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import assert, { rejects, strictEqual } from 'node:assert';
import * as Misskey from 'misskey-js';
import { createAccount, deepStrictEqualWithExcludedFields, fetchAdmin, type LoginUser, resolveRemoteNote, resolveRemoteUser, sleep } from './utils.js';
const [aAdmin, bAdmin] = await Promise.all([
describe('User', () => {
describe('Profile', () => {
describe('Consistency of profile', () => {
let alice: LoginUser;
let aliceWatcher: LoginUser;
let aliceWatcherInB: LoginUser;
beforeAll(async () => {
alice = await createAccount('a.test');
] = await Promise.all([
test('Check consistency', async () => {
const aliceInA = await aliceWatcher.client.request('users/show', { userId: alice.id });
const resolved = await resolveRemoteUser('a.test', aliceInA.id, aliceWatcherInB);
const aliceInB = await aliceWatcherInB.client.request('users/show', { userId: resolved.id });
// console.log(`a.test: ${JSON.stringify(aliceInA, null, '\t')}`);
// console.log(`b.test: ${JSON.stringify(aliceInB, null, '\t')}`);
deepStrictEqualWithExcludedFields(aliceInA, aliceInB, [
describe('ffVisibility is federated', () => {
let alice: LoginUser, bob: LoginUser;
let bobInA: Misskey.entities.UserDetailedNotMe, aliceInB: Misskey.entities.UserDetailedNotMe;
beforeAll(async () => {
[alice, bob] = await Promise.all([
[bobInA, aliceInB] = await Promise.all([
resolveRemoteUser('b.test', bob.id, alice),
resolveRemoteUser('a.test', alice.id, bob),
// NOTE: follow each other
await Promise.all([
alice.client.request('following/create', { userId: bobInA.id }),
bob.client.request('following/create', { userId: aliceInB.id }),
await sleep();
test('Visibility set public by default', async () => {
for (const user of await Promise.all([
alice.client.request('users/show', { userId: bobInA.id }),
bob.client.request('users/show', { userId: aliceInB.id }),
])) {
strictEqual(user.followersVisibility, 'public');
strictEqual(user.followingVisibility, 'public');
/** FIXME: not working */
test.skip('Setting private for followersVisibility is federated', async () => {
await Promise.all([
alice.client.request('i/update', { followersVisibility: 'private' }),
bob.client.request('i/update', { followersVisibility: 'private' }),
await sleep();
for (const user of await Promise.all([
alice.client.request('users/show', { userId: bobInA.id }),
bob.client.request('users/show', { userId: aliceInB.id }),
])) {
strictEqual(user.followersVisibility, 'private');
strictEqual(user.followingVisibility, 'public');
test.skip('Setting private for followingVisibility is federated', async () => {
await Promise.all([
alice.client.request('i/update', { followingVisibility: 'private' }),
bob.client.request('i/update', { followingVisibility: 'private' }),
await sleep();
for (const user of await Promise.all([
alice.client.request('users/show', { userId: bobInA.id }),
bob.client.request('users/show', { userId: aliceInB.id }),
])) {
strictEqual(user.followersVisibility, 'private');
strictEqual(user.followingVisibility, 'private');
describe('isCat is federated', () => {
let alice: LoginUser, bob: LoginUser;
let bobInA: Misskey.entities.UserDetailedNotMe, aliceInB: Misskey.entities.UserDetailedNotMe;
beforeAll(async () => {
[alice, bob] = await Promise.all([
[bobInA, aliceInB] = await Promise.all([
resolveRemoteUser('b.test', bob.id, alice),
resolveRemoteUser('a.test', alice.id, bob),
test('Not isCat for default', () => {
strictEqual(aliceInB.isCat, false);
test('Becoming a cat is sent to their followers', async () => {
await bob.client.request('following/create', { userId: aliceInB.id });
await sleep();
await alice.client.request('i/update', { isCat: true });
await sleep();
const res = await bob.client.request('users/show', { userId: aliceInB.id });
