703 lines
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703 lines
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//! Code generation for [GraphQL union][1].
//! [1]: https://spec.graphql.org/June2018/#sec-Unions
pub mod attr;
pub mod derive;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use proc_macro2::{Span, TokenStream};
use quote::{quote, ToTokens, TokenStreamExt as _};
use syn::{
parse::{Parse, ParseStream},
spanned::Spanned as _,
use crate::util::{filter_attrs, get_doc_comment, span_container::SpanContainer, OptionExt as _};
/// Attempts to merge an [`Option`]ed `$field` of a `$self` struct with the same `$field` of
/// `$another` struct. If both are [`Some`], then throws a duplication error with a [`Span`] related
/// to the `$another` struct (a later one).
/// The type of [`Span`] may be explicitly specified as one of the [`SpanContainer`] methods.
/// By default, [`SpanContainer::span_ident`] is used.
macro_rules! try_merge_opt {
($field:ident: $self:ident, $another:ident => $span:ident) => {{
if let Some(v) = $self.$field {
.none_or_else(|dup| dup_attr_err(dup.$span()))?;
($field:ident: $self:ident, $another:ident) => {
try_merge_opt!($field: $self, $another => span_ident)
/// Attempts to merge a [`HashMap`]ed `$field` of a `$self` struct with the same `$field` of
/// `$another` struct. If some [`HashMap`] entries are duplicated, then throws a duplication error
/// with a [`Span`] related to the `$another` struct (a later one).
/// The type of [`Span`] may be explicitly specified as one of the [`SpanContainer`] methods.
/// By default, [`SpanContainer::span_ident`] is used.
macro_rules! try_merge_hashmap {
($field:ident: $self:ident, $another:ident => $span:ident) => {{
if !$self.$field.is_empty() {
for (ty, rslvr) in $self.$field {
.insert(ty, rslvr)
.none_or_else(|dup| dup_attr_err(dup.$span()))?;
($field:ident: $self:ident, $another:ident) => {
try_merge_hashmap!($field: $self, $another => span_ident)
/// Creates and returns duplication error pointing to the given `span`.
fn dup_attr_err(span: Span) -> syn::Error {
syn::Error::new(span, "duplicated attribute")
/// Helper alias for the type of [`UnionMeta::external_resolvers`] field.
type UnionMetaResolvers = HashMap<syn::Type, SpanContainer<syn::ExprPath>>;
/// Available metadata (arguments) behind `#[graphql]` (or `#[graphql_union]`) attribute when
/// generating code for [GraphQL union][1] type.
/// [1]: https://spec.graphql.org/June2018/#sec-Unions
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
struct UnionMeta {
/// Explicitly specified name of [GraphQL union][1] type.
/// If absent, then Rust type name is used by default.
/// [1]: https://spec.graphql.org/June2018/#sec-Unions
pub name: Option<SpanContainer<String>>,
/// Explicitly specified [description][2] of [GraphQL union][1] type.
/// If absent, then Rust doc comment is used as [description][2], if any.
/// [1]: https://spec.graphql.org/June2018/#sec-Unions
/// [2]: https://spec.graphql.org/June2018/#sec-Descriptions
pub description: Option<SpanContainer<String>>,
/// Explicitly specified type of `juniper::Context` to use for resolving this [GraphQL union][1]
/// type with.
/// If absent, then unit type `()` is assumed as type of `juniper::Context`.
/// [1]: https://spec.graphql.org/June2018/#sec-Unions
pub context: Option<SpanContainer<syn::Type>>,
/// Explicitly specified type of `juniper::ScalarValue` to use for resolving this
/// [GraphQL union][1] type with.
/// If absent, then generated code will be generic over any `juniper::ScalarValue` type, which,
/// in turn, requires all [union][1] variants to be generic over any `juniper::ScalarValue` type
/// too. That's why this type should be specified only if one of the variants implements
/// `juniper::GraphQLType` in a non-generic way over `juniper::ScalarValue` type.
/// [1]: https://spec.graphql.org/June2018/#sec-Unions
pub scalar: Option<SpanContainer<syn::Type>>,
/// Explicitly specified external resolver functions for [GraphQL union][1] variants.
