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mirror of https://github.com/paricafe/misskey.git synced 2025-03-26 20:09:27 -05:00

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* New translations ja-JP.yml (English)

* New translations ja-JP.yml (German)

* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)

* New translations ja-JP.yml (English)

* New translations ja-JP.yml (Indonesian)

* New translations ja-JP.yml (Korean)

* New translations ja-JP.yml (Italian)

* New translations ja-JP.yml (Italian)

* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)

* New translations ja-JP.yml (German)

* New translations ja-JP.yml (English)

* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)

* New translations ja-JP.yml (Korean)

* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)

* New translations ja-JP.yml (Ukrainian)

* New translations ja-JP.yml (Ukrainian)
This commit is contained in:
syuilo 2023-01-19 09:12:52 +09:00 committed by GitHub
parent afc0be6790
commit d05ffc0a7c
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
8 changed files with 69 additions and 29 deletions

View file

@ -931,10 +931,12 @@ undefined: "Undefiniert"
assign: "Zuweisen"
unassign: "Entfernen"
color: "Farbe"
manageCustomEmojis: "Benutzerdefinierte Emojis verwalten"
manageCustomEmojis: "Kann benutzerdefinierte Emojis verwalten"
youCannotCreateAnymore: "Du hast das Erstellungslimit erreicht."
cannotPerformTemporary: "Vorübergehend nicht verfügbar"
cannotPerformTemporaryDescription: "Diese Aktion ist wegen des Überschreitenes des Ausführungslimits temporär nicht verfügbar. Bitte versuche es nach einiger Zeit erneut."
preset: "Vorlage"
selectFromPresets: "Aus Vorlagen wählen"
new: "Rolle erstellen"
edit: "Rolle bearbeiten"
@ -943,7 +945,7 @@ _role:
permission: "Rollenberechtigungen"
descriptionOfPermission: "<b>Moderatoren</b> können grundlegende Verwaltungsaufgaben erledigen.\n<b>Administratoren</b> können alle Einstellungen der Instanz verwalten."
assignTarget: "Zuweisungsart"
descriptionOfAssignTarget: "<b>Manuell</b> bedeutet, dass die Liste der Benutzer einer Rolle manuell verwaltet wird.\n<b>Konditionell</b> bedeutet, dass die Liste der Benutzer einer Rolle durch eine Bedingung automatisch verwaltet wird."
descriptionOfAssignTarget: "<b>Manuell</b> bedeutet, dass die Liste der Benutzer einer Rolle manuell verwaltet wird.\n<b>Konditional</b> bedeutet, dass die Liste der Benutzer einer Rolle durch eine Bedingung automatisch verwaltet wird."
manual: "Manuell"
conditional: "Konditional"
condition: "Bedingung"
@ -966,7 +968,7 @@ _role:
gtlAvailable: "Kann auf die globale Chronik zugreifen"
ltlAvailable: "Kann auf die lokale Chronik zugreifen"
canPublicNote: "Kann öffentliche Notizen erstellen"
canInvite: "Einladungscodes für diese Instanz erstellen"
canInvite: "Kann Einladungscodes für diese Instanz erstellen"
canManageCustomEmojis: "Benutzerdefinierte Emojis verwalten"
driveCapacity: "Drive-Kapazität"
pinMax: "Maximale Anzahl an angehefteten Notizen"
@ -979,6 +981,7 @@ _role:
userEachUserListsMax: "Maximale Anzahl an Benutzerlisten"
rateLimitFactor: "Versuchsanzahl"
descriptionOfRateLimitFactor: "Je niedriger desto weniger restriktiv, je höher destro restriktiver."
canHideAds: "Kann Werbung ausblenden"
isLocal: "Lokaler Benutzer"
isRemote: "Benutzer fremder Instanz"
@ -1023,7 +1026,7 @@ _accountDelete:
back: "Zurück"
reduceFrequencyOfThisAd: "Diese Werbung weniger anzeigen"
hide: "Nie anzeigen"
hide: "Ausblenden"
enterEmail: "Gib die Email-Adresse ein, mit der du dich registriert hast. An diese wird ein Link gesendet, mit dem du dein Passwort zurücksetzen kannst."
ifNoEmail: "Solltest du bei der Registrierung keine Email-Adresse angegeben haben, wende dich bitte an den Administrator."