strictEqual(res.isCat, true);
describe('Pinning Notes', () => {
let alice: LoginUser, bob: LoginUser;
let aliceInB: Misskey.entities.UserDetailedNotMe;
beforeAll(async () => {
[alice, bob] = await Promise.all([
aliceInB = await resolveRemoteUser('a.test', alice.id, bob);
await bob.client.request('following/create', { userId: aliceInB.id });
test('Pinning localOnly Note is not delivered', async () => {
const note = (await alice.client.request('notes/create', { text: 'a', localOnly: true })).createdNote;
await alice.client.request('i/pin', { noteId: note.id });
await sleep();
const _aliceInB = await bob.client.request('users/show', { userId: aliceInB.id });
strictEqual(_aliceInB.pinnedNoteIds.length, 0);
test('Pinning followers-only Note is not delivered', async () => {
const note = (await alice.client.request('notes/create', { text: 'a', visibility: 'followers' })).createdNote;
await alice.client.request('i/pin', { noteId: note.id });
await sleep();
const _aliceInB = await bob.client.request('users/show', { userId: aliceInB.id });
strictEqual(_aliceInB.pinnedNoteIds.length, 0);
let pinnedNote: Misskey.entities.Note;
test('Pinning normal Note is delivered', async () => {
pinnedNote = (await alice.client.request('notes/create', { text: 'a' })).createdNote;
await alice.client.request('i/pin', { noteId: pinnedNote.id });
await sleep();
const _aliceInB = await bob.client.request('users/show', { userId: aliceInB.id });
strictEqual(_aliceInB.pinnedNoteIds.length, 1);
const pinnedNoteInB = await resolveRemoteNote('a.test', pinnedNote.id, bob);
strictEqual(_aliceInB.pinnedNotes[0].id, pinnedNoteInB.id);
test('Unpinning normal Note is delivered', async () => {
await alice.client.request('i/unpin', { noteId: pinnedNote.id });
await sleep();
const _aliceInB = await bob.client.request('users/show', { userId: aliceInB.id });
strictEqual(_aliceInB.pinnedNoteIds.length, 0);
describe('Follow / Unfollow', () => {
let alice: LoginUser, bob: LoginUser;
let bobInA: Misskey.entities.UserDetailedNotMe, aliceInB: Misskey.entities.UserDetailedNotMe;
beforeAll(async () => {
[alice, bob] = await Promise.all([
[bobInA, aliceInB] = await Promise.all([
resolveRemoteUser('b.test', bob.id, alice),
resolveRemoteUser('a.test', alice.id, bob),
describe('Follow a.test ==> b.test', () => {
beforeAll(async () => {
await alice.client.request('following/create', { userId: bobInA.id });
await sleep();
test('Check consistency with `users/following` and `users/followers` endpoints', async () => {
await Promise.all([
(await alice.client.request('users/following', { userId: alice.id }))
.some(v => v.followeeId === bobInA.id),
(await bob.client.request('users/followers', { userId: bob.id }))
.some(v => v.followerId === aliceInB.id),
describe('Unfollow a.test ==> b.test', () => {
beforeAll(async () => {
await alice.client.request('following/delete', { userId: bobInA.id });
await sleep();
test('Check consistency with `users/following` and `users/followers` endpoints', async () => {
await Promise.all([
(await alice.client.request('users/following', { userId: alice.id }))
.some(v => v.followeeId === bobInA.id),
(await bob.client.request('users/followers', { userId: bob.id }))
.some(v => v.followerId === aliceInB.id),
describe('Follow requests', () => {
let alice: LoginUser, bob: LoginUser;
let bobInA: Misskey.entities.UserDetailedNotMe, aliceInB: Misskey.entities.UserDetailedNotMe;
beforeAll(async () => {
[alice, bob] = await Promise.all([
[bobInA, aliceInB] = await Promise.all([
resolveRemoteUser('b.test', bob.id, alice),
resolveRemoteUser('a.test', alice.id, bob),
await alice.client.request('i/update', { isLocked: true });
describe('Send follow request from Bob to Alice and cancel', () => {
describe('Bob sends follow request to Alice', () => {
beforeAll(async () => {