/// If absent, then macro will try to auto-infer all the possible variants from the type
/// declaration, if possible. That's why specifying an external resolver function has sense,
/// when some custom [union][1] variant resolving logic is involved, or variants cannot be
/// inferred.
/// [1]: https://spec.graphql.org/June2018/#sec-Unions
pub external_resolvers: UnionMetaResolvers,
/// Indicator whether the generated code is intended to be used only inside the `juniper`
/// library.
pub is_internal: bool,
impl Parse for UnionMeta {
fn parse(input: ParseStream) -> syn::Result<Self> {
let mut output = Self::default();
while !input.is_empty() {
let ident: syn::Ident = input.parse()?;
match ident.to_string().as_str() {
"name" => {
let name = input.parse::<syn::LitStr>()?;
.none_or_else(|_| dup_attr_err(ident.span()))?
"desc" | "description" => {
let desc = input.parse::<syn::LitStr>()?;
.none_or_else(|_| dup_attr_err(ident.span()))?
"ctx" | "context" | "Context" => {
let ctx = input.parse::<syn::Type>()?;
.replace(SpanContainer::new(ident.span(), Some(ctx.span()), ctx))
.none_or_else(|_| dup_attr_err(ident.span()))?
"scalar" | "Scalar" | "ScalarValue" => {
let scl = input.parse::<syn::Type>()?;
.replace(SpanContainer::new(ident.span(), Some(scl.span()), scl))
.none_or_else(|_| dup_attr_err(ident.span()))?
"on" => {
let ty = input.parse::<syn::Type>()?;
let rslvr = input.parse::<syn::ExprPath>()?;
let rslvr_spanned = SpanContainer::new(ident.span(), Some(ty.span()), rslvr);
let rslvr_span = rslvr_spanned.span_joined();
.insert(ty, rslvr_spanned)
.none_or_else(|_| dup_attr_err(rslvr_span))?
"internal" => {
output.is_internal = true;
_ => {
return Err(syn::Error::new(ident.span(), "unknown attribute"));
if input.lookahead1().peek(syn::Token![,]) {
impl UnionMeta {
/// Tries to merge two [`UnionMeta`]s into single one, reporting about duplicates, if any.
fn try_merge(self, mut another: Self) -> syn::Result<Self> {
Ok(Self {
name: try_merge_opt!(name: self, another),
description: try_merge_opt!(description: self, another),
context: try_merge_opt!(context: self, another),
scalar: try_merge_opt!(scalar: self, another),
external_resolvers: try_merge_hashmap!(external_resolvers: self, another => span_joined),
is_internal: self.is_internal || another.is_internal,
/// Parses [`UnionMeta`] from the given multiple `name`d attributes placed on type definition.
pub fn from_attrs(name: &str, attrs: &[syn::Attribute]) -> syn::Result<Self> {
let mut meta = filter_attrs(name, attrs)
.map(|attr| attr.parse_args())
.try_fold(Self::default(), |prev, curr| prev.try_merge(curr?))?;
if meta.description.is_none() {
meta.description = get_doc_comment(attrs);
/// Available metadata (arguments) behind `#[graphql]` (or `#[graphql_union]`) attribute when
/// generating code for [GraphQL union][1]'s variant.
/// [1]: https://spec.graphql.org/June2018/#sec-Unions
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
struct UnionVariantMeta {
/// Explicitly specified marker for the variant/field being ignored and not included into
/// [GraphQL union][1].
/// [1]: https://spec.graphql.org/June2018/#sec-Unions
pub ignore: Option<SpanContainer<syn::Ident>>,
/// Explicitly specified external resolver function for this [GraphQL union][1] variant.
/// If absent, then macro will generate the code which just returns the variant inner value.
/// Usually, specifying an external resolver function has sense, when some custom resolving
/// logic is involved.
/// [1]: https://spec.graphql.org/June2018/#sec-Unions
pub external_resolver: Option<SpanContainer<syn::ExprPath>>,
impl Parse for UnionVariantMeta {
fn parse(input: ParseStream) -> syn::Result<Self> {
let mut output = Self::default();
while !input.is_empty() {
let ident: syn::Ident = input.parse()?;
match ident.to_string().as_str() {
"ignore" | "skip" => output
.replace(SpanContainer::new(ident.span(), None, ident.clone()))
.none_or_else(|_| dup_attr_err(ident.span()))?,
"with" => {
let rslvr = input.parse::<syn::ExprPath>()?;
.replace(SpanContainer::new(ident.span(), Some(rslvr.span()), rslvr))
.none_or_else(|_| dup_attr_err(ident.span()))?
