From 804fa33535baa9e5cdf49070a50a555cf2c3b1ea Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johann150 <>
Date: Sun, 29 May 2022 08:15:52 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] refactor: improve code quality (#8751)

* remove unnecessary if

`Array.prototype.some` already returns a boolean so an if to return
true or false is completely unnecessary in this case.

* perf: use count instead of find

When using `count` instead of `findOneBy`, the data is not
unnecessarily loaded.

* remove duplicate null check

The variable is checked for null in the lines above and the function
returns if so. Therefore, it can not be null at this point.

* simplify `getJsonSchema`

Because the assigned value is `null` and the used keys are only
shallow, use of `nestedProperty.set` seems inappropriate. Because the
value is not read, the initial for loop can be replaced by a ``

Since all keys will be assigned `null`, the condition of the ternary
expression in the nested function will always be true. Therefore the
recursion case will never happen. With this the nested function can be

* remove duplicate condition

The code above already checks `dragging` and returns if it is truthy.
Checking it again later is therefore unnecessary.

To make this more obvious the `return` is removed in favour of using
an if...else construct.

* remove impossible "unknown" time

The `ago` variable will always be a number and all non-negative numbers
are already covered by other cases, the negative case is handled with
`future` so there is no case when `unkown` could be achieved.
 locales/ja-JP.yml                             |  1 -
 .../backend/src/models/repositories/note.ts   | 19 ++--
 .../backend/src/models/repositories/user.ts   | 91 +++++++++++--------
 .../src/remote/activitypub/renderer/index.ts  |  2 +-
 packages/backend/src/services/chart/core.ts   | 27 ++----
 .../client/src/components/global/time.vue     |  3 +-
 packages/client/src/ui/deck/column.vue        | 13 ++-
 7 files changed, 77 insertions(+), 79 deletions(-)

