* feat: add post step to actions and add state command This commit includes requried changes for running post steps for local and remote actions. This allows general cleanup work to be done after executing an action. Communication is allowed between this steps, by using the action state. * feat: collect pre and post steps for composite actions * refactor: move composite action logic into own file * refactor: restructure composite handling * feat: run composite post steps during post step lifecycle * refactor: remove duplicate log output * feat: run all composite post actions in a step Since composite actions could have multiple pre/post steps inside, we need to run all of them in a single top-level pre/post step. This PR includes a test case for this and the correct order of steps to be executed. * refactor: remove unused lines of code * refactor: simplify test expression * fix: use composite job logger * fix: make step output more readable * fix: enforce running all post executor To make sure every post executor/step is executed, it is chained with it's own Finally executor. * fix: do not run post step if no step result is available Having no step result means we do not run any step (neither pre nor main) and we do not need to run post. * fix: setup defaults If no pre-if or post-if is given, it should default to 'always()'. This could be set even if there is no pre or post step. In fact this is required for composite actions and included post steps to run. * fix: output step related if expression * test: update expectation * feat: run pre step from actions (#1110) This PR implements running pre steps for remote actions. This includes remote actions using inside local composite actions. * fix: set correct expr default status checks For post-if conditions the default status check should be always(), while for all other if expression the default status check is success() References: https://docs.github.com/en/actions/learn-github-actions/expressions#status-check-functions https://docs.github.com/en/actions/creating-actions/metadata-syntax-for-github-actions#runspost-if * fix: remove code added during rebase
603 lines
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603 lines
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package runner
import (
log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
type actionStep interface {
getActionModel() *model.Action
getCompositeRunContext() *RunContext
getCompositeSteps() *compositeSteps
type readAction func(step *model.Step, actionDir string, actionPath string, readFile actionYamlReader, writeFile fileWriter) (*model.Action, error)
type actionYamlReader func(filename string) (io.Reader, io.Closer, error)
type fileWriter func(filename string, data []byte, perm fs.FileMode) error
type runAction func(step actionStep, actionDir string, remoteAction *remoteAction) common.Executor
//go:embed res/trampoline.js
var trampoline embed.FS
func readActionImpl(step *model.Step, actionDir string, actionPath string, readFile actionYamlReader, writeFile fileWriter) (*model.Action, error) {
reader, closer, err := readFile("action.yml")
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
reader, closer, err = readFile("action.yaml")
if err != nil {
if _, closer, err2 := readFile("Dockerfile"); err2 == nil {
action := &model.Action{
Name: "(Synthetic)",
Runs: model.ActionRuns{
Using: "docker",
Image: "Dockerfile",
log.Debugf("Using synthetic action %v for Dockerfile", action)
return action, nil
if step.With != nil {
if val, ok := step.With["args"]; ok {
var b []byte
if b, err = trampoline.ReadFile("res/trampoline.js"); err != nil {
return nil, err
err2 := writeFile(filepath.Join(actionDir, actionPath, "trampoline.js"), b, 0400)
if err2 != nil {
return nil, err2
action := &model.Action{
Name: "(Synthetic)",
Inputs: map[string]model.Input{
"cwd": {
