Earl Warren d4eb913533
[FORGEJO] use alpine 3.18
Refs: https://github.com/nektos/act/issues/1908

Bump Docker dependency

See https://code.forgejo.org/forgejo/act/pulls/9 for more info.

Use forked act change branch

Bump version

Use forgejo fork v1.9.0

Revert #50

Now that https://code.forgejo.org/forgejo/runner/pulls/64 has been
merged we should be good to go.

Remove pinned go version in test workflow

Bump Go version to 1.21
2023-08-23 16:03:12 +02:00

59 lines
2.2 KiB

name: Integration tests for the release process
- go.mod
- Dockerfile
- .forgejo/workflows/release.yml
- .forgejo/workflows/integration.yml
runs-on: self-hosted
if: github.repository_owner != 'forgejo-integration' && github.repository_owner != 'forgejo-experimental' && github.repository_owner != 'forgejo-release'
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- id: forgejo
uses: https://code.forgejo.org/actions/setup-forgejo@v1
user: root
password: admin1234
image-version: 1.19
lxc-ip-prefix: 10.0.9
- name: publish the runner release
run: |
set -x
dir=$(mktemp -d)
trap "rm -fr $dir" EXIT
url=http://root:admin1234@${{ steps.forgejo.outputs.host-port }}
export FORGEJO_RUNNER_LOGS="${{ steps.forgejo.outputs.runner-logs }}"
# Create a new project with the runner and the release workflow only
rsync -a --exclude .git ./ $dir/
rm $(find $dir/.forgejo/workflows/*.yml | grep -v release.yml)
forgejo-test-helper.sh push $dir $url root runner |& tee $dir/pushed
eval $(grep '^sha=' < $dir/pushed)
# Push a tag to trigger the release workflow and wait for it to complete
forgejo-test-helper.sh api POST $url repos/root/runner/tags ${{ steps.forgejo.outputs.token }} --data-raw '{"tag_name": "v1.2.3", "target": "'$sha'"}'
LOOPS=180 forgejo-test-helper.sh wait_success "$url" root/runner $sha
# Minimal sanity checks. e2e test is for the setup-forgejo action
# and the infrastructure playbook.
curl -L -sS $url/root/runner/releases/download/v1.2.3/forgejo-runner-amd64 > forgejo-runner
chmod +x forgejo-runner
./forgejo-runner --version | grep 1.2.3
curl -L -sS $url/root/runner/releases/download/v1.2.3/forgejo-runner-amd64.sha256 > forgejo-runner.one
shasum -a 256 < forgejo-runner | cut -f1 -d ' ' > forgejo-runner.two
diff forgejo-runner.one forgejo-runner.two