Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/paricafe/misskey.git synced 2025-03-20 07:49:22 -05:00
This commit is contained in:
syuilo 2018-04-26 14:01:41 +09:00
parent bc8a0083e2
commit 6ab0c386cb
6 changed files with 432 additions and 326 deletions

View file

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
<script lang="ts">
import Vue from 'vue';
import getNoteSummary from '../../../../../renderers/get-note-summary';
const fetchLimit = 10;
@ -33,6 +34,7 @@ export default Vue.extend({
existMore: false,
connection: null,
connectionId: null,
unreadCount: 0,
date: null
@ -74,6 +76,7 @@ export default Vue.extend({
document.addEventListener('keydown', this.onKeydown);
document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', this.onVisibilitychange, false);
@ -87,10 +90,11 @@ export default Vue.extend({
document.removeEventListener('keydown', this.onKeydown);
document.removeEventListener('visibilitychange', this.onVisibilitychange);
methods: {
fetch(cb?) {
fetch() {
this.fetching = true;
(this.$refs.timeline as any).init(() => new Promise((res, rej) => {
@ -107,7 +111,6 @@ export default Vue.extend({
this.fetching = false;
if (cb) cb();
}, rej);
@ -134,6 +137,11 @@ export default Vue.extend({
onNote(note) {
if (document.hidden && note.userId !== (this as any).os.i.id) {
document.title = `(${this.unreadCount}) ${getNoteSummary(note)}`;
// Prepend a note
(this.$refs.timeline as any).prepend(note);
@ -151,13 +159,20 @@ export default Vue.extend({
onVisibilitychange() {
if (!document.hidden) {
this.unreadCount = 0;
document.title = 'Misskey';
onKeydown(e) {
if (e.target.tagName != 'INPUT' && e.target.tagName != 'TEXTAREA') {
if (e.which == 84) { // t

View file

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
import Vue from 'vue';
import ui from './ui.vue';
import timeline from './timeline.vue';
import note from './note.vue';
import notes from './notes.vue';
import mediaImage from './media-image.vue';
@ -24,7 +23,6 @@ import activity from './activity.vue';
import widgetContainer from './widget-container.vue';
Vue.component('mk-ui', ui);
Vue.component('mk-timeline', timeline);
Vue.component('mk-note', note);
Vue.component('mk-notes', notes);
Vue.component('mk-media-image', mediaImage);

View file

@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
<div class="mk-timeline">
<mk-friends-maker v-if="alone"/>
<mk-notes ref="timeline" :more="existMore ? more : null">
<div slot="empty">
%fa:R comments%
<script lang="ts">
import Vue from 'vue';
const fetchLimit = 10;
export default Vue.extend({
props: {
date: {
type: Date,
required: false,
default: null
data() {
return {
fetching: true,
moreFetching: false,
existMore: false,
connection: null,
connectionId: null
computed: {
alone(): boolean {
return (this as any).os.i.followingCount == 0;
mounted() {
this.connection = (this as any).os.stream.getConnection();
this.connectionId = (this as any).os.stream.use();
this.connection.on('note', this.onNote);
this.connection.on('follow', this.onChangeFollowing);
this.connection.on('unfollow', this.onChangeFollowing);
beforeDestroy() {
this.connection.off('note', this.onNote);
this.connection.off('follow', this.onChangeFollowing);
this.connection.off('unfollow', this.onChangeFollowing);
(this as any).os.stream.dispose(this.connectionId);
methods: {
fetch(cb?) {
this.fetching = true;
(this.$refs.timeline as any).init(() => new Promise((res, rej) => {
(this as any).api('notes/timeline', {
limit: fetchLimit + 1,
includeMyRenotes: (this as any).os.i.clientSettings.showMyRenotes,
includeRenotedMyNotes: (this as any).os.i.clientSettings.showRenotedMyNotes
}).then(notes => {
if (notes.length == fetchLimit + 1) {
this.existMore = true;
this.fetching = false;
if (cb) cb();
}, rej);
more() {
this.moreFetching = true;
(this as any).api('notes/timeline', {
limit: fetchLimit + 1,
untilId: (this.$refs.timeline as any).tail().id,
includeMyRenotes: (this as any).os.i.clientSettings.showMyRenotes,
includeRenotedMyNotes: (this as any).os.i.clientSettings.showRenotedMyNotes
}).then(notes => {
if (notes.length == fetchLimit + 1) {
} else {
this.existMore = false;
notes.forEach(n => (this.$refs.timeline as any).append(n));
this.moreFetching = false;
onNote(note) {
// Prepend a note
(this.$refs.timeline as any).prepend(note);
onChangeFollowing() {
<style lang="stylus" scoped>
@import '~const.styl'
> .mk-friends-maker
margin-bottom 8px

