From 13e4034ceee1e3983c852a2c40ce89eeb30dcecd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: syuilo <>
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2017 00:54:28 +0900
Subject: [PATCH] :v:

 src/web/docs/api/entities/post.pug  | 149 ----------------------------
 src/web/docs/api/entities/user.yaml | 137 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/web/docs/api/gulpfile.ts        |   2 +-
 3 files changed, 138 insertions(+), 150 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 src/web/docs/api/entities/post.pug
 create mode 100644 src/web/docs/api/entities/user.yaml

diff --git a/src/web/docs/api/entities/post.pug b/src/web/docs/api/entities/post.pug
deleted file mode 100644
index 954f17271..000000000
--- a/src/web/docs/api/entities/post.pug
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-extend ../../BASE
-block title
-	| Entity: Post
-block content
-	h1 Post
-	p 投稿を表します。
-	section
-		h2 Properties
-		table.entity
-			thead: tr
-				td Name
-				td Type
-				td Description
-			tbody
-				tr.nullable.optional
-					td app
-					td: a(href='./app', target='_blank') App
-					td 投稿したアプリ
-				tr.nullable
-					td app_id
-					td ID
-					td 投稿したアプリのID
-				tr
-					td created_at
-					td Date
-					td 投稿日時
-				tr
-					td id
-					td ID
-					td 投稿ID
-				tr.optional
-					td is_liked
-					td Boolean
-					td いいね したかどうか
-				tr
-					td likes_count
-					td Number
-					td いいね数
-				tr.nullable.optional
-					td media_ids
-					td ID[]
-					td 添付されたメディアのIDの配列
-				tr.nullable.optional
-					td media
-					td: a(href='./drive-file', target='_blank') DriveFile[]
-					td 添付されたメディアの配列
-				tr
-					td replies_count
-					td Number
-					td 返信数
-				tr.optional
-					td reply
-					td: a(href='./post', target='_blank') Post
-					td 返信先の投稿
-				tr.nullable
-					td reply_id
-					td ID
-					td 返信先の投稿のID
-				tr.optional
-					td repost
-					td: a(href='./post', target='_blank') Post
-					td Repostした投稿
-				tr
-					td repost_count
-					td Number
-					td Repostされた数
-				tr.nullable
-					td repost_id
-					td ID
-					td Repostした投稿のID
-				tr.nullable
-					td text
-					td String
-					td 本文
-				tr.optional
-					td user
-					td: a(href='./user', target='_blank') User
-					td 投稿者
-				tr
-					td user_id
-					td ID
-					td 投稿者のID
-	section
-		h2 Example
-		pre: code.
-			{
-				"created_at": "2016-12-10T00:28:50.114Z",
-				"media_ids": null,
-				"reply_id": "584a16b15860fc52320137e3",
-				"repost_id": null,
-				"text": "小日向美穂だぞ!",
-				"user_id": "5848bf7764e572683f4402f8",
-				"app_id": null,
-				"likes_count": 1,
-				"replies_count": 1,
-				"id": "584b4c42d8e5186f8f755d0c",
-				"user": {
-					"birthday": null,
-					"created_at": "2016-12-08T02:03:35.332Z",
-					"bio": "女が嫌いです、女性は好きです",
-					"followers_count": 11,
-					"following_count": 11,
-					"links": null,
-					"location": "",
-					"name": "女が嫌い",
-					"posts_count": 26,
-					"likes_count": 2,
-					"liked_count": 20,
-					"username": "onnnagakirai",
-					"id": "5848bf7764e572683f4402f8",
-					"avatar_url": "",
-					"banner_url": "",
-					"is_following": true,
-					"is_followed": true
-				},
-				"reply": {
-					"created_at": "2016-12-09T02:28:01.563Z",
-					"media_ids": null,
-					"reply_id": "5849d35e547e4249be329884",
-					"repost_id": null,
-					"text": "アイコン小日向美穂?",
-					"user_id": "57d01a501fdf2d07be417afe",
-					"app_id": null,
-					"replies_count": 1,
-					"id": "584a16b15860fc52320137e3",
-					"user": {
-						"birthday": null,
-						"created_at": "2016-09-07T13:46:56.605Z",
-						"bio": "どうすれば君だけのために生きていけるの",
-						"followers_count": 51,
-						"following_count": 97,
-						"links": null,
-						"location": "川崎",
-						"name": "きな子",
-						"posts_count": 4813,
-						"username": "syuilo",
-						"likes_count": 3141,
-						"liked_count": 750,
-						"id": "57d01a501fdf2d07be417afe",
-						"avatar_url": "",
-						"banner_url": ""
-					}
-				},
-				"is_liked": true
-			}
diff --git a/src/web/docs/api/entities/user.yaml b/src/web/docs/api/entities/user.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9b1efd1fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/web/docs/api/entities/user.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+name: "User"
+  ja: "ユーザー。"
+  en: "A user."