_ => {
return Err(syn::Error::new(ident.span(), "unknown attribute"));
if input.lookahead1().peek(syn::Token![,]) {
impl UnionVariantMeta {
/// Tries to merge two [`UnionVariantMeta`]s into single one, reporting about duplicates, if
/// any.
fn try_merge(self, mut another: Self) -> syn::Result<Self> {
Ok(Self {
ignore: try_merge_opt!(ignore: self, another),
external_resolver: try_merge_opt!(external_resolver: self, another),
/// Parses [`UnionVariantMeta`] from the given multiple `name`d attributes placed on
/// variant/field/method definition.
pub fn from_attrs(name: &str, attrs: &[syn::Attribute]) -> syn::Result<Self> {
filter_attrs(name, attrs)
.map(|attr| attr.parse_args())
.try_fold(Self::default(), |prev, curr| prev.try_merge(curr?))
/// Definition of [GraphQL union][1] variant for code generation.
/// [1]: https://spec.graphql.org/June2018/#sec-Unions
struct UnionVariantDefinition {
/// Rust type that this [GraphQL union][1] variant resolves into.
/// [1]: https://spec.graphql.org/June2018/#sec-Unions
pub ty: syn::Type,
/// Rust code for value resolution of this [GraphQL union][1] variant.
/// [1]: https://spec.graphql.org/June2018/#sec-Unions
pub resolver_code: syn::Expr,
/// Rust code for checking whether [GraphQL union][1] should be resolved into this variant.
/// [1]: https://spec.graphql.org/June2018/#sec-Unions
pub resolver_check: syn::Expr,
/// Rust enum variant path that this [GraphQL union][1] variant is associated with.
/// It's available only when code generation happens for Rust enums.
/// [1]: https://spec.graphql.org/June2018/#sec-Unions
pub enum_path: Option<TokenStream>,
/// Rust type of `juniper::Context` that this [GraphQL union][1] variant requires for
/// resolution.
/// It's available only when code generation happens for Rust traits and a trait method contains
/// context argument.
/// [1]: https://spec.graphql.org/June2018/#sec-Unions
pub context_ty: Option<syn::Type>,
/// [`Span`] that points to the Rust source code which defines this [GraphQL union][1] variant.
/// [1]: https://spec.graphql.org/June2018/#sec-Unions
pub span: Span,
/// Definition of [GraphQL union][1] for code generation.
/// [1]: https://spec.graphql.org/June2018/#sec-Unions
struct UnionDefinition {
/// Name of this [GraphQL union][1] in GraphQL schema.
/// [1]: https://spec.graphql.org/June2018/#sec-Unions
pub name: String,
/// Rust type that this [GraphQL union][1] is represented with.
/// [1]: https://spec.graphql.org/June2018/#sec-Unions
pub ty: syn::Type,
/// Generics of the Rust type that this [GraphQL union][1] is implemented for.
pub generics: syn::Generics,
/// Indicator whether code should be generated for a trait object, rather than for a regular
/// Rust type.
pub is_trait_object: bool,
/// Description of this [GraphQL union][1] to put into GraphQL schema.
/// [1]: https://spec.graphql.org/June2018/#sec-Unions
pub description: Option<String>,
/// Rust type of `juniper::Context` to generate `juniper::GraphQLType` implementation with
/// for this [GraphQL union][1].
/// If [`None`] then generated code will use unit type `()` as `juniper::Context`.
/// [1]: https://spec.graphql.org/June2018/#sec-Unions
pub context: Option<syn::Type>,
/// Rust type of `juniper::ScalarValue` to generate `juniper::GraphQLType` implementation with
/// for this [GraphQL union][1].
/// If [`None`] then generated code will be generic over any `juniper::ScalarValue` type, which,
/// in turn, requires all [union][1] variants to be generic over any `juniper::ScalarValue` type
/// too. That's why this type should be specified only if one of the variants implements
/// `juniper::GraphQLType` in a non-generic way over `juniper::ScalarValue` type.
