import { JoinColumn, ManyToOne, Entity, PrimaryColumn, Index, Column } from 'typeorm'; import { User } from './user'; import { id } from '../id'; @Entity() export class DriveFolder { @PrimaryColumn(id()) public id: string; @Index() @Column('timestamp with time zone', { comment: 'The created date of the DriveFolder.' }) public createdAt: Date; @Column('varchar', { length: 128, comment: 'The name of the DriveFolder.' }) public name: string; @Index() @Column({, nullable: true, comment: 'The owner ID.' }) public userId: User['id'] | null; @ManyToOne(type => User, { onDelete: 'CASCADE' }) @JoinColumn() public user: User | null; @Index() @Column({, nullable: true, comment: 'The parent folder ID. If null, it means the DriveFolder is located in root.' }) public parentId: DriveFolder['id'] | null; @ManyToOne(type => DriveFolder, { onDelete: 'SET NULL' }) @JoinColumn() public parent: DriveFolder | null; }