Releasing new crate versions

Releasing of [workspace] crates of this project is performed by pushing the Git release tag (having `<crate-name>@<version>` format), following by the [CI pipeline] creating a [GitHub release] and publishing the crate to [].

> __WARNING__: Only one [workspace] crate may be released at a time. So, if you need to release multiple [workspace] crates, do this sequentially.

## Prerequisites

We use [`cargo-release`] to automate crate releases. You will need to install it locally:
cargo install cargo-release

## Preparing

To produce a new release a [workspace] crate, perform the following steps:

1. Check its `` file to be complete and correctly formatted. The section for the new release __should start__ with `## master` header. Commit any changes you've made.

2. Determine a new release [bump level] (`patch`, `minor`, `major`, or default `release`).

3. Run the release process in dry-run mode and check the produced diffs to be made in the returned output.
    make release crate=juniper ver=minor

4. (Optional) Not everything may be captured in dry-run mode. It may be a good idea to run a local test, without pushing the created Git commit and tag.
    make release crate=juniper ver=minor exec=yes push=no

## Executing

Once everything is prepared and checked, just execute the releasing process:
make release crate=juniper ver=minor exec=yes

Once the [CI pipeline] for the pushed Git tag successfully finishes, the crate is fully released.

[CI pipeline]: /../../blob/master/.github/workflows/ci.yml
[GitHub release]:
[release level]: