mirror of
synced 2025-02-17 13:37:29 -06:00
Feat: export accounts data
This commit is contained in:
13 changed files with 1076 additions and 4 deletions
@ -2844,3 +2844,9 @@ insertNewNotes: "Insert new notes at current position"
insertNewNotesDescription: "Insert new notes at the current position while scrolling timeline."
clickToShowInstanceTickerWindow: "Click InstanceTicker to show instance info"
defaultLike: "Default like reaction"
lable: "Data Export"
title: "Request Data"
warn: "Data requests are only possible every 3 days."
text: "Once the data is ready to download, an email will be sent to the email address registered to this account."
button: "Request"
@ -2843,3 +2843,9 @@ insertNewNotes: "在当前位置插入新帖文"
insertNewNotesDescription: "將新收到的帖文插入到正在浏览的位置。"
clickToShowInstanceTickerWindow: "点击 InstanceTicker 显示实例信息窗口"
defaultLike: "默认回应表情"
lable: "数据导出"
title: "请求下载账号的所有数据"
warn: "每 3 天只能请求一次数据"
text: "一旦数据已经可以加载,将会发送一封邮件到注册到此账号的邮箱。"
button: "请求"
@ -2842,3 +2842,9 @@ insertNewNotes: "在當前位置插入新貼文"
insertNewNotesDescription: "將剛剛收到的貼文插入到正在瀏覽的位置。"
clickToShowInstanceTickerWindow: "點擊 InstanceTicker 顯示實例資訊視窗"
defaultLike: "默認回應表情"
lable: "資料匯出"
title: "請求下載帳戶的所有資料"
warn: "每 3 天只能請求一次資料"
text: "一旦資料可以下載,將會發送一封電子郵件到註冊到此帳戶的電子郵件信箱。"
button: "請求"
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import { CleanRemoteFilesProcessorService } from './processors/CleanRemoteFilesP
import { DeleteAccountProcessorService } from './processors/DeleteAccountProcessorService.js';
import { DeleteDriveFilesProcessorService } from './processors/DeleteDriveFilesProcessorService.js';
import { DeleteFileProcessorService } from './processors/DeleteFileProcessorService.js';
import { ExportAccountDataProcessorService } from './processors/ExportAccountDataProcessorService.js';
import { ExportBlockingProcessorService } from './processors/ExportBlockingProcessorService.js';
import { ExportCustomEmojisProcessorService } from './processors/ExportCustomEmojisProcessorService.js';
import { ExportFollowingProcessorService } from './processors/ExportFollowingProcessorService.js';
@ -57,6 +58,7 @@ import { RelationshipProcessorService } from './processors/RelationshipProcessor
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import { EndedPollNotificationProcessorService } from './processors/EndedPollNot
import { DeliverProcessorService } from './processors/DeliverProcessorService.js';
import { InboxProcessorService } from './processors/InboxProcessorService.js';
import { DeleteDriveFilesProcessorService } from './processors/DeleteDriveFilesProcessorService.js';
import { ExportAccountDataProcessorService } from './processors/ExportAccountDataProcessorService.js';
import { ExportCustomEmojisProcessorService } from './processors/ExportCustomEmojisProcessorService.js';
import { ExportNotesProcessorService } from './processors/ExportNotesProcessorService.js';
import { ExportClipsProcessorService } from './processors/ExportClipsProcessorService.js';
@ -97,6 +98,7 @@ export class QueueProcessorService implements OnApplicationShutdown {
private deliverProcessorService: DeliverProcessorService,
private inboxProcessorService: InboxProcessorService,
private deleteDriveFilesProcessorService: DeleteDriveFilesProcessorService,
private exportAccountDataProcessorService: ExportAccountDataProcessorService,
private exportCustomEmojisProcessorService: ExportCustomEmojisProcessorService,
private exportNotesProcessorService: ExportNotesProcessorService,
private exportClipsProcessorService: ExportClipsProcessorService,
@ -214,6 +216,7 @@ export class QueueProcessorService implements OnApplicationShutdown {
case 'exportBlocking': return this.exportBlockingProcessorService.process(job);
case 'exportUserLists': return this.exportUserListsProcessorService.process(job);
case 'exportAntennas': return this.exportAntennasProcessorService.process(job);
case 'exportAccountData': return this.exportAccountDataProcessorService.process(job);
case 'importFollowing': return this.importFollowingProcessorService.process(job);
case 'importFollowingToDb': return this.importFollowingProcessorService.processDb(job);
case 'importMuting': return this.importMutingProcessorService.process(job);
@ -0,0 +1,817 @@
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: marie and other Sharkey contributors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
import * as fs from 'node:fs';
import { Inject, Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import { In, IsNull, MoreThan, Not } from 'typeorm';
import { format as dateFormat } from 'date-fns';
import mime from 'mime-types';
import archiver from 'archiver';
import { DI } from '@/di-symbols.js';
import type { AntennasRepository, BlockingsRepository, DriveFilesRepository, FollowingsRepository, MiBlocking, MiFollowing, MiMuting, MiNote, MiNoteFavorite, MiPoll, MiUser, MutingsRepository, NoteFavoritesRepository, NotesRepository, PollsRepository, SigninsRepository, UserListMembershipsRepository, UserListsRepository, UserProfilesRepository, UsersRepository } from '@/models/_.js';
import type { Config } from '@/config.js';
import type Logger from '@/logger.js';
import { DriveService } from '@/core/DriveService.js';
import { IdService } from '@/core/IdService.js';
import { DriveFileEntityService } from '@/core/entities/DriveFileEntityService.js';
import { createTemp, createTempDir } from '@/misc/create-temp.js';
import { bindThis } from '@/decorators.js';
import { Packed } from '@/misc/json-schema.js';
import { UtilityService } from '@/core/UtilityService.js';
import { DownloadService } from '@/core/DownloadService.js';
import { EmailService } from '@/core/EmailService.js';
import { QueueLoggerService } from '../QueueLoggerService.js';
import type * as Bull from 'bullmq';
export class ExportAccountDataProcessorService {
private logger: Logger;
private config: Config,
private usersRepository: UsersRepository,
private userProfilesRepository: UserProfilesRepository,
private notesRepository: NotesRepository,
private noteFavoritesRepository: NoteFavoritesRepository,
private pollsRepository: PollsRepository,
private followingsRepository: FollowingsRepository,
private mutingsRepository: MutingsRepository,
private blockingsRepository: BlockingsRepository,
private driveFilesRepository: DriveFilesRepository,
private antennasRepository: AntennasRepository,
private userListsRepository: UserListsRepository,
private userListMembershipsRepository: UserListMembershipsRepository,
private signinsRepository: SigninsRepository,
private utilityService: UtilityService,
private driveService: DriveService,
private idService: IdService,
private driveFileEntityService: DriveFileEntityService,
private downloadService: DownloadService,
private emailService: EmailService,
private queueLoggerService: QueueLoggerService,
) {
this.logger = this.queueLoggerService.logger.createSubLogger('export-account-data');
public async process(job: Bull.Job): Promise<void> {
this.logger.info('Exporting Account Data...');
const user = await this.usersRepository.findOneBy({ id: job.data.user.id });
if (user == null) {
const profile = await this.userProfilesRepository.findOneBy({ userId: job.data.user.id });
if (profile == null) {
const [path, cleanup] = await createTempDir();
this.logger.info(`Temp dir is ${path}`);
// User Export
const userPath = path + '/user.json';
fs.writeFileSync(userPath, '', 'utf-8');
const userStream = fs.createWriteStream(userPath, { flags: 'a' });
const writeUser = (text: string): Promise<void> => {
return new Promise<void>((res, rej) => {
userStream.write(text, err => {
if (err) {
} else {
await writeUser(`{"metaVersion":1,"host":"${this.config.host}","exportedAt":"${new Date().toString()}","user":[`);
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
const { host, uri, sharedInbox, followersUri, lastFetchedAt, inbox, ...userTrimmed } = user;
await writeUser(JSON.stringify(userTrimmed));
await writeUser(']}');
// Profile Export
