feature: Client Preferences Registry on the account
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 315 additions and 0 deletions
@ -559,6 +559,8 @@ author: "作者"
leaveConfirm: "未保存の変更があります。破棄しますか?"
manage: "管理"
plugins: "プラグイン"
preferencesRegistry: "クライアント設定のレジストリ"
preferencesRegistryShort: "レジストリ"
deck: "デッキ"
undeck: "デッキ解除"
useBlurEffectForModal: "モーダルにぼかし効果を使用"
@ -894,6 +896,25 @@ _plugin:
installWarn: "信頼できないプラグインはインストールしないでください。"
manage: "プラグインの管理"
list: "一覧"
saveNew: "新規保存"
apply: "適用"
delete: "削除"
save: "上書き保存"
rename: "名称変更"
saveNewDescription: "現在のデバイスの状態をサーバーに保存します。"
inputName: "レジストリ名を入力"
cannotSave: "保存できません"
nameAlreadyExists: "レジストリ名「{name}」は既に存在します。違うレジストリ名を指定してください。"
applyConfirm: "プロファイル「{name}」を現在のデバイスに適用しますか?現在のデバイス設定は失われます。"
saveConfirm: "{name}に上書き保存しますか?"
deleteConfirm: "{name}を削除しますか?"
renameConfirm: "「{old}」を「{new}」に変更しますか?"
noRegistries: "レジストリは登録されていません。「新規保存」で現在のクライアント設定をサーバーに保存できます。"
createdAt: "作成日時: {date} {time}"
updatedAt: "更新日時: {date} {time}"
scope: "スコープ"
key: "キー"
@ -132,6 +132,11 @@ const menuDef = computed(() => [{
text: i18n.ts.plugins,
to: '/settings/plugin',
active: props.initialPage === 'plugin',
}, {
icon: 'fas fa-floppy-disk',
text: i18n.ts.preferencesRegistryShort,
to: '/settings/preferences-registry',
active: props.initialPage === 'preferences-registry',
}, {
title: i18n.ts.otherSettings,
@ -225,6 +230,7 @@ const component = computed(() => {
case 'deck': return defineAsyncComponent(() => import('./deck.vue'));
case 'plugin': return defineAsyncComponent(() => import('./plugin.vue'));
case 'plugin/install': return defineAsyncComponent(() => import('./plugin.install.vue'));
case 'preferences-registry': return defineAsyncComponent(() => import('./preferences-registry.vue'));
case 'import-export': return defineAsyncComponent(() => import('./import-export.vue'));
case 'account-info': return defineAsyncComponent(() => import('./account-info.vue'));
case 'delete-account': return defineAsyncComponent(() => import('./delete-account.vue'));
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
<div class="_formRoot">
<MkButton class="primary" @click="saveNew">{{ ts._preferencesRegistry.saveNew }}</MkButton>
<template #label>{{ ts._preferencesRegistry.list }}</template>
v-if="registries && Object.keys(registries).length > 0"
v-for="(registry, id) in registries"
class="_formBlock _panel"
@click="$event => menu($event, id)"
@contextmenu.prevent.stop="$event => menu($event, id)"
<div :class="$style.registryName">{{ registry.name }}</div>
<div :class="$style.registryTime">{{ t('_preferencesRegistry.createdAt', { date: (new Date(registry.createdAt)).toLocaleDateString(), time: (new Date(registry.createdAt)).toLocaleTimeString() }) }}</div>
<div :class="$style.registryTime" v-if="registry.updatedAt">{{ t('_preferencesRegistry.updatedAt', { date: (new Date(registry.createdAt)).toLocaleDateString(), time: (new Date(registry.createdAt)).toLocaleTimeString() }) }}</div>
<div v-else-if="registries">
<MkInfo>{{ ts._preferencesRegistry.noRegistries }}</MkInfo>
<MkLoading v-else />
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { onMounted, onUnmounted, useCssModule } from 'vue';
import FormSection from '@/components/form/section.vue';
import MkButton from '@/components/ui/button.vue';
import MkInfo from '@/components/ui/info.vue';
import * as os from '@/os';
import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid';
import { ColdDeviceStorage, defaultStore } from '@/store';
import * as symbols from '@/symbols';
import { unisonReload } from '@/scripts/unison-reload';
import { stream } from '@/stream';
import { $i } from '@/account';
import { i18n } from '@/i18n';
const { t, ts } = i18n;
const scope = ['clientPreferencesProfiles'];
const connection = $i && stream.useChannel('main');
type Registry = {
name: string;
createdAt: string;
updatedAt: string | null;
defaultStore: Partial<typeof defaultStore.state>;
coldDeviceStorage: Partial<typeof ColdDeviceStorage.default>;
fontSize: string | null;
useSystemFont: 't' | null;
type Registries = {
[key: string]: Registry;
let registries = $ref<Registries | null>(null);
os.api('i/registry/get-all', { scope })
.then(res => {
registries = res || {};
function getDefaultStoreValues() {
return (Object.keys(defaultStore.state) as (keyof typeof defaultStore.state)[]).reduce((acc, key) => {
if (defaultStore.def[key].where !== 'account') acc[key] = defaultStore.state[key];
return acc;
}, {} as any);
async function saveNew() {
if (!registries) return;
const { canceled, result: name } = await os.inputText({
title: ts._preferencesRegistry.inputName,
text: ts._preferencesRegistry.saveNewDescription,
if (canceled) return;
if (Object.entries(registries).some(e => e[1].name === name)) {
return os.alert({
