* test: add test case for #1319 * fix: setup of composite inputs This change fixes the composite action setup handling of inputs. All inputs are taken from the env now. The env is composed of the 'level above'. For example: - step env -> taken from run context - action env -> taken from step env - composite env -> taken from action env Before this change the env setup for steps, actions and composite run contexts was harder to understand as all parts looked into one of these: parent run context, step, action, composite run context. Now the 'data flow' is from higher levels to lower levels which should make it more clean. Fixes #1319 * test: add simple remote composite action test Since we don't have a remote composite test at all before this, we need at least the simplest case. This does not check every feature, but ensures basic availability of remote composite actions. * refactor: move ActionRef and ActionRepository Moving ActionRef and ActionRepository from RunContext into the step, allows us to remove the - more or less - ugly copy operations from the RunContext. This is more clean, as each step does hold the data required anyway and the RunContext shouldn't know about the action details. * refactor: remove unused properties
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package runner
import (
// ExpressionEvaluator is the interface for evaluating expressions
type ExpressionEvaluator interface {
evaluate(context.Context, string, exprparser.DefaultStatusCheck) (interface{}, error)
EvaluateYamlNode(context.Context, *yaml.Node) error
Interpolate(context.Context, string) string
// NewExpressionEvaluator creates a new evaluator
func (rc *RunContext) NewExpressionEvaluator(ctx context.Context) ExpressionEvaluator {
// todo: cleanup EvaluationEnvironment creation
job := rc.Run.Job()
strategy := make(map[string]interface{})
if job.Strategy != nil {
strategy["fail-fast"] = job.Strategy.FailFast
strategy["max-parallel"] = job.Strategy.MaxParallel
jobs := rc.Run.Workflow.Jobs
jobNeeds := rc.Run.Job().Needs()
using := make(map[string]map[string]map[string]string)
for _, needs := range jobNeeds {
using[needs] = map[string]map[string]string{
"outputs": jobs[needs].Outputs,
inputs := make(map[string]interface{})
for k, v := range rc.GetEnv() {
if strings.HasPrefix(k, "INPUT_") {
inputs[strings.ToLower(strings.TrimPrefix(k, "INPUT_"))] = v
ee := &exprparser.EvaluationEnvironment{
Github: rc.getGithubContext(ctx),
Env: rc.GetEnv(),
Job: rc.getJobContext(),
// todo: should be unavailable
// but required to interpolate/evaluate the step outputs on the job
Steps: rc.getStepsContext(),
Runner: map[string]interface{}{
"os": "Linux",
"arch": container.RunnerArch(ctx),
"temp": "/tmp",
"tool_cache": "/opt/hostedtoolcache",
Secrets: rc.Config.Secrets,
Strategy: strategy,
Matrix: rc.Matrix,
Needs: using,
Inputs: inputs,
return expressionEvaluator{
interpreter: exprparser.NewInterpeter(ee, exprparser.Config{
Run: rc.Run,
WorkingDir: rc.Config.Workdir,
Context: "job",
// NewExpressionEvaluator creates a new evaluator
func (rc *RunContext) NewStepExpressionEvaluator(ctx context.Context, step step) ExpressionEvaluator {
// todo: cleanup EvaluationEnvironment creation
job := rc.Run.Job()
strategy := make(map[string]interface{})
if job.Strategy != nil {
strategy["fail-fast"] = job.Strategy.FailFast
strategy["max-parallel"] = job.Strategy.MaxParallel
jobs := rc.Run.Workflow.Jobs
jobNeeds := rc.Run.Job().Needs()
using := make(map[string]map[string]map[string]string)
for _, needs := range jobNeeds {
using[needs] = map[string]map[string]string{
"outputs": jobs[needs].Outputs,
inputs := make(map[string]interface{})
for k, v := range *step.getEnv() {
if strings.HasPrefix(k, "INPUT_") {
inputs[strings.ToLower(strings.TrimPrefix(k, "INPUT_"))] = v
ee := &exprparser.EvaluationEnvironment{
Github: step.getGithubContext(ctx),
Env: *step.getEnv(),
Job: rc.getJobContext(),
Steps: rc.getStepsContext(),
Runner: map[string]interface{}{
"os": "Linux",
"arch": container.RunnerArch(ctx),
"temp": "/tmp",
"tool_cache": "/opt/hostedtoolcache",
Secrets: rc.Config.Secrets,
Strategy: strategy,
Matrix: rc.Matrix,
Needs: using,
// todo: should be unavailable
// but required to interpolate/evaluate the inputs in actions/composite
Inputs: inputs,
return expressionEvaluator{
interpreter: exprparser.NewInterpeter(ee, exprparser.Config{
Run: rc.Run,
WorkingDir: rc.Config.Workdir,
Context: "step",
type expressionEvaluator struct {
interpreter exprparser.Interpreter
func (ee expressionEvaluator) evaluate(ctx context.Context, in string, defaultStatusCheck exprparser.DefaultStatusCheck) (interface{}, error) {
logger := common.Logger(ctx)
logger.Debugf("evaluating expression '%s'", in)
evaluated, err := ee.interpreter.Evaluate(in, defaultStatusCheck)
printable := regexp.MustCompile(`::add-mask::.*`).ReplaceAllString(fmt.Sprintf("%t", evaluated), "::add-mask::***)")
logger.Debugf("expression '%s' evaluated to '%s'", in, printable)
return evaluated, err
func (ee expressionEvaluator) evaluateScalarYamlNode(ctx context.Context, node *yaml.Node) error {
var in string
if err := node.Decode(&in); err != nil {
return err
if !strings.Contains(in, "${{") || !strings.Contains(in, "}}") {
return nil
expr, _ := rewriteSubExpression(ctx, in, false)
res, err := ee.evaluate(ctx, expr, exprparser.DefaultStatusCheckNone)
if err != nil {
return err
return node.Encode(res)
func (ee expressionEvaluator) evaluateMappingYamlNode(ctx context.Context, node *yaml.Node) error {
// GitHub has this undocumented feature to merge maps, called insert directive
insertDirective := regexp.MustCompile(`\${{\s*insert\s*}}`)
for i := 0; i < len(node.Content)/2; {
k := node.Content[i*2]
v := node.Content[i*2+1]
if err := ee.EvaluateYamlNode(ctx, v); err != nil {
return err
var sk string
// Merge the nested map of the insert directive
if k.Decode(&sk) == nil && insertDirective.MatchString(sk) {
node.Content = append(append(node.Content[:i*2], v.Content...), node.Content[(i+1)*2:]...)
