Kai Ren cbf16c5a33
Make interfaces great again! ()
* Bootstrap

* Upd

* Bootstrap macro

* Revert stuff

* Correct PoC to compile

* Bootstrap #[graphql_interface] expansion

* Bootstrap #[graphql_interface] meta parsing

* Bootstrap #[graphql_interface] very basic code generation [skip ci]

* Upd trait code generation and fix keywords usage [skip ci]

* Expand trait impls [skip ci]

* Tune up objects [skip ci]

* Finally! Complies at least... [skip ci]

* Parse meta for fields and its arguments [skip ci]

- also, refactor and bikeshed new macros code

* Impl filling fields meta and bootstrap field resolution [skip ci]

* Poking with fields resolution [skip ci]

* Solve Rust's teen async HRTB problems [skip ci]

* Start parsing trait methods [skip ci]

* Finish parsing fields from trait methods [skip ci]

* Autodetect trait asyncness and allow to specify it [skip ci]

* Allow to autogenerate trait object alias via attribute

* Support generics in trait definition and asyncify them correctly

* Temporary disable explicit async

* Cover arguments and custom names/descriptions in tests

* Re-enable tests with explicit async and fix the codegen to satisfy it

* Check implementers are registered in schema and vice versa

* Check argument camelCases

* Test argument defaults, and allow Into coercions for them

* Re-enable markers

* Re-enable markers and relax Sized requirement on IsInputType/IsOutputType marker traits

* Revert 'juniper_actix' fmt

* Fix missing marks for object

* Fix subscriptions marks

* Deduce result type correctly via traits

* Final fixes

* Fmt

* Restore marks checking

* Support custom ScalarValue

* Cover deprecations with tests

* Impl dowcasting via methods

* Impl dowcasting via external functions

* Support custom context, vol. 1

* Support custom context, vol. 2

* Cover fallible field with test

* Impl explicit generic ScalarValue, vol.1

* Impl explicit generic ScalarValue, vol.2

* Allow passing executor into methods

* Generating enum, vol.1

* Generating enum, vol.2

* Generating enum, vol.3

* Generating enum, vol.3

* Generating enum, vol.4

* Generating enum, vol.5

* Generating enum, vol.6

* Generating enum, vol.7

* Generating enum, vol.8

* Refactor juniper stuff

* Fix juniper tests, vol.1

* Fix juniper tests, vol.2

* Polish 'juniper' crate changes, vol.1

* Polish 'juniper' crate changes, vol.2

* Remove redundant stuf

* Polishing 'juniper_codegen', vol.1

* Polishing 'juniper_codegen', vol.2

* Polishing 'juniper_codegen', vol.3

* Polishing 'juniper_codegen', vol.4

* Polishing 'juniper_codegen', vol.5

* Polishing 'juniper_codegen', vol.6

* Polishing 'juniper_codegen', vol.7

* Polishing 'juniper_codegen', vol.8

* Polishing 'juniper_codegen', vol.9

* Fix other crates tests and make Clippy happier

* Fix examples

* Add codegen failure tests, vol. 1

* Add codegen failure tests, vol. 2

* Add codegen failure tests, vol.3

* Fix codegen failure tests accordingly to latest nightly Rust

* Fix codegen when interface has no implementers

* Fix warnings in book tests

* Describing new interfaces in Book, vol.1

Co-authored-by: Christian Legnitto <>
2020-10-05 21:21:01 -10:00

5.9 KiB


This page will give you a short introduction to the concepts in Juniper.

Juniper follows a code-first approach to defining GraphQL schemas. If you would like to use a schema-first approach instead, consider juniper-from-schema for generating code from a schema file.


!FILENAME Cargo.toml

juniper = { git = "" }

Schema example

Exposing simple enums and structs as GraphQL is just a matter of adding a custom derive attribute to them. Juniper includes support for basic Rust types that naturally map to GraphQL features, such as Option<T>, Vec<T>, Box<T>, String, f64, and i32, references, and slices.

