use std::{collections::HashMap, fs::OpenOptions, path::PathBuf, process::Stdio, sync::Arc}; use axum::{ extract::{Json, Query, State}, http::{HeaderMap, StatusCode}, response::{IntoResponse, Response}, }; use chrono::NaiveDateTime; use libc::SIGTERM; use tokio::{process::Command, sync::RwLock}; pub struct App; #[derive(Clone)] pub struct AppState { pub bearer_secret: String, pub refs: HashMap>, } pub struct RefState { pub config: RefConfig, pub status: RwLock, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize)] pub struct RefStatus { pub status: Status, pub triggered: Option, pub succeeded: Option, pub last_payload: Option, pub child_pid: u32, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize, PartialEq, Eq)] #[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")] pub enum Status { Never, Deploying, Validating, Success, Fatal(String), Error(String), } #[derive(Debug, serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize)] pub struct RefConfig { #[serde(rename = "ref")] pub ref_: String, pub stdout: Option, pub stderr: Option, pub working_dir: PathBuf, pub profiles: Option>, pub compose_flags: Option>, pub env: Option>, pub uid: u32, pub gid: u32, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize)] pub struct ApiError { pub code: u16, pub message: String, } impl IntoResponse for ApiError { fn into_response(self) -> Response { (StatusCode::from_u16(self.code).unwrap(), Json(&self)).into_response() } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize)] pub struct WebhookPayload { #[serde(rename = "ref")] pub ref_: String, pub before: String, pub after: String, } #[derive(Debug, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct GetStatusQuery { #[serde(rename = "ref")] pub ref_: Option, pub branch: Option, } fn require_bearer(bcrypted: &str, headers: &HeaderMap) -> Result<(), ApiError> { let bearer = headers .get("authorization") .ok_or_else(|| ApiError { code: 401, message: "Unauthorized".to_string(), })? .to_str() .map_err(|_| ApiError { code: 400, message: "Invalid Authorization header".to_string(), })?; let bearer = bearer .trim_start_matches("Bearer ") .trim_start_matches("bearer "); if !bcrypt::verify(bearer, bcrypted).map_err(|_| ApiError { code: 401, message: "Unauthorized".to_string(), })? { return Err(ApiError { code: 401, message: "Unauthorized".to_string(), }); } Ok(()) } impl App { pub async fn post_deploy( State(state): State, headers: HeaderMap, Json(payload): Json, ) -> Result { require_bearer(&state.bearer_secret, &headers)?; let matched_ref = state .refs .into_iter() .find(|(_, ref_state)| ref_state.config.ref_ == payload.ref_) .ok_or_else(|| ApiError { code: 404, message: "Ref not found".to_string(), })? .1 .clone(); let mut status = matched_ref.status.write().await; status.last_payload = Some(payload.clone()); if status.status == Status::Deploying { if status.child_pid == 0 { return Err(ApiError { code: 500, message: "Child PID is 0 while status is InProgress".to_string(), }); } if unsafe { libc::kill(status.child_pid as i32, SIGTERM) } != 0 { return Err(ApiError { code: 500, message: "Failed to send SIGTERM to existing process".to_string(), }); } }; if !Command::new("git") .arg("fetch") .arg("origin") .uid(matched_ref.config.uid) .gid(matched_ref.config.gid) .current_dir(matched_ref.config.working_dir.clone()) .spawn() .map_err(|_| ApiError { code: 500, message: "Failed to spawn command".to_string(), })? .wait() .await .map_err(|_| ApiError { code: 500, message: "Failed to wait for command".to_string(), })? .success() { status.status = Status::Error("Failed to fetch".to_string()); return Ok(StatusCode::OK); } if !Command::new("git") .arg("reset") .arg("--hard") .arg(payload.after) .uid(matched_ref.config.uid) .gid(matched_ref.config.gid) .current_dir(matched_ref.config.working_dir.clone()) .spawn() .map_err(|_| ApiError { code: 500, message: "Failed to spawn command".to_string(), })? .wait() .await .map_err(|_| ApiError { code: 500, message: "Failed to wait for command".to_string(), })? .success() { status.status = Status::Error("Failed to reset".to_string()); return Ok(StatusCode::OK); } let mut command = Command::new("docker") .arg("compose") .args( matched_ref .config .profiles .as_ref() .map(|profiles| profiles.iter() .flat_map(|profiles| ["--profile", profiles.as_str()]) .collect::>()) .unwrap_or(Vec::new()), ) .arg("up") .arg("--detach") .arg("--build") .args( matched_ref .config .compose_flags .as_ref() .unwrap_or(&Vec::new()), ) .current_dir(matched_ref.config.working_dir.clone()) .kill_on_drop(true) .envs( matched_ref .config .env .as_ref() .unwrap_or(&HashMap::new()) .iter(), ) .stdout(match matched_ref.config.stdout.as_ref() { Some(path) => { let file = OpenOptions::new() .create(true) .append(true) .open(path) .map_err(|_| ApiError { code: 500, message: "Failed to open stdout file".to_string(), })?; Stdio::from(file) } None => Stdio::null(), }) .spawn() .map_err(|_| ApiError { code: 500, message: "Failed to spawn command".to_string(), })?; status.status = Status::Deploying; status.triggered = Some(chrono::Utc::now().naive_utc()); status.child_pid =|| ApiError { code: 500, message: "Failed to get child PID".to_string(), })?; let matched_ref = matched_ref.clone(); tokio::spawn(async move { match command.wait().await { Ok(exit) => { let mut status = matched_ref.status.write().await; status.status = if exit.success() { status.succeeded = Some(chrono::Utc::now().naive_utc()); Status::Success } else { Status::Error(format!("Exit code: {}", exit.code().unwrap_or(-1))) }; status.child_pid = 0; } Err(e) => { let mut status = matched_ref.status.write().await; status.status = Status::Fatal(format!("Subprocess error: {}", e)); status.child_pid = 0; } } }); Ok(StatusCode::OK) } pub async fn summary( State(state): State, ) -> Result>, ApiError> { let mut statuses = HashMap::new(); for (ref_, ref_state) in state.refs.iter() { let status =; statuses.insert(ref_.clone(), status.clone()); } Ok(Json(statuses)) } pub async fn get_status( State(state): State, Query(query): Query, ) -> Result, ApiError> { let ref_ = match (query.ref_.as_ref(), query.branch.as_ref()) { (Some(ref_), None) => ref_.clone(), (None, Some(branch)) => format!("refs/heads/{}", branch), _ => { return Err(ApiError { code: 400, message: "Either ref or branch must be specified".to_string(), }) } }; let matched_ref = state .refs .get(&ref_) .ok_or_else(|| ApiError { code: 404, message: "Ref not found".to_string(), })? .clone(); let status =; Ok(Json(status.clone())) } }