From 294912488ccbee7d86c1e22c2628931f118307c3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Earl Warren <>
Date: Sat, 26 Aug 2023 12:19:06 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] update kubernetes examples to match version 3.0.0 images

Starting with Forgejo runner 3.0.0 images are different in two ways
that matter to k8s because they:

* are all rootless
* do not rely on tini
 examples/kubernetes/            | 10 +---
 examples/kubernetes/dind-docker.yaml     | 20 ++++---
 examples/kubernetes/rootless-docker.yaml | 69 ------------------------
 3 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 88 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 examples/kubernetes/rootless-docker.yaml

diff --git a/examples/kubernetes/ b/examples/kubernetes/
index a8784b4..d00cf1a 100644
--- a/examples/kubernetes/
+++ b/examples/kubernetes/
@@ -1,13 +1,7 @@
-## Kubernetes Docker in Docker Deployment with `act_runner`
+## Kubernetes Docker in Docker Deployment
 Registers Kubernetes pod runners using [offline registration](, allowing the scaling of runners as needed.
 NOTE: Docker in Docker (dind) requires elevated privileges on Kubernetes. The current way to achieve this is to set the pod `SecurityContext` to `privileged`. Keep in mind that this is a potential security issue that has the potential for a malicious application to break out of the container context.
-Files in this directory:
-- [`dind-docker.yaml`](dind-docker.yaml)
-  How to create a Deployment and Secret for Kubernetes to act as a runner. The Docker credentials are re-generated each time the pod connects and does not need to be persisted.
-- [`rootless-docker.yaml`](rootless-docker.yaml)
-  How to create a rootless Deployment and Secret for Kubernetes to act as a runner. The Docker credentials are re-generated each time the pod connects and does not need to be persisted.
+[`dind-docker.yaml`](dind-docker.yaml) creates a deployment and secret for Kubernetes to act as a runner. The Docker credentials are re-generated each time the pod connects and does not need to be persisted.
diff --git a/examples/kubernetes/dind-docker.yaml b/examples/kubernetes/dind-docker.yaml
index 92e46e9..7abf9e0 100644
--- a/examples/kubernetes/dind-docker.yaml
+++ b/examples/kubernetes/dind-docker.yaml
@@ -12,20 +12,20 @@ apiVersion: apps/v1
 kind: Deployment
-    app: act-runner
-  name: act-runner
+    app: forgejo-runner
+  name: forgejo-runner
   # Two replicas means that if one is busy, the other can pick up jobs.
   replicas: 2
-      app: act-runner
+      app: forgejo-runner
   strategy: {}
       creationTimestamp: null
-        app: act-runner
+        app: forgejo-runner
       restartPolicy: Always
@@ -37,23 +37,23 @@ spec:
       - name: runner-config-generation
-        image:
-        command: [ "sh", "-c", "cd /data && forgejo-runner create-runner-file --instance $GITEA_INSTANCE_URL --secret $RUNNER_SECRET --connect" ]
+        image:
+        command: [ "forgejo-runner create-runner-file --instance $FORGEJO_INSTANCE_URL --secret $RUNNER_SECRET --connect" ]
         - name: RUNNER_SECRET
               name: runner-secret
               key: token
-        - name: GITEA_INSTANCE_URL
+        - name: FORGEJO_INSTANCE_URL
           value: http://gitea-http.gitea.svc.cluster.local:3000
         - name: runner-data
           mountPath: /data
       - name: runner
-        image: gitea/act_runner:nightly
-        command: ["sh", "-c", "while ! nc -z localhost 2376 </dev/null; do echo 'waiting for docker daemon...'; sleep 5; done; /sbin/tini -- /opt/act/"]
+        image:
+        command: ["sh", "-c", "while ! nc -z localhost 2376 </dev/null; do echo 'waiting for docker daemon...'; sleep 5; done; forgejo-runner daemon"]
         - name: DOCKER_HOST
           value: tcp://localhost:2376
@@ -61,8 +61,6 @@ spec:
           value: /certs/client
         - name: DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY
           value: "1"
-        - name: GITEA_INSTANCE_URL
-          value: http://gitea-http.gitea.svc.cluster.local:3000
         - name: docker-certs
           mountPath: /certs
diff --git a/examples/kubernetes/rootless-docker.yaml b/examples/kubernetes/rootless-docker.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index cd003a8..0000000
--- a/examples/kubernetes/rootless-docker.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-# Secret data.
-# Alternatively, create this with
-# kubectl create secret generic runner-secret --from-literal=token=your_offline_token_here
-apiVersion: v1
-  token: your_offline_secret_here
-kind: Secret
-  name: runner-secret
-apiVersion: apps/v1
-kind: Deployment
-  labels:
-    app: act-runner
-  name: act-runner
-  # Two replicas means that if one is busy, the other can pick up jobs.
-  replicas: 2
-  selector:
-    matchLabels:
-      app: act-runner
-  strategy: {}
-  template:
-    metadata:
-      creationTimestamp: null
-      labels:
-        app: act-runner
-    spec:
-      restartPolicy: Always
-      volumes:
-      - name: runner-data
-        emptyDir: {}
-      # Initialise our configuration file using offline registration
-      #
-      initContainers:
-      - name: runner-config-generation
-        image:
-        command: [ "sh", "-c", "cd /data && forgejo-runner create-runner-file --instance $GITEA_INSTANCE_URL --secret $RUNNER_SECRET --connect" ]
-        env:
-        - name: RUNNER_SECRET
-          valueFrom:
-            secretKeyRef:
-              name: runner-secret
-              key: token
-        - name: GITEA_INSTANCE_URL
-          value: http://gitea-http.gitea.svc.cluster.local:3000
-        volumeMounts:
-        - name: runner-data
-          mountPath: /data
-      containers:
-      - name: runner
-        image: gitea/act_runner:nightly-dind-rootless
-        imagePullPolicy: Always
-        env:
-        - name: DOCKER_HOST
-          value: tcp://localhost:2376
-        - name: DOCKER_CERT_PATH
-          value: /certs/client
-        - name: DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY
-          value: "1"
-        - name: GITEA_INSTANCE_URL
-          value: http://gitea-http.gitea.svc.cluster.local:3000
-        securityContext:
-          privileged: true
-        volumeMounts:
-        - name: runner-data
-          mountPath: /data