226 lines
9.3 KiB
226 lines
9.3 KiB
use crate::util;
use proc_macro::TokenStream;
use quote::quote;
/// Generate code for the juniper::object macro.
pub fn build_object(args: TokenStream, body: TokenStream, is_internal: bool) -> TokenStream {
let impl_attrs = match syn::parse::<util::ObjectAttributes>(args) {
Ok(attrs) => attrs,
Err(e) => {
panic!("Invalid attributes:\n{}", e);
let item = match syn::parse::<syn::Item>(body) {
Ok(item) => item,
Err(err) => {
panic!("Parsing error:\n{}", err);
let mut _impl = match item {
syn::Item::Impl(_impl) => _impl,
_ => {
panic!("#[juniper::object] can only be applied to impl blocks");
match _impl.trait_ {
Some((_, ref path, _)) => {
let name = path
.map(|segment| segment.ident.to_string())
if !(name == "GraphQLObject" || name == "juniper.GraphQLObject") {
panic!("The impl block must implement the 'GraphQLObject' trait");
None => {
// panic!("The impl block must implement the 'GraphQLObject' trait");
let name = match impl_attrs.name.as_ref() {
Some(type_name) => type_name.clone(),
None => {
let error_msg = "Could not determine a name for the object type: specify one with #[juniper::object(name = \"SomeName\")";
let path = match &*_impl.self_ty {
syn::Type::Path(ref type_path) => &type_path.path,
syn::Type::Reference(ref reference) => match &*reference.elem {
syn::Type::Path(ref type_path) => &type_path.path,
syn::Type::TraitObject(ref trait_obj) => {
match trait_obj.bounds.iter().nth(0).unwrap() {
syn::TypeParamBound::Trait(ref trait_bound) => &trait_bound.path,
_ => panic!(error_msg),
_ => panic!(error_msg),
_ => panic!(error_msg),
let target_type = *_impl.self_ty.clone();
let description = impl_attrs
let mut definition = util::GraphQLTypeDefiniton {
_type: target_type.clone(),
context: impl_attrs.context,
scalar: impl_attrs.scalar,
fields: Vec::new(),
generics: _impl.generics.clone(),
interfaces: if impl_attrs.interfaces.len() > 0 {
} else {
include_type_generics: false,
generic_scalar: false,
for item in _impl.items {
match item {
syn::ImplItem::Method(method) => {
let _type = match &method.sig.output {
syn::ReturnType::Type(_, ref t) => (**t).clone(),
syn::ReturnType::Default => {
"Invalid field method {}: must return a value",
let attrs = match util::FieldAttributes::from_attrs(
) {
Ok(attrs) => attrs,
Err(err) => panic!(
"Invalid #[graphql(...)] attribute on field {}:\n{}",
method.sig.ident, err
let mut args = Vec::new();
let mut resolve_parts = Vec::new();
for arg in method.sig.inputs {
match arg {
syn::FnArg::Receiver(rec) => {
if rec.reference.is_none() || rec.mutability.is_some() {
"Invalid method receiver {}(self, ...): did you mean '&self'?",
syn::FnArg::Typed(ref captured) => {
let (arg_ident, is_mut) = match &*captured.pat {
syn::Pat::Ident(ref pat_ident) => {
(&pat_ident.ident, pat_ident.mutability.is_some())
_ => {
panic!("Invalid token for function argument");
let arg_name = arg_ident.to_string();
let context_type = definition.context.as_ref();
// Check for executor arguments.
if util::type_is_identifier_ref(&captured.ty, "Executor") {
resolve_parts.push(quote!(let #arg_ident = executor;));
// Make sure executor is specified as a reference.
else if util::type_is_identifier(&captured.ty, "Executor") {
panic!("Invalid executor argument: to access the Executor, you need to specify the type as a reference.\nDid you mean &Executor?");
// Check for context arg.
else if context_type
.map(|ctx| util::type_is_ref_of(&captured.ty, ctx))
resolve_parts.push(quote!( let #arg_ident = executor.context(); ));
// Make sure the user does not specify the Context
// without a reference. (&Context)
else if context_type
.map(|ctx| ctx == &*captured.ty)
"Invalid context argument: to access the context, you need to specify the type as a reference.\nDid you mean &{}?",
} else {
// Regular argument.
let ty = &captured.ty;
// TODO: respect graphql attribute overwrite.
let final_name = util::to_camel_case(&arg_name);
let expect_text = format!("Internal error: missing argument {} - validation must have failed", &final_name);
let mut_modifier = if is_mut { quote!(mut) } else { quote!() };
let #mut_modifier #arg_ident = args
args.push(util::GraphQLTypeDefinitionFieldArg {
description: attrs.argument(&arg_name).and_then(|arg| {
arg.description.as_ref().map(|d| d.value())
default: attrs
.and_then(|arg| arg.default.clone()),
_type: ty.clone(),
name: final_name,
let body = &method.block;
let return_ty = &method.sig.output;
let resolver_code = quote!(
(|| #return_ty {
#( #resolve_parts )*
let ident = &method.sig.ident;
let name = attrs
.unwrap_or_else(|| util::to_camel_case(&ident.to_string()));
definition.fields.push(util::GraphQLTypeDefinitionField {
description: attrs.description,
deprecation: attrs.deprecation,
_ => {
panic!("Invalid item for GraphQL Object: only type declarations and methods are allowed");
let juniper_crate_name = if is_internal { "crate" } else { "juniper" };