From b28acbd96dbbfc665bcd87c47773da3cb99a9a91 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: tyranron <>
Date: Tue, 7 Jun 2022 19:03:39 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Refactor `value!` macro position [skip ci]

 juniper/src/graphql/                    |   6 +-
 juniper/src/                            |   2 +-
 juniper/src/macros/             |   2 +-
 juniper/src/macros/                     |   5 +-
 .../src/macros/{ =>} | 185 +++++++++---------
 5 files changed, 103 insertions(+), 97 deletions(-)
 rename juniper/src/macros/{ =>} (62%)

diff --git a/juniper/src/graphql/ b/juniper/src/graphql/
index 3deea79c..5b02afb9 100644
--- a/juniper/src/graphql/
+++ b/juniper/src/graphql/
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
 use crate::{behavior, resolve};
 pub use crate::{
-    ast::InputValue, graphql_value as value, macros::input_value,
-    resolve::Type, value::Value,
+    ast::InputValue,
+    macros::{input_value, value},
+    resolve::Type,
+    value::Value,
 pub trait Interface<S>
diff --git a/juniper/src/ b/juniper/src/
index ea55733f..70c51418 100644
--- a/juniper/src/
+++ b/juniper/src/
@@ -75,8 +75,8 @@ pub use crate::{
-        input_value as graphql_input_value,
         helper::subscription::{ExtractTypeFromStream, IntoFieldResult},
+        input_value as graphql_input_value, value as graphql_value,
     parser::{ParseError, ScalarToken, Spanning},
diff --git a/juniper/src/macros/ b/juniper/src/macros/
index 0edc0600..627b4f63 100644
--- a/juniper/src/macros/
+++ b/juniper/src/macros/
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 /// - [`InputValue::Enum`] is constructed with `ident`, so to capture outer
 ///   variable as [`InputValue::Scalar`] surround it with parens: `(var)`.
 /// ```rust
-/// # use juniper::{graphql, graphql_value};
+/// # use juniper::graphql;
 /// #
 /// # type InputValue = graphql::InputValue;
 /// # type Value = graphql::Value;
diff --git a/juniper/src/macros/ b/juniper/src/macros/
index ebde9761..37bd0218 100644
--- a/juniper/src/macros/
+++ b/juniper/src/macros/
@@ -7,10 +7,9 @@ pub mod helper;
 pub mod reflect;
 mod input_value;
-mod graphql_value;
+mod value;
 mod graphql_vars;
-pub use self::input_value::input_value;
+pub use self::{input_value::input_value, value::value};
diff --git a/juniper/src/macros/ b/juniper/src/macros/
similarity index 62%
rename from juniper/src/macros/
rename to juniper/src/macros/
index cc4e34d3..c689afa6 100644
--- a/juniper/src/macros/
+++ b/juniper/src/macros/
@@ -1,19 +1,18 @@
-//! [`graphql_value!`] macro implementation.
-//! [`graphql_value!`]: graphql_value
+//! [`value!`] macro implementation.
-/// Constructs [`Value`]s via JSON-like syntax.
+/// Constructs [`graphql::Value`]s via JSON-like syntax.
-/// [`Value`] objects are used mostly when creating custom errors from fields.
+/// [`graphql::Value`] objects are used mostly when creating custom errors from
+/// fields.
 /// [`Value::Object`] key should implement [`AsRef`]`<`[`str`]`>`.
 /// ```rust
-/// # use juniper::{graphql_value, Value};
+/// # use juniper::graphql;
 /// #
 /// let code = 200;
 /// let features = ["key", "value"];
-/// let value: Value = graphql_value!({
+/// let value: graphql::Value = graphql::value!({
 ///     "code": code,
 ///     "success": code == 200,
 ///     "payload": {
@@ -26,94 +25,93 @@
 /// Resulting JSON will look just like what you passed in.
 /// ```rust
-/// # use juniper::{graphql_value, DefaultScalarValue, Value};
+/// # use juniper::graphql;
 /// #
-/// # type V = Value<DefaultScalarValue>;
+/// # type V = graphql::Value;
 /// #
 /// # let _: V =
-/// graphql_value!(null);
+/// graphql::value!(null);
 /// # let _: V =
-/// graphql_value!(1234);
+/// graphql::value!(1234);
 /// # let _: V =
-/// graphql_value!("test");
+/// graphql::value!("test");
 /// # let _: V =
-/// graphql_value!([1234, "test", true]);
+/// graphql::value!([1234, "test", true]);
 /// # let _: V =
-/// graphql_value!({"key": "value", "foo": 1234});
+/// graphql::value!({"key": "value", "foo": 1234});
 /// ```
-/// [`Value`]: crate::Value
-/// [`Value::Object`]: crate::Value::Object
-macro_rules! graphql_value {
+/// [`graphql::Value`]: crate::graphql::Value
+/// [`Value::Object`]: crate::graphql::Value::Object
+macro_rules! value {
     // Array //
     // Done with trailing comma.