const profilePath = path + '/profile.json';
fs.writeFileSync(profilePath, '', 'utf-8');
const profileStream = fs.createWriteStream(profilePath, { flags: 'a' });
const writeProfile = (text: string): Promise<void> => {
return new Promise<void>((res, rej) => {
profileStream.write(text, err => {
if (err) {
} else {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
const { emailVerifyCode, twoFactorBackupSecret, twoFactorSecret, password, twoFactorTempSecret, userHost, ...profileTrimmed } = profile;
await writeProfile(`{"metaVersion":1,"host":"${this.config.host}","exportedAt":"${new Date().toString()}","profile":[`);
await writeProfile(JSON.stringify(profileTrimmed));
await writeProfile(']}');
// Stored IPs export
const signins = await this.signinsRepository.findBy({ userId: user.id });
const ipPath = path + '/ips.json';
fs.writeFileSync(ipPath, '', 'utf-8');
const ipStream = fs.createWriteStream(ipPath, { flags: 'a' });
const writeIPs = (text: string): Promise<void> => {
return new Promise<void>((res, rej) => {
ipStream.write(text, err => {
if (err) {
} else {
await writeIPs(`{"metaVersion":1,"host":"${this.config.host}","exportedAt":"${new Date().toString()}","ips":[`);
for (const signin of signins) {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
const { userId, id, user, ...signinTrimmed } = signin;
const isFirst = signins.indexOf(signin) === 0;
await writeIPs(isFirst ? JSON.stringify(signinTrimmed) : ',\n' + JSON.stringify(signinTrimmed));
await writeIPs(']}');
// Note Export
const notesPath = path + '/notes.json';
fs.writeFileSync(notesPath, '', 'utf-8');
const notesStream = fs.createWriteStream(notesPath, { flags: 'a' });
const writeNotes = (text: string): Promise<void> => {
return new Promise<void>((res, rej) => {
notesStream.write(text, err => {
if (err) {
} else {
await writeNotes(`{"metaVersion":1,"host":"${this.config.host}","exportedAt":"${new Date().toString()}","notes":[`);
let noteCursor: MiNote['id'] | null = null;
let exportedNotesCount = 0;
while (true) {
const notes = await this.notesRepository.find({
where: {
userId: user.id,
...(noteCursor ? { id: MoreThan(noteCursor) } : {}),
take: 100,
order: {
id: 1,
}) as MiNote[];
if (notes.length === 0) {
noteCursor = notes.at(-1)?.id ?? null;
for (const note of notes) {
let poll: MiPoll | undefined;
if (note.hasPoll) {
poll = await this.pollsRepository.findOneByOrFail({ noteId: note.id });
const files = await this.driveFileEntityService.packManyByIds(note.fileIds);
const content = JSON.stringify(this.noteSerialize(note, poll, files));
const isFirst = exportedNotesCount === 0;
await writeNotes(isFirst ? content : ',\n' + content);
await writeNotes(']}');
// Following Export
const followingsPath = path + '/followings.json';
fs.writeFileSync(followingsPath, '', 'utf-8');
const followingStream = fs.createWriteStream(followingsPath, { flags: 'a' });
const writeFollowing = (text: string): Promise<void> => {
return new Promise<void>((res, rej) => {
followingStream.write(text, err => {
if (err) {
} else {
await writeFollowing(`{"metaVersion":1,"host":"${this.config.host}","exportedAt":"${new Date().toString()}","followings":[`);
let followingsCursor: MiFollowing['id'] | null = null;
let exportedFollowingsCount = 0;
const mutings = await this.mutingsRepository.findBy({
muterId: user.id,
while (true) {
const followings = await this.followingsRepository.find({
where: {
followerId: user.id,
...(mutings.length > 0 ? { followeeId: Not(In(mutings.map(x => x.muteeId))) } : {}),
...(followingsCursor ? { id: MoreThan(followingsCursor) } : {}),
take: 100,
order: {
id: 1,
}) as MiFollowing[];
if (followings.length === 0) {
followingsCursor = followings.at(-1)?.id ?? null;
for (const following of followings) {
const u = await this.usersRepository.findOneBy({ id: following.followeeId });
if (u == null) {
if (u.updatedAt && (Date.now() - u.updatedAt.getTime() > 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 90)) {
