package runner

import (


	log ""
	assert ""
	yaml ""

func TestRunContext_EvalBool(t *testing.T) {
	var yml yaml.Node
	err := yml.Encode(map[string][]interface{}{
		"os":  {"Linux", "Windows"},
		"foo": {"bar", "baz"},
	assert.NoError(t, err)

	rc := &RunContext{
		Config: &Config{
			Workdir: ".",
		Env: map[string]string{
			"SOMETHING_TRUE":  "true",
			"SOMETHING_FALSE": "false",
			"SOME_TEXT":       "text",
		Run: &model.Run{
			JobID: "job1",
			Workflow: &model.Workflow{
				Name: "test-workflow",
				Jobs: map[string]*model.Job{
					"job1": {
						Strategy: &model.Strategy{
							RawMatrix: yml,
		Matrix: map[string]interface{}{
			"os":  "Linux",
			"foo": "bar",
		StepResults: map[string]*model.StepResult{
			"id1": {
				Conclusion: model.StepStatusSuccess,
				Outcome:    model.StepStatusFailure,
				Outputs: map[string]string{
					"foo": "bar",
	rc.ExprEval = rc.NewExpressionEvaluator(context.Background())

	tables := []struct {
		in      string
		out     bool
		wantErr bool
		// The basic ones
		{in: "failure()", out: false},
		{in: "success()", out: true},
		{in: "cancelled()", out: false},
		{in: "always()", out: true},
		// TODO: move to sc.NewExpressionEvaluator(), because "steps" context is not available here
		// {in: "steps.id1.conclusion == 'success'", out: true},
		// {in: "steps.id1.conclusion != 'success'", out: false},
		// {in: "steps.id1.outcome == 'failure'", out: true},
		// {in: "steps.id1.outcome != 'failure'", out: false},
		{in: "true", out: true},
		{in: "false", out: false},
		// TODO: This does not throw an error, because the evaluator does not know if the expression is inside ${{ }} or not
		// {in: "!true", wantErr: true},
		// {in: "!false", wantErr: true},
		{in: "1 != 0", out: true},
		{in: "1 != 1", out: false},
		{in: "${{ 1 != 0 }}", out: true},
		{in: "${{ 1 != 1 }}", out: false},
		{in: "1 == 0", out: false},
		{in: "1 == 1", out: true},
		{in: "1 > 2", out: false},
		{in: "1 < 2", out: true},
		// And or
		{in: "true && false", out: false},
		{in: "true && 1 < 2", out: true},
		{in: "false || 1 < 2", out: true},
		{in: "false || false", out: false},
		// None boolable
		{in: "env.UNKNOWN == 'true'", out: false},
		{in: "env.UNKNOWN", out: false},
		// Inline expressions
		{in: "env.SOME_TEXT", out: true},
		{in: "env.SOME_TEXT == 'text'", out: true},
		{in: "env.SOMETHING_TRUE == 'true'", out: true},
		{in: "env.SOMETHING_FALSE == 'true'", out: false},
		{in: "env.SOMETHING_TRUE", out: true},
		{in: "env.SOMETHING_FALSE", out: true},
		// TODO: This does not throw an error, because the evaluator does not know if the expression is inside ${{ }} or not
		// {in: "!env.SOMETHING_TRUE", wantErr: true},
		// {in: "!env.SOMETHING_FALSE", wantErr: true},
		{in: "${{ !env.SOMETHING_TRUE }}", out: false},
		{in: "${{ !env.SOMETHING_FALSE }}", out: false},
		{in: "${{ ! env.SOMETHING_TRUE }}", out: false},
		{in: "${{ ! env.SOMETHING_FALSE }}", out: false},
		{in: "${{ env.SOMETHING_TRUE }}", out: true},
		{in: "${{ env.SOMETHING_FALSE }}", out: true},
		{in: "${{ !env.SOMETHING_TRUE }}", out: false},
		{in: "${{ !env.SOMETHING_FALSE }}", out: false},
		{in: "${{ !env.SOMETHING_TRUE && true }}", out: false},
		{in: "${{ !env.SOMETHING_FALSE && true }}", out: false},
		{in: "${{ !env.SOMETHING_TRUE || true }}", out: true},
		{in: "${{ !env.SOMETHING_FALSE || false }}", out: false},
		{in: "${{ env.SOMETHING_TRUE && true }}", out: true},
		{in: "${{ env.SOMETHING_FALSE || true }}", out: true},
		{in: "${{ env.SOMETHING_FALSE || false }}", out: true},
		// TODO: This does not throw an error, because the evaluator does not know if the expression is inside ${{ }} or not
		// {in: "!env.SOMETHING_TRUE || true", wantErr: true},
		{in: "${{ env.SOMETHING_TRUE == 'true'}}", out: true},
		{in: "${{ env.SOMETHING_FALSE == 'true'}}", out: false},
		{in: "${{ env.SOMETHING_FALSE == 'false'}}", out: true},
		{in: "${{ env.SOMETHING_FALSE }} && ${{ env.SOMETHING_TRUE }}", out: true},

