Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/paricafe/misskey.git synced 2025-03-25 13:49:27 -05:00
This commit is contained in:
こぴなたみぽ 2018-02-14 13:26:08 +09:00
parent 80f69543db
commit aafc584756
2 changed files with 204 additions and 275 deletions

View file

@ -1,275 +0,0 @@
<button class="cancel" @click="cancel">%fa:times%</button>
<span v-if="refs.text" class="text-count { over: refs.text.value.length > 1000 }">{ 1000 - refs.text.value.length }</span>
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<mk-post-preview v-if="opts.reply" post={ opts.reply }/>
<textarea ref="text" disabled={ wait } oninput={ update } onkeydown={ onkeydown } onpaste={ onpaste } placeholder={ opts.reply ? '%i18n:mobile.tags.mk-post-form.reply-placeholder%' : '%i18n:mobile.tags.mk-post-form.post-placeholder%' }></textarea>
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<button ref="upload" @click="selectFile">%fa:upload%</button>
<button ref="drive" @click="selectFileFromDrive">%fa:cloud%</button>
<button class="kao" @click="kao">%fa:R smile%</button>
<button class="poll" @click="addPoll">%fa:chart-pie%</button>
<input ref="file" type="file" accept="image/*" multiple="multiple" onchange={ changeFile }/>
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> mk-post-preview
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display block
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> mk-uploader
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> [ref='file']
display none
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display block
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<script lang="typescript">
import Sortable from 'sortablejs';
import getKao from '../../common/scripts/get-kao';
this.wait = false;
this.uploadings = [];
this.files = [];
this.poll = false;
this.on('mount', () => {
this.$refs.uploader.on('uploaded', file => {
this.$refs.uploader.on('change-uploads', uploads => {
this.$emit('change-uploading-files', uploads);
new Sortable(this.$refs.attaches, {
animation: 150
this.onkeydown = e => {
if ((e.which == 10 || e.which == 13) && (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey)) this.post();
this.onpaste = e => {
Array.from(e.clipboardData.items).forEach(item => {
if (item.kind == 'file') {
this.selectFile = () => {
this.selectFileFromDrive = () => {
const i = riot.mount(document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('mk-drive-selector')), {
multiple: true
i.one('selected', files => {
this.changeFile = () => {
this.upload = file => {
this.addFile = file => {
file._remove = () => {
this.files = this.files.filter(x => x.id != file.id);
this.$emit('change-files', this.files);
this.$emit('change-files', this.files);
this.removeFile = e => {
const file = e.item;
this.files = this.files.filter(x => x.id != file.id);
this.$emit('change-files', this.files);
this.addPoll = () => {
this.poll = true;
this.onPollDestroyed = () => {
poll: false
this.post = () => {
wait: true
const files = [];
if (this.files.length > 0) {
Array.from(this.$refs.attaches.children).forEach(el => {
const id = el.getAttribute('data-id');
const file = this.files.find(f => f.id == id);
this.api('posts/create', {
text: this.$refs.text.value == '' ? undefined : this.$refs.text.value,
media_ids: this.files.length > 0 ? files.map(f => f.id) : undefined,
reply_id: opts.reply ? opts.reply.id : undefined,
poll: this.poll ? this.$refs.poll.get() : undefined
}).then(data => {
}).catch(err => {
wait: false
this.cancel = () => {
this.kao = () => {
this.$refs.text.value += getKao();

View file

@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
<div class="mk-post-form">
<button class="cancel" @click="cancel">%fa:times%</button>
<span v-if="refs.text" class="text-count { over: refs.text.value.length > 1000 }">{ 1000 - refs.text.value.length }</span>
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<div class="form">
<mk-post-preview v-if="opts.reply" post={ opts.reply }/>
<textarea ref="text" disabled={ wait } oninput={ update } onkeydown={ onkeydown } onpaste={ onpaste } placeholder={ opts.reply ? '%i18n:mobile.tags.mk-post-form.reply-placeholder%' : '%i18n:mobile.tags.mk-post-form.post-placeholder%' }></textarea>
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<ul class="files" ref="attaches">
<li class="file" each={ files } data-id={ id }>
<div class="img" style="background-image: url({ url + '?thumbnail&size=128' })" @click="removeFile"></div>
<mk-poll-editor v-if="poll" ref="poll" ondestroy={ onPollDestroyed }/>
<mk-uploader @uploaded="attachMedia" @change="onChangeUploadings"/>
<button ref="upload" @click="selectFile">%fa:upload%</button>
<button ref="drive" @click="selectFileFromDrive">%fa:cloud%</button>
<button class="kao" @click="kao">%fa:R smile%</button>
<button class="poll" @click="addPoll">%fa:chart-pie%</button>
<input ref="file" type="file" accept="image/*" multiple="multiple" onchange={ changeFile }/>
<script lang="ts">
import Vue from 'vue';
import Sortable from 'sortablejs';
import getKao from '../../common/scripts/get-kao';
export default Vue.extend({
data() {
return {
posting: false,
text: '',
uploadings: [],
files: [],
poll: false
mounted() {
(this.$refs.text as any).focus();
new Sortable(this.$refs.attaches, {
animation: 150
methods: {
attachMedia(driveFile) {
this.$emit('change-attached-media', this.files);
detachMedia(id) {
this.files = this.files.filter(x => x.id != id);
this.$emit('change-attached-media', this.files);
onChangeFile() {
Array.from((this.$refs.file as any).files).forEach(this.upload);
upload(file) {
(this.$refs.uploader as any).upload(file);
onChangeUploadings(uploads) {
this.$emit('change-uploadings', uploads);
clear() {
this.text = '';
this.files = [];
this.poll = false;
cancel() {
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margin 8px 0 0 0
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display none
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> [ref='drive']
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height 48px
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