const isFirst = exportedFollowingsCount === 0;
const content = this.utilityService.getFullApAccount(u.username, u.host);
await writeFollowing(isFirst ? `"${content}"` : ',\n' + `"${content}"`);
await writeFollowing(']}');
// Followers Export
const followersPath = path + '/followers.json';
fs.writeFileSync(followersPath, '', 'utf-8');
const followerStream = fs.createWriteStream(followersPath, { flags: 'a' });
const writeFollowers = (text: string): Promise<void> => {
return new Promise<void>((res, rej) => {
followerStream.write(text, err => {
if (err) {
} else {
await writeFollowers(`{"metaVersion":1,"host":"${this.config.host}","exportedAt":"${new Date().toString()}","followers":[`);
let followersCursor: MiFollowing['id'] | null = null;
let exportedFollowersCount = 0;
while (true) {
const followers = await this.followingsRepository.find({
where: {
followeeId: user.id,
...(followersCursor ? { id: MoreThan(followersCursor) } : {}),
take: 100,
order: {
id: 1,
}) as MiFollowing[];
if (followers.length === 0) {
followersCursor = followers.at(-1)?.id ?? null;
for (const follower of followers) {
const u = await this.usersRepository.findOneBy({ id: follower.followerId });
if (u == null) {
const isFirst = exportedFollowersCount === 0;
const content = this.utilityService.getFullApAccount(u.username, u.host);
await writeFollowers(isFirst ? `"${content}"` : ',\n' + `"${content}"`);
await writeFollowers(']}');
// Drive Export
const filesPath = path + '/drive.json';
fs.writeFileSync(filesPath, '', 'utf-8');
const filesStream = fs.createWriteStream(filesPath, { flags: 'a' });
const writeDrive = (text: string): Promise<void> => {
return new Promise<void>((res, rej) => {
filesStream.write(text, err => {
if (err) {
} else {
await writeDrive(`{"metaVersion":1,"host":"${this.config.host}","exportedAt":"${new Date().toString()}","drive":[`);
const driveFiles = await this.driveFilesRepository.find({ where: { userId: user.id } });
for (const file of driveFiles) {
const ext = mime.extension(file.type);
const fileName = file.name + '.' + ext;
const filePath = path + '/files/' + fileName;
fs.writeFileSync(filePath, '', 'binary');
let downloaded = false;
try {
await this.downloadService.downloadUrl(file.url, filePath);
downloaded = true;
} catch (e) {
this.logger.error(e instanceof Error ? e : new Error(e as string));
if (!downloaded) {
const content = JSON.stringify({
fileName: fileName,
file: file,
const isFirst = driveFiles.indexOf(file) === 0;
await writeDrive(isFirst ? content : ',\n' + content);
await writeDrive(']}');
// Muting Export
const mutingPath = path + '/mutings.json';
fs.writeFileSync(mutingPath, '', 'utf-8');
const mutingStream = fs.createWriteStream(mutingPath, { flags: 'a' });
const writeMuting = (text: string): Promise<void> => {
return new Promise<void>((res, rej) => {
mutingStream.write(text, err => {
if (err) {
} else {
await writeMuting(`{"metaVersion":1,"host":"${this.config.host}","exportedAt":"${new Date().toString()}","mutings":[`);
let exportedMutingCount = 0;
let mutingCursor: MiMuting['id'] | null = null;
while (true) {
const mutes = await this.mutingsRepository.find({
where: {
muterId: user.id,
expiresAt: IsNull(),
...(mutingCursor ? { id: MoreThan(mutingCursor) } : {}),
take: 100,
order: {
id: 1,
if (mutes.length === 0) {
mutingCursor = mutes.at(-1)?.id ?? null;
for (const mute of mutes) {
const u = await this.usersRepository.findOneBy({ id: mute.muteeId });
if (u == null) {
exportedMutingCount++; continue;
const content = this.utilityService.getFullApAccount(u.username, u.host);
const isFirst = exportedMutingCount === 0;
await writeMuting(isFirst ? `"${content}"` : ',\n' + `"${content}"`);
await writeMuting(']}');
// Blockings Export
const blockingPath = path + '/blockings.json';
fs.writeFileSync(blockingPath, '', 'utf-8');
const blockingStream = fs.createWriteStream(blockingPath, { flags: 'a' });
const writeBlocking = (text: string): Promise<void> => {
return new Promise<void>((res, rej) => {