Description: "(Actual working directory)",
Required: false,
Default: filepath.Join(actionDir, actionPath),
"command": {
Description: "(Actual program)",
Required: false,
Default: val,
Runs: model.ActionRuns{
Using: "node12",
Main: "trampoline.js",
log.Debugf("Using synthetic action %v", action)
return action, nil
return nil, err
} else if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer closer.Close()
action, err := model.ReadAction(reader)
log.Debugf("Read action %v from '%s'", action, "Unknown")
return action, err
func maybeCopyToActionDir(ctx context.Context, step actionStep, actionDir string, actionPath string, containerActionDir string) error {
rc := step.getRunContext()
stepModel := step.getStepModel()
if stepModel.Type() != model.StepTypeUsesActionRemote {
return nil
if err := removeGitIgnore(actionDir); err != nil {
return err
var containerActionDirCopy string
containerActionDirCopy = strings.TrimSuffix(containerActionDir, actionPath)
if !strings.HasSuffix(containerActionDirCopy, `/`) {
containerActionDirCopy += `/`
return rc.JobContainer.CopyDir(containerActionDirCopy, actionDir+"/", rc.Config.UseGitIgnore)(ctx)
func runActionImpl(step actionStep, actionDir string, remoteAction *remoteAction) common.Executor {
rc := step.getRunContext()
stepModel := step.getStepModel()
return func(ctx context.Context) error {
actionPath := ""
if remoteAction != nil && remoteAction.Path != "" {
actionPath = remoteAction.Path
action := step.getActionModel()
log.Debugf("About to run action %v", action)
if remoteAction != nil {
rc.ActionRepository = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", remoteAction.Org, remoteAction.Repo)
rc.ActionRef = remoteAction.Ref
} else {
rc.ActionRepository = ""
rc.ActionRef = ""
defer (func() {
// cleanup after the action is done, to avoid side-effects in
// the next step/action
rc.ActionRepository = ""
rc.ActionRef = ""
// we need to merge with github-env again, since at the step setup
// time, we don't have all environment prepared
mergeIntoMap(step.getEnv(), rc.withGithubEnv(map[string]string{}))
populateEnvsFromSavedState(step.getEnv(), step, rc)
populateEnvsFromInput(step.getEnv(), action, rc)
actionLocation := path.Join(actionDir, actionPath)
actionName, containerActionDir := getContainerActionPaths(stepModel, actionLocation, rc)
log.Debugf("type=%v actionDir=%s actionPath=%s workdir=%s actionCacheDir=%s actionName=%s containerActionDir=%s", stepModel.Type(), actionDir, actionPath, rc.Config.Workdir, rc.ActionCacheDir(), actionName, containerActionDir)
switch action.Runs.Using {
case model.ActionRunsUsingNode12, model.ActionRunsUsingNode16:
if err := maybeCopyToActionDir(ctx, step, actionDir, actionPath, containerActionDir); err != nil {
return err
containerArgs := []string{"node", path.Join(containerActionDir, action.Runs.Main)}
log.Debugf("executing remote job container: %s", containerArgs)
return rc.execJobContainer(containerArgs, *step.getEnv(), "", "")(ctx)
case model.ActionRunsUsingDocker:
location := actionLocation
if remoteAction == nil {
location = containerActionDir
return execAsDocker(ctx, step, actionName, location, remoteAction == nil)
case model.ActionRunsUsingComposite:
if err := maybeCopyToActionDir(ctx, step, actionDir, actionPath, containerActionDir); err != nil {
return err
return execAsComposite(step)(ctx)
return fmt.Errorf(fmt.Sprintf("The runs.using key must be one of: %v, got %s", []string{
}, action.Runs.Using))
// https://github.com/nektos/act/issues/228#issuecomment-629709055
// files in .gitignore are not copied in a Docker container
// this causes issues with actions that ignore other important resources
// such as `node_modules` for example
func removeGitIgnore(directory string) error {
gitIgnorePath := path.Join(directory, ".gitignore")
if _, err := os.Stat(gitIgnorePath); err == nil {
// .gitignore exists
log.Debugf("Removing %s before docker cp", gitIgnorePath)
