############################### # Common defaults/definitions # ############################### comma := , # Checks two given strings for equality. eq = $(if $(or $(1),$(2)),$(and $(findstring $(1),$(2)),\ $(findstring $(2),$(1))),1) ########### # Aliases # ########### book: book.build fmt: cargo.fmt lint: cargo.lint test: test.cargo release: cargo.release ################## # Cargo commands # ################## # Format Rust sources with rustfmt. # # Usage: # make cargo.fmt [check=(no|yes)] cargo.fmt: cargo +nightly fmt --all $(if $(call eq,$(check),yes),-- --check,) # Lint Rust sources with Clippy. # # Usage: # make cargo.lint cargo.lint: cargo clippy --workspace --all-features -- -D warnings # Release Rust crate. # # Read more about bump levels here: # https://github.com/crate-ci/cargo-release/blob/master/docs/reference.md#bump-level # # Usage: # make cargo.release crate=<crate-name> [ver=(release|<bump-level>)] # ([exec=no]|exec=yes [push=(yes|no)]) # [install=(yes|no)] cargo.release: ifneq ($(install),no) cargo install cargo-release endif cargo release -p $(crate) --all-features \ $(if $(call eq,$(exec),yes),\ --no-publish $(if $(call eq,$(push),no),--no-push,) --execute,\ -v $(if $(call eq,$(CI),),,--no-publish)) \ $(or $(ver),release) cargo.test: test.cargo #################### # Testing commands # #################### # Run Rust tests of Book. # # Usage: # make test.book [clean=(no|yes)] test.book: ifeq ($(clean),yes) cargo clean endif $(eval target := $(strip $(shell cargo -vV | sed -n 's/host: //p'))) cargo build mdbook test book -L target/debug/deps $(strip \ $(if $(call eq,$(findstring windows,$(target)),),,\ $(shell cargo metadata -q \ | jq -r '.packages[] | select(.name == "windows_$(word 1,$(subst -, ,$(target)))_$(word 4,$(subst -, ,$(target)))") | .manifest_path' \ | sed -e "s/^/-L '/" -e 's/Cargo.toml/lib/' -e "s/$$/'/" ))) # Run Rust tests of project crates. # # Usage: # make test.cargo [crate=<crate-name>] [careful=(no|yes)] test.cargo: ifeq ($(careful),yes) ifeq ($(shell cargo install --list | grep cargo-careful),) cargo install cargo-careful endif ifeq ($(shell rustup component list --toolchain=nightly \ | grep 'rust-src (installed)'),) rustup component add --toolchain=nightly rust-src endif endif cargo $(if $(call eq,$(careful),yes),+nightly careful,\ $(if $(call eq,$(crate),juniper_codegen_tests),+nightly,)) \ test $(if $(call eq,$(crate),),--workspace,-p $(crate)) --all-features ################# # Book commands # ################# # Build Book. # # Usage: # make book.build [out=<dir>] book.build: mdbook build book/ $(if $(call eq,$(out),),,-d $(out)) # Serve Book on some port. # # Usage: # make book.serve [port=(3000|<port>)] book.serve: mdbook serve book/ -p=$(or $(port),3000) ################## # .PHONY section # ################## .PHONY: book fmt lint release test \ book.build book.serve \ cargo.fmt cargo.lint cargo.release cargo.test \ test.book test.cargo