This is a solution to issue #416 where environment variables created or changed in the previous step are not usable in the next step because the rc.ExprEval is from the beginning of the previous step. This change refactors setupEnv so that before interpolating the environment variables a NewExpressionEvaluator is created. Fixes: 416
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package runner
import (
log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
// RunContext contains info about current job
type RunContext struct {
Name string
Config *Config
Matrix map[string]interface{}
Run *model.Run
EventJSON string
Env map[string]string
ExtraPath []string
CurrentStep string
StepResults map[string]*stepResult
ExprEval ExpressionEvaluator
JobContainer container.Container
func (rc *RunContext) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", rc.Run.Workflow.Name, rc.Name)
type stepResult struct {
Success bool `json:"success"`
Outputs map[string]string `json:"outputs"`
// GetEnv returns the env for the context
func (rc *RunContext) GetEnv() map[string]string {
if rc.Env == nil {
rc.Env = mergeMaps(rc.Config.Env, rc.Run.Workflow.Env, rc.Run.Job().Env)
rc.Env["ACT"] = "true"
return rc.Env
func (rc *RunContext) jobContainerName() string {
return createContainerName("act", rc.String())
func (rc *RunContext) startJobContainer() common.Executor {
image := rc.platformImage()
return func(ctx context.Context) error {
rawLogger := common.Logger(ctx).WithField("raw_output", true)
logWriter := common.NewLineWriter(rc.commandHandler(ctx), func(s string) bool {
if rc.Config.LogOutput {
rawLogger.Infof("%s", s)
} else {
rawLogger.Debugf("%s", s)
return true
common.Logger(ctx).Infof("\U0001f680 Start image=%s", image)
name := rc.jobContainerName()
envList := make([]string, 0)
bindModifiers := ""
if runtime.GOOS == "darwin" {
bindModifiers = ":delegated"
envList = append(envList, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", "RUNNER_TOOL_CACHE", "/opt/hostedtoolcache"))
envList = append(envList, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", "RUNNER_OS", "Linux"))
envList = append(envList, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", "RUNNER_TEMP", "/tmp"))
binds := []string{
fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", "/var/run/docker.sock", "/var/run/docker.sock"),
if rc.Config.BindWorkdir {
binds = append(binds, fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s%s", rc.Config.Workdir, "/github/workspace", bindModifiers))
rc.JobContainer = container.NewContainer(&container.NewContainerInput{
Cmd: nil,
Entrypoint: []string{"/usr/bin/tail", "-f", "/dev/null"},
WorkingDir: "/github/workspace",
Image: image,
Name: name,
Env: envList,
Mounts: map[string]string{
name: "/github",
"act-toolcache": "/toolcache",
"act-actions": "/actions",
NetworkMode: "host",
Binds: binds,
Stdout: logWriter,
Stderr: logWriter,
Privileged: rc.Config.Privileged,
var copyWorkspace bool
var copyToPath string
if !rc.Config.BindWorkdir {
copyToPath, copyWorkspace = rc.localCheckoutPath()
copyToPath = filepath.Join("/github/workspace", copyToPath)
return common.NewPipelineExecutor(
rc.JobContainer.CopyDir(copyToPath, rc.Config.Workdir+string(filepath.Separator)+".").IfBool(copyWorkspace),
rc.JobContainer.Copy("/github/", &container.FileEntry{
Name: "workflow/event.json",
Mode: 0644,
Body: rc.EventJSON,
}, &container.FileEntry{
Name: "workflow/envs.txt",
Mode: 0644,
Body: "",
}, &container.FileEntry{
Name: "home/.act",
Mode: 0644,
Body: "",
func (rc *RunContext) execJobContainer(cmd []string, env map[string]string) common.Executor {
return func(ctx context.Context) error {
return rc.JobContainer.Exec(cmd, env)(ctx)
// stopJobContainer removes the job container (if it exists) and its volume (if it exists) if !rc.Config.ReuseContainers
func (rc *RunContext) stopJobContainer() common.Executor {
return func(ctx context.Context) error {
if rc.JobContainer != nil && !rc.Config.ReuseContainers {
return rc.JobContainer.Remove().