title: ts._preferencesRegistry.cannotSave,
text: t('_preferencesRegistry.nameAlreadyExists', { name }),
const id = uuid();
const registry: Registry = {
createdAt: (new Date()).toISOString(),
updatedAt: null,
defaultStore: getDefaultStoreValues(),
coldDeviceStorage: ColdDeviceStorage.getAll(),
fontSize: localStorage.getItem('fontSize'),
useSystemFont: localStorage.getItem('useSystemFont') as 't' | null,
await os.api('i/registry/set', { scope, key: id, value: registry });
registries[id] = registry;
async function applyRegistry(id: string) {
if (!registries) return;
const registry = registries[id];
const { canceled: cancel1 } = await os.confirm({
type: 'warning',
title: ts._preferencesRegistry.apply,
text: t('_preferencesRegistry.applyConfirm', { name: registry.name }),
if (cancel1) return;
// defaultStore
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(registry.defaultStore)) {
if (key in defaultStore.def && defaultStore.def[key].where !== 'account') {
defaultStore.set(key as keyof Registry['defaultStore'], value);
// coldDeviceStorage
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(registry.coldDeviceStorage)) {
ColdDeviceStorage.set(key as keyof Registry['coldDeviceStorage'], value);
// fontSize
if (registry.fontSize) {
localStorage.setItem('fontSize', registry.fontSize);
} else {
// useSystemFont
if (registry.useSystemFont) {
localStorage.setItem('useSystemFont', registry.useSystemFont);
} else {
const { canceled: cancel2 } = await os.confirm({
type: 'info',
text: ts.reloadToApplySetting,
if (cancel2) return;
async function deleteRegistry(id: string) {
if (!registries) return;
const { canceled } = await os.confirm({
type: 'info',
title: ts._preferencesRegistry.delete,
text: t('_preferencesRegistry.deleteConfirm', { name: registries[id].name }),
if (canceled) return;
await os.api('i/registry/remove', { scope, key: id });
delete registries[id];
async function save(id: string) {
if (!registries) return;
const { name, createdAt } = registries[id];
const { canceled } = await os.confirm({
type: 'info',
title: ts._preferencesRegistry.save,
text: t('_preferencesRegistry.saveConfirm', { name }),
if (canceled) return;
const registry: Registry = {
updatedAt: (new Date()).toISOString(),
defaultStore: getDefaultStoreValues(),
coldDeviceStorage: ColdDeviceStorage.getAll(),
await os.api('i/registry/set', { scope, key: id, value: registry });
registries[id] = registry;
async function rename(id: string) {
if (!registries) return;
const { canceled: cancel1, result: name } = await os.inputText({
title: ts._preferencesRegistry.inputName,
if (cancel1 || registries[id].name === name) return;
if (Object.entries(registries).some(e => e[1].name === name)) {
return os.alert({
title: ts._preferencesRegistry.cannotSave,
text: t('_preferencesRegistry.nameAlreadyExists', { name }),
const registry = Object.assign({}, { ...registries[id] });
const { canceled: cancel2 } = await os.confirm({
type: 'info',
title: ts._preferencesRegistry.rename,
text: t('_preferencesRegistry.renameConfirm', { old: registry.name, new: name }),
if (cancel2) return;
registry.name = name;
await os.api('i/registry/set', { scope, key: id, value: registry });
function menu(ev: MouseEvent, registryId: string) {
return os.popupMenu([{
text: ts._preferencesRegistry.apply,
icon: 'fas fa-circle-down',
action: () => applyRegistry(registryId),
}, {
text: ts._preferencesRegistry.rename,
icon: 'fas fa-i-cursor',
action: () => rename(registryId),
}, {
text: ts._preferencesRegistry.save,
icon: 'fas fa-floppy-disk',
action: () => save(registryId),
}, {
text: ts._preferencesRegistry.delete,
icon: 'fas fa-trash-can',
action: () => deleteRegistry(registryId),
}], ev.currentTarget ?? ev.target)
onMounted(() => {
// streamingのuser storage updateイベントを監視して更新
connection?.on('registryUpdated', ({ scope: recievedScope, key, value }) => {
if (!recievedScope || recievedScope.length !== scope.length || recievedScope[0] !== scope[0]) return;
if (!registries) return;
registries[key] = value;
onUnmounted(() => {
[symbols.PAGE_INFO]: {
title: ts.preferencesRegistry,
icon: 'fas fa-floppy-disk',
bg: 'var(--bg)',
<style lang="scss" module>
.registry {
padding: 20px;
cursor: pointer;
&Name {
font-weight: 700;
&Time {
font-size: .85em;
opacity: .7;
@ -286,6 +286,16 @@ export class ColdDeviceStorage {
public static getAll(): Partial<typeof this.default> {
return (Object.keys(this.default) as (keyof typeof this.default)[]).reduce((acc, key) => {
const value = localStorage.getItem(PREFIX + key);
if (value != null) {
acc[key] = JSON.parse(value);
return acc;
}, {} as any);
public static set<T extends keyof typeof ColdDeviceStorage.default>(key: T, value: typeof ColdDeviceStorage.default[T]): void {
localStorage.setItem(PREFIX + key, JSON.stringify(value));
Add table
Reference in a new issue