await bob.client.request('following/create', { userId: aliceInB.id });
await sleep();
test('Alice should have a request', async () => {
const requests = await alice.client.request('following/requests/list', {});
strictEqual(requests.length, 1);
strictEqual(requests[0].followee.id, alice.id);
strictEqual(requests[0].follower.id, bobInA.id);
describe('Alice cancels it', () => {
beforeAll(async () => {
await bob.client.request('following/requests/cancel', { userId: aliceInB.id });
await sleep();
test('Alice should have no requests', async () => {
const requests = await alice.client.request('following/requests/list', {});
strictEqual(requests.length, 0);
describe('Send follow request from Bob to Alice and reject', () => {
beforeAll(async () => {
await bob.client.request('following/create', { userId: aliceInB.id });
await sleep();
await alice.client.request('following/requests/reject', { userId: bobInA.id });
await sleep();
test('Bob should have no requests', async () => {
await rejects(
async () => await bob.client.request('following/requests/cancel', { userId: aliceInB.id }),
(err: any) => {
strictEqual(err.code, 'FOLLOW_REQUEST_NOT_FOUND');
return true;
test('Bob doesn\'t follow Alice', async () => {
const following = await bob.client.request('users/following', { userId: bob.id });
strictEqual(following.length, 0);
describe('Send follow request from Bob to Alice and accept', () => {
beforeAll(async () => {
await bob.client.request('following/create', { userId: aliceInB.id });
await sleep();
await alice.client.request('following/requests/accept', { userId: bobInA.id });
await sleep();
test('Bob follows Alice', async () => {
const following = await bob.client.request('users/following', { userId: bob.id });
strictEqual(following.length, 1);
strictEqual(following[0].followeeId, aliceInB.id);
strictEqual(following[0].followerId, bob.id);
describe('Deletion', () => {
describe('Check Delete consistency', () => {
let alice: LoginUser, bob: LoginUser;
let bobInA: Misskey.entities.UserDetailedNotMe, aliceInB: Misskey.entities.UserDetailedNotMe;
beforeAll(async () => {
[alice, bob] = await Promise.all([
[bobInA, aliceInB] = await Promise.all([
resolveRemoteUser('b.test', bob.id, alice),
resolveRemoteUser('a.test', alice.id, bob),
test('Bob follows Alice, and Alice deleted themself', async () => {
await bob.client.request('following/create', { userId: aliceInB.id });
await sleep();
const followers = await alice.client.request('users/followers', { userId: alice.id });
strictEqual(followers.length, 1); // followed by Bob
await alice.client.request('i/delete-account', { password: alice.password });
await sleep();
const following = await bob.client.request('users/following', { userId: bob.id });
strictEqual(following.length, 0); // no following relation
await rejects(
async () => await bob.client.request('following/create', { userId: aliceInB.id }),
(err: any) => {
strictEqual(err.code, 'NO_SUCH_USER');
return true;
describe('Deletion of remote user for moderation', () => {
let alice: LoginUser, bob: LoginUser;
let bobInA: Misskey.entities.UserDetailedNotMe, aliceInB: Misskey.entities.UserDetailedNotMe;
beforeAll(async () => {
[alice, bob] = await Promise.all([
[bobInA, aliceInB] = await Promise.all([
resolveRemoteUser('b.test', bob.id, alice),
resolveRemoteUser('a.test', alice.id, bob),
test('Bob follows Alice, then Alice gets deleted in B server', async () => {
await bob.client.request('following/create', { userId: aliceInB.id });
await sleep();
const followers = await alice.client.request('users/followers', { userId: alice.id });
strictEqual(followers.length, 1); // followed by Bob
await bAdmin.client.request('admin/delete-account', { userId: aliceInB.id });
await sleep();
* FIXME: remote account is not deleted!