View file

@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
<span slot="header">%fa:home%ダッシュボード</span>
<template slot="func">
<button @click="customizing = !customizing">%fa:cog%</button>
<template v-if="customizing">
<select v-model="widgetAdderSelected">
<option value="profile">プロフィール</option>
<option value="calendar">カレンダー</option>
<option value="activity">アクティビティ</option>
<option value="rss">RSSリーダー</option>
<option value="photo-stream">フォトストリーム</option>
<option value="slideshow">スライドショー</option>
<option value="version">バージョン</option>
<option value="access-log">アクセスログ</option>
<option value="server">サーバー情報</option>
<option value="donation">寄付のお願い</option>
<option value="nav">ナビゲーション</option>
<option value="tips">ヒント</option>
<button @click="addWidget">追加</button>
<p><a @click="hint">カスタマイズのヒント</a></p>
:options="{ handle: '.handle', animation: 150 }"
<div v-for="widget in widgets" class="customize-container" :key="widget.id">
<span class="handle">%fa:bars%</span>{{ widget.name }}<button class="remove" @click="removeWidget(widget)">%fa:times%</button>
<div @click="widgetFunc(widget.id)">
<component :is="`mkw-${widget.name}`" :widget="widget" :ref="widget.id" :is-customize-mode="true" :is-mobile="true"/>
<template v-else>
<component class="widget" v-for="widget in widgets" :is="`mkw-${widget.name}`" :key="widget.id" :ref="widget.id" :widget="widget" :is-mobile="true" @chosen="warp"/>
<script lang="ts">
import Vue from 'vue';
import * as XDraggable from 'vuedraggable';
import * as uuid from 'uuid';
export default Vue.extend({
components: {
data() {
return {
showNav: false,
widgets: [],
customizing: false,
widgetAdderSelected: null
created() {
if ((this as any).os.i.clientSettings.mobileHome == null) {
Vue.set((this as any).os.i.clientSettings, 'mobileHome', [{
name: 'calendar',
id: 'a', data: {}
}, {
name: 'activity',
id: 'b', data: {}
}, {
name: 'rss',
id: 'c', data: {}
}, {
name: 'photo-stream',
id: 'd', data: {}
}, {
name: 'donation',
id: 'e', data: {}
}, {
name: 'nav',
id: 'f', data: {}
}, {
name: 'version',
id: 'g', data: {}
this.widgets = (this as any).os.i.clientSettings.mobileHome;
} else {
this.widgets = (this as any).os.i.clientSettings.mobileHome;
this.$watch('os.i.clientSettings', i => {
this.widgets = (this as any).os.i.clientSettings.mobileHome;
}, {
deep: true
mounted() {
document.title = 'Misskey';
document.documentElement.style.background = '#313a42';
methods: {
onHomeUpdated(data) {
if (data.home) {
(this as any).os.i.clientSettings.mobileHome = data.home;
this.widgets = data.home;
} else {
const w = (this as any).os.i.clientSettings.mobileHome.find(w => w.id == data.id);
if (w != null) {
w.data = data.data;
this.$refs[w.id][0].preventSave = true;
this.$refs[w.id][0].props = w.data;
this.widgets = (this as any).os.i.clientSettings.mobileHome;
hint() {
widgetFunc(id) {
const w = this.$refs[id][0];
if (w.func) w.func();
onWidgetSort() {
addWidget() {
const widget = {
name: this.widgetAdderSelected,
id: uuid(),
data: {}
removeWidget(widget) {
this.widgets = this.widgets.filter(w => w.id != widget.id);
saveHome() {
(this as any).os.i.clientSettings.mobileHome = this.widgets;
(this as any).api('i/update_mobile_home', {
home: this.widgets
<style lang="stylus" scoped>
margin 0 auto
max-width 500px
@media (min-width 500px)
padding 8px
> header
padding 8px
background #fff
margin 8px
margin 8px
background #fff
> header
line-height 32px
background #eee
> .handle
padding 0 8px
> .remove
position absolute
top 0
right 0
padding 0 8px
line-height 32px
> div
padding 8px
> *
pointer-events none