blockingStream.write(text, err => {
if (err) {
} else {
await writeBlocking(`{"metaVersion":1,"host":"${this.config.host}","exportedAt":"${new Date().toString()}","blockings":[`);
let exportedBlockingCount = 0;
let blockingCursor: MiBlocking['id'] | null = null;
while (true) {
const blockings = await this.blockingsRepository.find({
where: {
blockerId: user.id,
...(blockingCursor ? { id: MoreThan(blockingCursor) } : {}),
take: 100,
order: {
id: 1,
if (blockings.length === 0) {
blockingCursor = blockings.at(-1)?.id ?? null;
for (const block of blockings) {
const u = await this.usersRepository.findOneBy({ id: block.blockeeId });
if (u == null) {
exportedBlockingCount++; continue;
const content = this.utilityService.getFullApAccount(u.username, u.host);
const isFirst = exportedBlockingCount === 0;
await writeBlocking(isFirst ? `"${content}"` : ',\n' + `"${content}"`);
await writeBlocking(']}');
// Favorites export
const favoritePath = path + '/favorites.json';
fs.writeFileSync(favoritePath, '', 'utf-8');
const favoriteStream = fs.createWriteStream(favoritePath, { flags: 'a' });
const writeFavorite = (text: string): Promise<void> => {
return new Promise<void>((res, rej) => {
favoriteStream.write(text, err => {
if (err) {
} else {
await writeFavorite(`{"metaVersion":1,"host":"${this.config.host}","exportedAt":"${new Date().toString()}","favorites":[`);
let exportedFavoritesCount = 0;
let favoriteCursor: MiNoteFavorite['id'] | null = null;
while (true) {
const favorites = await this.noteFavoritesRepository.find({
where: {
userId: user.id,
...(favoriteCursor ? { id: MoreThan(favoriteCursor) } : {}),
take: 100,
order: {
id: 1,
relations: ['note', 'note.user'],
}) as (MiNoteFavorite & { note: MiNote & { user: MiUser } })[];
if (favorites.length === 0) {
favoriteCursor = favorites.at(-1)?.id ?? null;
for (const favorite of favorites) {
let poll: MiPoll | undefined;
if (favorite.note.hasPoll) {
poll = await this.pollsRepository.findOneByOrFail({ noteId: favorite.note.id });
const content = JSON.stringify(this.favoriteSerialize(favorite, poll));
const isFirst = exportedFavoritesCount === 0;
await writeFavorite(isFirst ? content : ',\n' + content);
await writeFavorite(']}');
// Antennas export
const antennaPath = path + '/antennas.json';
fs.writeFileSync(antennaPath, '', 'utf-8');
const antennaStream = fs.createWriteStream(antennaPath, { flags: 'a' });
const writeAntenna = (text: string): Promise<void> => {
return new Promise<void>((res, rej) => {
antennaStream.write(text, err => {
if (err) {
} else {
await writeAntenna(`{"metaVersion":1,"host":"${this.config.host}","exportedAt":"${new Date().toString()}","antennas":[`);
const antennas = await this.antennasRepository.findBy({ userId: user.id });
for (const [index, antenna] of antennas.entries()) {
let users: MiUser[] | undefined;
if (antenna.userListId !== null) {
const memberships = await this.userListMembershipsRepository.findBy({ userListId: antenna.userListId });
users = await this.usersRepository.findBy({
id: In(memberships.map(j => j.userId)),
await writeAntenna(JSON.stringify({
name: antenna.name,
src: antenna.src,
keywords: antenna.keywords,
excludeKeywords: antenna.excludeKeywords,
users: antenna.users,
userListAccts: typeof users !== 'undefined' ? users.map((u) => {
return this.utilityService.getFullApAccount(u.username, u.host); // acct
}) : null,
caseSensitive: antenna.caseSensitive,
localOnly: antenna.localOnly,
withReplies: antenna.withReplies,
withFile: antenna.withFile,
if (antennas.length - 1 !== index) {
await writeAntenna(', ');
await writeAntenna(']}');
// Lists export
const listPath = path + '/lists.csv';
fs.writeFileSync(listPath, '', 'utf-8');
const listStream = fs.createWriteStream(listPath, { flags: 'a' });
const writeList = (text: string): Promise<void> => {
return new Promise<void>((res, rej) => {
listStream.write(text, err => {
if (err) {
} else {
const lists = await this.userListsRepository.findBy({
userId: user.id,
for (const list of lists) {
