 0x2c
-	MCL_CURRENT                          = 0x2000
-	MCL_FUTURE                           = 0x4000
-	MCL_ONFAULT                          = 0x8000
-	MFD_ALLOW_SEALING                    = 0x2
-	MFD_CLOEXEC                          = 0x1
-	MFD_HUGETLB                          = 0x4
-	MFD_HUGE_16GB                        = -0x78000000
-	MFD_HUGE_16MB                        = 0x60000000
-	MFD_HUGE_1GB                         = 0x78000000
-	MFD_HUGE_1MB                         = 0x50000000
-	MFD_HUGE_256MB                       = 0x70000000
-	MFD_HUGE_2GB                         = 0x7c000000
-	MFD_HUGE_2MB                         = 0x54000000
-	MFD_HUGE_32MB                        = 0x64000000
-	MFD_HUGE_512KB                       = 0x4c000000
-	MFD_HUGE_512MB                       = 0x74000000
-	MFD_HUGE_64KB                        = 0x40000000
-	MFD_HUGE_8MB                         = 0x5c000000
-	MFD_HUGE_MASK                        = 0x3f
-	MFD_HUGE_SHIFT                       = 0x1a
-	MINIX2_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0x2468
-	MINIX2_SUPER_MAGIC2                  = 0x2478
-	MINIX3_SUPER_MAGIC                   = 0x4d5a
-	MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x137f
-	MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC2                   = 0x138f
-	MNT_DETACH                           = 0x2
-	MNT_EXPIRE                           = 0x4
-	MNT_FORCE                            = 0x1
-	MSDOS_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x4d44
-	MSG_BATCH                            = 0x40000
-	MSG_CMSG_CLOEXEC                     = 0x40000000
-	MSG_CONFIRM                          = 0x800
-	MSG_CTRUNC                           = 0x8
-	MSG_DONTROUTE                        = 0x4
-	MSG_DONTWAIT                         = 0x40
-	MSG_EOR                              = 0x80
-	MSG_ERRQUEUE                         = 0x2000
-	MSG_FASTOPEN                         = 0x20000000
-	MSG_FIN                              = 0x200
-	MSG_MORE                             = 0x8000
-	MSG_NOSIGNAL                         = 0x4000
-	MSG_OOB                              = 0x1
-	MSG_PEEK                             = 0x2
-	MSG_PROXY                            = 0x10
-	MSG_RST                              = 0x1000
-	MSG_SYN                              = 0x400
-	MSG_TRUNC                            = 0x20
-	MSG_TRYHARD                          = 0x4
-	MSG_WAITALL                          = 0x100
-	MSG_WAITFORONE                       = 0x10000
-	MSG_ZEROCOPY                         = 0x4000000
-	MS_ACTIVE                            = 0x40000000
-	MS_ASYNC                             = 0x1
-	MS_BIND                              = 0x1000
-	MS_BORN                              = 0x20000000
-	MS_DIRSYNC                           = 0x80
-	MS_INVALIDATE                        = 0x2
-	MS_I_VERSION                         = 0x800000
-	MS_KERNMOUNT                         = 0x400000
-	MS_LAZYTIME                          = 0x2000000
-	MS_MANDLOCK                          = 0x40
-	MS_MGC_MSK                           = 0xffff0000
-	MS_MGC_VAL                           = 0xc0ed0000
-	MS_MOVE                              = 0x2000
-	MS_NOATIME                           = 0x400
-	MS_NODEV                             = 0x4
-	MS_NODIRATIME                        = 0x800
-	MS_NOEXEC                            = 0x8
-	MS_NOREMOTELOCK                      = 0x8000000
-	MS_NOSEC                             = 0x10000000
-	MS_NOSUID                            = 0x2
-	MS_NOUSER                            = -0x80000000
-	MS_POSIXACL                          = 0x10000
-	MS_PRIVATE                           = 0x40000
-	MS_RDONLY                            = 0x1
-	MS_REC                               = 0x4000
-	MS_RELATIME                          = 0x200000
-	MS_REMOUNT                           = 0x20
-	MS_RMT_MASK                          = 0x2800051
-	MS_SHARED                            = 0x100000
-	MS_SILENT                            = 0x8000
-	MS_SLAVE                             = 0x80000
-	MS_STRICTATIME                       = 0x1000000
-	MS_SUBMOUNT                          = 0x4000000
-	MS_SYNC                              = 0x4
-	MS_SYNCHRONOUS                       = 0x10
-	MS_UNBINDABLE                        = 0x20000
-	MS_VERBOSE                           = 0x8000
-	MTD_INODE_FS_MAGIC                   = 0x11307854
-	NAME_MAX                             = 0xff
-	NCP_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x564c
-	NETLINK_ADD_MEMBERSHIP               = 0x1
-	NETLINK_AUDIT                        = 0x9
-	NETLINK_BROADCAST_ERROR              = 0x4
-	NETLINK_CAP_ACK                      = 0xa
-	NETLINK_CONNECTOR                    = 0xb
-	NETLINK_CRYPTO                       = 0x15
-	NETLINK_DNRTMSG                      = 0xe
-	NETLINK_DROP_MEMBERSHIP              = 0x2
-	NETLINK_ECRYPTFS                     = 0x13
-	NETLINK_EXT_ACK                      = 0xb
-	NETLINK_FIB_LOOKUP                   = 0xa
-	NETLINK_FIREWALL                     = 0x3
-	NETLINK_GENERIC                      = 0x10
-	NETLINK_GET_STRICT_CHK               = 0xc
-	NETLINK_INET_DIAG                    = 0x4
-	NETLINK_IP6_FW                       = 0xd
-	NETLINK_ISCSI                        = 0x8
-	NETLINK_KOBJECT_UEVENT               = 0xf
-	NETLINK_LISTEN_ALL_NSID              = 0x8
-	NETLINK_LIST_MEMBERSHIPS             = 0x9
-	NETLINK_NETFILTER                    = 0xc
-	NETLINK_NFLOG                        = 0x5
-	NETLINK_NO_ENOBUFS                   = 0x5
-	NETLINK_PKTINFO                      = 0x3
-	NETLINK_RDMA                         = 0x14
-	NETLINK_ROUTE                        = 0x0
-	NETLINK_RX_RING                      = 0x6
-	NETLINK_SCSITRANSPORT                = 0x12
-	NETLINK_SELINUX                      = 0x7
-	NETLINK_SMC                          = 0x16
-	NETLINK_SOCK_DIAG                    = 0x4
-	NETLINK_TX_RING                      = 0x7
-	NETLINK_UNUSED                       = 0x1
-	NETLINK_USERSOCK                     = 0x2
-	NETLINK_XFRM                         = 0x6
-	NETNSA_MAX                           = 0x5
-	NETNSA_NSID_NOT_ASSIGNED             = -0x1
-	NFNETLINK_V0                         = 0x0
-	NFNLGRP_ACCT_QUOTA                   = 0x8
-	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_EXP_NEW            = 0x4
-	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_NEW                = 0x1
-	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_UPDATE             = 0x2
-	NFNLGRP_MAX                          = 0x9
-	NFNLGRP_NFTABLES                     = 0x7
-	NFNLGRP_NFTRACE                      = 0x9
-	NFNLGRP_NONE                         = 0x0
-	NFNL_BATCH_MAX                       = 0x1
-	NFNL_MSG_BATCH_BEGIN                 = 0x10
-	NFNL_MSG_BATCH_END                   = 0x11
-	NFNL_NFA_NEST                        = 0x8000
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_ACCT                     = 0x7
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_COUNT                    = 0xc
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTHELPER                 = 0x9
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTNETLINK                = 0x1
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTNETLINK_EXP            = 0x2
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_IPSET                    = 0x6
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_NFTABLES                 = 0xa
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_NFT_COMPAT               = 0xb
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_NONE                     = 0x0
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_OSF                      = 0x5
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_QUEUE                    = 0x3
-	NFNL_SUBSYS_ULOG                     = 0x4
-	NFS_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x6969
-	NILFS_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x3434
-	NL0                                  = 0x0
-	NL1                                  = 0x100
-	NLA_ALIGNTO                          = 0x4
-	NLA_F_NESTED                         = 0x8000
-	NLA_F_NET_BYTEORDER                  = 0x4000
-	NLA_HDRLEN                           = 0x4
-	NLDLY                                = 0x100
-	NLMSG_ALIGNTO                        = 0x4
-	NLMSG_DONE                           = 0x3
-	NLMSG_ERROR                          = 0x2
-	NLMSG_HDRLEN                         = 0x10
-	NLMSG_MIN_TYPE                       = 0x10
-	NLMSG_NOOP                           = 0x1
-	NLMSG_OVERRUN                        = 0x4
-	NLM_F_ACK                            = 0x4
-	NLM_F_ACK_TLVS                       = 0x200
-	NLM_F_APPEND                         = 0x800
-	NLM_F_ATOMIC                         = 0x400
-	NLM_F_CAPPED                         = 0x100
-	NLM_F_CREATE                         = 0x400
-	NLM_F_DUMP                           = 0x300
-	NLM_F_DUMP_FILTERED                  = 0x20
-	NLM_F_DUMP_INTR                      = 0x10
-	NLM_F_ECHO                           = 0x8
-	NLM_F_EXCL                           = 0x200
-	NLM_F_MATCH                          = 0x200
-	NLM_F_MULTI                          = 0x2
-	NLM_F_NONREC                         = 0x100
-	NLM_F_REPLACE                        = 0x100
-	NLM_F_REQUEST                        = 0x1
-	NLM_F_ROOT                           = 0x100
-	NOFLSH                               = 0x80
-	NSFS_MAGIC                           = 0x6e736673
-	OCFS2_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0x7461636f
-	OCRNL                                = 0x8
-	OFDEL                                = 0x80
-	OFILL                                = 0x40
-	OLCUC                                = 0x2
-	ONLCR                                = 0x4
-	ONLRET                               = 0x20
-	ONOCR                                = 0x10
-	OPENPROM_SUPER_MAGIC                 = 0x9fa1
-	OPOST                                = 0x1
-	OVERLAYFS_SUPER_MAGIC                = 0x794c7630
-	O_ACCMODE                            = 0x3
-	O_APPEND                             = 0x8
-	O_ASYNC                              = 0x40
-	O_CLOEXEC                            = 0x400000
-	O_CREAT                              = 0x200
-	O_DIRECT                             = 0x100000
-	O_DIRECTORY                          = 0x10000
-	O_DSYNC                              = 0x2000
-	O_EXCL                               = 0x800
-	O_FSYNC                              = 0x802000
-	O_LARGEFILE                          = 0x0
-	O_NDELAY                             = 0x4004
-	O_NOATIME                            = 0x200000
-	O_NOCTTY                             = 0x8000
-	O_NOFOLLOW                           = 0x20000
-	O_NONBLOCK                           = 0x4000
-	O_PATH                               = 0x1000000
-	O_RDONLY                             = 0x0
-	O_RDWR                               = 0x2
-	O_RSYNC                              = 0x802000
-	O_SYNC                               = 0x802000
-	O_TMPFILE                            = 0x2010000
-	O_TRUNC                              = 0x400
-	O_WRONLY                             = 0x1
-	PACKET_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                = 0x1
-	PACKET_AUXDATA                       = 0x8
-	PACKET_BROADCAST                     = 0x1
-	PACKET_COPY_THRESH                   = 0x7
-	PACKET_DROP_MEMBERSHIP               = 0x2
-	PACKET_FANOUT                        = 0x12
-	PACKET_FANOUT_CBPF                   = 0x6
-	PACKET_FANOUT_CPU                    = 0x2
-	PACKET_FANOUT_DATA                   = 0x16
-	PACKET_FANOUT_EBPF                   = 0x7
-	PACKET_FANOUT_FLAG_DEFRAG            = 0x8000
-	PACKET_FANOUT_HASH                   = 0x0
-	PACKET_FANOUT_LB                     = 0x1
-	PACKET_FANOUT_QM                     = 0x5
-	PACKET_FANOUT_RND                    = 0x4
-	PACKET_FANOUT_ROLLOVER               = 0x3
-	PACKET_FASTROUTE                     = 0x6
-	PACKET_HDRLEN                        = 0xb
-	PACKET_HOST                          = 0x0
-	PACKET_IGNORE_OUTGOING               = 0x17
-	PACKET_KERNEL                        = 0x7
-	PACKET_LOOPBACK                      = 0x5
-	PACKET_LOSS                          = 0xe
-	PACKET_MR_ALLMULTI                   = 0x2
-	PACKET_MR_MULTICAST                  = 0x0
-	PACKET_MR_PROMISC                    = 0x1
-	PACKET_MR_UNICAST                    = 0x3
-	PACKET_MULTICAST                     = 0x2
-	PACKET_ORIGDEV                       = 0x9
-	PACKET_OTHERHOST                     = 0x3
-	PACKET_OUTGOING                      = 0x4
-	PACKET_QDISC_BYPASS                  = 0x14
-	PACKET_RECV_OUTPUT                   = 0x3
-	PACKET_RESERVE                       = 0xc
-	PACKET_ROLLOVER_STATS                = 0x15
-	PACKET_RX_RING                       = 0x5
-	PACKET_STATISTICS                    = 0x6
-	PACKET_TIMESTAMP                     = 0x11
-	PACKET_TX_HAS_OFF                    = 0x13
-	PACKET_TX_RING                       = 0xd
-	PACKET_TX_TIMESTAMP                  = 0x10
-	PACKET_USER                          = 0x6
-	PACKET_VERSION                       = 0xa
-	PACKET_VNET_HDR                      = 0xf
-	PARENB                               = 0x100
-	PARITY_CRC16_PR0                     = 0x2
-	PARITY_CRC16_PR0_CCITT               = 0x4
-	PARITY_CRC16_PR1                     = 0x3
-	PARITY_CRC16_PR1_CCITT               = 0x5
-	PARITY_CRC32_PR0_CCITT               = 0x6
-	PARITY_CRC32_PR1_CCITT               = 0x7
-	PARITY_DEFAULT                       = 0x0
-	PARITY_NONE                          = 0x1
-	PARMRK                               = 0x8
-	PARODD                               = 0x200
-	PENDIN                               = 0x4000
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_DISABLE               = 0x20002401
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_ENABLE                = 0x20002400
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_ID                    = 0x40082407
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_PAUSE_OUTPUT          = 0x80042409
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_PERIOD                = 0x80082404
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_QUERY_BPF             = 0xc008240a
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_REFRESH               = 0x20002402
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_RESET                 = 0x20002403
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_BPF               = 0x80042408
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_FILTER            = 0x80082406
-	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_OUTPUT            = 0x20002405
-	PIPEFS_MAGIC                         = 0x50495045
-	PPPIOCATTACH                         = 0x8004743d
-	PPPIOCATTCHAN                        = 0x80047438
-	PPPIOCCONNECT                        = 0x8004743a
-	PPPIOCDETACH                         = 0x8004743c
-	PPPIOCDISCONN                        = 0x20007439
-	PPPIOCGASYNCMAP                      = 0x40047458
-	PPPIOCGCHAN                          = 0x40047437
-	PPPIOCGDEBUG                         = 0x40047441
-	PPPIOCGFLAGS                         = 0x4004745a
-	PPPIOCGIDLE                          = 0x4010743f
-	PPPIOCGL2TPSTATS                     = 0x40487436
-	PPPIOCGMRU                           = 0x40047453
-	PPPIOCGNPMODE                        = 0xc008744c
-	PPPIOCGRASYNCMAP                     = 0x40047455
-	PPPIOCGUNIT                          = 0x40047456
-	PPPIOCGXASYNCMAP                     = 0x40207450
-	PPPIOCNEWUNIT                        = 0xc004743e
-	PPPIOCSACTIVE                        = 0x80107446
-	PPPIOCSASYNCMAP                      = 0x80047457
-	PPPIOCSCOMPRESS                      = 0x8010744d
-	PPPIOCSDEBUG                         = 0x80047440
-	PPPIOCSFLAGS                         = 0x80047459
-	PPPIOCSMAXCID                        = 0x80047451
-	PPPIOCSMRRU                          = 0x8004743b
-	PPPIOCSMRU                           = 0x80047452
-	PPPIOCSNPMODE                        = 0x8008744b
-	PPPIOCSPASS                          = 0x80107447
-	PPPIOCSRASYNCMAP                     = 0x80047454
-	PPPIOCSXASYNCMAP                     = 0x8020744f
-	PPPIOCXFERUNIT                       = 0x2000744e
-	PRIO_PGRP                            = 0x1
-	PRIO_PROCESS                         = 0x0
-	PRIO_USER                            = 0x2
-	PROC_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0x9fa0
-	PROT_EXEC                            = 0x4
-	PROT_GROWSDOWN                       = 0x1000000
-	PROT_GROWSUP                         = 0x2000000
-	PROT_NONE                            = 0x0
-	PROT_READ                            = 0x1
-	PROT_WRITE                           = 0x2
-	PR_CAPBSET_DROP                      = 0x18
-	PR_CAPBSET_READ                      = 0x17
-	PR_CAP_AMBIENT                       = 0x2f
-	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_CLEAR_ALL             = 0x4
-	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_IS_SET                = 0x1
-	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_LOWER                 = 0x3
-	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_RAISE                 = 0x2
-	PR_ENDIAN_BIG                        = 0x0
-	PR_ENDIAN_LITTLE                     = 0x1
-	PR_ENDIAN_PPC_LITTLE                 = 0x2
-	PR_FPEMU_NOPRINT                     = 0x1
-	PR_FPEMU_SIGFPE                      = 0x2
-	PR_FP_EXC_ASYNC                      = 0x2
-	PR_FP_EXC_DISABLED                   = 0x0
-	PR_FP_EXC_DIV                        = 0x10000
-	PR_FP_EXC_INV                        = 0x100000
-	PR_FP_EXC_NONRECOV                   = 0x1
-	PR_FP_EXC_OVF                        = 0x20000
-	PR_FP_EXC_PRECISE                    = 0x3
-	PR_FP_EXC_RES                        = 0x80000
-	PR_FP_EXC_SW_ENABLE                  = 0x80
-	PR_FP_EXC_UND                        = 0x40000
-	PR_FP_MODE_FR                        = 0x1
-	PR_FP_MODE_FRE                       = 0x2
-	PR_GET_CHILD_SUBREAPER               = 0x25
-	PR_GET_DUMPABLE                      = 0x3
-	PR_GET_ENDIAN                        = 0x13
-	PR_GET_FPEMU                         = 0x9
-	PR_GET_FPEXC                         = 0xb
-	PR_GET_FP_MODE                       = 0x2e
-	PR_GET_KEEPCAPS                      = 0x7
-	PR_GET_NAME                          = 0x10
-	PR_GET_NO_NEW_PRIVS                  = 0x27
-	PR_GET_PDEATHSIG                     = 0x2
-	PR_GET_SECCOMP                       = 0x15
-	PR_GET_SECUREBITS                    = 0x1b
-	PR_GET_SPECULATION_CTRL              = 0x34
-	PR_GET_THP_DISABLE                   = 0x2a
-	PR_GET_TID_ADDRESS                   = 0x28
-	PR_GET_TIMERSLACK                    = 0x1e
-	PR_GET_TIMING                        = 0xd
-	PR_GET_TSC                           = 0x19
-	PR_GET_UNALIGN                       = 0x5
-	PR_MCE_KILL                          = 0x21
-	PR_MCE_KILL_CLEAR                    = 0x0
-	PR_MCE_KILL_DEFAULT                  = 0x2
-	PR_MCE_KILL_EARLY                    = 0x1
-	PR_MCE_KILL_GET                      = 0x22
-	PR_MCE_KILL_LATE                     = 0x0
-	PR_MCE_KILL_SET                      = 0x1
-	PR_MPX_DISABLE_MANAGEMENT            = 0x2c
-	PR_MPX_ENABLE_MANAGEMENT             = 0x2b
-	PR_PAC_APDAKEY                       = 0x4
-	PR_PAC_APDBKEY                       = 0x8
-	PR_PAC_APGAKEY                       = 0x10
-	PR_PAC_APIAKEY                       = 0x1
-	PR_PAC_APIBKEY                       = 0x2
-	PR_PAC_RESET_KEYS                    = 0x36
-	PR_SET_CHILD_SUBREAPER               = 0x24
-	PR_SET_DUMPABLE                      = 0x4
-	PR_SET_ENDIAN                        = 0x14
-	PR_SET_FPEMU                         = 0xa
-	PR_SET_FPEXC                         = 0xc
-	PR_SET_FP_MODE                       = 0x2d
-	PR_SET_KEEPCAPS                      = 0x8
-	PR_SET_MM                            = 0x23
-	PR_SET_MM_ARG_END                    = 0x9
-	PR_SET_MM_ARG_START                  = 0x8
-	PR_SET_MM_AUXV                       = 0xc
-	PR_SET_MM_BRK                        = 0x7
-	PR_SET_MM_END_CODE                   = 0x2
-	PR_SET_MM_END_DATA                   = 0x4
-	PR_SET_MM_ENV_END                    = 0xb
-	PR_SET_MM_ENV_START                  = 0xa
-	PR_SET_MM_EXE_FILE                   = 0xd
-	PR_SET_MM_MAP                        = 0xe
-	PR_SET_MM_MAP_SIZE                   = 0xf
-	PR_SET_MM_START_BRK                  = 0x6
-	PR_SET_MM_START_CODE                 = 0x1
-	PR_SET_MM_START_DATA                 = 0x3
-	PR_SET_MM_START_STACK                = 0x5
-	PR_SET_NAME                          = 0xf
-	PR_SET_NO_NEW_PRIVS                  = 0x26
-	PR_SET_PDEATHSIG                     = 0x1
-	PR_SET_PTRACER                       = 0x59616d61
-	PR_SET_PTRACER_ANY                   = 0xffffffffffffffff
-	PR_SET_SECCOMP                       = 0x16
-	PR_SET_SECUREBITS                    = 0x1c
-	PR_SET_SPECULATION_CTRL              = 0x35
-	PR_SET_THP_DISABLE                   = 0x29
-	PR_SET_TIMERSLACK                    = 0x1d
-	PR_SET_TIMING                        = 0xe
-	PR_SET_TSC                           = 0x1a
-	PR_SET_UNALIGN                       = 0x6
-	PR_SPEC_DISABLE                      = 0x4
-	PR_SPEC_DISABLE_NOEXEC               = 0x10
-	PR_SPEC_ENABLE                       = 0x2
-	PR_SPEC_FORCE_DISABLE                = 0x8
-	PR_SPEC_INDIRECT_BRANCH              = 0x1
-	PR_SPEC_NOT_AFFECTED                 = 0x0
-	PR_SPEC_PRCTL                        = 0x1
-	PR_SPEC_STORE_BYPASS                 = 0x0
-	PR_SVE_GET_VL                        = 0x33
-	PR_SVE_SET_VL                        = 0x32
-	PR_SVE_SET_VL_ONEXEC                 = 0x40000
-	PR_SVE_VL_INHERIT                    = 0x20000
-	PR_SVE_VL_LEN_MASK                   = 0xffff
-	PR_TASK_PERF_EVENTS_ENABLE           = 0x20
-	PR_TIMING_STATISTICAL                = 0x0
-	PR_TIMING_TIMESTAMP                  = 0x1
-	PR_TSC_ENABLE                        = 0x1
-	PR_TSC_SIGSEGV                       = 0x2
-	PR_UNALIGN_NOPRINT                   = 0x1
-	PR_UNALIGN_SIGBUS                    = 0x2
-	PSTOREFS_MAGIC                       = 0x6165676c
-	PTRACE_ATTACH                        = 0x10
-	PTRACE_CONT                          = 0x7
-	PTRACE_DETACH                        = 0x11
-	PTRACE_EVENT_CLONE                   = 0x3
-	PTRACE_EVENT_EXEC                    = 0x4
-	PTRACE_EVENT_EXIT                    = 0x6
-	PTRACE_EVENT_FORK                    = 0x1
-	PTRACE_EVENT_SECCOMP                 = 0x7
-	PTRACE_EVENT_STOP                    = 0x80
-	PTRACE_EVENT_VFORK                   = 0x2
-	PTRACE_EVENT_VFORK_DONE              = 0x5
-	PTRACE_GETEVENTMSG                   = 0x4201
-	PTRACE_GETFPAREGS                    = 0x14
-	PTRACE_GETFPREGS                     = 0xe
-	PTRACE_GETFPREGS64                   = 0x19
-	PTRACE_GETREGS                       = 0xc
-	PTRACE_GETREGS64                     = 0x16
-	PTRACE_GETREGSET                     = 0x4204
-	PTRACE_GETSIGINFO                    = 0x4202
-	PTRACE_GETSIGMASK                    = 0x420a
-	PTRACE_INTERRUPT                     = 0x4207
-	PTRACE_KILL                          = 0x8
-	PTRACE_LISTEN                        = 0x4208
-	PTRACE_O_EXITKILL                    = 0x100000
-	PTRACE_O_MASK                        = 0x3000ff
-	PTRACE_O_SUSPEND_SECCOMP             = 0x200000
-	PTRACE_O_TRACECLONE                  = 0x8
-	PTRACE_O_TRACEEXEC                   = 0x10
-	PTRACE_O_TRACEEXIT                   = 0x40
-	PTRACE_O_TRACEFORK                   = 0x2
-	PTRACE_O_TRACESECCOMP                = 0x80
-	PTRACE_O_TRACESYSGOOD                = 0x1
-	PTRACE_O_TRACEVFORK                  = 0x4
-	PTRACE_O_TRACEVFORKDONE              = 0x20
-	PTRACE_PEEKDATA                      = 0x2
-	PTRACE_PEEKSIGINFO                   = 0x4209
-	PTRACE_PEEKTEXT                      = 0x1
-	PTRACE_PEEKUSR                       = 0x3
-	PTRACE_POKEDATA                      = 0x5
-	PTRACE_POKETEXT                      = 0x4
-	PTRACE_POKEUSR                       = 0x6
-	PTRACE_READDATA                      = 0x10
-	PTRACE_READTEXT                      = 0x12
-	PTRACE_SECCOMP_GET_FILTER            = 0x420c
-	PTRACE_SEIZE                         = 0x4206
-	PTRACE_SETFPAREGS                    = 0x15
-	PTRACE_SETFPREGS                     = 0xf
-	PTRACE_SETFPREGS64                   = 0x1a
-	PTRACE_SETOPTIONS                    = 0x4200
-	PTRACE_SETREGS                       = 0xd
-	PTRACE_SETREGS64                     = 0x17
-	PTRACE_SETREGSET                     = 0x4205
-	PTRACE_SETSIGINFO                    = 0x4203
-	PTRACE_SETSIGMASK                    = 0x420b
-	PTRACE_SINGLESTEP                    = 0x9
-	PTRACE_SPARC_DETACH                  = 0xb
-	PTRACE_SYSCALL                       = 0x18
-	PTRACE_TRACEME                       = 0x0
-	PTRACE_WRITEDATA                     = 0x11
-	PTRACE_WRITETEXT                     = 0x13
-	PT_FP                                = 0x48
-	PT_G0                                = 0x10
-	PT_G1                                = 0x14
-	PT_G2                                = 0x18
-	PT_G3                                = 0x1c
-	PT_G4                                = 0x20
-	PT_G5                                = 0x24
-	PT_G6                                = 0x28
-	PT_G7                                = 0x2c
-	PT_I0                                = 0x30
-	PT_I1                                = 0x34
-	PT_I2                                = 0x38
-	PT_I3                                = 0x3c
-	PT_I4                                = 0x40
-	PT_I5                                = 0x44
-	PT_I6                                = 0x48
-	PT_I7                                = 0x4c
-	PT_NPC                               = 0x8
-	PT_PC                                = 0x4
-	PT_PSR                               = 0x0
-	PT_REGS_MAGIC                        = 0x57ac6c00
-	PT_TNPC                              = 0x90
-	PT_TPC                               = 0x88
-	PT_TSTATE                            = 0x80
-	PT_V9_FP                             = 0x70
-	PT_V9_G0                             = 0x0
-	PT_V9_G1                             = 0x8
-	PT_V9_G2                             = 0x10
-	PT_V9_G3                             = 0x18
-	PT_V9_G4                             = 0x20
-	PT_V9_G5                             = 0x28
-	PT_V9_G6                             = 0x30
-	PT_V9_G7                             = 0x38
-	PT_V9_I0                             = 0x40
-	PT_V9_I1                             = 0x48
-	PT_V9_I2                             = 0x50
-	PT_V9_I3                             = 0x58
-	PT_V9_I4                             = 0x60
-	PT_V9_I5                             = 0x68
-	PT_V9_I6                             = 0x70
-	PT_V9_I7                             = 0x78
-	PT_V9_MAGIC                          = 0x9c
-	PT_V9_TNPC                           = 0x90
-	PT_V9_TPC                            = 0x88
-	PT_V9_TSTATE                         = 0x80
-	PT_V9_Y                              = 0x98
-	PT_WIM                               = 0x10
-	PT_Y                                 = 0xc
-	QNX4_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0x2f
-	QNX6_SUPER_MAGIC                     = 0x68191122
-	RAMFS_MAGIC                          = 0x858458f6
-	RDTGROUP_SUPER_MAGIC                 = 0x7655821
-	REISERFS_SUPER_MAGIC                 = 0x52654973
-	RENAME_EXCHANGE                      = 0x2
-	RENAME_NOREPLACE                     = 0x1
-	RENAME_WHITEOUT                      = 0x4
-	RLIMIT_AS                            = 0x9
-	RLIMIT_CORE                          = 0x4
-	RLIMIT_CPU                           = 0x0
-	RLIMIT_DATA                          = 0x2
-	RLIMIT_FSIZE                         = 0x1
-	RLIMIT_LOCKS                         = 0xa
-	RLIMIT_MEMLOCK                       = 0x8
-	RLIMIT_MSGQUEUE                      = 0xc
-	RLIMIT_NICE                          = 0xd
-	RLIMIT_NOFILE                        = 0x6
-	RLIMIT_NPROC                         = 0x7
-	RLIMIT_RSS                           = 0x5
-	RLIMIT_RTPRIO                        = 0xe
-	RLIMIT_RTTIME                        = 0xf
-	RLIMIT_SIGPENDING                    = 0xb
-	RLIMIT_STACK                         = 0x3
-	RLIM_INFINITY                        = 0xffffffffffffffff
-	RNDADDENTROPY                        = 0x80085203
-	RNDADDTOENTCNT                       = 0x80045201
-	RNDCLEARPOOL                         = 0x20005206
-	RNDGETENTCNT                         = 0x40045200
-	RNDGETPOOL                           = 0x40085202
-	RNDRESEEDCRNG                        = 0x20005207
-	RNDZAPENTCNT                         = 0x20005204
-	RTAX_ADVMSS                          = 0x8
-	RTAX_CC_ALGO                         = 0x10
-	RTAX_CWND                            = 0x7
-	RTAX_FASTOPEN_NO_COOKIE              = 0x11
-	RTAX_FEATURES                        = 0xc
-	RTAX_FEATURE_ALLFRAG                 = 0x8
-	RTAX_FEATURE_ECN                     = 0x1
-	RTAX_FEATURE_MASK                    = 0xf
-	RTAX_FEATURE_SACK                    = 0x2
-	RTAX_FEATURE_TIMESTAMP               = 0x4
-	RTAX_HOPLIMIT                        = 0xa
-	RTAX_INITCWND                        = 0xb
-	RTAX_INITRWND                        = 0xe
-	RTAX_LOCK                            = 0x1
-	RTAX_MAX                             = 0x11
-	RTAX_MTU                             = 0x2
-	RTAX_QUICKACK                        = 0xf
-	RTAX_REORDERING                      = 0x9
-	RTAX_RTO_MIN                         = 0xd
-	RTAX_RTT                             = 0x4
-	RTAX_RTTVAR                          = 0x5
-	RTAX_SSTHRESH                        = 0x6
-	RTAX_UNSPEC                          = 0x0
-	RTAX_WINDOW                          = 0x3
-	RTA_ALIGNTO                          = 0x4
-	RTA_MAX                              = 0x1d
-	RTCF_DIRECTSRC                       = 0x4000000
-	RTCF_DOREDIRECT                      = 0x1000000
-	RTCF_LOG                             = 0x2000000
-	RTCF_MASQ                            = 0x400000
-	RTCF_NAT                             = 0x800000
-	RTCF_VALVE                           = 0x200000
-	RTC_AF                               = 0x20
-	RTC_AIE_OFF                          = 0x20007002
-	RTC_AIE_ON                           = 0x20007001
-	RTC_ALM_READ                         = 0x40247008
-	RTC_ALM_SET                          = 0x80247007
-	RTC_EPOCH_READ                       = 0x4008700d
-	RTC_EPOCH_SET                        = 0x8008700e
-	RTC_IRQF                             = 0x80
-	RTC_IRQP_READ                        = 0x4008700b
-	RTC_IRQP_SET                         = 0x8008700c
-	RTC_MAX_FREQ                         = 0x2000
-	RTC_PF                               = 0x40
-	RTC_PIE_OFF                          = 0x20007006
-	RTC_PIE_ON                           = 0x20007005
-	RTC_PLL_GET                          = 0x40207011
-	RTC_PLL_SET                          = 0x80207012
-	RTC_RD_TIME                          = 0x40247009
-	RTC_SET_TIME                         = 0x8024700a
-	RTC_UF                               = 0x10
-	RTC_UIE_OFF                          = 0x20007004
-	RTC_UIE_ON                           = 0x20007003
-	RTC_VL_CLR                           = 0x20007014
-	RTC_VL_READ                          = 0x40047013
-	RTC_WIE_OFF                          = 0x20007010
-	RTC_WIE_ON                           = 0x2000700f
-	RTC_WKALM_RD                         = 0x40287010
-	RTC_WKALM_SET                        = 0x8028700f
-	RTF_ADDRCLASSMASK                    = 0xf8000000
-	RTF_ADDRCONF                         = 0x40000
-	RTF_ALLONLINK                        = 0x20000
-	RTF_BROADCAST                        = 0x10000000
-	RTF_CACHE                            = 0x1000000
-	RTF_DEFAULT                          = 0x10000
-	RTF_DYNAMIC                          = 0x10
-	RTF_FLOW                             = 0x2000000
-	RTF_GATEWAY                          = 0x2
-	RTF_HOST                             = 0x4
-	RTF_INTERFACE                        = 0x40000000
-	RTF_IRTT                             = 0x100
-	RTF_LINKRT                           = 0x100000
-	RTF_LOCAL                            = 0x80000000
-	RTF_MODIFIED                         = 0x20
-	RTF_MSS                              = 0x40
-	RTF_MTU                              = 0x40
-	RTF_MULTICAST                        = 0x20000000
-	RTF_NAT                              = 0x8000000
-	RTF_NOFORWARD                        = 0x1000
-	RTF_NONEXTHOP                        = 0x200000
-	RTF_NOPMTUDISC                       = 0x4000
-	RTF_POLICY                           = 0x4000000
-	RTF_REINSTATE                        = 0x8
-	RTF_REJECT                           = 0x200
-	RTF_STATIC                           = 0x400
-	RTF_THROW                            = 0x2000
-	RTF_UP                               = 0x1
-	RTF_WINDOW                           = 0x80
-	RTF_XRESOLVE                         = 0x800
-	RTM_BASE                             = 0x10
-	RTM_DELACTION                        = 0x31
-	RTM_DELADDR                          = 0x15
-	RTM_DELADDRLABEL                     = 0x49
-	RTM_DELCHAIN                         = 0x65
-	RTM_DELLINK                          = 0x11
-	RTM_DELMDB                           = 0x55
-	RTM_DELNEIGH                         = 0x1d
-	RTM_DELNETCONF                       = 0x51
-	RTM_DELNSID                          = 0x59
-	RTM_DELQDISC                         = 0x25
-	RTM_DELROUTE                         = 0x19
-	RTM_DELRULE                          = 0x21
-	RTM_DELTCLASS                        = 0x29
-	RTM_DELTFILTER                       = 0x2d
-	RTM_F_CLONED                         = 0x200
-	RTM_F_EQUALIZE                       = 0x400
-	RTM_F_FIB_MATCH                      = 0x2000
-	RTM_F_LOOKUP_TABLE                   = 0x1000
-	RTM_F_NOTIFY                         = 0x100
-	RTM_F_PREFIX                         = 0x800
-	RTM_GETACTION                        = 0x32
-	RTM_GETADDR                          = 0x16
-	RTM_GETADDRLABEL                     = 0x4a
-	RTM_GETANYCAST                       = 0x3e
-	RTM_GETCHAIN                         = 0x66
-	RTM_GETDCB                           = 0x4e
-	RTM_GETLINK                          = 0x12
-	RTM_GETMDB                           = 0x56
-	RTM_GETMULTICAST                     = 0x3a
-	RTM_GETNEIGH                         = 0x1e
-	RTM_GETNEIGHTBL                      = 0x42
-	RTM_GETNETCONF                       = 0x52
-	RTM_GETNSID                          = 0x5a
-	RTM_GETQDISC                         = 0x26
-	RTM_GETROUTE                         = 0x1a
-	RTM_GETRULE                          = 0x22
-	RTM_GETSTATS                         = 0x5e
-	RTM_GETTCLASS                        = 0x2a
-	RTM_GETTFILTER                       = 0x2e
-	RTM_MAX                              = 0x67
-	RTM_NEWACTION                        = 0x30
-	RTM_NEWADDR                          = 0x14
-	RTM_NEWADDRLABEL                     = 0x48
-	RTM_NEWCACHEREPORT                   = 0x60
-	RTM_NEWCHAIN                         = 0x64
-	RTM_NEWLINK                          = 0x10
-	RTM_NEWMDB                           = 0x54
-	RTM_NEWNDUSEROPT                     = 0x44
-	RTM_NEWNEIGH                         = 0x1c
-	RTM_NEWNEIGHTBL                      = 0x40
-	RTM_NEWNETCONF                       = 0x50
-	RTM_NEWNSID                          = 0x58
-	RTM_NEWPREFIX                        = 0x34
-	RTM_NEWQDISC                         = 0x24
-	RTM_NEWROUTE                         = 0x18
-	RTM_NEWRULE                          = 0x20
-	RTM_NEWSTATS                         = 0x5c
-	RTM_NEWTCLASS                        = 0x28
-	RTM_NEWTFILTER                       = 0x2c
-	RTM_NR_FAMILIES                      = 0x16
-	RTM_NR_MSGTYPES                      = 0x58
-	RTM_SETDCB                           = 0x4f
-	RTM_SETLINK                          = 0x13
-	RTM_SETNEIGHTBL                      = 0x43
-	RTNH_ALIGNTO                         = 0x4
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-	RTNH_F_LINKDOWN                      = 0x10
-	RTNH_F_OFFLOAD                       = 0x8
-	RTNH_F_ONLINK                        = 0x4
-	RTNH_F_PERVASIVE                     = 0x2
-	RTNH_F_UNRESOLVED                    = 0x20
-	RTN_MAX                              = 0xb
-	RTPROT_BABEL                         = 0x2a
-	RTPROT_BGP                           = 0xba
-	RTPROT_BIRD                          = 0xc
-	RTPROT_BOOT                          = 0x3
-	RTPROT_DHCP                          = 0x10
-	RTPROT_DNROUTED                      = 0xd
-	RTPROT_EIGRP                         = 0xc0
-	RTPROT_GATED                         = 0x8
-	RTPROT_ISIS                          = 0xbb
-	RTPROT_KERNEL                        = 0x2
-	RTPROT_MROUTED                       = 0x11
-	RTPROT_MRT                           = 0xa
-	RTPROT_NTK                           = 0xf
-	RTPROT_OSPF                          = 0xbc
-	RTPROT_RA                            = 0x9
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-	RTPROT_RIP                           = 0xbd
-	RTPROT_STATIC                        = 0x4
-	RTPROT_UNSPEC                        = 0x0
-	RTPROT_XORP                          = 0xe
-	RTPROT_ZEBRA                         = 0xb
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-	RT_CLASS_LOCAL                       = 0xff
-	RT_CLASS_MAIN                        = 0xfe
-	RT_CLASS_MAX                         = 0xff
-	RT_CLASS_UNSPEC                      = 0x0
-	RUSAGE_CHILDREN                      = -0x1
-	RUSAGE_SELF                          = 0x0
-	RUSAGE_THREAD                        = 0x1
-	SCM_CREDENTIALS                      = 0x2
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-	SCM_TIMESTAMPING                     = 0x23
-	SCM_TIMESTAMPING_PKTINFO             = 0x3c
-	SCM_TIMESTAMPNS                      = 0x21
-	SCM_TXTIME                           = 0x3f
-	SCM_WIFI_STATUS                      = 0x25
-	SC_LOG_FLUSH                         = 0x100000
-	SECCOMP_MODE_DISABLED                = 0x0
-	SECCOMP_MODE_FILTER                  = 0x2
-	SECCOMP_MODE_STRICT                  = 0x1
-	SECURITYFS_MAGIC                     = 0x73636673
-	SELINUX_MAGIC                        = 0xf97cff8c
-	SFD_CLOEXEC                          = 0x400000
-	SFD_NONBLOCK                         = 0x4000
-	SHUT_RD                              = 0x0
-	SHUT_RDWR                            = 0x2
-	SHUT_WR                              = 0x1
-	SIOCADDDLCI                          = 0x8980
-	SIOCADDMULTI                         = 0x8931
-	SIOCADDRT                            = 0x890b
-	SIOCATMARK                           = 0x8905
-	SIOCBONDCHANGEACTIVE                 = 0x8995
-	SIOCBONDENSLAVE                      = 0x8990
-	SIOCBONDINFOQUERY                    = 0x8994
-	SIOCBONDRELEASE                      = 0x8991
-	SIOCBONDSETHWADDR                    = 0x8992
-	SIOCBONDSLAVEINFOQUERY               = 0x8993
-	SIOCBRADDBR                          = 0x89a0
-	SIOCBRADDIF                          = 0x89a2
-	SIOCBRDELBR                          = 0x89a1
-	SIOCBRDELIF                          = 0x89a3
-	SIOCDARP                             = 0x8953
-	SIOCDELDLCI                          = 0x8981
-	SIOCDELMULTI                         = 0x8932
-	SIOCDELRT                            = 0x890c
-	SIOCDEVPRIVATE                       = 0x89f0
-	SIOCDIFADDR                          = 0x8936
-	SIOCDRARP                            = 0x8960
-	SIOCETHTOOL                          = 0x8946
-	SIOCGARP                             = 0x8954
-	SIOCGHWTSTAMP                        = 0x89b1
-	SIOCGIFADDR                          = 0x8915
-	SIOCGIFBR                            = 0x8940
-	SIOCGIFBRDADDR                       = 0x8919
-	SIOCGIFCONF                          = 0x8912
-	SIOCGIFCOUNT                         = 0x8938
-	SIOCGIFDSTADDR                       = 0x8917
-	SIOCGIFENCAP                         = 0x8925
-	SIOCGIFFLAGS                         = 0x8913
-	SIOCGIFHWADDR                        = 0x8927
-	SIOCGIFINDEX                         = 0x8933
-	SIOCGIFMAP                           = 0x8970
-	SIOCGIFMEM                           = 0x891f
-	SIOCGIFMETRIC                        = 0x891d
-	SIOCGIFMTU                           = 0x8921
-	SIOCGIFNAME                          = 0x8910
-	SIOCGIFNETMASK                       = 0x891b
-	SIOCGIFPFLAGS                        = 0x8935
-	SIOCGIFSLAVE                         = 0x8929
-	SIOCGIFTXQLEN                        = 0x8942
-	SIOCGIFVLAN                          = 0x8982
-	SIOCGMIIPHY                          = 0x8947
-	SIOCGMIIREG                          = 0x8948
-	SIOCGPGRP                            = 0x8904
-	SIOCGPPPCSTATS                       = 0x89f2
-	SIOCGPPPSTATS                        = 0x89f0
-	SIOCGPPPVER                          = 0x89f1
-	SIOCGRARP                            = 0x8961
-	SIOCGSKNS                            = 0x894c
-	SIOCGSTAMP                           = 0x8906
-	SIOCGSTAMPNS                         = 0x8907
-	SIOCGSTAMPNS_NEW                     = 0x40108907
-	SIOCGSTAMPNS_OLD                     = 0x8907
-	SIOCGSTAMP_NEW                       = 0x40108906
-	SIOCGSTAMP_OLD                       = 0x8906
-	SIOCINQ                              = 0x4004667f
-	SIOCOUTQ                             = 0x40047473
-	SIOCOUTQNSD                          = 0x894b
-	SIOCPROTOPRIVATE                     = 0x89e0
-	SIOCRTMSG                            = 0x890d
-	SIOCSARP                             = 0x8955
-	SIOCSHWTSTAMP                        = 0x89b0
-	SIOCSIFADDR                          = 0x8916
-	SIOCSIFBR                            = 0x8941
-	SIOCSIFBRDADDR                       = 0x891a
-	SIOCSIFDSTADDR                       = 0x8918
-	SIOCSIFENCAP                         = 0x8926
-	SIOCSIFFLAGS                         = 0x8914
-	SIOCSIFHWADDR                        = 0x8924
-	SIOCSIFHWBROADCAST                   = 0x8937
-	SIOCSIFLINK                          = 0x8911
-	SIOCSIFMAP                           = 0x8971
-	SIOCSIFMEM                           = 0x8920
-	SIOCSIFMETRIC                        = 0x891e
-	SIOCSIFMTU                           = 0x8922
-	SIOCSIFNAME                          = 0x8923
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-	SIOCSIFSLAVE                         = 0x8930
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-	SIOCSIFVLAN                          = 0x8983
-	SIOCSMIIREG                          = 0x8949
-	SIOCSPGRP                            = 0x8902
-	SIOCSRARP                            = 0x8962
-	SIOCWANDEV                           = 0x894a
-	SMACK_MAGIC                          = 0x43415d53
-	SMART_AUTOSAVE                       = 0xd2
-	SMART_AUTO_OFFLINE                   = 0xdb
-	SMART_DISABLE                        = 0xd9
-	SMART_ENABLE                         = 0xd8
-	SMART_HCYL_PASS                      = 0xc2
-	SMART_IMMEDIATE_OFFLINE              = 0xd4
-	SMART_LCYL_PASS                      = 0x4f
-	SMART_READ_LOG_SECTOR                = 0xd5
-	SMART_READ_THRESHOLDS                = 0xd1
-	SMART_READ_VALUES                    = 0xd0
-	SMART_SAVE                           = 0xd3
-	SMART_STATUS                         = 0xda
-	SMART_WRITE_LOG_SECTOR               = 0xd6
-	SMART_WRITE_THRESHOLDS               = 0xd7
-	SMB_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x517b
-	SOCKFS_MAGIC                         = 0x534f434b
-	SOCK_CLOEXEC                         = 0x400000
-	SOCK_DCCP                            = 0x6
-	SOCK_DGRAM                           = 0x2
-	SOCK_IOC_TYPE                        = 0x89
-	SOCK_NONBLOCK                        = 0x4000
-	SOCK_PACKET                          = 0xa
-	SOCK_RAW                             = 0x3
-	SOCK_RDM                             = 0x4
-	SOCK_SEQPACKET                       = 0x5
-	SOCK_STREAM                          = 0x1
-	SOL_AAL                              = 0x109
-	SOL_ALG                              = 0x117
-	SOL_ATM                              = 0x108
-	SOL_CAIF                             = 0x116
-	SOL_CAN_BASE                         = 0x64
-	SOL_DCCP                             = 0x10d
-	SOL_DECNET                           = 0x105
-	SOL_ICMPV6                           = 0x3a
-	SOL_IP                               = 0x0
-	SOL_IPV6                             = 0x29
-	SOL_IRDA                             = 0x10a
-	SOL_IUCV                             = 0x115
-	SOL_KCM                              = 0x119
-	SOL_LLC                              = 0x10c
-	SOL_NETBEUI                          = 0x10b
-	SOL_NETLINK                          = 0x10e
-	SOL_NFC                              = 0x118
-	SOL_PACKET                           = 0x107
-	SOL_PNPIPE                           = 0x113
-	SOL_PPPOL2TP                         = 0x111
-	SOL_RAW                              = 0xff
-	SOL_RDS                              = 0x114
-	SOL_RXRPC                            = 0x110
-	SOL_SOCKET                           = 0xffff
-	SOL_TCP                              = 0x6
-	SOL_TIPC                             = 0x10f
-	SOL_TLS                              = 0x11a
-	SOL_X25                              = 0x106
-	SOL_XDP                              = 0x11b
-	SOMAXCONN                            = 0x80
-	SO_ACCEPTCONN                        = 0x8000
-	SO_ATTACH_BPF                        = 0x34
-	SO_ATTACH_FILTER                     = 0x1a
-	SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_CBPF             = 0x35
-	SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_EBPF             = 0x36
-	SO_BINDTODEVICE                      = 0xd
-	SO_BINDTOIFINDEX                     = 0x41
-	SO_BPF_EXTENSIONS                    = 0x32
-	SO_BROADCAST                         = 0x20
-	SO_BSDCOMPAT                         = 0x400
-	SO_BUSY_POLL                         = 0x30
-	SO_CNX_ADVICE                        = 0x37
-	SO_COOKIE                            = 0x3b
-	SO_DEBUG                             = 0x1
-	SO_DETACH_BPF                        = 0x1b
-	SO_DETACH_FILTER                     = 0x1b
-	SO_DOMAIN                            = 0x1029
-	SO_DONTROUTE                         = 0x10
-	SO_EE_CODE_TXTIME_MISSED             = 0x2
-	SO_EE_CODE_ZEROCOPY_COPIED           = 0x1
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_ICMP                    = 0x2
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_ICMP6                   = 0x3
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_LOCAL                   = 0x1
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_NONE                    = 0x0
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_TIMESTAMPING            = 0x4
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_TXSTATUS                = 0x4
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_TXTIME                  = 0x6
-	SO_EE_ORIGIN_ZEROCOPY                = 0x5
-	SO_ERROR                             = 0x1007
-	SO_GET_FILTER                        = 0x1a
-	SO_INCOMING_CPU                      = 0x33
-	SO_INCOMING_NAPI_ID                  = 0x3a
-	SO_KEEPALIVE                         = 0x8
-	SO_LINGER                            = 0x80
-	SO_LOCK_FILTER                       = 0x28
-	SO_MARK                              = 0x22
-	SO_MAX_PACING_RATE                   = 0x31
-	SO_MEMINFO                           = 0x39
-	SO_NOFCS                             = 0x27
-	SO_NO_CHECK                          = 0xb
-	SO_OOBINLINE                         = 0x100
-	SO_PASSCRED                          = 0x2
-	SO_PASSSEC                           = 0x1f
-	SO_PEEK_OFF                          = 0x26
-	SO_PEERCRED                          = 0x40
-	SO_PEERGROUPS                        = 0x3d
-	SO_PEERNAME                          = 0x1c
-	SO_PEERSEC                           = 0x1e
-	SO_PRIORITY                          = 0xc
-	SO_PROTOCOL                          = 0x1028
-	SO_RCVBUF                            = 0x1002
-	SO_RCVBUFFORCE                       = 0x100b
-	SO_RCVLOWAT                          = 0x800
-	SO_RCVTIMEO                          = 0x2000
-	SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW                      = 0x44
-	SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD                      = 0x2000
-	SO_REUSEADDR                         = 0x4
-	SO_REUSEPORT                         = 0x200
-	SO_RXQ_OVFL                          = 0x24
-	SO_SELECT_ERR_QUEUE                  = 0x29
-	SO_SNDBUF                            = 0x1001
-	SO_SNDBUFFORCE                       = 0x100a
-	SO_SNDLOWAT                          = 0x1000
-	SO_SNDTIMEO                          = 0x4000
-	SO_SNDTIMEO_NEW                      = 0x45
-	SO_SNDTIMEO_OLD                      = 0x4000
-	SO_TIMESTAMP                         = 0x1d
-	SO_TIMESTAMPING                      = 0x23
-	SO_TIMESTAMPING_NEW                  = 0x43
-	SO_TIMESTAMPING_OLD                  = 0x23
-	SO_TIMESTAMPNS                       = 0x21
-	SO_TIMESTAMPNS_NEW                   = 0x42
-	SO_TIMESTAMPNS_OLD                   = 0x21
-	SO_TIMESTAMP_NEW                     = 0x46
-	SO_TIMESTAMP_OLD                     = 0x1d
-	SO_TXTIME                            = 0x3f
-	SO_TYPE                              = 0x1008
-	SO_VM_SOCKETS_BUFFER_SIZE            = 0x0
-	SO_VM_SOCKETS_TRUSTED                = 0x5
-	SO_WIFI_STATUS                       = 0x25
-	SO_ZEROCOPY                          = 0x3e
-	SPLICE_F_GIFT                        = 0x8
-	SPLICE_F_MORE                        = 0x4
-	SPLICE_F_MOVE                        = 0x1
-	SPLICE_F_NONBLOCK                    = 0x2
-	SQUASHFS_MAGIC                       = 0x73717368
-	STACK_END_MAGIC                      = 0x57ac6e9d
-	STATX_ALL                            = 0xfff
-	STATX_ATIME                          = 0x20
-	STATX_ATTR_APPEND                    = 0x20
-	STATX_ATTR_AUTOMOUNT                 = 0x1000
-	STATX_ATTR_COMPRESSED                = 0x4
-	STATX_ATTR_ENCRYPTED                 = 0x800
-	STATX_ATTR_IMMUTABLE                 = 0x10
-	STATX_ATTR_NODUMP                    = 0x40
-	STATX_BASIC_STATS                    = 0x7ff
-	STATX_BLOCKS                         = 0x400
-	STATX_BTIME                          = 0x800
-	STATX_CTIME                          = 0x80
-	STATX_GID                            = 0x10
-	STATX_INO                            = 0x100
-	STATX_MODE                           = 0x2
-	STATX_MTIME                          = 0x40
-	STATX_NLINK                          = 0x4
-	STATX_SIZE                           = 0x200
-	STATX_TYPE                           = 0x1
-	STATX_UID                            = 0x8
-	STATX__RESERVED                      = 0x80000000
-	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WAIT_AFTER           = 0x4
-	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WRITE                = 0x2
-	SYSFS_MAGIC                          = 0x62656572
-	S_BLKSIZE                            = 0x200
-	S_IEXEC                              = 0x40
-	S_IFBLK                              = 0x6000
-	S_IFCHR                              = 0x2000
-	S_IFDIR                              = 0x4000
-	S_IFIFO                              = 0x1000
-	S_IFLNK                              = 0xa000
-	S_IFMT                               = 0xf000
-	S_IFREG                              = 0x8000
-	S_IFSOCK                             = 0xc000
-	S_IREAD                              = 0x100
-	S_IRGRP                              = 0x20
-	S_IROTH                              = 0x4
-	S_IRUSR                              = 0x100
-	S_IRWXG                              = 0x38
-	S_IRWXO                              = 0x7
-	S_IRWXU                              = 0x1c0
-	S_ISGID                              = 0x400
-	S_ISUID                              = 0x800
-	S_ISVTX                              = 0x200
-	S_IWGRP                              = 0x10
-	S_IWOTH                              = 0x2
-	S_IWRITE                             = 0x80
-	S_IWUSR                              = 0x80
-	S_IXGRP                              = 0x8
-	S_IXOTH                              = 0x1
-	S_IXUSR                              = 0x40
-	TAB0                                 = 0x0
-	TAB1                                 = 0x800
-	TAB2                                 = 0x1000
-	TAB3                                 = 0x1800
-	TABDLY                               = 0x1800
-	TASKSTATS_CMD_ATTR_MAX               = 0x4
-	TASKSTATS_CMD_MAX                    = 0x2
-	TASKSTATS_GENL_NAME                  = "TASKSTATS"
-	TASKSTATS_GENL_VERSION               = 0x1
-	TASKSTATS_TYPE_MAX                   = 0x6
-	TASKSTATS_VERSION                    = 0x9
-	TCFLSH                               = 0x20005407
-	TCGETA                               = 0x40125401
-	TCGETS                               = 0x40245408
-	TCGETS2                              = 0x402c540c
-	TCIFLUSH                             = 0x0
-	TCIOFF                               = 0x2
-	TCIOFLUSH                            = 0x2
-	TCION                                = 0x3
-	TCOFLUSH                             = 0x1
-	TCOOFF                               = 0x0
-	TCOON                                = 0x1
-	TCP_BPF_IW                           = 0x3e9
-	TCP_BPF_SNDCWND_CLAMP                = 0x3ea
-	TCP_CC_INFO                          = 0x1a
-	TCP_CM_INQ                           = 0x24
-	TCP_CONGESTION                       = 0xd
-	TCP_COOKIE_IN_ALWAYS                 = 0x1
-	TCP_COOKIE_MAX                       = 0x10
-	TCP_COOKIE_MIN                       = 0x8
-	TCP_COOKIE_OUT_NEVER                 = 0x2
-	TCP_COOKIE_PAIR_SIZE                 = 0x20
-	TCP_COOKIE_TRANSACTIONS              = 0xf
-	TCP_CORK                             = 0x3
-	TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT                     = 0x9
-	TCP_FASTOPEN                         = 0x17
-	TCP_FASTOPEN_CONNECT                 = 0x1e
-	TCP_FASTOPEN_KEY                     = 0x21
-	TCP_FASTOPEN_NO_COOKIE               = 0x22
-	TCP_INFO                             = 0xb
-	TCP_INQ                              = 0x24
-	TCP_KEEPCNT                          = 0x6
-	TCP_KEEPIDLE                         = 0x4
-	TCP_KEEPINTVL                        = 0x5
-	TCP_LINGER2                          = 0x8
-	TCP_MAXSEG                           = 0x2
-	TCP_MAXWIN                           = 0xffff
-	TCP_MAX_WINSHIFT                     = 0xe
-	TCP_MD5SIG                           = 0xe
-	TCP_MD5SIG_EXT                       = 0x20
-	TCP_MD5SIG_FLAG_PREFIX               = 0x1
-	TCP_MD5SIG_MAXKEYLEN                 = 0x50
-	TCP_MSS                              = 0x200
-	TCP_MSS_DEFAULT                      = 0x218
-	TCP_MSS_DESIRED                      = 0x4c4
-	TCP_NODELAY                          = 0x1
-	TCP_NOTSENT_LOWAT                    = 0x19
-	TCP_QUEUE_SEQ                        = 0x15
-	TCP_QUICKACK                         = 0xc
-	TCP_REPAIR                           = 0x13
-	TCP_REPAIR_OFF                       = 0x0
-	TCP_REPAIR_OFF_NO_WP                 = -0x1
-	TCP_REPAIR_ON                        = 0x1
-	TCP_REPAIR_OPTIONS                   = 0x16
-	TCP_REPAIR_QUEUE                     = 0x14
-	TCP_REPAIR_WINDOW                    = 0x1d
-	TCP_SAVED_SYN                        = 0x1c
-	TCP_SAVE_SYN                         = 0x1b
-	TCP_SYNCNT                           = 0x7
-	TCP_S_DATA_IN                        = 0x4
-	TCP_S_DATA_OUT                       = 0x8
-	TCP_THIN_DUPACK                      = 0x11
-	TCP_THIN_LINEAR_TIMEOUTS             = 0x10
-	TCP_TIMESTAMP                        = 0x18
-	TCP_ULP                              = 0x1f
-	TCP_USER_TIMEOUT                     = 0x12
-	TCP_WINDOW_CLAMP                     = 0xa
-	TCP_ZEROCOPY_RECEIVE                 = 0x23
-	TCSAFLUSH                            = 0x2
-	TCSBRK                               = 0x20005405
-	TCSBRKP                              = 0x5425
-	TCSETA                               = 0x80125402
-	TCSETAF                              = 0x80125404
-	TCSETAW                              = 0x80125403
-	TCSETS                               = 0x80245409
-	TCSETS2                              = 0x802c540d
-	TCSETSF                              = 0x8024540b
-	TCSETSF2                             = 0x802c540f
-	TCSETSW                              = 0x8024540a
-	TCSETSW2                             = 0x802c540e
-	TCXONC                               = 0x20005406
-	TIMER_ABSTIME                        = 0x1
-	TIOCCBRK                             = 0x2000747a
-	TIOCCONS                             = 0x20007424
-	TIOCEXCL                             = 0x2000740d
-	TIOCGDEV                             = 0x40045432
-	TIOCGETD                             = 0x40047400
-	TIOCGEXCL                            = 0x40045440
-	TIOCGICOUNT                          = 0x545d
-	TIOCGISO7816                         = 0x40285443
-	TIOCGLCKTRMIOS                       = 0x5456
-	TIOCGPGRP                            = 0x40047483
-	TIOCGPKT                             = 0x40045438
-	TIOCGPTLCK                           = 0x40045439
-	TIOCGPTN                             = 0x40047486
-	TIOCGPTPEER                          = 0x20007489
-	TIOCGRS485                           = 0x40205441
-	TIOCGSERIAL                          = 0x541e
-	TIOCGSID                             = 0x40047485
-	TIOCGSOFTCAR                         = 0x40047464
-	TIOCGWINSZ                           = 0x40087468
-	TIOCINQ                              = 0x4004667f
-	TIOCLINUX                            = 0x541c
-	TIOCMBIC                             = 0x8004746b
-	TIOCMBIS                             = 0x8004746c
-	TIOCMGET                             = 0x4004746a
-	TIOCMIWAIT                           = 0x545c
-	TIOCMSET                             = 0x8004746d
-	TIOCM_CAR                            = 0x40
-	TIOCM_CD                             = 0x40
-	TIOCM_CTS                            = 0x20
-	TIOCM_DSR                            = 0x100
-	TIOCM_DTR                            = 0x2
-	TIOCM_LE                             = 0x1
-	TIOCM_RI                             = 0x80
-	TIOCM_RNG                            = 0x80
-	TIOCM_RTS                            = 0x4
-	TIOCM_SR                             = 0x10
-	TIOCM_ST                             = 0x8
-	TIOCNOTTY                            = 0x20007471
-	TIOCNXCL                             = 0x2000740e
-	TIOCOUTQ                             = 0x40047473
-	TIOCPKT                              = 0x80047470
-	TIOCPKT_DATA                         = 0x0
-	TIOCPKT_DOSTOP                       = 0x20
-	TIOCPKT_FLUSHREAD                    = 0x1
-	TIOCPKT_FLUSHWRITE                   = 0x2
-	TIOCPKT_IOCTL                        = 0x40
-	TIOCPKT_NOSTOP                       = 0x10
-	TIOCPKT_START                        = 0x8
-	TIOCPKT_STOP                         = 0x4
-	TIOCSBRK                             = 0x2000747b
-	TIOCSCTTY                            = 0x20007484
-	TIOCSERCONFIG                        = 0x5453
-	TIOCSERGETLSR                        = 0x5459
-	TIOCSERGETMULTI                      = 0x545a
-	TIOCSERGSTRUCT                       = 0x5458
-	TIOCSERGWILD                         = 0x5454
-	TIOCSERSETMULTI                      = 0x545b
-	TIOCSERSWILD                         = 0x5455
-	TIOCSETD                             = 0x80047401
-	TIOCSIG                              = 0x80047488
-	TIOCSISO7816                         = 0xc0285444
-	TIOCSLCKTRMIOS                       = 0x5457
-	TIOCSPGRP                            = 0x80047482
-	TIOCSPTLCK                           = 0x80047487
-	TIOCSRS485                           = 0xc0205442
-	TIOCSSERIAL                          = 0x541f
-	TIOCSSOFTCAR                         = 0x80047465
-	TIOCSTART                            = 0x2000746e
-	TIOCSTI                              = 0x80017472
-	TIOCSTOP                             = 0x2000746f
-	TIOCSWINSZ                           = 0x80087467
-	TIOCVHANGUP                          = 0x20005437
-	TMPFS_MAGIC                          = 0x1021994
-	TOSTOP                               = 0x100
-	TPACKET_ALIGNMENT                    = 0x10
-	TPACKET_HDRLEN                       = 0x34
-	TP_STATUS_AVAILABLE                  = 0x0
-	TP_STATUS_BLK_TMO                    = 0x20
-	TP_STATUS_COPY                       = 0x2
-	TP_STATUS_CSUMNOTREADY               = 0x8
-	TP_STATUS_CSUM_VALID                 = 0x80
-	TP_STATUS_KERNEL                     = 0x0
-	TP_STATUS_LOSING                     = 0x4
-	TP_STATUS_SENDING                    = 0x2
-	TP_STATUS_SEND_REQUEST               = 0x1
-	TP_STATUS_TS_RAW_HARDWARE            = -0x80000000
-	TP_STATUS_TS_SOFTWARE                = 0x20000000
-	TP_STATUS_TS_SYS_HARDWARE            = 0x40000000
-	TP_STATUS_USER                       = 0x1
-	TP_STATUS_VLAN_TPID_VALID            = 0x40
-	TP_STATUS_VLAN_VALID                 = 0x10
-	TP_STATUS_WRONG_FORMAT               = 0x4
-	TRACEFS_MAGIC                        = 0x74726163
-	TS_COMM_LEN                          = 0x20
-	TUNATTACHFILTER                      = 0x801054d5
-	TUNDETACHFILTER                      = 0x801054d6
-	TUNGETDEVNETNS                       = 0x200054e3
-	TUNGETFEATURES                       = 0x400454cf
-	TUNGETFILTER                         = 0x401054db
-	TUNGETIFF                            = 0x400454d2
-	TUNGETSNDBUF                         = 0x400454d3
-	TUNGETVNETBE                         = 0x400454df
-	TUNGETVNETHDRSZ                      = 0x400454d7
-	TUNGETVNETLE                         = 0x400454dd
-	TUNSETCARRIER                        = 0x800454e2
-	TUNSETDEBUG                          = 0x800454c9
-	TUNSETFILTEREBPF                     = 0x400454e1
-	TUNSETGROUP                          = 0x800454ce
-	TUNSETIFF                            = 0x800454ca
-	TUNSETIFINDEX                        = 0x800454da
-	TUNSETLINK                           = 0x800454cd
-	TUNSETNOCSUM                         = 0x800454c8
-	TUNSETOFFLOAD                        = 0x800454d0
-	TUNSETOWNER                          = 0x800454cc
-	TUNSETPERSIST                        = 0x800454cb
-	TUNSETQUEUE                          = 0x800454d9
-	TUNSETSNDBUF                         = 0x800454d4
-	TUNSETSTEERINGEBPF                   = 0x400454e0
-	TUNSETTXFILTER                       = 0x800454d1
-	TUNSETVNETBE                         = 0x800454de
-	TUNSETVNETHDRSZ                      = 0x800454d8
-	TUNSETVNETLE                         = 0x800454dc
-	UBI_IOCATT                           = 0x80186f40
-	UBI_IOCDET                           = 0x80046f41
-	UBI_IOCEBCH                          = 0x80044f02
-	UBI_IOCEBER                          = 0x80044f01
-	UBI_IOCEBISMAP                       = 0x40044f05
-	UBI_IOCEBMAP                         = 0x80084f03
-	UBI_IOCEBUNMAP                       = 0x80044f04
-	UBI_IOCMKVOL                         = 0x80986f00
-	UBI_IOCRMVOL                         = 0x80046f01
-	UBI_IOCRNVOL                         = 0x91106f03
-	UBI_IOCRPEB                          = 0x80046f04
-	UBI_IOCRSVOL                         = 0x800c6f02
-	UBI_IOCSETVOLPROP                    = 0x80104f06
-	UBI_IOCSPEB                          = 0x80046f05
-	UBI_IOCVOLCRBLK                      = 0x80804f07
-	UBI_IOCVOLRMBLK                      = 0x20004f08
-	UBI_IOCVOLUP                         = 0x80084f00
-	UDF_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x15013346
-	UMOUNT_NOFOLLOW                      = 0x8
-	USBDEVICE_SUPER_MAGIC                = 0x9fa2
-	UTIME_NOW                            = 0x3fffffff
-	UTIME_OMIT                           = 0x3ffffffe
-	V9FS_MAGIC                           = 0x1021997
-	VDISCARD                             = 0xd
-	VEOF                                 = 0x4
-	VEOL                                 = 0xb
-	VEOL2                                = 0x10
-	VERASE                               = 0x2
-	VINTR                                = 0x0
-	VKILL                                = 0x3
-	VLNEXT                               = 0xf
-	VMADDR_CID_ANY                       = 0xffffffff
-	VMADDR_CID_HOST                      = 0x2
-	VMADDR_CID_HYPERVISOR                = 0x0
-	VMADDR_CID_RESERVED                  = 0x1
-	VMADDR_PORT_ANY                      = 0xffffffff
-	VMIN                                 = 0x6
-	VM_SOCKETS_INVALID_VERSION           = 0xffffffff
-	VQUIT                                = 0x1
-	VREPRINT                             = 0xc
-	VSTART                               = 0x8
-	VSTOP                                = 0x9
-	VSUSP                                = 0xa
-	VSWTC                                = 0x7
-	VT0                                  = 0x0
-	VT1                                  = 0x4000
-	VTDLY                                = 0x4000
-	VTIME                                = 0x5
-	VWERASE                              = 0xe
-	WALL                                 = 0x40000000
-	WCLONE                               = 0x80000000
-	WCONTINUED                           = 0x8
-	WDIOC_GETBOOTSTATUS                  = 0x40045702
-	WDIOC_GETPRETIMEOUT                  = 0x40045709
-	WDIOC_GETSTATUS                      = 0x40045701
-	WDIOC_GETSUPPORT                     = 0x40285700
-	WDIOC_GETTEMP                        = 0x40045703
-	WDIOC_GETTIMELEFT                    = 0x4004570a
-	WDIOC_GETTIMEOUT                     = 0x40045707
-	WDIOC_KEEPALIVE                      = 0x40045705
-	WDIOC_SETOPTIONS                     = 0x40045704
-	WDIOC_SETPRETIMEOUT                  = 0xc0045708
-	WDIOC_SETTIMEOUT                     = 0xc0045706
-	WEXITED                              = 0x4
-	WIN_ACKMEDIACHANGE                   = 0xdb
-	WIN_CHECKPOWERMODE1                  = 0xe5
-	WIN_CHECKPOWERMODE2                  = 0x98
-	WIN_DEVICE_RESET                     = 0x8
-	WIN_DIAGNOSE                         = 0x90
-	WIN_DOORLOCK                         = 0xde
-	WIN_DOORUNLOCK                       = 0xdf
-	WIN_DOWNLOAD_MICROCODE               = 0x92
-	WIN_FLUSH_CACHE                      = 0xe7
-	WIN_FLUSH_CACHE_EXT                  = 0xea
-	WIN_FORMAT                           = 0x50
-	WIN_GETMEDIASTATUS                   = 0xda
-	WIN_IDENTIFY                         = 0xec
-	WIN_IDENTIFY_DMA                     = 0xee
-	WIN_IDLEIMMEDIATE                    = 0xe1
-	WIN_INIT                             = 0x60
-	WIN_MEDIAEJECT                       = 0xed
-	WIN_MULTREAD                         = 0xc4
-	WIN_MULTREAD_EXT                     = 0x29
-	WIN_MULTWRITE                        = 0xc5
-	WIN_MULTWRITE_EXT                    = 0x39
-	WIN_NOP                              = 0x0
-	WIN_PACKETCMD                        = 0xa0
-	WIN_PIDENTIFY                        = 0xa1
-	WIN_POSTBOOT                         = 0xdc
-	WIN_PREBOOT                          = 0xdd
-	WIN_QUEUED_SERVICE                   = 0xa2
-	WIN_READ                             = 0x20
-	WIN_READDMA                          = 0xc8
-	WIN_READDMA_EXT                      = 0x25
-	WIN_READDMA_ONCE                     = 0xc9
-	WIN_READDMA_QUEUED                   = 0xc7
-	WIN_READDMA_QUEUED_EXT               = 0x26
-	WIN_READ_BUFFER                      = 0xe4
-	WIN_READ_EXT                         = 0x24
-	WIN_READ_LONG                        = 0x22
-	WIN_READ_LONG_ONCE                   = 0x23
-	WIN_READ_NATIVE_MAX                  = 0xf8
-	WIN_READ_NATIVE_MAX_EXT              = 0x27
-	WIN_READ_ONCE                        = 0x21
-	WIN_RECAL                            = 0x10
-	WIN_RESTORE                          = 0x10
-	WIN_SECURITY_DISABLE                 = 0xf6
-	WIN_SECURITY_ERASE_UNIT              = 0xf4
-	WIN_SECURITY_FREEZE_LOCK             = 0xf5
-	WIN_SECURITY_SET_PASS                = 0xf1
-	WIN_SECURITY_UNLOCK                  = 0xf2
-	WIN_SEEK                             = 0x70
-	WIN_SETFEATURES                      = 0xef
-	WIN_SETIDLE1                         = 0xe3
-	WIN_SETIDLE2                         = 0x97
-	WIN_SETMULT                          = 0xc6
-	WIN_SET_MAX                          = 0xf9
-	WIN_SET_MAX_EXT                      = 0x37
-	WIN_SLEEPNOW1                        = 0xe6
-	WIN_SLEEPNOW2                        = 0x99
-	WIN_SMART                            = 0xb0
-	WIN_SPECIFY                          = 0x91
-	WIN_SRST                             = 0x8
-	WIN_STANDBY                          = 0xe2
-	WIN_STANDBY2                         = 0x96
-	WIN_STANDBYNOW1                      = 0xe0
-	WIN_STANDBYNOW2                      = 0x94
-	WIN_VERIFY                           = 0x40
-	WIN_VERIFY_EXT                       = 0x42
-	WIN_VERIFY_ONCE                      = 0x41
-	WIN_WRITE                            = 0x30
-	WIN_WRITEDMA                         = 0xca
-	WIN_WRITEDMA_EXT                     = 0x35
-	WIN_WRITEDMA_ONCE                    = 0xcb
-	WIN_WRITEDMA_QUEUED                  = 0xcc
-	WIN_WRITEDMA_QUEUED_EXT              = 0x36
-	WIN_WRITE_BUFFER                     = 0xe8
-	WIN_WRITE_EXT                        = 0x34
-	WIN_WRITE_LONG                       = 0x32
-	WIN_WRITE_LONG_ONCE                  = 0x33
-	WIN_WRITE_ONCE                       = 0x31
-	WIN_WRITE_SAME                       = 0xe9
-	WIN_WRITE_VERIFY                     = 0x3c
-	WNOHANG                              = 0x1
-	WNOTHREAD                            = 0x20000000
-	WNOWAIT                              = 0x1000000
-	WORDSIZE                             = 0x40
-	WSTOPPED                             = 0x2
-	WUNTRACED                            = 0x2
-	XATTR_CREATE                         = 0x1
-	XATTR_REPLACE                        = 0x2
-	XCASE                                = 0x4
-	XDP_COPY                             = 0x2
-	XDP_FLAGS_DRV_MODE                   = 0x4
-	XDP_FLAGS_HW_MODE                    = 0x8
-	XDP_FLAGS_MASK                       = 0xf
-	XDP_FLAGS_MODES                      = 0xe
-	XDP_FLAGS_SKB_MODE                   = 0x2
-	XDP_MMAP_OFFSETS                     = 0x1
-	XDP_PACKET_HEADROOM                  = 0x100
-	XDP_PGOFF_RX_RING                    = 0x0
-	XDP_PGOFF_TX_RING                    = 0x80000000
-	XDP_RX_RING                          = 0x2
-	XDP_SHARED_UMEM                      = 0x1
-	XDP_STATISTICS                       = 0x7
-	XDP_TX_RING                          = 0x3
-	XDP_UMEM_COMPLETION_RING             = 0x6
-	XDP_UMEM_FILL_RING                   = 0x5
-	XDP_UMEM_PGOFF_COMPLETION_RING       = 0x180000000
-	XDP_UMEM_PGOFF_FILL_RING             = 0x100000000
-	XDP_UMEM_REG                         = 0x4
-	XDP_ZEROCOPY                         = 0x4
-	XENFS_SUPER_MAGIC                    = 0xabba1974
-	XFS_SUPER_MAGIC                      = 0x58465342
-	XTABS                                = 0x1800
-	ZSMALLOC_MAGIC                       = 0x58295829
-	__TIOCFLUSH                          = 0x80047410
+	AAFS_MAGIC                                  = 0x5a3c69f0
+	ADFS_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xadf5
+	AFFS_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xadff
+	AFS_FS_MAGIC                                = 0x6b414653
+	AFS_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x5346414f
+	AF_ALG                                      = 0x26
+	AF_APPLETALK                                = 0x5
+	AF_ASH                                      = 0x12
+	AF_ATMPVC                                   = 0x8
+	AF_ATMSVC                                   = 0x14
+	AF_AX25                                     = 0x3
+	AF_BLUETOOTH                                = 0x1f
+	AF_BRIDGE                                   = 0x7
+	AF_CAIF                                     = 0x25
+	AF_CAN                                      = 0x1d
+	AF_DECnet                                   = 0xc
+	AF_ECONET                                   = 0x13
+	AF_FILE                                     = 0x1
+	AF_IB                                       = 0x1b
+	AF_IEEE802154                               = 0x24
+	AF_INET                                     = 0x2
+	AF_INET6                                    = 0xa
+	AF_IPX                                      = 0x4
+	AF_IRDA                                     = 0x17
+	AF_ISDN                                     = 0x22
+	AF_IUCV                                     = 0x20
+	AF_KCM                                      = 0x29
+	AF_KEY                                      = 0xf
+	AF_LLC                                      = 0x1a
+	AF_LOCAL                                    = 0x1
+	AF_MAX                                      = 0x2d
+	AF_MPLS                                     = 0x1c
+	AF_NETBEUI                                  = 0xd
+	AF_NETLINK                                  = 0x10
+	AF_NETROM                                   = 0x6
+	AF_NFC                                      = 0x27
+	AF_PACKET                                   = 0x11
+	AF_PHONET                                   = 0x23
+	AF_PPPOX                                    = 0x18
+	AF_QIPCRTR                                  = 0x2a
+	AF_RDS                                      = 0x15
+	AF_ROSE                                     = 0xb
+	AF_ROUTE                                    = 0x10
+	AF_RXRPC                                    = 0x21
+	AF_SECURITY                                 = 0xe
+	AF_SMC                                      = 0x2b
+	AF_SNA                                      = 0x16
+	AF_TIPC                                     = 0x1e
+	AF_UNIX                                     = 0x1
+	AF_UNSPEC                                   = 0x0
+	AF_VSOCK                                    = 0x28
+	AF_WANPIPE                                  = 0x19
+	AF_X25                                      = 0x9
+	AF_XDP                                      = 0x2c
+	ALG_OP_DECRYPT                              = 0x0
+	ALG_OP_ENCRYPT                              = 0x1
+	ALG_SET_AEAD_ASSOCLEN                       = 0x4
+	ALG_SET_AEAD_AUTHSIZE                       = 0x5
+	ALG_SET_IV                                  = 0x2
+	ALG_SET_KEY                                 = 0x1
+	ALG_SET_OP                                  = 0x3
+	ANON_INODE_FS_MAGIC                         = 0x9041934
+	ARPHRD_6LOWPAN                              = 0x339
+	ARPHRD_ADAPT                                = 0x108
+	ARPHRD_APPLETLK                             = 0x8
+	ARPHRD_ARCNET                               = 0x7
+	ARPHRD_ASH                                  = 0x30d
+	ARPHRD_ATM                                  = 0x13
+	ARPHRD_AX25                                 = 0x3
+	ARPHRD_BIF                                  = 0x307
+	ARPHRD_CAIF                                 = 0x336
+	ARPHRD_CAN                                  = 0x118
+	ARPHRD_CHAOS                                = 0x5
+	ARPHRD_CISCO                                = 0x201
+	ARPHRD_CSLIP                                = 0x101
+	ARPHRD_CSLIP6                               = 0x103
+	ARPHRD_DDCMP                                = 0x205
+	ARPHRD_DLCI                                 = 0xf
+	ARPHRD_ECONET                               = 0x30e
+	ARPHRD_EETHER                               = 0x2
+	ARPHRD_ETHER                                = 0x1
+	ARPHRD_EUI64                                = 0x1b
+	ARPHRD_FCAL                                 = 0x311
+	ARPHRD_FCFABRIC                             = 0x313
+	ARPHRD_FCPL                                 = 0x312
+	ARPHRD_FCPP                                 = 0x310
+	ARPHRD_FDDI                                 = 0x306
+	ARPHRD_FRAD                                 = 0x302
+	ARPHRD_HDLC                                 = 0x201
+	ARPHRD_HIPPI                                = 0x30c
+	ARPHRD_HWX25                                = 0x110
+	ARPHRD_IEEE1394                             = 0x18
+	ARPHRD_IEEE802                              = 0x6
+	ARPHRD_IEEE80211                            = 0x321
+	ARPHRD_IEEE80211_PRISM                      = 0x322
+	ARPHRD_IEEE80211_RADIOTAP                   = 0x323
+	ARPHRD_IEEE802154                           = 0x324
+	ARPHRD_IEEE802154_MONITOR                   = 0x325
+	ARPHRD_IEEE802_TR                           = 0x320
+	ARPHRD_INFINIBAND                           = 0x20
+	ARPHRD_IP6GRE                               = 0x337
+	ARPHRD_IPDDP                                = 0x309
+	ARPHRD_IPGRE                                = 0x30a
+	ARPHRD_IRDA                                 = 0x30f
+	ARPHRD_LAPB                                 = 0x204
+	ARPHRD_LOCALTLK                             = 0x305
+	ARPHRD_LOOPBACK                             = 0x304
+	ARPHRD_METRICOM                             = 0x17
+	ARPHRD_NETLINK                              = 0x338
+	ARPHRD_NETROM                               = 0x0
+	ARPHRD_NONE                                 = 0xfffe
+	ARPHRD_PHONET                               = 0x334
+	ARPHRD_PHONET_PIPE                          = 0x335
+	ARPHRD_PIMREG                               = 0x30b
+	ARPHRD_PPP                                  = 0x200
+	ARPHRD_PRONET                               = 0x4
+	ARPHRD_RAWHDLC                              = 0x206
+	ARPHRD_RAWIP                                = 0x207
+	ARPHRD_ROSE                                 = 0x10e
+	ARPHRD_RSRVD                                = 0x104
+	ARPHRD_SIT                                  = 0x308
+	ARPHRD_SKIP                                 = 0x303
+	ARPHRD_SLIP                                 = 0x100
+	ARPHRD_SLIP6                                = 0x102
+	ARPHRD_TUNNEL                               = 0x300
+	ARPHRD_TUNNEL6                              = 0x301
+	ARPHRD_VOID                                 = 0xffff
+	ARPHRD_VSOCKMON                             = 0x33a
+	ARPHRD_X25                                  = 0x10f
+	ASI_LEON_DFLUSH                             = 0x11
+	ASI_LEON_IFLUSH                             = 0x10
+	ASI_LEON_MMUFLUSH                           = 0x18
+	AUTOFS_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0x187
+	B0                                          = 0x0
+	B1000000                                    = 0x1008
+	B110                                        = 0x3
+	B115200                                     = 0x1002
+	B1152000                                    = 0x1009
+	B1200                                       = 0x9
+	B134                                        = 0x4
+	B150                                        = 0x5
+	B1500000                                    = 0x100a
+	B1800                                       = 0xa
+	B19200                                      = 0xe
+	B200                                        = 0x6
+	B2000000                                    = 0x100b
+	B230400                                     = 0x1003
+	B2400                                       = 0xb
+	B2500000                                    = 0x100c
+	B300                                        = 0x7
+	B3000000                                    = 0x100d
+	B3500000                                    = 0x100e
+	B38400                                      = 0xf
+	B4000000                                    = 0x100f
+	B460800                                     = 0x1004
+	B4800                                       = 0xc
+	B50                                         = 0x1
+	B500000                                     = 0x1005
+	B57600                                      = 0x1001
+	B576000                                     = 0x1006
+	B600                                        = 0x8
+	B75                                         = 0x2
+	B921600                                     = 0x1007
+	B9600                                       = 0xd
+	BALLOON_KVM_MAGIC                           = 0x13661366
+	BDEVFS_MAGIC                                = 0x62646576
+	BINDERFS_SUPER_MAGIC                        = 0x6c6f6f70
+	BINFMTFS_MAGIC                              = 0x42494e4d