     (@array [$($elems:expr,)*]) => {
-        $crate::Value::list(vec![
+        $crate::graphql::Value::list(::std::vec![
             $( $elems, )*
     // Done without trailing comma.
     (@array [$($elems:expr),*]) => {
-        $crate::Value::list(vec![
-            $( $crate::graphql_value!($elems), )*
+        $crate::graphql::Value::list(::std::vec![
+            $( $crate::graphql::value!($elems), )*
     // Next element is `null`.
     (@array [$($elems:expr,)*] null $($rest:tt)*) => {
-        $crate::graphql_value!(
-            @array [$($elems,)* $crate::graphql_value!(null)] $($rest)*
+        $crate::graphql::value!(
+            @array [$($elems,)* $crate::graphql::value!(null)] $($rest)*
     // Next element is `None`.
     (@array [$($elems:expr,)*] None $($rest:tt)*) => {
-        $crate::graphql_value!(
-            @array [$($elems,)* $crate::graphql_value!(None)] $($rest)*
+        $crate::graphql::value!(
+            @array [$($elems,)* $crate::graphql::value!(None)] $($rest)*
     // Next element is an array.
     (@array [$($elems:expr,)*] [$($array:tt)*] $($rest:tt)*) => {
-        $crate::graphql_value!(
-            @array [$($elems,)* $crate::graphql_value!([$($array)*])] $($rest)*
+        $crate::graphql::value!(
+            @array [$($elems,)* $crate::graphql::value!([$($array)*])] $($rest)*
     // Next element is a map.
     (@array [$($elems:expr,)*] {$($map:tt)*} $($rest:tt)*) => {
-        $crate::graphql_value!(
-            @array [$($elems,)* $crate::graphql_value!({$($map)*})] $($rest)*
+        $crate::graphql::value!(
+            @array [$($elems,)* $crate::graphql::value!({$($map)*})] $($rest)*
     // Next element is an expression followed by comma.
     (@array [$($elems:expr,)*] $next:expr, $($rest:tt)*) => {
-        $crate::graphql_value!(
-            @array [$($elems,)* $crate::graphql_value!($next),] $($rest)*
+        $crate::graphql::value!(
+            @array [$($elems,)* $crate::graphql::value!($next),] $($rest)*
     // Last element is an expression with no trailing comma.
     (@array [$($elems:expr,)*] $last:expr) => {
-        $crate::graphql_value!(
-            @array [$($elems,)* $crate::graphql_value!($last)]
+        $crate::graphql::value!(
+            @array [$($elems,)* $crate::graphql::value!($last)]
     // Comma after the most recent element.
     (@array [$($elems:expr),*] , $($rest:tt)*) => {
-        $crate::graphql_value!(@array [$($elems,)*] $($rest)*)
+        $crate::graphql::value!(@array [$($elems,)*] $($rest)*)
     // Unexpected token after most recent element.
     (@array [$($elems:expr),*] $unexpected:tt $($rest:tt)*) => {
-        $crate::graphql_value!(@unexpected $unexpected)
+        $crate::graphql::value!(@unexpected $unexpected)
@@ -126,12 +124,12 @@ macro_rules! graphql_value {
     // Insert the current entry followed by trailing comma.
     (@object $object:ident [$($key:tt)+] ($value:expr) , $($rest:tt)*) => {
         let _ = $object.add_field(($($key)+), $value);
-        $crate::graphql_value!(@object $object () ($($rest)*) ($($rest)*));
+        $crate::graphql::value!(@object $object () ($($rest)*) ($($rest)*));
     // Current entry followed by unexpected token.
     (@object $object:ident [$($key:tt)+] ($value:expr) $unexpected:tt $($rest:tt)*) => {
-        $crate::graphql_value!(@unexpected $unexpected);
+        $crate::graphql::value!(@unexpected $unexpected);
     // Insert the last entry without trailing comma.
@@ -141,97 +139,97 @@ macro_rules! graphql_value {
     // Next value is `null`.
     (@object $object:ident ($($key:tt)+) (: null $($rest:tt)*) $copy:tt) => {
-        $crate::graphql_value!(
+        $crate::graphql::value!(
             @object $object
-            ($crate::graphql_value!(null)) $($rest)*
+            ($crate::graphql::value!(null)) $($rest)*
     // Next value is `None`.