View file

@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
<mk-friends-maker v-if="src == 'home' && alone" style="margin-bottom:8px"/>
<mk-notes ref="timeline" :more="existMore ? more : null">
<div slot="empty">
%fa:R comments%
<script lang="ts">
import Vue from 'vue';
import getNoteSummary from '../../../../../renderers/get-note-summary';
const fetchLimit = 10;
export default Vue.extend({
props: {
src: {
type: String,
required: true
data() {
return {
fetching: true,
moreFetching: false,
existMore: false,
connection: null,
connectionId: null,
unreadCount: 0,
date: null
computed: {
alone(): boolean {
return (this as any).os.i.followingCount == 0;
stream(): any {
return this.src == 'home'
? (this as any).os.stream
: this.src == 'local'
? (this as any).os.streams.localTimelineStream
: (this as any).os.streams.globalTimelineStream;
endpoint(): string {
return this.src == 'home'
? 'notes/timeline'
: this.src == 'local'
? 'notes/local-timeline'
: 'notes/global-timeline';
canFetchMore(): boolean {
return !this.moreFetching && !this.fetching && this.existMore;
mounted() {
this.connection = this.stream.getConnection();
this.connectionId = this.stream.use();
this.connection.on('note', this.onNote);
if (this.src == 'home') {
this.connection.on('follow', this.onChangeFollowing);
this.connection.on('unfollow', this.onChangeFollowing);
document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', this.onVisibilitychange, false);
beforeDestroy() {
this.connection.off('note', this.onNote);
if (this.src == 'home') {
this.connection.off('follow', this.onChangeFollowing);
this.connection.off('unfollow', this.onChangeFollowing);
document.removeEventListener('visibilitychange', this.onVisibilitychange);
methods: {
fetch() {
this.fetching = true;
(this.$refs.timeline as any).init(() => new Promise((res, rej) => {
(this as any).api(this.endpoint, {
limit: fetchLimit + 1,
untilDate: this.date ? this.date.getTime() : undefined,
includeMyRenotes: (this as any).os.i.clientSettings.showMyRenotes,
includeRenotedMyNotes: (this as any).os.i.clientSettings.showRenotedMyNotes
}).then(notes => {
if (notes.length == fetchLimit + 1) {
this.existMore = true;
this.fetching = false;
}, rej);
more() {
if (!this.canFetchMore) return;
this.moreFetching = true;
(this as any).api(this.endpoint, {
limit: fetchLimit + 1,
untilId: (this.$refs.timeline as any).tail().id,
includeMyRenotes: (this as any).os.i.clientSettings.showMyRenotes,
includeRenotedMyNotes: (this as any).os.i.clientSettings.showRenotedMyNotes
}).then(notes => {
if (notes.length == fetchLimit + 1) {
} else {
this.existMore = false;
notes.forEach(n => (this.$refs.timeline as any).append(n));
this.moreFetching = false;
onNote(note) {
if (document.hidden && note.userId !== (this as any).os.i.id) {
document.title = `(${this.unreadCount}) ${getNoteSummary(note)}`;
// Prepend a note
(this.$refs.timeline as any).prepend(note);
onChangeFollowing() {
focus() {
(this.$refs.timeline as any).focus();
warp(date) {
this.date = date;
onVisibilitychange() {
if (!document.hidden) {
this.unreadCount = 0;
document.title = 'Misskey';

