syuilo e560601815
feat: auto nsfw detection ()
* feat: auto nsfw detection

* ✌️

* Update ja-JP.yml

* Update ja-JP.yml

* ポルノ判定のしきい値を高めに

* エラーハンドリングちゃんとした

* Update ja-JP.yml

* 感度設定を強化

* refactor

* feat: add video support for auto nsfw detection

* rename: image -> media

* .js

* fix: add missing error handling

* fix: use valid pathname instead of using filename due to invalid usage

* perf(nsfw-detection): decode frames

* disable detection of video for some reasons

* perf(nsfw-detection): streamify detection process for video

* disable disallowUploadWhenPredictedAsPorn option

* fix(nsfw-detection): improve reliability

* fix(nsfw-detection): use Math.ceil instead of Math.round

* perf(nsfw-detection): delete tmp frames after used

* fix(nsfw-detection): FSWatcher does not emit ready event

* perf(nsfw-detection): skip black frames

* refactor: strip exists check

* Update package.json

* めっちゃ変えた

* lint

* Update COPYING

* オプションで動画解析できるように

* Update yarn.lock

* Update CHANGELOG.md

Co-authored-by: Acid Chicken (硫酸鶏) <root@acid-chicken.com>
2022-07-07 21:06:37 +09:00

180 lines
4.7 KiB

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