* @see https://github.com/misskey-dev/misskey/issues/14728
const deletedAlice = await bob.client.request('users/show', { userId: aliceInB.id });
assert(deletedAlice.id, aliceInB.id);
// TODO: why still following relation?
const following = await bob.client.request('users/following', { userId: bob.id });
strictEqual(following.length, 1);
await rejects(
async () => await bob.client.request('following/create', { userId: aliceInB.id }),
(err: any) => {
strictEqual(err.code, 'ALREADY_FOLLOWING');
return true;
test('Alice tries to follow Bob, but it is not processed', async () => {
await alice.client.request('following/create', { userId: bobInA.id });
await sleep();
const following = await alice.client.request('users/following', { userId: alice.id });
strictEqual(following.length, 0); // Not following Bob because B server doesn't return Accept
const followers = await bob.client.request('users/followers', { userId: bob.id });
strictEqual(followers.length, 0); // Alice's Follow is not processed
describe('Suspension', () => {
describe('Check suspend/unsuspend consistency', () => {
let alice: LoginUser, bob: LoginUser;
let bobInA: Misskey.entities.UserDetailedNotMe, aliceInB: Misskey.entities.UserDetailedNotMe;
beforeAll(async () => {
[alice, bob] = await Promise.all([
[bobInA, aliceInB] = await Promise.all([
resolveRemoteUser('b.test', bob.id, alice),
resolveRemoteUser('a.test', alice.id, bob),
test('Bob follows Alice, and Alice gets suspended, there is no following relation, and Bob fails to follow again', async () => {
await bob.client.request('following/create', { userId: aliceInB.id });
await sleep();
const followers = await alice.client.request('users/followers', { userId: alice.id });
strictEqual(followers.length, 1); // followed by Bob
await aAdmin.client.request('admin/suspend-user', { userId: alice.id });
await sleep();
const following = await bob.client.request('users/following', { userId: bob.id });
strictEqual(following.length, 0); // no following relation
await rejects(
async () => await bob.client.request('following/create', { userId: aliceInB.id }),
(err: any) => {
strictEqual(err.code, 'NO_SUCH_USER');
return true;
test('Alice gets unsuspended, Bob succeeds in following Alice', async () => {
await aAdmin.client.request('admin/unsuspend-user', { userId: alice.id });
await sleep();
const followers = await alice.client.request('users/followers', { userId: alice.id });
strictEqual(followers.length, 1); // FIXME: followers are not deleted??
* FIXME: still rejected!
* seems to can't process Undo Delete activity because it is not implemented
* related @see https://github.com/misskey-dev/misskey/issues/13273
await rejects(
async () => await bob.client.request('following/create', { userId: aliceInB.id }),
(err: any) => {
strictEqual(err.code, 'NO_SUCH_USER');
return true;
// FIXME: resolving also fails
await rejects(
async () => await resolveRemoteUser('a.test', alice.id, bob),
(err: any) => {
strictEqual(err.code, 'INTERNAL_ERROR');
return true;
* instead of simple unsuspension, let's tell existence by following from Alice
test('Alice can follow Bob', async () => {
await alice.client.request('following/create', { userId: bobInA.id });
await sleep();
const bobFollowers = await bob.client.request('users/followers', { userId: bob.id });
strictEqual(bobFollowers.length, 1); // followed by Alice
assert(bobFollowers[0].follower != null);
const renewedaliceInB = bobFollowers[0].follower;
assert(aliceInB.username === renewedaliceInB.username);
assert(aliceInB.host === renewedaliceInB.host);
assert(aliceInB.id !== renewedaliceInB.id); // TODO: Same username and host, but their ids are different! Is it OK?
const following = await bob.client.request('users/following', { userId: bob.id });
strictEqual(following.length, 0); // following are deleted
// Bob tries to follow Alice
await bob.client.request('following/create', { userId: renewedaliceInB.id });
await sleep();
const aliceFollowers = await alice.client.request('users/followers', { userId: alice.id });
strictEqual(aliceFollowers.length, 1);
// FIXME: but resolving still fails ...
await rejects(
async () => await resolveRemoteUser('a.test', alice.id, bob),
(err: any) => {
strictEqual(err.code, 'INTERNAL_ERROR');
return true;