+	BLKBSZGET                                   = 0x40081270
+	BLKBSZSET                                   = 0x80081271
+	BLKFLSBUF                                   = 0x20001261
+	BLKFRAGET                                   = 0x20001265
+	BLKFRASET                                   = 0x20001264
+	BLKGETSIZE                                  = 0x20001260
+	BLKGETSIZE64                                = 0x40081272
+	BLKPBSZGET                                  = 0x2000127b
+	BLKRAGET                                    = 0x20001263
+	BLKRASET                                    = 0x20001262
+	BLKROGET                                    = 0x2000125e
+	BLKROSET                                    = 0x2000125d
+	BLKRRPART                                   = 0x2000125f
+	BLKSECTGET                                  = 0x20001267
+	BLKSECTSET                                  = 0x20001266
+	BLKSSZGET                                   = 0x20001268
+	BOTHER                                      = 0x1000
+	BPF_A                                       = 0x10
+	BPF_ABS                                     = 0x20
+	BPF_ADD                                     = 0x0
+	BPF_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L2_MASK                  = 0xff
+	BPF_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L2_SHIFT                 = 0x38
+	BPF_ALU                                     = 0x4
+	BPF_ALU64                                   = 0x7
+	BPF_AND                                     = 0x50
+	BPF_ANY                                     = 0x0
+	BPF_ARSH                                    = 0xc0
+	BPF_B                                       = 0x10
+	BPF_BUILD_ID_SIZE                           = 0x14
+	BPF_CALL                                    = 0x80
+	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_MKNOD                         = 0x1
+	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_READ                          = 0x2
+	BPF_DEVCG_ACC_WRITE                         = 0x4
+	BPF_DEVCG_DEV_BLOCK                         = 0x1
+	BPF_DEVCG_DEV_CHAR                          = 0x2
+	BPF_DIV                                     = 0x30
+	BPF_DW                                      = 0x18
+	BPF_END                                     = 0xd0
+	BPF_EXIST                                   = 0x2
+	BPF_EXIT                                    = 0x90
+	BPF_FROM_BE                                 = 0x8
+	BPF_FROM_LE                                 = 0x0
+	BPF_FS_MAGIC                                = 0xcafe4a11
+	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L3_IPV4                = 0x2
+	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L3_IPV6                = 0x4
+	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L4_GRE                 = 0x8
+	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L4_UDP                 = 0x10
+	BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_FIXED_GSO                    = 0x1
+	BPF_F_ALLOW_MULTI                           = 0x2
+	BPF_F_ALLOW_OVERRIDE                        = 0x1
+	BPF_F_ANY_ALIGNMENT                         = 0x2
+	BPF_F_CLONE                                 = 0x200
+	BPF_F_CTXLEN_MASK                           = 0xfffff00000000
+	BPF_F_CURRENT_CPU                           = 0xffffffff
+	BPF_F_CURRENT_NETNS                         = -0x1
+	BPF_F_DONT_FRAGMENT                         = 0x4
+	BPF_F_FAST_STACK_CMP                        = 0x200
+	BPF_F_HDR_FIELD_MASK                        = 0xf
+	BPF_F_INDEX_MASK                            = 0xffffffff
+	BPF_F_INGRESS                               = 0x1
+	BPF_F_INVALIDATE_HASH                       = 0x2
+	BPF_F_LOCK                                  = 0x4
+	BPF_F_MARK_ENFORCE                          = 0x40
+	BPF_F_MARK_MANGLED_0                        = 0x20
+	BPF_F_NO_COMMON_LRU                         = 0x2
+	BPF_F_NO_PREALLOC                           = 0x1
+	BPF_F_NUMA_NODE                             = 0x4
+	BPF_F_PSEUDO_HDR                            = 0x10
+	BPF_F_QUERY_EFFECTIVE                       = 0x1
+	BPF_F_RDONLY                                = 0x8
+	BPF_F_RDONLY_PROG                           = 0x80
+	BPF_F_RECOMPUTE_CSUM                        = 0x1
+	BPF_F_REUSE_STACKID                         = 0x400
+	BPF_F_SEQ_NUMBER                            = 0x8
+	BPF_F_SKIP_FIELD_MASK                       = 0xff
+	BPF_F_STACK_BUILD_ID                        = 0x20
+	BPF_F_STRICT_ALIGNMENT                      = 0x1
+	BPF_F_SYSCTL_BASE_NAME                      = 0x1
+	BPF_F_TEST_RND_HI32                         = 0x4
+	BPF_F_TEST_STATE_FREQ                       = 0x8
+	BPF_F_TUNINFO_IPV6                          = 0x1
+	BPF_F_USER_BUILD_ID                         = 0x800
+	BPF_F_USER_STACK                            = 0x100
+	BPF_F_WRONLY                                = 0x10
+	BPF_F_WRONLY_PROG                           = 0x100
+	BPF_F_ZERO_CSUM_TX                          = 0x2
+	BPF_F_ZERO_SEED                             = 0x40
+	BPF_H                                       = 0x8
+	BPF_IMM                                     = 0x0
+	BPF_IND                                     = 0x40
+	BPF_JA                                      = 0x0
+	BPF_JEQ                                     = 0x10
+	BPF_JGE                                     = 0x30
+	BPF_JGT                                     = 0x20
+	BPF_JLE                                     = 0xb0
+	BPF_JLT                                     = 0xa0
+	BPF_JMP                                     = 0x5
+	BPF_JMP32                                   = 0x6
+	BPF_JNE                                     = 0x50
+	BPF_JSET                                    = 0x40
+	BPF_JSGE                                    = 0x70
+	BPF_JSGT                                    = 0x60
+	BPF_JSLE                                    = 0xd0
+	BPF_JSLT                                    = 0xc0
+	BPF_K                                       = 0x0
+	BPF_LD                                      = 0x0
+	BPF_LDX                                     = 0x1
+	BPF_LEN                                     = 0x80
+	BPF_LL_OFF                                  = -0x200000
+	BPF_LSH                                     = 0x60
+	BPF_MAJOR_VERSION                           = 0x1
+	BPF_MAXINSNS                                = 0x1000
+	BPF_MEM                                     = 0x60
+	BPF_MEMWORDS                                = 0x10
+	BPF_MINOR_VERSION                           = 0x1
+	BPF_MISC                                    = 0x7
+	BPF_MOD                                     = 0x90
+	BPF_MOV                                     = 0xb0
+	BPF_MSH                                     = 0xa0
+	BPF_MUL                                     = 0x20
+	BPF_NEG                                     = 0x80
+	BPF_NET_OFF                                 = -0x100000
+	BPF_NOEXIST                                 = 0x1
+	BPF_OBJ_NAME_LEN                            = 0x10
+	BPF_OR                                      = 0x40
+	BPF_PSEUDO_CALL                             = 0x1
+	BPF_PSEUDO_MAP_FD                           = 0x1
+	BPF_PSEUDO_MAP_VALUE                        = 0x2
+	BPF_RET                                     = 0x6
+	BPF_RSH                                     = 0x70
+	BPF_SK_STORAGE_GET_F_CREATE                 = 0x1
+	BPF_SOCK_OPS_ALL_CB_FLAGS                   = 0xf
+	BPF_SOCK_OPS_RETRANS_CB_FLAG                = 0x2
+	BPF_SOCK_OPS_RTO_CB_FLAG                    = 0x1
+	BPF_SOCK_OPS_RTT_CB_FLAG                    = 0x8
+	BPF_SOCK_OPS_STATE_CB_FLAG                  = 0x4
+	BPF_ST                                      = 0x2
+	BPF_STX                                     = 0x3
+	BPF_SUB                                     = 0x10
+	BPF_TAG_SIZE                                = 0x8
+	BPF_TAX                                     = 0x0
+	BPF_TO_BE                                   = 0x8
+	BPF_TO_LE                                   = 0x0
+	BPF_TXA                                     = 0x80
+	BPF_W                                       = 0x0
+	BPF_X                                       = 0x8
+	BPF_XADD                                    = 0xc0
+	BPF_XOR                                     = 0xa0
+	BRKINT                                      = 0x2
+	BS0                                         = 0x0
+	BS1                                         = 0x2000
+	BSDLY                                       = 0x2000
+	BTRFS_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x9123683e
+	BTRFS_TEST_MAGIC                            = 0x73727279
+	CAN_BCM                                     = 0x2
+	CAN_EFF_FLAG                                = 0x80000000
+	CAN_EFF_ID_BITS                             = 0x1d
+	CAN_EFF_MASK                                = 0x1fffffff
+	CAN_ERR_FLAG                                = 0x20000000
+	CAN_ERR_MASK                                = 0x1fffffff
+	CAN_INV_FILTER                              = 0x20000000
+	CAN_ISOTP                                   = 0x6
+	CAN_J1939                                   = 0x7
+	CAN_MAX_DLC                                 = 0x8
+	CAN_MAX_DLEN                                = 0x8
+	CAN_MCNET                                   = 0x5
+	CAN_MTU                                     = 0x10
+	CAN_NPROTO                                  = 0x8
+	CAN_RAW                                     = 0x1
+	CAN_RAW_FILTER_MAX                          = 0x200
+	CAN_RTR_FLAG                                = 0x40000000
+	CAN_SFF_ID_BITS                             = 0xb
+	CAN_SFF_MASK                                = 0x7ff
+	CAN_TP16                                    = 0x3
+	CAN_TP20                                    = 0x4
+	CAP_AUDIT_CONTROL                           = 0x1e
+	CAP_AUDIT_READ                              = 0x25
+	CAP_AUDIT_WRITE                             = 0x1d
+	CAP_BLOCK_SUSPEND                           = 0x24
+	CAP_CHOWN                                   = 0x0
+	CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE                            = 0x1
+	CAP_DAC_READ_SEARCH                         = 0x2
+	CAP_FOWNER                                  = 0x3
+	CAP_FSETID                                  = 0x4
+	CAP_IPC_LOCK                                = 0xe
+	CAP_IPC_OWNER                               = 0xf
+	CAP_KILL                                    = 0x5
+	CAP_LAST_CAP                                = 0x25
+	CAP_LEASE                                   = 0x1c
+	CAP_LINUX_IMMUTABLE                         = 0x9
+	CAP_MAC_ADMIN                               = 0x21
+	CAP_MAC_OVERRIDE                            = 0x20
+	CAP_MKNOD                                   = 0x1b
+	CAP_NET_ADMIN                               = 0xc
+	CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE                        = 0xa
+	CAP_NET_BROADCAST                           = 0xb
+	CAP_NET_RAW                                 = 0xd
+	CAP_SETFCAP                                 = 0x1f
+	CAP_SETGID                                  = 0x6
+	CAP_SETPCAP                                 = 0x8
+	CAP_SETUID                                  = 0x7
+	CAP_SYSLOG                                  = 0x22
+	CAP_SYS_ADMIN                               = 0x15
+	CAP_SYS_BOOT                                = 0x16
+	CAP_SYS_CHROOT                              = 0x12
+	CAP_SYS_MODULE                              = 0x10
+	CAP_SYS_NICE                                = 0x17
+	CAP_SYS_PACCT                               = 0x14
+	CAP_SYS_PTRACE                              = 0x13
+	CAP_SYS_RAWIO                               = 0x11
+	CAP_SYS_RESOURCE                            = 0x18
+	CAP_SYS_TIME                                = 0x19
+	CAP_SYS_TTY_CONFIG                          = 0x1a
+	CAP_WAKE_ALARM                              = 0x23
+	CBAUD                                       = 0x100f
+	CBAUDEX                                     = 0x1000
+	CFLUSH                                      = 0xf
+	CGROUP2_SUPER_MAGIC                         = 0x63677270
+	CGROUP_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0x27e0eb
+	CIBAUD                                      = 0x100f0000
+	CLOCAL                                      = 0x800
+	CLOCK_BOOTTIME                              = 0x7
+	CLOCK_BOOTTIME_ALARM                        = 0x9
+	CLOCK_DEFAULT                               = 0x0
+	CLOCK_EXT                                   = 0x1
+	CLOCK_INT                                   = 0x2
+	CLOCK_MONOTONIC                             = 0x1
+	CLOCK_MONOTONIC_COARSE                      = 0x6
+	CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW                         = 0x4
+	CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID                    = 0x2
+	CLOCK_REALTIME                              = 0x0
+	CLOCK_REALTIME_ALARM                        = 0x8
+	CLOCK_REALTIME_COARSE                       = 0x5
+	CLOCK_TAI                                   = 0xb
+	CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID                     = 0x3
+	CLOCK_TXFROMRX                              = 0x4
+	CLOCK_TXINT                                 = 0x3
+	CLONE_ARGS_SIZE_VER0                        = 0x40
+	CLONE_CHILD_CLEARTID                        = 0x200000
+	CLONE_CHILD_SETTID                          = 0x1000000
+	CLONE_DETACHED                              = 0x400000
+	CLONE_FILES                                 = 0x400
+	CLONE_FS                                    = 0x200
+	CLONE_IO                                    = 0x80000000
+	CLONE_NEWCGROUP                             = 0x2000000
+	CLONE_NEWIPC                                = 0x8000000
+	CLONE_NEWNET                                = 0x40000000
+	CLONE_NEWNS                                 = 0x20000
+	CLONE_NEWPID                                = 0x20000000
+	CLONE_NEWUSER                               = 0x10000000
+	CLONE_NEWUTS                                = 0x4000000
+	CLONE_PARENT                                = 0x8000
+	CLONE_PARENT_SETTID                         = 0x100000
+	CLONE_PIDFD                                 = 0x1000
+	CLONE_PTRACE                                = 0x2000
+	CLONE_SETTLS                                = 0x80000
+	CLONE_SIGHAND                               = 0x800
+	CLONE_SYSVSEM                               = 0x40000
+	CLONE_THREAD                                = 0x10000
+	CLONE_UNTRACED                              = 0x800000
+	CLONE_VFORK                                 = 0x4000
+	CLONE_VM                                    = 0x100
+	CMSPAR                                      = 0x40000000
+	CODA_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0x73757245
+	CR0                                         = 0x0
+	CR1                                         = 0x200
+	CR2                                         = 0x400
+	CR3                                         = 0x600
+	CRAMFS_MAGIC                                = 0x28cd3d45
+	CRDLY                                       = 0x600
+	CREAD                                       = 0x80
+	CRTSCTS                                     = 0x80000000
+	CRYPTO_MAX_NAME                             = 0x40
+	CRYPTO_MSG_MAX                              = 0x15
+	CRYPTO_NR_MSGTYPES                          = 0x6
+	CRYPTO_REPORT_MAXSIZE                       = 0x160
+	CS5                                         = 0x0
+	CS6                                         = 0x10
+	CS7                                         = 0x20
+	CS8                                         = 0x30
+	CSIGNAL                                     = 0xff
+	CSIZE                                       = 0x30
+	CSTART                                      = 0x11
+	CSTATUS                                     = 0x0
+	CSTOP                                       = 0x13
+	CSTOPB                                      = 0x40
+	CSUSP                                       = 0x1a
+	DAXFS_MAGIC                                 = 0x64646178
+	DEBUGFS_MAGIC                               = 0x64626720
+	DEVLINK_CMD_ESWITCH_MODE_GET                = 0x1d
+	DEVLINK_CMD_ESWITCH_MODE_SET                = 0x1e
+	DEVLINK_GENL_MCGRP_CONFIG_NAME              = "config"
+	DEVLINK_GENL_NAME                           = "devlink"
+	DEVLINK_GENL_VERSION                        = 0x1
+	DEVPTS_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0x1cd1
+	DMA_BUF_MAGIC                               = 0x444d4142
+	DT_BLK                                      = 0x6
+	DT_CHR                                      = 0x2
+	DT_DIR                                      = 0x4
+	DT_FIFO                                     = 0x1
+	DT_LNK                                      = 0xa
+	DT_REG                                      = 0x8
+	DT_SOCK                                     = 0xc
+	DT_UNKNOWN                                  = 0x0
+	DT_WHT                                      = 0xe
+	ECHO                                        = 0x8
+	ECHOCTL                                     = 0x200
+	ECHOE                                       = 0x10
+	ECHOK                                       = 0x20
+	ECHOKE                                      = 0x800
+	ECHONL                                      = 0x40
+	ECHOPRT                                     = 0x400
+	ECRYPTFS_SUPER_MAGIC                        = 0xf15f
+	EFD_CLOEXEC                                 = 0x400000
+	EFD_NONBLOCK                                = 0x4000
+	EFD_SEMAPHORE                               = 0x1
+	EFIVARFS_MAGIC                              = 0xde5e81e4
+	EFS_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x414a53
+	EMT_TAGOVF                                  = 0x1
+	ENCODING_DEFAULT                            = 0x0
+	ENCODING_FM_MARK                            = 0x3
+	ENCODING_FM_SPACE                           = 0x4
+	ENCODING_MANCHESTER                         = 0x5
+	ENCODING_NRZ                                = 0x1
+	ENCODING_NRZI                               = 0x2
+	EPOLLERR                                    = 0x8
+	EPOLLET                                     = 0x80000000
+	EPOLLEXCLUSIVE                              = 0x10000000
+	EPOLLHUP                                    = 0x10
+	EPOLLIN                                     = 0x1
+	EPOLLMSG                                    = 0x400
+	EPOLLONESHOT                                = 0x40000000
+	EPOLLOUT                                    = 0x4
+	EPOLLPRI                                    = 0x2
+	EPOLLRDBAND                                 = 0x80
+	EPOLLRDHUP                                  = 0x2000
+	EPOLLRDNORM                                 = 0x40
+	EPOLLWAKEUP                                 = 0x20000000
+	EPOLLWRBAND                                 = 0x200
+	EPOLLWRNORM                                 = 0x100
+	EPOLL_CLOEXEC                               = 0x400000
+	EPOLL_CTL_ADD                               = 0x1
+	EPOLL_CTL_DEL                               = 0x2
+	EPOLL_CTL_MOD                               = 0x3
+	EROFS_SUPER_MAGIC_V1                        = 0xe0f5e1e2
+	ETH_P_1588                                  = 0x88f7
+	ETH_P_8021AD                                = 0x88a8
+	ETH_P_8021AH                                = 0x88e7
+	ETH_P_8021Q                                 = 0x8100
+	ETH_P_80221                                 = 0x8917
+	ETH_P_802_2                                 = 0x4
+	ETH_P_802_3                                 = 0x1
+	ETH_P_802_3_MIN                             = 0x600
+	ETH_P_802_EX1                               = 0x88b5
+	ETH_P_AARP                                  = 0x80f3
+	ETH_P_AF_IUCV                               = 0xfbfb
+	ETH_P_ALL                                   = 0x3
+	ETH_P_AOE                                   = 0x88a2
+	ETH_P_ARCNET                                = 0x1a
+	ETH_P_ARP                                   = 0x806
+	ETH_P_ATALK                                 = 0x809b
+	ETH_P_ATMFATE                               = 0x8884
+	ETH_P_ATMMPOA                               = 0x884c
+	ETH_P_AX25                                  = 0x2
+	ETH_P_BATMAN                                = 0x4305
+	ETH_P_BPQ                                   = 0x8ff
+	ETH_P_CAIF                                  = 0xf7
+	ETH_P_CAN                                   = 0xc
+	ETH_P_CANFD                                 = 0xd
+	ETH_P_CONTROL                               = 0x16
+	ETH_P_CUST                                  = 0x6006
+	ETH_P_DDCMP                                 = 0x6
+	ETH_P_DEC                                   = 0x6000
+	ETH_P_DIAG                                  = 0x6005
+	ETH_P_DNA_DL                                = 0x6001
+	ETH_P_DNA_RC                                = 0x6002
+	ETH_P_DNA_RT                                = 0x6003
+	ETH_P_DSA                                   = 0x1b
+	ETH_P_DSA_8021Q                             = 0xdadb
+	ETH_P_ECONET                                = 0x18
+	ETH_P_EDSA                                  = 0xdada
+	ETH_P_ERSPAN                                = 0x88be
+	ETH_P_ERSPAN2                               = 0x22eb
+	ETH_P_FCOE                                  = 0x8906
+	ETH_P_FIP                                   = 0x8914
+	ETH_P_HDLC                                  = 0x19
+	ETH_P_HSR                                   = 0x892f
+	ETH_P_IBOE                                  = 0x8915
+	ETH_P_IEEE802154                            = 0xf6
+	ETH_P_IEEEPUP                               = 0xa00
+	ETH_P_IEEEPUPAT                             = 0xa01
+	ETH_P_IFE                                   = 0xed3e
+	ETH_P_IP                                    = 0x800
+	ETH_P_IPV6                                  = 0x86dd
+	ETH_P_IPX                                   = 0x8137
+	ETH_P_IRDA                                  = 0x17
+	ETH_P_LAT                                   = 0x6004
+	ETH_P_LINK_CTL                              = 0x886c
+	ETH_P_LLDP                                  = 0x88cc
+	ETH_P_LOCALTALK                             = 0x9
+	ETH_P_LOOP                                  = 0x60
+	ETH_P_LOOPBACK                              = 0x9000
+	ETH_P_MACSEC                                = 0x88e5
+	ETH_P_MAP                                   = 0xf9
+	ETH_P_MOBITEX                               = 0x15
+	ETH_P_MPLS_MC                               = 0x8848
+	ETH_P_MPLS_UC                               = 0x8847
+	ETH_P_MVRP                                  = 0x88f5
+	ETH_P_NCSI                                  = 0x88f8
+	ETH_P_NSH                                   = 0x894f
+	ETH_P_PAE                                   = 0x888e
+	ETH_P_PAUSE                                 = 0x8808
+	ETH_P_PHONET                                = 0xf5
+	ETH_P_PPPTALK                               = 0x10
+	ETH_P_PPP_DISC                              = 0x8863
+	ETH_P_PPP_MP                                = 0x8
+	ETH_P_PPP_SES                               = 0x8864
+	ETH_P_PREAUTH                               = 0x88c7
+	ETH_P_PRP                                   = 0x88fb
+	ETH_P_PUP                                   = 0x200
+	ETH_P_PUPAT                                 = 0x201
+	ETH_P_QINQ1                                 = 0x9100
+	ETH_P_QINQ2                                 = 0x9200
+	ETH_P_QINQ3                                 = 0x9300
+	ETH_P_RARP                                  = 0x8035
+	ETH_P_SCA                                   = 0x6007
+	ETH_P_SLOW                                  = 0x8809
+	ETH_P_SNAP                                  = 0x5
+	ETH_P_TDLS                                  = 0x890d
+	ETH_P_TEB                                   = 0x6558
+	ETH_P_TIPC                                  = 0x88ca
+	ETH_P_TRAILER                               = 0x1c
+	ETH_P_TR_802_2                              = 0x11
+	ETH_P_TSN                                   = 0x22f0
+	ETH_P_WAN_PPP                               = 0x7
+	ETH_P_WCCP                                  = 0x883e
+	ETH_P_X25                                   = 0x805
+	ETH_P_XDSA                                  = 0xf8
+	EXABYTE_ENABLE_NEST                         = 0xf0
+	EXT2_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xef53
+	EXT3_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xef53
+	EXT4_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xef53
+	EXTA                                        = 0xe
+	EXTB                                        = 0xf
+	EXTPROC                                     = 0x10000
+	F2FS_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xf2f52010
+	FALLOC_FL_COLLAPSE_RANGE                    = 0x8
+	FALLOC_FL_INSERT_RANGE                      = 0x20
+	FALLOC_FL_KEEP_SIZE                         = 0x1
+	FALLOC_FL_NO_HIDE_STALE                     = 0x4
+	FALLOC_FL_PUNCH_HOLE                        = 0x2
+	FALLOC_FL_UNSHARE_RANGE                     = 0x40
+	FALLOC_FL_ZERO_RANGE                        = 0x10
+	FANOTIFY_METADATA_VERSION                   = 0x3
+	FAN_ACCESS                                  = 0x1
+	FAN_ACCESS_PERM                             = 0x20000
+	FAN_ALLOW                                   = 0x1
+	FAN_ALL_CLASS_BITS                          = 0xc
+	FAN_ALL_EVENTS                              = 0x3b
+	FAN_ALL_INIT_FLAGS                          = 0x3f
+	FAN_ALL_MARK_FLAGS                          = 0xff
+	FAN_ALL_OUTGOING_EVENTS                     = 0x3403b
+	FAN_ALL_PERM_EVENTS                         = 0x30000
+	FAN_ATTRIB                                  = 0x4
+	FAN_AUDIT                                   = 0x10
+	FAN_CLASS_CONTENT                           = 0x4
+	FAN_CLASS_NOTIF                             = 0x0
+	FAN_CLASS_PRE_CONTENT                       = 0x8
+	FAN_CLOEXEC                                 = 0x1
+	FAN_CLOSE                                   = 0x18
+	FAN_CLOSE_NOWRITE                           = 0x10
+	FAN_CLOSE_WRITE                             = 0x8
+	FAN_CREATE                                  = 0x100
+	FAN_DELETE                                  = 0x200
+	FAN_DELETE_SELF                             = 0x400
+	FAN_DENY                                    = 0x2
+	FAN_ENABLE_AUDIT                            = 0x40
+	FAN_EVENT_INFO_TYPE_FID                     = 0x1
+	FAN_EVENT_METADATA_LEN                      = 0x18
+	FAN_EVENT_ON_CHILD                          = 0x8000000
+	FAN_MARK_ADD                                = 0x1
+	FAN_MARK_DONT_FOLLOW                        = 0x4
+	FAN_MARK_FILESYSTEM                         = 0x100
+	FAN_MARK_FLUSH                              = 0x80
+	FAN_MARK_IGNORED_MASK                       = 0x20
+	FAN_MARK_IGNORED_SURV_MODIFY                = 0x40
+	FAN_MARK_INODE                              = 0x0
+	FAN_MARK_MOUNT                              = 0x10
+	FAN_MARK_ONLYDIR                            = 0x8
+	FAN_MARK_REMOVE                             = 0x2
+	FAN_MODIFY                                  = 0x2
+	FAN_MOVE                                    = 0xc0
+	FAN_MOVED_FROM                              = 0x40
+	FAN_MOVED_TO                                = 0x80
+	FAN_MOVE_SELF                               = 0x800
+	FAN_NOFD                                    = -0x1
+	FAN_NONBLOCK                                = 0x2
+	FAN_ONDIR                                   = 0x40000000
+	FAN_OPEN                                    = 0x20
+	FAN_OPEN_EXEC                               = 0x1000
+	FAN_OPEN_EXEC_PERM                          = 0x40000
+	FAN_OPEN_PERM                               = 0x10000
+	FAN_Q_OVERFLOW                              = 0x4000
+	FAN_REPORT_FID                              = 0x200
+	FAN_REPORT_TID                              = 0x100
+	FAN_UNLIMITED_MARKS                         = 0x20
+	FAN_UNLIMITED_QUEUE                         = 0x10
+	FD_CLOEXEC                                  = 0x1
+	FD_SETSIZE                                  = 0x400
+	FF0                                         = 0x0
+	FF1                                         = 0x8000
+	FFDLY                                       = 0x8000
+	FLUSHO                                      = 0x1000
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE                 = 0x8
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_DESC_PREFIX                     = "fscrypt:"
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_DESC_PREFIX_SIZE                = 0x8
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_IDENTIFIER_SIZE                 = 0x10
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_STATUS_ABSENT                   = 0x1
+	FSCRYPT_KEY_STATUS_PRESENT                  = 0x2
+	FSCRYPT_MAX_KEY_SIZE                        = 0x40
+	FSCRYPT_MODE_ADIANTUM                       = 0x9
+	FSCRYPT_MODE_AES_128_CBC                    = 0x5
+	FSCRYPT_MODE_AES_128_CTS                    = 0x6
+	FSCRYPT_MODE_AES_256_CTS                    = 0x4
+	FSCRYPT_MODE_AES_256_XTS                    = 0x1
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_16                 = 0x2
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_32                 = 0x3
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_4                  = 0x0
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_8                  = 0x1
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_MASK               = 0x3
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_VALID                  = 0x7
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_V1                           = 0x0
+	FSCRYPT_POLICY_V2                           = 0x2
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_ADIANTUM                 = 0x9
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_128_CBC              = 0x5
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_128_CTS              = 0x6
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_CBC              = 0x3
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_CTS              = 0x4
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_GCM              = 0x2
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_XTS              = 0x1
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_INVALID                  = 0x0
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_SPECK128_256_CTS         = 0x8
+	FS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_SPECK128_256_XTS         = 0x7
+	FS_IOC_ADD_ENCRYPTION_KEY                   = 0xc0506617
+	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_KEY_STATUS            = 0xc080661a
+	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY                = 0x800c6615
+	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY_EX             = 0xc0096616
+	FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_PWSALT                = 0x80106614
+	FS_IOC_REMOVE_ENCRYPTION_KEY                = 0xc0406618
+	FS_IOC_SET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY                = 0x400c6613
+	FS_KEY_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE                      = 0x8
+	FS_KEY_DESC_PREFIX                          = "fscrypt:"
+	FS_KEY_DESC_PREFIX_SIZE                     = 0x8
+	FS_MAX_KEY_SIZE                             = 0x40
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_16                      = 0x2
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_32                      = 0x3
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_4                       = 0x0
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_8                       = 0x1
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_MASK                    = 0x3
+	FS_POLICY_FLAGS_VALID                       = 0x7
+	FUTEXFS_SUPER_MAGIC                         = 0xbad1dea
+	F_ADD_SEALS                                 = 0x409
+	F_DUPFD                                     = 0x0
+	F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC                             = 0x406
+	F_EXLCK                                     = 0x4
+	F_GETFD                                     = 0x1
+	F_GETFL                                     = 0x3
+	F_GETLEASE                                  = 0x401
+	F_GETLK                                     = 0x7
+	F_GETLK64                                   = 0x7
+	F_GETOWN                                    = 0x5
+	F_GETOWN_EX                                 = 0x10
+	F_GETPIPE_SZ                                = 0x408
+	F_GETSIG                                    = 0xb
+	F_GET_FILE_RW_HINT                          = 0x40d
+	F_GET_RW_HINT                               = 0x40b
+	F_GET_SEALS                                 = 0x40a
+	F_LOCK                                      = 0x1
+	F_NOTIFY                                    = 0x402
+	F_OFD_GETLK                                 = 0x24
+	F_OFD_SETLK                                 = 0x25
+	F_OFD_SETLKW                                = 0x26
+	F_OK                                        = 0x0
+	F_RDLCK                                     = 0x1
+	F_SEAL_FUTURE_WRITE                         = 0x10
+	F_SEAL_GROW                                 = 0x4
+	F_SEAL_SEAL                                 = 0x1
+	F_SEAL_SHRINK                               = 0x2
+	F_SEAL_WRITE                                = 0x8
+	F_SETFD                                     = 0x2
+	F_SETFL                                     = 0x4
+	F_SETLEASE                                  = 0x400
+	F_SETLK                                     = 0x8
+	F_SETLK64                                   = 0x8
+	F_SETLKW                                    = 0x9
+	F_SETLKW64                                  = 0x9
+	F_SETOWN                                    = 0x6
+	F_SETOWN_EX                                 = 0xf
+	F_SETPIPE_SZ                                = 0x407
+	F_SETSIG                                    = 0xa
+	F_SET_FILE_RW_HINT                          = 0x40e
+	F_SET_RW_HINT                               = 0x40c
+	F_SHLCK                                     = 0x8
+	F_TEST                                      = 0x3
+	F_TLOCK                                     = 0x2
+	F_ULOCK                                     = 0x0
+	F_UNLCK                                     = 0x3
+	F_WRLCK                                     = 0x2
+	GENL_ADMIN_PERM                             = 0x1
+	GENL_CMD_CAP_DO                             = 0x2
+	GENL_CMD_CAP_DUMP                           = 0x4
+	GENL_CMD_CAP_HASPOL                         = 0x8
+	GENL_HDRLEN                                 = 0x4
+	GENL_ID_CTRL                                = 0x10
+	GENL_ID_PMCRAID                             = 0x12
+	GENL_ID_VFS_DQUOT                           = 0x11
+	GENL_MAX_ID                                 = 0x3ff
+	GENL_MIN_ID                                 = 0x10
+	GENL_NAMSIZ                                 = 0x10
+	GENL_START_ALLOC                            = 0x13
+	GENL_UNS_ADMIN_PERM                         = 0x10
+	GRND_NONBLOCK                               = 0x1
+	GRND_RANDOM                                 = 0x2
+	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD                              = 0x31f
+	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD_AEB                          = 0x31e
+	HDIO_DRIVE_CMD_HDR_SIZE                     = 0x4
+	HDIO_DRIVE_HOB_HDR_SIZE                     = 0x8
+	HDIO_DRIVE_RESET                            = 0x31c
+	HDIO_DRIVE_TASK                             = 0x31e
+	HDIO_DRIVE_TASKFILE                         = 0x31d
+	HDIO_DRIVE_TASK_HDR_SIZE                    = 0x8
+	HDIO_GETGEO                                 = 0x301
+	HDIO_GET_32BIT                              = 0x309
+	HDIO_GET_ACOUSTIC                           = 0x30f
+	HDIO_GET_ADDRESS                            = 0x310
+	HDIO_GET_BUSSTATE                           = 0x31a
+	HDIO_GET_DMA                                = 0x30b
+	HDIO_GET_IDENTITY                           = 0x30d
+	HDIO_GET_KEEPSETTINGS                       = 0x308
+	HDIO_GET_MULTCOUNT                          = 0x304
+	HDIO_GET_NICE                               = 0x30c
+	HDIO_GET_NOWERR                             = 0x30a
+	HDIO_GET_QDMA                               = 0x305
+	HDIO_GET_UNMASKINTR                         = 0x302
+	HDIO_GET_WCACHE                             = 0x30e
+	HDIO_OBSOLETE_IDENTITY                      = 0x307
+	HDIO_SCAN_HWIF                              = 0x328
+	HDIO_SET_32BIT                              = 0x324
+	HDIO_SET_ACOUSTIC                           = 0x32c
+	HDIO_SET_ADDRESS                            = 0x32f
+	HDIO_SET_BUSSTATE                           = 0x32d
+	HDIO_SET_DMA                                = 0x326
+	HDIO_SET_KEEPSETTINGS                       = 0x323
+	HDIO_SET_MULTCOUNT                          = 0x321
+	HDIO_SET_NICE                               = 0x329
+	HDIO_SET_NOWERR                             = 0x325
+	HDIO_SET_PIO_MODE                           = 0x327
+	HDIO_SET_QDMA                               = 0x32e
+	HDIO_SET_UNMASKINTR                         = 0x322
+	HDIO_SET_WCACHE                             = 0x32b
+	HDIO_SET_XFER                               = 0x306
+	HDIO_TRISTATE_HWIF                          = 0x31b
+	HDIO_UNREGISTER_HWIF                        = 0x32a
+	HOSTFS_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0xc0ffee
+	HPFS_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0xf995e849
+	HUGETLBFS_MAGIC                             = 0x958458f6
+	HUPCL                                       = 0x400
+	IBSHIFT                                     = 0x10
+	ICANON                                      = 0x2
+	ICMPV6_FILTER                               = 0x1
+	ICRNL                                       = 0x100
+	IEXTEN                                      = 0x8000
+	IFA_F_DADFAILED                             = 0x8
+	IFA_F_DEPRECATED                            = 0x20
+	IFA_F_HOMEADDRESS                           = 0x10
+	IFA_F_MANAGETEMPADDR                        = 0x100
+	IFA_F_MCAUTOJOIN                            = 0x400
+	IFA_F_NODAD                                 = 0x2
+	IFA_F_NOPREFIXROUTE                         = 0x200
+	IFA_F_OPTIMISTIC                            = 0x4
+	IFA_F_PERMANENT                             = 0x80
+	IFA_F_SECONDARY                             = 0x1
+	IFA_F_STABLE_PRIVACY                        = 0x800
+	IFA_F_TEMPORARY                             = 0x1
+	IFA_F_TENTATIVE                             = 0x40
+	IFA_MAX                                     = 0xa
+	IFF_ALLMULTI                                = 0x200
+	IFF_ATTACH_QUEUE                            = 0x200
+	IFF_AUTOMEDIA                               = 0x4000
+	IFF_BROADCAST                               = 0x2
+	IFF_DEBUG                                   = 0x4
+	IFF_DETACH_QUEUE                            = 0x400
+	IFF_DORMANT                                 = 0x20000
+	IFF_DYNAMIC                                 = 0x8000
+	IFF_ECHO                                    = 0x40000
+	IFF_LOOPBACK                                = 0x8
+	IFF_LOWER_UP                                = 0x10000
+	IFF_MASTER                                  = 0x400
+	IFF_MULTICAST                               = 0x1000
+	IFF_MULTI_QUEUE                             = 0x100
+	IFF_NAPI                                    = 0x10
+	IFF_NAPI_FRAGS                              = 0x20
+	IFF_NOARP                                   = 0x80
+	IFF_NOFILTER                                = 0x1000
+	IFF_NOTRAILERS                              = 0x20
+	IFF_NO_PI                                   = 0x1000
+	IFF_ONE_QUEUE                               = 0x2000
+	IFF_PERSIST                                 = 0x800
+	IFF_POINTOPOINT                             = 0x10
+	IFF_PORTSEL                                 = 0x2000
+	IFF_PROMISC                                 = 0x100
+	IFF_RUNNING                                 = 0x40
+	IFF_SLAVE                                   = 0x800
+	IFF_TAP                                     = 0x2
+	IFF_TUN                                     = 0x1
+	IFF_TUN_EXCL                                = 0x8000
+	IFF_UP                                      = 0x1
+	IFF_VNET_HDR                                = 0x4000
+	IFF_VOLATILE                                = 0x70c5a
+	IFNAMSIZ                                    = 0x10
+	IGNBRK                                      = 0x1
+	IGNCR                                       = 0x80
+	IGNPAR                                      = 0x4
+	IMAXBEL                                     = 0x2000
+	INLCR                                       = 0x40
+	INPCK                                       = 0x10
+	IN_ACCESS                                   = 0x1
+	IN_ALL_EVENTS                               = 0xfff
+	IN_ATTRIB                                   = 0x4
+	IN_CLASSA_HOST                              = 0xffffff
+	IN_CLASSA_MAX                               = 0x80
+	IN_CLASSA_NET                               = 0xff000000
+	IN_CLASSA_NSHIFT                            = 0x18
+	IN_CLASSB_HOST                              = 0xffff
+	IN_CLASSB_MAX                               = 0x10000
+	IN_CLASSB_NET                               = 0xffff0000
+	IN_CLASSB_NSHIFT                            = 0x10
+	IN_CLASSC_HOST                              = 0xff
+	IN_CLASSC_NET                               = 0xffffff00
+	IN_CLASSC_NSHIFT                            = 0x8
+	IN_CLOEXEC                                  = 0x400000
+	IN_CLOSE                                    = 0x18
+	IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE                            = 0x10
+	IN_CLOSE_WRITE                              = 0x8
+	IN_CREATE                                   = 0x100
+	IN_DELETE                                   = 0x200
+	IN_DELETE_SELF                              = 0x400
+	IN_DONT_FOLLOW                              = 0x2000000
+	IN_EXCL_UNLINK                              = 0x4000000
+	IN_IGNORED                                  = 0x8000
+	IN_ISDIR                                    = 0x40000000
+	IN_LOOPBACKNET                              = 0x7f
+	IN_MASK_ADD                                 = 0x20000000
+	IN_MASK_CREATE                              = 0x10000000
+	IN_MODIFY                                   = 0x2
+	IN_MOVE                                     = 0xc0
+	IN_MOVED_FROM                               = 0x40
+	IN_MOVED_TO                                 = 0x80
+	IN_MOVE_SELF                                = 0x800
+	IN_NONBLOCK                                 = 0x4000
+	IN_ONESHOT                                  = 0x80000000
+	IN_ONLYDIR                                  = 0x1000000
+	IN_OPEN                                     = 0x20
+	IN_Q_OVERFLOW                               = 0x4000
+	IN_UNMOUNT                                  = 0x2000
+	IOCTL_VM_SOCKETS_GET_LOCAL_CID              = 0x200007b9
+	IPPROTO_AH                                  = 0x33
+	IPPROTO_BEETPH                              = 0x5e
+	IPPROTO_COMP                                = 0x6c
+	IPPROTO_DCCP                                = 0x21
+	IPPROTO_DSTOPTS                             = 0x3c
+	IPPROTO_EGP                                 = 0x8
+	IPPROTO_ENCAP                               = 0x62
+	IPPROTO_ESP                                 = 0x32
+	IPPROTO_FRAGMENT                            = 0x2c
+	IPPROTO_GRE                                 = 0x2f
+	IPPROTO_HOPOPTS                             = 0x0
+	IPPROTO_ICMP                                = 0x1
+	IPPROTO_ICMPV6                              = 0x3a
+	IPPROTO_IDP                                 = 0x16
+	IPPROTO_IGMP                                = 0x2
+	IPPROTO_IP                                  = 0x0
+	IPPROTO_IPIP                                = 0x4
+	IPPROTO_IPV6                                = 0x29
+	IPPROTO_MH                                  = 0x87
+	IPPROTO_MPLS                                = 0x89
+	IPPROTO_MTP                                 = 0x5c
+	IPPROTO_NONE                                = 0x3b
+	IPPROTO_PIM                                 = 0x67
+	IPPROTO_PUP                                 = 0xc
+	IPPROTO_RAW                                 = 0xff
+	IPPROTO_ROUTING                             = 0x2b
+	IPPROTO_RSVP                                = 0x2e
+	IPPROTO_SCTP                                = 0x84
+	IPPROTO_TCP                                 = 0x6
+	IPPROTO_TP                                  = 0x1d
+	IPPROTO_UDP                                 = 0x11
+	IPPROTO_UDPLITE                             = 0x88
+	IPV6_2292DSTOPTS                            = 0x4
+	IPV6_2292HOPLIMIT                           = 0x8
+	IPV6_2292HOPOPTS                            = 0x3
+	IPV6_2292PKTINFO                            = 0x2
+	IPV6_2292PKTOPTIONS                         = 0x6
+	IPV6_2292RTHDR                              = 0x5
+	IPV6_ADDRFORM                               = 0x1
+	IPV6_ADDR_PREFERENCES                       = 0x48
+	IPV6_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                         = 0x14
+	IPV6_AUTHHDR                                = 0xa
+	IPV6_AUTOFLOWLABEL                          = 0x46
+	IPV6_CHECKSUM                               = 0x7
+	IPV6_DONTFRAG                               = 0x3e
+	IPV6_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                        = 0x15
+	IPV6_DSTOPTS                                = 0x3b
+	IPV6_FREEBIND                               = 0x4e
+	IPV6_HDRINCL                                = 0x24
+	IPV6_HOPLIMIT                               = 0x34
+	IPV6_HOPOPTS                                = 0x36
+	IPV6_IPSEC_POLICY                           = 0x22
+	IPV6_JOIN_ANYCAST                           = 0x1b
+	IPV6_JOIN_GROUP                             = 0x14
+	IPV6_LEAVE_ANYCAST                          = 0x1c
+	IPV6_LEAVE_GROUP                            = 0x15
+	IPV6_MINHOPCOUNT                            = 0x49
+	IPV6_MTU                                    = 0x18
+	IPV6_MTU_DISCOVER                           = 0x17
+	IPV6_MULTICAST_ALL                          = 0x1d
+	IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS                         = 0x12
+	IPV6_MULTICAST_IF                           = 0x11
+	IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP                         = 0x13
+	IPV6_NEXTHOP                                = 0x9
+	IPV6_ORIGDSTADDR                            = 0x4a
+	IPV6_PATHMTU                                = 0x3d
+	IPV6_PKTINFO                                = 0x32
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_DO                            = 0x2
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_DONT                          = 0x0
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_INTERFACE                     = 0x4
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_OMIT                          = 0x5
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_PROBE                         = 0x3
+	IPV6_PMTUDISC_WANT                          = 0x1
+	IPV6_RECVDSTOPTS                            = 0x3a
+	IPV6_RECVERR                                = 0x19
+	IPV6_RECVFRAGSIZE                           = 0x4d
+	IPV6_RECVHOPLIMIT                           = 0x33
+	IPV6_RECVHOPOPTS                            = 0x35
+	IPV6_RECVORIGDSTADDR                        = 0x4a
+	IPV6_RECVPATHMTU                            = 0x3c
+	IPV6_RECVPKTINFO                            = 0x31
+	IPV6_RECVRTHDR                              = 0x38
+	IPV6_RECVTCLASS                             = 0x42
+	IPV6_ROUTER_ALERT                           = 0x16
+	IPV6_ROUTER_ALERT_ISOLATE                   = 0x1e
+	IPV6_RTHDR                                  = 0x39
+	IPV6_RTHDRDSTOPTS                           = 0x37
+	IPV6_RTHDR_LOOSE                            = 0x0
+	IPV6_RTHDR_STRICT                           = 0x1
+	IPV6_RTHDR_TYPE_0                           = 0x0
+	IPV6_RXDSTOPTS                              = 0x3b
+	IPV6_RXHOPOPTS                              = 0x36
+	IPV6_TCLASS                                 = 0x43
+	IPV6_TRANSPARENT                            = 0x4b
+	IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS                           = 0x10
+	IPV6_UNICAST_IF                             = 0x4c
+	IPV6_V6ONLY                                 = 0x1a
+	IPV6_XFRM_POLICY                            = 0x23
+	IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                           = 0x23
+	IP_ADD_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP                    = 0x27
+	IP_BIND_ADDRESS_NO_PORT                     = 0x18
+	IP_BLOCK_SOURCE                             = 0x26
+	IP_CHECKSUM                                 = 0x17
+	IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_LOOP                   = 0x1
+	IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_TTL                    = 0x1
+	IP_DF                                       = 0x4000
+	IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                          = 0x24
+	IP_DROP_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP                   = 0x28
+	IP_FREEBIND                                 = 0xf
+	IP_HDRINCL                                  = 0x3
+	IP_IPSEC_POLICY                             = 0x10
+	IP_MAXPACKET                                = 0xffff
+	IP_MAX_MEMBERSHIPS                          = 0x14
+	IP_MF                                       = 0x2000
+	IP_MINTTL                                   = 0x15
+	IP_MSFILTER                                 = 0x29
+	IP_MSS                                      = 0x240
+	IP_MTU                                      = 0xe
+	IP_MTU_DISCOVER                             = 0xa
+	IP_MULTICAST_ALL                            = 0x31
+	IP_MULTICAST_IF                             = 0x20
+	IP_MULTICAST_LOOP                           = 0x22
+	IP_MULTICAST_TTL                            = 0x21
+	IP_NODEFRAG                                 = 0x16
+	IP_OFFMASK                                  = 0x1fff
+	IP_OPTIONS                                  = 0x4
+	IP_ORIGDSTADDR                              = 0x14
+	IP_PASSSEC                                  = 0x12
+	IP_PKTINFO                                  = 0x8
+	IP_PKTOPTIONS                               = 0x9
+	IP_PMTUDISC                                 = 0xa
+	IP_PMTUDISC_DO                              = 0x2
+	IP_PMTUDISC_DONT                            = 0x0
+	IP_PMTUDISC_INTERFACE                       = 0x4
+	IP_PMTUDISC_OMIT                            = 0x5
+	IP_PMTUDISC_PROBE                           = 0x3
+	IP_PMTUDISC_WANT                            = 0x1
+	IP_RECVERR                                  = 0xb
+	IP_RECVFRAGSIZE                             = 0x19
+	IP_RECVOPTS                                 = 0x6
+	IP_RECVORIGDSTADDR                          = 0x14
+	IP_RECVRETOPTS                              = 0x7
+	IP_RECVTOS                                  = 0xd
+	IP_RECVTTL                                  = 0xc
+	IP_RETOPTS                                  = 0x7
+	IP_RF                                       = 0x8000
+	IP_ROUTER_ALERT                             = 0x5
+	IP_TOS                                      = 0x1
+	IP_TRANSPARENT                              = 0x13
+	IP_TTL                                      = 0x2
+	IP_UNBLOCK_SOURCE                           = 0x25
+	IP_UNICAST_IF                               = 0x32
+	IP_XFRM_POLICY                              = 0x11
+	ISIG                                        = 0x1
+	ISOFS_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x9660
+	ISTRIP                                      = 0x20
+	IUCLC                                       = 0x200
+	IUTF8                                       = 0x4000
+	IXANY                                       = 0x800
+	IXOFF                                       = 0x1000
+	IXON                                        = 0x400
+	JFFS2_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x72b6
+	KEXEC_ARCH_386                              = 0x30000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_68K                              = 0x40000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_AARCH64                          = 0xb70000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_ARM                              = 0x280000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_DEFAULT                          = 0x0
+	KEXEC_ARCH_IA_64                            = 0x320000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_MASK                             = 0xffff0000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_MIPS                             = 0x80000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_MIPS_LE                          = 0xa0000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_PARISC                           = 0xf0000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_PPC                              = 0x140000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_PPC64                            = 0x150000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_S390                             = 0x160000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_SH                               = 0x2a0000
+	KEXEC_ARCH_X86_64                           = 0x3e0000
+	KEXEC_FILE_NO_INITRAMFS                     = 0x4
+	KEXEC_FILE_ON_CRASH                         = 0x2
+	KEXEC_FILE_UNLOAD                           = 0x1
+	KEXEC_ON_CRASH                              = 0x1
+	KEXEC_PRESERVE_CONTEXT                      = 0x2
+	KEXEC_SEGMENT_MAX                           = 0x10
+	KEYCTL_ASSUME_AUTHORITY                     = 0x10
+	KEYCTL_CAPABILITIES                         = 0x1f
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_BIG_KEY                        = 0x10
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_CAPABILITIES                   = 0x1
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_DIFFIE_HELLMAN                 = 0x4
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_INVALIDATE                     = 0x20
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_MOVE                           = 0x80
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_PUBLIC_KEY                     = 0x8
+	KEYCTL_CAPS0_RESTRICT_KEYRING               = 0x40
+	KEYCTL_CAPS1_NS_KEYRING_NAME                = 0x1
+	KEYCTL_CAPS1_NS_KEY_TAG                     = 0x2
+	KEYCTL_CHOWN                                = 0x4
+	KEYCTL_CLEAR                                = 0x7
+	KEYCTL_DESCRIBE                             = 0x6
+	KEYCTL_DH_COMPUTE                           = 0x17
+	KEYCTL_GET_KEYRING_ID                       = 0x0
+	KEYCTL_GET_PERSISTENT                       = 0x16
+	KEYCTL_GET_SECURITY                         = 0x11
+	KEYCTL_INSTANTIATE                          = 0xc
+	KEYCTL_INSTANTIATE_IOV                      = 0x14
+	KEYCTL_INVALIDATE                           = 0x15
+	KEYCTL_JOIN_SESSION_KEYRING                 = 0x1
+	KEYCTL_LINK                                 = 0x8
+	KEYCTL_MOVE                                 = 0x1e
+	KEYCTL_MOVE_EXCL                            = 0x1
+	KEYCTL_NEGATE                               = 0xd
+	KEYCTL_PKEY_DECRYPT                         = 0x1a
+	KEYCTL_PKEY_ENCRYPT                         = 0x19
+	KEYCTL_PKEY_QUERY                           = 0x18
+	KEYCTL_PKEY_SIGN                            = 0x1b
+	KEYCTL_PKEY_VERIFY                          = 0x1c
+	KEYCTL_READ                                 = 0xb
+	KEYCTL_REJECT                               = 0x13
+	KEYCTL_RESTRICT_KEYRING                     = 0x1d
+	KEYCTL_REVOKE                               = 0x3
+	KEYCTL_SEARCH                               = 0xa
+	KEYCTL_SESSION_TO_PARENT                    = 0x12
+	KEYCTL_SETPERM                              = 0x5
+	KEYCTL_SET_REQKEY_KEYRING                   = 0xe
+	KEYCTL_SET_TIMEOUT                          = 0xf
+	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_DECRYPT                     = 0x2
+	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_ENCRYPT                     = 0x1
+	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_SIGN                        = 0x4
+	KEYCTL_SUPPORTS_VERIFY                      = 0x8
+	KEYCTL_UNLINK                               = 0x9
+	KEYCTL_UPDATE                               = 0x2
+	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_DEFAULT                     = 0x0
+	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_GROUP_KEYRING               = 0x6
+	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_NO_CHANGE                   = -0x1
+	KEY_REQKEY_DEFL_USER_KEYRING                = 0x4
+	KEY_SPEC_GROUP_KEYRING                      = -0x6
+	KEY_SPEC_PROCESS_KEYRING                    = -0x2
+	KEY_SPEC_REQKEY_AUTH_KEY                    = -0x7
+	KEY_SPEC_REQUESTOR_KEYRING                  = -0x8
+	KEY_SPEC_SESSION_KEYRING                    = -0x3
+	KEY_SPEC_THREAD_KEYRING                     = -0x1
+	KEY_SPEC_USER_KEYRING                       = -0x4
+	KEY_SPEC_USER_SESSION_KEYRING               = -0x5
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_CAD_OFF                    = 0x0
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_CAD_ON                     = 0x89abcdef
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_HALT                       = 0xcdef0123
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_KEXEC                      = 0x45584543
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_POWER_OFF                  = 0x4321fedc
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_RESTART                    = 0x1234567
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_RESTART2                   = 0xa1b2c3d4
+	LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_SW_SUSPEND                 = 0xd000fce2
+	LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC1                         = 0xfee1dead
+	LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC2                         = 0x28121969
+	LOCK_EX                                     = 0x2
+	LOCK_NB                                     = 0x4
+	LOCK_SH                                     = 0x1
+	LOCK_UN                                     = 0x8
+	LOOP_CLR_FD                                 = 0x4c01
+	LOOP_CTL_ADD                                = 0x4c80
+	LOOP_CTL_GET_FREE                           = 0x4c82
+	LOOP_CTL_REMOVE                             = 0x4c81
+	LOOP_GET_STATUS                             = 0x4c03
+	LOOP_GET_STATUS64                           = 0x4c05
+	LOOP_SET_BLOCK_SIZE                         = 0x4c09
+	LOOP_SET_CAPACITY                           = 0x4c07
+	LOOP_SET_DIRECT_IO                          = 0x4c08
+	LOOP_SET_FD                                 = 0x4c00
+	LOOP_SET_STATUS                             = 0x4c02
+	LOOP_SET_STATUS64                           = 0x4c04
+	LO_KEY_SIZE                                 = 0x20
+	LO_NAME_SIZE                                = 0x40
+	MADV_DODUMP                                 = 0x11
+	MADV_DOFORK                                 = 0xb
+	MADV_DONTDUMP                               = 0x10
+	MADV_DONTFORK                               = 0xa
+	MADV_DONTNEED                               = 0x4
+	MADV_FREE                                   = 0x8
+	MADV_HUGEPAGE                               = 0xe
+	MADV_HWPOISON                               = 0x64
+	MADV_KEEPONFORK                             = 0x13
+	MADV_MERGEABLE                              = 0xc
+	MADV_NOHUGEPAGE                             = 0xf
+	MADV_NORMAL                                 = 0x0
+	MADV_RANDOM                                 = 0x1
+	MADV_REMOVE                                 = 0x9
+	MADV_SEQUENTIAL                             = 0x2
+	MADV_UNMERGEABLE                            = 0xd
+	MADV_WILLNEED                               = 0x3
+	MADV_WIPEONFORK                             = 0x12
+	MAP_ANON                                    = 0x20
+	MAP_ANONYMOUS                               = 0x20
+	MAP_DENYWRITE                               = 0x800
+	MAP_EXECUTABLE                              = 0x1000
+	MAP_FILE                                    = 0x0
+	MAP_FIXED                                   = 0x10
+	MAP_FIXED_NOREPLACE                         = 0x100000
+	MAP_GROWSDOWN                               = 0x200
+	MAP_HUGETLB                                 = 0x40000
+	MAP_HUGE_MASK                               = 0x3f
+	MAP_HUGE_SHIFT                              = 0x1a
+	MAP_LOCKED                                  = 0x100
+	MAP_NONBLOCK                                = 0x10000
+	MAP_NORESERVE                               = 0x40
+	MAP_POPULATE                                = 0x8000
+	MAP_PRIVATE                                 = 0x2
+	MAP_RENAME                                  = 0x20
+	MAP_SHARED                                  = 0x1
+	MAP_SHARED_VALIDATE                         = 0x3
+	MAP_STACK                                   = 0x20000
+	MAP_TYPE                                    = 0xf
+	MCAST_BLOCK_SOURCE                          = 0x2b
+	MCAST_EXCLUDE                               = 0x0
+	MCAST_INCLUDE                               = 0x1
+	MCAST_JOIN_GROUP                            = 0x2a
+	MCAST_JOIN_SOURCE_GROUP                     = 0x2e
+	MCAST_LEAVE_GROUP                           = 0x2d
+	MCAST_LEAVE_SOURCE_GROUP                    = 0x2f
+	MCAST_MSFILTER                              = 0x30
+	MCAST_UNBLOCK_SOURCE                        = 0x2c
+	MCL_CURRENT                                 = 0x2000
+	MCL_FUTURE                                  = 0x4000
+	MCL_ONFAULT                                 = 0x8000
+	MFD_ALLOW_SEALING                           = 0x2
+	MFD_CLOEXEC                                 = 0x1
+	MFD_HUGETLB                                 = 0x4
+	MFD_HUGE_16GB                               = -0x78000000
+	MFD_HUGE_16MB                               = 0x60000000
+	MFD_HUGE_1GB                                = 0x78000000
+	MFD_HUGE_1MB                                = 0x50000000
+	MFD_HUGE_256MB                              = 0x70000000
+	MFD_HUGE_2GB                                = 0x7c000000
+	MFD_HUGE_2MB                                = 0x54000000
+	MFD_HUGE_32MB                               = 0x64000000
+	MFD_HUGE_512KB                              = 0x4c000000
+	MFD_HUGE_512MB                              = 0x74000000
+	MFD_HUGE_64KB                               = 0x40000000
+	MFD_HUGE_8MB                                = 0x5c000000
+	MFD_HUGE_MASK                               = 0x3f
+	MFD_HUGE_SHIFT                              = 0x1a
+	MINIX2_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0x2468
+	MINIX2_SUPER_MAGIC2                         = 0x2478
+	MINIX3_SUPER_MAGIC                          = 0x4d5a
+	MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x137f
+	MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC2                          = 0x138f
+	MNT_DETACH                                  = 0x2
+	MNT_EXPIRE                                  = 0x4
+	MNT_FORCE                                   = 0x1
+	MODULE_INIT_IGNORE_VERMAGIC                 = 0x2
+	MSDOS_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x4d44
+	MSG_BATCH                                   = 0x40000
+	MSG_CMSG_CLOEXEC                            = 0x40000000
+	MSG_CONFIRM                                 = 0x800
+	MSG_CTRUNC                                  = 0x8
+	MSG_DONTROUTE                               = 0x4
+	MSG_DONTWAIT                                = 0x40
+	MSG_EOR                                     = 0x80
+	MSG_ERRQUEUE                                = 0x2000
+	MSG_FASTOPEN                                = 0x20000000
+	MSG_FIN                                     = 0x200
+	MSG_MORE                                    = 0x8000
+	MSG_NOSIGNAL                                = 0x4000
+	MSG_OOB                                     = 0x1
+	MSG_PEEK                                    = 0x2
+	MSG_PROXY                                   = 0x10
+	MSG_RST                                     = 0x1000
+	MSG_SYN                                     = 0x400
+	MSG_TRUNC                                   = 0x20
+	MSG_TRYHARD                                 = 0x4
+	MSG_WAITALL                                 = 0x100
+	MSG_WAITFORONE                              = 0x10000
+	MSG_ZEROCOPY                                = 0x4000000
+	MS_ACTIVE                                   = 0x40000000
+	MS_ASYNC                                    = 0x1
+	MS_BIND                                     = 0x1000
+	MS_BORN                                     = 0x20000000
+	MS_DIRSYNC                                  = 0x80
+	MS_INVALIDATE                               = 0x2
+	MS_I_VERSION                                = 0x800000
+	MS_KERNMOUNT                                = 0x400000
+	MS_LAZYTIME                                 = 0x2000000
+	MS_MANDLOCK                                 = 0x40
+	MS_MGC_MSK                                  = 0xffff0000
+	MS_MGC_VAL                                  = 0xc0ed0000
+	MS_MOVE                                     = 0x2000
+	MS_NOATIME                                  = 0x400
+	MS_NODEV                                    = 0x4
+	MS_NODIRATIME                               = 0x800
+	MS_NOEXEC                                   = 0x8
+	MS_NOREMOTELOCK                             = 0x8000000
+	MS_NOSEC                                    = 0x10000000
+	MS_NOSUID                                   = 0x2
+	MS_NOUSER                                   = -0x80000000
+	MS_POSIXACL                                 = 0x10000
+	MS_PRIVATE                                  = 0x40000
+	MS_RDONLY                                   = 0x1
+	MS_REC                                      = 0x4000
+	MS_RELATIME                                 = 0x200000
+	MS_REMOUNT                                  = 0x20
+	MS_RMT_MASK                                 = 0x2800051
+	MS_SHARED                                   = 0x100000
+	MS_SILENT                                   = 0x8000
+	MS_SLAVE                                    = 0x80000
+	MS_STRICTATIME                              = 0x1000000
+	MS_SUBMOUNT                                 = 0x4000000
+	MS_SYNC                                     = 0x4
+	MS_SYNCHRONOUS                              = 0x10
+	MS_UNBINDABLE                               = 0x20000
+	MS_VERBOSE                                  = 0x8000
+	MTD_INODE_FS_MAGIC                          = 0x11307854
+	NAME_MAX                                    = 0xff
+	NCP_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x564c
+	NETLINK_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                      = 0x1
+	NETLINK_AUDIT                               = 0x9
+	NETLINK_BROADCAST_ERROR                     = 0x4
+	NETLINK_CAP_ACK                             = 0xa
+	NETLINK_CONNECTOR                           = 0xb
+	NETLINK_CRYPTO                              = 0x15
+	NETLINK_DNRTMSG                             = 0xe
+	NETLINK_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                     = 0x2
+	NETLINK_ECRYPTFS                            = 0x13
+	NETLINK_EXT_ACK                             = 0xb
+	NETLINK_FIB_LOOKUP                          = 0xa
+	NETLINK_FIREWALL                            = 0x3
+	NETLINK_GENERIC                             = 0x10
+	NETLINK_GET_STRICT_CHK                      = 0xc
+	NETLINK_INET_DIAG                           = 0x4
+	NETLINK_IP6_FW                              = 0xd
+	NETLINK_ISCSI                               = 0x8
+	NETLINK_KOBJECT_UEVENT                      = 0xf
+	NETLINK_LISTEN_ALL_NSID                     = 0x8
+	NETLINK_LIST_MEMBERSHIPS                    = 0x9
+	NETLINK_NETFILTER                           = 0xc
+	NETLINK_NFLOG                               = 0x5
+	NETLINK_NO_ENOBUFS                          = 0x5
+	NETLINK_PKTINFO                             = 0x3
+	NETLINK_RDMA                                = 0x14
+	NETLINK_ROUTE                               = 0x0
+	NETLINK_RX_RING                             = 0x6
+	NETLINK_SCSITRANSPORT                       = 0x12
+	NETLINK_SELINUX                             = 0x7
+	NETLINK_SMC                                 = 0x16
+	NETLINK_SOCK_DIAG                           = 0x4
+	NETLINK_TX_RING                             = 0x7
+	NETLINK_UNUSED                              = 0x1
+	NETLINK_USERSOCK                            = 0x2
+	NETLINK_XFRM                                = 0x6
+	NETNSA_MAX                                  = 0x5
+	NETNSA_NSID_NOT_ASSIGNED                    = -0x1
+	NFDBITS                                     = 0x40
+	NFNETLINK_V0                                = 0x0
+	NFNLGRP_ACCT_QUOTA                          = 0x8
+	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_DESTROY                   = 0x3
+	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_EXP_NEW                   = 0x4
+	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_EXP_UPDATE                = 0x5
+	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_NEW                       = 0x1
+	NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_UPDATE                    = 0x2
+	NFNLGRP_MAX                                 = 0x9
+	NFNLGRP_NFTABLES                            = 0x7
+	NFNLGRP_NFTRACE                             = 0x9
+	NFNLGRP_NONE                                = 0x0
+	NFNL_BATCH_MAX                              = 0x1
+	NFNL_MSG_BATCH_BEGIN                        = 0x10
+	NFNL_MSG_BATCH_END                          = 0x11
+	NFNL_NFA_NEST                               = 0x8000
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_ACCT                            = 0x7
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_COUNT                           = 0xc
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTHELPER                        = 0x9
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTNETLINK                       = 0x1
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_CTNETLINK_EXP                   = 0x2
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_IPSET                           = 0x6
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_NFTABLES                        = 0xa
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_NFT_COMPAT                      = 0xb
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_NONE                            = 0x0
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_OSF                             = 0x5
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_QUEUE                           = 0x3
+	NFNL_SUBSYS_ULOG                            = 0x4
+	NFS_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x6969
+	NILFS_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x3434
+	NL0                                         = 0x0
+	NL1                                         = 0x100
+	NLA_ALIGNTO                                 = 0x4
+	NLA_F_NESTED                                = 0x8000
+	NLA_F_NET_BYTEORDER                         = 0x4000
+	NLA_HDRLEN                                  = 0x4
+	NLDLY                                       = 0x100
+	NLMSG_ALIGNTO                               = 0x4
+	NLMSG_DONE                                  = 0x3
+	NLMSG_ERROR                                 = 0x2
+	NLMSG_HDRLEN                                = 0x10
+	NLMSG_MIN_TYPE                              = 0x10
+	NLMSG_NOOP                                  = 0x1
+	NLMSG_OVERRUN                               = 0x4
+	NLM_F_ACK                                   = 0x4
+	NLM_F_ACK_TLVS                              = 0x200
+	NLM_F_APPEND                                = 0x800
+	NLM_F_ATOMIC                                = 0x400
+	NLM_F_CAPPED                                = 0x100
+	NLM_F_CREATE                                = 0x400
+	NLM_F_DUMP                                  = 0x300
+	NLM_F_DUMP_FILTERED                         = 0x20
+	NLM_F_DUMP_INTR                             = 0x10
+	NLM_F_ECHO                                  = 0x8
+	NLM_F_EXCL                                  = 0x200
+	NLM_F_MATCH                                 = 0x200
+	NLM_F_MULTI                                 = 0x2
+	NLM_F_NONREC                                = 0x100
+	NLM_F_REPLACE                               = 0x100
+	NLM_F_REQUEST                               = 0x1
+	NLM_F_ROOT                                  = 0x100
+	NOFLSH                                      = 0x80
+	NSFS_MAGIC                                  = 0x6e736673
+	NS_GET_NSTYPE                               = 0x2000b703
+	NS_GET_OWNER_UID                            = 0x2000b704
+	NS_GET_PARENT                               = 0x2000b702
+	NS_GET_USERNS                               = 0x2000b701
+	OCFS2_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0x7461636f
+	OCRNL                                       = 0x8
+	OFDEL                                       = 0x80
+	OFILL                                       = 0x40
+	OLCUC                                       = 0x2
+	ONLCR                                       = 0x4
+	ONLRET                                      = 0x20
+	ONOCR                                       = 0x10
+	OPENPROM_SUPER_MAGIC                        = 0x9fa1
+	OPOST                                       = 0x1
+	OVERLAYFS_SUPER_MAGIC                       = 0x794c7630
+	O_ACCMODE                                   = 0x3
+	O_APPEND                                    = 0x8
+	O_ASYNC                                     = 0x40
+	O_CLOEXEC                                   = 0x400000
+	O_CREAT                                     = 0x200
+	O_DIRECT                                    = 0x100000
+	O_DIRECTORY                                 = 0x10000
+	O_DSYNC                                     = 0x2000
+	O_EXCL                                      = 0x800
+	O_FSYNC                                     = 0x802000
+	O_LARGEFILE                                 = 0x0
+	O_NDELAY                                    = 0x4004
+	O_NOATIME                                   = 0x200000
+	O_NOCTTY                                    = 0x8000
+	O_NOFOLLOW                                  = 0x20000
+	O_NONBLOCK                                  = 0x4000
+	O_PATH                                      = 0x1000000
+	O_RDONLY                                    = 0x0
+	O_RDWR                                      = 0x2
+	O_RSYNC                                     = 0x802000
+	O_SYNC                                      = 0x802000
+	O_TMPFILE                                   = 0x2010000
+	O_TRUNC                                     = 0x400
+	O_WRONLY                                    = 0x1
+	PACKET_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                       = 0x1
+	PACKET_AUXDATA                              = 0x8
+	PACKET_BROADCAST                            = 0x1
+	PACKET_COPY_THRESH                          = 0x7
+	PACKET_DROP_MEMBERSHIP                      = 0x2
+	PACKET_FANOUT                               = 0x12
+	PACKET_FANOUT_CBPF                          = 0x6
+	PACKET_FANOUT_CPU                           = 0x2
+	PACKET_FANOUT_DATA                          = 0x16
+	PACKET_FANOUT_EBPF                          = 0x7
+	PACKET_FANOUT_FLAG_DEFRAG                   = 0x8000
+	PACKET_FANOUT_FLAG_ROLLOVER                 = 0x1000
+	PACKET_FANOUT_FLAG_UNIQUEID                 = 0x2000
+	PACKET_FANOUT_HASH                          = 0x0
+	PACKET_FANOUT_LB                            = 0x1
+	PACKET_FANOUT_QM                            = 0x5
+	PACKET_FANOUT_RND                           = 0x4
+	PACKET_FANOUT_ROLLOVER                      = 0x3
+	PACKET_FASTROUTE                            = 0x6
+	PACKET_HDRLEN                               = 0xb
+	PACKET_HOST                                 = 0x0
+	PACKET_IGNORE_OUTGOING                      = 0x17
+	PACKET_KERNEL                               = 0x7
+	PACKET_LOOPBACK                             = 0x5
+	PACKET_LOSS                                 = 0xe
+	PACKET_MR_ALLMULTI                          = 0x2
+	PACKET_MR_MULTICAST                         = 0x0
+	PACKET_MR_PROMISC                           = 0x1
+	PACKET_MR_UNICAST                           = 0x3
+	PACKET_MULTICAST                            = 0x2
+	PACKET_ORIGDEV                              = 0x9
+	PACKET_OTHERHOST                            = 0x3
+	PACKET_OUTGOING                             = 0x4
+	PACKET_QDISC_BYPASS                         = 0x14
+	PACKET_RECV_OUTPUT                          = 0x3
+	PACKET_RESERVE                              = 0xc
+	PACKET_ROLLOVER_STATS                       = 0x15
+	PACKET_RX_RING                              = 0x5
+	PACKET_STATISTICS                           = 0x6
+	PACKET_TIMESTAMP                            = 0x11
+	PACKET_TX_HAS_OFF                           = 0x13
+	PACKET_TX_RING                              = 0xd
+	PACKET_TX_TIMESTAMP                         = 0x10
+	PACKET_USER                                 = 0x6
+	PACKET_VERSION                              = 0xa
+	PACKET_VNET_HDR                             = 0xf
+	PARENB                                      = 0x100
+	PARITY_CRC16_PR0                            = 0x2
+	PARITY_CRC16_PR0_CCITT                      = 0x4
+	PARITY_CRC16_PR1                            = 0x3
+	PARITY_CRC16_PR1_CCITT                      = 0x5
+	PARITY_CRC32_PR0_CCITT                      = 0x6
+	PARITY_CRC32_PR1_CCITT                      = 0x7
+	PARITY_DEFAULT                              = 0x0
+	PARITY_NONE                                 = 0x1
+	PARMRK                                      = 0x8
+	PARODD                                      = 0x200
+	PENDIN                                      = 0x4000
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_DISABLE                      = 0x20002401
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_ENABLE                       = 0x20002400
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_ID                           = 0x40082407
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_MODIFY_ATTRIBUTES            = 0x8008240b
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_PAUSE_OUTPUT                 = 0x80042409
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_PERIOD                       = 0x80082404
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_QUERY_BPF                    = 0xc008240a
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_REFRESH                      = 0x20002402
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_RESET                        = 0x20002403
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_BPF                      = 0x80042408
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_FILTER                   = 0x80082406
+	PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_OUTPUT                   = 0x20002405
+	PIPEFS_MAGIC                                = 0x50495045
+	PPPIOCATTACH                                = 0x8004743d
+	PPPIOCATTCHAN                               = 0x80047438
+	PPPIOCCONNECT                               = 0x8004743a
+	PPPIOCDETACH                                = 0x8004743c
+	PPPIOCDISCONN                               = 0x20007439
+	PPPIOCGASYNCMAP                             = 0x40047458
+	PPPIOCGCHAN                                 = 0x40047437
+	PPPIOCGDEBUG                                = 0x40047441
+	PPPIOCGFLAGS                                = 0x4004745a
+	PPPIOCGIDLE                                 = 0x4010743f
+	PPPIOCGL2TPSTATS                            = 0x40487436
+	PPPIOCGMRU                                  = 0x40047453
+	PPPIOCGNPMODE                               = 0xc008744c
+	PPPIOCGRASYNCMAP                            = 0x40047455
+	PPPIOCGUNIT                                 = 0x40047456
+	PPPIOCGXASYNCMAP                            = 0x40207450
