package model

import (

	log ""

// Workflow is the structure of the files in .github/workflows
type Workflow struct {
	Name  string            `yaml:"name"`
	RawOn yaml.Node         `yaml:"on"`
	Env   map[string]string `yaml:"env"`
	Jobs  map[string]*Job   `yaml:"jobs"`

// On events for the workflow
func (w *Workflow) On() []string {

	switch w.RawOn.Kind {
	case yaml.ScalarNode:
		var val string
		err := w.RawOn.Decode(&val)
		if err != nil {
		return []string{val}
	case yaml.SequenceNode:
		var val []string
		err := w.RawOn.Decode(&val)
		if err != nil {
		return val
	case yaml.MappingNode:
		var val map[string]interface{}
		err := w.RawOn.Decode(&val)
		if err != nil {
		var keys []string
		for k := range val {
			keys = append(keys, k)
		return keys
	return nil

// Job is the structure of one job in a workflow
type Job struct {
	Name           string                    `yaml:"name"`
	RawNeeds       yaml.Node                 `yaml:"needs"`
	RawRunsOn      yaml.Node                 `yaml:"runs-on"`
	Env            map[string]string         `yaml:"env"`
	If             string                    `yaml:"if"`
	Steps          []*Step                   `yaml:"steps"`
	TimeoutMinutes int64                     `yaml:"timeout-minutes"`
	Services       map[string]*ContainerSpec `yaml:"services"`
	Strategy       *Strategy                 `yaml:"strategy"`
	RawContainer   yaml.Node                 `yaml:"container"`

// Strategy for the job
type Strategy struct {
	FailFast    bool                     `yaml:"fail-fast"`
	MaxParallel int                      `yaml:"max-parallel"`
	Matrix      map[string][]interface{} `yaml:"matrix"`

// Container details for the job
func (j *Job) Container() *ContainerSpec {
	var val *ContainerSpec
	switch j.RawContainer.Kind {
	case yaml.ScalarNode:
		val = new(ContainerSpec)
		err := j.RawContainer.Decode(&val.Image)
		if err != nil {
	case yaml.MappingNode:
		val = new(ContainerSpec)
		err := j.RawContainer.Decode(val)
		if err != nil {
	return val

// Needs list for Job
func (j *Job) Needs() []string {

	switch j.RawNeeds.Kind {
	case yaml.ScalarNode:
		var val string
		err := j.RawNeeds.Decode(&val)
		if err != nil {
		return []string{val}
	case yaml.SequenceNode:
		var val []string
		err := j.RawNeeds.Decode(&val)
		if err != nil {
		return val
	return nil

// RunsOn list for Job
func (j *Job) RunsOn() []string {

	switch j.RawRunsOn.Kind {
	case yaml.ScalarNode:
		var val string
		err := j.RawRunsOn.Decode(&val)
		if err != nil {
		return []string{val}
	case yaml.SequenceNode:
		var val []string
		err := j.RawRunsOn.Decode(&val)
		if err != nil {
		return val
	return nil

// GetMatrixes returns the matrix cross product
func (j *Job) GetMatrixes() []map[string]interface{} {
	matrixes := make([]map[string]interface{}, 0)
	if j.Strategy != nil {
		includes := make([]map[string]interface{}, 0)
		for _, v := range j.Strategy.Matrix["include"] {
			includes = append(includes, v.(map[string]interface{}))
		delete(j.Strategy.Matrix, "include")

		excludes := make([]map[string]interface{}, 0)
		for _, v := range j.Strategy.Matrix["exclude"] {
			excludes = append(excludes, v.(map[string]interface{}))
		delete(j.Strategy.Matrix, "exclude")

		matrixProduct := common.CartesianProduct(j.Strategy.Matrix)

		for _, matrix := range matrixProduct {
			for _, exclude := range excludes {
				if commonKeysMatch(matrix, exclude) {
					log.Debugf("Skipping matrix '%v' due to exclude '%v'", matrix, exclude)
					continue MATRIX
			for _, include := range includes {
				if commonKeysMatch(matrix, include) {
					log.Debugf("Setting add'l values on matrix '%v' due to include '%v'", matrix, include)
					for k, v := range include {
						matrix[k] = v
			matrixes = append(matrixes, matrix)