View file

@ -935,7 +935,7 @@ manageCustomEmojis: "Manage Custom Emojis"
youCannotCreateAnymore: "You've hit the creation limit."
cannotPerformTemporary: "Temporarily unavailable"
cannotPerformTemporaryDescription: "This action cannot be performed temporarily due to exceeding the execution limit. Please wait for a while and then try again."
preset: "Presets"
preset: "Preset"
selectFromPresets: "Choose from presets"
new: "New role"
@ -954,10 +954,10 @@ _role:
descriptionOfIsPublic: "Anyone will be able to view a list of users assigned to this role. In addition, this role will be displayed in the profiles of assigned users."
options: "Role options"
policies: "Policies"
baseRole: "Base role"
useBaseValue: "Use base role value"
baseRole: "Role template"
useBaseValue: "Use role template value"
chooseRoleToAssign: "Select the role to assign"
canEditMembersByModerator: "Allow moderators to edit the list members of this role"
canEditMembersByModerator: "Allow moderators to edit the list of members for this role"
descriptionOfCanEditMembersByModerator: "When turned on, moderators as well as administrators will be able to assign and unassign users to this role. When turned off, only administrators will be able to assign users."
priority: "Priority"
@ -965,11 +965,11 @@ _role:
middle: "Medium"
high: "High"
gtlAvailable: "Viewing the global timeline"
ltlAvailable: "Viewing the local timeline"
gtlAvailable: "Can view the global timeline"
ltlAvailable: "Can view the local timeline"
canPublicNote: "Can send public notes"
canInvite: "Create instance invite codes"
canManageCustomEmojis: "Manage Custom Emojis"
canInvite: "Can create instance invite codes"
canManageCustomEmojis: "Can manage custom emojis"
driveCapacity: "Drive capacity"
pinMax: "Maximum number of pinned notes"
antennaMax: "Maximum number of antennas"
@ -981,7 +981,7 @@ _role:
userEachUserListsMax: "Maximum number of users within a user list"
rateLimitFactor: "Rate limit"
descriptionOfRateLimitFactor: "Lower rate limits are less restrictive, higher ones more restrictive. "
canHideAds: "Remove ads"
canHideAds: "Can hide ads"
isLocal: "Local user"
isRemote: "Remote user"
@ -1026,7 +1026,7 @@ _accountDelete:
back: "Back"
reduceFrequencyOfThisAd: "Show this ad less"
hide: "Never show"
hide: "Hide"
enterEmail: "Enter the email address you used to register. A link with which you can reset your password will then be sent to it."
ifNoEmail: "If you did not use an email during registration, please contact the instance administrator instead."

