package str import ( "fmt" "html" //"log" "math" "regexp" "runtime" "strconv" "strings" "unicode/utf8" ) // Pad pads string s on both sides with c until it has length of n. func Pad(s, c string, n int) string { L := len(s) if L >= n { return s } n -= L left := strings.Repeat(c, int(math.Ceil(float64(n)/2))) right := strings.Repeat(c, int(math.Floor(float64(n)/2))) return left + s + right } // PadF is the filter form of Pad. func PadF(c string, n int) func(string) string { return func(s string) string { return Pad(s, c, n) } } // PadLeft pads s on left side with c until it has length of n. func PadLeft(s, c string, n int) string { L := len(s) if L > n { return s } return strings.Repeat(c, (n-L)) + s } // PadLeftF is the filter form of PadLeft. func PadLeftF(c string, n int) func(string) string { return func(s string) string { return PadLeft(s, c, n) } } // PadRight pads s on right side with c until it has length of n. func PadRight(s, c string, n int) string { L := len(s) if L > n { return s } return s + strings.Repeat(c, n-L) } // PadRightF is the filter form of Padright func PadRightF(c string, n int) func(string) string { return func(s string) string { return PadRight(s, c, n) } } // Pipe pipes s through one or more string filters. func Pipe(s string, funcs ...func(string) string) string { for _, fn := range funcs { s = fn(s) } return s } // QuoteItems quotes all items in array, mostly for debugging. func QuoteItems(arr []string) []string { return Map(arr, func(s string) string { return strconv.Quote(s) }) } // ReplaceF is the filter form of strings.Replace. func ReplaceF(old, new string, n int) func(string) string { return func(s string) string { return strings.Replace(s, old, new, n) } } // ReplacePattern replaces string with regexp string. // ReplacePattern returns a copy of src, replacing matches of the Regexp with the replacement string repl. Inside repl, $ signs are interpreted as in Expand, so for instance $1 represents the text of the first submatch. func ReplacePattern(s, pattern, repl string) string { r := regexp.MustCompile(pattern) return r.ReplaceAllString(s, repl) } // ReplacePatternF is the filter form of ReplaceRegexp. func ReplacePatternF(pattern, repl string) func(string) string { return func(s string) string { return ReplacePattern(s, pattern, repl) } } // Reverse a string func Reverse(s string) string { cs := make([]rune, utf8.RuneCountInString(s)) i := len(cs) for _, c := range s { i-- cs[i] = c } return string(cs) } // Right returns the right substring of length n. func Right(s string, n int) string { if n < 0 { return Left(s, -n) } return Substr(s, len(s)-n, n) } // RightF is the Filter version of Right. func RightF(n int) func(string) string { return func(s string) string { return Right(s, n) } } // RightOf returns the substring to the right of prefix. func RightOf(s string, prefix string) string { return Between(s, prefix, "") } // SetTemplateDelimiters sets the delimiters for Template function. Defaults to "{{" and "}}" func SetTemplateDelimiters(opening, closing string) { templateOpen = opening templateClose = closing } // Slice slices a string. If end is negative then it is the from the end // of the string. func Slice(s string, start, end int) string { if end > -1 { return s[start:end] } L := len(s) if L+end > 0 { return s[start : L-end] } return s[start:] } // SliceF is the filter for Slice. func SliceF(start, end int) func(string) string { return func(s string) string { return Slice(s, start, end) } } // SliceContains determines whether val is an element in slice. func SliceContains(slice []string, val string) bool { if slice == nil { return false } for _, it := range slice { if it == val { return true } } return false } // SliceIndexOf gets the indx of val in slice. Returns -1 if not found. func SliceIndexOf(slice []string, val string) int { if slice == nil { return -1 } for i, it := range slice { if it == val { return i } } return -1 } // Slugify converts s into a dasherized string suitable for URL segment. func Slugify(s string) string { sl := slugifyRe.ReplaceAllString(s, "") sl = strings.ToLower(sl) sl = Dasherize(sl) return sl } // StripPunctuation strips puncation from string. func StripPunctuation(s string) string { s = stripPuncRe.ReplaceAllString(s, "") s = nWhitespaceRe.ReplaceAllString(s, " ") return s } // StripTags strips all of the html tags or tags specified by the parameters func StripTags(s string, tags ...string) string { if len(tags) == 0 { tags = append(tags, "") } for _, tag := range tags { stripTagsRe := regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)<\/?