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<div class="mk-window" :data-flexible="isFlexible" @dragover="onDragover">
<div class="bg" ref="bg" v-show="isModal" @click="onBgClick"></div>
<div class="main" ref="main" tabindex="-1" :data-is-modal="isModal" @mousedown="onBodyMousedown" @keydown="onKeydown" :style="{ width, height }">
<div class="body">
<header ref="header"
@contextmenu.prevent="() => {}" @mousedown.prevent="onHeaderMousedown"
<h1><slot name="header"></slot></h1>
<button class="popout" v-if="popoutUrl" @mousedown.stop="() => {}" @click="popout" :title="$t('popout')">
<i><fa :icon="['far', 'window-restore']"/></i>
<button class="close" v-if="canClose" @mousedown.stop="() => {}" @click="close" :title="$t('close')">
<i><fa icon="times"/></i>
<div class="content">
<template v-if="canResize">
<div class="handle top" @mousedown.prevent="onTopHandleMousedown"></div>
<div class="handle right" @mousedown.prevent="onRightHandleMousedown"></div>
<div class="handle bottom" @mousedown.prevent="onBottomHandleMousedown"></div>
<div class="handle left" @mousedown.prevent="onLeftHandleMousedown"></div>
<div class="handle top-left" @mousedown.prevent="onTopLeftHandleMousedown"></div>
<div class="handle top-right" @mousedown.prevent="onTopRightHandleMousedown"></div>
<div class="handle bottom-right" @mousedown.prevent="onBottomRightHandleMousedown"></div>
<div class="handle bottom-left" @mousedown.prevent="onBottomLeftHandleMousedown"></div>
<script lang="ts">
import Vue from 'vue';
import i18n from '../../../i18n';
import * as anime from 'animejs';
import contains from '../../../common/scripts/contains';
const minHeight = 40;
const minWidth = 200;
function dragListen(fn) {
window.addEventListener('mousemove', fn);
window.addEventListener('mouseleave', dragClear.bind(null, fn));
window.addEventListener('mouseup', dragClear.bind(null, fn));
function dragClear(fn) {
window.removeEventListener('mousemove', fn);
window.removeEventListener('mouseleave', dragClear);
window.removeEventListener('mouseup', dragClear);
export default Vue.extend({
i18n: i18n('desktop/views/components/window.vue'),
props: {
isModal: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
canClose: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
width: {
type: String,
default: '530px'
height: {
type: String,
default: 'auto'
popoutUrl: {
type: [String, Function],
default: null
name: {
type: String,
default: null
animation: {
type: Boolean,
required: false,
default: true
data() {
return {
preventMount: false
computed: {
isFlexible(): boolean {
return this.height == 'auto';
canResize(): boolean {
return !this.isFlexible;
created() {
if (this.$store.state.device.autoPopout && this.popoutUrl) {
this.preventMount = true;
} else {
// ウィンドウをウィンドウシステムに登録
mounted() {
if (this.preventMount) {
this.$nextTick(() => {
const main = this.$refs.main as any;
main.style.top = '15%';
main.style.left = (window.innerWidth / 2) - (main.offsetWidth / 2) + 'px';
window.addEventListener('resize', this.onBrowserResize);
destroyed() {
// ウィンドウをウィンドウシステムから削除
window.removeEventListener('resize', this.onBrowserResize);
methods: {
open() {
const bg = this.$refs.bg as any;
const main = this.$refs.main as any;
if (this.isModal) {
bg.style.pointerEvents = 'auto';
targets: bg,
opacity: 1,
duration: this.animation ? 100 : 0,
easing: 'linear'
main.style.pointerEvents = 'auto';
targets: main,
opacity: 1,
scale: [1.1, 1],
duration: this.animation ? 200 : 0,
easing: 'easeOutQuad'
if (focus) main.focus();
setTimeout(() => {
}, this.animation ? 300 : 0);
close() {
const bg = this.$refs.bg as any;
const main = this.$refs.main as any;
if (this.isModal) {
bg.style.pointerEvents = 'none';
targets: bg,
opacity: 0,
duration: this.animation ? 300 : 0,
easing: 'linear'
main.style.pointerEvents = 'none';
targets: main,
opacity: 0,
scale: 0.8,