+	PPPIOCNEWUNIT                               = 0xc004743e
+	PPPIOCSACTIVE                               = 0x80107446
+	PPPIOCSASYNCMAP                             = 0x80047457
+	PPPIOCSCOMPRESS                             = 0x8010744d
+	PPPIOCSDEBUG                                = 0x80047440
+	PPPIOCSFLAGS                                = 0x80047459
+	PPPIOCSMAXCID                               = 0x80047451
+	PPPIOCSMRRU                                 = 0x8004743b
+	PPPIOCSMRU                                  = 0x80047452
+	PPPIOCSNPMODE                               = 0x8008744b
+	PPPIOCSPASS                                 = 0x80107447
+	PPPIOCSRASYNCMAP                            = 0x80047454
+	PPPIOCSXASYNCMAP                            = 0x8020744f
+	PPPIOCXFERUNIT                              = 0x2000744e
+	PRIO_PGRP                                   = 0x1
+	PRIO_PROCESS                                = 0x0
+	PRIO_USER                                   = 0x2
+	PROC_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0x9fa0
+	PROT_EXEC                                   = 0x4
+	PROT_GROWSDOWN                              = 0x1000000
+	PROT_GROWSUP                                = 0x2000000
+	PROT_NONE                                   = 0x0
+	PROT_READ                                   = 0x1
+	PROT_WRITE                                  = 0x2
+	PR_CAPBSET_DROP                             = 0x18
+	PR_CAPBSET_READ                             = 0x17
+	PR_CAP_AMBIENT                              = 0x2f
+	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_CLEAR_ALL                    = 0x4
+	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_IS_SET                       = 0x1
+	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_LOWER                        = 0x3
+	PR_CAP_AMBIENT_RAISE                        = 0x2
+	PR_ENDIAN_BIG                               = 0x0
+	PR_ENDIAN_LITTLE                            = 0x1
+	PR_ENDIAN_PPC_LITTLE                        = 0x2
+	PR_FPEMU_NOPRINT                            = 0x1
+	PR_FPEMU_SIGFPE                             = 0x2
+	PR_FP_EXC_ASYNC                             = 0x2
+	PR_FP_EXC_DISABLED                          = 0x0
+	PR_FP_EXC_DIV                               = 0x10000
+	PR_FP_EXC_INV                               = 0x100000
+	PR_FP_EXC_NONRECOV                          = 0x1
+	PR_FP_EXC_OVF                               = 0x20000
+	PR_FP_EXC_PRECISE                           = 0x3
+	PR_FP_EXC_RES                               = 0x80000
+	PR_FP_EXC_SW_ENABLE                         = 0x80
+	PR_FP_EXC_UND                               = 0x40000
+	PR_FP_MODE_FR                               = 0x1
+	PR_FP_MODE_FRE                              = 0x2
+	PR_GET_CHILD_SUBREAPER                      = 0x25
+	PR_GET_DUMPABLE                             = 0x3
+	PR_GET_ENDIAN                               = 0x13
+	PR_GET_FPEMU                                = 0x9
+	PR_GET_FPEXC                                = 0xb
+	PR_GET_FP_MODE                              = 0x2e
+	PR_GET_KEEPCAPS                             = 0x7
+	PR_GET_NAME                                 = 0x10
+	PR_GET_NO_NEW_PRIVS                         = 0x27
+	PR_GET_PDEATHSIG                            = 0x2
+	PR_GET_SECCOMP                              = 0x15
+	PR_GET_SECUREBITS                           = 0x1b
+	PR_GET_SPECULATION_CTRL                     = 0x34
+	PR_GET_TAGGED_ADDR_CTRL                     = 0x38
+	PR_GET_THP_DISABLE                          = 0x2a
+	PR_GET_TID_ADDRESS                          = 0x28
+	PR_GET_TIMERSLACK                           = 0x1e
+	PR_GET_TIMING                               = 0xd
+	PR_GET_TSC                                  = 0x19
+	PR_GET_UNALIGN                              = 0x5
+	PR_MCE_KILL                                 = 0x21
+	PR_MCE_KILL_CLEAR                           = 0x0
+	PR_MCE_KILL_DEFAULT                         = 0x2
+	PR_MCE_KILL_EARLY                           = 0x1
+	PR_MCE_KILL_GET                             = 0x22
+	PR_MCE_KILL_LATE                            = 0x0
+	PR_MCE_KILL_SET                             = 0x1
+	PR_MPX_DISABLE_MANAGEMENT                   = 0x2c
+	PR_MPX_ENABLE_MANAGEMENT                    = 0x2b
+	PR_PAC_APDAKEY                              = 0x4
+	PR_PAC_APDBKEY                              = 0x8
+	PR_PAC_APGAKEY                              = 0x10
+	PR_PAC_APIAKEY                              = 0x1
+	PR_PAC_APIBKEY                              = 0x2
+	PR_PAC_RESET_KEYS                           = 0x36
+	PR_SET_CHILD_SUBREAPER                      = 0x24
+	PR_SET_DUMPABLE                             = 0x4
+	PR_SET_ENDIAN                               = 0x14
+	PR_SET_FPEMU                                = 0xa
+	PR_SET_FPEXC                                = 0xc
+	PR_SET_FP_MODE                              = 0x2d
+	PR_SET_KEEPCAPS                             = 0x8
+	PR_SET_MM                                   = 0x23
+	PR_SET_MM_ARG_END                           = 0x9
+	PR_SET_MM_ARG_START                         = 0x8
+	PR_SET_MM_AUXV                              = 0xc
+	PR_SET_MM_BRK                               = 0x7
+	PR_SET_MM_END_CODE                          = 0x2
+	PR_SET_MM_END_DATA                          = 0x4
+	PR_SET_MM_ENV_END                           = 0xb
+	PR_SET_MM_ENV_START                         = 0xa
+	PR_SET_MM_EXE_FILE                          = 0xd
+	PR_SET_MM_MAP                               = 0xe
+	PR_SET_MM_MAP_SIZE                          = 0xf
+	PR_SET_MM_START_BRK                         = 0x6
+	PR_SET_MM_START_CODE                        = 0x1
+	PR_SET_MM_START_DATA                        = 0x3
+	PR_SET_MM_START_STACK                       = 0x5
+	PR_SET_NAME                                 = 0xf
+	PR_SET_NO_NEW_PRIVS                         = 0x26
+	PR_SET_PDEATHSIG                            = 0x1
+	PR_SET_PTRACER                              = 0x59616d61
+	PR_SET_PTRACER_ANY                          = 0xffffffffffffffff
+	PR_SET_SECCOMP                              = 0x16
+	PR_SET_SECUREBITS                           = 0x1c
+	PR_SET_SPECULATION_CTRL                     = 0x35
+	PR_SET_TAGGED_ADDR_CTRL                     = 0x37
+	PR_SET_THP_DISABLE                          = 0x29
+	PR_SET_TIMERSLACK                           = 0x1d
+	PR_SET_TIMING                               = 0xe
+	PR_SET_TSC                                  = 0x1a
+	PR_SET_UNALIGN                              = 0x6
+	PR_SPEC_DISABLE                             = 0x4
+	PR_SPEC_DISABLE_NOEXEC                      = 0x10
+	PR_SPEC_ENABLE                              = 0x2
+	PR_SPEC_FORCE_DISABLE                       = 0x8
+	PR_SPEC_INDIRECT_BRANCH                     = 0x1
+	PR_SPEC_NOT_AFFECTED                        = 0x0
+	PR_SPEC_PRCTL                               = 0x1
+	PR_SPEC_STORE_BYPASS                        = 0x0
+	PR_SVE_GET_VL                               = 0x33
+	PR_SVE_SET_VL                               = 0x32
+	PR_SVE_SET_VL_ONEXEC                        = 0x40000
+	PR_SVE_VL_INHERIT                           = 0x20000
+	PR_SVE_VL_LEN_MASK                          = 0xffff
+	PR_TAGGED_ADDR_ENABLE                       = 0x1
+	PR_TASK_PERF_EVENTS_DISABLE                 = 0x1f
+	PR_TASK_PERF_EVENTS_ENABLE                  = 0x20
+	PR_TIMING_STATISTICAL                       = 0x0
+	PR_TIMING_TIMESTAMP                         = 0x1
+	PR_TSC_ENABLE                               = 0x1
+	PR_TSC_SIGSEGV                              = 0x2
+	PR_UNALIGN_NOPRINT                          = 0x1
+	PR_UNALIGN_SIGBUS                           = 0x2
+	PSTOREFS_MAGIC                              = 0x6165676c
+	PTRACE_ATTACH                               = 0x10
+	PTRACE_CONT                                 = 0x7
+	PTRACE_DETACH                               = 0x11
+	PTRACE_EVENTMSG_SYSCALL_EXIT                = 0x2
+	PTRACE_EVENT_CLONE                          = 0x3
+	PTRACE_EVENT_EXEC                           = 0x4
+	PTRACE_EVENT_EXIT                           = 0x6
+	PTRACE_EVENT_FORK                           = 0x1
+	PTRACE_EVENT_SECCOMP                        = 0x7
+	PTRACE_EVENT_STOP                           = 0x80
+	PTRACE_EVENT_VFORK                          = 0x2
+	PTRACE_EVENT_VFORK_DONE                     = 0x5
+	PTRACE_GETEVENTMSG                          = 0x4201
+	PTRACE_GETFPAREGS                           = 0x14
+	PTRACE_GETFPREGS                            = 0xe
+	PTRACE_GETFPREGS64                          = 0x19
+	PTRACE_GETREGS                              = 0xc
+	PTRACE_GETREGS64                            = 0x16
+	PTRACE_GETREGSET                            = 0x4204
+	PTRACE_GETSIGINFO                           = 0x4202
+	PTRACE_GETSIGMASK                           = 0x420a
+	PTRACE_GET_SYSCALL_INFO                     = 0x420e
+	PTRACE_INTERRUPT                            = 0x4207
+	PTRACE_KILL                                 = 0x8
+	PTRACE_LISTEN                               = 0x4208
+	PTRACE_O_EXITKILL                           = 0x100000
+	PTRACE_O_MASK                               = 0x3000ff
+	PTRACE_O_SUSPEND_SECCOMP                    = 0x200000
+	PTRACE_O_TRACECLONE                         = 0x8
+	PTRACE_O_TRACEEXEC                          = 0x10
+	PTRACE_O_TRACEEXIT                          = 0x40
+	PTRACE_O_TRACEFORK                          = 0x2
+	PTRACE_O_TRACESECCOMP                       = 0x80
+	PTRACE_O_TRACESYSGOOD                       = 0x1
+	PTRACE_O_TRACEVFORK                         = 0x4
+	PTRACE_O_TRACEVFORKDONE                     = 0x20
+	PTRACE_PEEKDATA                             = 0x2
+	PTRACE_PEEKSIGINFO                          = 0x4209
+	PTRACE_PEEKSIGINFO_SHARED                   = 0x1
+	PTRACE_PEEKTEXT                             = 0x1
+	PTRACE_PEEKUSR                              = 0x3
+	PTRACE_POKEDATA                             = 0x5
+	PTRACE_POKETEXT                             = 0x4
+	PTRACE_POKEUSR                              = 0x6
+	PTRACE_READDATA                             = 0x10
+	PTRACE_READTEXT                             = 0x12
+	PTRACE_SECCOMP_GET_FILTER                   = 0x420c
+	PTRACE_SECCOMP_GET_METADATA                 = 0x420d
+	PTRACE_SEIZE                                = 0x4206
+	PTRACE_SETFPAREGS                           = 0x15
+	PTRACE_SETFPREGS                            = 0xf
+	PTRACE_SETFPREGS64                          = 0x1a
+	PTRACE_SETOPTIONS                           = 0x4200
+	PTRACE_SETREGS                              = 0xd
+	PTRACE_SETREGS64                            = 0x17
+	PTRACE_SETREGSET                            = 0x4205
+	PTRACE_SETSIGINFO                           = 0x4203
+	PTRACE_SETSIGMASK                           = 0x420b
+	PTRACE_SINGLESTEP                           = 0x9
+	PTRACE_SPARC_DETACH                         = 0xb
+	PTRACE_SYSCALL                              = 0x18
+	PTRACE_SYSCALL_INFO_ENTRY                   = 0x1
+	PTRACE_SYSCALL_INFO_EXIT                    = 0x2
+	PTRACE_SYSCALL_INFO_NONE                    = 0x0
+	PTRACE_SYSCALL_INFO_SECCOMP                 = 0x3
+	PTRACE_TRACEME                              = 0x0
+	PTRACE_WRITEDATA                            = 0x11
+	PTRACE_WRITETEXT                            = 0x13
+	PT_FP                                       = 0x48
+	PT_G0                                       = 0x10
+	PT_G1                                       = 0x14
+	PT_G2                                       = 0x18
+	PT_G3                                       = 0x1c
+	PT_G4                                       = 0x20
+	PT_G5                                       = 0x24
+	PT_G6                                       = 0x28
+	PT_G7                                       = 0x2c
+	PT_I0                                       = 0x30
+	PT_I1                                       = 0x34
+	PT_I2                                       = 0x38
+	PT_I3                                       = 0x3c
+	PT_I4                                       = 0x40
+	PT_I5                                       = 0x44
+	PT_I6                                       = 0x48
+	PT_I7                                       = 0x4c
+	PT_NPC                                      = 0x8
+	PT_PC                                       = 0x4
+	PT_PSR                                      = 0x0
+	PT_REGS_MAGIC                               = 0x57ac6c00
+	PT_TNPC                                     = 0x90
+	PT_TPC                                      = 0x88
+	PT_TSTATE                                   = 0x80
+	PT_V9_FP                                    = 0x70
+	PT_V9_G0                                    = 0x0
+	PT_V9_G1                                    = 0x8
+	PT_V9_G2                                    = 0x10
+	PT_V9_G3                                    = 0x18
+	PT_V9_G4                                    = 0x20
+	PT_V9_G5                                    = 0x28
+	PT_V9_G6                                    = 0x30
+	PT_V9_G7                                    = 0x38
+	PT_V9_I0                                    = 0x40
+	PT_V9_I1                                    = 0x48
+	PT_V9_I2                                    = 0x50
+	PT_V9_I3                                    = 0x58
+	PT_V9_I4                                    = 0x60
+	PT_V9_I5                                    = 0x68
+	PT_V9_I6                                    = 0x70
+	PT_V9_I7                                    = 0x78
+	PT_V9_MAGIC                                 = 0x9c
+	PT_V9_TNPC                                  = 0x90
+	PT_V9_TPC                                   = 0x88
+	PT_V9_TSTATE                                = 0x80
+	PT_V9_Y                                     = 0x98
+	PT_WIM                                      = 0x10
+	PT_Y                                        = 0xc
+	QNX4_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0x2f
+	QNX6_SUPER_MAGIC                            = 0x68191122
+	RAMFS_MAGIC                                 = 0x858458f6
+	RDTGROUP_SUPER_MAGIC                        = 0x7655821
+	REISERFS_SUPER_MAGIC                        = 0x52654973
+	RENAME_EXCHANGE                             = 0x2
+	RENAME_NOREPLACE                            = 0x1
+	RENAME_WHITEOUT                             = 0x4
+	RLIMIT_AS                                   = 0x9
+	RLIMIT_CORE                                 = 0x4
+	RLIMIT_CPU                                  = 0x0
+	RLIMIT_DATA                                 = 0x2
+	RLIMIT_FSIZE                                = 0x1
+	RLIMIT_LOCKS                                = 0xa
+	RLIMIT_MEMLOCK                              = 0x8
+	RLIMIT_MSGQUEUE                             = 0xc
+	RLIMIT_NICE                                 = 0xd
+	RLIMIT_NOFILE                               = 0x6
+	RLIMIT_NPROC                                = 0x7
+	RLIMIT_RSS                                  = 0x5
+	RLIMIT_RTPRIO                               = 0xe
+	RLIMIT_RTTIME                               = 0xf
+	RLIMIT_SIGPENDING                           = 0xb
+	RLIMIT_STACK                                = 0x3
+	RLIM_INFINITY                               = 0xffffffffffffffff
+	RNDADDENTROPY                               = 0x80085203
+	RNDADDTOENTCNT                              = 0x80045201
+	RNDCLEARPOOL                                = 0x20005206
+	RNDGETENTCNT                                = 0x40045200
+	RNDGETPOOL                                  = 0x40085202
+	RNDRESEEDCRNG                               = 0x20005207
+	RNDZAPENTCNT                                = 0x20005204
+	RTAX_ADVMSS                                 = 0x8
+	RTAX_CC_ALGO                                = 0x10
+	RTAX_CWND                                   = 0x7
+	RTAX_FASTOPEN_NO_COOKIE                     = 0x11
+	RTAX_FEATURES                               = 0xc
+	RTAX_FEATURE_ALLFRAG                        = 0x8
+	RTAX_FEATURE_ECN                            = 0x1
+	RTAX_FEATURE_MASK                           = 0xf
+	RTAX_FEATURE_SACK                           = 0x2
+	RTAX_FEATURE_TIMESTAMP                      = 0x4
+	RTAX_HOPLIMIT                               = 0xa
+	RTAX_INITCWND                               = 0xb
+	RTAX_INITRWND                               = 0xe
+	RTAX_LOCK                                   = 0x1
+	RTAX_MAX                                    = 0x11
+	RTAX_MTU                                    = 0x2
+	RTAX_QUICKACK                               = 0xf
+	RTAX_REORDERING                             = 0x9
+	RTAX_RTO_MIN                                = 0xd
+	RTAX_RTT                                    = 0x4
+	RTAX_RTTVAR                                 = 0x5
+	RTAX_SSTHRESH                               = 0x6
+	RTAX_UNSPEC                                 = 0x0
+	RTAX_WINDOW                                 = 0x3
+	RTA_ALIGNTO                                 = 0x4
+	RTA_MAX                                     = 0x1e
+	RTCF_DIRECTSRC                              = 0x4000000
+	RTCF_DOREDIRECT                             = 0x1000000
+	RTCF_LOG                                    = 0x2000000
+	RTCF_MASQ                                   = 0x400000
+	RTCF_NAT                                    = 0x800000
+	RTCF_VALVE                                  = 0x200000
+	RTC_AF                                      = 0x20
+	RTC_AIE_OFF                                 = 0x20007002
+	RTC_AIE_ON                                  = 0x20007001
+	RTC_ALM_READ                                = 0x40247008
+	RTC_ALM_SET                                 = 0x80247007
+	RTC_EPOCH_READ                              = 0x4008700d
+	RTC_EPOCH_SET                               = 0x8008700e
+	RTC_IRQF                                    = 0x80
+	RTC_IRQP_READ                               = 0x4008700b
+	RTC_IRQP_SET                                = 0x8008700c
+	RTC_MAX_FREQ                                = 0x2000
+	RTC_PF                                      = 0x40
+	RTC_PIE_OFF                                 = 0x20007006
+	RTC_PIE_ON                                  = 0x20007005
+	RTC_PLL_GET                                 = 0x40207011
+	RTC_PLL_SET                                 = 0x80207012
+	RTC_RD_TIME                                 = 0x40247009
+	RTC_SET_TIME                                = 0x8024700a
+	RTC_UF                                      = 0x10
+	RTC_UIE_OFF                                 = 0x20007004
+	RTC_UIE_ON                                  = 0x20007003
+	RTC_VL_CLR                                  = 0x20007014
+	RTC_VL_READ                                 = 0x40047013
+	RTC_WIE_OFF                                 = 0x20007010
+	RTC_WIE_ON                                  = 0x2000700f
+	RTC_WKALM_RD                                = 0x40287010
+	RTC_WKALM_SET                               = 0x8028700f
+	RTF_ADDRCLASSMASK                           = 0xf8000000
+	RTF_ADDRCONF                                = 0x40000
+	RTF_ALLONLINK                               = 0x20000
+	RTF_BROADCAST                               = 0x10000000
+	RTF_CACHE                                   = 0x1000000
+	RTF_DEFAULT                                 = 0x10000
+	RTF_DYNAMIC                                 = 0x10
+	RTF_FLOW                                    = 0x2000000
+	RTF_GATEWAY                                 = 0x2
+	RTF_HOST                                    = 0x4
+	RTF_INTERFACE                               = 0x40000000
+	RTF_IRTT                                    = 0x100
+	RTF_LINKRT                                  = 0x100000
+	RTF_LOCAL                                   = 0x80000000
+	RTF_MODIFIED                                = 0x20
+	RTF_MSS                                     = 0x40
+	RTF_MTU                                     = 0x40
+	RTF_MULTICAST                               = 0x20000000
+	RTF_NAT                                     = 0x8000000
+	RTF_NOFORWARD                               = 0x1000
+	RTF_NONEXTHOP                               = 0x200000
+	RTF_NOPMTUDISC                              = 0x4000
+	RTF_POLICY                                  = 0x4000000
+	RTF_REINSTATE                               = 0x8
+	RTF_REJECT                                  = 0x200
+	RTF_STATIC                                  = 0x400
+	RTF_THROW                                   = 0x2000
+	RTF_UP                                      = 0x1
+	RTF_WINDOW                                  = 0x80
+	RTF_XRESOLVE                                = 0x800
+	RTM_BASE                                    = 0x10
+	RTM_DELACTION                               = 0x31
+	RTM_DELADDR                                 = 0x15
+	RTM_DELADDRLABEL                            = 0x49
+	RTM_DELCHAIN                                = 0x65
+	RTM_DELLINK                                 = 0x11
+	RTM_DELMDB                                  = 0x55
+	RTM_DELNEIGH                                = 0x1d
+	RTM_DELNETCONF                              = 0x51
+	RTM_DELNEXTHOP                              = 0x69
+	RTM_DELNSID                                 = 0x59
+	RTM_DELQDISC                                = 0x25
+	RTM_DELROUTE                                = 0x19
+	RTM_DELRULE                                 = 0x21
+	RTM_DELTCLASS                               = 0x29
+	RTM_DELTFILTER                              = 0x2d
+	RTM_F_CLONED                                = 0x200
+	RTM_F_EQUALIZE                              = 0x400
+	RTM_F_FIB_MATCH                             = 0x2000
+	RTM_F_LOOKUP_TABLE                          = 0x1000
+	RTM_F_NOTIFY                                = 0x100
+	RTM_F_PREFIX                                = 0x800
+	RTM_GETACTION                               = 0x32
+	RTM_GETADDR                                 = 0x16
+	RTM_GETADDRLABEL                            = 0x4a
+	RTM_GETANYCAST                              = 0x3e
+	RTM_GETCHAIN                                = 0x66
+	RTM_GETDCB                                  = 0x4e
+	RTM_GETLINK                                 = 0x12
+	RTM_GETMDB                                  = 0x56
+	RTM_GETMULTICAST                            = 0x3a
+	RTM_GETNEIGH                                = 0x1e
+	RTM_GETNEIGHTBL                             = 0x42
+	RTM_GETNETCONF                              = 0x52
+	RTM_GETNEXTHOP                              = 0x6a
+	RTM_GETNSID                                 = 0x5a
+	RTM_GETQDISC                                = 0x26
+	RTM_GETROUTE                                = 0x1a
+	RTM_GETRULE                                 = 0x22
+	RTM_GETSTATS                                = 0x5e
+	RTM_GETTCLASS                               = 0x2a
+	RTM_GETTFILTER                              = 0x2e
+	RTM_MAX                                     = 0x6b
+	RTM_NEWACTION                               = 0x30
+	RTM_NEWADDR                                 = 0x14
+	RTM_NEWADDRLABEL                            = 0x48
+	RTM_NEWCACHEREPORT                          = 0x60
+	RTM_NEWCHAIN                                = 0x64
+	RTM_NEWLINK                                 = 0x10
+	RTM_NEWMDB                                  = 0x54
+	RTM_NEWNDUSEROPT                            = 0x44
+	RTM_NEWNEIGH                                = 0x1c
+	RTM_NEWNEIGHTBL                             = 0x40
+	RTM_NEWNETCONF                              = 0x50
+	RTM_NEWNEXTHOP                              = 0x68
+	RTM_NEWNSID                                 = 0x58
+	RTM_NEWPREFIX                               = 0x34
+	RTM_NEWQDISC                                = 0x24
+	RTM_NEWROUTE                                = 0x18
+	RTM_NEWRULE                                 = 0x20
+	RTM_NEWSTATS                                = 0x5c
+	RTM_NEWTCLASS                               = 0x28
+	RTM_NEWTFILTER                              = 0x2c
+	RTM_NR_FAMILIES                             = 0x17
+	RTM_NR_MSGTYPES                             = 0x5c
+	RTM_SETDCB                                  = 0x4f
+	RTM_SETLINK                                 = 0x13
+	RTM_SETNEIGHTBL                             = 0x43
+	RTNH_ALIGNTO                                = 0x4
+	RTNH_COMPARE_MASK                           = 0x19
+	RTNH_F_DEAD                                 = 0x1
+	RTNH_F_LINKDOWN                             = 0x10
+	RTNH_F_OFFLOAD                              = 0x8
+	RTNH_F_ONLINK                               = 0x4
+	RTNH_F_PERVASIVE                            = 0x2
+	RTNH_F_UNRESOLVED                           = 0x20
+	RTN_MAX                                     = 0xb
+	RTPROT_BABEL                                = 0x2a
+	RTPROT_BGP                                  = 0xba
+	RTPROT_BIRD                                 = 0xc
+	RTPROT_BOOT                                 = 0x3
+	RTPROT_DHCP                                 = 0x10
+	RTPROT_DNROUTED                             = 0xd
+	RTPROT_EIGRP                                = 0xc0
+	RTPROT_GATED                                = 0x8
+	RTPROT_ISIS                                 = 0xbb
+	RTPROT_KERNEL                               = 0x2
+	RTPROT_MROUTED                              = 0x11
+	RTPROT_MRT                                  = 0xa
+	RTPROT_NTK                                  = 0xf
+	RTPROT_OSPF                                 = 0xbc
+	RTPROT_RA                                   = 0x9
+	RTPROT_REDIRECT                             = 0x1
+	RTPROT_RIP                                  = 0xbd
+	RTPROT_STATIC                               = 0x4
+	RTPROT_UNSPEC                               = 0x0
+	RTPROT_XORP                                 = 0xe
+	RTPROT_ZEBRA                                = 0xb
+	RT_CLASS_DEFAULT                            = 0xfd
+	RT_CLASS_LOCAL                              = 0xff
+	RT_CLASS_MAIN                               = 0xfe
+	RT_CLASS_MAX                                = 0xff
+	RT_CLASS_UNSPEC                             = 0x0
+	RUSAGE_CHILDREN                             = -0x1
+	RUSAGE_SELF                                 = 0x0
+	RUSAGE_THREAD                               = 0x1
+	SCM_CREDENTIALS                             = 0x2
+	SCM_RIGHTS                                  = 0x1
+	SCM_TIMESTAMP                               = 0x1d
+	SCM_TIMESTAMPING                            = 0x23
+	SCM_TIMESTAMPING_OPT_STATS                  = 0x38
+	SCM_TIMESTAMPING_PKTINFO                    = 0x3c
+	SCM_TIMESTAMPNS                             = 0x21
+	SCM_TXTIME                                  = 0x3f
+	SCM_WIFI_STATUS                             = 0x25
+	SC_LOG_FLUSH                                = 0x100000
+	SECCOMP_MODE_DISABLED                       = 0x0
+	SECCOMP_MODE_FILTER                         = 0x2
+	SECCOMP_MODE_STRICT                         = 0x1
+	SECURITYFS_MAGIC                            = 0x73636673
+	SELINUX_MAGIC                               = 0xf97cff8c
+	SFD_CLOEXEC                                 = 0x400000
+	SFD_NONBLOCK                                = 0x4000
+	SHUT_RD                                     = 0x0
+	SHUT_RDWR                                   = 0x2
+	SHUT_WR                                     = 0x1
+	SIOCADDDLCI                                 = 0x8980
+	SIOCADDMULTI                                = 0x8931
+	SIOCADDRT                                   = 0x890b
+	SIOCATMARK                                  = 0x8905
+	SIOCBONDCHANGEACTIVE                        = 0x8995
+	SIOCBONDENSLAVE                             = 0x8990
+	SIOCBONDINFOQUERY                           = 0x8994
+	SIOCBONDRELEASE                             = 0x8991
+	SIOCBONDSETHWADDR                           = 0x8992
+	SIOCBONDSLAVEINFOQUERY                      = 0x8993
+	SIOCBRADDBR                                 = 0x89a0
+	SIOCBRADDIF                                 = 0x89a2
+	SIOCBRDELBR                                 = 0x89a1
+	SIOCBRDELIF                                 = 0x89a3
+	SIOCDARP                                    = 0x8953
+	SIOCDELDLCI                                 = 0x8981
+	SIOCDELMULTI                                = 0x8932
+	SIOCDELRT                                   = 0x890c
+	SIOCDEVPRIVATE                              = 0x89f0
+	SIOCDIFADDR                                 = 0x8936
+	SIOCDRARP                                   = 0x8960
+	SIOCETHTOOL                                 = 0x8946
+	SIOCGARP                                    = 0x8954
+	SIOCGETLINKNAME                             = 0x89e0
+	SIOCGETNODEID                               = 0x89e1
+	SIOCGHWTSTAMP                               = 0x89b1
+	SIOCGIFADDR                                 = 0x8915
+	SIOCGIFBR                                   = 0x8940
+	SIOCGIFBRDADDR                              = 0x8919
+	SIOCGIFCONF                                 = 0x8912
+	SIOCGIFCOUNT                                = 0x8938
+	SIOCGIFDSTADDR                              = 0x8917
+	SIOCGIFENCAP                                = 0x8925
+	SIOCGIFFLAGS                                = 0x8913
+	SIOCGIFHWADDR                               = 0x8927
+	SIOCGIFINDEX                                = 0x8933
+	SIOCGIFMAP                                  = 0x8970
+	SIOCGIFMEM                                  = 0x891f
+	SIOCGIFMETRIC                               = 0x891d
+	SIOCGIFMTU                                  = 0x8921
+	SIOCGIFNAME                                 = 0x8910
+	SIOCGIFNETMASK                              = 0x891b
+	SIOCGIFPFLAGS                               = 0x8935
+	SIOCGIFSLAVE                                = 0x8929
+	SIOCGIFTXQLEN                               = 0x8942
+	SIOCGIFVLAN                                 = 0x8982
+	SIOCGMIIPHY                                 = 0x8947
+	SIOCGMIIREG                                 = 0x8948
+	SIOCGPGRP                                   = 0x8904
+	SIOCGPPPCSTATS                              = 0x89f2
+	SIOCGPPPSTATS                               = 0x89f0
+	SIOCGPPPVER                                 = 0x89f1
+	SIOCGRARP                                   = 0x8961
+	SIOCGSKNS                                   = 0x894c
+	SIOCGSTAMP                                  = 0x8906
+	SIOCGSTAMPNS                                = 0x8907
+	SIOCGSTAMPNS_NEW                            = 0x40108907
+	SIOCGSTAMPNS_OLD                            = 0x8907
+	SIOCGSTAMP_NEW                              = 0x40108906
+	SIOCGSTAMP_OLD                              = 0x8906
+	SIOCINQ                                     = 0x4004667f
+	SIOCOUTQ                                    = 0x40047473
+	SIOCOUTQNSD                                 = 0x894b
+	SIOCPROTOPRIVATE                            = 0x89e0
+	SIOCRTMSG                                   = 0x890d
+	SIOCSARP                                    = 0x8955
+	SIOCSHWTSTAMP                               = 0x89b0
+	SIOCSIFADDR                                 = 0x8916
+	SIOCSIFBR                                   = 0x8941
+	SIOCSIFBRDADDR                              = 0x891a
+	SIOCSIFDSTADDR                              = 0x8918
+	SIOCSIFENCAP                                = 0x8926
+	SIOCSIFFLAGS                                = 0x8914
+	SIOCSIFHWADDR                               = 0x8924
+	SIOCSIFHWBROADCAST                          = 0x8937
+	SIOCSIFLINK                                 = 0x8911
+	SIOCSIFMAP                                  = 0x8971
+	SIOCSIFMEM                                  = 0x8920
+	SIOCSIFMETRIC                               = 0x891e
+	SIOCSIFMTU                                  = 0x8922
+	SIOCSIFNAME                                 = 0x8923
+	SIOCSIFNETMASK                              = 0x891c
+	SIOCSIFPFLAGS                               = 0x8934
+	SIOCSIFSLAVE                                = 0x8930
+	SIOCSIFTXQLEN                               = 0x8943
+	SIOCSIFVLAN                                 = 0x8983
+	SIOCSMIIREG                                 = 0x8949
+	SIOCSPGRP                                   = 0x8902
+	SIOCSRARP                                   = 0x8962
+	SIOCWANDEV                                  = 0x894a
+	SMACK_MAGIC                                 = 0x43415d53
+	SMART_AUTOSAVE                              = 0xd2
+	SMART_AUTO_OFFLINE                          = 0xdb
+	SMART_DISABLE                               = 0xd9
+	SMART_ENABLE                                = 0xd8
+	SMART_HCYL_PASS                             = 0xc2
+	SMART_IMMEDIATE_OFFLINE                     = 0xd4
+	SMART_LCYL_PASS                             = 0x4f
+	SMART_READ_LOG_SECTOR                       = 0xd5
+	SMART_READ_THRESHOLDS                       = 0xd1
+	SMART_READ_VALUES                           = 0xd0
+	SMART_SAVE                                  = 0xd3
+	SMART_STATUS                                = 0xda
+	SMART_WRITE_LOG_SECTOR                      = 0xd6
+	SMART_WRITE_THRESHOLDS                      = 0xd7
+	SMB_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x517b
+	SOCKFS_MAGIC                                = 0x534f434b
+	SOCK_CLOEXEC                                = 0x400000
+	SOCK_DCCP                                   = 0x6
+	SOCK_DGRAM                                  = 0x2
+	SOCK_IOC_TYPE                               = 0x89
+	SOCK_NONBLOCK                               = 0x4000
+	SOCK_PACKET                                 = 0xa
+	SOCK_RAW                                    = 0x3
+	SOCK_RDM                                    = 0x4
+	SOCK_SEQPACKET                              = 0x5
+	SOCK_STREAM                                 = 0x1
+	SOL_AAL                                     = 0x109
+	SOL_ALG                                     = 0x117
+	SOL_ATM                                     = 0x108
+	SOL_CAIF                                    = 0x116
+	SOL_CAN_BASE                                = 0x64
+	SOL_DCCP                                    = 0x10d
+	SOL_DECNET                                  = 0x105
+	SOL_ICMPV6                                  = 0x3a
+	SOL_IP                                      = 0x0
+	SOL_IPV6                                    = 0x29
+	SOL_IRDA                                    = 0x10a
+	SOL_IUCV                                    = 0x115
+	SOL_KCM                                     = 0x119
+	SOL_LLC                                     = 0x10c
+	SOL_NETBEUI                                 = 0x10b
+	SOL_NETLINK                                 = 0x10e
+	SOL_NFC                                     = 0x118
+	SOL_PACKET                                  = 0x107
+	SOL_PNPIPE                                  = 0x113
+	SOL_PPPOL2TP                                = 0x111
+	SOL_RAW                                     = 0xff
+	SOL_RDS                                     = 0x114
+	SOL_RXRPC                                   = 0x110
+	SOL_SOCKET                                  = 0xffff
+	SOL_TCP                                     = 0x6
+	SOL_TIPC                                    = 0x10f
+	SOL_TLS                                     = 0x11a
+	SOL_X25                                     = 0x106
+	SOL_XDP                                     = 0x11b
+	SOMAXCONN                                   = 0x80
+	SO_ACCEPTCONN                               = 0x8000
+	SO_ATTACH_BPF                               = 0x34
+	SO_ATTACH_FILTER                            = 0x1a
+	SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_CBPF                    = 0x35
+	SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_EBPF                    = 0x36
+	SO_BINDTODEVICE                             = 0xd
+	SO_BINDTOIFINDEX                            = 0x41
+	SO_BPF_EXTENSIONS                           = 0x32
+	SO_BROADCAST                                = 0x20
+	SO_BSDCOMPAT                                = 0x400
+	SO_BUSY_POLL                                = 0x30
+	SO_CNX_ADVICE                               = 0x37
+	SO_COOKIE                                   = 0x3b
+	SO_DEBUG                                    = 0x1
+	SO_DETACH_BPF                               = 0x1b
+	SO_DETACH_FILTER                            = 0x1b
+	SO_DETACH_REUSEPORT_BPF                     = 0x47
+	SO_DOMAIN                                   = 0x1029
+	SO_DONTROUTE                                = 0x10
+	SO_EE_CODE_TXTIME_MISSED                    = 0x2
+	SO_EE_CODE_ZEROCOPY_COPIED                  = 0x1
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_ICMP                           = 0x2
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_ICMP6                          = 0x3
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_LOCAL                          = 0x1
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_NONE                           = 0x0
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_TIMESTAMPING                   = 0x4
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_TXSTATUS                       = 0x4
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_TXTIME                         = 0x6
+	SO_EE_ORIGIN_ZEROCOPY                       = 0x5
+	SO_ERROR                                    = 0x1007
+	SO_GET_FILTER                               = 0x1a
+	SO_INCOMING_CPU                             = 0x33
+	SO_INCOMING_NAPI_ID                         = 0x3a
+	SO_KEEPALIVE                                = 0x8
+	SO_LINGER                                   = 0x80
+	SO_LOCK_FILTER                              = 0x28
+	SO_MARK                                     = 0x22
+	SO_MAX_PACING_RATE                          = 0x31
+	SO_MEMINFO                                  = 0x39
+	SO_NOFCS                                    = 0x27
+	SO_NO_CHECK                                 = 0xb
+	SO_OOBINLINE                                = 0x100
+	SO_PASSCRED                                 = 0x2
+	SO_PASSSEC                                  = 0x1f
+	SO_PEEK_OFF                                 = 0x26
+	SO_PEERCRED                                 = 0x40
+	SO_PEERGROUPS                               = 0x3d
+	SO_PEERNAME                                 = 0x1c
+	SO_PEERSEC                                  = 0x1e
+	SO_PRIORITY                                 = 0xc
+	SO_PROTOCOL                                 = 0x1028
+	SO_RCVBUF                                   = 0x1002
+	SO_RCVBUFFORCE                              = 0x100b
+	SO_RCVLOWAT                                 = 0x800
+	SO_RCVTIMEO                                 = 0x2000
+	SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW                             = 0x44
+	SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD                             = 0x2000
+	SO_REUSEADDR                                = 0x4
+	SO_REUSEPORT                                = 0x200
+	SO_RXQ_OVFL                                 = 0x24
+	SO_SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION                  = 0x5001
+	SO_SECURITY_ENCRYPTION_NETWORK              = 0x5004
+	SO_SELECT_ERR_QUEUE                         = 0x29
+	SO_SNDBUF                                   = 0x1001
+	SO_SNDBUFFORCE                              = 0x100a
+	SO_SNDLOWAT                                 = 0x1000
+	SO_SNDTIMEO                                 = 0x4000
+	SO_SNDTIMEO_NEW                             = 0x45
+	SO_SNDTIMEO_OLD                             = 0x4000
+	SO_TIMESTAMP                                = 0x1d
+	SO_TIMESTAMPING                             = 0x23
+	SO_TIMESTAMPING_NEW                         = 0x43
+	SO_TIMESTAMPING_OLD                         = 0x23
+	SO_TIMESTAMPNS                              = 0x21
+	SO_TIMESTAMPNS_NEW                          = 0x42
+	SO_TIMESTAMPNS_OLD                          = 0x21
+	SO_TIMESTAMP_NEW                            = 0x46
+	SO_TIMESTAMP_OLD                            = 0x1d
+	SO_TXTIME                                   = 0x3f
+	SO_TYPE                                     = 0x1008
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE               = 0x2
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_BUFFER_MIN_SIZE               = 0x1
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_BUFFER_SIZE                   = 0x0
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_CONNECT_TIMEOUT               = 0x6
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_NONBLOCK_TXRX                 = 0x7
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_PEER_HOST_VM_ID               = 0x3
+	SO_VM_SOCKETS_TRUSTED                       = 0x5
+	SO_WIFI_STATUS                              = 0x25
+	SO_ZEROCOPY                                 = 0x3e
+	SPLICE_F_GIFT                               = 0x8
+	SPLICE_F_MORE                               = 0x4
+	SPLICE_F_MOVE                               = 0x1
+	SPLICE_F_NONBLOCK                           = 0x2
+	SQUASHFS_MAGIC                              = 0x73717368
+	STACK_END_MAGIC                             = 0x57ac6e9d
+	STATX_ALL                                   = 0xfff
+	STATX_ATIME                                 = 0x20
+	STATX_ATTR_APPEND                           = 0x20
+	STATX_ATTR_AUTOMOUNT                        = 0x1000
+	STATX_ATTR_COMPRESSED                       = 0x4
+	STATX_ATTR_ENCRYPTED                        = 0x800
+	STATX_ATTR_IMMUTABLE                        = 0x10
+	STATX_ATTR_NODUMP                           = 0x40
+	STATX_BASIC_STATS                           = 0x7ff
+	STATX_BLOCKS                                = 0x400
+	STATX_BTIME                                 = 0x800
+	STATX_CTIME                                 = 0x80
+	STATX_GID                                   = 0x10
+	STATX_INO                                   = 0x100
+	STATX_MODE                                  = 0x2
+	STATX_MTIME                                 = 0x40
+	STATX_NLINK                                 = 0x4
+	STATX_SIZE                                  = 0x200
+	STATX_TYPE                                  = 0x1
+	STATX_UID                                   = 0x8
+	STATX__RESERVED                             = 0x80000000
+	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WAIT_AFTER                  = 0x4
+	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WAIT_BEFORE                 = 0x1
+	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WRITE                       = 0x2
+	SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WRITE_AND_WAIT              = 0x7
+	SYSFS_MAGIC                                 = 0x62656572
+	S_BLKSIZE                                   = 0x200
+	S_IEXEC                                     = 0x40
+	S_IFBLK                                     = 0x6000
+	S_IFCHR                                     = 0x2000
+	S_IFDIR                                     = 0x4000
+	S_IFIFO                                     = 0x1000
+	S_IFLNK                                     = 0xa000
+	S_IFMT                                      = 0xf000
+	S_IFREG                                     = 0x8000
+	S_IFSOCK                                    = 0xc000
+	S_IREAD                                     = 0x100
+	S_IRGRP                                     = 0x20
+	S_IROTH                                     = 0x4
+	S_IRUSR                                     = 0x100
+	S_IRWXG                                     = 0x38
+	S_IRWXO                                     = 0x7
+	S_IRWXU                                     = 0x1c0
+	S_ISGID                                     = 0x400
+	S_ISUID                                     = 0x800
+	S_ISVTX                                     = 0x200
+	S_IWGRP                                     = 0x10
+	S_IWOTH                                     = 0x2
+	S_IWRITE                                    = 0x80
+	S_IWUSR                                     = 0x80
+	S_IXGRP                                     = 0x8
+	S_IXOTH                                     = 0x1
+	S_IXUSR                                     = 0x40
+	TAB0                                        = 0x0
+	TAB1                                        = 0x800
+	TAB2                                        = 0x1000
+	TAB3                                        = 0x1800
+	TABDLY                                      = 0x1800
+	TASKSTATS_CMD_ATTR_MAX                      = 0x4
+	TASKSTATS_CMD_MAX                           = 0x2
+	TASKSTATS_GENL_NAME                         = "TASKSTATS"
+	TASKSTATS_GENL_VERSION                      = 0x1
+	TASKSTATS_TYPE_MAX                          = 0x6
+	TASKSTATS_VERSION                           = 0x9
+	TCFLSH                                      = 0x20005407
+	TCGETA                                      = 0x40125401
+	TCGETS                                      = 0x40245408
+	TCGETS2                                     = 0x402c540c
+	TCIFLUSH                                    = 0x0
+	TCIOFF                                      = 0x2
+	TCIOFLUSH                                   = 0x2
+	TCION                                       = 0x3
+	TCOFLUSH                                    = 0x1
+	TCOOFF                                      = 0x0
+	TCOON                                       = 0x1
+	TCP_BPF_IW                                  = 0x3e9
+	TCP_BPF_SNDCWND_CLAMP                       = 0x3ea
+	TCP_CC_INFO                                 = 0x1a
+	TCP_CM_INQ                                  = 0x24
+	TCP_CONGESTION                              = 0xd
+	TCP_COOKIE_IN_ALWAYS                        = 0x1
+	TCP_COOKIE_MAX                              = 0x10
+	TCP_COOKIE_MIN                              = 0x8
+	TCP_COOKIE_OUT_NEVER                        = 0x2
+	TCP_COOKIE_PAIR_SIZE                        = 0x20
+	TCP_COOKIE_TRANSACTIONS                     = 0xf
+	TCP_CORK                                    = 0x3
+	TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT                            = 0x9
+	TCP_FASTOPEN                                = 0x17
+	TCP_FASTOPEN_CONNECT                        = 0x1e
+	TCP_FASTOPEN_KEY                            = 0x21
+	TCP_FASTOPEN_NO_COOKIE                      = 0x22
+	TCP_INFO                                    = 0xb
+	TCP_INQ                                     = 0x24
+	TCP_KEEPCNT                                 = 0x6
+	TCP_KEEPIDLE                                = 0x4
+	TCP_KEEPINTVL                               = 0x5
+	TCP_LINGER2                                 = 0x8
+	TCP_MAXSEG                                  = 0x2
+	TCP_MAXWIN                                  = 0xffff
+	TCP_MAX_WINSHIFT                            = 0xe
+	TCP_MD5SIG                                  = 0xe
+	TCP_MD5SIG_EXT                              = 0x20
+	TCP_MD5SIG_FLAG_PREFIX                      = 0x1
+	TCP_MD5SIG_MAXKEYLEN                        = 0x50
+	TCP_MSS                                     = 0x200
+	TCP_MSS_DEFAULT                             = 0x218
+	TCP_MSS_DESIRED                             = 0x4c4
+	TCP_NODELAY                                 = 0x1
+	TCP_NOTSENT_LOWAT                           = 0x19
+	TCP_QUEUE_SEQ                               = 0x15
+	TCP_QUICKACK                                = 0xc
+	TCP_REPAIR                                  = 0x13
+	TCP_REPAIR_OFF                              = 0x0
+	TCP_REPAIR_OFF_NO_WP                        = -0x1
+	TCP_REPAIR_ON                               = 0x1
+	TCP_REPAIR_OPTIONS                          = 0x16
+	TCP_REPAIR_QUEUE                            = 0x14
+	TCP_REPAIR_WINDOW                           = 0x1d
+	TCP_SAVED_SYN                               = 0x1c
+	TCP_SAVE_SYN                                = 0x1b
+	TCP_SYNCNT                                  = 0x7
+	TCP_S_DATA_IN                               = 0x4
+	TCP_S_DATA_OUT                              = 0x8
+	TCP_THIN_DUPACK                             = 0x11
+	TCP_THIN_LINEAR_TIMEOUTS                    = 0x10
+	TCP_TIMESTAMP                               = 0x18
+	TCP_ULP                                     = 0x1f
+	TCP_USER_TIMEOUT                            = 0x12
+	TCP_WINDOW_CLAMP                            = 0xa
+	TCP_ZEROCOPY_RECEIVE                        = 0x23
+	TCSAFLUSH                                   = 0x2
+	TCSBRK                                      = 0x20005405
+	TCSBRKP                                     = 0x5425
+	TCSETA                                      = 0x80125402
+	TCSETAF                                     = 0x80125404
+	TCSETAW                                     = 0x80125403
+	TCSETS                                      = 0x80245409
+	TCSETS2                                     = 0x802c540d
+	TCSETSF                                     = 0x8024540b
+	TCSETSF2                                    = 0x802c540f
+	TCSETSW                                     = 0x8024540a
+	TCSETSW2                                    = 0x802c540e
+	TCXONC                                      = 0x20005406
+	TIMER_ABSTIME                               = 0x1
+	TIOCCBRK                                    = 0x2000747a
+	TIOCCONS                                    = 0x20007424
+	TIOCEXCL                                    = 0x2000740d
+	TIOCGDEV                                    = 0x40045432
+	TIOCGETD                                    = 0x40047400
+	TIOCGEXCL                                   = 0x40045440
+	TIOCGICOUNT                                 = 0x545d
+	TIOCGISO7816                                = 0x40285443
+	TIOCGLCKTRMIOS                              = 0x5456
+	TIOCGPGRP                                   = 0x40047483
+	TIOCGPKT                                    = 0x40045438
+	TIOCGPTLCK                                  = 0x40045439
+	TIOCGPTN                                    = 0x40047486
+	TIOCGPTPEER                                 = 0x20007489
+	TIOCGRS485                                  = 0x40205441
+	TIOCGSERIAL                                 = 0x541e
+	TIOCGSID                                    = 0x40047485
+	TIOCGSOFTCAR                                = 0x40047464
+	TIOCGWINSZ                                  = 0x40087468
+	TIOCINQ                                     = 0x4004667f
+	TIOCLINUX                                   = 0x541c
+	TIOCMBIC                                    = 0x8004746b
+	TIOCMBIS                                    = 0x8004746c
+	TIOCMGET                                    = 0x4004746a
+	TIOCMIWAIT                                  = 0x545c
+	TIOCMSET                                    = 0x8004746d
+	TIOCM_CAR                                   = 0x40
+	TIOCM_CD                                    = 0x40
+	TIOCM_CTS                                   = 0x20
+	TIOCM_DSR                                   = 0x100
+	TIOCM_DTR                                   = 0x2
+	TIOCM_LE                                    = 0x1
+	TIOCM_RI                                    = 0x80
+	TIOCM_RNG                                   = 0x80
+	TIOCM_RTS                                   = 0x4
+	TIOCM_SR                                    = 0x10
+	TIOCM_ST                                    = 0x8
+	TIOCNOTTY                                   = 0x20007471
+	TIOCNXCL                                    = 0x2000740e
+	TIOCOUTQ                                    = 0x40047473
+	TIOCPKT                                     = 0x80047470
+	TIOCPKT_DATA                                = 0x0
+	TIOCPKT_DOSTOP                              = 0x20
+	TIOCPKT_FLUSHREAD                           = 0x1
+	TIOCPKT_FLUSHWRITE                          = 0x2
+	TIOCPKT_IOCTL                               = 0x40
+	TIOCPKT_NOSTOP                              = 0x10
+	TIOCPKT_START                               = 0x8
+	TIOCPKT_STOP                                = 0x4
+	TIOCSBRK                                    = 0x2000747b
+	TIOCSCTTY                                   = 0x20007484
+	TIOCSERCONFIG                               = 0x5453
+	TIOCSERGETLSR                               = 0x5459
+	TIOCSERGETMULTI                             = 0x545a
+	TIOCSERGSTRUCT                              = 0x5458
+	TIOCSERGWILD                                = 0x5454
+	TIOCSERSETMULTI                             = 0x545b
+	TIOCSERSWILD                                = 0x5455
+	TIOCSETD                                    = 0x80047401
+	TIOCSIG                                     = 0x80047488
+	TIOCSISO7816                                = 0xc0285444
+	TIOCSLCKTRMIOS                              = 0x5457
+	TIOCSPGRP                                   = 0x80047482
+	TIOCSPTLCK                                  = 0x80047487
+	TIOCSRS485                                  = 0xc0205442
+	TIOCSSERIAL                                 = 0x541f
+	TIOCSSOFTCAR                                = 0x80047465
+	TIOCSTART                                   = 0x2000746e
+	TIOCSTI                                     = 0x80017472
+	TIOCSTOP                                    = 0x2000746f
+	TIOCSWINSZ                                  = 0x80087467
+	TIOCVHANGUP                                 = 0x20005437
+	TIPC_ADDR_ID                                = 0x3
+	TIPC_ADDR_MCAST                             = 0x1
+	TIPC_ADDR_NAME                              = 0x2
+	TIPC_ADDR_NAMESEQ                           = 0x1
+	TIPC_CFG_SRV                                = 0x0
+	TIPC_CLUSTER_BITS                           = 0xc
+	TIPC_CLUSTER_MASK                           = 0xfff000
+	TIPC_CLUSTER_OFFSET                         = 0xc
+	TIPC_CLUSTER_SIZE                           = 0xfff
+	TIPC_CONN_SHUTDOWN                          = 0x5
+	TIPC_CONN_TIMEOUT                           = 0x82
+	TIPC_CRITICAL_IMPORTANCE                    = 0x3
+	TIPC_DESTNAME                               = 0x3
+	TIPC_DEST_DROPPABLE                         = 0x81
+	TIPC_ERRINFO                                = 0x1
+	TIPC_ERR_NO_NAME                            = 0x1
+	TIPC_ERR_NO_NODE                            = 0x3
+	TIPC_ERR_NO_PORT                            = 0x2
+	TIPC_ERR_OVERLOAD                           = 0x4
+	TIPC_GROUP_JOIN                             = 0x87
+	TIPC_GROUP_LEAVE                            = 0x88
+	TIPC_GROUP_LOOPBACK                         = 0x1
+	TIPC_GROUP_MEMBER_EVTS                      = 0x2
+	TIPC_HIGH_IMPORTANCE                        = 0x2
+	TIPC_IMPORTANCE                             = 0x7f
+	TIPC_LINK_STATE                             = 0x2
+	TIPC_LOW_IMPORTANCE                         = 0x0
+	TIPC_MAX_BEARER_NAME                        = 0x20
+	TIPC_MAX_IF_NAME                            = 0x10
+	TIPC_MAX_LINK_NAME                          = 0x44
+	TIPC_MAX_MEDIA_NAME                         = 0x10
+	TIPC_MAX_USER_MSG_SIZE                      = 0x101d0
+	TIPC_MCAST_BROADCAST                        = 0x85
+	TIPC_MCAST_REPLICAST                        = 0x86
+	TIPC_MEDIUM_IMPORTANCE                      = 0x1
+	TIPC_NODEID_LEN                             = 0x10
+	TIPC_NODE_BITS                              = 0xc
+	TIPC_NODE_MASK                              = 0xfff
+	TIPC_NODE_OFFSET                            = 0x0
+	TIPC_NODE_RECVQ_DEPTH                       = 0x83
+	TIPC_NODE_SIZE                              = 0xfff
+	TIPC_NODE_STATE                             = 0x0
+	TIPC_OK                                     = 0x0
+	TIPC_PUBLISHED                              = 0x1
+	TIPC_RESERVED_TYPES                         = 0x40
+	TIPC_RETDATA                                = 0x2
+	TIPC_SERVICE_ADDR                           = 0x2
+	TIPC_SERVICE_RANGE                          = 0x1
+	TIPC_SOCKET_ADDR                            = 0x3
+	TIPC_SOCK_RECVQ_DEPTH                       = 0x84
+	TIPC_SOCK_RECVQ_USED                        = 0x89
+	TIPC_SRC_DROPPABLE                          = 0x80
+	TIPC_SUBSCR_TIMEOUT                         = 0x3
+	TIPC_SUB_CANCEL                             = 0x4
+	TIPC_SUB_PORTS                              = 0x1
+	TIPC_SUB_SERVICE                            = 0x2
+	TIPC_TOP_SRV                                = 0x1
+	TIPC_WAIT_FOREVER                           = 0xffffffff
+	TIPC_WITHDRAWN                              = 0x2
+	TIPC_ZONE_BITS                              = 0x8
+	TIPC_ZONE_CLUSTER_MASK                      = 0xfffff000
+	TIPC_ZONE_MASK                              = 0xff000000
+	TIPC_ZONE_OFFSET                            = 0x18
+	TIPC_ZONE_SCOPE                             = 0x1
+	TIPC_ZONE_SIZE                              = 0xff
+	TMPFS_MAGIC                                 = 0x1021994
+	TOSTOP                                      = 0x100
+	TPACKET_ALIGNMENT                           = 0x10
+	TPACKET_HDRLEN                              = 0x34
+	TP_STATUS_AVAILABLE                         = 0x0
+	TP_STATUS_BLK_TMO                           = 0x20
+	TP_STATUS_COPY                              = 0x2
+	TP_STATUS_CSUMNOTREADY                      = 0x8
+	TP_STATUS_CSUM_VALID                        = 0x80
+	TP_STATUS_KERNEL                            = 0x0
+	TP_STATUS_LOSING                            = 0x4
+	TP_STATUS_SENDING                           = 0x2
+	TP_STATUS_SEND_REQUEST                      = 0x1
+	TP_STATUS_TS_RAW_HARDWARE                   = 0x80000000
+	TP_STATUS_TS_SOFTWARE                       = 0x20000000
+	TP_STATUS_TS_SYS_HARDWARE                   = 0x40000000
+	TP_STATUS_USER                              = 0x1
+	TP_STATUS_VLAN_TPID_VALID                   = 0x40
+	TP_STATUS_VLAN_VALID                        = 0x10
+	TP_STATUS_WRONG_FORMAT                      = 0x4
+	TRACEFS_MAGIC                               = 0x74726163
+	TS_COMM_LEN                                 = 0x20
+	TUNATTACHFILTER                             = 0x801054d5
+	TUNDETACHFILTER                             = 0x801054d6
+	TUNGETDEVNETNS                              = 0x200054e3
+	TUNGETFEATURES                              = 0x400454cf
+	TUNGETFILTER                                = 0x401054db
+	TUNGETIFF                                   = 0x400454d2
+	TUNGETSNDBUF                                = 0x400454d3
+	TUNGETVNETBE                                = 0x400454df
+	TUNGETVNETHDRSZ                             = 0x400454d7
+	TUNGETVNETLE                                = 0x400454dd
+	TUNSETCARRIER                               = 0x800454e2
+	TUNSETDEBUG                                 = 0x800454c9
+	TUNSETFILTEREBPF                            = 0x400454e1
+	TUNSETGROUP                                 = 0x800454ce
+	TUNSETIFF                                   = 0x800454ca
+	TUNSETIFINDEX                               = 0x800454da
+	TUNSETLINK                                  = 0x800454cd
+	TUNSETNOCSUM                                = 0x800454c8
+	TUNSETOFFLOAD                               = 0x800454d0
+	TUNSETOWNER                                 = 0x800454cc
+	TUNSETPERSIST                               = 0x800454cb
+	TUNSETQUEUE                                 = 0x800454d9
+	TUNSETSNDBUF                                = 0x800454d4
+	TUNSETSTEERINGEBPF                          = 0x400454e0
+	TUNSETTXFILTER                              = 0x800454d1
+	TUNSETVNETBE                                = 0x800454de
+	TUNSETVNETHDRSZ                             = 0x800454d8
+	TUNSETVNETLE                                = 0x800454dc
+	UBI_IOCATT                                  = 0x80186f40
+	UBI_IOCDET                                  = 0x80046f41
+	UBI_IOCEBCH                                 = 0x80044f02
+	UBI_IOCEBER                                 = 0x80044f01
+	UBI_IOCEBISMAP                              = 0x40044f05
+	UBI_IOCEBMAP                                = 0x80084f03
+	UBI_IOCEBUNMAP                              = 0x80044f04
+	UBI_IOCMKVOL                                = 0x80986f00
+	UBI_IOCRMVOL                                = 0x80046f01
+	UBI_IOCRNVOL                                = 0x91106f03
+	UBI_IOCRPEB                                 = 0x80046f04
+	UBI_IOCRSVOL                                = 0x800c6f02
+	UBI_IOCSETVOLPROP                           = 0x80104f06
+	UBI_IOCSPEB                                 = 0x80046f05
+	UBI_IOCVOLCRBLK                             = 0x80804f07
+	UBI_IOCVOLRMBLK                             = 0x20004f08
+	UBI_IOCVOLUP                                = 0x80084f00
+	UDF_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x15013346
+	UMOUNT_NOFOLLOW                             = 0x8
+	USBDEVICE_SUPER_MAGIC                       = 0x9fa2
+	UTIME_NOW                                   = 0x3fffffff
+	UTIME_OMIT                                  = 0x3ffffffe
+	V9FS_MAGIC                                  = 0x1021997
+	VDISCARD                                    = 0xd
+	VEOF                                        = 0x4
+	VEOL                                        = 0xb
+	VEOL2                                       = 0x10
+	VERASE                                      = 0x2
+	VINTR                                       = 0x0
+	VKILL                                       = 0x3
+	VLNEXT                                      = 0xf
+	VMADDR_CID_ANY                              = 0xffffffff
+	VMADDR_CID_HOST                             = 0x2
+	VMADDR_CID_HYPERVISOR                       = 0x0
+	VMADDR_CID_RESERVED                         = 0x1
+	VMADDR_PORT_ANY                             = 0xffffffff
+	VMIN                                        = 0x6
+	VM_SOCKETS_INVALID_VERSION                  = 0xffffffff
+	VQUIT                                       = 0x1
+	VREPRINT                                    = 0xc
+	VSTART                                      = 0x8
+	VSTOP                                       = 0x9
+	VSUSP                                       = 0xa
+	VSWTC                                       = 0x7
+	VT0                                         = 0x0
+	VT1                                         = 0x4000
+	VTDLY                                       = 0x4000
+	VTIME                                       = 0x5
+	VWERASE                                     = 0xe
+	WALL                                        = 0x40000000
+	WCLONE                                      = 0x80000000
+	WCONTINUED                                  = 0x8
+	WDIOC_GETBOOTSTATUS                         = 0x40045702
+	WDIOC_GETPRETIMEOUT                         = 0x40045709
+	WDIOC_GETSTATUS                             = 0x40045701
+	WDIOC_GETSUPPORT                            = 0x40285700
+	WDIOC_GETTEMP                               = 0x40045703
+	WDIOC_GETTIMELEFT                           = 0x4004570a
+	WDIOC_GETTIMEOUT                            = 0x40045707
+	WDIOC_KEEPALIVE                             = 0x40045705
+	WDIOC_SETOPTIONS                            = 0x40045704
+	WDIOC_SETPRETIMEOUT                         = 0xc0045708
+	WDIOC_SETTIMEOUT                            = 0xc0045706
+	WEXITED                                     = 0x4
+	WIN_ACKMEDIACHANGE                          = 0xdb
+	WIN_CHECKPOWERMODE1                         = 0xe5
+	WIN_CHECKPOWERMODE2                         = 0x98
+	WIN_DEVICE_RESET                            = 0x8
+	WIN_DIAGNOSE                                = 0x90
+	WIN_DOORLOCK                                = 0xde
+	WIN_DOORUNLOCK                              = 0xdf
+	WIN_DOWNLOAD_MICROCODE                      = 0x92
+	WIN_FLUSH_CACHE                             = 0xe7
+	WIN_FLUSH_CACHE_EXT                         = 0xea
+	WIN_FORMAT                                  = 0x50
+	WIN_GETMEDIASTATUS                          = 0xda
+	WIN_IDENTIFY                                = 0xec
+	WIN_IDENTIFY_DMA                            = 0xee
+	WIN_IDLEIMMEDIATE                           = 0xe1
+	WIN_INIT                                    = 0x60
+	WIN_MEDIAEJECT                              = 0xed
+	WIN_MULTREAD                                = 0xc4
+	WIN_MULTREAD_EXT                            = 0x29
+	WIN_MULTWRITE                               = 0xc5
+	WIN_MULTWRITE_EXT                           = 0x39
+	WIN_NOP                                     = 0x0
+	WIN_PACKETCMD                               = 0xa0
+	WIN_PIDENTIFY                               = 0xa1
+	WIN_POSTBOOT                                = 0xdc
+	WIN_PREBOOT                                 = 0xdd
+	WIN_QUEUED_SERVICE                          = 0xa2
+	WIN_READ                                    = 0x20
+	WIN_READDMA                                 = 0xc8
+	WIN_READDMA_EXT                             = 0x25
+	WIN_READDMA_ONCE                            = 0xc9
+	WIN_READDMA_QUEUED                          = 0xc7
+	WIN_READDMA_QUEUED_EXT                      = 0x26
+	WIN_READ_BUFFER                             = 0xe4
+	WIN_READ_EXT                                = 0x24
+	WIN_READ_LONG                               = 0x22
+	WIN_READ_LONG_ONCE                          = 0x23
+	WIN_READ_NATIVE_MAX                         = 0xf8
+	WIN_READ_NATIVE_MAX_EXT                     = 0x27
+	WIN_READ_ONCE                               = 0x21
+	WIN_RECAL                                   = 0x10
+	WIN_RESTORE                                 = 0x10
+	WIN_SECURITY_DISABLE                        = 0xf6
+	WIN_SECURITY_ERASE_PREPARE                  = 0xf3
+	WIN_SECURITY_ERASE_UNIT                     = 0xf4
+	WIN_SECURITY_FREEZE_LOCK                    = 0xf5
+	WIN_SECURITY_SET_PASS                       = 0xf1
+	WIN_SECURITY_UNLOCK                         = 0xf2
+	WIN_SEEK                                    = 0x70
+	WIN_SETFEATURES                             = 0xef
+	WIN_SETIDLE1                                = 0xe3
+	WIN_SETIDLE2                                = 0x97
+	WIN_SETMULT                                 = 0xc6
+	WIN_SET_MAX                                 = 0xf9
+	WIN_SET_MAX_EXT                             = 0x37
+	WIN_SLEEPNOW1                               = 0xe6
+	WIN_SLEEPNOW2                               = 0x99
+	WIN_SMART                                   = 0xb0
+	WIN_SPECIFY                                 = 0x91
+	WIN_SRST                                    = 0x8
+	WIN_STANDBY                                 = 0xe2
+	WIN_STANDBY2                                = 0x96
+	WIN_STANDBYNOW1                             = 0xe0
+	WIN_STANDBYNOW2                             = 0x94
+	WIN_VERIFY                                  = 0x40
+	WIN_VERIFY_EXT                              = 0x42
+	WIN_VERIFY_ONCE                             = 0x41
+	WIN_WRITE                                   = 0x30
+	WIN_WRITEDMA                                = 0xca
+	WIN_WRITEDMA_EXT                            = 0x35
+	WIN_WRITEDMA_ONCE                           = 0xcb
+	WIN_WRITEDMA_QUEUED                         = 0xcc
+	WIN_WRITEDMA_QUEUED_EXT                     = 0x36
+	WIN_WRITE_BUFFER                            = 0xe8
+	WIN_WRITE_EXT                               = 0x34
+	WIN_WRITE_LONG                              = 0x32
+	WIN_WRITE_LONG_ONCE                         = 0x33
+	WIN_WRITE_ONCE                              = 0x31
+	WIN_WRITE_SAME                              = 0xe9
+	WIN_WRITE_VERIFY                            = 0x3c
+	WNOHANG                                     = 0x1
+	WNOTHREAD                                   = 0x20000000
+	WNOWAIT                                     = 0x1000000
+	WORDSIZE                                    = 0x40
+	WSTOPPED                                    = 0x2
+	WUNTRACED                                   = 0x2
+	XATTR_CREATE                                = 0x1
+	XATTR_REPLACE                               = 0x2
+	XCASE                                       = 0x4
+	XDP_COPY                                    = 0x2
+	XDP_FLAGS_DRV_MODE                          = 0x4
+	XDP_FLAGS_HW_MODE                           = 0x8
+	XDP_FLAGS_MASK                              = 0xf
+	XDP_FLAGS_MODES                             = 0xe
+	XDP_FLAGS_SKB_MODE                          = 0x2
+	XDP_FLAGS_UPDATE_IF_NOEXIST                 = 0x1
+	XDP_MMAP_OFFSETS                            = 0x1
+	XDP_OPTIONS                                 = 0x8
+	XDP_OPTIONS_ZEROCOPY                        = 0x1
+	XDP_PACKET_HEADROOM                         = 0x100
+	XDP_PGOFF_RX_RING                           = 0x0
+	XDP_PGOFF_TX_RING                           = 0x80000000
+	XDP_RING_NEED_WAKEUP                        = 0x1
+	XDP_RX_RING                                 = 0x2
+	XDP_SHARED_UMEM                             = 0x1
+	XDP_STATISTICS                              = 0x7
+	XDP_TX_RING                                 = 0x3
+	XDP_UMEM_COMPLETION_RING                    = 0x6
+	XDP_UMEM_FILL_RING                          = 0x5
+	XDP_UMEM_PGOFF_COMPLETION_RING              = 0x180000000
+	XDP_UMEM_PGOFF_FILL_RING                    = 0x100000000
+	XDP_UMEM_REG                                = 0x4
+	XDP_UMEM_UNALIGNED_CHUNK_FLAG               = 0x1
+	XDP_USE_NEED_WAKEUP                         = 0x8
+	XDP_ZEROCOPY                                = 0x4
+	XENFS_SUPER_MAGIC                           = 0xabba1974
+	XFS_SUPER_MAGIC                             = 0x58465342
+	XTABS                                       = 0x1800
+	Z3FOLD_MAGIC                                = 0x33
+	ZSMALLOC_MAGIC                              = 0x58295829
+	__TIOCFLUSH                                 = 0x80047410
 // Errors
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_netbsd_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_netbsd_386.go
index 78cc04e..96b9b8a 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_netbsd_386.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_netbsd_386.go
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 // +build 386,netbsd
-// Created by cgo -godefs - DO NOT EDIT
+// Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT.
 // cgo -godefs -- -m32 _const.go
 package unix
@@ -1085,6 +1085,7 @@ const (
 	NET_RT_MAXID                      = 0x6
 	NET_RT_OIFLIST                    = 0x4
 	NET_RT_OOIFLIST                   = 0x3
+	NFDBITS                           = 0x20
 	NOFLSH                            = 0x80000000
 	NOTE_ATTRIB                       = 0x8
 	NOTE_CHILD                        = 0x4
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_netbsd_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_netbsd_amd64.go
index 92185e6..ed522a8 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_netbsd_amd64.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_netbsd_amd64.go
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 // +build amd64,netbsd
-// Created by cgo -godefs - DO NOT EDIT
+// Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT.
 // cgo -godefs -- -m64 _const.go
 package unix
@@ -1075,6 +1075,7 @@ const (
 	NET_RT_MAXID                      = 0x6
 	NET_RT_OIFLIST                    = 0x4
 	NET_RT_OOIFLIST                   = 0x3
+	NFDBITS                           = 0x20
 	NOFLSH                            = 0x80000000
 	NOTE_ATTRIB                       = 0x8
 	NOTE_CHILD                        = 0x4
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_netbsd_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_netbsd_arm.go
index 373ad45..c8d36fe 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_netbsd_arm.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_netbsd_arm.go
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 // +build arm,netbsd
-// Created by cgo -godefs - DO NOT EDIT
+// Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT.
 // cgo -godefs -- -marm _const.go
 package unix
@@ -1065,6 +1065,7 @@ const (
 	NET_RT_MAXID                      = 0x6
 	NET_RT_OIFLIST                    = 0x4
 	NET_RT_OOIFLIST                   = 0x3
+	NFDBITS                           = 0x20
 	NOFLSH                            = 0x80000000
 	NOTE_ATTRIB                       = 0x8
 	NOTE_CHILD                        = 0x4
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_netbsd_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_netbsd_arm64.go
index fb6c604..f1c146a 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_netbsd_arm64.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_netbsd_arm64.go
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 // +build arm64,netbsd
-// Created by cgo -godefs - DO NOT EDIT
+// Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT.
 // cgo -godefs -- -m64 _const.go
 package unix
@@ -1075,6 +1075,7 @@ const (
 	NET_RT_MAXID                      = 0x6
 	NET_RT_OIFLIST                    = 0x4
 	NET_RT_OOIFLIST                   = 0x3
+	NFDBITS                           = 0x20
 	NOFLSH                            = 0x80000000
 	NOTE_ATTRIB                       = 0x8
 	NOTE_CHILD                        = 0x4
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_openbsd_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_openbsd_386.go
index d8be045..5402bd5 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_openbsd_386.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_openbsd_386.go
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 // +build 386,openbsd
-// Created by cgo -godefs - DO NOT EDIT
+// Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT.
 // cgo -godefs -- -m32 _const.go
 package unix
@@ -881,14 +881,15 @@ const (
 	MADV_SPACEAVAIL                   = 0x5
 	MADV_WILLNEED                     = 0x3
 	MAP_ANON                          = 0x1000
-	MAP_COPY                          = 0x4
+	MAP_ANONYMOUS                     = 0x1000
+	MAP_CONCEAL                       = 0x8000
+	MAP_COPY                          = 0x2
 	MAP_FILE                          = 0x0
 	MAP_FIXED                         = 0x10
-	MAP_FLAGMASK                      = 0x1ff7
-	MAP_HASSEMAPHORE                  = 0x200
-	MAP_INHERIT                       = 0x80
+	MAP_FLAGMASK                      = 0xfff7
+	MAP_HASSEMAPHORE                  = 0x0
+	MAP_INHERIT                       = 0x0
 	MAP_INHERIT_COPY                  = 0x1
-	MAP_INHERIT_DONATE_COPY           = 0x3
 	MAP_INHERIT_NONE                  = 0x2
 	MAP_INHERIT_SHARE                 = 0x0
 	MAP_NOEXTEND                      = 0x100
@@ -896,7 +897,8 @@ const (
 	MAP_PRIVATE                       = 0x2
 	MAP_RENAME                        = 0x20
 	MAP_SHARED                        = 0x1
-	MAP_TRYFIXED                      = 0x400
+	MAP_STACK                         = 0x4000
+	MAP_TRYFIXED                      = 0x0
 	MCL_CURRENT                       = 0x1
 	MCL_FUTURE                        = 0x2
 	MNT_ASYNC                         = 0x40
@@ -946,6 +948,7 @@ const (
 	NET_RT_MAXID                      = 0x6
 	NET_RT_STATS                      = 0x4
 	NET_RT_TABLE                      = 0x5
+	NFDBITS                           = 0x20
 	NOFLSH                            = 0x80000000
 	NOTE_ATTRIB                       = 0x8
 	NOTE_CHILD                        = 0x4
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_openbsd_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_openbsd_amd64.go
index 1f9e8a2..ffaf2d2 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_openbsd_amd64.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_openbsd_amd64.go
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 // +build amd64,openbsd
-// Created by cgo -godefs - DO NOT EDIT
+// Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT.
 // cgo -godefs -- -m64 _const.go
 package unix
@@ -920,10 +920,11 @@ const (
 	MADV_WILLNEED                     = 0x3
 	MAP_ANON                          = 0x1000
 	MAP_ANONYMOUS                     = 0x1000
+	MAP_CONCEAL                       = 0x8000
 	MAP_COPY                          = 0x2
 	MAP_FILE                          = 0x0
 	MAP_FIXED                         = 0x10
-	MAP_FLAGMASK                      = 0x7ff7
+	MAP_FLAGMASK                      = 0xfff7
 	MAP_HASSEMAPHORE                  = 0x0
 	MAP_INHERIT                       = 0x0
 	MAP_INHERIT_COPY                  = 0x1
@@ -990,6 +991,7 @@ const (
 	NET_RT_MAXID                      = 0x7
 	NET_RT_STATS                      = 0x4
 	NET_RT_TABLE                      = 0x5
+	NFDBITS                           = 0x20
 	NOFLSH                            = 0x80000000
 	NOKERNINFO                        = 0x2000000
 	NOTE_ATTRIB                       = 0x8
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_openbsd_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_openbsd_arm.go
index 79d5695..7aa796a 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_openbsd_arm.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_openbsd_arm.go
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 // mkerrors.sh
 // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT.
-// Created by cgo -godefs - DO NOT EDIT
-// cgo -godefs -- _const.go
 // +build arm,openbsd
+// Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT.
+// cgo -godefs -- _const.go
 package unix
 import "syscall"
@@ -881,10 +881,11 @@ const (
 	MADV_WILLNEED                     = 0x3
 	MAP_ANON                          = 0x1000
 	MAP_ANONYMOUS                     = 0x1000
+	MAP_CONCEAL                       = 0x8000
 	MAP_COPY                          = 0x2
 	MAP_FILE                          = 0x0
 	MAP_FIXED                         = 0x10
-	MAP_FLAGMASK                      = 0x3ff7
+	MAP_FLAGMASK                      = 0xfff7
 	MAP_HASSEMAPHORE                  = 0x0
 	MAP_INHERIT                       = 0x0
 	MAP_INHERIT_COPY                  = 0x1
@@ -896,6 +897,7 @@ const (
 	MAP_PRIVATE                       = 0x2
 	MAP_RENAME                        = 0x0
 	MAP_SHARED                        = 0x1
+	MAP_STACK                         = 0x4000
 	MAP_TRYFIXED                      = 0x0
 	MCL_CURRENT                       = 0x1
 	MCL_FUTURE                        = 0x2
@@ -947,6 +949,7 @@ const (
 	NET_RT_MAXID                      = 0x6
 	NET_RT_STATS                      = 0x4
 	NET_RT_TABLE                      = 0x5
+	NFDBITS                           = 0x20
 	NOFLSH                            = 0x80000000
 	NOTE_ATTRIB                       = 0x8
 	NOTE_CHILD                        = 0x4
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_openbsd_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_openbsd_arm64.go
index ec5f92d..1792d3f 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_openbsd_arm64.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_openbsd_arm64.go
@@ -996,6 +996,7 @@ const (
 	NET_RT_MAXID                      = 0x7
 	NET_RT_STATS                      = 0x4
 	NET_RT_TABLE                      = 0x5
+	NFDBITS                           = 0x20
 	NOFLSH                            = 0x80000000
 	NOKERNINFO                        = 0x2000000
 	NOTE_ATTRIB                       = 0x8
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_solaris_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_solaris_amd64.go
index 22569db..46e054c 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_solaris_amd64.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_solaris_amd64.go
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 // +build amd64,solaris
-// Created by cgo -godefs - DO NOT EDIT
+// Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT.
 // cgo -godefs -- -m64 _const.go
 package unix
@@ -666,6 +666,7 @@ const (
 	M_FLUSH                       = 0x86
 	NAME_MAX                      = 0xff
 	NEWDEV                        = 0x1
+	NFDBITS                       = 0x40
 	NL0                           = 0x0
 	NL1                           = 0x100
 	NLDLY                         = 0x100
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_386.1_11.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_386.1_11.go
index dd5ea36..b5ed805 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_386.1_11.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_386.1_11.go
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// go run mksyscall.go -l32 -tags darwin,386,!go1.12 syscall_bsd.go syscall_darwin.go syscall_darwin_386.go
+// go run mksyscall.go -l32 -tags darwin,386,!go1.12 syscall_bsd.go syscall_darwin.go syscall_darwin_386.1_11.go syscall_darwin_386.go
 // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT.