/// [1]: https://spec.graphql.org/June2018/#sec-Unions
pub scalar: Option<syn::Type>,
/// Variants definitions of this [GraphQL union][1].
/// [1]: https://spec.graphql.org/June2018/#sec-Unions
pub variants: Vec<UnionVariantDefinition>,
/// [`Span`] that points to the Rust source code which defines this [GraphQL union][1].
/// [1]: https://spec.graphql.org/June2018/#sec-Unions
pub span: Span,
impl ToTokens for UnionDefinition {
fn to_tokens(&self, into: &mut TokenStream) {
let name = &self.name;
let ty = &self.ty;
let context = self
.map(|ctx| quote! { #ctx })
.unwrap_or_else(|| quote! { () });
let scalar = self
.map(|scl| quote! { #scl })
.unwrap_or_else(|| quote! { __S });
let description = self
.map(|desc| quote! { .description(#desc) });
let var_types: Vec<_> = self.variants.iter().map(|var| &var.ty).collect();
let all_variants_unique = if var_types.len() > 1 {
Some(quote! { ::juniper::sa::assert_type_ne_all!(#(#var_types),*); })
} else {
let match_names = self.variants.iter().map(|var| {
let var_ty = &var.ty;
let var_check = &var.resolver_check;
quote! {
if #var_check {
return <#var_ty as ::juniper::GraphQLType<#scalar>>::name(&())
let match_resolves: Vec<_> = self.variants.iter().map(|var| &var.resolver_code).collect();
let resolve_into_type = self.variants.iter().zip(match_resolves.iter()).map(|(var, expr)| {
let var_ty = &var.ty;
let get_name = quote! { (<#var_ty as ::juniper::GraphQLType<#scalar>>::name(&())) };
quote! {
if type_name == #get_name.unwrap() {
return ::juniper::IntoResolvable::into(
{ #expr },
.and_then(|res| match res {
Some((ctx, r)) => executor.replaced_context(ctx).resolve_with_ctx(&(), &r),
None => Ok(::juniper::Value::null()),
let resolve_into_type_async =
.map(|(var, expr)| {
let var_ty = &var.ty;
let get_name = quote! {
(<#var_ty as ::juniper::GraphQLType<#scalar>>::name(&()))
quote! {
if type_name == #get_name.unwrap() {
let res = ::juniper::IntoResolvable::into(
{ #expr },
return ::juniper::futures::future::FutureExt::boxed(async move {
match res? {
Some((ctx, r)) => {
let subexec = executor.replaced_context(ctx);
subexec.resolve_with_ctx_async(&(), &r).await
None => Ok(::juniper::Value::null()),
let (_, ty_generics, _) = self.generics.split_for_impl();
let mut ext_generics = self.generics.clone();
if self.is_trait_object {
ext_generics.params.push(parse_quote! { '__obj });
if self.scalar.is_none() {
ext_generics.params.push(parse_quote! { #scalar });
.get_or_insert_with(|| parse_quote! { where })
.push(parse_quote! { #scalar: ::juniper::ScalarValue });
let (ext_impl_generics, _, where_clause) = ext_generics.split_for_impl();
let mut where_async = where_clause
.unwrap_or_else(|| parse_quote! { where });
where_async.predicates.push(parse_quote! { Self: Sync });
if self.scalar.is_none() {
.push(parse_quote! { #scalar: Send + Sync });
let mut ty_full = quote! { #ty#ty_generics };
if self.is_trait_object {
ty_full = quote! { dyn #ty_full + '__obj + Send + Sync };
let type_impl = quote! {
impl#ext_impl_generics ::juniper::GraphQLType<#scalar> for #ty_full
fn name(_ : &Self::TypeInfo) -> Option<&'static str> {
fn meta<'r>(
info: &Self::TypeInfo,
registry: &mut ::juniper::Registry<'r, #scalar>
) -> ::juniper::meta::MetaType<'r, #scalar>
where #scalar: 'r,
let types = &[
#( registry.get_type::<&#var_types>(&(())), )*
registry.build_union_type::<#ty_full>(info, types)
let value_impl = quote! {
impl#ext_impl_generics ::juniper::GraphQLValue<#scalar> for #ty_full
type Context = #context;
type TypeInfo = ();
fn type_name<'__i>(&self, info: &'__i Self::TypeInfo) -> Option<&'__i str> {