		// All together now
		{in: "false || env.SOMETHING_TRUE == 'true'", out: true},
		{in: "true || env.SOMETHING_FALSE == 'true'", out: true},
		{in: "true && env.SOMETHING_TRUE == 'true'", out: true},
		{in: "false && env.SOMETHING_TRUE == 'true'", out: false},
		{in: "env.SOMETHING_FALSE == 'true' && env.SOMETHING_TRUE == 'true'", out: false},
		{in: "env.SOMETHING_FALSE == 'true' && true", out: false},
		{in: "${{ env.SOMETHING_FALSE == 'true' }} && true", out: true},
		{in: "true && ${{ env.SOMETHING_FALSE == 'true' }}", out: true},
		// Check github context
		{in: " == 'nektos/act'", out: true},
		{in: " == 'unknown'", out: false},
		{in: "github.job == 'job1'", out: true},
		// The special ACT flag
		{in: "${{ env.ACT }}", out: true},
		{in: "${{ !env.ACT }}", out: false},
		// Invalid expressions should be reported
		{in: "INVALID_EXPRESSION", wantErr: true},

	updateTestIfWorkflow(t, tables, rc)
	for _, table := range tables {
		table := table
		t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
			assertObject := assert.New(t)
			b, err := EvalBool(context.Background(), rc.ExprEval,, exprparser.DefaultStatusCheckSuccess)
			if table.wantErr {

			assertObject.Equal(table.out, b, fmt.Sprintf("Expected %s to be %v, was %v",, table.out, b))

func updateTestIfWorkflow(t *testing.T, tables []struct {
	in      string
	out     bool
	wantErr bool
}, rc *RunContext) {
	var envs string
	keys := make([]string, 0, len(rc.Env))
	for k := range rc.Env {
		keys = append(keys, k)
	for _, k := range keys {
		envs += fmt.Sprintf("  %s: %s\n", k, rc.Env[k])
	// editorconfig-checker-disable
	workflow := fmt.Sprintf(`
name: "Test what expressions result in true and false on GitHub"
on: push


    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
`, envs)
	// editorconfig-checker-enable

	for i, table := range tables {
		if table.wantErr || strings.HasPrefix(, "") {
		expressionPattern := regexp.MustCompile(`\${{\s*(.+?)\s*}}`)

		expr := expressionPattern.ReplaceAllStringFunc(, func(match string) string {
			return fmt.Sprintf("€{{ %s }}", expressionPattern.ReplaceAllString(match, "$1"))
		echo := fmt.Sprintf(`run: echo "%s should be false, but was evaluated to true;" exit 1;`,
		name := fmt.Sprintf(`"❌ I should not run, expr: %s"`, expr)
		if table.out {
			echo = `run: echo OK`
			name = fmt.Sprintf(`"✅ I should run, expr: %s"`, expr)
		workflow += fmt.Sprintf("\n      - name: %s\n        id: step%d\n        if: %s\n        %s\n", name, i,, echo)
		if table.out {
			workflow += fmt.Sprintf("\n      - name: \"Double checking expr: %s\"\n        if: steps.step%d.conclusion == 'skipped'\n        run: echo \"%s should have been true, but wasn't\"\n", expr, i,

