use proc_macro2::TokenStream; use quote::quote; use syn::{self, Data, Fields}; use crate::util; pub fn build_derive_union(ast: syn::DeriveInput, is_internal: bool) -> TokenStream { let enum_fields = match { Data::Enum(data) => data.variants, _ => { panic!("#[derive(GraphQLUnion)] can only be applied to enums"); } }; // Parse attributes. let attrs = match util::ObjectAttributes::from_attrs(&ast.attrs) { Ok(a) => a, Err(e) => { panic!("Invalid #[graphql(...)] attribute for enum: {}", e); } }; if !attrs.interfaces.is_empty() { panic!("#[derive(GraphQLUnion)] does not support interfaces"); } let ident = &ast.ident; let name =|| ident.to_string()); let fields = enum_fields.into_iter().filter_map(|field| { let field_attrs = match util::FieldAttributes::from_attrs( field.attrs, util::FieldAttributeParseMode::Object, ) { Ok(attrs) => attrs, Err(e) => panic!("Invalid #[graphql] attribute for field: \n{}", e), }; if field_attrs.skip { panic!("#[derive(GraphQLUnion)] does not support #[graphql(skip)] on fields"); } else { let variant_name = field.ident; let name = field_attrs .name .clone() .unwrap_or_else(|| util::to_camel_case(&variant_name.to_string())); let resolver_code = quote!( #ident :: #variant_name ); let _type = match field.fields { Fields::Unnamed(inner) => { let mut iter = inner.unnamed.iter(); let first = match { Some(val) => val, None => unreachable!(), }; if { panic!("#[derive(GraphQLUnion)] all members must be unnamed with a single element e.g. Some(T)"); } first.ty.clone() } _ => panic!("#[derive(GraphQLUnion)] all fields of the enum must be unnamed"), }; if field_attrs.description.is_some() { panic!("#[derive(GraphQLUnion)] does not allow documentation of fields"); } Some(util::GraphQLTypeDefinitionField { name, _type, args: Vec::new(), description: None, deprecation: field_attrs.deprecation, resolver_code, is_type_inferred: true, is_async: false, }) } }); let fields = fields.collect::<Vec<_>>(); // NOTICE: This is not an optimal implementation. It is possible // to bypass this check by using a full qualified path instead // (crate::Test vs Test). Since this requirement is mandatory, the // `std::convert::Into<T>` implementation is used to enforce this // requirement. However, due to the bad error message this // implementation should stay and provide guidance. let all_variants_different = { let mut all_types: Vec<_> = fields.iter().map(|field| &field._type).collect(); let before = all_types.len(); all_types.dedup(); before == all_types.len() }; if !all_variants_different { panic!("#[derive(GraphQLUnion)] each variant must have a different type"); } let definition = util::GraphQLTypeDefiniton { name, _type: syn::parse_str(&ast.ident.to_string()).unwrap(), context: attrs.context, scalar: attrs.scalar, description: attrs.description, fields, generics: ast.generics, interfaces: None, include_type_generics: true, generic_scalar: true, no_async: attrs.no_async, }; let juniper_crate_name = if is_internal { "crate" } else { "juniper" }; definition.into_union_tokens(juniper_crate_name) }