<Self as ::juniper::GraphQLType<#scalar>>::name(info)
fn concrete_type_name(
context: &Self::Context,
_: &Self::TypeInfo,
) -> String {
#( #match_names )*
"GraphQL union {} cannot be resolved into any of its variants in its \
current state",
fn resolve_into_type(
_: &Self::TypeInfo,
type_name: &str,
_: Option<&[::juniper::Selection<#scalar>]>,
executor: &::juniper::Executor<Self::Context, #scalar>,
) -> ::juniper::ExecutionResult<#scalar> {
let context = executor.context();
#( #resolve_into_type )*
"Concrete type {} is not handled by instance resolvers on GraphQL union {}",
type_name, #name,
let value_async_impl = quote! {
impl#ext_impl_generics ::juniper::GraphQLValueAsync<#scalar> for #ty_full
fn resolve_into_type_async<'b>(
&'b self,
_: &'b Self::TypeInfo,
type_name: &str,
_: Option<&'b [::juniper::Selection<'b, #scalar>]>,
executor: &'b ::juniper::Executor<'b, 'b, Self::Context, #scalar>
) -> ::juniper::BoxFuture<'b, ::juniper::ExecutionResult<#scalar>> {
let context = executor.context();
#( #resolve_into_type_async )*
"Concrete type {} is not handled by instance resolvers on GraphQL union {}",
type_name, #name,
let output_type_impl = quote! {
impl#ext_impl_generics ::juniper::marker::IsOutputType<#scalar> for #ty_full
fn mark() {
#( <#var_types as ::juniper::marker::GraphQLObjectType<#scalar>>::mark(); )*
let union_impl = quote! {
impl#ext_impl_generics ::juniper::marker::GraphQLUnion<#scalar> for #ty_full
fn mark() {
#( <#var_types as ::juniper::marker::GraphQLObjectType<#scalar>>::mark(); )*
/// Emerges [`UnionMeta::external_resolvers`] into the given [GraphQL union][1] `variants`.
/// If duplication happens, then resolving code is overwritten with the one from
/// `external_resolvers`.
/// [1]: https://spec.graphql.org/June2018/#sec-Unions
fn emerge_union_variants_from_meta(
variants: &mut Vec<UnionVariantDefinition>,
external_resolvers: UnionMetaResolvers,
) {
if external_resolvers.is_empty() {
for (ty, rslvr) in external_resolvers {
let span = rslvr.span_joined();
let resolver_fn = rslvr.into_inner();
let resolver_code = parse_quote! {
#resolver_fn(self, ::juniper::FromContext::from(context))
// Doing this may be quite an expensive, because resolving may contain some heavy
// computation, so we're preforming it twice. Unfortunately, we have no other options here,
// until the `juniper::GraphQLType` itself will allow to do it in some cleverer way.
let resolver_check = parse_quote! {
({ #resolver_code } as ::std::option::Option<&#ty>).is_some()
if let Some(var) = variants.iter_mut().find(|v| v.ty == ty) {
var.resolver_code = resolver_code;
var.resolver_check = resolver_check;
var.span = span;
} else {
variants.push(UnionVariantDefinition {
enum_path: None,
context_ty: None,
/// Checks whether all [GraphQL union][1] `variants` represent a different Rust type.
/// # Notice
/// This is not an optimal implementation, as it's possible to bypass this check by using a full
/// qualified path instead (`crate::Test` vs `Test`). Since this requirement is mandatory, the
/// static assertion [`assert_type_ne_all!`][2] is used to enforce this requirement in the generated
/// code. However, due to the bad error message this implementation should stay and provide
/// guidance.
/// [1]: https://spec.graphql.org/June2018/#sec-Unions
/// [2]: https://docs.rs/static_assertions/latest/static_assertions/macro.assert_type_ne_all.html
fn all_variants_different(variants: &[UnionVariantDefinition]) -> bool {
let mut types: Vec<_> = variants.iter().map(|var| &var.ty).collect();
types.len() == variants.len()