syuilo 25a69ec1b6
Refactoring of i18n (#3165)
Refactoring of i18n
2018-11-09 03:44:35 +09:00

122 lines
2.4 KiB

<div class="egwyvoaaryotefqhqtmiyawwefemjfsd">
<mk-widget-container :show-header="false" :naked=" == 2">
<div class="egwyvoaaryotefqhqtmiyawwefemjfsd-body"
:data-compact=" == 1 || == 2"
:data-melt=" == 2"
<div class="banner"
:style="$store.state.i.bannerUrl ? `background-image: url(${$store.state.i.bannerUrl})` : ''"
@click="() => os.apis.updateBanner()"
<mk-avatar class="avatar" :user="$store.state.i"
@click="() => os.apis.updateAvatar()"
<router-link class="name" :to="$store.state.i | userPage">{{ $store.state.i | userName }}</router-link>
<p class="username">@{{ $store.state.i | acct }}</p>
<script lang="ts">
import define from '../../../common/define-widget';
import i18n from '../../../i18n';
export default define({
name: 'profile',
props: () => ({
design: 0
i18n: i18n('desktop/views/widgets/profile.vue'),
methods: {
func() {
if ( == 2) { = 0;
} else {;
<style lang="stylus" scoped>
> .banner:before
content ""
display block
width 100%
height 100%
background rgba(#000, 0.5)
> .avatar
top ((100px - 58px) / 2)
left ((100px - 58px) / 2)
border none
border-radius 100%
box-shadow 0 0 16px rgba(#000, 0.5)
> .name
position absolute
top 0
left 92px
margin 0
line-height 100px
color #fff
text-shadow 0 0 8px rgba(#000, 0.5)
> .username
display none
> .banner
visibility hidden
> .avatar
box-shadow none
> .name
color #666
text-shadow none
> .banner
height 100px
background-color var(--primaryAlpha01)
background-size cover
background-position center
cursor pointer
> .avatar
display block
position absolute
top 76px
left 16px
width 58px
height 58px
border solid 3px var(--face)
border-radius 8px
cursor pointer
> .name
display block
margin 10px 0 0 84px
line-height 16px
font-weight bold
color var(--text)
> .username
display block
margin 4px 0 8px 84px
line-height 16px
font-size 0.9em
color var(--text)
opacity 0.7