Then(container.NewDockerVolumeRemoveExecutor(rc.jobContainerName(), false))(ctx)
return nil
// ActionCacheDir is for rc
func (rc *RunContext) ActionCacheDir() string {
var xdgCache string
var ok bool
if xdgCache, ok = os.LookupEnv("XDG_CACHE_HOME"); !ok {
if home, ok := os.LookupEnv("HOME"); ok {
xdgCache = fmt.Sprintf("%s/.cache", home)
return filepath.Join(xdgCache, "act")
// Executor returns a pipeline executor for all the steps in the job
func (rc *RunContext) Executor() common.Executor {
steps := make([]common.Executor, 0)
steps = append(steps, func(ctx context.Context) error {
if len(rc.Matrix) > 0 {
common.Logger(ctx).Infof("\U0001F9EA Matrix: %v", rc.Matrix)
return nil
steps = append(steps, rc.startJobContainer())
for i, step := range rc.Run.Job().Steps {
if step.ID == "" {
step.ID = fmt.Sprintf("%d", i)
steps = append(steps, rc.newStepExecutor(step))
steps = append(steps, rc.stopJobContainer())
return common.NewPipelineExecutor(steps...).If(rc.isEnabled)
func (rc *RunContext) newStepExecutor(step *model.Step) common.Executor {
sc := &StepContext{
RunContext: rc,
Step: step,
return func(ctx context.Context) error {
rc.CurrentStep = sc.Step.ID
rc.StepResults[rc.CurrentStep] = &stepResult{
Success: true,
Outputs: make(map[string]string),
exprEval, err := sc.setupEnv(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
rc.ExprEval = exprEval;
runStep, err := rc.EvalBool(sc.Step.If)
if err != nil {
common.Logger(ctx).Errorf(" \u274C Error in if: expression - %s", sc.Step)
rc.StepResults[rc.CurrentStep].Success = false
return err
if !runStep {
log.Debugf("Skipping step '%s' due to '%s'", sc.Step.String(), sc.Step.If)
return nil
common.Logger(ctx).Infof("\u2B50 Run %s", sc.Step)
err = sc.Executor()(ctx)
if err == nil {
common.Logger(ctx).Infof(" \u2705 Success - %s", sc.Step)
} else {
common.Logger(ctx).Errorf(" \u274C Failure - %s", sc.Step)
rc.StepResults[rc.CurrentStep].Success = false
return err
func (rc *RunContext) platformImage() string {
job := rc.Run.Job()
c := job.Container()
if c != nil {
return rc.ExprEval.Interpolate(c.Image)
for _, runnerLabel := range job.RunsOn() {
platformName := rc.ExprEval.Interpolate(runnerLabel)
image := rc.Config.Platforms[strings.ToLower(platformName)]
if image != "" {
return image
return ""
func (rc *RunContext) isEnabled(ctx context.Context) bool {
job := rc.Run.Job()
l := common.Logger(ctx)
runJob, err := rc.EvalBool(job.If)
if err != nil {
common.Logger(ctx).Errorf(" \u274C Error in if: expression - %s", job.Name)
return false
if !runJob {
l.Debugf("Skipping job '%s' due to '%s'", job.Name, job.If)
return false
img := rc.platformImage()
if img == "" {
for _, runnerLabel := range job.RunsOn() {
platformName := rc.ExprEval.Interpolate(runnerLabel)
l.Infof("\U0001F6A7 Skipping unsupported platform '%+v'", platformName)
return false
return true
var splitPattern *regexp.Regexp
// EvalBool evaluates an expression against current run context
func (rc *RunContext) EvalBool(expr string) (bool, error) {
if splitPattern == nil {
splitPattern = regexp.MustCompile(fmt.Sprintf(`%s|%s|\S+`, expressionPattern.String(), operatorPattern.String()))
if strings.HasPrefix(strings.TrimSpace(expr), "!") {
return false, errors.New("expressions starting with ! must be wrapped in ${{ }}")
if expr != "" {
parts := splitPattern.FindAllString(expr, -1)
var evaluatedParts []string
for i, part := range parts {
if operatorPattern.MatchString(part) {
evaluatedParts = append(evaluatedParts, part)
interpolatedPart, isString := rc.ExprEval.InterpolateWithStringCheck(part)
// This peculiar transformation has to be done because the Github parser
// treats false retured from contexts as a string, not a boolean.
