
Scalars are the primitive types at the leaves of a GraphQL query: numbers, strings, and booleans. You can create custom scalars to other primitive values, but this often requires coordination with the client library intended to consume the API you're building.

Since any value going over the wire is eventually transformed into JSON, you're also limited in the data types you can use.

There are two ways to define custom scalars.

  • For simple scalars that just wrap a primitive type, you can use the newtype pattern with a custom derive.
  • For more advanced use cases with custom validation, you can use the graphql_scalar proc macro.

Built-in scalars

Juniper has built-in support for:

  • i32 as Int
  • f64 as Float
  • String and &str as String
  • bool as Boolean
  • juniper::ID as ID. This type is defined in the spec as a type that is serialized as a string but can be parsed from both a string and an integer.

Note that there is no built-in support for i64/u64, as the GraphQL spec doesn't define any built-in scalars for i64/u64 by default. You may wish to leverage a custom GraphQL scalar in your schema to support them.

Third party types:

Juniper has built-in support for a few additional types from common third party crates. They are enabled via features that are on by default.

  • uuid::Uuid
  • chrono::DateTime
  • time::{Date, OffsetDateTime, PrimitiveDateTime, Time, UtcOffset}
  • url::Url
  • bson::oid::ObjectId

Custom scalars

#[graphql(transparent)] attribute

Often, you might need a custom scalar that just wraps an existing type.

This can be done with the newtype pattern and a custom derive, similar to how serde supports this pattern with #[serde(transparent)].

extern crate juniper;

pub struct UserId(i32);

struct User {
    id: UserId,

fn main() {}

#[derive(GraphQLScalar)] is mostly interchangeable with #[graphql_scalar] attribute:

extern crate juniper;
use juniper::graphql_scalar;

pub struct UserId {
  value: i32,

struct User {
    id: UserId,

fn main() {}

That's it, you can now use UserId in your schema.

The macro also allows for more customization:

extern crate juniper;
/// You can use a doc comment to specify a description.
    // Overwrite the GraphQL type name.
    name = "MyUserId",
    // Specify a custom description.
    // A description in the attribute will overwrite a doc comment.
    description = "My user id description",
pub struct UserId(i32);

fn main() {}

All the methods used from newtype's field can be replaced with attributes:

#[graphql(to_output_with = <fn>)] attribute

use juniper::{GraphQLScalar, ScalarValue, Value};

#[graphql(to_output_with = to_output, transparent)]
struct Incremented(i32);

/// Increments [`Incremented`] before converting into a [`Value`].
fn to_output<S: ScalarValue>(v: &Incremented) -> Value<S> {
    Value::from(v.0 + 1)

fn main() {}

#[graphql(from_input_with = <fn>)] attribute

use juniper::{GraphQLScalar, InputValue, ScalarValue};

#[graphql(from_input_with = Self::from_input, transparent)]
struct UserId(String);

impl UserId {
    /// Checks whether [`InputValue`] is `String` beginning with `id: ` and
    /// strips it.
    fn from_input<S>(input: &InputValue<S>) -> Result<Self, String> 
        S: ScalarValue
            .ok_or_else(|| format!("Expected `String`, found: {}", input))
            .and_then(|str| {
                str.strip_prefix("id: ")
                    .ok_or_else(|| {
                            "Expected `UserId` to begin with `id: `, \
                             found: {}",
            .map(|id| Self(id.to_owned()))

fn main() {}

#[graphql(parse_token_with = <fn>] or #[graphql(parse_token(<types>)] attributes

use juniper::{
    GraphQLScalar, InputValue, ParseScalarResult, ParseScalarValue, 
    ScalarValue, ScalarToken, Value

    to_output_with = to_output,
    from_input_with = from_input,
    parse_token_with = parse_token,
//  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Can be replaced with `parse_token(String, i32)`
//                   which tries to parse as `String` and then as `i32`
//                   if prior fails.
enum StringOrInt {

fn to_output<S>(v: &StringOrInt) -> Value<S> 
    S: ScalarValue
    match v {
        StringOrInt::String(str) => Value::scalar(str.to_owned()),
        StringOrInt::Int(i) => Value::scalar(*i),

fn from_input<S>(v: &InputValue<S>) -> Result<StringOrInt, String> 
    S: ScalarValue
        .map(|s| StringOrInt::String(s.to_owned()))
        .or_else(|| v.as_int_value().map(|i| StringOrInt::Int(i)))
        .ok_or_else(|| format!("Expected `String` or `Int`, found: {}", v))

fn parse_token<S>(value: ScalarToken<'_>) -> ParseScalarResult<'_, S> 
    S: ScalarValue
    <String as ParseScalarValue<S>>::from_str(value)
        .or_else(|_| <i32 as ParseScalarValue<S>>::from_str(value))

fn main() {}

NOTE: As you can see, once you provide all 3 custom resolvers, there is no need to follow newtype pattern.

