use syn; use syn::*; use quote::Tokens; use ::util::*; #[derive(Default, Debug)] struct ObjAttrs { name: Option, description: Option, } impl ObjAttrs { fn from_input(input: &DeriveInput) -> ObjAttrs { let mut res = ObjAttrs::default(); // Check attributes for name and description. if let Some(items) = get_graphl_attr(&input.attrs) { for item in items { if let Some(val) = keyed_item_value(item, "name", true) { = Some(val); continue; } if let Some(val) = keyed_item_value(item, "description", true) { res.description = Some(val); continue; } panic!(format!( "Unknown attribute for #[derive(GraphQLInputObject)]: {:?}", item)); } } res } } #[derive(Default)] struct ObjFieldAttrs { name: Option, description: Option, default: Option, } impl ObjFieldAttrs { fn from_input(variant: &Field) -> ObjFieldAttrs { let mut res = ObjFieldAttrs::default(); // Check attributes for name and description. if let Some(items) = get_graphl_attr(&variant.attrs) { for item in items { if let Some(val) = keyed_item_value(item, "name", true) { = Some(val); continue; } if let Some(val) = keyed_item_value(item, "description", true) { res.description = Some(val); continue; } if let Some(val) = keyed_item_value(item, "default", true) { res.default = Some(val); continue; } panic!(format!( "Unknown attribute for #[derive(GraphQLInputObject)]: {:?}", item)); } } res } } pub fn impl_input_object(ast: &syn::DeriveInput) -> Tokens { let fields = match ast.body { Body::Struct(ref data) => { match data { &VariantData::Struct(ref fields) => fields, _ => { panic!("#[derive(GraphQLInputObject)] may only be used on regular structs with fields"); }, } }, Body::Enum(_) => { panic!("#[derive(GraphlQLInputObject)] may only be applied to structs, not to enums"); }, }; // Parse attributes. let ident = &ast.ident; let attrs = ObjAttrs::from_input(ast); let name =; let mut meta_fields = Vec::::new(); let mut from_inputs = Vec::::new(); let mut to_inputs = Vec::::new(); for field in fields { let field_ty = &field.ty; let field_attrs = ObjFieldAttrs::from_input(field); let field_ident = field.ident.as_ref().unwrap(); // Build value. let name = match { Some(ref name) => { // Custom name specified. name.to_string() }, None => { // Note: auto camel casing when no custom name specified. ::util::to_camel_case(field_ident.as_ref()) }, }; let descr = match field_attrs.description { Some(s) => quote!{ Some(#s.to_string()) }, None => quote!{ None }, }; let default = match field_attrs.default { Some(ref def) => { match syn::parse_token_trees(def) { Ok(t) => Some(quote!{ #(#t)* }), Err(_) => { panic!("#graphql(default = ?) must be a valid Rust expression inside a string"); }, } }, None => None, }; let meta_field = match default { Some(ref def) => { quote!{ registry.arg_with_default::<#field_ty>( #name, &#def), } }, None => { quote!{ registry.arg::<#field_ty>(#name), } } }; meta_fields.push(meta_field); // Buil from_input clause. let from_input_default = match default { Some(ref def) => { quote!{ Some(&&::juniper::InputValue::Null) | None if true => #def, } }, None => quote!{}, }; let from_input = quote!{ #field_ident: { // TODO: investigate the unwraps here, they seem dangerous! match obj.get(#name) { #from_input_default Some(v) => ::juniper::FromInputValue::from(v).unwrap(), _ => ::juniper::FromInputValue::from(&::juniper::InputValue::null()).unwrap() } }, }; from_inputs.push(from_input); // Build to_input clause. let to_input = quote!{ (#name,, }; to_inputs.push(to_input); } quote! { impl ::juniper::GraphQLType for #ident { type Context = (); fn name() -> Option<&'static str> { Some(#name) } fn meta<'r>(registry: &mut ::juniper::Registry<'r>) -> ::juniper::meta::MetaType<'r> { let fields = &[ #(#meta_fields)* ]; registry.build_input_object_type::<#ident>(fields).into_meta() } } impl ::juniper::FromInputValue for #ident { fn from(value: &::juniper::InputValue) -> Option<#ident> { if let Some(obj) = value.to_object_value() { let item = #ident { #(#from_inputs)* }; Some(item) } else { None } } } impl ::juniper::ToInputValue for #ident { fn to(&self) -> ::juniper::InputValue { ::juniper::InputValue::object(vec![ #(#to_inputs)* ].into_iter().collect()) } } } }