const memberships = await this.userListMembershipsRepository.findBy({ userListId: list.id });
const users = await this.usersRepository.findBy({
id: In(memberships.map(j => j.userId)),
for (const u of users) {
const acct = this.utilityService.getFullApAccount(u.username, u.host);
const content = `${list.name},${acct}`;
await writeList(content + '\n');
// Create archive
await new Promise<void>(async (resolve) => {
const [archivePath, archiveCleanup] = await createTemp();
const archiveStream = fs.createWriteStream(archivePath);
const archive = archiver('zip', {
zlib: { level: 0 },
archiveStream.on('close', async () => {
this.logger.succ(`Exported to: ${archivePath}`);
const fileName = 'data-request-' + dateFormat(new Date(), 'yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss') + '.zip';
const driveFile = await this.driveService.addFile({ user, path: archivePath, name: fileName, force: true });
this.logger.succ(`Exported to: ${driveFile.id}`);
if (profile.email) {
'Your data archive is ready',
`Click the following link to download the archive: ${driveFile.url}<br/>It is also available in your drive.`,
`Click the following link to download the archive: ${driveFile.url}\r\n\r\nIt is also available in your drive.`,
archive.directory(path, false);
private noteSerialize(note: MiNote, poll: MiPoll | null = null, files: Packed<'DriveFile'>[]): Record<string, unknown> {
return {
id: note.id,
text: note.text,
createdAt: this.idService.parse(note.id).date.toISOString(),
fileIds: note.fileIds,
files: files,
replyId: note.replyId,
renoteId: note.renoteId,
poll: poll,
cw: note.cw,
visibility: note.visibility,
visibleUserIds: note.visibleUserIds,
localOnly: note.localOnly,
reactionAcceptance: note.reactionAcceptance,
private favoriteSerialize(favorite: MiNoteFavorite & { note: MiNote & { user: MiUser } }, poll: MiPoll | null = null): Record<string, unknown> {
return {
id: favorite.id,
createdAt: this.idService.parse(favorite.id).date.toISOString(),
note: {
id: favorite.note.id,
text: favorite.note.text,
createdAt: this.idService.parse(favorite.note.id).date.toISOString(),
fileIds: favorite.note.fileIds,
replyId: favorite.note.replyId,
renoteId: favorite.note.renoteId,
poll: poll,
cw: favorite.note.cw,
visibility: favorite.note.visibility,
visibleUserIds: favorite.note.visibleUserIds,
localOnly: favorite.note.localOnly,
reactionAcceptance: favorite.note.reactionAcceptance,
uri: favorite.note.uri,
url: favorite.note.url,
user: {
id: favorite.note.user.id,
name: favorite.note.user.name,
username: favorite.note.user.username,
host: favorite.note.user.host,
uri: favorite.note.user.uri,
@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ export type DbJobData<T extends keyof DbJobMap> = DbJobMap[T];
export type DbJobMap = {
deleteDriveFiles: DbJobDataWithUser;
exportAccountData: DbJobDataWithUser;
exportCustomEmojis: DbJobDataWithUser;
exportAntennas: DBExportAntennasData;
exportNotes: DbJobDataWithUser;
@ -219,6 +219,7 @@ import * as ep___i_authorizedApps from './endpoints/i/authorized-apps.js';
import * as ep___i_claimAchievement from './endpoints/i/claim-achievement.js';
import * as ep___i_changePassword from './endpoints/i/change-password.js';
import * as ep___i_deleteAccount from './endpoints/i/delete-account.js';
import * as ep___i_exportData from './endpoints/i/export-data.js';
import * as ep___i_exportBlocking from './endpoints/i/export-blocking.js';
import * as ep___i_exportFollowing from './endpoints/i/export-following.js';
import * as ep___i_exportMute from './endpoints/i/export-mute.js';
@ -609,6 +610,7 @@ const $i_authorizedApps: Provider = { provide: 'ep:i/authorized-apps', useClass:
const $i_claimAchievement: Provider = { provide: 'ep:i/claim-achievement', useClass: ep___i_claimAchievement.default };
const $i_changePassword: Provider = { provide: 'ep:i/change-password', useClass: ep___i_changePassword.default };
const $i_deleteAccount: Provider = { provide: 'ep:i/delete-account', useClass: ep___i_deleteAccount.default };