	file, err := os.Create("../../.github/workflows/test-if.yml")
	if err != nil {

	_, err = file.WriteString(workflow)
	if err != nil {

func TestRunContext_GetBindsAndMounts(t *testing.T) {
	rctemplate := &RunContext{
		Name: "TestRCName",
		Run: &model.Run{
			Workflow: &model.Workflow{
				Name: "TestWorkflowName",
		Config: &Config{
			BindWorkdir: false,

	tests := []struct {
		windowsPath bool
		name        string
		rc          *RunContext
		wantbind    string
		wantmount   string
		{false, "/mnt/linux", rctemplate, "/mnt/linux", "/mnt/linux"},
		{false, "/mnt/path with spaces/linux", rctemplate, "/mnt/path with spaces/linux", "/mnt/path with spaces/linux"},
		{true, "C:\\Users\\TestPath\\MyTestPath", rctemplate, "/mnt/c/Users/TestPath/MyTestPath", "/mnt/c/Users/TestPath/MyTestPath"},
		{true, "C:\\Users\\Test Path with Spaces\\MyTestPath", rctemplate, "/mnt/c/Users/Test Path with Spaces/MyTestPath", "/mnt/c/Users/Test Path with Spaces/MyTestPath"},
		{true, "/LinuxPathOnWindowsShouldFail", rctemplate, "", ""},

	isWindows := runtime.GOOS == "windows"

	for _, testcase := range tests {
		// pin for scopelint
		testcase := testcase
		for _, bindWorkDir := range []bool{true, false} {
			// pin for scopelint
			bindWorkDir := bindWorkDir
			testBindSuffix := ""
			if bindWorkDir {
				testBindSuffix = "Bind"

			// Only run windows path tests on windows and non-windows on non-windows
			if (isWindows && testcase.windowsPath) || (!isWindows && !testcase.windowsPath) {
				t.Run(( + testBindSuffix), func(t *testing.T) {
					config := testcase.rc.Config
					config.Workdir =
					config.BindWorkdir = bindWorkDir
					gotbind, gotmount := rctemplate.GetBindsAndMounts()

					// Name binds/mounts are either/or
					if config.BindWorkdir {
						fullBind := + ":" + testcase.wantbind
						if runtime.GOOS == "darwin" {
							fullBind += ":delegated"
						assert.Contains(t, gotbind, fullBind)
					} else {
						mountkey := testcase.rc.jobContainerName()
						assert.EqualValues(t, testcase.wantmount, gotmount[mountkey])

	t.Run("ContainerVolumeMountTest", func(t *testing.T) {
		tests := []struct {
			name      string
			volumes   []string
			wantbind  string
			wantmount map[string]string
			{"BindAnonymousVolume", []string{"/volume"}, "/volume", map[string]string{}},
			{"BindHostFile", []string{"/path/to/file/on/host:/volume"}, "/path/to/file/on/host:/volume", map[string]string{}},
			{"MountExistingVolume", []string{"volume-id:/volume"}, "", map[string]string{"volume-id": "/volume"}},

		for _, testcase := range tests {
			t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
				job := &model.Job{}
				err := job.RawContainer.Encode(map[string][]string{
					"volumes": testcase.volumes,
				assert.NoError(t, err)

				rc := &RunContext{
					Name: "TestRCName",
					Run: &model.Run{
						Workflow: &model.Workflow{
							Name: "TestWorkflowName",
					Config: &Config{
						BindWorkdir: false,
				rc.Run.JobID = "job1"
				rc.Run.Workflow.Jobs = map[string]*model.Job{"job1": job}

