inputs: who-to-greet: default: 'Mona the Octocat' runs: using: composite steps: # Test if GITHUB_ACTION_PATH is set correctly before all steps - run: stat $GITHUB_ACTION_PATH/push.yml shell: bash - run: stat $GITHUB_ACTION_PATH/action.yml shell: bash - run: '[[ "$GITHUB_ACTION_REPOSITORY" == "" ]] && [[ "$GITHUB_ACTION_REF" == "" ]]' shell: bash - uses: ./actions/docker-local id: dockerlocal with: who-to-greet: ${{inputs.who-to-greet}} - run: '[[ "${{ env.SOMEVAR }}" == "${{inputs.who-to-greet}}" ]]' shell: bash - run: '[ "${SOMEVAR}" = "Not Mona" ] || exit 1' shell: bash env: SOMEVAR: 'Not Mona' - run: '[[ "${{ steps.dockerlocal.outputs.whoami }}" == "${{inputs.who-to-greet}}" ]]' shell: bash # Test if overriding args doesn't leak inputs - uses: ./actions/docker-local-noargs with: args: ${{format('"{0}"', 'Mona is not the Octocat') }} who-to-greet: ${{inputs.who-to-greet}} - run: '[[ "${{ env.SOMEVAR }}" == "Mona is not the Octocat" ]]' shell: bash - uses: ./localdockerimagetest_ # Also test a remote docker action here - uses: actions/hello-world-docker-action@v1 with: who-to-greet: 'Mona the Octocat' # Test if GITHUB_ACTION_PATH is set correctly after all steps - run: stat $GITHUB_ACTION_PATH/push.yml shell: bash - run: stat $GITHUB_ACTION_PATH/action.yml shell: bash - run: '[[ "$GITHUB_ACTION_REPOSITORY" == "" ]] && [[ "$GITHUB_ACTION_REF" == "" ]]' shell: bash