View file

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
_lang_: "Bahasa Indonesia"
headlineMisskey: "Jaringan terhubung melalui catatan"
introMisskey: "Selamat datang! Misskey adalah perangkat mikroblog tercatu bersifat sumber terbuka.\nMulailah menuliskan catatan, bagikan peristiwa terkini, serta ceritakan segala tentangmu.📡\nTunjukkan juga reaksimu pada catatan pengguna lain.👍\nMari jelajahi dunia baru🚀"
poweredByMisskeyDescription: "{name} adalah sebuah layanan (instance) yang menggunakan platform sumber terbuka <b>Misskey</b>."
monthAndDay: "{day} {month}"
search: "Penelusuran"
notifications: "Pemberitahuan"
@ -47,6 +48,7 @@ deleteAndEdit: "Hapus dan sunting"
deleteAndEditConfirm: "Apakah kamu yakin ingin menghapus note ini dan menyuntingnya? Kamu akan kehilangan semua reaksi, renote dan balasan di note ini."
addToList: "Tambahkan ke daftar"
sendMessage: "Kirim pesan"
copyRSS: "Salin RSS"
copyUsername: "Salin nama pengguna"
searchUser: "Cari pengguna"
reply: "Balas"
@ -383,6 +385,7 @@ administrator: "Admin"
token: "Token"
twoStepAuthentication: "Otentikasi dua faktor"
moderator: "Moderator"
moderation: "Moderasi"
nUsersMentioned: "{n} pengguna disebut"
securityKey: "Kunci keamanan"
securityKeyName: "Nama kunci"
@ -449,6 +452,7 @@ language: "Bahasa"
uiLanguage: "Bahasa antarmuka pengguna"
groupInvited: "Telah diundang ke grup"
aboutX: "Tentang {x}"
emojiStyle: "Gaya emoji"
disableDrawer: "Jangan gunakan menu bergaya laci"
youHaveNoGroups: "Kamu tidak memiliki grup"
joinOrCreateGroup: "Bergabunglah dengan grup atau kamu dapat membuat grupmu sendiri."
@ -561,6 +565,7 @@ author: "Pembuat"
leaveConfirm: "Ada perubahan yang belum disimpan. Apakah kamu ingin membuangnya?"
manage: "Manajemen"
plugins: "Plugin"
preferencesBackups: "Aturan pencadangan"
deck: "Dek"
undeck: "Keluar dari dek"
useBlurEffectForModal: "Gunakan efek buram untuk modal"
@ -706,6 +711,7 @@ accentColor: "Aksen"
textColor: "Teks"
saveAs: "Simpan sebagai…"
advanced: "Tingkat lanjut"
advancedSettings: "Pengaturan Lanjut"
value: "Nilai"
createdAt: "Dibuat pada"
updatedAt: "Diperbarui pada"
@ -850,10 +856,21 @@ rateLimitExceeded: "Batas sudah terlampaui"
cropImage: "potong gambar"
cropImageAsk: "Ingin memotong gambar?"
file: "Berkas"
noEmailServerWarning: "Mail Server tidak disetel."
recommended: "Disarankan"
check: "Cek"
deleteAccount: "Hapus Akun"
logoutConfirm: "Anda yakin ingin keluar?"
lastActiveDate: "Terakhir digunakan"
statusbar: "Bilah status"
pleaseSelect: "Pilih opsi..."
reverse: "Balik"
colored: "Diwarnai"
refreshInterval: "Jeda pembaharuan"
label: "Label"
type: "Tipe"
localOnly: "Hanya lokal"
shuffle: "Acak"
account: "Akun"
like: "Suka"
unlike: "Tidak Suka"

View file

@ -836,7 +836,7 @@ hide: "Nascondere"
leaveGroup: "Esci dal gruppo"
leaveGroupConfirm: "Uscire da「{name}」?"
useDrawerReactionPickerForMobile: "Mostra sul drawer da dispositivo mobile"
welcomeBackWithName: "Eccoti di nuovo, {name}! Ciao!"
welcomeBackWithName: "Ciao, {name}! Eccoti di nuovo!"
clickToFinishEmailVerification: "Fai click su [{ok}] per completare la verifica dell'indirizzo email."
overridedDeviceKind: "Tipo di dispositivo"
smartphone: "Smartphone"
@ -935,6 +935,8 @@ manageCustomEmojis: "Gestisci le emoji personalizzate"
youCannotCreateAnymore: "Non puoi creare, hai raggiunto il limite."
cannotPerformTemporary: "Indisponibilità temporanea"
cannotPerformTemporaryDescription: "L'attività non può essere svolta, poiché si è raggiunto il limite di esecuzioni possibili. Per favore, riprova più tardi."
preset: "Preimpostato"
selectFromPresets: "Seleziona preimpostato"
new: "Nuovo ruolo"
edit: "Modifica ruolo"
@ -979,6 +981,7 @@ _role:
userEachUserListsMax: "Quantità massima di profili per lista"
rateLimitFactor: "Limite del rapporto"
descriptionOfRateLimitFactor: "I rapporti più bassi sono meno restrittivi, quelli più alti lo sono di più."
canHideAds: "Può nascondere i banner"
isLocal: "Profilo locale"
isRemote: "Profilo remoto"