				gotbind, gotmount := rc.GetBindsAndMounts()

				if len(testcase.wantbind) > 0 {
					assert.Contains(t, gotbind, testcase.wantbind)

				for k, v := range testcase.wantmount {
					assert.Contains(t, gotmount, k)
					assert.Equal(t, gotmount[k], v)

func TestGetGitHubContext(t *testing.T) {

	cwd, err := os.Getwd()
	assert.Nil(t, err)

	rc := &RunContext{
		Config: &Config{
			EventName: "push",
			Workdir:   cwd,
		Run: &model.Run{
			Workflow: &model.Workflow{
				Name: "GitHubContextTest",
		Name:           "GitHubContextTest",
		CurrentStep:    "step",
		Matrix:         map[string]interface{}{},
		Env:            map[string]string{},
		ExtraPath:      []string{},
		StepResults:    map[string]*model.StepResult{},
		OutputMappings: map[MappableOutput]MappableOutput{},
	rc.Run.JobID = "job1"

	ghc := rc.getGithubContext(context.Background())

	log.Debugf("%v", ghc)

	actor := "nektos/act"
	if a := os.Getenv("ACT_ACTOR"); a != "" {
		actor = a

	repo := "nektos/act"
	if r := os.Getenv("ACT_REPOSITORY"); r != "" {
		repo = r

	owner := "nektos"
	if o := os.Getenv("ACT_OWNER"); o != "" {
		owner = o

	assert.Equal(t, ghc.RunID, "1")
	assert.Equal(t, ghc.RunNumber, "1")
	assert.Equal(t, ghc.RetentionDays, "0")
	assert.Equal(t, ghc.Actor, actor)
	assert.Equal(t, ghc.Repository, repo)
	assert.Equal(t, ghc.RepositoryOwner, owner)
	assert.Equal(t, ghc.RunnerPerflog, "/dev/null")
	assert.Equal(t, ghc.Token, rc.Config.Secrets["GITHUB_TOKEN"])
	assert.Equal(t, ghc.Job, "job1")

func TestGetGithubContextRef(t *testing.T) {
	table := []struct {
		event string
		json  string
		ref   string
		{event: "push", json: `{"ref":"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"}`, ref: "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"},
		{event: "create", json: `{"ref":"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"}`, ref: "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"},
		{event: "workflow_dispatch", json: `{"ref":"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"}`, ref: "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"},
		{event: "delete", json: `{"repository":{"default_branch": "main"}}`, ref: "refs/heads/main"},
		{event: "pull_request", json: `{"number":123}`, ref: "refs/pull/123/merge"},
		{event: "pull_request_review", json: `{"number":123}`, ref: "refs/pull/123/merge"},
		{event: "pull_request_review_comment", json: `{"number":123}`, ref: "refs/pull/123/merge"},
		{event: "pull_request_target", json: `{"pull_request":{"base":{"ref": "main"}}}`, ref: "refs/heads/main"},
		{event: "deployment", json: `{"deployment": {"ref": "tag-name"}}`, ref: "tag-name"},
		{event: "deployment_status", json: `{"deployment": {"ref": "tag-name"}}`, ref: "tag-name"},
		{event: "release", json: `{"release": {"tag_name": "tag-name"}}`, ref: "refs/tags/tag-name"},

	for _, data := range table {
		data := data
		t.Run(data.event, func(t *testing.T) {
			rc := &RunContext{
				EventJSON: data.json,
				Config: &Config{
					EventName: data.event,
					Workdir:   "",
				Run: &model.Run{
					Workflow: &model.Workflow{
						Name: "GitHubContextTest",

			ghc := rc.getGithubContext(context.Background())

			assert.Equal(t, data.ref, ghc.Ref)

