387 lines
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387 lines
8.2 KiB
// This file was AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED by dbg-import (smuggol) from github.com/robertkrimen/dbg
Package dbg is a println/printf/log-debugging utility library.
import (
Dbg "github.com/robertkrimen/dbg"
dbg, dbgf := Dbg.New()
dbg("Emit some debug stuff", []byte{120, 121, 122, 122, 121}, math.Pi)
# "2013/01/28 16:50:03 Emit some debug stuff [120 121 122 122 121] 3.141592653589793"
dbgf("With a %s formatting %.2f", "little", math.Pi)
# "2013/01/28 16:51:55 With a little formatting (3.14)"
dbgf("%/fatal//A fatal debug statement: should not be here")
# "A fatal debug statement: should not be here"
# ...and then, os.Exit(1)
dbgf("%/panic//Can also panic %s", "this")
# "Can also panic this"
# ...as a panic, equivalent to: panic("Can also panic this")
dbgf("Any %s arguments without a corresponding %%", "extra", "are treated like arguments to dbg()")
# "2013/01/28 17:14:40 Any extra arguments (without a corresponding %) are treated like arguments to dbg()"
dbgf("%d %d", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
# "2013/01/28 17:16:32 Another example: 1 2 3 4 5"
dbgf("%@: Include the function name for a little context (via %s)", "%@")
# "2013... github.com/robertkrimen/dbg.TestSynopsis: Include the function name for a little context (via %@)"
By default, dbg uses log (log.Println, log.Printf, log.Panic, etc.) for output.
However, you can also provide your own output destination by invoking dbg.New with
a customization function:
import (
Dbg "github.com/robertkrimen/dbg"
# dbg to os.Stderr
dbg, dbgf := Dbg.New(func(dbgr *Dbgr) {
# A slightly contrived example:
var buffer bytes.Buffer
dbg, dbgf := New(func(dbgr *Dbgr) {
package dbg
import (
type _frmt struct {
ctl string
format string
operandCount int
panic bool
fatal bool
check bool
var (
ctlTest = regexp.MustCompile(`^\s*%/`)
ctlScan = regexp.MustCompile(`%?/(panic|fatal|check)(?:\s|$)`)
func operandCount(format string) int {
count := 0
end := len(format)
for at := 0; at < end; {
for at < end && format[at] != '%' {
if at < end {
if format[at] != '%' && format[at] != '@' {
return count
func parseFormat(format string) (frmt _frmt) {
if ctlTest.MatchString(format) {
format = strings.TrimLeftFunc(format, unicode.IsSpace)
index := strings.Index(format, "//")
if index != -1 {
frmt.ctl = format[0:index]
format = format[index+2:] // Skip the second slash via +2 (instead of +1)
} else {
frmt.ctl = format
format = ""
for _, tmp := range ctlScan.FindAllStringSubmatch(frmt.ctl, -1) {
for _, value := range tmp[1:] {
switch value {
case "panic":
frmt.panic = true
case "fatal":
frmt.fatal = true
case "check":
frmt.check = true
frmt.format = format
frmt.operandCount = operandCount(format)
type Dbgr struct {
emit _emit
type DbgFunction func(values ...interface{})
func NewDbgr() *Dbgr {
self := &Dbgr{}
return self
New will create and return a pair of debugging functions. You can customize where
they output to by passing in an (optional) customization function:
import (
Dbg "github.com/robertkrimen/dbg"
# dbg to os.Stderr
dbg, dbgf := Dbg.New(func(dbgr *Dbgr) {
func New(options ...interface{}) (dbg DbgFunction, dbgf DbgFunction) {
dbgr := NewDbgr()
if len(options) > 0 {
if fn, ok := options[0].(func(*Dbgr)); ok {
return dbgr.DbgDbgf()
func (self Dbgr) Dbg(values ...interface{}) {
self.getEmit().emit(_frmt{}, "", values...)
func (self Dbgr) Dbgf(values ...interface{}) {
func (self Dbgr) DbgDbgf() (dbg DbgFunction, dbgf DbgFunction) {
dbg = func(vl ...interface{}) {
dbgf = func(vl ...interface{}) {
return dbg, dbgf // Redundant, but...
