/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: syuilo and misskey-project * SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only */ import { setTimeout } from 'node:timers/promises'; import { entities } from 'misskey-js'; import { beforeEach, describe, test } from '@jest/globals'; import { api, captureWebhook, randomString, role, signup, startJobQueue, UserToken, WEBHOOK_HOST, } from '../../utils.js'; import type { INestApplicationContext } from '@nestjs/common'; describe('[シナリオ] ユーザ作成', () => { let queue: INestApplicationContext; let admin: entities.SignupResponse; async function createSystemWebhook(args?: Partial<entities.AdminSystemWebhookCreateRequest>, credential?: UserToken): Promise<entities.AdminSystemWebhookCreateResponse> { const res = await api( 'admin/system-webhook/create', { isActive: true, name: randomString(), on: ['userCreated'], url: WEBHOOK_HOST, secret: randomString(), ...args, }, credential ?? admin, ); return res.body; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- beforeAll(async () => { queue = await startJobQueue(); admin = await signup({ username: 'admin' }); await role(admin, { isAdministrator: true }); }, 1000 * 60 * 2); afterAll(async () => { await queue.close(); }); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- describe('SystemWebhook', () => { beforeEach(async () => { const webhooks = await api('admin/system-webhook/list', {}, admin); for (const webhook of webhooks.body) { await api('admin/system-webhook/delete', { id: webhook.id }, admin); } }); test('ユーザが作成された -> userCreatedが送出される', async () => { const webhook = await createSystemWebhook({ on: ['userCreated'], isActive: true, }); let alice: any = null; const webhookBody = await captureWebhook(async () => { alice = await signup({ username: 'alice' }); }); // webhookの送出後にいろいろやってるのでちょっと待つ必要がある await setTimeout(2000); console.log(alice); console.log(JSON.stringify(webhookBody, null, 2)); expect(webhookBody.hookId).toBe(webhook.id); expect(webhookBody.type).toBe('userCreated'); const body = webhookBody.body as entities.UserLite; expect(alice.id).toBe(body.id); expect(alice.name).toBe(body.name); expect(alice.username).toBe(body.username); expect(alice.host).toBe(body.host); expect(alice.avatarUrl).toBe(body.avatarUrl); expect(alice.avatarBlurhash).toBe(body.avatarBlurhash); expect(alice.avatarDecorations).toEqual(body.avatarDecorations); expect(alice.isBot).toBe(body.isBot); expect(alice.isCat).toBe(body.isCat); expect(alice.instance).toEqual(body.instance); expect(alice.emojis).toEqual(body.emojis); expect(alice.onlineStatus).toBe(body.onlineStatus); expect(alice.badgeRoles).toEqual(body.badgeRoles); }); test('ユーザ作成 -> userCreatedが未許可の場合は送出されない', async () => { await createSystemWebhook({ on: [], isActive: true, }); let alice: any = null; const webhookBody = await captureWebhook(async () => { alice = await signup({ username: 'alice' }); }).catch(e => e.message); expect(webhookBody).toBe('timeout'); expect(alice.id).not.toBeNull(); }); test('ユーザ作成 -> Webhookが無効の場合は送出されない', async () => { await createSystemWebhook({ on: ['userCreated'], isActive: false, }); let alice: any = null; const webhookBody = await captureWebhook(async () => { alice = await signup({ username: 'alice' }); }).catch(e => e.message); expect(webhookBody).toBe('timeout'); expect(alice.id).not.toBeNull(); }); }); });