// Hence env.SOMETHING will be evaluated to true in an if: expression
// regardless if SOMETHING is set to false, true or any other string.
// It also handles some other weirdness that I found by trial and error.
if (expressionPattern.MatchString(part) && // it is an expression
!strings.Contains(part, "!")) && // but it's not negated
interpolatedPart == "false" && // and the interpolated string is false
(isString || previousOrNextPartIsAnOperator(i, parts)) { // and it's of type string or has an logical operator before or after
interpolatedPart = fmt.Sprintf("'%s'", interpolatedPart) // then we have to quote the false expression
evaluatedParts = append(evaluatedParts, interpolatedPart)
joined := strings.Join(evaluatedParts, " ")
v, _, err := rc.ExprEval.Evaluate(fmt.Sprintf("Boolean(%s)", joined))
if err != nil {
return false, nil
log.Debugf("expression '%s' evaluated to '%s'", expr, v)
return v == "true", nil
return true, nil
func previousOrNextPartIsAnOperator(i int, parts []string) bool {
operator := false
if i > 0 {
operator = operatorPattern.MatchString(parts[i-1])
if i+1 < len(parts) {
operator = operator || operatorPattern.MatchString(parts[i+1])
return operator
func mergeMaps(maps ...map[string]string) map[string]string {
rtnMap := make(map[string]string)
for _, m := range maps {
for k, v := range m {
rtnMap[k] = v
return rtnMap
func createContainerName(parts ...string) string {
name := make([]string, 0)
pattern := regexp.MustCompile("[^a-zA-Z0-9]")
partLen := (30 / len(parts)) - 1
for i, part := range parts {
if i == len(parts)-1 {
name = append(name, pattern.ReplaceAllString(part, "-"))
} else {
name = append(name, trimToLen(pattern.ReplaceAllString(part, "-"), partLen))
return strings.Trim(strings.Join(name, "-"), "-")
func trimToLen(s string, l int) string {
if l < 0 {
l = 0
if len(s) > l {
return s[:l]
return s
type jobContext struct {
Status string `json:"status"`
Container struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
Network string `json:"network"`
} `json:"container"`
Services map[string]struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
} `json:"services"`
func (rc *RunContext) getJobContext() *jobContext {
jobStatus := "success"
for _, stepStatus := range rc.StepResults {
if !stepStatus.Success {
jobStatus = "failure"
return &jobContext{
Status: jobStatus,
func (rc *RunContext) getStepsContext() map[string]*stepResult {
return rc.StepResults
type githubContext struct {
Event map[string]interface{} `json:"event"`
EventPath string `json:"event_path"`
Workflow string `json:"workflow"`
RunID string `json:"run_id"`
RunNumber string `json:"run_number"`
Actor string `json:"actor"`
Repository string `json:"repository"`
EventName string `json:"event_name"`
Sha string `json:"sha"`
Ref string `json:"ref"`
HeadRef string `json:"head_ref"`
BaseRef string `json:"base_ref"`
Token string `json:"token"`
Workspace string `json:"workspace"`
Action string `json:"action"`
func (rc *RunContext) getGithubContext() *githubContext {
token, ok := rc.Config.Secrets["GITHUB_TOKEN"]
if !ok {
token = os.Getenv("GITHUB_TOKEN")
runID := rc.Config.Env["GITHUB_RUN_ID"]
if runID == "" {
runID = "1"
runNumber := rc.Config.Env["GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER"]
if runNumber == "" {
runNumber = "1"
ghc := &githubContext{
Event: make(map[string]interface{}),
EventPath: "/github/workflow/event.json",
Workflow: rc.Run.Workflow.Name,
RunID: runID,
RunNumber: runNumber,
Actor: rc.Config.Actor,
EventName: rc.Config.EventName,
Token: token,
Workspace: "/github/workspace",
Action: rc.CurrentStep,
