262 lines
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262 lines
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package twilio
import (
openapi "github.com/twilio/twilio-go/rest/api/v2010"
tgbotapi "github.com/go-telegram-bot-api/telegram-bot-api/v5"
const rfc2822 = "Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 -0700"
type RecordingStatusCallbackForm struct {
AccountSid string `form:"AccountSid" json:"AccountSid"`
CallSid string `form:"CallSid" json:"CallSid"`
RecordingSid string `form:"RecordingSid" json:"RecordingSid"`
RecordingUrl string `form:"RecordingUrl" json:"RecordingUrl"`
RecordingStatus string `form:"RecordingStatus" json:"RecordingStatus"`
RecodgingDuration int `form:"RecordingDuration" json:"RecordingDuration"`
RecordingChannels int `form:"RecordingChannels" json:"RecordingChannels"`
RecodgingStartTime string `form:"RecordingStartTime" json:"RecordingStartTime"`
RecordingSource string `form:"RecordingSource" json:"RecordingSource"`
RecordingTrack string `form:"RecordingTrack" json:"RecordingTrack"`
type CallStatusCallbackForm struct {
CallSid string `form:"CallSid" json:"CallSid"`
AccountSid string `form:"AccountSid" json:"AccountSid"`
From string `form:"From" json:"From"`
To string `form:"To" json:"To"`
CallStatus string `form:"CallStatus" json:"CallStatus"`
ApiVersion string `form:"ApiVersion" json:"ApiVersion"`
Direction string `form:"Direction" json:"Direction"`
ForwardedFrom string `form:"ForwardedFrom" json:"ForwardedFrom"`
CallerName string `form:"CallerName" json:"CallerName"`
ParentCallSid string `form:"ParentCallSid" json:"ParentCallSid"`
type CallStatusCallbackProgressForm struct {
// https://www.twilio.com/docs/voice/api/call-resource#statuscallbackevent
CallStatus string `form:"CallStatus" json:"CallStatus"`
Duration int `form:"Duration" json:"Duration"`
CallDuration int `form:"CallDuration" json:"CallDuration"`
SipResponseCode int `form:"SipResponseCode" json:"SipResponseCode"`
RecordingUrl string `form:"RecordingUrl" json:"RecordingUrl"`
RecordingSid string `form:"RecordingSid" json:"RecordingSid"`
RecordingDuration int `form:"RecordingDuration" json:"RecordingDuration"`
TimeStamp string `form:"TimeStamp" json:"TimeStamp"`
CallbackSource string `form:"CallbackSource" json:"CallbackSource"`
SequenceNumber int `form:"SequenceNumber" json:"SequenceNumber"`
func findCallDir(callsDir filestore.FS, callSid string, from string, to string) (filestore.FS, string, error) {
if callSid == "" {
return nil, "", fmt.Errorf("callSid is empty")
dirs, err := afero.ReadDir(callsDir, ".")
if err != nil {
return nil, "", err
for _, dir := range dirs {
if dir.IsDir() {
if strings.HasSuffix(dir.Name(), callSid) {
return filestore.ChrootFS(callsDir, dir.Name()), dir.Name(), nil
now := time.Now()
newName := fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s_%s_%s", now.Format("2006-01-02T15.04.05"), from, to, callSid)
if err := callsDir.Mkdir(newName, 0770); err != nil {
return nil, "", err
return filestore.ChrootFS(callsDir, newName), newName, nil
func fetchRecording(apiClient *twilio.RestClient, callDir filestore.FS, sid string, recType string) error {
prm := new(openapi.ListRecordingParams)
recordings, err := apiClient.Api.ListRecording(prm)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := callDir.Mkdir("recordings", 0770); err != nil && !os.IsExist(err) {
return err
recDir := filestore.ChrootFS(callDir, "recordings")
wg := new(sync.WaitGroup)
for i, recording := range recordings {
go func(i int, recording openapi.ApiV2010Recording) {
defer wg.Done()
rSid := recording.Sid
if rSid == nil {
rSidS := fmt.Sprintf("unknown-%d-%d", time.Now().Unix(), i)
rSid = &rSidS
jsonF, err := recDir.OpenFile(recType+"_"+*recording.Sid+".json", os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY|os.O_TRUNC, 0660)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to open json file for recording %s: %v", *rSid, err)
defer jsonF.Close()
enc := json.NewEncoder(jsonF)
enc.SetIndent("", " ")
if err := enc.Encode(recording); err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to write json file for recording %s: %v", *rSid, err)
mediaResp, err := http.Get(*recording.MediaUrl + ".wav?requestedChannels=2")