	} else {
		matrixes = append(matrixes, make(map[string]interface{}))
	return matrixes

func commonKeysMatch(a map[string]interface{}, b map[string]interface{}) bool {
	for aKey, aVal := range a {
		if bVal, ok := b[aKey]; ok && aVal != bVal {
			return false
	return true

// ContainerSpec is the specification of the container to use for the job
type ContainerSpec struct {
	Image      string            `yaml:"image"`
	Env        map[string]string `yaml:"env"`
	Ports      []string          `yaml:"ports"`
	Volumes    []string          `yaml:"volumes"`
	Options    string            `yaml:"options"`
	Entrypoint string
	Args       string
	Name       string
	Reuse      bool

// Step is the structure of one step in a job
type Step struct {
	ID               string            `yaml:"id"`
	If               string            `yaml:"if"`
	Name             string            `yaml:"name"`
	Uses             string            `yaml:"uses"`
	Run              string            `yaml:"run"`
	WorkingDirectory string            `yaml:"working-directory"`
	Shell            string            `yaml:"shell"`
	Env              map[string]string `yaml:"env"`
	With             map[string]string `yaml:"with"`
	ContinueOnError  bool              `yaml:"continue-on-error"`
	TimeoutMinutes   int64             `yaml:"timeout-minutes"`

// String gets the name of step
func (s *Step) String() string {
	if s.Name != "" {
		return s.Name
	} else if s.Uses != "" {
		return s.Uses
	} else if s.Run != "" {
		return s.Run
	return s.ID

// GetEnv gets the env for a step
func (s *Step) GetEnv() map[string]string {
	rtnEnv := make(map[string]string)
	for k, v := range s.Env {
		rtnEnv[k] = v
	for k, v := range s.With {
		envKey := regexp.MustCompile("[^A-Z0-9-]").ReplaceAllString(strings.ToUpper(k), "_")
		envKey = fmt.Sprintf("INPUT_%s", strings.ToUpper(envKey))
		rtnEnv[envKey] = v
	return rtnEnv

// ShellCommand returns the command for the shell
func (s *Step) ShellCommand() string {
	shellCommand := ""

	switch s.Shell {
	case "", "bash":
		shellCommand = "bash --noprofile --norc -eo pipefail {0}"
	case "pwsh":
		shellCommand = "pwsh -command \"& '{0}'\""
	case "python":
		shellCommand = "python {0}"
	case "sh":
		shellCommand = "sh -e -c {0}"
	case "cmd":
		shellCommand = "%ComSpec% /D /E:ON /V:OFF /S /C \"CALL \"{0}\"\""
	case "powershell":
		shellCommand = "powershell -command \"& '{0}'\""
		shellCommand = s.Shell
	return shellCommand

// StepType describes what type of step we are about to run
type StepType int

const (
	// StepTypeRun is all steps that have a `run` attribute
	StepTypeRun StepType = iota

	//StepTypeUsesDockerURL is all steps that have a `uses` that is of the form `docker://...`

	//StepTypeUsesActionLocal is all steps that have a `uses` that is a local action in a subdirectory

	//StepTypeUsesActionRemote is all steps that have a `uses` that is a reference to a github repo

// Type returns the type of the step
func (s *Step) Type() StepType {
	if s.Run != "" {
		return StepTypeRun
	} else if strings.HasPrefix(s.Uses, "docker://") {
		return StepTypeUsesDockerURL
	} else if strings.HasPrefix(s.Uses, "./") {
		return StepTypeUsesActionLocal
	return StepTypeUsesActionRemote

// ReadWorkflow returns a list of jobs for a given workflow file reader
func ReadWorkflow(in io.Reader) (*Workflow, error) {
	w := new(Workflow)
	err := yaml.NewDecoder(in).Decode(w)
	return w, err

// GetJob will get a job by name in the workflow
func (w *Workflow) GetJob(jobID string) *Job {
	for id, j := range w.Jobs {
		if jobID == id {
			if j.Name == "" {
				j.Name = id
			return j
	return nil

// GetJobIDs will get all the job names in the workflow
func (w *Workflow) GetJobIDs() []string {
	ids := make([]string, 0)
	for id := range w.Jobs {
		ids = append(ids, id)
	return ids