func createIfTestRunContext(jobs map[string]*model.Job) *RunContext {
	rc := &RunContext{
		Config: &Config{
			Workdir: ".",
			Platforms: map[string]string{
				"ubuntu-latest": "ubuntu-latest",
		Env: map[string]string{},
		Run: &model.Run{
			JobID: "job1",
			Workflow: &model.Workflow{
				Name: "test-workflow",
				Jobs: jobs,
	rc.ExprEval = rc.NewExpressionEvaluator(context.Background())

	return rc

func createJob(t *testing.T, input string, result string) *model.Job {
	var job *model.Job
	err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(input), &job)
	assert.NoError(t, err)
	job.Result = result

	return job

func TestRunContextRunsOnPlatformNames(t *testing.T) {
	assertObject := assert.New(t)

	rc := createIfTestRunContext(map[string]*model.Job{
		"job1": createJob(t, `runs-on: ubuntu-latest`, ""),
	assertObject.Equal([]string{"ubuntu-latest"}, rc.runsOnPlatformNames(context.Background()))

	rc = createIfTestRunContext(map[string]*model.Job{
		"job1": createJob(t, `runs-on: ${{ 'ubuntu-latest' }}`, ""),
	assertObject.Equal([]string{"ubuntu-latest"}, rc.runsOnPlatformNames(context.Background()))

	rc = createIfTestRunContext(map[string]*model.Job{
		"job1": createJob(t, `runs-on: [self-hosted, my-runner]`, ""),
	assertObject.Equal([]string{"self-hosted", "my-runner"}, rc.runsOnPlatformNames(context.Background()))

	rc = createIfTestRunContext(map[string]*model.Job{
		"job1": createJob(t, `runs-on: [self-hosted, "${{ 'my-runner' }}"]`, ""),
	assertObject.Equal([]string{"self-hosted", "my-runner"}, rc.runsOnPlatformNames(context.Background()))

	rc = createIfTestRunContext(map[string]*model.Job{
		"job1": createJob(t, `runs-on: ${{ fromJSON('["ubuntu-latest"]') }}`, ""),
	assertObject.Equal([]string{"ubuntu-latest"}, rc.runsOnPlatformNames(context.Background()))

	// test missing / invalid runs-on
	rc = createIfTestRunContext(map[string]*model.Job{
		"job1": createJob(t, `name: something`, ""),
	assertObject.Equal([]string{}, rc.runsOnPlatformNames(context.Background()))

	rc = createIfTestRunContext(map[string]*model.Job{
		"job1": createJob(t, `runs-on:
  mapping: value`, ""),
	assertObject.Equal([]string{}, rc.runsOnPlatformNames(context.Background()))

	rc = createIfTestRunContext(map[string]*model.Job{
		"job1": createJob(t, `runs-on: ${{ invalid expression }}`, ""),
	assertObject.Equal([]string{}, rc.runsOnPlatformNames(context.Background()))

func TestRunContextIsEnabled(t *testing.T) {
	assertObject := assert.New(t)

	// success()
	rc := createIfTestRunContext(map[string]*model.Job{
		"job1": createJob(t, `runs-on: ubuntu-latest
if: success()`, ""),

	rc = createIfTestRunContext(map[string]*model.Job{
		"job1": createJob(t, `runs-on: ubuntu-latest`, "failure"),
		"job2": createJob(t, `runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: [job1]
if: success()`, ""),
	rc.Run.JobID = "job2"

	rc = createIfTestRunContext(map[string]*model.Job{
		"job1": createJob(t, `runs-on: ubuntu-latest`, "success"),
		"job2": createJob(t, `runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: [job1]
if: success()`, ""),
	rc.Run.JobID = "job2"

	rc = createIfTestRunContext(map[string]*model.Job{
		"job1": createJob(t, `runs-on: ubuntu-latest`, "failure"),
		"job2": createJob(t, `runs-on: ubuntu-latest
if: success()`, ""),
	rc.Run.JobID = "job2"

