//! use crate::util::duplicate::Duplicate; use proc_macro2::Span; use proc_macro_error::{Diagnostic, Level}; use std::fmt; /// URL of the GraphQL specification (June 2018 Edition). pub const SPEC_URL: &'static str = "https://spec.graphql.org/June2018/"; #[allow(unused_variables)] pub enum GraphQLScope { UnionAttr, DeriveObject, DeriveInputObject, UnionDerive, DeriveEnum, DeriveScalar, ImplScalar, ImplObject, } impl GraphQLScope { pub fn spec_section(&self) -> &str { match self { Self::DeriveObject | Self::ImplObject => "#sec-Objects", Self::DeriveInputObject => "#sec-Input-Objects", Self::UnionAttr | Self::UnionDerive => "#sec-Unions", Self::DeriveEnum => "#sec-Enums", Self::DeriveScalar | Self::ImplScalar => "#sec-Scalars", } } } impl fmt::Display for GraphQLScope { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { let name = match self { Self::DeriveObject | Self::ImplObject => "object", Self::DeriveInputObject => "input object", Self::UnionAttr | Self::UnionDerive => "union", Self::DeriveEnum => "enum", Self::DeriveScalar | Self::ImplScalar => "scalar", }; write!(f, "GraphQL {}", name) } } #[allow(unused_variables)] #[derive(Debug)] pub enum UnsupportedAttribute { Skip, Interface, Scalar, Deprecation, Default, } impl GraphQLScope { fn spec_link(&self) -> String { format!("{}{}", SPEC_URL, self.spec_section()) } pub fn custom<S: AsRef<str>>(&self, span: Span, msg: S) -> Diagnostic { Diagnostic::spanned(span, Level::Error, format!("{} {}", self, msg.as_ref())) .note(self.spec_link()) } pub fn emit_custom<S: AsRef<str>>(&self, span: Span, msg: S) { self.custom(span, msg).emit() } pub fn custom_error<S: AsRef<str>>(&self, span: Span, msg: S) -> syn::Error { syn::Error::new(span, format!("{} {}", self, msg.as_ref())) } pub fn unsupported_attribute(&self, attribute: Span, kind: UnsupportedAttribute) { Diagnostic::spanned( attribute, Level::Error, format!("attribute `{:?}` can not be used at the top level of {}", kind, self), ) .note("The macro is known to Juniper. However, not all valid #[graphql] attributes are available for each macro".to_string()) .emit(); } pub fn unsupported_attribute_within(&self, attribute: Span, kind: UnsupportedAttribute) { Diagnostic::spanned( attribute, Level::Error, format!("attribute `{:?}` can not be used inside of {}", kind, self), ) .note("The macro is known to Juniper. However, not all valid #[graphql] attributes are available for each macro".to_string()) .emit(); } pub fn not_empty(&self, container: Span) { Diagnostic::spanned( container, Level::Error, format!("{} expects at least one field", self), ) .note(self.spec_link()) .emit(); } pub fn duplicate<'a, T: syn::spanned::Spanned + 'a>( &self, duplicates: impl IntoIterator<Item = &'a Duplicate<T>>, ) { duplicates .into_iter() .for_each(|dup| { (&dup.spanned[1..]) .iter() .for_each(|spanned| { Diagnostic::spanned( spanned.span(), Level::Error, format!( "{} does not allow fields with the same name", self ), ) .help(format!("There is at least one other field with the same name `{}`, possibly renamed via the #[graphql] attribute", dup.name)) .note(self.spec_link()) .emit(); }); }) } pub fn no_double_underscore(&self, field: Span) { Diagnostic::spanned( field, Level::Error, "All types and directives defined within a schema must not have a name which begins \ with `__` (two underscores), as this is used exclusively by GraphQL’s introspection \ system." .into(), ) .note(format!("{}#sec-Schema", SPEC_URL)) .emit(); } }