Earl Warren 82b6df801f
docker-compose example: do not use depends_on
Wait for the .runner file to exist instead as a proof that the
runner is ready to accept a job
2024-04-07 20:34:23 +02:00

35 lines
1.4 KiB

# Copyright 2024 The Forgejo Authors.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
image: alpine:3.19
- forgejo
command: >-
sh -ec '
apk add --quiet git curl jq ;
mkdir -p /srv/demo ;
cd /srv/demo ;
git init --initial-branch=main ;
mkdir -p .forgejo/workflows ;
echo "{ on: [push], jobs: { test: { runs-on: docker, steps: [ {uses: actions/checkout@v4}, { run: echo All Good } ] } } }" > .forgejo/workflows/demo.yml ;
echo "{ on: [push], jobs: { test_docker: { runs-on: ubuntu-22.04, steps: [ { run: docker info } ] } } }" > .forgejo/workflows/demo_docker.yml ;
git add . ;
git config user.email root@example.com ;
git config user.name username ;
git commit -m demo ;
while : ; do
git push --set-upstream --force http://root:{ROOT_PASSWORD}@forgejo:3000/root/test main && break ;
sleep 5 ;
done ;
sha=`git rev-parse HEAD` ;
for delay in 1 1 1 1 2 5 5 10 10 10 15 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 ; do
curl -sS -f http://forgejo:3000/api/v1/repos/root/test/commits/$$sha/status | jq --raw-output .state | tee status ;
if grep success status ; then echo DEMO WORKFLOW SUCCESS && break ; fi ;
if grep failure status ; then echo DEMO WORKFLOW FAILURE && break ; fi ;
sleep $$delay ;
done ;
grep success status || echo DEMO WORKFLOW FAILURE