// Backwards compatibility for configs that require
// a default rather than being run as a cmd
if ghc.Actor == "" {
ghc.Actor = "nektos/act"
repoPath := rc.Config.Workdir
repo, err := common.FindGithubRepo(repoPath)
if err != nil {
log.Warningf("unable to get git repo: %v", err)
} else {
ghc.Repository = repo
_, sha, err := common.FindGitRevision(repoPath)
if err != nil {
log.Warningf("unable to get git revision: %v", err)
} else {
ghc.Sha = sha
ref, err := common.FindGitRef(repoPath)
if err != nil {
log.Warningf("unable to get git ref: %v", err)
} else {
log.Debugf("using github ref: %s", ref)
ghc.Ref = ref
if rc.EventJSON != "" {
err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(rc.EventJSON), &ghc.Event)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Unable to Unmarshal event '%s': %v", rc.EventJSON, err)
// set the branch in the event data
if rc.Config.DefaultBranch != "" {
ghc.Event = withDefaultBranch(rc.Config.DefaultBranch, ghc.Event)
} else {
ghc.Event = withDefaultBranch("master", ghc.Event)
if ghc.EventName == "pull_request" {
ghc.BaseRef = asString(nestedMapLookup(ghc.Event, "pull_request", "base", "ref"))
ghc.HeadRef = asString(nestedMapLookup(ghc.Event, "pull_request", "head", "ref"))
return ghc
func (ghc *githubContext) isLocalCheckout(step *model.Step) bool {
if step.Type() != model.StepTypeUsesActionRemote {
return false
remoteAction := newRemoteAction(step.Uses)
if !remoteAction.IsCheckout() {
return false
if repository, ok := step.With["repository"]; ok && repository != ghc.Repository {
return false
if repository, ok := step.With["ref"]; ok && repository != ghc.Ref {
return false
return true
func asString(v interface{}) string {
if v == nil {
return ""
} else if s, ok := v.(string); ok {
return s
return ""
func nestedMapLookup(m map[string]interface{}, ks ...string) (rval interface{}) {
var ok bool
if len(ks) == 0 { // degenerate input
return nil
if rval, ok = m[ks[0]]; !ok {
return nil
} else if len(ks) == 1 { // we've reached the final key
return rval
} else if m, ok = rval.(map[string]interface{}); !ok {
return nil
} else { // 1+ more keys
return nestedMapLookup(m, ks[1:]...)
func withDefaultBranch(b string, event map[string]interface{}) map[string]interface{} {
repoI, ok := event["repository"]
if !ok {
repoI = make(map[string]interface{})
repo, ok := repoI.(map[string]interface{})
if !ok {
log.Warnf("unable to set default branch to %v", b)
return event
// if the branch is already there return with no changes
if _, ok = repo["default_branch"]; ok {
return event
repo["default_branch"] = b
event["repository"] = repo
return event
func (rc *RunContext) withGithubEnv(env map[string]string) map[string]string {
github := rc.getGithubContext()
env["CI"] = "true"
env["HOME"] = "/github/home"
env["GITHUB_ENV"] = "/github/workflow/envs.txt"
env["GITHUB_WORKFLOW"] = github.Workflow
env["GITHUB_RUN_ID"] = github.RunID
env["GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER"] = github.RunNumber
env["GITHUB_ACTION"] = github.Action
env["GITHUB_ACTIONS"] = "true"
env["GITHUB_ACTOR"] = github.Actor
env["GITHUB_REPOSITORY"] = github.Repository
env["GITHUB_EVENT_NAME"] = github.EventName
env["GITHUB_EVENT_PATH"] = github.EventPath
env["GITHUB_WORKSPACE"] = github.Workspace
env["GITHUB_SHA"] = github.Sha
env["GITHUB_REF"] = github.Ref
env["GITHUB_TOKEN"] = github.Token
return env
func (rc *RunContext) localCheckoutPath() (string, bool) {
ghContext := rc.getGithubContext()
for _, step := range rc.Run.Job().Steps {
if ghContext.isLocalCheckout(step) {
return step.With["path"], true
return "", false