package jobparser

import (

// SingleWorkflow is a workflow with single job and single matrix
type SingleWorkflow struct {
	Name     string            `yaml:"name,omitempty"`
	RawOn    yaml.Node         `yaml:"on,omitempty"`
	Env      map[string]string `yaml:"env,omitempty"`
	Jobs     map[string]*Job   `yaml:"jobs,omitempty"`
	Defaults Defaults          `yaml:"defaults,omitempty"`

func (w *SingleWorkflow) Job() (string, *Job) {
	for k, v := range w.Jobs {
		return k, v
	return "", nil

func (w *SingleWorkflow) Marshal() ([]byte, error) {
	return yaml.Marshal(w)

type Job struct {
	Name           string                    `yaml:"name,omitempty"`
	RawNeeds       yaml.Node                 `yaml:"needs,omitempty"`
	RawRunsOn      yaml.Node                 `yaml:"runs-on,omitempty"`
	Env            yaml.Node                 `yaml:"env,omitempty"`
	If             yaml.Node                 `yaml:"if,omitempty"`
	Steps          []*Step                   `yaml:"steps,omitempty"`
	TimeoutMinutes string                    `yaml:"timeout-minutes,omitempty"`
	Services       map[string]*ContainerSpec `yaml:"services,omitempty"`
	Strategy       Strategy                  `yaml:"strategy,omitempty"`
	RawContainer   yaml.Node                 `yaml:"container,omitempty"`
	Defaults       Defaults                  `yaml:"defaults,omitempty"`
	Outputs        map[string]string         `yaml:"outputs,omitempty"`
	Uses           string                    `yaml:"uses,omitempty"`

func (j *Job) Clone() *Job {
	if j == nil {
		return nil
	return &Job{
		Name:           j.Name,
		RawNeeds:       j.RawNeeds,
		RawRunsOn:      j.RawRunsOn,
		Env:            j.Env,
		If:             j.If,
		Steps:          j.Steps,
		TimeoutMinutes: j.TimeoutMinutes,
		Services:       j.Services,
		Strategy:       j.Strategy,
		RawContainer:   j.RawContainer,
		Defaults:       j.Defaults,
		Outputs:        j.Outputs,
		Uses:           j.Uses,

func (j *Job) Needs() []string {
	return (&model.Job{RawNeeds: j.RawNeeds}).Needs()

func (j *Job) EraseNeeds() {
	j.RawNeeds = yaml.Node{}

func (j *Job) RunsOn() []string {
	return (&model.Job{RawRunsOn: j.RawRunsOn}).RunsOn()

type Step struct {
	ID               string            `yaml:"id,omitempty"`
	If               yaml.Node         `yaml:"if,omitempty"`
	Name             string            `yaml:"name,omitempty"`
	Uses             string            `yaml:"uses,omitempty"`
	Run              string            `yaml:"run,omitempty"`
	WorkingDirectory string            `yaml:"working-directory,omitempty"`
	Shell            string            `yaml:"shell,omitempty"`
	Env              yaml.Node         `yaml:"env,omitempty"`
	With             map[string]string `yaml:"with,omitempty"`
	ContinueOnError  bool              `yaml:"continue-on-error,omitempty"`
	TimeoutMinutes   string            `yaml:"timeout-minutes,omitempty"`

// String gets the name of step
func (s *Step) String() string {
	return (&model.Step{
		ID:   s.ID,
		Name: s.Name,
		Uses: s.Uses,
		Run:  s.Run,

type ContainerSpec struct {
	Image       string            `yaml:"image,omitempty"`
	Env         map[string]string `yaml:"env,omitempty"`
	Ports       []string          `yaml:"ports,omitempty"`
	Volumes     []string          `yaml:"volumes,omitempty"`
	Options     string            `yaml:"options,omitempty"`
	Credentials map[string]string `yaml:"credentials,omitempty"`

type Strategy struct {
	FailFastString    string    `yaml:"fail-fast,omitempty"`
	MaxParallelString string    `yaml:"max-parallel,omitempty"`
	RawMatrix         yaml.Node `yaml:"matrix,omitempty"`

type Defaults struct {
	Run RunDefaults `yaml:"run,omitempty"`

type RunDefaults struct {
	Shell            string `yaml:"shell,omitempty"`
	WorkingDirectory string `yaml:"working-directory,omitempty"`