import define from '../../../define'; import { deliverQueue, inboxQueue, dbQueue, objectStorageQueue } from '../../../../../queue'; export const meta = { desc: { 'ja-JP': 'キューの状態を返します。', 'en-US': 'Returns the status of the queue.' }, tags: ['admin'], requireCredential: true as const, requireModerator: true, params: {}, res: { type: 'object' as const, optional: false as const, nullable: false as const, properties: { deliver: { ref: 'QueueCount' }, inbox: { ref: 'QueueCount' }, db: { ref: 'QueueCount' }, objectStorage: { ref: 'QueueCount' } } } }; export default define(meta, async (ps) => { const deliverJobCounts = await deliverQueue.getJobCounts(); const inboxJobCounts = await inboxQueue.getJobCounts(); const dbJobCounts = await dbQueue.getJobCounts(); const objectStorageJobCounts = await objectStorageQueue.getJobCounts(); return { deliver: deliverJobCounts, inbox: inboxJobCounts, db: dbJobCounts, objectStorage: objectStorageJobCounts, }; });