duration: this.animation ? 300 : 0,
easing: [0.5, -0.5, 1, 0.5]
setTimeout(() => {
}, this.animation ? 300 : 0);
popout() {
const url = typeof this.popoutUrl == 'function' ? this.popoutUrl() : this.popoutUrl;
const main = this.$refs.main as any;
if (main) {
const position = main.getBoundingClientRect();
const width = parseInt(getComputedStyle(main, '').width, 10);
const height = parseInt(getComputedStyle(main, '').height, 10);
const x = window.screenX + position.left;
const y = window.screenY + position.top;
window.open(url, url,
`width=${width}, height=${height}, top=${y}, left=${x}`);
} else {
const x = window.top.outerHeight / 2 + window.top.screenY - (parseInt(this.height, 10) / 2);
const y = window.top.outerWidth / 2 + window.top.screenX - (parseInt(this.width, 10) / 2);
window.open(url, url,
`width=${this.width}, height=${this.height}, top=${x}, left=${y}`);
// 最前面へ移動
top() {
let z = 0;
const ws = Array.from(this.$root.os.windows.getAll()).filter(w => w != this);
for (const w of ws) {
const m = w.$refs.main;
const mz = Number(document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(m, null).zIndex);
if (mz > z) z = mz;
if (z > 0) {
(this.$refs.main as any).style.zIndex = z + 1;
if (this.isModal) (this.$refs.bg as any).style.zIndex = z + 1;
onBgClick() {
if (this.canClose) this.close();
onBodyMousedown() {
onHeaderMousedown(e) {
const main = this.$refs.main as any;
if (!contains(main, document.activeElement)) main.focus();
const position = main.getBoundingClientRect();
const clickX = e.clientX;
const clickY = e.clientY;
const moveBaseX = clickX - position.left;
const moveBaseY = clickY - position.top;
const browserWidth = window.innerWidth;
const browserHeight = window.innerHeight;
const windowWidth = main.offsetWidth;
const windowHeight = main.offsetHeight;
// 動かした時
dragListen(me => {
let moveLeft = me.clientX - moveBaseX;
let moveTop = me.clientY - moveBaseY;
// 上はみ出し
if (moveTop < 0) moveTop = 0;
// 左はみ出し
if (moveLeft < 0) moveLeft = 0;
// 下はみ出し
if (moveTop + windowHeight > browserHeight) moveTop = browserHeight - windowHeight;
// 右はみ出し
if (moveLeft + windowWidth > browserWidth) moveLeft = browserWidth - windowWidth;
main.style.left = moveLeft + 'px';
main.style.top = moveTop + 'px';
// 上ハンドル掴み時
onTopHandleMousedown(e) {
const main = this.$refs.main as any;
const base = e.clientY;
const height = parseInt(getComputedStyle(main, '').height, 10);
const top = parseInt(getComputedStyle(main, '').top, 10);
// 動かした時
dragListen(me => {
const move = me.clientY - base;
if (top + move > 0) {
if (height + -move > minHeight) {
this.applyTransformHeight(height + -move);
this.applyTransformTop(top + move);
} else { // 最小の高さより小さくなろうとした時
this.applyTransformTop(top + (height - minHeight));
} else { // 上のはみ出し時
this.applyTransformHeight(top + height);
// 右ハンドル掴み時
onRightHandleMousedown(e) {
const main = this.$refs.main as any;
const base = e.clientX;
const width = parseInt(getComputedStyle(main, '').width, 10);
const left = parseInt(getComputedStyle(main, '').left, 10);
const browserWidth = window.innerWidth;
// 動かした時
dragListen(me => {
const move = me.clientX - base;
if (left + width + move < browserWidth) {
if (width + move > minWidth) {
this.applyTransformWidth(width + move);
} else { // 最小の幅より小さくなろうとした時
} else { // 右のはみ出し時
this.applyTransformWidth(browserWidth - left);
// 下ハンドル掴み時
onBottomHandleMousedown(e) {
const main = this.$refs.main as any;
const base = e.clientY;
const height = parseInt(getComputedStyle(main, '').height, 10);
const top = parseInt(getComputedStyle(main, '').top, 10);
const browserHeight = window.innerHeight;
// 動かした時
dragListen(me => {
const move = me.clientY - base;
if (top + height + move < browserHeight) {
if (height + move > minHeight) {
this.applyTransformHeight(height + move);
} else { // 最小の高さより小さくなろうとした時
} else { // 下のはみ出し時