` + tag + `[^<>]*>`) s = stripTagsRe.ReplaceAllString(s, "") } return s } // Substr returns a substring of s starting at index of length n. func Substr(s string, index int, n int) string { L := len(s) if index < 0 || index >= L || s == "" { return "" } end := index + n if end >= L { end = L } if end <= index { return "" } return s[index:end] } // SubstrF is the filter form of Substr. func SubstrF(index, n int) func(string) string { return func(s string) string { return Substr(s, index, n) } } // Template is a string template which replaces template placeholders delimited // by "{{" and "}}" with values from map. The global delimiters may be set with // SetTemplateDelimiters. func Template(s string, values map[string]interface{}) string { return TemplateWithDelimiters(s, values, templateOpen, templateClose) } // TemplateDelimiters is the getter for the opening and closing delimiters for Template. func TemplateDelimiters() (opening string, closing string) { return templateOpen, templateClose } // TemplateWithDelimiters is string template with user-defineable opening and closing delimiters. func TemplateWithDelimiters(s string, values map[string]interface{}, opening, closing string) string { escapeDelimiter := func(delim string) string { result := templateRe.ReplaceAllString(delim, "\\$1") return templateRe2.ReplaceAllString(result, "\\$") } openingDelim := escapeDelimiter(opening) closingDelim := escapeDelimiter(closing) r := regexp.MustCompile(openingDelim + `(.+?)` + closingDelim) matches := r.FindAllStringSubmatch(s, -1) for _, submatches := range matches { match := submatches[0] key := submatches[1] //log.Printf("match %s key %s\n", match, key) if values[key] != nil { v := fmt.Sprintf("%v", values[key]) s = strings.Replace(s, match, v, -1) } } return s } // ToArgv converts string s into an argv for exec. func ToArgv(s string) []string { const ( InArg = iota InArgQuote OutOfArg ) currentState := OutOfArg currentQuoteChar := "\x00" // to distinguish between ' and " quotations // this allows to use "foo'bar" currentArg := "" argv := []string{} isQuote := func(c string) bool { return c == `"` || c == `'` } isEscape := func(c string) bool { return c == `\` } isWhitespace := func(c string) bool { return c == " " || c == "\t" } L := len(s) for i := 0; i < L; i++ { c := s[i : i+1] //fmt.Printf("c %s state %v arg %s argv %v i %d\n", c, currentState, currentArg, args, i) if isQuote(c) { switch currentState { case OutOfArg: currentArg = "" fallthrough case InArg: currentState = InArgQuote currentQuoteChar = c case InArgQuote: if c == currentQuoteChar { currentState = InArg } else { currentArg += c } } } else if isWhitespace(c) { switch currentState { case InArg: argv = append(argv, currentArg) currentState = OutOfArg case InArgQuote: currentArg += c case OutOfArg: // nothing } } else if isEscape(c) { switch currentState { case OutOfArg: currentArg = "" currentState = InArg fallthrough case InArg: fallthrough case InArgQuote: if i == L-1 { if runtime.GOOS == "windows" { // just add \ to end for windows currentArg += c } else { panic("Escape character at end string") } } else { if runtime.GOOS == "windows" { peek := s[i+1 : i+2] if peek != `"` { currentArg += c } } else { i++ c = s[i : i+1] currentArg += c } } } } else { switch currentState { case InArg, InArgQuote: currentArg += c case OutOfArg: currentArg = "" currentArg += c currentState = InArg } } } if currentState == InArg { argv = append(argv, currentArg) } else if currentState == InArgQuote { panic("Starting quote has no ending quote.") } return