err := os.Remove(gitIgnorePath)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// TODO: break out parts of function to reduce complexicity
// nolint:gocyclo
func execAsDocker(ctx context.Context, step actionStep, actionName string, basedir string, localAction bool) error {
rc := step.getRunContext()
action := step.getActionModel()
var prepImage common.Executor
var image string
if strings.HasPrefix(action.Runs.Image, "docker://") {
image = strings.TrimPrefix(action.Runs.Image, "docker://")
} else {
// "-dockeraction" enshures that "./", "./test " won't get converted to "act-:latest", "act-test-:latest" which are invalid docker image names
image = fmt.Sprintf("%s-dockeraction:%s", regexp.MustCompile("[^a-zA-Z0-9]").ReplaceAllString(actionName, "-"), "latest")
image = fmt.Sprintf("act-%s", strings.TrimLeft(image, "-"))
image = strings.ToLower(image)
contextDir := filepath.Join(basedir, action.Runs.Main)
anyArchExists, err := container.ImageExistsLocally(ctx, image, "any")
if err != nil {
return err
correctArchExists, err := container.ImageExistsLocally(ctx, image, rc.Config.ContainerArchitecture)
if err != nil {
return err
if anyArchExists && !correctArchExists {
wasRemoved, err := container.RemoveImage(ctx, image, true, true)
if err != nil {
return err
if !wasRemoved {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to remove image '%s'", image)
if !correctArchExists || rc.Config.ForceRebuild {
log.Debugf("image '%s' for architecture '%s' will be built from context '%s", image, rc.Config.ContainerArchitecture, contextDir)
var actionContainer container.Container
if localAction {
actionContainer = rc.JobContainer
prepImage = container.NewDockerBuildExecutor(container.NewDockerBuildExecutorInput{
ContextDir: contextDir,
ImageTag: image,
Container: actionContainer,
Platform: rc.Config.ContainerArchitecture,
} else {
log.Debugf("image '%s' for architecture '%s' already exists", image, rc.Config.ContainerArchitecture)
eval := rc.NewStepExpressionEvaluator(step)
cmd, err := shellquote.Split(eval.Interpolate(step.getStepModel().With["args"]))
if err != nil {
return err
if len(cmd) == 0 {
cmd = action.Runs.Args
evalDockerArgs(step, action, &cmd)
entrypoint := strings.Fields(eval.Interpolate(step.getStepModel().With["entrypoint"]))
if len(entrypoint) == 0 {
if action.Runs.Entrypoint != "" {
entrypoint, err = shellquote.Split(action.Runs.Entrypoint)
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
entrypoint = nil
stepContainer := newStepContainer(ctx, step, image, cmd, entrypoint)
return common.NewPipelineExecutor(
stepContainer.Create(rc.Config.ContainerCapAdd, rc.Config.ContainerCapDrop),
func evalDockerArgs(step step, action *model.Action, cmd *[]string) {
rc := step.getRunContext()
stepModel := step.getStepModel()
oldInputs := rc.Inputs
defer func() {
rc.Inputs = oldInputs
inputs := make(map[string]interface{})
eval := rc.NewExpressionEvaluator()
// Set Defaults
for k, input := range action.Inputs {
inputs[k] = eval.Interpolate(input.Default)
if stepModel.With != nil {
for k, v := range stepModel.With {
inputs[k] = eval.Interpolate(v)
rc.Inputs = inputs
stepEE := rc.NewStepExpressionEvaluator(step)
for i, v := range *cmd {
(*cmd)[i] = stepEE.Interpolate(v)
mergeIntoMap(step.getEnv(), action.Runs.Env)
ee := rc.NewStepExpressionEvaluator(step)
for k, v := range *step.getEnv() {
(*step.getEnv())[k] = ee.Interpolate(v)
func newStepContainer(ctx context.Context, step step, image string, cmd []string, entrypoint []string) container.Container {
rc := step.getRunContext()
stepModel := step.getStepModel()
rawLogger := common.Logger(ctx).WithField("raw_output", true)
logWriter := common.NewLineWriter(rc.commandHandler(ctx), func(s string) bool {
if rc.Config.LogOutput {
rawLogger.Infof("%s", s)
} else {
rawLogger.Debugf("%s", s)
return true
envList := make([]string, 0)