 // +build darwin,386,!go1.12
@@ -214,22 +214,6 @@ func kevent(kq int, change unsafe.Pointer, nchange int, event unsafe.Pointer, ne
-func sysctl(mib []_C_int, old *byte, oldlen *uintptr, new *byte, newlen uintptr) (err error) {
-	var _p0 unsafe.Pointer
-	if len(mib) > 0 {
-		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&mib[0])
-	} else {
-		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero)
-	}
-	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS___SYSCTL, uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(mib)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(old)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(oldlen)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(new)), uintptr(newlen))
-	if e1 != 0 {
-		err = errnoErr(e1)
-	}
-	return
 func utimes(path string, timeval *[2]Timeval) (err error) {
 	var _p0 *byte
 	_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path)
@@ -563,6 +547,22 @@ func ioctl(fd int, req uint, arg uintptr) (err error) {
+func sysctl(mib []_C_int, old *byte, oldlen *uintptr, new *byte, newlen uintptr) (err error) {
+	var _p0 unsafe.Pointer
+	if len(mib) > 0 {
+		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&mib[0])
+	} else {
+		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero)
+	}
+	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_SYSCTL, uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(mib)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(old)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(oldlen)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(new)), uintptr(newlen))
+	if e1 != 0 {
+		err = errnoErr(e1)
+	}
+	return
 func sendfile(infd int, outfd int, offset int64, len *int64, hdtr unsafe.Pointer, flags int) (err error) {
 	_, _, e1 := Syscall9(SYS_SENDFILE, uintptr(infd), uintptr(outfd), uintptr(offset), uintptr(offset>>32), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(len)), uintptr(hdtr), uintptr(flags), 0, 0)
 	if e1 != 0 {
@@ -1342,8 +1342,9 @@ func Seek(fd int, offset int64, whence int) (newoffset int64, err error) {
-func Select(n int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (err error) {
-	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_SELECT, uintptr(n), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(r)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(w)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(e)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout)), 0)
+func Select(nfd int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (n int, err error) {
+	r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_SELECT, uintptr(nfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(r)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(w)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(e)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout)), 0)
+	n = int(r0)
 	if e1 != 0 {
 		err = errnoErr(e1)
@@ -1681,6 +1682,23 @@ func writelen(fd int, buf *byte, nbuf int) (n int, err error) {
+func Getdirentries(fd int, buf []byte, basep *uintptr) (n int, err error) {
+	var _p0 unsafe.Pointer
+	if len(buf) > 0 {
+		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0])
+	} else {
+		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero)
+	}
+	r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_GETDIRENTRIES64, uintptr(fd), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(buf)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(basep)), 0, 0)
+	n = int(r0)
+	if e1 != 0 {
+		err = errnoErr(e1)
+	}
+	return
 func ptrace(request int, pid int, addr uintptr, data uintptr) (err error) {
 	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_PTRACE, uintptr(request), uintptr(pid), uintptr(addr), uintptr(data), 0, 0)
 	if e1 != 0 {
@@ -1738,23 +1756,6 @@ func Fstatfs(fd int, stat *Statfs_t) (err error) {
-func Getdirentries(fd int, buf []byte, basep *uintptr) (n int, err error) {
-	var _p0 unsafe.Pointer
-	if len(buf) > 0 {
-		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0])
-	} else {
-		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero)
-	}
-	r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_GETDIRENTRIES64, uintptr(fd), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(buf)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(basep)), 0, 0)
-	n = int(r0)
-	if e1 != 0 {
-		err = errnoErr(e1)
-	}
-	return
 func getfsstat(buf unsafe.Pointer, size uintptr, flags int) (n int, err error) {
 	r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_GETFSSTAT64, uintptr(buf), uintptr(size), uintptr(flags))
 	n = int(r0)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_386.1_13.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_386.1_13.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e263fbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_386.1_13.go
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+// go run mksyscall.go -l32 -tags darwin,386,go1.13 syscall_darwin.1_13.go
+// Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT.
+// +build darwin,386,go1.13
+package unix
+import (
+	"syscall"
+	"unsafe"
+var _ syscall.Errno
+func closedir(dir uintptr) (err error) {
+	_, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_closedir_trampoline), uintptr(dir), 0, 0)
+	if e1 != 0 {
+		err = errnoErr(e1)
+	}
+	return
+func libc_closedir_trampoline()
+//go:linkname libc_closedir libc_closedir
+//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_closedir closedir "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib"
+func readdir_r(dir uintptr, entry *Dirent, result **Dirent) (res Errno) {
+	r0, _, _ := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_readdir_r_trampoline), uintptr(dir), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(entry)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(result)))
+	res = Errno(r0)
+	return
+func libc_readdir_r_trampoline()
+//go:linkname libc_readdir_r libc_readdir_r
+//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_readdir_r readdir_r "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib"
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_386.1_13.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_386.1_13.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00da1eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_386.1_13.s
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+// go run mkasm_darwin.go 386
+// Code generated by the command above; DO NOT EDIT.
+// +build go1.13
+#include "textflag.h"
+TEXT ·libc_fdopendir_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0
+	JMP	libc_fdopendir(SB)
+TEXT ·libc_closedir_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0
+	JMP	libc_closedir(SB)
+TEXT ·libc_readdir_r_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0
+	JMP	libc_readdir_r(SB)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_386.go
index 78ca923..cdf8a70 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_386.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_386.go
@@ -304,27 +304,6 @@ func libc_kevent_trampoline()
-func sysctl(mib []_C_int, old *byte, oldlen *uintptr, new *byte, newlen uintptr) (err error) {
-	var _p0 unsafe.Pointer
-	if len(mib) > 0 {
-		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&mib[0])
-	} else {
-		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero)
-	}
-	_, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc___sysctl_trampoline), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(mib)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(old)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(oldlen)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(new)), uintptr(newlen))
-	if e1 != 0 {
-		err = errnoErr(e1)
-	}
-	return
-func libc___sysctl_trampoline()
-//go:linkname libc___sysctl libc___sysctl
-//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc___sysctl __sysctl "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib"
 func utimes(path string, timeval *[2]Timeval) (err error) {
 	var _p0 *byte
 	_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path)
@@ -778,6 +757,27 @@ func libc_ioctl_trampoline()
+func sysctl(mib []_C_int, old *byte, oldlen *uintptr, new *byte, newlen uintptr) (err error) {
+	var _p0 unsafe.Pointer
+	if len(mib) > 0 {
+		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&mib[0])
+	} else {
+		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero)
+	}
+	_, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_sysctl_trampoline), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(mib)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(old)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(oldlen)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(new)), uintptr(newlen))
+	if e1 != 0 {
+		err = errnoErr(e1)
+	}
+	return
+func libc_sysctl_trampoline()
+//go:linkname libc_sysctl libc_sysctl
+//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_sysctl sysctl "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib"
 func sendfile(infd int, outfd int, offset int64, len *int64, hdtr unsafe.Pointer, flags int) (err error) {
 	_, _, e1 := syscall_syscall9(funcPC(libc_sendfile_trampoline), uintptr(infd), uintptr(outfd), uintptr(offset), uintptr(offset>>32), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(len)), uintptr(hdtr), uintptr(flags), 0, 0)
 	if e1 != 0 {
@@ -928,6 +928,21 @@ func libc_chroot_trampoline()
+func ClockGettime(clockid int32, time *Timespec) (err error) {
+	_, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_clock_gettime_trampoline), uintptr(clockid), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(time)), 0)
+	if e1 != 0 {
+		err = errnoErr(e1)
+	}
+	return
+func libc_clock_gettime_trampoline()
+//go:linkname libc_clock_gettime libc_clock_gettime
+//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_clock_gettime clock_gettime "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib"
 func Close(fd int) (err error) {
 	_, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_close_trampoline), uintptr(fd), 0, 0)
 	if e1 != 0 {
@@ -1857,8 +1872,9 @@ func libc_lseek_trampoline()
-func Select(n int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (err error) {
-	_, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_select_trampoline), uintptr(n), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(r)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(w)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(e)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout)), 0)
+func Select(nfd int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (n int, err error) {
+	r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_select_trampoline), uintptr(nfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(r)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(w)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(e)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout)), 0)
+	n = int(r0)
 	if e1 != 0 {
 		err = errnoErr(e1)
@@ -2408,28 +2424,6 @@ func libc_fstatfs64_trampoline()
-func Getdirentries(fd int, buf []byte, basep *uintptr) (n int, err error) {
-	var _p0 unsafe.Pointer
-	if len(buf) > 0 {
-		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0])
-	} else {
-		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero)
-	}
-	r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc___getdirentries64_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(buf)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(basep)), 0, 0)
-	n = int(r0)
-	if e1 != 0 {
-		err = errnoErr(e1)
-	}
-	return
-func libc___getdirentries64_trampoline()
-//go:linkname libc___getdirentries64 libc___getdirentries64
-//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc___getdirentries64 __getdirentries64 "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib"
 func getfsstat(buf unsafe.Pointer, size uintptr, flags int) (n int, err error) {
 	r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_getfsstat64_trampoline), uintptr(buf), uintptr(size), uintptr(flags))
 	n = int(r0)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_386.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_386.s
index f40465c..9cae5b1 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_386.s
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_386.s
@@ -40,8 +40,6 @@ TEXT ·libc_sendmsg_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0
 	JMP	libc_sendmsg(SB)
 TEXT ·libc_kevent_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0
 	JMP	libc_kevent(SB)
-TEXT ·libc___sysctl_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0
-	JMP	libc___sysctl(SB)
 TEXT ·libc_utimes_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0
 	JMP	libc_utimes(SB)
 TEXT ·libc_futimes_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0
@@ -90,6 +88,8 @@ TEXT ·libc_kill_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0
 	JMP	libc_kill(SB)
 TEXT ·libc_ioctl_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0
 	JMP	libc_ioctl(SB)
+TEXT ·libc_sysctl_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0
+	JMP	libc_sysctl(SB)
 TEXT ·libc_sendfile_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0
 	JMP	libc_sendfile(SB)
 TEXT ·libc_access_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0
@@ -272,8 +272,6 @@ TEXT ·libc_fstatat64_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0
 	JMP	libc_fstatat64(SB)
 TEXT ·libc_fstatfs64_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0
 	JMP	libc_fstatfs64(SB)
-TEXT ·libc___getdirentries64_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0
-	JMP	libc___getdirentries64(SB)
 TEXT ·libc_getfsstat64_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0
 	JMP	libc_getfsstat64(SB)
 TEXT ·libc_lstat64_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_amd64.1_11.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_amd64.1_11.go
index 2581e89..8bde823 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_amd64.1_11.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_amd64.1_11.go
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// go run mksyscall.go -tags darwin,amd64,!go1.12 syscall_bsd.go syscall_darwin.go syscall_darwin_amd64.go
+// go run mksyscall.go -tags darwin,amd64,!go1.12 syscall_bsd.go syscall_darwin.go syscall_darwin_amd64.1_11.go syscall_darwin_amd64.go
 // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT.
 // +build darwin,amd64,!go1.12
@@ -214,22 +214,6 @@ func kevent(kq int, change unsafe.Pointer, nchange int, event unsafe.Pointer, ne
-func sysctl(mib []_C_int, old *byte, oldlen *uintptr, new *byte, newlen uintptr) (err error) {
-	var _p0 unsafe.Pointer
-	if len(mib) > 0 {
-		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&mib[0])
-	} else {
-		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero)
-	}
-	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS___SYSCTL, uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(mib)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(old)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(oldlen)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(new)), uintptr(newlen))
-	if e1 != 0 {
-		err = errnoErr(e1)
-	}
-	return
 func utimes(path string, timeval *[2]Timeval) (err error) {
 	var _p0 *byte
 	_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path)
@@ -377,16 +361,6 @@ func Munlockall() (err error) {
-func ptrace(request int, pid int, addr uintptr, data uintptr) (err error) {
-	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_PTRACE, uintptr(request), uintptr(pid), uintptr(addr), uintptr(data), 0, 0)
-	if e1 != 0 {
-		err = errnoErr(e1)
-	}
-	return
 func getattrlist(path *byte, list unsafe.Pointer, buf unsafe.Pointer, size uintptr, options int) (err error) {
 	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_GETATTRLIST, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(path)), uintptr(list), uintptr(buf), uintptr(size), uintptr(options), 0)
 	if e1 != 0 {
@@ -573,6 +547,22 @@ func ioctl(fd int, req uint, arg uintptr) (err error) {
+func sysctl(mib []_C_int, old *byte, oldlen *uintptr, new *byte, newlen uintptr) (err error) {
+	var _p0 unsafe.Pointer
+	if len(mib) > 0 {
+		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&mib[0])
+	} else {
+		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero)
+	}
+	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_SYSCTL, uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(mib)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(old)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(oldlen)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(new)), uintptr(newlen))
+	if e1 != 0 {
+		err = errnoErr(e1)
+	}
+	return
 func sendfile(infd int, outfd int, offset int64, len *int64, hdtr unsafe.Pointer, flags int) (err error) {
 	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_SENDFILE, uintptr(infd), uintptr(outfd), uintptr(offset), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(len)), uintptr(hdtr), uintptr(flags))
 	if e1 != 0 {
@@ -1352,8 +1342,9 @@ func Seek(fd int, offset int64, whence int) (newoffset int64, err error) {
-func Select(n int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (err error) {
-	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_SELECT, uintptr(n), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(r)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(w)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(e)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout)), 0)
+func Select(nfd int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (n int, err error) {
+	r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_SELECT, uintptr(nfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(r)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(w)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(e)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout)), 0)
+	n = int(r0)
 	if e1 != 0 {
 		err = errnoErr(e1)
@@ -1691,6 +1682,33 @@ func writelen(fd int, buf *byte, nbuf int) (n int, err error) {
+func Getdirentries(fd int, buf []byte, basep *uintptr) (n int, err error) {
+	var _p0 unsafe.Pointer
+	if len(buf) > 0 {
+		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0])
+	} else {
+		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero)
+	}
+	r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_GETDIRENTRIES64, uintptr(fd), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(buf)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(basep)), 0, 0)
+	n = int(r0)
+	if e1 != 0 {
+		err = errnoErr(e1)
+	}
+	return
+func ptrace(request int, pid int, addr uintptr, data uintptr) (err error) {
+	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_PTRACE, uintptr(request), uintptr(pid), uintptr(addr), uintptr(data), 0, 0)
+	if e1 != 0 {
+		err = errnoErr(e1)
+	}
+	return
 func gettimeofday(tp *Timeval) (sec int64, usec int32, err error) {
 	r0, r1, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_GETTIMEOFDAY, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(tp)), 0, 0)
 	sec = int64(r0)
@@ -1738,23 +1756,6 @@ func Fstatfs(fd int, stat *Statfs_t) (err error) {
-func Getdirentries(fd int, buf []byte, basep *uintptr) (n int, err error) {
-	var _p0 unsafe.Pointer
-	if len(buf) > 0 {
-		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0])
-	} else {
-		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero)
-	}
-	r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_GETDIRENTRIES64, uintptr(fd), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(buf)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(basep)), 0, 0)
-	n = int(r0)
-	if e1 != 0 {
-		err = errnoErr(e1)
-	}
-	return
 func getfsstat(buf unsafe.Pointer, size uintptr, flags int) (n int, err error) {
 	r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_GETFSSTAT64, uintptr(buf), uintptr(size), uintptr(flags))
 	n = int(r0)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_amd64.1_13.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_amd64.1_13.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..314042a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_amd64.1_13.go
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+// go run mksyscall.go -tags darwin,amd64,go1.13 syscall_darwin.1_13.go
+// Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT.
+// +build darwin,amd64,go1.13
+package unix
+import (
+	"syscall"
+	"unsafe"
+var _ syscall.Errno
+func closedir(dir uintptr) (err error) {
+	_, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_closedir_trampoline), uintptr(dir), 0, 0)
+	if e1 != 0 {
+		err = errnoErr(e1)
+	}
+	return
+func libc_closedir_trampoline()
+//go:linkname libc_closedir libc_closedir
+//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_closedir closedir "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib"
+func readdir_r(dir uintptr, entry *Dirent, result **Dirent) (res Errno) {
+	r0, _, _ := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_readdir_r_trampoline), uintptr(dir), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(entry)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(result)))
+	res = Errno(r0)
+	return
+func libc_readdir_r_trampoline()
+//go:linkname libc_readdir_r libc_readdir_r
+//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_readdir_r readdir_r "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib"
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_amd64.1_13.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_amd64.1_13.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d671e83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_amd64.1_13.s
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+// go run mkasm_darwin.go amd64
+// Code generated by the command above; DO NOT EDIT.
+// +build go1.13
+#include "textflag.h"
+TEXT ·libc_fdopendir_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0
+	JMP	libc_fdopendir(SB)
+TEXT ·libc_closedir_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0
+	JMP	libc_closedir(SB)
+TEXT ·libc_readdir_r_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0
+	JMP	libc_readdir_r(SB)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_amd64.go
index 64df03c..63b51fb 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_amd64.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_amd64.go
@@ -304,27 +304,6 @@ func libc_kevent_trampoline()
-func sysctl(mib []_C_int, old *byte, oldlen *uintptr, new *byte, newlen uintptr) (err error) {
-	var _p0 unsafe.Pointer
-	if len(mib) > 0 {
-		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&mib[0])
-	} else {
-		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero)
-	}
-	_, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc___sysctl_trampoline), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(mib)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(old)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(oldlen)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(new)), uintptr(newlen))
-	if e1 != 0 {
-		err = errnoErr(e1)
-	}
-	return
-func libc___sysctl_trampoline()
-//go:linkname libc___sysctl libc___sysctl
-//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc___sysctl __sysctl "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib"
 func utimes(path string, timeval *[2]Timeval) (err error) {
 	var _p0 *byte
 	_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path)
@@ -778,6 +757,27 @@ func libc_ioctl_trampoline()
+func sysctl(mib []_C_int, old *byte, oldlen *uintptr, new *byte, newlen uintptr) (err error) {
+	var _p0 unsafe.Pointer
+	if len(mib) > 0 {
+		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&mib[0])
+	} else {
+		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero)
+	}
+	_, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_sysctl_trampoline), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(mib)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(old)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(oldlen)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(new)), uintptr(newlen))
+	if e1 != 0 {
+		err = errnoErr(e1)
+	}
+	return
+func libc_sysctl_trampoline()
+//go:linkname libc_sysctl libc_sysctl
+//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_sysctl sysctl "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib"
 func sendfile(infd int, outfd int, offset int64, len *int64, hdtr unsafe.Pointer, flags int) (err error) {
 	_, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_sendfile_trampoline), uintptr(infd), uintptr(outfd), uintptr(offset), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(len)), uintptr(hdtr), uintptr(flags))
 	if e1 != 0 {
@@ -1872,8 +1872,9 @@ func libc_lseek_trampoline()
-func Select(n int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (err error) {
-	_, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_select_trampoline), uintptr(n), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(r)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(w)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(e)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout)), 0)
+func Select(nfd int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (n int, err error) {
+	r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_select_trampoline), uintptr(nfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(r)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(w)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(e)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout)), 0)
+	n = int(r0)
 	if e1 != 0 {
 		err = errnoErr(e1)
@@ -2423,28 +2424,6 @@ func libc_fstatfs64_trampoline()
-func Getdirentries(fd int, buf []byte, basep *uintptr) (n int, err error) {
-	var _p0 unsafe.Pointer
-	if len(buf) > 0 {
-		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0])
-	} else {
-		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero)
-	}
-	r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc___getdirentries64_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(buf)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(basep)), 0, 0)
-	n = int(r0)
-	if e1 != 0 {
-		err = errnoErr(e1)
-	}
-	return
-func libc___getdirentries64_trampoline()
-//go:linkname libc___getdirentries64 libc___getdirentries64
-//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc___getdirentries64 __getdirentries64 "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib"
 func getfsstat(buf unsafe.Pointer, size uintptr, flags int) (n int, err error) {
 	r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_getfsstat64_trampoline), uintptr(buf), uintptr(size), uintptr(flags))
 	n = int(r0)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_amd64.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_amd64.s
index debcb8e..1a0e52a 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_amd64.s
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_amd64.s
@@ -40,8 +40,6 @@ TEXT ·libc_sendmsg_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0
 	JMP	libc_sendmsg(SB)
 TEXT ·libc_kevent_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0
 	JMP	libc_kevent(SB)
-TEXT ·libc___sysctl_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0
-	JMP	libc___sysctl(SB)
 TEXT ·libc_utimes_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0
 	JMP	libc_utimes(SB)
 TEXT ·libc_futimes_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0
@@ -90,6 +88,8 @@ TEXT ·libc_kill_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0
 	JMP	libc_kill(SB)
 TEXT ·libc_ioctl_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0
 	JMP	libc_ioctl(SB)
+TEXT ·libc_sysctl_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0
+	JMP	libc_sysctl(SB)
 TEXT ·libc_sendfile_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0
 	JMP	libc_sendfile(SB)
 TEXT ·libc_access_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0
@@ -274,8 +274,6 @@ TEXT ·libc_fstatat64_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0
 	JMP	libc_fstatat64(SB)
 TEXT ·libc_fstatfs64_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0
 	JMP	libc_fstatfs64(SB)
-TEXT ·libc___getdirentries64_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0
-	JMP	libc___getdirentries64(SB)
 TEXT ·libc_getfsstat64_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0
 	JMP	libc_getfsstat64(SB)
 TEXT ·libc_lstat64_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm.1_11.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm.1_11.go
index f8caece..63a236b 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm.1_11.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm.1_11.go
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// go run mksyscall.go -l32 -tags darwin,arm,!go1.12 syscall_bsd.go syscall_darwin.go syscall_darwin_arm.go
+// go run mksyscall.go -l32 -tags darwin,arm,!go1.12 syscall_bsd.go syscall_darwin.go syscall_darwin_arm.1_11.go syscall_darwin_arm.go
 // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT.
 // +build darwin,arm,!go1.12
@@ -214,22 +214,6 @@ func kevent(kq int, change unsafe.Pointer, nchange int, event unsafe.Pointer, ne
-func sysctl(mib []_C_int, old *byte, oldlen *uintptr, new *byte, newlen uintptr) (err error) {
-	var _p0 unsafe.Pointer
-	if len(mib) > 0 {
-		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&mib[0])
-	} else {
-		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero)
-	}
-	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS___SYSCTL, uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(mib)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(old)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(oldlen)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(new)), uintptr(newlen))
-	if e1 != 0 {
-		err = errnoErr(e1)
-	}
-	return
 func utimes(path string, timeval *[2]Timeval) (err error) {
 	var _p0 *byte
 	_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path)
@@ -377,16 +361,6 @@ func Munlockall() (err error) {
-func ptrace(request int, pid int, addr uintptr, data uintptr) (err error) {
-	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_PTRACE, uintptr(request), uintptr(pid), uintptr(addr), uintptr(data), 0, 0)
-	if e1 != 0 {
-		err = errnoErr(e1)
-	}
-	return
 func getattrlist(path *byte, list unsafe.Pointer, buf unsafe.Pointer, size uintptr, options int) (err error) {
 	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_GETATTRLIST, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(path)), uintptr(list), uintptr(buf), uintptr(size), uintptr(options), 0)
 	if e1 != 0 {
@@ -573,6 +547,22 @@ func ioctl(fd int, req uint, arg uintptr) (err error) {
+func sysctl(mib []_C_int, old *byte, oldlen *uintptr, new *byte, newlen uintptr) (err error) {
+	var _p0 unsafe.Pointer
+	if len(mib) > 0 {
+		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&mib[0])
+	} else {
+		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero)
+	}
+	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_SYSCTL, uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(mib)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(old)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(oldlen)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(new)), uintptr(newlen))
+	if e1 != 0 {
+		err = errnoErr(e1)
+	}
+	return
 func sendfile(infd int, outfd int, offset int64, len *int64, hdtr unsafe.Pointer, flags int) (err error) {
 	_, _, e1 := Syscall9(SYS_SENDFILE, uintptr(infd), uintptr(outfd), uintptr(offset), uintptr(offset>>32), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(len)), uintptr(hdtr), uintptr(flags), 0, 0)
 	if e1 != 0 {
@@ -1352,8 +1342,9 @@ func Seek(fd int, offset int64, whence int) (newoffset int64, err error) {
-func Select(n int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (err error) {
-	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_SELECT, uintptr(n), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(r)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(w)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(e)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout)), 0)
+func Select(nfd int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (n int, err error) {
+	r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_SELECT, uintptr(nfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(r)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(w)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(e)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout)), 0)
+	n = int(r0)
 	if e1 != 0 {
 		err = errnoErr(e1)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm.1_13.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm.1_13.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f519ce9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm.1_13.go
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+// go run mksyscall.go -l32 -tags darwin,arm,go1.13 syscall_darwin.1_13.go
+// Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT.
+// +build darwin,arm,go1.13
+package unix
+import (
+	"syscall"
+	"unsafe"
+var _ syscall.Errno
+func closedir(dir uintptr) (err error) {
+	_, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_closedir_trampoline), uintptr(dir), 0, 0)
+	if e1 != 0 {
+		err = errnoErr(e1)
+	}
+	return
+func libc_closedir_trampoline()
+//go:linkname libc_closedir libc_closedir
+//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_closedir closedir "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib"
+func readdir_r(dir uintptr, entry *Dirent, result **Dirent) (res Errno) {
+	r0, _, _ := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_readdir_r_trampoline), uintptr(dir), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(entry)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(result)))
+	res = Errno(r0)
+	return
+func libc_readdir_r_trampoline()
+//go:linkname libc_readdir_r libc_readdir_r
+//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_readdir_r readdir_r "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib"
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm.1_13.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm.1_13.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..488e557
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm.1_13.s
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+// go run mkasm_darwin.go arm
+// Code generated by the command above; DO NOT EDIT.
+// +build go1.13
+#include "textflag.h"
+TEXT ·libc_fdopendir_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0
+	JMP	libc_fdopendir(SB)
+TEXT ·libc_closedir_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0
+	JMP	libc_closedir(SB)
+TEXT ·libc_readdir_r_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0
+	JMP	libc_readdir_r(SB)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm.go
index ed33062..adb8668 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm.go
@@ -304,27 +304,6 @@ func libc_kevent_trampoline()
-func sysctl(mib []_C_int, old *byte, oldlen *uintptr, new *byte, newlen uintptr) (err error) {
-	var _p0 unsafe.Pointer
-	if len(mib) > 0 {
-		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&mib[0])
-	} else {
-		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero)
-	}
-	_, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc___sysctl_trampoline), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(mib)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(old)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(oldlen)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(new)), uintptr(newlen))
-	if e1 != 0 {
-		err = errnoErr(e1)
-	}
-	return
-func libc___sysctl_trampoline()
-//go:linkname libc___sysctl libc___sysctl
-//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc___sysctl __sysctl "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib"
 func utimes(path string, timeval *[2]Timeval) (err error) {
 	var _p0 *byte
 	_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path)
@@ -778,6 +757,27 @@ func libc_ioctl_trampoline()
+func sysctl(mib []_C_int, old *byte, oldlen *uintptr, new *byte, newlen uintptr) (err error) {
+	var _p0 unsafe.Pointer
+	if len(mib) > 0 {
+		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&mib[0])
+	} else {
+		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero)
+	}
+	_, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_sysctl_trampoline), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(mib)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(old)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(oldlen)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(new)), uintptr(newlen))
+	if e1 != 0 {
+		err = errnoErr(e1)
+	}
+	return
+func libc_sysctl_trampoline()
+//go:linkname libc_sysctl libc_sysctl
+//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_sysctl sysctl "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib"
 func sendfile(infd int, outfd int, offset int64, len *int64, hdtr unsafe.Pointer, flags int) (err error) {
 	_, _, e1 := syscall_syscall9(funcPC(libc_sendfile_trampoline), uintptr(infd), uintptr(outfd), uintptr(offset), uintptr(offset>>32), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(len)), uintptr(hdtr), uintptr(flags), 0, 0)
 	if e1 != 0 {
@@ -928,6 +928,21 @@ func libc_chroot_trampoline()
+func ClockGettime(clockid int32, time *Timespec) (err error) {
+	_, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_clock_gettime_trampoline), uintptr(clockid), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(time)), 0)
+	if e1 != 0 {
+		err = errnoErr(e1)
+	}
+	return
+func libc_clock_gettime_trampoline()
+//go:linkname libc_clock_gettime libc_clock_gettime
+//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_clock_gettime clock_gettime "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib"
 func Close(fd int) (err error) {
 	_, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_close_trampoline), uintptr(fd), 0, 0)
 	if e1 != 0 {
@@ -1857,8 +1872,9 @@ func libc_lseek_trampoline()
-func Select(n int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (err error) {
-	_, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_select_trampoline), uintptr(n), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(r)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(w)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(e)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout)), 0)
+func Select(nfd int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (n int, err error) {
+	r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_select_trampoline), uintptr(nfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(r)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(w)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(e)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout)), 0)
+	n = int(r0)
 	if e1 != 0 {
 		err = errnoErr(e1)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm.s
index 66af9f4..5bebb1b 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm.s
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm.s
@@ -40,8 +40,6 @@ TEXT ·libc_sendmsg_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0
 	JMP	libc_sendmsg(SB)
 TEXT ·libc_kevent_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0
 	JMP	libc_kevent(SB)
-TEXT ·libc___sysctl_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0
-	JMP	libc___sysctl(SB)
 TEXT ·libc_utimes_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0
 	JMP	libc_utimes(SB)
 TEXT ·libc_futimes_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0
@@ -106,6 +104,8 @@ TEXT ·libc_chown_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0
 	JMP	libc_chown(SB)
 TEXT ·libc_chroot_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0
 	JMP	libc_chroot(SB)
+TEXT ·libc_clock_gettime_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0
+	JMP	libc_clock_gettime(SB)
 TEXT ·libc_close_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0
 	JMP	libc_close(SB)
 TEXT ·libc_dup_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm64.1_11.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm64.1_11.go
index 3fd0f3c..87c0b61 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm64.1_11.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm64.1_11.go
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// go run mksyscall.go -tags darwin,arm64,!go1.12 syscall_bsd.go syscall_darwin.go syscall_darwin_arm64.go
+// go run mksyscall.go -tags darwin,arm64,!go1.12 syscall_bsd.go syscall_darwin.go syscall_darwin_arm64.1_11.go syscall_darwin_arm64.go
 // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT.
 // +build darwin,arm64,!go1.12
@@ -214,22 +214,6 @@ func kevent(kq int, change unsafe.Pointer, nchange int, event unsafe.Pointer, ne
-func sysctl(mib []_C_int, old *byte, oldlen *uintptr, new *byte, newlen uintptr) (err error) {
-	var _p0 unsafe.Pointer
-	if len(mib) > 0 {
-		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&mib[0])
-	} else {
-		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero)
-	}
-	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS___SYSCTL, uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(mib)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(old)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(oldlen)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(new)), uintptr(newlen))
-	if e1 != 0 {
-		err = errnoErr(e1)
-	}
-	return
 func utimes(path string, timeval *[2]Timeval) (err error) {
 	var _p0 *byte
 	_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path)
@@ -377,16 +361,6 @@ func Munlockall() (err error) {
-func ptrace(request int, pid int, addr uintptr, data uintptr) (err error) {
-	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_PTRACE, uintptr(request), uintptr(pid), uintptr(addr), uintptr(data), 0, 0)
-	if e1 != 0 {
-		err = errnoErr(e1)
-	}
-	return
 func getattrlist(path *byte, list unsafe.Pointer, buf unsafe.Pointer, size uintptr, options int) (err error) {
 	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_GETATTRLIST, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(path)), uintptr(list), uintptr(buf), uintptr(size), uintptr(options), 0)
 	if e1 != 0 {
@@ -573,6 +547,22 @@ func ioctl(fd int, req uint, arg uintptr) (err error) {
+func sysctl(mib []_C_int, old *byte, oldlen *uintptr, new *byte, newlen uintptr) (err error) {
+	var _p0 unsafe.Pointer
+	if len(mib) > 0 {
+		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&mib[0])
+	} else {
+		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero)
+	}
+	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_SYSCTL, uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(mib)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(old)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(oldlen)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(new)), uintptr(newlen))
+	if e1 != 0 {
+		err = errnoErr(e1)
+	}
+	return
 func sendfile(infd int, outfd int, offset int64, len *int64, hdtr unsafe.Pointer, flags int) (err error) {
 	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_SENDFILE, uintptr(infd), uintptr(outfd), uintptr(offset), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(len)), uintptr(hdtr), uintptr(flags))
 	if e1 != 0 {
@@ -1352,8 +1342,9 @@ func Seek(fd int, offset int64, whence int) (newoffset int64, err error) {
-func Select(n int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (err error) {
-	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_SELECT, uintptr(n), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(r)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(w)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(e)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout)), 0)
+func Select(nfd int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (n int, err error) {
+	r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_SELECT, uintptr(nfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(r)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(w)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(e)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout)), 0)
+	n = int(r0)
 	if e1 != 0 {
 		err = errnoErr(e1)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm64.1_13.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm64.1_13.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d64e6c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm64.1_13.go
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+// go run mksyscall.go -tags darwin,arm64,go1.13 syscall_darwin.1_13.go
+// Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT.
+// +build darwin,arm64,go1.13
+package unix
+import (
+	"syscall"
+	"unsafe"
+var _ syscall.Errno
+func closedir(dir uintptr) (err error) {
+	_, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_closedir_trampoline), uintptr(dir), 0, 0)
+	if e1 != 0 {
+		err = errnoErr(e1)
+	}
+	return
+func libc_closedir_trampoline()
+//go:linkname libc_closedir libc_closedir
+//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_closedir closedir "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib"
+func readdir_r(dir uintptr, entry *Dirent, result **Dirent) (res Errno) {
+	r0, _, _ := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_readdir_r_trampoline), uintptr(dir), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(entry)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(result)))
+	res = Errno(r0)
+	return
+func libc_readdir_r_trampoline()
+//go:linkname libc_readdir_r libc_readdir_r
+//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_readdir_r readdir_r "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib"
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm64.1_13.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm64.1_13.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b29dabb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm64.1_13.s
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+// go run mkasm_darwin.go arm64
+// Code generated by the command above; DO NOT EDIT.
+// +build go1.13
+#include "textflag.h"
+TEXT ·libc_fdopendir_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0
+	JMP	libc_fdopendir(SB)
+TEXT ·libc_closedir_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0
+	JMP	libc_closedir(SB)
+TEXT ·libc_readdir_r_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0
+	JMP	libc_readdir_r(SB)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm64.go
index 5258a73..c882a4f 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm64.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm64.go
@@ -304,27 +304,6 @@ func libc_kevent_trampoline()
-func sysctl(mib []_C_int, old *byte, oldlen *uintptr, new *byte, newlen uintptr) (err error) {
-	var _p0 unsafe.Pointer
-	if len(mib) > 0 {
-		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&mib[0])
-	} else {
-		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero)
-	}
-	_, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc___sysctl_trampoline), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(mib)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(old)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(oldlen)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(new)), uintptr(newlen))
-	if e1 != 0 {
-		err = errnoErr(e1)
-	}
-	return
-func libc___sysctl_trampoline()
-//go:linkname libc___sysctl libc___sysctl
-//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc___sysctl __sysctl "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib"
 func utimes(path string, timeval *[2]Timeval) (err error) {
 	var _p0 *byte
 	_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path)
@@ -778,6 +757,27 @@ func libc_ioctl_trampoline()
+func sysctl(mib []_C_int, old *byte, oldlen *uintptr, new *byte, newlen uintptr) (err error) {
+	var _p0 unsafe.Pointer
+	if len(mib) > 0 {
+		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&mib[0])
+	} else {
+		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero)
+	}
+	_, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_sysctl_trampoline), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(mib)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(old)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(oldlen)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(new)), uintptr(newlen))
+	if e1 != 0 {
+		err = errnoErr(e1)
+	}
+	return
+func libc_sysctl_trampoline()
+//go:linkname libc_sysctl libc_sysctl
+//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_sysctl sysctl "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib"
 func sendfile(infd int, outfd int, offset int64, len *int64, hdtr unsafe.Pointer, flags int) (err error) {
 	_, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_sendfile_trampoline), uintptr(infd), uintptr(outfd), uintptr(offset), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(len)), uintptr(hdtr), uintptr(flags))
 	if e1 != 0 {
@@ -928,6 +928,21 @@ func libc_chroot_trampoline()
+func ClockGettime(clockid int32, time *Timespec) (err error) {
+	_, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_clock_gettime_trampoline), uintptr(clockid), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(time)), 0)
+	if e1 != 0 {
+		err = errnoErr(e1)
+	}
+	return
+func libc_clock_gettime_trampoline()
+//go:linkname libc_clock_gettime libc_clock_gettime
+//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_clock_gettime clock_gettime "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib"
 func Close(fd int) (err error) {
 	_, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_close_trampoline), uintptr(fd), 0, 0)
 	if e1 != 0 {
@@ -1857,8 +1872,9 @@ func libc_lseek_trampoline()
-func Select(n int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (err error) {
-	_, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_select_trampoline), uintptr(n), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(r)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(w)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(e)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout)), 0)
+func Select(nfd int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (n int, err error) {
+	r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_select_trampoline), uintptr(nfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(r)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(w)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(e)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout)), 0)
+	n = int(r0)
 	if e1 != 0 {
 		err = errnoErr(e1)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm64.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm64.s
index f57f48f..19faa4d 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm64.s
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm64.s
@@ -40,8 +40,6 @@ TEXT ·libc_sendmsg_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0
 	JMP	libc_sendmsg(SB)
 TEXT ·libc_kevent_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0
 	JMP	libc_kevent(SB)
-TEXT ·libc___sysctl_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0
-	JMP	libc___sysctl(SB)
 TEXT ·libc_utimes_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0
 	JMP	libc_utimes(SB)
 TEXT ·libc_futimes_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0
@@ -90,6 +88,8 @@ TEXT ·libc_kill_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0
 	JMP	libc_kill(SB)
 TEXT ·libc_ioctl_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0
 	JMP	libc_ioctl(SB)
+TEXT ·libc_sysctl_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0
+	JMP	libc_sysctl(SB)
 TEXT ·libc_sendfile_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0
 	JMP	libc_sendfile(SB)
 TEXT ·libc_access_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_dragonfly_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_dragonfly_amd64.go
index cdfe931..df199b3 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_dragonfly_amd64.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_dragonfly_amd64.go
@@ -1272,8 +1272,9 @@ func Seek(fd int, offset int64, whence int) (newoffset int64, err error) {
-func Select(n int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (err error) {
-	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_SELECT, uintptr(n), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(r)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(w)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(e)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout)), 0)
+func Select(nfd int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (n int, err error) {
+	r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_SELECT, uintptr(nfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(r)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(w)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(e)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout)), 0)
+	n = int(r0)
 	if e1 != 0 {
 		err = errnoErr(e1)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_freebsd_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_freebsd_386.go
index a783306..e68185f 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_freebsd_386.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_freebsd_386.go
@@ -1606,8 +1606,9 @@ func Seek(fd int, offset int64, whence int) (newoffset int64, err error) {
-func Select(n int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (err error) {
-	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_SELECT, uintptr(n), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(r)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(w)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(e)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout)), 0)
+func Select(nfd int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (n int, err error) {
+	r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_SELECT, uintptr(nfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(r)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(w)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(e)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout)), 0)
+	n = int(r0)
 	if e1 != 0 {
 		err = errnoErr(e1)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_freebsd_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_freebsd_amd64.go
index f995520..2f77f93 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_freebsd_amd64.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_freebsd_amd64.go
@@ -214,22 +214,6 @@ func kevent(kq int, change unsafe.Pointer, nchange int, event unsafe.Pointer, ne
-func sysctl(mib []_C_int, old *byte, oldlen *uintptr, new *byte, newlen uintptr) (err error) {
-	var _p0 unsafe.Pointer
-	if len(mib) > 0 {
-		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&mib[0])
-	} else {
-		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero)
-	}
-	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS___SYSCTL, uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(mib)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(old)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(oldlen)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(new)), uintptr(newlen))
-	if e1 != 0 {
-		err = errnoErr(e1)
-	}
-	return
 func utimes(path string, timeval *[2]Timeval) (err error) {
 	var _p0 *byte
 	_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path)
@@ -377,8 +361,14 @@ func Munlockall() (err error) {
-func pipe2(p *[2]_C_int, flags int) (err error) {
-	_, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_PIPE2, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(p)), uintptr(flags), 0)
+func sysctl(mib []_C_int, old *byte, oldlen *uintptr, new *byte, newlen uintptr) (err error) {
+	var _p0 unsafe.Pointer
+	if len(mib) > 0 {
+		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&mib[0])
+	} else {
+		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero)
+	}
+	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS___SYSCTL, uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(mib)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(old)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(oldlen)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(new)), uintptr(newlen))
 	if e1 != 0 {
 		err = errnoErr(e1)
@@ -387,8 +377,8 @@ func pipe2(p *[2]_C_int, flags int) (err error) {
-func ptrace(request int, pid int, addr uintptr, data int) (err error) {
-	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_PTRACE, uintptr(request), uintptr(pid), uintptr(addr), uintptr(data), 0, 0)
+func pipe2(p *[2]_C_int, flags int) (err error) {
+	_, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_PIPE2, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(p)), uintptr(flags), 0)
 	if e1 != 0 {
 		err = errnoErr(e1)
@@ -424,6 +414,16 @@ func ioctl(fd int, req uint, arg uintptr) (err error) {
+func ptrace(request int, pid int, addr uintptr, data int) (err error) {
+	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_PTRACE, uintptr(request), uintptr(pid), uintptr(addr), uintptr(data), 0, 0)
+	if e1 != 0 {
+		err = errnoErr(e1)
+	}
+	return
 func Access(path string, mode uint32) (err error) {
 	var _p0 *byte
 	_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path)
@@ -1606,8 +1606,9 @@ func Seek(fd int, offset int64, whence int) (newoffset int64, err error) {
-func Select(n int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (err error) {
-	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_SELECT, uintptr(n), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(r)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(w)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(e)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout)), 0)
+func Select(nfd int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (n int, err error) {
+	r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_SELECT, uintptr(nfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(r)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(w)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(e)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout)), 0)
+	n = int(r0)
 	if e1 != 0 {
 		err = errnoErr(e1)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_freebsd_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_freebsd_arm.go
index d681acd..e9a12c9 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_freebsd_arm.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_freebsd_arm.go
@@ -214,22 +214,6 @@ func kevent(kq int, change unsafe.Pointer, nchange int, event unsafe.Pointer, ne
-func sysctl(mib []_C_int, old *byte, oldlen *uintptr, new *byte, newlen uintptr) (err error) {
-	var _p0 unsafe.Pointer
-	if len(mib) > 0 {
-		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&mib[0])
-	} else {
-		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero)
-	}
-	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS___SYSCTL, uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(mib)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(old)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(oldlen)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(new)), uintptr(newlen))
-	if e1 != 0 {
-		err = errnoErr(e1)
-	}
-	return
 func utimes(path string, timeval *[2]Timeval) (err error) {
 	var _p0 *byte
 	_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path)
@@ -377,8 +361,14 @@ func Munlockall() (err error) {
-func pipe2(p *[2]_C_int, flags int) (err error) {
-	_, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_PIPE2, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(p)), uintptr(flags), 0)
+func sysctl(mib []_C_int, old *byte, oldlen *uintptr, new *byte, newlen uintptr) (err error) {
+	var _p0 unsafe.Pointer
+	if len(mib) > 0 {
+		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&mib[0])
+	} else {
+		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero)
+	}
+	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS___SYSCTL, uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(mib)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(old)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(oldlen)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(new)), uintptr(newlen))
 	if e1 != 0 {
 		err = errnoErr(e1)
@@ -387,8 +377,8 @@ func pipe2(p *[2]_C_int, flags int) (err error) {
-func ptrace(request int, pid int, addr uintptr, data int) (err error) {
-	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_PTRACE, uintptr(request), uintptr(pid), uintptr(addr), uintptr(data), 0, 0)
+func pipe2(p *[2]_C_int, flags int) (err error) {
+	_, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_PIPE2, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(p)), uintptr(flags), 0)
 	if e1 != 0 {
 		err = errnoErr(e1)
@@ -424,6 +414,16 @@ func ioctl(fd int, req uint, arg uintptr) (err error) {
+func ptrace(request int, pid int, addr uintptr, data int) (err error) {
+	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_PTRACE, uintptr(request), uintptr(pid), uintptr(addr), uintptr(data), 0, 0)
+	if e1 != 0 {
+		err = errnoErr(e1)
+	}
+	return
 func Access(path string, mode uint32) (err error) {
 	var _p0 *byte
 	_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path)
@@ -1606,8 +1606,9 @@ func Seek(fd int, offset int64, whence int) (newoffset int64, err error) {
-func Select(n int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (err error) {
-	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_SELECT, uintptr(n), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(r)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(w)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(e)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout)), 0)
+func Select(nfd int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (n int, err error) {
+	r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_SELECT, uintptr(nfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(r)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(w)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(e)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout)), 0)
+	n = int(r0)
 	if e1 != 0 {
 		err = errnoErr(e1)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_freebsd_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_freebsd_arm64.go
index 5049b2e..27ab0fb 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_freebsd_arm64.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_freebsd_arm64.go
@@ -214,22 +214,6 @@ func kevent(kq int, change unsafe.Pointer, nchange int, event unsafe.Pointer, ne
-func sysctl(mib []_C_int, old *byte, oldlen *uintptr, new *byte, newlen uintptr) (err error) {
-	var _p0 unsafe.Pointer
-	if len(mib) > 0 {
-		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&mib[0])
-	} else {
-		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero)
-	}
-	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS___SYSCTL, uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(mib)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(old)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(oldlen)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(new)), uintptr(newlen))
-	if e1 != 0 {
-		err = errnoErr(e1)
-	}
-	return
 func utimes(path string, timeval *[2]Timeval) (err error) {
 	var _p0 *byte
 	_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path)
@@ -377,6 +361,22 @@ func Munlockall() (err error) {
+func sysctl(mib []_C_int, old *byte, oldlen *uintptr, new *byte, newlen uintptr) (err error) {
+	var _p0 unsafe.Pointer
+	if len(mib) > 0 {
+		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&mib[0])
+	} else {
+		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero)
+	}
+	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS___SYSCTL, uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(mib)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(old)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(oldlen)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(new)), uintptr(newlen))
+	if e1 != 0 {
+		err = errnoErr(e1)
+	}
+	return
 func pipe2(p *[2]_C_int, flags int) (err error) {
 	_, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_PIPE2, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(p)), uintptr(flags), 0)
 	if e1 != 0 {
@@ -404,8 +404,8 @@ func Getcwd(buf []byte) (n int, err error) {
-func ptrace(request int, pid int, addr uintptr, data int) (err error) {
-	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_PTRACE, uintptr(request), uintptr(pid), uintptr(addr), uintptr(data), 0, 0)
+func ioctl(fd int, req uint, arg uintptr) (err error) {
+	_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_IOCTL, uintptr(fd), uintptr(req), uintptr(arg))
 	if e1 != 0 {
 		err = errnoErr(e1)
@@ -414,8 +414,8 @@ func ptrace(request int, pid int, addr uintptr, data int) (err error) {
-func ioctl(fd int, req uint, arg uintptr) (err error) {
-	_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_IOCTL, uintptr(fd), uintptr(req), uintptr(arg))
+func ptrace(request int, pid int, addr uintptr, data int) (err error) {
+	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_PTRACE, uintptr(request), uintptr(pid), uintptr(addr), uintptr(data), 0, 0)
 	if e1 != 0 {
 		err = errnoErr(e1)
@@ -1606,8 +1606,9 @@ func Seek(fd int, offset int64, whence int) (newoffset int64, err error) {
-func Select(n int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (err error) {
-	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_SELECT, uintptr(n), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(r)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(w)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(e)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout)), 0)
+func Select(nfd int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (n int, err error) {
+	r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_SELECT, uintptr(nfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(r)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(w)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(e)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout)), 0)
+	n = int(r0)
 	if e1 != 0 {
 		err = errnoErr(e1)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_386.go
index c5e46e4..fe5d462 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_386.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_386.go
@@ -305,6 +305,36 @@ func keyctlDH(cmd int, arg2 *KeyctlDHParams, buf []byte) (ret int, err error) {
+func keyctlRestrictKeyringByType(cmd int, arg2 int, keyType string, restriction string) (err error) {
+	var _p0 *byte
+	_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(keyType)
+	if err != nil {
+		return
+	}
+	var _p1 *byte
+	_p1, err = BytePtrFromString(restriction)
+	if err != nil {
+		return
+	}
+	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_KEYCTL, uintptr(cmd), uintptr(arg2), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), 0, 0)
+	if e1 != 0 {
+		err = errnoErr(e1)
+	}
+	return
+func keyctlRestrictKeyring(cmd int, arg2 int) (err error) {
+	_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_KEYCTL, uintptr(cmd), uintptr(arg2), 0)
+	if e1 != 0 {
+		err = errnoErr(e1)
+	}
+	return
 func ptrace(request int, pid int, addr uintptr, data uintptr) (err error) {
 	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_PTRACE, uintptr(request), uintptr(pid), uintptr(addr), uintptr(data), 0, 0)
 	if e1 != 0 {
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_amd64.go
index da8819e..536abce 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_amd64.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_amd64.go
@@ -305,6 +305,36 @@ func keyctlDH(cmd int, arg2 *KeyctlDHParams, buf []byte) (ret int, err error) {
+func keyctlRestrictKeyringByType(cmd int, arg2 int, keyType string, restriction string) (err error) {
+	var _p0 *byte
+	_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(keyType)
+	if err != nil {
+		return
+	}
+	var _p1 *byte
+	_p1, err = BytePtrFromString(restriction)
+	if err != nil {
+		return
+	}
+	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_KEYCTL, uintptr(cmd), uintptr(arg2), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), 0, 0)
+	if e1 != 0 {
+		err = errnoErr(e1)
+	}
+	return
+func keyctlRestrictKeyring(cmd int, arg2 int) (err error) {
+	_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_KEYCTL, uintptr(cmd), uintptr(arg2), 0)
+	if e1 != 0 {
+		err = errnoErr(e1)
+	}
+	return
 func ptrace(request int, pid int, addr uintptr, data uintptr) (err error) {
 	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_PTRACE, uintptr(request), uintptr(pid), uintptr(addr), uintptr(data), 0, 0)
 	if e1 != 0 {
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_arm.go
index 6ad9be6..37823cd 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_arm.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_arm.go
@@ -305,6 +305,36 @@ func keyctlDH(cmd int, arg2 *KeyctlDHParams, buf []byte) (ret int, err error) {
+func keyctlRestrictKeyringByType(cmd int, arg2 int, keyType string, restriction string) (err error) {
+	var _p0 *byte
+	_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(keyType)
+	if err != nil {
+		return
+	}
+	var _p1 *byte
+	_p1, err = BytePtrFromString(restriction)
+	if err != nil {
+		return
+	}
+	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_KEYCTL, uintptr(cmd), uintptr(arg2), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), 0, 0)
+	if e1 != 0 {
+		err = errnoErr(e1)
+	}
+	return
+func keyctlRestrictKeyring(cmd int, arg2 int) (err error) {
+	_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_KEYCTL, uintptr(cmd), uintptr(arg2), 0)
+	if e1 != 0 {
+		err = errnoErr(e1)
+	}
+	return
 func ptrace(request int, pid int, addr uintptr, data uintptr) (err error) {
 	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_PTRACE, uintptr(request), uintptr(pid), uintptr(addr), uintptr(data), 0, 0)
 	if e1 != 0 {
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_arm64.go
index f883317..794f612 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_arm64.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_arm64.go
@@ -305,6 +305,36 @@ func keyctlDH(cmd int, arg2 *KeyctlDHParams, buf []byte) (ret int, err error) {
+func keyctlRestrictKeyringByType(cmd int, arg2 int, keyType string, restriction string) (err error) {
+	var _p0 *byte
+	_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(keyType)
+	if err != nil {
+		return
+	}
+	var _p1 *byte
+	_p1, err = BytePtrFromString(restriction)
+	if err != nil {
+		return
+	}
+	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_KEYCTL, uintptr(cmd), uintptr(arg2), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), 0, 0)
+	if e1 != 0 {
+		err = errnoErr(e1)
+	}
+	return
+func keyctlRestrictKeyring(cmd int, arg2 int) (err error) {
+	_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_KEYCTL, uintptr(cmd), uintptr(arg2), 0)
+	if e1 != 0 {
+		err = errnoErr(e1)
+	}
+	return
 func ptrace(request int, pid int, addr uintptr, data uintptr) (err error) {
 	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_PTRACE, uintptr(request), uintptr(pid), uintptr(addr), uintptr(data), 0, 0)
 	if e1 != 0 {
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_mips.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_mips.go
index 8eebc6c..1b34b55 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_mips.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_mips.go
@@ -305,6 +305,36 @@ func keyctlDH(cmd int, arg2 *KeyctlDHParams, buf []byte) (ret int, err error) {
+func keyctlRestrictKeyringByType(cmd int, arg2 int, keyType string, restriction string) (err error) {
+	var _p0 *byte
+	_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(keyType)
+	if err != nil {
+		return
+	}
+	var _p1 *byte
+	_p1, err = BytePtrFromString(restriction)
+	if err != nil {
+		return
+	}
+	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_KEYCTL, uintptr(cmd), uintptr(arg2), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), 0, 0)
+	if e1 != 0 {
+		err = errnoErr(e1)
+	}
+	return
+func keyctlRestrictKeyring(cmd int, arg2 int) (err error) {
+	_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_KEYCTL, uintptr(cmd), uintptr(arg2), 0)
+	if e1 != 0 {
+		err = errnoErr(e1)
+	}
+	return
 func ptrace(request int, pid int, addr uintptr, data uintptr) (err error) {
 	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_PTRACE, uintptr(request), uintptr(pid), uintptr(addr), uintptr(data), 0, 0)
 	if e1 != 0 {
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_mips64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_mips64.go
index ecf62a6..5714e25 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_mips64.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_mips64.go
@@ -305,6 +305,36 @@ func keyctlDH(cmd int, arg2 *KeyctlDHParams, buf []byte) (ret int, err error) {
+func keyctlRestrictKeyringByType(cmd int, arg2 int, keyType string, restriction string) (err error) {
+	var _p0 *byte
+	_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(keyType)
+	if err != nil {
+		return
+	}
+	var _p1 *byte
+	_p1, err = BytePtrFromString(restriction)
+	if err != nil {
+		return
+	}
+	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_KEYCTL, uintptr(cmd), uintptr(arg2), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), 0, 0)
+	if e1 != 0 {
+		err = errnoErr(e1)
+	}
+	return
+func keyctlRestrictKeyring(cmd int, arg2 int) (err error) {
+	_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_KEYCTL, uintptr(cmd), uintptr(arg2), 0)
+	if e1 != 0 {
+		err = errnoErr(e1)
+	}
+	return
 func ptrace(request int, pid int, addr uintptr, data uintptr) (err error) {
 	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_PTRACE, uintptr(request), uintptr(pid), uintptr(addr), uintptr(data), 0, 0)
 	if e1 != 0 {
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_mips64le.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_mips64le.go
index 1ba0f7b..88a6b33 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_mips64le.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_mips64le.go
@@ -305,6 +305,36 @@ func keyctlDH(cmd int, arg2 *KeyctlDHParams, buf []byte) (ret int, err error) {
+func keyctlRestrictKeyringByType(cmd int, arg2 int, keyType string, restriction string) (err error) {
+	var _p0 *byte
+	_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(keyType)
+	if err != nil {
+		return
+	}
+	var _p1 *byte
+	_p1, err = BytePtrFromString(restriction)
+	if err != nil {
+		return
+	}
+	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_KEYCTL, uintptr(cmd), uintptr(arg2), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), 0, 0)
+	if e1 != 0 {
+		err = errnoErr(e1)
+	}
+	return
+func keyctlRestrictKeyring(cmd int, arg2 int) (err error) {
+	_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_KEYCTL, uintptr(cmd), uintptr(arg2), 0)
+	if e1 != 0 {
+		err = errnoErr(e1)
+	}
+	return
 func ptrace(request int, pid int, addr uintptr, data uintptr) (err error) {
 	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_PTRACE, uintptr(request), uintptr(pid), uintptr(addr), uintptr(data), 0, 0)
 	if e1 != 0 {
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_mipsle.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_mipsle.go
index 20012b2..c09dbe3 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_mipsle.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_mipsle.go
@@ -305,6 +305,36 @@ func keyctlDH(cmd int, arg2 *KeyctlDHParams, buf []byte) (ret int, err error) {
+func keyctlRestrictKeyringByType(cmd int, arg2 int, keyType string, restriction string) (err error) {
+	var _p0 *byte
+	_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(keyType)
+	if err != nil {
+		return
+	}
+	var _p1 *byte
+	_p1, err = BytePtrFromString(restriction)
+	if err != nil {
+		return
+	}
+	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_KEYCTL, uintptr(cmd), uintptr(arg2), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), 0, 0)
+	if e1 != 0 {
+		err = errnoErr(e1)
+	}
+	return
+func keyctlRestrictKeyring(cmd int, arg2 int) (err error) {
+	_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_KEYCTL, uintptr(cmd), uintptr(arg2), 0)
+	if e1 != 0 {
+		err = errnoErr(e1)
+	}
+	return
 func ptrace(request int, pid int, addr uintptr, data uintptr) (err error) {
 	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_PTRACE, uintptr(request), uintptr(pid), uintptr(addr), uintptr(data), 0, 0)
 	if e1 != 0 {
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_ppc64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_ppc64.go
index 2b520de..42f6c21 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_ppc64.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_ppc64.go
@@ -305,6 +305,36 @@ func keyctlDH(cmd int, arg2 *KeyctlDHParams, buf []byte) (ret int, err error) {
+func keyctlRestrictKeyringByType(cmd int, arg2 int, keyType string, restriction string) (err error) {
+	var _p0 *byte
+	_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(keyType)
+	if err != nil {
+		return
+	}
+	var _p1 *byte
+	_p1, err = BytePtrFromString(restriction)
+	if err != nil {
+		return
+	}
+	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_KEYCTL, uintptr(cmd), uintptr(arg2), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), 0, 0)
+	if e1 != 0 {
+		err = errnoErr(e1)
+	}
+	return
+func keyctlRestrictKeyring(cmd int, arg2 int) (err error) {
+	_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_KEYCTL, uintptr(cmd), uintptr(arg2), 0)
+	if e1 != 0 {
+		err = errnoErr(e1)
+	}
+	return
 func ptrace(request int, pid int, addr uintptr, data uintptr) (err error) {
 	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_PTRACE, uintptr(request), uintptr(pid), uintptr(addr), uintptr(data), 0, 0)
 	if e1 != 0 {
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_ppc64le.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_ppc64le.go
index d9f044c..de2cd8d 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_ppc64le.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_ppc64le.go
@@ -305,6 +305,36 @@ func keyctlDH(cmd int, arg2 *KeyctlDHParams, buf []byte) (ret int, err error) {
+func keyctlRestrictKeyringByType(cmd int, arg2 int, keyType string, restriction string) (err error) {
+	var _p0 *byte
+	_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(keyType)
+	if err != nil {
+		return
+	}
+	var _p1 *byte
+	_p1, err = BytePtrFromString(restriction)
+	if err != nil {
+		return
+	}
+	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_KEYCTL, uintptr(cmd), uintptr(arg2), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), 0, 0)
+	if e1 != 0 {
+		err = errnoErr(e1)
+	}
+	return
+func keyctlRestrictKeyring(cmd int, arg2 int) (err error) {
+	_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_KEYCTL, uintptr(cmd), uintptr(arg2), 0)
+	if e1 != 0 {
+		err = errnoErr(e1)
+	}
+	return
 func ptrace(request int, pid int, addr uintptr, data uintptr) (err error) {
 	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_PTRACE, uintptr(request), uintptr(pid), uintptr(addr), uintptr(data), 0, 0)
 	if e1 != 0 {
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_riscv64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_riscv64.go
index 9feed65..d51bf07 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_riscv64.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_riscv64.go
@@ -305,6 +305,36 @@ func keyctlDH(cmd int, arg2 *KeyctlDHParams, buf []byte) (ret int, err error) {
+func keyctlRestrictKeyringByType(cmd int, arg2 int, keyType string, restriction string) (err error) {
+	var _p0 *byte
+	_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(keyType)
+	if err != nil {
+		return
+	}
+	var _p1 *byte
+	_p1, err = BytePtrFromString(restriction)
+	if err != nil {
+		return
+	}
+	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_KEYCTL, uintptr(cmd), uintptr(arg2), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), 0, 0)
+	if e1 != 0 {
+		err = errnoErr(e1)
+	}
+	return
+func keyctlRestrictKeyring(cmd int, arg2 int) (err error) {
+	_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_KEYCTL, uintptr(cmd), uintptr(arg2), 0)
+	if e1 != 0 {
+		err = errnoErr(e1)
+	}
+	return
 func ptrace(request int, pid int, addr uintptr, data uintptr) (err error) {
 	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_PTRACE, uintptr(request), uintptr(pid), uintptr(addr), uintptr(data), 0, 0)
 	if e1 != 0 {
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_s390x.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_s390x.go
index 0a65150..1e3a3cb 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_s390x.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_s390x.go
@@ -305,6 +305,36 @@ func keyctlDH(cmd int, arg2 *KeyctlDHParams, buf []byte) (ret int, err error) {
+func keyctlRestrictKeyringByType(cmd int, arg2 int, keyType string, restriction string) (err error) {
+	var _p0 *byte
+	_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(keyType)
+	if err != nil {
+		return
+	}
+	var _p1 *byte
+	_p1, err = BytePtrFromString(restriction)
+	if err != nil {
+		return
+	}
+	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_KEYCTL, uintptr(cmd), uintptr(arg2), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), 0, 0)
+	if e1 != 0 {
+		err = errnoErr(e1)
+	}
+	return
+func keyctlRestrictKeyring(cmd int, arg2 int) (err error) {
+	_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_KEYCTL, uintptr(cmd), uintptr(arg2), 0)
+	if e1 != 0 {
+		err = errnoErr(e1)
+	}
+	return
 func ptrace(request int, pid int, addr uintptr, data uintptr) (err error) {
 	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_PTRACE, uintptr(request), uintptr(pid), uintptr(addr), uintptr(data), 0, 0)
 	if e1 != 0 {
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_sparc64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_sparc64.go
index e27f669..3c97008 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_sparc64.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_sparc64.go
@@ -305,6 +305,36 @@ func keyctlDH(cmd int, arg2 *KeyctlDHParams, buf []byte) (ret int, err error) {
+func keyctlRestrictKeyringByType(cmd int, arg2 int, keyType string, restriction string) (err error) {
+	var _p0 *byte
+	_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(keyType)
+	if err != nil {
+		return
+	}
+	var _p1 *byte
+	_p1, err = BytePtrFromString(restriction)
+	if err != nil {
+		return
+	}
+	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_KEYCTL, uintptr(cmd), uintptr(arg2), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), 0, 0)
+	if e1 != 0 {
+		err = errnoErr(e1)
+	}
+	return
+func keyctlRestrictKeyring(cmd int, arg2 int) (err error) {
+	_, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_KEYCTL, uintptr(cmd), uintptr(arg2), 0)
+	if e1 != 0 {
+		err = errnoErr(e1)
+	}
+	return
 func ptrace(request int, pid int, addr uintptr, data uintptr) (err error) {
 	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_PTRACE, uintptr(request), uintptr(pid), uintptr(addr), uintptr(data), 0, 0)
 	if e1 != 0 {
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_netbsd_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_netbsd_386.go
index 7e05826..5ade42c 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_netbsd_386.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_netbsd_386.go
@@ -214,22 +214,6 @@ func kevent(kq int, change unsafe.Pointer, nchange int, event unsafe.Pointer, ne
-func sysctl(mib []_C_int, old *byte, oldlen *uintptr, new *byte, newlen uintptr) (err error) {
-	var _p0 unsafe.Pointer
-	if len(mib) > 0 {
-		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&mib[0])
-	} else {
-		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero)
-	}
-	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS___SYSCTL, uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(mib)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(old)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(oldlen)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(new)), uintptr(newlen))
-	if e1 != 0 {
-		err = errnoErr(e1)
-	}
-	return
 func utimes(path string, timeval *[2]Timeval) (err error) {
 	var _p0 *byte
 	_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path)
@@ -377,6 +361,22 @@ func Munlockall() (err error) {
+func sysctl(mib []_C_int, old *byte, oldlen *uintptr, new *byte, newlen uintptr) (err error) {
+	var _p0 unsafe.Pointer
+	if len(mib) > 0 {
+		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&mib[0])
+	} else {
+		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero)
+	}
+	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS___SYSCTL, uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(mib)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(old)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(oldlen)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(new)), uintptr(newlen))
+	if e1 != 0 {
+		err = errnoErr(e1)
+	}
+	return
 func pipe() (fd1 int, fd2 int, err error) {
 	r0, r1, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_PIPE, 0, 0, 0)
 	fd1 = int(r0)
@@ -1498,8 +1498,9 @@ func Seek(fd int, offset int64, whence int) (newoffset int64, err error) {
-func Select(n int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (err error) {
-	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_SELECT, uintptr(n), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(r)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(w)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(e)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout)), 0)
+func Select(nfd int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (n int, err error) {
+	r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_SELECT, uintptr(nfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(r)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(w)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(e)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout)), 0)
+	n = int(r0)
 	if e1 != 0 {
 		err = errnoErr(e1)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_netbsd_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_netbsd_amd64.go
index d94d076..3e0bbc5 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_netbsd_amd64.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_netbsd_amd64.go
@@ -214,22 +214,6 @@ func kevent(kq int, change unsafe.Pointer, nchange int, event unsafe.Pointer, ne
-func sysctl(mib []_C_int, old *byte, oldlen *uintptr, new *byte, newlen uintptr) (err error) {
-	var _p0 unsafe.Pointer
-	if len(mib) > 0 {
-		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&mib[0])
-	} else {
-		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero)
-	}
-	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS___SYSCTL, uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(mib)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(old)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(oldlen)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(new)), uintptr(newlen))
-	if e1 != 0 {
-		err = errnoErr(e1)
-	}
-	return
 func utimes(path string, timeval *[2]Timeval) (err error) {
 	var _p0 *byte
 	_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path)
@@ -377,6 +361,22 @@ func Munlockall() (err error) {
+func sysctl(mib []_C_int, old *byte, oldlen *uintptr, new *byte, newlen uintptr) (err error) {
+	var _p0 unsafe.Pointer
+	if len(mib) > 0 {
+		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&mib[0])
+	} else {
+		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero)
+	}
+	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS___SYSCTL, uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(mib)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(old)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(oldlen)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(new)), uintptr(newlen))
+	if e1 != 0 {
+		err = errnoErr(e1)
+	}
+	return
 func pipe() (fd1 int, fd2 int, err error) {
 	r0, r1, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_PIPE, 0, 0, 0)
 	fd1 = int(r0)
@@ -1498,8 +1498,9 @@ func Seek(fd int, offset int64, whence int) (newoffset int64, err error) {
-func Select(n int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (err error) {
-	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_SELECT, uintptr(n), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(r)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(w)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(e)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout)), 0)
+func Select(nfd int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (n int, err error) {
+	r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_SELECT, uintptr(nfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(r)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(w)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(e)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout)), 0)
+	n = int(r0)
 	if e1 != 0 {
 		err = errnoErr(e1)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_netbsd_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_netbsd_arm.go
index cf5bf3d..cb0af13 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_netbsd_arm.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_netbsd_arm.go
@@ -214,22 +214,6 @@ func kevent(kq int, change unsafe.Pointer, nchange int, event unsafe.Pointer, ne
-func sysctl(mib []_C_int, old *byte, oldlen *uintptr, new *byte, newlen uintptr) (err error) {
-	var _p0 unsafe.Pointer
-	if len(mib) > 0 {
-		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&mib[0])
-	} else {
-		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero)
-	}
-	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS___SYSCTL, uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(mib)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(old)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(oldlen)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(new)), uintptr(newlen))
-	if e1 != 0 {
-		err = errnoErr(e1)
-	}
-	return
 func utimes(path string, timeval *[2]Timeval) (err error) {
 	var _p0 *byte
 	_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path)
@@ -377,6 +361,22 @@ func Munlockall() (err error) {