     (@object $object:ident ($($key:tt)+) (: None $($rest:tt)*) $copy:tt) => {
-        $crate::graphql_value!(
+        $crate::graphql::value!(
             @object $object
-            ($crate::graphql_value!(None)) $($rest)*
+            ($crate::graphql::value!(None)) $($rest)*
     // Next value is an array.
     (@object $object:ident ($($key:tt)+) (: [$($array:tt)*] $($rest:tt)*) $copy:tt) => {
-        $crate::graphql_value!(
+        $crate::graphql::value!(
             @object $object
-            ($crate::graphql_value!([$($array)*])) $($rest)*
+            ($crate::graphql::value!([$($array)*])) $($rest)*
     // Next value is a map.
     (@object $object:ident ($($key:tt)+) (: {$($map:tt)*} $($rest:tt)*) $copy:tt) => {
-        $crate::graphql_value!(
+        $crate::graphql::value!(
             @object $object
-            ($crate::graphql_value!({$($map)*})) $($rest)*
+            ($crate::graphql::value!({$($map)*})) $($rest)*
     // Next value is an expression followed by comma.
     (@object $object:ident ($($key:tt)+) (: $value:expr , $($rest:tt)*) $copy:tt) => {
-        $crate::graphql_value!(
+        $crate::graphql::value!(
             @object $object
-            ($crate::graphql_value!($value)) , $($rest)*
+            ($crate::graphql::value!($value)) , $($rest)*
     // Last value is an expression with no trailing comma.
     (@object $object:ident ($($key:tt)+) (: $value:expr) $copy:tt) => {
-        $crate::graphql_value!(
+        $crate::graphql::value!(
             @object $object
-            ($crate::graphql_value!($value))
+            ($crate::graphql::value!($value))
     // Missing value for last entry. Trigger a reasonable error message.
     (@object $object:ident ($($key:tt)+) (:) $copy:tt) => {
         // "unexpected end of macro invocation"
-        $crate::graphql_value!();
+        $crate::graphql::value!();
     // Missing colon and value for last entry. Trigger a reasonable error
     // message.
     (@object $object:ident ($($key:tt)+) () $copy:tt) => {
         // "unexpected end of macro invocation"
-        $crate::graphql_value!();
+        $crate::graphql::value!();
     // Misplaced colon. Trigger a reasonable error message.
     (@object $object:ident () (: $($rest:tt)*) ($colon:tt $($copy:tt)*)) => {
         // Takes no arguments so "no rules expected the token `:`".
-        $crate::graphql_value!(@unexpected $colon);
+        $crate::graphql::value!(@unexpected $colon);
     // Found a comma inside a key. Trigger a reasonable error message.
     (@object $object:ident ($($key:tt)*) (, $($rest:tt)*) ($comma:tt $($copy:tt)*)) => {
         // Takes no arguments so "no rules expected the token `,`".
-        $crate::graphql_value!(@unexpected $comma);
+        $crate::graphql::value!(@unexpected $comma);
     // Key is fully parenthesized. This avoids `clippy::double_parens` false
     // positives because the parenthesization may be necessary here.
     (@object $object:ident () (($key:expr) : $($rest:tt)*) $copy:tt) => {
-        $crate::graphql_value!(@object $object ($key) (: $($rest)*) (: $($rest)*));
+        $crate::graphql::value!(@object $object ($key) (: $($rest)*) (: $($rest)*));
     // Refuse to absorb colon token into key expression.
     (@object $object:ident ($($key:tt)*) (: $($unexpected:tt)+) $copy:tt) => {
-        $crate::graphql_value!(@unexpected $($unexpected)+);
+        $crate::graphql::value!(@unexpected $($unexpected)+);
     // Munch a token into the current key.
