Markus Wolf 679cac1677
Fix composite input handling ()
* test: add test case for 

* fix: setup of composite inputs

This change fixes the composite action setup handling of inputs.

All inputs are taken from the env now. The env is composed of
the 'level above'.
For example:
- step env -> taken from run context
- action env -> taken from step env
- composite env -> taken from action env

Before this change the env setup for steps, actions and composite
run contexts was harder to understand as all parts looked into
one of these: parent run context, step, action, composite run context.

Now the 'data flow' is from higher levels to lower levels which should
make it more clean.


* test: add simple remote composite action test

Since we don't have a remote composite test at all
before this, we need at least the simplest case.
This does not check every feature, but ensures basic
availability of remote composite actions.

* refactor: move ActionRef and ActionRepository

Moving ActionRef and ActionRepository from RunContext into the
step, allows us to remove the - more or less - ugly copy operations
from the RunContext.

This is more clean, as each step does hold the data required anyway
and the RunContext shouldn't know about the action details.

* refactor: remove unused properties
2022-10-06 21:58:16 +00:00

217 lines
5.8 KiB

package runner
import (
type step interface {
pre() common.Executor
main() common.Executor
post() common.Executor
getRunContext() *RunContext
getGithubContext(ctx context.Context) *model.GithubContext
getStepModel() *model.Step
getEnv() *map[string]string
getIfExpression(context context.Context, stage stepStage) string
type stepStage int
const (
stepStagePre stepStage = iota
func (s stepStage) String() string {
switch s {
case stepStagePre:
return "Pre"
case stepStageMain:
return "Main"
case stepStagePost:
return "Post"
return "Unknown"
func (s stepStage) getStepName(stepModel *model.Step) string {
switch s {
case stepStagePre:
return fmt.Sprintf("pre-%s", stepModel.ID)
case stepStageMain:
return stepModel.ID
case stepStagePost:
return fmt.Sprintf("post-%s", stepModel.ID)
return "unknown"
func runStepExecutor(step step, stage stepStage, executor common.Executor) common.Executor {
return func(ctx context.Context) error {
logger := common.Logger(ctx)
rc := step.getRunContext()
stepModel := step.getStepModel()
ifExpression := step.getIfExpression(ctx, stage)
rc.CurrentStep = stage.getStepName(stepModel)
rc.StepResults[rc.CurrentStep] = &model.StepResult{
Outcome: model.StepStatusSuccess,
Conclusion: model.StepStatusSuccess,
Outputs: make(map[string]string),
err := setupEnv(ctx, step)
if err != nil {
return err
runStep, err := isStepEnabled(ctx, ifExpression, step, stage)
if err != nil {
rc.StepResults[rc.CurrentStep].Conclusion = model.StepStatusFailure
rc.StepResults[rc.CurrentStep].Outcome = model.StepStatusFailure
return err
if !runStep {
rc.StepResults[rc.CurrentStep].Conclusion = model.StepStatusSkipped
rc.StepResults[rc.CurrentStep].Outcome = model.StepStatusSkipped
logger.WithField("stepResult", rc.StepResults[rc.CurrentStep].Outcome).Debugf("Skipping step '%s' due to '%s'", stepModel, ifExpression)
return nil
stepString := stepModel.String()
if strings.Contains(stepString, "::add-mask::") {
stepString = "add-mask command"
logger.Infof("\u2B50 Run %s %s", stage, stepString)
err = executor(ctx)
if err == nil {
logger.WithField("stepResult", rc.StepResults[rc.CurrentStep].Outcome).Infof(" \u2705 Success - %s %s", stage, stepString)
} else {
rc.StepResults[rc.CurrentStep].Outcome = model.StepStatusFailure
continueOnError, parseErr := isContinueOnError(ctx, stepModel.RawContinueOnError, step, stage)
if parseErr != nil {
rc.StepResults[rc.CurrentStep].Conclusion = model.StepStatusFailure
return parseErr
if continueOnError {
logger.Infof("Failed but continue next step")
err = nil
rc.StepResults[rc.CurrentStep].Conclusion = model.StepStatusSuccess
} else {
rc.StepResults[rc.CurrentStep].Conclusion = model.StepStatusFailure
logger.WithField("stepResult", rc.StepResults[rc.CurrentStep].Outcome).Errorf(" \u274C Failure - %s %s", stage, stepString)
return err
func setupEnv(ctx context.Context, step step) error {
rc := step.getRunContext()
mergeEnv(ctx, step)
err := rc.JobContainer.UpdateFromImageEnv(step.getEnv())(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
err = rc.JobContainer.UpdateFromEnv((*step.getEnv())["GITHUB_ENV"], step.getEnv())(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
err = rc.JobContainer.UpdateFromPath(step.getEnv())(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
// merge step env last, since it should not be overwritten
mergeIntoMap(step.getEnv(), step.getStepModel().GetEnv())
exprEval := rc.NewExpressionEvaluator(ctx)
for k, v := range *step.getEnv() {
(*step.getEnv())[k] = exprEval.Interpolate(ctx, v)
common.Logger(ctx).Debugf("setupEnv => %v", *step.getEnv())
return nil
func mergeEnv(ctx context.Context, step step) {
env := step.getEnv()
rc := step.getRunContext()
job := rc.Run.Job()
c := job.Container()
if c != nil {
mergeIntoMap(env, rc.GetEnv(), c.Env)
} else {
mergeIntoMap(env, rc.GetEnv())
if (*env)["PATH"] == "" {
(*env)["PATH"] = `/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin`
if rc.ExtraPath != nil && len(rc.ExtraPath) > 0 {
p := (*env)["PATH"]
(*env)["PATH"] = strings.Join(rc.ExtraPath, `:`)
(*env)["PATH"] += `:` + p
rc.withGithubEnv(ctx, step.getGithubContext(ctx), *env)
func isStepEnabled(ctx context.Context, expr string, step step, stage stepStage) (bool, error) {
rc := step.getRunContext()
var defaultStatusCheck exprparser.DefaultStatusCheck
if stage == stepStagePost {
defaultStatusCheck = exprparser.DefaultStatusCheckAlways
} else {
defaultStatusCheck = exprparser.DefaultStatusCheckSuccess
runStep, err := EvalBool(ctx, rc.NewStepExpressionEvaluator(ctx, step), expr, defaultStatusCheck)
if err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf(" \u274C Error in if-expression: \"if: %s\" (%s)", expr, err)
return runStep, nil
func isContinueOnError(ctx context.Context, expr string, step step, stage stepStage) (bool, error) {
if len(strings.TrimSpace(expr)) == 0 {
return false, nil
rc := step.getRunContext()
continueOnError, err := EvalBool(ctx, rc.NewStepExpressionEvaluator(ctx, step), expr, exprparser.DefaultStatusCheckNone)
if err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf(" \u274C Error in continue-on-error-expression: \"continue-on-error: %s\" (%s)", expr, err)
return continueOnError, nil
func mergeIntoMap(target *map[string]string, maps[string]string) {
for _, m := range maps {
for k, v := range m {
(*target)[k] = v