View file

@ -1,59 +1,37 @@
<span slot="header" @click="showTl = !showTl">
<template v-if="showTl">%fa:home%%i18n:@timeline%</template>
<template v-else>%fa:home%ウィジェット</template>
<span slot="header" @click="showNav = true">
<span v-if="src == 'home'">%fa:home%ホーム</span>
<span v-if="src == 'local'">%fa:R comments%ローカル</span>
<span v-if="src == 'global'">%fa:globe%グローバル</span>
<span v-if="src == 'list'">%fa:list%{{ list.title }}</span>
<span style="margin-left:8px">
<template v-if="showTl">%fa:angle-down%</template>
<template v-if="!showNav">%fa:angle-down%</template>
<template v-else>%fa:angle-up%</template>
<template slot="func">
<button @click="fn" v-if="showTl">%fa:pencil-alt%</button>
<button @click="customizing = !customizing" v-else>%fa:cog%</button>
<button @click="fn">%fa:pencil-alt%</button>
<div class="tl">
<mk-timeline @loaded="onLoaded" v-show="showTl"/>
<div class="nav" v-if="showNav">
<div class="bg" @click="showNav = false"></div>
<div class="body">
<span :data-is-active="src == 'home'" @click="src = 'home'">%fa:home% ホーム</span>
<span :data-is-active="src == 'local'" @click="src = 'local'">%fa:R comments% ローカル</span>
<span :data-is-active="src == 'global'" @click="src = 'global'">%fa:globe% グローバル</span>
<div class="widgets" v-show="!showTl">
<template v-if="customizing">
<select v-model="widgetAdderSelected">
<option value="profile">プロフィール</option>
<option value="calendar">カレンダー</option>
<option value="activity">アクティビティ</option>
<option value="rss">RSSリーダー</option>
<option value="photo-stream">フォトストリーム</option>
<option value="slideshow">スライドショー</option>
<option value="version">バージョン</option>
<option value="access-log">アクセスログ</option>
<option value="server">サーバー情報</option>
<option value="donation">寄付のお願い</option>
<option value="nav">ナビゲーション</option>
<option value="tips">ヒント</option>
<button @click="addWidget">追加</button>
<p><a @click="hint">カスタマイズのヒント</a></p>
:options="{ handle: '.handle', animation: 150 }"
<div v-for="widget in widgets" class="customize-container" :key="widget.id">
<span class="handle">%fa:bars%</span>{{ widget.name }}<button class="remove" @click="removeWidget(widget)">%fa:times%</button>
<div @click="widgetFunc(widget.id)">
<component :is="`mkw-${widget.name}`" :widget="widget" :ref="widget.id" :is-customize-mode="true" :is-mobile="true"/>
<template v-else>
<component class="widget" v-for="widget in widgets" :is="`mkw-${widget.name}`" :key="widget.id" :ref="widget.id" :widget="widget" :is-mobile="true" @chosen="warp"/>
<div class="tl">
<x-tl v-if="src == 'home'" ref="tl" key="home" src="home" @loaded="onLoaded"/>
<x-tl v-if="src == 'local'" ref="tl" key="local" src="local"/>
<x-tl v-if="src == 'global'" ref="tl" key="global" src="global"/>
<mk-user-list-timeline v-if="src == 'list'" ref="tl" key="list" :list="list"/>
@ -61,144 +39,38 @@
<script lang="ts">
import Vue from 'vue';
import * as XDraggable from 'vuedraggable';
import * as uuid from 'uuid';
import Progress from '../../../common/scripts/loading';
import getNoteSummary from '../../../../../renderers/get-note-summary';
import XTl from './home.timeline.vue';
export default Vue.extend({
components: {
data() {
return {
connection: null,
connectionId: null,
unreadCount: 0,
showTl: true,
widgets: [],
