index 0c3bfa42f7..18a4eebafd 100644
@@ -39,13 +39,12 @@ Misskey uses CircleCI for executing automated tests.
 Configuration files are located in [`/.circleci`](/.circleci).
 ## Adding MisskeyRoom items
-Currently, we accept only 3D models created with [Blender](https://www.blender.org/).
 * Use English for material, object and texture names
 * Use meter for unit of length
-* Your PR must include all source files of your models (for later editing)
+* Your PR should include all source files of your models (for later editing)
 * Your PR must include the glTF binary files (.glb) of your models
+If you have no experience on 3D modeling, we suggest to use the free 3DCG software [Blender](https://www.blender.org/).
 You can find information on glTF 2.0 at [glTF 2.0 — Blender Manual]( https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/dev/addons/io_scene_gltf2.html).
 ## FAQ