#[graphql(with = <path>)] attribute

Instead of providing all custom resolvers, you can provide path to the to_output, from_input, parse_token functions.

Path can be simply with = Self (default path where macro expects resolvers to be), in case there is an impl block with custom resolvers:

use juniper::{
    GraphQLScalar, InputValue, ParseScalarResult, ParseScalarValue,
    ScalarValue, ScalarToken, Value

// #[graphql(with = Self)] <- default behaviour
enum StringOrInt {

impl StringOrInt {
    fn to_output<S: ScalarValue>(&self) -> Value<S> {
        match self {
            Self::String(str) => Value::scalar(str.to_owned()),
            Self::Int(i) => Value::scalar(*i),
    fn from_input<S>(v: &InputValue<S>) -> Result<Self, String>
        S: ScalarValue,
            .map(|s| Self::String(s.to_owned()))
            .or_else(|| v.as_int_value().map(|i| Self::Int(i)))
            .ok_or_else(|| format!("Expected `String` or `Int`, found: {}", v))
    fn parse_token<S>(value: ScalarToken<'_>) -> ParseScalarResult<'_, S>
        S: ScalarValue,
        <String as ParseScalarValue<S>>::from_str(value)
            .or_else(|_| <i32 as ParseScalarValue<S>>::from_str(value))

fn main() {}

Or it can be path to a module, where custom resolvers are located.

use juniper::{
    GraphQLScalar, InputValue, ParseScalarResult, ParseScalarValue, 
    ScalarValue, ScalarToken, Value

#[graphql(with = string_or_int)]
enum StringOrInt {

mod string_or_int {
    use super::*;

    pub(super) fn to_output<S>(v: &StringOrInt) -> Value<S>
        S: ScalarValue,
        match v {
            StringOrInt::String(str) => Value::scalar(str.to_owned()),
            StringOrInt::Int(i) => Value::scalar(*i),
    pub(super) fn from_input<S>(v: &InputValue<S>) -> Result<StringOrInt, String>
        S: ScalarValue,
            .map(|s| StringOrInt::String(s.to_owned()))
            .or_else(|| v.as_int_value().map(|i| StringOrInt::Int(i)))
            .ok_or_else(|| format!("Expected `String` or `Int`, found: {}", v))
    pub(super) fn parse_token<S>(value: ScalarToken<'_>) -> ParseScalarResult<'_, S>
        S: ScalarValue,
        <String as ParseScalarValue<S>>::from_str(value)
            .or_else(|_| <i32 as ParseScalarValue<S>>::from_str(value))

fn main() {}

Also, you can partially override #[graphql(with)] attribute with other custom scalars.

use juniper::{GraphQLScalar, InputValue, ParseScalarResult, ScalarValue, ScalarToken, Value};

#[graphql(parse_token(String, i32))]
enum StringOrInt {

impl StringOrInt {
    fn to_output<S>(&self) -> Value<S>
        S: ScalarValue,
        match self {
            Self::String(str) => Value::scalar(str.to_owned()),
            Self::Int(i) => Value::scalar(*i),
    fn from_input<S>(v: &InputValue<S>) -> Result<Self, String>
        S: ScalarValue,
            .map(|s| Self::String(s.to_owned()))
            .or_else(|| v.as_int_value().map(|i| Self::Int(i)))
            .ok_or_else(|| format!("Expected `String` or `Int`, found: {}", v))

fn main() {}

Using foreign types as scalars

For implementing custom scalars on foreign types there is #[graphql_scalar] attribute macro.

NOTE: To satisfy orphan rules you should provide local ScalarValue implementation.

extern crate juniper;
mod date {
   pub struct Date;
   impl std::str::FromStr for Date {
       type Err = String;

       fn from_str(_value: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> { 

   impl std::fmt::Display for Date {
       fn fmt(&self, _f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {

use juniper::DefaultScalarValue as CustomScalarValue;
use juniper::{graphql_scalar, InputValue, ScalarValue, Value};

    with = date_scalar, 
    scalar = CustomScalarValue,
//           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Local `ScalarValue` implementation.
type Date = date::Date;
//          ^^^^^^^^^^ Type from another crate.

mod date_scalar {
    use super::*;
    pub(super) fn to_output(v: &Date) -> Value<CustomScalarValue> {

    pub(super) fn from_input(v: &InputValue<CustomScalarValue>) -> Result<Date, String> {
          .ok_or_else(|| format!("Expected `String`, found: {}", v))
          .and_then(|s| s.parse().map_err(|e| format!("Failed to parse `Date`: {}", e)))

fn main() {}