# Avoiding the N+1 Problem With Dataloaders A common issue with graphql servers is how the resolvers query their datasource. This issue results in a large number of unneccessary database queries or http requests. Say you were wanting to list a bunch of cults people were in ```graphql query { persons { id name cult { id name } } } ``` What would be executed by a SQL database would be: ```sql SELECT id, name, cult_id FROM persons; SELECT id, name FROM cults WHERE id = 1; SELECT id, name FROM cults WHERE id = 1; SELECT id, name FROM cults WHERE id = 1; SELECT id, name FROM cults WHERE id = 1; SELECT id, name FROM cults WHERE id = 2; SELECT id, name FROM cults WHERE id = 2; SELECT id, name FROM cults WHERE id = 2; # ... ``` Once the list of users has been returned, a separate query is run to find the cult of each user. You can see how this could quickly become a problem. A common solution to this is to introduce a **dataloader**. This can be done with Juniper using the crate [cksac/dataloader-rs](https://github.com/cksac/dataloader-rs), which has two types of dataloaders; cached and non-cached. This example will explore the non-cached option. ### What does it look like? !FILENAME Cargo.toml ```toml [dependencies] actix-identity = "0.2" actix-rt = "1.0" actix-web = {version = "2.0", features = []} juniper = { git = "https://github.com/graphql-rust/juniper", branch = "async-await", features = ["async"] } futures = "0.3" postgres = "0.15.2" dataloader = "0.6.0" ``` ```rust, ignore use dataloader::Loader; use dataloader::{BatchFn, BatchFuture}; use futures::{future, FutureExt as _}; use std::collections::HashMap; use postgres::{Connection, TlsMode}; use std::env; pub fn get_db_conn() -> Connection { let pg_connection_string = env::var("DATABASE_URI").expect("need a db uri"); println!("Connecting to {}", pg_connection_string); let conn = Connection::connect(&pg_connection_string[..], TlsMode::None).unwrap(); println!("Connection is fine"); conn } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct Cult { pub id: i32, pub name: String, } pub fn get_cult_by_ids(hashmap: &mut HashMap<i32, Cult>, ids: Vec<i32>) { let conn = get_db_conn(); for row in &conn .query("SELECT id, name FROM cults WHERE id = ANY($1)", &[&ids]) .unwrap() { let cult = Cult { id: row.get(0), name: row.get(1), }; hashmap.insert(cult.id, cult); } } pub struct CultBatcher; impl BatchFn<i32, Cult> for CultBatcher { type Error = (); fn load(&self, keys: &[i32]) -> BatchFuture<Cult, Self::Error> { println!("load batch {:?}", keys); // A hashmap is used, as we need to return an array which maps each original key to a Cult. let mut cult_hashmap = HashMap::new(); get_cult_by_ids(&mut cult_hashmap, keys.to_vec()); future::ready(keys.iter().map(|key| cult_hashmap[key].clone()).collect()) .unit_error() .boxed() } } pub type CultLoader = Loader<i32, Cult, (), CultBatcher>; // To create a new loader pub fn get_loader() -> CultLoader { Loader::new(CultBatcher) } #[juniper::graphql_object(Context = Context)] impl Cult { // your resolvers // To call the dataloader pub async fn cult_by_id(ctx: &Context, id: i32) -> Cult { ctx.cult_loader.load(id).await.unwrap() } } ``` ### How do I call them? Once created, a dataloader has the functions `.load()` and `.load_many()`. When called these return a Future. In the above example `cult_loader.load(id: i32)` returns `Future<Cult>`. If we had used `cult_loader.load_many(Vec<i32>)` it would have returned `Future<Vec<Cult>>`. ### Where do I create my dataloaders? **Dataloaders** should be created per-request to avoid risk of bugs where one user is able to load cached/batched data from another user/ outside of its authenticated scope. Creating dataloaders within individual resolvers will prevent batching from occurring and will nullify the benefits of the dataloader. For example: _When you declare your context_ ```rust, ignore use juniper; #[derive(Clone)] pub struct Context { pub cult_loader: CultLoader, } impl juniper::Context for Context {} impl Context { pub fn new(cult_loader: CultLoader) -> Self { Self { cult_loader } } } ``` _Your handler for GraphQL (Note: instantiating context here keeps it per-request)_ ```rust, ignore pub async fn graphql( st: web::Data<Arc<Schema>>, data: web::Json<GraphQLRequest>, ) -> Result<HttpResponse, Error> { let mut rt = futures::executor::LocalPool::new(); // Context setup let cult_loader = get_loader(); let ctx = Context::new(cult_loader); // Execute let future_execute = data.execute(&st, &ctx); let res = rt.run_until(future_execute); let json = serde_json::to_string(&res).map_err(error::ErrorInternalServerError)?; Ok(HttpResponse::Ok() .content_type("application/json") .body(json)) } ``` ### Further Example: For a full example using Dataloaders and Context check out [jayy-lmao/rust-graphql-docker](https://github.com/jayy-lmao/rust-graphql-docker).