i += len(v.Content) / 2
} else {
if err := ee.EvaluateYamlNode(ctx, k); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (ee expressionEvaluator) evaluateSequenceYamlNode(ctx context.Context, node *yaml.Node) error {
for i := 0; i < len(node.Content); {
v := node.Content[i]
// Preserve nested sequences
wasseq := v.Kind == yaml.SequenceNode
if err := ee.EvaluateYamlNode(ctx, v); err != nil {
return err
// GitHub has this undocumented feature to merge sequences / arrays
// We have a nested sequence via evaluation, merge the arrays
if v.Kind == yaml.SequenceNode && !wasseq {
node.Content = append(append(node.Content[:i], v.Content...), node.Content[i+1:]...)
i += len(v.Content)
} else {
return nil
func (ee expressionEvaluator) EvaluateYamlNode(ctx context.Context, node *yaml.Node) error {
switch node.Kind {
case yaml.ScalarNode:
return ee.evaluateScalarYamlNode(ctx, node)
case yaml.MappingNode:
return ee.evaluateMappingYamlNode(ctx, node)
case yaml.SequenceNode:
return ee.evaluateSequenceYamlNode(ctx, node)
return nil
func (ee expressionEvaluator) Interpolate(ctx context.Context, in string) string {
if !strings.Contains(in, "${{") || !strings.Contains(in, "}}") {
return in
expr, _ := rewriteSubExpression(ctx, in, true)
evaluated, err := ee.evaluate(ctx, expr, exprparser.DefaultStatusCheckNone)
if err != nil {
common.Logger(ctx).Errorf("Unable to interpolate expression '%s': %s", expr, err)
return ""
value, ok := evaluated.(string)
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Expression %s did not evaluate to a string", expr))
return value
// EvalBool evaluates an expression against given evaluator
func EvalBool(ctx context.Context, evaluator ExpressionEvaluator, expr string, defaultStatusCheck exprparser.DefaultStatusCheck) (bool, error) {
nextExpr, _ := rewriteSubExpression(ctx, expr, false)
evaluated, err := evaluator.evaluate(ctx, nextExpr, defaultStatusCheck)
if err != nil {
return false, err
return exprparser.IsTruthy(evaluated), nil
func escapeFormatString(in string) string {
return strings.ReplaceAll(strings.ReplaceAll(in, "{", "{{"), "}", "}}")
func rewriteSubExpression(ctx context.Context, in string, forceFormat bool) (string, error) {
if !strings.Contains(in, "${{") || !strings.Contains(in, "}}") {
return in, nil
strPattern := regexp.MustCompile("(?:''|[^'])*'")
pos := 0
exprStart := -1
strStart := -1
var results []string
formatOut := ""
for pos < len(in) {
if strStart > -1 {
matches := strPattern.FindStringIndex(in[pos:])
if matches == nil {
panic("unclosed string.")
strStart = -1
pos += matches[1]
} else if exprStart > -1 {
exprEnd := strings.Index(in[pos:], "}}")
strStart = strings.Index(in[pos:], "'")
if exprEnd > -1 && strStart > -1 {
if exprEnd < strStart {
strStart = -1
} else {
exprEnd = -1
if exprEnd > -1 {
formatOut += fmt.Sprintf("{%d}", len(results))
results = append(results, strings.TrimSpace(in[exprStart:pos+exprEnd]))
pos += exprEnd + 2
exprStart = -1
} else if strStart > -1 {
pos += strStart + 1
} else {
panic("unclosed expression.")
} else {
exprStart = strings.Index(in[pos:], "${{")
if exprStart != -1 {
formatOut += escapeFormatString(in[pos : pos+exprStart])
exprStart = pos + exprStart + 3
pos = exprStart
} else {
formatOut += escapeFormatString(in[pos:])
pos = len(in)
if len(results) == 1 && formatOut == "{0}" && !forceFormat {
return in, nil
out := fmt.Sprintf("format('%s', %s)", strings.ReplaceAll(formatOut, "'", "''"), strings.Join(results, ", "))
if in != out {
common.Logger(ctx).Debugf("expression '%s' rewritten to '%s'", in, out)
return out, nil