     (@object $object:ident ($($key:tt)*) ($tt:tt $($rest:tt)*) $copy:tt) => {
-        $crate::graphql_value!(
+        $crate::graphql::value!(
             @object $object
             ($($key)* $tt)
             ($($rest)*) ($($rest)*)
@@ -249,63 +247,70 @@ macro_rules! graphql_value {
     ([ $($arr:tt)* ]$(,)?) => {
-        $crate::graphql_value!(@array [] $($arr)*)
+        $crate::graphql::value!(@array [] $($arr)*)
     ({}$(,)?) => {
-        $crate::Value::object($crate::Object::with_capacity(0))
+        $crate::graphql::Value::object($crate::Object::with_capacity(0))
     ({ $($map:tt)+ }$(,)?) => {
-        $crate::Value::object({
+        $crate::graphql::Value::object({
             let mut object = $crate::Object::with_capacity(0);
-            $crate::graphql_value!(@object object () ($($map)*) ($($map)*));
+            $crate::graphql::value!(@object object () ($($map)*) ($($map)*));
-    (null$(,)?) => ($crate::Value::null());
+    (null$(,)?) => ($crate::graphql::Value::null());
-    (None$(,)?) => ($crate::Value::null());
+    (None$(,)?) => ($crate::graphql::Value::null());
-    ($e:expr$(,)?) => ($crate::Value::from($e));
+    ($e:expr$(,)?) => ($crate::graphql::Value::from($e));
+pub(super) use value;
 mod tests {
-    type V = crate::Value;
+    use crate::graphql;
+    use super::value;
+    type V = graphql::Value;
     fn null() {
-        assert_eq!(graphql_value!(null), V::Null);
+        assert_eq!(value!(null), V::Null);
     fn scalar() {
         let val = 42;
-        assert_eq!(graphql_value!(1), V::scalar(1));
-        assert_eq!(graphql_value!("val"), V::scalar("val"));
-        assert_eq!(graphql_value!(1.34), V::scalar(1.34));
-        assert_eq!(graphql_value!(false), V::scalar(false));
-        assert_eq!(graphql_value!(1 + 2), V::scalar(3));
-        assert_eq!(graphql_value!(val), V::scalar(42));
+        assert_eq!(value!(1), V::scalar(1));
+        assert_eq!(value!("val"), V::scalar("val"));
+        assert_eq!(value!(1.34), V::scalar(1.34));
+        assert_eq!(value!(false), V::scalar(false));
+        assert_eq!(value!(1 + 2), V::scalar(3));
+        assert_eq!(value!(val), V::scalar(42));
     fn list() {
         let val = 42;
-        assert_eq!(graphql_value!([]), V::list(vec![]));
+        assert_eq!(value!([]), V::list(vec![]));
-        assert_eq!(graphql_value!([null]), V::list(vec![V::Null]));
+        assert_eq!(value!([null]), V::list(vec![V::Null]));
-        assert_eq!(graphql_value!([1]), V::list(vec![V::scalar(1)]));
-        assert_eq!(graphql_value!([1 + 2]), V::list(vec![V::scalar(3)]));
-        assert_eq!(graphql_value!([val]), V::list(vec![V::scalar(42)]));
+        assert_eq!(value!([1]), V::list(vec![V::scalar(1)]));
+        assert_eq!(value!([1 + 2]), V::list(vec![V::scalar(3)]));
+        assert_eq!(value!([val]), V::list(vec![V::scalar(42)]));
-            graphql_value!([1, [2], 3]),
+            value!([1, [2], 3]),
@@ -313,7 +318,7 @@ mod tests {
-            graphql_value!(["string", [2 + 3], true]),
+            value!(["string", [2 + 3], true]),
@@ -327,31 +332,31 @@ mod tests {
         let val = 42;
-            graphql_value!({}),
+            value!({}),
             V::object(Vec::<(String, _)>::new().into_iter().collect()),
-            graphql_value!({ "key": null }),
+            value!({ "key": null }),
             V::object(vec![("key", V::Null)].into_iter().collect()),
-            graphql_value!({ "key": 123 }),
+            value!({ "key": 123 }),
             V::object(vec![("key", V::scalar(123))].into_iter().collect()),
-            graphql_value!({ "key": 1 + 2 }),
+            value!({ "key": 1 + 2 }),
             V::object(vec![("key", V::scalar(3))].into_iter().collect()),
-            graphql_value!({ "key": [] }),
+            value!({ "key": [] }),
             V::object(vec![("key", V::list(vec![]))].into_iter().collect()),
-            graphql_value!({ "key": [null] }),
+            value!({ "key": [null] }),
             V::object(vec![("key", V::list(vec![V::Null]))].into_iter().collect()),
-            graphql_value!({ "key": [1] }),
+            value!({ "key": [1] }),
                 vec![("key", V::list(vec![V::scalar(1)]))]
@@ -359,7 +364,7 @@ mod tests {
-            graphql_value!({ "key": [1 + 2] }),
+            value!({ "key": [1 + 2] }),
                 vec![("key", V::list(vec![V::scalar(3)]))]
@@ -367,7 +372,7 @@ mod tests {
-            graphql_value!({ "key": [val] }),
+            value!({ "key": [val] }),
                 vec![("key", V::list(vec![V::scalar(42)]))]
@@ -380,8 +385,8 @@ mod tests {
     fn option() {
         let val = Some(42);
-        assert_eq!(graphql_value!(None), V::Null);
-        assert_eq!(graphql_value!(Some(42)), V::scalar(42));
-        assert_eq!(graphql_value!(val), V::scalar(42));
+        assert_eq!(value!(None), V::Null);
+        assert_eq!(value!(Some(42)), V::scalar(42));
+        assert_eq!(value!(val), V::scalar(42));