For more advanced mappings, Juniper provides multiple macros to map your Rust types to a GraphQL schema. The most important one is the graphql_object procedural macro that is used for declaring an object with resolvers, which you will use for the Query and Mutation roots.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
# extern crate juniper;
use juniper::{FieldResult, EmptySubscription};

# struct DatabasePool;
# impl DatabasePool {
#     fn get_connection(&self) -> FieldResult<DatabasePool> { Ok(DatabasePool) }
#     fn find_human(&self, _id: &str) -> FieldResult<Human> { Err("")? }
#     fn insert_human(&self, _human: &NewHuman) -> FieldResult<Human> { Err("")? }
# }

enum Episode {

#[graphql(description="A humanoid creature in the Star Wars universe")]
struct Human {
    id: String,
    name: String,
    appears_in: Vec<Episode>,
    home_planet: String,

// There is also a custom derive for mapping GraphQL input objects.

#[graphql(description="A humanoid creature in the Star Wars universe")]
struct NewHuman {
    name: String,
    appears_in: Vec<Episode>,
    home_planet: String,

// Now, we create our root Query and Mutation types with resolvers by using the
// object macro.
// Objects can have contexts that allow accessing shared state like a database
// pool.

struct Context {
    // Use your real database pool here.
    pool: DatabasePool,

// To make our context usable by Juniper, we have to implement a marker trait.
impl juniper::Context for Context {}

struct Query;

    // Here we specify the context type for the object.
    // We need to do this in every type that
    // needs access to the context.
    Context = Context,
impl Query {

    fn apiVersion() -> &str {

    // Arguments to resolvers can either be simple types or input objects.
    // To gain access to the context, we specify a argument
    // that is a reference to the Context type.
    // Juniper automatically injects the correct context here.
    fn human(context: &Context, id: String) -> FieldResult<Human> {
        // Get a db connection.
        let connection = context.pool.get_connection()?;
        // Execute a db query.
        // Note the use of `?` to propagate errors.
        let human = connection.find_human(&id)?;
        // Return the result.

// Now, we do the same for our Mutation type.

struct Mutation;

    Context = Context,
impl Mutation {

    fn createHuman(context: &Context, new_human: NewHuman) -> FieldResult<Human> {
        let db = context.pool.get_connection()?;
        let human: Human = db.insert_human(&new_human)?;

// A root schema consists of a query, a mutation, and a subscription.
// Request queries can be executed against a RootNode.
type Schema = juniper::RootNode<'static, Query, Mutation, EmptySubscription<Context>>;

# fn main() {
#   let _ = Schema::new(Query, Mutation{}, EmptySubscription::new());
# }

We now have a very simple but functional schema for a GraphQL server!

To actually serve the schema, see the guides for our various server integrations.

Juniper is a library that can be used in many contexts--it does not require a server and it does not have a dependency on a particular transport or serialization format. You can invoke the executor directly to get a result for a query:


You can invoke juniper::execute directly to run a GraphQL query:

# // Only needed due to 2018 edition because the macro is not accessible.
# #[macro_use] extern crate juniper;
use juniper::{FieldResult, Variables, EmptyMutation, EmptySubscription};

#[derive(juniper::GraphQLEnum, Clone, Copy)]
enum Episode {

// Arbitrary context data.
struct Ctx(Episode);

impl juniper::Context for Ctx {}

struct Query;

    Context = Ctx,
impl Query {
    fn favoriteEpisode(context: &Ctx) -> FieldResult<Episode> {

// A root schema consists of a query, a mutation, and a subscription.
// Request queries can be executed against a RootNode.
type Schema = juniper::RootNode<'static, Query, EmptyMutation<Ctx>, EmptySubscription<Ctx>>;

fn main() {
    // Create a context object.
    let ctx = Ctx(Episode::NewHope);

    // Run the executor.
    let (res, _errors) = juniper::execute_sync(
        "query { favoriteEpisode }",
        &Schema::new(Query, EmptyMutation::new(), EmptySubscription::new()),

    // Ensure the value matches.
            "favoriteEpisode": "NEW_HOPE",