for k, v := range *step.getEnv() {
envList = append(envList, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", k, v))
envList = append(envList, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", "RUNNER_TOOL_CACHE", "/opt/hostedtoolcache"))
envList = append(envList, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", "RUNNER_OS", "Linux"))
envList = append(envList, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", "RUNNER_TEMP", "/tmp"))
binds, mounts := rc.GetBindsAndMounts()
stepContainer := container.NewContainer(&container.NewContainerInput{
Cmd: cmd,
Entrypoint: entrypoint,
WorkingDir: rc.Config.ContainerWorkdir(),
Image: image,
Username: rc.Config.Secrets["DOCKER_USERNAME"],
Password: rc.Config.Secrets["DOCKER_PASSWORD"],
Name: createContainerName(rc.jobContainerName(), stepModel.ID),
Env: envList,
Mounts: mounts,
NetworkMode: fmt.Sprintf("container:%s", rc.jobContainerName()),
Binds: binds,
Stdout: logWriter,
Stderr: logWriter,
Privileged: rc.Config.Privileged,
UsernsMode: rc.Config.UsernsMode,
Platform: rc.Config.ContainerArchitecture,
return stepContainer
func (rc *RunContext) setupActionInputs(step actionStep) {
if step.getActionModel() == nil {
// e.g. local checkout skip has no action model
stepModel := step.getStepModel()
action := step.getActionModel()
eval := rc.NewExpressionEvaluator()
inputs := make(map[string]interface{})
for k, input := range action.Inputs {
inputs[k] = eval.Interpolate(input.Default)
if stepModel.With != nil {
for k, v := range stepModel.With {
inputs[k] = eval.Interpolate(v)
rc.Inputs = inputs
func populateEnvsFromSavedState(env *map[string]string, step actionStep, rc *RunContext) {
stepResult := rc.StepResults[step.getStepModel().ID]
if stepResult != nil {
for name, value := range stepResult.State {
envName := fmt.Sprintf("STATE_%s", name)
(*env)[envName] = value
func populateEnvsFromInput(env *map[string]string, action *model.Action, rc *RunContext) {
eval := rc.NewExpressionEvaluator()
for inputID, input := range action.Inputs {
envKey := regexp.MustCompile("[^A-Z0-9-]").ReplaceAllString(strings.ToUpper(inputID), "_")
envKey = fmt.Sprintf("INPUT_%s", envKey)
if _, ok := (*env)[envKey]; !ok {
(*env)[envKey] = eval.Interpolate(input.Default)
func getContainerActionPaths(step *model.Step, actionDir string, rc *RunContext) (string, string) {
actionName := ""
containerActionDir := "."
if step.Type() != model.StepTypeUsesActionRemote {
actionName = getOsSafeRelativePath(actionDir, rc.Config.Workdir)
containerActionDir = rc.Config.ContainerWorkdir() + "/" + actionName
actionName = "./" + actionName
} else if step.Type() == model.StepTypeUsesActionRemote {
actionName = getOsSafeRelativePath(actionDir, rc.ActionCacheDir())
containerActionDir = ActPath + "/actions/" + actionName
if actionName == "" {
actionName = filepath.Base(actionDir)
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
actionName = strings.ReplaceAll(actionName, "\\", "/")
return actionName, containerActionDir
func getOsSafeRelativePath(s, prefix string) string {
actionName := strings.TrimPrefix(s, prefix)
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
actionName = strings.ReplaceAll(actionName, "\\", "/")
actionName = strings.TrimPrefix(actionName, "/")
return actionName
func shouldRunPreStep(step actionStep) common.Conditional {
return func(ctx context.Context) bool {
log := common.Logger(ctx)
if step.getActionModel() == nil {
log.Debugf("skip pre step for '%s': no action model available", step.getStepModel())
return false
return true
func hasPreStep(step actionStep) common.Conditional {
return func(ctx context.Context) bool {
action := step.getActionModel()
return action.Runs.Using == model.ActionRunsUsingComposite ||
((action.Runs.Using == model.ActionRunsUsingNode12 ||
action.Runs.Using == model.ActionRunsUsingNode16) &&
action.Runs.Pre != "")
func runPreStep(step actionStep) common.Executor {