View file

@ -935,12 +935,14 @@ manageCustomEmojis: "커스텀 이모지 관리"
youCannotCreateAnymore: "더 이상 생성할 수 없습니다."
cannotPerformTemporary: "일시적으로 사용할 수 없음"
cannotPerformTemporaryDescription: "조작 횟수 제한을 초과하여 일시적으로 사용이 불가합니다. 잠시 후 다시 시도해 주세요."
preset: "프리셋"
selectFromPresets: "프리셋에서 선택"
new: "새 역할 생성"
edit: "역할 수정"
name: "역할 이름"
description: "역할 설명"
permission: "역할 권한"
permission: "역할 권한"
descriptionOfPermission: "<b>모더레이터</b>는 기본적인 중재와 관련된 작업을 수행할 수 있습니다.\n<b>관리자</b>는 인스턴스의 모든 설정을 변경할 수 있습니다."
assignTarget: "할당 대상"
descriptionOfAssignTarget: "<b>수동</b>을 선택하면 누가 이 역할에 포함되는지를 수동으로 관리할 수 있습니다.\n<b>조건부</b>를 선택하면 조건을 설정해 일치하는 사용자를 자동으로 포함되게 할 수 있습니다."
@ -948,7 +950,7 @@ _role:
conditional: "조건부"
condition: "조건"
isConditionalRole: "조건부 역할입니다."
isPublic: "공개 역할"
isPublic: "역할 공개"
descriptionOfIsPublic: "역할에 할당된 사용자를 누구나 볼 수 있습니다. 또한 사용자 프로필에 이 역할이 표시됩니다."
options: "옵션"
policies: "정책"
@ -956,7 +958,7 @@ _role:
useBaseValue: "기본값 사용"
chooseRoleToAssign: "할당할 역할 선택"
canEditMembersByModerator: "모더레이터의 역할 수정 허용"
descriptionOfCanEditMembersByModerator: "이 옵션을 켜면 모더레이터도 이 역할에 사용자를 추가하거나 삭제할 수 있습니다. 꺼져 있으면 관리자만 가능합니다."
descriptionOfCanEditMembersByModerator: "이 옵션을 켜면 모더레이터도 이 역할에 사용자를 할당하거나 삭제할 수 있습니다. 꺼져 있으면 관리자만 할당이 가능합니다."
priority: "우선순위"
low: "낮음"
@ -971,19 +973,20 @@ _role:
driveCapacity: "드라이브 용량"
pinMax: "고정할 수 있는 노트 수"
antennaMax: "최대 안테나 생성 허용 수"
wordMuteMax: "뮤트할 수 있는 단어의 수"
webhookMax: "생성할 수 있는 WebHook의 수"
wordMuteMax: "단어 뮤트할 수 있는 문자 수"
webhookMax: "생성할 수 있는 웹훅 수"
clipMax: "생성할 수 있는 클립 수"
noteEachClipsMax: "각 클립에 추가할 수 있는 노트 수"
userListMax: "생성할 수 있는 리스트 수"
userEachUserListsMax: "리스트당 최대 사용자 수"
userListMax: "생성할 수 있는 유저 리스트 수"
userEachUserListsMax: "유저 리스트당 최대 사용자 수"
rateLimitFactor: "속도 제한"
descriptionOfRateLimitFactor: "작을수록 제한이 완화되고, 클수록 제한이 강화됩니다."
canHideAds: "광고 숨기기"
isLocal: "로컬 사용자"
isRemote: "리모트 사용자"
createdLessThan: "다음 일수 이내에 가입한 유저"
createdMoreThan: "다음 일수 이상 활동한 유저"
createdLessThan: "가압한 지 다음 일수 이내인 유저"
createdMoreThan: "가입한 지 다음 일수 이상인 유저"
followersLessThanOrEq: "팔로워 수가 다음 이하인 유저"
followersMoreThanOrEq: "팔로워 수가 다음 이상인 유저"
followingLessThanOrEq: "팔로잉 수가 다음 이하인 유저"