diff --git a/locales/ja-JP.yml b/locales/ja-JP.yml
index 6354fcfda1..9cd1d1eedb 100644
--- a/locales/ja-JP.yml
+++ b/locales/ja-JP.yml
@@ -1111,7 +1111,6 @@ _sfx:
   channel: "チャンネル通知"
-  unknown: "謎"
   future: "未来"
   justNow: "たった今"
   secondsAgo: "{n}秒前"
diff --git a/packages/backend/src/models/repositories/note.ts b/packages/backend/src/models/repositories/note.ts
index 638d78f626..c0abbb4f93 100644
--- a/packages/backend/src/models/repositories/note.ts
+++ b/packages/backend/src/models/repositories/note.ts
@@ -144,13 +144,7 @@ export const NoteRepository = db.getRepository(Note).extend({
 				return true;
 			} else {
 				// 指定されているかどうか
-				const specified = note.visibleUserIds.some((id: any) => meId === id);
-				if (specified) {
-					return true;
-				} else {
-					return false;
-				}
+				return note.visibleUserIds.some((id: any) => meId === id);
@@ -169,9 +163,12 @@ export const NoteRepository = db.getRepository(Note).extend({
 			} else {
 				// フォロワーかどうか
 				const [following, user] = await Promise.all([
-					Followings.findOneBy({
-						followeeId: note.userId,
-						followerId: meId,
+					Followings.count({
+						where: {
+							followeeId: note.userId,
+							followerId: meId,
+						},
+						take: 1,
 					Users.findOneByOrFail({ id: meId }),
@@ -183,7 +180,7 @@ export const NoteRepository = db.getRepository(Note).extend({
 				in which case we can never know the following. Instead we have
 				to assume that the users are following each other.
-				return following != null || (note.userHost != null && != null);
+				return following > 0 || (note.userHost != null && != null);
diff --git a/packages/backend/src/models/repositories/user.ts b/packages/backend/src/models/repositories/user.ts
index 541fbaf003..8a4e48efdd 100644
--- a/packages/backend/src/models/repositories/user.ts
+++ b/packages/backend/src/models/repositories/user.ts
@@ -61,47 +61,58 @@ export const UserRepository = db.getRepository(User).extend({
 	async getRelation(me: User['id'], target: User['id']) {
-		const [following1, following2, followReq1, followReq2, toBlocking, fromBlocked, mute] = await Promise.all([
-			Followings.findOneBy({
-				followerId: me,
-				followeeId: target,
-			}),
-			Followings.findOneBy({
-				followerId: target,
-				followeeId: me,
-			}),
-			FollowRequests.findOneBy({
-				followerId: me,
-				followeeId: target,
-			}),
-			FollowRequests.findOneBy({
-				followerId: target,
-				followeeId: me,
-			}),
-			Blockings.findOneBy({
-				blockerId: me,
-				blockeeId: target,
-			}),
-			Blockings.findOneBy({
-				blockerId: target,
-				blockeeId: me,
-			}),
-			Mutings.findOneBy({
-				muterId: me,
-				muteeId: target,
-			}),
-		]);
-		return {
+		return awaitAll({
 			id: target,
-			isFollowing: following1 != null,
-			hasPendingFollowRequestFromYou: followReq1 != null,
-			hasPendingFollowRequestToYou: followReq2 != null,
-			isFollowed: following2 != null,
-			isBlocking: toBlocking != null,
-			isBlocked: fromBlocked != null,
-			isMuted: mute != null,
-		};
+			isFollowing: Followings.count({
+				where: {
+					followerId: me,
+					followeeId: target,
+				},
+				take: 1,
+			}).then(n => n > 0),
+			isFollowed: Followings.count({
+				where: {
+					followerId: target,
+					followeeId: me,
+				},
+				take: 1,
+			}).then(n => n > 0),
+			hasPendingFollowRequestFromYou: FollowRequests.count({
+				where: {
+					followerId: me,
+					followeeId: target,
+				},
+				take: 1,
+			}).then(n => n > 0),
+			hasPendingFollowRequestToYou: FollowRequests.count({
+				where: {
+					followerId: target,
+					followeeId: me,
+				},
+				take: 1,
+			}).then(n => n > 0),
+			isBlocking: Blockings.count({
+				where: {
+					blockerId: me,
+					blockeeId: target,
+				},
+				take: 1,
+			}).then(n => n > 0),
+			isBlocked: Blockings.count({
+				where: {
+					blockerId: target,
+					blockeeId: me,
+				},
+				take: 1,
+			}).then(n => n > 0),
+			isMuted: Mutings.count({
+				where: {
+					muterId: me,
+					muteeId: target,
+				},
+				take: 1,
+			}).then(n => n > 0),
+		});
 	async getHasUnreadMessagingMessage(userId: User['id']): Promise<boolean> {
diff --git a/packages/backend/src/remote/activitypub/renderer/index.ts b/packages/backend/src/remote/activitypub/renderer/index.ts
index 5f69332266..f100b77ce5 100644
--- a/packages/backend/src/remote/activitypub/renderer/index.ts
+++ b/packages/backend/src/remote/activitypub/renderer/index.ts
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import { User } from '@/models/entities/user.js';
 export const renderActivity = (x: any): IActivity | null => {
 	if (x == null) return null;
-	if (x !== null && typeof x === 'object' && == null) {
+	if (typeof x === 'object' && == null) { = `${config.url}/${uuid()}`;
diff --git a/packages/backend/src/services/chart/core.ts b/packages/backend/src/services/chart/core.ts
index cf69e2194d..2960bac8f7 100644
--- a/packages/backend/src/services/chart/core.ts
+++ b/packages/backend/src/services/chart/core.ts
@@ -91,27 +91,20 @@ type ToJsonSchema<S> = {
 export function getJsonSchema<S extends Schema>(schema: S): ToJsonSchema<Unflatten<ChartResult<S>>> {
-	const object = {};
-	for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(schema)) {
-		nestedProperty.set(object, k, null);
-	}
+	const jsonSchema = {
+		type: 'object',
+		properties: {} as Record<string, unknown>,
+		required: [],
+	};
-	function f(obj: Record<string, null | Record<string, unknown>>) {
-		const jsonSchema = {
-			type: 'object',
-			properties: {} as Record<string, unknown>,
-			required: [],
+	for (const k in schema) {
+[k] = {
+			type: 'array',
+			items: { type: 'number' },
-		for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(obj)) {
-[k] = v === null ? {
-				type: 'array',
-				items: { type: 'number' },
-			} : f(v as Record<string, null | Record<string, unknown>>);
-		}
-		return jsonSchema;
-	return f(object) as ToJsonSchema<Unflatten<ChartResult<S>>>;
+	return jsonSchema as ToJsonSchema<Unflatten<ChartResult<S>>>;
diff --git a/packages/client/src/components/global/time.vue b/packages/client/src/components/global/time.vue
index 02351deb5f..a7f142f961 100644
--- a/packages/client/src/components/global/time.vue
+++ b/packages/client/src/components/global/time.vue
@@ -32,8 +32,7 @@ const relative = $computed(() => {
 		ago >= 60       ? i18n.t('_ago.minutesAgo', { n: (~~(ago / 60)).toString() }) :
 		ago >= 10       ? i18n.t('_ago.secondsAgo', { n: (~~(ago % 60)).toString() }) :
 		ago >= -1       ? i18n.ts._ago.justNow :
-		ago <  -1       ? i18n.ts._ago.future :
-		i18n.ts._ago.unknown);
+		i18n.ts._ago.future);
 function tick() {
diff --git a/packages/client/src/ui/deck/column.vue b/packages/client/src/ui/deck/column.vue
index fbaea64f56..31063a753d 100644
--- a/packages/client/src/ui/deck/column.vue
+++ b/packages/client/src/ui/deck/column.vue
@@ -213,14 +213,13 @@ function onDragover(ev) {
 	if (dragging) {
 		// 自分自身にはドロップさせない
 		ev.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'none';
-		return;
+	} else {
+		const isDeckColumn = ev.dataTransfer.types[0] === _DATA_TRANSFER_DECK_COLUMN_;
+		ev.dataTransfer.dropEffect = isDeckColumn ? 'move' : 'none';
+		if (isDeckColumn) draghover = true;
-	const isDeckColumn = ev.dataTransfer.types[0] === _DATA_TRANSFER_DECK_COLUMN_;
-	ev.dataTransfer.dropEffect = isDeckColumn ? 'move' : 'none';
-	if (!dragging && isDeckColumn) draghover = true;
 function onDragleave() {