+func sysctl(mib []_C_int, old *byte, oldlen *uintptr, new *byte, newlen uintptr) (err error) {
+	var _p0 unsafe.Pointer
+	if len(mib) > 0 {
+		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&mib[0])
+	} else {
+		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero)
+	}
+	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS___SYSCTL, uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(mib)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(old)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(oldlen)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(new)), uintptr(newlen))
+	if e1 != 0 {
+		err = errnoErr(e1)
+	}
+	return
 func pipe() (fd1 int, fd2 int, err error) {
 	r0, r1, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_PIPE, 0, 0, 0)
 	fd1 = int(r0)
@@ -1498,8 +1498,9 @@ func Seek(fd int, offset int64, whence int) (newoffset int64, err error) {
-func Select(n int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (err error) {
-	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_SELECT, uintptr(n), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(r)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(w)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(e)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout)), 0)
+func Select(nfd int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (n int, err error) {
+	r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_SELECT, uintptr(nfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(r)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(w)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(e)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout)), 0)
+	n = int(r0)
 	if e1 != 0 {
 		err = errnoErr(e1)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_netbsd_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_netbsd_arm64.go
index 243a931..6fd48d3 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_netbsd_arm64.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_netbsd_arm64.go
@@ -214,22 +214,6 @@ func kevent(kq int, change unsafe.Pointer, nchange int, event unsafe.Pointer, ne
-func sysctl(mib []_C_int, old *byte, oldlen *uintptr, new *byte, newlen uintptr) (err error) {
-	var _p0 unsafe.Pointer
-	if len(mib) > 0 {
-		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&mib[0])
-	} else {
-		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero)
-	}
-	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS___SYSCTL, uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(mib)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(old)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(oldlen)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(new)), uintptr(newlen))
-	if e1 != 0 {
-		err = errnoErr(e1)
-	}
-	return
 func utimes(path string, timeval *[2]Timeval) (err error) {
 	var _p0 *byte
 	_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path)
@@ -377,6 +361,22 @@ func Munlockall() (err error) {
+func sysctl(mib []_C_int, old *byte, oldlen *uintptr, new *byte, newlen uintptr) (err error) {
+	var _p0 unsafe.Pointer
+	if len(mib) > 0 {
+		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&mib[0])
+	} else {
+		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero)
+	}
+	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS___SYSCTL, uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(mib)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(old)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(oldlen)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(new)), uintptr(newlen))
+	if e1 != 0 {
+		err = errnoErr(e1)
+	}
+	return
 func pipe() (fd1 int, fd2 int, err error) {
 	r0, r1, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_PIPE, 0, 0, 0)
 	fd1 = int(r0)
@@ -1498,8 +1498,9 @@ func Seek(fd int, offset int64, whence int) (newoffset int64, err error) {
-func Select(n int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (err error) {
-	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_SELECT, uintptr(n), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(r)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(w)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(e)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout)), 0)
+func Select(nfd int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (n int, err error) {
+	r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_SELECT, uintptr(nfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(r)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(w)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(e)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout)), 0)
+	n = int(r0)
 	if e1 != 0 {
 		err = errnoErr(e1)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_386.go
index a9532d0..2938e41 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_386.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_386.go
@@ -214,22 +214,6 @@ func kevent(kq int, change unsafe.Pointer, nchange int, event unsafe.Pointer, ne
-func sysctl(mib []_C_int, old *byte, oldlen *uintptr, new *byte, newlen uintptr) (err error) {
-	var _p0 unsafe.Pointer
-	if len(mib) > 0 {
-		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&mib[0])
-	} else {
-		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero)
-	}
-	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS___SYSCTL, uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(mib)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(old)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(oldlen)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(new)), uintptr(newlen))
-	if e1 != 0 {
-		err = errnoErr(e1)
-	}
-	return
 func utimes(path string, timeval *[2]Timeval) (err error) {
 	var _p0 *byte
 	_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path)
@@ -377,6 +361,22 @@ func Munlockall() (err error) {
+func sysctl(mib []_C_int, old *byte, oldlen *uintptr, new *byte, newlen uintptr) (err error) {
+	var _p0 unsafe.Pointer
+	if len(mib) > 0 {
+		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&mib[0])
+	} else {
+		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero)
+	}
+	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS___SYSCTL, uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(mib)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(old)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(oldlen)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(new)), uintptr(newlen))
+	if e1 != 0 {
+		err = errnoErr(e1)
+	}
+	return
 func pipe(p *[2]_C_int) (err error) {
 	_, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_PIPE, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(p)), 0, 0)
 	if e1 != 0 {
@@ -1304,8 +1304,9 @@ func Seek(fd int, offset int64, whence int) (newoffset int64, err error) {
-func Select(n int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (err error) {
-	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_SELECT, uintptr(n), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(r)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(w)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(e)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout)), 0)
+func Select(nfd int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (n int, err error) {
+	r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_SELECT, uintptr(nfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(r)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(w)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(e)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout)), 0)
+	n = int(r0)
 	if e1 != 0 {
 		err = errnoErr(e1)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_amd64.go
index 0cb9f01..22b79ab 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_amd64.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_amd64.go
@@ -214,22 +214,6 @@ func kevent(kq int, change unsafe.Pointer, nchange int, event unsafe.Pointer, ne
-func sysctl(mib []_C_int, old *byte, oldlen *uintptr, new *byte, newlen uintptr) (err error) {
-	var _p0 unsafe.Pointer
-	if len(mib) > 0 {
-		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&mib[0])
-	} else {
-		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero)
-	}
-	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS___SYSCTL, uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(mib)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(old)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(oldlen)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(new)), uintptr(newlen))
-	if e1 != 0 {
-		err = errnoErr(e1)
-	}
-	return
 func utimes(path string, timeval *[2]Timeval) (err error) {
 	var _p0 *byte
 	_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path)
@@ -377,6 +361,22 @@ func Munlockall() (err error) {
+func sysctl(mib []_C_int, old *byte, oldlen *uintptr, new *byte, newlen uintptr) (err error) {
+	var _p0 unsafe.Pointer
+	if len(mib) > 0 {
+		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&mib[0])
+	} else {
+		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero)
+	}
+	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS___SYSCTL, uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(mib)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(old)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(oldlen)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(new)), uintptr(newlen))
+	if e1 != 0 {
+		err = errnoErr(e1)
+	}
+	return
 func pipe(p *[2]_C_int) (err error) {
 	_, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_PIPE, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(p)), 0, 0)
 	if e1 != 0 {
@@ -1304,8 +1304,9 @@ func Seek(fd int, offset int64, whence int) (newoffset int64, err error) {
-func Select(n int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (err error) {
-	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_SELECT, uintptr(n), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(r)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(w)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(e)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout)), 0)
+func Select(nfd int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (n int, err error) {
+	r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_SELECT, uintptr(nfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(r)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(w)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(e)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout)), 0)
+	n = int(r0)
 	if e1 != 0 {
 		err = errnoErr(e1)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_arm.go
index 6fc99b5..cb921f3 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_arm.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_arm.go
@@ -214,22 +214,6 @@ func kevent(kq int, change unsafe.Pointer, nchange int, event unsafe.Pointer, ne
-func sysctl(mib []_C_int, old *byte, oldlen *uintptr, new *byte, newlen uintptr) (err error) {
-	var _p0 unsafe.Pointer
-	if len(mib) > 0 {
-		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&mib[0])
-	} else {
-		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero)
-	}
-	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS___SYSCTL, uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(mib)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(old)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(oldlen)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(new)), uintptr(newlen))
-	if e1 != 0 {
-		err = errnoErr(e1)
-	}
-	return
 func utimes(path string, timeval *[2]Timeval) (err error) {
 	var _p0 *byte
 	_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path)
@@ -377,6 +361,22 @@ func Munlockall() (err error) {
+func sysctl(mib []_C_int, old *byte, oldlen *uintptr, new *byte, newlen uintptr) (err error) {
+	var _p0 unsafe.Pointer
+	if len(mib) > 0 {
+		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&mib[0])
+	} else {
+		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero)
+	}
+	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS___SYSCTL, uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(mib)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(old)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(oldlen)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(new)), uintptr(newlen))
+	if e1 != 0 {
+		err = errnoErr(e1)
+	}
+	return
 func pipe(p *[2]_C_int) (err error) {
 	_, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_PIPE, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(p)), 0, 0)
 	if e1 != 0 {
@@ -1304,8 +1304,9 @@ func Seek(fd int, offset int64, whence int) (newoffset int64, err error) {
-func Select(n int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (err error) {
-	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_SELECT, uintptr(n), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(r)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(w)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(e)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout)), 0)
+func Select(nfd int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (n int, err error) {
+	r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_SELECT, uintptr(nfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(r)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(w)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(e)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout)), 0)
+	n = int(r0)
 	if e1 != 0 {
 		err = errnoErr(e1)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_arm64.go
index 27878a7..5a74380 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_arm64.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_arm64.go
@@ -214,22 +214,6 @@ func kevent(kq int, change unsafe.Pointer, nchange int, event unsafe.Pointer, ne
-func sysctl(mib []_C_int, old *byte, oldlen *uintptr, new *byte, newlen uintptr) (err error) {
-	var _p0 unsafe.Pointer
-	if len(mib) > 0 {
-		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&mib[0])
-	} else {
-		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero)
-	}
-	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS___SYSCTL, uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(mib)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(old)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(oldlen)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(new)), uintptr(newlen))
-	if e1 != 0 {
-		err = errnoErr(e1)
-	}
-	return
 func utimes(path string, timeval *[2]Timeval) (err error) {
 	var _p0 *byte
 	_p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path)
@@ -377,6 +361,22 @@ func Munlockall() (err error) {
+func sysctl(mib []_C_int, old *byte, oldlen *uintptr, new *byte, newlen uintptr) (err error) {
+	var _p0 unsafe.Pointer
+	if len(mib) > 0 {
+		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&mib[0])
+	} else {
+		_p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero)
+	}
+	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS___SYSCTL, uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(mib)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(old)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(oldlen)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(new)), uintptr(newlen))
+	if e1 != 0 {
+		err = errnoErr(e1)
+	}
+	return
 func pipe(p *[2]_C_int) (err error) {
 	_, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_PIPE, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(p)), 0, 0)
 	if e1 != 0 {
@@ -1304,8 +1304,9 @@ func Seek(fd int, offset int64, whence int) (newoffset int64, err error) {
-func Select(n int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (err error) {
-	_, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_SELECT, uintptr(n), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(r)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(w)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(e)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout)), 0)
+func Select(nfd int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (n int, err error) {
+	r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_SELECT, uintptr(nfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(r)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(w)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(e)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout)), 0)
+	n = int(r0)
 	if e1 != 0 {
 		err = errnoErr(e1)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_solaris_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_solaris_amd64.go
index 5f61476..a96165d 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_solaris_amd64.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_solaris_amd64.go
@@ -1478,8 +1478,9 @@ func Seek(fd int, offset int64, whence int) (newoffset int64, err error) {
-func Select(n int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (err error) {
-	_, _, e1 := sysvicall6(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&procSelect)), 5, uintptr(n), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(r)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(w)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(e)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout)), 0)
+func Select(nfd int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (n int, err error) {
+	r0, _, e1 := sysvicall6(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&procSelect)), 5, uintptr(nfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(r)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(w)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(e)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout)), 0)
+	n = int(r0)
 	if e1 != 0 {
 		err = e1
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_386.go
index e869c06..7aae554 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_386.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_386.go
@@ -429,4 +429,6 @@ const (
 	SYS_FSCONFIG                     = 431
 	SYS_FSMOUNT                      = 432
 	SYS_FSPICK                       = 433
+	SYS_PIDFD_OPEN                   = 434
+	SYS_CLONE3                       = 435
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_amd64.go
index 4917b8a..7968439 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_amd64.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_amd64.go
@@ -351,4 +351,6 @@ const (
 	SYS_FSCONFIG               = 431
 	SYS_FSMOUNT                = 432
 	SYS_FSPICK                 = 433
+	SYS_PIDFD_OPEN             = 434
+	SYS_CLONE3                 = 435
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_arm.go
index f85fcb4..3c663c6 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_arm.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_arm.go
@@ -393,4 +393,6 @@ const (
 	SYS_FSCONFIG                     = 431
 	SYS_FSMOUNT                      = 432
 	SYS_FSPICK                       = 433
+	SYS_PIDFD_OPEN                   = 434
+	SYS_CLONE3                       = 435
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_arm64.go
index 678a119..753def9 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_arm64.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_arm64.go
@@ -296,4 +296,5 @@ const (
 	SYS_FSCONFIG               = 431
 	SYS_FSMOUNT                = 432
 	SYS_FSPICK                 = 433
+	SYS_PIDFD_OPEN             = 434
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mips.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mips.go
index 222c9f9..00da3de 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mips.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mips.go
@@ -414,4 +414,6 @@ const (
 	SYS_FSCONFIG                     = 4431
 	SYS_FSMOUNT                      = 4432
 	SYS_FSPICK                       = 4433
+	SYS_PIDFD_OPEN                   = 4434
+	SYS_CLONE3                       = 4435
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mips64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mips64.go
index 28e6d0e..d404fbd 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mips64.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mips64.go
@@ -344,4 +344,6 @@ const (
 	SYS_FSCONFIG               = 5431
 	SYS_FSMOUNT                = 5432
 	SYS_FSPICK                 = 5433
+	SYS_PIDFD_OPEN             = 5434
+	SYS_CLONE3                 = 5435
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mips64le.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mips64le.go
index e643c6f..bfbf242 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mips64le.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mips64le.go
@@ -344,4 +344,6 @@ const (
 	SYS_FSCONFIG               = 5431
 	SYS_FSMOUNT                = 5432
 	SYS_FSPICK                 = 5433
+	SYS_PIDFD_OPEN             = 5434
+	SYS_CLONE3                 = 5435
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mipsle.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mipsle.go
index 01d93c4..3826f49 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mipsle.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mipsle.go
@@ -414,4 +414,6 @@ const (
 	SYS_FSCONFIG                     = 4431
 	SYS_FSMOUNT                      = 4432
 	SYS_FSPICK                       = 4433
+	SYS_PIDFD_OPEN                   = 4434
+	SYS_CLONE3                       = 4435
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_ppc64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_ppc64.go
index 5744149..52e3da6 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_ppc64.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_ppc64.go
@@ -393,4 +393,6 @@ const (
 	SYS_FSCONFIG               = 431
 	SYS_FSMOUNT                = 432
 	SYS_FSPICK                 = 433
+	SYS_PIDFD_OPEN             = 434
+	SYS_CLONE3                 = 435
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_ppc64le.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_ppc64le.go
index 21c8320..6141f90 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_ppc64le.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_ppc64le.go
@@ -393,4 +393,6 @@ const (
 	SYS_FSCONFIG               = 431
 	SYS_FSMOUNT                = 432
 	SYS_FSPICK                 = 433
+	SYS_PIDFD_OPEN             = 434
+	SYS_CLONE3                 = 435
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_riscv64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_riscv64.go
index c1bb6d8..4f7261a 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_riscv64.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_riscv64.go
@@ -295,4 +295,6 @@ const (
 	SYS_FSCONFIG               = 431
 	SYS_FSMOUNT                = 432
 	SYS_FSPICK                 = 433
+	SYS_PIDFD_OPEN             = 434
+	SYS_CLONE3                 = 435
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_s390x.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_s390x.go
index bc3cc6b..f47014a 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_s390x.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_s390x.go
@@ -358,4 +358,6 @@ const (
 	SYS_FSCONFIG               = 431
 	SYS_FSMOUNT                = 432
 	SYS_FSPICK                 = 433
+	SYS_PIDFD_OPEN             = 434
+	SYS_CLONE3                 = 435
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_sparc64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_sparc64.go
index 0a2841b..dd78abb 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_sparc64.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_sparc64.go
@@ -373,4 +373,5 @@ const (
 	SYS_FSCONFIG               = 431
 	SYS_FSMOUNT                = 432
 	SYS_FSPICK                 = 433
+	SYS_PIDFD_OPEN             = 434
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_freebsd_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_freebsd_arm64.go
index 1542a87..c681d7d 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_freebsd_arm64.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_freebsd_arm64.go
@@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ type Reg struct {
 type FpReg struct {
-	Fp_q  [32]uint128
+	Fp_q  [512]uint8
 	Fp_sr uint32
 	Fp_cr uint32
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_386.go
index 50bc412..d2306df 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_386.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_386.go
@@ -179,6 +179,55 @@ type FscryptKey struct {
 	Size uint32
+type FscryptPolicyV1 struct {
+	Version                   uint8
+	Contents_encryption_mode  uint8
+	Filenames_encryption_mode uint8
+	Flags                     uint8
+	Master_key_descriptor     [8]uint8
+type FscryptPolicyV2 struct {
+	Version                   uint8
+	Contents_encryption_mode  uint8
+	Filenames_encryption_mode uint8
+	Flags                     uint8
+	_                         [4]uint8
+	Master_key_identifier     [16]uint8
+type FscryptGetPolicyExArg struct {
+	Size   uint64
+	Policy [24]byte
+type FscryptKeySpecifier struct {
+	Type uint32
+	_    uint32
+	U    [32]byte
+type FscryptAddKeyArg struct {
+	Key_spec FscryptKeySpecifier
+	Raw_size uint32
+	_        [9]uint32
+type FscryptRemoveKeyArg struct {
+	Key_spec             FscryptKeySpecifier
+	Removal_status_flags uint32
+	_                    [5]uint32
+type FscryptGetKeyStatusArg struct {
+	Key_spec     FscryptKeySpecifier
+	_            [6]uint32
+	Status       uint32
+	Status_flags uint32
+	User_count   uint32
+	_            [13]uint32
 type KeyctlDHParams struct {
 	Private int32
 	Prime   int32
@@ -256,7 +305,7 @@ type RawSockaddrRFCOMM struct {
 type RawSockaddrCAN struct {
 	Family  uint16
 	Ifindex int32
-	Addr    [8]byte
+	Addr    [16]byte
 type RawSockaddrALG struct {
@@ -285,6 +334,13 @@ type RawSockaddrXDP struct {
 type RawSockaddrPPPoX [0x1e]byte
+type RawSockaddrTIPC struct {
+	Family   uint16
+	Addrtype uint8
+	Scope    int8
+	Addr     [12]byte
 type RawSockaddr struct {
 	Family uint16
 	Data   [14]int8
@@ -420,11 +476,12 @@ const (
 	SizeofSockaddrHCI       = 0x6
 	SizeofSockaddrL2        = 0xe
 	SizeofSockaddrRFCOMM    = 0xa
-	SizeofSockaddrCAN       = 0x10
+	SizeofSockaddrCAN       = 0x18
 	SizeofSockaddrALG       = 0x58
 	SizeofSockaddrVM        = 0x10
 	SizeofSockaddrXDP       = 0x10
 	SizeofSockaddrPPPoX     = 0x1e
+	SizeofSockaddrTIPC      = 0x10
 	SizeofLinger            = 0x8
 	SizeofIovec             = 0x8
 	SizeofIPMreq            = 0x8
@@ -591,22 +648,6 @@ const (
 	RTN_THROW               = 0x9
 	RTN_NAT                 = 0xa
 	RTN_XRESOLVE            = 0xb
-	RTNLGRP_NONE            = 0x0
-	RTNLGRP_LINK            = 0x1
-	RTNLGRP_NOTIFY          = 0x2
-	RTNLGRP_NEIGH           = 0x3
-	RTNLGRP_TC              = 0x4
-	RTNLGRP_IPV4_ROUTE      = 0x7
-	RTNLGRP_IPV4_RULE       = 0x8
-	RTNLGRP_IPV6_ROUTE      = 0xb
-	RTNLGRP_IPV6_PREFIX     = 0x12
-	RTNLGRP_IPV6_RULE       = 0x13
-	RTNLGRP_ND_USEROPT      = 0x14
 	SizeofNlMsghdr          = 0x10
 	SizeofNlMsgerr          = 0x14
 	SizeofRtGenmsg          = 0x1
@@ -614,6 +655,7 @@ const (
 	SizeofRtAttr            = 0x4
 	SizeofIfInfomsg         = 0x10
 	SizeofIfAddrmsg         = 0x8
+	SizeofIfaCacheinfo      = 0x10
 	SizeofRtMsg             = 0xc
 	SizeofRtNexthop         = 0x8
 	SizeofNdUseroptmsg      = 0x10
@@ -664,6 +706,13 @@ type IfAddrmsg struct {
 	Index     uint32
+type IfaCacheinfo struct {
+	Prefered uint32
+	Valid    uint32
+	Cstamp   uint32
+	Tstamp   uint32
 type RtMsg struct {
 	Family   uint8
 	Dst_len  uint8
@@ -2041,6 +2090,7 @@ type XDPRingOffset struct {
 	Producer uint64
 	Consumer uint64
 	Desc     uint64
+	Flags    uint64
 type XDPMmapOffsets struct {
@@ -2055,6 +2105,7 @@ type XDPUmemReg struct {
 	Len      uint64
 	Size     uint32
 	Headroom uint32
+	Flags    uint32
 type XDPStatistics struct {
@@ -2468,6 +2519,42 @@ const (
 	BPF_FD_TYPE_URETPROBE               = 0x5
+const (
+	RTNLGRP_NONE          = 0x0
+	RTNLGRP_LINK          = 0x1
+	RTNLGRP_NOTIFY        = 0x2
+	RTNLGRP_NEIGH         = 0x3
+	RTNLGRP_TC            = 0x4
+	RTNLGRP_IPV4_RULE     = 0x8
+	RTNLGRP_NOP2          = 0xe
+	RTNLGRP_DECnet_RULE   = 0x10
+	RTNLGRP_NOP4          = 0x11
+	RTNLGRP_IPV6_RULE     = 0x13
+	RTNLGRP_DCB           = 0x17
+	RTNLGRP_MDB           = 0x1a
+	RTNLGRP_NSID          = 0x1c
+	RTNLGRP_NEXTHOP       = 0x20
 type CapUserHeader struct {
 	Version uint32
 	Pid     int32
@@ -2521,3 +2608,201 @@ type LoopInfo64 struct {
 	Encrypt_key      [32]uint8
 	Init             [2]uint64
+type TIPCSocketAddr struct {
+	Ref  uint32
+	Node uint32
+type TIPCServiceRange struct {
+	Type  uint32
+	Lower uint32
+	Upper uint32
+type TIPCServiceName struct {
+	Type     uint32
+	Instance uint32
+	Domain   uint32
+type TIPCSubscr struct {
+	Seq     TIPCServiceRange
+	Timeout uint32
+	Filter  uint32
+	Handle  [8]int8
+type TIPCEvent struct {
+	Event uint32
+	Lower uint32
+	Upper uint32
+	Port  TIPCSocketAddr
+	S     TIPCSubscr
+type TIPCGroupReq struct {
+	Type     uint32
+	Instance uint32
+	Scope    uint32
+	Flags    uint32
+type TIPCSIOCLNReq struct {
+	Peer     uint32
+	Id       uint32
+	Linkname [68]int8
+type TIPCSIOCNodeIDReq struct {
+	Peer uint32
+	Id   [16]int8
+const (
+	TIPC_NODE_SCOPE    = 0x3
+const (
+	SYSLOG_ACTION_OPEN          = 1
+	SYSLOG_ACTION_READ          = 2
+const (
+	DEVLINK_CMD_UNSPEC                        = 0x0
+	DEVLINK_CMD_GET                           = 0x1
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SET                           = 0x2
+	DEVLINK_CMD_NEW                           = 0x3
+	DEVLINK_CMD_DEL                           = 0x4
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_GET                      = 0x5
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_SET                      = 0x6
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_NEW                      = 0x7
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_DEL                      = 0x8
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_SPLIT                    = 0x9
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_UNSPLIT                  = 0xa
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_GET                        = 0xb
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_SET                        = 0xc
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_NEW                        = 0xd
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_DEL                        = 0xe
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_POOL_GET                   = 0xf
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_POOL_SET                   = 0x10
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_POOL_NEW                   = 0x11
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_POOL_DEL                   = 0x12
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_PORT_POOL_GET              = 0x13
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_PORT_POOL_SET              = 0x14
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_PORT_POOL_NEW              = 0x15
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_PORT_POOL_DEL              = 0x16
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_TC_POOL_BIND_GET           = 0x17
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_TC_POOL_BIND_SET           = 0x18
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_TC_POOL_BIND_NEW           = 0x19
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_TC_POOL_BIND_DEL           = 0x1a
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_OCC_SNAPSHOT               = 0x1b
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_OCC_MAX_CLEAR              = 0x1c
+	DEVLINK_CMD_ESWITCH_GET                   = 0x1d
+	DEVLINK_CMD_ESWITCH_SET                   = 0x1e
+	DEVLINK_CMD_DPIPE_TABLE_GET               = 0x1f
+	DEVLINK_CMD_DPIPE_ENTRIES_GET             = 0x20
+	DEVLINK_CMD_DPIPE_HEADERS_GET             = 0x21
+	DEVLINK_CMD_MAX                           = 0x44
+	DEVLINK_PORT_TYPE_NOTSET                  = 0x0
+	DEVLINK_PORT_TYPE_AUTO                    = 0x1
+	DEVLINK_PORT_TYPE_ETH                     = 0x2
+	DEVLINK_PORT_TYPE_IB                      = 0x3
+	DEVLINK_SB_POOL_TYPE_INGRESS              = 0x0
+	DEVLINK_SB_POOL_TYPE_EGRESS               = 0x1
+	DEVLINK_ESWITCH_MODE_LEGACY               = 0x0
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_UNSPEC                       = 0x0
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_BUS_NAME                     = 0x1
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DEV_NAME                     = 0x2
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_PORT_INDEX                   = 0x3
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_PORT_TYPE                    = 0x4
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_PORT_IBDEV_NAME              = 0x8
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_INDEX                     = 0xb
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_SIZE                      = 0xc
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_POOL_INDEX                = 0x11
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_POOL_TYPE                 = 0x12
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_POOL_SIZE                 = 0x13
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_THRESHOLD                 = 0x15
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_TC_INDEX                  = 0x16
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_OCC_CUR                   = 0x17
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_OCC_MAX                   = 0x18
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_ESWITCH_MODE                 = 0x19
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_TABLES                 = 0x1b
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_TABLE                  = 0x1c
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_TABLE_NAME             = 0x1d
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_TABLE_SIZE             = 0x1e
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_ENTRIES                = 0x22
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_ENTRY                  = 0x23
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_MATCH                  = 0x28
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_MATCH_TYPE             = 0x2a
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_ACTION                 = 0x2b
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_VALUE                  = 0x2e
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_VALUE_MASK             = 0x2f
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_HEADERS                = 0x31
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_HEADER                 = 0x32
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_HEADER_ID              = 0x34
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_FIELD                  = 0x38
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_FIELD_NAME             = 0x39
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_FIELD_ID               = 0x3a
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_PAD                          = 0x3d
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_MAX                          = 0x89
+	DEVLINK_DPIPE_HEADER_IPV4                 = 0x1
+	DEVLINK_DPIPE_HEADER_IPV6                 = 0x2
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_amd64.go
index 055eaa7..8888705 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_amd64.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_amd64.go
@@ -179,6 +179,55 @@ type FscryptKey struct {
 	Size uint32
+type FscryptPolicyV1 struct {
+	Version                   uint8
+	Contents_encryption_mode  uint8
+	Filenames_encryption_mode uint8
+	Flags                     uint8
+	Master_key_descriptor     [8]uint8
+type FscryptPolicyV2 struct {
+	Version                   uint8
+	Contents_encryption_mode  uint8
+	Filenames_encryption_mode uint8
+	Flags                     uint8
+	_                         [4]uint8
+	Master_key_identifier     [16]uint8
+type FscryptGetPolicyExArg struct {
+	Size   uint64
+	Policy [24]byte
+type FscryptKeySpecifier struct {
+	Type uint32
+	_    uint32
+	U    [32]byte
+type FscryptAddKeyArg struct {
+	Key_spec FscryptKeySpecifier
+	Raw_size uint32
+	_        [9]uint32
+type FscryptRemoveKeyArg struct {
+	Key_spec             FscryptKeySpecifier
+	Removal_status_flags uint32
+	_                    [5]uint32
+type FscryptGetKeyStatusArg struct {
+	Key_spec     FscryptKeySpecifier
+	_            [6]uint32
+	Status       uint32
+	Status_flags uint32
+	User_count   uint32
+	_            [13]uint32
 type KeyctlDHParams struct {
 	Private int32
 	Prime   int32
@@ -256,7 +305,7 @@ type RawSockaddrRFCOMM struct {
 type RawSockaddrCAN struct {
 	Family  uint16
 	Ifindex int32
-	Addr    [8]byte
+	Addr    [16]byte
 type RawSockaddrALG struct {
@@ -285,6 +334,13 @@ type RawSockaddrXDP struct {
 type RawSockaddrPPPoX [0x1e]byte
+type RawSockaddrTIPC struct {
+	Family   uint16
+	Addrtype uint8
+	Scope    int8
+	Addr     [12]byte
 type RawSockaddr struct {
 	Family uint16
 	Data   [14]int8
@@ -421,11 +477,12 @@ const (
 	SizeofSockaddrHCI       = 0x6
 	SizeofSockaddrL2        = 0xe
 	SizeofSockaddrRFCOMM    = 0xa
-	SizeofSockaddrCAN       = 0x10
+	SizeofSockaddrCAN       = 0x18
 	SizeofSockaddrALG       = 0x58
 	SizeofSockaddrVM        = 0x10
 	SizeofSockaddrXDP       = 0x10
 	SizeofSockaddrPPPoX     = 0x1e
+	SizeofSockaddrTIPC      = 0x10
 	SizeofLinger            = 0x8
 	SizeofIovec             = 0x10
 	SizeofIPMreq            = 0x8
@@ -592,22 +649,6 @@ const (
 	RTN_THROW               = 0x9
 	RTN_NAT                 = 0xa
 	RTN_XRESOLVE            = 0xb
-	RTNLGRP_NONE            = 0x0
-	RTNLGRP_LINK            = 0x1
-	RTNLGRP_NOTIFY          = 0x2
-	RTNLGRP_NEIGH           = 0x3
-	RTNLGRP_TC              = 0x4
-	RTNLGRP_IPV4_ROUTE      = 0x7
-	RTNLGRP_IPV4_RULE       = 0x8
-	RTNLGRP_IPV6_ROUTE      = 0xb
-	RTNLGRP_IPV6_PREFIX     = 0x12
-	RTNLGRP_IPV6_RULE       = 0x13
-	RTNLGRP_ND_USEROPT      = 0x14
 	SizeofNlMsghdr          = 0x10
 	SizeofNlMsgerr          = 0x14
 	SizeofRtGenmsg          = 0x1
@@ -615,6 +656,7 @@ const (
 	SizeofRtAttr            = 0x4
 	SizeofIfInfomsg         = 0x10
 	SizeofIfAddrmsg         = 0x8
+	SizeofIfaCacheinfo      = 0x10
 	SizeofRtMsg             = 0xc
 	SizeofRtNexthop         = 0x8
 	SizeofNdUseroptmsg      = 0x10
@@ -665,6 +707,13 @@ type IfAddrmsg struct {
 	Index     uint32
+type IfaCacheinfo struct {
+	Prefered uint32
+	Valid    uint32
+	Cstamp   uint32
+	Tstamp   uint32
 type RtMsg struct {
 	Family   uint8
 	Dst_len  uint8
@@ -2054,6 +2103,7 @@ type XDPRingOffset struct {
 	Producer uint64
 	Consumer uint64
 	Desc     uint64
+	Flags    uint64
 type XDPMmapOffsets struct {
@@ -2068,6 +2118,8 @@ type XDPUmemReg struct {
 	Len      uint64
 	Size     uint32
 	Headroom uint32
+	Flags    uint32
+	_        [4]byte
 type XDPStatistics struct {
@@ -2481,6 +2533,42 @@ const (
 	BPF_FD_TYPE_URETPROBE               = 0x5
+const (
+	RTNLGRP_NONE          = 0x0
+	RTNLGRP_LINK          = 0x1
+	RTNLGRP_NOTIFY        = 0x2
+	RTNLGRP_NEIGH         = 0x3
+	RTNLGRP_TC            = 0x4
+	RTNLGRP_IPV4_RULE     = 0x8
+	RTNLGRP_NOP2          = 0xe
+	RTNLGRP_DECnet_RULE   = 0x10
+	RTNLGRP_NOP4          = 0x11
+	RTNLGRP_IPV6_RULE     = 0x13
+	RTNLGRP_DCB           = 0x17
+	RTNLGRP_MDB           = 0x1a
+	RTNLGRP_NSID          = 0x1c
+	RTNLGRP_NEXTHOP       = 0x20
 type CapUserHeader struct {
 	Version uint32
 	Pid     int32
@@ -2535,3 +2623,201 @@ type LoopInfo64 struct {
 	Encrypt_key      [32]uint8
 	Init             [2]uint64
+type TIPCSocketAddr struct {
+	Ref  uint32
+	Node uint32
+type TIPCServiceRange struct {
+	Type  uint32
+	Lower uint32
+	Upper uint32
+type TIPCServiceName struct {
+	Type     uint32
+	Instance uint32
+	Domain   uint32
+type TIPCSubscr struct {
+	Seq     TIPCServiceRange
+	Timeout uint32
+	Filter  uint32
+	Handle  [8]int8
+type TIPCEvent struct {
+	Event uint32
+	Lower uint32
+	Upper uint32
+	Port  TIPCSocketAddr
+	S     TIPCSubscr
+type TIPCGroupReq struct {
+	Type     uint32
+	Instance uint32
+	Scope    uint32
+	Flags    uint32
+type TIPCSIOCLNReq struct {
+	Peer     uint32
+	Id       uint32
+	Linkname [68]int8
+type TIPCSIOCNodeIDReq struct {
+	Peer uint32
+	Id   [16]int8
+const (
+	TIPC_NODE_SCOPE    = 0x3
+const (
+	SYSLOG_ACTION_OPEN          = 1
+	SYSLOG_ACTION_READ          = 2
+const (
+	DEVLINK_CMD_UNSPEC                        = 0x0
+	DEVLINK_CMD_GET                           = 0x1
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SET                           = 0x2
+	DEVLINK_CMD_NEW                           = 0x3
+	DEVLINK_CMD_DEL                           = 0x4
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_GET                      = 0x5
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_SET                      = 0x6
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_NEW                      = 0x7
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_DEL                      = 0x8
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_SPLIT                    = 0x9
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_UNSPLIT                  = 0xa
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_GET                        = 0xb
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_SET                        = 0xc
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_NEW                        = 0xd
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_DEL                        = 0xe
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_POOL_GET                   = 0xf
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_POOL_SET                   = 0x10
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_POOL_NEW                   = 0x11
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_POOL_DEL                   = 0x12
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_PORT_POOL_GET              = 0x13
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_PORT_POOL_SET              = 0x14
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_PORT_POOL_NEW              = 0x15
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_PORT_POOL_DEL              = 0x16
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_TC_POOL_BIND_GET           = 0x17
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_TC_POOL_BIND_SET           = 0x18
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_TC_POOL_BIND_NEW           = 0x19
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_TC_POOL_BIND_DEL           = 0x1a
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_OCC_SNAPSHOT               = 0x1b
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_OCC_MAX_CLEAR              = 0x1c
+	DEVLINK_CMD_ESWITCH_GET                   = 0x1d
+	DEVLINK_CMD_ESWITCH_SET                   = 0x1e
+	DEVLINK_CMD_DPIPE_TABLE_GET               = 0x1f
+	DEVLINK_CMD_DPIPE_ENTRIES_GET             = 0x20
+	DEVLINK_CMD_DPIPE_HEADERS_GET             = 0x21
+	DEVLINK_CMD_MAX                           = 0x44
+	DEVLINK_PORT_TYPE_NOTSET                  = 0x0
+	DEVLINK_PORT_TYPE_AUTO                    = 0x1
+	DEVLINK_PORT_TYPE_ETH                     = 0x2
+	DEVLINK_PORT_TYPE_IB                      = 0x3
+	DEVLINK_SB_POOL_TYPE_INGRESS              = 0x0
+	DEVLINK_SB_POOL_TYPE_EGRESS               = 0x1
+	DEVLINK_ESWITCH_MODE_LEGACY               = 0x0
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_UNSPEC                       = 0x0
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_BUS_NAME                     = 0x1
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DEV_NAME                     = 0x2
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_PORT_INDEX                   = 0x3
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_PORT_TYPE                    = 0x4
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_PORT_IBDEV_NAME              = 0x8
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_INDEX                     = 0xb
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_SIZE                      = 0xc
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_POOL_INDEX                = 0x11
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_POOL_TYPE                 = 0x12
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_POOL_SIZE                 = 0x13
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_THRESHOLD                 = 0x15
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_TC_INDEX                  = 0x16
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_OCC_CUR                   = 0x17
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_OCC_MAX                   = 0x18
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_ESWITCH_MODE                 = 0x19
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_TABLES                 = 0x1b
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_TABLE                  = 0x1c
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_TABLE_NAME             = 0x1d
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_TABLE_SIZE             = 0x1e
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_ENTRIES                = 0x22
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_ENTRY                  = 0x23
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_MATCH                  = 0x28
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_MATCH_TYPE             = 0x2a
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_ACTION                 = 0x2b
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_VALUE                  = 0x2e
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_VALUE_MASK             = 0x2f
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_HEADERS                = 0x31
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_HEADER                 = 0x32
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_HEADER_ID              = 0x34
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_FIELD                  = 0x38
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_FIELD_NAME             = 0x39
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_FIELD_ID               = 0x3a
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_PAD                          = 0x3d
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_MAX                          = 0x89
+	DEVLINK_DPIPE_HEADER_IPV4                 = 0x1
+	DEVLINK_DPIPE_HEADER_IPV6                 = 0x2
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_arm.go
index 66019c9..5f6f594 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_arm.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_arm.go
@@ -183,6 +183,55 @@ type FscryptKey struct {
 	Size uint32
+type FscryptPolicyV1 struct {
+	Version                   uint8
+	Contents_encryption_mode  uint8
+	Filenames_encryption_mode uint8
+	Flags                     uint8
+	Master_key_descriptor     [8]uint8
+type FscryptPolicyV2 struct {
+	Version                   uint8
+	Contents_encryption_mode  uint8
+	Filenames_encryption_mode uint8
+	Flags                     uint8
+	_                         [4]uint8
+	Master_key_identifier     [16]uint8
+type FscryptGetPolicyExArg struct {
+	Size   uint64
+	Policy [24]byte
+type FscryptKeySpecifier struct {
+	Type uint32
+	_    uint32
+	U    [32]byte
+type FscryptAddKeyArg struct {
+	Key_spec FscryptKeySpecifier
+	Raw_size uint32
+	_        [9]uint32
+type FscryptRemoveKeyArg struct {
+	Key_spec             FscryptKeySpecifier
+	Removal_status_flags uint32
+	_                    [5]uint32
+type FscryptGetKeyStatusArg struct {
+	Key_spec     FscryptKeySpecifier
+	_            [6]uint32
+	Status       uint32
+	Status_flags uint32
+	User_count   uint32
+	_            [13]uint32
 type KeyctlDHParams struct {
 	Private int32
 	Prime   int32
@@ -260,7 +309,7 @@ type RawSockaddrRFCOMM struct {
 type RawSockaddrCAN struct {
 	Family  uint16
 	Ifindex int32
-	Addr    [8]byte
+	Addr    [16]byte
 type RawSockaddrALG struct {
@@ -289,6 +338,13 @@ type RawSockaddrXDP struct {
 type RawSockaddrPPPoX [0x1e]byte
+type RawSockaddrTIPC struct {
+	Family   uint16
+	Addrtype uint8
+	Scope    int8
+	Addr     [12]byte
 type RawSockaddr struct {
 	Family uint16
 	Data   [14]uint8
@@ -424,11 +480,12 @@ const (
 	SizeofSockaddrHCI       = 0x6
 	SizeofSockaddrL2        = 0xe
 	SizeofSockaddrRFCOMM    = 0xa
-	SizeofSockaddrCAN       = 0x10
+	SizeofSockaddrCAN       = 0x18
 	SizeofSockaddrALG       = 0x58
 	SizeofSockaddrVM        = 0x10
 	SizeofSockaddrXDP       = 0x10
 	SizeofSockaddrPPPoX     = 0x1e
+	SizeofSockaddrTIPC      = 0x10
 	SizeofLinger            = 0x8
 	SizeofIovec             = 0x8
 	SizeofIPMreq            = 0x8
@@ -595,22 +652,6 @@ const (
 	RTN_THROW               = 0x9
 	RTN_NAT                 = 0xa
 	RTN_XRESOLVE            = 0xb
-	RTNLGRP_NONE            = 0x0
-	RTNLGRP_LINK            = 0x1
-	RTNLGRP_NOTIFY          = 0x2
-	RTNLGRP_NEIGH           = 0x3
-	RTNLGRP_TC              = 0x4
-	RTNLGRP_IPV4_ROUTE      = 0x7
-	RTNLGRP_IPV4_RULE       = 0x8
-	RTNLGRP_IPV6_ROUTE      = 0xb
-	RTNLGRP_IPV6_PREFIX     = 0x12
-	RTNLGRP_IPV6_RULE       = 0x13
-	RTNLGRP_ND_USEROPT      = 0x14
 	SizeofNlMsghdr          = 0x10
 	SizeofNlMsgerr          = 0x14
 	SizeofRtGenmsg          = 0x1
@@ -618,6 +659,7 @@ const (
 	SizeofRtAttr            = 0x4
 	SizeofIfInfomsg         = 0x10
 	SizeofIfAddrmsg         = 0x8
+	SizeofIfaCacheinfo      = 0x10
 	SizeofRtMsg             = 0xc
 	SizeofRtNexthop         = 0x8
 	SizeofNdUseroptmsg      = 0x10
@@ -668,6 +710,13 @@ type IfAddrmsg struct {
 	Index     uint32
+type IfaCacheinfo struct {
+	Prefered uint32
+	Valid    uint32
+	Cstamp   uint32
+	Tstamp   uint32
 type RtMsg struct {
 	Family   uint8
 	Dst_len  uint8
@@ -2032,6 +2081,7 @@ type XDPRingOffset struct {
 	Producer uint64
 	Consumer uint64
 	Desc     uint64
+	Flags    uint64
 type XDPMmapOffsets struct {
@@ -2046,6 +2096,8 @@ type XDPUmemReg struct {
 	Len      uint64
 	Size     uint32
 	Headroom uint32
+	Flags    uint32
+	_        [4]byte
 type XDPStatistics struct {
@@ -2459,6 +2511,42 @@ const (
 	BPF_FD_TYPE_URETPROBE               = 0x5
+const (
+	RTNLGRP_NONE          = 0x0
+	RTNLGRP_LINK          = 0x1
+	RTNLGRP_NOTIFY        = 0x2
+	RTNLGRP_NEIGH         = 0x3
+	RTNLGRP_TC            = 0x4
+	RTNLGRP_IPV4_RULE     = 0x8
+	RTNLGRP_NOP2          = 0xe
+	RTNLGRP_DECnet_RULE   = 0x10
+	RTNLGRP_NOP4          = 0x11
+	RTNLGRP_IPV6_RULE     = 0x13
+	RTNLGRP_DCB           = 0x17
+	RTNLGRP_MDB           = 0x1a
+	RTNLGRP_NSID          = 0x1c
+	RTNLGRP_NEXTHOP       = 0x20
 type CapUserHeader struct {
 	Version uint32
 	Pid     int32
@@ -2512,3 +2600,201 @@ type LoopInfo64 struct {
 	Encrypt_key      [32]uint8
 	Init             [2]uint64
+type TIPCSocketAddr struct {
+	Ref  uint32
+	Node uint32
+type TIPCServiceRange struct {
+	Type  uint32
+	Lower uint32
+	Upper uint32
+type TIPCServiceName struct {
+	Type     uint32
+	Instance uint32
+	Domain   uint32
+type TIPCSubscr struct {
+	Seq     TIPCServiceRange
+	Timeout uint32
+	Filter  uint32
+	Handle  [8]uint8
+type TIPCEvent struct {
+	Event uint32
+	Lower uint32
+	Upper uint32
+	Port  TIPCSocketAddr
+	S     TIPCSubscr
+type TIPCGroupReq struct {
+	Type     uint32
+	Instance uint32
+	Scope    uint32
+	Flags    uint32
+type TIPCSIOCLNReq struct {
+	Peer     uint32
+	Id       uint32
+	Linkname [68]uint8
+type TIPCSIOCNodeIDReq struct {
+	Peer uint32
+	Id   [16]uint8
+const (
+	TIPC_NODE_SCOPE    = 0x3
+const (
+	SYSLOG_ACTION_OPEN          = 1
+	SYSLOG_ACTION_READ          = 2
+const (
+	DEVLINK_CMD_UNSPEC                        = 0x0
+	DEVLINK_CMD_GET                           = 0x1
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SET                           = 0x2
+	DEVLINK_CMD_NEW                           = 0x3
+	DEVLINK_CMD_DEL                           = 0x4
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_GET                      = 0x5
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_SET                      = 0x6
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_NEW                      = 0x7
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_DEL                      = 0x8
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_SPLIT                    = 0x9
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_UNSPLIT                  = 0xa
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_GET                        = 0xb
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_SET                        = 0xc
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_NEW                        = 0xd
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_DEL                        = 0xe
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_POOL_GET                   = 0xf
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_POOL_SET                   = 0x10
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_POOL_NEW                   = 0x11
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_POOL_DEL                   = 0x12
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_PORT_POOL_GET              = 0x13
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_PORT_POOL_SET              = 0x14
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_PORT_POOL_NEW              = 0x15
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_PORT_POOL_DEL              = 0x16
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_TC_POOL_BIND_GET           = 0x17
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_TC_POOL_BIND_SET           = 0x18
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_TC_POOL_BIND_NEW           = 0x19
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_TC_POOL_BIND_DEL           = 0x1a
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_OCC_SNAPSHOT               = 0x1b
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_OCC_MAX_CLEAR              = 0x1c
+	DEVLINK_CMD_ESWITCH_GET                   = 0x1d
+	DEVLINK_CMD_ESWITCH_SET                   = 0x1e
+	DEVLINK_CMD_DPIPE_TABLE_GET               = 0x1f
+	DEVLINK_CMD_DPIPE_ENTRIES_GET             = 0x20
+	DEVLINK_CMD_DPIPE_HEADERS_GET             = 0x21
+	DEVLINK_CMD_MAX                           = 0x44
+	DEVLINK_PORT_TYPE_NOTSET                  = 0x0
+	DEVLINK_PORT_TYPE_AUTO                    = 0x1
+	DEVLINK_PORT_TYPE_ETH                     = 0x2
+	DEVLINK_PORT_TYPE_IB                      = 0x3
+	DEVLINK_SB_POOL_TYPE_INGRESS              = 0x0
+	DEVLINK_SB_POOL_TYPE_EGRESS               = 0x1
+	DEVLINK_ESWITCH_MODE_LEGACY               = 0x0
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_UNSPEC                       = 0x0
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_BUS_NAME                     = 0x1
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DEV_NAME                     = 0x2
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_PORT_INDEX                   = 0x3
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_PORT_TYPE                    = 0x4
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_PORT_IBDEV_NAME              = 0x8
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_INDEX                     = 0xb
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_SIZE                      = 0xc
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_POOL_INDEX                = 0x11
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_POOL_TYPE                 = 0x12
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_POOL_SIZE                 = 0x13
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_THRESHOLD                 = 0x15
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_TC_INDEX                  = 0x16
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_OCC_CUR                   = 0x17
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_OCC_MAX                   = 0x18
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_ESWITCH_MODE                 = 0x19
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_TABLES                 = 0x1b
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_TABLE                  = 0x1c
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_TABLE_NAME             = 0x1d
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_TABLE_SIZE             = 0x1e
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_ENTRIES                = 0x22
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_ENTRY                  = 0x23
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_MATCH                  = 0x28
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_MATCH_TYPE             = 0x2a
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_ACTION                 = 0x2b
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_VALUE                  = 0x2e
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_VALUE_MASK             = 0x2f
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_HEADERS                = 0x31
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_HEADER                 = 0x32
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_HEADER_ID              = 0x34
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_FIELD                  = 0x38
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_FIELD_NAME             = 0x39
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_FIELD_ID               = 0x3a
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_PAD                          = 0x3d
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_MAX                          = 0x89
+	DEVLINK_DPIPE_HEADER_IPV4                 = 0x1
+	DEVLINK_DPIPE_HEADER_IPV6                 = 0x2
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_arm64.go
index 3104798..e27030c 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_arm64.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_arm64.go
@@ -180,6 +180,55 @@ type FscryptKey struct {
 	Size uint32
+type FscryptPolicyV1 struct {
+	Version                   uint8
+	Contents_encryption_mode  uint8
+	Filenames_encryption_mode uint8
+	Flags                     uint8
+	Master_key_descriptor     [8]uint8
+type FscryptPolicyV2 struct {
+	Version                   uint8
+	Contents_encryption_mode  uint8
+	Filenames_encryption_mode uint8
+	Flags                     uint8
+	_                         [4]uint8
+	Master_key_identifier     [16]uint8
+type FscryptGetPolicyExArg struct {
+	Size   uint64
+	Policy [24]byte
+type FscryptKeySpecifier struct {
+	Type uint32
+	_    uint32
+	U    [32]byte
+type FscryptAddKeyArg struct {
+	Key_spec FscryptKeySpecifier
+	Raw_size uint32
+	_        [9]uint32
+type FscryptRemoveKeyArg struct {
+	Key_spec             FscryptKeySpecifier
+	Removal_status_flags uint32
+	_                    [5]uint32
+type FscryptGetKeyStatusArg struct {
+	Key_spec     FscryptKeySpecifier
+	_            [6]uint32
+	Status       uint32
+	Status_flags uint32
+	User_count   uint32
+	_            [13]uint32
 type KeyctlDHParams struct {
 	Private int32
 	Prime   int32
@@ -257,7 +306,7 @@ type RawSockaddrRFCOMM struct {
 type RawSockaddrCAN struct {
 	Family  uint16
 	Ifindex int32
-	Addr    [8]byte
+	Addr    [16]byte
 type RawSockaddrALG struct {
@@ -286,6 +335,13 @@ type RawSockaddrXDP struct {
 type RawSockaddrPPPoX [0x1e]byte
+type RawSockaddrTIPC struct {
+	Family   uint16
+	Addrtype uint8
+	Scope    int8
+	Addr     [12]byte
 type RawSockaddr struct {
 	Family uint16
 	Data   [14]int8
@@ -422,11 +478,12 @@ const (
 	SizeofSockaddrHCI       = 0x6
 	SizeofSockaddrL2        = 0xe
 	SizeofSockaddrRFCOMM    = 0xa
-	SizeofSockaddrCAN       = 0x10
+	SizeofSockaddrCAN       = 0x18
 	SizeofSockaddrALG       = 0x58
 	SizeofSockaddrVM        = 0x10
 	SizeofSockaddrXDP       = 0x10
 	SizeofSockaddrPPPoX     = 0x1e
+	SizeofSockaddrTIPC      = 0x10
 	SizeofLinger            = 0x8
 	SizeofIovec             = 0x10
 	SizeofIPMreq            = 0x8
@@ -593,22 +650,6 @@ const (
 	RTN_THROW               = 0x9
 	RTN_NAT                 = 0xa
 	RTN_XRESOLVE            = 0xb
-	RTNLGRP_NONE            = 0x0
-	RTNLGRP_LINK            = 0x1
-	RTNLGRP_NOTIFY          = 0x2
-	RTNLGRP_NEIGH           = 0x3
-	RTNLGRP_TC              = 0x4
-	RTNLGRP_IPV4_ROUTE      = 0x7
-	RTNLGRP_IPV4_RULE       = 0x8
-	RTNLGRP_IPV6_ROUTE      = 0xb
-	RTNLGRP_IPV6_PREFIX     = 0x12
-	RTNLGRP_IPV6_RULE       = 0x13
-	RTNLGRP_ND_USEROPT      = 0x14
 	SizeofNlMsghdr          = 0x10
 	SizeofNlMsgerr          = 0x14
 	SizeofRtGenmsg          = 0x1
@@ -616,6 +657,7 @@ const (
 	SizeofRtAttr            = 0x4
 	SizeofIfInfomsg         = 0x10
 	SizeofIfAddrmsg         = 0x8
+	SizeofIfaCacheinfo      = 0x10
 	SizeofRtMsg             = 0xc
 	SizeofRtNexthop         = 0x8
 	SizeofNdUseroptmsg      = 0x10
@@ -666,6 +708,13 @@ type IfAddrmsg struct {
 	Index     uint32
+type IfaCacheinfo struct {
+	Prefered uint32
+	Valid    uint32
+	Cstamp   uint32
+	Tstamp   uint32
 type RtMsg struct {
 	Family   uint8
 	Dst_len  uint8
@@ -2033,6 +2082,7 @@ type XDPRingOffset struct {
 	Producer uint64
 	Consumer uint64
 	Desc     uint64
+	Flags    uint64
 type XDPMmapOffsets struct {
@@ -2047,6 +2097,8 @@ type XDPUmemReg struct {
 	Len      uint64
 	Size     uint32
 	Headroom uint32
+	Flags    uint32
+	_        [4]byte
 type XDPStatistics struct {
@@ -2460,6 +2512,42 @@ const (
 	BPF_FD_TYPE_URETPROBE               = 0x5
+const (
+	RTNLGRP_NONE          = 0x0
+	RTNLGRP_LINK          = 0x1
+	RTNLGRP_NOTIFY        = 0x2
+	RTNLGRP_NEIGH         = 0x3
+	RTNLGRP_TC            = 0x4
+	RTNLGRP_IPV4_RULE     = 0x8
+	RTNLGRP_NOP2          = 0xe
+	RTNLGRP_DECnet_RULE   = 0x10
+	RTNLGRP_NOP4          = 0x11
+	RTNLGRP_IPV6_RULE     = 0x13
+	RTNLGRP_DCB           = 0x17
+	RTNLGRP_MDB           = 0x1a
+	RTNLGRP_NSID          = 0x1c
+	RTNLGRP_NEXTHOP       = 0x20
 type CapUserHeader struct {
 	Version uint32
 	Pid     int32
@@ -2514,3 +2602,201 @@ type LoopInfo64 struct {
 	Encrypt_key      [32]uint8
 	Init             [2]uint64
+type TIPCSocketAddr struct {
+	Ref  uint32
+	Node uint32
+type TIPCServiceRange struct {
+	Type  uint32
+	Lower uint32
+	Upper uint32
+type TIPCServiceName struct {
+	Type     uint32
+	Instance uint32
+	Domain   uint32
+type TIPCSubscr struct {
+	Seq     TIPCServiceRange
+	Timeout uint32
+	Filter  uint32
+	Handle  [8]int8
+type TIPCEvent struct {
+	Event uint32
+	Lower uint32
+	Upper uint32
+	Port  TIPCSocketAddr
+	S     TIPCSubscr
+type TIPCGroupReq struct {
+	Type     uint32
+	Instance uint32
+	Scope    uint32
+	Flags    uint32
+type TIPCSIOCLNReq struct {
+	Peer     uint32
+	Id       uint32
+	Linkname [68]int8
+type TIPCSIOCNodeIDReq struct {
+	Peer uint32
+	Id   [16]int8
+const (
+	TIPC_NODE_SCOPE    = 0x3
+const (
+	SYSLOG_ACTION_OPEN          = 1
+	SYSLOG_ACTION_READ          = 2
+const (
+	DEVLINK_CMD_UNSPEC                        = 0x0
+	DEVLINK_CMD_GET                           = 0x1
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SET                           = 0x2
+	DEVLINK_CMD_NEW                           = 0x3
+	DEVLINK_CMD_DEL                           = 0x4
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_GET                      = 0x5
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_SET                      = 0x6
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_NEW                      = 0x7
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_DEL                      = 0x8
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_SPLIT                    = 0x9
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_UNSPLIT                  = 0xa
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_GET                        = 0xb
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_SET                        = 0xc
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_NEW                        = 0xd
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_DEL                        = 0xe
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_POOL_GET                   = 0xf
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_POOL_SET                   = 0x10
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_POOL_NEW                   = 0x11
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_POOL_DEL                   = 0x12
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_PORT_POOL_GET              = 0x13
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_PORT_POOL_SET              = 0x14
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_PORT_POOL_NEW              = 0x15
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_PORT_POOL_DEL              = 0x16
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_TC_POOL_BIND_GET           = 0x17
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_TC_POOL_BIND_SET           = 0x18
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_TC_POOL_BIND_NEW           = 0x19
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_TC_POOL_BIND_DEL           = 0x1a
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_OCC_SNAPSHOT               = 0x1b
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_OCC_MAX_CLEAR              = 0x1c
+	DEVLINK_CMD_ESWITCH_GET                   = 0x1d
+	DEVLINK_CMD_ESWITCH_SET                   = 0x1e
+	DEVLINK_CMD_DPIPE_TABLE_GET               = 0x1f
+	DEVLINK_CMD_DPIPE_ENTRIES_GET             = 0x20
+	DEVLINK_CMD_DPIPE_HEADERS_GET             = 0x21
+	DEVLINK_CMD_MAX                           = 0x44
+	DEVLINK_PORT_TYPE_NOTSET                  = 0x0
+	DEVLINK_PORT_TYPE_AUTO                    = 0x1
+	DEVLINK_PORT_TYPE_ETH                     = 0x2
+	DEVLINK_PORT_TYPE_IB                      = 0x3
+	DEVLINK_SB_POOL_TYPE_INGRESS              = 0x0
+	DEVLINK_SB_POOL_TYPE_EGRESS               = 0x1
+	DEVLINK_ESWITCH_MODE_LEGACY               = 0x0
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_UNSPEC                       = 0x0
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_BUS_NAME                     = 0x1
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DEV_NAME                     = 0x2
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_PORT_INDEX                   = 0x3
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_PORT_TYPE                    = 0x4
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_PORT_IBDEV_NAME              = 0x8
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_INDEX                     = 0xb
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_SIZE                      = 0xc
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_POOL_INDEX                = 0x11
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_POOL_TYPE                 = 0x12
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_POOL_SIZE                 = 0x13
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_THRESHOLD                 = 0x15
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_TC_INDEX                  = 0x16
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_OCC_CUR                   = 0x17
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_OCC_MAX                   = 0x18
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_ESWITCH_MODE                 = 0x19
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_TABLES                 = 0x1b
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_TABLE                  = 0x1c
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_TABLE_NAME             = 0x1d
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_TABLE_SIZE             = 0x1e
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_ENTRIES                = 0x22
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_ENTRY                  = 0x23
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_MATCH                  = 0x28
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_MATCH_TYPE             = 0x2a
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_ACTION                 = 0x2b
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_VALUE                  = 0x2e
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_VALUE_MASK             = 0x2f
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_HEADERS                = 0x31
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_HEADER                 = 0x32
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_HEADER_ID              = 0x34
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_FIELD                  = 0x38
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_FIELD_NAME             = 0x39
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_FIELD_ID               = 0x3a
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_PAD                          = 0x3d
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_MAX                          = 0x89
+	DEVLINK_DPIPE_HEADER_IPV4                 = 0x1
+	DEVLINK_DPIPE_HEADER_IPV6                 = 0x2
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mips.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mips.go
index 46c8602..9b1c03d 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mips.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mips.go
@@ -182,6 +182,55 @@ type FscryptKey struct {
 	Size uint32
+type FscryptPolicyV1 struct {
+	Version                   uint8
+	Contents_encryption_mode  uint8
+	Filenames_encryption_mode uint8
+	Flags                     uint8
+	Master_key_descriptor     [8]uint8
+type FscryptPolicyV2 struct {
+	Version                   uint8
+	Contents_encryption_mode  uint8
+	Filenames_encryption_mode uint8
+	Flags                     uint8
+	_                         [4]uint8
+	Master_key_identifier     [16]uint8
+type FscryptGetPolicyExArg struct {
+	Size   uint64
+	Policy [24]byte
+type FscryptKeySpecifier struct {
+	Type uint32
+	_    uint32
+	U    [32]byte
+type FscryptAddKeyArg struct {
+	Key_spec FscryptKeySpecifier
+	Raw_size uint32
+	_        [9]uint32
+type FscryptRemoveKeyArg struct {
+	Key_spec             FscryptKeySpecifier
+	Removal_status_flags uint32
+	_                    [5]uint32
+type FscryptGetKeyStatusArg struct {
+	Key_spec     FscryptKeySpecifier
+	_            [6]uint32
+	Status       uint32
+	Status_flags uint32
+	User_count   uint32
+	_            [13]uint32
 type KeyctlDHParams struct {
 	Private int32
 	Prime   int32
@@ -259,7 +308,7 @@ type RawSockaddrRFCOMM struct {
 type RawSockaddrCAN struct {
 	Family  uint16
 	Ifindex int32
-	Addr    [8]byte
+	Addr    [16]byte
 type RawSockaddrALG struct {
@@ -288,6 +337,13 @@ type RawSockaddrXDP struct {
 type RawSockaddrPPPoX [0x1e]byte
+type RawSockaddrTIPC struct {
+	Family   uint16
+	Addrtype uint8
+	Scope    int8
+	Addr     [12]byte
 type RawSockaddr struct {
 	Family uint16
 	Data   [14]int8
@@ -423,11 +479,12 @@ const (
 	SizeofSockaddrHCI       = 0x6
 	SizeofSockaddrL2        = 0xe
 	SizeofSockaddrRFCOMM    = 0xa
-	SizeofSockaddrCAN       = 0x10
+	SizeofSockaddrCAN       = 0x18
 	SizeofSockaddrALG       = 0x58
 	SizeofSockaddrVM        = 0x10
 	SizeofSockaddrXDP       = 0x10
 	SizeofSockaddrPPPoX     = 0x1e
+	SizeofSockaddrTIPC      = 0x10
 	SizeofLinger            = 0x8
 	SizeofIovec             = 0x8
 	SizeofIPMreq            = 0x8
@@ -594,22 +651,6 @@ const (
 	RTN_THROW               = 0x9
 	RTN_NAT                 = 0xa
 	RTN_XRESOLVE            = 0xb
-	RTNLGRP_NONE            = 0x0
-	RTNLGRP_LINK            = 0x1
-	RTNLGRP_NOTIFY          = 0x2
-	RTNLGRP_NEIGH           = 0x3
-	RTNLGRP_TC              = 0x4
-	RTNLGRP_IPV4_ROUTE      = 0x7
-	RTNLGRP_IPV4_RULE       = 0x8
-	RTNLGRP_IPV6_ROUTE      = 0xb
-	RTNLGRP_IPV6_PREFIX     = 0x12
-	RTNLGRP_IPV6_RULE       = 0x13
-	RTNLGRP_ND_USEROPT      = 0x14
 	SizeofNlMsghdr          = 0x10
 	SizeofNlMsgerr          = 0x14
 	SizeofRtGenmsg          = 0x1
@@ -617,6 +658,7 @@ const (
 	SizeofRtAttr            = 0x4
 	SizeofIfInfomsg         = 0x10
 	SizeofIfAddrmsg         = 0x8
+	SizeofIfaCacheinfo      = 0x10
 	SizeofRtMsg             = 0xc
 	SizeofRtNexthop         = 0x8
 	SizeofNdUseroptmsg      = 0x10
@@ -667,6 +709,13 @@ type IfAddrmsg struct {
 	Index     uint32
+type IfaCacheinfo struct {
+	Prefered uint32
+	Valid    uint32
+	Cstamp   uint32
+	Tstamp   uint32
 type RtMsg struct {
 	Family   uint8
 	Dst_len  uint8
@@ -2038,6 +2087,7 @@ type XDPRingOffset struct {
 	Producer uint64
 	Consumer uint64
 	Desc     uint64
+	Flags    uint64
 type XDPMmapOffsets struct {
@@ -2052,6 +2102,8 @@ type XDPUmemReg struct {
 	Len      uint64
 	Size     uint32
 	Headroom uint32
+	Flags    uint32
+	_        [4]byte
 type XDPStatistics struct {
@@ -2465,6 +2517,42 @@ const (
 	BPF_FD_TYPE_URETPROBE               = 0x5
+const (
+	RTNLGRP_NONE          = 0x0
+	RTNLGRP_LINK          = 0x1
+	RTNLGRP_NOTIFY        = 0x2
+	RTNLGRP_NEIGH         = 0x3
+	RTNLGRP_TC            = 0x4
+	RTNLGRP_IPV4_RULE     = 0x8
+	RTNLGRP_NOP2          = 0xe
+	RTNLGRP_DECnet_RULE   = 0x10
+	RTNLGRP_NOP4          = 0x11
+	RTNLGRP_IPV6_RULE     = 0x13
+	RTNLGRP_DCB           = 0x17
+	RTNLGRP_MDB           = 0x1a
+	RTNLGRP_NSID          = 0x1c
+	RTNLGRP_NEXTHOP       = 0x20
 type CapUserHeader struct {
 	Version uint32
 	Pid     int32
@@ -2518,3 +2606,201 @@ type LoopInfo64 struct {
 	Encrypt_key      [32]uint8
 	Init             [2]uint64
+type TIPCSocketAddr struct {
+	Ref  uint32
+	Node uint32
+type TIPCServiceRange struct {
+	Type  uint32
+	Lower uint32
+	Upper uint32
+type TIPCServiceName struct {
+	Type     uint32
+	Instance uint32
+	Domain   uint32
+type TIPCSubscr struct {
+	Seq     TIPCServiceRange
+	Timeout uint32
+	Filter  uint32
+	Handle  [8]int8
+type TIPCEvent struct {
+	Event uint32
+	Lower uint32
+	Upper uint32
+	Port  TIPCSocketAddr
+	S     TIPCSubscr
+type TIPCGroupReq struct {
+	Type     uint32
+	Instance uint32
+	Scope    uint32
+	Flags    uint32
+type TIPCSIOCLNReq struct {
+	Peer     uint32
+	Id       uint32
+	Linkname [68]int8
+type TIPCSIOCNodeIDReq struct {
+	Peer uint32
+	Id   [16]int8
+const (
+	TIPC_NODE_SCOPE    = 0x3
+const (
+	SYSLOG_ACTION_OPEN          = 1
+	SYSLOG_ACTION_READ          = 2
+const (
+	DEVLINK_CMD_UNSPEC                        = 0x0
+	DEVLINK_CMD_GET                           = 0x1
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SET                           = 0x2
+	DEVLINK_CMD_NEW                           = 0x3
+	DEVLINK_CMD_DEL                           = 0x4
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_GET                      = 0x5
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_SET                      = 0x6
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_NEW                      = 0x7
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_DEL                      = 0x8
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_SPLIT                    = 0x9
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_UNSPLIT                  = 0xa
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_GET                        = 0xb
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_SET                        = 0xc
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_NEW                        = 0xd
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_DEL                        = 0xe
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_POOL_GET                   = 0xf
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_POOL_SET                   = 0x10
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_POOL_NEW                   = 0x11
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_POOL_DEL                   = 0x12
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_PORT_POOL_GET              = 0x13
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_PORT_POOL_SET              = 0x14
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_PORT_POOL_NEW              = 0x15
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_PORT_POOL_DEL              = 0x16
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_TC_POOL_BIND_GET           = 0x17
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_TC_POOL_BIND_SET           = 0x18
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_TC_POOL_BIND_NEW           = 0x19
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_TC_POOL_BIND_DEL           = 0x1a
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_OCC_SNAPSHOT               = 0x1b
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_OCC_MAX_CLEAR              = 0x1c
+	DEVLINK_CMD_ESWITCH_GET                   = 0x1d
+	DEVLINK_CMD_ESWITCH_SET                   = 0x1e
+	DEVLINK_CMD_DPIPE_TABLE_GET               = 0x1f
+	DEVLINK_CMD_DPIPE_ENTRIES_GET             = 0x20
+	DEVLINK_CMD_DPIPE_HEADERS_GET             = 0x21
+	DEVLINK_CMD_MAX                           = 0x44
+	DEVLINK_PORT_TYPE_NOTSET                  = 0x0
+	DEVLINK_PORT_TYPE_AUTO                    = 0x1
+	DEVLINK_PORT_TYPE_ETH                     = 0x2
+	DEVLINK_PORT_TYPE_IB                      = 0x3
+	DEVLINK_SB_POOL_TYPE_INGRESS              = 0x0
+	DEVLINK_SB_POOL_TYPE_EGRESS               = 0x1
+	DEVLINK_ESWITCH_MODE_LEGACY               = 0x0
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_UNSPEC                       = 0x0
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_BUS_NAME                     = 0x1
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DEV_NAME                     = 0x2
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_PORT_INDEX                   = 0x3
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_PORT_TYPE                    = 0x4
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_PORT_IBDEV_NAME              = 0x8
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_INDEX                     = 0xb
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_SIZE                      = 0xc
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_POOL_INDEX                = 0x11
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_POOL_TYPE                 = 0x12
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_POOL_SIZE                 = 0x13
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_THRESHOLD                 = 0x15
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_TC_INDEX                  = 0x16
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_OCC_CUR                   = 0x17
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_OCC_MAX                   = 0x18
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_ESWITCH_MODE                 = 0x19
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_TABLES                 = 0x1b
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_TABLE                  = 0x1c
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_TABLE_NAME             = 0x1d
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_TABLE_SIZE             = 0x1e
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_ENTRIES                = 0x22
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_ENTRY                  = 0x23
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_MATCH                  = 0x28
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_MATCH_TYPE             = 0x2a
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_ACTION                 = 0x2b
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_VALUE                  = 0x2e
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_VALUE_MASK             = 0x2f
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_HEADERS                = 0x31
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_HEADER                 = 0x32
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_HEADER_ID              = 0x34
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_FIELD                  = 0x38
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_FIELD_NAME             = 0x39
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_FIELD_ID               = 0x3a
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_PAD                          = 0x3d
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_MAX                          = 0x89
+	DEVLINK_DPIPE_HEADER_IPV4                 = 0x1
+	DEVLINK_DPIPE_HEADER_IPV6                 = 0x2
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mips64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mips64.go
index c2fe1a6..3b88e1f 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mips64.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mips64.go
@@ -180,6 +180,55 @@ type FscryptKey struct {
 	Size uint32
+type FscryptPolicyV1 struct {
+	Version                   uint8
+	Contents_encryption_mode  uint8
+	Filenames_encryption_mode uint8
+	Flags                     uint8
+	Master_key_descriptor     [8]uint8
+type FscryptPolicyV2 struct {
+	Version                   uint8
+	Contents_encryption_mode  uint8
+	Filenames_encryption_mode uint8
+	Flags                     uint8
+	_                         [4]uint8
+	Master_key_identifier     [16]uint8
+type FscryptGetPolicyExArg struct {
+	Size   uint64
+	Policy [24]byte
+type FscryptKeySpecifier struct {
+	Type uint32
+	_    uint32
+	U    [32]byte
+type FscryptAddKeyArg struct {
+	Key_spec FscryptKeySpecifier
+	Raw_size uint32
+	_        [9]uint32
+type FscryptRemoveKeyArg struct {
+	Key_spec             FscryptKeySpecifier
+	Removal_status_flags uint32
+	_                    [5]uint32
+type FscryptGetKeyStatusArg struct {
+	Key_spec     FscryptKeySpecifier
+	_            [6]uint32
+	Status       uint32
+	Status_flags uint32
+	User_count   uint32
+	_            [13]uint32
 type KeyctlDHParams struct {
 	Private int32
 	Prime   int32
@@ -257,7 +306,7 @@ type RawSockaddrRFCOMM struct {
 type RawSockaddrCAN struct {
 	Family  uint16
 	Ifindex int32
-	Addr    [8]byte
+	Addr    [16]byte
 type RawSockaddrALG struct {
@@ -286,6 +335,13 @@ type RawSockaddrXDP struct {
 type RawSockaddrPPPoX [0x1e]byte
+type RawSockaddrTIPC struct {
+	Family   uint16
+	Addrtype uint8
+	Scope    int8
+	Addr     [12]byte
 type RawSockaddr struct {
 	Family uint16
 	Data   [14]int8
@@ -422,11 +478,12 @@ const (
 	SizeofSockaddrHCI       = 0x6
 	SizeofSockaddrL2        = 0xe
 	SizeofSockaddrRFCOMM    = 0xa
-	SizeofSockaddrCAN       = 0x10
+	SizeofSockaddrCAN       = 0x18
 	SizeofSockaddrALG       = 0x58
 	SizeofSockaddrVM        = 0x10
 	SizeofSockaddrXDP       = 0x10
 	SizeofSockaddrPPPoX     = 0x1e
+	SizeofSockaddrTIPC      = 0x10
 	SizeofLinger            = 0x8
 	SizeofIovec             = 0x10
 	SizeofIPMreq            = 0x8
@@ -593,22 +650,6 @@ const (
 	RTN_THROW               = 0x9
 	RTN_NAT                 = 0xa
 	RTN_XRESOLVE            = 0xb
-	RTNLGRP_NONE            = 0x0
-	RTNLGRP_LINK            = 0x1
-	RTNLGRP_NOTIFY          = 0x2
-	RTNLGRP_NEIGH           = 0x3
-	RTNLGRP_TC              = 0x4
-	RTNLGRP_IPV4_ROUTE      = 0x7
-	RTNLGRP_IPV4_RULE       = 0x8
-	RTNLGRP_IPV6_ROUTE      = 0xb
-	RTNLGRP_IPV6_PREFIX     = 0x12
-	RTNLGRP_IPV6_RULE       = 0x13
-	RTNLGRP_ND_USEROPT      = 0x14
 	SizeofNlMsghdr          = 0x10
 	SizeofNlMsgerr          = 0x14
 	SizeofRtGenmsg          = 0x1
@@ -616,6 +657,7 @@ const (
 	SizeofRtAttr            = 0x4
 	SizeofIfInfomsg         = 0x10
 	SizeofIfAddrmsg         = 0x8
+	SizeofIfaCacheinfo      = 0x10
 	SizeofRtMsg             = 0xc
 	SizeofRtNexthop         = 0x8
 	SizeofNdUseroptmsg      = 0x10
@@ -666,6 +708,13 @@ type IfAddrmsg struct {
 	Index     uint32
+type IfaCacheinfo struct {
+	Prefered uint32
+	Valid    uint32
+	Cstamp   uint32
+	Tstamp   uint32
 type RtMsg struct {
 	Family   uint8
 	Dst_len  uint8
@@ -783,6 +832,7 @@ type Ustat_t struct {
 type EpollEvent struct {
 	Events uint32
+	_      int32
 	Fd     int32
 	Pad    int32
@@ -2035,6 +2085,7 @@ type XDPRingOffset struct {
 	Producer uint64
 	Consumer uint64
 	Desc     uint64
+	Flags    uint64
 type XDPMmapOffsets struct {
@@ -2049,6 +2100,8 @@ type XDPUmemReg struct {
 	Len      uint64
 	Size     uint32
 	Headroom uint32
+	Flags    uint32
+	_        [4]byte
 type XDPStatistics struct {
@@ -2462,6 +2515,42 @@ const (
 	BPF_FD_TYPE_URETPROBE               = 0x5
+const (
+	RTNLGRP_NONE          = 0x0
+	RTNLGRP_LINK          = 0x1
+	RTNLGRP_NOTIFY        = 0x2
+	RTNLGRP_NEIGH         = 0x3
+	RTNLGRP_TC            = 0x4
+	RTNLGRP_IPV4_RULE     = 0x8
+	RTNLGRP_NOP2          = 0xe
+	RTNLGRP_DECnet_RULE   = 0x10
+	RTNLGRP_NOP4          = 0x11
+	RTNLGRP_IPV6_RULE     = 0x13
+	RTNLGRP_DCB           = 0x17
+	RTNLGRP_MDB           = 0x1a
+	RTNLGRP_NSID          = 0x1c
+	RTNLGRP_NEXTHOP       = 0x20
 type CapUserHeader struct {
 	Version uint32
 	Pid     int32
@@ -2516,3 +2605,201 @@ type LoopInfo64 struct {
 	Encrypt_key      [32]uint8
 	Init             [2]uint64
+type TIPCSocketAddr struct {
+	Ref  uint32
+	Node uint32
+type TIPCServiceRange struct {
+	Type  uint32
+	Lower uint32
+	Upper uint32
+type TIPCServiceName struct {
+	Type     uint32
+	Instance uint32
+	Domain   uint32
+type TIPCSubscr struct {
+	Seq     TIPCServiceRange
+	Timeout uint32
+	Filter  uint32
+	Handle  [8]int8
+type TIPCEvent struct {
+	Event uint32
+	Lower uint32
+	Upper uint32
+	Port  TIPCSocketAddr
+	S     TIPCSubscr
+type TIPCGroupReq struct {
+	Type     uint32
+	Instance uint32
+	Scope    uint32
+	Flags    uint32
+type TIPCSIOCLNReq struct {
+	Peer     uint32
+	Id       uint32
+	Linkname [68]int8
+type TIPCSIOCNodeIDReq struct {
+	Peer uint32
+	Id   [16]int8
+const (
+	TIPC_NODE_SCOPE    = 0x3
+const (
+	SYSLOG_ACTION_OPEN          = 1
+	SYSLOG_ACTION_READ          = 2
+const (
+	DEVLINK_CMD_UNSPEC                        = 0x0
+	DEVLINK_CMD_GET                           = 0x1
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SET                           = 0x2
+	DEVLINK_CMD_NEW                           = 0x3
+	DEVLINK_CMD_DEL                           = 0x4
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_GET                      = 0x5
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_SET                      = 0x6
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_NEW                      = 0x7
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_DEL                      = 0x8
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_SPLIT                    = 0x9
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_UNSPLIT                  = 0xa
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_GET                        = 0xb
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_SET                        = 0xc
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_NEW                        = 0xd
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_DEL                        = 0xe
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_POOL_GET                   = 0xf
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_POOL_SET                   = 0x10
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_POOL_NEW                   = 0x11
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_POOL_DEL                   = 0x12
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_PORT_POOL_GET              = 0x13
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_PORT_POOL_SET              = 0x14
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_PORT_POOL_NEW              = 0x15
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_PORT_POOL_DEL              = 0x16
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_TC_POOL_BIND_GET           = 0x17
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_TC_POOL_BIND_SET           = 0x18
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_TC_POOL_BIND_NEW           = 0x19
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_TC_POOL_BIND_DEL           = 0x1a
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_OCC_SNAPSHOT               = 0x1b
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_OCC_MAX_CLEAR              = 0x1c
+	DEVLINK_CMD_ESWITCH_GET                   = 0x1d
+	DEVLINK_CMD_ESWITCH_SET                   = 0x1e
+	DEVLINK_CMD_DPIPE_TABLE_GET               = 0x1f
+	DEVLINK_CMD_DPIPE_ENTRIES_GET             = 0x20
+	DEVLINK_CMD_DPIPE_HEADERS_GET             = 0x21
+	DEVLINK_CMD_MAX                           = 0x44
+	DEVLINK_PORT_TYPE_NOTSET                  = 0x0
+	DEVLINK_PORT_TYPE_AUTO                    = 0x1
+	DEVLINK_PORT_TYPE_ETH                     = 0x2
+	DEVLINK_PORT_TYPE_IB                      = 0x3
+	DEVLINK_SB_POOL_TYPE_INGRESS              = 0x0
+	DEVLINK_SB_POOL_TYPE_EGRESS               = 0x1
+	DEVLINK_ESWITCH_MODE_LEGACY               = 0x0
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_UNSPEC                       = 0x0
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_BUS_NAME                     = 0x1
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DEV_NAME                     = 0x2
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_PORT_INDEX                   = 0x3
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_PORT_TYPE                    = 0x4
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_PORT_IBDEV_NAME              = 0x8
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_INDEX                     = 0xb
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_SIZE                      = 0xc
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_POOL_INDEX                = 0x11
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_POOL_TYPE                 = 0x12
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_POOL_SIZE                 = 0x13
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_THRESHOLD                 = 0x15
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_TC_INDEX                  = 0x16
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_OCC_CUR                   = 0x17
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_OCC_MAX                   = 0x18
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_ESWITCH_MODE                 = 0x19