func (self Dbgr) dbgf(values ...interface{}) {
var frmt _frmt
if len(values) > 0 {
tmp := fmt.Sprint(values[0])
frmt = parseFormat(tmp)
values = values[1:]
buffer_f := bytes.Buffer{}
format := frmt.format
end := len(format)
for at := 0; at < end; {
last := at
for at < end && format[at] != '%' {
if at > last {
if at >= end {
// format[at] == '%'
// format[at] == ?
if format[at] == '@' {
depth := 2
pc, _, _, _ := runtime.Caller(depth)
name := runtime.FuncForPC(pc).Name()
} else {
buffer_f.WriteString(format[at-1 : at+1])
//values_f := append([]interface{}{}, values[0:frmt.operandCount]...)
values_f := values[0:frmt.operandCount]
values_dbg := values[frmt.operandCount:]
if len(values_dbg) > 0 {
// Adjust frmt.format:
// (%v instead of %s because: frmt.check)
tmp := format
if len(tmp) > 0 {
if unicode.IsSpace(rune(tmp[len(tmp)-1])) {
} else {
buffer_f.WriteString(" %v")
} else if frmt.check {
// Performing a check, so no output
} else {
// Adjust values_f:
if !frmt.check {
tmp := []string{}
for _, value := range values_dbg {
tmp = append(tmp, fmt.Sprintf("%v", value))
// First, make a copy of values_f, so we avoid overwriting values_dbg when appending
values_f = append([]interface{}{}, values_f...)
values_f = append(values_f, strings.Join(tmp, " "))
format = buffer_f.String()
if frmt.check {
// We do not actually emit to the log, but panic if
// a non-nil value is detected (e.g. a non-nil error)
for _, value := range values_dbg {
if value != nil {
if format == "" {
} else {
panic(fmt.Sprintf(format, append(values_f, value)...))
} else {
self.getEmit().emit(frmt, format, values_f...)
// Idiot-proof &Dbgr{}, etc.
func (self *Dbgr) getEmit() _emit {
if self.emit == nil {
self.emit = standardEmit()
return self.emit
// SetOutput will accept the following as a destination for output:
// *log.Logger Print*/Panic*/Fatal* of the logger
// io.Writer -
// nil Reset to the default output (os.Stderr)
// "log" Print*/Panic*/Fatal* via the "log" package
func (self *Dbgr) SetOutput(output interface{}) {
if output == nil {
self.emit = standardEmit()
switch output := output.(type) {
case *log.Logger:
self.emit = _emitLogger{
logger: output,
case io.Writer:
self.emit = _emitWriter{
writer: output,
case string:
if output == "log" {
self.emit = _emitLog{}
// ======== //
// = emit = //
// ======== //
func standardEmit() _emit {
return _emitWriter{
writer: os.Stderr,
func ln(tmp string) string {
length := len(tmp)
if length > 0 && tmp[length-1] != '\n' {
return tmp + "\n"
return tmp
type _emit interface {
emit(_frmt, string, ...interface{})
type _emitWriter struct {
writer io.Writer
func (self _emitWriter) emit(frmt _frmt, format string, values ...interface{}) {
if format == "" {
fmt.Fprintln(self.writer, values...)
} else {
if frmt.panic {
panic(fmt.Sprintf(format, values...))
fmt.Fprintf(self.writer, ln(format), values...)
if frmt.fatal {
type _emitLogger struct {
logger *log.Logger
func (self _emitLogger) emit(frmt _frmt, format string, values ...interface{}) {
if format == "" {
} else {
if frmt.panic {
self.logger.Panicf(format, values...)
} else if frmt.fatal {
self.logger.Fatalf(format, values...)
} else {
self.logger.Printf(format, values...)
type _emitLog struct {
func (self _emitLog) emit(frmt _frmt, format string, values ...interface{}) {
if format == "" {
} else {
if frmt.panic {
log.Panicf(format, values...)
} else if frmt.fatal {
log.Fatalf(format, values...)
} else {
log.Printf(format, values...)