View file

@ -586,7 +586,7 @@ pluginTokenRequestedDescription: "Цей плагін зможе викорис
notificationType: "Тип сповіщення"
edit: "Редагувати"
useStarForReactionFallback: "Використовувати ★ як запасний варіант, якщо емодзі реакції невідомий"
emailServer: "Сервер електронної пошти"
emailServer: "Email сервер"
enableEmail: "Увімкнути функцію доставки пошти"
emailConfigInfo: "Використовується для підтвердження електронної пошти підчас реєстрації, а також для відновлення паролю."
email: "E-mail"
@ -892,7 +892,10 @@ unsubscribePushNotification: "Вимкнути push-сповіщення"
windowMaximize: "Розгорнути"
windowRestore: "Відновити"
caption: "Підпис"
tools: "Інструменти"
like: "Вподобати"
unlike: "Не вподобати"
numberOfLikes: "Вподобання"
show: "Відображення"
color: "Колір"

View file

@ -607,7 +607,7 @@ wordMute: "文字屏蔽"
regexpError: "正则表达式错误"
regexpErrorDescription: "{tab} 屏蔽文字的第 {line} 行的正则表达式有错误:"
instanceMute: "实例的屏蔽"
userSaysSomething: "{name}说了什么,但是被屏蔽了"
userSaysSomething: "{name}说了什么,但是被屏蔽词过滤了"
makeActive: "启用"
display: "显示"
copy: "复制"
@ -826,7 +826,7 @@ makeReactionsPublicDescription: "将您发表过的回应设置成公开可见
classic: "经典"
muteThread: "屏蔽帖子列表"
unmuteThread: "取消屏蔽帖子列表"
ffVisibility: "连接的可见范围"
ffVisibility: "关注关系的可见范围"
ffVisibilityDescription: "您可以设置您的关注/关注者信息的公开范围"
continueThread: "查看更多帖子"
deleteAccountConfirm: "将要删除账户。是否确认?"
@ -981,6 +981,7 @@ _role:
userEachUserListsMax: "单个用户列表内用户数量限制"
rateLimitFactor: "速率限制"
descriptionOfRateLimitFactor: "值越小限制越少,值越大限制越多。"
canHideAds: "可以隐藏广告"
isLocal: "是本地用户"
isRemote: "是远程用户"
@ -1008,7 +1009,7 @@ _emailUnavailable:
mx: "邮件服务器不正确"
smtp: "邮件服务器没有响应"
public: "发布"
public: "公开"
followers: "只有关注你的用户能看到"
private: "私密"

View file

@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ administrator: "管理員"
token: "權杖"
twoStepAuthentication: "兩階段驗證"
moderator: "監察員"
moderation: "言論調節"
moderation: "監察"
nUsersMentioned: "提到了{n}"
securityKey: "安全金鑰"
securityKeyName: "金鑰名稱"
@ -932,8 +932,11 @@ assign: "指派"
unassign: "取消指派"
color: "顏色"
manageCustomEmojis: "管理自訂表情符號"
youCannotCreateAnymore: "您無法再建立更多了。"
cannotPerformTemporary: "暫時無法進行"
cannotPerformTemporaryDescription: "由於超過操作次數限制,暫時無法進行。請過一段時間之後再嘗試。"
preset: "預設值"
selectFromPresets: "從預設值中選擇"
new: "建立角色"
edit: "編輯角色"
@ -970,8 +973,15 @@ _role:
driveCapacity: "雲端硬碟容量"
pinMax: "置頂貼文的最大數量"
antennaMax: "可建立的天線數量"
wordMuteMax: "靜音文字的最大字數"
webhookMax: "可建立的Webhook數量"
clipMax: "可建立的摘錄數量"
noteEachClipsMax: "摘錄內貼文的最大數量"
userListMax: "可建立的使用者清單數量"
userEachUserListsMax: "使用者清單內使用者的最大數量"
rateLimitFactor: "速率限制"
descriptionOfRateLimitFactor: "值越小限制越少,值越大限制越多。"
canHideAds: "不顯示廣告"
isLocal: "本地使用者"
isRemote: "遠端使用者"