diff --git a/locales/en.yml b/locales/en.yml
index 7efdc6c227..0c4eb2df06 100644
--- a/locales/en.yml
+++ b/locales/en.yml
@@ -692,8 +692,8 @@ desktop/views/components/settings.2fa.vue:
   info: "From the next time you sign in to Misskey, the token displayed on your device will be necessary too, as well as the password."
   intro: "To access the API, set this token as the key 'i' of request parameters."
-  caution: "Please do not show this token to third parties (do not enter it somewhere else other than here) otherwise your account could get compromised."
-  regeneration-of-token: "In the unlikely event that this token leaks out, you can regenerate it."
+  caution: "Do not enter this token to any apps nor tell this token to others otherwise your account may get compromised."
+  regeneration-of-token: "In case this token (may) leaks out, you want to regenerate it so that you’ll be safe."
   regenerate-token: "Regenerate the token"
   token: "Token:"
   enter-password: "Please enter the password"
@@ -713,14 +713,14 @@ desktop/views/components/settings.password.vue:
   changed: "Password updated"
   avatar: "Avatar"
-  choice-avatar: "Choose an image"
+  choice-avatar: "Select an image"
   name: "Name"
   location: "Location"
   description: "Description"
   birthday: "Birthday"
   save: "Update profile"
   locked-account: "Protect your account"
-  is-locked: "Make a note private"
+  is-locked: "Make your posts private"
   other: "Other"
   is-bot: "This account is a Bot"
   is-cat: "This account is a Cat"