{{ $auth := (get_auth .C) }}




The night is darkest just before the dawn.

Welcome to yoake.yumechi.jp, Yumechi's PIM.

Built with Echo, Bootstrap, jQuery, and html/template. Intended to be a parody of the Trima Accel (R) UI.

{{ if not $auth.Valid }} This website welcomes guests as well! Click around and I hope you cound have some fun! {{ else }} {{ if contain $auth.Roles "admin" }} Welcome Home! {{ else }} Hello, my friend! You know the drill! {{ end }} {{ end }}

Operator Info
{{ if $auth.Valid }} {{ if contain $auth.Roles "admin" }}

You have super powers!

{{ end }}

Your session expires at {{ $auth.Expire }}

{{ else }}

You do not have any priviledges. Keep squeezing!

{{ end }}
Tab Status Icon Meaning
Tab Selected (Active)
Tab Available
Addn. Authorization Required
Access Denied