if err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to download media file for recording %s: %v", *rSid, err)
defer mediaResp.Body.Close()
if mediaResp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
log.Printf("failed to download media file for recording %s: http status %d", *rSid, mediaResp.StatusCode)
mediaF, err := recDir.OpenFile(recType+"_"+*recording.Sid+".wav", os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY|os.O_TRUNC, 0660)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to open media file for recording %s: %v", *rSid, err)
defer mediaF.Close()
if _, err := io.Copy(mediaF, mediaResp.Body); err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to write media file for recording %s: %v", *rSid, err)
if err := apiClient.Api.DeleteRecording(*rSid, new(openapi.DeleteRecordingParams)); err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to delete recording %s: %v", *rSid, err)
}(i, recording)
return nil
func Register(g *echo.Group, fs filestore.FS, comm model.Communicator) {
apiClient := twilio.NewRestClientWithParams(twilio.ClientParams{
AccountSid: config.Config().Twilio.AccountSid,
Username: config.Config().Twilio.AccountSid,
Password: config.Config().Twilio.AuthToken,
if err := fs.Mkdir("calls", 0770); err != nil && !os.IsExist(err) {
log.Panicf("failed to create calls directory: %v", err)
calls := filestore.ChrootFS(fs, "calls")
tg, hasTelegram := comm.GetMethod("telegram").(*telegram.Bot)
process := g.Group("/process", VerifyMiddleware("", config.Config().Twilio.BaseURL))
process.POST("/voicemail/:type", func(c echo.Context) error {
stateForm := new(CallStatusCallbackForm)
err := c.Bind(stateForm)
if err != nil {
return err
thenUrl := c.QueryParam("then")
typeStr := c.Param("type")
switch typeStr {
case "message":
err = tg.SendHTML(tg.OwnerChatID, "New voicemail request\n\ncallSid: %s\nFrom: %s\n", stateForm.CallSid, stateForm.From)
case "callback":
err = tg.SendHTML(tg.OwnerChatID, "New callback request\n\ncallSid: %s\nFrom: %s\n", stateForm.CallSid, stateForm.From)
return c.String(http.StatusBadRequest, "invalid type")
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to send message: %v", err)
return c.Redirect(http.StatusTemporaryRedirect, thenUrl)
process.POST("/incoming_owner", func(c echo.Context) error {
return c.Redirect(http.StatusTemporaryRedirect, c.QueryParam("then"))
cb := g.Group("/callback", VerifyMiddleware("", config.Config().Twilio.BaseURL), func(next echo.HandlerFunc) echo.HandlerFunc {
return func(c echo.Context) error {
if err := next(c); err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to process twilio callback: %v", err)
return err
return nil
cb.POST("/recording/:type", func(c echo.Context) error {
form := new(RecordingStatusCallbackForm)
if err := c.Bind(form); err != nil {
return err
sid := form.CallSid
if sid == "" {
return c.String(http.StatusBadRequest, "missing call sid")
callDir, _, err := findCallDir(calls, form.CallSid, "", "")
if err != nil {
return err
return fetchRecording(apiClient, callDir, form.CallSid, c.Param("type"))
cb.POST("/voice", func(c echo.Context) error {
form := new(CallStatusCallbackForm)
if err := c.Bind(form); err != nil {
return err
callDir, callDirName, err := findCallDir(calls, form.CallSid, form.From, form.To)
if err != nil {
return err
callDirAbs := fmt.Sprintf("/calls/%s", callDirName)
log.Printf("call %s: %s -> %s dirAbs=%s", form.CallSid, form.From, form.To, callDirAbs)
if hasTelegram {
msg := tgbotapi.NewMessage(tg.OwnerChatID, fmt.Sprintf("Call From %s (%s):\n\nTo: %s\nSid: %s\nCallDir: <a href=\"%s\">%s</a>",
form.From, form.CallStatus, form.To, form.CallSid, funcmap.FileAccess(callDirAbs+"/"), callDirAbs))
msg.ParseMode = tgbotapi.ModeHTML
if _, err := tg.Client().Send(msg); err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to send telegram message: %v", err)
fileName := fmt.Sprintf("status.%d.json", time.Now().UnixNano())
f, err := callDir.OpenFile(fileName, os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY|os.O_TRUNC, 0660)
if err != nil {
return err
defer f.Close()
enc := json.NewEncoder(f)
enc.SetIndent("", " ")
if err := enc.Encode(form); err != nil {
return err
return nil