diff --git a/locales/en-US.yml b/locales/en-US.yml
index 557c5a0d93..1406d493d1 100644
--- a/locales/en-US.yml
+++ b/locales/en-US.yml
@@ -68,6 +68,15 @@ common:
     confused: "Confused"
     rip: "RIP"
     pudding: "Pudding"
+  note-visibility:
+    public: "公開"
+    home: "ホーム"
+    home-desc: "ホームタイムラインにのみ公開"
+    followers: "フォロワー"
+    followers-desc: "自分のフォロワーにのみ公開"
+    specified: "ダイレクト"
+    specified-desc: "指定したユーザーにのみ公開"
+    private: "非公開"
     a: "What are you doing?"
     b: "What's happening?"
@@ -640,6 +649,9 @@ desktop/views/components/settings.vue:
   behaviour: "Behavior"
   fetch-on-scroll: "Endless loading on scroll"
   fetch-on-scroll-desc: "When you scroll down the page, it automatically fetches additional content."
+  note-visibility: "投稿の公開範囲"
+  default-note-visibility: "デフォルトの公開範囲"
+  remember-note-visibility: "投稿の公開範囲を記憶する"
   auto-popout: "Auto pop-out window"
   auto-popout-desc: "If it's possible, pop-out display will be used instead of opening a new window. This setting is stored in your browser."
   advanced: "Advanced settings"
@@ -1171,6 +1183,9 @@ mobile/views/pages/settings.vue:
   notification-position-top: "Top"
   behavior: "Behavior"
   fetch-on-scroll: "Endless loading on scroll"
+  note-visibility: "投稿の公開範囲"
+  default-note-visibility: "デフォルトの公開範囲"
+  remember-note-visibility: "投稿の公開範囲を記憶する"
   disable-via-mobile: "Don't mark the post as 'from mobile'"
   load-raw-images: "Show attached images in original quality"
   load-remote-media: "Show media from a remote server"