const $i_exportData: Provider = { provide: 'ep:i/export-data', useClass: ep___i_exportData.default };
const $i_exportBlocking: Provider = { provide: 'ep:i/export-blocking', useClass: ep___i_exportBlocking.default };
const $i_exportFollowing: Provider = { provide: 'ep:i/export-following', useClass: ep___i_exportFollowing.default };
const $i_exportMute: Provider = { provide: 'ep:i/export-mute', useClass: ep___i_exportMute.default };
@ -1003,6 +1005,7 @@ const $reversi_verify: Provider = { provide: 'ep:reversi/verify', useClass: ep__
@ -1390,6 +1393,7 @@ const $reversi_verify: Provider = { provide: 'ep:reversi/verify', useClass: ep__
@ -225,6 +225,7 @@ import * as ep___i_authorizedApps from './endpoints/i/authorized-apps.js';
import * as ep___i_claimAchievement from './endpoints/i/claim-achievement.js';
import * as ep___i_changePassword from './endpoints/i/change-password.js';
import * as ep___i_deleteAccount from './endpoints/i/delete-account.js';
import * as ep___i_exportData from './endpoints/i/export-data.js';
import * as ep___i_exportBlocking from './endpoints/i/export-blocking.js';
import * as ep___i_exportFollowing from './endpoints/i/export-following.js';
import * as ep___i_exportMute from './endpoints/i/export-mute.js';
@ -613,6 +614,7 @@ const eps = [
['i/claim-achievement', ep___i_claimAchievement],
['i/change-password', ep___i_changePassword],
['i/delete-account', ep___i_deleteAccount],
['i/export-data', ep___i_exportData],
['i/export-blocking', ep___i_exportBlocking],
['i/export-following', ep___i_exportFollowing],
['i/export-mute', ep___i_exportMute],
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: syuilo and other misskey contributors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import ms from 'ms';
import { Endpoint } from '@/server/api/endpoint-base.js';
import { QueueService } from '@/core/QueueService.js';
export const meta = {
secure: true,
requireCredential: true,
limit: {
duration: ms('3days'),
max: 1,
} as const;
export const paramDef = {
type: 'object',
properties: {},
required: [],
} as const;
export default class extends Endpoint<typeof meta, typeof paramDef> { // eslint-disable-line import/no-default-export
private queueService: QueueService,
) {
super(meta, paramDef, async (ps, me) => {
@ -6,6 +6,21 @@ SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
<div class="_gaps_m">
<FormSection first>
<template #label><i class="'ti ti-package"></i> {{ i18n.ts._dataRequest.lable }}</template>
<div class="_gap_s">
<template #icon><i class="ti ti-download"></i></template>
<template #label>{{ i18n.ts._dataRequest.title }}</template>
<div class="_gaps_m">
<FormInfo warn>{{ i18n.ts._dataRequest.warn }}</FormInfo>
<FormInfo>{{ i18n.ts._dataRequest.text }}</FormInfo>
<MkButton primary @click="exportData">{{ i18n.ts._dataRequest.button }}</MkButton>
<template #label><i class="ti ti-pencil"></i> {{ i18n.ts._exportOrImport.allNotes }}</template>
<div class="_gaps_s">
@ -174,6 +189,20 @@ const onError = (ev) => {
const exportData = () => {
misskeyApi('i/export-data', {}).then(() => {
type: 'info',
text: i18n.ts.exportRequested,
}).catch((ev) => {
type: 'error',
text: ev.message,
const exportNotes = () => {
misskeyApi('i/export-notes', {}).then(onExportSuccess).catch(onError);
@ -1846,7 +1846,7 @@ declare module '../api.js' {
* No description provided.
* **Credential required**: *No*
* **Credential required**: *Yes* / **Permission**: *read:account*
request<E extends 'federation/followers', P extends Endpoints[E]['req']>(
endpoint: E,
@ -1857,7 +1857,7 @@ declare module '../api.js' {
* No description provided.
* **Credential required**: *No*
* **Credential required**: *Yes* / **Permission**: *read:account*
request<E extends 'federation/following', P extends Endpoints[E]['req']>(
endpoint: E,
@ -2372,6 +2372,18 @@ declare module '../api.js' {
credential?: string | null,
): Promise<SwitchCaseResponseType<E, P>>;
* No description provided.