	// failure()
	rc = createIfTestRunContext(map[string]*model.Job{
		"job1": createJob(t, `runs-on: ubuntu-latest
if: failure()`, ""),

	rc = createIfTestRunContext(map[string]*model.Job{
		"job1": createJob(t, `runs-on: ubuntu-latest`, "failure"),
		"job2": createJob(t, `runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: [job1]
if: failure()`, ""),
	rc.Run.JobID = "job2"

	rc = createIfTestRunContext(map[string]*model.Job{
		"job1": createJob(t, `runs-on: ubuntu-latest`, "success"),
		"job2": createJob(t, `runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: [job1]
if: failure()`, ""),
	rc.Run.JobID = "job2"

	rc = createIfTestRunContext(map[string]*model.Job{
		"job1": createJob(t, `runs-on: ubuntu-latest`, "failure"),
		"job2": createJob(t, `runs-on: ubuntu-latest
if: failure()`, ""),
	rc.Run.JobID = "job2"

	// always()
	rc = createIfTestRunContext(map[string]*model.Job{
		"job1": createJob(t, `runs-on: ubuntu-latest
if: always()`, ""),

	rc = createIfTestRunContext(map[string]*model.Job{
		"job1": createJob(t, `runs-on: ubuntu-latest`, "failure"),
		"job2": createJob(t, `runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: [job1]
if: always()`, ""),
	rc.Run.JobID = "job2"

	rc = createIfTestRunContext(map[string]*model.Job{
		"job1": createJob(t, `runs-on: ubuntu-latest`, "success"),
		"job2": createJob(t, `runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: [job1]
if: always()`, ""),
	rc.Run.JobID = "job2"

	rc = createIfTestRunContext(map[string]*model.Job{
		"job1": createJob(t, `runs-on: ubuntu-latest`, "success"),
		"job2": createJob(t, `runs-on: ubuntu-latest
if: always()`, ""),
	rc.Run.JobID = "job2"

	rc = createIfTestRunContext(map[string]*model.Job{
		"job1": createJob(t, `uses: ./.github/workflows/reusable.yml`, ""),

	rc = createIfTestRunContext(map[string]*model.Job{
		"job1": createJob(t, `uses: ./.github/workflows/reusable.yml
if: false`, ""),

func TestRunContextGetEnv(t *testing.T) {
	tests := []struct {
		description string
		rc          *RunContext
		targetEnv   string
		want        string
			description: "Env from Config should overwrite",
			rc: &RunContext{
				Config: &Config{
					Env: map[string]string{"OVERWRITTEN": "true"},
				Run: &model.Run{
					Workflow: &model.Workflow{
						Jobs: map[string]*model.Job{"test": {Name: "test"}},
						Env:  map[string]string{"OVERWRITTEN": "false"},
					JobID: "test",
			targetEnv: "OVERWRITTEN",
			want:      "true",
			description: "No overwrite occurs",
			rc: &RunContext{
				Config: &Config{
					Env: map[string]string{"SOME_OTHER_VAR": "true"},
				Run: &model.Run{
					Workflow: &model.Workflow{
						Jobs: map[string]*model.Job{"test": {Name: "test"}},
						Env:  map[string]string{"OVERWRITTEN": "false"},
					JobID: "test",
			targetEnv: "OVERWRITTEN",
			want:      "false",

	for _, test := range tests {
		t.Run(test.description, func(t *testing.T) {
			envMap := test.rc.GetEnv()
			assert.EqualValues(t, test.want, envMap[test.targetEnv])

func Test_createSimpleContainerName(t *testing.T) {
	tests := []struct {
		parts []string
		want  string
			parts: []string{"a--a", "BB正", "c-C"},
			want:  "a-a_BB_c-C",
			parts: []string{"a-a", "", "-"},
			want:  "a-a",
	for _, tt := range tests {
		t.Run(strings.Join(, " "), func(t *testing.T) {
			assert.Equalf(t, tt.want, createSimpleContainerName(, "createSimpleContainerName(%v)",