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_TABLES                 = 0x1b
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_TABLE                  = 0x1c
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_TABLE_NAME             = 0x1d
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_TABLE_SIZE             = 0x1e
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_ENTRIES                = 0x22
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_ENTRY                  = 0x23
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_MATCH                  = 0x28
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_MATCH_TYPE             = 0x2a
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_ACTION                 = 0x2b
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_VALUE                  = 0x2e
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_VALUE_MASK             = 0x2f
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_HEADERS                = 0x31
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_HEADER                 = 0x32
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_HEADER_ID              = 0x34
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_FIELD                  = 0x38
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_FIELD_NAME             = 0x39
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_FIELD_ID               = 0x3a
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_PAD                          = 0x3d
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_MAX                          = 0x89
+	DEVLINK_DPIPE_HEADER_IPV4                 = 0x1
+	DEVLINK_DPIPE_HEADER_IPV6                 = 0x2
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mips64le.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mips64le.go
index f1eb0d3..7277dc3 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mips64le.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mips64le.go
@@ -180,6 +180,55 @@ type FscryptKey struct {
 	Size uint32
+type FscryptPolicyV1 struct {
+	Version                   uint8
+	Contents_encryption_mode  uint8
+	Filenames_encryption_mode uint8
+	Flags                     uint8
+	Master_key_descriptor     [8]uint8
+type FscryptPolicyV2 struct {
+	Version                   uint8
+	Contents_encryption_mode  uint8
+	Filenames_encryption_mode uint8
+	Flags                     uint8
+	_                         [4]uint8
+	Master_key_identifier     [16]uint8
+type FscryptGetPolicyExArg struct {
+	Size   uint64
+	Policy [24]byte
+type FscryptKeySpecifier struct {
+	Type uint32
+	_    uint32
+	U    [32]byte
+type FscryptAddKeyArg struct {
+	Key_spec FscryptKeySpecifier
+	Raw_size uint32
+	_        [9]uint32
+type FscryptRemoveKeyArg struct {
+	Key_spec             FscryptKeySpecifier
+	Removal_status_flags uint32
+	_                    [5]uint32
+type FscryptGetKeyStatusArg struct {
+	Key_spec     FscryptKeySpecifier
+	_            [6]uint32
+	Status       uint32
+	Status_flags uint32
+	User_count   uint32
+	_            [13]uint32
 type KeyctlDHParams struct {
 	Private int32
 	Prime   int32
@@ -257,7 +306,7 @@ type RawSockaddrRFCOMM struct {
 type RawSockaddrCAN struct {
 	Family  uint16
 	Ifindex int32
-	Addr    [8]byte
+	Addr    [16]byte
 type RawSockaddrALG struct {
@@ -286,6 +335,13 @@ type RawSockaddrXDP struct {
 type RawSockaddrPPPoX [0x1e]byte
+type RawSockaddrTIPC struct {
+	Family   uint16
+	Addrtype uint8
+	Scope    int8
+	Addr     [12]byte
 type RawSockaddr struct {
 	Family uint16
 	Data   [14]int8
@@ -422,11 +478,12 @@ const (
 	SizeofSockaddrHCI       = 0x6
 	SizeofSockaddrL2        = 0xe
 	SizeofSockaddrRFCOMM    = 0xa
-	SizeofSockaddrCAN       = 0x10
+	SizeofSockaddrCAN       = 0x18
 	SizeofSockaddrALG       = 0x58
 	SizeofSockaddrVM        = 0x10
 	SizeofSockaddrXDP       = 0x10
 	SizeofSockaddrPPPoX     = 0x1e
+	SizeofSockaddrTIPC      = 0x10
 	SizeofLinger            = 0x8
 	SizeofIovec             = 0x10
 	SizeofIPMreq            = 0x8
@@ -593,22 +650,6 @@ const (
 	RTN_THROW               = 0x9
 	RTN_NAT                 = 0xa
 	RTN_XRESOLVE            = 0xb
-	RTNLGRP_NONE            = 0x0
-	RTNLGRP_LINK            = 0x1
-	RTNLGRP_NOTIFY          = 0x2
-	RTNLGRP_NEIGH           = 0x3
-	RTNLGRP_TC              = 0x4
-	RTNLGRP_IPV4_ROUTE      = 0x7
-	RTNLGRP_IPV4_RULE       = 0x8
-	RTNLGRP_IPV6_ROUTE      = 0xb
-	RTNLGRP_IPV6_PREFIX     = 0x12
-	RTNLGRP_IPV6_RULE       = 0x13
-	RTNLGRP_ND_USEROPT      = 0x14
 	SizeofNlMsghdr          = 0x10
 	SizeofNlMsgerr          = 0x14
 	SizeofRtGenmsg          = 0x1
@@ -616,6 +657,7 @@ const (
 	SizeofRtAttr            = 0x4
 	SizeofIfInfomsg         = 0x10
 	SizeofIfAddrmsg         = 0x8
+	SizeofIfaCacheinfo      = 0x10
 	SizeofRtMsg             = 0xc
 	SizeofRtNexthop         = 0x8
 	SizeofNdUseroptmsg      = 0x10
@@ -666,6 +708,13 @@ type IfAddrmsg struct {
 	Index     uint32
+type IfaCacheinfo struct {
+	Prefered uint32
+	Valid    uint32
+	Cstamp   uint32
+	Tstamp   uint32
 type RtMsg struct {
 	Family   uint8
 	Dst_len  uint8
@@ -783,6 +832,7 @@ type Ustat_t struct {
 type EpollEvent struct {
 	Events uint32
+	_      int32
 	Fd     int32
 	Pad    int32
@@ -2035,6 +2085,7 @@ type XDPRingOffset struct {
 	Producer uint64
 	Consumer uint64
 	Desc     uint64
+	Flags    uint64
 type XDPMmapOffsets struct {
@@ -2049,6 +2100,8 @@ type XDPUmemReg struct {
 	Len      uint64
 	Size     uint32
 	Headroom uint32
+	Flags    uint32
+	_        [4]byte
 type XDPStatistics struct {
@@ -2462,6 +2515,42 @@ const (
 	BPF_FD_TYPE_URETPROBE               = 0x5
+const (
+	RTNLGRP_NONE          = 0x0
+	RTNLGRP_LINK          = 0x1
+	RTNLGRP_NOTIFY        = 0x2
+	RTNLGRP_NEIGH         = 0x3
+	RTNLGRP_TC            = 0x4
+	RTNLGRP_IPV4_RULE     = 0x8
+	RTNLGRP_NOP2          = 0xe
+	RTNLGRP_DECnet_RULE   = 0x10
+	RTNLGRP_NOP4          = 0x11
+	RTNLGRP_IPV6_RULE     = 0x13
+	RTNLGRP_DCB           = 0x17
+	RTNLGRP_MDB           = 0x1a
+	RTNLGRP_NSID          = 0x1c
+	RTNLGRP_NEXTHOP       = 0x20
 type CapUserHeader struct {
 	Version uint32
 	Pid     int32
@@ -2516,3 +2605,201 @@ type LoopInfo64 struct {
 	Encrypt_key      [32]uint8
 	Init             [2]uint64
+type TIPCSocketAddr struct {
+	Ref  uint32
+	Node uint32
+type TIPCServiceRange struct {
+	Type  uint32
+	Lower uint32
+	Upper uint32
+type TIPCServiceName struct {
+	Type     uint32
+	Instance uint32
+	Domain   uint32
+type TIPCSubscr struct {
+	Seq     TIPCServiceRange
+	Timeout uint32
+	Filter  uint32
+	Handle  [8]int8
+type TIPCEvent struct {
+	Event uint32
+	Lower uint32
+	Upper uint32
+	Port  TIPCSocketAddr
+	S     TIPCSubscr
+type TIPCGroupReq struct {
+	Type     uint32
+	Instance uint32
+	Scope    uint32
+	Flags    uint32
+type TIPCSIOCLNReq struct {
+	Peer     uint32
+	Id       uint32
+	Linkname [68]int8
+type TIPCSIOCNodeIDReq struct {
+	Peer uint32
+	Id   [16]int8
+const (
+	TIPC_NODE_SCOPE    = 0x3
+const (
+	SYSLOG_ACTION_OPEN          = 1
+	SYSLOG_ACTION_READ          = 2
+const (
+	DEVLINK_CMD_UNSPEC                        = 0x0
+	DEVLINK_CMD_GET                           = 0x1
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SET                           = 0x2
+	DEVLINK_CMD_NEW                           = 0x3
+	DEVLINK_CMD_DEL                           = 0x4
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_GET                      = 0x5
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_SET                      = 0x6
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_NEW                      = 0x7
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_DEL                      = 0x8
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_SPLIT                    = 0x9
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_UNSPLIT                  = 0xa
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_GET                        = 0xb
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_SET                        = 0xc
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_NEW                        = 0xd
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_DEL                        = 0xe
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_POOL_GET                   = 0xf
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_POOL_SET                   = 0x10
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_POOL_NEW                   = 0x11
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_POOL_DEL                   = 0x12
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_PORT_POOL_GET              = 0x13
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_PORT_POOL_SET              = 0x14
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_PORT_POOL_NEW              = 0x15
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_PORT_POOL_DEL              = 0x16
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_TC_POOL_BIND_GET           = 0x17
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_TC_POOL_BIND_SET           = 0x18
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_TC_POOL_BIND_NEW           = 0x19
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_TC_POOL_BIND_DEL           = 0x1a
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_OCC_SNAPSHOT               = 0x1b
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_OCC_MAX_CLEAR              = 0x1c
+	DEVLINK_CMD_ESWITCH_GET                   = 0x1d
+	DEVLINK_CMD_ESWITCH_SET                   = 0x1e
+	DEVLINK_CMD_DPIPE_TABLE_GET               = 0x1f
+	DEVLINK_CMD_DPIPE_ENTRIES_GET             = 0x20
+	DEVLINK_CMD_DPIPE_HEADERS_GET             = 0x21
+	DEVLINK_CMD_MAX                           = 0x44
+	DEVLINK_PORT_TYPE_NOTSET                  = 0x0
+	DEVLINK_PORT_TYPE_AUTO                    = 0x1
+	DEVLINK_PORT_TYPE_ETH                     = 0x2
+	DEVLINK_PORT_TYPE_IB                      = 0x3
+	DEVLINK_SB_POOL_TYPE_INGRESS              = 0x0
+	DEVLINK_SB_POOL_TYPE_EGRESS               = 0x1
+	DEVLINK_ESWITCH_MODE_LEGACY               = 0x0
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_UNSPEC                       = 0x0
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_BUS_NAME                     = 0x1
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DEV_NAME                     = 0x2
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_PORT_INDEX                   = 0x3
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_PORT_TYPE                    = 0x4
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_PORT_IBDEV_NAME              = 0x8
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_INDEX                     = 0xb
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_SIZE                      = 0xc
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_POOL_INDEX                = 0x11
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_POOL_TYPE                 = 0x12
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_POOL_SIZE                 = 0x13
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_THRESHOLD                 = 0x15
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_TC_INDEX                  = 0x16
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_OCC_CUR                   = 0x17
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_OCC_MAX                   = 0x18
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_ESWITCH_MODE                 = 0x19
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_TABLES                 = 0x1b
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_TABLE                  = 0x1c
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_TABLE_NAME             = 0x1d
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_TABLE_SIZE             = 0x1e
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_ENTRIES                = 0x22
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_ENTRY                  = 0x23
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_MATCH                  = 0x28
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_MATCH_TYPE             = 0x2a
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_ACTION                 = 0x2b
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_VALUE                  = 0x2e
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_VALUE_MASK             = 0x2f
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_HEADERS                = 0x31
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_HEADER                 = 0x32
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_HEADER_ID              = 0x34
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_FIELD                  = 0x38
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_FIELD_NAME             = 0x39
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_FIELD_ID               = 0x3a
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_PAD                          = 0x3d
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_MAX                          = 0x89
+	DEVLINK_DPIPE_HEADER_IPV4                 = 0x1
+	DEVLINK_DPIPE_HEADER_IPV6                 = 0x2
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mipsle.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mipsle.go
index 8759bc3..6f32c17 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mipsle.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mipsle.go
@@ -182,6 +182,55 @@ type FscryptKey struct {
 	Size uint32
+type FscryptPolicyV1 struct {
+	Version                   uint8
+	Contents_encryption_mode  uint8
+	Filenames_encryption_mode uint8
+	Flags                     uint8
+	Master_key_descriptor     [8]uint8
+type FscryptPolicyV2 struct {
+	Version                   uint8
+	Contents_encryption_mode  uint8
+	Filenames_encryption_mode uint8
+	Flags                     uint8
+	_                         [4]uint8
+	Master_key_identifier     [16]uint8
+type FscryptGetPolicyExArg struct {
+	Size   uint64
+	Policy [24]byte
+type FscryptKeySpecifier struct {
+	Type uint32
+	_    uint32
+	U    [32]byte
+type FscryptAddKeyArg struct {
+	Key_spec FscryptKeySpecifier
+	Raw_size uint32
+	_        [9]uint32
+type FscryptRemoveKeyArg struct {
+	Key_spec             FscryptKeySpecifier
+	Removal_status_flags uint32
+	_                    [5]uint32
+type FscryptGetKeyStatusArg struct {
+	Key_spec     FscryptKeySpecifier
+	_            [6]uint32
+	Status       uint32
+	Status_flags uint32
+	User_count   uint32
+	_            [13]uint32
 type KeyctlDHParams struct {
 	Private int32
 	Prime   int32
@@ -259,7 +308,7 @@ type RawSockaddrRFCOMM struct {
 type RawSockaddrCAN struct {
 	Family  uint16
 	Ifindex int32
-	Addr    [8]byte
+	Addr    [16]byte
 type RawSockaddrALG struct {
@@ -288,6 +337,13 @@ type RawSockaddrXDP struct {
 type RawSockaddrPPPoX [0x1e]byte
+type RawSockaddrTIPC struct {
+	Family   uint16
+	Addrtype uint8
+	Scope    int8
+	Addr     [12]byte
 type RawSockaddr struct {
 	Family uint16
 	Data   [14]int8
@@ -423,11 +479,12 @@ const (
 	SizeofSockaddrHCI       = 0x6
 	SizeofSockaddrL2        = 0xe
 	SizeofSockaddrRFCOMM    = 0xa
-	SizeofSockaddrCAN       = 0x10
+	SizeofSockaddrCAN       = 0x18
 	SizeofSockaddrALG       = 0x58
 	SizeofSockaddrVM        = 0x10
 	SizeofSockaddrXDP       = 0x10
 	SizeofSockaddrPPPoX     = 0x1e
+	SizeofSockaddrTIPC      = 0x10
 	SizeofLinger            = 0x8
 	SizeofIovec             = 0x8
 	SizeofIPMreq            = 0x8
@@ -594,22 +651,6 @@ const (
 	RTN_THROW               = 0x9
 	RTN_NAT                 = 0xa
 	RTN_XRESOLVE            = 0xb
-	RTNLGRP_NONE            = 0x0
-	RTNLGRP_LINK            = 0x1
-	RTNLGRP_NOTIFY          = 0x2
-	RTNLGRP_NEIGH           = 0x3
-	RTNLGRP_TC              = 0x4
-	RTNLGRP_IPV4_ROUTE      = 0x7
-	RTNLGRP_IPV4_RULE       = 0x8
-	RTNLGRP_IPV6_ROUTE      = 0xb
-	RTNLGRP_IPV6_PREFIX     = 0x12
-	RTNLGRP_IPV6_RULE       = 0x13
-	RTNLGRP_ND_USEROPT      = 0x14
 	SizeofNlMsghdr          = 0x10
 	SizeofNlMsgerr          = 0x14
 	SizeofRtGenmsg          = 0x1
@@ -617,6 +658,7 @@ const (
 	SizeofRtAttr            = 0x4
 	SizeofIfInfomsg         = 0x10
 	SizeofIfAddrmsg         = 0x8
+	SizeofIfaCacheinfo      = 0x10
 	SizeofRtMsg             = 0xc
 	SizeofRtNexthop         = 0x8
 	SizeofNdUseroptmsg      = 0x10
@@ -667,6 +709,13 @@ type IfAddrmsg struct {
 	Index     uint32
+type IfaCacheinfo struct {
+	Prefered uint32
+	Valid    uint32
+	Cstamp   uint32
+	Tstamp   uint32
 type RtMsg struct {
 	Family   uint8
 	Dst_len  uint8
@@ -2038,6 +2087,7 @@ type XDPRingOffset struct {
 	Producer uint64
 	Consumer uint64
 	Desc     uint64
+	Flags    uint64
 type XDPMmapOffsets struct {
@@ -2052,6 +2102,8 @@ type XDPUmemReg struct {
 	Len      uint64
 	Size     uint32
 	Headroom uint32
+	Flags    uint32
+	_        [4]byte
 type XDPStatistics struct {
@@ -2465,6 +2517,42 @@ const (
 	BPF_FD_TYPE_URETPROBE               = 0x5
+const (
+	RTNLGRP_NONE          = 0x0
+	RTNLGRP_LINK          = 0x1
+	RTNLGRP_NOTIFY        = 0x2
+	RTNLGRP_NEIGH         = 0x3
+	RTNLGRP_TC            = 0x4
+	RTNLGRP_IPV4_RULE     = 0x8
+	RTNLGRP_NOP2          = 0xe
+	RTNLGRP_DECnet_RULE   = 0x10
+	RTNLGRP_NOP4          = 0x11
+	RTNLGRP_IPV6_RULE     = 0x13
+	RTNLGRP_DCB           = 0x17
+	RTNLGRP_MDB           = 0x1a
+	RTNLGRP_NSID          = 0x1c
+	RTNLGRP_NEXTHOP       = 0x20
 type CapUserHeader struct {
 	Version uint32
 	Pid     int32
@@ -2518,3 +2606,201 @@ type LoopInfo64 struct {
 	Encrypt_key      [32]uint8
 	Init             [2]uint64
+type TIPCSocketAddr struct {
+	Ref  uint32
+	Node uint32
+type TIPCServiceRange struct {
+	Type  uint32
+	Lower uint32
+	Upper uint32
+type TIPCServiceName struct {
+	Type     uint32
+	Instance uint32
+	Domain   uint32
+type TIPCSubscr struct {
+	Seq     TIPCServiceRange
+	Timeout uint32
+	Filter  uint32
+	Handle  [8]int8
+type TIPCEvent struct {
+	Event uint32
+	Lower uint32
+	Upper uint32
+	Port  TIPCSocketAddr
+	S     TIPCSubscr
+type TIPCGroupReq struct {
+	Type     uint32
+	Instance uint32
+	Scope    uint32
+	Flags    uint32
+type TIPCSIOCLNReq struct {
+	Peer     uint32
+	Id       uint32
+	Linkname [68]int8
+type TIPCSIOCNodeIDReq struct {
+	Peer uint32
+	Id   [16]int8
+const (
+	TIPC_NODE_SCOPE    = 0x3
+const (
+	SYSLOG_ACTION_OPEN          = 1
+	SYSLOG_ACTION_READ          = 2
+const (
+	DEVLINK_CMD_UNSPEC                        = 0x0
+	DEVLINK_CMD_GET                           = 0x1
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SET                           = 0x2
+	DEVLINK_CMD_NEW                           = 0x3
+	DEVLINK_CMD_DEL                           = 0x4
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_GET                      = 0x5
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_SET                      = 0x6
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_NEW                      = 0x7
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_DEL                      = 0x8
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_SPLIT                    = 0x9
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_UNSPLIT                  = 0xa
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_GET                        = 0xb
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_SET                        = 0xc
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_NEW                        = 0xd
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_DEL                        = 0xe
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_POOL_GET                   = 0xf
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_POOL_SET                   = 0x10
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_POOL_NEW                   = 0x11
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_POOL_DEL                   = 0x12
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_PORT_POOL_GET              = 0x13
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_PORT_POOL_SET              = 0x14
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_PORT_POOL_NEW              = 0x15
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_PORT_POOL_DEL              = 0x16
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_TC_POOL_BIND_GET           = 0x17
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_TC_POOL_BIND_SET           = 0x18
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_TC_POOL_BIND_NEW           = 0x19
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_TC_POOL_BIND_DEL           = 0x1a
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_OCC_SNAPSHOT               = 0x1b
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_OCC_MAX_CLEAR              = 0x1c
+	DEVLINK_CMD_ESWITCH_GET                   = 0x1d
+	DEVLINK_CMD_ESWITCH_SET                   = 0x1e
+	DEVLINK_CMD_DPIPE_TABLE_GET               = 0x1f
+	DEVLINK_CMD_DPIPE_ENTRIES_GET             = 0x20
+	DEVLINK_CMD_DPIPE_HEADERS_GET             = 0x21
+	DEVLINK_CMD_MAX                           = 0x44
+	DEVLINK_PORT_TYPE_NOTSET                  = 0x0
+	DEVLINK_PORT_TYPE_AUTO                    = 0x1
+	DEVLINK_PORT_TYPE_ETH                     = 0x2
+	DEVLINK_PORT_TYPE_IB                      = 0x3
+	DEVLINK_SB_POOL_TYPE_INGRESS              = 0x0
+	DEVLINK_SB_POOL_TYPE_EGRESS               = 0x1
+	DEVLINK_ESWITCH_MODE_LEGACY               = 0x0
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_UNSPEC                       = 0x0
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_BUS_NAME                     = 0x1
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DEV_NAME                     = 0x2
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_PORT_INDEX                   = 0x3
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_PORT_TYPE                    = 0x4
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_PORT_IBDEV_NAME              = 0x8
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_INDEX                     = 0xb
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_SIZE                      = 0xc
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_POOL_INDEX                = 0x11
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_POOL_TYPE                 = 0x12
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_POOL_SIZE                 = 0x13
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_THRESHOLD                 = 0x15
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_TC_INDEX                  = 0x16
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_OCC_CUR                   = 0x17
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_OCC_MAX                   = 0x18
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_ESWITCH_MODE                 = 0x19
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_TABLES                 = 0x1b
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_TABLE                  = 0x1c
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_TABLE_NAME             = 0x1d
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_TABLE_SIZE             = 0x1e
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_ENTRIES                = 0x22
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_ENTRY                  = 0x23
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_MATCH                  = 0x28
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_MATCH_TYPE             = 0x2a
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_ACTION                 = 0x2b
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_VALUE                  = 0x2e
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_VALUE_MASK             = 0x2f
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_HEADERS                = 0x31
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_HEADER                 = 0x32
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_HEADER_ID              = 0x34
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_FIELD                  = 0x38
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_FIELD_NAME             = 0x39
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_FIELD_ID               = 0x3a
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_PAD                          = 0x3d
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_MAX                          = 0x89
+	DEVLINK_DPIPE_HEADER_IPV4                 = 0x1
+	DEVLINK_DPIPE_HEADER_IPV6                 = 0x2
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_ppc64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_ppc64.go
index a812005..8a9484d 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_ppc64.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_ppc64.go
@@ -181,6 +181,55 @@ type FscryptKey struct {
 	Size uint32
+type FscryptPolicyV1 struct {
+	Version                   uint8
+	Contents_encryption_mode  uint8
+	Filenames_encryption_mode uint8
+	Flags                     uint8
+	Master_key_descriptor     [8]uint8
+type FscryptPolicyV2 struct {
+	Version                   uint8
+	Contents_encryption_mode  uint8
+	Filenames_encryption_mode uint8
+	Flags                     uint8
+	_                         [4]uint8
+	Master_key_identifier     [16]uint8
+type FscryptGetPolicyExArg struct {
+	Size   uint64
+	Policy [24]byte
+type FscryptKeySpecifier struct {
+	Type uint32
+	_    uint32
+	U    [32]byte
+type FscryptAddKeyArg struct {
+	Key_spec FscryptKeySpecifier
+	Raw_size uint32
+	_        [9]uint32
+type FscryptRemoveKeyArg struct {
+	Key_spec             FscryptKeySpecifier
+	Removal_status_flags uint32
+	_                    [5]uint32
+type FscryptGetKeyStatusArg struct {
+	Key_spec     FscryptKeySpecifier
+	_            [6]uint32
+	Status       uint32
+	Status_flags uint32
+	User_count   uint32
+	_            [13]uint32
 type KeyctlDHParams struct {
 	Private int32
 	Prime   int32
@@ -258,7 +307,7 @@ type RawSockaddrRFCOMM struct {
 type RawSockaddrCAN struct {
 	Family  uint16
 	Ifindex int32
-	Addr    [8]byte
+	Addr    [16]byte
 type RawSockaddrALG struct {
@@ -287,6 +336,13 @@ type RawSockaddrXDP struct {
 type RawSockaddrPPPoX [0x1e]byte
+type RawSockaddrTIPC struct {
+	Family   uint16
+	Addrtype uint8
+	Scope    int8
+	Addr     [12]byte
 type RawSockaddr struct {
 	Family uint16
 	Data   [14]uint8
@@ -423,11 +479,12 @@ const (
 	SizeofSockaddrHCI       = 0x6
 	SizeofSockaddrL2        = 0xe
 	SizeofSockaddrRFCOMM    = 0xa
-	SizeofSockaddrCAN       = 0x10
+	SizeofSockaddrCAN       = 0x18
 	SizeofSockaddrALG       = 0x58
 	SizeofSockaddrVM        = 0x10
 	SizeofSockaddrXDP       = 0x10
 	SizeofSockaddrPPPoX     = 0x1e
+	SizeofSockaddrTIPC      = 0x10
 	SizeofLinger            = 0x8
 	SizeofIovec             = 0x10
 	SizeofIPMreq            = 0x8
@@ -594,22 +651,6 @@ const (
 	RTN_THROW               = 0x9
 	RTN_NAT                 = 0xa
 	RTN_XRESOLVE            = 0xb
-	RTNLGRP_NONE            = 0x0
-	RTNLGRP_LINK            = 0x1
-	RTNLGRP_NOTIFY          = 0x2
-	RTNLGRP_NEIGH           = 0x3
-	RTNLGRP_TC              = 0x4
-	RTNLGRP_IPV4_ROUTE      = 0x7
-	RTNLGRP_IPV4_RULE       = 0x8
-	RTNLGRP_IPV6_ROUTE      = 0xb
-	RTNLGRP_IPV6_PREFIX     = 0x12
-	RTNLGRP_IPV6_RULE       = 0x13
-	RTNLGRP_ND_USEROPT      = 0x14
 	SizeofNlMsghdr          = 0x10
 	SizeofNlMsgerr          = 0x14
 	SizeofRtGenmsg          = 0x1
@@ -617,6 +658,7 @@ const (
 	SizeofRtAttr            = 0x4
 	SizeofIfInfomsg         = 0x10
 	SizeofIfAddrmsg         = 0x8
+	SizeofIfaCacheinfo      = 0x10
 	SizeofRtMsg             = 0xc
 	SizeofRtNexthop         = 0x8
 	SizeofNdUseroptmsg      = 0x10
@@ -667,6 +709,13 @@ type IfAddrmsg struct {
 	Index     uint32
+type IfaCacheinfo struct {
+	Prefered uint32
+	Valid    uint32
+	Cstamp   uint32
+	Tstamp   uint32
 type RtMsg struct {
 	Family   uint8
 	Dst_len  uint8
@@ -2043,6 +2092,7 @@ type XDPRingOffset struct {
 	Producer uint64
 	Consumer uint64
 	Desc     uint64
+	Flags    uint64
 type XDPMmapOffsets struct {
@@ -2057,6 +2107,8 @@ type XDPUmemReg struct {
 	Len      uint64
 	Size     uint32
 	Headroom uint32
+	Flags    uint32
+	_        [4]byte
 type XDPStatistics struct {
@@ -2470,6 +2522,42 @@ const (
 	BPF_FD_TYPE_URETPROBE               = 0x5
+const (
+	RTNLGRP_NONE          = 0x0
+	RTNLGRP_LINK          = 0x1
+	RTNLGRP_NOTIFY        = 0x2
+	RTNLGRP_NEIGH         = 0x3
+	RTNLGRP_TC            = 0x4
+	RTNLGRP_IPV4_RULE     = 0x8
+	RTNLGRP_NOP2          = 0xe
+	RTNLGRP_DECnet_RULE   = 0x10
+	RTNLGRP_NOP4          = 0x11
+	RTNLGRP_IPV6_RULE     = 0x13
+	RTNLGRP_DCB           = 0x17
+	RTNLGRP_MDB           = 0x1a
+	RTNLGRP_NSID          = 0x1c
+	RTNLGRP_NEXTHOP       = 0x20
 type CapUserHeader struct {
 	Version uint32
 	Pid     int32
@@ -2524,3 +2612,201 @@ type LoopInfo64 struct {
 	Encrypt_key      [32]uint8
 	Init             [2]uint64
+type TIPCSocketAddr struct {
+	Ref  uint32
+	Node uint32
+type TIPCServiceRange struct {
+	Type  uint32
+	Lower uint32
+	Upper uint32
+type TIPCServiceName struct {
+	Type     uint32
+	Instance uint32
+	Domain   uint32
+type TIPCSubscr struct {
+	Seq     TIPCServiceRange
+	Timeout uint32
+	Filter  uint32
+	Handle  [8]uint8
+type TIPCEvent struct {
+	Event uint32
+	Lower uint32
+	Upper uint32
+	Port  TIPCSocketAddr
+	S     TIPCSubscr
+type TIPCGroupReq struct {
+	Type     uint32
+	Instance uint32
+	Scope    uint32
+	Flags    uint32
+type TIPCSIOCLNReq struct {
+	Peer     uint32
+	Id       uint32
+	Linkname [68]uint8
+type TIPCSIOCNodeIDReq struct {
+	Peer uint32
+	Id   [16]uint8
+const (
+	TIPC_NODE_SCOPE    = 0x3
+const (
+	SYSLOG_ACTION_OPEN          = 1
+	SYSLOG_ACTION_READ          = 2
+const (
+	DEVLINK_CMD_UNSPEC                        = 0x0
+	DEVLINK_CMD_GET                           = 0x1
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SET                           = 0x2
+	DEVLINK_CMD_NEW                           = 0x3
+	DEVLINK_CMD_DEL                           = 0x4
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_GET                      = 0x5
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_SET                      = 0x6
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_NEW                      = 0x7
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_DEL                      = 0x8
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_SPLIT                    = 0x9
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_UNSPLIT                  = 0xa
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_GET                        = 0xb
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_SET                        = 0xc
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_NEW                        = 0xd
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_DEL                        = 0xe
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_POOL_GET                   = 0xf
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_POOL_SET                   = 0x10
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_POOL_NEW                   = 0x11
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_POOL_DEL                   = 0x12
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_PORT_POOL_GET              = 0x13
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_PORT_POOL_SET              = 0x14
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_PORT_POOL_NEW              = 0x15
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_PORT_POOL_DEL              = 0x16
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_TC_POOL_BIND_GET           = 0x17
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_TC_POOL_BIND_SET           = 0x18
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_TC_POOL_BIND_NEW           = 0x19
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_TC_POOL_BIND_DEL           = 0x1a
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_OCC_SNAPSHOT               = 0x1b
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_OCC_MAX_CLEAR              = 0x1c
+	DEVLINK_CMD_ESWITCH_GET                   = 0x1d
+	DEVLINK_CMD_ESWITCH_SET                   = 0x1e
+	DEVLINK_CMD_DPIPE_TABLE_GET               = 0x1f
+	DEVLINK_CMD_DPIPE_ENTRIES_GET             = 0x20
+	DEVLINK_CMD_DPIPE_HEADERS_GET             = 0x21
+	DEVLINK_CMD_MAX                           = 0x44
+	DEVLINK_PORT_TYPE_NOTSET                  = 0x0
+	DEVLINK_PORT_TYPE_AUTO                    = 0x1
+	DEVLINK_PORT_TYPE_ETH                     = 0x2
+	DEVLINK_PORT_TYPE_IB                      = 0x3
+	DEVLINK_SB_POOL_TYPE_INGRESS              = 0x0
+	DEVLINK_SB_POOL_TYPE_EGRESS               = 0x1
+	DEVLINK_ESWITCH_MODE_LEGACY               = 0x0
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_UNSPEC                       = 0x0
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_BUS_NAME                     = 0x1
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DEV_NAME                     = 0x2
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_PORT_INDEX                   = 0x3
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_PORT_TYPE                    = 0x4
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_PORT_IBDEV_NAME              = 0x8
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_INDEX                     = 0xb
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_SIZE                      = 0xc
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_POOL_INDEX                = 0x11
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_POOL_TYPE                 = 0x12
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_POOL_SIZE                 = 0x13
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_THRESHOLD                 = 0x15
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_TC_INDEX                  = 0x16
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_OCC_CUR                   = 0x17
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_OCC_MAX                   = 0x18
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_ESWITCH_MODE                 = 0x19
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_TABLES                 = 0x1b
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_TABLE                  = 0x1c
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_TABLE_NAME             = 0x1d
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_TABLE_SIZE             = 0x1e
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_ENTRIES                = 0x22
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_ENTRY                  = 0x23
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_MATCH                  = 0x28
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_MATCH_TYPE             = 0x2a
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_ACTION                 = 0x2b
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_VALUE                  = 0x2e
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_VALUE_MASK             = 0x2f
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_HEADERS                = 0x31
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_HEADER                 = 0x32
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_HEADER_ID              = 0x34
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_FIELD                  = 0x38
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_FIELD_NAME             = 0x39
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_FIELD_ID               = 0x3a
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_PAD                          = 0x3d
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_MAX                          = 0x89
+	DEVLINK_DPIPE_HEADER_IPV4                 = 0x1
+	DEVLINK_DPIPE_HEADER_IPV6                 = 0x2
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_ppc64le.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_ppc64le.go
index 74b7a91..7190a18 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_ppc64le.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_ppc64le.go
@@ -181,6 +181,55 @@ type FscryptKey struct {
 	Size uint32
+type FscryptPolicyV1 struct {
+	Version                   uint8
+	Contents_encryption_mode  uint8
+	Filenames_encryption_mode uint8
+	Flags                     uint8
+	Master_key_descriptor     [8]uint8
+type FscryptPolicyV2 struct {
+	Version                   uint8
+	Contents_encryption_mode  uint8
+	Filenames_encryption_mode uint8
+	Flags                     uint8
+	_                         [4]uint8
+	Master_key_identifier     [16]uint8
+type FscryptGetPolicyExArg struct {
+	Size   uint64
+	Policy [24]byte
+type FscryptKeySpecifier struct {
+	Type uint32
+	_    uint32
+	U    [32]byte
+type FscryptAddKeyArg struct {
+	Key_spec FscryptKeySpecifier
+	Raw_size uint32
+	_        [9]uint32
+type FscryptRemoveKeyArg struct {
+	Key_spec             FscryptKeySpecifier
+	Removal_status_flags uint32
+	_                    [5]uint32
+type FscryptGetKeyStatusArg struct {
+	Key_spec     FscryptKeySpecifier
+	_            [6]uint32
+	Status       uint32
+	Status_flags uint32
+	User_count   uint32
+	_            [13]uint32
 type KeyctlDHParams struct {
 	Private int32
 	Prime   int32
@@ -258,7 +307,7 @@ type RawSockaddrRFCOMM struct {
 type RawSockaddrCAN struct {
 	Family  uint16
 	Ifindex int32
-	Addr    [8]byte
+	Addr    [16]byte
 type RawSockaddrALG struct {
@@ -287,6 +336,13 @@ type RawSockaddrXDP struct {
 type RawSockaddrPPPoX [0x1e]byte
+type RawSockaddrTIPC struct {
+	Family   uint16
+	Addrtype uint8
+	Scope    int8
+	Addr     [12]byte
 type RawSockaddr struct {
 	Family uint16
 	Data   [14]uint8
@@ -423,11 +479,12 @@ const (
 	SizeofSockaddrHCI       = 0x6
 	SizeofSockaddrL2        = 0xe
 	SizeofSockaddrRFCOMM    = 0xa
-	SizeofSockaddrCAN       = 0x10
+	SizeofSockaddrCAN       = 0x18
 	SizeofSockaddrALG       = 0x58
 	SizeofSockaddrVM        = 0x10
 	SizeofSockaddrXDP       = 0x10
 	SizeofSockaddrPPPoX     = 0x1e
+	SizeofSockaddrTIPC      = 0x10
 	SizeofLinger            = 0x8
 	SizeofIovec             = 0x10
 	SizeofIPMreq            = 0x8
@@ -594,22 +651,6 @@ const (
 	RTN_THROW               = 0x9
 	RTN_NAT                 = 0xa
 	RTN_XRESOLVE            = 0xb
-	RTNLGRP_NONE            = 0x0
-	RTNLGRP_LINK            = 0x1
-	RTNLGRP_NOTIFY          = 0x2
-	RTNLGRP_NEIGH           = 0x3
-	RTNLGRP_TC              = 0x4
-	RTNLGRP_IPV4_ROUTE      = 0x7
-	RTNLGRP_IPV4_RULE       = 0x8
-	RTNLGRP_IPV6_ROUTE      = 0xb
-	RTNLGRP_IPV6_PREFIX     = 0x12
-	RTNLGRP_IPV6_RULE       = 0x13
-	RTNLGRP_ND_USEROPT      = 0x14
 	SizeofNlMsghdr          = 0x10
 	SizeofNlMsgerr          = 0x14
 	SizeofRtGenmsg          = 0x1
@@ -617,6 +658,7 @@ const (
 	SizeofRtAttr            = 0x4
 	SizeofIfInfomsg         = 0x10
 	SizeofIfAddrmsg         = 0x8
+	SizeofIfaCacheinfo      = 0x10
 	SizeofRtMsg             = 0xc
 	SizeofRtNexthop         = 0x8
 	SizeofNdUseroptmsg      = 0x10
@@ -667,6 +709,13 @@ type IfAddrmsg struct {
 	Index     uint32
+type IfaCacheinfo struct {
+	Prefered uint32
+	Valid    uint32
+	Cstamp   uint32
+	Tstamp   uint32
 type RtMsg struct {
 	Family   uint8
 	Dst_len  uint8
@@ -2043,6 +2092,7 @@ type XDPRingOffset struct {
 	Producer uint64
 	Consumer uint64
 	Desc     uint64
+	Flags    uint64
 type XDPMmapOffsets struct {
@@ -2057,6 +2107,8 @@ type XDPUmemReg struct {
 	Len      uint64
 	Size     uint32
 	Headroom uint32
+	Flags    uint32
+	_        [4]byte
 type XDPStatistics struct {
@@ -2470,6 +2522,42 @@ const (
 	BPF_FD_TYPE_URETPROBE               = 0x5
+const (
+	RTNLGRP_NONE          = 0x0
+	RTNLGRP_LINK          = 0x1
+	RTNLGRP_NOTIFY        = 0x2
+	RTNLGRP_NEIGH         = 0x3
+	RTNLGRP_TC            = 0x4
+	RTNLGRP_IPV4_RULE     = 0x8
+	RTNLGRP_NOP2          = 0xe
+	RTNLGRP_DECnet_RULE   = 0x10
+	RTNLGRP_NOP4          = 0x11
+	RTNLGRP_IPV6_RULE     = 0x13
+	RTNLGRP_DCB           = 0x17
+	RTNLGRP_MDB           = 0x1a
+	RTNLGRP_NSID          = 0x1c
+	RTNLGRP_NEXTHOP       = 0x20
 type CapUserHeader struct {
 	Version uint32
 	Pid     int32
@@ -2524,3 +2612,201 @@ type LoopInfo64 struct {
 	Encrypt_key      [32]uint8
 	Init             [2]uint64
+type TIPCSocketAddr struct {
+	Ref  uint32
+	Node uint32
+type TIPCServiceRange struct {
+	Type  uint32
+	Lower uint32
+	Upper uint32
+type TIPCServiceName struct {
+	Type     uint32
+	Instance uint32
+	Domain   uint32
+type TIPCSubscr struct {
+	Seq     TIPCServiceRange
+	Timeout uint32
+	Filter  uint32
+	Handle  [8]uint8
+type TIPCEvent struct {
+	Event uint32
+	Lower uint32
+	Upper uint32
+	Port  TIPCSocketAddr
+	S     TIPCSubscr
+type TIPCGroupReq struct {
+	Type     uint32
+	Instance uint32
+	Scope    uint32
+	Flags    uint32
+type TIPCSIOCLNReq struct {
+	Peer     uint32
+	Id       uint32
+	Linkname [68]uint8
+type TIPCSIOCNodeIDReq struct {
+	Peer uint32
+	Id   [16]uint8
+const (
+	TIPC_NODE_SCOPE    = 0x3
+const (
+	SYSLOG_ACTION_OPEN          = 1
+	SYSLOG_ACTION_READ          = 2
+const (
+	DEVLINK_CMD_UNSPEC                        = 0x0
+	DEVLINK_CMD_GET                           = 0x1
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SET                           = 0x2
+	DEVLINK_CMD_NEW                           = 0x3
+	DEVLINK_CMD_DEL                           = 0x4
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_GET                      = 0x5
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_SET                      = 0x6
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_NEW                      = 0x7
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_DEL                      = 0x8
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_SPLIT                    = 0x9
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_UNSPLIT                  = 0xa
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_GET                        = 0xb
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_SET                        = 0xc
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_NEW                        = 0xd
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_DEL                        = 0xe
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_POOL_GET                   = 0xf
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_POOL_SET                   = 0x10
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_POOL_NEW                   = 0x11
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_POOL_DEL                   = 0x12
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_PORT_POOL_GET              = 0x13
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_PORT_POOL_SET              = 0x14
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_PORT_POOL_NEW              = 0x15
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_PORT_POOL_DEL              = 0x16
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_TC_POOL_BIND_GET           = 0x17
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_TC_POOL_BIND_SET           = 0x18
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_TC_POOL_BIND_NEW           = 0x19
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_TC_POOL_BIND_DEL           = 0x1a
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_OCC_SNAPSHOT               = 0x1b
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_OCC_MAX_CLEAR              = 0x1c
+	DEVLINK_CMD_ESWITCH_GET                   = 0x1d
+	DEVLINK_CMD_ESWITCH_SET                   = 0x1e
+	DEVLINK_CMD_DPIPE_TABLE_GET               = 0x1f
+	DEVLINK_CMD_DPIPE_ENTRIES_GET             = 0x20
+	DEVLINK_CMD_DPIPE_HEADERS_GET             = 0x21
+	DEVLINK_CMD_MAX                           = 0x44
+	DEVLINK_PORT_TYPE_NOTSET                  = 0x0
+	DEVLINK_PORT_TYPE_AUTO                    = 0x1
+	DEVLINK_PORT_TYPE_ETH                     = 0x2
+	DEVLINK_PORT_TYPE_IB                      = 0x3
+	DEVLINK_SB_POOL_TYPE_INGRESS              = 0x0
+	DEVLINK_SB_POOL_TYPE_EGRESS               = 0x1
+	DEVLINK_ESWITCH_MODE_LEGACY               = 0x0
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_UNSPEC                       = 0x0
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_BUS_NAME                     = 0x1
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DEV_NAME                     = 0x2
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_PORT_INDEX                   = 0x3
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_PORT_TYPE                    = 0x4
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_PORT_IBDEV_NAME              = 0x8
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_INDEX                     = 0xb
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_SIZE                      = 0xc
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_POOL_INDEX                = 0x11
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_POOL_TYPE                 = 0x12
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_POOL_SIZE                 = 0x13
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_THRESHOLD                 = 0x15
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_TC_INDEX                  = 0x16
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_OCC_CUR                   = 0x17
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_OCC_MAX                   = 0x18
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_ESWITCH_MODE                 = 0x19
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_TABLES                 = 0x1b
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_TABLE                  = 0x1c
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_TABLE_NAME             = 0x1d
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_TABLE_SIZE             = 0x1e
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_ENTRIES                = 0x22
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_ENTRY                  = 0x23
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_MATCH                  = 0x28
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_MATCH_TYPE             = 0x2a
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_ACTION                 = 0x2b
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_VALUE                  = 0x2e
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_VALUE_MASK             = 0x2f
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_HEADERS                = 0x31
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_HEADER                 = 0x32
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_HEADER_ID              = 0x34
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_FIELD                  = 0x38
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_FIELD_NAME             = 0x39
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_FIELD_ID               = 0x3a
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_PAD                          = 0x3d
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_MAX                          = 0x89
+	DEVLINK_DPIPE_HEADER_IPV4                 = 0x1
+	DEVLINK_DPIPE_HEADER_IPV6                 = 0x2
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_riscv64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_riscv64.go
index ccea3e6..502d98a 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_riscv64.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_riscv64.go
@@ -180,6 +180,55 @@ type FscryptKey struct {
 	Size uint32
+type FscryptPolicyV1 struct {
+	Version                   uint8
+	Contents_encryption_mode  uint8
+	Filenames_encryption_mode uint8
+	Flags                     uint8
+	Master_key_descriptor     [8]uint8
+type FscryptPolicyV2 struct {
+	Version                   uint8
+	Contents_encryption_mode  uint8
+	Filenames_encryption_mode uint8
+	Flags                     uint8
+	_                         [4]uint8
+	Master_key_identifier     [16]uint8
+type FscryptGetPolicyExArg struct {
+	Size   uint64
+	Policy [24]byte
+type FscryptKeySpecifier struct {
+	Type uint32
+	_    uint32
+	U    [32]byte
+type FscryptAddKeyArg struct {
+	Key_spec FscryptKeySpecifier
+	Raw_size uint32
+	_        [9]uint32
+type FscryptRemoveKeyArg struct {
+	Key_spec             FscryptKeySpecifier
+	Removal_status_flags uint32
+	_                    [5]uint32
+type FscryptGetKeyStatusArg struct {
+	Key_spec     FscryptKeySpecifier
+	_            [6]uint32
+	Status       uint32
+	Status_flags uint32
+	User_count   uint32
+	_            [13]uint32
 type KeyctlDHParams struct {
 	Private int32
 	Prime   int32
@@ -257,7 +306,7 @@ type RawSockaddrRFCOMM struct {
 type RawSockaddrCAN struct {
 	Family  uint16
 	Ifindex int32
-	Addr    [8]byte
+	Addr    [16]byte
 type RawSockaddrALG struct {
@@ -286,6 +335,13 @@ type RawSockaddrXDP struct {
 type RawSockaddrPPPoX [0x1e]byte
+type RawSockaddrTIPC struct {
+	Family   uint16
+	Addrtype uint8
+	Scope    int8
+	Addr     [12]byte
 type RawSockaddr struct {
 	Family uint16
 	Data   [14]uint8
@@ -422,11 +478,12 @@ const (
 	SizeofSockaddrHCI       = 0x6
 	SizeofSockaddrL2        = 0xe
 	SizeofSockaddrRFCOMM    = 0xa
-	SizeofSockaddrCAN       = 0x10
+	SizeofSockaddrCAN       = 0x18
 	SizeofSockaddrALG       = 0x58
 	SizeofSockaddrVM        = 0x10
 	SizeofSockaddrXDP       = 0x10
 	SizeofSockaddrPPPoX     = 0x1e
+	SizeofSockaddrTIPC      = 0x10
 	SizeofLinger            = 0x8
 	SizeofIovec             = 0x10
 	SizeofIPMreq            = 0x8
@@ -593,22 +650,6 @@ const (
 	RTN_THROW               = 0x9
 	RTN_NAT                 = 0xa
 	RTN_XRESOLVE            = 0xb
-	RTNLGRP_NONE            = 0x0
-	RTNLGRP_LINK            = 0x1
-	RTNLGRP_NOTIFY          = 0x2
-	RTNLGRP_NEIGH           = 0x3
-	RTNLGRP_TC              = 0x4
-	RTNLGRP_IPV4_ROUTE      = 0x7
-	RTNLGRP_IPV4_RULE       = 0x8
-	RTNLGRP_IPV6_ROUTE      = 0xb
-	RTNLGRP_IPV6_PREFIX     = 0x12
-	RTNLGRP_IPV6_RULE       = 0x13
-	RTNLGRP_ND_USEROPT      = 0x14
 	SizeofNlMsghdr          = 0x10
 	SizeofNlMsgerr          = 0x14
 	SizeofRtGenmsg          = 0x1
@@ -616,6 +657,7 @@ const (
 	SizeofRtAttr            = 0x4
 	SizeofIfInfomsg         = 0x10
 	SizeofIfAddrmsg         = 0x8
+	SizeofIfaCacheinfo      = 0x10
 	SizeofRtMsg             = 0xc
 	SizeofRtNexthop         = 0x8
 	SizeofNdUseroptmsg      = 0x10
@@ -666,6 +708,13 @@ type IfAddrmsg struct {
 	Index     uint32
+type IfaCacheinfo struct {
+	Prefered uint32
+	Valid    uint32
+	Cstamp   uint32
+	Tstamp   uint32
 type RtMsg struct {
 	Family   uint8
 	Dst_len  uint8
@@ -2061,6 +2110,7 @@ type XDPRingOffset struct {
 	Producer uint64
 	Consumer uint64
 	Desc     uint64
+	Flags    uint64
 type XDPMmapOffsets struct {
@@ -2075,6 +2125,8 @@ type XDPUmemReg struct {
 	Len      uint64
 	Size     uint32
 	Headroom uint32
+	Flags    uint32
+	_        [4]byte
 type XDPStatistics struct {
@@ -2488,6 +2540,42 @@ const (
 	BPF_FD_TYPE_URETPROBE               = 0x5
+const (
+	RTNLGRP_NONE          = 0x0
+	RTNLGRP_LINK          = 0x1
+	RTNLGRP_NOTIFY        = 0x2
+	RTNLGRP_NEIGH         = 0x3
+	RTNLGRP_TC            = 0x4
+	RTNLGRP_IPV4_RULE     = 0x8
+	RTNLGRP_NOP2          = 0xe
+	RTNLGRP_DECnet_RULE   = 0x10
+	RTNLGRP_NOP4          = 0x11
+	RTNLGRP_IPV6_RULE     = 0x13
+	RTNLGRP_DCB           = 0x17
+	RTNLGRP_MDB           = 0x1a
+	RTNLGRP_NSID          = 0x1c
+	RTNLGRP_NEXTHOP       = 0x20
 type CapUserHeader struct {
 	Version uint32
 	Pid     int32
@@ -2542,3 +2630,201 @@ type LoopInfo64 struct {
 	Encrypt_key      [32]uint8
 	Init             [2]uint64
+type TIPCSocketAddr struct {
+	Ref  uint32
+	Node uint32
+type TIPCServiceRange struct {
+	Type  uint32
+	Lower uint32
+	Upper uint32
+type TIPCServiceName struct {
+	Type     uint32
+	Instance uint32
+	Domain   uint32
+type TIPCSubscr struct {
+	Seq     TIPCServiceRange
+	Timeout uint32
+	Filter  uint32
+	Handle  [8]uint8
+type TIPCEvent struct {
+	Event uint32
+	Lower uint32
+	Upper uint32
+	Port  TIPCSocketAddr
+	S     TIPCSubscr
+type TIPCGroupReq struct {
+	Type     uint32
+	Instance uint32
+	Scope    uint32
+	Flags    uint32
+type TIPCSIOCLNReq struct {
+	Peer     uint32
+	Id       uint32
+	Linkname [68]uint8
+type TIPCSIOCNodeIDReq struct {
+	Peer uint32
+	Id   [16]uint8
+const (
+	TIPC_NODE_SCOPE    = 0x3
+const (
+	SYSLOG_ACTION_OPEN          = 1
+	SYSLOG_ACTION_READ          = 2
+const (
+	DEVLINK_CMD_UNSPEC                        = 0x0
+	DEVLINK_CMD_GET                           = 0x1
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SET                           = 0x2
+	DEVLINK_CMD_NEW                           = 0x3
+	DEVLINK_CMD_DEL                           = 0x4
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_GET                      = 0x5
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_SET                      = 0x6
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_NEW                      = 0x7
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_DEL                      = 0x8
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_SPLIT                    = 0x9
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_UNSPLIT                  = 0xa
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_GET                        = 0xb
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_SET                        = 0xc
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_NEW                        = 0xd
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_DEL                        = 0xe
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_POOL_GET                   = 0xf
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_POOL_SET                   = 0x10
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_POOL_NEW                   = 0x11
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_POOL_DEL                   = 0x12
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_PORT_POOL_GET              = 0x13
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_PORT_POOL_SET              = 0x14
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_PORT_POOL_NEW              = 0x15
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_PORT_POOL_DEL              = 0x16
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_TC_POOL_BIND_GET           = 0x17
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_TC_POOL_BIND_SET           = 0x18
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_TC_POOL_BIND_NEW           = 0x19
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_TC_POOL_BIND_DEL           = 0x1a
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_OCC_SNAPSHOT               = 0x1b
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_OCC_MAX_CLEAR              = 0x1c
+	DEVLINK_CMD_ESWITCH_GET                   = 0x1d
+	DEVLINK_CMD_ESWITCH_SET                   = 0x1e
+	DEVLINK_CMD_DPIPE_TABLE_GET               = 0x1f
+	DEVLINK_CMD_DPIPE_ENTRIES_GET             = 0x20
+	DEVLINK_CMD_DPIPE_HEADERS_GET             = 0x21
+	DEVLINK_CMD_MAX                           = 0x44
+	DEVLINK_PORT_TYPE_NOTSET                  = 0x0
+	DEVLINK_PORT_TYPE_AUTO                    = 0x1
+	DEVLINK_PORT_TYPE_ETH                     = 0x2
+	DEVLINK_PORT_TYPE_IB                      = 0x3
+	DEVLINK_SB_POOL_TYPE_INGRESS              = 0x0
+	DEVLINK_SB_POOL_TYPE_EGRESS               = 0x1
+	DEVLINK_ESWITCH_MODE_LEGACY               = 0x0
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_UNSPEC                       = 0x0
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_BUS_NAME                     = 0x1
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DEV_NAME                     = 0x2
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_PORT_INDEX                   = 0x3
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_PORT_TYPE                    = 0x4
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_PORT_IBDEV_NAME              = 0x8
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_INDEX                     = 0xb
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_SIZE                      = 0xc
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_POOL_INDEX                = 0x11
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_POOL_TYPE                 = 0x12
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_POOL_SIZE                 = 0x13
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_THRESHOLD                 = 0x15
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_TC_INDEX                  = 0x16
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_OCC_CUR                   = 0x17
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_OCC_MAX                   = 0x18
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_ESWITCH_MODE                 = 0x19
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_TABLES                 = 0x1b
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_TABLE                  = 0x1c
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_TABLE_NAME             = 0x1d
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_TABLE_SIZE             = 0x1e
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_ENTRIES                = 0x22
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_ENTRY                  = 0x23
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_MATCH                  = 0x28
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_MATCH_TYPE             = 0x2a
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_ACTION                 = 0x2b
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_VALUE                  = 0x2e
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_VALUE_MASK             = 0x2f
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_HEADERS                = 0x31
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_HEADER                 = 0x32
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_HEADER_ID              = 0x34
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_FIELD                  = 0x38
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_FIELD_NAME             = 0x39
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_FIELD_ID               = 0x3a
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_PAD                          = 0x3d
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_MAX                          = 0x89
+	DEVLINK_DPIPE_HEADER_IPV4                 = 0x1
+	DEVLINK_DPIPE_HEADER_IPV6                 = 0x2
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_s390x.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_s390x.go
index d8fc0bc..65e12d7 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_s390x.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_s390x.go
@@ -179,6 +179,55 @@ type FscryptKey struct {
 	Size uint32
+type FscryptPolicyV1 struct {
+	Version                   uint8
+	Contents_encryption_mode  uint8
+	Filenames_encryption_mode uint8
+	Flags                     uint8
+	Master_key_descriptor     [8]uint8
+type FscryptPolicyV2 struct {
+	Version                   uint8
+	Contents_encryption_mode  uint8
+	Filenames_encryption_mode uint8
+	Flags                     uint8
+	_                         [4]uint8
+	Master_key_identifier     [16]uint8
+type FscryptGetPolicyExArg struct {
+	Size   uint64
+	Policy [24]byte
+type FscryptKeySpecifier struct {
+	Type uint32
+	_    uint32
+	U    [32]byte
+type FscryptAddKeyArg struct {
+	Key_spec FscryptKeySpecifier
+	Raw_size uint32
+	_        [9]uint32
+type FscryptRemoveKeyArg struct {
+	Key_spec             FscryptKeySpecifier
+	Removal_status_flags uint32
+	_                    [5]uint32
+type FscryptGetKeyStatusArg struct {
+	Key_spec     FscryptKeySpecifier
+	_            [6]uint32
+	Status       uint32
+	Status_flags uint32
+	User_count   uint32
+	_            [13]uint32
 type KeyctlDHParams struct {
 	Private int32
 	Prime   int32
@@ -256,7 +305,7 @@ type RawSockaddrRFCOMM struct {
 type RawSockaddrCAN struct {
 	Family  uint16
 	Ifindex int32
-	Addr    [8]byte
+	Addr    [16]byte
 type RawSockaddrALG struct {
@@ -285,6 +334,13 @@ type RawSockaddrXDP struct {
 type RawSockaddrPPPoX [0x1e]byte
+type RawSockaddrTIPC struct {
+	Family   uint16
+	Addrtype uint8
+	Scope    int8
+	Addr     [12]byte
 type RawSockaddr struct {
 	Family uint16
 	Data   [14]int8
@@ -421,11 +477,12 @@ const (
 	SizeofSockaddrHCI       = 0x6
 	SizeofSockaddrL2        = 0xe
 	SizeofSockaddrRFCOMM    = 0xa
-	SizeofSockaddrCAN       = 0x10
+	SizeofSockaddrCAN       = 0x18
 	SizeofSockaddrALG       = 0x58
 	SizeofSockaddrVM        = 0x10
 	SizeofSockaddrXDP       = 0x10
 	SizeofSockaddrPPPoX     = 0x1e
+	SizeofSockaddrTIPC      = 0x10
 	SizeofLinger            = 0x8
 	SizeofIovec             = 0x10
 	SizeofIPMreq            = 0x8
@@ -592,22 +649,6 @@ const (
 	RTN_THROW               = 0x9
 	RTN_NAT                 = 0xa
 	RTN_XRESOLVE            = 0xb
-	RTNLGRP_NONE            = 0x0
-	RTNLGRP_LINK            = 0x1
-	RTNLGRP_NOTIFY          = 0x2
-	RTNLGRP_NEIGH           = 0x3
-	RTNLGRP_TC              = 0x4
-	RTNLGRP_IPV4_ROUTE      = 0x7
-	RTNLGRP_IPV4_RULE       = 0x8
-	RTNLGRP_IPV6_ROUTE      = 0xb
-	RTNLGRP_IPV6_PREFIX     = 0x12
-	RTNLGRP_IPV6_RULE       = 0x13
-	RTNLGRP_ND_USEROPT      = 0x14
 	SizeofNlMsghdr          = 0x10
 	SizeofNlMsgerr          = 0x14
 	SizeofRtGenmsg          = 0x1
@@ -615,6 +656,7 @@ const (
 	SizeofRtAttr            = 0x4
 	SizeofIfInfomsg         = 0x10
 	SizeofIfAddrmsg         = 0x8
+	SizeofIfaCacheinfo      = 0x10
 	SizeofRtMsg             = 0xc
 	SizeofRtNexthop         = 0x8
 	SizeofNdUseroptmsg      = 0x10
@@ -665,6 +707,13 @@ type IfAddrmsg struct {
 	Index     uint32
+type IfaCacheinfo struct {
+	Prefered uint32
+	Valid    uint32
+	Cstamp   uint32
+	Tstamp   uint32
 type RtMsg struct {
 	Family   uint8
 	Dst_len  uint8
@@ -2057,6 +2106,7 @@ type XDPRingOffset struct {
 	Producer uint64
 	Consumer uint64
 	Desc     uint64
+	Flags    uint64
 type XDPMmapOffsets struct {
@@ -2071,6 +2121,8 @@ type XDPUmemReg struct {
 	Len      uint64
 	Size     uint32
 	Headroom uint32
+	Flags    uint32
+	_        [4]byte
 type XDPStatistics struct {
@@ -2484,6 +2536,42 @@ const (
 	BPF_FD_TYPE_URETPROBE               = 0x5
+const (
+	RTNLGRP_NONE          = 0x0
+	RTNLGRP_LINK          = 0x1
+	RTNLGRP_NOTIFY        = 0x2
+	RTNLGRP_NEIGH         = 0x3
+	RTNLGRP_TC            = 0x4
+	RTNLGRP_IPV4_RULE     = 0x8
+	RTNLGRP_NOP2          = 0xe
+	RTNLGRP_DECnet_RULE   = 0x10
+	RTNLGRP_NOP4          = 0x11
+	RTNLGRP_IPV6_RULE     = 0x13
+	RTNLGRP_DCB           = 0x17
+	RTNLGRP_MDB           = 0x1a
+	RTNLGRP_NSID          = 0x1c
+	RTNLGRP_NEXTHOP       = 0x20
 type CapUserHeader struct {
 	Version uint32
 	Pid     int32
@@ -2538,3 +2626,201 @@ type LoopInfo64 struct {
 	Encrypt_key      [32]uint8
 	Init             [2]uint64
+type TIPCSocketAddr struct {
+	Ref  uint32
+	Node uint32
+type TIPCServiceRange struct {
+	Type  uint32
+	Lower uint32
+	Upper uint32
+type TIPCServiceName struct {
+	Type     uint32
+	Instance uint32
+	Domain   uint32
+type TIPCSubscr struct {
+	Seq     TIPCServiceRange
+	Timeout uint32
+	Filter  uint32
+	Handle  [8]int8
+type TIPCEvent struct {
+	Event uint32
+	Lower uint32
+	Upper uint32
+	Port  TIPCSocketAddr
+	S     TIPCSubscr
+type TIPCGroupReq struct {
+	Type     uint32
+	Instance uint32
+	Scope    uint32
+	Flags    uint32
+type TIPCSIOCLNReq struct {
+	Peer     uint32
+	Id       uint32
+	Linkname [68]int8
+type TIPCSIOCNodeIDReq struct {
+	Peer uint32
+	Id   [16]int8
+const (
+	TIPC_NODE_SCOPE    = 0x3
+const (
+	SYSLOG_ACTION_OPEN          = 1
+	SYSLOG_ACTION_READ          = 2
+const (
+	DEVLINK_CMD_UNSPEC                        = 0x0
+	DEVLINK_CMD_GET                           = 0x1
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SET                           = 0x2
+	DEVLINK_CMD_NEW                           = 0x3
+	DEVLINK_CMD_DEL                           = 0x4
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_GET                      = 0x5
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_SET                      = 0x6
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_NEW                      = 0x7
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_DEL                      = 0x8
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_SPLIT                    = 0x9
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_UNSPLIT                  = 0xa
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_GET                        = 0xb
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_SET                        = 0xc
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_NEW                        = 0xd
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_DEL                        = 0xe
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_POOL_GET                   = 0xf
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_POOL_SET                   = 0x10
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_POOL_NEW                   = 0x11
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_POOL_DEL                   = 0x12
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_PORT_POOL_GET              = 0x13
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_PORT_POOL_SET              = 0x14
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_PORT_POOL_NEW              = 0x15
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_PORT_POOL_DEL              = 0x16
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_TC_POOL_BIND_GET           = 0x17
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_TC_POOL_BIND_SET           = 0x18
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_TC_POOL_BIND_NEW           = 0x19
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_TC_POOL_BIND_DEL           = 0x1a
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_OCC_SNAPSHOT               = 0x1b
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_OCC_MAX_CLEAR              = 0x1c
+	DEVLINK_CMD_ESWITCH_GET                   = 0x1d
+	DEVLINK_CMD_ESWITCH_SET                   = 0x1e
+	DEVLINK_CMD_DPIPE_TABLE_GET               = 0x1f
+	DEVLINK_CMD_DPIPE_ENTRIES_GET             = 0x20
+	DEVLINK_CMD_DPIPE_HEADERS_GET             = 0x21
+	DEVLINK_CMD_MAX                           = 0x44
+	DEVLINK_PORT_TYPE_NOTSET                  = 0x0
+	DEVLINK_PORT_TYPE_AUTO                    = 0x1
+	DEVLINK_PORT_TYPE_ETH                     = 0x2
+	DEVLINK_PORT_TYPE_IB                      = 0x3
+	DEVLINK_SB_POOL_TYPE_INGRESS              = 0x0
+	DEVLINK_SB_POOL_TYPE_EGRESS               = 0x1
+	DEVLINK_ESWITCH_MODE_LEGACY               = 0x0
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_UNSPEC                       = 0x0
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_BUS_NAME                     = 0x1
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DEV_NAME                     = 0x2
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_PORT_INDEX                   = 0x3
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_PORT_TYPE                    = 0x4
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_PORT_IBDEV_NAME              = 0x8
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_INDEX                     = 0xb
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_SIZE                      = 0xc
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_POOL_INDEX                = 0x11
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_POOL_TYPE                 = 0x12
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_POOL_SIZE                 = 0x13
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_THRESHOLD                 = 0x15
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_TC_INDEX                  = 0x16
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_OCC_CUR                   = 0x17
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_OCC_MAX                   = 0x18
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_ESWITCH_MODE                 = 0x19
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_TABLES                 = 0x1b
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_TABLE                  = 0x1c
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_TABLE_NAME             = 0x1d
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_TABLE_SIZE             = 0x1e
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_ENTRIES                = 0x22
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_ENTRY                  = 0x23
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_MATCH                  = 0x28
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_MATCH_TYPE             = 0x2a
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_ACTION                 = 0x2b
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_VALUE                  = 0x2e
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_VALUE_MASK             = 0x2f
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_HEADERS                = 0x31
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_HEADER                 = 0x32
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_HEADER_ID              = 0x34
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_FIELD                  = 0x38
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_FIELD_NAME             = 0x39
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_FIELD_ID               = 0x3a
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_PAD                          = 0x3d
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_MAX                          = 0x89
+	DEVLINK_DPIPE_HEADER_IPV4                 = 0x1
+	DEVLINK_DPIPE_HEADER_IPV6                 = 0x2
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_sparc64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_sparc64.go
index 5e0ab93..26e8a2b 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_sparc64.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_sparc64.go
@@ -183,6 +183,55 @@ type FscryptKey struct {
 	Size uint32
+type FscryptPolicyV1 struct {
+	Version                   uint8
+	Contents_encryption_mode  uint8
+	Filenames_encryption_mode uint8
+	Flags                     uint8
+	Master_key_descriptor     [8]uint8
+type FscryptPolicyV2 struct {
+	Version                   uint8
+	Contents_encryption_mode  uint8
+	Filenames_encryption_mode uint8
+	Flags                     uint8
+	_                         [4]uint8
+	Master_key_identifier     [16]uint8
+type FscryptGetPolicyExArg struct {
+	Size   uint64
+	Policy [24]byte
+type FscryptKeySpecifier struct {
+	Type uint32
+	_    uint32
+	U    [32]byte
+type FscryptAddKeyArg struct {
+	Key_spec FscryptKeySpecifier
+	Raw_size uint32
+	_        [9]uint32
+type FscryptRemoveKeyArg struct {
+	Key_spec             FscryptKeySpecifier
+	Removal_status_flags uint32
+	_                    [5]uint32
+type FscryptGetKeyStatusArg struct {
+	Key_spec     FscryptKeySpecifier
+	_            [6]uint32
+	Status       uint32
+	Status_flags uint32
+	User_count   uint32
+	_            [13]uint32
 type KeyctlDHParams struct {
 	Private int32
 	Prime   int32
@@ -260,7 +309,7 @@ type RawSockaddrRFCOMM struct {
 type RawSockaddrCAN struct {
 	Family  uint16
 	Ifindex int32
-	Addr    [8]byte
+	Addr    [16]byte
 type RawSockaddrALG struct {
@@ -289,6 +338,13 @@ type RawSockaddrXDP struct {
 type RawSockaddrPPPoX [0x1e]byte
+type RawSockaddrTIPC struct {
+	Family   uint16
+	Addrtype uint8
+	Scope    int8
+	Addr     [12]byte
 type RawSockaddr struct {
 	Family uint16
 	Data   [14]int8
@@ -425,11 +481,12 @@ const (
 	SizeofSockaddrHCI       = 0x6
 	SizeofSockaddrL2        = 0xe
 	SizeofSockaddrRFCOMM    = 0xa
-	SizeofSockaddrCAN       = 0x10
+	SizeofSockaddrCAN       = 0x18
 	SizeofSockaddrALG       = 0x58
 	SizeofSockaddrVM        = 0x10
 	SizeofSockaddrXDP       = 0x10
 	SizeofSockaddrPPPoX     = 0x1e
+	SizeofSockaddrTIPC      = 0x10
 	SizeofLinger            = 0x8
 	SizeofIovec             = 0x10
 	SizeofIPMreq            = 0x8
@@ -596,22 +653,6 @@ const (
 	RTN_THROW               = 0x9
 	RTN_NAT                 = 0xa
 	RTN_XRESOLVE            = 0xb
-	RTNLGRP_NONE            = 0x0
-	RTNLGRP_LINK            = 0x1
-	RTNLGRP_NOTIFY          = 0x2
-	RTNLGRP_NEIGH           = 0x3
-	RTNLGRP_TC              = 0x4
-	RTNLGRP_IPV4_ROUTE      = 0x7
-	RTNLGRP_IPV4_RULE       = 0x8
-	RTNLGRP_IPV6_ROUTE      = 0xb
-	RTNLGRP_IPV6_PREFIX     = 0x12
-	RTNLGRP_IPV6_RULE       = 0x13
-	RTNLGRP_ND_USEROPT      = 0x14
 	SizeofNlMsghdr          = 0x10
 	SizeofNlMsgerr          = 0x14
 	SizeofRtGenmsg          = 0x1
@@ -619,6 +660,7 @@ const (
 	SizeofRtAttr            = 0x4
 	SizeofIfInfomsg         = 0x10
 	SizeofIfAddrmsg         = 0x8
+	SizeofIfaCacheinfo      = 0x10
 	SizeofRtMsg             = 0xc
 	SizeofRtNexthop         = 0x8
 	SizeofNdUseroptmsg      = 0x10
@@ -669,6 +711,13 @@ type IfAddrmsg struct {
 	Index     uint32
+type IfaCacheinfo struct {
+	Prefered uint32
+	Valid    uint32
+	Cstamp   uint32
+	Tstamp   uint32
 type RtMsg struct {
 	Family   uint8
 	Dst_len  uint8
@@ -2038,6 +2087,7 @@ type XDPRingOffset struct {
 	Producer uint64
 	Consumer uint64
 	Desc     uint64
+	Flags    uint64
 type XDPMmapOffsets struct {
@@ -2052,6 +2102,8 @@ type XDPUmemReg struct {
 	Len      uint64
 	Size     uint32
 	Headroom uint32
+	Flags    uint32
+	_        [4]byte
 type XDPStatistics struct {
@@ -2465,6 +2517,42 @@ const (
 	BPF_FD_TYPE_URETPROBE               = 0x5
+const (
+	RTNLGRP_NONE          = 0x0
+	RTNLGRP_LINK          = 0x1
+	RTNLGRP_NOTIFY        = 0x2
+	RTNLGRP_NEIGH         = 0x3
+	RTNLGRP_TC            = 0x4
+	RTNLGRP_IPV4_RULE     = 0x8
+	RTNLGRP_NOP2          = 0xe
+	RTNLGRP_DECnet_RULE   = 0x10
+	RTNLGRP_NOP4          = 0x11
+	RTNLGRP_IPV6_RULE     = 0x13
+	RTNLGRP_DCB           = 0x17
+	RTNLGRP_MDB           = 0x1a
+	RTNLGRP_NSID          = 0x1c
+	RTNLGRP_NEXTHOP       = 0x20
 type CapUserHeader struct {
 	Version uint32
 	Pid     int32
@@ -2519,3 +2607,201 @@ type LoopInfo64 struct {
 	Encrypt_key      [32]uint8
 	Init             [2]uint64
+type TIPCSocketAddr struct {
+	Ref  uint32
+	Node uint32
+type TIPCServiceRange struct {
+	Type  uint32
+	Lower uint32
+	Upper uint32
+type TIPCServiceName struct {
+	Type     uint32
+	Instance uint32
+	Domain   uint32
+type TIPCSubscr struct {
+	Seq     TIPCServiceRange
+	Timeout uint32
+	Filter  uint32
+	Handle  [8]int8
+type TIPCEvent struct {
+	Event uint32
+	Lower uint32
+	Upper uint32
+	Port  TIPCSocketAddr
+	S     TIPCSubscr
+type TIPCGroupReq struct {
+	Type     uint32
+	Instance uint32
+	Scope    uint32
+	Flags    uint32
+type TIPCSIOCLNReq struct {
+	Peer     uint32
+	Id       uint32
+	Linkname [68]int8
+type TIPCSIOCNodeIDReq struct {
+	Peer uint32
+	Id   [16]int8
+const (
+	TIPC_NODE_SCOPE    = 0x3
+const (
+	SYSLOG_ACTION_OPEN          = 1
+	SYSLOG_ACTION_READ          = 2
+const (
+	DEVLINK_CMD_UNSPEC                        = 0x0
+	DEVLINK_CMD_GET                           = 0x1
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SET                           = 0x2
+	DEVLINK_CMD_NEW                           = 0x3
+	DEVLINK_CMD_DEL                           = 0x4
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_GET                      = 0x5
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_SET                      = 0x6
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_NEW                      = 0x7
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_DEL                      = 0x8
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_SPLIT                    = 0x9
+	DEVLINK_CMD_PORT_UNSPLIT                  = 0xa
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_GET                        = 0xb
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_SET                        = 0xc
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_NEW                        = 0xd
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_DEL                        = 0xe
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_POOL_GET                   = 0xf
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_POOL_SET                   = 0x10
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_POOL_NEW                   = 0x11
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_POOL_DEL                   = 0x12
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_PORT_POOL_GET              = 0x13
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_PORT_POOL_SET              = 0x14
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_PORT_POOL_NEW              = 0x15
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_PORT_POOL_DEL              = 0x16
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_TC_POOL_BIND_GET           = 0x17
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_TC_POOL_BIND_SET           = 0x18
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_TC_POOL_BIND_NEW           = 0x19
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_TC_POOL_BIND_DEL           = 0x1a
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_OCC_SNAPSHOT               = 0x1b
+	DEVLINK_CMD_SB_OCC_MAX_CLEAR              = 0x1c
+	DEVLINK_CMD_ESWITCH_GET                   = 0x1d
+	DEVLINK_CMD_ESWITCH_SET                   = 0x1e
+	DEVLINK_CMD_DPIPE_TABLE_GET               = 0x1f
+	DEVLINK_CMD_DPIPE_ENTRIES_GET             = 0x20
+	DEVLINK_CMD_DPIPE_HEADERS_GET             = 0x21
+	DEVLINK_CMD_MAX                           = 0x44
+	DEVLINK_PORT_TYPE_NOTSET                  = 0x0
+	DEVLINK_PORT_TYPE_AUTO                    = 0x1
+	DEVLINK_PORT_TYPE_ETH                     = 0x2
+	DEVLINK_PORT_TYPE_IB                      = 0x3
+	DEVLINK_SB_POOL_TYPE_INGRESS              = 0x0
+	DEVLINK_SB_POOL_TYPE_EGRESS               = 0x1
+	DEVLINK_ESWITCH_MODE_LEGACY               = 0x0
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_UNSPEC                       = 0x0
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_BUS_NAME                     = 0x1
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DEV_NAME                     = 0x2
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_PORT_INDEX                   = 0x3
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_PORT_TYPE                    = 0x4
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_PORT_IBDEV_NAME              = 0x8
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_INDEX                     = 0xb
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_SIZE                      = 0xc
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_POOL_INDEX                = 0x11
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_POOL_TYPE                 = 0x12
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_POOL_SIZE                 = 0x13
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_THRESHOLD                 = 0x15
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_TC_INDEX                  = 0x16
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_OCC_CUR                   = 0x17
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_SB_OCC_MAX                   = 0x18
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_ESWITCH_MODE                 = 0x19
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_TABLES                 = 0x1b
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_TABLE                  = 0x1c
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_TABLE_NAME             = 0x1d
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_TABLE_SIZE             = 0x1e
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_ENTRIES                = 0x22
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_ENTRY                  = 0x23
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_MATCH                  = 0x28
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_MATCH_TYPE             = 0x2a
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_ACTION                 = 0x2b
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_VALUE                  = 0x2e
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_VALUE_MASK             = 0x2f
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_HEADERS                = 0x31
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_HEADER                 = 0x32
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_HEADER_ID              = 0x34
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_FIELD                  = 0x38
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_FIELD_NAME             = 0x39
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_DPIPE_FIELD_ID               = 0x3a
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_PAD                          = 0x3d
+	DEVLINK_ATTR_MAX                          = 0x89
+	DEVLINK_DPIPE_HEADER_IPV4                 = 0x1
+	DEVLINK_DPIPE_HEADER_IPV6                 = 0x2
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/asm_windows_386.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/asm_windows_386.s
deleted file mode 100644
index 21d994d..0000000
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/asm_windows_386.s
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// System calls for 386, Windows are implemented in runtime/syscall_windows.goc
-TEXT ·getprocaddress(SB), 7, $0-16
-	JMP	syscall·getprocaddress(SB)
-TEXT ·loadlibrary(SB), 7, $0-12
-	JMP	syscall·loadlibrary(SB)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/asm_windows_amd64.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/asm_windows_amd64.s
deleted file mode 100644
index 5bfdf79..0000000
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/asm_windows_amd64.s
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// System calls for amd64, Windows are implemented in runtime/syscall_windows.goc
-TEXT ·getprocaddress(SB), 7, $0-32
-	JMP	syscall·getprocaddress(SB)
-TEXT ·loadlibrary(SB), 7, $0-24
-	JMP	syscall·loadlibrary(SB)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/asm_windows_arm.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/asm_windows_arm.s
deleted file mode 100644
index 55d8b91..0000000
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/asm_windows_arm.s
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "textflag.h"
-TEXT ·getprocaddress(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
-	B	syscall·getprocaddress(SB)
-TEXT ·loadlibrary(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
-	B	syscall·loadlibrary(SB)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/dll_windows.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/dll_windows.go
index ba67658..d777113 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/dll_windows.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/dll_windows.go
@@ -11,6 +11,18 @@ import (
+// We need to use LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress from the Go runtime, because
+// the these symbols are loaded by the system linker and are required to
+// dynamically load additional symbols. Note that in the Go runtime, these
+// return syscall.Handle and syscall.Errno, but these are the same, in fact,
+// as windows.Handle and windows.Errno, and we intend to keep these the same.
+//go:linkname syscall_loadlibrary syscall.loadlibrary
+func syscall_loadlibrary(filename *uint16) (handle Handle, err Errno)
+//go:linkname syscall_getprocaddress syscall.getprocaddress
+func syscall_getprocaddress(handle Handle, procname *uint8) (proc uintptr, err Errno)
 // DLLError describes reasons for DLL load failures.
 type DLLError struct {
 	Err     error
@@ -20,10 +32,6 @@ type DLLError struct {
 func (e *DLLError) Error() string { return e.Msg }
-// Implemented in runtime/syscall_windows.goc; we provide jumps to them in our assembly file.
-func loadlibrary(filename *uint16) (handle uintptr, err syscall.Errno)
-func getprocaddress(handle uintptr, procname *uint8) (proc uintptr, err syscall.Errno)
 // A DLL implements access to a single DLL.
 type DLL struct {
 	Name   string
@@ -40,7 +48,7 @@ func LoadDLL(name string) (dll *DLL, err error) {
 	if err != nil {
 		return nil, err
-	h, e := loadlibrary(namep)
+	h, e := syscall_loadlibrary(namep)
 	if e != 0 {
 		return nil, &DLLError{
 			Err:     e,
@@ -50,7 +58,7 @@ func LoadDLL(name string) (dll *DLL, err error) {
 	d := &DLL{
 		Name:   name,
-		Handle: Handle(h),
+		Handle: h,
 	return d, nil
@@ -71,7 +79,7 @@ func (d *DLL) FindProc(name string) (proc *Proc, err error) {
 	if err != nil {
 		return nil, err
-	a, e := getprocaddress(uintptr(d.Handle), namep)
+	a, e := syscall_getprocaddress(d.Handle, namep)
 	if e != 0 {
 		return nil, &DLLError{
 			Err:     e,
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/empty.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/empty.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69309e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/empty.s
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// +build !go1.12
+// This file is here to allow bodyless functions with go:linkname for Go 1.11
+// and earlier (see https://golang.org/issue/23311).
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/mksyscall.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/mksyscall.go
index 6277057..328e3b2 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/mksyscall.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/mksyscall.go
@@ -6,4 +6,4 @@
 package windows
-//go:generate go run $GOROOT/src/syscall/mksyscall_windows.go -output zsyscall_windows.go eventlog.go service.go syscall_windows.go security_windows.go
+//go:generate go run golang.org/x/sys/windows/mkwinsyscall -output zsyscall_windows.go eventlog.go service.go syscall_windows.go security_windows.go
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/security_windows.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/security_windows.go
index 61b4964..4b6eff1 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/security_windows.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/security_windows.go
@@ -9,14 +9,6 @@ import (
-const (
-	STANDARD_RIGHTS_READ     = 0x20000
-	STANDARD_RIGHTS_ALL      = 0x1F0000
 const (
 	NameUnknown          = 0
 	NameFullyQualifiedDN = 1
@@ -235,16 +227,15 @@ func LookupSID(system, account string) (sid *SID, domain string, accType uint32,
-// String converts SID to a string format
-// suitable for display, storage, or transmission.
-func (sid *SID) String() (string, error) {
+// String converts SID to a string format suitable for display, storage, or transmission.
+func (sid *SID) String() string {
 	var s *uint16
 	e := ConvertSidToStringSid(sid, &s)
 	if e != nil {
-		return "", e
+		return ""
 	defer LocalFree((Handle)(unsafe.Pointer(s)))
-	return UTF16ToString((*[256]uint16)(unsafe.Pointer(s))[:]), nil
+	return UTF16ToString((*[256]uint16)(unsafe.Pointer(s))[:])
 // Len returns the length, in bytes, of a valid security identifier SID.
@@ -644,6 +635,8 @@ func (tml *Tokenmandatorylabel) Size() uint32 {
 //sys	DuplicateTokenEx(existingToken Token, desiredAccess uint32, tokenAttributes *SecurityAttributes, impersonationLevel uint32, tokenType uint32, newToken *Token) (err error) = advapi32.DuplicateTokenEx
 //sys	GetUserProfileDirectory(t Token, dir *uint16, dirLen *uint32) (err error) = userenv.GetUserProfileDirectoryW
 //sys	getSystemDirectory(dir *uint16, dirLen uint32) (len uint32, err error) = kernel32.GetSystemDirectoryW
+//sys	getWindowsDirectory(dir *uint16, dirLen uint32) (len uint32, err error) = kernel32.GetWindowsDirectoryW
+//sys	getSystemWindowsDirectory(dir *uint16, dirLen uint32) (len uint32, err error) = kernel32.GetSystemWindowsDirectoryW
 // An access token contains the security information for a logon session.
 // The system creates an access token when a user logs on, and every
@@ -654,21 +647,16 @@ func (tml *Tokenmandatorylabel) Size() uint32 {
 // system-related operations on the local computer.
 type Token Handle
-// OpenCurrentProcessToken opens the access token
-// associated with current process. It is a real
-// token that needs to be closed, unlike
-// GetCurrentProcessToken.
+// OpenCurrentProcessToken opens an access token associated with current
+// process with TOKEN_QUERY access. It is a real token that needs to be closed.
+// Deprecated: Explicitly call OpenProcessToken(CurrentProcess(), ...)
+// with the desired access instead, or use GetCurrentProcessToken for a
+// TOKEN_QUERY token.
 func OpenCurrentProcessToken() (Token, error) {
-	p, e := GetCurrentProcess()
-	if e != nil {
-		return 0, e
-	}
-	var t Token
-	e = OpenProcessToken(p, TOKEN_QUERY, &t)
-	if e != nil {
-		return 0, e
-	}
-	return t, nil
+	var token Token
+	err := OpenProcessToken(CurrentProcess(), TOKEN_QUERY, &token)
+	return token, err
 // GetCurrentProcessToken returns the access token associated with
@@ -785,8 +773,8 @@ func (token Token) GetLinkedToken() (Token, error) {
 	return linkedToken, nil
-// GetSystemDirectory retrieves path to current location of the system
-// directory, which is typically, though not always, C:\Windows\System32.
+// GetSystemDirectory retrieves the path to current location of the system
+// directory, which is typically, though not always, `C:\Windows\System32`.
 func GetSystemDirectory() (string, error) {
 	n := uint32(MAX_PATH)
 	for {
@@ -802,6 +790,42 @@ func GetSystemDirectory() (string, error) {
+// GetWindowsDirectory retrieves the path to current location of the Windows
+// directory, which is typically, though not always, `C:\Windows`. This may
+// be a private user directory in the case that the application is running
+// under a terminal server.
+func GetWindowsDirectory() (string, error) {
+	n := uint32(MAX_PATH)
+	for {
+		b := make([]uint16, n)
+		l, e := getWindowsDirectory(&b[0], n)
+		if e != nil {
+			return "", e
+		}
+		if l <= n {
+			return UTF16ToString(b[:l]), nil
+		}
+		n = l
+	}
+// GetSystemWindowsDirectory retrieves the path to current location of the
+// Windows directory, which is typically, though not always, `C:\Windows`.