* **Internal Endpoint**: This endpoint is an API for the misskey mainframe and is not intended for use by third parties.
* **Credential required**: *Yes*
request<E extends 'i/export-data', P extends Endpoints[E]['req']>(
endpoint: E,
params: P,
credential?: string | null,
): Promise<SwitchCaseResponseType<E, P>>;
* No description provided.
@ -2525,6 +2537,18 @@ declare module '../api.js' {
credential?: string | null,
): Promise<SwitchCaseResponseType<E, P>>;
* No description provided.
* **Internal Endpoint**: This endpoint is an API for the misskey mainframe and is not intended for use by third parties.
* **Credential required**: *Yes*
request<E extends 'i/import-notes', P extends Endpoints[E]['req']>(
endpoint: E,
params: P,
credential?: string | null,
): Promise<SwitchCaseResponseType<E, P>>;
* No description provided.
@ -1609,7 +1609,7 @@ export type paths = {
* federation/followers
* @description No description provided.
* **Credential required**: *No*
* **Credential required**: *Yes* / **Permission**: *read:account*
post: operations['federation___followers'];
@ -1618,7 +1618,7 @@ export type paths = {
* federation/following
* @description No description provided.
* **Credential required**: *No*
* **Credential required**: *Yes* / **Permission**: *read:account*
post: operations['federation___following'];
@ -2067,6 +2067,16 @@ export type paths = {
post: operations['i___delete-account'];
'/i/export-data': {
* i/export-data
* @description No description provided.
* **Internal Endpoint**: This endpoint is an API for the misskey mainframe and is not intended for use by third parties.
* **Credential required**: *Yes*
post: operations['i___export-data'];
'/i/export-blocking': {
* i/export-blocking
@ -2194,6 +2204,16 @@ export type paths = {
post: operations['i___import-following'];
'/i/import-notes': {
* i/import-notes
* @description No description provided.
* **Internal Endpoint**: This endpoint is an API for the misskey mainframe and is not intended for use by third parties.
* **Credential required**: *Yes*
post: operations['i___import-notes'];
'/i/import-muting': {
* i/import-muting
@ -17881,6 +17901,63 @@ export type operations = {
'application/json': components['schemas']['Error'];
/** @description To many requests */
429: {
content: {
'application/json': components['schemas']['Error'];
/** @description Internal server error */
500: {
content: {
'application/json': components['schemas']['Error'];
* i/export-data
* @description No description provided.
* **Internal Endpoint**: This endpoint is an API for the misskey mainframe and is not intended for use by third parties.
* **Credential required**: *Yes*
'i___export-data': {
responses: {
/** @description OK (without any results) */
204: {
content: never;
/** @description Client error */
400: {
content: {
'application/json': components['schemas']['Error'];
/** @description Authentication error */
401: {
content: {
'application/json': components['schemas']['Error'];
/** @description Forbidden error */
403: {
content: {
'application/json': components['schemas']['Error'];
/** @description I'm Ai */
418: {
content: {
'application/json': components['schemas']['Error'];
/** @description To many requests */
429: {
content: {
'application/json': components['schemas']['Error'];
/** @description Internal server error */
500: {
content: {
@ -18604,6 +18681,66 @@ export type operations = {
* i/import-notes
* @description No description provided.
* **Internal Endpoint**: This endpoint is an API for the misskey mainframe and is not intended for use by third parties.
* **Credential required**: *Yes*
'i___import-notes': {
requestBody: {
content: {
'application/json': {
/** Format: misskey:id */
fileId: string;
type?: string | null;
responses: {
/** @description OK (without any results) */
204: {
content: never;
/** @description Client error */
400: {
content: {
'application/json': components['schemas']['Error'];
/** @description Authentication error */
401: {
content: {
'application/json': components['schemas']['Error'];
/** @description Forbidden error */
403: {
content: {
'application/json': components['schemas']['Error'];
/** @description I'm Ai */
418: {
content: {
'application/json': components['schemas']['Error'];
/** @description To many requests */
429: {
content: {
'application/json': components['schemas']['Error'];
/** @description Internal server error */
500: {
content: {
'application/json': components['schemas']['Error'];
* i/import-muting
* @description No description provided.
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