this.applyTransformHeight(browserHeight - top);
// 左ハンドル掴み時
onLeftHandleMousedown(e) {
const main = this.$refs.main as any;
const base = e.clientX;
const width = parseInt(getComputedStyle(main, '').width, 10);
const left = parseInt(getComputedStyle(main, '').left, 10);
// 動かした時
dragListen(me => {
const move = me.clientX - base;
if (left + move > 0) {
if (width + -move > minWidth) {
this.applyTransformWidth(width + -move);
this.applyTransformLeft(left + move);
} else { // 最小の幅より小さくなろうとした時
this.applyTransformLeft(left + (width - minWidth));
} else { // 左のはみ出し時
this.applyTransformWidth(left + width);
// 左上ハンドル掴み時
onTopLeftHandleMousedown(e) {
// 右上ハンドル掴み時
onTopRightHandleMousedown(e) {
// 右下ハンドル掴み時
onBottomRightHandleMousedown(e) {
// 左下ハンドル掴み時
onBottomLeftHandleMousedown(e) {
// 高さを適用
applyTransformHeight(height) {
(this.$refs.main as any).style.height = height + 'px';
// 幅を適用
applyTransformWidth(width) {
(this.$refs.main as any).style.width = width + 'px';
// Y座標を適用
applyTransformTop(top) {
(this.$refs.main as any).style.top = top + 'px';
// X座標を適用
applyTransformLeft(left) {
(this.$refs.main as any).style.left = left + 'px';
onDragover(e) {
e.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'none';
onKeydown(e) {
if (e.which == 27) { // Esc
if (this.canClose) {
onBrowserResize() {
const main = this.$refs.main as any;
const position = main.getBoundingClientRect();
const browserWidth = window.innerWidth;
const browserHeight = window.innerHeight;
const windowWidth = main.offsetWidth;
const windowHeight = main.offsetHeight;
if (position.left < 0) main.style.left = 0;
if (position.top < 0) main.style.top = 0;
if (position.left + windowWidth > browserWidth) main.style.left = browserWidth - windowWidth + 'px';
if (position.top + windowHeight > browserHeight) main.style.top = browserHeight - windowHeight + 'px';
<style lang="stylus" scoped>
display block
> .bg
display block
position fixed
z-index 2000
top 0
left 0
width 100%
height 100%
background rgba(#000, 0.7)
opacity 0
pointer-events none
> .main
display block
position fixed
z-index 2000
top 15%
left 0
margin 0
opacity 0
pointer-events none
> .body
box-shadow 0 0 0px 1px var(--primaryAlpha05), 0 2px 12px 0 var(--desktopWindowShadow)
> .handle
$size = 8px
position absolute
top -($size)
left 0
width 100%
height $size
cursor ns-resize
top 0
right -($size)
width $size
height 100%
cursor ew-resize
bottom -($size)
left 0
width 100%
height $size
cursor ns-resize
top 0
left -($size)
width $size
height 100%
cursor ew-resize
top -($size)
left -($size)
width $size * 2
height $size * 2
cursor nwse-resize
top -($size)
right -($size)
width $size * 2
height $size * 2
cursor nesw-resize
bottom -($size)
right -($size)
width $size * 2
height $size * 2
cursor nwse-resize
bottom -($size)
left -($size)
width $size * 2
height $size * 2
cursor nesw-resize
> .body
height 100%
overflow hidden
background var(--face)
border-radius 6px
box-shadow 0 2px 12px 0 rgba(#000, 0.5)
> header
$header-height = 40px
z-index 1001
height $header-height
overflow hidden
white-space nowrap
cursor move
background var(--faceHeader)
border-radius 6px 6px 0 0
box-shadow 0 1px 0 rgba(#000, 0.1)
&, *
user-select none
> h1
pointer-events none
display block
margin 0 auto
overflow hidden
height $header-height
text-overflow ellipsis
text-align center
font-size 1em
line-height $header-height
font-weight normal
color var(--desktopWindowTitle)
> div:last-child
position absolute
top 0
right 0
display block
z-index 1
> *
display inline-block
margin 0
padding 0
cursor pointer
font-size 1em
color var(--faceTextButton)
border none
outline none
background transparent
color var(--faceTextButtonHover)
color var(--faceTextButtonActive)
> i
display inline-block
padding 0
width $header-height
line-height $header-height
text-align center
> .content
height 100%
> .main > .body > .content
height calc(100% - 40px)