194 lines
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194 lines
5.2 KiB
package telegram
import (
tgbotapi "github.com/go-telegram-bot-api/telegram-bot-api/v5"
type Role int
const (
RoleAnonymous Role = 0
RoleFriend Role = 1
RoleOwner Role = 2
type CommandHandler func(bot *Bot, role Role, msg *tgbotapi.Message) error
type Bot struct {
client *tgbotapi.BotAPI
database db.DB
cmdHandlers map[string]CommandHandler
Name string `json:"name"`
LastUpdateID int `json:"last_update_id"`
OwnerChatID int64 `json:"owner_user_id"`
func (b *Bot) SupportedMIME() []string {
return []string{"text/markdown", "text/html"}
func (b *Bot) SendGenericMessage(message *model.GenericMessage) error {
if b.OwnerChatID == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("owner chat id not set")
chattable := tgbotapi.NewMessage(b.OwnerChatID, message.Body)
switch message.MIME {
case "text/markdown":
chattable.ParseMode = tgbotapi.ModeMarkdownV2
case "text/html":
chattable.ParseMode = tgbotapi.ModeHTML
return fmt.Errorf("unsupported MIME type %s", message.MIME)
if message.ThreadID != 0 {
chattable.ReplyToMessageID = int(message.ThreadID)
msg, err := b.client.Send(chattable)
if err != nil {
return err
if message.ThreadID == 0 {
message.ThreadID = uint64(msg.MessageID)
return nil
func (b *Bot) saveConf() error {
txn := b.database.NewTransaction(true)
defer txn.Discard()
if err := db.SetJSON(txn, []byte(fmt.Sprintf("comm_telegram_bot_%d", b.client.Self.ID)), b); err != nil {
return err
return txn.Commit()
func (b *Bot) SendHTML(chatID int64, fmtStr string, args ...interface{}) error {
for i := range args {
switch v := args[i].(type) {
case string:
args[i] = template.HTMLEscapeString(args[i].(string))
args[i] = v
msg := tgbotapi.NewMessage(chatID, fmt.Sprintf(fmtStr, args...))
msg.ParseMode = tgbotapi.ModeHTML
_, err := b.client.Send(msg)
return err
func (b *Bot) handleUpdate(update tgbotapi.Update) error {
if update.Message == nil {
return nil
log.Printf("received message from %s: %v", update.Message.From.UserName, update.Message)
msg := *update.Message
conf := config.Config().Comm.Telegram
if strings.HasPrefix(conf.Owner, "@") && msg.From.UserName == conf.Owner[1:] {
log.Printf("telegram owner chat id set: %d", msg.Chat.ID)
b.OwnerChatID = msg.Chat.ID
} else if id, err := strconv.ParseInt(conf.Owner, 10, 64); err == nil && msg.From.ID == id || msg.Chat.ID == id {
if msg.Chat.ID != b.OwnerChatID {
log.Printf("telegram owner chat id set: %d", msg.Chat.ID)
b.OwnerChatID = msg.Chat.ID
role := RoleAnonymous
if msg.Chat.ID == b.OwnerChatID {
role = RoleOwner
if msg.IsCommand() {
if handler, ok := b.cmdHandlers[msg.Command()]; ok {
return handler(b, role, &msg)
} else {
if err := b.SendHTML(msg.Chat.ID, "unknown command: %s\n", msg.Command()); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (bot *Bot) start() error {
u := tgbotapi.NewUpdate(bot.LastUpdateID + 1)
u.Timeout = 60
bot.RegisterCommand("start", "onboarding command", func(bot *Bot, role Role, msg *tgbotapi.Message) error {
bot.client.Send(tgbotapi.NewMessage(msg.Chat.ID, strings.ReplaceAll(banner, "{name}", msg.From.FirstName+" "+msg.From.LastName)))
return nil
updates := bot.client.GetUpdatesChan(u)
go func() {
for update := range updates {
if err := bot.handleUpdate(update); err != nil {
if fid := update.FromChat().ID; fid != bot.OwnerChatID {
bot.SendHTML(fid, "<b>RUNTIME ERROR</b>\n<pre>%s</pre>\nBot owner has been notified.", err)
bot.SendHTML(bot.OwnerChatID, "<b>RUNTIME ERROR</b>\noriginating chat ID: %d (@%s)\n\n<pre>%s</pre>", update.FromChat().ID, update.FromChat().UserName, err)
log.Printf("telegram runtime error: %v", err)
if update.UpdateID > bot.LastUpdateID {
bot.LastUpdateID = update.UpdateID
if err := bot.saveConf(); err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to save telegram bot config: %v", err)
return nil
func loadConf(confName string, database db.DB) Bot {
txn := database.NewTransaction(false)
defer txn.Discard()
conf := Bot{LastUpdateID: -1}
if err := db.GetJSON(txn, []byte(confName), &conf); db.IsNotFound(err) {
log.Printf("telegram bot config %s not found, creating new one", confName)
txn = database.NewTransaction(true)
defer txn.Discard()
if err := db.SetJSON(txn, []byte(confName), conf); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to create telegram bot config %s: %v", confName, err)
} else if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to load telegram bot config %s: %v",
confName, err)
return conf
func NewClient(database db.DB) (*Bot, error) {
token := config.Config().Comm.Telegram.Token
if token == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("telegram token not set")
client, err := tgbotapi.NewBotAPI(token)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
bot := loadConf(fmt.Sprintf("comm_telegram_bot_%d", client.Self.ID), database)
bot.client = client
bot.database = database
bot.cmdHandlers = make(map[string]CommandHandler)
return &bot, bot.start()