+func GetSystemWindowsDirectory() (string, error) {
+	n := uint32(MAX_PATH)
+	for {
+		b := make([]uint16, n)
+		l, e := getSystemWindowsDirectory(&b[0], n)
+		if e != nil {
+			return "", e
+		}
+		if l <= n {
+			return UTF16ToString(b[:l]), nil
+		}
+		n = l
+	}
 // IsMember reports whether the access token t is a member of the provided SID.
 func (t Token) IsMember(sid *SID) (bool, error) {
 	var b int32
@@ -852,3 +876,521 @@ type WTS_SESSION_INFO struct {
 //sys WTSQueryUserToken(session uint32, token *Token) (err error) = wtsapi32.WTSQueryUserToken
 //sys WTSEnumerateSessions(handle Handle, reserved uint32, version uint32, sessions **WTS_SESSION_INFO, count *uint32) (err error) = wtsapi32.WTSEnumerateSessionsW
 //sys WTSFreeMemory(ptr uintptr) = wtsapi32.WTSFreeMemory
+type ACL struct {
+	aclRevision byte
+	sbz1        byte
+	aclSize     uint16
+	aceCount    uint16
+	sbz2        uint16
+	revision byte
+	sbz1     byte
+	owner    *SID
+	group    *SID
+	sacl     *ACL
+	dacl     *ACL
+type SecurityAttributes struct {
+	Length             uint32
+	SecurityDescriptor *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR
+	InheritHandle      uint32
+type SE_OBJECT_TYPE uint32
+// Constants for type SE_OBJECT_TYPE
+const (
+	SE_FILE_OBJECT             = 1
+	SE_SERVICE                 = 2
+	SE_PRINTER                 = 3
+	SE_REGISTRY_KEY            = 4
+	SE_LMSHARE                 = 5
+	SE_KERNEL_OBJECT           = 6
+	SE_WINDOW_OBJECT           = 7
+	SE_DS_OBJECT               = 8
+	SE_DS_OBJECT_ALL           = 9
+	SE_WMIGUID_OBJECT          = 11
+	SE_REGISTRY_WOW64_32KEY    = 12
+	SE_REGISTRY_WOW64_64KEY    = 13
+// Constants for type SECURITY_INFORMATION
+const (
+	OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION            = 0x00000001
+	GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION            = 0x00000002
+	DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION             = 0x00000004
+	SACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION             = 0x00000008
+	LABEL_SECURITY_INFORMATION            = 0x00000010
+	SCOPE_SECURITY_INFORMATION            = 0x00000040
+	BACKUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION           = 0x00010000
+const (
+	SE_OWNER_DEFAULTED       = 0x0001
+	SE_GROUP_DEFAULTED       = 0x0002
+	SE_DACL_PRESENT          = 0x0004
+	SE_DACL_DEFAULTED        = 0x0008
+	SE_SACL_PRESENT          = 0x0010
+	SE_SACL_DEFAULTED        = 0x0020
+	SE_DACL_PROTECTED        = 0x1000
+	SE_SACL_PROTECTED        = 0x2000
+	SE_RM_CONTROL_VALID      = 0x4000
+	SE_SELF_RELATIVE         = 0x8000
+type ACCESS_MASK uint32
+// Constants for type ACCESS_MASK
+const (
+	DELETE                   = 0x00010000
+	READ_CONTROL             = 0x00020000
+	WRITE_DAC                = 0x00040000
+	WRITE_OWNER              = 0x00080000
+	SYNCHRONIZE              = 0x00100000
+	STANDARD_RIGHTS_ALL      = 0x001F0000
+	MAXIMUM_ALLOWED          = 0x02000000
+	GENERIC_READ             = 0x80000000
+	GENERIC_WRITE            = 0x40000000
+	GENERIC_EXECUTE          = 0x20000000
+	GENERIC_ALL              = 0x10000000
+type ACCESS_MODE uint32
+// Constants for type ACCESS_MODE
+const (
+	GRANT_ACCESS      = 1
+	SET_ACCESS        = 2
+	DENY_ACCESS       = 3
+// Constants for AceFlags and Inheritance fields
+const (
+	NO_INHERITANCE                     = 0x0
+	SUB_OBJECTS_ONLY_INHERIT           = 0x1
+	INHERIT_NO_PROPAGATE               = 0x4
+	INHERIT_ONLY                       = 0x8
+	INHERITED_ACCESS_ENTRY             = 0x10
+	INHERITED_PARENT                   = 0x10000000
+	INHERITED_GRANDPARENT              = 0x20000000
+	OBJECT_INHERIT_ACE                 = 0x1
+	CONTAINER_INHERIT_ACE              = 0x2
+	NO_PROPAGATE_INHERIT_ACE           = 0x4
+	INHERIT_ONLY_ACE                   = 0x8
+	INHERITED_ACE                      = 0x10
+	VALID_INHERIT_FLAGS                = 0x1F
+const (
+type TRUSTEE_FORM uint32
+// Constants for TRUSTEE_FORM
+const (
+	TRUSTEE_IS_SID              = 0
+	TRUSTEE_IS_NAME             = 1
+	TRUSTEE_BAD_FORM            = 2
+type TRUSTEE_TYPE uint32
+// Constants for TRUSTEE_TYPE
+const (
+	TRUSTEE_IS_UNKNOWN          = 0
+	TRUSTEE_IS_USER             = 1
+	TRUSTEE_IS_GROUP            = 2
+	TRUSTEE_IS_DOMAIN           = 3
+	TRUSTEE_IS_ALIAS            = 4
+	TRUSTEE_IS_DELETED          = 6
+	TRUSTEE_IS_INVALID          = 7
+// Constants for ObjectsPresent field
+const (
+	ACE_OBJECT_TYPE_PRESENT           = 0x1
+type EXPLICIT_ACCESS struct {
+	AccessPermissions ACCESS_MASK
+	AccessMode        ACCESS_MODE
+	Inheritance       uint32
+	Trustee           TRUSTEE
+// This type is the union inside of TRUSTEE and must be created using one of the TrusteeValueFrom* functions.
+type TrusteeValue uintptr
+func TrusteeValueFromString(str string) TrusteeValue {
+	return TrusteeValue(unsafe.Pointer(StringToUTF16Ptr(str)))
+func TrusteeValueFromSID(sid *SID) TrusteeValue {
+	return TrusteeValue(unsafe.Pointer(sid))
+func TrusteeValueFromObjectsAndSid(objectsAndSid *OBJECTS_AND_SID) TrusteeValue {
+	return TrusteeValue(unsafe.Pointer(objectsAndSid))
+func TrusteeValueFromObjectsAndName(objectsAndName *OBJECTS_AND_NAME) TrusteeValue {
+	return TrusteeValue(unsafe.Pointer(objectsAndName))
+type TRUSTEE struct {
+	MultipleTrustee          *TRUSTEE
+	TrusteeForm              TRUSTEE_FORM
+	TrusteeType              TRUSTEE_TYPE
+	TrusteeValue             TrusteeValue
+type OBJECTS_AND_SID struct {
+	ObjectsPresent          uint32
+	ObjectTypeGuid          GUID
+	InheritedObjectTypeGuid GUID
+	Sid                     *SID
+type OBJECTS_AND_NAME struct {
+	ObjectsPresent          uint32
+	ObjectType              SE_OBJECT_TYPE
+	ObjectTypeName          *uint16
+	InheritedObjectTypeName *uint16
+	Name                    *uint16
+//sys	getSecurityInfo(handle Handle, objectType SE_OBJECT_TYPE, securityInformation SECURITY_INFORMATION, owner **SID, group **SID, dacl **ACL, sacl **ACL, sd **SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) (ret error) = advapi32.GetSecurityInfo
+//sys	SetSecurityInfo(handle Handle, objectType SE_OBJECT_TYPE, securityInformation SECURITY_INFORMATION, owner *SID, group *SID, dacl *ACL, sacl *ACL) = advapi32.SetSecurityInfo
+//sys	getNamedSecurityInfo(objectName string, objectType SE_OBJECT_TYPE, securityInformation SECURITY_INFORMATION, owner **SID, group **SID, dacl **ACL, sacl **ACL, sd **SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) (ret error) = advapi32.GetNamedSecurityInfoW
+//sys	SetNamedSecurityInfo(objectName string, objectType SE_OBJECT_TYPE, securityInformation SECURITY_INFORMATION, owner *SID, group *SID, dacl *ACL, sacl *ACL) (ret error) = advapi32.SetNamedSecurityInfoW
+//sys	buildSecurityDescriptor(owner *TRUSTEE, group *TRUSTEE, countAccessEntries uint32, accessEntries *EXPLICIT_ACCESS, countAuditEntries uint32, auditEntries *EXPLICIT_ACCESS, oldSecurityDescriptor *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, sizeNewSecurityDescriptor *uint32, newSecurityDescriptor **SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) (ret error) = advapi32.BuildSecurityDescriptorW
+//sys	initializeSecurityDescriptor(absoluteSD *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, revision uint32) (err error) = advapi32.InitializeSecurityDescriptor
+//sys	getSecurityDescriptorControl(sd *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, control *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_CONTROL, revision *uint32) (err error) = advapi32.GetSecurityDescriptorControl
+//sys	getSecurityDescriptorDacl(sd *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, daclPresent *bool, dacl **ACL, daclDefaulted *bool) (err error) = advapi32.GetSecurityDescriptorDacl
+//sys	getSecurityDescriptorSacl(sd *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, saclPresent *bool, sacl **ACL, saclDefaulted *bool) (err error) = advapi32.GetSecurityDescriptorSacl
+//sys	getSecurityDescriptorOwner(sd *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, owner **SID, ownerDefaulted *bool) (err error) = advapi32.GetSecurityDescriptorOwner
+//sys	getSecurityDescriptorGroup(sd *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, group **SID, groupDefaulted *bool) (err error) = advapi32.GetSecurityDescriptorGroup
+//sys	getSecurityDescriptorLength(sd *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) (len uint32) = advapi32.GetSecurityDescriptorLength
+//sys	getSecurityDescriptorRMControl(sd *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, rmControl *uint8) (ret error) [failretval!=0] = advapi32.GetSecurityDescriptorRMControl
+//sys	isValidSecurityDescriptor(sd *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) (isValid bool) = advapi32.IsValidSecurityDescriptor
+//sys	setSecurityDescriptorControl(sd *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, controlBitsOfInterest SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_CONTROL, controlBitsToSet SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_CONTROL) (err error) = advapi32.SetSecurityDescriptorControl
+//sys	setSecurityDescriptorDacl(sd *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, daclPresent bool, dacl *ACL, daclDefaulted bool) (err error) = advapi32.SetSecurityDescriptorDacl
+//sys	setSecurityDescriptorSacl(sd *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, saclPresent bool, sacl *ACL, saclDefaulted bool) (err error) = advapi32.SetSecurityDescriptorSacl
+//sys	setSecurityDescriptorOwner(sd *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, owner *SID, ownerDefaulted bool) (err error) = advapi32.SetSecurityDescriptorOwner
+//sys	setSecurityDescriptorGroup(sd *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, group *SID, groupDefaulted bool) (err error) = advapi32.SetSecurityDescriptorGroup
+//sys	setSecurityDescriptorRMControl(sd *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, rmControl *uint8) = advapi32.SetSecurityDescriptorRMControl
+//sys	convertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptor(str string, revision uint32, sd **SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, size *uint32) (err error) = advapi32.ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptorW
+//sys	convertSecurityDescriptorToStringSecurityDescriptor(sd *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, revision uint32, securityInformation SECURITY_INFORMATION, str **uint16, strLen *uint32) (err error) = advapi32.ConvertSecurityDescriptorToStringSecurityDescriptorW
+//sys	makeAbsoluteSD(selfRelativeSD *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, absoluteSD *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, absoluteSDSize *uint32, dacl *ACL, daclSize *uint32, sacl *ACL, saclSize *uint32, owner *SID, ownerSize *uint32, group *SID, groupSize *uint32) (err error) = advapi32.MakeAbsoluteSD
+//sys	makeSelfRelativeSD(absoluteSD *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, selfRelativeSD *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, selfRelativeSDSize *uint32) (err error) = advapi32.MakeSelfRelativeSD
+//sys	setEntriesInAcl(countExplicitEntries uint32, explicitEntries *EXPLICIT_ACCESS, oldACL *ACL, newACL **ACL) (ret error) = advapi32.SetEntriesInAclW
+// Control returns the security descriptor control bits.
+func (sd *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) Control() (control SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_CONTROL, revision uint32, err error) {
+	err = getSecurityDescriptorControl(sd, &control, &revision)
+	return
+// SetControl sets the security descriptor control bits.
+	return setSecurityDescriptorControl(sd, controlBitsOfInterest, controlBitsToSet)
+// RMControl returns the security descriptor resource manager control bits.
+func (sd *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) RMControl() (control uint8, err error) {
+	err = getSecurityDescriptorRMControl(sd, &control)
+	return
+// SetRMControl sets the security descriptor resource manager control bits.
+func (sd *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) SetRMControl(rmControl uint8) {
+	setSecurityDescriptorRMControl(sd, &rmControl)
+// DACL returns the security descriptor DACL and whether it was defaulted. The dacl return value may be nil
+// if a DACL exists but is an "empty DACL", meaning fully permissive. If the DACL does not exist, err returns
+func (sd *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) DACL() (dacl *ACL, defaulted bool, err error) {
+	var present bool
+	err = getSecurityDescriptorDacl(sd, &present, &dacl, &defaulted)
+	if !present {
+	}
+	return
+// SetDACL sets the absolute security descriptor DACL.
+func (absoluteSD *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) SetDACL(dacl *ACL, present, defaulted bool) error {
+	return setSecurityDescriptorDacl(absoluteSD, present, dacl, defaulted)
+// SACL returns the security descriptor SACL and whether it was defaulted. The sacl return value may be nil
+// if a SACL exists but is an "empty SACL", meaning fully permissive. If the SACL does not exist, err returns
+func (sd *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) SACL() (sacl *ACL, defaulted bool, err error) {
+	var present bool
+	err = getSecurityDescriptorSacl(sd, &present, &sacl, &defaulted)
+	if !present {
+	}
+	return
+// SetSACL sets the absolute security descriptor SACL.
+func (absoluteSD *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) SetSACL(sacl *ACL, present, defaulted bool) error {
+	return setSecurityDescriptorSacl(absoluteSD, present, sacl, defaulted)
+// Owner returns the security descriptor owner and whether it was defaulted.
+func (sd *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) Owner() (owner *SID, defaulted bool, err error) {
+	err = getSecurityDescriptorOwner(sd, &owner, &defaulted)
+	return
+// SetOwner sets the absolute security descriptor owner.
+func (absoluteSD *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) SetOwner(owner *SID, defaulted bool) error {
+	return setSecurityDescriptorOwner(absoluteSD, owner, defaulted)
+// Group returns the security descriptor group and whether it was defaulted.
+func (sd *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) Group() (group *SID, defaulted bool, err error) {
+	err = getSecurityDescriptorGroup(sd, &group, &defaulted)
+	return
+// SetGroup sets the absolute security descriptor owner.
+func (absoluteSD *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) SetGroup(group *SID, defaulted bool) error {
+	return setSecurityDescriptorGroup(absoluteSD, group, defaulted)
+// Length returns the length of the security descriptor.
+func (sd *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) Length() uint32 {
+	return getSecurityDescriptorLength(sd)
+// IsValid returns whether the security descriptor is valid.
+func (sd *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) IsValid() bool {
+	return isValidSecurityDescriptor(sd)
+// String returns the SDDL form of the security descriptor, with a function signature that can be
+// used with %v formatting directives.
+func (sd *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) String() string {
+	var sddl *uint16
+	err := convertSecurityDescriptorToStringSecurityDescriptor(sd, 1, 0xff, &sddl, nil)
+	if err != nil {
+		return ""
+	}
+	defer LocalFree(Handle(unsafe.Pointer(sddl)))
+	return UTF16ToString((*[(1 << 30) - 1]uint16)(unsafe.Pointer(sddl))[:])
+// ToAbsolute converts a self-relative security descriptor into an absolute one.
+func (selfRelativeSD *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) ToAbsolute() (absoluteSD *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, err error) {
+	control, _, err := selfRelativeSD.Control()
+	if err != nil {
+		return
+	}
+	if control&SE_SELF_RELATIVE == 0 {
+		return
+	}
+	var absoluteSDSize, daclSize, saclSize, ownerSize, groupSize uint32
+	err = makeAbsoluteSD(selfRelativeSD, nil, &absoluteSDSize,
+		nil, &daclSize, nil, &saclSize, nil, &ownerSize, nil, &groupSize)
+	switch err {
+	case nil:
+		// makeAbsoluteSD is expected to fail, but it succeeds.
+	default:
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	if absoluteSDSize > 0 {
+		absoluteSD = (*SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR)(unsafe.Pointer(&make([]byte, absoluteSDSize)[0]))
+	}
+	var (
+		dacl  *ACL
+		sacl  *ACL
+		owner *SID
+		group *SID
+	)
+	if daclSize > 0 {
+		dacl = (*ACL)(unsafe.Pointer(&make([]byte, daclSize)[0]))
+	}
+	if saclSize > 0 {
+		sacl = (*ACL)(unsafe.Pointer(&make([]byte, saclSize)[0]))
+	}
+	if ownerSize > 0 {
+		owner = (*SID)(unsafe.Pointer(&make([]byte, ownerSize)[0]))
+	}
+	if groupSize > 0 {
+		group = (*SID)(unsafe.Pointer(&make([]byte, groupSize)[0]))
+	}
+	err = makeAbsoluteSD(selfRelativeSD, absoluteSD, &absoluteSDSize,
+		dacl, &daclSize, sacl, &saclSize, owner, &ownerSize, group, &groupSize)
+	return
+// ToSelfRelative converts an absolute security descriptor into a self-relative one.
+func (absoluteSD *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) ToSelfRelative() (selfRelativeSD *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, err error) {
+	control, _, err := absoluteSD.Control()
+	if err != nil {
+		return
+	}
+	if control&SE_SELF_RELATIVE != 0 {
+		return
+	}
+	var selfRelativeSDSize uint32
+	err = makeSelfRelativeSD(absoluteSD, nil, &selfRelativeSDSize)
+	switch err {
+	case nil:
+		// makeSelfRelativeSD is expected to fail, but it succeeds.
+	default:
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	if selfRelativeSDSize > 0 {
+		selfRelativeSD = (*SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR)(unsafe.Pointer(&make([]byte, selfRelativeSDSize)[0]))
+	}
+	err = makeSelfRelativeSD(absoluteSD, selfRelativeSD, &selfRelativeSDSize)
+	return
+func (selfRelativeSD *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) copySelfRelativeSecurityDescriptor() *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR {
+	sdBytes := make([]byte, selfRelativeSD.Length())
+	copy(sdBytes, (*[(1 << 31) - 1]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(selfRelativeSD))[:len(sdBytes)])
+	return (*SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR)(unsafe.Pointer(&sdBytes[0]))
+// SecurityDescriptorFromString converts an SDDL string describing a security descriptor into a
+// self-relative security descriptor object allocated on the Go heap.
+func SecurityDescriptorFromString(sddl string) (sd *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, err error) {
+	err = convertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptor(sddl, 1, &winHeapSD, nil)
+	if err != nil {
+		return
+	}
+	defer LocalFree(Handle(unsafe.Pointer(winHeapSD)))
+	return winHeapSD.copySelfRelativeSecurityDescriptor(), nil
+// GetSecurityInfo queries the security information for a given handle and returns the self-relative security
+// descriptor result on the Go heap.
+func GetSecurityInfo(handle Handle, objectType SE_OBJECT_TYPE, securityInformation SECURITY_INFORMATION) (sd *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, err error) {
+	err = getSecurityInfo(handle, objectType, securityInformation, nil, nil, nil, nil, &winHeapSD)
+	if err != nil {
+		return
+	}
+	defer LocalFree(Handle(unsafe.Pointer(winHeapSD)))
+	return winHeapSD.copySelfRelativeSecurityDescriptor(), nil
+// GetNamedSecurityInfo queries the security information for a given named object and returns the self-relative security
+// descriptor result on the Go heap.
+func GetNamedSecurityInfo(objectName string, objectType SE_OBJECT_TYPE, securityInformation SECURITY_INFORMATION) (sd *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, err error) {
+	err = getNamedSecurityInfo(objectName, objectType, securityInformation, nil, nil, nil, nil, &winHeapSD)
+	if err != nil {
+		return
+	}
+	defer LocalFree(Handle(unsafe.Pointer(winHeapSD)))
+	return winHeapSD.copySelfRelativeSecurityDescriptor(), nil
+// BuildSecurityDescriptor makes a new security descriptor using the input trustees, explicit access lists, and
+// prior security descriptor to be merged, any of which can be nil, returning the self-relative security descriptor
+// result on the Go heap.
+func BuildSecurityDescriptor(owner *TRUSTEE, group *TRUSTEE, accessEntries []EXPLICIT_ACCESS, auditEntries []EXPLICIT_ACCESS, mergedSecurityDescriptor *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) (sd *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, err error) {
+	var winHeapSDSize uint32
+	var firstAccessEntry *EXPLICIT_ACCESS
+	if len(accessEntries) > 0 {
+		firstAccessEntry = &accessEntries[0]
+	}
+	var firstAuditEntry *EXPLICIT_ACCESS
+	if len(auditEntries) > 0 {
+		firstAuditEntry = &auditEntries[0]
+	}
+	err = buildSecurityDescriptor(owner, group, uint32(len(accessEntries)), firstAccessEntry, uint32(len(auditEntries)), firstAuditEntry, mergedSecurityDescriptor, &winHeapSDSize, &winHeapSD)
+	if err != nil {
+		return
+	}
+	defer LocalFree(Handle(unsafe.Pointer(winHeapSD)))
+	return winHeapSD.copySelfRelativeSecurityDescriptor(), nil
+// NewSecurityDescriptor creates and initializes a new absolute security descriptor.
+func NewSecurityDescriptor() (absoluteSD *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, err error) {
+	err = initializeSecurityDescriptor(absoluteSD, 1)
+	return
+// ACLFromEntries returns a new ACL on the Go heap containing a list of explicit entries as well as those of another ACL.
+// Both explicitEntries and mergedACL are optional and can be nil.
+func ACLFromEntries(explicitEntries []EXPLICIT_ACCESS, mergedACL *ACL) (acl *ACL, err error) {
+	var firstExplicitEntry *EXPLICIT_ACCESS
+	if len(explicitEntries) > 0 {
+		firstExplicitEntry = &explicitEntries[0]
+	}
+	var winHeapACL *ACL
+	err = setEntriesInAcl(uint32(len(explicitEntries)), firstExplicitEntry, mergedACL, &winHeapACL)
+	if err != nil {
+		return
+	}
+	defer LocalFree(Handle(unsafe.Pointer(winHeapACL)))
+	aclBytes := make([]byte, winHeapACL.aclSize)
+	copy(aclBytes, (*[(1 << 31) - 1]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(winHeapACL))[:len(aclBytes)])
+	return (*ACL)(unsafe.Pointer(&aclBytes[0])), nil
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/syscall_windows.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/syscall_windows.go
index b230509..a0cd45c 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/syscall_windows.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/syscall_windows.go
@@ -57,6 +57,10 @@ const (
 	FILE_VOLUME_IS_COMPRESSED         = 0x00008000
 	FILE_VOLUME_QUOTAS                = 0x00000020
+	// Flags for LockFileEx.
 	// Return values of SleepEx and other APC functions
 	STATUS_USER_APC    = 0x000000C0
@@ -136,6 +140,8 @@ func NewCallbackCDecl(fn interface{}) uintptr {
 //sys	LoadLibraryEx(libname string, zero Handle, flags uintptr) (handle Handle, err error) = LoadLibraryExW
 //sys	FreeLibrary(handle Handle) (err error)
 //sys	GetProcAddress(module Handle, procname string) (proc uintptr, err error)
+//sys	GetModuleFileName(module Handle, filename *uint16, size uint32) (n uint32, err error) = kernel32.GetModuleFileNameW
+//sys	GetModuleHandleEx(flags uint32, moduleName *uint16, module *Handle) (err error) = kernel32.GetModuleHandleExW
 //sys	GetVersion() (ver uint32, err error)
 //sys	FormatMessage(flags uint32, msgsrc uintptr, msgid uint32, langid uint32, buf []uint16, args *byte) (n uint32, err error) = FormatMessageW
 //sys	ExitProcess(exitcode uint32)
@@ -160,6 +166,8 @@ func NewCallbackCDecl(fn interface{}) uintptr {
 //sys	DeleteFile(path *uint16) (err error) = DeleteFileW
 //sys	MoveFile(from *uint16, to *uint16) (err error) = MoveFileW
 //sys	MoveFileEx(from *uint16, to *uint16, flags uint32) (err error) = MoveFileExW
+//sys	LockFileEx(file Handle, flags uint32, reserved uint32, bytesLow uint32, bytesHigh uint32, overlapped *Overlapped) (err error)
+//sys	UnlockFileEx(file Handle, reserved uint32, bytesLow uint32, bytesHigh uint32, overlapped *Overlapped) (err error)
 //sys	GetComputerName(buf *uint16, n *uint32) (err error) = GetComputerNameW
 //sys	GetComputerNameEx(nametype uint32, buf *uint16, n *uint32) (err error) = GetComputerNameExW
 //sys	SetEndOfFile(handle Handle) (err error)
@@ -173,13 +181,11 @@ func NewCallbackCDecl(fn interface{}) uintptr {
 //sys	CancelIoEx(s Handle, o *Overlapped) (err error)
 //sys	CreateProcess(appName *uint16, commandLine *uint16, procSecurity *SecurityAttributes, threadSecurity *SecurityAttributes, inheritHandles bool, creationFlags uint32, env *uint16, currentDir *uint16, startupInfo *StartupInfo, outProcInfo *ProcessInformation) (err error) = CreateProcessW
 //sys	OpenProcess(desiredAccess uint32, inheritHandle bool, processId uint32) (handle Handle, err error)
-//sys	ShellExecute(hwnd Handle, verb *uint16, file *uint16, args *uint16, cwd *uint16, showCmd int32) (err error) = shell32.ShellExecuteW
+//sys	ShellExecute(hwnd Handle, verb *uint16, file *uint16, args *uint16, cwd *uint16, showCmd int32) (err error) [failretval<=32] = shell32.ShellExecuteW
 //sys	shGetKnownFolderPath(id *KNOWNFOLDERID, flags uint32, token Token, path **uint16) (ret error) = shell32.SHGetKnownFolderPath
 //sys	TerminateProcess(handle Handle, exitcode uint32) (err error)
 //sys	GetExitCodeProcess(handle Handle, exitcode *uint32) (err error)
 //sys	GetStartupInfo(startupInfo *StartupInfo) (err error) = GetStartupInfoW
-//sys	GetCurrentProcess() (pseudoHandle Handle, err error)
-//sys	GetCurrentThread() (pseudoHandle Handle, err error)
 //sys	GetProcessTimes(handle Handle, creationTime *Filetime, exitTime *Filetime, kernelTime *Filetime, userTime *Filetime) (err error)
 //sys	DuplicateHandle(hSourceProcessHandle Handle, hSourceHandle Handle, hTargetProcessHandle Handle, lpTargetHandle *Handle, dwDesiredAccess uint32, bInheritHandle bool, dwOptions uint32) (err error)
 //sys	WaitForSingleObject(handle Handle, waitMilliseconds uint32) (event uint32, err error) [failretval==0xffffffff]
@@ -257,6 +263,10 @@ func NewCallbackCDecl(fn interface{}) uintptr {
 //sys	SetEvent(event Handle) (err error) = kernel32.SetEvent
 //sys	ResetEvent(event Handle) (err error) = kernel32.ResetEvent
 //sys	PulseEvent(event Handle) (err error) = kernel32.PulseEvent
+//sys	CreateMutex(mutexAttrs *SecurityAttributes, initialOwner bool, name *uint16) (handle Handle, err error) = kernel32.CreateMutexW
+//sys	CreateMutexEx(mutexAttrs *SecurityAttributes, name *uint16, flags uint32, desiredAccess uint32) (handle Handle, err error) = kernel32.CreateMutexExW
+//sys	OpenMutex(desiredAccess uint32, inheritHandle bool, name *uint16) (handle Handle, err error) = kernel32.OpenMutexW
+//sys	ReleaseMutex(mutex Handle) (err error) = kernel32.ReleaseMutex
 //sys	SleepEx(milliseconds uint32, alertable bool) (ret uint32) = kernel32.SleepEx
 //sys	CreateJobObject(jobAttr *SecurityAttributes, name *uint16) (handle Handle, err error) = kernel32.CreateJobObjectW
 //sys	AssignProcessToJobObject(job Handle, process Handle) (err error) = kernel32.AssignProcessToJobObject
@@ -269,6 +279,7 @@ func NewCallbackCDecl(fn interface{}) uintptr {
 //sys	GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent(ctrlEvent uint32, processGroupID uint32) (err error)
 //sys	GetProcessId(process Handle) (id uint32, err error)
 //sys	OpenThread(desiredAccess uint32, inheritHandle bool, threadId uint32) (handle Handle, err error)
+//sys	SetProcessPriorityBoost(process Handle, disable bool) (err error) = kernel32.SetProcessPriorityBoost
 // Volume Management Functions
 //sys	DefineDosDevice(flags uint32, deviceName *uint16, targetPath *uint16) (err error) = DefineDosDeviceW
@@ -279,6 +290,7 @@ func NewCallbackCDecl(fn interface{}) uintptr {
 //sys	FindNextVolumeMountPoint(findVolumeMountPoint Handle, volumeMountPoint *uint16, bufferLength uint32) (err error) = FindNextVolumeMountPointW
 //sys	FindVolumeClose(findVolume Handle) (err error)
 //sys	FindVolumeMountPointClose(findVolumeMountPoint Handle) (err error)
+//sys	GetDiskFreeSpaceEx(directoryName *uint16, freeBytesAvailableToCaller *uint64, totalNumberOfBytes *uint64, totalNumberOfFreeBytes *uint64) (err error) = GetDiskFreeSpaceExW
 //sys	GetDriveType(rootPathName *uint16) (driveType uint32) = GetDriveTypeW
 //sys	GetLogicalDrives() (drivesBitMask uint32, err error) [failretval==0]
 //sys	GetLogicalDriveStrings(bufferLength uint32, buffer *uint16) (n uint32, err error) [failretval==0] = GetLogicalDriveStringsW
@@ -291,14 +303,54 @@ func NewCallbackCDecl(fn interface{}) uintptr {
 //sys	SetVolumeLabel(rootPathName *uint16, volumeName *uint16) (err error) = SetVolumeLabelW
 //sys	SetVolumeMountPoint(volumeMountPoint *uint16, volumeName *uint16) (err error) = SetVolumeMountPointW
 //sys	MessageBox(hwnd Handle, text *uint16, caption *uint16, boxtype uint32) (ret int32, err error) [failretval==0] = user32.MessageBoxW
+//sys	ExitWindowsEx(flags uint32, reason uint32) (err error) = user32.ExitWindowsEx
+//sys	InitiateSystemShutdownEx(machineName *uint16, message *uint16, timeout uint32, forceAppsClosed bool, rebootAfterShutdown bool, reason uint32) (err error) = advapi32.InitiateSystemShutdownExW
+//sys	SetProcessShutdownParameters(level uint32, flags uint32) (err error) = kernel32.SetProcessShutdownParameters
+//sys	GetProcessShutdownParameters(level *uint32, flags *uint32) (err error) = kernel32.GetProcessShutdownParameters
 //sys	clsidFromString(lpsz *uint16, pclsid *GUID) (ret error) = ole32.CLSIDFromString
 //sys	stringFromGUID2(rguid *GUID, lpsz *uint16, cchMax int32) (chars int32) = ole32.StringFromGUID2
 //sys	coCreateGuid(pguid *GUID) (ret error) = ole32.CoCreateGuid
 //sys	CoTaskMemFree(address unsafe.Pointer) = ole32.CoTaskMemFree
 //sys	rtlGetVersion(info *OsVersionInfoEx) (ret error) = ntdll.RtlGetVersion
+//sys	rtlGetNtVersionNumbers(majorVersion *uint32, minorVersion *uint32, buildNumber *uint32) = ntdll.RtlGetNtVersionNumbers
+//sys	getProcessPreferredUILanguages(flags uint32, numLanguages *uint32, buf *uint16, bufSize *uint32) (err error) = kernel32.GetProcessPreferredUILanguages
+//sys	getThreadPreferredUILanguages(flags uint32, numLanguages *uint32, buf *uint16, bufSize *uint32) (err error) = kernel32.GetThreadPreferredUILanguages
+//sys	getUserPreferredUILanguages(flags uint32, numLanguages *uint32, buf *uint16, bufSize *uint32) (err error) = kernel32.GetUserPreferredUILanguages
+//sys	getSystemPreferredUILanguages(flags uint32, numLanguages *uint32, buf *uint16, bufSize *uint32) (err error) = kernel32.GetSystemPreferredUILanguages
+// Process Status API (PSAPI)
+//sys	EnumProcesses(processIds []uint32, bytesReturned *uint32) (err error) = psapi.EnumProcesses
 // syscall interface implementation for other packages
+// GetCurrentProcess returns the handle for the current process.
+// It is a pseudo handle that does not need to be closed.
+// The returned error is always nil.
+// Deprecated: use CurrentProcess for the same Handle without the nil
+// error.
+func GetCurrentProcess() (Handle, error) {
+	return CurrentProcess(), nil
+// CurrentProcess returns the handle for the current process.
+// It is a pseudo handle that does not need to be closed.
+func CurrentProcess() Handle { return Handle(^uintptr(1 - 1)) }
+// GetCurrentThread returns the handle for the current thread.
+// It is a pseudo handle that does not need to be closed.
+// The returned error is always nil.
+// Deprecated: use CurrentThread for the same Handle without the nil
+// error.
+func GetCurrentThread() (Handle, error) {
+	return CurrentThread(), nil
+// CurrentThread returns the handle for the current thread.
+// It is a pseudo handle that does not need to be closed.
+func CurrentThread() Handle { return Handle(^uintptr(2 - 1)) }
 // GetProcAddressByOrdinal retrieves the address of the exported
 // function from module by ordinal.
 func GetProcAddressByOrdinal(module Handle, ordinal uintptr) (proc uintptr, err error) {
@@ -365,7 +417,11 @@ func Open(path string, mode int, perm uint32) (fd Handle, err error) {
 		createmode = OPEN_EXISTING
-	h, e := CreateFile(pathp, access, sharemode, sa, createmode, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0)
+	var attrs uint32 = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL
+	if perm&S_IWRITE == 0 {
+	}
+	h, e := CreateFile(pathp, access, sharemode, sa, createmode, attrs, 0)
 	return h, e
@@ -645,6 +701,8 @@ const socket_error = uintptr(^uint32(0))
 //sys	WSACleanup() (err error) [failretval==socket_error] = ws2_32.WSACleanup
 //sys	WSAIoctl(s Handle, iocc uint32, inbuf *byte, cbif uint32, outbuf *byte, cbob uint32, cbbr *uint32, overlapped *Overlapped, completionRoutine uintptr) (err error) [failretval==socket_error] = ws2_32.WSAIoctl
 //sys	socket(af int32, typ int32, protocol int32) (handle Handle, err error) [failretval==InvalidHandle] = ws2_32.socket
+//sys	sendto(s Handle, buf []byte, flags int, to unsafe.Pointer, tolen int32) (err error) [failretval==socket_error] = ws2_32.sendto
+//sys	recvfrom(s Handle, buf []byte, flags int, from *RawSockaddrAny, fromlen *int) (n int, err error) [failretval==-1] = ws2_32.recvfrom
 //sys	Setsockopt(s Handle, level int32, optname int32, optval *byte, optlen int32) (err error) [failretval==socket_error] = ws2_32.setsockopt
 //sys	Getsockopt(s Handle, level int32, optname int32, optval *byte, optlen *int32) (err error) [failretval==socket_error] = ws2_32.getsockopt
 //sys	bind(s Handle, name unsafe.Pointer, namelen int32) (err error) [failretval==socket_error] = ws2_32.bind
@@ -812,7 +870,7 @@ func (rsa *RawSockaddrAny) Sockaddr() (Sockaddr, error) {
 		for n < len(pp.Path) && pp.Path[n] != 0 {
-		bytes := (*[10000]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&pp.Path[0]))[0:n]
+		bytes := (*[len(pp.Path)]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&pp.Path[0]))[0:n]
 		sa.Name = string(bytes)
 		return sa, nil
@@ -1073,10 +1131,26 @@ func NsecToTimespec(nsec int64) (ts Timespec) {
 // TODO(brainman): fix all needed for net
 func Accept(fd Handle) (nfd Handle, sa Sockaddr, err error) { return 0, nil, syscall.EWINDOWS }
 func Recvfrom(fd Handle, p []byte, flags int) (n int, from Sockaddr, err error) {
-	return 0, nil, syscall.EWINDOWS
+	var rsa RawSockaddrAny
+	l := int(unsafe.Sizeof(rsa))
+	n, err = recvfrom(fd, p, flags, &rsa, &l)
+	if err != nil {
+		return
+	}
+	from, err = rsa.Sockaddr()
+	return
-func Sendto(fd Handle, p []byte, flags int, to Sockaddr) (err error)       { return syscall.EWINDOWS }
+func Sendto(fd Handle, p []byte, flags int, to Sockaddr) (err error) {
+	ptr, l, err := to.sockaddr()
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	return sendto(fd, p, flags, ptr, l)
 func SetsockoptTimeval(fd Handle, level, opt int, tv *Timeval) (err error) { return syscall.EWINDOWS }
 // The Linger struct is wrong but we only noticed after Go 1.
@@ -1306,8 +1380,8 @@ func (t Token) KnownFolderPath(folderID *KNOWNFOLDERID, flags uint32) (string, e
 	return UTF16ToString((*[(1 << 30) - 1]uint16)(unsafe.Pointer(p))[:]), nil
-// RtlGetVersion returns the true version of the underlying operating system, ignoring
-// any manifesting or compatibility layers on top of the win32 layer.
+// RtlGetVersion returns the version of the underlying operating system, ignoring
+// manifest semantics but is affected by the application compatibility layer.
 func RtlGetVersion() *OsVersionInfoEx {
 	info := &OsVersionInfoEx{}
 	info.osVersionInfoSize = uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(*info))
@@ -1318,3 +1392,62 @@ func RtlGetVersion() *OsVersionInfoEx {
 	_ = rtlGetVersion(info)
 	return info
+// RtlGetNtVersionNumbers returns the version of the underlying operating system,
+// ignoring manifest semantics and the application compatibility layer.
+func RtlGetNtVersionNumbers() (majorVersion, minorVersion, buildNumber uint32) {
+	rtlGetNtVersionNumbers(&majorVersion, &minorVersion, &buildNumber)
+	buildNumber &= 0xffff
+	return
+// GetProcessPreferredUILanguages retrieves the process preferred UI languages.
+func GetProcessPreferredUILanguages(flags uint32) ([]string, error) {
+	return getUILanguages(flags, getProcessPreferredUILanguages)
+// GetThreadPreferredUILanguages retrieves the thread preferred UI languages for the current thread.
+func GetThreadPreferredUILanguages(flags uint32) ([]string, error) {
+	return getUILanguages(flags, getThreadPreferredUILanguages)
+// GetUserPreferredUILanguages retrieves information about the user preferred UI languages.
+func GetUserPreferredUILanguages(flags uint32) ([]string, error) {
+	return getUILanguages(flags, getUserPreferredUILanguages)
+// GetSystemPreferredUILanguages retrieves the system preferred UI languages.
+func GetSystemPreferredUILanguages(flags uint32) ([]string, error) {
+	return getUILanguages(flags, getSystemPreferredUILanguages)
+func getUILanguages(flags uint32, f func(flags uint32, numLanguages *uint32, buf *uint16, bufSize *uint32) error) ([]string, error) {
+	size := uint32(128)
+	for {
+		var numLanguages uint32
+		buf := make([]uint16, size)
+		err := f(flags, &numLanguages, &buf[0], &size)
+			continue
+		}
+		if err != nil {
+			return nil, err
+		}
+		buf = buf[:size]
+		if numLanguages == 0 || len(buf) == 0 { // GetProcessPreferredUILanguages may return numLanguages==0 with "\0\0"
+			return []string{}, nil
+		}
+		if buf[len(buf)-1] == 0 {
+			buf = buf[:len(buf)-1] // remove terminating null
+		}
+		languages := make([]string, 0, numLanguages)
+		from := 0
+		for i, c := range buf {
+			if c == 0 {
+				languages = append(languages, string(utf16.Decode(buf[from:i])))
+				from = i + 1
+			}
+		}
+		return languages, nil
+	}
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/types_windows.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/types_windows.go
index 1e3947f..8dd95a0 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/types_windows.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/types_windows.go
@@ -62,11 +62,6 @@ var signals = [...]string{
 const (
-	GENERIC_READ    = 0x80000000
-	GENERIC_WRITE   = 0x40000000
-	GENERIC_EXECUTE = 0x20000000
-	GENERIC_ALL     = 0x10000000
 	FILE_LIST_DIRECTORY   = 0x00000001
 	FILE_APPEND_DATA      = 0x00000004
@@ -158,13 +153,6 @@ const (
 	WAIT_OBJECT_0  = 0x00000000
-	// Standard access rights.
-	DELETE       = 0x00010000
-	READ_CONTROL = 0x00020000
-	SYNCHRONIZE  = 0x00100000
-	WRITE_DAC    = 0x00040000
-	WRITE_OWNER  = 0x00080000
 	// Access rights for process.
 	PROCESS_CREATE_PROCESS            = 0x0080
 	PROCESS_CREATE_THREAD             = 0x0002
@@ -483,12 +471,6 @@ func NsecToTimeval(nsec int64) (tv Timeval) {
-type SecurityAttributes struct {
-	Length             uint32
-	SecurityDescriptor uintptr
-	InheritHandle      uint32
 type Overlapped struct {
 	Internal     uintptr
 	InternalHigh uintptr
@@ -1190,6 +1172,28 @@ const (
+const (
 type AddrinfoW struct {
 	Flags     int32
 	Family    int32
@@ -1666,3 +1670,108 @@ type OsVersionInfoEx struct {
 	ProductType       byte
 	_                 byte
+const (
+	EWX_LOGOFF          = 0x00000000
+	EWX_SHUTDOWN        = 0x00000001
+	EWX_REBOOT          = 0x00000002
+	EWX_FORCE           = 0x00000004
+	EWX_POWEROFF        = 0x00000008
+	EWX_FORCEIFHUNG     = 0x00000010
+	EWX_QUICKRESOLVE    = 0x00000020
+	EWX_RESTARTAPPS     = 0x00000040
+	EWX_HYBRID_SHUTDOWN = 0x00400000
+	EWX_BOOTOPTIONS     = 0x01000000
+	SHTDN_REASON_FLAG_CLEAN_UI                  = 0x04000000
+	SHTDN_REASON_FLAG_DIRTY_UI                  = 0x08000000
+	SHTDN_REASON_FLAG_USER_DEFINED              = 0x40000000
+	SHTDN_REASON_FLAG_PLANNED                   = 0x80000000
+	SHTDN_REASON_MAJOR_OTHER                    = 0x00000000
+	SHTDN_REASON_MAJOR_NONE                     = 0x00000000
+	SHTDN_REASON_MAJOR_HARDWARE                 = 0x00010000
+	SHTDN_REASON_MAJOR_SOFTWARE                 = 0x00030000
+	SHTDN_REASON_MAJOR_APPLICATION              = 0x00040000
+	SHTDN_REASON_MAJOR_SYSTEM                   = 0x00050000
+	SHTDN_REASON_MAJOR_POWER                    = 0x00060000
+	SHTDN_REASON_MAJOR_LEGACY_API               = 0x00070000
+	SHTDN_REASON_MINOR_OTHER                    = 0x00000000
+	SHTDN_REASON_MINOR_NONE                     = 0x000000ff
+	SHTDN_REASON_MINOR_MAINTENANCE              = 0x00000001
+	SHTDN_REASON_MINOR_INSTALLATION             = 0x00000002
+	SHTDN_REASON_MINOR_UPGRADE                  = 0x00000003
+	SHTDN_REASON_MINOR_RECONFIG                 = 0x00000004
+	SHTDN_REASON_MINOR_HUNG                     = 0x00000005
+	SHTDN_REASON_MINOR_UNSTABLE                 = 0x00000006
+	SHTDN_REASON_MINOR_DISK                     = 0x00000007
+	SHTDN_REASON_MINOR_PROCESSOR                = 0x00000008
+	SHTDN_REASON_MINOR_NETWORKCARD              = 0x00000009
+	SHTDN_REASON_MINOR_POWER_SUPPLY             = 0x0000000a
+	SHTDN_REASON_MINOR_CORDUNPLUGGED            = 0x0000000b
+	SHTDN_REASON_MINOR_ENVIRONMENT              = 0x0000000c
+	SHTDN_REASON_MINOR_OTHERDRIVER              = 0x0000000e
+	SHTDN_REASON_MINOR_BLUESCREEN               = 0x0000000F
+	SHTDN_REASON_MINOR_SERVICEPACK              = 0x00000010
+	SHTDN_REASON_MINOR_HOTFIX                   = 0x00000011
+	SHTDN_REASON_MINOR_SECURITYFIX              = 0x00000012
+	SHTDN_REASON_MINOR_SECURITY                 = 0x00000013
+	SHTDN_REASON_MINOR_WMI                      = 0x00000015
+	SHTDN_REASON_MINOR_MMC                      = 0x00000019
+	SHTDN_REASON_MINOR_SYSTEMRESTORE            = 0x0000001a
+	SHTDN_REASON_MINOR_TERMSRV                  = 0x00000020
+	SHTDN_REASON_MINOR_DC_PROMOTION             = 0x00000021
+	SHTDN_REASON_MINOR_DC_DEMOTION              = 0x00000022
+	SHTDN_REASON_VALID_BIT_MASK                 = 0xc0ffffff
+// Flags used for GetModuleHandleEx
+const (
+	GET_MODULE_HANDLE_EX_FLAG_PIN                = 1
+// MUI function flag values
+const (
+	MUI_LANGUAGE_ID                    = 0x4
+	MUI_LANGUAGE_NAME                  = 0x8
+	MUI_MERGE_USER_FALLBACK            = 0x20
+	MUI_THREAD_LANGUAGES               = 0x40
+	MUI_CONSOLE_FILTER                 = 0x100
+	MUI_COMPLEX_SCRIPT_FILTER          = 0x200
+	MUI_RESET_FILTERS                  = 0x001
+	MUI_LANG_NEUTRAL_PE_FILE           = 0x100
+	MUI_NON_LANG_NEUTRAL_FILE          = 0x200
+	MUI_QUERY_TYPE                     = 0x001
+	MUI_QUERY_CHECKSUM                 = 0x002
+	MUI_QUERY_LANGUAGE_NAME            = 0x004
+	MUI_QUERY_RESOURCE_TYPES           = 0x008
+	MUI_FILEINFO_VERSION               = 0x001
+	MUI_FULL_LANGUAGE      = 0x01
+	MUI_LIP_LANGUAGE       = 0x04
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/zsyscall_windows.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/zsyscall_windows.go
index d461bed..4563918 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/zsyscall_windows.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/zsyscall_windows.go
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ var (
 	moduser32   = NewLazySystemDLL("user32.dll")
 	modole32    = NewLazySystemDLL("ole32.dll")
 	modntdll    = NewLazySystemDLL("ntdll.dll")
+	modpsapi    = NewLazySystemDLL("psapi.dll")
 	modws2_32   = NewLazySystemDLL("ws2_32.dll")
 	moddnsapi   = NewLazySystemDLL("dnsapi.dll")
 	modiphlpapi = NewLazySystemDLL("iphlpapi.dll")
@@ -51,261 +52,308 @@ var (
 	modnetapi32 = NewLazySystemDLL("netapi32.dll")
 	modwtsapi32 = NewLazySystemDLL("wtsapi32.dll")
-	procRegisterEventSourceW               = modadvapi32.NewProc("RegisterEventSourceW")
-	procDeregisterEventSource              = modadvapi32.NewProc("DeregisterEventSource")
-	procReportEventW                       = modadvapi32.NewProc("ReportEventW")
-	procOpenSCManagerW                     = modadvapi32.NewProc("OpenSCManagerW")
-	procCloseServiceHandle                 = modadvapi32.NewProc("CloseServiceHandle")
-	procCreateServiceW                     = modadvapi32.NewProc("CreateServiceW")
-	procOpenServiceW                       = modadvapi32.NewProc("OpenServiceW")
-	procDeleteService                      = modadvapi32.NewProc("DeleteService")
-	procStartServiceW                      = modadvapi32.NewProc("StartServiceW")
-	procQueryServiceStatus                 = modadvapi32.NewProc("QueryServiceStatus")
-	procQueryServiceLockStatusW            = modadvapi32.NewProc("QueryServiceLockStatusW")
-	procControlService                     = modadvapi32.NewProc("ControlService")
-	procStartServiceCtrlDispatcherW        = modadvapi32.NewProc("StartServiceCtrlDispatcherW")
-	procSetServiceStatus                   = modadvapi32.NewProc("SetServiceStatus")
-	procChangeServiceConfigW               = modadvapi32.NewProc("ChangeServiceConfigW")
-	procQueryServiceConfigW                = modadvapi32.NewProc("QueryServiceConfigW")
-	procChangeServiceConfig2W              = modadvapi32.NewProc("ChangeServiceConfig2W")
-	procQueryServiceConfig2W               = modadvapi32.NewProc("QueryServiceConfig2W")
-	procEnumServicesStatusExW              = modadvapi32.NewProc("EnumServicesStatusExW")
-	procQueryServiceStatusEx               = modadvapi32.NewProc("QueryServiceStatusEx")
-	procNotifyServiceStatusChangeW         = modadvapi32.NewProc("NotifyServiceStatusChangeW")
-	procGetLastError                       = modkernel32.NewProc("GetLastError")
-	procLoadLibraryW                       = modkernel32.NewProc("LoadLibraryW")
-	procLoadLibraryExW                     = modkernel32.NewProc("LoadLibraryExW")
-	procFreeLibrary                        = modkernel32.NewProc("FreeLibrary")
-	procGetProcAddress                     = modkernel32.NewProc("GetProcAddress")
-	procGetVersion                         = modkernel32.NewProc("GetVersion")
-	procFormatMessageW                     = modkernel32.NewProc("FormatMessageW")
-	procExitProcess                        = modkernel32.NewProc("ExitProcess")
-	procIsWow64Process                     = modkernel32.NewProc("IsWow64Process")
-	procCreateFileW                        = modkernel32.NewProc("CreateFileW")
-	procReadFile                           = modkernel32.NewProc("ReadFile")
-	procWriteFile                          = modkernel32.NewProc("WriteFile")
-	procGetOverlappedResult                = modkernel32.NewProc("GetOverlappedResult")
-	procSetFilePointer                     = modkernel32.NewProc("SetFilePointer")
-	procCloseHandle                        = modkernel32.NewProc("CloseHandle")
-	procGetStdHandle                       = modkernel32.NewProc("GetStdHandle")
-	procSetStdHandle                       = modkernel32.NewProc("SetStdHandle")
-	procFindFirstFileW                     = modkernel32.NewProc("FindFirstFileW")
-	procFindNextFileW                      = modkernel32.NewProc("FindNextFileW")
-	procFindClose                          = modkernel32.NewProc("FindClose")
-	procGetFileInformationByHandle         = modkernel32.NewProc("GetFileInformationByHandle")
-	procGetFileInformationByHandleEx       = modkernel32.NewProc("GetFileInformationByHandleEx")
-	procGetCurrentDirectoryW               = modkernel32.NewProc("GetCurrentDirectoryW")
-	procSetCurrentDirectoryW               = modkernel32.NewProc("SetCurrentDirectoryW")
-	procCreateDirectoryW                   = modkernel32.NewProc("CreateDirectoryW")
-	procRemoveDirectoryW                   = modkernel32.NewProc("RemoveDirectoryW")
-	procDeleteFileW                        = modkernel32.NewProc("DeleteFileW")
-	procMoveFileW                          = modkernel32.NewProc("MoveFileW")
-	procMoveFileExW                        = modkernel32.NewProc("MoveFileExW")
-	procGetComputerNameW                   = modkernel32.NewProc("GetComputerNameW")
-	procGetComputerNameExW                 = modkernel32.NewProc("GetComputerNameExW")
-	procSetEndOfFile                       = modkernel32.NewProc("SetEndOfFile")
-	procGetSystemTimeAsFileTime            = modkernel32.NewProc("GetSystemTimeAsFileTime")
-	procGetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime     = modkernel32.NewProc("GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime")
-	procGetTimeZoneInformation             = modkernel32.NewProc("GetTimeZoneInformation")
-	procCreateIoCompletionPort             = modkernel32.NewProc("CreateIoCompletionPort")
-	procGetQueuedCompletionStatus          = modkernel32.NewProc("GetQueuedCompletionStatus")
-	procPostQueuedCompletionStatus         = modkernel32.NewProc("PostQueuedCompletionStatus")
-	procCancelIo                           = modkernel32.NewProc("CancelIo")
-	procCancelIoEx                         = modkernel32.NewProc("CancelIoEx")
-	procCreateProcessW                     = modkernel32.NewProc("CreateProcessW")
-	procOpenProcess                        = modkernel32.NewProc("OpenProcess")
-	procShellExecuteW                      = modshell32.NewProc("ShellExecuteW")
-	procSHGetKnownFolderPath               = modshell32.NewProc("SHGetKnownFolderPath")
-	procTerminateProcess                   = modkernel32.NewProc("TerminateProcess")
-	procGetExitCodeProcess                 = modkernel32.NewProc("GetExitCodeProcess")
-	procGetStartupInfoW                    = modkernel32.NewProc("GetStartupInfoW")
-	procGetCurrentProcess                  = modkernel32.NewProc("GetCurrentProcess")
-	procGetCurrentThread                   = modkernel32.NewProc("GetCurrentThread")
-	procGetProcessTimes                    = modkernel32.NewProc("GetProcessTimes")
-	procDuplicateHandle                    = modkernel32.NewProc("DuplicateHandle")
-	procWaitForSingleObject                = modkernel32.NewProc("WaitForSingleObject")
-	procWaitForMultipleObjects             = modkernel32.NewProc("WaitForMultipleObjects")
-	procGetTempPathW                       = modkernel32.NewProc("GetTempPathW")
-	procCreatePipe                         = modkernel32.NewProc("CreatePipe")
-	procGetFileType                        = modkernel32.NewProc("GetFileType")
-	procCryptAcquireContextW               = modadvapi32.NewProc("CryptAcquireContextW")
-	procCryptReleaseContext                = modadvapi32.NewProc("CryptReleaseContext")
-	procCryptGenRandom                     = modadvapi32.NewProc("CryptGenRandom")
-	procGetEnvironmentStringsW             = modkernel32.NewProc("GetEnvironmentStringsW")
-	procFreeEnvironmentStringsW            = modkernel32.NewProc("FreeEnvironmentStringsW")
-	procGetEnvironmentVariableW            = modkernel32.NewProc("GetEnvironmentVariableW")
-	procSetEnvironmentVariableW            = modkernel32.NewProc("SetEnvironmentVariableW")
-	procCreateEnvironmentBlock             = moduserenv.NewProc("CreateEnvironmentBlock")
-	procDestroyEnvironmentBlock            = moduserenv.NewProc("DestroyEnvironmentBlock")
-	procGetTickCount64                     = modkernel32.NewProc("GetTickCount64")
-	procSetFileTime                        = modkernel32.NewProc("SetFileTime")
-	procGetFileAttributesW                 = modkernel32.NewProc("GetFileAttributesW")
-	procSetFileAttributesW                 = modkernel32.NewProc("SetFileAttributesW")
-	procGetFileAttributesExW               = modkernel32.NewProc("GetFileAttributesExW")
-	procGetCommandLineW                    = modkernel32.NewProc("GetCommandLineW")
-	procCommandLineToArgvW                 = modshell32.NewProc("CommandLineToArgvW")
-	procLocalFree                          = modkernel32.NewProc("LocalFree")
-	procSetHandleInformation               = modkernel32.NewProc("SetHandleInformation")
-	procFlushFileBuffers                   = modkernel32.NewProc("FlushFileBuffers")
-	procGetFullPathNameW                   = modkernel32.NewProc("GetFullPathNameW")
-	procGetLongPathNameW                   = modkernel32.NewProc("GetLongPathNameW")
-	procGetShortPathNameW                  = modkernel32.NewProc("GetShortPathNameW")
-	procCreateFileMappingW                 = modkernel32.NewProc("CreateFileMappingW")
-	procMapViewOfFile                      = modkernel32.NewProc("MapViewOfFile")
-	procUnmapViewOfFile                    = modkernel32.NewProc("UnmapViewOfFile")
-	procFlushViewOfFile                    = modkernel32.NewProc("FlushViewOfFile")
-	procVirtualLock                        = modkernel32.NewProc("VirtualLock")
-	procVirtualUnlock                      = modkernel32.NewProc("VirtualUnlock")
-	procVirtualAlloc                       = modkernel32.NewProc("VirtualAlloc")
-	procVirtualFree                        = modkernel32.NewProc("VirtualFree")
-	procVirtualProtect                     = modkernel32.NewProc("VirtualProtect")
-	procTransmitFile                       = modmswsock.NewProc("TransmitFile")
-	procReadDirectoryChangesW              = modkernel32.NewProc("ReadDirectoryChangesW")
-	procCertOpenSystemStoreW               = modcrypt32.NewProc("CertOpenSystemStoreW")
-	procCertOpenStore                      = modcrypt32.NewProc("CertOpenStore")
-	procCertEnumCertificatesInStore        = modcrypt32.NewProc("CertEnumCertificatesInStore")
-	procCertAddCertificateContextToStore   = modcrypt32.NewProc("CertAddCertificateContextToStore")
-	procCertCloseStore                     = modcrypt32.NewProc("CertCloseStore")
-	procCertGetCertificateChain            = modcrypt32.NewProc("CertGetCertificateChain")
-	procCertFreeCertificateChain           = modcrypt32.NewProc("CertFreeCertificateChain")
-	procCertCreateCertificateContext       = modcrypt32.NewProc("CertCreateCertificateContext")
-	procCertFreeCertificateContext         = modcrypt32.NewProc("CertFreeCertificateContext")
-	procCertVerifyCertificateChainPolicy   = modcrypt32.NewProc("CertVerifyCertificateChainPolicy")
-	procRegOpenKeyExW                      = modadvapi32.NewProc("RegOpenKeyExW")
-	procRegCloseKey                        = modadvapi32.NewProc("RegCloseKey")
-	procRegQueryInfoKeyW                   = modadvapi32.NewProc("RegQueryInfoKeyW")
-	procRegEnumKeyExW                      = modadvapi32.NewProc("RegEnumKeyExW")
-	procRegQueryValueExW                   = modadvapi32.NewProc("RegQueryValueExW")
-	procGetCurrentProcessId                = modkernel32.NewProc("GetCurrentProcessId")
-	procGetConsoleMode                     = modkernel32.NewProc("GetConsoleMode")
-	procSetConsoleMode                     = modkernel32.NewProc("SetConsoleMode")
-	procGetConsoleScreenBufferInfo         = modkernel32.NewProc("GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo")
-	procWriteConsoleW                      = modkernel32.NewProc("WriteConsoleW")
-	procReadConsoleW                       = modkernel32.NewProc("ReadConsoleW")
-	procCreateToolhelp32Snapshot           = modkernel32.NewProc("CreateToolhelp32Snapshot")
-	procProcess32FirstW                    = modkernel32.NewProc("Process32FirstW")
-	procProcess32NextW                     = modkernel32.NewProc("Process32NextW")
-	procThread32First                      = modkernel32.NewProc("Thread32First")
-	procThread32Next                       = modkernel32.NewProc("Thread32Next")
-	procDeviceIoControl                    = modkernel32.NewProc("DeviceIoControl")
-	procCreateSymbolicLinkW                = modkernel32.NewProc("CreateSymbolicLinkW")
-	procCreateHardLinkW                    = modkernel32.NewProc("CreateHardLinkW")
-	procGetCurrentThreadId                 = modkernel32.NewProc("GetCurrentThreadId")
-	procCreateEventW                       = modkernel32.NewProc("CreateEventW")
-	procCreateEventExW                     = modkernel32.NewProc("CreateEventExW")
-	procOpenEventW                         = modkernel32.NewProc("OpenEventW")
-	procSetEvent                           = modkernel32.NewProc("SetEvent")
-	procResetEvent                         = modkernel32.NewProc("ResetEvent")
-	procPulseEvent                         = modkernel32.NewProc("PulseEvent")
-	procSleepEx                            = modkernel32.NewProc("SleepEx")
-	procCreateJobObjectW                   = modkernel32.NewProc("CreateJobObjectW")
-	procAssignProcessToJobObject           = modkernel32.NewProc("AssignProcessToJobObject")
-	procTerminateJobObject                 = modkernel32.NewProc("TerminateJobObject")
-	procSetErrorMode                       = modkernel32.NewProc("SetErrorMode")
-	procResumeThread                       = modkernel32.NewProc("ResumeThread")
-	procSetPriorityClass                   = modkernel32.NewProc("SetPriorityClass")
-	procGetPriorityClass                   = modkernel32.NewProc("GetPriorityClass")
-	procSetInformationJobObject            = modkernel32.NewProc("SetInformationJobObject")
-	procGenerateConsoleCtrlEvent           = modkernel32.NewProc("GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent")
-	procGetProcessId                       = modkernel32.NewProc("GetProcessId")
-	procOpenThread                         = modkernel32.NewProc("OpenThread")
-	procDefineDosDeviceW                   = modkernel32.NewProc("DefineDosDeviceW")
-	procDeleteVolumeMountPointW            = modkernel32.NewProc("DeleteVolumeMountPointW")
-	procFindFirstVolumeW                   = modkernel32.NewProc("FindFirstVolumeW")
-	procFindFirstVolumeMountPointW         = modkernel32.NewProc("FindFirstVolumeMountPointW")
-	procFindNextVolumeW                    = modkernel32.NewProc("FindNextVolumeW")
-	procFindNextVolumeMountPointW          = modkernel32.NewProc("FindNextVolumeMountPointW")
-	procFindVolumeClose                    = modkernel32.NewProc("FindVolumeClose")
-	procFindVolumeMountPointClose          = modkernel32.NewProc("FindVolumeMountPointClose")
-	procGetDriveTypeW                      = modkernel32.NewProc("GetDriveTypeW")
-	procGetLogicalDrives                   = modkernel32.NewProc("GetLogicalDrives")
-	procGetLogicalDriveStringsW            = modkernel32.NewProc("GetLogicalDriveStringsW")
-	procGetVolumeInformationW              = modkernel32.NewProc("GetVolumeInformationW")
-	procGetVolumeInformationByHandleW      = modkernel32.NewProc("GetVolumeInformationByHandleW")
-	procGetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointW  = modkernel32.NewProc("GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointW")
-	procGetVolumePathNameW                 = modkernel32.NewProc("GetVolumePathNameW")
-	procGetVolumePathNamesForVolumeNameW   = modkernel32.NewProc("GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeNameW")
-	procQueryDosDeviceW                    = modkernel32.NewProc("QueryDosDeviceW")
-	procSetVolumeLabelW                    = modkernel32.NewProc("SetVolumeLabelW")
-	procSetVolumeMountPointW               = modkernel32.NewProc("SetVolumeMountPointW")
-	procMessageBoxW                        = moduser32.NewProc("MessageBoxW")
-	procCLSIDFromString                    = modole32.NewProc("CLSIDFromString")
-	procStringFromGUID2                    = modole32.NewProc("StringFromGUID2")
-	procCoCreateGuid                       = modole32.NewProc("CoCreateGuid")
-	procCoTaskMemFree                      = modole32.NewProc("CoTaskMemFree")
-	procRtlGetVersion                      = modntdll.NewProc("RtlGetVersion")
-	procWSAStartup                         = modws2_32.NewProc("WSAStartup")
-	procWSACleanup                         = modws2_32.NewProc("WSACleanup")
-	procWSAIoctl                           = modws2_32.NewProc("WSAIoctl")
-	procsocket                             = modws2_32.NewProc("socket")
-	procsetsockopt                         = modws2_32.NewProc("setsockopt")
-	procgetsockopt                         = modws2_32.NewProc("getsockopt")
-	procbind                               = modws2_32.NewProc("bind")
-	procconnect                            = modws2_32.NewProc("connect")
-	procgetsockname                        = modws2_32.NewProc("getsockname")
-	procgetpeername                        = modws2_32.NewProc("getpeername")
-	proclisten                             = modws2_32.NewProc("listen")
-	procshutdown                           = modws2_32.NewProc("shutdown")
-	procclosesocket                        = modws2_32.NewProc("closesocket")
-	procAcceptEx                           = modmswsock.NewProc("AcceptEx")
-	procGetAcceptExSockaddrs               = modmswsock.NewProc("GetAcceptExSockaddrs")
-	procWSARecv                            = modws2_32.NewProc("WSARecv")
-	procWSASend                            = modws2_32.NewProc("WSASend")
-	procWSARecvFrom                        = modws2_32.NewProc("WSARecvFrom")
-	procWSASendTo                          = modws2_32.NewProc("WSASendTo")
-	procgethostbyname                      = modws2_32.NewProc("gethostbyname")
-	procgetservbyname                      = modws2_32.NewProc("getservbyname")
-	procntohs                              = modws2_32.NewProc("ntohs")
-	procgetprotobyname                     = modws2_32.NewProc("getprotobyname")
-	procDnsQuery_W                         = moddnsapi.NewProc("DnsQuery_W")
-	procDnsRecordListFree                  = moddnsapi.NewProc("DnsRecordListFree")
-	procDnsNameCompare_W                   = moddnsapi.NewProc("DnsNameCompare_W")
-	procGetAddrInfoW                       = modws2_32.NewProc("GetAddrInfoW")
-	procFreeAddrInfoW                      = modws2_32.NewProc("FreeAddrInfoW")
-	procGetIfEntry                         = modiphlpapi.NewProc("GetIfEntry")
-	procGetAdaptersInfo                    = modiphlpapi.NewProc("GetAdaptersInfo")
-	procSetFileCompletionNotificationModes = modkernel32.NewProc("SetFileCompletionNotificationModes")
-	procWSAEnumProtocolsW                  = modws2_32.NewProc("WSAEnumProtocolsW")
-	procGetAdaptersAddresses               = modiphlpapi.NewProc("GetAdaptersAddresses")
-	procGetACP                             = modkernel32.NewProc("GetACP")
-	procMultiByteToWideChar                = modkernel32.NewProc("MultiByteToWideChar")
-	procTranslateNameW                     = modsecur32.NewProc("TranslateNameW")
-	procGetUserNameExW                     = modsecur32.NewProc("GetUserNameExW")
-	procNetUserGetInfo                     = modnetapi32.NewProc("NetUserGetInfo")
-	procNetGetJoinInformation              = modnetapi32.NewProc("NetGetJoinInformation")
-	procNetApiBufferFree                   = modnetapi32.NewProc("NetApiBufferFree")
-	procLookupAccountSidW                  = modadvapi32.NewProc("LookupAccountSidW")
-	procLookupAccountNameW                 = modadvapi32.NewProc("LookupAccountNameW")
-	procConvertSidToStringSidW             = modadvapi32.NewProc("ConvertSidToStringSidW")
-	procConvertStringSidToSidW             = modadvapi32.NewProc("ConvertStringSidToSidW")
-	procGetLengthSid                       = modadvapi32.NewProc("GetLengthSid")
-	procCopySid                            = modadvapi32.NewProc("CopySid")
-	procAllocateAndInitializeSid           = modadvapi32.NewProc("AllocateAndInitializeSid")
-	procCreateWellKnownSid                 = modadvapi32.NewProc("CreateWellKnownSid")
-	procIsWellKnownSid                     = modadvapi32.NewProc("IsWellKnownSid")
-	procFreeSid                            = modadvapi32.NewProc("FreeSid")
-	procEqualSid                           = modadvapi32.NewProc("EqualSid")
-	procGetSidIdentifierAuthority          = modadvapi32.NewProc("GetSidIdentifierAuthority")
-	procGetSidSubAuthorityCount            = modadvapi32.NewProc("GetSidSubAuthorityCount")
-	procGetSidSubAuthority                 = modadvapi32.NewProc("GetSidSubAuthority")
-	procIsValidSid                         = modadvapi32.NewProc("IsValidSid")
-	procCheckTokenMembership               = modadvapi32.NewProc("CheckTokenMembership")
-	procOpenProcessToken                   = modadvapi32.NewProc("OpenProcessToken")
-	procOpenThreadToken                    = modadvapi32.NewProc("OpenThreadToken")
-	procImpersonateSelf                    = modadvapi32.NewProc("ImpersonateSelf")
-	procRevertToSelf                       = modadvapi32.NewProc("RevertToSelf")
-	procSetThreadToken                     = modadvapi32.NewProc("SetThreadToken")
-	procLookupPrivilegeValueW              = modadvapi32.NewProc("LookupPrivilegeValueW")
-	procAdjustTokenPrivileges              = modadvapi32.NewProc("AdjustTokenPrivileges")
-	procAdjustTokenGroups                  = modadvapi32.NewProc("AdjustTokenGroups")
-	procGetTokenInformation                = modadvapi32.NewProc("GetTokenInformation")
-	procSetTokenInformation                = modadvapi32.NewProc("SetTokenInformation")
-	procDuplicateTokenEx                   = modadvapi32.NewProc("DuplicateTokenEx")
-	procGetUserProfileDirectoryW           = moduserenv.NewProc("GetUserProfileDirectoryW")
-	procGetSystemDirectoryW                = modkernel32.NewProc("GetSystemDirectoryW")
-	procWTSQueryUserToken                  = modwtsapi32.NewProc("WTSQueryUserToken")
-	procWTSEnumerateSessionsW              = modwtsapi32.NewProc("WTSEnumerateSessionsW")
-	procWTSFreeMemory                      = modwtsapi32.NewProc("WTSFreeMemory")
+	procRegisterEventSourceW                                 = modadvapi32.NewProc("RegisterEventSourceW")
+	procDeregisterEventSource                                = modadvapi32.NewProc("DeregisterEventSource")
+	procReportEventW                                         = modadvapi32.NewProc("ReportEventW")
+	procOpenSCManagerW                                       = modadvapi32.NewProc("OpenSCManagerW")
+	procCloseServiceHandle                                   = modadvapi32.NewProc("CloseServiceHandle")
+	procCreateServiceW                                       = modadvapi32.NewProc("CreateServiceW")
+	procOpenServiceW                                         = modadvapi32.NewProc("OpenServiceW")
+	procDeleteService                                        = modadvapi32.NewProc("DeleteService")
+	procStartServiceW                                        = modadvapi32.NewProc("StartServiceW")
+	procQueryServiceStatus                                   = modadvapi32.NewProc("QueryServiceStatus")
+	procQueryServiceLockStatusW                              = modadvapi32.NewProc("QueryServiceLockStatusW")
+	procControlService                                       = modadvapi32.NewProc("ControlService")
+	procStartServiceCtrlDispatcherW                          = modadvapi32.NewProc("StartServiceCtrlDispatcherW")
+	procSetServiceStatus                                     = modadvapi32.NewProc("SetServiceStatus")
+	procChangeServiceConfigW                                 = modadvapi32.NewProc("ChangeServiceConfigW")
+	procQueryServiceConfigW                                  = modadvapi32.NewProc("QueryServiceConfigW")
+	procChangeServiceConfig2W                                = modadvapi32.NewProc("ChangeServiceConfig2W")
+	procQueryServiceConfig2W                                 = modadvapi32.NewProc("QueryServiceConfig2W")
+	procEnumServicesStatusExW                                = modadvapi32.NewProc("EnumServicesStatusExW")
+	procQueryServiceStatusEx                                 = modadvapi32.NewProc("QueryServiceStatusEx")
+	procNotifyServiceStatusChangeW                           = modadvapi32.NewProc("NotifyServiceStatusChangeW")
+	procGetLastError                                         = modkernel32.NewProc("GetLastError")
+	procLoadLibraryW                                         = modkernel32.NewProc("LoadLibraryW")
+	procLoadLibraryExW                                       = modkernel32.NewProc("LoadLibraryExW")
+	procFreeLibrary                                          = modkernel32.NewProc("FreeLibrary")
+	procGetProcAddress                                       = modkernel32.NewProc("GetProcAddress")
+	procGetModuleFileNameW                                   = modkernel32.NewProc("GetModuleFileNameW")
+	procGetModuleHandleExW                                   = modkernel32.NewProc("GetModuleHandleExW")
+	procGetVersion                                           = modkernel32.NewProc("GetVersion")
+	procFormatMessageW                                       = modkernel32.NewProc("FormatMessageW")
+	procExitProcess                                          = modkernel32.NewProc("ExitProcess")
+	procIsWow64Process                                       = modkernel32.NewProc("IsWow64Process")
+	procCreateFileW                                          = modkernel32.NewProc("CreateFileW")
+	procReadFile                                             = modkernel32.NewProc("ReadFile")
+	procWriteFile                                            = modkernel32.NewProc("WriteFile")
+	procGetOverlappedResult                                  = modkernel32.NewProc("GetOverlappedResult")
+	procSetFilePointer                                       = modkernel32.NewProc("SetFilePointer")
+	procCloseHandle                                          = modkernel32.NewProc("CloseHandle")
+	procGetStdHandle                                         = modkernel32.NewProc("GetStdHandle")
+	procSetStdHandle                                         = modkernel32.NewProc("SetStdHandle")
+	procFindFirstFileW                                       = modkernel32.NewProc("FindFirstFileW")
+	procFindNextFileW                                        = modkernel32.NewProc("FindNextFileW")
+	procFindClose                                            = modkernel32.NewProc("FindClose")
+	procGetFileInformationByHandle                           = modkernel32.NewProc("GetFileInformationByHandle")
+	procGetFileInformationByHandleEx                         = modkernel32.NewProc("GetFileInformationByHandleEx")
+	procGetCurrentDirectoryW                                 = modkernel32.NewProc("GetCurrentDirectoryW")
+	procSetCurrentDirectoryW                                 = modkernel32.NewProc("SetCurrentDirectoryW")
+	procCreateDirectoryW                                     = modkernel32.NewProc("CreateDirectoryW")
+	procRemoveDirectoryW                                     = modkernel32.NewProc("RemoveDirectoryW")
+	procDeleteFileW                                          = modkernel32.NewProc("DeleteFileW")
+	procMoveFileW                                            = modkernel32.NewProc("MoveFileW")
+	procMoveFileExW                                          = modkernel32.NewProc("MoveFileExW")
+	procLockFileEx                                           = modkernel32.NewProc("LockFileEx")
+	procUnlockFileEx                                         = modkernel32.NewProc("UnlockFileEx")
+	procGetComputerNameW                                     = modkernel32.NewProc("GetComputerNameW")
+	procGetComputerNameExW                                   = modkernel32.NewProc("GetComputerNameExW")
+	procSetEndOfFile                                         = modkernel32.NewProc("SetEndOfFile")
+	procGetSystemTimeAsFileTime                              = modkernel32.NewProc("GetSystemTimeAsFileTime")
+	procGetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime                       = modkernel32.NewProc("GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime")
+	procGetTimeZoneInformation                               = modkernel32.NewProc("GetTimeZoneInformation")
+	procCreateIoCompletionPort                               = modkernel32.NewProc("CreateIoCompletionPort")
+	procGetQueuedCompletionStatus                            = modkernel32.NewProc("GetQueuedCompletionStatus")
+	procPostQueuedCompletionStatus                           = modkernel32.NewProc("PostQueuedCompletionStatus")
+	procCancelIo                                             = modkernel32.NewProc("CancelIo")
+	procCancelIoEx                                           = modkernel32.NewProc("CancelIoEx")
+	procCreateProcessW                                       = modkernel32.NewProc("CreateProcessW")
+	procOpenProcess                                          = modkernel32.NewProc("OpenProcess")
+	procShellExecuteW                                        = modshell32.NewProc("ShellExecuteW")
+	procSHGetKnownFolderPath                                 = modshell32.NewProc("SHGetKnownFolderPath")
+	procTerminateProcess                                     = modkernel32.NewProc("TerminateProcess")
+	procGetExitCodeProcess                                   = modkernel32.NewProc("GetExitCodeProcess")
+	procGetStartupInfoW                                      = modkernel32.NewProc("GetStartupInfoW")
+	procGetProcessTimes                                      = modkernel32.NewProc("GetProcessTimes")
+	procDuplicateHandle                                      = modkernel32.NewProc("DuplicateHandle")
+	procWaitForSingleObject                                  = modkernel32.NewProc("WaitForSingleObject")
+	procWaitForMultipleObjects                               = modkernel32.NewProc("WaitForMultipleObjects")
+	procGetTempPathW                                         = modkernel32.NewProc("GetTempPathW")
+	procCreatePipe                                           = modkernel32.NewProc("CreatePipe")
+	procGetFileType                                          = modkernel32.NewProc("GetFileType")
+	procCryptAcquireContextW                                 = modadvapi32.NewProc("CryptAcquireContextW")
+	procCryptReleaseContext                                  = modadvapi32.NewProc("CryptReleaseContext")
+	procCryptGenRandom                                       = modadvapi32.NewProc("CryptGenRandom")
+	procGetEnvironmentStringsW                               = modkernel32.NewProc("GetEnvironmentStringsW")
+	procFreeEnvironmentStringsW                              = modkernel32.NewProc("FreeEnvironmentStringsW")
+	procGetEnvironmentVariableW                              = modkernel32.NewProc("GetEnvironmentVariableW")
+	procSetEnvironmentVariableW                              = modkernel32.NewProc("SetEnvironmentVariableW")
+	procCreateEnvironmentBlock                               = moduserenv.NewProc("CreateEnvironmentBlock")
+	procDestroyEnvironmentBlock                              = moduserenv.NewProc("DestroyEnvironmentBlock")
+	procGetTickCount64                                       = modkernel32.NewProc("GetTickCount64")
+	procSetFileTime                                          = modkernel32.NewProc("SetFileTime")
+	procGetFileAttributesW                                   = modkernel32.NewProc("GetFileAttributesW")
+	procSetFileAttributesW                                   = modkernel32.NewProc("SetFileAttributesW")
+	procGetFileAttributesExW                                 = modkernel32.NewProc("GetFileAttributesExW")
+	procGetCommandLineW                                      = modkernel32.NewProc("GetCommandLineW")
+	procCommandLineToArgvW                                   = modshell32.NewProc("CommandLineToArgvW")
+	procLocalFree                                            = modkernel32.NewProc("LocalFree")
+	procSetHandleInformation                                 = modkernel32.NewProc("SetHandleInformation")
+	procFlushFileBuffers                                     = modkernel32.NewProc("FlushFileBuffers")
+	procGetFullPathNameW                                     = modkernel32.NewProc("GetFullPathNameW")
+	procGetLongPathNameW                                     = modkernel32.NewProc("GetLongPathNameW")
+	procGetShortPathNameW                                    = modkernel32.NewProc("GetShortPathNameW")
+	procCreateFileMappingW                                   = modkernel32.NewProc("CreateFileMappingW")
+	procMapViewOfFile                                        = modkernel32.NewProc("MapViewOfFile")
+	procUnmapViewOfFile                                      = modkernel32.NewProc("UnmapViewOfFile")
+	procFlushViewOfFile                                      = modkernel32.NewProc("FlushViewOfFile")
+	procVirtualLock                                          = modkernel32.NewProc("VirtualLock")
+	procVirtualUnlock                                        = modkernel32.NewProc("VirtualUnlock")
+	procVirtualAlloc                                         = modkernel32.NewProc("VirtualAlloc")
+	procVirtualFree                                          = modkernel32.NewProc("VirtualFree")
+	procVirtualProtect                                       = modkernel32.NewProc("VirtualProtect")
+	procTransmitFile                                         = modmswsock.NewProc("TransmitFile")
+	procReadDirectoryChangesW                                = modkernel32.NewProc("ReadDirectoryChangesW")
+	procCertOpenSystemStoreW                                 = modcrypt32.NewProc("CertOpenSystemStoreW")
+	procCertOpenStore                                        = modcrypt32.NewProc("CertOpenStore")
+	procCertEnumCertificatesInStore                          = modcrypt32.NewProc("CertEnumCertificatesInStore")
+	procCertAddCertificateContextToStore                     = modcrypt32.NewProc("CertAddCertificateContextToStore")
+	procCertCloseStore                                       = modcrypt32.NewProc("CertCloseStore")
+	procCertGetCertificateChain                              = modcrypt32.NewProc("CertGetCertificateChain")
+	procCertFreeCertificateChain                             = modcrypt32.NewProc("CertFreeCertificateChain")
+	procCertCreateCertificateContext                         = modcrypt32.NewProc("CertCreateCertificateContext")
+	procCertFreeCertificateContext                           = modcrypt32.NewProc("CertFreeCertificateContext")
+	procCertVerifyCertificateChainPolicy                     = modcrypt32.NewProc("CertVerifyCertificateChainPolicy")
+	procRegOpenKeyExW                                        = modadvapi32.NewProc("RegOpenKeyExW")
+	procRegCloseKey                                          = modadvapi32.NewProc("RegCloseKey")
+	procRegQueryInfoKeyW                                     = modadvapi32.NewProc("RegQueryInfoKeyW")
+	procRegEnumKeyExW                                        = modadvapi32.NewProc("RegEnumKeyExW")
+	procRegQueryValueExW                                     = modadvapi32.NewProc("RegQueryValueExW")
+	procGetCurrentProcessId                                  = modkernel32.NewProc("GetCurrentProcessId")
+	procGetConsoleMode                                       = modkernel32.NewProc("GetConsoleMode")
+	procSetConsoleMode                                       = modkernel32.NewProc("SetConsoleMode")
+	procGetConsoleScreenBufferInfo                           = modkernel32.NewProc("GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo")
+	procWriteConsoleW                                        = modkernel32.NewProc("WriteConsoleW")
+	procReadConsoleW                                         = modkernel32.NewProc("ReadConsoleW")
+	procCreateToolhelp32Snapshot                             = modkernel32.NewProc("CreateToolhelp32Snapshot")
+	procProcess32FirstW                                      = modkernel32.NewProc("Process32FirstW")
+	procProcess32NextW                                       = modkernel32.NewProc("Process32NextW")
+	procThread32First                                        = modkernel32.NewProc("Thread32First")
+	procThread32Next                                         = modkernel32.NewProc("Thread32Next")
+	procDeviceIoControl                                      = modkernel32.NewProc("DeviceIoControl")
+	procCreateSymbolicLinkW                                  = modkernel32.NewProc("CreateSymbolicLinkW")
+	procCreateHardLinkW                                      = modkernel32.NewProc("CreateHardLinkW")
+	procGetCurrentThreadId                                   = modkernel32.NewProc("GetCurrentThreadId")
+	procCreateEventW                                         = modkernel32.NewProc("CreateEventW")
+	procCreateEventExW                                       = modkernel32.NewProc("CreateEventExW")
+	procOpenEventW                                           = modkernel32.NewProc("OpenEventW")
+	procSetEvent                                             = modkernel32.NewProc("SetEvent")
+	procResetEvent                                           = modkernel32.NewProc("ResetEvent")
+	procPulseEvent                                           = modkernel32.NewProc("PulseEvent")
+	procCreateMutexW                                         = modkernel32.NewProc("CreateMutexW")
+	procCreateMutexExW                                       = modkernel32.NewProc("CreateMutexExW")
+	procOpenMutexW                                           = modkernel32.NewProc("OpenMutexW")
+	procReleaseMutex                                         = modkernel32.NewProc("ReleaseMutex")
+	procSleepEx                                              = modkernel32.NewProc("SleepEx")
+	procCreateJobObjectW                                     = modkernel32.NewProc("CreateJobObjectW")
+	procAssignProcessToJobObject                             = modkernel32.NewProc("AssignProcessToJobObject")
+	procTerminateJobObject                                   = modkernel32.NewProc("TerminateJobObject")
+	procSetErrorMode                                         = modkernel32.NewProc("SetErrorMode")
+	procResumeThread                                         = modkernel32.NewProc("ResumeThread")
+	procSetPriorityClass                                     = modkernel32.NewProc("SetPriorityClass")
+	procGetPriorityClass                                     = modkernel32.NewProc("GetPriorityClass")
+	procSetInformationJobObject                              = modkernel32.NewProc("SetInformationJobObject")
+	procGenerateConsoleCtrlEvent                             = modkernel32.NewProc("GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent")
+	procGetProcessId                                         = modkernel32.NewProc("GetProcessId")
+	procOpenThread                                           = modkernel32.NewProc("OpenThread")
+	procSetProcessPriorityBoost                              = modkernel32.NewProc("SetProcessPriorityBoost")
+	procDefineDosDeviceW                                     = modkernel32.NewProc("DefineDosDeviceW")
+	procDeleteVolumeMountPointW                              = modkernel32.NewProc("DeleteVolumeMountPointW")
+	procFindFirstVolumeW                                     = modkernel32.NewProc("FindFirstVolumeW")
+	procFindFirstVolumeMountPointW                           = modkernel32.NewProc("FindFirstVolumeMountPointW")
+	procFindNextVolumeW                                      = modkernel32.NewProc("FindNextVolumeW")
+	procFindNextVolumeMountPointW                            = modkernel32.NewProc("FindNextVolumeMountPointW")
+	procFindVolumeClose                                      = modkernel32.NewProc("FindVolumeClose")
+	procFindVolumeMountPointClose                            = modkernel32.NewProc("FindVolumeMountPointClose")
+	procGetDiskFreeSpaceExW                                  = modkernel32.NewProc("GetDiskFreeSpaceExW")
+	procGetDriveTypeW                                        = modkernel32.NewProc("GetDriveTypeW")
+	procGetLogicalDrives                                     = modkernel32.NewProc("GetLogicalDrives")
+	procGetLogicalDriveStringsW                              = modkernel32.NewProc("GetLogicalDriveStringsW")
+	procGetVolumeInformationW                                = modkernel32.NewProc("GetVolumeInformationW")
+	procGetVolumeInformationByHandleW                        = modkernel32.NewProc("GetVolumeInformationByHandleW")
+	procGetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointW                    = modkernel32.NewProc("GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointW")
+	procGetVolumePathNameW                                   = modkernel32.NewProc("GetVolumePathNameW")
+	procGetVolumePathNamesForVolumeNameW                     = modkernel32.NewProc("GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeNameW")
+	procQueryDosDeviceW                                      = modkernel32.NewProc("QueryDosDeviceW")
+	procSetVolumeLabelW                                      = modkernel32.NewProc("SetVolumeLabelW")
+	procSetVolumeMountPointW                                 = modkernel32.NewProc("SetVolumeMountPointW")
+	procMessageBoxW                                          = moduser32.NewProc("MessageBoxW")
+	procExitWindowsEx                                        = moduser32.NewProc("ExitWindowsEx")
+	procInitiateSystemShutdownExW                            = modadvapi32.NewProc("InitiateSystemShutdownExW")
+	procSetProcessShutdownParameters                         = modkernel32.NewProc("SetProcessShutdownParameters")
+	procGetProcessShutdownParameters                         = modkernel32.NewProc("GetProcessShutdownParameters")
+	procCLSIDFromString                                      = modole32.NewProc("CLSIDFromString")
+	procStringFromGUID2                                      = modole32.NewProc("StringFromGUID2")
+	procCoCreateGuid                                         = modole32.NewProc("CoCreateGuid")
+	procCoTaskMemFree                                        = modole32.NewProc("CoTaskMemFree")
+	procRtlGetVersion                                        = modntdll.NewProc("RtlGetVersion")
+	procRtlGetNtVersionNumbers                               = modntdll.NewProc("RtlGetNtVersionNumbers")
+	procGetProcessPreferredUILanguages                       = modkernel32.NewProc("GetProcessPreferredUILanguages")
+	procGetThreadPreferredUILanguages                        = modkernel32.NewProc("GetThreadPreferredUILanguages")
+	procGetUserPreferredUILanguages                          = modkernel32.NewProc("GetUserPreferredUILanguages")
+	procGetSystemPreferredUILanguages                        = modkernel32.NewProc("GetSystemPreferredUILanguages")
+	procEnumProcesses                                        = modpsapi.NewProc("EnumProcesses")
+	procWSAStartup                                           = modws2_32.NewProc("WSAStartup")
+	procWSACleanup                                           = modws2_32.NewProc("WSACleanup")
+	procWSAIoctl                                             = modws2_32.NewProc("WSAIoctl")
+	procsocket                                               = modws2_32.NewProc("socket")
+	procsendto                                               = modws2_32.NewProc("sendto")
+	procrecvfrom                                             = modws2_32.NewProc("recvfrom")
+	procsetsockopt                                           = modws2_32.NewProc("setsockopt")
+	procgetsockopt                                           = modws2_32.NewProc("getsockopt")
+	procbind                                                 = modws2_32.NewProc("bind")
+	procconnect                                              = modws2_32.NewProc("connect")
+	procgetsockname                                          = modws2_32.NewProc("getsockname")
+	procgetpeername                                          = modws2_32.NewProc("getpeername")
+	proclisten                                               = modws2_32.NewProc("listen")
+	procshutdown                                             = modws2_32.NewProc("shutdown")
+	procclosesocket                                          = modws2_32.NewProc("closesocket")
+	procAcceptEx                                             = modmswsock.NewProc("AcceptEx")
+	procGetAcceptExSockaddrs                                 = modmswsock.NewProc("GetAcceptExSockaddrs")
+	procWSARecv                                              = modws2_32.NewProc("WSARecv")
+	procWSASend                                              = modws2_32.NewProc("WSASend")
+	procWSARecvFrom                                          = modws2_32.NewProc("WSARecvFrom")
+	procWSASendTo                                            = modws2_32.NewProc("WSASendTo")
+	procgethostbyname                                        = modws2_32.NewProc("gethostbyname")
+	procgetservbyname                                        = modws2_32.NewProc("getservbyname")
+	procntohs                                                = modws2_32.NewProc("ntohs")
+	procgetprotobyname                                       = modws2_32.NewProc("getprotobyname")
+	procDnsQuery_W                                           = moddnsapi.NewProc("DnsQuery_W")
+	procDnsRecordListFree                                    = moddnsapi.NewProc("DnsRecordListFree")
+	procDnsNameCompare_W                                     = moddnsapi.NewProc("DnsNameCompare_W")
+	procGetAddrInfoW                                         = modws2_32.NewProc("GetAddrInfoW")