return func(ctx context.Context) error {
common.Logger(ctx).Debugf("run pre step for '%s'", step.getStepModel())
rc := step.getRunContext()
stepModel := step.getStepModel()
action := step.getActionModel()
switch action.Runs.Using {
case model.ActionRunsUsingNode12, model.ActionRunsUsingNode16:
// todo: refactor into step
var actionDir string
var actionPath string
if _, ok := step.(*stepActionRemote); ok {
actionPath = newRemoteAction(stepModel.Uses).Path
actionDir = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", rc.ActionCacheDir(), strings.ReplaceAll(stepModel.Uses, "/", "-"))
} else {
actionDir = filepath.Join(rc.Config.Workdir, stepModel.Uses)
actionPath = ""
actionLocation := ""
if actionPath != "" {
actionLocation = path.Join(actionDir, actionPath)
} else {
actionLocation = actionDir
_, containerActionDir := getContainerActionPaths(stepModel, actionLocation, rc)
if err := maybeCopyToActionDir(ctx, step, actionDir, actionPath, containerActionDir); err != nil {
return err
containerArgs := []string{"node", path.Join(containerActionDir, action.Runs.Pre)}
log.Debugf("executing remote job container: %s", containerArgs)
return rc.execJobContainer(containerArgs, *step.getEnv(), "", "")(ctx)
case model.ActionRunsUsingComposite:
step.getCompositeRunContext().updateCompositeRunContext(step.getRunContext(), step)
return step.getCompositeSteps().pre(ctx)
return nil
func shouldRunPostStep(step actionStep) common.Conditional {
return func(ctx context.Context) bool {
log := common.Logger(ctx)
stepResults := step.getRunContext().getStepsContext()
stepResult := stepResults[step.getStepModel().ID]
if stepResult == nil {
log.Debugf("skip post step for '%s'; step was not executed", step.getStepModel())
return false
if stepResult.Conclusion == model.StepStatusSkipped {
log.Debugf("skip post step for '%s'; main step was skipped", step.getStepModel())
return false
if step.getActionModel() == nil {
log.Debugf("skip post step for '%s': no action model available", step.getStepModel())
return false
return true
func hasPostStep(step actionStep) common.Conditional {
return func(ctx context.Context) bool {
action := step.getActionModel()
return action.Runs.Using == model.ActionRunsUsingComposite ||
((action.Runs.Using == model.ActionRunsUsingNode12 ||
action.Runs.Using == model.ActionRunsUsingNode16) &&
action.Runs.Post != "")
func runPostStep(step actionStep) common.Executor {
return func(ctx context.Context) error {
common.Logger(ctx).Debugf("run post step for '%s'", step.getStepModel())
rc := step.getRunContext()
stepModel := step.getStepModel()
action := step.getActionModel()
// todo: refactor into step
var actionDir string
var actionPath string
if _, ok := step.(*stepActionRemote); ok {
actionPath = newRemoteAction(stepModel.Uses).Path
actionDir = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", rc.ActionCacheDir(), strings.ReplaceAll(stepModel.Uses, "/", "-"))
} else {
actionDir = filepath.Join(rc.Config.Workdir, stepModel.Uses)
actionPath = ""
actionLocation := ""
if actionPath != "" {
actionLocation = path.Join(actionDir, actionPath)
} else {
actionLocation = actionDir
_, containerActionDir := getContainerActionPaths(stepModel, actionLocation, rc)
switch action.Runs.Using {
case model.ActionRunsUsingNode12, model.ActionRunsUsingNode16:
populateEnvsFromSavedState(step.getEnv(), step, rc)
containerArgs := []string{"node", path.Join(containerActionDir, action.Runs.Post)}
log.Debugf("executing remote job container: %s", containerArgs)
return rc.execJobContainer(containerArgs, *step.getEnv(), "", "")(ctx)
case model.ActionRunsUsingComposite:
if err := maybeCopyToActionDir(ctx, step, actionDir, actionPath, containerActionDir); err != nil {
return err
step.getCompositeRunContext().updateCompositeRunContext(step.getRunContext(), step)
return step.getCompositeSteps().post(ctx)
return nil