* fix: preserve job result state in case of failure There is just one job field for the job result. This is also true for matrix jobs. We need to preserve the failure state of a job to have the whole job failing in case of one permuation of the matrix failed. Closes #1518 * test: remove continue-on-error on job level This feature is not yet supported by act and if implemented would make this test invalid Co-authored-by: mergify[bot] <37929162+mergify[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
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package runner
import (
type jobInfo interface {
matrix() map[string]interface{}
steps() []*model.Step
startContainer() common.Executor
stopContainer() common.Executor
closeContainer() common.Executor
interpolateOutputs() common.Executor
result(result string)
func newJobExecutor(info jobInfo, sf stepFactory, rc *RunContext) common.Executor {
steps := make([]common.Executor, 0)
preSteps := make([]common.Executor, 0)
var postExecutor common.Executor
steps = append(steps, func(ctx context.Context) error {
logger := common.Logger(ctx)
if len(info.matrix()) > 0 {
logger.Infof("\U0001F9EA Matrix: %v", info.matrix())
return nil
infoSteps := info.steps()
if len(infoSteps) == 0 {
return common.NewDebugExecutor("No steps found")
preSteps = append(preSteps, func(ctx context.Context) error {
// Have to be skipped for some Tests
if rc.Run == nil {
return nil
rc.ExprEval = rc.NewExpressionEvaluator(ctx)
// evaluate environment variables since they can contain
// GitHub's special environment variables.
for k, v := range rc.GetEnv() {
rc.Env[k] = rc.ExprEval.Interpolate(ctx, v)
return nil
for i, stepModel := range infoSteps {
stepModel := stepModel
if stepModel == nil {
return func(ctx context.Context) error {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid Step %v: missing run or uses key", i)
if stepModel.ID == "" {
stepModel.ID = fmt.Sprintf("%d", i)
step, err := sf.newStep(stepModel, rc)
if err != nil {
return common.NewErrorExecutor(err)
preSteps = append(preSteps, useStepLogger(rc, stepModel, stepStagePre, step.pre()))
stepExec := step.main()
steps = append(steps, useStepLogger(rc, stepModel, stepStageMain, func(ctx context.Context) error {
logger := common.Logger(ctx)
err := stepExec(ctx)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("%v", err)
common.SetJobError(ctx, err)
} else if ctx.Err() != nil {
logger.Errorf("%v", ctx.Err())
common.SetJobError(ctx, ctx.Err())
return nil
postExec := useStepLogger(rc, stepModel, stepStagePost, step.post())
if postExecutor != nil {
// run the post exector in reverse order
postExecutor = postExec.Finally(postExecutor)
} else {
postExecutor = postExec
postExecutor = postExecutor.Finally(func(ctx context.Context) error {
jobError := common.JobError(ctx)
var err error
if rc.Config.AutoRemove || jobError == nil {
// always allow 1 min for stopping and removing the runner, even if we were cancelled
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(common.WithLogger(context.Background(), common.Logger(ctx)), time.Minute)
defer cancel()
err = info.stopContainer()(ctx)
setJobResult(ctx, info, rc, jobError == nil)
setJobOutputs(ctx, rc)
return err
pipeline := make([]common.Executor, 0)
pipeline = append(pipeline, preSteps...)
pipeline = append(pipeline, steps...)
return common.NewPipelineExecutor(info.startContainer(), common.NewPipelineExecutor(pipeline...).
Finally(func(ctx context.Context) error {
var cancel context.CancelFunc
if ctx.Err() == context.Canceled {
// in case of an aborted run, we still should execute the
// post steps to allow cleanup.
ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(common.WithLogger(context.Background(), common.Logger(ctx)), 5*time.Minute)
defer cancel()
return postExecutor(ctx)
func setJobResult(ctx context.Context, info jobInfo, rc *RunContext, success bool) {
logger := common.Logger(ctx)
jobResult := "success"
// we have only one result for a whole matrix build, so we need
// to keep an existing result state if we run a matrix
if len(info.matrix()) > 0 && rc.Run.Job().Result != "" {
jobResult = rc.Run.Job().Result
if !success {
jobResult = "failure"
if rc.caller != nil {
// set reusable workflow job result
jobResultMessage := "succeeded"
if jobResult != "success" {
jobResultMessage = "failed"
logger.WithField("jobResult", jobResult).Infof("\U0001F3C1 Job %s", jobResultMessage)
func setJobOutputs(ctx context.Context, rc *RunContext) {
if rc.caller != nil {
// map outputs for reusable workflows
callerOutputs := make(map[string]string)
ee := rc.NewExpressionEvaluator(ctx)
for k, v := range rc.Run.Job().Outputs {
callerOutputs[k] = ee.Interpolate(ctx, v)
rc.caller.runContext.Run.Job().Outputs = callerOutputs
func useStepLogger(rc *RunContext, stepModel *model.Step, stage stepStage, executor common.Executor) common.Executor {
return func(ctx context.Context) error {
ctx = withStepLogger(ctx, stepModel.ID, rc.ExprEval.Interpolate(ctx, stepModel.String()), stage.String())
rawLogger := common.Logger(ctx).WithField("raw_output", true)
logWriter := common.NewLineWriter(rc.commandHandler(ctx), func(s string) bool {
if rc.Config.LogOutput {
rawLogger.Infof("%s", s)
} else {
rawLogger.Debugf("%s", s)
return true
oldout, olderr := rc.JobContainer.ReplaceLogWriter(logWriter, logWriter)
defer rc.JobContainer.ReplaceLogWriter(oldout, olderr)
return executor(ctx)