+	procFreeAddrInfoW                                        = modws2_32.NewProc("FreeAddrInfoW")
+	procGetIfEntry                                           = modiphlpapi.NewProc("GetIfEntry")
+	procGetAdaptersInfo                                      = modiphlpapi.NewProc("GetAdaptersInfo")
+	procSetFileCompletionNotificationModes                   = modkernel32.NewProc("SetFileCompletionNotificationModes")
+	procWSAEnumProtocolsW                                    = modws2_32.NewProc("WSAEnumProtocolsW")
+	procGetAdaptersAddresses                                 = modiphlpapi.NewProc("GetAdaptersAddresses")
+	procGetACP                                               = modkernel32.NewProc("GetACP")
+	procMultiByteToWideChar                                  = modkernel32.NewProc("MultiByteToWideChar")
+	procTranslateNameW                                       = modsecur32.NewProc("TranslateNameW")
+	procGetUserNameExW                                       = modsecur32.NewProc("GetUserNameExW")
+	procNetUserGetInfo                                       = modnetapi32.NewProc("NetUserGetInfo")
+	procNetGetJoinInformation                                = modnetapi32.NewProc("NetGetJoinInformation")
+	procNetApiBufferFree                                     = modnetapi32.NewProc("NetApiBufferFree")
+	procLookupAccountSidW                                    = modadvapi32.NewProc("LookupAccountSidW")
+	procLookupAccountNameW                                   = modadvapi32.NewProc("LookupAccountNameW")
+	procConvertSidToStringSidW                               = modadvapi32.NewProc("ConvertSidToStringSidW")
+	procConvertStringSidToSidW                               = modadvapi32.NewProc("ConvertStringSidToSidW")
+	procGetLengthSid                                         = modadvapi32.NewProc("GetLengthSid")
+	procCopySid                                              = modadvapi32.NewProc("CopySid")
+	procAllocateAndInitializeSid                             = modadvapi32.NewProc("AllocateAndInitializeSid")
+	procCreateWellKnownSid                                   = modadvapi32.NewProc("CreateWellKnownSid")
+	procIsWellKnownSid                                       = modadvapi32.NewProc("IsWellKnownSid")
+	procFreeSid                                              = modadvapi32.NewProc("FreeSid")
+	procEqualSid                                             = modadvapi32.NewProc("EqualSid")
+	procGetSidIdentifierAuthority                            = modadvapi32.NewProc("GetSidIdentifierAuthority")
+	procGetSidSubAuthorityCount                              = modadvapi32.NewProc("GetSidSubAuthorityCount")
+	procGetSidSubAuthority                                   = modadvapi32.NewProc("GetSidSubAuthority")
+	procIsValidSid                                           = modadvapi32.NewProc("IsValidSid")
+	procCheckTokenMembership                                 = modadvapi32.NewProc("CheckTokenMembership")
+	procOpenProcessToken                                     = modadvapi32.NewProc("OpenProcessToken")
+	procOpenThreadToken                                      = modadvapi32.NewProc("OpenThreadToken")
+	procImpersonateSelf                                      = modadvapi32.NewProc("ImpersonateSelf")
+	procRevertToSelf                                         = modadvapi32.NewProc("RevertToSelf")
+	procSetThreadToken                                       = modadvapi32.NewProc("SetThreadToken")
+	procLookupPrivilegeValueW                                = modadvapi32.NewProc("LookupPrivilegeValueW")
+	procAdjustTokenPrivileges                                = modadvapi32.NewProc("AdjustTokenPrivileges")
+	procAdjustTokenGroups                                    = modadvapi32.NewProc("AdjustTokenGroups")
+	procGetTokenInformation                                  = modadvapi32.NewProc("GetTokenInformation")
+	procSetTokenInformation                                  = modadvapi32.NewProc("SetTokenInformation")
+	procDuplicateTokenEx                                     = modadvapi32.NewProc("DuplicateTokenEx")
+	procGetUserProfileDirectoryW                             = moduserenv.NewProc("GetUserProfileDirectoryW")
+	procGetSystemDirectoryW                                  = modkernel32.NewProc("GetSystemDirectoryW")
+	procGetWindowsDirectoryW                                 = modkernel32.NewProc("GetWindowsDirectoryW")
+	procGetSystemWindowsDirectoryW                           = modkernel32.NewProc("GetSystemWindowsDirectoryW")
+	procWTSQueryUserToken                                    = modwtsapi32.NewProc("WTSQueryUserToken")
+	procWTSEnumerateSessionsW                                = modwtsapi32.NewProc("WTSEnumerateSessionsW")
+	procWTSFreeMemory                                        = modwtsapi32.NewProc("WTSFreeMemory")
+	procGetSecurityInfo                                      = modadvapi32.NewProc("GetSecurityInfo")
+	procSetSecurityInfo                                      = modadvapi32.NewProc("SetSecurityInfo")
+	procGetNamedSecurityInfoW                                = modadvapi32.NewProc("GetNamedSecurityInfoW")
+	procSetNamedSecurityInfoW                                = modadvapi32.NewProc("SetNamedSecurityInfoW")
+	procBuildSecurityDescriptorW                             = modadvapi32.NewProc("BuildSecurityDescriptorW")
+	procInitializeSecurityDescriptor                         = modadvapi32.NewProc("InitializeSecurityDescriptor")
+	procGetSecurityDescriptorControl                         = modadvapi32.NewProc("GetSecurityDescriptorControl")
+	procGetSecurityDescriptorDacl                            = modadvapi32.NewProc("GetSecurityDescriptorDacl")
+	procGetSecurityDescriptorSacl                            = modadvapi32.NewProc("GetSecurityDescriptorSacl")
+	procGetSecurityDescriptorOwner                           = modadvapi32.NewProc("GetSecurityDescriptorOwner")
+	procGetSecurityDescriptorGroup                           = modadvapi32.NewProc("GetSecurityDescriptorGroup")
+	procGetSecurityDescriptorLength                          = modadvapi32.NewProc("GetSecurityDescriptorLength")
+	procGetSecurityDescriptorRMControl                       = modadvapi32.NewProc("GetSecurityDescriptorRMControl")
+	procIsValidSecurityDescriptor                            = modadvapi32.NewProc("IsValidSecurityDescriptor")
+	procSetSecurityDescriptorControl                         = modadvapi32.NewProc("SetSecurityDescriptorControl")
+	procSetSecurityDescriptorDacl                            = modadvapi32.NewProc("SetSecurityDescriptorDacl")
+	procSetSecurityDescriptorSacl                            = modadvapi32.NewProc("SetSecurityDescriptorSacl")
+	procSetSecurityDescriptorOwner                           = modadvapi32.NewProc("SetSecurityDescriptorOwner")
+	procSetSecurityDescriptorGroup                           = modadvapi32.NewProc("SetSecurityDescriptorGroup")
+	procSetSecurityDescriptorRMControl                       = modadvapi32.NewProc("SetSecurityDescriptorRMControl")
+	procConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptorW = modadvapi32.NewProc("ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptorW")
+	procConvertSecurityDescriptorToStringSecurityDescriptorW = modadvapi32.NewProc("ConvertSecurityDescriptorToStringSecurityDescriptorW")
+	procMakeAbsoluteSD                                       = modadvapi32.NewProc("MakeAbsoluteSD")
+	procMakeSelfRelativeSD                                   = modadvapi32.NewProc("MakeSelfRelativeSD")
+	procSetEntriesInAclW                                     = modadvapi32.NewProc("SetEntriesInAclW")
 func RegisterEventSource(uncServerName *uint16, sourceName *uint16) (handle Handle, err error) {
@@ -646,6 +694,31 @@ func _GetProcAddress(module Handle, procname *byte) (proc uintptr, err error) {
+func GetModuleFileName(module Handle, filename *uint16, size uint32) (n uint32, err error) {
+	r0, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall(procGetModuleFileNameW.Addr(), 3, uintptr(module), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(filename)), uintptr(size))
+	n = uint32(r0)
+	if n == 0 {
+		if e1 != 0 {
+			err = errnoErr(e1)
+		} else {
+			err = syscall.EINVAL
+		}
+	}
+	return
+func GetModuleHandleEx(flags uint32, moduleName *uint16, module *Handle) (err error) {
+	r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall(procGetModuleHandleExW.Addr(), 3, uintptr(flags), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(moduleName)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(module)))
+	if r1 == 0 {
+		if e1 != 0 {
+			err = errnoErr(e1)
+		} else {
+			err = syscall.EINVAL
+		}
+	}
+	return
 func GetVersion() (ver uint32, err error) {
 	r0, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall(procGetVersion.Addr(), 0, 0, 0, 0)
 	ver = uint32(r0)
@@ -682,7 +755,14 @@ func ExitProcess(exitcode uint32) {
 func IsWow64Process(handle Handle, isWow64 *bool) (err error) {
-	r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall(procIsWow64Process.Addr(), 2, uintptr(handle), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(isWow64)), 0)
+	var _p0 uint32
+	if *isWow64 {
+		_p0 = 1
+	} else {
+		_p0 = 0
+	}
+	r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall(procIsWow64Process.Addr(), 2, uintptr(handle), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&_p0)), 0)
+	*isWow64 = _p0 != 0
 	if r1 == 0 {
 		if e1 != 0 {
 			err = errnoErr(e1)
@@ -952,6 +1032,30 @@ func MoveFileEx(from *uint16, to *uint16, flags uint32) (err error) {
+func LockFileEx(file Handle, flags uint32, reserved uint32, bytesLow uint32, bytesHigh uint32, overlapped *Overlapped) (err error) {
+	r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall6(procLockFileEx.Addr(), 6, uintptr(file), uintptr(flags), uintptr(reserved), uintptr(bytesLow), uintptr(bytesHigh), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(overlapped)))
+	if r1 == 0 {
+		if e1 != 0 {
+			err = errnoErr(e1)
+		} else {
+			err = syscall.EINVAL
+		}
+	}
+	return
+func UnlockFileEx(file Handle, reserved uint32, bytesLow uint32, bytesHigh uint32, overlapped *Overlapped) (err error) {
+	r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall6(procUnlockFileEx.Addr(), 5, uintptr(file), uintptr(reserved), uintptr(bytesLow), uintptr(bytesHigh), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(overlapped)), 0)
+	if r1 == 0 {
+		if e1 != 0 {
+			err = errnoErr(e1)
+		} else {
+			err = syscall.EINVAL
+		}
+	}
+	return
 func GetComputerName(buf *uint16, n *uint32) (err error) {
 	r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall(procGetComputerNameW.Addr(), 2, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(buf)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(n)), 0)
 	if r1 == 0 {
@@ -1111,7 +1215,7 @@ func OpenProcess(desiredAccess uint32, inheritHandle bool, processId uint32) (ha
 func ShellExecute(hwnd Handle, verb *uint16, file *uint16, args *uint16, cwd *uint16, showCmd int32) (err error) {
 	r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall6(procShellExecuteW.Addr(), 6, uintptr(hwnd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(verb)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(file)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(args)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(cwd)), uintptr(showCmd))
-	if r1 == 0 {
+	if r1 <= 32 {
 		if e1 != 0 {
 			err = errnoErr(e1)
 		} else {
@@ -1165,32 +1269,6 @@ func GetStartupInfo(startupInfo *StartupInfo) (err error) {
-func GetCurrentProcess() (pseudoHandle Handle, err error) {
-	r0, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall(procGetCurrentProcess.Addr(), 0, 0, 0, 0)
-	pseudoHandle = Handle(r0)
-	if pseudoHandle == 0 {
-		if e1 != 0 {
-			err = errnoErr(e1)
-		} else {
-			err = syscall.EINVAL
-		}
-	}
-	return
-func GetCurrentThread() (pseudoHandle Handle, err error) {
-	r0, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall(procGetCurrentThread.Addr(), 0, 0, 0, 0)
-	pseudoHandle = Handle(r0)
-	if pseudoHandle == 0 {
-		if e1 != 0 {
-			err = errnoErr(e1)
-		} else {
-			err = syscall.EINVAL
-		}
-	}
-	return
 func GetProcessTimes(handle Handle, creationTime *Filetime, exitTime *Filetime, kernelTime *Filetime, userTime *Filetime) (err error) {
 	r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall6(procGetProcessTimes.Addr(), 5, uintptr(handle), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(creationTime)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(exitTime)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(kernelTime)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(userTime)), 0)
 	if r1 == 0 {
@@ -2105,6 +2183,69 @@ func PulseEvent(event Handle) (err error) {
+func CreateMutex(mutexAttrs *SecurityAttributes, initialOwner bool, name *uint16) (handle Handle, err error) {
+	var _p0 uint32
+	if initialOwner {
+		_p0 = 1
+	} else {
+		_p0 = 0
+	}
+	r0, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall(procCreateMutexW.Addr(), 3, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(mutexAttrs)), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(name)))
+	handle = Handle(r0)
+	if handle == 0 {
+		if e1 != 0 {
+			err = errnoErr(e1)
+		} else {
+			err = syscall.EINVAL
+		}
+	}
+	return
+func CreateMutexEx(mutexAttrs *SecurityAttributes, name *uint16, flags uint32, desiredAccess uint32) (handle Handle, err error) {
+	r0, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall6(procCreateMutexExW.Addr(), 4, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(mutexAttrs)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(name)), uintptr(flags), uintptr(desiredAccess), 0, 0)
+	handle = Handle(r0)
+	if handle == 0 {
+		if e1 != 0 {
+			err = errnoErr(e1)
+		} else {
+			err = syscall.EINVAL
+		}
+	}
+	return
+func OpenMutex(desiredAccess uint32, inheritHandle bool, name *uint16) (handle Handle, err error) {
+	var _p0 uint32
+	if inheritHandle {
+		_p0 = 1
+	} else {
+		_p0 = 0
+	}
+	r0, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall(procOpenMutexW.Addr(), 3, uintptr(desiredAccess), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(name)))
+	handle = Handle(r0)
+	if handle == 0 {
+		if e1 != 0 {
+			err = errnoErr(e1)
+		} else {
+			err = syscall.EINVAL
+		}
+	}
+	return
+func ReleaseMutex(mutex Handle) (err error) {
+	r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall(procReleaseMutex.Addr(), 1, uintptr(mutex), 0, 0)
+	if r1 == 0 {
+		if e1 != 0 {
+			err = errnoErr(e1)
+		} else {
+			err = syscall.EINVAL
+		}
+	}
+	return
 func SleepEx(milliseconds uint32, alertable bool) (ret uint32) {
 	var _p0 uint32
 	if alertable {
@@ -2255,6 +2396,24 @@ func OpenThread(desiredAccess uint32, inheritHandle bool, threadId uint32) (hand
+func SetProcessPriorityBoost(process Handle, disable bool) (err error) {
+	var _p0 uint32
+	if disable {
+		_p0 = 1
+	} else {
+		_p0 = 0
+	}
+	r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall(procSetProcessPriorityBoost.Addr(), 2, uintptr(process), uintptr(_p0), 0)
+	if r1 == 0 {
+		if e1 != 0 {
+			err = errnoErr(e1)
+		} else {
+			err = syscall.EINVAL
+		}
+	}
+	return
 func DefineDosDevice(flags uint32, deviceName *uint16, targetPath *uint16) (err error) {
 	r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall(procDefineDosDeviceW.Addr(), 3, uintptr(flags), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(deviceName)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(targetPath)))
 	if r1 == 0 {
@@ -2353,6 +2512,18 @@ func FindVolumeMountPointClose(findVolumeMountPoint Handle) (err error) {
+func GetDiskFreeSpaceEx(directoryName *uint16, freeBytesAvailableToCaller *uint64, totalNumberOfBytes *uint64, totalNumberOfFreeBytes *uint64) (err error) {
+	r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall6(procGetDiskFreeSpaceExW.Addr(), 4, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(directoryName)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(freeBytesAvailableToCaller)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(totalNumberOfBytes)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(totalNumberOfFreeBytes)), 0, 0)
+	if r1 == 0 {
+		if e1 != 0 {
+			err = errnoErr(e1)
+		} else {
+			err = syscall.EINVAL
+		}
+	}
+	return
 func GetDriveType(rootPathName *uint16) (driveType uint32) {
 	r0, _, _ := syscall.Syscall(procGetDriveTypeW.Addr(), 1, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rootPathName)), 0, 0)
 	driveType = uint32(r0)
@@ -2495,6 +2666,66 @@ func MessageBox(hwnd Handle, text *uint16, caption *uint16, boxtype uint32) (ret
+func ExitWindowsEx(flags uint32, reason uint32) (err error) {
+	r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall(procExitWindowsEx.Addr(), 2, uintptr(flags), uintptr(reason), 0)
+	if r1 == 0 {
+		if e1 != 0 {
+			err = errnoErr(e1)
+		} else {
+			err = syscall.EINVAL
+		}
+	}
+	return
+func InitiateSystemShutdownEx(machineName *uint16, message *uint16, timeout uint32, forceAppsClosed bool, rebootAfterShutdown bool, reason uint32) (err error) {
+	var _p0 uint32
+	if forceAppsClosed {
+		_p0 = 1
+	} else {
+		_p0 = 0
+	}
+	var _p1 uint32
+	if rebootAfterShutdown {
+		_p1 = 1
+	} else {
+		_p1 = 0
+	}
+	r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall6(procInitiateSystemShutdownExW.Addr(), 6, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(machineName)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(message)), uintptr(timeout), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(_p1), uintptr(reason))
+	if r1 == 0 {
+		if e1 != 0 {
+			err = errnoErr(e1)
+		} else {
+			err = syscall.EINVAL
+		}
+	}
+	return
+func SetProcessShutdownParameters(level uint32, flags uint32) (err error) {
+	r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall(procSetProcessShutdownParameters.Addr(), 2, uintptr(level), uintptr(flags), 0)
+	if r1 == 0 {
+		if e1 != 0 {
+			err = errnoErr(e1)
+		} else {
+			err = syscall.EINVAL
+		}
+	}
+	return
+func GetProcessShutdownParameters(level *uint32, flags *uint32) (err error) {
+	r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall(procGetProcessShutdownParameters.Addr(), 2, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(level)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(flags)), 0)
+	if r1 == 0 {
+		if e1 != 0 {
+			err = errnoErr(e1)
+		} else {
+			err = syscall.EINVAL
+		}
+	}
+	return
 func clsidFromString(lpsz *uint16, pclsid *GUID) (ret error) {
 	r0, _, _ := syscall.Syscall(procCLSIDFromString.Addr(), 2, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(lpsz)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(pclsid)), 0)
 	if r0 != 0 {
@@ -2530,6 +2761,75 @@ func rtlGetVersion(info *OsVersionInfoEx) (ret error) {
+func rtlGetNtVersionNumbers(majorVersion *uint32, minorVersion *uint32, buildNumber *uint32) {
+	syscall.Syscall(procRtlGetNtVersionNumbers.Addr(), 3, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(majorVersion)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(minorVersion)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(buildNumber)))
+	return
+func getProcessPreferredUILanguages(flags uint32, numLanguages *uint32, buf *uint16, bufSize *uint32) (err error) {
+	r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall6(procGetProcessPreferredUILanguages.Addr(), 4, uintptr(flags), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(numLanguages)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(buf)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(bufSize)), 0, 0)
+	if r1 == 0 {
+		if e1 != 0 {
+			err = errnoErr(e1)
+		} else {
+			err = syscall.EINVAL
+		}
+	}
+	return
+func getThreadPreferredUILanguages(flags uint32, numLanguages *uint32, buf *uint16, bufSize *uint32) (err error) {
+	r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall6(procGetThreadPreferredUILanguages.Addr(), 4, uintptr(flags), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(numLanguages)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(buf)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(bufSize)), 0, 0)
+	if r1 == 0 {
+		if e1 != 0 {
+			err = errnoErr(e1)
+		} else {
+			err = syscall.EINVAL
+		}
+	}
+	return
+func getUserPreferredUILanguages(flags uint32, numLanguages *uint32, buf *uint16, bufSize *uint32) (err error) {
+	r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall6(procGetUserPreferredUILanguages.Addr(), 4, uintptr(flags), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(numLanguages)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(buf)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(bufSize)), 0, 0)
+	if r1 == 0 {
+		if e1 != 0 {
+			err = errnoErr(e1)
+		} else {
+			err = syscall.EINVAL
+		}
+	}
+	return
+func getSystemPreferredUILanguages(flags uint32, numLanguages *uint32, buf *uint16, bufSize *uint32) (err error) {
+	r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall6(procGetSystemPreferredUILanguages.Addr(), 4, uintptr(flags), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(numLanguages)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(buf)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(bufSize)), 0, 0)
+	if r1 == 0 {
+		if e1 != 0 {
+			err = errnoErr(e1)
+		} else {
+			err = syscall.EINVAL
+		}
+	}
+	return
+func EnumProcesses(processIds []uint32, bytesReturned *uint32) (err error) {
+	var _p0 *uint32
+	if len(processIds) > 0 {
+		_p0 = &processIds[0]
+	}
+	r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall(procEnumProcesses.Addr(), 3, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(len(processIds)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(bytesReturned)))
+	if r1 == 0 {
+		if e1 != 0 {
+			err = errnoErr(e1)
+		} else {
+			err = syscall.EINVAL
+		}
+	}
+	return
 func WSAStartup(verreq uint32, data *WSAData) (sockerr error) {
 	r0, _, _ := syscall.Syscall(procWSAStartup.Addr(), 2, uintptr(verreq), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(data)), 0)
 	if r0 != 0 {
@@ -2575,6 +2875,39 @@ func socket(af int32, typ int32, protocol int32) (handle Handle, err error) {
+func sendto(s Handle, buf []byte, flags int, to unsafe.Pointer, tolen int32) (err error) {
+	var _p0 *byte
+	if len(buf) > 0 {
+		_p0 = &buf[0]
+	}
+	r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall6(procsendto.Addr(), 6, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(len(buf)), uintptr(flags), uintptr(to), uintptr(tolen))
+	if r1 == socket_error {
+		if e1 != 0 {
+			err = errnoErr(e1)
+		} else {
+			err = syscall.EINVAL
+		}
+	}
+	return
+func recvfrom(s Handle, buf []byte, flags int, from *RawSockaddrAny, fromlen *int) (n int, err error) {
+	var _p0 *byte
+	if len(buf) > 0 {
+		_p0 = &buf[0]
+	}
+	r0, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall6(procrecvfrom.Addr(), 6, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(len(buf)), uintptr(flags), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(from)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(fromlen)))
+	n = int(r0)
+	if n == -1 {
+		if e1 != 0 {
+			err = errnoErr(e1)
+		} else {
+			err = syscall.EINVAL
+		}
+	}
+	return
 func Setsockopt(s Handle, level int32, optname int32, optval *byte, optlen int32) (err error) {
 	r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall6(procsetsockopt.Addr(), 5, uintptr(s), uintptr(level), uintptr(optname), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(optval)), uintptr(optlen), 0)
 	if r1 == socket_error {
@@ -3307,6 +3640,32 @@ func getSystemDirectory(dir *uint16, dirLen uint32) (len uint32, err error) {
+func getWindowsDirectory(dir *uint16, dirLen uint32) (len uint32, err error) {
+	r0, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall(procGetWindowsDirectoryW.Addr(), 2, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(dir)), uintptr(dirLen), 0)
+	len = uint32(r0)
+	if len == 0 {
+		if e1 != 0 {
+			err = errnoErr(e1)
+		} else {
+			err = syscall.EINVAL
+		}
+	}
+	return
+func getSystemWindowsDirectory(dir *uint16, dirLen uint32) (len uint32, err error) {
+	r0, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall(procGetSystemWindowsDirectoryW.Addr(), 2, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(dir)), uintptr(dirLen), 0)
+	len = uint32(r0)
+	if len == 0 {
+		if e1 != 0 {
+			err = errnoErr(e1)
+		} else {
+			err = syscall.EINVAL
+		}
+	}
+	return
 func WTSQueryUserToken(session uint32, token *Token) (err error) {
 	r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall(procWTSQueryUserToken.Addr(), 2, uintptr(session), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(token)), 0)
 	if r1 == 0 {
@@ -3335,3 +3694,358 @@ func WTSFreeMemory(ptr uintptr) {
 	syscall.Syscall(procWTSFreeMemory.Addr(), 1, uintptr(ptr), 0, 0)
+func getSecurityInfo(handle Handle, objectType SE_OBJECT_TYPE, securityInformation SECURITY_INFORMATION, owner **SID, group **SID, dacl **ACL, sacl **ACL, sd **SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) (ret error) {
+	r0, _, _ := syscall.Syscall9(procGetSecurityInfo.Addr(), 8, uintptr(handle), uintptr(objectType), uintptr(securityInformation), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(owner)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(group)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(dacl)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(sacl)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(sd)), 0)
+	if r0 != 0 {
+		ret = syscall.Errno(r0)
+	}
+	return
+func SetSecurityInfo(handle Handle, objectType SE_OBJECT_TYPE, securityInformation SECURITY_INFORMATION, owner *SID, group *SID, dacl *ACL, sacl *ACL) {
+	syscall.Syscall9(procSetSecurityInfo.Addr(), 7, uintptr(handle), uintptr(objectType), uintptr(securityInformation), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(owner)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(group)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(dacl)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(sacl)), 0, 0)
+	return
+func getNamedSecurityInfo(objectName string, objectType SE_OBJECT_TYPE, securityInformation SECURITY_INFORMATION, owner **SID, group **SID, dacl **ACL, sacl **ACL, sd **SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) (ret error) {
+	var _p0 *uint16
+	_p0, ret = syscall.UTF16PtrFromString(objectName)
+	if ret != nil {
+		return
+	}
+	return _getNamedSecurityInfo(_p0, objectType, securityInformation, owner, group, dacl, sacl, sd)
+func _getNamedSecurityInfo(objectName *uint16, objectType SE_OBJECT_TYPE, securityInformation SECURITY_INFORMATION, owner **SID, group **SID, dacl **ACL, sacl **ACL, sd **SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) (ret error) {
+	r0, _, _ := syscall.Syscall9(procGetNamedSecurityInfoW.Addr(), 8, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(objectName)), uintptr(objectType), uintptr(securityInformation), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(owner)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(group)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(dacl)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(sacl)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(sd)), 0)
+	if r0 != 0 {
+		ret = syscall.Errno(r0)
+	}
+	return
+func SetNamedSecurityInfo(objectName string, objectType SE_OBJECT_TYPE, securityInformation SECURITY_INFORMATION, owner *SID, group *SID, dacl *ACL, sacl *ACL) (ret error) {
+	var _p0 *uint16
+	_p0, ret = syscall.UTF16PtrFromString(objectName)
+	if ret != nil {
+		return
+	}
+	return _SetNamedSecurityInfo(_p0, objectType, securityInformation, owner, group, dacl, sacl)
+func _SetNamedSecurityInfo(objectName *uint16, objectType SE_OBJECT_TYPE, securityInformation SECURITY_INFORMATION, owner *SID, group *SID, dacl *ACL, sacl *ACL) (ret error) {
+	r0, _, _ := syscall.Syscall9(procSetNamedSecurityInfoW.Addr(), 7, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(objectName)), uintptr(objectType), uintptr(securityInformation), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(owner)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(group)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(dacl)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(sacl)), 0, 0)
+	if r0 != 0 {
+		ret = syscall.Errno(r0)
+	}
+	return
+func buildSecurityDescriptor(owner *TRUSTEE, group *TRUSTEE, countAccessEntries uint32, accessEntries *EXPLICIT_ACCESS, countAuditEntries uint32, auditEntries *EXPLICIT_ACCESS, oldSecurityDescriptor *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, sizeNewSecurityDescriptor *uint32, newSecurityDescriptor **SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) (ret error) {
+	r0, _, _ := syscall.Syscall9(procBuildSecurityDescriptorW.Addr(), 9, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(owner)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(group)), uintptr(countAccessEntries), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(accessEntries)), uintptr(countAuditEntries), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(auditEntries)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(oldSecurityDescriptor)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(sizeNewSecurityDescriptor)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(newSecurityDescriptor)))
+	if r0 != 0 {
+		ret = syscall.Errno(r0)
+	}
+	return
+func initializeSecurityDescriptor(absoluteSD *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, revision uint32) (err error) {
+	r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall(procInitializeSecurityDescriptor.Addr(), 2, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(absoluteSD)), uintptr(revision), 0)
+	if r1 == 0 {
+		if e1 != 0 {
+			err = errnoErr(e1)
+		} else {
+			err = syscall.EINVAL
+		}
+	}
+	return
+func getSecurityDescriptorControl(sd *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, control *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_CONTROL, revision *uint32) (err error) {
+	r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall(procGetSecurityDescriptorControl.Addr(), 3, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(sd)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(control)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(revision)))
+	if r1 == 0 {
+		if e1 != 0 {
+			err = errnoErr(e1)
+		} else {
+			err = syscall.EINVAL
+		}
+	}
+	return
+func getSecurityDescriptorDacl(sd *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, daclPresent *bool, dacl **ACL, daclDefaulted *bool) (err error) {
+	var _p0 uint32
+	if *daclPresent {
+		_p0 = 1
+	} else {
+		_p0 = 0
+	}
+	var _p1 uint32
+	if *daclDefaulted {
+		_p1 = 1
+	} else {
+		_p1 = 0
+	}
+	r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall6(procGetSecurityDescriptorDacl.Addr(), 4, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(sd)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(dacl)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&_p1)), 0, 0)
+	*daclPresent = _p0 != 0
+	*daclDefaulted = _p1 != 0
+	if r1 == 0 {
+		if e1 != 0 {
+			err = errnoErr(e1)
+		} else {
+			err = syscall.EINVAL
+		}
+	}
+	return
+func getSecurityDescriptorSacl(sd *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, saclPresent *bool, sacl **ACL, saclDefaulted *bool) (err error) {
+	var _p0 uint32
+	if *saclPresent {
+		_p0 = 1
+	} else {
+		_p0 = 0
+	}
+	var _p1 uint32
+	if *saclDefaulted {
+		_p1 = 1
+	} else {
+		_p1 = 0
+	}
+	r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall6(procGetSecurityDescriptorSacl.Addr(), 4, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(sd)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(sacl)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&_p1)), 0, 0)
+	*saclPresent = _p0 != 0
+	*saclDefaulted = _p1 != 0
+	if r1 == 0 {
+		if e1 != 0 {
+			err = errnoErr(e1)
+		} else {
+			err = syscall.EINVAL
+		}
+	}
+	return
+func getSecurityDescriptorOwner(sd *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, owner **SID, ownerDefaulted *bool) (err error) {
+	var _p0 uint32
+	if *ownerDefaulted {
+		_p0 = 1
+	} else {
+		_p0 = 0
+	}
+	r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall(procGetSecurityDescriptorOwner.Addr(), 3, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(sd)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(owner)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&_p0)))
+	*ownerDefaulted = _p0 != 0
+	if r1 == 0 {
+		if e1 != 0 {
+			err = errnoErr(e1)
+		} else {
+			err = syscall.EINVAL
+		}
+	}
+	return
+func getSecurityDescriptorGroup(sd *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, group **SID, groupDefaulted *bool) (err error) {
+	var _p0 uint32
+	if *groupDefaulted {
+		_p0 = 1
+	} else {
+		_p0 = 0
+	}
+	r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall(procGetSecurityDescriptorGroup.Addr(), 3, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(sd)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(group)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&_p0)))
+	*groupDefaulted = _p0 != 0
+	if r1 == 0 {
+		if e1 != 0 {
+			err = errnoErr(e1)
+		} else {
+			err = syscall.EINVAL
+		}
+	}
+	return
+func getSecurityDescriptorLength(sd *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) (len uint32) {
+	r0, _, _ := syscall.Syscall(procGetSecurityDescriptorLength.Addr(), 1, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(sd)), 0, 0)
+	len = uint32(r0)
+	return
+func getSecurityDescriptorRMControl(sd *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, rmControl *uint8) (ret error) {
+	r0, _, _ := syscall.Syscall(procGetSecurityDescriptorRMControl.Addr(), 2, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(sd)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rmControl)), 0)
+	if r0 != 0 {
+		ret = syscall.Errno(r0)
+	}
+	return
+func isValidSecurityDescriptor(sd *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) (isValid bool) {
+	r0, _, _ := syscall.Syscall(procIsValidSecurityDescriptor.Addr(), 1, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(sd)), 0, 0)
+	isValid = r0 != 0
+	return
+func setSecurityDescriptorControl(sd *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, controlBitsOfInterest SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_CONTROL, controlBitsToSet SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_CONTROL) (err error) {
+	r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall(procSetSecurityDescriptorControl.Addr(), 3, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(sd)), uintptr(controlBitsOfInterest), uintptr(controlBitsToSet))
+	if r1 == 0 {
+		if e1 != 0 {
+			err = errnoErr(e1)
+		} else {
+			err = syscall.EINVAL
+		}
+	}
+	return
+func setSecurityDescriptorDacl(sd *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, daclPresent bool, dacl *ACL, daclDefaulted bool) (err error) {
+	var _p0 uint32
+	if daclPresent {
+		_p0 = 1
+	} else {
+		_p0 = 0
+	}
+	var _p1 uint32
+	if daclDefaulted {
+		_p1 = 1
+	} else {
+		_p1 = 0
+	}
+	r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall6(procSetSecurityDescriptorDacl.Addr(), 4, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(sd)), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(dacl)), uintptr(_p1), 0, 0)
+	if r1 == 0 {
+		if e1 != 0 {
+			err = errnoErr(e1)
+		} else {
+			err = syscall.EINVAL
+		}
+	}
+	return
+func setSecurityDescriptorSacl(sd *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, saclPresent bool, sacl *ACL, saclDefaulted bool) (err error) {
+	var _p0 uint32
+	if saclPresent {
+		_p0 = 1
+	} else {
+		_p0 = 0
+	}
+	var _p1 uint32
+	if saclDefaulted {
+		_p1 = 1
+	} else {
+		_p1 = 0
+	}
+	r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall6(procSetSecurityDescriptorSacl.Addr(), 4, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(sd)), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(sacl)), uintptr(_p1), 0, 0)
+	if r1 == 0 {
+		if e1 != 0 {
+			err = errnoErr(e1)
+		} else {
+			err = syscall.EINVAL
+		}
+	}
+	return
+func setSecurityDescriptorOwner(sd *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, owner *SID, ownerDefaulted bool) (err error) {
+	var _p0 uint32
+	if ownerDefaulted {
+		_p0 = 1
+	} else {
+		_p0 = 0
+	}
+	r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall(procSetSecurityDescriptorOwner.Addr(), 3, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(sd)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(owner)), uintptr(_p0))
+	if r1 == 0 {
+		if e1 != 0 {
+			err = errnoErr(e1)
+		} else {
+			err = syscall.EINVAL
+		}
+	}
+	return
+func setSecurityDescriptorGroup(sd *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, group *SID, groupDefaulted bool) (err error) {
+	var _p0 uint32
+	if groupDefaulted {
+		_p0 = 1
+	} else {
+		_p0 = 0
+	}
+	r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall(procSetSecurityDescriptorGroup.Addr(), 3, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(sd)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(group)), uintptr(_p0))
+	if r1 == 0 {
+		if e1 != 0 {
+			err = errnoErr(e1)
+		} else {
+			err = syscall.EINVAL
+		}
+	}
+	return
+func setSecurityDescriptorRMControl(sd *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, rmControl *uint8) {
+	syscall.Syscall(procSetSecurityDescriptorRMControl.Addr(), 2, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(sd)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rmControl)), 0)
+	return
+func convertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptor(str string, revision uint32, sd **SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, size *uint32) (err error) {
+	var _p0 *uint16
+	_p0, err = syscall.UTF16PtrFromString(str)
+	if err != nil {
+		return
+	}
+	return _convertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptor(_p0, revision, sd, size)
+func _convertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptor(str *uint16, revision uint32, sd **SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, size *uint32) (err error) {
+	r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall6(procConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptorW.Addr(), 4, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(str)), uintptr(revision), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(sd)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(size)), 0, 0)
+	if r1 == 0 {
+		if e1 != 0 {
+			err = errnoErr(e1)
+		} else {
+			err = syscall.EINVAL
+		}
+	}
+	return
+func convertSecurityDescriptorToStringSecurityDescriptor(sd *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, revision uint32, securityInformation SECURITY_INFORMATION, str **uint16, strLen *uint32) (err error) {
+	r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall6(procConvertSecurityDescriptorToStringSecurityDescriptorW.Addr(), 5, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(sd)), uintptr(revision), uintptr(securityInformation), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(str)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(strLen)), 0)
+	if r1 == 0 {
+		if e1 != 0 {
+			err = errnoErr(e1)
+		} else {
+			err = syscall.EINVAL
+		}
+	}
+	return
+func makeAbsoluteSD(selfRelativeSD *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, absoluteSD *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, absoluteSDSize *uint32, dacl *ACL, daclSize *uint32, sacl *ACL, saclSize *uint32, owner *SID, ownerSize *uint32, group *SID, groupSize *uint32) (err error) {
+	r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall12(procMakeAbsoluteSD.Addr(), 11, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(selfRelativeSD)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(absoluteSD)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(absoluteSDSize)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(dacl)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(daclSize)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(sacl)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(saclSize)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(owner)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(ownerSize)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(group)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(groupSize)), 0)
+	if r1 == 0 {
+		if e1 != 0 {
+			err = errnoErr(e1)
+		} else {
+			err = syscall.EINVAL
+		}
+	}
+	return
+func makeSelfRelativeSD(absoluteSD *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, selfRelativeSD *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, selfRelativeSDSize *uint32) (err error) {
+	r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall(procMakeSelfRelativeSD.Addr(), 3, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(absoluteSD)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(selfRelativeSD)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(selfRelativeSDSize)))
+	if r1 == 0 {
+		if e1 != 0 {
+			err = errnoErr(e1)
+		} else {
+			err = syscall.EINVAL
+		}
+	}
+	return
+func setEntriesInAcl(countExplicitEntries uint32, explicitEntries *EXPLICIT_ACCESS, oldACL *ACL, newACL **ACL) (ret error) {
+	r0, _, _ := syscall.Syscall6(procSetEntriesInAclW.Addr(), 4, uintptr(countExplicitEntries), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(explicitEntries)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(oldACL)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(newACL)), 0, 0)
+	if r0 != 0 {
+		ret = syscall.Errno(r0)
+	}
+	return
diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/genproto/LICENSE b/vendor/google.golang.org/genproto/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d645695
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/genproto/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+                                 Apache License
+                           Version 2.0, January 2004
+                        http://www.apache.org/licenses/
+   1. Definitions.
+      "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction,
+      and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.
+      "Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by
+      the copyright owner that is granting the License.
+      "Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all
+      other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common
+      control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition,
+      "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the
+      direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or
+      otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the
+      outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity.
+      "You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity
+      exercising permissions granted by this License.
+      "Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications,
+      including but not limited to software source code, documentation
+      source, and configuration files.
+      "Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical
+      transformation or translation of a Source form, including but
+      not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation,
+      and conversions to other media types.
+      "Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or
+      Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a
+      copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work
+      (an example is provided in the Appendix below).
+      "Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object
+      form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the
+      editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications
+      represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes
+      of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain
+      separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of,
+      the Work and Derivative Works thereof.
+      "Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including
+      the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions
+      to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally
+      submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner
+      or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of
+      the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted"
+      means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent
+      to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to
+      communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems,
+      and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the
+      Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but
+      excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise
+      designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution."
+      "Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity
+      on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and
+      subsequently incorporated within the Work.
+   2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
+      this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
+      worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
+      copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of,
+      publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the
+      Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form.
+   3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
+      this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
+      worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
+      (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made,
+      use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work,
+      where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable
+      by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their
+      Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s)
+      with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You
+      institute patent litigation against any entity (including a
+      cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work
+      or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct
+      or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses
+      granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate
+      as of the date such litigation is filed.
+   4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the
+      Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without
+      modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You
+      meet the following conditions:
+      (a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or
+          Derivative Works a copy of this License; and
+      (b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices
+          stating that You changed the files; and
+      (c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works
+          that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and
+          attribution notices from the Source form of the Work,
+          excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of
+          the Derivative Works; and
+      (d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its
+          distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must
+          include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained
+          within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not
+          pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one
+          of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed
+          as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or
+          documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or,
+          within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and
+          wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents
+          of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and
+          do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution
+          notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside
+          or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided
+          that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed
+          as modifying the License.
+      You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and
+      may provide additional or different license terms and conditions
+      for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or
+      for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use,
+      reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with
+      the conditions stated in this License.
+   5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise,
+      any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work
+      by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of
+      this License, without any additional terms or conditions.
+      Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify
+      the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed
+      with Licensor regarding such Contributions.
+   6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
+      names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor,
+      except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the
+      origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file.
+   7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or
+      agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each
+      Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+      implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions
+      PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the
+      appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any
+      risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License.
+   8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory,
+      whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise,
+      unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly
+      negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be
+      liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special,
+      incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a
+      result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the
+      Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill,
+      work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all
+      other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor
+      has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+   9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing
+      the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer,
+      and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity,
+      or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this
+      License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only
+      on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf
+      of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify,
+      defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability
+      incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason
+      of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability.
+   APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work.
+      To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following
+      boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]"
+      replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include
+      the brackets!)  The text should be enclosed in the appropriate
+      comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a
+      file or class name and description of purpose be included on the
+      same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier
+      identification within third-party archives.
+   Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
+   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/rpc/status/status.pb.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/rpc/status/status.pb.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57ae35f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/rpc/status/status.pb.go
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+// Code generated by protoc-gen-go. DO NOT EDIT.
+// source: google/rpc/status.proto
+package status // import "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/rpc/status"
+import proto "github.com/golang/protobuf/proto"
+import fmt "fmt"
+import math "math"
+import any "github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/any"
+// Reference imports to suppress errors if they are not otherwise used.
+var _ = proto.Marshal
+var _ = fmt.Errorf
+var _ = math.Inf
+// This is a compile-time assertion to ensure that this generated file
+// is compatible with the proto package it is being compiled against.
+// A compilation error at this line likely means your copy of the
+// proto package needs to be updated.
+const _ = proto.ProtoPackageIsVersion2 // please upgrade the proto package
+// The `Status` type defines a logical error model that is suitable for
+// different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is
+// used by [gRPC](https://github.com/grpc). The error model is designed to be:
+// - Simple to use and understand for most users
+// - Flexible enough to meet unexpected needs
+// # Overview
+// The `Status` message contains three pieces of data: error code, error
+// message, and error details. The error code should be an enum value of
+// [google.rpc.Code][google.rpc.Code], but it may accept additional error codes
+// if needed.  The error message should be a developer-facing English message
+// that helps developers *understand* and *resolve* the error. If a localized
+// user-facing error message is needed, put the localized message in the error
+// details or localize it in the client. The optional error details may contain
+// arbitrary information about the error. There is a predefined set of error
+// detail types in the package `google.rpc` that can be used for common error
+// conditions.
+// # Language mapping
+// The `Status` message is the logical representation of the error model, but it
+// is not necessarily the actual wire format. When the `Status` message is
+// exposed in different client libraries and different wire protocols, it can be
+// mapped differently. For example, it will likely be mapped to some exceptions
+// in Java, but more likely mapped to some error codes in C.
+// # Other uses
+// The error model and the `Status` message can be used in a variety of
+// environments, either with or without APIs, to provide a
+// consistent developer experience across different environments.
+// Example uses of this error model include:
+// - Partial errors. If a service needs to return partial errors to the client,
+//     it may embed the `Status` in the normal response to indicate the partial
+//     errors.
+// - Workflow errors. A typical workflow has multiple steps. Each step may
+//     have a `Status` message for error reporting.
+// - Batch operations. If a client uses batch request and batch response, the
+//     `Status` message should be used directly inside batch response, one for
+//     each error sub-response.
+// - Asynchronous operations. If an API call embeds asynchronous operation
+//     results in its response, the status of those operations should be
+//     represented directly using the `Status` message.
+// - Logging. If some API errors are stored in logs, the message `Status` could
+//     be used directly after any stripping needed for security/privacy reasons.
+type Status struct {
+	// The status code, which should be an enum value of
+	// [google.rpc.Code][google.rpc.Code].
+	Code int32 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=code,proto3" json:"code,omitempty"`
+	// A developer-facing error message, which should be in English. Any
+	// user-facing error message should be localized and sent in the
+	// [google.rpc.Status.details][google.rpc.Status.details] field, or localized
+	// by the client.
+	Message string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=message,proto3" json:"message,omitempty"`
+	// A list of messages that carry the error details.  There is a common set of
+	// message types for APIs to use.
+	Details              []*any.Any `protobuf:"bytes,3,rep,name=details,proto3" json:"details,omitempty"`
+	XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{}   `json:"-"`
+	XXX_unrecognized     []byte     `json:"-"`
+	XXX_sizecache        int32      `json:"-"`
+func (m *Status) Reset()         { *m = Status{} }
+func (m *Status) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
+func (*Status) ProtoMessage()    {}
+func (*Status) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
+	return fileDescriptor_status_ced6ddf76350620b, []int{0}
+func (m *Status) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
+	return xxx_messageInfo_Status.Unmarshal(m, b)
+func (m *Status) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
+	return xxx_messageInfo_Status.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
+func (dst *Status) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
+	xxx_messageInfo_Status.Merge(dst, src)
+func (m *Status) XXX_Size() int {
+	return xxx_messageInfo_Status.Size(m)
+func (m *Status) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
+	xxx_messageInfo_Status.DiscardUnknown(m)
+var xxx_messageInfo_Status proto.InternalMessageInfo
+func (m *Status) GetCode() int32 {
+	if m != nil {
+		return m.Code
+	}
+	return 0
+func (m *Status) GetMessage() string {
+	if m != nil {
+		return m.Message
+	}
+	return ""
+func (m *Status) GetDetails() []*any.Any {
+	if m != nil {
+		return m.Details
+	}
+	return nil
+func init() {
+	proto.RegisterType((*Status)(nil), "google.rpc.Status")
+func init() { proto.RegisterFile("google/rpc/status.proto", fileDescriptor_status_ced6ddf76350620b) }
+var fileDescriptor_status_ced6ddf76350620b = []byte{
+	// 209 bytes of a gzipped FileDescriptorProto
+	0x1f, 0x8b, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0xff, 0xe2, 0x12, 0x4f, 0xcf, 0xcf, 0x4f,
+	0xcf, 0x49, 0xd5, 0x2f, 0x2a, 0x48, 0xd6, 0x2f, 0x2e, 0x49, 0x2c, 0x29, 0x2d, 0xd6, 0x2b, 0x28,
+	0xca, 0x2f, 0xc9, 0x17, 0xe2, 0x82, 0x48, 0xe8, 0x15, 0x15, 0x24, 0x4b, 0x49, 0x42, 0x15, 0x81,
+	0x65, 0x92, 0x4a, 0xd3, 0xf4, 0x13, 0xf3, 0x2a, 0x21, 0xca, 0x94, 0xd2, 0xb8, 0xd8, 0x82, 0xc1,
+	0xda, 0x84, 0x84, 0xb8, 0x58, 0x92, 0xf3, 0x53, 0x52, 0x25, 0x18, 0x15, 0x18, 0x35, 0x58, 0x83,
+	0xc0, 0x6c, 0x21, 0x09, 0x2e, 0xf6, 0xdc, 0xd4, 0xe2, 0xe2, 0xc4, 0xf4, 0x54, 0x09, 0x26, 0x05,
+	0x46, 0x0d, 0xce, 0x20, 0x18, 0x57, 0x48, 0x8f, 0x8b, 0x3d, 0x25, 0xb5, 0x24, 0x31, 0x33, 0xa7,
+	0x58, 0x82, 0x59, 0x81, 0x59, 0x83, 0xdb, 0x48, 0x44, 0x0f, 0x6a, 0x21, 0xcc, 0x12, 0x3d, 0xc7,
+	0xbc, 0xca, 0x20, 0x98, 0x22, 0xa7, 0x38, 0x2e, 0xbe, 0xe4, 0xfc, 0x5c, 0x3d, 0x84, 0xa3, 0x9c,
+	0xb8, 0x21, 0xf6, 0x06, 0x80, 0x94, 0x07, 0x30, 0x46, 0x99, 0x43, 0xa5, 0xd2, 0xf3, 0x73, 0x12,
+	0xf3, 0xd2, 0xf5, 0xf2, 0x8b, 0xd2, 0xf5, 0xd3, 0x53, 0xf3, 0xc0, 0x86, 0xe9, 0x43, 0xa4, 0x12,
+	0x0b, 0x32, 0x8b, 0x91, 0xfc, 0x69, 0x0d, 0xa1, 0x16, 0x31, 0x31, 0x07, 0x05, 0x38, 0x27, 0xb1,
+	0x81, 0x55, 0x1a, 0x03, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0xa4, 0x53, 0xf0, 0x7c, 0x10, 0x01, 0x00,
+	0x00,
diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/AUTHORS b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/AUTHORS
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e491a9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/AUTHORS
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Google Inc.
diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/LICENSE b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d645695
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+                                 Apache License
+                           Version 2.0, January 2004
+                        http://www.apache.org/licenses/
+   1. Definitions.
+      "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction,
+      and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.
+      "Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by
+      the copyright owner that is granting the License.
+      "Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all
+      other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common
+      control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition,
+      "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the
+      direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or
+      otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the
+      outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity.
+      "You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity
+      exercising permissions granted by this License.
+      "Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications,
+      including but not limited to software source code, documentation
+      source, and configuration files.
+      "Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical
+      transformation or translation of a Source form, including but
+      not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation,
+      and conversions to other media types.
+      "Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or
+      Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a
+      copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work
+      (an example is provided in the Appendix below).
+      "Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object
+      form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the
+      editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications
+      represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes
+      of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain
+      separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of,
+      the Work and Derivative Works thereof.
+      "Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including
+      the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions
+      to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally
+      submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner
+      or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of
+      the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted"
+      means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent
+      to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to
+      communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems,
+      and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the
+      Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but
+      excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise
+      designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution."
+      "Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity
+      on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and
+      subsequently incorporated within the Work.
+   2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
+      this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
+      worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
+      copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of,
+      publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the
+      Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form.
+   3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
+      this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
+      worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
+      (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made,
+      use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work,
+      where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable
+      by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their
+      Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s)
+      with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You
+      institute patent litigation against any entity (including a
+      cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work
+      or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct
+      or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses
+      granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate
+      as of the date such litigation is filed.
+   4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the
+      Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without
+      modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You
+      meet the following conditions:
+      (a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or
+          Derivative Works a copy of this License; and
+      (b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices
+          stating that You changed the files; and
+      (c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works
+          that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and
+          attribution notices from the Source form of the Work,
+          excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of
+          the Derivative Works; and
+      (d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its
+          distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must
+          include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained
+          within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not
+          pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one
+          of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed
+          as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or
+          documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or,
+          within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and
+          wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents
+          of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and
+          do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution
+          notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside
+          or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided
+          that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed
+          as modifying the License.
+      You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and
+      may provide additional or different license terms and conditions
+      for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or
+      for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use,
+      reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with
+      the conditions stated in this License.
+   5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise,
+      any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work
+      by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of
+      this License, without any additional terms or conditions.
+      Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify
+      the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed
+      with Licensor regarding such Contributions.
+   6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
+      names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor,
+      except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the
+      origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file.
+   7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or
+      agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each
+      Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+      implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions
+      PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the
+      appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any
+      risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License.
+   8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory,
+      whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise,
+      unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly
+      negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be
+      liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special,
+      incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a
+      result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the
+      Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill,
+      work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all
+      other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor
+      has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+   9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing
+      the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer,
+      and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity,
+      or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this
+      License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only
+      on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf
+      of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify,
+      defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability
+      incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason
+      of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability.
+   APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work.
+      To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following
+      boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]"
+      replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include
+      the brackets!)  The text should be enclosed in the appropriate
+      comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a
+      file or class name and description of purpose be included on the
+      same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier
+      identification within third-party archives.
+   Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
+   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/codes/code_string.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/codes/code_string.go
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+++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/codes/code_string.go
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright 2017 gRPC authors.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ */
+package codes
+import "strconv"
+func (c Code) String() string {
+	switch c {
+	case OK:
+		return "OK"
+	case Canceled:
+		return "Canceled"
+	case Unknown:
+		return "Unknown"
+	case InvalidArgument:
+		return "InvalidArgument"
+	case DeadlineExceeded:
+		return "DeadlineExceeded"
+	case NotFound:
+		return "NotFound"
+	case AlreadyExists:
+		return "AlreadyExists"
+	case PermissionDenied:
+		return "PermissionDenied"
+	case ResourceExhausted:
+		return "ResourceExhausted"
+	case FailedPrecondition:
+		return "FailedPrecondition"
+	case Aborted:
+		return "Aborted"
+	case OutOfRange:
+		return "OutOfRange"
+	case Unimplemented:
+		return "Unimplemented"
+	case Internal:
+		return "Internal"
+	case Unavailable:
+		return "Unavailable"
+	case DataLoss:
+		return "DataLoss"
+	case Unauthenticated:
+		return "Unauthenticated"
+	default:
+		return "Code(" + strconv.FormatInt(int64(c), 10) + ")"
+	}
diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/codes/codes.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/codes/codes.go
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index 0000000..d9b9d57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/codes/codes.go
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright 2014 gRPC authors.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ */
+// Package codes defines the canonical error codes used by gRPC. It is
+// consistent across various languages.
+package codes // import "google.golang.org/grpc/codes"
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	"strconv"
+// A Code is an unsigned 32-bit error code as defined in the gRPC spec.
+type Code uint32
+const (
+	// OK is returned on success.
+	OK Code = 0
+	// Canceled indicates the operation was canceled (typically by the caller).
+	Canceled Code = 1
+	// Unknown error. An example of where this error may be returned is
+	// if a Status value received from another address space belongs to
+	// an error-space that is not known in this address space. Also
+	// errors raised by APIs that do not return enough error information
+	// may be converted to this error.
+	Unknown Code = 2
+	// InvalidArgument indicates client specified an invalid argument.
+	// Note that this differs from FailedPrecondition. It indicates arguments
+	// that are problematic regardless of the state of the system
+	// (e.g., a malformed file name).
+	InvalidArgument Code = 3
+	// DeadlineExceeded means operation expired before completion.
+	// For operations that change the state of the system, this error may be
+	// returned even if the operation has completed successfully. For
+	// example, a successful response from a server could have been delayed
+	// long enough for the deadline to expire.
+	DeadlineExceeded Code = 4
+	// NotFound means some requested entity (e.g., file or directory) was
+	// not found.
+	NotFound Code = 5
+	// AlreadyExists means an attempt to create an entity failed because one
+	// already exists.
+	AlreadyExists Code = 6
+	// PermissionDenied indicates the caller does not have permission to
+	// execute the specified operation. It must not be used for rejections
+	// caused by exhausting some resource (use ResourceExhausted
+	// instead for those errors). It must not be
+	// used if the caller cannot be identified (use Unauthenticated
+	// instead for those errors).
+	PermissionDenied Code = 7
+	// ResourceExhausted indicates some resource has been exhausted, perhaps
+	// a per-user quota, or perhaps the entire file system is out of space.
+	ResourceExhausted Code = 8
+	// FailedPrecondition indicates operation was rejected because the
+	// system is not in a state required for the operation's execution.
+	// For example, directory to be deleted may be non-empty, an rmdir
+	// operation is applied to a non-directory, etc.
+	//
+	// A litmus test that may help a service implementor in deciding
+	// between FailedPrecondition, Aborted, and Unavailable:
+	//  (a) Use Unavailable if the client can retry just the failing call.
+	//  (b) Use Aborted if the client should retry at a higher-level
+	//      (e.g., restarting a read-modify-write sequence).
+	//  (c) Use FailedPrecondition if the client should not retry until
+	//      the system state has been explicitly fixed. E.g., if an "rmdir"
+	//      fails because the directory is non-empty, FailedPrecondition
+	//      should be returned since the client should not retry unless
+	//      they have first fixed up the directory by deleting files from it.
+	//  (d) Use FailedPrecondition if the client performs conditional
+	//      REST Get/Update/Delete on a resource and the resource on the
+	//      server does not match the condition. E.g., conflicting
+	//      read-modify-write on the same resource.
+	FailedPrecondition Code = 9
+	// Aborted indicates the operation was aborted, typically due to a
+	// concurrency issue like sequencer check failures, transaction aborts,
+	// etc.
+	//
+	// See litmus test above for deciding between FailedPrecondition,
+	// Aborted, and Unavailable.
+	Aborted Code = 10
+	// OutOfRange means operation was attempted past the valid range.
+	// E.g., seeking or reading past end of file.
+	//
+	// Unlike InvalidArgument, this error indicates a problem that may
+	// be fixed if the system state changes. For example, a 32-bit file
+	// system will generate InvalidArgument if asked to read at an
+	// offset that is not in the range [0,2^32-1], but it will generate
+	// OutOfRange if asked to read from an offset past the current
+	// file size.
+	//
+	// There is a fair bit of overlap between FailedPrecondition and
+	// OutOfRange. We recommend using OutOfRange (the more specific
+	// error) when it applies so that callers who are iterating through
+	// a space can easily look for an OutOfRange error to detect when
+	// they are done.
+	OutOfRange Code = 11
+	// Unimplemented indicates operation is not implemented or not
+	// supported/enabled in this service.
+	Unimplemented Code = 12
+	// Internal errors. Means some invariants expected by underlying
+	// system has been broken. If you see one of these errors,
+	// something is very broken.
+	Internal Code = 13
+	// Unavailable indicates the service is currently unavailable.
+	// This is a most likely a transient condition and may be corrected
+	// by retrying with a backoff.
+	//
+	// See litmus test above for deciding between FailedPrecondition,
+	// Aborted, and Unavailable.
+	Unavailable Code = 14
+	// DataLoss indicates unrecoverable data loss or corruption.
+	DataLoss Code = 15
+	// Unauthenticated indicates the request does not have valid
+	// authentication credentials for the operation.
+	Unauthenticated Code = 16
+	_maxCode = 17
+var strToCode = map[string]Code{
+	`"OK"`: OK,
+	`"CANCELLED"`:/* [sic] */ Canceled,
+	`"UNKNOWN"`:             Unknown,
+	`"INVALID_ARGUMENT"`:    InvalidArgument,
+	`"DEADLINE_EXCEEDED"`:   DeadlineExceeded,
+	`"NOT_FOUND"`:           NotFound,
+	`"ALREADY_EXISTS"`:      AlreadyExists,
+	`"PERMISSION_DENIED"`:   PermissionDenied,
+	`"RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED"`:  ResourceExhausted,
+	`"FAILED_PRECONDITION"`: FailedPrecondition,
+	`"ABORTED"`:             Aborted,
+	`"OUT_OF_RANGE"`:        OutOfRange,
+	`"UNIMPLEMENTED"`:       Unimplemented,
+	`"INTERNAL"`:            Internal,
+	`"UNAVAILABLE"`:         Unavailable,
+	`"DATA_LOSS"`:           DataLoss,
+	`"UNAUTHENTICATED"`:     Unauthenticated,
+// UnmarshalJSON unmarshals b into the Code.
+func (c *Code) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
+	// From json.Unmarshaler: By convention, to approximate the behavior of
+	// Unmarshal itself, Unmarshalers implement UnmarshalJSON([]byte("null")) as
+	// a no-op.
+	if string(b) == "null" {
+		return nil
+	}
+	if c == nil {
+		return fmt.Errorf("nil receiver passed to UnmarshalJSON")
+	}
+	if ci, err := strconv.ParseUint(string(b), 10, 32); err == nil {
+		if ci >= _maxCode {
+			return fmt.Errorf("invalid code: %q", ci)
+		}
+		*c = Code(ci)
+		return nil
+	}
+	if jc, ok := strToCode[string(b)]; ok {
+		*c = jc
+		return nil
+	}
+	return fmt.Errorf("invalid code: %q", string(b))
diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/status/status.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/status/status.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed36681
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/status/status.go
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright 2017 gRPC authors.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ */
+// Package status implements errors returned by gRPC.  These errors are
+// serialized and transmitted on the wire between server and client, and allow
+// for additional data to be transmitted via the Details field in the status
+// proto.  gRPC service handlers should return an error created by this
+// package, and gRPC clients should expect a corresponding error to be
+// returned from the RPC call.
+// This package upholds the invariants that a non-nil error may not
+// contain an OK code, and an OK code must result in a nil error.
+package status
+import (
+	"context"
+	"errors"
+	"fmt"
+	"github.com/golang/protobuf/proto"
+	"github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes"
+	spb "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/rpc/status"
+	"google.golang.org/grpc/codes"
+// statusError is an alias of a status proto.  It implements error and Status,
+// and a nil statusError should never be returned by this package.
+type statusError spb.Status
+func (se *statusError) Error() string {
+	p := (*spb.Status)(se)
+	return fmt.Sprintf("rpc error: code = %s desc = %s", codes.Code(p.GetCode()), p.GetMessage())
+func (se *statusError) GRPCStatus() *Status {
+	return &Status{s: (*spb.Status)(se)}
+// Status represents an RPC status code, message, and details.  It is immutable
+// and should be created with New, Newf, or FromProto.
+type Status struct {
+	s *spb.Status
+// Code returns the status code contained in s.
+func (s *Status) Code() codes.Code {
+	if s == nil || s.s == nil {
+		return codes.OK
+	}
+	return codes.Code(s.s.Code)
+// Message returns the message contained in s.
+func (s *Status) Message() string {
+	if s == nil || s.s == nil {
+		return ""
+	}
+	return s.s.Message
+// Proto returns s's status as an spb.Status proto message.
+func (s *Status) Proto() *spb.Status {
+	if s == nil {
+		return nil
+	}
+	return proto.Clone(s.s).(*spb.Status)
+// Err returns an immutable error representing s; returns nil if s.Code() is
+// OK.
+func (s *Status) Err() error {
+	if s.Code() == codes.OK {
+		return nil
+	}
+	return (*statusError)(s.s)
+// New returns a Status representing c and msg.
+func New(c codes.Code, msg string) *Status {
+	return &Status{s: &spb.Status{Code: int32(c), Message: msg}}
+// Newf returns New(c, fmt.Sprintf(format, a...)).
+func Newf(c codes.Code, format string, a ...interface{}) *Status {
+	return New(c, fmt.Sprintf(format, a...))
+// Error returns an error representing c and msg.  If c is OK, returns nil.
+func Error(c codes.Code, msg string) error {
+	return New(c, msg).Err()
+// Errorf returns Error(c, fmt.Sprintf(format, a...)).
+func Errorf(c codes.Code, format string, a ...interface{}) error {
+	return Error(c, fmt.Sprintf(format, a...))
+// ErrorProto returns an error representing s.  If s.Code is OK, returns nil.
+func ErrorProto(s *spb.Status) error {
+	return FromProto(s).Err()
+// FromProto returns a Status representing s.
+func FromProto(s *spb.Status) *Status {
+	return &Status{s: proto.Clone(s).(*spb.Status)}
+// FromError returns a Status representing err if it was produced from this
+// package or has a method `GRPCStatus() *Status`. Otherwise, ok is false and a
+// Status is returned with codes.Unknown and the original error message.
+func FromError(err error) (s *Status, ok bool) {
+	if err == nil {
+		return &Status{s: &spb.Status{Code: int32(codes.OK)}}, true
+	}
+	if se, ok := err.(interface {
+		GRPCStatus() *Status
+	}); ok {
+		return se.GRPCStatus(), true
+	}
+	return New(codes.Unknown, err.Error()), false
+// Convert is a convenience function which removes the need to handle the
+// boolean return value from FromError.
+func Convert(err error) *Status {
+	s, _ := FromError(err)
+	return s
+// WithDetails returns a new status with the provided details messages appended to the status.
+// If any errors are encountered, it returns nil and the first error encountered.
+func (s *Status) WithDetails(details ...proto.Message) (*Status, error) {
+	if s.Code() == codes.OK {
+		return nil, errors.New("no error details for status with code OK")
+	}
+	// s.Code() != OK implies that s.Proto() != nil.
+	p := s.Proto()
+	for _, detail := range details {
+		any, err := ptypes.MarshalAny(detail)
+		if err != nil {
+			return nil, err
+		}
+		p.Details = append(p.Details, any)
+	}
+	return &Status{s: p}, nil
+// Details returns a slice of details messages attached to the status.
+// If a detail cannot be decoded, the error is returned in place of the detail.
+func (s *Status) Details() []interface{} {
+	if s == nil || s.s == nil {
+		return nil
+	}
+	details := make([]interface{}, 0, len(s.s.Details))
+	for _, any := range s.s.Details {
+		detail := &ptypes.DynamicAny{}
+		if err := ptypes.UnmarshalAny(any, detail); err != nil {
+			details = append(details, err)
+			continue
+		}
+		details = append(details, detail.Message)
+	}
+	return details
+// Code returns the Code of the error if it is a Status error, codes.OK if err
+// is nil, or codes.Unknown otherwise.
+func Code(err error) codes.Code {
+	// Don't use FromError to avoid allocation of OK status.
+	if err == nil {
+		return codes.OK
+	}
+	if se, ok := err.(interface {
+		GRPCStatus() *Status
+	}); ok {
+		return se.GRPCStatus().Code()
+	}
+	return codes.Unknown
+// FromContextError converts a context error into a Status.  It returns a
+// Status with codes.OK if err is nil, or a Status with codes.Unknown if err is
+// non-nil and not a context error.
+func FromContextError(err error) *Status {
+	switch err {
+	case nil:
+		return New(codes.OK, "")
+	case context.DeadlineExceeded:
+		return New(codes.DeadlineExceeded, err.Error())
+	case context.Canceled:
+		return New(codes.Canceled, err.Error())
+	default:
+		return New(codes.Unknown, err.Error())
+	}
diff --git a/vendor/modules.txt b/vendor/modules.txt
index eb202fe..9571839 100644
--- a/vendor/modules.txt
+++ b/vendor/modules.txt
@@ -3,24 +3,31 @@
 # github.com/MichaelTJones/walk v0.0.0-20161122175330-4748e29d5718
 ## explicit
-# github.com/Microsoft/go-winio v0.4.11
-## explicit
+# github.com/Microsoft/go-winio v0.4.15-0.20190919025122-fc70bd9a86b5
-# github.com/Nvveen/Gotty v0.0.0-20120604004816-cd527374f1e5
+# github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim v0.8.7
 ## explicit
 # github.com/andreaskoch/go-fswatch v1.0.0
 ## explicit
-# github.com/containerd/continuity v0.0.0-20181203112020-004b46473808
+# github.com/containerd/containerd v1.3.3
 ## explicit
+# github.com/containerd/continuity v0.0.0-20190426062206-aaeac12a7ffc
 # github.com/davecgh/go-spew v1.1.1
 # github.com/docker/distribution v2.7.1+incompatible
 ## explicit
-# github.com/docker/docker v1.13.1 => github.com/docker/engine v0.0.0-20181106193140-f5749085e9cb
+# github.com/docker/docker v1.4.2-0.20200229013735-71373c6105e3
 ## explicit
@@ -55,8 +62,7 @@ github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system
-# github.com/docker/go-units v0.3.3
-## explicit
+# github.com/docker/go-units v0.4.0
 # github.com/emirpasic/gods v1.12.0
 ## explicit
@@ -69,12 +75,18 @@ github.com/emirpasic/gods/utils
 # github.com/go-ini/ini v1.41.0
 ## explicit
-# github.com/gogo/protobuf v1.2.0
-## explicit
+# github.com/gogo/protobuf v1.2.1
-# github.com/google/go-cmp v0.2.0
+# github.com/golang/protobuf v1.3.1
+# github.com/google/go-cmp v0.3.0
 # github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs v0.0.0-20181103185306-d547d1d9531e
@@ -104,6 +116,8 @@ github.com/mgutz/str
 # github.com/mitchellh/go-homedir v1.1.0
 ## explicit
+# github.com/morikuni/aec v1.0.0
+## explicit
 # github.com/opencontainers/go-digest v1.0.0-rc1
 ## explicit
@@ -136,7 +150,7 @@ github.com/robertkrimen/otto/token
 # github.com/sergi/go-diff v1.0.0
-# github.com/sirupsen/logrus v1.3.0
+# github.com/sirupsen/logrus v1.4.1
 ## explicit
 # github.com/smartystreets/assertions v0.0.0-20190116191733-b6c0e53d7304
@@ -182,26 +196,26 @@ golang.org/x/crypto/ssh/terminal
 # golang.org/x/net v0.0.0-20191126235420-ef20fe5d7933
 ## explicit
 # golang.org/x/sync v0.0.0-20190911185100-cd5d95a43a6e
 ## explicit
-# golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20191128015809-6d18c012aee9 => golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20190813064441-fde4db37ae7a
+# golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20191128015809-6d18c012aee9
 ## explicit
 # golang.org/x/text v0.3.2
-## explicit
 # golang.org/x/time v0.0.0-20181108054448-85acf8d2951c
 ## explicit
-# google.golang.org/genproto v0.0.0-20190128161407-8ac453e89fca
-## explicit
-# google.golang.org/grpc v1.18.0
-## explicit
+# google.golang.org/genproto v0.0.0-20190425155659-357c62f0e4bb
+# google.golang.org/grpc v1.20.1
 # gopkg.in/check.v1 v1.0.0-20190902080502-41f04d3bba15
 ## explicit
 # gopkg.in/godo.v2 v2.0.9
@@ -276,5 +290,3 @@ gotest.tools/assert/cmp
-# github.com/docker/docker => github.com/docker/engine v0.0.0-20181106193140-f5749085e9cb
-# golang.org/x/sys => golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20190813064441-fde4db37ae7a