+  - name: "id"
+    type: "id"
+    optional: false
+    desc:
+      ja: "ユーザーID"
+      en: "The ID of this user"
+  - name: "created_at"
+    type: "date"
+    optional: false
+    desc:
+      ja: "アカウント作成日時"
+      en: "The registered date of this user"
+  - name: "username"
+    type: "string"
+    optional: false
+    desc:
+      ja: "ユーザー名"
+      en: "The username of this user"
+  - name: "description"
+    type: "string"
+    optional: false
+    desc:
+      ja: "アカウントの説明(自己紹介)"
+      en: "The description of this user"
+  - name: "avatar_id"
+    type: "id(DriveFile)"
+    optional: true
+    desc:
+      ja: "アバターのID"
+      en: "The ID of the avatar of this user"
+  - name: "avatar_url"
+    type: "string"
+    optional: false
+    desc:
+      ja: "アバターのURL"
+      en: "The URL of the avatar of this user"
+  - name: "banner_id"
+    type: "id(DriveFile)"
+    optional: true
+    desc:
+      ja: "バナーのID"
+      en: "The ID of the banner of this user"
+  - name: "banner_url"
+    type: "string"
+    optional: false
+    desc:
+      ja: "バナーのURL"
+      en: "The URL of the banner of this user"
+  - name: "followers_count"
+    type: "number"
+    optional: false
+    desc:
+      ja: "フォロワーの数"
+      en: "The number of the followers for this user"
+  - name: "following_count"
+    type: "number"
+    optional: false
+    desc:
+      ja: "フォローしているユーザーの数"
+      en: "The number of the following users for this user"
+  - name: "last_used_at"
+    type: "date"
+    optional: false
+    desc:
+      ja: "最終利用日時"
+      en: "The last used date of this user"
+  - name: "posts_count"
+    type: "number"
+    optional: false
+    desc:
+      ja: "投稿の数"
+      en: "The number of the posts of this user"
+  - name: "pinned_post"
+    type: "entity(Post)"
+    optional: true
+    desc:
+      ja: "ピン留めされた投稿"
+      en: "The pinned post of this user"
+  - name: "pinned_post_id"
+    type: "id(Post)"
+    optional: true
+    desc:
+      ja: "ピン留めされた投稿のID"
+      en: "The ID of the pinned post of this user"
+  - name: "drive_capacity"
+    type: "number"
+    optional: false
+    desc:
+      ja: "ドライブの容量(bytes)"
+      en: "The capacity of drive of this user (bytes)"
+  - name: "twitter"
+    type: "object"
+    optional: true
+    desc:
+      ja: "連携されているTwitterアカウント情報"
+      en: "The info of the connected twitter account of this user"
+    defName: "twitter"
+    def:
+      - name: "user_id"
+        type: "string"
+        optional: false
+        desc:
+          ja: "ユーザーID"
+          en: "The user ID"
+      - name: "screen_name"
+        type: "string"
+        optional: false
+        desc:
+          ja: "ユーザー名"
+          en: "The screen name of this user"
+  - name: "profile"
+    type: "object"
+    optional: false
+    desc:
+      ja: "プロフィール"
+      en: "The profile of this user"
+    defName: "profile"
+    def:
+      - name: "location"
+        type: "string"
+        optional: true
+        desc:
+          ja: "場所"
+          en: "The location of this user"
+      - name: "birthday"
+        type: "string"
+        optional: true
+        desc:
+          ja: "誕生日 (YYYY-MM-DD)"
+          en: "The birthday of this user (YYYY-MM-DD)"
diff --git a/src/web/docs/api/gulpfile.ts b/src/web/docs/api/gulpfile.ts
index 05567b623..6453996d3 100644
--- a/src/web/docs/api/gulpfile.ts
+++ b/src/web/docs/api/gulpfile.ts
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ const extractDefs = params => {
-	return defs;
+	return sortParams(defs);
 gulp.task('doc:api', [