customizing: false,
widgetAdderSelected: null
src: 'home',
list: null,
showNav: false
created() {
if ((this as any).os.i.clientSettings.mobileHome == null) {
Vue.set((this as any).os.i.clientSettings, 'mobileHome', [{
name: 'calendar',
id: 'a', data: {}
}, {
name: 'activity',
id: 'b', data: {}
}, {
name: 'rss',
id: 'c', data: {}
}, {
name: 'photo-stream',
id: 'd', data: {}
}, {
name: 'donation',
id: 'e', data: {}
}, {
name: 'nav',
id: 'f', data: {}
}, {
name: 'version',
id: 'g', data: {}
this.widgets = (this as any).os.i.clientSettings.mobileHome;
} else {
this.widgets = (this as any).os.i.clientSettings.mobileHome;
this.$watch('os.i.clientSettings', i => {
this.widgets = (this as any).os.i.clientSettings.mobileHome;
}, {
deep: true
mounted() {
document.title = 'Misskey';
document.documentElement.style.background = '#313a42';
this.connection = (this as any).os.stream.getConnection();
this.connectionId = (this as any).os.stream.use();
this.connection.on('note', this.onStreamNote);
this.connection.on('mobile_home_updated', this.onHomeUpdated);
document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', this.onVisibilitychange, false);
beforeDestroy() {
this.connection.off('note', this.onStreamNote);
this.connection.off('mobile_home_updated', this.onHomeUpdated);
(this as any).os.stream.dispose(this.connectionId);
document.removeEventListener('visibilitychange', this.onVisibilitychange);
methods: {
fn() {
(this as any).apis.post();
onLoaded() {
onStreamNote(note) {
if (document.hidden && note.userId !== (this as any).os.i.id) {
document.title = `(${this.unreadCount}) ${getNoteSummary(note)}`;
onVisibilitychange() {
if (!document.hidden) {
this.unreadCount = 0;
document.title = 'Misskey';
onHomeUpdated(data) {
if (data.home) {
(this as any).os.i.clientSettings.mobileHome = data.home;
this.widgets = data.home;
} else {
const w = (this as any).os.i.clientSettings.mobileHome.find(w => w.id == data.id);
if (w != null) {
w.data = data.data;
this.$refs[w.id][0].preventSave = true;
this.$refs[w.id][0].props = w.data;
this.widgets = (this as any).os.i.clientSettings.mobileHome;
hint() {
widgetFunc(id) {
const w = this.$refs[id][0];
if (w.func) w.func();
onWidgetSort() {
addWidget() {
const widget = {
name: this.widgetAdderSelected,
id: uuid(),
data: {}
removeWidget(widget) {
this.widgets = this.widgets.filter(w => w.id != widget.id);
saveHome() {
(this as any).os.i.clientSettings.mobileHome = this.widgets;
(this as any).api('i/update_mobile_home', {
home: this.widgets
warp() {
@ -208,52 +80,30 @@ export default Vue.extend({
<style lang="stylus" scoped>
> .nav
> .bg
position fixed
z-index 10000
top 0
left 0
width 100%
height 100%
background rgba(#000, 0.5)
> .body
position fixed
z-index 10001
top 48px
left 0
background #fff
border-radius 8px
> .tl
> .mk-timeline
max-width 600px
margin 0 auto
padding 8px
@media (min-width 500px)
padding 16px
> .widgets
max-width 600px
margin 0 auto
max-width 500px
padding 8px
@media (min-width 500px)
padding 8px
> header
padding 8px
background #fff
margin 8px
margin 8px
background #fff
> header
line-height 32px
background #eee
> .handle
padding 0 8px
> .remove
position absolute
top 0
right 0
padding 0 8px
line-height 32px
> div
padding 8px
> *
pointer-events none
padding 16px