/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: syuilo and misskey-project * SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only */ import { get } from 'idb-keyval'; import * as Misskey from 'misskey-js'; import type { PushNotificationDataMap } from '@/types.js'; import type { I18n } from '@@/js/i18n.js'; import type { Locale } from '../../../locales/index.js'; import { createEmptyNotification, createNotification } from '@/scripts/create-notification.js'; import { swLang } from '@/scripts/lang.js'; import * as swos from '@/scripts/operations.js'; const STATIC_CACHE_NAME = `misskey-static-${_VERSION_}`; const PATHS_TO_CACHE = ['/assets/', '/emoji/', '/twemoji/', '/fluent-emoji/', '/vite/']; async function cacheWithFallback(cache, paths) { for (const path of paths) { try { await cache.add(new Request(path, { credentials: 'same-origin' })); } catch (error) {} } } globalThis.addEventListener('install', (ev) => { ev.waitUntil((async () => { const cache = await caches.open(STATIC_CACHE_NAME); await cacheWithFallback(cache, PATHS_TO_CACHE); await globalThis.skipWaiting(); })()); }); globalThis.addEventListener('activate', ev => { ev.waitUntil( caches.keys() .then(cacheNames => Promise.all( cacheNames .filter((v) => v !== swLang.cacheName && !v.startsWith('misskey-static-')) .map(name => caches.delete(name)), )) .then(() => globalThis.clients.claim()), ); }); async function offlineContentHTML() { const i18n = await (swLang.i18n ?? swLang.fetchLocale()) as Partial>; const messages = { title: i18n.ts?._offlineScreen.title ?? 'Offline - Could not connect to server', header: i18n.ts?._offlineScreen.header ?? 'Could not connect to server', reload: i18n.ts?.reload ?? 'Reload', }; return `${messages.title}
`; } globalThis.addEventListener('fetch', ev => { const shouldCache = PATHS_TO_CACHE.some(path => ev.request.url.includes(path)); if (shouldCache) { ev.respondWith( caches.match(ev.request) .then(response => { if (response) return response; return fetch(ev.request).then(response => { if (!response || response.status !== 200 || response.type !== 'basic') return response; const responseToCache = response.clone(); caches.open(STATIC_CACHE_NAME) .then(cache => { cache.put(ev.request, responseToCache); }); return response; }); }) ); return; } let isHTMLRequest = false; if (ev.request.headers.get('sec-fetch-dest') === 'document') { isHTMLRequest = true; } else if (ev.request.headers.get('accept')?.includes('/html')) { isHTMLRequest = true; } else if (ev.request.url.endsWith('/')) { isHTMLRequest = true; } if (!isHTMLRequest) return; ev.respondWith( fetch(ev.request) .catch(async () => { const html = await offlineContentHTML(); return new Response(html, { status: 200, headers: { 'content-type': 'text/html', }, }); }), ); }); globalThis.addEventListener('push', ev => { ev.waitUntil(globalThis.clients.matchAll({ includeUncontrolled: true, type: 'window', }).then(async () => { const data: PushNotificationDataMap[keyof PushNotificationDataMap] = ev.data?.json(); switch (data.type) { case 'notification': case 'unreadAntennaNote': if (Date.now() - data.dateTime > 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24) break; return createNotification(data); case 'readAllNotifications': await globalThis.registration.getNotifications() .then(notifications => notifications.forEach(n => n.tag !== 'read_notification' && n.close())); break; } await createEmptyNotification(); return; })); }); globalThis.addEventListener('notificationclick', (ev: ServiceWorkerGlobalScopeEventMap['notificationclick']) => { ev.waitUntil((async (): Promise => { if (_DEV_) { console.log('notificationclick', ev.action, ev.notification.data); } const { action, notification } = ev; const data: PushNotificationDataMap[keyof PushNotificationDataMap] = notification.data ?? {}; const { userId: loginId } = data; let client: WindowClient | null = null; switch (data.type) { case 'notification': switch (action) { case 'follow': if ('userId' in data.body) await swos.api('following/create', loginId, { userId: data.body.userId }); break; case 'showUser': if ('user' in data.body) client = await swos.openUser(Misskey.acct.toString(data.body.user), loginId); break; case 'reply': if ('note' in data.body) client = await swos.openPost({ reply: data.body.note }, loginId); break; case 'renote': if ('note' in data.body) await swos.api('notes/create', loginId, { renoteId: data.body.note.id }); break; case 'accept': switch (data.body.type) { case 'receiveFollowRequest': await swos.api('following/requests/accept', loginId, { userId: data.body.userId }); break; } break; case 'reject': switch (data.body.type) { case 'receiveFollowRequest': await swos.api('following/requests/reject', loginId, { userId: data.body.userId }); break; } break; case 'showFollowRequests': client = await swos.openClient('push', '/my/follow-requests', loginId); break; case 'edited': if ('note' in data.body) client = await swos.openPost({ reply: data.body.note }, loginId); break; default: switch (data.body.type) { case 'receiveFollowRequest': client = await swos.openClient('push', '/my/follow-requests', loginId); break; case 'reaction': client = await swos.openNote(data.body.note.id, loginId); break; default: if ('note' in data.body) { client = await swos.openNote(data.body.note.id, loginId); } else if ('user' in data.body) { client = await swos.openUser(Misskey.acct.toString(data.body.user), loginId); } break; } } break; case 'unreadAntennaNote': client = await swos.openAntenna(data.body.antenna.id, loginId); break; default: switch (action) { case 'markAllAsRead': await globalThis.registration.getNotifications() .then(notifications => notifications.forEach(n => n.tag !== 'read_notification' && n.close())); await get[]>('accounts').then(accounts => { return Promise.all((accounts ?? []).map(async account => { await swos.sendMarkAllAsRead(account.id); })); }); break; case 'settings': client = await swos.openClient('push', '/settings/notifications', loginId); break; } } if (client) { client.focus(); } if (data.type === 'notification') { await swos.sendMarkAllAsRead(loginId); } notification.close(); })()); }); globalThis.addEventListener('notificationclose', (ev: ServiceWorkerGlobalScopeEventMap['notificationclose']) => { const data: PushNotificationDataMap[keyof PushNotificationDataMap] = ev.notification.data; ev.waitUntil((async (): Promise => { if (data.type === 'notification') { await swos.sendMarkAllAsRead(data.userId); } return; })()); }); globalThis.addEventListener('message', (ev: ServiceWorkerGlobalScopeEventMap['message']) => { ev.waitUntil((async (): Promise => { if (ev.data === 'clear') { await caches.keys() .then(cacheNames => Promise.all( cacheNames.map(name => caches.delete(name)), )); return; } if (typeof ev.data === 'object') { const otype = Object.prototype.toString.call(ev.data).slice(8, -1).toLowerCase(); if (otype === 'object') { if (ev.data.msg === 'initialize') { swLang.setLang(ev.data.lang); } } } })()); });