diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index e2620db00d..a5c74258d5 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
 ### Server
 - cacheRemoteFilesの初期値はfalseになりました
+- 一部のfeatured noteを照会できない問題を修正
 - ファイルアップロード時等にファイル名の拡張子を修正する関数(correctFilename)の挙動を改善
 - fix: muteがapiからのuser list timeline取得で機能しない問題を修正
diff --git a/packages/backend/src/core/activitypub/models/ApNoteService.ts b/packages/backend/src/core/activitypub/models/ApNoteService.ts
index e107b9fe5a..41d1bc48a7 100644
--- a/packages/backend/src/core/activitypub/models/ApNoteService.ts
+++ b/packages/backend/src/core/activitypub/models/ApNoteService.ts
@@ -131,13 +131,13 @@ export class ApNoteService {
 		this.logger.debug(`Note fetched: ${JSON.stringify(note, null, 2)}`);
 		if (note.id && !checkHttps(note.id)) {
-			throw new Error('unexpected shcema of note.id: ' + note.id);
+			throw new Error('unexpected schema of note.id: ' + note.id);
 		const url = getOneApHrefNullable(note.url);
 		if (url && !checkHttps(url)) {
-			throw new Error('unexpected shcema of note url: ' + url);
+			throw new Error('unexpected schema of note url: ' + url);
 		this.logger.info(`Creating the Note: ${note.id}`);
@@ -271,24 +271,36 @@ export class ApNoteService {
 		const poll = await this.apQuestionService.extractPollFromQuestion(note, resolver).catch(() => undefined);
-		return await this.noteCreateService.create(actor, {
-			createdAt: note.published ? new Date(note.published) : null,
-			files,
-			reply,
-			renote: quote,
-			name: note.name,
-			cw,
-			text,
-			localOnly: false,
-			visibility,
-			visibleUsers,
-			apMentions,
-			apHashtags,
-			apEmojis,
-			poll,
-			uri: note.id,
-			url: url,
-		}, silent);
+		try {
+			return await this.noteCreateService.create(actor, {
+				createdAt: note.published ? new Date(note.published) : null,
+				files,
+				reply,
+				renote: quote,
+				name: note.name,
+				cw,
+				text,
+				localOnly: false,
+				visibility,
+				visibleUsers,
+				apMentions,
+				apHashtags,
+				apEmojis,
+				poll,
+				uri: note.id,
+				url: url,
+			}, silent);
+		} catch (err: any) {
+			if (err.name !== 'duplicated') {
+				throw err;
+			}
+			this.logger.info('The note is already inserted while creating itself, reading again');
+			const duplicate = await this.fetchNote(value);
+			if (!duplicate) {
+				throw new Error('The note creation failed with duplication error even when there is no duplication');
+			}
+			return duplicate;
+		}
diff --git a/packages/backend/test/unit/activitypub.ts b/packages/backend/test/unit/activitypub.ts
index 378f02e8e3..73209523b5 100644
--- a/packages/backend/test/unit/activitypub.ts
+++ b/packages/backend/test/unit/activitypub.ts
@@ -259,6 +259,21 @@ describe('ActivityPub', () => {
 			assert.strictEqual(note.text, 'test test foo');
 			assert.strictEqual(note.uri, actor2Note.id);
+		test('Fetch a note that is a featured note of the attributed actor', async () => {
+			const actor = createRandomActor();
+			actor.featured = `${actor.id}/collections/featured`;
+			const featured = createRandomFeaturedCollection(actor, 5);
+			const firstNote = (featured.items as NonTransientIPost[])[0];
+			resolver.register(actor.id, actor);
+			resolver.register(actor.featured, featured);
+			resolver.register(firstNote.id, firstNote);
+			const note = await noteService.createNote(firstNote.id as string, resolver);
+			assert.strictEqual(note?.uri, firstNote.id);
+		});
 	describe('Images', () => {