argv } // ToBool fuzzily converts truthy values. func ToBool(s string) bool { s = strings.ToLower(s) return s == "true" || s == "yes" || s == "on" || s == "1" } // ToBoolOr parses s as a bool or returns defaultValue. func ToBoolOr(s string, defaultValue bool) bool { b, err := strconv.ParseBool(s) if err != nil { return defaultValue } return b } // ToIntOr parses s as an int or returns defaultValue. func ToIntOr(s string, defaultValue int) int { n, err := strconv.Atoi(s) if err != nil { return defaultValue } return n } // ToFloat32Or parses as a float32 or returns defaultValue on error. func ToFloat32Or(s string, defaultValue float32) float32 { f, err := strconv.ParseFloat(s, 32) if err != nil { return defaultValue } return float32(f) } // ToFloat64Or parses s as a float64 or returns defaultValue. func ToFloat64Or(s string, defaultValue float64) float64 { f, err := strconv.ParseFloat(s, 64) if err != nil { return defaultValue } return f } // ToFloatOr parses as a float64 or returns defaultValue. var ToFloatOr = ToFloat64Or // TODO This is not working yet. Go's regexp package does not have some // of the niceities in JavaScript // // Truncate truncates the string, accounting for word placement and chars count // adding a morestr (defaults to ellipsis) // func Truncate(s, morestr string, n int) string { // L := len(s) // if L <= n { // return s // } // // if morestr == "" { // morestr = "..." // } // // tmpl := func(c string) string { // if strings.ToUpper(c) != strings.ToLower(c) { // return "A" // } // return " " // } // template := s[0 : n+1] // var truncateRe = regexp.MustCompile(`.(?=\W*\w*$)`) // truncateRe.ReplaceAllStringFunc(template, tmpl) // 'Hello, world' -> 'HellAA AAAAA' // var wwRe = regexp.MustCompile(`\w\w`) // var whitespaceRe2 = regexp.MustCompile(`\s*\S+$`) // if wwRe.MatchString(template[len(template)-2:]) { // template = whitespaceRe2.ReplaceAllString(template, "") // } else { // template = strings.TrimRight(template, " \t\n") // } // // if len(template+morestr) > L { // return s // } // return s[0:len(template)] + morestr // } // // truncate: function(length, pruneStr) { //from underscore.string, author: // var str = this.s; // // length = ~~length; // pruneStr = pruneStr || '...'; // // if (str.length <= length) return new this.constructor(str); // // var tmpl = function(c){ return c.toUpperCase() !== c.toLowerCase() ? 'A' : ' '; }, // template = str.slice(0, length+1).replace(/.(?=\W*\w*$)/g, tmpl); // 'Hello, world' -> 'HellAA AAAAA' // // if (template.slice(template.length-2).match(/\w\w/)) // template = template.replace(/\s*\S+$/, ''); // else // template = new S(template.slice(0, template.length-1)).trimRight().s; // // return (template+pruneStr).length > str.length ? new S(str) : new S(str.slice(0, template.length)+pruneStr); // }, // Underscore returns converted camel cased string into a string delimited by underscores. func Underscore(s string) string { if s == "" { return "" } u := strings.TrimSpace(s) u = underscoreRe.ReplaceAllString(u, "${1}_$2") u = dashSpaceRe.ReplaceAllString(u, "_") u = strings.ToLower(u) if IsUpper(s[0:1]) { return "_" + u } return u } // UnescapeHTML is an alias for html.UnescapeString. func UnescapeHTML(s string) string { if Verbose { fmt.Println("Use html.UnescapeString instead of UnescapeHTML") } return html.UnescapeString(s) } // WrapHTML wraps s within HTML tag having attributes attrs. Note, // WrapHTML does not escape s value. func WrapHTML(s string, tag string, attrs map[string]string) string { escapeHTMLAttributeQuotes := func(v string) string { v = strings.Replace(v, "<", "<", -1) v = strings.Replace(v, "&", "&", -1) v = strings.Replace(v, "\"", """, -1) return v } if tag == "" { tag = "div" } el := "<" + tag for name, val := range attrs { el += " " + name + "=\"" + escapeHTMLAttributeQuotes(val) + "\"" } el += ">" + s + "</" + tag + ">" return el } // WrapHTMLF is the filter form of WrapHTML. func WrapHTMLF(tag string, attrs map[string]string) func(string) string { return func(s string) string { return WrapHTML(s, tag, attrs) } }